Modern Construction Handbook

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~ SpringerWienNewYork

3 INTRODUCTI ON 4 MATERIALS Introduction to Second Edition 4


Taxonomy of material systems 8

Changes from the First Edition


Structure and envelope


Structure of this book


Digital tectonics


Parametric design




Trends in facade design


Generic wall types


Trends in roof design

200 202

Metal roofs Metal

( I) Metal standing seam


( I) Sheet metal


(2) Profiled metal sheet

2 10


(3) Composite panels


Tectonics in metal


(2) Profiled cladding



(3) Composite panels


(4) Rainscreens




(4) Rainscreens


(5) Metal louvres


Copper, zinc and lead


(5) Mesh screens


(6) Louvre screens

11 2

Tectonics in glass




Glass roofs ( I) Greenhouse glazing

Glass systems

11 6

and capped systems

( I) Stick systems


(2) Silicone-sealed glazing


Tectonics in concrete


(2) Unitised glazing


and roofiights




(3) Clamped glazing


(3) Bolt fixed glazing


(4) Bolt fixed glazing


(4) Bonded glass roofiights 238

Tectonics in masonry


(5) Glass blocks and channels 136



(6) Steel windows



Concrete block


(7) Aluminium windows


( I) Concealed membranes 242

(8)Timber windows


(2) Exposed membranes


(3) Planted roof





54 Concrete

Tectonics in plastics


( I) Cast in situ


Timber roofs

Plastics and composites


(2) Storey height precast


( I) Flat roof: mastic asphalt

(3) Small precast panels



Tectonics in timber




Fabrics and membranes



(2) Flat roof: bitumen-based Masonry loadbearing walls


sheet membranes


(3) Pitched roof: tiles


Masonry cavity walls Internal walls

( I) Brick


Plastic roofs

(2) Stone and block


( I) GRP roofiights

(2) GRP panels and shells 270

( I) Fixed and demountable


(2) Plaster systems


Masonry cladding


(3) Wallboard systems


Masonry rainscreens



Fabric systems ( I) ETFE cushions






( I) Plastic-based cladding


(2) Single membrane:

(2) Plastic rainscreens


cone-shaped roof

274 278

(3) Single membrane: barrel-shaped roof

Timber ( I) Timber frame


(2) Cladding panels





286 ENVIRONMENT 354 FUTURE Energy and the building

Material systems for structures





A future for building

Glossary of term s


500 501 502






Double skin facades


( I) Folded glazing




(2) Metal solar shading: louvres

Photo credits ( I) Braced frames Reinforced concrete


Environmental studies for






and mesh


Analysis for design (2) Portal frames


(3) Loadbearing boxes

( I) Solar radiation


(3)Triangular panels for twisted

(2) Daylight



(3) Embodied energy

372 (4)Twisted panels with fiat glass

Reinforced concrete



3 12

Passive design



( I) Natural ventilation



daylight controls


(3) Solar power


(6) Precast concrete panels

(4) Solar heating


for facades of complex


for twisted facades


(5) Moving shading panels



(2) Solar shading and

(5) Arches and shells

geometry (6) Space grids




Low energymaterial systems ( I) Straw bales and hemp

Floor structures

(2) Rammed earth, cob

( I) Cast in situ /

and adobe bricks


(7) Glazing systems wit h integral solar shading



cast-in-place concrete


(3) Green oak

(8) Stick glazingfor double

(2) Precast concrete


and bamboo


(3) Steel and steel mesh


(4) Green walls


(4) Timber


(5) Glass




(9) Shingled glazingfor facades Active design

of complex geometry


( I) Liquid based heating/ Stairs

cooling systems


( I0)Variable concrete panels for solar shading

(2) Mechanical heating/

(2) Steel

346 348

cooling systems


(3) Timber


(3) Electrical lighting


( I I) Str uctural facades of

(4) Glass


(4) Fuel and water supply


complex geometry

( I) Concrete

( I) Sanitation and drainage


(2) Fire control


(3) Maintenance and (4) Lifts


( 12) Facade with integrated

Support services



408 414

furn iture



lntroduction to Second Edition

that event ually formed the basis of this book

ferent approach to construction.This book

began /5 years agowhen I was an archit ect

A view expressed in this book is that there

suggests how buildings can be designed and

working at Jean Nouvel's office in Paris,

are no fixed methods of construction;tech-

constructed wit h a limited number of mate-

developing projects for construction,typically

niques are constantly evolving, both by multi-

rial systems, much t he way buildings were

designing from the basis of small models

plying the number of components in a given

assembled before the imperatives of mass

The Modern Construction Handbook

and sketch proposals.The early design wor k

assembly in order t o perform better as well

production with its attendant need for repe-

done by others in the office was always

as searching for new ways of re-integrating

tition of ident ical components.This approach

highly aspirational, often without an estab-

and simplifying these systems.

is based on a closer tecto nic relationship between walls, roofs and structure rather

lished method of construction available to realise the designs.The aim of moving designs forward towards their construction was to bring as much of the design int ention

How does this edition vary from the First Edition? The First Edit ion of the Modern Con-

than the contemporary approach of juxtaposing systems that are manufactured quite independently of one another.More than

as possible into the finished building.This was

struction Handbook concerned itself prima-

a question of individual design choice, con-

achieved by matchingthe essential design

rily wit h setting out forms of construction

struction is an essential aspect of our culture,

ideas to forms of construction which could

in typesgrouped by their primary material.

both as a process involving a large number

be developed by the designteam to achieve

Wh ile textboo ks on construction divided

of individuals who traditionally have shown

tho se aims; ideas which were spatial,techni-

building elements int o components and

craftsmanship in their work,whether on

cal and social.The built results varied in their

assemblies rather than 'systems' based on the

sit e or in a workshop, and as an expression

technical ambition, but were always root ed

possibilities of the material used,the Modern

of the values cherished by our society.The

in these early design aspirations, built either

Construction Handbook aimed to set out

idea of individual craftsmanship is a primar y

as a 'diagram' or 'fragment' of an idealised

construction systems with a balanced and

architectural motivation which is explored in

design that was embodied both in the early

even t reatment of the different methods of

this book,with examples of where this might

design models and in conversations wit hin

constructing structures, walls and roofs and

lead in emerging archit ecture that is cur-

the office.An alt ernative approach taken

internal construction, with no system given

rent ly being developed tod ay.

on some projects wast o take one or two

more priority or described with more infor-

The simp/est evolutions in material

aspects of the primary design aspirations and

mation than any other.Essays on prefabrica-

systems can lead to quite unexpected sys-

develop only t hose to a much greater extent

tion, possible future directions for construc-

tem 'behaviour' which does not necessarily

than other components of the 'tectonic',

t ion, and their relationship to environmental

follow expected rectilinear building forms.

or parts of the construction which were

design set the agenda for Modern Construc-

The greater geometric fiexibility of t hese

considered to combine spatial,t echnical and

tion Facades and Modern Construction

'evolved' versions of contemporary material

social issues.This design process is common

Roofs, books which followed in the series.

systems allows buildings to engage more

to archit ecture that engages fully with the

This Second Edition sets out these

flexibly with our existing built environment.

possibilities of building construction:the

element s of construction in a way which

W here modernist architecture t o date has

process of building as an expression of the

explains the main principles of each con-

admired simple geomet ric forms and their

process of bringing design aspiration to life,

struction system and point s to an expres-

relatively simple interplay, material systems

rather than buildings asself-contained 'jewels'

sion of architecture based on exploring the

can be used to interact with the existing

or as visually coherent expressions of ideas

possibilities of material systems beyond the

fabric and to work wit hin it rather than

with a modest architectural basis.

cladding of structural frames. Cladding can

encourage a complete replacement of entire

Exploring forms of construction wit h

be considered as beinga 'collage' or juxta-

parts of t he built environment.This approach

other archit ects in the office led me to build

position of independent material systems,

is one which was enjoyed before the mass

up a set of sket ches of 'mat erial systems',

all manufactured in isolation of one another,

industrialisation of building production in the

since none were readily available in books,

each system seeing it self as addressing a dif-

early 20th century. In many waysthis book



demonstrates that the pre-industrial world

from the Walls chapter are available in an

and 'services' rather than being regarded as

of significant buildings,that formed a part of

accompanying book in the Modern Con-

fittings. Consequently, the Fittings chapter

our urban environment, can find a continu-

struction Series,called Modern Construction

from the First Edition is omitted, with materi-

ation in the world of digital fabrication and

Facades, which includes more information on

al re-allocated to the other chapters. In place

mass customisation.

detail conditions within each material system.

of Fittings is Future, showing how some of

Another accompanying book called Scratch-

the material systems could be developed in

ing the Surface, also published by Springer

new buildings.These 'future' material systems

Wien New York, sets out progressive exam-

are based on research work undertaken at

'components' identified as structure, walls,

ples of material systems in buildings of a size

our practice, Newtecnic, for consideration on

roofs and environment, following the way

and type experienced by most architects in

live projects.

contemporary buildings are designed by

general practice of modest budget and mod-

specialist consultants and constructed by

est scale.

Structure of this book This Second Edition is based on building

Qualifying commemts

specialist contractors. While the First Edition

The Roofs chapter is re-structured and

The building techniques discussed and

focussed on only material systems produced

developed to follow Modern Construction

the built examples shown are designed to

by mass production techniques, the future

Roofs, another book in the series, basing the

last for an extended period with a relatively

chapter of the Second Edition adds in sys-

classifications more firmly on systems than

high performance. Consequently; buildings

tems that could be produced by mass cus-

on types of roof covering as set out in the

for exhibitions and for temporary use are

tomisation techniques. Considerably more

First Edition of the Modern Construction

excluded. In addressing an international

information is added than that of the First

Handbook. This provides a closer link with

readership, references to national legislation,

Edition, with the addition of more materi-

the Walls chapter.

building regulations, codes of practice and

als and more systems. Within each chapter,

The Structures chapter, like the Walls and

national standards have specifically not been

material systems are grouped in terms of

Roofs chapters, has a complete set of new

included. This book explains the principles

the primary material used to construct the

drawings that explains the systems more

of accepted building techniques currently in

system, following the same order of materi-

clearly The relationship of the other building

use. Building codes throughout the world

als listed in terms of their density; from heavy

components to structure informs much of

are undergoing increased harmonisation

to light, used in the first chapter on materials.

architectural design, so this has been the basis

because of increased economic and intel-

Within each material classification, systems

of new essays in the Materials chapter.

lectual globalisation. Building components and

progress from more traditional technology

'Services' are designed increasingly to

to more recent, largely following their his-

use both 'passive'and 'active' systems and are

often used in a single building. Since build-

torical development.

referred to under the more general term of

ing codes are written to protect users of

'environment', which forms its own chapter.

buildings by providing for their health and

physical properties of each of the main

This Second Edition has been strengthened

safety; good construction practice will always

building materials explored in the book.

with the addition of information on low

uphold these codes as well as assisttheir

The first chapter sets out the essential

assemblies from many different countries are

Materials are set out in order of their density;

energy construction systems from which

advancement. The components, assemblies

from heavy to light, ranging from metals to

complete building envelopes can be manu-

and details shown in this book describe many

glass, concrete, masonry; plastics and timber.


of the building techniques used by the build-

The second chapter on Walls expands

Remaining items in the First Edition such

ing industry today; but this book does not

information of the systems set out in the

as stairs, lifts, partitions, ceilings and doors

necessarily endorse or justify their use since

First Edition from two pages per topic to

were put into a final chapter called Fittings,

techniques in building are in a continual state

four pages, in common with most of the

which was not an entirely satisfactory solu-

of change and development.

topics covered in the book. More technical

tion.The interior aspects of buildings such as

information and more detailed drawings

stairs and lifts are essential parts of structure



MATERIALS A taxonomy of material systems Structure and envelope Parametric design Tectonics in metal Steel Stainless steel Aluminium Copper. zinc and lead Tectonics in glass Glass Tectonics in concrete Concrete Tectonics in masonry Masonry Concrete block Stone Brick Tectonics in plastics Plastics and composites Tectonics in timber Timber Fabrics and membranes Internal walls ( I) Fixed and demountable (2) Plaster systems (3) Wallboard systems Floors Ceilings



Materials 0 I A taxonomy of material systems

based on the structural frame;typically

quite different headings.Whi le the system

Modern Construction Handbook,which has

either steel or concrete,with the modest,

is useful in describing a building for use by a

been refined for this Second Edit ion, has

but growing, use of timber frames as a lower

contractor;particularly with regard t o nat ion-

undergone several stages of development,

embodied energy alternative.As examples

al standards, including those for performance

based on the idea of grouping construction

of loadbearing construction are rare,the

testing, specifications do not relat e the parts

The organisation of the mater ial in the

systems by the mat erial used rather than

use of categor ies of'loadbearing'and 'non-

in a way that can be easily used at the design

by their 'function', which is one of the most

loadbearing'was not appropriat e due to t he

stage to understand generic facade assem-

widely usedconstruction-based classifica-

imbalance of the categories. Wh at emerged

blies.The approach t aken in the classification

tion systems.The mat erials-based approach

was that construction systems for the major-

system in the Modern Construction Hand-

specific to this book allows the text t o draw

ity of building construction are independent,

book was to group items in a way known to

parallels between building 'systems'that are

wit h few systems relating t o one another.

building design teams: structure, walls, roofs,

based on the same primary mat erial, since

Much of the skill of contemporary detailing

and services.

the development and use of those systems

is in knowing how to bring those systems

is informed mainly by the physical proper-

together which are fabricated or manufac-

cally, been based on a varying relationship

ties specific to each material and the way

tured in isolation of one another.

between loadbearing structure, walls and

t he material is worked, manufactured or

The linking of building systems so that

The construction of buildings has, histor i-

roofs, and this forms t he basis of classifica-

formed for use as a building material. Known

they might be able to interface more easily

tion in this book.In some buildings, walls,

classification systems create a mix between

has long been an aspiration of manufactur-

roofs and structure are a single entity as in

manufacturer-led names for systems, such as

ers, but the current sit uation is one where

medieval cathedrals, with the exception of

'structural glazing', where the glass is often

few systems co-ordinate easily wit h one

their addit ional timber roofs, used to protect

not structural at all,and 'rainscreen cladding',

another.This suggested that the taxonomy of

the structural ceiling. In framed construction

which covers almost any decorative outer

building systems in the First Edition should

the walls and roofs can be continuous over a singlesupporti ng structure,while in many

layer that has open joints. Rather than basing

be based on a robust set of genuinely dif-

classification on that of existing categories,

ferent generic typesthat would have t o be

cases of 20th century construction,walls,

the approach was to start from scratch and

identified independently of current systems

roofs and structure are quite separat e,and

t est material-based categories against one

of classification, such as those described in

are then subdivided within each category

another. In the First Edition,this evolved into

designers' specificatio ns.The structure of

t o provide a 'collage' form of construction

categories of walls, roofs, structure, environ-

architecture-based specifications identifies

where systems are overlaid in the manner of

ment and fitti ngs.Another category of mate-

components and assemblies in inter-related

a visual collage.

rials preceded this, since an understanding of

sections, where each sub-item in the assem-

Most of the primary building materials

the physical nature of materials is essential in

bly is identified independently, such as'cur-

can be used t o make loadbearing structures,

construction-led architecture.

t ain walling', which itself comprises several

where they serve as both structure and

generic external wall types set out in this

enclosure. Other uses of mat erials for walls

construction is the wide range of construc-

book.Specifications then link items such as

and roofs are non-Ioadbearing cladding.

tion systems which are non-Ioadbearing.

'curtain walling' to their constituent materials

However;sometimeswhere different mat e-

Almost all cont emporary construction is

of glass, seals, paint finishes and so on under

rial systems are formed in the same material

An essential aspect of contemporary



in a building, there is still some structural

zone within the building which is an inhabit-

cific details can be created, which forms the

interdependency. Where quite different

able equivalent of the 'twin wall' or 'double

basis of an understanding of what is needed

material systems are mixed, such as in a con-

skin' facade.This has helped to inform both

to be accommodated in different geometries.

crete frame and enclosure, a different inter-

material systems,not all of which need to be

The chapter on 'future' systems adds a para-

dependency emerges, that of allowing each

sealed,as well as the environment chapter

metric component to some of the examples,

material to be expressed separately.

where passive cooling, heating and ventila-

thus highlighting the range of possibilities that

tion can be used to reduce overall energy

might exist for some of the examples shown.

The inclusion of fittings in the taxonomy

The materials chapter in this Second Edi-

of the First Edition proved difficult, with

consumption, as well as create a stronger link

smaller scale items of stairs, lifts, internal

between the built environment of the city

tion presents essays on how the tectonics

finishes and doors placed within the group.

and the building itself The materials for roads

of material systems was used historically and

The term 'internal fittings' was too restricting,

and public spaces do not form part of the

how digital tools are bringing fiexibility back

as some of these components could be used

scope of this book, of course.

into building construction, something which

externally.This was the least satisfying part of

Each generic system is described first in

was considered to be too expensive until the

the First Edition. In this Second Edition this

terms of the properties of the material, then

arrival of CAD/CAM (computer aided design

issue has been resolved by including stairs

how they are used as a material system, and

/ computer aided manufacturing), mentioned

in the structure chapter, doors in the walls

last how that material system 'behaves', or

as a development bringing change in the First

chapter, and internal finishes in the first sec-

can be made to 'behave', to form a building

Edition.This return to an almost pre-industrial

tion on materials. Lifts are now described in

by examining its detailing. Possible develop-

approach to design allows new buildings to

the environment chapter, since they are usu-

ments of some of these material systems are

develop a much closer empathy with existing

ally considered to be part of the mechanical

set out in the future chapter to show how

buildings, even if the technologies used are

systems, the layout of which is designed by

the principles can be extrapolated for use on

very different.The non-rectilinear nature of

a specialist consultant. As a result of this last

new projects.

some of the material systems allows them

decision it could be seen that the environ-

Generic systems are discussed in terms

to engage more robustly and elegantly with

ment section could include both systems

of how they are assembled, and how they

existing fabric, both pre-industrial and that of

that reduce energy consumption by the

work from a structural and/or enclosure

20th century Modernism in architecture.

use of low energy passive strategies, as well

point of view.These paragraphs on 'system

as high energy active strategies, such as

design' show how the generic example

mechanical ventilation, and lifts can be seen

works. The way the system is applied to dif-

as part of this strategy to make tall buildings

ferent geometries is explained in 'system


details'.The geometries show how the

In environmental terms, the use of sev-

system can be set out on different mathe-

eral layers of envelope and structure in a

matically-based surfaces, and how the system

single building can create a much richer set

can meet at corners and junctions.Two other

of internal spacesthan those provided by

books in the Modern Construction Series,

the single skin envelope.The outer wall can

titled Modern Construction Facades and

be made of a double skin,or even as a deep

Modern Construction Roofs, show how spe-



Materials 0 I Structure and envelope

Well s Cathedral ,Wells,UK

Natural History Museum, O xford, UK Architect Deane and Woodw ard

In terms of constru ction, Modern ist architec -

of the w idespread use of t he structural

N atural H istory Museum, O xford, U K A rchitect Deane and W oo dward

The use of a str uctural frame clad w it h

t ure can be considered t o be an approac h

frame in much of 20t h cent ur y Modern -

no n-loadbearing walls has led to an aesthetic

th at was not an inevit able development

ist archit ecture , th e separat ion of stru cture

typically con cerned with eithe r forming a

of 19th cent ury archit ecture but rat her a

and ext ern al wall has do minat ed, w here

'co llage' of different compo nents, or as a

respon se t o an industrialisation governe d

th e facade is redu ced t o non -loadbearing

repeated modul e of the same compon ent.

by mass production of building co mpo nents

w alls.T his approach has been a result of the

However, loadbearing constructi on can

such as steel sections for fr ames, br icks,

development of structural forms, o riginally

emb race a design approa ch of struct ural

blocks, meta l coil, timber boards and sec-

destined for large scale buildings,w hich have

and environmental integratio n: t he use of

t ions.The use of repeated , recti linear stru c-

fou nd use in much smaller scale construc -

envelope and str ucture combin ed t o create

tural bays, both in plan and elevation, can

t ions, even being used in individual houses in

space in the facade and cont inuity in gro und-

be seen as a response t o t he way the raw

co ntin enta l Euro pe.T he use of loadbearing

scape or urban context. Both loadbeari ng

products used in building are manufactured,

stru ctures for larger scale buildings resulted

and deep rainscreens are possible solutions

including the straight lines of cut t imber and

in facades with 'punched ' window openings

for th is approach .The recent introduction of

plywood used for concrete formwork.

that gave a 'massive' quality to buildings. In

computer controlled too ls has taken away

contrast, the use of t he separat e structural

the imperat ive of mass prod uctio n, offering

can be considered in te rms of it s response

frame w as able to create a visual lightness

instead possibilit ies of'mass custom isation'

t o mass production te chniques through th e

and t ransparency t hat gave greater freedom

w here many componen ts of different size

use of th e structural fr ame , Building co mpo-

t o designers. H owever,the int egrat ion of

can be produced qu ickly t o a high quality

nent s and assemb lies were used as repeated

skin and str ucture into loadbearing facades

Cons eque nt ly, architectural prod uction is no

ident ical elements in building com positions .

can also allow much greater freedom in t he

longer determined by t he need for repeat ed

Th e use of stee l o r concrete fram es led t o

design of the ext ern al envelope to suit the

rect ilinear units used in Modernist designs.In

buildin g envelopes being enclosed in non-

requirements of th e spaces immedi ately

terms of th e relationship between st ruct ure

loadbearing cladding.The use of repeated ,

behind. In the context of th e ex isting built

and ext ern al envelope, th e introduction of

rectilinear bays can be seen as a response

environm ent, a new building can almost

mass custom isat ion suggests th at systems for

to manufacture, includ ing th e straight lines

'grow' out of the adjacent existing building

both facades and structu res could become

20th century Modernist architecture

of cut t imb er and plywood used fo r co n-

using the same mat erials but with a different

mo re com plex and int erd ependent, w hile

crete formwork. Consequent ly,as a result

material system.

remaining eco nom ic by th e standards of



Colonia Guell,Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

Sagrada-Familia, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

Sagrada-Familia,Barcelona,Spain.Architect: Antonio Gaudi

contemporary building construction.

be seen as a civic exp ression of the manual

rect ilinear structu ral frame . In the I 950s,Eero

work of many craftsmen and labo urers of the

Saarinen used loadbearing concrete in the

medieval world, w as replaced by an archit ec-

TWA Terminal at John F Kennedy Airport in

t ural expression of t he use of mass produced

New Yo rk, a building w hich int egrat es t he lan-

building components t hat were used as t he

guage of str ucture and enclosure with t hat of

A tradition of the integration of structure and envelope T he integration of structure and envelope can be seen in th e Gothic tradition:

raw mate rial for th e specialist fabrication of

partition s, counter s, desks and furniture.The

facades fo rm ing external spaces create d

entire parts in small w orkshops, rather than

furnitu re is cur ved to make it com fortable

by t he fram ing effect of flying buttresses of

that of w ork being all performed on sit e.

for t he curved human physique, linking the

medieval cat hedrals. Such structures also

Gothic Revival buildings such as the O xford

form of w hat inhabits the building to inform

commun icate a sense of the communa l

Museum are built wit h a mixture of load-

th e constr uctio n of th e building it selfThis

effort required to construct t he building:

bearing and framed co nstruction.

building can be regarded as an integration

The w alls,w hich seem t o int egrat e frame and infill wall into a single constructiona l

In t he early 20th centur y t he archit ect Antonio Gaudi saw that an advantage of

of building, int erior spaces and furnit ure t hat marked the buildings of medieval Oxford.A

ent ity, sweep inw ards at roof level t o cre-

loadbearing construction was th at individual

building designed by Eero Saarinen, t he Mil-

ate stone vaults t hat form a cont inuit y wit h

blocks of stone , bricks or concrete blocks

w aukee A rt Museum, was recently exte nded

the wa lls.Onl y a timber roof is required to

could be corbe lled inwards or outwards from

to a design by Santiago Calatrava in a struc-

protect the sto ne ceiling from the effects

t he vertical plane of t he external w all to cre-

ture that create s a loadbearing, or skelet al,

of the weat her.The t imber ro of is not a

at e a comple x vertical section as w ell as a

stru cture, rem iniscent of earlier buildings by

'concept ual' part of the masonry structure,

complex plan. Gaudi's use of brickwork was

O scar N iemeyer.Calatrava's interest in animal

but rat her a necessary addition t hat ensures

based on his own structural investigat io ns, as

skelet o ns goes one step beyond th e interest

t he constr uction provi des a weathert ight

imple mented at t he Sagrada Familia in Barce-

in the structure of Saarinen.

enclosure. Gothi c Revival buildings of th e

lona. In the years th at follow ed, the buildings

19th cent ur y,such as the O xford Museum

of Oscar Ni emeyer int egrated structure and

in England, com bine medieval methods of

skin in projects of var ying brief, fro m ho using

loadbearing co nstructio n wit h industrially

to churches to public buildings, exp loring the

manufactured iron ribs that form a vault ed

po ssibilities inherent in reinforced concret e

roof structure infilled wit h glazing.What can

rather than follo wing the imperat ives of the MCH


Materials 0 I Structure and envelope 2

Aerial view,Oxford, UK

Parametric modelling This need for variat ion in more complex

drawings, and that buildings can be seen as

escope and fitting the 'secondary' research

arrangements of linked spaces is tackled

mere 'built drawings' rather than being con-

spaces into it,the design allows both aspects

more comprehensively in projects by Zaha

ceived as'buildings' in the first place. Gehry

of the design to combine as a more bal-

Hadid, whose work is informed by an inter-

is less interested in loadbearing construction

anced composition.This was achieved by

est in parametric design, where spaces can

than in the built forms that can be generated

designing the spaces from the outside in, cre-

be linked by rhythm, and links achieved

from a few material systems which are liber-

ating an envelope to suit the general enclo-

through the assistance of computer soft-

ated from the constraints of mass produc-

sure of spaces, effectively wrapped around

ware, so that many more iterations can be

tion towards an eventual approach of mass

the telescope.The structure supporting the

investigated and explored than are possible

customisat ion.

telescope is set inside the building, requiring

by hand, by conventional 2D CAD, or even by conventional physical modelling. Parametric modellingprovides an interrelationship

a quite different support for the observation

Modernism and construction Modernism developed from aspects

floor.The space between the outer envelope and the inner telescope structure is inhab-

between parts of the building as well as

of architecture of the early 20th century,

ited by the circulation space serving both

the urban space surrounding it, making the

influenced by mass production techniques

t elescope and study spaces.The telescope

cityscape one of interdependence as, once

from about 1920 onwards. In contrast,the

can be considered to be designed from

again,can be found in medieval Oxford .The

approach taken by architects such as Eric

the inside out, while the study spaces are

involvement of structural engineers such as

Mendelsohn in Germany duringthe 1920s

designed from the outside in.The interstitial

Adams KaraTaylor has led to a more ambi-

considered ways of integrating different

zone between the inner and out er structure

tious engagement with loadbearing struc-

aspects of programmes informed strongly

is inhabited by the staircase which rises

tures.The office of Frank Gehry has taken

by the waythe building was constructed.

through the building. In anot her project,the

the use of parametric modelling as a tool for

The Einsteinturm in Potsdam, Germany, by

staircase itselfcould have been part of the

generat ing building forms that would not be

Eric Mendelsohn integrated the needs of a

overall building structure, but here the stair

possible in a practical sense without compu-

research cent re comprising spaces for study

is supported primarily by both inner and

ter software and its link to computer aided

and discussion, with the complimentary

out er structures on its sides.The building's

manufacturing. Gehry is concerned that

requirement for an astronomical telescope

external envelope is built from brick,cov-

archit ects produce buildings that are gener-

to be accommodated in the building.Rather

ered in render. W hile the building could have

ated by the need to be resolved in 2D as

than express the 'primary' aspect of the tel-

been formed in concrete,the construction



Einstein Tower, Potsdam, Germany. Architect: Erich Mendelsohn

EinsteinTower, Potsdam, Germany. Architect: Erich Mendelsohn

method of corbelling brickwork in and out

built environment.and may also depart geo-

and external facade structures creates an

of vertical plane is ideally suited as a method

metrically from its context, as in the case of

opportunity for a buffer zone between them,

to construct a form of this geometry.

Zaha Hadid's design for an extension to the

which could be used as an inhabited space

Louvre Museum in Paris.The design provides

or for circulation around the building, as was

permits this more complex approach to

continuity of material and context wit hout

mentioned in the previoustext on the Ein-

tectonicsthat was dominated in the 20th

compromising the performance of the build-

steinturm by Eric Mendelsohn.The recently

In our own time, the rise of digital tool s

century by the use of the structural frame.

ing in term s of use, organisation and spaces

completed Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stutt-

created within the building while responding

gart by UN Studio has interstitial zones used

acteristic of the construction of Modernist

to environmental imperatives of reducing

for circulation, while interstitial zones which

architecture has been the separation of

energyconsumption within the building.The

are inhabited can be seen in the Phaeno Sci-

As set out in the previous essay, a char-

structure and external envelope. where

new structure can almost be seen as 'grow-

ence Center inW olfsburg, Germany, by Zaha

the facade is reduced to non-loadbearing

ing'out of the adjacent existing building and


'cladding' as a result of the development of

the adjacent groundscape using the same

structural frames, originally destined for large

material but employinga different material

a loadbearing facade has obvious difficulties.

The integration of skin and structure into

scale buildings. In contrast, the use of digital

system. The material system can be chosen

The conventional 'layered'approach of clad-

tools and mass customisation methods can

or developedto suit the design needs of

ding applied to structural forms in Modernist

be used to create a partial or full integration

the spaces immediately behindthe external

construction has the advantage of superim-

of skin and structure as loadbearing facades.


posing wat erproofing,thermal insulation and

This revived loadbearing approach can allow

W it hin building designs. spaces can be

vapour barriers to form a sequential wall

a much greater control of the design of the

created in an outward direction from the

build-up. In loadbearing facades it is more

envelope to suit the requirements of the

internal spaces of the building.W here spaces

difficultto integrate these different func-

spaces immediately behind, rather than using

are required to have a high level of techni-

tions into a single structural wall. However,

the repeated bays of structural frames built

cal performance, or specific light conditions

allowing lines of structure to deviate from

using established methods of mass produc-

that are to be created, this can be achieved

the rectilinear rather than beingusedto suit

tion.ln this loadbearing-based approach.

without immediate referenceto the external

primarily rectilinear facade cladding. allows

the choice of material used may be taken

envelope but rather to the building structure.

structure to interact with non-rectilinear

from the immediate physical context of the

An interstitial zone between internal spaces

spaces within buildings. Current Modernist MCH


Materials 0 I Structure and envelope 3

.. '









~ II


::I Paramet ric mode l of a twisted tower

architecture responds to the needs of mass

of the mass production of identical compo-

ing forms have been seen in both twi sted

production,a set of design imperatives of

nents towards a new period of craftsmanship

and folded geometries.

repeatability and a rectilinearapproach based

as a result of mass customisation.

on mass production rather than the possibili-

A design approach of designing inwards

Twisted building forms achieve geometric complexity by using curves,typically across

ties provided by digital tool s of design and

from the facade of the building, and outwards

a surface of constant curvature in order

production available wit h mass customisation.

from the internal spaces of the building, could

to make it easierto build in a construction

allow structure to create interstitial space

market that is used to mass production tech-

The renewed interest in the structural design of the externalloadbearing wall cre-

between inside and outside.This approach

niques of building construction. Geometric

ates at once a new design vocabulary for

can also create environmental 'buffer' spaces,

complexity can also be achieved wit h folds,

architecture and a return to an expression of

which are not maintained at the internal tem-

where conventional flat surfaces, which are

the joy of making buildings, as demonstrated

perature of the building but serve as a buffer

straightforward to build, can be formed into

in individual craftsmanship,an approach that

between inside and outside temperature

unconventional facade forms. The recent

can be seen to have been shared widely in

conditions.These spaceswould not require

examples are those by Sant iago Calatrava,

construction before early prefabrication tech-

the same amount of tempered air;but would

Frank Gehry and UN Studio in twisted forms,

niques were introduced in the 1920s.This

provide an opportunity for natural vent ila-

and OM A, Zaha Hadid and LABArchit ecture

approach to design is informed by a balance

tion,all key to reducing carbon dioxide emis-

in folded forms.The approach of folded and

of the specific useof the material system,

sions in buildings. From the point of view of

twisted building forms is a way of introduc-

used to form the building, wit h the sequence

construction, this approach is more complex

ing complex geometr y while maintaining contemporary principles of'repeatability' in

of movement around the building and the

than 20th century construction, but could be

spaces created within.The expression of

achieved with digital tools for design and fab-

order to makethem economicto build using

construction and circulation as'designed'

rication,the to ols of mass customisation.The

a conventional approachto construction. In

elements harnessed to the 'objective' design

possibility of mass customisation of compo-

t his sensethe approach of tw isted and folded

requirements of spatial organisation related

nents allows a departure from the repeated

forms is an intermediary one between the

to programme and site context, can be

rectilinear component so that components

rectilinear repetition of Modernist construc-

a powerful partnership of principles.This

can be more geometrically complex, either as

tion and the emerging construction methods

approach could allow construction to move

individual components or as complete build-

described here.The current approach to

on from 20th century industrial imperatives

ing assemblies. Recent developments in build-

folded and twisted facades requires geomet-



·. -

Computer generated construction system models

ric discipline in order to maintain the repeat-

construction as an additional driving factor.

factured and used in a system in addition to

ability of components, mainly facade panels,

This may be digital, as wit h the possibilities

their essential physical properties.This book

used in conventional construction techniques.

for invention that the t ools bring, or may be

also sets out the construction systems essen-

With the greater introduction of digital fabri-

used for the continued cladding of structural

tial to contemporary architectural produc-

cation tools,the need to maintain a geomet-

frames.This leads the design into a direct

tion, categorised in terms of envelope, struc-

ric discipline will slowly disappear; perhaps

connection with traditional loadbearing con-

ture and environment.The book begins with

making design choices more dependent on

struction, but moving it forward with chang-

a setting out of materials and how they are

the principles of design performance impera-

ing methods of industrial production. Digital

used as material systems and ends with pro-

tive in buildings such as the Einsteinturm dis-

tools allow the performance of a design to

posals for new material systems as an extrap-

cussed in the lastessay. Greater freedom of

be explored and optimised,and be devel-

olation of what is possible in the present and how it could be used in the future.

design from digital tool s will provide greater

oped in order for an individual or a t eam

control and greater responsibility from the

to tackle the fabrication of the component

designer to usethe technology wisely.

which has not been made in a particular way before. Alt ernat ively. a design may usehistori-

Design methodology Current architectural design has a prefer-

cal models, either to endorse the construction methods of existing buildings,to mix old

ence for rectilinear spaces linked in a spatial

and new to create something new, or even

organisation which is also primarily rectilinear;

to advance what is already constructed by

though dependent upon site conditions,

physically adjusting it by using the same mate-

based around the useof rectilinear structural

rial but a different material system.

frames.The design generated is then given

The Modern Construction Handbook

an outward facade expression of materials

sets out these construction techniques, both

formed wit h openingsor wraps as an inter-

traditionally-based and contemporary. all of

face between the internal arrangement of

which evolved during the industrialisation

the building at its immediate site context.

of the 19th century. Essential to this use of

An alternat ive design methodology is to add the use of material systems to that mix:

material systems is an understanding of the physical characteristics of materials as manu-



Materials 0 I Parametric design

Parametrically modelled glazed structural facade

The use of parametric design in architecture

open jointed rainscreens and solar shading

ing is typical or dimensionally constant in the

has been centred around the use of soft-

screens set forward of a wat erproofed back-

external walls.The relationship of inner and

ware that was originally developed for other

ing wall. Rainscreen facade panels comprise

outer skin varies, 50 a set of' rules'is set out

industries. Its primary use in architecture has

a pattern of repeated tri angular panels in a

in the system drawings,then applied t o t he

been t o generate digital models for build-

pinwheel grid,where a set of five triangular

'kit of parts' drawings and the setti ng out

ing structures and external envelope which

panels forms a shape identical in propor-


have a complex geometryThe word 'com-

tion to the smallest triangle from which it is

plex' is used t o denote geometries which

formed. In projects such as these,facades are

inner and outer layers are set out in a loose-

are not rectilinear; and therefore cannot be

described in a way that can communicate to

fit relationship between inner and outer skin.

described by plans and sections which can

contractors the nature of a complex three

In projects where forms are either facet-

be extruded in a straight line through the

dimensional form on paper. Elevations of

ted or curved t o create an architecture of

form of the building. Building designs which

such buildings are set out as unfolded or

complex geometry. the means of contro lling

At Federation Square for example, the

do not conform to the rectilinear forms

'developed' facades from a 3D digital model.

the geometry of the building become more

characteristic of Modernism are difficult to

This describesthe scope of the facades and

crucial. In single skin buildings where the

describe as 2D plans, sections and elevations

the t ot al material needed as'kit of parts'

building has a complex form,the exact fit of

in a way which can be communicated to

drawings resemblingthat of anAirfix model

the different components during construc-

thosewho will construct the building. Even

kit. In addition, 2D details describe the 'sys-

tion is critical during construction. In devel-

2D plans, while still a useful t ool, still cannot

tem' as a wall method that could be used

oping such building forms and implement ing

be used to establishthe edge of the external

t o describe how the facades go to gether;

them,the forms need to establish criteria

envelope if the external wall is not vertical,

regardless of its actual application around the

which are fixed, such as floor areaof the

as the position of that wall applies only at

building.Drawings specifically for the facade

different spaces comprising the building,sit e

the horizontal planeat which the plan is set,

systems are needed since the facade con-

constraints, and criteria which are not fixed.

typically at floor level for a form of complex

struction method is devised individually for

Some building designs for complex forms

geometry.Typically. glazing is set above the

such projects. Details of facade conditions at

evolve as a result of more information being

floor level, where plans are typically drawn,

edges, corners, interfaces and junctions with

known about the building, allowing more

but any dimensions on the plan at this point

other parts of the building construction are

of the design to be fixed. Consequently. the

are set at a level difficult to establish on sit e

prepared in the tradit ional way

different criteria of the design can be set

in buildings of complex geometry

Drawings describing the design of com-

as'parameters'which can be related as a

A well-known example of complex

plex geometry of the external envelope are

matrix in the form of a spreadsheet.The

geometry using flat facadesthat do not

of different types:'kit of parts' drawings,'sys-

spreadsheet can be linked to the process

conform to the rectilinear forms of most

tem' drawings, details and setting-out draw-

of modelling the building forms digitally in a

contemporary archit ecture is Federation

ings.This method differs significantly from

parametric design software.Working para-

Square in Melbourne,Australia.The external

the traditional approach of plans, sections,

metrically allows the design to establish what

walls were designed in the form of'wraps'of

elevations,typical details and so on,as noth-

is'fixed' and what will be 'variable' in the



Detailed images of construction system from the same parametricmodel

design development.This approach allows

different requirements can be put into the

to the design of individual buildings, the

a digital design method to evolve. In facade

model at the beginning, with changes in the

possibilities are being seen more widely in

design,the behaviour of the model as a set

digital model showing the corresponding

both fieldsof architectural design and urban

of surfaces can be understood by number;

effect between them all. Facade design of

design.Whe re buildings have been designed

size,geometry and so on.The relationship of

complex forms is often driven by a desire to

asa 'collage' of components which are jux-

the parameters in the design allows the dig-

optimise the construction; often by simplify-

taposed or stacked to gether in a loose-fit

ital model to evolve through an engineering-

ing it by providing as simple a solution as

manner;more contemporary architectural

based method of iteratio n,rather than start

possible without losing t he strength of vision

design is basing itself on a greater integration

the digital design model again each time

or strength of archit ectural expression in

of structure, envelope,environment. space

a new option is explored.This approach

the design. Even in higher budget projects,

and light as ingredient s in a richer mix.

requires some discipline and clarity in the

the need to omit unnecessary complexity

design approach at the outset. which often

of construction and diversity in panel size is

of design allows buildings t o become bet-

makes the parametric design met hod more

important to both reduce costs and attract

ter constructed at the scale of the window,

suit ed t o design development than initial

the most highly qualified companies to work

the bay,the wall, the building and the street

design research. However;parametric plug-

on the project.

to form a continuit y.Where the provision

ins are becoming available for early stage

The possibilities of parametrically-based

This greater level of interdependency

of buildings, roads, natural landscape and

design go beyond the need for evolving a

services infrastructure are considered quite

approach is gaining influence throughout the

single digital model for the main components

separat ely in our industrialised society. the

design process.

of building structure and external envelope.

re-integration of these essential components

With more and more parts of the design

of our cities could eventually become part

design software,ensuring that the parametric

In facade design, where the parametric approach is becoming a primary to ol

forming a single model, the use of a building

of linked parametric models.The interde-

in architecture,the aims vary during the

information model or 'BIM' that sets out all

pendency of building,street. and the natural

different stages of design development.

the components required to make a build-

landscape that was a criticalgenerator ofthe

Outcomes of parametric design can range

ing, is becoming a reality.Whe reas large scale

built forms of the pre-industr ial world, where

from establishing a rationalised or optimised

manufacturing of aircraft, cars, boats and so

the use of energy for both transportation

geometry. reducing the number of panel

on have already usedthis working method

within towns and cities and the responseto

types, restricting the facade assembly so that

for some years, the use of BIMs in building

the built environment played much bigger

it conforms only to the design limits imposed

design is just becoming the norm in higher

roles in the generation of urban form.

by the material systems or facade systems

profile projects. Building information models

An essential aspect of parametric design

being used, ensuring that the floor plates

are now becoming parametric, with the pos-

with digital models is to establish what is

provide a fixed t ot al amount of floor area,

sibility of introducing complex geometry into

import ant in the design and what is much

or ensuring that the relationship with the

the process.

less important; understanding what design

primary supporting structure is maintained without exceeding maximum spans.All these

W hile this approach is aimed primarily

'problem' is being set. and what might be the

at bringing greater control and knowledge

ways of exploring that design.This approach



Materials 0 I Parametric design 2

Parametrically modelled lapped glazed panel covered facade

Embodied energy and digital design

allows buildings to become a much more

parallel, for these choices are as important

closely dependent set of spaces, and building

as the internal organisation of the building,

construction becominga closer expression

the spatial arrangement and relationship to

Two trends in buildingconstruction

of the ideas of space, light and form con-

the site.This brings the choice of materials

which are driving change in architectural

structed within the constraints of a particular

andthe way they are used, or 'tectonics' back

design are concerns about the environment,

material system.A parametric approach will

to the centre of architectural design, rather

and the introduction of computer controlled

also allow much greater int erdependency of

than material and construction-related issues

manufacturing.The effect of building con-

buildings working together as part of a single

being chosen as standard construction meth-

struction on the environment has been of

'organism'- the urban environment of build-

ods afterwards.The result of involving issues

concern since at least the I960s.The effect

ings, streets and public spaces. It is perhaps

of mat erials and construction at a later stage

in building construction is a growing aware-

in the design of public space, and the elimi-

is that the forms of construction used can

ness of the energy required to construct

nation of residual or ill-defined space that

become no more than an outer 'clothing'

buildings, or'embodied energy', and secondly

could be the next major use of parametric

that is deemed appropriate t o the site con-

the energy required t o operate the building

design in digital models.

text and the brief.that it should somehow

when in use.The embodied energy part of

behave well in an architectural sense.The

the equation is concerned wit h both the

limitation of this approach is that the outer

amount of energy needed t o manufacture

Parametric working method

skin has little t o do with the structure and

the materials,transport them t o site,then

parametric design is the ability to develop

envelope mat erials behind it, often forming

install them on sit e.This interest has favoured

different parts of the building design in

the outer rainscreen or covering of a con-

the use of timber,which absorbs C02 dur-

parallel rather than working sequentially

struction systemthat is based on procure-

ing its growth and can be re-planted when cut down for useas a building material.

An essential aspect of working with

from outline design, scheme design, detailed

ment expediency rather than design. Conse-

design and so on. Rather than viewing design

quently. there is a need for material systems

as a series of stages to complete and move

to be involved at early stages of the design

ding' mater ial to an envelope constructed of

on from without significantly changing or

process. Construction methods used for

quite different materials.The idea of'c1adding'

informing what has already been accom-

these essential parts of building design are

buildings involves increasing the number of

However,much timber is used as a'clad-

plished in the design,the design of a building

set out as material systems in the chapters

layers, and has led to a desireto reduce all

is tackled not as something developing as

of this book;each described from a com-

the different requirements of construction

a result of a series of decisions which influ-

mon platform of how the principle mat erial

by making the external walls loadbear-

encethe next decision in turn (from primary

is used to form a system for wall,roof or

ing rather than being cladding panels to a

concerns to secondary concerns and so

structure,and how these might be applied

structural frame.This interest is linked to a

on) but rather of material systems which

to specific strategies of environmental design.

preference for reduced amounts of glazing in

interact and influence one another. A mate-

many building types, where structural frames

rial system for structure,walls, roofs and

were enclosed in highly transparent enve-

environmental design can be developed in

lopes.W hile high levels of glazing encourage



Detailedimages of a glazing systembased on a voronoi pattern

increased levels of natural daylight in build-

become primary tools to reduce energy

material systems shown in this book are

ings,they also admit solargain and provide

consumption for heatingand cooling build-

set out in more detail in the accompanying

poor thermal insulation in all climates.The

ings.This has resulted in the re-introduction

books Modern Construction Facades and

preference for loadbearing construction

of opening windows and of cross ventilat ion

Modern Construction Roofs. From a design

is in some ways a return to pre-industrial

in buildings.

perspective,rather than production of infor-

forms of construction.This interest in a 'leaner' higherperforming construction is

mation for tender or for construction, a 3D

Material systems

model andthe controlled manipulation of that model in relationto the constraints of

possible wit h computer controlled manu-

This Second Edition is aimed as a guide

facturing tools that are linked to drawings

to using material syst ems in contemporary

the material systems such as glass sizes or

and 3D models produced by the design

buildings, with material systems shown as

bending constraints on panels, is as valid as

team.Although in practice it is manufactur-

views of 3D models in order to understand

a 2D section through a building of constant

ers who provide the final drawings for CNC

how they fit together spatially rather than

section. Drawings can show the 'kit of parts'

machines,this is largely a requirement based

treat them as 2D sections.This is because

required to describe the scope of the build-

on how buildings are procured rather than

traditional vert ical and horizontal drawn sec-

ing, which is essential to understanding and

an imperative of the design process. Conse-

tions assume most systems are continuous

setting out how much material is required to

quently, designers can produce a full set of

through their length,that they are extruded

construct the building. From these drawings,

drawings for manufacturers to make a much

in a linear direction either side of the section

the embodied energy required to construct the building can be calculated.

wider range of components than has been

taken. This method of representation also

the case wit h mass production.This link of

assumes that a drawn section, both vertical

The systems of modern construction

design directly to construction, rather than

and horizontal, is a typical condition. W hile

set out in this book suggest a gradual move

re-interpretinga design as a set of drawings

plan, section and elevation explain the over-

forward to methods of production based

that in turn 'get built' is forging a much closer

all scope of the design,junctions of the sepa-

on mass customisation techniques that are

link between design and construction. In

rate planes represented in these drawings

evolving in manufacturing, as well as show-

common with the re-introduction of load-

are rarely resolved in these drawings, leaving

ing how current mass produced material

bearing construction, the use of computer

some coordination issues to be resolved at a

systems can be modified and'diverted' to

controlled mass customisation tools is bring-

later stage. Expressing information as images

the end of producing an architecture rooted

ingthe design of buildings much closerto

from a 3D model allows the system's behav-

in the construction techniques that makeit

the process of constructing them, a privilege

iour to be understood from a geometrical


enjoyed in the pre-industrial world of con-

point of view of how the components,

struction prior to around 1920.The second

assemblies or panels are set out.

essential aspect of environmental concern

Traditional detail drawings can show

is of the energy consumed by the building

how to describe assemblies in a way which

in use. Natural vent ilation,thermal mass and

is useful when progressing from design ideas

associated issues of night-time cooling have

to a design ready for construction, andthe MCH


Materials 0 I Tectonics in metal

Olympic Stadium, Tokyo, Japan. Architect: KenzoTange

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain.Architect: FrankGehry

Architectural interest in metals in the early

striking form of construction that was char-

industrial world can be seen in the writings

acteristic of later 19th century construction.

of Jean-Baptiste Rondelet, an admirer of

Olympic Stadium,Tokyo, Japan. Archit ect: Kenzo Tange

industrial Britain in the early 19th century.

Stadium of 1964, designed by Kenzo Tange,

His book Traite theorique et pratique de

comprises st eel tension cables in a catenary

l'art de batir discussed architecture from

form, support ed by concrete masts at each

the point of view as comprising a mixture of

end.The complete tent-like structure is used

the visual and the technical rather than the

to support a metal skin,which would typi-

prevailing values of the time of Renaissance

cally be used on a rigid substrate.The metal

architecture, which were primarily of art and

roof skin is actually a series of metal plates

symbolism. He also taught stereotomy, that

welded to gether to form a sealed surface.

is, the art of cutting stones to form complex

W elded metal roofs have been used in more

shapes such as arches and vaults,which is

recent projects for large-scale roofs, but few

enjoying a revival wit h an interest in complex

combine the possibilities of a continuous,

geometry in contemporary archit ecture.As

welded metal surface with that of a skeletal

a construction textbook , the Traite theorique

or tent-like structure that can form a metal

set out many of the components needed

cable structure. Even the cable structure is

for a complete metal construction, such as

made from short lengths bolted together to

prefabricated market buildings, showing an

form a structure that can support the metal

approach towards an integrated assembly

roof plates without an intermediary material.

that follows on from his passion for stereot-

The metal structure and skin is not a'mini-

omy.The metal castings securing the bases

mal' structure, but is certainly one where

of the supporti ng arches illustrate both the

thesetwo components are interdependent.

need for the continuity of material needed

The all-metal roof structure and skin is held

to fix the archesto their bases as well as

in place by a reinforced concrete structure

the elegance associated with their use.The

beneath,whose form echoes that of the

drawings in Rondelet's books are both a

metal structure rather than contrasting visu-

'kit of parts'showing what components are

ally with it.

needed as well as a 3D representation of the assembly of key components.This inter-



In the 20th century, the Tokyo Olympic

More recently. moving structures such as the sail-like canopy at Milwaukee Museum of

est in the physical modelling of junctions

Art, designed by Santiago Calatrava,take for-

rather than in reducing them only t o 2D

ward the visually dynamic qualities of metal

views helps to explainthe more complex

construction.This canopy is used t o provide

nature of t he construction, whose design

solar shading, and moves in order t o provide

approach is embraced rather than simplified.

different experiences of light. Here a folding

The combination of rolled members, castings

structure with a building performing differ-

and connecting brackets creates a visually

ent functions and forming different spaces

Milwaukee Museum of Art. Architect:Santiago Calatrava,

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain. Architect: Frank Gehry

through moving, is possible because of the

well suited to metal frames, where standard

relative lightness and flexibility of metal,

rolled sections are joined wit h plates or

allowing the possibility of moving parts to be

nodes.The technical success of the system

used to form part of the structural frames

lies partly in creating a limited number of

of buildings. In the Guggenheim Museum

node t ypes which can provide a visually

in Bilbao by Frank Gehry,the architectural

rich construction with a small number of

form of the building is generated as a form

node types or bracket sizes.The use of a

of complex geometry, enabled by the pos-

limited 'kit of parts' can provide a visually rich

sibilities of metal construction, and working

structure and enclosure that can respond

with techniques associated with modelling

to particular design requirements such as

in metal rather than conceivingthis innova-

positioning of openings or links with adjacent

tive form of construction from 20 draw-

structures without needing to be aligned to

ings.ln this sense, the buildings described

a rectilinear grid.

here follow on in the tradition of the Traite

More recently, designs for metal frames

theorique of Rondelet, combining the con-

to support cladding systems have begun to

vention of describing elements in 20 while

use identical polygons which might be twist-

designing in a 30 modelling environment.

ed or pulled out of plane in their geometry

The examples described demonstrate

Milwaukee Museum of Art. Architect: Santiago Calatrava,

and which produce complex shaped surfaces

the ability of metals to form building enclo-

when joined together. In addition, the 'cold

sures of complex form in a single material

bending' of metal panels to cladding systems

where structure and skin are a visible part of

can create more complex forms for enclo-

the architectural design. In more rectilinear

sures from flat sheetor profiled sheetwit h-

building designs, steel frames can be used

out the need for any special manufacturing.

which do not necessarily produce a rec-

This can combine the benefits of more com-

tangulargrid of cladding panels across their

plex steel frames that are straightforward

surface. Federation Square in Melbourne,

to construct with metal wall systems that

Australia, designed by Lab Architecture uses

are usually more associated with rectilinear

a triangularspace frame as a point of depar-

forms wit hout changing the way such enclo-

ture from which to create a structure which

sures are constructed. However; for all these

gently departs from this principle, creating

examples of tectonics in metal, the designer

junctions which form moment connections

is obliged to set out the construction of the

rather than the pin joints associated with

structure and enclosure in a more detailed

triangulated frames.This approach allowed a

waythan that expected for more generic

range of glass panels to be added which are

forms of construction,just as Jean-Baptiste

still based on a triangulargrid.This method

Rondelet set out examples from hisTraite

of startingwith regularforms of construc-

theorique, completed in 1817.

tion and working with their geometry is MCH


Materials 0 I Steel

Federation Square, Melboume,Australia.Architect: LAB Architecture Studio

Steel is an iron-based metal alloyed with small amou nts of other elements , the most

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain..Architect: Frank Gehry

making it less susceptible to shock damage. (The Eiffel Tower; in Paris, was one of the

impo rtant being carbon .The three main

last large structures to be constructed in

forms of steel used in th e building industr y

wrought iro n). By the end of the 19t h cen-

are sections,sheets and castings. Stee l sec-

tury.both materials had been superseded by

t ions are currently formed using a ro lling

steel. Stee l was first prod uced aro und 1740,

pro cess. It can be extruded to form complex

but was not available in large quant ities unt il

sections, but th is curre nt ly has only limited

Bessemer invented his converter in 1856.

applicat ions due t o th e high pr essure need-

Thi s device introduced a method of blasting

ed to extrude st eel.Aluminium is a much

air into th e furn ace (hence blast furn ace) t o

soft er materi al, making it easier t o extr ude.

burn away t he impu rities th at inhibite d th e

Even w hen alumi nium is alloyed wit h ot her

extraction of a purer iron . By 1840, standard

materi als such as bro nze, the extrudable size

shapes in wrought iron, mainly ro lled flat sec-

of sections dro ps dramatically Extrusions in

ti ons, t ees and angles were available wh ich

steel cannot exceed shapes th at fit into a

could be fabricate d int o structural compo-

circle approximate ly 150mm (6") in diameter.

nents w hich are then assembled by rivet ing

This is too small for structural sections, but

them together. By 1880,the rolling of steel

the ir smooth appearance makes them suit-

I-sections had become wi despread, leading

able for components such as stiffeners in

the way to th is material event ually replacing

curtai n wa lling (to provide a fin t hat is visu-

wrought iron as a material of choice .

ally mo re refined th an an I-sectio n or a t ee). C is still far easier t o roll steel secti ons than to extrude th em. Historically, cast iro n and wro ught iron

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain..Architect: Frank Gehry



Production process of raw material There are several steps in the manu-

were the forerunner s of stee l. Cast iron,

facture of steel. First, iron is refined from

a brittle material w it h high compressive

ores containing iron oxide .The iron ox ide

st rength, came into general use as a build-

is heated in a blast furna ce until it is mol -

ing mater ial at th e end of th e 18th cent ury.

t en, using carbon as a reducin g agent.T he

w hile wro ught iron was develop ed some 50

mo lte n materia l is po ured into moulds to

years later. Wrought iron is a mo re ducti le

prod uce pig iro n. It is then re-heate d to

mate rial and has greater tensile strengt h,

remove impur ities, including carbon, to make

Federation Square, Melbourne,Australia. Architect: LAB Architecture St udio

cast iron th at has a carbon content of 2.4

· High st rength in both ten sion and

per cent t o 4 per cent. Stee l is produc ed

com pression.

by reducing the carbon cont ent to approx i-

• High stiffness.High rigidity in both t ension


0.2 per

cent, w it h mate rials such as

and compression.

manganese and silicon added to halt the

· Its appearance is smo ot h in sheet form ;

oxidation proce ss and stabilize the carbon

rougher of t exture in roll ed sections and

content. It can be pou red w hen molten to

castings, even wit h paint applied.

make castings o r formed into ingots to be

• Lighter th an an equivalent structural mem-

rolled into sheets or sections.

ber in reinforced concrete . · High duct ilit y,deforming long before it fails.

Properties and data

· High impact resistance.

The main prop er t ies of structural carbon

· High heat conducto r.

steels are as follow s:

• High electrical conductor.

lAC Headquarter s, NewYork. USA.Architect: Frank Gehry

· Thermal expansion approx imat ely half th at Density: Mild steel = 7850 kg/m3 (490 Ib/ft 3)

of aluminium. · Suscept ible to cont inuous rusting, excluding w eat hering steels.

D esign strength: A pp rox imat e ran ge 275 N/mm2 to 800 N/mm2

· Low fire resistance.

(5.7 x 106 to 1.6 x 107 Ibf/ft 2) Young 's modulus = 205 kN/mm 2 (4.2 x 109 Ibf/ft 2)

made in th ree types called 'grades' increas-

Coefficient of thermal expansio n

ing in design strength from 275N/mm2 t o

= 12 x 10-6 K-I

(6.7 x 10- 6 OF-I )

Thermal conductivity =


45 W /m

(26 BTU/hr.ft.0F) Specific he at capacity=

Material selection Hot ro lled structural mild steels are

400N/mm 2 (5.7 x 106 Ibf/ft 2 t o 8.3 x 106 Ibf/ft 2 ), vary ing slight ly in different regions


of th e world. High strength steels can reach

480 J/kg



(0.I I


design strengths of 800N/mm 2

(1 7.6 x

106 Ibf/ft 2). Since th e Young's Modulu s is

..... .....

II ...

constant for all the se ty pes, th e strength of For compariso n w it h oth er materials, steels

mater ial increases but th e st iffness remains

have th e follo win g general properties:

constant. Steel also increases in cost with

The Barcelona Fish, Barcelona,Spain.Architect: Frank Gehry MCH


Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College,

Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia. Architect: LAB Architecture Studio

Hudson Valley, New York. Architect: Frank Gehry

higher levels of strength, both in the cost of

and castings. Steel can also be sawn and

This can be done by either encasing the

the raw material and in the working of the

drilled. An essential characteristic of steel-

material in concrete, by enclosing it in a fire

material. In addition, as strength increases in

work is that it will continue to rust if a sur-

resistant board, or by coating it in intumes-

the material, welding becomes more difficult

face protection is not provided. When drilling

cent paint. A spray-applied coating that yields

and consequently more specialized. In some

or cutting the material, the newly exposed

a very rough, fibrous surface appearance is

high strength steels,which undergo heating

surface requires protection, which is par-

often used where the steel frame is con-

and quenching during their manufacture, the

ticularly important if the material has been

cealed behind finish materials.

effects of welding could potentially undo the

factory coated prior to drilling and cutting.

work of manufacture if sufficient care is not

The economic protection is galvanising, a zinc

taken. Standard rolled sections are manufac-

coating that is corrosion resistant, applied to

Coatings Many factory applied proprietary sys-

tured in the low to medium strength grades

the steel in a hot dip bath or as a flame spray

tems are available for coating steel; the most

but higher strength steels are made mostly in

Galvanising occurs after fabrication of steel

common types are thick organic coatings

the form of plate, due to lower demand for

components to cover all the welding and

and powder coating. PVDF (polyvinylidene

their use. Consequently, compound shapes

drilling.This process can cause distortion of

di-fiuoride, also called PVF2 in Europe), is

for structural components, such as beams

smaller steel components, so may not suit all

sometimes used, and is discussed further in

and columns, must be specially fabricated.

types of fabrication. The appearance of galva-

the section on aluminium. Organic coat-

Cold worked mild steels are used for

nising when new is a mottled shiny grey,turn-

ings provide high levels of protection against

much smaller scale structural components

ing to a dull grey with weathering as the zinc

corrosion but have a distinctive orange peel

such as lightweight structural framing in metal

oxidizes. Its visual appearance is often not

texture. They are applied to steel coil, from

framed housing and low-rise commercial

suitable for exposed structural steelwork or

which sheet is cut, during manufacture.These

buildings, used mainly in the USA, and dry-

cladding in buildings, where paint coatings are

finishes have methods of touching up surfaces

wall partitioning. Cold-formed steel sections

more common. Flame sprayed aluminium can

that become exposed or are damaged dur-

are made from structural carbon steel to

be used as an alternative to galvanising. Paint

ing installation, but colour matching remains

form sheets or strips approximately l.5mm

can be applied by hand on site or in a factory

an important consideration in successful re-

(1/ 16in) thick. Complex sections are formed

as part of a proprietary finish. Care must be


by folding and pressing,rather than rolling

taken to ensure that touching up on site of

which is the case with hot formed sections.

visible components is done in controlled con-

Working with the material

ditions that ensure the finish both matches

Sections and sheets can be curved to

and blends into the surrounding coating.

small radii. Bolting and welding are the most common methods of joining sections, sheets



When used as primary structure in a building, steelwork requires fire protection.

Recycling Steel can be recycled at reasonable cost, and requires much less energy than the original production process.

Federation Square, Melbourne,Australia.Architect:LABArchitecture Studio

Stainless steel

Dancing House Prague, Czech Republic .Architect: FrankGehry

Stainless steel has the following general

variety of rolling techniques from smooth to


textured, in an appearance from matt to pol-

contains between approximaately I I to 25

• Highly resistant to corrosion and usually

ished. In addition, the sheetcan be coloured

per cent chromium,together with nickel

requires no further coatings.

as part of the manufacturing process.

in some types,giving it properties that are

· Higher fire resistance than carbon steels.

Stainless steel is an alloy of steel which

distinct from carbon steels, the main one

• A risk of bimetallic corrosion at the junc-

being a high resistance to corrosion without

tion of stainless steel and carbon steel when

the need for an additional coating. Since the

they are used together.

material is considerably more expensive than

Separation at junction is usually required,

the traditional pattern of fabrication for

carbon steels, stainless steel is most com-

such as a nylon or neoprene spacer.

carbon steel members except that more

Working wrth the material The fabrication of stainless steel follows

monly used in small building components and

use is made of pressing and bending to form

in cladding panels where durability is a prime

suitable shapes. Fabrication of stainless steel

Material selection


Although the material develops a thin

should be kept entirely separate from that of carbon steel to ensure that the processes

Properties and data

oxide layer that protects it from further

of cutting and grinding do not cause impreg-


corrosion, different grades of stainless steel

nation of carbon steel particles onto the

are available to suitthe severity of exposure

stainless surface, which can lead to rusting.

= 7850 to 8000 kg/m 3 (490 to

500 Ib/ft 3) Young's Modulus : In the longitudinal direction 190-200kN/mm 2


from polluted urbanto maritime to rural

Fabricated elements should seek to eliminate

environments.A limited range of standard

standing seams or edges where water can

sections is available and usually in small

collect, in order to avoid crevassing corro-

(3.9 x 109 to 4.1 x 109 Ibf/ft2)

sizes only. The need for a high degree of

sion. Stainless steel has high ductility which

In the transverse direction 195-205 kN/mm 2

fabrication of members can make construc-

gives the material excellent resistance to

tion time slower than that for carbon steel

impact loading.


(4.0 x 109 to 4.2 x 109 Ibf/ft2)

applications. For example, plate is folded to

Coefficient of thermal expansion

form angles and tubes,and hollow sections

=I 3 x I0- 6 to 17 x I 0-6 K-I (7.2 x 10-6 to 9.4 x 10- 6 OF-I)

are formed by bending and seam welding.As wit h carbon steels, the high strengths types, which have been heat-treated,are more difficultto weld, as the process can undo the heat strengthening. Different finishes are available which are achieved by using a MCH




Alum inium

St Paul's Place car park,Sheffield, UK Architect Allies & Morrison

St Paul's Place car park,Sheffield, UK.Architect:Allies & Morrison

Aluminium was first produced in 1825,and

steel, aluminium is a material that can be

by the late 19th cent ury a method had been

extruded, rolled and cast into complex

found to mass produce the material by the

shapes: plates, sheets, extrusions and castings,

electrolysis of alumina and cryolite.

Properties and data Production process of raw material

The main properties of aluminium alloys are as follows:

Aluminium is madefrom bauxite, which

ImperialWar Museum North, Manchester, UK, Architect: St udio Daniel Libeskind

is essentially an hydrated alumina, or alu-

Densit y = 2700 kg/m3

minium oxide, Mined bauxite is treated

( 169 Ib/ft 3)

chemically to remove impurities and obtain

Design strength

alumina,which is aluminium oxide.This is then reduced to aluminium by electrolysis,

Heat treate d = 270 N/mm2 (5.6 x I0 6 Ibf/ft 2) for extrusions

Becausealuminium has a very high melting

and 235 N/mm2 (4.9 x 106 Ibf/ft 2) for

point (2450°C) it cannot be electrolysed on


its own,and so it is dissolved in molten cryolite.A high electric current is passed through

Fully softened= 105 N/mm 2 (2, I x 10 6 Ibf/ft 2) for plate

the alumina-cryolite mixture at around

Young's Modu lus = 70 kN /mm 2

IOOO°e, and the molten aluminium is tapped

109 Ibf/ft2)

off,Aluminium alloys are either formed directly, followed by continuous casting, or

Coefficient of t hermal expansion = 23 x 10-6 K- I ( 12.8 x 10-6 O F-I)

are cast into solid ingots.The metal is t hen

Thermal conductivity =

cast into ingots which form the basis for

200W/m oC

producing aluminium alloys. Pure aluminium

( I 16 BTU/hr.ft,0F)

istoo soft for structural use and is therefore

Specific heat capacit y = 880 J/kg C (0.2 1

combined with other metals to form alloys

BTU/lb OF)

to increase its strength and hardness,though reducing its ductility. Magnesium, silicon and manganese are the most common additives, Aluminium alloys make strong, lightweight structural components. In common with MCH



( 1.4 x

Selfridges. Birmingham,UK.Architect: Future Systems

For comparison with other materials, aluminium alloys have the following general properties:

Material selection Pure aluminium and its alloys are in two broad groups:the non heat-treated alloys. also called fully softened alloys. whose

· Lightness, weighing about a third that of

strength is produced from being cold


worked. andthe heat-treated alloys whose

· High t ensile strength. similar to that of steel.

strength is produced by heat treatment.The

· High impact resistance. (compared to steel)

non heat-treated types are generally not as

· High corrosion resistance, but alu-

strong. but have better corrosive resistance.

minium requires protective coating in very

Structural useof aluminium alloys is

polluted or severe atmospheric conditions.

limited by two significant disadvantages: they

· Coatings are not applied solely for appear-

are more expensive t o manufacture than


steel andthey deform more easily under

· High heat conduction.

load.Aluminium alloys are more elastic than

· High electrical conduction.

steel.restricting their useto components

· Poor stiffness.

and assemblies where this is not a constraint.

· Low resistance to soft impact, but absorbs

Since the Young's Modulus of aluminium is

impact energy which localises damage.

one third that of steel, buckling is an impor-

(Whereas a soft.or low level impact, such as

tant issue in its structural use.The potential

a kick, would not damage a steel panel. it will

of this material as a full structural material

dent one in aluminium.

in buildings is beginning to be recognised.

· A high impact, such as a car reversing into

The Media Centre at Lord's Cricket Ground,

a panel. would cause a large steel panel to

London.England. is a recent notable example

buckle across its entire height and length, but

becauseof the full structural use of aluminium

one made of aluminium will again dent only

in a large-scale building frame.

around the impact area). · Thermal expansion approximately twice that of steel. · Poor fire resistance.

Working with the material On exposureto the atmosphere. aluminium forms a protective coating of aluminium oxide. Under adverse conditions.the oxide film can break down locally, but it usu-



Materials 0 I Aluminium

Iris Dome at EXPO 2000 in Hanover, Germany

OitaStadium, Japan. Architect:Kisho Kurokawa & Associates ally reforms to a greaterthickness preventing

treatment in the other alloy types.Since

and applying an electrical current,creating an

further attack.Aluminium can be exposed to

the design strength of the fully softened

oxide layer integral wit h the underlying metal.

the weather; in non-polluted environments

alloys is halfthat of the heat-treated types,

The anodic film is porous and must be sealed.

and awayfrom maritime conditions, without

the section sizes used in welded aluminium

This is done by immersing the anodised alu-

the need for additional treatment provided

structures can often be similar to that of

minium in boilingwat er or steam.The ano-

the surface is maintained. Over time, it loses

comparable steel structures, but wit h con-

dised coating can be dyed; the sealing then assists its colour-fastness. Anodising should

its initial bright appearance and assumes a

siderably less weight.The design strength of

dull grey sheen. Aluminium should be cleaned

the heat-treated alloys, which is similar to the

be carried out after welding.The process of

regularly to avoid pits forming in the material

bottom end of the design strength of steel,

welding would otherwise break down the

surface. However; one way to avoid this isto

can be exploited in extrusions, which require

anodising process at heat-affected locations.

anodise or paint the material with a propri-

no welding in their manufacture. Extrusions

Broken-down anodising could result in weld

etary coating.

can be usedto form complex profiles, such

impurities that would impair its structural

as those needed in window sections or walk-


Aluminium is susceptible to electrolytic corrosion in contact with certain materi-

way decking, and be much lighterthan an

Aluminium's natural finish, often referred

als such as copper:Therefore direct contact

equivalent member in steel.The material can

to as mill finish, can be worked to produce

wit h copper and copper-rich alloys, such as

also be cast to form complex shapes that are

a polished, ground or brush-grained finish.

brass and bronze is avoided and the material

more economic in large quantities than an

Etching gives a matt and non-directional finish

should be used in a way that water does not

equivalentfabricated component.

with no direct refiections.Anodising gener-

fiow onto it from copper: However; water fiowing from aluminium to copper or lead is not harmful.There is no corrosive action

Anodising Anodising produces a fine translucent

ally follows these processes, which increases durability and enhances long-term appearance. Brightening is not suitable for architec-

between aluminium and zinc or zinc coat-

film over the surface of aluminium.The ano-

tural alloys which are only 99.5% aluminium

ings and galvanised surfaces. Some timber

dising process results in the replacement, by

because the brightening is not uniform.

preservatives contain compounds harmful

electrochemical means, of the metal's natu-

Chemical brightening on other alloys dis-

to aluminium. Untreated timber affects the

rally formed oxide film by a dense chemi-

solves and fiattens surface irregularities found

material to a much lesser extent.

cally resistant artificial film many times the

in extruded or sheetaluminium surfaces, and

thickness of its natural equivalent.This film

produces a mirror finish with a very high

Aluminium can be cut and drilled, riveted, bolted, screwed and glued.The material can

is extremely hard, gives added protection

refiectivity It can be anodised without dulling

also be welded. However; welding is usually

against abrasion,and reduces the adhesion

the surface.

done using the fully softened alloys, since

of dirt particles.Anodising is carried out by

this process can undo the work of the heat

immersing the aluminium in an electrolyte



Luigi Colani designs

Coatings Aluminium can be coated in a wide range of colours through the use of pro-

Recycling Aluminium is one of the easiest and cheapest materials to recycle. The conversion

prietary processes. Plastic coatings provide

of scrap backto high-grade metal requires

a durable paint surface; polyester powder

only about 5% of the energy needed to make

coating is one of the most common finishes.

the same amount of metal from bauxite.

Plastic coatings are dip-coated, sprayed or electrophoretically deposited underwater.The electrostatically applied finish ensures that an even coat is built-up on the metal.These paints fade and losetheir shine with time, though the change is slow and even. PVDF (polyvinylidene di-fluoride),also called PVF2 in Europe, and powder coatings are most commonly used. PVDF is a spray-applied finish, which is highly resistant

The Lightbox,Woking. UK.Architect: Marks Barfield Architects

to fading in sunlight, making it very suitable for external use where colour stability is an important consideration such as in wall cladding. Powder coating is applied in an electrolytic process that provides a softer. and less expensive coating than PVDF. It is not as resistant to fading in sunlight, but is a harder finish and less expensive, making it suitable for both an economic external finish and excellent for internal use.All these finishes have methods of touching up surfaces that become exposed or are damaged during installation or use, but colour matching remains an important consideration.

The Public.West Bromwich.UK,Architect:W ill Alsop



Materials aI Copper, zinc and lead

Copper cladding in use

Properties and data

(65.4 BTU/hr.ft.OF) Lead: = 35W/mK

Density :

(20.2 BTU/hr.ft.OF)

Copper = 8900 kg/m3 (560 Ib/ft 3) Zinc = 7 140 kg/m3 (445 Ib/ft 3)

Specific heat :

Lead = I I,340 kg/m3 (705 Ib/ft 3)

(0.093 BTU/lb OF)


Copper: = 390 j/kg C o

Zinc: = 385 j/kg C Tensile st rength:

(0.092 BTU/lb OF)

Copper = 2 16- 355 N/mm2 (4.5 x 105 to 1.0 x 106 Ibf/ft 2)

Lead: = 388 j/kg C


(0.093 BTU/lb OF)

Zinc = 139-216 N/mm2 (3.8 x 105 to 5.9 x 105 Ibf/ft 2) Lead = 15-18 N/mm2

Material selection

(3. 1x 105 to 3.8 x 105 Ibf/ft 2)

zinc and lead are the most widely used met-

Apart from steel and aluminium, copper, als in the building industryThese metals are

Copper claddingin use

You ng's Modulus : Copper = I 17-132 kN/mm2 (2.4 x 109 to 2.8 x 109 Ibflft2) Zinc = I 10 kN/mm2 (pure) (2.3 x 109 Ibf/ft 2) Lead = 15-18 kN/mm2 (3. 1 x 10 8 to 3.8 x 108 Ibf/ft 2)

produced as sheets of up to approximately one metre (3ft 3in) wide sections and castings. All three metals have excellent weatherresisting properties, however, they are susceptible t o attack by pollutants such as acids. Their use is restricted to non-structural metals and alloys, because none has the strength or rigidity of steel,or the combinat ion of

Coefficient of thermal expansion :

strength and lightness of aluminium.They are

Copper = 17 x 10- 6 K- I across grain (9.5 x 10- 6 OF-I ) Zinc =23 to 40 x 10-6 K-I (across

generally used as cladding materials for walls

grain) ( I2.8 x I0-6 to 22.5 x I0-6 0F- I) Lead 29.5 x 10-6 K- I (across grain)


( I 6.5 x I0-6 0F- I)

Working wit h these materials

and roofs. Copper is also used extensively for water supply pipework and in electrical

Copper is stro ng in tension,tough and



Thermal conductivity :

ductile, but is not as malleable as lead.The

Copper: = 300 W/mK

material has a shiny red/yellow colour when

( 173 BTU/hr.ft.OF)

new, slowly developing a protective sulphate

Zinc: = 113 W/mK

layer on its surface when exposed to the

Zinc cladding in use

Copper cladding in use

atmosphere.This patina has a characteristic

Zinc is a durable material, although it is more

can be cut,drilled, nailed, welded in a proc-

green colour which has a fairly consistent

brittle than copper. It is manufactured as a

ess called leadburning,and soldered with

colour and texture. Copper is available with

white coloured metal, but when exposed

hand power tool s. Due to its lackof rigidity,

a pre-weathered, or pre-patinated finish

to the atmosphere a carbonate is slowly

lead sheet is most commonly jointed by

which is chemically induced.This finish varies

formed which produces a protective coating

dressing it over rounded timber battens or

slightly from naturally weathered cladding.

that isgrey-white in colour. The material has

rolls.W here standing seams are used, they

Well maintained copper cladding, which has

a linearthermal expansionthat is similar to

often incorporate a steel angle to keepthe

oxidised atmospherically, will lastfrom 30 to

lead and higherthan copper.

line of the joint straight and vert ical. Lead is

50 years.

Zinc can be cut,drilled,nailed, welded

There is a variety of copper types avail-

and soldered wit h hand power tool s, mak-

alloyed with tin to form solders for jointing and sealing.

able, each of which is suitable for a particular

ing it reasonably versat ile for use on site. Its

task. For instance, deoxidised copper is suita-

rigidity makes it well suited to standing seam

ble for welding, while fire-refined tough-pitch

joints. W ell maintained zinc cladding can last

copper; with its tougher resistance to cor-

for between 30 and 50 years. Zinc is liable

other;rainwater running from one to the

rosion, is used for cladding. Otherwise, both

to attack from copper alloys, so that rainwa-

other can cause corrosion by electrolysis.

have similar properties. Copper forms a high

ter running off copper should be avoided.

Run off from copper and zincwill attackcast

proportion of metal in alloys such as bronze,

Apart from its use in alloys, zinc is used as a

iron, mild steel, galvanised steel and alumini-

which is primarily a mixture of copper and

protective coating to steel, applied through a

um. In addition, copper will attack zinc. Lead

tin. Brass is primarily a mixture of copper

process of galvanising and sherardising

is much more resilient and does not attack

and zinc,and aluminium bronze is primarily


is an extremely durable,ductile

Electrolytic action W hen different metals are near each

other metals wit h the exception of alu-

a mixture of copper and aluminium. Cop-

and malleable material, making it extremely

minium when used in marine environments.

per can be cut,drilled, nailed, welded and

useful for roof coverings and flashings in

W hen roofs or walls are made from either copper or zinc, typically other metals are not

soldered with hand power tools, making it

traditional roof construction. However; while

versat ile for site-intensive work.W hen used

its relative softness allows lead to be formed

usually used in adjacent components, such as

as cladding,joints between sheets are made

into complex shapes, its lackof rigidity

gutters and flashings,where wat er run off is

by foldingthe edges together.This method

means that a supporting material must be

likely to occur.

takes advantage of the fact that copper can

provided beneath it.Timber boards are most

be bent alongan edgefairly easily, but is rigid

commonly used for this. Lead has low resist-

enough to remain folded.

ance to creep.


sheetfor cladding is made from

On exposure to the atmosphere,a pro-

either commercial zinc orfrom an alloy of

tective coating of lead carbonate is slowly

zincwith small amounts of copper and tita-

formed on its surface.This gives weathered

nium added.The properties ofthe two types

lead a dull grey appearance . Lead is a poi-

are similar;but zinc alloy has better tensile

sonous material, leading to increased aware-

strength and resistance to creep, which is

ness of the dangers of water run off from

long-term plastic deformation under load.

lead cladding reaching the water supply. Lead



Materials 0 I Tectonics in glass

Paris Metro station canopy, Paris, France.Architect: Hector Guimard

An essential use of glass in buildings is

Paris Metro station canopy, Paris, France.Architect: Hector Guimard

opportunities for designers to use large

ing importance of thermal insulation and a

glazed panels in facades. However, since

reduction in the energy consumed to temper

most glazing is made in double glazed units,

the internal environment of buildings, the use

glass panels do not often achieve these sizes

of singleglazing with thin supporti ng frames

due primarily to issues of deflection under

without thermal breaks, is no longer used

wind load and the dead weight of the glass.

in most new buildings except where, for

A 3000mm wide double glazed unit, storey

example, the spaces enclosed by the glass are

height, weighs around 6S0kg, making it diffi-

considered to be external and serve only as

cult to lift into place using conventional lifting

canopies, or in the outer screens to double

systems for glazed units and even more dif-

facades. In these semi external applications,

ficult to consider moving it around by hand.

the visual lightness afforded by lightweight

Double glazed unit s of half their size can be

steel supporting structures can still echo t he

difficultt o manhandle on site. In addition to

glazed structures of t he early 20th century,

the weight of glass, its size is an important

such as the canopies to Metro stations in

consideration when designing wit h the mate-

Paris by Hector Guimard.Theses canopies

rial. The six metre by three metre sheets,

have glass panels which have no support

called 'jumbo' sheets, are required to be cut

on the outer edges,allowingthe supporting

economically to avoid waste.This makes glass

metal structure to take precedence.This pref-

economic for the ISOOmm wide panels pre-

erence for the expression of the supporting

ferred in office buildings, but does not restrict

structure at the visual expense of the glass

their cutting to rectilinear panels.Triangular

has been a theme in glass tectonics through

panels can also be economic if cut without

the 20th century In the Guimard canopies,

significant waste, as can other shapes which

covers for lights to illuminat e the entrance

frt the jumbo sheet format.


In wall construction, where glass is used

ing structure being almost a container for t he

in most quantity in most buildings,the mate-

exquisitely formed lamp covers.The use of

rial is fixed either along its edges or at point s.

glass and metal is finely balanced both t echni-

The use of edge restraint results in a frame

cally and visually,though the richness of the

behind all glass edges, but point fixed glazing

forms were only gradually accepted as being

allows the material to become visually domi-

of architectural merit.

nant,allowing it to be seen almost as a con-

Glass is manufactured in sheets of float


laminat e glass at this size, providing more

in double glazed units.With the increas-

have a form of their own, with the support-

Bilbao Metro entrance, Bilbao,Spain.Architect: Foster & Partners

Paris Metro station canopy, Paris, France.Architect: Hector Guimard

tinuous plane of glass rather than as an infill-

glass approximately 6000mm x 3000mm,

ing material. The glazed screen in the Dancing

which is typically much larger than can be

House by Frank Gehry in Prague, completed

used as single sheets in buildings. Some

in I996.This contrasts with the use of glass at

glass manufacturers are ableto temper and

Federation Square by Lab Architecture, com-

187 - 195 Oxford Street,London, UK.Architect: Future Systems

Swiss ReTower, London, UK.Architect: Foster& Partners

pleted in 2003, where the supporting frames

reducetheir U-value andto reduce solar

dominate as the language of the tectonic,

gain.This makes double glazed units increas-

with the glass as an infill material. An advan-

ingly energyefficient. and the introduction

tage of the framed approach is economy, as

of argon gas into the void between the glass

the double glazed units can be fitted directly

panels further increases their thermal per-

to the supporting frame. Bolt fixed glazing

formance.When used in curtain walling,the

requires the glass to be drilled before any

framing is typically much poorer in thermal

tempering is done, making it expensive to

performance, bringing the U-value from a

use, though recent examples use bolt fixings

typical 1.1 W /m2K up to a typical 2.0W/m2K,

that are bonded to one face of the glass, or

depending on the framing type.The thermal

drilled through only one sheet of the double

break in curtain wall systems is a structural

glazed unit.An alternative approach isto

component at present. so finding a much

clamp the glass by passing plates through the

higherperformingthermal break is not with-

joints between the units. Consequently, the

out its difficulties. In very cold climates, triple

design and position of the clamps becomes a

glazed units are being introduced, though

primary issue in the design of the system as

there is still a limited condensation risk at the

the visual impact of a surface covered with

edges of the unit where the perimeter spac-

small clamps creates a kind of'point cloud'

er conducts greater amounts of heat energy.

of fixings across the surface of the glass wall

A development over the past 10years has

or roof

been in the introduction of so-called 'super

The curving of glass has undergone some

neutral'glasses in double glazed units which

development. at leastin the quality of pro-

have high solar control performance com-

duction,in recent years. Specialist companies

bined with higherlevels of transparency than

around Europe now offer single curved glass

was formerly the case with so-called 'body

panels in both tempered and laminated glass.

tinted' glasses. Superneutral glasses have

Some companies around the world will now

a colour which is visually not as strong as

provide double curved panels, as used at the

the older generation of body tinted types,

Nordpark Cable Railway in lnnsbruck, Austria,

though these are still available. Superneutrals

which form a durable and reflective surface

allow more daylight transmission than their

finish for canopy enclosures.The ability of

forerunners, but in locations where there is

glass to be curved, coated andtempered is

considerable exposure to the effects of the

making it more of a sculptural material again,

sun an additional outer screen of solar shad-

following in the tradition of the Guimard

ing panels might be used.

Metro entrances. The useof glass in double glazed units

Dancing House Prague, Czech Republic Architect: Frank Gehry

A recent development in glass design has been the introduction of all-glass structures,

allows the encapsulated inner faces of the

where glass components are connected

glass to have coatings applied to them to

together by silicone bonds.The silicone

Dancing House Prague,Czech Republic Architect: FrankGehry



Materials 0 I Glass

Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia, Architect: LAB Architecture Studio

Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia. Architect: LAB Archit ecture Studio

Nordpark Cable Railway.lnnsbruck .Architect:Zaha HadidArchitects

serves as both adhesive and sealant, provid-

ment across the extent of the walls. Some

ing weathertight enclosures.The scale of use

projects, particularly for glazed roofs, have

to date has been modest, with single storey

used a large number of glass panel sizes in

conservatories,walkways,canopies and glass

order to suitthe structural geometry of the

floors as the primary examples of their use.

roof form, but these are typically quantified in

Mostapplications have additional mechanical

detail by the design team in order to control

fixings to overcome concernsabout the long


term durability of all-glass structures, but this

A recent alternative to the curving of

varies from projectto project. An alternative

glass as part of the manufacturing process

to the all-glass structure is the cladding of

has been to 'cold bend' glass sheets on site,

conventional structures or walls in opaque

typically as part of a stick (site assembly

rainscreens.This method uses screen printed

based) glazing system.The amountsto which

glass which istypically silicone bonded to a

the glass can be pushed at the corners to

backing frame ,then hooked on, or fixed back

take up a curved form across its surface is

to, a carrierframe behind.This use of glass

limited, but curves in glazed walls and roofs

as an external rainscreen allows the void

are often modest, making the idea of cold

between the glass and the external face of

bending more attractive to contractors.

the backing wall to have lighting, creating a glow to an otherwise opaque or utilitarian facade, with the benefit of creating some lighting for safety of users around the building.

The manufacture of float glass is the first stageof production. Float glass is made by

One of the main changes in the use of glass in facades and roofs is a gradual move

Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia. Architect: LAB Architecture Studio

Production process of raw material

pouring molten glass onto a bath of molten tin.The glass floats on top and is drawn offas

away from entirely rectilinear glass panels to

it solidifies. It is available in thicknesses ranging

those that deviate slightly from it.These can

from 2mm to 25mm (I/8in to Iin).

rangefrom parallelogram shapesto triangular

Most float glass has a green tint caused by

to diamond patterns in glazed facades, but

small amounts of iron oxide in the glass.Add-

all are based on the need for repeatability

ing different oxides to the mix during the

of glass unitsize in order to make the glass

manufacturing stage can alter the tint of the

economic to manufacture. In addition, glazed


walls are required to move in relation to their supporting structure, and must be able to move from one panel to the next.This further encourages the panels to be of the same size in order to ensure that the movements have a consistent 'behaviour' of moveMCH


Properties and data

Density: Float glass = 2520 kg/m 3 (158 Ib/ft3) Tensile strength: Float glass = 35-55N /mm 2 (7.4 x 107 Ibf/ft2)

Nordpark Cable Railway. Innsbruck .Architect:Zaha HadidArchitects

Compressive strength:


3800--4670 N/mm2

Glass block sizes for external walls:

Float glass ( 1.0 x 107 to 1.2 x 107 Ibflft 2)

(8in x 8in x 4in thick (imperial)

Young's Modulus:

146 x 146mm (nominal 6in x 6in)

Float glass 70 kN/mm 2 ( 1.4 x 109 Ibf/ft 2)

197 x 197mm (nominal 8in x 8in)

Coefficient of thermal expansion 23 x 10- 6 K-I (12.8 x I0- 6 F-I)

Typical thickness 98mm (nominal 4in x 8in)



Thermal conductivity



190 x 190 x IOOmm thick (metr ic)

197 x 95mm (nominal 8in x 4in)

Glass block sizes for internal partitions

0.7-1.1 W /m C (0.4 BTU/hr.ft.OF)

120 x 120 x 40mm (nominal 6 x 6 x I

Specific heat capacity




820-995 J/kg C


(0.19 - 0.24 BTU/lb OF)

200 x 200 x 50mm (nominal 8 x 8 x 2in).

Approximate and easily available maximum

The characteristics common to

glass sheet sizes

different glass types are:

I) Float glass

·Variable tensile strength.

Maximum size 3180 x 6000mm ( 125in x

· It is proneto fracture resulting


from tiny cracks or imperfections.

for thicknesses from 2mm to over 25mm

Cityof Arts and Sciences, Valencia, Spain.Architect: Santiago Calatrava

Oriente Station Lisbon, Portugal Architect:SantiagoCalatrava

·Variable impact resistance. · Non-corrosive.

2) Clear toughened glass

· Non-combustible.

Maximum size 4200 x 2000mm (165in x

· High heat conduction.

80in) for thicknesses from 6mm to 12mm

· Low thermal expansion.

The City of Arts and Sciences inValencia,Spain Architect:Santiago Calatrava

3) Laminated glass Maximum size 3180x4200mm ( 125in x I 65in) for thicknesses from 4.4mm to

Material selection Heat soaked glass is made by re-heat-

9.8mm (31 16in x 3/8in)

ing float glass then cooling it quickly, which

4) Rough castwired glass

putsthe surface of the glass into compres-

Maximum size 3700 x 1840mm

sion and removes impurities such as nickel

( 145in x 72in) for thickness 7mm ( I14in)

sulphide.W hen broken,fully toughened glass

5) Polished wired glass

disintegrates into tiny, comparatively harm-

Maximum size 3300x I830mm

less, pieces. Its strength, measured in terms

( 130in x 72in),thickness 6mm ( I14in)

of impact resistance, is up to five timesthat

6) Body tinted float glass

of float glass.The tougheningprocess can

Maximum size 2540 x 4600mm ( I OOin x

produce minor distortions in the glass, usually

180in) for thicknesses from 6mm to 12mm

caused by roller marks. Heat soaked glass is

City of Arts and Sciences ,Valencia,Spain Architect:Santiago Calatrava



Materials 0 I Glass

Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer

Lyon-Satolas TGVStation, Lyon, France.) Architect: Santiago Calatrava

a partiallytoughened glass for usewhere full

to the rise in temperature to provide a

toughening is not required or as part of a

degree of insulation against radiant heat.

laminated glass construction.

Variable or switchable transmission glass is a new form of treated glass.Though

Laminated glass

Nordpark Cable Railway, Innsbruck .Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects

is made by bonding

two or more sheets of glass together with a

expensive,it aims to reduce internal heat loss

film of plastic in between, called the interlayer.

from inside as well as to reduce solargain. It

The interlayercan be clear or translucent,

is able to change its own thermal and light

and is available in a wide range of colours to

transmission performance by means of an

create effects of colour in the glass that are

electrical signal. In many applications, it turn s

translucent in a way which is different from

from transparent to an opaque whit e when

the screen printing of glass. When broken,

an electric signal is introduced.Applications

laminated glass staystogether in a single

include glazed partitions in office buildings.

piece due to this bondingbetween the lay-

, ""

Glass blocks can

be solid or hollow.

ers. This makes it very useful for glazed roofs

Solid blocks are used as paving for floors.The

and for glazed screens which are set forward

hollow type is used for walls and consists

of glazed facades. However, after the initial

of two half-bricks fused together to give a

impact, laminated glass will eventually fall

smooth appearance on both faces.

away as dangerous fragments of glass, so it is

Glass can be mounted in double- and

required to be replaced as soon as possible,

triple-glazed unitsto provide greaterther-

with the floor areabeneath the broken pan-

mal insulation and sound insulation than is

els typically being secured to avoid the risk

achieved by an equivalent single sheet of

of injury to those below. Combiningseveral

glass. An insulated unit can be a mix of float,

laminates together in one sheetcan make

laminated or other glasses.To improve ther-

anti-vandal and even bullet resistant glass.

mal performance, the air gap between the

Wired glass

is made by sandwiching a

layers can be evacuated to create a vacuum

steel wire mesh between two layers of glass,

or be replaced wit h a low conductivity gas

which are then rolled flat.The wire holdsthe

such asargon.The maximum size of double

glass together for a period of time during a

glazed units is determined by the maximum

fire and so prevents the passage of smoke

sizes of glass types used. However, the size

from one sideto the other.The roughcast

of unit is usually determined by windloading

product can be polished to provide a more

rather than maximum glass sizes.

transparent finish.Wired glasses cannot be toughened and are not regarded as safety products.

Fire resistant glass is formed by glass Metropolitan Cathedral, Brasilia, Brazil. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer



Worl<.ing with the material Float, toughened and laminated glass can be curved. Flatglass is heated and moulded

sandwich panels containing an intumescent

to shape in either one or two directions.

layer. In a fire the layerof gel, or salts, reacts

Floatglass can be cut,drilled,screwed and

Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer

glued. It can also be bolted using proprietary

layer of metal which allows maximum day-

systems. Toughened glass cannot be cut,

light and short-wave heat t o ent er the build-

drilled or surface worked after manufacture

ing but reduces heat loss by reflecting long

but laminated glass can be drilled wit h spe-

wave radiation trying to escape at night.The

cialist equipment.

coating is hardly visible.

Surface and body treatments

Recycl ing

Float,toughened and laminated glass can

Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Brazil. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer

Glass is one of the easiest mat erials to

be furt her treated to allow varying levels

recycle and is economically viable. Enormous

of light transmission and thermal insulation.

energy savings in glass manufacture can be

Sometimesthis is done during the manufac-

made by recycling the material.

turing process.These treatments are body t inting, screen-printing, sand blasting and acid etching, coatings, including low-E and fritti ng, and curving. Body tinted glass is produced by small additions of metal oxidest o the glass, reduc-

BCE Place,Allen Lam bert Galleria and Heritage Square,Toronto, Canada Architect: Santiago Calatrava

ing solar gain.A limited range of tints is available,including shadesof green, grey, bronze and blue. Fritted glass is made by printing ceramic designs onto float glass, which is then toughened.This process involves fusing coloured frit (powdered glass), through a stencil onto the surface of the glass, providing a permanent durable finish.This treatment can be used to help reduce solar gain. Surface printing with a high level of detail can be achieved by screen-printed dots, lines or meshes. Sand blasting and acid etching are surface treatment s which produce a uniform, matt translucent finish.The microscopically pitted surface has a tendency to retain dirt and grease, making it difficult t o clean. A low-emissivity coating (low-E) is applied to glass to improve its thermal insulation.The coating is a microscopically thin

Nordpark Cable Railway. lnnsbruck.Architect Zaha HadidArchitects



Materials 0 I Tectonics in concrete

Francois Hennebique

Claude Nicolas Ledoux:theVillede Chaux,France

Concrete had been used for over 2000

used.There is no visible detailing;the mono-

years before advances were made during

lithic expression of the building forms seem

the 19thcentury with the development

to relate more to military installations of the

of reinforced concrete, a techniquethat

time than to the language of public buildings.

involved incorporating metal rods to com-

The window openings are small and seem

pensate for the inherent weakness of the

only to emphasisethe visually massive qual-

material in tension. Fran<;ois Hennebique

ity of the walls.W hile the material used for

constructed in 1892 what is thought to be

the buildings is not clear from the drawings,

the first building with a reinforced concrete

stone-faced loadbearing masonry would

frame. Ernest Ransome patented a similar

probably have been used as the material

system in the US in 1895. By the beginning

system of the time. However, the monolithic

of the 20th century, in Europe and in North

forms are very much in tune wit h concrete;

America, iron rods and wireswere being

large flat areas with no registration of joints

used as reinforcement in patented floor

or traces of the waythe building would be

systems and structural frames. Modern rein-

constructed. It looks as if no evidence of the

forced concrete is essentially a development

construction method should be visible in

of these systems.

order not to detract from the architectural

An essential quality of concrete is that

Unite d'Habitation,Marseille,France. Architect: Le Corbusier

De laWarr Pavilion,Bexhill. Architect:Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff,



messages in t he form of the building con-

it is a moulded material, capable of creating

cerned wit h expressing the intended use of

large-scale monolithic forms without joints in

the building.Another drawing shows a design

the material. This essential quality was hinted

for a cemetery with a shell structure in the

at much earlier, the work of Claude Nicolas

centre of an unspecified construction.This

Ledoux in the late 18th century demon-

could have been achieved 150years later

strat es an intent in architectural expression

in concrete, as seen in the work of Eero

through abstracted forms that represent

Saarinen and Santiago Calatrava. Ledoux

'functions' of the building or the functions of

built on examples of his vision at the Ville de

the principal uses of the building. His book

Chaux using primary geometric forms with

Archit ecture consideree sous Ie rapport

columns and rusticated stonework.The idea

de I'art, des moeurs et de la legislation sets

of the architect as giving visible form to the

out a vision of the archit ect as providing a

function of society in monolithic architectural

visible structure of a society where status

form was later taken up by Le Corbusier,

is accorded t o 'functions' in society rather

as seen in his design for the chapel at Ron-

than power or wealth.The Water Inspector's


House expresses the function of its occupier,

The evolution of concrete as a building

with river water passing through the building.

material was the result of a 'rediscovery' of

The form shown in t he drawings is mono-

the material primarily as a mortar in engi-

lithic, wit h little expression of the material

neering projects, but to its eventual use as

The Centennial Hall,W roclaw,Poland,Architect: Max Berg

a structural material used wit h first arches

building has a roof that begins to exploit

and then for floors, columns and then asa

the sculpt ural possibilities of concrete:the

full structural frame.Joseph Monier's system

architect was influenced by, among others,

of using steel reinforcement in a syst emat ic

the unbuilt projects of l.edoux.The base

manner; first seen in 1867,was a develop-

structure that form s part of the ring beam

ment of earlier mixes of metal and concrete

for the dome above is curved in three

that themselves probably evolved from the

dimensions, and shows the possibilities of

metal rods and brackets used as tension

construction which were followed up in

members in timb er and masonr y structures

later concrete shell structures,The dome

that go back to at least the reinforced metal

is formed wit h inclined sculpt ural ribs on

hammer beam roof of the Palace of W est-

which are set vert ical members, which in

minster Hall in London, built in the late 14th

turn support horizontal decks that provide

century Francois Hennebique's reinforced

both horizontal ribs to stiffen the inclined

concrete system developed t his concept into

members aswell as serving as ring beams

full reinforced concrete wit h a system pat-

for lateral stability This structure seems to

ented in 1892,The nature of reinforced con-

support vertical windows to wit hstand the

crete is such that its method of construction

rain and snow of the harsh winters,This

is not visible, except for t he marks left by the

structure begins t o exploit t he possibilities

formwork, which can be either expressed

of structure of enclosing spaces wit hout

or concealed, but the formwork is removed,

the rectilinear imperatives of masonr y and

wit h the boards or sheets being used only

timb er construction where walls, structure

once or twice before being discarded after

and enclosure are made from concrete as a

use, Hennebique's system, now so familiar t o

single material.A st eel frame wo uld require

us, uses a web of steel reinforcement which

infill of th e lower arched structure and of the

is never visible but which has a high degree

roof decks circling the dome in a different

of elaboration and visual character prior

material, which results in a loss of clarity of

t o it being concealed wit hin concrete. The

the architectural idea of sculpting structural

benefit of concrete as having a high level of

forms, ideas which would later be developed

fire prot ection has added to the popularity

by Sant iago Calatrava

of this material. However; concrete was still

The Pantheon, Rome, Italy.

In about the same year asthe Centennial

used as a substit ut e for masonry and timb er

Hall in W roclaw was the Dom-ino concept

construction, wit h its rectilinear forms.

of structure by Le Corbusier.The idea is

An example of the use of concrete as a

The Centennial Hall,Wroclaw, Poland,Architect: Max Berg

essentially a reinforced concrete structure

material in its own right, rather than imitat -

of fiat slab supported by columns, a method

ing the language of an earlier t echnology is

th at was not in general use until th e 1990s

the Centennial Hall inW roclaw, designed

when reinforcing methods made economic

by Max Berg and completed in 191 3.The

th e junction of slab and column, Unlike Le

The Nit er6i Contemporary Art Museum, Brazil. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer



Materials 0 I Concrete

Notre Dame du Haut Ronchamp Chapel France. Archit ect: Le Corbusier

Xochimilco Restaurant. Mexico City. Architect Felix Candela

Corbusier's later celebrated concrete struc-

Copan Building" Sao Paulo, Brazil. Architect: OscarNiemeyer

ture of the chapel at Ronchamp, the external

internal floors, staircases and partition walls,

wallsare formed from another material,

with internal fittings of information desks

which would typically be a combination

and counters being designed as miniature

of concrete and glass.The diagram of the

building forms in their own right.The build-

Dom-ino structure is clear.but the bands of

ing could have been formed using inflatable

glazing, running either vertically or horizon-

formwork; its intersecting vaults would have

tally. with an infill of rendered blockwork are

lent themselves to inflatable structures. In

independent of the system. Le Corbusier's

many ways the constructed building is itself

idea of a structural grid with constructed

almost a virtual form of an inflatable build-

objects set within it and which contrast wit h

ing, the concrete describingthe forms which

the grid, seems to connect very strongly with

could be achieved by plastics and fabrics, and

the Dam-ino concept.The gesture and grid

can be seen as a 'frozen' idea of invention in

contrast of forms is still visible at Ronchamp

building construction yet to come.

in three of the external walls with an overal l form described by the floor plane. The Guggenheim Museum in New York.



possibilities of concrete are extended to

The work of Santiago Calatrava takes a different turn to that of Eero Saarinen. W here theTWA Terminal uses a series of

completed in 1959 and designed by Frank

intersecting vaults that are formed as con-

Lloyd Wright, exploits the cast nature of

crete shells, projects such as the Science

concrete t o create a single spatial form of

Park at Valencia are formed as framed and

external walls and floors and follows in the

arched structures from a series of sculpted

tradition of Ledoux of highly modelled form

ribs. Rather than the vaulted aesthetic of a

that creates a clearvisual impression of the

single material system of TWA, theValencia

idea without the visual language of a vis-

building uses glass as an enclosing material

ible building assembly.An example of a roof

which avoids the need to add layers to an

based structure where the sculptural abili-

equivalent concrete shell.The use of bolt

ties of concrete are used is the Xo chimilco

fixed glazing with steel supporti ng ribs linked

Restaurant in Mexico City by Felix Candela.

back to the concrete ribbed structure cre-

This form, based on hyperbolic parabalaids,

ates an approach of mixing materials where

was formed using straight lengths of timber

the concrete frame and the glass enclo sure

board for the formwork, allowing a complex

are part of a single idea of using animal

form to be created with very simple form-

skeletons as a metaphor for the design. Cala-

work that required no specialist carpentry

trava's interest in anthropology led him to

skills, since the formwork was not required

consider the relationship of bone and muscle

to be curved.The concept of the concrete

to use two materials in an interdependent

shell was developed in the TWA Terminal by

way rather than the more straightforward

Eero Saarinen. In this building the sculptural

'layered' approach of traditional construction.

The Guggenheim Museum,NewYork, USA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright

Xochimilco Restaurant, Mexico Cit y. Architect:Felix Candela

This approach can also be seen in Calatrava's

Concrete wit h dense aggregate:

bridge structures,where steel is used asa

2240 to 2400 kg/m3 (140 to 150 Ib/ft3)

material separate from the reinforcement

Conc rete with lightweight aggregat e:

only within the concrete as reinforcement.

320 to 2000 kg/m3 (20 to 125 Ib/ft3) De sign strength = 35 N/mm2

In the bridges,the tension qualities of steel

Young's Modul us:

linking concrete elements rather than being

reinforcement are brought out of the con-

= 1.5 x 104 to 3.0 x 104 N/mm2

crete as steel components in their own right.

(3.1 x 108 to 6.2 x 108 Ibf/ft 2)

Of course,the concret e is still reinforced,

Coefficient of the rm al exp ansion

=12.0 x

other functions rather than beingonly buried

10-6 K- I to 7.0 x I 0-6 K- I (6.7 x 10-6 to 3.9 x 10- 6 F-I)

in the concrete. Calatrava's interest in animal

reducing wit h age.

skeleto ns and the lessons that can be drawn

The rma l cond uctivit y:

from them for use in building design can be

Concrete w ith dense aggregate:

but steel is also used as a component with


seen in his proposal for the Cathedral in

= 1.0 W /m C

New York where the sculptural possibi lities

(0.58 BTU/hr.ft.OF)

of concret e,together with t heir ability to be

Concrete wit h lightweight aggregat e:

made into large scale components, is clearly

0.5 W /m C

visible in the design.These ideas have found

(0.29 BTU/h r.ft.0F) • 0 Specific heat =840 J/kg C (0.20 BTU/lb OF)

their way into Calatrava's single designs for glazed roofs such as the MilwaukeeArt



The Guggenheim Museum.NewYork, USA. Architect:FrankLloyd Wright

Museum.The Milwaukee additions form an extension of an earlier project by Eero

Concrete has the following

Saarinen.Where Saarinen's project is essen-

propert ies:

tially rectilinear,with identical sculptural ele-

· Easily moulded.

ments used in bays to create what is essen-

· High strength in compression.

tially an extruded structure,Calatrava uses a

· High acoustic insulat ion for both airborne

similar discipline of geometry to create more

and structure-borne sound.

complex forms, but with his characteristic

· High fire resistance, but appropriate cover

interest in bringing daylight from roof lights

to steel reinforcement is needed.

and creating varying effects of daylight.

· Most shrinkage of the material occurs, as creep, during the first year after casting.

Propert ies and data

· Moisture movement occurs but is less significant than ti mber.

The main propertie s of concrete are as fol-

· Slightly permeable to wat er.


· It will not set properly if the air


t emperature approaches freezing point. If

TWATerminal,JFKAirport, NewYork Architect: Eero Saarinen MCH


Materials 0 I Concrete

Stadelhofen Station,Zurich, Switzerland. Architect:Santiago Calatrava

Milwaukee Museum ofArt. Architect: Santiago Calatrava

the air temperature istoo high, it will set too quickly, causing cracking.

Concrete shrinks as it dries, and can take more than a year to reach its final size, though it continues to shrink indefinitely by

Material selection

Milwaukee Museum of Art, Architect: Santiago Calatrava

Concrete is a dense material, composed

erable in the period immediately following

of cement and aggregate mixed with water.

the pouring, but slows down by the end of

It sets to form a hard, brittle material, strong

the first year. After approximately 28 days,

in compression but weak in tension. Portland

concrete approaches its design strength. It is

cement is the most widely used binding

important that the mixture should not dry

agent for concrete and consists of lime and

out too quickly to enablethe chemical reac-

clay mixed together at high temperature,

tions between the constituents to take place.

which is then crushed to form a fine powder.

Controlling the drying process is known as

The type and relative proportions of

'curing'. Having dried out, concrete subse-

cement and aggregate will vary according to

quently absorbs wate r. but any expansion is

use and desired appearance.The mix should

always much less than the original shrinkage

make economic use of the cement.Varying

during the curing process. Plasticisers can be

the composition of the constituents produc-

used to vary the rate of drying,which reduc-

es different strengths of concrete.The most important factors are the wate r to cement

es construction time. Plasticisers also increase the workability of the wet concrete.

ratio and the proportion of cement to aggre-

crete are combined to take advantage of the

aggregate:coarse aggregate).The amount of

compressive strength of concrete and the

water used in the mix affects both workabil-

tensile strength of the steel used.Two types

ity and strength. Less water increases strength

are used; mild steel reinforcement is used

but reducesthe workability, making it more

to form complex elements and has a yieldstrength of around 250N/mm2, and high

reinforcement when it is being poured in



In reinforced concrete, steel and con-

gate.A typical mix isthe I:2:4 (cement: fine

difficult for the concrete to flow around the

Milwaukee Museum of Art. Architect: Santiago Calatrava

tiny amounts.The rate of shrinkage is consid-

place.The reduced workability is improved

yield reinforcement is used elsewhere with a yield-strength of around 460N/mm2.As

by using additives, such as plasticisers,to the

the concrete sets it shrinks, gripping the steel

mix.The coarse aggregates, consisting of small

bars thus producing a monolithic structural

stones,form most of the mass,while spaces between these stones are fill ed by fine aggre-

material for use as frames,walls and floors. These can be cast-in-place at the site, or off-

gate and cement which bind the mixture

site as precast elements.W ith either method,

together. It is importantwhen pouring con-

the cost of formwork, or mould, can rep-

crete,that the mixture is properly vibrated

resent up to halfof the cost, and therefore

to ensure that the coarse aggregate is fully

the efficient use and re-use of formwork is

surrounded by the finer material.


PhaenoCentre,Wolfsburg,Germany. Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects.

Phaeno Centre,Wolfsburg, Germany. Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects.

Cast-in-place reinforced concrete is

transport costs.To be economic,and com-

usually delivered to site ready mixed and is

parable in cost with cast-in-place construc-

poured either by pumping or by crane buck-

tion,the number of different components

et. Cast-in-place reinforced concrete is made

should be kept to a minimum, becausefewer

by setting steel reinforcing rods, often in the

moulds, prototypes and trial panels would

form of a cage, between formwork, made

be used. On larger projects, it may be cost-

from plywood, steel or timber boards.Wet

effective to manufacture precast components

concrete is poured and compacted.The rein-

on site in a temporary facility.This avoids the

forcement must have an appropriate cover of

need to transport components,though such

concrete to protect it in the event of fire. The

conditions may not be ideal for high quality

cover also protects the steel from corrosion.

work. Precast concrete systems are manufac-

A series of bolts holds the sides of the formwork apart and shoring on the outside

tured as proprietary systems for both structural frames and wall cladding panels.There is

of the formwork supports the weight of the

a significant move towards re-using the form-

wet concrete.The formwork is removed, or

work from one application to the next.

struck, after 3 to 4 days and the holes left

Components are cast in moulds which

behind are filled with grout, which is a mix-

are made from glass reinforced polyester,

ture of cement and water. Since the holes

steel or concrete.Accurate manufacture is

remain very apparent, they are arranged at

difficult with plywood and timber due to the

regular centres in order to enhance their

thermal movement of these materials, mak-

appearance. The technique of manufacturing precast

ing the mould sizes unreliable. Panels are cast either face-up or face-down.In face-down

concrete,developed in the I950s, hasthe

casting the inside surface of the mould forms

advantage of a reduced construction time,as

the component finish. In face-up casting the

no curing, and much reduced formwork, is

surface of the mould forms the backof the

needed on site. Concrete is cast in moulds in

component so that structural ribs can be

a factory, and then delivered to site. Precast

formed, leaving the panel face fiat. An alterna-

techniques have two main advantages over

tive method,which avoids complex form-

cast-in-place construction.The first is that

work, is tilt up construction.This is a partially

quality can be easierto control in a work-

precast method where a wall is cast fiat on

shop,and the second isthat precast elements

the ground at the site, directly adjacent to

can be assembled rapidly on site. Cast-in-

the floor slab. Once it has cured sufficiently, it

place concrete needs time to gain strength

isthen lifted up intothe vertical position and

before it can support another element and

bolted directly in place.

this slows down construction dramatically. Precast concrete is usually more expensive than cast-in-place due to additional

Opera House, Valencia,Spain. Architect:Santiago Calatrava.

