Inner Game

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Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Solid Inner Game By Joe Intrigue

Copyright © 2015 by Love Systems All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Motivation There are a few strategies I have used to stay motivated to achieve a goal... So you see someone who is focused on a goal. They are determined. They stay disciplined and even have to go against the crowd at times (happens a lot) to stay on their path. What you will notice is that this person runs into two types of people. The first are people that are inspired and respect this person's discipline, and the second are people who think he is being a "party pooper" and try to make him feel guilty. The best example of this is being at a party and not drinking. Some people will give you shit, and say you are being "lame". Some people (not nearly as many unfortunately) will give you respect and even sometimes tell you they wish they could do what you’re doing. The thing is, if you respect and admire people who are disciplined, you will also respect yourself. Moreover, you will find inspiration and motivation every time you run into someone who is focused. So how do you stay motivated? Outcome Focus Visualization and focus are huge. The clearer a goal and vision you have, the easier it will be to stay on task. I like to use the analogy of an archer. If you give him a bow and arrow and say, "shoot a good shot", you are being too ambiguous. If you tell him, "hit the bulls eye", then he has a clearer focus and will most likely have a better shot. Whatever your goal is, you have to have a clear vision of it. Once you have that, you can focus on it as motivation. It’s very easy to get halfway there and quit. It’s also easy to let go of your discipline and slack if you are not focused on the end result. Keep motivational images, quotes, and... Respect the journey Think of someone in college. They get a huge party, a title, and a diploma after years of hard work. The reward and validation doesn’t come until the end, when it is LEAST needed. The most respect and reward I believe should be given when the person is actually working towards the goal. Since it’s so easy to get down on yourself, especially when you encounter a tough time on the way to your goals (which are inevitable), you really have to respect yourself and be proud that you are pushing through and staying focused. This ties back in where I was talking about admiring others that you encounter who are doing the same thing. You

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


respect them and find motivation, and you will do the same for yourself. There is truly no one I respect more and think is more awesome than someone who doesn’t let anything bring him down or get in the way of achieving his or her goals. Whether they are there yet or not, they don’t give up or lose their vision of outcome. I have the utmost respect for people like that, and I try to do the same. Identity Level Change This is probably one of the single best ways to achieve a goal. Its seems so simple, but it has to be done 100%. Your identity is how you define yourself. Not only that, your identity is also how you let others define you. You have to be very aware and extremely careful not only how you talk about yourself (and to yourself), but how you let others talk about you. If you say things to yourself like, "I’ve always been a little lazy with things, that’s just how I am.", then no doubt you will continue to be that. Or if you say, "I’ve never really been successful with that before, it’s just not me", you will not become successful. I see people make statements like this all the time and it jumps right out. Once you are aware of the way you talk about yourself, you have to form a new habit of correcting these statements to form a more positive identity. Say things like, "when I’m excited about something, I get really into it and work my ass off." Or, "I like trying new things, and I think I would be awesome at a lot of them". Like I said, this sounds so simple, but it’s so overlooked. People often define themselves with shitty labels and let others do it too. So many people are smokers, party girls, stubborn, party poopers, Negative Nancy’s, Wild Childs, bad students, passive, etc. And all the time people are enforcing these labels. Once you know what you want to change to, you can change the label on yourself and refuse to let yourself or anyone else put your personality in a box. The best story I can use to describe this was from when I had just graduated High school. One quality I used to lack was spontaneity. I always wanted to know a ton about everything before I did it, and hadn’t experienced a lot. If I liked something as well, then I didn’t want to change it. I was a big believer in the "if it aint broke don’t fix it" mentality. I have a friend named John who is the most spontaneous guy I know. If someone says we should go somewhere or try something, his response is always the same, "I'm down". I always thought that was an awesome quality. It was probably because of my own insecurities and fears why I was afraid to try new things. Anyway, some of my family would make fun of the fact that I never wanted to go anywhere. One day, John was over at my aunts and we all

