Pastry Chefs Little Black Book

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Tart, Pie & Strudel Fillings

Cakes & Souffles




Sheet Cakes

Custards, Creams & Fillings

Buttercreams, Frostings & Glazes



8 Mousses & Bavarian Creams

10 Chocolates & Confections


Frozen Desserts

Sauces & Poaching Liquids

Cookies & Tuiles





Table of Contents Foreword






How To Use This Book


Chapter 1



Chapter 2

Tart, Pie & Strudel Fillings


Chapter 3

Cakes & Souffles


Chapter 4

Sheet Cakes


Chapter 5

Buttercreams, Frostings & Glazes


Chapter 6

Custards, Creams & Fillings


Chapter 7

Mousses & Bavarian Creams


Chapter 8

Cookies & Tuiles


Chapter 9

Sauces & Poaching Liquids


Chapter 10

Chocolates & Confections


Chapter 11

Frozen Desserts


Chapter 12



Chapter 13







first met Michael Zebrowski during one of my classes at the International Culinary Center, where I am currently a Guest Master Pastry Chef Instructor. Michael

received his training at The French Culinary Institute, as it was formerly known,

and joined the school’s pastry faculty in 2009 after working at some of New York City’s most prestigious kitchens. As a pastry chef, Michael is remarkably disciplined, metic-

ulous, and knowledgeable; it is no wonder that he shines as a teacher. Simultaneously tough and tender, he knows how to motivate students to perform at their highest

level. As a member of the school’s esteemed faculty, Michael and I were often in the

classroom together as I taught students how to craft sugar paste flowers, as well as other advanced pastry techniques. Although I was the Master Pastry Chef, Michael

taught me a great deal about teaching as both a practice and a profession - pushing

pastry students to do their best in an academic environment is not quite the same as pushing pastry cooks to perform their best in an industry setting, as I came to learn. I also came to learn that Michael previously worked at The Pierre Hotel with another incredible pastry chef I came to know and admire, Michael Mignano. Furthermore, I found that they were good friends, having come up together through the ranks of

some of New York City’s most demanding kitchens, learning from and encouraging

each other along the way. I met Michael Mignano back when I was but a humble cake decorator, struggling to build my business. I would run into him as I ran through the

kitchen of The Pierre, where he was working as the Executive Pastry Chef at the time. I was immediately struck by his passion, creativity, and drive to provide genuine

hospitality to his guests at the highest level. Even on the busiest days, he would come

out of the pastry kitchen, deep in the bowels of the hotel, to help me set up. And to my delight, Michael would never let me leave The Pierre without trying one of his latest,

tantalizing creations. Years later he would compete fabulously on the very first episode

of my Food Network series, “Sweet Genius,” when it premiered in 2011. In retrospect,

it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the Michaels were such great friends – they are two tremendously dedicated and creative chefs with a passion for learning. And


now it is no surprise to me at all that they developed this book together, sharing their

expertise, knowledge, and experience with fellow chefs who are passionate to learn and create. When they asked me to contribute this foreword, I jumped at the opportunity.

The culinary profession is a community; that they would develop this Little Black Book is a natural progression of that sentiment and a testament to the respect these chefs have for this community.

The sweet genius of the Little Black Book is that it is broken down into the components that pastry chefs need to make their magic: doughs, cakes, ice cream, mousses, and

lots more. Looking for an idea or a new recipe? That’s what this book is for. That’s why pastry chefs need this book. Accented with stunning photography from another dear

friend, the great Alan 'Battman' Batt, this Little Black Book will become THE resource of any and every professional cook out there. Alan and I have worked together fre-

quently over the years and his passion for telling a story through photos is the ideal way to bring this unique resource to life.

You see, this book is designed for chefs by chefs. It is not intended to be a coffee table book; it is meant to be a chef’s office book. More specifically, it is designed to be a coveted resource of proven recipes that cover a wide range of topics in an effort to

assist you, the chef, in your creative process. It is my expectation that this Little Black

Book becomes your “go to” book when changing a menu, creating a special, or fulfilling that custom cake order. Over the course of their careers, Michael Z. and Michael M.

have spent decades in high-end kitchens collecting, developing, and perfecting these

recipes, and now they want to share them with you. It’s their love of the craft and

passion for pastry that inspired them to write down these recipes and – through this

book – to pay it forward to colleagues of the professional cooking community. We hope

you will use this Little Black Book as an inspiration, a guide and an invaluable tool as you create your next culinary masterpiece – and quickly, because there are guests waiting, after all.

Ron Ben-Israel Ron Ben-Israel Cakes, New York City




hen Michael Mignano and I were young pastry cooks in New York City back in the 1990s, we found that there were three things that were an absolute

requirement for all pastry cooks new to the business. The first of course is

a good attitude. Any wise chef will hire based on attitude first and skills second. After

all, a chef can teach techniques, but teaching a positive attitude can prove to be futile at best. The second requirement is a willingness to work hard, and I mean really hard. Cooking professionally in Michelin-starred restaurants requires sacrifice and discipline. Again, not necessarily something that can be taught. It must come from within,

stemming from a passion for food and cooking and from a desire to provide genuine

hospitality to your guests. Lastly, and most certainly the easiest requirement of them all, was to have a little notebook that should be kept in your pocket at all times. In

those little notebooks we would jot down specific directives, sketches of dishes, and,

most importantly, recipes and procedures from our respective chefs. Over the course

of our tenures at any given restaurant, those notebooks would fill up with invaluable

little gems that would continue to pay great dividends in our careers for many years to

come. Over time, we would amass a collection of little notebooks, each one tattered and stained by the daily rigors of life in a professional kitchen. Furthermore, those little

notebooks would become precious to us, for they held the key and building blocks of

creation. This book is a distillation of many of those recipes, with the ultimate goal of empowering you in your creative process.

Michael and I felt compelled to write this book simply because we wanted to pay

these recipes forward to our fellow community of cooks, chefs, and bakers, the same

people we respectfully view as our extended family. At the risk of sounding dramatic,

we couldn’t stand the thought of these precious recipes that were accumulated and developed over many years - and literally paid for in sweat and blood - sit idle. As

such, we are honored to share this Little Black Book with you, and it is our sincere

hope that you find it to be an invaluable resource that will be reached for time and

again. All of the recipes in this book have been time tested and proven to work well. How you choose to use them is the exciting and fun part.


We've hand-picked the recipes in this Little Black Book with deliberate consideration in

the hopes that they will give you a strong foundation from which to create your own

little notebook of ideas, tips and treasures. This guide was curated with care, but don’t be afraid to get it a little messy. Please, take it into the kitchen with you. Crack the

spine, dog-ear the pages, scribble notes in the margins – use this book to its fullest extent as an inspiration in the kitchen and make this Little Black Book your own.

Michael Zebrowski



very cookbook has a team of passionate and talented people embedded within

each page and this one is certainly no exception. Many thanks are due to the

following people, without whom this book would not exist: Lisa Sragg, graphic

designer; Maureen Naff, copy editor; Sara Dreibelbis, writer/editor; Samantha Krivorot, proofreader/editor; and of course the great Alan 'Battman' Batt whose beautiful photographs enliven the recipes.

Our sincere gratitude to the many mentors we have had the good fortune to work along side with and learn from over the course of our careers: Ashfer Biju, David Bouley,

Thomas Ciszak, Rémy Fünfrock, Michael Gabriel, Ewald Notter, Jacques Torres, and Bill Yosses to name a few.

Special thanks to Michael Brock for sharing his expertise and valued insight and to Noelle Trakakis and The Pierre pastry team for their extensive recipe testing.

Many thanks and appreciation go out to our respective employers: The Culinary

Institute of America and The Pierre, A Taj Hotel for their enthusiasm and support. Last, but most certainly not least, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to

our family, friends and colleagues who’ve supported us throughout the writing of this

book. Their steadfast and unwavering encouragement was the fuel necessary to bring

this project to realization and we hold each and every one of them close to our hearts.



How To Use This Book

e conveniently broke down this book into 13 chapters, each one representing a major category of the pastry arts. Moreover, the individual recipes that

make up each chapter are exactly that: individual. The book does not contain

composed plated desserts or elaborate entremets. What this book does contain, however, are the recipes needed to create those elaborate compositions for yourself. In

musical terms, this is not a song book, but instead a book of chords and scales for you to create your own music.

Many of the recipes are timeless classics that we consider to be the workhorses of our industry. Other recipes are special or unique to us in one way or another, and we en-

courage you to tweak them, play with them, and most importantly to have confidence in their ability to perform as expected. Measurements

The measurements in this book are listed in two columns - one in metric, the other in US measures, but not in cups. That is because baking is about precision and accuracy and cups as a measurement provide neither. The cups system is essentially a way of

measuring liquid volume, not dry weight, and converting between the two is not reliable. We did however take some liberties with measurements - especially in the US column. You will notice, for example, that all of the whole eggs, egg yolks, and egg whites are

displayed as a metric weight in the metric column, but displayed as “each” in the US

column rather than by weight. We did this for a few reasons. First, we wanted to give chefs an easy option of choosing whether they wanted to weigh these ingredients out

or simply be able to read at a glance how many eggs they would need from the refrig-

erator. The second reason is that during our many hours of focus group surveys with working cooks and chefs in the industry, this was overwhelmingly their preference. Spoon Measurements

During our exhaustive recipe testing and focus group sessions, we were looking at

more than just outcomes and yields. We watched different chefs interpret each recipe,

noting how they worked most efficiently. When we saw many continually reach for


their measuring spoons to measure small amounts of spices, extracts and leaveners, we decided to include teaspoon and tablespoon measures - along with the metric weight where applicable - to give chefs a choice depending on their preference.

Furthermore, keeping with the practical nature of this book, an average kitchen scale will not be very accurate when weighing measurements less than 2 grams in most

cases. In those scenarios, you will see spoon measurements in both the metric and US columns to ensure the highest degree of accuracy in smaller sized recipes. Procedures

The recipes in this book assume a base knowledge of pastry. As such, most of the

procedures are written in a direct and straightforward manner that will be comfortable to pastry professionals at any level. This is a book written for chefs, by chefs, after all,

and the procedural language reflects that. However, we did include many recipes that we feel any savory cook or chef, home baker, or enthusiast will be able to execute

with ease. As always, read through the entire recipe before proceeding, paying special attention to any “chef’s notes” or anecdotes along the way the get the most out of each recipe.

Ovens and Baking Times

All of the oven temperatures given in this book are intended for convection ovens.

This is primarily due to the fact that most restaurants, hotels and bakeries around

the world utilize them for their speed and efficiency more so than conventional ovens. If you are baking in a conventional oven, you must increase the temperature and/or

time for these recipes. For cakes, cookies, breads, and other baked goods, the rule of thumb for conventional oven conversion is to increase the temperature by 25ºF. This is a guideline only, as every oven is different.

Some recipes in this book provide approximate suggested baking times, but many

more do not. As any experienced baker can affirm, there are many variables that

contribute to how long one product or another will take to bake. Consider for example: baking one cake versus ten cakes in a single oven will have an effect on the baking

time. The same can be said for baking a sheet tray of cold cookie dough compared to

room temperature dough, and so forth. It is our opinion and experience that providing information for what to look for when a product is done baking is more reliable than providing baking times as commonly found in books geared toward the home baker.

continues on next page


Yields Every recipe in this book has a yield in one form or another, and in many, multiple yields are included. The most common yield found in every recipe is the “total weight”; the weight of the recipe when completed. We consider this yield the most practical, as it can serve as a guide to assist you in determining various yield-related questions you may have in relation to each recipe, and gives you the flexibility in determining your own custom yields. For example, the “total weight” can help you determine what size container you will need to store an ice cream base in, approximately how many 1.5-ounce mini muffins any given muffin recipe will yield, or conversely how many jumbo 7-ounce muffins a recipe will yield, and so forth. For the sake of convenience and standardization, all of the recipes in this book that require the use of a stand mixer are written to fit into a 5-quart mixer. Lastly, the recipe yields in this book are meant to be customized for your own specific requirements. We encourage you to use the yields associated with each recipe as a guideline and point of reference. Gelatin Every recipe in this book that calls for gelatin is formulated to use silver gelatin sheets weighing approximately 2.5 grams per sheet. Additionally, you will see a corresponding quantity of water associated with each gelatin measurement that is meant to provide the required amount of hydration. This is to ensure that the gelatin will not be over hydrated, and lends to a higher degree of consistency. Take note that this method of blooming gelatin does not require you to wring out excess water. Chef’s Notes and Anecdotes Periodically throughout the book you will see Chef’s Notes and Anecdotes. These are intended to provide additional tips and information not found in the streamlined context of the procedures. Furthermore, we intentionally printed the book on uncoated paper to make it easier for you to write your own notes on the recipes themselves, which we have found to be a common practice amongst professionals and amateurs alike. In Summary As described above, this book has been written and organized to provide the utmost convenience, efficiency and accuracy to professional chefs and cooks as well as home bakers and enthusiasts. In it you will find all the information you need - from precise measurements and yields to helpful tips and interesting anecdotes we’ve amassed throughout our careers – to execute and experiment with these base recipes, and to build on them as a foundation for your own original creations. We hope this Little Black Book will become a go-to and well-used guide in your repertoire of recipes.




Tart and Pie Doughs 12

Pâte Brisée


Pâte Brisée, Whole Wheat


Pâte Sablé


Pâte Sablé, Almond


Pâte Sablé, Chocolate


Pâte Sablé, Cornmeal


Pâte Sablé, Graham Cracker


Pâte Sucrée


Pâte Sucrée, Almond


Pâte Sucrée, Chocolate


Pie Dough, All-Butter


Pie Dough, Flaky American-Style


Puff Pastry Doughs Puff Pastry, Chocolate


Puff Pastry, Classic


Puff Pastry, Inverse


Puff Pastry, Quick


Other Doughs Choux a Craqueline


Cobbler Dough


Gingerbread House Dough


Pâte a Choux


Strudel Dough


Topping, Oat Crumb


Topping, Streusel




Linzer Dough

Linzer Dough Ingredients




294 g

10.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

318 g

11.2 oz

Almond Flour

225 g

7.9 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each



546 g

1 lb 3.3 oz

Cinnamon (ground)


1¼ t

Baking Powder






1.55 kg

3 lb 6.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the almond flour to combine. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until homogenous. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight. Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months. This signature Austrian classic is known for its berry preserve filling and tender lattice top dough. It is named after the Austrian city of Linz.


Pâte Brisée Metric


Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Whole Milk

50 g

1.8 oz

Cake Flour

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz

350 g

12.3 oz

1.035 kg

2 lb 4.5 oz


Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whisk together the eggs and milk and keep cold. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix together the dry ingredients and butter until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• Add the liquid and mix until the dough is shaggy, but holds together when pressed between two fingers. • Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Gently shape into desired sized rounds. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • To inhibit gluten development, keep all ingredients and mixing bowl as cold as possible. • The exact amount of hydration needed can vary depending upon the humidity in the air and the type of flour used. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Whole Wheat Pâte Brisée Ingredients



Cake Flour

203 g

7.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

203 g

7.2 oz

Fine Whole Wheat Flour

128 g

4.5 oz


10 g


Granulated Sugar

10 g


Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

268 g

9.5 oz

Water (cold)

193 g

6.8 oz

1.015 kg

2 lb 3.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix together the dry ingredients and butter until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• Add the water and mix until the dough is shaggy, but holds together when pressed between two fingers. • Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Gently shape into desired sized rounds. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • To inhibit gluten development, keep all ingredients and mixing bowl as cold as possible. • The exact amount of hydration needed can vary depending upon the humidity in the air and the type of flour used. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Pâte Sablé Ingredients




300 g

10.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz



Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

Cake Flour

510 g

1 lb 2 oz

1.075 kg

2 lb 5.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and salt. • Add the egg yolks one at a time; scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted flour and mix just until combined. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • This dough is good for tarts as well as cookies. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Almond Pâte Sablé Ingredients




350 g

12.3 oz

Powdered Sugar

188 g

6.6 oz

Almond Flour

63 g

2.2 oz



100 g

2 each



500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1.208 kg

2 lb 10.6 oz


Whole Eggs Almond Extract

Cake Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, almond flour, and salt. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the cake flour and mix just until combined.

Chef’s Notes: • This dough is good for tarts as well as cookies. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Chocolate Pât e Sablé Metric



300 g

10.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz




Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

Cake Flour

210 g

7.4 oz

All-Purpose Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

Cocoa Powder

120 g

4.2 oz

Baking Powder



Total Weight:

894 g

1 lb 15.5 oz


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and salt. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. Do not over mix. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Cornmeal Pâte Sablé Ingredients




340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each


30 g

1 oz



Bread Flour

225 g

7.9 oz


225 g

7.9 oz



1.115 kg

2 lb 7.3 oz

Vanilla Extract


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and zest. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the honey and extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the flour, cornmeal, and salt and mix just until combined. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • This dough is good for baked fruit tarts as well as cookies. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Graham Cracker Pâte Sablé Ingredients




454 g

1 lb


114 g

4 oz

Light Brown Sugar

68 g

2.4 oz

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each



Whole Wheat Flour

340 g

12 oz

All-Purpose Flour

170 g

6 oz




Cinnamon (ground)



1.2 kg

2 lb 10.3 oz

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, honey and light brown sugar. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • This dough is good for tarts as well as cookies. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months. • For cookies, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake at 300°F/149°C until golden brown.


Pâte Sucrée Ingredients




250 g

8.8 oz

Powdered Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

½ each

½ each

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Cake Flour

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz




Baking Powder (optional)



1.025 kg

2 lb 4.2 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla bean seeds. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • Baking powder helps tenderize and add lightness to the crust. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Almond Pâte Sucrée Metric



240 g

8.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz



Almond Flour

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each



470 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

1.057 kg

2 lb 5.3 oz



Almond Extract

Cake Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and salt. • Add the almond flour to combine. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the cake flour, being careful not to over mix the dough. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Chocolate Pâte Sucrée Ingredients




227 g

8 oz

Powdered Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each



All-Purpose Flour

410 g

14.5 oz

Cocoa Powder

23 g

0.8 oz




1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients to the butter mixture. Mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl again. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


All - Butter Pie Dough Metric


425 g

15 oz



28 g

1 oz

338 g

12 oz

Water (ice cold)

90 g

3.2 oz

Vinegar (white or cider)

15 g


900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Ingredients All-Purpose Flour Salt Granulated Sugar Butter ( ¾ -inch cubes, cold)

Total Weight:

Yield: one 9-inch double crust deep-dish pie

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour, salt, sugar, and butter until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• Combine the ice water and vinegar and add ½ the liquid to the dry ingredients and mix for 10 seconds on low speed to hydrate.

• Add the remaining liquid and mix until the dough is shaggy but holds together when pressed between two fingers. • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Gently shape into desired sized rounds. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • To inhibit gluten development, keep all ingredients and mixing bowl as cold as possible. • The exact amount of hydration needed can vary depending upon the humidity in the air and the type of flour used. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Flaky American Pie Dough Metric


450 g

15.9 oz



1½ t

Granulated Sugar


1½ t

230 g

8.1 oz

Shortening (cold)

90 g

3.2 oz

Water (ice cold)

107 g

3.8 oz


1½ t

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Ingredients All-Purpose Flour

Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

Vinegar (white or cider)

Total Weight:

Yield: one 9-inch double crust deep-dish pie

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour, salt, sugar, butter, and shortening until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• Add ½ of the liquid to the dry ingredients and mix for 10 seconds on low speed to hydrate.

• Add the remaining liquid and mix until the dough is shaggy but holds together when pressed between two fingers. • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Gently shape into desired sized rounds. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • To inhibit gluten development, keep all ingredients and mixing bowl as cold as possible. • The exact amount of hydration needed can vary depending upon the type of flour used and the humidity in the air. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Quick Puff Pastry Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

750 g

1 lb 10.4 oz

Butter (softened)

150 g

5.3 oz

15 g

0.5 oz

315 g

11.1 oz



454 g

1 lb

1.686 kg

3 lb 11.5 oz


Water (ice cold) White Vinegar

Butter ( ½-inch cubes, frozen)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour, butter, and salt until well combined. • Combine the water and vinegar. Add to the dry ingredients and mix to form a dough. Do not over mix, but be sure there are no dry spots of flour in the dough. • Add the cubed and frozen butter and mix just until combined. Pat the dough into a square, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. • Give the dough 4 book turns total, resting for 30 minutes in between every 2 turns.

Chef’s Notes: • Acids like vinegar help relax gluten, making the dough more pliable. • Quick puff pastry is ideal for applications where a “high rise” is not a priority, and/or if time constraints are a concern. • Puff pastry can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Chocolate Puff Pastry Ingredients



420 g

14.8 oz


10 g


Butter (softened)

70 g

2.5 oz

Water (cold)

185 g

6.5 oz



425 g

15 oz

50 g

1.8 oz

1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz

Dough Packet (Détrempe): All-Purpose Flour

White Vinegar

Butter Packet (Beurrage): Butter (cold & softened) Cocoa Powder (sifted)

Total Weight:


Dough Packet Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the flour, salt, and butter. Mix until the butter has coated the flour and is no longer visible. • Combine the water and vinegar. Add it to the dry ingredients and mix to form a dough. Do not over mix, but be sure there are no dry spots of flour in the dough. • Pat the dough packet into a square, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Butter Packet Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the cold butter and sifted cocoa powder until homogenous. • Pat the chocolate butter packet into a square and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Assembly Procedure: • On a floured work surface, roll the corners of the chocolate butter packet into flaps. • Put the dough packet into the center of the butter packet and fold the flaps to completely cover the dough. Seal in the butter package. • Give the dough 2 letter turns rolling the dough ⅜ -inch thick letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Repeat 2 more letter turns rolling the dough ⅜ -inch thick letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Perform the last 2 letter turns for a total of 6.

Chef’s Notes: • The butter packet should be the same consistency as the dough packet when you begin assembly as this facilitates smooth and even lamination. • Acid like vinegar helps relax gluten, making the dough more pliable. • Puff pastry can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Classic Puff Pastry Ingredients



500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


10 g


Butter (softened)

75 g

2.6 oz

260 g

9.2 oz



500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1.345 kg

2 lb 15.4 oz

Dough Packet (Détrempe): All-Purpose Flour

Water (cold) White Vinegar

Butter Packet (Beurrage): Butter (cold & softened)

Total Weight:


Dough Packet Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the flour, salt, and butter. Mix until the butter has coated the flour and is no longer visible. • Combine the water and vinegar. Add it to the dry ingredients and mix to form a dough. Do not over mix, but be sure there are no dry spots of flour in the dough. • Pat the dough packet into a square, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Butter Packet Procedure: • Soften the butter to the same consistency as the rested and chilled dough packet.

Assembly Procedure: • On a floured work surface, roll the corners of the dough packet into flaps. • Put the butter packet into the center of the dough packet and fold the flaps to completely cover the butter. Seal in the dough package. • Give the dough 2 letter turns rolling the dough ⅜ -inch thick letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Repeat 2 more letter turns letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Perform the last 2 letter turns for a total of 6.

Chef’s Notes: • The butter packet should be the same consistency as the dough packet when you begin assembly as this facilitates smooth and even lamination. • Acid like vinegar helps relax gluten, making the dough more pliable. • Puff pastry can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Inverse Puff Pastry Ingredients



300 g

10.6 oz


12 g


Butter (softened)

50 g

1.8 oz

Water (cold)

140 g

4.9 oz



All-Purpose Flour

200 g

7 oz

Butter (cold & cubed)

400 g

14 oz

Total Weight:

1.1 kg

2 lb 6.8 oz

Dough Packet (Détrempe): All-Purpose Flour

White Vinegar

Butter Packet (Beurrage):


Dough Packet Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the flour, salt, and butter. Mix until the butter has coated the flour and is no longer visible. • Combine the water and vinegar. Add it to the dry ingredients and mix to form a dough. Do not over mix, but be sure there are no dry spots of flour in the dough. • Pat the dough packet into a square, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Butter Packet Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour and cold butter until homogenous. • Pat the butter packet into a square and refrigerate for at least 20-30 minutes.

Assembly Procedure: • On a floured work surface, roll the corners of the butter packet into flaps. • Put the dough packet into the center of the butter packet and fold the flaps to completely cover the dough. Seal in the butter package. • Give the dough 2 letter turns rolling the dough ⅜ -inch thick letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Repeat 2 more letter turns rolling the dough ⅜ -inch thick letting the dough rest in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. • Perform the last 2 letter turns for a total of 6.

Chef’s Notes: • The butter packet should be the same consistency as the dough packet when you begin assembly as this facilitates smooth and even lamination. • Acid like vinegar helps relax gluten, making the dough more pliable. • Puff pastry can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Choux aux Craquelin Ingredients




360 g

12.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Light Brown Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

All-Purpose Flour

400 g

14 oz



1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz


Total Weight: Yield: two full sheet pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Spread the craquelin dough onto a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. Place a piece of parchment paper on top of the dough and roll thin and evenly to 1/ 16 -inch thick. • Refrigerate the dough until firm, or freeze. • Pipe the pâte a choux into desired sized rounds. Cut the craquelin dough into circles large enough to cover the uncooked pâte a choux. • Place a craquelin dough circles on top on each pâte a choux round. • Bake at 375°F (191ºC) until golden brown and baked through.


Cobbler Dough Metric


All-Purpose Flour

265 g

9.3 oz

Cake Flour

265 g

9.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

Baking Powder

10 g





Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

170 g

6 oz

Heavy Cream (cold)

200 g

7.1 oz

1.045 kg

2 lb 4.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flours, sugar, baking powder, salt, and butter until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• Add the cream and mix just until a dough is formed; do not over mix. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight. • Roll the dough to about ¼ -inch thick and cut out desired sized discs with a cookie cutter.

• Overlap the discs on top of your favorite prepared fruit filling to make a “cobblestone” look. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until golden brown.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Gingerbread House Dough Metric



215 g

7.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

215 g

7.6 oz

Corn Syrup

255 g

9 oz

Whole Milk

90 g

3.2 oz

Bread Flour

683 g

1 lb 8 oz

Baking Soda






Cinnamon (ground)

12 g


Cloves (ground)


1½ t

Ginger (ground)


1½ t

Cardamom (ground)



Baking Soda



1.494 kg

3 lb 3 oz

I ngredients

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, heat the margarine, sugar, corn syrup, and milk while stirring until it becomes a smooth paste. Allow the paste to cool just until warm. • Combine the dry ingredients into a bowl of a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add the warm paste and mix until a smooth, homogenous dough forms. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight before use. Chef’s Notes: • If wrapped very well, this dough can keep for several months in the refrigerator and even longer in the freezer.


Pâte a Choux Ingredients




250 g

8.8 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Butter ( ½ -inch cubes)

250 g

8.8 oz




Granulated Sugar



Bread Flour

350 g

12.3 oz

Whole Eggs

400-500 g

8-10 each

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, milk, butter, salt, and sugar to a boil. • Remove from the heat and stir in the sifted flour all at once. • Place the pan back over medium heat and cook the paste to dry it out, stirring continuously for 2-3 minutes. A thin film will form on the bottom and the paste will pull away from the pan. • Transfer the dough to a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment and beat the mixture to release the steam. Allow the mixture to cool enough so as to not cook the eggs when added. • Add the eggs incrementally, scraping down the bowl as necessary until the proper consistency is reached.


Strudel Dough Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

400 g

14 oz

Bread Flour

200 g

7 oz




Vegetable Oil

80 g

2.8 oz

300 g

10.6 oz



988 g

2 lb 2.8 oz

Water (110ºF/43ºC) White Vinegar

Total Weight: Yield: two large strudels

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dry ingredients. • Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix to develop gluten. • When the dough comes together enough, switch to a hook attachment and knead until gluten is fully developed. • Lightly coat the dough with oil and place in a lightly oiled bowl. • Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature before use.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough should be soft and supple. You may need a little more water depending on the type of flour used and the humidity in the air. • Acid like vinegar or lemon juice helps relax the gluten to make the dough easier to stretch.