Prestressed concrete is a precasting techniquethat istypically used in floor structures. Itallows increased clearspans to be

Concert Hall of Santa Cruzde Tenerife.Architect: Santiago Calatrava.



Materials 0 I Concrete Precast floor components, from timber-based mould to floor panel, beam and panels being installed

used with thinner slabs resulting in lighter

to be prestressed, or where the construction

structures.The reduced cracking and reduced

method dictates that they are to be built on

deflections in this technique are a distinct

site,the technique of post-tensioning can

advantage over normal reinforced concrete.

provide a similar method of reducing the

In common with other precasting techniques,

depth of beams, decks or related assem-

this rapid construction method allows con-

blies such as masonryarches. Although this

struction times to be reduced.

technique is used mainly in bridge-building,

In prestressing, high strength steel wires, rods or cables are passed through a small

components, such as frames and floors,to

diameter tube set into a precast component,

use prestressing techniques with a site-based

typically a beam or a tee-section used as a

construction method.Post tensioning is more

structural deck.The wires, set in the bottom

suited to large assemblies such as arches and

half of the beam, are tensioned at the ends,

long-span floor decks than to smaller-scale

resulting in the beam or tee arching up in a

assemblies where the time needed on siteto

slight camber.The tubes are then filled with

effectthe tensioning would slow down the

grout.When the prestressed component is

speed of construction.

set in place, the imposed loads flatten the

toppings in profiled steel/concrete composite

rienced by the component.

construction. It is also used for non-loadbearing components such as precast wall panels.

beam is loaded, compression is created in

It is not used for high strength applications,

the top half of the beam andtension in the

but is suitable for most structural applications

bottom part.The compressive stresses in

where weight is an important consideration.

the concrete created by the tension wires

The material is typically made from crushed

must be overcome before the beam bends.

pumice or clinker; giving it better properties

However; when a prestressed beam or simi-

of heat and sound insulation than cladding

lar component is loaded, the concrete is in

panels made from other materials.

compression throughout its depth,allowing

Ferro-cement is a concrete-based mate-

it to be shallower in depth than a reinforced

rial which is typically used to makeyacht

concrete equivalent. Prestressed concrete is

hulls.This material is beginning to be used

more suitable for large spans than ordinary

as a structural material in buildings, and is

reinforced concrete because components

suited to complex shapes with a high qual-

can be shallower and as a consequence be

ity smooth finish.A recent example isthe

lighter; reducing the dead load. Prestressing

curved roof trusses of the Menil Museum in

increases resistance to shear forces com-

Houston,Texas, USA.Ferro-cement consists

pared to a reinforced concrete beam, making

of a cement mortar-based mix with a high

it possible to achieve a more slendersection

degree of steel reinforcement. It has good

than using cast-in-place techniques.

tensilestrength in thin sections. Complex

Where these components are too large


Lightweight concrete is used primarily for

pre-camberand reducethe deflection expeWhen an ordinary reinforced concrete


post tensioning allows individual large-scale

shapes can be formed by applying the wet

mix onto a steel mesh by hand without the need for formwork.

smooth screed. The fine aggregate and cement determine the colour of the concrete . Changing

Working with the material Concrete is compacted by vibration

the attributes of the fine aggregate has a dramatic effect on the appearance of the

when poured in order to remove air voids in

concrete, whereas large aggregate has little

the mix and to achieve an even distribution

effect unless retardants are used and the

of the material inthe formwork.Too litt le

large aggregate is exposed. Colour additives

compaction of the wet material can result in

can also be added to the mix. Unfortu-

air pockets being leftinthe mix,weakening

nately, slightvariations in the proportions

the concrete.Too much compaction brings

of additives have a dramatic impacton the

the fine aggregate to the surface, making the

appearance of the concrete, making it hard

surface crumbly, and causing surface staining.

to achieve consistent coloration between

A vibrating instrument, inserted into the wet


concrete , is used to ensure an even consist-

Paint provides a thin decorative layer; but

ency.The reinforcement is given an adequate

is prone to flaking and requires re-coating

cover of concrete to protect it in the event

at regular intervals.Colour stains are an

of fire .The cover also reduces t he possibility

alternat ive as they are absorbed by t he top

of water reaching the steel which can cause

surface of the concrete forming a permanent

it to rust. In the manufacture of precast com-

coloured fi nish. Sand blasting and acid etch-

ponents the mould istypically compacted,

ing, processes more commonly associated

either by placing it on a vibrating table or by

with glass,can also be used. Bush hammering

applying a surface mounted vibrator.

the mater ial exposes the large aggregate and provides a rough texture to the surface.

Fi nishes Concrete adopts the texture of the

Conversely, polishing provides a smooth shiny surface. However; both of these surface treat-

fonmwork. Steel formwork leaves a smooth

ments are very labour intensive. Unpolished

appearance while softwood boards leave an

concrete has a dusty surface and it may be

imprint rangi ng from fairly smooth plywood

appropriate to seal the surface.

to rougher fin ishes of planks. Boarded formwork produces a pattern of joints across the concrete face. Othe r finishes include tamping,where a board is moved in a tapping

Recycl ing Concrete can be recycled by crushing the mater ial and using it as an aggregate in

action across the surface of the concrete to

new concrete. Although the use of recycled

form a directional text ure;t rowell ing,where

concrete is new,it has been successfully used

concrete is smoothed wit h a hand tool;

in new reinforced concrete structures.

and power floating,where a poured slab is smoothed with a machine to provide a fi nish that avoids the need for an additional layer of



Materials 0 I Tectonics in masonry

Corpus Christi, Cambridge, UK.

StJohn's College,Cambridge,UK,

The pre-industrial use of masonry was as a

WestminsterAbbey. London, UK.

loadbearing mat erial that integrat ed struc-

built examples across England,The college

tu re and facade int o a single construction

buildings of the universities of Oxfo rd and

that was capable of taking up complex geo-

Cambridge contained Gothic elements of

metric forms, such as those used in castles

construction through the Renaissance, with

and lat er in medieval houses across Europe.

a gradual re-intro duction of Gothic language

In addition to their ability to form complex

emerging in folliesto English country houses

shapes in plan, masonry has the ability t o

built during the 17th and 18thcenturies.The

corbel outwards or inwards from the verti-

Gothic revival of the 19thcentury, which

cal plane of the wall through their height to

associated the architecture and its associated

create a more complex section than that of

forms of construction with renewed spiritual

verti cally set walls,A 20th century example

values, introd ucedthe use of iron into forms

of this principle was used in Ant onio Gaudi's

previously constructed entirely in masonry.

work on the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

Buildings such as the Oxford Museum in

This use was in parallel to the emerging use

England combined medieval methods of

of cavity walls at the time for houses built in

loadbearing masonry construction and their

England, In cavity wall construction, the loadbear-

ent loadbearing structures gives a structural

and linked structurally to form a diaphragm

continuity between building element s and

wall: a construction t hat uses less material to

also between buildingforms, as seen in the

achieve the same purpose.A disadvantage

city centre of Oxford, where there is a con-

is the need to extend floor plates through

tinuity of constructional language from door

in order to make the wall perform structur-

to wall t o building to city block t o street.


The move from masonry used in load-

thermal bridge that can cause high levels of

bearing structures to its usealmost entirely

heat loss (or heat gain in hot climates) and

as non-Ioadbearing cladding came in the

associated condensation risk Consequently,

early 20th Century with the introduction of

the outer leaf of the cavity wall became iso-

steel and concrete frames, initially int ended

lated from the construction behind except

for taller buildings but soon becoming the

at fixing or restraining point s, as is the case

standard method of construction for all but

wit h stone cladding.The resultant use of

small residential buildings, with the out er

cavity walls as an outer prot ective screen

walls becoming non-loadbearing and roofs

has robbed it of any real significance in the

using the full extent of the structural frame


for support .

The use of masonry in Gothic cathe-


re-interpretation as glazed vaults of iron ribs into a single building.The ability to mix differ-

ing wall is divided into two separat e halves,

ally as a diaphragm wall, which result s in a

O riel College, Oxford, UK

continued on, almost uninterrupted, in

drals as loadbearing structure and enclosure

A trend in the past 30 years has been the introductio n of thermal insulation int o

St George's Chapel,Windsor Castle,Windsor, UK.

Bristol Cathedral, Bristol, UK

masonryconstruction as well as a layer of

benefits of thermal mass to be used within

weatherproofing when a cavity is introduced.

the building as well as a weathering surface

This has resulted in much masonryconstruc-

on the outside along wit h the possibility of

tion becoming an outer rainscreen, either

the masonry being exposed within the build-

as cladding panels of stone, or as the outer


skin of a cavity wall. In some cases, loadbear-

The use of loadbearing masonry has

ing walls have had the insulation set in the

found limited applications due to the per-

centre of the wall, wit h the two halves of

ceived disadvantages of setting thermal insu-

the construction linked by stainless steel ties

lation on the inside face of the wall, reducing

to provide structural continuity through the

its thermal mass. Consequently, masonry is

full thickness of the loadbearing wall. The

used mainly as cladding to a backing wall

Glyndebourne Opera House in England,

which istypically insulated on its outside

designed by Michael Hopkins and completed

face in order to benefit from the thermal

in 1994, has no thermal insulation but is fully

mass of the wall within the building, with

loadbearing. Loadbearing brickwork is used

the additional advantage of beingable to fix

to form the external wall and gallery for the

interior items such as shelvingto the inside

opera houseauditorium. Lime-based mortar

face of the wall.A disadvantage of the useof

was used to avoid the cement-based mortar

masonry is its lackof relationship with the

associated with high strength, but the need

real building immediately behind the outer

for vertical movement joints at typically 7.5

skin.As an outer veneer, its relationship to

metre centres.These joints have the effect

the structure and enclosure of the building is

of dividingan external wall into separate

largely a matter of individual aesthetic choice.

bays, making a single monolithic wall almost

Since cladding panels can be large in size, up

impossible to achieve. Because of the

to around 700mm x 1400mm for granites

loadbearing strength of lime mortar being

and stronger sandstones,the relationship

approximately halfthat of cement-based

wit h historical context is severely limited.

mortar that would have been required for

Wells Cathedral, Wells, UK

The contemporary useof loadbearing

this project, the walls were thicker but,at

construction provides an opportunity to

one and a half bricks thick,are no wider

provide thermal mass in facades as well as

than an equivalent cavity wall,but wit h piers

in that provided by adjacent fioor construc-

which are two bricks thick.The avoidance

tion.When informed by structural require-

of movement joints assured the monolithic

ments linked to either a historical typological

appearance and structural efficiency of this

model,or spatial sequence,the material


system suggests ways of enclosing space that

In other applications of loadbearing

creates an architectural expression specific

masonry, the positioning of the thermal

to the requirements of the building. In the

insulation in the centre of the wall allows the

case of masonry, which forms the historic

Bristol Cathedral,Bristol, UK



Materials 0 I Masonry

Magdalen College,Oxford, UK,

Trinity College,Cambridge, UK,

fabric of Englishtowns and cities,This use of

of buttressing from cat hedrals have been

masonry would provide a continuity with

used at a more modest scale for secular use.

the past but would be able to have a more

Market Cross,Chichester, UK

Loadbearing masonry has the ability to

dynamic and progressive relationship wit h

make complex shapes for structures and

historic fabric as is achieved in the buildings

enclosures, but the position of thermal insu-

of Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona. Loadbearing

lation within the construction is difficultto

brickwork was used in larger scale buildings

achieve. An equivalent framed structure in

by Louis Kahn in the Indian Institute of Man-

reinforced concrete or steel, with masonry

agement ofl962, and where the brickwork

cladding fixed to it, istypically much easier to

is used as 'cladding' Kahn expressed its sense

form but the masonry skin is reduced to an

of separation without reducing its quality of

essentially decorative role.A future direction

visual massiveness. Kahn in part achieved this

for masonry may be as a mixture of precast

by putting'buildings within buildings' which

concrete masonry-like forms that can be

might be a way forward for loadbearing

both structural and integrat e thermal insula-

masonry construction by creating buffer

tion within the depth of the material. If pre-

zones in buildings which do not require ther-

cast concrete techniques for making vert i-

mal insulation, such as winter gardens, circu-

cally stacked units are made at a smaller size

lation areas or outer spacesthat provide a

than is usually the case,then t hey could be

thermal buffer.

used to make loadbearing structures from

Mat erial systems based on masonry con-

these small units.This would bring the histor-

struction often work well with those in tim-

ic advantages of masonry construction back

ber,as in English medieval guildhalls and inns.

into mainstream construction. Concrete can

Lightweight timber structures are often set

be formed into small masonry units that can

on top of masonry structures, while more

be lifted with modest equipment.The ability

ambitious structures such as the George Inn

of masonry to corbel in and out of verti cal

at Glastonbury seem to imitate the framing

plane without the need for formwor k is a

of timber in stone - the refinement of t im-

characteristic that has had limited use in the

ber finding its way into loadbearing masonry

design of external walls, but is experiencing

wall design. In some buildings such as the

a modest revival with brick walls of complex

Guildhall at Cirencester and college buildings

geometry or curved surface.

at Oxford and Cambridge, stone is used for

George Hotel and Pilgrim's Inn Glastonbury. UK



window mullions, with glass being set into

Material selection

a narrow lead frame that avoids the useof

The principles of using materials are com-

timber altogether.The inventio n in masonry

mon t o stone, brick and block.The relation-

at thist ime can be seen in buildings such

ship between the masonry unit and the

as the Market Cross at Chichester and the

mortar is of particular importance.

Poultry Cross at Salisbury. where techniques

Mortars for loadbearing masonry and

New College Chapel, Oxford, UK.

Trinity College,Cambridge,UK.

cladding panels usethe same materials and

the type of stone and its intended use.As

follow the same principles in stone, brick

a result the mortar is the best compromise

and concret e blockwork.The compatibility of

between load,structural movement,water

masonry and mortar is an essential factor.It

permeability and preferred colour. Mortar

is usual to use the weakest mortar that will

joints can also be reinforced with steel mesh.

adequately sustain the load, because increasing strength can result in t oo much rigidity which would cause cracking. The strength is varied by altering the

Recycl ing Natural stone can be recycled if the mortar is soft enough to be removed, par-

proportions of the binders cement and lime.

ticularly if a lime putty mortar has been used.

Stronger mixes have more cement, while

Otherwise, stone and brick are used for

lime provides flexibility which allows the

structural fill.

brickwork to move without cracking. Different mixes of mortar are used depending on whether the masonry is used as cladding or as loadbearing masonry. Mortar mixes have to achieve a balance between strength and

Bristol Cathedral,Bristol,UK

flexibility.The comparatively low permeability of lime gives great er resistance to rain penetration. Lime also makes a mortar lighter in colour than a cement-based mix. Mortar mixes are a balance between the needs of loads, structural movement, water permeability and preferred colour. In terms of appearance, it must be noted that the mortar accounts for between I0 and 20 per cent of t he masonry, and conse-

Divinity School.Oxford,UK

quently makes an import ant contribution to the colour ofthe surface.The colour of the mortar can be controlled by using pigment additives. In addit ion,the way that the joint is made has an important effect on the flatness or amount of shadow perceived. In stonework,crushed stone is often added to the mortar mix as fines instead of sand so that the joints match the stone as closely as possible.The mix depends on




Materials 0 I Concrete block

Assembly Hall at University of Illinois,Champaign, Illinios, USA.Architect: Max Abramovitz

Palais deJustice,Chandiganh,India.Architect:Le Corbusier

Masonry block Masonry blocks are made from concrete in a range of sizes and strengths. Some

blocks. are made as a facing material, it is more usual to conceal blocks, or face them with another material such as render.

types are designed to withstand large compressive forces and are therefore made with

Ross Humanitiesand Social Sciences Building,York University, Toronto,Canada

Working with the material

a high-density concrete.They can withstand forces of up to around 20N/mm2 (4.2 x

fixings in the form of brackets and dowels

105 Ibf/ft 2). Other types are designed to

are used for walls where the blockwork

provide limited amounts of thermal insula-

does not provide sufficient stability.These

tion and are made with aerated concrete

fixings are used extensively in blockwork

Block can be easily cut and drilled. Metal

or with insulation bonded to one side. Most

cladding which is support ed by a structural

types of block are manufactured to course


with brick but the size of the block will depend on its weight. since the block must


be lifted by hand. Variousthicknesses of

Common metric block size:

block are available for different applications.

Length 390mm x Height 190mm ( 15 5/8in x 7 5/8in)

Material Types Types used are dense aggregate blocks,

Overall dimensions (Length 400mm x Height 200mm with

light aggregate blocks and aerated blocks.

IOmm joint) ( 16in x 8in with 3/8in joint)

Blocks with dense aggregates are more com-

A range of thicknesses is made.

monly used for loadbearing walls.Those with

Common UK block size to course with UK

lightweight aggregates and aerated mixes


are used for non-Ioadbearing walls and

Length 440mm x Height 215mm (Length

partitions.All thesetypes are made in solid.

450mm x Height 225mm with IOmm joint)

cellular and hollow form. Cellulartypes allow

Lyon-SatolasTGV Station, Lyon, France Architect: Santiago Calatrava MCH


the voids to be filled with concrete and rein-

Blockwork has the following general proper-

forcement to improve structural perform-


ance.The main advantage of block is its low

· Heavy.

cost and the speed with which walls can be

· High compressive strength.

built. Although some blocks, called fairfaced

· Very low tensile strength.

Sainte Mariede laTourette, Lyon, France.Architect: Le Corbusier

· High resistance to weathering · High impact resistance. · High fire resistance. · Susceptible to thermal and moisture movement. · Not waterproof. · Low seismic resistance. · Easy to cutto size.

Properties and data The main properties of masonry blockwork are as follows: Density: Dense aggregates = Over 1500 kg/m3 (94 Ib/ft3) Lightweight aggregates = I000 to 1500 kg/m3 (62 to 94 Ib/ft3) Aerated = 500 to 1500 kg/m3 (3 I to 94 Ib/ft3) Compressive strength Dense concrete blockwork = ION/mm2 to 20 kN/mm 2 (209 x 103 to 418 x 103 Ibf/ft2) Aerated concrete blockwork = 3.5NI mm2 to 7.0 N/mm2 (73 x I03 to 146 x I03 Ibf/ft2) Young's Modulus: Dense concrete blockwork = 5.0N/mm 2 to 25.0 kN/mm2 (1 .\ x 105 to 5.2 x 105 Ibf/ft2) Aerated concrete blockwork = 2.0NI

Villaverde Housing Project, Madrid, Spain.Architect; David Chipperiield Architects

mm2 to 8.0 kN/mm2 (4.2 x 104 to 1.8 x 105 Ibf/ft2) Coefficient ofThermal Expansion: Dense concrete blockwork = 6 x I0-6 to I2 x I0-6 K- I (3.4 x 10- 6 to 6.8 x 10- 6 OF-I) at 5% moisture content Aerated concrete blockwork = 8 x I0-6 K-I (4.5 x 10-6 OF-I) at 5% moisture content Thermal conductivity: Dense concrete blockwork = 1.2 WI 0 m C (0.69 BTU/hr.ft.0F) Aerated concrete blockwork= OJ WI 0 m C (0.17 BTU/hr.ft.OF) o Specific heat capacity= 840 J/kg C (0.2 BTU/lb OF) for dense concrete blockwork

Institute of Education + Law, London, UK. Architect: Sir Denys Lasdun + Partners

Ennis-Brown House, LosAngeles, California,USA Architect: Frank LloydW right



Materials 0 I Stone

Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

Production process of raw material

. Low seismic resistance

Stone is cut or hewn from large blocks which have been cut, blasted or split from

Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

Material selection

the bedrock. Being a natural material,the

Natural stone is a brittle material

appearance and durability of stone,even

that is strong in compression but is weak in

from the same block. can vary enormously,

tension. It is used mostly for wall facings and

To control quality, it is sometimes best to

pavings,although the high unit cost means

select cut stone at the quarry. Since no two

that it is rarely used in a traditional loadbear-

cuts produce the same appearance, when

ing capacity.Most stone has the strength and

defining the required quality it is advisable

durability of block and brickwork.The most

to define a limit ed band between the most

widely used types are granite, limestone,

veined and leastveined stone acceptable,As

sandstone, marble and slate. Igneous rocks,

stone is a naturally occurring material, the

such as granite, are formed directly from

properties are not as controlled as man-

molten magma. Sedimentary rocks, such as

made materials such as steel.Sto ne from

limestone and sandstone, are made up from

a particular quarr y is usually t ested before

the eroded elements of earlier rocks laid

sale in order that its physical and mechanical

down in beds near the earth's surface, and

properties are known,W hen stone is used in

are often composed of loose material bound

structural applications, the material undergoes

together by cement-like materials. Meta-

rigoroustestingto detenrnine its perfonrnance

morphic rocks, such as slate and marble,are

in the intended application.

igneous or sedimentary rockswhich have undergone a chemical transformation due to

Natural stone has the following properties common to most types: Above. Parc Guell, Barcelona.Spain. Below. Casa Batillo, Barcelona, Spain.Architect: Antonio Gaudi


Granit e, within the building industry,

· Durable

refers to coarse-grained igneous rocks. It has

· A heavy material, weighing as much

a wide range of colours,and is extremely

as reinforced concrete.

hardwearing. Most granites are grey or pink.

· High compressive strength.

with mixtures of white/grey and pink/grey

· Low tensile strength.

depending upon their geographical source.

· Finish can be adversely affected by


high temperature and pressure.

Limestone is made up from rock

weathering due t o exfoliation as a result of a

material bound together by calcium car-

freeze/thaw cycle, pollution,salts,etc.

bonate, in the form of the mineral calcite.

· Low moisture movement.

Manylimestones contain a proportion of

· Brittle, but high impact resistance

the mineral dolomite.The colour is gener-

improving with thickness.

ally light, ranging from near white through

· High fire resistance.

to brown and grey. Chemical impurities can

Pare Guell, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

cause a darkening of the colour. Limestones vary intexture and can range from a sand-

Casa Batillo, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

resultof oxidation.

mould. It is used either as a structural mate-

Slate is a crystalline rock produced by

rial or as a facing to a concrete component.

textured and coarse materialto one that

dynamic metamorphism of clays and shales,

Stee l reinforcement is used if the casting has

is so fine-grained as to lack visible particles.

causing it to be orientated along a single

a structural function.

Limestones such as Portland Stone (Indiana

grain or 'slaty cleavage' which allows the

Limestone inthe US) are strong and durable.

rock to be split into sheets. It is used mainly

Reconstituted stone has the following prop-

for roof slates and for durable surface fi n-

ert ies:

quartz grains cemented together by mine:al

Most sandstones consist mainly of

ishes such as floors.The colour of slate varies

·Very durable.

solutions. Calcareous, dolomitic, ferruginous

from grey to green to black to red.

· A heavy material,weighing as much

and siliceous cements are common. Small amounts of other minerals,often iron compounds,give the stone its colour. Sandstones

as reinforced concrete.

Working with the material Sto ne is shaped either by cutting or

· High tensile and compressive strength.

vary in colour from dull crimson to pink or

sculpting, which is a slow and difficult proc-

· High impact resistance.

green/brown mixtures to blue/grey Sand-

ess. Metal fixings inthe form of brackets and

· High fire resistance.

stones vary enormously in durability from

dowels are used where the mortar joints do

· Susceptible to shrinkage like concrete.

soft, easy to work types with low strength

not provide sufficient stability for lintels and

and high porosity. to relatively durabletypes

copings.These fixings are used extensively in

Properties and data

with strengths approaching those of granites,

stone cladding panels where the material is

The main properties of stone are as follows:

with lower porosity.

supported by a structural frame.

Marb le is a metamorphic rock formed

Stone has a very different appearance


by the recrystallisation of limestone or dolo-

when polished,though not all types benefrt

Natural stone: 2200 to 2600 kg/m3

mite through a combination of heat and

from the process. Depending upon type and

( I 37 to I 62 Ib/ft3) wet

pressure.The crystalline structure is seen in

appl ication, stone can be fi nished to different

Cast stone: 2 100 kg/m3 ( I3 I Ib/ft3)

a fractured surface,which gives it a sparkling

levels of sheen from a reflective polished

Characteristic compressive strength: Granite = 30 N/mm 2 to 75 N/mm 2

appearance. During metamorphism,impuri-

fi nish to a matt honed finish. Polishing does

ties in the original limestone, such as differ-

not change the structure or weathering of

ent minerals, are incorporated into the rock

stone and is typically applied where stone

and appear as bands or as discrete inclusions

is used as a floo ring material. Additional fi n-

scattered through the calcite mix. No true

ishes include etching and needle gunning, but

marble shows fossils.veined marbles are

stone used externally usually has no addi-

(6.3 x 105 to 1.5 x 106 Ibf/ft2) Sandstone = 10 N/mm 2 to 30 N/mm 2 (2.0 x 105 to 6.2 x 105 Ibf/ft2) Coefficient ofThermal Expansio n = 7.9 x 10-6 K-I (4.4 x 10-6 OF-I )

the result of mineralsdeposited from solu-

tionaltreatment after being cut to size.

Therm al conductivity = 1.0 W /m C to I.3 W /m C

tions penetrating cracks and fissures. Some marbles contain fragments of earlier crushed rocks.A wide range of colours and textures



Reconstituted stone

(0.58 to 0.75 BTU/hr.ft.0 F)

Reconstituted stone, also referred to as

may be found.The presence of iron gives

cast or 'reconstructed' stone, is made from

rise to shades of yellow, brown and red as a

cement and crushed stone that is cast in a MCH


Materials Brick


Above and left. Richards Medical Centre,University of Pennsylvania, USA. Architect; Louis Kahn

Production process of raw material Bricks are made by cutting or moulding clay. They are then baked in a kiln to form

are to be avoided. Bricks are economically and easily transported in large or small quantities.

a hard, brittle unit.A very wide range of colours and textures is available, from the

Brickwork has the following general proper-

precisely dimensioned. evenly coloured types


which are wire cut from a clay extrusion

· A heavy and durable material.

to the less regular handmade bricks which

· High compressive strength.

are individually formed in moulds. Extruded

· Very low tensile strength.

wirecut bricks are somet imes made wit h

· High resistance to weathering.

holes runningthrough them to reducetheir

· High thermal mass.

weight or to allow reinforcing rods to link

· High acoustic mass.

them together. Hand-made bricks often have

· High impact resistance.

an uneven appearance which provides a rich

· High fire resistance.

visual texture as a completed wall. Most bricks in the UK are made in a single standard size: 215mm long x 102.5mm

· Susceptible to thermal and moisture movement. · Low seismic resistance

wide x 65mm high, (7 5/8" I. x 3 5/8" w. x 2 3/8" h.) though metric size bricks are also available. When constructing brickwork



Material selection The most widely used types are com-

a IOmm joint is used throughout,resulting

mon, facing,engineering and calcium silicate

in vertical courses 75mm high and 225mm

bricks. Common bricks are the weakest type,

long.Two bricks laid side by side with a

while engineering bricks are the strong-

IOmm joint are equal to a brick length.The

est. Facing bricks are usually used on the

modular nature and size of bricks makes

external face, while cheaperbricks can be

brickwork a very flexible medium.The

used within the wall. Engineering bricks are

weight and size of one brick allow it to be

used for their high strength and are almost

lifted with one hand.The modular nature of

impervious to water;and so are often being

brickwork imposes a strict discipline on the

used below ground in addition to structural

detailing of openings and corners if expen-

applications where brick is used as a primary

sive specially shaped bricks. called 'specials'

loadbearing element. Calcium silicate bricks

Richards Medical Centre,University of Pennsylvania,USA.Architect;Louis Kahn

are made from a mixture of sand and lime

Properties and data

which are compressed under steam pres-

The main properties of brick are as

sure in a mould.They are low to medium


strength, and their water absorption is comparable to that of clay bricks.They are


mainly used in internal wallswhere their light

Average brickwork = 1700 kg/m3

appearance can be exploited. Brickwork is

( 106 Ib/ft3)

strong in compression,but is not used to

Design strength = 5.0 N/mm 2 to 25.0 NI mm 2

resist tensile forces.

(1.0 x 105 to 5.0 x 105 Ibf/ft2)

Working with the material

Coefficient ofThermal Expansion

= 5.0 x

fixings, in the form of brackets and dowels,

10-6 K- I to 8.0 x 10-6 K-I (2.8 x 10-6 to 4.5 x 10-6 OF-I)

are used for wallswhere the brickwork

Thermal conductivity: = 1.3 W /m C at

Brick can be easily cut and drilled. Metal

Above and below. Indian Institue of Management. Ahmedabad.India.Archit ect Louis Kahn


would not be sufficiently stable by itself.

5% mo isture content (0.75 BTU/hr.ft.0F)

These fixings are used extensively in brick

Specific heat capacity= 800 Jlkg C (0.19

cladding which is supported by a structural

BTU/lb OF)


frame. Bricks are made in a vast range of colours from reds to blues. Colour is defined by the type of clay, combined wit h the way it is fired and any pigments which may be added. Calcium silicate bricks are white. As new brickwork and mortar dries out after rain,traces of salt deposits are sometimes left on the surface.These appear in the form of white stains known as efflorescence. It can be easily removed wit h a brush and water. W here moisture continuesto penetratethe brickwork this efflorescence will continue to manifest itself. MCH


Materials 0 I Tectonics in plastics

Casa Batillo, Barcelona, Spain.Architect:Antonio Gaudi

Mound Stand, Lords Cricket Gound, London, UK Architect: Hopkins and Partners

The use of plastics is very much a part of

Monsanto Houseof t he Future, Disneyland, Califoma,USA


).;- "



Vemer Panton Chair



garden context.

recent history from 1945. Plastics were given

Later during the 1960s, the Archigram

an impetus for development during the Sec-

Group in the UK explored this t emporary or

ond World W ar and found wider industrially-

mobile nature of construction, with its ability

based uses in building construction from the

to create, at least potentially, the Instant City

1950s onwards.The Monsanto House of

or Walking City. An additional appeal of this

1957 was developed by an American hous-

archit ecture is its ability to form an addit ion

ing company wit h the Massachusetts Institute

to an existing built context along with its

ofTechnology (MIT).The aim ofthe project

ability to create a complet e built environ-

wast o create an all-plastic house that also

ment In parallel with the work of Archigram,

used much more plastic in its interior fittings,

the ecology movement wasemerging at this

which were already being used extensively in

time asa result of concern for the natural

more traditional construction,from vapour

environment, and our impact on it, gradually

barriers to plastic plumbing and electrics.The

rising in the public consciousness.An inter-

design of t he Monsanto House extended

est in a return to 'low' energytechnology

the idea of the consumer product to the

began to emerge at this time, with events

building itself by making the house from a

such as the image of the earth being seen

series of plastic 'pods'formed from wall and

from the moon for the first time in 1969,

roof panels of repeated module.The visual

allowing usto see our world from outside its

effect of the repetition of the facade panel

boundaries.The revived int erest in the flying

was reduced by setting them around a single

machines of Leonardo deVinci at the time

core, giving them a visual complexity where

can also be seen as a kind of hope for the

each room is seen as a separate volume.

future: low energy machinesthat might have

Each room was naturally cross ventilated,

a real technical performance.The possibili-

tho ugh the use of air conditioning was sug-

ties of low energy flight, and their parallel in

gested as a benefit in the time before the

architecture wasthe flying machine of Clem-

environmental effects of energy consump-

ent Adler in France, who developed the idea

tion became a primary design consideration.

of flying machines, following examples from

W indows were glazed however,and were

nature such as the bat, rather than the flat,

not curved,unless the opaque plastic pan-

fabricat ed components used much more

els, giving the visual effect of glazed 'slices'

successfully by the Wright Brothers. Many

through a complex single volume.A primary

of these principles would eventually find an

benefit of the house was possibly it s ability

echo in the 't ent' structures of Frei Otto, but

to move location as t he family moved from

were used to great effect in the airships pro-

place to place,which perhaps was as appeal-

posed by Archigram.The work of the Archi-

ing as its form with its suggestion of lightness,

gram Group themselves appeared t o come

almost appearing to 'hover' in its suburban

t o life for the first time at the big scale in the

Schlumberger Cambridge Research Centre.Cambridge, UK. Architect:Hopkins and Partners designs of non-Archigram architects Richard

Media Centre,Lords Cricket Gound, London, UK.Architect: Future Systems

This digital approach isgradually making its

Rogers and Renzo Piano. Plastics were used

presence felt in construction with the ability

to form the escalators in the Centre Pom-

to transfer 3D digital model files directly to

pidou in Paris of 1977. which would have

manufacturing machines.

been both heavy and difficultto fabricate in

Recent examples are limited to modest

glass. Plastics were not used elsewhere in

scale architectural compositions, but those

the building. where glass and metal panels

imagined in the design work of artist Roger

are used for their greater life span.The use

Dean in the I970swere far more ambitious.

of sheetmaterial in the designs of Archigram

which were either conceived as sprayed

in airships and tent structures was reflected

concrete onto a plastic formwork, or could

by the use of plastics in the Munich Stadium

have been made entirely in concrete.The

canopy of 1972 and the tent structures of

complex geometry of Zaha Hadid's project

Michel Hopkins in the Cambridge Schlum-

for ChaneI was suggested at a much larger

berger building and the Mound Stand at

scale in the Jade Sea painting by Dean of

Lords Cricket Ground in London. both built

1976. In Dean's work the architecture is

duringthe late 1980s. PeterCook of Archi-

continuous with the forms of nature, which

gram built his first large scale building that

would suit a range of materials. but plastics

reflected some of the values of Archigram in

suit the transition from complex mould to

the Kunsthaus in Graz, Austria. completed in

complex weathertight form which is difficult

2003. Acrylic rainscreen panels were curved

to achieve with other materials.

to createa non rectilinearform that creates a translucent outer skin. The abilityto cut plastic based fabrics

Olympiapark, Munich. Germany.Architect:Frei Otto

Above.Olympiapark, Munich.Ge rmany.Architect: Frei Otto Below. Eole fiying machine. Clement Ader

A possible developmentfor plastics is that of the useof common components for walls and fixtures and fittings. so that

into different forms has been exploited in

the interchange of cladding for elements of

the Natural Ellipse building by Masaki Endoh

curved wall could be used in associated fit-

and Masahiro Ikeda inTokyo.There the trans-

ted furniture in a complete system capable

parent nature of the building is exploited to

of replacement through the life of the build-

create a complex geometric building skin

ing.The life span of building components in

from a flat material. Solid plastic panels in the

contemporary buildings varies from 10years

tectonic tradition of the Monsanto House

for fittings, to 25 years for windows and

can be found in the travelling pavilion for

doors to 50-100 years for the structure.The

ChaneI by Zaha Hadid. Here.the geom-

overall life span of building elements might

etry is complex, with different sized panels

vary more by allowing more replacement

formed from a set of relatively economic

and interchangability of components within

moulds. the shapes of which could be gener-

a building rather than its complete replace-

ated from modelsgenerated in 3D model-

ment by a new assembly, or new facade. for

lingcomputer software rather than by hand.

example.Thiswould ensure that compo-



Materials 0 I Plastics and composites

Allianz Arena, Munich,Germany. Architect; Herzog + de Meuron

Above and below, Natural Ellipse Building,Tokyo, Japan.Architect; Masaki Endoh and Ikeda Masahiro

nents are used for longerthan is the case in

'Composites' comprisetwo or more mate-

current building construction.

rials combined to gether where the proper-

Issues of the interchangability of com-

ties of each constituent can complement

ponents are tied to the issue of scale, and

the others.Although reinforced concrete,

design appropriate to a given scale. Where

plywood and other more traditional materi-

small structural components such as ties or

als are sometimes referred to as composites,

struts are designed quite differently to build-

the term is generally used in the building

ing beams, due to much higherforces expe-

industry to refer to polymer-based com-

rienced by large scale building components,

posites.These materials have a polymer

the difference in approach to their design is

resin reinforced with thin fibres, usually glass

shrinking wit h the need to provide greater

fibres or carbon fibres. Glass-fibre-reinforced

visual expression in large scale constructions.

polyester (GRP) was first used during the

At the scale of transportation,the design of

Second W orld W ar for radar covers and was

MIT's vehicles based on a more architectural

later applied in a GRP boat for the US Navy

approach suggests a range of components

in 1947. Carbon-fibrewas developed by the

that could be developed in plastic, from the

RoyalAircraft Establishment in Farnborough,

semi-structural seats to the enclosure of the

England, during the 1960s and was applied


in composites for use in compressor blades

Production process of raw material

fibre-reinforced polymer is much stronger

'Plastics' are resinou s polymer-based materials divided into two groups.These are thermoplastics, which melt at high tempera-

in jet engines later in that decade. Carbonand stifferthan GRP but remains extremely expensive in relation to most metals or other plastics and has yet to find a significant use in building construction.

ture, andthermosetting plastics,which set hard and do not melt on further reheating. They are used mainly in cladding systems but composites are beginning to be used as



Polycarbonate Polycarbonate is used in building con-

fully structural materials in relatively modest

struction largely as a substitute for glass,

applications such as footbridges.The most

especially where moulded shapes are

commonly used types, under the generic

required which would be too difficult or

names used in the building industry rather

too expensive to make in glass.The material

than their polymer-based names,are as fol-

was first made in the I950s as part of the


research into polyesters and was marketed

· Polycarbonate

as Lexan sheet in the early I960s. Polycar-

· Acrylic sheet

bonate is made by polymerisation, where a


polymer is melted and extruded into strands

Allianz Arena,Munich, Germany. Architect; Herzog + de Meuron

which are chopped to produce polycarbonategranules.The granules can then be

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.Architect; Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers

Material selection Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic used

extruded or moulded to form single sheet,

for its high strength, ductility, lightness and

twin-wall sheet or complex shapes.

transparency. It is fire retardant, and can be easily mouldedto complex shapes.The use

Properties and data

of polycarbonate is limited by its combusti-

Density: 1200-1260kg/m 3

bility. Polycarbonate is an extruded materal

(75 to 78 Iblft))

used as sheets and sections. Polycarbonate


56N/mm 2 to 75NI

Tensile strength mm 2 (1.2 x 10 6 to 1.6 x 106 Ibf/ft 2)

sheet is available in thicknesses from 2mm to

Compressive strength 120N/mm 2

higher thanthat of toughened or laminated

= I 00N/mm 2 to

25mm (I I 16in to Iin). Its impact resistance is glass.The two main disadvantages of polycar-

(2. I x I0 6 to 2.5 x I0 6 Ibf/ft 2)

bonate over glass arethat it is less durable,

Young's Modulus 2.3 - 2.8kN/mm 2 (4.8 x 107 to 5.8 x 107 Ibf/ft 2)

scratching easily which makes the surface


Coefficient ofThermal Expansion : 60-75 x I0- 6 K-I (33.5 x 10-6 to 42 x 10-6 OF-I)

dull wit h time and its greatercombustibility. Polycarbonate also has greaterthermal expansion than glass. Twin-walled sheet is an extrusion of two layers separated by parallel fins, giving the

Thermal conductivity : o

0.18 - O.22W/m C (0.1 to 0.13 BTUI

material greater rigidity for use as a board.


The air gap between the two layers provides

Specific heat capacity 0

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.Architect: Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers

= 1200 -

I 300 JI

kg C (0.29 - OJ I BTU/lb OF)

a degree of thermal insulation.The maximum sheet size is approximately 2 x 6 metres. It can be sawn, cut and drilled. It expands 20%

Polycarbonate has the following general

more than glass. For example, a 1.5 metre


(5ft) wide sheet will expand up to 3mm

· A strong material with low stiffness. · High transparency can be obtained.

( I/8in).The material has a density of 1200 kg/m3, which is halfthat of glass, alt hough in

· A tough but ductile material.

practice the real weight saving is about one

· High impact resistance.


· Flame resistant, tendingto melt rather than ignite, but is still combustible.

Above and below.Chanel Contemporary Art Container Mobile.Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects

Polycarbonate can be coated wit h acrylic to prevent yellowing, and other coat ings are

· Poor scratch resistance wit hout silicone

used to enhance abrasion resistance. It pro-


vides an average of 85% lighttr ansmission

· Recyclable.

for a sheet 5 to 6mm thick.




Materials I Plastics and composites

ChaneI Contemporary Art Container, Mobile.Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects

ChaneI Contemporary Art Container, Mobile. Architect:Zaha Hadid Architects

Acrylic Sheet

· Easily recycled.

Acrylic sheet,developed as Perspex in

· Combustible.

the I930s, isa plastic based on polymers of acrylic acid.The mostcommon ispolymethyl methacrylate, or PMMA, made by polymeris-


ing an MMA monomer with a catalystto

Theterm PVC-U, or UPVC,denotes

form a powder which can then be extruded,

the unplasticised form of polyvinyl chloride,

moulded or cast.

or PVC.This rigid form of PVC isused for a wide range of building components from guttering and ground drainage pipesto

Kingsdale Foundation School, London, UK.Architects:dRMM

Properties and data

window frames.The material can be easily

Density: I 150 -2000kg/m 3 (72 to 125 Ib/ft 3)

extruded or moulded to complex shapes

Tensile strength mm 2


and is available in a range of colours.The

38N/mm 2 to 80NI

the material combined with its ability to be

(7.9 x 105 to 1.7 x 106 Ibf/ft2) Compressive strength

80N/mm 2

extruded makes it very suitable for window


45N/mm 2 to

frames where the material is, in effect, its own thermal break,minimising the riskof

(9.4 x 105 to 1.7 x 106 Ibf/ft 2)

condensation on the face of the frame inside

Young's Modulus 1.8 - 3.4kN/mm 2 (3.8 x 107 to 7.1 x 107 Ibf/ft 2)

the building.


Above. Olympiastadion, Munich,Germany. Architect: FreiOtto Below. Natural Ellipse Building,Tokyo,Japan.Architect: Masaki Endoh and Ikeda Masahiro

low thermal conductivity and fiexibility of

Coefficient ofThermal Expansion 60 x I0- 6 to 70 x I0- 6 K-I

Properties and data

(33.5 x 10-6 to 39 x 10-6 OF-I)

Density : 1400kg/m 3 (87 Ib/ft 3)


Thermal conductivity: 0.2 W1m C (0.1 I BTU/hr.ft.OF) Specific heat capacity

= 1280 -


1500 J/kg C (0.30 - 0.36 BTUI


Young's Modulus 0.1 to 4.0 kN/mm 2 (2.1 x 106 to 8.3 x 107 Ibf/ft 2) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 70 x I0- 6 K-I (39 x 10-6 OF-I)


Ib OF)

Thermal conductivity

Acrylic sheet hasthe following general prop-

Specific heat capacity


(0.30 BTU/lb OF)


BTU/hr.ft. F)

=O.3W/m C o


= I 300 J/kg C o

· High transparency and optical clarity.



· Weathers well wit h high resistance

PVC-U has the following general

to yellowing.


· Hard but brittle.

· Available in a range of colours.

· Poorscratch resistance.

· Weathers well but is susceptible to fading,

ChaneI Contemporary Art Container, Mobile. Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects

Beijing National Aquatics Centre, Beijing, China.Architect: PTW Architects

particularly with brighter colours.

(0.23 to 0.7 BTU/hr.ft.0F)

a machine-based industrial technique. It is

·Tough but flexible.

Specific heat capacity

formed in moulds but without high tempera-


= I00 - 1400 JI

· Recyclable.

kg C

tures or expensive equipment.This is in con-

· Combustible.

(0.02 - 0.34 BTU/lb OF)

trast to the emerging technique of pultrusion

GRP has the following general properties:

where machinery is used to draw a mixture

· Strong but light.

of resin and chopped fibres through a die

· High stiffness compared with plastics.

to produce a material with constant cross-

· High impact resistance.

section. A wide range of sections is now avail-

Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP) This material was first commercially available in the 1930s from the Owens-Corning

able from I-sections to channels,tubes and

Fiberglas Co in the USA, but has only slowly

planks for use in footbridges. Sections can

been introduced into building. Its main use is in specially fabricated wall cladding panels. Glass reinforced polyester; or GRP, is made

Working withthe material GRP is made by embedding glass fibres,

be bolted together using techniques broadly similar to those used in steel construction.

usually as a woven cloth, into a polyester

from a combination of glass fibre mat and

resin which arethen hardened by a catalyst.

polyester resin. It is a thermosetting compos-

Glass fibre is a flexible sheet material formed

ite which has high tensile, shear and com-

from fibres drawn from molten glass,and

pressive strength combined with lightness

has a tensile strength ten timesthat of steel.

and resistance to corrosion. However; like

Polyester resin, the other componentof GRP,

aluminium, it deflects considerably under high

becomes a solid material when a chemical

loads and requires stiffening.

catalyst is added.The material is made either by craft-based open moulding methods to make panels or by pultrusion to make

Properties and data

continuous sections in the mannerof extru-

Density : 1600-1950 kg/m 3 ( I00 to 120 Ib/ft 3)

sions in other materials. Injection moulding

Tensile strength = 300 N/mm2 to I 100 N/mm2

is sometimes used but this is usually limited to small components.The craft-based methods use either the hand lay-up technique,

(6.3 x 106 to 2.3 x 107 Ibf/ft 2)

where glass-fibre or glass-fibre cloth is laid

Compressive strength =360N/mm 2 to

in an open mould and coated with resin

880N/mm 2

and catalyst. or the spray technique where a

(7.5 x 106 to 1,8 x 107 Ibf/ft 2)

mixture of fibres and resins is sprayed onto

Young's Modulus : = 35 - 45 kN/mm 2 (7.3 x 108 to 9.4 x 108 Ibf/ft2)

the mould.Air bubbles are removed by handrollingor by a suction method.The face of the mould is coated with a releasing agent to

Coefficient ofThermal Expansion : 8.5-25x I0- 6 K-I

facilitate removal when set.

(4.8 to 14.0 x 10-6 OF-I) o

Thermal conductivity: 0.4 - 1.2W/m C

The manufacture of GRP panels is a craft-based workshop activity rather than MCH


Materials 0 I Tectonics In timber

The Eduardo Catalano House, Raleigh,North Carolina, USA.Architect: Eduardo Catalano

Vanna Venturi House, ChestnutHill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Architect Robert Ventur i

An increased int erest in the use of

rial that can provide a smooth continuous

timber is in gridshells, which are shown in

surface to contrast with the glazing rather

the structures chapter. In contrast to large

than allow the specific form of construction

scale structures currently being developed in

t o be expressed.This approach follows a

new projects is the enduring use of timber

Modernist interest in linking inside and out-

to make small-scale rectilinear enclosures

side spaces across screens of glass, through

based on cut timber sections up to around

the use of the 'open plan' of linked internal

3.5 metres long,condit ioned by the size of

spaces. In Meier's houses, spaces are dif-

cut natural timber,which conditions the size

ferentiated by the introduction of double

of rooms in domestic construction.The 19th

heightvolumes that link spaces together to

century British railway was designed with

differentiate spatial experience in a building.

this constraint,to make an economic single

This is a different approach t o the spatial

room buildingthat can be glazed along its

complexity of house projects designed by

walls as required to give clear views up and

Meier's contemporary Pet er Eisenman, for

down the railway track.A 20th century echo

example, who introduced a second overlaid

of this building type is the VannaVenturi

grid into his designs for timber buildings to

House designed by Robert Venturi and com-

create spatial complexity while following

pleted in I964.The design can be viewed

regular construction methods for this mate-

as a reaction to the 'free' plan of Modernist

rial.The use of a second grid at a different

architecture. In mainstream Modernism, the

angle, used by Eisenman, follows on to some

design is generated from the plan,providing

extent from the work of Louis Kahn, with his

buildings which are largely extr uded from

'buildings wit hin buildings' ideas in the Exeter

the plan. Instead,Venturi'st imber buildings

Library and the Indian Institute of Manage-

ofthe 1950s draw on vernacular'types', so

ment in Ahmadabad.

that buildings might look like their imagined

Teatro del Mondo, Mobile. Architect:Aldo Rossi



Leigh-Pemberto n House, Lincoln,UK

A contemporary of both architects is

typologies as well as being specific to their

Aldo Rossi, whose interest in simple geo-

sit e, rather than being largely independent

metric forms can be seen in his design for

of the historical built context. Consequently.

the mobile t heatre, the Teatro del Mondo,

a school should look like a 'school';a house

with its independence from context, allow-

should look like a tradit ional home, with

ing an abstracted typology of theatre to

communal spaces on the ground floor and

become the primary forms of archit ectural

private rooms on the upper floor.

expression in the design. Here the t imber

In contrast t o this approach are the

construction is used in the form of long tim-

early homes of Richard Meier,using timber

ber boards to create large flat surfaces, with

construction for Modernist designs, often

timber framed windows set into them.The

contrasting open glazed facades with opaque

design follows traditional principles of timber

enclosedwalls.Timber is used as a mate-

construction at this scale.

Signal Box

Another strand of timber construction is

achieve considerably higherperforming walls

that of traditional timber shipbuilding, where

using the same principle.This approach may

large scale structures, the equivalent of

be one to follow in the comingyears.

three or four storey buildings, were formed

A mixture of large scale timber con-

in shapes of complex geometry required

struction and its smaller scale platform frame

to propel them through water efficiently.

equivalent can be seen in traditional Japa-

An essential feature of traditional shipbuild-

nese construction, where timber frames vary

ing, particularly for fighting ships, is the solid

in scale to suit both their structural purpose

nature of their construction, more likethe

and their use wit hin a building.The use of

solid cross laminated timber panels of con-

pegs and interlocking joints to createjoints

temporary construction than the frame with

that work in tension as well as compression

lightweight timber cladding attached. Sailing

have produced a rich tradition of hand built,

ships of the 18thand 19th centuries had

large scale structures seen in the design of

thick timber hulls clad in additional timber,

sailing ships immediately prior to the Indus-

rather than having a skeletal frame with

trial Revolution.

timber boards spanning between them.This

A contemporary parallel of this

form of construction can be seen as a paral-

approach of mixed timber techniques can be

lel to the solid hardwood timber frames of

seen in the early work of Morphosis Archi-

medieval construction, which are seeing a

tects in the US.Their early unrealised designs

revival in England.The timber frames use

have small scale structures are linked in a

timber sections of around 300mm square,

building composition that would have ideally

typically set at around 2000mm centres,

suited this approach of mixed timber con-

rather than the small softwood timbers of

struction.The designs, while visually striking,

IOOmmxSOmm set at 300mm centres or

do not exceedthe limits of the construction

less. However; the constructional sophistica-

material which would have required addi-

tion of sailing ships is only just beginning to

tional structural support in a different mate-

find its way into contemporary solidtimber

rial system.The use of small scale structures

frame construction.

to create largerbuildings from these compo-

Unlike sailing sips, which were entirely clad in timber on the outside, sometimes with an additional thin metal skin on the

Instant Cabin at MassachusettsInstitute ofTechnology (MIT).

nentsavoidsthe need to change material or use laminated timber. Tension joints in timber are difficultto

lower part of the hull, medieval timber con-

form without metal connectors or glues,

struction of buildings sets the cladding mate-

but the ability to form joints without their

rial as an infill between the structural mem-

use has been explored in the design of the

bers. While historically this resulted in cracks

Instant Cabin at Massachusetts Institute of

between structural frame and infill, causing

Technology (MIT).The form of construction

possible leaks. contemporary materials can

used is one of interlocking components and

Napier University,Edinburgh,UK. Architect: Building Design Partnership



Materials 0 I Timber

Examples showing a parallel timber technology:theconstruction oftimber sailing ships. pegs all formed from plywood sheet. While

appearance, usually resulting from knots

experimental, this design demonstrated the

which weaken the timber. Knots are actually

possibilities of construction based on the use

where the branches were located and leave

of digital tools for both design and construc-

a distinct pattern in the cut timber.

tion.The plywood sheets were cut with a

. Timber is prone to rot, particularly where it

CNC router in a way that produced little

cannot be adequately ventilat ed or is subject

waste material by layingout cutting patterns

to continuous cycles of wetting and drying.

in a digital file used by the cutting machine.

'Theoret ically, wood will lastforever if it stays

This approach of CNC routing can be

either completely dry or completely wet.

approximated at the smaller scale through

Wooden piles rot only in the area of fluctua-

the use of lasercutters to make small scale

tion in the water table or tide.The causes of

models of the real components.This method

decay are a mixture of trapped air and water,

of rapid prototyping is ideally suit ed to

where fresh air cannot vent ilate and dry the

timber construction, where issues of fabrica-

wet material.This results in the growth of

tion in the real building can be studied and

fungi, causing dry rot, or insectattack.This is

resolved during the design development

prevented by impregnating the outer zones

of the building.This contrasts with other

of timber with preservative chemicals, but

machines used for rapid prototyping, which

these can harm the natural environment if

provide ways of making sometimes complex

the chemicals are allowed to leach into the

forms in an unspecified building material. An


essential aspect of digital fabrication techniques in timber istheir ability to bring the full range of design development backto the

Material selection Commercial timber is classified as either

design studio, allowing constraints of material

softwood, from conifers, or hardwood, from

systems in timber to inform the design at all

broad-leaftrees.Softwood is used for most

stages of development.

structural timber,as it is easily worked due to its softness and straightness of grain,



Timber has the following general properties:

tural timber frames.Typical types are cedar,

though oak is common for exposed struc-

· Fibrous and elastic, making it strong in

Douglas fir, western hemlock, pine,redwood

tension and compression. Like metals, it per-

(scots pine), spruce, whit ewood and yew.

forms better in tensionthan in buckling.

Most softwood comes from the coniferous

· Undergoes varying degrees of moisture

forests of the northern hemisphere. Hard-


woods have high strength and durability, a

· Straight grain is strongerthan an irregular

rich grain and varied colour.They are more

grain and is easier to work.

expensive than softwoods which makethem

An irregulargrain gives a rich,textured

too expensive for most current structural

use, but suitable for joinery and finishes.

grade, exterior grade and marine grade.The

Typical variet ies of hardwood are ash, beech,

face veneer s vary from a rough finish, such

birch, cedar,iroko , mahogany.maple, oak, teak

as Douglas fir to a smooth one like birch.

and w alnut. Hard wood occurs in most parts

The different veneers have little influence

of the wo rld but is obtained mainly from

on either moisture penetration or strength.

both northern temperate forests and tropi-

Because plywood performs well in shear, it

cal rainforests.Since hardwoods constitute a

is used as sheat hing to timber w all panels.

large proportion of the rainforests, and take

Plywood also has high impact resistance. It

much longer to grow than softwoods, the

can be bent to small radii, somet imes using

wo rld's supply is depleting at an alarming

a steam treatment.

rate .As a result, the use of certain tropical

Recent developments in plywood have

hardwoods has come under considerable

produced blockboard and laminboard w hich

scrutiny in recent years.

are made by applying veneers to a core

Laminated timber is constructed from

made from solid timber core blocks also

planks glued together to form sections

known as a stave-core The core consists

w hich are larger than could be achieved

of strips of solid w ood ranging from 7 to

w it h natural timber. Laminated timber works

30mm (I /4in to I 3/ 16in) thick. Laminboard ,

well in both tension and compression.As

a heavier material than blockboard , has a

the natural growth defect s of timber reduce

core of solid strip s up to 7mm

(I /4in) thick,

strength, individual board s are positioned so

laminated together. The grain of the face

as to reduce the cumulative effect on th e

veneers is set at right angles to that of th e

strength of the overall member.The strength

core strips.These boards are not suitable

of laminated timber therefore approaches

for forming cur ves.The advantage of th ese

th at of defect-free so lid timber.

panels is that the y are lighter and cheaper

Ply wood sheet w as invented in the

than plywood. Laminboard is useful w here

USA in the I 930s, and is made by bonding

w eight is important, but is unstable in w et

together veneer s peeled from logs. Both

areas because the endgrain to the blocks is

softwoods and hardwoods are used.The y

exposed w hich can deteriorate rapidly.

are layered so that the grain of each veneer

Chipboard, medium density fibreboard

is set at right angles to the one either side,

(MDF) , and hardboard are the most

providing strength in both directions as w ell

common particleboards. All are made

as minimising thermal mo vement. Good

from mixing w ood particles, normall y

quality plywood has very little thermal

wood w aste, w it h an additive to form

movement. Ply wood is graded according

a sheet material that is cured between

to its resistance to moisture penetration

heated plates. Chipboard w as developed

w hich is determined mainly by the glue

primarily for the furniture industry in the

used.The most common t ypes are interior

I 960s. However, it is also used as a flooring MCH


Materials 0 I Timber

Japanese Timber Framing

Halcyon Beach Hut, Sutton on Sea. Lincolnshire,UK. Designed by Atelier NU

Sea Ranch Chapel, California. Designed by James Hubbell

material in wood construction as a cheaper

way. Both fixingstransmit shear forces at the

alternative to plywood or timber boards.

joint across the bolted connection.

Chipboard is not as strong, or as rigid, as

Great CoxwellTit he Barn, Oxfordshire,UK

The nail-plate, also called a gangnail

an equivalent plywood sheet since the

plate, is a galvanisedt hin metal plate which is

wood fibres are shorter.Like plywoods, it

pressed to form a series of nail-like projec-

resists shear forces but is less capable of

tions on one side.The plate is pressed into

withstanding impact damage and is harder

the timber sections being joined to form a

to fix wit h screws and nails. Also, it cannot

patch connection on either side.This is done

be curved except in a pre-formed process.

under factory-controlled conditions, and is

Chipboard is also more prone to creep

most commonly used in prefabricated floor

under prolonged loading than plywood

and roof trusses.

and timber. MDF has smooth faces and a

Glued connections in timber are glue-

uniform cross section.This gives it a great

welded joints that are as strong as the wood

advantage over other boards of having

itself W idely used typesare urea-formalde-

smooth exposed edges that require no

hyde, phenol-formaldehyde and resorcinol.

lipping or trim when cut. For this reason it is

Glued connections provide structural con-

often used for built -in furniture and interior

tinuity at the joint.They do not break down

panel systems.

when exposed to the weather or changes in temperature.

Wo rking with the material Before the 20th century most timber

Westminster Hall Ceiling,the Houses of Parliament. London,U K

joint s were made to work in compression,

to be made quickly and efficiently tend to be

so the high tensile strength of the material

used. Most joints are designed to be manu-

was not used at junctions. However, the

factured easily using machinery, which has

development of modern gluesand metal

led to the demise of traditional t echniques

connectors has resulted in a wide range of

such as dovetailing. However, the availability

contemporary tension and compression

of adhesives has enabled simple mitred and

joints.The most common joints in timber

butt joints to be used.

that perform well in tension and compression are the bolted metal connector, split ring connector and the nail-plate connector. The bolted connector is a thin plate of galvanised steel with projectingt eeth.The connector is set between the timber sections being joined, and is embedded into both sections as the bolt fixing is tightened. The split ring connector works in a similar MCH


In joinery, particularly for built-in it ems, simple jointing techniques that allow parts

Sea Ranch Chapel, Califomia. Designed by James Hubbell

Properties and data Density:

=3.9 kg/m 3 (0.243 Ib/ft3) Mahogany type hardwood =7.5 kgl m3 (0.47 Ib/ft 3) Pine softwood

Design strength:

=5.3 N/mm (1.1 x 105 Ibf/ft2) Mahogany type hardwood = 12.5 N/mm (2.6 x 105 Ibf/ft2)

Pine softwood



Young's Modulus

= 10 kN/mm


(2.1 x 108 Ibf/ft 2)

Coefficient of thermal expansion: Pine softwood 34 x 10-6 K-I across grain (19 x 10- 6 F-I) 3.5 x 10-6 K-I along grain (1 .9 x 10-6 F-I) Mahogany type hardwood = 40 x 10- 6 K-I across grain (22.2 x 10-6 F-I) 4.0 x 10- 6 K-I along grain (2.2 x 10-6 F-I)


Thermal conductivity:

=0.14 W/moC across grain (8.1

x 10-2 BTU/hr:ft.0F) Mahogany type hardwood = 0.21 W /moC across grain (12.1 x 10-2 BTU/hr:ft. OF) Pine softwood

Specific heat

Eltham Palace Hall, Eltham, London, UK

= 3.0 J/ktC (7.2 x 10-4 BTU/lbOF)

Standard sheet sizes:


1220 x 2440mm (4'x8') 1525 x 3660mm

Thicknesses 4mm to 25mm (1/4" to I") Chipboard

1200 x 2400 mm I200 x 4800mm Thicknesses 4mm to 25mm (1 /4" to I")


1220 x 1525mm 2440 x 3050mm Thicknesses 4mm to 25mm (1 /4" to I")

Hammerbeam Roof, Stirling Palace.Scot land, UK

Materials 0 I Fabrics and membranes

Sainsburys Petrol Station,Canley, Coventry, UK. Architect: LDS

PVC rnernbranesrvc (polyvinyl chlo-

lat ion above that, sealed on top with a single

material, a whit e coloured translucent sheet

ride) roof membranes have been in use since

layer membrane. PVC-P membranes are

is manufactured which allows around 40%

the 1960s as a very lightweight and relatively

typically l .5mm - 3.0mm thick,while EPDM

light transmissio n. ETFE does not provide a

economic roofing material,and have become

membranes are typically 1.0mm - l .5mm

barrier t o the passage of UV light, making

widely used in recent years. Membranes in


it ideal for use in buildings where extensive

FPO (TPO) membranes

white sheet has great ly reduced UV light

this mat erial were first developed in Europe in the late 1960s and were used in the US from the I 970s onwards. PVC sheet material

planting is displayed,though the t ranslucent A recent development in thermoplastic

transmission. Solar shading can be provided

is usually reinforced with glass fibre to give

membrane types are polypropylene- and

by a pattern of dots printed onto the surface

it increased rigidity that is easier to bond to

polyethylene-based materials.They have

of the ETFE cushion, with a refiective silver

the substrat e.The PVC used in membranes

great er fiexibility than PVC-P membranes, but

colour being a popular choice,though other

is plasticised (PVC-P), unlike the unplasticised

still require reinforcement in glass fibre sheet

colours and patterns can be developed for

PVC (PVC-U, or upv q used t o makewin-

for increased dimensional stability and polyes-

individual projects. The printed dots on clear

dow frames and rainwater drainage compo-

ter fabricto give greatertensile strength. Fire

ETFE sheet reduce the light transmission to

nents. PVC-P is rigid at normal external t em-

retardant is added to provide fire resistance,

around 50-60%, but this can be increased

peratures, but softens when heated, making

unlike PVC-P which is self-extinguishing when

further by print ing dots on two faces of the

it fiexible and allowing strips or sheets to be

fiame is applied.

air-filled cushion in areas of the roof where

welded together t o form a continuous membrane without the need for standing seams

more shading is required.The amount of


solar shading provided can be varied by

ETFE (ethylene-tetra-fiouro-ethylene)

allowing the middle layer to move as a result

in PVC-P is added to give the material great-

is a polymer similar to PTFE (marketed as

of changing the air pressure within the cush-

er fiexibility.The material has very low levels

Tefion) which is made by extrusion as a

ion.The middle layer moves either outwards

of shrinkage, and is dimensionally stable and

sheet material.Thicknesses vary but 0.2mm

or inwardsto increasethe overlap of the

does not creep visibly with age.The mate-

is a common thickness of material for ETFE

printed screen of dots that has the effect of

rial experiences only very small amount s of

cushions, allowing them to be very light in

varying the amount of solar shading provided.

movement under full wind load.

weight at around 350g/m 2 for this thickness

or visible joints. Plasticisers and filler material

The sound absorption of ETFE cushions

of sheet. Heavier gauge sheetat O.5mm

is low, so that sound travels easily through

fibre sheet or polyester fabric.These lay-

thickness weighs around 1000g/m . lnner

the mat erial.W hile this can be an advant age

ers are bonded into the material.The glass

layers of ETFE sheet that provide separat e

in noisy int ernal environments, it can be an

fibre provides dimensional stability, making it

chambers within the cushion are often made

inappropriate material if external noise is able

more stable for bondingto the substrate.The

from 0.1mm thick sheet.The material is also

t o travel through the roof to internal spaces

woven polyester fabric,used in tent mem-

used for its high level of transparency, with

where a quiet environment is required. Cush-

brane structures, has hightensile strength and

95% light transmission, and its durability

ions can also produce a drumming effect

to resist wind loads the mechanically fixed

when compared to other fabric materials,

during rain resulting from the use of a th in,

method is used. A typical build-up for a single

with a life expectancy of25-35 years, based

stretched membrane material.

layer membrane is a concrete deck with a

on visual criteria. In order to provide translu-

The t oughness of ETFE sheet is com-

vapour barrier set on top, with thermal insu-

cent areas of roof (or facade) using the same

bined with a high resistance to tear.Damage

Membranes are reinforced with glass




Busan stadium, Busan, South Korea. Architect: SpaceGroup

by sharp objects puncturing an outer mem-

carried away in the rising hot air of a fire.

from a glass fibre mat which is coated with a

brane does not spread easily into a larger

ETFE sheet meltsat around 275°C,forming

PTFE layersuch as Teflon. As with PVC/poly-

tear easily. Birds can puncture the outer

holes in the fabric which allows the heat and

ester membranes, the coating protectsthe

membrane, but they have great difficulty in

smoke of a fire to escape. However, some

fabric from the effects of both the weather

comingto rest on the roof itself, except on

roofs still require smoke vents, since this may

and UV light as well as forming a low fric-

the clamping plates, where wire is sometimes

not always OCcur during a fire if the smoke

tion surface to reduce the collection of dirt

fitted to avoid providing any spaces for birds

and heat is being generated in an area away

and dust. Most dirt is washed away by rain,

to stand.The material has fairly high resist-

from the roof, where the ETFE cushions are

but some cleaning is needed using the same

ance to surface fading from UV light where

not affected by the fire. The small amounts of

methodsas for PVC/polyester roofs.Typically

there is a gradual loss of surface reflectivity.

material used in ETFE cushions, with an aver-

it weighs 800-1500g/m 2 .The life expectancy

ETFE sheet is also highly resistant to attack

age wall thickness of 0.2mm, result in little

of a PTFE/glass fibre membrane roof is longer

from chemicals and from airborne pollu-

material being deposited during a fire.

than PVC/polyester membranes at around

tion in urban areas. Its low level of surface friction ensures that cushions do not hold

30-40 years.

PVC/polyester fabrics Comparison of types

dirt and dust easily, making cushion roofs

PVC/polyester fabrics are madefrom

relatively easy to maintain. ETFE roofs are

polyester cloth which is coated on both sides

usually cleaned as a result of rain in temper-

with a layerof PVC.The coating protects

have high tensile strength and high flexibility,

ate climates, though access for maintenance

the fabric against the effects of rain and of

making them very suitable for curved and

Both PVC/polyester and PTFE/glass fibre

is required, usually provided by walking along

UV light.The PVC coating is a mixture of

double curved roof membranes.They both

the external clamping plates with cable assist-

PVC powder, softeners and plasticisers, UV

have a lighttransmission of 5-20% depending

ance or from external structure. Roofs are

stabilisers, pigments and fire retardants.An

on the thickness of membrane used, reflect-

designed so as to ensure rainwater drains

additional outer coat of lacquer slows down

ing 75-80% of light. Neither will catch fire

easily from the roof. Gutters are introduced

the effect in the PVC coating of becoming

easily, and both resist the deterioratingeffects

on long span roofs between sets of clamping

increasingly brittle with age, which results

of UV light, though PVC/polyester becomes

plates, as shown in (F). Cushions are repaired

from the softeners within the material gradu-

increasingly brittle with age. Both have almost

by the use of ETFE tape,which isvisible,

allymoving to the surface of the PVC coating.

no acoustic performance and have poor

Or by complete replacement of the panel,

The lacquer coating also slows down the

thermal insulation performance when used

depending largely on the visual requirements

fading effects of the colour pigments. A PVDF

as a single membrane roof. PVC/polyester

of the roof design.

lacquer (a fluorinated polymer) istypically

has a greater range of colours readily avail-

A major concern in the use of polymer

used, which also ensures that the surface has

able, while PTFE/glass fibre is usually white,

materials for single layerand multiple layer

low surface friction so that it will attract little

the colour to which it bleaches naturally from

fabric roofs istheir performance in fire. ETFE

dust and dirt, and allowing the membrane

its manufactured beige colour after a few

sheetis not easily inflammable and will self-

to be cleaned easily. Acrylic lacquers are also

months of being exposed to sunlight. Weld

extinguish quickly under direct flame. Few

used.The typical weight of a roof using this

marks that occur duringfabrication also

burning fragments will fall below during a

material is 500-800g/m • A PVC/polyester

disappear as a result of bleaching in sunlight.

fire, since the material melts rather than

membrane roof will lastaround 15-25 years.

burns, with most of the burnt material being


PTFE/glass fibre membranes are made

PTFE/glass fibre has lower surface friction than PVC/polyester, allowing the former to



Materials 0 I Fabrics and membranes

Hampshire Rose Bowl,Hampshire County Cricket Club, Southampton, UK. Architect:Hopkinsand Partners

Brentwood Mall, Burnaby,British Columbia.,Canada.Architect: Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership

remain cleaner; while PVC/polyester requires

but w ill have the effect of losing most of the

cleaning more frequently. PTFE/glass fibre

light transmission through the membranes. In

requires greater care in transportation to site

addit ion, low frequency sound is difficult to

and erection than PVC/polyester; the latter

absorb due to the low mass of t he cladding

being capable of being folded wit hout dam-

material. In common wit h ETFE cushion roofs,

age t o the membrane.

the roofs are almost t ransparent to sound emitted from wit hin the building.

Thermal insulation A single layer membrane fabric roof in either PVC/polyester or PTFE/glass fibre

Mound Stand,Lords Cricket Gound,London, UK. Architect: Hopkinsand Partners

Performance in fire The performance of a membrane dur-

typically has a U-value of around 6.0W /m2K.

ing a fire depends on both the fabric used

W here tw o layered membranes are used,

and the stitchingat the seams,where this

wit h a minimum air gap of 200mm betw een

joining method is used. Membranes lose

the membranes,the U-value can be reduced

their t ension under high temperatures, w ith

t o around 3.0W /m2K. Double layer mem-

PVC/polyester st retching above 70-80°e,

branes are less commonly used as they have

and PVC/polyester seams starting to peel

a severely reduced light transmission,the

at around 100°C, At 250°C the PVC melts,

translucency of the material being one of

leaving holes in the membrane. PVC has fire

its main advantages.Thermal insulation can

retardants in the coating so that it self-ext in-

be added to a double layer membrane by

guisheswhen the flame source is removed

using a translucent fibre-based insulation, as

which results in few, if any, burning fragments

used in fibre glass cladding panels discussed

to drop down from the roof. PTFE/glass fibre

in t he previous chapter.The insulat ion can be

fabrics fail at a around IOOO°e, but seams will

fixed to the inner face of eit her membrane,

fail at a much lower temperature of around

depending on how the roof void is vent ilated.

270°C,W it h both materials, t he failure of the

Wi t h the increasing importance of the role

membrane forms holes in the roof which

of thermal insulation in the reduction of

allow heat and smoke to escape.

energy use in buildings,the use of double layer fabric membranes is set to develop considerably over the next 10years.

Membrane roof fabr ication In stitched panel joints, wider seams have more rows of stit ching visible,w it h the

Acoustics Like ETFE cushions discussed in the previous section, single layer membranes provide

Plashet Unity Bridge,Lewisham,London,UK. Archit ect:Birds Portchmouth Russum



mat erial folded over itself to strengthen the joint.Joint widt hs vary from around 25mm to IOOmm depending on the size of the

no significant reduction of noise through the

membrane and its associated loads.Addi-

roof. A double layer roof w it h an acoustic lin-

tional strips of fabric are usually bonded ont o

ing will provide some acoustic performance

t he outer (upper) face of the stitched seam

Food Court, Chatham MaritimeShopping Centre, Chatham,UK,Architect: Kemp MuirWealleans

'Observatory:Air-Port City 2008', Hayward Gallery. London, UK, Designer: Thomas Saraceno

to avoid rainwater penetration through the sewn thread, PVC/polyesterpanels can be stitched in conjunction with most lacquer types, Welded seams are made by forminga lap between panels,then heating the lapped areas and pressing them together. Jointwidt hs are similar to those required for stitched seams, Seams in PTFE/glass fibre panels are formed by hot element welding rather than by stitching or bonding, with an additional fabric strip added either on top

Buckingham Palace Ticket Office, London, UK.Architect: Hopkins and Partners

or within the joint itself between the membranes to provide the required strength, For welded joints on PVC membranes, the edge ofthe panel being jointed has the PVDF lacquerremoved before welding,which is applied again when the welding is complete to ensure that the PVC is fully welded and that the PVDF lacquer forms a continuous seal across the joint when formed, PVC/ polyestercan be both hot air welded and hot element welded,the advantage of hot air welding beingthat repair work and some

Ford Direct, Stevenage,UK.Architect: DWW

complex jointing can be undertaken during erection on site, Fabric roofs wit h high structural loads within the membranes can be both welded and sewn to provide a stronger joint If the joint is first sewn then welded, this avoids the need for an additional strip to be addedto the upper surface, which can enhance the visual appearance of the membrane on its outer surface, Bonding with solvents is used on PVC/polyesterfabrics only, but can be done in conjunction with most lacquers used on that material.

Chene ParkAmphitheatre,Detroit. USA. Architect: Kent Hubbell and Engineer Bob Darvas




Materials I Internal walls I: Fixed and demountable

? Details I. Block,typically concrete or hollow brick 2.Timber stud frame 3. Plasterboard/drywall finish 4. Skirt ing or recesssed tr im as shown 5. Intemal door 6. Floor joist 7. Door header 8. Stud 9. Bracing 10. Flank wall I I.Glass block 12. Bedding reinforcement I 3. Silicone seal 14. Bedding compound 15. Stud partition 16. Steel frameto enclose glass block panel



CD 0





CD r






Vertical section

Blockwork Partitions are non-Ioadbearing walls.The

Glass blocks Glass block part itions are built in panels

uninterru pted surface of glass.An alternat ive method is to bolt fix the glass employing

ease with which they can be removed or

of gridded blocks.The joints between blocks

methods used in external walls which are

changed depends upon the type of construc-

are reinforced with steel rods to overcome

described in the walls chapt er.To avoid the

tion. Blockwork partitions are constructed

their inherent lack of structural stability.The

problem of people walking into it, a line of

like external walls and provide high levels

rods are bedded either in a cement-based

manifestation marksis added to the glass

of sound insulation as a result of their mass.

mortar or in silicone. Edges of blocks are

where the partitions are used in public areas.

A blockwork partition istypically set onto a

sanded or coated to provide a key for the

They usually comprise a row of dots set at

concrete floor or steel beam.The blockwork

jointing material.Glass blocks can be made

eye level and are either screen printed,etched

can be left as a self-finish, if fairfaced, or given

into panels approximately two metres (6ft

or fritted onto the material.

a plasterfinish.A gap is usually left between

6in) square and can be built either in pre-

the to p of the part it ion and the soffit (under-

fabricat ed form or as sit e-built panels. Panels

side) of the floor above t o allow both for

are supported by a perimeter frame made

thermal movement in the partition and

from any structural material such as concret e,

office buildings where requirements for the

deflections in the floor above.The gap is usu-

steel or timber.Expansio n joints are provided

subdivision of space change frequently in

ally filled with a flexible strip such as mineral

around each panel.


Demountable part itions are used in

responseto changing workloads and work patt erns. Demountable partit ions have been

Glazing Timber

Demountable Partitions

used for centuries in traditional Japanese

Glazed partitions comprise sheets of

construction. Sliding screens of translucent

to ughened or laminated glass fixed either in

shoji panels and opaque fusuma panels are

like the external wall to the platform frame,

a framing system in the manner of a large

used for external walls and internal partitions.

using an internal quality lining such as plas-

window, or are fixed without frames on their

When they are used externally. an additional

terboard instead of plywood sheet. Sound

top and bottom edges only. Sheets are often

outer screen often protects them.These

insulation can be provided by an infill of

made sufficiently thick to avoid the need

panels are all demountable and can create

board or quilt between the studs.An alterna-

for vertical framingmembers or mullions to

a variety of open and concealed spaces.

tive method is to build the wall as two skins

provide rigidity. For example,a IOmm t hick

Demountable partitions used in office build-

that are free to vibrate acoustically independ-

toughened glass sheet will span vert ically

ings are available as a wide range of propri-

Timber stud partitions are constructed

ent of one another.Complicated shapesand

to approximately 2.5 metres (8ft), depend-

etary systems. Partitions can be moved easily

curved partitions are easy t o construct . Stud

ing upon intended use. Glass sheets are set

with a minimum of disruption t o the building

partitions can also be made in metal.These

with a vertical gap of approximately IOmm

in use. Manufactured demountable panels are

are used in conjunction with an internal lining

(3/8in) betw een them which is filled wit h a

often easily integrated with other systems

board, such as plasterboard, and as an alter-

translucent or transparent silicone seal.The

for suspended ceilings and raised floors, to

native to timber. Metal studs are made from

glass is secured top and bott om in small steel

which they are usually fixed.W here a parti-

cold-formed galvanised steel sections.

channels or steel angles set back to back.The

tion forms part of a fire break or smoke bar-

channel or angle fixings are recessed into

rier, the voids above and below the partition,

the floor and ceiling in order to provide an

within the floor and ceiling zone, are sealed




Horizontal elevation




CD to form a continuous barrier. Solid panels often consist of a fabric finish stretched over plywood.or a laminate bondedt o a board fixed in a frame. Glazed panels can be single


or double-glazed.Venet ian blinds are some-


times fixed between the two sheets of glass forming a double glazed panel to provide a variable degree of visual privacy. Section AA


Section BB

Section CC


Section DO

L J1 r


0 p [] B U U


D 0 ®



© Part elevation




Materials I Internal walls 2: plaster systems

Plastered walls provide a smooth, continuous

appropriate mixes for different applications.

is expected.The plaster is then continued

finish that is usually painted. Plastering is a

All plasters use either a sand-cement mix. a

across the joint and is keyed into the lath

traditional method that has been adapted for

gypsum plaster(gypsum is a naturally occur-

where a different plaster mix. called isolat-

use on different wall backgrounds.An advan-

ring mineral) or a lightweight plaster made

ing plaster, is sometimes used. Shadow gaps

tage of plaster is that complex shapes and

from minerals such as perlite or vermiculite.

are often formed wit h galvanized steel trims

edges can be formed. Dry pre-mixed plaster

Plasters are usually applied in two coats, as

to createa crisp line between the different

in powder form is used, in order to ensure a

an undercoat and finish.The finish coat has

backgrounds.The joint is revealed as a con-

consistency of mix, and is mixed wit h wat er

a finer texture in order to achieve a smooth

tinuous groove down the joint. Both plaster

on site. Plasters are relatively soft and can

surface by using a mix that would not be

and trim may be painted to create a homo-

have slots cut into the material easily for the

strong enough to be used as an undercoat.

geneous appearance.

passage of electrical wiring.This ease of use

Plasters have different levels of surface hard-

makes it a very practical wall finish which

ness. For example. soft plasters might be

ishto a wall or ceiling. Its soft. fibrous nature

Plaster provides a smooth, continuous fin-

can be cut and patched to accommodate

used for exhibition spaceswhere paintings

makes it easy to work and repai r. Plaster

changes throughout the life of a building. Plas-

are frequently moved; acoustic plasters are

is often used as a wet mix to a surface by

tering is a labour-intensive operation that is

used to increase sound insulation.

tro wel as well as manufactured into lining

carried out entirely on site and the quality of

W hen detailing edges, junctionsand

boards that are fixed on site.The method

finish is very much dependantupon the skill

openings in plastered walls.joints are needed

used generally depends on the nature of the

of the individual plasterer. For this reason it is

where there is either a change in background

background surface where boards are pre-

important to ask for sample areas of plaster-

material or a change in structure, such as

ferred for use over uneven surfaces.

ing to be provided on siteto ensure that the

where a wall meets a column.This isto

required quality can be achieved. Like pour-

accommodate thermal and structural move-

plaster on the external surfaces of walls and

ing concrete, plastering is a wet trade. which

ment at the junction between two materi-

soffits.Their characteristics are similar to plas-

involves mixingthe material with water and

als.Thesejunctions are treated either by a

ter.They can also be used in a board form.

allowing it to dry out.This drying process can

hairline joint, which is mostly concealed, or

fixed to a layer of rigid insulation.

slow down other building operations, particu-

by a recessed joint that forms a shadow gap.

larly where construction time is an important

The hairlinejoints use a layer of expanded

for their appearance and suitability for the


metal lath that is nailed or screwed to the

background. but also for reasons of cost.

Renders perform a similar function to

Plasters and renders are used not only

background and which spansthe joint to

speed of construction and availability of

ferent countries as a result of the availability

form a continuous background.A breather

materials.They are applied either in one.two

of minerals varying between regions. Manu-

membrane is set behindthe metal lath to

or three coats.

facturers should be consultedto advise on

isolate the plasterif structural movement

A wide range of plasters is used in dif-



Properties of plasters and renders

depth for adhesive is 3mm to 6mm ( I18in to

These mater ials have the following proper-

I14in). For a full set mortar bed,it is betw een

t ies:

6mm and 12mm ( I14in to I12in).The joints

sealing the external wall completely. or be

· High resistance to impact damage.

between tiles are filled with a resilient mate-

porous,to allow the wall behind to dry out.

· Easily drilled,filled and repaired.

rial that is compatible with the tile to seal

In common with int ernal tiles,joint widths

· Moderate to low sound absorption.

the gap without shrinking.Large areas of til-

should be a minimum of2mm ( I I 16in).s

· Low resistance to perpetual damp.

ing are divided int o bays 3m t o 5m ( l Oft to

· High fire resistance.

them. Grouting can either be impervious,

16ft) in either direction to compensate for movement in the substrate beneath.joints

Tiling Tiling provides a hard, impervious finish that is resistant to wat er penetration and surface damage and is easy to clean.When the

are aligned with any movement joints in the structure. Movement joints are 5mm to 10mm (31 16in t o 3/8in). Many smaller tiles have spacer lugs that

building fabric has dried out, tiles are fixed t o

assure a narrow, uniform joint. Plain edge tiles

the background surface with cement or pro-

are spaced at least 2mm (I I 16in) apart to

prietary adhesive.joints are grouted.

allow for movement, although wider joint s

Interior wall t iles

tars or grouts are generally cement-based

are used for their visual effect.jointing morGlazed tiles are used for walls, and are made by applying glaze to a fired t ile,then fir-

but an ever-expanding range of products is becoming available.

ing it a second time.The most common glaze used is enamel, avai lable in a wide range of

Exterior wall tiles

colours.There is almost no moisture move-

Glazed wall t iles for external use must

ment or thermal expansion of most glazed

be frost proof, and adequately resist airborne


pollut ants, scratching and fading caused by

Tiles are fixed t o a background of

UV light.Tiles are fixed with an exterior

cement render or gypsum plaster once it has

qualit y adhesive.The bedding and grouting

dried out;typically the drying out takes up

must be weather- and wat er-resistant. Bed-

to four weeks. Mostly proprietary adhesives

ding depth is 3mm to 6mm ( I18in t o 1/4in).

are used t o fix the tiles, although occasionally

Movement joints must coincide with those

sand-cement mortars are used.The bedding

of the background wall and must not bridge




r1aterials 0 I Internal walls 3:wallboard systems




r: I

CD "-



"- CD






Horizontal elevat ion

Horizontal elevat ion

Horizontal elevation

iValiboard systems usegypsum plasterboard

skim is to usetapered edge plasterboard

heet to give a plastered wall finish to a vari-

sheets to allow joints to be covered wit h

..:ty of backgrounds.A thin skim coat finish

paper tape and filled in order to avoid crack-

over the plasterboard provides a continu-

ing.The wall is then coated to provide a sur-

ous, dry fixed partition system that is fastto

face ready for applied finishes such as paint-

build. it is particularly useful on timber- or

ing.This almost 'dr y' process allows following

metal-framed partitions where its use avoids

trades to start work sooner than with plaster.

the need for the more expensive traditional

which requires much longerto dry.

technique of plaster and lath.An alternative


Ho rizontal elevation


use of dry lining isto fix plasterboard sheets

assembled on site and can be easily modified

backto a masonry wall using either steel or

either during or after construction. It is dif-

timber battens which are screwed back to

ficult to re-use plasterboard sheets although

the background wall, or alternatively on pIas-

the studs can be recycled.W allboard covered

ter dabs which are literally dabs of plaster. A

partitions often perform better acoustically

variety of gypsum plasterboard types is used;

than an equivalent blockwork partition. Parti-

glass-fibre reinforced boards can be curved

tions can be formed using three or more lay-

to form radiused corners. High-impact resist-

ers of plasterboard sheetwithout the use of

ant boards are used where a hardwearing

studs to a maximum height of approximately

plasterfinish is required, and fire-resistant

three metres (lOft).

boards are used in fire protection, particularly to structural steel frames. Wallboard systems are finished with



Wallboard covered stud partitions are

Timber stud partitions are limited to around 35 metres (11ft 8in) in height, since cut timber sections of greater length are

either a 2 to 3mm (1 /16 to 3/32 in) thick

more difficultto obtain and are expensive.

skim coat or a full ISmm (9/ 16in) plaster

Metal studs provide most flexibility in terms practice,the full plastercoat is not

of partition thickness and height, spanning up

often used except, for example, on curved

to around eight metres (26ft 8in) without

dry liningpartitions in order to provide a

need for intermediary support.W ith longer

very smooth finish.An alternative to a full

spans, partition thickness can be reduced


Horizontal elevation

Vertical section




~~ --~ I



Vertical section

- --

I r


to around ISOmm (6in) by setting studs at


ll I






closer centres, typically 300mm (I ft) and by changing the stud type. Short vertical





Horizontal elevation

spans, up to around 3 metres (lOft) use cold formed pressed steel channel sections, while longer spans up to approximately 5 metres (16ft8in) use the same channels set face to face to form a box section, while spans up to 8 metres (26ft) use cold formed back-to-

r--rI -




Details I. Movement joint 2. Quilt insulation 3.Top rail in timber or metal (pressed steel shown) 4. Ceiling level 5. Plasterboard 6. Softwood skirting 7. Pressed steel bottom rail 8. Plasterboard 9. Floor level 10.Stud in timber or metal (pressed steel shown) I I. Two layers plasterboard/drywall 12. Plasterboard/drywall laps adjacent run of partition 13. Plasterboard/drywall butt jointed at edge 14.Wall in different material (concrete block shown)

back channels that form an I-section.These studs are also available in varying depths to

15.Plasterboard/drywall on battens or dabs 16.Internal timber door frame 17.Insulated board 18. Mineral quilt providing acoustic insulation 19. Plasterboard/drywall butt jointed at internal angle 20. Door leaf 2 I . Arch itrave 22. Packer

provide different overall partition thicknesses to accommodate the layering of sheets for varying amounts of stiffness, fire resistance and acoustic performance. In common with plastered walls, expansion joints are required where there is a change in construction in order to accom-


Horizontal elevation

modate thermal or structural movement at the junction of two different backgrounds. This typically occurs at the junction of a partition and a structural column. Junctions can be continuous if constructed using a latexbased plaster.Alternatively, a shadow gap is formed which uses galvanized steel trims to create the shape of the joint in a way that imitates a plaster recessed joint.

Horizontal elevation



Materials 0 I Floors Details I.Timber flooring block 2.Timber boards 3.Timber battens 4.Ceramic tile 5. Stone 6. Compressible seal 7. Compressible backing 8. Stainless steel angle 9. Bedding compound IO.Concrete floor

Fixed floor finishes are those which are not

is provided by rubber-based compounds

wit h slab sizes adjusted to allow it to be car-

intendedto be accessible or demountable

which are used in indoor sports facilities,

ried by hand and laid in place.A common

and form a permanent part of the building.

but they have less abrasion resistance. Both

size is a module of SOOxSOOmm (20x20in)

Floor finishes are usually harder and more

epoxy and latex coatings,together with varia-

or 600x600mm (2ftx2ft) slabs, which allows

resilient than the floor structure, or substrate,

tions such as polyester resins, are referred to

IOmm for the joint between them. For small

beneath. Since the properties of finishes and

as poured floor finishes due to their ability to

applications, stone can be ordered from

substrates are usually different, the finish used

be poured in place to provide a self-levelling

choosing a sample, but for large areas, the

must be laid in a waythat allows both it and

joint-free floor finish.They are poured over

material is cut to order andthe architect

the substrate to move together or be sepa-

large floor areas to produce thicknesses of

should visit the quarry to choose the mate-

rated in order to avoid cracking in the floor

up to 6mm (1 /4 in). Made by mixing a resin

rial. In common with other natural materials,

finish. W here there are movement joints in

with a curingagent, they provide a hard,

it is difficultto define precise visual quali-

the floor structure,the floor finish is usually

smooth finish which can be coloured and is

ties since its natural formation produces an

broken to allow expansion and contraction.

resistant to chemical attack.

enormous variety of appearance .The usual

As a result, the finish can influence the design

Terrazzo is a hardwearing floor finish

of the substrate. For example, a cast-in-place

that is applied to a concrete substrate. It

between the most and least marked, andthe

concrete slab may require contraction joints

consists of crushed marble aggregate mixed

lightest and darkestin a set of sample slabs.

at centres which do not correspond to the

wit h cement.The material is applied as wet

Because stone has little strength in tension,

module of a proposed tiling layout but which

mix to a thickness of between IS and 2Smm

the substrate must be firm, with very little

should be adjusted to suit the design of the

(S/8in to Iin) depending on whether it is

structural movement or deflection.

floor finish.

bonded directly to the screed or concrete

Stone floors are ground before being

slab beneath.Terrazzo is bonded by laying it

laidto provide different surface finishes.They

on the concrete substrate while it is curing

can be polished, using fine sanding wheels, or

(but hard enough to walk on). It is laid in bays

honed, using rougher grinding wheels. Floor

floor slab, with its surface sometimes polished

formed by movement joints (expansion and

sealers are often not recommended for

to provide a smooth,dust-free finish, either

contraction joints) in the concrete substrate.

some stones since some slabs will be more

as a screed or as a power-floated finish to a

The bays are separated by stainless steel,

absorbent than others, resulting in exagger-

floor deck. Grains of carborundum can be

brass or bronze angles in a very similar way

ated colour differences across a floor surface.

addedto improve the wear of the floor. Con-

to ceramic tiles.Terrazzo is finished by grind-

cret e floors can be coated wit h floor paints

ing and polishing.

Concrete Concrete can be used as a self-finish to a

which have improved enormously in recent years to provide fairly hardwearing surfaces that will lastup to S years but are not suit-

method is to define 'extremes' of quality

Timber Timber flooring can be used as a floor

Stone Stone is used as a fixed floor finish in the

finish on concrete, timber or cold-formed steel framed floors. In all three instances, the

able for very heavy usewhich can causethe

form of paving slabs that are bedded in a

substrate is sealed with a vapour barrier to

paint to wear away quickly. An epoxy coat-

sand-cement screed and can be used both

avoid the timber rotting.The timber is either

ing is used where a harder surface finish is

internally and externally.The thickness used

loose-laid as solid strip flooring, fixed on

needed for heavy foot traffic,particularly for

depends on the strength andthickness of the

bearers resting on the substrate, or bedded

industrial applications.This polymer coating

stone andthe size to which the stone can

in mastic or bitumen as block flooring. Strip

has excellent resistance to abrasion but is a

practically be cut from blocks.The most com-

flooring has traditionally been used with tim-

very hard surface to walk on.A softer surface

mon thickness is 20-30mm ( Iin to I 1/2in)

ber strips less than IOOmm (4") wide, while



8 CD





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Vertical section are available in a wide range of colours,the

a much greater range of void depth, ranging

of around 150mm (6"). Nowadays strip floor-

latter are produced only in their natural col-

from 100mm (4in) to around 2000mm (6ft).

ing refers to all sizes of hardwood tongued

ours of reds,browns and blues.

Semi-accessible types are restricted to low

boards indicate anything wider up to a limit

and grooved board.Thicknesses range from 9

Floor tiles are made in many sizes and

floor voids of around 150mm (6in).The fully

to 38mm( 3/8in to I I/2in).Almostall types

thicknesses.They are laid either on a bed of

accessible types are generally steel composite

are proprietary systems that are either fixed

sand-cement mix or adhesive. Each bay of

panels with a concrete-based infill, supported

to supporting battens as a sprung floo r; typi-

tiles is edged with a 6mm ( I/4in) wide move-

on variable height pedestals. Semi-accessible

cally used in sports halls, or are held together

ment joint, which can be fi lled with a flexible

types are generally made from timber com-

by pressed steel clips as a continuous mate-

seal, such as polysulphide. Maximum bay size

posite panels supported on concrete pads or

rialthat rests on the substrate. Beech and

is usually six metres x six metres (20 x 20 ft).

timber battens.The two types have varying

maple are the most common hardwoods

The bay size depends on whether the area

degrees of rigidity in their framework to suit

used,which have a light coloured appearance.

is reached by sunlight and/or moisture. Metal

the degree of accessibility required. In some

A gap between the floorand the wall is left

edging strips,or a rigid sealant suchas epoxy-

systems, structural stability of the frame is

to accommodate movement in the wood due

polysulphide, is used to protect bay edges in

lost if too many modulesare removed for

to changes in temperature and humidity.This

large areas of tiling.

maintenance access. Fully accessible floo rs are made with a

gap is typically 10mm (3/8in) for a four metre (13ft) wide bay of stripflooring. Wood block flooring consists of small

Raised Floors Raised floors were first used as computer

variety of construction methods. Some are made as a support framework with legs

hardwood blocks that are bonded with bitu-

floors to provide a zone for electrical cables

beneath.The panels fit intothe frame to be

men to a concrete floor. Block sizes vary

and air handling ducts to large computers

supported on all four sides. Others have

from 25 to 100mm (I to 4 in) wide and 150

housed in a separate room.They are now

self-supporting panels supported on an

to 300mm (6 to 12 in) long. Depths vary

used throughout office buildings as a means

adjustable leg in each corner. Semi-accessible

from 19 to 38mm (3/4 to I I/2in).Blocks

of providing a zone for mechanical and elec-

systems vary even further in their design.

are bonded directly to the concrete with a

trical services including ventilation, as either

Some comprise a single precast concrete tray

bitumen-latex adhesive. Simple rectangular

a complement or replacement for those

with integral legs.These are laid side by side

patterns or herringbone patterns are the

used in suspended ceilings. Raised floors are

directly onto the floor slab. Others are very

most common ways of laying blocks. Both

used as a method of bringing electrical cables

similar to the timber sprung floors used in

strip flooring and blockfloo ring require a

under the floo r to a large number of points

sports halls, consisting of a rectilinear grid of

surface seal, such as polyurethane sealer; to

while allowing tiles to be moved to accom-

softwood battens resting on acoustic pads to

avoid dirt being trodden into the grain. This is

modate changing servicing requirements.

prevent sound transmission.Timber compos-

re-applied every few years depending on the

Completely open voids can also be used as

ite boards are screwed down to the frame.

amount of wear experienced by the floor.

an air plenum to supply or extract air in a mechanical ventilation system.

Floor ti les

Raised floors are manufactured as propri-

Ventilation grilles and electrical socket boxes can be incorporated into all types. Floors typically have carpet tiles loose laid on

etary systems with different loading capabili-

to p,to provide both a comfortable walking

these are ceramic and quarry tiles. Ceramic

ties, designed to be either fully accessible or

surface and for acoustic purposes. Carpet

tiles are manufactured from refined clays,

semi-accessible, depending on the ease of

can be separately bonded to each tile or be

There are two types of tiles for flooring;

while quarry tiles are made by extruding or

use and frequency of access required to the

loose laid offthe grid to conceal joints in the

pressing natural clays. Whereas the former

floor void beneath. Fully accessible types have

floor beneath.



Materials 0 I Ceilings Details I. Plasterboard/dr ywa ll 2. Fixing rails 3. Suspension rod, w ire or pr essed metal strip 4. Clip t o secure panel 5. Ceiling panel (perforated met al panel w it h acoustic lining show n)








Vertical section


Suspended ceilings are used primarily to

floor structure,Access hatches can be used

directly on the section, creating an exposed

provide a service void between a ceiling

but are difficult t o conceal. Fixed suspended

grid, or is set hanging partially below the

plane and the underside (soffit) of the struc-

ceilings can be used to form single direction

frame in a semi-concealed grid.The spring

tural slab above.This zone is usedto house

curves by bending plasterboard around a

clip system allows the tile to be slotte d into

recessed light fittings, ducts for mechanical

modelled frame,

the support grid from beneath in a con-

vent ilat ion and associated equipment.There

Complex shapes can be formed with

cealed system.The support grid can also be

are two generic types of suspended ceiling,

metal laths, Fibrous plaster is often used,

concealed by fixing the tile onto aT-section

The fixed version is used where a continu-

which provides a smooth surface that is

grid from beneath.This is done where

ous plastered surface is required and where

easy to work but lacks the strength of other

aluminium or steel sheet is countersunk

there is no need to access the ceiling void

plasters.As a result, it is applied onto a rein-

screwed to the support frame, Noise control

from below,Accessible types are used prima-

forcing mesh in a very similar wayto ferro-

within a room, or between adjacent spaces,

rily in office buildings where they integrate

cement. Fibrous plasteris usedwhere curves

is achieved by setting a sound-absorbent

with a modular layout of partitions,They are

in tw o directions are required as well as in

board or quilt onto the upper face of the

designed to suit both cellularoffice layouts

repetitive decoration, where items can be

ceiling tiles.The tiles are usually perforated to

and open office areas requiring individual

made in a workshop and later fixed to the

allow sound to pass through to the insulation

lighting and mechanical vent ilat ion,



Fixed suspended ceilings consistof either

Accessible ceilings use a support ing grid

The most common support grids are the

layers of plasterboard sheets or wet-applied

in steel or aluminium.The two most com-

one-way grid andthe two-way grid.The one-

plasteron metal laths which are supported

monly used types are the T-section and the

way system has identical sections set parallel,

on a frame suspended from the soffit of a

spring clip. Both are designed to be as light

at centres corresponding to the width of the

structural slab or floor on either wires or

as possible with varying degrees of strength

tiles.Tiles are supported on tw o sides and

galvanized steel strips,They can be designed

and rigidity, which are defined by the loads

span between the sections of the grid.Parti-

as a simple timber or metal supportin g frame

imposed on the ceiling by services from

tions beneath can be supported cont inuously

or be specified as proprietary manufacturers'

above and by partitions fixed to it from

in one direction but are supported only at


beneath, In some manufacturers' systems,

points in the other direction,The reduced

dimensional stability of the frame is lost if

flexibility makes the system economical.A

ous soffit for recessed lighting, and a ceiling

Fixed ceilings create a smooth,continu-

too many tiles are removed during mainte-

two-way system uses either metal cross tees

plenum for ducts that do not require access,

nance access.TheT-section uses an inverted

that span between the main runners or by

They can also provide a fire-resistive layer

T-shaped aluminium extrusion which holds

using the same sections set perpendicular to

where this is not provided by the supporting

the ceilingtile in place,The tile either sits

one another to creat e a full grid.The latter



Details o

I. Plasterboard/drywall 2. Fixing rails 3. Suspension rod, wire or pressed metal strip 4. Clip to secure panel 5. Ceilingpanel (perforated metal panel with acoustic liningshown)

Vertical section

type is made by half-jointing the main run-

ibility of the two-way system makes it more expensive.The frame is fixed back to the soffit with members of varying rigidity: wires,



ners where they cross.The increased flex..............._...............




_____1 _ jeD




I ...........................................................-...............

_1 _ jeD I


rods and angles. Suspension wires are not usually appropriate if partitions are fixed in such a way as to exert pressure from below. Like their supporting grids, ceiling tiles


are designed to be lightweight.The most economical generic tile is mineral fibreboard, which provides high acoustic insulation but is limited to smaller spans due to its lack of rigidity. Greater thicknesses of board add considerably to the weight of the ceiling.The typical grid size in this material is 600x600mm (2ft x 2ft). Larger tiles are made from perforated steel trays. Since steel is a poor absorber of sound, it is perforated to enhance its acoustic performance, and in addition can be lined on the upper face of panels with either thin mineral quilt or an acoustic pad. Ceiling grids up to around 2000x3000mm (6ft 6in x 9ft lOin) are possible.Aluminium sheet can also be used but it requires a greater depth of vertical edging to attain the spanning capability of steel.This increases the overall depth of the ceiling.




Trends in facade design Generic wall types Metal I Sheet metal 2 Profiled cladding 3 Composite panels 4 Rainscreens 5 Mesh screens 6 Louvre screens Glass systems I Stick systems 2 Unitised glazing 3 Clamped glazing 4 Bolt fixed glazing 5 Glass blocks and channels 6 Steel windows 7 Aluminium windows 8 Timber windows Concrete I Cast in-situ 2 Storey height precast 3 Small precast panels Masonry loadbearing walls Masonry cavity walls I Brick 2 Stone Masonry cladding Masonry rainscreens Plastic Plastic-based cladding I Plastic rainscreens 2 Timber I Timber frame Cladding panels 2



ails 02 Trends in facade desig_n


Significant changes in the design of external

the expression of structure in buildings has

construction.Thermal bridges are avoided

walls in recent years have increased thermal

been replaced by an interest in energy con-

by providing a separating component in a

performance and solar control , great er wat er

servation.This is largely because the effect of

low conductivity mater ial,called a 'thermal

t ightness and a reduction in air infiltration

additional layers of external insulatio n.blinds,

break', that prevents heat or cold from being

ratesthrough wall assemblies, and a limit ed

shading and so on often renders the struc-

transmitted between inside and outside.An

return to natural vent ilation where possible

ture almost invisible.

example of it s use is in glazed walling, where

as a parti al alternative to mechanical ventilation in larger scale buildings.These changes

the construction of a frame of mullions and

Thermal insulati on

transoms requires some continuity of metal

The useof thermal insulation has

from outside to inside. Plastic spacers of low

the late I980s, the increased use of ther-

increased dramatically during the past 15

thermal conductivity are posit ioned to pro-

mal insulation brought with it an increased

years with wall assemblies achieving a U-val-

vide a thermal breakthat also enhances the

risk of condensation occurring in cladding

ue of 0.25W /m2K as a minimum standard.

structural integrity of the construction.

assemblies.This condensation can occur both

This compares with a typical level of 0.6WI

have led to a shift in design priorities. During

Two generic types of thermal insula-

inside the panel and on the inner face of wall

m2K in the early I980s.There is an accom-

tion have emerged for use in wall systems:

assemblies.The avoidance of condensation

panying risk of interstitial condensation

rigid foam and fiexible quilt types.The rigid

has been the result of technical development

occurring within a wall assembly from damp

foam type is made typically from either a

since.The increased use of natural ventila-

air that penetrat es a wall assembly where it

polymer-based board such as polyurethane

tion, both as air supply and as a means of

may condense and cause damage. In additio n

foam. Since both are non-hygroscopic or

cooling buildings at night has had an effect

to dew point calculations undertaken at the

'closed cell',they can be used in sit uations

on cladding design. part icularly in the integra-

design stage t o assess risk,vapour barriers

where the thermal insulation can become

tion of opening lights and louvered slots in

are added to halt the passage of damp air

wet without any significantreduction in its

panels.The arrival ofthe deep plan building.

into wall assemblies where interstitial con-

perfonmance. Closed cell insulation is also

with distances of up t o 18 metres between

densation can occur; typically on the warm

used to form the structural core of metal-

external walls has led to a need for greater

(in winter) side of the insulation.Alternative-

faced composite panels as well as in facing

levels of daylight entering a building.This. in

ly.the internal construction can be venti lated

the inner leafof cavity walls. In contrast.

turn,has increased the need for both solar

in order to draw away damp air.

fiexible quilt is made typically from a mineral

shadingand glare control. In addit ion,the

Condensation can also occur on the

fibre quilt, cut t o fit voids in panel frames

cost of photovolt aic cells. which can gener-

inner face of a wall in temperate climates,

more easily than board but it s lack of rigidity

ate electricity when exposed to sunlight,

typically where there is continuity in a mate-

makes it unsuitable for use externally. W hile

has reduced considerably over the past

rial from the outside to the inside of a build-

heavier insulation helps to provide a more

15 years.As a result, they are increasingly

ingthat allows a direct passage of heat or

rigid, wat er resistant material,the lighter; less

used in large-scale applications for buildings.

cold through the external envelope.W hen

rigid types provide better thermal insulation.

These energy-led changes in wall design

th is 'thermal bridging' occurs,condensation

As a result,the choice of core is a balance

have generated a range of t echnical develop-

can form on the inner face of the wall where

betw een the needs of rigidity and thermal

ments, which have changed the emphasis of

it can drip down, resulting in inconven-


facade design.The architectural interest in

ience to building users and damage to the



Rainscreens Rainscreen cladding is a development of

between the outside of the wall and the inside will allow small amounts of rainwater

Use of materials in facade systems The different material systems for

the rainscreen for pressure-equalised walls

to penetrate the outer seal.This effect can

facades are very much infiuenced by the

researched during the 1960s. It was found

be countered through two means;the water

particular material chosen.The essential

that water commonly penetrates joints in

can be drained away within the metal fram-

issues in working with each material in

walling because of the outside air pres-

ing that supports the cladding panels,and

facade assemblies are described in the fol-

sure being greater than that inside the joint.

the pressure differences can be equalised

lowing paragraphs.

Water arriving by a variety of means, mainly

by ventilating the system by providing slots

gravity,wind and capillary action, was able

at drainage points, usually set at the base

to penetrate the outer seals of joints.The

of the wall.This ensures that water is not

introduction of rainscreen framing systems

trapped within the panel framing, nor is the

mainly on sheets,extrusions and castings.

and panel systems overcame this problem by

water discharged at vulnerable points in the

Thin sheet metal is made in narrow strips

creating an outer 'screen' layer or seal that

construction where staining and damage can

up to IOOOmm wide, making it necessary

stops most of the water entering the joint,

occur on the face of the panel.The use of

to form simple, reliable joints at close cen-

but ensuring that the air pressure in the void

ventilation within an assembly, on the exter-

tres when joining the material together to

behind the panel or joint is the same as that

nal side of a thermal insulation layer, allows

form a weather tight surface.This is done

outside it. Rainscreen systems have three

cladding systems to dry out once water has

by folding the metal together at the edges

essential functions:

Metals Metals used in facade systems are based

penetrated. Where water or water vapour

to form a continuous seam that projects

- To protect joints in the cladding assem-

penetrates a material in a wall or roof it

from the wall surface, making it difficult for

bly from the worst effects of windblown rain.

is stopped from travelling further by the

water to penetrate from outside. Standing

vapour barrier or waterproof membrane. At

seams are economic to make, but need to

waterproofing system whose appearance is

this point, it can be difficult for the water to

be done with care to avoid uneven joint

not suitable for an external wall.The same

dry out. A void is sometimes formed at the

lines. Because it is difficult to achieve crisp

principle applies to roof cladding.

vapour barrier to allow the water to evapo-

lines with this method, which relies on site-

rate and prevent the adjacent material from

based workmanship rather than the use of

thermal insulation fixed on the external face

being damaged.This is particularly important

workshop-based machines,the uneven 'oil

of a high thermal mass construction such as

in the case of timber, where eventual rot can

canning' appearance can be accepted as an


occur.The development of drained systems

uneven texture forming part of the design.

accepts that externally applied seals will leak

Because sheet metal used in facades is thin

small amounts of water and that it is better

in order to fold it and work it, it requires

- To provide a decorative screen for a

- To provide an outer protective layer to

Drained and ventilated systems There has been a move away from 'her-

to design for that eventuality. Even systems

support from underneath.The support sur-

metically' sealed systems,which rely entirely

with a single outer seal can be designed to

face conveniently forms a base for a backing

on a single weatherproof outer skin,towards

drain away water within their construction.

waterproof layer which is needed behind

'drained' systems.This is common to virtu-

sheet metal since it is unable to exclude

ally all sealed facade types. Drained systems

rainwater. Sheet metal can be welded

accept that the air pressure differences

together to form a continuous waterproof



Walls 02 Trends in facade design

sheet material, but thermal expansion needs

watert ightness and durability of metal.The

higher thanthe outside atmospheric pres-

to be allowed for with standing seam joints

successful bonding of rigid insulation to th in

sure, drawing water into the frame and

that prevent the material from deforming as

metal has been essential to the success of

potentially causing leaks.The problem of

t he metal expands.

composit e metal panels.These panels are

capillary action has been overcome, not by

joined with tongue-and-groove joint s, usually

increasing the pressure on the seal between

reduced by increasing the size of the metal

on two sides.While this is a reliable joint,

frame and glass, but by ventilat ing the void

sheet being used. Profiled metal sheet can

the joint on the opposite two sides is usu-

inside the frame so that any water that pen-

be formed in very long lengths, and in widths

ally less accomplished, normally being a butt

etratesthe outer seal is drained away safely

The number of joints on a facade can be

up to around ISOOmm.Joints between

joint sealed with silicone, wit h an additional

down the cavity to the outside.The drained

sheets are formed by lapping sheets both

to p hat metal profile to enhance the seal.

and ventilated cavity provides a second line

horizont ally and verticallywith sealant set

Four sided tongue-and-groove jointed panels

of defence against rainwater penetrat ion

between adjacent sheets to provide a water-

are more difficult to fix and more difficult to

through the outer seal.The principle of pres-

proof joint.This allows the sheet material

remove if damaged.The tongue-and-groove

sure equalisat ion, with an inner chamber

to span between the support s of a framed

joint incorporates a void in the centre that

behind an outer seal is essential to current

support ing structure behind, rather than

allows water t o drain down.The basic prin-

framed glazing systems.An alternative meth-

needing continuous support. Fixing profiled

ciple wit h sealing joints betw een composite

od of glazing is t o avoid a frame entirely in

sheet t o the supporting structure requires

panels is to ensure that any water entering

order to increase the effect of transparency

fixings that penetrate through the outside

the joint will drain down an internal cavity

given by the glass. In point fixed glazing,the

of the sheet t o the inside, which presents a

that drains water away t o the outside at the

glass is held at only at a few points by small

potentially weak point for waterproofing. This

bott om of the panels.

brackets or bolts. Glass is clamped together with plates, and bolted together through the

penet ration through the material by fixings is avoided in standing seam sheet metal. Fix-


joints between the glass.Alternatively, holes

ings for profiled sheet are made to be fixed

Glass in facades is supported either by

easily, using a self-t apping screw,which has a

edge frames or by fixing it at points. Glass

held by bolts secured directly through the

waterproof washer on the outside and a drill

facades are beginning to be glued together

holes in the glass without plates, using discs

bit on the front of the screw to make a hole.

without any metal fixings but the design of

or a countersunk profile to the bolt connec-

The self-tapping sealed screw is essential t o

such structures is in its early stages. Frames

t or.Joints are sealed with silicone in a single

the success of profiled metal sheeting, and

supporting the glass must both hold the

line of defence.W hile the material does

corner tri ms and folded copings in the same

glass in place and prevent rainwater from

not suffer problems of water being drawn

material ensure the watert ightness of junc-

penetrating the seals. Difficulties in providing

through it as with clamped rubber seals,

tio ns.

reliable rubber-based seals have led to the

good workmanship is essential to the suc-

'pressure equalised' or 'drained and vent i-

cess of these single seals.

