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How To Be A Wizard (Practical Quantum Physics for the Average Man.)

Book 2

Table of Contents Chapter


Families Are Energy Structures. Dichotomy The Physical Energy System Money Energy and Consciousness Relationships Family Clearing Encountering The Spirit Faith Enchantment Creation Self Defence and Rejection Psychic Attack Defences Moving Into The Future Anger Approval Self Love Moving The Main Energy Center Sensing Energy Violence Against Women, Feminism What Other People Think Changing Your Broadcast/Changing Your Negative Thoughts Self-Hatred And Kingship Death As Teacher Dreams Conscious Birth Control/Conception Good and Evil Health Levels of Consciousness Samantha and Aurelius Habits of Mind Being And Havingness. Living As A Wizard Multiple Personalities, Psychotics, Possession, And Channeling Labels First Purpose and Manifestation

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The Process Of Creativity/ Manifestation 2 A New Rationality 2 The Past As A Mirror Of Your Beliefs. The Vampires..... Selfhood Safety and Mystery Time Management Probable Selves Letting Go The Other The Twelve Paths Reinforcement Time 2 A Rule Of Thumb Right And Wrong. Fear of Joy Neutral/Meaning Pain And Meaning... The Beliefs Behind Evil Illness The Edge Opening The Egg Reality As Television Series Failures Of Manifestation, Why You Don't Get What You Want????


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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Family Energy Structures Book 2 Section 1: 5/20/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Families Are Energy Structures. They have within them certain base beliefs, that holds the energy of the structure together. For example, they may believe that money is bad, that is causes corruption. In this family, most members will be poor because of that belief. There are certain core beliefs that each member of the family will hold about sexual roles, what reality is, how to survive and survival coping mechanisms. These beliefs are passed down generationally as well as through DNA structure. Now, like all energy systems, family energy structures must expand, for expansion is ultimately the law of the universe. The family plants or agrees to family "seeds". These seeds are most of the time children, but at other times grown adults. These seeds are members of the family that are generally deeply loved and accepted within the family structure. Then the seeds will encounter circumstances of a crisis of some sort, possibly an opening of the mind that will "show" that family member that certain if NOT all beliefs in that family are invalid. for example, a woman in a traditional family structure marries early and have a great marriage. She is there for the other members of her family and then at one point she realizes that this is no longer fulfilling to her. She needs to redefine womaness. She needs more then what the family belief and energy structure have given her, and she begin to "see" things differently. She questions the family belief system. Now, this a "common" rebellion. However, it can be any family held belief and many times again will occur during crisis. A child who's father dies at an early age will "see" the dead father and threaten the deeply held agnostic beliefs in that family. A man whose mother dies in bitterness, will begin to rethink his values and his ideas of sexual roles. As we have stated before, energy structures are based around beliefs. Your beliefs are rather like antennae's that create signals and all the events in your life come from those signals. You literally draw every event into your life through your belief system. Now , when one member of the family changes a deeply held belief, the entire family energy structure changes, and there are large repercussions. Family legacies are much more then the silver candle sticks you receive from Aunt Gertrude. Family beliefs and energy structures are what true legacies are. This grouping of energy and energy beliefs is passed down from generation to generation again through both learned response as well as DNA response. Many adopted children act as seeds for their adoptive family. This is something the entire family chooses ahead of time unconsciously. Adoptive children, many of them DO NOT fit well within their family structure, because their DNA belief systems are different. As well, many adoptive children are not only seeds for their adoptive family but also for their biological family. There is a deep "blood" tie if you will, a telepathy that takes place among family members and even though a member of a family is "given" up, they still communicate on very deep levels with their biological family. They are seeds and trying out of different belief system not only for the adoptive family, but for the biological family as well. This is a difficult role for an child to assume, and many adoptees hold a huge burden of trying "to fit" somewhere. But for whatever reason, both families and the


adoptive child has chosen this existence for a reason, part of the purpose( the life lesson). This is NOT to say that adoptees are NOT loved, many of them are loved very deeply. this si what makes them such perfect seeds. For it is easy to disregard a belief of someone who is NOT close to you. It is easy to disregard an idea or thought from a stranger, but when someone you deeply love begins to question the family legacy, begins to question the energy structure of the family it was born or raised in, then other family members who loved the individuals are forced in some fashion to look at their own beliefs systems and structures and in this way the family energy system is changed, the legacy is changed. Now, beliefs systems have actual physical existence. You thought processes are indeed inherited, your cells literally follow your belief system structure. Like all physical entities, belief system energy wishes to survive. When it is threatened, it fights back. When the questioning child starts rejecting the family system, the family closes ranks and attempts to destroy the offending belief being questioning. This is literally, in a sense a fight for survival. The family members many times WILL NOT understand why suddenly their feel compelled to treat a child that they loved dearly as brutally and cruelly as possible. It is because that beloved child is a threat to the legacy and to the current energy system. Family structures are NOT the only beliefs systems that fight back, in fact, society will as well fight threats to it's belief structure. That is why lets say witches were hanged in the seventeenth century or why religious wars are so brutal. The belief system is attempting to wipe out the offending belief structure. Mankind is an energy structure with belief seeds as well. Societies are large belief structures. The more advanced a belief system, the more of a threat it is to a lesser system, and the more the original threatened system will fight back. However, if the new belief system is needed and valid, it will thrive and become a part of the culture, until it is threatened. This sounds very much like survival of the fittest except with belief's,a and there is that "side" to it. However, there are ways of combating what in essence are belief system wars. First off you need to realize that no matter whatever side you are on, the other person is STILL the person that you love, that you are fighting a belief because there is a part of you that believes or is questioning your belief system. Second of all, no matter what the other person does you MUST NOT fight them back. For this only adds fuel to the fire. Whatever your belief, whatever they have done "see" through it and recognize that your anger and your pain are actually from your own belief confusion and your own belief fears. By fighting back you only lend your energy to the negative system. By accepting the other person, and recognizing that y our pain IS your own pain, you sidestep the vengeance that many times take place when changing a belief system. The other person problem doesn't understand what makes him or her act as they do. he or she probably only knows tat something important is being changed and that is frightening,m by trying to make you stop or by trying to get the other person to stop you side step the growth and evolution that is meant to occur. Each person participating in this drama is participating fro whatever reason, let them participate and always react with love. Life is experimental, it experiments with new forms and new ideas, rather like a curious child. New belief systems are part of that experimentation. If a belief system works, well and effectively, it will implement itself into the societal system.


Now belief systems and energy systems are meant to expand as we have said before, there is always movement to "breaking" limitations. A belief system is taken to the ultimate expression of itself , until it's weaknesses become apparent and the a new less limiting system grow into it's place. there is constant movement towards expansion and the breaking of limitations. Samantha has been ill, and working herself much to hard, we will quit for this evening.


The Samantha Riordan Channels

Dichotomy Book 2 Section 2: 5/24/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Dichotomy Within each individual, within your time is a huge dichotomy. This dichotomy is/are belief systems. There is the burgeoning new age, everything is OK, we are changing and opening up to a new and better world. There is the old, life is "shit", everything only gets worse, the environment is going to pot, the government no longer works etc. Related to this, there are incredible technologies being born and very rapidly that could potentially "save" your world and solve many of it problems, or you can "see" the abuse of these technologies which also exist. Now there has to some extent always been this kind of "split" but it much more "important" then before. The split if you will is much larger, and has only existed one other time upon the physical earth plane, but that is for another time. The first split occurs in your everyday consciences, in your day- to-day existence. This split occurs on a very personal level. Many of you are awakening, searching, or looking for answers. On one day you will have an "aha" experience. An experience that gives you great insight into something. A day filled with optimism and joy, then the next day you will "loose" that optimism, faith and joy. As you awaken incredible experiences will occur on both ends of the spectrum. A dream job may be offered to you, and then just as quickly "taken" away. You may fall in love with the perfect person and have six incredible months with each other, just to find out that person is "ill", or that she leaves suddenly for no reason. There is tremendous "drama" in the lives of the awakening individual. Crisis and drama seem to "follow" them. This is certainly true for Samantha and Aurelius. Samantha has had tremendous success and tremendous failure. Samantha currently seems to have phenomenal opportunities in her life right now, without currently any viable means to take advantage of them. People who are awakening, like your world, seem to live on a roller coaster if you will. There are tremendous highs and incredible lows. Among Samantha's friends alone incredible change is taking place: One person just moved into a relationship and left behind a single life-style of twenty years as well as the city she had lived in for her entire life. Theirs particular individual for years wouldn't even leave the boarders of her small town. Another is going through a dramatic and very messy divorce involving four children. This woman who has no college education grew up a farmer's daughter, and has little visible means of support, is attempting to divorce her husband and start her "dream" business. Yet another selling out of a ten million dollar business, to go to college because that is his dream. There seems to be rapid and dramatic change everywhere you look. So what is going on here? there are two basic and very radical belief systems at work, in the awakening psyche. The first is against he old belief system, of victimization, that the world is out there and everything is going to "shit", life is hell, there is pain, poverty, disease, violence seemingly everywhere that you look. the other is rather like a new born infant. it exists, but it cannot walk,


it cannot talk or even eat by itself. this is a deep belief reality creation, ads the beginning of wizardry. One moment you will think things are going "great", you will feel filled with optimism. You will feel expansion, and as you think so does you life follow. The next moment you will hear the news or hear of some awful tragedy of a friend who is dying. suddenly you will think to yourself, "ain't it awful" or some version of it. And as your mind follows so does your reality. Your positive thoughts create positive realities, your negative thoughts create negative realities and if you have tremendously strong thoughts in the same psyche sure enough you will have dramatic situation within your reality. So what is the solution? Well, it is obvious is it not? When you are faced with a negative situation, you must somehow act like a wizard and see the negativity as a test. Realize that t you re encountering your negative thoughts come to life. Or the negative thoughts of another around you, whom it is in your path to change. Now each of you before you were born planned out an ideal life if you will, a map of existence. Within this map is some purpose wich is both an action and a message that you come to give the world. Within this map as well, are contacts that you are supposed to meet. Within this map are resources that are supposed to appear when needed. Within this map are goals that exist to be accomplished. Your choose your parents, your family situation, your friendships, your educational or lack of educational background etc. in your early childhood to BEST help you fulfill this map. for example, if your purpose is to become a healer of the ill people, you may be born into a family with a mother who has cancer. You may also have a sister who then gets cancer as well. This will help you to understand the disease, and the disease impact upon families involved in illness. As a healer this would be invaluable information. Maybe in your map, the ideal, you become a healer, and you help to cure your mother. Plato sensed this map, and created a philosophy based upon the "ideal". He went so far to intuit that when you live without the map you live chained to a wall in a cave shackled to the wall of the cave and only able to "see" one wall of the cave. Let us say that one day, a hole appears in the cave, and a small speck of sun comes through the hole into the cave. You are terrified of this sun. Instead of accepting it, and welcoming it, you learn in fear of it, and are so shackled to the life within the cave, that you cannot come to appreciate it's life giving force. Negativity is the shackles to the wall of the cave. The sun is what happens when you follow the map. When you die, you evaluate how close you "came" to this map. Many people talk of how in near death experience they see their life "float" before their eyes, indeed when you die not on,y do you see your entire life, you measure it against the map. Where you have failed is where you being to "fix" things, as well as the failures plan the "next" map. Destiny or fate if you will is the map. A wizard fulfills most of his map. So if you are to fulfill your map, why don't most of you "do it"? Mostly again because of your belief systems, and for most of you this is the roller coaster ride between your negative beliefs and your positive beliefs. If you are negative, you may miss an opportunity that comes your way or a way to understand and take advantage of it. In the past, those who sought enlightenment went to monasteries, or temples, or forests. They spent their lives seeking "god" in whatever version and retreated from the world. Renouncing the physical world and humanity if you will. Today, in many senses the world is simply to small for


that. Communications has shrunk the world, distances can be traveled relatively quickly. To be enlightened today is to encounter "worldly" problems and still maintain your sense of optimism, faith, and belief in some universal force beyond yourself. In the face of negativity, hold the spiral of positive thoughts and create a positive motion. Now your past lives DO effect your present existence but NOT in he sense that you have "to pay" off your debts. Your past life exists at the same time as your present one in a different place in space, however you are learning in your past life, as well as your present and future lives to fulfill the map. Connections made in one life will carry over to connections made in this life. This is also part of the map. An individual that deeply affects you, an individual that you seem "to know", an individuals that automatically elicits strong emotions from you even on your first meeting is many times another life connection. Let us tell you more of the map, for it is directly related to how your energy is "created". Before you are born, you create this map. Each of you are members of a soul group if you will. A soul group is a combination of all of your lives, past, present and future, as well as all of your probable selves. Finally a soul group is a group of entities all of your entities and a number of entities that have a similar purpose. They join together in a deeply profound way, connected as the ultimate family. We are part of Samantha's soul group. Each soul group takes on a mission if you will. this mission is to create some form of energy that effects others. You see when you can create anything at will, you realize that those creations are seemingly empty. They ARE fun for a while, but after that there is an emptiness to them. There is no meaning to creating at will. You wish your creations to effect something. You look for meaning. That is when you become aware of, or enter into a soul group. When you plan a life, your soul group participates, and part of your life is to fulfill a certain mission within your lifetime, a certain purpose. Each person alive is a member of a soul group. There are different groups with different missions. some are healers, some are organizers, some are teachers, some are organizers, some are dreamers, some are lovers etc. For every "god" action "verb" there exists a soul group. There is no particular way in physical life to "understand" outwardly what soul group you or another is a member of. If each soul group and each member of a soul group were to accomplish their missions, there would be heaven on earth or utopia if you will. That is where the instinctive dreams of utopia, nirvana, heaven, etc. come from. There are profound energies moving through humanity right now, that make is possible that within a few generations or lifetimes utopias, is actually potentially possible, at least a version of it. That is why there is such a polarization of existence right now. Tremendous energies are coming into play. More and more people are moving to enlightenment. Ancient knowledges are being remembered. And with this movement towards a utopia of sorts, there is also a movement just as strong against it. That is where the breakdown of systems is coming from. Each individual is aware of it somehow and interprets in their own way. Traditionalists move very strongly to recreating traditions exactly as before, with no cause for the means. They will have the old world back and do whatever it takes to get it. Liberals see only worse and worse situations. Environmentalists are aware that something must change. Violence is everywhere and a reaction to feeling overpowered and unable to cope. All government systems are failing to meet the needs of it's peoples.


New potential energies are being discovered, like cold fusion and others that could create unlimited energy upon your planet. And just as quickly are "fizzing" out, because your societies mental energies give birth to them, and then become frightened of them, and "kill" them through their negative belief systems. There are actually any number of ways that unlimited energy could appear upon your planet, however each time your sciences come close, society that allows the birth will NOT allow the fruitation. Unlimited energy could potentially erase poverty, erase starvation, and potentially allow for the end of many if not all diseases. Not only that but many beneficial products could be born from this and unlimited economic growth could also occur. Albeit a radically new economy, so new and so different that it could NOT be considered an economy. Aurelius's path is to understand, "see" and contribute to the burgeoning technology and burgeoning economy. He can best do this by creating the cartoons and bringing a differing vision to mass consciences. But like most of us, he sees only why he CANNOT do this. He many times concentrates on the negative things happening in his life and thereby creates more of them that interfere with his path(you can take out a portion of this if you wish too). Opportunities are created for him as well, and instead of seeing them and following his intuitions, he chooses to only see how is life isn't working, thereby making it only work worse. He will move forward, and them BOOM, he will move backwards. This seemingly seems to occur TO HIM, as it does to most of you. Outward circumstances seemingly occur to make this happen, yet in "reality" the circumstances exist from internal beliefs. The deeper the belief and the more movement towards map fulfillment the more dramatic the blocks and the need to move those blocks. All of this is related to energy systems. The very best thing that each of you can do to help the world around you is to discover and fulfill your soulmap. You do this by first of all having faith in the face of what seems to be endless dire disaster. You also realize on a deep level that you create your reality. After that you can begin to sense your path, and you must trust your path. Your intuition guide you on your path. Your intuition if you will is ACTUALLY seeing glimpses of the path. Your impulses guide you to where you must go in order to fulfill more of your path. When you seem particularly blocked and nothing seems to be working towards something look at the negative beliefs you continue to hold and ask why you continue to hold them. Refer to our first book on much of this. When the intuition don't seem to come, when you feel like you are walking in seaweed and nothing seems to be getting done, you are off the map. You are encountering the negative beliefs that are interfering with the working of the map, and thereby can't seem to move forward. There is a feeling of being stuck in a life of quicksand, that you have to fight just to maintain and can't even seem to do that. Ask yourself at those moments, if you can, and we suggest you make it a priority, what your beliefs ARE. What are you believing in, in that particular moment. Then as we have said before, look at why you are keeping those beliefs and what the benefits are. Love those beliefs and give them a new energy job, then listen to your intuition. Your impulses and intuition will guide you to your map. Now at times in your life there seem to be equal amounts of energy going out as well as going in, a balance, a state that is uncomfortable. However, you wish to strive for more. You are longing for more, you are attempting to look at your belief systems, you are attempting to change your energy and there is a little motion towards your desired goal, but not really all that much? What is happening here? We will use an example, one of Samantha's friends whom we shall call Penelope. Penelope has three current life energies connected to hers. The first we will describe is an existence in "old" England, where she is a English lady and indeed her name really is


Penelope. People call her Pen or Penny for short. In this time, Penelope is an aristocratic lady. She loves her life but has very little compassion for others of "lowly" station. Penelope is highly educated for her time and for being a woman, her husband has respect for her opinions and she lives a very fulfilling life on her country farm. Now, in this lifetime Penelope also has a farm. Is in a sense also lady of a manner. However, Penelope in this lifetime is struggling for money, and grew up in the radical sixties where there was a "breakthrough" in seeing all people's as equal. Unlike the first Penelope, this Penelope is on her own and does not have a mate. In a very strong potential "future" life Penelope is now living in a future where land is being "remade", and older animals are being brought back to life. In this life, Penelope has very little respect for human beings and more respect for animals. In all the lifetimes, Penelope's underlying soul group missions is about combining the natural world with "modern" life. Bring nature into society. In a sense to combine the current split of society with nature. Now, all of these selves communicate and share energy, in fact form a energy structure. when things seem to be in a static place, it means that these various structures are no growing or moving together. There is little or no motion. One of the selves needs to open up, and bring more energy into the structure. For example, in Penelope's case she needs to reflect on her family structure, see how that family structure effects her and "break" through it. When she does this, no only will energy flow throughout her life, but it will also flow through the lives of all of her selves. Her selves as well, can break through and add energy into her life. In Penelope's case, her mother and father both live very insecure and frightening lives. We have said before that at each and every moment in your life you can contract with fear or expand through love. When you change you beliefs you change open to expand, at least when you open to more beliefs that break through your limitations. Again, not only do your parents through DNA give you your eye color and your hair color etc, they give you your belief systems. Penelope's family gave her a belief in insecurity. This insecurity allowed her to gain compassion for others, to combat the other Penelopes lack of compassion. Now, the insecurity is no longer necessary and a determinant in Penelope's life because she is faced with financial difficulties and loneliness. She has learned from the belief and outgrown them. When Penelope's mother died, Penelope adopted her mother's insecurities and fear even deeper so that she could stay close to her mother even in death. Penelope left her family behind so she could overcome their belief systems, yet she loved her family and when he her mother died she took on her mothers beliefs of insecurity so that she could keep her mother close. Instead what she needs to realize is that her mother is always with her anyway. And by changing her belief systems she adds energy into her own life, and her mother's new existence is added too. But Penelope holds onto these beliefs because she wants to maintain a connection to her family. She wants to MAKE sure that she is compassionate, and is afraid that if she comes to terms with her negative beliefs, she will no longer have compassion. We have said before there is a large difference between compassion and pity, and as an individual opens up compassion becomes even stronger, it is the pity and victimization that disappears. all of this serves Penelope's purpose because she can 'see" the healing effect of nature upon individuals who are in pain. The more compassion she develops the more she will be able bel to extend the healing forces of nature into others and this is her path. In using Penelope as an example, you begin to "see" the underlying energy structures and that there is a certain "logic" to them. Each of you are born with a vision of the future as we discussed early in here, and that structure is designed to benefit you and all of those around you. YOU take

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on problems to help others and help other members of your soul group. Because just creating for creations sake becomes "boring", there needs to be some sort of purpose behind it. Part of each person's purpose in their lifetime in this particular world is to combat fearfulness and negativity. The more frightening your existence the more of a challenge it is to combat this. Very strong could come to being with huge "marks" against them to combat large amounts of negativity because they believe that they are strong enough to do this. Starving children are examples of this. Some of the most advanced souls lie within these children. as we sad in he first book, when you see someone in awful painful circumstances ask not why is this horror happening, ask instead what the message this very strong soul is saying to you and to others, and make a pact with yourself to ask after death to meet this person and discuss the message. By asking the right question you shape your reality. The answer do not lie in he answers themselves, the answer lie in asking the right questions, for questions are answered at some point, but finding the "right" question is the key to enlightenment. Karma is not clearing out mistakes of an old lifetime, it is clearing our habits of mind in a soul group. Habits of mind that most ever life within the soul group contain.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Physical Energy System Book 2 Section 3: 5/28/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Physical Energy System Since we live primarily in a polarized world the most important thing to do is to hold onto the positive within us. Each of you hold a vision of the world, a vision of a better world. This visions is to some extent part of our purpose. For example, if you believe that science can and will create technologies that empower the world, you may then be here to become a scientist and indeed help to create technologies that empower the world. Your purpose and your visions are always interelated. Self-hood for a better way of describing it is rather like a layer cake. There is the bottem supporting layer, the next layer, the following layer, etc. Energy moves through these layers to create your physical body and your life. Your map, vision, or ideals exist as the basic energy structure of which you were created, the core structure of selfhood that creates the physical body that you are born with. This is the base or underlying energy within you. The next level of energy are the beliefs with which you operate in the world. These are any combination of family, societal/religious, scientific/factual and finally self-defining beliefs that you have. That is the next level that you energy moves through. The second layer of self-hood if you will. The third layer of energy are your emotional reactions to a situation. These operate as energy focusers. Their purpose is to get to focus on the underlying issues or questions within the that layer and the underlying layers. The fourth level of energy is that of the intellect, or mind. It is your "thinking". The fifth and final level of energy is the final "output" if you will of the energy into your environment. Your actually physical self. This is the self that most of you identify with. These levels correspond with the "old" ideas of air, fire, water, earth and spirit. The first level is spirit, and spirit corresponds to vision. The second level beliefs correspond to fire. The third level of emotion correspond to water. The fourth level correspond to air or intellect. The fifth and final level is the earth level. There are to other layers of selfhood as well that correspond to the spirit. In essence there are actually three levels to the spirit level. The seven basic energy systems in the body correspond to the different levels, and give off an auric field as well. The top three levels of spirit include the top of the head, the forehead where traditionally the third eye rests, and the throat area. It is in these top three centers that spirit resides. At the spirit level's base, the throat level is where belief systems reside. At the heart center is where the emotions reside. Above the

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belly button is where your thinking or thought process reside. Finally, below the belly button and the genital area is where you "connect" into or ground into physical life. Information enters and leaves all of these fields constantly and automatically. This information is processed on various brain levels. A comparative example, is that when you reach for something you brain automatically "sends" you messages that you want xxxx, and you need to cross the room, and pick it up with your left hand. This information is processed automatically and without your conscious thought. You simply do it. It is the same for your energy levels, you simply "process" the information. If it NEEDS to be examined and brought to the forefront of your mind, it will be, other than that each part of the mind functions without your conscious knowledge. The system was designed this way so that you could accomplish achieve purpose in your life. Imagine if you will, if for every step you took and every person you met, every room you entered that you received all that detailed information. That is simply too much information to absorb and operate on. You would be unable to function. Indeed autistics have this problem, they are aware of so many levels of information that their conscious minds simply cannot process it and therefore they withdraw and are unable to cope with daily life. This auric field comprises your "broadcast" center. On one level of spirit, the third eye level to be exact placed in the forehead is where information broadcasting and receiving takes place. It is possible telepathically speaking, on very deep levels to actually access incredibly detailed information concerning each and every person you meet simply by "tuning" into your third eye broadcast and receiving station. This telepathic information is actually sent out and received on some level to and from each and every individual that you meet. Tremendous amounts of information are actually processed through the third eye center and it is in this center that you sense things about other people. A liking or a disliking of someone that you meet. A "feeling" about someone. If there is something wrong with the brain, it generally means that there is something wrong with informational processing in this third eye center. A portion of psychological illness takes place also at this center and is shared primarily with the heart center as well as a certain percentage at the sexual center. At the top of your head is where your beliefs are centered and where you actually draw in the universal energy to live. When this energy center is not working an individual is extremely ill. They literally cannot access the energy they need to live. This is the seat of the soul. It is where your spirituality resides. It is where you connect up to "god", the universal, the all that is, Buddha, Christ, whatever form of god that you choose to believe in. If you are a channel, you "tune" into the universal energy through this center. At the throat center is where you begin to communicate others. This is still a spirit center. However, it is the expression of the spirit outward and with consciousness intent. At the brain center you are taking energy in. AT the third eye center you are receiving and broadcasting unconsciously. At this center you are beginning to communicate outwardly and with the beginnings of conscious intent. However, it is still a seat of the spirit. People at this center who are ill are people with very low level abilities to communicate outwardly. Shyness occurs at this center as does anything having to do with the throat. People who stutter and have a marked inability to communicate their desires will suffer from this center. At the heart center is where emotions resides. It is the place where love is first sensed, although true love actually stems from the head center. Any problem related to the heart is actually a problem with emotion, usually blocked emotion and this stems from belief. At the

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next center above the belly button is where you intellect resides. Many of you have stomach or ulcer problems this means that you are concentrated in this area. Literally overworking the intellect. The last two centers connect with grounding or earthing yourself. It also connects with will. There is intellect and there is will, here is where will resides. the final center is literally the place that you interconnect with the earth, where sexuality reside. Many people who suffer form sexually transmitted disease have trouble with this center. All illness is directly related to either an underworking or an overworking of one of these centers. Some illness combine two or more centers. Illness is a call for balance in one or more of the energy systems. In ancient times all healing systems took advantage of that knowledge and there were sophisticated understanding of the basic energy systems and basic energy points. healers from his school connected saw all energy systems and saw where they were blocked, they were then able to unblock and correct the system malfunction. Many times these healers were able to connect to the energy soul of the individual from their soul level and connect into what needed to be done for the individual. it was also possible to "kill" another person by simply "shutting" off the energy system. These healers were well aware of how to do this, and in this sense practiced euthanasia. One of our members Tianna, is one of these old healers. She is the one who is primarily "telling" Samantha what to write here. Healing on this level involves tuning into the actually auric system of the individual that you are encountering and getting many times extremely revealing information. The healer will "look into" the heart level and "feel" and/or see details of the patients family life. The healer will see the patients beliefs systems and how or how not these systems are working towards fulfillment of the patient. Again many times the healer will talk to he soul energy, or the soul center. This can manifest itself as an angel, a higher being , god whatever. After a reading of this sort, the healer will send energy from they connection to he universal self to the patients, and from the information received give a diagnosis. Acupuncture is a primitive version of this system. Drugs or plants were also used. The energy of the plant was taken into account. For example, if the patient had a problem with sexuality, and was a woman, they might prescribe b;burdock which is a very male plant. A weed that literally grows anywhere and has tremendous masculine energy. Today's drugs are an outgrowth of this. However, you doctors study specifics medicines for specific illness. this was much more personalized. A certain plant would work for one patient and another plant with the same disease would receive a radically different treatment. As well, diet would be supervised and various food s prescribed. Sound therapy might be used, as well as color and aromatherapy. There was energy surgery., technique that allowed truly talented healers to literally enter the body of the individual and do what your surgeons today do. this was a speciality and required a tremendous skilled healer. For ex example, open heart surgery would be done without every cutting into the individual simply by psychically touching the heart, and having that touch materialize. Finally, there was usually some sort of psychological prescription. For example, make up with your wife. Make peace with the father who abused you. Connect on some level with the grief that accompanied a child's death. If all of these prescriptions were taken, the individual healed themselves.

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This was initially how we broke through Samantha's intellectual block and she allowed us in to speak with her. Through her chronic and dangerous illness she needed treatment. Medical science has few actually treatments for Samantha's disease and those that they do have are extremely painful. Samantha was forced to "tune" into us, specifically Tianna to heal herself. She refused to accept her diagnoses. Each of you also has a healer within that you can "tune" into. In times past, individuals who were healers on this deep level were relatively rare and hard to find. there would be one healer of this type of half a million in population. a surgeon as we described above would be used one among 15 healers. It took years of training to undergo training of this sort approximately 10 to 15 years to learn to be a healer of this sort, and this was when lifespans were so short. As well, there had to be tremendous psychic talent in order to become a healer of this sort as well as tremendous commitment. The process involved to become a healer was lifethreatening. The healer in training would be dealing with high levels of energy flowing through him or her and many times at least initially this energy could kill the healer involved. So "rough" techniques were taught to the masses. Again, this is where herbology stems from. It was known among high level healers that the basic cause for illness was a tremendous straying from the vision within each individual. It was known that this was the key or the most important healing technique to use, to have the person "refined" purpose and begin to live "on purpose" utilizing the needed map.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Money Book 2 Section 4: 5/31/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Money Today Samantha received a letter from one of her readers talking about financial issues. Many people on the "spiritual" path will encounter difficult financial situations. Now, there is no "reason" that you cannot be spiritual and rich. What does seem to happen though is that when you move unto the spiritual path, your energy and beliefs begin to change. One huge reflection of this change is radical differences in how outward energy is experienced. Many times your financial situation "reflects" this change. For example, you may start on the spiritual path and suddenly be fired. Or you may start on the spiritual path and suddenly find that your job is no longer "as easy", or even overwhelming difficult. What "fit" before no longer "fits". At times, it will feel like you are no longer "there". This of course, is the void. Many, many people spend there lives in one basic life pattern. You all know of people who spend most all of there life within the same twenty mile radius and rarely travel or if they do travel they travel to similar type places. Imagine if you will, that like Samantha you live in a small town. Most people in small towns only travel to other small towns. As well, most people in a city will only travel to other cities. In New York, for example, there are many people who believe that life only exists on the "coasts", Los Angeles or "the big Apple". Big city people take vacation to other big cities. That is because these people are Locked into one type of energy pattern. As well, when small town people travel to big cities and vice versus, these people will encounter an "energy" shift. Samantha for example, even though she was raised in a big city, will suddenly feel sick for a day or so when she travels to a city, as well, when she travels back home from a city it will take her a few days to readjust to small town living. There is a medium sized city close to where Samantha lives. It is a thirty minute commute, but many of her town's residents, simply will not go there. That is because the people who travel to this medium sized city will suddenly encounter energy shifts that are very uncomfortable to them. When each of you travel, you may feel similar shifts. What seems so essential in one place will suddenly seem totally unimportant. Traveling from different places is a small example of what happens to your energy when you shift from one belief system to another. It is in this in-between stage that you will run into financial problems. For example, if you were traveling from a small Wisconsin town to Chicago, while you were traveling, this is when you will encounter potentially financial difficulties. It is NOT only financial difficulties but relationships will no longer fit, friendships will suddenly seem meaningless. Everything will feel differently, rather like how they feel differently when you are traveling. When you "arrive" at your spiritual destination, you will discover that you feel initially uncomfortable, and then you will settle in. So what do you do when you are traveling a "different" path. First of all, recognize what is going on. Many, many people think hat how much

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money they make or what their relationships are define them. when your finances change or your relationships change you begin to feel badly about yourself. You will say to yourself "what is wrong with me". And the people in your immediate environment will respond similarly. For example, if your finally situation is "going down hill", you will find that people will be angry with you, creditors especially if you can no longer afford to pay your bills. Or you may find that your friends begin o treat you differently and begin interfering with your life in places that they shouldn't. Or they may start to snub you. Your family will suddenly be angry because you are NOT giving them what they expect you woe them. Fir ex,maple, you always did the laundry, and put in their drawers. Suddenly you are involved in reading metaphysical books and you "forget" to do the laundry. You family will be enraged when their sox aren't where they want them to be. How dare you read metaphysical books instead of putting my socks away? If you finances increase you may find that your friends and family are suddenly jealous or uncomfortable around you. You may ask yourself what is wrong with me? I can't pay my bills. My family is mad at me. My friends are jealous and snubbing me? You will feel like abandoning your "new" self, and your new beliefs. There is nothing wrong with you. You are merely growing. Your differing circumstances are changing and that is making the individuals in your life uncomfortable. The bigger the change the stronger the reaction of the individuals in your life. You should congratulate yourself for changing, and NOT reject yourself or abandon you experimentation. For as we have said before, when you abandon yourself, the situation will worsen. Now, the universe supports growth. since the universe is expanding, growth is the natural order. The universe doe snot support contraction. The universe fights contraction. If you begin to change and abandon that change in the middle, you will find that suddenly when you go back to what was before, the situation will worsen. Samantha knows of an individual who practiced "wizardry" and reality creation for many years. Let us call her Susan. Her life was very successful, she was rich, she had a great career, she had a great marriage, her kids were happy and adjusted, she had many friends. This individual longed to do more. Susan lived in a large city. One day she "got lost", and found herself in the ghettos surrounding her city. suddenly she realized how many people NEEDED to know what she knew. So Susan sold out her business, and decided to open a "helping" place in the slums. Many of the individuals that were drawn to her, participated in gangs, and she surprisingly befriended many of them. As many of these individuals were killed. As they were being killed, Susan suddenly found people with AIDS coming to her "helping" place. As Susan encountered more and more tragedy, she became highly disenchanted with her "wizardry" philosophy. She could not understand how all of these bad things would happen. She decided to abandon the philosophy that had worked so well for her in the past. The universe would not allow Susan to "go backward". Immediately when she abandoned her philosophy, her personal life became very unsettled. Suddenly, her financial advisor "lost" all of Susan's money. Susan's husband,. faithful for twenty years, had an affair. Susan's children became involved in drugs. Susan's friends shunned her. susan's perfect life fell apart. So what happened. Susan's initial longing for growth, and to help others with her philosophy, was a movement towards taking a working philosophy and deepening it. but in he process of deepening it, Susan lost and "gave" up on it. When she gave up on it, the universe gave up on her. IN order to "fix" her circumstances, Susan needs to understand what happened to her, and why, and in spite of what she is currently facing, start to reaffirm what worked fro her

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before. Again, the universe will not allow you to go "backwards". The message her is that if you are starting to grow and long to go back to where things were before, you cannot. The universe won't let you regress. even if you give up your experimentation, even if you degrade what you preached before, the universe will NOT allow you to do that, and you will be unable to go back. Circumstances will conspire to push you forward. In other simpler terms, SHIT WILL HAPPEN BIG TIME. Even if you do manage to go to backwards, at least outwardly. You will feel a tremendous pain inside. Your frustration with life will rise and something will happen to "break" through it. You may become ill, you may become depressed, you may feel tremendous pain. this is the universe pushing you forward. Again, the more you ignore this circumstances, the more the internal pain will increase. Second of all, patience is power. When you are expanding, many times it may take years for the butterfly to come out of the chrysalis. for example, if you are living in he above slums and you wish to become a millionaire it make take you ten or even fifteen years to achieve this. Many of you are so impatient and you are impatient because you want what you want now. Also you don't underneath believe that you WILL get what you want. IMPATIENCE is fear. Impatience is lack of faith. Your society worships impatient because it means that you will ACT, ACT, ACT. You will fight, fight, and fight again. However, many times when you act because you are impatient that impatience will harm you. If you are a writer who has worked for five years on your novel and been turned down by a thirty publishers, realize that Richard Bach who wrote Jonathon Livingston Seagull was turned down fifty times over a ten year period. when this book was finally published it became a new age classic and a best seller. What if he had given up, become impatient, that wonderful book would never have been published. Samantha recently rented a movie on impulse called Shawshank Redemption. In this movie, an individual is wrongly convicted of murder and goes to a penitentiary to serve two life sentences. For the first two years there he is repeatedly raped. This individual was extremely patient and believed in hope and believed in life. he got himself a small rock hammer, and worked nightly on breaking out. In the nineteen years he worked there, he managed by simply being patient to start a library, by writing for funds one or twice a week for literally years. through tremendous patience and persistence, he was able to educate a number of the men in prison. Through persistence and patience he was able to finally break out of prison and in his wake uncovered and exposed tremendous corruption. This man was not embittered, this man had HOPE, this many worked day after day after day for twenty years and finally achieved the impossible. He never gave up and believed that hope is what kept him going. Indeed it did keep him going. As he held unto his hope so did he do many inspired things that uplifted the men around him. Now, many of you are in some sort of prison, it is hope, faith and small daily work that will allow you to literally break out of your prison. This movie is an allegory for life itself. Your prison are your beliefs, and your rejection of self and purpose. If each day you use a small pick ax and work on your beliefs and move in small tiny baby steps towards your purpose you WILL break out of your prison. That is patience and that again is power. That is faith. Take again, this imprisoned individual, by step by step working, he helped many, many people as well as achieve his dream of freedom. That of course is the third things you must work on, your beliefs. Look at what you are facing each day and what belief is being manifested. Ask when you look at a problem is this supposed to help me with achieving more of my map or vision? Does they exist in my life because I have abandoned myself? Or does this exist in my life for some

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negative belief? Look at yourself and sure enough you will find the answer. Work daily at this and you can break out of your prison. But if it takes years to break through, let yourself be patience and kind to yourself. Reality to this, again, find joy in each and every day, in each and every thing. There is in every life SOMETHING to be thankful for. Take the example of this prison individual. He loved rocks and would look daily at the earth under his feet during exercise. he made wonderful friends. He managed to receive things that he loved. He carved chess pieces, he got beautiful posters of the women he loved and felt at times they were with him. Slowly through his patience he developed power. He also developed power by being thankful for what he did have and it was from your standards very small indeed. he could be thankful for the sun upon his face. The universe does provide you gifts everyday, if you take them for granted, you loose appreciation for them, as well, you loose faith. the universe like anything else responds to appreciation. Appreciate what you have. Even if you are in prison there is something of beauty in your life. Even if you are in a hospital bed dying of AIDS, there is something in your life to appreciate. Even if you are extremely poor and down to your last penny, there is STILL something to appreciate. In appreciation you give value to life. In appreciation you give power and energy to faith. In the case of the individual in prison, his beliefs WERE primarily in line. However, his purpose kept him in that prison. His soul gave him a great test and he persevered, and thereby changed many lives. Sometimes if your beliefs ARE in line, and you KNOW that you are believing something totally, but still something will NOT manifest, realize again you may be fulfilling some type of purpose. In a mediative state, ask to meet with soul and find out if this is indeed the case. Realize if you do get a positive answer, that you CHOOSE this difficult path for a reason and you are STILL creating your reality. have a problem stem from purpose can cause problems in that you "forget" you create your own reality and begin to believe in "fate". You begin to become a victim again. Instead again go inside and find the soul purpose. In the example, above the individual condemned to a life in prison was put there for purpose. Many of you may respond tp this by saying well, that is just a move. Let us tell you that a "move" is a different version a reality. There by be people who are writing your life where you are the movie. Reality is relative to the space, time and consciousness you are in. All television and movies, books etc. no matter how bad exist somewhere in "reality". Writers, move people etc. are doing so because they are experimenting with different realities and different consciousness. Einstein said that time was relative to the space you are in, well we tell you that consciousness is also relative to the place in space that you are in. There is a difficulty in the idea of purpose and reality creation. You could say that purpose is the ideal set of beliefs. The beliefs you need to create your life map. When you are living in a state of idea purpose, and your problems exist due to purpose, in essence you are an example for others, your pain will not be all that deep. You may be frustrated by your circumstances and indeed feel pain, but you will flow through the pain easily. Your underlying energy pattern, your primarily energy pattern will be at peace. For example, let us use this prison individual again, even though his circumstances WERE awful. Even though there was a part of him that was in pain, and was angry, he still managed to easily flow through that pain. He still managed to be active in he situation, and not let things get him really down. he still found peace and joy in life.

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When you are living bad life circumstances purely for reasons of purpose there will be an underlying joy to them no matter how bad the circumstances. That joy, that strength will get you through them. You will feel and sense this underlying strength and be primarily at peace. People who are encountering problems purely to be an example,a and to uplift others are rare. For example, Jesus Christ was one of these individuals. He encountered many angry people in his life. He WAS crucified. However, even though he experienced terrific pain there was till love underneath. There was still very little anger for himself. He might be angry what he viewed as an injustice of another, but he was NOT angry for himself. If you are angry, if you are in rage, if you have little or no patience, if you are in deep pain, if you "react" in situations instead of act, if you are fearful, then the problems in your life stem from beliefs and NOT from purpose. If you are not primarily at peace in your life, then again your problems stem from beliefs and NOT purpose. If however, there are circumstances that are TRULY awful in your life, and you react with peace, at not angry embittered, impatient etc. then you are here fulfilling a purpose. IN order to really feel and sense this purpose, again, go inside you will easily be able to sense it. It is your core and what gives you strength. Most problems, let us say 95% are related to beliefs that need to be changed. How many Jesus Christs do you have in your world? How many Buddhas walk he face of the earth? How many people can do what this prison individual did? That is the other thing, if you are reacting purely from purpose and your problems are stemming from that, you will see changes in your environment that are affecting others in a positive manner. Now, many new age people believe just in "fate", and many new age people are believe just in "reality creation". In truth you life is combination of both, as are your probable realities. Fate is the map, the vision that you hold within you. Reality creation and it 's shape through beliefs are the problems, the naggers, the bitterness, the pain that interferes with the fulfilling of the map. If you were truly on purpose all the time living out your true faith, you would again not feel much pain anger etc. no matter what the circumstances. Your life would unfold easily and naturally, and even the bad circumstances would not seem bad. Jesus knew ahead of time that he would be crucified, and he mostly accepted that cup, he was primarily at peace with it. How many of you would face crucifixion with calm and peace and bless those that were crucifying you? Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, King Arthur, fulfilled their maps, fulfilled the fate/destiny placed in front of them. Yes, these individuals encountered tremendous problems and tremendous pressures, but they calmly faced then and had the deep inner peace of knowing they were living on purpose. They were true wizards. They had no interfering beliefs to interfere with their life path. They also had tremendous joy, no matter what they were facing because they had that faith. So to say that you are encountering problems because it is your fate and your destiny would basically mean that you are spiritually at the level of the above individuals. Many of you, most of you, ARE not there yet. If each of you rid yourself of interfering life path beliefs, you would live on purpose and achieve greatness in your vision. Maybe not fame, maybe not fortune, but greatness, for each of you are capable of this greatness. Now, again, you choose these beliefs to help in your life purpose. That of course is the catch 22 if you will. However, early on you would recognize those beliefs and change them easily and

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quickly. so if you were born into an abusive background, growing up with someone who told you, you were worthless daily, you would recognize that you were here to help that person find their own self- worth. You would do this easily, and there would be no pain at the abuse. You would "see" the purpose underneath, respond to it, and even if the situation STILL existed you would still not feel pain over it. You would NOT accept the pain into your reality. You may sense that by overcoming it you would help others also overcome it. And you may also be able to help the person who is abusing you. The calm would exist. Starving children many times come to this life purely to die. They die with tremendous grace, and even with tremendous joy. Their purpose is to make you see and make you look at your world and change it and help it grow. There dying is part of their purpose. Many if not most of these children are tremendous souls. Even in the face of death and starvation, extreme deprivation, they experience purpose. Some of these children are great "saints' if you will as great as Ghandi etc. If some of these children were saved, many could possibly become great spiritual leaders. That is one probable path for the children. In essence, no matter what happens to them, they will send a terrific message to your world. That is the purpose and they are at peace with it. There is pain, like Christ had when he was crucified, however there is also peace. You re not your problems, you are your ability to respond to them. Your problems reflect mostly your beliefs and are there to help you fulfill your map purpose. There is again both fate and both unlimited freedom. That only seems contradictory because you again do not recognize the validity of both or either. Because in your world you must have either black or have white. You know inside if your problems exist because your are fulfilling a model for others, or if your problems exist because you have yet to master the beliefs interfering in your path. The beliefs you choose to overcome to teach with. It is indeed circular to discuss it within your language however, it is truer then the simplistic way you have of looking at your world and your problems. You search for an easy equation. You wish the human soul to be filled with equation like your mathematics are. Each human soul is different with different purposes, maps, beliefs, etc. An equation for one or even many will rarely if ever work for all. Indeed it cannot, for if it did, then each of you would fill that equation, and there would be no different and needed visions. Your purpose energy exist from the top of the head center. it is the furthest from you physically. Literally seven other layers up. People who live in purpose primarily live in this energy center. Also there are few of no blocks of the energy system that they live in.,

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Energy and Consciousness Book 2 Section 5: 6/03/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Energy and Consciousness All energy has consciousness. What a radical statement. Everything, literally everything is consciousness. Each cell, each inanimate object, a chair, a desk. When we first gave this statement to Samantha she "told" us, yeah gasoline has energy. Begin relatively pragmatic at times, we "laughed" and told her. Yes, indeed gasoline is a conscious energy. it contains within it's cells deep "earth" memory. If you could read the gas in your car you would learn much abut earth geology. So why can you not access this information. first of all the more different an energy to yours, the harder it is to access. For example, it is much easier to access the energy of an animal then an inanimate object, because they are more similar in your life force. Being able to access different types of energy system and sense and feel the consciousness underneath is about being to change your consciousness to at least combine yourself consciously with the with the energy around you. Now, each of you have the ability to do this because you do this unconsciously each and every day. Tremendous amounts of information are processed through your mind, but only a certain amount again reaches your consciousness awareness. Much of this information is deliberately "shut" out. That is why you cannot sense consciously that you create your own reality. Basically, if you could "see" all that is involved in each and every incident in your life from driving to the store or washing your laundry you would be astounded at the amount of communication and connection that must occur. If you spent all of your time in these other psychic areas, that is all you would do and NEVER do anything else. So, much of this information is shut off, but you can learn to access it. but first you must be aware that it is conscious in it's own right. Consciousness is rather like a spider's web, indeed that is why in the past spiders were considered "special" and why today they are feared. You as the spider sit in the middle of the web, but underneath you and all around you are many different strands. when you begin the process of opening your mind to the different parts of the web, you begin to follow strands that can take to many places, but first you must move out of your center self. It is very interesting to us to see the development o the internet for consciousness is rather like the internet on high levels. for example, you seek and send out messages of things that you need or things that you want. This si rather like the spider's strand. If your beliefs or purpose DO NOT interfere, you find the end of the strand, and create what you need.

