Human Design An Individual Experiment

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Human Design… An Individual Experiment

“Human Design gives humanity an opportunity to see how it all works and to discover the laughter because that is what it is all about!” (Ra Uru Hu) Human Design, this unusual but revolutionary knowledge that came into the world the end of the eighties presents enormous depth and at the same time is simple and practical. It is my pleasure to convey to you my personal flavors and findings after years of individually experimenting with Human Design and to provide you with some resources in order to set you off on your journey with your personal Human Design map. First of all and most importantly, Human Design is an individual experiment. It can only be of real value to you and in your relating with others if you are checking out your map for yourself by experimenting individually with its characteristics introduced to you in your reading. Human Design is a knowledge that is alive, it is about how our uniqueness operates and is lived out by us. Human Design describes the energetic mechanisms of how we experience life. So it is very much about identifying these mechanisms for yourself first, in your inner world and in your relating with others. On the other hand, it is a knowledge that has nothing to do with believing anything that is said to you. On the contrary, it is based on a principle of logic and therefore demands verification. So if we combine these 2 characteristics, we come to understand that Human Design can only be considered valid and enriching as a result of individual experimentation. If you do not wish to experiment with it, Human Design will just be an interesting and extraordinary knowledge explaining so much about what it is to be alive and unique. But knowledge is not power. Because of the personal experimentation factor, some call Human Design “knowledge for wolves”, great courage is required to check it out for yourself, alone! Only your personal engagement with the very simple and practical tools presented in your Human Design reading - what we call type, strategy and inner authority - can make the information truly valuable and provide you with a tool for profound selfknowledge, inner transformation, truthful relating and give you a chance to experience the awe life can inspire. Personally, I think this is one of the beauties of Human Design, the knowledge as such can be deep and complex but it’s value is accessible to all, young/old, schooled or not, no matter your cultural, religious or social background, if you want to experiment with it you can do so and come to a better understanding of your uniqueness, how to live it and affirm it in your relating with others.

And now that we are talking about how the individual experiment allows us to discover the value of Human Design in our life, let’s also get into some other characteristics.

It is worth mentioning that Human Design isn’t something that offers instant gratification. Experimentation is a road of trial and error. The tools for your experiment - that is your type, strategy and inner authority - may be very simple tools but that doesn’t make them necessarily easy to apply in daily life. As an example, Human Design tells us not to act on our emotions spontaneously in the moment. It explains that the mechanical nature of emotional energy is an energized wave – a spiral - that goes up and down, from hope to despair, in its search for awareness. Therefore, emotional energy can only obtain and bring clarity over time. Emotions bring us perspective in life; they show us the highs and lows – that half empty, half full spectrum on the same glass of water. This is the energetic mechanism explaining why there can never be full truth in the now on the emotional plane, only over time and with patience more and more perspective can be gained and bring us closer to inner clarity! So taking decisions spontaneously when one is on an emotional high or low can never be a decision that allows seeing the full spectrum and therefore never be a decision that is taken with clarity. The half full or half empty glass is a matter of our oscillating emotional spirit and requires therefore time. When we think about our own experiences on the emotional plane, we might accept that as simple and straightforward, but at the same time we can immediately see how difficult it is not to act out on our emotions. How challenging it is not to take a decision in those moments of euphoria and saying “yes” to things that in such state look amazing or when all looks dark, not to smash the door and wish everything to hell. So we can quickly understand we have to go through some trial and error - individual experimentation – in order to come to grips with these simple but powerful tools before they can become the bedrock of our unique decisions and allow us to live life based on our decisions and not on the powers of our conditioning. Human Design is full of such simple formulas specifically applying to each one of us. But before we are truly comfortable with taking decisions from those places and according to the energetic mechanisms that honor who we are uniquely designed to be, time is a very important factor and a great ally. Remember, what you are given in a Human Design reading are tools for you to start an experiment of deconditioning, a journey of realigning with your unique aliveness and deidentifying from the grips and entanglements of conditioning. It’s an experiment that brings us from whom we were brought up to become to whom we were born to be! And although the tools may seem simple, Juan Miro, the painter, once said “Mastering Simplicity is Mastering Freedom”. I think he is right, it is a mastering process: it involves falling down and standing up again as well as determination to go on. And while time goes by the experiment becomes satisfying, rewarding, fun and freeing. It is journey one grows into and it’s surely an amazing adventure of an extraordinary originality.