Sheet metal has been developed in

are drilled in the glass and the sheet s are

recent years to be bonded to closed cell

lated' frames discussed earlier in this section.

insulation, since both materials are used very

Water penetration in frames has tradition-

ed by bonding the blockstogether with

economically in combination, so that the

ally been caused by capillary action where

either a cement-based mortar or silicone.

stiffness of insulation is combined with the

the air pressure inside the frame becomes

Because blocks are set with continuous



W alls built in glass blocks are construct-

vertical and horizontal joints giving them

up complex shapes and textures which

their characteristic appearance, panels are

would be much harder to form vertically.

Horizontal joints have to accommodate

structurally inherently weak, and this is dealt

Ferro-cement is capable of a high degree

deflections and movement from the sup-

with by introducing steel or aluminium rein-

of surface modelling, being made as a

porting structure if the panels are supported

forcing strips or rods into both vertical and

cement mortar-based mix with a high

from floor slabs, as is usually the case due

horizontal joints as reinforcement. However,

proportion of steel reinforcement. This

to their self-weight.Vertical joints are usually

this limits glass block panel sizes to modest

material ensures very smooth finishes, but

required to be thinner in order to exclude

dimensions when compared to other glass

is more commonly used for yacht hulls.

rainwater. The visual balance of joint widths,

wall systems.The principle of stack bonding

In-situ cast concrete is a monolithic

verticality and horizontally across the facade.

although a seemingly small issue,is critical to

limits panel sizes but is usually overcome by

material that provides an almost continu-

the visual success of precast panels. Notching

making the supporting structure lightweight

ous waterproof surface. Rainwater pen-

and grooves are introduced around open-

yet rigid in order to minimise its visual effect.

etrates only a few centimetres into the

ings to ensure that windows and doors can

More heavyweight supporting structures

depth of the material, but in temperate

be inserted in a way that provides weather

make the blocks appear more like individual

climates this leads to visible surface stain-

protection as well as concealing part of the

panels set into a visual grid.

ing.This can be overcome by colouring

frame to avoid visible seals around the edge

the concrete, adding textures, or ensuring

of the openings. Highly visible seals can also

that rainwater does not wash off surfaces

lead to very disappointing visual results.

Concrete An essential aspect of concrete is that

where dirt can collect, which would


it is a material formed in a mould, leaving a

cause staining on an area of wall beneath.

surface finish which is the mirror image of

Movement joints with in-situ concrete

that mould, or formwork. Consequently, an

require careful attention so that they are

concrete block have the advantage of being

Loadbearing walls in brick, stone and

important aspect of concrete detailing is to

waterproof but do not leave strong lines

able to avoid the visible movement joints

understand how formwork and moulds are

that are at odds with the overall concept

associated with non-Ioadbearing cladding,

fitted together. Formwork can be made to

of the facade.The facade designer must

which can enhance the massive visual quality

almost any shape, from plywood or GRP

always be aware of where joints occur

of traditionally built walls.An essential issue

(glass reinforced polyester), though specially-

and how wide they will be in order to

in loadbearing construction is to ensure that

made formwork can be expensive to make.

avoid disappointment during construction.

the wall is sufficiently thick to avoid rain-

Joints between formwork panels are visible

Precast concrete panels are jointed

water penetration as well as being able to

in the finished concrete, and if this is not

with pressure equalised drainage cham-

provide thermal insulation either in the wall

to be overclad with another material, then

bers behind vertical joints, which drain

construction or on the inner face.The sealing of windows and doors into openings follows

joints need to be arranged to suit the archi-

out of horizontal joints. Like in-situ cast

tectural concept for the facades. Complex

concrete, the general areas of concrete

principles of reinforced concrete discussed in

shapes for facade panels can be made more

are waterproof, but the joints require

the previous paragraph.

easily in precast concrete where, in a work-

careful attention to avoid their becom-

In masonry cavity walls, two masonry

shop, concrete is poured into a mould which

ing too wide as a result of wanting to

skins are tied together to form a single wall,

is laid flat, making it much easier to take

achieve a consistent joint width both

and here the detailing of openings in walls



al sOL Trends in facade design

is undergoing continual refinement in order

t ively mitring the junction between the two

panels. Most types are available as proprie-

to reduce thermal bridges.The top of an

stones. Since the thickness of stone cladding

tary systems, with manufacturers havingtheir

opening is support ed with a lintel that both

is seen only at external corners, the choice

own details for window openings, parapets, cills and corners.

closes the opening and ties the two skins

of revealing or concealing its actual thick-

together while forming as small a thermal

ness, rather than the massive stone quality

bridge as possible. Proprietary cavity clos-

the facade may aim to convey.Thin sto ne

material often has up to five layers within

ers and insulated lintels are used but these

cladding is often used for its surface texture

the material that provides a high level of

tend to match the shorter lifecycle of the

rather than conveying an idea of massive-

thermal insulation. Some manufacturers use

windows rather than that of the supporting

ness.The choice of easily commercially

thermally broken sections, but the more

structure, which is usually longer. Providing a

available stones has increased dramatically

visually appealing sections have no thermal

continuity between the thermal insulation in

in recent years, widening the choiceto thin-

breaks. Since these sections are made from

the cavity. fixed to the inner skin in the case

ner sandstones and limestones which have

aluminium extrusions,the opportunity exists

of blockwork or masonry units, can lead to

physical properties closerto those of weak

continually to improve the system in con-

wide joints around windows, which needs

granites. Masonry rainscreens are a recent

junction with manufacturers.An essential

careful attention to avoid visual clumsiness.

development and comprise extruded ter-

aspectof working with proprietary systems

This issue is easier to resolve if the thermal

racotta panels that are fixed in a variety of

is that some have standard window and

insulation forms part of the inner skin as is

ways depending on their size. Since they are

door sections which have an appearance

the case with inner skins in timber framing

completely independent of backing walls

that may not suit other design approaches.

or light gauge steel frames.

they present enormous freedom in design.

The challenge here is to be able to modify the windows, doors andtrim s to suitthe

In stone cladding, panels are mortared together and supported on fixings at each

W hen polycarbonate sheet is used,the


overall design for the facade. Other polycar-

floor level, where each stone is individu-

Plastic-based cladding achieved a certain

ally restrained backto an inner wall that

popularity in the 1960s and I970s, present-

for windows and doors and usually have

bonate sheetsystems have little provision

provides lateral restraint from wind loads.

inga fresh approach in building construc-

no standard method of interacting with

W indows and doors typically are fixed

tion based on lightness in weight and a

the support ing structure.These have to be

to, and supported by,the inner wall.The

craft-basedworking method in economic

developed with the manufacturer to suit

gap between the outer thin stone and the

materials that appealed to designers. Since

a particular design. Because polycarbonate

windows fixed to the inner walls is usually

then its use has been more modest, with

is used for its qualities of transparency and

achieved by either putting a trim around the

concerns about durability and colour fading,

translucency. the supporting framework

reveal in the same material as the window

which have largely been overcome in the

is very visible,even with translucent wall

(usually metal) or by adding stone panels

plastic-based materials available today Sealed

panels, so trim s to support framing should

around the opening.W hen stone panels are

plastic-based cladding uses mainly polycar-

be designed as carefully as those for glazed

used around the openingthere is always a

bonate and GRP sheet that is either fixed

curtain walling. In common with glazed walls,

choiceof either revealing the edge of the

into frames generally used for glazed curtain

polycarbonate panels can be either fixed into

stone of the reveal trim (or the edge of the

walling, or is fixed together as self-supporting

frames or be fixed at points wit h bolts and

adjacent stone in the facade) , or alterna-

panels in a way similar to metal composite

brackets. Silicone-based sealants are com-



monly used to seal between panels in the manner of bolt fixed glazing. GRP panels are also fixed into glazing

language of timber joints. Although timber can be used as both

can also support fiy screens,awnings and related metal attachments to window and

cladding panels and as rainscreen panels

door openings.Timber wall construction

systems, but can be fixed together as sealed

over a different background wall, the timber

is relatively thin, at around 150mm overall,

cladding units with pre-formed stand-

boards in both cases are set clear of the

compared to 300mm for concrete and

ing seams like some proprietary systems

backing wall to ensure that both sides are

masonry-based facades, resulting in smaller

for profiled metal sheet.They can also be

well ventilated. When timber boards are

window reveals which are easy to detail with

formed into fiat rainscreen panels with visi-

used to clad a platform frame, the same gen-

modest trims and cills.Window frames are

ble or concealed fixings.An important aspect

eral principles apply as for the construction

sometimes set on the outside face of the

of detailing in this material is its relatively

of individual timber cladding panels,except

wall to reduce any risk of rainwater penetra-

high thermal expansion which leads to larger

for the vertical joints. Vertical joints between

tion as well as providing internal window cills.

gaps between components than is the case

boards in the platform frame can have

with other materials.The economic nature

timber trims and fillets added that protect

from big timber sections fixed back individu-

of plastic-based cladding is beginning to be

the end grain of the timber from rainwater;

ally to a backing wall, in the manner of an

recognised in new buildings, particularly with

where the timber is particularly vulnerable.

open jointed timber deck set vertically, to

the ability of plastics to be coated in different

Joints between timber cladding panels use

timber panels with louvres and sliding slat-

colours economically, unlike the dominant

a mixture of metal trims and rubber-based

ted panels.The positioning of metal fixings

use of pre-coated coil in metal panels, but

seals in the manner of unitised glazed walls,

is critical to the visual success of all these

the prejudice against the material for its dis-

with a drained and ventilated chamber

timber cladding methods. Corner brackets

coloration in older examples has yet to be

behind the outer timber cladding.

and fixings have a tendency to be large in

overcome in architectural applications.

An important consideration in the

Timber rainscreens vary enormously

order to give a secure fixing, so attention to

detailing of timber is that the thermal

detail of brackets and fixings is essential to

conductivity of both softwoods and hard-

achieving an elegant appearance.Traditional

woods is very low, from 0.14 - 0.21 WI

techniques used lapping of timber boards,

ment than the other materials described,

m2 K, compared to 45 W/m2 K for steel

with concealed nails and screws to protect

mostly as a result of changes in moisture

and 2000 W/m2 K for aluminium. Thermal

fixings from corrosion, but contemporary

level within the material. Consequently,

breaks are not a significant issue in timber

detailing has much less emphasis on lapping

timber used in facade cladding is allowed to

construction, which eases considerably any

in order to give greater visual precision to

accommodate movement as well as being

issues of thermal bridging around openings.

the construction.

ventilated to ensure that bowing, twisting

This allows enormous fiexibility in timber

and warping of timber components is mini-

detailing with a reduced risk of condensation

mised. In detailing timber it is difficult to form

occurring either within the construction or

joints that perform well in tension without

on the inside face of the wall in temper-

the need to introduce another material, usu-

ate climates. Openings in timber walls are

ally metal. Metal pin connections, nail plates,

increasingly using metal trims to enhance

cleats and angles are an integral part of the

the visual refinement of details. Metal trims

Timber Timber is susceptible to more move-



als 02 Generic wall types

This section discusses changes over the past

years have suggested that no clear pattern


ten years in the 17generic non-loadbearing

of usehas emerged in the use of cladding

- Stonecladding

cladding types set out in this chapter and

systems.The choice of cladding system is

- Terracotta rainscreens

further identifies a smaller set of six generic

very much affected by building type andthe

- Timber cladding to platform frame

types from this list.The application of this

number of a particulartype built in a given

- Timber rainscreens

set of cladding types in 'thin' and'layered'

year.The full range of cladding systems in this

facades is discussed as well as how these

book is in full use.The preference for one

Also from the list, generic types for open

facades are slowly developing from the use

system over another is very much driven by

framed structures are as follows:

of technology from other industries.

the building type and particular performance

- Metal profiled cladding

criteria and budgets of individual projects.

- Metal composite panels

A clear pattern that is emerging isthat the

- Metal mesh screens

choice of cladding systems available has

- Glass sticksystems

I. Fully supported sheet metal

not affected the move towardsthe emer-

- Glass unitised systems

2. Profiled cladding

gence of a new set of generic types, which

- Point fixed glazing (clamped and bolt fixed)

The generic types are as follows:

3. Composite metal panels

are common to all the 17cladding types.

- Glass blocks

4. Metal rainscreens

From these generic types it is clearthat the

- Steel framed glazing

5. Metal mesh screens

different types are support ed by either a

- Precast concrete panels

6. Glass stick systems

monolithic structure, or a backing wall to a

- Polycarbonate insulated systems

7. Glass unitised systems

frame, or alternatively to an open structural

8. Point fixed glazing (clamped and bolt

frame. Each generic type is rarely supported


by both structural types. Since framed con-

Generic forms Sixgeneric cladding types are identified

9. Glass blocks

struction is more recent, the more recently

below which are common to both non-

10. Steel framed glazing

developedtechniques of glazing are used

glazed and glazed cladding systems.The first

I I . Precast concrete panels

in conjunction with frames.Traditional load-

three types are used for small span applica-

12. Masonry facings to cavity walls (brick,

bearing structures continueto be used in

tions with a backing wall.The second three

block, stone)

conjunction with traditionally-based tech-

types are used for large span applications

13. Stone cladding

niques. Structurally, the traditionally based

without a backing wall.

14.Terracotta rainscreen

cladding is characterised by techniques that

15. Polycarbonate insulated systems

use materials in short spans.

Three types for small span applications wit h

16.Timber cladding to platform frame

From the list, these short span generic types

a backing wall:


for monolithic structures (and backing walls to frames) are as follows:

I. Fully supported sheet with sealed joints 2. Facings wit h sealedjoints:facings to

All these systems still in use have undergone technical development to improve

Fully supported sheet metal

masonry cavity walls, glass blocks, masonry

performance, largely concerned wit h energy

- Metal rainscreens

cladding, timber boarding

conservation. Reports over the pastten

- Masonry facings to cavity walls (brick, block,

3. Rainscreens with open joints:masonry,



with a structural capability, coupled with

with specific tasks of excluding rainwater

controlled light and heat transmission, is a

and controlling heat loss and heat gain,glare,

Three types for large span applications with-

strong infiuence in the design of facades. It

and ventilation.To achieve this, a layered sys-

out a backing wall:

reduces thickness of external walls, allow-

tem superimposes generic types. A current

4. Self-supporting profiled sheet

ing floor areas to be maximised. It allows a

disadvantage of this system is that a layered

5. Stick systems:metal, glass, point fixed glaz-

single,competitively priced product, such as

facade requires considerably more depth of

ing, insulated polycarbonate

body tinted tempered glass, to fulfil a range

'wall', from around one metre where exter-

6. Panel systems: Precast concrete, timber,

of functions. In these 'thin' or 'compressed'

nal solar shading is provided, to about three

metal composite, glass unitised

facades, functions of weatherproofing, ther-

metres, where the zone between the inner

mal insulation, air handling and glare control

and outer wall becomes a usable space in a

are compressed into a very thin wall.

building in the manner of a conservatory or

timber boarding, metal, mesh screens

The application of these generic types in 'thin' and 'layered' facades

Over the past 15 years,this principle has

winter garden.

been developed to incorporate other comModern single-sealed glass framing sys-

ponents within a narrow depth. Louvered

tems used in building construction, which

blinds and mechanical ventilation can now be

rely on silicone bonding and rubber-based

incorporated. Heat from solar radiation can

pressure seals, together with tempered,

be partially absorbed by blinds set within the

body-tinted glasses, are based on techniques

depth of a IOOmm to 300mm deep dou-

developed by glass manufacturers for the

ble glazed unit. Air passes through the unit,

car industry: Car manufacturers are relatively

drawing away heat from the blinds, providing

few in number, but they place very large

a thin external wall whose performance is a

orders for a restricted range of specially

balance between different, and sometimes

designed glass products such as windscreens.

confiicting, criteria. In these thin facades, the

The building industry, in contrast, generates

integrated blind will absorb heat during peri-

relatively small orders from a huge number

ods of high solar gain when blinds must be

of customers all of whom have quite dif-

orientated to act as a radiator of heat.This

ferent requirements. The current custom

can confiict with occupants' requirements for

built nature of building construction does

daylight. Each facade will respond differently

not encourage, in itself, glass manufacturers

to the changing weather conditions, by either

to invest significantly in new systems.As a

manual or electrical means.

result, most recent developments in glazing for buildings have followed in the wake of

An alternative approach for external walls is the separation and layering of the

those developed for use in cars. Perform-

functions of weatherproofing, ventilation,

ance specifications for car glazing systems

thermal insulation, and daylight/glare control.

apply a complex set of criteria to a single

With this 'layered' approach, specific layers

very narrow 'wall' thickness.The use of glass

in the envelope system are created to deal



ails 02 Metal I: sheet metal

Details I. Metal sheet 2.Standing seam joint 3.Timbersubstrate 4.Thermal insulation 5. Fixing battens 6.Waterproof membrane 7. Backing wall 8..Timber/aluminium window 9. Clips at centres 10. Folded metal profile

Westfield Student Village, London, UK. Architect: Fielden

Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany. Architect: Daniel Libeskind

Clegg Bradley

System design Sheet metal istypically supported directly on a substrate, providing a system formed from thin sheetwhich can

flat roof to a vertical wall, to inverted

ductility allows them to be formed more

soffit conditions.

easily when used in traditional, site based

The two generic methods for sup-

installations.The 'oil canning' effects of

closely follow a complex geometry with

porting sheet metal facades that suit

sheet metals, which are visible imme-

relative ease, making it very suitable as

different conditions are continuous

diately after installation when used in

a covering to a highly modelled facade.

standing seams and tiled shingles. Stand-

facades, tend to diminish visually as the

This material system has developed

ing seams are suited where long, straight

surface weathers to the characteristic

from its traditional use in roofing, where

or continuous joint lines are required

patina of the metal used.The texture

the standing seam technique is well

or where the facade has gentle curves

remains wit h weathering,giving a hand

established, to a facade material that can

which can be picked out by the joint

crafted appearance which suits visually

cover projectingwindows,externally

lines.Tiled shingles are suited to complex

vibrant facades. Some recent buildings

set structure and areas of flat facade

geometries and smaller scale applications

have even slightly exaggerated this effect

with equal ease. In recent years sheet

where a high degree of surface model-

before installation to create a highly

metal has been used to enclose forms

ling is required. Metal sheet can also be

textured surface finish to the metal.

of complex geometry, on either folded

laid onto a timber-based substrate as

Standing seam metal facades have the

or curved facades. Consequently, this

an outer coveringto a complex form.

essential visual characteristic of highly

system also provides an economic outer

Both methods set the thermal insulation

visible joints at relatively close centres of

covering in projects where wall and roof

behindthe substrate, typically creating a

between 450-600mm.This construction

are combined in a single form, or where

vent ilat ed void between substrate and

method, used traditionally as a roofing

the external envelope is highly modelled

insulation, but this is dependent on the

system, is used increasingly in facades as

in a single form where one material is

construction of the backing wall rather

an economic system that is easy to com-

required for the complete envelope.The

than on the sheet metal layer.

bine with other facade elements such as

principles of rainwater exclusion used on

Standing seam roofs have tradition-

roofs can be applied for use on facades,

ally had a slightly uneven appearance

with continuous joint lines, to form a

due to the softer, more ductile metals

complete envelope from a (nominally)

used, mainly lead, zinc and copper, whose



glazing wit hout the need for reveals and visible flashings.


3-D view of w all system with window opening and parapet detail



ails OL Metal I: sheet metal

3-D view of profiled metal sheel wall construction Falmouth School's Design and Technology Block,Falmouth, UK,Architect: Urban Salon









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Plan I:10, Profiled metal sheed fixed to concrete backing wall

System details method is used on vert ical jo ints in a

vent ilati on on it s internal face to avoid

pro vides a rhythm of standing seams that

var iety of configurations to suit visual

corrosion.Timber substrat es are usually

do not need to be visually coordinated

requirements.The choice of seam is pri-

vent ilat ed on the ir internal face in order

w it h openings and junctions in the facade,

marily visual, ranging from the w ide rolled

to reduce the po ssibility of damage associated w it h trapped moisture.

Continuously supported sheet metal

Flashings can be formed at window and

seam of traditional lead roofing to the

door openings w it ho ut modular co-

thin folded projecting seam of traditional

ordination and do not require to be spe-

zinc and copper ro ofing. Horizontal jo ints

cifically aligned w it h an adjacent standing

are folded to form a flattened seam th at

ings, including parapets, are formed

seam or shingle edge for a reliable joint

allow s rainwater to run off it w it hout

w it h folded metal flashings in the same

to be formed. When joints are at visually

finding its w ay into a joint.

material. Flashings can be set below the

close centres,at around 400mm, the joint

Tiled or 'shingled' standing seam

pattern provides an overall texture for a

metal facades use flattened folded seams

For both standing seam joints and shingled tile s, openin gs and edge flash-

material at junctions w hich reduces their visibility, enhancing the texture of the

facade rather than defining rows of joints .

on all sides of the panel. Since the same

facade material w here required. Flashings

When used in long lengths from roll s,

source material of metal strip is used,

are typically of t wo visual types: those

the material allows horizontal joints to

metal t iles are usually in w idt hs of around

that formed a visible strip th at laps over

be avoided in smaller scale applications,

450-600mm depend ing on the metal

the face of the adjacent area of metal

up to around 12 metres in length, but

used.The jointing system also performs

sheet, and those that form a shadow gap

cur ved or highly modelled facade / roof

w ell w hen the tile s are set diagonally,

between the flashing and the surface of

combinations require shorter distances

wit h 45° being most commonly used in

the adjacent metal. Since sheet metal

between horizontal joints to accom-


surfaces are formed by folding over edges

modate the cur vature. In such situations,

Both methods use a continuous sup-

of narrow sheets to form a cont inuous metal

tapered joints are often used, sometimes

porting material, t ypically plywood sheet

surface,they do not have a natural link int o

w it h staggers set into them as used at the

for its ability to form complex surfaces

windows and doors set into a typical facade.

centre of traditional circular metal roofs.

w it h ease.Timber boards are also used,

W indows are often sealed against the back-

but mainly in open jointed configuration

ing wall in which they are held rather than

to support zinc sheet, w hich requires

sealing them against the sheet metal wall.

Where crisp, st raight lines are required in the design, the standing seam MCH


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3-D view of window head detail wit hin profiled metal sheet system

® Plan I:5.Standing seam profiles

Vert ical section I:I0 through typical wall system

3-D view of window cill detail within profiled metal sheet system



ails 2

Metal 2:profiled cladding

Close-up of metal profile

Roof assembly process

Details I. Cover strip profile d sheet (can also be 2. Horizontally fixed profile vertically fixed)


3.Air gap ur barrier 4. Breather membraneN apo n 5.Thermal insulatio ber/metal frame wit h 6. Backing wall. typicall y tim roof membrane, or plywood facing and waterp concrete block 7. Floor fin ish 8. Drywall/dr y lining 9. Z section steel fixing rails 10. Ground slab I I. Curved eaves profile 12. Concealed gutter I3. Exposed gutter


assembly 3-D viewof wall and roof



Vacheron Con stantin Headquarters. Geneva.Architect: Bernard Tschumi



II 3-D view of concealed gutter

System design in the 1970sto wider architectural applica-

cover strip or recessed shadow gap joint is

metal cladding and the continuously support-

tions.This material system uses a single metal,

needed,which createsa break in the system.

ed type isthat profiled sheet can span 3-5

either steel or aluminium, for the complete

Since the shape of the profile cannot be varied

metres between supports,depending on the

cladding of,typically. manufacturing or storage

in regularmanufacture,the lines of the sheet,

(sectional) profile used.The profile depth pro-

buildings which have large shallow pitched

and visible joints at geometric changes in the

vides rigidity of the material in one direction,

roofs and a relatively small facade area in rela-

system,dominate its appearance. In common

allowing it to be fixed directly to a structural

tion to that of the roof.The all-metal envelope

with standing seam metal, profiled metal sheet

frame ratherthan requiringthe continuous

evolved,in an architectural sense, with the

does not have windows and doorsthat fonm

support of an additional substrate.Its profile

introduction of curved eaves and concealed

part of the material system,though these

allows the sheet to be gently curved in one

gutter with walls and roof appearing to be a

items can be made in the same mat erial and

direction during installation on site,with the

continuousform.The profiled metal sheet was

finish. Because windows and doors are made

material still lapped on all edges regardless of

set with the ribs running from top to bottom

by differentmanufacturers, it is important to

its orientation. Profiled sheet can be curved

of the roof and continued down the facades

ensure either colour matching at the fabrica-

along its rigid length by crimping in the factory.

in the same alignment.As its use in facades

tion stage,or contrasting colours/finishes

usually to fonm curved comer pieces for hor-

developed, profiled metal cladding was used

that work together visuallyW here the inner

izontally-set cladding,or curved eaves pieces

horizontally rather than vert ically. in order to

lining of the wall isalso fonmed in profiled

for vertically-set cladding. Proprietary systems

curve the wall profile when seen in section,

metal sheet (typically flatter,and sometimes

offer a range of curved components as well

and at different angles, in order to intro duce

perforated for acoustic perfonmance) a similar

as 90° comers where short lengths of sheet

an expression of complex geometry

approach istaken.

The main difference between profiled

arewelded to fonm a crisp corner panel.The

As a material system,the profiled nature

System details

wide range of profiles available,from small

of the material requirescontinuity of the pro-

wave profiles to deep profiled sectionsgives a

file from sheet to sheet, making it difficult to

wide range of visual effects.

create visual offsets in the setting out of the

metal flashings at the top and bottom of

material.Where a change of orientation or

the wall to fonm parapets and cills, as well as

direction is needed by the design,a projecting

comers, usually madefrom flat sheet. Some

Profiled metal cladding has developed from its initial application in industrial buildings

Vertically-set sheeting requires folded



Walls 02 Metal 2: profiled cladding


\ \

3-D view of wall and roof assembly.

manufacturers provide crimped fiashings for

beneath. A metal fiashing is used to close the

corners in order to provide visual continuity

gap between the roof deckand the parapet

between adjacent facades.Where fiat sheet

upstand where the roof isalso clad in pro-

is used at corners, plastic or foam-based filler

filed metal sheet. Where only a low upstand

pieces form part of the system to close the

is required, as at the gable,a folded flashing

gaps betweenthe profiled sheet andthe fiat

is fixed to the roof surface to form a sealed

metal fiashings that are usually set onto the

edge.A metal coping fiashing isthen fixed

face of the profiled sheet.The visual impactof

to the upstand and is folded down the face

these filler pieces needs to be assessed within

of the external wall. Althoughthe thermal

the design. Horizontally-set sheeting can be

insulation formingpart of the wall construc-

formed as continuous cladding with barely

tion is madecontinuous with that of the roof,

visible joints resulting from lapping the sheets.

the void in the parapet is usually filled with

Alternatively. the profiled sheet can be divided

thermal insulation to avoid hightemperature

Vertical section I:I0 through profiled cladding wall

into bays, formed with vert ical joint s closed

variationsbetween outside and inside the


with cover strips or with recessed pressed



(top hat) sections. At roof level, parapets are formed with a pressed metal coping with another flashing



The void behind the sheet is filled with thermal insulation which requires a vapour barrier on its internal (warm in winter) face.


, I


I -~

. - .- -------I




Horizontal section I: I0 through wall system

Verti cal section I:I0 through gutter

3-D view of exposed gutter detail

The internal lining of the wall can be in any

sion requires careful installation of the clad-

material, though dry lining or an additional

ding sheets on site in order to achieve the

layer of profiled metal sheet istypical.Some

relatively narrow corner joint widt hs. Cover

manufacturers have proprietary lining sheets

strips usually have their edge folded backto

in metal which are flatter thanthe external

provide a crisp linearound the profile. Folded

profiledsheet to suit the typical requirements

flashings are usually in two parts,with an inner

of internal fini shes.

seal between cladding and window,andan

Openings for windows and doors are sealed with metal flashings that can be determined as much by visual requirements as

addit ional outer flashing which is sealed with silicone backto the profiledmetal. Although proprietary systems are avail-

by the needs of weather proofing.W indow

able it is easy to adapt these systems, where

openings often have wide cover strips around

the facadefabricator makes flashingsto suit

the edges of the opening to provide a full

individual requirements. Principles of details

weather tight seal which forms a highly visible

are well understood by fabricators and com-

Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, Geneva,

part of the design.

plete proprietary systems are not alw ays

Architect: Bernard Tschumi

Corners can be madefrom either exter-


nally set cover strips or by recessed corner flashingsto suit the design.The recessed ver-



Walls 02 Metal 3:composite panels


\ \1 I


A bove: 3-D view of assembly. Panels spanning vertically and ho rizontally Right: De t ail of metal bracket and capp ing suppo rting panels

System design This material system provides a com-

part of their fabrication,wit h panels being set

which usually contrast visually with the ver-

plete wall assembly in a single panel form,

either vert ically or horizontally. Joints are typi-

tical joints which have wider sightlines in

sometimes with integral windows and doors

cally formed to avoid a thermal bridge from

order to accommodate a metal cover strip,

that interlock with the regularpanels. Panels

insideto outside, by creating a small break

a rubber-based gasket, or their combina-

consist of an inner core of rigid thermal

between inside and outside layers of metal,

tion. Since vert ically set panels are typically

insulation onto which a thin metal sheet is

and are shaped to ensurethat rainwater runs

separated by the flashings, vertical joints can

bonded to each side,wit h a specially formed

back out of the panel. Joints between panels

be discontinuous, allowing windows to be set

profile around the edges of the panel that

at their short ends, where there is no inter-

in specific locations on a floor-by-floor basis,

forms a weathertight connection with adja-

locking joint, are butt jointed and sealed with

with each floor having its own arrangement

cent panels.This material system is made

cover strips. Panel systems are also used with

of composite panels that is not aligned with

as complete proprietary systems, each wit h

interlocking joints on all four sides, and these

those on the floor below.This has given rise

varying levels of interchangability and surface

are usually made in sizes that can easily inte-

to the use of mixed panels, set both vertically

finish in relation to their cost.Their main vis-

grate doors and windows which also form

and horizontally, in a tiled arrangement rather

ual advantage isthe smoothness of the panel

part of proprietary systems.

than the exclusive use of the rectilinear grid

faces that form a complete system with inte-

Vertically-set panels that interlock on

gral panels for corners, parapets and window

tw o sides are usually sto rey height. W here

openings.Their maintechnical advantage is in

panels are stacked over more than one

seen until recently. In four-sided interlocking panels, joints usually incorporate an inner chamber set

providing a complete wall construction in a

storey, the horizontal joints between panels

between an inner and outer seal in order

thin panel which is also highly thermally insu-

are usually sealed with metal flashings. Panels

that the system be internally drained and

lated. Panels are typically made in widths of

are support ed on horizontal rails,typically

pressure equalised.W indow and door frames

I IOOmm to 1400mm to suit the manufac-

at floor level to allow a floor to ceiling panel

interlock into the surrounding panels and are

tured width of metal coil,but are long, up to

arrangement without intermediary structure

of a depth equal to that of the composite

around 15 metres, where transportation of

that would be visible from inside the build-

panels. Interlocking joints are usually made

the panels becomes a primary consideration

ing.Hor izontally-set panels that interlock on

sufficient ly rigid to allow two or three panels

oftheir size. Panels typically have interlock-

tw o sides are stacked one above the other;

to be used in a storey heightwithout vis-

ingjoints on two sides, forming an integral

wit h tongue and groove horizontal joints.

ible support ing structure. For both vertical



Composte panel with vertaical capping and interlocking horizontal joints

Connection profile for vert ical two-way interlocking profiled panels

Usera Public library, Madrid.Architect: Abalos & Herreros

Details I. Composite panel 2. Panel fixingto primary or secondary structural steelwork

3. Polysulphide or silicone-based seal 4. Outer metal facing 5. Inner metal facing 6. Inner insulation core 7. Metal capping 8. Interlocking fixing 9.W indow frame I O. Roof parapet I I. Gutter 12. Special panel highlighting floor level I 3. Floor slab 14. Roof 15. Steel column I 6. Curved corner panel 17. Special corner panel

Ferrari dealership, Zauemten, Belgium.Architect:Van der Str icht

Interlocking composite panel profile



W alls 02 Metal 3: composite panels

l Office building, Lippstadt,Germany


3-D view of vertical section showingtypical wall details



Section I:I0,Wall build up showing typical details






CD @

Plan I: I0 Corner details and special application panels





@ I \

10 @ Section I: 10. Corner details and special application panels

3-D of special corner panels

and horizontal orientation of panels,this

doors are recessed. In recessed window and

barrier on the internal (warm in wint er) face

material system requires a supporting metal

door openings, flat metal panels are used

of the insulation in order to provide conti-

frame,typically in mild steel, but sometimes

to closethe gap between the face of the

nuity of insulation between wall and roof.

in aluminium.This frame is arranged in a way

composite panels and the window or door

Colour matching between metal flashing and

that will support the edges of the compos-

frame. Some manufacturers of composite

composite panel is essential to the success

ite panels, and is fixed backto the primary

panels offer special corner panels for win-

of this method, unless a completely different

structure of the building.The visual charac-

dow reveals which are also used at internal

colour is used for folded metal items. Four-

teristics of the supporting frame are usu-

and external corners of the facade, and

edge interlocking systems allow the possibility

ally secondary as they are often concealed

others have a range of preformed panels

of a thin parapet coping of around IOOmm

behind the interior finishes of the building.

for cills, corners and parapet copings as

that forms a visual continuity wit h the panels

W here visible,they form an essential part of

part of their systems.This avoids the need

beneath.Any water that penetrates the outer

the material system, and are often formed

for visible metal flashings which lap down

seal is drained awayto the base of the wall

from rectangular hollow sections.

over the face of adjacent composite panels

within the drained and ventilated framing

to provide a lapped joint,and have a flatter.

to the panels.W indows are often given the

smoot her appearance when compared t o

same colour and finish in order to provide a

pressed metal flashing panels. A wider range

visual continuity between window frame and

locking panels have windows and doors as

of interface components are usually available

composite panel, giving the facadethe visual

separate components which are coordi-

on four-edge interlocking panels to add to

crispness previously associated with fully

nated with the material system to varying

the seamless clipped-together appearance of

glazed walls.

degrees, with four-sided interlocking systems

these systems. Parapets are typically formed

being the more closely integrated.W indows

with a pressed metal flashing that folds

and doors are fitted in a way that they are

down the face of the facade but can also be

either flush wit h the external face of the

created with a parapet panel which can be

composite panels in order that the same

flat or curved to suit the design. W here a

panel to panel flashings can be used t o seal

pressed metal flashing is used, a layer of ther-

the door/window, or alternat ively windows/

mal insulation is set beneath, wit h a vapour

System details Both two-sided and four-sided inter-



W a 502 Metal 4: rainscreens

Bridgewatchers House, Rotterdam, Holland, Architect: Bolles and Wilson

3-D of rainscreen wall construction

System design This material system uses the rain-

monolithic appearance as the joints are

scale applications, since rails are much faster

screen principle of allowing rainwater to

less visible. Rainscreen panels can provide

to fix than individual brackets,

pass through open joints,or partially open

a flatness or consistency of texture across

Sizes of rainscreen panels are determined

joints,where the water is drained away

a facade that is independent of the back-

by available metal sheetsizes, Metal coil is

backto the outside of the building. Panels

ing wall behind. Most panels are fixed so as

supplied typically in 1200mm and ISOOmm

are set typically forward of a waterproofed

to avoid visible fixings. Face fixings on the

widths,with metal plate in greater widths

and thermally insulated backing wall. Wind

metal sheetare usually not preferred since,

and in varyinglengths, Metal-faced composite

driven rain that passes through the outer

at around 3mm thick,point fixings on a thin

materials are also used, comprising either a

open joints is drained away down the cavity

sheetcan produce visible distortions across

thin metal sheet, such as aluminium, bonded

between the backof the rainscreen panel

the panel surface, Panels are usually formed

to both sides of a rigid plastic core or,alter-

and the outer face of the backing wall, The

as trays or 'cassettes' with folded edges

natively; a single sheetof metal bonded to

backing wall is typically of economic type as

that provide rigidity to the panel a well

one side of a honeycomb panel. Composite

it is not visible if interior finishes are applied

asa depth to the joint that both reduces

materials that usea thin (3-Smm thick) inner

within the building, Metal rainscreen panels

rainwater penetration and obscures views

plastic-based core can be folded to form

are given typically either a completely open

into the void behind. Most panels are fixed

trays, but honeycomb panels require either

joint with framing behind positionedto close

with either a hook-on fixing or with slotted

an edge strip to conceal the joints,or are

views into the void behind, or have folded

grooves in the manner of composite metal

set close enough together for the inner core

edges on the panel to close the joint visually;

panels that avoid the need for anyvisible

not to be visible,An alternative method of

but not to seal it. Small amounts of rainwater

fixings, With hook-on supports, panels have

fixing panels is to form a folded tongue and

that pass through the outer joint are drained

brackets that are fixed to the sides of the

groove joint on the long edges of the panel

away in the ventilated void behind,Visually,

panels that form the tray. Panels are fixed

where panels slot together. An advantage

this material system provides visually crisp

onto vertical rails which are usually aligned

of this method isthat the support framing

joints with strong shadow lines to the metal

with the joints where they serve as a screen

behind can be simplified with vertically-set or

panels,The useof narrow joints between

to the void behind. Continuous rails are pre-

horizontally-set rails to suitthe pressed metal

panels can give the metal panels a more

ferred to individual fixings except in small-

panels where concealed fixings can be used,




3-D view of window and parapet detail in rainscreen wall systrem

Verti cal section I:I0 through parapet showing typical details

Details I. Backing wall or structural wall

I I. W indow cill

supporting rainscreen

12. Pressed metal coping

2. Support frame

13. Continuity of waterproofing layers

3. Support bracket

of wall and roof

4. Metal rainscreen panel S. Open joint 6.Closed cell thermal insulation 7.Waterproof membrane 8. Finish to inner wall 9. Roof finish 10.Wi ndow frame inserted into opening in backing wall or structural wall



W alls 02 Metal 4: rainscreen s

3-D of basic rainscreen panel system

System details

panels are formed typically either from fold-

An essential aspect in the design of

ed sheet or thin composite sheet, or alter-

metal rainscreen systems is the layout and

natively w it h mitred panels that meet at the

fixing of the framing th at suppo rt s the rain-

corner, particul arly w here honeycomb panels

screen cladding.A lt ho ugh panels can be

are used. Internal corners are formed in the

set out independentl y of the backing w all

same w ay, but their geomet ry allow s panels

behind , w hich is o ne of their primary advan-

t o meet w it hout any special panels w it h

tages,the need to fix panels economicall y

two panels buttin g up to one anothe r.The

makes it essential to engage wit h the idea of

co rner condit ion is an important junction,

their fixing during the detailed design st age.

from a visual point of view, as the th in nature

This is of particular importance w here rain-

of rainscreen panels can be either exposed

screen panels are set out to coordinate visu-

o r concealed at thi s point. Butting panels

ally w it h w indow openings.The o pen jointed

together w it h an o pen joint o n th e corner

nature of the rainscreen panels allow s the

can make it difficult t o create a visually sharp

Lock-keeper's Graduate Centre, Queen Mary, Uni-

junction w it h w indows to be straightforward

edge to the facade, w ith any imperfections in

versity of London, UK.Architect: Surface Architects

and visually dri ven, as w indows and doors

the setti ng o ut of panels being apparent.



are sealed t o the backing wa ll, w it h w hich

Parapets are form ed in a similar way

the y form a continuity At facade corners,

t o corners, w it h panels fabricated to suit


Horizontal section I:I0 showingtypical details

Vertical sect ion I: I0 showing typical details

3-D view of wall construction illustrating panel fixingarrangement

particular project conditions as a part of

nated adjacent t o the window in order to

manufactured systems. Since the coping is

conceal the seal between window and back-

sealed between panels on its horizont al face

ing wall. In order to avoid staining from dust

to avoid rainwater fallingdirectly through

and dirt, cills are usual ly formed in a way that

the joint between panels,t he joint is often

directs rainwat er to the sides of t he opening

recessed to match with the open joint on

and down joint s between panels rather than

its external verti cal face.The coping usually

directly down the face of the panels below.

has a little gap between the coping panel

Drips at ground level are formed as pressed

and the inner face of the parapet upstand in

metal fiashings, with the gap between t he

order to ventilate the cavity, where the joint s

panels and the backing wall being closed

between the facade panels do not admit suf-

with metal mesh that allows the passage of

ficient air for vent ilat ion.

air for ventilation but avoids t he ingress of

Because windows in openings are sealed directly against the waterproof layerof the

insects into the ventilated void.Although manufacturers offer metal rainscreen panel

backing wall the visual treatment of the junc-

systems,they can be modified designed to

tio n of panel and window requires attent ion

suit individual projects and fabricated eco-

during design to avoid an uncoordinated


alignment.The rainscreen panels are termi-

Lock-keeper's Graduate Centre, Q ueen Mary, University of London. UK.Architect:Surface Architects


10 7

Metal fixings for mesh flexible in one direction

Elevat ion and vertical section I:25 showing typical screen arrangement

Below: Maison Folie, France.Architect: NOX

.,~ ••



2. Stainless steel mesh

8. Insulat ion

3. Stainless steel spring

9.Wi ndow Frame

4. Metal fixing bracket

I O. Floor slab



I. Metal support frame


7. Backing wall

5. Fixing bolt

I I. Pressed metal parapet

6. Framed perforated metal sheet


• •,••.


i I i ·· .•,




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SunTower Office Building, Seoul. Architect: Morphosis Architecture



Example of mesh weave pat-

1:2 Section thro ugh woven


mesh fixed to wall

o "

\ \

\ \








\') \


Horizontal section 1:2










Elevation 1:2

Vertical section 1:2

System design has led to a greater interest in using more

made from either greater diameter rod or

as a material system from the early I 990s

rigid meshes made from rod woven in both

smaller panel sizes.

with the introduction of woven stainless

directions, where the material is set into a

steel and woven copper to provide light-

frame at its edges. Consequently, there are

is sometimes woven in groups of cable,

weight screens,typically as screens. From

three generic types of varying rigidity: rigid

running the length of the material, with

its origins in industrial applications, such as

mesh, mesh flexible in one direction and fully

thin rods woven into these cables in the

woven metal conveyor belts, stainless steel

flexible mesh.

opposite direction, across the width of the

Metal mesh in facades has developed

mesh is used in facades for a variety of func-

Rigid mesh is made from rods which

Mesh which is flexible in one direction

material, creating a visually textured surface.

tions: solar shading to glass walls, guarding to

are woven in two directions that can use

The material is manufactured in long lengths,

full height balustrades, and as visual screen

very similar patterns to those where cable

allowing it to be used as a continuous facade

to backing walls.Woven stainless steel has

is used in on direction. The material is made

'wrapping' material, either tensioned hori-

cables set in one direction, which can be

in relatively small panels of around 1800mm

zontally across the facade or hung from top

tensioned at points or along its edges to

x 1500mm, and is fixed by clamping the

to bottom. Meshes are typically hung to

provide a rigid, lightweight screen that has

materials into a continuous edge frame or by

reduce the sagging that could occur when

little visible supporting structure, while metal

point fixing, since the material cannot be ten-

used horizontally, but cables beginning to be

rods set perpendicular to the direction of

sioned.The diameter of the rod is typically

set at different angles, even 45 from the

the cables provide rigidity in one direction.

around 2mm set into a grid of 6mm x 2mm.

vertical direction.These meshes are usually

Stainless steel is preferred to mild steel

They are joined to form a continuous wall of

made in widths up to around 7500mm but

for its greater durability and resistance to

mesh panels where the grid of the frame can

they require restraint at close centres if used

corrosion. Copper and bronze are being

dominate visually. Because no cable is used

as guarding, as their deflections can be high.

introduced, but the lower tensile strength

the material can be colour coated or etched

A wide variety of weave pattern is used to

of these materials currently limits their use

to create specific visual effects.Where alu-

suit different amounts of transparency, rigid-

to smaller scale applications. Becausethe

minium is used (which is not as rigid as stain-

ity and weave. Light transmissions ranging

cables require tensioning, their supporting

less steel), the material can be anodised in

from 25% to 65%, making them very suitable

structure can be visually prominent, which

addition to these finishes, though panels are

for solar shading where a specific percent-




W alls 02 Metal 5: mesh screens


Panel junction of perforated metal screen


External corner of perforated metal screen

. .. •••11.·· .'

Vertical section and elevation I :25, Mesh flexible in onedirection fixedto brackets supported on adjacent wall age of shading is required, Light transmission

available,which resemble thin cable woven

can be reduced by reducingthe distance

in two directions.These are manufactured in

between cables, between rods, or a com-

widt hs of around 6000mm, requiring restraint

bination of both, dependingon the visual

at around 1500mm centres.The material is

effect required, Cablethicknesses vary from

held in place by tensioning the material in

2mm to 6mm wit h rod diameters ranging

two directions,typically in an edge frame, but

from around 2mm to -lrnm,W eave patterns

where panels can be as wide as the material

can be as dense as 4mm x IOmm for low

as manufactured, subject to its defiections

light transmissionto 4mm x IOmm for high

beingwit hin the limits of its prescribed use.

light t ransmission, Meshes can also incorporate a varying weave wit hin a single length of material t o suit varying light transmission requirements. Fully fiexible mesh is less commonly used

Museum of contemporary art, New York, USA Architect: 5AANA




System details W here rigid mesh is fixed into a frame around its edge, the material is usually clamped between fiat bars, or angles of the

in facades, but has a visually rich appearance

same material.The plates are clamped wit h

as a result of its non rectilinear open weave.

bolts,which can be countersunk to avoid

Metal widt hs range from around 1800mm

highly visible fixing bolts.The frames are then

to 2400mm and are manufactured in long

fixed back to the facade on support brack-

lengths. More open weave versions are

ets. A n alternat ive edge frame is to use a

Kew House, Melbourne,Australia.Architect: Sean

Carter Tucker house,Victoria,Australia.Architect:


Sean Godsell






•< • •

.. .


3-D view of mesh panel in front of curtain wall glazing

C-shaped folded section int o which the rigid



Section I:10 Parapet of perforated metal screen

support methods can be used at the ends

mesh is fixed. Rigid mesh can be curved in

of the cable. Cables can be turned over a

either one direction or two directions to give

continuous rod at its ends to form a loop,

a highly modelled surface.The form of the

wit h the rod being suppor ted on individual

curves is typically influenced by its support -

brackets to suit the design rather than being

ing structure, which needs to be a balanced

aligned wit h each cable. Alternat ively, the

blend of structure and mesh to avoid the

continuous rod can be woven into the mesh,

support ing structure from becoming visually

usually during manufacture, wit h the rod


being supported in the same way.

Mesh which is flexible in one direction avoids the need for a highly visible supporting frame,but typically requires substant ial mild steel brackets projecting from the facade that can absorb the tension in the cables at each end. Panels can be set side by side to creat e a continuous texture of material across

Peninsula House,Victoria,Australia.Architect: Sean Godsell

a facade, which is one of its preferred visual characteristics.W het her the material is set vertically or horizontally, a similar variety of



Wal ls 02 Metal 6: louvre screens

3-D view of metal louvre screen

System design Metal louvres are used typically in

angle, but allows views through a small part

need for changing the system to accom-

facades either to provide weather resist-

of the facade when directly facing the facade.

modate the louvres, simplifying the interfaces

ance to the ends of ducts for mechanical

Deeper vertically-set blades increase the

between glass/metal units and the open lou-

equipments or as acoustic screens. Glass

screening effect for views at close prox-

vre panels. W ater that penetrates the glazing

blade louvres with metal frames are used

imity to the louvres. Where more than a

system is drained awaythrough the drained

to provide ventilation to daylit spaces such

single row of inclined blades is needed in

and ventilated cavity of the curt ain walling

as semi-open circulation spaces where high

horizontally-set louvres, typically to improve

system. Metal louvre blades are usually made

levels of thermal insulation are not required.

their weather resistance, rainwater is drained

from extruded aluminium or mild steel.Alu-

The orientation of metal louvres is as much

by forming a groove along the bottom edge

minium istypically polyester powder coated,

a visual consideration as one of t echnical

of each blade to drain away water thro ugh

while mild steel is galvanisedand painted.The

performance,with the blades used to con-

the sides of the louvre frame,then down the

useof aluminium providesprecisely formed

ceal views through as well as to allow the

base of the frame and backto the outside.

sectionsthat can both encourage the passage

free passage of air thro ugh the panel.For this

The perimeter of the frame is sealed against

of air through the panel and minimise rain-

reason metal louvre blades can be set either

the surrounding waterproofed wall where a

water penetration.The blades are fixed into

verticallyor horizontally with an orientation

different material is used for the surrounding

a perimeter frame also formed from extru-

that avoids viewsthrough the blades.At

area of facade.

sions or angle sections to suit the frame size

ground/street level, horizont al blades usually

W here metal louvres are set into a

and method of drainage. Mild steel is often

conceal viewsthrough the void behind, but

curtain walling system,blades are placed

used where greater resistance to accidental

above ground floor level,the 45° orientation

in a perimeter frameto form a complete

damage is needed, asthe material better

of the blades allows views through unless

panel which is then fixed into curtain walling

withstandsthe effects of local impacts than

an additional bank of blades is added,which

framing in the same manner as a glazed unit

aluminium,and can also be accommodated

both improvesweather protection and

or metal panel would be fixed.This is par-

within curtain walling systems.

conceals viewsthrough the panel.Vert ically

ticularly useful where a glazed wall has a few

set blades provide a screen that conceals

louvre panelsthat form part of the facade.

views through when seen at an oblique

The louvres can be introduced wit hout the



Details I . Ext ruded aluminium frame 2.Curtain w all carr ier system 3.Extrude d aluminium louvre blades 4. Floor Slab


•• CD

Louvre panel fixing det ails

- -......-....--=•• L-----

3-D view of louvre panel fixing to cur t ain wall system

Ver t ical section I :25. Met al louvre systme and fixing elements


11 3

f1e al a Metal 6: louvre screens

Above and below: Nordic embassy, Berlin, Germany. Architect: Berger & Parkkinen

3-D views showing profiled aluminium louvres and fixing system



3-D view of lo uvre panel set in fro nt of glazed curtain wall facade

System details Metal louvre panels are made in widths

which shading is provided. Since aluminium

minium that provide structural support to

of 1500mm to around 3000mm to suit the

is extruded economically in widths up to

the blades. Clips are linked to rods that form

facades into which they are set. Individual

around 300mm, depending on the profile

part of the supporting frameto the louvres.

blades are support ed by vertical or hori-

design, metal louvres used for solar shading

The rods move up and down, allowing the

zontal framing members alongthe length of

are often made in combinations of curved

louvre blades to be moved to opened and

the blades in order to provide the required

sheet and extrusions linked together to form

closed positions to suit both ventilation and

stiffness in addition to the perimeter frame

a complete shape.The resulting forms of

solarshading requirements. Movement of

required for each panel. Because of the

these blades are also finding an application

the blades is controlled either manually with

required technical performance and visual

as regular louvre blades in facades where

a winding mechanism, or electrically, with

criteria required of louvres, they are made

the increase in scale makes them a more

louvres operated in groups of panels. Panel

as proprietary systems which are adapted

integrated part of the language of metal

sizes are around a maximum of 1500mm

to the requirements of individual projects.

panel facade design. Larger scale louvre

high x 1200mm wide. Glass blade louvres

Doors in louvre panels are usually formed in

panels allow them to be used as both fixed

provide around 70% free area when fully

a similar wayto fixed panels to avoid them

or adjustabletypes on a single facade, where

open.Thermal insulation and lower rates of

beinghighly visible, but usually have larger

the louvres are a less visually obvious part of

air infiltration can be achieved with double

frames to provide the required door panel

the design. Mechanisms for moving louvres

glazed units.The maximum length of panel is


typically comprise pivots set on top and

also 1200mm, wit h blade widt hs of around

Metal louvres are also used for solar

bottom with a sliding arm at the bottom to

150mm to 200mm.The high air infiltration

shading as part of double skin facades,typi-

which the blades are connected to provide

rates associated with glass blade louvres have

cally set 750mm to 1000mm in front of a

louvre movement.These can be hand or

been improved in many years, but do not

glazed outer wall.This application of metal

electrically operated.Aerofoil-type sections

significantly affecttheir performance for semi

louvres has led to them being required

can span up to around 3000mm.

external applications, with which they are

in much largersizes set vertically or horizontally to suit the incident sun angles for

Glass louvre blades are held by metal

usually associated.

clips, usually made in cast or extruded alu-






Exploded view showing assembly of stick based curtain wall

An essential difference between glazed walls

slabs.These are usually made in stainless

are fixed first,then transoms (horizontals)

and those built in other materials is that the

steel,though mild steel and aluminium can

t hen glazing and capping.The glass is fixed

seals in glass construction form a continu-

be used depending the specific application.

with temporary short clamps fist, until it is

ity that usually requires the installation t o

Brackets are fixed eit her onto the fioor itself,

all properly aligned,then the full pressure

be continuous starting at one point in the

or onto the vertical face of the slab at its

plates are applied wit h their rubber-based

wall and sett ing glazed panels next t o each

edge. Fixing brackets directly onto the fioor

seals.This makes stickglazing slower t o install

other t o continue the assembly.This is dif-

slab suits sit uations in taller buildings,where

than unitised types, but has the advantage of

ferent from other mat erial systems, which

access t o the edge would require scaffolding

fiexibility of installatio n on site. Some glazed

often allow for much more fiexibilit y in their

or moving platforms called 'mast climbers'

walls, such as those used for full height

methods of construction,and which do not

which can be slow t o use and suit straight

glazed walls, may be fixed back t o full height

have any significant influence on the design

facades in simple arrangements. Floor

steel frame rather than fioor slabs. If the

mounted brackets are sometimes set into

steel frame is designed as a single structure

The main types of glazing system that

a pocket in the fioor slab in order that they

that does not have the structural move-

use primarily double glazed unite are stick

can be covered by screed and fioor finishes.

ments associated with slab edge defiections,

glazing, unitised panels, point fixed glazing

Office buildings typically have raised fioors,

this provides the opportu nity to omit the

and window walls. In addit ion,the principles

so the brackets can be fixed directly on the

aluminium structural box section on the

of the building.

of these systems can be made as small-scale

fioor slab. If brackets are set on the side of

back of the glazed wall assembly, and fix the

windows set into openings of walls made

the slab then this done usually to avoid con-

glazing assembly directly t o the support ing

in a different material. Glass blocks can also

fiicting requirements at fioor level, such as a


be considered to be a glazed wall, but fol-

thin fioor build-up, or where brackets cannot

W ith unitised glazing, panels are typi-

lows none of these principles, using a stack

be accommodated in pockets set into the

cally hung from brackets and are fixed side

bonded version of masonr y construction.All

slab. It can also be easier to fix brackets on

by side on a single floor;until the fioor is

thesetypes are set out in th is chapter.

the edge of the slab if scaffolding is used.

complete, or as much of it as can be closed

For all glazed wall types the first opera-

O nce brackets are in place, framing

off. Sometimes gaps are left in glazed wall

tion on sit e is usually to fix the brackets that

members or panels are fixed to them. In

installations on site in order t o allow access

will carry the facade system t o the fioor

the case of stickglazing,mullions (verticals)

directly from out side for building materials



Stick system

Panel system

Point fixed system

Glass assembly systems

Stick glazing between slabs

Exploded viewshowing arrangement of opaque infil panel within stick based curtain wall

Stick glazing between slabs with recessed window

Exploded viewshowing window assembly within stick based curtain wall

Stick glazing in front of slab



Walls 02 Glass systems Exploded view of unitised, double skin system with opening windows

Detail of unitised connection for double skin mullion

Unitised, double skin glazed panel


3-D view of glazed vertical louvre set into untised glazing system


11 8

Unitised, double skin panel with opaque infil

Exp loded view of unit ised glazing panel w it h framing for addit ional o paque inser t s

",' ~



I 3-D section show ing unit ised panel hung Frame detail fo r unitised system

Frame detail for unit ised syst em w it h op aque glazing

used for work inside the building, depending

Larger scale bolt fixed glazingis installed with

account during the stages of design develop-

on climate and site location.Unitised instal-

glass panels being craned into place with


fro m fioor slab

lations typically start at the bottom of the

bolts or clamps often already fixed to the

building and work upwards, slott ing panels

glass, making it easierto install.These larger

independent sets of windows and fixed

W indow wallsare installed either as

in one above the other, lifted in place by

installations are typically support ed from a

panels fixed together to form a single frame,

crane.This makes it a fast method of closing

steel frame which is built either by install-

or are fixed back to a structural backing

the external wall, allowing work to progress

ing large prefabricat ed sections, sometimes

wall.W here installed as large-scale window

inside the building at earlier stage than

pre-finished, or by using steel sections which

assemblies,the glazing can be installed as

would be possible with a comparable stick

are first set in place and levelled, then have

complete window panels, sometimes of

glazed installation.

prefabricated support s for the glazing fixed

considerable size.This makes the system

in place, which may also be pre-painted.

surprisingly quickto install,tho ugh the weight

Point fixed glazing is fixed in a variety of ways, depending on size of installation and

Clamped glazing is used typically for glazed

associated with large panels require the use

the method of support. Small scale clamped

walls which do not need t o int erface with

of a substantial crane.Wi ndows frtted to a

glazingover one or two floors may be sup-

internal walls,asan edge frame to the glazing

backing wallsoften have the brackets fixed

port ed at its base, wit h clamped used to

is typically needed in such sit uations.

to the wall in advance, either at the sides for

transmit loads down from the to p panel to

Where a glazed roof forms part of the

narrow windows, or on the bottom of the

the floor below.This methods of installa-

same design,the roof elements are some-

window assembly for wider assemblies.The

tion starts by fixing clamps at floor level and

times installed before the glazed wall in

windows are then sealed against adjoining

setti ng t he glass in place from the bottom

order to provide a shelt er to spaces below,

construction in order to provide a weather-

upward,with either scaffolding or tempo-

allowing the work to proceed from the

tight envelope.The infill glass panels are then

rary supports to hold the glass in place. If

top down,away from materials and equip-

installed afterwards,allowing work to pro-

glass mullions are used rather than a steel

ment being moved in and out of the build-

ceed inside the building while this installation

frame,then the glass mullions are installed

ing below.The sequence of installation can

work is conducted in parallel.

along with the glass panels. If a steel frame is

influence the detailed design of glazed walls

used then this is installed before the glazing.

and enclosures, so this should be taken into



W alls 02 Glass systems I: stick syste ms

- - - - -....

__ _ J Basic capped unit ised glazing detail

Uncapped unitised glazing detail

System design This material system is essentially a sitebased method of forming glazed walls, with

cally immediately above movementjoints, Stick glazing systems comprise extruded

be formed in a variety of structural-based sections,that can vary from a rectangular box

mullions (vertical framing members) and

aluminium sections onto which glazed

section to an I-section to aT-section with a

transoms (horizontal framing members) pre-

panels are set. held in place wit h extruded

blade-like appearance.

pared in the factory wit h the slots and holes

aluminium pressure plates which secure the

In terms of panels set into the fram-

required for assembly and installation on site,

panel to the carrier frame wit h screw type

ing, double glazed units are the most typical

Sticksystems are suitable for glazed walls

fixings.A synthetic rubber-based outer seal

panel used, though insulated opaque panels

with either a wide variety of conditions or

is set between the glass andthe pressure

are used for spandrel conditions at floor

complex geometry which makes the use of

plate.A gasket in the same material is also

level, typically faced in metal or opaqueglass.

prefabricated glazed panels uneconomic.This

set between the inner face of the panel and

Spandrel panels are made either as single

method also has the advantage of permitting

the carrier frame to provide an inner air

sealed panels or as panels wit h a separate

a discontinuity of mullion and transom to

seal.The pressure plate is secured with vis-

decorative front panel.Single panels have the

give an ungridded appearance, while main-

ible fixings at around 300mm centres, which

insulation bonded to the inner face of the

tainingthe internally drained and vent ilat ed

are usually concealed wit h a continuous

glass,with a vapour barrier set on the inside

principles of the system, an essential aspect

cover capping in extruded aluminium clips

face of the panel. Alternatively. the spandrel

of this form of glazed wall. This principle

onto the pressure plate.The cover cap is

panel is formed with an air gap between the

accepts that small amounts of wat er will

sometimes omitted where a more utilitar-

outer panel and an insulated panel behind.

penetratethe outer seal of the curtain wall,

ian appearance is required, but the installa-

The insulated panel is typically faced in metal

but this water is drained away in a chamber

tion of the fixing screws needs to be done

on both sides. Where opaqueglass is used as

immediately behind this seal, and returned

wit h additional care, and holesneed to be

the outer panel, care must be takento avoid

to the outside at the base of the wall.The

planned to avoid visually unexpected results.

dust enteringthe air gap from becoming vis-

overall continuity of framing required in stick

The capping profile can be made in a variety

ible on the outer face if the outer panel is

glazing ensures that the internal chamberin

of flat, projectingor recessed profiles to suit

required to be ventilated to avoid a build-up

the transom can drain into an adjacent mul-

visual requirements. Similarly. the supporting

of heat in the cavity.

lion and that any moisture is drained,typi-

aluminium grid of mullions and transoms can



Stickcurtain walling is constructed by


J @

Vertical section 1:5. Opening window within stick glazed wall

3-D view of stickglazed wall with outer glazed screen




10. Floor slab

I. Extruded aluminium transom

I I. Floor finish

2. Extruded aluminium mullion

12. Ceiling finish

3. Extruded aluminium section

I 3.Thenmal break

4. Single glazed or double glazed unit

14. Projecting bracketto support

5. Pressure plate

external screen

6. Rubber-based seal 7. Metal honeycomb panel 8. Capping piece Vert ical section I :5.Sticksystem with addit ional outer glazed screen to provide solar shading or aspart of a twin facewall

9. Metal-faced or opaque glass-faced insulated panel



Walls 02 Glass I: stick systems

Corner and angled glazing panel connections

spanning mullions vert ically from floor to

by the use of metal flashings or by special

W ith the wiring concealed within the fram-

floor from brackets fixed at each floor level,

components that form part of proprietary

ing,the visual impact of motors and window

by either hanging each mullion and restrain-

systems, such as synt het ic rubber strips that

opening arms has been reduced significant ly

ing it at the floor level below, or by support -

are glazed into the system on one side ofthe

in recent years.Junctions at floors are closed

ingthe mullion at floor level and restraining

strip, and are bonded directly to the face of

by bringing floor finishes up to the transom,

it at the floor slab above.The hanging mul-

adjacent concrete or masonry surfaces on

which is also set at floor level to close off the

lion option usually allows a smaller mullion

their projecting face.This provides a continu-

gap between floors.The spandrel panel has a

to be used, but this depends on the specific

ity of wat erproofing across the interface of

smoke seal between separated floors, but a

application. Mullion sections are joined from

tw o systems, with thermal insulation and

full fire barrier is required in some countries

floor to floor with a sliding connection that

vapour barrier set behind to form a continu-

where the spandrel panel is required to be

allows the glazing between each floor level

ity of the complete construction.

fire resisting and to provide a barrier that

to move independently while maintaining

W indows are fitted into stickglazing by

stops flames from passing from floor to floor.

the overall continuity of the system.The

applying an additional sub frame within the

Corners are formed,typically, either with a

movement joint is visible in the facade and is

main framing against which the opening light

special extr usionthat allows a glass-to-glass

accommodated either at the junction of the

is closed.The overall widt h of the window

junction at the corner, or has two mullions

mullion and the transom above, or within

frame is usually of similar width to that of the

meeting at a corner and an insulated metal

the length of the transom, usually within

main framing of mullions andtransoms. Both

flashing turning the corner. Parapet copings

the spandrel panel. Brackets supporting the

outward or inward opening windows and

are formed by glazing the bottom edge of

framing are fixed either onto the floor at the

door s are used, with some with their frames

the metal flashing into the top transom and

edge ofthe slab,or on the vertical edge of

silicone bonded t o the glass to reducetheir

foldingthe flashing over the top of the para-

the slab.

visual impact externally,though the frames

pet.Junctions between mullions and adjacent

look similar from wit hin t he building. Electri-

areas of wall in a different material are made

cally operated windows, such as those at

in the same way.

System details Interfaces with openings, edges and different adjacent materials are formed either



high level, usually have a motor in a box that fits within the height of the window frame.









University Library Delft, Holland,Architect:Mecanoo Architekten

ING headquarters. Budapest Hungary.Architect Erick van Egeraat

Hospital. Madrid. Spain. Architect: Raphael Moneo

3-D view showing flexibility of stick glazing to allow discontinuity of capping pieces



- - -Walls 02'- - - - - - - - - ----. Glass systems 2: unitised glazing Details I. Extruded aluminium transom

2. Extruded aluminium mullion 3. Extruded aluminium section

4. Single glazed or double glazed unit 5. Rubber-based weather seal 6. Rubber-based air seal 7. Floor slab

8. Metal-faced or opaque glass-faced insulated panel

9. Floor finish 10. Ceilingfinish


3-D view of glazing panel assembly

Vertic al section 1:5 through unitised transom

3-D view of panel arrangement



Horizontal sectio n 1:5 t hrough uniti sed mullion

Detail of system assembly

Detail of frame assembly

System design as assist in internal drainage.The t erm semi-

gaskets which are pressed t ogether;either

of using prefabricated panels which are fixed

Unitised glazing is essentially a method

interlocking is also used for stick systems

in the form of'fli pper' gaskets or as com-

together on site to form a complete glazed

where large-scale frames, covering several

pressible hollow seals.These are made from

wall. Like stickglazing, unitised glazing uses

bays both vertically and horizontally are pre-

synthetic rubber; typically EPDM. Behind this

aluminium framing to support the glazing,

assembled in the factory and then lifted in

outer seal is a drained and pressureequal-

but where stick glazing is secured to a con-

place on sit e.The glass units and pressure

ised chamber closed off by an inner seal,also

tinuous supporting frame all of which is fixed

plates are then fixed on sit e as per regular

formed typically in EPD M.At the internal

on sit e, unitised glazing is put together in the

stick glazing methods.

face of the panel is an air seal. In hot and

factory.Panels are delivered to site and lifted

The double glazed units in unitised glaz-

humid climates, typically in South East Asia,

into place and set next to one another;the

ing are fixed to the supporting frame either

it is assumed that moisture will find it s way

gaps between each panel being sealed with

from the outside of the panel or the inside,

to the back of the supporting aluminium

synthetic rubber gaskets.These gaskets int er-

to suit the strategy for glass replacement in

frame. Consequently, seals are in horizontal

lock from panel to panel vertically, but typi-

the event of accidental damage.The double

joints to drain moisture from the back of the

cally are separated at each floor level with

glazed units are secured with pressure plates

system to the front face of the panel. where

a continuous horizontal gasket that follows

which are either mechanically fixed to the

it is released t o the outside. In more tem-

the horizontal joint between panels. Some

main frame, or form part of the frame itself

perate climates, unitised panels are sealed

systems have panels which are completely

An alt ernative method of fixing glass is to

in t he mid-depth of the framing,with the

separate structurally from the adjacent pan-

bond the glass unit s to a sub frame which

inner joint, visible from within the building,

els, allowing a damaged panel to be removed

is then mechanically fixed to the aluminium

serving as an air seal only.Any rainwater that

if damages occur; either during construction

frame.This method provides an all-glass

penetrates the outer seal is drained down

or later; but the junction between vertical

appearance on the outside, usual ly wit h a

through the inner chamberand is expelled

and horizontal joints requires special atte n-

recessed joint between panels giving a shad-

at the base of each unitised panel,typically

tion. Other systems are semi-interlocking

ow gap appearance betw een panels.

at floor level. Hor izontal joints between the

on horizontal joints in order to combine the structural capacity of members aswell

Vertical joint s between panels have an out er seal which is usually formed by two

t ransoms formed by the t op of one panel and the bott om of the panel above are



W alls 02 Glass systems 2: unitised glazi ng




Vert ical section I:25 through transparent panel

® ~



® Vert ical section I:25 through opaque panel


Details I. Extruded aluminium transom 2. Extruded aluminium mullion

3. Extruded aluminium section 4. Single glazed or double glazed unit 5. Rubber-based weather seal 6. Rubber-based air seal


7. Floor slab 8. Metal-faced or opaque glass-faced insulated panel






9. Floor finish


10. Ceiling finish I I. Silicone seal wit h optional aluminium





Elevation 1:50

formed in the same way, with seals aligned

sliding spigot joint set into the vertical joint

wit h those in the vertical joints to ensure

between mullions.This movement is taken

that rainwater is drained to the outside.

out horizontally in the horizontal joint, typi-

Unitised panels typically include at least one

cally at floor level.

additional transom to provide a spandrel


]fi-l = = = = = @=



In common with stickglazing,unitised

zone at floor level, for example, though

panels have thermal breaks set within the

some systems incorporate an additional

framing in order to reducethe transmis-

transom set against the inside face of the

sion of heat or cold from the outside of the

glass only, so that it is not visible externally,

frame to the inside, or vice versa. Since the

but provides a horizontal edge against which

inner ventilat ed chamber is typically deeper

internal ceiling finishes can be set.

than that used in stickglazing, the thermal

Panels are set so that they span from

Vertical section I:25 showing typical details

corner extrusion

break is positioned accordingly in order that

floor slab to floor slab, and like stickglaz-

the thermal break and double glazed unit are

ing, are either hungfrom a floor slab and

aligned.The overall width,or sight line, of the

restrained on the floor below, or are sup-

unitised panels is greater than those used for

ported on a floor slab and are restrained

stickglazing, from around 80mm to 120mm

on the floor above. Like stick glazing, move-

depending on the application.The greater

ment between panels is provided by a

width often suits the needs of internal parti-

3-Ddetails of corner connections

Horizontal section 1:5 through un framed corner


Horizontal section 1:5 through framed corner

tions which are required to intersectwith

made usually with a 45° angled mullion to

the framing members of the facade.

reduce the visual impact and sight lines of the mullion.

System details An essential aspect of unitised glazing

Parapet copings are formed by sealing and waterproofing the gap between the top

isthat the panels use the same perimeter

of the panel andthe parapet wall behind

framing, which can however be of different

with a synthetic rubber seal that is integral

shape and have different materials set within

with the panel.Thermal insulation is used to

them. Corner panels are the most common

provide a complete continuity of insulation

of the atypical panels, and are often the

from wall to roof.A metal coping is set on

most complex to construct in the factory. In

top of the panel to provide protection to

common with stickglazing, unitised panels

the membrane beneath. Elsewhere, most

can have vertical glass-to-glass joints rather

interfaces follow the principles of stickglaz-

than settinga mullion at the corner; provid-

ing, with an integral EPDM strip that can be

ing a visual crispness of the frameless corner.

fixed to project out beyond the edges of the

The unitised frame is stiffened internally to

panels, allowing the strip to be bonded to

compensate for the loss of structural stability

adjacent construction.

of the corner. Regular framed corners are

lAC headquarters, New York, USA. Architect: Frank Gehry & Studios Architecture MCH


Walls 02 Glass systems 3: clamped glazing Details I. Stainless steel patch plate 2. Single glazed or double glazed unit to suit applicat ion 3. Siliconeseal 4. Glass fin 5. Support bracket 6. Floor slab 7. Ceiling finish 8. Floor finish 9.Access ladder 10. Clamped glazed wall I I. Inner curtain walling 12. Maintenance access deck












. :

3-D view of wall assembly with detail of clamp (inset)

System design There are tw o types of'point fixed' glazing used for facades: clamped glazing and

facade system



joint s are sealed with si licone through the

bolt fixed glazing. Both syst ems are used t o

full t hickness of the joint typically with a pol-

increase the transparency of a facade,and

ymer-based backing rod in the mid depth of

this is parti cularly successful in open jointed

the joint. Clamped glazing was the first point

single glazing as used in double skin facades.

fixed glazing system used commercially and

W here double glazed units are used wit h

developed in the I960s, using metal plates

their black edge band and joints between

called 'patch plates' set on either side of glass

unit s, the width is usual ly equal t o that of

sheets at their corners.This techniques is

framed glazing, but the omission of framing

still used,t hough with increasing geometric

provides a visual continuity of glass where


transparency is required.The all-glass appear3-D detail of clampfixing in outer wall of tw in

surface. W here a sealed facade is required,

The clamped glazing system positions

ance has visual benefits to oblique views

the fixings holding the plates in place such

across a facade where the double glazed

that they pass through the joint s between

units are seen as a continuous uninterr upted

the glass to avoid the additional complexity

surface, made all the more dramatic by

and cost of drilling the glass. Becausefixings

changes in direction provided by corners,

are positioned at the glass edges, rather

as well as increasingly by folds in the glass

than within the glass itself, t he span between



@ ~





I ---

- -







I ~

@ Horizontal section I:50 through cable hung clamped glass facade





3-D view of twin wall construction with outer wall in clamped glazing

fixings is higherthan for an equivalent bolt

are formed by setting a synthetic rubber

fixed solution and glass thicknesses may be

gasket. typically EPDM, between the stain-

higherfor a clamped glazing solution as a

less steel plate andthe glass sheet. A bolt is

result.When used in a single glazed con-

passed through one sideof the plate and is

figuration in double skin facades, the glass is

secured into the other plate, usually with a

joined with clamps, plates and brackets, the

countersunk type.

preferred material is stainless steel due to

~ -- .~ ' ~I _ -

Clamped glazing often uses glass fins to


its resistance to corrosion.The use of plates

provide structural stability, set at 90° to the

allows a more complex geometry of glass to

plane of the glass, typically supported at its

be used, such as in a shingled arrangement

base on the floor slab. Glass fins are usually

of lapped glass panels where air can pass up

in lengths equal to the height of each panel,

through gaps between lapped glass sheets

with a patch plate connection occurring at

while admitting only small amounts of rain-

each horizontal joint of the glass, to form

water into the buffer zone behind. Glass can

a single structural section, wit h the dead

be supported either at the corners, or along

load of each panel transferred to the glass

its edges to suitthe supporting structure for

panel below, in the case of single glazing, or

the glass, which is usually visually lightweight

alternatively to the glass fin behind. Installa-

Vertical section I:50 through cable hung clamped

tions have reached up to around 15 metres

glass facade

in order to maximise transparency. Clamps



ails 02 Glass systems 3: clamped glazing @ Details I. Fixing bracket


2. Extruded aluminium mullions 3. Opaque glazing 4. Ground slab 5. Backing wall 6. Inclined and lapped glass 7. Cable support 8. Corner clamp 9. Cast metal fixing bracket 10. Clamp bracket

Plan and section 1:5. Clamping

I I . Metal parapet coping

configurations in cable hung

12.Thermal insulation


I 3. Single or double glazed unit

Detail of lapped glazing connection Section I:I O. Opaque clamped glazed panels.Junctions at ground level, movement joint and panel-to-panel conditions

Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Bonn, Germany, Architect:Archtektengruppe, Stuttgart

Lapped, clamped glazing

Mediatheque, Sendai, Japan,Architect:Toyo Ito & Associates



Sectio n 1:5. Clamp and cable connection



o @




• 3-D view of co rne r clamped glazSection I:20. Clampe d

ing system

glazing with cast steel

Right: Elevation of cast stee l clamp

clamps held in place by forming part of a co ntinuo us t russ

is clamped to the glass unit above.

in height, though these are flat glass walls or

ings can be set at the corners of glass panels,

those forming vertical walls which are curved

where units intersect, or be set along t he

in plan. Glass panels and fins are joined with

length of joints.The choice of fixing position

accommodate higher amounts of structural

cleats and plates at the corner junctions,and

depends on both the geometry and size of

movement than an equivalent framed glaz-

are usually fixed through holes in the glass

the glazing.

ing system, which has encouraged t he use

rather than through the joints in order t o transfer loads effectively thro ugh the plates.

Clamped glazing is usually able to

of t ensioned cables, usually set verti cally, to

System details

which the glass is fixed. Cables are usually set

Clamping plates usually have a polished finish

Clamped glazing with glass fins is usu-

immediately behind vertical joints to reduce

for ease of cleaning, but brushed finishes are

ally set into a glazing channel at floor level in

their number and visibility, since plates offset

also used.

order to fix the glass in place and support its

from the vert ical joint require either an addi-

dead weight. A glazing channel also forms a

tional vertically-set cable, or a met al bracket

an economic method of fixingglass to a

reliable weat her seal with the outside ground

to connect the two patch plates back to a

continuous supporting frame behind the

level. Supporting glass fins which are sup-

single cable. In supporti ng cable structures,

glass joints as an alt ernative t o the capped

ported at floor level rather than ceiling level

which allow higheramounts of structural

This method of glazing has evolved into

glazing techniques of stick and unitised sys-

are usually set below floor level in order to

movement, doors are required to be set

t ems,with silicone seals set between the

conceal the patch plate brackets, which are

independently of the glazed wall,usually with

glazed units.This makes it suitable for facades

usually set either with the floor finisheszone

a metal frame around the opening which is

wit h complex frame design, particularly

or wit hin a pocket in the floor slab where

fixed at floor level only,and is structurally

when combined with a glazed roof that uses

this zone is insufficient ly deep.The same

independent of the glazed wall.

the same system.Triangular framed glazed

solution is used where the fin is hung from

walls, where the glass is required to have a

the ceiling. Clamp plates are also used for

smooth, continuous surface free of cover

doors to give a continuous appearance to

caps,allow clamps to be fixed through the

the facade. Doors are set typically on floor

joints between the glass directly back t o the

springs, set into the floor,and are supported

supporting structure set behind. Clamp fix-

at the to p of the door leaf with a pivot which



ails 02 Glass systems 4: bolt fixed glazing

Tower Bridge House, London, Uk.Architect:Rogers St irk Harbour + Partners

Details I. Caststeel connector

7. Bolt fixing

2. Mild steel or stainless steel

8. Stainless steel cable

angle bracket

9. Insulated panel

3. Single glazed or double

10. Floorslab/structural wall

glazed unit to suit application

I I. Bolt based cable end

4. Silicone seal

12. Glazing channel at floor level

5. Floor Finish

I 3. Structural column

6. Support bracket

14. Steel arm for lateral support


3-D overview of basic bolt fixed glazing system



Exploded view of bolt fixed componentassembly


0~' 1








Vertical section I: 10. bolt fixed glazing detail

Detail of bolt fixing and 4 point glass connection

System details

System design Like clamped glazing, bolt fixed glazing is


be fixed back to tensioned cables or rods,

W ith both to p hung and botto m sup-

used for its ability to provide transparency,

allowing a visually lightweight supporting

ported methods of support , bolt fixed glazing

but usually with fixings set within the glass

structure to be used,but which requires lat -

uses a similar fixing bolt which is determined

rather than at their edges. In common with

eral stability to overcome the higher deflec-

by the size of the glass panel,the way it

that system, it was originally developed for

tions associated with cable stru ctures. Lateral

connects to the support ing structure and

single glazing, but is more commonly used

stability is usually provided by forming a

whether the fixing is countersunk or surface

with double glazed units, with their SOmm

vertically-set cable truss from the primary

fixed.The bolt fixing is the mechanical con-

joint width which includes the edge of the

cable supporting the glass unit s, or by adding

nection which is fixed through a hole formed

unit Despit e the overall SOmm black joint

horizont al outriggers from structural col-

in the glass sheet or double glazed unit. Bolts

width,the absence of framing and continuity

umnsto restrain the horizontal movement

can have a disc fixed to each external face

of the reflective surface of glass makes this

of the cables. In common wit h clamped glaz-

of the glass, be countersunk to be flush with

frameless system more visually lightweight

ing,glass fins or mild steel posts can be used

the outer face of the glass, or penetrate only

than framed glazi ng. Setting bolt fixings with-

to support the glazing,typically supported

the inner glass of a double glazed unit. St ruc-

in the glass can have an advantage in reduc-

from their base. Glass fins are fixed perpen-

tural movement and deflections betw een

ing the span of the glass between fixings,

dicular t o the vertical joints between glazed

the supporting structure and the glass are

ensuring that the glass t hickness is optimised

units,with an L-shaped bracket with a bolt

accommodated with a rot at ing swivel con-

t o a greater extent versus supporting the

fixing at each end, with glass panels stacked

nection at the junction of the bolt fixing that

glass at its edges only.

one above the other, using the glass fins to

passes through the glass and the end of the

Wh ere clamped glazing is supported

provide lateral support. Glass fins can also be

threaded rod that projects forward of the

directly onto a support ing structure, bolt

fixed at the t op of the wall or at ceiling level,

glass which is connected to the support ing

fixed glazing can be fixed on brackets which

where they serve as stiffeners in a down-

structure.The rotating joint is allowed to

are cantilevered away from the supporting

stand condit ion,wit h the glass still being

move 12° in all directions away from its regu-

structure, which can be either hung from

supported at it s base. Glass fins have clamps

lar posit ion.The bolt fixings t hemselves can

the top of the wall,or is supported at its

fixed t o them as per the pat ch plate system

vary from t hose with a fully visible thread and

base.These cant ilevered brackets can also

described in the previous section.

nuts, to a fully integrat ed type where all these



als 02 Glass systems 4: bolt fixed glazing


/' @


Section I:I0 Glass panels supported on cables or rods

3-D overview of bolt fixed glazing system supported from cables

com ponents are co ncealed in sleeves. The bolt fixing is secured t o fixing brack-

Corner fixings are made eit her by cant ile-

it ed rotation at th eir fixing point has led to

vering th e meet ing panels out in each glazed

thei r support ing str uctures being structur ally

ets wh ose shape suit s th e geom etry of t he

wall form ing t he corner, and linking th e glass

ambit iou s, w it h a mixture of steel trusses and

inte rsection of four bo lt fixings with the sup-

panels tog ether w it h bolt fixings in a pin con-

cables used t o minimise the amou nt of mate rial needed t o support glazed units.Som e

porting stru cture . In small-scale applicat ions,

nection , or by int ro ducing structu re at the

fixing brackets can be formed from a simple

corner, wit h bo lt fixings being attache d t o a

have horizontally set w ind trusses t hat stiffen

steel angle, wit h one side supporting t he bo lt

primar y member.W here a corner bracket

an all-cable str uctu re, w hile others use full

fixing and the other side fixed to t he sup-

is used in conjunction with a cantilevered

height ver t ical steel trusses w ith additio nal

porting co lumn, or truss, for example. Larger-

junct io n, manufacturers increasingly provide

vertically set cables t o reduce the number of

scale applicat ions typically use X -shaped o r

a limit ed range of standard compo nents,

t ru sses required .T hey also pro vide a fixing

H- shaped con nectors to suit the po sit ion

t hough it is not uncommon for special con-

w hich is separat e fro m the seals betwee n

of bolt s set around the interse ctio n of fo ur

nections t o be provided, partic ularly fo r junc-

glazed unit s,though bot h bolt fixed and

glass panels. Connectors are made as eit her

ti on s w here th e meeting angle is not a right

clamped glazing methods have been pro ved

castings or machined/welded co mpo nent s

angle. Like clamped glazing, bolt fixed glazing

to be highly reliable in their weath erproofing

depending on th e quantity of connecto r s

is sealed between glazed panels w it h silicone

performance.W here clamped glazing is used

and t heir comp lexity.W here several parts

seals,providing a single barrier t o w at er pen-

wit h flat surfaces or glazed w alls of single

are required t o be w elded and machined, it

et ration, but one w hich is reliable if properly

cur vat ure , bo lt fixed glazing has t he possibility

is usually more eco nomic and visually prefer-

undert aken.

of being set on a surface w hich curves in two

able t o use a casting.



Th e ability of bolt fixings to provide lim-

direction s, as in th ose creat ed by cable net

3-D view of bolt fixed w all system

structures. Special care is needed to ensure


that the angles of incidence at joints provide



0 9



~~=~~--;;~~F:~ ~O~f~__~~_+"=

"""'* 0

a reliable weathertight joint. An additional


Glass fixed

advantage is beingable to fix the glass that is






Glass movable in one direction

visibly forward of the supporting structure, sometimes creating a visual contrast between large structural members and a thin glazed skin set forward of it.This is particularly used ifthe supporting structure is set in one primary direction,giving the appearance of the glass joints inthe opposite direction of span-

+ +



8 ':r'



ning freely.



G lass free t o move



Elevation I: IO. Fixing condit ions for typi cal bolt fixed wa ll



Walls 02 Glass systems 5: glass blocks and channels



- rr-rH-+4-1-u UJ

Maison Hermes,Tokyo,Japan, Architect: Renzo Piano BuildingWo rkshop






I _I_ _I










\ L




Typical glass block dimensions


~ typically 2000-

I ~

.1 I



3-D detail of glass blocks supported by box section

System design Glass blocks have been used in recent

panels,formed eithe r as open ings in walls

years for t heir qualities of robustness com -

o r as bays of a st ructu ral frame, typically in

bined w it h fire resistance t o form econom ic,

reinforced concrete or st eel.The cont inu-

t ranslucent, glazed wa lls,Their translucency

ous vertical and horizonta l joints of t hese

varies with t he thickne ss of t he w all of the

non-Ioadbearing panels give th eir charac-

individual glass block, w hich can range from

terist ic gridded appearance , w it h panel sizes

solid t o ho llow t ype,T he hol low ty pe has

limit ed fro m around 3600mm x 3600mm

the advantage of slightly greater t hermal

in area, to aro und 4500mm x 4500mm in

insulation and acoustic insulati on, but the

area, depe nding on block thickness.The

th ermal insulation levels are we ll below

panel size can be adjusted in prop ort ion to

th ose expecte d from regular do uble glazed

give a maximum height of around 6000mm

units, so they tend to be used in locat ions

and a maximum width of around 7500mm,

w here this is not a design considerat ion , such

Glass blocks are well suited to pro viding an

as in naturally ventilat ed spaces,T he most

econo mic glazed fire resisting construction,

common block sizes are a nomina l 200mm

One hour fire resisting panels can be made

x 200mm and 300mm x 300mm, generally

in panel sizes of aro und 3000mm x 3000mm

I OOmm th ick, Blocks are arranged in stack

in area,w ith a maximum height or w idt h

bonded rectili near grids th at fo rm individual

of 4000mm. Panels providing fire resistance

3-D view of glass bock wall assembly



Examples of glass blocks in curved applications

3-D sectional detail of glass blocks supported by I-sections

greater than 60 minutes (usually up to 90

glass blocks.An advantage of glass channels is

minutes) require metal channel restraints

that they are made either with a patterned

at the perimeter of the panel due to their

surface characteristic of casting, or be made

greater reliability than cement mort ar or

clear, with no pattern or hue.They can be

si licone seals.

Low-E coated to assist thermal insulation,and


An alternative to glass blocks is cast

when interlocked can be thermal ly insulated

glass channels, a long spanning material which

with proprietary gel to significantly improve

can reach storey height without intermedi-

their thermal perfor mance,though this proc-

ary supports. Channels resemble half glass

ess can be disproport ionat e to the cost of

blocks in section, manufactured in lengths up

the cast glass channels. Solar protection can

to around 7000mm. Most are made around

also be added. Like glass blocks, cast glass

250mm wide and 60mm deep. Channels

channels are known for their properties of

3.Metal edge frame

are set either vert ically or horizontally in a

sound insulation combined wit h robustness.

4. External cladding

single layer, or can be int erlocked by setti ng

W hen st acked vertically, channels can be set

5. Steel fiat or T-section

channels facing one another to form a dou-

out to form a curved wall, a characterist ic

ble layer with smooth internal and external

well known with glass block walls.

appearance.The int erlocked version also provides a U-value similar to that of hollow

Typical glass block dimensions

Details I. Glass block

The relatively poor thermal insulation of glass blocks and cast channels,when

2. I-section or box section

6.Thermal insulation 7. Enclosing wall or adjacent wall 8.Window casement 9. Cast glass channel IO. Floor slab



Walls 02 Glass syste ms 5: glass blocks

.~ . % .




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----------. -- -- ·r-- ------------------- ·:

Det ails of glass block connections w ithin window casement



------ ------ ---_. -----

----_ .

3-D view of glass blocks set within window casement in w all assembly




Ho r izontal section I : IO. Connection to

H or izont al section " I O. Connec t ion to

alternat ive wall buildup

supporting structu re







Horizont al section I: IO. Glass blocks support ed by w elded sect ions

0~ I

Vert ical sect ions I:20. Glass blocks fitted int o w indow fram es in masonry wall








....... ~


CD up to 2S00mm






Elevation and section I:20. Glass blocks supported by box sections

3-D view of typical glass panel vert ically hung

Section I:20 Left: double skin of interlocking glass horizontal channels. Right: Single skin

compared to double glazed unit s, can lead

combination of these. In smaller openings, a

silicone-based or with metal angle restraints.

to condensation occurring on the interio r

T-section is set into joint s to stiffen the panels

The angles are usually concealed by wall

face of the block,and adequate ventilation

at mid height between floor and ceiling/sof-

finishes, both internally and externally. Flex-

is requiredto avoid this. Consequently,their

fit. Larger panels can be formed by adding a

ible seals are used where a door or window

use remains ideally suited to semi-external

rectangular box section to the backedge of

opening is introduced int o a glass block wall.

conditions in temperate climates, such as cir-

the T-section to form a complete structural

The door is usually fixed at its base only in

culation spaces. Glass block panels fixed into

frame. Some manufacturers offer these mate-

order to allow the block wall t o be structur-

reinforced concrete frames or wall openings

rials as proprietary systems which include

ally independent. but sometimesthe door

are bedded in either mortar or silicone,with

edge framing channels, thoughthe appear-

is tied into the horizontal joints of the glass

flexible joints introduced on the sides and

ance of these can be concealed by adjacent

block wall, depending on the amount of

top edge to allow for structural movement.


expected structural movement.

Glass blocks are set within the frame which

Glass blocks usually have bed reinforce-

Cast glass channels are fixed into alu-

formsthe external wall,or on the edge of

ment between joints,typically a metal ladder-

minium extrusions at their ends, and are

reinforced concret e floor slabs. Storey height

type reinforcing strip which is set within the

sealed with silicone-based seals between long

panels on the edge of floor slabs require

joints and is not visible. Silicone is also used

joints.vertically-set channels can be bottom

metal angle restraints at the top of the open-

to bond blocks, with a sealing silicone used

supported, but in horizontally-set arrange-

ing to accommodate the deflection in the

on the external face to provide a weath-

ments, each channel is individually supported

slab.This can be overcome by setting the

ertight seal.Cement-based mortar s are

rather than each channel being supported on

glass blocks forward of the floor slab on a

also used, with the choice of material being

the channel below.As with glass blocks,the

steel frame in the manner of glazed curtain

governed largely by visual considerations.

edge frame can be concealed by wall finishes,


Corners are formed usually with either the

but cast channels are increasingly being used

structure that supports the panel or special

as a primary material on facades where they

corner panels which form a part of most

are used, as they are not required to be set

System details

proprietary systems, mainly 90° and 45°

into framed panels, and can be used in storey

also be set into steel frames made from

Both glass blocks and cast channels can

corners.Junctions of blocks with adjacent

height form in long lengths.

I-sections, box sections,T-sections or a

walls are formed with a flexible seal, either




W alls 02 Glass systems 6: steel windows Det ails I. Outside 2. Inside

3. Rolled steel glazing section 4.Transom 5. Mullion 6. Single glazed or double glazed unit to suit application 7. Fixing bead 8. Fixing lug 9. Projecting transom 10. Rubber-based seal I I. Fixed light 12. Inward opening light I 3. O utward opening light 14.W indow cill 15. Condensation tray 16. Internal finish

Matsunoyama Museum of N atural Science. Matsunoyama.Japan.Architect:TezukaArchitects.

@ Plan I:S. Rolled steel frames glazed Intemally


Rolled steel glazing connection detail

Plan 1:5. Rolled steel frames glazed externally

System design Steel framed windows made from rolled sections have been preferred for their thin sight lines when compared to those in alu-

aluminium-based stickglazing. Steel framed windows with thin frames without thermal breaks in thin double glazed

glazed units usually have extruded clipsthat hold the glass in place. Larger scale,thermally broken, windows

minium for small-scale window openings.

units are madewith rolled steel sections to

and doors are used primarily for their ability

However, the thermal performance of the

form windows of a maximum size of around

to provide fire resistance.They are made as

frames is considerably less than thermally

3000mm x 1800mm down to a minimum

pressed steel sections in sizes similar to an

broken aluminium sections, due to the dif-

size of 250mm x 400mm. Fixed lights and

equivalent in aluminium but with slightly dif-

ficulty of intro ducing a thermal break int o

openingwindows can be joined together

ferent profiles governed by the process of

small sections. Larger scale steel windows

withT-sections to provide a supporting

pressing,which cannot provide the complex-

and glazed walls made from pressed steel

frame. Larger-scale steel curtain wallinghas

ity in section of extruded aluminium profiles.

sections, used mainly for their fire resisting

a grid of pressed steel mullions (verticals)

Unlikealuminium windows, where new extru-

qualities, can incorporate a thermal break

and transoms (horizontals) to which double

sions can be made economic for each project,

but their sightlines are similar to those of an

glazed units are fixed with steel pressure

pressed and rolled sections for steel windows

equivalent aluminium window or glazed wall.

plates. Seals are provided with synthetic rub-

cannot produce new sections as easily. Fully

Steel framed windows are either fitt ed into

ber gaskets similar to those used in alumini-

glazed walls are made by fixing individual

wall openings or are joined together to form

um curtain walling systems. Single glazed units

windows into a frame of pressed box sec-

a glazed wall with deeper sections as fram-

have small channels or angle shaped glazing

tionswith integral thermal breaks.There is a

ing members, which is slightly different to full

beadsto hold the glass in place,while double

wide variety of standard sectionsavailable for


14 0

De t ail of pro ject ing mul lion in st eel glazing

Matsunoyama Mu seum of N at ural Science. Mat sunoyama, Japan. Arch itect: Tezuka Architects.

~ ~


Fixed bead with proj ecting

transom :


Sect ion s 1:5. Rolled ste el frame s glazed int ernally and exte rnally

th e pressed steel profi les th at support t he Opening

glass, th ough it is more difficult t o develop a

w indow with

pro file for an individual project due t o t he

projecting transom

constraints of pre ssing steel sheet, w hich is expensive to modify for individual pro jects.

Syste m details Outward ope ning lights for bot h w indows in small-scale rolled sections and larger-scale pressed sections have profiles that lap over t he front of t he surrou nding fixed frame, w ith a drip above the wi ndow t o avoid rainw at er finding its way in through th e top of t he

G il detail

frame.A ny water t hat finds its way into t he frame is drained dow n t he sides and out at the bottom. Most win dows have synt hetic rubber seals to both assist drainage and reduce air infilt rat ion t hro ugh t he open ing

3-D view of ro lled steel wi ndow details


14 1

W alls 02 Glass systems 6: steel windows


Iii I

" ~>--f

0" ~J


Sections 1:5 of pressed steel doors with thermal breaks. Left: Outward opening. Right: Inward opening

Vertical sections 1:5. Sliding/foiding door with rubber seals

Section 1:5 Pressed Steel window,thermally broken

light. W ith inward opening lights the top of

and glass types. Steel framed windows and

ness where rolled sectionsare used,and with

the window is protected by the top transom

doors are also made as separate itemsfor

thicker horizontal sections in doors where

of the fixed frame.The window is more vul-

glazing into openings in masonry walls. In this

pressed steel sections are used. Corners are

nerable at its bottom edge where it is pro-

instance they are fixed through the frame into

framed with either glazed or glass-to-glass

tected by a projectingcill. W ith steel windows

the adjacentstructural wall.An EPDM foil or

corners in the manner of aluminium curtain

made from rolled sections, any water pen-

silicone sealant is then used t o seal the gap

walling but where the glazing is fire resistant,

etratingthe outer seal runs around a groove

between the steel window/door andthe adja-

panel sizes are limited.Those in small-scale

cent concrete or masonry wall.

rolled sections are formed with eitherT-sec-

in the frame of the opening light and down the sides into the bottom transom below,

Larger-scale glazing has framing with a

tions that meet to form a recessed corner,

where it is drained through weep holesto

continuous indented groove that forms a

or with a square-shaped hollow section t o

the outside.This is similar to the principle

channel into which toggle-type fixings are

form a solid corner. Corners using larger-

of traditional timber windows, but windows

inserted to receive the fixingsthat secure the

scale pressed sections are formed in a similar

made from thermally broken pressed sec-

pressure plates.The synthetic rubber seals, on

way to stickglazing,with mullion profiles set

tions can follow the principles of aluminium

either side of the glass provide a sealed cham-

t ogetherjoined by a thermally insulated panel

framed curtain walling,with a ventilated and

ber behind the pressure platewhich is used

on the surface of the glass.Some manufactur-

pressure equalised chamber behind the outer

to drain away any wat er that penetrates the

ers provide standard corner sections as part

seal which drains moistureaway and backto

outer line of defence.Thisvoid is ventilat ed,

of a proprietary system. Parapets are formed

the outside at the bottom. Opening windows

with transoms draining water at the base

by fixing a folded metal coping into the top

and doors are set into steel framed glazing

of each glazed unit using a synthetic rubber

transom and folding it over the parapet

with an addit ional frame which is visible from

strip that slopes down to drain water to the

behind. Metal fiashings with an EPDM foil

the outside, a principle which is followed in


aluminium windows and glazed walls. Door

For both small-scale rolled sectionsand

and window lights are formed from pressed

larger-scale pressed sections, doors are con-

steel sections which are folded together to

structed in the same way as windows, but

form a family of profiles to suit different sizes

wit h horizontal rails to provide greater stiff-



behind it are also used to seal steel glazing against areas of adjacent walls, typically of masonry or concrete construction.

3-D view of pressed steel windows thermally broken

Profiled mullion detail

Details I . Pressed steel frame 2. Pressed steel glazing bead 3 Double glazed unit 4. Insulated steel panel 5. Rolling wheels 6. Guide at bottom of door 7. Rubberbased seal 8.Thermal break 9. Pressed steelpressure plate IO. Pressed steel glazing section

Details of alternative cappingprofiles for angled glazing and corner conditions



as 01 Glass systems 7: alumini um windows




3-D view of opening window set into large scale aluminium window assembly

Vertical section I:5. Opening window detail

System design Win dows made from aluminium are

over those in other materials is their useof

an air seal rather than as a full weathertight

formed either as individual frames set into

extruded profiles which can take up com-

seal.An additional function of the gasket seal

structural openings or are set in groups to

plex shapes in section t o which thermal

is t o provide a continuity with the thermal

form a complete glazed wall where indi-

breaks and seals can be fixed with ease,and

break so that the air temperature of the

vidual lights are linkedt o givethe appear-

within which water can be drained with a

inner chamber is much closert o the internal

ance of an overall modular glazed facade. A

high level of precision.This allows aluminium

temperature than the externalt emperature.

glazed wall, formed as a large scale window

window framesto be relatively well thermal-

Where window frames tend to be

assembly is used typically where the glazed

ly insulated,and have low rates of air infiltra-

narrow and deep in section, in order to

wall is not of sufficient size t o require it to

tion when compared t o other materials.The

accommodate the seals andthermal breaks,

be supported or hung from floor to floor;

main disadvantage,from the visual point of

doors are usually wider in order to provide

which is the principle of stickglazing and

view, is the wide sightlines required for struc-

greater stiffness for the glazed units which

unitised glazing in curtain walling. In contrast

tural reasons in accommodating seals for

they support. Doors were not usual ly ther-

to curtain walling, which is a structurally

int ernal drainage and thermal breaks.Whe re

mally broken until recently, since rigidity and

independent external wall,'window walls'

sightlines are reduced,the overall depth of

durability of the frame is usually the most

have windows fixed onto a structural frame

window is increased to compensate for the

important consideratio n,but t hermal breaks

or backing wall, which is set into a larger

loss of stability of the frame. In common

are becoming much more common in door

structural opening in a facade.Windo w walls

with aluminium curtain walling, extruded

sections. Doors with lower air infiltration

provide the appearance of a curtain wall

aluminium window frames are pressure

rates and a thermal break are made from

combined with the acoustic and fire resist-

equalised and int ernally drained in order t o

window sections rather than door sections.

ing properti es of its backing wall,making it

provide two lines of defence against rainwa-

The increased performance usually results

suitable for apartments, for example.W in-

t er penetration.An outer seal,typically a syn-

in smaller maximum door sizes, at around

dow walls are typically supported at their

t hetic rubber gasket, excludes most of the

2400mm for a thermally broken, internally

base, but can also be top hung or side hung

rainwater;but any wat er that passes through

drained and ventilat ed door. Doors with

is drained away at the bottom of the profile

thermal breaks can reach a maximum of

to the outside.The internal barr ier serves as

around 3000mm to 3500mm wit hout wide

depending on their geometry An advantage of aluminium windows







Elevation I : I0, Opening w indow set w ithin large scale aluminium wi ndow sectio n

Vert ical section I : I0, Outw ard opening aluminium w indow


Horizontal section I : I 0, O utward openin g w indows set w it hin large scale w indow assembly

JJ ,",~==== CD

Horizontal section I : I 0, Ou tward openin g wi ndow set t ypical wall construction Vert ical section I : I0, Outward opening aluminium w indow set w ithin t ypical w all construction

Details I , O utside 2, Inside

3.W indow frame 4, Single glazed or double glazed unit to suit applicatio n 5, Ext ruded aluminium section e.Th erm el insulation 7,Timber battens for decoration 8, Opening mechanism 9, Surro unding wall 10, Insulated composite panel I I Flo or construction 12, Roof construction

3-D view of aluminium framing system for large scale w indow wall.



W alls 02 Glass systems 7: aluminium windows

3-D view showing construction of aluminium framed winow wall system

sightlines. Doors with thermal breaks can

opening light, then that shading function is

struction.The EPDM-foil seal is used where

exceed 2400mm high by silicone bonding

largely maintained when the window is in

the window is fitted first, since the surround-

the glass to the frame so that glass assists in

the open position.Thesewindows also help

ing wall must be clear in order to fix it, and

st iffening the frame.The maximum width of

smoke evacuation where used as smoke

a perimeter seal is usually used where the

doors is a function of their height, in order

vents, but an essential characteristic is visual,

window is fitted after the adjacent external

to restrict the overall weight, but a 850mm

in having opening lights in glazed walls which

wall has been completed.

wide door leaf forming a 1700mm wide pair

do not interrupt the visual continuity of

of doors is not uncommon. Minimum width

the overall facade design. Parallel opening

used, opaqueglazed infill panels are set

W here aluminium window walls are

of opening lights is about 250mm where a

windows use a scissor-shaped hinge which

between window panels as a facing to the

double glazed unit is used. Minimum heights

slideswithin the frameto provide a stable

insulated backing wall arranged immediately

of glazed vent ilato rs, such as those set above

support for the open window in any posi-

behind. Metal infill panels are also used,

door s for night time vent ilation,are around

ti on.These opening light s are used with win-

sometimes in rainscreen configurat ion,

250mm to suit the needs of the opening

dows that use stickglazing sections used in

but more typically sealed in a support ing

mechanism. Side hung,top hung,bottom

curtain walls, particularly where the double

framework.W here opaque panels are used,

hung and tilt/turn windows use similar alu-

glazed units are silicone bonded to reduce

opaque panels are fitted to a simple support

minium profiles.

the visual impact of their support ing frames.

as required by rainscreens and composite

W indows and doors are sealed at their

panels rather than a full window wall fram-

System details

int erface with the surrounding walls usually

ing system. In this window wall configuration,

A recent development has been the

with a synthetic rubber strip which forms an

windows are set forward of the opening

introduction of parallel opening lights, where

integral part of the window frames, or alt er-

where the complete facade is required to

windows open in a direction parallel to

natively with a seal betw een window frame

be in a single plane, rather than within the

that of the frame.This has an advantage of

and opening,typically with a silicone-based

opening itself.The gap between window and

increasing the amount of air that is admit-

product. Some synthetic rubber seals have a

opening is closed with metal flashings, which

ted without exposing a complete section of

metal facing for addit ional protection, called

can be concealed with internal finishes.

wall to the effects of both wind and solar

a 'foil',which is bonded t o the adjacent wall,

radiation. If solar control glass is used in the

and is usually concealed by the adjacent con-



3-D detail of aluminium frame in typical window w all system

3-D view of typical w indow w all system

3-D det ail of w indow w all connection to fioor system



Ho rizont al sections 1:5 t hro ugh aluminium win dow wall system showing typic al panel and window details



Wa fs 02 Glass systems 8: timber wi ndows

:r II



3-D sect ion through t imber frame top hung w indow

Section 1:5 Ver t ical sliding sash wi ndow

Details I.W indow frame 2. Outside

3. Inside 4. Head S.Ci ll 6. Single glazed or double glazed unit to suit applicat ion 7. Fixing bead 8. Rubber-based seal

Old N icho l St reet, London, U K Architect Maccreano r Lavingto n Architects



3-D section through side hung w indow det ails showing different framing methods

Horizontal section I :5. Sliding sash w indow s

System design In common w it h aluminium w indows,

t ion to avo id being expo sed to the effects of

of the w indow wa ll.

t imber w indows are used either individually

t he w eather. In addition, the high mo isture

w ithin w all openings or are gro uped t o form

movement associated wit h t imber makes t he

span up to two floors, typically restricted by

a comp lete 'wi ndow wall', formed by linking

penetration of the steel supporting struc-

the self w eight of t he panels,w hich are usu-

w indows into a cont inuous arrangement.

t ure through th e exte rnal face of t he t imber

ally suppo rt ed at th eir base.This is due t o the

They are supported by an integra l timber

glazed wa ll more difficult to w at erpro of

need to t ie the frame into large single units

T imber framed w indow wa lls ty pically

frame, typ ically reinforce d interna lly by steel

W here w indows are linked and reinforced

t o avoid t he effects of th er mal movement of

flats o r sometimes supported by separate

wit h a mild steel flat , a drainage gro ove set

th e sections. If timber section s are not t ied

secondar y steel supports in the form of col-

int o the joi nt ensures th at any wat er th at

together; t hey tend to w rap and twi st wh en

umns or complet e frames.W here individual

penet rates t he oute r joi nt is drained away

exposed t o outside elements. Even if t he

w indows are linked together w it h t hin steel

to the outside at the bottom of t he win dow

surfaces are painted or sealed wit h varnish,

reinforc ing plates,the panel size is limit ed t o

or wi ndow w all. Drainage channels are used

any movement due to moist ure wi ll crack the

storey height, and the w indow wa ll arrange-

on all four sides of th e w indow in t he man-

outer finish and allow further moveme nt to

ment is fixed back to th e suppor t ing struc-

ner of aluminium curtain wa lling.The steel

occur.Timber sectio ns are jointed w it h either

tu re of floo r slabs or supporting w all.Where

stiffening rib or br acket does not extend for-

t ongue-and-gro ove o r rebated joint s.Where

t he visual presence of timber framing mem -

w ard of th e dr ainage gro ove to allow w at er

to ngue-and-groo ve joint s are used,the linking

bers is not the preferred expre ssion of the

to be drained away unimpeded. Mullions

material can be a durable hardwood or alu-

facade from the outside, a secondar y steel

and t ransoms (verticals and horizontals) may

minium. Sections can also be bolted together

frame can be set interna lly, ty pically made

be of different depth to suit their individual

if t he sections are of sufficient size, such as

from tu bes,T-sections or box sections to

structural requirements and may be in a dif-

around 75 x 50mm .

reduce th eir visual impact.A lternative ly, th e

ferent wood. Hardw ood s and softw oods can

steel component s can be set w it hin timber

be mixed in a single wi ndow wall construc-

members form ing th e supporting frame t o

t ion, but t he relative mo isture mo vements

System details Inw ard openi ng w indows are inherently

the w indow wa ll, depending on the required

associat ed with each type is taken in account

vulnerable to wat er penet rati on at th e bot-

sizes of the steel member s.These steel com-

to ensure t hat th is movement do es not

tom of t he fram e, whi le outward openin g

ponents are set w ithin t he t imber construe-

adversely affect th e appearance o r stability

frames are w eaker at the head of t he frame.



