Love Tarot Meanings

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Love Tarot & The Fool Card What The Fool Can Teach Us About Love Tarot

One of the most common inquiries I receive as a Tarot reader is the question of Love: When will I meet Mr. or Mrs. Right? Although the Tarot often refers to future possibilities and potential outcomes, finding love is really up to each individual. The Tarot is a reminder that we are the instruments for our own destinies. We are like the Fool, embarking on a journey of self-development and self-growth. We have countless opportunities to carve our own paths and we are truly the masters of our own fates. The Fool represents the individual that does not necessarily have courage, but does have the willingness to journey into the unknown. He is the risk taker, open and willing to explore new opportunities and directions. He personifies the child within, constantly trying new things and discovering new paths. His unbiased openness and vulnerability always enable him to learn something new. The Fool represents the potential in all things. He is there to remind us that anything is possible. In love tarot readings, The Fool card often represents the possibility of a new relationship. If love is something you have been waiting for, it's time to get into action and open yourself to all types of new opportunities. This would be the time to let go of your fear and take some risks. If you have had a secret crush or have had your eye on someone special, let them know how you are feeling. You have nothing to lose. Remember to be who you are and leave the past behind you. If you are currently in a relationship, invite a little excitement in. the possibilities are limitless. Unfortunately, as we experience life we distance ourselves from our inner Fools. Our perspectives and beliefs systems become shaded and biased. We become fearful of trying new things and taking risks. In love matters, we may have been hurt or disappointed. We no longer approach others with a vulnerable and open perspective. Instead, we are cautious and inhibited. We become afraid of rejection and criticism. We want to find love, but are apprehensive and tentative. So what does one do? We follow the path of the Fool in love Tarot. The Fool is not concerned if he gets rejected or turned down. Instead, he happily tries again without concern, embarrassment or fear of failure. He does not care whether he looks ridiculous or foolish. If something doesn’t work out, he tries again. The Fool represents the part or ourselves that that does not care whether something is perfect or if we make a mistake. He is there to encourage us to continue on without hesitation or trepidation. Try to let go of any fear of rejection. The Fool reminds you that there is nothing wrong with putting yourself out there. Rejection is part of life. However, The Fool encourages you to keep trying and set yourself free from any fears you may be limited by. Finding love can be an adventurous journey. Tap into your inner Fool and allow the future to unfold. If you draw the Fool in a Tarot reading, it’s time to think outside of your box. Free yourself from feelings of selfconsciousness and take some chances. Listen to your intuition and trust your process. The Fool reminds us that the journey can be just as rewarding as the end result. The true goal is to enjoy the trip.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Fool Card Understanding A Reversed Fool in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to a love tarot reading, a reversed Fool reminds you to be yourself. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. In fact, a reversed Fool encourages you to let your true self shine. Finding true love begins with loving yourself just as you are and if someone can’t appreciate you for who you are, then it most likely isn’t the right match for you. Another aspect of a reversed Fool tarot card is the element of maturity. You may be embarking upon a relationship that is lacking a strong degree of maturity. Issues of commitment and intimacy could impede on the relationship. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Fool can indicate lack of permanence and consistency. You may not get all of your needs met as your partner simply lacks the level of maturity to sustain a long lasting relationship. It’s also important to recognize that a little caution may be in order. Get to know your love interest better. He or she may not be the person they are presenting to you. This would be the time to trust your head more than your heart. If there are red flags, you need to acknowledge them. You could be “fooling” yourself about this relationship. Living in denial or not dealing with the love issues that may be at hand could cause you pain in the future. Finally, this may be a period where you are craving your own freedom and independence. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Fool tarot card can refer to the need to set yourself free and don’t put limits on yourself. More importantly, don’t let your own fears inhibit you from trying new things such as dating people that you wouldn’t normally date. This doesn’t mean you get to behave impulsively. Rather, a reversed Fool encourages you to walk through your fears but remain discerning.

Love Tarot & The Magician Card Love Tarot Readings: The Magician Tarot Card in Love Tarot

In love tarot readings, the Magician imparts the elements of enchantment and magic that are found in our relationships. He represents the creative force behind attraction, love and union. His appearance in love tarot readings often signifies a period of infatuation and magnetism. This presence should warrant both excitement and caution as the Magician has an erratic nature and the energy surrounding him can be intense and powerful. Traditionally, the Magician Tarot Card is a card of manifestation. His is a reminder that one’s thoughts can be solidified into concrete reality. The Magician is a card of action and he has learned how to channel Divine Energy on the physical plane. In other words, The Magician creates with the help of the Divine. He is the conscious link between Divinity and the realm of man. He is a card of creation, manifesting his powers in the everyday world. In love tarot readings, The Magician’s magic can bring two people together. If you have been seeking new partnerships, this would be the time to put your creative energy to use and trust the process. The Magician urges you to feel the power within you and to recognize that you have the power to create your own reality. Utilizing your own selfconfidence can help you make significant connections. If you are already in a relationship, then “magic is in the air”. This would be the time to do some exploration with your partner. Your joint efforts could produce lasting results. In love tarot readings, the Magician can also represent a love interest or significant other. The magician can also refer to an individual who has

learned to master the world around him to achieve his goals. He is a person who prefers to stay active and is constantly attempting the make things happen. He is an individual that knows how to utilize his skills to create a world he wants. He can be a smooth talker and adaptable to any situation that he finds himself in. The negative element to the Magician Tarot card is his vulnerability to being a trickster. In this regard, he may be erratic or harbor false intentions. When he appears in love tarot readings, he always represents an individual that you need to get to know before you hand your heart to him.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Magician Card Understanding a Reversed Magician Card in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, a reversed Magician card can indicate the need to take a closer examination of your love interest. He or she may be presenting themselves in a way that may seem appealing, but doesn’t necessarily represent who they truly are. The Magician Tarot card can often reference individuals that are good at selfpromotion. They may be more interested in the game of love verses truly wanting to get into a long lasting relationship. This would be the time to wait until you get to know someone before leaping into action. On another level, your own fear of rejection may be prohibiting you from enjoying a love relationship. In love tarot readings, a reversed Magician card can indicate that there may be some doubt as to if this is the right person for you. It’s important to recognize if your past love experiences are influencing your current state of mind. In love tarot readings, the Magician tarot card can also indicate that your low self-esteem and self-confidence may be causing you to question yourself. This can also be true for your potential love interest. You may need to come up with a creative way to share your time with your love interest. Avoid high pressure situations and aim for something in a more relaxed setting. Remember that you are not applying for a job. You’re just getting to know someone. If you are in a committed relationship, the reversed Magician tarot card can indicate that the relationship may be off balance. One person’s needs are trumping the others. Be careful you are not focusing all of your attention on getting your needs met and are failing to acknowledge your partner’s. If it is you who feels as though you are not getting an adequate amount of attention, make sure you express this to your partner in an open and honest way. Sometimes the reversed Magician tarot card can indicate someone who is domineering or controlling. This is particularly true when it comes to Love tarot readings. If this is the case, you may need to stand up for yourself. Try to remember that domineering behavior often has its roots in feeling out of control or afraid. Be willing to assert yourself when necessary but remain rational when communicating this to your love partner. Forcing them to change their behavior can cause further disruption. Remember that taking care of your self is also important.

Love Tarot & The High Priestess Card Love Tarot Readings and the High Priestess Tarot Card

In love tarot readings, the High Priestess can be a symbol of hidden secrets, untapped potential and spiritual or psychic abilities. She represents all things that stem from the unconscious parts of our selves. The High Priestess can also represent creative and spiritual energy, and when applied to love matters, the energy of the High Priestess can cause major shifts in one’s relationship. Usually this pertains to unconscious feelings that have risen to the surface. When it comes to love tarot, the High Priestess can often indicate the need to look beyond the surface. There may be more information you need to know. This is particularly true for those who are in the process of dating. The High Priestess urges you to take your time to get to know someone. Your initial judgments may be off the mark. If you have recently blown someone off because you did not feel the attraction, you may want to give them a second chance. The same can be said for those who appear to be the perfect match. You may not being seeing the whole picture and there is more information you need to acquire before you move forward. For those of you who are in a relationship, the High Priestess can indicate a new level of connection. You can expect your attachments to each other to deepen. This comes from your ability to express your personal truths to one another. This not only refers to your hopes and dreams; it also refers to your darkest fears and most painful experiences. In love tarot readings, the High Priestess suggests that it’s time to disclose who you really are to your partner. In some circumstances, the High Priestess card can refer to infidelity, particularly if it falls near a King or Queen in a tarot spread. Because this card is associated with hidden knowledge or secrecy, there can be issues that involve an affair or inappropriate behavior. When it comes to love and relationships the High Priestess suggests that you should take things slow, be patient, and wait until things unfold before you leap blindly into anything new. This is certainly not the time to force something to happen. Most importantly, the High Priestess tarot card always reminds you not to say "yes" when you really mean "no". If something does not feel right to you, you need to trust your gut and intuition.

Love Tarot and the Reversed High Priestess Understanding A Reversed High Priestess in a Love Tarot Reading

Whatever the situation, a reversed High Priestess is always an invitation to once again reconnect to your own intuition. A Love tarot reading is no different. In fact, when a reversed High Priestess appears in a Love Tarot reading, it is usually an indicator that you are failing to listen to your own gut. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are in an unhealthy relationship. Rather, it is typically an indication that you alone have the answers you seek. However, this is not a process that requires intuition alone. A reversed High Priestess encourages you to balance your head and your heart. The real issue lies in the difficulty in identify the callings of your heart verses your intuitive process. When it comes to matters of the love and romance, the heart is often the loudest. When the High Priestess appears in a love tarot reading, is often wise to do a little soul searching. You need more information to make a concrete decision. A reversed High Priestess Tarot Card seldom encourages immediate action, rather it is an invitation to once again begin to address what your inner self may be telling you.

Another important element to a Reversed High Priestess card in a Love Tarot reading, is the potential for you to say yes when you really mean no. Be careful that you and your love interest are not respecting boundaries. It’s also important for you to begin to identify if you are agreeing with someone just to get their approval. Inner resentments may be brewing or there may be a deep fear of being abandoned or rejected. It’s also important to own your own power, and at the same time, respect the power of your love interest. Finally, in love tarot readings, a reversed High Priestess can indicate a period where you may be plagued with increased anxiety or worry. Because the High Priestess tarot card is often associated to the unconscious, you may have deeper feelings come up. Ignoring them or pretending their not there won’t serve you. The best approach is to accept and embrace them. They have something to teach you and in the end can be a great guiding force.

Love Tarot & The Empress Card Love Tarot Readings: The Empress Tarot Card in Love Tarot

In tarot readings, the Empress often signifies commitment, marriage and loyalty. Her appearance in a love tarot reading is always a positive sign as she often refers to abundance in all areas of one’s life. As a card of the Major Arcana, the Empress Tarot Card warrants attention. Her presence symbolizes mother earth and the life force. She represents the feminine aspect of the psyche and encourages one to tap into the nurturing side of their nature. In love tarot, she can be a symbol of partnership and devotion. Traditionally, the Empress represents creativity, productivity and prosperity. She is associated with the physical realm and has the power to use its resources. In this regard, she can produce material possessions and has the power to create a world that appeals to her particular taste. Like the Magician Tarot Card, the Empress has the unique ability to manifest on the physical plane. She is expressive, imaginative and empathetic. She has strong moral convictions and always seeks to find harmony in her surroundings. In love tarot readings, The Empress refers to one’s ability to connect to another. Her divine femininity enables her to be the ultimate nurturer and mother archetype. She is often a symbol of unconditional love and can represent a loving relationship that is based on mutual understanding, support and deep feelings of connection. In love Tarot readings, the Empress can also refer to birth, fertility and pregnancy. A reversed Empress also has significance in love tarot readings. A reversed appearance can often indicate emotional blocks, the withholding of one’s emotions, and an unwanted pregnancy. The Empress’s mothering nature can cause her to be overbearing and intrusive. In love tarot readings, a reversed Empress can indicate love that has strings attached. Unconditional love can be replaced with unrealistic expectations and enmeshment. In some cases, a reversed Empress Tarot Card can indicate a fear of intimacy and difficulty in expressing one’s feelings.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Empress Card Understanding a Reversed Empress Card in Love Tarot Readings

In Love Tarot Readings, a reversed Empress Card can serve as a warning that you may be putting too much emphasis on outward appearances. If you are worried about how others will perceive your relationship, you need to step back and adequately give your relationship the attention it

deserves. The same can be said if you are single. If your focus is on impressing others, you may miss important love opportunities. More importantly, trying to change who you are to impress a love interest, will only cause you pain down the road. In love tarot readings, a reversed Empress tarot card can also indicate that you are withholding your emotions. It’s important to remember to be generous with those you love. If you are a single parent, you may be so consumed with your own parental obligations that you are forgetting to take care of your own needs. If you are seeking love or desire to be in a new relationship, it may be time to put some effort in to meeting someone new. Try not to neglect your own needs. If you are in a relationship and a reversed Empress appears in a love tarot reading, it may indicate that you and your partner aren’t giving each other the attention you deserve. It may be time to spice up your relationship by getting a little creative. Special outings and romantic adventures could certainly liven up a dull relationship. Think outside of the box and encourage your partner to get creative as well. Financial stress may also be burdening your relationship. This is not the time to embark on a shopping spree or expensive vacation. You may also need to get a little creative with your finances, but remain very conservative when it comes to taking risks. Use this as an opportunity to get closer to your partner by sitting down together and coming up with a plan as a team. Finally, in love tarot readings, a reversed Empress card can indicate issues with a pregnancy. Be careful that you take the necessary precautions to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. The best approach is to take precautions by practicing safe sex.

Love Tarot & The Emperor Card Love Tarot Readings: The Emperor Card in Love Tarot

In a love tarot reading, the Emperor Tarot Card represents a man of authority who has established his place in society. He is ethical, organized and fatherly. The Emperor Tarot Card also pertains to the power within us. He reminds us that we always have the authority to make important decisions in our own lives. In a love tarot reading, the Emperor can indicate the need to listen to our own wisdom and experience, particularly when it comes to our personal relationships. Traditionally, the Emperor Tarot Card refers to the development of the one’s ego. In this respect, he represents our values and moral codes. His power lies in his ability to ascertain what is right and he will always stand behind what he believes in. He represents logic and rational thinking. He prefers an orderly world and will take control to ensure that his environment is structured to his liking. In a tarot reading, the Emperor Tarot Card often refers to the process of coming into one’s own. In this respect, the Emperor can teach us about our own personal power and use of self-will. In a love tarot reading, the Emperor reminds us that we have the power to make up our own minds when it comes to our relationships. We have the power to ask for what we want and express our needs to our partners. In a love tarot reading, the Emperor can also represent involvement with an older man. He could be wealthy or well-established in his career. Involvement with an Emperor typically represents a serious relationship. The Emperor

prefers the traditional relationship, one that has strong foundations in traditional values and conventional structures. The negative side to this type of relationship can refer to issues with power and dominance between one or both partners. In a love tarot reading, the Emperor can represent an aggressive or controlling man that struggles with the expression of his feelings.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Emperor Card Understanding A reversed Emperor Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, a reversed Emperor card often indicates that a relationship has lost its balance of power. Perhaps one partner is dominating the other. There could also be issues surrounding a lack of compassion or empathy. When relationships move into this cycle, it’s very difficult to maintain effective communication and trust. If you and your partner are struggling to take the position of authority, it could wind up backfiring. Consequently, one partner is always left feeling unheard or mistreated. Resentment may begin to plaque the relationship and it can become very difficult to interact in your relationship in a loving way. In some love tarot readings, a reversed Emperor card can indicate the type of person who is attracted to the domineering or controlling partner. A reversed Emperor tarot card can serve as a warning as to not give up too much of your power and maintain your own sense of self. Still, there could also be the issue of giving too much power over to authority figures. This often leaves people feeling powerless or immobilized. If you have a history of doing this and you are still single, you may need to take a good look at your relationship with your parental figures and ask yourself how this might be affecting your current love relationships. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Emperor card can indicate the type of love relationship that may be lacking closeness and intimacy. You or your partner may be experiencing a fear of commitment or you or your partner may have the tendency to emotionally distance yourself. Finally, In some love tarot readings, a reversed Emperor card can refer to someone's need for approval or can indicate that there may be issues with people pleasing. If you find yourself unable to effectively process your emotions or tend to blame yourself for the mistakes in your relationship, you may want to seek some counseling.

Love Tarot & The Hierophant Card Love Tarot Readings: The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

In Tarot reading, the Hierophant Tarot Card represents the wise teacher. He encourages us to find a sense of purpose and meaning in our own lives. He is the messenger of spiritual principles and often refers to one’s ethics and traditional values. When he appears in a tarot reading, he often suggests conventionality and a need to incorporate spiritual principles in one’s life. The Hierophant also represents the values of theology and religion. To this end, he encourages humility and practicality. He is a father archetype who steers us back to the basic principles of common decency. In a love Tarot reading, the Hierophant Tarot card can represent the sacred ritual of marriage and the family. These are conventional relationships that follow the rules. Most often this pertains to partnerships that are traditional, practical and are socially acceptable. The Hierophant Tarot card can also refer to unions that have strong spiritual foundations. These are relationships that are based on a shared values or belief systems. In a love Tarot reading, the appearance of the Hierophant can refer to soul mates or relationships that share a deep connection.

In the reversed position, The Hierophant can warn that a relationship may to too fixed or bound by rules of conformity. To make such relationship prosper may require breaking a few rules, sharing new feelings, or throwing off convention. A new way of thinking may be required.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Hierophant Understanding the Reversed Hierophant Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, a reversed Hierophant card often signifies the need to let go of any fantasies and begin to look at your current love situation from a mature perspective. There is also a chance that someone may be giving you some bad love advice. On the other hand, you need to make sure you’re not acting too old for age. You may be losing your sense of individuality and authenticity. When the reversed Hierophant tarot card appears in a reading, it’s important to recognize where you just may be following the rules a little too rigidly. Another aspect to the reversed Hierophant tarot card is the issue of dishonesty or a misrepresentation of the truth. This frequently comes up when there are issues surrounding new love interests. It usually indicates that a love interest may not be appropriately representing themselves in a truthful or honest manner. More investigation is necessary. In other words, don’t rush in. Take the time to really get to know this person. Just because they are not completely forthright doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. After all, if someone is really focused on impressing someone, they often fail to show people who they truly are out of a simple fear of rejection. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Hierophant can indicate relationships that are currently stuck or have reached a stalemate. Perhaps there are too many rules, set ideas or judgments that are preventing the relationship from moving forward. In love tarot, a reversed Hierophant can refer to close-mindedness. To get the relationship moving again, you may want to seek counseling. Talking to a qualified professional can help you and your partner open up to new methods of communication and/or ideas. If you and your partner have become locked into preconceived ideas about your relationship, it’s often very difficult to find new solutions without input from an adviser. On a final note, in some tarot readings, a reversed Hierophant card can refer to partners that do not have mutual ideas, values or beliefs. For example, if one partner is a democrat while the other is republican, political arguments are likely to come up. You may need to get more realistic about the compatibility of your relationship. Does your partner have all the qualities you want? Think about it. Remember, that not all healthy relationships are based on shared ideals. There are plenty that don’t. However, these relationships tend to be quite flexible and open. It’s vital that both partners feel respected and valued. This is the foundation for a healthy relationship.

Love Tarot & The Lovers Card Tarot Card Meanings of The Lovers Card in Tarot Reading

You’ve decided to get a tarot reading and you pull the Lovers card. The Tarot Reader tells you you’ve got a new relationship coming into your life. Is this always the case? The answer would be: not necessarily. Although the traditional image of the Lovers card depicts a man and a woman standing under the open arms of an angel, the true interpretation does not always refer to one’s relationship. The Tarot meanings are, in fact, multi-layered. Historically, many early tarot decks depicted the Lovers tarot card as a young youth standing between two figures, one male and the other presumably female. In this case, the Lovers card represents the archetypal love triangle. From this perspective, The Lovers symbolizes an initial decision. The youth must choose between his loyalty to his mother or to his lover. Metaphorically speaking, this refers to ones decision to follow authority or to engage independently. This is what the field of psychology refers to as individuation, or the development of self. In a tarot reading, the choice between the man and the woman represents two directions of action. The male represents the path of external action, where self-reliance enables the youth to develop his own sense of purpose. He must be willing to walk through his doubts and fears that surround his new journey. The female, on the other hand, represents his dependence on accustomed authority. The youth does not need to be responsible for himself. He can rely on the ease and protection offered by his dedication and conformity to what is already known and established. Here we find the need for a choice. Does one individuate or conform? At this point, the two directions appear to be incompatible. The youth must come to terms that he can only accept one path. He, ultimately, needs to sacrifice one for the other. So how does this apply to the more traditional tarot meaning of the Lovers card? Below I have listed the major implications of the Lovers Tarot Card. In a tarot reading, it is important for the tarot reader to establish the particular meaning for the Lovers card. Often, this is dependent on which cards are pulled for the reading. Life Direction: You have now reached an impasse. You may be confronted with a choice or decision that will have major significance. It would be better to rely on your intuition than on your reason. You may be confronted with a moral choice which depends on your level of maturity and genuineness. If you are experiencing miscommunications, you must be willing to explore your own inner conflicts as well as the conflicts you are experiencing with others. You now must take responsibility for your own actions and depend less on the actions of others. Spirituality: On some level you are integrating both the male and female sides of your personality. In a tarot reading, The Lovers may be indicating a conflict between your animus and anima. The animus refers to conscious thinking and external world while the animas refers to the unconscious, the internal realm. Do you follow your mind or do you follow your heart? Often, the Lovers tarot card refers to spiritual protection and healing. Relationships: The Lovers warns you to carefully examine your level of commitment. You are at a fork in the road. A new relationship may enter into your life. You may have to choose between two potential partners. It is important to keep in mind that this does not always refer to romantic relationships. This refers to any type of union between two people. On another level, the Lovers tarot car can indicate an intrusion in your current relationship from an outside person.

Emotional: In a tarot reading, the Lovers can indicate the karmic draw between two people. Perhaps you have just met your soul mate or have embarked on a new relationship. Or you may wish to exit a current relationship. In either case, you stand at a cross road. You must decide whether you follow your mind or follow your heart. The first approach would be the examination of your inner most needs and expectations. The Lovers tarot card refers to harmony and union. Ask yourself whether this applies to your self or to your relationship. Do you feel you need to individuate or do you wish to come closer to your partner. Can this be done together or is this something you must do on your own. Financial This is the time for evaluation. Do not make any changes that would affect your income without considering all the outcomes. You are now faced with decisions that can change your career for the better. New shifts may be coming. There may be new opportunities that include partnerships around your job or career.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Lovers Card Understanding the Reversed Lovers Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, a reversed Lovers Card can indicate that your love relationship may be going through a series of issues. It often signifies that there may be hurt feelings or a lack of trust. On some level, you or your partner may be questioning if your relationship may be a long lasting one. In some cases, the reversed Lovers tarot card can indicate a fear of commitment or a lack of maturity to take the relationship to the next step. When a reversed Lovers tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, it can also indicate that you may have to make an important choice. This is the time to ask yourself if you have made the right love decision. You may need to ask yourself if this relationship is truly healthy for you. Perhaps you are not seeing your love partner for who they really are. Fantasies or infatuation could be clouding the reality of the situation. In some cases, the reversed Lovers card can indicate infidelity or an illicit affair. This is the time to keep your eyes open. If you are single and draw a reversed Lovers card, there may be a number of love interests that will catch your attention. Choosing one can be more difficult than you think. It may be difficult to resist the excitement and charm of a particular person. You need to be careful that you are not walking away from a better choice for yourself. Don’t block yourself from true love for immediate gratification. Remember to look for the qualities in a partnership that can be long lasting and make you happy. If you are in a committed relationship, this is a good time to ask yourself if you are staying in it for the right reasons. Be careful you are not choosing this relationship because you have a fear of being alone. You should try to become willing to take responsibility for your own life path and remember that staying in unhealthy relationships will only cause pain and prevent you from growing. Finally, when a reversed Lovers card appears in a love tarot reading, it’s not always a sign of a doomed relationship. In many cases, it just indicates that you need to shift the path of your relationship by expressing your true feelings. A struggling relationship does not mean it has to end. You just need to find the willingness to express your personal truth and make the best decision for yourself and your relationship.

Love Tarot and The Chariot Card Love Tarot Reading and The Chariot Tarot Card

In a love Tarot reading, the Chariot Tarot card is a symbol of energy, action, courage and success. The Chariot card is a symbol of our intentions, and if it is love you seek, the Chariot often signifies the onset of new romantic experiences or relationships. In a Love Tarot reading, The Chariot can also represent changes in one’s relationship. The Chariot Tarot card often urges one to redirect their energy towards one’s own goals, and if you have been consumed by your current relationship, the Chariot reminds you to put the focus back onto yourself. Traditionally, the Chariot Tarot card is the card of triumph and victory. In Tarot reading, the Chariot references one’s ability to accomplish their goals. More importantly, the Chariot symbolizes balance. In this regard, he represents one’s capacity to manage one’s instincts or primal drives. He represents true will power and his appearance in a Tarot reading often signifies the need to direct one’s energy and ambitions with intention and confidence. The element of balance also has implications in a love Tarot reading. The Chariot often signifies the need to balance one’s relationship with one’s own ambitions. If you are career focused, then you need to be sure you do not neglect your emotional and personal life, and if you are family focused, you need to be sure you take time for yourself and pursue the things that are important to you. The Chariot’s appearance in a Love Tarot reading can be a sign that one must take control of their life. He can represent the individual that has become consumed by their emotions or has issues with losing control. The Chariot in a reversed position can often indicate feelings of being out of control or overwhelmed. No matter what the situation is, the Chariot always urges you to find balance in your own life, and this can be particularly true with one’s intimate relationships.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Chariot Card Understanding the Reversed Chariot Card in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Chariot card can indicate that you may be so focused on finding love, that you may be failing to see the big picture. Finding love is not a race. You need to remember to slow down and enjoy your own life, and more importantly, enjoy time with yourself. In love matters, an overly aggressive or desperate outlook can work against you. You can’t always “will” love. The best relationships are usually the result of divine intervention or influence. Forcing a love relationship to happen usually results in unhappiness or disappointment. Patience may be needed. Trust that if you wait, love is sure to happen. If you are already in a relationship you need to make sure you’re not ignoring your partner’s needs. Your own needs or ambitious efforts could leave your partner feeling left out, ignored or bullied. You need to find your own inner balance and let things go. If you have been developing resentments at your partner, you need to stop blaming them for everything and take an honest look at your own part. In a love tarot reading the reversed Chariot card reminds you to make sure you’re not bringing your job home with you. Although you may be ambitious in the work place, you need to remember to remain loving at home. Make sure you are giving your partner the attention they deserve. If you are just beginning to date someone new, the reversed Chariot tarot card can indicate that your own fear may be preventing you from opening up to someone new. Take your time. Try not to fear the fact the relationship may be moving

too quickly for you. Set some healthy boundaries. Let your potential love interest know that you would be more comfortable taking things slower. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Chariot card can often indicate that you need to pay attention to your own conflicting thoughts or emotions and give yourself the space and time to process them.

Love Tarot & The Strength Card Love Tarot Reading and the Strength Tarot Card

In a Love Tarot reading, the Strength Tarot card often refers to the wild and passionate sides of our selves. In a love Tarot reading, the Strength card can indicate an energized relationship, one that can be fiery and exciting. This relationship is based on strong bonds and, although temperaments can fly, strong unions can help make this relationship a lasting one. Traditionally, the Strength Tarot card refers to one’s inner strength that develops through the mastering of one’s unconscious impulses. The Strength Tarot card reminds us to balance our higher thinking processes with our primal drives. In Tarot reading, the Strength card represents the use of power without force. Inner harmony is achieved by integrating both the unconscious and conscious parts of the mind. Instead of battling your inner “beast”, you master it and use it as a source of strength. The Strength Tarot card proves that although we can experience our innate drives, we do not have to be ruled by them. In a Love Tarot reading, the Strength Tarot card can refer to compassion. In this regard, couples are more likely to flourish with acts of compassion rather that dominance. You may find that you are more likely to get your needs met if you are conscious of meeting your partners needs. Common attributes of the Strength card include diplomacy, neutrality and kindness. Should the Strength card come up in a love Tarot reading it usually urges one to take caution for potential explosive behavior or demands. You will get much farther with gentility. In matters of love, the Strength Tarot card also refers to sexuality, attraction and vitality. The Strength card can indicate a new relationship that could be extremely passionate. This relationship may help you become aware of your own sexuality. If you are single expect a lot of flirtation and attraction between you and those you may desire.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Strength Card Understanding the Reversed Strength Card in a Love Tarot Reading In love tarot, the reversed Strength card often references the type of relationships that are overly interdependent. It’s important to make sure you are not counting on your love life to provide your only happiness. Your emotional attachments may be inhibiting you from gaining important life lessons or growing spiritually. In some cases, a reversed Strength Card can also indicate that you may be trying to force things to happen. Love has its own course, you can’t force it to happen, nor can you force anyone to behave the way you want them to. Let go and let the relationship develop naturally. When you draw the reversed Strength card tarot card in a love tarot reading there might also be the need to take a good look at your inner motivations and impulses. Make sure you are not trying to avoid your own personal fears and insecurities. You lack of trust may be sabotaging your relationships. You may need to face your own issues in order to develop a healthy relationship with another person. If you feel as though you are being bullied or controlled by your romantic partner, this may be the time to stand up for yourself. You need to be true to yourself and if you are feeling as though your relationship is dominating your life, you

may need to take a step back and reevaluate what is important to you. If you and your love interest have been in conflict or battling for control, it’s important you find your own inner voice and express yourself in a loving manner. However, this does not mean you let your partner take advantage of you. Be sure you maintain your boundaries and voice your needs. Finally, if you are single and draw a reversed Strength card in a love tarot reading, make sure you are not choosing the wrong love matches out of desperation. You may have to put more effort into your own life regardless of the fact you may not have a current partner. However, this doesn’t mean love won’t come your way. You just need to make sure that you can find your own sense of peace and acceptance regardless of the fact that you might not currently be in a romantic relationship.

