Passive Income Ideas 2020_ $10,000_month Latest Guide - Amazon Fba, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, + 47 Profitable Opportunities Analyzed To Make Money Online Working With Location & Time Freedom

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Passive Income Ideas 2020 $10,000/month LATEST Guide - Amazon FBA, Dropshipping, Affiliate Marketing, + 47 Profitable Opportunities Analyzed to Make Money Online Working with Location & Time Freedom >Make Money Online From Home< By Ronald Miller & Elon Roberts



ABOUT THE BOOK Passive Income 2020 explains how to achieve financial independence much sooner than you ever thought possible in 2020. If you are an avant-garde thinker, you may be dreaming of leaving the job market to live more easily in retirement, or even thinking about retiring sooner. But a dream without a plan is just a wish. To put wheels in this dream, you have to consider passive income. There are several passive income options and explanations of how to build them. If you're new to it, I'll explain everything to you. This book is divided into two segments. The first semester shows what passive income implies, why passive income is so important, and so on. While the second segment talks about 50 different passive income business, you can use to regain control of your time and make the most of your life. Some of the businesses include: Amazon FBA Affiliate Marketing Blogging for a profit Dropshipping Kindle Publishing Rental income Online course Books and eBooks Workbooks Stock Trading Crowd Funding Banner ads

© Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved. The contents of this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author. Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly. Legal Notice: This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part of the content within this book without the consent of the author. Disclaimer Notice: Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and complete, reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content of this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book. By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, —errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION WHAT IS PASSIVE INCOME? Passive income is the money you earn in a way that requires little or no daily maintenance effort. Some passive income ideas - such as renting a property or creating a blog - can take a little work to be operational, but can eventually yield money while you sleep. Why is passive income so important? # 1 - Passive income let you have freedom of time Time is our greatest asset. Time is much more valuable than money. Although money can be spent and earned, time can only be used once. After that time, it was gone forever. You can never physically relive that moment. That's why passive income is so important because it gives you time freedom. When you are less concerned about earning money to meet your monthly financial obligations, you have time freedom. # 2 - Reduces stress, anxiety, and fear of the future There is nothing worse than having the pressure that comes with the inability to pay your bills. This causes anxiety, fear, and hopeless desperation for the future. Hypothetical scenarios begin to surround your mind, like a hawk flying over its prey before attacking to kill. It gives you a number mentally, physically, and spiritually. You touch emotionally and destroy your hopes and aspirations. # 3 - Allows you to continue doing what you love most, not those who pay the bill We all have things that fascinate us in life. But we always seem to postpone them. Whether it's art, music, or travel, we can fulfill our dreams when passive income frees us from the debt that binds us to the endless cycle of payments and interest. It allows you to break out of this proverbial breed of rats by raising you above all that concerns the so-called "normal people. # 4 - Allows you to live and work anywhere When you have passive income, you can pick up and get back on the road. You can go to a city like Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Berlin or anywhere else on the planet, live and work. You can exist for peanuts per dollar compared to most other big cities in the world. But you do not have to stay. You can continue walking after a few months. And why not when you have the financial capacity to do it? # 5 - Provides a platform for stability and financial growth When your income is automatic, and you do not have to worry about paying your expenses at the end of the month by exchanging your direct time for cash, it allows you to think and explore new ways to further strengthen your money, your financial stability, and growth. This gives you time to search for items such as taxes, stocks, and other investments. This helps to create fiscal clarity in your mind by encouraging you to reach your financial goals.

WINNER’S MINDSET Having the right mind is of great importance to succeed in all areas of life, especially when starting a new business. Determination, patience, and repetition are the keys. Psychologist Carol

Dweck's research suggests that two basic mentalities influence how people perceive themselves and their abilities: the fixed mentality and the growth mentality. People with a certain state of mind believe that things like intelligence are static and immutable. Those with a certain mind-set believe that success is not the result of hard work, but simply the fruit of innate talent. Because they believe that these talents are something that people are born with, they tend to give up more easily in the face of a challenge. They stop when things do not happen easily because they think they do not have the innate ability to stand out. Those with a growth mentality, on the other hand, feel that they can change, grow, and learn through hard work. People who believe they can develop are more likely to succeed. When things get complicated, they look for ways to improve their skills and continue to work for success. What can you do to create a growth mind-set? Believe that your efforts are important. Rather than thinking that their skills are frozen or paralyzed, people with a mentality of growth believe that the effort and hard work can lead to significant growth. Learn new skills. When faced with a challenge, they look for ways to develop the knowledge and skills they need to overcome and triumph. See failures as learning experiences. Growth-minded people do not believe that failure reflects their abilities. Instead, they see it as a valuable source of experience from which they can learn and improve. "It did not work," they might think, "so this time, I'm going to try something a little different.

CHAPTER 2: PASSIVE INCOME BUSINESS Whether your goal is to retire to an isolated island or spend more time with your family, this book can take you there. Discover 50 passive income businesses that ordinary people use to regain control of their time and make the most of their lives. Yes, you can now live the lifestyle you have always dreamed of and enjoy multiple streams of income. Whether you're tired of enriching your boss, working hard for little money, or just radically improving your current lifestyle, this book can change everything. Millions of people live as they please, do what they love, work when they want, generate more than ever in their "normal" jobs. Are you ready to join the movement? Read on to find out how to generate passive income through the 50 businesses that will be discussed in this chapter.

BUSINESS #1 – AMAZON FBA If you discover Amazon FBA for the first time, do not worry. We want to make sure you understand how everything works. This part of the book will cover the basics of selling on Amazon FBA. Amazon FBA means Amazon Fulfilled-by-Amazon. In the Amazon FBA program, Amazon does all the work for you. If Amazon does all the work, what should I do? Now, you probably think, okay. All this sounds good! But what am I doing? As an Amazon FBA seller, you must: Choose products. Amazon handles all the work of backplane, but you must decide what to sell. I'll talk in a moment about different methods of selling products on Amazon. Keep inventory in stock. Amazon will warn you when inventory is low. But it's your job to make sure the things you sell stay stored. Promote and advertise. Amazon is a huge catalog of millions of products. Therefore, you will have to do some work to make sure people find your products. But do not worry, it's very easy! What to sell on Amazon FBA Another amazing thing about this business model is that there is no way to sell on Amazon FBA. Here is part of the most popular methods: Arbitrage: Find cheap items in retail stores or other online markets to resell on Amazon for a higher price. Wholesale: Buy bulk branded products to resell on Amazon at a higher price. Sales books' opportunity: buy books of opportunity for book sales, garage sales, or other places to sell on Amazon for a higher value. Private Labels: Research and manufacture your own branded products for sale on Amazon FBA, where you control all aspects of the product. This is my favorite selling method on Amazon FBA.

What is a private label? A private label product is produced by a third-party contractor or by a manufacturer and sold under the brand name of a retailer. In other words, you take an existing product and make it with your brand and logo. I am a private label seller. The most successful Amazon FBA sellers are private labels. Find a profitable private label product in 15 minutes or less I know there is much information to digest, but now is the time to demonstrate how easy it is to find a brand-name product for sale. This is an important part of the sale on Amazon called "product search." If it sounds like a lot of work, do not worry. Believe it or not, Amazon provides data on the quality of the sales of each of its products. One of the key indicators that we use to determine product demand is directly on the Amazon product pages: the ranking of the best seller. Every product on Amazon gets a BSR. The smaller the BSR, the more revenue the product generates. We can take the BSR and translate it into average monthly sales.

BUSINESS #2 – AFFILIATE MARKETING Will you like to make money with affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is one of the most widespread and widespread methods to make money easy and legitimate online. It has also become one of the main sources of revenue for many bloggers, entrepreneurs, and webmasters online. Affiliate marketing is an effective way to make more money and start a home-based business. It does not require much money to start, and you have no product, no stock or no product shipping, no service. You are essentially paid to direct new clients and customers to other online businesses. What does affiliate marketing mean? According to Wikipedia, affiliate marketing is a kind of performance-based marketing in which a company rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing is a nice sales channel for online businesses. Therefore, affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting the products (or businesses) of others. You find a product that you like, promote it to others, and share in the profits from every sale you make. How affiliate marketing works? When you sign up for an affiliate program and select the products you want to sell, sellers provide you with a unique affiliate code that you can use to show traffic to your destination site. Most affiliate programs offer text links, banners, and other forms of creative copy ready to use. Just copy the code and place it on your site or share it with other people to start referencing the traffic. The affiliate will try to offer consumers the channel that best suits them, be it a social network, digital billboards, or a search engine using content marketing for blogs. When interested

visitors click on the links, they are redirected to the product site and buy a product or subscribe to a service that you have a referrer, you make a commission. Top Affiliate Marketing Programs The first step while starting a successful affiliate marketing business is to look for rewarding affiliate programs that you can participate in. Each affiliate program has its advantages and disadvantages, so you need to know which search and the good news is that you can participate in more than one affiliate marketing program at a time. 1. Amazon Affiliate Program The Amazon Affiliate Program is the most popular right now. If you started as an affiliate, this is the best place to start. The best thing about the Amazon Affiliate Program is that you have the opportunity to promote what you like the most. It has a user-friendly interface that contains millions of vendors giving flexibility in terms of product selection of your choice. 2. AliExpress Affiliate Program AliExpress offers an excellent platform for affiliate marketing. Through this program, you can get links and banners to promote sellers and products on AliExpress. Once a banner or link is placed on your platform (website, blog, social media page, etc.), you can start making money. If visitors click on your link to AliExpress and make a purchase, you will receive a commission on it. 3. Shopify Affiliate Program Whether you're an Affiliate Marketer, Social Influencer, Youtuber, Business Leader, or Blogger with a growing audience, sign up to become a Shopify Affiliate and earn commissions from new Shopify merchants. 4. ClickBank The ClickBank Affiliate Program has over 500,000 members worldwide. This should be sufficient to persuade you that they are an excellent choice for affiliate marketing. Its most popular affiliate products are digital products and information, such as e-books and software. 5.Rakuten Formerly known as LinkShare, Rakuten is also a unique destination for lucrative affiliate products. It is one of the oldest affiliate networks, but still has many promoters (publishers).

BUSINESS #3 – BLOGGING You want to make money. Of course, you do. Everyone wants - and needs - to make money. So you started a blog since it is an easy way to make money, but do not know how to make money with it. Or maybe you already own a blog and explore ways to monetize it. Whatever group you are in, making money with a blog - be it a blogging hobby or a business blog - is possible. It's not a quick test, but if you do the right thing, you can do enough to support your family and more. Let's deepen and see how you can benefit from your blog. Monetize with CPC or CPM ads One of the most common methods to make money for bloggers is to place ads on their

sites. There are two types of popular ads: CPC / PPC ads: Cost-per-click ads (also known as click-and-pay) are usually banners that you place on your content or in the sidebar. Each time a viewer clicks on the advert, you get paid for that click. CPM ads: CPM adverts, or "cost per 1,000 impressions," are ads that pay a fixed amount based on the number of visitors to your ad. The most used network for placing these types of adverts is Google AdSense. With this program, you need not be in direct contact with advertisers; place the banner on your site, Google chooses ads relevant to your content, and your viewers click on them. If you discover that AdSense does not work for you, several similar programs are available, such as Chitika, Infolinks, and Sell private ads Working with ad networks is not your only option when it comes to selling ads. If there is not enough traffic, advertisers can contact you directly to ask you to place the ad on the site. You can also contact advertisers. The biggest difference from the option mentioned above is that there is no intermediary, which means that you can set your rates for ads. The sale of private ads can take the form of banners, buttons, or links. You can even make money by writing sponsored messages in which you write or review an advertiser's product or service. Another option is to write an article or a subscribed series, on which you can write about any subject, but the advertiser pays for the "Provided by" mention in the content. The ways to make money may vary. For example, you can charge a single charge for a link in a message. If you host banner ads, your partner may be billed monthly. Digital product sales If you prefer not to advertise other people's products on your site or if you are looking for another source of revenue, consider selling digital products. This can include things like: EBooks Online Courses / Workshops Pictures, videos, or music that people can use in their content. Apps, plugins or themes Sell Memberships Another way to make money is to sell subscriptions at exclusive corners of your site. For example, a career blog can charge users $ 10 a month to access their site. A start-up business blog can sell subscriptions to its forums, where users can get personalized advice about their business. The key here is that your unique subscription should be more valuable than what your visitors can find for free elsewhere, to ensure you develop something of value and value.

BUSINESS #4 – DROPSHIPPING Dropshipping is a type of business model that allows a business to operate without inventory, a

warehouse to store its products, or even ship products to its customers. How does it work? The retailer partners with a shuttle service provider who manufactures and stores products, package them, and ships them directly to the customer on behalf of the retailer. In simple terms, here's how works dropshipping: The customer submits an order for a product in the retailer's online store. The retailer automatically or manually transmits the order and customer details to the drop-shipment service provider. The direct delivery supplier packages and ships the order directly to the customer on behalf of the retailer. This type of business model is extremely attractive because it prevents the store owner from having a physical location, such as an office or warehouse, but rather a laptop and a connection to the internet. Criteria for choosing the best dropshipping products There is virtually no way to determine which products are perfectly "perfect" for the commercial dropshipping model. However, it is essential to have a shortlist of product ideas that you will sell (based on facts, figures, and concrete research). Good way to start determining which products you will eventually sell. Here is a set of criteria that can help you determine if a product is suitable for in-store delivery: Price detail: for dropshipping, the retail price and the wholesale price is essential. It's about determining the price of your products: low prices can generate more sales, but you get lower profit per product, while higher-priced items can sell less, but you can for more profit by article. Find the balance that suits your expectations and those of your customers. As we mentioned before, dropshipping profit margins can range from 15% to 45%, and that's what you should aim for. This usually means that the price of items between $ 50 and $ 100 is optimal, depending on the product. Size and weight: Packaging and shipping costs vary from one product to another, depending on the amount of packaging material required and the effort (manual effort or machine) required to ship the product. In this sense, having smaller and lighter items is the cheapest to ship and offers the greatest profit margin. Larger products can also be shipped with a relatively large profit margin, but it is best to start with less. Cross-selling products: selling related product games is a great way to add value to your customers and encourage them to buy more each time they place an order. Consider the products you can sell together that serve a related niche. For instance, if you are laying ship's easels, it may be wise to also deposit ship's canvases, brushes, and other art supplies. If you choose to follow this path, think about how you can strategically price your products so that the sale is as important as the one you offer to your customers. You can choose to sell your main product at a lower profit margin (for example, 10-15%) to encourage your customers to buy it, but compensate for the shortfall by selling other accessories and components for the product crosswise.

Durability: If the goods and services you sell are for single-use and RENOV will be LEVELS, there will be a greater chance for your customers to make repeated requests, thus increasing your sales. Many retailers set up payment options for their buyers, which ensures repeat purchases. You can make this offer even more attractive to your customers by offering a discount to subscribers to your services. Rate figure of business: consider product turnover that you sell (the rate at which the product is modified, apart day at a reduced price, etc.). As an online store retailer, many of your businesses will come from product photography and content you post about products. This is time-consuming and potentially expensive. So, if you sell products that constantly change over short periods, you will have to change the content, which would represent a constant reinvestment of time and money - with the added stress of updating everything physically.