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


took a personality test. It was a test on spontaneity and ability to try new things. To no surprise, I scored the worst and John scored the best. After this, my aunt and cousins proceeded to tease me about how true it was that I lacked spontaneity. I remember right there, I had a complete shift in my mind, and I told them that from then on I would work on being more spontaneous and trying new things. They laughed, but since that day none of them have even left the state of New Jersey, read a new book, tried a new hobby, made new friends, or drastically opened their minds or changed themselves. I have done all of the above and more, including changing absolutely everything about my personality, my grades in school, my focus and determination, the way I let people treat me, my style, the way I eat, my career, my close friends, my comfort zone, my thought processes, and my body. It was a huge lesson that even something as integral as my identity is in my hands to change. Daily affirmations Another good way to work on your identity is to write out daily affirmations. You can print these out, and try to read them as often as you can (daily). You want to phrase them in the first person and about yourself. You can write things out that will enforce the qualities you want. These affirmations will contain phrases according to your goals. For example: "I am a healthy eater" "I take my health seriously" "I always have an open mind to try new things" "I accept other people and always wish them the best regardless of how they treat me" Reading these over to yourself, and even repeating them to yourselves, you will start to embody these characteristics. Not only that, but you will even refuse to let anybody call you anything that goes against these new traits. You will change your identity. Do your own thing This always came easy to me. I have always loved being unique and have never had a problem going against the crowd. The masses are asses. In history, some of the greatest achievements have been accomplished by someone who was willing to believe in himself and do what he thought was right. George Washington is a powerful example. Often times, you won’t get sympathy, empathy, or support from most people when you are pursuing a goal. Most people do not want to

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


change or be pushed out of their habits and comfort zones, so they look at someone who is doing something new as a threat, and often will shoot them down. A great quote from Einstein is, "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." For this reason, you kind of have to do your own thing, and not look to most people as a buffer. By buffer I mean people you can share your ideas and journey with for feedback. It’s hard to find good people to run things by. You have to almost stay internally focused and just DO YOU! It feels nice to have support, but you don’t need it, nor do you need to search for it from other people. There are ways though to get support, and that brings me to my next point. Surround yourself with the same types of people This means people who are on their path to their goals. The absolute best way to stay focused and to achieve success in something is to surround yourself with people who are in the same boat as you. I'm not saying that you can't achieve something on your own, I have done it many times, but the chance of achieving a goal skyrockets through the fucking roof when you have the right support. This could be a mentor, a support group, a training partner, or anybody who is passionate about something you want to achieve. Aligning with these types of people will motivate you beyond belief. It’s like lifting weights by yourself. You can get in fantastic shape, but inevitably your motivation will dip. What I have done through the years is take someone who is new to weight training, and really excited to start doing it. They may not be on the level I am, but there raw enthusiasm and fresh motivation carries over to me and pumps me up. Look at guys who train for fights. It’s no surprise the best guys train in "camps" with a bunch of guys form all levels feeding off each other. Not only are you held accountable, but often you are looked up to yourself, and now you have a responsibility to help motivate others. It’s an incredible feeling. Modeling Modeling is a great concept that can pretty much be defined as finding somebody who has achieved what you want to achieve, and then modeling what they have done. No reason to invent the wheel. When I want to do or learn something, I often look to somebody who is doing it the way I would want, and then trying to research and find out about them. When I wanted to play shred guitar I looked up to Steve Vai, when I wanted a great physique I looked at Arnold, when I wanted to stay positive and think successfully I looked into Tony Robbins.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


It’s not a bad idea to keep pictures of things you want around you at all times for motivation, or to read biographies and advice directly from the source of people who you are inspired by. It’s one of my biggest sources of motivation. Right action (journey metaphor) There is one thing that is inevitable, if you keep doing the right things, then success will come. That is assuming that you are doing the right thing (research). The more times you decide to take right action towards your goal, the closer you will get to your outcome. The best metaphor to describe this is to picture your goal about a mile away. If you take one step at a time, you will eventually get there. The thing is, if you don’t take right action, you are taking one step back instead of forward. Exercising is the easiest way to explain this analogy. So your new body is a mile away (further if you have more work of course), and every right action is one step towards it. Steps forward are things like getting a full nights rest, a workout session, and a healthy meal. All steps forward. On the other side, staying up too late, eating shitty food, skipping a workout, are all steps backward. Nobody is perfect, but as long as you keep making the right choices, you are one step closer to your goal. You have to realize though, that it takes a lot of steps, and there will always be temptation for steps backwards. Which direction do you want to go? Any or all of these strategies will help keep you motivated. Keep focused and disciplined and enjoy the process!