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It is also very interesting to us to see your archaeologists attempt to understand other civilizations by measuring them with scientific means. You see, the energy of something leaves and imprint upon that thing. If you archaeologists simply tuned into the piece of pottery they found of even more so, read the ground on it's deeper levels they would receive significantly more information and it would be much more accurate. The archaeologist is a good simile for the way that many of you think about and react to consciousness. For example, many of you measure and attempt to find the logic reasons behind why XXX occur. You try to find the beginning incident. You try to find the fault. You seek to measure the problem, by analyzing date behind it with psychological belief. So when you are in trouble you go to counselors or experts. You look out in each and every way. Like the archaeologists you look for outward answers through other's measurements. Instead like the archaeologists you would be much better to measure e the "ground" around an issue or a problem. to tune into the ground around a problem. Every problem, every issue, every object, is first consciousness, then energy and then physical. Find the energy, find the consciousness behind it, and the physical changes. Initially there are small particles of consciousness. These simply exist, and eventually they move into grouping of sort. They are recruited if you will into an energy system. Each of you exist of literally billions upon billions of these energy particles and each incident in your life is billions upon billions more of energy particles. We will call these energy particles EPs for short. Many energy particles are needed for a single cell, that is how small they are. Even the smallest of EP's have consciousness. Eventually a grouping of EP's will occur and turn into a wave pattern if you will. This wave pattern comes together for a reason, a purpose and/or a belief. This wave pattern has a "reason" for being. Again many wave patterns are required to simply create a single bodily cell. Your physicists study waves and particles. Particles physics and they are attempting to find the one unifying force the universe, the base force if you will. They are attempting to find the "one" particle, the "one" wave. The unifying force IS consciousness. By looking at endless particles through incredibly complex microscopes they WILL NOT find the unifying force of consciousness. Instead they need to "go into" their minds, and the find the unifying force of their body, consciousness. Physicists study energy patterns, but what works on one level of reality, what energy patterns there are on one level of reality are radically different on another. For example, Newtonian physics supposes a number of laws in the physical universe. Those a "good" laws, and work within certain parameters. However, quantum mechanics looks at differing laws of the universe and those work within certain parameters. But the final law the deepest law IS consciousness. At this point ironically enough psychology and physics and all scientific disciplines and religions meet. At one point it was believed that space wasn't empty. Now, that is seen as "silly", of course space is empty. Space is NOT empty it is filled with EPs of consciousness. EPs of energy, swirling around you each and every moment and each and every moment that ever has been and ever will be, and is constantly expanding at each moment. Scientific used to call this ether. Indeed ether of

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EPs exist. there is NO such thing as empty s pace, there is only your inability to let yourself go into the deeper levels of your mind to find the consciousness of that space. EPs, energy particles are the most basic level can be seen by a physic, someone who si trained to understand and "see" energy systems. A truly superior psychic can contact and speak to these EP's at all levels. As we have said before occult science IS the next science, yet is it a science that combines ALL the current differing sciences into one. It is here that you will be able to "find" unlimited energy to create fantastic things in your world. Unlimited energy of this sort CAN wipe out poverty. Unlimited energy of this sort can recreate your biosphere, energy of this sort can wipe out starvation and any type of limitation. Your scientists have "sensed" this and are frightened because their very belies about reality are threatened. Unlimited energy is possible and indeed needed. You will find this again through the study of EPs, and their consciousness. Everything is an energy system created of waves of EPs. Now, there is a level of existence that monitors the EPs that go into your life. We shall call this the summerworld. IN the summerworld, your "oversoul" if you will reside. Your oversoul monitors your EPs and creates the patterns that create your body and your life. An oversoul again is a combination of all yous future and past and all the yous of another lifetime. These yous are held together by a pattern of purpose, like a spider's web. Your oversoul monitors these EPs and create with EPs your existence. Your oversoul is the spider of your reality, controlling the EPs of your life until you decide to take that ability unto yourself. That is what is needed, the next step in your world, the next evolution. To bring EPs into your conscious reality and be able to manipulate them consciously. In the summerworld everyone's and everything's oversoul exists. A number of oversouls sit in a middle of a number of connected webs. The totality of the web is the ALL that is, God, Yahweh whatever, and that permeates all EPs. The summerworld is where you spring from and it is where you go when you "die". And it is where you come form when you come" back, unless you are advanced enough or ready enough to become an oversoul yourself. The "wicked" can never be happy. Happiness stems from getting in touch with the EPs of your reality. Being at peace with them. When you are wicked you fight again the consciousness that creates you. The EPs that make you up are not fulfilled. for you are NOT a lone consciousness again you are made of of billions upon billions of waves of EPs. And each and everyone of those EPs has a consciousness in it's own right. You fight with each other and you believe that you cannot cooperate, yet cooperation IS the natural order of the universe for you yourself would NEVER exist with our cooperation among your waves of EPs. It is said, at the beginning there was God. We tell you something similar. At the beginning there was consciousness... and that consciousness created those EPs, and gave "free" will to them. The EPs combined, the a big bang was created and then they begin endlessly expanding. The expansion was done with joy, rather like the joy of a small child playing. They would join together and "try this" and then "try that". They used what worked and what "threw" out what

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didn't. it was a time of endless experimentation, and endless joy, and endless ad hocness. Eventually worlds, and universes were created. The earth and all of it's entities came into being. That is the natural way of being, it is what started the universe and what continues to create the universe, ad infinitum. EP's are endless, there are no limits to them. They exist everywhere billions in the smallest segment of space, always. They are like constantly expanding cells, they simply procreate, procreate, procreate infinitely. An EPs purpose is to become "part" of something. It looks for an energy system to joyously join with. It becomes a wave, and then the wave looks to join with other waves, and soon something becomes manifest.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Relationships Book 2 Section 6: 6/04/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Relationships Samantha has been getting a lot of letters from people concerning problems/questions with relationships. We have briefly covered this questions in other postings however there seems to be a need to cover them in more detail. First of all, ALL relationships are mirrors of you, and vice versus. One question here was whether then the "other" was real. The other is real. However each of you broadcast through your beliefs and purpose certain needs and desires. The people who answer those needs, beliefs, purposes, desires etc. are the people in your life. Since you create your reality you place out a "certain" call for another and that other answers. So why do I have problems with the others in my life? Well, they are a reflection of your beliefs and/or there to teach you a lesson. The problems reflect knowledge that you need, or lessons you have come here to learn. Instead of writing of this so theoretically, let us instead speak of it with specific instances to expand upon these ideas. Let us say that your underlying purpose is that to heal. In your life will appear many individuals who are in need of healing. You may be a person that everyone comes to with his or her problems. You may be a person who is a doctor, nurse, physical therapist etc. In some form or another you have people ALWAYS in your life because you CHOOSE before you were born to become a healer. Now if you are re in pain because there are so many others in your life filled with pain, then one lesson you must learn is how to cope with other's pain, without it effecting your own life. How to have compassion without having "pain". IN that particular instance you would draw people in your life who are SO filled with pain, that your pain becomes more and moire overwhelming. This would happen so that you would concentrate on learning methods of dealing with the pain. If your purpose is to be a catalyst, you would draw into your life people who are questioning and are involved in great changes. People who need or are looking for answers. In your particular chose role you would have make suggestions etc. to be a catalyst, in the lives of these people. You may have to deal with tremendous rage of those around you because to be a catalyst is to bring change and upset and you are seen as the individual creating this change and upset. A catalyst would have to learn methods of dealing with anger, rage, violence etc. as that they would become more effective as a catalyst. In yet another example, let us that you are here to bring beauty. In your life would come individuals who have much ugliness of some form in their life. You would go and visit them and see the ugliness that they are living in, and maybe pain them a picture, maybe buy them some pain and go and paint their homes. Your job would be to teach them to "see" and find beauty in

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life and how to create it. In the process of doing this you would encounter much ugliness. In this particular role, you would need to learn to see beauty in all ugliness, and to be able to withstand ugliness. Now, these are simplistic examples, but we hope that you can "see" the underlying message. Your came here for a purpose and you will encounter others to help you to fulfill hat purpose. We have also called this the amp. Now in other circumstances, you may find that you are faced with people who threaten your belief systems. These people exist in your life to be a catalyst so that you can better fulfill your purpose. they are there to show you what is right or wrong with your belief systems. For example, let us say that you are involved in a love relationship gone bad. The reason it has gone bad is that you are supporting the other person, and you resent this. here you are brought a great deal of pain because you need to reexamine your ideas of responsibility. Your concepts of love. For example, maybe you believe the other person should "hold" his or her own. Maybe you believe that the other person has "no right to take advantage of you". Maybe you believe that "if the other person loved me, they would make money as well". In this particular instance you need to reevaluate "what is love?", and again "what is responsibility"? Perhaps at the same time you are frustrated and angry at your job. You are a communicator, and you are no longer communicating interesting ideas in your job and you are keeping your job to have enough money for you and your partner. You need to reexamine in the face of your purpose, what is responsibility? Are you responsible to yourself and your high purpose first or are you responsible to another because you love them first? There is a relationship between the lessons you are learning about responsibility with the person you love and the lessens in relation ship to you and your purpose. In other words, the other person is making you look into the beliefs that are preventing you from growing. Many times love relationships and family relationships "go bad" to teach you something about yourself in relation to your purpose. Now, again you CHOOSE these relationships to teach you, exactly what you need to know. You choose these relationships to go bad, you choose the relationship with your parents that has brought you so much pain, you choose XXXX problem. You can always bring the chosen reasons into your consciousness. But first you must see that they are there. You must believe in them before you can look for them and understand them. that means that you must give up being a victim. There is an interaction between your purpose, your beliefs and the individuals in your life. Find the purpose, understand the beliefs and you will find the "problem" healed.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Family Clearing Book 2 Section 7: 6/10/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Family Clearing We have talked before about how you inherit your family energy. You inherit there beliefs through your DNA, also through underground "family" communication, you know a great deal about what happened to your parents. Since beliefs shape and create your reality, you are greatly effected by your familial environment. Many of you have yet to "sense" or feel your energy, you are either "like so and so" or Not like so and so", you are NOT yourselves. For example, let us say that your mother was very passive. You are now very passive LIKE your mother or very NOT passive like your mother. You are your mother or you are not like your mother, but you are NOT you. The same goes for your father. Many of you need to "clear" out your family patterns in order to become "yourselves". You are "yourself" when you are not filled with deep doubt in yourself. Doubts about yourself, doubts about your talents skills etc. are mostly reactions from your family. take the above example, let you say that your mother was a very passive housewife. Now, you are a big career woman, but every time you go into a boardroom you become paralyzed with fright. You very possibly are "reacting" to NOT being your mother. to NOT being the role you were taught to be. Your anxiety goes much deeper then just standing up in front of people you are paralyzed with fright. Maybe you cannot sleep the night before and in your stress nervousness an pain you have lost or gained five pounds. When you are like Mom or not like Mom, you are NOT yourself. How do you know which circumstances and action are "you" and which ones are reactions. You being by thinking to yourself about what your parents faults were. What drove and may still drive you absolutely crazy. Make a list of all the mistakes that "happened" to you. Make a list of all the many faults of your parents. Then think to yourself how you, yourself have "reacted" to those faults. Are you NOW like that? Are you NOW absolutely NEVER like that? There are clues to parental influence, one as we stated above is an almost desperate self doubt, a reaction that make no "rational" sense. Also there is STRONG reaction in any number of circumstances. When you are incredibly angry with someone way out of proportion to what they have done. When you are incredibly hurt over something again way out of proportion to what you believe they "have done to you". Strong negative reaction of any sort needs to be looked at. As well, what you are absolutely determined to NOT be or NOT do, no matter what. What you are most righteous about? The human spirit is "supposed" to be filled with self-love and confidence. all of you need that self-love and confidence in order to fulfill your purpose. What in your life really undermines confidence in yourself?

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All right, now let us say you have looked at your list of parental faults and begun to 'see" patterns in yourself that react to those faults, what do you do now? Imagine if you will yourself as a six year old child, imagine who you friends were what you concerns were etc. What hurt you and what didn't hurt you. Now imagine meeting as a "friend" your parent at age six. what makes them vulnerable? what hurts them? what harms them? You may even at this point go into your parents childhood home and begin to see what was effecting their parents your grandparents, begin to see family patterns here. For every mistake your parent made, more then likely they made it because they were in pain. Begin to see that pain, and begin to "see" the struggle that they went through. You are actually in One reality" at this point encountering your parent. This is a profound experience.e Your parent will think of you as a friend and act like a friend. Your parent may see this as a dream etc. do you begin to see what shaped your parent and what circumstances shaped your parents parent? do you see the family patterns that shaped you? Now, after you have accomplished that deep meditation, go to the temple we have described fro you, the temple of peace. And when you are there, begin if you will to go through your childhood experinces and see your hurts and your pains. Start at the moment of your birth, and move through your lifetime. If you get stuck and cannot move through the pain, you then "know" where you are "stuck". You are encountering the child who is in pain. Look at that pain and begin to "see" that pain was NOT because you wouldn't good enough, that pain wasn't there because you weren't lovable and acceptable, can you "see" that the pain there exists because of some famili pattern.. Talk to that child, feel that children's pain and "show that child that he or she WAS good, he or she was acceptable and lovable. Teach the child the why of what happened, grow the child up. Many of you look for someone to blame. All of you are guilty of some pain and at some point "giving" out pain, but that harm that you gave another exists because you yourself were harmed. In essence you are all guilty, but you are NOT to be blamed and punished. Many of you suffer from childhood hurts and many of you either ignore them or wallow in them. instead look at them and allow your hurt child to 'grow" up. You do that by looking at that child and by letting that child "see" that it was not something wrong with him or her, but something that was ""passed" on. More for tomorrow.....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Encountering The Spirit Book 2 Section 8: 6/14/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Encountering The Spirit Your psychologists rightly "know" that in order to heal, you must forgive. In order to find peace, you must first make peace with those in your life that have harmed you. You must "clear" out your past in order to create a future. Yet, even though some people have many years of therapy and their relationships improve they still find that they cannot forgive. They find that when they are in the room with a parent that has harmed them, old painful resentments comes to the surface. Even though you may be aware of patterns, you still have NOT come to terms with them. There is an underlaying feeling, how could you have DONE that to me? Do you KNOW how much I suffered and STILL suffer because you have done that. I can't forgive you because then that means that what you did was RIGHT. I will NOT let you get away with what you did to me. First of all forgiveness is NOT for the person who did something to you, it is for you. You lose faith in the world if you have NOT made peace with the past. And unfortunately you recreate it over and over again, because the underlaying issue has NOT been dealt with. So we get back tot eh question of how do you forgive? The deeper the hurt the harder it is to FORGIVE. The deeper the pain, the harder it is to let go of it. All relationship problems can be traced to doubt. A person who harms another is filled with either self-hatred or self-doubt. It is important to "see" that the other person reacted out of his own self-doubt and his own pain. that is SO hard for most of us to see. We see what they did to us, not the why in how they did something. let us see, that you can SEE the pain that they gave you. But you still cannot forgive. The basic reason for that is the feeling of having absolutely no self-control over the situation. You feel as if something awful has been done to you. If something awful can be done to you, then it can be done to you AGAIN. It is important to realize that you did indeed create a reason for the harm that has occurred to you. In order to forgive you must discover the reason for the pain. This is where your psychologist's fail. They believe as you do that you were a VICTIM of what happened to you. So all the awful things that have happened to me, happened to me because I created them. EXACTLY. But that is NOT meant to lesson the pain or to ignore the very real pain of the situation. What is needed is for you to go to the place within yourself that holds this knowledge

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of why and ugly and painful event occurred in your life. What is needed is to "feel" for yourself the reasons behind an event. We recommend the following exercise. Imagine if you will, that you are again in your hall of mirrors. since you have "gone" into your parents life. Imagine your parents "soul", them with ALL of their probabilities with them. Imagine what would have happened if your parents had acted differently and with them enter into a mirror of that reality. see and talk to those other parents and those other selves. Many time what you will encounter is the "reason" why you and your parents "choose" the issues in your family. You will see a "positive" reason for why XXXXX pain occurred. Let us use an example. We know of a personage let us call her Serena who was very embittered about her father's death. Enraged at him for dying as well as enraged about what happened to her family AFTER he died. This anger was with her for many years and caused great pain and anguish in her life and the lives of those around her. She did this particular exercise and realized that her father had to battle with concepts of good and evil due to issues that were unresolved in him concerning World War 2. He was very upset about what he had seen and yes what he had done. He immigrated to the states and found a "good" woman. He did many good works helping many other immigrants, but he could not resolve in himself the issue of what he had done during the war. He found that he had many ailments due to the war. He couldn't walk properly because he had been shot and instead of getting better he got worse. He fought in the war at a very early age and did not receive proper nutrition, so his immune system didn't "work" properly, and he had endless allergies, colds, flues etc. finally his heart didn't work properly because he again according to the doctors didn't properly take care of it during the war. finally, he died. If he could have forgive himself and made peace with what had happened in his life that would not have happened. Serena went into the mirror and saw how this war effected her father and the guilt that he held. She also saw that he choose to die because he could not make peace with good and evil in himself and in others. He passed this "mission" of good and evil unto Serena herself. Due to this mission Serena developed into a very deep person, and helped a good many people with guilt and pain. If however the father had lived, he would of made "Serena" a "typical" housewife, her ability to help others would have greatly diminished. Serena finally, "saw" why she had also "chosen" to take the path of her father's death, and what occurred from this. She also at this point helped the afterspirit of her father to make peace with good and evil and the circle closed. the anger was gone. There are always reasons for a death, there are always reasons for the probable path that you choose. to heal yourselves and your lives you must delve into them. For otherwise you again relieve the path. Now after you go into the or even before you go into the mirror, ask to meet YOUR soul as well. Ask to meet the part of you that knows all of this and ask to speak with him or her. this spirit is your higher self, your guardian angel etc. Talk this spirit about the path you have chosen and why it was chosen for you.

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This spirit will sound like "you" or sound like some that you have heard inn your mind before. Ask, your spirit WHY this XXXX occurred. Then Ask how it fits into your path. Then you will begin to "see" the pattern of your life. And possibly the pattern of all of your other selves. You will begin to "see" how everything fits together in your life, and that is the most healing event of all. For example, let us use Serena again. It was Serena's path to heal, by talking to her father she saw that guilt many many times is what is destructive. If another probable father HAD lived and managed to heal his guilt this would have also taught Serena about guilt and it's consequences. However, Serena and her probable father did not choose that path for various other personal reasons. But Serena did see how her father's death taught her about he power of guilt and began to seek answers for what was "good" and what was "evil". Her answers helped others to overcome their guilt and thereby she began to work don her life purpose of healing. this realization healed Serena herself. Her rage and her anger were gone as well as a deeper understanding of herself and her life. Not only that Serena met the soul self, higher self, oversoul and learned how to access any type of deep information on herself and her life. Meeting that self is essential to most all deep healing. Your psychologists stay away form this because it smacks of the "mystical". It is indeed mystical, however a healing is not about forgiving. A healing comes from deep understanding, and by definition deep understanding requires "the mystical". Each of you choose whatever path you are on. You can consciously come to terms with that path and the reasons for "ugly" painful" circumstances in your life. Understanding your life purpose, understanding how the things that pain you "fit" with that path is part of the "soul" purpose. You must have a better understanding of the map in order to live on it. IN order to that you must clear out the past that is preventing you from living on your map. Your childhood and your pains are part of your path, fighting against them and begin bitter and angry about them, "go" against the path. For all anger and all bitterness, as justified as it may be, stop you from gaining your power. From finding the power within yourselves that will ultimately release you from the pain of the situation. Anger is energy that believes in victimization. Pain is a block that teaches you. It's purpose to to redirect you unto it's path. The purpose of pain to go beyond it. Learn the lesson from it, and let it go. When you run from it and do not allow yourselves to understand it, you prevent the lesson and the pain increases. By learning to clear out your pain, and "seeing" the reason that you have chosen it. You again live on the path. Hiding from pain, justifying your anger, pain and rage prevents you from using the power within you to "cure" yourself. Maybe like Serena you are justified in being anger at what happened at the death of her father. Her mother "fell" apart, there was pain every where in her environment and no one to support he child that Serena was. She was "justifiably" angry. However, again, that anger did her no good and prevented her from following her path. Her pain and anger were teachers, but again learn the lessons and let them go. The purpose of pain is to get out of it, to learn the lesson and make the course correction. Not hang unto it, because you "deserve" it. Note to our readers:

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Samantha is currently working on a second book. This book is NOT being posted, that is why she has not been posting as much as before.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Faith Book 2 Section 9: 6/16/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Faith To the extent that you take responsibility of your lives and your situation is the extent that you have mastered your consciousness. When you master your consciousness you lean your lessons and master your lives. Each of you have a belief again that the "world" is out there. Instead the world, again is reflection of what happens "in here". The first in taking responsibility is to see how the interior reflects the exterior, and seeing that the interior is "real". Each of you has had psychic experiences in your life. It may have been a "weird" coincidence, it may have been an odd feeling about something that sure enough happened, it may have been a dream that came true, or a "simple" feeling of de ja vue. you probably ignore these experiences and 'write" them off, or "forget" them. If you do one of the meditation or exercises that we have given in the postings, you may finish the exercise and say to yourself, "oh that wasn't real, that was just my imagination". You think to yourself well, that was a "nice" dream. or you have a really deep experience that is a clearing or is painful, you may just stop after it and not go any further. But those experiences are real. those experiences are from our vantage point many times more real then the "other" experiences. There are levels to existence, levels of being, and these reflections, these experiences are experiences that exist in a higher level of being. Many of you are constantly looking for a type of clarity. something will happen in your life and wish for understanding, and indeed you many times need understanding to "cope" with the situation. "God", Buddha, Jesus, the Goddess has not abandoned you, you need to gain clarity by going within for in the interior universe are the answers to your exterior world. Clarity and understanding come from going deeply within yourself to find the answer. The more seriously you take the mediations, the more seriously you take the exercises and look into them, the more seriously you will begin to "see" with clarity the situation that you are facing. Now, again when a situation "hits' you, simply occurs and it is an overwhelming experience intially before the clarity, you may consciously have nothing to hold unto, this is the time for faith. Faith is what you need to get your through a situation of deep pain and deep issue. Faith again is what you need for clarity is faith is the connection between the incident and clarity. A favorite refrain when something "bad" happens is to ask, if there is a "God, Higher Power, etc." why would this happen. A "bad" thing makes most of you question that there is a god at all. But that is time for faith, that is time when you must have faith and take responsibility. It is much easier to have faith when you have nothing "bad" happening. It is much easier to "take"

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responsibility when you life is working well. But the real test is to have faith and take responsibility when things are going wrong, for that is WHEN you need faith. Loss of faith and loss of responsibility causes you even greater pain, for when you lose faith you lose hope and that is when despair sets in. Depression occurs when you lose faith and hope and generally stems from overall believing the "worst" of a situation. Many times what causes depression and fear does not exist except for what is in your mind. When you lose faith you loose the ability to gain clarity. You also loose resiliency to a situation. A person with a optimism is a person who can cope much better then a person who sees the worst of a situation. There is a saying that "you are seeing the world through rose colored glasses" and that means that you are not "seeing reality". In fact, not seeing reality in that sense, and seeing the world through rose colored glasses is the BEST way to see the world. Let us use and example here, let us say that someone you love has died. Grief opens up not only the loss of someone that you have loved, but opens the wounds for all the losses and all the pains that you have experienced and not healed. A person who sees the world through rose colored glasses would say to themselves, somehow I know this will get better. I know that something will work out and I will get through this. A person who has no or little faith will say to themselves that, I will always hurt like this. There is no end to this pain. Things will never get better. The first person will get through the pain much faster and with much less pain, then the second person. Then once the pain is worked through, the person will begin to "see" clarity, the person will begin to gain understanding. But once you loose that faith, then you cannot gain understanding, instead you will "stay" in that pain. Telling yourself that things will work out, that things will come together for the best, that someone, something IS watching out for you however you define it, will get you through the initially painful process. Taking responsibility will take through to clarity. If a person you know is in deep pain, the best thing you can for them is to give them understanding and compassion for that pain, as well as give them in some manner "faith". You can expand in your life or contract in your life. contraction comes from fearful beliefs, expansion comes from loving beliefs. You "give" faith by giving love. When you give love in the face of someone in pain, someone in contraction and fear, that person will fight you and most of the time attack you. in fact all attacks upon you, all righteousness, all rage is in fact a person in contraction a person in fear and a person in pain. However, most people cannot admit there pain and their fear because they are afraid of being vulnerable. So instead of admitting their pain and their pain, they attack, they strike out at whoever is there and many times whoever is closest. There are three beliefs that lead to contraction, fear etc. The first beliefs it hat you are bad/incompetent. The second belief is that you are unlovable and the third belief is that whatever pain or anger you are in WON'T end and that you cannot cope. When you think that, you feel fear and pain and you contract. Ask yourself at that point what can you do to reassure yourself that you are indeed lovable, good and that this situation WILL end. Secondly when a person attacks you, ask yourself how they are in fear and contraction. What belief are they operating from when they are screaming obscenities at you? Then ask yourself how can you reassure this person? Now, if a person is yelling at you unjustifiably, and you are being attacked the WORST

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thing you can do is DEFEND yourself. Defend yourself against attack generally means that you are telling that person that what he or she is feeling is NOT justified. That will just make the offending person angrier. Instead what you must do is respond with love and vulnerability when you are being attacked. This is what was meant by Jesus saying "turn the other cheek". For ultimately the only thing that will stop the attack is to respond with love. So when the above person is throwing obscenities at you. Instead of saying your wrong, your XXXX, say to yourself, why did I create this and what do I feel? If you feel bad ask yourself which belief you are operating from? Are you operating from the belief that you are NOT good enough that you are NOT lovable? Is that true? We tell you that it is NEVER true, each of you ARE good and ARE lovable. Then say to yourself what can I say to myself to withstand this attack and not buy into this person's fear? Finally say to yourself what is this person fearing and what can is ay to alleviate this pain? Now you may say that is NOT fair that person has "no right" to cuss at me. That person has "no right" to attack me? Instead we tell you first and foremost this is NEVER a question of "rights", instead it is question of the fact that for some reason you created this reality and now you must "end" it. By fighting back you will only exacerbate the situation, instead you "end" the situation by relieving yourself and bring yourself back into peace, and then attempting to bring peace to the individual involved. Now you might again say, but that isn't fair that person is getting away with this and will do it again, I must punish this person. That person is NOT getting away fwith anything, they are in a state of pain. They are in a state of "hell". They are trying to come out of that pain and by striking out oat you then think they can. You must have FAITH that the person WILL come out of it in order to react in the above fashion. If you do not have faith in both yourself and the other person the above reaction is simply impossible and if you do not have fiath that you are good and lovable again you cannot come out of the above situation. maybe youc reated the above situation so that you CAN realize that you ARE good and lovable. now, you may say to yourself, well how come that person wont' reac taht way to me? if you responsible and "enlightened", then you must be the one to respond in the "better" manner. A responsi ble person takes resposbiltiya nd comes formt he higher place of consciounesness. that does not mean that you are BETTER then that person, it means that you are more advanced then that person. All "evil" is ignorace. There really is NO evil there is only ignorance. Evil is live spelled backwards. To live is to expand, to "evil" is to contract. You only contract when you do NOT understand, when you are ignorant of the laws of the universe, when you do NOT take responsiblity.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Enchantment Book 2 Section 10: 6/19/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Enchantment In your world you have lost "enchantment". When you are a small child, you look at the world and "see" if you will wonder and beauty everywhere. You look at the stars and see wonder. You look at a tree and see strength and you are awed by it. Then you grow older an you look at the stars and you see them as balls of gas, you look at a tree and you see paper. You have then lost mystery, you have lost wonder. Part of living well, is rediscovering wonder your lives. Nature is filled with wonder. A gardener knows that when you plant a seed, soon you have a plant and that plant becomes a flower or grows a tomato. Gardeners wonder at creation. What an amazing thing to "see" life developing to be part of seeing it develop. Life is a mystery. When you attempt to define it, you loose the mystery of it. " I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment is gone (lyrics for dust in the he wind by Kansas). You forget that each moment each and every second is life, and you do not appreciate the moment of life because you have forgotten enchantment and mystery. When Samantha gardens at her home, she tells her daughter stories of faeries under rose bushes. She tells her daughter of Mr. Oak, and all of his knowledge. Her daughter is enchanted by these stories. When she sees a rose bush she doe snot see thorns she sees the wonder of a magical fairy maybe underneath the leaves and will bring the wonder of roses into the world. Imagination, a wonderous respect for the moment and for life itself is what bring joy into life. You walk into a mall, and buy some clothing, the lighting is similar everywhere. Everything is laid out in the racks NEATLY, perfectly formed made. There is not mess, no bugs, no creativity. Everything is similar. In your society you have distanced yourself form the wonder of rose bush, when you travel you get on a plane and three hours later you are in Los Angeles from New York. But you have "missed" the magical encounter with the forests, the desert, the lakes from New York to Los Angeles. You have missed the wonder of the land around you. I it is nature that reminds you to be alive, that you are alive with the life force that flows through each and every moment before it is gone. it is nature that is a mystery. You can look t a plants and think about photosynthesis, or you can look at a plant and see the wonder of the life force at work. Both are accurate visions, but is it better to "see" life or is a better to "see" photosynthesis? What brings happiness, joy and mystery? Which visions is filled with more "romance" if you will? Nature is messy, creativity is messy. An artist's studio is rarely Neat" but filled with colored pain everywhere, and clothes of turpentine in a wonderful disarray. It is said that God is next to

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cleanliness. We tell you that mystery and mess si are a part of creativity and creativity is part of being closer to God. Nature is NOT neat, nature is creative. When Einstein wrote the theory of relativity it was on a yellow legal pad and it was one of many that filled endlessly "messy" and creative pages. It is time for you to leave behind modern life and go back into nature. Plant a garden on your porch, look at the sky or the sunset as you eat dinner. Make wish upon the moon some night before you go to bed. Begin part of nature seeing and feeling something greater beyond yourself is part of creating "moments" in your life. Feeling the force of nature helps you touch upon the force of life, and lets you sense greatness that you are part of, it touches upon wonder.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Creation Book 2 Section 11: 6/19/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Creation When you create something, the mind you create it with carries into the creations. Let us say, that you manufacture a product. If you manufacture that product with love, then those who buy it will not only by using the product but feel the love behind it. the finer the creation, the more love that was put into it. Recently Samantha wrote a column for her local paper describing grace, what Samantha didn't realize as she wrote it that what "grace" is, is love. The state of grace, the state of wizardry is the state of love. Frank Lloyd Wright, Van Gogh, a Shaker table are not only creations, but they are creations of great love. It is the love within them that translate into quality. Now, let us say that you are involved in a project. You get up and go to work and plan that project out in great detail. You KNOW where it is going and you KNOW how you wish it to manifest. You are building a road and this road must go through twelve tons of rock because e that is where it must go. The problems is hat going through that twelve tons of rock is not extremely pleasant. It requires a whole lot of dynamite. Possibly, you could consider going over the mountain, or you could consider going through the mountain in another place, but you have decided that this road must go through at this place and that is it. Your conscious mind determines how things must manifest and when it does not manifest in such and such a manner you become angry. You become upset you think that you are doomed to failure, you loose faith in yourself and in the project. The problems with that is that something of greatness doe snot come from going through those twelve tons of rock, it comes from going into a space of love and faith and operating from there. It comes from moving into and living in the moment. Let us say that you are this road builder, you are scheduled to dynamite this rock and then the dynamite does not arrive on time, or it is the wrong kind of dynamite, or you have just enough dynamite for five feet of rock and not twelve feet of rock. You become angry and upset because there are blocks in your road building. You see your future and what you see in the future is not what you like. You see your project being delayed, you see alls rots of awfulness, you see things NOT coming together and you get angry. That is not a good response. If instead you said to yourself, well, let me see here, I DO have enough dynamite to go through five tons of rock, is there anyplace in this mountain that has five feet instead of twelve feet? would it be better for me to build my road there instead of here? The lessen here is to take what you have and make it work. Frank LLoyd Wright one day was building a home and he ran out of money for the light fixtures, so what did he do, he looked around him and saw all sorts of "spare" wood. He used them, and suddenly the home seemed whole and complete, it seemed to have a completeness that it didn't have before. That would not

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have happened if he didn't run out of money in the first place. He went on to build a philosophy of architecture that seeded the idea of wholeness and using what was literally part of the ground around the home, all because he didn't have 200.00 one day. Later he was to use a waterfall in a design of home, a beautiful piece of architecture because he learned the lessons of using the land around the home, using what was there and emphasizing it, instead of making the land the home "fit" into his preconceived ideas. That was part of his greatness. Many of you concentrate so much on the outcome that you do see the solution literally laying right next to you. You want things to go a certain way and believe that is how they should go instead allowing yourself to see better ways. When you are determined to building that road through that twelve tons of rock, you won't even consider the five tone option. If you are undergoing a project, and you run into trouble again first look and see if this project is "meant" to happen, if it part of your purpose. If you feel that it is, then look at the reasons for running out of money, resources etc. Look into the moment instead of your idealized vision of the project. Most idealized visions of projects stem from purely intellect. but greatness comes form the intuition and the soul. It comes form running out of money for light fixtures and seeing the left over construction wood around the house. it is the visions that is part of the map, it is not the application. You will at times get a vision of how something should be, then you intellect will guide you on how to accomplish this vision. However, as good as the intellect is, it is limited. That is when you run into problems, money won't be there, people will quit, XXXX will occur. It is at that time that you need to think through you beliefs but also come into the moment and let go of how something NEEDS or SHOULD happen. Instead look around you and think about how it can STILL happen. One of the biggest problems with project is that when things to go according to the plans people get angry, they get discouraged, they get mad at each other. then try and find the scapegoat. It is at this point that the project becomes something that was "good" and becomes filled with energy that is negative. Here is in interesting concept, the heart always knows the answers to the problems is it the intellect that has problems. When you are filled with angst and frustration, you are living in the intellect. Again we have NOTHING against the intellect tit is a wondrous tool, a needed tool in your life, however it is just that a tool, not a total way of existence. so let us say that you are this road builder. Look at the problems with your dynamite and see if there is any way around them. If you are stuck to those plans you will more then likely NOT find way around them. However once you have used the limit of your intellect, then bring the problem into the energy of your heart. See your egg and see your heart energy, take it to the heart and ask it what it thinks you should do? It will answer you, and many times it will give you quite a good answer. But this again is when you will reach problems, because your heart will more then likely say something different then you intellect. Now you must come to grips with that. You must look at

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that difference and decide the best course. You must find a compromise between the heart energy and the mind energy. You must find a course that will work. Again as we have stated before there are differing types of energy, but when you are in process of creation it is heart energy that actually is the center of creation. for from the heart comes love and love is the energy that creates. To love is to create. so when you cannot manifest you are having "heart" problems. Much of the your trouble with creation is that the mind interferes with the heart. To create is to love, not necessarily to think. Again we are not saying NOT to think, but the love is the first priority the first necessity, the first need. Let us say you are building this road because you love the city on he other side and want others to be able to go there. Let us say you are building this road because there is a hospital there and many people need to get there and get there quickly. That is a loving idea, a loving need and it is meant to work, however to truly make it work it must stay in the place of love. Then the love is combined with the intellect. Can you imagine e having a road meeting over dynamite and the engineers asking themselves what their hearts ay about the problems? They would traditionally laugh in your face, however that is the way to build a great road and a way to solve the problem. They may build the road, but there will be weaknesses in the he road because they did not use their hearts. They may have dynamited unnecessarily into the mountain. they did that because they believed it was necessary but maybe just maybe it is isn't' necessary, maybe if they thought with their hearts and the heart of the mountain they would see a much better road where they only need to blast five tons worth. Creation is a process, not a finished plan. The art of creations the art of love, it is the art of making do and mostly the art of "seeing" beyond the plan into the "heart" of the matter.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Self Defence and Rejection Book 2 Section 12: 6/29/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Self Defence and Rejection We wish to write something on psychic attack what it is, and what it isn't. First of all, In your world the opinion of other people is a premium for most of you. You want love and respect for your friends, family, business associates, and even all of your acquaintances. Reputation can get your a bank loan, can get you a car, a house, a raise and supposedly gets you love etc. In the famous Dicken's story of the Christmas Carol, the legacy of how you effect people is what is considered of greatest value. You see yourself through others eyes and whatever is reflected back is who you think you are. Yet you lose yourself and your power when you live your life for other people. It is believed that all people need love that all people need respect. You think that you must earn love and "be" good enough. You have all sorts of rules about how to act, what to say and what to think. You are frightened of rejection. You are frightened of other people's opinions of you. Many of your shoulds, are internal rules on "how to get another to love/ like you". Psychic attack takes advantage of those "rules". It takes advantage of your belief in the power of the other. One of the most basic forms of psychic attack is when someone rejects you. Another psychic attack is when someone is angry with you, it is almost as if someone "hits" you. Yet another form of psychic attack occurs when someone treats your coldly or maliciously. All psychic attacks takes place through telepathy. Basically since all of us are broadcasting signals, psychic attack occurs when someone feels rage, anger, etc. towards you. Most times, when the energy is strong you "take" that attack "in". You have all met someone who makes you immediately feel as if your skin will crawl. You have met someone who makes you automatically feel bad when you encounter them. Every time you see them, no matter how good you were feeling before suddenly you feel "down", sad and/or depressed. This is a basic psychic attack. Now, there are stories and some of them are true about "high" level psychic attacks. It is possible that through psychic attack another can physically harm you, or even possibly create a situation where you may do something you otherwise wouldn't. There are stories of when let us say a malcious ghost haunts you or you encounter a being from another "level". However these cases are EXTREMELY rare. It takes an incredible amount of energy for a being to create a high-level pyschic attack. Now, you create your own reality and NO psychic attack can work unless there is consciousness or unconsciousness willingness on the part of the "victim". In other words no one can EVER psychically hurt you unless you let them.

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You have "points" of weakness and what that means is that you have times where you reject yourself or when you hate yourself. You have spaces of time where you feel victimized, filled with anger and pain. It is in those spaces where you CAN be psychically attacked. Psychic attack takes place through some form of hypnosis and telepathy. Hypnosis takes place each and every day. Each time that you say something to yourself over and over again you are hypnotizing yourself. For example, if you look in the mirror and say, I am ugly, that is hypnosis as well as self-creation. Someone who would psychically attack you would become aware through telepathy that you feel ugly about yourself and "push" that psychic button. If you did not at first feel ugly, the attack would not "touch" you. Methods used here would include a symbol. Someone would give you a gift that made you "feel" ugly. For example, let us say that you are turning forty, and fear losing your looks, and fear old age. Let us say that someone gave you a jar of wrinkle cream as a"gift", that would indeed be a psychic attack. Now, let us say that, that person spent a GREAT deal of time meditating upon that jar of cream and filling it with "suggestions", then possibly depending upon the fear that you had, you would also be effected by the thoughts put into the jar of wrinkle cream. More then likely there are SOME negative thoughts associated with such a gift, even if the person did not sit and meditate and put a lot of negative thinking into it. The very act of buying it would be malicious. Generally psychic attack requires using a symbol. Remember as well that words are symbols. Now, telepathy takes place unconsciously each and every day. When someone thinks of you, you are "affected". When you think of another, they are affected. Since you are always broadcasting your beliefs and your energy system, your broadcast is effected by another. The more you "agree" with another's belief system, the more you are affected by thier thoughts. The more you are drawn to a person, the more they can effect you. As well, we have discussed before that people are a mirror of your own. So, when you are "attacked" there is a part of you that must reject yourself first, there is part of you that agrees with what the other person is thinking or it would NOT harm you. So when a person rejects you, you must AGREE that you deserve to be rejected, and then you reject yourself. That is a very basic psychic attack and generally a quite effective one. When you believe that you are bad, when you believe that you are incompetent, when you believe XXXX, that is where a psychic attack can take place. So when fighting someone's anger, rejection or a high-level psychic attack the first thing to do is figure out what your particular reason is for AGREEING with what the person is saying. If someone tells you that you are crazy, but you KNOW that you are not crazy then you will not be effected. However, if someone tells you that you are crazy, and that is a fear of yours, you will be deeply effected and more then likely angry. You will attempt to "fix" that person's assumption of you and become very defensive. You will feel righteous, you will fight back. When you fight back you are adding energy to the attack, you are adding fuel to the fire. Now most psychic attack takes place on an unconsciousness level, as well in one of the mild forms we have talked about. However, there are the high levels. IN order for a psychic attack to take place on a high level, the person would have to be aware of HOW to do it. IN other words, the person conducting the attack would have to have knowledge of how telepathy effects you. The person would have

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to KNOW how to use the higher levels or higher planes. There is are high protective mechanisms here because people who work well within the higher planes again generally are only allowed there if "they are good". WE cover this more when we talk about the energy spiral. You see in order to conduct a psychic attack of high magnitude against another, the individual conducting the attack would have to be filled with tremendous maliciousness. The person would be filling his consciousness probably for long periods of time with tremendous amounts of anger and rage in order for the attack to work. By filling his consciousness that long with that many negative emotions, the ATTACKERS life would be VERY negatively affected. Also the only way that the person would be allowed knowledge of the |higher realms, is if her or her will was EXTREMELY strong. Way, way, way beyond the norm. The will required here is almost impossible. Most all individuals who do have knowledge of of the higher planes realize the power of this plane, and realize that by causing a malicious attack they would only end up harming themselves more. Therefore in order to cause a malicious attack of a high level, you would have to have a person of tremendous will, a person who was crazy enough to cause terrific harm to himself, and a person with tremendous knowledge. There are very few individuals that can EVER do that. Now people who are very ill psychologically many times are psychic. There is the traditional story of the ranting and raving manic in an asylum who KNOWS things ahead of time. One reason for that is that the psychic abilities are opening up up to "help" them. They are given abilities to "get them through". People with multiple personalties have tremendous psychic ability. They actually touch on deep forces and literally have another entities enter into their psychic realms. It is interesting but little knows fact that many multiple personalties have tremendous difficulty with machinery of any kind. They are constantly blowing up lightbulbs etc. because they have such an abnormally high level of psychic energy, little that of multiple people. Machines work for people who have "normal" range of energy. those that have higher selves of energy have difficulty with machines. The more upset they are, the more machines will "suddenly" break around them. There are many similarities between multiple personality, possession in the traditional sense, and channeling. We will do an entire posting on this..... Another reason that many of these "ill" people have "true" experiences if because they have "let go" of traditional reality, therefore they minds are upon to "other" places. It is these people who will conduct psychic attack. But again this attack will ONLY work when the supposed victim ALLOWS it to happen, because they agree on some level with what the attacker is doing. For our next posting we will discuss how to protect yourself from psychic attack.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Psychic Attack Defences Book 2 Section 13: 6/29/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Psychic Attack Defences The first defines against psychic attack is again to find the belief that you agree with, and see why you are "letting" yourself be attacked. This is how you are "letting" the other person in your pysche. Now there is a belief that they way to fight an attack is to attack back. That is NOT the way to handle this for again, you are only adding fuel to the fire. You must "see" the beliefs behind the attack. You must begin to look at the pain behind the attack. You must begin the process of healing the pain, fear or anger that you have in yourself. We would suggest hat if someone is truly hurting or harming you, you stay away from them until you can heal yourself and your pain and begin to change your beliefs bout your insecurities. If you are "forced" by circumstances "beyond your control", (realize that you are never forced), to encounter this person then imagine it was the last day you would ever see or imagine that the person is dying, what would you say and what would you feel about them then? Generally when there is someone in your life who is attacking you it is because the two of you have some sort of "history", some sort of unresolved business. At the basis of all of that hatred or maliciousness is love, on both sides, by imagining losing that person you begin to feel the love again. then when you are in a space of love then allow yourself to see that person. Now, this space may only last for a few seconds, let us say five seconds before you feel hurt and angry again, then you must congratulate yourself because that was five seconds better then the day before. Eventually if you keep working oat it, you may be able to "hold" that feeling of love for ten minutes or ten hours. the more you work at it the better you will feel. Now, then again everything is energy so if someone is attacking you, or you are entering a difficult and painful situation, imagine the energy between the two of you. "see" in your mind's eye the energy and the connections of energy. When you feel only love for someone, your two energies will form another third energy field, it is like your energy has grown, and the two energy fields are as one. Your energy "eggs" become as one. When there is a problems between the two of you, there will be "blocked" spaces in your energy. if you review the sections we have written on what the blocks stand for, you may gain amazingly clues as to what the "real" underlying issue is in a relationship. Most times there are "underlying" issues, this is NOT because the person is lying to you it is because that they themselves are unaware of what they really feel or that they themselves are hiding something from themselves. By looking at their energy egg you will begin to get clues as to what those issues really are. However, before you encounter this person before you enter the room with them, "see" in your eye then egg then send the blocked spaces "love".

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Each of you must think to yourselves what love looks like and what love feels like. Go into your temple of peace , when you feel "lightness", imagine if you will that there is space of only love in the universe and indeed there are many such spaces. imagine if you will that there is a cord from the top of your head and see that cord becoming a bridge to "love". Walk the bridge to love? what do you see what do you feel? Are there any "objects" there? What do you hear? Those colors, those sounds, those objects are now your symbols of love. When you need to "feel" love imagine that place or simply imagine one of those sights, sounds or objects, they are now your symbols of love. Then send that color, that sound, that object to the person who is attacking you, see in your minds' eye their egg changing. if you continue to do this, you will be surprised at how much the relationship will change. As well, many times you can see a space on their energy egg where their energy will "push" at you. It may look like a cone and their energy is aimed right at you. You may wish to place around yourself a shield of mirrors. This is a defensive posture. we strongly recommend the above exercises instead, however, if you cannot maintain a space of love in your energy or give love to this person no matter what you are thinking and again are "forced" to encounter an individual who is psychically attacking you on any level, a shield of mirrors works. In this particular case you imagine your egg encased in mirrors. then when the person attacks you, they only "see" themselves back. Whatever they send to you, they automatically send right back to themselves. the problems with this, is that it can indeed make the situation worse, because all the anger, rage, etc. that they are sending your way, is now redirected at themselves and it very probably will make the situation worse. However, you are "forcing' them to face themselves, not necessarily a bad thing. Another version of this, stronger then the mirror exercise is to imagine yourself surrounded by thick plastic. You can hear nothing and "see" nothing or encounter "nothing". this is the ultimate protection, however the attacks from the other person WILL increase in this particular protection because they desperate need to be heard, and you are TOTALLY shutting them out. A way to rid yourself of the effects of a psychic attack or the taking upon of an individuals energy is to "wash" it away. imagine that you are suffering form feelings of anger, pain or rejection. We suggest you then place yourself in a bath or a shower and use some scent that gives you peace. Good suggestions are rose and/or jasmine For men sandalwood, bergamot or any really woody scent. and then wash that negative energy away. see yourself being bathed in a golden light or a pink light. when it is washed off, watch the negative energy go down the drain with the water. Yet another way to rid yourself o f the effects of an attack that you have accepted into yourself is to "burn" it. Imagine taking a piece of paper and placing all of your pain into it. maybe the person called you a "bitch", then write bitch on the paper, imagine in your mind the pain you felt, and then "burn it". then light another candle if you will and this time imagine what you want to feel about yourself, "good" or "happy". concentrate on this feeling for a long time, take the paper and "save" it. When you are encountering the person again, take that peace of paper with you, maybe wrap it up in a piece of pretty clothe and every time the person "attacks" you, touch the paper or the clothe.

