Oregon State National: Registered Mail, Return Receipt #

  • Uploaded by: Gary Krimson
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  • January 2021
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Oregon State National Oregon state republic 1859 :gary-dean: darby (man, Oregonian) c/o General Post-office. Private Mailing Location #1290. Board Shanty Road. Grants Pass, Oregon State Republic. Non-domestic, Non-Resident, Non-Assumpsit. Without the United States, ZIP Exempt. Please use this exact mailing location as listed above for your reply; the use of the ALLUPPERCASE NAME, the use of the Federal Zone indicator (Zip Code), or the use of the Federal two letter state indicator will cause rejection of all correspondence. I can only open mail addressed to this man, and I do not live in a Federal Zone. Thank you...

Registered Mail, Return Receipt #


Date: NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT, NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE Notice: this document is not intended to intimidate, threaten, harass, hinder or obstruct any lawful operations. It is intended for the purpose of obtaining lawful and legal remedy and protect this man's rights as provided by law... this document is tendered with honorable intent AND CLEAN HANDS.

NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS AT JOSEPHINE COUNTY An attorney or a private corporation is assumed to know the law, it is the obligation of an attorney or a private corporation, to see that any alleged FINES, FEES, CHARGES, etc... Are collected lawfully, correctly, and completely. In order to correctly "quote" pay this alleged FINES, FEES, CHARGES, etc... gary-dean: darby (Secured Party Creditor of GARY DEAN DARBY), requires the following information from attorneys at Josephine County. Therefore, you are warranted to complete this form and return it to the mailing location listed above to enable gary-dean: darby to understand and lawfully comply with this alleged FINES, FEES, [Type text]

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All errors of syntax, grammar, omissions, and wording are to be read and understood to be consistent with the context, focus, intent and purpose of this document.

CHARGES, etc...This form raises formal questions with regard to the alleged FINES, FEES, CHARGES, etc... That only your attorneys can answer. This is an attempt to verify at- law, exactly what is owed to Josephine County and exactly what form of payment is required in order to fulfill the claim made by Josephine County.

1. Please provide a "Verified Bill" to certify (signed under penalty of perjury) that something is in fact owed... (Required) 2. Under the captain of your Real Property Tax Statement" if paid in May 2020" what does the number ____________ refer to? (check one):  Obligations of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT,  National bank currency  Federal Reserve Notes  Private promissory note  Bills  or Other Explain:_______________________________________________________ 3. Under the caption " amount due 2017 " what does the number __________ as listed refer to? (check one):  Obligations of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT,  National bank currency  Federal Reserve Notes  Private promissory note  Bills  or Other Explain:_______________________________________________________ 4. Does that statement refer to: Consideration of obligations or other securities of the UNITED STATES, directly or indirectly? (check one)  YES  NO 5. Does the computation of this alleged ENFORCEMENT OF TAX LIEN require consideration of obligation or other securities of the UNITED STATES, directly or indirectly? (check one)  YES  NO Most people can complete this form within three minutes. You are required by law (UCC 3-104 & UCC 1-115) to complete this form, before any payment may be made. As a private corporation you are assumed to know the law, and not misleading. You made several statements in your "name of document" to the legal entity known as GARY DARBY, and that said legal entity owes something to someone. It is your obligation to answer the foregoing questions on form 1020 or a default will be issued by gary-dean: darby against Josephine County a private corporation, for trying to mislead Gary-dean: darby by demanding gary-dean: darby for something that he does not owe, or you don't know what that something is, so as attorneys, you [Type text]

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are assumed to know the law.

CERTIFIED PROOF OF SERVICE I, gary-dean: darby, a man whose status is of a Oregon State National (title 8 § 1101 (a)(21)) and not a UNITED STATES Citizen (United States as being defined as per title 28 § 3002, section 15 a-c), hereby Certify that on the ____ day of __________ ,2020; An exact copy of this Bound / Attached document as indicated was sent to the recipient as listed.

Pursuant to title 28 USC section 1746 (1) and executed "without the United States", I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the united States of America that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my belief and informed knowledge. And further deponent sayeth I naught; I now affixed my autograph to the above affirmations with explicit reservations of all of my unalienable rights and liberties without prejudice, without recourse, UCC1-308. Without prejudice - without recourse All unalienable rights preserved. ______________________________ gary-dean: darby

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Notary Public As Jurat Certificate Of The Court Oregon State Josephine County

) )

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, duly commissioned and qualified, on this day personally appeared the man, gary-dean: darby, known to me to be the biological man described herein and who executed the above; Subscribed and sworn under oath, before me this ______ day of __________, 2020. ____________________________________ Notary Republic My commission expires:_______________________

Witnesses By:________________________________________ By:________________________________________ Witness 1, date: ____________________ , 2020

[Type text]

Witness 2, date: ___________________ , 2020

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All errors of syntax, grammar, omissions, and wording are to be read and understood to be consistent with the context, focus, intent and purpose of this document.

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