Love Tarot & The Hermit Card The Meaning of The Hermit Card in a Love Tarot Reading

Traditionally, the Hermit is the seeker of truth and wisdom. He often represents the seeker’s journey into the unknown. The Hermit’s path is a shadowy one. The lantern he carries is symbolic of a mirror to our own selves. This is wisdom that is within in all of us. It is the power to see ourselves as we truly are. Another common interpretation of the Hermit is the wise old man or advisor. In this respect, he is the messenger of truth, revealing the importance of forethought and circumspection. Since the Hermit can be a carrier of light, he is there to share his knowledge and light the path for others. He guides the seeker towards self-knowledge and self-acceptance. When The Hermit is drawn a love tarot reading, he typically represents a need to pause. This is a time for contemplation and evaluation. In terms of a relationship that has come to a standstill, the Hermit encourages you to go within and find your truth. The Hermit may indicate that your focus on your relationship will need to shift. This is not the time to make your relationship a priority. You would be better served by allowing yourself the freedom to do some soul searching. Although there may be some loneliness, the ultimate goal would be a transformative experience. After a period of introspection, you may be willing to work things out with your partner. A new perspective and sense of purpose can add valuable information for both you and your partner.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Hermit Understanding the Reversed Hermit Tarot Card in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Hermit often represents your need to delve into your own self to find the answers you seek. Your own intuition will guide you through your love matters. This may sound a little disappointing, but the Hermit card promises if you do you our inner work, you will eventually come out ahead. This may be a period where you will be alone. However, this is not forever. The reversed Hermit often comes before a significant transformation. In other words, parts of you are going to change and evolve. What you think you want today won’t necessarily be what you want tomorrow. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Hermit often urges you to rediscover who you are and learn how to honor yourself. The best approach to your love life is to sit back and be true to yourself. It’s vital you don’t choose a relationship out of the fear of being alone. This may be a period where you need to become your own best friend and take counsel from the wisdom within you. If you choose to socialize, make sure you go out with people who respect and honor you for who you are. Of course, there is nothing wrong with staying at home, reading a good book or simply enjoying hanging out with a good friend.

There may be a need to pay attention to the needs of others. A reversed Hermit tarot card can sometimes indicate too much self-involvement . You may feel misunderstood in your relationships. This would be the time to reach out and share your inner most world with someone. Take the time to understand what is going on for them as well. It will bring you closer. If you are single, don’t be too discouraged. You may feel alone, isolated and detached from others. Don’t wallow in it. Share your feelings with good friends and if need be, seek counsel. You may have to face your fear of being alone in order to get to know yourself. Once you accomplish this task, however, love is sure to come. If you are in a relationship and draw a reversed Hermit card in a love tarot reading, you may need to make sure you have enough time to do a little soul searching on your own. In some cases, the reversed Hermit card can indicate a lack of intimacy and connectedness within a relationship. This could be a period where both partners need to reevaluate their relationship and truly ask themselves if this is what they want. Your relationship may be in transition. If you do your own inner work, you may develop a completely new perspective about your relationship and partner. You may feel more refreshed, at peace and ready to delve back into your relationship with brand new clarity.

Love Tarot & The Wheel of Fortune Card Love Tarot Reading and the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

In love tarot readings, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card refers to the cycles of our relationships. This usually coincides with major shifts that also occur within our relationships. When the Wheel of Fortune appears in a love Tarot reading, there is an element of uncertainty as the Wheel of Fortune is always indicative of change. The only thing you can count on is that nothing is permanent. The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card can also indicate great promise in love affairs. In love Tarot reading, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate being in the right place at the right time. Chance encounters could turn into romance. True love may be on its way. If you have had a particularly slow period in your love life, the Wheel of Fortune often indicates that this cycle is finally coming to an end. Be open to let fate and luck work in your favor. It’s important to note that the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card reminds us that there are ups and downs to every relationship. With its appearance in a love Tarot reading, there may be a need to take stock in your relationship. This is the time to ask yourself if your partner is worth the commitment. After all, every relationship will have its highs and lows. The true question you need to ask yourself is if you value your partner and relationship enough to work through the difficult times. In worst case scenarios, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate the decline of a relationship. You may feel as though you have little control over the outcome of your relationship. In a Love Tarot reading, the Wheel of Fortune urges you not to lose faith as things will eventually shift. Ultimately, a new cycle will begin and a new direction awaits you.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Wheel of Fortune Understanding a Reversed Wheel Of Fortune in a Love Tarot Reading When it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Wheel of Fortune card can indicate that things simply just may not be going according to plan. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can really do but wait it out. You may be feeling discouraged or disappointed. The good news is that things can shift quite quickly. This would be the time to pay attention to what is occurring in your romantic relationship. There may be some important information or clues that you are failing to recognize.

In love tarot readings, the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card can also indicate this would not be the time to take big risks. If your relationship is not moving forward as quickly as you would like, this would not be the time to push your love interest into something they are not ready to do. You may find that there are other circumstances such as job or family responsibilities that are going to require all of your attention. This could also be true for your romantic partner. The timing could be off or things just may not be in synch. If you are currently in a relationship and you draw a reversed Wheel of Fortune card, outside influences may be adversely affecting your relationship. You need to make sure that you and your partner aren’t neglecting your relationship due to unrelated difficulties or challenges. This would be the time to support each other. It's important to become aware of what your partner is currently dealing with. This could help prevent future misunderstandings or resentments. In some cases, the Reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card can indicate that it may be time to evaluate your relationship. Your relationship may have reached an important impasse or has come full circle. If you want to continue forward, you have to put a little effort in to help the relationship grow. Let go of your expectations of the relationship. It will take some pressure off you and your partner. You may also need to address old ideas or behaviors that are no longer serving the relationship. Remember that whenever the reversed Wheel of Fortune card appears in tarot spreads, things will not remain constant. Inevitably, things will make a turn for the better.

Love Tarot & The Justice Card Love Tarot Reading and the Justice Tarot Card

When the Justice Tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, you can be sure that issues surrounding balance, fairness and equilibrium are influencing your relationship. The Justice Tarot card often indicates that a relationship may need an overhauling. Mutual understanding and acceptance need to be obtained in order for the relationship to move forward. This is often achieved through compromise and give and take. In a love Tarot reading, the Justice Tarot card urges you to harness your emotions and think objectively. It’s time for you to speak your truth to your partner. Justice often appears in love tarot readings when the cycles of a relationship are coming to completion. This indicates that a relationship is at a crossroads where it can either falter or move forward in a new direction. Justice tells us that this is a time of reflection where the strengths and weaknesses of a relationship should be put under close scrutiny. Both partners need to be held accountable and to take responsibility for their behaviors and actions. Justice tells us that this is the time to be honest and set things right so that the relationship can grow and prosper. Or, If not, the relationship could be in serious jeopardy. If you are at an impasse with your partner, do not feel discouraged as the Justice card often indicates major shifts in a relationship may be happening even though you may not yet be aware of them. This may be a good time to reach out to your partner to express your concerns. Communication and thoughtful listening can have a tremendous effect on your relationship. Sharing your feelings can certainly encourage honesty, openness and integrity. When this is achieved, conflicts will happen far less often, and old anxieties and tensions can be replaced with new found understanding and balance. On the downside, a reversed Justice Tarot card may indicate that you are being forced into making an uncomfortable decision such a being faced with a separation, divorce or custody issues. In a love Tarot reading, a reversed Justice card can refer to a relationship that is one sided or lacks equilibrium between partners. There could be legal issues or the relationship may be riddled with resentment, lack of responsibility, or one partner who may be treating the other

unfairly. A reversed Justice card can also serve as a warning that you or your partner are being too rigid or unyielding. In such cases, it is important for both partners to be honest, open and willing to work to find a resolution. Do not get overly discouraged if you don't succeed. Be true to yourself and move forward with your actions even if the situation you are faced with is a difficult one. In the end, the decision you make will always be the right one as long as you remain fair and honest.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Justice Card Understanding the Reversed Justice Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to love tarot, a reversed Justice card indicates that you may be experiencing some unfairness. Perhaps you feel as though your love life hasn’t turned out the way you wanted it too. You may feel as though love comes easily to others but not to you. You need to be careful not to let your feelings of despondency prevent you from continuing you pursuit of love. Your own attitude could be preventing you from meeting the perfect match! In a love tarot reading the reversed Justice card can also indicate the need to get your life in balance. If you have been focusing primarily on your relationships, you may be failing to meet other obligations. You also need to be careful that you are not blaming people for your mistakes. The Reversed Justice tarot card can signify that you are not taking responsibilities in your own part in your relationships. The best course of action is to acknowledge how your behaviors, ideas or perceptions are influencing your romantic behaviors. If you are currently in a relation and draw a reversed Justice card in a love tarot reading, it may refer to the fact that you and your partner have been experiencing a great deal of conflict or strife. Battling this out or proving that your right won’t solve your problems. It will only make matters worse. The best solution is to explore the reasons why you are not getting along in a very diplomatic and neutral way. The two of you need to look for positive solutions without blaming each other. If you are single and pull the reversed Justice card in a love tarot reading, you may need to come to terms with the fact that your expectations of a relationship are to extreme. You need to adjust your frame of mind about an ideal partner. A reversed Justice card can also indicate untruths. Make sure you are not telling yourself something that simply isn’t true. Self-deception or distorted thinking can prevent you from moving forward.

Love Tarot & The Hanged Man Card Love Tarot Readings: The Hanged Man Tarot Card in Love Tarot

Perhaps one of the most difficult cards to understand in love tarot is that of the Hanged Man Tarot Card. Because this card is most often associated with the spiritual principle of sacrifice and surrender, it often gets misinterpreted during love tarot readings. In truth, the Hanged Man can offer valuable advice for relationships. His primary message is one of love as he reminds us that through our divine connection, we can see our relationships as valuable gifts that should be honored and respected. Traditionally, the Hanged Man Tarot Card refers to the need to take a leap of faith and surrender to Divine laws or Universal energies. In Tarot reading, the Hanged Man represents a new level of consciousness, one that requires the letting go of one’s ego. In this respect, one must come to terms that there is more to the universe than just one’s singular self. This is a form of surrender in which there is an acceptance of spiritual principles. In this case, there is a relinquishment of control as one turns their life over to one’s concept of

Divinity. One must take a leap of faith that there is, indeed, something much greater than them selves. In Love Tarot readings, the Hanged Man often suggests the need for a spiritual consciousness. The more conscious we can become, the more we can see the divine work in our relationships. At this stage, there needs to be a relinquishment of one’s need to control one’s relationship or romantic situation. This refers to the need to let go of one’s expectations of one’s partner or relationship. Letting go of one’s sense of control and expectations often requires leaps of faith. However, it makes room for the divine to work its magic in our relationships. The element of sacrifice, so commonly associated with the Hanged Man, refers to one’s self-interests and motivations. In love Tarot readings, the Hanged Man encourages that every individual in a relationship find the willingness to give up their own self-interests for the greater good of the relationship. Thus, the Hanged Man represents acts of love that have no strings attached to them. This is what many people refer to as unconditional love. This type of love includes the need to accept one’s partner just as they are. In Love Tarot readings, the Hanged Man Tarot card always encourages new levels of awareness. This can include becoming conscious of our own behaviors, defenses, and projections. It can also refer to the need to let go of old ideas. In terms of our relationships, there may be the need to give up our fixed and rigid concepts about how we think our relationships should be. Most importantly, the Hanged Man suggests the need to be present for one’s relationship and partner. Ultimately, the Hanged Man reminds us to be present in the act of loving.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Hangman Understanding the Reversed Hangman in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Hangman can indicate that your fear and panic may be preventing you from taking any action or seeing your situation for what it truly is. Try not to let your anxiety affect your decision making skills. Remember that you always have choices and that you really aren’t trapped in your current circumstances, even though it may feel as though you are. The best course of action is to do nothing until you have developed more clarity about your love situation. In some cases, the reversed Hangman tarot card can indicate that you may have to let go of either your old beliefs about love or a love relationship in general. You current relationship may no longer be working for you and you may be forced to take a good hard look at whether or not it is serving your highest good. Try not to let your own fear of being alone prevent you from moving forward or breaking free from a damaging relationship. When a reversed Hangman appears in a love tarot reading, it could also indicate an over dependence on a romantic partner. You need to make sure you are not losing your own identity within your relationship. In some circumstances, a reversed Hangman can indicate that you are sacrificing too much for your relationship. When it comes to a love tarot reading, a reversed Hangman may refer to your need to people please. You don’t have to be a martyr to ensure that someone is going to stay with you. Over time, this behavior can leave you feelings as though your giving nature is not being recognized by your love partner. You don’t have to give yourself away in order to achieve love. Self-love is also an important element. The more you love yourself, the healthier your relationship will be. If you are single and draw a reversed Hangman in a love tarot reading, make sure you are not settling. Acting out of desperation will only take you further away from your goals or dreams. The best approach right now is to center yourself. You need to become clear about what you want out of a relationship. Have faith and be true to yourself.

Love Tarot & The Death Card The Meaning of The Death Card in a Love Tarot Reading.

It is often assumed that the Death card in a love tarot reading signifies the sorrowful end of love or a relationship. While this may sometimes be the case, this is definitely not always true nor does it represent the complete meaning of the Death Tarot card. The true meaning associated with the Death card is one which represents the completion of a life cycle or pattern, where one stage is coming to an end and a new one is beginning. Although Death is often interpreted as destructive, it is in truth, an opportunity for something new and much greater. It is not only an ending, but it is also a rebirth. Death is the card of transformation. It represents the commencement of profound change at one’s deepest core. Death can be an act of generosity as it cleanses and purges the remnants of our old lives and brings hope for a better future. Death plants the seeds for the growth of tomorrow. In a love tarot reading, the Death card often indicates that one cycle of a relationship is ending. It is in essence a metaphorical death, not a literal one. It does not necessarily mean that a couple may fall out of love, break-up or have a divorce. It can also refer to the completion of important life stages in a relationship or a major metamorphosis in how a couple relates to each other. While this signifies the ending to one cycle, it also signifies the start of a new one where old beliefs or ideas are discarded for new ones. It can be the rebirth of one’s psyche or even a fresh start that brings about a new understanding in an old relationship. In relationships that have come to a standstill, Death can be a wake-up call. It is reminding us to open our eyes and embrace the world around us. In this regard, it may refer to our own lack of perspective. In a love tarot reading, the Death card encourages you to take a good look at your relationship. It’s quite likely that your old methods of communicating have become outdated. It’s important to acknowledge the areas that you are feeling stuck. The goal is to find a new perspective, a new way of seeing, that will enable the relationship to merge and grow into something new. In some cases , the Death card can signify a need to let go. Relationships that resist change tend to get lost and lose momentum. It is at this point that a relationship must either come to an end or, be willing to let go of its old identity to form a new one. Major change is inevitable. To be successful, it may be time to broaden your perspectives and explore new areas and interest that bring you together on an entirely new level.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Death Card Understanding the Reversed Death Card in Love Tarot Readings When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed Death card often indicates that you may be unwilling to take the necessary steps for growth and transformation, particularly in your current love situations or romantic relationships. In some cases, the reversed Death Tarot card can refer to your inability to let go of a relationship or situation that is no longer working for you. You may need to make some serious modifications in your current relationship in order for your relationship to proceed to the next step. Try to be willing to explore the areas where you might be too fixated or rigid. This would be the time to really work on becoming flexible and adaptable to new ways of communicating and perceiving your partner. If you are single and draw a reversed death tarot card in a love tarot reading, it can refer to an inability to make some significant changes within yourself. Sometimes, old ideas and behaviors could be inhibiting you from attracting a positive and healthy relationship into your life. Some self-analysis may be required. You need to become willing to work on your own issues and stop blaming everyone else. You, alone, are the product of your own choices and decisions. If you have

been overly focused on a relationship that has long ended, you need to work on letting it go. Your attachment to an old relationship may be prohibiting you from moving into a new one. The reversed Death card in love tarot readings often implies there is an inability to let go. Consequently, you may be blocking your own personal transformation. Resisting change will only make things more painful. Don’t be afraid to get some professional help should you feel as though you are stuck or can’t process your emotions effectively. The same is true for those of you that are in a current relationship that just can’t seem to get it to work. Finally, do not stay in an outdated relationship due to a fear of the unknown. You will be far better off temporarily being on your own verses losing more and more of yourself to a relationship that is simply causing you harm. This would be the time to take a leap of faith and trust that you will get through to the other side. You will become a different person. This process is freeing, magical, and worth your efforts.

Love Tarot & The Temperance Card Understanding the Temperance tarot card in love tarot readings.

In love tarot readings, the Temperance tarot card is the card of patience, cooperation, balance and moderation. She is there to urge us to not act compulsively. Instead her appearance is almost always an indicator that it is a time for us to stop and think. This holds particularly true when we are contemplating romantic relationships. If you are in a relationship, and you draw the Temperance card during a love tarot reading, then there may be a need for cooperation and consideration. You and your partner may need to explore ways to bring harmony back into your relationship. One way to do this is by thoroughly examining where your relationship is struggling and coming up with a solution as to how you can increase your levels of communication and sensitivity towards each other. The Temperance card is often can mean that it is important to compromise with your partner in order to achieve balance and harmony. If you are single, the Temperance card always asks that you take stock of your own behaviors. If you are seeking a relationship you may need to examine your feelings and behaviors towards intimacy and romance. Something may be off balance or you may have some inner conflicts that need to be worked out. You may need to take some time and work on your self first before love will be able to enter your life. It’s also important to remember that the Temperance tarot card is also a spiritual card. In many cases the Temperance card urges us to quit using your own self-will to manage our lives. This is particularly true when it comes to love. We may need to learn to be patient and to trust the process. This may even be a time to turn things over to the Divine and trust your faith. Know that in the end love will find you if you keep your heart open to it.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Temperance Card Understanding the Reversed Temperance Card in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Temperance card often references a lack of balance, moderation, or patience. If you are trying to rush your love life into action, you may suddenly find yourself feeling a bit out of control or off-centered. A reversed Temperance tarot card urges you to slow down. If you fail to do so, there certainly could be negative consequences. There are some cases in which a reversed temperance can refer to over-indulgence, addiction issues or even infidelity. If you are involved with someone that is exhibiting any signs of the above mentioned issues, you need to take the opportunity to truly find your inner sanctuary and space. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Temperance card can indicate that another person’s behavior can throw you off balance. You need to be

conscious that you are not taking responsibly for another person’s decisions and behaviors. In fact, this would be the time to really put the focus back on yourself. You may be neglecting your own needs. Another important element to a reversed Temperance card in a love tarot reading concerns the matter of setting your standards and expectation of a romantic relationship or partner a bit too high. Now, this doesn’t mean you take whatever you get. On the contrary, you need to be aware if you are asking too much of person. Are your expectations to high? Are you being overly critical or judgmental? In love tarot readings, a Reversed Judgment card can refer to the need to simply let things be as they are. If you are currently in a relationship, you may have to work on being more unconditional with your partner as well as yourself. When you hold on too tightly, there is little room for growth or transformation. All relationships require some degree of compromise. Make sure you are giving your love life the room it needs to prosper. It may mean accepting the fact that your love life may be moving a little slower than you would like. This certainly is not forever. Use this as an opportunity to explore the other areas in your life that bring you happiness and peace.

Love Tarot & The Devil Card Love Tarot Readings: The Devil Tarot Card

Perhaps one of the most frightening cards in a love Tarot reading is the Devil Tarot card. The image of the Devil invokes fear, uncertainty and trepidation. However, in most love Tarot readings, the Devil Tarot card is often misunderstood. The Devil Tarot card should not be interpreted literally. In truth, it is a metaphor for our own behaviors and attachments to other people. In love Tarot readings, the Devil serves as a messenger. Its appearance warrants reflection and a willingness to explore our own behaviors in relation to others. Traditionally, the Tarot card meanings of the Devil Tarot Card refer to issues of materialism and selfcenteredness. It is a warning that one may be misusing their power or influence. It also refers to self-indulgence and the insatiable need to gratify one’s most primitive desires. The Devil is the Tarot card that requires one to go within their shadow self and become conscious of their darker impulses. Ultimately, one must confront these impulses and learn to master them. The Devil reminds us, that if we are not conscious of our own behaviors, we will be enslaved by them. In love Tarot readings, the Devil Tarot card often refers to one’s emotional dependency on their romantic relationship. In essence, the Devil Tarot card is the card of co-dependency. When one becomes completely dependent on their partner, they lose their personal freedom. This type of freedom comes in the form of an inner independence: a person does not need to be attached to another person in order to feel whole and fulfilled. In love Tarot, the Devil can suggest that one’s attachments may be too dependent on another. The Devil reminds one that they have their own inner power and ability to take care of them selves, regardless if they are in a relationship or not. Another suggestion of the Devil Tarot card in love Tarot readings is its reference to one’s painful past relationships. In this case, there typically is an unhealthy attachment or negative projection into one’s current relationship. The Devil Tarot card is a reminder that one has become enslaved by one’s past and that their current romantic relationship may be influenced by old wounds that have not been emotionally processed. The Devil urges you to explore the nature of your current relationship. This is the time to ask yourself if your current relationship is healthy? Are you being enslaved by it? Are you repeating past behaviors? Is your relationship being driven by early childhood needs that were never appropriately met? Are you choosing to stay in an unhealthy relationship because you are trying to heal an old wound?

In love Tarot, the Devil Tarot card urges one to become conscious. It is a card that warrants attention and reflection. The Devil requires us to look within and explore our own impulses and needs. Are we enslaved by them? If so, how might we free ourselves? When it comes to romantic relationships, the Devil reminds us that we have the power to choose the type of relationships we want. He reminds us that we must be willing to face our fears and past hurts in order to find personal freedom and wholeness.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Devil Card Understanding The Reversed Devil Card In Love Tarot Readings Whenever someone draws the Devil tarot card in a love tarot reading, I always have to remind them that the Devil is not necessarily a bad card, nor does it imply there are negative or evil influences that are affecting your love life. In fact, a reversed Devil tarot card can have some positive meanings, particularly when it comes to love matters. Depending on other cards that are pulled in the tarot spread, the Devil can be a card of freedom or a card of over indulgence. In many love tarot readings, the reversed Devil card can indicate that someone has found the inner strength to break free from their unhealthy relationships. More importantly, they have learned how to identify their own behaviors or ideas that have been prohibiting them from finding healthier relationships. In this regard, the Devil Tarot card can be one of the more powerful cards in a love tarot. It often indicates that a powerful transformation has occurred or is about to occur. On the other hand, a reversed Devil tarot card can indicate that you may be too dependent on your relationships. Your own fears may be preventing you from breaking free of a relationship that does not work for you. In some cases, the reversed Devil tarot card can refer to an abusive relationship where one partner may be manipulative, controlling or threatening. This is the time to become willing to look at your deepest fears and try to discover why you remain attached to a relationship that is not serving you. A reversed Devil card can refer to infidelity, sex addiction or inappropriate boundaries. When it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Devil card can signify that you or your romantic partner may be participating in unhealthy sexual behaviors. If you feel as though you are being forced or tempted into doing things you are not comfortable with, this is the time to assert yourself and say no thank you.

Tower tarot tower card meaning In a love tarot reading, the Tower Tarot Card often means that the relationships has entered a critical phase. To remain in denial will only cause further upheaval and conflict. Now is the time to cut it it off or to become honest.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Tower Card Understanding the Reversed Tower Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to a love tarot reading, the reversed Tower tarot card often suggests that you may be unwilling to make the necessary changes to improve your love life. More importantly, a reluctance to deal with your current problems in a relationship or your life in general can lead to upheaval and feelings of chaos. It’s vital that you become willing to express your deepest feelings, particularly with a love interest or partner. You may feel anxious, nervous or generally upset and you need to be careful that you are not taking this out on your partner. Open communication and tolerance may be needed right now. The same can also be said for how you may be treating yourself. It’s important to be kind to yourself as during this period of turmoil. Another important element to a reversed Tower Card in a love tarot reading is to remind yourself not to selfsabotage your love life out of feelings of desperation, boredom or insecurity. Your relationship may already be on unstable footing. Pushing your partner in negative or obtrusive ways can cause your relationship to take a turn for the worse. You need to put the focus back on yourself and concentrate on the areas in your own life that

may need improvement. In some cases, a reversed Tower card can indicate that you have not dealt and processed your past relationships effectively. Consequently, they are finally coming to the surface and may be affecting your current relationship. However, a reversed Tower card is not always a negative card, particularly when it comes to love tarot readings. In many cases, it can signify that you are finally ready to break free from a relationship that is no longer working for you. You may be beginning to understand who are you are and what matters most to you. Old behaviors and ideas may no longer be working for you and you are now willing to see things from a new perspective and explore love from an entirely new approach. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Tower card can refer to a relationship that is truly falling apart. If this is the case, know that this is indeed for your highest good as well as your partner’s. Although painful, a separation may be necessary in order for you to grow. The best approach is to let go and trust this process.

Love Tarot and The Star Card Understanding the Star Tarot Card in Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to love tarot readings, the Star is a card of hope and optimism. The Star tarot card is a symbol of inspiration and faith. It always appears when there is new opportunities to follow your dreams or desires. The Star is also represents renewal and healing, so if you have been recovering from a painful relationship, relief is soon to come. Traditionally, the Star tarot card is a reminder to look to your own intuition (or inner light) for guidance and encouragement. The Star is also a symbol for divine light, universal knowledge or the higher mind. In a tarot reading the Star serves as an invitation to once again connect to the Divine Spirit. She urges you to draw on all of your resources to reach your fullest potential. Most importantly, she is there to remind you not to lose hope. In love tarot readings, the Star can be indicative of mended relationships. If you have been in a struggling relationship, things may take a turn for the better. Regardless of your relationship’s current struggles, you can work through your obstacles with commitment and willingness. If you have recently had a break up or are still recovering from an older one, it’s important you give yourself the time and space to heal. Sometimes the best approach is to become your own star and practice behaviors that build your esteem and confidence back up. This time might be just for you. Take it as an opportunity to find inner peace and balance and know, that if you seek another relationship, you will find a new partner. In many ways the Star is a promise that you have the capacity to fulfill your desires and goals. If you are single or are embarking on a new relationship, the Star tarot card often indicates a love relationship based on a spiritual connection. Expect some butterflies as this relationship has the potential to be long lasting. If you have had bad relationships experiences in the past, a new one could be extremely healing.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Star Card Understanding the Reversed Star Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When a reversed Star card appears in a love tarot reading it often signifies low self-esteem or an overall lack of confidence in the love department. There may be some inner issues that need to be healed or addressed in order to make your love life more fulfilling. In some cases, a reversed Star tarot card can indicate that you are failing

to recognize your own strengths and assets. Consequently, you could be choosing love partners or interests that don’t necessarily appreciate you. This may be the time for you to finally explore how much of a star you really are. For those of you in a relationship, a reversed Star tarot card can also indicate that the initial infatuation with each other may have begun to fade and you are seeing each other as you really are. This is a normal process in almost every relationship. In other words, the honeymoon period is over and you finally have the opportunity to truly get to know your partner and begin the journey of learning how to make a relationship work. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Star card can certainly remind you that both you and your partner have both strengths and weakness. The goal is to learn how to accept each other for who you really are. In some love tarot readings, the reversed Star card can suggest that one partner may be taking the other for granted. It’s important to remember that every relationship requires give and take. If your needs are not being met by your partner, you need to speak up and remind your partner just how much you are really worth. Of course, you may be the one who is failing to meet your partner’s needs. If this is the case, you need to be a little more giving of yourself. Finally, a reversed Star tarot card can indicate a loss of faith. When it comes to love matters, you may feel that you will never find true love. Past hurts and failed relationships leave you feeling pessimistic. If this is the case you need to work on your outlook towards love. Love is a state of mind. If you continually focus on the negative, it will eventually sabotage your relationships. Your self-confidence will also be affected. In a love tarot reading, the star always reminds you to once again try to find faith in yourself and in love. Know that there is indeed the perfect match for you. You just need to remain open and have faith.

Love Tarot and The Moon Card Understanding the Moon Tarot Card in Love Tarot Readings

When the Moon appears in a love tarot reading, you can be sure that there is much more to a situation than meets the eye. Most likely, there may be some conflicting feelings for one or both partners in a relationship. The Moon tarot card is often a sign that more information must be revealed in order to fully grasp what is influencing a relationship. Traditionally, the Moon tarot card refers to the need to explore the areas in your life where your own selfdeception or denial has blinded you from truth. The Moon urges you to find the courage to have faith in your own intuition. In love tarot readings, the Moon asks you to be willing to look beyond the surface of your relationships and to go much deeper. The Moon encourages you to ask yourself if you have failed to listen to your instincts about your current relationship. It’s important to note that this does not always refer to the negative attributes of a romantic relationship. It’s also quite possible for us to fail to recognize the qualities in a relationship that are positive and strong. Sometimes a relationship can be so riddled with resentment that romantic partners can lose sight of the good and focus on only the negative. Another important element of the Moon card is the concept of reflection. In terms of love, the Moon may suggest that you need to examine your own behaviors in the context of your relationship. In love tarot readings, the Moon can indicate the need for some behavior modifications. It may be time to ask yourself how your own behaviors may be influencing your relationship with your partner. Are you seeing your partner as they really are or are you behaving

as if they are someone other than themselves, such as a parent or an authority figure? If you are single and pull the Moon card in a love tarot reading you may need to get honest about how you interact with those you seek relationships with. You may also need to examine where you may be failing to recognize important red flags about a potential partner. Finally, it may also be time to take a look at your fears about love and ask yourself if they are inhibiting you from meeting someone special.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Moon Card Understanding the Reversed Moon Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Moon card appears in a reversed position in a love tarot reading, it often indicates that there is a great deal of uncertainty or lack of clarity in regards to your love life. You may find yourself in a position where you simply do not know what your next step should be. You may feel insecure and lack the confidence to make a solid decision. You most likely are not seeing the whole picture. The Moon tarot card encourages you to develop your self-awareness and tap back into your own intuition. When it comes to love matters, it’s time to really listen to your gut. In some cases, the reversed Moon card indicates a lack of honesty, deception, or misleading information. In love tarot, a reversed Moon may signify that certain truths are being withheld. While this can refer to infidelity, more often than not, it refers to one partner not disclosing their true feelings to the other partner. This unfortunately prevents a romantic relationship from moving forward. Instead, the relationship will suffer from feelings of fear, doubt and resentment. It’s important that open communication is established regardless of how the truth may affect someone. In the end, truth will always be the best guiding force. The reversed Moon tarot card can also indicate an unwillingness to see things as they really are. You need to be careful that you are not idealizing a potential love interest. If you find yourself obsessing about someone, you are more than likely failing to see this person as they truly are. You may be imagining them as something they’re really not. When it comes to a love tarot reading, the reversed Moon warns you to not blindly jump into a relationship. You may fail to see some important red flags. Finally, when the reversed Moon card appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate a period where you simply won’t feel yourself. You may be moody, despondent or simply just feel unfulfilled. Something is rising from your unconscious and you need to give it the opportunity to reveal itself. This will be your truth. Make sure you give yourself ample time and the personal space to process your own emotions. This is an important part of your journey.