BUSINESS #5 – CREATING AFFILIATE NETWORK Ok, you want to create an affiliate network. It may be a very lucrative business, but money is not easy. First, you must have a good business. You will need to attract affiliates, ideally the best, to promote them. So, where do you start? What should you focus on? We are here to guide you in the right direction. Start with partners: search for advertisers If you do not have access to attractive offers, you can be sure not to attract marketers to your network. The promises will not attract them - there are so many networks on the market. Marketers have already selected their affiliate network partners who can help them make a lot of money. The worst for you is that the number of experienced digital marketers is limited. And that makes them very busy. They do not have the time to analyze millions of offers to find a good one. It is more comfortable - and often more lucrative - to join a network offering high-quality conversion offers. If they do not rank their offers, affiliate marketers like to specialize in vertical sectors - for example, games, mobile apps, and so on. And the same thing applies to affiliate networks. There is not much success in trying to position several offers. Starting an affiliate network specialized in certain sectors is always a good idea. In this way, you can find experts in these areas who will be interested in finding offers they can promote. Affiliate networks give brands access to some of the most successful marketers in the market who would not be willing to work exclusively with them. And they can promote their products effectively. That's why there is still a demand for seasoned marketers to drive up this sales chart quickly. So, if they do not reach you so easily, how do you start? Establish partnerships with advertisers. "Advertisers are very important here, to be honest. Of course, big brands with large budgets and high demand would be perfect, but they are probably too big to start working with another affiliate network. Chances are they already work with some and are happy with them. That's why a niche or a vertical can be your main advantage. Find partners in the niche - some

who already know a lot of traffic - and build a relationship with them. They do not have much to lose, but that does not mean you do not have to be careful. They may be concerned about ad placements and will certainly monitor references, for example, where the traffic comes from. Locating affiliates Having worked with advertisers and proven the profitability of your network, it's time to find affiliates that will help you maintain performance while minimizing your advertising efforts. When you send your network to affiliates, you must have strong numbers. They want to know if the offers are worth their time. But you know, right? That's why you started promoting yourself. What if the offers are not so good? If they have potential, work with your partners to optimize them - change the copy, appearance, and so on. Good deals can generate interest, but the success of an affiliate network depends even more. Follow your network You must follow all aspects of network performance and be accurate. In short, behind all conversions or other goals, there is real money. You will want to use a reliable tracker that supports affiliate networks.

BUSINESS #6 – KINDLE PUBLISHING Nevertheless, just like the process of writing and self-publishing, the Kindle publication requires a little effort on your part to take full advantage of its robust platform. As a self-publisher, you are accountable for all aspects of your book: writing, editing, formatting, and even marketing. And as such must know and exercise their rights in the Kindle universe. You have written your book, added all the main parts of the content, and formatted it correctly for download. So, without further ado, let's cover a few details about downloading your book using the Amazon KDP platform and the conditions under which authors can better explore this service. Once your book is complete, log in to your Amazon account, click the "Add a new title" button and enter the title of your book. You will then have two distinct steps to conclude that you have the same value to make money with Amazon Kindle: 1. Entering the details of the Amazon Kindle book A. Entering the title of the Amazon Kindle book and key information This is where you can tell your audience how good your book is and why they should buy it. You can provide many details, but most authors do well by covering the following essential information: Title (required) and / or subtitles or title of the series (optional). In addition to a beautiful book cover image (people judge a book (even a digital book) by its cover, a good title is one of the most important factors for buying or distributing your book. Take the time to make sure the title of your book is compelling enough to attract people and interest - and make sure it's big enough so people can see it while browsing the books on their

mobile devices. A good legend can greatly help people become more interested in the book and buy it. Description One of the biggest mistakes of most writers is not to write a long description to turn browsers into buyers. People will not buy your book just because it has good coverage and a good title (although it's a long way). They need to know the exact details of your book, what they will get, and why they should buy it from hundreds to thousands of competing books in their category. The more you count, the more you sell. Age group and grade. This is more appropriate for children's books, novels, and other age-specific niches. Not necessary for fiction books. Contributors. The author and co-authors and others (editors, illustrators, translators, etc.) who deserve to be considered. Remember that it is good to use a nickname if you do not want to post under your name. Language This is explicit. Category A good tip here is to detail and select ultra-specific subcategories for your book, rather than selecting a generic/high-level category. This will help your book reach a higher rank and be found by people interested in your specific sub-niche, which will increase sales. As your sales increase, you will begin to be classified in other higher-level categories. B. Download and preview your Amazon Kindle book before logging in Amazon provides you with a digital rights management service that prevents illegal copying and plagiarism of your content. Plus, it offers an online viewing tool that lets you see your book as customers see it as they read their Kindle readers, iPads, and other electronic devices. You can also preview your e-book on your Kindle device by downloading a preview tool from the site. We recommend that you enable Digital Rights Management to prevent unauthorized sharing of your Amazon Kindle book. 2. Establish your rights and pricing details A. Confirm your publication rights on Amazon Kindle During the process of downloading an ebook, you will be asked in two places to confirm your rights to publish your material: Verification of your publication rights (Is the book in the public domain or original material?) Verifying your publishing territories (worldwide or in selected territories)

If you publish yourself, you probably own the rights to your material and worldwide rights. So you need to list them on the global market to maximize your sales and royalties in all the countries in which Amazon operates. B. Amazon Kindle Book Royalty Details and Price Choose your preferred royalty option. Choose the book price in USD only and allow currency conversion to other markets. You can also set the price of each eligible country individually.

BUSINESS #7 - RENTAL INCOME Rental income is any amount received for the use of the tangible property. As mentioned earlier, rental income is one of the most popular ways to earn passive income for investors. All leasing activities are generally considered passive income. Investing in real estate is considered passive income because you generate income from the money you have already invested in real estate. Even if you materially participate as the owner of your investment property, this will still be considered passive income. More and more people are withdrawing some or all of their money from the stock market and buying a rental property. Regarding all investments, a lot of risks are attached. However, spending a little more time analyzing powerful real estate markets in different parts of the country has (literally) paid off. Pay particular attention to markets experiencing population growth, employment growth, and appreciation potential. For more information, check out some of the country's leading real estate markets. Renting / Passive Income There are three ways in which you make money with properties: Buy at market value Purchase at market value for real estate appreciation Buy a property with a good rental income for the purchase price ratio. Calculate your autonomy Even the rental price is important. Profit is realized when you buy a property, not after the purchase. Otherwise, you would put more of what came out, think that it feeds the property to realize capital gains. However, it would be a capital gain and not a passive income. There are government programs that encourage homeowners to rent their property in difficult markets, such as rent guarantee schemes for municipalities in the United Kingdom, or lease them to the government in the long run. Tenants - The source of your passive income Tenants will occupy one of your most expensive possessions. It is, therefore, important to treat them with respect and professionalism. It is easy to evaluate a tenant using services such as It is important to know your rights and obligations towards tenants. For example, what

information you can keep in your files and how to protect them. Contracts are mandatory and must be verified by a lawyer. Do not be too friendly with your tenants, which is a recipe for disaster. Take a tour with them and take pictures of all the amenities of the rental. Explain their responsibility and yours. When something is your responsibility, correct it and, if it has the means, set a payment plan during the rent instead of deducting it from the deposit. Tenants must be contractually obliged to report faults in 24 hours and do are not liable for damages beyond this period. You can be creative with tenants (if the law allows it); for example, you can offer them monthly contracts to show them that you want to make them happy. Or give them the 12th month at half price. Risks / Avoiding common mistakes of house owners Market timing is a way of knowing at what stage of the bubble phase the market is. It is impossible to know if the market will stay in the bubble and for how long. After the collapse, the markets finally recovered, but it could take ten years. The property is not clear. By selling quickly, we lose part of its capital for the installation to install quickly. Obtaining a mortgage or remortgage is one way to increase liquidity. Stocks, money, and bonds tend to be more liquid than real estate.

BUSINESS #8 – ONLINE COURSES Many people think they do not know enough about a subject to teach it, but the truth is that you do not have to be an expert to create and sell an online course. You need to know more than most. The topics you can cover are vast: art or photography, personal development, music, gardening, cooking, marketing, technology, language, etc. Many people earn thousands of dollars a month by taking online courses, such as teaching guitar, learning to use specific software, or making bread. How to create an online course If you're prepared to dive into the world of online education, follow the steps below. 1. Choose a course topic Make a list of what you know. It may be something your friends and family ask for help. It may be an employment-related skill (for example, how to use Evernote or how to be productive working from home). Do you possess a hobby you can teach others how to paint in watercolor for beginners or reduce your golf score? 2. Do market research No one wishes to spend a lot of time creating a course that nobody will buy. Many people may want to know your subject, but the question is: are they willing to pay to learn? Before investing time in your course, find out who would be the best buyer and whether he is ready, willing, and able to buy it. 3. Describe your course If you have determined that there is a market ready to buy your course, the next step is to

determine what you are going to put on the course. By the course nature, the content provided must be complete in the subject and cover all important aspects. A course does not look like a blog post, which usually slides on the surface. 4. Decide on the best methods for giving your lessons. The trick is to determine which format is best for what you are trying to teach. In some cases, you can suggest two methods for a lesson. For instance, if you were teaching a course on using Quickbooks, you could take a step-by-step tutorial and a video tutorial on how to install and configure the software. 5. Create your lessons This is the most tedious aspect of setting up an online course. Consider creating a logo or a theme color that appears throughout the lesson content. Review your text lessons and watch your videos to make sure there are no errors or flaws. 6. Determine how you will sell your lesson For a faster, less technical effort, you can use an online course service such as Udemy or SkillShare. The payment of these sites varies. For example, the payment of Udemy instructors depends on how the sale was generated (through your market, your affiliate, or directly from you). 7. Download your course online Once you have chosen your platform, download your course. If the flat - form allows you to customize your course, such as adding a logo or layout of the page colors. This will help you create your unique brand. 8. Market your course Whatever your platform, you must promote your course. Even using a service like Udemy where students can find you reading Udemy market, you want to do your marketing. 9. Keep your course information up to date. Every few months, make sure your course information is current and relevant. Obsolete information does not help your students and can lead to negative reviews. Be sure to check and repair broken resource links. 10. Rinse and repeat There is no rule to follow with a course. If you can teach other courses related to your initial course, create them. You can refer your students to these other courses.

BUSINESS #9 – EBOOKS Have you ever wanted to write a book without knowing where to start or how to publish it? well, this session is for you. Today, I will show you how to write an ebook and publish it online in less than an hour to start earning passive income while you leave it online. Step 1: Select your passion Think of different things you would like to do and create a list of possible ideas you could write about by writing an ebook. Once you have selected your passion, create a mental map of all the

pieces related to that passion that you might want to include in your ebook. Step 2: Write your passion Now that you've created the database, it's time to start working on content creation. Open Word, Notepad, or any other platform that you will use to write your content. Create a preliminary outline of the content to use to guide you in writing your ebook content, as it will serve as a template and let you know when and where to talk about specific aspects of your passion. Step 3: Format your eBook After you have downloaded your book on an e-book platform such as Kindle, the formatting is distorted, and they look different from the original Word document. Indeed, different devices read a different text and have a different screen size. So, here is a list of things to consider when formatting your e-book: Page numbers - they differ in the final product. The index should not contain a page number. Guides and various spaces Text boxes You will want to use titles 1 and 2 to format chapter titles and subtitles. Labels must work well in finished product format so you can use them as well. Select easy-to-read fonts, such as Arial or Georgia, and select a font size of 12 or greater for the main body content. Very small fonts will be difficult for viewers to read, and a very large font may be annoying to readers because they spend more time scrolling through pages because there are not many words on the screen if the text is large. Be sure to use the spell checker and proofread several times to make sure that you have detected all errors and grammatical errors. Step 4: Publish your eBook Visit the Amazon Kindle Publishing website They offer a quick video to watch, explaining how to upload your file to their publishing platform. Then you will want to create an account if you do not have one before you can start downloading your book. Once you have an account, you will see your dashboard. This is my control panel, and there is my famous ebook that has been secretly sold behind my back. At the time of writing this page, this is my only eBook published on Amazon Kindle, but a few others are about to be uploaded. One of them is the Owner's Guide that strives to become an owner you've seen on the homepage used for the image in the Creating eBook section. Step 5: Create a cover for your e-book You can create a cover yourself using Word, PowerPoint, or a photoshop program. Go to Google Images and type "eBook Cover" to get an idea of how ebook covers are created and designed by others. Also, use Amazon's eBook site to search for different published books and their covers. Once you have a design idea or layout, create your cover and save it as an image file, such as png or jpg. Then download it. You can also use the cover creator from Amazon, for

which you can see the button in the image above. Your last step is to download the actual content file that will be formatted into an ebook by clicking the Browse button in step 6 of the download process.

BUSINESS #10 – DOWNLOADABLE PLANNERS AND WORKBOOKS Planners and downloadable notebooks have been a great passive income product for many of my friends who live on the Internet. It's among the digital products that can be so simple to manufacture, so easy to sell at an affordable price, and you have to sell it on autopilot without much promotion once the configuration is done. In terms of content, an agenda can be as small as a page or even a 100-page PDF that someone prints and places in their workbook. If you're wondering what a downloadable, scheduler or printable workbook is, it's just a simple digital file (such as a PDF) that someone can download, print, fill, and even digitally use. The best thing about this particular type of product is that it usually rests on something that the creator already uses in his own life! You may already be sitting in a printable or digital downloadable binder or planner that you use yourself, but you have never thought of designing and selling it! Planners can sell from $ 7 to $ 67 or more, depending on the content and its nature! How long does it take to create a downloadable binder or printable planner? It depends on the type of digital download you are creating. A 5 - page printing can take only an hour to do - and you can sell unlimited copies forever! A 50-page workbook with many prompts and more information may take longer to design, 5 to 8 hours to create and design content. It also depends on your own experience. If you can design it yourself, it's perfect! Otherwise, learning a simple design program like Canva can take time. What does a printable planner look like? On the right, you can see an example of a planner and print by our student Gemma! I love this example because it is very affordable, and you print at home. I like how it shows you how you are when you print and start using it! It comes as a simple PDF file. The customer can print it and place it in his binder. If you plan to publish a print type, start by offering only the digital PDF version! What equipment must I possess to create and deliver the product (and how much will it cost)? Creating a digital download or printable / scheduler is easy to create and deliver. All you are required to do is make a PDF and have a way to automatically bill the payment and transfer the download.

Create the PDF: You can make your PDF in Pages or Canva. If you possess design skills, you can create your printables in Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator. Payment Processing and PDF Delivery: We use and recommend Samcart for this. Samcart automatically provides PDFs to its customers when someone buys them. You do not even need a third party system to deliver it! Everything is integrated We love it too because it connects directly to various messaging services (including ConvertKit, which we use). When someone buys the printable file or download, you can automatically identify it as a Convertkit client. It is a super affordable product to create because it would only cost you $ 19 to start with the Samcart Basic option! What skills are required to create a digital planner? You will need to create the contents of the workbook, printable, or planner. So, you must be able to design it, but you do not have to be a professional designer to create something beautiful by yourself! It's a very easy thing to create! On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say it's a 3. This is a great product for beginners because it's simple (and cheap!) To build and deliver!

BUSINESS # 11 - TRADING STOCK Many people dream of making money by trading stocks, and others wonder from time to time if this can be done. Every day, thousands of investors make money playing the market. Although the biggest gains are the most exciting and headline news, there are many nuances and slow gains for traders. It will take time to learn how to make money by trading stocks, but it is a workable goal. Stock trading is a risky business. If you try, you will have to plan the losses - some companies win, and some lose each day. But with several kinds of research and an understanding of the companies in which it is worth investing and why you can make money by trading stocks. Start as a new stock trader Getting started and making money by trading stocks are two different things. If you are new to the game, follow these steps to prepare for success as you gain experience: Research Market Trends: Even leading marketers are not left behind in research. You must learn about market trends, as well as reliable sources, to stay informed of the latest news. "Kiplinger," "The Economist," and "Bloomberg" magazines are worth adding to your playlist. It's also interesting to follow the blogs and social media accounts of industry experts, including traders, economists, and other seasoned experts. Create an account with a trading site: When you are ready to start trading, you need to create an account with a trading site - a site like Scottrade, TradeKing, or TD Ameritrade. Before choosing a service, read user reviews and BBB ratings, if any, to ensure the site's reputation. You

will also need to know what transaction fees and other fees will be paid for using the service. If you need help restricting your choices, look for services that will help you trade, such as investor search tools, mobile apps, or customer support services. Practice: stock trading is not just about research; it's more than stock trading. If you want to improve and see a return on your investments, you must practice. Before making real money moves, create an account on a site like ScottradeELITE or OptionsHouse, and make transactions without using real money. This will help you become familiar with how the negotiations are going and what decisions you will make when an action goes wrong or wrong. This can help you to discover how trading works before making use of real money. If you are a new investor, you can approach the market from a general point of view. It's great, but over time you will want to focus on an area where you are an expert, or you like to learn. The market is full of options, and you can not take advantage of all the good deals that happen every day. It is simply better to focus on a small sector of the market as you grow as a trader. The good news is that as a new trader, you can search and explore freely without having to focus on a specialization immediately. Just be aware that at some point, you will want to choose and dominate a specific part of the market. Also, if you are a beginner looking for a merchant site, remember that you do not have to choose one right away. Some people open accounts on certain websites and then refine their choices later when they better understand which equipment, services, and rates are best suited to their trading strategy.

