O.o.b.e The Power Of Autoscopy: Anthony Black

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O.O.B.E The Power of Autoscopy

Anthony Black

Copyright © Anthony Black 2012 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author.

Introduction I would like to first begin by thanking you for purchasing this routine; I hope you enjoy it as I had lots of fun creating it. I would always urge you to look at ways in which you can develop the material to fit your own performance style. Read, read again, critique and adapt. Does this work for me? Can I do this instead? How can I make this part of the routine stronger? Keep on challenging yourself to be a better performer; you owe it to yourself, but most importantly to your audience. Yours, Anthony Black November 2012

Performance On stage is a small table which rests an old looking metronome and two packs of playing cards and a blindfold; there are two chairs. “I would like to talk to you a little about something which I have a great fascination...O.O.B.E’s or out of body experiences as they are more commonly known. People who have experienced an OOBE talk about floating above their own bodies and looking down at themselves from above; such as during an operation or a near death experience. Many people have tried to induce this state such as Artists, poets and great philosophers as a way of increasing the imagination and to tackle problems for which they were struggling with. For example; Thomas Edison used this state to tackle problems while working on his inventions. He would rest a silver dollar on his head while sitting with a metal bucket in a chair. As he drifted off, the coin would noisily fall into the bucket, restoring some of his alertness. This would put him in a state of Autoscopy; a kind of controlled O.B.E.” “But the most fascinating of all is those people who claim to be able to use this state of Autoscopy and actually perform actions whilst in this state. There are those that believe this is how the famous mediums of Victorian times were able to move objects and ring bells and touch people’s hands and faces during a Séance.” “If I could perhaps borrow a young lady from the audience I would like us to try an experiment in this phenomenon.” A Lady from the audience is welcomed up on stage and the performer greets her warmly before asking her name (Jo) and then asking her to take a seat at the table with him.

“Jo, would you like to point to a pack of cards for me please.” Jo points to those nearest to her on the table. “OK Jo; those will be your cards and this pack will be mine. In a moment I am going to put on this blindfold and attempt to access a state of Autoscopy. You will know when I have achieved this state as you will see my whole body visibly relax. At this point I would like you to take out the cards from your pack and have a look through them for me please, whilst doing so I would like you to think of that special person in your life that means a great deal to you.” “Does this make sense so far Jo?” “Yes...” “Ok, whilst you have that person in mind I would like you to select a card from the pack, have a look at it and then put it face down on the table for me and put the rest of the pack away. Then I would like you to just relax for me and keep thinking of that special person in your life as this gives me something to focus on; almost like an anchor if you will.” “Is that all Ok Jo?” “Yes...I understand.” “That’s great Jo, at this point onwards I would like to ask the audience to remain completely silent please; thank you.” “Whatever happens...”

The performer starts the metronome then places the blindfold on and begins to breath deeply and after a minute or so his hands fall down to his sides and he visibly relaxes... Jo picks up her deck and opens it and after looking through the pack for a few moments takes out a card and (King of Spades) places it facedown on the table before putting the rest of the deck away and putting that on the table. She then sits there quietly watching the performer along with everyone else in the audience...

The performer twitches his head slightly and his lips move silently... Then his fingers twitch... After a moment of silence there is a small gasp from Jo and the audience as the performer’s pack of cards on the table moves slightly... After a moment the performers left arm slowly begins to rise up from his side...his hand points towards Jo and his lips begin to move again as if he is trying to communicate something... The performer speaks quietly... “Carl...the one...you are thinking of...Carl...” Jo looks shocked and a little frightened and nods her head... “Yes!” The performers hand suddenly drops dead back at his side...after a moment he begins to come around again...he takes of the blindfold looks around the room visibly confused....before mumbling... “O...yes...I’m...yes.” He reaches out and stops the metronome. He allows himself a moment to get used to his surroundings before smiling at Jo. “Hi Jo, I had the strangest dream...” “I dreamt I was standing behind you whilst you took out the cards...you picked one out and put it face down on the table...can you please tell the audience which card you chose Jo and show it them please.” Jo picks up the card and shows it to the audience. “It’s the King of Spades.” “Thanks Jo...you see in my dream...after I watched you take out your card...I picked up my pack and also took one out...then I put it back in the pack...although the strange thing about dreams...sometimes things get reversed...black is white...night is day...up is down...”

The performer picks up his pack for the first time before fanning through and showing one card is reversed...he takes it out and shows it...it’s the King of Spades. “Like I said, sometimes things in dreams get reversed...like colours for example...” The performer turns the card around to show it has a different coloured back to the rest of the cards. “Thank you Jo for helping me try this, you have been wonderful...the girl of my dreams!”

End of Performance

Methods This is a very simple routine technically which allows you to concentrate on the most important part; the performance.