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All things have energy. having that with you will make you "remember" a time when you were healed and help you to withstand another attack and help you to cure the effects of an attack that caused you pain. One of the most effective ways of dealing with negative energy is to create a circle around you. Again this is more a defines and all defense are temporary unless you deal with the underlaying issues within yourself. Basically see a circle around you, a circle of golden light or white light. this circle will then "protect" you. As long as you "see" yourself in this circle the attack will bounce off of you. this si slightly different then the mirror idea in that the mirror is a VERY strong defines, this si a lighter version of this. the light may absorb some of the energy and turn it into light, but the mirror will create the effect of total "bounce". After you have dealt with the person, cut or break the circle in your mind's eye so that the energy dissipates around you. Ultimately when encountering a psychic attack, you must again realize that this is touched off by something within your own psyche. If someone calls you a chair, and is serious about it and you KNOW that you are NOT a chair you will merely laugh at them. The ultimate way to heal this attack is to cure yourself o the belief that is casing you the pain in the first place, the above are temporary methods of dealing with painful difficult situations on any level. When you send out love to someone, when you give them love, you are also giving love to the part of yourself that has rejected yourself. Sending love it situation, healing light or healing sound or symbol of any sort is by the far the most effective way of healing it, because you begin he healing process within yourself. However, this can be extremely difficult for you to do. We have in past posting described the belief systems that you need to operate from, we have described basic method so clearing yourself from past pain, utilization of all o these methods is what is needed in difficult situations. Finding out and diagnosing the problems within your own pysche is the "key" to resolving an issue.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Moving Into The Future Book 2 Section 14: 6/29/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Moving Into The Future One problems that occurs on a regular basis is the belief that what is difficult in your life that is what is causing you pain is IN the past. We agree that your past unless cleared out will indeed effect your present, however many of you go into therapy and learn the reasons for your pains, your hurts etc. and use them as REAONS for not being healed. It is a common belief that you can never overcome your past. to this we say "horsefeathers". After you have figures out what is 'wrong" and what needs to be resolved. RESOLVE it. Then LET IT GO. the more you think that something is the reason for a problem, the more it becomes a problem. When you encounter a problem, and you react in a way that is not healthy for you, many of you say well that is my past. I am doing this because my father died when I was eight years old. I am doing this because my Dad was an alcoholic. I am doing this because my mother was manic-depressive as a child. You see, your past becomes reason for your dysfunctional behavior. You begin to "accept" that you will always "be" that way. That spells out victim in a big way. Instead when faced with a problem after cleaning out the past. It should only take one truly effective cleaning to clear yourself out. Look into the future. If you wish for something, don't come up with reason for why you CAN'T have it come up with reason for why you CAN have it. So, let us say that you wish to make a million dollars. You could look at yourself and say I don't' have a million dollars because I learned from my parents that money is hard to come by. That is reason to NOT have a million dollars. Instead begin to imagine yourself having the million dollars in the near future. Picture it imagine it, 'see" it and most importantly feel how you would feel differently. Ask yourself what you believe differently. Feel that person, what does that person wear, what does that million dollar person feel, what does the million dollar person think during the day, and again most importantly what does that million dollar person BELIEVE. Each of you hypnotize yourself during the day. You may say to yourself, I don't know what my beliefs are about a current situation. We tell you, that you do. just listen to what you say to yourself during the day. Merely, LISTEN to your thoughts and what you are telling yourself. Are you telling yourself that you are bad? Are you telling yourself that you are unworthy? Do you have a person in your life that you are VERY angry at because you believe that they are TELLING you that you are unworthy. If they ARE telling you that, why are you fighting them? I sit because YOU believe it to be true? If you wish to lose fifty pounds, and you look in the mirror in the morning and say to yourself, I am so ugly, you will not lose the fifty pounds, you need to love the body as you would if you were fifty pounds lighter.

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If you wish for that million dollars you need to think the thoughts of someone who has a million dollars. Your reality both good an bad exists because what you say to yourself each and everyday. Your thoughts are what is causing your reality both good and bad. again the more you believe that you are dysfunctional because of XXX that happened when you are six, the more dysfunctional you will be. many of you when you read the posting say to yourself, but I don't know what I believe? Or you look at problems and you say to yourself well, I can't figure out he belief's behind this problems. First of all, it is not that hard, what are you thinking about the problem. If you have creditors call you and you want a million dollars, what are you saying to yourself when that creditor calls? I WILL never have enough money. I will always be broke, sure enough there are your beliefs and your thoughts. If you find yourself resentful and angry with a person again ask yourself what are the beliefs. Well, so and so called me crazy. I am NOT crazy. it's true in the past I am have sunk into depression, it is true that my family suffers from depression, but I am NOT crazy and I will prove it to XXXX. We tell you, can't you see in your thoughts that by needing to defined yourself a part of your believes that you are crazy or that you COULD go crazy. Now, once you have cleared out the reasons why you may initially have boughten into a certain group of beliefs it is time to look into the future. Sit down for fifteen minutes each and every day for one months and tell yourself you are going to hypnotize yourself into a new life. Begin your fifteen minutes in your temple of peace, then sit down with the person of your future and ask them what they feel, see how they look and ask them what they believe. When you have that very useful information, say that belief over and over and over again. For fifteen minutes every day for one month. Now, during this period of change new idea and new thoughts will "occur" to you. New ideas and new actions will encounter into your consciousness. This is where it si time for you to actually DO them. As we have said from the beginning it is not enough to think something , you must also do. So when one of these new ideas or actions occur to you, you must DO them. Listen to these impulses and FOLLOW them. Next, for thirty minutes every day or even an hour ACT like the new person, in all of your daily actions. For example, if you are shy, act for thirty minutes to an hour as if you WEREN'T shy. Let yourself "be" that unshy person. Yes, act if you WERE fifty pounds thinner. For example, let us that if you were fifty pounds thinner you would go swimming. Go swimming NOW. Let us say if you were fifty pounds thinner, you would say hi to the attractive man across the hall. SAY HI. Let us ay if you had a million dollars you would feel good about taking a trip to the Caribbean for a vacation, call a travel agent and talk about TAKING a trip to the Caribbean. You may say to yourself, but NONE of that is true. I am lying to myself. I may even be LYING to others. I may be liking to that travel agent that I have enough money. The more you ACT with your new beliefs the more you will manifest them. A few years back there was very popular movie called "pretty woman". In this movie a young hooker married a rich corporate man. You see for one week, this young hooker became the "wife" of a rich man. She dressed differently, she acted differently, she learned how to be a lady, and SHE BECAME A LADY and the wife of

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a rich man. Fro that week was she "lying? She was becoming. At one point the "lie" became the "reality". Now when you are manifesting a new belief system and you are going through your fifteen minutes of meditation and belief changing, and you DO run into a strong block, a strong belief or image from the past, then you SHOULD clear it out. But initially, move for the future go towards the future. this si when you find the blocks form the past, but do not start out looking for them. Do not begin by expecting them to be there. The difference between the you, you are the the you, you want to be are the beliefs and the energy surrounding you. Change those beliefs and in the process change your energy and sure enough YOU are the person you wish t be. It is that simple. Your beliefs are very available to each of you, but most of you do not "wish" to look at them. It is easy to say to yourself, I don not knew what my beliefs are. Your beliefs are within your thoughts. When you think of something you want, the million dollars what do you innately think after it or maybe even during it. Do you think I can't have that? there is your belief and it is the the PRESENT not in the past. You must change your beliefs in the present, in order to create the future that you wish. Your problems are NOT in the past, unless you believe them to be, or put your energy into the past. Now your beliefs about reality are NOT reality. You must have at least an intellectual understanding of that you undertake the above exercises. You must have at least a part of you BELEIVE, that "reality" is good. That the universe is a safe, abundant, joyous place. Now, you must also have the WILL to change. This is the real purpose of will. You see, it is not EASY to change beliefs and ideas about life. At least not initially. This iswhere will comes into place. You must have a commitment to change, you must have a desire to become more then you are. Fortunately, as we have said before the universe MOVES towards expansion. Everyone has a desire to grow to become more then they were before. There is a natural motion or movement to expansion. First there is the loving energy of life itself, this is channeled through your purpose, on the next level this is channeled through beliefs, your emotions STEM from your beliefs, then the next level is that of the intellect and WILL. Finally from all of this you ACT. But the belief COMES first. You existence, your energy is channeled through your beliefs, again they come BEFORE your emotions. Your emotions give you another key to your beliefs. When you are angry, and in pain, when you feel hurt, you are encountering your beliefs about yourself and the world. You are encountering FALSE beliefs about reality. Because from our vantage point reality again is good, sage, abundant and joyous. Pain exists to have you look into yourself and change beliefs that are limiting you. Pain exists to open up. The purpose of pain is change, change the beliefs it takes TO GET OVER IT. Being frustrated over current condition in your life, rebelling against conditions, just reinforces them in your life. Living in the past causes you to recreate that past. Change is not born out of frustration, but CHANGING the situation. The key to changing the situation begins with changing it internally and then listening to yourself and DOING what needs to be done. Venting frustration,

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actually just KEEPS the situation as it is. Because then the energy that was needed to change is VENTED INTO the situation, instead of used to change it. Venting frustration keeps you a VICTIM of the situation. The bigger the situation you wish to change the more will, and the more FAITH it will take.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Anger Book 2 Section 15: 7/04/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Anger As we have said before there are basically only two basic emotions love and fear. All fear is an illusion. Therefore when you are angry, when you are frustrated, when you are in pain, what you are REALLY is in fear. Face the fear, look at the fear, look into the fear, and the pain, anger, rage, disappear with it. Energy g either contracts, or it expands. Energy either moves toward something or goes back into itself. Sow hat do you do when you are angry,w hat do you do when you are frustrated? First of all realize that no matter what you are angry at, no matter what you are frustrated at, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTIFICATION FOR IT EVER. Now, that is truly a radical concept in a world filled with a deep and seemingly unending vision of victimization. So someone cheats, you, you can be angry there is not "wrong" with being angry but it will only make matters whose and accomplish nothing. There is a belief in your society that anger is healthy. That when you are angry you 'get things done". that anger is god because it is useful.d We tell you it is never useful to be angry. yes, you do generate energy, but there are significantly better ways to generate energy. Yes, you feel temporarily empowered. By screaming, yelling and attacking something, you suddenly feel powered, but this power is basically a lie, because when you react with anger you only make the situation worse. Samantha has watched the movie Indiana Jones, and there is a scene where he is in a bazaar and someone is coming towards him with a large sword. There is the underlaying assumption in the movie that he will fight a sword with a sword, but instead he simply takes out a gun and shoots the sword man. Now, we are NOT advocating violence, but when you buy into anger you are like in Indiana Jones in that you are faced with a swordsman, but unlike Indiana Jones, you WILL not use the gun, you will fight with the sword. Anger causes you to use more energy that you need too, because you believe that you are a victim. All anger stems from that belief in being a victim. when you believe you are a victim, you follow the rules of the other person, and you fight on his terms and in his way. You generate a lot of energy fighting on his terms and on his way, but it is WASTED energy. Like the movie above, the swordsman expected Indiana to fight BACK with a sword. He expected in his anger that his anger would be met and matched, what made the scene work was that Indiana didn't get anger, what he did was simply "see" the situation for what it was and used another part of his mind to get him out of there. When you are angry, you believe that you are a victim, and this victimization clouds you ability to find at the much more powerful and effective way out. You flail about when you are angry.

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You are like the bull in the proverbial china cabinet. Indeed the bull has tremendous energy, but does he NEED that energy? is it useful to him? We think not. would it not be better of the bull were calm, cool and collected that is all he needs to be in that particular situation, there is no danger and no risk there. There is simply nothing there that is all that important or that dangerous. So what do you do when you face a situation and you find yourself angry? First and foremost Do NOT TALK it out with someone who believes strongly in anger and who reinforces you idea of anger. Do not try to find someone to commiserate with you, for then you anger becomes stronger. Second, DO NOT EVER REACT in anger. for when you react in anger you create more anger. So you ask am I becoming a victim of the circumstance, am I letting this person get away with this? We tell you again, that no one can ever get away from a situation. What you must do is first of all tell yourself that whatever you are angry at is an illusion and ask yourself what are you "wrongly" fearing? When you ask this question, you are assuming that "fears" are wrong? You are assuming that the world is a safe place to be in. You are assuming that you create you own reality and you are NOT a VICTIM of your circumstances. Finally, you are assuming that if you face your fear or anger will go away and you will grow as a person by facing that fear. All of those assumptions are indeed correct and all of them are valid. So let us say that you have asked that question and your internal self has answered by saying that you are frightened that you will soon be short of money? When you answer the question of anger that we stated above with an external answer, you are not going deep enough into the question. Do not accept external answers for they are not deep enough and they will not lead you to the core belief of your victimization, they will not lead you tot he core center of self where the "real" belief behind the situation need to be faced. Instead ask yourself why do you assume from an internal basis that you will be short of money? well, you say I have been short of money in the past and it was VERY unpleasant. Why were you short of money in the past, what BELIEF lead you to be short of money? what LESSON led you to be short of money? many you have an underlaying assumption that the universe will not care for you. Maybe you have an underlaying assumption that there is something wrong with you and that you will never have enough money because you the work you love isn't good enough. Now you are moving more and more into the core of the "real" situation. Keep asking the questions, keep asking question that force you to go deeper and deeper into yourself. Every time you get an answer that responds to an "external" event or an external reasoning g, you know that you are AVOIDING the internal problems. The INTERNAL is always before the EXTERNAL. The internal creates the external. When you have heard in your mind"aha". When you can 'see" the internal event that lead to the external event that you are afraid of reacurring, you have reached the center of your fear, and therein lies your real anger. One reason for anger is that it is easier many times then facing the internal belief the internal fear that is hiding under the anger. Anger is a lie that makes you feel powerful in the face of what seems to be powerlessness. Anger tries to keep you from facing yourself. That is where anger is dangerous. It is a lie that you perpetuate unto yourself to keep you from facing yourself.

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Now when you are in the center of that fear, you will feel the need to run from it. You will not want to face it. You will be frightneed that it is indeed true. You must now realize deep within yourself that ALL FEAR IS AN ILLUSION. That is a profound assumption. All fear is NOT real. You are again endless, you are again filled with power, you live in an endless, safe, and openended universe. When you look at the fear in the face of that knowledge it will simply fade away and with it will fade your anger and sure enough the answer that caused the problems will simply arrive in your mind as if it always was and why couldn't' you see this answer before? It was always in your mind and you couldn't' see the answer before because your mind was clouded with fear and then it was clouded with the anger that was there to protect you from your own fears. You have cleared away the anger and there by cleared away the fear and now you will have strength and courage to face whatever is on your plate.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Approval Book 2 Section 16: 7/05/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Approval Approval from other people places you in the role of the victim. When you believe that you create your own reality, you can no longer by a victim by what other people think of you. The basic belief behind approval seeking is that there is something intrinsically "bad" about you. An approval seeker does not trust the self. An approval seeker looks to others to define him or her. This gives other tremendous power over the approval seeker. Again, the basic belief is that the individual involved does not believe in his or her own selfworth. Your society leans towards outward or external vision of self or reality. What can be "proved", what is outside of you is what is defined as reality. Approval seeking is one version of this concept. Other opinions, other's outward beliefs are what matter. Internal reflection or internal thought is not defined as real or as good. Approval seekers believe that everyone is out to judge them. All judges are generally equal. So that the sixteen year old kid is just as important a judge as the successful artist. Behind approval seeking is a deep fear of the inner self. For some reason an approval seeker has rejected the inner self. Many artists and people who are very creative reject themselves because they are afraid of themselves and their own creations. Possibly they have been penalized at an early age for their creations. Creativity comes from the inner self, and as a rule your society has very little respect for the arts, because it DOES come from the inner self. Although that is changing as are all levels of your society. Now as we have stated before all people that you encounter are mirrors of your inner self. From their vantage point you are mirrors of their inner self. What you believe about yourself is reflected through the voices of others. What you tell yourself about yourself is what you will encounter in your daily life. When you criticise yourself a great deal, you will find many people criticizing you. When however, you give yourself a great deal of love, you will find yourself being given a great deal of love. Others are a refection of your beliefs about yourself and your beliefs about reality. Now when you create your own reality, you become the director of your own play, and that play is your life. Samantha has a tremendous love for theater and in fact has directed a great many plays. one interesting thing she has learned is that the process of putting on a play is very similar to changing your life. Also what generally happens between people in the play will "float" over into daily life and play itself out in "reality". When you create your own reality you consciously direct your own play, and therefore view the others in your play as "actors' voicing the differing beliefs about yourself. When you don't create your reality and you live in an outward world, you realize that what others are doing or thinking about in your world are again reflection of yourself , your beliefs and your internal feelings about your self. For example, if you are AFRAID of yourself and do not trust yourself you will find that others in your reality will NOT

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trust you. You may have problems paying back bills, because you do not trust yourself to do so. If you harass yourself, and treat yourself badly, sure enough others in your reality will harass you and treat your badly as well. If you live in the external world of approval seeking, you will find that others will "write" about you, you will be written into their plays. When you create that reality, you can change that passive role into a role when you write your own existence. What that means in relation to relationships is that if you wish for a soul mate, you must first find your soul within yourself. When you find your soul, your soul mate will appear. If you have trouble getting a commitment form someone, that means that you have trouble committing to yourself. If lots of people criticize you, then you are criticism yourself. That means that you must change your internal voices about yourself in order to improve you life play. So what will happen? Well, if you are involved in a tremendous game of corporate politics, and people are at war with you. That means that you are at war within yourself. Stop playing wargames within yourself and either you will enter another version of reality and sure enough suddenly overnight the individuals involved will change and become cooperative, or you will be fired or suddenly a wonderful job will appear on the horizon, and sure enough that new environment will not include the corporate politics. now we have said before that each of you form a triangle if you will will another person. There is you, there is the other persona and there is the third energy that the both of you create together. You are literally more with someone then you are apart from them. However, there are interactive circles of energy. If you will the entire universe is a web of interactive circles. You are in your center circle, and the other people around you surround you in circles as well. For the space that the two of you interact, you effect each other and create another form of energy. Each circle interacts will other circles so the universe is linked in a such a manner. You are never more then five or six circles of energy away form anyone in the entire world. That means that your energy circles have tremendous effect upon the world, and they have tremendous effect upon you. The people you have drawn into o the play of your life, are the people who share similar beliefs and about the world and about your relationship to the world. If you are involved in corporate politics, it means that you believe in the Darwinian struggle of survival of the fittest and everyone in your reality will mirror such a belief. If they do not, that means that your beliefs are in the process of changing. Now when your have a problem with someone in your life, when you are seeking approval, what you must do, as a wizard is to suspend your belief in the objective reality. That the world is out there and begin to look at what and how what the person is saying is really about how you view yourself and your world. The next step is to tune into he the energy that the two of you are making and creating together. Can you see this energy? when you belie e into eh outward reality, you must believe that energy is limited and therefore each of you are trying to gain energy from the other. most relationships are power struggles and they are power struggles because the individuals involved are attempting to gain something from another. Approval seeking is one form of that power struggle and reflects a lack of belief into the self, and distrust of the self. When you go to lawyer or a doctor or a psychologist you are reflecting a belief that you cannot handle the problems yourself, that experts are more fit to tell you how to run your life then you are. One way to "cure' the desire for

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approval seeking is to find another way to channel energy into your life. A desire for approval seeking is based upon external beliefs that you are not enough, but as well, it is the desire for energy. The energy that are good enough, that you belong,t hat you are OK. If you exist, you are good enough, if you exist there is a reason for your being. You can touch upon the universal energy that made you and get the same energy rush that you would if you were attempting to get approval. Imagine if you will, that you are sitting somewhere close to nature, or indeed sitting somewhere in nature. Then shut you eyes, imagine yourself having roots into he ground, like the trees around you. Then feel yourself reaching fro the universe like the branches on a tree, feel your self grow up and feel the energy flow from your roots into the levels of your body. Imagine your egg around you, then see it light up, see it filled with golden, pinkish light. Feel it move through you, and around you, feel it going through the different levels that are you. Feel yourself growing into the sky, yet feel yourself rooted to the ground. Feel the energy running through all levels of your body, feel it move through you energize you , make you one with all that is. When you feel energized, imagine the energy STAYING into your body, into your roots and coming out of it.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Self Love Book 2 Section 17: 7/09/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Self Love The most important thing you can do to create a happy reality for yourself is to love yourself. The universe loves you and wishes for you to have happiness, abundance and peace. the universe wishes for you to flow your internal map. this map BRINGS happiness, abundance and peace. Imagine if you will that you are a small child of very living parents. As parents you wish to give your child whatever you can. You wish to provide that child with all the love, happiness and education that you can. the universe is that most loving of all parents. Many times you do not have what you want or what you dream of within yourselves because you do not listen to the inner sounds of your deeper selves, the inner sounds of your heart moving you towards your map. You also do not accept that you are worthy. for at each stage that you do not love yourself , so do you NOT allow the universe to provide for you. Now, there is within each of you a belief that self-love is wrong. Self-love is egotistical, or arrogant, or bad or something. If you were to look in a mirror and say to yourself, I love you, I truly love you must the way that you are, most all of you would feel tremendously uncomfortable. self-love is the greatest gift hat you can give yourself because when you love yourself you open yourself up to the loving energies of the universe itself. As you move forward on your path and start experimenting with the ideas of wizardry, you may find that you are more sensitive then before. You may find that you are more psychic, more clairvoyant. You may find that you simply KNOW things. some of you think that if you life is not peaceful, then you are NOT enlightened. Yet many of you are here to act as seeds for the future. For those of you, it is part of your path to encounter much pain from other people. The more that you love yourself the more that you can be unaffected by other people's energy. Let us say that you encounter someone in your life who suddenly seems to be angry or malicious with you. First and foremost, you must look into he why of that. Since most of you do not love yourselves you will take on that energy and see yourself as bad. See yourself as something wrong with you. However, if you "see" that you are good, if you are filled with self-love, even if you are in the wrong , you will love yourself enough to forgive yourself and move on. You will love yourself enough to not be affected by the other person's great and painful anger. When you encounter a negative situation, you must give love to yourself first and foremost. Then you must through that self-love center yourself and you will find that you can love the other person and "forgive" them. When you "react" to a situation, you loose power in that situation. When you love yourself, you move much more lightly. You can consider what the best act should be. You can consider what is best for yourself as well as what is best for another. When you love yourself, you automatically love the world around you. You are automatically much more kind

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and giving towards it. You also open yourself to the universal energies that exist to support you through that love. As we have talked about there are levels of energies. the higher the level of energy, the finer the energy. This fine energy requires a great deal of love. the finer the energy the more transparent you become to another energy. When entering a place or encountering another person, try to see their egg and where it is coming from. If you can then "blend" with that egg and still main tin your selfhood, then you are transparent to another energies and whatever they say or do will simply not effect you. For example, if you are encountering a person whose egg is primarily purpose, change you egg to a purple color, or at least a color closer to purple, but still retina that selfhood even in the new color. You will take on that other persons energy without it effecting yours. You will literally become a loving mirror for them. This will diffuse any "nasty" situation that you should encounter. You can do effect the energy of another person, by simply blending in with their energy and sending it an energy that is loving and peaceful. Let us say that you are in a store and there is a very long line and you are very frustrated and sure enough the other in front and back of you are also frustrated, maybe the cash register breaks down, and that is the only one in the store. Find your peaceful energy, begin to the see the combined egg energy of those around you. IN this case it might be a an ugly black, then turn your energy into a peaceful black and combine it with the other energy. You will begin to feel tremendously peaceful and very likely change the entire energy of those around you. All is energy, all is combination of energy. The more you love yourself, the finer your energy and the move you can move through and change the energy around you into a more loving space. We suggest hat you do look in a mirror and say to yourself every morning and every night before you go to bed that you love yourself. That are a great and lovable person. Begin to feel a swelling of peace move through your entire system of selfhood. Begin to feel a tremendous loving energy move into other spaces within your life. When you feel that energy that is where you must come form in order to be transparent to anothers energy. You can also from this space begin to "see" and understand what it is within their energy that is "wrong" and causing them to act in such a a manner. You can in a sense contact them, the finer you go, the more knowledge you can gain bout another. the more the other opens up to naturally the way that flower opens up to the sun. The more that you love yourself the more that you allow the loving, finer energies of the universe to touch you. The more you allow the energies to flow through you and create a life even in the midst of the deepest pain, a sense of peacefulness.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Moving The Main Energy Center Book 2 Section 18: 7/11/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Moving The Main Energy Center Now you are an egg or ball of energy that you will. Within each of your energy "cores" their lie your belief systems when the energy points flow through. However, each of you has one "major" energy point. This main point is where you mostly operate in your daily life. It maybe the heart center and you are highly emotions. It may be from the pelvic region, so that you are by nature very grounded. One way to change yourself and therefore change you life is to find within yourself that main energy center and then move it, to another main energy center. Let us say that you are centered in the heart center and are highly emotional by nature, but also get easily hurt and seem to over react to situation. Let us say that you wish to be more balanced in your life, or to "raise' you energy to a higher "self", you may wish to move into the the third eye region or move into the the region at the very top of your head, the crown of yourself if you will. There are many picture of Jesus Christ depicting a golden halo around his head, these picture show an understanding of energy systems. if you were to live more in the halo region you would become more spiritual. Now, the first thing you need to do is to look into yourself and sense your main energy source.e Place yourself in a calm, peaceful and quiet meditative state. Imagine yourself as a egg, what do you see around yourself? You will see many levels of colors and many levels of existence. Levels and layers, however intially you may only "see" , or sense one particular layer. whatever you "see" or sense intially, you may feel or sense a center that is particularly strong. Look into hat center, move into hat center what do you sense or feel? w hat do you see? Now, imagine if you will that you are moving that center to a higher region, you will begin to feel lighter or lightheaded if you will. possibly you will feel a tremendous sense of happiness? Imagine moving it there and what do you see or feel? You have now moved your energy center. Imagine it stays there. Now get and up and go through your daily activities. Initially the energy center will move then likely stay with you and you will feel lighter, happier, things will seem to flow easier. Then, at some point in the day, you will probably feel a let down of sorts. You may feel. You will suddenly feel heavier and what felt lighter before and what seemed possible before will suddenly seem impossible. You will feel like "yourself' again. That means that some sort of incident has propelled you back into your old energy system. You may suddenly feel extremely negative, all of your fears many suddenly come to the forefront of your thinking. That is because these fears and these beliefs are what are preventing you from living indefinitely in that higher level of energy space. IN order to live in that higher space, you must fac end change those beliefs. One problem with what we are doing is that much of this work is experimentally. In other words you do need to intellectually understand the exercise in order to attmept them. Many of you need

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to reflect upon hat you are reading and looking into. You have an intellectual need to understand the theories behind energy systems, beliefs systems etc. But much of this type of knowledges needs to be experienced ed. You need to feel it. Once you feel the change form one energy system to another, that experience is worth more then hundreds of words. When you are faced with the bombardment of all of these negative beliefs, please write them down and look at where they are coming form. What are they are to protect you from. You must release these beliefs in order to move into the higher energy place.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Sensing Energy Book 2 Section 19: 7/20/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Sensing Energy Everything around you is energy, everything that exists existed as a energy thought form first. One thing that you must do as you begin the road to living as a wizard is to learn to sense and understand the energy around you. Learn to sense and understand the energy of what is happening in someone's life. The first step in sensing and understanding energy is to learn what is "your" energy and what is the energy of the environment you are. What is the energy of the people you encounter. you need to learn what is "you". in order to do this, you must begin to spend time alone with yourself. It is only when you are alone with yourself and surrounding where you feel safe that you begin to learn what your particular energy is. You may begin by seeing yourself as the egg we have mentioned in other postings, however imagine if you will that you are a color? What color are you? What color seems to "fit" you? Another exercise for sensing energy is to imagine if you will that you are a sound, or even a group of sounds? What sound would you be? Then imagine if you will, if you a were an animals, what animal would you be? What animal do you feel the most "understanding with"? Another step to sensing energy of yourself is to discover at which energy point you "live"? Some people live in their hearts, some people live in the mind etc. Imagine your energy egg and "see" if you will the place where you live. Now, there is a self a part of you are energy of you that is filled with a great deal of joy, a lightness if you will. When you begin to sense your own energy you will feel a certain lightness to it, it will feel good to sense this, you will feel lighter, happier, when you can sense this energy. Now each of you broadcast beliefs etc. into your world space. Each of you also pick up another broadcast. Each of you sense energy daily whether you recognize it as such or not. You are like a broadcast station who gives and receives. You can learn which messages to pick up and choose which messages to take in. You can also learn how to use the messages you do get. So instead of being like a television station that simply takes and broadcasts whatever it giving to it, you can be a broadcasting station that picks and chooses what it will air and what it will receive. Each of you can picture in your mind what is the "reality" of a situation. For example, you can imagine what you will do tomorrow morning when you get up. You can imagine what you did today? You run pictures in your mind, movies, television shows. You imagine what the future will bring, you imagine what the past has brought you can imagine a beautiful sunset, you can also imagine a wonderful moment in your life. In order to figure out what energy is your and what energy is yours you must first again get a feel for what is you, then in order to "clear" out messages of what is you versus what is really a message from another you clear out your mind. Imagine if you will that you are a chalk board

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and then "erase" whatever is in your "mind". Then imagine the person whom you wish the message from and see your energy join with him or her. Then feel what it feels like to be the other person, and then listen to what they are telling you or thinking about you. After you clear your mind with the chalkboard and you think of another person what do you "see' in your mind. When you think of the other person do you suddenly become filled with fear? then that person is fearful. when you think of that person do you suddenly feel filled with happy, then that person is happy? When you thin of the other person what pictures do you see in your mind and what do you feel? Now you create your own reality. You live through a screen of your beliefs. Rose colored glasses of beliefs although they may be black beliefs are orange beliefs or whatever. You live through that screen of beliefs and that is what you broadcast. You only listen to or feel or sense another's energy when they have some sort of similar screen in their mind. You can affect another's thoughts in your world because they would' be in your world if they didn't share some sort of similar thoughts with you. In your job for example, you may have someone that causes you a great deal of trouble. There are similar thoughts that you share with this person in order for your to be "enemies" if you will. When you get a negative vision of this person when you can "feel " this person's thoughts send yourself and this person thoughts of love and thoughts of peace. When you do this, this person who is in your reality will "lighten" up towards you. this person for no inexplicable reason may suddenly seem more friendly to you, or what was a huge problems may suddenly very easily be solved. All beings will accept the energy of love form another, and you can affect another person energy by sending this energy of love to them. One truly effective way of understanding someone or something is to let go of your particular worldview and move into the world view of another. It takes tremendous tolerance to do this. You must be willing to let yourself move into their mind space. This may initially feel frightening because you will being to "think" that you are "losing" yourself. Instead you are simply "opening" up yourself. You are "seeing" what the other person is "seeing" and undergoing a tremendous understanding of this person. Most times when you do this you begin to see that the problems that you may have with this person stem from differing belies about something as well as differing ideas. By learning to "see" through another's eyes, you being to feel a tremendous compassion for the other and his or her viewpoint. It is through that understanding and compassion that true change can take place. One of the biggest problem to sensing and "feeling" energy is that most of you do not believe that you are doing so. You think I am imaging this. You think this isn't for real. You begin to disregard the information, you negate it. I didn't really see the world through "Ed's eyes, and didn't really see what Kathy was upset about. this is "just my imagination". This doubts stem from belief systems in your society that each of you are separate entities and never do you meet. Instead you are integrated to each other, and through each other. You must take the information you are given seriously. You must begin to trust what you are being told for the more you ignore it, the more you do not allow it to consciously come to you. One way to begin to take the information more seriously is to record the information and "see" if it is accurate. Find ways to

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check it out. For example, when you meet up with Kathy as her if she is upset about something, and if she says yes and the imagine in your mind that you have heard confirm what Kathy says then you "know" that what you sensed is "real". More on effecting other thoughts next reading.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Violence Against Women, Feminism Book 2 Section 20: 7/20/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Violence Against Women, Feminism No one can take your power from you unless you let them. In your world, many women believe that they are victims of men. that they don't get the jobs, that they don't get the "breaks", that they can't get bank loans, XXXXX. As you believe so will it happen. Your society as well is bombarded with visions of woman as victim. Women are "saved" by men at night a lot on television. Woman as victim, woman as second class citizen it is a very large perception in your society. Your rapes, your stalkers, your abusive martial relationships, wife-beating etc. are all reflections of the belief in that woman are victims. but you argue, woman ARE discriminated against, so are blacks so are latinos etc. That is real, that exists within my society. those belief's are prevalent in your society, but you don't have to buy into them and what's more if you DON'T buy into them, then circumstances like that will NOT occur to you. Now feminisms, and all of the isms do indeed help the individuals involved for a while. The isms are breaking into your society and allowing for your society to view things differently. However, under each and every ism is the belief that the individuals is a victim of their society. All individuals are NOT created equal. Equal rights under the law is one thing. However every person is an individual and what works for one individual, does not work for another. What is true within one world is NOT true within another world. Each person has their own purpose to fulfill their own life to live and therefore they cannot be equal with the person next door to them because their purpose and reason for being upon the planet is different then the person next door to them. You are not equal to another, you are also not in a sense better then another, for each of you ARE equal in the sense that you are each here to fulfill a purpose and each of you have to live through XXXX in order to fulfill your purpose. So what about a woman who is attacked in her own home? What about a woman who is being stalked by an angry ex-husband? What about a woman who is on the run from a rapist? You are never a victim of another, unless you believe that you are so, unless you buy into victimization of yourself. In other words if you are the victim of abuse it is because you believe that you are a victim. it is because you have released your power unto another and that other has agreed to take it on. Does that mean that if you are raped you should feel guilty? Does that mean that being raped or stalked etc. is "right"? No, but it does mean that you need to break the bonds of your belief system, as do all of you who are alive upon the planet today. We have stated before that in Nazi Germany there will individuals who were placed into box carts and shipped into concentration

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camps, when they got there they looked around themselves and realized that they WOULD NOT be victims of this situation. They kept a deep inner peace and they simply walked out of the concentration camp. They belief ed with their hearts and should that they could leave those camps. They believed that they would not be harmed, and so they literally WALKED out the front gate. In the history of your world Nazi Germany was about victimization and power in a deep and profound way. That same drama is played out in many living rooms across America. That same drama is played out with your rapists, with your wife beaters with your stalkers. When someone attempts violence against you in any form the basic reason for doing this is a deep desire to have power over you. Your assailant feels victim and attempts to gain power over you by attacking you, so that the assailant can feel powerful again. People who commit violence feed off fear, as a starving animal feed off of food. Your fear is what they crave because when they can make you frightened, then they HAVE POWER OVER YOU. Let us say that you are running errands in a big city. It is after dark and an assailant comes up to you, and puts a knife out and pulls a gun on you. The first thing that person wants is to feel your fear. That person is acting in this matter so that they can feed off your fear and your rage. In your society is it expected that you will either be fearful or angry, for what is angry expect an expression of fear? Now, if you were to repoint with a deep sense of peace, center yourself in the face of your assailant, then you would feel peaceful even in the face of such violence. In a case like this, you would not have boughten into what your attacker wishes for, your fear and anger and sure enough. Your attacker will back off. You may simply say "no" and walk away. The peace is key here. We have discussed in out last posting the beginning of how what you are thinking effects another and how what they are thinking effects you. As you are centering yourself, as well try to 'see" beyond what your assailant is doing into his pain and his fear and then send him "loving" thoughts. Yes, it may seem impossible but that is ultimately what will "fix" the problems/ For if you repoint to anger fear and pain, with anger fear and pain, what do you create more anger fear and pain? If however you repoint with love to anger, fear and pain, then you will change the situation because love is always more powerful. Another related way of meeting an adversary is to meet that person in a state of innocence. For example, if a person encounters a baby, they are likely to open up to respond to the innocence. If you do NOT respond to an assailant with anything but innocence. IN a sense do now acknowledge the attack, but respond by maybe asking them how they are doing today and go forward with what you are doing, they will leave you alone. In a sense this si a very special form of denial. it is the "denial" of faith. You understand that the person may be able to hurt you, but a deeper sense of yourself realizes deep within yourself that something, god, a higher force, Buddha etc. WILL save you. You do not know how, you do not know why, you simply know that you will be all right in spite of everything that you are facing. Being a victim is actually attacking. Whenever you feel that you are the victim of a situation and you react from that frame of mind, then you are attacking and by attacking to become the same as your attacker. It matters not who goes first, when you respond from anger or fear you are

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attacking back and you and your attacker become one in the same and create an egg of greater fear, pain and anger. Being a victim of a situation is an excuse to do a mean cruel thing. There is in your world the menedez brothers now serving time. Yet their defense and was a viable one in your world is that they were attacked and therefore they were justified to attack. No one is to blame, yet everyone is responsible. That is the way to create a world that heals, instead of a world that hates. So how should you react in a situation of threat. First and foremost do not use what the other person has done to you as reason to do unto them. You must find that center of peace, and recognize that the person who is doing unto you feels that you have done unto them. Then you must think what is the best way to heal the pain of the situation, and it will NOT be to attack back. When you come from a place of love, a place of peace then and only then will you make the right decision in the place of your attacker. Now many of you think that anger is a right. Righteous anger, may the righteous rise, is well, righteous. it is your right, you deserve it and at times wallow in it. Anger as well, is a rush of energy. It can be like going to a horror movie, it is exciting, it sends the blood rushing it makes you feel more alive. Many people in your society are "hooked" on anger. They love that feeling, they are addicted to it. There is a joy in all emotion, even anger. If you are getting a "rush" out of anger and enjoy "killing" things on your computer, ask yourself if you simply do not feel alive enough? Are you bored with your life? do you long for a great project or long for a great "rush"? Do you long to be the heros of old? That is longing to live life to it's fullest. It is a longing to life a life filled with challenge and life filled with risks? {Possibly you are bored by your life? It is longing to take risks and live on the edge. You are feeling that your life is meaningless and that the current situation you are in, is not fulfilling you. You do not see your purpose in what you are facing. When you are on purpose you are filled with energy, when you do not see your purpose,w hen the circumstances in your life are such, that you do not accept what is happening to you is OK, you long for that drama that joy that sense of purpose and anger is a similar enough feeling that it is easy to substitute one of the other. All emotion is based in love, but love is not a passive emotion, love is joyous life enhancing emotion. most of you do not understand that. You thin of love as this passive "weak" emotion, instead it is like riding a high surf. It is is filled with great emotion, it is a rush. In your society there is the belief that you get the rush from anger. Indeed you can get that rush for anger, but if you are angry simply to feel more alive to get your blood boiling if you will. If you are angry for the sheer pleasure of it, you need to find pleasures that fill you with ecstasy instead of anger. For love and ecstasy are all part of the same thing. What if you are simply frustrated and want to work out your anger, well by all means hit a ball but realize that your frustration again stems from a belief that you are a victim. Anger can mean that you are filled with great purpose, it is way of having a drama in your life. people can get hooked on drama the way that they can get hooked on violent movies and soap operas. Anger is about that drama. all creatures long for purpose. Anger and drama is about the need to fulfill a purpose. When you are filled with bloodlust or when you are filled with a desire just to feel that tremendous high it means that you don't feel that high in your life. You need to find the joy of existence the sheer

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pleasure of living the "high" of existence. you also need to feel your purpose and understand your purpose better. For you will get all the drama and excitement you need when you "see" yourself on purpose. Many of you want your anger, crave your anger, believe it is your right and want to live in the drama of anger. want you are really craving is a deep understanding of joy and purpose so let us get back to what you need to do to change the existence of anger in your reality. 1) Do not initially accept what you think you hear about a situation. For example, when the attacker is pulling a gun on you, your immediate and learned response is to be afraid. You will probably thin to yourself that this is bad. Recognize that you are believing in the illusion that you are a victim. You need to change you mind, move into another space and tell yourself that no matter what the circumstance looks lie that you are never a victim of any circumstance. 2) the second thing you need to do is to find your center of peace. Go within yourself and imagine yourself find your place of peace, feel this peace enter you and center you. 3) The third you is to imagine that what is that you want form the situation, not only for yourself but for the individual who is holding the gun on you. How you can best "service" this situation. More on this for another reading. In essence you need to visualize a happy ending to this situation for both of you. This brings the force of your will into the situation. It force your mind to have a goal to work for. 4) The fourth thing to do in such a situation is to not feel defeated in spite of what you see in front of you. if it seems that you are about to be shot, simply say I believe that I will not be shot, I will not be defeated, and this will simply NOT happen to me. This is the faith that you need to overcome the situation. You do not have to know how to fix the situation, you do not need to now who XXX will happen, you simply know that it will happen. 5) related to 4 is five and that is that most important thing to remember. That no matter what fear and therefore anger is never, under any circumstance justified. Ghandhi has said that all fear is want of faith. When you are frightened recognize that this a place within yourself that craves faith that needs faith and that is literally crying out for faith. Literally by changing your mind, you change you life and your fate. No matter that fate can be staring you in the face with a gun.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

What Other People Think Book 2 Section 21: 7/24/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

What Other People Think Many of you spend a great deal of time worrying about what other people think of you, worrying about what is important in relationship to other people. For everytime that you worry about what another thinks, you are creating a reality where you are giving away your power to that other person. As well, you are seeing yourself as a victim. When you accept the idea that you create your own reality, and that other people are mirrors of the beliefs that you hold about yourself and the world, then you begin to separate yourself from what other people think of you and begin to evaluate your life differently. Money is reflection of what you believe that other people believe about you. So for example, let us say that you are concerned about what your boss thinks of you, you spend a great deal of time obsesssing about whether your boss thinks that you have on the right clothes or have on the right XXXXX. We have done a section on money before, but generally money reflects what you think of yourself. If you think that you are worth 20,000 a year, then you will make 20,000 dollars a year. If you think your work is worthless, then you will have trouble getting anyone to give you a job or to sell your products. If you think that you are worth a million dollars a year, then sure enough you will make a million dollars a year. You give away a lot of your energy by concerned about what others think of you. Let us say that you are called into a interview with your boss, and he criticizes you. Many of you would beat yourself up for it or get angry at your boss. Instead, the way to approach the situation would be to ask yourself what beliefs your boss is reflecting about yourself and your vision of reality? When you work in a corporate culture there is an underlying belief in the dog eat dog world. Now, there are actually corporations that do NOT have that underlying belief, but they are few and far between. Many times if you do not fit into the culture of the people you work with or you have radically differing belief systems, you will find that you have trouble working there and will find that you will get fired or quit very quickly. Primarily, if you have a job at a place that you have worked for a long time, you have similar beliefs of those who are the owners and/or mangers of that corporation/company. Either that or you are looking at changing your beliefs in such a way as to challenge your beliefs or the beliefs of those working for you. Your relationships with other people are directly related to the beliefs again that you hold about yourself and the world. If you are NOT respected, then you do not respect yourself. If your work is criticized then you are criticizing your own work. Now these are very simply ways of looking at things, but a good rule of thumb is that whatever someone is doing to you, you have or are doing to yourself. There are other situations in relation to other people. For example, you could be involved with people to fulfil your purpose. It might be that you are there to be a healer, for these individuals. It might be that you are involved with

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them in order to be a catalyst of some sort. Relationships can involve purpose, they can involve deep unresolved situations within yourself, but as a whole they are mirrors of your beliefs to some extent always. If you are a victim of other people, it is because you choose to believe that you are victim of them. When you begin to truly accept the idea that you create your own reality, then your world must totally change focus. this is why so many people fight he concept. It is radical. First and foremost, you cannot have the luxury of being victim. Secondly, you must accept in your life what you do not like. Third and most important you cannot blame another. The idea that everyone is responsible, but no one is to blame is certainly related to this idea. If you are involved in a dangerous or uncomfortable relationship, for some reason you have drawn that into your life. If you do not deal with this underlaying issue then it will come back to haunt you in another form. Now, let us talk about these ideas in relation to business. First and foremost, many of your believe that your value is directly proportional to how much money you make. You define yourself by what job that you do. So that when someone makes more money then you do, then you begin to feel intimidated by that person. As well, if someone makes less then you do, you think them "less" then you. Your culture choose to develop the logical, outward view and therefore materialistic view of the world. By doing this you created a great many inventions. However, you judge yourself and the world around you through material eyes. Money is a reflection of what you think of yourself. If you are creating a product that is NOT making money, most of the time it is because you do not believe in it or yourself in regards to the product line. If you have a job where you are not making enough money, again it is because you do not believe in yourself. In essence when someone hires you tod o a job, you become the product. Learning to NOT take other people versions of you seriously is an very important lesson in becoming a wizard. Basically, look at the beliefs they are reflecting and reflect upon those beliefs. Many of your judge yourselves in relationship to other people. If someone thinks you are bad, then you are bad. If someone thinks that you are a gossip, then you are a gossip. If someone thought you were desk, would that make you a desk? If someone thinks you are a gossip, maybe it is time for you to look into yourself and think for yourself what is makes a gossip and what you believe about gossiping etc. If you believe that your work is wonderful, then sure enough you will find many people to pay you a lot of money for it. If you believe that you work is mediocre, then sure enough you will find a job where you make a mediocre income and "just get by". Now, we have said all of this before in some form or another. However, many of you do not apply these ideas on a deep level in your daily life. You may accept the concepts intellectually, but when you boss calls you in to rip your work apart, you are very upset. When your best friend tells you that the new dress you bought looks awful on you, you feel hurt. When your husband criticizes you and tells you that you have put on too much weight, you get angry. Let us look at these incidents. When you boss criticizes you, where is your boss coming from? Are you proud of your work? Do you agree with the assessment that you do "fit" in the culture of the company? Is your hair is an inch to long? Do you actually follow the dress code? What does that mean that you work for a company with those beliefs? Where do your beliefs match with your companies and what beliefs do you have that

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don't match with your companies? Do you see yourself as a radical when you wear your hair an inch longer then everyone else. What if you wear, a yellow tie and everyone else wears a navy blue one? Are you setting yourself up to see yourself as a rebel? What beliefs are your challenging in your company about yourself and about other people? Do you wish to continue to work for a company that has the above beliefs about you? What about the best friend who criticizes the new dress you bought? Is it a different style then what you are used too? Are you trying to play with your image and "be someone new"? Is it a similar style and if so why does you best friend not like the style that you normally hold? Do you like your sense of self and your sense of style? And what about the husband? Have you both bought into beliefs of looking like a model as a beauty ideal? Have you bought into the beliefs that when you are, you look like your overweight mother? What beliefs are being reflected here by your husband and which of those beliefs do you hold? When you create your own reality, then the other "buys" into your broadcast of selfhood, and you "buy" into thier broadcast. So whatever they are doing to you, you must realize that it has something to do with your belief systems. If you had absolutely no negative beliefs about yourself and about the world, you literally would have no problems with another person. You would live in a world where everyone who was in your world would like you and treat you as you wished to be treated. As well, you would make as much money as you wished and have working environment and love life that was great and fulfilling. Your problems with people reflect your beliefs, that is all. Stop hurting yourselves over what other people think of you and begin to take power over your own beliefs and thereby over yourselves and your world. Now, if you change your broadcast, i.e. change your beliefs about yourself and about your situation. One of two things will occur in your troubled relationships. First and foremost, the person involved may simply change how they react to you. Literally, you have moved into another probable reality and that person has moved with you. So the boss that one day was criticizing you, may walk into your office and suddenly applaud a similar type of work you have done. It will appear seamless and suddenly your co- workers etc. will look at your differently etc. The second thing that could occur is that you simply leave the situation in some form. Either you are fired as in the above example, or you quite and find another place of employment that suits you much better. That means that the other people involved simply do not wish to "match" your "new" broadcast of beliefs. Related to all of these ideas are the sections we have written on power as well as the sections on energy and how other effect your energy. But realize even though others do effect your energy, you ALLOW that to happen. You can block another's energy, you can change your energy so that the energies are so far away from each other that they do not match. You can also when you are getting criticism form another move into their energy and change it, or attempt to effect it. If there is someone in your life, then both of you have agreed on some level to share energy of some sort. That energy can be positive or that energy can be toxic, but you have made an agreement to share energy. Now, because of that agreement you can effect anothers energy and