BUSINESS #12 – CROWDFUNDING Crowdfunding allows individuals, businesses, and charities to raise money. This works through people or organizations that invest in (or donate) in crowdfunding projects in return for a potential profit or reward. Investing in this way can be risky, so know what you are doing. What does crowdfunding mean? If a person or company wants to raise funds through crowdfunding, they can bid by posting the details of their project, activity, or idea on a crowdfunding site. This implies they can avoid going to a bank. The "crowd" in crowdfunding refers to the people or organizations that provide the money. What are the different types of crowdfunding? There are several types of crowdfunding: Crowdfunding based on investment. You invest in a business and get a return share (usually shares). Crowdfunding based on loans. You lend money to companies or individuals in return for a fixed interest rate. It is also called a loan between individuals or between individuals (P2P or P2B). You can find out more about crowdfunding in our peer lending guide. Crowdfunding based on donations. You donate to a person or charity (something can be promised in return). Crowdfunding based on rewards. You give money in exchange for a reward for the project or cause you support.

How does crowdfunding work? If you visit a crowdfunding site, you can see an overview of the projects being launched. You may need to register on the site to view the land, get more details, or invest in a project. If you find a project that interests you, you will need to look for more details. The company, whether individual or social, that wishes to raise funds, must inform: How much does he want to increase How much has increased so far Participation in the proposed undertaking (if applicable) What is the money going to How long the field is open How many people have invested What you will get in exchange for an investment (such as shares in the company) The investment can go no further than if the company increases the total value. You should have a 14-day cooling-off period if you change your mind. What are the risks involved? Crowdfunding is a new idea, and investing in start-ups can be very risky. The main risks of crowdfunding based on investment are: The companies in which you invest may go bankrupt. Many new businesses fail in the early years so that you can lose all your money. The return is not guaranteed. The value of the shares can not increase, and you can not receive any dividends (a share of the profits). It can be difficult to sell stocks. Stocks are generally not listed, which means you may not be able to sell them easily as you can sell the shares of a large publiclytraded company. The crowdfunding platform itself may fail. This may mean that you lose money if you paid for the crowdfunding site, but it fails before your money is invested in the company. Reduce the risks of crowdfunding investments Invest only money that you can afford to lose. You should not invest more than 10% of the money available for a year. Before investing money on an investment-based crowdfunding platform, check the Financial Services Registry to make sure it is authorized. The FCA does not regulate crowdfunding platforms for donations and rewards. The money you invest must be kept in a separate account from the crowdfunding bank accounts before being returned to the company. However, crowdfunding sites enjoy limited protection under the financial services compensation system. You can, therefore, ask for compensation in case of bankruptcy of the site. What are the tax benefits of crowdfunding? If you invest in a small business, two major plans offer tax advantages: the program of

investment in the business (EIS) and the program of investment in startup companies (SEIS). Both plans allow you to offset a percentage of the amount invested in your tax bill, and any profits are tax-free. But there are conditions; For example, you should keep your investment for a minimal amount of time.

BUSINESS #13 – BANNER ADVERTISING Banner advertising refers to the use of a rectangular graphic display that extends up, down or to the side of a website or the ownership of an online media. The horizontal type of banner ad is called a header, while vertical banners are called skyscrapers and placed in the sidebars of a web page. Banner ads are based on images rather than text and are a popular form of online advertising. The banners are intended to promote a brand and / or to ensure that visitors to the host site access to the advertiser's site. Basic of banner advertising Banner ads, also called posters, consist of images or static or animated media. They are usually placed in highly visible areas on high traffic websites. Banner ads are attractive because they can help build brand awareness, lead leads, and redirect an audience (by giving your visitors a chance to sign up for a newsletter or free trial before to click outside). Banner ads work in much the same way as traditional ads; However, the advertiser's method of paying for the host can be very different from selling traditional advertising space. The host is paid for the banner ad in one of three ways: cost per print (pay for each site visitor who sees the ad), cost per click (pay for each site visitor who clicks on the ad) advertise, and visit the advertising site). Advertiser) or cost per action (payment for each site visitor who clicks on the ad, visits the advertiser 's site, and performs a task, such as completing a form or making a purchase). Banner Advertising Technology Ad networks are responsible for correspondence is advertisers with websites that wish to sell an INSTANCE of advertising. They control the available ad slots and match the advertiser's request. The technology that allows ad networks to do is a central ad server, which selects specific personalized ads to site visitors based on the words - key behavior of search visualization and website or depending on the context of content from the host site. At the moment, banner advertising and almost all online ads using real-time bidding technology, called programmatic bidding, allowing companies to bid approved on space for the time needed to load the banner. Today's trends in content marketing revolve around personalization or the possibility of giving consumers the feeling that you are talking to them directly. As a result, targeted banners are becoming more. And see if your site has what it takes to become a profitable advertising machine. Five things to consider: 1. Traffic Advertisers want to make the most of their advertising budget and invest in the most profitable blogs.

How much traffic is enough? I would say that you need about 500 unique visitors a day to earn enough advertising money. Of course, you can do it with less, and it will be up to you (and your potential sponsors) to decide. 2. Location of the banner This is something you will need to test on your blog - one size does not fit all. You can also add banner ads to the content of your home page or publications. Yes, readers can indeed create "banner blindness" for 125X125 spots in the sidebar, but I think it all depends on how you do it. Some effective ingredients to get great clicks on these sites are the clean and crisp sidebar, a limited number of ads, and, of course, the authority of the blog. 3. Relevance So obvious, but often ignored. I see many of my clients advertising for products that are in no way related to their niche. Like putting a food banner on a weight loss blog. Really? 4. Quality When you pay for advertising, you do not necessarily sell the advertised products, but the quality of the advertised products always affects you and your business. After all, if your reader ends up buying a product through an ad on your blog and ends up being a failure, guess who hears all of this and may even lose readers for it? 5. Go the extra mile Banner revenue is passive but not hands-free. If your advertisers do not get the expected clicks, they will not be renewed, as Lisa Irby mentioned above. It's much easier to satisfy your current advertisers than to get new ones, so do it.

BUSINESS #14 – STOCK PHOTO Inventory photography is simply a term for generic images that buyers use for the visual content of everything, from news and blogs to websites to the design of creative materials or promotional material. It's much cheaper than using a photographer and is usually sold through a platform that specializes in maintaining a large library of these images. Buyers have a choice between several options. Think of archival photography as the opposite of personalized photography, which is directly licensed to a client and is an original work created specifically for that client's needs.

How do You Make Stock Photography Pay for You? The first thing to keep in mind to succeed in the world of photography is that you must be ready to shoot a stock photograph. You'd be surprised how many people do not know what that means. Of course, shots in the dark can sometimes hit your goal, but it's very rare. To truly succeed in this area, you need to know your purpose, aim, and shoot. In other words, you must operate as a business. Producing images tradable shares means researching the markets and current trends. It means taking the time to see what is currently selling or what holidays are coming and creating/ capture images accordingly. Three practical tips for photography As important as research and planning are, they are only part of the success of microstock. Here are the other slices you need to keep in mind: 1. Keywords Keywords are the main way for potential buyers to find your images and are therefore extremely important. It means that it is important to do things right. Here are some tips on the keywords for archive photography for beginners: Make your keywords as descriptive as possible. Depending on the micro - stocks agency you work with, it may be important to list them in order of importance. Some platforms, such as Adobe Stock, offer an automatic keyword tool that works perfectly but does not depend on it. It is best to do due diligence and make sure you do not miss any keywords and organize them in order of relevance. 2. Always keep the end-user in mind To sell your photos, you must have something that end-users want. Bloggers, marketing agencies, companies, or magazines, end users determine what is selling - literally. What are they looking for? Image content that helps to illustrate concepts and / or complements the content they create. This can be just about anything, but some things are more in demand than others. People who create websites or advertisements often need images with a lot of negatives (empty) space where they can put text ... and so on. This translates into three main questions: Who will want to buy that? What will they use it for? How will they use it? If you compose your images with this in mind, your chances of selling will be much better. 3. Upload regularly

Loading regularly is important for several reasons. First of all, the more the photos you have, the more likely you are to make a sale. Second, keep your images on the front, and the center in the search results in the most platforms. Third, trends are changing, and many images that will be popular in a year will not be "in" a few years later. However, if you do not continue to submit new content, the amount will decrease over the months. So, if you wish to avoid wasting time, you will continue to download new high-quality content. This will keep your more pictures searchable on the current research and also is m help you keep -Las relevant to the new trend is TRENDS. Which Microstock photography site is the best? Right now, there are dozens of microstock agencies, but only a few are worth your time. For a time, most photographers usually focus on Shutterstock, Fotolia (now Adobe Stock), iStock ( Getty Images microstock section ), and Alamy. The others to consider are Depositphotos and Dreamstime.

BUSINESS #15 – T-SHIRT BUSINESS Today, with the Internet and digital printing capabilities, launching a t-shirt business is easier and more affordable than ever before. Some features allow you to design a shirt using print on demand and drop shipping, so you do not have to invest a lot of money or space. Still, building a T-shirt empire of a million dollars is not given. Creating a t-shirt that communicates to the masses and selling it always requires a plan. Here are some tips and resources for starting your own home t-shirt business. 1. Create your t-shirt. Make sure to create a high-quality resolution that will fit the desired size on your t-shirt. Even though a drawing may look nice on your computer, it may not be on a t-shirt. You can hire a designer to create a high-quality image. 2. Carry out a test for your design. Before investing money and time, do market research to determine if your t-shirt will appeal to buyers. Start by deciding who would be the ideal buyer for your t-shirt idea, and then consult with members of that market for feedback on your idea. You want not only to know if they would buy your t-shirt but also what price they would pay. 3. Write a business plan. Although selling t-shirts seems simple, like all businesses without a plan, you will lose time and money. Your business plan describes your product, the ideal market, your financial forecasts, and your sales objectives. 4. Create a company name. You can make and start selling t-shirts online in minutes, but if you plan to make a living, start the official business. Starting a business starts with creating a business name. Your name should

reflect your t-shirt, but do not limit your ability to expand your t-shirt range. You can create a store via a digital t-shirt printing company, but you can also create your website and buy the domain name. 5. Make your business cool. In addition to the name of the corporation, you must determine the structure of your business (i.e., Sole Proprietor or LLC ) and obtain the necessary licenses and permits. Commercial licenses are issued by the commercial office of your city or county. If you use an online t-shirt service and sell your t-shirt via the online portal, you may not need a sales tax license. However, if you sell your shirts via your website or in-person (for example, fairs or markets), you may need to apply for a sales tax license at your state's accounting office. 6. Protect your design. Just as you do not want to infringe on another company's copyright or trademark, you do not want others to benefit from your design. Try to protect your design, logo, and / or slogan by copyright or trademark. 7. Buy your t-shirt. Think about different options for creating t-shirts (online resources and local printers) to find the price you can afford. The price you pay depends on the size and number of colors in the pattern, the type of print you choose, and the quality of the jersey you select. Based on your costs, set the price of your t-shirt so that you can cover your costs (not only the t-shirt expenses but also other business costs such as marketing and overhead). Also, remember what the market will pay. You wouldn’t like to end up with a price that people do not pay. 8. Select a printer. At the end of this article, you will find a list of features to print your shirt. Many also offer an online store to sell their shirts. Another option is to search for print options in your area. 9. Market your t-shirt. Marketing new t-shirt involves many ways, but they all start by knowing the best buyer for your t-shirt (age, gender, etc.), where you can find it and put your t-shirt on before theirs. If your target buyer shirts are a high school student who loves zombies, marketed his shirt where high school students who love zombies are online and offline. Marketing ideas include Facebook or other PPC ads, craft shows or bazaars, Etsy, and an eCommerce site.

BUSINESS #16 – SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT You know that you are a software developer when someone asks you which languages you know and responds with C ++, Javascript, PHP, and Python. Internet, programming frameworks, and collaboration tools like Git allow software developers to work from virtually anywhere. The hardest part of working at home as a software developer is usually not to find work but to make money. This can be particularly difficult when you bid on a global market or work at a flat rate, and the number of hours invested begins to accumulate. Independent broker sites Many websites negotiate different types of independent services, including software development. Sign up for a website, create a profile describing your education and experience,

select your skills, and post your photo. Search by category, skill or keyword to identify projects that require knowledge of a specific programming language with which you are comfortable or want to gain experience that other freelancers may not have to be, such as a first-page design experience end or integration with a specific database. Citing a flat rate When a project requires fixed costs, carefully read the information provided by the project sponsor to ensure that you are qualified to do the work and that you fully understand the scope of the project. If the description or specifications are unclear, post specific questions to the sponsor on the project page, but remember that all bidders can view the questions you are posting. When submitting your proposal, be very specific about what you are going to deliver. For example, do not submit a proposal to create a site without defining the number of Web pages, the Content Management Tool, and whether the site will include features such as a shopping cart or a payment gateway. Offer an hourly rate When bidding on an hourly basis, determine if cost or quality is the sponsor's main concern by looking at the sponsor's project description and previous projects. In most cases, the lowest-cost provider will be located outside the United States, in a country where wages are significantly lower. If several qualified freelancers bid for prices well below the rate you can offer, move on to other projects for which you are fully qualified. If you choose to place a higher bid, explain how your communication skills and English language proficiency mitigate a sponsor's risk of being caught for extra costs due to lack of communication. Use Craigslist Craigslist is also a good source of software development opportunities for freelancers. Browse jobs in "Web / Information Design", "Software / QA / DBA" and "Gigs-Computers". Companies that want to partner with software developers according to their needs, often to create websites using WordPress or a similar content management tool, often post ads on the site. Businesses also serve ads when they search for full-time and part-time software developers who work virtually. Create a portfolio that shows the websites you've designed, the tools you've developed, or the software you've created to show your talent to potential employers.

BUSINESS #17 – SUBLETTING PROPERTIES What is sublease? First, do you know what a sublease is? A sublease is when you rent a property to another tenant. Few people know they can do it, and in some cases, it depends on how the contract was signed. Find a higher potential tie I know you may be wondering how to make money by sub-renting a property, and that's why I'm here to talk to you. The key here is for you to rent a property that is not completely repaired. That said, I'm talking about old paint, torn floors, and things like that. If you can rent a property like this for a very small amount, you can put money into it, repair it, then sublet it to another tenant for a little more than what you pay for. An example

For example, you rent a house for $ 500 a month for a year and invest $ 400 to improve its appearance. Next year you will find a tenant willing to pay $ 750 a month for this property. So if you make $ 250 more a month, you can earn $ 3,000 less the $ 400 you invest in it. Thus, you will earn $ 2,600 over one year on this property. Imagine if you had five properties with which you were doing this! Also, it is important to understand that most properties do not have a 100% occupancy rate and that you should also consider this. You'll discover many things as you go along, but knowing that subletting a property is a great way to earn extra money. Find a reliable subcontractor I was fortunate to find sub-newsletters that are almost always a degree or two apart from me. Facebook is a great tool. Publish a status, if your friends do not need a place, one of your friends can do it. Facebook groups like Gypsy Housing and Actor Sublet Connection are my other "hits" when I need a tenant (in New York). I was also lucky to use temporary housing sites like Airbnb. Although the site often involves international and remote travelers, payment is received in advance, and there is a review system that can provide information about your potential underbulletin. Other sites like Craigslist will certainly give you a lot of answers, but getting out of your social network is a little riskier. Tips on sub - rental property Finding Homes in Preferred Locations - The first thing you need to do to sublet a property is to make sure it is well located. Just finding an owner who is subletting you is not a good deal, you have to find something that has a lot of potential and traffic. Avoid multi-unit buildings - One of the recommendations I highly recommend is never to overload a multi-unit building or even a part of it. The reason is that most people will see that you are not the owner and will begin to wonder what you are doing. This is not a problem, but some tenants do not like you not owning it. Strive - you to get a quick answer - Finally, you should have a quick response. So I say you have to repair them and find a tenant before the end of the first month; otherwise, you will have to pay the rent for the second month. If you want to make the most money possible, you must stick to a plan. My advice is to create a plan with all the properties you own because you do not want to be overwhelmed by what you do and have nothing to turn to. Believe me, and A plan will do you good.