The Cards There are two packs of cards, one of which is a ‘Brainwave Deck’. See here: http://www.magicshop.co.uk/CARD_MAGIC_TRICKS/c21/p4072/Brainwave_D eck_Bicycle_%28Blue_Case%29_-_Trick/product_info.html Whichever pack Jo points to you simply use Equivoque so she ends up with the ‘normal deck’. The ‘normal deck’ contains a PK card which allows you to move it. See here: http://www.unleashyourdreams.co.uk/Unleash_Your_Dreams/Magnetic_Rings _%26_PK_Cards.html There is another option with the cards too; I will explain this in the ‘Other Thoughts’.

The Movement Strapped to you leg is a powerful magnet which allows you to move the deck of cards on the table; less is more when you perform this. You just want the deck to move slightly enough so it’s noticed by Jo and the rest of the audience. Also; never mention the fact that this happened. Do not draw attention to it and it will seem that much more powerful for doing so.

The Name Reveal This is accomplished with a little pre-show work; simply use your favourite impression device to obtain the information. Something along the lines of this: “Hi, my names Anthony and I’ll be trying something later on but I need to find someone to help me. Usually this works best with someone who has an open mind, intelligent and is up for a little fun...does that sound like something you can help me with?” “Yes.” “Great, let me try a little experiment just between the two of us to see if we work well together...I want you to take this pad and draw a simple shape for me...nothing too complicated...and once your done just take off the sheet and fold it up.” Take the pad back and obtain the information before revealing it in whichever way fits your style drawing dupe etc. “That’s fantastic! You are really good at this, lets try something a bit more difficult shall we...lets see...ok...I want you to think of someone special in your life...someone that’s close to you...do you have someone in mind?” “Yes, I do.”

“Ok, just write that persons name down for me and take off the sheet and fold it up and put in your purse/pocket...I want you to keep thinking of that special person for me and I will ask you again later to think of this same person when we try our experiment. Is that Ok?” “Yes!” Now you have the information you need for later on during your performance.

Other Thoughts If you don’t feel comfortable working with magnets, you could always use an invisible thread hook up of your preference for the movement of the deck of cards.

Some different methods/ideas for the presentation/technique:  Use only one deck of cards; that deck is marked and you reveal the name of the card because you ‘watched’ Jo take it out when you were standing behind her. Use a Blindfold Peek!  Use the Brainwave deck and a marked deck, so you can have a double reveal. Although sometimes I feel less is more and this would just be overkill.  Get Jo to write down the name of the person again whilst up on stage and show it to the audience whilst you are blindfolded and before the reveal; again you ‘watched’ her from behind.  Force a card and use a Haunted deck technique for the movement.  If you have a ‘Spirit Chair’ you could place it in the audience explain more about people being touched etc during your performance and if anybody ‘feels’ anything not to be too concerned about it. Just sow the seed of suggestion...

Metronomes are wonderful set pieces and make a lovely sound, I urge you to pick one up. When all is silent and you all you can hear is...tock...tock...just wonderful!

Although if you do not want to splash out on one at the moment; there are a couple of alternatives. Here is a link to two free Apps for your mobile phone plus an MP3 Download: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gabriel.metronome&hl=en IPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/steinway-metronome/id393021343?mt=8 MP3: http://www.hypnosishealthcare.com/metronome.html

Further Reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoscopy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-body_experience http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience http://www.amazon.co.uk/Journeys-Out-Body-RobertMonroe/dp/0285627538 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Astral-Dynamics-Out-bodyExperiences/dp/1571741437 http://www.aaas.org/news/releases/2007/0823out_of_body.shtml

Until Next Time I really hope you enjoy and use this routine; you really get to have fun with your acting and performance skills with this one. I come up with it one night when I had to stay awake for 24hrs+ for some reason or another. I began to think about dreams/states and such and it just grew from there to what it is today.

Anthony Black, November 2012. http://www.thewrongsideofmidnight.com/

Also available from Anthony Black

Sixth Scents A dark story involving Murder, Mystery and Mediums. The spectator is invited up on stage and takes on the powers of a Medium; with startling results. But is everything as it seems? There may be a twist to this tale... Vibes A tale of Nikola Tesla and his downward spiral into madness; brought on by his creation of the ‘Phasmatis Luminarium’. You and the spectator use this peculiar machine to recreate the terrible experiments at Wardenclyffe Tower. Will the results tip you and your spectator over the edge? The Death Mask The history of Death Masks has always been surrounded by a certain mystery, you and your spectator find out a truth that may just make you question everything you believe in. Together you will demonstrate the real power of ‘Automatic Writing’. Dare you wear the Death Mask? The Secret Project This is an idea I am very excited about, and one which will be of benefit to our community as performers. I hope you will all join me in creating something amazing! More information and reviews here: http://www.thewrongsideofmidnight.com/resurrectiondreams.php

A dark tale of one man driven to madness...

You and your spectator take part in a strange ritual involving blank cards... Why did William Clark take his own life? What Bizarre object took over his life? Will your spectator gain ‘The Sight of Madness’? Find out together... http://www.thewrongsideofmidnight.com/midnight-ebooks.php

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