Walls 02 Glass systems 8: timber windows

o =z;=~~~_ 0

Section 1:5 Sliding doors

Section 1:5 Outward opening casement windows


3-D view of timber doors and windows in wall syste m






--------....---::... ::::-.. -



@ J


Horizontal section through timber sliding doors

Elevation 1:5 Sliding doors

For this reason,drainage channels are provid-

window during manufacture and are sealed

mon frame design is used for different hinge

ed within the frames, together with weather

against the surrounding wall.There has been

arrangements in openinglights, which gives

seals and weather bars. Like aluminium win-

an increased control of moisture movement

a harmonious appearance to window walls

dows, timber windows usea single section

of the timber used with better controlled

with lights that are required to open in differ-

for all four sides of an opening light, and a

kiln-drying. Treatmentsto timbers are also

ent directions.

single section for three sides of the frame,

changing to avoid toxic runoff while provid-

with the cill being different to drain water

ing some protection against colour fading

against adjacent wall construction wit h metal

away from the window.Timber windows can

from UV radiation from sunlight. Some more

flashings which can be formed either as an

achieve relatively low levels of air infiltration

economictimber windows have traditionally

integral part of the window frame, or alter-

and have vastly improved in their weather

suffered from poor jointing at the corners of

natively be fixed to it with synthetic rubber

Timber glazed walls can be sealed

performance in recent years, primarily as a

the frame.These have been improved across

based seals mechanically fixed to the frame.

result of the useof synt hetic rubber seals and

all window types in recent years with the

Corners can be formed with either a timber

aluminium weather bars.W eather tightness

use of double mortise and tenon joints and

post forming the corner or as a fully glazed

has been enhanced by the use of pressure

wood glueswit h better resistance to heat

junction.Where transoms meet at a corner

equalised rebates in the window section so

and moisture.W here timber windows are

without the benefit of a mullion (vertical)

that any water passing through its outer seal

set into an openingrather than being part

the junction is usually joined with a toothed

is drained away without being drawn through

of a window wall, the most common materi-

junction to ensure that no visible move-

by capillary action asa result of an air pres-

als used are masonry block, brick or timber

ment occurs.The full interlocking connection

sure difference between inside and outside

boarding.With all these materials,timber

between components in these exposed

the framing. The inner synthet ic rubber seal

windows are fixed either into the reveals of

conditions is vit al to the success of timber

also serves as an acoustic barrier. providing

the opening or are fixed into the face of the

glazed walls.

improved sound insulation. Seals between

opening.The position of the window in the

the window and the opening have been

opening has more influence over the junction

enhanced in recent years with the increased

with the surrounding wall than the choice of

useof folded aluminium and UPVC profiles

material for the wall. In proprietary ranges

which are set into a groove around the

of windows from manufacturers, a comMCH


ails 02 Concrete I : cast in-situ

D etails I. Conc rete exte rnal wall 2. Co ncrete internal wall 3. Met al lining t o gutter 4.Window fram e 5. Slot formed as part of casting conc ret e. 6. Met al parapet fiashing 7. Single glazed o r do uble glazed unit t o suit applicat ion 3-D view of concrete cast-in-

8. Met al cill, th ough precast

place panels in st ructure

conc rete cou ld be used 9. Int ernal floor slab 10. single conc ret e wall I I. Thermal insulat io n

System design ture within the building as well as prevent

tion,the two linked concrete walls are joined

pouring it into a shape created by formwork

the concrete surface from being seen inside

structurally by concrete ribs which form

makes its construction quite different to

the building.An important development in

limited thermal bridges, or alternatively are

The method of forming concrete by

working with other materials.While metal,

recent years has been an increase in the

linked by stainless steel ties.The use of metal

glass, timber and masonry are made in rela-

provision of thermal insulation set typically

ties reduces the thermal bridging with its

tively small panel and unit sizes, concrete is

within the depth of the construction,allow-

associated risk of condensation and pattern

restricted only by the available formwork

ing the external face to have a visible con-

staining forming on the inside of the wall in

and the amount that can be poured at one

crete finish.

temperate climates.

time.The useof in-situ loadbearing con-

Setting thermal insulation within the wall

An alt ernative method of constructing an

crete walls asa facade system exposes the

allows the thermal mass of the concrete to

in-situ castconcrete wall is to set the thermal

castconcrete asa surface finish.This is in

contribute to night-time coolingas part of

insulation on the inside face of the wall, but

contrast to the useof in-situ loadbearing

an environmental design strategy. Continu-

this results in the loss of the wall'sthermal

walls as backing walls to a different facade

ity of thermal insulation at the interface of

mass.This method has the benefit of econo-

system, where the function of the wall is

concrete and glazed openings is increas-

my. especially where there is no requirement

only as primary structure, while the external

ingly important in order to avoid thermal

for night-time cooling.

skin is non-Ioadbearing cladding.The use of

bridging. In this method of construction,

System details

in-situ reinforced concrete as a self-finish to

diaphragm walls are used with two walls

external walls was popular in avant garde

linked structurally being set either side of a

architecture throughout most of the 20th

rigid thermal insulation core.This allows part

or slightly sloping surfaces such as window

century. but walls were constructed without

of the concrete structure to remain closer

cills are washed off during rain and can be

thermal insulation within the wall depth.

to the internaltemperature of the building,

deposited on the wall below. Consequently.

Instead, insulation waseventually added on

and benefiting from the thermal mass of the

openings, parapets and cills in exposed con-

the inside face of the wall, which both pre-

primary structure as well as permitting the

crete walls have projectingcills and flashings

vents the thermal mass of the concrete wall

internal face of the building to have a visible

to ensurethat rainwater is thrown as clear

from being used to regulate the air tempera-

concrete finish. In diaphragm wall construc-

as possible from the external wall surface. In



Dust particles that settle on horizontal


(if "

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Section I:25. In-situ cast concrete wall cast intwo skins with rigid closed cell insulation between skins

CAC Museum Cincinatti, USA. Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects 3-D view showing roof parapet and window details witin cast-in-situ concrete wall system


15 3

W alls 02 Concrete I: cast in-sit u

.0 . '1'

3-D view & horizontal section I:I O. Concrete wall: Insulation set within wall

Tod's building,Tokyo,Japan. Architect: Toyo Ito

3-D view & horizontal section I:I O. Concrete wall: Insulation set on inter nal face

urb an cond ition s,dust-catch ing surface te x-

wit h grey being associate d w it h archit ectural

associate d w it h pigment addit ives. Smooth

tures are usually avo ided and sm oot h finishes

concre te finishes w hich usually pro vide a con-

and visually consistent natura l finishes are

are often preferred. H ow ever,where protec-

sisten t appearance, when po uring methods

achieved largely by both th e accuracy of

ti ve treatments are applied t o th e external

and condit ions remain con sistent during co n-

mixed proportions including water.

surface of t he concre te t o reduce porosity,

structio n of th e facade.Th e t on e of grey wi ll

Textured finishes can be achieved w it h

th is can give a reflect ivity to the mat eri al th at

vary w it h the cementJw ater rat io, th e poros-

specially formed shuttering boards o r wit h

reduces it s characteristic stone -like appear-

ity of th e shuttering, vibrat ion con ditions,

an addit ional lining sheet containin g th e


fo rm work stripping t ime and weat her cond i-

t extu re pattern. Polystyrene (one t ime use)

t ions.W hite cement is much more t o lerant

or synt het ic rubb er sheet (multi ple use) are

are cast int o the t op s of win dow reveals

of variat io ns in methods and sit e co ndit ions

commonly used. Recessed joints are usually

t o reduce bot h staining t o t he soffit and to

in providing a consistent w hit e colou r.

introduced betwee n the formwork boards

Drips in t he fo rm of continuou s grooves

reduce t he amou nt of w at er reaching th e

The mo st common finishes fo r concret e

t o avoid uneven and blurred lines at t he

wi ndows . Cills are usually formed wit h a

w alls cast in-sit u are eit her an as-cast finish o r

junction between bo ards.W ashed finishes

metal sheet apro n that helps th row w at er

a w ashed finish. Other finishes are discussed

are formed by applying a deactivat or t o th e

clear of th e w all below, w hile metal copings

in th e sect ion on precast panels: acid etc hing,

exte rnal face of t he concrete, eit her to t he

are usually inclined in o rder t o drain w at er

sand blasting, t ooling and polishing,though

face of the fo rmwork befo re casting or to

ont o the ro of or gutter behind rat her th an

the se addition al finishes can be used on in-

th e co ncret e surface w hen t he fo rm work

dow n th e face of the concrete w all.

sit u-cast concrete .W ith as-cast finishes, t he

has been removed.The deactivator is used to

colo ur variat io ns result not usually from t he

slow down or stop hydration of th e cement,

bearing concrete wa lls is influenced mainly by

cement co lour, but rather from the marbling

and is applied by br ush or spray.T he con-

th e choi ce of ceme nt, w it h fair faced visible

effect of fine particl es of sand becoming

cret e is th en sprayed w it h w ate r or aqueo us

concret e wa lls using either grey or w hite

unevenly distr ibuted during vibrat ion w hen

acid so lut io n to remove the surface, revealing

cement bases to prod uce t he surface colours

t he concret e is po ured in place. Smooth

the mater ial below.

The colour of concrete for in-situ load-

associated wit h each.The physical prop erties

co ncrete is ty pically self-coloured in large

of t hese two cement ty pes are very similar,

areas of facade t o avoid colour variat io ns



Photos illustrating texture that can be achieved through in-situ casting

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Int ernal w all elevation I :50 In-situ cast concrete w all w it h textured effect as above right

Timber/Aluminium form work on upper fioors of building construct ion

Timber form work used t o achieve texture

Elevat ion 1:50 In-sit u cast concrete w all showing how form work can be arranged and cut to form different shaped panels and windo w openings



W a ls 02 Concrete 2: storey height panels

HousingVillaverde, Madrid,Spain. Architect: Chipperfield Architects

3-D view of wall assembly

System design The method of casting in-sit u walls

rather than glazing individual openings

suit road transportation, with a maximum

described in the previous section is one

associated wit h full height precast panels.

weight of around 10to nnest o suit regular

of forming loadbearing construction. With

Non-Ioadbearing precast cladding panels

site cranes. As with in-situ castconcrete

precast panels, walls can be formed as either

typically span from floor to floor; with panels

walls,the thermal insulation can be set either

loadbearing walls or as cladding panels to

supported either directly on the floor slabs

on the inside face of the panels or within

a structural frame. Loadbearing types have

or set forward of them, fixed back to the

a diaphragm wall construction. Panels are

storey height panels'stit ched' together to

floor structure with brackets madetypically

manufactured in flat moulds, with the fin-

become integral with the floor slabs.Junc-

from stainless steel or reinforced concrete.

ished face at t he bottom of the mould when

tio ns are usually pin jointed, wit h structural

The method of fixing panels is very depen-

the concrete finish is required to be visible,

stability provided by other components such

dent on both spatial requirements within

or with the finished face on the top of the

asservice cores elsewhere in the building.

the building and whether concrete nibs can

mould where another material is applied

Precast panels may have a decorative fin-

remain a visible part of the panel design or

such as ceramic tiles, or where metal fix-

ish on one side, with thermal insulation set

are required to be concealed within the

ings for a masonry finish are castinto the

within the panel,or may be used asa back-

internal finishes. St orey height panels can

face of the panel.Where a concrete finish is

ing wallto another facade system such as a

have either thicker edges, to form an integral

formed in the bott om of t he panel,t extured

rainscreen set forward of the panel, where

'frarne' to the panels, or be completely flat,

finishesare formed within the mould, usually

thermal insulation is set on the outer face of

but the later will usually be thicker;and con-

by a synthetic rubber mat or polystyrene.

the precast panel. In addition t o setti ng pan-

sequently heavier. The 'framed' version has a

The shape of the panel is adjusted t o suit

els full height from floor to floor;loadbearing

visual language of framing which can be vis-

the ease of removing the mould when the

panels can also be set horizontally to form

ible from either the outside or the inside.

concrete has been poured in place, but most

structural beams between precast columns,

Due to their self weight, panels are usu-

typically around 1200mm high to provide

ally supported at their base at the floor slab

spandrel panels.This allows full length glaz-

and are restrained at the top of the panel

ing t o be used, set between the t op of the

with mechanical fixings. Panels are usually

panel and the botto m of the panel above,

a maximum of around 3600mm wide t o



panels can achieve sharp lines that do not have an obviously 'moulded'appearance.



Plan I:25.Typical wall construction

Details I. Concrete floor deck 2. Precast concrete panel

3.Window 4.Vert ical joint (typically a baffle) between panels 5, Horizontal joint (typically a lap) between panels 6, Drywall/dry lining 7. Concrete floor deck 8, Steel dowel 9. Drywall/dry lining



3-D view of wall assembly


HousingViliaverde. Madrid, Spain,Architect:Chipperfield Archit ects

Vert ical section I:25.Typical wall construction



W a ls 02 Concrete 2: storey height panels

Housing Viliaverde, Madrid, Spain. Architect:Chipperfield Architects

3-D view of wall assembly

System details Joints between panels are similar for

either an extruded synthetic rubber gasket

grinding wheel lubricated with wat er,that removes up to 2mm of the material with

both loadbearing and cladding panel types,

or a wet-applied sealant.Loadbearing pan-

with a common use of either 'open' or

els are sealed with a cement-based grout.

a single pass of the grinder to a honed or

'closed' joints. Open joints have an outer

Closed joints are mostly used in loadbearing

fully polished finish.This exposes the colour

open joint that is narrow but admits small

panel construction where panels are joined

of the aggregate but the surface does not

amounts of rainwater, which is drained down

together with mechanical fixings. Panel fixings

shine naturally varnishes can be applied to

an inner chamber and released backto the

are positioned near the corners, with slotted

achieve this stone-like appearance,Acid

outside at the base of the panel through

fixings used in order to allow for both ther-

etched finishes are well suited to precast

a stepped horizontal joint.This internally

mal movement between the panel and sup-

panels since the amount of acid applied can

drained and pressure equalised system is

porting structure and for adjustment during

be more carefully controlled in the factory

similar in concept to that used in unitised

construction.The cleats are typically fixed to

than can be achieved on site.The outer face

curtain walling. In closed joints the outer

a small channel fixing cast into the concrete.

of the panel is treated wit h hydrochloric

face is sealed with a wet applied silicone or

Panels are lifted into place on site by crane,

acid to reveal the concrete texture beneath,

polysulphide sealant in a similar wayto the

using hooks that are screwed into threaded

which is then rinsed off, havingthe effect of

sealing of joints between bolt fixed glazed

tubes set into the concrete typically on top

revealing the concrete texture immediately

panels. Jointwidths both vert ically and hori-

or on the backface of the panel.The hooks

beneath.Acid etching attacks limestone

zontally for both open and closed joints vary

are unscrewed when the panel is in place,

aggregat es, and sometimes more quickly

from IO-25mm increasing with panel width

and the holes plugged.

than it doesthe cement, while silica-based

up to a maximum of around 6000mm.The

The most common finishes in precast

aggregate remain s.The surface texture

inner chamberbetween panels in vertical

panels are acid etching, polishing, sand blast-

achieved varies wit h the fine aggregate used,

open joints is closed wit h a synthetic rub-

ing andtooling.The lasttwo techniques are

being more granulat ed in the case of silica

ber strip which provides a primary seal.The

discussed in the next section on small pre-

and less coloured in the case of limestone.

interior face of both vert ical and horizontal

cast panels but can be applied equally here.

joints is closed with an air seal formed with

Polished finishes are formed by an abrasive



Details I. Concrete floor deck 2. Precast concrete panel

3.Wi ndow 4.Vertical joint (typically a baffle) between panels 5. Horizontal joint (typically a lap) between panels 6. Drywall/dry lining 7. Concrete floor deck 8. Steel dowel 9. Conrete coping 10.Thermal Insulation I I. Roof construction

Vertical section I:25.Parapet detail


Vertical sectionI:25 showingtypical details

3-D view of wall assembly

Corner details



ails 02 Concrete 2: sma ll precast pane ls


Panel installation

:I![l:- -

One Coleman Street. London, UK. Architect: David Walker Architects


Plan and elevation I :25. Glass reinforced concrete (GRC) panels with open joints

System design Small precast concrete panels have a

frame, and at every fioor level in buildings

concrete in place of a fully encased concrete

greater sense of visual variety possible with

with more than one storey. Panels at ground

panel. but this makes it more difficultto stack

a reduced unit size than large panels. While

fioor level are set on a beam edge to a con-

panels andto maintain the economy of the

storey height panels suit larger scale projects,

crete fioor slab or structural beam. Panels

system. Self-supporting stacked panels fabri-

smaller self-supporting and interlocking pan-

are stacked with continuous vert ical joints

cated in thicknesses of 75- 1OOmm can also

els can be stacked together in the manner of

and are restrained by columns. The need to

form the outer skin of a complete cavity wall

composite metal panels. Panels have an inner

restrain panels on their vertical joints results

construction of 200-300mmthickness.The

core of thermal insulation with a finished

in interlocking panels being long in order

inner wall can vary widely in its construction

concrete face on each visible side of the

to optimisethe distance between struc-

from concrete block to light gauge metal

panel. Alternatively; individually supported

tural columns, avoiding intermediary posts

stud wall with an outer wat erproof facing.

rainscreen panels usethe visual language of

that would be required to provide lateral

The cavity between concrete panelsand

stone or metal cassette facades to a back-

restraint. In terms of weight. the long panels

backing wall is 50-75mm,vent ilat ed at the

ing wall in a different material. Small precast

compensate by being low in height in order

top and bottom of the wall.

rainscreen panels are fixed to a backing wall

to ensure their weight can be lifted by a site

either directly with individual fixing brackets

crane,typically with a lifting capacity of 4

formed with narrower joints than those

or onto an aluminium or stainless steel car-

to 6 tonnes. Since the stacked. interlocking

possible in full heightpanels, together with

rier frame, with open joints that follow the

panels have concrete on all sides, both hori-

the possibility of a non-rectilineararrange-

rainscreen principle.

zontal joints and vertical joints usually have

ment of joints. Fixing brackets are similar

a limited thermal bridge which can leadto

to tho se used for stone cladding, but are

porting wallssupported at their base.These

pattern staining as a result of different rates

usually biggerto support the heavier panels.

panels are shaped so as to ensurethey

of thermal transmittance in the material. in

W hile stone panel sizes are typically around

Panels can also be made as selfsup-

Small precast rainscreen panels can be

interlock to provide a stable form of con-

addition to the increased risk of condensa-

1500mmx750mm or 1500mmxIOOOmm,

struction. Panels can be stacked to a single

tion occurring on the internal face.The

depending on stonetype.precast rainscreen

storey height of around 10metres, with

thermal bridge can be avoided by the use

panels can typically reach 1500mmx-

lateral restraint provided by the structural

of metal connections between two skins of

3000mm. Panels are support ed on stainless




















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Section I:25.Typical precast concrete wall construction. Left: Panels with drained joint. Right: Panels with sealed joint

Details I. Backing wall 2. Precast concrete panel 3.Closed cell thermal insulat ion 4.Vertical joint open or closed type 5. Horizontal joint open or closed type 6. Internal finish 7.W indow frame 8. Concrete floor deck 9. Precast concrete coping

10. Steel angle I I. Rubber-based baffle I2.W aterproof membrane

3-D view of wall assembly wit h angled precast concrete panels



Walls 02 Concrete 2: small precast panels


Panel casting detail

Details I. Backing wall 2. Precast concrete panel

3. Closedcellthermal insulation 4.Vert ical joint open or closed type 5. Horizontal joint open or closed type 6. Internal finish 7.W indow frame 8. Concrete floor deck 9. Precast concrete coping 10, Waterproof membrane

3-Dview of wall assembly with profiled, precast concrete tiles

steel brackets which are fixed either to pri-

the base of the panel provides an integral cill

beneath and forms a damp proof course

mary structure or to a carrier frame that is in

profile to the opening.The concrete facing

(OPC) which is positioned so that it extends

turn fixed to primary structure.Slotted holes

to all sides of the panel provides weather-

at least ISOmm above external ground level,

in the bracket provide adjustment vertically;

tight edges on the jambs and at the head

depending on climate conditions.The ope is

horizontallyand laterally. In common with

of the opening.Windows are set in a posi-

positioned so that the lowest row of panels

stone cladding, individually supported con-

tion which suits the position of the thermal

at ground level appears to sit on the ground

crete panels are supported on short lengths

insulation in the precast panel, typically in the

with its bottom edge either level, or slightly

of stainless steel angle at each fioor level in

middle,but windows are positioned to pro-

above the adjacent ground level or pave-

order to avoidthe possibility of progressive

vide continuity wit h the thermal insulation.

ment.This avoids the need for a ISO-200mm

collapse of cladding panels in the event of a

The closing of parapets is provided by

waterproofed plinth at the base of the wall.

single panel failing or slipping from its posi-

a metal fiashing that covers the top of the

tion. Fixings are designed so that they can

panel and the vertical face of the parapet

small cladding panels. Panels are sandblasted

support the full load of the panels immedi-

wall that may be set behind the panels

with iron filings rather than sand particles,

ately above it in the event of fixings to panels

to close off the roofThe coping is sloped

with the blasting slightly erodingthe face

above failing either partially or completely.

towardsthe roof to ensure that rainwater is

of the concrete, either backto the surface

drained onto it and not directed down the

or more deeplyto the coarse aggregate

facade. A precast copingcan also be used

beneath, resulting in a matt finish.Tooled

instead of metal, but an additional mem-

concrete is a method of texturing concrete

System details Interfaces for individually supported

Sandblasting andtooling are common on

panels are similar to those for stone cladding.

brane is set under both metal or concrete

with chisels or picks to makes grooves or

An advantage of small precast panels isthat

copings to ensure a fully watertight seal.

continuous textures.The textures usually

interfaces of stacked panels with openings,

The base of walls is detailed in a similar way

stop short of corners of wallsto give a crisp

parapets and cills are relatively straightfor-

to other forms of loadbearing masonryA


ward.Windows are fitted into openings

continuous damp proof membrane (OPM)

relatively easily, since the stepped profile at

extends up from the outside of the structure



StAlbans Pavillion, StAlbans, UK. Architect:MUFArchitects


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Plan I:I0 Corner GRC panel with open joint


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3-D view of wall assembly for GRC panels wit h open joints

Section I:IO.Junction at window jamb and at parapet


Section I:IO. Panel soffit and window junct ions of GRC panels wit h open joints



als 02 Masonry loadbearing wal ls

Bluecoat Art Gallery. Liverpool, UK Architect BIQ Architects

Plan I:I O.W indow jamb connection in loadbearing brick wall

Vertical section I:I O. W indow opening in loadbearing brick wall

System design Loadbearing masonry wallsare used

render to provide the weatherproof skin.An

avoid cracking in masonry walls. Movement

mainly in small scale construction, but in

alternative solution is to set thermal insula-

joints in walls where cement-based mortars

recent years there has been a revival in their

tion within the wall,creating a loadbearing

are used are set typically at 6.0-8.0 metres

use for larger scale buildings asan alternative

diaphragm wall where the brick or block

depending on the required strength and size

t o the language of cavity wall construction.

can be seen on both sides of the wall, and

of wall. In lime mortars the strength of mor-

W alls are most commonly made from brick

also allows the internal face of the wall t o

tars is varied by altering the proportion of

or concrete block. In continental Europe,

be used for night t ime cooling within the

cement and lime which are usedto bind the

ter racotta blocks are more common, but

building.Two skins of brick,typically 2 1Smm

mortar t ogether.Increasing the proportion

are usually rendered on their external face,

to 3 ISmm thick,are set apart, joined by fin

of cement will increase its strength, while

both to enhance their appearance and for its

walls set perpendicular to the main walls.

increasing that of lime increases it s flexibility.

t raditional role as a weathert ight outer layer.

Concrete block wallsare made from skins

with mortar mixes having different propor-

Concrete blocks are similarly protected by

200mm to 300mm thick.The position of

tions of strength and flexibility. In addition,

render. O nly brickwork is fully exposed. rely-

the insulation within the walls, or on t he

the comparatively low wat er permeability

ing on the depth of wall to avoid the ingress

int ernal faceof the wall, allows a straightfor-

of lime gives it greater resistance t o rain

of rainwater.

ward cont inuity with the thermal insulation

penetration than mortar mixes with a high

provided by windows within openings.An

proportion of cement. Lime has the effect of

In brick construction,it is assumed that a 31Smm thick wall ( I Y2 bricks) is the

essential benefit of using loadbearing mason-

making mortars increasingly light in colour

minimum depth sufficient to resist rainwater

ry walls is their ability to avoid movement

with its increased proportion in the mix.

penetration in temperate climates.This is

joints through the useof lime mortar.This

However,mortar colour can be modified by

dependent upon brick density and manu-

traditional mat erial has lower strength than

adding pigments to the mix.W here stone is

facturing dimensions.W ith brick,thermal

mortars used in contemporary cavity wall

used on the outer face of the loadbearing

insulation is set on the inside face to allow

construction but has greater flexibility. allow-

wall,typically facing a brick wall behind,the

the material to be visible on the outside. but

ing it to move more freely without cracking.

mort ar has crushed stone added in place of

with concrete block,the insulation can be

This reduces, or can even avoid the need for,

sand in order t o give mortar its texture and

set on the outside with an external layer of

movement joints which are introduced t o

some of the texture of the stone itself





Section I: I 0 Floor connection in brick loadbearing w all


Details I. Loadbearing brick wall 2.Timber framed window

3. Internal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall 4.Thermal insulation

5. Precast concrete lintel

6. Precast concrete cill 7. Concrete loadbearing blocks 8. Damp proof course (DPC) 9. Sto ne facing blocks

10. Floor slab I I. Floor construction

12. Hollow bricks I 3. Roof construction

14. Stone lintel/anch 15. Stone cill

16. Parapet 17. Loadbearing concrete block wall I 8. External finish

3-D view of loadbearing brick wall system



ails 02 Masonry loadbearing wa lls

Plan I:IO.W indow jambs in brick loadbearing wall with stone facing blocks

Section I: IO. Window jambs in brick loadbearingwall with stone facing blocks

3-D section through loadbearing wall with stone facing blocks

System details

face of the wall from the underside of the

often with a more rudimentary brick arch

projectingcill. Where stone is used to form

behind it, concealed by the window frame. In

masonry walls is the need for the structural

cills, the material must be sufficiently impervi-

parapets, the coping piece has a damp proof

requirements of walls to take precedence in

ous or alternatively have sufficient slopeto

course (DPC) set beneath it to avoid rainwa-

the ways openings are formed, particularly

ensure that water runs off quickly. Where

ter being absorbed into the wall beneath.The

where the wall supports both itself and

softer stones are used such as sandstones

DPC is continuous with the wat erproof layer

other elements such as floors and roof. For

and limestones, the material must be suf-

used for the roof immediately behind the

example, the useof flat arches to window

ficiently dense and durable to avoid staining

parapet. In common wit h copings in other

An essential aspect of loadbearing

openings that form the equivalent of lintels

occurring due to water absorption. Cillsare

facade systems,the top is sloped inwards to

to support the wall above result in the struc-

usually made as single pieces to avoid joints

drain water towards the roof rather than

tural requirements beingthe dominating

beingformed which are less imperviousthan

down the facade where it would cause stain-

criterion in bringing componentstogether.

the cill material. A DPC is set under the cillto

ing.The coping usually projects beyond the

There are visual benefits, such as openings in

ensure that rainwater penetrating the outer

face of the wall on the roof side in order to

loadbearing masonrywalls having the ability

cill drains away any water that soaks through

throw wat er clear of the wall.

to reveal the thickness of the wall to give

the cill, particularlyat the joints.The heads

it a massive appearance. Cillsto openings

of openings in loadbearing masonry walls

are formed from either the same material if

are supported by lintels or arches which are

stone is used for the wall or, more commonly,

structural,takingon an appearance informed

precast concrete. Sometimes the timber or

by that primary requirement. In brick con-

metal cill that forms part of the window is

struction, a flat or curved arch is typically

used to form the cill where visual criteria

used to support the brickwork above. In

permit its use. Cills are sloped with a project-

concrete block construction, a reinforced

ing edge that throws the rainwater clearof

concrete lintel is used, which spans the com-

the wall beneath.A throating is also used to

plete width of the wall,while in stone a thin

avoid water running back to the external

arch is used on the outer face of the wall,














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3-D view of concrete block wall assembly wit h window details


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Plans and sections I: IO. W indow opening in concrete block wall illustrat ing applicat ion of insulation to inter ior or exterior of wall system



30 Finsbury Square. London. Architect: Eric Parry Architects


@. ._

Section I:IO. W indow opening in hollow brick wall




ails 02 Masonry cavity walls: I . bri ck

Private residence, Dublin, Ireland Architect: Boyd Cody Architects

Woodward Place housing, New Islington, Manchester. Architect: FAT

Details I. Outerbrick wall (or 'leaf)

10. Inner precast concrete lintel

2. Inner blockwork wall (or 'leaf)

I I. Pressed steel lintel

3.Timber framed window

12. Outer precast concrete lintel or brick

4. Steel/Aluminium window 5.Timber cill

flat arch

6. Cavity closer 7.Internal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall 8.Thermal insulation

14. Roof Parapet 15. Stainless steel tie

9. Air cavity (sometimes omitted where insu-

lation fills cavity)

I 3. Floor Construction

16. Damp proofcourse (DPC) 17. Ground 18. Primary Structure

Isometric detail through window connection

System design Where loadbearingbrick walls usethe


and vent ilated void behind, wit h an inner

and is restrained at the head by the fioor

overall wall thickness to stop the passage

skin that is wat erproofed wit h a high level of

slab or roof structure above.Taller buildings

of rainwater frorn outside to inside, cavity

thermal insulation.The cavity is vented top

have the inner skin built directly onto fioor

walls use two skins of rnasonry separated

and bottom to ensurethe free passage of air

slabs in the same way, but the outer skin is

by a venti lat ed air gap, where only the outer

through the cavityThis allowsthe cavity to

supported at each fioor level on a series of

skin is saturated wit h water. The inner skin is

remain dryas well asassisting in dr ying out

continuous stainless steel angles, fixed backto

usually formed in concrete block or timber

the outer skin of brick,which can become

the fioor slab.A damp proof course (DPC)

studwork, wit h thermal insulation usually

fully saturated in a rainstorm.The cavity is

is set on top of the steel angle to drain the

set on the external face of the inner skin.

bridged only by openings for windows and

cavity.W eep holes (vertical slots) are formed

Earlierexamples of cavity walls were built

doors, but typically this is done wit h proprie-

in the vertical joints immediately above the steel angle in order to allow wat er in the

by tying inner and outer skins together wit h

tar y cavity closers, which are insulated strips

fioor slabs to form diaphragm walls, so that

that create a thermal break between inner

cavity to drain t o the outside. In addition to

both inner and outer skins performed a

and outer skins.

being restrained at fioor slabs, the outer skin

structural function. Their use was reduced

The outer brick skin is usually only one

is also t ied at intermediary points backto

wit h concern over the thermal bridge cre-

brick thick,typically of IOOrnrn widt h, wit h

the inner skin wit h stainless steel ties.These

ated by linkingthe two skins of brick,wit h its

both skins being supported at ground level,

are set typically at 450rnrn horizontal centres

attendant issues of heat transfer across the

at intermediary floor levels and at the roof,

and 900mm vertical centres.vertical move-

wall and condensation risk. Current practice

depending on the height of the building.

ment joints are provided at around 7500mm

uses the outer skin as claddingto a drained

The inner skin is built off each fioor slab

centres, or are avoided altogether in the



3-D view of assembly showing cavity brick wall fixed to concrete frame





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Section I:25.Wall assembly

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Window assembly:Type A ,.':


Plan and vertical section I:IO.Typical connection or restraint to primary structure



W alls 02 Masonr y cavity walls: I . br ick





Section I :IO.Junction at ground floor level

3-D view of double brick skinned cavity wall system

constr uction by keeping lengths of wall w it hin

int o a vertical OPC set into the jambs of the

t his limit.

opening w hich is in tu rn linked to a OPC set

At roof level there are many variat ions

under the cill to form a comp lete watertight

for eaves junctions , w it h th e t op of t he w all

System details

level as t he bottom of the cavity t ray.

seal to the o pening,wh ich in t urn is drained

maintaining a consistent principle of closing

to t he outside.A similar cavit y tra y pri nciple

t he cavit y at t he t op with a brick or block

inner and outer skins of cavit y w alls can be

is used to drain w ater at roof level and at

th at allow s t he load from t he roof structure

supported separat ely, wit h the outer skin

gro und level. In addit ion, a OPC is used at

to be support ed on the inner skin.A lt erna-

Unli ke loadbearing masonry wa lls,the

requ ired to suppor t only it self H owever,

ground level to avoid w at er being dr aw n up

t ively.t he roof str ucture may be supported

w hen an o pening is formed , t he cavity is

int o t he w all constructio n t o the inside face

on a column set int o the inner skin of t he

closed by a lint el to support t he inner and

of the w all w it hin th e building. OPCs are also

w all or on blockwo rk piers, also form ing part

out er skins at the top of the ope ning, and is

used beneath parapets and copings as w ell as

of the inner skin.The closing of the cavity w all

closed by a cill at the bottom of t he o pen-

at the junction of w all and pitched ro of

at t he t op allows fo r contin uity of th erma l

ing.T he jambs (sides) are closed by either

T he position of the OPC at grou nd

insulat ion fro m cavity w all to ro of structure

returning one of the two skins so t hat the y

floo r level is dependent upon th e differ-

w hile allow ing th e roo f construction t o be

meet, o r by setting an insulated cavit y closer,

ence in height between gro und floor level in

venti lat ed if required, and the top of t he

usually made as an aluminium ext rusion

the building and the adjacent exte rnal level.

cavity in t he w all to be vent ilat ed.A OPC is

filled wit h the rmal insulat ion. Because t he

The OPC in th e oute r skin is set at aro und

set o n t he under side of the brick or block

dow nw ard passage of w at er inside the cav-

ISOmm above ext ernal ground level.The

th at closes the cavity to ensure continuity of

it y is interrupte d by the lintel at t he head

OPC for t he internal skin is set at t he same

wat erproofing betwee n w all and roof Para-

of th e opening, a cavity tray formed fro m

level if th e step up from outside t o inside is

pets are closed at th e t op by a coping, eit her

bitu minou s felt is set above th e lintel to drain

aro und ISOmm. If th e difference bet ween

in masonry o r metal.A OPC is set beneat h

w ate r out of the cavity.Water is drained at

outside and inside levels is around 300mm

the coping to stop t he passage of w at er

th e bottom of th e tra y through w eep ho les

then the OPC is stepped up fro m outer skin

dow nwards from the t op of t he cavity.

in t he verti cal jo ints imme diately above th e

t o inner skin in th e same place but a separat e

OPC.The ends of t he OPC are t ucked dow n

OPC is added to th e inner skin at the same




L//~ ·







Plan I:IO. Corner conditions

!0 @


W indow assembly:Type B


Window assembly:Type C



G) SectionI:IO.Junction at ground fioor level

i 3-D view through typical timber window connections in brick cavity


I Window assembly:Type D



ails 02: Masonry cavity walls: 2. stone and block

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Thermae Spa. Bath, UK.Architect: Grimshaw Architects

3-D view of junction at ground floor level of cavity wall.

Section I:IO. Typical window at cill and head in stone cavity walll

System design

ordinat ion of stone / block size and floor

are used, the junction between inner skin,

t o floor heights to allow for windows to be

typically concrete block or terracott a block,

set out in the previous t ext on brick cavity

suitably placed. For this reason, alternating

is straightforward with a gap between the

walls.The same principles can be applied for

bands of thick and thin stone are used in

tw o t o allow for structural movement in the

usewhen stone and concrete blockwork are

coursing.This allows horizont al joint linesto

frame. Stainless steel sliding anchors are used

used t o form an outer skin.

be provided at shelf angles, cavity trays and

either in the sides of the inner skin panel

The principles of cavity wall design are

DPCs at ground level without disturbing

where it meets the column, or at the head

skin approximately IOOmm thick.or as pan-

the stone pattern with additional horizontal

where it meets the floor slab.The outer skin

els around 40mm thick bonded to an outer

joints. Unlike open jointed stone cladding,

runs continuously in front of it.The situa-

brickwor k skin.Wh en used as a IOOmm

where the mortar is omitted,the mortar

tion is more complicat ed with a steel frame,

thick skin in order to be self-supporti ng, the

and joint profile have a big visual impact.

where the column needs to be protected

Stone can be used either as an outer

stone becomes expensive, so sandstones

Loadbearing cavity walls used to support

from corrosion from water vapour in the

and limestones are most commonly used.

tw o storey structures on their inner skins

cavity.Typically the column is painted to form

This method suits granites and denser

are very common in housing construction in

a protective coating and thermal insulation

limestones.An essential difference between

Europe and North America. Vertical move-

is set across the face of the steelwork to

the detailing of brick cavity walls and stone

ment joints are provided at around 7500mm

provide a continuity of thermal insulation.

/ block cavity walls is that there are fewer

centres, or else are avoided altogether in

Sometimes the outer skin is restrained with

joints in the material due t o their large size.

the construction by keeping lengths of wall

cavity t ies fixed to the face of the reinforced

Consequently t here are fewer opport unit ies

within these dimensions. Wh en cavity walls

concrete or steel column.This is particularly

to design a damp proof course (DPC) with

are used with large scale building frames in

useful when forming a movement joint in

floor slabs, for example, particularly where

either steel or concrete,the inner leaf is no

lengths of brickwork,or movement joints

shelf angles are used.The smaller unit size of

longer loadbearing and instead the complete

that form part of the building structure

brick makes it a very flexible material when

wall construction forms a cladding to the

which typically occur at columns in the build-

detailing; stone / block requires careful co-

frame.Whe n reinforced concrete frames

ing frame.The vertical movement joint is



3-D views of wall assemblies


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~'--L-..L--.L.-eJ ~~ Plan I: I O.Typical wall system showingwall tie






Section I: I O. Roof connection to sto ne


faced cavity wall system



Detai ls


I . Damp proof course (DPC)


2. Outer block wall (or 'leaf )


3. Inner block wall (or 'leaf)

I !

4.Timber framed window 5. Precast concrete cill


6. Stone cill 7.Timber inner cill B. Cavity closer 9. Internal plaster finish or dry lining/ drywall 10.Thermal insulation in cavity


I I.Air cavity (sometimes omitted where insulation fills cavity) 12. Inner precast concrete lintel I 3.Outer precast concrete/stone lintel 14. Stainless steel tie 15. Roof Construction 16. Floor Construction 17.Timber framed inner skin IB. Steel frmaed inner skin 19. Ground 3-D view of. timber window frame in stone cavity wall

Section I: I O. Typical window at cill and head



W alls 02 Masonry cavity walls: 2. stone and block


NoLi Housing.Philadelphia.Architect: Erdy McHenry Architecture

Vert ical section I:IO. Typical window at cill and head in block cavity wall system

filled with two part polysulphide sealant that

stainless steel fixings and restraints are usu-

through the top and bolting it to the inner

also matches the colour of the mortar as

ally post-fixed to the concrete. In recent

skin beneath.The coping is cut to receive the

closely as possible and provides a seal that

years, outer masonry skins have been made

balustrade or handrail, unless the uprights

can accommodate the structural movement

as prefabricated panels on some projects

supportingthe handrail pass between the

within the cavity wall.

when fixed backto a reinforced concrete

joints.The adjacent area of flat roof or gutter

wall. Panels of stone, terracotta or even

usually has a waterproofing layer returning

brick are bonded together with mortar and

up the wall. regardless of the roof finish. The

This section discusses variat ions and

then held in a steel edge frame, which is

wat erproofing layer is set into horizontal

System details details additional to those set out in the pre-

fixed to the inner skin.The concrete inner

joints in outer masonry skin.A metal flash-

vious section on brick cavity walls and focus-

skin is wat erproofed with bituminous paint

ing is set into the same horizontal joint and

es on different materials for the inner skin.

andthermal insulation is set on the outside

is set over the top of the wat erproofing

face ofthe inner skin.The steel angle on the

to protect it from damage. Metal copings

the window is usually an integral part of that

bottom edge forms a closerto the window

are used increasingly on parapets in order

inner skin so that a complete enclosure is

below,while the steel on the top edge forms

to matchthe appearance of windows and

formed in timber with masonry used as an

a cill to the window above.The vert ical steel

doors, particularly where metal cills are

outer skin providing some lateral stability. The

angles are usually concealed wit hin the cavity

used.The same principles apply as for con-

outer masonry skin can be returned to form

to give a continuous masonry appearance.

crete copings, with a DPC set on top of the

a reveal up to around 125mm depending

The masonry is sometimes restrained within

masonry wall.Drips are formed on either

When a timber framed inner skin is used,

on the thickness of insulation in the cavity.

the panel by vertical stainless steel rods

side of the vertical face to ensure that wat er

Alternatively the timber window can be set

which are tensioned against the frame to

isthrown clearof the wall.For all parapets,

forward close to the line of the outer face

form lightly prestressed panels.Yertical joints

the wat erproofing layer is continued up the

with a timber cill projectingforward of the

between panels are sealed,typically with a

wall to become continuous with the DPC

wall.This gives the outer wall an appearance

polysulphide sealant.

in low parapets. For high parapetwalls, a

of a brick texture, giving a planarappearance to the material. With reinforced concrete inner skins,



For parapets the inner skin is thickened

stepped DPC is used to drain water back

up when used as a balustrade. A handrail

to the inner skin to ensure that wat er inside

on top of the copingis fixed by drilling

this part of the cavity wall is drawn away.


Details I. Damp proof course (DPC) 2. Outer block wall (or 'leaf ) 3.Inner block wall (or 'leaf) 4.Timber framed window 5. Precast concrete cill 6. Stone cill 7.Timber inner cill 8. Cavity closer 9. Internal plaster finish or dry lining! drywall 10.Thermal insulation in cavity I I.Air cavit y (sometimes omitted where insulation fills cavity) 12. Inner precast concrete lintel 13.Outer precast concrete/stone lintel 14. Stainless steel tie 15. Roof construction I 6. Floor construction 17.Timber framed inner skin


18. Steel frmaed inner skin 19. Ground

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Vertical ection I:25showing typical details

3·0 section through block cavity wall system


/ 75

- -Archaeology museum Almeria,Spain. Architect: Paredes/Pedrosa

3-D detail of stone panels on carrier system Details I.Stone panel 2. Backing wall,typically concrete block 3. Stainless steel fixings 4.Timber framed window

7. Internal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall 8.Thermal insulation

5. Stone cill

9.Stone coping 10. Floor construction I I. Roof construction

6.Timber inner cill

12. Extruded aluminium/steel sections

System design thickness for various panel sizes. but this is

fixings are sometimes used depending on the

back either directly to a backing wall or to a

only a general guide and calculation is usually

weight and strength of the panel.

Stone cladding panels are typically fixed

St one cladding can be used as a 'wrap'

metal carrier frame wit h a separat e backing

undertaken for specific facade applications.

wall behind.The useof stone for cladding

Since the material may not already be cut

to a structural frame as well as its more tra-

requires an emphasis in the design stage on

from the quarry at the time of its selection,

ditional use for cladding walls with punched

choosing not only the specific material, but

stone facades can involve longer procure-

openings.The mixture of large stone panels

also setting the range of colours and tex-

ment times than ot her facade systems.

with long narrow panels associat ed wit h

tures of the material.This requires an inves-

particularly on larger projects.The stones

reinforced concrete structural frames gives

tigation int o establishing the physical prop-

used are typically granites. sandstones. lime-

a visual drama not usually associated with

erties of the actual stone to be used if this

stones and slat es, and are once again being

stone cladding until recently. The arrangement

is not already known,to a structural-based

considered as a material that might be locally

of stone panels can imitate traditional pat-

design to establish or confirm maximum

sourced; a material laying in abundance

terns of jointing such as stretcher bond, but

panel dimensions and suitable fixing methods

beneath the region in which the building is

can also benefit from the mechanical fixing

for the proposed sizes of panel.The physi-

to be constructed.

of each stone panel by forming an arrange-

cal properties of the stone may be available from the quarry at an early stage,but some-

Stainless steel is used for stone fixings because of its resistance to corrosion com-

ment that is independent of the backing wall behind. mixing both stone sizes and differ-

times testing is done during the early pro-

bined wit h high strength and rigidity. Fix-

ent shapes in a single wall composition. The

curement stage to ensure that he material

ings have a three-way adjustment vertically,

development of water jet cuttingtechniques

meets the requirements of the building code.

horizontally and laterally in order to align

in addit ion to development of established

The thickness of stone required for a facade

the stone panels accurately. The type of fix-

stone cutting tools has led to a greater vari-

is usually established by structural calculation.

ing used varies with the thickness and stone

ety in the size and shape that remains within

Flexural strength. also called the modulus of

type used. Fixings are usually set at the top

the limits of economic construction.The

rupture, is usually the most significant struc-

and bottom of the panel,with the bottom

introduction oftriangul ar panels in rainscreen

tural consideration in establishing panel size.

fixings being loadbearing and the fixings at

configuration has encouragedthe use of

Codes of practice often set out minimum

the top of the panel being restraints. Side

stone cladding on folded facade surfacesto




CD Plan I:IO,Typical stone carrier system made from extruded aluminium section



3-D view of stone panels on individual fixings

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3-D detail of stainess steel fixing pins


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Elevation ( I:50) & vertical section ( I:I0) Typical stone carr ier system made from individual stone fixings showing typical fixing posit ions



W alls 02: Masonry cladding r




j ~






Section I:IO. Stone supported on individual fixings



complementthe geometries used in glazed walls. Finishes for stone have also developed in recent years, with rubbed, honed, polished and flamed finishes for different stonetypes.

System details Joints between stone cladding panels are either of open rainscreen type or are closed with mortar or sealant. Closed joints sealed with mortar or sealant are used where the cladding is supported at each floor level on stainless steel angles with jointed stones. With open jointed stones, each panel is individually supported in a rainscreen construction, where rainwater passing through the joints is drained away down either the back of the stones or down the face of the backing wall, 3-D view of stone panels supported on individual fixings



which is typically insulated.The choice of joint type is partly a visual decision and partly one

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Section I: IO.Typical stone panels on carrier system

3-D detail of stone panels on carrier system

that ensures adequat e vent ilat ion to the cav-

which can vary along its length by up to

ment joint width is usually around 20mm,

ity between the stone andthe backing wall,

2mm,depending on stone panel size and the

formed as an open joint.Vertical movement

allowing stones to dry properly Closedjoints

cutting machine used.Joint widths of 4mm

joints in the facade, located to correspond

allow the stone cladding to perform in a simi-

are common, but this can riseto around

to movement joints in the building structure,

lar wayto a cavity wall,with venti lation pro-

12mm when required for visual reasons.

are set immediately forward of these move-

vided at the top and bottom to dry the void

Movement joints are set both horizon-

ment joints where they reach the facade.The

behind the stones.Joints in sandstones and

tally and vertically to accommodate move-

distance between joints is typically at around

limestones are usually filled with cement/sand

ments in the building structure. Horizontal

6 metres in a continuous run of stone clad-

mortar or cement/sand/lime mortar. Granites

movement joints are used to deal mainly

ding wit h closedjoints.The joint width cor-

and slat estypically are proprietary sealants

with structural defiections in fioor slabs, and

responds to the expected movement in the

such as two-part polysulphide. Mortar used

are usually provided at fioor level, where

cladding, but where sealed joints are used,

for pointing is made frost resistant when

the stone cladding is support ed from either

the joint width is dependent on the amount

used in temperate climates, and of similar

short lengths of stainless steel angle, or a

of movement that the sealant is required to

strength to the joining mortar;with the struc-

continuous steel angle.The movement joint


tural mortar behind.The maximumwidth

is set immediately below the stainless steel

of mortar filled joints is around 12mm, but

angle, where vertical defiection will occur.

sealant filled joints can exceed this, subject to

Hor izontal movement joints can be set at

visual requirements.Joint widths are partly a

intervals of tw o storeys if a carrier frame is

function of the cutting toler ance of the stone,

used that will span the full height.The moveMCH


ails 02 Masonry rainscreens @ @



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Beaufort Court , London,UK. Architect Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects

System design Terracotta rainscreens are a recent


Ll -a



I 1111I1I 11111

I Vertical section I:I O. Terracott a rainscreen fixed to loadbearingconcrete wall



extruded as twin wall sections to provide

development over the past 15 years. and

long spanning panels.The range of glazed

can be seen as a development of brick cav-

finishes has developed considerably in recent

ity walls to a fully ventilat ed version in full

yearsto give a very wide range of t extures

rainscreen configuratio n. Over that time the

and colour mixes derived from contempo-

sizes of terracotta panels have increased

rary potte ry. Terracotta is made from natural

and fixing systems have developed,and have

clay that is first extruded.then cut to the

also been adapted for use as solar shading

required length of panel.then fired in a kiln.

louvres to glazed walls, particularly where

The use of extrusion dies allows the manu-

terracotta is also used as an adjacent wall

facture of t erracott a panels t o be flexible

cladding material.Terracotta louvrestypi-

from project to project.As with aluminium

cally comprise hollow sections reinforced

framed curtain walling,the die creates differ-

internally with aluminium sections to form

ent heights and depths of block while main-

louvered screensthat can match with adja-

taininga hollow interior t o keep the material

cent areas of terracotta cladding.Terracott a

relatively light and easy to handle, allowing

rainscreen panels are fixed either on rails,

long panel lengths to be formed.

into aluminium or stainless steel panels. or onto individual brackets like masonry clad-

System details

ding with concealed fixings.Vertically-set or

Terracotta panels have two extruded

horizontally-set rails are used to suit a range

edges and two cut edges, resulting in panels

of joint arrangements t hat imitate traditional

being arranged on a facade so as to avoid

masonry bonds. or alternatively can be fixed

a cut edge being visible at a corner. This

in a stack bonded arrangementRecently

arises because the surface finish and colour

developed systems have interlocking panels

of the end face will not match that of the

to provide visually crispjoints, and panels

front face.The ends of panels are usually

Det ails I. Backing wall,typically concrete 2.Thermal insulation 3.Terracott a rainscreen 4. Extruded aluminium carrier frame 5. Support clip, typically aluminium 6.Aluminium window surround 7. Metal framed window 8. Internal plasterfinish or dry lining/ drywall 9.Vapour membrane

Construction sequence of terracotta rainscreen cladding system

I0. Roof construction I I. Metal coping 12. Coping support 13. Stone paving

concealed with aluminium tri ms, sometimes at the corners but typically around window openings. Alternatively, special corner shapes can be formed by hand to match the standard extruded tiles, made by a pressing method,usual ly with a maximum length of 150mm on one leg and 300mm on the other. Large corner pieces are made by hand


by joiningtwo sections together, but these currently produce less reliable results that can lacka straight and crisp edge. In addition, manufacturers often provide extruded cill sections for parapet s and window sections to suit wall constructions of 300mm to 500mm wide. Fired ter racotta is either left in its natural colour or is glazed. A glazed finish can give the material a refiective finish which provides better protection from surface staining. However, water absorption of regular terracotta panels is between 3%and 6%, with a densit y of around 2000kg/m3, making the use of glazes not essential for excluding rainwater but important more for visual reasons. Panels are fixed to support rails which are



W alls 02 Masonry rainscree ns Details I . Backing wall. typically concrete 2.Thermal insulat ion 3.Terracotta shingle 4. Ext ruded aluminium carrier frame 5. Support rail. typically aluminium 6. Rigid insulat ion 7. Glazing suppo rt 8. Met al wind ow casing 9. Metal framed w indow 10. Inte rnal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall I I .Vapour membrane








I 3-D view of t erraco tta shingles hung on horizo ntal ra ils with proje cti ng w ind ow



set either verticallyor horizontally, made

around ISOOmm long x 600mm wide x

come with the development of this facade

from aluminium for their abilityto be formed

40mm thick,requiring a more substantial alu-

system.Thinner terracotta panels of 30mm

precisely as extrusions for ease of fixing.

minium support section behind the panels.

thickness are used, in sizes with a maximum

Vertical rails are well suited to 'stack bonded'

The aluminium extrusions, set at the ends

length of around 800mm and corresponding

terracotta, where joints form a rectilinear

of each panel, sometimes project forward of

maximum height of 300mm.These thin-

grid of continuous vertical and horizontal

the terracotta as structural fins to provide

ner panels have maximum corner panels

joints. Horizontal rails are suited to staggered

the rigidity to the support framing without

of ISOmm on one leg and 300mm on the

bonds of panels that imitate the stretcher

requiringgreaterdepth in the cavity zone

other leg.The minimum sizes that can be

bond used in traditional wall construction

behindthe terracotta.Where used, the pro-

accommodated with the vert ical rail system

where vertical joints are not continuous. At

jecting fins give the facade a characteristic

are terracotta panels around 200mm long

least twice as many vertical rails are needed

appearance of vert ical bays of panels, where

x 200mm high, with a thickness of 30mm

as those for a stack bond arrangement. Since

only vertical backing supports are used,

to 40mm.Windows and doors are set into

horizontal joints are continuous, horizontal

divided by the visible edge of the aluminium

terracotta rainscreen cladding by fixing them

rails are used to fix courses of terracotta.

support. Corner pieces can be made in sizes

to, and sealing them against,the backing wall.

Jointwidths vary from 2mm to around

of 2S0mm x 300mm high, which often do

Aluminiumtrims used at corners and edges

IOmm, depending on the size of panel and

not correspond with the maximum length

of the panels can also be used to close the

type of fixing system chosen.

that can be manufactured for the planks,

gap between terracotta and window, with

but this constraintwill no doubt be over-

the trim on the bottom edge of window

The largest panels are planks up to



~l I> V




W1 CD ~






~ 0




W alsallArt Gallery, UK Architect:Caruso St John Architects




WJ ~

openings useid to provide a cill. W indows and doors are positioned to form a continu-



ity of weather proofing, and are typically set back from the face of the terracotta panels, with the t rim providing a crisp edge from a





visual point of view.Typically. trims are made


from either folded aluminium or rolled steel channels.The flat, planar nature of terracotta has led to the increased omission of reveals




around window openings by pushing the window frame forward to align wit h the face of the terracotta panels, with insulated panels closing the gap between the window



and the backing wall.Where terracotta is introduced as the material to form a reveal, corners are mitred with open joint s if special corner panels are not used.



Vertical section I:20.Terracott a shingles fixed to concrete load bearing wall



Det ails I .Translucent Polycarbon ate cladding panel. insulated 2.Thermally broken extruded aluminium framing

3.W indo w inserted int o framing 4. Insulated comer panel 5. Ad jacent wall

3-D detail of composite cladding panel corner assebly

3-D view of window assembly within composite panel

System design The use of plastics is based on both

However;like aluminium it deflects consider-

way t o glass) with a secondary support ing

proprietary systems and tho se developed by

ably under high loads and requires stiffening,

structure behind, or alternatively by set -

manufacturers for specific projects. Plastics

but is more rigidthan other plastics. GRP is

ting thermally broken aluminium extrusions

are resinous, polymer-based materials, used

not combustible and can reach one hour fire

within the depth of the panels.That allows

in facade systems asthe primary material in

resistance in some cladding applications. GRP

them to be fixed together in the manner of

both sealed cladding panels and rainscreen

panels are formed by laying glass fibre cloth

composit e metal panels. Panels are also stiff-

panels.As sealed cladding panels their use

into a mould and coating it with resin and

ened internally wit h aluminium I-sections or

has been enhanced by the successful use of

catalyst, or alternatively spraying a mixture of

T-sections where large scale panels are used.

proprietary systems which combine lightness

glass fibre and resin into a mould.The face of

The arrangement of the framing can provide

in weight with high levels of thermal insula-

the mould is coated with a releasing agent

differing amounts of translucency across a

tion with panels of visuallyelegant appear-

to allow the GRP to be removed when it

panel, where some of the framing is either

ance. Concerns about the long term weath-

has set hard.

partl y visible, or completely concealed.

ering aspects of plastics,with their t endency

GRP panels are characterised by their

In addition to proprietary panels, GRP

to det eriorate noticeably with time, have

lightness in weight combined with being

and polycarbonate (discussed in the next

been largely addressed by manufacturers.

manufactured by moulding,allowing t hem to

section) can be used to form larger scale

The materials used are principally glass rein-

be made in large panel sizes, up to 6000mm

panels which are made by fabricato rs for

forced polyester (GRP), polycarbonat e and

x ISOOmm. Panel thicknesses are usually

individual projects.Thesetypically comprise

UPVC.This section discusses the use of GRP

70-7Smm t o provide structural stability and

two sheets of either profiled GRP or poly-

in sealed cladding panels which is the most

high levels of t hermal insulation. In common

carbonate fixed eit her side of met al framing

common material used. GRP is a composite

wit h metal composite panels, GRP panels

spanning floor to floor;or full height with

material made from thermosetting polyester

have undergone much development in

some additio nal restraint, to suit individual

resins, which set hard and do not melt when

the use of adhesives t o avoid delamination

projects.The main issue from the visual point

re-heated,that are mixed with glass fibre

between the outer skins and the insulation

of view is the choice of thermal insulation,

mat.This composite mat erial has high tensile,

core. GRP cladding panels can be made

which can provide either translucency or

shear and compressive strength combined

either as separate panels glazed into an alu-

opacity.W here translucent sheet is used, the

with lightness and resistance to corrosion.

minium pressure plate system (in a similar

insulat ion itself can form the primary visual



Exploded view of polycarbonate composite panel construction

--; ....._-+-- --+-


-....---+-- ---+-


Dance studio,Tooting & Mitcham Football Club,UK,Architect:Clash Associates

Horizontal section I:IO. W all assembly showing typical details



Walls 02 Plastic I: plastic-based cladding


.- - - ,;;...- _ .......

3-D detail showing connection between composite panel and cavity wall Composite panel junction detail

Details I.Translucent polycarbonate cladding panel, insulated 2.Thenrnally broken extruded aluminium framing 3.Window inserted intoframing 4. Insulated corner panel 5.Adjacent wall expression of the facade panel rather than

around a window, Integrating the window

or;alternatively, framing for stickglazing

the plastics, Natural materials such as straw

frame into the extrusion that supports the

curtain walling. Some manufacturers provide

bales and wool have been used to this effect,

GRP panels avoids the risk of leaks associ-

extruded I-sections, similar to those used in

ated with single silicone-sealed butt joints

GRP cladding, to clip the twin wall sheets

when a separate window frame and panel

to provide a completely lightweight system.

frame are fixed together.The integrated

This is a very economic form of cladding

minium framing is set within the panel form-

window frame allows water to be drained

which can be screen printed to create visu-

System details When formed as translucentpanels, alu-

ing a visible grid resembling that of tradition-

from the frame, GRP panels can be glazed

allydramatictranslucent facades.As with

alJapanese Shoji screens.These internal ribs

into large structural openings, from floor to

profiled polycarbonate sheet, other standard

are typically set out on a grid of between

ceiling for example, or can form a complete

components are not usually manufactured,

around 300mmx300mm to 300mmx600mm

glazed wall, restrained by a secondary steel

and folded aluminium sections are used for

centres.The void between the two skins

frame.When glazed into an opening, the

drips and parapet copings instead of polycar-

of the panel can be filled with translucent

edge T-section aluminium profiles are sealed

bonate sections, which are expensive to pro-

insulation quilt to increase thermal insulation,

against the adjacent concrete floor slab with

duce as new profiles. Although plastic-based

while still allowing a diffused light to pass

silicone,at both top and bottom.When

panels are usually made as panels fabricated

through the panel. Lighttransmission with-

fixed to a secondary support frame, panels

in a factory and fixed together on site in an

out additional thermal insulation istypically around 15%, with a U-value of I.5W/m 2 OK,

are supported at each floor level on metal

extruded aluminium glazing system, they can

brackets in either aluminium, mild steel (if

also be formed on site by fixing plastic-based

similarto an argon filled double glazed unit,

internal) or stainless steel (if exposed to the

sheeton either side of metal framing sup-

and a shading factor of 20%, which provides

weather).Cills and copings are formed with

ports.The cladding may be formed into pan-

a high level of shading for a glass-based wall.

the methods described in the section on

els or asa continuous wall structure.The use

Windows can be glazed into the panels, giv-

metal composite panels.

ingthe possibility of a rich mix of windows,

Where twin wall polycarbonate is used

of translucent insulation as an infill material that is not fully bonded to the supporting

in conjunction with other plastic-based

plastic skins provides considerable possibili-

need for complex framing.Window frames

panels, the material is fixed with either con-

ties for innovation.

can form part of the T-section extrusion

ventional aluminium framing for windows

doors andtranslucent panels without the




",aM og panels \n a typ\cal facade

poI Y " - '" , co

n5trucot\, "p o , « o n

Walls 02 Plastic 2: plastic rainscreens


:0 I

3-D section detail of polycarbonate rainscreen

@ Det ails I. IOmm plywood sheathing 2. Breather membrane

3.Vertical timber battens ~


4. Reflective foil breather membrane


5. Profiled polycarbonate cladding (orientated vertically) 6.Composite timber joist 7.Thermal insulat ion

8. Internal dry lining 9.Timber framed window 10. Horizontal t imber battens I I. Screw fixing with plastic spacer 12.Aluminium window surround Vertical section I : 10. Polycarb onat e rainscreen cladding



I 3. Roof construction

3-Dcutaway details of polycarbonate rainscreen

System design is used in cladding for its translucency and

though the visual effects of dust settling

variety of types reflecting the overall range

transparency, achieving up t o around 90%

on the rear face of the rainscreen, and any

made in other materials: flat panels, cassette

light transmission.The material is extruded

periodic cleaning they may require, varies

panels, profiled sheet and shingled tiles. Plas-

or moulded (from polymer-formed gran-

between facade applications.

tic panels are used as either outer screens

ules) to form sheet materials that are flat

Plastic-based rainscreens are use in a

System details

to glazed walls, typically as solar shading,or

or profiled. Polycarbonate has a tendency

as rainscreen panels to an opaque wall.The

to yellow with age, which can be overcome

materials used are either polycarbonate or

with an acrylic coating. It is also used for its

around 2000mm x 3000mm and 2000mm

glass reinforced polyester (GRP).The use

high strength and impact resistance,ductility

x 6000mm, in thicknesses from around

Single layer polycarbonate sheet sizes are

of GRP is discussed in the previous section.

and lightness in weight However;because

3mm to 8mm. Profiled sheets are produced

Acrylic and UPVC,while softer than both

the material is combustible, its use in facades

in lengths up to around 10 metres, around

these materials, are used for window frames

is limited. It is also less durable than glass,

1200mm wide,with thicknesses around

and special moulded elements. In addition,

scrat ching easily which makesthe surface

Imm.Whe n opaque colours are used, rather

composit es are used for cladding panels,

dull with t ime,and has highthermal expan-

than the translucent or clear types, hook-on

made from thermosetting polymer resins

sion, up to 20% more than glass. Opaque flat

fixings can be secured to the rear face of the

mixed with cellulose fibres to provide sheet

sheet is fixed as rainscreen cladding panels,

panel, secured t o vertically- or horizontally-

materials with high durability which fade

made in a wide range of colours, Sheets are

set rails without the fixings being visible. Pro-

little in sunlight.In common with rainscreens

fixed either at their corners with an alumini-

filed sheets are fixed with selftapping screws

in other materials, panels or sheets are

um clamp on both sides, or with visible point

sealed with a weathertight washer and

fixed wit h either visible point fixings, verti-

fixings. Generally, plastic panels can be used

lapped on all sides, in the manner of profiled

cal/horizontal rails with partially concealed

with the full range of rainscreen configura-

metal sheet.This technique creates a shadow

framing members, or partially interlocking

tions of other materials, including the lapped

where they lap, which can be masked by

panels where there is no view through the

construction of timber boards and shingles.

the support structure behind, or may even

joints. Polycarbonat e is a thermop lastic,that

Like sealed plastic panels, plastic rainscreen

contribute to the overall visual effect. Cill,

is to say it melts at high temperatures,which

panels have the benefit of translucency.

drip and coping profiles are made from



Walls 02 Plastic 2: plastic rainscreens





Details I.Opaque polycarbonate cladding panel 2.Thermal insulation 3.Concrete loadbearing wall 4. Internal plaster finish or dry lining 5.Waterproof membrane 6. Extruded aluminium carrier frame 7.Thermal break


I Reiss store, London, UK.Architect: Squire & Partners

anyof the typical materials used: extruded

ods as flat sheet with thicker sheets being

x 1800mm in thicknesses from around Smm

aluminium, extruded UPVC or GRP. Profiled

supported up to around 1800mm centres.

to 12mm. Corner panels and parapets are

sheetcan be curved to a minimum radius of

Panels can be curved by setting them into a

also manufactured in the same material. Plas-

around 4000mm for a sheet of 50mm thick-

pre-formed aluminium edge frame, when the

tic-composite flat panels can be fixed with

ness, making it possible to create complex

material can be curved to a minimum radius

visible fixings or concealed point fixings.

geometrieswith an economic translucent

of 1500mm for twin wall sheets and around

material. Profiled polycarbonate sheet is

4000mm for the thickest sheets.

also made in a translucent white colour to

Plastic-composite flat panels typically

Polycarbonate is generally a rnore expensive material than GRP, making GRP rnore suitable for lower cost applications.

provide a light transmission of around 45%

have a mixture of around 70% softwood

However, GRP has one advantage over all

and in grey colours with light transmission of

fibre and 30% resin, manufactured at high

the other plastic-based materials, which is its

around 35%. Multi-wall polycarbonate sheet

temperature and pressure to provide

abilityto be moulded easily and economi-

can also be used for rainscreens, where its

coloured panels of smooth and almost

cally for small scale applications.When used

main advantage is the abilityto provide large,

impervious surface. Although the finish

as rainscreen panels the material needs a

flat panels as well as its inherently high level

colour is formed by using pigmented res-

top gel coat to avoid its fibres being seen.

of thermal insulation.Thicknesses range from

ins as a top coat in the mould,the colour

The abilityto see the fibres through the

4mm to 32mm in sheet sizes from IOOOmm

extends allthe way through the material,

material make it very unsuitable for transpar-

x 6000mm to 2000mm x 7000mm.The

allowing cut edges to be visible. Plastic-

ent or translucent panels, but for moulded

material can be screen printed or coated to

composite panels have high UV resistance,

rainscreen panels it is possible to introduce

provide a wide variety of colours on a large

high colour stability, high fire resistance and

some 3-D modelling into the facade panels.

format sheet. As with flat sheet, the material

can be cut and drilled eaSily, allowing them

GRP can be bonded to honeycornb panels

can be coated to give UV protection on one

to be used as overlapping shingles.Their high

formed in the same material to produce

side or both sides to avoid yellowing.The

impact resistance makes them well suited to

large panels with high fire resistance.

sheet material is used in increasing numbers

conditions susceptible to damage.The mate-

of walls, from twin wall to five or six walls

rial is made in sheetsizes from 3600mm x

thick.Panels are fixed using the same meth-

1800mm, 3000mm x 1500mm and 2S00mm



3-D view of opaque polycarbo nat e panels fixed to concrete loadbearing wall

3-D fixing detail of opaque polycarbonate panel



W alls 02 Timb er I: timber frame


Sheathing Harmood Children's Centre,London, UK, Architect: Greenhill Jenner Architects

Boarding arrangements A. Feather edge boarding B.Tongue-and-groove boanding

C.Tongue-and-gnoove boanding with inserts D. Shiplap boanding


Assembly sequence




System design There are two enduring generic forms

exposure and location, but mostly these pan-

escape t o allow the timber wall t o release

of loadbearing timber frame that use small

els are clad with an additional material on

and absorb moisture with changes in the

section timbers to form framed loadbearing

the outside to provide weather resistance.

weather. O uter t imber cladding boards are

walls: the platform frame and the balloon

Another system, where plywood is bonded

then fixed on the outside of the breather

frame. Both the platform frame and the bal-

t o each side of a rigid insulation panel, called

membrane,Traditionally, timber cladding was

loon frame are based on softwoo d sawn

structural insulated panels, or 'SIP' panels,

used to st iffen the structural frame by fixing

t imber sections.The platform frame compris-

provides a solid panel where the insulation

the boarding directly to the frame, with a

es studs spanning from floor to floor,with

holds the structural plywood sheets in place,

breather membrane set between the frame

the timber floor structure being supported

allowing timber wall construction to be thin-

and the timber boards as a weatherproof

at each storey height set of timber frames.

ner and lighter.

layer. More recent ly, the timber cladding is

The balloon frame,which is now used to a

Timber frames comprise studs (vertical

fixed to battens set forward of the breather

much lesser extent, is enjoyinga revival in

sections) fixed to rails (horizontal members)

membrane, or waterproofing layer, to ensure

light gauge steel sections.This method has

which are clad wit h plywood sheathing to

that the timber is ventilat ed on both sides.

vertical framing members which are con-

provide lateral bracing,typically 12mm-

The inside face of the timber framed wall

tinuous, with the intermediary floors being

18mm thick,depending on panel size and

has a continuous vapour barrier set (in tem-

supported by t he wall running continuously

loads.Timber boards can also be used as

perate climates) on the warm-in-winter side

past it.A recent development has been in

sheathing, but this is an expensive solution.

of the wall.The inner face of the wall is then

'solid' construction rather than the framed

Framing members are typically formed from

finished with a dry lining,

type. Laminated structural timber has been

IOOxSOmm softwoo d sections at 400mm

developed to makewall panels as complete

vertical centres which are nailed together.

is made in panels up to approximately

proprietary systems where the material is

Voids between the framing members are

16000mm long,3000mm wide and to a

glued together t o make full t imber panels.

filled with thermal insulation.A breather

maximum thickness of around SOOmm, vary-

Solid laminat ed structural timber

Thermal insulation is added to one side of

membrane is then fixed to the face of the

ing between propriet ary systems.The main

these panels, with the possibility to expose

sheathing layer.This provides a waterproof

benefit of the system is that it provides an

eit her t he outside or inside, depending on

barrier which also allows the vapour to

alternative t o steel and concrete frames for



Vertical section I :20. Roof junction

Details I.Timber boards 2.Timber battens 3. Plywood sheathing 4.Timber studs S.Timber rail 6. Breather membrane 7. Engineered floor joist 8. Damp proof course 9.Vapou r barrier 10.Timber floor I I. Concrete ground slab 12. Internal plasterfinish or dry lining/drywall 13.Thermal insulation quilt set within timber frame 14.Timber framed window IS.Timber cill 16.Air gap 17. Roof buildup


I /


I /



Vertical section I:20 showing typical details

3-D cutaway section showingtypical wall construction



ails 02 Timber I : timber frame Details I.Timber boards

9.Vapour barrier

2.Timber battens

10.Timber floor

3.Plywood sheathing

I I. Concrete ground slab

4.Timber studs

12. Internal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall

5.Timber rail

13.Thermal insulation quilt

6. Breather membrane

14.Timber framed window

7. Engineered floor joist

15.Timber cill

8. Damp proof course

16.Air gap

3-D cutaway section showingtypical wall construction

Vertical section I:20. Flat roof connection

Plan detail I:5. Outward opening window

Plan detail I:5. Inward opening window






Examples of vert ical and horizontal cladding anrangements

Privateresidence, London, UK.Archit ect: Lynch Architects

largerscale projects.This panel system has

to provide support between pads.W here

brick wall.The void beneath the timber floor

recently been used for buildings up to eight

an expression of a concrete floor slab is

is ventilated wit h air bricks that encourage

storeys high, providing loadbearing walls in a

required, the edge of the slab is covered

cross ventilat ion.This avoids stagnant air in

single material which is light in weight. Struc-

wit h thermal insulation,wit h an additional

the void from damaging and eventually rot-

tural insulated panels, with integral insulation,

outer protection,typically a thin concrete

ting the timber floor.

are made in panels up to approximately

facing panel.The timber wall frame is usu-

Corners, both external and internal

6S00mm long, 1200mm wide and in thick-

ally set on a continuous timber section at

type,are formed typically with a timber

nesses up to around ISOmm, depending on

ground level, which is first fixed to the con-

bead set so that the timber boards on both

the manufacturer. Curved wall panels are

crete slab to provide a level surface to set

sides butt into it. If a breather membrane is

madeto shallow radius.They are used typi-

the timber in place.A damp proof course

used behind the cladding, then an additional

cally as a direct alternative to traditional tim-

(OPC) is set beneath the continuous tim-

waterproof flashing is added to the corner.

ber framed construction, and like laminated

ber base plate usually extending down the

This is formed in a durable polymer-based

timber panels, are set to become more

vertical face of the concrete slab where it

sheetor metal sheet. Alternatively, the

widely used in timber construction.

connects with the damp proof membrane

boards can be allowed to makea corner

(OPM) beneath the concrete slab or the

with a butt joint, and an additional L-shaped

System details

vertical face ofthe basement wall.The OPC

timber trim , formed from two separate

is also made continuous wit h the OPM set

timber sections, is added on the face of the

ber cladding is terminated at ground level

on top of the concrete slab.Where concrete

corner to protect the exposed end grain of

at a minimum of ISOmm above external

foundation pads are used,the timber beam

one of the sides forming the corner. Boards

ground level.The cladding is usually sup-

is set into stainless steel shoes fixed to the

can be joined with a mitred joint (45°)

ported at ground level on a concrete slab or

pads.Timber can also be supported on brick

without any cover strip but the timber used

edge beam that forms part of the concrete

walls set at a minimum of 150mm above

must be of the highest quality to avoid the

wall.Alternatively,the wall can span between

external ground level and be support ed on

joint opening up with moisture movement. A

concrete pads at 3000mm-5000mm centres,

a concrete strip foundation or ground beam.

waterproof layer or flashing is set behindthe

with timber beams at the base of the wall

An insulated raised floor is then set into this

mitred joint.

For all these timber wall types,the tim-



al s 02 Timber 2: clad ding panels

Exploded diadram show ing assembly of timber cladding panels

System design windows set into the panel behind.This can

inner chamberformed between two adja-

widely used in recent years as a method of

create a visually rich mix of timber panel

cent panels. Any rainwaterthat penetrates

cladding steel and concrete frame buildings

assemblies that usea single timber species.

the outer seal, which is also kept open in

with prefabricated, factory made panels that

However; the highermoisture movement

some designs, is drained down an inner

have a natural finish.They are also used in

associated with timber has the consequence

chamberwhere the water is discharged

twin wall facades, or 'double skin facades'

of requiringjunctionsbetween cladding

through the horizontal joint at the bottom

where an inner timber wall with window

panels to provide an allowance for both

of the panel. Where timber cladding is used

openings has an additional glazed screen

structural movements and moisture move-

in twin wall construction as an inner wall to

set approximately one metre in front of it

ments both between cladding panels as well

an outer glazed wall where the outer wall

to provide a thermal buffer to reducethe

aswithin the panel itself

provides a thermal buffer; the outer screen

Timber cladding panels have been more

effects of heat and cold at different times

Where timber cladding panels are set

provides protection by allowing the material

of the year; as well as allow the windows

forward of floor slabs in the manner of

to maintain its appearance without full expo-

to be opened in taller buildings. Where

glazed curtain walling, panels extend from

sureto outside conditions, other than the

timber cladding panels are fixed to a timber

floor to floor;either hungfrom a floor slab

effects of the sun which cause the timber to

frame, or structural laminated frame, the

or;more typically, supported on it at floor

change colour.

cladding panels can be set between timber

level.Vertical joints between cladding panels

When cladding panels are set onto

columns as well as in front of them to give

have a stepped joint to allow for deflections

floor slabs, and restrained at the slab above,

a combined timber frame and panel build-

in floor slabs between panels, following prin-

timber posts that may form part of the

ing using a single primary material system.

ciples of glazed curtain walling.This stepped

structure can also be set between panels

Thesecladding panels are typically faced in

joint is covered on the outside with timber

rather than inside the building, since there is

timber boards in rainscreen configuration.

boards, set forward of the face of panels

no significant thermal bridge from outside

A recent addition to the language of timber

on battens in rainscreen configuration.The

to inside, allowing the structural frame to be

rainscreens has been the use of thin slats to

construction of panels followsthe same

exposed on the outside. Cladding panels are

create a degree of translucency in timber

principle of timber cladding described in the

set into openings in laminated timber frames,

screens, particularlywhen set forward of

previous section. Horizontal joints have an

with panels supported at their base on the



Details I.Timber boards 2.Timber battens 3.Plywood sheathing 4.Timber panel frame 5.Timber louvre 6. Breather membrane 7.Timber framed window (fixed) 8.Vapour barrier 9. Profiled metal cover strip 10. Floor construction I I. Air gap 12. Internal plaster finish or dry lining/drywall 13.Thermal insulation quilt 14.Timber framed window (out-

Elevation of timber cladding panels showing relationship with structural frame

ward opening) IS.Timber cill





Sheathing •








3-D section of timber cladding panel

Assembly sequence

showing integrated window



ails 02 Timber 2: cladding panels


~ .,. .:



o ~~



c: ~ \-"'=,-------

3-D view of connection between timber cladding panel and supporting frame


Vertical section I:I0 through timber cladding panelsshowingtypical details

beams set beneath. Floor decks in timber

rainscreen applications. W here less expen-

are then fixed to the side of the laminated

sive, less durabletimbers are used, higher

timber beams.Timber panels are fixed at

levels of both protection and maintenance

their base to the beam beneath, but have a

are required. Softwood boards are made

lateral restraint at the top to allow the slab

usually in 250mm widths, with trimmed

and panel above to deflect without damag-

boards with profiles routed into them usu-

ingthe panel below.A metal flashing at the

ally trimmed down to 150-200mm widths.

base of the panel drains water and throws it

All timbers vary in moisture content with

clear of the beam beneath in order to avoid

changes in temperature and air humidity,

staining of the timber beam.The outer tim-

this being one of the essential aspects to be

ber rainscreen cladding is set flushwith the

considered in timber detailing. Most timbers

outer face of the laminated timber frameto

used in cladding will have a moisture content

avoid any views into the waterproofing layer

from around 5% to 20% when in use. Similar


levels are found in timbers from timber sup-

System details

or'seasoned'.The most common types of

pliers, and are classified as 'dry','kiln dried'

Both softwoods and hardwoods are



jointing of boards is'ship lapping'where tim-

used for cladding panels, with durable hard-

ber boards are set horizontally and lapped

woods being more commonly used for

over one another wit h the upper board

3-D view of cladding panel assembly with built in opening window

3-D view of timber cladding panel consisting of fixed glazing and louvre screen lapped over the top of the board below to

ter; or wood stains and paint. Paints can be

protect it from rainwat er ingress. Ship lap-

oil-based or acrylic,while preservatives are

ping can be assisted by the use of'feathered'

clear and can be used asa finishthat does

or wedge-shaped boards to give the lapping

not appreciably change its appearance. It

a more elegant appearance.Tongue and

can also be used before staining or painting

groove boards are used to give a continuous

the timber. Preservatives help to prevent

flat appearance,while having the advant age

moisture absorpt ion as well as reduce fungal

of locking boards to gether into a continu-

growt h,enhancingthe life of the timber but

ous plate-li~ structure. Boards are typically

not preventingthe material changing colour

around 20mm thick, made as long as pos-

and fading to its characteristic silver grey

sible at around 3000mm- 3500mm,to avoid

appearance.An essential issue in the use

vertical joints which are a potential source of

of timber cladding panels and rainscreens

rainwater penetration except in rainscreen

is the coordinat ion of timber types and fin-

configuration.Timber cladding is finished

ishes used for windows,doors, visible panel

with the timber being left either as supplied,

framing and rainscreen cladding, in order to

wit h preservative applied or injected by the

give a controlled visual appearance that will

supplier, or alternatively is given coats of

weather consistently together.

preservative in clear,stained.or opaque finish

Carmarthen Place. Londo n, UK.

on site wit h preservatives t hat repel rainwa-

Arch itects in Residence



ROOFS Trends in roof design Metal roofs I Metal standing seam 2 Profiled metal sheet 3 Composite panels 4 Rainscreens 5 Metal louvres Glass roofs I Greenhouse glazing and clamped glazing 2 Silicone-sealed glazing and roofl ights 3 Bolt fi xed glazing 4 Bonded glass rooflights Concrete roofs I Concealed membrane 2 Exposed membrane 3 Planted roof Timber roofs I Flat roof: mastic asphalt coverings 2 Flat roof: bitumen-based sheet membranes 3 Pitched roof: tiles Plastic roofs I GRP rooflights 2 GRP panels and shells Fabric systems I ETFE cushions 2 Single membrane: cone-shaped roof 3 Single membrane: barrel-shaped roof


20 I

Roofs 03 T rend s in roof design

An overview of roof systems the visually refined and very water tight

required to be sufficiently rigid and resistant

to be either of traditional appearance, as

standing seams which are 'zipped' together

to impact damage from occasional access.

with tiled and slated pitched roofs, or else

by machine on site. Since the introduction

Composite sheets with a plastic core and

completely concealed asflat roofs, they are

of 'zip up' sheeting,the difference between

thin metal outer facings are popular in this

now increasingly considered to be a part of

profiled metal and standing seam systems has

regard since they achieve high levels of flat-

a completely visible envelope design which

reduced, with new hybrid systems having a

ness and are flexible enough to withstand

is as visually important as the extemal walls,

lining panel system which can be fixed with

foot traffic, usually when aluminium sections

both in their appearance and their techni-

metal sheets, some of which are being hung

are silicone-bonded on the underside of pan-

cal performance. In recent projects, walls

down from the roof level without scaffold-

els. Perforated and slotted metal sheets are

and roofs are taking on a single form, with

ing. This makes large roof spans, particularly

also being used as metal rainscreen panels,

the same construction methods, materials

at high level, such as in covered sports halls,

partly shaping the expression of the building

and detailing used on both walls and roof

much easier to construct since scaffolding is

envelope in forming a continuity between

The increased technical performance and

not required.

different parts of a roofscape, ranging from

W here roofs were once considered

long term reliability of roofing materials of

Composite roof panel systems have been

covering air extract terminals, rooflights and

alltypes has led to a much more ambitious

in development since the I980s, wit h panels

gutters to producinga (seamless) smoot h

design approach. However, an essential

that provide an intemal ceiling finish and

continuation of the facade below. These

difference between facades and roofs is

outer roof covering in single panels that are

rainscreen panels can also accommodate

that facades have rainwater running across

semi-interlocked, with either a lapped metal

complex geometries wit hout having to make

their surface, but roofs can be submerged

joint between panels or a metal capping

individual composite panels to achievethe

in wat er during rain. A roof has to be com-

that clips over a standing seam-type joint.

same visual effect. Although such panels are

pletely sealed in areaswhere wat er can

Composite panels are now being used as an

an additional roof covering rather than being

collect, such as parapetgutters, with the

insulated structural deckto a separate water-

formed entirely from metal, they can provide

assumption that rainwater will be expected

proof membrane set on top. W hile lack-

varying amount s of translucency andtrans-

to remain on the roof if the rainwater out-

ing visibility of metal faced panels, they are

parency in a single metal layer that can reveal

lets become blocked.

very adaptable and economic, with thermal

its depth both from inside the building and

insulation not only filling the voids between

from outside.


peaks and troughs of the metal sheeton its

The increased reliability of jointing together wit h the increased use of aluminium sheet, with it s increased flexibility,

A change over the past 10years which

underside but also providing some structural

has influenced all types of metal construc-


tion is the increased quality of the finishes.

Metal rainscreen panels are a recent

instead of steel sheet has led to more

addition to metal roofing systems. They

The quality of powder coating has improved enormously, with greater durability and

adventurous roof forms without affecting

do not usethe outer seal as a first line of

colour-fastness, so that it competes strongly

the waterproofing performance. By the

defence against rainwater penetration but

with the more expensive PVDF finishes. Con-

early I990s profiled metal roofs were using

rather as a protection to the membrane

sequently, the main constraint in the design

standing seam joints,which combined the

beneath against the effects of the sun as well

of metal roofs in any of these systems isthat

as foot traffic. Metal rainscreen panels are

metal sheet is produced in widths of around

long span capability of profiled sheet with MCH


1200mm or 1500mm, from which most

this method, a metal channel is set into the

fixings on its extemal face. While bolt fixed

metal panels in facades are made, but is usu-

edge of double glazed units, with the units

glazing can conceal the fixing bolt within the

ally available in long lengths where coil mate-

being set flush with one another along the

double glazed unit on one side, structural

rial is used, that is, where the metal is rolled

horizontal joints. The units are then secured

silicone glazing has no visible structure at all,

into a long coil in the factory. Thicker plate,

with metal 'toggles' held to the metal chan-

with supporting glazing bars being concealed

at 4mm thickness and above, is made in flat

nels within the depth of the joint, and fixed

within the width of the joint behind the

sheet form, at around I OOOmm x 2000mm

to an aluminium frame below to provide a

extemal seal. This has led to greater freedom

mechanical fixing. The flush horizontal joint

in the forms used for rooflights in this tech-

in size, with

larger sheets being more difficult

to obtain easily in large quantity. Working

between units is then sealed with silicone.

nique, where the position of the glazing bars,

with the width of the coil in forming joints,

The aluminium frame onto which the glass

and how they intersect, does not have to be

and allowing for the folding or tuming of the

is fixed has ventilated drainage channels to

considered in rooflight design. Bonded glaz-

material at the joints, is the main constraint,

take away any water that passes through

ing has encouraged the use of structural glass

but the material can be curved and folded

the outer silicone seal. With the develop-

beams, which suit well a structurally glazed

economically in a durable material.

ment of silicone bonding techniques, the

rooflight. Most bonded glass rooflights with a

double glazed unit can also be bonded to

gently sloping, but planar surface are derived

aluminium profiles which are mechanically

in part from examples of glass floor decks

fixed with screws to a supporting frame. The

and staircases used in buildings that have

have been in use for the past 25 years, the

joint between the glass units is then sealed

been developed over the past I 5 years. A

Glass Although drained and ventilated systems

issue of the water tightness of the horizontal

with silicone in the same way as the previous

new addition is to bond point fixings directly

joint, running perpendicular to the fall of the

example. An altemative approach has been

to the inside face of the glass, with brackets

roof, has been undergoing continual develop-

to introduce horizontal glazing bars with

and support systems used for regular bolt

ment. Glazing bars have been used to sup-

pressure plates that are shaped to allow as

fixed glazing.

port glass down the slope of the roof where

much water to drain down the roof as pos-

they do not impede the passage of rainwater.

sible, and accepts that the same water will be

Horizontal joints have been supported with

trapped behind the upper edge of the pres-

Developments in waterproofing mem-

stepped joints where water runs off the top

sure plate. Small amounts of water that find

branes for concrete roofs over the past 25


of the upper glass down onto a lower glass.

their way through the outer seal are drained

years have focused on increasing the flex-

The glass is traditionally secured with clips

away within the system back to the outside.

ibility of the material used. Asphalt, a well

and is sealed with a proprietary sealant. This

Both the recessed fixing method with a sili-

established material for concrete decks, suf-

joint is difficult to seal reliably in order to

cone seal, and the modified pressure plate

fered traditionally from an inability to take up

achieve water tightness for higher wind pres-

'toggle' system have been proved reliable in

movement from either the building structure

sures, and is difficult to adapt to a drained

their performance.

or from solar gain when exposed to the

and ventilated system. This issue has been

Bonded glass rooflights are a recent

effects of the sun. A solution to this problem

resolved over the past 20 years with the

development in glazed roofs, where dou-

has been the 'inverted' roof configuration,

development of silicone sealed glazing that

ble glazed units are bonded directly onto a

where thermal insulation is fixed above, rath-

was originally used in glazed curtain walls. In

lightweight metal frame that has no visible

er than below, the waterproof membrane



Roo s 03 T rends in roof design

in order to keep its temperature cool and

being used on substrat es such as folded steel

relatively constant. Pebbles or paving slabs

sheet decks and foam insulation-clad roof

slated and shingled roofs usetwo lines of

are set onto the insulation. In addition, the

decks where there is a strong modellingof

defence against rainwat er penetration. where

introduction of polymers into asphalt to pro-

the fonm of the roof structure seen either

the outer layer is the outer line of defence

vide great er flexibility has led to the material

from inside or from outside the building.

to, and protection for, a waterproof mem-

being easier to apply on site, particularly as

Membranes are required to accommodate

brane or breather membrane beneath.

not, until recently, playa part. Modem ti led,

t orch-on membrane sheet rather than in liq-

more structural movement and higher tem-

uid applied fonm. However, polymer materi-

peratures combined with an extemal wearing

recent development. This technique is a

als, mainly thenmoplastics and elastomers,

surface that can be walked upon without

hybrid of lappedtile roofing and standing

are becoming more economic. Polymer

reasonable risk of damage, for maintenance

seam facades, and can be used to fonm both

materials have t he advantage of increasingly


wall and roof in a single system that is both

being able to be exposed to sunlight, which is leading to roofs being covered in a few of these materials asa self-finish, with some

The use of metal shingles has been a

economic and able to deal with a variety

Timber Timber-based roofs have developed over

of fixing angles. W hile shingles or t iles are hungfrom their top edge, metal shingles are

buildings takingthe membrane down the

the past 20 years to improve their thenmal

folded over into a seam on t heir sides and

facades to fonm a complete building enve-

insulat ion perfonmance. So called 'cold' roofs,

lower edge, or edges, if the shingles are not

lope. Where a smoot h or level insulated

with the insulation set at ceiling level with the

rectilinear, but are set at 45° t o the verti-

substrate can be fonmed, these waterproof-

roof void being ventilated, continue to be

cal, for example. The top edge or edges are

ing layers can be fixed in a similar way t o

used, but 'warm' roofs have undergone much

fixed with nails or screws with the shingle

fabric membranes, welded together in the

development in order to properly deal with

immediately above being lapped over the

factory to fonm a membranewith straight

the needs of ventilation to avoid condensa-

top of t he nailed fixing in the manner of tiling.

and crisply fonmed joints t hat can fonma vis-

tion occurring within the roof construction.

This fixing method securesthe shingles on all

ible self-finish to a roof, with an appearance

Some manufacturers prefer t o have no ven-

sideswhile retaining a visual lap, allowing the

similar to that of fabric 'tent' membranes.

tilation within the roof construction where

shingle to be fixed in any position, even in

This change from roof membranes which

it cannot be easily provided by using a high

a soffrt condition. The fixing method usually

are kept concealed, due to their poor visual

perfonmance vapour barrier on the inside

follows rainscreen principles by assuming that

aspect, t o ones that are now capable of

face of the wall construction immediately

rainwater will pass through the joints, which

being a visual part of the design.

behind the intemal finishes. Manufacturers

are drained in a ventilat ed cavity behind.

also provide increasingly better perfonm-

Metal shingles are economicto fabricate,

polymer-based membranes, or polymer

ance vents to ensurethat air can be drawn

since they can be cut easily from sheet metal,

modified asphalt sheet, are beginning to be

thro ughthe void between the roof tiles,

from aluminium, mild steel, copper or zinc.

used as materials in their own right rather

slates or shingles, and t he breather mem-

In addition, ti les can be fonmed t o a curved

than imitatingthe appearance of traditional

brane or roofing felt that is set above the

shape in a press to give a very textured

roof t iles or shingles. The more refined fix-

thenmal insulation. Most of the effort in ven-

facade with a three-dimensional quality that

ing t echniquesthat are being made available

tilating pit ched roofs of this type is in trying

has yet to be explored.

by manufacturers will assist in this change.

to retain the appearance of traditional roofs,

W aterproof membranes are increasingly

where ventilation ducts and boiler flues did

O n pitched roofs, visually exposed




Translucent plastics are used mainly both to imitate the appearance of glass roofiights

Fabrics The use of woven textiles made from

approach is that it relies on a constant supply of air to hold the roof in place rather than by

as fiat sheet materials, and to form composite

polymers has been focused on its applica-

a supporting frame. This method has been

panels. This is gradually changing as plastics

tion to form tent-like roof forms. Tent-based

adapted as small 'cushions' or 'pillows' filled

are no longer seen as economic substitutes

structures stretch a single membrane sheet,

with air to provide an insulated fabric mem-

for other materials but as construction mate-

which is waterproofed on its extemal face,

brane roof. The most visually striking exam-

rials in their own right. Earlier examples of

over a supporting structure that may use a

ples use ETFE foil which is both very durable

plastic roofiights suffered from the effects of

mast to support the tent, and cables to hold

when compared to other polymer fabrics,

colour fading or of yellowing in transparent

the membrane in position, in the imitation

and also highly transparent. While this can

/ translucent roofiights. The materials and

of a traditional tent. This has led to devel-

be a disadvantage in roofiights where some

finishes used in bonding are superior to those

opments in the connection of membrane

amount of solar shading is usually required, it

used previously, ensuring that colour fading

to cable and restraint of cables to adjoin-

is ideal for many facades and is finding use in

is far less pronounced than it was. A greater

ing structure. Altematively, membranes are

complete building envelopes, where wall and

acceptance of plastics as durable and capable

stretched over more sculptured supporting

roof is formed from a mixture of transpar-

of being moulded economically to complex

frames, which are derived more from the

ent and translucent panels. These panels are

shape has prompted a revival in roof design.

established language of building construc-

infiated, fixed to a permanent air supply that

Some panels have been used as translucent

tion rather than from the masts and cables

periodically refreshes the cushions with more

rainscreen panels with lighting or graphic

of tent-based roofs. The design life of these

air to maintain the pressure required to give

displays set beneath the outer plastic skin.

roofs is gradually increasing as both a result

them structural stability. The use of fabric is

The essential difficulties for plastics remains

of observing earlier examples and develop-

set to grow, with air cushions that can be

in their perception as being less durable

ing them, as well as an improvement in the

used in conjunction with extemal solar shad-

than either glass or metal, for which polymer

performance of the protective coatings

ing or intemal screen walls in a variety of

materials are seen as economic substitutes.

applied. The introduction of double layer

twin roof or twin wall applications. Like sheet

This perception will change only when more

membrane roofs will no doubt change

plastic materials, ETFE cushions are becoming

complex geometries of extemal envelopes

their use from purely weather barrier to a

liberated from the design language of glass

are demonstrated in buildings which could

thermally insulated roof, making them more

rooflights, with more complex geometries to form curved roofs. Loadbearing air cushions,

not otherwise have the budget available for

attractive for roofs to intemal spacesthan

such work in other materials. Working with

shelters for extemal spaces. More translucent

which do not require any supporting struc-

plastics and composites is still undertaken

insulation materials reduce the amount of

ture, are in their early stages of development

in relatively small-scale workshops, where

light transmission lost through these roofs,

and application, and we are likely to see

mock-ups can be produced easily and eco-

with research being undertaken to form an

much of this development in roof structures

nomically, allowing an interaction between

economic and highly translucent thermal

and self-supporting envelope structures in

designer and fabricator that is more difficult

insulation material that would suit double

the coming years.

in larger scale factory-based methods where

layer membranes. An altemative method

repeatability of large numbers of identi-

of insulating membranes is to fill the gap in

cal components still dominates production

a double layer membrane roof with air to


form an inflatable roof. The concem with this



Roofs 03 Metal roofs I: metal standing seam Details I, Metal sheet 2, Standing seam joint 3. Breather membrane 4, Thenrnal insulation 5, Substrate, typically timber/ metal rafters wit h plywood facing 6. Vapour barrier 7. Drywall/dry lining if required 8. Outerstanding seam sheet 9. Inner lining sheet

10. Clips at centres I I. Folded metal gutter 12. Curved eaves sheet 13. Extemal wall 14. Structural frame 15. Outersheet fixing bracket 16. Rooflight 17. Metal flashing I8. Ridge piece

Uji-an Tea house, Tokyo, Japan Architect: Arata Isozaki and Associates

3-D section through metal profile roof on timber structure

System design Standing seam roofs are increasingly

These applications makethe use of prefab-

of the water draining down it. Rainwater

being used for industrial and commercial

rication both unnecessary and uneconomic,

is avoided being drawn through the joint

buildings where concealed fixings and low

due to the time saved by fomning junctions

by capillary action by one of two methods,

roof pitches are required for visual reasons.

and edges on site. The use of a single sheet

where the joint is either sealed or ventilated.

The main advantage of standing seam roofs

metal profile and angle support clips used

In a sealed joint the seam is pressed tight, as

over profiled metal roofs is that almost no

in prefabricated methods is typically too

in a traditional lead or copper roof either by

fixings pass through from outside to inside

infiexible for such conditions. This traditional

folding the metal over itselfto fomn a thin

the construction. This givesthe roof surface

method of fomning standing seam roofs has

seam, or by fomning the metal over a timber

a visually crisp appearance with very few

timber boards or plywood sheet used to

roll or section. In a vent ilated joint, a small

visible fixings, The standing seams allow the

fomn a continuous substrate, or support-

gap is left between the folded sheets to allow

technique to be used on very low pitch

ing surface. Standing seams are fomned by

air to pass through but not rainwater.

roofs, The traditional method of fomning

timber strips of rectilinearor curved sec-

a standing seam roof is to set the sheet

tion which are set at 450-600mm centres

the most common configuration isto fix the

onto a timber substrate, and to fold the

down the slope of the roof, corresponding

brackets supportingthe outer sheetto a set

long edges of the metal upwardsto fomn a

to the width of the sheet metal used. Sheet

of metal purlins. A metal liner sheet is set

standing seam joint. However, this method

metal is laid alongthe length of the roof

below the purlinsto support the themnal

For prefabricated standing seam roofs,

is increasingly giving way to prefabricated

from top to bottom , with the sides of the

insulation quilt, set between the purlins. A

systems where the sheet metal is folded to

sheet folded up and over the timber battens.

vapour barrier is set between the insulation

a specific profile either in a factory or on site

Successive strips of metal sheet are lapped

quilt and the liner tray on the wamn (in win-

with a rolling machine, The folded metal is

over the next to fomn a continuous sealed

ter) side of the themnal insulation. An alter-

then secured with a clip-based fixing system

surface. The standing seam joint is produced

native configuration is to have a full structural

rather than onto a continuous substrate.

by folding the metal together to create a

deck with insulation set on top and an outer

seal. Becausethe roof is fomned, effectively,

(upper) sheet supported on brackets set

is well suited to smaller-scale applications,

as a series of linked gutters, the standing

onto the structural deck. In hot, humid

or where complex geometries are used.

seam between each gutter is above the level

countries an additional vapour barrier is set

The site-based method of fixing sheet



Vertical section I:IO. Typical roof assembly without acoustic layer

Vertical section I:I0 Typical roof assembly without acoustic layer

3-D cutaway view of typical roof assembly

.@ - T

, r.

Vertical section I: IO. Ridge with recessed flashing

Vertical section I:IO. Ridgewith flashing

CD 3-D view of sheet metal on timber roof The Core. Eden Project, UK. Architect: Grimshaw Architects



Roofs 03 Meta l roofs I: metal standing seam 3-D view of folded eaves and ridge junction

fI ®



Vertical section I:IO. Folded Eaves Walt Disney Concert Halll, LosAngeles, USA Architect: Frank Gehry

on top of the insulation where the risk of interstitial condensation is from the outside

brackets are usually made from extruded

as well as the inside.

aluminium in order to provide a profile that

For both site-based and prefabricated

is both thick enough to fonnn a rigid con-

construction methods, the roof pitch can

nection and sufficiently precise in section

go down to 1°, after taking into account

to retain a given standing seam profile in

any structural deflections that would further

place. Metal sheet is fonnned in long lengths

reducethis angle. Metal sheets can be made

of folded trays which are then fixed onto

up to 40 metres in length, but road trans-

the support brackets. Finally the standing

port is difficult, being considerably longer

seam joints are crimped to fonnn a seal, usu-

than a trailer length. For largerprojects,

allywith a 'zip up' tool that travels alongthe

long sheets are fonnned on site with a roIl-

joint and across the roof, sealing the joint as

ing machine that can fonnn the profile of the

it movesalong.

standing seam sheetto any length required, Vertical section I:IO. Monopitch ridge

or to purlinswith self-tapping screws. The

the profile being fonnned from metal coil.

Standing seam sheets can fonnn shallow curves by gently bending the metal on site, or altematively by curving the sheets in the

System details Support brackets are usually T-shaped and are fixed either to the structural deck



factory, to give a smooth appearance. Small radius curves are fonnned by crimpingthe sheet in the factory, where the material is

~/ 3-D view of metal roof show ing eaves wit h curved gutter


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I~~ Verti cal section I: I O. Junction wit h ro ofiight







3-D detail of eaves w ith curved gutter



Vert ical sect ion I: IO. Eaves w ith curved gutter

mechanically fonrned with small local folds.

as bull nose profiles, the metal panels are

Sharp folded comers are made by welding

usually designed to be drained and vent ilated

tw o sheets t ogether along the fold line.

to the exterior, and the line of wat erproofing

Ridges are fonrned by a variety of methods, the visually sharpest being a ridge line

continues up the extemal wall to the underside of the standing seam roof.

fonrned as a standing seam joint with the

Section I : I0 Parapet gutter at abutment

seams meeting the ridge being tenrninated to avoid the need for visually bulky filler pieces which could be seen from below. Valleys are fonrned by lapping the ends of the standing seam roof into a folded metal tray fonrni ng a continuous gutt er. Eaves are fonrned in a similar way, with a gutter set at the edge of the roof. Increasingly, gutters are being int egrated int o roof fonrns in order to avoid a weak visual line fonrned by a gutter which is not continuous with the smooth lines of the roof. W hen additional closer pieces are used, such

3-D view of metal roof at abutm ent



Roo s 03 Metal roo fs 2: profiled metal sheet

Atelier and House, Bwa-Cho, Japan. Architect: Shuhei Endo

System design The main advantage of profiled metal sheetover other metal roof types is the

on the geometry of the roof. Profiled metal sheet provides a continu-

some breathing thro ughthe ribs of the profiled sheet. This helps to keepthe insula-

ability of the material to span economically

ous weatherproof skin with the ability to

tion completely dry. Becausethe inner lining

up to around 3.5 metres between primary

be curved in one direction, where the sup-

sheet presents a hard surface under the roof,

structural supports. This self-supporting abil-

porting structure beneath requires only a

perforated sheets are usedto improve sound

ity of the material, combined with its weath-

few structural members to be curved, and

absorption. Sound is allowed t o be absorbed

er resistant, painted coating applied during

most framing can be straight.The material is

partly by the insulation quilt. This helps to

manufacture, makes it able to be used as

lapped on all four sides like metal standing

reduce reverberation, particularly in noisy

both a substrat e material for a finish in a dif-

seam roofs. The laps are made long enough

intemal environments. A vapour barrier is set

ferent material set onto it, or as a single layer

to avoid capillary action through the joint.

between the thermal insulation and the thin

structural and weat herproof material. W hile

This simple jointing system provides large

layer of acoustic insulation beneath. Profiled

standing seam roofing, with its high project-

areas of reliable, weathertight roofing that

metal sheet roofs have the ability to conceal

ing folds, is suit ed to long, straight, or gently

can be installed quickly. In common with

the supporting structure within the depth of

curving spans, profiled metal sheet can both

standing seam roofing, profiled metal roofs

the roof construction. This gives a smooth

span between supports and form complex

can be used as a roof covering in eit her

finished appearance to the inside faceof the

geometries. It is this flexibility of being both

sealed or ventilat ed construction. Vent ilation

roof. An outer metal sheet is supported on

structural deck and wat erproofing layer that

is used mainly where a timber supporting

metal roof purlins, and an inner lining tray,

has an advantage where the interior finish is

structure is used, where the timber is venti-

which supports the thermal insulation, is

designedto be in a different material, such as

latedto avoid rot in the material from moist

fixed to their underside. Sheets are fixed with

dry lining or decorative boarding. In recent

air in the void that would otherwise be

self tapping screws which, in addition to fixing

years roof pitches have greatly reduced to

trapped wit hin the construction.

the sheets t o the supporting structure, are

In sealed roofs, the thermal insulation

also required to be weathertight. A vapour

visual reasons. Most profiled sheet is laid to a

usually fillsthe voids in between the inner

barrier is provided on the warm (in winter)

minimum pit ch of around 4°. Standing seam

and outer skins, but ventilators are often

side of the insulation, between the liner tray

provided at the ridge and eaves to allow

and the thermal insulation. Laps between

makethe roof as flat as possible, usually for


roofs can go down to a 1 pitch, depending



,I Vertical section I: I O. Concealed gutter detail

Details I. Outer standing seam sheet 2. Inner lining sheet 3. Clips at centnes 4. Plywood substrate 5. Breathermembrane 6. Thenmal insulation 7, Folded metal gutt er 8. Curved eaves sheet 9. Extemal wall 10. Standing seam joint I I. Stnuctural frame 12. Outersheet fixing bracket 13. Rooflight 14 Metal flashing 15. Ridge piece 3-D section thro ugh roof constnuction using profiled metal sheet

Vert ical sectio n I: 1O. Typical profiled metal 3-D view of profiled metal roof construction

sheet roof construction



Roofs 03 Metal roofs 2: profiled metal sheet




3-D section through typical valley and ridge construction

profiled sheets along their top and bott om

beneat h the profiled sheet. Closer strips are

is not possible in profiled sheet, and instead

edges are sealed wit h butyl sealant strip. Two

used to seal the gaps in the profiled sheet

a folded ridge piece is fixed to the upper sur-

strips are normally used, one at the end of

where it meets the ridge cover strip set on

face of the profiled sheet. The gaps between

the extemal lap and the other at the top end

top of the profiled sheet.

the ridges and troughs of the profiled sheet

of the intemal lap.The outer seal provides

Parapets are formed by creating a gut-

are filled with a proprietary metal filler piece,

protection against capillary action of rain-

ter at the base of the profiled sheet,t hen

usually forming part of the manufacturer's

water being drawn up into the lap between

continuing the line of the gutter up to a

system. Ventilated roofs do not require this

sheets, while the other provides a vapour

parapet coping with laps over t he top. The

filler piece, with the resulting gap between

barrier that avoids moisture, generated inside

gutter is formed from a single folded sheet

the folded ridge sheetand the profiled sheet

the building, from condensing in the joint Self

to avoid the possibility of leaks, and is lapped

being usually sufficient to provide ventilation

t apping screws that hold the sheets in place

under the vertical sheet that forms the seal

into the construction.

clamp the two sealed surfaces together.

between gutter and coping. Parapets in pro-

Sheet s are normally lapped ISOmm over one

filed metal sheet are often used where the

another, while laps between sheets on their

extemal wall is formed in a different mate-

side edges are made with a single lap of pro-

rial, so that the parapet forms a visual break

file, with a single seal of butyl tape set at the

between them. However, many profiled

centre of the lap.

met al roofs are used in conjunction with walls in the same material usinga concealed

System details Ridges at the junction of a double pitched roof use a folded metal strip to form

gutter that allows wall and roof to be continuous. Ridges and valleys are formed using the

a continuous ridge sheet. These sheets can

same methods discussed in the previous

be folded on a straight line or formed t o a

section on standing seam roofs. But where

curved line.The void beneath is filled with

standing seams can be cut down to form a

thermal insulation in addition to that used

flat ridge without a projecting ridge piece, this


2 12


















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Vertical section I:20. Ridge with flashing


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Vertical section I:20. Eaves with exposed gutter and abutment with vertical roof panel


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I. Outer standing seam sheet

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Vertical section I:20 Ridge with flashing

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2. Inner lining sheet 3. Clips at centres 4. Plywood substrate



6. Thenmal insulat ion


Vertical section 1:20. Monopitch ridge


5. Breather membrane 7. Folded metal gutter 8. Curved eaves sheet 9. Extemal wall 10. Standing seam joint I I. Structural frame 12. Outersheet fixing bracket 13. Rooflight 14 Metal flashing 15. Ridge piece

Vertical section I:20. Prefabricated valley gutter



Roofs 03 Metal roofs 3: Composite panels


3-D view of verge with parapet upstand

System design There are two types of composite panel

bonded to a foam-based insulation that fills

combine the separate components of

used for roofs: double sided panels and sin-

all the voids in the profiled sheet, providing

profiled metal sheet have two joint types:

gle sided panels. The first is a development

a smooth, flat upper surface. The depth of

a double seam wit h a cap on top in the

of profiled metal sheet, where outer sheet,

the panel is determined by both structural

manner of standing seam roofing, or a single

thermal insulation and inner sheet are com-

requirements and the U-value required, var-

projecting lap of metal profile that forms a

bined into a single panel. These are used in

ying the thickness of the thermal insulation.

lapped connection with the adjacent panel.

pitched roofs and have an appearance very

The upper face of the panel is waterproofed

W it h the first method, panels have raised

similarto that of profiled metal roofs. Their

with an independent membrane, typically an

edges on their long sides running down the

main advantage over profiled metal roofs

elastomeric type that requires no upstands

slope. The raised edges are butted together

is the speed of erection on site, but they

or special joints between sheets. Panels

and sealed wit h butyl tape. A metal capping

are usually a little more expensive than an

are usually set butted up to one another,

is fixed over this joint to provide a weather-

equivalent profiled metal sheet roof Single

with the gap between panels filled with

tight seal which sheds wat er onto the panels

sided panels consist of profiled metal sheet

foam-based thermal insulation. A separating

either side of the joint, givingthis method

bonded to one side only of a layer of foam

layer is usually set between the waterproof

a distinct appearance of wider joints. The

type thermal insulation. The insulation is laid

membrane andt he insulated panel to allow

second method has an uninsulated rib of the

face up to receive a separate waterproofing

movement to occur freely in both the mem-

outer sheet projecting from the panel on

layer, typically a single layer membrane. The

brane andthe composite panel substrate.

one long side which laps over the adjacent

membrane isthen typically finished in rain-

The membrane is often protected with a

panel. This gives a continuous ribbed appear-

screen panels or smooth pebbles, depending

lightweight covering of smoot h pebbles

ance to the roof that is visually no different

on the geometry and required appearance

that can be walked upon for maintenance

on its outside faceto profiled metal roof

of the roof. This second panel type can be

access without puncturing the surface. Metal

cladding. Both methods have lapped joints

used on nominally flat roofs.

rainscreen panels are also used to protect

on their short (horizontal)edges, where an

the membrane from the effects of direct

uninsulated edge projects down to form a

Single sided composite panels have a single sheet of profiled metal on the lower loadbearing face of the panel which is



sunlight. Double sided composite panels which

lappedjoint very similar to that used in profiled metal roofs. These horizontal joints are

(3) _ - - - . - . .....- - - ' . - . . ....- - - ' - ' - - - - ' - ' - - - - ' - ' - - - . . " . - . . ...- - - ' r " " ' ' - - - - - r " "

Vertical section I : I0 th rough composti te panel showing panel to panel junction

3-D view of vert ical section through parapet edge and folde d metal gutter betw een panels



Details I , Met al rainscreen panel


2, Single layer membrane 3, Composite Panel 4. Folded metal coping 5. Purlin or structural beam 6. Secondary Purlin 7. Folded metal gutt er

8. Folded metal drip 9. Metal fascia panel

3-D view of panel connection

10. Extemal Wa ll I I . Outer sheet fixing bracket 12. Panel I




13. Panel 2

3-D view of composite panel suppo rti ng rainscreen panel



Roo s 03 Metal roofs 3: Com posite pane ls

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK Architect: Foster Associates.

also sealed with butyl tape to avoid capillary

The flashing is profiled to matchthat of the

either by folding it outwards and sealing it

action from rainwater outside, andto pre-

panels onto which it sits. The gaps are then

or by folding the t op edge inwards, up the

vent the passage of water vapour into the

closed with a profiled filler piece as used in

underside of the panel. Unlike eaves gut-

joint from inside the building.

profiled metal roof construction. The ridge

ters, parapet gutters are thermally insulated,

flashing has visible fixings which are difficult

forming part of the extemal envelope. The

System details

to conceal, so that precise positioning is

gutter is usually prefabricated to form part

essential t o the overall visual appearance

of the overall composite panel system. The

Ridges and folds of single sided panels are formed in the same way as the panel to

of the ridge. The gap between the panels

gutter shape, in cross section, is formed to

panel joints, filled typically with a foam insu-

is filled with thermal insulation on site, with

provide continuity in the t hermal insulation

lat ion applied by injection on sit e. The mem-

eit her mineral fibre quilt or, more frequent ly,

from roof panel through t o the adjacent

brane sheets are usually joined at the fold in

with the same foam-based insulation usedto


the roof, and a strip of the same material is

manufacture the panels. Insulation is injected

The t ops of parapets are closed with a

bonded along the joint to provide a weath-

into the gapt o provide a U-value to match

pressed metal copingthat is folded down

ertight seal. At parapet gutters of single

that of the adjacent panels.

over the face of the extemal wall and the

sided panels, an upstand is formed in the

The inner face of the panels forming the

inside face of the parapet to provide a com-

same insulation material as that used in the

ridge is sealed with a folded metal sheet.

plete weathertight seal. The top of the cop-

composite panels, the upstand being bonded

typically fixed to adjacent roof purlins and

ing is usually inclined towards the inside face

t o the composite panel beneath. The outer

sealed against the inner face of the compos-

of the wall, into the gutter, to avoid dust

edge of the upstand is sealed and stiffened

ite panel to provide a continuous vapour

settl ing on horizontal surfaces from being

with a metal strip fixed to the underside of

barrier, This inner trim is made either flat or

washed down the face of the extemal wall

the composit e roof panel or the supporting

profiled t o suit the composite panels used.

during rain.

structure beneath. Ridges for double sided composite

Eaves are formed in a similar way to profiled metal panels, by lapping the edge

panels are formed by fixing a metal flash-

roof panel over a gutter. The gutter is closed

ing over the junction between the panels.

against the underside of the composite panel



/ -

3-D views show inggutter detail within co mposit e panelarrangement, hidden by rainscreen abov e




2 \7

Roofs 03 Metal roofs 4: rainscreens

3-D view of metal rainscreenroof assemb ly

System design The use of metal rainscreen panels is

@ I








to protect w at erp ro ofing membranes on

relatively new in roof construction and has

non-visible flat roofs. th ey are obviously not

developed from using the panels in exter-

suit ed to sloping or curved ro ofs. Th e use

nal w alls, albeit in a different configuration.

of metal rainscreen panels is w ell suite d to

Firstly, most of the rain falling onto a metal

the se more comple x roof geometri es w hich

rainscreen roof is not usually drained away

fonm a visible part of the design. The se rain-

on th e outer layer of panels, unless th e roof

screen panels allow t radition al roof elements

has a relatively steep pitch or curved section.

w hich are usually visually dominant, such as

Rainwater is st ill expected to drain onto the

gutters, parapets and ridges. t o be accom-

w at erproofing layer beneath as if the panels

modated w it hin a smoot h, continuous outer

w ere not in place. The main function of the

skin. allowin g roofs to take on the visual

rainscreen panels on roofs is to protect the

characteristics of ext em al wa lls. contributing

memb rane from the effects of the sun (heat

to th e overa ll archit ectural effect.

and UV radiation). from the worst effects of Vert ical sect io n I : I0 through roof assembly

A lt ho ugh smoot h pebbles are also used

A lt ho ugh metal sheet is used for rain-

w indblown rain and as protection for main-

screens, metal and plastic composit es are

ten ance access. Rainscreen panels also pro-

becomin g increasingly popul ar. In such

vide a lightweight covering th at fonms part

materials a thin layer of plastic is faced w it h

of the visual language of the extemal w alls.

two thin sheets of aluminium w hich are

3-D view of metal rainscreenroof assembly

3-D view of metal rainscreen roof support system

3-D view of metal rainscreen roof assembly with optional capping to seam

Details I. Metal rainscreen panel 2. Single layer membrane

3. Closed cell thermal insulation 3-D view of metal rainscreen roof fixing channel

4. Structural deck 5. Purlin or structural beam

bonded to the plastic sheet core to provide

600mm wide if they do not have additional

longer size panels than tho se of sheet metal,

supporting framing beneath to stiffen them.

with the benefit of providing greater flatness.