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they can effect yours. When you send love to them, when you attempt to "calm" that energy, you are seeding love to the part of yourself that reflects those beliefs. This will cause tremendous changes in the relationship, however it may take some time. Most people ALWAYS respond to love energy sent to them. However if they are in a place where they do not believe that they deserve love or if your relationship has been highly toxic in the past, it may take a while before they accept love energy from you. You can also effect groups in this fashion, by seeing the group energy and "operate" upon it. Most people again do this unconsciously, but you can begin to sense and feel another's energy in your life and effect that energy. First you need to center yourself and find your own energy, then you need to begin to send out "the new message". You then see your energy egg "meld" with the energy egg of the other and feel their energy. By begin transparent initially you can see where the two of your energies are separate and then you can begin to "see" the energy relationship or egg that the two of you "build" together.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Changing Your Broadcast Thoughts Book 2 Section 22: 7/24/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Changing Your Broadcast/Changing Your Negative Thoughts We have talked before about how what you think sends out a broadcast signal if you will that creates your reality, the people in your life, and your life itself. Energy moves through the belief systems and brings your reality into being? So how do you change your personal broadcast and make it one more like the one you would wish for? First of all listen to yourself and your inner dialogue? What do you say to yourself each and every day? What thoughts do you find that you are repeating about yourself to yourself? What thoughts are you thinking about other people? What thoughts are you thinking when you "face" circumstances in your life? For example, when you awaken in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror, what you do think about your day ahead? What do you think about the person who looks back at you? do you tell yourself that you aren't good enough? That your work isn't good enough? Do you think about what is wrong in your life most of the time? Controlling what you tell yourself about yourself and the world is key to taking control of your reality. If you really wish to change your reality begin to "think" differently about your reality. Instead of beating yourself for what is "wrong" with your life and what "mistakes", think instead of what is "right" with your life and think of your errors as learning experiences. So what do you do when you DO think a negative thought? Simply place three positive thoughts next to it. For example, let us say that you think to yourself, I shouldn't have done XXXX today. Think instead, I did do XXXX right today. I did do another XXXX right today. Maybe I did handle the initial XXXX right today. For every negative thought that you think, simply place three positive thoughts next to it. Do NOT beat yourself up for being negative, because that is simply MORE negative. Your reality is created through habits of thoughts. IN order to take control of your life, you need to take control of your thoughts. You must recognize that you have had whatever thoughts that you currently have had for a long time and for a reason that initially was needed or good for you. Recognize that your negative or rather limiting thoughts are NOT bad, they are simply like old clothes that you have outgrown. When you begin to feel depressed, begin to think to yourself the positive or rather reverse words. For example, if you feel unloved simply say the words I AM LOVED over and over again, or even simply LOVE. If you are making a statement, it is important to place those words in the present. If you are short of cash, it is important to say to yourself. I am rich, I am rich. Or even simply RICH, RICH, RICH, over and over again. Depression is generally a state of something something negative to yourself over and over again. In some sense depression is seeing the world through "black"

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colored glasses. One of the best ways to fight depression is simply to think the "reverse" thought of the depression. There are links of thoughts, so for example, let us say that you wish to manifest a great love in your life. You say to yourself, I have a great love, or simply great love over and over and over again. that there is a "root" of underlying thought in which you say or believe deep within yourself that you are not worthy of great love, that your are not lovable. So even though a number of times a day, you think great love, but you also think to yourself that you are mean to XXXX, and therefore are bad, and therefore do not deserve love. Actions stem from beliefs. So your actions are actually your beliefs in fluid motion. For example, let us say that you are driving a car and you are thinking of how angry you are at your boss. You start to drive faster and faster. You may be meditating during the morning on how peaceful you are, but in the afternoon on the drive home you are ACTING out of anger. Action is a deeper reflection of belief. So you are "wiping" out the "positive" peaceful thoughts of the morning. Many of you hold unto negative beliefs because you now them and are afraid of the unknown. You hold unto negative thoughts because they feel like old friends. Indeed initially you did choose them for whatever reason and they were your friends. However, in order to grow, in order to change your life, you must change your thoughts. Look into yourself and think again about why are you CHOOSING to keep certain thoughts in your life. Generally, there is an underlying benefit for why you are keeping a thought in your life. Now, there are belief trees, belief's are lined to other beliefs. Beliefs have roots, that lead to branches and even little trees. You may not realize what all of your beliefs are until you get down to the root belief. If you have an underlying belief, like in the example above, that you are bad, that may reflect into countless areas of your life. For example, you may not make a lot of money, you may not have a lot of friends, you may not have a good relationship with your family. All of these stem from the fact that you feel that you are bad. So when you begin to change the belief that you are rich, after believing that you are poor, it may not initially work, because you are still operating from the root belief. And everytime that you act, like you are not loved from your family you are "wiping" out the new positive belief, by operating from the limiting, negative root belief. Now, your beliefs are not really all that hidden, the problem is that you assume that they are "truth". You know them to be "real". They may even seem to be "facts". Yet they are ALL BELIEFS. It is hard to recognize your beliefs because then what you take to be truth, is no longer truth. You begin to look at and wonder at the validity of everything. That is indeed part of the process, but it frightening. If what you assumed to be the "truth" about the world is really a belief, then what is "truth"? What if there is "no truth", and just beliefs? That is a frightening place initially to move through. What you know of the world is no longer "real"? You feel as if you are moving into a world that you do not know anything about. And indeed you are, you are creating a new world and you haven't lived in it, so it is a new one, and you don't know the rules because you are still making them. When you change a belief, you change your energy system, and you become another probable you. You literally change yourself and your DNA, this is a frightening thing to do. What you KNOW is no longer true or real. Many times you must undergo a feeling of loss, and the reason for that loss is that you are losing a comfortable world. You are mourning an old you. It is at that

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point, the point of true change, that you begin to move "backwards" into an older thought process. You may feel that this new world of promise, is simply to risky and not worth it. You may feel that this is new world is simply to strange. You may have moved into the new world and started living there, just to suddenly stop and seem to move back into the old world. Suddenly you will find yourself being more and more negative then you have EVER been before. This is the sense of loss, this is the real place of change, and because it is NOT recognized as such many times, it is at this point, that people move BACK into their old belief systems and "re-become" the old self. Now, many of you think "useless" thoughts during the day. this is a sort of mental filter, endless rather useless chatter. IN order to train your mind, change your mind and change your beliefs, you need to move into the deeper levels of the mind and that means learning to quiet your mind. You mind sort of veers off into other places all the time during the day. You may be getting dressed and thinking of doing the dishes. You maybe thinking of the music you are listening too, your child screaming around you, you may be running in your mind through a hundred thoughts a second jumping form one thing to another. In order to "hear" your deeper root beliefs, you must learn to quiet yourself, you must quiet the mind. You do this by learning to focus your mind and quiet yourself. Meditation is the practice here. There are different types of meditation. The practice needed to quiet your mind is the one that is needed to accomplish belief changing successfully. You do this by learning to focus on anything. Try for example, to sit down and actually look at and think of one thing for five full minutes, or even three full minutes. Even time your mind veers off in another direction, your mind is running. IN order to quickly change your beliefs, not only do you need to simply "think" or replace a good thought with another one, but if you go into this deeper quieter place of mind, you will find that you can attempt a much more effective change. When you think thoughts in a place of quieted mind, the effect is more more effective. It is sort of like initially when you think the three thoughts to replace the one thought you mind still has to move through the differing levels to begin to "hear" the three new thoughts. Through meditation, and learning to focus, you can then, directly access those deeper levels where reality creation takes place. Initially when you move into this deeper place, it will take "work" to simply stay focused. Later you will find that you can stay focused on a thought, but symbols of a type will keep running through your mind, take each of those symbols and look at them. Reread the section on symbology and attempt to figure out what these symbols mean for they are attempting to "tip" you off to the "root" beliefs that you are changing about yourself. A trained mind, the mind of a wizard can create the reality that they want because a trained mind can learn to think what it wants.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Self-Hatred And Kingship Book 2 Section 23: 8/01/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Self-Hatred And Kingship In a society based upon power-over, as your as, self hatred is what is used to keep others in "line". Self-hatred is the voice that you hear voices inside of your head telling you that you are bad, that you are wrong. It was placed there many times to keep you "in control". Part of becoming a wizard is taking control over from the self- hatred within. You do this by releasing the blame that you feel for whatever circumstance that is created in your life. As well, you do this by silencing the voice within that creates and keeps creating your limiting beliefs. Imagine if you will a small girl child, she loves to swim and as she is swimming she competes with a male in her family. For every lap he does she wishes to make the same lap and literally keeps us with him. But she is younger and she is the girl child. He exhausts himself trying to get her to "give" up. But she keeps up and literally makes one more lap then he does, at this point he is angry and he is hurt. How DARE she? She goes home and her mother and father are very angry with her, you should have let HIM win? Why didn't you, give up and let HIM have that extra lap? She is made to feel bad about her self that self of competition. her family is teaching her enculturation and that enculturation is teaching her that she is "bad", that she need to restrain herself and her talents. The concept of power over and keeping herself and her abilities hidden is born. From that point on whenever she competes with a male in her culture that girl child when she grows to womanhood will believe e that she is "bad" for doing so. All the bads, the shoulds, the have toos, are examples of a culture attempting to teach you its beliefs. There are other ways that a culture can teach it's beliefs to it's members. However, a patriarchal society with the concept of power over, the enculturation process involves utilizing self-hatred in order for it's members to become enculturated. for example, in the Senoi that we have described to you before, this is an ancient society that utilized their dream to their highest potential. In the morning the first thing they did as a family was to discuss dreams, and the dreams that involved the society as a whole went to the dream caucus that morning and discussed the societal dreams and what should be done. If there was a dream of violence anger and hatred, you then went and talked out that dream with the person who was party to your feelings. In this society there was no violence and the members were happy ones. the enculturation process here was to learn power from within. the lessons of the society were taught by teaching others to learn and interpret their dreams, and the values were passed on in this fashion. Many society's work form other power structures then power over. The Senoi taught power within. There is also power with. This is a group of individuals who have learned to work with each other to accomplish their goals. There is no hierarchy per se, there is simply groups of people working

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together. The voices of self-hatred are the voices of your power over society and possibly your power over parenting. Many times self-hatred is a form that the self creates to protect itself. For example, let us say that you are that girl child and punished for "showing your stuff", then from that point on every time you are tempted to compete, you tell yourself that you are bad. Your self is attempting to protect you form the punishment that will occur when you attempt to compete. The self says, we can prevent her from behaving badly, by utilizing self-hatred. It is better the self says that we give her self hatred fort that can be stopped when it is too painful, then to have another with power over her to punish her. self-hatred when it becomes to dangerous CAN be stopped. The self uses self-hatred to protect itself. The need at this point is to look into the self and "see" whether that self-hatred is needed and what that self-hatred, that should, that have-to reflects? So you say, I should have no internal guilts? Well, we say too you that the natural self, behaves naturally in a "good" and "moral" way. Natural guilt is simply the self saying to you, do not do that. In this place there is no guilt, there is no self-hatred, there is simply the "do no do this". This is how animals "learn" and stop themselves from behaviors that are not good for them. There is no self-blame or self-hatred involved, it is simply within their heads they hear the word "no" or "stop" and they simply do not move forward with that behavior. Self-hatred or self blame stems from a cultural idea that there must be a King or a leader if you will. The King is responsible for protection, for order, for judgement(determining what is right and what is wrong). The King is responsible for taking care of his subjects. In return the King demands obedience self-sacrifice and silence. If something goes wrong then that means that the King has failed, and there must be someone or something punished. There must be a scapegoat if you will. Your hierarchial society stems from a belief in the King. Your corporate structures stem from a belief in the King. Your entire system of judgement stems from a belief in the King. Your laws and your need and desire for outward acceptance stems from a belief in the King. You need to be loved and taken care of so that you will be protected, so that there will be order, so that there is a determination of right and wrong. A King takes responsibility for your life and in return you give up control of your life and learn self-hatred. Now, this is NOT a political statement. We are NOT ranting against patriarchal society and saying that it is all bad. In fact, it has given you a great many benefits. Science stems from a patriarchal society. Science assumes that what is "real" is reproducible. Science assumes that is what is real is "out there". Science is a form of the King in action. It asks you to give up control of your life to the "great machine" in the sky and asks you to believe that you are a machine. Your body is a machine, your thoughts are a machine, "science" controls and runs the machine. Science is a great king. That very basic assumption has given your society a strong concentration on what is out there and you have created many wonderful inventions. Christianity and other patriarchal religions are Kings in action. It asks you to believe that your god is outside of you. Christ himself was called the "King of Kings". It asks you to give yourself to the "wiser" knowledge of priest, minister, dogma whatever. It acts as judge, it demands self-

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sacrifice, it defines the world for you. IN return, you are given faith and told that God loves you and "protects" you. When something bad happens, it is because YOU have sinned. Your traditional family ideas also take into account the King. There must be a man in charge a head of the family there is even a deduction on your tax forms for head of family. The King is required to provide discipline, the King is required to provide for the family members needs, the King is required to have obedience etc. This is the traditional family that your society longs to "go back too" in your political arena today they talk over and over again about family values. Indeed what they are talking about is the idea of the "king" coming back to the throne. Now, all of what we are saying is a "basic". There are certainly exceptions to every rule, as well, we are dealing deep cultural concepts and talking about them in two or three pages. IN essence the King is what Jung would call an archetype. An archetype for lack of a better definitions a deeply held symbols within the psyche or within the culture's psyche. The King is an archetype that permeates your society, and again it is where much of your self-hatred stems from. We are discussing the "essence" of what is going on here. the King although useful for your society's growth for many years is now harming your society a great deal. Your wars are also reflection of the King. The King fights it's enemies. By protecting it's subjects it assumes that everyone who is NOT a subject is "bad", therefore it can kill, maim, destroy etc. When you take a defensive posture, you are buying into the concept of King. Because again to defend is to attack and to attack is the providence of the King. To blame is the providence of the King. IN order to be a wizard find a God that does not take away your self-responsiblity. Find a God that does not require self- sacrifice and finally find a God that does not ever blame. In essence to become a wizard you must release yourself form the having a King in your life.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Death As Teacher Book 2 Section 24: 8/06/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Death As Teacher We have talked a great deal about the existence of life after death. So why you may as does death exist. Death, dear ones is the ultimate teacher in your world. Death exists so that you will have a force upon which to make you evaluate your life and live on purpose. For example, let us say that you lived forever-which in essence you do, you would have no "drive" to accomplish what you were literally born to accomplish. IN essence when things got "tough" you would say to yourself, I will live forever, I don't need to do this now. I can do it tomorrow or next week or next month or next year or next.... Death adds urgency to life. When facing death it is important to realize that no one lives forever including you. What you would wish to put off, to avoid, death forces you to face. When you realize that you will die, you begin to realize that life is so precious, death adds value to life. Death forces you to look into life itself and see the incredible value that physical existence. Death, the ultimate loss in physical existence teaches you about beauty. Death teaches you that beauty is about appreciation, and appreciation can only exist when there is the threat of loss. At least on you level of reality. Death as well, teaches you to live in the moment to bring focus into physical life. When you realize that the future is "unsure", you begin to value to the present more. Death adds meaning in to life. when faced with death you are faced with the end of life, so then you begin to see the terrible wonder of life. When you know there are endless sunsets, then one is NOT special, when you begin to realize that this could be your last sunset, then you see the tremendous beauty of it. In that manner death teaches wonder. Indeed wonder is death greatest gift, for when you begin to see the value of life, you begin to see the wonder of it. Life is indeed filled with wonder, all of those conscious cells working together to create the body that is you. All of those wondrous cells knowing exactly when to move form seed, to plant to flower in the spring, with no or little help whatsoever. That is wondrous. Taking one small cell, and turning it within nine months into a baby, and then having that baby "know" how to be born. That is wondrous. Many of you treat life with the belief that you will live in physical existence forever. You forget to look at sunsets, you forget to "see" wonder. You take for granted that your mate will be there in the morning and you take for granted that the sun will shine and that daffodils will come in the spring. Because of that belief you forget to look at the sunset, the daffodils and your mate and see the intense wonder of that existence. Death is a form of love. Love is about "seeing" the beauty in something. Death is about teaching to see that beauty. Death as well teaches morality. You see that when you "die" you are going to "face" whether or not you accomplished your map. When you follow your map, you are innately

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moral, you are innately good. Death teaches you that there will come a time when you will have to face yourself. You will grow old and sit on the edge of your bed and reflect upon your life knowing that it will end. At that moment you will learn morality. Now with your medical sciences your doctors give diagnoses, "you will die". That is considered and awful thing to face, yet indeed all of you will die. Death is ever upon your shoulder, and it is every your most loving friend, for because of death again you learn appreciation and appreciation is love. Death is only a foe when you have pains that are unresolved, when you have not accomplished your map, when you have not loved or lived as you would have wished too. then death becomes a foe, yet even then even when death is a foe it is still your friend because by facing that part of yourself that didn't appreciate that wasn't filled with love, that let unresolved pains linger, you may learn at that moment to love, you may learn to face that resolve that final pain and you may learn to follow that map of dreams deep within you. Death exists to force you to find and give meaning to life. If you have been diagnosed with a serious illness recognize that it is death's message to you to find meaning, beauty, love and appreciation before you die. It is a finer time line. Yet ironically all of you are within that time line and choose to ignore it. You choose to not face your mortality, because you see death as something to live in fear of, instead of the loving friend who embraces you. Death is considered loss, and indeed you can "loose" at death, but instead what death is really is to teach value. Death is not loss , death is about gain, the gaining of insight, the gaining of beauty and the gaining of deep knowledge on how to love. For when you Do appreciate, when you do see beauty, when you do now how to love you take all of that with you. You do not take your cars, your homes, your clothes, your jewelry, you take with the lessons you have learned because there was death. You take with you the memories of beauty and the lessons in learning how to love. Death forces you to learn those lessons faster. Death and it's existence makes physical life worth living. Befriend death and it's existence, accept it as a teacher into your lives and you will befriend the part to you that can love that part of you that finds beauty, and the part of you that learns. IN other words embrace death and you will find life.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Dreams Book 2 Section 25: 8/07/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Dreams Dreams are the closest thing to getting a feeling of how reality "really" works. there are levels of reality that you are only beginning to see and understand. this is covered in great detail in Samantha's second book that is NOT in the postings. But suffice to say that there are levels of reality. Your conscious day-to day existence currently mostly focuses on one level of existence. One definition of magic is the ability to change consciousness at will. Indeed when you CAN change your conscious mind at will you begin to be able to "change" reality to any form that you wish too. Dreams let your feel the many layer of existence. That is why they are so confusing. You try to "make" sense of them, as you would day -to day existence. You expect them to follow day-to day order. Instead they sort of go into one dimension and then into another dimension and you view different levels of the same idea in many layers. What many of you remember from your dreams is sort of like taking a picture postcard from reality. You get snapshot of one version of an event and then you get snapshots of another version of the event. Rather like going to Florida for example, and taking an picture of the rocket at NASA, and then taking a picture of Mickey Mouse at Walt Disney world. so what you would come back with is a picture of a big mouse and a rocket and you would not "see" the connection, the wholeness of the experience. There is a need to combine the two levels of consciouses into one. In other words, you need to bring your dreaming consciousness more into your day-to day life and your waking consciousness into your dream life. It is indeed possible to do this, and what happens is that you begin to sense and feel a more intense, "truer" reality then before. For example, if you have done the exercise that we gave to look around you and say to yourself, "this is all a dream", two or three times a day, within a week you will being to feel that indeed your day-to day life is sort of like a dream. The "pictures' in your mind when you do this exercise will become more connected to the pictures that you "take back" from your dreams. You will begin to feel and sense connections that weren't there before. As well, if you tell yourself before you go to bed at night, that you wish to come "awake" within a dream, and you are also doing the above exercise of saying that your day-to day life is a dream, you will begin to wake up in your dreams. Suddenly you will begin to "see" the connections. Meditation also has the same of effect as do "waking" dreams when you sue your imagination. There is a floaty feel to reality that is more "real" then the day-to-day feeling of reality that you view as "truth". Reality is more like floating, it is more fluid then that. Samantha's mate, Aurelius has recently started meditating. In one of his meditation, he saw himself floating into clouds and then "rose" about he clouds an d begin to float on top of them. this floaty feeling was very peaceful and warm for him. but when he realized what he was feeling, he began to float more and more, he got scared and "came" back. that floaty feel is more "real" then the belief about reality that you have it is "there".

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But like Aurelius many of you will encounter resistance in your own mind as you attempt to feel these effects. This is because your conscious mind feels that it is losing control. the ego is a good thing it keeps you connected to your reality. the ego is habit of mind. the ego is basically hat you are accustomed to w or to feeling. The ego is a practiced way of defining reality and living in the world. When you begin to move beyond that practiced sense of self, the ego reacts, and many times reacts strongly because it realizes that it is losing it's control of the self. This is sign that the ego must be "educated" the ego must come to understand that moving into other states of mind is no threat to it, but a way of gaining greater control over life. so when you are faced with a such fear, you must imagine in your mind that you are relating the ego and telling it that is you are not leaving it behind, but moving into another space. then send it love and move into the space that you were frightened to go to. make a conscious effort to do this.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Conscious Birth Control/Conception Book 2 Section 26: 8/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Conscious Birth Control/Conception We have for you a "new" or rather an "old" form of birth control. Life and your body are NOT machines. Instead consciousness comes before life. You decide before you are born who you will be born too, and what lessons you will learn from your parents and what lessons your parents and siblings will learn form you. You meet ahead of time and discuss your life even BEFORE you are conceived. If at anytime any of the parties involved choose NOT to agree, then conception does NOT take place. No child is ever conceived without at least unconscious agreement of the all the parties involved. An unborn child will meet with it's parents both mother and father as well as siblings before conception. What is discussed at these beforehand meetings is the life purpose of all the beings involved and how each family remember will work to fulfil the purpose of each family member. Let us use an example of a family that we know. Recently the members of this family who have started to discuss dreams and meditations with each other all had dreams of a potential new family member. The father met with the child to discuss names. The mother met with the child and saw "sperm" enter the egg, the potential sibling sense the new child around and has started to pick up vocabulary form the unborn sibling. Each remember of the family is communicating in a deep fashion. Before the child is born, if all are in agreement on conception there will be discussions of each individuals life path and how the new member will potentially "fit" into those paths. For the father in this particular family there is the potential new definition of manhood. For the mother there is the potential understanding of her male self. For the sister there is the sharing that will take place for this particular sister and brother could potentially be very close and "bail" each other out of otherwise sticky situations. So what about hose children that are conceived without the parents desire? Well, we tell you that no child is ever conceived without the agreement of the family members. Possibly the fetus "KNOWS" ahead of time that it will be aborted, and that it just wants to experience that "small" part of physical life. Possibly the parents initially agreed and then when it came down to actually having the child the parents then decided that it is no longer something that they could do. There is a reason that it takes nine months for a child to be born, it is that all family remembers work out all the issues beforehand. Now, we will take this one step deeper, we will tell you that your spirit is essentially formed before you are even born. the "you" that is your soul, your spirt exists fully formed as an adult before you are even conceived. Each being then decides on what purpose they wish to fulfil in physical life. Sow hat about children that are abused? Did they decide that and how about how they are harmed? There again si the map that we have discussed before. Each of you are given a the path of heart of the path of to fulfill on your life. Abuse can be part of that path and then another part of that path would be that you are here to overcome that abuse. You are here to

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understand the process of abuse. But you have freewill so you can actually choose to overcome e that abuse or you can choose to NOT overcome it and be haunted by it for the rest of your life. But it is something that was chosen for you ahead of time. The dramas and issues that you as a small child share with your parents are chosen ahead of time. So how is this related to birth control. Both the father and the mother can decide that they will not have children and none will be conveied. They may be contacted in their dreams or their meditations ahead of time by a potential child, but they can "reject" that child, and even if there is a fetus already in the mother, the fetus will naturally abort. Many times many woman are late for their menstrual cycle, let us say a week or so. In those cases they ARE pregnant, but it deiced by either the father, mother or the child itself that this is NOT a situation that they wish to be involved in and they "self" abort. A large amount of pregnancies ARE taken care of this way. As well, their are children who are fetus's in a mother and self abort, but then come back when the parents are ready another time. In that sense, a lost baby is never lost. A lost baby can "come" back at another "better" time. For the baby is initially a spirit. The spirit of the baby can know that the time it s NOT "right" to be born to these parents and self-abort only to "come back" later. The spirit of this child is NEVER killed, even in an actually abortion. In any of the above cases the spirit simply moves on to another family situation just as well suited to the unborn spirit's needs. One interestingly thing si that many times an aborted child will come back later to a same parent with another partner. For example, let us say that you are an eighteen year old male and you get an girl"accidently" pregnant. that child is aborted. When you are 34, that child's spirit can potentially come back to you within another woman or wife. the child's spirit will simply wait until the time is right for it to be born or again it will find another family or family member. Many times as well a child will be born soon after another family member has died, this is because the "dead" spirit so misses the family that it wishes to be reborn into it. Now, there are spirits that are born over and over again, with the same souls. In other words a child will be born again as a parent or a sister to the same soul. It does not always happen this way, but many times it does. Groups of souls do reincarnate over and over again to each other because they have unfinished business, or even a great love between them. Now, women instinctively "know' when they are pregnant. They "know' ahead of time at least unconsciouses. They will feel the spirit, they will dream of the spirit. They will also feel somewhat different as if their energy is different then before. When a woman is pregnant, she is literally the combination of the spirit of the child and the herself. She becomes in a sense two people. the abrupt changes of mood, the shifts of mind, the "strangeness' of the woman is that she is no longer only herself, but someone else as well. The personality of the spirit of the child as well as the personality of the mother combine into a new entity. So if the mother who used to be very fashionable, all of sudden during pregnancy starts walking around in tattered jeans, it is the spirit of the child effecting the spirit of the mother. The rapid mood swings are generally due to the same combination of spirts. A woman may suddenly not feel like herself, things that never bothered suddenly cause her to cry horribly. That is because the spirit that is within her or around her is becoming the spirit of the young child and she is reacting as that new entity to the

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situation. Small children and spirts that are entering g the woman initially are very small in their minds. The soul enters into the body of a fetus and the spirit through the body changes. That spirit again until.t he child is born is combined with that of the mother. If a woman does NOT wish to be pregnant and is, she should go into a deep meditation and contact the spirit of the child. She should imagine the color of the spirit or some type of symbol for the spirit and tell the spirit that she doe snot at this time wish to be it's parents and sure enough the spirit will abort in what will appear to be a late menstrual period. If a woman WISHES to become pregnant, she should begin by sensing her menstrual cycle. For example, she should place her hand approximately six inches away form her womb and feel where the egg is in her system. there will be a slightly different warm feeling when she actually senses the egg. The woman should then ask the egg when to be fertilized and sure enough she will know when to have intercourse for the egg will tell her. As well, the woman should begin to carefully record her dreams. For she will enter any number of spirits or possibly open in particular and begin to discuss the "future" patterns. This is the most natural form of birth control, and indeed we know of individuals who actually practice this. As woman, as well, your dreams will tell you when there is a potential spirit as well as tell you when you are fertile. The dreams of a pregnant woman are very complex because they are both her dreams and the dreams of the unborn child planning a life. A woman who is physic or who is interested in these things should record her drams for her unborn child for the child will learn much about itself form recording the dreams of the mother, when the mother was pregnant with their spirit. this was done in past cultures and at the age of maturity these dreams were then passed to the child to give them guidance on what to become and what their life purpose was and how they "fit" into the family. this si great gift hat a mother can give to her child to be. Your body many times "knows" what you wish more then you consciously do. for example, if you are pregnant but do not consciously wish to be, it i because your body "knows" that at some level you actually wish to be pregnant or learn of the maternal self. This is known unconsciously. But again everything in the unconscious can indeed become conscious. As well, a both mother and child "choose" the birthday and birthdate of the child. the mother instinctively knows when the child is coming. She may for example, begin cleaning the house the day before the child is due because she knows that she will not be there for a while. Now, for very psychic woman or channels many times the birth process is difficult because let us say that you are very psychic are or a medium or channel of some sort you self has already been greatly extended beyond your current self. In other words you are already greatly combined with the energies of other people. When you become pregnant the energy combing reaches a "critical" level. That is why many times a highly sensitive woman has trouble with being pregnant. Or a highly sensitive pregnant woman will suddenly blow up machines around her, in other words there is simply too much energy for the pregnant woman system to handle. There are ways to alleviate this problem. Each individual is a grouping of thought processes, with purpose being the base pattern. There are levels of thought patterns that make up each individual, the soul/purpose being the base. Now

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it is possible for two individuals to create a thought entity beforehand. In other words, you envision a being, a part of yourself being born, and another person envisions a similar being, with similar base thought patterns and the two beings merge into one. For example, at times before the birth of a child, a dead entity combined with another spirit create a third spirit, and another entity or spirit is born. A third entity that is in itself something new. Yet is also part of the other entities that created it. You have many probable selves that you give birth to each and everyday, these probable selves follow the patterns of existence that you do not. All children are created in this process. They could be a combination of a dead father, a dead cousin, something that is within the father that needs to be expressed, a need fulfilled through a sister, and finally something itself that a certain soul sets out to accomplish. each of these individuals participates in the pattern of the "new" being, as well as the "new being" participating itself. The best way to describe this is the creation of a character that a writer creates in his mind. A writer have three ways of developing a character, one is plot, one is "character", one is theme or purpose. The character would be the soul. This character is abilities, and thought patterns that already exist. Then life itself is plot. A character or person is somewhat shaped through the "plot" of life. Finally, there is theme or purpose, under each individual being is a theme, a "message", an action/verb that each of you came to do. When a writer creates a story, a writer begins with developing character. Now, depending upon the philosophy of the writer, the writer can begin with plot or in other words believes that human being are shaped through the "randomness" of life. A writer and choose character, or believe that human being a re shaped by spirit itself, something innate within each of us or soul. finally, another writer may choose to start with theme, in this particular case the writer believes that human beings are shaped through their purpose of existence. This is how life is developed before it is born. Before each child is born it is given a character, a plot, and a theme. The self is developed ahead of time if you will. For example, mates and all important individuals are "picked" beforehand. Potential children, potential careers, potential themes or purposes are discovered and ways of fulfilling them. This is all picked before the child is born and therefore the "map" of existence exists for each and every entity that walks upon he earth. Now, each of you can again, choose to change that map or choose to NOT follow it. If you do not accomplish what you set out to do, then you will come back again. If you choose to accomplish it in a different manner then initially designed that again is "up" to you. The universe is infinite, and allows for tremendous infinite ways of accomplishing what it sets a soul out to do. Now, the parents ahead of time are unconsciously aware of this information "tune" into it. It is possible to know and a sense child before it's birth and indeed it must be known before it's birth in order to come alive.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Good and Evil Book 2 Section 27: 8/23/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Good and Evil We wish to talk a bit about evil and satanism. First and foremost evil cannot exist unless there is a belief in evil. But if you DO believe in it, then it exists within your psyche and all that means. Now reality and all of it's manifestations exists as an idea or a belief first. The idea of evil holds that someone or something else of great power "forces" a being to do something else. Evil eliminates responsibility. The old saying the "devil" made me do it. Evil is/are unexpressed portions of the psyche. Evil is uncontrollable. Evil is about the issue of control. The devil and Christ represent idealized version or expressed version of the psyche. the Christ self represents "good", and all the unexpressed good that humankind and mankind can do. The devil represents the "bad", and all the unexpressed anger, rage, hatred, angst, and pain that can be done to another. Now, when a group of humans or a culture is created a set of beliefs is shared. When those beliefs contain unexpressed portions of the psyche gods, devils, demons etc are created. A group of individual beliefs can "create" a god or a devil. In ancient pagan cultures there was no devil, because there was no good or evil. The devil was created in the Christian world to explain all the bad things that happen. IN the pagan world there were many gods that reflected many ideas and or-concepts so there were gods that were filled with anger and rage and fear. This was not "good" or "bad", this was to be possessed by Zues's anger for example. But again God's are a cultures unexpressed expression of the psyche. So if you have only a good god that has certain rules or mores of conduct, then you need a "bad" entity to counteract and explain away all the 'bad" in the world. For example, the question, "why do bad things happen to good people"? Is an example of a question that could only happen in a culture that defense the disease of good and bad. For example, in the renaissance world one of the greatest debates was how many angels could be fit upon a pin head? The question was actually the question of power? How powerful was God? could he actually do the infinite and create endless angels upon a pin head? Many great philosophers of the time debated this very question, and yet from your cultural version of reality that seems to be an endlessly silly question? So do the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" that requires a belief in "good" and "evil"? That again like the angel on the pin question, is a question of how much power does God actually have? Christ was crucified on a cross. this resents many individuals who are unable to fulfill themselves or their dreams. This cruxifiction is again a way of avoiding selfhood. I can't do XXXX because the I am black, a woman, Chinese, etc. I am being crucified here. Christianity creates a black a white concept within the psyche. There is the good and there is the bad. the psyche is actually more fluid then that, there is really no bad/evil there is only ignorance.

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Recently, Samantha did a reading for a woman who was abused through a satanic cult as a child. In this woman's psyche were "evil" patterns as represented by three hooded black figures that Samantha saw. This upset Samantha for she had never encountered such a "evil" pattern before. Also within this woman psyche was a "white" lady. Indeed this woman was raised by a Catholic mother and abused by a satanic father. The culture ideas of good and evil were present in this woman's psyche. This family existed to explore to explore the ideas of good and evil and the ideas of power versus victimization. Satanism is the worship of power over. It is basically the belief that the ends justify the means. You do whatever needs to be done to accomplish XXXX. One definition of "good" in your society is controllable. IN other words we define something as good when we can control it. So "death" is bad because you consciousness cannot control it. It is for this reasons that the idea of doing whatever it takes to take control of something is considered "good". Another way of phasing this idea is that ends justify the means. Do what is is necessary to gain control over what ever is uncontrollable. the idea of control over being good is a idea that is directly related to the scientific concept. Science attempts to observe, then reproduce because in it's reproducibility it becomes controllable. In the past, in other times with places of other belief systems controllability was NOT the issue. Things that were not understood were mysteries and they were to be welcomed because they came from God or Gods. In the world of pagans their was not need to control there was no one idea of power over because there was NOT one way of being good or bad. In many traditional Christian religions there are very strong moral overtones. You do NOT commit adultery, you do NOT do lie, cheat, steal or kill. the mores are very specific and evil or badness exists when you "break" one of the mores. What is NOT understood is that each and everyone of these mores can and even should at times be broken. If your marriage is in trouble and you married the wrong persona dn you meet the "right"person and fall in love, then it is truer to your heart to have an affair with the person you are in love with. As for lying there are many times when a lie is "better" then the truth. If your best friend has just spent 300.00, the last of her money on a dress that she loves, and you think is awful. Is it better to say, "you look awful"? Or is it better to say something that is a lie, but somewhat diplomatically answer. Let us talk to you about your bills. Indeed there is a moral structure that you should pay your bills, but sometimes under certain circumstances it is better to go bankrupt, or it is better to follow your dreams and your ideals then to pay your bills. In the above case we also suggest that you look at your belief system.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Health Book 2 Section 28: 9/4/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Health When you are sick, the first thing you must examine is what you believe about the body. If you believe as most of your doctors do, that your body is a machine, that "breaks" down like a car, then your treatment will be different then if you believe that you create your own reality. This article is about what to do when you believe that you DO create your reality. The first thing that you must do is realize that the body is a reflection of your beliefs and your thought processes. When you are ill, your body or self is out of balance. The process of healing is about regaining balance in your life, when that happens you regain balance in your system. Let us start with looking at the illness itself, first of all try to see your illness as symbolic. For example, if you have a hearing problem is there something in your life that you do not wish to hear? If so, then that is the first clue to what is out of balance. If you have a heart problem, could it be that you have lost someone you loved without healing the grief? Do you have have a problem or an underlaying issue with love itself? Ask yourself, what is your problems with the heart? One of the biggest problems with accepting the idea that you have created your illness is the sense of self-blame and anger towards yoursef. When you are ill, you cannot afford self-hatred, self-blame or anger towards yourself. You will get nowhere in healing yourself if you blame yourself. For the negative emotions just adds more negativity into your life. Instead you need to heal, and healing can only occur through love. Try, instead, to view your illness as a puzzle. You see, the body is a good thing, and your illness exists to force you to correct whatever is wrong with your life, whatever is out of balance. You must befriend that illness, and part of befriending the illness is making friends with yourself. Another way of looking at this is that you are responsible, response able, but NOT to blame. Response-able, to be responsible for you illness means that there is something you can do to correct it. To be response able, is to look at what needs to be done and do it. You cannot be response able, when you are filled with self-hatred and rage becuase your focus is NOT on fixing instead it is on blaming. When you believe that you are a machine and that you need to fixed like a car, and the doctor is merely mechanic you let go of all of you power to heal and cure yourself and hand over that power to another. You lose your ability to be "response-able". Now once you have defined what is out of balance with yourself and you have reached the point of being response able, you need to begin to change and heal yourself. Many people in your society have heart problems, this is because in your society being loving gets such a "bad" rap. Let's say that you are a man in his fifties who has always been very driven, a type-A, and you have a heart attack. Most type-A individuals believe that success is the most important thing in their life. Many of them would not however admit it. They have "shut" off their hearts and need

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to begin to get in touch with their "heart" side again. That is not to say that all individuals who have heart problems are suffering from the same cause. In fact, each individual problem stems from an individual reason. Remember to heal, is to self-balance and what is balance for one person and what is balance for another person is different. Possibly in the case above, the man needs to begin to spend some quality time with his family. Maybe he needs to take a vacation with them, maybe he needs to just sit down and have dinner with them every night, no matter what happens during the day, and actually talk to them during dinner. As well, an individual who is ill needs to look at his belief system. For example, let us say that you are this type-A man in his fifties, besides sitting down to dinner with your family every night and talking to them, maybe what else needs to be done is to look at why you had a life where you didn't normally eat dinner with yoru family. What beliefs lead you to being out of balance in the first place. Why was success so important to you? Did you have a father who didn't pay attention to you? Did you learn that success was a definition of who you were. Did you believe that when you were successful you were worth something and when you weren't successful you were a loser? Change that heals, has the individual look at the belief systems that caused the illness in the first place. Then the individual MUST change those beliefs as well as change the actions that stemmed from the beliefs. Illness brings focus into the problem area. That is it's purpose, illness does not mean that you are bad, illness is not a "curse" from God. Illness exists to force you to make changes in yourself and in your life. Medical science is a wonderful tool in coping with an illness. However, medical science first and foremost generally treats each patient the same way. If you have heart trouble, have surgery or take XXXXX drug or do XXXXX thing. Yet illness is actually a deep personal need for change, and a drug, while it can help you and can "cure" you, will only work for a while unless an underlaying belief system or issue is resolved. How many of you know of someone who gets sick and battles XXXX illness to be "cured" , and then in the next six months to be "struck" again with YYYYY debilitating illness? You are not machines to go in for tune-ups, and be given a change of oil, and go on your way. Medical science is a tool that can help you to stay alive long enough as a machine to make the necessary changes. Medical science can aid you to aid yourself. But once it becomes more then a tool, and becomes the cure, it will NOT work for long. Medical science is rather like the brush that is given the artist. An artist uses the brush and needs it to create more dramatic things, but the painting is not created from the brush, or fixed when the artist gets a new and better brush, instead it is the artist who creates and fixes the painting. As well, medical science for it's many wonders does not take into account anomalies, also known as miracles. You see, when you receive a diagnoses, you are receiving an average. For example, if the doctor says that with XXXX cancer at XXXX stage you will live six months. What the doctor is actually saying is that with XXXX cancer the AVERAGE patient that we have treated has lived an AVERAGE of six months. When a doctor prescribes a treatment, what he is actually doing is saying to you, when this prescription is given to an average amount of people it "cured" them. Medical science as a rule does NOT study the anomalies. Almost every doctor who has practiced any length of time, knows of a miracle patient. Someone who for example, came in with cancer one month and came back six months later without a trace of it in his system. But the doctor

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most probably "writes" this off as a medical mistake, the tests were obviously wrong. The miracle cure is just that a phenomenon, it is a once in a lifetime type of thing. The docter promptly "forgets" it. There are many members of the medical community who are beginning to look into alternative medical and alternative forms of healing. However one thing that is occurring with "new age" medicine, is that death is considered a failure. If you cannot cure yourself or make yourself better, then you "failed". But death is not a failure it is simply another stage of growth. And there are "good" deaths. If it indeed your time, then die the good death. In other words, die without having unfinished business. Die telling those you love that you love them. Die appreciating life and all of it's moments. Death is a teacher, it exists to force you to look at the wonder of life. It exists for you to not take life for granted. Many of you live as if you were going to live forever and because of that you "lose" the moment. Death exists to put you in touch with the now. All of you are dying, each and every moment that you are alive. When you take your last breathe what will you regret that you didn't do. Chances are you will regret not spending enough time with your children when you were little, not getting the "deal". Illness as well, is a great adventure into your life and psyche, its one of the greatest teachers that there is. Like many teachers you may be angry with it, you may hate it, you may wish you had never encountered this teacher, but if you learn the lessons, make the neccessary changes, you will find that illness is actually there to help you and to guide you.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Levels of Consciousness Book 2 Section 29: 9/5/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Levels of Consciousness Matter, your physical world, is a reflection of the other states of consciousness. Your scientists are exploring the idea of the mind- body relationship and are exploring the concepts of biofeedback. Basically they are beginning to discover that the mind leads the brain and the brain/mind leads the body. IN other words, to reappear ourselves, matter, the body, your physical world is reflection of your state of mind, your state of consciousness. How this works is that you mind projects something into reality. In other words, your visions, your dreams, your ideals, your beliefs create your reality. the higher your level of consciousness the faster and more direct the process. this idea started with Plato approximately 2000 years ago that the mind and body were separate. Descarte postulated I think therefore I am. But what he didn't realize is that I think, therefore I create is a much more accurate idea. He kept the mind separate from the physical. Thinking according to Descarte was separate from the physical. But it is the mind that create the physical. It is the mind that projects the images that the physical follows and move into. the mind are all levels creates the physical. the mind create, projects the physical into reality. the mind creates the image, the EPS move into. therefore the mind creates. Descarte also believed and stated I think. I think it NOT what you are, you are your dreams your imaginations, your heart's desire. the more accurate definition is" as I dream my heart's desire, as I believe, so do I create". Descarte limited the idea of self to "thinking" and thinking in a "rational" way. The physical three dimensional world you live cannot be explained without looking at consciousness first because the three dimensional world comes from the mind. It is a belief that the mind is separate from the physical world. A belief that your scientists hold and has moved into all levels of your society. It is this belief that causes the mind-body split and this belief that creates victims in your society. Meaning is the cause behind reality. Ideas shape consciousness, and consciousness shapes the physical world. ideas, ideals are what create the world around you. You are much your your ideals your beliefs, your dreams and so is your world then anything else. Ideas, ideals are projections, pictures. These projections and pictures shape reality. As you move up the levels of consciousness you learn more about meaning. You see the meaning behind XXXX you will expand your consciousness, and as you expand your consciousness, you have more ability to create your world consciously.

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All beings ultimately exist to bring something into being. You may again exist to heal, to beautify, to XXXX. the meaning of your life is fulfil this purpose. Your physical reality exist to begin that purpose that reality, the meaning into being. Evolution is the understanding of meaning. The moving up the ladder of consciousness, by understanding the meaning. the cause of everything is "meaning". There are shades of meaning, there are gradations of understanding. For example, there is the page in a book. The page exists with black dots upon it. However, the physical object is the book with pages, the meaning lies in understanding the black dots. Your physical reality is the page of the book, the the higher levels of consciousness are understanding the black dots upon the page. the page is all the exists in one level of understanding, but as your consciousness grows so does your understanding of the black dots. There are levels of understanding meaning. Another similar example is to think of a computer. to a small child a computer is a box, to one engineer a computer is a collection of chips, to another engineer a computer is a collection of zeros and ones. To another persona computer is a a collection of programs. a computer is all of these things, and the higher up your consciousness goes so does your degree of understanding, but all interpretations are "accurate". A computer is indeed a collection of zeros and one, it is indeed a box, and a collection of programs. Think on this, the table you sit at, the car you drive, the business organization you work all existed as an idea a meaning first of all. The greater the idea, the greater the meaning, the greater the thing. For example, Samantha writes this book on a cherrywood Queen Anne's desk. That desk has meaning. it reflects an idea of history to Samantha, it reflects an idea of a time where life was appreciated differently, more from Samantha's viewpoint romantically. This meaning of this desk for Samantha means romance, and idealism. it is NOT just a desk it means romance and history to Samantha. That desk is more about Samantha's love for romantic notions then being a piece of cherrywood. The carpenter who made the desk had an ideal or a meaning for the desk before it came into existence. He also loved old things, for the desk is a fine reproduction. He wanted to bring the quality and beauty of the "classic" style into existence. He wanted to beautify. The desk exists to beautify and bring idea of romance no the life of those around it. The desk itself has a consciousness. It "knows" it's purpose to beatify as well. It enjoys it when Samantha dusts it, which she doesn't do very often because it "feels" more beautiful. You see, if you were to enter Samantha's office at your "level" of consciousness, you would see a cherrywood desk. From our vantage point we see an "entity" that exists to beautify the life around it. the EPs in Samantha's desk ARE that desk and they wish as well to beautify. it is the meaning that defines the desk. Everything physical thing has a mental aspect, you could even go further and say that every physical object has MANY mental levels. The more you understand, the more power you have to create your reality. so if we use the computer example again. A person who sees the computer as a box, does not have the power to utilize what is within the "box". A person who sees a computer as a grouping of chips can do more to the computer then the person who "sees" the box. the person who knows that the chips communicate in zeros and ones and understands how those chips interact, and can program them can certainly do more, and so you move up the ladder of consciousness in relating to and manipulating the computer. You are moving up the layers in the layer cake.