Love Tarot and the Sun Card Understanding the Sun Tarot Card in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the Sun tarot card is the card of joy, happiness and fulfillment. The Sun card reminds you of the confidence that you have within yourself. This confidence will be the light that shines in your relationship. With its appearance you can be sure that your love relationships will reach new levels of connection and harmony. More importantly, your own intuition will guide you in your love affairs. Traditionally, the Sun tarot card represents success and attainment. Often, the Sun brings news of marriages, births, financial achievement, celebrations, the completion of important projects, and joy. The Sun represents a new

perspective and clarity. One has achieved inner wholeness as their unconscious and conscious have become unified. In terms of one’s love life, the Sun is a positive sign. The Sun indicates a period of celebration and happiness. If you are in a committed relationship, this happiness will be shared between you and your partner. There will be new levels of mutual understanding and compassion. When it comes to love tarot readings, the Sun can refer to family matters. In some cases, the sun can refer to pregnancies and/or the start of a new family. For the single person, the Sun reminds you to put your self out there. This is the time to celebrate who you are. There is a good chance that you are about to meet someone new. If you have enjoyed being single in the past, you may find yourself ready to look for a significant other. In love tarot, the Sun can indicate a new relationship and often refers to the attainment of one’s desires. Finally, the Sun tarot card encourages you to become playful. Whether you are in a relationship or not, this is the time to enjoy your life. Be willing to let your inner child out. The ultimate goal is to express yourself without self-consciousness or fear. In love tarot readings, the Sun serves as a reminder to always be your true self.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Sun Card Understanding the Reversed Sun Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, a reversed Sun can indicate some general feelings of apprehension about your romantic relationships. You may feel as your relationship has lost its momentum. Or, you may feel as though you are unable to express your feelings with your partner and simply feel unheard. Your relationship may have lost its initial charm and appeal. Other life duties or responsibilities may be thwarting quality time between you and your partner. It’s vital you give your relationship the attention it deserves. In some cases, a reversed Sun card can indicate a period in which you and your romantic interest may be quarreling or are not be seeing eye to eye on things. You may as feel as though you are not getting the attention you deserve. A lack of appreciation may be causing strife within your relationship. In terms of relationships, the Sun tarot card reversed can indicate quarrels and miscommunication. You may feel unloved and unappreciated. One partner’s selfish behavior is leaving the other one feeling resentful and apathetic towards the relationship in general. Someone’s expectations may be too high and they are consequently always feeling let down. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Sun card can also refer to feelings of pessimism about love in general. If past relationships have left you feeling timid or reluctant to engage in romantic opportunities, you may have take the time to work these issues out prior to getting into a new relationship. Inevitably, old beliefs about love and intimacy can influence future ones. It may be time to work on your own happiness rather than expecting someone else to make you happy. Love relationships don’t fix all our problems. Most of the time, happiness is an inside job. It’s very difficult to find happiness from another person if you can find it from within.

Love Tarot and the Judgment Card Understanding the Judgment tarot card in love tarot readings.

Often, when the Judgment tarot card appears in a tarot reading, you are required to take a good look at your past actions and behaviors. This is the time to take stock and carefully review your progress. When it comes to questions about love, the same principles apply. In a love tarot reading, the Judgment tarot card asks you to take a good look at your relationship and determine if it is living up to your expectations. Traditionally, the Judgment card refers to the fact that an important part of the journey has been completed. In this respect, a transformation has occurred. There is a new level of maturity and awareness. With this new awareness comes a greater sense of responsibility. The Judgment tarot card proposes that one get accountable for their past actions and choices. The ultimate goal is to learn from one’s experiences in order to achieve the world (the next and final card in the major arcana). In love tarot readings, the Judgment card often calls for the evaluation of a relationship’s status. Is the relationship working or not? Do you continue to grow closer as a couple or are you living separate live emotionally? This represents a crucial stage in any relationship. There needs to be honest and open communication. Both partners need to evaluate whether or not their needs are getting met and if they feel their relationship warrants more investment to bring it fruition. Relationships will either transform or fall apart. If a relationship does fall apart, the Judgment card can indicate that there are new beginnings in the near future. Chances are you won’t be single for long. On a personal level, both the single and partnered individual have the opportunity to look at how they relate and attach to romantic partners. When the Judgment tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, there is usually a need to re-examine your past and present relationships. It’s important to identify what you want in a relationship. It’s also equally important to assess the qualities you don’t want in a relationship.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Judgment Card Understanding a Reversed Judgment Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Judgment card often indicates that you may be judging your relationship too critically. Your expectations may be too high or you simply may feel as though you are not getting your needs met. This would be the time to ask yourself if your relationship is really what you truly desire. It may not be what you expected and you are, therefore, forced to reconcile your dreams with your reality. In some cases, a reversed Judgment card can refer to feelings of isolation or melancholy. You and your love partner may have come to a crossroad and you will ultimately have to deal with the consequences of your decisions. The goal is to learn from your mistakes and move forward. You relationship may require you to get honest with both yourself and your partner. It’s important to ask yourself if you have been holding back your own personal truths. Blaming your partner for your current challenges or difficulties will not serve you or your relationship. In fact, in can cause further harm. You need to be aware of any of past issues that are continuing to sabotage your relationship. If this is the case, you need to have the willingness to let these issues go and try to move forward. When the reversed Judgment card appears in a love tarot reading, it usually indicates that change is inevitable. Although you may feel somewhat helpless during this process, the end result can be in your favor if you become

accountable for your own part in your relationship. In some cases, the reversed Judgment tarot card can indicate a separation from a romantic partner. If you feel as though your relationship is no longer working for you, you may have to come to terms with the fact that it may be time to let go of it. If you are single you need to be careful that you don’t pick a partner who is reluctant to commit or meet you half way. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Judgment tarot card can indicate a relationship that is not equal, particularly when it comes to your feelings for one another. The Judgment card urges you to confront the truth of a situation. Living in denial will only further exacerbate the problem. It’s time to once again focus on yourself and deal with your own issues.

Love Tarot and the World Card Understanding the World Tarot Card in Love Tarot Readings

In a love tarot reading, the World tarot card denotes harmony, balance and fulfillment in one's romantic relationship. There is a deep understanding of both oneself and one’s relationship. This level of maturity often ensures enduring commitments and partnerships. In some cases, the World card can be associated with travel, so if you and your partner have been thinking about taking a vacation, it is likely to happen. Traditionally, the World tarot card references the end of a journey. This is not a true representation of death. Rather, it is symbolic of those endeavors or goals that you have achieved or completed. In tarot readings, the World is a symbol of wholeness. This occurs both psychologically and spiritually. There is personal freedom in one’s expression as they come to fully understand who they really are as an individual. In love tarot readings, this is often interpreted as the authentic self that has finally learned how to communicate with their partner in a genuine way. The World tarot card can be a symbol of rebirth. Although some journeys may be at an end, new ones are beginning. When the World card appears in love tarot readings, you can expect shifts in your relationship. New doorways are opening. Be open to new adventures. If a change in your career or present residence has been a dream of yours, now is the time to do it. On a spiritual level, you and your partner may wish to explore new levels of intimacy or participate in new spiritual practices. For those who are single, the World often suggests that you have finally reached a place where you are likely to meet that special person. The work you have done on yourself has created a strong sense of individuality. It may be time to start thinking about opening yourself up to a new love relationships. If you are seeking love, let go of your expectations. If someone appears as though they aren’t your type, give them a chance. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Love Tarot and the Reversed World Card Understanding the Reversed World Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When a reversed World card appears in a love tarot reading, it encourages you to be wary of those whom you are romantically interested in. There may be issues with your core values that will lead to feelings of restriction or complications. There could also be issues from a past relationship that you have not been appropriately dealt with. A past relationship can be inhibiting you from moving forward. This is time to become fully responsible for your own life. If you are pessimistic about love and relationships, you need to explore the reasons why.

You are the only one holding you back from meeting a romantic partner. When a reversed World tarot card appears in a love tarot reading it often indicates that someone may not yet be capable of seeing how much potential there really is. The door to love awaits you. You just need to be willing to take some risks. This is particularly true for people that may be romantically interested in you. Don’t shut the door on them. Give them a chance. Be willing to explore new opportunities with new people. The reversed World tarot card can also indicate that your own fear is prohibiting you from putting yourself out there romantically. If you fear commitment then you need to become willing to address the reasons why. It’s important to recognize that love is a journey and allowing yourself to becoming vulnerable is part of its process. Finally, a reversed World card can indicate that a cycle in your love life is coming to an end. You needs and desires may transform into something entirely new. What you once thought was attractive, may shift. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore what you truly find desirable. It may be time to change your outlook and behaviors towards love.

Love Tarot and the Ace of Wands Understanding the Ace of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Ace of Wands appears in a Love Tarot reading it’s usually a good indicator that intrigue and passion may be influencing a new relationship. The Ace of Wands is the card of attraction. Because of its association to the element of fire, you can expect a great deal of excitement and energy within a new relationship. If there were to be any card within the Tarot Deck that symbolizes sexuality, it would be the Ace of Wands. The Ace of Wands signifies fertility, power and creative energy and, when it comes to love, the Ace of Wands denotes a magnetic attraction or raw force that can drive two people together. It’s important to note that the Ace of Wands is not only about attraction and sexuality. The Ace of Wands also refers to our spiritual principles, thus when drawn in a love Tarot reading, it does not necessarily represent a fly by night relationship. On the contrary, the attraction between two people is not always based exclusively on a physical desire. There is also the potential for a very deep spiritual connection. If you pull the Ace of Wands in a Love Tarot reading when you are already in a relationship then you can expect a rekindling of passion and attraction with your current partner. Often there is a shift for the better. A new enthusiasm and positive outlook can help your relationship move forward and, by diligently working through your issues, you can expect a stronger commitment and deeper connection with your partner.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ace of Wands Understanding the Reversed Ace of Wands Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Ace of Wands can often indicate that things just may be moving slower than you would like. A potential love interest may not be courting you as quickly as you would like. You may also find yourself in apposition where someone might be interested in you but you simply do not return the feelings. You need to be careful not to push yourself onto someone else. Give them the space to develop feelings for you naturally. This could be somewhat frustrating for you, but you need to be patient and let romantic feelings develop naturally and in their own time. In some cases the reversed Ace of Wands tarot card can represent the individual that displays a great deal of initial interest, but then gets bored quickly. Be careful you get to know a romantic interest before you jump in blindly. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ave of Wands can indicate a quick, short lived relationship. It may appear as if it’s the real thing in the beginning but then suddenly loses its momentum. If you are already in a relationship and draw the Ace of Wands in a love tarot reading, there may be mutual feelings of frustration and uncertainty. A lack of trust could be causing you both to remain hesitant and overly cautious. Your relationship most likely needs more intimacy, connectedness or passion. One partner needs to initiate a little romance and healthy communication. Things can be turned around when you put more energy into the relationship. There is also the need to become aware if you are blaming your partner for the problems in your relationship. All relationships are a two way street. Becoming aware of your own part can help your partner work through their trust issues. When it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Ace of wands can refer to an ego-centric partner or one who simply can’t commit to a relationship. It can also indicate a low sex-drive. If your concerns are around family or pregnancy, there are some cases where this Ace can indicate issues with fertility. In some very rare cases, the reversed Ace of Wands tarot card can refer to issues of infidelity or betrayal. Before you jump to any conclusions, however, you

need to address any other issues that may be plaguing your relationship. In many cases, it most likely represents one partner’s lack of commitment towards the relationship in general.

Love Tarot and the Two of Wands Card Understanding the Two of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading.

In a love tarot reading, the Two of Wands tarot card is often an indicator that new directions or movement will soon be influencing your life. When it comes to one’s relationships, the Two of Wands can signify some changes in your love life. In its upright position, the Two of Wands is generally a favorable card. If you have wanted a relationship to move forward or if you have desired a more committed relationship, the Two of Wands is an encouraging sign. Traditionally the Two of Wands often signals a period in which you must let things unfold. You need to trust that your have done all the preliminary steps and that things will work out as they should. In some cases, the two of Wands can indicate a crossroad where certain decisions must be made in order for there to be movement, progress or growth. This can also be applied to one’s romantic relationships and love life. You may find yourself in a position of waiting to see how your relationship may unfold. In love tarot readings, the Two of Wands will frequently come up when the inquirer has asked about a new love interest. In this case, there is usually a waiting period before the relationship takes on momentum. They key word here is patience and not over thinking your love life or love interest. For those of you in a committed relationship, the Two of Wands tarot card can refer to the need to make some adjustments to your relationship. Your relationship may need to take on a new direction or level of intimacy in order for it to grow or move forward. This is not the time to sit silently. The best approach would be to talk with your partner about your feelings, goals and vision of your lives together. This is the time to be honest and share your concerns.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Two of Wands Card Understanding a Reversed Two of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

Often times, when the reversed Two of Wands tarot card appears in a love tarot, it suggests that you are going to be faced with a situation that requires patience. You may want a new relationship to take have more momentum or, perhaps, you have met a new love interest that has yet to call you. Romantic plans or activities can suddenly change or be cancelled. Unfortunately, there is little you can do but wait it out. Forcing things to happen or materialize certainly won’t help you love life. If you are feeling antsy or irritated at the slow rate of your love life, the best course of action would be to put the focus back onto your own life. Love will indeed come your way, but it just may happen slower than you expected. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Two of Wands can also indicate that you may feel regretful or remorseful about certain situations that you have made in regards to your romantic relationships. You may have lost interest in a potential partner and then have come to realize that perhaps you have made a mistake. The same can be true of a situation where someone broke up with you. They could, in turn, regret that decision. If you are thinking about embarking on a new romantic relationship with someone, a reversed Two of Wands urges you to cautiously weigh your options before you commit.

If you are currently in a relationship and draw the reversed Two of Wands in a love tarot reading, it can indicate a period of altercation and misunderstanding with your current romantic partner. You may suddenly find yourself feeling unsure about the permanence of you relationship. Be careful that your communication with your partner does not include faulting them or blaming them for the issues that your relationship is facing. This will further alienate you from your partner. In fact, it may be best just to let things settle down before you try to negotiate with you partner. Promises and commitments may also not go as planned. In some cases, the reversed Two of Wands tarot card can indicate that you are being too prideful. Your own pride can be inhibiting a relationship from moving forward. Being overly critical can sabotage a significant reconciliation or the early stage of a relationship.

Love Tarot and the Three of Wands Card Understanding the Three of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot readings, the Three of Wands tarot card can indicate the next step or new phase in a relationship. If you have just met your partner, the Three of Wands reflects a solid foundation. New levels of commitment and intimacy are sure to come. Communication and teamwork are key attributes to this card. When it comes to relationships, it’s always important to approach things as a partnership. Honesty and sincerity will only bring you closer. Traditionally, the Three of Wands Tarot card refers to the fulfillment of the early stages of significant projects, undertakings or a task. Strong foundations have been established and one’s dedication and effort are about to pay off. However, the Three of Wands indicates that more work needs also needs to be done in order to achieve final completion of one’s goals. Collaboration with others helps to move things forward. In love tarot readings, the Three of Wands can refer to new partnerships or romances. For the single person, it can indicate the one has done a great deal of personal work and has gained a significant level of maturity. A new relationship may be just around the corner. Spiritually, the Three of Wands can also reflect a period of meditation, reflection and contemplation. For those that are single or who are dating, it’s important to understand exactly what type of person you feel you would be a good match with. There may be a circumstance that will require the need to choose between two or more partners. Finally, the Three of Wands Tarot card can refer to travel. When it appears in a love tarot reading, there is a chance that there could be a temporary separation from a partner or romance due to work related travel. However, in many cases, there may be opportunities to travel together. If you have been considering taking a vacation with your romantic partner, now could be the time to do it.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Three of Wands Card Understanding the Reversed Three of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

When a Reversed Three of Wands Card appears in a love tarot reading, it often suggests that there may be disagreements or miscommunications in you love relationships. Sitting back and hoping things will work out on their own won’t be in your relationships best interest. This is the time to actively pursue resolutions for your conflicts or current challenges. Living in a fantasy also won’t serve you. This is the time to get practical with your partner. Try to develop a space where open communication can occur. Make sure you take the opportunity to encourage the freedom to express your concerns as well as listen

to your partners. Thinks have the potential to work themselves out if you and your partner put in the effort. In some cases, the reversed Three of Wands tarot card can indicate that you or your love interest may have unrealistic expectations about your relationship. Every relationship requires give and take. If you have been pressuring your partner about having changing their behavior in order to in order to meet your own needs could back fire. The best solution is to examine your own behavior and identify how you can learn to meet your own needs without expecting too much from your partner. If you have recently met someone new or have a new love interest there could be delays or setbacks. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Three of Wands can indicate that your timing might be off. This doesn’t mean a love relationship isn’t possible. It simply suggests that things may not go according to plan or it may take some time for a relationship to move forward. In a love tarot reading, the Three of Wands also can refer to the need to wait and see what happens. In this regard, forcing a relationship to materialize can bring it to a quick halt. The best approach is to let things unfold naturally. Although you may be anxious to see where this relationship can go, your impatience won’t serve you. Furthermore, you may need to get some more information about a current love interest. Use this as an opportunity to gather information about the person you are interested in.

Love Tarot and the Four of Wands Card Understanding the Four Of Wands Tarot Card In A Love Tarot Reading. Traditionally, the Four of Wands tarot card is a card of commitment, partnerships and family. In tarot readings it can often refer to important rites of passage such as the purchase of a new home or a significant celebration such as a wedding, engagement or family reunion. Its appearance in a reading suggests that your hard work has finally paid off. You’ve finally achieved that level of security you have been working so hard for. It’s time to relax and celebrate the things that you have accomplished.

In love tarot readings, the Four of Wands denotes strong partnerships, particularly when it comes to relationships that may be ready to settle down or start a family. It suggests that there are strong attachments and the desire to share lifelong goals. This is the type of relationship that seeks permanence and security. If you don’t live with your partner, the Four of Wands Tarot card indicates that it may be the time to take the leap. In many cases, the Four of Wands can refer to the end of important life cycles. If you have been on your own for some time, you may be ready to settle down or meet a significant other. For you are in a committed relationship, it may be time to phase into a new life stage with your partner. If you haven’t started a family yet, the Four of Wands can indicate that it may be time. Or, if you have older children, their new found independence may be freeing up more time with you and your partner. In love tarot readings, the upright Four of Wands Tarot card is typically quite favorable. In its reversed position, the Four of Wands can indicate some stagnation, particularly when it comes to your love life. Perhaps you have been a bit lazy and have failed to keep the momentum in your relationship. If you’re single, you may need to ask yourself why you are not more proactive about finding a new mate. Do you have a pessimistic view of love that may be prohibiting you from truly putting yourself out there?

Love Tarot and the Reversed Four of Wands Card Understanding the Reversed Four of Wands Card in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to a tarot reading that focuses on love matters, a reversed Four of Wands can indicate that your insecurities or lack of confidence is inhibiting your love life. This would be the time to once again embrace who you really are, regardless of any imperfections you may have about yourself. In love relationships, there often needs to be an element of acceptance, both for yourself and for your partner. Don’t let old disappointments prevent you from being spontaneous or adventurous in love. Every new romance requires a little risk taking. If you have recently met someone and seem to be having a great time, you may need to become aware that at some point every relationship requires some effort. If you are merely seeking a short lived quick romantic interlude, it may be coming to an end. You may find yourself wanting a more meaningful relationship or your partner may wish to have a deeper commitment. Things may become a bit more serious and you can expect a new level of accountability. If you are currently in a long term relationship, the reversed Four of Wands tarot card can indicate some upcoming difficulties or challenges. Your dreams or expectations may be falling short. In a tarot reading, a reversed Four of Wands can indicate temporary setbacks or delays. The good news is that these are usually only temporary and if you and your partner are committed to each other for the long run, things will most likely work out. Finally, if you feel as though you would like more of a commitment but your partner is hesitating, this would not be the time to force the issue. In a tarot reading, a reversed Four of Wands can refer to the need to sit back and wait. Your diligence and hard work will ultimately pay off. It would be wise to work on developing a deeper friendship. This will help you build a strong foundation for the future of your relationship. Try not to worry yourself about the outcome of your situation. If this relationship is truly meant to be, then you have nothing to do but show up with a positive attitude.

Love Tarot and the Five of Wands Understanding The Five Of Wands Tarot Card In A Love Tarot Reading

Traditionally, the Five of Wands is the card of competition and healthy challenges. It is a card of action and often indicates the need to put your self out there. In a love tarot reading, the Five of Wands tarot card encourages you to show up for your love life and become willing to participate in whatever comes your way. In some circumstances, you may find yourself challenging someone over a love interest. If you are in a relationship, you may find yourself vying for your partner’s attention. In either case, you will have to assert yourself. Should you be diligent in your efforts, you are sure to get your needs met. If you are already in a relationship, you need to make sure your vigorous attitudes aren’t putting off your loved one. This heightened energy level can make you playful, but you need to be careful you aren’t too combative or competitive. You also need to be careful about simple arguments. There is the potential that these types of interactions can blow up. Challenging your partner though is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s only becomes harmful when you become self-righteous and rigid. Your partner needs to be able to assert himself or herself as well. Keep the atmosphere light and fun. If your relationship has been going through a period of struggles, you definitely need to make sure your issues don’t turn into outright battles. In love tarot readings, the Five of Wands can indicate the need to step back and take the time to explore what the best strategies may be. Battling with your partner will only further exacerbate your issues. It may be wise to try and establish what the two of you have in common verses what you don’t. Getting on the same page can help deescalate fear and anger.

If you are single and the Five of Wands tarot appears in a love tarot reading, expect some sparks in your romantic life. This is a period where things could really heat up both physically and emotionally. Just be sure that your teasing and playfulness are not becoming too aggressive.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Five Wands Card Understanding the Reversed Five of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Five of Wands card often indicates that your relationship struggles may be coming to an end. You can expect a period of balance, harmony and well-being. If you and a love partner, have been failing to see eye to eye, you will come to an agreements and your relationship will take on a whole new energy. If you are single, you can expect a shift in your perspective about love in general. You may find yourself feeling more hopeful and excited about your love life. This new frame of mind will certainly help you open up to new love possibilities. This would be a great time to put yourself out there. The reversed Five of Wands can also come up in love tarot readings that focus on mixed feelings about a particular person. If you have been feeling conflicted or anxious about a particular love interest, you will get your answer. This typically comes from an inner feeling or experience that can help you identify if someone is truly worth all your efforts. If you are inquiring about a particular person, the same will be true for them. In either cases, a resolution is near at hand and it will inevitably be in both your favor. There are times, however, when the Reversed Five of Wands tarot card can refer to feelings of self-doubt or a lack of self-confidence. You may be put in a position where you will need to assert yourself, particularly when it comes to a romantic relationship. Consider this a learning lesson and use it as a means to grow. If you are feeling bullied, dominated or controlled in your relationship, it’s time to lay down some boundaries. More importantly, it’s time express your feelings and needs. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Five of Wands can indicate a lack of energy or momentum. You or your partner may have other responsibilities that are weighing you down or consuming too much of your time. If you are wearing yourself too thin, it can be taking a toll on your relationship. This would be the time to evaluate your priorities and take the time to re-energize yourself.

Love Tarot and the Six of Wands Card Understanding the Six of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

When you draw the Six of Wands tarot card during a love reading, you can expect that any issues or problems that relate to love, romance or sex can be worked out in your best interest. Expect a period of happiness as all areas in your life will see improvement. This is particularly true in love matters. Both new and long standing relationships will experience a surge in energy. When it comes to love tarot, the Six of Wands can indicate that all your efforts are about to pay off. If you haven’t met the right partner yet, love is coming your way. Good luck is also on your side. If you are single, putting yourself out there can really get you noticed. The Six of Wands not only represents personal triumph, it also can indicate that you will be acknowledged. In love matters, this acknowledgment can translate into personal attention, admiration and consideration. This is a great card for the single person seeking out new relationships. It can indicate that you will get the notice you deserve.

If you have had your eye on a certain somebody, now may be the time to approach them. You just better be sure you really want them because it’s likely that you may, indeed, capture their interest. Marriages and engagements could suddenly be put on the table. For those of you in a relationship, new levels of intimacy may take your relationship by surprise. If you and your partner have had some issues troubling you in your past, things will take on an entirely new direction. Your virtues will be better recognized by your partner or you may suddenly recognize theirs. Traditionally, the Six of Wands represents accomplishing one’s goal, attaining one’s dreams, or overcoming significant obstacles. For those of you who have been dreaming of a more exciting love life, the Six of Wands is an indicator that it’s there for the taking. The most important thing to remember is to allow yourself to experience your own feelings of confidence and achievement. After all, its well deserved.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Six of Wands Understanding the Reversed Six of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot reading, the reversed Six of Wands card often indicates there can be postponements, delays, or setbacks in your love life. Someone you have been interested in simply may not be ready to take the next step. Your own lack of self-confidence can be preventing you from getting what you want out of a relationship. Although the timing of things may appear a bit off, it’s certainly appropriate to express your needs and desires. Just remember that everyone needs their own time and process to become willing to form a long term commitment. If you are already in a relationship and draw the reversed Six of Wands tarot card in a love reading, this could indicate that there could be disagreements of conflicts, particularly when it comes to one’s job or daily responsibilities. One partner may be lacking the time or resources to adequately give the relationship the attention it deserves. One partner may feel under-appreciated or the relationship, in general, can simply be struggling. In some cases, there can be issues surrounding loyalty. Rivalry between to love interests is also possible. In the worst case scenario, the reversed Six of Wands can indicate infidelity. A love interest may have his attentions placed on someone else. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Six of Wands can indicate that you may be overly dependent on a love interest or partner. You may need to work on developing your own sense of independence and autonomy in the world. This is the perfect time to put the focus back on yourself and begin to explore your own goals, dream or aspirations. It’s also important to acknowledge if your need for a relationship is overshadowing your choice of partner. Don’t stay in a relationship based on fear, insecurity or your need for validation. This has the potential to lead you into making poor decisions.

Love Tarot and the Seven of Wands Understanding the Seven of Wands Tarot Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, the Seven of Wands encourages you to rise to your challenges and face them head on. In love matters, you may find yourself in a position where you have to defend your relationship or confront a rivalry. If you are married, there may be outside influences that are taking your mates attentions. This could either be another person or could be as simple as your partners work or social obligations. Often when this card is drawn, it signifies that your current relationship is facing obstacles or difficulties. Whatever the challenge, you must become willing to confront it head on. You may need to have a heart to heart with your partner. Or, you may be in a situation where you will need to set some clear boundaries. Sometimes a healthy disagreement or argument can clear the air and both you and your partner will feel as though you were

heard and acknowledged. It’s important, however, not to become too rigid. Give you partner the opportunity to set things right. The Seven of Wands tarot card urges you to stay true to your principles. If you are being confronted, it’s important to voice your opinions and values. Tempers may rise and arguments may ensue but the best approach is to stay calm and neutral. As soon as you lose your cool, you are vulnerable to lose your footing. Should you assert yourself and defend your position you will be the ultimate victor. In love tarot readings, the Seven of Wands indicates triumph as long as you defend your position. This is a great opportunity to learn how to demand the things that you feel you deserve. In love relationships, you finally get the opportunity to truly explore your own value and self-worth. Your courage and faith in yourself may be tested. In the end, however, you will not only win the battle but you will also gain a new level of confidence and self-assurance.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Seven of Wands Card Understanding the Reversed Seven of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Seven of Wands can often indicate that your love life may be in need of some attention and energy. You may feel as though you are not up to the challenge or do not have the wherewithal to work to improve your romantic relationships. In some cases, you may be experiencing some fear or apprehension when it comes to a new love interest. Be careful that your own fear isn’t prohibiting you from discovering a new romantic opportunity. In some love tarot readings, a reversed Seven of Wands can also indicate that your self-esteem or confidence is prohibiting you from putting yourself out there. This is not the time to let the opinions of others hamper your goals. Finding real love includes the expression of your true self. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not in order to attract another person. This is a great opportunity to let people see who you really are. This will not only help build your self-esteem, but will also ensure that the person you may be interested in gets to see who you really are. In other cases, a reversed Seven of Wands can indicate a rivalry, jealousy or some type of competitive situation. If you relationship is threatened by another person, for example, this would be the time to stand your ground and stick up for yourself. Don’t let other people intimidate you or push you around. If you find yourself feeling somewhat overwhelmed, hiding or running away will not solve your problems. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Seven of Wands can indicate that you may be reluctant to deal with any feelings that relate to abandonment, disappointment or rejection. It would be better to find the courage to face any old wounds that have been inflicted by a past relationship. Failing to deal with these feelings can certainly prevent you from establishing a fulfilling relationship in the present. If you are already in a committed relationship, the reversed Seven of Wands tarot card can indicate that being overly defensive with your partner won’t help you work through your issues. Be sure to avoid allowing your own anger or temper to sabotage your relationship. The best course of action is to try to open communication in a calm and neutral stance.