Oat Crumb Topping Metric



600 g

1 lb 5.1 oz

Light Brown Sugar

675 g

1 lb 7.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

600 g

1 lb 5.1 oz

Rolled Oats

345 g

12.2 oz


10 g


Baking Powder



Baking Soda



Cardamom (ground)



2.245 kg

4 lb 15.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the butter and set aside. • Combine the rest of the ingredients by hand, making sure there are no lumps. • Add the melted butter and mix to combine by hand. Chef’s Notes: • The crumb topping can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Streusel Topping Ingredients



Light Brown Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Butter (cubed & cold)

454 g

1 lb

Cinnamon (ground)

11 g

1 T, 1 t



1¼ t

Vanilla Extract


1½ t

750 g

1 lb 10.4 oz

1.684 kg

3 lb 11.4 oz

15 g

0.5 oz

Lemon or Lime Streusel (zest)

3 each

3 each

Orange Streusel (zest)

2 each

2 each

Nut Streusel (chopped, not toasted)

428 g

15 oz

Bread Flour

Total Weight:

Streusel Variations: Tea Streusel (loose tea)

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients until desired size of crumb is achieved. Variations: • Mix the streusel variation inclusion along with the rest of the ingredients in the recipe. Chef’s Notes: • Streusel can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.




Tart Fillings 40

Bittersweet Chocolate Custard Tart Filling


Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache Tart Filling


Caramel Custard Tart Filling


Caramel-Nut Tart Filling


Chocolate-Raspberry Tart Filling


Lemon Tart Filling


Milk Chocolate-Nut Tart Filling


Passion Fruit Tart Filling


Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling


Quiche Custard Tart Filling


Pie and Pie Fillings Apple Pie Filling


Fresh Blueberry Pie Filling


Key Lime Pie


Peach Pie Filling


Pecan Pie Filling


Pumpkin Pie Filling


Rhubarb Pie Filling


Sour Cherry Pie Filling


Strudel Fillings Apple Strudel Filling


Cabbage-Bacon Strudel Filling


Mixed Berry Strudel Filling



Tart, Pie & Strudel Fillings

Beet Tart Filling

Beet Tart Filling Metric


200 g

4 each

40 g

2 each

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Orange Juice

50 g

1.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

213 g

7.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz



Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each

Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Coriander (ground)



Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Ingredients Whole Eggs Egg Yolks Beet Puree


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, lightly mix the whole eggs and yolks to blend. Add the puree and juice and mix to combine. • Add the sugars and spices, followed by the milk and cream. • Bake at 300ºF (149ºC) in blind baked tart shells until set.


Bittersweet Chocolate Custard Tart Filling Ingredients



Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz



Chocolate (58-66%)

200 g

7 oz

Egg Yolks

220 g

11 each

1.020 kg

2 lb 4 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Pour over the chocolate, allow to stand for a few minutes, then whisk until smooth. • Whisk the egg yolks into the chocolate mixture. • Strain the filling through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bake at 250°F (121ºC) in blind baked tart shells just until set.

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe can be infused with coffee, spices, tea, ginger, citrus, etc.


Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache Tart Filling Metric


Chocolate (61%, chopped)

344 g

12.1 oz

Butter (softened)

136 g

4.8 oz

Invert Sugar

44 g

1.5 oz


1/ 8


Heavy Cream

Total Weight:


1/ 8


376 g

13.3 oz

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Yield: two 9-inch tarts

Procedure: • Combine the chocolate, butter, sugar, and salt in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Bring the cream to a boil and pour over the chocolate mixture. • Allow the mixture to stand for a few minutes, then emulsify gently to avoid creating air bubbles. • Pour the ganache into blind baked tart shells and allow to cool and set at room temperature.


Caramel-Nut Tart Filling Ingredients



250 g

8.8 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Glucose Syrup

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

175 g

6.2 oz

Whole Milk

125 g

4.4 oz

Walnuts or Pecans (chopped)

250 g

8.8 oz



Almond Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

Total Weight:

1.225 kg

2 lb 11.2 oz

Granulated Sugar


Yield: two 8-inch tarts

Procedure: • In a saucepan, boil the sugar and water. Add the glucose and cook to a deep amber caramel. • Add the cream, milk, nuts, and salt to the caramel mixture. • Cook the mixture, stirring constantly for about 2 minutes, or until slightly thickened. Set aside to cool. • Spread the cooled caramel mixture in the bottom of the unbaked tart shells. • Spread the almond cream on top of the caramel-nut mixture. Make sure the almond cream touches the edges of the dough, otherwise the caramel filling will bubble out during baking. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until evenly browned.


Caramel Custard Tart Filling Ingredients



Butter (cubed)

129 g

4.5 oz

Heavy Cream

188 g

6.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

484 g

1 lb 1 oz

Water (cold)

160 g

5.6 oz

Glucose Syrup

80 g

2.8 oz


880 g

1 lb 15 oz

Heavy Cream

890 g

1 lb 15.4 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolks

180 g

9 each



2.1 kg

4 lb 10 oz




Total Weight:


Caramel Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the butter and cream to a boil and set aside. • In a separate saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil. Add the glucose and cook to a deep amber caramel. • Deglaze with the melted butter/cream mixture and emulsify until smooth.

Custard Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the caramel and cream to a boil. • Whisk the whole eggs, yolks, and salt. Temper with the caramel/cream mixture. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 200°F (93ºC) in blind baked tart shells just until set.


Chocolate-Raspberry Tart Filling Metric


Chocolate (64%)

400 g

14 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Whole Milk

140 g

5 oz

Heavy Cream

280 g

10 oz

Raspberry Puree

100 g

3.5 oz

Raspberry Liqueur

20 g

0.7 oz

1.04 kg

2 lb 4.7 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and set aside. • Mix the eggs, milk, cream, and puree together. Heat the mixture to 158ºF (70ºC) and strain over the melted chocolate. • Emulsify until smooth and stir in the raspberry liqueur. • Strain the filling through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bake at 300ºF (149ºC) in blind baked tart shells just until set.


Lemon Tart Filling Ingredients



Lemons (juice & zest)

12 each

12 each

Whole Eggs

600 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

450 g

15.9 oz

1/ 8


1/ 8



Butter (melted)

175 g

6.2 oz

Total Weight:

1.65 kg

3 lb 10.2 oz

Procedure: • Whisk together the juice, zest, eggs, sugar, and salt until smooth. • Whisk the melted butter into the lemon mixture. • Warm the filling over a water bath until about 120°F (49°C). Using an immersion blender, blend everything together then strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 250°F (121°C) in blind baked tart shells just until set.


Milk Chocolate-Nut Tart Filling Ingredients



Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz




Nut Paste (unsweetened)

70 g

2.5 oz

Milk Chocolate (chopped)

280 g

9.9 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

1.15 kg

2 lb 8.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, salt, and nut paste to a boil. • Pour over the chocolate, allow to stand for a few minutes, then whisk until smooth. • Whisk the eggs into the chocolate mixture. • Strain the filling through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 225°F (107°C) in blind baked tart shells just until set.


Passion Fruit Tart Filling Ingredients



1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Lime Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

450 g

9 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each


1/ 8

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)


2.06 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


4 lb 8.7 oz

Procedure: • Whisk all of the ingredients together until smooth. • Warm the filling over a water bath until about 120°F (49ºC). Using an immersion blender, blend everything together then strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 250°F (121ºC) in blind baked tart shells just until set.


Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling Ingredients



Milk Chocolate

160 g

5.6 oz

Unsalted Peanuts (roasted)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


60 g

2.1 oz




260 g

9.2 oz


60 g

2.1 oz

Glucose Syrup

60 g

2.1 oz

Heavy Cream

360 g

12.7 oz

Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

Yield: two 9-inch tarts

Procedure: • Place the chocolate, peanuts, honey, and salt in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe and set aside. • In a saucepan, boil the sugar and water. Add the glucose and cook to a deep amber caramel. • Deglaze with the cream and emulsify until smooth. • Pour the caramel over the chocolate mixture and emulsify until combined. • Pour the warm filling into blind baked tart shells and allow to cool and set at room temperature. Chef’s Notes: • The peanuts in this recipe may be substituted with other varieties of nuts. • Salted nuts may be used if desired, simply eliminate the salt in the recipe. • We like to pair this tart with Milk Chocolate Chantilly on page 204. • The tart is best served room temperature.


Quiche Custard Tart Filling Ingredients



Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Crème Fraiche

200 g

7 oz

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each



1½ t

Black Pepper (freshly ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Cayenne Pepper



Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Yield: four 9-inch tarts

Procedure: • Whisk the milk, cream, crème fraiche, eggs, and seasonings until smooth. • Strain the custard through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bake at 250ºF (121ºC) in blind baked shells until set.

Chef’s Notes: • Adjust the seasonings according to the type of quiche you are making and your taste.


Apple Pie Filling Metric


908 g

2 lb

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Lemon Juice

15 g


Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each

Cinnamon (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)




1/ 8

1/ 8


28 g

1 oz

Apple Brandy

28 g

1 oz


14 g

0.5 oz

1.095 kg

2 lb 6.6 oz

Ingredients Apples (thinly sliced)

Total Weight: Yield: one 9-inch pie




Procedure: • In a large bowl, mix together the apples, sugars, juice, zest, spices, and salt. Allow the apples to macerate at room temperature for 1-3 hours. • Strain the apples, reserving the liquid. • In a small saucepan, reduce the liquid, butter, and brandy until syrupy. • Toss the apples with the cornstarch, followed by the reduced liquid. • Fill a 9-inch pie crust with the apple pie filling. • Cover with the top crust and seal the edges. Cut several slits in the top crust. • Lightly cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30- 60 minutes before baking. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until golden brown.

Chef’s Notes: • For best results, use a blend of apples with contrasting flavor profiles and degrees of acidity. • The apples should be sliced thin so they can lie close together. Thick slices have more air space between them. As they bake, the air space disappears and the apples sink lower in the pan leaving a gap between them and the top crust.


Fresh Blueberry Pie Filling Ingredients




750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Lemon Juice

37 g

1.3 oz

Lemon Zest



½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds) Salt

1/ 8


1/ 8


Black Pepper (freshly ground)

1/ 8


1/ 8


Instant Tapioca

16 g

0.6 oz

Total Weight:

953 g

2 lb 1.6 oz

Yield: one 9-inch pie

Procedure: • Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Allow the blueberries to macerate at room temperature for 30 minutes. • Fill a 9-inch pie crust with the blueberry pie filling. • Cover with the top crust and seal the edges. Cut several slits in the top crust. • Lightly cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30- 60 minutes before baking. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until golden brown.


Peach Pie Filling Ingredients



Peeled Peaches ( 3/ 8 -inch slices)

1.1 kg

2 lb 7 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Lemon Juice

15 g


Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each

Cinnamon (ground)




1/ 8

1/ 8

Instant Tapioca

17 g

0.6 oz

Total Weight:

1.26 kg

2 lb 14.4 oz



Yield: one 9-inch pie

Procedure: • Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Allow the peaches to macerate at room temperature for 30 minutes. • Fill a 9-inch pie crust with the peach pie filling. • Cover with the top crust and seal the edges. Cut several slits in the top crust. • Lightly cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30- 60 minutes before baking. • Bake at 375ºF (191ºC) until golden brown.


Key Lime Pie Key Lime Pie Filling Ingredients



Key Lime Juice

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Lime Zest (finely chopped)

3 each

3 each

Egg Yolks

300 g

15 each

1.955 kg

4 lb 5 oz

Condensed Milk

1/ 8



2.855 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


6 lb 4.7 oz

Key Lime Pie Crust Ingredients



Graham Cracker Crumbs

240 g

8.5 oz

Butter (melted)

140 g

4.9 oz

All-Purpose Flour

20 g

0.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Lime Zest (optional)

1 each

1 each

Total Weight:

450 g

15.9 oz

Yield: two 10-inch cake or pie pans


Filling Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, mix all of the ingredients until smooth. This step may be done by hand if desired. • Pour the filling into blind baked key lime pie crusts. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) just until set.

Crust Procedure: • Combine all of the ingredients until moistened. • Evenly press into the bottom of parchment lined cake or pie pans. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until lightly browned and just set (about 5-7 minutes). Allow to cool before pouring the filling over the crust.


Pecan Pie Filling Metric


Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz



250 g

8.8 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g



10 g


All-Purpose Flour

30 g

1 oz

Butter (melted)

60 g

2.1 oz

Pecans (toasted & chopped)

175 g

6.2 oz

890 g

1 lb 15.4 oz



Dark Corn Syrup

Total Weight: Yield: one 9-inch pie

Procedure: • Lightly whisk the eggs, sugar, and salt together. • Add the corn syrup, extract, and bourbon and lightly whisk to blend. • Whisk in the flour, followed by the melted butter. • Put the pecans in the pie shell and pour the corn syrup mixture evenly over them. • Bake at 300°F (149ºC) until set.


Pumpkin Pie Filling I ngredients



Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

Pumpkin Puree

720 g

1 lb 9.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

113 g

4 oz




Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Whole Milk

415 g

14.6 oz

Heavy Cream

415 g

14.6 oz

2.15 kg

4 lb 11.9 oz

Total Weight: Yield: two 10-inch pies

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, lightly mix the eggs to blend. Add the puree and mix to combine. • Add the sugars and spices, followed by the milk and cream. • Bake at 300°F (149ºC) in blind baked pie shells until set.


Rhubarb Pie Filling Ingredients



Rhubarb (½ -inch dice)

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

210 g

7.4 oz

Orange Zest (finely chopped)

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each


1/ 8

Instant Tapioca

29 g

1 oz

Total Weight:

840 g

1 lb 13.6 oz


1/ 8


Yield: one 9-inch pie

Procedure: • In a bowl, mix the diced rhubarb, sugar, zest, vanilla, salt, and tapioca. Allow the rhubarb to macerate at room temperature for 30 minutes. • Fill a 9-inch pie crust with the rhubarb pie filling. • Cover with the top crust and seal the edges. Cut several slits in the top crust. • Lightly cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30- 60 minutes before baking. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until golden brown.


Sour Cherry Pie Filling Ingredients



Sour Cherries (pitted)

625 g

1 lb 6 oz

Granulated Sugar

145 g

5.1 oz

Light Brown Sugar

45 g

1.6 oz

Lemon Juice


1½ t

Almond Extract



½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds) Salt

1/ 8

Instant Tapioca

36 g

1.3 oz

Butter (small cubes)

14 g


872 g

1 lb 14.7 oz

Total Weight:


1/ 8


Yield: one 9-inch pie

Procedure: • In a bowl, mix the cherries, sugars, juice, extract, vanilla, salt, and tapioca. Allow the cherries to macerate at room temperature for 30 minutes. • Fill a 9-inch pie crust with the cherry pie filling and dot with butter. • Cover with the top crust and seal the edges. Cut several slits in the top crust. • Lightly cover the pie with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30- 60 minutes before baking. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until golden brown.


Apple Strudel Filling Ingredients



Bread Crumbs

130 g

4.6 oz


65 g

2.3 oz

1.375 kg

3 lb 0.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Golden Raisins

150 g

5.3 oz

Dark Rum

20 g

0.7 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Lemon Juice

15 g

0.5 oz

Cinnamon (ground)



Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each



Bread Crumb Mixture:

Apple Filling: Apples (thinly sliced)


Yield: two 20 to 24-inch strudels

Bread Crumb Procedure: • Sauté the bread crumbs in butter until lightly toasted and set aside to cool. Apple Filling Procedure: • Combine all of the ingredients just before assembly. Chef’s Notes: • For best results, use a blend of apples with contrasting flavor profiles and degrees of acidity. • If you mix the filling in advance, the sugar will cause the apples to leach liquid, which will make it messier to roll up the strudels.


Cabbage-Bacon Strudel Filling Ingredients




850 g

1 lb 14 oz

Bacon ( ¼-inch strips)

150 g

5.3 oz

Onion (cut in half, sliced)

200 g

7 oz

Caraway Seeds



Granulated Sugar


1½ t




Black Pepper (freshly ground)



Fresh Dill (chopped)

12 g

0.4 oz

Fresh Parsley (chopped)

12 g

0.4 oz

Yield: one 20 to 24-inch strudel

Procedure: • Quarter the cabbage vertically and remove any tough outer leaves and the center core. Slice the cabbage into thin strips and set aside. • In a frying pan, fry the bacon on medium-low heat until crisp and golden brown. Remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. • Add the cabbage, onions, caraway seeds, sugar, salt, and pepper to the pan and cook until tender, but not browned. • Stir in the bacon and herbs. Adjust the seasoning to taste.


Mixed Berry Strudel Filling Metric


Strawberries (hulled & quartered)

375 g

13.2 oz


125 g

4.4 oz


125 g

4.4 oz


125 g

4.4 oz

Framboise Eau-de-Vie

150 g

5.3 oz

Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each


1/ 8


Genoise ( ½-inch cubes)


150 g

1/ 8


5.3 oz

Yield: one 20 to 24-inch strudel

Procedure: • Mix the berries, eau-de-vie, zest, vanilla bean seeds, and salt until well combined. • Gently mix the genoise cubes into the berry mixture until thoroughly mixed.





Pound Cakes 66



Black Forest Chocolate






Cream Cheese


Cheesecake, Graham Cracker Crust




Cheesecake, Goat Cheese


Cheesecake, New York


Cheesecake, Pumpkin


Chocolate Fruit & Nut


Classic Yellow Butter


Devil’s Food


Financier, Almond


Financier, Chocolate


Flourless Chocolate


Flourless Chocolate Truffle






Moist Honey


Orange Olive Oil


Pain de Gênes



Lemon Poppy Seed




Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip


Soufflés Chocolate


Grand Marnier


Passion Fruit




Smoked Salmon


Individual Cakes Chocolate Lava


Chocolate Soufflé


Cupcakes, Chocolate



Cupcakes, Gluten-Free Chocolate


Red Velvet


Cupcakes, White


Sweet Potato


French Angel Food


Tea Cake


Gluten-Free Chocolate


Tea Cake, Orange


Lemon Pudding


Winemakers’ Grape



C ak e s & S o u ffl é s

Baumkuchen Torte

Baumkuchen Torte Ingredients



Almond Paste

200 g

7 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Butter (softened)

400 g

14 oz

Rum (dark)

60 g

2.1 oz

Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each

Cardamom (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



2 each

2 each

Heavy Cream

140 g

4.9 oz

Egg Yolks

400 g

20 each

Egg Whites

600 g

20 each

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz



Cake Flour

200 g

7 oz

Almond Flour

200 g

7 oz



2.625 kg

5 lb 12.6 oz

Vanilla Beans (seeds)

Cream of Tartar


Total Weight: Yield: one half hotel pan


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the almond paste and sugar until crumbs form. Add the butter and then cream until smooth. • Add the rum, zest, spices, and cream, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually add the egg yolks, scraping down the bowl again. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the almond paste mixture until streaky, followed by the dry ingredients until homogenous. • Line a half hotel pan with pan spray and parchment paper. • Spoon a small amount of batter onto the parchment paper. With an off-set spatula, spread the batter to approximately ⅛ -inch thick. You want to cover the paper completely with a thin, even layer. • Place under a broiler and cook until light brown; this should take about 1-2 minutes and often requires that you rotate the hotel pan to ensure even baking. Spread another layer of batter over the cake and place under the broiler. Continue on in this way until all of the batter is used.

Chef’s Notes: • For added flavor and moisture, during the baking process brush a light coating of apricot jam thinned with rum on top of every other cooked layer.

In German, “baumkuchen” means “tree cake.” These cakes are traditionally made by brushing layers of batter onto a rotating spit, allowing one layer to cook fully before brushing on the next, which gives the final cake the appearance of concentric tree rings. In this version, the method of broiling each layer gives the cake those same golden striations, but with the layers stacked on top of each other rather than around each other in rings. Baumkuchen prepared in this manner is often used to line terrine molds for both sweet and savory applications, or can be simply sliced and served like any other cake.


Black Forest Chocolate Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

130 g

4.6 oz

Powered Sugar

90 g

3.2 oz

Invert Sugar

10 g

0.4 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Egg Yolks

90 g

5 each



Egg Whites

270 g

9 each

Granulated Sugar

190 g

6.7 oz



200 g

7 oz

50 g

1.8 oz



1.093 kg

2 lb 6.5 oz


Vanilla Extract

Cream of Tartar Cake Flour Cocoa Powder Salt Total Weight: Yield: two 6-inch cake pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Combine the whole egg, yolks, and extract. Add to the mixer in 3 additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • In a separate mixing bowl fitted with a whisk attachment, make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Gently fold into the butter mixture until streaky. • Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue mixture until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Carrot Cake Metric


Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14 oz

Vegetable Oil

180 g

6.3 oz

Bread Flour

255 g

9 oz

Cinnamon (ground)






Baking Soda



Baking Powder



Carrots (peeled & grated)

340 g

12 oz

Pineapple (finely chopped)

115 g

4 oz

Walnuts (toasted & chopped)

70 g

2.5 oz

1.57 kg

3 lb 7.4 oz


Total Weight: Yield: one 10-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the eggs and sugar until light and thick. • Add the oil into the egg mixture in a steady stream. • Sift the dry ingredients and add 3 tablespoons to the carrot, pineapple, and walnut mixture and stir to combine. • Add the dry ingredients to the whipped egg foam. Continue to whisk until almost combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold in the carrot, pineapple, and walnut mixture into the dry ingredients until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Cheesecake Graham Cracker Crust Ingredients



Graham Cracker Crumbs

355 g

12.5 oz

Butter (melted)

210 g

7.4 oz

All-Purpose Flour

35 g

1.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz

670 g

1 lb 7.6 oz

Total Weight: Yield: three 10-inch cake pans

Procedure: • Mix all of the ingredients until combined. • Evenly press onto the bottom of the parchment-lined cake pans. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until lightly browned and just set (about 5-7 minutes). • Cool thoroughly before pouring the cheesecake batter over the crust.


Goat Cheese Cheesecake Ingredients



Goat Cheese

582 g

1 lb 4.5 oz

Cream Cheese (softened)

450 g

15.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

350 g

12.3 oz

Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each

Whole Eggs

350 g

7 each

Sour Cream

350 g

12.3 oz

Heavy Cream

234 g

8.25 oz

2.316 kg

5 lb 1.7 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one 10-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the goat cheese, cream cheese, sugar, zest, and vanilla bean seeds on medium speed until smooth and creamy, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • On medium speed, add the eggs in 3 additions, scraping down the bowl again as necessary. • Add the sour cream and heavy cream and mix until smooth. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bake at 300°F (149ºC) in a water bath.

Chef’s Notes: • For best results, use a high quality soft goat cheese. • Use 200 g (7 oz) of graham cracker crumb mix on page 70 for one 10-inch cake pan.


New York Cheesecake Ingredients



Cream Cheese (softened)

1.36 kg

3 lb

Granulated Sugar

315 g

11 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

40 g

2 each

Heavy Cream

235 g

8.3 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


2.262 kg

4 lb 15.8 oz

Egg Yolks

Total Weight: Yield: one 10-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the cream cheese and sugar on medium speed until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • On medium speed, add the whole eggs and yolks one at a time, scraping down the bowl again as necessary. • Add the cream and extract and mix until homogenous. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) in a water bath.

Chef’s Notes: • It is important not to incorporate too much air into the batter. A New York cheesecake is supposed to have a dense, creamy texture. If you incorporate too much air into the batter the cheesecake takes on a light and fluffy texture which is not traditional for the style. • Cheesecake can be covered or uncovered during baking, depending on if color is desired on the top.


Pumpkin Cheesecake Ingredients



Cream Cheese (softened)

908 g

2 lb

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

114 g

4 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

Pumpkin Puree

737 g

1 lb 10 oz

Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Total Weight:

2.27 kg

5 lb

Yield: one 10-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the cream cheese and sugars on medium speed until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • On medium speed, add the whole eggs and yolks one at a time, scraping down the bowl again as necessary. • Add the puree and spices to the cream cheese mixture and mix until homogenous. • Bake at 300°F (149°F) in a water bath.


Chocolate Fruit & Nut Cake Metric


280 g

9.9 oz

Cocoa Powder

45 g

1.6 oz

Baking Powder



Baking Soda






Pecans (toasted/coarsely chopped)

125 g

4.4 oz

Dried Cherries

75 g

2.6 oz

Dried Apricots (coarsely chopped)

75 g

2.6 oz

Dried Pears (coarsely chopped)

75 g

2.6 oz

Chocolate Chips (mini)

75 g

2.6 oz

Butter (softened)

265 g

9.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14 oz

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

Sour Cream

190 g

6.7 oz

Vanilla Extract



Coffee Extract



1.91 kg

4 lb 3.4 oz

Ingredients All-Purpose Flour


Total Weight: Yield: two 6-inch cake pans


Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Toss the chopped dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate chips with a small amount of the sifted dry ingredients and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and honey until light and fluffy. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Combine the sour cream with the extracts. • Alternately add the sifted dry ingredients with the sour cream mixture, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. • Fold in the dried fruits, nuts, and chocolate chips, scraping down the bowl as necessary; do not overwork the batter. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out with some moist crumbs. Unmold the cakes onto a cooling rack. • Soak the cake with brandy or rum flavored simple syrup if desired while the cake is still warm. • Glaze the cake with the chocolate-butter glaze on page 189.


Classic Yellow Butter Cake Ingredients



Egg Yolks

180 g

9 each

Whole Milk

90 g

3.2 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Almond Extract



Cake Flour

450 g

15.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

450 g

15.9 oz

30 g

1 oz


1½ t

Butter (softened)

255 g

9 oz

Whole Milk

270 g

9.5 oz

1.747 kg

3 lb 13.6 oz

Baking Powder Salt

Total Weight: Yield: two 10-inch cake pans

Procedure: • Whisk the egg yolks, first weight of milk, and extracts until smooth; set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, blend the sifted dry ingredients until aerated. • Add the softened butter and second weight of milk and mix for about 2 minutes on medium speed, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually add the egg yolk mixture in several additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Mix the batter for 30 seconds on medium speed. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Devil’s Food Cake Ingredients



285 g

10 oz

Cocoa Powder

90 g

3.2 oz

Baking Soda

1½ t

1½ t

Baking Powder





Butter (softened)

210 g

7.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

450 g

15.9 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Egg Yolk

20 g

1 each


180 g

6.4 oz

Coffee (cooled)

180 g

6.4 oz

Vanilla Extract

1½ t

1½ t

1.63 kg

3 lb 9.5 oz

Cake Flour


Total Weight:

Yield: one half sheet pan or one 10-inch cake pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients together; set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. • Gradually add the eggs, scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. • Alternately add the dry and wet ingredients. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Almond Financier Ingredients




260 g

9.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

260 g

9.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

Almond Flour

100 g

3.5 oz



260 g

9 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g



60 g

2.1 oz

1.07 kg

2 lb 5.7 oz


Egg Whites

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make beurre noisette with the butter. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and set aside to cool. • Blend the sugar, flours and salt in a bowl In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment; then mix until well combined. • Combine the egg whites and extract. Add to the dry ingredients gradually and mix until just combined; do not over mix. • Add the honey and mix just until combined. • Add the beurre noisette in 3 additions and mix until incorporated. • Chill until firm. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Chocolate Financier Metric



130 g

4.6 oz

Heavy Cream

320 g

11.3 oz

Chocolate (58%)

284 g

10 oz

Powdered Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Almond Flour

80 g

2.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

76 g

2.7 oz

Baking Powder






240 g

8 each

1.23 kg

2 lb 11.4 oz

I ngredients

Egg Whites

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make beurre noisette with the butter. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and set aside to cool. • Make a ganache with the cream and chocolate and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the sifted dry ingredients. • Mix the egg whites into the dry ingredients in 3 additions on low speed, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the beurre noisette in 3 additions. • Add the ganache and mix until incorporated. • Chill until firm. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Flourless Chocolate Cake I ngredients




233 g

8.2 oz

Chocolate (70-72%)

120 g

4.2 oz

Almond Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each



Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

937 g

1 lb 1 oz


Total Weight: Yield: one 9-inch cake pan

Procedure: • Melt the butter and chocolate together; cool until 120°F (49°C). • Stir in the flour, egg yolks and salt. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, make a medium-soft peak French meringue with the sugar and egg whites. • Fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out with a few crumbs on it. • Allow the cake to cool in the pan before unmolding.


Flourless Chocolate Truffle Cake Ingredients




135 g

4.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

248 g

8.7 oz



Butter ( ½ -inch cubes)

245 g

8.6 oz

Chocolate (66-72%)

369 g

13 oz

Whole Eggs

450 g

9 each

Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb


Yield: one 9-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, salt and butter to a boil. Add the chocolate and whisk until smooth. • Temper the chocolate mixture with the eggs. • Fill a prepared cake pan that has been buttered and sugared. • Bake at 325°F (163ºC) in a water bath just until set. • Allow the cake to cool in the pan before unmolding.