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The higher the level you go the more sophisticated the meaning. Evolution of mind and therefore physical existence is about evolving your understanding of meaning. Magic again is a changing consciousness at will. Another definition is that magic is understanding all the levels of meaning to an "object". on the EPS level, meaning guides them to create form. Meaning is the path, the map if you will to moving form being an EP to being something beyond itself. If you move up the levels you are rather like a chess player that instead of being a piece on the board, you are actually able to move or manipulate the pieces on the board.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Samantha and Aurelius Book 2 Section 30: 9/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Samantha and Aurelius We will start today with some personal notes on Samantha and Aurelius. They have been getting a lot of mail concerning their financial condition. First and foremost, Samantha and Aurelius, like many of you are facing dramatic changes in your finances. Generally when you first begin the process of changing your belief systems your finances change as well. The traditional beliefs about how to make money and what works with or for money cannot be held while you are moving towards a state of metaphysics. The ideas and beliefs behind current common belief systems are that money is a scarcity, that must be protected at all costs. As well, there is the belief that money is hard to come by. Finally, there is the belief, we believe it is called Murphy's Law that if something goes wrong, it will. You are told in traditional society to buy insurance for everything, because you MUST maintain your lifestyle. You are told that health insurance is NEEDED and an essential part of your life. You are told to save for your children's college because it will be impossible to afford. You are told to save for your retirement, because you will be short of money and go into poverty unless you do so. As well, most of you many of you are defined by what you do. if you go to a dinner party, one of the first questions asked will be what is your name and then what do you do. As if your name and your job are almost the same thing. Now, the belief systems that we are telling you to operate by are in direct disagreement with the above. First we say that the universe is unlimited. That challenge the idea of scarcity head on. Next there is the idea of insurance, that you must protect yourself, because if there is any way to lose something it will happen. You must protect yourself against an uncertain future. Instead we tell you that you create your own reality and your uncertain future can be whatever you choose it to be. Now, saving for the future can be a "good" thing because it creates abundance. In essence when you save a little extra every month, even a few dollars you feel more abundant because you are ABLE to save that few dollars every month. That savings creates more money because you see that you have MORE then you need, savings reenforces that idea. However, you do not NEED to save for a rainy day, since your days are only as rainy as your beliefs allow. There are other underlying beliefs in your society concerning money. Money is viewed as a value of your worth. Success is considered what other think of you. Again you are the victim of forces beyond your control that at any time can take what is most precious to you, away form you. Now, we tell you to substitute these beliefs for those: 1) Money is a reflection of how much you trust yourself and trust the universe. It is NOT a reflection of your work or your abilities. 2) Success is a reflections of what you thin of yourself, others are a mirror, not an accurate visions of you. 3) You cannot manage money well unless you have faith in yourself and the universe. there must be no fear when you make a management decision. 4) What is happening in the present is not necessarily a reflection of the future, it is a reflection of your beliefs.

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As you an see when you hold the "new age" or metaphysical viewpoint that you create your own reality, and yet have to operate in a world that is in directly differing beliefs you will run into problems. Now, one underlying problem is that when you have traditional job it certainly seems as if everything is out of your control. Your boss decides to give you a raise or not. You go to work and have to follow the companies or the bosses rules. You see other people around you or turn on the news, and they lose things in a flood or there is more downsizing and people getting laid off in big corporations. The economy will grow, and then the economy will stagnate. There is seemingly endless change you will for example, buy a computer for five or six thousand dollars and six months later or a year later it is obsolete. Based on these things you think to yourself well, I cannot' trust anything my life is out of control. There are societies beliefs, there are your beliefs. You do NOT have to believe what your society believes in order to operate in a society, you only have to understand the beliefs they are coming from in order to operate in a society. This brings us back to Samantha and Aurelius. They have an extremely fluid existence. First of all they are primarily entrepreneurs. They have had phenomenal success and equally phenomenal failures. They have been extremely cash rich and extremely cash poor, and everything in between. They struggle from one belief system to the other, like many of you will as you change your belief system and STILL have to operate in a society that holds traditional belief systems. Samantha runs cash flow for the business and sometimes when she is feeling good and "feeling" psychic she makes very wise decisions, when she operates out of societal beliefs and "fear", she makes extremely poor decisions as do many of you. however, she has been terrifically successful in the past because she CAN operate from an abundant viewpoint, and use her intuition to create money. Basically Samantha and Aurelius struggle like many of you from differing belief systems, and when you have differing belief systems how to operate. What makes sense in a traditional worldview and what makes sense in a "create your own reality" world view is dramatically different when it comes to running your finances. Samantha and Aurelius however have experienced these differing belief systems more dramatically then most. Most of you have never made the money that they have made from essentially nothing and then "lost" the money only to start the entire process again. From out vantage point one of the most ironic items of their existence was being on the verge of closing a multi-thousand dollar deal, and that afternoon going to the blood bank because they no longer had five dollars to buy food with. They went to the blood bank and one week later closed the deal. That is the experience of extreme poverty as well as extremely radical change within the process of a ONE week period. Literally going for five dollars to 25,000 dollars within the space of a one week period. This situation happened ten years ago. That 25,000 dollars officially launched tier first company. That was two companies ago. The lack of money was created from fear and doubt, the large amount of change was created from believing you create your own reality and the ability to take risks, and try what at the time seemed impossible. 25,000 may not seem like much, but it could have kept them for a year easily, if they had let it. Also that was the beginning, there was a whole lot more money that they created. Now, Samantha has trouble with use talking of her financial situation because for years it has been the bane of her existence. They literally have never made the same amount of money on a monthly basis for more then six moths at a time, and they haven't for ten years ever known where

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they next check is coming from. Yet in spite of that, they now live two to four months ahead of time. They have a beautiful log cabin home in the middle of a very isolated forest and they primarily do work that they love. They also have a project they are working on that potentially will make them richer then every before within a relatively short span of time. Yet they are living "poorly" relative to their old circumstance. This again will be their third business within ten years. The first two were extremely successful cash wise. But there were many lessons they needed to learn. For example, for a while they did things purely for the money like many of you do, and they discovered that even when they brought in tremendous amounts of money, that it was never fulfilling. BECAUSE it was NOT fulfilling they made awful mistakes using the money, as do many rich people. for example, they needed to upgrade their product lines, instead of doing it "right" themselves, they hired it out and DIDN'T supervise it because they wanted to do other things. What they learned is that it is essential for CONTINUED success to either accept that you WON'T be fulfilled or to arrange your life to ONLY do what you love. Most people would have simply in their place "stuck" it out, and lived with the money. Instead they "lost" the business. And then created a circumstance surrounding the loss of the business so that they were FORCED into a new business doing exactly what they wanted to in the first place. ironically both she and Aurelius are overall happier now than when they were "rich". They are creating "new" identities for themselves and experiencing a resurgance of great experimentation in their lives. Recently Samantha started a local artist's colony, this is something that she tells her she did for the cash, but it is also something that she has done because she truly loves it. Samantha and Aurelius live in a small town and by starting this artist's colony Samantha and our channelings are effecting that town. There were' also issues of identity involved in their lives, like many of you. Samantha for example, when she was a "big executive" type, refused to channel, because executive didn't channel. She also kept her abilities "quiet" and told no one about them. She only used them when she was in "trouble". She ran from her psychic abilities so that she could be purely the rational executive and it was only when she USED all of her abilities that she was able to create money. She had a role that she believed she had to live up to, and being a psychic was NOT acceptable to her role. Money is a reflection of what you believe about yourself, how much are you "worth"? Money is also a reflection of what you value, what do you spend it it on? What would you LIKE to spend it on. Some people put all their spare cash aside fro their children's education, other people put money aside for a Mercedes. Other people do not save money at all. Money is also a reflection of your beliefs about right and wrong and responsibility. What after all is debt? Who do you owe what too? Are you "bad" if you can't pay a debt? What is an employee's responsibility to their employers and what is an employers responsible to an employee? Your best security is to realize that your finances and what they stand for are a reflection of your beliefs and as your beliefs CAN be fluid and improve so can your finances. Now, for another personal note on Samantha and Aurelius. Samantha up until this posting has tried, other than the letters she has written, to "keep" her life out of her postings. We are using

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actual examples from both of their lives for the following reasons. first and foremost because they have such dramatic examples of how their belief systems effect financial conditions. Secondly, a number of people have written to them concerning their financial situation since Aurelius wrote a letter concerning them. Aurelius has a "dry wit", and in that wit has a tendency to exaggerate what he means, this exaggeration or wit doesn't not show up well in pure text. Finally, Samanthas readers are "curious" about her personal life. Samantha has "us", but that does not mean that she does not have her own "personal" problems or issues.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Habits of Mind Book 2 Section 31: 9/14/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Habits of Mind Now each of you to some extent KNOWS how to do what need to be done in your reality. If you have red to posting 65, you must to some extent BELIEVE what we are telling you, at least enough to read it. Yet, maybe your life hasn't changed all that much or maybe it hasn't changed in way that you would like it too. If for example, you adopt a belief system where you realize on a deep level that the other people in your life are mirrors of you life, then hypothetically you would simply know to change yourself when having a bad experience with another person. However, most of you STILL continue on the path of "seeing" things in such a way that you are "victim" of the other person. this is person is dong XXXX, or YYYY TO ME. yet on another intellectual basis to SOME extent you do believe that you create your own reality so to follow through again on that belief that persons must be in your reality a as mirror to your own thoughts. So why do you KEEP reacting in the SAME fashion. Why don't you simply change? to some extent you are holding onto to operating form a habit of mind. Sort of like smoking XXXX thing occurs and you are accustomed to reacting XXXX way so you do so. Now to some extent you hold onto those habits because par of you is NOT ready to let go and we have discussed that process in other postings. Basically, in your mind you have discovered that you simply do NOT want to "let go" of whatever is bothering you. There is some reasons that you believe you need that belief. but let us say hat you have "gone" through that exercise. Let us say, that you KNOW why you have held a belief for so long and you have worked very hard at creating a new one, yet you STILL react in the same way. Again, this is a process of simply operating form a habit of mind. When you learn to drive, you get into a car and each of you prepare to drive. some of you may turn on the radio, others may put their seat belts on first. Other still may always need to have something to drink with them and the first thing they do is pull out the cup holder in their car and place their coffee, tea, cola, in it's spot. these are all habits, and each of you during each and every day operate to a large extent on "automatic". You learned to walk, and basically even though you are bigger you probably still walk in a similar fashion that you did when you wee three years old. This habit "works" for you. Now, you cannot change everything all at once, habits EXIST to help you to do something on "automatic". It is important for example, to have a system of separating your reds from your whites when you do the laundry so that you don't;; all have pink underwear. systems and habits exists because you find something that works and you use it and use it and use it. When changing system or a habit of mind it takes CONCNETRATION. You need to remind yourself to do something in a "new" fashion or automatically the "old" habit will come into play.

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Beliefs are a form of mental system or mental kind of habit. You think in a certain way about a certain situation. You are NOT that belief, you are simple operating from an old habit of thought. You need to learn to "break' through that habit of thought in a new one. Rather like you need to learn to quit smoking, or you need to learn to stop eating five donuts a day if you wish to lose weight and operate under your current cultural belief system about calories. Most of you will have compassion for your selves if you rare trying to break a habit. You will think to yourself, well, I have smoked for fifteen years I can't expect to change it all in one day. Yet you do NOT have that same compassion when you re trying to change a belief system. You say to yourself, I reacted out of that same beliefs system when XXXX did XXX to me, I reacted like I always do. Well, you need to think of change your beliefs as changing your habits of mind. You need to realize that habits of mind can take a bit to change especially if they are deeply ingrained and you need to have patience with yourself about it. Now, as well, like anyone other person who is breaking a habit you reach a point where you say to yourself , "enough is enough". it is time now for me to think differently. I know how to do this. I am tired of falling off the belief wagon. It is at this point where it simply is no longer 'acceptable" for you to do this because you KNOW there is a better way that you are close to changing your habit of mind, or your belief system. This is like going to alcoholics anonymous can take time and you must be patient with yourself. You must give yourself a break. You must just keep at it, and love yourself even when you make a mistake because at least it is progress if you KNOW it is mistake. Samantha know of an individual who teaches a course on helping yourself through illness. this individuals "knows" all about belief systems and how they change their lives. Yet sometimes no matter how well she knows something intellectually she will simply "do what she knows is wrong" and fall into an old pattern of habits. She will call a friend of hers or any number of freinds and say I know what to do but for some reasons I can't seem to do it. This individual is encountering a habit of mind situation. We have covered this before, the idea that your beliefs are contained within your DNA system, and indeed they "fight" back, if you fight them. the worst think you can do is blame yourself or get mad at yourself or "fight" back. The best thing you an do is say I know there is a better way, a better belief to hold here that wont' hurt me so much and then CHANGE it. But if you blame yourself, because you have operated out of an old habit, you are just adding energy to that old habit.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Being And Havingness Book 2 Section 32: 9/21/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Being And Havingness. When there are problems in your life, it means that you must change a belief. this is very simplistic statement to a very complex problems, but again simplicity is the most complex thing of all. Pain exists to put on you the "right" track. Anger creates energy to get out of of victimization. We have said most of this before, but the world itself is run through the idea that if you create your reality why in the world do things go wrong. If you really create your reality why does it seem so much like YOU don't create it. There are two basic forms of existence to have or to be. When you exist in the world of to have, then you exist in the "outer" world. You define yourself literally through what you have. You are your car, you are your house, you are your friends, you are your job, you are your love interest. When you define yourself through what you have, you run into a deep problem of needing other people to define the parameters of your life. So for example, if you are your car, then you need other people to recognize your car and what happens god forbid if you should get into a car crash? If you are your friends, what happens when you fight with your friends or you have some sort of disagreement with your friends. If you are your mate what happens when you mate leaves you? If you define yourself through you job or how much money you have what happens if you loose one or both? If you define your world through "I have", then you define yourself through the outer world. When you define yourself through the outer world you will run into trouble with what wrong with the outer world. Now, this may seem to be a contradiction in terms for if you create your reality and indeed you do, then everything in your world you created. But as well, when you define yourself as what you have, then you "give" away your power in the world. When you realize that you create your reality you must deal with the issue of WHAT AM I? Am I God? You are a energy moving into a greater form. You are actually your "being". You are the you that dreams, you are your deepest wishes and your greatest desires. By being, you begin to "merge" with a greater self, a god self. In other words through being, you sense the universe force or the universal energy that runs through all things and being to feel a "godness". As for God refer to the posting on "god". So if all I have to do is be, you may ask yourself then why do anything? There is an underlaying assumptions in your society that being means that you just sit there and "do nothing". Yet the spirit that is within you will not "let you sit". You may sit and do nothing, you may sleep eighteen hours a day, but sleep is actually a very creative thing if you record your dreams and attempt to understand them. There is an entire tribe of Indians that all they did was live guided by their dreams and they spent three hours a day in dream analysis before they did ANYTHING else. To just be, allows you to open up to the spirit and the spirit will guide you in what to do. You will find that when open yourself up, that ideas will flow and that will become energized.

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There is a difference between busyness( doing what you should do, activity for activities sake) and doing what you "should" do, and having purposeful, spirit guided activity. People who be, actually and up doing more then people who DO. Recently Samantha was pregnant, and she was ill. She found that she could NOT work, she could not even begin to clean her house and writing, well that was close to impossible for her. She slept eighteen hours a day and then could barely leave her bed to eat. In her waking hours she DID analyze her dreams to the extent that she could concentrate. She learned to do this when she was sick as a way to help get better. We would recommend this for anyone who has an illness, analyze your dreams, look at them for within them many times lie to answer to your health. She also practiced being awake while dreaming so that she could understand what was going on within her body. Samantha was "being" she had to heal herself and her body. Samantha lost the baby, but her body needed the practice of carrying twin fetus to term. As well, in her case there were many underlying issues that are personal and need not be brought up here. Being a channel does not guarantee that Samanatha's life will be perfect, in fact by being a channel Samantha draws tremendous energy into her being and therefore her "dark" corners (fears, angers, pain) come out to play in dramatic way. The more energy that is drawn into your system the more "all of you" comes into reality. Being a a channel is rather like an signing up for an accelerated course in metaphysics. You are forced to clear out your negatives and very quickly. For example, if you have a fear and you draw tremendous energy into your system your fear manifests itself faster as well, in more dramatic terms. By staying in bed and basically doing nothing", Samantha was being and healing herself. She lost the babies this time, but there is a strong probability that because of what happened during this pregnancy that if she chooses to become pregnant again she will carry twins to term and this is for a woman who it was "impossible" to have a child in the first place. As well, she did carry those twins for a while. this for a woman who was not supposed to be able to have children AT ALL. In her "beingness" Samantha did more in her eighteen hours of sleep a day then if she had worked to exhaustion. She also learned a tremendous amount of healing, by being forced to heal herself, and practice awake dreaming. People who be follow their instincts and their impulses, they follow what they instinctively feel guided to do. You are your dreams, you are you deepest wishes to be is to bring those ideas into manifestation. You cannot "be" when you concentrate upon having. You cannot "be", when you define yourself as something "out" there. You cannot be on purpose until you follow the dreams within you. You are here to fulfill the map within that is your purpose, you follow that purpose unless you learn to "be". In other words, if you define yourself through what others think, then you cannot let yourself "think", you cannot follow your impulses, you cannot open the door of purpose in your life. Each of you is destined to be successful, but how many of you have the courage to follow your destinies? How many of you have the courage to be. Many of your problems, many of the beliefs that interfere with your ability to have the life your want is because you do define yourself through havingness. A person who defines themselves as a business person will lose their business. A woman who defines herself through being a housewife will find that her husband has left her. The universe does NOT like limits, it will break through your self imposed or cultural limits in order to help you to achieve your purpose. When you have a problems when you have pain, look at your underlying beliefs and look into the idea of having. Are you limiting yourself through havingness instead of of beingness? Are your refusing to go to law school because you are a housewife even though you have need for justice and deep thirst for justice and it is your dream to change laws that harm people? Well, sure enough if you are that

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housewife your marriage will soon be in trouble, because you need to stop defining yourself a as housewife, and begin to see yourself as you really are, a justice creator. In the bible, Moses was asked to build an ARK. He in essence quit his job, bankrupted his family,. fought daily with his wife and children to build an ark based upon a "vision from GOD". Imagine if you were a modern day Moses, and you were asked to quit your job, bankrupt your family, fought daily with your wife and children be a laughingstock among your friends and in your town because you had a visions form GOD that there was to be a great flood. Could you do it? If you defined yourself as having then you could NOT do it. but if you followed your being, then you could. this is the path of the hero. In your television there is great violence and a great many negative beliefs systems are played out in your television tube everyday, but one thing that is also played out is that there are many heros on the "tube". Each new television season there are new heros and heroines. People who take great risks and overcome a great many odds to become heros. In order to be hero, you must overcome great obstacles and be willing to "risk" it all. Each of you needs to be a hero in your own life. IN order to be a hero you must learn to "be" before you can successfully have. A hero is someone who is on purpose and CAN risk all because his definition is NOT of havingness. Be a hero in your own life and watch magic happen.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Living as a Wizard Book 2 Section 33: 9/23/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Living As A Wizard The first step in becoming a wizard and practicing magic is to understand it on an in intellectual basis, after that you must learn to incorporate magical concepts into everyday life. This is where it gets "difficult" for most people. The greater portion of society has not accepted these ideas, so incorporating them into everyday life is difficult. the first thing that must be understood is what is knowledge and where it comes from. IN your society you are trained in the "rational" mind set. You do the rational thing, you get a regular job with a paycheck every two weeks, you save your money and you buy a house, buy a car, get married have 2.5 children, save for college and get an IRA. You spend a good amount of money on insurance for you car, your home and you job should have good medical insurance, just incase you or family gets sick. You need a "nice" savings account and you do what you boss tells you, and hopefully move up corporate scale or the job scale and get better and better jobs so that you an have fancier car, or live in a fancier house, or take better vacations. Now, slowly all of that is "breaking" down, but many people would still like to have a good safe job and live a "good" rational life. Decision are made through through analyses. You think to yourself, well, this it is rational now for me to get XXXX or to do XXXX. There is nothing wrong with this mind set, however it is limiting and in your current society it simply doesn't work as well as it used too. There is a different kind of knowledge, this is the knowledge that a wizard lives by. In this kind of knowledge you listen to your "quieted" mind and do what it says. You "know" XXXX or you "know" YYYY, and you act on it. How many times have you met someone and you felt that there was something that wasn't quite "right" about them? Or you met someone and you feel instantly in love, and you knew it was right, in spite of the fact that the relationship seemed impossible? Perhaps they were married or you were married or XXXX. then soon after it DID indeed become possible for you to get together and sure enough you did. This inner knowledge, this instinctively knowledge is how a wizard operates. They simply "know" to do this or to do that. In order to glean this inner knowledge you must first have a set of beliefs that allows you to access it. First and foremost you must understand that inner knowledge or intuitive knowledge is knowledge directly from the universe itself. It is the best guide and the best knowledge comes form this inner self. If you do NOT believe this, you will not listen to this knowledge and "do" the rational thing, because this is what you have been "trained" to do. there are other beliefs needed to access this knowledge. First and foremost you must know that you are NOT alone, that the universe is always with you. That there is a library of knowledge and that there are guides or friends or angels or outer space beings or whatever out there to help you and guide and help you to access this information. A rational person believes that each and every person is that, alone. A wizard knows that as long as you are alive you are never alone. That there are realms and existences beyond the five senses and that as long as you wish to access them you will. A wizard

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knows lives or exists in being, and not in having or doing. A wizard lives moment to moment day to day, second to second. A wizard does not concentrate on gaining the external but on finding internal power. Outward power is not as important as inward power for inward power never leaves you but external power comes and goes in a flash. You can be rich one day and loose it all the next day. A wizard does not define himself or herself through the external relationship or the external object. Finally a rational individual believes in cause and effect and a wizard knows that cause and effect exist only to the extent that you believe something and then it appears. Cause stems from selfhood and not from outward experience. Now when you begin to incorporate all of this into your daily life many of you will experience much drama, things that were "sure" before will violently erupt. There is within the tarot deck a card called the tower. it traditional represents the tower of babel. But form our vantage point it represents what happens to a life when a deep belief is changed, lightning strikes the tower and the entire life like the tower is radically changed, right down to the foundation. In order to listen to this inner knowledge you must believe in it and allow it. And then you must follow it. And when you first follow it, expect to encounter the tower of babel. Now, as a wizard you will recognize that the mind and the thoughts come first, and then what else follows. So for example, let us say that you wish to be rich. Assume that you are rich. Live everyday as if you were filled with prosperity. ACT as if you were rich. What would you do differently if you were rich and not poor. Maybe you would buy XXXX or YYYY? Then buy XXX or YYY. but most importantly how differently would you feel about yourself? When you met a new person would you be much more confident? Would you dress better? Would here be more harmony or peacefulness sin your life. Start right now to operate as if what you wanted all ready existed. Now, interestingly enough many of you would say, well, but it doesn't exist. How can I act as if I am rich when I can't pay my bills? You must believe that you are already what you conceive yourself to be. You are your dreams already. And no matter how "poor" you are, in "reality", you are rich and this is just a test or a manifestation of past beliefs or XXXX. But you are already rich. If it a project hat you wish to undertake, imagine the project being done. Imagine the project as entering your life and physically "being" there. you must KNOW that if you conceive of it and DECIDE to do it then it will happen. when you "act" from this knowledge what you wish for, will indeed manifest. You see the "knowledge" is first, then comes the 'action", and finally, then comes the actually physicality of what you wish for. It is assumed within your reality that the physical is first, this si the rational first. You don't believe it unless you see it. Or you are from Missouri, the "show me state. In other words you will NOT believe it unless you it is shown to you. In our reality, it is first what you conceive of and then your action/belief that creates what you wish for. The knowledge or conception is first, then the belief and action, then finally the manifestation. It is NOT the reverse. That is the outward system of existence. That is the "having" and not the "being". The physical is the FINAL "proof", not the first thing. IN other words you must conceive of it and believe in it BEFORE you see it. Let us go back to that person in poverty who wishes to be rich. Let us say, that this person begin to conceive and "realize" that they are already rich, then the universe will indeed open the doors of the universe to this person and sure enough the money will follow. But the first, the first thing

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that must be done is the conception and then the KNOWLEDGE which perhaps deeper then mere belief. It is the knowledge that indeed you are rich, no matter what you outward experience are. Related to this idea, you must live as a wizard first. In other words, you cannot jump back and forth between the two different realities otherwise the two different realities will manifest themselves. So for example, if you decide to become a wizard then you must start living a wizards life which means that insurance for example, becomes something that you do not need. It means that maybe you cancel the insurance on your car or you quit a job that is not working for you and you have been holding unto because of medical insurance. However, please note, do not cancel the medical insurance if you BELIEVE that you need it. Also don't cancel the insurance as a "test", because then you are asking for physical proof and failure will follow. You must cancel the policy when you know that it is time for you to move on and NOT before. You must follow the innner knowledge the inner knowledge of the wizards and the part of the spiritual self. IN other words the spirit comes before the physical. You must separate in the physical, as spiritual. You act and what you intuitively know, not what is "OUT" there. Now, your therapists will tell you that is being delusional. However, what we are telling you is different than being delusional. For most wizards operate very succssesfully within the rational world. There are actually any number of wizards within the world, however you would NOT recognize them because they would only enter your reality when you believed in them. And a wizard would recognize that you would not be ready to handle the knowledge of their wizardry, so they would keep it form you. The wizard listens to his or her intuitive self and KNOWS that what he or she wishes to manifest WILL. In the meantime, what they are facing are other parts or other beliefs. So they deal with them, but then they ignore them or do not concentrate on them. For example we covered this idea before when we discussed niave optimism. Let us say again that you have cancer. If you were a wizard you would KNOW that this cancer is meant to teach you something. You would believe that no KNOW that you somehow would be all right. You would listen to your doctors, consider the treatments, consider XXX or YYYY and then do what you KNEW inside form your internal knowledge to be right and sure enough you would be all right. Now, related to this, let us say that you have XXXX disease and you believed that somehow you would be "saved", and your doctor tells you that you should undergo YYYY new treatment that "Might" cure you. Indeed that very possibly is your solution. Miracles occur in many ways and some of them through, many of them through rational means. In other words a miracles can be 'rational", because indeed it is easier to manifest through the rational then through the magical. Do not automatically turn down this new treatment because it is not a miracle, see it as the miracle it is. in other words when you are acting rich, do not ignore the possibilities that occur from acting rich. If a new opportunity suddenly presents itself to indeed make yourself rich, then TAKE it, if you inner knowledge tells you to. Do NOT ignore it because it is a Miracle. A wizard acknowledges that he or she is sick or isn't rich, but KNOWS that in the future they will be, in the near future or know that they really are rich and act that way, but they are also aware that they are in the "present" reality. IN other words they acknowledge the "reality" of the situation, but look through it. they "see" through it to the other side and act as if it didn't exist.

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although they are aware that tit does exist. this is NOT delusional for it is coping with the circumstances, but applying magical principles to them.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Multiple Personalities, Psychotics, Possession, And Channeling Book 2 Section 34: 9/26/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Multiple Personalities, Psychotics, Possession, And Channeling What is the difference between a psychotic, a person with multiple personalities, and finally a channel and/or a wizard? First of all you must look at the beliefs behind the patient, and the beliefs behind the doctor. If someone claims that they are hearing angels, are they really psychotic or are they simply tuning into some other level of reality? Is the illness in the individuals who is experiencing the angelic voices or the "illness" in the doctor who has to have totally scientific and "rational" scientific viewpoint of the individual? So our first questions when approaching mental illness of this type is what is mental illness and who is sick? What are the beliefs that are operating here behind the principle individuals? In ancient cultures to hear voices was considered a great gift and someone with talent was many times tortured in order to develop this talent further. If they survived the torture they were then given a "high" place in that society and what they said was considered to be something of great value. All of these prophets would be considered psychotic today and yet many of them indeed enter into another state and "find" a "true" visions of reality that helped and guided many people. So again what are the beliefs operating here? Now, a traditional psychotic idea of someone who is hearing voices and is told to kill another person, and then does so because they are "told" too. What is the difference between let us say Samantha and an individual who kills individuals? Well, first the foremost, Samantha doesn't kill individuals, and rarely even eats meat. It is most important to look at the individuals involved and "judge" if you must the validity of the personality. Can the individual involved cope?How is the individual reacting to the information? Multiple personalities go off the deep end for example, and "loose" time. Channels as a rule do not lose time, they live in a sort of hypertime. There is actually a very fine line between a psychotic, a channel and a multiple personality. The difference of course exists in control. a channel can "shut" out the voices and tell them "to go away" and they will. A psychotic is a victim of his voices and can never tell them to go away, in fact those voices "stay" with them and many times victimize the listener. A multiple personality literally takes on the personality of "other" disembodied spirits if you will, but the multiple again has no control over this ability. A channel can pick or choose his or her voices and pick or choose when they wish to the personality or personalities to inhabit them. A channel in other words has conscious control, a psychotic or a multiple personality has NO conscious control of the entities that they are involved with. a psychotic and a multiple have "released" the conscious control of reality and "given" it other to other spirits. A channel

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ALWAYS maintains conscious control. Even if the channel is in a "trance" state, the channel can still always at any time "choose" to come back. As well, a psychotic individual and a multiple personality usually have unresolved traumas in their backgrounds, a channel may have a trauma, but they are aware of the trauma and generally aware of how it effects them. The trauma in other words is NOT repressed, and has in most or many forms been dealt with. Samantha for example has had "traumatic" background, but she is aware of how this background effects her and is in most all ways "over" the situation because she has primarily forgiven the individuals involved and understands the whys, wherefore and what have you around the trauma. Anyone can withstand and grow from a traumatic experience if they "understand" and believe that the trauma has purpose. For example, a child who is daily threatened to be killed. A child who lives with tremendous hardship, being forced for example to sleep on a concrete or stone floor, etc could be considered abused. Yet, in ancient times many children of royalty were submitted to this kind of treatment so that they would "rule" well. They were daily subjected to sword "play" that could have killed them. Caesar had his children sleep on a a stone floor so that they would not become soft and NEED luxury. All of these children were made to understand the REASONS for what happened to them, they knew that they were being taught this so that they could defend themselves, so that they rule better etc. The true way to deal with a trauma is to UNDERSTAND the reason it has been chosen in your reality. The reason you choose this path. Now, a psychotic and a multiple personality all really ARE channels of a sort. The difference lies in the belief systems of the psychotic and the channel as well the difference lies in the ability to deal with trauma. A channel cannot afford to EVER repress an emotion. That is not to say that a channel cannot refrain from screaming when they are mad, but instead a channel must learn to have a sort of balance and a deep awareness of "selfhood", while a psychotic and multiple has repressed and through that repression lost the power to control what happens to them. Not only that but these poor souls not only cannot remember what happened to them but are very far from EVER accepting and "seeing" the why of what happened to them. It is because of this that they are sick. Now, possession, psychoses and multiple personality, as well as channeling DO the same thing, they allow a physical personality to have contact with a disembodied spirit form another level of reality. IN a multiple personality for example, another spirit literally inhabits the body of the of the person. this is NOT a made up personality, this is actual spirit in having the body of the individual. Possession is when an archetypal image possesses the body of a human being. A psychotic is one who "hears" the voices of a disembodied spirit. In another posting we covered the ideas of multiple levels of reality, the levels if you will of existence and how existence is rather like a layer cake, each existence is "real", like each layer of a cake, but the higher up you go the faster you manifest your thoughts and the higher up levels contain the lower "down" levels. Another way to think of this is that of a light spectrum, the higher levels of light contain the other energy of light. For example, white light contains all the other colors, and is a color in it's own right. Red is also a viable color. Some people live on the white plane or level, others on the red, pink or peach plane. Quantum theory talks about how on some levels of reality there are waves on others there are particles, some people live on the wave plane others live on the particle planes, but the waves at times can "contain" the particles. Like quantum theory the higher levels contain the lower levels. Physical reality is one level, we are on another level and there is a multiplicity of levels.

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There are many entities on these various levels of reality. Your beliefs lead you to the personality that "needs" you like you "need" them. It is the same in life except the spirits are disembodied. As well, on the "higher" levels if you will, not many "bad" spirits can inhabit these levels because thoughts manifest so rapidly there, their "badness" makes it most difficult for them to live in a high energy level. Another way of putting this is that if you have a "lot" of negative thoughts about another person and think of killing them in your rage, you would be able to manifest this almost immediately after you thought of doing this. If you thought of harming yourself etc. the manifestation would take place immediately. the negativity of these thoughts makes it truly difficult for the individuals involved to live at these levels. There is no "group" of thoughts protection if you will. However, there are individual entities that in spite of this, choose to have the power and live in a hell of their own making like this. they are very few and very far between, however THEY do exist. You DO create your own reality. Therefore there are beings who will do anything for this kind of power and so since you do create your reality they have their hellish realities. If a human being is a deep pain and rage and repression, and they have tremendous pain in them. They open themselves "up" to these other entities and sure enough the entities enter into them. The belief systems usually match "here". IN other words, the entities that live in "hell" and the human beings actually living in hell "match" their beliefs systems and are drawn to each other. So the dramas begin and hellish drama they are. As well, we have talked before about human beings when they begin to channel misinterpret what they hear in their minds and "hear" something that is different from what is said. So for example, if you are an individual who is filled with rage and longs to release that rage in murder to regain power, and you "link" with another entity and that entity adds rage upon your rage, when you feel that entities rage you may "hear" them through your own reality colored glasses to kill another. It takes a while to become enough of a filter to become a channel if you are "new" at the business or if you are "sick" inside it is even harder to become a "clear" channel and actually hear what is being said. There is tremendous misinformation among channels and in the field of channeling because the channels are "new" at it. They have not leaned to separate themselves out enough to hear the "broadcast" clearly. Finally, let us talk of possession. Recently Samantha had an experience with someone who was "possessed". This experience made her ill, for she could not "get around" it. Let us begin with the idea of Gods and explore this a bit further. Within the human race there are beliefs about Gods. There is the belief in the Christian god, who is good and loving and the belief in the "reverse" god if you will who is the devil, or evil incarnate. There are other beliefs , the Buddha, the Muslim gods etc. In most religions, NOT all, but most of them there is "good" and there is "evil". For every human that believes in That God, that human's energy adds to a "god" like entity. So for every human being that believes in Jesus Christ there is among the level of reality populated by Gods if you will a Jesus Christ. this entities NOT physical, but is the manifestation of the energy generated by the millions of humans who believe in him. For those who believe in Christ, there are those related individuals who believe in the devil, so the devil also exists in this level of reality. For every God that has existed there is a grouping of energy that is created that gives "life" if you will to this God. Individuals who are in great pain and "open" themselves up on this level can indeed be "possessed" by these "god" entities. IN this sense good and evil, god and the devil, Buddha, Zeus, Hera, etc. all exist and have always existed as long as there is belief in them. If you believe in evil and believe in the devil you enter your energy into that archetypal energy and sure enough THERE IS DEVIL AND

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THERE IS EVIL. All of this occurs on a "higher" level. the level of "gods". However, any mass event is created through groupings of beliefs like this. More on mass or large events, and archetypal energy in the future. But if you CHANGE your beliefs, then the devil disappears. Please note here it is possible for a group of individuals to consciously create a god, and have repercussions from it. As well, the Oracles at Delphi were women who took on the ability to channel the goddess Diana and the other Greek gods. In ancient religions(many of them the mystery religions) there were priests and priestesses who literally took on the energy of these Gods and Goddesses for a space of time. There are individuals who today have the ability to do this. Individuals who CAN do this can help one who is possessed. This is where the Christian idea of excorcism comes from. But since there today is not anywhere near the belief in the devil then there was in past times there is very little possession that takes place. Again the mental health of the individual is essential, and the ability to face and large amounts of energy and "manage" it in your psychic system. A truly talented channel who understands what they are facing is essential. In all cases from possession to multiple personalities the individuals involved FREELY whether consciously or unconsciously AGREES to allow these entities to enter into them. The belief systems have to match, the agreement must exist, and usually stems form a traumatic reason. If the individual involved wishes to "rid" themselves of the entities that have allowed to enter into their energy system, then they must find and end the reason for the initial entering. They must find out when they released control if you will unto another entity, and they must "take" that control back. Most of the time this means that they must deal with the underlying trauma that "opened" them up in the first place. for many, dealing with this underlying trauma is unthinkable, therefore they will continue to be possessed, psychotic or a multiple. Not only must they deal with the underlying trauma,t hey must forgive the inevitable perpetrator and finally they must "see" how what happened was created with in their realities life purpose so that they must have "peace" in order to move on. For most of these individuals the pain involved is so deep, so overwhelming they would literally rather ANYTHING( and indeed have allowed ANYTHING) then deal with what they must deal with. This is repression that is so deep, so overwhelming so powerful, that for most human beings it is hard to imagine. As well, the pain is repressed so that the personality, what is left of it, CAN survive. Many times the pain is overwhelming. Unfortunately traditional therapy while attempting to get the root of trauma, does not understand what is really going on here so many of these individuals, even if they reach for help CANNOT get it through the medical services available. These medical professionals for example would have to understand that they are not only dealing with the individual but a disembodied spirit and in the rare case of possession and archetypal energy of a God figure. To most therapists this is such a radical idea. For a therapist to propose a treatment like this would be considered "sick" and unbalanced themselves. Drugs while allowing the individuals to cope more effectively DO NOT deal with the underlying issue and will only work for brief periods of time, or just help the individuals involved to repress EVEN more. In other words the drugs can potentially make the individuals involved SICKER. So what about a channel. A channel is an individual who willing takes on a spirit FOR good and understands on a deep level that they are doing this to help themselves or to help other reach a deeper understanding. A channel as well, must have tremendous sense of self. They must know

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their energy enough to know where they begin and another entity stops, so they can sense "who they are", and come "back" into themselves. A channel must be by nature a deeply balanced individual and again it a VERY dangerous for a channel to repress strong emotion, for when they do that they risk become psychotic. They energy levels are ALREADY open and they are already allowing other entities into themselves. Repression just opens themselves to sickness if you will. As well, a channel must have an overall POSITIVE belief system so that they draw positive entities into themselves. That doesn't mean that a channel cannot be negative at times, but their overall system of beliefs must be positive enough to draw positive entities and make a good match. An individual who is a multiple personality, has been possessed, or is a psychotic who hears voices has the potential to become a great channel. If an individual such as this becomes healed in the way described above this individual WOULD be a powerful channel with tremendous healing ability. In essence, the differences is mental health, belief systems, and purpose of the individual involved.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Labels Book 2 Section 35: 10/06/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Labels In the scientific universe one goal is to label everything. It is believed that once you can label something you can understand it and once you can understand it, you can manipulate it. We wish to examine this idea. First and foremost, when you label something or label and experience you limit your understanding of it and put it in a box. Fro example, you say to your family when you come home and eat dinner, I had a bad day. What does that mean exactly that your multitude of experiences fit into a box of five words. When you label a day, when you label an object, when you label a person, she is greedy, she is mean, she is nice, she is beautiful, you limit your understanding of the fullness of that experience and you place expectations upon that object , event or individual. When you label something it becomes static in form, and thereby unchangeable to you. If you say, I am rich, I am poor, I am good, I am bad, you limit yourself and you have to "fight" the label in order to change yourself or the world that you live in. In "reality" nothing is static and everything is fluid. Your life can literally change in one instant and indeed does. When you label and incident,event or person you create a blockage of energy, something to overcome. Instead try to just "look" through and event and try to "see' the event in hit's wholeness for what it is. When you label something you loose the creativity to change, by "seeing" the labeled situation, individual etc. for it is, you can fluidly create with it. Your attitude you belief about something is significantly more important then anything else. When you label something, anything in a negative fashion or even in a positive fashion you create a very strong screen with which you have to break through. When you simply look at something and try to "see" it for what it is, you can cope with the situation, person or incident better. Another way to put this is that there are significantly more shades then black and white in the world, and multitudes upon multitudes of gray. Try to see the gray of situation or even better try to see many grays when approaching a situation, person, experience of any sort. Instead of saying she is greedy, you may wish to correct yourself in your mind and say to yourself, she was from my vantage point greedy in this particular situation, why would that be? Then you open the doors to gray. Instead of saying I had a bad day. Say to yourself XXXX and YYYY happened, and I take that as bad, is there a better way to look at what occurred to me? Is there some other way for me to see this situation so that I can have more power or more understanding of it? The reasons for this labeling exist because there is still an underlaying belief in your society of "one" way of "one" truth. When you adopt the attitude that reality is OUT there, you think you try to establish the "truth" of situation by defining what is out there, but when your realize that you create your reality what is "out" there is really inside of yourself. What is "out" there is actually your perception of other's beliefs. Now, of course there are mass beliefs and these beliefs define "reality" in a culture, but are those belief "right", and indeed when you realize that there

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are many probable cultures form which you can choose to live, you may reach a point of seeing that you choose XXX or YYY culture to live in and you have a responsibility to that culture because you have chosen to create your reality within it. In your particular culture labeling is "the thing" to do. Someone is rich when they have a great house and rive a Porsche. A rich person is "good" or "bad" depending on your beliefs about them. All of these things are easy labels, but they don't/ deal with grays of situation. Some rich people are "bad", and some 'rich" people are good, but most rich people like everyone fall in the in between and need to be taken on their own terms. when you limit yourself through labels, you lose your ability to operate within a framework to "see" a situation with more clarity and therefore gain more power over it. For example, take the rich person form above. Let us say that you meet a rich person at a cocktail party. You say that person is rich because he is wearing a designer suit. Then you begin in your mind to see all sorts of thing about how rich people are and when you talk tot this rich man, you lose your ability to "see" the rich man for who he really is. for you are lost in your labeled perceptions of him. The broader the label the more power your lose the more you limit your ability to act or to truly understand a situation. If you say to yourself all black people are bad, then you limit the huge differences between black people. You in essence by broadly labeling a group of people lose your ability to increase your understanding. A label is a limit. To find one truth and one reality about a situation is to limit yourself from a real understanding of it. It is ironic but so true to the "you create your reality" ideology, that by labeling something you are trying to limit it's power over you and force it into your form of reality and in actually when you label something you limit yourself and your real understanding of it. Prejudice as you understand, racism, sexism, and "ism", is actually a label produced by a society that must label everything it encounters because it believes so strongly in one way and one truth and in what is "out" there. In many ancient societies people were just tat "people" and there were no labels as you understand them because there were more then "one" truth. Again prejudice stems form living a world that accepts one truth and looks for one reality to define the all of reality. Reality itself is so brad and there are many universe within each and every moment of life itself that by labeling them to yourself and saying there is just "this" universe that I am living in your limit your understanding and your ability to go into other universes and move into other probable realities. So if you truly believe that the only reality you live in is the one that you are living in this moment, that there is only "one" reality out there, you belief creates that reality for you. It is a limit to live in a universe that contains only one universe and one version of the truth. If you accept the idea of probable realities, you must realize that every time you face a large decision there is another you that does what you do not. That means that there are hundreds of yous and hundreds of other "Others" out there at any one time and they all live in different universes. There is universe where president Clinton is elected and there is a universe where President Dole is elected and There is even a universe where Ross Perot is elected. Which universe do you live in and WHY? that is the better question then labeling yourself or the country as liberal, republican, democratic or independent. If you live in a liberal universe ask yourself what is that liberal means to you and why you are choosing in live in that universe and why you need the label of liberal? By not accepting labels and realizing that you move into the reality that best suits your beliefs and purpose, you limit the labels you CAN place on something

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else and begin to look at what is the belief or purpose behind a person, incident etc. that is occuring in your life. Now, to some extent what we are saying above contradicts itself. We are saying that you create your reality through your beliefs, and then we are saying that by labeling yourself you limit what you can see. There is the underlying assumption that "what you can see" is out there. Instead what we would like to do is introduce you to the idea that there are levels or layers of reality that you can see, and that by labeling a person, situation etc. you limit your ability to see within yourself what your beliefs are, and the layers that are created through your beliefs. We recommend the following exercises, if you find yourself labeling an experience then tell yourself that you must label it in three ways instead of one. Instead of saying to yourself I had a bad day, say to yourself, I had a bad day. I had XXXX and I had YYYY. Then you automatically open yourself up to looking more deeply into what your beliefs are about the reality that you are creating for yourself. Another exercise is to imagine yourself wearing glasses, and then see what color you are viewing reality through. If for example, you label yourself as having had a bad day, you may be seeing the day through black colored glasses. Imagine then taking off those glasses and then putting on a different colored pair of glassed, let us say rose colored and "resee" the events of the "bad" day. Labels are the glasses through which you "see" the world and those labels reflect your beliefs about reality. when you begin to loosen your labels, you loosen yourself from your belief systems. That is when creativity and true deep change can occur. There is much talk about dysfunctional families in your media. We would like you to think of the idea that dysfunctionality is simply poor labeling of events and colored glasses that perceive reality in a negative manner. If a dysfunctional person changes his or her beliefs, then the dysfunction would many times disappear. We challenge you to question your labels and change your glasses.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

First Purpose and Manifestation Book 2 Section 36: 10/09/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

First Purpose and Manifestation Each of you before you are born decide upon a mission, a path a purpose to fulfill. This mission is what we call first purpose. It is the first and most important thing in your life to accomplish in your life. Now, each of you have a mind filled with shoulds. These shoulds come from your society they come from your parents, they come from your colleagues, your friends your boss and your family. these shoulds many times tell you what you should want and what you should need. Your society is currently involved in a presidential election and one of the issues the candidates talk about is medical insurance, you are told that you need medical insurance that it is bad or dangerous to NOT have insurance. What is insurance except, yourself betting against yourself that something awful might happen. Insurance companies make tremendous amounts of money by begin that your life will go smoothly, you when you pay insurance are betting that your life WON'T go smoothly. You literally have to get sick to benefit from medical insurance. Medical insurance is based upon a belief in victimization, that you are a victim of your cellular structure. That you are a victim of germs that can "invade" your body and make you ill. Medical insurance is a should in your society. If you do NOT have medical insurance you may say to yourself, I need to have medical insurance and attempt to manifest medical insurance in your life. Medical insurance to me, may mean that you are safe, it may mean that you are taken care of, it can mean nay number of things to you in any number of ways. If you attempt to manifest it, and your pour your energy into it, you will very probably get it. But you CANNOT manifest something that is in direct opposition to first purpose. If you attempt to manifest medical insurance in your life, but your purpose may be to show how to live "without" a net. How to NOT become a victim etc. then no matter how much you attempt to manifest it, you will NOT get medical insurance. Samantha has been receiving a great many letters which, she as herself attempts to answer. Many of these letters are "why" letters, why when I am doing all the "right" things am I not getting what I need or want? Why am I sick? Why am I broke? Why and why and more why's. Samantha does her best to answer these letters, but we tell you here and now, first and foremost if you are attempting g to manifest something that goes against first purpose, you will NOT get it. So before you begin the manifestation exercise outlined in the next posting we ask you to look at your life and look at what you want in your life. Make a list of your desires, make a list of your needs, make a list of any little thing that you want. Now, when you look at that list, ask yourself first and foremost what on it do YOU really want? Not what society tells you need. Not, what your family tells you, you need. Not what your friends want for you. What on that list do you ACTUALLY want. For a true desire, cleared out of of shoulds is a key to your first purpose. You are NOT given a true desire without it having a link to your true purpose. It may be that you truly desire a car. This care represents freedom to you, that is a true desire, the desire for freedom.