Framed panels can reach the maximum sizes

8. Folded metal drip

They are less likely to experience localised

already mentioned. but care must be taken

9. Metal fascia panel

impacts from foot t raffic during mainte-

to avoid the pattem staining or denting that

nance work, wit h the 'oil canning' effect of

can reveal the frame behind during the lifecy-

depressed or dented panels resulting from

de of the roof

regular maintenance access usually being

6. Secondary purlin 7. Floded metal gutter

10. Extemal wall I I. Outer sheet fixing bracket

Rainscreen roof panels are typically

avoided by using these composite sheet

anranged either as panels laid in a flat grid, or

materials. However, the size of metal rain-

as lapped panels, where the bottom edge is

screen panels is restricted more by the panel

lapped over the top of the panel beneath.

width that can be walked upon for mainte-

Side joints remain open jointed and are set

nance access than by the sheet size available.

in the same plane in this configuration. Panels

The maximum size of metal sheet is usually

in a flat grid are set onto metal Z-sections.

in a width of 1200mm or ISOOmm metal

which are either bonded to the top surface

coil. Composite sheets are typically IOOOmm

of the wat erproof membraneto avoid any

to 1200mm wide, in lengths from 2400mm

risk of water penetration through mechanical

to 3000mm. depending upon the manufac-

fixings, or are set above the membrane on

turer. In practice, panels may only be around

support pads. These pads are usually covered

Bercy Shopping Centre, Paris, France. Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop



- - -Roofs 03- - - - - - - - - - ---. Metal roofs 4: rainscreens







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Vert ical section I :25. Typical long secion through metal rainscreen roof


t; 1



3-D view of meta l rainscreen roof draining from panel to panel

Sectio n I:25 t ypical section with rainscreen panels draining from panel t o panel

0) " ::>

~~~~~ I~ -;S- --------

3-D detail of metal rainscreen support system

3-D detail of met al rainscreen suppo rt system




Vert ical section I : IO. Concealed parapet gutter w ith cantilevered edge

'ML..-_ --' @

3-D view of concealed parapet gutte r w ith cant ilevered edge

with a waterproofing membrane to reduce

on the roof in order to provide a continuity

there is no need to leave the gutter uncov-

the number of fixing penetrations through

of appearance. The waterproof membrane

ered, as is the case with other metal roof

this layer. The rainscreen panels are then

beneath is then sealed against the wall con-

systems. Water running down the membrane

screw fixed t o t he Z-section wit h brackets

struction or against the side of the sealed

is drained directly int o the gutter, and water

that avoid the screw fixings being seen at

roof deck, which is closed off with a folded

undemeath the gutte r cover drains through

a distance where this is a visual require-

metal strip, in the case of profiled metal

slots or perforations.

ment. Concealed fixings are more difficult

sheet or composite metal panels being used.

t o accommodate, though such systems are

The depth of t he roof construction is

An advantage of rainscreen panels is their ability to form complex geometries from fiat

likely to appear over the next t en years as

t hen finished wit h another rainscreen panel,

panel components. Since the panels are not

demand for this roof system increases.

set vertically, which is fixed in front of the

required to be waterproofed, they do not

parapet. Unlike parapets in profiled metal or

require any joints between panels that would

composite panels, the vertical fascia panel

become difficult and expensive for roofs with

can extend up to the top of the wall in order

complex geometries. Flat panels can be fixed

parapets is that the gutter and upstand

to conceal the coping fiashing. In other types

down at their comers on a curved roof to

can be made without either element being

of metal roofing, the coping extends over the

create a set of gently curved panels that are

visible, allowing parapets to function as

top of the wall, resulting in a thin visual edge

tumed in either one or two directions. Panels

concealed gutters while providing a visual

t o the top of the wall. This coping line can be

are increasingly beingtwisted in two direc-

continuity between wall and roof. Conse-

concealed from view in rainscreen roof panel

tions in order to creategenuinely curved

quently, eaves, monopit ch ridges and verges

construction. The extemal wall beneath is

roof finishes. Altematively, panels can be set

can have a similar outward appearance of an

typically sealed up to the underside of the

fiat but with each panel at different anglest o

unintenrupted panel layout extending from

roof deck.

create a facetted roof section.

System details An advantage of rainscreen panels for

roof down to the extemal wall. Parapets are formed only by a gutter that also provides

The parapet gutter can be covered with a perforat ed or slotted metal cover in the

the necessary upstand height for the para-

same material and finish as the adjacent rain-

pet itself. A coping is then formed by using

screen panels. Since rainwater runs off each

the same rainscreen panels as elsewhere

panel at its edges onto the membrane below,


22 1

Roo s 03 Metal roo fs 5: metal lou vres

3-D view of louvred metal canopy and support


3-D sect io n th rough louvred canopy edge and support

System design Where end caps are screwed to the ends,

pin connections. Two flat plates are welded

used ascanopies to provide solar shading

the aluminium profile has screw ports that

to the endsof the tubes, and a single plate

while still allowing daylight to pass through

fonm part of the extrusion, into which the

fonming a cleat is fixed to the underside of

the canopy. Louvre blades are set typically

screws are fixed. Aluminium extrusions can

the flat frame and the base support below

at 45° to the vertical in order to block the

be made in lengths up to around 6000mm,

the roof. The fork ends of the tubular sup-

passage of direct sunlight but allow the light

and are supported at centres to suit their

ports and the support cleats to which it con-

to be reflected off its surfaces down to the

structural depth. An elliptical section will

nectsare fixed together with face-mounted

space beneath the canopy. Louvre sections

span typically 1500mm for a 75mm to

or countersunk bolts to fonm a visually crisp

are created from folded strips of aluminium

IOOmm deep section while a 250mm deep

connection. The tubes have tapered ends

or mild steel sheet, but these have limited

section will span 2500mm, depending upon

shown which istypical of this type of steel

Arrangements of metal louvres are

stiffness and stability, requiring restraint

design wind speed and relative loads. When

construction. The aluminium louvre panels

along their length to hold their straightness

fixed at their ends, a fixed louvre assembly

are fixed to the supporting flat frame with

in length. Greater stiffness is provided by

can be made without visible fixings.

brackets that are welded to the sides of the bottom flange of the steel I-section. The alu-

extruded aluminium sections, where the elliptical section is most commonly used, mainly for its abilityto reflect daylight in a

System details The supporting structureto the example

minium louvre panel is supported on these brackets, with a nylon spacer between them

way that reveals its three-dimensional fonm,

shown comprises a mild steel frame fabri-

to allow for thenmal movement. The louvre

enhancing its appearance. Sections are

cated from box sections, supported by tube

panel is fixed to the cleat bracketwith a

either a half ellipse or a full ellipse. Flatlou-

sections that spring from points below the

countersunk bolt.

vre arrangements provide much less visual

roof The box sections are shown bolted

vibrancy when viewed from below. Extruded

together to fonm a flat frame structure, into

ing louvre assembly shown is made from

aluminium sections require end caps, usually

which are set louvre panels, prefabricated

either mild steel or aluminium sections.

for visual reasons, and these are either fixed

and finished in a factory, then fixed to the

Aluminium sections are usually prefenred for

with countersunk screws into the wall ofthe

supporting mild steel frame on site. The

their durability but mild steel is often used

section, or are welded and ground smooth.

steel tubes are fixed to the flat frame with

for its greater rigidity. Mild steel isgalvanised,



The supporting structureto the mov-

3-D detail of louvred canopy edge and support

Details I. Extruded aluminium louvre blade 2. Mild steel box section

3. Mild steel tube 4. Structural pin connection 5. Mild steel I-section 6. Bolt fixed metal panel 7. Aluminium sheet 8. Mild steel or aluminium support frame 3-D detail of louvred canopy edge and support

3-D detail of louvred canopy 3-D detail of louvred canopy edge and support

Forth Road Bridge Toll Plaza Canopy, Edinburgh, UK. Architect: Reiach & Hall Architects 3-D detail of louvre support


22 3

Roors03 Metal roofs 5: metal lo uvres

3-D view s of electrically operated louvre panel in open and closed positions

Detail s I . Extruded aluminium louvre blade 2. Standard rackanm 3. Drive shaft 4. Slat clip




3-D viewsof electrically operated louvre panel inopen and closedpositions

painted, or both, while aluminium, wit h it s

overall appearance of a single colour for the

also used for horizontal and inclined glazed

greater durability, can be natural, anodised

complete canopy, particularly when recessed

roofs, excluding up to 90% of solar heat

or cromated (similar to anodising) depend-

joints are used between panels. Flush joints

gain when set at a 45° angle. Louvre blades

ing on the individual application. Metal

in silicone tend to give the canopy surface an

are 75mm-1 OOmm in typical proprietary

panels of large size, made from 1200mm

homogenous appearance, giving it more the

systems but blades up to 300mm wide can

x 2400mm sheet, can result in a gentle oil-

appearance of concrete than of metal. This

be made as a single extrusion. Nylon sleeves

canning effect around their edges. This gives

can detract from the crisply fitted assembly

and washers are used at the connection of

panelstheir characteristic soft edge, but they

of panelswhich is characteristic of metal and

moving parts, rather than metal, to avoid

look smooth and consistent, and this is usu-

also one of the advantages of the material.

the need for regular lubrication. Louvres can

ally accept ed visually as part of their appear-

Louvres are typically a maximum of

be solid or perforat ed to different percent-

ance. If much thicker sheet is used, there

around 6000mm long for those 75mm to

ages of solid to void, from around 10% void

is a disadvantage in increased cost as well

100mm deep, requiring support at 1000mm

to a maximum of 50%, though the latter is

as a greater difficulty in working the sheet

to 1500mm. Sliding arms typically support up

difficult to fabricate. Louvres are fixed by

to form smooth shaped pressed panels.

to a 6000mm length of louvre blades, giving

steel pins int o a sliding aluminium section

Aluminium panels are typically either PVDF

an overall square shape (in plan) to each set

at each end of the profile. The louvres are

coated or polyester powder coated, while

of controlled louvres of 6000mm x 6000mm

also fixed at their centre in section. As t he

steel sheet is usually polyester powder coat -

size which are fixed int o the supporting

sliding aluminium rod moves, the aluminium

ed only. The useof anodised aluminium as a

I-section frame. A IOOmm deep I-section will

louvres move together. opening and closing

finish on sheet has increased in recent years

span typically IOOOmm - 1500mm between

together. The sliding rods are connected at

asa result of greater reliability of the finish,

supports depending on the design of the

each end of the louvres and are fixed to a

which until recently has suffered from une-

glazed roof below. The distance between

supporting frame of aluminium I-sections.

ven colour consistency. The silicone used to

the moveable louvre panels and the glazed

The single tube is powered by an electric

seal the joint s can be applied in a variety of

roof below is made sufficient t o allow for

motor, and as it tum s, the sliding arms move

monotone tints, ranging from white, to greys,

access for cleaning the glass below and the

through the arrangement of gears.

to black Some silver-grey colours match

louvre assembly itself

well with silver coloured panels t o give an

Electrically operated louvre canopies are



Roo fs 03 Glass roofs I : greenhouse glazi ng and capp ed systems

The Glasshouse, RHS Wisley, UK. Architect: Petervan der Toom Vrijthof

3-D view of typical eaves connection

Details I. Extruded aluminium glazing bar 2.Single glazed sheet 3. Rubber seal 4.Aluminium glazing clip 5. Extruded aluminium section 6. Aluminium clip on capping 7. Aluminium footing 8. Concrete base 9. Polycarbonate sheet IO. Double glazed unit

3-D detail of glazing support

Systems design Curtain walling principles used in extemal

duringrain. The condensation channel also

sections are separated from the glass by

walls have been adopted, over the last 20

serves as a drain for moisture inside the

extruded rubber-based seals which are held

years, as a reliable method of construct-

building that has condensed within the fram-

in place on the aluminium glazing bars and

ing glazed roofs to replace earliersystems

ing. Condensation channels are either open

which press against the glass to provide both

developed from greenhouse glazing. This

at the edges or are enclosed. Modem green-

a cushion for the glass as well as a water and

glazing system is still used in greenhouses for

house glazing is madefrom extruded alu-

air seal. The strength and stiffness of the glaz-

agricultural activities, but has poor thermal

minium sections with no thermal break, since

ing bar is provided by the central flat bar that

insulation, since their purposeis to absorb

high thermal insulation is not required, but

extends beyond the glazing line either inside

the heat from the sun rather than excluding

includes the condensation channels to avoid

or outside the glazing. Unlike curtain walling

it. The useof single glazing, with no ther-

water from drippingbelow. The horizontal

based systems, where the structural mullion

mal breaks and high air infiltration rates (by

joint between lapped glass sheets is sealed

extends on the inside face of the glass, with

curtain walling standards), make it ideal for

with either a sealant, typically silicone, or with

a pressure plate on the outside, greenhouse

agricultural use, but very poor for the use

continuous aluminium clips. Some green-

glazing has only clips on either side of the

in general building construction. However,

house systems still have lapped glass with no

control bar, allowing it greaterfreedom to

the concept of greenhouse glazing has been

seal at between the glass sheets, making it

extend both inside and outside the face of

developed into the highly insulated, air sealed

very economic, but not very airtight, which

the glass. The rubber seals are deep enough

and watertight glass roof systems used in

suits certain agricultural applications.

and soft enough to allow the bottom of the

contemporary buildings. An essential component of greenhouse

Ventilation in greenhouse glazing is provided at the eaves and at the ridge, while

glass sheetto lap over the top of the sheet below on the horizontal joints.

glazing that has been retained in modem

opening lights are used for more closely

glazed roofs isthe glazing bar, which cor-

controlled ventilation. Single glazed sheets

responds to a mullion in glazed walls. The

are held in place on their sides by supporting

greenhouse glazing bar has a condensation

them on the glazing bars and securing them

use the principles of traditional greenhouse

channel beneath of the glass to drain away

in place with continuous aluminium clips that

glazing, but incorporatethe techniques of

water that passes through the outer seal

snap onto the glazing bar. The aluminium

glazed curtain walling. Drained and ventilated



System details Systems for contemporary glass roofs

Vertical section 1:5, Typical capped glazing details




3-D view of ridge in greenhouse roof

3-D detail of ridge

Vertical section 1:5, Ridge in greenhouse glazing

Vertical section 1:5, Typical ridge and valleydetails


® Vertical section 1:5, Greenhouse glazing system showingtypical details

Vertical section 1:5, Clamping det ails for glass to glass connection

Vertical section 1:5, Clamping details for glass to polycarbonate connection



Roofs 03 Glass roofs I: gree nhouse glazing and capped systems

Vert ical section I : IO. Ridge detail

House in Lon don, UK. A rchit ect: Gianni Botsford Archi te cts

3-D view of capped glazing system with insulated ridge

Details I . Ext ruded aluminium glazing bar 2. Ext ruded alumini um transo m


3. Ridge bar 4. D o uble glazed unit 5. T herm al insulati on 6. Pressure plate and capping 7. Rubb er seal




n II

8. A lumini um fiashing

Verti cal section I : I O. Capped glass roof

9. Aluminium clip on capping

with abutm ents

10, Extruded aluminium section

3-D view of capped glazing roof system


3-D cutaway of glass to glass comer detail in cpped glazing

3-D detail of capped ridge

systemsare used,with thenrnal breaks and

or pressure equalised, intemally. Water that

trapped on the to p edge of this horizontally-

double glazed units. Pressure plates rather

is able to find its way thro ughthe outer

set glazing bar, but this is soon blown away

than clips are used t o hold large glass units

seal drips into an intemal channel where it

by the wind or else evaporates. Any water

in place in capped systems, and toggle-type

is drained away safely to the bottom of the

that penetrates the outer seal is drained

plat es are used to provide flush joints in

roof, typically at the eaves. In smaller roofs

away throughthe intemal drain in the glazing

silicone based systems. This latter type is dis-

without eaves, where the roof angle changes


cussed in the next section on siliconesealed

from pitchedto vertical wall, rainwater is

rooflights, while this section focuses on pres-

allowed to run on down the wallto the base

principles of greenhouse glazing. The box

sure plate systems, so-called 'capped' glazing.

of the roof. At the 'fold' point of the roof the

section, or chosen profile of the typical glaz-

A typical system comprises glazing bars which

intemal drain in the glazing bar is continu-

ing bar is usually made deeper to take the

Ridges, like glazing bars, follow the main

are assembled on sit e in a grid of members

ous with the vertical wall, and the system is

higher structural loads of the ridge. Gutters,

that resemble the mullions and transoms of

drained at the base of the wall, which could

at both valleys and eaves, are very different

stick glazed curtain walling. The base of the

be a reinforced concret e slab at roof level.

to greenhouse glazing. Instead of lapping the

curtain wall, at the bott om of the extruded

Wh ile glazing bars runningdown the

glass into the gutter, the gutter profile (or

profile, may have an additional condensation

roof project above the surface of the glass,

downstand flashing) is clamped into one side

channel, as shown. This provision can also be

those running alongthe roof which hold the

of the horizontally-set glazing bar at the base

made by settingthe condensation channels

top and bottom edges of the glass in place,

of the pitched roof.

immediately beneath the glass. The glass is

require a method of allowingthe water to

set onto rubber-based air seals fixed to the

run over the junction. Some systems usea

glazing bar and is secured with a continuous

step at this point, without a pressure plate on

pressure plat e of extruded aluminium. A strip

top that would otherwise impede the pas-

of extruded EPDM is set between the pres-

sage of water down the roof. Other systems

sure plate and the glass to provide a weath-

usea pressure plate and cover capping with

ertight seal. As with glazed curtain walling,

chamfered edges that allow rainwater to pass

the glazing bars are drained and ventilat ed,

over it easily. A small amount of water is left



Roofs 03 Glass roofs 2: Silicone sealed glazing and rooflights

CD 0

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3-D view of connection detail with gutter



- 0

Vertical section I: I0 through roofiight showing typical details

System design

Details I. Extruded aluminium glazing profile 2. Pressure plate and capping

While capped systems, described in

channel is recessed into the gapat the edge of the unit usually usedto bond the unit

the previous section, suit pitched roofs,

together and to sealthe edges behind the

they cannot reliably be used on nominally

spacer. The adjacent spacer in the double

5. Thenmal insulat ion

flat roofs, where the roof pitch is usually 3°

glazed unit both keeps the glass at a fixed

6. Silicone seal

to 5°, This is mainly becausethe rainwater

distance apart as well as having desiccant

3. Mild steel support frame 4. Double glazed unit with recessed edge

7. Concrete base 8. Gutt er 9. Intemal finish



running down the roof cannot pass the

within it to absorb any residual moisture

horizontal glazing bars which project above

within the sealed cavity between the glass

the surface of the glass, The smooth, con-

sheets. The recessed aluminium channel is

tinuous finish required for flat glazed roofs

bonded to each glass sheet and also pro-

is achieved with a silicone seal between

videsthe edge seal to the completed unit,

glass panels that is set flush with the surface

as in a regular double glazed unit. The short

of the glass. The glass is clamped in place

lengths of pressure plate are then set into

with short lengths of pressure plate that are

the gap formed by the recessed channels of

recessed below the outer seal. The recessed

abutti ng glazed units, and are clamped to the

plates are secured to an aluminium channel

glazing bar wit h self tapping screws, typically

which forms an integral part of the double

at 300mm centres. The gap between the

glazed unit and which is continuous around

glazed unit is sealed with silicone, typically

its perimeter. The extruded aluminium

ISmm to 20mm wide, and with a backing

3-D view of typical ro oflight assembly with unca pped horizo ntal joints

strip or 'backing rod' behind it to form a backedge to the silicone seal. The glazing bar has its structural box or fin removed in order to fix it directly to

System details Since the advantage of silicone-sealed systems is of continuous glazed surfaces

a steel support frame. Altematively, an all-

uninterrupted by visible glazing bars, ridges

aluminium glazing bar can be used. As with

and valleys are treated only as folds in the

capped systems, small amounts of rainwater

surface of the glazing, for rainwater runs

that pass through the outer silicone seal are

across the complete sealed surface of the

drained away in the condensation channels

glass rather than being directed into gutters

set below the glass, within the glazing bar. In

set across its surface. The short lengths of

practice, silicone seals are very reliable but

pressure plate can be folded in the factory

are dependent upon correct workmanship

to the required angle, while the glazing bar

on site, so the condensation channel is often

forming the ridge isthe same as that used

not used in practice but serves as a second-

elsewhere on the roof, with some modifica-

ary chamberto support the inner air seals.

tions to the angle of the clips that hold the

Silicone-sealed glazing bars can be used in

inner EPDM seal in place. The edges of roofs

all directionsacross a roof, unlike capped

are also treated as folds, with rainwater usu-

systems, since the glazing bars presentno

allyallowed to run off the edge into a gutter,

barrier to the passage of water.

either just below the roof, or down to the

Dulwich picture gallery, London, UK. Architect: Rick Mather



Roofs 03 Glass roofs 2: Silicone sealed glazing and rooflights

Vert ical sectio n 1:5. Comer detail

Details I . Extruded aluminium glazing profile 3-D view o f co m er detail showing fo lded pressure plate t o

2. Pressure plate and capping 3. Mild steel support frame 4. D o uble glazed unit w ith recessed

achieve desired angle


5. Thenmal insulat io n 6. Silicone seal 7. Concrete base 8. Gutter 9. Int em al finish

base of the glazed wall below the glazed

glazed unit to be coated or 'opacified' to

profilesare used for the vertically-set glazing

roof An advantage of this system is the

avoid the frame behind being visible through

bars running down the slope of a roof, while

ability of the roof to be continuous with a

the glass. This is often achieved by stepping

silicone-sealed glazing is used on horizontal

glazed wall in the same system with a simple

the glazed unit, with the outer glass extend-

joints to allow rainwaterto pass down it

'fold', wit hout reducing its weather tightness.

ingto meet the comer, while the inner glass

unimpeded by any projectingglazing bars.

Typically the wall is not very high, fonrning

stops at the glazing bar to allow the recessed

Junctions in silicone sealed glazing, such as

part of a largerglazed roof. Dust that is car-

aluminium angle to be bonded in its usual

edges of roofs and ridges, are fonrned in the

ried down off the roof during rain is washed

position adjacent to the glazing bar.The

same way, while the capped system follows

down the vertical glazing, rather than being

glass unit is secured in the same way, with a

the folds with continuous pressure plates

canried away in a gutter, but in practice

recessed length of pressure plate, while the

that are mitred and sealed at the folds. Butyl

glazed rooflights require regular cleaning to

outer glass is cantilevered t o meet the adja-

tape is used asan extra seal at folds, set

maintain their crisp appearance.

cent glazed unit at the comer.

between t he pressure plate and the outer

Folded comers are fonrned with either

An advantage of silicone sealed glazing

a single specially fonrned glazing bar, or wit h

is its ability to be mixed with capped glazing.

tw o glazing bars meeting. The recessed

Since both systems are drained and venti lat-

lengths of pressure plate are folded to fonrn

ed (pressure equalised), the same glazing bar

the required angle, and the silicone is cham-

can be used in a mixed roof system of flush

fered to fonrn a flat surface between the two

silicone joints and capped profiles. Although

meetingglass panels. Silicone is rarely used

this mix is done often for visual reasons, it

to makea sharp angle between the two

does allow for easily fonrned junctions with

double glazed units, as it is very difficult to

adjacent areas of roof in different materials,

achieve a straight line without the assistance

and for a mix of actual panels and glazed

of an additional metal angle bedded into the

panels in a single roof using a reliable drained

silicone. The altemative method of fonrning

and ventilated system. The most common

a roof edge requires the edge of the double

application of this method is where capped



EPDM gaskets. Cover caps are also mitred to give a crisp appearance.


3-D view of panel to panel junction detail w it hout capping

Vertical section 1:5. Panel to panel junction with capping

3-D view of panel t o panel junction detail with

3-D view of com er detail show ing insulat ed comer cov-


ered by opaque glazing

MCH Horizontal panel t o panel junction w it h capping


Roofs 03 Glass roofs 3: bolt-fixed glazi ng

3-D view of ridge detail

3-D view of bolt fixed glazing with intemal fold

Details I. Structural steel support 2. Connector plate

3. Bolt fixing 4. Silicone seal between glass panels 5. Single glazed or double

7. silicon seal 8. Adjacent extemal wall 9. Insulation 10. Extruded metal cylindrical section I I. Roofconstruction 12. Concrete base

glazed unit 6. Support bracket

System design This method of glazing for roofs has

to support the same three panels of glass.

been adapted from the technique used for

This is achieved by settingthe beam inthe

glazed walls. where glass isfixed at points

middle of altemate glass panels. Brackets are

System details The essential component inthis glazing

with specially designed bolts rather than

cantilevered from the beam to support the

method. the bolt fixing. is made typically in

with a frame supporting the perimeter of

edge of the panel above as well as one side

stainless steel, and consists of several compo-

the glass. Bolt fixed glazing for facade con-

ofthe panel next to it. This method pro-

nents that fonrn the complete assembly. The

struction developed from earlier patch plate

vides greater visual transparency but requires

part that passes through the glass has either

glazing,where single glazed sheets of glass

largerbrackets. which in practice detract lit-

a disc on each side of the glass to clamp

are bolted together wit h mild steel brack-

tle from the increased effectof transparency.

the glass or double glazed unit together, or

ets. Glass fins are used to stiffen the glazed

The single tube section shown inthe

altematively is angled to fonrn a countersunk

walls to replacethe aluminium mullions. The

diagrams would suit only a short span. as in a

devicewithin the depth of the double glazed

L-shaped patch fittings bolt the fins and glass

rooflight, but large span roofs require deeper

unit. The countersunkfitting isset flush with

together. as well as bolting the glass to the

beams. usually fonrned as open trusses in

the outer face of the glass. and the face

supporting structure at the top and bottom

order to maintain the sense of transpar-

fixed disctype is set forward of the face of

of the wall.

ency at obliqueviewing angles. Triangulated

the glass. A polished stainless steel finish is

trusses provide both structure and support

mostly used on the outside in order to make

W here glazed walls are usually structurally supported by either top hung or bot-

for the glass. but tend to be visually heavy.

it easy to clean and maintain. In the face fixed

tom supported methods. the support of

Cable trusses are often prefenred, but they

type. which iscunrently the most commonly

glazed roofs is by trusses, steel sections or

require a ring beam around the edge of

used fixing. the inner disc screws over the

purlins that span across the roof opening.

the glazed roof to fonrn a tensile supporting

threaded shank that fonrns part of the outer

For nominally flat roofs, the most common

structure like a tennis racquet. The cable

disc until it istight up to the inner face of the

arrangement isa supporting beam set under

trusses. always intension. require an equiva-

glass. The threaded shank projecting into the

each glass joint. so that bolts are supported

lent sunrounding structure in compression

building isable to rotate about a ball bearing

on each side of the beam by a short bracket.

to transfer the loadsto the main building

where it meets the inner face of the double


glazed unit. This allows the double glazed

Only halfthe number of beams are required



3-D view of bo lt glazed roof system

Vertical section & elevations I :25. Bolt fix ed roof w ith folded pro file

3-D of valley detail

Vert ical section I : 10. Intem al fold


@ eD


1- .

-tr r.

eD 3-D view of bolt fixed system




-, ...----

t .




Hori zont al section I :25. Typical clamp assemb ly



Roofs 03 Glass roofs 3: bolt-fixed glazing

Vertical sections I:10. Bracket support

Vertical section I:IO. Connection to roof deck

Tower Bridge House, London, Uk. Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

unit to rotate up to around 12° under wind

common joint width (in elevation) that

load and associated structural deflections.

allows for both structural movement and

made as an outer silicone seal wit h an inner

This swivel joint is essential in avoidingthe

the slight variations in the size of the glass

backing rod of extruded EPDM. The gasket

over stressing of the glass under full wind

panels. Unlike capped roof glazing systems,

has projectingflaps on each side to form a

load that would otherwise result in breakage

the entire double glazed unit is visible from

'fir tree' section which prevents any water

of the glass unit. The threaded shank is then

both outside and inside, the edges are not

that penetrates the extemal seal from reach-

used to clampthe complete bolt fixingto a

set behind pressure plates that conceal any

ingthe inner face of the seal. This EPDM

support bracket with either threaded discs

variations in glass panel size. Joint widths up

gasket also serves asan inner air seal, and

or nuts. The visible thread in the shank can

to around 28mm, which is deemed close to

provides a crisp appearance of sharp lines in

be either left exposed, or be covered wit h

the maximum practical joint width for the

the interior face of the glazed roof.

threaded sleeves and stop ends. This bolt

adhesion of silicone sealant in a regulardou-

type is used regardless of the orientation of

ble glazed unit, is used where brackets pen-

the roof, whet her flat or pitched. In common with other glass roof types,

etrate the outer seal from insidethe roof to outside. If required, these brackets are

the inner glass of a double glazed unit is usu-

used to support extemal sun shading and

ally made from laminated glass. In the event

maintenance equipment. These brackets

of a double glazed unit being broken, the

are usually in the form of flat plates that are

inner laminated sheet remains intact, while

welded to the intemal supporting structure,

the broken piecesof the heat strengthened

and project through the joint. Although an

or fully toughened outer sheet come to rest

additional lip around the projecting plate

on top of the damaged, but intact, inner

may provide additional protection to water

sheet. The double glazed units are first fixed

penetration between the silicone and the

and adjusted to form even joint widths

bracket, in practice it has been found that

between all the units. Joints of 20-28mm

this detail performs well if the seal is applied

are used, though around 20mm isthe most

to a good level of workmanship.



Seals between double glazed units are

3-D view of base stand connectionto roof deck

Louvre gallery, Paris, France. Architect: I M Pei

® 3-D view of underside of bolt glazed roof system

\ L


® - ® Vertical section I:IO. Base upstand junction

Vertical section I:IO. Junction wit h adjacent wall

Vertical section I:10. Upstand at base



Roo s 03 Glass roofs 4: bo nded glass rooflights Details I, Silicone bo nd 2, Mild steel support frame 3, Single glazed laminat ed glasspanel 4, Silicone seal 5, Co ncret e base 6, Insulat ed met al panel 7, Fold ed met al fiashing 8, Reinforc ed conc rete suppo rt frame 9, Fo lded alumunium pro t ective cover

Plan I :20 of typical ro ofiight layout

10, Stee l aluminium suppo rt shoe I I, St nuctu ral glass beam


3-D view of ty pical roo f light assembly



= Vert ical sectio n I : I0, Base upstand, Junction w ith adjacent mat erial

Vert ical sectio n 1:5 through roofiight showing t ypical details


System design The method of silicone bonding glass to

be extremely difficult to fabricate, The rec-

in glazed curtain walling to provide visually

tangularroofiight shown is bonded together

smooth glass facades with no visible cap-

without a supporting structure; the glass pro-

pings, The use of silicone sealed roofiights

vides its own support. The fiat monopitch

can be taken a step further to become a full

roofiight is bonded to a frameto provide

bond without the need for the mechanical

a small roofiight from one double glazed

restraint of pressure plates, In silicone bond-

roofiight, with laminated glass sheets used to

ed roofiights, the glass is glued to a support-

fonm a surface which can be walked upon.

ing frame, The glue is also the extemal seal.

Similar to a glass fioor used inside a building,

This technique is useful for small roofiights,

it must also take heavier traffic loadings and

where cappings would be very difficultto

be weathertight.


The generic conical roofiight shown has

upon, where the roofiight is an extemal glass

a lightweight steel frame used to support


double glazed unitsthat fonm a roofiight.

The generic conical roofiight shown has


both vertically and horizontally, which would

aluminium framing is well developed for use

fabricate, and in roofiights which are walked

3-D Details showing glassto glass junctio ns

cover caps that would have to be curved

The structural frame comprises box sections

curved double glazed units bonded to an

set vertically, held in place by thin tube sec-

aluminium frame, Silicone bonding avoids

tions running horizontally to fonm a circle,

3-D view of glass beam with central steel support beam

3-D view of underside of glass beam and ste el suppo rt beam 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

~ ' /-

Vertical section I: IO. Support systems for roofii ght

" " 0"'1

3-D det ail of st eel support beam

"v' The glass panels are supported on steel fi at sections which are welded to the horizontally set tube section. The glass is levelled on

is constructed without a supporting frame.

blocks set onto the horizontal fiat section,

Mechanical restraint is provided at the

and the si licone is applied to the joint. At the

comers in t he fonm of pressure plate clips.

base, the horizontal metal section projects

The double glazed units at the corners are

out to fonm a fiash ing over the upstand in

fabricated with a recessed groove on the

which the roofi ight is set. An additional inner

two sides of the panel fonming the corner

metal upstand can be provided with another

in order to receive the clip. An alternative

si licone seal ifthere is risk of future flooding

method is to fix the metal clip to the outside

from blocked rainwater outlets, for example.

of t he glass at the comer. This avoidsthe

The waterproof membrane for the roof slab

need for special ly made comer pieces but it

is continued up the upstand and is bonded

does fonm a visible fixing. The modest size of

to the base of the horizontal section that

this roofiightallows the horizontally-set glass

supports t he glass. This provides a complete

to span from side to side with no additional


@ ~

" "

top of the wate rproof membrane. The generic rectangu lar roofi ightshown



". '1

Vertical sectio n I : IO. Junctio n with adjacent w all

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~ ~~


seal from the glass to the roof membrane,

support. The comers of the roofl ightare

with the metal flashing providing both a pro-

stiffened by short lengths of pressure plate

tection to this seal and a means of conceal-

which holdthe glass in place. The glass has a

ing the closed cell thenmal insulation set on

specially shaped groove in the depth of the


Vertical sectio n I: IO. Bracket support



Roo~03 Glass roofs 4: bonded glass rooflights


0 .





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11 r-



Vertical section I:10 through bonded glass roof light showing typical details





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o Vertical section 1:5. Typical comer detail


Horizontal section 1:5. Typical comer detail

Vertical section 1:5. Bonded glass to glass connection

Vertical section I:5. Typical connection to roof

double glazed unit, to which the pressure

decking is in development and will no doubt

upon the individual design. Here steel plate

platesare fixed. Comer joints have an outer

become much more common over the next

is used to provide a beam instead of lami-

comer piece of folded aluminium which is


nated glass, a steel flat is welded to the top

silicone bonded either to the face of the

The glass used is laminated, in common

of the beamto fonm a T-section that gives

adjacent glass units, or is folded at 90° to

wit h other rooflights, both to avoid the pos-

enough bearing for the glass deck. The ends

bond it to the side of the unit. Glass-to-glass

sibility of any falling objects from penetrating

of the glass beams are supported by a metal

joints between horizontally-set units have a

the glass on impact, as well as preventing

shoe support, made from either mild steel

silicone seal wit h an aluminium angle set on

damaged glass from falling immediately into

or aluminium. Stainless steel is used where

the inside face to provide a second seal.

the space below. The glass is set into a series

conrosion is an essential consideration of the

of extruded aluminium anglesto which it is

design. The metal shoe is bolted backto the

bonded on its underside. A gap between the

supporting structure or reinforced concrete

System details

frame and the top of the glass is sealed wit h

floor slab. The gap between the edge of the

accessible roof decks have been in use over

silicone of a different type. An additional

glass deck and the adjacent roof finish mate-

the past 10years. Previously used only

condensation channel is set below the glass

rial is madewith a silicone seal.

inside buildings for walkways and stairs, they

to catch any water that penetrates the sili-

are now beingused as fully waterproofed

cone seal, or any water that passes through

external decks, manufactured as proprietary

a damaged joint.

Rooflights fonmed as nominally flat,

systems. Single glazing is used, since double

The details here show altematives for

glazed units are difficult to use asa result of

both steel beam and glass beam supports to

solar gain around the edge of the unit, where

the glass panels. A typical rooflight is shown

the glass is exposed to the outside, but is

with glass panels 2400mm x 1200mm in size.

supported on its underside, allowing heat to

The supporting structure has a glass beam

enter but not to escape. W here blackcol-

set in the centre, spanning the full length of

oured edge 'frittiog' is used, the situation is

6000mm. Its depth is approximately 600mm,

made difficult. However, double glazed roof

but the beam depth will vary depending



3-D cutaway of t ypical com er detail

3-D cutaway of t ypical rooflight assembly

3-D cutaway of t ypical junction w ith roo f


3-D detail of connection between glass beam and concret e w all

3-D det ail of junction betw een glassand steel support beams

3-D view looking up at int erior finish at edge of glassbeam and concrete base

Details I Silicone bon d 2. Mild steel support frame 3. Single glazed laminated glass panel 4. Silicone seal 5. Concrete base 6. Insulated metal panel 7. Folded metal flashing

8. Reinforced concrete support frame 9. Folded almunium protective cover 10. Steel aluminium support shoe I I . Structura l glass beam

3-D view of junction at edge of glassbeam and steel support


24 1

Roofs 03 Concrete I: co ncealed mem brane

3-D overview of a concrete roof w ith a concealed membrane

Det ails I. W aterproof membrane 2. The rmal insulation 3. Co ncrete de ck 4. Paving slabs 5. Smoo th pebbles 6. Parapet cop ing 7. Rainwater o ut let 8. Slot dra in 9. O pen ing for overf ow

System design Bitumen hastraditionally been used as a

dimensional stability andtensile strength.

of the building. An outer protective layer

wat erproof layer, applied while hot in liquid

This reinforcement often allows the mate-

is added for vulnerable locations such asat

fonm onto a concrete roof slab. As it cools it

rial to be folded through 90°, making its use

gutters and at upstands.

hardens, fonming an impervious membrane,

considerably easier, where angle fillets are

but will soften again if heated by the effects

not required.

of solar radiation. For this reason, in order to

With the development of much thinner

System details Concealed membrane roofs are typi-

keep the material cool, bitumen membranes

membranes in thenmoplastics and elastom-

cally in 'inverted' roof configuration with

are concealed by smooth pebbles or pav-

ers, together wit h their competitive costs,

either open joints or sealed joints in the

ing slabs, usually wit h thenmal insulation set

there have been considerable efforts made

top layer that coversthe thenmal insulation,

between the bitumen andthe pebbles or

by manufacturers over the past 20 years to

usually paving. In the open joint version, the

paving. Traditional bitumen roofs are usually

makethe bitumen layers thinner,to reduce

membrane, bonded to the concrete slab, is

laid in two layers, with an overall thickness

the material required while enhancing its

covered by a protection layer, with closed

of around 25mm. One of the limitingfac-

properties of strength and flexibility. This has

cell, rigidthenmal insulation set on top . A

tors with bitumen is foldingthe material at

been achieved by replacing the thick two-

polyesterfilter sheet is set on top, wit h pav-

a comer or edge. W hen the material tums

layer method wit h a mixture of thin layers,

ing or smooth pebble ballast on top to hold

through a right angle from the horizontal

still applied in hot liquid fonm on site, but

the insulation in place as well as to walk on.

roof to a vertical parapetwall, it can pass

reinforced wit h an elastomeric sheet, usually

Pebbles are 20mm - 40mm diameter, while

through a maximum of 45° in a single fold.

bedded between the layers. This is typically

paving slabs are around 600 x 600mm in

For this reason 45°angle fillets are used to

two layers, each 3mm thick with reinforcing

size and 30 mm - 40mm deep. In the sealed

make a 90° tum from roof to wall.

layers bedded into the material. This allows

joint configuration, the bitumen membrane

the bitumen to accommodate both small

with its protection layer has a drainage layer

are concealed beneath roof finishes are typi-

amounts of movement at these junctions, as

on top, onto which is laida minimum 65mm

cally a combination of bitumen-based sheet

well as the sharp fold in the material, which

sand/cement screed, usually reinforced or

mixed wit h synthetic rubber to give flex-

creates a weakness in the membrane which

made sufficiently thick to avoid cracking both

ibility combined with a reinforcement to give

might otherwise be damaged duringthe life

in the screed and the sealed paving above.

Modem bitumen-based membranes that




CD -- --c.!F - -' -CD


Ve rtical section I:10. Rainwater o utlet

3-D detail of rainwate r outlet

CD 3-D view of parapet and rainwater out let





,, J


CD '(

Vertical section I: I0 , Parapet and rainwater o utlet



Roofs 03 Concrete I: concealed membrane

3-D detail of concrete upstand

Persistence W orks, Sheffield, UK. Architect: Fielden Clegg Bradley Studios

Vertical section I: IO. Concrete upstand

Paving slabs or blocks are bonded to the

bitumen based material, or increasingly, a

screed with mortar and grouted.

rubber-based strip.

Expansion joints between concrete Vertical section I: IO. Junction of extemal wall and roof slab

slabs of widths between around IOmm to

as possible with the adjacent areas of roof

50mm are fonmed by stopping the material

to allow water to drain freely from the roof.

each side of the joint and setting a rubber-

The reinforcing membrane is sometimes

based strip that dips into the gap between

folded down into the gap, separat ed from

the slabs, linking the membranes into a

the membrane below wit h a foam backing

continuous seal. The joint is protected and

rod. It can be difficultto drain water from

reinforced with an additional layer, either

this groove at the edge of the slab unless

fiat and bonded on one side only, or fonmed

water at this lower level can discharge into a

as a folded, S-shaped cover that folds back

rainwater outlet.

over itself, held in place by an additional

CD- - - Vertical section I:IO. two-way drain outlet



The top of the joint is finished as level

In fonming parapet upstands, an essen-

protection sheet on top . The gap between

tial requirement is t o keep the waterproof

the membrane, dipped into the joint, and

membrane as well protected from the

the reinforcement cover is filled with a foam

effects of the sun as elsewhere on the roof.

backing rod or tube, as used in the glass

For this reason, thenmal insulation is applied

joints of bolt fixed glazing. The material used

to the inside face of the parapet, even if

for the reinforcement is either the same

this has no direct benefitto the passage of



3-D detail of ballustrade w it hin ro of system

3-D detail of roo f parapet

/)-_ _----'.c=-=..::"--_

CD Vert ical sect ion I : IO. Expansion joint in concrete slab

3-D det ail of ex pansion joint in concret e slab

heat th rou gh t he building. Th e membrane

of the waterproofing layer. T he base of the

is t umed through a full 90° as shown in th e

rainw ater outlet is fixed to the concrete slab.

drawings. but an angle fillet is required by

The w at erpro of membrane is dressed dow n

so me manufacturers t o limit t he angle of

int o t he top of the rainwater outlet and the

any fo ld to 45°. A reinforcing strip is usually

upper part of the rainwater outlet is bolted

added where a 90° fold is made.

down onto the part already fixed and sealed.

Plint hs which are fomned as short col-

CD Vert ical section I : IO. Parapet detail

The geotextile sheet is wrapped around t he

umns for the support of roof-mounted

outl et to avoid dirt and debris being washed

mechanical equipm ent or balustrades are

int o t he rainwat er drainage system.

wate rproofed in a similar way to a parapet upstand. The membrane is fold ed up t hrou gh 90° fro m the roo f level and is


-·,, 0-

fomned t o cover the complete plinth . Th e themnal insulation extends across the complete plinth to prevent a themnal brid ge through the roof constructi on.



Rainwat er outl ets are set at t he level of t he wate rpro of membrane . drained at both

Ve rt ical section I : IO. Base of balustrade

the level of the sealed paving and t he level



Roofs 03- - - - - - - - Concrete 2: exposed membrane

3-D overv iew of concrete roof with an exposed memb rane

System design wide range of exposed membrane materials

with ballast to the concrete deck beneath.

for flat roofs which are not visible from

Exposed membranes have been used

available to suit different budgets and indi-

Developments in these materials have led to

below, but this has changed in recent years

vidual roof designs.

them being used on timber decks and pro-

as membranes are produced in increasingly smooth and regularfinishes. Because of their

Polymer-based membranes have the main advantage of an abilityto be cut and

filed metal decks in addition to the concrete decks discussed here. Both thermoplastic

lightweightnature, they are often used in

formed to complex shapes, allowing them

and EPDM membranes can be welded

conjunction with lightweightroofs such as

to take up shapes precisely. sometimes pre-

together to form a continuous waterproof

profiled metal deck and timber. This section

formed in the factory before being delivered

sheet. While both material types were glued,

considers their use in concrete construction,

to site. Single layermembranes are very

there is an increasing use of hot air welding

though the same principles of waterproofing

practical on roofs with a large number of

methods, which avoidthe need for flame

can be applied to these other materials.

penetrations, typically in commercial build-

techniques or adhesive bonding methods

ings where mechanical ventilation equip-

that can be both slow and can damage adja-

ment is regularly being modified or replaced

cent work duringtheir application. In hot air

The introduction of polymer-based membranes provided economic waterproofing materials that are more flexiblethan their

duringthe lifetime of a building. Single layer

welding, a jet of heated air is used to soften

bitumen-based predecessors. The increased

membranes are made from either elasto-

the materials and weld them together,

flexibility of the new sheet materials allowed

meric materials, typically EPDM, or from

applied from a range of tools that are either

for greater amounts of movement between

thermoplastic materials, typically plasticised

hand held or fully automated, depending on

adjoining components and assemblies, allow-

PVC (PVC-P). Elastomeric materials are

the application.

ingthe detailing of junctionsto be relatively

very popular in the US while thermoplastics

straightforward in forming a reliable weath-

are preferred in Europe. EPDM (ethylene

fibre sheetor polyesterfabric. These lay-

ertight roof membrane. As a result of these

propylene diene monomer) is a flexible and

ers are bonded into the material. The glass

developments, polymer modifications were

elastic material that has the appearance of a

fibre provides dimensional stability, making

also made in the earliergeneration bitumen-

synthetic rubber. EPDM is manufactured in

it more stable for bondingto the substrate.

based materials to makethem more flexible,

the limited colours of black, grey and white.

The woven polyesterfabric, used in tent

in order to compete with the polymer-based

Both elastomers and thermoplastics can

sheet materials. As a result there is now a



be mechanically fixed, bonded or secured

Membranes are reinforced with glass

membrane structures, has hightensile strength to resist wind loads.

Details I.Waterproof membrane 2. Thenmal Insulation

3. Concrete deck 4. Paving slabs 5. Smooth pebbles 6. Parapet coping 7. Rainwater outlet 8. Opening for overflow 9. Balustrade 10. Pipe or duct I I. Extemal wall 12. Rooflight

Tenerife Concert Hall, Spain. Architect: Santiago Calatrava.

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Vertical section I:10. Pipe penetration

3-D detail of pipe pentration.


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Vertical section I: I0 Junction of extemal wall and roof slab

3-D detail of junction between roof slab and extemal wall.



....----Roofs 03- - - - - - - Concrete 2: exposed memb rane

Vertical section I: IO. Rainwate r outlet (ballust ed met hod)

3-D detail of rainw ater out let w ithin exposed membrane roo f

Verti cal section I: IO. Rainwat er outlet (bonded metho d

place. The pressure plates are fixed by bolt s

systems still bond the membrane at points

membrane is a concrete deck with a vapour

A typical build-up for a single layer

at centres along their length to the substrat e

only rather than across the entire surface of

barrier set on top, with thermal insulation


the membrane, but this is dependent upon

above that, sealed on top with a single layer membrane. PVC-P membranes are typically

the wind load and the proprietary system

System details


I.Smm - 3.0mm thick, while EPDM mem-

Membranes can also be secured by

Bonded membranes have a visually

branes are typically I.Omm - l.5mm thick.

point fixings rather than by pressure plates.

smooth appearance, making them suit able

SO-7Smm diameter rigid plastic discs are

where the roof surface is seen from points

used to hold the build-up in place. These are

around the building. This fixing method still

The mechanically fixed method is suit ed to applications with high wind uplift forces, as bonded systems tend to be limited by

set at centres to suit the design wind loads.

requires mechanical fixing at the edges, and

the bonding strength of the vapour barrier

The closed cell rigid insulation istypically

around openings such as rooflights.

to which the membrane is itself bonded

made in panel sizes of 1200mm x 2400mm

through the thermal insulation layer, which

in thicknesses from 2Smm to IOOmm.

is typically made from expanded polystyrene

Membranes can be bonded or mechanically fixed to parapet upstands. The fixing

In the bonded fixing method the

method that is used on the main area of

board. The vapour barrier is loose laid on

exposed membrane of the vapour barrier

roof is usually continued on these vertical

the concrete deck and thermal insulation is

is usually bitumen-based and is bonded to

areas. W ith mechanical fixing t he pressure

then mechanically fixed through this barrier

the deck.Joints betw een the vapour bar-

plate can be fixed either to the upstand

to the deck beneath. The spacing of the fas-

rier sheet s are lapped t o avoid any risk of

or to the flat roof area. The pressure plate

teners varieswith the design wind loads. A

vapour passing through the roof structure

forms a junction between the membrane

separating layer of glass fibre sheet is usually

from inside the building. The thermal insula-

sheet forming the upstand andthe mem-

laid onto the insulation with an outer single

tion is then bonded t o the vapour barrier.

brane sheet of the roof Intermediate pres-

layer membrane. The membrane is mechani-

Insulation can also be mechanically fixed

sure plates are applied horizontally on the

cally fixed wit h pressure plate bars, similar to

with pressure plates to the concrete deck

upstand when its height exceeds around

tho se used in glazed curtain walling systems

beneath. The membrane is then bonded

SOOmm, depending on the specific material

to hold t he glass in place. Bars form strips of

to the insulation with a continuous layer of


pressure plate to hold the roof build-up in

bonding adhesive on its underside. Some



Canary Wharf underground stat ion, London, UK. Architect: Foster and Partners


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Vertical section I:IO. Upstand for balustrade

3-D detail of upstand




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3-D detail of low parapet




Vertical section I:IO. Low parapet



Roofs 03 Concrete 3: planted roof

Vertical section I:IO. Heavy planting. Rainwater outlet. 3-D detail of rainwater oult et in heavily planted roof


3-D detail of pipe penetration in heavily planted roof

3-D detail of cill junction in heavily planted roof

on a roof accessible to building users, but are seen from vantage points around the building. Light planted roofs have plants and Vertical section I:IO. Heavy planting. Pipepenetration.

flowers that require little maintenance and

System design Concrete decksused for planted areas

do not usually have an irrigation system to supply wat er at controlled times, relying on

can be waterproofed with either a con-

rainwater and modest amounts of wat ering

cealed membrane or an exposed membrane

during maintenance at specific times of the

asdiscussed in the previous sections. Planted

year. These lightweight planted roofs suit

roofs are of two types: light planted and

a lightweight deck, such as a thin concrete

heavy planted. Unlike other concrete roof

shell, although profiled metal decksare

types, planted roofs are not always insulated

commonly used as substrates. Maintenance

asthey often form the roof of underground

access is provided by the pebble strips at the

structures such as car parks, providing a

roof edges or by individual paving slabs that

planted roof at ground level.

avoid the need to walk across the planting.

Light planted roofs have resilient plants

Heavy planted roofs permit a wide

that require little or no irrigation, and that

variety of plants, shrubs and trees to grow

Vertical section I:IO. Heavy planting. Cill

will grow in a thin layer of soil or organic

on a concrete roof deck. Due to the size


growing medium. They are not usually used

and intensity of the plantingthey require an



3-D overview of concrete roof with heavy planting

3-D detail of parapetjunction in heavily planted roof Vertical section I: 10. Heavy planting. Low parapet.

automated irrigation system, usually from pipes set into the soil that provide a trickle

drainage it is estimated by manufacturers of proprietary systems that 50% to 90% of rain-

water feed t o the soil at specific times which

fall is retained in planted roofs, but this varies

may vary duringthe course of the year.

considerably with local climate conditions

Heavy planted roofs require regularmainte-

and rainwater drainage provision.

nance, provided by paved paths or by areas of grass. Both light planted and heavy planted

System details


8. Vapour barrier

I. Light vegetation

9. Concrete deck

2. Heavy vegetat ion

10. Smooth gravel

3. Soil/growing medium

II . Coping

4. FiIter sheet

12. Pipe/ duct

5. Drainage layer

I 3. Supply pipe

6. Waterproofing layer

14. Rainwater outlet

7. Thenmal insulation

15. Wall cladding

Both light planted and heavy planted

roofs have drainage layers beneath the

roofs have a similar build-up, comprising typ-

growing medium that hold wat er and

ically a top layer of planting, with a growing

release it backto the plants when required.

medium or soil beneath. A filter layer is set

This allowsthe soil depth to be much less

underneath, and below this, a drainage layer

than that which would be required for

and moisture mat. Beneath this lowest layer

older landscaping methods, where the soil

is set thermal insulation if required. Although

was expected to hold all the water. The

planted roofs provide a limited amount of

reduced depth of soil allows planting to be

thermal insulation from the soil, in practice

considered for concrete roof structures that

this is reduced due to the varying amounts

would require no significant strengthening to

of wat er held wit hin the soil. A root barrier

receive the added weight of soil. In terms of

is set beneath the insulation to protect the

Laban Centre, London, UK. Architect: Herzog and de Meuron



Ro o~03----------'"


3: planted roof

-@'- -

Section I:IO. Light planting. Rainwater outlet

3-D detail of rainwater outlet in lightly planted roof

Section I:10, Light planting. Low parapetjunction

3-D detail of low parapet in lightly planted roof

wat erproof membrane, that is the bottom

age layer. The mat is made from a durable

drainage layer to provide greater water stor-

layer, bonded to the concrete roof deck.

fibre that retains moisture and nutrients as

age. The soil depth, in excess of 150mm,

The root barrier is sometimes bonded to

well as serving as protection to the root

requires an automatic irrigation systemto

the waterproofing layer, usually when the

barrier beneath. It is not used in inverted

provide a reliable water supply coverage of the complete roof

complete build-up is a single proprietary sys-

roof configurations. In inverted roofs, a root

tem. To prevent the passage of organic mat-

barrier is set immediately below the insula-

ter and fine particles into the water drainage

tion to protect the waterproof membrane

ples apply to planted roofs as discussed in

system, a filter sheet is set undemeath the

fonnning the lowest layer. This layer prevents

the previous sections. The waterproofing

planting. This sheet is lapped up the sides of

planting roots from damaging the water-

extends a minimum of 150mm above the

the planting,where it meets an upstand, to

proofing. In wannn roof construction, the

level of the planting, providing a continuity

the level of the planting.

wat erproof membrane is set on top of the

from the roof membrane to the fiashing at

The drainage layer beneath the filter

At upstands and eaves the same princi-

thennnal insulation, positioning the insulation

the top of the upstand or to the adjacent

sheet retains wat er that drains through

within the building envelope. A vapour bar-

wall construction. Upstands for parapets

the planting. W at er is retained in profiled

rier is set between the thennnal insulation

and door sills, highwalls and roofiights are

troughs in a typically polystyrene egg-crate

and the concrete deck. In this configuration a

fonnned by extending the waterproof filter

shaped tray that releases wat er back to the

moisture mat is set between the wat erproof

sheet and root barrier up to a minimum of

planting. This method also perfonnns satis-

membrane and the drainage layer above.

150mm above the level of the soil or grow-

factorily on sloping concrete roofs. Excess

The soil depth in light planted roofs

ing medium. The visible membranes and

wat er is drained away through gaps between

ranges from 50mm to around 150mm.

sheets are concealed wit h thennnal insulat ion,

the drainage trays. The egg-crate fonnn allows

W ater is stored in the growing medium and

and typically either paving tumed on edge, as per the paving used for adjacent access

aerat ion, pennnitting the soil to absorb the

drainage layer, making it efficient in mild,

water stored here. In drier months, water

temperate climates. Lightplanted roofs can

paving, or a metal sheet to match that of

diffuses up through the soil to the plant

be grown on both nominally fiat roofs and

the parapetcoping where a metal coping is

roots. A moisture mat is often set under this

on sloping roofs with a pitch up to 25° to


layer to catch wat er that runs off the drain-

30°. Heavy planted roofs have a deeper



3-D overview of concrete roof wit h light (sedum) planting


-- - 0 ,



Section I: 10. Light planting. Rooflight upst and

3-D detail of ro oflight upstand in light ly planted roof




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Section I : 10, Light planting. Pipe penetration .

3-D detail of pipe penetration in lightly planted roof

Section I:I0. Light plant ing. t wo- way outlet

3-D detail of t wo- w ay outlet in lightly planted roof



Roofs 03 Timber roofs 2: fiat roof: bitumen-based sheet

3-D overview showing typical flat t imber roof construct ion with insulation between roof joists.

-- - - ,L

Section I :IO. Flat roof w it h insulation between joi sts

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3-D overview showi ng typical flat timber roof construction w ith rigid insulat ion above roof structure

0 '

System design

Section I : 10. Flat roof w it h rigid insulation above roof structure


Flat timber roofs are described as being

tion, on the wanrn (in winter) side of the

tion. In the wanrn roof configuration, thenrnal

insulation, with a dry wall or intemal lining

insulation is set on top of the timber deck,

board set below this. In both wanrn and cold

which is protected by a wat erproof layer set

roofs, the vapour barrier avoids the passage

onto its upper face. A vapour barrier is set

of damp air up into the thenrnal insulation

between the thenrnal insulation and the tim-

where interstitial condensation can fonrn that

ber deck. The roof build-up is not required

might damage the intemal construction of

to be vent ilated as the timber structure is

the roof.

maintained at near intemaltemperature

Section I : IO. Low parapet w all w it h drain outlet



A vapour barrier is set beneath the insula-

in either 'warm' roof or 'cold' roof configura-

In a mastic asphalt waterproofed wanrn

conditions. In the cold roof configuration the

roof. thenrnal insulation is set on top of the

wat erproof layer is set directly onto the tim-

timber deck, with an asphalt layer on top of

ber deck. Thenrnal insulation is set beneath

this. A separation layer is set between the

the timber deck, in the voids between the

asphalt andthe thenrnal insulation. A vapour

timber joists and air is allowed to circulate

barrier is set between the thenrnal insulation

in the void to provide ventilation that avoids

and the timber deck. In the mastic asphalt

the possibility of rot fonrning in the timber.

cold roof configuration, the asphalt is set


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Section I: 10. Balustrade detail


Section I:10. Expansion joint

Section I: 10. Low parapet wall

Details I. Bitumen based sheet

2. Plywood sheet 3. Rigid thermal insulation 4. Vapour barrier 5. Softwood joists 6. Dry lining/drywall intemal finish 7. Metal Flashing 8. Timber upstand 9. Extemal Wall 10. Angle fillet I I. Proprietry skirt flashing 12. Rainwater outlet 13. Paving bonded to bitumen

3-D view of expansion joint in typical timber flat roof construction

directly onto the timber deck, wit h a separat -

greater strength, flexibility, a higher melting

ing layer beneath the asphalt.

point and UV resistance. However, the use

Mastic asphalt, usedto form a continu-

of this material is set to continue, mainly

ous wat erproof covering on flat or sloping

a concealed membrane, but its use as an

roofs, has polymer additives in some types

exposed membrane is discussed here since

to provide stability at the relatively high

this application is much more common in

temperatures experienced when exposed

timber constnuction. Mastic asphalt is laid on

to the effects of the sun, aswell as providing

rigid substrates, typically reinforced concrete

flexibility ofthe material at low temperatures,

decks, but its use as an exposed membrane

which allows it to take up movements in the

on a timber deck is set to continue, particu-

substrate. Asphalt is applied in a hot liquid

larly as a result of additives which make the

form on site, allowing it to form a homoge-

material more flexible than was previously

neous material at complex junctions such as

the case.

at upstands, roof penetrations and changes in

based sheet

In warm roof constnuction, a protective

level. It was used more commonly 25 years

surface is usually applied to all exposed areas

ago, and its popularity is being challenged by

wit h a solar reflective paint, stone chippings

single layer sheet membranes, which have

or thin paving slabs which are bedded into

Private residence, London, UK. Archit ect: Lynch Architects MCH


Roofs 03 Timber roofs 2: fiat roof: bit umen-based sheet

3-D view of drain outlet in t imber roof

3-D section t hrough roo f show ing pipe penetrat ion and step. Timber roo f w it h low parapet and layer of shingle



Section I: IO. Pipe panetratio n and step in roof





3-D detail showing step in roof construction

3-D detail showing pipe penetration through roof

cally fixed and sealed, or bonded, to the duct

the asphalt surface with a proprietary adhe-

Trims to verges and eaves are formed

sive. A single layer of IOmm - 14mm stone

with a GRP or aluminium trim in order to

or pipe creating the penetration. An addi-

chippings is used as permanent surface pro-

support the bottom edge of the asphalt.

tional secondary seal, formed typically wit h

tection for asphalt. The chippings are usually

Some installations use no trim at all, but the

either EPDM or metal sheet, forms a second-

bonded to the asphalt after the asphalt has

edge becomes vulnerable to damage and can

ary seal to this penetration.

cooled, with a bitumen solution to provide

result in a visually uneven appearance. W hen

only a limited bond. This allows the chip-

the asphaltedge is terminated by a gutter, a

ated within the timber deck since asphalt can

pings to be removed easily at a later date for

metal flashing can be set under the bottom

be laidto suit a complex geometry without

repair and maintenance work

of the asphalt.

the need for joints in the material. W here

Verges can be formed by creating an

System details

Gutters can be formed t o any shape cre-

the gutter is formed as a parapet gutter at

asphalt upstand, built to a height of around

the base ofthe tiled roof, the asphalt is car-

SOmm to suit the expected flow from the

ried up over the tilting fillet of the tiled roof.

set vertically, or at a steep slope, the mate-

roof. An altemative detail is to stop the

Rainwater outlets are formed by setting the

rial is laid in three coats. The first coat is very

asphalt at the edge of the roof andterminate

out let at the level of the structural deck. The

At upstands, where the asphalt is usually

thin in order to key in the substrate, then

in a metal strip so that the asphalt cannot be

asphalt is stepped down with 45° folds down

two further separate coats are applied to

seen from below, but in practice it can be

into the rainwater outlet, and the metal grat-

give an overall thickness of around 20mm. In

difficult to achieve a reliable seal between the

ing and cover is fixed down onto this. The

forming an upstand, sheat hing felt is fixed to

asphalt and the metal trim.

sheathing felt extends up t o the edge of the

the substrate, often a separate upstand fixed

Penetrations through an asphalt covered

to the roof, as mentioned earlier. Expanded

roof are formed by extendingthe asphalt

metal lathing, typically at 150mm centres,

up by ISOmm to create a collar round the

primed in bitumen, is fixed to the face of

material. The top of the asphalt collar has an

the sheathing layer, which provides a 'key'

apron flashing around it to protect the top

to which the asphalt will bond. W here the

of the asphalt. An altemative method of seal-

upstand is formed in lightweight concrete

ing a roof penetration is to form a complete

block, the surface is faced with either a sand

upstand around the penetration which can

cement render, or metal laths and sheathing

be insulated to the top of the opening. An

felt is used as described.

insulated metal panel can then be mechani-

rainwater outlet.


25 7


03- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Timber roofs I: fl at roofs: mast ic asp ha lt coverings

® @

@ (3) 3-D view of step in roo f


® Sectio n I: I O. 2 w ay drain outlet



CD Section I : IO. Step in roof

® System design This section discusses flat t imber roofs

® 3-D view showi ng ridge in mastic roof


Section I : 10. Eaves



applied to concrete decks are usually laid in hot liquid form and are reinfo rced to suit the

that use the common combination of bitu-

specific condit ions of fold s and joints occur-

men sheet -based membrane as a w at er-

ring within th e struct ural deck In this section

proofing layer in a warm ro of. Alt hough

t he mat erial is considered as an exposed

oth er membrane mat erials are used on

and visible material o n a relatively lightweight

flat t imber roofs as bot h w arm and cold


roofs , ty pically formed in elastomeric and

Bit umen sheet membranes are eco-

t hermo plastic memb ranes, th eir applica-

nom ic, and are often used w ith t imber ro of

tion is discussed in the earlier sectio n on

decks, w hich t ogether provide an economic

expose d membrane s in concrete roo fs. The

roof design for relatively small-scale applica-

princip les of detailing in that section can be

t ions, or designs wit h a comple x geometry

similarly applied to timber roofs. Bit umen-

of low pitched roofs, as is often used in

based sheet can also be used in 'inverte d

hou sing and in schoo l buildings. Bitumen-

roof, or concealed membrane configuration

based membrane s have develop ed over the

as described in th at earlier section w here

past 25 years t o compete with the newer

the detailing is similar, but bitumen-based

elastom eric and thermoplastic materials by

sheet is generally less ro bust th an the mem -

increasing t heir flexibility and making t hem

branes described in that section . Memb ranes

th inner, requiring less materi al, w hich helps

l >-, ,





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® Section I:IO. Low parapet wall



3-D view of low parapet wall




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® Section I:IO. High parapetwall

Section I:IO. Roof light junction


to reducetheir overall cost. Bitumen-based

greater dimensional stability and resistance

membranes can also be used with concrete

to accidental damage, as well as a polyester

and metal decks, and the principles here can

reinforced core to increasetensile strength.

3. Separat ing layer

be applied in a similar way to those roof

These sheet materials are typically around

4. Rigid thermal insulat ion


4mm thick, depending on the proprietary

Bitumen-based sheet is manufactured

system used. Even with theseadditives,

I. Mastic Asphalt 2. Plywood sheet or timber boards

S. Freestanding timber upstand 6. Vapour barrier 7. Softwood joists

in roll form in widths of around IOOOmm, is

bitumen-based sheet is slowly oxidised by

8. Drylining/drywall intemal finish

blackin colour, and is typically mixed with

heat, makingthe material gradually more

9. Metal flashing

SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) polymers

brittle which eventually results in cracks. The

10. Fascia

or with TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) poly-

polymer additives reduce this effect, particu-

mers. The addition of these polymers raises

larly the TPO additives that help to increase

the melting point which ensures stability in

the life of the material, which can now be up

hot weather as well as increasing the flex-

to around 25 years. TPO-modified sheetcan

ibility of the material at low temperatures

be exposedto the effects of the sun, requir-

(usually in wint er in temperate climates)

ing no additional solar protection, since t he

and enhancing the fire resistance of the

material provides better UV resistance than

material. Bitumen-based sheetoften hasa

older-type bitumen-based membranes. SBS-

glass fibre reinforced upper face to provide

modified sheet is usually covered with stone

I I. Extemal Wall 12. Expanded metal lathing 13. Rain water outlet! other penetrations



...----Roofs 03- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---, Timber roofs I: fl at roofs: mastic asphalt coverings



Section I:10. Pipe Panentration




3-D view of pipe penetration in mastic roof membrane

chippings or solar reflective paint to protect

brane and thermal insulat ion to release gases

them from the effects of the sun.

into the isolating layer which are formed as a

typically by either t orching, bonding or

result of bonding the bitumen t o the insula-

mechanical fixing methods. Wi th t orching. a

System details Where plywood is used to form the structural deck of a timber roof, the joints between plywood boards are usually taped

Bitumen-based membranesare fixed

tion. The bitumen-based membrane isthen

flame is used t o melt an adhesive layer on

bonded to the thermal insulation thro ugh the

the underside of the sheet so that the mem-

holes in the isolating layer.

brane adheresto the substrate. Sheets are

Resistance to UV radiation is provided by

lapped by around IOOmm to ensure a water

to provide a continuously smooth surface.

either a coating of fine stone chippings or by

tight seal. Torches are usually gas fuelled,

On t imber boarded decks, where this is not

aluminium solar reflective paint applied to the

supplied from a small canister as part of a

as practical a method, a thin layer of bit u-

visible surface of the bitumen-based sheet.

hand-held tool , or are supplied from a large

men is laid onto the deck, applied typically in

As a result of providing this additional UV

gas cylinder set onto the roof to a variety of

thick liquid form t o seal the joints between

protection, these coat ings have the additional

to ols, either hand-held or wheeled, for larger

the boards, the bitumen setti ng to form a

benefit of reflecting heat, which has the effect

scale applications.

smooth substrate. A vapour barrier is set

of reducing the surface t emperature of the

ont o the prepared timber deck, the bar-

roof below that which would otherwise be

formed by either fixing the sheet to the ply-

rier being often bitumen-based as part of a

the case. Solar reflective paint givesthe roof

woo d face of a t imber framed upstand, or to the face of the thermal insulation, depending

Upstands in bitumen-based sheets are

proprietary system. Rigid closed cell insula-

a metal appearance, which provides a visual

tion such as polyurethane is bedded in hot

altemative t o the characteristic black colour

on the configuratio n of the extemal wall.

bitumen onto the vapour barrier t o hold the

of bitumen-based sheet. Membranes can also

Where a timber roof deck meets a masonry

insulation securely in place. A loose laid per-

be provided with a solar protection layer

wall, with the concrete block wall being clad

forated isolating layer is set onto the thermal

during manufacture as part of a proprietary

in timber rainscreen panels, the bitumen-

insulation which is used t o allow the mem-

bitumen-based membrane system.

based sheet is shown fixed to the face of




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Section I: IO. Expansion joint

Section I: IO. Eaves




o I


Section I:IO. Expansion joint

the upst and. With a low upstand, t he membrane contin ues up t he full height and exte nds across t he t op of th e wall underneat h t he coping. Th e roo f membrane is


made conti nuous wit h th e waterproof seal of t he extemal wall, with th e membrane

3-D detail of expansion joint in mastic roof

tenrninating againstthe bitumen paint finish of the extemal face of the blockwork wall. Th e coping can be made from any impervious and durable materia l. A pressed metal coping, overhanging on both sides, provides additional protection t o t he membrane as it folds over t he top of the wa ll.


Section I:IO. Balustrade

Section I: IO. Eaves


26 1

Roofs 03 Timbe r roofs 3: pitched roof: tiles


Section I:20. Unventilated roof

3-D view of ventilated roof with terracotta tiles

Section I:20. Ventilated roof

System design Clay t iles for roofs are most commonly made from clay or concrete . In t he clay t ype natural clay is mixed w it h additives such as

be used for pitches as low as above

escape, wh ich avo ids damage to both th e

t he horizontal.

t imber and the thermal insulation. In recent

Both t ile types are fixed t o timber bat-

years it has becom e more comm on t o use a

quartz, mica, iron oxide and crystalline alu-

ten s set horizontally, t hat is, at right angles to

vapo ur perm eable membrane or 'breather'

minium oxi de. Clay tile s are fired in a kiln at

the directi on of t he slope. T he batt ens are

membrane as t he underlayer t o t he t il-

aro und I 100°c to make th e material bot h

fixed onto roofing felt, wh ich form s a second

ing instead of waterproof roofi ng felt. T his

rigid and resistant t o moist ure penet ration.

line of defence and full weat hertight barrier

is done t o avoid vent ilati ng t he roof vo id,

Plain ti les are used o n pit ched roofs ranging

to th e roof T he roofing felt is set on timber

which can become very damp in temperate

from vert ical t ile hanging t o pitches as low

rafters (sloping timbers) or full t imber truss-

climates during w int er.

as around 35° above the horizontal. Inter-

es. T he ti les pro vide t he first line of defence

In the warm roo f, the sloping rafters

locking t iles, wit h groo ves and complex laps

against rainwate r penetration as w ell as

are filled w it h t hermal insulati o n in o rder

can be used in down to a minimum pitch

protecting the ro ofing felt from direct wi nd-

to allow the int em al space of the roof void

of 22.5° above t he horizontal. Conc rete

blown rain, the effects of the sun, as w ell as

to be used. A s with the cold roof, a vapour

tile s are made from aggregate and Port land

protecting the felt from accidental damage.

barrier is set between t he thermal insulat io n

cement w hich are mixed t ogether and t hen

Many t ile shapes and profile s are available

and t he int em al dry w all lining. A vapo ur

cured in te mperatu re-controlled chambers

w hich have been developed from histo rical

permeable mem brane is set on t he outside

in t he factory. Th eir appearance t ends to

examples. Th e design life for t iled roofs in

face of the slo ping rafters as an underlay to

imit ate t hose of tra ditional clay t iles in both

both clay and concret e types is aroun d 30

the til ing. If the insulation com plete ly fills t he

shape and variety of colour, but large inter-

years but th ey are actually expected to last

void between t he rafters, th en th is breather

locking tiles are available in sizes th at are

for around I00 years.

difficult t o achieve in clay. In commo n wit h

Like fiat roofs, pit ched roofs are formed

memb rane serves t o allow moisture t rapped w ithin th e construction to escape. If th e

clay ti les, concrete plain t iles are used in roof

as eit her warm roofs or cold roofs. In the

th erm al insulat ion does not fill th e void, and

pit ches down to 35° above th e horizontal.

cold roof, horizont al jo ints are insulated,

is set againstthe intemal dry lining, t hen th e

A n advantage of concrete ti les over clay t iles

and th e vo id is vent ilat ed t o ensure that any

vo id bet w een t he insulat ion and the breather

is t hat some concrete int erlocking ti les can

condensation forming in t he roo f void can

memb rane is vent ilat ed at t he ridge and at



3-D view of roof juntion with shingle clad wall




Section I:20. Ridge detail for ventilated roof

3-D view of timber shingles on timber roof construction

3-D view of ventilated roof with timber shingle cladding






@ Section I:20. Tilesapplied to vertical wall


Details I. Roof tiles, slates or shingles (tiles shown) 2. Softwood battens 3. Roofing felt 4. Gutter 5. Softwood rafter 6. Ventilation void 7. Themral insulation 8. Vapour barrier 9. Softwood joist 10. Dry lining/drywall intemal finish I I. Soffit board to conceal rafters but allow ventilation to air gap behind 12. Fascia board 13. Supporting wall (brick cavity wall shown) 14. Ridge capping (ridge tile shown) 15. Metal flash ing 16. Standing seam sheet

Section I:20. Eaves detail

The Lighthouse, Wat ford, UK, Architect: Shepherd Robson Architects



Roofs 03 Timber roofs 3: pitched roof: tiles

Phot ovolta ic or solar t iles being applied to t imber roof




3-D sect io n through slat e t iles on unvent ilated t imber roof showi ng valley and fo ld details






~ @

Section 1:20, Ext em al fo ld


,f: ( ,(- -'

Section I :20, Eaves det ail. stand ing seam roof covering


the eaves, Where a breather membran e is


or;;/ CD


' -rt

Section I:20, Internal fold



/ / CD






h\ /

Section I :20. Valley det ails for ventilated and unvent ilated roo f

down the tiles as well as any moisture nun-

used, th e cavity betw een the outside face

ning down the underlay, into the gutter. A

of the memb rane and the tile s is increased

vent ilat or, ty pically in PVC-U, is set betw een

from 2Smm t o SOmm w it h counter battens

the bottom t ile t o ventilat e eit her t he roof

to allow the air w ithin the void to mo ve

void in a cold roof, or the cavit y between

more freely, ensuring that vapour being

the underlayer and the tiles in a warm roo f

released t o th e o utside can be dispersed

configurat ion.


In the cold roof version t he pro prietary vent ilat o r is set beneath t he underlayer.

CD @

System detai ls Both plain ti les and int erlo cking t iles are

Fresh air is allowed to flow into the vent ilator set beneath t he bottom ti le and is

t ermin ated at t heir base w it h a gutter. In

released into the ro of void w it hout affecting

o rder to maintain a constant pitch of t iles

the the rmal insulation of the roof at ceiling

down to th e gutter, the bottom row of bat-

level, w hich is continuous between w all and

t ens is raised up on a w edge-shaped timber

roof. In the warm roof version, a ventila-

profil e called a t ilt ing fillet. This allows the

tor set between t he bottom t ile and th e

underlay t o meet t he underside of the bot -

felt underlay introduces air into th e void

tom t ile, and drain both rainwat er nunning

between the til e and the breather mem-


Section I:20. Eaves detail of slate tile

Section I:20. Ridge detail. Metal tiles on timber roof

@ 3-D section thro ugh standingseam roof on timber structure

brane. T he t herm al insulat ion either contin-

the batte n cavity between the underlay and

ues to t he fascia bo ard, th en ret um s hori-

the t iles, in a warm roof, or th e ro of vo id in

zo ntally back form a continuity w ith t he wall

a cold roof configurat ion. W here the batte n

insulation, o r altemativ ely the wa ll insulation

cavity is vent ilate d the cavity is sealed across

continue s vert ically until it reaches the slop-

the ridge. A ir is allowed t o pass through a

ing insulat io n set between th e rafters. In th e

gap betwe en th e bottom of th e ridge t ile

second versio n, the void forming the fascia

and th e roof t ile immediat ely beneath, the

and soffrt immed iately beneath it is in 'cold'

gap being fo rmed by the PVC-U vent ilat or.

roof configuration and is requi red to be ven-

Where t he com plete roof void is vent ed t o

t ilat ed in order to avo id damp, stagnant air

the outside in a cold roof, a gap of arou nd

from damaging t he t imbe rs.

IOmm in th e underlay is form ed at t he ridge.

Where a sealed ridge is required, ridge tiles are either bedded in a sand cement mortar, o r are dry fixed w it h metal screws, typically stainless steel, w here a rapid installation is required. For ventilat ed ridges, proprietary fixings usually made in PVC -U with vent ilat ion slot s are used to ventilat e eit her



Roo s 03 Plastic roofs I : GRP rooflights

3-D view of typical grp roo flight system details

~~~~~ic~ al .gutter/eaves detal



3-D views of typical ridge detal

3-D view s of typical edge detail

I. Translucent & insulate d GRP roo f panel 2. Thermally bro ken aluminium framing

3. Pressure plate 4. Supporti ng structure S. Folded metal cover strip 3-D overiew of GRP rooflight

6. Masonary/concrete wall 7. Gutter ARC, H ull, UK A rchitect: N iall Mclaughlin Arc hitects

System design Glass reinforced polyester (GRP) is used

set int o the void is usually bonded to the

sizes range from around 400mm x 800mm

in the form of thermally insulated panels to

outer GRP facing sheet s t o provide true

t o 800mm x 3000mm. GRP rooflight panels

form translucent roofiights which are robust

composite action between the GRP skin

use a lightweight framing system rather than

and economic when compared to an equiv-

andthe insulated core. Like metal compos-

a lapped junction or raised edges providing a

alent glazed roofiight with double glazed

ite panels, GRP panels increasingly have a

standing seam type joint used in metal com-

unit s. The advantages of GRP over glass are

thermal break introduced into the framing

posite panels. These maketheir appearance

its strength. lightness and flexibility, as well as

t o reduce the possibility of condensation

more refined. since the framing is very visible

the material's high resistance t o impact dam-

forming on the underside of the panel in

in translucent GRP panels. unlike their metal

age. GRP is a composit e material formed by

temperate climat es as well as to improve the

equivalent. An extruded aluminium T-section

reinforcing flexible fibreglass mat (or fibres)

overall thermal insulation value of the roof-

forms the support to the panels on all four

with thermosetti ng polyester resins that pro-

light Thermal breaks are usually made from

edges. with an extruded aluminium pressure

vide high tensile and compressive strengths.

an extruded polymer that has a much lower

plate being usedto hold the panels in place

The material is not combustible. making it a

thermal conductivity than aluminium, and are

on the outer face of the GRP panels. Most

suitable material for roofiights as well asan

bonded to the extrusion in the manner of

support frames are now int emally drained

opaque roof cladding material. Whi le GRP

glazed curtain walling or are clipped to it and

and vent ilated t o provide a second line of

roofiight systems do not usually achieve the

secured in place by self tapping screws that

defence against rainwater penetration. The

high levels of resistance to wind blown rain

hold the pressure plate in position.

outer seal is provided by an extruded EPDM

of intemally drained and ventilat ed curtain walling systems. they are robust and eco-

In small rooflights, up to around a 3000mm span, GRP composite panels

gasket clipped into the aluminium extrusion. Proprietary tapes are also used. but are

nomic, making them ideal where translucen-

require no additional support, while those of

more dependent upon good workmanship

cy is required rather than the transparency

great er span use an addit ional aluminium or

on site than gaskets which are fixed to the

provided by glass panels.

steel frame beneath t o support the compos-

pressure plat e in factory conditions.

Roofiights are made from GRP sheet

ite panels over the greater span. Panel sizes

Pressure plates for panel joints run-

which is bonded to an aluminium carrier

vary with the proprietary system and with

ning down the slope are set over the joint

frame around its edges. Thermal insulation

the individual roofiight design. Typical panel

between the panels in the manner of glazed



Roo s 03 Plastic roofs I: GRP rooflights Detail s I . T ranslucent & insulated GRP roof panel 2. T hermally broken aluminium framing


Pressure plate

4. Supporting structure 5. Folded metal cover strip


6. Masonary/concret e w all

ARC, Hul l. UK. A rchitect: Ni all Mclaughlin Arc hitects

3-D views of t ypical mo nopitch ridge det als

curtain walling. Joints running across the

an intermediary aluminium extrusion or

slope sometimes have pressure plates wit h

folded sheet is used to form the junction.

lapped joints, in order to avoid water build-

An outer EPDM or extruded silicone seal

ing up on the upper side of the joint and

is used asan outer line of defence against

being unable t o run over the joint. The lap

rainwat er penetration at the junction with

is formed by setting an aluminium strip or

the GRP roof panel. Drainage slots formed

extrusion, under the botto m edge of the

in the bottom of the aluminium closer piece

panel which laps over the to p of the panel

drain away any water that passes through

below. In addition to these standard junc-

the outer seal. These drainage slotsalso take

tions which form part of proprietary systems,

away any water to the outside from the

panels are joint ed with folded metal sheet.

drainage channels within the joints between

where unusual junctions are t o be formed.

panels that run down the slope of the roof.

An inner metal sheet is bonded to the junc-

The GRP panel beneath the closer piece

tion of the panels to provide an inner seal

that forms a vertical part of the rooflight

and vapour banrier.

is formed by sett ing the panel behind a vertical aluminium strip that forms a lapped joint over the top of the panel, avoiding the

Syste m details When a rooflight terminates in an eaves,



possibility of rainwater passing through the joint. The gap between the aluminium closer

3-D overview of GRP roofiight shell structure

3-D overview of GRP rooflight shell structure

ARC, Hull, UK. Architect: Niall Mclaughlin Architects

and the GRP panel is sealed with either an

aluminium sheet or angle closing the gap

EPDM gasket, a proprietary tape, or a sili-

between the panels. As with other panel

cone sealant. A metal gutter is fixed to the

to panel junctions, a waterproof membrane

metal closer if required, but this is usually

is set on the underside of the outer metal

exposed unless it fonrns part of a fascia, such

flashing as a second line of defence against

as the curved eaves used in profiled metal

rainwater penetration. The void between

roofing, for example. In smaller rooflights

t he panels is filled wit h mineral fibre quilt

the rainwater typically runs off onto the sur-

type thenrnal insulation, which has the flex-

rounding area of the flat roof.

ibility required to fill the inregular-shaped

The gable ends of sloping GRP rooflights

voids between GRP panels. An additional

are fonrned with an aluminium flashing that

aluminium angle is used at the junction of

is bonded, or mechanically fixed and sealed,

the inner face of the panels to provide an

to the metal edgeframe t o the side of the

additional seal and vapour barrier.

3-D detail of junction with extemal wall

GRP panel fonrning the sloping panel, and to the top of the t riangular-shaped vertical end panel. The sloping panel extends slightly forward of the vertical panels to give a thin edge to the roof, but altematively the roof can tenrninate in a sharp edge, with a folded

3-D detail of ridge



Roofs 03 Plastic roofs 2: GRP panels and shells Det ails I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

GRP shell panel GRP oute r cladding panel GRP structural rib GRP th in panel with honeycomb core Mild steel or aluminium frame

Section I:5. Panel to panel junction


Vertical section I: IO. Perimeter

Vertical section I : IO. Panel to panel junction

Verti cal section I :5. Panel to panel junction



3-D section through GRP roof panels

Syste m design from a single segmented panel type to form

a spray directly into the mould. The mixture

rooflights, discussed in the previous section

a complete rooflight. Mouldsare usually

is applied t o a thickness of 3mm to

on rooflights, are made as panels which are

made from plywood to createthe shape

depending on the panel size required.

joined t o form translucent rooflights, opaque

and are then finished in GRP to create the

GRP panels can be made as monolithic, self-

negative shape of the panel being formed,

supported by a light metal frame beneath.

supporting shells, usually made from panel

GRP panels are fabricated by first applying

The frame comprises steel or aluminium

segments which are brought t o sit e and

a release agent to the mould to allow the

T-sections which are welded together to

Wh ile glass reinforced polyester (GRP)


In the example shown, GRP panels are

bolted t ogether. The segment sizes of GRP

finished panel to be removed easily, then

form a structure that supports the complete

shellsare made in sizes which are suitable

thermosetting polyester resins are applied

outer skin. The frame has curved members

for transportation by road, usually set upright

to the face of the mould, with flexible fibre-

that radiate from the centre at the top to

on a trailer. The shells can then be lifted by

glass mat being laid into the resin, usually

the edge and from the centre at t he lowest

crane into place as a completed assembly,

with rollers. The process of fabricating GRP

point of the structure, backto the perimeter.

which makes them quite different from roof

panels is very labour intensive, but requires

The radiating 'spokes' of the wheel are held

structures in other materials.

no expensive equipment, making panel pro-

in place by T-sections that, in plan, form

duction a craft-based technique rather than

concentric circles. This 'bicycle wheel' form is

an industrial process. When the panels are

supported near its perimeter by a metal ring

The example shown is of a small shell for a rooflight. The shell consists of a set of segmented panels which are bolted together

released from the mould they are trimmed

beam that is set immediately above the glaz-

to form a roof shell of approximately 7.0

along their edges and ground smooth where

ing beneath the GRP roof. The ring beam is

metres diameter, supported by an additional

necessary. An altemative method is to apply

supported by posts that are fixed to the roof

frame. Panels are made in a mould, usually

a mixture of resin and glass fibre particles as

deck beneath.



Bus Station . Hoofddorp. The Netherlands. Architect: N IO architecten



- - -':-.;. ---

--~ 3-D detail of roof perimeter


Plan and section I :SO. Generic example of roof geometry


3-D view of underside of roo f

3-D section through roof assembly


27 1

Roofs 03 Plastic roofs 2: GRP panels and shells

3-D overview of GRP shell

Detai ls I. 2.

GRP shell panel GRP outer cladding panel 3. GRP structural rib 4. GRP thin panel wit h honeycomb core 5. Mild steel or aluminium frame 6. Mild steel or aluminium truss 7. GRP fiashing 8. W aterproofing membrane 9. Metal fixing bracket 10. Thermal insulation

3-D section t hrough GRP shell show ing intem al structure

Bus Statio n, Hoofddorp, The Nethe rlands. Architect: N IO archit ecten



Vertical section I: 10, Junction at base




Horizontal section I: IO. Panel to panel junction

Vertical section I:IO. Panel to panel junction Verticalsection I:IO. Panel to panel junction

3-D detail of GRP panel connetion

3-D detail of GRP panel connetion to supporting aluminium frame

System details The metal frame is clad in prefabricated

Finally, a paint finish is applied, usually asa

transit ion from one side of the shell t o the

GRP panels which are bolted to the sup-

spray, to give a smooth and reflective fin-

other. In the example shown, a shadow

port frame on their int emal face in order to

ish. W here pigments are applied to the to p

groove is set around the joint between the

avoid visible fixings. Panels are made with an

coat, or 'gel' coat, in the factory, a more

central panel and the segments in order to

outer skin of GRP around Smm thick, with

limited range of colours is available. Thenrnal

avoid any misalignment between segmented

an overall panel depth of around 4Smm for

insulation is set on the underside of the

panels from being visible. The perimeter

the panels sizes shown of 3S00mm long and

shell, being bonded to the inner face of the

joint of the panel can be filled and sealed

1800mm wide. The GRP panels are stiffened

GRP panels in order to achieve continuity of

usingthe method described earlier, with

by concentric ribs, around 120mm wide,


additio nal grinding required on site t o ensure

but ribs on the edges are thin in order to

Alt ematively, the glass fibre ribs that

facilitate their bolting t ogether. Panels are

fonrn part of the shell to provide integral

secured with bolts which are fixed through

structural stability to the shell could be

underside, has the same panels with the

the metal support frame int o reinforcing

made around 200mm deep to avoid the

same finish, but without any thenrnal insula-

ribs at the edges of the GRP panels. Joints

need for an additional steel frame. Panels

tion, which is typically set around the outer

a smooth finish. The intemal part of the shell, on its

between GRP panels are fonrned by butting

would be bolted together to fonrn a self-

edge of the shell in order t o keep tempera-

panels up to one another and sealing the

supporting GRP shell. Ribs would be made

tures within the void closeto those within

gap between the panels. The seal is fonrned

in solid GRP in order to allow them to be

the building. Close to the edge of the shell,

in a continuous step profile on the long

bolt ed together easily. Panels are joined and

on the underside, the joint betw een the top

edges of each panel that creat es a continu-

sealed on their extemal face in the same

panel, which curves around the edges, and

ous groove at the joint between panels. The

way as the example shown. W here panel

the adjacent panel undemeath, has a groove

groove is filled with a laminat ion of glass

segment s converge at the top of the shell,

fonrned along the joint to serve as a drip.

fibre and resin to fill the groove to the level

a separate centre panel is used to create a

Wi ndblown rain will still be pushed along

of the top of the panels. The extemal face

smooth extemal finish. A central extemal

the underside of the soffrt panel, but the

of the GRP is then ground smooth, usually

panel avoids the difficulty of bringing up to

drip reduces the amount of water that runs

by a hand-held grinder, to achieve a unifonrn,

16 panels together at a single point which

down to the glazing below.

smooth surface that conceals the joint lines.

would make it difficult to achieve a smooth



Roofs 03 Fabric systems I: ETFE cushions

3-D view of joint between ETFE cushions showing air supply pipes

o 0

Vertical section I:20. Connection between ETFE cushions




System design t ions, air-filled cushions remain in place when

manner of glazed rooflights, The clamping

the advantage of being light in weight, strong

the air supply fails or is switched off when

frames are then supported by a mild steel

in tension and durable, and have the abil-

used as non-Ioadbearing panels. Thistype,

structure formed typically as box sections or

Fabrics used as roof membranes have

ity to be cut to different shapesand joined

where ETFE sheet is used to make panels

tubes. Cushionstypically have three layers

together economically, which is difficult

formed as air-filled 'cushions', provide highly

that form two chambers. The two chambers

t o achieve so easily wit h metal and is very

transparent, lightweight and resil ient roofs

are linked by a hole formed in the middle

expensive to achieve with curved glass. Roof

that have thermal insulation values similar to

(flat) membrane in order to allow air to pass

membrane fabrics are used in tension struc-

those of double glazed units. The complete

to both chambers from a single air supply,

tures, either by stretching the material, or

ETFE cushion assembly is supported by a

and to ensurethat the air pressure in both

'prestressing' the membrane, between struc-

structural frame beneath, wit h mild steel, alu-

chambers remains equal. This three layer

tural supports or, altematively, by supporting

minium and laminat ed timber all being used

cushion provides a U-value of around 2.0

the material pneumatically in inflated struc-

to suit the design.

W/m2K, which is similar t o a double glazed

tures. The use of fabric membranes in pre-

ETFE cushions usually consist of a mini-

unit used in glass roofs.

stressed roofs is discussed in the next two

mum of two layers of ETFE sheet which are

sections on single layer fabric membranes.

set back t o backto form a flat panel and

This section considers ETFE cushions, also

are sealed at the edges. The void within the

called 'pillows' or 'foils', which are the most

cushion-shaped panel is inflated with air to

pipes or flexible plastic pipesthat are con-

common applicatio n of inflatable fabric roofs.

a pressure that varies with cushion size and

nected to the underside of the cushion near

the manufacturer's proprietary system, to

the clamping assembly. Pipes are usually of

provide structural stability t o the panel. The

around 25mm diameter, and are connected

ticularly for covering sports stadiums, they

increased air pressure stret ches, or 'pre-

t o a larger pipe that suppliesthe air t o all

remain structurally stable only while air is

stresses', t he outer membranes, giving ETFE

the cushions either side of a single structural

being supplied to the structure. If the air

cushions their characteristic curved shape.

support. This main pipe is also usually made

supply is interrupted, the complete roof

The cushions are held in place by clamps

from plastic and can be concealed within

structure deflates. In smaller scale applica-

that form a frame around the cushions in the

the supporting structure, being only up to

Although large scale self-supporting inflatable roof structures are in use, par-



System details Air is supplied to cushions from rubber

Kingsdale school London, UK. A rchit ect De Rijke Marsh Morgan

Details I. ETFE Cushion 2. Extruded aluminium clamping plate

3. Extruded aluminium retaining profile 4. Plastic edge bead to ET FE membrane 5. Supporting structu re 6. Plastic air supply t ube 7. Main air supply tube 8. Insulat ed metal lined gutter 9. Met al flashing 10. T herm al insulation 3-D overview of ET FE roof system

I I . Roof construction



' - - -Roo s 03- - - - - - - Fabric systems I: ETFE cushions

- - ...

r> U


-- CD


- - -- - 0

Vertical section I:I O, ETFE clamping detail

3-D detail of cushion to cushion air supply




.1 :-.1

Vertical section I:I O, ETFE clamping detail wit h insulated gutter 3-D Overview of inregular shaped ETFE cushions used in facade assembly

a diameter of around 60mm. The air sup-

applied to the extemal face of the cushion,

ply, which maintains the air pressure within

the outer skin will deflect either inwards or

the cushions at a constant level, is supplied

outwards asa result of the positive or nega-

by electrically powered fans with air filters

tive pressures. This does not usually cause

(to avoid the passage of dust), as used in

damage to the cushions before the air sup-

mechanical ventilation systems within build-

ply is restored. Some manufacturers' systems

ings. The humidity level of the air is usually

have one-way valves to prevent loss of air

controlled to avoid the possibility of conden-

pressure from the cushions back to the sup-

sation fonrning within the cushions. Once the

ply pipes.

ETFE cushions have been inflat ed, air is sup-

Vertical section I:10. Junction at base


27 6

ETFE cushions are usually fabricated in

plied to the cushions for only around 5-10

the workshop but can be assembled on sit e

minutes per hour to compensate for loss of

to suit project conditions. The material is

air pressure caused by leaks from cushions

manufactured in rolls of considerable length

or from air supply pipes.

but of a width of around 1.5 metres. For

If air pressure within the cushion is lost

this reason, ETFE cushions are often made

as a result of damage to one of the outer

wit h spans in widths of around 3.0 metres

membranes or from loss of air pressure

t o 4.0 metres between clamped frames, in

in the supply pipe, the cushion deflates to

lengths up t o between 15 - 30 metres, but

it s flattened shape. As wind pressures are

lengths up t o 60 metres have been used.

Chanel travelling pavillion, Architect: Zaha Hadid

3-D detail of junction between ETFE facade and ground

Larger cushions are made by welding sheet to gether in the workshop t o form wider

complet e assembly usually performs in a

sheets for cushions that vary from the rec-

similar wayto the framing used for glazed

Details I. ETFE cushion 2. Extruded aluminium clamping plate

tangular form created from a standard width

roofs, with a drained and vent ilated inner

of ETFE sheet. Cushions up to around 7.0 x

chamber that serves as a second line of

7.0 metres have been made in a variety of

defence against rainwater penetration. Any

shapes from circles to hexagons using a hot

rainwater that passes through the outer

6. Plastic air supply tube

welded process undertaken in t he work-

clamping plate is drained away in grooves

7. Main air supply tube

shop. Larger cushions sometimes use a net

formed adjacent to the edges of the ETFE

of connected cables to provide additional

cushions, the water being drained back to


the outside of the roof. The clamping assem-

The cushions have an edge bead, typi-

3. Extruded aluminium retaining profile 4. Plastic edge beadto ETFE membrane 5. Supporting structure

8. Insulated metal lined gutter 9. Metal flashing 10. Thermal insulation I I. Concrete slab

bly is typically around IOOmm wide, which

cally in plastic, which is used to retain the

is wider than that used for glazed roofs, but

panel in its supporting frame. The cushion is

less framing is required than that used on

set into a clamping frame, usually made from

glazed roofs .

extruded aluminium, that holds the panel in place by clipping it int o an aluminium profile, then holding it in placewit h an aluminium pressure plate that clamps the edges. The



Roo s 03 Fabric systems 2: single membrane: cone-shaped roof

Hampshire County Cricket Club pavillion. Southampton, UK.Architect Hopkins Architects

Tensile roof shape types: I. Cone 2. Saddle 3. Arch 4. Wave

System design design development, toge ther wit h t he t reat-

the low er po ints at the edges take up t he

fabric roofs are the ir smooth curves, t ypically

ment of int erfaces w it h adjacent areas of

effect of wi nd uplift. In shallow sloped roof

wit h different, in o pposite direct io ns, and

roof and extemal wall. T he resulting fo rm is

membranes, more of the structural loads

thin, sharp edges that pr ovide t ranslucent

designed to keep all parts of the fabric mem-

are t aken by t he edges or points at th e base,

T he advantages of single membrane

roofs th at allow diffused daylight t o pass

brane in t ension, not just fro m the support -

often result ing in large columns or posts

through t hem. Th ey use t heir curvatu re as a

ing structure but from imposed loads, mainly

being requ ired at th ese point s. T he distrib u-

method of t ensioning t he membrane against

w ind loads. W ind pressures are resisted by

t ion of loads w ithi n t he fabric roof design is

a supporting structu re, wh ich is ty pically a

re-distributing the fo rces w it hin the fabric

revealed in the suppo rt ing structure, w hich

mixture of mild steel tubes and stainless

mem brane. An y areas of t he fabric roof that

can be as visually lightweight and elegant as

steel cables.

go into compression as a result of slack-

t he fabric mem brane itself, or can become

ness in th e membrane reveal t hemselv es as

visually heavy, whic h can detract from the

In a fabric roof th e mem brane is structura

y mod elled so that th e resulta nt form

develop ed betw een archite ct and structural

creases in th e mat erial. Both the cone-shaped example in this

intended lightweight effect of th e membrane . W here roofs tran sfer fo rces to an adjoin -

engineer distribute s t he t ensile forces within

section and th e barrel -shaped example

ing struct ure, rather than conta in the loads

the membrane without over-tensioning

of the following sect ion make use of an

w ithin the ir own support ing frame, t he visual

some parts and under-ten sioning oth er

intemal steel structure t hat supports part

effect on the adjoining structure is balanced

parts of the membrane, with the result-

of the membrane, to t ensio n it in some

wit h the requ irements of the membrane

ing design resisting all load combinat ions in

areas, w it h roof edges wh ere the materia l

roof and it s own frame. As imposed loads

their different directions. T his w ork is usually

is held and tensioned , either at points or

such as snow or sand can cause permane nt

develop ed in th e form of a com pute r mod el,

w it h continuou s clamped fixings similar to

stretc hing of t he fabric membrane, t he form

eith er by specialist structural con sultants

thos e described in the previous section on

of the roof and its associat ed slopes are

or by manufacturers as part of th e design

ETFE cushion s. Generally speaking, th e high

made sufficiently steep t o avo id creat ing

development process. T he mini mal surface

po ints of t he suppo rt ing structure t ake up

areas or poc kets o n the fabric roof w here

form must also be suitable fo r draining away

the downl oads fro m the membrane and

t hey can collect.

rainwater, which forms another aspect of

imposed loads (m ainly w ind loads) and


27 8

Details I . Fabric membrane panel 2. Suppporting mild steel stnucture

3. Extnuded

aluminium clamp

4. Stainless steel cable 5. Membrane hood 6. Plastic edge bead to membrane panel


3-D detail of fabric membrane clamped to edge ring 3-D overview of cone shape roof w it h t ension cable suppo rt .

Vertica l section 1:5 Clamping ring w it h membrane skirt


3-D detail of edge ring supported by t ension cables

3-D det ail of cone top w ith protnuding stnuctural support

3-D detail of altemat ive pinnacle condit ion wit h membrane hood



Roo s 03 Fabric systems 2: single membrane: cone-shaped roof

Whitlingham ParkWater Activities Centre, Norwich, UK. Architect: Snell Associates

running the width. In most commonly used

System details The two most common fabrics used are

roof membranes, the tensile strengths of the warp and weft directions are similar, but

PVC-coated polyesterfabric and PTFE-coat-

these need t o be checked when the material

ed glass fibre fabric. Both are woven cloth

type is chosen.

materials which are protected by coatings,

Most fabric roof materials imitat e the

usually applied on both sides. Other open-

appearance of natural canvas, but this mate-

weave materials are used as solar shading

rial is used only where its appearance and

only, and are manufactured without protec-

individual texture is considered to be t he

Plashet school footbridge, London, UK.

tive coatings. These are made from poly-

most important feature. Natural canvas is

Architect: Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects

mer threads, sometimes with a protective

less stable than synthetic fabrics when used

coating applied to the manufactured thread

in tension structures, and is difficultto clean.

itself, to increasethe life expectancy of the

A modified acrylic canvas material, with a

material. In all these woven materials the

similar t exture to natural canvas, is some-

strength of the fabric can be different in the

times used for its greater dimensional stabil-

two directions in which the 'cloth' is woven.

ity. Neither material is suitable for long span

W hen selecting a material, the strength of

fabric roofs.

the' warp' threads running the length of the material is compared t o the 'weft' threads



Fabric roofs are highly susceptible to damage from sharp objects. Small cuts in

-0 I I



~=========-= JJ

Vertical section 1:5 Edge of roof at abutment

3-D cutaway detail of junction between 2 fabric panels

~LI~0 I






II '---



Vertical section 1:5 Junction between panels

3-D exploded ~etail of clamp and membraneskirt

the membrane can be repaired with patches

cables attached to a steel bracket anchor

made from the same material which are

point on the top of the membrane roof. The

I. Fabric membrane panel

glued into pqsition , Larger tears are repaired

anchor point forms part of the steel or tim-

2. Suppporting mild steel structure

with hot air welders, usually undertaken by

ber supporting structureto the membrane

the specialist contractor that installed the

roof. Cleaning is also an important con-

5. Membrane hood

fabric roof. Large repairs are visible, and pan-

sideration in areas of high humidity where

6. Plastic edge bead to membrane panel

els are replaced where visibility isthe most

there is a higherrisk of mould forming on

7. Thenmal Insulation

important consideration. Since large tears

the surface of the fabric which can cause

can affectthe overall structural performance

permanent staining. Regular cleaning pre-

of the membrane, the complete membrane

vent s mould growth. PVC/polyester is more

is sometimes removed for another panel to

susceptible to mould growt h than PTFE/glass

be stitched or welded, and re-coated in the

fibre fabrics, essentially becausethe latter has


lower surface friction.