Chef’s Notes: • Toasted and chopped nuts may be added to the batter as desired.


Fruit Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

450 g

15.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14 oz

50 g

1.8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g


450 g

15.9 oz




Cinnamon (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Dried Fruit (macerated in brandy, then drained & patted dry)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Mixed Nuts (toasted & chopped)

350 g

12.3 oz

3.075 kg

6 lb 12.5 oz



Bread Flour

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

This recipe is what fruit cake is supposed to be. Moist, delicious, and devoid of bitter, fluorescent candied fruit pieces. Enjoy it anytime of the year with coffee, tea, or a glass of cold milk.


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, honey, and zests. • Add the whole eggs and yolks one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Add the macerated dried fruit and nuts and mix just to incorporate. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean. • Soak with simple syrup spiked with brandy while still hot from the oven. • Allow the cake to cool in the pan just until warm before unmolding.

Chef’s Notes: • Dredge the dried fruits and nuts with 3 tablespoons of the dry ingredients to help keep them suspended throughout the batter.


Lemon Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

497 g

1 lb 1.5 oz

Lemon Zest

4 each

4 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

525 g

1 lb 2.5 oz

Baking Powder

18 g

0.6 oz





343 g

12 oz

Lemon Juice

163 g

5.7 oz

2.18 kg

4 lb 12.9 oz


Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch cake pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and zest. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately add the sifted dry and wet ingredients in 3 additions until smooth. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Orange Olive Oil Cake Ingredients



540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz

Baking Soda






Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

240 g

8.5 oz


240 g

8.5 oz

Orange Zest

3 each

3 each

Orange Juice

2 each

2 each

1.85 kg

4 lb 1.3 oz

Cake Flour

Total Weight:

Yield: two 9-inch cake pans or one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Whisk the eggs and sugar over a water bath until the mixture reaches 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the warm egg mixture until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Add the liquid ingredients and zest to the egg foam mixture and mix to combine. • Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the egg foam mixture. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Moist Honey Cake Ingredients



Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolk

20 g

1 each

Vegetable Oil

215 g

7.6 oz


340 g

12 oz

Coffee (cooled)

235 g

8.3 oz

Orange Juice

125 g

4.4 oz


55 g

1.9 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Granulated Sugar

275 g

9.7 oz

Dark Brown Sugar

110 g

3.9 oz

All-Purpose Flour

420 g

14.8 oz

Baking Powder

18 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda






Cinnamon (ground)

10 g

0.4 oz

Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Allspice (ground)




100 g

3.5 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Honey Glaze:

Yield: one angel food pan


Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • In a large bowl, whisk the whole eggs, yolk, oil, honey, coffee, juice, whiskey, and extract until lightly combined. Add the sugars and whisk until dissolved into the liquid mixture. This step may be done in an electric mixer if desired. • Place the sifted dry ingredients in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. On low speed, add the liquid ingredients and whisk until the dry ingredients are moistened, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually raise the speed to medium and whisk for about 1 minute. The batter will have the • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) for the first ½ of the baking process, then lower oven to 325°F (163ºC) consistency of thick soup.

to finish.

• Allow the cake to cool in the pan until warm before unmolding. Honey Glaze Procedure: • Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat, add the honey and whisk to emulsify. • Brush the exterior of the cake with the honey glaze while the cake is still warm.

Moist honey cake is perfect with tea on a chilly day and the kind of cake that makes pastry chefs go for second helpings.


Pain de Gênes Ingredients



Almond Paste

400 g

14.1 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Butter (softened)

250 g

8.8 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each


30 g

1 oz

All-Purpose Flour

85 g

3 oz




1.165 kg

2 lb 9 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the paste and sugar until light and crumbly. • Add the butter and continue to mix until very light and creamy. • Add the eggs in 3 additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the kirschwasser. • Bake at 375°F (191ºC) for the first ½ of the baking process, then lower to 350°F (177ºC) to finish. • Add the sifted flour and salt.

Chef’s Notes: • This cake can be pleasant with the addition of diced candied orange peel, citrus zest, chocolate chips, and chopped nuts. • Other liquors like dark rum, Pernod, amaretto, pear william, calvados, etc. can be substituted for kirschwasser.


Pumpkin Cake Ingredients



Pumpkin Puree

380 g

13.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

218 g

7.7 oz

Light Brown Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Vegetable Oil

160 g

5.6 oz

All-Purpose Flour

362 g

12.8 oz

Cinnamon (ground)


2¼ t

Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Baking Soda


1½ t

Baking Powder






1.57 kg

3 lb 7.4 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: one 9-inch cake pan or one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the puree, sugars, and eggs until smooth. • Slowly add the oil to the pumpkin mixture. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until combined. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Red Velvet Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

130 g

4.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

305 g

10.7 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each


270 g

9.5 oz

Vanilla Extract



White Vinegar



Red Gel Food Coloring



225 g

7.9 oz

Cake Flour

80 g

2.8 oz

Cocoa Powder

17 g

0.6 oz




Baking Soda



Baking Powder



Total Weight:

1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Yield: one 9-inch cake pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, beating well in between additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Whisk the wet ingredients until homogenous. • Alternately add the sifted dry and wet ingredients in 3 additions and mix just until combined. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Sweet Potato Cake Ingredients



Sweet Potato Puree

1.125 kg

2 lb 7.7 oz

Butter (melted)

225 g

8 oz

Heavy Cream

135 g

4.8 oz

Egg Yolks

280 g

14 each

Granulated Sugar

135 g

4.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

90 g

3.2 oz

Baking Powder

11 g

2¼ t

Egg Whites

270 g

9 each

Granulated Sugar

270 g

9.5 oz

Vanilla Beans (seeds)

2 each

2 each

Total Weight:

2.5 kg

5 lb 8.2 oz

Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • Cook the sweet potatoes in salted water until tender and drain well. • Pass the sweet potatoes through a food mill, then weigh. • Whisk the sweet potato puree, butter, cream, and egg yolks by hand until smooth. • Whisk the dry ingredients into the sweet potato mixture until smooth. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, make a medium-stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and vanilla bean seeds. Fold into the sweet potato mixture. • Liberally sprinkle mixed, untoasted nuts on top of the cake before baking at 350ºF (177ºC). Chef’s Notes: • This cake can also be baked in cake pans. • It is best to add the vanilla bean seeds to the meringue toward the end of the mixing process.


Tea Cake Ingredients



Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

378 g

13.3 oz

Bread Flour

378 g

13.3 oz

Baking Powder

24 g

0.8 oz



245 g

8.6 oz


1½ t

Butter (melted)

283 g

10 oz

Total Weight:

1.57 kg

3 lb 7.4 oz


Half & Half Vanilla Extract

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the eggs and sugar until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Add the sifted dry ingredients, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Slowly add the half & half and extract. • Slowly add the butter. • Chill before using. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC), with fruit on top if desired, until a skewer inserted comes out clean. • Brush with the honey glaze on page 86 while still hot from the oven. Chef’s Notes: • This delicious tea cake is ideal for baking in small, individual molds for tea service or as a petits four. The batter can be refrigerated for up to 3 days and baked fresh as needed.


Orange Tea Cake Ingredients



Whole Oranges

375 g

2 each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

½ each

½ each

Orange Zest

½ each

½ each

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Almond Flour

250 g

8.8 oz

Baking Powder

20 g

0.7 oz

Total Weight:

1.17 kg

2 lb 9.3 oz

Yield: one 9-inch cake pan

Procedure: • Boil the whole oranges in water until very soft (about 2-3 hours). • Puree the oranges, vanilla bean seeds, and zest until smooth, then weigh out 375 g for the recipe. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the eggs and sugar until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Fold in the flour and baking powder, followed by the puree until homogenous. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) in a buttered and floured cake pan until a skewer inserted comes out clean and the cake pulls away from the sides of the pan. Chef’s Notes: • This cake will cave in the center. To remedy this, press the sides of the cake down so they are level with the center while the cake is still hot from the oven. • Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes before inverting onto a cake board or platter.


Winemakers’ Grape Cake Metric


250 g

8.8 oz




Baking Powder



Baking Soda



Butter (softened)

100 g

3.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

230 g

8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

White Dessert Wine

250 g

8.8 oz

50 g

1.8 oz



350 g

12 oz

1.345 kg

2 lb 15.4 oz

Ingredients All-Purpose Flour

Olive Oil Vanilla Extract

Seedless Grapes

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans


Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients. Toss the grapes with a little of the sifted dry ingredient mixture to coat; set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the butter, sugar, and zests until light and fluffy. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Combine the liquid ingredients. Alternately mix the dry and wet ingredients into the creamed butter mixture until smooth. • Distribute the batter into prepared loaf pans. • Sprinkle the grapes over the batter. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the top of the cakes are set. • Dot the top of the cakes with a little additional butter and granulated or vanilla sugar. Continue baking until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Chef’s Notes: • Dessert wines like Beaumes de Venise, Sauternes, sweet Riesling, Vin Santo, and Muscat work well with this recipe.


Classic Pound Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

454 g

1 lb

Superfine Sugar

400 g

14 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Heavy Cream

120 g

4.2 oz

Cake Flour

400 g

14 oz

Baking Powder

10 g



10 g


1.794 kg

3 lb 15.3 oz

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla bean seeds. • Whisk the eggs and cream to blend and set aside. • Alternately fold the sifted dry and wet ingredients into the butter mixture in several additions. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Cornmeal Pound Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

548 g

1 lb 3.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Invert Sugar

38 g

1.3 oz

Whole Eggs

450 g

9 each

Cake Flour

420 g

14.8 oz


105 g

3.7 oz

Baking Powder

10 g





Whole Milk

45 g

1.6 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Rosewater or Orange Blossom Water (optional)



1.936 kg

4 lb 4.3 oz


Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time; scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately fold the sifted dry and wet ingredients into the butter mixture in several additions. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Cream Cheese Pound Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

284 g

10 oz

Cream Cheese (softened)

170 g

6 oz

Whole Eggs

350 g

7 each

Whole Milk

170 g

6 oz

Vanilla Extract

13 g

2½ t

Cake Flour

510 g

1 lb 2 oz

Baking Powder

20 g

0.7 oz


10 g


1.867 kg

4 lb 1.9 oz

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the softened cream cheese and mix until smooth and fluffy, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Whisk the eggs, milk, and extract to blend and set aside. • Alternately fold the sifted dry and wet ingredients into the butter mixture in 3 additions. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Hazelnut Pound Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

200 g

7 oz

Granulated Sugar

270 g

9.5 oz

Praline Paste

50 g

1.8 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

All-Purpose Flour

450 g

15.9 oz


10 g


Baking Powder



Baking Soda




240 g

8.5 oz

Hazelnuts (toasted & chopped)

250 g

8.8 oz

Total Weight:

1.7 kg

3 lb 12 oz


Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and praline paste. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately fold the sifted dry ingredients and buttermilk into the butter mixture in several additions, followed by the hazelnuts. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake Metric


Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Lemon Zest

4 each

4 each

Sour Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Baking Powder

10 g




1¾ t

30 g

1 oz

Butter (melted)

250 g

8.8 oz

Total Weight:

2.048 kg

4 lb 8.2 oz


Poppy Seeds

Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Lemon Soaking Syrup Metric


Lemon Juice

60 g

2 oz

Powdered Sugar

55 g

1.9 oz

Icing Fondant

30 g

1 oz

145 g

5.1 oz


Total Weight:


Cake Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the eggs, sugar, and zest until light and thick. • Add the sour cream and mix to incorporate. • Sift the dry ingredients, then mix with the poppy seeds. • Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Slowly whisk the melted butter into the batter as to maintain an emulsion. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean. • When the cake is almost finished baking, brush some lemon soaking syrup over the top of the cakes several times and put back in the oven for just a few minutes to finish.

Soaking Syrup Procedure: • Combine all the ingredients over a water bath until liquified and smooth.


Marble Pound Cake Metric


All-Purpose Flour

300 g

10.6 oz

Cake Flour

100 g

3.5 oz

Baking Powder






Granulated Sugar

470 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.7 oz

Butter (softened)

300 g

10.6 oz

Sour Cream

280 g

9.9 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each


1½ t

530 g

1 lb 2.7 oz

Cocoa Powder

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Milk

15 g

0.5 oz

1.772 kg

3 lb 14.5 oz


Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Cake Batter

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dry ingredients with the invert sugar and butter until sandy. • Whisk the sour cream, eggs, and extract until smooth. • Add ½ of the wet ingredients to the batter and mix on low speed until combined. Add the remaining wet ingredients and mix until smooth. • Scrape down the bowl and mix on medium speed for 2-3 minutes, or until smooth and aerated. • Mix 530 grams (18.7 oz) of the vanilla cake batter along with the cocoa powder and milk to make a chocolate cake batter. • Place the chocolate cake batter on top of the vanilla cake batter and lightly fold together until they marble. Divide into prepared loaf pans. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Pound Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

189 g

6.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

313 g

11 oz

Light Brown Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Cake Flour

250 g

8.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

200 g

7 oz

Baking Powder

19 g

0.7 oz


10 g


Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Allspice (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Pumpkin Puree

232 g

8.2 oz


197 g

6.9 oz

Chocolate Chips

197 g

6.9 oz

Walnuts (toasted & coarsely chopped)

98 g

3.5 oz

1.965 kg

4 lb 5.7 oz

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Sift the dry ingredients. • Whisk the puree and water until smooth. • Alternately mix the dry and wet ingredients into the butter mixture until smooth, followed by the chocolate chips and nuts. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Chocolate Soufflé Pastry Cream Base Ingredients



625 g

1 lb 6 oz

Granulated Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

100 g

3.5 oz



959 g

2 lb 1.8 oz

Whole Milk


Total Weight:

Soufflé Recipe Metric


Chocolate (61-72%)

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Pastry Cream Base

290 g

10.2 oz

Egg Whites

600 g

20 each

Granulated Sugar

115 g

4 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.811 kg

3 lb 15.9 oz


Yield: fifteen 5.5 oz soufflé ramekins

This recipe comes courtesy of our friend and well-respected chef Michael Brock.


Procedure: • Make the pastry cream with the milk, sugar, yolks, flour, and salt. This base is good for 3 days in the refrigerator. • Melt the chocolate and whisk into the weight of pastry cream base called for in the soufflé recipe until smooth. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the chocolate pastry cream base. • Fill the soufflé ramekins that have been buttered and sugared. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until risen but still soft inside.


Grand Marnier Soufflé Pastry Cream Base Ingredients



Whole Milk

625 g

1 lb 6 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

100 g

3.5 oz



985 g

2 lb 2.7 oz


Total Weight:

Soufflé Recipe Metric


Pastry Cream Base

985 g

2 lb 2.7 oz

Grand Marnier

215 g

7.6 oz

Orange Zest

2 each

2 each

Egg Whites

450 g

15 each

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

10 g


1.89 kg

4 lb 2.7 oz


Egg White Powder

Total Weight:

Yield: fifteen 5.5 oz soufflé ramekins


Procedure: • Make pastry cream with the milk, sugar, egg yolks, flour, and salt. • Whisk the Grand Marnier and zest into the pastry cream base until smooth; set aside to cool until tepid. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and egg white powder. • Sacrifice a small amount of the meringue and whisk it into the pastry cream mixture to lighten. Fold in the rest of the meringue until homogenous. • Fill the soufflé ramekins that have been buttered and sugared. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until risen but still soft inside.


Passion Fruit Soufflé Metric


Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Apple Pectin

30 g

1 oz

425 g

15 oz

75 g

2.6 oz

Lime Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Whites

510 g

17 each

10 g


255 g

9 oz

1.455 kg

3 lb 3.3 oz


Passion Fruit Puree Orange Juice

Egg White Powder Granulated Sugar

Total Weight:

Yield: fifteen 5.5 oz soufflé ramekins

Procedure: • Mix the sugar and pectin together well. • Combine the puree, juice, zest, sugar, and pectin over a water bath; whisk until thickened and very hot, about 185ºF (85ºC). Set aside. • Prepare an Italian meringue with the egg whites, egg white powder, and sugar; whisk until warm, 110ºF (43ºC). • Sacrifice a small amount of meringue and whisk it into the warm passion fruit mixture to lighten. Fold in the rest of the meringue until homogenous. • Pipe the soufflé mixture into buttered and sugared ramekins with either a round or star tip about 25% above the top of the molds. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until risen, browned, and a little soft inside. Chef’s Notes: • This is a very stable soufflé, hence a great choice for parties or banquets.


Quark Soufflé Metric


Non-Fat Quark Cheese

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Sour Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each



Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz



1.7 kg

3 lb 12 oz



Egg White Powder

Total Weight:

Yield: fifteen 5.5 oz soufflé ramekins

Procedure: • Whisk the cheese, sour cream, zest, egg yolks, and salt until smooth. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and egg white powder. • Gently fold the meringue into the cheese mixture. • Fill the soufflé ramekins that have been buttered and sugared. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until risen, browned, and a little soft inside.

German for “fresh curd,” quark is a fresh and slightly drained cows’ milk cheese common in the cuisines of Germany and Northern Europe. This soufflé is versatile and truly delicious. Try pairing it with fruits of the season.


Smoked Salmon Soufflé Metric



113 g

4 oz

Bread Flour

57 g

2 oz

380 g

13.4 oz

Cream Cheese (softened)

85 g

3 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Smoked Salmon (chopped)

200 g

7 oz

Chives (finely chopped)



Fresh Dill (chopped)



Fresh Parsley (chopped)



2 each

2 each

Black Pepper (ground)








360 g

12 each

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.33 kg

2 lb 14.9 oz


Whole Milk (185ºF/85ºC)

Lemon Zest

Cayenne Pepper

Egg Whites

Yield: six 5.5 oz soufflé ramekins


Procedure: • Melt the butter in a saucepan, whisk in the flour and cook for 2 minutes to make a roux. • Whisk the hot milk into the roux in 3 additions. • Bring the mixture to a boil and whisk until smooth. • Whisk in the cream cheese, followed by the egg yolks. • Stir in the smoked salmon and seasonings; set aside to cool to room temperature. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the room temperature base. • Fill the soufflé ramekins that have been buttered and lined with bread crumbs. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until risen, browned, and a little soft inside.


Chocolate Lava Cake I ngredients



Chocolate (72%)

227 g

8 oz


190 g

6.7 oz

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

115 g

4 oz

All-Purpose Flour

65 g

2.3 oz




928 g

2 lb 0.7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and butter together. Set aside to cool until 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the whole eggs, yolks, and sugar on medium speed until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Add the warm chocolate mixture to the egg foam, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the flour and salt, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Portion into prepared individual molds. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake is set on the outside but still liquidy in the center. Bake and serve to order. Chef’s Notes: • This cake can be portioned into prepared molds and frozen for up to one month. Defrost the cakes, bring to room temperature and bake to order.


Chocolate Soufflé Cakes Ingredients



Chocolate (72%)

400 g

14 oz


430 g

15.2 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz

Cake Flour

20 g

0.7 oz




Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

1.52 kg

3 lb 5.6 oz

Total Weight: Yield: eleven 4 oz molds Procedure:

• Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. Set aside and cool to about 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg yolks, sugar, flour, and salt until a thick ribbon is achieved. • In a separate mixing bowl, make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites and sugar. • Fold the egg yolk mixture into the ganache, followed by the meringue. • Portion into prepared molds. Bake at 350°F (177ºC) for about 9 minutes; serve immediately. Chef’s Notes: • The cakes can be par-baked at 350°F (177ºC) for 4 ½ minutes. At that point, they can be cooled, wrapped, and frozen. To finish, bring to room temperature and bake to order for about another 4 ½ minutes, until very soft and moist in the center without falling apart when unmolding.


Chocolate Cupcakes Ingredients



Butter (softened)

113 g

4 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Vegetable Oil

113 g

4 oz

Melted Chocolate (58%)

105 g

3.7 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Coffee (cooled)

180 g

6.3 oz


1½ t

260 g

9.2 oz

29 g

1 oz




Baking Soda



Baking Powder



183 g

6.4 oz

1.247 kg

2 lb 12 oz

Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour Cocoa Powder

Whole Milk

Total Weight: Yield: twenty 3 oz cupcakes


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the oil and mix until combined, followed by the melted chocolate. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the coffee and extract. • Alternately fold the sifted dry ingredients and milk into the batter just until combined. • Fill cupcake liners approximately ⅔ full with batter. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean. • Let cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before unmolding.


Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes Metric


Canned Black Beans (rinsed)

482 g

1 lb 1 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Butter (melted)

100 g

3.5 oz

Cocoa Powder

80 g

2.8 oz

Vegetable Oil

20 g

0.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Espresso Powder



Baking Soda






Chocolate (70%)

100 g

3.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.3 oz


Yield: twenty-four 3 oz cupcakes

Procedure: • Puree all of the ingredients in a blender- except for the chocolate - until smooth. • Add the chocolate and blend for an additional 15 seconds to break down into chips. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until spongy to the touch.


White Cupcakes Ingredients



313 g

11 oz

Baking Powder

15 g





Granulated Sugar

369 g

13 oz

Butter (softened)

313 g

11 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Whole Milk

268 g

9.4 oz


1¾ t

1.436 kg

3 lb 2.7 oz

Cake Flour

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Yield: twenty-eight 3 oz cupcakes

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a mixing bowl. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add the butter and mix until the texture resembles course sand. • Add ½ of the liquid into the dry ingredients. • Combine the egg whites, milk, and extract.

• Mix on medium-low speed for about 1½ minutes, scraping down the bowl as necessary.

• Add the remaining liquid. Mix for 30 seconds, scraping down the bowl again, then mixing for an additional 30 seconds. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Individual French Angel Food Cakes Ingredients



Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

All-Purpose Flour

125 g

4.4 oz



Butter (melted)

110 g

3.9 oz

Total Weight:

712 g

1 lb 9.1 oz


Yield: eleven 4 oz molds

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and vanilla bean seeds on medium speed. • Sift the flour and salt over the meringue and gently fold in until still streaky with flour. • Sacrifice some of the meringue into the melted butter, then fold the butter mixture into the meringue until homogenous. • Pipe the batter into prepared molds nearly to the top. • Sift powdered sugar on top of the cakes before baking at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer nserted comes out clean. Chef’s Notes: • It is best to add the vanilla bean seeds to the meringue toward the end of the mixing process. • A strained beurre noisette for the melted butter makes a nice substitution.


Individual Gluten-Free Chocolate Cakes Ingredients



Chocolate (70%)

320 g

11.3 oz


160 g

5.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each



Egg Whites

120 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz



Rice Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

Almond Flour

120 g

4.2 oz



1.24 kg

2 lb 11.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

Cream of Tartar


Total Weight: Yield: eleven 4 oz molds

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and the butter together. Set aside to cool until warm. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sugar, egg yolks, and extract until a thick ribbon is achieved. • In a separate mixing bowl, make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the whipped egg yolks into the melted chocolate mixture. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture, followed by the meringue. • Bake to order at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out with moist crumbs, but not wet.


Lemon Pudding Cakes Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz


115 g

4 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

100 g


Lemon Juice

230 g

8 oz

Lemon Zest

4 each

4 each

Whole Milk

450 g

15.9 oz

Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

1/ 8

Salt Total Weight:


1.655 kg

1/ 8


3 lb 10.4 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Melt the butter and whisk into the egg yolks. • Sift the first weight of sugar and flour together, then whisk into the yolk mixture until smooth. • Whisk in the juice, zest, and milk. • Melt the bloomed gelatin, and whisk into the lemon mixture. • Make a medium-soft peak French meringue with the second weight of sugar, egg whites, and salt. • Fold the meringue into the lemon mixture. • Portion into buttered and sugared ramekins. • Bake in a water bath at 325°F (163°F) just until set.







Biscuit a la Cuillere




Biscuit a la Cuillere Chocolat


Genoise with Coconut


Genoise with Nuts


Gingerbread, Soft









Gluten-Free Butter-Almond 150


Gluten-Free Chocolate




Joconde, Pistachio


Light Almond


Milk Sponge


Pâte Décor


Pâte Décor au Chocolat


Petits Fours Glacé


Poppy Seed






Roulade, Chocolate


Sacher Torte






White Chocolate


130 132

Chiffon Cake, Lemon


Chiffon Cake, Orange


Chiffon Cake, Wedding






Chocolate with Almond Paste


Chocolate with Hazelnut Paste


Dacquoise, Crisp


Dacquoise, Soft Coconut


Dacquoise, Soft Hazelnut


Dacquoise, Soft Lime-Almond


Dacquoise, Soft Pistachio



Sheet Cakes

Chiffon Cake, Chocolate

Banana Sheet Cake Metric


Bananas (mashed)

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Dark Brown Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

2 each

2 each

Vegetable Oil

120 g

4.2 oz

Cake Flour

250 g

8.8 oz

Baking Soda

10 g





1.315 kg

2 lb 14.4 oz


Vanilla Beans (seeds)

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the bananas, eggs, sugars, and vanilla bean seeds until it forms a puree. • Add the oil, followed by the sifted dry ingredients. • Mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake is browned and springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • Using very ripe bananas will yield the best flavor.


Biscuit a la Cuillère Ingredients



Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

Powdered Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Cream of Tartar



240 g

12 each



300 g

10.6 oz



1.214 kg

2 lb 10.8 oz

Egg Yolks Vanilla Extract

Cake Flour Salt

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Whisk the egg yolks and extract, then fold into the meringue until streaky. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue just until homogenous. • Spread onto a parchment-lined sheet pan. • Sift additional powdered sugar on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Notes: • This cake batter can also be piped into traditional “lady fingers.”


Biscuit a la Cuillère au Chocolat Ingredients



360 g

12 each

80 g

2.8 oz



Egg Yolks

245 g

12 each

Powdered Sugar

190 g

6.7 oz

Cake Flour

220 g

7.8 oz


57 g

2 oz

Cocoa Powder

57 g

2 oz




1.215 kg

2 lb 10.8 oz

Egg Whites Granulated Sugar Cream of Tartar

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, granulated sugar, and cream of tartar. • Whisk the egg yolks and powdered sugar, then fold into the meringue until streaky. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue just until homogenous. • Spread onto a parchment-lined sheet pan. • Sift additional powdered sugar on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • This cake batter can also be piped into traditional “lady fingers.”


Blackberry-Almond Sheet Cake I ngredients



Egg Whites

450 g

15 each

Granulated Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz



Almond Flour

375 g

13.2 oz

Powdered Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz

Cake Flour

75 g

2.6 oz




100 g

3.5 oz

Lime Zest

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

1.37 kg

3 lb 0.3 oz

Cream of Tartar

Blackberry Puree (10% sugar)

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Prepare a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, granulated sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue until streaky. • Combine the puree and zest. Sacrifice some of the batter to lighten the puree mixture, then fold into the rest of the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Blackout Sheet Cake Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

400 g

14 oz

All-Purpose Flour

200 g

7 oz

Cocoa Powder

100 g

3.5 oz

Baking Soda



Baking Powder







225 g

8 oz


225 g

8 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Butter (melted)

113 g

4 oz



Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.688 kg

3 lb 11.5 oz

Vanilla Extract

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Whisk the buttermilk, coffee, whole eggs, butter, and extract until smooth. • Whisk the wet ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients until smooth. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Fold the meringue into the batter. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Brownie Sheet Cake Metric


Chocolate (61-66%)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


625 g

1 lb 6 oz

Egg Yolks

250 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Egg Whites

375 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz



125 g

4.4 oz



200 g

7 oz

2.49 kg

5 lb 7.8 oz


Cream of Tartar Cake Flour Salt Nuts (toasted & chopped) Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan Procedure:

• Melt the chocolate and butter over a water bath in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. Set aside to cool until warm. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Prepare a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the egg yolk mixture into the ganache. • Gently fold the meringue into the ganache mixture until streaky. • Sift the dry ingredients over the streaky meringue and fold in along with the nuts. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out with moist crumbs. This recipe has the flavor and texture of a brownie without the thickness of traditional brownies.