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However, if you have a car and that car runs fine and you want a new car, ask yourself why? do you want a new car to impress your friends? do you want a new car so you can get a date with the hot blonde next door? Look at the underlying reason for wanting something and then decide if you desire that thing of if you want that thing because you are told that you should want to or you should need it. The second question to ask yourself BEFORE you begin the process of manifestation is what is the ideal that you are actually asking for when you want something. For example, if you want that car to impress that blonde next door? Why do you want the blonde next door, is it because you want sexual satisfaction? is it because you want your friends to be impressed with you? Is it because you feel true love for this blonde. If you truly loved you, you probably would';t think of her as "the blonde" but by her name. Look at the ideal of what you want. If you want true love, could it be that the blonde is NOT the right one for you and if she is, a car would not be how to gain "true" love. Is it sexual desire you wish for, if that is the case is there another better way to gain that sexual satisfaction. If you want to impress your friends, ask yourself what kind of friends would be impressed with the purely physical look of someone you were dating. if they were your true friends they would be concerned with your "relationship' with the woman, not so much what she looked like. Maybe you want the car to impress the blonde because what you truly desire is to impress your friends and if you look deeper into that you would find that it is NOT to impress your friends that you want, you simply want FRIENDS. When you reach this "bottom" desire, when you reach this ideal, then you CAN manifest that and manifest it quickly, assuming that your beliefs DP NOT interfere. It is very important for you to realize that first purpose is what guides your life, before you are born you look into the world and "see" it. You see what needs to be done in the world and what roles need to be played out to make the world a better place. You look into the world, and all of the probabilities and you look at what you can do to create a better world. Then you look at the lessons that you, yourself STILL need to learn. What have you done or not done in another life? what is that you missed or what is it that you didn't understand? what is that you wish you would have done differently? When you have evaluated all of this, you decide to accept one of the roles upon the face of the planet and you are perfectly born into your purpose;. if you are born with a genetic defect it is because YOU CHOOSE that ahead of time for first purpose. If you are born into poverty and starvation again it is because you came to carry a message or to fulfill a first purpose where your beginning are in poverty and starvation. the most important thing in becoming a wizard and being able to manifest whatever you ant is to find out what your first purpose si so that the doors of the universe can open to you and support your desires. You do this all before you begin to manifest something. Now we have told you that purpose is a very and a noun, it is what you are and it is what you DO when you are joyful. When you operate form this place, you feel terrified joy and things come to you easily and wonderfully. That is if you let them. But purpose and first purpose are the same but different, when you go into yourself and find first purpose you see within yourself a map of not only what you are here to do, but how what you do effects the world. Purpose is taking the role, to do or to be. first purpose is "seeing" the whole play that you are acting in, understanding the illusion you are born into.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Process Of Creativity/Manifestation 2 Book 2 Section 37: 10/14/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Process Of Creativity/Manifestation 2 We have written before on the process of manifestation. However this is something that potentially could become a book in it's own right. It is a process that is both simple and complex at once. You must realize that initially we are just giving you manifestation exercise. They may seem nothing more then imagination. A dream, or a fantasy if you will. It may feel more intense, but possibly not more intense then any other dream that you may have had. Before you are born, you are just the dream of your parents and you life here is just a dream as well. It seems to small children that they just appeared out of existence, they take on faith that there is a future and that their parents have come before them and been small and children just like them. Life itself springs from "just" a dream. Once you have decided upon what it is that you TRULY want (NOT should have, not what others want for you) and have come to terms that your desire is related to first purpose, it is time to actually begin the process of creation. First and foremost realize that you create your reality every single day. We have told you this repeatedly, but has this "fact" truly sunk in for you yet? What you are about to undertake is not something that is so strange, it is not something you have never done before, indeed it is something that you unconsciously do each and every moment of your life. You are the creator in your life, you can create unconsciously, or you can create consciously, that is your choice, but you ARE always the creator. Remember this... Now, there are MANY ways to begin the process of manifestation. The first is the form a sentence of exactly what you want. For example, let us say that you wish to be a millionaire, but you are on welfare. You say to yourself over and over again, "I will be a millionaire", "I will be a millionaire", "I will be a millionaire". In your mind when you say these words to yourself you will feel blocks. Now, each of you think differently. Some of you think in images, some of your think in sounds, some of you think in mathematical symbols. Each of you have a primary way of interpreting the world. It is important that you become consciously aware of how you process information in your mind. When you realize what way you think, you can begin to utilize this when you begin to tell yourself something differently. So for example, if you hear information, then indeed making a tape would be a way to help you in manifesting. If you think visually, then getting catalogues that reflect what you want and "seeing" looking at them in your spare time will help you to manifest what you want. When you run into a block, it is important for you to take those blocks seriously. For example, take the above case of the woman on welfare who wants to be a millionaire. This particular case the woman thinks auditorially. She says to herself, I will be a millionaire, I will be a millionaire etc. and immediately in her mind she hears, "yeah, right your on welfare right now, but YOU are going to be a millionaire, get real". This is her mind telling her what is STOPPING her from manifestating. This is her mind telling her that she has a belief that is INTERFERING with her actually becoming a millionaire. She changes her belief that it is NOT rational for a woman on welfare to become a millionaire, maybe she reads success stories of someone WHO has been on

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on welfare and DOES become a millionaire. In whatever form or manner she works on that belief and is changing it. Then she begins the process again. I will be a millionaire, I will be a millionaire. Then she hears in her mind, "just look at yourself in the mirror do you LOOK like a millionaire. you look like a poor black woman who lives in Harlem. " then the woman must change that about herself. Study magazines maybe of what a successful, "rich" woman looks like and concentrate on changing that. Let us say, now that the woman looks differently. She goes back in her mind and again trys the meditation, "I am a millionaire, I am a millionaire" and this time she hears that no one in her family has EVER been a millionaire and people how have money abuse people who don't. then she must look deeply within herself and decide to look to her family history and see just how far her family has moved beyond slavery. She must also look at their families beliefs and look at how they benefited her family, and then see if they ARE still benefiting her family. More on this on another posting. Finally, this woman has at realized what beliefs are interfering with her ability to manifest a millionaire dollars in her life. The next step is to start saying NOT that you WILL be a millionaire, but that you ARE a millionaire. Imagine to yourself again how you would be different. Imagine to yourself that you are a millionaire and ACT like that. this is where the story of Cinderella comes from. It is NOT just a love story, but the story of a girl who can manifest from poverty and abuse, becoming a princess and sure enough she does. The story of Cinderella in it's purest form is the story of manifestation, it is NOT a story of how a man saves a "woman", but a story on how a woman "saves" herself through the magical process of manifestation. Now, let us say that you are this woman in Harlem and you "next" assignment is to ACT like a millionaire. but again you are STILL on welfare. This is seemingly a lie. Yet, by acting the lie you will make it true. Already this woman has changed her looks, perhaps in her mind she "sees" a woman who is rich as being educated, and speaking articulately. so this woman begin a program of learning how to speak better. She goes to the library or even buys a book on learning new words everyday. At the same time she is still spending a certain amount of time everyday meditation in the fashion that best suits her own mind. A teacher comes into her life. bit by bit she not only looks the part, but sure enough is speaking the part. Now,t he woman will begin to see in her life true conflicts. Possibly her old friends will think that she is uppity. they won't want to be her friend anymore. Just who does she think she is, they will ask her or ask themselves. Now, the woman has begun actual manifestation in her life of what is preventing her form moving forward, in this particular case what her family and her friends think of her. Now, she must decide if she wishes to proceed in her quest to become a millionaire. The woman can confront her friends and family directly, but it would be important to look at the beliefs that her friends and family are manifesting in her life. It would be important BEFORE she confronted them to looking to herself and try to settle in the problems within herself first, before the confrontation, for it is within your mind-this is yet another posting. by acting the role that she wishes to become she is finding in her reality the reasons why she has not become what she wishes. The more dramatic the change you wish for, the and the faster you wish to manifest it, the greater the crisis that can potentially greet you as you change your belief systems. We have talked before about beliefs fighting back. many ties they fight back in terms of other people. by this time as well, no doubt the universe is creating circumstances or ways in her life to indeed create a million dollars. Another problems here is that the universe creates way for you to

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manifest what you want, however you may not recognize those ways and want the universe to manifest in ways that YOU want the universe to manifest. In this way to don't see the opportunities right in front of your face. The universe DOES listen to you especially if you are acting in first purpose. try to reframe your reality to see what could happen within a situation to achieve what you are trying to manifest. Maybe this woman gets offered a job at a Wall Street office as a secretary. The money will get her off welfare, but just barely. And then she will have to work all that time etc. and she may even lose benefits. This seems a far cry from actually achieving a million dollars. However, working for the Wall street office may teach her tremendously about how to make money. She will be surrounding herself with people who deal with millions and millions of dollars each and everyday. She could potentially learn form them. This could be a great opportunity in disguise. Everything in your life is a symbol for something else. Take a day and look around and say to yourself everything I see, I have created and is a symbol for something else. Ask yourself what the symbol is. We have already discussed the underlying ideal of what it is that you ACTUALLY want. Think in your mind of a symbol for this. This symbol will help you to "overcome" what the block of words will say to you. DNA is a spiral. Life stems form the DNA spiral. Existence as well, is NOT linear, it is NOT a line but a spiral. Sexuality builds, and builds, and builds, and then explodes. The manifestation process is a similar experience. What you need to do is create a symbol for what you wish for. If it a millionaire dollars, create a symbol for that bank balance. Then imagine pouring a spiral of energy into this symbol. symbols as well, communicate directly with the unconscious mind. Traditional forms of magic use symbols in order to connect directly with the unconscious mind. For more on this particular exercise refer to posting 6. Now, you will at some point feel a click. For example, in ancient practices of candle magic a red candle means power, a green candle may mean money. A white candle spirituality. You can use "spell" of magic by placing a yellow candle for the power o manifestation. A green candle for money, a power, and a white candle for spirituality. Say to yourself this means money , this green candle means money, this red candle mean the right use of power, this white candle means that I maintain my spirituality in the face of great money and great power and I will use it well etc. When lighting these candles and saying these words, you are creating candle symbols for what you wish to draw into your life. Another way of creating symbols is through the use of poetry. It is traditional to use poetry words filled with images when manifesting for the reason that poetry, like music moves away from the conscious mind that holds all the "reason" why this can't happen and move directly to the unconscious mind where symbols mean more then "reasoning". More on this in another posting. As well, it is within unconscious mind that the energy of your life system resides, therefore it will directly connect to the other world of manifestation. It is through the unconscious that you can 'touch" the void of energy. The next step is realize that even after the click, there will a certain time span before it actually manifests into your reality. At this point after the click the symbol goes into the void of energy. If there is NO OTHER INTERFERENCE, then you will automatically create that symbol for yourself in your life. by no other interference we of course, mean no interfering beliefs.

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Now, when you are initially beginning the process of manifestation, it is best to start small, with something similar to what you have already manifest. The reasons for this are twofold. First and foremost, you need to build up faith in your ability to manifest. If you start with a million dollars and you are currently in poverty and if you don't immediately "get" the million dollars, you will say to yourself, well, this doesn't work, and give up. Instead, take an example of a woman who is accustomed to having and wearing beautiful peices of jewelry in her life. let us say that she sees another piece of jewelry that she knows is "perfect" for her, but the price is a little more then she currently has the money for. Then that would be a "good" experiment to manifest this piece of jewelry or the money for that piece of jewelry. When you make huge leaps from one level of existence to another, you need to prepare yourself for this. The first preparation is the ability to see that you are able to manifest things that you require within your reality. In other words, practice not only makes perfect, it makes "faith". when you begin to actually see manifestation of your desires, you begin to believe in your ability to create whatever you wish for. Then it time to start with the the big things that you wish to manifest. the first thing that we recommend here is learning to wear the energy of what you wish to manifest. Imagine in your mind having exactly what you want. Let us again use the example of the million dollars, it is important to "see" in detail exactly how your life would be when you had that million dollars, but even more important to "feel" that million dollars, to wear the energy of that million dollars. As you imagine this perfect day, again 'see" what blocks you have in it. What doesn't feel right about it, what do you fear about achieving this particular dream or goal. the only difference between you and that person you must realize is the difference in energy and the difference in beliefs. That is all. practice wearing this new energy, feeling this new energy. Learn to look at where and how the energy feels uncomfortable. learn your own energy enough to "know" the differences between what you wish for and what you currently have. Then concentrate on "raising" the parts of your energy that don't' seem to hold the difference. As you do so, you may uncover beliefs or fears when you attempt to raise or change this energy. If for example, your current primary energy color sis blue and you feel blue to yourself.,b ut when you have a million dollars your energy is a light sky blue, instead of a gray blue. then imagine your whole energy system taking on the "new" sky blue. There will be places where initially you cannot do this. This si where your blocks of energy are contained. Look at the places that can't seem to hold the skyblue and ask them "why?" You may at this point be flooded with fear and flooded with pain. Do NOT run from this fear and this pain, look into it as we have written of before. Learn form your energy and what it is trying to tell you about what you believe and most importantly when looking at a fear and when looking at a pain ask yourself WHY when you have obviously outgrown it , you are still keeping it. Another "trick" of manifestation, as well is to see yourself if you keep your current beliefs, imagine your life in five years, ten year and fifteen, years, then imagine if you will a "new' self filled with the beliefs that you need to manifest the life that you wish to lead. Let your fears see how they are holding you back. Let your fears see that they are "harming" you, and then give the energy behind your fear a "new job" to do.

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Learning to manifest takes time, it takes patience and it takes practice. as well, what seems to be a "failure can actually and most times be a message of what is blocking you. You need most of all the ability to learn from your mistakes. If you try to "prove" all the time that this "works", then when you fail you hurt yourself because you say to yourself, look this stuff really doesn't work. Instead you need to look at why you have "failed" as a lesson in becoming a better wizard.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

A New Rationality 2 Book 2 Section 38: 10/22/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

A New Rationality 2 Now, the rational mind is NOT at odds with the mind of a wizard. It is just when you think "rational", there are a great many beliefs about what that means. One belief about the rational mind is that it must see all the pitfalls ahead, and think through all the worse case scenarios. A rational mind knows that they do NOT control their reality and that their reality "happens" to them. A rational mind must see himself and or herself as a cog in a wheel. The universe afterall, operates "out" there with little or no concern for you. It is an unloving universe and you must protect yourself from it. Your body can betray you with illness. A crime can be committed against you, randomly. There is very little meaning to this world. And "proof" of it exists around you in that you turn on your television sets and see this miracle of modern science. The rational approach is the scientific approach and science creates all sorts of wonders and proves it value. Therefore you most adopt the rational, scientific approach to your life. Initially when you are exploring the world of wizardry, you must deal with your own belief systems. You must go deeply within yourself and look into the the belief systems you are operating from. Many of you, who have read this far have indeed been examining yours lives. Maybe even beginning to see the magical process work in your daily lives to some extent. And then most of you run into a huge block. That block is your attachment and belief to the rational mind. Now, the rational mind, the conscious day to day mind if you will is needed and is useful. However, the beliefs around what you consider rational limit that mind. Instead begin to see the rational mind for what it is and what it's purpose is. First and foremost the rational mind exists to "organize" your reality. The rational mind's job is to frame reality. A sound analogy is that rational mind works like a picture frame, it literally takes reality and frames which pieces and parts of it that "fit" into your worldview and this picture frame makes up your reality. If you tell the rational mind that the rational scientific frame is that it is the "only" real frame, then it will frame and organize reality in such a manner so that all that you "see" is a reality that "fits" that framework. So for example, let us say that you are a scientist and you believe that the universe is made up of waves. You find or create a piece of equipment that looks deeply into reality and sure enough you will "find" waves there. Another example, if you believe in a reality where "bad" things happen,. If you believe like the bumper sticker "shit happens", that you are a victim, then sure enough you will "find" incidents in your that prove that reality, that frame that reality. You will piece together an argument to yourself that says, I know that shit happens because: 1) My husband divorced me, he never really cared about me or loved me.

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2) My son and daughter are against me, my ex-husband has polluted their minds against me. 3) I can't pay my bills on time, because my ex-husband is saddling me with all our past bills. 4) My family is against me. They are NOT being supportive and are never there for me. I was there for them, but they were NEVER there for me. 5) My landlady is screwing me over. She told me that she would pay the heat and NOW i am forced to pay my utility bills. 6) I hate my job and my boss, they don't treat me fairly. On and on and on and on these beliefs go into infinitum. IN this manner you use the rational mind as a frame. You take a basic assumption and then the rational mind provides a "proof" for you. Now, if you were this woman and you believed that you create your own reality, we would advise that you "reframe" your reality. Begin to think to yourself. Life is good. Life is magical and you begin to reframe the "proof" that it is so. Instead of saying my husband divorced me and never loved me, think to yourself, I am divorcing my husband because we outgrew each other. It is time for both of us to move on. Instead of saying, my son and daughter are against me, say to yourself my life is filled with magic. I KNOW that my son and daughter love me and that is why they are so angry with me now. They don't understand what is happening to them. By my husband and I getting a divorce, I am changing their views of men and women, they are confused and they are angry, but this is the best thing that could happen for them because they will grow up healthier. I am in transition and my beliefs are in transition, so my bills are in transition. Eventually I will find the "right" path and magically all of my bills will be taken care of. I know this, because it has happened to me in the past. I remember when I was really in trouble financially, and sure enough something ""just" came through for me". The universe will provide for me, because it is magical. This is just a test of my beliefs, and changes.... And we can go through and show you belief after belief. The rational mind, frames you reality, it takes incidents and "fits" them into the proper framework for you. The rational mind has a second job if you will. The rational mind job is to "check" out imaginative probabilities for you. Now, if you were a wizard. You would say to yourself, it is time now for me to get a new job. I need a job that is more challenging. The rational mind would then "move" forward and "instruct" your imaginatively what kind of jobs for you to "try" out. It would let you experiment with getting a job with XXXX corporation or YYY company. It may even think to itself, maybe I need to go back to school etc. The rational mind would play out probabilities. Then the rational mind would say to itself, I think this probability is "the best" one, and then let it go, and trust that what you imagined to happen or something better would occur. Instead what actually happens is that the rational mind thinks of itself "by" itself. In your society, the rational mind thinks of itself as alone and that it must alone "figure" what to do. Then the probabilities become negative, because the rational mind CANNOT all on it's own provide all the needed circumstances which will "make" that new job happen for you. And again the rational

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mind will think to itself, well, if I change my job I may not get a boss that is as good. I may not get co-workers that I like as well. What if I go to a new company and the company isn't as stable as this one? What if I have to move and my family loves it here? And on and on and on it will go, seeing trouble behind every possibility. The rational mind is a wonderful instrument when it is used as the "first" step. When it is used as the method of framing and when it is used as imaginative tool to explore realities, but only when it KNOWS that it is NOT alone. It is NOT the rational mind that is "bad", it is the limited beliefs your society teaches you about the rational mind and the scientific method that limit you. The scientific method grew out of a time when there was terrific fear of the devil. In medieval times people "knew" there was a god and that there were devils. the scientific mind grew out of this framework. Now, science denies it's very roots, by denying that there is ANYTHING besides the scientific method. In "reality" the scientific method was "created" to fight the devil's worldview and to form a more compassionate view of the world. Newton studied and practiced alchemy. Newton is the 'father" of the rational movement. So when you are faced with difficult circumstances, try to reframe them. Try not to use difficult circumstances to "prove" the bad in your life. Your rational mind is infinitely creative, we suggest that you tell it to substitute another belief when you are attempting a reframing. If for example, you are involved in manufacturing a product and all you see day in and day out are product returns. You would say to yourself, this is a "bad" product. That is obvious, look at all of these returns. Instead, think to yourself, how many products are returned form my competitors. How many other manufacturers have difficulties instead of seeing it as your or your companies failure. then "look" and see if maybe there is a problems in the basic chips that MUST be used for this product or look and see any number of reason for the product returns. By doing this you are reframing the issue and in"reality" possibly seeing more of the "real" reason then anything else. IA real wizard would ask himself, why are all of these products being returned in my reality. Why did I create this? He would LOOK deeper into himself and look and see what those product returns "mean"? In this method, he may see that he has been working for a company that is underfunded. Instead of blaming the company, he must ask himself why he CHOOSE to work for a company that was that underfunded? Does he feel a lack in himself? he would look for HIS root belief systems in regards to the work that he is doing. He would look to his belief systems and work on changing them, and reframing them FRIST and then look to solving the "outward" problems. You see if you "rationally " believe that you create your own reality, you begin to frame reality in such a way that "outward" circumstances are reflected inward and then you give yourself the power to change those beliefs. Then you put the rational mind to work in a framework that gives it more creativity. You put the rational mind to work in a such a manner that it responds more effectively. As well, if you let the rational mind "know" that although it is responsible for imaginatively exploring your probable realities, and it is responsible for working towards those probabilities, it is NOT responsible for "lucky" happenings. It is not responsible for GETTING XXXX or YYY to call you back with the perfect job offer. it is only responsible for reading the job ads and TRYING to get an interview. THE rest is up to a beneficent reality.

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Instead of rejecting the rational reality, begin to find a better way to put your rational mind to use. In other words fire it from it's current and limiting job and give it a new and better one. Give your rational mind the "job" of "proving" to you that you DO indeed create your own reality. Begin to give the rational the mind the job of finding how your beliefs are reflected outward. By asking these questions, your rational mind begin to use itself from our vantage point much more effectively. There is a logic to reality creation, find that logic and use it instead of the logic that says that your universe is "out there". Each and everyday there are hundreds of incidents that occur in your life. From the clothes you wear in the morning, to the newspaper you get to he morning coffee you drink. You "piece" from those incidents one that reflect your belief systems. the daily conscious mind cannot CONTAIN all of the information that it encounters on a daily basis. What if it remembered EVEYRTHIGB in every newspaper, book or magazine that it had read. What if it remembered daily each and every piece of clothing you ever wore or remembered each and every single thing you mate said to you. This list goes on and on. there is so much that occurs in one single day, our rational mind take these incidents and places them within a framework for you to operate from. By choosing which incidents to remember, and which incidents to forget, it is rather like your daily newspaper which picks what news events are newsworthy. The paper picks events based upon what it believes to be true about reality and about what it believes other people will read. If the paper is a "reputable" paper like the Wall Street Journal, it will pick stories on what is happening in the business markets, and in large corporations. If it the Enquirer, it will pick stories of what hair color is in, or affair XXXX or YYYY celebrity is now involved with. The Enquirer deems that information worthwhile, while the Wall Street Journal no doubt doesn't care what haircut is currently being sported by SSSSS star. The Wall Street Journal believes that what happens in business is needed an useful information, the Enquirer thanks that hair color is needed and useful information. Each operates within it's own framework and it's own audience. Your rational mind picks what daily events , weekly events etc. "fit" into your belief system. We have said before and we will say now, that each belief you now hold you hold for a reason that at one time was beneficial to you. You picked that belief, and the rational mind finds information that fits into it. Change really change your beliefs and you will find that the rational mind picks other events to fit into your reality, literally your reality changes. Wizards consciously pick what to believe and put their rational minds to work at finding the best beliefs for them and the best way to view ANY situation that they are faced with....

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Past As A Mirror Of Your Beliefs. Book 2 Section 39: 11/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Past As A Mirror Of Your Beliefs. Most of you think to yourselves that the past is well, just past. It is what happened to me, it is what is "there". It is "set" in stone and NOT fluid. I remember XXXX and YYYY. I remember when Aunt Suzy spilled coffee on me 25 years ago. I remember when Dad and Mom had the horrible fight in the kitchen. I remember when we my old boyfriend and I were the most in love and we went to that beach and sat there all day talking. Every time I think of him, I long for him. Your memories are mirrors of your beliefs. Every day you consciously live at least 12 hours a day and most of you more. But if you "look" back how many memories do you actually have? for example, how many memories do you actually have from when you were 4 years old. Yet you were awake twelve hours a day for that entire YEAR, and you possibly have one moment or a few minutes of time. How many memories do you have of 15 years ago. If for example, you were in college, do you remember what classes you were taking? what professors you had? Do you remember what you easily learned? Even those memories that weren't that long ago, you remember minutely. We tell you that what you "remember" is a mirror of your belief systems. If you remember the Aunt Suzy and coffee incident, no doubt you will always remember Aunt Suzy as a klutz, especially if the hot coffee fell on you. Maybe you have gone so far as to see yourself and your entire family as a klutz. You say to yourself, my family is a klutz. Look at Aunt Suzy and that coffee day, look at Mom and XXX or YYY incident. However, if you want to "upgrade" that memory, maybe you will remember that Uncle Sam had just been diagnosed with cancer and Aunt Suzy was very upset that day. She wasn't a klutz, she was just very upset about her husband. Now, we have told you that the rational mind is a organizer of, a frame for reality. What you "remember" is a reflection of for, a refection of that frame. Also, not only what you remember but what you remember of the incident. The rational mind uses these experiences as a proof. So in the example, above, Aunt Suzy's spilling coffee again becomes proof of your families,a dn therefore your klutzness. In order to prove that everyone in your family is a klutz you no doubt, have a number of incidents like this as "proof". If asked, your rational mind can no doubt provide any number of incidents and in that manner you have proof and therefore and excuse to "be" a klutz, it is genetic you say to yourself. Or is it learned behavior? Your reality what you pick out to remember reinforces your concepts of reality. If you take and assumption that no one has ever loved you. Your mind will go back to incidents were you WERE treated badly. it will list in your mind all the times you were unloved, and then you have proof of your unlovability. You also no doubt have a family problem on your hands. But if you were to decide that you were lovable sure enough, there would be other incidents that you would "remember" where you were loved. Think of all the times that you have reminisced with someone from the past, and they simply don't remember what you do, or if they DO

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remember it is a very vague remembrance. they remember that you went to California and you remember that you went to Colorado. They remember that seeing Disneyland and you have no recollection of that, you rmeember seeing the mountains and Denver. yet this is the SAME trip that you are talking about with your sister. When you go to your Mom about this, she remembers seeing the Grand Canyon and remembers that you all went to Arizona. Maybe, your father remembers traveling around the west and seeing all of those places. Or maybe he doesn't remember that trip at all except for traveling in a car and hearing the kids scream and scream and scream and being worried about all the money that was being spent. Memories are NOT truths, they are simply reflections of what you believe about yourself, your family, your relationship to the world. Now, many of you have been in therapy or even ARE in therapy. You will go to a therapist because you are having trouble with your mate. You will go to a therapist because you are "depressed", or because you have had some disaster in your life. Your therapist will ask you to look into your past and "find" what is wrong with you. And indeed you will go back and "find" what is wrong with you. You will suddenly rmeember that your father hit your mother. You will then understand why you hit your wife. Now, we suggest instead that you look for your BELIEFS about men and woman when you are in therapy, or for a real way to 'change" the present. As well, look and try to "see" what really happened at those incidents that are your "proof". For example, if you think that your father didn't love you and treated you badly and because of that you do XXXX or YYYY. Look and try to remember the circumstances behind your father's life and try to see him as a more dimensional being. Try to see possibly that he wasn't perfect or that maybe he was enacting his fears unto you, and that he DID love you, he just didn't' know how to show it or he wanted you to be tough. In this manner you recreate proofs for yourself. As well, ask to see incidents where he did love you. Ask to "remember" the good times that you had. If you can think if 10 bad incidents with him, try to ask for and "remember" 10 GOOD incidents with him. If you lived with someone for five years chances are you had 10 GOOD times together. the limits of therapy are that they "prove" to you what is wrong with you. They ask you to see what is wrong with you and WHY you act in a certain way and that alone is "supposed" to cure you the understanding. Instead traditional therapists do not take therapy far enough. They need for you to create "new" beliefs about reality and recreate your past. Finally, you need to see that what you thought about reality at that time, was possibly inaccurate assessment of reality. Then you need to substitute in your mind these new incidents, these new belies etc. You do not simply get "cured" from remembering a "bad" incident and feeling it through. The reasons to go through the pain of feeling something through is to get the the BELIEF behind it and CHANGE the belief. But that is for another posting..... You can remember more to "prove" a new assumption about reality. You can remember something differently and with "new" knowledge. You can reach a point where you see that your father loved you and behaved badly because of his own pain, or ignorance. For from our vantage point all pain exists to gain knowledge. All pain exists to create change. Pain for it's own sake is useless and well, painful. Pain is there to open you up, if you can open yourself up without the pain LEARN how to do so. Pain exists for you to do what needs to be done to END the pain. Remembering why you act like XXX and YYY. Remembering why 'bad" things happened and then leaving them there just reinforces the "bad" things and reinforces the beliefs that there is

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something wrong with you. In some form or another that belief about your badness and your bad past needs to be changed. Now, many times unexpressed emotions reinforce a memory. If there is a pain in you because some kids berated you as a child. The more you repress this pain,t he stronger your belief in what happened and the stronger you believe that you must protect yourself from being berated again. Or that there is something wrong with you and that you deserved to be berated. Pain is meant to be ended. By repressing it you KEEP it, and it's energy reinforces the beliefs behind it. As well, memory is used as a definition of self hood. When you think of yourself you think of XXXX or YYYY. Because you didn't spell the word correctly in the spelling bee when you were ten, means that you cannot spell today. When you realize that your memories are as fluid as the present you can ask the universe or your version of god to help you to create new memories for a new self. These memories will seem to be memories that before you had "forgotten". This will be the rational mind's way of "proving" a new identity to you.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Vampires..... Book 2 Section 40: 11/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Vampires..... What do you do when you are hurt and angry and are a wizard. We have told you a number of times to NOT react with anger. We have told you to NOT "act" out, so what DO you do? Let us say that someone you trusted has betrayed you, in the past you would have "gotten" even. Maybe betrayed them in the same fashion. First and foremost remember that you do create your own reality. Therefore even though it may seem that they are "doing" something unto you, it is "you" for whatever reason have created this situation. Now, first and foremost BEFORE you act, think to yourself, ask yourself WHY you have created this conflict in your life? What beliefs are being reflected here. You in society you are taught to "get even". You may yell, do something underhanded, "hit" the other person whatever to "get" even. WE suggest that you do nothing g until you have identified the beliefs that are operating here. this may seem to be a passive response. You want to act, you want to punish the person so that they never act that way again. By waiting and "thinking" through the beliefs it may seem as if you are "allowing" them to get away with hurting you. On the other hand we tell you that indeed if you DO act, then you are adding your energy to the betrayal or pain. By adding the energy to the situation you will either accelerate the situation or you will instead recreate it in another form in your life. Instead by analyzing and looking into yourself first you are dealing with the actuality of the situation. Once you have the beliefs we suggest that you begin to think for yourself do you WISH to have these beliefs that are causing you this pain. Pain is a signal for change, the purpose of pain is to GET out of it. Think about how you want to change the belief. Think about what is causing you the pain involved. You may immediately see that the person although intending to hurt you, once you have changed the offending belief will either change or you will NOT feel the pain and automatically "win". Now, the order of beings in the stage of existence where we are is to teach and also to learn. Our lessons are significantly different then yours, but lessons as well. We learn and we teach through object lessons. In other words, one of our prime pupils for example is Samantha and Aurelius, when we write a posting either personal or one to be published, very soon after a situation will occur in their lives to exemplify this lesson. This si the most effective form of teaching that we can think of. imagine if you will that you are teaching a lesson to a child, you ask them questions, you point out things for them to "focus" upon. Instead of wishing to "teach" them a "mean" vengeful lessons we suggest that you attempt to teach an offending person an "object" lesson. For example. let us say that someone you loved has betrayed you through gossiping "meanly" about you. You have identified the belief behind this betrayal. That identification and letting go or attempting letting go of your own belief should help the pain itself subside. Then you can begin to see clearly that the person involved quite possibly loves you as well, but they have their own lessons to learn. That they are acting out of

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their own pain. If you go to them and "attacking" confront them, you will exacerbate their pain and your own. If instead you say to them. Look, I "Know" that you did this thing to me. You must have tremendous pain and anger underneath to do such an awful thing. Do you WANT to talk about it? In this manner, YOU are teaching this person a terrific lesson. You are saying to them, "I know a better and more effective way to handle pain, and anger then by betrayal." You must realize that ALL pain is your own. All rage is a reflection of either fear and/or pain. All fear and pain exist due to ignorance. The way that you can heal yourself and heal your "enemy" is to teach them and yourself a more sophisticated way of handling pain and fear. Now, to some this might sound like ":turn the other cheek syndrome". But an object lesson might NOT always take the form of directly confronting someone like this. A wizard has to learn to be ruthless to some extent. When you truly understand that you create your reality and that EVERY OTHER PERSON AROUND YOU ALSO CREATES YOUR REALITY, then pity becomes useless. How can you pity someone who creates their own reality. You CAN have compassion which is a from of understanding for their ignorance and you can have understanding/compassion for their pain, but pity becomes impossible. Once you no longer pity, then you become ruthless. Now we are NOT advocating kidnapping nor are we advocating violence of ANY sort here. WE are simply saying that object lessons at times, like "tough" love are needed. When you are dealing with a drug addict that is stealing from you and happens to be your own child. It is NOT best to continue to allow that child to steal, what may be best is to tell the police where the child is and have them arrested for stealing from you. then have the child face a courtroom appearance where they are placed in a drug treatment program. In other words, a ruthlessness is needed here. Now, this is difficult o describe because the ends DO not justify the means. Therefore, you must be careful to know at what point to draw the line. First and foremost to be truly ruthless an individual involved does NOT act out of vengefulness and anger. Secondly, the person involved has to realize that the END does not justify the means. But in the case above, with the drug addict child, what is best for the child being in a treatment program or being on the streets? As well, the child involved needs to learn the consequences of his or her ways. We would suggest hat if you were the parent of this child, that not only do your report them, but when they are arrested see them in jail and "be" there for them, without bailing them out. Go to the courtroom with them, see them in the hospital, etc. but as well, as begin there and accepting them, show them a better way to be, and be loving ALWAYS in your treatment of them. If they rant and rave at you, if they attack you for placing them in the clutchs of the police for placing them in the treatment program. Listen, and simply say, I STILL LOVE you, then walk away. This is loving, yet this is ruthless. Samantha does something like this with her young daughter, Rhiannon. When her daughter does something wrong, she is made aware of the punishment. She is told, if you do XXXX or YYY, then you will get a time-out. Then she is placed in time out. Rhiannon becomes VERY upset at Samantha. Many times,a s most young children would, Rhiannon crisis and yells and screams and says, I don't like you, you are a mean mommy. Then Samantha goes into "see" the child, and hugs and loves her and tells her why she did this. Samantha is "begin" ruthless here, she will NOT let Rhiannon get her way and she tells her why. No matter what Rhiannon's maneuvers, Samantha does NOT back down. As well, Samantha is being loving. She is explaining WHY she is doing this and at times Samantha will exhaling and the child is too young

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to understand and then Samantha says, well, you must take it on "faith" that I am doing this because I love you and when the time comes you WILL understand. Many families remain dysfunctional because the participants say that they "love" the primarily dysfunctional person. Instead, it would be better for the persona dn the family if they were ruthless with them. If you have an alcoholic parent is it best for you to "let" that parent drink and hide it from the parent's friends and boss. Or is it better to simply allow the parent to "hang" themselves. Let the boss find out, let the friends of the family find out. Then let the person involved take responsibility for their actions, and if they cannot let them "hit" bottom so that they must face themselves and in so doing regain themselves. As they are hitting bottem love them and "be" there for them, but let them ruthlessly go and indeed HIT that bottom. Finally, you must realize you participate in the event. All events in your life you have drawn into your life, maybe you were as a parent one who took recreational drugs yourself? If you were the parent of the drug addict, what is your responsibility here? Maybe as a parent you did not control or deal with your emotions. Take responsibility for your actions without "blaming" yourself. That is also ruthless. When someone hurts you, it is to some extent YOUR responsibility because you have created it. That does not mean that you cannot hurt. It does not mean that there is something wrong with you, but again once you give away your response-ability by being a victim you give away your own power. Taking respons- ability means ruthlessly taking back your ability to act. Beating yoruself up, limits that response-ability. If you were to meet a person who was hungry would it be better to teach them to create food in their own lives or would it be better to feed them a few meals? A ruthless person would teach them the object lesson of learning how to plant and grow their own food. But this ruthless person would have NO sense of vengefullness anger, or rage in their actions. When you react with anger, then you are reacting in such a way to re-create in your life circumstances that re-create the problem. People who are desperate are vampires, they demand your blood because they need it to live. But you as a reality creator, can say, IT IS MY BLOOD, and I don't care how much you need it. I am keeping it. Is this selfish? Maybe, but maybe the vampire needs to learn to visit blood banks. Maybe you can keep your blood and look in the phone book for the nearest blood bank. Your responsibility is to remain true to your purpose. That is what you are here to do, and many times others who do not understand may think you irresponsible, cold or whatever. But you are drawing those people in your life and as well, you and they are there to learn a lesson about true responsibility.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Selfhood Book 2 Section 41: 11/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Selfhood Many of you have a very intense definition of self-hood. You "know" who or what you are. You say, I am Pat's wife, Sue's mother, Betty's daughter, my boss is Ron Angler at XXXX corporation etc. You expend a great deal of time in the world recreating these roles for yourself. As well, you develop specificed habits that help you to day in and ay out to recreate these roles for yourself. For example, to be Sues' mother means that you get up every morning at 6:15 Monday through Friday and you make lunch for your daughter and clean the kitchen. Then at 7:03 you awaken Sue from her sleep and make sure that she gets to school on time. Maybe you laid out Sue's clothes from the night before. Maybe you checked her homework after dinner at 6:30 to make sure it was done. And so it goes you spend you lives "locked" into these identifies and these role. Now, what if for example, you came to accept hat you were Sue's mother, but that didn't mean that you got up at 6:15 in the morning and made her lunch. Maybe you told her that you were tired of making her lunch and now that she has reached the age of 10, it is time for her to make her own lunch. What if you were just Sue's mother and that did not include various responsibilites as well. You define yourself through your roles, you define yourself through your actions. You do this, because the self is so limitless it is hard to "take" this in. You do this, because unless you limit the self, you would have to "face" the self. Now, not only are you Sue's mother, but you are also all the other roles we described, and maybe you are pat's wife who doesn't like pat's bosses wife Joanne. You cannot make friends with Joanne because she wears a VERY large weeding ring on her finger. You believe that she is ostentatious, and very probably she might believe that she is ostentatious. You expend tremendous energy trying to live the same day in and day out. You expend tremendous energy within your roles so that you "know" yourself. As well, you define yourself through what other people think of you because this is easier to do. When you value yourself through other people, you choose to either aggrandize yourself or undervalue yourself. When you aggrandize yourself you think yourself better then other people. You spend your life thinking and looking at other people and weighing and measuring yourself in relation to them. I have a better car then Anne, and therefore I must be better then she is. When you negate yourself, you might think, well, I DO have a better car then Anne, but my car is nowhere as good as Dawn. Therefore, I am better than Anne, and Dawn is better than me. Related to this, is how you believe you fit into society. For example, in a society that rates it's members values on how good their car is, and you accept that belief, then you rate yourself on how beautiful your car is. you measure yourself on this scale of "good" or "bad". This is very "small" way of looking at this, but every time you judge yourself against another you are limiting yourself and buying into a value system that works against you. When you define yourself as either better than or worse than, you are limiting yourself. For you just "are" and you "are"

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magical, far beyond any definition that you place upon yourself. And ironically we are using a definition to help you "break" through your definitions of self. BEGIN to break your habits and as you willfully break your habits begin to see "new" and different energies emerge into your life. As well, think to yourself of starting "new" habits and then once they have been established "break" them. New habits are new definition of selfhood. "Truth" is the most accepted beliefs within a society. When you begin to look at these truths of society, and begin to look beyond the limits of selfhood that you have placed upon yourself by buying into these truths, new and "differing", less limiting truths appear. Becoming a wizard means picking habits of mind and then changing the habits so that you DO NOT become identified with these habits. As well, remember to yourself that you are not even what you believe the way that wearing a different sets of clothes doesn't mean that you are necessarily different. You are many aspects and many differing selves, when you DEFINE yourself, you lose yourself and your selfhoods because you limit yourself. When you being experimenting with beliefs as well begin experimenting with senses of self-hood. What really matters to you? does it really matter if you car is a new BMW or a rusted out truck? if so, why does it matter? Do you want to hold that sense of self and that belief. Beliefs not only define reality , they define our sense of who you are. When you begin to change beliefs you begin to change who you are. Do not limit yourself by saying I am Sue's mother and that means I must get up at 6:00 in the morning. Maybe being a great mother to Sue is being a wizard model for her and maybe that means that you need to meditate in the morning? What is motherhood? What is "you" and how do you "fit' into these roles. You define your roles as being important. LIMIT that sense of importance. Limit how important it is to do XXXX and YYY and being to find and follow and try different things with yourself. In the past we have given you instructions that you are what you dream of. What you dream of ALREADY exists on some plane of existence and those dreams are there to guide you to fulfil your purpose. So if you dream of being a great writer, then assume you ARE a great writer. If you dream of being a doctor, begin to think about being a doctor or healer. However, these are STILL outward definitions of self. You are still then DOCTOR, or WRITER or whatever. If you dream of owing a BMW, then you are a person who owns a BMW. The next step to expanding identity, is to begin to define yourself through something abstract. Define yourself as "love", "truth", "peace". We have also said that you are a verb and a noun. Begin to define yourself in that manner as well. I am love, and then ACT LOVINGLY. See yourself as a success or failure in direct relationship to how well you live up to one of these abstract concepts. How much more loving am I now then I was six months ago. How much more knowledgeable am I, if you define as yourself as "to know". the problems even with these definition is that they are also limits and WAYS of judging yourself. If you define yourself as "love": and then act unlovingly towards someone, then you have a "reason" to beat yourself up. Ideally, you begin to let go of all definitions of selfhood and then open yourself up to the freedom of living in the moment. Among psychics there is the idea of walk-ins, imaging yourself walking freshly into your body and just learning about who you are each and every moment. Walking into yourself each and every moment.

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Your beliefs about what you are, the basic defining beliefs, the base beliefs around which all other beliefs are set. When you expand your identity beliefs, you expand yourself. If you move form thinking that you are a person who owns a BMW, to a person who is a doctor, to a person who is a healer, to finally a person who is wholeness and "teaches self and other's wholeness and thereby heals, that is widely opening yourself up to New ways of acting and new ways of being. But eventually if you learn to simply let go of all definitions of selfhood, then you can more easily Live" in the present and finally live with less limitations. Pain is about holding unto those limiting definitions of selfhood and in that sense pain is ignorance. If you define yourself as the person who is rich enough to own a BMW, then if that BMW is destroyed in a car crash you will be devastated. If however, you view yourself as a a person who is whole and teaches wholeness, then the BMW, is "just" a car that can either be replaced or "fixed". What becomes important is manifesting wholeness in spite of the destruction around you. it is very important for you to recognize your definitions of selfhood and to recognize the limitations that those definitions place upon yourself, and to move inch by inch and mile to mile into expanding those definitions of self-hood, and as you do so, opening yourself up to more freedom in yourself and in your life. One very easy to way to begin to piece together the puzzle of what you believe about yourself is to look at your relationships. What other people think of you, or the experiences you have with other people help you to see your own beliefs about yourself. If there is someone in your life whom you loaned a saw too, and that person has NOT returned that saw, and you find yourself being EXTREMELY angry with that person. Then you are receiving the gift of a clue from that person that you have very strong definitions of responsibility and being responsible. You DESERVE to have that saw when you want it back and want it back immediately. They are being irresponsible. You , however ALWAYS return things on time, you are RESPONSIBLE, thereby you are a "good". Within every life there are people who have outward power over you, no matter how powerful you are. The CEO of a Fortune 500 company is still responsible to turning in that profit each and every quarter and the other members of the board or the shareholders can at any time 'vote" him out. Yet he has 'tremendous" power. True freedom, is about have an ever expanding definition of selfhood. That CEO could live in horrific fear of being fired. He may wake up at 4 a.m. every night in cold sweats because he could be voted out at the next board meeting. Real power, is the power of a wizard, who is expanding his self or selfhood. When you respond with STRONG negative emotions, you are getting clues to your sense of self beliefs. Expanding those beliefs is where real power lies. Expanding those beliefs, allows the universe more space to operate within your life and therefore give you much more day-to day control over your existence.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Safety and Mystery Book 2 Section 43: 11/12/96 (C) Copyright 1996 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Safety and Mystery Yesterday, Samantha had a fascinating experience on reality creation. One that astounded her. Almost everyday Samantha goes to her mother's apartment building, her mother cares for her daughter while Samantha works. Each and every day Samantha parks in exactly the same place. Samantha dropped her daughter off, had her morning conversation with her MOM, and left to go to work. She walked outside and the truck was gone. Samantha knew she parked in the same place that she parked each and every day, and she couldn't believe that anyone would steal her truck. But where WAS the truck? Well, you walked to the other parking lot and sure enough THERE was the truck. What had happened? Well, the first Samantha did was begin to search her mind, why would she park in another spot? In her mind, she began to "think" up a scenario that she HAD parked there instead. But Samantha said to herself, NO< I know that I parked in the same place. Samantha realized that her mind was finding a way to fill make sense of a weird experience. She began to wonder and felt herself get scared, what is GOING on here. Then she stopped herself and said to herself, I will simply forget the whole matter. As she said that to herself she began to realize that she was thinking about what to do at work that day and that indeed her mind was helping her to forget the entire incident, and Samantha stopped herself again. No, I will remember it and I will make sense of it, in fact when I get to work, I will write it in my daily notes and ask the voices. Samantha realized that indeed when weird experience happens to other people, they simply indeed "make" up reason that sound logical for it to happen or do what she did simply attempt to "forget" the experience. it is frightening to think that a huge vehicle can just move for no apparent reason, so to make sense of that experience most people would find a reason why the vehicle MUST have been there in the first place. This si how realize must have created. When we become to frightened of an experience we simply don't deal with it. Well, indeed that truck was "moved" for you, to indeed point out how realities ARE created. You mind fills in the blanks and begin to create memories for you to fit into your worldview and in this fashion, you "know" that your reality is "correct". When something doesn't "fit" like a big truck moving literally hundreds of feet from where you KNOW your parked it, you say to yourself, well, that simply CANNOT be, and suddenly you think to yourself, I must have parked it somewhere else. Your mind says, but why would I do that, I park there everyday for a specific reason, WHY would I change, and then your mind begins to "fill" in a reason. The purpose of the rational mind is to prove to you, that what you believe is real and in that sense is able to recreate and keep your reality consistent form day to day and week to week and month to month. Now, at times your reality is "messed" up or things slip through the cracks, "weird" experiences occur, but your rational mind finds ways to ignore them, finds ways to "fix" them in your mind sot hat you can recreate your consistent reality. This is what your past is, and the most probably future that you are creating for yourself lies in consistency so you imagine recreating events that exist now in the future. In that fashion you believe that you are "safe", that you can cope with the world. And in your world consistency is indeed "safety". Consistency in behavior and

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consistency in life is considered of greater value. Instead consistency like this, shuts down a great part of your mind and has you simply recreate the same basic world in some fashion over and over again. If you truly wish to be a wizard and truly wish to change, you need instead to pay attention and NOT let your conscious mind find reasons for weird events, but instead think about and puzzle and learn form weird events. As well, you need to realize that you consistently create and recreate events to "keep" you safe. That since there is an underlying belief that safe is what you know, you work very hard to recreate safe each and every day. so we are saying that one key belief to being a wizard is to believe that life is wondrous and filled with magic and mystery. In other words, by believing that the WORLD is filled with wonder, magic and mystery, you will allow yourself to begin seeing through the cracks. Once you define life, life will continue to follow those boundaries and you will never move beyond them. Instead allow for the world to be filled in stead with mystery, endless mystery and endless wonder and thereby open the doors of breaking through your beliefs and creating "new" and differing lives. Let yourself puzzle and think through weird events and do not "write" them off, as "coincidence" or "change" them in your mind. One key to magic is to believe in magic is to believe in wonder and mystery and in the hat fashion you let yourself see that magic and mystery. Now, again you must let go of the recreation and belief that safety is that recreation of your current world to know that. You must begin to realize that safety is that the universe TRULY takes care of it's own. You must have radical faith in the universe in order to allow yourself to be open e to magic and mystery. In this way as well, you begin to allow yourself to magically create in your own world. One reason that the same basic events are created over and over and over in your lives is that you wish for them because they are SAFE. Even if they are bad, at least they are safe. This need to recreate is based upon the core belief that the world is NOT a safe place. Each and everyday you are bombarded with reasons WHY this is so. Your television, radio, etc. airwaves are FILLED with reasons why you are constantly in danger. Your children are in danger, you are in danger in your home, going to work, coming from work etc. to combat this you create "safe" environments, you do this by recreating your reality as close to same each and every day. Begin to see the world as "safe" and filled with wonder and mystery and begin to break through the limitations of safety. Each and everyone of you have had weird experiences that you have forgotten or written off. They frighten you, begin to look at them and face your fright. There exists the study of parapsychology. The attempt is to look at and analyze psychic experiences and to understand them. But indeed the real study is to take psychic experiences and place them in the box of rationality, to find a way to explain them away. Each of you have done that exact same thing. You will have a weird or bizarre experience and find a way to explain it away because that is safer. It is frightening to experience something out of the realm of what you define as reality, but it those very experiences that are freeing and that open up your minds. If you wish for the same basic life day in and day out in order to be safe in the traditional sense that your rationality defines, you will NOT learn anything and you will not be free. You will find yourself becoming bored with life, for you will know what to expect. Is safety really so wonderful, or is living in a wondrous universe and experiencing wonder and freedom wonderful???