3. Extruded aluminium clamp 4. Stainless steel cable

The outer surfaces of fabric roofs are cleaned with soft brushes that wash the membrane surface, the work being done typically from either a mobile platform or by rope access cleaners (abseilers) who are

3-D detail of junction between 2 fabric panels

attached in hamesses and suspended from



Roofs 03 Fabric systems 3: single membrane: barrel- shaped roof

National Tennis Centre. Roehampton. UK. Architect: Hopkins Architects

System design

width of the lap, which is visible from below

welding it to form a continuous pocket in

Roof membranes are made from individ-

the roof as well as from outside the building,

which a stainless steel cable is inserted. A

ual panels of fabric which are cut from sheet

is determined by the structural forces on the

2Smm diameter stainless steel cable is typi-

material. the curved forms of membranes

membrane. with higher loads requiring wider

cal. depending on the structural forces. A

being formed from flat sheet material. The


strip of membrane material or plastic is set

conical-shaped example shown here is made

Edges of membranes are usually either

between the cable and the membrane to

from panels with edges that curve inward.

gently curved or straight. Curved edges are

allow the two to move independently with-

while the barrel-shaped roof shown in the

formed with a cable held in a continuous

out abrasion occurring. A reinforced plastic

next section is made from panels wit h edges

pocket at the edges of the membrane. An

strip is sometimes added into the pocket but

that curve outward. PVC coated polyester

altemative detail used in PTFEIgiass fibre

this is not visible from either above or below

fabric is made in widths from 2000-3000mm,

canopies is to have an exposed cable con-

the roof. Straight clamped edges use clamp-

in thicknesses up to 1.2mm, while PTFE

nected to the clamped edges of the mem-

ing plates. around IOOmm wide. set back to

coated glass fibre fabric is made in widths

brane with a series of stainless steel link

back and bolted together. which comprise

up to around SOOOmm in thicknesses up to

plates. Straight edges are usually formed with

two flat, grooved plates, rather than the

I.Omm. Large panels are usually cut by CNC

an edge bead made from a flexible PVC or

clamping plate and supporting extrusion

cutting machines. with small pieces cut by

EPDM rod in a small pocket. This reinforced

used at joints between panels. W here two

hand. but even small pieces are now being

edge isthen held captive within an alumin-

cables meet at membrane comers or points.

made increasingly by a cutting machine.

ium clamping plat e assembly similar to that

they are usually fixed to a single mild steel

Fabric panels are usually made slightly

used for ETFE cushions. or altematively in a

plate. The cable is fixed int o a stainless steel

undersized t o allow for the stretching of the

luff groove extrusion.

material when it is under tension as a roof membrane. Fabric panels are joined t ogether with lapped seams which are either sewn,

cable fixing which is secured with a pin connection back t o a supporting steel plate. The

System details Cable restrained curved edges to fabric

comer of the membrane is cut to form a curved end. Additional straps are somet imes

welded, bonded or joined in a combination

roofs usually follow a circular or catenary

added to ensurethat the membrane does

of stitching and welding. with all processes

shape. A sleeve is formed by foldingthe

not slide away from the comer.

being carried out in the workshop. The

membrane backover itself and stitching or


2 82

Suspension points at the t op of a cone-

Details I. Fabric membrane panel 2. Suppporting mild steel stnucture

3. Extnuded aluminium clamp 4. Stainless steel cable 5. Membrane hood 6. Plastic edge bead to membrane panel 3-D cutaway detail of fabric roof edge

7. Thenmal Insulation 8. Perimeter wall build up 9. Fixing clip 10. Aluminium clamp assembly

Vertical section I: IO. junction of adjacent fabric membrane meeting at same angle








cb Vertical section I:10. junction of adjacent fabric membrane meeting at same angle

3-D detail of edge clamp




---:-: \








Buckingham Palace ticket office. London. UK Architect: Hopkins Architects



Roofs 03 Fabric systems 3: single mem bra ne : barrel-shap ed roof

...' . 4 ,'



.> - --



Millennium Dome, London, UK Architect: Richard Rogers

Details I. Fabric membrane 2. Edge seal clamped to continuous plate

3. Structural support 4. W all panel 5. Out er membrane 6. Liner membrane 7. Steel supporting structure 8. PTFE film or similar slip layer 9. Continuous stainless steelor aluminium bar 10. Pressed metal flashing

Vertical section I:10. Single skin system with steel edge support

Vertical section I: I O. Double skin system wit h steel edgesupport








Millennium Dome, London, UK Architect: Richard Rogers

shaped fabric roof are usually formed either

t ilevered bracket s w it h a curved shape are

membranes that form the valley, Th e edge

by a metal ring, which is fixed back to a cen-

set out radially in order to create a smooth

of each membran e is clamped with an edge

t ral mast by cables or cantilevered brackets

curved form o n whi ch th e membrane is set.

bead, wh ile the clamp itself is fixed t o a cen-

or, alternative ly, by a 'palm tree' anrange-

Th e brackets are usually aligned w it h joints

t ral cable, Th e gap between th e memb ranes

ment of projecting curved met al brackets

between memb rane panels.

is closed by two mem brane strips w hich

which serve t o t ension the continuous mem-

In an extem al fold in a roof membran e,

are sewn or welded t o t he base of the strip

brane against Iits supporting mast set wit hin

t he materia l is draped over the supporting

the building.

struct ure, fixed w ith fabric strips t hat are

plate between the mem branes, T he clamp

sew n or w elded t o t he underside of the

that closes the two mem brane strips is sup-

requires an additional membrane cover

membrane and clamped t o the suppo rti ng

ported off the meta l straps beneath. By rais-

piece, w hile the second 'palm tree' option

structure . A n addition al memb rane cover

ing t he closing strips above t he height of the

The first option with a meta l ring

and are clamped down to a th in pressure

forms a continuous membrane w it h a

strip is fixed to the top of the joint to con-

joint two adjacent gutters are formed, with

smoot h curved top, wit ho ut any breaks in

ceal the stitching if required. An alt em ativ e

the clamping strip securing the closing flaps

the continuity of the membrane. In the 'ring'

method is to form a joint between two

above the level of t he w at er being drained.

solut io n, the membrane is clamped betw een

membranes at the extemal fold, clamping

an inner ring and an outer ring fixed togeth -

them wit h a pressure plat e to an aluminium

er w it h bolts, A second clamp is used to

extrus ion which is supported by t he primary

fix t he cone-shaped membrane th at covers

structure, such as a mild steel tube, curved

th e t op of th e ring. The t op of th e conical-

t o form t he shape taken up by the mem -

shaped cover is either pulled over t he top of

brane, Intem al fold s are formed in th e same

th e central mast or clamped aro und it. Th e

way as ridges, wit h th e membrane folded

ring is either freely suspended from cables,

outwards rather t han across the ridge and

or is firml y fixed t o the mast with cantilev-

downwards. In some cases t he membrane

ered brackets to w hich th e ring is secured,

may pass under the cable, T hese junctio ns

In t he 'palm tree' suppo rted solut io n, can-

are formed by clamping the ends of adjacent


28 5

STRUCTURE Material systems for structures Braced frames I Reinforced concrete 2 Steel 3 Timber Portal frames Loadbearing boxes I Reinforced concrete 2 Brick 3 Glass Trusses Arches and shells Space grids Floor structures I. Cast in situ ICast-in-place concrete 2. Precast concrete 3. Steel and steel mesh 4. Timber 5. Glass Stairs I Concrete Steel 2 Timber 3 Glass 4



tructure 04 Mate,-ial systems fo r structures - - --,

Bracken House, London,UK.Architects: Michael Hopkins and Partners.

Bracken House, London. UK.Architects: Michael Hopkins and Part ners.

Structural stability

The roof. ifsufficiently rigid inthe horizontal

imposed loads.together with wind and snow

This chapter sets out the most com-

direction as in a reinforced concrete slab,can

loads and forces specifi c to use or location

mon/y used material systemsfor structures

also be considered to be horizontal bracing.

such as dynamic and seismic loads, can bring

together with the relationship between

Unbraced structures, in contrast,are allowed

about movements seen as bending and

structure and enclosure.Typical details

to sway as a result of their being unbraced

shear deformations which are a normal part

are shown for each material system and

in one direction.Their stability is provided by

of the building in use.An essential aspect of

their interface with walls and roofs. Struc-

rigid connections that provide stiffness within

structural movement inthe overall design of

tural 'types' inthis chapter are described

the structural elements. such as in portal

buildings is that its effects need to be taken

as systems based on the use of a primary

frames. Like braced structures. bracing in the

into account in the external envelope and its

material used to make a complete building

horizontal direction is provided by floors

interfaces. primarily at roof level.Tempera-

structure. Each example can be used as a

and. in the case of single storey structures.

ture changes, and differences intemperature

single structural system for a complete build-

by bracing in the plane of the roof.The most

between different parts of a structure. can

ing or,more commonly. be combined in a

common elements used to make building

cause expansion and contraction of struc-

mixed construction. Building structures are

structures are braced frames. portal frames.

tural members. with possibly some local

put into categories depending on whether

loadbearing boxes.trusses. arches and shells,

bending ofthose members.The detailing of

they are either 'braced' or'unbraced' in their

and space grids. Reinforced concrete and

both the components and any associated

construction. Braced types use devices such

masonry structures. despite their essentially

weatherproofi ng or internal finishes must

as internal walls or service shafts. or alterna-

monolithic nature. are considered to be

accommodate this movement without caus-

tively use cross bracing to stabilise the struc-

braced structures as some walls provide

ing damage to these fi nishes. Moisture pene-

ture .This vertical bracing is usually provided

specific bracing elements.

tration can cause expansion and contraction

intwo vertical planes at rightangles to one another in order to stabilise the structure both along its length and across its width.

in concrete, masonry and timber structures.

Structural movement The term 'structural movement' covers

Frost action, caused by the freeze/thaw cycle of moisture within structural materials. can

Horizontal bracing is provided by the floor

a wide range of effects of deformation and

eventually cause damage ifthe detailing is

structures which act as horizontal girders.

movement in building structures. Dead and

not sufficiently robust.



Saltwater Pavil ion, Neeltje[ans. Holland, Architects: OosterhuisAssociates.

Saltwater Pavilion, Neeltje [ans, Holland.Archit ects:Oosterhuis Associates. SaltwaterPavilion, Neeltje [ans, Holland. Architects: OosterhuisAssociates.

Saltwater Pavilion, Neeltje Jans, Holland. Architects:OosterhuisAssociates.



Reuters Building. London. UK, Architects: Richard Rogers Partnership,

Trends in the use of building structures Much effort in the design of building

Reuters Building. London.UK.Architects: Richard Rogers Partnership.

enclosure and internal finishes are co-ordi-

el applied, can now achieve a smooth finish

nated at an early stage of the design. con-

once associated only with the regular paint

tinuingthrough the following detailed design

finishes used in unprotected structures such

and construction phases.

as single-storey roof structures. Issues of

structures is focused on economy combined wit h safety. in term s of both the quantity of

thermal bridging in steel structures andthe In steel structures, frames have become

penetration of the waterproofing layer with

material used andthe amount of fabrica-

a full part of the language of architectural

steel components.are now easier to over-

tion neededto assemble t he structure.The

design. Assemblies in steel. ranging from

come with thermal breaks wit hin joints and

appropriat e use of structure can often be

small lattice tru sses to cable-stayed struc-

across weat herproofing membranes such as

seen in the 'fine tuning' of the balance of

turest hat resemble 'kits of parts'. have led

with the use of a set of bolted connections

material used and fabrication undertaken.

to their widespread use as highly visible

that are difficult to achieve in either concrete

This approach is being increasingly paral-

structures. set either outside or inside the

or timber.

leled in architectural design in the external

building enciosure.The necessity to join steel

envelope and int ernal fittings where there

sections wit h either welds or bolts has led

is a growing tendency to use the least

to a visual richness in both the design of

Concrete structures are now being exposed as self-finishes wit hin buildings,

number of components,while tempering

structural members and the joints between

both on the external walls and in the sof-

this approach wit h the needs of their fab-

them.This has been helped enormously

fit (underside) of structural slabs. with a

rication.This has led to an import ant trend

by the development of intumescent paints.

quality of finishtraditionally associated with

in structures of their increased visibility and

which protect the structure during a fire by

only plastered walls and ceilings. Exposed

asself-finished components within buildings.

expanding to form a heat-insulating layer

finishes in concret e are now less common

This brings the aims of structural design and

that protects the integrity of the structure

due to their poor weathering. from a visual

archit ectural design much closer to gether

for a limited period. usually one hour.These

point of view. but are enjoying a revival in

where the relationship between structure.

finishes. once only roughly textured or t row-

predominantly dry climates where thermal



Reuters Building, London, UK. Architects: Richard Rogers Partnership,

Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany.Architects: Daniel Libeskind.

insulation is set within the depth of the wall.

structures as well as the use of these materi-

The renewed interest in precast concrete

als for concrete formwork , is set to trans-

led to the increased use of vapour barriers,

structural systems, other than those used for

form the geometries of structures built from

andthe careful placing of thermal insulation,

parking garages, is set to continue, with ever-

all these materials.The use of CAD/CAM

which need to be co-ordinated with the

greater expression of jointing forming part

permits much greater accuracy and closer

structural design in order to avoid interstitial

of the visible language of detailing.

tolerances in assembly with joints that are

condensation.The thermal mass of exposed

increasingly visually elegant. CAD /CAM is

concrete structures is being used for the

more complex both in terms of construc-

set to push further the drive towards pre-

night-time cooling of buildings in conjunc-

tion techniques and geometries used in their

fabrication.Timber and concrete, considered

tion with ventilated facades. The increased

design.The development of pinned jointing

traditionallyto be materials that are worked

prefabrication of both structures and facades

systems as well as the interest generated

on site, are now more frequently fabricated

has led to a greater awareness of issues of

in the material by its low levels of embod-

at the factory, for example in the pre-cutting

co-ordination at an early stage of the project

ied energyhave resulted in the revival of

of timber components and in the precast-

to ensure that highly visible finished compo-

Timber structures are becoming ever

building design in almostall c1imates.This has

exposed timber structures.The new genera-

ing of concrete components instead of their

nents,which in earlier buildings would have

tion of pinned joints helpsto overcome the

casting in situ.The building site will inevitably

been covered over by successive building

traditional problem of creating reliable and

become a place where assemblies are fixed

trades, can be successfully exposed as high

elegant joints that perform well in tension,

together rather than being the temporary

quality finished components.

particularly in large-scale glue-laminated

workshop to which we are accustomed.

structures. Thermal bridging, and the related effects The use of CAD/CAM techniques, or

of condensation, associated with the inte-

computer aided design/computer aided

gration of building structure with walls and

manufacturing, for both timber and steel

roofs,continues to be a significant issue in



I: reinforced concrete 3-D viewof concrete frame

Lyon-Satolas Station, Lyon,Architects: Santiago Calatrava

The use of precast and in-situ cast (castin

concrete combine easily with ground struc-

usually taken through the external walls and

place) concrete in frames provides a homo-

tures such as retaining walls and foundations

roof. requiring envelope details that allow

geneous structure where joints are made

because they are in the same materials and

for structural movement while remaining

as rigid connections.Theseframes require

can be continuous.


Joints and Connections

Interface with external envelope

additional stiffness from bracing that can be provided typically by either concrete shear walls or steel cross bracing. Alternatively, lat-

Stiffness at the junctions of the frame is

Concrete frames can be either exposed

eral stability can be introduced into concrete

important both to provide sufficient rigidity

frames by stiffening other elements such as

in the frame itselfand to make its deflections

outsidethe weather line of the cladding, that

cores, shafts or stair enclosures.The inherent

compatible with the cladding and internal

is, the non-loadbearing walls, or be com-

fire resistance of concrete provides struc-

elements such asstaircases.This can be

pletely enclosed by the external envelope.

tures that require no further fire protection

achieved either within the joints forming the

When exposed externally, the penetra-

measures. With in situ castconstruction,

frame, by including extra reinforcement, or

tion of the frame through the walls and

the abilityto re-use formwork is important

by using additional stiffening walls such as

roof requires careful detailing to overcome

in keeping its useeconomic. Each 'lift' of

those used to enclose elevator (lift) shafts

weatherproofing andthermal bridging

concrete, typically a floor with its supporting

and service cores. Typically, deflections in

around penetrations of structural members

walls and columns, takes longer to construct

concrete beams or slabs are designed to be

through the cladding. Grooves are often cast

than an equivalent steelwork structure,since

compatible with the external cladding, parti-

around penetrating beams to allow fiashing

the concrete takes time to reach an ade-

tions and fittings within the building.

pieces to be inserted to assist in forming

quate strength to allow another floor to be

Movementjoints are introducedto allow

a weather seal. Cladding is fixed either by

built on top. Although the construction of an

for thermal movement.These junctionsare

a continuous stainless steel channel that is

in-situ castreinforced concrete frame is con-

effectively breaks in the structure,resulting in

cast into the edge of the concrete slab, or

sidered slower than erectinga steel frame,

the overall structural frame comprising a set

by expansion bolts secured into the slab

the construction times can be matched if the

of smaller linked frames, each an independ-

when the cladding is fixed. The bolts may

concrete work is well organised. Frames in

ent stable structure. Movementjoints are

also secure stainless steel angles, brackets or



Curved concrete frames .Scienc Park, Valencia,Spain, Architects: Calatrava

Organic concrete forms. Phaeno Centre ,Wolfsburg, Archit ects:Zaha Hadid Architects

Details I.Reinforced concrete wall 2. Concrete floor deck 3. Double glazed windows

3-D view of ooncrete frame



tructure OLi Braced frames I: reinforced concrete

_ - +-- -

3-D cut-aw ay view of concret e fr ame

3-D section view of concrete frame





r--- - - - -

3-D views of concret e frame

Exploded viewof concrete frame and panel system continuous rails depending on the nature of

mental strategy within the building to benefit

tion, with the introduction of CNC cut

the lightweight cladding. Reinforced concrete

from the thermal mass of concrete. In recent

polystyrene forms that are set into the form-

panels can be secured wit h additional metal

years, with the enhanced weathering char-

work to produce complex shapes in either

pins castinto the top surface of the concrete

acteristics of precast concrete,the thermal

precast or in-situ cast concrete.The ability of


insulation is set into the thickness of the

concrete to take up complex shapes using

wall, resulting in the construction being of

economic formwork has led to a gradual

integration of wall,roof, floors and columns

diaphragm type rather than a single wall with

move to more sculpted forms in concrete

into a single form of construction. Support-

a non-loadbearing skin set either internally

frames, as seen in the work of Zaha Hadid

ing walls and!floors can be integrated into

or externally. In the diaphragm wall.the two

and Santiago Calatrava.The visual continuity

shell forms a~ seen in the Science Park in

halves of the wall are linked by either stain-

of openings in walls, roofs and floors within

Valencia by Santiago Calatrava. Concerns

less steel ties or by reinforcing bars.

Reinforced concrete frames provide an

buildings gives a spatial continuity and fluidity

Regardless of whether concrete is

which can be achieved without the need for

have led to the material being covered by

formed in-situ or is precast,the material is

elaborate decoration - the frame provides

an additional weathering material, which

cast in formwork. In-site formwork istypi-

an elegant expression of form wit hout the

of the weathering capability of concrete

can be thin metal panels, or even an applied

cally made from plywood sheets but any

need for secondary finishes.The develop-

coating. Recent improvements in surface

material can be used.The material used for

ment of the reinforced concrete frame of

finishes, with honing and polishing used in

formwork leaves a strong impression on

columns and beams has seen considerable

precast concrete,have allowed a slow re-

the concrete finish, often with a high degree

elaboration in the work of Calatrava, follow-

introduction of concrete as an expressed fin-

of visible detail.This allows the concrete

ing visual principles of animal skeletons as

ish. An essential issue has been the thermal

frame to have a wide range of finishes from

well asdrawing visual inspiration from equiv-

bridging associated with concrete structures,

timber boards, leaving a high degree of vis-

alent steel structures. Reinforced concrete

which has led to thermal insulation being

ible texture on the surface, to very smooth

frames have shown the ability to move from

set externally with an additional weathering

concrete where plastic laminate coated

being simple, rectilinearflat forms to being

material on the outside.The positioning of

plywood is used. Digital fabrication has had

visually rich structures of complex geometry

the insulation externally allows the environ-

a modest influence over concrete construe-

of either curves or folds.



Structure 04 Braced frames 2: steel

Steel connecto r base plate det ail

Steel connection plate detail

Steel frames are made from columns and

painted components that can be assembled

set either on top of the steel beams of the

beams that are fabricated in factories and

on site and lifted into place by crane, avoid-

structural frame, or is set on a continuous

workshops and assembled together on site.

ing the need for substantial scaffolding. Care

steel plate welded to the bottom flange of

Unlike reinforced concrete frames, steel

is taken not to damage the surface finish, as

the steel beam.The advantage of the former

frames can be readily assembled with either

touching up of galvanizing and paintwork on

method is its simplicity of construction,while

rigid moment connections or wit h pin con-

sit e is slow, laborious and more difficult than

the advantage of the latter is in reducing the

nections. Lateral stability is provided typically

in the factory.

with either the cross bracing of some bays, or with staircase enclosures, cores or shafts.

overall depth of the structural floor zone, which can in turn reducethe overall height

Joints and Connections

of the building wit h attendant savings in the cost of the external walls. In addition,the use

Steel frames are usually shot blasted,

Joints in steel frames are bolted or

of a composite concrete and steel deck pro-

cleaned and primed prior to erection.

welded. Bolted connections are the most

vides essential properties of fire protection

Frames that are not to be left exposed visu-

commonly used, with either cleats or plates

and acoustic separation. Movement joints are

ally require no further painting. However.

used as connectors.The advantages of a fast

introduced to allow for thermal movement

most steel structures require fire protec-

speed of construction on site associated

in the steelwork,which can be greater than

tion, which is provided typically with either

with steel frames is often continued into the

that of concrete.Thesejoints are breaks in

concrete encasement, an intumescent paint

configurat ion of the floor slab,which often

the structure where each part of the struc-

or by enclosing the frame with fire resistant

uses trapezoidal shaped floor deck instead

tural frame must be independently stable of

board.Steel frames not requiring fire protec-

of full concret e slabs.The profiled metal deck

its neighbour.The corresponding movement

tion, such astho se used for roof structures

is used as both permanent formwork as

joint on the external wall and roof is detailed

only, are painted to avoid corrosion during

well as having a structural role in composite

so as to provide a continuity of waterproof-

construction and after the frames are assem-

action. Concrete is poured on top of the

ing while creating a break in the structural

bled. Members which are to remain visible

metal deck, which typically has shear studs

support of the external wall across the joint.

when assembled, such as in visible roof

or connector s to form a bond betw een the

Movement joints in the external wall are

two materials.The profiled metal deck is

typically up to around 20mm wide, so do

structures, are often delivered to site as preMCH


Braced st eel frame . Pompidou Centre, Paris, Arc hit ects: Richard Rogers

3-D view of section con nection detail w ith cross br acing element

I . I-section column 2. I-section beam

3. Floor deck 4. Cleats formed from steel angle 5.T-section or fiat section s com monly used for cross brac ing



ructure OLf Braced frames 2: steel

D etails I . I-sectio n co lumn 2. I-section beam 3. Floor deck 4. Cleats fo rme d fro m steel angle


5.T-section o r flat sections com mon ly used for cross br acing

Typical br aced frame con stru ction

not have a significant visual presence on th e

or 'pressed' sectio ns prov ides a mixture of

commonly.external walls are set on t he out-

facade, but are usually designed to make

material systems in a single materia l, using a

side of steel frames, as cladding fixed to t he

t hem an intenti onal part of th e language of

commo n meth od of fixing, w it h screws and

edge of th e concret e floor slab, so met imes

constructi on.

bo lts. Small frame s can benefit from the w ide

w it h an addit ional backing wa ll set onto th e

range of structural steel sections available,

edge of th e floor slab. Sometime s facades

two storey buildings have th e advantage of

fro m I-section s t o T-section s, box sections,

are suppo rted by brackets fixed to the outer

being able to be fabricat ed in th e workshop

tub es and flats, as we ll as specially fabri cat ed

face of the steel beam at t he edge of the

as a 'kit of parts' for complex fo rm s. Pro files

sections of irregular shape.The int roduction

frame, but th is can be difficult to achieve in

can be cut, curved, w elded and bolted in fac-

of irregular shapes has been possible as a

practice due t o th e co-ordinat ion needed

tory conditions for individual projects w here

result of the development of digital cutting

between steelwork and facade away fro m

the steel frame is visible form eit her inside

t oo ls.

sit e, w hich can be challenging from the po int

Interface with external envelope


Smaller scale steel frame s for one o r

of view of sequence of procurement and

or outside the building.This method allows welded joints wh ich can be groun d smooth and painted before being delivered to site in

In common w it h reinforced concrete

Roofs in different mat er ial systems are

sections, where th ey can be bolted in place,

frames, steel frames can be either exposed

set onto steel frames eit her direct in th e

achieving a level of w orkmanship t hat wo uld

outside th e ext ern al skin or be set inside t he

case of a profiled metal deck, or w it h support

be more difficult under site conditions. For

building, but w hen set externally. th e frame

brackets fixed to the steel framing members

short spanning, lightweight steel frames, cold

is ty pically th ermally insulat ed to reduce

in th e case of a glazed roo f.The use of brack-

formed sections can also be used, wit h thei r

thermal movement of t he frame. Ho wever

ets th at lift th e roo f system clear of th e stee l

advantage of being light er t o handle, forming

the connecti on, through t he ext ernal w all,

suppo rt ing memb ers give a sense of visual

frames w hich are more a steel equivalent

of the externall y-set columns and beams to

separat ion, w hich can assist visually in th e

of th e timber platform, w it h member s at

the floo r slab can be challenging.Th e need t o

relation ship between frame and covering.

close centres,th an looking like a regular steel

create a weat hertig ht seal around thi s junc-

frame.T he ability t o mix hot ro lled steels,

t ion requires special attent ion as t he seal is

capable of lo ng spans,w ith cold formed

usually formed w it hin a spandre l panel. More










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) ))))))))])))h~{«(<«((((((( ( Layout of steel work

Braced steel framed construction.Wood Street, London.Architects: Richard Rogers

Angled steel sections

I Beam connection detail

,l I


....., .




iil1.-Steel frame showingareas of bracing

3-D section through curved brace frame construction

Curved I beam connection detail



ru ure O~ Braced frames 3: timber


3-D cut away view of a typicaltimber frame

Typicaltimber joinery and connection details

The platform frame The platform frame consists of soft-

and external finishes. Prior to the use of plywood,timber boards were the main form

wood t imber studs, typically IOOmm x

of sheat hing for the frame. Floor spans are

50mm, spanning vertically from floor to

typically at up to around 3500mm to suit

floor between horizontally-set timber sec-

the ready availability of cut sections, but ply-

tions,cal led plates.The studs are set at close

wood-based floor joists can achieve longer

centres,typically at 400mm as described in

spans, depending on t he design. Openings

the section called 'Cladding to the platform

in walls, floors and roofs are easily formed

frame' in the Walls chapter. Floor joists are

and steel or engineered wood beams can

aligned wit h the studs to transfer the loads

be incorporated to increase floor spans.The

efficiently from floor to wall.Timbers are

walls to the platform frame are discussed in

butt jointed and nailed,following the tradi-

the Walls chapter; and timber floors are dis-

tion of using simple t echniques and relat ively

cussed later in this section.

few tools to make a complete structural frame from cut timber sections that can be lifted by hand.The stability of the frame



Long-span timber frames Larger frames can be made from either

is provided by plywood sheets, which also

laminatedtimber or large cut sections which

form a substrate for a breather membrane

are connected pairs, spaced apart,to make


3-D cut away view of a typicaltimber balloon frame on a masonry base

larger components.These frames consist of columns and beams at 5-6 metre centres with infill panels between them to make

Hardwood t imber frame There has been a revival in recent years in the UK for the use of timber frames that

walls. Floors are usually set on top of the

use large size sections of hardwood such as

beams.The large scale nature of the frame

oak,Douglas fir and larch to make frames

makes it necessary to introduce cross brac-

that use traditional methods of frame con-

ing or timber framed wall panelsto provide

struction rather than those of the platform

lateral stabilityThese large scaleframes are

frame.This method uses timber sections

increasingly being formed in cross laminated

from around 300 x 300mm down to small

timber; which have the ability to also be used

scale I OOmm x 50mm sections in a hier-

as fioor decks that have higher acoustic per-

archy of primary, secondary and tertiary

formance than timber joists and fioor boards.

members, allowing most of the timber con-

Although sand pugging and layers of ceiling

struction to be revealed rather than being

board can be added to the timber joist fioor;

concealed behind plywood sheathing and

their disadvantage has been to add mass

internal lining more typically associated with

without increasingthe strength of the fioor

timber construction. Spans are modest,typi-


cally achieving those of platform frames. MC H

30 I

Typical timber balloon frame on a masonry base



Typicaltimber joiner y and connection deta ils

3-D cut away view of a typicaltimber frame

Joints and Connections

being used to reduce the amount of fabrica-

fully visible within the building.A traditional

tion required and to provide a substantial

issue of infill panels has been to assure a

and smooth appearance.Timbers are fixed

weathertight joint between a timber frame

frames use knee bracing and wooden pegs

t ogether using a set of t ight-fit steel pins that

which undergoes structural movement, and

at joint s as an alternative to visible metal

are inserted into the connecting members.

an infill that is also subject to its own move-

connectors.The use of larger size sections

This type of connection is used at tension

ments.The use of breather membranes and

allows them to be cut to curves from single

joints.which are hard to achieve except by

rainscreen construction has greatly improved

pieces of t imber, or even to usetraditional

either bolting or by using split ring connec-

this traditional t echnique to meet modern

joints between large scale sections which


requirement s.The timber frame can also

W here platfo rm frames use primarily

nails to fix thel frame together. hardwood

interlock as a result of their shape rather than rely on straight metal connectors Long span t imber frames, connected in with timber blocks and bolted together.

be fully prot ected externally.typically with a

Interface with external envelope

breather membrane and rainscreen cladding,

The use of the platform frame suits

to control moisture movement in the frame,

continuously supported. or short-spanning,

as well as providing venti lat ion to the con-

often form simple bolted connections wit h

cladding materials such as timber boarding

struction where it meetsthe external wall.

timber columns by settingthe beams on the

and metal sheet. In the case of hardwood

As with other forms of timber construction.

outside of the column, or vice versa to suit

timber frames and long-span frames, the

timber frames are set onto masonry or con-

the structural design of the frame. However.

framing forms a primary part of the external

crete bases to keep them dry and ventilat ed.

this t echnique is being superseded by tight-fit

walls. providing an opportunit y to use infill-

typically set a minimum of ISOmm above

connections that use CA D/CAM t echniques

ing panels, such as double glazed unit s or

external ground level, but subject to specific

to direct computer-operated machinery that

low energy materials such as straw bale and

design requirements.The base wall follows

can plane, rout or drill structural timbers.

hemp. described in the Environment chapter.

the principles of that form of construction,

This new technique can provide economic

Roofs t o hardwood frames follow tradit ional

typically a cavity wall in the case of brickwork

connections that transfer loads more effi-

principles of keeping the structure dry wit hin

or a wat erproofed concrete wall with an

ciently than do traditional techniques. Solid

the building, with the roof coveringthe com-

additional outer skin t o protect and conceal

timber circular columns are increasingly

plete structure. but allowing the frame to be

the membrane.



Rigid reinforced concrete portal frame

An essential characteristic of the portal

portal frame can be applied to multiple sto-

frame isthat it supports loads by bending

rey frames,tho ugh they are typically used to

at its primary joints rather than using the

provide economic structures for long-span

pin joints of other frame types. However, in

single storey buildings with the benefit of

either welded or bolted with plates t o form

practice portal frames are made in sections

their comparatively low weight.

haunches. Some steel portal frames use

which are pin joint ed,t ypically at the top, in the centre and at their base.The frame

Portal frames are typically made from

Joints and connections Moment connections are typically

specially fabricat ed connectors int o which

steel, laminated timber and reinforced con-

standard size box sections can be slotted and

is made stable in the plane of the frame as

crete.As is the casewith arches, there are

welded. Larger scale connectors use cast-

a result of the rigid moment connection

three types: the rigid frame,the two -pin

ings for both moment and pinned connec-

between the column (or vert ical member)

frame and the three-pin frame. In the rigid

tions, giving a visual continuity to the design,

and the rafter (or horizontal member).

portal frame, the structure uses the least

though they are used primarily on larger

Structural members are formed typically

material, with the rigidity of the joints being

scale projects where benefits of making cast-

either as solid beams or framed trusses, and

t aken down as far as the base of the frame.

ings in high volume can be made economic.

resist bending at their knee joint to form the

The pinned types act in a similar way to

Pinned connections use types illustrated

moment connection by the use of rigid con-

arches but the loads in each member are

here. Smaller scale portal frames can be

nectors.These connectors might be glued

resisted in bending. Portal frames are linked

fixed together in a way t hat gives them the

joints in laminatedtimber, metal connectors

together with purlins to form linear arrange-

appearance of being single components, but

in framed timber members, or welds in steel

ments at around 3000mm to 6000mm cen-

which are bolted or glued together on site.

sections.An advantage of this structural type

tres. Since t he purlins alone do not usually

This can give the portal frame a more sculp-

is in its economic use of material, combined

provide sufficient rigidity in the transverse

tural appearance, with the structure resem-

with a simple construction technique.A

direction,the frames are stiffened with addi-

bling more boat construction than traditio nal

wide range of structural components can be

tional lateral bracing in a few of the bays,

building. The use of digital fabricatio n tools

used, from trusses and trussed columns to

usually near the ends of the structure, but

such as CNC router s brings the opportun ity

I-sections. Although associated primarily wit h

this depends on the scale of the structure

for portal frames to be made in different

single storey structures,the principle of the

and t he specific design.

sizes in order to form a more complex space



3 pintimber portal frame

Details I. Portal frame 2. Cladding

Vertical section I:100. 3 pintimber frame


3 pintimber frame




Ji 2 pintimber frame

ING Head office, Budapest, Hungary. Architects:Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects Rigid frame



trueture 04 Portal frames

Pin detailwithin timber portail frame

Base plate actying aspin joint for timber frame timber frame


Corner detailthnough rigid steel portalframe

Rigid steel fame corner detail

wit hin the building.The purlin members that connect the portal frames together are

HeathnowTenminal 5,London. Architects:Rogers Stirk Harbour


30 6

Interface w ith external envelope An advantage of portal frames is their

then cut at different angles on their ends in

ability to form a single surface for both walls

order to follow a particular line across the

and roof.In recent years,sheet metal roofs

structure,which may be visible from inside,

have been used with small scale portal frame

or be set in a staggered arrangement to suit

structures,wit h their ability to render the

the external roof and wall fi nishes. Portal

shape created by the structure. In other

frames are being increasingly associated with

examples the external skin is set between

non-rectilinear structures with their abilityto

the portal frame members, revealing the

form complex shapes with visually elegant

shape of the frame and makingthe struc-

connections. Large scale portal frames can

ture the visual expression of the design.The

provide a visually elegant and more slender

portal frames are weather protected and

alternat ive to classic trusses, creating roof

thermally insulated, often using the same

structures that more resemble shellsthan

metal sheet system, but wit h the opportunity

frames.A recent development isa hybrid of

for setting glazed units between the portal

portal frame structures which isthe use of

frames in line with the adjacent covering

a 'tree' like column arrangement of portal

for wall and roof. Purlins are used to sup-

frame connections at the top of a structure

port the external cladding.W here profiled

that support curved beams along its length.

metal cladding is used they are called sheet-

Rigid steel portal frame construction

Pin detail. Vertical section through glulam portal frame

ing rails. In common with arches, cladding

base of portal frames typically has an upstand

is fixed to these purlins rather than directly

to provide weat herproofing at this point

to the portals in order to keep the connec-

dependent on the position of the portal

tion type simple.The stiffness of junctions

frames, either at ground level or as part of a

between walls and roof makes the transition

larger structure.The upstand provides a ter-

in the external envelope straightforward

mination to the external envelope, forming

and economic. Largerscale portal frames

a transition between wall and adjacent roof

require a gutter at the edge of the roof,

deck or ground conditions. The hybrid struc-

which cannot always follow the geometry

tures with their tree-like base use a range of

of the frame itself A solut ion is to set the

curved and welded steel plate and cast con-

external envelope away from the portal

nections to create complex forms that serve

frame, usually by settingthe purlins on the

as moment connections that can contrast

outside edge of the portal frames, thus creat-

visually with adjacent pinned connections at

ing a gap between frame and envelope.This

roof level. Generally, the use of portal frame

gap can then accommodate the shape of the

structures as single enclosures suggests a

gutter wit hout interrupting the visual line of

continuat ion of the interdependency of

the roof / wall enclosure on the outside.The

structure and envelopethat are clearly visible

inside face of the external skin can also be

in contemporary examples.

Fawood School. London. Architects: AlsopArchitects

lined to conceal the gutter if required.The



Structure Loadbearing boxes I: reinforced concrete


In this section are considered structures

projects where a high degree of repetition

where loadbearing walls and floors are

occurs in panel types. Concrete loadbearing

linkedtogether with some degree of inter-

boxes have the advantage of high fire resist-

dependency. Although not strictly regarded

ance combined wit h high sound insulation

asa structural system, techniques of load-

from both airborne and impact sound. Con-

bearing concrete wall and floor construction

crete can be used in conjunction with both

are very common in Europefor large-scale

steel and concrete structures. In situ cast

housing projects. Many European houses are

techniques generate a monolithic connection

built with loadbearing masonry walls with

between floor and walls. Precast compo-

either timber or concrete floors that provide

nents are stitched together to form a similar

stability to the external walls.

connection. Since concrete is not regarded as vapour-proof,the outside of the concrete

Concrete loadbearing boxes Loadbearing walls and floors made in

is eit her rendered or covered with a cladding system,typically a rainscreen. Measures

reinforced concrete can be combined to

to ensure thermal insulation,together wit h

makea complete monolithic structure.Both

finishes, are discussed in the in-situ cast walls

in-situ castand precast concrete techniques

section in chapter 2.

can be used,though precast methods suit MCH


Details I. External wall 2.W indow opening

3. Floor slab 4. Parapet upstand 5.W indow frame

Tod's Building,Tokyo, Japan. Architects: Toyo Ito

Timber form-Work used to achieve decorative texture




Structure Loadbearing boxes I: reinforced concrete

CAC Museum, Cincinatti, USA. Arcitects: Zaha Hadid Archit ects



Details I. Extemal wall 2.Window opening

3. Floor slab 4.W indow frame

CAC Museum, Cincinatti, USA. Arcitects: Zaha Hadid Architects


3 11

Bryanston School, Dorset. Architects: Hopkins Architects



Loadbearing brick structures are rarely used in buildings in the industrialised coun-



x x

useis discussed in the Walls chapter. The use of brick in these structures

(completed 1983) both designed by Louis Kahn.The architect had previously used brick

tries since they are more expensive than

is restrictedto the walls, since traditional

slips (thin brick tiles that imitate brickwork)

cavity walls, usemore material and are slow-

vaulted brick floors have been superseded

to conceal openings formed in either steel

er to build.Traditionally,they have also been

by timber or concrete floor construction,

or concrete. In these two projects structural

less efficientat excluding rainwater than

which can more easily achieve longer spans.

brick arches are used. Because of their large

contemporary cavity walls, with the separa-

Loadbearing walls are usually muchthicker

size, spanning up to approximately three

tion of internal and external skins that has

than their cavity wall equivalents, making the

metresthey were combined with reinforced

made cavity wall construction a technically

structure much heavier, in order to provide

concrete lintels as tied arches.The ends of

accomplished and less expensive alterna-

sufficient waterproofing, since the brick

the ties were specially formed to bond into

tive to solid, loadbearing construction. Over

absorbs rainwater nearthe surface and later

the adjacent brickwork,thus avoidingthe

the past 100years, the design of brickwork

dries out.Traditionally, openings in walls have

need for additional steel connectors.

has generally aimedtowards increasing its

been made with arches of the same material

strength through the useof higher strength

as the surrounding wall and in flat, curved

mortars,though this results in a more brittle

or pointed variations. Flatarches require

structure with reduced flexibility that was

considerable skill to construct, and are often

has loadbearing brick walls,which consistof

provided by the lime-based mortars.This

reinforced with bed reinforcement in the

tw o skins 220mm thick with a SOmm cav-

has led to the need for movement joints in

form of steel rod or expanded mesh. In

ity providing acoustic separation.The inner

the material, usually at around 6.5 metres

common wit h other types of masonry con-

leaf supports the back of the balconies.The

centres, with the effect of loadbearingwalls

struction, brickwork cannot be loaded, and

brickwork forms a loadbearing drum, 33.7m

becominga series of linked panels.The

will fail in tension.

A recent built example Glyndebourne Opera House in England

in diameter, 17.7m high, truncated on one

gradual re-introduction of lime putty mor-

Loadbearing brickwork was used in the

tars,wit h their lower strength but greater

Indian Instituteof Management at Ahmeda-

From this wall radiates a series of precast

allowance for movement, is set to change

bad, India, (completed 1974) and part of

concrete panels that form the soffit to the

the nature of loadbearing brickwork,and its

the NationalAssembly at Dhaka, Bangladesh

balconies and partially support the seat-



face where it intersects wit h the fly-tower.


D etails I. solid structural brickwork pier 2. Brick arch

3. Precast concrete floor beams with padstone 4.Aluminium window frame 5. Loadbearing brickwork wall in

3-D sectional model showing loadbearing masonry construction

English Bond


3 13

Three Brindleyplace,Birmingham, England, Archit ect: Porphyrios Associates,

3-D elevation of typical loadbearing brick bay

ing above, In-situ cast columns that are tied

overall compressive strength of 6.2N/mm2,

applications are set to revitalise the use

together wit h an in-situ casttopping and ring

which is less than halfthat of convent ional

of brickwor k as they start to combine the

beam provide addit ional support.W here the

brickwork at around ISN/mm2,

authenticity of loadbearing walls with con-

structure runs alongsidethe side stages, the inner wall becomes an acoustic wall.220mm thick, but elsewhere it is less dense, and

temporary requirements for weatherproof-

Current applications The use of loadbearing brickwork in

ing and thermal insulation,An advantage of loadbearing brickwork is its ability to vary

where it is punctured by openings. providing

recent economic applications has been

in thickness to suit structural requirements

access to the auditorium, it becomes a series

mostly in situat ions where thermal insulation

without the need for the stainless steel fix-

of piers,The walls supporting the balconies

is not required, such as in wallsset externally

ings and supports associated with cavity

are 334mm thick continuous skin,sup-

to form a screen wall to external spaces, or

brick walls, where any modelling of the sur-

ported by fiat arches resting on gently taper-

semi external spaces. Alternatively, the load-

face of the wall is difficultto accommodate

ing brick piers,The mix used for the lime

bearingwall is used in a hybrid condition,

structurally due t o the nature of its construc-

putty mortar in the brickwork was a I:2:9

where it supports itself in the manner of the

tion' which is to be non-Ioadbearing. Load-

(cement lime putty:sand) ratio by volume,

outer leaf of a cavity wall,but is only con-

bearing brickwor k is also able to use other

The cement gave early strength to the wall

nected at points to the floor slabs behind in

materials in its construction, from cut stones

and slightly improved durability and weather-

order to reduce the thermal bridge through

forming pieces of loadbearing archesto pre-

ing.The compressive strength of the bricks

the material.Thermal insulation,when

cast concrete ties, lintels and cills as an inte-

was 27.5N/mm2 and that of the lime putty

required, is set on the inside face of the wall,

gral part of the construction,The additional

mortar was I.5N/mm2.This provided an

and is also set between slab and wall.These

cost of this form of construction over that of










3-D Section th rough typical loadbearing brick bay show ing concrete beams supported on br ick piers and brick arches cavity wall constr uction makes its applicat ion less wi despread, but th is may change with the possibility of prefabricating sectio ns of t he wall away from t he site, and assembling

Det ails I . solid structural brickwork pier 2. Brick arch

the pieces on site in the manner of precast

3. Precast concrete floor beams

concrete construction , w here speed of con-

with padstone

struction is a benefit. Some recent examples have set steel reinfo rcement int o the depth of t he w all so as to increase it s strength, and

4.A luminium wi ndow frame 5. Loadbearing brickwork w all in English Bond

resistance t o w ind load, w it ho ut increasing it s th ickness beyond o ne and a half bri cks th ick, whi ch is generally considered to be t he minimum thi ckness of loadbearin g walls w hich can exclude rainwater (thou gh thi s is not always sufficient, of course) .The use of ste el reinforcement can help reduce th e overall w eight of t he w all in ord er t o remain w it hin the loadbearing capacity of th e wa ll.



tructure 021 Loadbearing boxes 3: glass

Broadfield Glass Museum, West Midlands, UK. Architect: Design Antenna

All-glass loadbearing structures are a



stainless steel brackets or shoes which are

recent development in the design of small

bolt fixed to the double glazed unitsforming

scale glass enclosures,Their intention is

the external wall.The beams, fins, wall panels

usually to maximise transparency, andtheir

and roof panels are bonded together, typi-

application on single storey enclosures

cally with silicone, to form an all-glass struc-

ensures that glass sheets can form walls

ture, In practice, most all-glass structures

without the need for aluminium or steel

have additional mechanical fixings to secure

framing,Typically, double glazed units are

all components, as a completely bonded

set vertically, with examples ISOOmm wide

glass structure has obvious risks associated

x 3000mm high, These larger size pan-

with its design, A typical fixing might be a

els require glass fins set verticallyto take

toggletype fixing where a flat metal plate

the place of glass mullions, but glass units

is used to hold double glazed units in place,

2100mm high sometimes do not require any

The double glazed units have an edge spacer

glass fins, depending on the wind load, Dou-

with a groove aroundthe edge to which

ble glazed units are also used to form roof

the toggle plate can be fixed,The silicone

panels, set onto glass beams which are fixed

between double glazed unitscan then be sili-

to the vertical glass fins, Where no vertical

cone sealant rather than a silicone bond,The

fins are used, the glass beams can be fixed to

junction between vertical glass fins and glass

Details of glass load be ar ing boxe s I. Triple glazed unit 2. Laminated glass beam with slot for column

3. Laminated glass column with projectin g lamina that slots into beam

Internal view of ~ructu ral glass box assembly

beams supporting the roof panels may still use a silicone bond .The glass ty pes used are a combinat io n of te mpered and laminated glass which is bond ed or bo lted toget her

3-D exploded view of structu ral glass box assembly

All-glass enclosure, Broadfield Glass Museum,We5t Midlands, England.



The architect w as Brent Richards of

t o form beam and column compo nent s. In

D esign Antenna wo rking w it h structural

common wit h bolt fixed glazing, an essential

engineers of D ew hur st MacFarlane.T he

consideration in the design of loadbear-

enclosure is constructed without metal fix-

ing glass structures is the avo idance of any

ings or supports in any another mater ial. It is

stress concentrations that might lead to

I Im lo ng, 5.7m wi de and 15m high.The pri-

glass breakage w hile th e stru cture is under

mar y structure consists of glass beams 5.7m

normal load conditions. Since the techni ques

long x 300mm deep, at I OOOmm centres .

used are very recent, no general pri nciples

O ne end is supported by an existing mason-

for construction are set o ut here but two

r y wall, w hilst the ot her is supported o n

recent examples are shown. Someti mes a

glass columns 1 5m high and 200mm deep.

glass fin can be used at roof level on


The beams and columns are made from

jecti ng down th e wa ll for a short distance

three sheets of glass laminated together,

and remaining above head height to avoid

making them 32mm thic k.At the rear,the

risk of injury to user s.

beams are secured by shoes in steel fixed to


3-D exploded view of structural glass box assembly


3 17

House extension, London,Architect: Paul Archer Design.

the wall. while on the glazed side they are connected to the columns in an interlocking ofthe glass layers.The junction was bonded on site with a catalyst-cured resin.The glass roof panels are bonded to the top of the glass beams.The double glazed roof panels have an outer layer of IOmm thick toughened glass. a I Omm air gap and an inner skin of two sheets of 6mm glass laminated together. A silver film on the inner face of the upper sheet reduces solargain,as does the ceramic fritting on the inside face of the panel. The roof panels are bonded to the beams with structural silicone bead with a rigid foam backing.The gap between the panels is sealed using a silicone-rubber weather seal wit h a foam backing.The roof slope is 1.s°.The roof can be walked upon for maintenance, and supports expected snow loads.The front walls consistof 3.7 metre x 1.1 metre high double glazed panels composed of two sheets of 8mm toughened glass with a IOmm air gap. 3-D view of structural glass box system



Details: Glass loadbearing box I.Triple glazed glass beam 2. Double glazed unit 3. Stainless steel bracket bolt fixed to beam and wall 4. Bonded glass connection

Glass footbridge 5. Glasswall panel 6. Glass roof panel 7. Glass sheet as fioor deck 8.Laminated glass beam 9.Steel frame at each end of bridge

Horizontal section 1:5through roof beam

Glass footbridge. Rotterdam, Holland. Architect: Dirk Ian Postel

All-glass footbridge, Rotterdam, Holland This footbridge was designed by the architect Dirk Jan Postel of KraaijvangerUrbis, working w it h Structural Engineer ABT Velpe.The bridge spans three metres w it h fioor plates of ISmm laminated fioat glass supported on two laminated glass beams made from fioat glass.The side-walls consist of double glazed units made from IOmm and 6mm thick toughened glass sheet. In addition to being self-supporting, the walls support the glass roof. which has the same type of laminated construction asthe walls. The all-glass components are fixed together wit h stainless steel brackets and plates. The use of stainless steel fixings does not noticeably reduce the transparency of the structure, adding a sense of visual refinement, while the curve of the beams supporting the fioor deck contrasts wit h the rectilinear design of the glass enclosure. From a visual point of view,the all-glass design makes it easy to link wit h existing buildings on either side.

3-D exploded viewof footbridge assembly


3 19

Traditional timber roof truss assembly Truss types. a. Warren truss G) b. Modified Warren truss. c. Pratttruss. d.Vierendeel truss

and tension flanges to generate a greater

effects, the cross-sectional shape for indi-

a solid girderwould be at a disadvantage

moment of resistance in order to provide a

vidual truss members can vary enormously,

due to its self-weight. Instead of using a

greater loadbearing capacity while minimising

since truss members are generally subjectto

deep solid section, such as a girder, a more

weight. Simply supported trusses exert no

small direct forces. Consequently,T-sections

economic solution for larger spanscan

thrust at their supports allowing them to be

and tubes can be used in steel trusses, for

be provided bytransmitting forces across

easily supported on columns or supporting

example, while a mix of timber and steel

a series of diagonally set and connected

can be used in other types. Flat shaped sec-

members to take up the vertical, horizontal

walls within a larger structure. Truss types vary enormously in their

tions make the connections easierto form

and diagonal shear stresses. With the excep-

design; the most commontypes being the

than box sections, but this situation provides

tion of the Vierendeel type,trusses use

Warren trusses, where loads are carried

opportunities to design elegant connections,

pin-ended members that utilise tension and

mainly as axial loads in the members, the 'N'

which can be one of the most significant con-

compression in a series of ties and struts.

truss which has vertical and diagonal mem-

siderations from a visual point of view.

Trusses are used for large spanswhere

Whiletrusses bend along their overall length,

bers in a rhythm of alternating tension and

Joints and connections

local bending within the truss can be largely

compression, and the Vierendeel truss, which

avoided ifloads onto the truss are applied

has an orthogonal rather than a triangulated

at the node points. Loading trusses away

series of members. In the Vierendeel truss,

mild steel or a combination of the two

from the nodes introduces local bending

forces are transferred between members by

materials. In trusses using mixed materials,

into horizontal members with a resulting

localised bending, called Vierendeel action,

steel rod or cable are used to form the ties,

increase in their design size, as members

with rigid connections between members. As

typically on the bottom chord of the truss,

now have to resist bending as well as axial

such, it is not strictly a truss type.The bend-

while steel tube might be used to form the

loads, resulting intrusses that are heavier,

ing makes members slightly larger than in an

central strut.Timber roof trusses are either

usually less elegantand more expensive.The

equivalent triangulated truss,resulting in their

large trusses set up to three metres apart

Trusses are typically formed in timber,

voids between members are often used

being heavier than a Warren truss spanning

linked together with purlins or much lighter

to accommodate services and mechanical ventilation ducts.These structures maximise

the same distance. Whereas beam members are predomi-

nail plate trusses set at around 450mm centres. Larger trusses often use double timber

the leverarm between the compression

nantly I-shaped to accommodate the bending

members forming the main rafters and joists



Timber tru sses in t ree-like arrangeme nt.

Resource Centre, Grizedale, Cumbria.Architects: Sutherland Hussey Architects

Details I. Purlins spanning between tru sses 2. Roof cove ring 3. Str ut 4.Tie 5.Timber wa ll plate 6. Bolte d steel con nect ion 7. Stee l conn ector plate








Ve rt ical sectio n I:20 through trtypical timber tru ss roof



Details I . Purlins spanning between t russes 2. Roof covering

3. Strut 4.Tie 5.Ti mber wa ll plate 6. Bolted steel connection 7. St eel co nnector plate

Detail of wall plate connection


Steel plate connecting timber elements at roof ridge

Typical exposed roof truss



that are spaced apart with secondary ties

members in order to minimise the diameter

and struts which linkthe primary members.

of the tubes. Modest steel trusses use angles

Timbers are bolted together using large steel

set back to back and bolted together with

washers that spread the load imposed by the

gusset plates set between them to allow

bott head and prevent it from crushing the

several members to be joined together at a

timber locally as the connection is tightened.

single node.They are inwidespread use as

The exposed steel components are painted

economic longspan supports to roof struc-

to avoid their corrosion.Timber trusses

tures. Larger scale trusses are made from

can also make use of ties made in steel rod

laminated timber or LVL (laminated veneer

where they are visible components. Smaller

lumber),which resembles plywood in its con-

trusses are factory assembled with nail plates

struction but is made in long lengths.These

and split ring connectors as described in the

materials use similar bolted connections to

Materials chapter. Steeltrusses can range

smallertrusses, but typically with bigger metal

from a modest set of angles bolted together

connector plates.Truss members can be

with linking gusset plate connectors to weld-

made from single lengths of LVL, but for high

ed tubular structures that can incorporate

loads, LVL is glue-laminated to make large

cast node connections to allow connections

cross-section members,typically square in

with complex geometries to be formed.

profile. Reinforced concrete trusses are usu-

These cast connectors allow the loads to

ally precast either as a series of prefabricated

meet at the intersection of the centrelines of

components which are stitched together

Timber truss with steel trussties

Timber truss wit h steel truss ties

Steel ties act as truss in both directions along the length of the roof

or as a single completed component.They

local bending intruss members,the fixing of

are much less commonly used than those in

cladding to secondary supports permits the

timber or steel due to their self-weight. which

use of simple bolted or screwed connec-

tends to reduce the lightness and economy

tions that avoids any complexity in fixing to

associated with trusses.

a primary member.The bases of trusses are set either onto a supporting structural frame

Interface with external envelope Trusses are tied together by the secondary members called purlins which connect

or onto a supporting wall.The wall plate or purlin joiningthe base of the trusses is typically used to form an interface between

trusses together,typically points on the rafter

roof covering and the external wall below,

which intersect wit h other tr uss members,

where a gutter is typically required.The

called node points.The purlins are set on

arrangement of purlins is often adjusted to

top of the outer face of the truss in order to

suit the needs of supporting the roof cover-

form a support for the build-up of the roof

ing,which may range from profiled metal

covering and to make a simple connection

sheet to traditional roof tiling. Steel trusses

between truss and purlin. Purlins can have an

may also have brackets fixed to the top of

internal finish applied, such as timber boards

the truss to provide connectors to the roof

or dry lining in order to expose the trusses

covering,typically with the aim of providing a

within t he building, but this varies with the

visual separation between structure and roof

Visito r Centre Koga Ibe raki Prefactu re, Japan.

design of t he tr usses. In addition to avoiding


Archite cts: Naito assoc iates



Siobhan Davies Dance Studios, London. Architects: Sarah Wigglesworth Architects

Section th ro ugh shell I.Timber member 2.Steel rod 3. Steel node connector 4. Doubled glazed unit

The essential concept of th e arch is t o suppor t load s primarily as compression

Arches The rigid arch has no pin jo ints, but

becomes shallower. Bot h t he t hree -point and two -po int arches suit larger spans which

forces in the plane of t he str ucture , wit h

instead has rigid connections at both base

wo uld present difficulties for tr ansport and

abut ments at the base to resist the o utward

points.This arch type is generally considered

handling if made in a single piece .The most

th rusts gene rated by its shape. Since arches

to be more econom ical than the two ot her

commo n mate rials used are stee l, laminated

exert outwa rd forces at their bases, t hey

types, but has bending moments at its base

t imber and reinforced concret e.

requ ire a tie such as a floor slab or beam, for

that are transmitted into the foundat ions,

example.This is qu ite different to some por-

which may need t o be linked by ground

tal frames , which do not exert such forces at

beams to resist t he thru sts, in the manner of

thei r base po ints. Co nsequentl y, a variat ion

a t ied arch, unless the ground is sufficient ly

to th is type is the 'tied arch' in which a ten-

firm to wit hstand the th rusts wit hout a

ding is app lied and monolithic she lls which

sion member li nks t he base points across

beam .The two-pin arch has pin joints at the

are made either by casting concrete in place

the arch to resist t hese outward thrusts and

abutm ents only It is more economical in

over com plex formwo rk or as precast sec-

control spread ofthe arch.The t hree most

materia l than the three-pin type and bending

tions which are stitched togeth er. In both

com mon types used in modern construction

mo ments are mo re evenly distributed t han

cases,the loads are carried in t he plane of

are the rigid arch,th e two -pin arch and t he

Shells Shells are of two generic types;t hose made from framing memb ers to which clad-

in the t hree-pin type , minimising the amo unt

the structure wit h the outw ard th rusts being

three-pin arch.These tw o-dimensional struc-

of material used.The th ree -pin arch is hinged

taken out at the base . Shells constr ucted

t ures are lin ked t ogether in bays with purlins

at th ree points, which are at the apex and at

from framing membe rs often have a ring

to form a complet e structure.Alternatively.

the two base points. Bending does not occur

beam at t he edge to cont ain the effects of

the arch concept can be extended into

at t he pin joints,which behave as pivots or

the outward thru sts. Monolithic concret e

t hree dimensions as a shell. Both arches and

hinges. Bending moments away from the

types may eit her follow the same principle

shells can be formed eit her from t russ com-

pins are greate r than in ot her types.As with

or have a continuous abut ment at their base

ponents, as 'gridshells', which are in increased

th e t raditional masonry arch,there are hori-

to deal with the higher loads associated with

use , or as mon olithic structu res in reinfo rced

zontal th rusts at the supports.Thrusts at th e

co ncrete. Shells in which the structure and

conc rete .

base of an arch increase as the arch profile

enclosure are combined in a single form,



3-D view of timber shell structure with tension cable support and double glazed roof



tructure 04 Arches and shells Section through shell I, Reinforced concrete outer shell 2, Concrete edge beam

3. Concrete ribs 4, Steel connectingbrackets

3-D view of shell structure with precast concrete panels supported by stee l grid structure

Yatsushiro Municipal Museum, Kumamot o Prefuctur e,japan,A rchitects:Toyo Ito & Associates,

as found in an egg shell, are referred to as

material. An essential aspect of framed shells

monocoques, Shel l forms vary enormously,

or 'gridshells', with their double curvature, is

from the relatively simple shell vault resem-

the connector node,which is typically made

bling an extruded arch, to the complex

in steel and which can also be used to sup-

ribbed structures resembling seashells,

port the roof covering,Where a single material is used for the gridshell,such as steel,

Joints and connections



node connectors are not required ifregular

Arches and shells made from fram ing

cleat and bracket connections can be used

members (rather than reinforced concrete)

economicallyThis allows the roof covering

are formed using the pinned and moment

to be supported directly on the structural

connections associated wit h each mate-

members, Shells can be supported at their

rial and are illustrated here,An interesting

base on a variety of supports,from columns

recent development has been in using a mix

to loadbearing walls or floor slabs.The

of materials to form shell structures, such as

choice of support may be related directly to

those in timber and stainless steel cables or

the need to provide an economicweather-

rods,The mixing of materials has benefits in

tight seal at their junction,though structural

economy of weight, allowing forces in differ-

ring beams are often needed to contain the

ent members to be matched to a suitable

outward thrust forces,

3-D view of shell structure with precast concrete panels support ed by steel grid structure

Interface w ith exte rnal envelope Monolithic arched structures and shells

can be supported as clamped glazing supporte d at the node connector points, or

are covered externally in continuous mem-

alternatively from a secondary metal frame

branes where rainwater is collected at the

also connected at these node points.The

base of the structure. Membranes usedvary

external envelope is fixed in a way which

from polymer-based typesthat are bonded

allows the structural movements of grid-

to the structural substrat e,to standing seam

shells, which can be higher than other types

metal sheeting.

of roof structure,to occur without damage

Trussed arches and gridshells provide

t o joint s in the roof covering.While move-

the opportunity for transparency, where

ment s can be more easily accommodated

glazed roof systems can be used in addition

in metal roofs, glazed roofs require careful

to metal clad roofs.Where metal is used,a

particularattention to detail to ensure that

covering of sheet metal or metal rainscreen

the support points for the glazed units do

panels are used,typically with a profiled

not experience significant amounts of move-

metal substrate serving as a deck, though

ment.Consequently,t he principles associated

the double curvature of the shell can make

with point fixed glazing are often used, even

it easier to form a substrate from triangles,

where part of the support system involves a

which are always flat. Double glazed units

metal support ing frame.

Yatsushiro Municipal Museum, Kumamoto Prefucture,Japan.Architects:Toyo Ito & Associates.



Plan and section I. Node co nnecto rs 2.To p chords of frame

3. Bottom cho rds of frame

3-D view of space frame structure supporting a glass roof and facade

Space frames and geodesic domes are

lent of the space frame for curved surfaces

stiffness of the material combined with its

the most well known types of space grid.

is the geodesic dome,originally developed

comparatively low cost.

They can be regarded, from a conceptual

by Richard Buckminster Fullerin the I940s.

point of view as being three-dimensional

Fullerbelieved that structures in nature

trusses. One of the earliestspace frames

behave in a waythat internal forces usually

The 'base' component of space frames

wasthe Mero system designed in the 1940s

act in the direction of minimum effort with

andgeodesic domes can be considered to

by Max Mengeringhausen, and is still used

a maximum gain achieved with a minimum

be a square-based pyramid-shaped frame,

today, though much evolved from that time.

of energyinput.Rather than apply this idea

assembled with rods or tubes connected

A development by Konrad Wachsmann

to the form of the plant leafor the animal

by a single node connector.The early Mero

Joints and connections

in the I950s was based on the geometric

shell, Buckminster Fullerinterpreted trian-

systems used a spherical node with threaded

form ofthe tetrahedron.The space frame

gularcrystalline forms found in nature, using

holes set into which eightconnectors fixed

comprises a series of triangulated members

triangulated frames. Like the space frame

to structural members forming the space

linked by node connectorsthat, effectively,

the geodesic dome is essentially a continu-

frame could be connected. Four holes were

form a series of linked trusses in directions

ous triangulated structure but its geometry

set in onderto allow members all in the same horizontal or vert ical plane to be connected

perpendicular to one another.The mate-

often allows it to be used as a single-layer

rial system is made economic and fastto

structure wit hout the need for introducing

together, wit h four additional holes at angles

install by using a single node type where

triangulation into the depth of the structure.

that allow triangulated members formingthe

ever possible, though different connectors

Space grids provide long-span structures

depth of the space frame to connect to form

may be used at the edges where they meet

for roofs and walls.They can take on a huge

the characteristic triangulated shape. More

the external wall.Somegeometries require

variety of forms from vaults to supporting

recentversions usesquare- and polygon-

a 'family' of connectors to form complex

structures for large glazed walls. Deflections

based geometriesto fonm the node connec-

shapes, particularly those space frames that

in space frames are small due to the overall

tor, allowingtriangular gridsto be used rather

depart from the square, rectilinear format

stiffness of the frame. Steel is most com-

than the square-based versions.The new gen-

that has been used until recently. An equiva-

monly used because of the strength and

eration of nodes can be used for single layer



Details 4. Spherical cast connector 5 Drained and ventilated cladding panels (acrylic roofiights shown) 6. Rubber-based seal

Eden Project, Cornwall, England.Architects: Grimshaw Architects

Eden Project, Cornwall, England.Architects: Grimshaw Architects

Typical space frame

3-D view of space frame structure support ing a glass roof and facade



Eden Project, Cornwall, Architects: Grimshaw Architects

3-D views of space frame structure support ing a glass roof and facade



Eden Project, Cornwall. Architects:Grimshaw Architects

Eden Project, Cornwall. Architects: Grimshaw Architects

Typical nodes and chords of a space frame structure

structures that are more based on the ideaof

for additional rails or purlins. For glass roofs.

gridshells than space frames, andallow more

a typical distance of ISOOmm between

node.Cladding conditions can vary from flat.

freedom in the range of angles that can be

horizontal structural members in the space

to inclined, to curved, followingthe geom-

accommodated in order to allow more geo-

frame allows economic sized double glazed

etry of the supporting structure to which

metric variation in the form of the grid.The

units of the same size to be used. Where a

they are fixed. In conditions where the roof

design of nodes iscurrentlymoving towards

profiled metal deskis used. there isgreater

is horizontal. the roof covering can drain to

this preference in design for a wider range

flexibility in the size of the structural bay. as

gutters set between roof panels, following

of formsthan that affonded by the rectilinear

the decking can span up to around 3S00mm

the direction of structural members beneath.

frame arrangement.

with standard profile depths. Roof cladding

In conditionswhere the roof is inclined, the

or glazed panels are fixed either with lugs

roof covering is drained like a glazed roof,

The essential component of the space

glazing can be fixed directlyto the structural

grid isthe node connector.Very simple types

or brackets welded to the structural mem-

with water runningacross the roof surface

with simple geometries usea flat plate con-

bers. which may be tubular or rectangular.

to gutters at the edges. Glazed roofs in most

nector to which steel angles are bolted in the

Alternatively. the roof covering can be fixed

geometric conditions useglazing which is

mannerof a truss. Complex geometrytypes

to the node connectors where the node is

toggle fixed or point fixed,with a single

use a cast or machined node that has thread-

designed for this purpose. More typically. the

silicone-based seal set flush with the surface

ed holes to receive the ends of the threaded

nodes are used as structural connectors only.

of the glass. in order to allow rainwaterto

connectors of the ties and struts.These form

Where a rectangular hollow section is used,

run freely across the roof.

part of proprietary systems designed by

cladding can be fixed directly to structural


members without the need for welded

glazed space frames typically use either a

lugs, provided that the potential corrosion

glass to glass joint, or one where an insulated

caused by penetrating the tube istaken into

metal panel is used to form the junction.The


choice is largely based on design preference,

Interface with external envelope An essential advantage of the space grid isthat cladding panels can be fixed directlyto the structure without the need

Point fixed glazing is also suitable for

Junctions between wall and roof in

and the visibility of the glazed edge.

space grids since the connectors for the



I: cast-in-situ/cast-in-place concrete

Reuters Building,London, UK. Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership.


GD-------------------gj--------------------· a









Vertical section I: 10.Typical floor slab build up

The fiat slab isthe simplest type of east-

is concentrated can reducethe depth of fiat

must be specially made.

in-place fioor and is suitable for spans up

slabs.These caps provide greater rigidity for

to around nine metres. It can be used in a

the structure and reduce the span of the

reinforced or poured as mass concrete.

one-way or two-way span, approximately

slab between columns.

depending on the degree of strength and

300mm deep. depending upon span and

Floor spans can be increased economi-

Ground-bearing slabs may be either

rigidity required. Where ground-bearing

loading. In a one-way span. steel reinforce-

cally from six metresto 15 metres by form-

conditions permit.they are supported

ment is introduced into the bottom part of

ing a series of downstands in the fioor soffit

directly by the ground beneath. Where the

the slab and the fioor is designed to span in

to create a ribbed fioor. Steel reinforcement

ground istoo soft. a suspended fioor is used.

one direction only, like a beam. In a two- way

in the bottom of the ribs makes this type of

Ground-bearing slabs can be designed either

slab. the reinforcement is laid in a perpen-

fioor lighterthan the fiat slab because of the

as a raft or as a slab supported by separate

diculargrid so that the total load of the fioor

structurally efficient ribbing but the form-

foundations beneath. Ground slabs are laid

is more evenly distributed at its perimeter as

work is more complex.

on a compacted base of hardcore (gravel).

the fioor spans in two directions. Reinforce-

The two-way coffered fioor slab is a

ment is concentrated on the lines between

ribbed fioor for large spans up to around 17

which provides a level and well-drained base.The hardcore is blinded with a smooth

columns to create beams connecting col-

metres in tw o directions.The hollow coffers

layer of sand onto which is laid a damp-

umnswithin the depth of the slab.The soffit

are often used to house lighting and serv-

proof membrane (DPM:vapour barrier).

is fiat. providinga smooth ceiling and allow-

ice outlets.The fioor structure gives better

The sand prevents the DPM. usually a thick

inga straightforward type of formwork to

resistance to shearwhen the beams are set

polythene sheet, from beingpunctured by

be used. Providing the tops of columns with

diagonally to the structural grid of columns

the hardcore.The DPM prevents moisture

protruding caps where the transfer of forces

but as with ribbed fioors,the formwork

rising up through the slab.The concrete is



2.Slab wit h downstand beams

Typical in-situ concrete towerconstruction showing form work ontop two floors

Sections through floor slabs I. Screed 2. Concrete

3. Damp proofmembrane (DPM) 4. Sand blinding 5. Hardcore 6. Earth

poured directly over the DPM. In addition,a DPM can be laid between the concrete slab

3. One way spanning ribbed slab

and the screed.A liquid material is used to provide a bond to the surface of the slab.This results in a loss of bond between the screed and the slab, and a thicker screed (about 75mm) is used.The DPM is joined to the wall DPC (damp-proof course: vapour barrier) to provide continuity of damp-proofing .A DPM laid on top of the concrete,usually in the form of a liquid-applied layer. is used as an alternative where sealing the underside and edges of the slab is not practical. Distribution bars (reinforcing mesh) are set near the reinforcing bars in order to avoid cracking in the underside of the slab due to its being in tension under load. Reinforcement used in concrete fioors can be either conventional reinforcement bars or welded mesh fabric. 4.Two way spanning ribbed slab



Structure 0 Floor structures 2: precast concrete

3-D deta il of advanced beam and block syste m using expanded polystyrene blocks

3-D detail of traditional beam and block floor syste m

Details I. Concrete block 2. Prestre ssed concrete beam

3. Expanded po lystyrene block 4. Structural concrete topping S. Ho llo wcore slab 6. Primary stee l structure

3-D detail of ho llowcore system suppo rt ed o n steel primary str ucture

7. Struct ural concrete infil 8. Reinforceme nt tie

construction,which has the advantage of

additional sheet insulation withinthe fl oor

Precastconcrete floo rs consist of

a rapid rate of construction.All types can

system. Pre-stressed concrete beams are

prefabricated planks or beams connected

be lefteither exposed, as is sometimes the

placed at 620mm centres before the poly-

together to form a deck. Proprietary systems

case with parking garage construction, or be

styrene blocks are fitted between them.A

provide longer spans than in-situ-cast con-

topped with a layer of concrete to form a

structural concrete topping adds strength to

crete floors but they span in one direction

composite structure. Openings for service

the system and provides a smooth topping

only. Precastfloors that span two ways have

runs need to be fixed at an early stage, since

to which internal fini shes can be applied.

been developed for specific projects such as

the size and position of openings in precast

the Richards Medical building shown here,

floor systems is much more constrained than

and go beyond the constraints imposed by

isthe case for cast-in-place floors.

standard systems.

The generictypes produced by manufac-

Hollowcore flooring systems use large pre-cast slab elements supported from a

Beam and block System Proprietary systems

Hollowcore systems

A traditional beam and block floor uses

structural frame to create large clearspanning floo r systems.The hollowcore system

pre-stressed concrete beams to support

can be used with the majority of structural

turers are as foll ows:

aggregate concrete blocks.The beams are

framing systems including masonry, steel

I. Beam and block, spanning to around 7.5

spaced at various centres depending on the

and concrete. Masonry bearings need to be


applied loads and internal plan configu ration.

inthe region of IOOmm,whereas 75mm is

2. Hollow core slab, spanning to around 12

Beams may need to be staggered or dou-

needed for bearings on steel or concrete.


bled up to support internal walls. After the blocks have been positioned

Hollowcore slabs can span up to 12 metres and panels are typically tied over

a grout consisting of a mixture of sand

supports with a tie reinforcement and

beams,which are stitched together to form

and cement is brushed across the floor to

structural concrete infill. Holes smallerthan

a complete deck. Ends are supported either

ensure all joints are evenly fill ed.The use of

[OOmm should be drilled on site. Larger

on beams or by a loadbearing wall, typically

expanded polystyrene blocks in the place

holes can be formed during manufacture

formi ng part of an overall precast concrete

of concrete blocks eliminates the need for

and may need steel trimming supports.

These are all essentially prestressed



Richards Medical Research Laboratories Richards Medical Research Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Louis Kahn.A series of interlocking beams provides a floor structure whose exposed soffit could be clearly articulated as bays formed by primary and secondary beams. This approach contrasts with that of the flat slab.



Structure 04 Floor structures 3: steel and steel mesh

3-D detai l of compos ite floor co ntructio n

Composite floor details I. Concrete to pping 2. Light reinforcing bars

3. Profiled steel dec king 4. l-section beam 5. Steel plate bo lte d o r welded to l-section 6. End fi lle r piece to form edge of poured conc rete

3-D detail of completed composite floor

Although it is possible to makean all-

simply supported situation,the concrete is in

Steel mesh floors

steel floor, in practice it is structurally inef-

compression andthe steel is in tension.The

ficient and difficultto provide the necessary

economic use of this type of floor is limited

trial buildings and on maintenance access

fire resistance, impact resistance and sound

by its span.Over large distances, the sup-

decks in other building types such as offices.

insulation. In addition,the amount of steel-

porting beams become very deep,resulting

It provides a lightweight, economic deck

work fabrication required would make it

in an increased floor-to-floor height.

material that allows rainwater to drain off

very expensive.The use of all-steel floors is

The profiled decking is fixed to the sup-

Steel grating is used primarily in indus-

it immediately, making it less susceptible to

restricted to steel grating in areas that are

porting steel beams with shear studs which

corrosion when painted or galvanized. Steel

not required to provide fire resistance. AII-

provide the composite action between slab

grating is usedto make structural decks

steel floors in sheetand plate are most com-

and beam.The concrete grips the shear

by making a span between supports up to

monly used in industrial buildings.

studs, transmittingthe shear forces through

about tw o metres (6ft), depending on the

the metal deckto the supporting structure.

depth of the grating.The choice of grating

The bond between the profile andthe con-

depends upon the spacing between the bars

crete is improved by the additional ribbing

and their depth. St eel grating is made by

is to usea composite deck made from deep

on its surface.The profiled sheet can be set

one of two processes: welding or pressing.

Steel composite floors An alternative to precast concrete floors profiled steel sheet wit h concrete poured on

either onto the top flange of the beam or

Lightly loaded small panels are manufactured

top. During construction,the profiled deck-

onto a plate projecting from the bottom

by welding flats and rods together. Larger

ing provides permanent formwork to the

flange.The second method reduces the

panels are made by a process that involves

concrete. Since the steel deck requires little

overall structural depth of the floor, with

pressing together rows of notched flat bars

or no temporar y propping when the con-

a consequent reduction in floor-to-floor

positioned at right angles to one another to

crete is cast, construction time is reduced

heights; it also stiffens the web of the beam,

form a grid.

in comparison to other cast-in-place tech-

increasing its performance.

niques.The steel deck and concrete perform structurally in a composite action where, in a



Reuters Building, London, UK. Richard Rogers Part nership.

Steel mesh details 7. Steel mesh 8. Supporti ng steel structure, typically I-sections or channels 9. Fixing bolts

<1 ' 4

Vert ical section I:10. Composit e steel floor - section through slab


Vertical section I:IO. Composite steel floor - section through steel beam Finsbury Baracks, London, UK Architect:Arnold & Boston Architects


Vertical section I:5.Steel mesh deck and support

3-D detail of underside of steel mesh deck



Details I. Soft wood fioor joists 2. Softwo od fioor plate

3. Loadbearing wall 4. Flo or boards or plywoo d/chipboard 5. St rutting to stiffen floor const r uction 6. Insulat ion

/ 3-D cut away detail of typi cal t imber floor support ed on masonry wall



Timber floors are used typically with

butt-jointed or tongue-and-grooved.Alter-

either loadbearing masonry walls, usu-

natively,thicker boards are used, which have

and design of the floor. A recentdevelopment has been the

ally in cavity construction,or as part of a

the advantage of bracing the floor structure

introduction of'engineered joists' in timber

timber-framed structure.A typical floor

horizontally. Plywood sheet provides supe-

as an alternative to cut timber sections.They

for residential use, spanning up to around

rior stiffening action but its use makes access

make use of a combination of cut timber

3500mm might consist of softwood joists

to the void beneath more difficult. particu-

sections and timber composites that com-

supported at each end by galvanized metal

larly if the floor void is used for the passage

bine wood or wood fibre with adhesives.The

shoes or timber plates.Timber struts provide

of services. Additional stiffness is provided

main composite materials used in the joists

lateral stability and rigidity. Softwood boards

by herring-bone strutting set into the depth

are mainly LVL (laminated veneer lumber) or

aretypically used as decking which is either

of the floor joists at centres to suitthe span

OSB (oriented strand board

3-D cut away view of a typical timber famed building with timber fiooring




Structure Floor structures 4: timber

3-D details of composite engineered timber and steel joists creatingfloor structure

Details I.Top / bottom cord in timber based mater ial

2.Vertical support in timber based mater ial 3. Steel connectors forming supporting web



Typical joist hanger in masonry w all with engineered t imber jo ist

3-D details of composite engineered timber and st eel joists creating floor structure

Engineered joists are of two generic

with a timber deck and soffit lining attached,

types,those which resemble the form of a

as well as thermal insulation when used as

steel I-beam and thosewhich resemble open

panels for roof decks.

web trusses.The solid joist I-beam type is

An advantage of engineered joists is

made from top and bottom chords in timber

their ability t o form longer spansthan sawn

which are connected by a solid web made in

timber sections, with spans up to 12- 14

wood-based products such as LVL or 05B.

metres depending on the proprietary sys-

The open web types often have a series

tem used. The open web joists also have

ofV-shaped andtriangulated connectors

the advantage of being able to pass service

forming the equivalent of truss members

ductsand cables through the depth of the

with narrow timber flanges top and bottom

floor construction, which is an advant age in

connected by a vert ically set timber-based

mechanically ventilated buildings.These new

board material to form a structural web.

forms of floor construction are finding a use

These V-shaped connectors are made as

in commercial buildings as well as their use

proprietary products with fixing systems to

in the more obvious application in domestic

suit a factory-based manufacturing process

construction. Engineered joists also have

rather than for assembly in a small workshop.

the advantage of using less material than an

The idea of these engineered joists has been

equivalent solidtimber joist, which is also

taken further by joiningthem into prefab-

typically heavier than the engineered type.

ricated floor panels, also called 'cassettes'.

The lower moisture content of the materials

These are made in standard modules to

makes it less susceptible to moisture move-

suit reduced construction time on site, and

ment and reducing the risk of squeaking

where there is sufficient repetition to suit

noises associated wit h timber floors.

Typical tim ber floo r co nstructio n wit h mason r y str ucture .T imber boarding used for st iffness

prefabrication methods. Panels arrive on site



Q;l CD 81 =r ®-

Verti cal section:Alternative fixing methods

Glass floors are used to enhance naturally lit spaces by allowing light to pass through to spaces below.The primary material used

Details to glass sheet floors

is typically either glass sheet or glass blocks.

I. Laminatedglass sheet, single glazed or outer layer of double glazed unit. 2. Silicone seal. 3. Stainless steel angle. 4. Spacer. S. Silicone bond. 6..Supporting str ucture.

W here glass sheet is used, laminated glass is set into a steel frame,giving it as much lightness and transparency as possible. W here glass blocks are used,they are set into a supporting frame of steel or concrete with


reinforcing bars. Each block is individually supported,which has the effect of limiting the effects of lightness andtransparency. Economic spans for glass sheetare currently in widths of one metre, but panel sizes of 1200mm by 2600mm can be achieved, at significantly highercost.The glass is usually bedded within the frame on a flexible,

Vertical section: alt ernative fixing methods

Lerner Hall Student Center, Columbia Universit y, New York, USA. Architects: BernardTschumi / Gruzen Samton,Associated Architects.



3-D deta il of glasspanel fioo r build up wit h stone fiooring and steel supporting str ucture

rubber-based material such as neoprene or EPDM , or alternatively bonded to the frame with silicone.This allows the supporting structure to move independently of the glass, as well as allowing each to move with thermal expansion. Junctions with the frame are closed with a silicone sealant. Sandblasting grooves intothe glass can provide transparency and slip resistance. In addition, a translucent laminated interlayer can be used to control views through the glass. Sheet glass fioor panels are currently restricted to relatively low loadings.Supporting structures can be in either steel or reinforced concrete. Ifthe supporting structure is constructedto the correct height and fall, ifused externally, then the laminated glass sheets can be bond3-D detail of glass panel fioor build up w it h sto ne fiooring and steel supporting structure

Educatori um, Utrecht Univer sit y,Holl and. A rchite cts: Rem Koolh aas. Office for Metropolitan Arch itecture .



tructure 04 Floor structures 5: glass

3-D det ail of glassblock floor build up with ty pical steel suppo rti ng struct ure

Okanoyama Museum ofArt, Hyogo, Japan. Architects:Arata lsozaki & Associates

3-D detail of glassblock floor build up w it h t ypical steel supporting structure



3-D detail of glass block floor build up with typical steel support ing structure

ed directly to it rather than setting them into

tions inthe frame becomes very high. Since

a steel sub-frame. Steel frames to support

joints in materials are usually expensive to

the glass useT-sections in order to provide a

form in relation to the cost of components,

bearing for the glass at the top, but avoid a

junctions are kept as simple as possible. For

bottom flange to the supporting beam that

this reason,frames are often made as cast-

would make the frame appear wider.

ings,where the material is poured in place

Glass blocks with textured or ribbed

to form a fram e. Cast iron, cast steel and

surfaces are often used as they have good

reinforced concrete are commonly used.An

slip resistance.This type of construction has

advantage of concrete isthat it can be cast

a high resistance to shock, and is capable

directly against glass blocks which become a

of very high loadings. Because each glass

permanent formwork. Reinforcingbars are

block requires support, the number of june-

laid in a grid in the joints between the blocks.

Details to glass block floor I, Glass blocks 2, Mort ar joints

3.Junction between adjacent concrete floor and frame to glass block floor sealed with rubberbased strip 4, Steel frame

3-D detail of glass block floor build up with typical steel support ing structure



Part elevation of concrete cantilever stair 3-D view of cantilevered concrete stair

Concrete stairs have the advantage of good

finish, anti-slip nosings are added.They can

used in a single project,and where a short-

fire resistance combined wit h the ability to

be recessed or surface fixed.Where the stair

er construction time is an important factor.

absorb impact sound. Concrete can be used

is exposedto view,the formwork into which

These stairs also assist in the construction

in conjunction with both steel and concrete

the concrete is cast has to be designed and

process itself by providing convenient

structures. Stairs can be of cast-in-place or

built carefully to reflect the quality of the fin-

access.This is particularly important if the

precast types, but the type used must be

ish demanded.

compatible with the overall type of construction used.

The junction at stair landings is often designed to create a single arris line across

design of the stair is complex, where the cost of precast staircases can be considerably more than the cast-in-place type.

the soffit.This allows handrails on different

In situ cast concrete In situ castconcrete stairs are made by settingsteel reinforcement into reusable

flights to be properly aligned, achieved by offsetting flights by a distance equal to one tread width.

Guardrails Guardrails on concrete stairs are most often pre-fabricated in parts,typically in

steel or timber formwork. A screed is added

steel, andthen grouted into slots or holes

afterwards to provide a smoother and more

drilled into the sides or treads of the stair.

exacting finish to the exposed surfaces.The screed can be used as a self-finish, when

Precast concrete Precast stairs are manufactured either as

Alternatively, t hey can be fixed to the side of the stair with steel brackets. Handrails in

used internally, but the dusty nature of con-

complete flights, sometimes with a landing

metal are either integral with the guardrails

crete walking surfaces often leads to the use

attached to one end,or as individual treads

or fixed to an adjacent wall.

of floor paint, or polishing the concrete, or

which are fixed together on site. Precast

insertingtreads in another material such as

stairs are used primarily where there is a

timber.W here the screed is used as a self-

large number of stairs of the same design



Tadao Ando concrete ctaircase


Tadao Ando concrete staircase

I r


o /

/ /

Cast-in-situ stair


Plan viewof stair

r r r r:



3-D view of precast concrete stair

Precast stair with individually cast treads



Strudure 0 Stairs 2: steel

3-D viewof steel stair .z -.

.6 /_-





-eB ".


\ I

3-D view of steel stair Steel stairs have the advantage of being

3-D view of steel stair

Vertical section 1:50 through treads

the stringeris critical in order that stringers

types can be finished in a variety of coatings

lighter in weight, allowing them to be prefab-

can be aligned neatlywhere they intersect at

from galvanizing to painting to polyester

ricated and delivered to site as completed

landings. Bolted or welded connections are

powder coating. Softer coatings such as

sections of flights and landings.They can be

madeto be sufficiently stiff so that the stair

PVDF are rarely used due to their poorer

lifted into place more easily than concrete

does not rattle or experience anysignificant

wearing qualities. In addition to visual consid-

stairs, but lackthe high fire resistance asso-

movement while in use. Depending on their

erations,the choice of finish is determined

ciated with that material.There are two

width, treads may need to have either their

by the required degree of durability and

generic types, with either treads as plates

edges folded to provide stiffness which can


set between stringers, or with folded sheet

accommodate an additional finish such as

set between stringers. In addition, spiral

a decorative timber tread, or formed as a

stairs in cast iron and steel are available as

composite steel tray with a concrete fill. An

proprietary products in a range of standard

alternative method of stiffening treads isto

not often fixed to staircases before delivery

sizes.These comprise a central post to which

weld a vertical steel plate to their underside

to site in order to make the stair both easier

radiating treads are fixed.

to form aT-section.

to install andto make it easier to align the

Flat plate type

sheetand supporting it, either on stringers

ingwalls. Guardrails are usually finished

set at the sides or by a single central stringer

before delivery to site. If a paint finish is used

set beneath the plate.The inherent rigidity

the guardrail will at least be prepared and

Stairs can be formed by foldinga steel Stairs with plate set between stringers are made by bolting or weldingtreads

Guardrails Steel guardrails are prefabricated but are

guardrails with adjacent walkways or enclos-

formed from either smooth- or checker-

of the folded sheetallows a wide range of

primed before arriving on site where finish

plate. Stringers, which form the beams at the

economic solutions for the arrangement of

coats can be applied after its installation.

sides of the stair, are usually made from steel

the stringers. As with the fiat plate type,the

channel, which provides a straight vertical

assembly can be either bolted or welded,

face to which the treads can be fixed.The

and decorative inserts in other materials

position of the treads within the depth of

such as timber can be added. Both stair



Steel stair,City Hall London

Details I , Guarding 2, Handrail 3. Steel stringer 4,Tread 5, Insert s,typically timber or concrete, set onto steel plate 6, Steel channel 7, Landing in steel plate 8, Steel plate deck

9, RHS box section 10, Balustrade I I, Folded steel plate t o form continuous tread and risers 12, One stringer wit h projecting arms to support treads/ risers or two stringer sets near edges of stair

School of Decorative Crafts, Limoges France,Architect: Labfac / Finn Gepel. Nicolas Michelin

Ted Baker Building, London, UK, Architect: Matthew Priestman Architects

CD, CD 0 L.G) CD ®-

Vert ical section


® CD Horizontal section

3-D elevation

3-D view of folded steel plate stair





/ /








- -CD






0) G)







®,," Vertical section I:I0 throughtreads

Patio Houses,Esposerde, Portugal, Architect:[oao Ferriera Alves

3-D view of stairtreads

', V


/ G)


House in Cappeco,Viana de Castelo, Architect: [oao Ferriera Alves


Vertical section I:10& I:50 through stair

An advantage of timber staircases isthat

House West London, UK. Architect:Seth Stein Archit ects

correct alignment of treads.Trimmer beams

they can be integrated easily into adjacent

are sometimes added at the top and bot-

timber construction and can be modified

tom of t he staircase to stabi lise the staircase

easily on site in a way that isvery difficu lt to

and provide fixing pointsto the adjacent

achieve in an equivalent steel or concrete

floors, which are typically also of timber

construction.Timber stairs consist of string-

construction.An alternative approach isto

ers or carriages, which support the stair, to

use heavytimber sections to form staircases

which treads and risers are fixed. Several

t hat resemble those in steel.Steel brackets

carriages may be positioned between string-

that are bolted into the timber sections

ers as loading demands.The stair isgenerally

connect the stringers and separate treads

delivered to site as a complete structure

together.They can easily accommodate steel

secured with timber wedges,which avoids

guardrailswhich are bolted through the large


the need for visible fixings. Relatively small

stringersections.Timber guardrails follow the

piecesof timber are used.The thin timber

traditional use of balusters at close centres,

sections are prone to shrinkage and creep

typically set IOOmm apart.The lack of large


unless they are locked together. Because

structural members intimber stairs makes

timber stairs have poor fire resistance,

the use of balusters at wider centres,as used

they are often restricted to residential use.

in steel or concrete construction, less suit-

Treads and risers are fixed togethe r with

able.Timber connectionsare more fragi le

tongue-and-groove (or rabbeted) joints that

than those in stee l; they must also accom-

provide a tight fit and avoid creaking when

modate more movement due to moisture.

t he stair is in use. Both treads and risers are

Balusters at close centres allow imposed

fitted into rebated slots cut into the string-

loads on the guardrai lto be spread evenly

ers where they are wedged to provide the

along the length of the stair stringers.



3-DView of timber stair

Details I . Handrail

2. Balustrades 3.T imber beam 4.Tread

5. Carriage

6.W edge 7. Bracket

8.W all 9. Riser I O. N ewel post I I. Trimmer joist

Vertical section I: I0 t hrough handrail

3-D view of timber stair

Handrail detail

Verti cal section

3-D view of timb er stair

Verti cal sectio n


® Horizontal sectio n

® Horizontal section


35 1

CD CD (0






J '










CD CD (0

3-D view of glassstair Vertical section I:50

the bedding provides both a cushion and a

without additional vertical support.A 12mm

tage of transparency. allowing light to pen-

Stairs with glass treads have the advan-

method of ensuring that the glass is evenly

thick sheet istypically used.A handrail can

etrate down the stair enclosure.The glass

supported along all the edges and is fixed

be added by introducing a rebate into the

used is usually a thick laminated glass which

level. An additional weather seal is used on

handrail section and setting it directly onto

can be made of two sheets of float glass

the sides of the glass between the glass and

the top of the glass guardrail. An alternative

with a thin interlayer. or toughened glass with

frame. if the stair is to be used in external

method is to form a guardrail from steel

a more robust interlayerthat stays in place if

conditions.Treads often have a surface treat-

posts that support a handrail. wit h laminated

the two toughened sheets are broken. Glass

ment to provide slip resistance. Sandblasting.

or toughened glass sheets used as infill pan-

treads can be supported either within a steel

etching or the addition of a carborundum

els.The glass can be fixed with clamps or be

tray which provides support on all edges. or

coating. typically in strips, is used for this

bolt-fixed backto the posts. Glass sheets

be two edge supported.An alternative isto


are set with a vertical gap of around IOmm

bolt fix the glass using techniques taken from their primary application in glazed walls. This method allowsthe stairto be suspended

Guardrails All-glass, or structurally glazed. balus-

from cables, a technique still in the early

trades can be constructed with sheets of

stages of use.The tread assemblies are then

toughened or laminated glass and used with

usually supported by steel stringers. though

a stair built in another material.They com-

concrete can also be used.

prise sheets of toughened or laminated glass fixed at floor level with either a clamped

Where glass treads are set within a steel

plate secured by bolts or by bolt fixings

supporting tray, the laminated glass sheet is

directly through the glass.The glass must be

set directly onto a silicone-based bedding.

sufficiently strong and rigid to span vertically

In addition to holdingthe glass in place.



between them which is filled with a translucent or transparentsilicone seal.

Details I, Glass balustrade fixed at base 2, Stainless steel handrail 3. Steel stringer 4, Glass treads,typicallysandblasted to provide friction S, Steel tube support frame 6" Steel angle 7, Glass landing in steel plate

Glass stair in Apple store, Regents Street London, UK, Architect: Bohlin Cywi nskiJackson

,I CD 3-D vertical section through glass landing

0) Vertical section I:I0

Vertical section I:I0 3-D vertical section through glass landing


3-D view of glass stair


3-D plan view of glass stair



ENVIRONMENT Energy and the building envelope Double skin facades Environmental studies for envelopes Analysis for design I Solar radiation 2 Daylight 3 Embodied energy Passive design I Natural ventilation 2 Solar shading and Daylight controls 3 Solar power 4 Solar heating Low energy material systems I Straw bales and hemp 2 Rammed earth, cob and adobe bricks 3 Green oak and bamboo 4 Green walls Active design I Liquid based heating/cooling systems 2 Mechanical heating/cooling systems 3 Electrical lighting 4 Fuel and water supply Support services I Sanitation and drainage 2 Fire control 3 Maintenance and cleaning 4 Lifts



Environment 05 Energy and the building envelope

Studies for a moveable shading system

Rendered studiesof shading devices at different times of day / year

This chapter discusses environmental design

the idea of 'energy' is considered important

in terms of passive and active methods

today and detailing becomes more complex

that can be used to modify environmental

in response to these changing priorities.

conditions within a building.Active controls

Cultural Centre at Noumea. Architect: Renzo Piano Building Workshop.

. --MCH


Until recently. the expression of struc-

are provided mostly by mechanical ventila-

ture and construction (particularly of joints)

tion systems that are usedto heat, cool and

was considered one of the primary archi-

vent ilat e spaces. Passive controls can be

tectural intentions in cladding design.This

provided by natural ventilation,by the useof

situation is slowly changing. More buildings

the building fabric asa thermal mass to slow

are clad externally with insulation, where the

down the rate of heating and cooling, and by

rainscreen panels that conceal it from view

solar shading or passive heating.A combina-

have both a waterproofing and a decorative

tion of these methods helps to reducethe

function. Rainscreens are a recent develop-

energyconsumed by buildings in use.

ment that allows a simplified approach to be taken to movements in the primary support-

Fifteen years ago, combinations of struc-

ing structure of the building.A continuous,

ture and cladding were generally limited to

uninterrupted appearance can be achieved

the use of materials that were constructed

with a consistent gap between panels that

either from the same base material (either

extend across movement joints in the build-

steel, concrete or timber) or from materi-

ing structure. Both movement joints and

als having compatible amounts ofthermal

breaks in the construction need not be

movement.Today, the useofthe thermal

'registered' on the facade.Joints can be reg-

mass of the structure, and materials with low

istered on the facade but they serve only as

embodied energyhave led to a much wider

a decorative device.The real movement joint

range of structure/cladding combinations.

concealed behindthe panel can be achieved.

While thermal and structural movement was

A notable example is the Cultural Centre

the main issue in detailing fifteen years ago,

at Noumea, designed by the Renzo Piano

Solar radiation incident on a building's facades. Pr• •• u ~ • •


: :~~~::~~


3 .728 156.2 . 6 7 6 '15 2 1 . 6 2 5 34 8 0 .5'739 4 4 - 0 . 477 460 - 1 .52886 4 -2 .5802fS& -3 .63 16 72 -4 ~6 8 3 0 7 6 -5 . 7 344 8 0 -6 . 78588 4 -7 .83'7288 -8 .888692




":9.9 40096

-'O " ' ''~

CFD analysis of air movementaround a facade.

Building Workshop. In contrast, agreed infor-

form more efficiently in generating electricity

mation about levels of embodied energy in

when inclined towardsthe sun.The first

typical forms of building construction has yet

large photovoltaic panel installation is at the

to become available. However, various guides

University of Northumbria in England.The

are available which help to steer designers

output of electrical power fiuctuates with

towards suitable material selection.

changing weather conditions. For this reason

Analysis of solargain through a facade.

the building is supplemented by a convenPhotovoltaic cells are used to generate

tional electricity supply. Operating periods

electricityfrom solar radiation (sunlight) .The

range from fifteen hours per day in May

power generated is then used inside the

to eight hours in January. The installation is

building. Electricity is generated in panels of

expected to pay backthe energy used in the

semi-conductordevices containing a glass

manufacture of the cells within three years,

substrate coated with tin oxide, forming

then produce electricity for a further twenty

a transparentelectrode, which is covered

years.The electricity generated is expected

with layers of silicon together with a coat

to meet 50% of the building's needs in sum-

of aluminium film which forms the other

mer and 10% in winter,averaging around

electrode. Particles of ultraviolet light called

30%over a year. The cost of generating elec-

photons interact with electrons in the semi-

tri city through photovoltaic means is about

conductor to convert sunlight into direct

four times the current commercial rate.

current electricity. Panels are orientated towards the path of the sun.The photovoltaic process has the advantage of requiring no moving parts, requires no fuel and needs relatively little maintenance. Photovoltaic

University of Northumbria,UK.

panels can be used as semi-transparent panels in glazed wall systems, though they per-



nvironment 05 Double skin facades

Twin wall facades An important development in facade

3-Dviewof corner clampeddouble skinned facade system

which increases the amount of electrical

or alternatively metal flaps or louvres at floor

lighting required internally. Layered facades

level that are operated mechanically to admit

technology has been the recent introduction

separate out functions of waterproofing, solar

air at different times of day and at different

of double skin facades. Double wall facades

control and vent ilat ion in different configu-

times of year.This latter method provides

are a solution to increasing requirements for

rations. In double wall facades these have

a more controlled method of regulating air

natural ventilation, increasing daylighting and

become two generic types:thick walls and

intake into the void between the two skins,

the useof thermal mass for night time cool-

thin walls.

ing, providingenergy savings of up to 50% for the energy used in the mechanical ventilation. External shading is important in buildings

but is considerably more expensive than the open joint method. Once air has entered the

Thick walls In thick double walls, an outer layer com-

void its wind speed drops dramatically, allowing the inner glazed wall to have opening

with glazed facades where there is a risk of

prises a single skin of glass, typically a single

windows to introduce fresh air.This method

overheating inside the building. Fixed shading

glazed bolt fixed glazed wall.This is separated

is particularly useful in taller buildings over

systems are considerably cheaperthan those

from the inner wall by a gap of between

three storeys, where the wind speed is often

wit h moveable screens or louvres, but they

750mm and IOOOmm.The wide cavity is

too highto allow windows to be opened

cannot move in responseto the path of the

required to provide adequate amounts

safely, particularly in office buildings and pub-

sun, or to changing weather conditions and

of ventilation.The inner skin istypically a

lic buildings. A walkway is set into the void,

different times of year. Internal shading does

standard double glazed curtain wall system

usually at the same level as the internal floor

not perform as well, as mentioned in the fol-

using either stick or unitised systems, with

to provide easy access to it and ensure that

lowing sections. In double skin facades the

opening windows. Because the outer wall is

the walkway does not obscure views out of

solar shading is installed in the void between

protecting the inner wall from windblown

the building.The walkway allows the glass sur-

inner and outer skins, where the blinds are

rain, materials other than metal and glass

faces facing into the void to be cleaned and

better protected. Conventional single layer

can be used to form the inner wall.Fresh

maintained easily. Depending on the height of

glazed wallstend to introduce conflicting

air is allowed to pass through the outer wall

the facade,the natural ventilation provided

performance requirements into a single layer.

into the zone between the two skins.This is

by this configuration uses external wind

Solarcontrol films or layers have the effect of

achieved either by having open jointed,or

pressure to provide fresh air into the void. It

reducing the transparency of external walls,

partially open joints in the outer glazed wall,

usesthe stack effectto allow the heat gained





o ~.

Details I . Outer skin of sealed bolt fixed glazing 2. Inner skin of openable aluminium framed doors and fixed lights 3. Retractable blind 4. Floor construction 5. Zone for air extraction to mechanical ventilation 6. Plants




Elevat ion I :25 Vertical section I :25







Plan 1:25

3-D view of twin wall from inside

3-D view of t win w all cavity



Environment 05 Double skin facades

3-D section cut through double skinsystem with openablescreen

I:50 Plans and elevations :Thick wall with ventilated outer screen II




F "


1 I I I I I

/ /

Plan view of twin wall with openable screen



--- - -- - 1- - - - - - - - - + - I





View of vert ical sectionthrough stepped twin wall facade system


I:50 Plans and elevation :Thin wall with out


sealed glazed unit

Details I. Outer skin of sealed bolt fixed glazing 2. Inner skin of openable aluminium framed doors and fixed light s

Details I. Outer skin of sealed bolt fixed glazing 2. Inner skin of openable aluminium framed doors and fixed light s 3. Retractable blind 4. Floor construction 5. Zone for air extraction to mechanical ventilation 6. Plants




- CD

3. Retractable blind 4. Floor construction 5. Zone for air extraction to mechanical vent ilation 6. Plants



II 1


Vertical Section I:25 through thick twin wall system








Vertical Section I :20 and 3-D viewthrough double skinned facade withplant incavity

within the void, in warm weather; to escape

ditional blinds and other solar devices and

to the outside. In wint er;where solar gain is

can provide very efficient shading to inter ior

a much less significant issue, in open jointed

spaces. In addition t o thisthey can provide

inside of the building is drawn t hrough into

methods of ventilat ion the outer skin can

sound attenuation as well as providing poten-

the facade at floor level or in the void below

suffer from cold air being allowed to enter

tial crops or food growing areas in buildings.

floor level and is drawn up through the

louvres allows the quantity and frequency of

In wint er; warm air extracted from the

external wall to reduce the amount of heat

the void, which can act as a winter 'buffer zone'.The method of using metal flaps and

air is then ejected at the top of the panel.

Thin wal ls Thin wall facades comprisetwo skins

loss through it. W hen air is drawn through the facade from inside the building,the wall

fresh air entering the void to be more closely

of glass set closely together;with a cavity in

becomes an integral part of the mechanical

controlled.This helps to regulate the temper-

the region of IOOmm wide. The cavity is

vent ilation system for the building.The air

ature of air passing through the inner wall, by

mechanically ventilat ed, allowing it to be con-

is drawn thro ugha heat exchanger to be

ventilation or by opening windows.Air in the

siderably smaller in depth than the naturally

used in heatingthe space in cooler months,

void between the two skins will be warmed

ventilat ed thick wall design.Air can be drawn

or is ejected from the building throughthe

in winter by heat transmitted through the

up through the cavity from outside or from

mechanical venti lation system. In summer; air

facade as well as any incident solargains. The

inside.Air drawn from outside needs to be

drawn up the cavity from inside the building

cavity within a double skinned facade acts in

relatively free of dust and pollution, since this

passes over the solar shading blinds, which

a similar way to that of a greenhouse.This

makes the cavity dirt y quite quickly. In this

are dropped down in place to provide

area becomes ideal for the growth of many

system, the air drawn thro ughthe facade is

solar shading.The heat from the blinds, as

plants.The plant s can not only enhance the

separat e from the mechanical ventilation for

a result of the solar energy, is drawn away

appearance of the facade but also enhance

the building.The inner skin has a series of

and is ejected from the buildingthro ugh the

the environmental benefits of the double

opening doors t o allow access into the cavity

mechanical vent ilation system.

skin system. Double skins help insulat e the

for cleaning and maintenance. Blinds are usu-

W hen the air into the cavity is provided

building, absorbing the heat of the sun during

allyset into the void in order to provide solar

from inside,the facade is completely sealed,

summer and retaining warmth during winter.

shading. Solar energyabsorbed by the blinds

and requires only occasional access t o the

Plants, it has been shown,are more efficient

is radiated into the cavity where it is drawn

void for cleaning and maintenance.

in contro llingthese environments than tra-

away by air rising in the cavity.The warmed



nvrronment 0 Environmental studies for envelopes

W ind rose for UK site

Shading pro file fo r building facade .~

In addition to the development of design

performance has been altered.The main

drawings for tender;together with a specifi-

criteria that are checked are air temperature,

In turn the thermal conductivity of a

cation, architectural requirements and gen-

humidity levels inside the building or in semi-

material is the amount of heat in Watts pass-

eral technical requirements,the drawings

external spaces such as atriums, ventilation

ingthrough a material having a surface of

and specification must be informed by both

levels and daylighting, including its effect on

Im2 andthickness of I metre under a tem-

visual mock-ups and by an environmental

electrical lighting. If one of these is changed

perature differential of 1°C. Materials which

study. In some projectsthe environmental

as a result of a particular design require-

are high insulators have a low lambda value, which is expressed in W /m2 K.

study will be undertaken after tender; when

ment, such as the use of single glazing in a

a better idea of what can be afforded by the

semi-external facade, for example,then the

budget becomes clear. Whether the study is

accompanying effect of increased internal

around 0.25W/m2 K, while glazed walls in

conducted before or after the tender proc-

temperature must be weighed against the

sealed double glazed units, with a low emis-

ess' the information required from the study

benefit of natural ventilation in warmer

sivity (lowe) coating can reach U-values as

remains unchanged.


low as 2.0W /m2 K, though some units are

Small scale environmental studies are

A significant part of an air temperature

Expected U-values for opaque walls are

considered to reach even lower levels with

usually undertaken as small, specific studies,

study is a study of the heat losses and heat

argon filling in the sealed cavity of the double

usually done as a series of calculations for

gains through a facade. U-value calculations

glazed unit. For glazed facades, andtranslu-

different conditions or different times of day

are used primarily on opaque facades, or

cent plastic cladding facades, U-values are

or year. Bigger scale studies are structured

those wit h a low proportion of glazing.A

rather less useful and solar energy passing

as models, where a largeamount of data

U-value is a measure of thermal transmit-

through the facade produces significant heat

is added for different times of day, times of

tance of a facade construction, with the high-

gains which do not form part of the U-value

year;or extremes of temperature, for exam-

er levels of thermal insulation having lower

calculation.The solar energy is measured as

ple,to seewhat happens when one of the

U-values.The U-value is the total insulation

a 'g' value.Typical' g' values of double glazed

parameters is changed.The preparation of

value of the various materials forming the

units are between around 55% and 80%,

a model takes much longerthan a specific

construction.The formula for their calcula-

depending on the coatings and films used.

'desktop' study, and is considerably more

tion is as follows:

Although g-values are useful for calculations,

expensive, but provides a means of interacting wit h the study, rather than examining a


in practicearchitects and facade designers


_1 + _1_ + etc (W/m2 K)


series of specific 'snapshots' taken for par-


ticular'events' in the building facade.

tend to work with a 'shading coefficient' which is often the basis for the design of mechanical vent ilat ion systems wit hin build-

Environmental studies are usually con-

=the insulat ion value of a material

ings.A shading coefficient for a facade, or

ducted on facades which deviate from

where k

systems for which performance data is

measured in term s of its thermal conductiv-

energy incident on the facade in glazed

readily available. As soon as one of the

ity (symbol lambda) divided by the thickness

areas.The shading for a glazed facade will

parameters for thermal comfort in the build-

of the material (L) expressed in metres.The

be provided, effectively, by the opaque span-

ing is changed, the other criteria then need

k value is expressed by the formula

drel zone concealing the floor construction (unless the facade is continuously glazed)

to be checked to seeto what extent their K



area of facade, is the percentage of solar


!l. (W/m2 K) L

CFD analysis of air movement around a building facade

and any external shading devices. Shading

demanding or extreme conditions expe-

devices will provide different amount s of

rienced by the facade.This might be done

ing watertight and secure for occupants.

shading at different times of the day, so the

in summer when, for example, it is hot and

The thermal mass of the building absorbs

overall shading coefficient is not a straight-

humid at 45° outside,while internal condi-

and releases this heat energy over a 24 hour

forward value to obtain, and forms part of

tions are air conditioned at 18°. It is essential

period in order to reduce the rate at which

an environmental study aimed at reducing

to know where the dew point will occur to

the temperature inside the building would

pass into the building at night while remain-

the amount of energy needed to cool the

see if condensat ion forming at the dew point

rise during the day.This reduces the amount

building and air provided by mechanical

will causeanydamage to the construction,

of energy needed in mechanical cooling

ventilation.A shading coefficient of 50% is

and whether vapour barriers are needed

systems, and can even allow such mechani-

not uncommon for large glazed facades with

in particular locations, or whether it is bet-

cal systems to be omitted altogether in the

shading devices that allow clear views out but

t er to allow parts of the construction to be

building design.The air temperature inside

provide some solar protection without signifi-

vent ilat ed t o either the inside or the outside.

the building is linkedto vent ilat ion rates,

cantly reducing daylight into the building.

W hile data for established forms of construc-

which is expressed as 'air changes per hour',

tion is usually easily available,and is used by

which can vary from one air change / hour

to the effects of natural ventilation, increased

manufacturers, unusual designs or significant

for small spaces with a low occupancyt o 4-6

levels of natural daylighting and the use of

variat ions from established facade systems

air changes / hour for public buildings and

thermal mass for night time cooling.Air

will need t o be checked from first principles.

spaces where there is a high occupancy.

Environmental studies are often linked

temperatures within buildings are kept at

Natural ventilat ion is anot her central

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

between around 18° and 25°,with the sur-

issue in many facade-based environmental

analysis can be usedto evaluate air flows

facetemperature of facades being a few

studies,where buildings are reducing the

around buildings and highlight areas of high

degrees either side of this t emperature for

energy consumptio n in heating, cooling and

windspeed or pressurethat may have an

the internal face. Isotherm diagrams are

mechanical ventilation by increasing the pro-

adverse effect on pedestrian comfort or

used to investigate and check variations of

vision for natural vent ilation. Facade design

cladding performance.

temperature across facade systems, and

plays a central role in this area by providing

Understanding air movement around a

these also serve to detect and check thermal

systems that can allow fresh air t o enter

facade enables cladding systems to be devel-

bridges across facades. Isotherm diagrams are

through the facade without the accompany-

oped that can withstand wind pressures on

also used in conjunction wit h thermal calcula-

ing wind gusts, noise and dust experienced

the site. It also helps with the placement of

tions or thermal models of a building, includ-

in t he built environment.The effect of heat

air intakes and extracts to maximise their

ing its facade.

gains during the day can be reduced by


Humidity levels are significant in the

allowing the building structure and fabric to

CFD analysis is often used as preliminary

transition from inside to outside, particularly

absorb heat energy mainly from solar energy,

study that can lead on to wind tunnel test-

when linked to extremes of air temperature.

external temperature and the heat generated

ing as it helps to highlight key areas for more

The relative humidity inside buildings is set

by building users.At night,the building fabric

detailed analysis.

in the regio n of between 30% and 70%

is cooled again by allowing the cooler night

depending on the internal air temperature.

air from outsidet o be drawn through the

Dew point diagrams are used to determine

building structure to cool down the building

where condensation will occur for the most

fabric. The facade is designed to allow air to




nvironment Environmental studies for envelopes

Solar radiation distribution for complex facade

Decisions made early in the design process

these opportunities for analysis, it allows

have considerable influence over the envi-

them to keep step with the specific envi-

ronmental performance of the completed

ronmental demands of their building.This

building. Designers need no longer rely on

helps the design team keepthe overall

'rules of thumb' to create energy efficient

project design in balance rather than hav-

buildings during the early stages of design.

ingto accept 'features' being added to the

The use of computer software can also

final design as consultants try to alleviate

allow designers to be more independent of

problems caused by a lackof environmental

specialist consultants during the early stages

input at the early stages. Digital analysis also

CFD analysisto understand air flowsaround shad-

of design without ignoring the essential

allows the design team to understand the

ing louvres

issues of environmental design. Specialist

performance of their building wit hout having

consultants too often become involved in

to invest significant ly in mock-ups or time

a building design only after the conceptual

consuming calculations undertaken by hand.

stage of the design process is complete. Computer software has developedto

Solaraccessanalysisto assess the impact of bespoke shading system



One of the major benefits of computer based analysis isthat it can be used

the point that many 3D CAD design applica-

to inform design decisions at all stages of

tions have some form of environmental anal-

the design process. Data is displayed in a

ysis tool s built into them. Most applications

graphic mannerthat is easy to understand

will allow the designer to project shadows

and interpret, and also aids discussion with

both onto, and created by, the building being

other project consultants. At the earliest

designed. Some more advanced software

stages of a project. environmental analysis

applications will provide an analysis of solar

can help inform decisions about the orienta-

gain, calculate approximate daylight levels

tion and specific geometry ofthe external

and give information about the thermal

envelope.Analysis can be carried out on a

properties and embodied energy of con-

digital model of the 'empty' sit e to help the

struction materials.

designers to build up a picture of the micro-

If designers both useand respond to

climate they are dealing with and ensure that

Shadowtracking for urban site

appropriate design responses are formulated at the earliest stages of the project. Information about annual sunpaths,temperature ranges, humidity and prevailing winds can be used to identify key issuesthat need to be addressed during schematic design.This analysis becomes even more important when dealing with projects in parts of the world unfamiliar to some in the design team and will help identify how design solutions which are considered to be 'standard' may need to be modified to meet specific environmental conditions.As the design process develops and more information can be input into the software programme, more detailed environmental analysis can be carried out on the project.This analysis can help inform decisions about geometry optimisatio n, window placement and shading design.Throughout the design process the impact of design decisions can be analysed and their conse-

Analysis of the impact of shading systemsonsolar radiation distribution on buildingfacade.

quences evaluated.This process is conducive to an iterative design process where many options are proposed, analysed and modified and analysed again. Because the resulting data is displayed in such a graphical way it is easy t o compare the results to identify the most successful solutions to the design brief.



nVlronment 05 Analysis for design I: solar radiation

A bove: O verlaying shadow proj ections fo r on e day helps evaluat e how the building's shadow t racks across t he sit e.