Carrot Sheet Cake Ingredients



Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

340 g

12 oz

Vegetable Oil

340 g

12 oz

Bread Flour

228 g

8 oz

Cinnamon (ground)






Baking Soda



380 g

13.4 oz

1.454 kg

3 lb 3.3 oz

Carrots (peeled & grated)

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the eggs and sugar together until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Slowly add the oil into the whipping egg mixture, as to maintain an emulsion. • Add 3 tablespoons of the sifted dry ingredients to the grated carrots and toss to coat. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the egg foam, followed by the carrots. • Bake at 400°F (204°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Lemon Chiffon Cake Ingredients



Cake Flour

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Vanilla Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz




Baking Soda



Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Vegetable Oil

110 g

3.9 oz


156 g

5.5 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each

Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each

Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

50 g

1.8 oz

Cream of Tartar


1½ t

Total Weight:

1.285 kg

2 lb 13.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

Yield: one full sheet pan or one 10-inch tube pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Whisk the egg yolks, oil, water, juice, and zest together. • Whisk the wet ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients and thoroughly mix until smooth. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Chocolate Chiffon Cake Ingredients



Coffee (hot)

120 g

4.25 oz

Cocoa Powder

50 g

1.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Pastry Flour

175 g

6.2 oz

Baking Powder

10 g





Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Vegetable Oil

108 g

3.8 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


300 g

10 each

50 g

1.8 oz

Cream of Tartar


1½ t

Total Weight:

1.25 kg

2 lb 12 oz

Egg Whites Granulated Sugar

Yield: one half sheet pan


Procedure: • Whisk the hot coffee and cocoa powder together until smooth; cover and set aside to cool until tepid. • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe; set aside. • Whisk the cocoa mixture, egg yolks, oil, and extract to combine. • Whisk the wet ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients and thoroughly mix the batter until smooth and lump free. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Orange Chiffon Cake Metric


Cake Flour

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Vanilla Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Baking Powder

10 g





Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Vegetable Oil

110 g

3.9 oz

Oranges (juice & zest)

3 each

3 each

Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

50 g

1.8 oz

Cream of Tartar


1½ t

Total Weight:

1.285 kg

2 lb 13.3 oz


Granulated Sugar

Yield: one full sheet pan or one 10-inch tube pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Whisk the egg yolks, oil, juice, and zest together. • Whisk the wet ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients and thoroughly mix until smooth. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Wedding Chiffon Sheet Cake Metric


285 g

10 oz



20 g

0.7 oz

Cake Flour

425 g

15 oz

Vegetable Oil

200 g

7 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each


235 g

8.3 oz

Vanilla Extract


1½ t

Almond Extract



Egg Whites

395 g

13 each

Granulated Sugar

235 g

8.3 oz

Cream of Tartar


1½ t

Total Weight:

2.015 kg

4 lb 7 oz

Ingredients Granulated Sugar Salt Baking Powder

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Whisk the oil, egg yolks, water, and extracts until smooth. • Whisk the wet ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients and thoroughly mix until smooth. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Chocolate-Banana Sheet Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

240 g

8.5 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

All-Purpose Flour

255 g

9 oz

Cocoa Powder

18 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda


1½ t

Banana Puree

390 g

13.7 oz

Sour Cream

150 g

5.3 oz


1½ t

138 g

4.9 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 5 oz


Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Chips (mini)

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Whisk the puree, sour cream, and extract together. • Alternately add the sifted dry ingredients and wet ingredients, followed by the chocolate chips. • Mix until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Chocolate-Coconut Sheet Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

200 g

7 oz

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Pastry Cream

100 g

3.5 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Desiccated Coconut

300 g

10.6 oz

Whole Milk

100 g

3.5 oz

Cake Flour

225 g

7.9 oz

Cocoa Powder

25 g

0.9 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz




1.418 kg

3 lb 2 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the pastry cream and mix until smooth. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the coconut, followed by the milk. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Chocolate Sheet Cake with Almond Paste Ingredients



Almond Paste

300 g

10.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each


125 g

4.4 oz

Cocoa Powder

62 g

2.2 oz




Butter (melted)

125 g

4.4 oz

Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

60 g

2.1 oz

1.322 kg

2 lb 14.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the almond paste and sugar until crumbly. • Whisk the whole eggs and yolks. Add ⅓ to the almond paste mixture and cream until smooth. Gradually add the rest of the eggs and cream until light, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and fold into the batter, followed by the melted butter. • Prepare a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites and granulated sugar. • Gently fold the meringue into the batter. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Chocolate Sheet Cake with Hazelnut Paste Ingredients



Hazelnut Paste

200 g

7 oz

Powdered Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Cocoa Powder

52 g

1.8 oz




Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Egg Whites

390 g

13 each

Powdered Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.125 kg

2 lb 7.7 oz

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the hazelnut paste, sugar, cocoa powder, and salt until smooth. • Add the first weight of egg whites in 3 additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Prepare a stiff peak French meringue with the second weight of egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the hazelnut mixture. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Crisp Dacquoise Metric


Nut Flour

170 g

6 oz

Powdered Sugar

213 g

7.5 oz



Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

85 g

3 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

652 g

1 lb 7 oz

I ngredients


Yield: three 9-inch discs

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue. • Pipe immediately. • Bake at 200ºF (93ºC) until dry and crisp with little to no color.


Soft Coconut Dacquoise Metric


Egg Whites

390 g

13 each

Granulated Sugar

164 g

5.8 oz



Granulated Sugar

253 g

8.9 oz

Desiccated Coconut (toasted)

164 g

5.8 oz

Almond Flour

164 g

5.8 oz

Cake Flour

52 g

1.8 oz




1.19 kg

2 lb 10 oz

I ngredients

Cream of Tartar

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Sift the dry ingredients then combine with the coconut. Fold into the meringue. • Spread onto a prepared sheet pan that has been lightly sprayed with pan spray. • Sift additional powdered sugar on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until firm to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Soft Hazelnut Dacquoise Ingredients



Hazelnut Flour

326 g

11.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

364 g

12.8 oz



Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz



375 g

13.2 oz

1.476 kg

3 lb 4 oz


Cream of Tartar

Hazelnuts (crushed)

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue. • Spread onto a prepared sheet pan that has been lightly sprayed with pan spray. • Sprinkle the crushed hazelnuts on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • This recipe is ideal for gluten-free diets.


Soft Lime-Almond Dacquoise Ingredients



Almond Flour

280 g

9.9 oz

Powdered Sugar

280 g

9.9 oz



Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz



Lime Zest

4 each

4 each

Whole Almonds (chopped)

250 g

8.8 oz

1.295 kg

2 lb 13.7 oz


Cream of Tartar

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Once stiff peaks are achieved, whisk in the zest to incorporate. • Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue. • Spread onto a prepared sheet pan that has been lightly sprayed with pan spray. • Sprinkle the chopped almonds on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until firm to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Soft Pistachio Dacquoise Ingredients



Almond Flour

280 g

9.9 oz

Powdered Sugar

320 g

11.3 oz




Pistachio Paste

48 g

1.7 oz

Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz



250 g

8.8 oz

1.38 kg

3 lb 0.7 oz

Cream of Tartar

Pistachio Nuts (coarsely chopped)

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a food processor, grind the flour, powdered sugar, salt, and pistachio paste together. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, granulated sugar, and cream of tartar. • Sacrifice some of the meringue to lighten the pistachio paste mixture, then gently fold in the rest of the meringue until homogenous. • Spread onto a prepared sheet pan that has been lightly sprayed with pan spray. • Sprinkle the chopped pistachio nuts on top of the cake before baking. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until firm to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Frangipane Sheet Cake Ingredients



Almond Paste

360 g

12.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

360 g

12.7 oz

Butter (softened)

360 g

12.7 oz

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each



180 g

6.3 oz



1.66 kg

3 lb 10.6 oz

Vanilla Extract

Cake Flour Salt

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the almond paste and sugar until crumbly. • Add the butter and then cream until light and smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted flour and salt and mix just until combined. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until firm to the touch and a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Genoise Sheet Cake Metric


Whole Eggs

600 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

270 g

9.5 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz

300 g

10.6 oz




Butter (melted)

85 g

3 oz

Total Weight:

1.285 kg

2 lb 13.3 oz


Cake Flour

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Whisk the eggs and sugars over a water bath until warm, 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg mixture until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Sift the flour and salt together and gently fold into the egg foam until streaky. • Sacrifice a little of the egg foam mixture into the melted but cooled butter and gently fold that into the rest of the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • Approximately 1 kilo (35.3 oz) of batter will fit a 9-inch cake pan.


Genoise Sheet Cake with Coconut Metric


Whole Eggs

450 g

9 each

Granulated Sugar

375 g

13.2 oz

Cake Flour

300 g

10.6 oz



Desiccated Coconut

150 g

5.3 oz

Butter (melted)

187 g

6.6 oz

Total Weight:

1.462 kg

3 lb 3.6 oz



Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Whisk the eggs and sugar over a water bath until warm, 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg mixture until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Sift the flour and salt, then combine with the coconut. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the egg foam until streaky. • Sacrifice a little of the egg foam mixture into the melted but cooled butter and gently fold that into the rest of the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • Approximately 1 kilo (35.3 oz) of batter will fit a 9-inch cake pan.


Genoise Sheet Cake with Nuts Ingredients



Whole Eggs

500 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

50 g

1.8 oz

Cake Flour

225 g

7.9 oz


225 g

7.9 oz



Nuts (toasted & finely chopped)

250 g

8.8 oz

Butter (melted)

100 g

3.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.575 kg

3 lb 7.6 oz

Invert Sugar


Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Whisk the eggs and sugars over a water bath until warm, 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg mixture until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Sift the flour, cornstarch, and salt together, then combine with the chopped nuts. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the egg foam until streaky. • Sacrifice a little of the egg foam mixture into the melted but cooled butter, and gently fold that into the rest of the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch. Chef’s Note: • Approximately 1 kilo (35.3 oz) of batter will fit a 9-inch cake pan.


Soft Gingerbread Sheet Cake Ingredients



285 g

10 oz

50 g

1.8 oz

200 g

4 each

20 g

1 each

335 g

11.8 oz

Baking Powder

17 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda






Cinnamon (ground)

15 g

0.5 oz

Ginger (ground)



Cardamom (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Butter (melted)

250 g

8.8 oz

Half & Half (room temperature)

212 g

7.5 oz

1.454 kg

3 lb 3.2 oz

Light Brown Sugar Honey Whole Eggs Egg Yolk

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sugar, honey, whole eggs, and yolk until light and thick. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Combine the butter and half & half and slowly add to the egg mixture while whisking. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Gluten-Free Butter-Almond Sheet Cake Metric


Egg Whites

480 g

16 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz



Egg Yolks (whisked)

280 g

14 each

Rice Flour

140 g

4.9 oz

Almond Flour

100 g

3.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz



Butter (melted)

190 g

6.7 oz

Almond Extract



Vanilla Extract



1.415 kg

3 lb 1.9 oz


Cream of Tartar


Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, granulated sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the egg yolks into the meringue until streaky, followed by the sifted dry ingredients. • Sacrifice a small amount of batter into the melted butter and extract mixture, and fold that into the cake batter. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Gluten-Free Chocolate Sheet Cake Metric


Egg Whites

390 g

13 each

Granulated Sugar

438 g

15.4 oz



Egg Yolks (whisked)

260 g

13 each

Cocoa Powder

120 g

4.2 oz



1.213 kg

2 lb 10.8 oz


Cream of Tartar


Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the egg yolks into the meringue until streaky. • Sift the cocoa powder and salt over the meringue. Gently fold together until homogenous. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Joconde Sheet Cake Ingredients



Almond Flour

175 g

6.2 oz

Powdered Sugar

175 g

6.2 oz

Cake Flour

40 g

1.4 oz




Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Egg Whites

120 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz

Cream of Tartar



Butter (melted)

30 g

1 oz

Total Weight:

750 g

1 lb 10.4 oz

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Combine the sifted dry ingredients in a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment. • Add the whole eggs and mix on high speed to form a smooth, aerated paste, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the almond mixture until streaky. • Sacrifice some of the batter into the melted but cooled butter, then fold the butter mixture into the rest of the batter until homogenous. Do not over fold. • Bake at 400°F (204°C) until the cake is browned and springs back to the touch. This recipe is the traditional biscuit used for Opera Cake.


Pistachio Joconde Sheet Cake Ingredients



Pistachio Flour

107 g

3.8 oz

Powdered Sugar

107 g

3.8 oz



Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Pistachio Paste

36 g

1.3 oz

Cake Flour

86 g

3 oz

Egg Whites

210 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

72 g

2.5 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

780 g

1 lb 11.5 oz


Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Combine the sifted dry ingredients in a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment. • Add the whole eggs, yolks, and pistachio paste and mix on high speed to form a smooth, aerated paste, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold the sifted cake flour into the paste until smooth. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the pistachio mixture until streaky. • Bake at 400°F (204°C) until the cake is browned and springs back to the touch.


Light Almond Sheet Cake I ngredients



Almond Flour

150 g

5.3 oz

Powdered Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz



Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Vanilla Extract



Almond Extract



Egg Whites

270 g

9 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz



Cake Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Cream of Tartar

Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the almond flour, powdered sugar, salt, whole eggs, yolks, and extracts until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Gently fold the meringue into the almond mixture until streaky. Fold in the cake flour until homogenous. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch. Chef’s Note: • This cake will yield one thin full sheet pan, or one thicker half sheet pan.


Milk Sponge Sheet Cake I ngredients



257 g

9 oz

Baking Powder

11 g

2¼ t




Whole Milk

140 g

5 oz


70 g

2.5 oz

Vanilla Extract



Whole Eggs

350 g

7 each

Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

368 g

13 oz

40 g

1.4 oz

1.385 kg

3 lb 0.8 oz

Cake Flour

Invert Sugar

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Warm the milk and butter together until the butter is melted, then stir in the extract. • Whisk the whole eggs, yolks, and sugars over a water bath until warm, 110ºF (43ºC). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the warmed egg mixture until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Carefully fold the sifted dry ingredients into the egg foam. • Sacrifice a small amount of the batter into the warm milk mixture. • Gently fold the milk mixture into the egg foam. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Pâte Décor Ingredients



Butter (softened)

200 g

7 oz

Powdered Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Egg Whites

210 g

7 each

Bread Flour

200 g

7 oz

Total Weight:

810 g

1 lb 12.6 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Alternately add the flour and the egg whites until homogenous, scraping down the bowl as necessary.

Chef’s Note: • This base recipe can be colored as desired using gel paste food coloring.


Pâte Décor au Chocolat Metric


Butter (softened)

180 g

6.3 oz

Powdered Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Cake Flour

135 g

4.8 oz

Cocoa Powder

68 g

2.4 oz




743 g

1 lb 10.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Alternately add the sifted dry ingredients and the egg whites until homogenous, scraping down the bowl as necessary.


Petits Fours Glacé Sheet Cake Ingredients



Almond Paste

115 g

4 oz

Vanilla Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Lime Zest

½ each

½ each

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

55 g

1.9 oz

Cream of Tartar



Cake Flour

50 g

1.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

50 g

1.8 oz




520 g

1 lb 2.3 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the almond paste and vanilla sugar until crumbly. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the zest and then cream until aerated. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the almond paste mixture until streaky. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue just until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake is browned and springs back to the touch.


Poppy Seed Sheet Cake I ngredients



Poppy Seeds

255 g

9 oz

Almond Flour

255 g

9 oz


454 g

1 lb

Powdered Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz


60 g

2.1 oz

1 each

1 each

Cinnamon (ground)


0.3 oz

Cloves (ground)






Egg Yolks

360 g

18 each

Egg Whites

540 g

18 each

Granulated Sugar

240 g

8.5 oz

Cream of Tartar


1½ t

Total Weight:

2.321 kg

5 lb 1.9 oz

Orange Zest

Yield: one full sheet pan Procedure: • In a food processor, grind the poppy seeds and flour and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, honey, zest, spices, and salt. • Add the egg yolks 3 at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold in the ground poppy seed/flour mixture. • Make a medium-stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Fold the meringue into the batter just until homogenous. • Bake at 300ºF (149ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Praline Sheet Cake Ingredients



350 g

7 each

20 g

1 each

Praline Paste

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Cake Flour

125 g

4.4 oz



Egg Whites

390 g

13 each

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.515 kg

3 lb 5.4 oz

Whole Eggs Egg Yolk


Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the whole eggs, yolk, and praline paste until light and smooth. • Sift the flour and salt together and add to the praline mixture. Whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Roulade Sheet Cake Ingredients



Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz



200 g

10 each

25 g

0.9 oz

250 g

8.8 oz



120 g

4.2 oz



1.06 kg

2 lb 5.4 oz

Cream of Tartar

Egg Yolks Invert Sugar

Cake Flour Salt

Butter (melted) Vanilla Extract

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, granulated sugar, and cream of tartar. • Whisk the egg yolks and invert sugar until light and thick. Fold into the meringue until streaky. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue mixture. • Sacrifice some of the batter into the melted butter and extract mixture, then fold the butter mixture into the rest of the batter until homogenous. Do not over fold. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • This is a great recipe for making bûche de Noël.


Chocolate Roulade Sheet Cake Ingredients



Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz



200 g

10 each



Cake Flour

150 g

5.3 oz

Cocoa Powder

70 g

2.5 oz

Baking Powder



Baking Soda






930 g

2 lb 0.8 oz

Cream of Tartar

Egg Yolks Vanilla Extract

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • Make a stiff peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Whisk the egg yolks and extract and fold into the meringue until streaky. • Sift the dry ingredients and gently fold into the meringue until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.

Chef’s Note: • This is a great recipe for making bûche de Noël.


Sacher Torte Sheet Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Powdered Sugar

162 g

5.7 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Chocolate (58-66%, melted/warm)

268 g

9.4 oz

Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Powdered Sugar

65 g

2.3 oz

Cream of Tartar



Almond Flour

227 g

8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

80 g

2.9 oz



1.53 kg

3 lb 6 oz



Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the yolks and whole eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the warm melted chocolate and mix until homogenous. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. • Gently fold the meringue into the chocolate until streaky, followed by the sifted dry ingredients. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Vanilla Sheet Cake Metric


Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

360 g

12.7 oz

56 g

2 oz



180 g

6.3 oz



300 g

10 each

35 g

1.2 oz



Cake Flour

145 g

5.1 oz

Cocoa Powder

35 g

1.2 oz

Total Weight:

1.54 kg

3 lb 6.3 oz


Invert Sugar Vanilla Extract Cake Flour Salt Egg Whites Granulated Sugar Cream of Tartar Chocolate Variation:

Yield: one full sheet pan Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the whole eggs, yolks, sugars, and extract until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the egg foam. • Make a medium peak French meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and cream of tartar. Fold the meringue into the egg foam until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.


Walnut Sheet Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

346 g

12.2 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

92 g

3.3 oz

Baking Powder


1½ t




30 g

1 oz

346 g

12.2 oz

1.353 kg

2 lb 15.7 oz


Cake Flour

Rum (dark)

Walnuts (finely chopped)

Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan Procedure:

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients, followed by the rum and chopped walnuts. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until the cake springs back to the touch.


White Chocolate Sheet Cake Ingredients



Butter (softened)

213 g

7.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

358 g

12.6 oz

Whole Eggs

350 g

7 each

White Chocolate (melted & warm)

224 g

7.9 oz

All-Purpose Flour

102 g

3.6 oz



1.25 kg

2 lb 12 oz


Total Weight: Yield: one full sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the chocolate and mix to combine. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until homogenous. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the cake springs back to the touch.




Buttercreams 168

Crème Anglaise Buttercream


Crème Anglaise Chocolate Buttercream


French Buttercream


Italian Meringue Buttercream


Swiss Meringue Buttercream


Frostings Chocolate Ganache Frosting


Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting


German Chocolate Frosting


Peanut Butter Frosting


White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting


Crème Mousselines Basic Crème Mousseline


Chocolate Crème Mousseline


Coconut Crème Mousseline


Fruit Crème Mousseline


Maple Crème Mousseline


Glazes Caramel Glaze


Lavender-Vanilla Glaze


Pistachio Glaze


Shiny Red Glaze


Chocolate Glazes Chocolate Mirror Glaze


Chocolate-Butter Glaze


White Chocolate Glaze



Buttercreams, Frostings & Glazes

American Buttercream

American Buttercream Ingredients



908 g

2 lb



1.725 kg

3 lb 12.8 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Heavy Cream (optional)

30 g

1 oz

2.7 kg

5 lb 15.2 oz

Butter (softened) Salt

Powdered Sugar (sifted)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Add ½ of the powdered sugar and the extract and mix well.

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and salt.

• Add the remaining sugar and mix for several minutes until the desired consistency is reached. • Adjust the consistency with the cream if necessary. • Flavor as desired. • Use the buttercream immediately.

Chef’s Notes: • American buttercream frostings are sweet, but its neutral flavor pairs well with almost any cake. • Food coloring can be added as desired.


Crème Anglaise Buttercream Ingredients



Whole Milk

300 g

10.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

225 g

7.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

250 g

12 each

1/ 8


1/ 8



Granulated Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz


35 g

1.2 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Butter (softened)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

2.035 kg

4 lb 7.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make a very thick crème anglaise with the first 5 ingredients. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and chill over an ice bath. • Prepare an Italian meringue with the next 4 ingredients; whisk until tepid. • Add the butter into the meringue in several additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the cooled crème anglaise to the meringue buttercream.

Chef’s Notes: • One of the advantages of a crème anglaise based buttercream is that it allows flavoring via infusion.


Crème Anglaise Chocolate Buttercream Ingredients



Chocolate (58-72%)

680 g

1 lb 8 oz


236 g

8.3 oz

Whole Milk

160 g

5.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

304 g

10.7 oz

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each



908 g

2 lb

2.528 kg

5 lb 9.2 oz


Butter (softened)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the milk and ½ of the sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, • Melt the chocolate and emulsify with the coffee, cool until tepid.

the other ½ of the sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper the egg mixture with the hot

milk and return everything back to the pan. Cook on medium-low heat until very thick, but not scrambled.

• Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into a mixer fitted with the whisk attachment and whisk until cool. • Add the tempered butter to the whipping crème anglaise and whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the tepid coffee ganache to the buttercream and whisk until smooth and homogenous.


French Buttercream Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

400 g

14.1 oz


175 g

6.2 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

908 g

2 lb

Butter (softened)

1/ 8



1.518 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 5.5 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, combine the sugar and water. • Using a wet pastry brush, clean all of the sugar crystals from the sides of the pan to prevent crystallization. • Place the saucepan over medium-high heat and cook to soft-ball stage, 235-240°F (113-116°C). • Meanwhile, in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg yolks and whole egg until light and thick. • As soon as the syrup reaches soft-ball stage, slowly pour the hot syrup down the sides of the bowl into the whipped eggs with the mixer running. Do not let the syrup hit the whisk attachment. • Whisk until the pâte a bombe is cool. • Incrementally add the softened butter and salt into the pâte a bombe, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Flavor as desired.


Italian Meringue Buttercream Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

650 g

1 lb 7 oz


190 g

6.7 oz

Egg Whites

300 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Butter (softened)

908 g

2 lb



1.958 kg

4 lb 5 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, combine the sugar and water. • Using a wet pastry brush, clean all of the sugar crystals from the sides of the pan to prevent crystallization. • Place the saucepan over medium-high heat and cook to soft-ball stage, 235-240°F (113-116°C). • Meanwhile, in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, begin making a French meringue by whisking the egg whites and second weight of sugar when the sugar syrup comes to a boil. • As soon as the syrup reaches soft-ball stage, slowly pour the hot syrup down the sides of the bowl into the French meringue with the mixer running. Do not let the syrup hit the whisk attachment. • Whisk until the Italian meringue is cool. • Incrementally add the softened butter and salt into the meringue, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Flavor as desired.


Swiss Meringue Buttercream Metric


Egg Whites

330 g

11 each

Granulated Sugar

570 g

1 lb 4.1 oz

Butter (softened)

908 g

2 lb

1.808 kg

3 lb 15.8 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a bowl of a mixer, whisk the egg whites and sugar over a water bath until the mixture reaches 140°F (60°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk until the mixture reaches medium-stiff peaks and has cooled until tepid. • Begin adding the butter in several additions as it whisks into the meringue. • Raise the speed of the mixer and whisk until the buttercream is light and fluffy. • Flavor as desired.


Chocolate Ganache Frosting Ingredients



Chocolate (58%)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Heavy Cream

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Glucose Syrup

316 g

11.1 oz





22 g

0.8 oz

2.34 kg

5 lb 2.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate over a water bath in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, heat the cream, glucose, and salt to 85°F (29ºC). Pour over the melted chocolate and emulsify until smooth. • Whisk in the brandy. • Pour the ganache into hotel pans and cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. Allow to set at room temperature. • Chill or warm the ganache to desired consistency as needed before use.


Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting Ingredients



Chocolate (99%)

225 g

8 oz

Chocolate (64%)

113 g

4 oz

Butter ( ½-inch cubes)

454 g

1 lb

Powdered Sugar

675 g

1 lb 7.8 oz



454 g

1 lb

1.92 kg

4 lb 3.7 oz

Salt Sour Cream

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolates together over a water bath to 118°F (48°C). • Add the butter to the melted chocolates and allow them to melt together. • Sift the powdered sugar and salt and combine with the sour cream in a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment and cream on low speed. • Add the chocolate mixture to the sour cream mixture. Mix on low speed until homogenous, scraping down the bowl as necessary. Do not over mix. • Allow the frosting to set in the refrigerator.


German Chocolate Frosting Metric


Evaporated Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

245 g

8.6 oz


355 g

12.5 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Pecans (toasted & chopped)

340 g

12 oz

Flaked Coconut

310 g

11 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Dark Rum






2.4 kg

5 lb 5.6 oz


Total Weight: Yield: three 9-inch cakes

Procedure: • Mix the evaporated milk, sugars, butter and egg yolks in a saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. • Stir in the pecans, coconut, extract, rum and salt. • Cool until thick enough to spread.


Peanut Butter Frosting Ingredients



Cream Cheese (softened)

454 g

1 lb

Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Peanut Butter (creamy)

300 g

10.6 oz

Powdered Sugar (sifted)

454 g

1 lb

Vanilla Extract

15 g

0.5 oz

Light Corn Syrup

15 g

0.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.465 kg

3 lb 3.7 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the cream cheese and butter. • Add the peanut butter to blend, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the powdered sugar, extract, and corn syrup and cream until smooth. • Refrigerate the frosting and let firm until desired consistency is reached before icing cakes.


White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients



Cream Cheese (softened)

680 g

1 lb 9 oz

Butter (softened)

340 g

12 oz

White Chocolate (melted & cooled)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lemon Juice

20 g

0.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


1.55 kg

3 lb 6.7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the cream cheese and butter until light, fluffy, and smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the melted chocolate and mix until smooth. • Add the juice and extract.

Chef’s Notes: • Lemon juice and vanilla extract can be added to taste. • If the frosting is too soft, refrigerate for a little while to firm, then mix with a paddle attachment until smooth. • This recipe is especially great for carrot or red velvet cake.


Basic Crème Mousseline Ingredients



Pastry Cream

1.61 kg

3 lb 8.8 oz

Butter (cubed)

483 g

1 lb 1 oz

2.093 kg

4 lb 9.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Prepare the pastry cream on page 218. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the hot pastry cream until slightly warm, about 110°F (43°C). • When the pastry cream is slightly warm, add the butter in several additions, beating until completely incorporated and the mixture is light and fluffy.

Chef’s Notes: • The butter should not be added if the pastry cream is still hot or it can melt and separate. If this happens, finish beating, then refrigerate the mousseline until well chilled and mix again with the paddle attachment to emulsify. • If the pastry cream or butter are too cold, the butter will not incorporate properly. If this happens, warm the pastry cream and mix with the paddle attachment to emulsify. • Cold pastry cream may be used, but you must mix the pastry cream until smooth and tepid, then blend in softened butter. • Once chilled, crème mousseline becomes firm. This makes for an excellent choice as a filling for cakes that must be left unrefrigerated for a long time or that are to be served in a warm environment.

Crème mousseline is also known as German buttercream and makes a lovely filling for the classic French strawberry cake Fraisier.


Chocolate Crème Mousseline Ingredients



Pastry Cream

1.61 kg

3 lb 8.8 oz

Chocolate (58-66%, chopped)

425 g

15 oz

Butter (cubed)

454 g

1 lb

2.489 kg

5 lb 7.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Prepare the pastry cream on page 218. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the hot pastry cream and chopped chocolate until the chocolate is incorporated and the pastry cream has cooled until slightly warm, about 110ºF (43ºC). • When the pastry cream is slightly warm, add the butter in several additions, beating until completely incorporated and the mixture is light and fluffy. Chef’s Notes: • See the Chef’s Notes in the Basic Crème Mousseline recipe on page 179.