Love Tarot and The Eight of Wands Understanding The Eight Of Wands Tarot Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In a Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands often refers to movement, energy and swiftness. Whenever it appears in a Tarot spread, you can be sure your questions will be answered. This is also true in love Tarot readings. If you have been living in uncertainty or indecision, you can count on finding the answers that you seek or finding a resolution to your current situation

In love Tarot readings, the tarot meaning of the Eight of Wands could pertain to the development of a new love interest. Love matters can certainly end up in your favor. If your love life has been rather stagnant, a new romantic interest has the potential to get things rolling. If your relationship has been going through a period of inactivity, you will suddenly find things moving again. In all love matters, the Eight of Wands Tarot card indicates movement. You can now expect some improvements in your current relationship. A new sexual energy can begin to heat things up. If your relationship has been struggling with a lack of passion, things are going to take a turn for the better. For those of you who are single, expect new communications from potential love interests. You may find yourself in new situations that enable you to meet new people. This is particularly true for those who are putting themselves out there. In some circumstances, the Eight of Wands can refer to engagements or proposals. If you have been in a long time relationship, expect from shifts. Your relationship may find itself being renewed. New levels of intimacy and commitment can take your relationship to another level. Most importantly, the Eight of Wands can refer to new levels of clarity and insight. If you have been struggling over a relationship that ended poorly, expect to get some relief. A deeper understanding will help you move on. If you have been in a relationship that has been holding you back, you will now find the awareness to set yourself free. Although separating is never easy, the Eight of Wands assures you that your love life is certainly not over. Sometimes you have to get rid of what’s not working in your life in order to bring in something new.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Eight of Wands Understanding the Reversed Eight of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Eight of Wands can indicate that either you are wasting your energy or are making some risky choices when it comes to your love life. The best solution is to think before you act. This is certainly not the time to throw your heart to the wind. Rather, you need to carefully observe any potential love interest to ascertain if he or she truly has the qualities that you seek. Making impulsive decisions can work against you. A reversed Eight of Wands tarot card encourages you to plan ahead and take the time to thoroughly evaluate your next step. You also need to consider if you are wasting your time on a love interest that doesn’t share the same feelings you have, When the reversed Eight of Wands appears in love tarot readings, it can also indicate problems with communication. Words may be misunderstood and feelings could get hurt. Romantic plans may get delayed or postponed. Communication from a potential love interest may somehow fail to reach you. If you have planned a trip with a love interest, there could be outside forces that may prohibit you from going. Finally, a reversed Eight of Wands can indicate that your own fear or anxiety is causing you a great deal of confusion about your love partner or interest. When the reversed Eight of Wands appears in a love tarot reading, it can suggest that you are your own worst enemy. Feelings of being overwhelmed or feeling out of control may lead you to take inappropriate actions. The best course of actions would be to take some time to center yourself and take a good hard look at what is troubling you. In most cases, you will find that your own internal issues are causing you to act out in unproductive ways. Finding your own personal truth will help guide you through your current love challenges.

Love Tarot and the Nine Of Wands Understanding the Nine of Wands in Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to Love Tarot readings, the Nine of Wands often calls for the need to express yourself. You may be forced to stand up for your beliefs and values. If you and your partner have been struggling or suffering from miscommunication, this is the time to take a stand for what you believe in. Your relationship may need to go through one final test in order to achieve a deeper connection. Some changes may be needed in order to help your relationship to grow. Be willing to adapt to your partners needs and also be very clear about your own needs. Remaining rigid or fixed will only increase the friction between you and your partner. The Nine of Wands tarot card can also refer to old wounds that have made you defensive. This is particularly true when it comes to love tarot readings. On a romantic level, you may have suffered a bad relationship or painful break-up. Be careful that you are not projecting any unresolved issues onto your current partner. If you are afraid of being hurt, it’s much better to express this to your partner rather than act in a defensive manner. Remember that your past hurts and painful experiences have made you stronger. In many ways these past experiences have helped your become a stronger person. Just make sure that you are willing to express yourself in an open manner. This is a great opportunity for you to work through old issues. If you are in a relationship, this willing and open dialogue can bring you closer. If you are single, this is a great opportunity for you to learn from your past relationships. You may feel as though your love life is stagnant. This is only temporary. You may need to do more work on yourself. If you put the time in to truly understand what did and did not work in your past relationships, you may suddenly have a new perspective and will ultimately make better choices for yourself in the future.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Nine of Wands Understanding the Reversed Nine of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Reversed Nine of Wands appears in a love tarot reading, it can have several implications. The first often deals with the fact that you may feel as though you can’t stand up for yourself in your love relationships. If you have been in a long term relationship, you may be at a crossroad with your partner. You need to be aware of any unhealthy behaviors you are participating in. Rigidity or a lack of flexibility can be adding unwanted pressure to your relationship. If you feel as though your partner may be lacking sensitivity or understanding, this would be the time to stick up for yourself. Pay attention to how you do this. The best course of action is to be firm yet diplomatic. In some cases, a reversed Nine of Wands tarot card can refer to your own lack of confidence or self-esteem. If you are single or have just newly met someone it’s important that you recognize all the things that you do bring to a relationship. Loving yourself ensure that you will choose a loving partner. You may need to address your own self-esteem issues. A reversed Nine of Pentacles can also signify a stressful time. Your responsibilities may be wearing you down and you may simply lack the energy to put into your love life. In love tarot readings, a reversed Nine of Wands sometimes suggests that you may have over committed yourself. A love interest may feel neglected or underappreciated. You may want to look into ways that you can help you let go of some of your current obligations. Planning and organization can help you deal with feeling burdened or maxed out. Finally, a Reversed Nine of Pentacles can indicate a fear of commitment. This is particularly true in a love tarot reading. You or your love interest may feel overly burdened by other responsibilities. As a consequence there may be some reluctance to add another obligation such as committing to a long term relationship. Pressuring yourself or your partner right now will only increase feelings of anxiety or frustration. For the time being, it may be best to let go of your expectations of yourself or your love partner.

Love Tarot and the Ten of Wands Understanding the Ten of Wands in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the Ten of Wands can indicate a relationship that may be causing you to feel overburdened, taxed or completely consumed. This is the time to take a step back and give yourself some much needed relief. You may need to put some more time into your own needs and to rely on the people closest to you to give you some added support. Added stress may be causing you to feel bogged down and exhausted. If you have been consumed by your career, on the other hand, it may be your relationship that requires some attention. In love tarot readings, the Ten of Wands can appear when one partner has been dedicating all their time towards their career or job responsibilities. In this case, the added stress may be causing friction between two partners. It’s important not to let the intimacy in your relationship fall to the side. This may be the time to really evaluate whether one’s job is more important than the relationship. The Ten of Wands always indicates that one is being overburdened. If your relationship is important to you, you need to make sure that it is receiving the appropriate attention. The Ten of Wands tarot card can also indicate a relationship that is currently undergoing conflict and miscommunication. Getting support to help you and your partner work through this difficult period could be quite helpful. However, the Ten of Wands usually indicates that this difficult time is coming to an end. All the work you have put into your relationship will soon pay off. If you and your partner can manage to work through your current issues, a new level of intimacy and closeness will follow. If you are single, you may feel as though you don’t have the energy to put yourself out there. You may feel discouraged and hopeless. Know that this is just a phase. Self-care is in order. Getting support will help ease your feelings of apathy or lack of interest. It’s important to recognize that life moves through different phases and cycles. In a love tarot reading, the Ten of Wands indicates that this may be the last phase of an important undertaking. This will begin to improve. Have some faith and know that love is out there.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ten of Wands Understanding the Reversed Ten of Wands in a Love Tarot reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ten of Wands has both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, the reversed Ten of Wands often indicates that you soon will be experiencing some relief when it comes to your love life. If you have been feeling pressured or unusually worried when it comes to your love life, you can expect some type of resolution. You may have been bogged down by outside responsibilities or obligations that were causing friction in your relationship. Feelings of stress and anxiety will begin to dissipate. You will now have more free time to put into your relationship. You may want to share some of your responsibilities with someone you trust. In a more negative love tarot reading, the reversed ten of Wands can indicate that due to your heavy burden or responsibilities you simply may not be thinking clearly. This would not be the time to make any important decisions when it comes to your love life or relationships. It would be more beneficial to wait until you feel less drained or encumbered. In some cases, the reversed Ten of Wands can indicate controlling or rigid behavior. Of course, this can refer to you or your love interest. If you are finding your partner being overly controlling, this would be the time to set some clear boundaries. Any added pressure can make your relationship vulnerable. The same can be said for you. If you have been overly rigid or domineering, this could be negatively affecting your relationship. Remember to stay open to the experience of your love interest. Allowing them more freedom may take some pressure off your relationship.

Finally, a reversed Ten of wands tarot card can indicate that your own ambitions may be alienating you from those close to you. This is the time to try and be more inclusive with your love interest. Keep those that you care about close to you.

Love Tarot and the Page of Wands Understanding the Page of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Page of Wands indicates that a new love adventure awaits you. Be willing to try something new as a new romance can teach you important lessons. The Page of Wands tarot card usually indicates the good news is on the way. You may be entering into a new phase of your life and you can anticipate new opportunities, particular those that involve love and romance. The Page of Wands tarot card can represent a youthful love interest that may not be highly experienced, but will soon learn how to engage in a relationship as a skilled lover. Watch out! This one can be fiery. He loves excitement and is always up for a new adventure. He has a tendency to fall in love quickly, but is vulnerable to losing interest should something else capture his attentions. In a love tarot reading, the Page of Wands can also represent a lover that can be impulsive. At first this may appear to be exciting, however, over time, it can become rather tedious. Use this as an opportunity to have a lively and passionate affair. Try not to worry yourself to much about the future. With a Page of Wands, it’s always best to live in the moment. In a love tarot reading, the Page of Wands can indicate a person that struggles with settling down. If you are looking for a long term relationship, it may be difficult to get this Page to commit. His inquisitive nature keeps him moving. If you are in a committed relationship, the Page of Wands can indicate that you may have a new opportunity to spice up your love life. If you have been thinking about taking a romantic getaway, now would be the time. If things have been a bit dull or monotonous, you can anticipate some new passionate energy that can give your relationship a new life. In a love tarot reading, the Page of Wands can also indicate a new life cycle or phase in your relationship.

Love Tarot and the reversed Page of Wands Understanding the Page of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Page of Wands can represent an individual who lacks direction and tends to lose focus. They may suffer from feelings of pessimism and/ or cynicism. They may struggle with meeting their challenges and when it comes to love matters, they may simply lack the maturity to participate in a relationship in a direct and honest manner. They can be prone to making excuses and fail to follow through with their promises. In some love tarot readings, a reversed Page of Wands can indicate bad or unsettling news. There could be outside influences that can negatively affect your relationship. Be wary of who you disclose your feelings to. There could be a betrayal from a friend or third party. In love matters, you need to be careful that you are not giving important information to third parties. The best solution is to communicate with your partner directly, particularly when it comes to your own feelings. Your partner or love interest could also be potentially struggling in their career. Their frustration and irritation could be affecting your relationship. Try not to take this personally. Try to be supportive yet remain neutral. Your encouragement can help them work with their issues.

Finally, the reversed Page of Wands tarot card can indicate that you or your partner may lack the where with all to work through any issues in your relationship. If boredom begins to set in, you may find yourself seeking out new love interests. Try not to avoid working on your relationship. All relationships require work and effort. At the same time, your love interest may have difficulty dealing with the emotional pressures of a relationship. If this is the case, you may need to evaluate if your partner has what it takes to maintain a healthy relationship. If you are sensing that your romantic partner is losing interest, you may be vulnerable to getting hurt.

Love Tarot and the Knight of Wands Understanding the Knight of Wands in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the Knight of Wands can represent an individual that is full of energy and vigor. The Knight of Wands is a passionate and intense. Whenever he appears in love tarot readings you can expect some movement and action. Know that you are up for an adventure. He always enjoys a good challenge and prefers to engage in good conversation. He can be the life of a party and many people are drawn to him due to his charisma and charm. He can also be quite impulsive so those who choose to be in a love relationship with him need to stay on their toes. If he loses interest in something, he may also be prone to move on to something new rather abruptly. If you have recently met someone new, love relationships that are under the influence of the Knight of Wands tarot card can expect an intense love affair, bit don’t expect it to be the type of relationship that is enduring. You need to be aware of your own expectations. The Knight of Wands typically enjoys short lived relationships. If you are looking for a commitment, you may find yourself disappointed. The Knight of wands is on the move. He will often turn his attentions to whatever he deems challenging. If your relationship begins to become a bit too predictable, he may lose interest. In some cases, the Knight of Wands can indicate new and exciting adventures that will produce a love affair. Keep an open mind and approach every new opportunity with a positive outlook. A new environment can encourage you to take some risks. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. In love tarot Readings, the Knight of Wands can indicate good news about a love interest or you may possibly meet someone new. If you are already in a long term relationship and the Knight of Wands is drawn in a tarot card spread, it is a good sign that you need to put some passion back into your relationship. Think creatively and use your imagination to stimulate your relationship. If you have been thinking about traveling with your partner, now would be the time to do it. You and your partner need to find new ways to get excited about your relationship.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Knight of Wands Understanding the Reversed Knight of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Knight of Wands can often represent an individual that may be irresponsible, hasty or unwilling to commit. They can tend to be impatient or indecisive. Putting pressure on this type of an individual could potentially cause them to withdraw from you. Unfortunately, you may feel as though your relationship is unstable or lacks a solid foundation to provide you with a sense of security. There may also be a number of changes that could be potentially affecting your relationship. If you are feeling overwhelmed, the best course of action is to not make any hasty decisions right now. In some cases, a reversed Knight of Wands can indicate feelings of frustration, miscommunications or potential arguments with your love partner. It’s important to remain self-aware about your own behaviors. You can’t change someone. They have to be willing to change themselves first. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Knight of Wands can indicate that you are your love interest may not share similar ideas or beliefs. Forcing them to see things your way can cause further friction within your relationship

Of course, when the reversed Knight of Wands appears in a tarot spread that relates to love, there may be an issue with commitment. You may find that you or your partner may have a separation due to upcoming travel plans or a possible move. If you are single and the Knight of Wands appears in a love tarot reading it can indicate that you may just meet a new partner. They will appear quite zealous in the beginning, but lack the maturity to stay in a committed relationship. Be wary before you just give your heart away. It’s imperative that you let things develop slowly. Jumping in too fast can leave you vulnerable to getting hurt. Hasty behavior can have unwanted consequences. Remember that you are worth waiting for.

Love Tarot and the Queen of Wands Understanding the Queen of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, the Queen of Wands represents a woman that is magnetic, independent, and creative. People are naturally drawn to her, as her individuation characterizes female liberation and freedom. She is often the type of woman that avoids dependence on men, yet enjoys being in romantic relationships. She is the master of her own world, and prefers to be self-supporting. She enjoys meeting new people and has an active social life. She is also very down to earth and always tries to be herself. However, when it comes to love relationships, the Queen of Wands prefers to be in a relationship than go through life alone. She is well-balanced and has the ability to manage it all: career, family, and a rich social life. If you are single and the Queen of Wands appears in a love tarot reading, it often signifies the need to become more active in your social life. You can really get your love life going by discovering things you enjoy to do that include other people. It’s also important to let go of worrying about how others see you. The more you strive to be yourself, the more other people will be drawn to you. Should you be embarking on a new romance, expect a lot of sexual energy. If you know what you want out of a relationship, don’t be afraid to go for it. If you are already in a relationship and draw the Queen of Wands tarot card in a love tarot reading, there is a good chance things are going to heat up romantically. If there has been a lull in the romance department, let your adventurous side get playful with your partner. Spontaneous and creative interactions could help spark a flat love life. Whenever the Queen of Wands shows up in a tarot reading, know that your openness and individuality will serve you in romantic matters. Those in relationships can anticipate new found passion, joy and overall happiness. Use your energy to bring people close to you. For those of you who are single, don’t worry about trying to fit in with the crowd. Let yourself stand out and express who you are.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Queen of Wands Understanding the Reversed Queen of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Queen of Wands can represent an individual that can be somewhat rigid and overly ambitious. In some cases, it can represent a woman who tends to be somewhat domineering and will use her power as a means to manipulate people. This queen can be so driven that she is failing to connect to others on an emotional level. If she is representative of you, it may be an indicator that your own need for independence is preventing you from getting close to your partner or potential love interest. If she represents another female, however, it can refer to a potential betrayal from a friend or from someone who is simply trying to sabotage your relationship. When the reversed Queen of Wands appears in a love tarot reading, you need to be cautious that your own ambition isn’t sabotaging your efforts in love. Trying to bully or dominate someone to get someone to change isn’t going to work. Being self-righteous certainly isn’t going to bring your romantic partner closer. You may

need to practice letting go and allowing people to be who they really are. It’s important to address the needs of your partner. Failing to do so can leave them feeling neglected or unheard. Finally, the reversed Queen of Wands can indicate feelings of security. In love tarot, this can refer to you or your partner. It’s important to give both yourself and your partner reassurance. If it is indeed you who is struggling with feelings of insecurity this is the time to do your work and address why you lack self-confidence. More likely than not, these are old feelings and behavior patterns that need to be dealt with. Use this as an opportunity for self-exploration and personal growth. The results could be life changing!

Love Tarot and the King of Wands Understanding the King of Wands in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the King of Wands represents a highly creative, vigorous and self-confident leader. He is extremely charismatic and is a go-getter. He thrives in the business world and often makes the ideal entrepreneur. He is always a team player and uses his dynamic energy to get others motivated. He is passionate and fiery. He can be quick to anger, but quickly forgives. His creative nature makes him quite the visionary and he can often see things others can’t. For those of you in a committed relationship, the King of Wands tarot card can indicate a passionate and deep connection. This may be a relationship in which there is a steady flow of heated emotions that are matched with a profound attachment. Nothing is boring. In a love tarot reading, men who are represented by the King of Wands tarot card tend to be very generous and giving. They may pamper you or surprise you with gifts and treasures. The King of Wands can also be extremely loyal and will remain faithful and dedicated. His adventurous nature, however, can be somewhat strenuous. In terms of intimacy, the King of Wands likes to express his emotions through sex and being physically. The negative aspect to this is that the King of Cups can have some difficulty verbally expressing his feelings. At times, this can become quite frustrating as you may not always know how he feels about you. You can gain a deeper understanding of his feelings by his actions. If he remains committed to you, he will show you through his actions. If you are single and draw the King of Wands in a love tarot reading, you just might meet an individual that is ambitious, fiery and extremely passionate. In fact, The King of Wands makes quite the lover! Be prepared to have some serious fun in the bedroom.

Love Tarot and the Reversed King of Wands Understanding the Reversed King of Wands in Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed King of Wands can represent a domineering, self-righteous or intolerant individual. You may find yourself in a position where you will need to stand up for yourself, particularly when it comes to your relationships. Be careful that you are not being insensitive to your romantic partner. Imposing yourself and your beliefs on them won’t serve you. In fact, it can cause a further wedge between you. Being inflexible or rigid can cause your partner to withdraw from you. In some love tarot readings, the reversed King of Wands can indicate that the person you may be romantically interested in isn’t all that he or she may appear to be. The reversed king of Wands can indicate a player, charlatan, or a down right con man. If something looks too good to be true, that just might be the case. This would be the time to get more information about your love interest and wait before you give your heart away. If you are already in a long term relationship, the reversed King of Wands can signify conflicts in your relationship that are based on intolerance. It’s important that you or your partner learn how to accept each other for who you are. Ultimately, you can’t change someone. Forcing someone to be different than who they really are is a sure way to put added pressure on your relationship. If your partner is trying to control or manipulate you, you need to assert yourself and set some boundaries.

In the worst case scenario, the tarot card meaning of the reversed King of Wands can indicate disloyalty, infidelity or betrayal. You need to be cautious of getting involved with someone who tends to enjoy having more than one lover. Monogamy may not be their thing. Furthermore, they may keep their other relationships hidden from you. This is why the reversed King of Wands always urges you to get all the information before you leap in.

Love Tarot and the Ace of Cups Understanding the Ace of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

If you’re lucky enough to draw the Ace of Cups in a love tarot reading, than you can anticipate some changes for the better in your love life. In a love readings, the Ace of Cups tarot card often signifies the onset of new relationships, particularly those concerning love matters. The Ace of Cups represents deep emotional connections that often reflect the more spiritual components of true love. These are the relationships that are based upon mutual respect, kindness and generosity. When the Ace of Cups appears in a love tarot reading, it can often be an indicator of engagements and marriages. Because it is associated with new relationships it can also signify pregnancy or childbirth. Whatever the situation, you can anticipate that your emotions will be touched on a very deep level. The Ace of Cups denotes new experiences that will transform your heart on a very personal level. It’s important to note that in some cases the Ace of Cups can sometimes also refer to a spiritual rebirth. In this regard, the Ace of Cups can indicate an awakening of some sort. It is a sign that you are emotionally ready to experience love. Of course, this does not always pertain to love for others. The Ace of Cups can refer to the idea of self-love. It can be a card that signifies the difficult task of learning how to accept one’s self for exactly who they are. If you are already in a relationship and the Ace of Cups appears in a love tarot reading, you can certainly expect your current relationship to make a change for the better. You may discover that your relationship will develop a deeper level of intimacy or commitment. There may be a new experience that will bring you closer. The Ace of Cups is the card of abundance. In love affairs, it is the card that heralds new love, joy and happiness. Its ultimate goal is to remind you to embrace all the gifts that come your way.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Ace of Cups Understanding the Reversed Ace of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading When a reversed Ace Cups is drawn in a love tarot reading, it often indicates a reluctance to make yourself emotionally vulnerable for love. You may be experiencing some hesitation to embarking on a new relationship. You need to make sure you are not trying to avoid the emotional risks involved in relationships. The same could be true for a potential love interest. They may be hesitant to jump into a relationship based on fear or past hurts. If this is the case, you can’t force someone to be ready. There may be a great deal of excitement around a new relationship, but a fear of commitment could hamper any real attachments. If past wounds from an old relationship continue to plaque you, you need to make sure your take the time to appropriately heal. Trying to use a new relationship to get over an old one, won’t necessarily get rid of the pain. In a love tarot reading, you also need to make sure you are not a rebound for someone else. They may have yet to heal their own self prior to engaging in a new relationship. If you are already in a relationship and pull a reversed Ace of Cups in a love tarot reading, then you need to be aware of old immature behaviors that are casting shame and doubt into your current relationship. You also need to make sure that you are not shutting your partner out. If you feel hurt or abandoned you must become willing to share these feelings with your partner. Allow yourself to once again become vulnerable. This is your best shot to make your relationship work. Finally, the reversed Ace of Cups can indicate a separation or loss of a relationship. There may be a period where you will be experiencing feelings of emotional loss. You may also be in a place where you simply can not accept love from someone else. If this is the case, you need to examine the emotional blocks that are preventing you from experiencing love.

Love Tarot and the Two of Cups Love Tarot Readings and the Two of Cups

When it comes to love tarot readings, the Two of Cups tarot card is one of the most powerful and optimistic cards in the tarot deck. The Two of Cups is often called the true love card as it can often predict relationships that have strong unions and deep connections. In love tarot, the Two of Cups can indicate a balanced and harmonious relationship. It usually points towards a relationship that has mutual respect, attraction and romantic inclinations. In some cases, it can refer to marriage, proposals and engagements. The Two of Cups tarot card urges you to follow your heart. If you have had a secret crush on someone, now would be the time to let them know. Allowing yourself to get vulnerable is the most important aspect in love. Give yourself the opportunity to let your guard down. If the person you desire is not the one, the Two of Cups is a reminder that you will find your partner. You just may need both patience and a willingness to put yourself out there. In love tarot readings, The Two of Cups can also indicate a new relationship that will be entering your life. This relationship will appear to be effortless and uncomplicated. Your feelings for them will be met with an equal amount of enthusiasm. If you are already with someone, you may soon be getting a proposal or an invitation for a deeper level of commitment. For those of you who are already committed, expect a resurgence of romance and intimacy. If there have been quarrels or disagreements, the Two of Cups can indicate resolution and harmony. In some cases, the Two of Cups can indicate the need to connect with your own self. You may need to explore your own ability to love yourself. If you have been struggling with feelings of low self-esteem, the Two of Cups urges you to find compassion and acceptance for yourself. Sometimes you may also need to strike a balance between the feminine and masculine elements of your personality.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Two and Cups Card Understanding a Reversed Two Of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the reversed two of cups can indicate that you may be struggling to fully embrace the value of love. If you have been reluctant to allow yourself to be vulnerable in a relationship, you may need to address the reasons as to why you are choosing to avoid getting close to someone. It’s important you learn how to accept love form others. Living in fear that you will get hurt in the future can prevent you from truly honoring the present moment in all your love affairs. Although it’s always important to respect your own autonomy and independence, you may be too extreme. In some cases, a reversed Two of Cups can indicate that you may be living too much in a fantasy about a relationship and are not in reality about the true situation. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Two of Cups can refer to a relationship that lacks commitment or real permanence. There may be a chance that you are pursuing a love interest that is not ready or is unwilling to commit to you. If you are in a relationship, the reversed Two of Cups tarot card can refer to altercations and miscommunications. One partner may feel as though they are being unappreciated or disrespected. If this is the case, there needs to be open and honest communication where both partners feel heard and validated. Make sure you create a space and time where this type of communication happens more frequently. If you feel you need to seek counseling, then this would be the time to do it.

Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Two of Cups can indicate a literal separation, break-up or divorce. The relationship simply may lack the appropriate commitment to move forward or one partner is simply not available to the other.

Love Tarot and the Three of Cups Understanding the Three of Cups Tarot Card in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot readings, the Three of Cups tarot card is the card of celebration, joy and abundance. It can denote engagements, marriages, pregnancies or any other important celebratory event that pertains to one’s romantic relationships. The Three of Cups can also refer to one’s sense of attachment or connectedness to their partner. Intimacy reaches a new level. Couples can rejoice in mutual love for one another. Traditionally the Three of Cups tarot card can refer to any type of celebration such as family reunions or holiday gatherings. The Three of Cups can also refer to creativity and can imply that a new phase of creative productivity will enhance one’s life and relationships. The Three of Cups can signify any type of gathering and will often appear when significant social events are in the near future. More importantly, it can indicate good luck in all of one’s endeavors. When it comes to love tarot readings, the Three of Cups tarot card can imply that a couple has what it takes to work their issues out. It often appears when couples have reached an important impasse and can celebrate their new level of closeness. The Three of Cups can also indicate periods of growth within one’s romantic relationships. A partnership may feel a surge of energy, passion and excitement. The goal is to appreciate and enjoy what you have together. If you are single, a Three of Cups can indicate the possibility of new love. This is the time to go to any social event such as a party, wedding or gathering of friends. In love tarot readings, the Three of Cups suggests that there is a good chance of meeting someone at a social event. It’s important to work on being yourself and to appreciate your own worth. This celebration of yourself will make you stand out in a crowd. A reversed Three of Cups, however, can be indicative of some romantic troubles. In some cases, it can refer to love triangles or infidelity. It also can serve as a warning that one’s behavior is overindulgent. There is a need to monitor one’s emotions and communicate with patience and neutrality, particularly in love relationships.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Three of Cups Understanding the Reversed Three of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Three of Cups often suggests, that your love life may be causing you a great deal of concern and strife. It’s important not to let your own emotions get the best of you. This would be the time to once again strike a balance between matters of the heart and mind. Your emotions can be causing you to over react or fail to see things clearly. You may be more reactionary than normal. This could cause you to overreact to situations that can be easily settled through communication and honesty. In love matters, it may be best to take a step back and gather yourself. In some cases, a reversed Three of Cups tarot card can indicate that your initial excitement over a new love interest is shifting. The fantasy of a new relationship needs to be met with reality. In a love tarot reading, the initial stage of a relationship is now moving into a new direction, one that you may have not been expecting or were unaware of its challenges or issues. The celebration may be over.

In a love tarot reading, a reversed Three of Cups can indicate over-indulgence or too much emphasis on getting one’s pleasurable needs met. Your relationship may not be based on true love. Rather, the focus may be on satiating one’s needs or desires. One partner may feel apathetic towards the relationship or simply may lose interest. In some cases, there could be infidelity or disloyalty. The appearance of a new love interest may cause you or your partner to shift your attentions to someone else. New problems could arise that may force your relationship to lose momentum. This relationship could be based on a weak foundation. You may have to look at your own expectations and evaluate if this relationship is something that is worth all your efforts.