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Daily Rituals and Inspiration Hey guys, I've just got settled into a new place, and have always wanted to get some type of daily ritual going. Not just with work and fitness, I'm talking about with my mind. I've done a few things that really help me relax, focus, and get things done. I'll share them with you here...

Here are a few suggestions. Get a white board Me and my buddy Zach picked up a huge sheet of whiteboard from home depot and split it in half. Whiteboard is great for inspiration quotes (stole this idea from Braddock), lists, and whatever. Right now my small white board has a list of things to do daily. Things like meditation, stretching tight muscles, clearing negativity from my mind, visualizing success in all areas, business idea generation, reminders to take my vitamins, etc. Get a peg board Stole this idea from a girls apartment in NYC. She had a few pegboards in her room with pictures of her and her friends. I personally just moved pretty far away from my hometown, and also have traveled a bunch this last year and had some epic times. Thanks to LS, I have AWESOME friends from all around the world. What I did, was print out all my favorite pictures from my dropbox (mostly cell phone pics that I save in there) and posted them on my pegboard that sits right over my desk. I got everyone from my family and hometown friends to other instructors. Every time I look at the pictures I have great memories and get some inspiration. Also a good idea to put vision board type pictures up, meaning pictures of things you want in your life. My pics are a lot from places I've been, so they inspire me to work hard to afford the freedom to be wherever I want with my good friends. Affirmations I have a mighty list of affirmations. These are empowering phrases to myself and inspirational quotes. I also have a list of inoculations to any mental objection I can

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


have. I have this in a word document that I print out and try to read daily. Putting it in the bathroom is a good idea, because you have to see that all the time. I have things on there like this awesome list from Wayne Dyer. It will be difficult. I have the ability to accomplish any task that I set my mind to with ease and comfort. It's going to be risky. Being myself involved no risk. It is my ultimate truth and I live my life fearlessly. It will take a long time. I have infinite patience when it comes to fulfilling my destiny. There will be family drama. Id rather be loathed for who I am, then loved for who I am not. I don’t deserve it. I am a divine creation, a piece of god. How could I be undeserving? How could God create something that doesn’t deserve everything? It's not my nature. My essential nature is perfect and thoughtless. It is this nature that I return to. I can't afford it. I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance. No one will help me. The right circumstances and the right people are already here, and will show up on time. It never happened before. I am open and willing to attract all that I desire beginning here and now. I am not strong enough. I have access to unlimited assistance. My strength comes from my connection to my source.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


I'm not smart enough. I'm a creation of a divine mind. All is perfect and I am a genius in my own right. I am too old or not old enough. I am an infinite being, the age of my body has no bearing on what I do or who I am. The rules won't let me. I live my life according to the divine rules. It's too big. I think only about what I can do now, by thinking small I can accomplish great things. I don’t have enough energy. I feel passionately about my life. This passionate feeling allows me to move on and gives me energy. It's my personal family history. I live in the present moment while being grateful for all my past experiences as a child I'm too busy. As I unclutter my life, I answer the calling of my soul. I am too scared. I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to, because I know that I am not alone. Lists. I keep my lists in my phone in a notepad app. I have lists like shopping, to do, look into, and workout schedules. I also always have a word document or two open on my computer that I take notes on almost everything I go through.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