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Time Management Book 2 Section 46: 13/25/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Time Management This particular channeling is for Aurelius. We are creating a detailed time management program for him that we hope will follow. The program involves daily meditations for a period of approximately six weeks. Each week there will be different and conjunctive meditations as well as "new" patterns of time. Many of you have problems with time. Most of you think of time as being something outside of yourself, as separate from yourself. The vision begin of a big clock constantly ticking. There is the fear of being out of control and the even bigger fear that you will die without having lived a fulfilled life. Many executives and people who work in the business world take time management courses, as if time again is something outside of yourself that you have to manage and train. doing things better generally means getting more done in the same space of time. Time is measured in efficiency. Time is measured in accomplishments and finally time is measured in simply getting X and Y and many times an entire alphabet or more of things done within a single day or even less. If you realize and believe that you create your own reality then time can no longer be a separate things outside of yourself. Time must be WITHIN yourself, just like the rest of the life you have created. Learning to "take" back time and see it as an internal process instead of an external clock is key to learning how to utilize time. When time is seen scientifically as something separate from yourself, you live in fear. Time becomes something to control. Time becomes something to battle and "win" over. Time becomes an enemy that is out to "get" you. You begin to feel out of control and many "times" bad about yourself because you cannot seem to control the flow of time within your life. People who view time outside of themselves generally feel deeply frustrated and when they attempt to control time, find that more often then not, time restraint control them, and then feel that they have no freedom. When you feel pressured for time, you react negatively and rarely use the time at hand. Many times when you feel pressured by time you live in the past, remember what happened when XXXX and YYYY happened and I didn't make my deadline. What could happen in the future if I don't get XXX and YYY done today? When you begin to realize that time lives within yourself, you must view it differently and prioritize things differently and measure it differential and essential comes to terms with it differently. Initially as a wizard, as a conscious reality creator it is important to realize that your life is a synchronisitic event. If you are walking tint he woods and look down and spot an eagle's feather and a stone on top of each other, from a scientific worldview you any say well obviously an eagle flew overhead lost a feather and then a rock landed upon it. If you view the metaphysically speaking you think to yourself "why am I am in this woods at this moment looking at this particular feather with this particular rock upon it"? What does this incident "mean" to me. Symbolically speaking it could mean that I am blocking myself from an inability to fly. Indeed the first way to learn to be free of time is to learn to look at it acausally instead of

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casual events. Nothing happens randomly, YOU ARE THE CREATOR of the EVENTS that you ENCOUNTER. When you begin to look around you and see things synchronistically you begin to see an underlying pattern of time that before simply was not there. You begin to sense an underlying flow to the universe of which you are a part and a creator. Last night Samantha was thinking of a friend a few minutes later that very friend whom she had not talked to in a good three months called her on the phone. this is a synchronistic event. Something that needs to be looked at "meaningfully". To add to this, Samantha's friend is Irish, it was St. Patrick's day and Samantha had been watching a show on Ireland. There is a message here for Samantha, it is a synchronistic event. Instead in the scientific western mind space it is simply a coincidence. The first step in managing time this way is to look at yourself as BEING instead of HAVING to do various things. There is an inner order within an individual who create their own reality. Their is an inner order or a pattern of relationships that is essential. When you first begin to take back control of your time from the big the clock in the sky, you must first realize that you ARE. When you HAVE to do something, you view it as it being separate from you, out there. You force it and push at it. When you "be" with something, you begin to see relationships and changes your perception of things. Flexibility open us to "universal" time, flexibility and "being" opens up our minds to see and perceive things and ways of accomplishing differently then we would otherwise accomplish or see. Let us say that you have a deadline in three hours to go to the Federal Express drop off. You begin to think of all the things that you need to do and accomplish before this happens. You being to feel stress and tension. You relentlessly HAVE to get the box prepared and get the forms filled out and get the check ready and XXXX and YYY. You begin to feel anger and frustration at the mere idea of having to do this. There are many, many others things that you would rather be doing then this. You begin to panic, how am I ever going to get this done? You begin to feel even more anger and even more frustration. You begin to worry and fear that what we need to get done WON'T get done and "bad" things will happen. By the time the deadline ACTUALLY occurs we have lived through various negative circumstances and various versions of the same thing many times over and are angry, frustrated and extremely upset, and through that upset very possible miss the deadline. Instead we need to first of all TRUST that we will get things done WHEN they need to be done. If we know that something like this needs to be shipped out, what part of it can we do early in the morning to eliminate the stress? Instead there was the fear and related anger that interfered with the ability to actually accomplish that needed to be accomplished. And with the fear came the dread, and with the dread came the putting off and with the putting off came even more fear and finally at the very end we didn't make the deadline. Instead being assumes TRUST. Trust that we will know when to do what needs to be done. Trust that we CAN manage out lives. this is the first belief change that a wizard needs. This would have avoided all the fear, all of the pain and all of the underlying and resultant negative energy that was brought about by fearing that what needs to be done wont' get done or might not get done because time is separate from ourselves and "out" there. To HAVE to do something versus "being". To trust in time requires tremendous faith. It requires a belief in ourselves and out ability to manage our lives and that our lives do not exist separately form ourselves but that we form them. it requires the faith of a wizard. Many times when you race to accomplish something you act out of fear instead of acting out of clarity. When looking at an issue, you see that XXX and YYY will

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happen and you HAVE to change or fix that outcome. Instead it is important to "be" and "see" the situation for what it is and then 'see' the problems with clarity instead of with HAVING to fix something and therefore FEARING an outcome. For example, let us say that you are a computer programmer and you have a deadline to meet. You look at the job and say to yourself I need to get XXX done today. Then you sit down and look at your computer screen and begin to FORCE what needs to happen that day. And suddenly your run into problems, or you realize they you aren't going to make the deadline. By FORCING something to happen you react with fear. Instead you need to sit down and "be" and then "see" a better way to deal with the program. BEING leads to SEEING. HAVING leads to FEAR, and FEAR leads to an inability to accomplish what you set out to do. The next underlying issue is one of balance. When you set up a detailed schedule of what you need or usually more accurately should accomplish, you find yourself racing the clock. Instead of looking at all of the shoulds that you need to do, and then listing them. Ask yourself what you need to do to live in line with your purpose. Ask yourself what is the most important thing for your to do? Ask yourself what your priorities are? Ask yourself with death as a teacher, if you died tomorrow and this was your last day on earth what would you regret NOT doing? That is the "real" way to schedule your time. Or if you died this moment what would you like to die doing? That is the real key to your deadlines and your schedules. Doing what needs to be done in alignment with purpose, but more on that later. For the first week, we would like you to do the following; set aside fifteen minutes just as you awaken and fifteen minutes before you go to sleep to do the following meditations and consider the following thoughts. First of all create a goal for the day then ask yourself how that goal in in alignment with your deeper purpose. next certain a clear picture of that goal happening and see in your mind's eye having that very thing occur. Imagine to yourself the perfect day. How would you feel when you awoke, how will you feel during the day. See yourself accomplishing what you have set out to do. The listen in your mind's eye to suggestions on how to accomplish this ideal day. you will find extremely useful suggestions coming forward from your unconscious mind to your conscious ones. These events are what you must do during the day and are important. As well, when you think of the schedule ahead what are the top three things tin your minds eye that you must take care of "first". This si also a key to "knowing" what it is essential to do during that day. After coming out of the meditation write down the first three things that occurred when you imagined your magical day and as well the "assignments" or actions that the universe asked of you. these are your "true" schedule. These are the Top "to do's". During the day it is important for you to begin to live in the present and to teach yourself to maintain yourself IN the present and not in the past or in the future. For example, let us say that you shower every morning. Most of the time during the shower you find yourself thinking of everything that you need to accomplish during that day. You give yourself an inventory of duties and by the time you reach the end of that shower you feel exhausted by all you have to do to for the rest of the day. Instead try and live in the present. Find yourself a wonderful smelling shampoo or soap and allow yourself to really enjoy your bath or shower. Feel the lather of the soap on your body and the warmth of the shower. When you mind begins to wander back to the inevitable inventory of 'stuff to do", bring your mind back into the present and the feeling of being in the now. Another exercise is to stop yourself during the day and simply look around you. Think to yourself what you are seeing. Listen tot he sounds that you hear.

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Whenever your feel yourself to be overwhelmed imagine yourself as a tea kettle about to boil over. Imagine all of the pressure within that tea kettle and then imagine taking the top off and with it all of the pressure you are feeling being released. The key here for this first week is to learn to listen with your heart instead of your head. To listen to your emotions instead of your mind. And if your emotions are in a state of fear or panic to realize again that "all fear is in the future or the past" and to work at ridding yourself of it. If you pay attention to the moment in front of you, you will automatically increase your productivity. How many of you spend time worrying about what could happen? Or spend time worrying about what didn't happen instead of focusing on doing something in the moment? Fears that stem from not finishing on time, fears that stem from never getting what you need to get done, done, are eliminated when you bring yourself back tot he present moment and stress is well is lessened. When you "program" your ideal day as you go to sleep at night or awaken in the morning and you find yourself living all or part of this day you will begin to feel that your life is "back" in time or direction. the times when you are living out your ideal day and within each and EVERY day there will be moments of actually living out the ideal, you will sense a timelessness and a joy in them that will begin to lessen and psychologically negate the feeling of time being separate and away form you. At the end of the day, the meditation should be upon reflections on these moments of timelessness and being thankful for them. For example, if during the day you wish to run seven miles and you find yourself running six, a mile more then you usually do, reflect upon that sixth mile and the magical feeling it brought you and thank yourself and the universe for that sixth mile. Try everyday at the end of the day to find five things to be thankful and five ways which your day was "on schedule" or in tune with your ideal day.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Probable Selves Book 2 Section 47: 13/25/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Probable Selves We challenge you to realize that there is a probable self that experiences each success that you can conceive of and each failure that you can conceive of. All events that you can conceive of occur. Each event that you think of happens to one version of you. Most of your probable choices take place on an unconscious level. The art of being a wizard brings those unconscious choices to your conscious mind. Now, the first problem with all of this is the innate blame that takes place. That means that each probability that you create is YOURS, and if you don't like something or even hate something then IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. This can be exceedingly painful idea to cope with, unless you realize that response-able means that you CANNOT blame yourself when you wish to change a circumstance. Because when you do, you simply add more energy to that negative situation and make it worse. We have said this before, but it is exceedingly difficult to live with. For example, let us say that you have lost a child, and someone says to you, in some probable reality that child has not been lost. In some sense when this person is grieving that is almost a cruel thing to say to that individual. Many times, when the pain is there it is difficult not to mention for some individuals to believe that they have chosen whatever 'bad" thing they are living through. In cases like this the choices are generally unconscious and in a sense out of their conscious control. As well, each event exists as a lesson, and if your conscious mind or your ego mind is limited

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Letting Go Book 2 Section 48: 4/18/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Letting Go Another form of letting go is the ability to "let go" into another belief system. It is an ability of the mind to move up through a certain type of thought process and learn to embrace and look at a new and different kind of thought process and "surrender" into it. As you begin to change your belief structures at some point, you must release yourself into the "new" thought process or belief structure. The ability to let go of old through processes, to "try" new things and think "what if", is the ability to create. At one point in becoming a wizard it is essential, at least in your societies to let go of, totally let go of your old belief systems in order to survive. You must radically change your belief systems and move into a new system of beliefs. In a sense when this happens you "die" to the old system and then are "reborn" into the new belief system. For every belief you change, you must first "die" to the old belief, before the "new" can be born. When you change a LOT of old beliefs or an entire belief system, then you must die to a HUGE belief system and be "reborn" into a new system of thought. In your reality this is extremely difficult to do and can be extremely painful. It is the primary reason why many people rarely change their lives and why most people do not grow or resist change. In a sense the people who not too long ago committed suicide to "meet" with outer space people, were operating from a highly misguided "dying" into another belief system. We are not suggesting that you physically commit suicide to "die" into your "new" system of beliefs. We are simply saying that as a "new" wizard you will experience difficulty when you move into a "new" belief system. At some point when you reach "high" levels of wizardry it is possible to "die" into a new belief system with very little pain or discomfort, but most of our readers are new to this and it can be quite painful for you. An old belief system is comfortable, familiar, something you are used too, something that feels like you know what is coming and what will come. As well, even if a system is negative, it is at LEAST knowable. it is something that you know, if bad things continually happen at least you know how to deal with them. Nursing old wounds is consoling, holding unto to old wounds and old pains is a way of giving those old wounds and pains validity. maybe your pain was not seen as a child, maybe you pain was not acknowledged, and by nursing your old wounds and reliving them you give them "credibility". You give them the value and the validation that you think they deserve. All fear is in the past, and then projected into the future. All fear exists to "protect" you from something "ever" happening again and to protect you from pain. it is ironic because even though you have survived whatever you fear, you place walls up to "protect" yourself from it "ever happening again". Fear is unresolved wounds, fear is unresolved pain that you hold unto for whatever reason. Many of you also believe that you have a "right" to be negative a "right" to think what you think. You hold unto those beliefs because you can as well as being familiar. Maybe sometime tried to

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change you, maybe someone tried to get you to think another way and you are determined to "prove" them wrong. We you fail to change negative beliefs and face old wounds and change them, when you hold unto old angers and old beliefs that no longer work for you, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Many of those old beliefs you gt from your parents and overcoming them is part of the purpose you were born into. Your parents imprint you with their beliefs and as well if they ar your biological parents they imprint those beliefs into your very DNA. Who do you wish to be? what do you wish to stand for and believe in? do you wish to stand for you old system of thinking or do you wish to stand for something else? You say, well I would like to be a wizard but I don't really understand all of the laws. We tell you, you are holding unto your old system because you WISH too. It is not a question of understanding, it is not a question of not understanding, you simply do not "wish to let go of your old systems and methodologies". In your mind you struggled, you fought for and "trust" that knowledge and you are NOT going to let it go. It is hard earned knowledge. It is a system that you know and trust. You are holding unto your old ways of doing things because you "fought" hard for them, because you believe that they are rational and being rational in the scientific terms is what you learned and struggled for and because you struggled for if you are determined to STAY with it. This is rather like a a fish hanging unto a wall and struggling to stay at that point because it "knows it" and does not wish to o swim upstream and do something different because it means that all he has struggled for in the past means nothing and is worthless. You would rather continue to think as you do and hold unto the rational, then think in another way. In this definition of letting go, of restructuring beliefs and "letting go" into an unsafe reality. A reality that you do not know, a reality that many times is frightening and not easy to understand. Letting go of all that is dear of all that is familiar of all that is easy, not necessarily losing it, but willingly letting it go is part of the process of being reborn. You must first be willing to risk psychological death to live, you must be willing to let go of all you know in order to begin again. A wizard dies many times in his life as he restructures his reality. This is why their are so few wizards in the world, and as well WHY IT IS SEEMS TO BE A DIFFICULT PHILOSOPHY TO ADOPT. You must be willing to die into it, to let go and have faith in in something that you have yet to experience. You must believe in something beyond yourself in the face of what can seem to be overwhelming "rational" evidenced to the contrary. But remember that rational just another term for a "rationale/justification" of a certain group of beliefs. In order to be a wizard you must be willing at any point of time to "let go" of what you currently know and what you currently are and what currently seems safe to become something MORE. this is exceedingly difficult to do. Or can be...

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Other Book 2 Section 49: 4/18/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Other There is in your society a belief in the justification of "those out there". In other words, when you believe in the scientific world and You "view" life as separate from yourself, you also must view yourself as in a sense separate from yourself. In this world, "the other" defines you. IN other words, if you TRULY realize that you create your own reality, then you realize that everyone and everybody around you and everything in your reality is a "version" of yourself. And then other people's opinions become something to explore with yourself, instead of way to define you. so the chase for money, the chase for other "goodwill" and opinion become useless. What do other people's opinions matter because they are simply a reflection of you. Another belief added to it, is the one of "right versus wrong", now we have covered morality in an early posting and this is related issue. When you live in a society where everything is a machine of which you are "out" of, and then you add in the concepts of good and bad and right and wrong with most religions or Christianity you run into the ideas or concepts of having other's decided whether you are good enough to enter heaven or whether you should be in hell. Recently in the United States there were a group of individuals who committed suicide to "reach" the next level of reality and be "taken" by outer space beings. These people were otherwise programmers of a web site. this entire society based themselves upon the belief that first and foremost, what other's thought was essential. They lived together, worked together and were a commune of sorts and the individuals were to guide them to the higher path. They lost touch with themselves and added God into the scientific machine equation. When you take the scientific worldview and try to turn it into religion, you spend your life being "judged" by other people on whether you are "good enough" to "enter heaven", or nirvana or whatever...Others determined your worth and your value as individuals and when you add religion into the mix others determine whether again you are good enough to enter into "salvation". It in the mind of a wizard there really is no good or bad, there simply is what is created in front of you. What you have created. This is radical. Many people run into the idea that if I created my worldview then what about the other person I am encountering. First and foremost, there are LOTS of yous and LOTS of thems. The idea of probable reality blows this out of the water, you can enter into another reality and encounter another you and vice versus. This ALWAYS occurs on an unconscious level, yet it is a very "real" level of existence. And you CAN learn to bring into conscious reality. And a true wizard CAN learn to pick and choose whatever reality they wish to enter. Recently Samantha had a series of experiences where she encountered a number of "other" selves. Each encounter changed her and modified her and vice versus. We believe that one method of therapy that has yet to be explored is the idea of encountering other selves and looking at their lives. IN a sense if in one reality your wife has died, you must realize that in another

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reality your wife is alive. This can be an extremely painful realization especially in the face of grief. Grief, pain, fear and sadness prevent you many times from "seeing" and understanding why you are in a certain reality. Now, one prime way to heal yourself is TO enter the reality where you wife IS alive or whatever you wished to happen DID happen. You will then begin to see WHY you have chosen this particular reality and why you have chosen to LIVE in your world and acceptance will then come. In accident times shamans and storytellers did the same thing. They would tell a story of a different you or a different way of living and thereby change the energy of the entity of those they were attempting to reach or heal. One underlying issue is that if in any reality EVERYTHING that you can conceive has happened to you, WHY be moral at all? For example, if you can conceive of killing someone, then in another reality you have done this, so WHY bother to be moral at all? first and foremost because what you do reflect backs at you. So for example, if you in anger kill another person, then YOU MUST LIVE with the far of being killed when another is angry. And you add anothers energy and fear and pain into your already world of victim. Taking a life is TAKING and using another energy for your own purposes and that is a VERY dangerous thing for all involved including the perpetrator. Most murder is done because the murderer believes in victimization. And then they victimize. IN other words what you do unto others, you must live with within YOUR OWN PSYCHE. That in a sense is automatic punishment or karma if you will. Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you. A powerful Christian idea, as well as a powerful wizard idea. For when you do unto to others as you would have them DO UNTO you, you create a VERY positive reality. Good and bad, right and wrong fall flat in the face of reality creation. When you think negative thoughts you create a negative reality. When you do something "bad" to another, you create a reality where you draw that into your reality or the fear of it at least. So what happens when you are attacked by another. First and foremost begin to look at WHY you have that in your reality, what lesson is there and WHY you choose that attack. IN order to really do this, you must release blame and guilt and we emphasize this over and over and over again. For when you feel guilty or filled with blame you ADD to the negative energy. All of you reading are wizards in training and when you ARE wizards in training you MUST realize that "things will happen", there are powerful lessons to learn. Next, when you have determined WHY something is in your reality, face the issue head on, and look at it. Many of you are here to help and guide others. You are the leaders of a "new" way of existence, the pioneers if you will that are going out into the new land and making way for a new way of thinking. As with most pioneers there ARE perils of the learning curve. When you are traveling in a new land there are usually things that you do not know.. allow yourself to be the adventurers that you are. When you blame yourself and feel guilt and pain you are NOT being an adventurer instead you worsen the situation. As well, when you are being attacked if you HAVE the time think to yourself WHY the other person has DRAWN you into their reality. What is there purpose within your reality? then you know that role that you are expected to fill. Do this before you take any action, if you have the time of course.... Now, other is a movement of growth in the universe. The movement of "betterment". Each of the "yous" that exist will eventually live out what there is to live out and "move" on. The goal of each of your selves is to "reach" a point of enlightenment. When the whole self has explored the various versions of reality it will move into another vision of reality. This is vary difficult to

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describe in your terms. Because that assumes that one level of reality is better" then another. all levels of reality are "valid". As well, it assumes ONE way or ONE level of enlightenment. Enlightenment comes in many face and in many ways. When a soul is ready to move, it will move and what that means, means different things to different souls. And when we speak of your soul, we are speaking of ALL of the probable yous both past, present and future. Your world and all aspects of it are WITHIN you. You may not consciously at times recognize WHY something is there. Your may refuse to see WHY something is there because you are in pain or grief or guilt or fear. You may not want the responsibility of "knowing" why for fear of the guilt and pain. But again realize that a belief in guilt and a belief in blame automatically assumes that the other person involved is blameless and OUTSIDE of you and your define him and he defines you. This again is moving into the scientific worldview. Within each and every person is not only ONE reality but many. Each of those probable people contained within you has a need to grow into something "more". The universe is constantly expanding after all and so are you. Each wizard must also deal with the wounded self. The self within you that has unresolved pain, hurt and fear. This self many times PULLS you down and creates difficult and many times painful issues in your life. Indeed recreates the very things that caused them the pain in the first place. Many wizards in training are "forced" to deal with the unresolves self, the self that has unresolved pain and fear and an inability to resolve that self will interfere in the pattern of your life. The more you grow into wizardry the more energy that is added to your system and the more you blocks come into play. Pain, fear, angst, "wounds" are blocks.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Twelve Paths Book 2 Section 50: 4/18/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Twelve Paths Archetypal characters and archetypal "problems" are life paths, and stories that guide and heal. There are 12 basic paths, there are actually more but those 12 are a good beginning. These 12 are as follows: "the innocent", "the angry orphan/victim", "warrior", "the caretaker", "the seeker", "the destroyer", "the lover", "the creator", "the ruler", "the magician", the sage" and finally "the fool". In some future postings we will cover these in detail, but they are fairly self- explanatory through their names. There is actually very little understanding of archetypes in your society. There is the knowledge that somehow it means something, but very little on how they work exactly. Your parents inherently pass on archetypes and then your ability to "create" new archetypes and move unto another story heals that family. Life purpose and archetypes are interrelated, they describe paths for individuals and are a form of understanding and "naming" self. Archetypes are a way of understanding your path/purpose and to help you "name" yourself and "give meaning". If you have a deep understanding of your archetype it helps to add meaning and an understanding of what you "need" to overcome and the "lessons" you are to learn and the "purposes" to help you to fulfill. However, archetypes are 'easy" ways of looking at the self and even thought hey are good rules of thumb and useful for understanding, the self is so much more then merely an archetype, and your path is much deeper then a simple story can understand. Understanding someone's basic archetype helps you to enter into their energy system. it is a "good" starting point. Learning to "enter" into energy and "understand" the energy of those around you is "key" to hunting, but you must learn to "get" out of that energy. Now, most people move into the energy of those around them. And in a sense with every person you meet, their is a "power struggle" because you either enter into their energy or they enter into yours. You can "also" meld energy and create a "third" form of energy, but this is more difficult to do and not something that happens very often in day to day relationships. Most people attempt to "get your energy" from you, and vice versus. Then that energy "sticks" with you and vice versus. This is the essence of conflict between an antagonist and protagonist. Who vision of reality and whose energy will predominate. You can either do this consciously or unconsciously. Each person is actually an energy system and we have said this before. When you "meet" another person, you encounter another energy system, and you encounter their "broadcast" of beliefs, issues, pains, etc. How can you sense other' peoples energy? We have covered this in other postings, you do this naturally. You can "sense their thoughts etc, because you all do this unconsciously anyway. Notice how you feel with certain people? suppose with one person you start worrying about finances? or with another person you find yourself automatically depressed? Let's say that when you are with another persons you automatically feel angst...then you have brought this persons'

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energy into your own. IN a sense at that point you are "thinking" with that person. What issues do you think about when you are with another person, in this sense you can begin to understand that this is "THIS" person's issues. If when you are around someone you suddenly feel tense, or angry then you "know" that is how this persons is feeling? This to some extent is "stalking" because you can enter into that other persons' energy field and understand where they are coming from and understand what is "happening' with them. You "can" sense their motivations etc. You can "overcome" this by having a strong sense of yourself. For example, learning what "you" feel like, what "color" you are, what you "sound" like etc. who you are when you are alone, who are you when you meditate? Your own energy is yours when you are alone and when you feel at "peace". Learn to recognize that as "you". Now, "black magic" or "white magic" comes from realizing, that just as others effect your thoughts, so can you effect their thoughts. You do this by first "hunting" that person and sensing and "understanding" their "world". As you learn to understand yourself and "how" you operate, you begin to bring into your conscious awareness "your" energy. At that point, it becomes exceedingly difficult for you to "unconsciously" fall into another's energy. In other words the more self-aware you are, the more you can "control" the situation. The more you recognize how you effect someone and how they effect you, and the stronger you "sense" of self, the harder it is for another to "effect" you unless you "wish" to be effected. When you have a strong sense of your own center, another cannot effect you unless you let them. You can move into another's energy field and even though you can "see" through their eyes, you still "maintain" yourself. Then you can "send" out thoughts to that person. And they will be "effected" by you. So for example, if you encounter someone in pain, you can "feel" their pain and understand it and then send them "healing" energy. and they will feel lighter. Now, of course you can do the reverse. There are "higher" or "lower" versions of reality. We do not like to use this way of looking at things because it assumes that "higher" is better then "lower" and that "lower" is less validity then higher. But "higher" contains lower. Higher is the ability to "see" and "understand" more then before. When you operate in purely in the "lower" state of mind those who operate from the "higher" state of mind seem absolutely crazy. This is the archetype of the fool come into play. When you operate from the "higher" view you "understand" the lower view, and can relate to it, but actions still seem relatively crazy. In a sense "hunting" someone is "seeing" them through a higher level of consciousness. You understand why they are doing something and you can relate to them, but on another level their actions "seem" crazy. Another way of saying this, is that all states of mind are relative to each other. Each person acts within their own form of the rational, each person acts within their own relative mind set. The ability to understand the mind-set is the ability to hunt them. When you are hunting a deer in a forest, you must understand their mind set to "kill" them. We are not suggesting that you kill or even harm the "mind-set" you are hunting, but seek to understand it. But to hunt another mind set (as we described in posting 78) a mind-set it must be viewed from a different and "higher" all encompassing level of existence. As well, you must realize that when you hunt someone, how they think of you, unless you perfectly hunt them will NOT necessarily be a pleasant if you are still affected by what others think of you. In other words, you will "see" that they think you are "crazy", or "silly" or "foolish", or much more. And in the process of hunting them you will realize that your energy must be joined with them and that you are part of them and they become part of you. There is after all a reason that you "brought" them into your reality.

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When you are a wizard you are given responsibilities. Now, you can refuse to accept these responsibilities, but PART of being a wizard IS accepting those responsibilities. You are always given a choice, you have ultimate free-will. However, in a sense those responsibilities INCLUDE sort of being a"Luke Skywalker" of existence. When you are attacked, you fight back, but like Luke Skywalker you do NOT use your anger or your hatred. Instead for lack of a better way to think of it, you use "the force". Luke Skywalker was ruthless when he wanted to be. He was cunning when he needed to be. He killed when he had too. But as well, he wasn't cunning or ruthless with ANGER-for through anger you touch the "dark side"- you lose "control". When a wizard is called to arms so to speak, it is part of the responsibility of being one to act. Wizards are created as examples, simply by being one, you "effect" others lives. Therein lives the inherent responsibility, unless you live as a hermit and do not encounter other individuals at all. In the story of StarWars saga, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda were a hermits for a while. Now, a wizard has a sense of honor, and a sense of "the force" if you will. A wizard however "sees" through the issues at hand and fights on the side that needs to be fought on. But the sense of honor of a wizard is that of self-truth. For in order to be true to something else, you must first be true to yourself. IN other words, you must be true to yourself above all others at all times. And as well and relatedly, you must be HONESTY with yourself and your emotions. finally, you must take responsibility for yourself and your life.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Reinforcement Book 2 Section 51: 4/18/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Reinforcement One thing that we do is many times say the "same" ideas in a different form over and over again. This at times truly bothers Samantha, for as a writer she views this as repetitious. However, not many of our readers have "mastered" wizardry and many times like all teachers we must "repeat" ourselves in different fashions in order that our students learn. It is believed by your psychologists that people only "take-in" approximately 5 percent of anything they hear or read. The ideas that we are proposing that you apply to your life are "radical", and they are ideas that are many times in direct opposition to the societies and world that you live in. You need reinforcement sometimes, many times over.... So all fears are ultimately are your mistaken beliefs. There is nothing absolutely nothing in this world to ever be afraid of. this is a radical idea. We can hear our readers say to us, but what about the rape, the violence, what if I lose my home, what if I lose my job and what about death. We have covered each and every one of these issues time and time again. When you are in the place of fear, feel it, but look into and say, "I know that you are a mistaken belief". If you are afraid of death, that is only because you do not know deep within yourself that there is no death. You do not realize that death is just another kind of life. there is life here and there is life "there" in the place that you call death. If you knew that death was simply that another place and you knew this deep within your soul, and knew it deep within your heart then you would know that there is nothing to fear. What about violence. The fear of violence is pain, but it is possible to go into another space of mind when encountering pain. The biggest trouble with pain is the fear that it will never end and the resistance that is within that pain. Today in the United States when I woman is giving birth, in labor, they teach her how to breathe through it and NOT fight the pain to NOT resist but to breathe through it. if women were to take this to it's deepest completion they would feel only some discomfort in childbirth, but not PAIN. Pain is ultimately resistance. The way to fight pain is to accept what you are fighting. Only then can you seize the "moment" and move beyond it. for example, if you are concentrating on your pain and you are concentrating on the horrors of the pain when faced with a violent situation, you are not "seeing" through into the perpetrator and possibly playing the needed psychological games with him that are needed to remove yourself from the pain. All people who commit violent acts believe themselves to be victims and are looking to victimize another, if you REFUSE to be a victim the "act" will end....this is not to blame those that are victims of a violent act, what has happened to them is horrible and they need help to heal. But in order to truly heal you must understand the lesson underneath the pain and the violence and the only way to do that is to NOT resist it. Now you may assume that what I am talking about is fighting your fear. You may assume that I think you should and need to battle fear. When you battle something, when you fight something

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you give it more energy and it becomes stronger. No, the way to move through something si to transcend it. You transcend it be looking into it and looking for deep understanding of it. Whenever you are faced with a problem, realize that when you UNDERSTAND the problem you also KNOW the solution. You may wish to hide from his knowledge and you may choose to not use this knowledge, but once you UNDERSTAND something you can TRANSCEND it. As well, you are never really afraid of what you think you are afraid of. you see it is not the SITUATION you are afraid of, it is you REACTION and RESPONSE to this situation. in reality all fears are fears of yourself. You are afraid of what you will feel. You are literally afraid of yourself....For example, let us say that you are in a very scary situation. Let us say that you home is being foreclosed upon and you have no money and don't know what will happen to you in the future. Many people, most people would be terrified of a circumstance like this. How do you deal with this situation, you say to yourself, I wish for understanding so that I may transcend this situation. You say to yourself, I am grateful for this foreclosure. You say there must be some reason, some lesson for me to learn here. Then you begin to look for and see the lesson, and once you see the lesson, you can SOLVE the problem. Let us say that the lesson is that you must learn to live lightly, that means learn to not be so connected to stuff. Then if you learn to live lightly, you do not have to "loose" the home. If the lesson is that you have been holding on to tightly to a lifestyle, and it is time, past time to move on, then you must think about where it is time to go, and begin to look for such a place. Each situation and each lesson is unique to each individual. You must realize it si never the situation that you are afraid of it, it is your BELIEF and your reaction that you are afraid of. You are afraid of yourselves, you are afraid of not being loved, you are afraid of your self-worth, you are afraid of any number of things that again are illusions. And when something you are afraid of, occurs you live in fear of it. You are afraid of the selfrejection that will occur. You are afraid of your own feelings. The way to deal with fear is to not FACE it, but to attempt to transcend it. The goal them is to try what you are afraid of, but do not do it to "beat" your fear. Attempt to try what you are afraid of to UNDERSTAND that fear. Realize that you create your reality and what that means is that what you are facing is what you have created. So if you are afraid of going for your dreams, begin to go for your dreams and see why you are afraid, once you have the "why" the knowledge of the fear, then you can begin to TRANSCEND the fear. Their is the belief that what you are afraid of, is there to "protect" you. That is true in the sense that fears EXIST because they mistakenly are created BY you to PROTECT you. but the underlaying reality is that you do NOT need to be protected from anything that everything is INTERNAL. And that you cannot be protected from yourself.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Time 2 Book 2 Section 52: 4/30/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Time 2 In dealing with time in a scientific traditional manner, you view time as as "out" there", separate from you, and you believe that time controls you. So you attempt to control time. You place your lives into different boxes: XXX time to clean the house, YYYY time to travel to work, ZZZZ time to spend with your children etc. According tot his ideology of time, you "mange" time well, when there is "time" for everything in your life, when your various boxes are balanced and in equilibrium. This versions of "box" time, keeps you bound even tighter to the clock. You follow the clock and say to yourself, it is now 5:00 p.m. time for me to be home and have dinner with the kids. As 6:00, it is time for me to watch the television news. At 7:00, when the sun goes down, it is time for me to do some yard work. When you plan your day into boxes like this, you feel out of control. The box version of time is filled with feeling that time is getting away form you. Many, many "times" you feel that your life is bound up by the clock that you feel stressed and "overworked". As well, time like this is filled with shoulds and should haves. Samantha has found that she writes better first thing in the morning. So she has started to "try" and get up VERY early in the morning to write for three or four hours before her little girl gets up, and the other demands of her job set in. This morning, she overslept, and felt guilty and "stressed" about this. Instead she needed the sleep and will write better now because she "got" it. The first thing to realize is that each of you have an internal clock. This clock lies within your body. And when you fight it, it lets you know. However, many of you do NOT listen to what your body tells you. Each body reflects this differently, you may get a tightening in the stomach, or your neck may hurt. You may get a headache. This again is your bodies way of telling you that you are "out of balance". Balance occurs first by living in the present and NOT be guided by the clock and that means, not being guided by the clock when going to meeting and needing to show up to work on time. but more on that later. The first thing you need to do is to LEARN to listen to your body. Imagine if you will, your temple which we devised in earlier readings, this is your place of peace. In this place the body feels relaxed and at peace. Now, imagine if you will your ideal day, the perfect day and feel your bodies responses to it. There should be a feeling of "opening" up, and feeling of almost "lightness" to the body and a continued feeling of relaxedness. If you are "very" far from living out your ideal day. Instead pick a day where "everything" fell into place and worked for you. Where everything that you wanted and needed seemed to happen seamlessly. Now, it is time to look at your decisions. Let us say that you have a choice on what to do on a Saturday night. See two paths ahead of you, the XXX choice and the YYY choice. What "path" ahead of you has the same physical "lightness" feeling versus a feeling of heaviness. Suddenly you "know" which decision to make. Balance is learning to make more and more of your decisions by listening to the "body". If something tenses you up, then you "know" instinctively that it is is

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the "wrong" course. As well, we suggest that you make a to do listen in your mind and whatever feels "light" keep on the list and whatever feels "tight" take off the list. The body acts in cycles. some people are "morning" people and other people are night people. Learn to find ways to "use" your "best" times. When is your highest energy peak? When is your lowest energy peak? learn to listen to the bodies signals? If you are a morning person, learn to get up in the eh morning and work earlier and if you are an night person, learn to work at night. As well, each of you have such a "hold" on time. that is because you view it again as a box and within each box are certain things that need to be done. At such and such a time I work, at such and such a time I eat etc. Learn instead to listen to your bodies signals. When you are hungry eat, when you are tired sleep. IN very old cultures it was traditional to sleep in two four hour shifts. In this ways dreams were remembered more and "brought to light". We suggest this as well, learn to "split" your sleeping hours or even change your sleeping hours and you will find dramatic differences in your day. this will pen you up psychically and bring much more information into your lives. Now, many of you think that you cannot try this when you are working because you are expected at work from 9 to 5. It is STILL possible to utilize these techniques in your off hours. As well, when you learn to "look" at your to do list and value what is important by your body and what is not. You will change your priorities even at work and find that you are more effective there. As well, even at work depending on your job you have some choices on how you spend your job. You can "choose"another shift if you are a night person versus a day person. You can plan your day around your "peak" times versus your low times. If there is mental work that you do and it is essential,, find a way to plan it so that you can do that mental work at "peak" times. But before you an do all of this you must learn to listen to that internal clock and "hear" what it has to say to you. Living by this clock is a much more natural way to do it. As well, listening to your impulses is also learning to live by this clock. Many of you plan you day so much that you do not let yourselves be "open" to other experiences. Instead learn to listen to your impulses. If you wake up and suddenly have a desire to "go to the store". And this brings you "body light", then by all means go to the store and you may find that there is a person there that you need to see or a food there that you need to eat. Plan each day, at the beginning of each day or at night before you go to bed and do this planning by listening to this body clock and as well, plan "down" time or even plan "impulse" time. Your body will tell you when it needs to rest when it is time to do XXXX and YYYY. And when you learn to listen to this internal clock you will living within your natural harmonies. Finally, many of you have beliefs about "time" that stress you out. You believe in a great clock in the sky that exists out of yourself and is counting the seconds and the minutes down. Within this great clock you place boxes around it. At such and such a time I will do such and such a thing. You place your entire lives within time boxes and thereby create tremendous stress for yourselves. Instead, realize there is a natural time, and that time is internal and NOT external. Time exists within yourself and learning to find that natural clock helps you to befriend time. A daffodil does not rise from the garden in the winter. It knows when it is time to bloom. It know when it is time for it's petals to open up. It does not say to itself, it is now morning in December and time for me to get up and have my leaves come out and my blossom to blossom I must do

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this all in one day. It listens to it's internal clock and is guided by it and thereby befriends time and the universe.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

A Rule Of Thumb Right And Wrong Book 2 Section 53: 4/30/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

A Rule Of Thumb Right And Wrong. We have said time and time and time and time again that there is not right and that there is not wrong. There is only the beliefs of the individuals involved when a circumstance occurs. We abide by that ideology. Again there is nor right and there is no wrong. But Samantha has be "bugging" us for a long time about some way to "make" moral decisions. We have resisted her fro quite a while, but we have decided to create a very simply "rule of thumb yardstick". Now, we have resisted for a long time in giving you this rule of thumb simply because in your world there is such a concentration on the ideology of "right and wrong" that we believe that if we give you ANY method of looking at a moral situation, you will fall into the trap of again judging situation by right and by wrong. When you begin to view things through the thoughts of right and wrong. You miss key information that you need to understand the situation. And within the understanding lies the key to a solution. Let us say that you know of someone who is raped. You say "that is wrong", and you do not look in it any further. You simply right it off, the person who committed this rape is 'bad" ad is "wrong" and the person who is raped is a victim. but if you say to yourself, there is no right and there is no wrong, you being to look deeper into the situation. You begin to think about WHY would this woman have drawn this rape into her reality. Why would this rapist rape? How and why did this circumstance occur? As well, you begin to "see" things that you would never have seen before. this raped woman is a feminist. She is very much into woman's rights and believes underneath that women are victims. The rapist was raped as a small child by his uncle etc. And you ask because there is no right or wrong, WHY did that happen? You begin to see how the beliefs of the individual involved shaped the reality of what occurred. As well, it is essential to all involved that you do NOT blame the woman. That you do not say, well she drew it into her reality and "right it off". When you do that, you ignore the very real pain of the woman involved. A pain that needs to be healed. One of the "problems" if you will of the "you create your own reality" ideology is that there "nothing matters" and the very real pain of those around you is "written" off. but ALL pain occurs form ignorance and almost all of you alive are ignorant in some area of your life. Your pain is real, IT HURTS. to write it off as something that is "unimportant" because after all you created your own problems, is to NOT deal with and the underlaying issues. So let us say that you look deeper and deeper into this woman's rape and you begin to see that her feminist issues are the CAUSE of the rape. Then maybe you begin to see that feminism, although a worthy cause turns women at times into victims. You begin to examine your beliefs about the cause and then you being to think about better ways to approach feminism in your life. Maybe you even join a feminist caucus etc and take an innovative stand on it. You see if you had simply said, this is "wrong" then you would miss the opportunity o look deeply into it. It is our concern that if we give you this "rule of thumb" that you will again find yourself in a place of judgement and STOP the process described above.

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Simply "write" off a situation. So we are "warning" you that we STILL abide by the ideology that there is no right and no wrong, that there is no good or bad. with that in mind we will give you the "rule of thumb" that Samantha has requested time and time and time again. A rule of thumb is useful in various situation because it is a "fast" method of dealing with a situation and that alone is a reasons why it DOESN'T work. At times you ended a fast way of looking at a situation and at other times that '"fast" write off is 'bad". it is relative to the situation. Remember that when applying this rule of thumb that like anything else it is a good tool, but is not a written in stone ideology. the basic rule of thumb is that anything that limits you freedom is wrong. that everyone in the universe is ultimately free and to love someone is to give that ultimate freedom and anything that limits that freedom is "wrong". When applying this to yourself and to others realize that freedom is your birthright and if your freedom or another's has been impinged upon in any form they CREATED that. Related to this, is the ideology of tolerance, if limiting someone is "wrong", then not inter-relating them is limiting them. But again, the underside of this is that THEY CREATED THIS PROBLEM. So you are back to the "no right and no wrong" ideology. To judge something as right and wrong, you are again judging that thing and that again is "dangerous", because you avoid looking into yourself and you avoid looking into the underlying issue and problems and finally you avoid looking into yourself and why this is effecting you. So use this rule of thumb wisely and be careful with it, that it does not become dogma to you because then you are "being intolerant", and breaking the very dogma that you are "believing" in.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Fear of Joy Book 2 Section 54: 5/05/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Fear of Joy. Many of you hold unto your beliefs because there is an underlaying fear of joy. When you are joyful you "open" up, you are "carefree", you do NOT protect yourself, or so your believe, so you are afraid to be filled with joy. You are afraid that if you do NOT protect yourself, if you do not look for every possible path or method that could harm you and protect yourself from that, that something "bad" will happen. You are afraid of yourself and afraid that there is something out there that you can not handle. On a deeper level there is the fear of your own mind. Again you are afraid that there is something out there that is beyond your control. You are also afraid that you will discover that the world or the universe is meaningless. That in truth is no truth. As well, if you create your own reality, then you must realize that everyone of your thoughts has power. It is many times easier to think yourself powerless, then to realize that your thoughts have power. The mind is constantly, endlessly creating, each moment, each instant, each and every day. It may appear that when you FIRST think this thought that it is the "supreme" arrogance, "I create my reality", I create my own world". Yet since most of you are afraid do your own minds, it is easier, much easier to NOT recognize your own power, then it is TOO recognize your own power. It is easier to believe the world is a meaningless place then it is to accept that you created it, and it is filled with meaning. All of these fears prevent you from feeling a deep joy in life. There is if you will a reinforcing cycle to your thoughts. You think that something "might" be so, then you encounter an incident that PROVES it is so. To stop thinking that way becomes a risk, it becomes something that is fearful because you have "proof" that various "outward" incidents have occurred that "prove" your thought processes out. But instead what you have really encountered is your own thoughts manifesting out your own thoughts. If you believe that you create your own reality, you have the "key" to your own joy. You have the key to open the door to a new and healthier reality, but instead it is much easier to keep that door closed. Because if you DO create circumstances that are difficult, frightening and upsetting, then you must take response-ability for them. As well, if you create your own reality you must begin to realize the power of your mind and again most of you are frightened of your own minds. All of this prevents you again from feeling real joy. If you believe that men only want woman for "one thing", then it becomes "risky" to love a man. However, if you realize you create your own reality, then you must realize that you have drawn men into your life that have only wanted "one thing" from you. Then you must first of all STOP being afraid of the mind that created the "man who only wanted one thing", and then begin to change the mind and finally to take the "joyful" risk of loving a different kind of man. It is so much easier to believe the fearful illusion of your own mind, then to challenge then and begin the process of feeling joy.