Love Tarot and the Four of Cups Understanding the Four of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to love tarot readings, the Four of Cups tarot card often indicates feelings of apathy and indifference. Perhaps a past relationship has let you down and you no longer feel excited about the possibility of love? You may feel confused or uncertain and as though you just can’t make any major decisions right now. If this is the case then you need to become more aware of the opportunities that are around you. You shouldn't let feelings of negativity cause you to pass them up. In a tarot reading, the Four of Cups can indicate a need to look inward. Meditation and contemplation would be in your best interest. It’s important to evaluate your current circumstances in order to discover which parts of your life are working and which are not. This is a time of introspection where you should explore and evaluate all of your options. Don’t make any rash decisions. Instead, give yourself the opportunity to discover which life path makes the most sense to you. If you are currently in a relationship, the Four of Wands may suggest that you feel as though the partnership has stagnated or is going nowhere. This would be the time to ask yourself if your relationship is still meeting your needs. In some cases, the Four of Wands can indicate that either you or your romantic partner has either shut down emotionally or has withdrawn. If this is the case, there needs to be movement within the relationship. Someone has to choose to communicate and make some changes. If not, there is a chance that the relationship may come to a standstill. If you are single, your own discontentment may be influencing your love life. Use this time as an opportunity for self-exploration. In love tarot readings, the Four of Cups encourages you to find clarity about your own life purpose and next course of action. Once you begin this process, you can expect more opportunities to present themselves to you and for your love life to become more active.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Four of Cups Understanding a Reversed Four Of Cups Card in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, a reversed Four of Cups is a positive indicator that your personal and social life is about to liven up. If you have recently went through a period of feeling apathetic or unsatisfied in your love life, things are about to change. Expect a new attitude and some excitement. If you have had an inactive love life, you just may be ready to finally put yourself out there. If you have had an active love life but have felt somewhat unenthusiastic about it, you may need to shift your attitude and perceptions about love. Even if you have not met Mr. or Mrs. Right, you should still try to enjoy and embrace the experience of meeting new people. In love tarot readings, the reversed Four of Cups tarot card reminds you that a change in attitude will help you discover new romantic interests. As you begin to open yourself up you will definitely begin to draw more people into your life. Sometimes the best solution is getting

into action. Say yes when you would normally say no. Go out with someone that you wouldn’t necessarily go on a date with. You may be pleasantly surprised. For those of you in already in a relationship, a reversed Four of Cups can indicate a new appreciation for your partner. Things may spice up and you will find that you and your partner are seeing each other in an entirely new and positive way. Use this as an opportunity to embrace a new direction in your relationship. If you have been recently frustrated with your partner, you may suddenly find yourself valuing your relationship in a whole new way.. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Four of Cups cards encourages you to revisit some missed opportunities. Love may have been right at your door and you failed to recognize it. It may be in your best interest to reexamine a past romantic interest that you passed on.

Love Tarot and the Five of Cups Understanding the Five of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Five of Cups tarot card appears in love tarot readings, you may be forced to reconcile your feelings about a past relationship or becoming willing to let go of your current one. It’s important to note that letting go does not always refer to a literal break-up. It can pertain to your ideas or expectations about your current relationship as well. In some circumstances, the Five of Cups can indicate that the troubles in your current relationship are causing you to feel disappointed, sad or a sense of loss. It’s important to not remain overly focused on what is not working. Try instead to discover what may be salvageable. If your relationship is not working, this may also be the time to let it go. When it comes to the relationships in your past that continue to haunt you, it may be time to finally break yourself free from your old wounds. Unfortunately this may include you coming to terms with feelings from your past. This is not always an easy process. The best course is to allow yourself to process the feelings and then move on. If you are single, you need to be careful that you are not allowing old feelings of hurt or rejection to be inhibiting you from meeting someone new. It’s also important not to compare any new prospect with someone from your past. If you are in a situation where you keep hoping to reunite with a past mate, it would be wise to let go of any fantasies of reconciling. Try not to focus all of your attention on unhappy experiences. Take what you have learned and move on. The best approach is to always take an emotional stock of what is causing you to feel unable to move forward. Letting go of feelings of blame, criticism and regret will ultimately set you free.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Five of Cups Understanding the Reversed Five of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Five of Cups often indicates that you may be continuing to grieve a relationship from the past. As a result, you may be struggling with developing a long lasting relationship in the present. Old wounds are inhibiting you from moving forward. If you still feel attached to an old romantic partner, you may need to work on letting this person go. This relationship is no longer serving you. Letting go will help you live in the moment and enable you to open up to new love opportunities. It’s important

to recognize that old wounds provide valuable lessons and can certainly help you make better choices in the future. In some cases, a reversed Five of Cups tarot card can refer to an inability to fully allow yourself to become available with a current love interest. If you are single, you may feel indifferent or disheartened to any new love possibility. A fear of rejection could also be preventing you from entering a new relationship. Although you may feel as though you truly want a new relationship, unconsciously you may feel conflicted or fearful. It’s important to note that there is nothing wrong with these feelings.You may need to wait before you leap into anything new. In love tarot readings the reversed Five of Cups can suggest that you simply may not be ready to jump into a new relationship again. Give yourself the opportunity to process your feelings and if you think it would be helpful to talk with a professional, use this time as an opportunity to explore your feelings. This will serve you in the end. In some love tarot readings, the reversed Five of Cups can indicate that the pain from an old relationship is coming to an end. You have reached an important impasse and will soon find yourself feeling less burdened by your past. A reversed Five of Cups can indicate acceptance and a new found peace of mind. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Five of Cups can indicate the need to let go of a relationship that is no longer serving you. This is particularly true for relationships that are abusive. If you feel as though you are no longer getting your needs met in your current relationship, it may be time to move on.

Love Tarot and the Six of Cups Understanding the Six of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot readings, the Six of Cups tarot card refers to nostalgia, the reminiscing of old relationships and childhood memories. Its appearance often indicates the rekindling of old flames. If there is a new interest in your life, sometimes the Six of Cups suggests the need to approach any new relationship with a fresh perspective. If you feel your past relationships have left you feeling jaded, you may want to perceive any new relationship as an opportunity to experience a relationship that is rewarding. On another level, you need to be sure that you are not keeping to much focus on your past. If you remain attached to an old lover, you may need to come to terms with the fact that it is, indeed, over. Should you fail to let go, you may miss the opportunity to meet someone new. Remaining stuck in the past will only inhibit you from moving forward and embracing all the life presently has to offer. The Six of Cups can denote a chance encounter with someone from your past. This is particularly true in love tarot readings. You may suddenly come across an old boyfriend or girlfriend and find yourself in a whirlwind romance. This type of situation happens when you are least expecting it and it’s always a pleasurable surprise. Synchronicity will be working in your favor. New levels of intimacy can also be associated to the Six of Cups. If you are in a relationship, expect a rekindling of your feelings for each other. A new sense of playfulness, closeness and understanding will bring you closer. You and your partner just may find yourselves “falling in live” all over again. If you have recently been struggling in your relationship, you may soon discover a new way to reconnect with each other. Finally, the Six of Cups tarot card can indicate pregnancies or anything else that may have to do with children. If you have been wanted to start a family with your partner, now may be the time to do it. In some cases, the six of cups can refer to getting in touch with your own inner child. If you have been experiencing a slump or have generally been feeling apathetic, getting in touch with your inner child could free up your creativity, energy and optimism.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Six of Cups Understanding the Reversed Six of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Six of Cups card often suggests that you may be clinging on to the past too tightly. If you have been struggling with letting go of an old relationship, the Six of Pentacles can indicate that this is preventing you from moving forward and developing a relationship with someone new. You may have to some to terms with old emotions that need to be processed. Although it’s always good to review your past, you need to be careful that you do not get stuck in it. On another level, your old ideas about love and relationships may be sabotaging your current love status. Your past should be used as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and should never be reviewed as something that controls you. In other words, you need to try and live in the present and let your past mistakes stay in the past. If an old relationship has a hold on you, this is no longer serving you. In some cases, a reversed Six of Cups tarot card can indicate that you have too many obligations right now. In a love tarot reading, this may be a clear sign that you need to let go of unwanted ties or duties that are prohibiting you from finding the time to improve your love life. You need to make sure you are allowing enough time to play. This may be the time to focus on balancing your life. All work and no play may be counterproductive, particularly when it comes to your love life. Finally, you need to be aware of your own behavior. Playing games in order to get someone interested in you may not serve you. Childish behavior will further alienate you from someone you care about.

Love Tarot and the Seven of Cups Understanding the Seven of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to Love Tarot, the Seven of Cups Tarot card indicates the need to open your eyes and become aware of your current love situation. You may be missing important signs. If you have been dreaming about what your relationship may be in the future, you need to step back and tack a good look at what’s going on in the present. The Seven of Cups often indicates that you are spending too much time dreaming about someone’s potential and not enough time truly getting to know the person you are with. You may also be confronted with a number of new love opportunities and simply may not know which one to pursue. Things may not necessarily appear as they seem. You need to thoroughly examine each opportunity with objectivity and neutrality. Most importantly, you should take the time to truly listen to your own intuition. If you are failing to acknowledge your own inner voice, you may overlook important red flags about potential love relationships. In Love Tarot readings, the Seven of Cups urges you to think before acting. Choices may need to be made. It’s important not to spend all your time dreaming and start focusing on the here and now. You will ultimately have to get into action. It’s time to start taking steps to achieving your goal, particularly when it comes to your love life. If you are feeling conflicted about your current relationship and do not know what to do, this would be the time to truly identify what you really want. You may need to thoughtfully examine both your heart and your mind. If you are embarking on a new romance, ask yourself if this one has the foundation to blossom into something you would want in the future. If it is, then it’s time to get into action and go for it.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Seven of Cups Card Understanding the Reversed Seven of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Seven of Cups often indicates that this would not be the time to sit back and wait for things to come to you. On the contrary, this is the time to get into action. If you have been seeking a romantic relationship, put your fear aside and put yourself out there. A new found energy will help you manifest a new love relationship. However, you need to make sure you expectations are realistic. Keeping your head in the clouds about a particular love interest won’t help you get what you want. Clear thinking will help you pick an appropriate partner. The more you develop an understanding of what you truly want out of a relationship, the more likely you will pick a partner that has the qualities to meet your needs. If you are in a relationship or have recently started to date someone new, it’s important that you don’t allow your own emotions to blur your thinking. The reality of your situation requires clarity and neutral observation. It’s vital you put things in perspective. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Seven of Cups urges you to focus on what you really want and take the appropriate action to get your needs met. If your partner lacks the ability to meet you half way, then you may need to re-evaluate your relationship. Sometimes the reversed Seven of Cups tarot card can indicate infatuation. In this regard, it’s important to begin to identify the true nature of your romantic relationships. Are you falling someone’s potential rather than dealing with the things they have to offer you in the current moment? One of the primary warnings of the reversed Seven of Cups is the issue that your romantic interest may not be grounded in reality. Take the time to really get to know someone before you fully commit yourself or develop a deeper attachment.

Love Tarot and the Eight of Cups Understanding the Eight of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the Eight of Cups refers to the need to let go or walk away. If you have been struggling in your relationship, this may be the time to simply allow it to dissolve. Usually this is much easier said than done. The Eight of Cups tarot card often calls for the need to become conscious of the decisions you choose to make. If your relationship has reached a point were further growth seems implausible, you may need to consciously end it. By walking away, you open new doors for future possibilities. Choosing to move on can be painful, but necessary. By redirecting your attentions towards the future, you can encourage new opportunities to come your way. It’s also important to really take the time to take stock of your relationship. Does it have the potential to meet your needs? Is your partner the type of person whom you can see yourself with in years to come? If not, this would be the time to make a clean break. If there is any emotional abuse going on, get out now. If you continue to stay without getting the appropriate help or guidance, it has the potential to get worse. Perhaps fear is holding you back or keeping you locked in an unhappy relationship? If this is the case, you may have to take a leap of faith and know that there is someone better out there. You will never know, until you try. In love tarot readings, the Eight of Cups encourages you to take a thorough inventory of how you relate to others. Whenever it appears in a tarot reading, know that something needs to be left behind. Sometimes the Eight of Cups can refer to outdated forms of communication and interactions. If you want to try and maintain your current relationship, then things need to change. In love tarot, the Eight of Cups can indicate that old patterns need to be replaced with new ones.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Eight of Cups Understanding the Reversed Eight of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the reversed Eight of Cups can often indicate that you may be struggling with a recent separation or loss. You may be experiencing some difficulty moving on from a romantic relationship. Your own fears may be prohibiting you from opening up to new future love opportunities. It’s important to address any fears that you may be experiencing around being alone. If you are choosing to stay with someone based on your own fear of being single, you can make yourself vulnerable to making bad decisions. In some cases, a reversed Eight of Cups can refer to an individual that may be immature or lacks the ability to form real long term relationships. If you find yourself in a relationship with such an individual, you may want to ask yourself if this relationship is worth all your effort. You may not get what you want. Such individuals often lack the ability for real intimacy. In the end, you may feel dissatisfied or frustrated. When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed Eight of Cups tarot card can indicate issues with intimacy and attachment. Either someone is still clinging to their past or is unable to participate in a close relationship. You or your partner may be distancing yourself from the relationship. If this is the case, you really need to ask yourself if your behavior is working in the best interest of the relationship. There is a chance that you will regret your decision about separating yourself from someone you care about. All relationships require compromise. You and your partner may need to make some concessions in order for the relationship to move forward. Not only can the reversed Eight of Cups indicate an excessive focus on one’s past, it can also suggest there may be some co-dependency within your intimate relationships. You may feel as though your partner provides you with a type of emotional security. Although some of this does occur within every relationship, you need to become aware of your own degree of emotional dependency on your love interest. Too much dependency can cause your partner to feel overwhelmed or needlessly pressures. The best solution is to start to put the focus back on yourself. Use this time as an opportunity to once again explore your own interests and/or aspirations.

Love Tarot and the Nine of Cups Understanding the Nine of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

Without doubt, one of the more positive cards in the Tarot deck is the Nine of Cups. Many Tarot experts consider the Nine of Cups to be the “wish fulfillment” card. In a love Tarot reading, the same is considered to be true. When it appears in a reading, you can presume that your wishes or desires will, indeed, come true. The Nine of Cups Tarot card refers to abundance in all areas of your life. Good luck is working in your favor. This is will be a period of happiness and contentment. In a love Tarot reading, the Nine of Cups urges you to let your worries go and have a good time. Your relationship should be enjoyed. If you are already in a committed relationship, you may experience a new surge of happiness and passion. Allow yourself to get playful with your partner. Take this opportunity to build upon what you already have. The Nine of Cups Tarot card can indicate a new level of commitment that both partners equally desire. Engagements, proposals and marriage can also be associated to this card. If you are single and are wondering if you will meet a new romantic partner, the answer to this question is yes. Dare to be daring. The more beautiful and confident you feel on the inside, the more you will glow on the outside. You may find yourself completely content without a partner. If love is not a serious concern, you may find yourself feeling fulfilled and happy on your own. Strong ties to friends and family can help you feel as though you are not dependent on being tied down in a relationship.

In a love Tarot reading, the Nine of Cups can indicate new exciting adventures. Invitations, celebrations, and group activities will surround you. Try to be willing to show up for them all. This is an ideal time to meet someone new. The joyous atmosphere is perfect for stimulating a new affair. Finally, it’s important that you remain appreciative of the new found happiness. Avoid fearing that this “won’t really last” or it’s “too good to be true.” Your fears can actually damper a good thing. Trust that you are deserving of all your good fortune. Finally, be careful not to overindulge. The Nine of Cups can refer to participating in too much of a good time. If you don’t keep your head on your shoulders, you may be at risk of overdoing things.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Nine of Cups Understanding the Reversed Nine of Cups in Love Tarot Readings In love tarot readings, the reversed Nine of Cups often suggest that you may have unrealistic expectations of your love interest or relationship. You may be adding unnecessary pressure on your love life. In some cases, the reversed Nine of Cups can indicate that your perceptions of your partner may be slightly askew. You need to step back and ask yourself if you are failing to see the truth of the situation. Try not to be overly rigid in your opinions of things. This could potential cause friction in your relationship. If there is any important decision that you and your partner need to address, remember to stay open to everyone’s point of view. A reversed Nine of Cups can also refer to issues of overindulgence or excess. If you have been approaching your love life with an over attachment to getting your own needs satiated, you may be failing to thing about your partner’s needs. This is not the time to be overly extravagant. You need to take both you and your love interest’s needs into consideration. Be wary, however, that the reversed Nine of Cups can indicate that your love interest may be the one who is only out for themselves. There may also be some issues concerning addictions or substance abuse. It’s also important to note that the reversed Nine of Cups can indicate a preoccupation with one’s social status or material security. You need to be careful that you are not basing your self-esteem or your emotional security on your love interest’s financial status. Unfortunately, this could make your relationship somewhat superficial. In love tarot readings, a reversed Nine of Cups tarot card warns you to be careful what you wish for. Your wish may be granted, however you may discover that it isn’t what you truly want.

Love Tarot and the Ten of Cups Understanding the Ten of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

Another powerful card in love tarot readings is the Ten of Cups. The Ten of Cups tarot card is one that promises joy, stability and happiness. It is often associated to the family and can represent engagements, proposals, marriages, anniversaries, pregnancies and child birth. When it comes to love, the Ten of Cups is indicative of shared unions and the celebration of love. It is often a card that signifies deep commitment and promise. Whenever it appears in a tarot spread, it suggests a time of celebration in a new found stability and sense of permanence. In love tarot readings, the Ten of Cups can also refer to domestic bliss and harmony. If you have been in a long term relationship, the Ten of Cups indicates movement towards a deeper connection; a connection that binds two people together under spiritual laws and principals. If you have been struggling in your current relationship you can now let your worry and anxiety go. You are now moving towards a new level of intimacy and understanding. All the efforts you and your partner have put into the relationship is going to pay off. The Ten of

Cups can indicate deep emotional fulfillment and well-being. This is the type of the relationship that is based on kindness, patience and, most of all, durability. If you are single and you pull this card in a love tarot reading, there is a good chance you won’t be single for long. More importantly, new future relationships will be based on a new level of maturity and reliability. If you have been afraid of commitment or have chosen partners in the past who have lacked commitment, you may suddenly find yourself in a relationship that has a strong foundation for real permanence. The Ten of Cups is a card the card of “settling down”. If you have been feeling alone or isolated, expect new meaningful relationships to be coming into your life.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ten of Cups Understanding the Reversed Ten of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In a reversed position, the Ten of Cups tarot card can often indicate conflicts or arguments, particularly when it comes to a love tarot reading. There could be a series of miscommunications or an inability for you and partner to express yourselves appropriately. It’s important that you don’t take your love interest for granted. You might want to let them know how much you really care about them. If children are involved, you need to be careful that you are not neglecting them due to your preoccupation with your love interest. Conflicts may also arise in the work environment. Consequently, there may be added pressure on your relationship. It’s important you separate your work from your family life. Try not to bring your frustrations home with you. This could be misinterpreted by your significant other, which may leave them feeling a lack of appreciation. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ten of Cups can sometimes indicate feelings of sadness or grief. If you are in a long term relationship there may be some issues with how you communicate with each other. If children are involved, there could be a conflict of interest when it comes to how you parent. There could also be other family issues that could be disrupting your romantic relationship. Meddling from other family members could also cause trouble in your relationship. On the other hand, an excessive amount of worrying won’t necessarily repair your relationship. It’s better to be proactive with your partner, particularly when it comes to communication and problem solving Finally, a reversed Ten of Cups Tarot card can indicate that your own negativity may be affecting your relationship. If you are single, you could be failing to allow yourself to be open to a new love interest. Your ideal partner may be right in front of you, but you are not allowing yourself the opportunity to get to know them. In some cases, reversed Ten Of Cups can indicate loss or a separation.

Love Tarot and the Page of Cups Understanding the Page of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the Page of Cups can represent a perceptive and emotional person. They can have a tendency to be somewhat unaware of who they are as a person and as a consequence can easily fall into an over-dependence on their partner. They can also be quite sensitive to their environment and their feelings can often be influenced by others. The Page of Cups in keenly intuitive and uses their own emotions to better understand what is going on in the world around them. They are imaginative, playful and very creative. In a love tarot reading the Page of Cups can indicate a pregnancy or may pertain to anything that has to do with children. If you and your partner have been thinking about starting a family, the Page of Cups often serves as a good omen. If you have been looking for love, the Page of Cups tarot card is always a positive sign. The Page of Cups tarot card can indicate the start of a new relationship. You may get an invitation to participate in an event that may lead to a new love relationship. In some cases, the Page of Cups can refer to a youthful admirer and you just may find yourself being pursued by someone younger than yourself.

In a love tarot reading, the Page of Cups can also denote proposals or engagements. If you have been waiting for someone to pop the question, the Page of Cups indicates new stages or beginnings. He will often appear in love tarot readings when there is new movement in a relationship. If you have been waiting for your partner to take the next step, the Page of Cups often brings good news. Your relationship may take on a new phase of happiness and contentment. Fresh beginnings and attitudes can turn stale relationships into lively ones. New found love and appreciation can help old relationships feel young and intimate. The Page of Cups typically signifies happy relationships in positive environments. This may be a period where things take on a whole new perspective. Allow yourself to be open to new ideas, and if you are single, take advantage of your social life. You could possible meet someone at a social event or through a friend.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Page of Cups Understanding the Reversed Page of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Page of Cups appears in a love tarot reading it can often represent a love interest that may have a fear of rejection, hesitation or an avoidance of risk taking. If you find yourself dating someone who seems to have these characteristics, you need to become aware of your love interest’s introverted or shy nature. Forcing him or her out of their shell when they are not ready can cause them to retreat. They may be emotionally immature or tend to overreact to situations. You also need to be aware that in some cases, the tarot card meanings of the reversed Page of Cups can represent an individual full of potential but fails to apply themselves in productive ways. They may be a dreamer or have big ideas but simply don’t have the wherewithal to get things done. They dreams and aspirations may not be grounded in reality. You need to be careful that you are not allowing yourself to fall for someone’s potential rather than acknowledging who they are in the current moment. If you’re not careful you may find yourself lost in the dreams of your romantic interest. When the reversed Page of Cups appears in a tarot reading, you need to be conscious of your own intuition. In love matters, it’s not uncommon to get caught up in a fantasy, particularly in the early stages. You really need to be diligent in listen to your own gut. Don’t ignore your true feelings. If you feel some hesitation, you need to listen to it. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Page of Cups can indicate sex without love or a partner who may be seeking physical satisfaction only. Be careful that your own impulses don’t make you vulnerable to being with a love partner that may not be there in the long run.

Love Tarot and The Knight of Cups Understanding the Knight of Cups in a Love Tarot Readings

In a love tarot reading, the Knight of Cups often represents the true romantic. He is the knight in shining armor and enjoys romantic interludes and tends to be quite emotional. He believes in the concept of true love and will put all his effort into creating a relationship full of desire and passion. However, he tends to follow his heart and if a new love interest catches his attentions, don’t expect him to be loyal. He is in love with being in love and will do his best to experience at any giving opportunity. Commitment is not his strongest attribute. He prefers to stay in the magic of romance and can become discouraged when a relationship reaches an important impasse. When the Knight of Cups appears in a love tarot reading, you can expect new and exciting events, gatherings or social invitations. A new love interest may be coming into your life. This new relationship promises carefree and lighthearted feelings and interactions. This is the time to enjoy the moment. It’s important to stay out of the

future and don’t let your expectations ruin what is right in front of you. Embrace the romance and have a good time. If you have been in a long term relationship, you may find that you and your partner have been distancing yourselves. The promise of a commitment may be falling short of your expectations. Remember that you can’t change your partner. If he isn’t meeting your needs, you may need to reevaluate if this relationship has any promise for real permanence. The Knight of Wands is a dreamer. Sometimes it can be very difficult for him to focus on the reality of a situation. He gets easily bored and can become quite discontented when he feels forced into a situation. If you are single and you happen to draw the Knight of Cups tarot card in a love tarot reading, remember that he can also represent you. In this regard, you need to work on how you interact with others. Let yourself be the romantic. Be playful and flirtatious. Find the bohemian within you. This may also be a great time to pursue any creative or spiritual endeavors.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Knight of Cups Understanding the Reversed Knight of Cups in Love Tarot Readings

When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed Knight of Cups may indicate that a potential love interest is offering you more than they can really give you. They could be engaging in some form of manipulation to draw you in. You need to be conscious of their willing to truly offer you. In some cases, they may be embellishing their feelings for you. You really need to take the time to get to know someone before you make a commitment to them. The reversed Knight of Cups can also represent someone that has a fear of commitment or lacks the ability to engage in an intimate relationship. They may state that they are emotionally available, but are unable to be present in your relationship. Unfortunately this has the potential to cause disagreements or conflicts. You may feel frustrated and unacknowledged. In some love tarot readings, the tarot card meaning of the reversed Knight of Cups can indicate that you are being overly influenced by your partner or love interest. You need to remember to stay true to yourself. You may be put in a position where you will need to assert yourself and set some boundaries. The Reversed Knight of Cups can represent an individual that lacks direction or follow through. They may be big dreamers and fantasize what they plan to achieve but are unwilling to take the necessary steps to complete their goals. The reversed Knight of Cups warns you to tap back into your own emotions. You may feel as though you are stuck or are unable to move forward. In love matters, you may find that it’s difficult to find that special magic with someone. Be careful that you or your partner is not over indulging as a means to avoid reality. In some cases, a reversed Knight of Cups can indicate issues with substance abuse.

Love Tarot and the Queen of Cups In a love tarot reading, the Queen of Cups often represents a deep, emotional and appealing woman. Men often find her the ideal mate. She is extremely nurturing and provides a solid foundation for her relationships and family. People are naturally drawn to her and rely on her for support. She typically does not have too much difficulty finding romantic relationships. She is a powerful mother archetype and symbolizes compassion, love and femininity. She tends to be highly intuitive and very creative. When you draw the Queen of Cups in a love tarot reading it usually indicates that you need to follow your heart and trust your own intuition. If you find yourself having vivid dreams, listen to them as your unconscious may

be trying to tell you something. It’s important that you express your feelings and allow yourself to get vulnerable in your love life. You need to be aware, however, that you can attract partners that may have a tendency in becoming overly dependent on you. The Queen of Cups can indicate that you may need to set some clear boundaries in your romantic relationships. If you are single, it’s important to first recognize what your own needs are. Because attracting love can come easily to you, it’s vital that you determine exactly what you are looking for in a relationship. You are in a position to choose from a variety of potential partners. Make sure you listen to your own gut as to the type of relationship you want. If communicating your feelings has proved to be difficult for you, now is the time to start sharing your ideas and feelings with others. The more you do this, the more likely you will draw a long lasting relationship into your life. For those of you in a committed relationship, the Queen of Cups tarot card indicates that your relationship is based on a deep connection and authentic feelings. These tend to be the post powerful and long lasting relationships. In a love tarot reading, the Queen of Cups can indicate the need to create an atmosphere that encourages the expression of your love for each other. Allow yourself to become vulnerable with your partner as this will only draw your partner closer.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Queen of Cups Understanding the reversed Queen of Cups in a love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Queen of Cups can indicate that you may be in a love situation where you are failing to see things as they truly are. You own emotions and fears may be preventing you from seeing the truth. Be careful that you are not allowing your own emotions to rule your behaviors, particularly when it comes to love. You also need to make sure that your strong feelings for someone aren’t allowing them to get away with treating you poorly. You may need to assert yourself and set some boundaries with your partner. Your own sensitivity could be causing you to feel anxious, insecure or fearful. You may find it difficult to control your own emotions, particularly when it comes to love issues. If you find yourself feeling out of control or overly anxious, you need to step back and remember to take care of yourself. Seeking wise counsel may be in your best interest. It’s also important to take a good look at your love interest’s behavior. In some tarot readings, a reversed Queen of Cups can indicate issues with substance abuse. If there is substance abuse in your current relationship, you need to be aware if you are enabling your partner's behavior. You also need to ask yourself if you are overly dependent on your partner. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Queen of Cups can indicate that you are giving a great deal but aren’t getting anything in return for it. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Queen of Cups can indicate that your expectations of your partner may not be realistic. You may be putting too much pressure on them or are expecting them to meet each and every one of your emotional needs. Be careful that your own moods or emotional turmoil isn’t pushing your partner away.

Love Tarot and the King Of Cups Understanding the King of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the King of Cups can represent an individual that is charismatic, emotionally deep and highly creative. He tends to think outside of the box and always offers a unique perspective. He is the ultimate visionary and his intuition enables him to understand the human experience. He can be quite compassionate and is sensitive to those that surround him. He can be prone to emotional outbursts and should his creative needs fail to get met, he can be depressed,

moody and erratic. Although he can be serious at times, he does appreciate the simple pleasures in life. He makes a loving parent and is emotional generous to his significant other. Because the King of Cups tarot card can be associated to creativity and intuition, it’s time to use these skills to attract new love into your life. If you are single and the King of Cups comes up in a love tarot reading, you may need to start visualizing the type of relationship you want. The more clear you become, the better the chance you will meet your ideal mate. It’s also important to really listen to your own needs and emotions. You may need to acknowledge your own true needs and desires that you require in a relationship. Don’t sell yourself short. You are in a position to truly attract what you want. There is also a chance, that you can meet a new partner that is capable of meeting your emotional needs. Make sure you attend events that are artistic in nature. Artistic social settings can open the door to new relationships. It’s also important to remain open and vulnerable. Don’t be afraid to show people who you really are. If you are already in a relationship and draw the King of Cups in a love tarot reading, you may need to start expressing your true feelings. If you are prohibiting yourself from sharing your own emotions, you may have difficulty connecting with your love partner. If you or your partner have a tendency to be explosive, it’s a clear indicator that you are failing to express your feelings consistently. Set aside some time for you and your partner to communicate. Make sure you make room for your partner’s feelings as well. By acknowledging each others’ emotional needs, a whole new level of intimacy awaits you.

Love Tarot and the Reversed King of Cups Understanding the Reversed King of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

When the reversed King of Cups appears in love tarot readings, it can often represent an individual that has yet to form a true identity for themselves. They may have the ability to be emotionally intimate, but often find themselves focused on too many things at once to truly be present in a relationship. They have the potential to use others emotions as a means to control or manipulate them. They can, at times, be completely self-centered and will frequently feel burdened by the needs of other people. If you are already in a relationship and draw the reversed King of Cups in a tarot spread, it can indicate power struggles within your relationship. You or your partner may be prone to telling your significant other things that want to hear, but lack the follow through to make any significant changes. When the reversed King of Cups appears in a love tarot reading it can also indicate that your own emotions have gotten the best of you. You may feel out of control or over emotional. You may find yourself confronted with a situation that has the potential to trigger you emotionally. This would not be the time to act impulsively. It’s would be in your best interest to wait until you have processed your feelings, particularly when it comes to a romantic interest. It’s important to note, that in the most extreme cases, a reversed King of Cups can signify a love interest (usually a man) that simply is not available to you. His interests may lie in other places. When the reversed King of Cups tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, it may suggest that someone’s feelings for you may not be authentic or truthful. The best course of action is to wait until you learn more about your potential love interest before jumping into a relationship.