All these things seem like they would be hassle, but actually they help tremendously to free your mind of clutter and focus on what you want. Feel free to add anything that you use or do.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Mindset for going out Just wrote this in my journal today for what I remind myself when I go out. I go out and hit on girls because it is fun, I enjoy doing it. I don’t go out in desperation for a certain outcome or out of a mindset of scarcity. I enjoy talking to women and I approach and tease them for pure personal entertainment. Most of the time when I go out I don’t even find a true 9 or 10, so the girls I wind up talking to aren’t even as hot as the girls I actually date. If I see a girl I’m attracted to I approach her and display my true feelings about her unapologetically and go for what I want. I make no apologies for my intentions as a man. If and when I get rejected I really could give a fuck less, I would never date the majority of these girls seriously or put in any real effort to get them into my life or the sack. They will never meet a guy with more game or balls than me, and if they are too scared to talk to me then it’s always their loss, and that's fine. Rejection means absolutely nothing to me because they don’t know anything about me. I’m basically having fun, and if a girl is cool and/or aggressive and begging for it then I may hang out with her again. I do not need anything from any of these women I do this purely for self entertainment. I am internally validated. Charmer I think a lot of guys should just recite this to themselves before going out lol. During Future's bootcamp he also mentioned having fun as goal #1. Hard to argue with that. Even if you're in a set with a really hot girl, if she's totally boring you, it's ok to go find someone that you can have more fun with (depending on how hot the girl is, haha). If the chick is being boring she's probably not that into you anyway. It's a personal choice but I'd rather not waste my time stuck in a boring convo trying to win someone over. During my 1-on-1 with Nick, I developed a quick one-liner to tell myself as I'm approaching. I tell myself "She's about to meet the best guy here!" Its a very confident and very positive message to send yourself. The funny thing that happens when you tell yourself something like that, is that all of your subcommunications fall into place. Your body language becomes more confident, your facial expressions and voice tonality become very positive/happy/welcoming/etc... This sends great signals to the girl your

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


approaching. So far I've gotten much warmer responses because whatever I say as my opener sounds like "I'm about to make your day!" I feel like I got rid of my approach anxiety (ok, most of it), but there is always some excitement in a cold approach and if you're not careful, that may show itself. Telling myself stuff like that helps put all of the nonverbal stuff into a great place. In short, I took Future's line about takeaway's (give her the gift of missing you) and applied it to the approach (give her the gift of knowing you). And if she turns it down, laugh at how stupid she is, lol... like you said, her loss.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


What goes through my head when I'm out? My state I'm assuming you are referring to my state when gaming and talking to women (obviously). This does have some variance for me depending on how I feel in general. Overall though I have gotten awesome at getting into a good state even when I'm under a lot of stress and have a lot of things on my mind. What I like to do is journal if my mind is full and write out lists of things I need to do. This is all before I am with a woman so I have a clear mind. Also I like to meditate before, and even on my way to a bar or date as well. I take deep breaths, and mute all internal dialogue except for slowly repeating a word like "calm" in my mind. I repeat things to myself like "everyone is here to have an awesome time". I remove any criticism or judgment. What goes through my head when I see a beautiful woman? I like to think the least amount possible when I'm out. I try and be as extroverted as possible. If I see a beautiful woman I feel excited. I try to harness that energy to get me to approach. I let my excitement and intention shine through in my interactions. I'm often verbally congruent with my feelings as well. I am very accepting of women, and I know at the core they are loving and sexual creatures. Any friction I receive from them I write off as them being a little shy or just having low self esteem, but I always know what their core desire is. Pleasure. And it is my job to take them there elegantly.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Confidence I am a true believer that confidence can't be taught (instantly) and can't be switched on when you don’t have it. But I do believe it can be defined, acquired, and really is one of the most attractive traits you can have. Before my real journey to success with women people would always tell me the same cliché advice... Be confident!!! (almost always followed by be yourself...) But they didn't know what it really was, and couldn't tell me how to switch it on. What is confidence? The root word of confidence is confide, which means to trust in something you have faith in. So how can you confide in yourself when you have had no previous success with women and no game plan? I truly feel that with an opener, a few attraction routines, basic conversational skills, a little qualification, and a timebridge you can fill up your phone with plenty of single women’s numbers. But if you're like I was, I could do all of the above but I wasn't getting laid as much as I wanted. Internally, I still felt I was just using tactics to cover the real me up and wasn’t really the guy who gets girls. I had developed confidence in my approach, but not on the next level so it was harder to close. Confidence shines through the most - I believe - by showing interest I found this out through analyzing naturals and guys who get laid a lot by hot chicks. Naturals barely run attraction, they may tease a little bit but most of the stuff that comes out of their mouth is "AFC". What they do is show direct interest and don't apologize for it. They don't care if a girl turns them down because (1.) they don't usually get turned down and (2.) they can get another girl whenever they want (abundance mindset). It is true that those two beliefs are related to past successes but they can be taught tactically until they become reality. Another thing true naturals do is chase unapologetically For a perfect example, watch 'Knight' from the 'Real World New Orleans' sleep with his stripper looking roommate by practically harassing her till she slept with him. Stemming from the two beliefs I stated earlier, I'd notice naturals constantly hitting on girls, texting them, stating intent, making plans, and escalating until eventually the girls caved in! It blew my mind but it made perfect