BUSINESS #18 – SELLING YOUR MUSIC ONLINE You want to make music, learn to do it, or even create your music for a while and want to develop what you have done in a company. In other words, you want to know how to sell your music online. Well, in this article, we will address some of the best ways to do it.

And even if you find that it will not be a quick fix to become rich, with a little awareness and dedication, you will turn your hobby or passion into an activity that will yield financial rewards, big or small, that you may want. How to sell your music online and make money 1. Sell your music online via iTunes, Amazon Music, and other online stores This may be the first thing people think about when they think of selling music online. To do this, you need to find an online distribution service that distributes your music in various online stores such as iTunes and Amazon Music. There are many options, but the best known are CD Baby, TuneCore, and Octiive. For TuneCore and CD Baby, you get 100% of your sales revenue (or royalties), with the ability to easily and quickly distribute your music to all online music stores and streaming services. Both have options to share their music online and get more coverage. 2. Sell your beats and instrumentals online This is the option for those who do not want to follow the path of releasing music in online stores through the options above. There may be reasons why you do not want to sell via iTunes. Maybe your kind of producer who is not so much a singer and a songwriter than a "songwriter." In other words, you prefer that your music be sold for its value of use rather than that of entertainment. In this case, you fall into the category of beatmaker or composers’ instrumentalists. 3. Make money online on YouTube with your music If you sell your music on TuneCore or CD Baby, you automatically have options to monetize music on YouTube. The same goes for beat selling services. However, you can also join, which monitors the use of your music by YouTube and other sites. There are many creators on YouTube right now. Creators want to add sounds to their videos to enhance their audience's experience. It's natural. YouTube creators often use one of the following options: They use the music offered by YouTube for free. They use the music of an artist who has released their music through a label, TuneCore, or CDBaby. Ads are placed on their content, which attracts music owners. They use public domain music They use royalty-free music The last option is what interests you if options 1 or 2 mentioned above (free music for streaming and online stores or rhythms and instruments for singers and singers) do not suit you. 4. Earn points with television, cinema, and commercial channels You can make money by broadcasting your music on TV, movies, radio, and commercials. This

is similar to what was mentioned previously; however, with this option, you can charge royalties for using these means. Currently, the only option available at the moment is Getty Music. 5. Sell your music via a website This option offers the greatest potential for flexibility. However, you will have to make some considerations. You must take care of your royalty collection if you want to collect it to use your music in videos or other media. Joining a service like Audiam will make it a good choice for singers and songwriters.

BUSINESS #19 – PRINTABLES What are printables? The printables are as they seem; documents can be printed and used by consumers. Today, people need help to organize, plan, etc. and buy impressions to facilitate these tasks. Here are some examples of printing that you can create: Project Planners Calendar Planners Meal Planners Diet and fitness planners Financial Planners Trackers (i.e., debt repayment, weight loss, etc.) Stickers Coloring sheets (for kids and adults) Journals Worksheets Checklists Spreadsheets Templates Workbooks Stationary If you create lists or create your system to organize projects, ideas, and tasks, you can create an impression and sell them online. How to make printables to sell Here are three things that make selling print a great business idea at home or an addition to your existing business: You do not have to be graphic design or desktop design experts to create them. The tools needed to create and sell your prints are affordable, and many of them are free. It is a passive income option since you create it once and earn money several times.

Create your impression If you're not a graphic designer, find out how others design your prints to get ideas on how to format your prints. Good places to find the examples of printing are on Pinterest, Google Images, and Etsy. You do not want to copy what others do, but checking other printables can help you understand how people use color, font, and design to make their prints appealing and useful. Here are some more steps on how to produce printables for sale: Make a list of ideas for printing. It is unlikely that you will make a living with a unique impression unless you are a sophisticated planner. It is faster and easier to create the printable of one page that you can sell individually or together. If possible, do them linked. Draw your design idea on a piece of paper. This can help you understand your idea and make adjustments quickly. Decide your color scheme, logo, and other features of the brand. Keep the link with your company and the name of your company if you add to your existing business. The name of your company must be included in your print so that your customers can easily find and buy again easily. Create your printable. Plan the size of your printable. If you use a spreadsheet to print in 8 ½ X 11 format, be sure to keep the columns and lines of that size. If you are designing for a specific planner such as Filofax or Happy Planner, check the sizes to make sure you create something appropriate. Test the printable to make sure it appears correctly on the printed page. If you are creating something in which people drill holes to insert into a planner, be sure to leave enough room for the holes without cutting the drawing. Price of your printer. You may carry out different tests on different prices to find the optimal price that generates many sales. You can get an idea of the starting price of what others charge for a similar product. You will also need to consider your overhead costs, such as your Etsy membership or web hosting fees. One of the benefits of digital printables is that once created, they can be sold repeatedly without any extra work or equipment, so their overhead costs are reduced. Sell your printables online The easiest and fastest way to start selling printable material is to create an Etsy store, a website for many types of print. Fiverr and Creative Market are other online options for selling your print materials. If you want more control over your printable business, you can create your online store. Shopify is a popular platform for printable business owners, but you can use other eCommerce options to create an affordable online store. Finally, you can create your website to sell your printable documents. This gives you absolute control over your business, but it does require a little more technical knowledge on how to build. You can build a WordPress website and add an eCommerce plugin, or use a template and eCommerce options provided by a host.

BUSINESS #20 -APPS YOU CREATED There are many ways to make money with your app and more steps than those described in this section, but here are some of the simplest and easiest ways to create a regular cash flow from your app Market a subscription. You can possess a small free version of your application, but leave the best part to unlock for a consumer subscription that costs only a few dollars a month. It's the beauty of apps like Headspace. View ads. You have an application, like a game, where people spend a lot of time; In this case, you can place ads to make money while users take advantage of your creative. Electronic Arts are known for this, with games like Sim City: Buildit. Sell a premium version. You can have a free application or a low cost. But keep some incredible extra features available for an additional purchase. This looks like the "remove ads" feature of any "professional" version of an app, and that's how Sega monetizes its classic games. Sell your data. You can collect anonymous data from your application and its users and sell it to people who need it to run their business. Respect your privacy and enjoy a revenue model that does not serve ads to your users. Most of the time, once an application is created, you are ready. You can have updates here or there, but you can leave it in the store for more downloads and more revenue. It's like a website; Only you can do a lot, a lot more. And since the websites were in the 1990s, this is a highly scalable business model. Believe me, you can spend a week or two, creating an app that earns $ 10,000 a month. This goal will certainly require work, but thousands and thousands of people realize it today, so it is certainly possible. It is here that the pleasure begins You can use what you have learned from your first application and apply it to your next application. What you took the initiative in a week can now be reduced to three days or more, or even a single day, depending on the similarity of applications. With request number two, you can scale it to $ 8,000 a month with the same effort and tactics you used for the number one app. Think for a moment: you spend almost a week creating two apps. You have done exactly the same thing to resize your second application, which means it is much faster, and you almost double your income for less than half of the work you put in the first application. What happens when you add a third app? Or a fourth?

Honestly, Math is watching! It's the power of the ladder at your fingertips. This is how application empires are created. Simple applications, costing between $ 1,000 and $ 50,000 a month, can be replicated over and over again until you get bored and look for something else to fill your time. As long as you learn how to create this first application, you can continue to evolve your success without stopping. It does not matter if you work full time. Seriously! I do not care if you're in a cramped booth, and your boss, with his lingering breath of coffee, is breathing down your neck as you read this: The jam can be made as a side shake until you're ready to throw your "goodbye" when you walk in the door for the last time. Plus, building apps is something people of all ages can do, even if they do not know the technology! You need to want it. So, you have to build something. Then you have to get it to make money. Rinse and repeat. And continue until you can finally buy your freedom.

BUSINESS #21 – AFFILIATE STORE For an affiliate store, the content of an editor is a list of products in a store that looks like a real e-commerce store. Instead of listing your products for sale, you list the products of other retailers and redirect visitors to their websites using affiliate links. When visitors complete your purchase, the retailer pays a commission and handle products compliant directly with that visitor. 5 Success Guidelines for Your Affiliate Store Now that we have talked about the affiliate store, I'd like to share five tips for making your store successful: Choose a niche or a customer type For your affiliate store to stand out, it's important to select a consistent set of products. To do this, choose a niche (e.g., healthy food, clothing for children, etc.) or type of customer (e.g., yoga enthusiasts, outdoor, etc.) to centralize your store. Try to choose something that goes beyond your interests or passions so you can authentically share why your store is important to potential customers. Be sure to evaluate your products and validate your ideas to ensure their viability. Infuse your store with personality It is essential to create a climate of trust with your visitors, even if you eventually send them to other retailers to make a purchase. The best way to perform this operation is to instill personality in your store - the personality of your brand, to be exact. To do this, write a mission statement that shows how your business came about and why it counts for potential customers. You can create an even deeper link by integrating your personal story and photo whenever possible. Be honest about the relationship with affiliates Some affiliate store owners believe that they will earn more commissions if they hide their affiliation relationships from site visitors - by burying company reports in obscure locations on

the site or by excluding them. There are more reasons not to do this, which include: It's against the law, and you are subject to excessive fines if the FTC catches you. Approval of an affiliate program may be denied if an Affiliate does not see the appropriate information when reviewing your application. You may be excluded from an affiliate program if an affiliate manager does not see the appropriate information during a compliance check. Experienced buyers who know that your site is an affiliate store will make you less confident because they do not see the proper information. One last thing to consider: While product listings point to reputable retailers, visitors may be confused or frightened if they are sent to other sites to try to buy the selected products. By being candid about your affiliate relationship and how the site works, you build trust and remove any questions about buying from home. Eliminate conversion killers To become profitable, your store must successfully drive visitors to your product pages to different reseller sites using your affiliate links. This is why it is essential to eliminate irrelevant outgoing links and other sources of distraction that cause visitors to leave or leave. Some examples include: Links to other sites Phone numbers Banners or ads Unaffiliated widgets Although some outbound links are needed, such as those who access your social media accounts, consider reducing their footer location to keep visitors to your site longer. Create high-quality content Creating high-quality copy for your affiliate store via blogging and becoming active on social media has two main benefits: the first generates traffic to your store, which is necessary to earn affiliate commissions, and two others, some affiliate managers. Search for verifiable social media accounts or an active blog before approving new affiliation applications.

BUSINESS #22 – MEMBERSHIP SITES The ideal online business involves passive and recurring revenue (continues regularly), and one of the best ways to do this is to use a membership site. Understand membership sites Like gym memberships that charge a monthly fee, membership sites are places where people can sign up to get what you offer. Many membership sites offer articles or reports, video tutorials, webinars, checklists, templates, applications or software, and more. People often join membership sites because they simplify life, speed up learning curves, and provide more details on how to do something than the general content offered online.

Types of membership sites A good thing about membership sites is that there are many ways to offer one. Basic types of membership sites include: Course: Teach members what you know. Premium Content: articles and reports. Industry Information: Stay abreast of important trends or financial reports relevant to your market. Selected content or information: Search and collect information, such as daily discounts or coupons, so your members do not have to. Digital Products: Provides content, themes, applications, or website tools that provide private label rights. Community / Creator Group: Help members solve problems or solve them with point-to-point advice. How to create a membership site Member or subscriber businesses have many moving parts during installation, but here's basically what you need to do: Make a Brainstorming Business Ideas for Members: Make a list of your talents, skills, interests, and experiences. Examine the types of membership sites above to help you determine how much you know, like, or can fit into a membership model. For example, what can you teach? Have you created an excellent online tool that you can sell as a subscription? Look for your favorite idea to determine if there is demand and if the market is ready and able to pay for it: There are many ideas that the market says they like, but they may not like it enough to pay for it. Or what they are willing to pay may not be profitable for you. Plan your membership program: Decide what you will offer, how and when you will do it, and the length of your association's tenure. Look for your tools. If you want to manage your membership by e-mail, you will need a website that members can join and a mail service that can provide the content. If you want to run a course on the - line, there are several services - such as Udemy and teachable - offering platforms. If you want complete control, you can create a membership site. Several scripts and WordPress plugins perform the association aspect of your site. Other tools you might need include the creation and hosting audio or video, as well as webinars services. Evaluate your membership program. Once you have your tools, you will know the initial and recurring expenses to manage your subscription. You will also want to consider the cost of your time. Create your content. Once you have described the association's website, it's time to create the content and tools you will provide. This will probably be the longest part of your startup. Create your membership site. If you have not done so already, you will need to configure your tools and start loading your content. Market your membership site. This is where you spend most of your time and

money. A membership site can be extremely lucrative - but only if people join. There are several ways to market a site for membership. Remember to use a system of lead magnet and funnel to capture potential members emails, since most people do not participate in the first visit. Keep your membership site active. Make sure your content is up-to-date and adds value to your members.

BUSINESS #23 – WORDPRESS THEMES/PLUGIN You have developed a great WordPress theme/plugin, but you still do not know how you can sell it? Then read on, as indicated below, certain marketing techniques that will have money pouring almost instantly! Throw your work on the Amazon! - Sell themes / WordPress plugins Ok, not really. We are talking about big markets. Since you have Amazon products, you have different online markets where you can sell WordPress themes/plugins. While WordPress feeds 18.9% of websites, more and more markets for the sale of WordPress themes/plugins have begun to appear. Some of the main players in the company are listed below: WordPress Repository is a platform that allows you to download your WordPress themes/plugins and host them in your market. Your theme and plug-in will be subject to a filtering process, after which you will be able to get statistics on the number of downloads of the theme / WordPress plug-in, the user comments and the ratings you will receive. This is the market on which you can first download the Lite version of your WordPress theme/plug-in, learn the basics of the business, understand what works and what does not work, and then download the full version . and then sell WordPress themes/plugins for cash! The Themeforest is one of the most popular topics in the Envato Web markets. The market has recorded more than 10,000 themes and models for more than 2,500 authors. The site generates very important traffic, which you can access if you want to sell WordPress themes in this market. The problem, however, is that as a new author, you need to have your theme approved and sell 50% of all sales, up to 70% if you sell more. CodeCanyon is also an Envato market, but only if you want to sell WordPress plugins. The good part of CodeCanyon is that it allows you to skip the process of free downloading your plugin into the WordPress repository. All you should do is join the CodeCanyon community and take advantage of the public to sell your work. TemplateToaster is essentially a web design software that allows users to create beautiful themes from scratch. However, there is also a market where users can sell themes created using TemplateToaster. TemplateToaster analyzes the day and allows users to create templates and themes from scratch without any technical skills. Your market offers you a wide audience where you can access themes/plugins.

BUSINESS #24 – STOCK ILLUSTRATIONS The sale of stock illustrations is becoming more and more popular among illustrators, and the reasons are obvious: it fits perfectly into an illustrator's lifestyle because of its flexibility. Selling artwork in stock can be a good asset; you can transfer commissions between parties or, depending on rights, add completed works for resale.