Love Tarot and The Ace of Swords

Love Tarot Readings and The Ace of Swords Tarot Card

Should your draw the Ace of Swords in a love tarot reading, you can expect a relationship that is based on intellectual stimulation and a great deal of communication. Relationships of these types often center on the need to share truths and to be challenged mentally. Traditionally, the Ace of Swords tarot card meanings refer to finding one’s courage when confronted by adversity or hardship. The Ace of Swords can often indicate using one’s intellect as a means to move ahead in one’s life. The Ace of Swords is a card of action, urging those who draw it to meet their obstacles face on. It’s important to note that the Ace of Swords is also double edged. It is the bearer of truth, but with truth comes the severance of one’s illusion. If there is a lack of preparation for such shifts in perspective, the process can be both “cutting” and painful. In love tarot readings, the Ace of Swords can bring news of a relationship that may prove to be unhealthy and, in some cases, even harmful. The Ace of Swords often calls for the need to cut negative influences out of your life. This is particularly true for intimate relationships that have taken a turn for the worse and possibly have become toxic. Because the Ace of Swords is affiliated to truth it can also refer to the dissipation of the illusions of one’s relationship. To simply put it, these are the relationships that failed to live up to one’s expectations. In essence, one’s hopes and dreams about their relationship have proven to be nothing more than hopeful thinking. For those in a committed relationship, the Ace of Swords often calls for a need to balance your relationship. Make sure you observe your own behaviors. Are you being overly detached? Are you intellectualizing everything and failing to experience things from your heart. Are your communication efforts aggressive or onesided? It’s important to find a balance between your mind and heart. Try not to let your disagreements go unchecked as this could eventually lead to extreme difficulties or possible separation.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ace of Swords Understanding The Reversed Ace of Swords in a Love Tarot reading When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed Ace of Swords can indicate some love challenges. You may seem to be at odds with a current love interest or partner. You simply may not being seeing things eye to eye. There may be a particular issue that is separating you from your partner. You need to get more information before you become to set in your ideas. Try to become willing to see things form new perspectives. You and your partner may need to reach a compromise before you can move on any further. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Ace of Swords can also indicate serious communication problems. This would be the time to learn how to express your views in more of a diplomatic and neutral way. Trying to insist that your perspective is the right perspective will only push your partner further away. It’s also important that you need to address your own intolerance. Be careful with the words you use and the tone you take. Words have the power to hurt just as much as actions. Healthy and long lasting relationships require tolerance, understanding and patience. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Ace of Swords can indicate that you may be forcing your will upon your love interest. The same can be said for being involved with a person that is trying to force you to become a person that you simply are not. Don’t sacrifice who you are to be in a relationship. Over time, this will ultimately become quite harmful for you. You may need to stand up for yourself and defend your own boundaries or set of beliefs. The reversed Ace of Swords tarot card also suggests that you may need to may a break from a harmful or unhealthy relationship or circumstance. If you find yourself feeling restricted or fearful, make sure you have a good support system to help you make the best choices possible for yourself. In some cases, when a reversed Ace of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate that a stressful relationship is compromising your physical health due to stress or anxiety.

Love Tarot & The Two of Swords Card

Two of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In tarot reading, The Two of Swords is associated with denial. It often indicates an impasse or stalemate. Its traditional imagery depicts a women holding up two swords while blindfolded. In this context, the blindfold is self-imposed. She has clearly chosen to remain oblivious to the environment that surrounds her. The Two of Swords is also associated to indecision or an inability to make an important choice. It is clear that she is avoiding an important truth. She has created a false sense of reality and is choosing to live in a state of oblivion. This reality offers her a moment of peace. However, this does not negate the existence of the necessity of choosing a new path. At some point, the weight of the Swords will become too much to bear and she will be forced to face the reality of the situation.

In terms of relationships, the Two of swords appearing in a love tarot reading often reveals the barriers you have placed between you and your partner. This is the nature of the stalemate. You have emotionally shut down or the relationship has become resistant to compromise. In this case, there are often issues of inner conflict or confusion about the relationship. The Two of Swords also indicates that the issues your relationship is struggling with will not be found through outside influences. It instead urges you to once again go inward. It is time to face your inner conflicts. To move beyond your current stalemate, balance must be restored. This is often achieved by exploring the past experiences that are influencing your current situation. In love tarot, the Two of Swords ultimately encourages you to get honest with yourself and with your partner. To move forward is to communicate and speak your truth.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Two of Swords Card Understanding the Reversed Two Of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Two of Swords is typically a positive card. If you allow yourself the opportunity to quit worrying about your own love life, you will be able to develop a more balanced approach to your romantic relationships. You will ultimately be able to discover alternative views and/ or ideas that can actually help you attract love into your life. The goal is to avoid making your pursuit of love your primary area of concern or focus. Know that love is out there and you merely need to relax and let it happen. The reversed Tow of Swords Card can also indicate that you now have the ability to see things more clearly and get into action. If a relationship has been troubling you, you have the opportunity to break the cycle and change the course of your behaviors. This means you are no longer living in denial nor are you pretending there isn’t a problem when there really is one. This is the time to discover how you would like the relationship to change and what are the next steps you need to take in order to implement this change. If you have been feeling indecisive about a current relationship, expects some insight. You will soon be able to make a solid decision. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Two of Swords can also indicate that any tension that has come up between you and a love interest may be expelled. Emotions may come more freely and new channels of communication can now be established. Often, the reversed Two of Swords tarot card suggests that things will come to a head, but the end result will provide you with relief and certainly less anxiety. In some cases, the reversed Two of Swords can indicate some delays in this process, but a new transformation within your love life is near at hand. The less positive implications of the Two of Swords reversed may suggest that you are too invested in having a chaotic love life. Chaos or discord is being used as a way to avoid intimacy or connectedness.This is particularly true for love tarot readings that focus on a committed relationship. Old ideas and poor communication may be preventing you from moving forward in your relationship. Fear and insecurity may also be preventing you from growing with your love partner. In some cases, the reversed Two of Swords tarot card can indicate a deceitful or inauthentic person or love interest. Make sure you really get to know a new love interest before completely jumping in.

Love Tarot and the Three of Swords

Understanding the Three of Swords in a love tarot reading.

In a love tarot reading, the Three of Swords tarot card can indicate a broken heart, separations, and pain associated to loss. When it appears in a tarot reading, particularly in those that focus on love, the Three of Swords can serve as a warning. It can be a sign that the relationship you are in can potentially be hurtful. For those who are single or have just broken up with someone, it can often indicate that your past relationship has yet to be fully processed and healed. Traditionally, the Three of Swords tarot card is the card of grief and mourning. Its appearance in a tarot card reading can indicate a period of upheaval and emotional turmoil. It is often a sign that one must experience an emotional catharsis. It suggests that the time has come to let yourself fully experience your feelings. The Three of Swords typically refers to a separation of some kind. If you have been in an unhappy or unhealthy relationship, it may be time to cut your ties. In love tarot readings, a common theme that often corresponds to the Three of Swords is the concept of abandonment. In this regard, it’s really important to explore your own feelings or experiences about losing a partner and being alone. The Three of Swords can be symbolic of your own fear of abandonment. It is a great reminder to be aware of how your own fears can be projected onto your partner or romantic relationships. In some cases, the Three of Swords reversed can indicate an inability to let go of old emotional wounds. Usually these are the relationships that left you feeling utterly devastated. It is urges you to become willing to let go and “cut” the ties from your past. In a reversed position, however, the Three of Swords can be a positive card. In love tarot readings, it can be a sign that hurt, heartbreak and sadness are at last passing. The reward is discovering your inner strength and beauty. The ultimate goal is to learn how much you are worth. Your past experiences have made you wiser and more authentic.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Three of Swords Understanding the Reversed Three of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to love tarot readings, the reversed three of swords often indicates that if you have been struggling from a broken heart or feelings of sadness in relation to your love relationship, chances are the worst is over. However, if you still find yourself struggling with a relationship in your past, you may have to come to come to terms with the fact that it is, indeed, over. Continuing to grieve could potentially affect your current love life and you simply may not feel ready to pursue any new romantic interests.

In some cases, a reversed Three of Swords tarot card can indicate that your search for love may be impacted by old feelings or wounds from your past. You may not feel very optimistic or hopeful. It’s important that you finally deal with your past and come to terms with the fact that grief and sadness is a part of life. In love tarot readings, a reversed Three of Swords can indicate that you are continuing to hold onto your past. What is most important to keep in mind is that a reversed Three of Swords can refer to your own inner strength. In some love tarot readings, a reversed Three of Swords can remind you that you have the strength to go forward. This is a great opportunity to become aware of how much strength you really have. Use this to your advantage. When pursuing love, remind yourself about how you have the ability to withstand painful experiences. This can help you become open and receptive to new love experiences. There is no need to fear love. You are strong enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable to once again put yourself out there. Finally, if you are currently in a relationship and draw a reversed Three of Swords in a love tarot reading, it can indicate passive aggressive behaviors or a lack of boundaries in your current relationship. You or your partner may need to find a softer and gentler way to communicate. Forcing you or your partner to behave in a certain way will not serve your relationship.

Love Tarot and the Four of Swords

Understanding the Four of Swords tarot card in a Love Tarot Reading.

In love tarot readings, the Four of Swords tarot card indicates the need to slow down and tend to one’s own needs. It can often be a sign that one’s relationship is at risk of becoming stagnant. The Four of Swords encourages you to not make any rash decisions or force you or your relationship into unnecessary action. Not only do you need a personal reprieve, your relationship may be in need one as well. Although there may be feelings of frustration, it’s important that you find neutrality in your current romantic situation. This is not the time to leap into action or make significant changes. You simply need to let things be. Taking out your frustrations or expecting too much from you partner can cause strife within the relationship. This time is meant for you to look inwards and find your own inner balance. In the interim, put your everyday troubles to the side. In a love tarot reading, the Four of Swords urges you to focus on quieting the mind and rejuvenating the body.

For couples, the Four of Swords tarot card can also refer to a need to take a long overdue vacation or respite. If you and your partner have been debating as to when you would like to take a vacation, now would be the time. If, on the other hand, you have been struggling with your own personal issues that aren't directly related to your partner, but are still affecting your relationship, this may instead be the time to take a quick vacation on your own. You and your partner may need some space from each other to work out personal issues. It’s important to note that this is not necessarily a negative thing. Healthy relationships often require the space to allow each partner the opportunity to work on their own selves. If you are single, the Four of Swords indicates the need to slow down and take care of yourself. If you have been out in the dating world, don’t forget to tend to your own personal needs. When the Four of Swords appears in a love tarot spread and you are single, it can serve as a reminder that finding a mate is not the answer to all your problems. Going inward and finding inner harmony and balance will also create a fulfilling and abundant life.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Four of Swords Understanding the Reversed Four of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, a reversed Four of Swords can indicate that you may feel as though you have been reluctant to put yourself out there. You may feel lethargic, apathetic or just plain down. You may need to force yourself to get back into action. The reversed Four of Swords urges you to get back into action, regardless of what you may be feeling. Sometimes you simply may need to “act as If,” and the rest will follow. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Four of Swords can also indicate, on the other hand, that you have took the necessary time for yourself to once again muster up the energy to embrace a new relationship. You may have had to go through a period where you were unavailable to embark on any type of romance. A reversed Four of Swords tarot card can suggest that you are now mentally in the right place to meet a new person or open yourself up to love. If you still may feel somewhat reluctant, you may need to explore your fears about becoming vulnerable and opening up to love. If an old relationship has left you hurt and confused, you need to begin to recognize your own part in the relationship to ensure that old mistakes won’t be repeated. In some cases, a reversed Four of Swords can indicate there is a fear of commitment from one or both partners involved in a relationship. If you are currently in a relationship that has been struggling, a reversed Four of Swords card can indicate that a new energy will surge through your relationship. Optimism and hope will replace feelings of frustration or despondency. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Four of Swords can indicate that this would be the time for you and your partner to plan some new activities together. Mental stimulation or and conversations would also heat things up.

Love Tarot and the Five of Swords

Understanding The Five Of Swords In A Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Five of Swords often brings news of sudden or abrupt change. Perhaps your relationship may suddenly be confronted with a disruptive event such as an expected visit from a family member or the need to make a move. The Five of Swords can indicate agitation or restless energy that, if left unchecked, could make your relationship vulnerable to outbursts of anger or a lack of appropriate communication. Another important component of the Five of Swords tarot card is the potential for power struggles within your relationship. This may be a period where conflict is plentiful. You need to be careful that you and your partner are not using conflict as a means to get a false sense of intimacy or as a way to stimulate your relationship. Although making up after an argument can be a way for some couple to reconnect, it’s not a healthy solution for intimacy or communication. This may be the perfect opportunity for you and your partner to learn how to manage conflict together as a team. Traditionally, the Five of Swords refers to winning, but with little reward. It’s considered to be an empty victory as the battle may have involved deceit, manipulation or vindictiveness. In some cases, it can reference selfrighteous attitudes that only further exacerbate conflict or challenges between people. In love tarot, this manifests as one partner dominating the other, often failing to acknowledge the other persons needs and thinking only of themselves. The appearance of the Five of Swords in a reading can indicate wrongful doings by a partner such as cheating or gambling. It can also represent situations around a particular couple such as bad gossip, a spiteful ex, slander or dishonest friendships. In many cases, its appearance certainly suggests that there are issues in your relationship. The primary concern is that too much focus is being placed on being right instead of being happy and healthy. This may be the time to seek out counseling to help work out communication styles and get your relationship back on track.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Five of Swords Understanding The Reversed Five of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading the reversed Five of Swords card can indicate that the energy you are putting into a romantic interest may fail to provide you with the results you desire. It’s important that you begin to review your current love interest’s potential. Are they really capable of meeting your emotional needs? In some cases, you may feel conflicted about a particular relationship. Your own inner struggles could be causing your relationship to lose momentum.

You also need to address any self-esteem issues that have been negatively affected by a love relationship. Perhaps your sense of value and worth has been compromised. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Five of Swords tarot card can indicate feelings of helplessness, humiliation or shame. The Five of Swords tarot card will often appear when someone is being bullied or controlled. If this is indeed your situation and your current love interest or relationship is causing you to feel poorly about yourself, then you may have to take a break and get support and help from people you trust. This may be the time to let an unhealthy relationship go. Moving on, under such circumstances, will help empower you and rebuild your self-esteem. In some love tarot readings, a reversed Five of Swords can urge you to become accountable for your own actions and behaviors in your intimate relationships. If you see a pattern that keeps repeating in all of your relationships, you need to examine how you may have contributed to this. If you have perpetually felt as though you were the victim or tend to blame others for the faults in your relationships, you may need to take a good look at how you participate in your romantic relationships. This is a great opportunity to truly come to terms with any past trauma or fear that is preventing you from finding a fulfilling relationship. A reversed Five of Swords tarot card does not always have a negative connotation in a love tarot reading. There are times, in fact, where it can have positive associations. If you have been struggling with a relationship or, if there has been a great deal of strife and miscommunication, the reversed Five of Swords can signify that the battle is ending. You and your partner will have the opportunity to once again find balance and harmony.

Love Tarot and the Six of Swords Card

Understanding the Six of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to love tarot, the Six of Swords tarot card can either indicate a needed separation from a troubled relationship, or it can refer to the resolution of some serious issues that have been affecting your relationship. No matter which of the two circumstances may apply, the one thing that is certain is that you will be leaving your troubles behind you and will be entering into a new direction. This does not always mean a relationship is over. On the contrary, sometimes it can refer to the a new reconciliation that actually makes the relationship stronger. New agreements may me made based on new levels of neutrality and diplomacy. If your relationship is still going strong, new levels of communication and cooperation will influence your relationship moving you towards a better state of harmony. This would be a great time to share what you need in your relationship as your partner may be more than willing to comply. In some cases, The Six of Swords tarot card can denote a transitional phase where there is a decrease in stress and conflict even though it may only be a

temporary reprieve. This would be the time to take advantage of this period of calmness. Use this to your advantage by taking care of yourself and preparing yourself for the next phase. In love tarot readings, the Six of Swords can also refer to travel. You may have a new opportunity to do some work related travel or you may be visited by a good friend. If you and your partner have been fantasizing about taking a vacation, now would be the time to do it as the time together may actually strengthen your relationship. In some circumstances, it can also refer to an actual relocation. This would be a positive move for you. A fresh start may be exactly what you need, particularly if you have been struggling to get out of an unhappy relationship. If you are single, this is a great time to embark on a new relationship. You may be given the opportunity to travel which could lead to an exciting romantic experiences. If a friend asks you to come visit them, jump on board, an acquaintance of theirs could turn into a new love interest.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Six of Swords Understanding the Reversed Six of Swords in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the reversed Six of Swords often indicates that your expectations of your relationship or romantic interest may not come to fruition. There could be delays, setbacks or your timing just may off. This doesn’t mean your love life won’t improve, it simply indicates that any major change may take a while. You may feel as though your patience is being tested. Don’t lose hope. Even in its reversed position, the Six of Swords tarot card usually signifies that things will improve over time. In some love tarot readings, the Six of Swords refers to an inability to move beyond any conflicts or disagreements you are currently challenged with. As a result, you may feel somewhat stuck or blocked in your current love situation. If you are feeling trapped in a particular relationship, this would be the time to gather your strength and begin to explore why you are unable to let go of something that is no longer serving you. A reversed Six of Swords tarot card can indicate an over attachment to an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship. If you feel frustrated or unsatisfied with your love life, you need to become more conscious of your situation. Are you failing to recognize important aspects to a romantic relationship or love interest? You need to be careful that your desire to be in a relationship isn’t influencing your choice of partner. Sometimes it is better to be alone than to be in a relationship that isn’t meeting your needs. On another level, a willingness to let a relationship go, can release any tension or conflict you and your love interest may be experiencing. Holding on to something too tightly, often prohibits necessary growth and transformation. In love tarot readings, the reversed Six of Swords encourages you to always look for new solutions. If you and your partner have reached a stalemate, it may be time to try something new. Old methods of communication are failing to provide you adequate resolution. If you have ever considered going to couples therapy, this would be a perfect opportunity to do so. Finally, when it comes to love tarot readings, a reversed Six of Swords can indicate that your past relationships are influencing your current ones. In other words, unresolved issues from your past are preventing you from obtaining a fulfilling romantic relationship in your present. Your own internal conflicts and issues are simply not allowing you to experience love in a new and rewarding way.

Love Tarot and the Seven of Swords Love Tarot Readings and the Seven of Swords Tarot Card

When the Seven of Swords Tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, it is often a sign that there may be a serious power battle between you and your partner. You and your partner may be so focused on proving that you are each right, that the relationship is at risk for becoming devastated by the battle itself. It’s important to remember that it’s not always about winning or proving your point. In some cases, the Seven of Swords Tarot card can refer to someone taking advantage of you or perhaps you are the one taking advantage of someone else. If you have just begun to date someone new, your initial judgments of your new found love may be incorrect. Underneath their charm and charisma, you may find a not so appealing partner. In love tarot reading, the Seven of Swords can refer to deceit and trickery. Be careful that your new love interest isn’t telling you some “untruths” in order to capture your interest. The Seven of Swords does not always have to be taken literally. This is particularly true when it comes to love tarot. Sometimes it can refer to someone that is struggling with trust issues or finds it very difficult to let you get

close to them due to the wounds from old relationships. There may also be an over concern with betrayal and disloyalty. Jealous or insecure feelings can cause unrealistic fears. Fear of rejection may also hinder you from allowing yourself to get more invested in your current relationship. There are some cases where the Seven of Swords can indicate infidelity or unfaithfulness. If you have confronted your partner with your concerns, you may only be getting part of the truth. Your relationship will have difficulty moving forward if the two of you can’t get honest. You may need to break the silence and force your partner to have a serious discussion about the future of your relationship. If you are single and dating, the Seven of Swords can indicate a rivalry or trickery on the part of a friend. You also need to be careful to get to know a potential love interest before you jump in. Finally, don’t allow anyone to push, force or manipulate you into a situation that makes you uneasy. If you feel uncomfortable with something, trust your gut and put on the brakes.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Seven of Swords Understanding the Reversed Seven of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

Unfortunately, when the reversed Seven of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, it often indicates that the challenges that you are facing in your current love life, may be too difficult to overcome. If you have been trying to keep a relationship moving forward, there could be too many obstacles. You really need to evaluate if this relationship is worth all your effort. If it is, know that it may take a while to get things balanced. This is not the time to stick your head in the sand. On the contrary, you need to stay aware and present so that you are able to meet your challenges head on. Of course, this does not mean you attack everything as it were a battle. Rather, you need to keep your own emotions in check and rely upon your rational mind. If you find yourself overwhelmed with too many feelings, you should take a step back and organize yourself. If you’re not careful, your own indecision can cause more strife in your love life. The best approach is to take the necessary time to truly figure out what you really want. In some cases, when the reversed Seven of Swords tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate an apology or admission from a romantic interest of partner. If things have been heated lately, you just may get statements of regret from your partner. This can lead to new opportunities for you and your love interest to reach some type of agreements or understandings. Finally, when the reversed Seven of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, it can suggest that your own selfsabotaging behavior is causing your love life or relationship unnecessary grief. It’s important to recognize your own behavior patterns that are negatively influencing your relationship. Fear, prejudice or rigidity can be causing you to push your partner away.

Love Tarot and the Eight of Swords Understanding the Eight of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Eight of Swords is a card that often represents limitation, restriction and the inability to see things clearly. Feelings of helplessness or defenselessness are frequently associated to this card. This can be particularly true in one’s romantic relationships. You may find yourself in a circumstance where you simply do not know how to handle the issues surrounding your love life. The good news, however, is if you choose to step back and review your current situation, you are not as helpless as you imagined. Although your current circumstances can seem overwhelming, you can free yourself at any moment. In love tarot, the Eight of Swords tarot card encourages you to take your power back. You may have to put your emotions to the side. Your rational mind will be your best ally. If your emotions have been ruling you, it’s now time to use your mind to gain a better perspective. It’s also important to explore if your need for security is inhibiting your freedom. It’s important to recognize if there is an over dependence on your love relationship. It’s not uncommon to lose one’s self in their relationship. This is the time to recognize that you do not need your relationship to be a whole person. Co-dependency can be a formidable trap and one of the most powerful ways to free your self is to become willing to live in the unknown. If you have been in your relationship for a long time, it’s perfectly normal to feel uncertainty and fear while going out on your own. It’s important to note that just because you get the Eight of Swords in a love tarot reading it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to break up with your love interest. It’s more important to recognize that the restriction you may be feeling has more to do with yourself. You may need to ask yourself what is preventing you from being more

independent. More importantly, this is the time to take a good look at what is and isn’t working in your current relationship. Are old habits preventing you from growing? Have you become too stagnant in your relationship and you are feeling stuck? Use this as an opportunity to explore what empowers you and become willing to delve into the unknown.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Eight of Swords Understanding the Reversed Eight of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

When the Reversed Eight of Swords card appears in a love tarot reading, it has both positive and negative implications. On the positive side, a reversed Eight of Swords often indicates that you may experience some type of emotional release or catharsis. If you have been feeling agitated or confused about your current love situation, expect some clarity. A new take on your relationship will set you free. You may find that things are not as bad as they appear. In many cases, a reversed Eight of Swords card can indicate that your own perceptions of your situation where not exactly accurate. This is particular true in love tarot. Consequently, you may feel liberated and less confined. Anxiety and apprehension will be replaced with feelings of independence and freedom. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Eight of Swords can also indicate that you may have been undergoing needless fear and worry about your love life. You will soon know which actions to take and you will be capable of determining if this relationship is, indeed, right for you. This will be a period in which you embrace your own sense of power. Use this to your advantage. In some cases, the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card can indicate that your denial or refusal to see the truth will be met with a new awareness about your current love situation. Unfortunately, this can indicate that your relationship may not be everything you thought it was. Continuing to be indecisive will not serve you. The best solution is to express your feelings to your romantic interest or partner. If they are unable to meet your needs, you may need to move on. Finally, when the reversed Eight of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate that your reluctance to make a decision in your relationship will lead to some type of impasse or crisis. You may find it difficult to get out of a relationship or break free from negative behavior patterns.

Love Tarot and the Nine of Swords Understanding the Nine of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to traditional tarot readings, the Nine of Swords often refers to worry or anxiety. Troubled sleep or nightmares literally may be keeping you up at night. Apprehension and fear of the future may be disrupting your sleep patterns. In many cases, the Nine of Swords tarot card signifies feelings of powerlessness or hopelessness. You may feel as though you have no control over your current circumstances. When it comes to love tarot, you may be concerned about your intimate relationships. The good news is that things may not be as bad as they appear. In love tarot readings, the appearance of the Nine of Swords encourages you to face your problems head on. Ignoring your troubles will only further exacerbate your problems. If your romantic relationship is concerning you, it would be best to have a heart to heart with your partner. Be willing to express yourself in an open and honest manner. Even if your fears are indeed true, it’s much better to come to terms with them then continue to live in debilitating anxiety. If you are still struggling with the loss of a relationship from the past, you may need to seek help in dealing with feelings of loss, anger or grief. If you are single and are concerned that you will never meet a true mate, know that your fears are not based in reality. On some level, you may need to learn how to deal with you fear of being alone. Keep in mind, however, that fears aren’t facts. Fear is an emotion. More often than not, it can stem from old wounds that have yet to be processed. Don’t try to avoid feeling your feelings. If you are experiencing loss, disappointment, frustration or fear, try to become willing to accept what you are feeling. By allowing yourself to process these emotions you will eventually move through them. This too shall pass. It’s important to trust the process. In love tarot, the Nine of Swords may appear to be upsetting. In truth, it reminds that things aren’t as bad as they may appear. Eventually, you will be able to look back and see this as a powerful learning experience.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Nine of Swords

Understanding the Reversed Nine of Swords in a Love Tarot reading In love tarot readings, a reversed Nine of Swords often indicates that you must be willing to face your own doubts or fears. This may mean that you need to have a honest and open conversation with your love interest about your true feelings. If you have been keeping these fears inside, it could have the potential to negatively affect your relationship. The best course of action is to state what you are afraid of or let your love interest know about your concerns. If you have yet to deal with the loss or frustration from an old relationship in your past, you may have to do so in order for you to develop a healthy relationship in the here and now. Learning about your past can help you deal with how you relate to your current partner. It’s important that you recognize any patterns or behaviors that stem form past hurt or rejection. In many cases, a reversed Nine of Swords can have positive implications. You suddenly may find yourself feeling much freer or less burdened. Any anxiety about your relationship may merely be a product of your own imagination, particularly in a love tarot reading. Your relationship has the opportunity to take a turn for the better if you allow yourself to cast away any fears or doubts. This is a great opportunity to practice being yourself. If your partner can’t appreciate who you truly are, then they most likely aren’t the right match for you. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Nine of Swords tarot card can indicate that a new hope will enter your relationship. If you and your love interest have been struggling, help may be on the way. If you have ever considered seeing a counselor, this would be the ideal time to do so. Positive interventions or reinforcement can help your relationship reach a new found level of intimacy.

Love Tarot and the Ten of Swords Understanding the Ten of Swords in Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, the Ten of Swords can often come as a blow. Seeing it can instill fear, dread and trepidation and it is by far one of the more intimidating cards in the Minor Arcana. There is nothing more daunting than its imagery; 10 swords pierce into the back of a man who lies face down. When it comes to matters of the heart, the Ten of Swords can indicate the end of a relationship or a betrayal. Perhaps you feel as though a loved one has stabbed you in the back. Although its imagery can lead people to believe its meaning refers to physical death. This is usually not the case. The Ten of Swords refers to endings or the completion of important cycles or phases. It will often appear when a love relationship has run its course. Of course, when it comes to love tarot, the Ten of Swords can refer to emotional pain or grief. This is the card that represents a deep wound usually inflicted by the loss of an important relationship or venture. When it appears in a tarot spread, there is usually some element of unfinished business. Things might feel as though they are in an emotional upheaval. Fear, anxiety and hurt feelings may seem completely overwhelming and it’s hard foresee and ending to the pain. What’s important to remember is that nothing is as bad as it appears. You will heal and come to understand that your relationship or love interest wasn’t meant to be forever. In fact, you will come to realize that you may have missed important signs that revealed that the relationship was flawed from the start. In love tarot, the Ten of Swords usually indicates that the worst is over. Although you may be in pain, if you had stayed in the relationship any longer, the pain would be far worse down the road. This is the time to count your blessings and remember that as one door closes a new one opens. It’s also important to recognize that in love tarot the Ten of Swords does not always refer to a literal separation or break-up. Separations can also occur on a mental or emotional level. It can be as simple as two partners distancing themselves from each other. In some cases, the Ten of Swords tarot card can indicate the completion of a specific stage of a relationship. New levels of intimacy may be needed in order for the relationship to transform, grow or move forward.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ten of Swords Understanding the Reversed Ten of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ten of Swords can often indicate that you may be feeling discouraged when it comes to your love life. You may have encountered a relationship that has left you feeling hurt and disappointed. Remorse and guilt will not help the situation. It’s important to allow yourself to experience your feelings and then try to move on. All is not lost, however. When the reversed Ten of Swords appears in tarot spreads it can signify that the worst is over.