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


sense, I had lost more girls from not showing interest, trying to be cool than I ever did from escalating the interaction in any way too much. (Don’t mistake this for supplication though.) I also noticed this in insecure women. I used to think girls who were flakey, didn't make plans, were weird about texting me too much or texting first, telling me they liked me, and trying to act disinterested just didn't like me. But they actually were the girls who lacked confidence. The hotter and more confident a girl was that I talked to the quicker she texted back, the sooner she jumped to making plans to hang out, the more comfortable she was touching and being intimate with me, the more she contacted me and complimented me, and most importantly - she went for what she wanted (me) and didn’t care how I was going to react. These women had true confidence. Now I even qualify girls for being confident in themselves and able to show interest and not playing games. I usually force frame them - I believe now that cliché games are a sign of insecurity. Example: I was seeing two girls at the same time, one was a 10 and the other an 8. I slept with the '10' on a day2 and I slept with the '8' on a day3 soon after. I don't text or call a lot because I'm lazy and usually wait for the girl to do it. So what happened after I slept with these two women? If you're reading this post then you probably guessed right, the 8 was insecure and played games so she didnt text or call me for four weeks when I lost interest. She was waiting for me to contact her because she wasn't confident that I liked her. What did the ten do? She texted me the next day, and the next day, then made plans the third day and we slept together again, and texted me the next day till eventually we started dating and she continued texting me every day and still does. The eight liked me just as much if not more than the ten, but she didn't have confidence in herself to pursue me so she lost me. The ten went after what she wanted (me) and didn't care what I thought so she got to date me. I think the two most important attraction switches a man can possess are (1.) pre-selection and (2.) showing unapologetic/genuine interest. We have the advantage on naturals By having a field tested game plan and staying proactive (going out consistently and doing approaches) we have more chances of meeting women. Naturals don't approach nearly as much and mostly feed off a social circle. So by being

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


proactive with tactics we have a true abundance of opportunity with women of our choice. Involve in that game plan escalation tactics and pursuing whatever your goals are with women, then you're bound to have a ton of great success stories. With the successes and a proven and active game plan, you have two rock solid foundations to confide in and become a fuel efficient hybrid at attracting women!!! We’re all with you!

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Judgment on Approaching Here's what I use for judgment on approaching... One thing I always say to myself about opening is you never know until you approach. I've had many times where girls looked boring or over the top or whatever. I've had even more times where I was wrong about it. Here's a simple description of how your brain works... Your brain's function is to avoid pain and seek pleasure Rejection has been a painful thing for humans since our creation, so that is why our brains release the emotion of fear when we go to approach (approach anxiety) - to keep us out of harm’s way and protect us. If you approach a lot and realize rejection doesn't kill you, you systematically desensitize this fear. However, your brain isn't done fighting to keep you out of rejections way.... The other tactic your brain now uses to keep you safe is excuses This feeling is what I heard called "approach reluctance." When you see a cute girl, of course the smart logical thing to do is to approach her. Just before you do it you say, wait a second, let me see something here... Then you try to analyze the situation and you start saying things to yourself like "she looks bitchy"; "she's probably with that guy"; "I bet all her friends are here"; "she's not cute enough"; "she's too hot"; "she's not here to meet guys", etc. All of these are excuses your brain makes up to keep you from approaching. I deal with it still but I have gotten really good at overcoming my pre judgments by doing a few things. Write down any excuses into my phone right when I say them to myself I write down all those types of things I say to myself like the ones from above. I type them up in a word document when I'm home, then I reframe them way more positive. Here's an example from my personal notes. "feeling like some girls are going to be bitchy when I approach them (especially hotties)" This is retarded because they go out to get hit on, and the hotties are more confident and play less games! Hot chicks are easier to game! Don't ask permission to approach