Coconut Crème Mousseline Ingredients



Pastry Cream

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Coconut Milk

150 g

5.3 oz

Dark Rum

60 g

2 oz

Butter or Buttercream (softened)

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Desiccated Coconut

390 g

13.8 oz

2.85 kg

6 lb 4.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Prepare the pastry cream on page 218. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the pastry cream, milk, and rum until smooth. • Add the butter or buttercream and mix until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Mix in the coconut. Chef’s Notes: • See the Chef’s Notes in the Basic Crème Mousseline recipe on page 179.


Fruit Crème Mousseline Metric


1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolks

100 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz


100 g

3.5 oz

Butter (cubed)

454 g

1 lb

2.054 kg

4 lb 8.5 oz

Ingredients Fruit Puree

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the puree and first weight of sugar to a boil. • Whisk the whole eggs, yolks, second weight of sugar, and cornstarch in a bowl until smooth. • When the puree comes to a boil, temper the egg mixture. • Add the tempered egg mixture back to the pan with the hot puree and bring the mixture to a boil, whisking continuously for 2 minutes. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the hot pastry cream until slightly warm, about 110ºF (43ºC). • When the pastry cream is slightly warm, add the butter in several additions, beating until completely incorporated and the mixture is light and fluffy.

Chef’s Notes: • The quantity of sugar may need to be adjusted depending on the kind of fruit used. • Also see the Chef’s Notes in the Basic Crème Mousseline recipe on page 179.


Maple Crème Mousseline Metric


Whole Milk

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Pure Maple Syrup

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz





60 g

2.1 oz

All-Purpose Flour

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

400 g

14.1 oz



2.1 kg

4 lb 10.1 oz


Butter (softened) Maple Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the milk, maple syrup, and salt to a boil. • Meanwhile, whisk the cornstarch, flour, whole eggs, and yolks in a bowl until smooth. • Temper the egg mixture with the hot milk and return everything back to the pan. • Bring the mixture to a boil, whisking continuously for 2 minutes. • Transfer the hot pastry cream to a bowl of a mixer and paddle until room temperature. • Add the butter and extract to the pastry cream and mix until smooth.

Chef’s Notes: • See the Chef’s Notes in the Basic Crème Mousseline recipe on page 179.


Caramel Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

36 g

14.5 each

Water (cold)

180 g

6.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

660 g

1 lb 7.3 oz


280 g

9.9 oz

Glucose Syrup

360 g

12.7 oz

Water (185ºF/85ºC)

200 g

7 oz

Butter (clarified)

200 g

7 oz

Neutral Glaze (hot process)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz




2.92 kg

6 lb 7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, bring the sugar and water to a boil. Add the glucose and cook to a deep amber caramel. • Whisk in the hot water, followed by the clarified butter. • Blend the bloomed and drained gelatin, caramel, glaze, and salt with an immersion blender until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Use at about 84°F (29ºC).


Lavender-Vanilla Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

7.5 g

3 each

Water (cold)

38 g

1.3 oz


275 g

9.7 oz

Lavender Honey

55 g

1.9 oz



½ each

½ each

Vanilla Extract






Lavender Buds Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

/8 t

Powdered Sugar Purple Gel Food Coloring

Total Weight:

/8 t

1.135 kg

2 lb 8 oz

1 drop

1 drop

1.47 kg

3 lb 3.8 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, heat the water, honey, lavender, extract, vanilla bean, and salt to 140°F (60°C), then add the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Strain the liquid before adding to the sugar to remove the lavender particles and vanilla pod. • Sift the sugar into a bowl. Add the strained liquid and stir until there are no lumps. • Add the food coloring and some additional lavender flowers to taste. • Cover with plastic wrap and let cool to room temperature before use. • Reheat if the glaze gets too thick. Try this glaze in the summer with our yeast doughnuts on page 492.


Pistachio Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Whole Milk

470 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

Glucose Syrup

190 g

6.7 oz

Pistachio Paste

130 g

4.6 oz



White Chocolate

565 g

1 lb 3.9 oz

White Chocolate Pâte à Glacer

565 g

1 lb 3.9 oz

2.04 kg

4 lb 8 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring the milk, glucose, pistachio paste, and salt to a boil. While heating, whisk to help dissolve the paste into the milk. • Off the heat, add the chocolates, followed by the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Blend the glaze with an immersion blender until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Use at about 84°F (29°C).


Shiny Red Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

28 g

11 each

Water (cold)

138 g

4.9 oz


195 g

6.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Glucose Syrup

300 g

10.6 oz

Condensed Milk

215 g

7.6 oz

White Chocolate

315 g

11.1 oz

10 g

0.35 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Red Cocoa Butter Color

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, and glucose to a boil. Cool to 185°F (85ºC) and stir in the condensed milk and the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Melt the chocolate and cocoa butter color together and add to the syrup mixture. • Blend the glaze with an immersion blender until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and refrigerate overnight. • Use at about 82°F (28ºC). Chef’s Notes: • Red coloring may be substituted for other colors as desired.


Chocolate Mirror Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

290 g

10.2 oz


162 g

5.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

380 g

13.4 oz

Glucose Syrup

145 g

5.1 oz

Invert Sugar

45 g

1.6 oz

Cocoa Powder

108 g

3.8 oz



1.25 kg

2 lb 12 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, bring the cream, water, sugars, and glucose to a boil. • Whisk in the cocoa powder and salt and return to a boil. • Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Blend the glaze with an immersion blender until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and refrigerate overnight. • Use at about 84°F (29°C).


Chocolate-Butter Glaze Ingredients



Chocolate (58-66%)

619 g

1 lb 5.8 oz


454 g

1 lb

43 g

1.5 oz

Glucose Syrup



/8 t

1.116 kg

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Partially melt all of the ingredients together over a water bath. • Off the heat, stir to finish melting the ingredients. • Use at about 86°F (30°C).



/8 t

2 lb 7.4 oz

White Chocolate Glaze Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Glucose Syrup

160 g

5.6 oz



White Chocolate

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

White Chocolate Pâte à Glacer

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

1.98 kg

4 lb 5.8 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, bring the milk, glucose, and salt to a boil. • Off the heat, add the chocolates, followed by the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Blend the glaze with an immersion blender until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Use at about 84°F (29°C).



Crème Brûlées

Flan, Tres Leches



Frangipane, Brioche




Frangipane, Chestnut




Frangipane, Coconut


Mandarin Orange





Lightened Vanilla Crème Mousseline Pastry Cream


Pistachio-Almond Cream


Curds Lemon


Pots de Crème




Stabilized Whipped Cream


Mandarin Orange


Tiramisu Cream


Passion Fruit

200 Panna Cottas

Custard Fillings & Dessert Components Almond Cream with Almond Flour


Almond Cream with Almond Paste


Cannoli Cream


Chantilly Recipes


Chiboust, Coconut


Chiboust, Vanilla


Chocolate Ganache, Flexible


Country Cream


Crèmeux, Chocolate



Crème Fraîche


Green Tea




Passion Fruit






Puddings Arborio Rice Pudding


Banana Bread Pudding Custard



Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard


Crèmeux, Mocha


Coconut Tapioca


Flan, Cream Cheese


Semolina Pudding



Custards, Creams & Fillings



Classic Crème Brûlée Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

80 g

2.8 oz

2 each

2 each

Egg Yolks

150 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz


1/ 8

Granulated Sugar Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)


1.25 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


2 lb 12.1 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, first weight of sugar, and vanilla beans to a boil. • In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt. • Temper the hot cream into the egg yolk mixture until smooth and homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the crème brûlée custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.

Chef’s Notes: • Crème brûlée has a shelf life up to 3 days. For a less rich custard, substitute some of the heavy cream for whole milk.


Chocolate Crème Brûlée Metric


Chocolate (72%)

240 g

8.5 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

½ each

½ each

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz


Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1/ 8



1.89 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


4 lb 2.7 oz

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and set aside. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, and vanilla bean to a boil. • Stir in the melted chocolate and bring the mixture to a scald. • In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and salt. • Temper the hot chocolate cream into the egg yolk mixture until smooth and homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the crème brûlée custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.

Chef’s Notes: • Crème brûlée has a shelf life up to 3 days.


Honey-Rosemary Crème Brûlée Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt


125 g

4.4 oz

Rosemary (fresh)

38 g

1.3 oz

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

43 g

1.5 oz


1/ 8

Egg Yolks


1.308 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


2 lb 14.1 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, honey, and rosemary to a boil. Set aside to infuse for about 20 minutes, then strain. • In a mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, and salt. • Temper the warm cream into the egg yolk mixture until smooth and homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the crème brûlée custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.

Chef’s Notes: • Crème brûlée has a shelf life up to 3 days.


Mandarin Orange Crème Brûlée Ingredients



Heavy Cream

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Milk

165 g

5.8 oz

Orange Oil

12 g

0.4 oz

Orange Zest

4 each

4 each

Mandarin Orange Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

210 g

7.4 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

1/ 8



2.167 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


4 lb 12.4 oz

Procedure: • Reheat the cream mixture with about ½ of the sugar until incorporated, then add the puree.

• In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, oil, and zest to a boil; cover and infuse for 30 minutes. • Whisk together the other ½ of the sugar with the whole eggs, yolks, and salt.

• Temper the hot cream into the egg yolk mixture until smooth and homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the crème brûlée custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken. Chef’s Notes: • Crème brûlée has a shelf life up to 3 days.


Pumpkin Crème Brûlée Ingredients



Heavy Cream

470 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

Whole Milk

732 g

1 lb 9.8 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

200 g

7 oz

Pumpkin Puree

325 g

11.5 oz


1 T, 1 t

380 g

19 each

Cinnamon (ground) Egg Yolks

1/ 8



2.117 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


4 lb 10.7 oz

• In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, and ½ of the sugar to a boil. Procedure:

• In a mixing bowl, whisk together the puree, cinnamon, egg yolks, the other ½ of the sugar, and salt.

• Temper the hot cream into the egg yolk mixture and whisk until smooth and emulsified. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the crème brûlée custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.

Chef’s Notes: • Crème brûlée has a shelf life up to 3 days.


Lemon Curd Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Lemon Juice

320 g

11.3 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

250 g

8.8 oz

Lemon Zest

12 each

12 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Butter (cubed)

400 g

14.1 oz

Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the juice, ½ of the sugar, and zest to a boil.

• Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs and the other ½ of the sugar until light and thick.

• When the juice mixture comes to a boil, temper about ⅓ of the hot mixture into the eggs. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all of the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan and continue to whisk on medium-low heat until the mixture thickens and reaches the scalding point. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Allow the hot curd to cool for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. • Using an immersion blender, blend in the bloomed and drained gelatin, followed by the butter.

There are several ways a chef can prepare lemon curd. In this procedure we maintain the emulsion of the butter yielding a smoother and creamier mouthfeel.


Lime Curd Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

25 g

0.9 oz

Lime Juice

320 g

11.3 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

230 g

8.1 oz

12 each

12 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Butter (cubed)

400 g

14.1 oz

1.38 kg

3 lb 0.7 oz

Water (cold)

Lime Zest

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the juice, ½ of the sugar, and zest to a boil.

• Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs and the other ½ of the sugar until light and thick.

• When the juice mixture comes to a boil, temper about ⅓ of the hot mixture into the eggs. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all of the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan and continue to whisk on medium-low heat until the mixture thickens and reaches the scalding point. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Allow the hot curd to cool for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. • Using an immersion blender, blend in the bloomed and drained gelatin, followed by the butter.


Mandarin Orange Curd Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


3 each

40 g

1.4 oz

Mandarin Orange Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

350 g

12.4 oz

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Egg Yolks

150 g

7 each

Butter (cubed)

200 g

7 oz

1.423 kg

3 lb 2.2 oz

Water (cold)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the puree, ½ of the sugar, and zest to a boil.

• Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Meanwhile, whisk together the whole eggs, yolks, and the other ½ of the sugar until light and thick.

• When the puree mixture comes to a boil, temper ⅓ of the hot mixture into the eggs. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all of the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan and continue to whisk on medium-low heat until the mixture thickens and reaches the scalding point. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Allow the hot curd to cool for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. • Using an immersion blender, blend in the bloomed and drained gelatin, followed by the butter.


Passion Fruit Curd Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lime Zest

½ each

½ each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Whole Eggs

600 g

12 each

Butter (cubed)

250 g

8.8 oz

1.94 kg

4 lb 4.4 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the puree, ½ of the sugar, zest, and vanilla bean to a boil.

• Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs and the other ½ of the sugar until light and thick.

• When the puree mixture comes to a boil, temper ⅓ of the hot mixture into the eggs. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all of the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan and continue to whisk on medium-low heat until the mixture thickens and reaches the scalding point.

• Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Allow the hot curd to cool for about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. • Using an immersion blender, blend in the bloomed and drained gelatin, followed by the butter.


Almond Cream with Almond Flour Ingredients




454 g

1 lb

Powdered Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Almond Flour

454 g

1 lb



500 g

10 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Total Weight

1.872 kg

4 lb 2 oz


Whole Eggs

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the butter, sugar, flour, and salt until light, fluffy and smooth. • Add the eggs slowly, thoroughly incorporating each egg before adding the next, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the extract.


Almond Cream with Almond Paste Ingredients



500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each


60 g

2.1 oz




Vanilla Extract

10 g


1.87 kg

4 lb 2 oz

Butter Almond Paste

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the butter and almond paste until light, fluffy, and smooth. • Add the eggs slowly, thoroughly incorporating each egg before adding the next, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the cornstarch and salt, followed by the extract.


Cannoli Cream Ingredients



Ricotta Cheese (drained)

908 g

2 lb

Powdered Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Cinnamon (ground)



300 g

10.6 oz

1.43 kg

3 lb 2.4 oz

Chocolate (58%, 1/ 8-inch pieces)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the ricotta until smooth. • Add the sugar, extract, and cinnamon and mix until creamy. • Fold the chocolate into the ricotta mixture.

Chef’s Notes: • Diced candied orange peel may substituted for some of the weight of the chocolate if desired. • Mini chocolate chips can be used instead of the chopped chocolate pieces. • Cannoli filling can be frozen for up to 2 months.


Flavored Chantilly Recipes Dark Chocolate Metric


Chocolate (58-72%)

250 g

8.8 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

50 g

1.8 oz

1.24 kg

2 lb 11.7 oz


Granulated Sugar

Total Weight: Procedure:

• Melt the chocolate. In a saucepan, combine the cream and sugar and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar. • Whisk the melted chocolate and hot cream together until homogenous. Allow to stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer and chill.

Milk Chocolate Ingredients



Milk Chocolate

650 g

1 lb 6.9 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

80 g

2.8 oz

1.67 kg

3 lb 10.9 oz

Whole Milk

Total Weight: Procedure:

• Melt the chocolate. In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil. • Whisk the melted chocolate and hot cream together until homogenous. Allow to stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer; stir in the cold milk and chill.


Gianduja Ingredients




400 g

14.1 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

1.34 kg

2 lb 15.3 oz

Total Weight: Procedure:

• Melt the gianduja. In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil. • Whisk the melted chocolate and hot cream together until homogenous. Allow to stand at room temperature for 1 hour, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer and chill.

Caramel Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz


120 g

4.3 oz



1.26 kg

2 lb 12.4 oz


Total Weight: Procedure:

• In a saucepan, bring the cream and vanilla bean to a scald. • Make a deep amber caramel with the sugar. Whisk in the butter, followed by the cream in several additions until smooth. Add salt to taste. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and chill.


Coconut Chiboust Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Coconut Milk

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each


50 g

1.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14.1 oz


160 g

5.6 oz

Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

1.67 kg

3 lb 10.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Make a pastry cream with the milk, egg yolks, cornstarch, and the first weight of sugar. Whisk the bloomed and drained gelatin into the hot pastry cream and mix until homogenous. • Place the finished pastry cream in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. Press plastic wrap on the surface to prevent a skin from forming and set aside to cool until warm. Alternatively, in a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the hot pastry cream until warm. • Prepare an Italian meringue with the second weight of sugar, water, and egg whites. Whip until • Sacrifice ¼ of the warm meringue into the warm pastry cream and whisk until the smooth. warm, 120°F (49ºC).

Fold the rest of the meringue into the lightened pastry cream until homogenous.

• Use immediately; chill or freeze until set.


Vanilla Chiboust I ngredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Whole Milk

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each


50 g

1.8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz



/8 t


/8 t

Granulated Sugar

380 g

13.4 oz


140 g

4.9 oz

Egg Whites

360 g

12 each

1.64 kg

3 lb 9.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Make a pastry cream with the milk, vanilla bean, egg yolks, cornstarch, brown sugar, and salt. Whisk the bloomed and drained gelatin into the hot pastry cream and mix until homogenous. • Place the finished pastry cream in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. Press plastic wrap on the surface to prevent a skin from forming and set aside to cool until warm. Alternatively, in a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the hot pastry cream until warm. • Prepare an Italian meringue with the granulated sugar, water, and egg whites. Whip until warm, • Sacrifice ¼ of the warm meringue into the warm pastry cream and whisk until the smooth. about 120°F (49ºC).

Fold the rest of the meringue into the lightened pastry cream until homogenous.

• Use immediately; chill or freeze until set.


Flexible Chocolate Ganache Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Agave Syrup

100 g

3.5 oz


50 g

1.8 oz


1½ t

Glucose Syrup

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz



375 g

13.2 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Agar Agar


Chocolate (58-72%)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Combine the agave syrup, coffee and agar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the glucose syrup and whisk to blend. • Add the cream and salt to the saucepan and return to a boil. • Add the bloomed gelatin to the hot cream mixture and whisk to dissolve. • Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate in a bowl and allow to stand for 2 minutes; emulsify until smooth. • Pour the ganache onto an acetate lined half-sheet pan. • Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or overnight.


Country Cream Ingredients



Greek Yogurt

250 g

8.8 oz

Crème Fraîche

250 g

8.8 oz

Mascarpone (softened)

250 g

8.8 oz

Sour Cream

150 g

5.3 oz

Heavy Cream

100 g

3.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

60 g

2.1 oz



½ each

½ each

1.065 kg

2 lb 5.5 oz

Vanilla Extract Lemon Zest

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk all of the ingredients together to medium peaks. • Refrigerate until ready for use.


Chocolate Crémeux Metric


Whole Milk

294 g

10.4 oz

Heavy Cream

294 g

10.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

118 g

4.2 oz

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each




Chocolate (66-72%, chopped)

224 g

7.9 oz

Total Weight

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Procedure: • Make a crème anglaise with the milk, cream, sugar, egg yolks, and salt. • Strain the hot crème anglaise over the chopped chocolate. Let stand for 1 minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Use immediately. Chef’s Notes: • Gelatin may be added to this recipe when using it as a filling for entremets or large tarts. • How thick or thin you cook the crème anglaise will have an effect on the viscosity of the crèmeux.


Mocha Crémeux Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Heavy Cream

415 g

14.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

90 g

3.2 oz


1/ 8

Chocolate (58-66%)

86 g

3 oz

Sour Cream

220 g

7.8 oz


137 g

4.8 oz

Coffee Extract

21 g

0.7 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

1/ 8



Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, and salt to a scald. • Melt the chocolate and add to the scalded cream. Stir continuously to emulsify and bring the mixture to a boil. • Off the heat, add the sour cream, mascarpone, and extract to the hot mixture. • Add the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds. Chef’s Notes: • The addition of sour cream and mascarpone in the recipe gives this crèmeux a rich and creamy texture similar to Greek yogurt.


Cream Cheese Flan Metric


Cream Cheese (softened)

228 g

8 oz

Condensed Milk

400 g

14.1 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

60 g

3 each

Evaporated Milk

340 g

12 oz

Whole Milk

170 g

6 oz


1½ t


Egg Yolks

Vanilla Extract

1/ 8


1.405 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8



3 lb 1.5 oz

Procedure: • Coat the bottom of desired molds with caramel slackened with a touch of warm water and set aside to cool. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the cream cheese with the condensed milk until smooth. • Separately, whisk together the whole eggs, yolks, milks, extract, and salt. • Add the milk/egg mixture to the cream cheese mixture in several additions and mix until smooth. • Pour the custard over the caramelized sugar. • Bake at 275°F (135ºC) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.


Tres Leches Flan Metric


Evaporated Milk

240 g

8.5 oz

Whole Milk

130 g

4.6 oz

Cinnamon Stick

1 each

1 each

Star Anise

1 each

1 each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Zest (lemon, lime, orange)

¼ each

¼ each

Condensed Milk

400 g

14.1 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

100 g

5 each


1/ 8


970 g

Total Weight:

1/ 8



2 lb 2.2 oz

Yield: one 6-inch cake pan or one 9-inch loaf pan

Procedure: • Coat the bottom of a 6-inch cake pan with a ⅛-inch layer of caramel slackened with a touch of warm water and set aside to cool. • In a saucepan, combine the evaporated milk, whole milk, cinnamon stick, star anise, vanilla bean, and citrus zest. Bring to a boil and set aside to steep until cool. • Add the condensed milk to the evaporated milk mixture. Warm the mixture while stirring to blend. • Wisk together the whole eggs, yolks and salt and temper with the warmed milk mixture. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and set aside to cool. • Pour the custard over the caramelized sugar. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.


Brioche Frangipane Ingredients



Butter (softened)

375 g

13.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

375 g

13.2 oz



300 g

6 each


20 g

0.7 oz

Lemon Juice

10 g


Vanilla Extract



Almond Flour

188 g

6.6 oz

Brioche Crumbs (crust removed)

188 g

6.6 oz

1.46 kg

3 lb 3.5 oz


Whole Eggs

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar and salt, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the eggs one at a time. • Mix in the brandy, juice, and extract, scraping down the bowl again. • Add the flour and brioche crumbs; mix until smooth.


Chestnut Frangipane Ingredients



Butter (softened)

375 g

13.2 oz

Chestnut Flour

375 g

13.2 oz

Powdered Sugar

227 g

8 oz



Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Pastry Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Dark Rum or Brandy

50 g

1.8 oz

Cake Flour

105 g

3.7 oz

1.735 kg

3 lb 13.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, chestnut flour, sugar, and salt, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the eggs one at a time. • Mix in the pastry cream and liquor, scraping down the bowl again. • Add the cake flour and mix until smooth.


Coconut Frangipane Ingredients



Almond Cream

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Pastry Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

Dark Rum

40 g

1.4 oz

Coconut (shredded)

100 g

3.5 oz

1.34 kg

2 lb 15.3 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the creams and rum until light, fluffy, and smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Mix in the shredded coconut until homogenous.


Lightened Vanilla Crème Mousseline Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

7.5 g

3 each

Water (cold)

38 g

1.3 oz

Whole Milk

960 g

1 qt

Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)

2 each

2 each

Granulated Sugar (divided)

268 g

9.5 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each


71 g

2.5 oz




Butter (cubed)

219 g

7.7 oz

Heavy Cream

609 g

1 lb 5.5 oz

2.333 kg

5 lb 2.3 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Prepare a pastry cream with the milk, vanilla beans, sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch, and salt. • Transfer the hot pastry cream to a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment and mix in the bloomed and drained gelatin. Continue to mix until slightly warm, 110ºF (43ºC). • When the pastry cream is slightly warm, add the butter a little at a time, beating until completely incorporated and the mixture is light and fluffy. • Whip the cream to medium peaks and fold into the cooled pastry cream.


Pastry Cream Metric


Whole Milk

960 g

1 qt

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Granulated Sugar (divided)

240 g

8.5 oz


1/ 8



1/ 8


Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each


90 g

3.2 oz

Butter (cubed)

150 g

5.3 oz

1.6 kg

3 lb 8.4 oz

Total Weight:

• In a saucepan, bring the milk, vanilla bean, ½ of the sugar, and salt to a boil. Procedure:

• Meanwhile, combine the other ½ of the sugar with the cornstarch. Whisk the egg yolks into the sugar/cornstarch mixture until light and smooth. Remove the vanilla bean.

• When the milk comes to a boil, temper ⅓ of the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture. • Combine the egg yolk/milk mixture with the rest of the hot milk in the saucepan and boil for 2 minutes, whisking continuously. • Off the heat, whisk the butter into the pastry cream. • Cool down immediately.

Chef’s Notes: • Pastry cream has a shelf life of up to 3 days.


Pistachio-Almond Cream Metric



454 g

1 lb

Powdered Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Almond Flour

454 g

1 lb

Pistachio Paste

136 g

4.8 oz



350 g

7 each

1.85 kg

4 lb 1.3 oz



Whole Eggs

Total Weight

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the butter, sugar, flour, pistachio paste, and salt until light and fluffy. • Add the eggs slowly, thoroughly incorporating each egg before adding the next, scraping down the bowl as necessary.


Pots de Crème I ngredients



Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

1/ 8


Total Weight:


1/ 8


1.395 kg

3 lb 1.2 oz

200 g

7 oz

80 g

2.8 oz

1 each

1 each

Variations: Chocolate (58-66%) Pistachio Paste Vanilla Bean

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the milk, cream, and sugar to a boil. • In a mixing bowl, whisk together the whole egg, yolks, and salt. • Temper the hot cream mixture into the egg mixture until smooth and homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Remove excess air bubbles from the top of the pots de crème custard by placing a piece of plastic wrap or paper towel on the surface and then removing. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) in a water bath, covered, until the custard trembles slightly when shaken.


Stabilized Whipped Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

7.5 g

3 each

Water (cold)

38 g

1.3 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Powdered Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Total Weight:

1.135 kg

2 lb 8 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the cream and sugar to soft peaks. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin over a water bath with vanilla extract or alcohol to taste for flavoring and to help thin the gelatin. Allow to cool until tepid. • Add the melted gelatin to the whipped cream in a quick and steady stream while the mixer is running and whip until desired peaks.

Chef’s Notes: • Gelatin stiffens whipped cream enough to make it suitable as a filling, icing, or for piped decorations. • We like to use stabilized whipped cream as a filling and icing for the Black Forest chocolate cake on page 68.


Tiramisu Cream Ingredients



Heavy Cream

325 g

11.5 oz

Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz


1/ 8

Light Corn Syrup

50 g

1.8 oz

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

30 g

1 oz

1.2 kg

2 lb 10.3 oz

Mascarpone (softened)

Amaretto or Marsala Wine

Total Weight:

1/ 8



Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Make a pâte a bombe with the egg yolks, sugar, salt, and corn syrup. • Add the mascarpone to the warm pâte a bombe and whisk until smooth; do not over mix. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin with the amaretto or marsala wine and combine with the pâte a bombe. • Fold in the whipped cream.


Buttermilk Panna Cotta Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz


800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

1.63 kg

3 lb 9.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring the cream and sugar to a boil. • Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the mixture and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Stir the buttermilk into the cream mixture. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Whole Milk (cold)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Condensed Milk

400 g

14.1 oz

Crème Fraîche

255 g

9 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g



1/ 8

1.68 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8



3 lb 11.3 oz

Yield: twelve 4 oz molds

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in the cold milk; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the milk. • Mix the condensed milk with the crème fraîche until smooth. Add the cream, extract, and salt. • Warm the milk until the gelatin is dissolved. • Stir the warm milk mixture into the crème fraîche mixture and mix until homogenous. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Green Tea Panna Cotta Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz



0.3 oz

Heavy Cream

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz



1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Sift the matcha and set aside. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, and sugar to a boil. • Whisk some of the hot cream mixture into the matcha to make a loose paste. • Off the heat, add the matcha paste, bloomed and drained gelatin, and extract to the hot cream and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Lychee-Vanilla Panna Cotta Ingredients



Heavy Cream

820 g

1 lb 12.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

170 g

6 oz

1/ 8

Salt Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1/ 8



1 each

1 each

Gelatin Sheets

22 g

9 each

Water (cold)

110 g

3.9 oz

Lychee Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

2.122 kg

4 lb 10.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, salt, and vanilla bean to a boil; set aside to infuse while the gelatin is blooming. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the mixture and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Add the puree and mix to combine. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Passion Fruit Panna Cotta Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Granulated Sugar

270 g

9.5 oz

1/ 8

Salt Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1/ 8



1 each

1 each

Gelatin Sheets

28 g

11 each

Water (cold)

140 g

4.9 oz

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Apricot Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

2.378 kg

5 lb 3.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, salt, and vanilla bean to a boil; set aside to infuse while while the gelatin is blooming. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the mixture and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Add the purees and mix to combine. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Pumpkin Panna Cotta Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Pumpkin Puree

275 g

9.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz

Cinnamon (ground)


1 T, 1 t

Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)




1/ 8

1/ 8


1.8 kg

Total Weight:


3 lb 15.5 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whisk the puree with the spices until smooth. • Combine everything-except the gelatin-in a saucepan and bring to a boil, whisking periodically. • Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the mixture and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Vanilla Panna Cotta Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

115 g

4 oz

Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)

1 ½ each

1 ½ each

Total Weight:

1.455 kg

3 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla beans to a boil. • Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the mixture and gently whisk to minimize air bubbles. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Stir over an ice bath until slightly thickened and pour into desired molds.