This is the time to once again find faith in love. You will soon begin a new life cycle and the past will no longer have such a profound hold on you. Use this as an opportunity to connect to yourself and trust that Love is indeed in your future. You just may have to work through some past issues or sadness to let go of your old ideas about romance and intimate relationships. Ultimately, a new outlook will bring you hope. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ten of Swords tarot card encourages you to trust your process. In the end, there will be an abundance of love opportunities. The reversed Ten of Swords can also indicate needed change and transformation. Your past love experiences will make you much wiser. You now have the opportunity to choose a partner that is more appropriate for you. As you continue to personally grow, you will no longer attract the same kind of person. The more you begin to understand yourself, the better your choices will be. Getting support from your friends is vital right now. Don’t shut people out. Invite them in to your experience. You will find that you are not alone in your experience.

Love Tarot and the Page of Swords Understanding the Page of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the Page of Swords can represent an individual who tends to be quite analytical and inquisitive. The Page of Swords prefers to sit back and take in his environment. He enjoys his independence and can be quite rebellious at times. He can appear to be distant and aloof, but has a strong sense of doing what he feels is right. He is a truth seeker and can be very communicative. In love relationships, he can appear to be somewhat detached or removed. When the Page of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, he can either represent an individual or he can represent certain characteristics of a particular situation or relationship. If the Page of Swords represents an individual it often references someone who may have some difficulty getting connected to his emotions. He or she may lack the initiative to explore their own feelings and can have a tendency to rationalize everything. However, truth and justice is very important to this Page. He or she can be quite supportive when they feel the need to defend or uphold the truth. Like many of the Pages, the Page of Swords can be impetuous and impulsive. This can make it difficult to always depend on him. He can also be difficult to get close to and there is always the possibility of becoming quite frustrated with him. In a love tarot reading, the Page of Swords does heed warning. If he indeed represents an individual, this may be a person that can’t tolerate other people’s emotions. He may prefer to step out of a relationship rather than work through any emotional challenges. If you are in a committed relationship, the Page of Swords can indicate that you need to pay closer attention to how you and your partner are communicating. Rather than blurting out your emotions, you may want to take a step back and analyze what is or is not working in your current relationship. Rational thinking will help you communicate more effectively. Sometimes the Page of Swords can indicate a relationship that lacks intimacy. It may be difficult for you and your love interest to connect on a deeper level. When it comes to love tarot readings, the Page of Swords can represent a relationship that overemphasizes the mind and fails to give weight to the heart. As in all tarot readings, the Page of Swords tarot card can indicate important news. In a love tarot reading, this type of news usually pertains to your love life so it’s important to listen carefully. Whatever the news, it’s vital to take this information in and not act impulsively.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Page of Swords Understanding the Reversed Page of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, a reversed Page of swords can indicate that some unexpected issues may arise that can affect your love life. If you and your love interest have been having issues regarding how you see things, there may be some miscommunication or misunderstandings. A new love interest may be unpredictable or lack follow through. You may feel as though your new relationship is unpredictable or lacks stability. In some cases, a love interest may prove to be dishonest or lack true integrity. On another level, a reversed Page of Swords can indicate a person who can be somewhat self-righteous or rigid. In a love tarot reading, it can suggest that your love interest or romantic partner refuses to see things from your perspective. He or she may be consumed with proving their point of view and fail to acknowledge your experience of things. There is the potential for hurt feelings, particularly when the reversed Page refuses to give in. There may be a lack of sensitivity and willingness to find a common ground.

If you are in a relationship and draw the reversed Page of Swords in a love tarot reading you also need to be aware of your own level of defensiveness and inflexibility. Sometimes it’s better to be wrong than prove yourself right. You may need to give a little in order to find harmony within your relationship. Of course, when swords are drawn in a tarot reading there most always pertain to the intellect or mind. When it comes to love, you may need to tap back into your own emotions. Approaching your mate from an intellectual level may not always serve you. Sometimes it is wiser to come from the heart. Being vulnerable with your partner will help open the channels of communication. It will also enable them to become more vulnerable and let their guard down.

Love Tarot and the Knight of Swords Understanding the Knight of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the Knight of Swords represents a quick minded and action oriented individual. In fact, his mind moves so fast that he can hardly manage to stay in one place long enough to maintain a long lasting relationship. He can be hasty, inpatient and can become frustrated quite easily. The Knight of Swords is ruled by his mind. He is a seeker of truth and tends to become obsessed with supporting a cause. Because he tends to live within the world of intellect, the Knight of Swords can have difficulty in developing emotional attachments. He can enter your live with great fervor but leave as quickly as he came. He struggles with commitment and can talk a good talk. When he appears in a love tarot reading, it usually suggests that you keep an eye on your love interest actions. Remember that actions speak louder than words. If the Knight of Swords tarot card represents a particular love situation or issue, you may be required to stand up for your values. A conflict in your relationship may force you to count on your mind for a solution and not necessarily your feelings. This is the time to listen to your mind and not your heart. Analytic thinking will help you and your partner work through difficult challenges. If you are already in a committed relationship and pull the Knight of Swords in a love tarot reading, you may find yourself in a relationship with a constant crusader, always out in the world fighting for what he believes in, but never managing to put the time into the relationship. Sometimes the Knight of Swords tarot card can represent a fear of intimacy. If you are having difficulty in getting your partner to connect with you on an emotional level, you may have to device new methods of reaching him. Usually, this is through the intellect. Your connection may be more based on mutual beliefs and not necessarily on a deep attachment. If you are single and draw the Knight of Swords in a love tarot reading, you may be forced to take a good look at what type of person you are attracted to. You may have to let go of your old ideas about what you deem attractive. Instead of focusing on looks or material security, it’s time to start appreciating someone for their mind.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Knight of Swords Understanding the Reversed Knight of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading When it comes to a love tarot reading, the reversed Knight of Swords can often indicate delays or departures. In some cases, a reversed Knight of Swords can refer to the ending of a relationship or romantic tie. This can often happen quite quickly and can leave you feeling completely caught off guard. It can represents an individual or partner that may only be in a relationship for the challenge. They may lack sensitivity towards your feelings and will feel little remorse for the havoc their own words or actions may cause you. If the reversed Knight of Swords does indeed represent a love partner or interest, it can suggest that although they are quick to defend their beliefs and values, their own rigidity can cause others to push them away. The reversed Knight of Swords need to vigilantly stand up for what he believes in can sometimes cause other people to get hurt in the process Knights of Swords are certainly prone to engage in fights or arguments. If you draw this knight in a love tarot reading, be prepared for some upcoming miscommunications or disagreements with your love interest. Be careful that you and your partner do not have any growing resentments. It’s best to get your concerns out in the open. The best approach is to remain neutral and diplomatic. You have a much better chance of getting your point across when things remain calm. More importantly, you and your partner must be willing to compromise. Be wary of bringing your work concerns home with you and certainly do not take your frustrations out on your love partner. Keep an eye on your own behavior and make sure you have a place to process your own feelings without taking them out on your partner.

Love Tarot and the Queen of Swords Understanding The Queen of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading In love tarot readings, the Queen of Swords often represents the woman who is not afraid to be alone. She is extremely intelligent and often uses her mind to solve all of her problems. The downside, however, is that the Queen of Swords can rely on her on intellect a little too much. She may have difficulty in expressing her emotions or honoring her own feelings. The Queen of Swords goes for the things that she wants. She can be aggressive and assertive and if she chooses the

wrong romantic partner, her forceful nature can turn them away. The Queen of Swords needs a powerful match, one that can equal her independence and fierceness. In some cases, when the Queen of Swords appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate emotional detachment, separation or the loss of a relationship. She often serves as an indicator that it may be time to be on your own as this might be a period in which personal growth is needed. More often than not, the Queen of Swords tarot card refers to the need to have a take charge attitude. It may be time to focus on your goals and sense of purpose in the world. If you are all reading in a committed relationship, the Queen of Swords tarot card can indicate issues that surround communication or the expression of one’s emotions. Usually those involved with a Queen of Swords feel a deep connection towards her as she can be a great source of support and encouragement. In love tarot readings, the Queen of Swords can indicate that you and your partner have some work to do. Communication is a key component in helping your relationship move through any difficulties. Make sure you take the time to discuss your feelings with your partner. More importantly, you may need to set some boundaries. Be sure you clearly define what your needs are. This will only help your partner better understand the areas in your relationship that may be troubling you. In a love tarot reading, the Queen of Swords can indicate a person that has been either divorced or widowed. They may have been on there own for quite a while. It’s important to recognize they may have become set in there ways. You need to make sure that you respect their approach to life. Forcing them to change on your behalf can prove to be disastrous. The best approach is to be direct, straightforward and compassionate. Give them the room to grow into the relationship and don’t push them. They will come around in their own time.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Queen of Swords Understanding the Reversed Queen of Swords in a Love Tarot Reading When you draw a reversed Queen of Swords in a love tarot reading, it often suggests that your own self-sufficiency may be hampering your love life. There is a good chance that your old relationships have left you feeling a bit cynical or reluctant to allow yourself to get vulnerable with a new love partner. Of course, this may also be true of your partner as well. Although it is always wise to keep your independence while in a relationship with someone else, too much independence can hamper intimacy and closeness. You or your partner may be experiencing a good deal of fear about getting too close. As a consequence, there may be emotional barriers or reluctance to truly let someone get to know you. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Queen of Swords encourages you to get back in touch with your own emotions. This would be the time to do some soul searching. You may need to ask yourself how your past has influenced who you are today. If you find yourself feeling bitter or unsatisfied with life, you may need to reconcile your past experiences. The reversed Queen of Swords can indicate that you have locked yourself away from feeling your own feelings. You may feel as though life is something to be endured and not enjoyed. In order to bring a fruitful and rewarding relationship into your life, you may have to listen to your heart more and not rely solely on your intellect. In some love tarot readings, the reversed Queen of Swords can represent another female influence. In this case, she may be vindictive or spiteful. She could also be prone to gossiping about you and/or your partner. Be careful that you are not allowing another female to manipulate you or your partner.

Love Tarot and the King of Swords Understanding the King of Swords in Love Tarot Readings In love tarot readings, the King of Swords often represents an individual that is ruled by his intellect. He is extremely intelligent and can be overly ambitious. His tends to be very analytical and enjoys challenging his mind. He has a love for knowledge and people often turn to him for his counsel. In some cases, he can represent the wise teacher. He is the ultimate truth seeker and has the unique ability to see things for what they really are. His rational thought process enables him to remain calm and in control. He tends to avoid disclosing his emotions and prefers to communicate by rationalizing the current challenges or obstacles that he has been faced with. In love tarot readings, the King of Swords can indicate a partner that is career driven and overly consumed with his work. He can also represent a relationship that lacks emotional connectedness as the King of Swords tends to suppress his own emotions. The King of Swords can be assertive and domineering. It’s important that you identify your boundaries. If you fail to do so, the King of Swords can use his intellect to control the relationship. If the King of Swords represents you in a tarot reading, than you might have reconnect with your own true emotions. Your own rational mind may be prohibiting you from getting intimate with your love partner. If you are involved with a King of Swords, don’t expect a romantic partnership. You can, however, develop a healthy relationship by finding a mutual respect for each other. If you share the same dreams and aspirations there is a good chance you can make the relationship work. It takes a great deal of strength to be with the King of Swords. You need to be flexible and let go of any romantic fantasies. The King of Swords is not over-sentimental. What you see is what you get. If you are single and draw the King of Swords tarot card in your love tarot readings, you may meet an individual that is free thinking, very analytical and very philosophical. In the romance department you may find that is very difficult to

discern how this person’s feels for you. You are better off just asking them. The good news is that underneath the surface, the King of Swords is a passionate person. Give him a cause and he will never let you down.

Love Tarot and the Ace of Pentacles

Understanding the Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the Ace of Pentacles tarot card can often be a sign that a new relationship is sure to come. Like all Aces, the Ace of Pentacles can indicate new beginnings. What makes the Ace of Pentacles so special, however, is that it is the card of opportunity. When it comes to love, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that you should get ready to take some chances as luck is surely on your side. In love tarot readings, the Ace of Pentacles urges you to put yourself out there. If you find yourself invited to an event, this would be the time to go. If you are attracted to someone, you just may want to let them know. If you have just embarked on a new relationship, this can be a period of steady growth and, for those of you who are in a steady relationship, you can expect your connection to your partner to deepen or even be taken to new levels. When it comes to love, The Ace of Pentacles can represent relationships that are based in shared values and similar ideals. The Ace of Pentacles can also represent material comforts and achievements. Relationships that fall under its influence often represent those that come with some degree of financial security. Because the Ace of Pentacles is associated with abundance in general, it can represent a successful and long lasting relationship. The Ace of Pentacles is also associated to practicality and stability. When embarking on a new relationship it would be wise to keep your head out of the clouds and consider if your relationship has a solid enough foundation to support future growth. If you feel the relationship is moving too quickly, it might be wise to get to know each other a little better. Taking the time to get to know your partner will help your relationship later on. In some cases, the Ace of Pentacles can also refer to friendships that blossom into romantic relationships.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ace of Pentacles Understanding the reversed Ace of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Ace of Pentacles suggests that you may be failing to put yourself out there. Sitting back and waiting for things to come to you won’t necessarily set your love life on fire. You just might miss out on the perfect relationship. Don’t take people for granted. You never know who can introduce you to your perfect match. If you’re drawn to people based on their income, you may be limiting yourself to finding your ideal match. Make sure you give ample opportunity to those who are genuinely nice people. If financial security is an issue for you, you need to become responsible for your own well-being. Looking for someone that has a big pocket book has its benefits, but it also has its limitations. You can be choosing the wrong romantic partners for yourself.

You also need to become aware of how much time you are putting in towards your own financial goals. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Ace of pentacles can indicate that you are spending too much time on the job and not putting enough time into your love life. You need to make sure you are balancing your life and including things that bring you happiness on a personal level. If you are in a relationship and draw the Ace of Pentacles tarot card in a love tarot reading, it could indicate that there may be issues surrounding money that are affecting your relationship. It’s important to reconnect with your partner without worrying or discussing your current money challenges. Try to find some time with your partner that is stress free. When you do have to deal with your current money issues do it in an environment that encourages open communication. The Ace of Pentacles typically indicates that although you may be experiencing some financial difficulties, it should turn around in the near future.

Love Tarot and the Two of Pentacles

Understanding the Two of Pentacles tarot card in a love tarot reading.

The Two of Pentacles is a fascinating card in love tarot readings. This is largely due to its implications. For the single person, the Two of Pentacles can represent two love interests. In fact, there may be a situation in which you will find yourself dating more than one person. When this is the case, the Two of Pentacles can refer to juggling more than one romantic partner. Traditionally, the Two of Pentacles tarot card represents the need to slow down and reflect. You may be feeling as though you are juggling too many things or that you are being faced with a number of demands or challenges. The same can be said for one’s love life. When it comes to love tarot, the Two of Pentacles is urging you to hold back your impulses and take time to consider your options. You must not become overly consumed with your personal needs. Being overly focused on your love life can leave you off balance. It’s important to make sure you are not overloading yourself to please others. If you are in a relationship, the Two of Pentacles reminds you that every relationship requires some give and take. If you are consumed by work or other activities, you need to remember to take time for your love life. If you partner has been demanding more attention, you need to determine what you are capable of giving and let your partner know in the most loving way possible. In some cases, the Two of Pentacles can warrant periods of transition or change. Trying to stop the inevitable can be overwhelming and disappointing. If your relationship seems to be shifting, you need to let go of controlling the outcome. This would be the time to go with the flow. However, do not lose touch with what you desire in a relationship. Just be practical and allow the relationship the freedom to adapt when necessary.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Two of Pentacles Card

Understanding the Reversed Two of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to a Love tarot reading, the Two of Pentacles suggest that you simply just may have too much on your plate. Your daily challenges are taking a toll and you need to remember to balance your life. You may be confronted with a number of challenges that are keeping you busy, overwhelmed, or overly anxious. If you are in a relationship, you need to make sure that your frantic schedule isn’t sabotaging your relationship. You may find yourself pulled in too many directions and are failing to give attention to your own love life. In some cases, the reversed Two of Pentacles tarot card can indicate that you are literally being pulled in two directions. In a love tarot reading, you may find that you are torn between two different romantic love interests. Unfortunately, this may cause you more problems. The best course would be to slow down and let your love life unfold naturally. Trying to force a decision may cause you further anxiety. If you can’t seem to make an appropriate decision, it may be best to do nothing until you once again find inner balance and harmony. There may also be a number of love complications that you are currently facing. In some cases, you simply may be forced to make a decision that you have been unable to deal with. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Two of Pentacles can indicate that you may have to let something go. If you are in a romantic relationship that is causing you tremendous amounts of difficulty, you may have to let it go, even if it is only temporary. This is particularly true if your relationship is leaving you feeling irritable, upset and discontent. Finally, in some love tarot readings, a reversed Two of Pentacles can indicate a person that is two faced, unreliable or frequently changes their mind.

Love Tarot and the Three of Pentacles

Understanding the Three of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

The Three of Pentacles tarot card is most often associated with careers and creativity. However, in love tarot readings, the Three of Pentacles often refers to the need for teamwork, cooperation, and growth. For those in romantic relationships, expect a period of movement. This is the time for you and your partner to agree to work on your relationship. Through your joint efforts your relationship has the potential to mature and expand in an entirely new direction. Because the pentacles are associated to things that are practical and concrete, this would be the time to start thinking about you and your partners future. If both of you feel secure with your careers and personal finances, you may want to consider what your expectations are. In love tarot readings the Three of Pentacles suggests that this is the time for you and your partner to plan and work as a team to meet your goals. If you have been thinking about living together, buying a new home, or changing residence, this would be the time to do it.

When it comes to Love tarot readings, however, there is also a warning not to place too much emphasis on your career. Balance may be needed. Be careful not to alienate your partner by neglecting there needs or being too unavailable. Your relationship may require just as much attention as your job does. Be careful not to take your partner for granted. If you are currently single, your career may be taking the spotlight. Remember to take time for yourself. If it’s love you are seeking, remain practical. Be diligent. You may need to apply more time socializing and putting yourself out there. Remain open to invitations from friends or colleagues. Love is in the air. Make sure you put yourself in a position where a mate will have the opportunity to meet you. You will certainly be appreciated for who you are.

Love Tarot and The Reversed Three of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed three of Pentacles in a Love tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Reversed Three of Pentacles often signifies that you simply may not be opening yourself up to new love opportunities. Sitting back and waiting for love to come to you won’t necessarily lead you to love. Become willing to put yourself out there. Take advantage of any invitation you may receive for any upcoming events or social activities. On the other hand, you also need to be aware of any new love opportunities that come to you on the work place. You need to be careful on embarking on any new relationships with a supervisor or employer. A conflict of interest may arise or you can suddenly find yourself in a compromising or uncomfortable position. Try to avoid any type of triangulation within your relationships. If you have children, this could lead to unwanted conflict within your own home. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Three of Pentacles tarot card can also indicate that you are allowing your relationship to consume you. Happy relationships require a balance. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and not overly focusing on your romantic partner. Remember that you do not need a relationship to make you feel whole. If you are single, this attitude can help you prevent choosing the right partner. Acting out of desperation for a relationship can certainly cause you to make poor decisions. In some cases, a reversed Three of Pentacles can indicate that financial concerns or money issues could be affecting your current relationship. Added financial stress or pressure can be causing stress between you and your partner. You need to make sure that your money issues aren’t the primary focus in your relationship. Make sure to take the needed space and time to once again connect to your partner in an atmosphere that encourages intimacy and closeness. Finally, when the reversed Three of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate an overall feeling of apathy in your current relationship or love interest. You may feel bored or unsatisfied. This would not be the time to necessarily end your relationship. These feelings are likely to pass in time. The best approach under these circumstances is to see what unfolds and perhaps give your relationship a little more attention before you jump ship.

Love Tarot and the Four of Pentacles

Understanding the Four of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading.

In love tarot readings, the Four of Pentacles tarot card suggests that you may be holding on to your relationships too tightly. Your need for security may be sabotaging your ability to stay true to your needs and feelings. If you have yet to deal with old wounds of the past, such as issues of abandonment or loss, your fear may be causing you to stay in circumstances that are not in your best interest. If you are career motivated, the Four of Pentacles can suggest that you have been overly focused on your career and may not be paying attention to your emotional affairs and well-being. If you are also involved in a relationship, be careful that you are not neglecting your partner due to your financial ambitions. Your ambition for financial success could be hampering your love life all together. In a love tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles tarot card can remind you to follow the path of your heart and not the path of your pocketbook. However, there certainly is nothing wrong with desiring financial stability. It’s when your desires for financial security out weight your emotional needs that things can really get out of balance. The Four of Pentacles may thus indicate that there is an underlying insecurity about money or achievement that has yet to be fully processed or acknowledged. In some cases, particular in love readings, the Four of Pentacles can indicate a fear of rejection. For those whom are single, this would be a good time to consider if your own fears are prohibiting you from putting yourself out there. For those in a relationship, perhaps you are staying in a relationship because you feel as though no one will love you or you are unworthy. In either case, it’s time to worry less about your issues of security and start to discover what your true emotional needs are. Sometimes it’s as simple as building self-confidence and finally believing you’re worthy and deserve a loving relationship in your life.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Four of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Four of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When the reversed Four of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it typically indicates issue with security. Of course, this can relate either to material security or can refer to one’s feelings about themselves or their relationship. In either case, there tends to be concerns that relate to how one feels within their relationship or how a relationship can serve as a means to an end. In other words, a reversed Four of Pentacles can indicate a person that is looking for a financially stable partner that has the ability to provide financial support. There is nothing wrong with desiring a partner that has financial resources. However, there are certain times when a reversed Four of Pentacles can indicate that the need to find a “rich” partner is outweighing the desire to find a fulfilling or compatible relationship. In a love tarot reading, this often comes up when there are already

pressing financial issues for the person seeking out material gain through a relationship. Unfortunately, this can often lead to people making very poor choices. As a result, certain love tarot readings that feature a reversed Four of Pentacles suggests that a relationship that is based on financial gain can turn into a very dissatisfying experience to say the least. In many cases, relationship based on financial arrangements often struggle with issues of power and control. Typically, the person with the financial resource proves to be domineering or can have very high expectations. In some cases, a reversed Four of Pentacles tarot card can refer to selfish or greedy behavior. There may be a reluctance to share oneself with another or one’s own desires for security is influencing a romantic relationship negatively. On another level, there simply may be an issue of holding on to one’s relationship too tightly out of either fear or jealousy. In a love tarot reading, the Four of Pentacles tarot card often calls for the need to give of oneself without any expectations. If you are in a relationship you want to keep, the best course is to simply let your partner be who they are without enforcing any rigid rules or ideas.

Love Tarot and the Five of Pentacles

Understanding the Five of Pentacles in Love Tarot Readings

Traditionally, the Five of Pentacles can suggest feelings of loneliness, loss or abandonment. It can also refer to financial setbacks, difficulties or unemployment. When it appears in a tarot reading, it can be an indicator that your current predicament, being either financial or emotional, is causing you to feel insecure and afraid. In the most extreme cases, a Five of Pentacles can suggest that your current circumstances are in crisis and you may feel completely overwhelmed or emotionally devastated. In love tarot readings, the Five of Pentacles often suggests that your relationship may be struggling to maintain the status quo. You may feel as though you and your partner are functioning on two separate planes of reality. Your lack of communication or connection may make you feel abandoned and alone. If you have come to a point where you feel your relationship isn’t going to work out, it’s important to know that your current feelings will pass and that there still is the possibility to work things out if you and your partner put your mind to it. When the Five of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it often stresses the strain put on a relationship by outside circumstances such as finances and money or issues with children or places of employment. You and your partner may have different perspectives on the situations at hand. It’s important not too become too selfrighteous in your own opinions as this could further put a wedge between the two of you. The goal is for you and your partner to meet each other half-way and find strength in your togetherness and companionship.

If you are single, you may feel as though you never will meet the right guy or girl. Those you do seem to meet do not feel as though they are a fit nor are they able to offer you the type of relationship you seek. Know that these feelings and circumstances will pass. If you are being plagued by negativity or low-self-esteem, it may be time to seek out someone to talk to that can help you sort through your current situation. When it comes to love tarot readings, the Five of Pentacles tarot card is not always a bad card. Often times, the Five of Pentacles can represent a relationship that has the qualities to survive through any circumstance, both negative and positive. Although things may now appear difficult, the love that binds your relationships together will see you through it.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Five of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Five of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to a love tarot reading, the reversed Five of Pentacles can have two implications: one positive and one negative. In a positive tarot reading, a reversed Five of Pentacles can indicate that your relationship struggles may be coming to an end. Any difficulties that were putting pressure on your love life will see improvement. This is particularly true for those who have been struggling with any type of financial challenges. If money issues have been affecting your relationship, you can expect your relationship to experience a period of increased vitality and momentum. This may be a period where you will feel a great deal of relief and you and your love interest can take advantage of this new found respite. In a more negative love tarot reading, the reversed Five of Pentacles can indicate that your immediate future will fail to see financial improvement. As a consequence, more strain will be put on your relationship. It can indicate that financial pressures can be emotionally draining you or your partner. You may feel as though your emotional needs are not getting met by your partner. The best course of action is to support your love interest through these difficult times. However, if there is a continually pattern of neglect, you may need to ask yourself if this relationship is really worth it. In some cases, your own fear can be negatively affecting your love life. In a love tarot reading, a reversed Five of Pentacles tarot card can indicate issues associated to stress and anxiety. You need to make sure you are not putting these fears into your relationships or love life in general. Fear can spill into all areas of our lives. It’s important to address what is actually triggering your fear and make sure you are appropriately dealing with it. If you are undergoing financial difficulties, you need to make sure you are not taking this out on your own love life. Try to stay in the present and know that change is inevitable. What is troubling you today doesn’t necessarily mean it will be troubling you tomorrow.

Love Tarot and the Six of Pentacles Understanding the Six of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, the Six of Pentacles Tarot card refers to added support from your romantic partner. If you have been planning to make a change in your life, your partner just may surprise by encouraging you to leap into action. Perhaps they will take over more financial responsibilities or take on more parental duties. What once seemed like a far reaching dream becomes a reality thanks to your partner’s willingness to help you. When it comes to intimacy, your relationship may reach new levels on understanding. Equilibrium and balance will further add to feelings of connectedness. If there have been troubles in your relationship, new forms of commitment and communication will encourage a mending of your issues. In love tarot readings, the Six of Pentacles also refers to a for give and take. This may be the time to assess whether you are getting your needs met as well as becoming accountable for meeting your partner’s needs. This may be a period which requires both you and your partner to sacrifice more of yourselves for the better of the relationship. This, ultimately, will improve your relationship and certainly help you feel as though you are equally supported. It’s important to note, the Six of Pentacles is a card of financial support and prosperity. You may find yourself involved in a very profitable venture. If you have been plagued by loan and debt, perhaps a family member will give you a hand. When it comes to love, and you are single, you just might meet an individual who has the ability to create financial success. You may also meet someone new by involving yourself in charities or non-profit organizations. People with financial security are often depicted by the suit of pentacles, and in love tarot readings, this six can certainly indicate a partnership that is financially stable.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Six of Pentacles

Understanding the Reversed Six of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When it comes to tarot reading, a reversed six of pentacles often pertains to issues with over spending or a lack of accountability with your finances. In a love tarot reading, however, a reversed Six of Pentacles can indicate that someone may be taking advantage of your generosity or kindness. You need to be aware of potential love interests that are only looking to gratify their own needs. In some cases, you may simply be unable to distinguish your partner’s true intentions or motives. Of course, the same can be true of you. You may be overly focused on trying to get your own needs met and are failing to make yourself available to a particular love interest. If you are only out to gratify your own desires, you need to make sure you are being completely honest. In other cases, when a reversed Six of Pentacles appears in love tarot readings, it could indicate that your feelings are not being reciprocated. There could also be major conflicts of interests, particular when it comes to your own belief system or moral values. This could potentially lead to a relationship in which you and your partner are unable to meet each others expectations. If this is not addressed at some point, you may feel let down or unacknowledged. Your partner simply may be unable to live up to your standards or is simply too selfcentered and self-motivated to offer you any genuine support. Even when the reversed Six of Pentacles tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, there can be financial considerations. Perhaps there is a great deal of financial stress right now and it is taking its toll on your relationship. You or your partner could be struggling with meeting your financial obligations and are therefore unable to dedicate the time needed for your relationship. Feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence may be prohibiting you from giving your love life all the attention it may need. Your vulnerability and sensitivity may be affecting how you are relating to a potential love interest.

Love Tarot and the Seven of Pentacles Understanding the Seven of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

In love tarot, the Seven of Pentacles indicates that your efforts are finally producing some results. Things may appear to be moving slowly, but you have made more ground than you are aware of. Your relationship may slowly be moving towards a deeper commitment. However, things may not be meeting up to all your expectations. This is the time to truly evaluate your romantic endeavors and determine if they are capable of meeting your emotional needs. If you are single, you just may begin a new relationship that will blossom out of a friendship. If you recently have begun a new relationship, it has the potential to turn into something deeper or more serious. If you haven’t met anyone special, try not to become too discouraged. Your efforts will eventually pay off. You need to continue to put yourself out there and become willing to explore all your possibilities. This includes dating people that you may not necessarily think are the perfect fit for you. You could be pleasantly surprised. If you have been in a relationship that has been struggling, it may suddenly take on new direction and things can dramatically improve. More importantly, this may not the time to give up on your relationship. Your partner may require the freedom to come to terms with how much your relationship means to them. However, if you feel that is absolutely no future, you may want to look at whether you are willing to hang in there for the long run. In love tarot readings, the Seven of Pentacles can indicate new directions or opportunities. If you feel you need to move on, than you may want to consider this. If there is no future for your relationship, cut your losses and start again. Your love endeavors will ultimately prove to be successful.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Seven of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Seven of Pentacles in Love Tarot Readings

In love tarot readings, the reversed Seven of Pentacles encourages you to not lose faith. Although your current love situation may not be living up to your expectations, don’t give up just yet. Feelings of insecurity or uncertainty may be preventing you from allowing a romantic relationship to unfold in its own natural course. Your impatience may be putting unnecessary stress on a new relationship. Things are not as bad as they appear. Try not to make any rash decisions right now as they can prove to be unfavorable. Of course, this is not the time to take any unnecessary risks right now. When the reversed Seven of Pentacles appears in love tarot readings, it can suggest that you don’t give your heart away just yet. In order for a relationship to grow, you need to make sure there is a strong foundation.