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Breaking the illusion of your own mind, breaking through the fearful incidents that were created form fearful thoughts is a "risky", difficult process. It feels much safer to be "miserable" and "safe", then to be "joyful" and "risky". Especially since you do not know for sure that your own mind has outgrown the thought processes that placed the "negative" incidents in your life in the first place. You are afraid of joy, because you are afraid of your own thought processes. Many of you have gone through the therapeutic process and at some point you have may have had "breakthroughs" or realizations of your behaviors. It suddenly becomes "clear" why you have acted in such and such a manner, or why such and such a thing has happened. But then you are "stuck". How do you break through this process or pattern in your mind. And as well, it becomes frightening TOO break through this process in your mind. You feel that you are alone, and that suddenly it becomes your responsibility to break through the bonds that have held you for so long. As well, many therapists believe that once you have a pattern in your mind, it is always there. So many of you believe that once you have discovered a dysfunction, then you will be dysfunctional forever. So how can you possibly trust the mind that created the dysfunction and will more then likely be dysfunctional in the future.. You must realize that is "risky" as it is, it is still a tremendous power to create your own reality. And that "joy" is the natural order of the universe. So that you will have universal help or guidance, if you ask for it to break through your dysfunction. Many of you are much more enlightened then you give yourself credit for, but you "fall" into old patterns, because you "know" them, because they are "safe". Yet even when you are in the old patterns, you sense that you "know" a better way, but you are afraid to trust yourself. It is important that you recognize your own enlightenment and your own knowledge. It is important that you break the ultimate pattern of dysfunction that has you distrust your mind. There is a belief in your society that man is essentially bad. He is bad and has original sin if he is a Christian. He is bad and suffers from the uncontrollable unconscious if he is pyschotheraputic. Instead you must do the most radical thing of all and "see" that your mind is essentially good, that it's illusions of fear are illusions of your own mind created by you to protect you, but that they are that illusions. And they have been created again by you to protect you. That your mind, your self is essentially good and it does not have to prove itself or it's virtue. And more importantly that your own mind is a "safe" place and that you can allow yourself the freedom and wonder of joy. You cannot control your fear, because through attempting to control it, you ADD power to the fear. Control, and the attempt at control occurs from fear. Instead what you must do is both identify what you are facing as an illusion, a pattern of your mind and then LOVE the fear. An example of this would be a woman who is stranded in a city by the side of the road. This woman is frightened that someone will harm her. She must see that what she is facing is the illusion that she is a victim and identify it as illusion and then love the fear that she feels. She must recognize that she is "suffering" her belief of "bad things happen in cities", and that she is a "helpless" woman. then she must recognize that the illusion she is facing is one that her mind has created, indeed she created the situation where she is stuck at night by the side of the road in a dangerous city to "overcome" this belief. But the fear is an illusion of her mind and an illusion of her beliefs. In a sense many of you are like movie actors who forget that you are in a movie and believe the play. There is joy in this, there is "fun" in this, there is a reason for this, to "learn" your lessons,

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but when you are a wizard, you must begin to realize that what you are facing is just that an illusion. When Samantha was a students she took a theater class, the teacher told a story of a young man who played a "primitive", jungle creature. He became absorbed in this role. He let his hair grow long, he no longer showered, he wore very few clothes. On opening night, he literally turned "primitive", he destroyed the set and started to jump around and yell and scream and attack audience members. He believed the illusion that he was a violent, primitive jungle man. The irony here is that a true "primitive" is only violent when he "needs" to be and very rarely so. This individual not only bought into a being a primitive, but he bought in the illusion that western civilization believes that primitives are violent. This is what you all do, you buy into the illusion of your minds. You buy into the illusions of your own creations. Like that man on the stage you "forget" that you create your own reality and buy into the illusion of your fears. This prevents you from feeling joy. The only way to break through these illusions is to learn to love them and to love the mind that created them. When when you love the illusion, it becomes apparent that it is an illusion. Love is the "answer" to fear. It is the only way that you can "break" through your fear. Literally say to yourself. I love my fear. I love the self that is giving me this illusion to protect me. I love the self that is a small child within me and does not know any better then to believe this illusion. I love the gift that this fear is giving me. Love is the "opposite" of fear. Love is the "cure" for fear. Love as well, is the cure for the dysfunction. Say to the dysfunctional part of yourself. I love you dysfunction for you were there to protect me. I love you, and I am not afraid of you, because I am essentially good and since you are part of me you dysfunction are also essentially good.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Neutral/Meaning Book 2 Section 55: 5/15/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Neutral/Meaning The scientific viewpoint teaches you that everything is "out there". That it is separate from you. it is believed that all phenomena and experience is created from chemical reactions in your brain. IN fact, you yourself are a chemical "accident". Even your enemies are considered merely as chemical events that can be analyzed broken down and are observable reactions from particles. As well, you are distinctively separate form everything around you, again it exists "out there" and can only, potentially be "acted" upon. This approach lets you believe that everything around you is "neutral". That everything around you is "just there" and meaningless. One of mankind's' greatest fears is that everything around them is indeed meaningless. That indeed it is a chemical reaction, an "accident". But there is nothing in your life that is neutral. There simply isn't such a thing as "separate" and therefore neutral. You have a relationship with the chairs in your house. You have a relationship with the bed you sleep in. You have a relationship to literally everything around you. There is no neutrality. You have a relationship to the most prosaic things in your life, from the refrigerator to the stove and the table you eat upon. There is not a neutral wall in your house. There is not a neutral floor. The space in which you live is filled with meaning. In fact, it is the walls that contain the space. Walls contain space, not the other way around. How the walls contain the space is not a neutral thing. How the walls contain the space and where this or is not space again is not a neutral thing. We are here to tell you again there is nothing in your life that is not neutral and separate. To believe that your refrigerator is "just a refrigerator" and your wall and table are simply functional walls and tables is to believe deep down that the world is meaningless. The universe did not create a "neutral" world, the universe is filled with meaning. From the second to wake up to the second you go to sleep, there is meaning in everything and everyone around you. Your belief in neutral thoughts create a seemingly neutral reality. That neutral reality is frightening because it is a meaningless one. think of all the horrors in your world that you see. The universe did not create a meaningless and horrific world. Therefore for every horror you see and every meaningless thing you see, what you are seeing is only your belief in horror and you belief in meaninglessness. The universe did not create starvation, the universe did not create wars, the universe did not create the atom bomb. Instead what you are seeing is the illusion of your beliefs in in a meaningless dangerous world. And this world is filled literally filled with "mass" illusions. In other words many, many people believe in the atom bomb and believe that it is a dangerous thing. Many, many people believe in the illusion of poverty and war and therefore it exists. As well, they believe in the meaninglessness of that poverty and that war. Children who are starving in the streets of Somalia, it is "believed" in. it is a mass hallucination. You can choose to participate or not., You can choose to see meaninglessness there or not. Or you can choose to see, really deeply see that those children have chosen for a very important reason to be in Somalia. They are great teachers and great souls and exist so that the world may look at how it operates. So that when many of you turn on the television sets are night and are inundated with

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the horror of Somalia, you will reflect upon your beliefs of conspicuious consumption and you will reflect upon the reason that there is "wheat" that is thrown away and there are millions of children starving. To buy into that illusion of meaningless, to buy into the illusion itself of all of it, is to participate within it. That is not to say that you should NOT be compassionate for other's pain. That if you are sick, or a family member is sick, or there is deep pain in your family. Realize the "reality" of this. That there is something that is being explored here. But as well, begin to realize that there is "meaning" here, that nothing neutral. And that the universe did not create these horrors, the belief in the illusion of them created the horrors. They are as real as the beliefs in them. This persceptive will allow you to "see" through what is there. this perspective will actually allow you to be compassionate and to give aid to those others. You will begin to "see" the "higher" reasons for what is happening to them. The beliefs and the purpose behind the pain and suffering. Why did the world create the mass hallucination of Somalia and even the Holocaust? What did it happen? what is the meaning of it?? Think on this...

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Pain And Meaning... Book 2 Section 56: 5/15/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Pain And Meaning... People who live have pain. It exists. It is an illusion, but it is a powerful and "real" illusion. Now, when you are children many of you are hurt irrpatable. Maybe your mother or father abused you, or maybe they simply ignored you. Maybe they weren't there when you needed them. Or maybe they were there "too much" and watched each and every move you made. Many of you define yoruselves through your pain. I am an adult child of an alcholic. I am a victim of incest. I am a schizophrenic. I am a drug addict. You define yourself through your pain. It is one reaosn why you reject joy, because if you become joyful then you have no identity. If you are no longer an adult child of an alcholic then who ARE you? If you are no longer a victim of rape then WHO ARE you? You define yourself through your pain, and the deepest pain is the pain of a child. Most of you "seek" reasons to "justify" this pain. You say to yourself, this happened because "iwasn't love". This happened because I wans't good enough. this happened because of XXX and YYY. When you are seeiking the cause of rpina you sperete yoruself out of it. As well, you buy into terrifc illusion about it. You say to yourself, if I am the adult child of an alcholic then that explains why I do this and why I do that. Well, that is all well and good. You need to look into yourself and analyze yourself and come to terms with the many whyys behind your behaviro that is the first stpe in chang them. But at some point you reahc a point where you BECOME that pain. Where you become that person, where your pain is "you", then you CANNOT change. You must first realize that there is no one to blame for your pain. Not you, not the person that gave you the pain. To blame is to loose power over. If you are that vicitm of incest, ask yourself WHY did your father do that to you. If you are the victim of having a parent seeking success and ignoring you, ask yourself why did your parents do that? What was there pain? Waht was the pain of the perpetrationa nd you being to see tha those who perpetrated where peratprated upona nd couldn't deal with their own pain. As well, there is a huge difference between looking into the pain, examingin it and feeling it through and becoming it. Whend you are searching for meaning many times what you are really doing is seeking to "correct" the pain and as well to NOT feel it. to distance yourself form it. The real meaning occurrs when you LOOKIno the pain and even more improntatly then looking at it, feel it. After that begin to relaize that it is an illusion given to you because of your beliefs. Begin to "see" the illusion of the pain, and within that seeing lies the "true" meaning. But first you must feel it through. That is soemthign that most everyone avoids. For example, when youare the "victim" of incest and you look into that pain and feel it, and then say that it is an illusion, you begin to "open" yourself up to the meaning behind it. Maybe you choose this to learn about men and women. Maybe you choose this to learn about love. Maybe you choose this to heal others

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with similar problems. But if you believe that your pain is "real" and if you believe taht you ARE your pain, you will NOT overocme it . It is only when you feel it through, that you can truly "examine" it and when that happens you can reach a point where you can 'see" through the illusion of it. You msut "let go" of changing the pain. And feel it through to "see" the illusion of it. Pain, fear, anger, greif is an illusion. It is a deeply powerful illusion and it is something that you each go through, but it is an illusion nonetheless. By going into it, by feeling it through to the bottem, you begin to see the meaning in it. Realize as well, that part of the pain is the sense of meaing that you have with it. There is "no reason" why Mom wasn't there for me. There is no reason why I had to be raped. The need for meaning in pain, is the need to believe that there is purpose to life. When you are in pain, you loose the sense of maing. by feelign thae pain, and reaching the bottem of it you can begin to see the meaning of it. There is no pain that is "real" in that sense. If you are in a place of greif because you have lost someone, you are oerating out of the sene that the perosn is "gone" and in one sense they are gone, but in a greater sense if the love was true they are still with you. What you are really mourning is your "missed" future moments and the "meaninglessness" of not having those moments. As well, you are mourning what you did or didn't do wrong. But the turht is that you alwasy get a seoncd chance, another life, another time to meet the person you love. Your greif is your teahcer, but as well it is always an illusion. If you are an adult child of alcholism, you feel that your life is "out of control". that feeling si "real", but he belief behind ti is an illusion. As you begin to learn that true control lies in accpeting yoru pweor to change your reality, you being to move beyodn the ignorant illsuion of p[ain. You are never out of control, you are believing in the illusion of what happened to you. Each and every pain is both a teacher and more profoundly an illusion. When you being to see that it is an illusion, you begin to "learn" the lesson and when you learn the lesson, you move beyond it.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Beliefs Behind Evil Book 2 Section 57: 5/15/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Beliefs Behind Evil Recently we did a posting on "evil". We went into great discourse in that we wanted to emphsize over and over again that there is "no good" and "no evil", this defintion was to be used more as a "rule of thumb", rather then a "quick and easy" defintion. As well, we emphsized again and again that what by belieiving in "good" and evil" you separated yourselves from the cause. We woudl now like to express to you the "basic" beliefs behind a large amount of "evil" that occurs in the world. All "evil" is an illusion. At the core of evil's illusion are a number of beliefs. The first bleief is that life is meaningless. If you believe that life is meaningless, then it is extremely easy to kill to maim etc. One "cure" for violence if you will is to show the perpetrators the pain they have caused. As well, to have them begin to see that they actions have meaning. Another related belief is a fear or denial of death. People who believe that life is meaningless live in terror of dying. They see this as the "end" of existence as they know it. It is essential for them to "leave" something behind, no matter what the cost. To be rich and powerful, to be well respected etc. is all part of a deep denial of death and a lack of belief taht life itself is meaningful. Finally, a belief in separeteness leads to evil. It is extremely easy to harm something that is separete form you, that is different from you. But when you realize that life itself is like a web, it becomes increasing difficult if not impossible to harm another. When you objectify something, then you can harm it. In wars, men will call other men "the enemy". When that is done, they are no longer men like themselves, they become "the enemy", this distance, this separetenss allows them to kill and greatly harm "the enemy". Emphasis on differences create the nesscary differences to harm another. To say that someone is "black" when you are 'white" allows you to objectify them. It allows you to distnace yourself from them and then again you can do "just about anything to them. reaosn why in a mtraical culture violence as a rule is NOT seen. When a woman gives birth she senses deep connection between her and others. She literally feels thisd biologically and on some level she realizes that for every human born their is a mother and if you harm another indiivudla then you harm someone's child. Women and men as a rule have different beliefs and this reflects into thier DNA structure. Women see connections, have more of an understanding of the web of life and how things are interconnected. Evil as we have said in earlier postings is about control. The belief that you are "out of control" and must do whatever it takes to "regain" control. teh attempt to "wrest" contorl of another or a situation from another limits the freedom of that other. Generally the belief that the "end justifies the means" is at the root of this belief system. As well, a belief IN good and evil creates evil. Good and evil as we have said are illusions. There is a belief taht if you "do not stand for something", that you do not stand for "justice for all" that

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you are "evil". Many convnetional or relgion indivudlas believe taht at the "root" of the problems within society lies the phislophy that we are here propagting that of 'anything goes". The idea of situational ethics, that essntially there is no right or wrong frightens these people. Yet even in the bible there is the fact that the "only judge is god". A belief in evil CREATES evil. A belief taht you are right and another is wrong creates the nesscary separetness where the perpetruation of "evil" is possilbe. Indeed teh actual belief in evil, creates the evil and then this evil msut be "fought". Qnd in the process of fighting it the "end does justify the means". Tremendous pain has has been inflicited int eh name of "god" and being religiously right. Indeed wars, many wars are caused because of differing ideas of "right" and "wrong". Tolerance and understanding creates peace. At one point in her life Samantha encountered a woman who had been abused by Satanists as a child. We have written aobut his breifly in the "other" posting on evil. For smantha this was an extremely dramatic situation because she was asked to "help" this individual and "go into" her in a pyschic manner. Smatnah SAW and felt as the child what had been done, and she was deeply appalled and terrified of what was occurring. it was extremely painful for her. To smantha this was a test of her belief in NO good or evil. For what she saw done to this individual and then to "feel" it with her was the utmost of wrong. But as well, she began to 'see" and understand the beliefs that were operating here. The beliefs of the family structure that lead the father to become a Satanist. There iwas a tremdnsou fear of death. A belief that life itself had no meaning, except for what you gave it. There was ceritnaly a belie that the "end justfyes the means". The father believed that what he was doing to his daughter would create "power" for the other members of the coven. the coven existed to "do good" and to create power for the individuals involved therefore what he was doing was "right". Teh soul of the woman involved "choose" this path so that she would come to terms with the ideas of good and evil. The woman was sexuallyand phsycially abused to an incredible length. It waas done toa llf oru chidlrne int he family and this woman is the only one who is still alive. As well, the woman's first born was killed during a ritual in front of her at age 13. This woman concved due to the multpile rapes that were done upon her body. This woman's body was edeblitated to a large extent and she was fighting to simply remain alive. She asked for Samantha's help to overcome her illness. What was needed to be done was that the owmn come to understand and come tot erms with the "evil" that occurred to her. Smantha talked ot her of purpsoe and of the need for understanding what occurred. As well, the woman had repressed a great many of the memories and Samantha todl her tha she must beign the process of remembing in order to nderstand and that was t the root of her illness. We use this example, because if 'evil" exists certainly this woman was a victim of it. but instead she CAMe here with the purpose of understanding and moving beyond "good" and "evil" and thereby to teach others. today the woman is much better. When eocntering what is considered "Good" verus "evil" in your own lives begin to think about what beliefs you are confronting. Is there a fear of death here? Is there a fear of meaninglessness? Do this indivual believe that the end justify's the means? Adn WHY did you draw that perosn into your life. For Samantha learned to confront through this woman her own Catholic upbringing and her ideas of evil. This woman is slowly as well coming to temrs with WHY on a "deep" purpose level what happened, happened. As well, she allowing herself to remember and reach the bottem of her rage nad pain. This is what needs to be done in a situation where you are a victim. Learn to "see" through the illusion to the meaning. You can only do this by not blaming and seeing through to the end. You

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need to look deeply into what you are facing and examine the beliefs of the particiapants and where those beliefs come from. Systems of "jsutice" are faulty today because they exist outseide of understanidng. Each member of each society is supposed to obey certain laws and these laws are supposed to govern each and every humanbeing in the same manner. But each and every indivual oeateds differntly. Each relaity is unqie and each reaosn for each relaity is also unique. To have a "blank" system of laws, that many times can be "gotten" around is not justice. Justice in the terms you mean can only be done with deep understanding and compassion. All; the par5ticiaptes involved must come to "see" how they participated wihtin the event. And the the vimt must be given trmednosu love na docmpassion and support to come to terms with the pain. But as well, again the only way to overcome all of this is to "see" through the illusion of vicimtizationa nd begin to "see" meaning. The meaning is there, and only then can a fair judgement be given.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Illness Book 2 Section 58: 6/10/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Illness Samantha has been receiving a letters on illness. What is the process of healing? How can someone be healed? First the person involved in the sickness must look for and understand the purpose of the illness. Why am I sick? this question is not a railing against the fates, or a feeling of guilt, it is a question of going deeply into the illness and understanding why the body took the illness in. In most illnesses there is a warning, and the warning is ignored. A change must take place, a movement must occur in the life, a belief must be changed. If that warning is ignored, then something more serious must happen, if that second warning is ignored etc. but what about people who have no warning of the onset of an illness. There is a physical warning, but as well there is the mental or psychological warning. A depression, a feeling that life is meaningless, a "running away from self". The warning before a physical illness is many times a feeling that something is wrong within the life of the individual. Once an illness enters the body, one of the most dangerous things an individual can do is to feel victimized by the illness, this gives the illness power over the individual. As well, an individual needs to recognize that the illness in spite of the pain, fear or grief is a gift. This is extremely difficult to do, especially in your society. You go to your doctor many of whom believe that you are a structure of cells and that your structure has gone wrong. And you feel even more victimized then before. Medical science is certainly useful, it can alleviate pain, it can aide in illness or disease, but if the underlying purpose of the illness is not perceived and fixed, then the illness or another illness will occur. Samantha knows of a man who has had one "bad" and dangerous illness every year for the past five years. He is literally only been relatively well for approximately two or three months out of every year for six years and this illnesses are dangerous they are strokes, cancers etc. Illnesses that are NOT related but seemingly are always dangerous and extremely frightening. Many of you know individuals like this, they go through heart surgery, just to have a stroke. Or they make it through cancer just to find they have aids etc. Again the underlying reason is not being dealt with. And for each individual the reasons is different. Most if not all patients in your society reject these ideas, especially if they are in pain. You mean to tell me that I CHOOSE this. That I did this to myself? I will not accept that. this is like any other "horrible" problem that one must face-but when a serious illness is at hand it is even more so, your life is on the line. You must accept that you create your reality in order to find the purpose of the illness, the lesson that you are being taught without BLAMING yourself for the illness. Because the more the individual blames himself the less he is able to deal with the underlying issue. As well, the underlying issue or purpose is such that possibly it was not a

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consciously chosen. That is not to say that your unconscious is your 'enemy", it is to say that possibly the illness was chosen by another part of yourself to get to recognize the seriousness of the purpose, and your conscious self on some level agreed to this. Once the purpose is understood, it is time to make the necessary changes within the life. This is key to "curing" the illness, whatever the illness may be. Again it could be a change of beliefs, or it could be something radical, a totally different lifestyle. Now, there are many healing methods, ways of alleviating pain, both "new age" and "medical". When treating an illness it is best to look at all the methods that instinctively appeal to you. Certainly look at new age medicines as well as medical science. There is no one single cure, that is one of the main mistakes of your medical science. Each body is treated in the same fashion, each body is given the same treatment for the same disease. But everybody is different and every treatment needs to be somewhat different. what works on one patient may not work on another patient. If you have discovered your purpose and are beginning to make the needed changes in your life, ask your body to guide you in the best treatments for it. If suddenly you are drawn to aromatherapy because the smell of roses or lilies helps you when you are in pain, then by all means buy a potpourri pot and some rose oil, despite your doctor telling you that "that is bunk". If suddenly you get a craving for different foods, buy the foods and eat them. Your body "knows" what it needs to make itself better. Slowly but surely a system of treatment will evolve for you. What foods to eat, what new age and medical treatments work for you. Part of the process is listening to your body and listening to what it is telling you. Now, your body is an energy system, and that energy system needs to be "healed". One new age method we recommend is the ability to learn to sense energy fields and sense what is "wrong" within your own and then "call" upon the universal energies to "fix" this "hole" within your system. We have in past postings discussed the energy fields and illness results when they are "out of balance". Putting them back into balance will certainly heal or at least aid the healing process. In ancient times using energy fields and "fixing" them was one of the few actual methods. However, again what is believed about this system is key to whether it works for the individual or not. The bottom line is that what you believe about the illness is the most important issue. If you believe that only medical science can cure you, then indeed only medical science can cure you. If you believe that a witch doctor in Africa is the only way you can be cured, then we suggest you quickly buy a plane trip to Africa. What you believe about the body is key to both your treatment and your illness. It is essential besides looking at your purpose to look at your belief's about the body? Are you a group of cells that are merely a scientific accident or is there some underlying meaning to what is going on?? At some point we suggest that Samantha herself write a treatise on illness with suggestions since she herself is a "survivor" of a 'bad" disease, a medical miracle if you will. One thing is that terrible difficult and painful to watch is that of a child who has an illness. How can this child be in such pain? What kind of god would do this? We tell you that for whatever reason this is part of the child's purpose to coming to life. There is no shame in death, there is no shame in illness either. Each of you have lessons and purposes to fulfil, a sick child generally has a special purpose, it is part of a life lesson. It is not for an observer including a parent to necessarily know what this purpose is. And more then likely it is difficult for the child to know

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as well, but there is a REASON. It is essential that this belief be held unto because the more the individuals around the child believe that the child is a victim, the more of a victim the child becomes. A child can "tune" into the beliefs of those around him or her, and "take" them on very easily, it is so important that this child somehow know and believe that there is meaning. It is especially "key" that the parents around the child hold unto a belief of meaning for that child learns most from the parents and what they belief deeply effects the child. As well, the parents need to realize that they also "drew" this into their lives for a specific reason. That they are NOT victims. One of medical science's "big" failures is the "pity" those in pain. Pity does very little good for an ill child, or a parent, compassion is what is needed as well as belief in meaning. To pity is to add the energy of the victim belief at a time when the parent and the child Do not need that. And there is meaning, every illness and every death has a meaning. It is may not be possible to see this meaning in the depth of the pain, but that does not mean it is not there. Just because you cannot see the entire forest and all you can see is a tree in front of you because you stubbed your toe, does not mean that the rest of the forest is not there. The worst thing that can be done when faced with a disease is to believe that it meaningless. It is possible to say I don't understand the meaning, but it is somewhere there. I don't see any gift in this illness but I believe that it is there and it will become clear to me. This is one of the primary ways to fight illness. This belief in meaningfulness is essential when faced with illness. In order for a deep healing to occur there must be a shift in perception, many times not only of the individual but a family structure-this is especially true when a child is ill. What is the requisite for this shift? A belief that the sickness is within the mind and the body is only an "afterthought". The illness was drawn not he body from some level of the mind, then a deep healing can take place that can "wipe" out the disease. Healing must take place within the mind and when the purpose is discovered the "answer/cure" is also discovered. Related to this is the belief that somehow the universe is behind you. We covered this a bit in miracle thinking. In spite of the fact that I have cancer, in spite of the fact that I am so ill with pain, I know that that somehow I will be all right.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

The Edge... Book 2 Section 59: 6/27/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

The Edge... Within each life there the individual "chooses" his range of emotional reaction. To individuals have a large range and other individuals live within a very small range, a minimum and a maximum edge. This is the level of intensity that you allow yourself to "live at". Intensity is basically more energy within a system, more feeling if you will. Happiness and sadness can be experienced with more or less intensity. Pain and fear are generally warning signals against too much intensity. This is a feeling that you are going to far that "something is no longer" safe. Many people for example avoid intense joy or happiness because they fear the intensity of it, and they also fear the intensity of the loss of it. The older you get, the more "afraid" of intensity you become. Many times individuals will have an intense experience of some kind when they are young and then they are "hurt", and they promise themselves to NEVER let themselves get hurt like that again, and thereby unconsciously limit the intensity of feeling within their lives. this limit causes the individual to live a very vanilla or mediocre life. As well, many times individuals who are frightened of intensity will spend a great deal of their time "protecting" themselves from the fear within them. They do this by looking at every situation from the fearful vantage and deliberately live in various stages of fear to "protect" themselves from the truly fearful. These individuals are afraid of themselves and what they could feel. to some extent MOST individuals protect themselves from intense experience. A wizard's goal is to INCREASE the level of intensity within their lives. To literally draw more energy into their systems and become "more alive". This is frightening for most individuals. And many times a block against becoming a "true" wizard. You may begin the practice of changing your emotions and your beliefs. You may begin to see certain patterns that you wish to change and then suddenly your run into yet another block. You find your life running too well, you find yourself being happy. You find that wizardry works in most situations and suddenly for some reason you are AFRAID of your own happiness. You are frightened by what you feel. You suddenly "see" all that you could loose and want to "lessen" what you feel. Problems occur, and even though you 'Know" the answer suddenly you can't seem to practice them. You are running into your intensity block. It is important to learn how to voluntarily generate intensity within your life, to allow yourself to feel more. You do this by concentrating on things that DO not frighten you and DEEPENING that experience. For example, let us say that every morning in the summer you have coffee on your porch. This is safe habitual experience that is enjoyable, a few moments to yourself in the morning. One morning when things seem to be mellow, imagine yourself moving deeper and deeper into the present. Breathe deeper, let yourself "hear" the birds singing or the cars going by. Let yourself get lost in the moment, let yourself feel love for your home, your porch, your robe whatever. Feel the breeze on your skin and how pleasurable it feels. Let your self get lost in that moment. At some point there will be a block, suddenly you will feel that you "feel" too good and there is something that you MUST do. Or

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worry and fear will begin to invade your thoughts, you have reached your "edge". Your mind will wander from the moment. The optimum degree of intensity is the level that you can "live" in the moment with joy. The more you practice this, the more that intensity increases. The "correct" amount is the point at which you feel whole and wonderful. To much is a strain and too little boring. Becoming a wizard involves "getting" better at living within the moment and sensing the life force that moves through you. It is truly impossible to be unhappy when you allow yourself to "be" in the moment and have the faith that everything is safe within the universe. There is the underlying feeling that whenever you allow joy, and that intensity of feeling that when that is gone you will feel the inverse of sadness or pain. this belief is limiting to you. for once you find the wholeness of joy, the wholeness within the universe, and learn to trust the universe you will find yourself feeling "safety" within the moment, in spite of the pain. IN other words, you need not feel the same amount of loss that you feel in joy. You can form "deep" joyful attachments and by learning to get lost in the moment learn to create more joy and less pain. In other words you must learn to create a safe haven within the mind.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Opening The Egg Posting 94 10/03/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Opening The Egg Faith in something beyond yourself is NOT passive, weak, naive, or ignorant. Faith is both passive and forceful at the same time. When you have faith, you come into yourself and your abilities. Your body suddenly seems to feel alive, you heart expands, you mind opens up, and suddenly what seemed impossible is now not only possible but even probable. But how is it possible to have faith when religion has betrayed you and the religion of science has betrayed you even more. What should you have faith in? What CAN you have faith in??? The underlaying "truth" if you will is that religion and science is much more related then appears from the outside. In the scientific world your and you body are accidents and machines that are uncontrolable and you are a "victim" of them. In religion you are "possessed" by demons. Years ago the Gnostics and Cathars created a hearsay within the Catholic faith that in many ways "stuck". That belief is that the world is created from the mind of the devil and that only "god" and "god's will" can move beyond the devil. if you believe in anything that is "good", you will fall into the illusion of "evil", and be possessed by a demon. So what is worse being possessed by demons and spending you life constantly fighting them. Or being a machine on the watch for your "dangerous, uncontrollable" libido? Either way you live in fear for yourself and your life. What is worse, encountering evil due to the devil? Or encountering the meaninglessness of life, because the machine of random order has "struck" your life and some horror has occurred within it??? True science if you will is to openly look at experiences and seek to understand them. Not to view the world through your prejudices, but as quantum theory hints at, at times it is impossible to NOT look at the world through your own prejudices, through your own belief systems. Science is filled with prejudices of the view that man is "bad". This prejudice stems from the time of the renaissance from which it was born. The devil or demons became the machine that was "out to get you", the clock or machine of your body that nature controlled and was beyond you, and then in this century Freud turned the unconscious mind into a new set of demons. The most radical belief is that man is essentially good. That you CAN trust yourself that you CAN have faith in something beyond yourself. When you do this you buck not only science but religion as well. Cultures are formed by priests and by "experts", what the experts believe is the essence of the belief system of the society. The average man does not take the time to consider the beliefs passed "down" to him by those in the know, he simply accepts that they DO KNOW and adopts what the is told. Science assumes that man is at the mercy of his base instincts and religions assumes that man is at the mercy of demons and the "devil". The average man "lives" his life rarely questioning the purpose of his life, until some crisis, and even then generally goes "back to" the words of the experts. When you interrelate to the world, you "filter" in and out what doesn't agree with you. IN a sense there is like an "egg" around you and you "filter" the information that agrees with your beliefs and draw experiences into your life that your belief egg allows. When you have "faith" that the

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universe is a "good" place, and that you are essentially a "good" person, you draw the "best" circumstances into your life. You allow for the best to happen. As well, your egg of beliefs reinforces itself. So if for example, you believe that the world is essentially a bad place then you draw "bad" experiences into your world, and the information that you read and the news that you watch etc. reinforces that idea over and over and over again. In order to change your belief's you need to overcome the self- supporting cycle that you are creating. You need to "break" open you egg of energy, and reframe your reality. As a society that needs to be done on a grand scale. In a sense the "fall" of Adam and Eve is the fall away from responsibility for your own reality and a belief that the world is separate from yourself and "negative". Religion has one sort of redeeming factor in that it forces you believe in something "good" out there, but it places a tremendous structure on that goodness, and the goodness can only come when you follow tremendous mental and moral limitations. At the root of both science and religion is a battle of whether man is good and whether man is a part of the universe and "grace", or whether he is ultimately separate and a victim of an uncaring universe or a devil. The common parameter between religion and science is a split mind of reality, as well as belief that the "out" there that occurs from that split is dangerous. In order to break through the egg that you live in, you must face, look into and conquer fear at all levels within your psyche. One of the greatest fears is to learn that reality truly is arbitrary, suddenly everything you believed in is somehow "wrong" and the entire "egg" must be recreated. there is a tremendous feeling or lack of safety when all of the assumptions that have been held for an entire lifetimes suddenly seem senseless. In a sense it is a fall into chaos, a collapse of the world as you know it. The ego and all of it's understandings are threatened. A break with "ordinary" mass consciousness takes place and that is frightening, for are you "still sane"? and "what is truly real"? When this break occurs, many times it occurs by "seeing" through the problems and issues of science and religion itself. There comes a point in a scientists life where they "know" enough, or "it all seems the same". there comes a point in a religious individual's life where the inconsistencies are "enough". At that point, the mind is beginning the process of the restructuring and considering "other" ideas. It is slowly opening to the point of restructuring. Many times at this point as well, an incident will occur that will bring crisis into the individual's life. then a decisions must be made to either agree to expand and "open" the egg or to close "back down" into the "same" ideology. In order to actually undergo a restructuring it is essential that you face the fear of "letting" go of reality as you understand it. Now we are not saying that you go into some sort of psychotic fugue. Or "break" with reality in terms of schizophrenia. It is important to UNDERSTAND the reality that you are living in. But what we are saying is that you must be willing to break through the fear of a dramatic change within your reality. You must be open to other realities and understand that they exist simultaneously and WITHIN normal reality. IN a sense you are "expanding" yourself and "seeing" more then is normally available. If you "get lost" there and maintain NO connection or NO understanding of "regular" reality then you CAN become lost. But this need not happen, and as a rule does NOT happen unless their is some sort of trauma that brings it on. Instead you are seeing more of reality and letting more of reality into your consciousness.

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Radical faith is what "opens" the egg in the positive manner. In order to have this radical faith, the individual must let go of cultural beliefs, and face the fear that occurs when you "break" through the egg of cultural beliefs and in this case cultural fears. This does not mean that you look at the world around you and IGNORE the problem, it does mean that in SPITE of the problem you believe that there is a reasons for it and that somehow it will be taken care of.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Reality As Television Series Posting 95 10/03/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Reality As Television Series Samantha and Aurelius are producing a cartoon television series. This is a test for them of learning how reality "works" and how to manifest in their reality. Samantha would like to "cut" that part out for her readers, but we wish for her to "keep" it in. Reality is VERY like producing a television series. There is the director, the producer, the actors, the writers, etc. Before something enters into your reality you "go" for a casting call. And if enough people wish for the drama, comedy, tragicomedy etc. then the play goes on. The director is your purpose. The producer is the magical reality that creates all that you require, the level of reality that let's say we operate from. Your unconscious self, and beliefs are the writer. However, the more of a wizard you become the more you consciously write the series for yourself. You are the actor. Yet when you truly act in the drama most of you "forget" that you are the writer. Stanislavsky the great acting teacher discussed how there must be levels of reality within a play, and you must forget "who" you are and "become" the character in order to live out the play. In order to be in a the play you have chosen you "forget" that you are the writer and that there is a director producer etc. You BELIEVE that you are the role. Becoming a wizard is "remembering" that it is role and the ability to "see" through that role. The "ego" or rationality is the actor, you will believes in it's separateness so that you "believe" your role. The more your concentrate on the outward, and the ego, separateness and death, the more that you "buy' into your role. The first step in becoming a wizard is to realize that you are the writer, the next step is to realize you are the director and when you can touch the part of you that is producer you are "wizard" for the producer is the part of you that creates the underlaying energy necessary to create. As well, the producer is if you will the higher self and is "governed" by purpose. If you understand purpose you are reaching for the producer. As well, there are if we continue in this analogy the producer's bosses, the investors and the levels go on and on and on.... Rationality is believing in the acting, it is necessary in order to play the role. Ego again is the role. Ego is necessary in order to interact in the world, but when you think that is all there is you run into deep problems because when the ego thinks that it is alone it becomes fearful. Yet it has needed to believe it was alone because that is or was the underlaying purpose of science to explore JUST that frame of mind. It is time to learn how to operate both as the writer, director and producer and then go back and be the actor. That is what a wizard does, he or she MOVES between the differing levels. In the sense the dream state is more "real" then "reality". In your dream state you DO move between the different states and that is why the dreams are so hard to understand and "cope" with. They seem to be senseless, but instead you are seeing things happening on different levels. Let us say that you are in a dream and walking on a road, then suddenly you decide to fly. And yous that are flying and turn into a bird in mid-flight. This seems incredibly irrational as you look at it in a conscious state, through the eyes of the actor/ego. But if you look at it as YOUR ego is walking

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on the road, but you are "flying" ahead and looking at the territory of the future, then you begin to realize that the various levels are working here and thereby maybe realizing that you are interacting with your future etc. Flying ahead to see the various probabilities or dream open to you on the "open" road. Reality exists in endless levels built one upon the other. And when you can operate within the various levels you can "do magic". magic is a change of consciousness from one to other and EFFECTING one conscious and one level of reality through that change. Realizing that when you can be lucid or awake in your dreams when you can be as conscious as you are right now within your dreams, you can "change them" and thereby "create what you wish". You can also magically simulate these changes of mind. You can do this through meditation, but when you JUST mediate and NOT act you block the creation process. For action must follow meditation in fact action is meditation. Rationality is the actor/ego. The next step is to have the rational ACCEPT the magical. IN order words have the rational open up to another belief system where it begins to recognize that there is more then JUST the rational. They it can begin to understand and operate consciously on the various levels. So when you are faced with a problems you can operate on it rational, and then intersect with it magically and back again. when you are magical you do not LOOSE the rational mind instead you learn how the differing sets of mind intersect and learn to operate in VARIOUS levels of mind. This si where hunting comes in. You hunt the various levels of mind for the various situations.

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The Samantha Riordan Channels

Failures Of Manifestation, Why You Don't Get What You Want???? Posting 96 10/03/97 (C) Copyright 1997 Samantha Riordan All rights reserved

Failures Of Manifestation, Why You Don't Get What You Want???? Now, let us say that you wish to manifest something within your reality. You concentrate upon it, you think about it, you meditate upon it, you use all the wizard techniques and it STILL does not happen. WHY???? First and foremost ALL processes of manifestation NEVER fail, but they may bring unexpected results. Unless you realize that the manifestation process does not fail, then you will NOT see what the manifestation process DID bring you. In other words, you ARE creating your reality, but if you are NOT getting exactly what you want within the framework of YOU getting it, then you are seeing this as a failure. However, the manifestation process always works, it simply may not work like YOU wish it to work. There are a number of questions to ask when you are attempting a manifestation and it SEEMS like failure. 1) How far is the goal from "you". You are a system of energy as we have discussed before, if the goal you are manifesting is "far" from your reality, it's energy can seem incongruous to you. For example, if you wish to be a movie star but are currently 350 pounds, and never taken an acting class, live in Kansas and refuse to go to Los Angeles, have a husband and a child that demands a great deal of your attention and time etc. it is "far" from your CURRENT energy. You "probably" need to loose some weight, TAKE an acting class, loose some weight, and potentially move to where the opportunities are within the movie industry. so let us say you are this woman in Kansas who wishes to be a successful Movie actress and you begin practicing wizardry, suddenly you have CAN resist you desire for a lot of sweets and are losing weight. You are buying books on acting, we are telling you that the process of manifestation IS working for you. The further the goal is from your reality, the more your energy needs to change to create this goal. Now, you could potentially manifest a movie being filmed in Kansas that had a role for a woman who was 350 pounds etc. however, that would more then likely be a "one" time opportunity and then you WOULD have to move to Los Angeles etc. This again gets into the issue of identity, you probably define yourself as an overweight "ugly" woman who is "bored" etc. the further your definition of SELF from the goal you wish to create, the more incongruous, the MORE energy it takes to create it. 2) related to this is the question, am I WILLING to make the necessary changes within myself to create this goal? This is a difficult one. For the woman above, living in Kansas, she will have to convince her husband and child to move to Los Angels with her. Potentially her husband has

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"views" of who and what she is those views would have to change radically for him to make the change. So the question is, is she willing to risk her marriage and the anger of her child to manifest her goal??? All manifestation requires CHANGES and those changes CAN be difficult unless you are enough of a wizard to calmly move through them. Are you willing to take the necessary risks required to make the needed changes??? 3) Am I NOT paying attention to the alternatives or the "other" opportunities? Many times when you attempt to manifest something the universe will take it and "change" to "better" fit you??? For example, let us say that you wish for a "new" red car, something that you can drive to work everyday, a Porsche. Then suddenly after intense manifestation, your neighbor next door has to leave town for six months and HE drives a red car, and want to pay you to drive it so that it will not get "stagnant" and he trusts you. Now, this CAR is red and it IS new, but it is not YOURS and it is NOT a Porsche. However you take this job, and find that it maybe it works "better" then a Porsche because it gets better gas mileage and you find that you LOVE it, as well it is MUCH more affordable then a Porsche, say 25,000 versus the many thousands more a Porsche would be. It is a sports car. The universe here is potentially saying that THIS is a better car for you. Maybe you suddenly get a raise when the individual comes back after six months so that you CAN afford the payments on this "other" car, but NOT a Porsche. But in your "stubbornness" you say it is NOT a Porsche, I want a Porsche and my manifestation FAILED. Instead the universe reinterpreted this manifestation FOR you. 4) Are you TOO specific or not specific enough. This is related to the above. Basically in the case of the individual with the Porsche he is being TOO specific. The attempt here is to try and to control the out come TOO MUCH. However, there are other times when it is necessary to be more specific. To look more deeply into the desire. Let us say that instead of specifying a Porsche, you instead simply WANT a new car, but that is simply NOT happening. Then it is time to LOOK more deeply into the desire and WHY you want it? did you want this new car to impress other people, or did you want this "new" car to "get to work"? Maybe instead of getting a "new" car you suddenly have "new" woman in your life??? That is a way of the manifestation working for you, because you wanted the car to be "more" attractive to other women. If however the car is needed to get to work, ,maybe an individual materializes in your life that is willing to take you to work. Or maybe you simply need to tell the universe more precisely what you want. I want a RED car, or a I want a reliable car, etc. 5) Are you being to needy and NOT trusting the process? do you BELIEVE enough that it CAN happen? This is analogous to baking a cake and constantly checking on the cake because you are afraid that it won't bake, so it FALLS or it takes three or four times AS long to bake it because everytime you open the oven door, you let out the heat. When you spend a PART of you day concentrating on manifesting something and another part of you day being AFRAID that it won't come you sort of "cancel" out the first part of the day. there is a certain BALANCE involved. As well, when you concentrate on manifesting something, and then BECOME upset because it is NOT there, in a sense FEEL a loss about it, then AGAIN you are INTERFERING with the process. You more you DON'T believe in it, the more NEEDY you are, is a reflection of your FEAR that it CANNOT occur. Faith is the opposite of fear. Need is a reflection of fear. If you NEED money, no matter how much you attempt to manifest it, you will NOT get it. however, you would LIKE money to pay your bills, and work on manifesting it, don't concentrate on NOT

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having it, and indeed maybe even BUY yourself a LITTLE something to "PROVE" to yourself the universe is abundant, then you WILL get it. This si where the idea of negative beliefs come into play. What if you again ARE working towards manifesting a reality and are finding that you cannot do so because your belief system is interfering with what you wish to manifest. You say I want to manifest a million dollars, but I believe that the world is NOT an abundant place and that you have to scrimp and save. Well, that makes it extremely difficult for the universe to manifest your million dollars. 6) Are you ACTING on your manifestation process and your intuitions? For example, let us say that you wish to have a great love in your life and instead you live alone in a one bedroom apartment, you are unemployed and never leave your home. Well, if you are in the process of manifesting a great love in your life, and suddenly you feel the need to go to a local spiritualist church or even the grocery store, LISTEN to that feeling. GET up and go, because that may be WHERE you meet the individual you are attempting to manifest. As well, when you go there and if you feel an intuition to smile at someone then DO SO. Manifestation is a two way street, you have to ACT on it. Then are countless stories of "new age" individuals who after hearing that you "create your own reality", quit their jobs and spend their times manifesting ways to "be rich". The universe sends them calls from their old boss to come back at higher pay, or the universe sends them to the corner store and they see and old client that offers them a job and they TURN IT DOWN. Or they do NOT send out a resume, simply sit in their apartment day after day after day. AGAIN it is a TWO way street. You must also DO things as well, this is part of the faith process. 7) is there ROOM in your life for what you WISH to manifest??? Now,t eh universe is limitless and YOU are also limitless. However, in the space of that limitlessness is the focus of human existence. So for example, if you are getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning and working until 3 in the afternoon, and then taking care of your home, your daughter, your husband etc. do you have time to become a GREAT dancer??? YOU CAN BECOME THE GREAT DANCER, but currently within your reality is there TIME and the FOCUS to do that. You may have to quit your job. You have to spend less time on the housekeeping. You may have to send your daughter to daycare. You may have to NOT make dinner for your husband etc. Currently even if you did manifest the 'best" dancer job in the world, there would NOT be the ROOM in your life to take it. In a sense the 'good" in your life can be the enemy of the "best" in your future. If you have a LOT of good in your life, you maybe unwilling to let go of it to "go for the BEST you can have or be. So for example, you may have to choose between loosing your home which you love to go for your dreams. The good of the home you love may interfere with becoming the "best" that you can and getting a better home? is there so much "good" in your life that you are not willing to move towards getting the "best" in your life. You may have a relationship in your life that is "good", but feel deep down that "he" is "not the one". You do not wish to break-up because it is a "good" relationship, but unless you are willing to let go of the "good" relationship there will not be room in your life for "the one" in your life. 8) The final one is the hardest one. Your are going against yourself and your purpose and "successful" manifestation, will HARM you. You are NOT getting what you want because it will HURT you more to get it, then NOT get it. This is one that Samantha is well acquainted one and the ONE that she has the hardest time accepting. IN the past Samantha had a highly successful

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business. But she attempting to manifest another business, she wanted to do SOMETHING else. She believed that she needed the FIRST business to bootstrap her second deeply desired business. Instead the first business interfered with the second business, as well as the success of the first business was NOW harming her versus helping her. It was hurting her marriage, it was limiting her sense of identity, and it was not something she loved doing any longer. She attempted to manifest many ways to "save" the business and indeed the business survived WAY beyond what was good for her because of her constant NEED to manifest it's success. But she was fighting her own deeper purposes, as well as attempting to "save" something that was making her deeply miserable. She finally decided "enough was enough" and not to try anymore. Suddenly her life WAS working better and she was able to work on the "new" business that she had truly wanted all along. Her "higher" self and we do not like to use that term was telling her that this was NOT good for her, and the more she concentrated on saving the business, the more seemed to "go wrong". This is related to lessons that you may need to learn. Sometimes you simply have other things that are more important that YOU cannot through your ego see, but that your "other" self who is acquainted with your purpose CAN see. Your getting what you so deeply desire is interfering with what you are here to learn or to do. When YOU don't get what you want and YOU BELIEVE that manifestation ALWAYS works, then you can begin the spiritual practice of looking into yourself and "see" the TRUE results in the process of manifestation. For example, by "failing" you may begin to discover your purpose like Samantha did. Or you may discover that something else, like a marriage is MORE important to you. You may need to look more deeply into yourself and find out what you are TRULY asking for. You may need to learn more of faith and "letting go" versus holding on to something so incredibly tightly. You may have many negative beliefs that you need to let go of. Is there so much "good" in your life that you do not have the "room for the best in your life"??? Failing to manifest exactly what you want, when you want contains lessons within it's "failure". By learning to look for these underlying reasons you may indeed manifest what you want, but as well you may ALSO learn important lessons by looking into the universal response.

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