Lion's Quota Some illustrators I now earn the majority of their salary by selling illustrations. Your online equity portfolio can also be an excellent marketing platform. Here are some ideas and tips for becoming a successful stock illustrator. 01. Meet Adobe Illustrator The best online sites selling artwork (iStock, Shutterstock, Getty Images, etc.) work with vector artwork, which means you need to be proficient in Adobe Illustrator software. Vectors are much easier to manipulate and modify for customers after download, so they are great support for the stock download market. Illustrations that have the slightest amateur smell will not be accepted because the competition is very strong. 02. pass the test The library to which I sell my illustrations also, from iStock, requires you to submit three illustrations before you become a contributing illustrator. Do not hurry; you have to wait for a growing number of weeks before you can try again if you fail. The content of the creative and the way you submit your file technically are really important. Whichever library you target, read the submission guide very carefully. This may seem difficult, but you will save valuable time because your files will be constantly rejected if you have not read and digested them completely. Take the time to see other illustrations on the site - can you match the pattern? 03. Create commercial illustrations Once accepted, you must submit work. Every illustration must be accepted so that everything you carry is your best work. Many rejections will prevent you from getting a better commission rate. Some people make a lot of money and earn almost nothing. What counts is the commercial viability of their artwork, their creativity, and their quality. Because download numbers are important, make sure your artwork is adaptable and can be used in many different models. 04. Graphic elements for designers. Elements such as textures, stylized design elements, scrolls, backgrounds, paint and ink splatters, icons, and frames are perfect for download and use by designers in their project. They could probably do it alone, but for a few dollars and an imminent deadline, it's worth it. Here are some of my good sellers. 05. Stack High, cheap sale! If you have ten great files online, do not expect to make a lot of money; Some of the biggest successes of iStockers have more than 500 files online. The volume is really important, stay connected when you have free time and build your wallet slowly; It will take several months of constant download to get significant downloads. You must be patient, persistent, and not discouraged. If you are good and stay firm, you will get results.


If you have a car stopped, would not it be good to use it to make money? You can use a handful of services that allow you to make money by renting your car. Just as renting a room or even your entire house via Airbnb, you now have the option to do the same with your car. According to AAA, the average cost of owning a car is nearly $ 9,000 a year. Renting the vehicle can help offset expenses. There are several options to rent your car. It's not difficult to start, and in most cases, you can register your car in less than an hour. Once your profile is fully set up, you can allow people to pay in cash to use your vehicle. Options to rent your car Each of the services below is an online market for renting your car. Choose one based on your personal preferences, the availability of the program in your area, and the value of the payment. 1. Turo When it comes to renting your personal car, Turo is one of the best-known options - both introduced as Airbnb for cars. Turo is available in many US cities and some Canadian provinces. 2. Getaround According to the website Getaround, car owners are earning thousands of dollars a year by sharing their cars via the platform. You can make more than $ 800 a month by renting your car from Getaround. That means you can earn more than $ 9,600 a year. That's more than enough to cover your car payments and a few others. 3. HyreCar While Turo and Getaround target leisure tenants, HyreCar specifically targets shared drivers. This implies that your vehicle would be rented and used by Uber and Lyft drivers to carry passengers. According to the HyreCar website, a car owner earns an average of $ 14,000 a year by renting a car via HyreCar. It may be beneficial to allow others to use your car when you are not driving. 4. TravelCar Would not it be great to be able to park your car at the airport while traveling and making money? TravelCar has found a way to tap the potential of many cars parked on airport grounds while their owners are out of town. The car-sharing service based in Paris offers the possibility of renting your vehicle to other travelers in your absence. In return, you get free parking and earn money for every kilometer traveled, up to 100 USD. Your car will also receive a free car wash upon your return. What about risks? Renting your car to strangers can understand you nervously. It's bad enough when a friend or child wants to borrow your wheels. Car rental companies understand the reluctance of people to hand over their keys. That's why they offer excellent insurance policies.

Tenants are responsible for covering before ç the following O lice often exceed $ 500 000, before the wheel. If your car is damaged, the tenant is responsible for the franchise, and the lessor takes care of the repair of your car.

BUSINESS #26 – DONATE BUTTON If you like to follow and read these personal blogs from different bloggers around the world, you may be familiar with these gift buttons on their websites. The best example of this is Wikipedia. At least once a year, I see a notification from the Wikipedia site that they need our donations. Many people give it to Wikipedia, which keeps the site free for everyone. Wikipedia is the glue that unites the Internet. And without this button " DONATE " to maintain Wikipedia afloat, I think that the human population would become a little less intelligent. How to add a PayPal donation button It's easy to create a PayPal donate button and put it on your blog or website for readers and subscribers to see. First of all, you need a valid and verified Paypal account. If you do not have one, you must first register with Paypal to become an account holder. This is necessary before you can continue the entire process of the donation button. (Click this link to sign up for Paypal .) Once you have completed your sign up, you will need to go to the PayPal Donations page to get your donation code. This code will be linked to your Paypal account. Once the code is obtained, you can add it to your site. You can also customize the appearance of your DONATE button and place it anywhere on your site. What if I'm not a blogger and do not have a website? Do not worry. You can still accept PayPal donations via, even if you are not a blogger or writer. Suppose you need help paying for tuition or rent. All you need to do is open a account, and you will receive donations using the DONATE Paypal button. How to use Visit the site - Register an account on the site. You can register using your Facebook account if you wish. Fill out the form on GoFundMe and choose a catchy title like "Send me to school (I'm a student of honor )," etc. After that, you are ready to leave. You can add your Facebook link and send the link to GoFundme to your friends and family. Advertise on social media for a large exhibition. When someone donates to your PayPal account, be sure to say "thank you." And believe me when I say that some people are very generous. You will receive donations in one way or another. Hopefully, you will use the funds for something worthwhile and not for a bad thing. If you are a writer who wants to share what is beautiful in your mind, but you need funding for your site, ask for a warm sponsorship using the Paypal DONATE button. Your disciples can only contribute to the maintenance of their intelligence or their sarcasm for years. Those who are neither bloggers nor writers, but who wish to earn money through sponsorship, attach their PayPal DONATE button to GoFundMe. Make sure your "event" is worth it and with a reasonable amount. If you are doing charity work, you are more likely to get the funding you need. Do not expect easy financing; otherwise, it will be a huge amount. As mentioned, if there is a cause behind the solicitation of

donations, you will probably receive the necessary funds.

BUSINESS #27 – TRAVEL BLOGGING You must know that it can not happen overnight, but it can happen if you work hard. Blogs that generate money usually create quality content over a year before you start making money, sometimes six months, if you work too much. Another thing to know is that travel blogs usually earn a lot less money than fashion or beauty bloggers; So, if you want to make money blogging without worrying about the type of blog, you can choose something else that you like. Some things the blog needs to succeed: 1. committed readers who trust you: you already know that I'm sure;) I think talking to my blog the way I do it personally works best and that the items I'm trying to to be funny usually get the most readings. I do not regard myself as a great writer, so try typing as if you're talking to a friend. You must find what works for you. 2. Self-hosted website. I am used to GoDaddy, and it was terrible. I went on the site ground, and I loved it. My website started running faster, it was cheaper, and they all went to fo free. I renewed with them for the next two years. They are perfect if you already have decent traffic. If you want the cheapest option of all, choose Bluehost, which is much better than Godaddy. 3. A unique niche brand and blog name: know "something" good. For me, it's about traveling to India, Goa, luxury travel/women. You can fall into a niche later without waiting. If you're new to blogs, you can take a class to access everything. 4. followers on social networks: you can not avoid SM as a blogger. People have written hundreds of messages about it, so I will not be interested. But search on Google social media for travel bloggers, and you'll see. 5. Unique and entertaining content submitted regularly. I started posting six times a week, then I reduced it to 5x, but I would like to publish it only three times a week. I have a lot of content that builds up. 6. An easy site to see. I think it's more important than what people want to think about. A beautiful site makes people want to stay. A confusing website will have people who click outside. 7. A media kit (CV of the blog) to show the quality of your blog. 8. A product Having an e-book is a good passive income in addition to helping people. Win-win. Another thing you should take note is that some bloggers publish once a month, promote like crazy, and earn the same amount as someone who posts every day. Some people get all Pinterest traffic, and some people search for Google's natural and organic SEO, even if they do not understand SEO (aka me). Some people earn money only from social media, while others, with a large audience, hardly earn money. Some people earn nothing from affiliates, while others earn $ 200 a day. It's different for each person and learns how to make money on, and outside blogs take trial and error. There are many articles on how other bloggers make money.

BUSINESS #28 – PROJECT WRITING Although the research work is not as easy as you think, it's clear that if it's easy, no one will seek

your help. In other words, it takes a serious effort and commitment to convince people that you will deliver. That's why writing projects/research In other words, it takes a serious commitment and effort to convince people that you will deliver. This is why writing projects or research usually keeps experts in the field of study. However, if you are good and fast, why not? Research writing is very lucrative, and you can start your service without capital. You can start writing projects or seminars to work for your colleagues and students. Basic elements you need to get started Organizational Skills: You can not be a good researcher if you are not organized. Because the writing of research involves getting a lot of material and extracting the necessary information as well as their logical compilation to assert or not a statement about a phenomenon. Writing Skills: For you to be able to search and present your discovery logically effectively, you must be a good writer. You must be able to express your thoughts logically when you are connecting one fact to another. What makes a project unique is its ability to highlight the weaknesses and strengths of other researchers and to make the necessary improvements to their results. Reading skills: If you do not like reading or work somewhere long, it's not for you. Because to extract information from other people's work, you must be able to read all of their work. Emphasize here the methodological errors in its discovery and many others, which requires serious reading. You need a desktop/laptop or a good phone with an internet connection: let's face it - all you want to write is on the internet. Although the job may not be exactly what you want, with little navigation skills, you can get all the material you need. If you are serious about making money by writing a project, consider buying one. Marketing skills: yes! You must decide how best to market your service. You can not sit in your room or office and wait for people to arrive quickly. If you can not print flyers, cards, open your mouth and tell people what you can do, help -the free if necessary until you win the land. Attend and organize seminars: to remain relevant, you must be equipped with trends in the world of research. Organize project writing seminars for students, sometimes with few signs. In this way, you will definitely start making money writing the project.

BUSINESS #29 – PEER-2-PEER LENDING You can make money with peer to peer loans; however, the money you earn with P2P loans depends on the amount you invest and the type of loan. Can you make money with peer-2-peer loans? You can make money with peer to peer loans; however, the money you earn with P2P loans depends on the amount you invest and the type of loan. In a banking environment where bank interest rates are just above 0%, where bond yields

of State will have a little better, investors are looking for ways to get better performance of the economy without the volatility of the stock markets. One option is to make money with peer lending. Should you consider loans between peers? (Also called P2P). What kinds of P2P loans can you invest in? P2P loan platforms allow you to invest in just about any type of loan. It may be a personal loan to take a vacation, pay medical debts, or refinance a residential mortgage, for example. You can also invest in commercial loans. Each loan pattern bears a different interest rate, as do similar loans offered by a bank. Is the peer loan secure? P2P loans can be as secure as any other investment. No investment is guaranteed with a profit every year. The chances of taking advantage of P2P loans are much greater when you invest in borrowers with excellent credit. Also, the chances of making a profit are much greater when you invest in large-cap funds that have held the positions of some existing companies for over 100 years. The best way to reduce risk is to invest and diversify in multiple borrowers. The loan platform should also indicate the average default rate of the borrower to help him make an informed decision. Where to start the peer-to-peer investment There are several peer-to-peer lending platforms to invest in, but these are the three largest proven platforms. The Lending Club was launched in 2007 and is the largest P2P loan network. Individual borrowers can purchase a P2P loan of $ 1,000 to $ 35,000. According to the Lending Club, the average annual rate of return on most credit notes is between 5% and 7% for A to C borrowers. Investors make payment of a 1% transaction fee for all payments received. You are not paid if the borrower does not make a payment. Prosper Prosper is the original US P2P lending platform created in 2006. Borrowers have the option of applying for a three or 5-year personal loan for whatever reason. Investors will make payment of an annual fee of 1%, calculated on the outstanding principal balance of their loans. You may also consider Prosper because they claim to have the highest average credit score, 710, among all platforms. Upstart One last suggestion, Upstart, takes a different approach to loan application and investment strategy. In terms of loans, Upstart also focuses on college results, fields of study, cumulative average and standardized tests, as well as the usual factors of underwriting your FICO score, credit history, and of your current income. For investors, you invest in a set of loans based on specific investment quality. Upstart will randomly assign loans to borrowers and types of loans that meet their loan criteria. This is

different from the others where you choose each loan you want to invest in. This passive approach may seem a bit riskier, but it has certain advantages. Investors do not pay any fees because Upstart draws its money from the origination fees charged by the loan. If a loan is overdue, Upstart will refund you (the investor) your portion of the investment from the origination fee.

BUSINESS #30 -RENTING OUT TOOLS AND PIECES OF EQUIPMENT If you have done your renovation or repair work, you have probably already rented equipment to do the work. Home Depot and Lowe are the best options for homeowners, but they are far from ideal. The service is not good, and the products are not always in the best shape. You could provide a better service and the tools of better quality to your customers. As with most of our side shakes, the basic idea is simple. You keep the tools and equipment necessary for homeowners to rent by the hour, day, or week. The owner pays the rent for the tools and returns them at the end of the project. You can turn a single tool purchase into a recurring recipe! Five keys to making your rental income tool productive For your new tool rental revenue stream of succeeding, you need to keep five important points in mind. 1. Protect yourself Tools can be dangerous when used improperly, and many people do a lot of stupid things with tools. You want to ensure that you can not be held responsible for damages or injuries that occur while customers use your tools. Therefore, your first step in making sure the tool rental income stream is productive is to protect yourself. And that starts with the formation of your new tool rental company. Consider forming an LLC Obtain an appropriate license and insurance Ask a lawyer to review your lease Inspect and maintain your tools properly 2. Strategically plan your product line. With the worst-case coverage plans covered, we can move on to the most fun aspects of the success of your tool rental business. How to plan your product line. Start with what you have. What tools and equipment do you have already rented and in good condition? Then develop the most common homeowner maintenance, repair, and renovation projects. What tools do homeowners need to carry out their projects? And which of these tools may not be worth buying right away? Here is a list to get you started:

Drill Spring washers Various electric saws Drain cleaners (snakes) Stairs Floor buffers Wet/dry workshop vacuum cleaners Weed Wackers Jackhammers Air compressors Hand trolleys Cement mixers Screening Sanders Generators Water pumps Dehumidifiers Drilling machine You certainly do not have to load everything, especially at the beginning. You know what homeowners in your area need most. Start there. 3. The correct price for your rent Take a short trip to Lowes and Home Depot to see what they charge for tool rental. You do not have to lower their prices because you can compete with the service and the state of the tools. But buying your competition will give you an idea of the rates that customers are willing to pay. You can also see how much your competitors need to deposit on each tool. 4. Promote your rental business First, put your business online. The new generation of homeowners expects to see a website before making decisions. Then add a page to your real estate website or even create a separate website for your tool rental business. It does not need to be complicated. Just pictures of tools, information on rental rates, and a way to contact you. A corporate page on Facebook will also help to legitimize your new business and give you a way to start promoting online. 5. Reinvest in business The key to successful tool rental is setting aside a percentage of your profits that will be used to expand your product selection. As your business grows, customers may repeatedly ask for a particular tool. Add it to your inventory! Or buy several of the same tool if you find it very much in demand.