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card typically indicates that your endeavors will grow slowly over time. In its reversed position in a love tarot reading, it can serve as a warning that you may putting too much focus on a relationship that has yet to have developed a strong foundation. On an emotional level, you need to remember to stay balanced and centered. Remember to take care of your own needs. If you are already in a committed relationship and draw the reversed Seven of Pentacles in a love tarot reading, it can indicate feelings of frustration and disappointment. Perhaps you are feeling unappreciated or taken advantage of. In some cases, the reversed Seven of Pentacles can indicate that financial issues are causing friction within your relationship. There may be issues with determining which responsibilities belong to each partner. Promises or certain agreements may get broken. This would be the time for you and your partner to lower your expectations of each other. Creating feelings of a team effort can help you tackle your current challenges and responsibilities.

Love Tarot and the Eight of Pentacles Understanding the Eight of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

Traditionally, the tarot card meanings of the Eight of Pentacles can often refer to new opportunities that will require a period of learning. The Eight of Pentacles tarot card is considered to be the “apprentice” card, meaning that there is a great opportunity to further develop a particular skill or particular talent. It can also refer to going back to school or enriching one’s educational. When this card appears in a Tarot spread, it can signify important learning opportunities such as going back to school, starting a new job or getting a promotion that can be both challenging and rewarding. In a love tarot reading, however, the Eight of Pentacles can take on a slightly different meaning. The important thing to remember when it comes to love relationships is that there is always something to learn. Not only are we learning more about those we love, but we continue to learn more about ourselves whenever we participate in intimate relationships. The Eight of Pentacles can serve as a reminder that you have not yet reached the pinnacle of all knowing. In other words, the relationship you are in has something to teach you. The best approach is to remain teachable and allow your relationship to reveal to you who you are, what you need, and how your expectations could be affecting your significant other. If you are single, there is a good chance that you just may meet a new love interest in the near future. For those of you beginning a new relationship, the future is full of possibility. This relationship has the potential to create a deep connection and attachment. In a love tarot reading, the Eight of Pentacles can indicate new passages such as an engagement, marriage proposal and even news of a pregnancy. Finally, the Eight of Pentacles can refer to couples who will also experience a new phase in their relationship such as one partner going back to school or taking a new job. When this is the case, it’s important to be diligent in your efforts to remain supportive. New responsibilities can put added strain on a relationship. However, because the eight of Pentacles refers to learning, this is exactly what will happen. Over time the added responsibilities won’t be as challenging

Love Tarot and the Reversed Eight of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Eight of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When the reversed Eight of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it often indicates that things need to develop slowly rather than being rushed. If you are currently embarking on a new relationship, the Eight of Pentacles tarot card reminds you to take it slow. You are on the right path. However things may not come to fruition as quickly as you want. Be careful that you don’t force or pressure your relationship into something it’s not ready for. If you are already in a committed relationship and draw the reversed Eight of Pentacles in a tarot spread, it can refer to overall feelings of apathy or dissatisfaction. There may be areas in your relationship that require work and effort. Sitting back and waiting for things to change won’t serve you. You need to get into action and look for new solutions to help energize your relationship and open up new communication. If there has been an unwillingness to address your relationship issues, your relationship will continue to slowly decline. In some cases, when the Eight of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it can indicate that you have developed on over-dependence on someone. If you are expecting your partner to do all the work, you may find yourself disappointed. Be careful that you are not using your relationship as a source of security. This is particularly true in the finance department. If you have wanted to further your career or education, this would be

the time to get your focus back. The more you become willing to work on yourself, the more your relationship will improve. Finally, a reversed Eight of Pentacles can indicate a romantic partner that is failing to see all that their love interest is worth. Too much Judgment or criticism can be taking its toll on the relationship. If you find yourself tied to a person that is constantly putting you down, you may have to set some clear boundaries or ask yourself if the relationship is really worth it.

Love Tarot and the Nine of Pentacles Understanding the Nine of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love Tarot reading, the Nine of Pentacles often indicates a period of security and well-being. Its appearance can refer to a life full of abundance and material prosperity. Whether you are in a relationship or not, your achievements have earned you comfort. Your home is a sanctuary and you take great pleasure in staying home and enjoying your surroundings. The Nine of Pentacles Tarot card is a card of independence. Any issues of co-dependency or unhealthy attachments have been replaced with a new appreciation for who you are, both in and out of romantic relationships. You enjoy the company of the opposite sex however you are not dependent upon them to make you feel whole. You enjoy your time alone as much as you enjoy your time with friends and romantic interests. Traditionally, the Nine of Pentacles refers to material success and achievement. When it comes to love Tarot readings, however, this Nine often denotes new levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. If you are single, this is a great time to let yourself shine. When dating, allow yourself to express who you really are. Inherently you know you are good enough and it is only a matter of time before you attract someone who can really appreciate who you are. If you prefer to remain single for a while, take this as an opportunity to spend time doing things you love. If the arts or the outdoors are strong interests for you, take this as an opportunity to connect to your passions. For those of you in a committed relationship, the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card can indicate a mature and loving relationship. You are now at a point in your relationship where you can enjoy all the things you have worked so hard for. Financial and emotional abundance flourishes between you and your partner. If you have thought of living together or even possibly purchasing a home together, the Nine of Pentacles is often a sign that things will work out to your benefit. In a love Tarot reading, the Nine of Pentacles can often indicate the couple who makes a secure and comfortable home for themselves. Cooking, gardening, and making home improvements often coincide with its appearance in a Tarot spread.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Nine of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Nine of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading In a love tarot reading, the reversed Nine of Pentacles often suggests that you may be experiencing feelings of isolation or loneliness. Your need to be independent and self-reliant may be overly excessive. In love matters, you may need to allow yourself to become more open to new love experiences. This may mean that you need to work on becoming more vulnerable with others. If you have a new love interest, you may need to communicate your true feelings to him or her. Playing it cool or pretending that you don’t really care about someone won’t necessarily serve you in love. In some cases, a reversed Nine of Pentacles can refer to over-dependence. In a love tarot reading, the reversed Nine of Pentacles can sometimes suggest that you may be in a co-dependent relationship or are excessively relying on your love partner of relationship to meet all of your emotional needs. This is the time to once again put some of the focus back on yourself. Use this as an opportunity to explore the areas of your life that may need to be balanced. Too much emphasis on your relationship may be causing you to neglect other parts of your life. The reversed Nine of Pentacles tarot card can also indicate that you may be overly concerned with how others view your relationship. You may be focusing on how others perceive the social status or financial position of you and your partner. Unfortunately, when you remain fixated on how you look to others, you can sometimes miss important issues that may be occurring between you and your partner. Your relationship may be lacking in intimacy or a sense of connectedness. Take the time to communicate with your partner. You may need to get honest with each other. Honesty, of course, is one of the most intimate things you can experience in a love relationship.

Love Tarot and the Ten of Pentacles Understanding the Ten Of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Ten of Pentacles refers to relationships that are based upon a deep spiritual connection and principals. The Ten of Pentacles can indicate a love relationship that has strong foundations and can provide a great deal of security, both emotionally and materially. Because the Ten of Pentacles is associated to material abundance, in a love tarot reading it denotes an abundance of love, tenderness, and affection. This is the type of relationship that is rich in mutual care and sensitivity. The Ten of Pentacles can also reference one’s family or any issue that relates to one’s family. When it appears in a tarot spread and the focus is on love, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate the start of a new family, childbirth or pregnancy. It can also indicate new family homes, family vacations, and even family money. A love tarot reading, under its influence, suggests that your relationship is rock solid and promises good fortune. It can also refer to relationships that have strong shared values and ethics. If you are newly engaged or married, strong family support will help you lay down important roots for you and your partner’s future. If you are single and pull the Ten of Pentacles in a love tarot reading, it’s likely that you may meet a new partner when you attend an event or go out with friends. The work environment can also lead to new encounters. Be open to attending office parties, business meeting or going on business trips. There is also a chance that whomever you meet will be financially secure. They also will likely have strong values or morals and be open to marriage in the future. In a reversed position, the Ten of Pentacles can refer to a fear of the unknown or lack of security within one’s self. When the Ten of Pentacles tarot card appears reversed in a love tarot reading, know that these feelings may not be based in reality. You may need to work on your own level of self-confidence and independence prior to getting involved with a lasting relationship. Know that this is only temporary. Regardless of its position, the Ten of Pentacles reminds you that you truly can have it all. You just may need to do a little work to get there.

Love Tarot and the Reversed Ten of Pentacles Understanding the Reversed Ten of Pentacles In a Love Tarot Reading

When the reversed ten of Pentacles appears in a love tarot reading, it often refers to security issues. You need to be aware of your own level of dependency. You may feel overly dependent upon your partner which may be adding pressure to your relationship. This would be the time to once again put the focus back on yourself and begin to work on your own personal needs instead of depending on your partner to be the primary source of your emotional security. On the other hand, the reversed Ten of Pentacles tarot card can indicate that you or your partner may be having some difficulty in allowing yourself to become vulnerable to becoming attached. Fear of intimacy or closeness can be putting up a wall and prohibiting your relationship from moving forward. If you are overly concerned with your partner’s social status or material security, you could be missing out on experiencing the true qualities of love such as tolerance, patience and compassion. Financial security does not necessarily make a meaningful relationship. You may have to adjust your ideals or concepts about love and relationships. In some cases, a reversed Ten of Pentacles can indicate issues within your family. In a love tarot reading, there could be family discord or conflicts. You and your partner may be struggling with your own ideas about family and parenthood. There may be an excessive amount of worry or concern about a family member or your romantic partner in general. Be careful not to be too greedy with your emotions. You may need to work on be more giving in your relationship. You or your partner may feel as though you are be taken advantage of. Acts of kindness will go a long way. Be sure you let your partner or love interest know how you really feel about them.

Love Tarot and the Page of Pentacles Understanding the Page of Pentacles in Love Tarot Readings In love tarot readings, the Page of Pentacles can represent a youthful, practical and trustworthy individual. He can be an idealist and tends to be inexperienced. He has strong values and is very down to earth. He can be quite ambitious and is willing to put the time into any endeavors he wishes to succeed at. He makes a responsible partner and remains very loyal to those he loves. The Page of Pentacles is a devoted partner and tends to prefer long term relationships. He can have some difficulty committing in the beginning, but once he develops feelings for someone he is very steadfast.

The Page of Pentacles spends much of his time setting the foundation for his future. He can take life very seriously, but can have a very good sense of humor. In love tarot readings, the Page of Pentacles can indicate that you just may meet a self-assured and focused individual. There is a strong chance that you could meet this person in a community or work environment. They may not dazzle you initially, but over time you will see their potential and grow fond of their endearing qualities. Don’t expect a steamy affair. The Page of Pentacles can require some patience. He’s not impulsive and tends to look at things from a very realistic perspective. If the Page of Pentacles represents a situation in a love tarot reading, than this may be sign not to act too impulsively. It’s also important to identify if there is too much focus on your work and career. If you are in a committed relationship make sure your relationship is getting the attention it deserves. You may need to take a break from your duties and have a little fun. Be careful that you are not overly engrossed in your material security. You may fail to see a new love interest that may be showing interest in you. When the Page of Pentacles appears in a tarot spread, there is typically some type of new opportunity. In love tarot readings, there may be the opportunity to meet a new person whom offers a new level of stability and security. You may also get important news that pertains to your career or employment. In either case, you are starting to build a solid foundation for your future. Remember to pay attention to your love life.

Love Tarot and the Knight of Pentacles Understanding the Knight of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Readings When it comes to love tarot, the Knight of Pentacles represents a hardworking, diligent and very practical individual. Unlike the other knights, the Knight of Pentacles prefers to be in a committed relationship. He is down to earth and prefers things to be even and steady. If you are looking for that long term relationship, the Knight of Pentacles may be your person. However, don’t expect a great deal of excitement or adventure. The Knight of Pentacles enjoys maintaining the status quo. He is goal oriented and will not give up until he achieves his purpose. If you are searching for a quick and fast paced romance, the Knight of Pentacles certainly won’t jump into anything too hastily. In contrast, the Knight of Pentacles likes to take things very slow. In love tarot readings, the Knight of Pentacles can represent a slow developing relationship. The good news, however, is that once the he makes a connection, he will be dedicated, faithful and most importantly, reliable. He is the type of person you can count on when you’re in a cinch. If you are already in a relationship, but have yet to get a proposal, don’t give up. Remember that the Knight of Pentacles moves slowly. In a love tarot reading, the Knight of Pentacles reminds you to be patient and let your partner develop the idea for himself. Pushing the issue will only cause conflict. The Knight of Pentacles represents the solid relationship, full of potential, but slow to mature. Know that you have chosen a partner that is a provider. If you’re looking for a sense of security in your love relationship, then you picked the right person. For those of you who are already in a relationship, The Knight of Pentacles tarot card represents the secure relationship. However, things may seem a little dull or you may feel as though it’s difficult to maintain a deep emotional connection to your partner. Unfortunately, the Knight of Pentacles can sometimes struggle with the expression of his emotions. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t care or love you. He would rather show his affections by taking care of you. There is nothing wrong with adding a little passion into the relationship. Just don’t expect any major surprises. Instead, enjoy what you partner has to offer. In love tarot, the Knight of Pentacles is a great lover, but tends to lack the excitement and enthusiasm of the other Knights.

Love Tarot and the Queen of Pentacles Understanding the Queen of Pentacles in Love Tarot Readings In love tarot readings, the Queen of Pentacles often represents a woman that is level headed, grounded and quite practical. Her home environment is important to her and she enjoys creating a home that reflects abundance and comfort. She is often associated to motherhood, fertility and the natural world. She flourishes both at home and at work and has the unique ability to balance the two perfectly. She can be ambitious and enjoys material success and security. She can also be charitable and giving, and believes in participating in humanitarian efforts. She tends to create nurturing and long lasting relationships. Family is very important to her. If you are single and pull the Queen of Pentacles in a love tarot reading, you may have the opportunity to meet a love interest through organizations or charitable events. This would be the time to start socializing. Go to art shows, fund raisers or any type of humanitarian event. It’s important to have an open mind and if it’s love you desire, than you need to put it out there. The Queen of Pentacles tarot card can indicate that you are now in the emotional space to attract a serious

love partner. If you feel any fear about meeting new people, let it go and be yourself. People will be drawn to your warmth and sincerity. Another important element to the Queen of Pentacles tarot card is the element of creativity. If you are single, think about new ways of meeting people. Get creative. Perhaps attending lectures, poetry readings or educational workshops could increase your chances of meeting someone new. One thing is for sure, however, the Queen of Pentacles prefers to be in a committed relationship. If she happens to represent you in a love tarot reading, fly by night affairs won’t work for you. If true love is what you’re really seeking, you need to respect your own values. Think of new ways of meeting quality eligible people. Get involved in your community or participate in charitable endeavors. For those of you who are already in a relationship, you may need to put some more attention into your relationship. In love tarot readings, the Queen of Pentacles can indicate a time of regeneration and growth. Make sure you five your partner the attention you they deserve. If you have been planning a romantic getaway, now we be the time to take it. However, don’t allow yourself to be overly consumed with your relationship. Sometimes taking some time apart can heat things up.

Love Tarot and the King of Pentacles Understanding the King of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading In a Love Tarot reading, the King of Pentacles represents and individual that has achieved a great deal. He is a natural born leader although he tends to be quite practical. He is tenacious and persistent and won’t give up until he has accomplished his goals. He is not a big risk taker and is very methodical in his approach to life. He is tends be emotionally stable, and makes a great family man. His primary concern is providing for his family. He is quite generous to those he loves and frequently makes the ideal love partner. If you are single and the King of Pentacles tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, you may meet someone that is financially successful and is looking for a life partner. Although he may not be very spontaneous or adventurous, the King of Pentacle is someone you can count on. His reliability makes him a very consistent and loyal partner. He can be very focused on his career, so you may have to encourage him to put a little more effort into the romance. However, he does enjoy feelings of connectedness and will happily comply so long as you don’t try to order him around. He is also quite protective, and will come to your aid in times of need. If you are embarking on a new relationship with a King of Pentacles, it may be slow moving. The King of Pentacles doesn’t like to jump into things too quickly. He prefers a long and steady courtship. It’s important for him to get to know you prior making a real commitment. For those of you in a relationship and pull the King of Pentacles in a love tarot reading, it may represent an individual that lacks the ability to express his feelings. Instead, he may offer you kind gestures and gifts as a way to show you how much he cares for you. The good news is, however, once the King of Pentacles decides to be with you, he will accept you just as you are. There is no need to try to win his approval. It won’t do you any good. The King of Pentacles appreciates those who are comfortable with being themselves. He really doesn’t have the fortitude to put on a show. What you see is what you get and he prefers to really get to know someone for exactly who they are.

Page of Pentacles Tarot Card

Tarot card Meanings: Understanding the Page of Pentacles in a Tarot Reading

The Page of Pentacles in a quiet, determined and goal-oriented person. He is thoughtful and cautious. He is meticulous in the planning and execution of his ideas. He takes the necessary steps to actualize his goals. He pays attention to detail and is well organized. The Page of Pentacles often represents the beginning of new endeavors or relationships. As with the other pages, these new beginnings need to be nurtured in order to flourish. These are the seeds of growth. The appearance of this card in a tarot reading often indicates a job offer, promotion, new love interest, or any new opportunity that can manifest on the physical plane. The Page of Pentacle may indicate a student or education. Upright Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In an upright position, the Page of Pentacles often refers to one’s ideas that are beginning to take on a solid form. Your enthusiasm and dedication to your goals will bring you success. You may be offered a new job or you may receive an invitation to participate in an exciting business venture. It’s important to do your research on new projects. Be willing to further your skills and knowledge. You may feel as though things are moving too slowly. Do not give up. Progress will be steady and your ideas are sure to materialize. The Page of pentacles can also refer to communication. There is a chance that you will receive news regarding your endeavors or projects. You may receive financial support or an important investment. It’s important to pay close attention to details, particularly with signed contracts or agreements. You may hear from someone that you have been interested in. The Page of Pentacles can also refer to an engagement or proposal. In love Tarot readings, the Page of Pentacles urges you to strike a balance between work and love. Remember to make time for your partner. If you are single, this is a great time to put yourself out there. If you are inquiring about a potential mate, the Page of Pentacles indicates an introverted, inexperienced, and idealistic person. However, they are ambitious and driven. Their energy may be focused on their job or career endeavors. Steady Progress Job Promotion or new career opportunity Hard work will pay off Ideas take solid form An idealistic person Patience News or communication Pay attention to details

Reversed Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a reversed position, the Page of Pentacles tarot card meanings often refer to issues surrounding delays, bad news, and setbacks. You may have some difficulties getting a project of the ground. Be careful not to overlook important details, particularly when it comes to contracts and documents. Perhaps paperwork and red tape are causing a hindrance and a project can not move forward. Be sure that you take the time to do the necessary research. You may be confronted with an issue that requires you to take a few steps backwards. In some cases, a reversed Page of Pentacles indicates that you are focusing too much attention on details and failing to see the larger picture. On an emotional and spiritual level, the reversed Page of Pentacles can indicate too much emphasis on the material. You may be overly concerned with your finances and fail to appreciate the other aspects of your life. Remember not to over identify with your job or career. Finally, when the Page of Pentacles appears reversed in a tarot reading, it can indicate bad news. It may also indicate miscommunications.       

Delays and Setbacks Overlooking important details Red Tape Failing to see the big picture Over concern with finances Bad news Poor communication

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card

Tarot Card Meanings: Understanding the Knight of Pentacles in a Tarot Reading

The Knight of Pentacles, is by nature, a diligent worker. He is extremely practical and concerns himself with the details of his work. In fact, much of his self-esteem is dependent on his level of proficiency. His focus lies in his productivity. The personality to the Knight of Pentacles is uncomplicated. He bases his reality on what is tangible and concrete. He does not bother himself with unrealistic expectations. He is man that believes in the system of cause and effect. Although he may be considered conventional by some, he is incredibly industrious. Once he has a goal in mind, he will not quit until has achieved his objective. His tenacity mixed with his practicality

make him the ultimate problem solver. He is dependable and trustworthy making him an excellent friend or employee. He is a dependable lover and loyal friend. Upright Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading The Knight of Pentacles is a card of practicability. Unlike the Knights of other suits, the knight of Pentacles is serious, hardworking and committed. He characterizes fidelity, responsibility and determination. Associations depicted by this card often materialize slowly. You can expect things to develop over extended periods of time. The Knight of Pentacles represents patience and perseverance. In a tarot reading, the Knight of Pentacles reminds you not to deviate from your goals. Know that in time, they will materialize. In financial matters, the Knight of Pentacles often indicates the success of an enterprise that you have been working on. The growth of a project may be slow and steady. Money may suddenly come in from unexpected resources. If you are concerned about property or real estate matters, the outcome will be in your best interest. Your dedication to your job ensures financial security. In some cases, the Knight of Pentacles can indicate travel that is associated with one’s job or finances. In Love Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles represents the committed partner. He prefers the long-term relationship and tends to seek partners that are faithful and dedicated. If you have inquired about a new person entering your life, the Knight of Pentacles represents the potential for a serious relationship.       

A Responsible and dependable person Slow and steady growth New forms of income Prosperity Conventionality Business and property matters A long term relationship

Reversed Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a reversed position, the Knight of Pentacles can indicate the onset of an unexpected situation. You may experience some delays in reference to a project that you have been working on. You may find yourself confronted with new obstacles that need to be overcome. In financial matters, the Knight of Pentacles can indicate issues that are affecting your financial insecurity. The Knight of Pentacles also can indicate a lack of inspiration or imagination. Too much emphasis on practicality is hindering your creativity. Perhaps you are being too conventional. You may need to think outside of the box. Be sure you remain diligent in your execution of things. In some cases, the Knight of Pentacles can indicate poor planning or irresponsibility. Finally, the reversed Knight of Pentacles Tarot card meanings may refer to feelings of depression or lethargy. You may feel unhappy at work. Perhaps you feel as though you are not being adequately compensated.     

Delays New obstacles Financial Insecurity Feeling Depressed or lethargic Carelessness and poor planning.

Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card

Tarot Card Meanings: Understanding the Queen of Pentacles in a Tarot Reading

The queen of pentacles is grounded to the earth. She is the ultimate symbol of mother earth. Able to multi-task, the Queen of Pentacles often represents the working mother. She is capable of earning money while not neglecting her children or home life. She is also very capable of handling financial issues. She thinks ahead and plans for her and her family’s security. She is a provider, focusing on the interest of her family. Her home environment is very important to her. She prefers a home full of comforts and modern amenities. Upright Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In an upright position, the Queen of Pentacles embodies the female mother archetype. She is associated to the earth which enables her to be grounded to the physical plane. She is often connected to maternity, fertility and nature. In work and at home, the Queen of Pentacles is level-headed and self-controlled. She truly is the queen of her own domain. The tarot card meanings of the Queen of Pentacles often refer to practicality and sensibility. She often is a sign of financial and material abundance. In work and financial matters, the Queen of Pentacles indicates the success of a business venture. She also represents solid foundations. One can expect security from one’s job or relationship. When embarking on any new venture, the Queen of Pentacles signifies the need for an even handed and realistic approach. Utilize your organizational skills and be patient. You can expect steady growth. In Love Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles can often symbolize a loving a nurturing relationship. If you are already in a relationship, this is a time for regeneration. You may need to nourish your relationship in order for it to flourish. Often the Queen of Pentacles refers to one’s creative endeavors. She is a card of manifestation and reminds you that you have the power to create a life of your choosing.      

Practical Financial Security Abundance Creativity Nurturing Maternity

Reversed Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a reversed position, the Queen of Pentacles can indicate an over emphasis on one’s outer appearances. You may have feelings of self-entitlement or dependency. You may be overly protective and are smothering those

closest to you. In a Tarot reading, The Queen of Pentacles can indicate issues with doubt and fear. Your own apprehension and worry is causing you to lose confidence in yourself. Progress has come to a standstill. In some cases, a reversed Queen of Pentacles warns one that they may be careless or irresponsible with money matters. Perhaps you are not using your best judgment when it comes to finances. The Queen of Pentacles serves as a warning for greedy behavior or over-indulgence. In Love Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles suggests that there may be control issues that are a product of feelings of envy or jealousy.      

Too much concern on appearances Financial irresponsibility Envy Controlling Over-indulgence Self-doubt and insecurity

King of Pentacles Tarot Card

Tarot Card Meanings: Understanding the King of Pentacles in a Tarot Reading

The King of Pentacles is a man of practicality. He is the type of man that accomplishes a great deal within the physical plane. In other words, he has the ability to manifest his ideas through dedication and determination. His achievements are the result of his perseverance and persistent efforts. He tends to have a conservative world view and avoids taking risks. The King of Pentacles is well organized and successful in business. Due to his stable nature, the King of Pentacles often has people emotionally dependent on him. He is a great provider, dedicated to his family and community. His parenting style is predictable, but consistent. Upright King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a tarot reading, the King of Pentacles typically represents stability. Your security is of utmost importance. Often, the King of Pentacles refers to matters of business. Your focus may involve your career and the organization of your finances. You may get a promotion or an increase in your salary. Perhaps you may find yourself in a new role of leadership. Anything that has to do with real-estate or property will flourish. A sensible and prudent attitude will bring you success. You may receive advice regarding financial matters. On a spiritual level, the King of Pentacles often refers to a need for a religious association. You may be more drawn to the world of tradition than that of unconventionality. You have a strong sense of right and wrong and it’s important to remember stay true to your value system. You may find spirituality through a connection to nature.

In Love Tarot, the King of Pentacles can represent a serious suitor. He or she may have a deep appreciation for family and marriage. Typically, they are dependable and down to earth. If you are a woman, the King of Pentacles can indicate a relationship with a worldly and wealthy man.      

Stability and reliability Sensibility Leadership Financial Security Achievement Wealth

Reversed King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a tarot reading, a reversed King of Pentacles warns one not to base their feelings of achievement and selfconfidence on their financial achievements. Money is not everything. In some cases, a reversed King of Pentacles can indicate over-indulgence and materialism. The King of Pentacles tarot card meanings can also refer to one’s conduct. You may need to temper your behavior. You can be prone to outburst that could cause others to feel uncomfortable, undervalued and disrespected. Finally, the King of Pentacles reversed can refer to unethical business dealings. In some tarot readings, a reversed King of Pentacles can refer to someone that is influencing your life. He may be dishonest, vulgar and inappropriate. He may have issues with his emotions and has a tendency to suppress his feelings.      

Over concern with money Over-indulgence Outbursts of anger Detachment from one’s feelings Greed and materialism Dishonest business dealings

King of Swords Tarot Card

Tarot Card Meanings: Tarot Reading and Understanding The King of Swords Tarot Card

The King of Swords is highly intelligent and ambitious. His analytic thinking enables him to be the ultimate strategist. He is often consumed by his work and has a love for knowledge. He tends to think abstractly and can distinguish truth from untruths. He has an attraction to idealism but may be inhibited by his rational thought processes. His temperament is calm, controlled and objective. He would prefer not to disclose his emotions for

fear that it may make him vulnerable. He is cautious and careful as he would like to maintain control and order. He is not always at ease in relationships. Although he can be attentive and charming, he can lose interest quickly. He refrains from giving his emotions too much power. This can at times make him feel defensive and distant. The King of Swords is consumed by his work. He can be prone to over identifying with his job. He is driven to succeed and will, at times, forfeit his relationships to further his career. He is cautious and careful. His analytical nature enables him to perceive situations from numerous angles. This makes him a valuable employee. He is fair and just, often supporting those he feels have been mistreated unfairly. Upright King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading The King of Swords tarot card meanings always refer to issues of truth, balance and impartial judgment. This is the time to utilize your skills of negotiation and acute observation. Your objectivity will serve you. There may be a situation in which a decision will be made. In this case, it will be fair and just. Your independent nature will provide you with new leadership opportunities. You may find yourself in a new situation that will require you to free yourself from old ideas and self-concepts. Be original and use your intellect to think outside of the box. This may also be a good time to seek advice from an expert. On another level, the King of Swords indicates that you may have difficultly getting in touch with your own feelings. You must take care that you do not neglect your emotions. You may be behaving in a manner that is aloof and distant. This may cause others to feel that you are being insensitive or ignoring their feelings. In a tarot reading, the King of Swords may refer to a fear of intimacy. Perhaps you are not allowing yourself to get close to others. This is a great time to review your relationships with prudence. Have you neglected those closest to you? Are you denying yourself intimate relationships?    

Truth and balance Objectivity A keen negotiator An aloof or distant male

Reversed King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in a Tarot Reading In a reversed position, the King of Swords can indicate that you have experienced some form of injustice. You may be treated unfairly or suffer from some form of discrimination. Use your analytical thinking to contest such issues. Being overly emotional will only agitate the situation. You may find yourself confronted by someone who is deceptive or trying to undermine you. There may be control and domination issues. In legal affairs, the King of Swords indicates a poor outcome. Be sure that you’re not using your power to manipulate or take advantage of others. You also need to review your methods of communication. Perhaps your words are hurting those close to you. In a tarot reading, the King of Swords sometimes refers to the need to be less cautious and impartial. You may need to give your own emotions the freedom to express themselves.    

An injustice A manipulative male Discrimination The need to express one’s emotions

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Love Tarot Meanings
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