Human Design is about life and deeply rooted in its duality and embraces all that is present within this duality we are immersed in. Life is as much about the light as the darkness, sometimes we are sad and sometimes we’re happy, then there is pain and then there is delight. This is the nature of who we are and Human Design is surely not a formula to escape all of that and just see things from the bright side. What it can do is bring enormous insights and understanding when it comes to all these aspects of our duality and offer a way of integrating seeming opposites or contradictions. Suffering doesn’t come from the darker aspects of life; on the contrary, they often make us stronger. Suffering mainly comes from our identification, from the mind not letting go of it and attaching to it. In her book on her Human Design experiment, The Revolution of One, Mary Ann Winiger states “Personally, I haven’t found anything like Human Design explaining so clearly what it is to be human and how to stop suffering.” But don’t be deceived, suffering is not the same as pain on any level of our being! In that sense, Human Design is about being correct in all of these dimensions of life, about not been overthrown by the attachments of our mind and about bringing out our individual and unique flavor. It’s about making decisions that are correct for us and bring out the splendor of who we are. Human Design - and its experiment - is not about morality, ethics or religion. What is good for me can be damaging for you. And let us also recall that it isn’t about believing anything! So don’t let your belief or disbelief stand in the way of your experiment or be an obstacle to enter into this knowledge! Human Design gives credit to our human skepticism and stresses individual validation. A Human Design reading, the map that you are introduced to and that helps you to understand the mechanics of your unique differentiation is the starting point of your experiment. Such a reading has a certain similarity with some of the other applied sciences we are more familiar with. We don’t expect a doctor to give us the theoretical constructs of his diagnosis, similar to the way a Human Design analyst doesn’t normally go into the under laying theoretical depth of the knowledge in a personal reading. It is brought to you through a top-down approach. In order to come to grips with your individual map you are given information which is substantiated in its depth, but is kept simple and practical when it is communicated to you. In that sense, it is information that contains the essential so that you can relate to it and allow it to arouse in you the excitement to enter into your personal experiment. In the end, it is all about the process of authentic decision making in your life with your type, strategy and inner authority. Such experimentation unties the knots of conditioning that hold you in their grip through homogenized thought and action. This is what a reading is intended to bring about.

And remember, if further curiosity drives you, there is no problem in getting it satisfied by the vast educational possibilities available both live as well as online or through your national organization! It is also good to know Human Design is a knowledge that has been experimented with by thousands over the last twenty years. People with so many kinds of backgrounds and from all over the world have found it worth to dive into and have greatly contributed to bringing the knowledge alive. Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the knowledge, explains in a documentary called “Encounter with a Voice” that it is “a knowledge that has established itself in the world and can stand the test of time and the scrutiny of scientists. It can be looked at from any perspective and it can be seen that it is valuable for human beings. Human Design is a matrix that is there for everyone, it doesn’t matter what your religion is, or your culture is, or whatever. It is about understanding what it is to be a human being and it is of value to all.” From my own experience, I can tell you that it is a very useful and enriching experiment to be in, that is a fun and original journey and that I therefore enjoy sharing it with you. As well, I would encourage any parent to offer these unique insights as a gift to their children so that their uniqueness is valued through a caring education that honors their integrity. So, I hope I have been able to give you a first understanding of this extraordinary and revolutionary knowledge and how it can be of most value to you when taken as an individual experiment. If you feel something for this experiment yourself, with pleasure I will take you through your own design in a personal reading. For booking and further information I would suggest you to visit my website .

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