BUSINESS #31 – VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Will you like to become a virtual assistant One of the most effective ways to make money at home is to do the job of the virtual assistant. Most of these positions are part-time, which allows you to spend more time with your family, but

depending on the company and its availability, you can work as you wish. If you do not want to start on your own, I have below a list of recommended companies that hire virtual assistants and their average salary. What does a virtual assistant do? A virtual assistant is anyone who negotiates tasks to be paid from a distance. Or, in other words, a person who offers services virtually as an entrepreneur or as an independent to clients. The services offered can include everything from email management to content creation, including accounting, graphic design, social media, and more! There are many services that you can offer as VA. How much should a virtual assistant charge? According to the little existing research, the average American virtual assistant earns between $ 25 and $ 40 an hour. It will depend on your experience, your skills, and your areas of expertise. The more specialized your services are, the more experience you have, the more you can charge. I have seen people in our community charge only $ 15 an hour, and others earn over $ 100 an hour (me included). In the end, it all comes down to being good at what you do and finding customers who appreciate what you offer them. The speed with which you start to earn honestly depends on how quickly (and often) you start recruiting. In my opinion, hiring and working virtually is the way of the future. People (customers and virtual assistants) want more flexibility. And what better method to get it than to virtually create a business and / or a team? Clients (usually small business owners, entrepreneurs, etc.) do not always try to manage people or get full-time help. Instead, they would like to engage specific services with which they need help. It makes a win-win for both parties. What skills do I need to become a virtual assistant? What customers often tell me is that they are looking for someone who: Communicative Organized A beginner And reliable Therefore, when looking for people who can provide certain services, they are looking for the above items. As long as you're trainable, you have a chance! You must also have a computer (desktop or laptop, whatever) and a reliable Internet network. Do not worry about sophisticated programs or applications - most customers will give you access to the software tools and cloud programs they need to do their jobs. How does a virtual assistant work to get customers?

Use social media Network in person Enter your natural market The methods to find and attract high-quality customers have not changed much in the last decade, but it's really important to understand what they are, what you need, and how to solve them the right way. Fortunately for our students, prospecting and building effective customer relationships are somehow our specialty. Now, these are some of the recommended lists of companies that hire virtual assistants: Worldwide 101 BELAY Zirtual Time etc.

BUSINESS #32 – TRANSLATOR If you are a translator reading this page now, it's a safe bet that you want to make money with your language skills. Nobody wants to translate this site as a purely academic or fun pastime. But if you are a beginner translator, you may not realize that not all translators earn their money in the same way or from the same source. The translation is like any other profession because there are many ways to approach it. Once you start thinking that there is only one way to make money through translation, you are limiting yourself, and you never win the kind of money you want. The reason is simple. All are different. Work for direct clients This is what most translators do to make money. If you want to translate and do nothing else related to the translator job, start creating your customer base. There are many ways to do it. However, the most important thing to remember is to accept one customer at a time. One of the biggest mistakes of new translators is to want to start with 20 direct clients. It does not work like that. It is a sure way to sell, because whatever the profession, customers are one by one. Then find the first customer. Then the next. Then the next. Here's how you will create your wallet. Work for translation agencies Many translators earn their living by translating only for translation agencies. Remember that translation agencies are not bad.

They are a way to find work without having to find customers yourself. This is essentially what the translation agency offers you. You both win. Whoever relies on you to educate you scares you, takes a slightly different direction, and creates an online course that teaches you the principles of translation and / or success in the world of translation. The sweetest thing about these kinds of courses is that you only have to design it once, then it can be used repeatedly. Previously, it was difficult to use software to design and host these types of classes. However, this has changed with the advent of websites offering online courses. Udemy, for example, facilitates the creation of free online courses. I could only try one day unless you beat me to it. Build a website for translators If you are a translator, I hope you have a website. Without a website, you will not last long. Maybe you built a good site and liked it. Guess what? Many translators do not know how to design, host, and manage their websites. Should they learn? Yes But they do not ... and they will not do it. This is a nice chance for you to introduce yourself as a professional translator and web designer to create something for them that takes into account the translator's needs. If you do not have to a site, but you want one, check the Bluehost to know the best place to start. Writing translation books The Kindle Store contains nearly 20,000 books that appear when searching for "translation”. These are all written by someone, and someone could be you. You know what you know about translation and the translation industry. And what you know may be new to someone who is just starting. Why not write it and share it with people via the Amazon Kindle store?

BUSINESS #33 – WEB DEVELOPER/DESIGNER We live in an entertainment economy. With every passing day, more people realize that we do not need traditional work from 9 am to 5 pm to meet our needs. Becoming an independent web developer no longer causes the same skepticism as in recent years. We are no longer limited (either financially or financially) to sit at a table and negotiate schedules for dollars. I am the proof. My last post, nine hours to five hours, was "creative strategist," which roughly translated "properly fulfill many tasks. Here are six lessons I found on the path to full-time freedom. I hope they will help you make the transition. Put your finances in order

As a financially responsible adult, you have probably planned your entire life based on your salary. If you are currently taking a stealthy look at the cliff edge and thinking of moving to a full-time freelancer, we encourage you to ask a few financial questions beforehand, such as: Can you afford the rent next month? How about the rent for the next six months? Will the lights stay on? Will you pay for your car on time? What I mean here is that you have to consider Doomsday - no work received. It's a lesson you do not want to learn the hard way. Specialize in something that I will work on all the WordPress projects that follow me. I organized a shortlist of tasks directly aligned with my specific skills, those whom I know I can complete with extreme efficiency. If you try too much (probably offering too many services), you will be hired for more tasks while paying less. On the other hand, as an expert, you will get much higher premiums while mastering only one segment of the market. In the end, the difference between expert and novice is this: the experts work smarter, not stronger. Join independent sites Once you have identified your expertise, find a network that values your skills and places it in front of potential customers. There are countless excellent networks. Therefore, depending on your industry and your skills, some will be more appropriate than others. Create your street ID As a freelancer, the stark reality is that no one knows who you are or why you should trust yourself. When you join a freelance network, you can only convert 5% to 10% of the people with whom you sign up as paying customers. This is perfectly normal, so do not be discouraged! Put to work As a freelancer, your programming will be undeniably amazing. You wake up whenever you want. You will shop at the market when no one else is in the store. It's a life that you can get used to easily. But remember, no one forces you to work Build your network Here's an obvious example: your network will be made up of the clients you work for and other qualified professionals you know. It is best to have a broad network to meet new members and connect with people from a variety of backgrounds. Gradually, as your network grows, you begin to see more and more of these private prospects arrive. This allows you to slowly reduce the time you spend looking for new projects on a public forum. Another advantage of preferred leads is the drastic reduction of competition: these projects are usually shared only with one or two highly qualified professionals, rather than potentially one hundred or more.

BUSINESS # 34 – CALL CENTER REPRESENTATIVE On average, the employees of call centers earn between 9 and 14 dollars an hour. Most employees call center works in the customer service, and many jobs call center offers flexible hours. What do call center representatives do? If you possess the gift of gab, you would probably have a good call center representative. Call center representatives are the people you talk to when you call your bank, ask for a new layer of a catalog, or making airline reservations. They do everything to help people who have customer service complaints make telemarketing calls. Most of the jobs in the call centers fall into one of three categories. The most popular is customer service: for example, the people you talk to when you have a cable problem. You can also work in incoming sales where you receive calls from people wishing to make a purchase. Another popular call center job is sales abroad; think of people who call you to try to sell a used car warranty. Most of the jobs in the call centers require that employees use a phone with a headset and a computer. Many of these jobs are located in office buildings, although some companies allow employees to work from home. Many call centers are open 24 hours a day, so your hours may vary, some mornings and even afternoons. With a little blessing, you could find a job that fits your schedule. A fair warning about the jobs in call centers: you need a long fuse to stand out. You will shout after you, hang up and call your names, so if you get angry easily, find another career. How much do call center representatives earn? The staff at the call center sales work can earn more than $ 9.86 per hour. As many of these jobs are commission-based, you have the opportunity to earn as much money as you want as long as you are a good salesman. For the employee call center work in the service customer, the average wage is 14.36 US dollars - but they do not receive commission and from time to time, may have to deal with very difficult people. If you are bilingual, you can usually earn more. What are the educational requirements? Normally, the secondary is preferred but not mandatory if you want to work in a call center. More and more graduates are entering the field. Getting a degree is a good idea if you want to excel in this area. Career paths for call center representatives Once you become an expert in customer service or sales, you can move to a higher paying position with more desirable times. Subsequently, most of the representatives of centers call become managers or hold positions within the company, even if a degree is required to access it. The future of call center jobs It's always a very good area to catch even when companies outsource part of their needs call centers. US companies continue to grow over the next decade and will need more representatives of call centers to help them manage their incoming and outgoing phone calls. If you want to enter

this field, focus on obtaining a call center position in customer service. The Bureau of Labor Statistics assumes this field to grow very rapidly over the next eight years.

BUSINESS #35 – TECH SUPPORT SPECIALIST If you are the ideal person for your friends and family who still need help setting up their computer or solving technical problems, working at home as a technical support representative can be your job. What is technical support? Technical support occurs when a software or hardware company provides support to its registered users with its products. An example would be Apple. If you buy an iPhone and need help installing an app, call Apple. They will guide you through the installation process and answer any questions you may have about your iPhone. Another example would be to need help to play a role in purchased software such as MS Office. You call Microsoft Technical Support to help you solve the problem. Skills required for a technical support role All technical support roles do not require a university degree. Some can be easily taught through training, provided they are technology-savvy and learn quickly. Other required skills include excellent interpersonal skills, strong communication skills, excellent organizational skills, and knowledge of hardware and software. You must know the latest trends in software and computer science. How much does a technical support specialist make? The payment of a technical support representative can vary considerably depending on education, experience, and location. Know that having no previous experience means more than likely a lower salary. PayScale proves the average salary for a technical support specialist is $ 49,653. If you are already working in the technical support field and want to work from home, or if you are a technology expert and are considering a job in this field, here are some companies that hire remote employees for technical support functions. 2U This educational technology company uses part-time remote technical support specialists to receive calls from students and teachers in need of technical assistance. ABC Financial ABC Financial is a software management company for gyms and gyms. They regularly hire remote technical support representatives. Accolade Support This call centers hiring independent contractors as representatives of remote technical support to solve technical problems by phone. AdviseTech AdviseTech is a provider of enterprise computing solutions. They offer online technical support

24/7 and hire remote computer technicians. They require a minimum of 10 years of experience. Conduent This business process services company is hiring a virtual customer service - home technical support representatives. You must have technical skills and familiarize yourself with smartphones, tablets, PCs, and Macs. The upfront payment is $ 12 an hour. Frontline Call Center This call center recruits technical support representatives for telecommunications, Internet service providers, hardware and software.

BUSINESS #36 – TEACHER/TUTOR The first concern of many people when considering becoming an online educator is that they think they do not have enough knowledge to teach anything. You must cut it now. You do not have to be an expert to teach. You need to know more than the person below you. The biggest obstacle to becoming an online educator is realizing that you do not have to be a teacher. You have to be willing to share your knowledge. You need an audience The next hurdle is finding an audience. I always say that the easiest part of being an online educator is to create the material. The hardest part is getting the people who want to buy them. There are different ways to find an audience, but the first method is the first one we will consider becoming an online educator. 1. Start a blog You may think that blogs are ridiculous, or you may not have a clue. Anyway, blogs are one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal and the best way to become an online educator. With a blog, you can create an audience that belongs to you. This is important because when you create an audience of real fans, you can not make a lot of money. 2. Create online courses at Udemy If you want to create courses online, you need some video platform to offer them. Although there are many things out there, Udemy is a project that you should consider because it has an internal audience for you Udemy is an online course market, so if you submit a course on the site, you have a chance for random people to come and buy it. Udemy does a lot of marketing and is just getting good grades for your classes. It looks like putting a book on Amazon. 3. Become an independent writer If you are still not sure whether to start your blog or if you hope to make money fast, you should become a freelance writer. Because content is king, many websites are willing to pay for content

that people write. 5. Become an online tutor Teaching is a service that has existed since the creation of the school. With the creation of online tutoring, it has become much more common. Instead of being in the same room as the student, you can teach him by video. 6. Sell Etsy Activity Packs Most people associate Etsy with arts and crafts, but it's much more than that. The sale of activity packages allows parents and teachers to help young people not only to worry but also to learn. Show the world that television is not the best nanny. 7. Sell lesson plans If you think of all the teachers in the world, imagine how many lesson plans are available! Is it always wise to create your custom elements for your students when you can outsource this work, allowing you to focus on other tasks? Teaching how to make money is good Teaching will always be a great way to make money because people always want to learn. The difficult part is not having an idea of what to teach or collect the material. The challenge is to find an audience. Education markets have an internal audience, but most high-income independent educators do so through blogs.

BUSINESS #37 - WRITER If writing is your hobby as long as you remember, or if you're just a beginner with a pronounced taste for words and wondering if you can turn your little talent into money, the answer is simple: yes, you can! And no, you do not have to enslave yourself or fight for leftovers while you're there. Here's a dirty little secret: the most successful writers are not necessarily the most talented or experienced writers; they are simply the ones who know where to get paid! Here are five simple ways to turn your passion for writing into a stable source of income. 1. Post news on Penpee Ok ... listen, if you are a creative writer who likes to tell interesting stories ... and who wants to get paid for it, look no further than! 2. Publication of articles only for members on medium Okay ... so you've probably heard about earning money on Medium. You know, this blogging platform lets you read people's messages and applaud them if you like their content. But are you aware that can get well paid for every content you publish in between? Yes, you can, and it's very simple too. All you have to do is become a paid member ($ 5 / month), and you can publish members-only articles, which can cost between $ 50 and $ 500 a month, depending on the number of compliments that accompany your content. . . I read a post of some people doing about four

digits. 3. Write for paid blogs and magazines. If you think that the writing of magazines and paying blogs are reserved for boys and girls who have been in the sector for decades, you are completely wrong! If you have the skills and the time, you can write for any publication of your choice ... and get paid for it. All you must do is establish a list of magazines and paid blogs, identify a relevant story that will benefit your audience, send a well-crafted argument to the appropriate publisher. And boom ... you get the job, and you get paid. Hey! Have you tried writing for Forbes and Huffington? I bet you do not know that some of your writers are freelancers. 4. Prospecting for clients Well ... here is the contract - if you can convey a consistent message that resonates with the right people through your writing, there is someone willing to pay for it! So, how do you find the right customer? It's simple! Identify a niche of interest - for example, health/fitness - and list the industry sectors (clinics, gyms, etc.). Make a list of specific brands in these industries ... these are your potential customers. Send them an e-mail to introduce themselves and show how your writing services can help their business. Guess what? You can get your first paying client. 5. Subscribe to independent sites If customer prospecting is not your business, but you want to write to customers in the same way, independent sites may be your choice. These sites, such as PeoplePerHour, Freelancer, and Fiverr, connect freelance writers with clients who need their services. Sometimes they receive a large part of their income; therefore, proceed with caution.

BUSINESS #38 -FRANCHISE OWNER If you want to start a business but are having trouble choosing a business idea, consider starting your own business or buying an existing business for sale. Or you could consider starting a business by entering a chain of business with the purchase of a franchise. What is a franchise? A franchisee (entrepreneur) buys a franchise (a type of license/authorization), which allows him to access the franchisor's business resources (established commercial), such as name, business models, systems, and brands. Franchisees pay the franchisor a variety of fees, depending on activities and licenses. This usually includes start-up costs, annual fees, and possibly commissions or fees on profits. Whether you're looking at retail, food service, personal or children's services, or a business-tobusiness franchise, it's important to buy the right franchise at the right price and in the right place and manage it right. But complications can arise and may require much more work than it seems. Becoming an immediate success, even with a thriving business chain, is not a reality. Just as an entrepreneur requires specific personality and skills, a successful franchisee must

understand their strengths and areas of growth and alignment on the ownership of a franchise business. For whom can a franchise be better? After reading the pros and cons, buying a franchise can make sense if: You are new to running a business Want structure and support You do not want to create business plans, policies, or protocols, or perform tasks such as marketing. If you guide the franchisor on everything, this model can work for you. Who might want to avoid franchises? Many franchise owners do better by working directly on their franchise and by overseeing their employees and their operations. Unless you have a good team and depend on others to run your business regularly, this can be a problem, as in any business you start or support. Those wishing to create creative businesses or those who wish to continue making changes and improvements to products and services must avoid franchises. You may not be able to "settle things" with a franchise. And consider that most franchisees will tell you how to do business, when and where to do business. Doing Your Due Diligence Matters Beware of advertising or promises easy money with little effort. Before you even consider buying a franchise, read and learn from as many sources as possible. If you still have interest, determine the kind of business you want and look at the options. When you find a specific franchise, perform as many tasks as you can, even if you need to call in specialists. If there are other franchisees for this business somewhere, try to find time to meet an owner. You should also ask a lawyer or franchise consultant to review all the franchise information materials and to help you understand any other legal information related to the franchise. All of this takes time and energy when you want to start your business. Realize that patience pays off. You can avoid several issues by clarifying your position in the franchise agreement from the beginning. Is purchasing a franchise a great way to make money? Buying a franchise is like buying any other business. It is essential that you exercise due diligence and thoroughly investigate franchise opportunities. If you think that the franchise model matches the personality and goals of your business, you can make money by choosing the right franchise and managing it (or having it managed) properly. For the most part, it's not a passive way of getting rich. But many find it an interesting way to earn money and succeed in business.