45 latitude

25 latitu de

65 lat itude




... e - ..--

Compariso n of sunpath s at different glo bal latitudes and the effect on shadow projectio ns



Left:Analysis of the overshadowing effectof surrounding buildingson a proposedfacadevolume. Areas of the facade closestto theground are subject to much lessdirect sunlight Above:Analysisof the overshadowing effect of a building's exoskeletal structure on the facade glazing.

Sunpath An awareness of how the sun moves

allowsthe designer to visualise the overshadowing effect of surrounding buildings, as

Overshadowing In urban areas, the effect of overshadow-

around a building at different t imes of the

well as the extent to which the proposed

ing from adjacent buildings may have a sig-

year can assist wit h the design of solar shad-

building will,in turn, overshadow its neigh-

nificant impact on certain aspects of design.

ing for a building. In most situations the spe-

bours.This is particularly important for urban

A reas of the facade that are in shadow

cific design aim would be to exclude some

sit es where maintaining rights of light may be

for most of the day will not require the

of t he effects of t he sun during the sum-

a significant aspect influencing t he building's

same shading design as areas that are more

mer months, when solar gain is at it s most


exposed. Traditio nal analysis techniques

Mapping how building shadows t rack

would treat all areas of a facade in the same

behind the facade to enjoy the effects of

across the site t hroughout the day helps

manner. based on 'wor st case' environmen-

solar gain during the winter to take advan-

wit h t he design of outside space. Cafe ter-

tal condit ions. Digital analysis allows the

tage of its warmt h.

races can be sit ed in areas which attract t he

designer to take overshadowing into account

sun and external landscape features can be

to produce optimised shading solutions.

way of assisting this understanding and most

positioned based on their planting require-

This type of analysis can also be applied to

3D CAD design software will allow the user


smaller facade modulesto assess whet her

intense, but potentially to allow some spaces

Sunpath diagrams offer the most visual

to evaluate t he sun's position in real t ime for

Sun pat h analysis can help to ident ify

overhangs, projections or other envelope

any t ime of day at any locat ion in the world.

problems with reflections from the building's

details will have an overshadowing effect.

facade.This is more of a problem in built up

Shadow projection The sunpath features in 3D CAD design

areas since the glare from the sun on occupant s of surrounding buildings can cause sig-

Solar exposure Digital environmental analysis can help

software also enable t he userto evaluate

nificantdiscomfort. Digital analysis can help

t o identify areas of high solar exposure over

shadows falling across the model.This allows

to alleviat e these concerns by projecting the

a building and assist wit h the placement

real t ime analysis of the sun's penetration

path of building reflections t hroughout the

of solar panels on t he facade.With more

into buildings, aiding the designers wit h the


detailed analysis it is possible to calculate

placement of windows aswell as the design

how much energy these solar panels can

of the electrical lighting.This analysis also

generate over t he course of a year.



Environment 05 Analysis for design I: solar radiation

Above and left:Solar access analysisfor an office space highlights which areas are most exposed to direct sunlight across the course of a year

Solar gain Solar gain can be defined as th e increase

Environment al digital modelling can help to

the absorption of th e sun's energy by the

indicate the distribution of solar radiation

building fabric. In most sit uat ions it is neces-

across th e facades of a building and build up

sary t o min imise solar gains, especially during

a picture of w hich areas inside the building

t he summer,t hough in coo ler climat es solar

are particularly at risk from overheat ing.This

gain is somet imes enco uraged as a means of

info rmat ion can be used t o help inform deci-

reducing inte rnal heat ing loads. In buildings

sio ns abo ut wi ndow placement and mate rial

w here nat ur al venti lat ion systems are being



T here are a numb er of w ays of control-

solar gains match nat ural cooling capacity

ling t he effects of solar gain. Solar control

to ensure th at spaces in th e building do not

glazing can help t o reduce t he amou nt of


so lar t ransmittance t hrough w indows and

The sun is at its stro ngest t owards the


high pro po rtion of it s energy t o t he cladding.

in t emperature of an intern al space due t o

considered it is important t o ensure t hat

Above:Solar radiation distribution across a building facade during summer (top), mid season and winter (bottom)

facade at a more direct angle, t ransferring a

glazed facades.Shading systems are an effec-

midd le of th e day w hen it is also at it s high-

t ive means of cont ro lling so lar gain since

est.At th is po int th e sun is incident on verti -

the y limit t he amo unt of solar radiat ion t hat

cal facades at quite a steep angle, depend-

penet rates the facade. Exte rn al shading is

ing on the t ime of year and geographical

far more efficient at cont ro lling solar gain

location , so th e proporti on of heat energy

th an intern al shading, but requires cleaning

transferred is relatively low. Roofs and at ria,

and maintenance, as w ell as being able t o be

w hich face t he sun more directly,are par-

rem oved in t he event of facade com ponents

t icularly vulnerable to solar gain during t his

being replaced. Careful choice of ot her clad-

period of th e day. Eit her side of it s peak t he

ding mat erials w ill also help min imise heat

sun's strength reduces but is incident on th e

transmittance th rou gh t he facade.

Above:Te sting the effectiveness of recessed glazing t o minimise so lar gain. Recesses get deeper from right to less and provide greate r shading to the window pane

Right Testing th e effectiveness of a complex shading system.

In hot climates it may not always be pos-

irrigation requirements. Wi thin buildings, solar exposure analysis

sible to control solar gain by passive means.

solar gain since the solar energy has already passed through the facade and is radiated

In this case mechanical ventilation systems

can help to understand how sunlight will

and convected back into the room having

will be needed to provide additional cool-

penetrate through facades. It provides a

been absorbed by the internal shades.

ing inside the building. By analysing the peak

more quantitative measure of solar access

annual radiation values for the facades it is

which may be of use when designing internal

guidelinessuggest horizontal shading devices

possible to design mechanical systems to

fit outs,helping to identify areas where com-

are generally effective on south facing

cope with the effects of overheating. In this

puter screens or sensitive equipment should

facadesto deal with high angle sun,whilst

situation it is still beneficial to use passive

be placed, for example. In conjunction with

vertically set systems on the eastand west

solarcontrol systems as this will reduce

computer software generated renders the

facades are generally efficient at dealing with

the average energyuseof the mechanical

study can help to build up a more complete

low angle sun.


picture of how sunlight penetrates the build-

Sunlight penet rat ion Solar exposure analysis identifiesthe

In the design of buildings it is not always possible to follow these guidelines. but


number of hours facade elements are in

In the northern hemisphere typical

detailed digital analysis can help designers

Shading design The use of external shading can signifi-

derive more specific systems suited to both the building'sgeometry and location. It erative design techniques help t o assess

direct sun.Wh en read in conjunction with an

cantly reduce the amount of energy needed

analysis of solar radiation distribut ion. solar

to cool buildings in summer months in either

the effectiveness of different shading systems.

exposure analysis can help create a more

temperate climates or hot climates. External

This allows shading systems that may be

complet e picture of how the sun is impact-

shading prevents solar energy from passing

considered to be more visually unconven-

ing on solar gain across the facades.

through a facade by absorbing,then radiat-

t ional, but very effective,to be developed

ing and convecting solar energy outside

with confidence that they will function effec-

carried out for the landscape surrounding

the building envelope. In contrast, internal


buildings in order t o inform decisions about

shading has much less effect in contro lling

Solar exposure analysis can also be

hard landscape design, planting schemes. and





Analysis for design 2: daylight

Left:Daylight studies for an office floor.Thisanalysis evaluated the effect of reducing the proposed windowopenings by half to reduce theimpact of solar gain onthespace.The analysis concluded that daylight levels were still adequate with smaller openings.

Above left: Computer rendering can help identifY lighting patternswithin a space and understand how external shading systems affect internal lighting levels.

Levels of daylighting in buildings have

Analysis method

increased in recent years in building types that consume a high level of energy in

requires considerable data input to achieve

electrical lighting, mainly office buildings.An

accurat e results. Changes in minor elements

increase in daylighting,accompanied by a

of the design such as internal finishes can

cont rol of glare and solar energy from exter-

have a significant effect on the daylight factor

nal shading has led to a reduction in the

within a given space.

energy used in electrical lighting, particularly near the glazed walls.


Computer rendering can be used as a simpler alternative to digital analysis if quan-

Daylighting levels are expressed as a

tative results are not important.Care must

daylighttransmission factor, measured in

be t aken when t reating rendered images as

term s ofthe percentage of daylight passing

accurate representations of actual lighting

through the glazed facade. Daylight transmis-

conditions as what appears dark in a given

sion factors of 70% to 80% are common

image may actually be adequate in a wo rk-

in double glazed units. For daylighting levels

ing environment.W hen used in comparative

in buildings and their accompanying levels

analysis, rendered images can help to assess

of electrical light t o either supplement this

the quality of light within a space over the

or provide electrical lightingduring hours

course of a year.

of darkness, the amount of light required is


The calculation of internal daylight levels

If quantative daylight analysis is under-

defined for different tasks. Lighting levels are

taken it is essential t o construct the digital

expressed in terms of lux,wit h office spaces

model as accurately as possible wit h regard

having 250 lux, depending on how detailed

to window openings, floor and ceiling pro-

the work needsto be, and how the lighting

files and proposed furniture.

is distributed between general lighting from

Analysis is typically carried out on the

the ceiling, and t ask lighting usually provided

working plane of the room,typically 700mm

on desks, which can give up t o 400 lux.

above floor level, as this is where light levels

Above: By comparingrendered views it is possible to build up a picture of how light levels fluctuate throughout the day. Right Daylight analysisto quantify the effectof shading louvres. Below right: Rendered study looking at the effects of shading louvres.

have most impact on the occupants.Analysing a space in section is also beneficial as it can highlight areas of part icularly high contrast between light and dark spaces.

Daylight vs solar gain An environmental study can investigat e what daylighting levels are provided by a facade and suggest ways of modifying the design to balance daylight with heat gains and energy losses. When designing shading systems a balance needs to be struck between providing an appropriate shading response and maintaining natural light levels within the building. In climat es where light levels outside the building are particularly high it is necesssary to reducethe amount of open areaon the facade to reduce glare and create comfortable wor king conditions for the occupants. In this sit uation shading elements can help to reduce the overall transparency of the facade.





Analysis for design 3: embodied energy

An introduction to embodied energy

significant. Since reductions in the operational

of materials.The body of research reveals that natural materials such as stone have

energy component are currently being

low embodied energy. Reinforced concrete,

turing of construction material, its t ransport,

researched,the relationship betw een

bricks, concrete blocks,timber elements and

its installation and ultimate renovation or

embodied energy and operational energy is

other wood products such as laminated

demolition is almost always in the form of

not discussed here. Instead,this text focuses

timber and plywood have higher EE values.

non-renewablefossil fuel which produces

on how typical forms of construction might

Timber,excludingtransportatio n,has a very

carbon dioxide (C0 2) emissions as a result

best be combined to creat e buildings of low

low embodied energy, but much of the tim-

of these processes.Atmospheric emission

embodied energy, regardless of the individual

ber used in highly industrialised countries is

levels are widely regarded as one of the

levels of embodied energy in the materials

imported, which forms a relatively high pro-

most significant considerations associated


portion of the total embodied energy level

The energy consumed in the manufac-

ofthis material.The embodied energy of

with t he production of building material and, particularly, the emission of C02 as the chief

Embodied energy values

steel is higher still, with aluminium having by

The figures for embodied energy used in

far the most embodied energyof the com-

this chapter are those quoted byThe Institu-

mon buildingmaterials.These findings have

material can be considered to be the sum

tion of Structural Engineers of the United

led to an assumption t hat natural materials

of the energyused in the manufacture of

Kingdom in their publicat ion Building for a

are more sustainable.

it s components, transportation, assembly

Sustainable Future: Construction without

contributor towards climate change. The energyembodied in a building

Comparisons of embodied energy in typical forms of building construction

on sit e,together with its ultimate demoli-

Depletion, which lists the total embodied

tion and associated recycling. This embodied

energy for seventy-one materials including

energy must be seen in relation to the

transportation but excluding demolition or

overall amount of energy expended by a

recycling.These figures are consistent with an

building during its lifetime.The total energy

earlier UK Steel Construction Institute's pub-

embodied energy, two w orked examples

consumption of a building can be considered

lication,"A Comparative Environmental Life

have been taken for comparison.The first

to be the sum of its embodied energy and

CycleAssessment of Modern Office Build-

example is a set of options for the structural

its operational energy consumed in using the

ings" by K J Eaton andA Amato. Precision in

frame of an office building. Similar spans and

building during its lifetime. Embodied energy

measuring embodied energy is difficultwhen

loadings are usedfor a wide range of build-

In order to compare levels of

currently accounts for only around 10% of

the amount of energyused in the produc-

ings in the UK,from offices to educational

the lifetime energy expenditure of a build-

tion,transportation to sit e and installation of

buildings and hospitals.The structural frames

ing, based on a 50-year period. However,

the material varies between locations.

investigated use either steel or reinforced concrete.Timber was not considered as it

levels of the operational energycomponent are set to reduce significantly.This will be done by improvingthermal insulat ion and by a mixture of passive and active contro ls

Levels of embodied energy in building materials Current research has focused on levels

is not economical for large spans with high loadings.The second example comprises a set of options for wall cladding in different

that control ventilation heat loss and solar

of embodied energy in individual materials

materials.The tw o sets of examples could be

heat gain.This would makethe embodied

used in buildings rather than in specific types

used as part of the same building. Either a

energy component in a building even more

of construction,which use a combination

steel or concrete frame could be used with



mm wide x 16000 mm long bay with inter-

The results are as follows:

mediate columns was calculated for each

I a) In-situ concrete fiat slab (virgin steel rein-

to find out how materials for both structure

option. Four options were examined: in-situ

forcement) 1.73 Gj/m 2

and external wall might best be used both

concrete fiat slab with concrete columns;

I b) In-situ concrete fiat slab (recycled steel

separately and together to achieve low levels

prestressed precast concrete hollowcore

reinforcement) 1.41 Gj/m 2

of embodied energy in their construction.

(wide plank) deck on a steel frame; light

2a) Precast concrete hollowcore floor / steel

Examples of roofs were not used since they

gauge steel floor cassette on a steel frame;

beams (virgin steel) 1.27 Gj/m 2

would have broadened the scope of investi-

composite concrete steel deck on a steel

2b) Precast concrete hollowcore floor / steel

gation too widely into comparisons of con-

frame. The structural options are based on

beams (multi-cycle steel) 1.05 Gj/m 2

struction methods for pitched and fiat roofs

alternative designs for a typical office build-

3a) Light gauge steel floor cassette / steel

in various configurations.

ing. For each option the weight of structural

beams (virgin steel) 1.46 Gj/m 2

any of the cladding options. The examples were intended to be used

The effect of thermal insulation on

components was multiplied by the embod-

3b) Light gauge steel floor cassette / steel

levels of embodied energy in the wall clad-

ied energy (Gj/m 2). Embodied energy levels

beams (multi-cycle steel) I .20 Gj/m 2

ding options was investigated as a separate

for each material were then added together

4a) Composite concrete steel deck / steel

exercise. Since most forms of thermal insula-

to find the overall value for the complete

beams (virgin steel) 2.28 Gj/m 2

tion can be used with most forms of build-

structural assembly Fire protection was

4b) Composite concrete steel deck / steel

ing construction, a comparison was made

added to the steel options to make them

beams (multi-cycle steel) 1.78 Gj/m 2

between the use of a material with very

as closely comparable as possible. For each

high levels of embodied energy (expanded

option, the total embodied energy was

polystyrene) and one with very low levels of

derived from the summation of the calculat-

the construction technique with the high-

It is clear from this information that

embodied energy (mineral fibre insulation).

ed embodied energy for each component. In

est embodied energy is the composite

Taking the 3x3 metre bay with a Ix I metre

all options an alternative has been calculated

concrete steel deck.The lowest figure was

window used in the cladding options, it was

using multi-cycle steel (steel that will be

for the prestressed precast concrete hol-

found that expanded polystyrene accounted

recycled at the end of the building's life) and

lowcore floor supported off a steel frame,

on average for 15% of the overall embodied

recycled steel reinforcement bars (recycled

closely followed by the light gauge steel floor

energy of the wall panel. Mineral fibre insula-

from an Electric Arc Furnace as is common

cassette supported off a steel frame.The

tion accounted for on average lessthan 1%

practice) from figures published in The Steel

embodied energy for the composite con-

of the overall embodied energy. Since the

Construction Institute's itA Comparative

crete steel deck solution is 80% greater than

type of insulation used with a particular form

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of

the prestressed precast hollowcore solution

of construction has such a large effect on

Modern Office Buildings". Crushed concrete

and 56% greater than the light gauge steel

the level of embodied energy, it was decided

can replace up to 20% of aggregates in

cassette solution.The four options were re-

to omit thermal insulation from the following

structural concrete, but the embodied ener-

examined using multi-cycle structural steel

worked examples.

gy would not change substantially as aggre-

and recycled reinforcement bars.The results

gates have a low embodied energy,therefore

remained similar with the exception that the

Example I: options for an officebuilding frame

this option was not considered. The columns

embodied energy for the light gauge steel

in all options have been omitted, as their

cassette solution was only very marginally

contribution is deemed insubstantial.

greater than the precast concrete

The level of embodied energy in a 6000






Analysis for design 3: embodied energy

core solut ion. In conclusion. the options with the great est degree of material efficiency and

7) Steel framed curtain walling 1.26 Gj/m2 8) Bolt fixed glazing 0.80 Gj/m2

problems to overcome concerning thermal breaks in steel.

prefabrication resulted in solut ions with the leastembodied energy. The present popular-

The wall configuration with the lowest

ity of preassembled modular construction

embodied energy is the timber framed wall.

appears to be in tune wit h sustainable con-

The highest are the aluminium framed cur-


tain walling and the facing brick cavity wall. W hen steel is used for the framing solut ion,

Example 2:options for wall cladding The level of embodied energy (EE) in a 3000 x 3000 mm (10ft x lOft) bay of a

What are the best mixes between high and low embodied energy materials in typical forms of construction? In the examples, the combination of

the embodied energy of the curtain waIl-

materials consuming the least EE tends to be

ing drops to approximately halfthe level of

the combinations using the materials most


efficiently. A building constructed from a high

Amongthe options for opaque walls

embodied energy mater ial, such as a steel

facade was calculated for each option. Since

with a I metre square window, levels of

framed building clad in glazed panels, uses

thermal insulation has been omitted from

embodied energy are relatively similar

far less material than an equivalent design

the calculations, the U-value of each con-

between timber and reinforced concrete but

in reinforced concrete and has a lower

struction is not considered here. For each

the brick cavity wall has almost 5 times the

level of embodied energy. W hat is surprising

cladding panel option, it was assumed that

embodied energy of the timber framed wall.

is the comparison between different types

each panel would be supported by a floor

Among the glazed curt ain wall options, levels

of glazed walling and cavity brick construc-

slab/perimeter beam both t op and bottom.

of embodied energy are higher for steel than

tion.An uninsulated cavity wall with regularly

Components within each panel were sized

timber but bolt fixed glazing provides the

spaced windows and a shelf support angle

accordingly. Like the structural options, levels

lowest solution.W it h the obvious exception

has three times as much embodied energy

of embodied energy were calculated based

of aluminium and brick cavity, the levels of

as double glazed bolt fixed glazing, but both

on the weight of each material used in the

embodied energy are relatively similar for

forms of construction have a similar U-value.

assembly multiplied by the EE value for each.

a given configurat ion of opaque and glazed areas.

The results are as follows:

The EE level of facing brick is nine times

The exercise suggests that low levels of embodied energy can be achieved using mixed methods of lightweight and heavy-

I) Timber framed wall+double glazed window 0.48 Gj/m2

that of concrete block andtwice that of

weight construction in a single building. From

common brick. Bolt fixed glazing minimises

the above examples, the best combination

2) Timber framed curtain walling 0.82 Gj/m2

the use of materials, using glass as panels

might be a timber clad precast concrete

3) Reinforced concrete panel+dg window 0.70 Gj/m2

which are unrestr ained along their edges.

solution or a bolt fixed glazed facade with a

The use of aluminium framing results in

light gauge steel cassette solutio n.The worst

4) Facing brick cavity wall+double glazed window 2.33 Gj/m2

there being three times as much embodied

combination would be a brick clad com-

energy in the frame as in the glass.The use

posite concrete steel deck solution but this

5) Facing brick cavity wall wit h steel shelf angle 2.54 Gj/m 2

of steel framing is much better, using 60%

building combination has been extensively

more embodied energy compared to the

constructed in recent years.

6) Aluminium framed curtain walling 2.48 Gj/m 2

bolt fixed glazed units. Nevertheless, from



a performance point of view,there are

This puts greater emphasis on the need for an efficient use of material where

5% of the

high embodied energy materials are used.

metal requires only about

Aluminium seems to be a very extravagant

energy needed to make the same amount

solution for low embodied energy and,

material in terms of energy.This is mainly

of metal from bauxite.

hence, provide a sustainable construction.

because when used in building components, aluminium is required to have high rigidity as

The manufacture of building materials has a direct impact on our environment.

a timber facade may provide an optimised

Both solutions rely on a high degree of specialist prefabrication and preassemblyThis

well as high strength.The material is used for

Removing raw materials from their natural

is good news and bad news for traditional

the precision of its extrusions and castings

environment can cause long-term damage

construction. The focus should be on prefab-

rather than for any real qualities of lightness.

to the environment.The extraction of ores

rication and efficient use of carefully selected

This is not the case where aluminium is used

to make steel and aluminium leaves holes in

material. It appears that prefabrication and

in other industries. In aircraft design, alu-

the ground. Mining areas can be re-instated.

preassembly can provide the means to a

minium is used for its strength and lightness.

Trees cut down as a result of timber pro-

future in construction that is flexible, adapt-

Rigidity is much less important, as part of

duction can and should be replanted and

able and sustainable.

the aircraft can deflect without significantly

replaced.The cost of this work will have to

impairing performance.

be added into future calculations of embodied energy Care should be taken to establish

Recycling and sustainability

Embodied energy values used GJ/tonne

the source of timber. An area of tropical forest corresponding to the size of the

I) Aluminium alloy

200 Gj/tonne

energy level in the construction of a building,

United Kingdom is being destroyed or seri-

2) Synthetic rubber

150 Gj/tonne

the levels of EE in different materials might

ously degraded every year. Therefore, timber

3) Structural steel

suggestthat prestressed concrete and tim-

should be selected from an audited and

4) Steel used in windows

ber are preferable to steel and aluminium.

sustainable forest or from plantations already

5) Float glass

15 Gj/tonne

However, these criteria must be seen within

established on degraded land. Planning the

6) Softwood

I 3 GJltonne

the overall context of recycling non-renewa-

life of the building as appropriate in environ-

7) Plasterboard

2.7 Gj/tonne

ble resources and a sustainable approach to

mental terms will become a higher prior-

8) Facing bricks

I 1.7 GJltonne

In attempting to reduce the embodied

26.8 Gj/tonne 31 Gj/tonne

ity This might lead to the preassembly of

9) Mortar

shop-constructed components which can be

10) In-situ concrete structure above ground

not used in many parts of the world, where

readily adapted to suit changing needs using

1.09 GJltonne

the ready supply of timber, for example, can

a kit of parts or can be dismantled and reas-

I I) Steel reinforcement

provide a more appropriate material. Steel

sembled as the need arises. This might lead

12) Plywood

and aluminium, with much higher embodied

to a scenario where modern high embodied

I 3) Concrete block

1.3I Gj/tonne

energies, are more easily recycled. Once

energy buildings will be demolished and

14) Wall insulation

35 Gj/tonne

manufactured, these metals are in a fairly

recycled rather than maintained, but mason-

15) Plastic


'closed' cycle of re-use. Aluminium is one

ry buildings of heritage may be allowed to

of the easiest materials to recycle and at

remain without fear of being recycled.

the use of renewable resources. Bricks and blocks can be re-used, but are

reasonable cost. Energy savings are made

In conclusion, a well conceived light steel

by recycling the material.The conversion

structure with bolt fixed glazed facades or a

of scrap aluminium back to high-grade

prestressed precast concrete structure with

0.84 Gj/tonne

26.8 Gj/tonne 17 Gj/tonne




Environment 05 Passive design I: natural ventilation

The British School in the Netheriands.The Hague. Holland. Architect: Dirk Jan Postel. Kraaijvanger Urbis. Kew House. Melboume.Australia. Architect: Sean Godsell

The return t o natural ventilation in buildings,

temperature and steady rate of vent ilat ion.

due to internal heat input from casual and

and away from dependency on mechanical

In addition,air conditioning systems would

solar gainsto the vent ilating outdoor air.The

ventilation (including air conditioning), has

control humidity aswell as temperature.

temperature, and consequently density dif-

gathered momentum in recent years. This

This high degree of environmental control

ference between indoor and low level sup-

has come about from the desire to reduce

led to very high energy consumption from

plied out door air results in an upward flow

both the energy consumption in build-

running the equipment. In urban areas,the

(buoyancy).Air moves from low level t o high

ings andthe wider issue of carbon dioxide

use of operable windows to provide natural

level in a building with a highertemperature

(C02) emissions from the primary energy

venti lation is often considered inappropriate

than that outside whilst the reverse will

generation through to building use.The link

due to high levels of noise and atmospheric

occur if the air in the building is cooler than

between global warming and the build-up of

pollution.This has led to the development of

that out side. Natural ventilation has two main ben-

greenhouse gases hasyet to be conclusively

'layered' systems in which functions of sound

proven, but the circumstantial evidence

insulation,weatherproofing and air infiltration

efits; reducing the amount of mechanical

seems convincing. Nearly half of C02 emis-

are separated.

ventilation needed during normal daytime

sions generated in the UK alone arise from

Natural ventilation in buildings is gener-

use,and providing free nighttime cooling

ated either by wind or by a 'stack effect'. In

of the building structure. Heat generated

reduction of energy consumed in buildings

most buildings a combination of both occurs.

during the day will be absorbed by the

has a hugebenefit forfuture generations.The

As air flows across a building, a difference in

structure if exposed,which leads to a slower

decline in the supremacy of air conditioning

air pressure will occur as a result of varying

rise in resultant temperatures within the

can also be linked to 'sick building syndrome'

wind pressure.This difference in pressure

building. In order for nighttime coolingto

due mainly t o systems dependant on the re-

causesthe air in the area of higher pressure

benefit daytime internal comfort,the build-

circulation of used air in buildings.

t o flow towards the area of lower pres-

ing structure requires a medium t o high

sure. Provided openings are appropriately

thermal mass which should be exposed to

located in these pressure regions, the move-

the occupied zone.A structure with high

energy consumed within buildings.The

This has resulted in the increased use of openingpanels and window systems. Previously, building types other than housing

ment of air creates a natural venti lat ion flow

thermal mass, such as concrete soffits, cooled

were often designed as hermetically sealed

through the building. 'Stack effect' ventilation

at night will absorb much greater amounts

boxes which aimedto provide a constant

is caused by a difference in density of air

of heat generated within the building dur-



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ing the daythan will a lightweight structure




with low thermal capacity such as steel.A considerable amount of research into the effect on thermal mass performance due to different slab construction methods was

lonica Building, Cambridge, England.

recently published.Where the contribution of thermal mass is to play a part in the internal environmental strategy, the preference for exposed concret e soffits is particularly important given that external wallstend to have a high percentage of fully glazed walls. In addit ion,during winter months, natural ventilat ion can be used t o redistribute heat stored in the building structure to help

_ - : : ; ' _1 1

/ /~ // ~

keep the building warm at night.There are a number of proven methods whereby thermal mass is used to exchange heat with vent ilating air st reams.These are generally mechanically driven due to the airflow resistance normallyencountered.This approach can be via hollow core pre-cast slabs as used on the lonica building in Cambridge, England, which are linked t o form concrete looped passages to optimise heattransferbefore su pplyingthe air t o the occupied zone. lonica Building, Cambridge, England.



Environment 0 Passive design 2: daylighting and solar shading

Details I. Fixed ferro-cement louvres 2.Glazed rooflights 3. Support trusses for louvres

A space wit hin a building lit by natural day-

W ith increased daylighting,there is often

light produces about one tenth the amount

an increased amount of solar gain particu-

of heat created by an equivalent incan-

larly on those facades facing the sun.This has

descent lighting installation and about one

brought the issue of solarshading into sharp-

half of that of a discharge lamp installation.

er focus. Even facades with low percentages

This, along with the desireto offer greater

of glazing ( I0 - 40%) are increasingly using

naturally lit space, has led to the increased

solar control devices instead of relying heav-

useof daylight as part of the drive towards

ily on mechanical cooling. A popular method

reducing the in-use energy costs associated

of solar shading has been the use of exter-

with mechanical cooling. In addition,there

nally mounted canopies and screens.A vari-

has been a move away from reflective glass

ety of horizontal continuous canopies, verti-

and body-tinted glass to increased transpar-

cal blinds, fixed louvres and movable screens

ency and admission of daylight. Increased

is used. External shading has the advantage

daylighting can increase the problem of glare.

of both controlling the passage of sunlight

Viewing two highly contrasting levels of light

and reflecting heat away from the sun out-

at the same time causes glare.The huge

side the building envelope.The positioning

increase in the use of computers in buildings

of solar shading inside the building envelope

and the need to see monitor s clearly has

results in some of the heat being reflected

CarterlTucker House,Victoria.Architect:Sean Godsell madethe problem allthe more important.

backout of the building, but more than 50%

Conventional solar shading, which projects

is radiated into the building, providing little

horizontally from the wall plane reduces inci-

advantage in controlling solargain.Although

dent solar radiation and therefore reduces

external shading provides better reduction

heat build-up in glazing, but it only reduces

of solar gain than an internal fixed type, the

glare to the extent that it obscures part

components will require cleaning and main-

of the bright sky. It cannot obscure the sky

tenance.This has led to the increased use of

at the horizon, nor can it deal with bright

access decks or walkways, which also provide

reflections from objects at eye level.These

a degree of horizontal shading. However, this

two sources of glare are particularly char-

method imposes a high maintenance budget

acteristic of very open environments. Glass

and commitment on the building occupiers.

treatments such as fritting,silk-screening

An alternative solution isto set the shading

and sandblasting merely diffuse brightness

behind an outer glazed wall such as a rain-

and can even make the problem worse.

screen, which draws radiated heat directly

The solution requires the introduction of a

away from shading components prior to its

mechanism to control overall light transmis-

reaching the inner glazing.This heat gain can

sion and therefore light intensity, thus ena-

be drawn away by natural ventilat ion, when

bling a reduction in perceived contrast.

external air temperatures permit, or by mechanical means.



I The Menil Collection Museum, Houston, USA.Architect: Piano and Fitzgerald.

Solar shading and daylight controls Shading devices used to control solar

tops reflect heat but allow light to reflect off the surface and into the spaces beneath.A

gain andthe admission of daylight fall into

more modest approach to applied shading is

tw o generic types: 'integrated' shading and

the 'light shelf principle, a horizontal reflec-

'applied' shading.

tive shading device that projects through the

'Integrated' shading uses components

facade both to shade sunlight and reflect

set within the depth of a cladding panel.

light off its upper surface and across the

One of the most technically sophisticated

adjacent ceiling.This helps to even out day-

examples is the Institut du Monde Arabe in

light levels wit hin deep spaces with a shallow

Paris, designed by a team led by the architect

floor-to-floor depth that require good natu-

Jean Nouvel.The principle is based on pho-

rallight, such as in office buildings.

tographic iris diaphragm aperture control,

This 'layered ' approach is used in the

an instrument that precisely controls the

Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris,which fea-

intensity of light, and this was used in glazed

tures all-glass facades.The project team, led

cladding panels on the south facade. A set of

by Dominique Perrault, tackled the problem

computers responds to direct solar radiation

by introducing a fine metal mesh on an inde-

by operating shutters in each panel.These

pendent frame offset from the external face

shutters control the amount of sunlight

of the glassViews are maintained through

enteringthrough the south facade of the

the light veil of stainless steel which creates a

building. This allows both the admission of

gentle hazyquality internally.The mesh mate-

daylight and solargain to be closely control-

rial provides a textured and sparkling surface

led with a single mechanism wit hin the clad-

externally, which complements the smooth,

ding panel itself More typical examples use

reflective appearance of the glass skin.

motori sed blinds set wit hin a sealed glazed

Other recent examples include the Berlin

cladding panel.

Velodrome also designed by Dominique Per-

'Applied' shading sets components as a

rault andthe Euralille Commercial Centre

separat e layer to the (usually glazed) weath-

at Lille by Jean Nouvel. In order to facilitate

erproof layer. A typical example isthe Menil

glass cleaning, mesh screens can be placed

Museum in Houston,Texas. designed by the

at a distance from, or tilted away from the

Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Daylight

plane of glazing. Alternatively,the screens

baffles, which also provide solarshading, are

can be designed to unclip for easy removal,

made in a lightweight concrete construction,

or can be motor-controlled in an overhead

mounted beneath the glazed roof. Besides

or roller-shutter format.

controllingthe amount of daylight and diffusing it,the white-finished louvre blades are shaped to reduce internaltemperature variations from solar radiation.Their horizontal



nvironrnent 0


Passive design 3: solar power

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GovernmentTraining Centre, Herne-Sodingen,Germany. Architect:Jourda Perraudin.

Photovoltaic panels Photovoltaic (PV) cells are used to generate electricity from sunlight.The power generated is then used inside the building to contribut e to the electrical demands of the building and, in some cases, the power generated can be sold backto the electricity supplier. Electricity isgenerated in arrays of cells set in panels on roofs and facades. The orientation of panels is important.Those inclined closeto the horizontal produce more electricity annually than those inclined vert ically. Panels are set as close as possible to the angle at which the most amount of electricity isgenerated over a one year period,t aking into account the varying path of the sun duringthat period and the effects of diffused solar radiation. Panels comprise a glass substrate coated with tin oxide, forming a transparent electrode, which is covered with layers of silicon together wit h a coat of aluminium film, which forms the other electrode. Particles of ultraviolet light called photons interact wit h electrons in the semiconductor to convert sunlight into direct current electricity.PV cells are of three types: multi-crystalline, which produces the most



University of Northumbria.UK.

amount of power per unit area, mono-crys-

Daily operating periods range from fifteen

talline, which produces less but is cheaper;

hours in May to eight hours in January. It is

andthe thin film type which is currently

estimated that the installation paid backthe

made only in one fixed panel size but which

energyused in the manufacture of the cells

is yet cheaper' and can be fixed into a glazed

within three years, and is still expected to

walling system.

produce electricity for a further 20 years.

The photovoltaic process has the advan-

However; the cost of generating electricity

tage of requiring no moving parts. It requires

is about four times the current commercial

no fuel and needs relatively little mainte-

rate.The PV cells are integrated into the

nance.The amount of energyrequired to

facade with a rainscreen cladding system.The

manufacture the PV cells and deliver them

cladding is inclined at 26° to the vertical,also

to site is estimated by manufacturers to be

providing passive solar shading.Ventilating

equivalentto the amount of energydeliv-

the void behind the panel disperses heat, a

ered in the first three years of use; the PV

by-product of the photovoltaic process.

installation will continueto produce power for the next twenty years or more.

Here,the array of PV cells is divided into a series of units 3.0 x 1.36 metres. Each panel is demountable for ease of mainte-

A sampled photovoltaic panel installation An early large-scale PV installation, from

nance or replacement.The cells are bonded to an extruded aluminium frame wit h

Details I,Window 2, Photovoltaic panel

3. Supporting frame 4. Structural wall 5. Floor construction

structural silicone. Excess electricity can be

which a relatively long performance has

exported to the electricity supply company.

been recorded, is at the University of North-

The electricity generated meets50% of the

umbria in England.The output of electrical

building's electricity needs in summer and

power fluctuates with weather conditions

10% in winter; which averages out at 30%

and it is necessary to supplement the supply

over a one-yearperiod.

with electricity from conventional sources.



Environment 05 Passive design 4: solar heating

- - --.

Solarchis Solar Houses, Japan.Architecture Studio and Maeta Concrete,

Solarheating systems consist of collector

ping this radiation to be absorbed by the

tion with a photovoltaic array on the roof

panels that absorb heat from solarenergy

receiver surface.This surface isa copper

and a wall construction with high thermal

to warm circulating water. Heat absorbed

base platethat transmits the heat to a con-

mass internally and thermal insulation fixed

bythe water is transferredto a storagetank

tinuous pipefixed to its rear face. The pipes

externally.The Iyama House has a solar

by pumping or when positioned above the

are enclosed in thermal insulation to reduce

water heater installed in a transparent roof

collectorthe two components form a ther-

heat loss to the air.The most populartypes

that produces domestic hot water at 50°C

mal circulating system. In the latter case.the thermo-siphon effectof water movement is

of panels currently in use are: a) flat plate collectors, b) vacuum flat plate collectors

in a 300 litre storage tank. Food iscooked mainly by a solar steam cooker with the sup-

created by the density difference between

and c) evacuated tube, (the latter being the

port of an electromagnetic induction heater

hot and cold water.The heated water is nor-

most efficient over a typical annual tempera-

which uses high-temperature solardomestic

mally used to exchange heat with a build-

ture/solar radiation yearly profile. whilst the

hot waterfrom a 20 litre storagetank.The

ing's system water, which isthen distributed

addition of a vacuum void to flat plate col-

House of the Sun (above) has a system of

around the building as required for either

lectors significantly improvestheir efficiency).

evacuated tubularsolarcollectors heating

heating water or as domestic hot water.The amount of heat generated is significant and

Solarabsorbers have been used for many years to provide warm water of up 500C

water stored in a 300 litre tank.The cooking system is similar to that used in the Iyama

whilst it is currently suited to climates that


have abundantsunshine for much of the year,

of special solarabsorbing high-grade rubber

the performance efficiency has developedto

mats with integral water flow channels for

from solarenergy have been in develop-

the extent that Northern European states

circulating the pool water.They can also be

ment since the I 850s. An early example

can also benefit. Collectorpanels should ideally be ori-

used for domestic warm water supply.

was a boilerand power plant for water

entated to face south and in the UK, they

ing System in Japan, set up by the Solar

sisted of five long parabolic mirrors.each

should be angled at 450 from the horizontal.

Architecture Studio and Maeta Concrete

4.2 metres wide by 62 metres long. Steam

Panels traditionally consisted of sheets of

for swimming pools.They consist

A recent example isthe Solarchis Hous-

House. Devices for obtaining hot water directly

pumping built near Cairo in 1913. It con-

Industry Ltd. Demonstration houses built

was produced at slightly above atmospheric

clear high light transmission glass that allows

in the Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, use roof-

pressure and used to drive a 20hp water

maximum solar radiation penetration, trap-

mounted solarwater heaters in conjunc-

pump. Itwas abandoned during the First



Daggett SolarFarm, California, USA.

WorldWar. Modern solarfurnaces still use a similar system of mirrors. Recentdevelop-


ments, prompted by the space programme in thermo-electricity and photo-electricity, Sunlight at the

are used both to run water-heating systems

winter sotstice

and to generate electricity. Only a few largescale solarfurnaces have been built.The 10.5 metre diameter mirror and heliostat at Montlouis in the French Pyrenees are used for research into materials at high tempera-


tures rather than as an economic source of

~~ ,.:.,~. .

Concrete panel



(heat-conclucting facing)


Pressure-tight concrete board

A recent installation isthat at Daggett SolarFarm, California, USA where electricity


is generated from an array of parabolic mir-


rors, arranged in long rows,that heat liquid in

PV power generationand solar hoi water supply

pipesset intothem.

Sunlight at


Heat absorption


il.=========!JJ I j-


Cold storagein the concrete structure Heat·insulatingmaterial



Environment 05 Low energy material systems I : straw bales and hemp


ModCell Panel Module ModCell is based on a 3 bale wide by 8 bale high standard module. A typical panel is approx 3.2m x 2.9 m x 5 10mm unit.

3-D view of modularised componentsthat can be created using the modCell system

Details l .Timber frame 2 Straw/hemp/paper bales 3.Steel rods 4.Openings for windows doors etc. 5. Lime based render (applied over bales) Key uValue data ModCell Straw 450 mm 0.1 3 ModCell Hemp 300 mm 0.26 ModCel1 Hemp 500 mm 0.16 ModCell Paper200 mm 0.1 6 Building Regs CavityWall 0.35 ModCell straw panel being constructed(left) and Modcellhemp (right)

ModCel1 is a modular system of building

and height according to the individual project.

ModCell Paper

utilising renewable materials such as straw

Wit hin t hese panels open areas for windows

Each has a particular set of performance criteria,designed for different applications:

bales, hemp and paper as its insulating

and doors can be left available according to

core. These off-site manufactured panels

the design. Currently these units have been

mean that buildings can be quickly and

used as loadbearing elements up to three

efficiently installed on site making it ideal

modules (approximately 9metres high)

for large scale commercial, school or office buildings

A major advantage of these panels is

ModCell Straw uses straw bales as its insulation core. Straw is an agricultural by-product ,and almost 3 million tons are

their thermal performance which is up to 3

disposed of annually in the UK alone.The

Each panel is made up of a sustainably

timeshigherthan the current building regula-

straw panels creates a mass market use for a

sourced timber frame into which t he insulat-

tions. As a result, buildings using ModCell can

valuable and renewable resource that would

ing material is insert ed.The straw bale and

have zero heat requirements, saving money

normally be chopped and ploughed back into

paper panels are then kept in place by steel

and C02 emissions. The main disadvantage

the ground. ModCell Straw has exceptional

rods with all the panelsfinished off with a

of these panels is with the thickness of the

insulation propertiesand can be used both

layer of lime render which as well as being

panels which typically are approx. 450mm

dry lined and rendered.

a natural product also has the essential


attribute of providing a breathable layer to the panels. The diagram above illustrates some of

The current range of ModCell panels

ModCell Hemp uses hemp mixed with lime in the panel,these panels are slight ly

uses three types of Cellulose Insulation

thinner in depth to provide similar thermal

Cores (C1C):

mass benefits to that of the straw panels.

the various modulesthat can be utilised in

ModCell Straw

ModCell Paper uses recycled paper

construction using panels of a certain width

ModCell Hemp

which provides a light er-weight construction



alternative to Straw and Hemp with again similar thermal advantages. ModCell panels are constructed off-site but in order to minimise energy in transport in existing projects 'flying factories' have been set up for manufacture. These have been located within 10 miles of the site in agreement with local farmers who have been able to provide a source of straw and a suitable

The Archimedia Project, Bristol, UK ModCell Straw

locat ion to assemble the modularpanels. By usinglocal straw, skills and labour, the project's value can also be kept within the local economy

Straw Straw bale construction is a building method that uses straw bales as structural

Strawbale dance studio, London. Strohaus.Architeet: Felix Jerusalem

elements, insulation, or both.As with the modCell system it is a material that excels in the areas of cost-effectiveness, energy efficiency and ease of availability. A typical bale of straw has a U-value of O.13W/m2K. The constr uction typically consists of stacking rows of bales on a foundation plate with a vapour barrier to protect t he straw from damp.These are then t ied together with pinstypically made wit h wood or with wire meshes.These walls can then rendered with a lime or eart h/clay based mix. Because the building method is so straightforward, people without previous building experience can

Strawbale classroom at AvonTyrrell. New Forest, UK

participate in the design and construction, thereby savingon labour costs. Typically bales created on farms with baling machines have been used, but recently higher-density 'precompressed' bales, or 'straw-blocks', can increase the loadst hat may be supported. The main concerns wit h straw bale construction like many of these natural building materials are to do with keeping t he bales dry. Splash back from rain bouncing up from the ground, rain causing high humidity or w ind driven rain are the main problems.These however can be easily mitigated with adequate foundatio n design, a suit able render and protect ion by large overhanging roofs.They are also constructed of breathable materials and need not be wat erproofed, t hough t hey must be weatherproofed.

The straw house. London,Architect: JeremyTill and SarahWigglesworth



Environment 05 Low energy material systems 2: rammed earth, cob and adobe bricks

- - -....

Left to right: Entrance building, Eden Project Cornwall,England,Detail of rammed earth wall,The Redding Residence, Kendle Design Collaborative,Scottsdale,Arizona, USA. Detail of example of rammed earth colouration through varioussoil types

Leeum - Sarnsung Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea.Architect:Jean Nouvel

Compacted earth construction is a

After compressionthe wall frames can

Apartheid Museurn, Johannesburg,South Africa ied energyand generate very little waste.

technique used in the building of walls using

be immediately removed and require an

Coloured oxidesor other items such as

the raw materials of mud, chalk, lime and

extent of warm dry days after construction

bottles or pieces of timber can be used in

gravel where moist loose earth is compacted

to dry and harden.The structure can take

construction to add variety andtexture to

in layer between shuttering or formwork to

up to two years to completely cure,and

the finished wall.

construct a wall.

the more it cures the strongerthe structure becomes.W hen the process is complete it is

Gabions are boxes made of metal, plastic

seen a revival in recent years.The nature

much like constructing a hand made wall of

or reed mesh filled in-situ with rock or cob-

of the materials used rneans that it is non-

solid rock..

bles and used as a basic building unit.

It is an ancientbuilding method that has

combustible ,thermally insulating and very

Like other natural building materials

Gabions have a long history in civil engi-

strong and hardwearing. It also has the added

rammed earth walls needto be protected

neering, as retaining walls and in erosion con-

advantage of being a very low cost and sim-

from heavy rain.They are typically con-

trol but today they are becoming commonly

ple way to construct walls.

structed on top of conventional footings or

used in structural walls in buildings particu-

a reinforced concrete base, sometimes with

larly as a feature in projectswhere the cages

The exact composition of the soil and water in rammed earth walls is critical for it success.A small proportion of cement

extra ground insulation. One of the significant benefits of rammed

can be filled with any recyclable material such as glass bottles,or local materials.

or lime is sometimes addedto the mix as

earth constructions istheir excellentthermal

a stabiliser to correct any deficiencies in its

mass;(atypical rammed earth wall is about

in the low embodied energy and use of local

360 mm): it heats up slowly during the day

materials as well as providing a large thermal


The main advantages of the system are

As well as this, good compaction opti-

and releases its heat during the evening. On

mass to control the internal environment

mises the strength and stiffness of the mate-

the other hand, rammed earth is not a good

of buildings. How they are weat herproofed

rial. There are three main methods in which

insulatorand is often insulated in colder cli-

is the rnain disadvantage with an additional

to do this:

mates.The thickness and density of the walls

layer required in addition to the gabion wall if

lends itselfnaturally to soundproofing and

a sealed environrnent is required within.

• Static (block presses)

the materials used in the walls make them

• Dynamic (rammed earth)

highly fire resistant Rarnmed earth structures

• Vibration (wacker plate)

do utilise locally available materials, which means that they also have very low embod-



Adobe House,Choisica,Peru

The Cobtun House,Worcestershire, UK.

Mud-brick! Adobe is a natural build-

massive wallstypical in adobe construction.

Cob is a building material consisting of clay.

ing material made from sand, clay, and water,

The cost of t he material and low embodied

sand, straw,water,and earth, similar to adobe.

with some kind of fibrous or organic mate-

energyassociated with being found on site

The main advantages of cob as a material is

rial (sticks, straw, dung), which is shaped into

mean it has a very low environmental impact

that it can be used to create artistic, sculp-

bricks using frames and dried in the sun. It

Adobe structures are extremely durable

tural forms using local materials. It is also

is simi lar to cob and mudbrick,although it

and account for some of the oldest extant

fireproof, resistant t o seismic activity,and

requires a higher clay content than that for

buildings on the planet. However in order


rammed earth. Excessive amounts of clay

t o protect them from damage from rain etc

however may lead to shrinkage cracking in

coatings renderings or cladding are usually


In the UK cob is most strongly associated with the counties of Devon and Cornwall

applied to t he structure and projecting roofs

and in Glamorgan and Gower peninsula in

Bricks are typically made in an open

or other structures considered in the design

the UK. Traditionally it was made by mixing

frame. The mixture is moulded by the frame,

to shed heavy water away from the walls. It is

the clay-based subsoil with straw and wat er

and then the frame is removed quickly.After

also import ant that the bricks are protected

using oxen to trample it.The earthen mixture

drying a few hours, the bricks are turned

form the damp by building onto a plinth at

was then ladled onto a stone foundation in

on edge to finish drying. Slow drying out in

least ISOmm from the ground.

courses and trodden onto the wall by work-

direct sunlight reduces cracking.Tradition-

Other disadvantages are with the

ers in a process known as cobbing.After dry-

ally bricks are made on sit e in arid countries

required thickness of the walls and the labour

ing,the walls would be trimmed andt he next

where there is little risk of rain for the drying

and time involved in the manufacture of the

course built, with lintels for lat er openings

period (between 2 and 8 weeks).Today many

bricks. Particularly in the UK the weather

such as doors and windows being placed as

are made in factories constructed for the

poses a big threat to the construction and

the wall to ok shape.

project on site or in the locale.

maintenance of an adobe/mud brick building.

The walls of a cob house are about

Basic construction of adobe or mud

Due to these factors very few examples of

600mm t hick, and openings therefore

brick buildings follows the principles of block

this form of construction exist in the UK at

become correspondingly deep set.The thick

masonry. The blocks are typically laid in weak


walls provide excellent thermal mass and

cement lime. sand or earth mort ar or can be

the material has a long life span even in rainy

dry stacked.

climates if a tall foundation and large roof

The main advantage of an adobe wall

overhang are present.

is in its thermal properties inherent in the



nvironment 05 Low energy material systems 3: green wood and bamboo

Above and right:: The National Maritime Museum, Falmouth,UK,Architect: Long & Kentish.

GreenWood A s opposed to regular timber used in construction, green w oo d is ti mber in w hich the cavities contain water. The primary reason for use of green

Visitor Centre. Savill Gardens,W indsor,UK,

air dr ying (2 to 3 years) and th en t he kiln

t he constr uctio n of green w ood buildings,

dr y.

as w ell as t he connections and det ailing Green oak, like othe r forms of tim -

ber, is a carbon neut ral prod uct that has

t o com pensate fo r any movement in t he

absorbed C02 throughout its natural life-

dr ying process.

oak, hist ori cally, was to enable it t o be

span and do es not emit carbon dioxide

w orked with hand too ls, D r y oak is very

w hen it is felled or used for construction

hard and extremely difficult to saw, plane


or chisel.Today th e main reason is envi-

of buildings need careful consideration

It is also replenishable. Q uick grow ing

Bamboo When t reated , bamboo forms a very hard w ood w hich is bot h lightweight and

ronmental in te rms of the cost and ti me

hardw ood species like spruce and oak

except ionally durable unlike many othe r

involved in drying.The rat e of drying of

are ideal w oods wit h w hich to build, pro-

woods, whic h can be heavy and soft.

oak is approximat ely 25m m per year,so

viding load-bearing st rength and durability.

Tradition ally, it is used in tropical cli-

th at a 300 x 300mm t imber w o uld t ake

Green oak frames are considered

mates in element s of hou se construction,

I 2 years to dry for construction. The cost of freshly felled (green) oak is co nsiderably cheaper th an the dried

attracti ve because the y showcase the

scaffo lding, and as a substit ut e for st eel

skills of craftsmen, particul arly the joints

reinforcing rod s in concrete construction,

w hich are fixed using oak pegs.This is

The main advant age environmentally

prod uct after processing. Freshly felled

st ill done because met al fixings w ou ld

is in bamboo's rapid growth w hich is very

at the roadside a piece of t imber costs

corrode in th e mo ist, acidic environment

fast, up t o 25met res over 6 mon th s, w it h

approximat ely one tenth the cost of the

of t he unseason ed w ood.T his met hod

th ree to five years to mature. Th is unique

mat erial after pro cessing at th e sawmill ,

requires specific skills and t echniques for

characteristic makes it one of the mo st


38 8

o Centro Cultural Max Feffer,Brazil. Archit ect: Leiko Motomura Connection detail below

o Centro Cultural Max Feffer,The largest bamboo structure in Brazil. Architect: Leiko Mot omura rapidly renewa ble constru ction mate rials

The str ucture of bamboo consists

available as we ll as a fairly inexpensive

of hollow cylindrical stems called culms.

mat erial. In th e Un ited St ates and in

T he culms are segmented int o nod es and

France, it is possible to have houses made

int ernodes.T his structure gives the mate-

entire ly of bamboo. which are earthquake

rial ver y good compressive and tensile

and cyclone-resistant and internationally

strength in construction as w ell as th e


huge benefit in w eight in comparison to

However; bamboo wood can becom e

METI School in Rudrapur,Bangladesh. Analogue construction using local resources.

other w ood materials

easily infested with wood-boring insects unlesstreat ed with wood preservatives or kept very dr y. The main disadvant age in t erm s of use as a global building material is in th e current limit ed regions in which it is grown. Bamboo can be grown in a variety of climates including the U K


but currentl y it is more economical to impo rt t he material in from exist ing bamboo plantations whi ch incurs large cost


t o the environ menta l accreditation of th e material through tra nsportation.



Environment 0 Low energy material systems 4: green walls

Modular system wit h soil substrate: Eco Store, London.

Green wall design Green walls are living, self regenerating cladding systems that allow building

Tensioned wire green wall, Heathrow Airport, UK.

advancements have enabled living walls to

ate a cooling effect as a result of evapora-

become fully integrated facade systems in


new developments.

facades to be covered completely with vegetation.The concept has been in existence for centuries. In the Mediterranean, plants are often trained over facades to

Living w alls are an excellent w ay of introducing biodi versity into urban envi-

Advantages and disadvantages Living w alls offer a number of environmental benefits:

ronments although the presence of mice or insects may cause problems. Without proper planning living w alls can cause building damage. Planting

act as a natural means of climate control.

Planted facades can help regulate

Fruit plants in particular thrive in this situ-

internal temperatures. In the summer the

systems can impose additional loads on

ation since the heat stored in the backing

vegetation shades the w all from the sun

external w alls.T hey can also affect the

w all is particularly conduci ve to plant

and can reduce the daily temperature

structural balance of the building. Roots


fluctuations by up to 50%. In the winter

and tendrils can break through water-

an evergreen facade will provide insula-

proof seals or force their w ay behind

'living walls' has expanded into the public

tion not just by trapping air between the

cover strips and w indow abutments and

realm to the extent that veget at ion can

planted zone and the wall, but also by

without regular maintenance, leaves and

now be seen adorning the facades of

reducing the wind chill on the facade.

other dead matter can block gutters and

In recent year s,however; the use of

museums, shops, community centres and offices.

Living w alls can also benefit the sur-

rainwater pipes.

rounding environment by altering the

Living w alls can help to link buildings

local microclimate.vegetation helps w it h

System overview

with their natural environments. In cities

noise absorption and can lead to an

large planted facades have a dramatic

improvement in the atmosphere through

egories: Individual point plantings require

Living w alls fall into two main cat-

visual effect and can act as an oasis of

the dust trapping effect and their absorp-

almost no supporting structure and

nature w it hin w hat may otherwise be

tion of C02. Planted facades also help

therefore pro vide the simplest method

barren and industrial surroundings. While

with the retention of rainwater after

of installation to both new buildings

climbing plants can be seen as tempo-

heavy rainfall.They reduce inten se local

and existing facades. Plants are grown in

rar y additions to buildings, technological

heat gains experienced in cities and ere-

individual containers and trained across



Details I. Irrigation hose 2. Planted facade 3. Compacted soil 4. Metal container 5. Drainagechannel 6.Yentilated cavity 7. Outer wall with waterproof seal 8. IOmm waterproof base board 9. Stainless steel support structure 10. Polyamide felt substrate I I. Support bracket

I 1


1° I I

I 1


° 1 I I


1 I



~ CD ~ - - - -, Modular system with rockwool substrate: Paradise Park Childrens Centre. London.Architect: DSDHA

Modular green wall system

trellises or wires fixed back to the facade. Because plants grown in this manner will

facade. Because of their modular nature, sub-

have a maximum height to which they wi ll grow it is often necessary to distribute many containers across the facade to achieve growth beyond this range. It can take many years to achieve a dense, homogeneous coverage. Planting beds, laid vertically on the facade, allow for full surface coverage. Plants grow horizontally out from the wall rather than vertically up it and this allows for a wider range of plant types to be used. Living wall systems fall into two categories, distinguished by their method of plant cultivation:

strate walls often take on a chequerboard pattern, however it does give great flexibility and allows panels to be replaced individually ifnecessary.

Modular systems Modular systems use cassette elements filled with a soil substrate that plant roots draw nutrients from.The modular units are usually cultivated off site until they reach maturity.These modules can then easily be fixed to a supporting structure on site to complete the

Hydroponic walls Hydroponics is a method of growing plants wit hout the need for a soil substrate.An irrigation system distributes nutrient enriched water droplets across the facade which are absorbed directly by the roots. Hydroponicwalls have a much reduced constructional depth and impose significantly reduced loads on the building facade (around 30kg/m2) when compared to substrate systems. The standard form of construction provides felt pockets in which plants can be individually located. Roots spread radially wit hin the felt and can support plant growth of up to six metres. Horizontal irrigation pipes run along the outer edge of the felt at the to p of the facade.The

Hydroponic green wall system

supply of water is computer controlled to ensure the regularity of operation is in keeping with external conditions.The exact calibration of the system needs to be calculated prior to installation taking into account the facade dimensions, plant types and local climate, to ensure adequate supply of nutrients to all plants. With correct cult ivation and maintenance living walls have a lifespan of around 30 years.

Modular plant ing unit


39 1

Environment 05 Active design I: liquid based heating/cooling systems

N <:-:








Detail s I. Floor mounted fin radiator

2. Convector in floor recess 3.Wall mounted fin radiator 4. Fins 5.Water flows through panels 6. Floor grille 7. Glazed externalwall 8. Metal tray to reflect heat 9.Water flows through pipe 10. Floor I I . Radiator 12. Boiler 13. Pump 14.Thermostat

Liquid based heating systems are provided

as radiation. Radiators are positionedto

mainly by radiators, convectors or under-

maximise convection currents and minimise

floor heating. Commonly used liquid cooling

pattern staining.They can be individually

systems are chilled ceilings, chilled beams and

temperature-regulated with either a manual

related items which are mainly used in office

or thermostatic type valve on a constant

buildings where heat loads from building

temperature circuit or linked on a compen-

occupants and equipment impose cooling

sat ing distribution system, which automati-

requirements for much of the working year

cally varies heat supplied to different facade

even when solargains are minimal.

orientations and adjusts in response to ambient variations.

Radiators Radiator systems pump low-pressure hot water through a pipe circuit, and distrib-



Fan and passive convectors Fan convectors are used where air needs

ute the heat through radiators which have

to be heatedvery quickly, such as in coun-

a large surface area to radiate and convect

tering downdraughts adjacent to large areas

heat. Heat is generated by boilers, usually

of glazing or above building entrances. Pas-

fired by gas or oil.The pressed steel radiator

sive convectors are more staticand are gen-

which has generally replaced the traditional

erally used where the loads are more stable.

cast iron type, is made from pressed metal

Convectors utilise a constanttemperature

sheet welded together and has become

low-pressure hot water pipe circuit.They

the most commonly used type.They are

are also used in conjunction with mechanical

generally ribbed to encourage convection

ventilat ion systems. Convectors consist of

currents, many have fins on their rear surface

thin metal fins radiatingfrom a central pipe

to enhance performance and panels can

supplied with circulating hot water. The fins

be supplied as single, double or even triple

are enclosed in a metal casing to increase

to match duties required. Most of the heat

the effect of convection, cau sed by the

is given off as convection, the remainder

movement of air around the fins. Convec-

tors can be fioor or wall mounted and, like

fioor surfaces in materials such as stone

ture of the water rises as it fiows through

radiators, they are positioned to maximise

would be cold to the touch.

the panels.The water is pumped back to a refrigeration plant or heat exchanger.

air currents. 'vVhen used in conjunction with glazed walling they are often recessed into the raised fioor. Fan-assisted units distribute

Chilled ceilings Passing air through a building during the

Chilled ceilings are used as an alternative to full air-cooling and are used in conjunction

the air more quickly,but can create noise.

night at outside temperature can help to

with ducted mechanical fresh air ventilation

Convectors are generally controlled by

cool the building structure. When a building


valves operating in response to temperature

is designed for this strategy the structural

sensors and, because they require less water

soffit is exposed to the occupied zone pro-

than radiator'S, react more quickly to changes

viding a passive cooled ceiling to the space

in temperature if thermostatically monitored.

thereby slowing the rate of rise in inter-

Chilled beams - active and passive These devices are often grouped with

A convector type used in conjunction with

nal resultant temperatures. However, this

chilled ceilings but they are quite different

mechanical ventilation systems is the fan-coil

approach is hard to control and is depend-

in operation. Active chilled beams are sup-

unit, used primarily for cooling.

ant on reliable diurnal temperature differ-

plied directly with treated fresh air to induce

ences during warm summer periods.

added convection across the heat exchanger

Underfloor heating Underfioor heating is another alterna-

surfaces and generally provide greater coolChilled ceilings have been developed

ing capability than a chilled ceiling system.

tive to radiators. Heat is radiated from PVC

to provide a controllable means of achiev-

Passive chilled beams rely on warm room

pipes set into the screed of a concrete slab

ing overhead static cooling.These systems

air from the surrounding volume creating a

or located within the void in a timber fioor.

consist of chilled radiant panels,cooled by a

downward fiow as it is cooled when in con-

Insulation is laid under the pipes to minimise

chilled liquid, which are fixed to ceilings pro-

tact with the beam heat exchanger surface;

heat loss and, in the case of multi-storey

viding cooling by both convection and radia-

they provide considerably less cooling at

buildings, avoid heating of the fioor below.

tion. There are a number of types but gener-

the same density when compared to active

Water in the pipes is kept at a constant

ally chilled water is circulated in very small

beams.With passive beams,the ventilation

temperature of about 50°C, which is only

diameter pipes connected to panels which

air is often provided by an underfioor or dis-

warm to the touch.This system is often used

act as the heat exchanger to the internal

placement system. A chilled liquid, normally

as low-level background heat or where large

space.As cooling is provided, the tempera-

water, cools both types of chilled beam.



Environment 05 Active design 2: mechanical heating/cooling systems



'0 CD

All-air system.

Air-water system.




0 CD









' 0

I. Air handling unit 2. Space being ventilated 3. Fresh air 4. Exhaust air 5. Supply air 6. Return air 7. Supply and return warmed and/or chilled water 8. Induction unit or fan coil unit

- 0

Mechanical vent ilation systems use ducted

cal ventilation,which are as follows:

during the energy conscious nineties due to

air that is heated or cooled either by a cen-

. Constant air volume (CAV) sys-

the waste of energy inherent in coolingthe

tral plant or at the point of use or by a com-

t em, in which the temperature of the air is

air centrally only to re-heat it locally.

bination of thesetwo methods. Mechanical


vent ilation is used primarily for its ability

. Variable air volume (VAV) system, in which

ing temperaturesto be supplied to different

to provide fresh air to large areas within a

the volume of air delivered is alt ered.

zones. Separate ducts supply heated and

building where natural vent ilation cannot be used successfully.This is often due to the need for closertemperature control, or because of a deep floor plate where natural

The dual duct system allows air at vary-

cooled air, which is mixed at the point of

Constant air volume (CAV) system The constant air volume (CAV) system

delivery in response to room temperature sensors.This enables a much great er degree of control, but it is much more expensive

vent ilation would be less effective, or where

delivers air to a space with no variat ion in

windows cannot be opened due to external

volume regardless of load change.As vari-

much more space in the building services

noise and/or air pollution. Air from a central

ous parts of a building have different heat-


plant is ducted in prescribed volumes, based

ing and cooling requirements at any given

on either the number of people or the

time, in theor y separat e CAy systems are

than the single duct system and requires

The constant air volume system utilises air-handling units that supply either warm

room thermal load, to where it is needed

required for each zone.This causes problems

or cool air. Some units can supply both hot

around the building. Air conditioning modi-

in large developments with multiple zones

and cold air simultaneously by dividing their

fies the state of the venti lation air, which can

so a central supply system is used with local

supply. One half is warmed and the other

include re-circulated air, primarily changing

temperature adjustment.Traditionally these

cooled, after which they are remixed to

the t emperature and humidity of the ducted

systems relied on the central plant supplying

provide the required temperature. Ducts

air. As is the case with radiat or systems,the

a premixed volume of return air and fresh

supplying different zones can be connected

air t emperature can be modified at the

air treated to a level that coped with the

separately to t he air-handling units,with the

point of delivery. Simplersystems are avail-

highest sensible heat gain in summer or low-

required temperature controlled by damp-

able whereby local air supply units are used

est net heat loss in winter.Re-heat coils in


which deliver the air directly into the space.

the terminal ducts cat er to local variat ions in load in response to room temperature

There are tw o basic approaches to mechani-



sensors.This type of system fell out of favour

Single duct CAY system

Dual duct CAY system


Details I. Pump 2. Cooling tower 3. Heat exchanger 4. Condenser 5. Evaporator 6. Boiler 7. Fan 8. Heatingcoil 9. Cooling coil 10. Filter I I.Water spray 12. Supply air 13. Exhaust air 14. Return air 15. Induction unit or fan coil unit 16. Space beingventilated 17. Air handling unit 18. Solarheat gain 19. Heat loss through fabric.


i r---------'---~-~.....:....----




nvironment 0 Active design 2: mechanical heating/cooling systems





Principle ofVAV

Euralille Commercial Centre, Lille, France.Architect: Jean Nouvel.

Variable air volume (!AV) system The variable air volume system (VAV) is

adjust the volume supplied whilst maintaining adequate velocit ies for mixing. Variable speed

Air handling units An air-handling unit draws outside air in

used where the heating and cooling require-

electric fans are used in the central plant to

through a filter using an electric fan, where

ments differ within the same building, or even

maintain constant duct pressures thus ensur-

dust particles are removed. The air is then

within the same treated volumeVAV systems

ingthat terminal units can maintain volume

warmed or cooled to the required tempera-

usea single supply duct distributingair at a


ture for distribution.The temperature and relative humidity of the air can be control-

constanttemperature. It responds to different temperature requirements in different spaces by alt ering the volume of air supplied. For example,the air volume supplied to a

Mechanical ventilation equipment

led by a combination of warming,cooling

Mechanical ventilation equipment con-

and humidifying devices.The air is warmed

sists of an air handling plant and a network

by drawing it through a heating coil,which

space will be increased if the temperature

of supply and extract ductwork.Air is blown

is heated by heating fluid, or through a heat

begins to rise, whilst the reverse occurs for

through supply ducts from the air-handling

recovery device, heated by the return air

dropping temperatures.The system provides

unit to a series of supply grilles or diffusers

stream. To cool the air it is drawn across

local temperature control wit hout the need

and returned via extract grilles or from a

a coolingcoil cooled either by a cooling

either for separate air-handling units, or for

ceiling void.Air that is recovered in extract

fluid, wat er or directly by a refrigerant.The

water to be supplied to terminal units to

ducts which return it backto the air handling

humidity of the air can be controlled by

warm or cool the air.The heating of perim-

unit can be filtered and partially re-circulated

spraying wat er into the air stream to increase

eter spaces can be provided for by a liquid

depending on the system andtime of day or

its humidity, or by de-humidifying it as it is

perimeter heating system. It is important

year. The remainderis discharged to outside.

cooled. Air handling units either are installed

when designing these systems to ensurethat

Air is usually re-circulated becausethe quan-

in a plant room or are self-contained, water-

the blend of fresh air to return air is sufficient

tit y of air required for coolingor heating is

proof package units that are located exter-

to maintain adequate fresh air at a minimum

often several times greater than that required


volume setting for ventilation purposes.

for ventilat ion.

Air supply t o each space is controlled by variable volume terminal units which




Details I. Pump 2. Cooling tower 3. Heat exchanger 4. Condenser 5. Evaporator 6. Boiler 7. Fan 8. Heating 9. Cooling 10. Filter I I. Water spray 12. Supply air I 3. Exhaust air 14. Retum air 15. Induction unitor fan coil unit 16. Space being ventilated 17.Air handling unit 18. Solar heat gain 19. Heat loss through fabric.



Heat pumps Heat pumps are used in a wide range of applications.The heat pump is a device t hat makes use of both the evaporat ion and t he condensing stages of a vapour compression

ciency for dr y heat using t he non-hygroscopic type and 65-90% total heat recovery (lat ent and sensible) for the hygroscopic type. . Heat pipes capable of 50-65% efficiency. Run-around recovery consists of a series

cycle.The refrigerant in the cycleabsorbs

of coiled pipeswith water circulatingin them,

the heat when vaporised (evaporator) and

set int o the extract duct, usually near the

releases it when t he gas condenses (con-

exhaust air outlet.The water absorbs heat

denser).These heat pumps can be reversed

from the extract air and releases it into t he

to deliver either heating or coolingto the

supply duct.The t hermal wheel consists of a

same air stream or directly int o the space.

wheel made from metal blades that spins in an enclosed jacket betwe en the supply and

Heat recovery

extract ducts.The wheel absorbs heat from

Heat recovery is an important aspect

the extract duct and releases it to the supply

of low energy design for vent ilation systems.

duct.The same principle applies in the cool-

There are a number of methods of heat

ing mode although wit h less benefit,where

recovery used which generally transfer heat

heat from the warm incoming air stream can

from the return air to the supply stream,

be slight ly pre-cooled by exchanging heat

which are as follows:

wit h the exhaust air from the extract duct. Heat pumps can also be used to recover

· Run around coil, capable of up to 50% effi-

heat from exhaustair; helpingto reduce


energy costs.They are often used in swim-

· Recuperators or cross-over plate exchang-

ming pool vent ilat ion applications.

l.loyds Building,London. Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership.

ers, capable of up to 65% efficiency · Thermal wheel, capable of up to 80% effi-



Environment 05 Active design 2: mechanical ventilated heating/cooling systems

Details I. Pump 2. Coolingtower 3.Heat exchanger 4. Condenser 5. Evaporator 6. Boiler 7. Fan 8. Heating 9.Cooling 10. Filter I I.Water spray 12. Supply air 13. Exhaust air 14. Return air 15. Induction unit or fan coil unit 16. Space being vent ilated 17.Air handling unit 18. Warmed water supply/return 19. Chilled water supply/return

RWE AG Essen, Germany Architect: Ingenhoven, Overdiek und Partner.

Ducting Air is circulated in ducts of galvanized sheet steel, used because of its ease of fabrication, light weight, smooth internal finish to assist air fiow and is economic. Ducts are usually insulated externally in order to reduce heat loss. or gain. and to prevent condensation forming on the outside of the duct when cold air is circulating. Circular ducts have the least surface areaand the lowest frictional losses, however rectangular section ducts are more commonly used in commercial developments due to the fact that they require less depth when fitted above suspended ceilings and are economic. Square sections perform better than elongated sections; the maximum normally accepted depth/width ratio being 1:3. Flat oval ducts are also used in certain applications as they offer an advantage over rectangular ducts in being ableto handle the same volumes wit h smaller sections due to lower frictional losses. Flatoval ducts are however more expensive to manufacture and require more specialised fabricators than circular or rectangular. The cross-



Lloyds Building,London. Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership.

sectional size of a duct is a balance between volume of air required,pressure drop and air

Package units Package units do not require a network

directly supplied, and distributethe air at the required temperature and volume to the space served.

velocity Smal l volumes of air can be delivered

of ducts.They are essentially air handling units

at high speed or,alternatively, larger amounts

which draw air from outside and either cool

of air can be delivered at lower speeds all

or heat it, releasing the treated air directly t o

above a false ceiling or vertically mounted

wit h the same pressure drop using the same

the space served. Due to its relatively small

concealed or exposed against a wall.They are

duct size.

capacity the package unit is unsuitable for

sometimes concealed below a raised floor

large spaces, since too many units would be

working as part of a floor supply system.

Supply and extract plenums


Induction units

The need for extract ducting can be reduced where the void provided by a suspended ceiling or raised floor is used as a

FCUs can be either horizontally mounted

Fan coil units Fan coil units (FCU) work in conjunc-

Induction units come in a variety of forms although they are less popular nowadays.The

supply or extract plenum. W hen used as a

tion with a central fresh air plant.Generally,

most commonly used units were perimeter

plenum,the ceiling or floor void can house

the fresh air required is treated at a central

mounted, normally part of a perimeter office

air-handling equipment that recirculates air

air handling plant and supplied at a constant

cabinet section.They are supplied wit h high

at the required temperature.Alternatively,

temperature and volume either directly to

velocity centrally treated fresh air which dis-

extract air can be drawn backto the central

the FCU or into the room/space served.

charges via supply nozzles within the units,

plant for treatment. Sometimes light fittings

The FCU is normally provided with cooling

inducting room air from low level to be

are used as air extractsto draw away the

and heatingcoils and an inlet filter for the

drawn across cooling and/or heating coils,

heat they produce.Extracted heat from

return air. The heating coil can somet imes be

then mixing wit h the fresh air and discharging

these fittingscan be recirculated, or exhaust-

an electric coil if low usage is anticipated or

vert ically into the room.

ed from the building as required, which helps

no heating fluid is readily available.The fans

to reducethe direct impact on room heat

inside these units can be speed regulated,

gains due to lighting.

normally by step changes, they simply draw room air in, mix this with fresh air where




nvironment 05 Active design 3: electrical lighting

Furniture House,Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan.Architect: Shigeru Ban.

Kitakame Canal Museum,Japan. Architect: Kengo Kuma and Associates.

Electrical Lighting. The two main types of electric light

tungsten halogen type. All thesethree lamps run on mains

extremely efficient and lasts approximately 12,000 hours. High-int ensit y discharge lamps have a

source are tungsten filament lamps or incan-

power (house current).The GLS and IStypes

descentlamps, and discharge lamps.

last approximately 1,000 hours, while the

wider range of colour rendering, use much

PAR lamp lasts up t o 2,000 hours.

less electricity and lastlonger than an equiva-

Incandescent filament lamps

Another type called low voltage tungsten

lent tungstenfilament lamp. Mercury vapour

halogen lamps, run off 12volts and require

lamps are used for lightinglarge spaces, such

current through a thin tungsten filament in a

a transformer.They produce sharply direc-

as factories, where colour rendering is not

glass bulb containing either a partial vacuum

tiona beams of light, making them useful for

a determining factor as they have a yellow/

or an inert gas.The filament glows and pro-

illuminat ing displays.They can last up to 4000

blue colour. Metal halide lamps have excellent

duces a mixture of light and heat.W hen an

hours.They are also used for car headlights.

colour rendering and are commonly used in

These lamps produce light by passing a

alltypes of buildings from commercial offices

inert gas such as halogen is used,the lamp runs more efficiently as more of the electri-

Discharge lamps

to public buildings. Both types of lamp last

These lamps work by discharging an

approximat ely 10,000 hours. Compact fluo-

electric current through a gas or vapour in a

rescent lamps,which are used as a substitute

sealed glass tube or bulb,which causes it to

for GLS and are compatible with tungsten

lighting service (GLS) light bulb. It has clear;

glow.These produce more light and less heat

fittings, offer significant energy savings as a direct substit ution for incandescent fittings.

cal power is converted into light rather than heat. The most common lamp is the general coloured or pearl glass and its shape can vary

than a tungsten lamp for the same amount

from the common bulb form to spherical or

of power. The most common type is the fluo-

linear. Some bulbs have their end silvered to

rescent tube, which is filled with low-pressure

reflect light upwards, reducing glare.The bulb

argon and proport ionally small amount of

used for spotlights or floodlights is the int er-

mercury. The tube is coated with a fluo-

lamp and direct light to the point of use.They

nally silvered reflector;or IS lamp. Its charac-

rescent powder;and lengths vary between

are used for both incandescent filament and

teristic shape is designed to reflect light in a

320mm to 2400mm ( 13in to 96in).There

discharge lighting.A huge range of luminaires

particular direction.A bulb with better direc-

is no standardisation in the production of

is available, each suited to it s intended use,

tional focus, due t o a reflector and a lens at

these tubes,and each manufacturer designs

location and method of directing light by dif-

Luminaires Luminaires are used both to hold the

the front, is the parabolic aluminised reflector;

lamps to their own specification.Tubes can

fusion, reflection or absorption. Manufactur-

or PAR lamp, which is particularly suitable for

last up t o 10,000 hours, but their efficiency is

ers' catalogues use polar curves to plot the

spot lights and floodlights. Some lamps have

slightly diminished wit h use.The low-pressure

intensity of light radially around a cross-sec-

dichroic filters in front of the bulb to reduce

sodium discharge lamp is another common

tio n or long-section thro ugh a light fitting.This

the amount of heat projected forward of

type used in many countriesfor road light ing,

helps the design team to understand how

the fitting. PAR lamps are also produced in a

which has a characteristic yellow colour.It is

light from a single fitting will be directed.



International Housing Exhibition, Fukuoka,Japan,Architect: Rem Koolhaas, Office for Metropolitan Architecture,

Ceiling mou nted t ypes Luminaires on ceilings are either pendant

Freshwater Pavilion, Neeltje jans, Holland,Architect:NOX,

hung from the wall on a cantilevered bracket.

advance so as to incorporate cable ways and

Most wall-mounted fittings are surface

access boxes int o the external works.

(hanging), surface mounted or recessed.The

mount ed which can direct light in all direc-

pendant is the most flexible, allowing light to

t ions away from the wall, either directly or by

be thrown up,down or a mixture of both.

reflection, Recessed wall lights have either a

Surface mounted luminaires can direct light

diffuserin front of the lamp or a reflector to

and stairs to be sufficiently illuminated in

to the side or downward. Recessed fittings

avoid glare,

the event of a fire or other emergency. The

throw light downward by concealing the lamp and luminaire behindthe ceiling plane. Pendant luminaires are often used where

Emergency lightin g Emergency lighting allows escape routes

lighting can be permanently illuminated or

Floo r mo unted t ypes Freestanding floor mounted uplighters

switched on automatically by a fail-safe system in the event of a power failure. Both

there is no suspended ceiling, They can be

are often used in offices to provide or sup-

tungsten filament and discharge lamps are

fixed directly from the ceiling or housed in a

plement office lighting. They are generally

used. Power to emergency lighting is normally

track that is attached to the soffit. Huge vari-

better for glare control than ceiling mounted

supplied by batteries charged continuously by

eties of ceiling tracks are available, and some

lights. Energy efficiency is lower with this

the mains using separate circuits. Emergency

incorporate both fluorescent strips and tung-

type of fitting as the light has to be reflected

generators should be used in buildings where

sten filament spotlights in a single length,

from the soffitto illuminate the space,

mains failure can affect life safety and other essential equipment. Batteries are usually

Ceilingfittings are often co-ordinated with low energy mechanical features such as chilled ceilings and beams. Fittings suspended

A recent development in luminaire

housed within plant rooms.

design is the recessed floor type.These have

from a thermally exposed soffit can be

a cover that is strong enough to walk on and

designed to incorporate acoustic absorbent

which is designedto minimise glare when

mat erial t o help address reverberation, Ceil-

looking down at the floor. This type has t o be

ing light fittings can also form part of inte-

capable of dissipating its own heat generated

grated servicing fingers, often usedto service

in use, and as a result the casings are often

exposed soffit areas, incorporating sprinklers,

made from metal alloys with highthermal

air supply, chilled beams and high level electri-

conductivity such as brass.

cal services,

Exterior luminaires Wall mounted types Luminaires on walls can also be pendant,

Exterior lighting utilises all of t he above fixings, Luminaires must be either wat er-

surface mounted or recessed. Pendant fitti ngs

proofed or sheltered from the weather and

are mostly used in conjunction with a track

power supplies must be planned well in MC H

40 I

Environment 05 Active design 4: fuel and water supply

FUEL SUPPLY Natural gas

ways, including coal burning, nuclear and

individual appliances such as lifts. Sometimes

hydro-generation. Electricity is usually pro-

individual distribution boards are provided to

duced as alternating current (AC), which

serve separate areas wit hin a building. Some

is cheaperto produce and transmit than

areas require single-phase, while others will

formed in pocketsbeneath the earth's

direct current (DC), Electricity is transmitted

require three-phase supply.

surface. It is brought to its point of use by

regionally at highvoltage and low current

a network of pipelines. Natural gas has no

except in large countries such as the USA

modified.This is facilitated by a cable-tap

Natural gas is a non-renewable source

The sub-main must be capable of being

smell, so a tiny quantity of odour is added in

where low voltages are used to reduce

system.The four cables of the three-phase

order that dangerous leaks can be detected.

wastage across long distances.The voltage

supply are supported in a metal trunking

Gas is supplied to buildings under pressure

is stepped down at substations for use in

and connections are made with connectors

normally via a single service pipe where the


called tap-off units. For heavier loads, or

supply terminates in a stopcockand meter.

Power is distributed from substations as

where it is necessary to make connections

Beyond this point,the gas supply forms part

a three-phase supply. Smaller buildings are

without interrupting the supply. a busbar is

of the building services, and is usually con-

connected to one of these phases (single-

used.This consists of solid conductor rods,

nected directly to the gas-fired boilers.There

phase), whilst largerbuildings are supplied

without insulation, supported in a metal

are design limits for internal pressure drop

wit h all three phases plus an earth (three-

trunking. Connecting units enable leads to be

between the meter and the point of use. In

phase). Smaller installations in buildings have

run off from the conductorsto tap-off boxes

some cases gas pressure is insufficient for

a consumers unit (circuit breakerpanel)

without switching off the current.

the plant needs and special gas boosters are

distributing power to a primary ring circuit.

used to raise the pressureto a satisfactory

Socket outlets (for portable appliances) and

level. Geographical areas that are not served

spurs (for fixed appliances) are connected

by natural gas require large gas tanks that are

to the ring main. Spurs can also be used to

refilled by deliveries.

connect other sockets in order to minimise

rivers or ground wells) is treated, filtered


and distributed by a water supply network,

Electricity Electricity is generated in a variety of



In larger installations, a distribution board allocates circuits for lighting, sub-mains and

WATER SUPPLY Fresh wat er (from reservoirs, lakes,

which terminates at the boundary of each property. usually as a single pipe.Beyond that

enVironment 05 Support services I : sanitation and drainage




---------- ~------

Combined dra inage system

D et ails I. Gully to rainwate r pipe 2. Gully from kitchen 3. Soil and vent pipe 4. Inspect ion chamber 5. Building


8. Foul water 9. Surface water 10. Property boundary I I. Sewer 12. Foul sewer 13. Surface water sewer

Det ails

~ _ -, __ -< /


@ @

Separate dra inage system

I. Supply to soakaway 2. Drainage opening 3. Drainage out 4. Foundation 5. Hardcore 6.Access cover

7. Combined dr ain

point,the supply forms part of the services

separate parts of the building, or pressurised

determined for the cold water system. If the

installation.A st opcock separat esthe supply

throughout with pressure reducing stati ons

storage cylinder is unable to provide ade-

grid from the individual distribution system.

at intermittent levels to avoid over-pressure

quate pressure to the highest appliance from

at draw off points. Various regulations govern

a gravity supply then pressure boostingwill

the method of maintaining uncontaminated

have to be considered. If hot water is stored

Water distribution within a building is

supplies in buildings. These generally stipulate

in calorifiers, the distance from draw off

either gravity fed from storage tanks at or

the method of connection to appliances and

points is minimised to reduce the cold wat er

closeto the roof of the building, from a pres-

draw off points with an emphasis on protect-

run-off from the pipe. Circulating pumps

sure booster pump set at a lower level or by

ing against reverse flow.

are used to maintain high temperatures at all

Cold water distribution

direct mains supply.Although water storage can require a large space, tanks provide a

points on the network via flow and return

Hot water storage and distribution

pipes.Trace heating is used to maintain tem-

limited reserve in the event of an interrup-

The choice of hot wat er system is

tion to the mains supply. Traditionally this is

based on the location and density of draw

a single hot wat er pipe and is sometimes

based on a capacity relating to 24 hours of

off points, the size and configuration of the

used in place of runninga flow and return

predicted consumption. Cold water tanks are

building and the location of boiler plant.


generally made from galvanized mild steel

Large office buildings with fairly big distances

Hot wat er can be generated by either

or glass reinforced plastic (GRP); they are

between closest and farthest draw off points

primary hot water from a boiler; by direct gas

normally insulated to prevent condensation

are generally suit ed to localised wat er heat-

fired storage heaters, by an electric immer-

forming on the outside face. Supply to the

ers, whereas buildings such as hotels are

sion heater or locally via electric or gas hot

tanks is controlled by a float-operated ball

more suited to centralised boiler powered

water heaters. In some cases, it is preferable

valve with overflow pipe to protect from

hot water calorifiers.

to provide hot water from a storage tank

overfilling the tanks. In tall buildings where

The method of distribution is determined

perature on remote draw-off points fed by

that is fed directly from the mains water sup-

the water pressure in the supply pipe is too

by the length of run-off from the point of

ply rather than from a cold water tank. This

low to achieve adequate pressure at the

heatingthe water to the point of use. Hot

system is unvented and requires a series of

draw off points, water can be pumped.This

wat er can be fed by gravity or pressurised,

valves to ensure that the wat er pressure and

can fill a series of smaller tanks, each serving

this will normally depend on the strategy

temperature are closely controlled. MCH


Drainage below ground

Ladder steps are provided if the chamber

at or below ground level.They are manufac-

is deeper than approximately 600mm (2ft).

tured as complete units prior to installation

cycle. Drainage can be provided by a sepa-

Where a pipe runs below a building and an

on site and consist of a series of chambers

rate surface water (storm water) and foul

inspection chamber is required, special meas-

which separate solid from liquid waste. The

(sanitary) drainage system, or combined so

ures, in particular double sealed chamber

liquid waste is allowed to leach back into

that rainwater is drained with the foul water.

covers, are taken to prevent foul air escaping.

the soil through a series of perforated pipes

In some areas,particularly towns, the sepa-

Not all pipe intersections require inspection

called a 'leaching field'. The solid waste

Drainage is the second half of the supply

rate arrangement is preferred so that during

chambers. An alternative is to provide suf-

is periodically emptied into tankers and

storms rainwater does not overload the

ficient rodding points along the length of the

removed for off-site treatment.

drainage system, preventing the discharge of

drainage run.

foul water from buildings. Underground drainage is laid to falls in

Pipework below ground consists of a series of pipe lengths with a spigot at one

Soakaways (drywells) These are a method of providing surface

straight lines to allow for ease of cleaning by

end and a socket at the other. The pipes slot

water drainage directly to permeable ground

rodding. Access points are provided either

into one another, and are sealed with rubber

adjacent to the building. Soakaways are used

where there is a change of direction or

rings. Sometimes separate sleeves are used

in rural areas where there is no benefit in

where pipes join, as blockage tends to occur

to connect pipes instead of sockets.The

draining away rainwater into the sewer sys-

at these points. Rodding eyes or inspection

rubber rings also provide a degree of fiex-

tem. They consist of a large pit into which

chambers are provided for this purpose.

ibility for movement. Pipes are made from

the surface water drain discharges, permeat-

Inspection chambers are also provided along

vitreous clay, concrete, plastic (UPVC) and

ing the rainwater into the surrounding soil.

the length of the pipework. They consist of

cast iron. Pipes are laid in trenches on a well-

The most common type is a concrete tank

a brick, plastic or concrete lined box. The

compacted surface. Concrete is sometimes

made from a set of stacked rings. Simpler

top is sealed with a removable cover.The

used depending on the local ground load-

versions consist of a pit filled with hardcore

upper halves of the pipes in the chamber

ing conditions.They are enclosed in gravel

(gravel) that prevents it from collapsing,

are cut away to provide access for clean-

wherever excessive movement is expected

whilst allowing the water to drain away.

ing by rodding.The connecting pipes in the

and rocker pipes, short lengths of pipe with

chamber do not need to be at the same

connections at both ends, are used to allow

level.This allows pipework to follow levels

movement to occur.

and gradients which suit other parts of the drainage layout and meet at different levels. The lowest level at which the water runs is known as the invert level of the manhole.



Sanitation and drainage above ground Water in a building is drained as either

Septic tanks Septic tanks are used where there is no local sewer system.These can be set either

soil or waste. Both are drained either separately in a two-pipe system or together in a single-pipe system.The drainage is usually

Combined drainage system

Separate drainage system








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Details I,WC 2.Wash basins 3. Urinals 4. Showers 5. Soil pipe (mayrequire additional vent pipe) 6.Waste pipe (mayrequire additional vent pipe) 7. Soil and vent pipe

to the sanitary appliance is fitted with a separate vent pipe known as an anti-siphon installed and connected to the below ground

vertical pipes, leaving an air gap in the mid-

drainage from inside the building to avoid

dle. In horizontally laid pipes,the water runs

the pipes freezing and to avoid multiple

down the bottom or invert of the pipe due

street sewer connections.

to a shallow fall.The air inside the pipework


Rainwater There are a number of rainwater sys-

Water closets (WCs) and urinals are

is designed to remain at atmospheric pres-

tems in use today, the choice of which is

drained to a soil pipe. Sinks, basins, baths and

sure to equalise air pressures on either side

based on the type of areas being drained.

showers are drained to a waste pipe. Rain-

of traps. If the pipe bore is filled with water

Large areas where space for high level col-

water is drained separately Below ground,

then air cannot balance the system, causing

lection rainwater pipework is limited can

the soil and 'waste pipes combine as foul

traps to pull due to the siphon effect, or

be drained using siphonic drainage systems.

water drains. Rainwater either drains into

blow through their water seal due to over-

These systems are designed to create a

separate surface water drains or it joins with

pressure. Consequently, pipes are designed

suction pressure within small-bore horizon-

the foul water via a special trap forming a

to be large enough to accommodate a per-

tal rainwater pipework and use specially

combined system.These pipes run below

centage of air and are ventilated to atmos-

designed outlets. Large glass roofs are often

ground to the main sewer. In areas not

phere close to the sewer outfall and at the

drained by fiat channel systems that have

served by a sewer network, a septic system

top end of the drain stacks.

special tapering outlets to cope with the

can be installed for soil and wastewater treatment. Air from these pipes is prevented from

large fiow rates needed to drain the roof

Single-pipe system This system, also called the single stack

efficiently. Insulation is applied to rainwater pipework where it passes within internal

entering the building using traps fitted to

system, combines the soil and waste pipes.

each sanitary and waste appliance. Pipes

Each sanitary and waste appliance is con-

slope downward to the sewer, since they

nected to a single pipe, one above the other

ground into either a combined or a sepa-

work entirely by gravity Pumps are only

in a stack.The pipe used is generally larger

rate drain, which is then connected to the

occasionally used where adequate falls can-

than in the two-pipe system, helping to avoid

combined foul and surface water sewer or a

not be provided. For this reason, pipes with

pressure fiuctuations that might cause the

surface water only sewer. In both cases, the

smooth internal bores are used to reduce

traps to lose their seal. The use of a straight

connection is made via a vented intercepting

friction. Falls in soil pipes below ground are

stack,that is,without bends above ground

trap. Rainwater is sometimes collected into

normally around I :60, depending upon loca-

level, ensures a controlled fiow of soil and

storage tanks for reuse in irrigation appli-

tion, design fiow rate and size.

waste, allowing air to move freely in the pipe.

cations or as a supplement to grey water

Lengths of waste pipes from appliances to

systems. Bypass pipes are needed to avoid

the stack are limited to approximately two

overfilling storage tanks.

Balancing the system Water flows down the inside surface of

areas to avoid condensation. Rainwater is generally collected below

metres (6ft). Beyond this distance, the trap





Support services 2: fire control

Fire prevention Most fires are caused by electrical problems. Since electrical cabling and installations

sprayed with a fire resistant material such as

and prevention to be considered before the


design is finalised andthus forms an integral

Buildings are usually divided into fire

are usually hidden from view,an early detec-

compartments, which are used to limit the

tion system is essential. Medium and larger

volume in which a fire can spread. Although

sized buildings are required to install an elec-

separate floors are isolated, shafts that pass

part of the building when complete.

Fire escapes The most important function of fire

trically operated fire information panel that

between them, such as service risers, require

escapes isto ensure that people can leave

will indicate the position of any fire within

fire breaks either at each floor level to

the building quickly and safely. Individual

the building. Once a fire has started it must

ensure the integrity of the compartments or

compartments have protected areas that

not be allowed to spread unchecked. For this

the shafts are enclosed by suitable fire rated

allow people to escape without coming into

reason the choice of materials inside a build-

wallsand all penetrations are fire stopped.

contact with either smoke or flames once

ing isextremely important both in terms of

Fire breaks are constructed from a fire

they have reached these areas. Protected

their combustibility, spread of flame across

retardant material such as cement mortar

areas usually discharge to the outside of the

their surface and the production of poison-

or mineral wool quilt.Tostop fire spread-

building at ground level.The usual minimum

ous fumes.

ing between buildings, external walls are

requirement for a protected area is 30 min-

Fire protection Structural walls, columns, floors and staircase enclosures must be furnished with

protected with fire resistant applications or

utes.This is judgedto be the maximum time

utilise specifically designed dividing walls.

required to evacuate everyone from a build-

Recently, some of the prescriptive rules for fire protection are slowly being tempered

ing. Legislation in most countries for stair widths, door widths, and corridor widths is

a fire resistant outer layer in order to remain

by fire engineering studies undertaken at

based on occupantflow rates that will clear

stable during a fire, for between one and

the design stage.These involve an overall fire

everyone pasta given point within tw o

four hours,depending on the component.

protection strategy that considers both the

minutes. Emergency lighting and signs are

Concrete naturally has a high fire resist-

building structure andthe means of escape

provided to ensurethat this evacuation can

ance and consequently requires no further

together and sometimes involves some com-

occur even during a power failure.

protection. Steel structures are encased in

puter modelling or testing. Each study allows

concrete, covered in a fire resistant board or

alternative combinations of fire protection



Fire detection The provision of fire detection equipment varies with size and type of building.

which must be adhered to, that are based on fire-fighting experience. An essential aspect of fire fighting is

Break-glass units are the most common

to provide access for emergency vehicles.

types of manual alarm where occupants can

Similarly, within a building, hose reels and

activate the fire alarm system. In addition,

portable fire extinguishers are provided as

automatic smoke detectors or heat detec-

a manual first aid means of controlling fire

tors are installed to initiate alarms.Tall spaces

spread.Automatic sprinkler systems are

have beam detectors where the presence of

sometimes used in buildings;these are also

smoke or fire might otherwise go unnoticed.

for controlling the spread of fire and are

Buildings with large fire compartments tend

regarded as a first aid. The latest generation

to utilise special heat detectors, which close

of sprinkler releases a mist or fog rather than

fire shutters when activated.The strategy for

spraying large quantities of water, however

evacuation forms an important part of the

large storage tanks or fail-safe water supplies

planning for detection and alarm signalling in

are still required. Such systems are designed

the event of a fire. Phased evacuation build-

to control fires while people escape from

ings require addressable voice alarm systems

the building rather than extinguishing the fire

and most large capacity buildings need

and they are often isolated by the fire fighters

stages in alarm signallingto confirm whether

when they arrive.

it is necessary to evacuate the building.

the interior, smoke clearance for each compartment should be facilitated through cross ventilation or by mechanical means.

In larger structures, either dry or wet risers are provided to allow the hoses used

Fire fighting Sufficient access and facilities must be

by fire fighters to be connected to a water supply within the building. In taller buildings,

designed into all buildings so that safety for

whose height makes access by ladder unfea-

fire fighters can be provided when tackling

sible, fire fighting lifts and stairs are provided.

a fire.There are extensive prescriptive rules,

In order for fire fighters to reach all parts of



Environment 05 Support services 3: maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning gant ry allowing underside of roof to be cleaned and maintained without cleaning platform from below. B8 offices . Daimler Chrysler Projekt, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership.

Roof-mounted facade cleaning systems W it h the increased use of metal, glass

systems mounted at roof level, wit h larger

roof terrace.The davit is lifted into position,

buildings having a mixture of these systems

usually by a person pulling it up with a rope

on a single roof.

secured to the t op ofthe post.The arm of the davit can be swung outward once it is

and composite materials in facade design there has been a greater requirement for cleaning and maintenance. Building facades

Davit systems A davit is a jib or scaffold-shaped frame

fixed in place. Cables, secured to the end of the davit arm before it is lifted into position,

30 years ago were detailed with low levels

from which a cleaning cradle is hung.A single

are lowered down the facade to be attached

of maintenance envisaged, with the use of

cleaning cradle, holding one or two persons,

to the cleaning cradle below, at the base of

brick, concrete, stone and timber dominat-

is usually hung on cables from a davit at each

the facade.The cradles usually have wheels

ing architectural design. Facades would be

end of the cradle. Davits are moveableand

which enablethem to be moved t o suit

cleaned only rarely; with details that would

when in use are secured t o bases in fixed

each new pick-up position for the davits as

weat her well with the passage of time.Wi n-

positions near the roof edge. Davits are very

they are moved to each new fixing point on

dows in masonry walls were detailedto be

useful for roofs where the permanent visual

the roof.The cables are connected to the

openable, partly to admit fresh air for ven-

presence of a monorail or trolley system is

cradle, allowing it to be raised up the facade.

tilation and partly for cleaning access.W ith

not the preferred solution to facade main-

The cradle is fitted with an electric winding

the increased use of sealed facades without


mechanism and rubber fenders to avoid

openable windows camean increased requirementfor cleaning equipment.

Davits are usually made of mild steel or aluminium tube and are moved with wheels

direct contact with the facade.There is no winding mechanism at the level of the davit;

at their base.This makes them sufficiently

whose function is to support the cables only.

facades (discussed In Modern Construction

lightweight and mobile to be handled by

The electrical power supply for the cradle

Facades) are often provided in the form

one or two people when they are moved

motors is from points either at roof level

of walkways set at each floor level. Most

into position and fixed for use. Davits are

or at the base of the facade, supplied to

Facade cleaning systems for twin wall

systems, however; are roof-mount ed and

usually dropped into position onto a set of

the cradle by a power cable. In the event of

are required to be integrated into the roof

bolts projecting up from the roof surface,

a power supply failure, a manual system in

design, usually with a minimum of visible

typically as either plinths in the form of short

the winch allows the cradles to be lowered

equipment.These roof-mounted types are

columns, or as a recessed box below the

to the groundV arious proprietar y systems

discussed here. Most facades are cleaned

level of the roof finishes where the bolts are

of winch motors and lifting equipment are

with either davits, monorails or trolley

concealed from view, as on an accessible

available, all with different safety features.



Details I. Cleaning cradle 2. Motor and counterweight 3. Hydraulically operated arm 4. Steel cable 5. External wall parapet 6. Roof surface 7.W heels or guide rails

Above andbelow: Cleaning equipment. l.loyds Building,London. Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership

- ~ --


Cleaning equipment on this building has been specially designed and integrated into the overall architectural aesthetic being highly visible at all times from the surrounding city streets



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CD I Section 1:50 Roof mounted cleaning crane




Envlro nmen 05 Support services 3: maintenance and cleaning


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Plan I:50 Davit supportingcradle in two positions

Section I:50 Davit support ing cradle in two positions

Elevation 1:50 and 3-D view of typical c1aning cradle

When one vertical strip of facade is cleaned by a cradlethat is raised and lowered from a pair of davits, the cradle is moved to its next position by descending to its lowest level and disconnecting the cables. The davits are then unbolted and lowered from their bases before beingmoved to the adjacent base positions for re-connection. While this is a relatively slow process involving erecting davits, setting up the cables and cradle, then disconnecting the parts and movingthe davits again, this method avoids a permanentand visible cleaning system being mounted on the roof.The davit system is most commonly used where the roof is used as an accessible roof terrace,or garden, and where a permanent cleaning system would not be visually desirable.

Monorails In the monorail system, a continuous single rail is fixed at roof level, from which a cleaning cradle is hungfrom a cable at each 3-D views of typical cleaning cradle on facade



end.The monorail is set around SOOmm

= m

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===-Section I:I00 and I:50 Monorail supporting cradle from cantilevered brackets! beam

Section I:I00 and I:50 Davits supporting cradle

beyond the edge of the roof to allow the

connected to the cleaning cradle. which is set

cradle to hang slight ly forward of the facade,

at the bottom of the facade.As each vertical

typically on brackets cantilevered from the

strip of facade is cleaned, the cradle is moved

roof structure as shown in (A).The monorail

along the facade. usually when it is at roof

is a visually strong elementthat is integrat ed

level,just below the level of the monorail.

into the overall design for the edge of the

W hen manually operated,the cradle can be

roof.An alternative to cantilevered fixing

moved when at the bott om of the facade if

brackets is to cantilever the edge ofthe roof

maintenance personnel are assisting at roof

out by around SOOmm as shown in (B).The

level.The monorail offers a visually discreet

rail is usually made from mild steel which is

method of providing a permanently fixed

painted or enclosed in a decorat ive metal

cleaning system at roof level.

cover, usually in folded aluminium sheet.

Section NTS cleaningwith hamess on a platform

W here the monorail is hungfrom t he

W here cantilevered support arms are used

underside of a balcony or slab soffit, the

t hese can be castings or standard struc-

monorail can be concealed with cladding

tural steel sectionsto suit the design.The

panels set on either side of the rail. From

monorail,set horizontally, is usually formed

below. only a single continuous groove is

as a channel-shaped section that allows a

visible.A gap of around 20mm is provided

pair of wheels to run inside the rail.Sets of

between the monorail and the adjacent

wheels are operated either by sliding the

panel to allow for movement of the monorail

cleaning cradle beneath manually, or under

itself when in use.This joint is either left open

electrical power for larger installations. As

or closed with a flexible seal,typically EPDM

with the davit system, cables are connected


from wheeled pulleys which travel inside the monorail.The cables are lowered down and

Cleaning cradle on glazed facade



Elevation I :200Trolley supporting cradle

Elevation I: 100Trolley on verticallyset rails

(Above).Cleaning cradle on trolley around Swiss Re building,London. Architect:Foster and Partn ers

Elevation I:200Trolleysupporting cradle

Trolley systems W here a facade is required to be

lowered to bring the cradle in and out from

well suited to being mounted on sloping or

cleaned from a roof which is either slop-

the facade and to bring it to rest at roof level.

curved roofs where they climb steep slopes,

ing, or has a stepped profile in elevation,

The trolley itselfhouses the motors for both

typically up to around 45°.

a horizontal monorail is a much less

moving the equipment along its rails, moving

practical solution for supporting clean-

the arms, and raising and lowering the cradle

the cradle can be offset from its supporting

ing cradles. Davits are usually difficultto

itselfThe trolley is usually controlled from

cables by the use of counterweights attached

handle on sloping roofs.Trolley systems

within the cradle, allowing it to move both

to the cleaning cradle.The cradle can be

are better adapted to reaching facades

vert ically and horizontally.

from a sloping roof and where the facade

This system is not usually suit ed to

W here facades step in at a lower level,

moved by an arm fixed directly to the supporting cables.As the arm moves from a

itselfis of complex geometry. Trolleys

roofs which are fully accessible to build-

vert ical position to the horizontal, the cradle

are typically mounted on wheels and are

ing users due to the presence of rails, or a

swingsaway from it s cable.The movement

secured to a continuous track, which may

dedicated path, as well as the visual presence

is balanced by a counterweight at the other

be beneath the trolley, as roof-mounted

of the trolley itself. As the trolley is control-

end of the arm which keepsthe cradle level

rails, or may be set verti cally.The trolley

led remotely, safety at roof level is a critical

and stable.This method is useful in facades

usually has arms which project out over

consideration.W here roofs are required to

which either step outwards as they rise up

the edge of the roof which support a

be accessible, rails are mounted above the

or are inclined outwards through their height.

cleaning cradle from cables fixed to the

roof, but their dominant appearance may

The mixture of a trolley system and cradles

ends of the arms.The arms are some-

deter this solut ion in practice.W here the

allows complex facade and roof forms to be

times telescopic (hydraulically operated)

trolley can be seen from below, it is usu-

cleaned and maintained from a single clean-

in order to reach either the facade or;for

ally concealed behind a screen or in a small

ing cradle.W ith facade and roofs of complex

example, solar shading panels in front of

enclosure, allowing it to be protected from

geometry, the trolley rails can be concealed

the facade. The arms are usually raised or

the effects of the weather. Trolley systems are

in a gutter at roof level where facade and



Elevation I:500Trolley with reach over adjacent facades

- --==O:::'==-'il , I Left and right: Elevation I:200 Trolley with reach over adjacent facades

[ ~fF, :=~==== ---=-::I r---'--r=------


tiM roof form a single and continuous form. In the example above a trolley is set behind a parapet formed by solarcontrol louvres. It is set on a track that forms a conPlan I:50 Cradles hanging from trolley

tinuous loop to suit the shape of the building. As the trolley moves around its circuit it is ableto reach all parts of the facade.The trolley is ableto reach the facades with telescopic armsthat can be adjusted both in length and heightto suit the facade being cleaned. A single trolley is usually provided for a single building, but more than one may be required, working on t he same track,to suit different facade geometries beneath. Not all largescale trolleys require tracks to restrain them. Trolleys with wheels that move on a raised portion of roof deck are also used.



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Section I:200 Cradles hanging from trolley and monorail



Vert ical section Traction lift

-, CD

There are two generic types of elevators: traction,where the elevator car is suspended on cables with counterweights,and hydraulic, where the elevator car is fixed on a ram which is sunkinto a shaft. In both cases the




elevator cars run on vertical guides which


are attached to the inside of an elevator shaft or; in the case of open wall-climber


elevators, directly to the edge of iscommon in tall buildings to use fast elevatorsthat stop every ten fioors. Intermediate floors are accessed from sepa-


n Irf--

rate elevators that run between the fast

l ~.



L .~


i \\ i \~

i \.


The type and number of elevators for any installation isestablished by the following I--



· Approximate passenger load · Maximum acceptable waiting time · Number of persons each car will carry · Elevator speed f--

'i'/ I--



· Expected passengerload at peaktimes Elevator cars consist of metal frames clad with solid or transparent panels. Doors to the elevator cars can be single or double,sliding on either one or both sides of an opening. Width restrictions, particularly where elevators are set side by side, may meanthat doors are set off-centre to the


elevator car or that twinleaf doors are nee-



Section and plan details I. Lift motor room 2. Guide rail 3. Elevator car 4. Cable 5. Counterweight 6. Elevator pit 7. Enclosing wall 8. Doors to landing set into enclosing wall at each level 9. Doors to car IO. Doors to landing I I. Single hydraulic piston 12.Telescopic hydraulic pistons as altemative to single piston 13. Piston cylinder well 14.Vent to outside 15. Car deck 16. Lift well 17.Access panel/ vent Horizontal section Traction lift



At each level served there are elevator landing doors, which can be solid or transparent.These doors open only when engaged by the elevatorcar doors. When


the elevator is in an open shaft there is a

I 1

need to protect people on each landing

101 1 \2) 1


from the moving parts of the elevatormechanism. In this case, each floor is provided









I 1

1 1


I 1

1 1





with landing screens which are incorporated


into the elevatorlanding doors. Where the


elevatoris in an enclosed shaft the risk of fire spread from floor to floor must be taken into account. In such a case, the elevator landing doors may need to be fire resistant.

1 1 1 1 10 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1










Call buttons are located on each floor In larger installations, calls are registered by the


control gearand automatically dealt with in sequence. Banks of elevators have co-ordinated control systems that respond to calls in a given sequence.





1 1





I 1

I 1

I 1













Hydraulic elevators can carry a maximum of aroundthirteen passengers. In theory,there is no limit to what a traction


elevatorcan carry. For cars carrying up to

: /J

thirteen people the same size well can be used for both traction and hydraulic elevators.An eight-person elevatoris usually the

Vertical section Hydrauliclift

smallest which can comfortably admit a wheelchair.The minimum door width is usu-


ally 900mm.

(j) @

Horizontal section Hydraulic lift


SHAFT SIZE (width x depth)

CAR SIZE (width x depth)

4 person

I 350 x 1500mm

1000 x 900mm

(3ft 3in x 3ft)

5 person

I800 x I 600mm

(5ft lOin x 5ft 3in)

1100 x 950mm

(3ft 7in x 3ft Iin)

8 person

1800 x 2100mm

(5ft lOin x 7ft lOin)

1100 x 1400mm

(3 ft 7in x 4ft 7in)

10 person

1900 x 2300mm

(6ft 3in x 7ft 6in)

I 350 x 1400mm

(4ft 6in x 4ft 7in)

13 person

(4ft 6in x 5ft Oin)

2000 x 2300mm

(6ft 6in x 7ft 6in)

I600 x 1400mm

(5ft 3in x 4 ft 7in)

16 person

2600 x 2300mm

(8ft 6in x 7ft 6in)

1950 x 1400mm

(6ft Sin x 4ft 7in)

21 person

2600 x 2600mm

(8ft 6in x 8ft 6in)

1950 x 1750mm

(6ft Sin x 5ft 9in)





Support services

4: lifts

t rn


~ r"

nrL" ;

, ill




I I I ~



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-------- - --



--- - --



--- - --- --- -- - --- - - -

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-- - - - -

~ t.i.

Details I. Glass fronted doors 2. Runner



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Above. l.loyds Registry of Shipping Building, London. Architect: Richard RogersPartnership. Below. 88Wood Street, London. Architect: Richard Rogers Partnership.

Traction elevators are electrically powered.

t he cars.Th ese are usually locat ed at th e t op

Cables, running over pulleys and balanced

of the shaft, adjacent t o t he over run.T he

by counterweights in order t o minimise t he

motor room can also be positioned t o o ne

effo rts of t he elevator motor; suppo rt cars.

side of th e elevator pit at th e bottom of th e

Bot h car and co unterweight move in vert i-

shaft, but th is requires more sophisticate d

cal steel guide rails.Tractio n elevators have

cabling. Mot or rooms require vent ilat ion

advantages over hydraulic elevato rs w it h

because of heat generate d by th e machiner y.

their higher speed and hardw earing qualities.