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


One idiotic thing I do sometimes when I'm out with my friends is to ask my friends what they think of a girl, or even worse - I ask if I should approach her. The goal is to not analyze but to go right away. Never ask permission, if you think she's cute just go. The eyes-feet reflex This is kind of what I hinted at above. Once you see anything you like, you should start walking towards her, even if you're telling your brain it's just to get a closer look. The less time it takes from seeing her to approaching her, the less fear you will have or less excuses you will make. I've done this before and walked up to girls and stood there and they started chatting with me. Go direct on girls walking by I learned this from Braddock and Helicase over a year ago in NYC, and now it's almost a staple at every program I go to and I do it every night I go out. Say you're chilling with a friend or two at the bar. You're talking to each other and a cute girl walks by right next to you. You literally grab her by the arm and stop her using openers like, "I'm sorry, but you can't walk by me and not introduce yourself", "were you going to just walk by and not say hi??", "you're too cute to walk by me, we need to flirt". When you commit yourself to these openers, they hook hard and you get really good attraction. The best part about them is they happen so quick that there is no room for approach anxiety or excuses. You never get the chance to get introvert and allow your brain to fuck you up. I've grabbed 12's walking by me before that I would have made excuses and gotten nervous if they were halfway across the bar in a group with guys in it. Mental affirmations A few good mindsets I say to myself are "I am the guy who shamelessly approaches every woman he finds attractive"; "there is by far no one more qualified in the bar to approach her than me." and "play your best hand as many times as best you can." I envision who I want to be, even if i do this at home, and I try to act like that person: The guy who goes for what he wants.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Kill negative thoughts Here's a post I made about an exercise I do that has slaughtered negativity in my life, and I've had my share of crazy self-talk and insanely stupid bad beliefs... I have a specific exercise that seems simple but works like a charm as long as you do it! This shit is fucking money and took me a while to get right - and I still do it. I have/had a lot of anxiety attacks in my life since I was 18 and have read a lot about the psychology of the mind and how it will do anything to keep you as safe as possible at all times. So when you want to do things out of your mind's comfort zone (approaching strangers), it will actually try to convince you not to do it. "shes not hot enough", "they don’t want to be bothered", "hotter girls are bitchier", "they look like they’re pissed off", "maybe i need a different opener"... any of this sounds familiar??? I learned an exercise in a great book I read that had the best advice for dealing with negative beliefs and self talk. 1.

2. 3.

Write down the exact negative thing your mind tells you. For example: "That girl doesn't want to be bothered." I have a notes app on my phone and actually pull it out in the bar and sometimes even in set and write down the negative things my mind says. When you get home, open up a document and type the negative statements out, just as they were said in your mind at the bar. This is the most important part - realize the negative thought is not gospel and reframe the statement into a more positive one that is the truth. You can also search for reference experiences in your mind that prove this thought is totally false. I'll give you an example of the exercise.

Thought Girls don't want to be bothered by me when they're out with their friends. Reframe Actually, I'm just making a stupid assumption here. If girls didn't want to be bothered, they could buy cheaper alcohol and stay home with their friends. I can't