BUSINESS #39 – SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Almost everyone, including business owners, is on social media - be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or all the above! Social media allows us to connect with people on a larger scale, promote our business across multiple platforms, and interact with the best minds in our industry. For this reason, a strong presence and a dynamic social media strategy can be essential to the growth of a business. The problem? Everyone does not know how to do that. How to become a social media manager This is where you come! Many business owners are struggling to manage their social media accounts effectively and are willing to outsource it to someone who does. You can make much money if you can leverage the power of these platforms to help companies attract more followers, prospects, and more Becoming a social media manager is not just about being socially savvy. It takes skill, strategy, and business acumen to start winning customers and making a lot of money as a social media manager. In this part, we detail the steps to become a successful social media manager and start making a lot of money! 1) Choose your platform To succeed in managing social media, it is essential to focus on one or more platforms to specialize. It is better to choose a platform to become very good and sell you as an expert for this platform. You will then instill confidence in potential customers that you consider highly skilled on a platform, rather than a jack of all trades. 2) Refine your skills The good idea is to create your social media accounts and test your strategies in this area. Then you will quickly discover what works and what does not work. 3) Mark yourself As I mentioned in point 1, it is important to stand out from the group. It's easy to blend in with the tons of social network managers on the market, and, like any other industry, it helps you stand out and target your target audience as close as possible. 4) Increase your social media If you are a social media manager, it does not cost anything to have the numbers to prove it! Even if you do not need many subscribers, this can only help you show that you know what you are doing - and work to attract more customers. At a minimum, you must have a presence on the platform for which you plan to market social media and make it professional and engaging. Many potential customers will see this as an example of their work.

5) Acquire experience One of the best ways to gain experience without the stress of trying to get your first customers is to offer a free job or at a reduced price. When you start, people may be reluctant to engage without a case study. Fortunately, you can often offer your services for free in exchange for a testimonial or to present the results on your site. 6) Create your offers Once you think you're ready to approach potential customers, it's time to establish what your services and offers will be. When it comes to time to decide on your offers, it's best to research what your target audience is looking for. 7) online network Do not underestimate the power of networks! Social media marketing is a very competitive industry, and it is now more important than ever to grow your network online. Trust is an important part of potential customers hiring you, and being referred greatly facilitates that jump. Connect and partner with digital marketing agencies that may need to outsource social media marketing to their customers. Get in touch with influencers in your niche. Do everything in your power to create this meaningful connection, create a climate of trust and cultivate relationships with people who are open to sending business.

BUSINESS #40 – GRAPHIC DESIGNER One of the greatest tactics to make money is Graphic design. As a graphic designer, you can make money online and put money into your account daily. If you have a good idea of Pinterest, canva, Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, and many others; You can make money online with your graphic works. You do not have to be a difficult designer to make money online. You have to be better than many others. Graphic design services are constantly needed daily, and, as a graphic designer, you have to provide them to domestic and foreign clients. With this, you can get passive income with graphic design. You can even generate a steady income without worrying about any other source of income. The key is to be good at what you do. One of the best things about home graphic design work is that you do not need many requirements to start your business. All you need is: Pc Smartphone social media and forum accounts With only these three things, you can earn at least $ 500 a month.

Ways to make money by doing graphic design online 1. Freelancing: Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money online. Fortunately, graphic design is one of the most needed services for freelancers. People are constantly finding freelancers on the freelance site. You can earn a good income by working as a graphic designer. 2. Sell logos online: you can use your free time to create as many logos as you want. Create bulk logos and sell online. You can sell your logo at random: it's a market for logo design, brochure design, websites, folders, stationery, business cards, banners, and various types of custom designs. 3. Create bulk models: You can create bulk models and sell them online. You can get passive income with graphic design using this method. Graphicriver is an ideal market for graphic designers who want to sell their original design templates and graphics for logos, prints, fonts, web design, icons, Lightroom, business cards, and more. 4. Sell prints and sell them on Etsy: do you know these incredible phrases you see on Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, and other phrase sites? You can create yours and sell it on Etsy. Some of them sell for $ 5 and others $ 1. The buyer will analyze the depth of your quote before considering the design. This is one of the easiest ways to make money online as a graphic designer. 5. Cover design of an electronic book many people are involved in the marketing of information. Some of them need attractive covers for their ebooks. Sometimes e-books are judged by their covers. You can contact them (mainly bloggers). They need help to attract more people to buy your eBook. You can see on the Facebook blog groups and many others. Just get the email or phone number and offer help for the graphic design of the ebook. If they have an eBook for sale, you can make a lot of money. You can also join Facebook groups, and we create your graphic designs for group members. All you should do is search for a group related to what you are doing. Or you can use Instagram to grow your business. Sometimes it is best to show some of their projects to the buyer (interested or not ã o). It gives you a good impression ã it on you is. If they like probably save ã your contact or forwarding the will, it's for a friend. You can receive up to $ 500 per month as a graphic designer. It all depends on your efforts and what you can do. Follow some of these steps and work hard.

BUSINESS #41 – WEBSITE TESTER It is difficult to manage a website successfully if it is not easy to use. Of course, when you run your site, you can easily be blinded by its weaknesses. Some sites use the fonts and colors terrible, have many popups, and are often difficult to read. When you find sites like this, you will not even have to read them. You have just left. Because the site owner does not want this to happen, they pay others to test their site and provide feedback. And guess what?

You can be one of those people who are paid to test your sites. That's cool. You surf the web, click on a website, take notes, and you're done. To carry out this job, you need to be a little more Internet savvy and speak fluent English. What does the meaning of the Internet mean? This means that you understand the basics of what makes a good site good. If the links (you know what the links are, do not you?) Are hard to find or you do not know what is clickable, you should be able to point it out. Tests on these sites usually take between 5 and 25 minutes. Unlike online surveys, not all are qualified to test sites. Most of these sites require you to sign up, and if you are not accepted, you do not need to sit down to get paid to click on the sites. Sites that will pay to test sites 1. User testing He is the grandfather of all. You can earn $ 10 to $ 15 for 20 minutes of work. It's not bad at all! To become a test, submit your e-mail address and apply it. Before you can receive the tasks real, you must pass a test example. One of the positives is that this site is open to the US and international residents. You only need to have a PayPal account. 2. Enroll Enroll is excellent because the incredible team makes it of Zurb. It's a design and development agency that does a great job. So it's a great site. Another benefit of registration is that you can run tests on almost any device - phones, tablets, and computers. You choose your preference. Similar to UserTesting, all you need is a PayPal account to receive payment. Jobs vary in terms of salary and time. The shorter tests report less, which makes perfect sense. If a test only takes a minute, you should not get $ 10, although this is the dream. 3. TestingTime Will you like to make a few bucks? So TestingTime is for you, but the testing process is very different. Each study is conducted via Skype and lasts between 30 and 90 minutes. If you can not commit so long, do not worry. Once the study is complete, you will receive a payment within 5 to 10 days via PayPal. If you have a computer that can not use Skype, you're out of luck. 4. TryMyUI Make $ 10 in 15 minutes. It's not too bad However (there is always one), you must pass the qualification test. The qualification test is simply an example of a test demonstrating that you understand the process and the different requirements. Pass this, and you are in gold. Once you are qualified, you receive different test possibilities in

your email, and payments are made every two weeks via Paypl.

BUSINESS # 42 - EVENT PLANNER Event organizers are always in demand; From weddings to corporate meetings, there is always someone who can help make the event smooth. However, not all event planning companies are created equal. The gap between the salaries of event planners is quite large; For example, while major wedding planners can earn $ 120,000 a year, the industry average is $ 44,260. So, how can you boost your business to become one of these most profitable event organizers? Follow these tactics to help you attract more customers, satisfy your customers, and ultimately bring more money to your event planning business. 1. Choose a niche and stand out from it If you're trying to be a generalist in event planning, it's time to be specific. Even specializing in a unique type of event, such as weddings, is usually not enough. You need to look for an even more unique niche and become an expert in this niche. How to search and choose a niche? There are several strategies: think about what you like to do or who you want to work with, do market and industry research, and take a close look at competitors to spot any gaps in the event planning market. 2. Use Pinterest and Instagram to "be found." When we talk about wedding planning, visual sites like Pinterest and Instagram reign supreme. This means that to attract more customers and increase your revenue, it is very important to maintain a strong presence on Pinterest and Instagram. It's also potentially a good idea to consider Facebook and Twitter, depending on your bandwidth to manage social networking profiles. 3. Combine SEO tactics with excellent customer service To generate more revenue for your event planning business, SEO is extremely important. Half of the couples looking for wedding planning help find planners and caterers by conducting an online search, which means that if you do not show up online, you lose income. What does this mean for your event planning business? This means that you will have to do something like a balancing act. If SEO is important, word of mouth, too: combine your marketing tactics with excellent customer service to cover all your basics. 4. Abandon the idea of the "average" bride In the event planning industry - and especially with regards to wedding planning - you hear a lot about the "average" customer. To combat this myth of the "Common Bride" and generate more money for your planning business event, focus on creating a user 's character with the basis of their basic research to market their real ones. Clients. This will help you to clearly understand your "ideal wife" (or general client) that you are targeting, which will make your marketing efforts less general and more personal.

5. Outsource as much as possible To devote as much time and energy as possible, you need to delegate tasks that others can do. This is never truer than in event planning companies. By freeing up your time to do what you do best, you can attract more customers and more money while offering the best possible service. Link everything together When it comes to bringing more money to your event planning business, it's easy to see that specialization and close strategic focus are at the heart of the game. By focusing on and knowing your ideal target market, you will be able to offer services that will make your customers happy and encourage them to recommend you to your friends and family. Combine this niche strategy with a strong social and web presence, and you'll have a solid strategy to help your business grow and earn more money.

BUSINESS #43 – DOMAIN FLIPPING Internet is an amazing place, and every day, thousands of domain names are bought and auctioned in the world of cyber real estate. It's remarkable if you think about it. Also, if you have a little knowledge and patience, you can make money buying and selling domain names. If you want to learn more about this unique idea of making money and how flipping domain names works, keep reading! What is Domain Flipping? The inversion domain is a method of making money that involves buying domain names and reselling names for profit. You may have heard of people moving in shock. Well, domain inversion is the real estate internet game. How to find valuable domain names A good domain name will help businesses grow. If we examine the most expensive areas ever sold, we can see that they share certain qualities: they are short, identifiable, easy to remember, and extremely relevant. The domain name of a word is usually the best because they are easier to grasp, enter, share, and store. The .com domain should always be the ideal option even though there are now hundreds of different options. Cognitive fluidity forces us to follow something that people already know and, like it or not, .com is already known. Then we have the domain name search volume. Companies will only earn money from a domain if they get new customers. Premium domain names are usually exact or nearly exact matches of popular terms that people search for in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Use the Google keyword tool to measure the search volume. The age of domain names is also a factor, as it is well known that search engines take into account the age of a domain in its ranking factors. The older we are, the better. To find the large domain names available, use registrars, such as GoDaddy, Google Domains,

or NameCheap. Where to Sell domains Once you have purchased a valuable estate, you want to sell it to the right customers to get the most out of it. Several websites allow you to list your domains. is a good example because it is already a well-established domain and website market, with sales typically reaching six digits. To sell, you must have realistic expectations. Do not expect to sell one-word domains to millions of people simply because of their quality and potential. Most of the quality of the area superior to sell for a few thousand dollars - enough to make a living even if you do not sell often. To wrap up Patience is a virtue. Do not just buy a domain because you think you can sell it, do your research because every sale is subject to many factors. If Google has already penalized a domain, its value will be significantly reduced. Whether you decide to reverse domain names, you should know that success is not immediate. You can meet areas that you can never sell and jewelry that sells. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect.

BUSINESS #44 – ONLINE CONSULTANCY Internet marketing has paved the way for many companies because of its impressive global reach. Today, startups in the most competitive sectors can find an open space for their business and thrive thanks to the constant availability of their customers. This seems probably too good to be true and, while the opposite is true, running a successful Internet business is not always an easy task. Some rules must be followed. Another point to note is that different industries have their probabilities of success, and each requires a different amount of investment or effort to succeed. Therefore, starting a consulting enterprise is not a very simple task. It's not as easy as selling products because you know they're in demand now or they 're needed for customers. Unlike companies where you do not need work experience, selling consulting services certainly requires you to have one. On the other hand, consulting firms are also becoming very popular, and many people around the world can call on professionals from different countries. It is very useful to develop a professional online consulting business (in the right way). Certainly, many factors must be taken into account before starting your own consulting business. Earnings Structure A consultant can structure your income in several ways. These decisions depend directly on the needs and demands of the consultant and may also depend on the project. A lump sum per service Fees based on the solution Packaged services

An hourly price based on the type of project Offer retention services Skills and experience in consulting Having consulting skills and experience does not limit your income options, offering only limited problem-solving services, but can also be extended to providing training services. Training fees can be structured to offer various packages to individuals or businesses. Depending on your passion, needs, and goals, there is a wide variety of ways to earn money as a consultant. How to establish your business online The next important step is to put your business on the Internet. The key to this step is creating a very effective website that will provide the best user experience possible. The only way your business can have a big impact on a potential customer consulting your site is its overall appearance. For those unfamiliar with web design, they can look for independent web designers who can help them create a good website or various eCommerce platforms that offer the service for free as a payer. But hold your horses! These platforms will help you build a website and provide you with the best templates and features to make your site a show, as well as easy navigation. However, some e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify and WooCommerce, will also charge customers for additional upgrades, which are simple steps taken for the site to play its role in growing their business. Here are some of the best e-commerce platforms of 2017: BigCommerce Wix Volusion WooCommerce Shopify Payever All of the above platforms provide a way to integrate all your business functions into a solution. This means that you do not worry about having a specific feature because these companies ensure that you are fully equipped for business.

BUSINESS #45 – REAL ESTATE In terms of real estate income, generating cash involves two strategies. You can generate passive income by buying and maintaining an income while generating active income by reversing contracts, renewing or adding value in another area, for example, by entering into real estate development contracts. It may sound overwhelming at first, but it will not be so daunting when you gain experience. When many people think of making money in real estate, they ask the following types of

questions: How can I invest in real estate without money? You can use various methods, including: Financing the seller through rental options Exchange fixed assets like cars, jewelry and more Accept mortgage payment from someone else who might be in trouble Bring an investment partner with money Lend to a bank or get a solid loan Acquire a credit line in shares Using a peer-to-peer loan network How does a real estate investment work? Real estate investing works with the concept of cash flow, which means that your income must exceed outgoing expenses. This is referred to as a positive cash flow. This can work for long-term residential and commercial rentals and shortterm vacation rentals. What is a wholesale business in real estate? Wholesale is similar to launching a property, except that you never take possession of your home when you enter real estate contracts. You can learn specific strategies for this in REWW and other data aggregators for the wholesale reversal market. That said, there are eight main strategies for generating real income in real estate. Whether you get passive or active income depends on the strategy you implement. 1. Long-term residential rental One of the greatest methods to earn cash in real estate is to use long-term residential rent for purchase and maintenance. People always need a place to stay, which involves getting involved in rental properties. You must exercise due diligence to obtain your property, keeping in mind three principles: location, location, location. 2. Rental Options Leasing options can be a great way to get involved in real estate without having to invest large amounts of capital or even get significant credit right from the start. You rent with an option to purchase. This will work well when the real estate market is booming because you are creating a predefined price at which you can buy the property later. 3. Renovation of the house While there may be a lot of money to be gained here, sailing at the beginning of these waters can be tricky. If you do not have the necessary knowledge or experience, you risk losing if you do not choose the right home. 4. Cancellation of contract One way to make money with real estate without having to invest a lot of capital or credit is to cancel the contracts. All you must do is get a distressed salesperson and a motivated buyer and bring them together. Although finding a struggling salesperson may seem difficult, Clothier has systematized the whole process to do it. The problem with reverse contracts is to identify the troubled seller and locate a ready-made buyer.