Arborio Rice Pudding Metric


235 g

8.3 oz

1.92 kg

2 qt

Granulated Sugar

190 g

6.7 oz

Cinnamon Stick

1 each

1 each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

½ each

½ each

Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Rum Macerated Raisins

115 g

4 oz

Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Ingredients Arborio Rice

Whole Milk

Orange Zest

Procedure: • Blanch the rice in lightly salted water and drain well. • In a saucepan, bring the rice, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla bean to a boil. • Lower to a simmer, stirring regularly until the rice is tender and most (but not all) of the milk is absorbed. Stir in the zest. • Chill the rice pudding over an ice bath, then remove the cinnamon stick and vanilla bean. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and fold into the cooled rice pudding to lighten, followed by the drained rum macerated raisins. Chef’s Notes: • The amount of milk left unabsorbed after the rice is cooked tender will dictate the final consistency of the rice pudding.


Banana Bread Pudding Custard Metric


Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Heavy Cream

165 g

5.8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz




Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

60 g

3 each

245 g

8.6 oz

40 g

1.4 oz

1.435 kg

3 lb 2.6 oz


Egg Yolks

Bananas (very ripe) Dark Rum

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the milk, cream, sugars, salt, and vanilla bean to a boil. • Temper ½ of the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all of • Meanwhile, whisk the whole eggs and yolks together until smooth.

the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer.

• Puree the bananas and rum in a blender until smooth. Whisk the puree into the custard. • Bake at 300°F (149°C), covered, just until set. Chef’s Notes: • Diced brioche or challah work well with this recipe. Be sure the bread is slightly dried out prior to thoroughly saturating it with the warm custard. Stud with fresh banana chunks before baking. • Bread pudding can be refrigerated for up to 3 days and reheated to order.


Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard Ingredients



Heavy Cream

1.175 kg

2 lb 9.4 oz

Whole Milk

488 g

1 lb 1.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

355 g

12.5 oz



Chocolate (58-66%, chopped)

568 g

1 lb 4 oz

Egg Yolks

320 g

16 each

2.9 kg

6 lb 6.3 oz


Total Weight Yield: twenty-five 3 oz molds

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, milk, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Off the heat, add the chopped chocolate to the hot cream mixture. Allow the chocolate to melt for a several minutes, then whisk until smooth. • Temper ½ of the hot chocolate mixture into the egg yolks. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all • Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks until smooth.

of the tempered egg yolk mixture back into the saucepan. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer.

• Bake at 300°F (149°C), covered, just until set. Chef’s Notes: • Diced brioche or challah work well with this recipe. Be sure the bread is slightly dried out prior to thoroughly saturating it with the warm custard. • Bread pudding can be refrigerated for up to 3 days and reheated to order.


Coconut Tapioca Metric


Tapioca Pearls (small)

100 g

3.5 oz

Tapioca Pearls (large)

100 g

3.5 oz

2.44 kg

5 lb 6 oz

Granulated Sugar

435 g

15 oz

Coconut Milk

618 g

1 lb 5.8 oz

Heavy Cream

464 g

1 lb 0.4 oz

3.5 kg

7 lb 11.5 oz


Whole Milk

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Soak the tapioca pearls separately in cold water for 4 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator. • Strain the hydrated pearls, keeping them separate. • In a saucepan, bring the whole milk and sugar to a boil. Divide into 2 saucepans. • Simmer the pearls in separate saucepans, stirring continuously until translucent and soft. Do not allow the mixtures to boil. The small pearls will cook faster than the large ones. • Combine the cooked pearls into one container. • In a saucepan, bring the coconut milk and cream to a boil. Pour over the cooked pearls, stirring to combine. • Chill over an ice bath, stirring periodically as it cools. The stirring helps to prevent the pearls from sticking to each other while chilling. Chef’s Note: • The tapioca has a shelf life of 3 days and benefits from a night in the refrigerator; the resting time leaves it even more supple and silky. This dessert looks like a bowl full of translucent bubbles and has the texture of a light cream soup.


Semolina Pudding Ingredients



1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

125 g

4.4 oz

½ each

½ each




100 g

3.5 oz

Whole Eggs

500 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Orange Zest

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

1.85 kg

4 lb 1.3 oz

Whole Milk Granulated Sugar Vanilla Bean (seeds) Salt

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the milk, first weight of sugar, vanilla bean seeds, and salt to a boil. • Slowly pour the semolina into the milk, stirring with a whisk or wooden spoon. Continue stirring as the mixture thickens (about 2-3 minutes). • Reduce the heat to low and cook until the mixture thickens and the semolina is tender, stirring often. • Temper ½ of the hot semolina mixture into the eggs. Combine both mixtures together, along • Meanwhile, whisk the eggs with the second weight of sugar until well blended.

with the zests.

• Bake at 300°F (149°C) in a water bath, covered, until set.



Mousses – Chocolate

Pink Grapefruit













Marquise au Chocolat




Milk Chocolate



27 1

Milk Chocolate-Caramel




Triple Chocolate




White Chocolate

243 Mousses – Assorted

Mousses – Fruit

Almond Milk




Brie Cheese


Black Cherry








Blood Orange










Fromage Blanc








Peanut Butter


Fresh Banana


Poppy Seed


Green Apple






Lemon with Lemon Curd


Bavarian Creams







Apricot-Passion Fruit


Mandarin Orange












Passion Fruit






Milk Chocolate







Mousses & Bavarian Creams

Bittersweet Chocolate


Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse Ingredients



Chocolate (58-72%)

665 g

1 lb 7.5 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Egg Yolks

300 g

15 each

Granulated Sugar

280 g

9.9 oz



2.185 kg

4 lb 13 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate over a water bath in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe; keep very warm. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Make a pâte à bombe with the egg yolks, sugar, and salt. • Fold the whipped cream into the very warm chocolate quickly and deliberately. • Fold the pâte à bombe into the chocolate/cream mixture.

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe can also be prepared by folding warm melted chocolate into warm pâte à bombe, then folding the whipped cream into that.


Chocolate-Hazelnut Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Hazelnut Liqueur

25 g

0.9 oz

Heavy Cream

550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Chocolate (58-66%)

350 g

12.3 oz


150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz


65 g

2.3 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Egg Yolks

180 g

9 each

1.535 kg

3 lb 6.2 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Melt the chocolates together and keep warm. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar, water, whole eggs, and yolks; whip until tepid. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin with the liqueur. Add it to the slightly warm pâte à bombe until well combined. • Fold the warm melted chocolate into the pâte à bombe, followed by the whipped cream.


Gianduja Mousse Ingredients



405 g

14.3 oz


3 each

40 g

1.4 oz

940 g

1 qt

Granulated Sugar

35 g

1.2 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each




1.658 kg

3 lb 10.5 oz


Gelatin Sheets Water (cold)

Heavy Cream

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Whisk the sugar, whole eggs, yolks, and salt over a water bath until light and thick. Add the bloomed and drained gelatin and whip in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment until tepid. • Fold the whipped cream into the warm gianduja, followed by the egg foam.


Milk Chocolate Mousse Ingredients



Milk Chocolate

400 g

14.1 oz

Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Heavy Cream

470 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each


100 g

3.5 oz

Milk Powder

40 g

1.4 oz




1.25 kg

2 lb 12.1 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Whisk the egg yolks, whole eggs, water, milk powder, and salt over a water bath until very thick, add the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Transfer the mixture to a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and whip just until warm. • Fold the warm melted chocolate into the warm yolk mixture, followed by the whipped cream. Chef’s Notes: • Alternatively, the egg yolk mixture can be cooked in a microwave by cooking the mixture in 20-30 second intervals and whisking in between each interval until thickened. • The addition of milk powder stabilizes the foam structure in the eggs and whipped cream by preventing air bubbles from collapsing, resulting in a lighter texture to the mousse.


Marquise au Chocolat Ingredients



340 g

12 oz

Heavy Cream

40 g

1.4 oz

Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz



Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Whites

120 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

Cocoa Powder

125 g

4.4 oz

Total Weight:

1.24 kg

2 lb 11.7 oz

Valrhona Extra Bitter Chocolate (61%)


Yield: one 9-inch loaf pan


Procedure: • Line a loaf pan or terrine mold with plastic wrap and set aside. • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and salt until light and fluffy. • Add the melted chocolate and mix until homogenous; keep warm. • Make a pâte à bombe with the egg yolks, first weight of sugar, and water. Whip until slightly warm, then whisk that into the warm chocolate-butter mixture. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites and second weight of sugar. Whip until mediumsoft peaks and slightly warm. • Place the meringue and whipped cream on top of the chocolate mixture. • Sift the cocoa powder directly over the top of the meringue and whipped cream. • Quickly fold everything together with a balloon whisk. • Fill the loaf pan or terrine mold with the mousse. • Chill in the refrigerator until set.


Milk Chocolate Caramel Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

22 g

9 each

Water (cold)

110 g

3.9 oz

Heavy Cream

675 g

1 lb 7.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

90 g

3.2 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

165 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz




Valrhona Guanaja (70%, chopped)

100 g

3.5 oz

Valrhona Tanariva (33%, chopped)

550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

2.253 kg

4 lb 15.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the first weight of cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Make a deep amber dry caramel with the first weight of sugar and deglaze with the second weight of cream in 3 additions. • Make a crème anglaise with the caramel cream, egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt. • Strain the caramel crème anglaise over the chopped chocolates, let stand for a few minutes, then whisk until smooth. Whisk in the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Let cool to 95°F (35°C), then fold in the whipped cream.


White Chocolate Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

White Chocolate

454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each




1.55 kg

3 lb 6.7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar, water, whole eggs, yolks, and salt; whip until 110°F (43°C). • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and add it to the slightly warm pâte à bombe; whip until well combined. • Fold the warm melted chocolate into the pâte à bombe, followed by the whipped cream.


Triple Chocolate Mousse Custard Base Ingredients



Whole Milk

885 g

1 lb 15.2 oz

Heavy Cream

225 g

7.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

Egg Yolks

225 g

11 each



1.56 kg

3 lb 7 oz

Salt Total Weight:

Dark Chocolate Ingredients



Custard Base

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Gelatin Sheets


2.5 each

30 g

1 oz

Dark Chocolate (58-72%)

300 g

10.5 oz

Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

1.236 kg

2 lb 11.6 oz

Water (cold)

Total Weight:

• In a saucepan, bring the milk, cream, and ½ of the sugar to a boil. Custard Base Procedure:

• Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, the other ½ of the sugar, and salt until light and smooth.

• When the milk mixture comes to a scald, temper ⅓ the hot milk into the egg yolk mixture.

• Combine the yolk mixture with the rest of the hot milk in the saucepan and cook on mediumlow heat, stirring continuously until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. • Strain the crème anglaise through a fine-mesh strainer. Cool down immediately if using at a later time, or keep warm if using right way.


Milk Chocolate Ingredients



Custard Base

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Gelatin Sheets


3.5 each

45 g

1.6 oz

Milk Chocolate

330 g

11.6 oz

Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

1.284 kg

2 lb 13.3 oz

Water (cold)

Total Weight:

White Chocolate Ingredients



Custard Base

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Gelatin Sheets

11 g

4.5 each

Water (cold)

55 g

1.9 oz

White Chocolate

325 g

11.5 oz

Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

1.291 kg

2 lb 13.5 oz

Total Weight:

Mousse Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and add it to the warm crème anglaise along with the melted chocolate; whisk until combined. • Fold in the whipped cream. The mousse should be fluid enough to pour and settle without peaks.


Apricot Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

27 g

11 each

Water (cold)

135 g

4.7 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Apricot Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

20 g

0.7 oz

Egg Whites

125 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

2.177 kg

4 lb 12.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Black Cherry Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Black Cherry Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.2 oz

Lemon Juice

15 g

0.5 oz


25 g

0.9 oz

Egg Whites

100 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.2 oz

1.94 kg

4 lb 4.4 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and Kirschwasser. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Blackberry Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Blackberry Puree

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Blackberry Brandy

50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Whites

130 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.1 oz

1.98 kg

4 lb 5.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and brandy. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Blood Orange Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

30 g

12 each

Water (cold)

150 g

5.3 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

280 g

9.9 oz

2.16 kg

4 lb 12.2 oz

Blood Orange Puree (10% sugar)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the pâte à bombe. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Blueberry Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Blueberry Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Crème de Cassis (optional)

15 g

0.5 oz

Egg Whites

130 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz

2.13 kg

4 1b 7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and alcohol, if using. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Chocolate-Apricot Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Heavy Cream

225 g

7.9 oz

Apricot Puree

150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

165 g

5.8 oz

Chocolate (72%, chopped)

188 g

6.6 oz

1.718 kg

3 lb 12.6 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the first weight of cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a saucepan, combine the second weight of cream with the puree and bring to a scald. • Make a dry caramel with the sugar and deglaze with the scalded cream/apricot mixture in 3 additions; bring back to a gentle boil to dissolve the sugar if necessary. • Pour the hot cream mixture over the chopped chocolate, let stand for a few minutes, then emulsify until smooth. Whisk in the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Cool the base mixture to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened before folding in the whipped cream.


Chocolate-Raspberry Mousse Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Raspberry Liqueur

65 g

2.3 oz

Valrhona Manjari (64%)

315 g

11.1 oz

Milk Chocolate

190 g

6.7 oz

Heavy Cream

200 g

7 oz

Raspberry Puree

400 g

14.1 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Yolks

100 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

2.36 kg

5 lb 3.2 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whip the first weight of cream to soft peaks, then whisk in the alcohol; set aside. • Melt the chocolates together and keep warm. • In a saucepan, combine the second weight of cream, puree, and butter. Bring to a boil and reduce until slightly thickened. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid. • Fold the whipped cream into the very warm chocolate. • Fold the reduced raspberry mixture into the pâte à bombe. • Fold the two mixtures together.


Coconut Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Coconut Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lime Juice

30 g

1 oz

Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

2.43 kg

5 lb 5.7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Fresh Banana Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Bananas (ripe)

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Dark Rum

30 g

1 oz

Lime Juice

1 each

1 each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Egg Whites

250 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

2.15 kg

4 lb 11.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a blender, puree the bananas, rum, juice, and vanilla bean seeds until smooth. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk it into the puree until smooth.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Green Apple Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Green Apple Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Apple Brandy

50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

170 g

6 oz

2.12 kg

4 lb 10.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and brandy. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Guava Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Guava Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lime Juice

30 g

1 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

2.1 kg

4 lb 10.1 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Lemon Mousse with Lemon Curd Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Lemon Curd

1.2 kg

2 lb 10.3 oz

Lemon Confit (optional)

250 g

8.8 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz

2.635 kg

5 lb 12.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk into the curd and optional confit until smooth. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid. • Fold the curd into the meringue, followed by the whipped cream.


Lime Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lime Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

350 g

17 each

Granulated Sugar

190 g

6.7 oz

1.66 kg

3 lb 10.6 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the pâte à bombe. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Lychee Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

32 g

13 each

Water (cold)

160 g

5.6 oz

Heavy Cream

700 g

1 lb 8.7 oz

Lychee Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Egg Whites

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

2.322 kg

5 lb 1.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Mandarin Orange Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

27 g

11 each

Water (cold)

135 g

4.7 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Egg Whites

125 g

4 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

2.037 kg

4 lb 7.9 oz

Mandarin Orange Puree (10% sugar)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Mango Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Mango Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lime Juice

30 g

1 oz

Egg Whites

200 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

2.35 kg

5 lb 2.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Papaya Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Papaya Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lime Juice

20 g

0.7 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Egg Whites

200 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

2.105 kg

4 lb 10.3 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and grenadine. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Passion Fruit Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

250 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

175 g

6.2 oz

1.545 kg

3 lb 6.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the pâte à bombe. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Peach Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Peach Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Peach Schnapps

50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

2.08 kg

4 lb 9.4 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and schnapps. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Pear Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

24 g

10 each

Water (cold)

120 g

4.2 oz

Heavy Cream

530 g

1 lb 2.7 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Egg Yolks

300 g

15 each

Granulated Sugar

175 g

6.2 oz

Pear Liqueur

95 g

3.3 oz

2.244 kg

4 lb 15.2 oz

Pear Puree (10% sugar)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Make a crème anglaise with the puree, egg yolks, and sugar. Add the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Stir in the liqueur. • Fold in the whipped cream.


Pink Grapefruit Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Pink Grapefruit Juice

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

15 g

0.5 oz

Egg Yolks

100 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Total Weight:

1.1 kg

2 lb 6.8 oz


Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the juice and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the juice and stir in the Campari. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the juice mixture into the pâte à bombe. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Plum Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Plum Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

30 g

1 oz

Plum Brandy

50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz

2.07 kg

4 lb 9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and brandy. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Pumpkin Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Pumpkin Puree

454 g

1 lb

Vanilla Extract



Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Cloves (ground)






Egg Yolks

220 g

11 each

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz


90 g

3.2 oz

1.62 kg

3 lb 9.1 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Heat the puree with the spices over a water bath until warm, about 110°F (43°C), or until slightly thickened. Gently melt the gelatin and combine with the puree until smooth; set aside. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar, water, and egg yolks; whip until tepid. • Fold the pumpkin mixture into the pâte à bombe, followed by the whipped cream.


Raspberry Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Raspberry Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

15 g

0.5 oz

Raspberry Liqueur

25 g

0.9 oz

Egg Whites

100 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

2.04 kg

4 lb 8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and liqueur. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Redcurrant Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

17 g

7 each

Water (cold)

85 g

3 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Redcurrant Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

1.452 kg

3 lb 3.2 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the pâte à bombe. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar and egg yolks; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Rhubarb Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

30 g

12 each

Water (cold)

150 g

5.3 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Rhubarb Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lime Juice

20 g

0.7 oz


20 g

0.7 oz

Egg Whites

200 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

2.17 kg

4 lb 12.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice and grenadine. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid.

• Fold the two mixtures together.


Strawberry Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

25 g

10 each

Water (cold)

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Strawberry Puree (10% sugar)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Lemon Juice

25 g

0.9 oz

Egg Whites

200 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

2.265 kg

4 lb 15.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm ⅓ of the puree and melt the bloomed and drained gelatin into it. Whisk that warm mixture back into the rest of the puree and add the juice. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid. • Fold ½ of the puree into the meringue. Fold the other ½ into the whipped cream. • Fold the two mixtures together.


Yuzu Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

14 g

5.5 each

Water (cold)

70 g

2.5 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Yuzu Juice

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

440 g

22 each

2.124 kg

4 lb 10.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Make a crème anglaise with the juice, sugar, and egg yolks. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled yuzu crème anglaise.


Almond Milk Mousse Ingredients



Almonds (sliced)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Milk

300 g

10.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Almond Milk:

1/ 8



1/ 8


Almond Milk Mousse: Gelatin Sheets

13 g

5 each

Water (cold)

65 g

2.3 oz

400 g

14.1 oz

20 g

0.7 oz

Almond Milk

300 g

10.6 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

860 g

1 lb 14.3 oz

Heavy Cream


Total Weight:


Almond Milk Procedure: • Toast the almonds. Allow to cool, then pulse in a food processor until finely ground. • In a saucepan, bring the water, milk, sugar, salt, and ground almonds to a boil. Set aside to steep until cool, then refrigerate overnight. • Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer, pressing against the almonds to extract as much almond milk as possible.

Almond Milk Mousse Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Warm the almond milk to 110°F (43°C). • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin with the amaretto and whisk into the warmed almond milk. Cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites and sugar; whip until tepid. • Fold the cooled milk/gelatin mixture into the meringue, followed by the whipped cream.


Brie Cheese Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

25 g

0.9 oz

Heavy Cream

454 g

1 lb

Brie Cheese (rind removed)

454 g

1 lb

Whole Milk

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

113 g

4 oz

1.278 kg

2 lb 13 oz

Water (cold)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to medium peaks and set aside. • Melt the brie, milk, and sugar together over a water bath. Stir until the mixture is smooth and the sugar has dissolved. • Add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the warm brie mixture and stir to dissolve the gelatin. • Cool the melted brie mixture to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled brie mixture.

Brie is a soft cow’s milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originates.


Chestnut Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

Heavy Cream

120 g

4.2 oz

Pastry Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Chestnut Cream

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz



Simple Syrup

110 g

3.9 oz

Armagnac or Rum

70 g

2.5 oz

240 g

8 each

70 g

2.5 oz

1.51 kg

3 lb 5.3 oz


Egg Whites Granulated Sugar

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Whisk the pastry and chestnut creams together with the salt until smooth. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin with the simple syrup, then combine with the alcohol. Whisk the melted gelatin mixture into the chestnut mixture until smooth. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites and sugar. • Fold the meringue into the chestnut mixture, followed by the whipped cream.


Caramel Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Heavy Cream

435 g

15.3 oz

½ each

½ each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Glucose Syrup

165 g

5.8 oz

Egg Yolks

165 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

65 g

2.3 oz


80 g

2.8 oz

Milk Powder

42 g

1.5 oz




2.042 kg

4 lb 8 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

Total Weight:


Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the first weight of cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Bring the second weight of cream to a scald with the vanilla bean. • Make a deep amber caramel with the first weight of sugar and glucose and deglaze with the hot vanilla bean cream. Whisk the bloomed and drained gelatin into the caramel mixture and strain; cool until tepid. • Whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, water, milk powder, and salt over a water bath until very thick. • Transfer the cooked egg mixture to a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and whisk until light and cool. • Fold the egg mixture into the whipped cream, followed by the caramel.

Chef’s Notes: • Alternatively, the egg yolk mixture can be cooked in a microwave by cooking in 20-30 second intervals and whisking in between each interval until thickened. • The addition of milk powder stabilizes the foam structure in the eggs and whipped cream by preventing air bubbles from collapsing, resulting in a lighter texture to the mousse.


Elderflower Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

30 g

12 each

Water (cold)

150 g

5.3 oz

Heavy Cream

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Elderflower Syrup

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz


390 g

13.8 oz

Lemon Juice

180 g

6.3 oz

Egg Yolks

360 g

18 each

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

90 g

3.2 oz

2.61 kg

5 lb 12.1 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Whisk the elderflower syrup, champagne, juice, and egg yolks over a water bath until light and thickened. Add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the hot mixture to dissolve, then cool down over an ice bath until 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites and sugar; whip until tepid. • Sacrifice a small amount of the meringue into the cooled elderflower mixture, then fold in the rest of the meringue, followed by the whipped cream.


Fromage Blanc Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

16 g

6.5 each

Water (cold)

80 g

2.8 oz

Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Goat Cheese

12 g

0.4 oz

Whole Fat Yogurt

410 g

14.5 oz

Sour Cream

138 g

4.9 oz

Fromage Blanc

70 g

2.5 oz

2 each

2 each

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

195 g

6.9 oz

1.385 kg

3 lb 0.9 oz

Lime (juice & zest)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Pass the goat cheese through a tamis. • In a large bowl, whisk the cheeses, yogurt, sour cream, juice, and zest until smooth. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk into the yogurt mixture until smooth. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid. • Fold the meringue into the yogurt mixture, followed by the whipped cream.


Espresso Mousse Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

95 g

3.3 oz

Espresso Beans

95 g

3.3 oz

280 g

9.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Heavy Cream

1.013 kg

2 lb 3.7 oz

Gelatin Sheets

18 g

7 each

Water (cold)

90 g

3.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

280 g

9.9 oz

Egg Yolks

390 g

20 each




Coffee Extract

30 g

1 oz

2.1 kg

4 lb 10.1 oz

Whole Milk

Total Weight:


Procedure: • Make a dry caramel with the sugar. Add the espresso beans to coat and spread out onto a silicone baking mat or parchment paper to cool. Once cool, grind the caramel coated beans in a food processor until coarsely ground. • Bring the milk to a scald with the ground mixture and the vanilla bean. Set aside to steep for 15 minutes. • Strain the espresso milk through a fine-mesh strainer, then rescale to the original weight with additional milk. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Make a very thick crème anglaise with the espresso milk, second weight of sugar, egg yolks, and salt by cooking it on low heat and stirring continuously. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer into a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Whip until cool, then add the extract. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled espresso crème anglaise.


Mascarpone Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each


500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

1.37 kg

3 lb 0.3 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • Make a pâte à bombe with the sugar, water, and egg yolks; whip until 110°F (43°C). • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and add it to the slightly warm pâte à bombe to combine. Add the mascarpone and zest to the pate à bombe mixture and whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold in the whipped cream.


Peanut Butter Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

25 g

0.9 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Peanut Butter

565 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Cream Cheese (softened)

525 g

1 lb 2.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

227 g

8 oz


1½ t

2.294 kg

5 lb 0.9 oz

Water (cold)

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the peanut butter, cream cheese, sugar, and extract until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and mix into the peanut butter mixture until smooth. • Fold in the whipped cream.


Poppy Seed Mousse Metric


Poppy Seeds

150 g

5.3 oz

White Port

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Plum Jam

10 g

0.4 oz

1 each

1 each

Gelatin Sheets

12 g

5 each

Water (cold)

60 g

2.1 oz


40 g

1.4 oz

White Chocolate

400 g

14.1 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each




2.253 kg

4 lb 15.5 oz


Vanilla Bean (seeds)

Total Weight:


Procedure: • In a saucepan, cook the poppy seeds, port, jam, and vanilla been seeds until the liquid is reduced and the poppy seeds become a paste; set aside to cool. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Melt the chocolate and keep warm. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the whole eggs, yolks, and salt until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin with the cognac and whisk into the whipped eggs. • Fold the whipped cream into the warm chocolate. • Fold the egg mixture into the chocolate/cream mixture, followed by the cooled paste.


Yogurt Mousse Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

16 g

6.5 each

Water (cold)

80 g

2.8 oz

Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Whole Fat Yogurt

315 g

11.1 oz

Crème Fraîche

315 g

11.1 oz

2 each

2 each

Egg Whites

150 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

195 g

6.9 oz

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Limes (juice & zest)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside. • In a large bowl, whisk together the yogurt, crème fraîche, juice, and zest until smooth. • Melt the bloomed and drained gelatin and whisk into the yogurt mixture until smooth. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar and egg whites; whip until tepid. • Fold the meringue into the yogurt mixture, followed by the whipped cream.


Almond Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

20 g

8 each

Water (cold)

100 g

3.5 oz

Heavy Cream

650 g

1 lb 6.9 oz


65 g

2.3 oz

Almond Extract



Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Almond Paste

95 g

3.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz



100 g

5 each

1.655 kg

3 lb 10.4 oz

Salt Egg Yolks Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, combine the milk, cream, ½ of the sugar, and almond paste. Bring the mixture • Whip the cream to soft peaks, add the amaretto and extract; set aside in the refrigerator.

½ of the sugar, and salt until light. Temper about ⅓ of the almond milk mixture into the yolk

to a scald, whisking to dissolve the almond paste. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, the other

mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon.

• Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled almond crème anglaise.


Apricot- Passion Fruit Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

15 g

6 each

Water (cold)

75 g

2.6 oz

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

½ each

½ each

Crème Fraîche

200 g

7 oz

Heavy Cream

175 g

6.2 oz

Apricot Puree (10% sugar)

200 g

7 oz

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)

175 g

6.2 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Egg Yolks

180 g

9 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

1.72 kg

3 lb 12.7 oz

Heavy Cream Lime Zest (finely chopped)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream and zest to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the crème fraîche, cream, purees, vanilla bean, and first weight of sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks and the second weight of sugar until light and thick. Temper about ⅓ of the fruit mixture into the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled apricot-passion fruit crème anglaise.


Chocolate Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

12 g

5 each

Water (cold)

60 g

2 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz


1/ 8

Chocolate (58-72%, chopped)

Total Weight:


1/ 8


200 g

7 oz

1.592 kg

3 lb 8.2 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the milk and first weight of sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper ⅓ of the hot milk mixture into the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the chopped chocolate, let stand for a few minutes, then emulsify until smooth. Whisk in the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled chocolate crème anglaise.


Coconut Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Coconut Puree (10% sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Milk

150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz



/8 t

1.48 kg

Total Weight:


/8 t

3 lb 4.2 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the puree, milk, and first weight of sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper ⅓ of the coconut mixture into the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on mediumlow heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled coconut crème anglaise.


Fruit Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

12 g

5 each

Water (cold)

60 g

2.1 oz

Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

Fruit Puree (divided)

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

1.27 kg

2 lb 12.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, bring ½ of the puree and sugar to a boil.

• Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator.

Stir the other ½ of the cold puree into the hot puree.

• Off the heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin to the hot puree mixture; whisk to dissolve.

• Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled puree.

Chef’s Notes: • The quantity of sugar in this base recipe may need to be adjusted depending upon the fruit puree used.


Honey Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

10 g

4 each

Water (cold)

50 g

1.8 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


63 g

2.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

38 g

1.3 oz

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

38 g

1.3 oz


1/ 8

Egg Yolks


1.4 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 1.4 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the milk, honey, and first weight of sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper ⅓ of the honey mixture into the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on mediumlow heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled honey crème anglaise.


Milk Chocolate Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


3 each

35 g

1.2 oz

Heavy Cream

585 g

1 lb 4.6 oz

Whole Milk

334 g

11.8 oz

88 g

3.1 oz

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

88 g

3.1 oz




440 g

15.5 oz

1.777 kg

3 lb 14.7 oz

Water (cold)

Granulated Sugar

Egg Yolks

Milk Chocolate (chopped)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the milk and first weight of sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper ⅓ of the hot milk mixture into the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, add the chopped chocolate, let stand for a few minutes, then emulsify until smooth. Whisk in the bloomed and drained gelatin. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled chocolate crème anglaise.


Pistachio Bavarian Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

14 g

5.5 each

Water (cold)

70 g

2.5 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Pistachio Paste

70 g

2.5 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz


1/ 8


1.474 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 4 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the milk, first weight of sugar, and paste to a boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks, second weight of sugar, and salt until light and thick. Temper ⅓ of the milk mixture into the the yolk mixture. Return everything back to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Once cooked, remove from heat, add the bloomed and drained gelatin, and whisk to dissolve. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and cool to about 65°F (18°C), or until slightly thickened. • Fold the whipped cream into the cooled pistachio crème anglaise.



Cookies & Bars

Pecan Puffs



Rugelach Dough


Biscotti, Anisette



Biscotti, Chocolate Pistachio Cherry

Sablé Cookies, Black OliveParmesan


Sablé Cookies, Breton


Chocolate Brownies


Sablé Cookies, Hazelnut


Chocolate Chip Cookies



Chocolate Chip Cookies, Double

Sablé Cookies, RosemaryCornmeal


Scandinavian Butter Cookies


Chocolate Chip Cookies, Espresso White Chocolate


Chai Spiced Snickerdoodle Bars


Chocolate Chip Cookies, Whole Wheat


Snickerdoodle Cookies




Chocolate Chunk Cookies, Valrhona


Sugar Cookies


Chocolate Crinkle Cookies


Vanilla Crescents


Chocolate Molasses Cookies, Soft


Coconut Haystacks


Apple Paper


Dog Biscuits




Fig Bars


Chocolate Crystalline


Gingerbread Cookies


Chocolate Lace


Green Tea Coconut Diamants


Chocolate Pastry Cream






Honey Whole Wheat













Lavender-Honey Almond Bars 316 Macarons


Macarons, Chocolate


Madeleines, Lemon-Olive Oil


Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies


Peanut Butter Cookies


Peanut Butter Shortbread Bar Cookies



Cookies & Tuiles

Apple Blondies


Apple Blondies Metric


450 g

15.9 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Apple Compote Puree

313 g

11 oz

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

Apple Brandy


1½ t

Vanilla Extract



½ each

½ each

Butter (melted)

284 g

10 oz

Cake Flour

469 g

1 lb 0.5 oz

Baking Powder

25 g

0.9 oz


10 g


Cinnamon (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



4 each

4 each

75 g

2.6 oz

2.34 kg

5 lb 2.5 oz

Ingredients Light Brown Sugar

Lemon Zest

Apples (¼ -inch dice)

Walnuts (coarsely chopped)

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sugars, puree, eggs, brandy, extract, and zest until light and thick. • Gradually whisk in the warm butter until homogenous. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Fold in the diced apples until homogenous. • Spread evenly onto a half sheet pan and sprinkle the walnuts on top of the batter. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean, or with a few crumbs.


Anisette Biscotti Ingredients



Cake Flour

704 g

1 lb 8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

575 g

1 lb 4.3 oz

Sliced Almonds (toasted)

157 g

5.5 oz


40 g

1.4 oz

Anise Seeds

23 g

0.8 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz




Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Anisette Liqueur

70 g

2.5 oz

Total Weight:

2.016 kg

4 lb 7.1 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the dry ingredients with the softened butter until the butter is well incorporated. • Add the eggs and anisette and mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Roll the dough into desired sized logs and refrigerate or freeze. • Brush the logs with egg whites and sprinkle with granulated sugar before baking. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until evenly browned and firm to the touch. • Slice the biscotti into desired sized slices and place on sheet pans. • Bake a second time at 225°F (107°C) until dry. Chef’s Notes: • 600 g (21.2 oz) logs will yield approximately 3 ½ -inch sized biscotti.


Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

341 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Cocoa Powder

42 g

1.5 oz

Baking Powder






200 g

4 each

Vanilla Extract



Pistachios (lightly toasted)

85 g

3 oz

Dried Cherries

85 g

3 oz

1.215 kg

2 lb 10.8 oz

Whole Eggs

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Combine the sifted dry ingredients in a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. • Add the eggs and extract and mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Mix in the pistachios and dried cherries until homogenous. • Chill until firm; this will make shaping into logs easier. • Roll the dough into desired sized logs and refrigerate or freeze. • Brush the logs with egg whites and sprinkle with granulated sugar before baking. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until evenly browned and firm to the touch. • Slice the biscotti into desired sized slices and place on sheet pans. • Bake a second time at 225°F (107°C) until dry. Chef’s Notes: • 600 g (21.2 oz) logs will yield approximately 3½ -inch sized biscotti.


Chocolate Brownies Ingredients




454 g

1 lb

Chocolate (72%)

596 g

1 lb 5 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

596 g

1 lb 5 oz

Instant Espresso Powder


0.2 oz

Vanilla Extract



150 g

5.3 oz




Baking Powder

10 g


Mini Chocolate Chips

283 g

10 oz

Nuts (toasted & chopped)

183 g

6.5 oz

2.59 kg

5 lb 11.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and butter together and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the eggs, sugar, espresso, and extract until light and thick. • Add the melted chocolate/butter mixture to the whipped eggs and mix until smooth. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until homogenous, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold in the chocolate chips and chopped nuts. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out with crumbs.


Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients




227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

178 g

6.3 oz

Light Brown Sugar

178 g

6.3 oz

Invert Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

14 g

0.5 oz

376 g

13.3 oz



1½ t

Baking Soda


1¼ t

Chocolate Chips

454 g

1 lb

Total Weight:

1.643 kg

3 lb 10 oz

Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Gradually add the eggs, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Add the chocolate chips and mix until combined. • Bake at 275°F (135°C).


Double Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients




300 g

10.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

240 g

8.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

240 g

8.5 oz

Invert Sugar

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each


1½ t

All-Purpose Flour

300 g

10.6 oz

Cocoa Powder

180 g

6.3 oz



1½ t

Baking Soda


1½ t

Dark Chocolate Chips

168 g

5.9 oz

Milk Chocolate Chips

168 g

5.9 oz

White Chocolate Chips

168 g

5.9 oz

Pecans (toasted & chopped)

180 g

6.3 oz

2.175 kg

4 lb 12.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Yield: thirty-eight 57 g (2 oz) cookies

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Gradually add the eggs, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Add the chocolate chips and chopped nuts. Mix just until combined. • Bake at 275°F (135°C).


Espresso White Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients




227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

178 g

6.3 oz

Light Brown Sugar

178 g

6.3 oz

Invert Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Vanilla Extract

14 g

0.5 oz

Instant Espresso Powder


1½ t

375 g

13.2 oz


17 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda


1¼ t

454 g

1 lb

1.59 kg

3 lb 8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

White Chocolate Chips

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Gradually add the eggs, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. Add the espresso powder and mix until smooth. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Add the chocolate chips and mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 275°F (135ºC).


Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients



360 g

12.7 oz

Baking Powder


1½ t

Baking Soda





1½ t


230 g

8.1 oz

Granulated Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Dark Brown Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

Invert Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

10 g


Chocolate Chips

227 g

8 oz

Total Weight:

1.365 kg

3 lb 0.2 oz

Whole Wheat Flour

Vanilla Extract

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. Pour any bits of grain that may remain in the sifter back into the rest of the sifted dry ingredients. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Gradually add the eggs, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until barely combined. • Add the chocolate chips and mix until evenly combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 300°F (149°C).


Valrhona Chocolate Chunk Cookies Ingredients




205 g

7.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

155 g

5.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

155 g

5.5 oz

Invert Sugar

34 g

1.2 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

10 g


454 g

1 lb

Malt Powder

11 g

0.4 oz




Baking Soda



295 g

10.4 oz

55 g

1.9 oz

1.484 kg

3 lb 4.3 oz

Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Valrhona Guanaja (70%, ¼ -inch chunks) Valrhona Dark Chocolate Baking Pearls (55%)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Gradually add the eggs, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Add the chocolate chunks and pearls and mix until combined. • Bake at 300°F (149°C).


Chocolate Crinkle Cookies Metric


Vegetable Oil

200 g

7 oz

Unsweetened Chocolate

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

340 g

12 oz

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each


1½ t

243 g

8.5 oz

Cocoa Powder

38 g

1.3 oz

Baking Powder

10 g





1.47 kg

3 lb 3.8 oz


Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and oil. Set aside until warm, about 110°F (43ºC). • Whisk the sugar, eggs, and extract. • Whisk the egg mixture into the chocolate mixture. • Stir the sifted dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until homogenous. • Chill before use. • Scoop and roll the cookies in powdered sugar before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until the cookies “crack.” Do not over bake.


Soft Chocolate-Molasses Cookies Metric



150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

320 g

11.3 oz

Light Brown Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each


160 g

5.6 oz

White Vinegar

15 g

0.5 oz

Vanilla Extract



Bread Flour

420 g

14.8 oz

Cocoa Powder

105 g

3.7 oz

Baking Soda

14 g

0.5 oz



1½ t

1.369 kg

3 lb 0.3 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Slowly add the molasses, vinegar, and extract. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Chill until firm. • Portion the dough into 20 g (0.7 oz) balls and dredge in granulated sugar. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) for 8-10 minutes. The cookies will spread and the sugar crust will crack.


Coconut Haystacks Metric



170 g

6 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Desiccated Coconut

255 g

9 oz



1/ 8

Orange Zest



800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Total Weight:


1/ 8


Procedure: • Gently melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. • Remove from the heat and whisk in the eggs until smooth. • Stir in the coconut, salt, and zest. • Return to the heat and cook, stirring continuously, until the mixture pulls away from the pan. • Let cool to room temperature. • Pipe out mound shaped kisses with a star tip, or use a small ice cream scoop to scoop round balls. • Bake at 400°F (204°C) until lightly browned. • Brush with simple syrup as soon as they come out of the oven.


Dog Biscuits Ingredients



Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Flax Seed Oil

200 g

7 oz

Beef or Chicken Stock (low-sodium)

240 g

8.5 oz

85 g

3 oz

Whole Wheat Flour

340 g

12 oz

Bread Flour

340 g

12 oz

Wheat Germ

55 g

1.9 oz

Brown Sugar

30 g

1 oz

1.44 kg

3 lb 2.8 oz

Milk Powder

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Mix the eggs with the flax seed oil. • Dissolve the milk powder into the stock. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the wet ingredients into the sifted dry until well combined. • Roll to ½-inch thick, cut with a dog bone cookie cutter, and brush with egg wash before baking. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour.

• Bake at 300°F (149°C) until golden brown and completely dry throughout. • Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Chef’s Notes: • Flax seed oil and wheat germ should be refrigerated to prevent rancidity.


Fig Bars Ingredients



Butter (softened)

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Egg Yolk

20 g

1 each




360 g

12.7 oz

80 g

2.8 oz

454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz

Vanilla Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz


100 g

3.5 oz

Port Wine

100 g

3.5 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each


All-Purpose Flour Bread Flour

Filling: Dried Figs

Yield: two 20-inch logs


Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the whole egg and yolk one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Portion into 2 pieces and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to firm the butter.

Filling Procedure: • Remove the woody stems from the figs and coarsely chop. • In a saucepan, combine the chopped figs, sugars, water, wine, and juice. Cook until tender and set aside to cool. You may need a little more water if the liquid evaporates before the figs are tender.

Assembly: • Roll each portion of dough into a rectangle roughly 6 x 20-inch and place the rectangles on a piece of parchment paper. • Place ½ of the filling along the center of each piece of dough. • Brush the edges with egg wash.

• Fold the edges up to cover the filling, overlapping slightly to seal. • Lift the parchment paper and roll each log over so that the seam is on the bottom. • Chill for 30 minutes before use. Alternatively, the logs may be frozen at this point and baked off as needed. • Brush the logs with egg wash before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until golden brown.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough must be chilled before baking or it will melt and expose the filling. • Baked cookies can be stored in an airtight container for several days or frozen.


Gingerbread Cookies Ingredients




215 g

7.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

215 g

7.6 oz

Light Corn Syrup

255 g

9 oz

Whole Milk

90 g

3.1 oz

Bread Flour

598 g

1 lb 5 oz

Baking Soda



Cinnamon (ground)

10 g

1 T, 1 ½ t

Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, heat the butter, sugar, corn syrup, and milk. Stir until a smooth paste forms. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until homogenous. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. • Roll out small portions of dough very thinly (about 1/ 16 -inch), cut into desired size and place on parchment-lined sheet pans. • Brush the cookies with egg wash before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) for about 8-10 minutes.


Green Tea-Coconut Diamant Ingredients



Butter (softened)

400 g

14 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

½ each

½ each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Vanilla Extract

12 g

0.4 oz

Desiccated Coconut

400 g

14 oz

All-Purpose Flour

400 g

14 oz

Matcha Powder

18 g

0.6 oz




1.49 kg

3 lb 4.6 oz

Orange Zest

Total Weight: Yield: seven 200 g (7 oz) logs

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the first 3 ingredients, being sure not to aerate. • Add the yolks one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • In a food processor, grind the dry ingredients until fine. Add to the butter mixture and mix just until combined. • Portion the dough into 200 g (7 oz) pieces and roll into 16-inch round logs; chill until firm. • Slice into medallions about ½ -inch thick or as desired.

• Brush the logs with egg whites and roll in granulated sugar before baking. • Bake at 325°F (163ºC). Chef’s Notes: • 200 g (7 oz) logs will yield petits fours sized cookies.


Lavender-Honey Almond Bars Ingredients



Heavy Cream

100 g

3.5 oz



Granulated Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Water (cold)

80 g

2.8 oz

Glucose Syrup

20 g

0.7 oz


100 g

3.5 oz

Lavender Honey

80 g

2.8 oz

Almonds (sliced)

250 g

8.8 oz

Candied Orange Peel (diced)

80 g

2.8 oz




Lavender Buds

Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • Prepare a parchment-lined half sheet pan with pate sucrée rolled to ⅛ -inch thick. Chill for at least 30 minutes, then lightly blind bake. • Bring the cream and lavender buds to a boil. Cover and set aside to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and discard the lavender. Rescale to the original weight with additional cream. • Combine the sugar, water, and glucose in a saucepan and cook to a caramel stage. • Whisk in the butter and honey and bring to a boil. Add the infused cream. • Cook to 255°F (124°C) and then add in the sliced almonds, candied orange, and salt. • Pour the mixture into the blind baked shell and spread evenly with an oiled off-set spatula. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC) until bubbly (about 8-12 minutes). Top with fleur de sel while still warm from the oven if desired.


Macarons Metric


10x Sugar

419 g

14.8 oz

Almond Flour

357 g

12.6 oz

Egg Whites

153 g

5 each

Granulated Sugar

419 g

14.8 oz


96 g

3.4 oz

Egg Whites

153 g

5 each

Cream of Tartar



Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Procedure: • In a food processor, grind the sugar and flour until fine. Pass through a sifter and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Mix the ground mixture, the first weight of egg whites, and desired amount of gel food coloring until a smooth paste forms. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside. • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar, water, second weight of egg whites, and tartar. Cook the sugar to 243°F (117°C) and time the sugar with the egg whites so the whites are at medium peaks when the sugar reaches the proper temperature. Whisk until tepid, about 120°F (49°C). • Fold the meringue into the reserved paste in 3 additions, then macaronage the mixture until a ribbon flattens back into the mix in about 10 seconds. • Pipe into rounds about 1¼-inches in diameter on a silicone baking mat. Set aside to air dry for 60 minutes to develop a shell before baking. • Bake 300°F (149°C) for 11-12 minutes. Chef’s Notes: • Do not open the oven door during the baking process. Total baking time will be determined based on the size of the macaron and calibration of the oven.


Chocolate Macarons Metric


10x Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Almond Flour

250 g

8.8 oz




Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

250 g

8.8 oz


63 g

2.2 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Cream of Tartar



Unsweetened Chocolate

50 g

1.8 oz

Red Gel Food Coloring

1 drop

1 drop

Total Weight:

980 g

2 lb 2.6 oz


Granulated Sugar

Procedure: • In a food processor, grind the sugar, flour, and salt until fine. Pass the mixture through a sifter and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Mix the ground flour mixture and the first weight of egg whites until a smooth paste forms. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside. • Melt the chocolate and keep warm, about 120°F (49°C). • Make an Italian meringue with the sugar, water, second weight of egg whites, and tartar. Cook the sugar to 243°F (117°C) and time the sugar with the egg whites so the whites are at medium peaks when the sugar reaches the proper temperature.


• Whisk the meringue until tepid, about 120°F (49°C), then add the warm melted chocolate to the meringue while whipping. Add the food coloring after the chocolate is fully incorporated. • Fold the meringue into the reserved paste in 3 additions, then macaronage the mixture until a ribbon flattens back into the mix in about 10 seconds. • Pipe into rounds about 1¼-inches in diameter on a silicone baking mat. Set aside to air dry for 60 minutes to develop a shell before baking. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) for 11-12 minutes.

Chef’s Notes: • Do not open the oven door during the baking process. Total baking time will be determined based on the size of the macarons and calibration of the oven.


Lemon-Olive Oil Madeleines Ingredients




200 g

7 oz

Whole Milk

100 g

3.5 oz

Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14 oz

Light Brown Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Invert Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz




200 g

7 oz

1.895 kg

4 lb 2.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Olive Oil Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, melt the butter with the milk and zest. Bring to a scald and set aside until warm. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the eggs and sugars until light and thick. • Add the warm butter mixture. • Add the sifted dry ingredients, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually whisk in the oil. • Chill before use. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until the madeleines spring back to the touch. Chef’s Notes: • This recipe yields a moist madeleine that will not dry out as quickly as a traditional madeleine.


Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies Ingredients




371 g

13 oz

Light Brown Sugar

421 g

14.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

82 g

2.9 oz

Invert Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each


1½ t

322 g

11.4 oz

Baking Soda

10 g





Cinnamon (ground)


2¼ t

Rolled Oats

394 g

13.9 oz

Golden Raisins

185 g

6.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.977 kg

4 lb 5.7 oz

Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Combine the sifted dry ingredients with the oats. Add to the egg mixture and mix until streaky. • Fold in the raisins until homogenous. • Bake at 275°F (135°C).


Peanut Butter Cookies Metric



220 g

7.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

220 g

7.8 oz

Peanut Butter

400 g

14 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each



313 g

11 oz

Baking Soda






1.48 kg

3 lb 4.2 oz


Vanilla Extract

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and peanut butter. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC).


Peanut Butter Shortbread Bar Cookies Ingredients



Butter (softened)

522 g

1 lb 2.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

460 g

1 lb 0.2 oz

Peanut Butter (creamy)

155 g

5.5 oz

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g


All-Purpose Flour

368 g

13 oz

Rolled Oats

205 g

7.2 oz



265 g

9.3 oz

2.028 kg

4 lb 7.5 oz


Salted Peanuts (chopped)

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and peanut butter. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Spread the dough evenly onto a parchment-lined half sheet pan. • Sprinkle the top with the chopped peanuts and some additional granulated sugar. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until light golden brown. Chef’s Notes: • Tahini paste can be substituted for the peanut butter and then sprinkled with sesame seeds instead of chopped peanuts.


Pecan Puffs Ingredients



Butter (softened)

454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Vanilla Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Pecans (lightly toasted & finely ground)

560 g

1 lb 3.7 oz

Cake Flour

198 g

7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

198 g

7 oz



1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the ground pecans and mix until combined. • Add the dry ingredients and mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Roll the dough into desired sized balls; chill before baking. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) until lightly browned. • Dust with powdered sugar once out of the oven.


Rugelach Dough Metric


All-Purpose Flour

550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz




Butter ( ½-inch cubes, cold)

450 g

15.9 oz

Cream Cheese (softened)

450 g

15.9 oz

60 g

2.1 oz

1.55 kg

3 lb 6.7 oz

I ngredients

Sour Cream

Total Weight:

Procedure: until the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix together the flour, sugar, salt, and cold butter

• Add the cream cheese and sour cream and continue to mix until a smooth dough is formed. Do not over mix. • Portion the dough as desired and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight.

Chef’s Notes: • To inhibit gluten development, keep all ingredients and mixing bowl as cold as possible. • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Black Olive-Parmesan Sablé Cookies Ingredients



Parmesan Cheese (grated)

535 g

1 lb 2.9 oz

Butter (softened)

375 g

13.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

225 g

8 oz

Cake Flour

225 g

8 oz




Black Pepper (ground)



Herbes de Provence



Oil-Cured Black Olives (minced)

263 g

9.3 oz

Olive Oil

150 g

5.3 oz

1.781 kg

3 lb 14.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the cheese, butter, flours, and seasonings until well blended. • Add the olives and oil and mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. • Roll to ⅜ -inch thick, cut into desired size and place on parchment-lined sheet pans. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until light golden brown and just baked through.

Chef’s Notes: • The dough can be refrigerated for 3 days or frozen up to 2 months.


Sablé Breton Ingredients



Butter (softened)

320 g

11.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

320 g

11.3 oz

Orange Zest

½ each

½ each

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

454 g

1 lb



1.26 kg

2 lb 12.4 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and zests. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the flour and salt and mix just until combined; do not over mix. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) until light golden brown.

Chef’s Notes: • This dough can be chilled, then rolled out to desired thickness and cut with cookies cutters or rolled into logs and cut into coins. • Alternatively, the dough can be piped into molds or rings when freshly made and soft. • The citrus zest is optional and may be eliminated or replaced with vanilla extract or seeds if desired. Similarly, the salt can be adjusted to taste.

In Brittany, they traditionally use semi-salted butter (beurre demi-sel) to make this recipe.


Hazelnut Sablé Cookies Ingredients



Butter (softened)

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Powdered Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Hazelnut Flour

250 g

8.8 oz




Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

1.64 kg

3 lb 9.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, hazelnut flour, and salt. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the all-purpose flour and mix just until combined. • Chill before use. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until light golden brown.


Rosemary-Cornmeal Sablé Cookies Ingredients



Butter (softened)

340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each



Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each


30 g

1 oz



Bread Flour

227 g

8 oz


227 g

8 oz



1.125 kg

2 lb 7.7 oz

Fresh Rosemary (finely chopped)

Vanilla Extract


Total Weight: Yield: fifty 2-inch cookies

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, zest, and rosemary. • Add the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the honey and extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Roll to ¼ -inch thick, cut into desired size and place on parchment-lined sheet pans. • Refrigerate the dough until firm.

• Brush the cookies with egg wash and sprinkle with granulated sugar before baking. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until light golden brown.


Scandinavian Butter Cookies Ingredients



Almond Paste

340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

170 g

6 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Whites

60 g

2 each

Vanilla Extract






Butter (softened)

340 g

12 oz

Cake Flour

340 g

12 oz

All-Purpose Flour

120 g

4.2 oz

1.478 kg

3 lb 4.1 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: one hundred 1½-inch cookies

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the almond paste and sugar until crumbly. • Add ½ the egg mixture in 3 additions to the almond paste mixture, mixing well between each • In a separate bowl, whisk the whole eggs, egg whites, extract, and salt. addition, scraping down the bowl as necessary.

• Beat in the other ½ of the egg mixture, followed by the sifted flours. Mix just until combined, • When the mixture forms a smooth consistency, beat in the butter until the mixture is light. scraping down the bowl as necessary.

• Pipe out rosettes, or other desired shape with a star tip. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the edges are golden brown. Chef’s Notes: • Refrigerate the piped cookies until firm before baking; this helps to retain the definition of the cookies and minimize spreading.


Snickerdoodle Cookies Ingredients




340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

440 g

15.5 oz

Invert Sugar

45 g

1.6 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

All-Purpose Flour

625 g

1 lb 6 oz

Cream of Tartar

15 g

0.5 oz

Baking Soda


1½ t




1.7 kg

3 lb 12 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Chill before use. • Roll the dough into desired sized balls and toss each ball in cinnamon sugar before baking. • Bake at 275°F (135°C).


Chai Spiced Snickerdoodle Bars Ingredients



833 g

1 lb 13.4 oz

Cream of Tartar

18 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda

10 g





Loose Black Tea

15 g

0.5 oz

Cinnamon (ground)

15 g

0.5 oz

Ginger (ground)



Cardamom (ground)



Allspice (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Black Pepper (ground)

1/ 8

1/ 8

All-Purpose Flour




454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

390 g

13.7 oz

Light Brown Sugar

200 g

7 oz

60 g

2.1 oz

200 g

4 each


1½ t

2.225 kg

4 lb 14.5 oz


Whole Eggs Vanilla Extract

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan


Procedure: • In a food processor, grind all of the dry ingredients until the tea is just spotted throughout. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and honey. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Spread the dough evenly onto a parchment-lined half sheet pan. • Sprinkle the top with the chai spiced sugar recipe. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean, or with a few crumbs.

Chai Spiced Sugar Recipe Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

1.05 kg

2 lb 5 oz

Cinnamon (ground)

60 g

2.1 oz

Ginger (ground)

45 g

1.6 oz

Cardamom (ground)

30 g

1 oz

Allspice (ground)

15 g

0.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.2 kg

2 lb 10.3 oz


Speculoos Ingredients




227 g

8 oz

Light Brown Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Graham Cracker Crumbs

114 g

4 oz

Whole Milk

121 g

4.3 oz


84 g

3 oz

All-Purpose Flour

681 g

1 lb 8 oz




Baking Powder

10 g


Baking Soda

10 g


Cinnamon (ground)

14 g


Nutmeg (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Almonds (sliced)

128 g

4.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.857 kg

4 lb 1.5 oz

Yield: one half sheet pan

Speculoos are also known as Belgian spice cookies.


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and graham cracker crumbs. • Whisk the milk and honey to dissolve. • Alternately add the sifted dry and wet ingredients to the butter mixture. • Mix in the sliced almonds. • Cut the chilled dough into 3-inch wide strips and cut each strip into ¼ -inch slices. • Flatten the dough evenly onto a half sheet pan and refrigerate until cold and firm. • Place the slices flat onto a sheet pan.

• Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the edges are browned. Chef’s Notes: • Dried cake crumbs can be substituted for graham cracker crumbs. • Alternatively, you can roll the dough in between 2 pieces of parchment paper or silicone baking mats to ¼ -inch thick, chill the dough, then cut into desired shapes.


Sugar Cookies Ingredients



454 g

1 lb

Baking Powder


1½ t




Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Whole Milk

60 g

2 oz


1½ t

1.15 kg

2 lb 8.5 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Vanilla Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately add the dry and wet ingredients, starting and ending with the dry. • Chill before use. • Roll to desired thickness and portion with a cookie cutter. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC).

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe is ideal for holiday cookies and flooding applications.


Vanilla Crescents Metric



454 g

1 lb

Powdered Sugar

165 g

5.8 oz

Vanilla Beans (seeds)

6 each

6 each

Almond Flour

206 g

7.3 oz

All-Purpose Flour

578 g

1 lb 4.4 oz



1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, vanilla bean seeds, and almond flour. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Chill before shaping. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the edges are browned. • Toss the cookies in vanilla sugar while still warm from the oven.


