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Nakshatras and their Symbol Nakshatra Ashwini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigashira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Ashlesha Magha P.Phalguni U.Phalguni Hasta Chitta Swathi Vishakha Anuradha
Symbol Horse’s head. It lies in the head of KP relating to brain. Relates to mental impulses & leadership. As horses are nervous & fidgety and highly strung animals, this star also has the same qualities. It is like a vagina. It is a star directly related to birth, death and regeneration. An axe or sharp razor. Alternately peacock is also its symbol. An ox cart drawn by 2 oxen. The star carries all the fruits of creation. Steadiness, fixity, ability are associated with this. It is deer. Native will be timid, light, fragile, fickle, wandering like deer. Deer is seen as romantic, divine, magical. Associated with problems in married life, misunderstanding. Other name is pot full of SOMA. It is diamond or teardrop. Always fresh like dewdrop but native recovers after losing job. Like diamond which is formed after many years of heat & cold the star produces a glowing personality. Unyielding & Determined. It is quiver full of arrows. The star’s quiver represents energy and resources at one’s command. Returns safely from any Mission it takes. Udder of a cow. Indicates prosperity, ability to nourish, care. Not selfish as cow; maternal instinct, highly respected, Represents feminine goddess power. Alternate symbol is wheel, which symbolizes prosperity, courtesy, refinement, no Place for brutality, or vulgarity. Breast, earth, udder of cow. Some call it a flower. A coiled snake, as creepy, secretive, wily, cold blooded, deceptive, insincere, hypnotic, poisonous. On the positive Side it has powers of insight, intuition, perception, wisdom, concentration, sexuality. It is a throne. It conjures up royalty, power, status, honour, achievement, hereditary power. Front legs of a couch / bed, indicating comfort and enjoyment. Like the 2 back legs of abed (Diwan). This is similar to P.Phalguni but less comfort oriented. It refers to lying on a Couch and thinking, writing etc. Hand with all 5 fingers. Palmistry and Astrology. 2nd symbol is clinched fist indicating determination, secrecy, tricky manipulation, lack of trust. 3rd symbol is potter’s wheel meaning proper usage of time. Big, bright shining jewel, perfection, also as pearl. Young plant blown by wind. Promotes restlessness, adaptability, dexterity, delicate. Capable of applying force when Required. Coral is alternate symbol. Sword also is a symbol. Is decorated arch or gateway. Symbol of triumph. Looks at the final attainment of goal. A staff; seen as symbol of power and protection; learning and retention of learning. Lotus is another symbol with purity And knowledge.
Jyeshta Moola P.Ashadha U.Ashadha Shravana Dhanishta Shatabhisha P.Bhadrapada U.Bhadrapad a Revathi
Round talisman – seen as a divine protection – big round earrings. Position of authority. Alternate symbol is umbrella; Protects against evil forces. Tied bunch of roots. Does all hidden things, events, motives, constraint, limitation. Handheld fan, showy, aggression, inspiration, conceal emotions. Elephant’s tusk. Leadership. Kingship, aggression, penetration. 1)Row of 3 uneven steps 2)Trident is alternate symbol 3)Ear. LISTENING. Musical drum. Alternate symbol is flute. Empty circle – indicating life circle, creation circle etc. containment or circulation, protection, hiding. Front portion of a funeral cot. Another symbol is man with 2 faces. Sword is also one symbol. As also single ray of Sun Back part of a funeral cot. Alternate symbol is serpent with two and half coils. Fish swimming in the sea and drum (similar to dhanishta).