A pit is located at th e bottom of th e

Speeds vary fro m 0.5 met res per second for

elevato r shaft. It is usually abo ut t wo met res

smaller installation s to 6.0 to 7.0 metres per

deeper th an th e low est floor served in

second for t all buildings. Traction elevators have an over-ru n space at th e t o p of th e shaft.Th is protects

vent ed t o t he outside to ensure t hat air is

anyone working o n t op of t he elevator

dr aw n up t he shaft and out of t he build ing in

sho uld th e car travel to th e t op floo r acci-

th e event of fire.

dentally.Th e overrun also allows cables t o run over the pulley t o th e motor.Th e overrun space also accommodates t he cable pulleys. Moto r rooms house th e elevator motors and ancillary equipment th at drives


41 6

ord er t o accommo dat e the underside of t he elevator car.The t op of t he elevator shaft is

Details I . Clear t oughened glass 2. Roller guides 3. CHS (steel tube) framing support ing 'structu ral deck' of lift car 4. Lightin g trough 5. Metal plate suppo rting light fitt ings 6. Reflector luminaire 7. Extract fan 8. Metal access panel 9. Bolt fixed glass enclosure 10. A ngled dow nlight ers I I . Flexible mild steel electrical cond uits 12. Removable maintenance platform hung from steel tube frame 13.Floor finish



Isom et ric view of gene ric glazed car assem bly


14 Lift car guides 15. Bolt fixed glass enclo sure I 6. Suppo r t fram e to car 17. Steel frame t o lift doors o n landing 18. Frameless glass do or s 19. Nylon guides 20. St ainless steel balustrade and handr ail 21. C all button panel 22. Extract gr ille

A hydraulic elevat or consists of a piston

are also useful where an overrun cannot

cylinder set into a well beneath t he elevator

be accom modated easily at the top of t he

pit which acco mmo dates the unde rside of

elevator shaft.

the elevator car at th e lowest floo r level.The piston can be a single or telescopic t ube . Ifit

Verti cal sect io n

The machinery room can be independent of the e levato r shaft, and may be locate d

is a single tube,th e well must be deep. The

up to five metres away. Machine roo ms are

hydraulic piston is fixed to th e bottom of

smaller than th ose of traction elevato rs, and

t he shaft and con nected to the elevator car.

contain pumps. motors. fluid storage tanks

The ram is activate d by hydraulic o il which

and control equipme nt. Machinery room s

is forced into t he cylinder well unde r high

require ventilat ion due t o heat generate d

pressure. which th en moves the elevator car.

by the eq uipment. Hydraulic elevators have

Hydraulic elevator mechanisms are suited

an overr un at t he top of the elevato r to

to installations serving up to five floor s.

prot ect anyone wo rking on th e t op of the

They are usually slower th an t raction eleva-

car, in case it accident ally rises t o the top of

tors, with speeds ranging from 0.63 to 1.00

the shaft. Like t raction elevators,the top of

met res per second.The motor room can

t he shaft is extern allyvent ed to ensure that

be located a short distance away from th e

air is drawn up and o ut of th e building in th e

elevator shaft, rather th an next t o it, either

event of fi re .

Horizonta l sectio n

at th e bottom or th e top, wh ich is an advantage in small buildings. Hydraulic elevators

Ver ti cal secticin



FUTURE A future for building constnuction 2 3

Folded glazing Metal solar shading: louvres and mesh Triangular panels for twisted facades


Twisted panels with flat glassfor twisted facades


Moving shading panels


Precast concrete panels for facades of complex geometry


Glazing systems with integral solar shading

8 9

Stick glazing for doub le facades Shingled glazing for facades of complex

geometry 10 Variable concrete panels for solar shading I I Structural facades of comp lex geometry 12 Facade with integrated furnit ure

MCH_ 4 19

Future 06 A future for building construction

Fumiture House, Yamanashi

and which seems set to transform the design

alloy frames covered with an aluminium alloy

of structures and cladding is in the useof

sheetto form a 'semi monocoque' in which

This example of innovative construction uses

technology from other fields. In particular,

the structure and enclosure are separate but

a system of factory-fabricated fumiture units

the use of stressed skin technologyfrom the

work together in composite action. They

which extend from floor to ceiling.These

aircraft industry andthe use of car industry-

provide structures that are much stronger

units are used both asstructural elements

based component technologyare being used

and lighterthan those traditionally used in

to support the timber roof deck andto

in structural design.

the building industry. They are more expen-

Prefecture, Japan. Shigeru Ban.

organise the intemal spaces. The high quality of the off-site fabrication method resulted in the building being assembled on site as a kit of parts. Little material is wasted on site.

sive to build than current building structures,

Stressed skin airframes in 'thin' construction A current development in 'thin' exter-

but are much more economical in the use of material. In the building industry, semi monocoques have been used in plywood

unlikethe highwastage associated with site-

nal walls isthe use of panels that integrate

construction to make floor panels and roof

based construction. Fumiture units are either

structural support, enclosure andthe build-


A recent example of this form of con-

700mm wide for cupboards or 4S0mm wide

ing environment control system and house

for shelving. Both units are 900mm wide and

the mechanical and electrical installations

struction isthe Mini-House in Tokyo, Japan

2.4 metres high.

that are usually set in ceiling and floor voids.

by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo

These 'stressed skin' structures for aircraft

Kaijima. This innovative construction is built

The use of technology from other fields

were developed by that industryduring the

from a light-gauge steel structural system.

1930s to build airframes. The structure, a

The houseis built from partially prefabri-

A future for structural elements will

cage-like frame, is combined structurally with

cated wall and floor units which are assem-

the metal skin to provide a single structural

bled wit hout the use of columns or beams.

along with 'thin' and 'layered' building enve-

form. Everything in the aircraft's body forms

The walls are made from steel channels set

lopes as introduced in the Walls chapter.

an integral part of its structure. Most aircraft

at SOOmm centres. Panels are 8 metres high

An area where change is already happening

structures, called airframes, usealuminium

and 2.5 metres wide, fixed directly to the

be in their application to and development

MCH_ 420

foundations. Floor sections are 4.5 metres

frame, chassis and mechanical components.

increased awareness of lifecycle costings and

long, SOOmm wide and IOOmm deep. No

This is becoming possible due to changing

the design life of components and assem-

addit ional finishes such asdry lining (drywall)

manufacturing techniquesof digital fabrica-

blies. Different components will have a more

were used in this building.

tion. Three dimensionally curved cladding

clearly defined design life, in line with other

panels can be manufactured with computer

industrial products. An idea that is currently

software that can detenmine co-ordinates

emerging is that of cladding as a single 'car-

for points across the panel, allowing ever

rier system' where a facade is assembled as

Car industry-based components in 'layered' construction In parallel with the aircraft industry,

more complex shapes to be usedwith

a kit of parts with a predetenmined range

the car industry is moving awayfrom the

greater precision. The software used for

of possible uses. Different 'add-on' compo-

semi-monocoques of car bodies and light

this work also influencesthe design process

nents could be added, swapped or moved

chassis. The car industryis exploring an idea

itself three-dimensional modelling allows

about as needed. The cladding system would

where the 'core' element of a car can have a

rapid prototypes to be made. This compu-

comprise a primary 'support frame' onto

series of pieces added on to change it from

ter-based technique also allows the rapid

which is added a series of separate 'sub-

people-mover to pick-up to open-t op car

digitising of prototype models. Increased

systems' providing weatherproofing, ventila-

by changing only a few components. The

useof more 'flexible' manufacturing equip-

tion, solar control and so on. Structures and

Opel MAXX was developed originally as

ment e.g. robots as now used by leading

envelopes could then adapt more easily

a modular car in Genmany. The aim was

cladding systems manufacturers means that

to changes in the way a building is used by

to produce a small car for city use with an

repetitive production is no longer a con-

adding or replacing sub-systems rather than

aluminium frame, to which different bodies

straining factor in making the manufacture

rebuilding t he entire facade, as often hap-

can be attached, fonming a parallel wit h lay-

of panels economically viable. This allows

pens wit h office buildings. Changing these

ered facades. Options would include a con-

different design optionst o be quickly and

sub-systems would be considerably cheaper

ventional five-door hatchback. a two -door

reliably costed by manufacturers at an early

than full replacement of the facade, but the

coupe, a convertible, a pick-up, off-reader;

stage. These changes have brought about

initial capital cost would be higher than that

van and taxi. The bodies would clip onto the

of a conventio nal system.

MCH_ 421

Future 06 I Folded glazing

Double skin facade creating a thermal chimney

Sectional model explaining the double skin

Flat pieces of glass fixed at varying angles to create a folded facade

This project shows a folded facade which

metre rates) to be obtained from contrac-

behind another outer wall forming a thermal

came about as the result of a requirement

tors before tender to ensure that the design

flue across part of the elevation.These were

for both a glazed facade and a a double skin

corresponds approximately to the budget.

developed wit the intention of them having a single expression for the glazed facade

facade,which served as thermal chimney, in a different part of the facade.The project

The scheme was developed from a wire-

formi ngthe complete nort h elevation,with

was developed by producing a single digital

frame geometry as a result of different

its wrap around corner contrasting visually

model describing the project to provide

construction options beingconsidered at

with the general areas of facade forming

certainty for the contractor at tender stage,

the outset.These ranged from a mixture

the remainder of the hospital project.The

but allowingthe contractor to bring their

of systems: stick and unitised solutions for

preferred solution was a single expression of

own system without the need for starting

the corner glazing,and point fixed and four

framing members that were differentiated by

all over again.As the model developed,the

edge supported solutions for the thermal

cover caps and smooth silicone sealed joints

design was discussed with potential tender-

flue.The choice of system was informed by

which used a common stick curtain walling

ers to ensure compatibility with their own

the interface between the two glazing types.

system.The sticksystem was preferred over

preferred systems, well before tender.This

The preferred solution was to use two glaz-

a unitised design, which would have required

method also allows budget costs (as square

ing types:a single glazed wall that wrapped

MCH_ 422


- - -- - -

-- -

Sectional models explaining the double skin

MCH_ 423

Future 06 I Folded glazing

Flat pieces of glass fixed at varying angles to create a folded facade

Sectional models through thermal chimney

too many panel t ypes to makeit economi-

that of assembly of the envelope in position

be economicthey need to follow closely the

cal.The building industry is still a long way

on site.

principles of hanging curtain walls from floor

from a complete factory assembled solution

to floor (or supportingthem at their base if

for complex glazed facades on modest scale

W hen the design was almostcomplete, a

this is more efficient). Where facades deviate

projects over the slower site based solution

new digital model was'built' that replicated

from this principle, and becometechnically

with its need for scaffolding.The preference

digitally the work of fabrication and instal-

more ambitious,the supporting structure for

of site-based assembly over unitised methods

lation by a facade contractor.There was no

the facade should still be as straightforward

for small scale complex geometry projects

need to rebuild this as a parametric model

as possible to construct.

makes it important to resolve detailing of

as the inherent complexities in that form of

components and assemblies before tender

modelling can create unnecessary fabrication

Another essential aspect is relative move-

- a complete change of approach required

and installation difficulties for the cladding

ment between parts of the facade, particu-

to suit sit e working methods could drasti-

contractor which, of course, adds an unnec-

larly where facade panels or glazed units are

cally change the design from the visual point

essary extra cost.This new digital model was

supported on different structures, such as

of view.Arguably, factory based methods of

based on a mixture of 2-D and 3-D draw-

where atrium conditions meet adjacent areas

unitised assembly can adapt better to the

ings to ensure the design was resolved as

of structure,and in double facade configura-

demands of facade design, with more tools,

individual components and assemblies that

tions where the inner skin and outer skin are

equipment andtime to assemble facade

corresponded to the required arrangement

constructed in different systems and have

panels or units in more ideal conditions than

in plan and section. For facade systems to

different movement characteristics associated

MCH_ 424

wit h them,as well as movements associated with diffe rent methods of support or points of support between inner and outer skin. Resolution of adjacent facade systems is detailed in a way which makes them economicto fabricate and install, ensuring they are as economic as possible. In addition to a digital model,the folded facades of this project were described a series of flattened elevations in the manner of an 'airfx' type kitof parts.This ensures that the tenderer appreciatesthe level of resolution of the scheme,and that there is little that remains unknown to the contractor, which would otherwise add an inevitable

Sect ional models t hro ugh t hermal chimney

cost to the facades.

MCH_ 425

Future 06 I Folded glazing 3-D view of curved and folded glass comer detail

Details I.Factory assembled untised panel 2. Curved glass (assembled as part of the unitised panel) 3. On site crane 4. Concrete floor slab



Where this project had extemal, or out-

framing members. In both projects the ends

visual distortion across its surface, which

wardly folding, comers, another project used

of the folded glazed walls abutted masonry

takes away the reflections from the curva-

single curved glass to create series of intemal

walls, which used a rainscreen system in

ture, which is one of its main visual charms.

folds in a facade bounded at its edges by

order to allow the glass to terminate with-

Screen printing on curved glass has been

masonry. Here the panels were made as

out a visible frame at its edges. Although sin-

possible for the pastfew years and is starting

unitised panels rather than a site assembled

gle curved glass is cunrently expensive, more

to find its way into mainstream projects. This

sticksystem, allowing the comer to be

glass companies are beginning to provide

allows the spandrel area at floor level to be

formed as a silicone bonded joint. The aim

curvature with tempering of glass, in particu-

concealed, as well as being a means of pro-

here was to provide a glazed wall which did

lar those based in the Middle East and South

viding solar control to single curved glazed

not have a spandrel panel coveringthe floor

East Asia. Although solar protection coatings

wallswithout using only a coatingwith its

zone, so smoke seals were provided imme-

can be applied to single curved glass, there is

characteristic darker appearance.

diately behindthe transom at floor level,

still difficulty in applying Low-E coatings, but

giving a continuous glass appearance. The

this is gradually evolving. An important issue

glass was silicone bonded on all four sides in

in the use of curved glass isto ensure that

order to give sufficient rigidity to the panel

the material can be made without significant

and avoid the need for additional aluminium

MCH_ 426



3-D View of curved and folded glass comer detail

3-D View of curved and folded glass comer detail

Future 06 2 Metal solar shading: louvres and mesh

Investigation s into methods of arranging profil ed louvres to provide varying amou nts of shading.

Mesh options

other materials are being explored.

of the graphic being a key factor, in that the

For this project we looked at proposals for three approachesto the design of

printed on meshes, with 'image resolution'


distance from which the image is viewed is

a 'mesh' screen, t hat is, made from woven

Fabrics, which are flexible in one direc-

metal fabrics and variations on this theme.

tion, are woven with rods or flat strips with

achieve visually subtle results with simple

The three categories are fabrics, printed

wire cables in the opposite direction. They

graphics applied in a darker t one than the

an essential consideration. Printed mesh can

mesh and wind animat ed mesh. The first

feature few seams and simple fastening

base mesh, asshown with tree-like pattems

two types are based on woven meshes, as

techniques. Fabrics which are flexible in two

as shown here.

described in chapter 2, while the third type

directions are woven with cables and flex-

is made differently.

ible rods and are the most cloth-like, and

Printed mesh facades are now being

like the first type, they are easy to transport

produced with incorporated media display

An important consideration in the

to sit e and install. Another fabric type, so-

abilities such as LED (light-emitting diode)

choice of material for this application was,

called 'rigid fabrics' are constructed from

displays for large scale applications. These

in addition to the specific material system

a combinat ion of rigid rods and flat strips

are still relatively expensive however and

to be used, the amount of open area for

that are crimped prior to weaving to give a

obviously require more maint enance than

the meshtype, as this affected the amount

characteristic appearance. Rigid meshes are

regular mesh installations. Illuminated mesh-

of light transmittance through the mate-

made as individual panels rather than in long

es, incorporating simple LED lighting systems

rial. A second factor affecting the choice of

lengths and look more like individual panels.

can also be used during hours of darkness.

Printed mesh

Wind animated mesh

material was the weight, as a heavier material requires a bigger supporting structure. Virtually all the meshes considered were low

Printed meshwas also considered, with

This material system uses an anray of

maintenance, durable and recyclable mate-

varioustreatments being available for use

lightweight tiles which are hung from hinges

rials, which is an advantage of this design

on the architectural meshes mentioned

on their top side, allowing them t o move

approach. The meshes are commonly avail-

above, including shot blasting, etching and

in response to air movement around the

able in stainless steel, aluminium and copper,

spray painting. Virtually any graphic can be

outsideof the building. Wi nd blowing across

MCH_ 428




Various met hod s of using mesh and pro filed louvres to pro vide non- uniform shading

MCH_ 429

Future 06 2 Metal solar shading: louvres and mesh

Shaped mesh panels usedto provide shading

and under the facade causes the tiles to rotate and a rippling effect is achieved along the length of the school in response to the natural environment.

As well ascreating a shading system in a similar wayto fixed mesh, this system brings an animated approach to the facade, allow-

house This altemative to the east facade isto

Design of the metal louvres One of the aspects of the design that

create a glazed double skinned facade, The

was developed in detail was the metal

glazing can be pattemed to provide shading

louvres. Thesewere required to be thin

wit h the void also reducing heat gain into

panels of a natural metal that would weather

the classrooms.

naturally with time. The louvres were large

In this example, the facade system takes

scale; hanging vertically from the top of the

ing components which would usually be

advantage of the double skinned fabric and

building, forward of the extemal wall, to

fixed to respond to the natural environment.

is used in the same way as a green house

provide solar shading. The louvreswere also

for growing plants. These plants will act as

to extend over the roof of the building and

a shading system for the classrooms as well

so neededto support their own weight, as

as an educational resource for the school

well as to resistlive loads, mainly from the

ulated across the length of the facade form-

to grow plants and vegetables within the

wind, Consequently, the louvre forms were

inga contoured surface.


designed asa frame clad in sheet metal,

Profiled louvres The profile of the louvres can be manip-

Louvres can be deeper andthus provide

Plants in double skinned buildings bring

with the frame made from aluminium box

greater shading where necessary along the

several advantages related to the thermal,

sections, bolted to gether. The shape of the

facade while across other areas the depth

aesthetic, psychological, comfort level, and

truss follows that of the metal panels, which

can be varied.

Double skinned facade greenMCH_ 430

sound attenuations as well ascreating a

were SOOmm x IOOOmm, with the fram-

comfortable indoor climate and saving

ing following the ladder-shaped form of a


Vierendeel truss. The sheet metal is secured

Using louvres with changing profiles over the walls and roof of a building can provide varying levels of shading and visual interest along a long facade

Future 06 2 Metal solar shading: louvres and mesh

Above. Environment al analysis can be used to infonm whe re different amount s of shading are required

Abo ve. Louvres can be perforated or solid to pro vide different amount s of shading Left W ind animated til es

to the aluminium truss with a series of con-

would not require the connecting rods to

cealed fixingsto give the appearance of a

be fixed back to t he primary structure of the

patchwork of individual panels rather than a

extemal walls, allowing it to be a completely

continuous smooth metal surface.

self-contained structure, exerting dead loads only at roof level. The principle of using con-

The decision to hang the louvres from




. I I




- ....I




MCH_ 432




I ~



necting rods between louvres was used for

the t op of the building rather than at each

the horizontally-set louvres extending across

floor level was based on the idea of having

the roof, aligning the positio ns of the rods

lightweight metal brackets projecting at each

with joint lines in the glazing below.

floor level to take the lateral (sideways) load of the louvres rather than attempt to support the dead load of the louvres at each

Design of the mesh screens The stainless steel mesh chosen for the

floor level, resulting in a visually lightweight

project was a rigid type, allowing panelsto

supporting structure. Lat eral restraint for t he

be forming without the need for accompa-

facade louvres along the length of the build-

nying structure that would be needed at the

ing were provided by metal rods which were

top and bottom of the wall for a tensioned

connected to the aluminium trusses. A finite

mesh solution. This allowed us to provide

element analysis of the complete structure

a visually lightweight screen that wassup-

demonstrated that the complete structure

ported by an accompanying set of visually


lightweight steel brackets projectingfrom

member was set within the 3000m wide

the extemal walls. These brackets matched

frame. Because the metal louvres and steel

the size of the corresponding brackets on

meshwere supported by a connected series

the facade supporting the metal louvres.

of members, which also fixed backto other

The stainless steel mesh was held in an

steel frames supporting glazed walls and

edgeframe on all four sides and was hung

associated maintenance walkways, an essen-

on a mild steel T-section hanging from the

tial aspect of this design was the inter-con-

building at roof level, again using similar

nected nature of the structural design. No

brackets to those supporting the metal lou-

assembly could be designed in isolation; each

vres. Thesewere IOOmm x SOmm sections

formed part of a linked structural system,

hanging vertically at 3000mm centres which

where movement as the result of wind load

were restrained laterally at floor levels. The

affected a whole series of other assemblies

mesh panels spanned 3000mm horizontally

which shared the effects of these move-

between supports, allowing the panels to

ments. This produced effects of movement

appearto float visually in bands across the

in brackets that madethe adjacent glazed

facade. Because stainless steel mesh cannot

walls move slightly, all of which neededto

span this distance and be used asguarding

be accommodated in the design of the glaz-

for maintenance access due to the deflec-

ing system.

tions beingtoo high, an additional vertical

MCH_ 433

Future 06 3 Triangular panels for twisted facades

Studies w here a complex geometry has been rationalised t o allow it be made up of repeated t riangular panels

O ur investigations of curved, twiste d and fo lded facade surfaces have involved

often correspond to an appro ximat ion of a

examining the geomet ry issues associat ed

fo rm t hat can be opt imised mathemat ically

w it h the se forms. T he arrival of digitally

in order t o increase repeatability of facade

controlled too ls in t he construction industry,

panels or com po nents needed. For example,

w it h information supplied t o th e t ool by

curved forms can be opt imised t o create

com puter generat ed drawi ngs, has allow ed

surfaces set out on t he arc of a circle, sphere

a great er diversity of components, w hich

or torus, in o rder t hat a single panel can

potentially reduces the need fo r standardisa-

be used, allowing t he compl ex fo rm of the

t ion of bot h stick and unitised methods in

envelope to be created from a small number

curtain walling. In pract ice, the introduction

of panel t ypes.

of many more claddi ng panel types of differ-

MCH_ 434

would suit digita l fabrication tec hniques

T his proj ect investigat ed different

ent sizes th at w ill be fitted t ogeth er to form

opt ions for facade geomet ries th at can

a com plex arbit rary form is often wasteful of

accommodat e curves, twi sts, folds and

resources and of material. H ow ever, com-

their comb inat ion. Genera lly for curved

plex forms generat ed by archite cts w hich

surfaces, a soluti on w e have researched is
















• •,



1 / I '



I •

• I

Investigation into how different pattem s of facade panel can maximise efficiency and create a different aesthetic



the use of triangular panels. This has several advantages, as the panels are ableto t ake up a circular geometry in the manner of a geodesic dome, fonmed as a sphere of trian-



gles. Another advantage of this solution is in



adapting to non-standard conditions such as


at facade comers where, for example, panels change in size through the height of a build-



ing as a result of a complex geometry of the building fonm. Two preferred facade systems are being researched for use as triangular panels: a node system similarto that used in large scale stick-built glazed roofs, and a unitised panel system. W e are specifically looking at how they could be usedtogether as a combination of stick and unitised meth-

MCH_ 435

Fut ure 06 3 Triangular pane ls for twisted facades


Studies looking at how a large hexagonal panel might be constructed

ods,with a stick-built node system in areas

complexity arises if a facade has a double

where a standard system cannot be applied

curvature. Unitised cladding panels can be

sented greater challenges when used in

easily, and unitised panels used in main areas.

set in a curve in one direction, as is often

unitised panels that are required to span

This is a departure from the norms of facade

the case with facades curving either in plan

not only from fioor to fioor but alsowhere


or vertically through their height, but two

greater heights are required to be enclosed,

way curving makes it much more difficult to

such as double skin facades which span two

The triangularpanel solution has pre-

use rectilinearpanels which are repeated

fioors at a time. Where triangularpanels are

isthe addition of curves to the surface and

across the facade. The two methods we

around 2.0 metres x 3.5 metres to suit large

tapers to the edges, allowingthe forms

havedeveloped to dealwith such geometry

(relatively economic glass sizes), glazed units

of extemal envelopes to vary over their

is either folds in areas of fiat facade, which

are set either within a largerpanel assembly

height. Where a taper is used, the facade

gives a visual approximation of an overall

or onto a structurally supportingframe, typi-

has panels which are not simply curving out

curvature, or altematively using triangular

callyin mild steel. Regardless of the method

in one direction over their height but are

panels, as pioneered in the domes of Buck-

of panel support, an essential issue in our

tapering as well, resulting in non-standard

minster Fullerduring the 1960s and devel-

research has been in the geometry of panels.

comer conditions. An additional level of

oped as node-based space frames.

Specific issues of weatherproofing as the

Further complexity in twisted facades

MCH_ 436

Ltt' -HJW





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Future 06 3 Triangular panels for twisted facades

A bove. Exploded views of a nodal joint between framing membe rs Below . Diagram showing variat ion in member lengths

MCH_ 438

Above. Sectional view through panel joint Below. Intemal view of panels


result of a need to ensure conrect alignment

W here most node systems are des-

of joints are not discussed here. The fiat

tined for use as stick systems assembled

triangul ar panels designed for economy are

o n sit e, w e have proposed using unitised

required to meet at fold lines. Since folds

panels assembled from node s, wit h only

need to occur o n a plane of infinite thick-

the comer co nditions being sit e assembled .

ness, parts of the panel meeting either for-

Thi s method w ould be used both w here

ward or behind thi s plane will alw ays be out

aluminium framed panels span t wo flo ors

of alignment at the point of intersection . W e

vert ically w it ho ut addit io nal steel suppo rt or

are developing t wo so lut ions for thi s condi-

w here smaller unitised panels are fixed to a

tion: eit her a shadow gap bet ween adjacent

mild steel frame w hich spans t he tw o floo rs

panels or a node connector at th e inte rsec-

in th e same way.

tion of several panels, still using a shadow gap between the edges of adjacent panels.

MCH_ 439

Future 06 4 Twisted panels with flat glass for twisted facades











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Above and left. Investigation into how the geometry of a twisted tower can be broken down into a repeated panel which has a twisted frame but use flatglass.

Left. Twisted roof element Right. Typical structural bay

MCH_ 440


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In dealing with tw ist in facade struct ures

I,EST ELEVJ.TOt,_t 1000

'un-twisted', in orde r to align the roof wit h

a more rectilinear so lution. The structu re was

t hat suppo rt cladd ing panels, we investigated

the floor level forming an atrium space at

twisted back to its actual positio n, and the

the nature of 'twist' as a visual pheno menon.

th e top of the building. The struct ure was

proce ss of adjustment was don e one more

A roof structure that we designed for a tall

th en adjusted t o suit t his position, as if the

t ime. This process of twisting and un-twisting

building is both curved and twisted to cre-

roof structure were to be co nstructed as

t he roof structure allowed us to understan d

ate a complex shape. The roof cove ring

an 'un-twisted' design. The roof structure

t he 'behaviour' of the structure when under-

itself comprises an opaq ue lightweight deck

was then twisted back to its actual posi-

going tw isting from a rectilinear conce pt to a

protected by an outer memb rane. The sup-

t ion, causing distortion in the structure. The

solutio n that both visually expressed the idea

porting structure was required to be visi ble

revised structu re now looked 'twisted' as

of a tw isted structure as we ll as functioning

and formed a 'lid' to t he twisting facade s

opposed to being a tw isted form that had

as an economic and logical structure in its

of the tow er. The roof was de signed by

a more rectilinear solut ion imposed upon

own right.

esta blishing primary points of support on the

it. This new twisted form was then adjusted

suppo rting core as we ll as po ints on the roof

a second time to make it more suita ble as

plane. The se points were then connected

a structure that wo uld carry the loads of a

facade s is created typically by pulli ng one

wit h struts springing from a set of po ints on

roof dec k Triangular structural members

comer of a notio nal flat panel out of plane.

the central structural core of the building to

were added for this purpose. O nce again

As the panels are set together, the y follow

form a series of notional 'tree' structures.

the structure was un-tw isted to align with

the fl oor plate as a straight line of panels at

The roof structure was then re-rot ated, or

t he floor dec k beneath and adjusted to suit

t he floor level, but their twist creates anot her

The geometry of panels in singletwist

MCH_ 441

Future 06 4 Twisted panels with flat glass for twisted facades

- -u



Systems using bolt fixed glazing

stra ight line in th e floor above at a different

W it hin each facade panel, flat double

angle t o th e floor below. Typically, a facade

glazed units can be inserted into straight

tw ists along it s cent re line (w ith vert ically

aluminium pro files by using diagonally cut

set mull ions in mid facade), wit h panels in a

inserts t hat allow the glass t o fit int o a twist-

single floor being of different shape. How -

ed shape. Th is method allows the aluminium

ever, panels set above each other are of a

extrusions used fo r t he framing to follow

single t ype. A s a result, the design of twisted

regular panel construct ion methods that

facades require cont inuit y vert ically in ord er

incorporate standard methods of pro vid-

to make th e panels economic t o manufac-

ing struct ural th erm al breaks, seals, internal

t ure, as th e use of all different panels on any

drainage and ventilation. The all-important

floor obviously req uires more panel types

comer junctio ns of panels are able to meet

th an a typical unitised facade.

w it h smooth mitred jo ints, an aspect of design that w e have explored through the


use of full size physical mock-ups.

MCH_ 442

Possible mthods of creating a twisted panel using fiat glass

MCH 443

Future 06 4 Twisted panels with flat glass for twisted facades

Above. Section through facade Left. Full size mock-ups of cladding panels Below and right. Furtherstudies of roof element

MCH_ 444

MCH_ 445

Future 06 5 Moving shading panels

o o Unligned : both layers of moving system out of alignement

Facade system using several layers of small louvres to provide controllable shading

- exposedwindow area = approx. 30%

The framing of t his design for solar shad-

wall, which hangs from the edge of a slab.

ing panels is fabricated from extruded alu-

The approach allows t he edge of floor slabs

minium profiles, and these can be designed

to serve as an extemal maintenance deck.

for maximum efficiency of material and

resulting in glazing which is economic in cost.

structural connections. This system also makes connections between t he various

The way t he glazing would be construct-

element s quite straightforward, using well

ed would be unitised (preassembled) rat her

established fixings and techniques. The detail

than sit e-assembled. Site-assembled glazing

is designed t o allow for off-sit e prefabrica-

is slow and expensive, whereas the unit ised

t ion of the shading panel 'cassettes' and

method is cheaper and faster, but needs the

simple installation of these panels on site.

repetitio n of panel size that is characteristic

Insulation and cover panels (a reflection of

of larger scale installat ions.

the ceiling grid pattem) are designed to conceal the framing while still providing for ease

The unitised glazed wall t o t he wall

of maintenance access and visual cont inuity.

behind comprises a system where the framing is set extemally rat her than on the interi-

The extemal glazing behind the shading is conceived as 'storefront' glazing, as the

MCH_ 446

or face. This provides a mullion-free int erior that follows the principle of providing unob-

facade would be built like a storefront. from

structed space in t his project. This allows

floor to ceiling, rather t han like a curtain

the floor and ceiling finishes to extend up


Renders showing mov eable shading system from bot h intema l and ext emal views

to the glass, creat ing an elegant space w it hin.


cog w heels that are pow ered by an electri c motor. Each set of moving panels has its own

In order t o maximise daylight tran smission through the facade w hen required, glazing

The extemal shading devices com -

motor linked to operating swit ches set w it hin

exte nds from flo or t o ceiling. Because the

prise prefabricated panels set between the

the office spaces, o perat ed eith er by the user

vert ical structural glazing bars (mullio ns) are

extemal structural column s fixed in fro nt of

or as part of th e BMS (building management

set extemally, the th enmal breaks are set at

the access deck and betw een the extemal

system) . Th e mo ving mechanism for the lou-

th e back of the frame in line w it h t he double

structural column s. Th e system is compri sed

vres is set behind access panels in t he panel

glazed unit s in order to pro vide continuity of

of three layers: one fixed, vert ically set outer

frame in o rder to avo id the effect s of dust,

thenmal insulation.

member, and two mo ving inner members

w hich can affect the smoot h running of the

w hich are set to a variable geom et ry in order


Each of the facade bays w ould be unique.

to cont ro l the amo unt of daylight in the

The shading panels w ill need to connect

building. The fixed vert ical louvre s span from

at different angles w it h differing w idt hs of

floor to floo r and follo w the lines of geom-

louvre elem ent s is con cealed and protected

shading systems. The shading panels fo r

et ry of th e extemal structure of the building.

w it hin t he ext ruded aluminium framing. Shown here is a system based o n an art icu-

the se location s w ill have a bespoke frame to accommodate these variables and allow

The drive mechanism fo r the mo ving

Both fixed and mo ving louvres are made

lat ed chain and spro cket w it h a number of

maximum views out at the comers by mini-

from extruded aluminium sections set into

linked motors. Th e size and specificat ion of

mising the framing. At the comer the fixed

an aluminium suppo rt frame. Th e mo ving

t he motor and atte ndant control systems

vert ical shading sticks w ill meet, to pro vide a

louvres are fixed to a mechanism set int o

would be key t o th e design of the framing.

clean edge th at w ill run up t he length of t he

th e frame, comprising a set of belt s driven by

T he drive system would also ideally need

MCH_ 447

Fut ure 0 6

5 Moving shading panels

" I "


r',l l


" I " I "


" I

J I~

Exploded view showing how a panel incorporating mo veable shading could be constructed

to be as maintenance free as possible, par-

floor heightto a width of around ISOOmm.

ticularly with regards to any potential grit

Each panel is assembled, glazed and sealed


in the factory, then delivered to site in batches of 10or 12at a time by truck. Each

The facade is installed in phases in order

Shading panels are fixed onto brackets secured to the upper surface of the access

unitised panel is lifted either by a monorail

deck. Like the brackets for the unitised

to provide a sealed enclosure to the inte-

set onto the edgeof a floor deck further up

glazing, they are fixed and aligned ready to

rior spaces as quickly as possible, allowing

the building, or is lifted by machine on the

receive the unitised shading panels, ensur-

the extemal shading to be installed after

floor itself if this proves to be difficult. Panels

inga fast installation time that minimises its

floor areas have been sealed, and without

are then lifted into position on the floor

effect on adjacent installation operations.

interfering with installation work inside the

deck and secured at both floor and at soffit

Once shading panels are installed, the col-


levels at the top and bottom of the panels

umn faces are covered wit h thermal insula-

with brackets which are already fixed and

tion and clad wit h precast cladding panels

aligned. Each panel is fixed to the next until

fixed from both the access deck and from

installed by first liftingthem by crane as uni-

the complete floor is enclosed. Floors are

a cradle hungfrom above. W hen this work

tised (factory made) panels onto the floor

typically enclosed from the bottom upward

is complete, the adjacent access deck is

plates, where they are laid out adjacent to

to follow the construction of the primary

covered in thermal insulation after which the

where they will be fixed. Panels are made


wearing material of the deck is applied as

The extemal glazed walls would be

MCH_ 448

D etailed studies of the mechanical systems t hat might be used to make layers of louvres mo ve

well asslab edge and related soffit cladding.

to the site to be lifted directly to the floors

All this work can proceed independently of

where installation is needed.

ing condition for the mid season with the volumes in place of proposed surrounding

installat ion works within the building. The unitisedglazed panels would be Prefabricated panels for the glazing and

Studies showed a typical solar shad-

fabricated on an assembly line in the classic

buildings. While this study demonstrated that lower floors of the tower would require

the solar shading would be fabricated typi-

mannerto ensure that quality controlled

little shading at this time of year, the system

cally by a fabricator licensed by an intemal

panels are assembled and glazed, ready for

is designed to be variable, and adaptto the

curtain walling company. Several such com-

installation on site. The shading panels would

specific requirements of each area of facade.

panies exist,m aking this method economic

be made in a similar way, wit h extruded

and easier to manage as a supply chain from

aluminium frames being assembled with the

A shading analysis indicated that solar

factory, to temporary storage, to delivery to

louvres in place. The electric motors would

shading was needed on all facades t o reduce

sit e. Since the panels will be installed quickly

have a switch point set within the panel

the effects of solargain at different times of

on site, they would need to be prefabricated

ready for connection to the wiring installed

the year. In the winter season, all facades

in large quantity prior to delivery to sit e. The

on site that would run to the intemal swit ch-

experience low angle sun except the north

size of the site will probably require panels

es. All panels would be t ested for movement

eastelevation, which receives almost no sun.

to be delivered directly from the storage

prior to delivery to site.

facility (which might also be in the factory)

The effectiveness of the louvres in their

MCH_ 449

Fut ure


5 Moving shading panels

Sectional and exploded views of louvre shading system

various positions would vary across the span

be required to control the movement of

allow for easy access t o the drive mechanism

of a day, over the year and on the differ-

louvrest o be in t heir most effective align-

for maintenance purposes. The aluminium

ent facades. Generally on the east and west

ment at any given time.

frame can have hinged panels designed into

facing facades the aligned louvreswould provide better shading as the deep fins

The drive system and attached control systems are installed off-sit e duringthe

assembly to allow for this access. To simplify control systems and reduce the potential

are effective against the low sun hitting the

facade panel construction. Connections to

number of motors needed, the drive system

facades at an oblique angle. On the sout h

the moving louvre systems and maintaining

could be geared to vary the range of move-

the unaligned louvres function better as they

a strong fixing for ease of movement will be

ment and speed of the attached louvres.

provide more of a horizontal element which

paramount in the design. The prevention of

helps to block out the higher sun at an angle

sand or grit infiltrating the mechanism must

perpendicular to the facade.

also be a primary design consideration.

The primary access to cleaning the shading panels is from the access deck, which is effectively a continuation of the floor slab

The building management system would

MCH_ 450

The aluminium framing would need to

out of the building. The shading devices pro-

Analysis of the shading effectsof small, moveable louvres

vide a full height balustrade for day-to-day

either from a cradle which is lowered from

safety brackets would be barely visible on

access, but if a panel is partly dismantled for

roof level, or by fonming the shading panels

the facade,

maintenance, then an alternat ive 'balustrade'

as vertically hinged panels which can be

device is needed. W hen shading panels are

opened inwards into the areaoccupied

3S00mm panel would be divided into a pair

In the hinged panel option, each

removed, maintenance staffare secured

by the access deck, from which it can be

of 17S0mm wide hinged leaves. Since each

by their body harness to a safety line set at


panel is set approximately ISOOmm in front

In the cradle option, a cradle approxi-

of the glazed facade, panels can be rotated

floor level beneath the curtain wall transom,

mately three metres long by 7S0mm wide

to almost 90 degrees so that they are per-

ensuring that access users cannot be tripped

could serve each bay of shading panels as it

pendicularto the access deck, where they

by the wire itself.

is lowered from the top to the bottom. The

can be freely accessed without the need for

cradle would be temporarily secured in small

a cradle. Maintenance staffwould, of course,

ring brackets set into the facade every two

be secured by the safety line set at floor

fioors vertically, in the classic manner. These


deck level. The safety line is a cable set at

The external face of the shading panels can be accessed by one of two options:

MCH_ 451

Future 06 6 Precast concrete panels for facades of complex geometry

Structural in-situreinforced concrete backingwall with precast concrete cladding

T he work done on thi s facade system focu sed on the nat ure of th e precast concrete panels to suit cur ved planes.These w ere considered as options as follow s:


A single structural wa ll w ith ther-

mal insulation set on the inner face. 2.

A diaphragm wa ll,t hat is to say.

an' inner and o uter reinforc ed concrete w all linked toget her str ucturally across an inner


layer of t her mal insulati on.


A n inner structural wallwith outer

cladding panels and insulation set bet ween t he inner structural w all and the outer cladding.

Given th e geometric, structural and construction parameters. an in-sit u concrete structural wall with precast cladding panels w as considered t o be t he most appropriate solution from the point of view of ease of constru ction.

MCH_ 452

Rendered views of large precastconcrete claddingpanels.

Exploded, sectional views showing thefixing system for large precast concrete cladding panelswith structural reinforced concrete wall behind This option was explored by looking

The methods of panel fabricat ion. includ-

at how panels could be divided into sizes

ingthe type andthickness of insulation to be

equatingto around SOOOkg. allowing them

used. would need to be investigated with all

to be lifted with a regular sit e-based crane.

the likely suppliers of these panels.The focus

Alternatively. panels could be fixed either in

of this investigation would be as local to the

the factory to form part of the inner struc-

site as possible, due to the high costs associ-

tur al wall, or be sit e fixed in the manner of

ated wit h transporting precast panels over

stone cladding panels.

significant distances. Since building systems are in continual development in all industr-

The useof concrete cladding panels in

ialised countries. some companies would be

the third option provided protection for

interested in advancingtheir skills in order

thermal insulation and protection to the

to meet the needs of the project;this is

joints between structural walls behind from

already the approacht aken by leading facade

risk of rainwater penetration.The cladding

contractors.Development of the facade sys-

panels also have the advantage of concealing

tems would need to be undert aken so that

the variability of joint width associated with

the design is able to accommodate a range

loadbearing reinforced concrete walls,

of specific solutions from different precastbased companies.

MCH 453

Future 06 6 Precast concrete panels for facades of complex geometry In addition to the design work of generic systems,the design of all facade systems would need to co-ordinate with building codes with particular regard to wind pressures experienced by the buildings. In addition, CFD studies (computational fluid dynamics studies) would need to be undertaken with computer software to establish any likely areas of high wind pressure in order to understand the effects of wind behaviour on the facades. Precast concrete panel Finished panel stepped areas

Individual precast panels The panels would be castoff-site using curved latex mouldsto create the form for each panel.This formwork could be reused to create repeated panels across the complete facades. Each individual panel has a thickness of around ISOmm and would weigh in the region of five tonnes, but which could be broken down into smaller sections to ease construction if needed. In order to support these large panels metal hangers would be cast into the concrete.These would aid both in liftingthe panels into place on the facade as well as fixing backto the structure behind. Spacer bolts would also be cast in and will tie the panels backto the structural wall behind particularly aiding in supporting the panels at inclined areas on the facade.

Rubber mould Base formwork

Glazed openings within precast panels The glazed openings comprise double glazed unitsthat would be set on the inside face of the panels to maximise the depth of the reveals to the openings, as is common in masonry and concrete-based construction.

Panel types An essential issue in the design of the panel was to ensure that they could be of different types without adding significantly Rendered views showing process of precast concrete panel

to cost. It was found that panels can be of different length for straight and curved panels of the same radius by using moulds where edge restraint s could slide, held in

MCH_ 454

Ribbon mould sections


Window moulds

" Base fo


Additional decorative profiles


Rendered views show ing process of precast concrete panel

MCH_ 455

Future 06 6 Precast concrete panels for facades of complex geometry




Explod ed views of precast conc rete wall panels w ith thermal insulation on the inside face

place by fixed restraints o n the o pposite two

was found to be much more eco nom ic to

forcement fo r t he complet e pane l in place ,

sides.This is usually possible only with steel

create surface textures on t he face of t he

then tu rning the cast face over while curing

mo ulds, which are used many t imes in t he

concrete t han to create a relief of different

in order to cast t he ot her face t o form a

manufacture of precast conc rete panels, but

depths of concrete ,t hough the addition

str ucturally int egral corn er panel.

are usually fabricat ed by specialist com panies

of smaller cast concrete elements to th e

rather than by precast comp anies, who make

finis hed surface of the panel can be a more

Anot her essent ial aspect of t he design of

mo ulds typically for straightforward panel

cost effective method of creating a rich sur-

precast concrete panels is how they are lift-

shapes on ly.

face pattern that can cast shadows as well as

ed into place.W here the y are set onto or in

provide te xture .

front of con crete floor slabs,th e fixing meth -

Sculpted relief in the surface of the panel was found to be difficult to undertake, and

od is relat ivelystraightfo rward, as panels can It was found that corner panels for the

be set o nto brackets fixed to the floor slab,

was therefore ex pensive due to the amo unt

curved types can be cast wit h one face up

either on the vert ical edge , or on the surface

of mater ial needed to create the ext ra

to around 200mm long when formed as

of the floo r slab itself Where the panels are

material, typically wit h moulded rubber but

a single pane l.Corner panels wit h longe r

used as a facing to backing wall, eit her in

also wit h CNC-cut polymer board of a type

lengths on each face are made in two pieces,

reinfo rced concrete o r in a different material,

similar to that used for the rmal insulation. It

fi rst by casting o ne side wit h the stee l rein-

bracket s can be more difficult t o reac h when

MCH_ 456

Sectional views showing precast concrete cladding panels with structural reinforced concrete backing wall faced with thermal insulation

Exploded view s of precast concrete w all panels w it h thermal insulation on the inside face

they are fixed in place. Brackets must be fixed in a way that is easy to reach w hen the panel is required to be fixed from the front. Associated with the fixings is the method of lifting panels into place so that the lifting hooks fixed to the panels can be removed w hen secured. Panels w hich are cur ved vertically are required to be manoeu vred from both top and bottom in most instances in order to reach their position on the w all.T he overall shape of the panel and positioning of the lifting hooks on the back of the panel can be adjusted so that the panel can be lifted into place w it hout the need to rotate the panel horizontally.

MCH_ 457

Future 06 7 Glazing systems with integral solar shading

Rendered views a cladding system wit h integated louvres



Enviro nmental considerations Proposals for this project were based around the idea of providinga new facade for an existing building that would allow the existing natural ventilation of the buildingto be maintained and to be improved in terms of performance. In addition. t he facade would also provide enhanced solar shading which is provided only by intemal blinds in the existing facade. The options were designed to achievethis within a single facade rather than a double facade in order to be both economic and to allow users a direct link to the outside air which rises only a few floors above its neighbours.

MCH_ 458

The louvres are an integral part of each glazing panel and provide both shading and protect against the wind so that windows can be opened up the ful height of the building

An obvious disadvantage with opening lights in buildings above two or three storeys is the effect of wind gusts, which make high level opening windows difficult to use. Whil e trickle vents can provide minimum levels of air replacement. as used in dwellings, they cannot replace the control and comfort associated wit h opening windows. The design options that were developed used baffles which create local eddies and zones of turbulence that draw wind away from areas immediately adjacent to opening windows. These baffles also provide solar prot ection but their different requirements are balanced in the design.

MCH_ 459

Future 06 7 Glazing systems with integral solar shading

Computer generated views of a proposal where louvres buck and twist to provide different levels of shading across the building

A 3-D digital model of the existing build-

Levels of daylight in the existing building

Infonmation for insulation, daylighting,

ing and its surroundings was created in order

were studied with a digital model in order

average operating temperature, shadow

to understand the response of the building's

to understand the effect of introducing solar

and CFD (wind) analysis is gathered into

facade to insolation, that is to say its solar

shading on intemal daylight levels. It was

a spreadsheet in order to understand the

gain, aswell as the solar shadihg provided

established that although the existing build-

effect of changes in one or several of the

by the adjacent buildings. It was found that

ing enjoyed high levels of natural daylighting,

environmental design parameters. The

the existing building experiences significant

there is an attendant solargain which reduc-

design matrix allows different design options

amounts of insolation on all four facades.

esthe benefits of high intemal daylight levels.

for the new facades to be compared both in

Consequently, a new extemal envelope

This infonmation provided sufficient data for

tenms of their relative perfonmance aswell

would need to deal with the effects of solar

a thenmal comfort diagram which illustrated

as the effect of making changes of geometry

the need for greater levels of thenmal insula-

within the facade options themselves.

gain on all four sides of the building.

tion in the extemal walls.

MCH_ 460


, I

Facade options One solution consists of cast glass channels which are used to create both translucent and opaque areas of wall around opening windows. This concept is essentially one of replacing the existing windows and


Above right. printed model of facade Abo ve and below . Computer generated views of t wisting louvres

substituting the facade panels above and below windows with a facade build-upthat provides greater levels of thennnal insulation as well as a greater mix of translucency than is achieved by the current facade. This would allow the building to maintain its high levels of natural daylighting of intemal spaces while increasing the level of thennnal comfort. This option would also reduce heat loss to the outside as well as controlling solar gain during summer months. From a visual point of view, the timber framed windows contrast with the three dimensional effect of the glass planks with their glass flanges being visible from the outside. A timber framed backing wall to the glass planks fonnns a continuity with the timber framed openingwindows. W indows would typically be sliding, allow-

MCH_ 461

Futu re 06 7 Glazing systems w ith int egral solar shading

Close-up view s of t wisting louvres

ingthem to be wider than hinged windows,

rather than from primarily visual considera-

following the environmental 'facade map'

with their vertical edges providing control-

t ions. Louvre blades are set horizontally to

for this option. This option is based on a

lable amounts of ventilation. The use of tim-

suit protection from a primarily high angle

framing system of variable depth that can

ber allows separate vents to be incorporated

sun, while vertically arranged blades suit

respondto varying amounts of solar gain as

easily and economically into the windows,

protection for low angle sun. Louvre panels

well ascontrolling daylight levels, which in

avoiding the need to open windows in win-

are set forward of sliding windows set into a

tum affectsthe operating temperature of

ter, and using the vents instead to introduce

curtain walling systemthat uses metal faced

intemal spaces. Blending t hese requirements

fresh air from outside. Castglass planks can

panels above and below windows.The

with reducing wind pressure on openable

also be set into framed windows in order to

modular nature of the facade construction

windows is achieved by using the framing

provide greater protection from the effects

lends itselfto prefabricated construction,

as aerofoilsto move points of high pressure

of wind when windows are opened. Planks

wit h unitised panels having the louvres fixed

and any associated turbulence to other parts

are positioned so as t o avoid difficulties in

to the glazed panels in the factory.

of the facade.

cleaning the facades from the outside. The approach taken in two further

The second of thesetwo options has

options is of providing a framing to the

a continuous folding strip of shading which

panel types that provide different transpar-

glazed walls which serves as both solar shad-

either forms an integral part of the window

ency and orientation. Panels are set out from

ing and as a wind baffle to opening windows.

wall or altematively is set slight ly forward

an environmental 'facade map' of overlaid

In one of these options the inclined fram-

of it. The strip projects outwards from

solar shading and wind baffle requirements,

ing members formingthe vertical lines are

the facade where solar shading from high

Another option uses a set of louvre

which provides an arrangement of panels

orientated to optimise and balance require-

angle sun is required, and flattens against

derived from these specific requirements

ments of solar shading and wind protection,

the facade where either more daylight is

MCH_ 462

required, less wind protection is needed, or a combination of these factors. This option directs air up and down the facade following

Above. Sectional view through facade

preliminary CFD (wind) analysis studies. The angle of the curving solari wind baffles varies from vertical, to suit low angle sun, to horizontal, to suit high angle sun, as used in the louvered option.

The final option is primarily a structural solution, allowing the facade to be supported from the ground rather than from slab edges as per conventional curtain walling. The facade structure forms a set of int erlinking arches that also provide solarshading. Additional members have been added at upper levels to provide shading in more exposed parts of the building.

MCH_ 463

Future 06 8 Stick glazing for double facades

Views of clamp fixed glazi ng facade with PV covered shading fins

The design options for the glazed envelope of this project are based on cladding

smaller pods which can use projecting areas of framing to provide solar shading. The grid

a form set out on two intersecting surfaces

is set up by mapping points on the facade

that together form a curved structure. The

that map the levels of solarradiation experi-

cladding was designed to be supported on

enced over a 12month cycle. These points

a structural grid of approximately 10 metres

are joined in a grid, then the linesjoiningthe

x 10metres, which could be formed in dif-

points are intersected by lines which meet

ferent ways: asa grid shell, as a set of tied

t o form a set of lineswhich are as far as

arches, or as a combination of arches and

possible from each of the points. These lines

grid shell.

are in tum intersected where they meet to form another irregular grid with points set

The first design uses a Voronoi grid gen-

MCH_ 464

at the centre of each new panel formed.

erated from a 'point cloud' of solar gain envi-

The Voronoi grid of panels forms the shape

ronmental data. Visually this can be seen as a

of the facade cladding panels, which are set

parallel to the wings of an insect, where ele-

onto a grid formed from mild steel tubes

ments of the primary structure of the wing

which are welded together. These frames

are linked by secondarymembers that form

are fixed backto the primary structure set at

an inregular web-like grid. Essentially, areasof

10metre x 10metre centres. The two sides

the facade experiencing high overall amounts

of glazed structures reveal very different

of solar radiation over a year are made into

shading pattems on the facades, providing a

Rendered images showing curved steel structure which supports glazed panels

MCH_ 465

Future 06 8 Stick glazing for double facades

Imagesor a system wrucn uses a racaae


oasea on a voronoi panem to support Irregular snapec



visually rich mixof grids when seen through

smooth curve without the need for curva-

of one metre. The curved elements are tied

the depth of the building. as experienced

ture across the surface of the glass. Glass

together with stainless steel cables that cre-

at night. Whe re the Voronoi grid of facade

panels are secured with clamped fixings.

ate a facetted facade that has a curved sup-

panels covers the lines of primary structure,

with silicone joints between the panels. This

porting structure. The cables are tensioned

the glass curves over it in order to reduce

ensures t hat rainwater flows across the face

against the primary structure set on an

the distance of the glass from the primary

of the facade unrestricted by glazing bars

irregular 10 met re x 10 metre grid. Glazing

structure, which makes it more efficient. The

that would project forward of the glass,and

is supported on point fixed glazing to allow

curving of the glass creates a 'wave' effect

impede the flow of water across such a large

the four glazed panels to be seated differ-

across the surface of the facade. The glass

surface area.

ently where they meet at the comers. Since the panelswill meet at different angles and

has a double curvature along one side only, while the glass above and below the area

The second design uses curved tubular

on slightly diffe rent planes where they meet,

of the curve that fonms the wave is flat. The

members anranged in a way that reduces

large scale nature of the glazed envelope

spans of the glass to less than two metres

set independently of its neighbouring fixings.

ensures that flat panels will provide a visually

in length. while maintaining a constant width

This method of fixing glazing is in contrast to

MCH_ 466

the bolt fixings allow each glass panel to be

Above. Detail of the supporting structure including a curved lapped panel

Left. Overview of voronoi pattem Below. Details supporting structure

MCH 467

Fut ure 06 8 Stick glazi ng fo r do uble facades

Images of a solution where the primary structure is set out on a roughly 10m x 10m grid but secondary supports w hich hold the glass patt em s take up a more organic shape and allow glass panels I m w ide

patch fixings used in clamped glazing, where

vide a visually dynamic relationship between

The fourth design is based on the use of

the alignment of glass is neededto accom-

the tiled panels. The glazing is fixed backto a

parallelogram-shaped glazed panels which

modate this simplerfixingtype.

set of mild steel tubes which span between

have triangular-shaped perforated metal

primary structural members, using point fix-

panels set above them to provide solar

ings set in the centre of each panel. The gap

shading. The shape of the shading panels

glazed panels which are lapped over one

between adjacent panels is sealed with a

varies according to its location and the

another to accommodate both movement in

metal faced insulated panel which is held in

amount of solarcontrol needed in relation

the supporting structure as well as deal with

compression by the fixing bolts for the glaz-

to the levels of daylight required within the

dimensional variat ion in the structural grid

ing. and secured with mechanical fixings to

building. The mixed requirements of solar

across the structure. This approach allows

ensure its correct positioning. This approach

shading and daylighting are determined by

panels to lap over one another by varying

allows glazed panels to move independently

both the geometry of the shading panels and

amounts to take up differences in module

to one another as a result of structural and

the percentage of perforation of the metal

size rather than use panels of many different

thermal movement.


The third design comprises a set of

sizes. Double glazed units are curved in one direction and cut along curved lines to pro-

MCH_ 468

. "












Images showing clamped glazing fixings

MCH 469

Future 06 9 Shingled glazing for facades of comp lex geometry

/ /


Lapped shaped glazing panels supported off a 10mx IOm primary structuregrid

climate conditions. The 'mat erial system' is of the project that could be communicated

not only the physical properties and meth-

seen in new projects of complex geometry

to cladding contractors, avoidingthem hav-

ods of working with a particularmaterial but

is in the useof digital fabrication techniques

ingto become involved in the early problem

also the rules of useof a particularfacade

for physical modelling and rapid prototyp-

solving issues raised by havingtwo dimen-

system in a given material. How a facade

ing, allowing an investigation of issues of

sional drawings supplied by designers at

system is drained, ventilat ed, and deals wit h

climate with environmental design software

the tender stage. We think that the useof

variations in temperature as a result of cli-

using different design options. This project

three dimensional modelling with parametric

mate conditions, are fundamental aspects of

involved the development of a methodology

modelling tools, which can be linked directly

facade design that digital fabrication allows

that allowed us to usea common method

to manufacturing, will have a big influence

a greater appreciation of duringthe design

The biggest developmentthat can be

of working from the start of a project to its

on facade design in the comingyears. We

stage before tender. This digital fabrication

completion. For this reason we used compu-

considerthat the use of digital fabrication

may be canried out with facade specialists or

ter software programmes that ranged from

should not be used simply as a method of

cladding contractors before tender as well as

environmental design, to three dimensional

making the manufacturing process easier,

when the project moves into the first phase

CAD , surface modelling, structural analysis

but as a tool that allows designers to better

of working drawings, before the contractor

and parametric geometry. This combination

understand the 'material system' used for a

starts his fabrication drawings.

of digital tools allowed us to build a model

project and how it can respondto specific

MCH_ 470

Overview of apped shaped glazing panel system

MCH_ 47 1

Future 06 9 Shingled glazing for facades of complex geometry

Detailed rendered view of lapped panels

In terms of materials, the use of timber as a primary material for engineered facade

the lighter insulated sandwich panels that

of facades as non-loadbearing cladding. The

systems has increased significantly over the

combine the advantages of prefabrication

use of 'cladding', asopposed to loadbearing

pastfive years. This is in part due to its pop-

with the equal advantages of site fabrication

walls, has come to dominate architectural

ularity in housing, where the general public

that suits non-standard facade conditions.

design, partly due to the fact that build-

are beginning to see new homes asan engineered 'kit of parts'that can be adapted to

ing envelopes are required to provide high Another application of digital fabrica-

levels of thermal insulation, which can be

suit context and climate. The techniques of

tion techniques is in concrete formwork

provided by wrappingthe building in an insu-

using laminated timber panels and sections

made from a combination of polymer foam

latinglayer over the face of anyvisible struc-

are now infiuencing largerscale structures. In

materials andtimber. This new generation

ture. The introduction of thermal insulation

common with some other materials, timber

of formwork is being developed to pro-

within structural materials, rather than over

lends itselfto digital fabrication, delivered

vide greater sculptural effects in reinforced

them, has allowed the possibility of structure

to site in fiat packform as prefabricated

concrete structures and facades both in

being used both as a structural and visible

panels. The advantage of timber to date has

reinforced concrete andthe emerging useof

part of the facade design where its benefits

been in its high strength to weight ratio, but

fibre reinforced concrete. Consequently, we

of thermal mass can once again be used.

the solidtimber panels are of course much

are seeing in our work a gradual interest in

Another areaof research we are

heavier. We are researching a combination

loadbearing facades in reinforced concrete,

engaged in is in the development of 'mini-

of these heavierlaminated elements with

a move awayfrom the contemporary use

Above. Section showi ng sealed connection between panels

Future 06 9 Shingled glazing for facades of complex geometry

Detailed rendered view of lapped panels

testing' for water tightness of small scale

of testing at the level of small scale assembly

aimed at allowing the design of facades to

facade samples. This research aims to allow

were available. This will allow a 'pattem of

incorporate issues of thermal insulation and

usto perform rudimentarywat ertightness

behaviour' to be established for variations to

of a response to climate while maintaining

tests on prototypes quickly and cheaply,

a facade system rather than attempt to opti-

high levels of technical performance. The

permitting more teststo be done (with

mise a design completely before a single full

increased use of natural ventilation, rather

approximate results) and allowing changes

test is carried out, where only a 'pass' or 'fail'

than mechanical vent ilation, is driving facades

to the design to be explored through a

can be registered. Consequently, the design

to draw in air in controlled ways around

series oftested mock-ups that reveal the

of the cladding is not investigated under test

buildings. Increasedthermal insulation is

behaviour of facade systems when their

conditions but rather the quality of fabrica-

reducing dependency on fossil fuels, as much

design is changed. Current test rigs for

tion and assembly that ensures the chosen

lower amounts of heating required in build-

facades are large, specialised and expensive

design performs successfully. The 'mini-test'

ings can be generated by altemative means.

to operate. This approach tends to favour

would be a design tool as much as a verifica-

Techniques of mastering the increased

as few detailing conditions as possible being

tion to ol. Since a rapid prototyped mock-up

geometric complexity of facades, informed

created in the facade design in order to sim-

can be made quickly, follow-up tests could

by the generation of air movement, can be

plify a taskthat is difficult to explore three

be arranged soon after by modifying the

translated to economic production through

dimensionally, either technically or visually.

design, 're-print ing' the model andtesting

the use of rapid prototyping and digital fab-

The simplification of the design results in

again accordingly.


a more conservative and less exploratory approach than would be taken if a method

MCH_ 474

These future developments are all

Physical mode]of facade using pieceslasercut with data exported directly from the computer model

MCH_ 475

Future 06 10 Variable concrete panels for so lar shading

Rendered view of a structural facade w hich also pro vides shading.

Biomimetics and do uble skin facades in cool climates

'structure' and 'skin' from which its complete

tion as well as to allow larger buildings to

body is formed. There is no separate 'head'

be naturally venti lated rather than relying on mechanical ventilation systems.

A recent trend in contemporary archi-

or 'feet'; rather the creature has a stnucture

t ecture, responsible for twisted and folded

adapted locally to suit particular body func-

geometric forms, is that of biomimetics.


Whe re most 'modem' architecture can be

This observation from nature has been

The use of double skin facades has led facades beingshaped t o suit particular requirements such as encouraging air move-

regarded asa collage of separate volumes

used in the design of buildings which display

ment in a space that uses natural ventila-

and objects linked as a formal composition,

a cont inuity of form, such as where a single

tion. Another reason for visually sculpting a facade is in order t o optimise t he form to

biomimetic-inspired architecture looks to

expression is used for both wall and roof in

the natural world for inspiratio n, where living

a visually complex solution. In such designs,

reduce the amount of energy that wo uld be

creatures are made from a single material

the outer wall is often separated from the

required to temper the space, typically by

'system' (like a mass produced component)

inner wall, which responds t o specific func-

making t he volume between inner and outer

that makes local adjustments to its form

tional requirements within the building. The

skins wider at the floor level then narrower

where changes are needed, rather than cre-

resulting double skin facade typically uses

at the to p. Wh ere adjacent spaces are linked

ate a different form. An example in nature is

the zone between the inner and outer walls

vertically, such as in superimposed atriums,

the earth worm, which has a single system of

to provide higher levels of thermal insula-

the overall form of the building envelope

MCH_ 476

Some of the o~enings are filledwith a mesh which provides increased amounts of shading. This treatment would depend on the function of the areas behind the facade.




Future 06 10 Variable concrete panels for so lar shad ing

O pt ion for a facade using organic forms in reinforced concrete to create a structural facade aro und a curved building. A bove. Views of a section of facade Left. O verview of system over an ext ended area of the facade

might be twisted, curved or folded. For

the summer conditions experienced in tem-

of an outer glazed wall, an overall form of

the design of facades, the definit ion of this

perate climates. For most of the year, glazed

complex geometry can result from shading

geometry and the form of facade construc-

double skin facades are impractical due to

that is set specifically to respond to the path

tion used become primary issues for the

a high build-up of heat that would occur

of the sun. Wh ile external shading devices

facade designer. This project for an external

behind a sealed outer glazed skin that would

often present fewer technical challenges than

shading system sets out a proposal where

not be mechanically ventilated. Consequent-

complex geometries for sealed facade panels,

variation in the shading is provided within a

ly, where two glazed skins are provided,

the visual aspect presents issues for architects

variable geometry of the external shading of

the outer skin serves only as solar shading

and engineers. Again, a biomimetics-inspired

a building in a hot, humid climate.

set forward of a sealed glazed wall. W here

architectural approach allows the facade to

external shading devices have been intro-

be viewed as an organism made up of a small

duced in this region, significant reductions

number of components which have local var-

have been made in the cooling requirement

iations of that system as a response to specif-

plex geometries in sealed or ventilated dou-

for mechanical ventilatio n within the buildings

ic climate-based needs. Fixed shading devices

ble facades is finding a parallel in facadesfor

when compared to the classic solutio n of a

are designed typically t o be opt imised t o suit

hot climates. In such conditions the wint er

curtain wall with reflective glass.

a range of conditio ns thro ughout the year. In

External shading in hot climates The approach taken in exploring com-

conditions correspond, to some extent, to

MCH_ 478

W here shading devices are used forward

our work, this is done by making studies of


Structural facade system using a regular diagonal grid in reinforced concrete

insolation and daylight levels throughout the

beneficial in conditions where glazed facades

year and setting shading devices at different

were exposed to the effects of the sunfor

fixed angles to follow the path of the sun

only part of the day. Generally, mechanically

in a position that would provide as much

operated shading was found to have little

protection as possible throughout the year.

benefit in highly exposed conditions where

In practice this has meant that the shading is

the systemwould consume more energy

least efficientfor low angle wint er sun in the

to operate than the conresponding saving

early aftemoon, but this situation is assisted

in mechanical vent ilat ion from the reduced

by int emal blinds which, although not pro-

solargain. However, on facades which expe-

viding any reduction in heat gain, reducethe

rience direct solar radiation for only part

effects of glare duringthis period.

of the day, we found that a mechanically

W e have also explored the idea of

operated shading system can be beneficial

using motorised shading in order to better

in reducing the energy load for mechanical

exclude solar radiation at different times

ventilation within a building.

of year in facade projects located in hot climates. This approach was found to be

MCH 479

Fut ure 06 10 Variable concrete pane ls for so lar shad ing

Above and below. Perforated louvres which are moveableallow the shading to track the sun offering maximum protection at different times of day. The horizontal setting shown below would be effective against a high sun whilst the sit uation above when the sun is lower.

MCH_ 480

A bove and below. Shading screens w hich can be moved to pro vide more or less shading depending on t he function or user inside a space.

MCH_ 481

Future 06 I I Structural facades of complex geometry

A grided pattem of members provides both shading and structural support to the facade

This project was a design to integrate

most of the teaching day, creating a striking,

It was decided that timber would suit

an extemally-set loadbearing structure with

fluid form over the entirety of the extemal

this principle, creating a material system wit h

a system of solar shading. The structure is


the flexibility of fabrication and ease of instal-

based on a design of interlocking arches, forming a structure similar in construction to

lation to matchthe required physical form. The density and spacing of the structural

Metal was considered as altemative, but the

a gridshell used for roofs. In environmental

members was adjusted in different areas of

ease of jointing in timber, combined with its

terms,the design worlks like a set of extemal

the facadeto provide varying levels of day-

economy, made it a preferable solution.

louvres set in front of a wall wit h significant

light penetration. The depth of the individual

areas of glazed wall. In this case, the facade

members was also varied over the structure

behind is approximately 50% glazed in order

In terms of solar shading, the effective-

to accommodate different lighting require-

ness of the 'louvre' pattem across this west

to provide adequate daylight into teach-

ments. In addit ion, the structure provides a

facing facade varies depending on the time

ing areas of an academic environment. The

frame which could support panelised meshes

of year. In the summer months the louvres

extemal structure serves as a complete

to act as devices for localized solar shading

are not very effective in the late aftemoon.

shading element that allows light to enter

and control of daylight.

This is particularly true in the areas of the

but blocks the sun in the mid season for

MCH_ 482

facade where the louvres are more widely

The structure becom es more dense towards the top of the building which provides more shading and visual variatio n across the facade

MCH 483

Future 06 I I Structural facades of complex geometry ,, ,, ,

. .


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A solution w hich uses a grid of curved members as bot h shading and structure

spaced. They are much more effective dur-

The idea of the structural facade was

ing winter although there are still areas with

continued asa non-loadbearing screen of

is lower, the roof is virtually fully shaded

high levels of direct sunlight in lower parts

louvres across the roof of the building, pro-

with almost no direct sunlight falli ng on it.

of the building, but the large sports spaces

viding limited solarshading t o large areas

In the summer, however, the roof is almost

at this level made the need for shading less

of glazed roof immediately beneath the

constantly exposed t o the much higher sun.

acut e, providing a more direct link with the

shading. The shading effect of the louvres

This exposure was reduced by making the

experience of the adjacent extemal sports

set above the roof provides an even greater

louvres higher which increased their effec-


variation in its overall performance over

tive shading depth combined with increas-

a year than the adjacent west facing wall.

ing the frequency of the louvres locally to

MCH_ 484

During the winter months, when the sun

Sectional view\; th rough t he structural facade

shade areas beneath that required it. Both

rounding buildings. O nly in the moming on

on the supporting structure aswell as the

these solutions resulted in a decrease of

the east facade and afternoon on the west

adjacent external walls, which was addressed

the amount of daylight entering the atri um

facade during t he winter months does sig-

in a number of ways. A smooth concrete

spaces below, although the reduction would

nificant shading occur and this shading does

finish can be achieved as a 'honed finish' wit h

probably be less if the louvres were t aller

not cover more than a single comer of the

precast concrete panels, achieving a finish

rather than by increasing their frequency.

facade at any time.

similar to that of the text ure of stone. The use of precastconcrete t echniques allows a

In the case of this project. there is very little shading on the building from the sur-

The design was explored further by considering the expression of 'concrete'

wide range of textures and surface modelling to be applied as well asa high degree

MCH_ 485

Future 06 I I Structural facades of complex geometry

Detailed view showing glass panels fitting between structural! shading members

MCH_ 486

Structural facace solut ion where a regular column grid is skewed to provide varying amounts of shading where needed

of dimensional control which is useful when

block or metal framed insulated panels can

coordinating panel joints wit h fixing for the

be used. Terracotta is economic and over-

louvres set between the main structural

extemal shading devices.

comes the difficulty of using brickwork on

members, an additional metal mesh shading

large areas of wall, where dimensional coor-

system could be used to increasethe effi-

Large scale precast concrete compo-

As an altemative to the use of additional

dination with the more precise components

ciency of the facade, reducing light penetra-

nentsfor extemal walls typically span from

and assemblies of the shading system can

tion into the large spaces behind. On areas

floor to floor and can be insulated within

be difficultto achieve. Shingled terracotta

of the facade which require more shading

their depth, allowing surface finishes to be

tiles provide greater surface modelling and

the grid can be adjusted to become more

applied directly to the intemal face of the

texture than flat t erracotta panels, which

dense. The pattem of the facade canthen

panel. Large areas of concrete can be col-

moves the expression of the facade away

respondto light requirements of the intemal

oured but variat ion in colour as a result of

from sharp joint lines to a surface that read-

functions of the building or an environmen-

the difficulty of maintaining a consistent col-

ily accepts windows which are not set out

tal analysis of the facade. This approach to

our can be addressed by use of a range of

on a precise repetitive grid. However, the

the shading could be part of the loadbear-

hues from panel to panel to create a 'patch-

idea of combining an extemally-set precast

ingtree-like structure which supports and

work' effect W all panels can be loadbearing

concrete structure with precastwall panels

becomes part of this grid. The structure can

or be used as cladding.

will be developed in another project, with a

change in depth in a tree-like mannerto

language that would allow the extemally-set

provide more shading on the t op stories of

structure to appear to be pulling out of the

t he school. As in t he previous proposal the

precastwalls behind.

grid runs across the roof providing shading

Precast concrete wall panels can be clad in other materials such as terracotta, but other backing walls such as concret e

to the atrium in a series of angled louvres.

MCH_ 487

Future 06 12 Facade with integrated fumitu re

Facade solution where a repeated cladding panel forms an enclosure, provides shading. houses heating and electrical fittings and acts as cupboards and shelves

The idea of a extemal envelope which

joints, as well as partially interlocking with

The panel itselfis formed from alumin-

isgenerated from the fumiture of a building

the panel below, and are usually set forward

ium extnusions that interlock with nubber-

and becomes as much a part of the fumiture

of the edge of the tloor slab, away from any

based seals at both tloor level and ceiling

as a weat her barrier was explored in the

stnuctural columns. The aim here was to set

level. This ensures that weather seals are to

Fumiture House by Shigenu Ban, asshown in

out columns at closercentres than would

the standards expected in regular curtain

the first section of this chapter. This project,

t ypically be the case and allow panels to be

walling. The frame is made either 300mm

which did not need tloor to ceiling glazing,

supported at tloor level. This allowed the

deep or 600mm deep to suit the panel type,

but did require deskand storage near the

perception of the panel from the inside to

either for useas shelving, or as deeper desk

windows, was an opportunity to integrate

be of an individual window bay rather than a

space and storage space. The 600mm deep

window and fumiture in a complete extemal

separat e wall.

desk-based panel has a work surface set at 800mm above the finished tloor level, with

wall systemfor a ten storey university building.

Each panel, approximately three metres

room for storage above the window height.

wide and of storey height, was sealed against

The window itselfcan be either full height

the stnuctural slab at tloor level, with a skirt

or half height, but only the lower portion of

fit between stnuctural columns set at

tlashing from the panel set immediately

the window opens, as the panel above is too

approximat ely 3000mm centres, and were

above providing a weather seal. The sides of

high to reach, and the ethos of the solution

set between columns rather than be forward

the panel were sealed against the face of the

is concemed with a straightforward solut ion

Panels were based on unitsthat would

of them as would t ypically be the case in

column, with thermal insulation set around

that has no mechanical devices to control

a unitised panel system. Typically, unitised

the outer face of the column to provide

the opening and closing of the window.

panels are slotted together on their vertical

thermal insulation.

Instead, the panel has electrical sockets and

MCH_ 488

Left: Section through cladding unit.

wiring built into it for desk lighting and desk top equipment such as power for a laptop computer.

The 300mm deep panel has shelving built either below the w indow, or both above and below the opening light. Although the panel w as approximately two and a half times the w eight of a regular unitised panel, it could still be lifted into position in the building by a hoist set at roof level. Speed of construction dictated that the fumiture w ould be mostl y fitted in the factory rather than on site, but sliding fioors w ould still be fitted after the panels w ere lifted into place.

This approach to the construction of the panel allowed a mixture of materials in a single panel t ype. Windows w ould be timber faced intemall y, but be fonrned in alu-

MCH_ 489

Future 06 /2 Facade wit h int egrat ed furniture


Variations of the multi-functional cladding panel including meshscreens or timber louvres extemally

minium extrusions externally. The use of all

pro vide a weather seal and durable cover-

timber w indow s within an aluminium carrier

ing to the reinforced concrete slab. Thermal

frame was considered carefully, but could

insulation is set below the metal panel to

not achieve the weather tightness required

avoid a thermal bridge around the edge of

at high level. Windows w ere sliding, though

the concrete slab.

parallel push-out t ype windows were considered, and might form part of the development of this furniture w all system.

Another development of the panel was to pro vide a sliding so lar shading screen on the outer face of the panel which also

A further development of the idea was

MCH_ 490

served as a w ind break for the opening win-

to attach a gantry on the outside of the

dow. Rather than being a translucent screen

panel for w indow cleaning access. In this

pro viding 30% to 50% shading, the panel

proposal, the edge of the floor slab was pro-

was largely opaque in order to serve as a

jected an additional 600 beyond the face of

'curtain' set externall y, allowing air mo ve-

the columns to pro vide a surface for a main-

ment around it so that when the window

tenance w alkway. The walkway deck w as set

w as open and the study desk in use, the

onto a projecting 'toe' to the facade panel,

screen w o uld pro vide both privacy and

with a metal panel set below the deck to

protection from the w ind. Various studies

The panel can be adapted t o almost any required configurat ion, Versions here include a door or furt her glazing at low er level

were undertaken on levels of refiection of

product, while the outside is sealed in glass

nent to an extemal wall system, or a joinery-

the inner face of the screen to ensurethat it

and aluminium, as well as timber boards in

based approach lacking economy due to a

refiected light rather than making the space

rainscreen configuration if required. This

reluctance to engage with the principles of

behind significant ly darker,

approach could both reduce costs and

economic curtain walling. W all panels could

reducethe weight of panels, making them

also follow the principles of prefabricated

easier to transport and install on site. The

'cassette' fioors where complete sections

The windows usetimber as a material with low thermal conductivity when

framing could be assembled in a similarway

of timber fioor are factory finished, ready

comparedto metals, thus serving as a ther-

to triangulated timber engineered trusses,

for installation on site. This useof prefabri-

mal break in the panel system as well as a

with aluminium or mild steel connectors

cated, yet economic, timber frames exists in

material combined with aluminium for the

pressed into the timber in a similarway

systems for straw bale walls, where straw is

window frames. Greater dimensional stability

to the production of timber trusses. This

encapsulated in a timber frame. In the exam-

could be achieved by using engineered tim-

approach to panel design as a mixture of

ple of this facade system, the timbers would

ber, such as LVL (laminated veneer lumber)

fumiture and curtain walling, could bringthe

remain as part of the intemal construction,

or OSB (oriented strand board), which are

fabrication methods of carpentry and joinery

with curtain walling components remaining

more commonly used in intemal situations,

wit h the technical performance of glazed


isolated from the effects of the weather. This

walls, and allowing each part of the design

would allow the structural part of the frame

to reduce costs overall, rather than the fur-

to be made from an engineered timber

niture being an expensive additional compo-

In common with other projects, an aim of the design is to encourage the use of

MCH_ 491

Future 06 I2 Facade with integrated fumiture

A version of the cladding panel wit h a more vertical emphasis. This version includes a moveable mesh shading screen, openings for naturalventilation, heating systems and strorage.

natural vent ilation in facades, which in cross ventilat ed buildings of relatively shallow depth is very useful in the mid season as in summer in cooler climates. The opening windows slide in order t o avoid confiicting with user requirements of the study desks, aswell asthose using the storage space in other panels. The system also allows for full height opaque panels which can be used for storage on their inner face. Storage can also be provided upwards from 800mm above finished floor level, with a glazed strip set at low level in order to wash the floor with light and allow the fitted fumiture to be set above the floor finishes. Full height glazed panels were also designed, providing additional light in spaces with adjacent full height glazing. Here it was assumed that the framing would revert to a primarily aluminium outer frame and timber int emal tri ms, allowing t he floor t o ceiling spanning capability of thin aluminium extrusions to take precedence.

The system was developed further so

MCH_ 492


This cladding panel has deep horizontal window revealsto shade the glazing from high sun and a vertical louvre to help protect against a lowersun. The vertical louvre also fonrns part of the extemal drainage system.

that tables could be addedto the sides to adapt its useto university laboratory spaces. This allowed the fumiture wall to coordinate with intemal fittings so that light, heat and electrical power could be provided wit hin the wall panel rather than across the floor of the ceiling. This approach avoided the need for raised fioors and suspended ceilings by servicing the space from the extemal walls, as was the case in other buildings built for the same university in the I960s. There was much to leam from much older facade installations in the university, from the mid 20th century when building systems were undergoing considerable development. The vision in some of these designs of fifty years ago, for the integration of structure, envelope, heating and natural ventilat ion has not been matched in manylater buildings. Not quite the energy hungry 1960s of the popular imagination. This project showed us to look backward into history as well as forward to the future.

MCH_ 493



The glossary of terms here is aimed to

capped joint is used in one direction on a

within a building without direct reference to

explain words used in the context of this

glazed wall, while a silicone seal is used in the

the structural frame.

book.These are not intended to be general

opposite direction. COMPOSITE MATERIALS.These have been

definitions and should be used accordingly. CAVITYWALL.This form of construction

developed to mix two or more different

developed in the I920s onwards in brick

materials together in order to benefit from

Bun JOINTS.These are a contempo-

construction as an alternative to thicker

the strengths of each in order to overcome

rary type of joint where two materials

loadbearing walls, which were both unreli-

the weaknesses inherent in one or other of

are brought together and sealed with a

able in their ability to keep out rainwater

the materials. In wood, for example, where

different material such as silicone, as in an

and vapour as well as being more expensive

a length of timber can span only as long as

external wall.Traditionally, joints in walls

to construct.The cavity wall divides the wall

can be cut from a tree, lengths of timber

Topics are arranged in alphabetical order.

have been formed by some form of lap-

into two halves, orskinsThe outer skin

sections can be increased significantly by

ping, or interlocking of materials, as in the

is the weather barrier, and is assumed to

gluing strips or particles of timber to make

corners of window frames. Butt joints have

become completely soaked during a rain

board material. This combination uses the

the advantage of allowing movement to

storm. The inner leaf is not in contact with

benefits of timber of lightness in weight and

occur in the joint, as where adjacent panels

the outer leaf, so it remains generally dry.

ease of working the material with increased

are supported separately.An example is the

The two skins are joined together with cav-

size and greater stability to reduce the

use of silicone sealant between bolt fixed

ity wall ties, designed to encourage water

effects of moisture movement. Reinforced

glazed units, where double glazed units move

in the cavity from dripping off the ties and

concrete can be regarded as a composite

independently, and may experience consid-

down the cavity rather than being carried

material, with steel reinforcement providing

erable amounts of movement if secured to

onto the face of the adjoining inner skin.The

strength in tension which is lacking in regular

a structure that allows higher deflections

cavity wall has developed by setting thermal

concrete. GRR or glass reinforced plastic, is a

than frames, such as cable net structures. An

insulation either within the cavity, on the

mixture of resins providing, conceptually at

essential requirement of most butt joints is

outer face of the inner skin,or within the

least,compressive strength with glass fibre

to ensure that the there is sufficient surface

inner leaf itself.

giving tensile strength.

seal against,allowing it to stretch in several

CLADDING.This term refers to non-Ioad-

CURTAIN WALLING. This refers historically

directions without losing adhesion.

bearing facade systems which are applied

to glazed wall systems which were 'hung' in

to a building envelope in a way which is

panels or as a metal framework into which

on either side of the joint for the sealant to

CAPPED SYSTEMS. Glazed walls or roofs

independent of the building structure. Clad-

glass panels were set.While the concept is

which are fixed to a continuous framing

ding may even be used to give a completely

clear,these systems are not always hung in

system on all sides are referred to as being

different expression to the building from that

the manner of a curtain, and are not always

'edge restrained'. Since most panels in glass

suggested by either the building structure or

spanning from floor to floor Contemporary

or metal, for example, have four sides,these

the organisation of spaces within the build-

curtain walling is described as being either

systems are generally called 'four edge

ing.This independence of cladding from its

'stick' systems,'unitised' systems,or 'panelised'

restraint' systems,with the panels being held

supporting structure has been exploited

systems (explained under separate headings).

in place by pressure plates. Since the pres-

by many contemporary architects to cre-

Consequently, the term curtain walling is not

sure plates have visible screws which are not

ate textures and geometries which accept

referred to in this book as it is too generic,

always aligned neatly,an additional cover cap

this independence of the technology of the

with 'glazed walls' used instead to allow the

is set on top of the pressure plate.The cap is

building envelope, and work with the oppor-

primary material to take precedence. Cur-

made in extruded aluminium and is coated,

tunities provided by the non-Ioadbearing

tain walling was developed in the years fol-

typically with a colour to match any adjacent

nature of cladding. Since the primary struc-

lowing 1945, primarily in the United States,

metal panels or doors. Such systems are

ture of building is set behind the cladding,

where it was a practical way of enclosing tall

called 'capped systems'to differentiate them

the external envelope can be configured

buildings without the need for lifting heavy

from those which have a silicone seal on the

to give precedence to other design consid-

materials such as stone and brick high up,

outside, such as'toggle' glazing and 'silicone

erations as primary forms of architectural

where they were slow and difficult to man-

bonded' glazing, where only a silicone strip

expression, such daylight, solar control and

age,which became far less economic in

is visible from the outside. Sometimes a

the visual expression of individual spaces

industrialised countries.



EMBODIED ENERGYThis is the amount of

LAPPED JOINTS.This is the traditional

tially two skins of external wall which pro-

energy required to construct a building or

method of forming junctions between mate-

vide a thermal buffer in winter and natural

part of a building. No specific standards can

rials in external walls. In order to ensure that

DOUBLE SKIN FACADES.These are essen-

ventilation in summer.The thermal buffer

be applied yet, as an essential component in

water runs off timber boards, for example,

ensures that solar gain in winter months can

the energy required to construct a building

the material is ship lapped, where one board

be used to heat a building, while in summer,

is the delivery of materials to site, which can

is set over the other. More generally, this

windows at high level can be opened into a

vary enormously, but which favour as local a

principle applies in tiled and slated roofs, and

void between inner and outer skins without

sourcing of materials as possible., in practice

in brick walls where openings are formed so

experiencing the effects of wind gusts.Dou-

this can be difficult to agree, as it needs to

as to lap the external wall around window

ble skin facades can vary from IOOOmm in

be established how far up the supply chain

frames.Where render is used on top of

width, with two walls separated by a main-

to go when calculating the energy required

masonry walls,the render forms, effectively, a

tenance walkway,to a thickness of 300mm,

to make primary materials for a building.

lap between wall and window. Lapped joints

where the double skin is set within a single

In the case of polymers for example, the

are used in contemporary construction

wall construction, typically as unitised panels.

dependence on oil from different parts of

where a butt joint is either not appropriate

With the wider version, comprising two

the worlds being moved around can create

in terms of its exposure or appearance, or

walls set apart, the cavity can be ventilated

complicated scenarios for calculation.Timber

alternatively where ventilation is required, as

form the outside, either with open joints or

is considered to have zero embodied energy

in rainscreen panel systems and roof cover-

with controlled louvres.Thin double skins

as a material, but the energy used to fell, cut

ings. An essential aspect of lapped joints is

are ventilated from inside the building, some-

and transport the material is much higher,

that they are oriented in a direction that

times actually linking the void within the wall

though not as high as the metals used in fix-

ensures rainwater will run off the joint in a

to the mechanical ventilation system.

ings which allow the timber to be made use-

downward direction while allowing ventila-

ful as a building material.

tion to occur in the upward or lateral direction.

EAVES.These are junctions between the top of an external wall and the underside


of a sloping roof, which typically overhangs

of working with concrete, also called cast-

MEMBRANES.These are single layer materi-

the wall.Where the external wall is made as

in-place concrete, is based on forming the

als made in large sizes, typically I OOOm to

a cladding system rather than a traditional

material on site using formwork that is set

2000mm in width and in long lengths,sup-

loadbearing wall, the relative movements of

up specifically for the casting process, before

plied in rolls.They are made primarily from

wall and roof need to be taken into account

moved to the next stage of casting. The

polymers, and have the advantage of being

in the weather tightness of the junction.

method can be used to create large scale

able to be bonded or welded together, often

There is also a need for continuity of ther-

concrete structures or walls.An important

by heat rather than a naked flame, making

mal insulation from wall to roof, sometimes

consideration is the formwork, which is

them easyto install on site.Their use is main-

providing ventilation into the roof space

used increasingly as a kit of parts that can

ly as reliable waterproof or vapour proof

and sometimes providing a complete seal

be moved and re-assembled quickly for the

layers to large areas of wall or roof which

from wall to roof As an interface between

next part of the work. If the concrete is to

experience relatively little thermal move-

primary elements of a building which are

be a visible part of the construction, as in the

ment.Though reliable, they are relatively

usually performing in quite different ways,

case of columns or external walls,the provi-

fragile unless designed specially for external

using quite different forms of construction,

sion of joints and junctions with adjacent

use,as is the case with thicker, tougher roof-

eavesjunctions require the lapping of the

elements needs to be considered carefully

ing membranes. Mostly, however, membranes

waterproofing for the roof to form a con-

prior to starting on site. Since the casting

are required to be concealed beneath other

tinuity with that of the wall. As an interface,

of concrete reveals very closely the texture

materials to protect them from the effects of

an eaves detail usually requires one of the

of the formwork from which it is cast,the

the sun and from suffering accidental dam-

systems of wall or roof to take precedence

choice of formwork board size, or tube size

age,such as being walked upon for example.

from a visual point of view, so this becomes

for columns, is an essential part of the design

Membranes are usually fixed at points on

an additional requirement of their design.

of the building, and is considered at an early

their underside in order to avoid penetrating

stage of the design.

the membrane.



OPENINGS.This book shows examples of

PANELISED SYSTEM.This is a general term

has some visual presence on the facade and

details around openings as they are often at

covering large scale panels used primarily for

can be seen as a termination of the top of

the interface of different systems,or com-

external walls.Their use is in prefabricated

the building.

ponents from different systems.Windows

wall systems where a building is required

and doors, for example, do not have obvi-

to be assembled on site quickly,or where

POINT FIXED GLAZING. This is a recent

ous ways of being fitted into walls when a

the specific site does not make it easy to

development that originated with clamped

very watertight and airtight performance

undertake complicated work, mainly where

glazing systems of the I 960s, used mainly as

is required. Since facade systems are often

access is restricted. Where unitised panels

shop front glazing at that time.The technique

developed and tested to quite different

in glazed walls are typically around 1500mm

comprises either bolt-like fixings set near

standards and with the intention of form-

wide, panelised systems can be made up to

the corners of the glass, or clamps set on

ing a complete building envelope as a single

around 7000mm long, depending on their

both sides of the glass along the edges of

material system, combinations of two sys-

weight, but are typically delivered to site on

the glass, but not necessarily at their corners.

tems are dealt with on a project by project

trailers, so that transportation is an impor-

An essential part of their design is to ensure

basis. In the case of windows and doors

tant consideration in the design of panelised

that the glass is supported so that it can

being designed within a single system, such

systems.These panels may comprise a

move in order to avoid putting additional

as windows and doors, it is essential in order

mixture of systems,such as metal framed

stress into the glass. These systems are typi-

to understand the visual impact that they

backing walls with windows installed, or even

cally designed in conjunction with a manu-

make on a facade, as well as how they can

precast concrete panels with masonry fixed

facturer or facade designer who can ensure

be accessed for cleaning and maintenance.

or forming an integral part of the panel.They

that the design is suitable both in relation to

Openings are required to be assembled in a

are finding use as waterproofed or vapour

its supporting structure and for fabrication.

particular order if made from different mate-

proofed backing walls which can be installed

Clamped glazing has become more popular

rials or systems,which can infiuence their

quickly on site while the outer skin of the

in recent years since it is more economic

appearance, so the sequence of construction

wall is applied later.This allows the building

than the bolt fixed method, as clamps can be

is a consideration.

to become watertight at an earlier stage of

set between the joints rather than requiring


glazed units to be drilled to accommodate the bolt fixing.

PARAMETRIC DESIGN.This is an approach to the design of a building, or part of a build-

PARAPETS.These are traditional elements

ing, based on the idea of setting 'parameters'

of buildings which still form a prominent

PRECAST CONCRETE. This material is an

that can be changed dimensionally, while

part of contemporary design. Parapets are

alternative to in-situ cast (or cast-in-place)

making other parts of the design 'fixed',

formed when an external wall projects up

concrete. An essential aspect of precast

which cannot be changed.This principle can

in front of the base of the roof construction,

concrete is that it can be used for structures,

be applied to the geometry of a set of fioor

requiring rainwater to be drained into a gut-

facades, roofs and interior building compo-

slabs, for example, which may be allowed

ter behind the external wall rather than in

nents, making the understanding of how the

to change in one direction only, or be used

front of it.This makes it essential to draw the

material is used an essential aspect of design-

for a set of components which might be

rainwater down the pipes which are typically

ing with the material. Because of the weight

changed.This approach suits geometrically

set outside the building rather than inside,

of concrete and the high amount of material

complex or large-scale projects where the

where they can be difficult to access for

required for its use in construction, its use

time required to rebuild the model would

maintenance an can be susceptible to dam-

as prefabricated components requires care-

be uneconomic. Because parametric design

age,causing leaks. Parapets are detailed so as

ful consideration, particularly in expected

software allows the design to make changes

to form a gutter between wall and roof that

tolerances in its assembly, which can require

quickly, it allows the designers to try changes

can fill to capacity without the risk of leaking

wider gaps than those required in other

to see what happens to an overall building

back into the building. Since parapet gut-

materials. Although precast concrete is used

form, for example.This allows the behaviour

ters can become blocked as a result of the

for staircases, for example, these compo-

of the component or building geometry to

outlet being accidentally covered, the design

nents are often covered up by finishes work

be understood, sometimes linking fioor areas

of these junctions, as well as the provision

and so are not revealed. Consequently, the

to a building geometry.

of overfiows to the outside, are essential

choice of precast concrete over in-situ cast

considerations in their design.The coping, or

concrete may not be of primary interest to

durable covering set on top of the parapet,

the designer in such applications.Where the



use of precast concrete wi II be of concern is

safely when it penetrates joints.The term, in

through the build-up. Some parts of the

where the material is visible, requiring careful

general use, is applied more to open joints

system can perform considerably worse than

attention to finish, mainly in terms of colour

in panel systems,typically metal, timber and,

others, creating a 'bridge' for the passage of

consistency and texture, as well as how the

terracotta than to glazed curtain walls.When

heat or cold which is prevented elsewhere in

formwork will leave traces of the pouring

used in this context, panels in these materi-

the system. In glazed walling, for example, the

method that may, or may not be, required in

als are generally fixed to a framing system

thermal performance of the framing is signifi-

the finished work.

which is secured to the building structure.

cantly lessthan that of the glazed panels,and

A separate backing wall is typically used to

is improved by using a 'thermal break' so that

provide thermal insulation and a waterproof

the high thermal transmission of the frame

PREFABRICATION AND SITE-BASED WORK. The choice between buildings being

layer. Rainscreen panels have grown in use as

is 'broken' with a polymer based component

constructed mainly on site or off site in a

a visually refined facing to economic backing

set between inside and outside. The thermal

workshop or factory is based on issues pri-


break may be a separating strip or may form

STICK SYSTEM.This is a method of con-

case with aluminium framing to glazed walls.

an integral part of the construction, as is the

marily of cost and quality,though it has also to do with increased specialisation in construction. Projects of ambition often require

structing glazed walls on site from framing

specialist construction skillsto undertake

and glazed units. Stick glazing is often used


the construction. Such specialists are usually

in complex arrangements of curtain waIl-

The U-value of a construction is a measure

set up with their own working environment

ing and for smaller projects. Larger projects

of the thermal transmission through the

rather than being based on a succession of

such as apartment buildings often have

material, with systems of lower U-value

building sites.While prefabricated elements

many different conditions in their design on

having higher levels of thermal insulation.

and systems are required to be assembled

the external envelope, which would require

The U-value takes into account the thermal

or set into position on site, this environment

many types of unitised panel that would

transmission of all the layers of construction

is too temporary for many specialists, who

be both uneconomic and difficult to install.

that make up the wall, so walls of different

require a specific planned work environment

Smaller projects do not have a sufficiently

build-up in section require separate U-value

for them to be effective both as an organisa-

large envelope to make unitising panels eco-

calculations. U-values can be used in calcu-

tion and in order to produce work of high

nomic and are usually stick built regardless

lating the rate of heat flow of spaces in the

quality. Quantities of what can be transport-

of their level of complexity. Advantages for

building, but are separate from the effects

ed to site are usually limited by the capacity

designers are mainly the flexibility of design,

of solar gain'through glazing, which may also

and weight allowance of a trailer as well

which does not need to be made modular

cause thermal transmission. Consequently,

as storage facilities on site. However, some

to suit repeated panels,and the narrower

double glazed units have a Low-E coating

building work is more effectively undertaken

size of joint widths, which is usually SOmm

and vacuum in the cavity to provide thermal

on site, using the site as a workshop and

to 70mm depending on project require-

insulation, while a separate solar control

storage facility for components. Structural

ments. Stick systems can also be combined

coating provides protection against the

frames and floor slabs in large scale con-

effectively with supporting steel frames such

effects of solar gain.

struction are still mostly site-based, though

as those for atrium structures and double

the amount of prefabrication is increasing.

skin facades. Where steel frames are used,

UNITISED SYSTEM.This is a prefabricated

the aluminium extruded box section on the

method of making facade panels,typically

RAINSCREENS.These are facade and roof

internal side of the framing can be omitted,

for glazed walls. Its advantage is primarily

panel systems which allow small amounts of

allowing the front part of the stick system to

of reduced cost for facades with consider-

rainwater to enter the joints between panels

be fixed directly to the supporting steelwork,

able repetition resulting in few panel types,

and be drained down through the framing

which would typically be also in box sections.

but another advantage is the use of silicone

back to the outside, either at each floor level . or at the lowest level of the system.The

bonding, allowing frames to appear slim on THERMAL BRIDGING.This is also called

the outside, and for opening lights to have

term was first used for curtain walling, where

'cold bridging' but can occur in hot thermal

their frames concealed internally.Applying

leaks in earlier forms of curtain walling were

conditions as well as cold conditions. Essen-

silicone on site in stick systems can be very

overcome not by attempting to exclude any

tially,the design of different systems of wall

difficult to achieve due to the time needed,

water penetration, but by accepting that it

and roof construction is gradually being

as well as the avoidance of dust around the

is easier to ensure the water drains away

developed to reduce thermal transmission

edges of the bonds.



T his book has been a te am effort involv-

can be manufactured quickly and w it h a

crite ria for t he facades in temperate climates,

ing members of Newtecnic in Lond on.

high degree of accuracy and precision. The

doubl e skin facades are oft en used. Rather

D rawin gs we re mo delled and rendered by

office's current work ranges fro m large scale

than follow rectilinear design, the o uter skin

Michael Clark e, Gerard Ellis, Louise Jarvis,

develo pments in Moscow, D ubai, Egypt,

of facades of projects w here Ne wtecnic

How ard Tee and Adam W illetts. Ad ditional

Kuwa it C ity and St Peter sburg to residential

are involved are required increasingly to be

images w ere generat ed by Roly H udson,

and com mercial projects in London, wh ere

shaped geometrically in response to specific

Maria Sfaellou and Anthony Taylo r.The bo ok

Newtecnic are working w it h design te ams

enviro nmenta l issues.Th ese resulting facade

was designed by Yasmin W atts .The t ext is

t o develop innovati ve t echnical so lut io ns and

form s are t ypically twisted, curved, t apered,

by Andrew W att s,w it h contributions from

optimise complex designs for digital fabrica-

or a co mbinat ion of t hese fo rms.These

Michael Clark e and Louise Jarvis. Michael

tion .

pages aim t o illustrate some of th e research

Clarke w rot e the follo win g t exts: Environ-

Before establishing t heir ow n practice

undertaken by N ewtecnic in recent projects

mental studies for envelope s, Solar radiat ion,

specialising in facades, Ne wtecnic principal s

w hich exhibit the se tendencies in terms of

D aylight, Green walls

Andrew and YasminW atts worked exten-

the possible so lut ions for the design of the

sively both in the UK and abroad. During thi s

cladding in both t emperate and hot climates.

Louise Jarvis w rote the following texts: Straw bales and hemp , rammed earth, co b

time the y w ere involved in a range of signifi-

Th e Ne wtecnic t eam investigates mate-

and ado be bricks, Green oak and bamboo,

cant pro jects including Federation Square,

rial systems th at are explored through 3-D

as w ell as addit ional text for D oubl e skin

Melbourn e wit h LAB Archite cts, th e Millen-

modellin g rather t han 2-D drafting.The


nium Bridge, London for Foster and Part-

engineering aspects of the design, both

ners, Euralille and Institut du Mon de A rabe,

structural and environmental, are develope d

and Philosoph y at Spr inger Ver lag in Vienn a.

Paris for Ate liers Jean Nouvel, and C it e

t hrough an investigat io n of th e behaviour of

He has driven this book fro m a set of basic

Int ern ationale, Lyon and t he New Caladonia

construction systems w hen mo difed geo-

layo uts to a comp leted book He has a pas-

Cultural Cent re fo r Renzo Piano Building

metrically. Rather than develo p a series of

sion for books and th eir design, ranging from

W orkshop .They have pro duced a numb er

opt ions to solve a design, a single parametric

D avid Marold is Editor fo r A rchite cture

the ir w ider conte nt t o the quality of print

of vol umes o n contemporary building te ch-

model is used w ith fixed criteria and criteria


nology w hich provide reference material

w hich can be stretch ed and pulled unt il an

N ewtecnic is a firm of Lond o n-based

for student s and pro fessionals.Th e


opt imum solut ion is fo und.This allows a

specialist archite cts w ho create facades in

Construction Series is publi shed by Springer

collaborat ion with leading archit ects.The firm

Wi en New York In addition, th e


solutio ns w hich can be explored th rou gh

pr actices internationall y as facade designers

Technical Review, from RIBA Publications

rapid protot ype models,using a range of

for archit ecturally and technic ally challeng-

w as published in spring 2007.

ing projects and has a particular intere st in

Much of Newtecnic's work is informed

developin g new facade systems and in th e

by a specific respon se t o climate and to

single design model t o pro vide a 'range' of

modelling tools from 3-D printers t o laser cutt ers. Strands of fabrication, context, site specificity, language of the base 'com po nent'

use of comp lex geometries. Ne wtecni c fol-

the te chnical performance of t he extern al

of the design and spatial organi sation are

low s pri nciples of rapid prototyping as a

envelop e. In projects w here climat e cont ro l

develop ed in parallel for each proj ect.

met hod of develop ing facade systems th at

and natural vent ilat ion are prim ar y design



Images are credited per page, left to right, and from top to bottom: PIO left. Photo:Adrian Pingstone from Wikipedia. P21 left. Photo: Michael Reeve from Wikipedia. P21 first from left. Photo: julian Nitzsche from Wikipedia. P21 first from top: Photo:Adrian Pingstone from Wikipedia. P40 first from left: Photo:Yoshito Isono from Structurae. P40 second from top. Photo: Lucas B. Salles from Wikipedia. P41 left. Photo:Yoshito Isono from Structurae. P41 first from left. Photo: Finlay McWalter from Wikipedia. P41 first from top. Photo: Enrique Cornejo from Wikipedia. P44,45. Photos: jim Dunster. P47 first from left. Photo:Adrian Pingstone from Wikipedia. P47 second from top. Photo:Adrian Pingstone from Wikipedia. P48Lfirst from top. Photo:Chris McKenna from Wikipedia. P49 first from left. Photo:Olaf Davis from Wikipedia. P50 first from left. Photo: Paul Lechevallier from Wikipedia. P52 first from left. Photo:Walter Horvath from Wikipedia. P52 second from top. Photo: Raul Polanco Montiel from Wikipedia. P56 left. Photo: Marion Schneider & Christoph Aistleitner from Wikipedia. P58 left. Photo: Richard Bartz from Wikipedia. P64, 65. Photos: Don Evans. P66 second from left. Photo: Hubbell & Hubbell Architects. P66 second from top. Photo: Pari iamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament. P66 third from top. Photo: Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament. P67 left and first from left. Photo: Hubbell & Hubbell Architects. P68, 69,70,71. Photo:Architen Landrell Associates Ltd P74, 75.jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany Photos: Courtesy of jewish Museum, Berlin. PIOI. Usera Public Library, Madrid.

Photo: Roland Halbe. P104. Bridgewatchers House, Rotterdam. Photo: Bolles andWilson PI08. Sun Tower Office Building, Seoul. Photo:Youngill Kim. PI I I. Kew House, Melbourne,Carter Tucker house, Victoria, Peninsula House,Victoria. Photo:s: Earl Carter. PI 18. RWE AG Essen, Germany. Photos: H. G. Esch, Holger Knauf P140-141. Matsunoyama Natural Science Museum, japan. Photos: Katsuhisa Kida P206. Uji-anTea house, Tokyo. Photo: Katsuaki Furudate. P275, 276. ETFE images. Photos: Vector Foiltec Ltd. P280, 282 & 283. Canopies. Photo:Architen Landrel Associates Ltd. P284-285. Millennium Dome, London. Photos: Robert Peebles. P288. Photos: jim Dunster P289. Saltwater Pavilion, Neeltje [ans, Holland.Images: OosterhuisAssociates. P290-29 I. jim Dunster. P29 I. jewish 'Museum, Berlin, Germany Photos: Studio Daniel Libeskind. P324. Leipzig Exhibition Centre, Germany. Photos: Busam/Richter. P327. Yatsushiro Municipal Museum, Kumamoto Prefecture, japan. Photos: Toyo Ito & Associates. P322, 337. Photos: Robert Peebles. P342. erner Hall Student Center, Columbia University, New York, USA. Photos: Peter Mauss/Esto (left), Lydia Gould (right). P343. Educatorium, Utrecht University, Holland. Photo: HansWerleman, Hectic Pictures. P344. Okanoyama Museum of Art, Hyogo, japan. Photo:Yasuhiro Ishimoto. P349. Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA. Photo: Yasuhiro Ishimoto. P349. School of Decorative Crafts, Limoges, France. Photo: C. Demonfaucon. P350. Patio houses, Esposende, Portugal. Photo:s LUIs FerreiraAlves. P372. The British School in the Netherlands, The Hague, Holland. Photog: jan Derwig P372. Kew House,Melbourne,Australia. Photo: Earl Carter. P373. lonica Building, Cambridge, England. Images: Battle McCarthy Engineers, London. P374. CarterlTucker House, Breamlea, Victoria,Australia.

Photos: Earl Carter P375. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France. Dominique Perrault. Photos: Georges Fessy. (above), Michel Denance (below). P375.The Menil Collection Museum, Houston,Texas, USA. Photo: Paul Hester © Renzo Piano Building Workshop. P376. GovernmentTraining Centre, HerneSodingen, Germany Photo:Christian Richters. P377. Photovoltaic Installation, Northumberland Building, University of Northumbria, England. Photo: University of Northumbria. P378. Solarchis Solar Houses, japan. Architecture Studio and Maeta Concrete. Photo:Solar. P379. Daggett Solar Farm, California, USA. Photo: G. Donald Bain, Geo-Images Project, University of California at Berkeley, USA. P381 . Strawbale classroom at Avon Tyrrell, New Forest, England. Photo: New Forest ParkAuthority. P382. The Redding Residence, Kendle Design Collaborative, Scottsdale, Arizona Community, USA. P392. Photo: Rob Peebles. P394. RWE AG Essen, Germany Photo:Christian Richters. P395. Photos: Robert Peebles. P396 (left). Kitakame Canal Museum, japan. Photo: Kengo Kuma and Associates. P396 (right). Furniture House,Yamanashi Prefecture, japan. Photo: Hiroyuki Hirai. P397 (left). International Housing Exhibition, Fukuoka, japan. Photo: Kwano, courtesy of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture. P397 (right). Freshwater Pavilion, Neeltje [ans, Holland. Photo: Lars Spuybroek, NOX Architects. P404, 405. Offices, DaimlerChrysler Projekt, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany Photos: Robert Peebles. P4I2, 4 I 3. Photos: Robert Peebles. P41 6, 417. Mini-House, Nerima-ku,Tokyo, japan. Photos: Tsukamoto and Kaijima. P41 6. Furniture House,Yamanashi Prefecture, japan. Shigeru Ban. Photos: Hiroyuki Hirai. All other photographs have been provided by courtesy of Newtecnic Ltd.


50 I



Glossary of terms Green oak and bamboo

A future for building Authorship Aluminium Aluminium windows Arches and shells

416 496 26 144 324

Elevators Embodied energy Energy and the building envelope

Electrical lighting ETFE cushions Exposed membranes Bonded glass rooflights Bolt fixed glazed walls Bolt fixed glazed roofs Brick Brick boxes Brick cavity walls Braced frames

238 132 234 54 312 168 292

GRP panels and shells GRP rooflights

358 396 274 246

226 270 266

H Straw bales and hemp


F Fabrics and membranes Fabric systems

68 274

Facade with integrated furniture Fire control


Green walls Greenhouse glazing and capped systems


Environmental studies for envelopes


410 368

492 384 386

Fixed and demountable walls

Internal walls Introduction to Second Edition

484 402 72

Changes from the First Edition Structure of this book

72 4 4 5

Flat roof: Cast-in-situ concrete Cast-in-situ Floor Ceilings Clamped glazing Composite panels roofs Concealed membranes Concrete Concrete block Concrete frames Composite panels Copper, zinc and lead

152 332 80 128 214 242 40 50 292 100 30

Mastic asphalt coverings

sheet membranes Floors Folded glazing Fuel and water supply

Generic wall types

Glass boxes Glass floors

Digital tectonics Double skin facades

364 12 354

Glass roofs



Glass systems

Liquid based heating/cooling systems Loadbearing boxes Louvre screens

410 388 308 112


90 34 136 316 340 226 116

Glazing systems with integral solar shading


258 78 418 398


Glass blocks and channels







Maintenance and cleaning Masonry Masonry cavity walls Masonry cladding Masonry rainscreens Masonry loadbearing walls Metal solar shading: louvres and mesh


404 48 168 176 180 164

Material systems for structures

424 288

Mechanical heating/cooling systems Mesh screens Metal louvres roofs Metal standing seam walls Metal walls Moving shading panels

390 108 222 206 92 442


Sheet metal walls

400 92

Single membrane: cone-shaped roof Single membrane: barrel-shaped roof

Natural ventilation

Small precast panels Solar power Solar heating


Solar radiation Solar shading and daylight controls

Passive design Photo credits Pitched roof:tiles Planted roof Plaster systems Plastic-based cladding Plastic rainscreens Plastics and composites Portal frames

372 497 262 250 74 184 188 58 304


for facades of complex geometry Precast concrete floors Profiled cladding Profiled metal sheet roofs

448 334 96 210

Space grids Concrete Steel Timber Glass Steel Steel mesh floor Steel frames Sticksystems Stickglazing for double facades Stone Stone and block walls Storey height precast Structure and envelope complex geometry

Rainscreen walls

Timber windows

148 430 84 202 320 436

Timber Timber floors Timber roofs

Triangular panels for twisted facades Trends in facade design Trends in roof design Trusses Twisted facades

342 344 346 348 22 336 296 140 120 460 52 172 156 10



Unitised glazing

V Variable concrete panels for


solar shading


Structural facades of


Rainscreens roofs


Tectonics in plastics

Timber cladding panels

230 278 282 160 376 378 360 374 328


Steel windows

Precast concrete panels

Timber framed walls

Tectonics in masonry Tectonics in timber

Shingled glazing for facades of complex geometry and rooflights


Timber frames

Tectonics in concrete Sanitation and drainage

Silicone-sealed glazing


32 38 46 56 62 64 196 338 254 300

Tectonics in glass

218 104

Support services

382 308


478 400


Wallboard systems

Rammed earth, cob and adobe bricks Reinforced concrete boxes

Taxonomy of material systems Parametric design Tectonics in metal

8 16 20



Andrew Watts London, England

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SPIN: 12090631

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ISBN 978-3-211-99195-4 SpringerWienNewYork



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