5. Short sales Short sales happen when the current owner of your home is late on his mortgage, but the property has not yet been seized. For this to happen, all parties must accept the transaction because the property is sold at a lower price than the one on the existing mortgages. This can be the greatest chance to make a quick profit without investing in lengthy transformations. 6. Rent per season Vacation rentals can be a lucrative route to real estate profits. You can not only earn a secondary income through vacation rentals, but you can also potentially earn a lot of money and create a substantial passive income stream if you are in a very busy tourist spot. Places like Los Angles, Miami, and other tourist areas are well known for having a high demand for these short term rentals. 7. Money loan Strong money lenders provide short-term loans to people who would not normally qualify for these loans. To participate in cash loans, you will need capital. These are loans with high-interest rates because they are for very short periods. To close your first transaction, you can turn to a strong money lender. If you have what you consider to be a "good thing" but do not have capital, this may be your best bet. 8. Commercial Real Estate One of the great opportunities in real estate to make a lot of money is to invest in commercial real estate. Commercial real estate developers focus not only on property inversion but also on property development, adding value to properties to increase their net income through renovations and upgrades. They also consult projects that can bring real estate investors to know to achieve their goals.

BUSINESS #46 – PODCASTING More and more people are now using podcasting as an additional source of revenue for their business and themselves. If you also want to make more money from podcasting, here are five ways to benefit from your program: Sell your products or services This is one of the greatest ways to make money with your podcast. You exploit the power of influence. While you live and breathe your audience for a while, you must know what he needs or wants. I was impressed by the WordCamp I recently participated in, that the documentation for the new Gutenberg is at best rare. Everyone hates him. Nobody understands that. It's a learning curve that needs to be flattened, and if I had the time, I'd dive in it myself. Part of your audience will buy from you because you are constantly adding value. This triggers the law of reciprocity. You have done something good for them, and now your audience feels the need to do something good for you. If you share a bit of yourself, they will probably like you (otherwise, they will not listen to you). If the information you provide is solid, they trust you. When you are known, loved, and trustworthy, the slogan is that you are an

"influencer." Sale of products or services of others (sales to subsidiaries) Affiliate sales are when you register with a company to promote your products. You get a link (or code) that proves that the traffic/customer was coming from you. If a sale is performed, you get a commission. When you match the right product to the right audience, you can earn decent money. Once I was making hundreds of dollars a month promoting fitness cards in my weight loss program. The commission was $ 1.50 per pack. This product is suitable for my audience. Donations/Crowdfunding This mode of income requires an extremely engaged public. When people give their motivation, this is one of the two things usually They want you to continue creating content and have the freedom to continue. They believe in your message/content. They want additional information or content. Hosted ads read Although less than 10% of podcasts currently receive 5,000 downloads per episode (advertisers are looking for metrics, although some need 20,000 per episode), that does not mean you can not get a sponsor. I had sponsors of this program that fits my audience. Although some advertisers use an old form of radio retention for which you pay a fee based on the number of downloads ( price CPM for thousand), it does not work with podcasts whose audience is smaller - but more engaged. Charge per episode (no CPM). This is sometimes called a "flat rate." Using the $ 30 CPM template (for example) for 1,000 downloads and your show getting 200 downloads per episode, this episode yielded $ 6 (which is why CPM does not work for most podcasters). The more your target audience is targeted and the more targeted the product, the better the match. The better the match, the more you can charge. Dynamic insertion Although the technology behind dynamic ad insertion is not bad, podcasters currently using certain services are gaining ground, in my opinion. For me, the dynamic insertion of generic ads is equivalent to the well-being of the podcast. A system that I check pays my 0.0017 (not a typo) per download. If we go back to the program that has 200 downloads per episode, they earn 34 cents per episode. When you see companies say, "You can make money with DAY ONE," that's what they use. Yes, you will make money. However, it is best to check the sofa cushions.

BUSINESS #47 – CASHBACK WEBSITES Getting paid while shop seems like a dream come true - but by making the most of the refund sites, you can save hundreds of pounds a year. The site's reimbursement, such as Topcashback and Quidco, allows buyers to earn money each time a transaction is made on their website. Others include GreenJinn, a website-based refund, and Swagbucks, who work with retailers like Amazon.

How do cashback sites work? Refund sites pay a cash reward when you click on them to buy anything - from cell phones to electrical products to high-speed car insurance. Quidco and TopCashback are the most popular payback sites in the UK and are very easy to use. You need to register online for free, but remember that some sites may charge you a fee if you opt for a premium account. While searching for a product or service, you can check the site to see if your brand or preferred retailer has an offer. Once you have found the offer on which you want to make money, visit the retailer by clicking on the link provided by the cashback website. Then buy the product normally. Once the retailer and its marketing agency confirm the purchase, it pays TopCashback or Quidco a percentage of the purchase price. Once your refund account is credited, you can withdraw it and transfer it directly to your bank account. You can also make a gift card or code to spend at a retailer. How much cash back can you earn? The amount you will receive varies depending on the offer. With an average repayment rate of 7.5% on the redemption sites, if you spend € 100, you will receive at least € 7.50. According to Topcashback, your average member receives over £ 300 of cashback per year, but you can earn a lot more. As with any online shopping activity, there are a few things to consider before you start. Clear your cookies One of the most common problems on refund sites is tracking. To receive your refund, there must be a clear "cookie trail" which indicates that it is the refund website that has taken you to the retailer's website, according to the consumer control agency, what? If you have visited an online retailer's website, you must first delete your cookies before you can benefit from a refund promotion for this site. This will clear the setting of a new cookie track between the refund site and the online retailer. Otherwise, you may not receive a refund. The refund only belongs to your bank account. Once the money is credited to your repayment account, and you reach the minimum amount to withdraw, transfer it to your bank account as soon as possible. Indeed, if the company goes bankrupt, your money goes with it, and it will be difficult to recover it. Some sites require you to receive a substantial refund amount before you can transfer funds to your bank account. Please read the fine print before registering.

The best deals are not always on refund sites Calling for refund offers can get you away from the smell of the best deals elsewhere.

BUSINESS #48 – NETWORK MARKETING Network marketing, also known as multilevel marketing, is a business structure in which "hiring" involves recruiting other people into the business, and "payroll" consists of personal sales and commissions from downline sales. Often stigmatized as rapid enrichment or pyramid schemes, network marketing companies nevertheless build a solid reputation and increasingly attract disenchanted people to the labor market, failed pensions, and lack of independence. Financial. While the myth that all network marketing enterprises are scams is constantly dispelled, some are wondering whether it is worthwhile to engage in these businesses: can ordinary people succeed? Of course, yes! especially if you consider the following tips. Take advantage of any and all training. One of the biggest pitfalls of many network marketing companies is their inability to properly train recruits and equip them with the skills to succeed. Even if you do not need a degree or professional experience to succeed as an independent entrepreneur with a network marketing company, you need to know how to manage your "business" to maximize your profits. How far and how fast you usually go depends on the training you have had. Unfortunately, most of these companies do not offer a lot of training. They meditate, give you your material and let you go. This means that you will have to retrieve the information for yourself. One of the most effective tactics to do this is to choose the brain of the person who recruited you or someone who has been in business for several years and who has been successful. Ask detailed questions about your business practices, take notes, and ask for any materials or tools you save. If the business is legitimate, there must be at least someone who cares about your success and is ready to help you. Introduce yourself to your "work." You can not just wait for the money to start arriving without spending time and effort on your business. See your business as a real job to which you have to spend a certain number of hours a week. The more you work, the more it will come out. If you are not an entrepreneur, this can be a challenge because nobody tells you what to do. Network marketing is almost like working on your own; You are the boss. This can be a great benefit, but it also means that you need to exercise control over your only employee yourself. Determine your goals for your business. Is your goal to use network marketing as a secondary task to supplement other revenue? You should spend at least a few hours a week. If your goal is to turn your network marketing business into a full-time income, you must plan 15 hours or more per week. Write a list of your immediate and long-term goals and explain how you plan to reach them. Find out what works for you

Of course, some people possess excellent sales skills and succeed with seemingly little effort in network marketing activities. Others find it hard to make connections and become sellers. You can not be a natural seller, but you can still use what is natural for you. The best way to sell a product and recruit others to sell it is to believe it and to have a story to tell. Most people are more receptive to an honest, genuine person with personal experience of their products and customers. That's why it's important to find a company you believe in and enjoy. The sale will be made naturally, and you will succeed before knowing it. With so many network marketing companies, it is not difficult to find one to which you identify. Network marketing companies are a unique and exciting type of home-based business that can bring great success to those looking for training, dedicate time to their business, articulate and pursue their goals, and use their own story to recruit people. 'other

BUSINESS #49 -BUYING AN ONLINE BUSINESS Online business is a great way to get passive income. That is to say, the income that comes along. A good example is a blog that generates advertising revenue. You do not sell anything, but the money keeps coming. Passive income gives you more freedom of time so you can diversify your sources of income or do other activities that you need or want to do. For me, it's spending time with relatives. For others, it may be traveling or creating another company. Earning passive income will also reduce the stress that most full-time entrepreneurs face. Whether you are a freelancer or a brick and mortar owner, bringing in customers and buying your product or service is a source of anxiety. You never know where and when your next dollar comes from. Of course, you can make assumptions, but with this kind of work, it's not guaranteed. Although passive income is not guaranteed, properly diversified and managed, it can generate a steady stream of income that reduces that stress. How do you make sure the business is a good investment? Before buying an online business, you must evaluate its stability to ensure a good investment. The net result is a general indicator of the earnings you receive. However, you must also consider profit margins. Discover the operating costs of the enterprise. Determine how much the possessor spends each month and how much he earns, as it can be difficult to grow a business with a small profit margin. When you buy an established business, you have many details that you can consult. In addition to sales and profits, you can also check out social media presence and online reputation. Make sure you buy a company with a good reputation and a solid reputation from the public. A good investment must also have a growth margin. Learn more about the market, and if it should grow. For example, if your company sells products in a niche category, determine whether consumer demand should increase or decrease in the next few years. Online businesses must also have multiple streams of revenue. Instead of focusing on a single product, the company should offer a variety of products or services. The site should also receive

traffic from different sources, such as organic search traffic, paid advertising sites, and social networks. If you want a predictable passive income, the company you choose must also show a constant income from month to month, or at least a gradual increase. Researching the business requires work, but it's a necessary step to make sure it's a good investment. You should never buy a business without understanding all the details of its operation and the possible return on investment. How are you looking for an online business to buy? There are many ways to find well-established online businesses. The first option requires that you find a company, research, and carry out a private sale between you and the current owner. It can be difficult to find a profitable online business by yourself. You will not have access to certain details until you contact the owner, such as sales figures and operating costs. Another option is to use an online trading market such as Empire Flippa or Flippers. There are dedicated sites for the sale of established businesses. These markets include many businesses, from eCommerce stores to affiliate marketing blogs. The list of markets can provide a more detailed view of the business. For example, you can usually view business valuation, net income, revenue streams, and sales volume. When using a market, you should always do research and know if the business is a good one to embark on. This may prompt you to search online and find out more about your company's reputation and the quality of your products, website, or services. If you need help getting a legitimate business opportunity, consider also working with an online broker. Brokers regularly work with buyers and sellers, providing them with a constant flow of new online business openings. Brokers will also help you get an online business that meets your specific needs. For instance, if you want an isolated business, your broker may find appropriate opportunities. Your broker can also manage transactions, ensuring the best value for your new investment.

BUSINESS #50 -START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL An interesting way to make money online is to create quality and unique video content on YouTube. Think about the last time you scrolled to Facebook and the number of videos you saw on your calendar in one day. The truth is that people like to watch and engage with quality video content on social media YouTube is a very interesting way to make money and, when done well, can be a very lucrative business idea. In this book, we share some basic tips and strategies on how to double your revenue simply by creating video content and monetizing it on YouTube. 1. Monetize your videos for YouTube ads The monetization YouTube works based on the flat - as provided by Google, known under the name of Google Adsense Google Adsense pays for your videos, not YouTube. Adsense is responsible for showing ads on your videos. First, to qualify for monetization, your channel must have at least 4,000 hours of monitoring time

in the past year and at least 1,000 subscribers. This policy came into effect in early 2018 and is another way for YouTube to prioritize watch time (as opposed to the number of views, which was the previous goal of the platform). Four steps to enable monetization on YouTube Once your channel has reached the total number of hours and subscribers required on YouTube, you're ready to enable monetization of your videos. Click My Channel in the drop-down menu after clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the screen On this screen, click YouTube Studio In the lower-left side of your screen, click the Creator Studio Classic option. In Creator Studio, click Channel> Status and Resources. Finally, in the Monetization box, click Activate. Once monetization is enabled on your YouTube channel, your videos can be uploaded and approved for monetization. To earn revenue with these ads, you need to link an AdSense account to your YouTube account. 2. Sell and market YouTube affiliate products Affiliate marketing involves selling products in exchange for a commission. Hundreds of thousands of companies offer attractive offers to affiliate marketers who promote their products, including large companies such as Amazon and eBay, as well as small businesses. Affiliate marketing is a means extremely popular to make the money line at home. Instead of relying on static blogs to entice people to join, try creating an animated YouTube channel and using it as your primary catalyst for generating traffic and generating sales for affiliate sites. 3. Get referrals for your video content If you study some of the most successful YouTubers, you'll notice the referrals and advertisements they have on their video recordings. Many companies are currently sponsoring YouTube channels for direct advertising. To obtain sponsorship, you may need to develop a detailed proposal on the elements you can provide. Make sure you know your audience and the brand you are approaching well. The best of referrals is that you do not have to hack YouTube. In most cases, the amount of revenue generated by referrals is significantly higher than the revenue from YouTube ads. If you want to get a contract with a brand and become an influencer on YouTube, you must expose yourself before you can be discovered. Steps to get a contract with a brand or sponsorship: Find brands and campaigns that fit your audience. Choose your creative ideas and present the brand proposal in the settings (product reviews, 30 to 60 messages, etc.). If they accept your application, you will be hired and start collaborating with the brand to produce the project. Create content and ask for brand approval.

Get paid. 4. Sell your products or services.

CONCLUSION If you get to this point, you're a rock star. I know I've given you a lot to think about in this eBook, but now you know to get the information you know, put it in an eBook and share it with the world. So there you have it! Enough passive income ideas than you can shake! You have no excuse not to start now. All you have to do is run. The world is yours, and I hope that you will take action after reading this book. Every business idea has its advantages and disadvantages. You will never find anything purely positive, and yet, positive and negative are subjective things. There will never be a great time to start. Perfect is now. Now go ahead and make a passive income! Here are some final considerations that I would like to share with you before closing. What is your success, it's up to you The good thing about doing business online is that you have complete control of your success. If you relax, your results will be too. If you fully understand what you are doing and crush it, the sky is the limit. Do not worry about being perfect If you are too afraid of being perfect, you will never do anything. Publish your eBook as soon as possible, and you'll be able to worry about these minor imperfections later. As long as your main message is there, everything will be fine. The results do not happen overnight Posting an ebook is a fantastic way to gain authority in your niche and eventually earn extra income at the same time. That said, publishing an ebook is not a "magic button" for celebrity or wealth. Usually, nothing is. Give yourself a chance to succeed by giving yourself time to succeed. Do not be afraid to ask for help! There is absolutely no reason why you do not ask for help when you need it. Many people, including me, are happy to help people. You would be surprised. Do not stop being awesome! If you have already completed your ebook, WELL DONE! If we ever meet in person, I'll pay you a drink because you deserve it. Seriously.

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