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


even count the times a girl looked unhappy, then lit up like a christmas tree when I approached her. The truth is that I have put a lot of effort into my skills and personality to have an awesome conversation with a woman and she most likely will never have the opportunity to meet a guy who is as charming as me. I'm actually doing her a massive favor of giving her the priviledge of talking to me. And this is the fucking real truth bro. Next time you have that negative thought, your mind is going to attach to the positive statement above as long as you're accurate with what your mind said and you actually type out and do this exercise. This exercise can be done for bad sexual beliefs, escalation anxiety, and really in any area of your life where your negative thinking hinders you. I do it all the time for a lot of stuff. The thing about your mind is "that which you resist persists". If you keep trying to fight off negative self-talk and beliefs, it's like putting out fire with gasoline. You need to shed the light on it for what it is, then realize it's bullshit and find the real truth. This shit helped me a lot and is what I teach anyone who has negative thoughts (which I think is any normal human being). If you have any more questions on this let me know but don't just read this, apply and use it. I guarantee it will help. Also, if anyone needs help reframing negative thoughts more positively, post the thing your mind tells you and I will help come up with a reframe, but it is better if you go out and find and get a few positive reference experiences and you come up with the positive thought. - Joe On a side note, I was watching Gene Simmons's TV show, which I actually like, but haven’t watched in a long time. He was at a marriage boot camp and he had counselors digging really deep and confronting him on shit he never talked about. It was super emotional and very helpful to confront shit and bring it out in the light. I try to do it with myself all the time. Just like with the negative thoughts as with experiences. When you try to hide them in the dark they become like a mold. They grow and grow. When you shine the light on them and bring them out and expose them for what they really are - even forgive yourself or other people and allow yourself to acknowledge them and let them go, you free your mind

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completely. Especially negative self-talk that is often bullshit. Your mind will make up an excuse to not do anything that puts you out of your comfort zone. Your mind is trying to protect you at all times, but what often happens is you miss out on some greater things.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Mentors men·tor [men-tawr, -ter] noun 1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. 2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter. Aligning with a good mentor is a simple and overlooked action that can be one of the most rewarding things for your success. This has just hit me recently, as I have made some solid connections with people who have helped me immensely on my current journey to success. Take any area of life, it doesn't have to be success with women. It can be fitness, business, a particular skill, or anything really. You have made a goal to be either proficient, or a master of it. What do you do? Well if you are reading this, then you already posses the first and most important quality to improving your life, and that is open-mindedness. With your open mind, you accept the fact that there are people out there who know more than you, and are better than you at what you want to learn. It sounds simple, but most people, especially men, are too stubborn to ask for help. They will never improve.

So what can you do to learn a new skill? Trial and error Go out and just work at it. Like, say you want to meet women. You could just go to bars and try to talk to them. And piece by piece, rejection after rejection, hopefully you get better. This is the hardest and longest way to master something. Research Now you are starting to get it. In our day and age, there is a wealth of information everywhere. Not just word of mouth, or the library. With things like the internet, there is enough information to learn almost anything, and to keep you busy your whole life. Modeling

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


Modeling is an NLP concept that I have used many times in my life. The idea is to find someone who is getting the results you want, or living the life you would like to lead, and model their beliefs and actions. It helps to have as much information about that person as possible, which isn't always an option. So the best way to learn is... Finding a mentor Having a mentor means that you have someone you can interact, work, and learn from. The more face time or interpersonal communication, the faster you will grow. It seems obvious, but people dont always seek out mentorship as aggressively as they should. Here are some ways to find a mentor.. -seek out someone who is an expert in the field you want to learn. It’s in your best interest to learn from the best person you can. -Reach out to them. Sometimes the best people can be very difficult to reach, but often times it can be as simple as sending them an e-mail. I’ll never forget the first e-mail I sent to love Systems when I wanted to become an instructor. -Offer them value. If you have something of value yourself that you can bring to the table, make sure to offer that up to them. They may or may not be interested, but it is never a bad idea to put out the idea of a value exchange. -Hire them. If someone is really awesome at something then odds are they will be busy and not willing to give out their time and expertise for free. Rightfully so, you wouldn’t go to college and earn a degree to take a job that didn’t pay you. Imagine being one of very few experts in your field and being offered a job with no pay? The best way to learn from a solid mentor is to hire them to coach you or take their seminars. The amount of money spent versus the time you will save trying to learn things on your own is a no brainer. I hire help as often as I can nowadays. Nothing is more important than not wasting your precious time alive.

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


CONCLUSION I hope you enjoyed and will apply the lessons I have given you here in this book. If you have questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I will be touring and teaching on occasion all over the US so keep an eye on your emails to see when I am coming to your area! Go out, kick some ass, and hopefully we meet soon! -Joe Intrigue

Solid Inner Game | by Joe Intrigue


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