Lone Wolf Tactical Survival-september Newsletter Pdf File

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The La Paz Agreement was signed in 1983 and it created an international border region using environmental cleanup as the excuse. With the benefit of hindsight - and a close examination of the provisions of the La Paz Agreement, it's clear that the intent was to begin the process of integration of the U.S. and Mexican governments for the purpose of harmonization of our laws in preparation for the creation of the 'International Union of American Republics' as mentioned by George Bush in his 2001 speech on Pan-American day. The IUAR is what researchers call the North American Union.

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Use the interactive patriot map to reach out to other patriots and militia groups in your area. It‘s easy—just click onto your state, and start communicating with other patriots in your area. No matter what else happens, it‘s important that patriots have the ability to communicate with each other.

By: Franke Schein—September 2010 By the way things are looking out there, it certainly feels like there are elements hard at work attempting to destroy the patriot movement from the inside. I‘m a member of several different websites, most of them either survival or militia related—and what I see has me a little worried about where some of these websites are heading. One particular website that comes to mind is WRAM; Well Regulated Militias—a website that purportedly is made comprised of militia members, and claims to not only have all the answers, but knows all of the questions too. It‘s funny though, when I clicked onto the Alaska militia link, there were only eight people signed up in that state group, and the moderators and members lived everywhere other than Alaska. I even went so far as to send a private message to each of those eight members, and never did receive a response. So much for that noise…. One of the more concerning things about WRAM is the many email messages flowing out of their admin area-demanding that their members join a state group. I don‘t ever remember clicking on any button, or agreeing to join any damned thing—and demanding that I join a group goes well beyond what I feel any website admin should be telling his members, or does this particular person have such a self-inflated ego, that he takes liberties with the websites members patience? Perhaps that is why WRAM membership rolls are falling like the economic index. An finally, it came as no surprise that WRAM Admins sent out an email to all of it‘s remaining members that each post, each picture, and each reply to a post would be censored, critiques, and deleted, and/or the member banned, if the post didn‘t categorically fit into the mindset or mood of the websites administrator.

I enjoy websites that allow Freedom of Expression, and encourage back and forth debates, as long as the debates don‘t lead to personal attacks. But when I encounter websites like WRAM—just color me gone. My personal opinion... Franke Schein

Sign Up to win a copy of The Lonewolf Resistance Manual, and as a bonus, receive a copy of the LoneWolf Tactical Survival Field Manuals Disk. Signing Up is absolutely free, but donations are gladly accepted.

We have discovered another militia group operating in the Arizona border areas. This particular group doesn‘t have a name, doesn't promote itself, and wishes to remain out of the limelight due to security reasons. The group is made up almost entirely of military and law enforcement veterans, and they are doing a great service to the people of arizona, and for the rights of American security along our southern borders. This small group of patriots have been working quietly behind the scenes for several years, and maintaining a ―boots on the ground‖ presence along that vast stretch of contested no-man‘s land, without any public support, or public recognition. It‘s time that we as patriots step up to the plate and help these guys achieve what the federal government has failed to do—secure our borders. Please donate generously to this great cause. Even $25.00 will help these guys fund their very hazardous operation another day. They are in need of food, medical supplies, boots, uniforms, night visions equipment, and any thing that will allow them to continue with this very important mission. Since they have no official title; we will call them;

Please click onto the button below, and donate what you are able to. Your donation is much appreciate, and it will also register you for our September monthly drawing

Click onto the above picture and join us in our forum.

With all of the controversy surrounding the proposed Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero, it should come as no surprise that President barrack Hussein Obama would deny Americans their right to say what will be built on, or near, an area that claimed the lives of Americans by Islamic terrorist.

Hurricane Katrina saw unprecedented death and destruction at the hands of not only mother nature, but at the hands of the New Orleans Police Department as well. During the course of the hurricane, the Federal Government gave its nod of approval to the Louisiana State Government to conduct warrantless searches, illegal search & seizure, breaking & entering, and Murder by both police officers and federal contractors alike. This was a shot across the bow that should have been heard by every patriot out there, and if it didn‘t anger you—then you are asleep at the wheel.

Planet-X 2012: Will The World End In Two Years? By; Franke Schein If what I have been lead to believe, everything that we do won‘t mater after December 2012—that‘s the day that the world will start falling apart, and mankind is doomed to extinction from this planet. But, is this another case of a Y2K feeding frenzy? There are literally millions upon millions of people in the world that firmly believe that Planet-X, as predicted in the Mayan prophecies will destroy the world in two years. AND I mean millions of devoted followers that are actively preparing themselves for the coming destruction. What can we look forward to: Massive tidal waves generated by mega-tsunamis Mega-Hurricanes that spawn massive inland flooding The eruption of Super-Volcanoes that trigger the ―Ring Of Fire‖ volcanoes in the Pacific ocean Mega-Earthquakes that will destroy every city on the globe Mass civil unrest, rioting, and looting that sweeps across every corner of the globe Chemical and nuclear discharges that kill hundreds of thousands of people worldwide Lawlessness that spreads like the plague into every facet of society These are just some of the more problematic issues that survivors of the 2012 event will have to cope with. But that‘s not all that is in store for them. Power grid goes down Fresh water is contaminated Sea levels rise to unprecedented levels Mountains crumble and create massive rock slides Rivers and lakes dry up, while other flood beyond recognition No hospitals No police protection No military services

Food shelves emptied Gasoline services stop Transportation comes to a halt Airline services nonexistent Murder on every street corner Polar ice cap melting Global crustal displacement Global temperature inversion And much, much more after that... If you are lucky enough to have survived all of the disaster scenarios representative of a Pole Shift scenario, even then the few remaining pockets of survivors will find themselves facing a brave, and bleak new world that boggles the imagine in terms of long term survivability. Imagine a world without electricity, or petro-fuels—and only then can you begin to realize the sudden ‗dark age‖ syndrome that survivors will be forced to confront.

It‘s during these times that extreme survival skills, as well as a sound knowledge of primitive survival skills will be of utter value to those that survive the initial onslaught of destruction. Stockpiling massive supply cache‘s will work for awhile, at least until the supplies run out—after that, the world will suddenly get much smaller, and much more hostile to those that haven‘t taken the time to learn skills that will see them through these terrible days. People with artesian skills, nurses, doctors, farmers, and holistic health practitioners will reap the benefits of having gained these skills. Whereas, computer programmers, firefighters, cops, and other non-agricultural based profession will suffer the most—if they even live through the disaster.

Folks, We are looking at some serious times across the horizon. There are many things happening out there in the world that have a direct affect on America, and the life that we all lead. It looks like every third world banana country is eyeballing our national sovereignty, and slobbering at the mouth desirous of what we have built. Yet, our own federal government has repeatedly failed to wake up from their sleep-walking episode, and tackle these issues head on. Instead, they have opted to appease our enemies by giving them our hard earned tax dollars, or bow to them like some sniveling second rate actor at a pauper‘s ball. It‘s up to real american, not the fake one‘s on the capitol, to make this country proud and strong again. Get in touch with you friends and neighbors—reach out to patriots in your state. Organize in the face of these adversities.

President Obama, speaking on Good Morning America, stated: ―‖If he‘s listening, I hope he understands that what he‘s proposing to do is completely contrary to our values as Americans,‖ Obama said. ―That this country has been built on the notion of freedom and religious tolerance.‖ What about Pastor Terry Jones's right to free speech, and HIS American values. Let‘s not forget that simple fact. Notice the Mid-Eastern accent in the White House press Room, instead of Old Glory….

I say ―Burn The Damned Quran‖–a whole pile of them

Story Here If Burning the Quran offends them, how come they weren’t offended and outraged when Daniel Pearl and others were beheaded on Youtube by Islamoterrorist?

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