Apple Paper Tuiles Ingredients



520 g

1 lb 2.3 oz


64 g

2.3 oz

Apple Brandy

64 g

2.3 oz

Cake Flour

128 g

4.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

128 g

4.5 oz

Apple Puree

1/ 8

Citric Acid


905 g

Total Weight:

1/ 8


1 lb 15.9 oz

Procedure: • Combine all of the ingredients over a water bath and blend using an immersion blender until smooth. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread very thinly on a silicone baking mat lightly sprayed with pan spray. • Bake at 275°F (135°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Chocolate Tuiles Ingredients



Egg Whites

454 g

15 each

Powdered Sugar

370 g

13 oz



240 g

8.5 oz

Cocoa Powder

60 g

2.1 oz

Butter (melted)

454 g

1 lb

Total Weight:

1.574 kg

3 lb 7.5 oz


All-Purpose Flour

Procedure: • Combine the egg whites, sugar, and salt in a bowl of a mixer. Whisk over a flame or water bath until warm, 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, add the sifted flour and cocoa powder to the warmed egg white mixture. Whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually whisk in the warm butter until homogenous. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 350°F (177°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Chocolate Crystalline Tuiles Ingredients



Powdered Sugar

454 g

1 lb

Cake Flour

145 g

5.1 oz

Cocoa Powder

45 g

1.6 oz




Orange Juice

182 g

6.4 oz

Butter (melted)

182 g

6.4 oz

Total Weight:

1.01 kg

2 lb 3.6 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sifted dry ingredients. • Add the juice and mix to combine, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Whisk in the melted butter in 3 additions until smooth. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 350°F (177°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Chocolate Lace Tuiles Ingredients



Butter (melted)

400 g

14.1 oz

Dark Brown Sugar

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Dark Corn Syrup

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz



All-Purpose Flour

450 g

15.9 oz

Dark Chocolate (melted)

240 g

8.5 oz

Cocoa Nibs (optional)

160 g

5.6 oz

2.23 kg

4 lb 14.7 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whisk the sugar, corn syrup, and salt into the melted butter. • Whisk in the sifted flour until smooth. • Add the melted chocolate and whisk to combine. • Stir in the cocoa nibs if desired. • Chill before use. • Roll into desired sized balls and place on a silicone baking mat. Lightly flatten each ball with the palm of your hand. • Bake at 350°F (177°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Chocolate Pastry Cream Tuiles Ingredients



Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Hazelnut Oil

100 g

3.5 oz

All-Purpose Flour

80 g

2.8 oz


40 g

1.4 oz




Whole Eggs

350 g

7 each

Chocolate (64%)

400 g

14.1 oz

Total Weight:

1.47 kg

3 lb 3.8 oz

Procedure: • Bring the milk and oil to a boil. • Meanwhile, sift the dry ingredients. Whisk in the eggs until light and smooth. • When the milk comes to a boil, temper ⅓ of the hot milk into the egg mixture. • Combine the egg / milk mixture with the rest of the hot milk in the saucepan and boil for 2 minutes while whisking continuously. • Off the heat, whisk the chocolate into the pastry cream until smooth. • Cool down the pastry cream immediately. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 350°F (177ºC). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Coconut Tuiles Metric


Powdered Sugar (sifted)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

Desiccated Coconut

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

½ each

½ each

Butter (melted)

100 g

3.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Orange Zest

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the sifted sugar, eggs, coconut, and zest until smooth. • Gradually whisk in the warm butter until homogenous. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 300°F (149°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Fruit Tuiles Ingredients



Butter (softened)

240 g

8.5 oz

Powdered Sugar

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Fruit Puree

300 g

10.6 oz

All-Purpose Flour

150 g

5.3 oz



1.29 kg

2 lb 13.5 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar. • Alternately add the puree and sifted dry ingredients, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 300°F (149°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.

Chef’s Notes: • Food coloring may be added to the batter as desired depending upon the fruit puree used. • It is best to bake the tuiles at a lower temperature to preserve the color.


Honey Whole Wheat Tuiles Ingredients



Butter (softened)

288 g

10.2 oz

Powdered Sugar

384 g

13.5 oz


288 g

10.2 oz

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Whole Wheat Flour

384 g

13.5 oz

Ginger (ground)

20 g

0.7 oz




1.545 kg

3 lb 6.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and honey. • Add the egg whites in 3 additions and mix until incorporated, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until smooth. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 325°F (163°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Lace Tuiles Metric



454 g

1 lb

Dark Brown Sugar

482 g

1 lb 1 oz

Light Corn Syrup

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

All-Purpose Flour

454 g

1 lb



1.89 kg

4 lb 2.7 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the butter in a saucepan. Whisk the sugar and corn syrup into the melted butter and bring to a boil. • Whisk in the sifted dry ingredients and bring back to a boil. • Chill before use. • Roll into desired sized balls and place on a silicone baking mat. Lightly flatten each ball with the palm of your hand. • Bake at 350°F (177°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Orange Tuiles Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

227 g

8 oz

Almond Flour

227 g

8 oz



Orange Juice

363 g

12.8 oz

Butter (melted)

227 g

8 oz

Total Weight:

1.644 kg

3 lb 10 oz


Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients. • Whisk the juice into the sifted dry ingredients until smooth. • Gradually add the melted butter in 3 additions, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 325°F (163°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Pumpkin Tuiles Ingredients



Pumpkin Puree

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Powdered Sugar (sifted)

20 g

0.7 oz

Light Corn Syrup

30 g

1 oz


1/ 8

1/ 8


550 g

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whisk all of the ingredients together until smooth. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 200°F (93°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.

Chef’s Notes: • Sweet potato puree may be substituted for pumpkin puree. • Spices may be added to the batter as desired.



1 lb 3.4 oz

Sesame Tuiles Metric


Whole Milk

105 g

3.7 oz


293 g

10.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

293 g

10.3 oz

Glucose Syrup

105 g

3.7 oz



Sesame Seeds

504 g

1 lb 1.8 oz

Total Weight:

1.3 kg

2 lb 13.9 oz



Procedure: • Melt the milk, butter, sugar, glucose, and salt together. • Stir in the sesame seeds. • Chill before use. • Roll into desired sized balls and place on a silicone baking mat. Lightly flatten each ball with the palm of your hand. • Bake at 350°F (177°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.


Vanilla Tuiles Ingredients



Egg Whites

454 g

15 each

Powdered Sugar

370 g

13 oz



All-Purpose Flour

300 g

10.5 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Butter (melted)

454 g

1 lb

Total Weight:

1.574 kg

3 lb 7.5 oz


Procedure: • Combine the egg whites, sugar, and salt in a bowl of a mixer. Whisk over a flame or water bath until warm, 110°F (43°C). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, add the sifted flour and vanilla bean seeds to the egg white mixture. Whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually whisk in the warm butter until homogenous. • Chill before use. • Using a template, spread thinly on a silicone baking mat. • Bake at 325°F (163°C). • Shape as desired and store in airtight containers.




Sauces 352

Caramel Gastrique


Caramel Sauce, Classic


Caramel Sauce, Crêpe Suzette


Caramel Sauce, Vanilla Bourbon


Chocolate Fondue


Chocolate Sauce


Chocolate Sauce, Shiny


Clear Vanilla Sauce


Crème Anglaise, Malt


Crème Anglaise Sous-Vide Method


Hot Fudge Sauce


Lemon-Basil Sauce


Mandarin-Lime Sauce


Orange-Saffron Sauce


Raspberry Sauce


Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce


Toffee Sauce


Sabayons Apple Cider Sabayon


Champagne Sabayon


Coffee Sabayon Cream


Dessert Wine Sabayon


Ginger-Sake Sabayon


Port Wine Sabayon


Rum Sabayon


Syrups and Poaching Liquids Poaching Liquid, Port-Cassis


Poaching Liquid, Spiced


Syrup, Four Spice


Syrup, Red Wine Reduction



Sauces & Poaching Liquids

Apple Cider Sauce

Apple Cider Sauce Ingredients



Apple Cider

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Cinnamon Sticks

2 each

2 each

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

130 g

4.6 oz

Apple Brandy

10 g


Xanthan Gum

10 g


1.15 kg

2 lb 8.6 oz

Reduced Apple Cider Granulated Sugar

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, reduce the cider, vanilla bean, and cinnamon sticks by ⅓. • Bring the reduced apple cider and sugar to a boil to dissolve the sugar. • Strain and chill until cold. • Place the cider mixture and brandy in a blender. With the blender on low speed, sprinkle in the xanthan gum then blend on high speed for 2 minutes. • Remove the bubbles in the sauce using a vacuum packaging machine.


Caramel Gastrique Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Water (cold)

160 g

5.6 oz

Raspberry Vinegar

240 g

8.5 oz

Champagne Vinegar

240 g

8.5 oz




Black Pepper



Butter (cold & cubed)

340 g

12 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Make a caramel with the sugar and water. • Separately, warm the vinegars while the caramel is cooking. • Reduce the mixture by ½.

• Deglaze the caramel with the warm vinegars, salt, and pepper.

• Emulsify the reduction with the cold butter. • Serve warm.

Chef’s Notes: • The final consistency of the gastrique will be dependent upon how much the mixture reduced.


Classic Caramel Sauce Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

920 g

2 lb 0.4 oz


300 g

10.6 oz

Corn Syrup

150 g

5.3 oz

Heavy Cream

475 g

1 lb 0.8 oz


227 g

8 oz




Vanilla Extract



1.8 kg

3 lb 15.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make an amber caramel with the sugar, water, and corn syrup. • Meanwhile, heat the cream, butter, and salt until the butter melts. • Whisk the cream/butter mixture into the caramel in several additions until emulsified, followed by the extract.

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe makes a classic caramel sauce with a subtle buttery flavor rounded out with hints of salt and vanilla. Serve at room temperature or warm.


Crêpe Suzette Caramel Sauce Metric


Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Orange Juice

908 g

2 lb

Orange Liqueur

100 g

3.5 oz

Butter (cubed)

908 g

2 lb

2.166 kg

4 lb 12.4 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make a medium-amber caramel with the sugar. • Deglaze the caramel with the juice, followed by the liqueur. • Emulsify the butter into the caramel sauce with an immersion blender until homogenous. Chef’s Notes: • This sauce is meant to be reduced with the crepes à la minute until nappe.


Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

690 g

1 lb 8.3 oz


227 g

8 oz

Heavy Cream

395 g

13.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each





75 g

2.6 oz

1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make an amber caramel with the sugar and water. • Meanwhile, bring the cream, vanilla bean, and salt to a scald. • Deglaze the caramel with the hot vanilla cream and whisk until emulsified. • Whisk in the bourbon. • Strain the caramel sauce through a fine-mesh strainer.

Chef’s Notes: • This sauce is wonderful served over ice cream, cakes, and fresh or cooked fruit. Use at room temperature or warm.


Chocolate Fondue Ingredients Chocolate (58-66%) Corn Syrup

Heavy Cream Salt

Butter (softened)

Total Weight:



908 g

2 lb

38 g

1.3 oz

940 g

1 qt



227 g

8 oz

2.116 kg

4 lb 10.6 oz

Procedure: • Combine the chocolate and corn syrup in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Bring the cream and salt to a boil. Pour the hot cream over the chocolate, allow to stand for 2 minutes, then emulsify until smooth. • Whisk in the softened butter.

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe is great served over profiteroles or used as a warm dipping sauce.


Chocolate Sauce Ingredients




600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Glucose Syrup

100 g

3.5 oz




Cocoa Powder

95 g

3.4 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Chocolate (58-72%)

300 g

10.6 oz

1.895 kg

4 lb 2.8 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, glucose syrup, and salt to a boil. Whisk in the cocoa powder and simmer for 5 minutes. • Make a ganache with the cream and chocolate. Whisk the ganache and sugar/syrup mixture together until smooth. • Strain the chocolate sauce through a fine-mesh strainer.

This is a dark and flavorful chocolate sauce that is meant to be used cold.


Shiny Chocolate Sauce Ingredients




1.25 kg

2 lb 12 oz

Granulated Sugar

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Cocoa Powder

375 g

13.2 oz



Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz


Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, cocoa powder, and salt to a boil. • Add the cream and reduce on medium-low heat by approximately ⅓, whisking periodically to prevent scalding on the bottom of the pot.

Chef’s Notes: • This chocolate sauce is dark and shiny like a beautiful piece of patent leather. Use at room temperature or warm.


Clear Vanilla Sauce Metric


1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)

6 each

6 each

10 g


1.25 kg

2 lb 12 oz

Ingredients Water

Xanthan Gum

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In saucepan, bring the water, sugar, and vanilla beans to a boil. Set aside to infuse until room temperature. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Place the vanilla syrup in a blender. With the blender on low speed, sprinkle in the xanthan gum then blend on high speed for 2 minutes. • Cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath. • Remove the bubbles in the sauce using a vacuum packaging machine.


Malt Crème Anglaise Ingredients



Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Malt Powder

125 g

4.4 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

150 g

5.3 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

1/ 8



1.475 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 4 oz

• In a saucepan, bring the milk, cream, malt powder, and ½ of the sugar to a boil. Meanwhile, Procedure:

whisk the egg yolks, the other ½ of the sugar, and salt until light and thick.

• Temper about ⅓ of the hot milk mixture into the yolk mixture.

• Return everything to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat, stirring continuously, until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. • Strain the crème anglaise through a fine-mesh strainer. • Chill immediately and keep refrigerated.

Chef’s Notes: • Crème anglaise has a shelf-life up to 3 days.


Crème Anglaise Sous-Vide Method Ingredients



Whole Milk

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

180 g

6.4 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each



1.38 kg

3 lb 0.7 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Puree all of the ingredients together in a blender until smooth and chill until cold. • Seal the mixture in vacuum bags. • Cook the vacuum packed crème anglaise in a covered water bath using an immersion circulator set to 180°F (82°C). • Cook the bags for 15 minutes for ice cream base or 25 minutes for sauce. • Remove the bags and shake them a few times to emulsify the mixture. • Cool the crème anglaise down immediately over an ice bath. • Refrigerate until ready to use.

Chef’s Notes: • Make sure the water bath has reached 180ºF (82°C) before adding the vacuum bags. The water temperature will drop when the bags are added. Let the temperature rise back to 180ºF (82°C) before setting the timer. • Crème anglaise has a shelf-life up to 3 days.


Hot Fudge Sauce Metric



732 g

1 lb 9.8 oz

Heavy Cream

62 g

2.2 oz


62 g

2.2 oz

Glucose Syrup

58 g

3.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

530 g

1 lb 2.7 oz

Cocoa Powder

148 g

5.2 oz




Vanilla Extract




Yield: approximately 1 kg (2 lb 3.3 oz)

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, cream, butter, and glucose to a simmer. • Sift together the sugar, cocoa powder, and salt. When the water mixture begins to simmer, whisk in the dry ingredients and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer, stirring often to avoid scorching. • Simmer until reduced by ½ to ⅔ depending on desired consistency. • Stir in the extract. Chef’s Notes: • Hot fudge sauce can be made ahead, refrigerated, and reheated as needed. Be sure to use a high quality Dutch processed cocoa powder for best results.

This hot fudge sauce is super rich and delicious. You’ll always want to keep some on hand for topping ice cream, semifreddos, and cake.


Lemon-Basil Sauce Metric


Granulated Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz

Basil Leaves

40 g

1.4 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each


150 g

5.3 oz

Lemon Juice

150 g

5.3 oz

Butter (cubed)

120 g

4.2 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Total Weight:

740 g

1 lb 10.1 oz

I ngredients

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, juice, butter, and ½ of the lemon-basil sugar to a boil.

• In a food processor, grind the sugar, basil leaves, and zest until well blended and fragrant.

• Whisk the eggs and remaining lemon-basil sugar until light. • Temper the hot liquid into the egg mixture.

• Return everything to the saucepan and cook on medium-low heat, stirring continuously, until thickened. • Strain the sauce through a fine-mesh strainer. • Chill immediately and keep refrigerated.


Mandarin-Lime Sauce Ingredients



Mandarin Orange Puree (10% Sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Apricot Puree (10% Sugar)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

188 g

6.6 oz

Lime Zest

½ each

½ each

Lime Juice

10 g


Ginger Juice



1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, whisk the purees along with the sugar and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce until thickened to desired consistency, stirring periodically. • Whisk in the zest and cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath. • Stir in the juices.


Orange-Saffron Sauce Ingredients



Orange Juice

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz




Orange Juice-Saffron Reduction

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

175 g

6.2 oz

Xanthan Gum

12 g

0.4 oz

1.187 kg

2 lb 9.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In saucepan, reduce the juice and saffron by ⅓. • Bring the reduced juice and sugar to a boil to dissolve the sugar. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath. • Place the chilled juice mixture in a blender. With the blender on low speed, sprinkle in the xanthan gum then blend on high speed for 2 minutes. • Remove the bubbles in the sauce using a vacuum packaging machine.


Raspberry Sauce Metric


Raspberry Puree

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Powdered Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Lemon or Lime Juice

20 g

0.7 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Procedure: • In a saucepan, whisk the puree and sugar together and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce until thickened to desired consistency, stirring periodically. • Cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath. • Stir in the lemon or lime juice to taste.

Chef’s Notes: • This base recipe can be used for other fruit purees with a similar sugar density. Simply adjust the sugar and acidity to taste.


Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce Ingredients



Strawberry Puree

270 g

9.5 oz

Passion Fruit Puree

330 g

11.6 oz

Apricot Puree

130 g

4.6 oz

Banana Puree

130 g

4.6 oz

Lime Juice

130 g

4.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, whisk all of the ingredients together and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce until thickened to desired consistency, stirring periodically. • Cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath.


Toffee Sauce Ingredients



Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

510 g

1 lb 2 oz

Butter (cubed)

170 g

6 oz


100 g

3.5 oz




Dark Rum or Bourbon

15 g

0.5 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, butter, water, and salt to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce until thickened to desired consistency, stirring periodically. • Cool the sauce down immediately over an ice bath and stir in the rum or bourbon.


Apple Cider Sabayon Ingredients



Heavy Cream

120 g

4.2 oz

Egg Yolks

160 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Apple Cider

250 g

8.8 oz

60 g

2.1 oz

690 g

1 lb 8.3 oz

Apple Brandy

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, cider, and brandy over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Fold the whipped cream into the sabayon.


Champagne Sabayon Ingredients



Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

1/ 8



1/ 8



200 g

7 oz

Total Weight:

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, salt, and champagne over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Fold the whipped cream into the sabayon.


Coffee Sabayon Cream Ingredients



Gelatin Sheet

2.5 g

1 each

Water (cold)

13 g

0.5 oz

Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz


88 g

3 oz

Coffee Liquor

88 g

3 oz

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

15 g


1.151 kg

2 lb 8.6 oz

Crème Anglaise Coffee Extract

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water. The gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, coffee, and liquor over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the bloomed and drained gelatin into the hot sabayon to dissolve. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until about 65°F (18°C). • Fold the crème anglaise and extract into the sabayon, followed by the whipped cream.


Dessert Wine Sabayon Ingredients



Heavy Cream

345 g

12.2 oz

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz

Dessert Wine

300 g

10.6 oz

1.035 kg

2 lb 4.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, and wine over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Fold the whipped cream into the sabayon.

Chef’s Notes: • Any kind of dessert wine can be used for this recipe. Wines like Riesling, Sauternes, or Muscat work especially well because they have a concentrated flavor.


Ginger- Sake Sabayon Ingredients



360 g

12.7 oz

90 g

3.2 oz

Egg Yolks

320 g

16 each

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Lime Juice

120 g

4.2 oz

Heavy Cream

220 g

7.8 oz

1.31 kg

2 lb 14.2 oz

Sake Fresh Ginger

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Peel and slice the ginger into thin medallions. Infuse the medallions with the sake overnight in the refrigerator. • Whisk the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until pale. • Whisk the egg yolks and sugar mixture over a water bath, adding the juice and strained ginger infused sake a little at a time. Cook the sabayon over the water bath, whisking continuously, until thickened. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Whip the cream to soft peaks and fold into the cooled sabayon.


Port Wine Sabayon Ingredients



Heavy Cream

240 g

8.5 oz

Port Wine

320 g

11.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Cinnamon Sticks

2 each

2 each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each

Total Weight:

980 g

2 lb 2.6 oz

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Bring the wine, sugar, cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean, and zest to a boil. Set aside to infuse for 30 minutes. • Strain the infused wine mixture. • Whisk the mixture and egg yolks over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Fold the whipped cream into the sabayon.


Rum Sabayon Ingredients



Heavy Cream

240 g

8.5 oz

Dark or Spiced Rum

320 g

11.3 oz

Egg Yolks

240 g

12 each

Granulated Sugar

140 g

5 oz

Light Brown Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz


1/ 8


980 g

Total Weight:

1/ 8


2 lb 2.6 oz

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks and set aside in the refrigerator. • Whisk the rum, egg yolks, sugars, and salt over a water bath until thickened and a ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Fold the whipped cream into the sabayon.


Port-Cassis Poaching Liquid Ingredients




1.17 kg

2 lb 9.3 oz

Cassis Puree

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Port Wine

375 g

13.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

415 g

14.6 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

2.46 kg

5 lb 6.8 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, puree, wine, sugar, and vanilla bean to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and add prepared fruit of choice. Keep covered with parchment paper until a paring knife inserted into the fruit yields little to no resistance.

Chef’s Notes: • Strain the poaching liquid through a fine-mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth without pressing on the solids for a delicious, nearly translucent, and deep burgundy colored liquid.


Spiced Poaching Liquid Ingredients



2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

350 g

12.2 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each

15 g

0.5 oz


5 each

5 each

Star Anise

2 each

2 each

Cinnamon Stick

1 each

1 each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

2.35 kg

5 lb 2.9 oz


Fresh Ginger (peeled & sliced)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, juice, and spices to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and add prepared fruit of choice. Keep covered with parchment paper until a paring knife inserted into the fruit yields little to no resistance.


Four Spice Syrup Ingredients




454 g

1 lb

Light Brown Sugar

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Orange Juice

245 g

8.6 oz

Passion Fruit Juice

120 g

4.2 oz

Fresh Ginger (peeled & grated)

50 g

1.8 oz

Cinnamon Sticks

1 ½ each

1 ½ each

Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)

1 ½ each

1 ½ each

Whole Nutmeg (crushed)

1 ½ each

1 ½ each

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, whisk all of the ingredients together and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce by ⅓, or until desired consistency is reached. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer and chill.


Red Wine Reduction Ingredients



Red Wine

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Ruby Port

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Cloves

6 each

6 each

Cinnamon Sticks

3 each

3 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Bay Leaf

1 each

1 each

Total Weight:

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring all of the ingredients to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce slowly by ⅔, or until desired consistency is reached. • Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Chill over an ice bath.



Bonbon Ganache Fillings

Truffle Ganache Fillings


Classic Chocolate






Caramel-Milk Chocolate




Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut












Milk Chocolate Banana


Milk Chocolate-Lemon


Almond Toffee


Milk Chocolate-Raspberry


Candied Apple Caramel




Caramelized Nuts


Passion Fruit


Famous Mignano Bar








Nougat de Montelimar


Sweet Potato-Caramel


Pâte de Fruit Key


Tea Infused


Peanut Brittle




Sesame-Ginger Brittle


Valrhona Azelia-Praliné


Soft Apple Cider Caramels




Soft Chocolate Caramels


Spiced Candied Peanuts


Feuilletines Dark Chocolate Praline


Milk Chocolate Praline


Peanut Butter


Pistachio-White Chocolate


Praline with Cocoa Nibs


Other Confections


C ho co l ate s & C o n fe c tion s



Bacon-Maple Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Smoked Bacon

175 g

6.2 oz

Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

Whole Milk

50 g

1.8 oz

Smoked Sea Salt



Black Pepper (ground)

1/ 8

1/ 8



Pure Maple Syrup

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Milk Chocolate

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Cocoa Butter

50 g

1.8 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

1.35 kg

2 lb 15.6 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Cut the bacon into lardons and render in a saucepan over medium-low heat. • Whisk the cream and milk into the rendered bacon and fat in several additions and bring to a rapid boil. Set aside to infuse for one hour. Season with the salt and pepper. • In a deep saucepan, bring the maple syrup to a boil and cook to 250°F (121°C). • Stream the bacon-infused cream mixture into the cooked maple syrup while whisking. Bring the mixture back to a boil while whisking continuously. • Combine the chocolate, cocoa butter, and honey in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. Strain the hot bacon-maple cream over the chocolate mixture. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Caramel-Ginger Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

330 g

11.6 oz

Fresh Ginger (small dice)

70 g

2.5 oz




Granulated Sugar

135 g

4.7 oz


40 g

1.4 oz

465 g

1 lb 0.5 oz

Cocoa Butter (melted)

20 g

0.7 oz

Invert Sugar

17 g

0.6 oz

Butter (softened)

33 g

1.2 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

White Chocolate

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, ginger, and salt to a boil; cover and set aside. • Make a deep amber caramel with the sugar and water. • Deglaze the caramel with the hot ginger cream, then cook until all of the caramel is dissolved. • Melt the cocoa butter and combine with the chocolate and invert sugar. • Strain the hot caramel cream over the chocolate mixture. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Caramel-Milk Chocolate Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

327 g

11.5 oz

Heavy Cream

327 g

11.5 oz



327 g

11.5 oz

Invert Sugar

16 g

0.6 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Valrhona Tanariva (33%)

Procedure: • Make a deep amber caramel with the sugar. • In a saucepan, bring the cream and salt to a boil. Deglaze the caramel with the hot cream, then cook until all of the caramel is dissolved. • Combine the chocolate and invert sugar in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Strain the hot caramel cream over the chocolate mixture. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

330 g

11.6 oz


126 g

4.4 oz

Glucose Syrup

164 g

5.8 oz

Heavy Cream

297 g

10.5 oz

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

57 g

2 oz




Pine Nuts (toasted & chopped)

152 g

5.4 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Make an amber caramel with the sugar, water, and glucose. • In a saucepan, warm the cream, olive oil, and salt to 149°F (65°C). Deglaze the caramel with the warm cream, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the nuts. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Cherry-Vanilla Bonbon Ganache Metric


460 g

1 lb 0.2 oz

Cocoa Butter

42 g

1.5 oz

Heavy Cream

139 g

4.9 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

21 g

0.7 oz

Sour Cherry Puree (185°F/85°C)

210 g

7.4 oz

Butter (softened)

33 g

1.2 oz


33 g

1.2 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Ingredients White Chocolate

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and cocoa butter in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream and vanilla to a boil. Add the zest and let infuse for 30 minutes. • Make a crème anglaise with the infused cream, egg yolks, and sugar. • Add the puree to the crème anglaise. Strain over the melted chocolate and cocoa butter, then emulsify until smooth. • Let cool slightly, then stir in the softened butter, followed by the kirschwasser. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

215 g

7.6 oz

31 g

1.1 oz

Raspberry Puree

185 g

6.5 oz

Valrhona Manjari (64%)

461 g

1 lb 0.3 oz

Butter (softened)

108 g

3.8 oz

Invert Sugar

Citric Acid

1/ 8

Total Weight:

1 kg


1/ 8


2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream and sugar to a boil. • In another saucepan, bring the puree to a boil. • Place the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Pour the hot cream over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then begin to emulsify, add the hot puree, and finish emulsifying until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter and citric acid. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Coconut Bonbon Ganache Metric


556 g

1 lb 3.6 oz

20 g

0.7 oz

322 g

11.4 oz

Heavy Cream

30 g

1 oz

Coconut (toasted)

72 g

2.5 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Ingredients White Chocolate Cocoa Butter

Coconut Puree

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and cocoa butter in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the puree and cream to a boil. • Pour the hot puree mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the toasted coconut. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Espresso Bonbon Ganache Metric


Chocolate (58-64%)

303 g

10.7 oz

Milk Chocolate

150 g

5.3 oz

Espresso Beans

125 g

4.4 oz

Heavy Cream

477 g

1 lb 0.8 oz

Butter (softened)

20 g

0.7 oz

Coffee Liqueur

50 g

1.8 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Procedure: • Combine the chocolates in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe; set aside. • Dry-roast the espresso beans in a sauté pan over medium heat until aromatic, then coarsely crush the beans. • In a saucepan, bring the cream and crushed espresso beans to a boil; set aside to infuse for 30-60 minutes. • Strain the infused cream through a fine-mesh strainer, then rescale to the original weight. • Bring the infused cream back to a boil, then pour over the chocolates. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the liqueur. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Lime Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



492 g

1 lb 1.4 oz

Invert Sugar

35 g

1.2 oz

Heavy Cream

107 g

3.8 oz

Lime Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

205 g

7.2 oz

Butter (softened)

35 g

1.2 oz


26 g

0.9 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

White Chocolate

Lime Juice

Procedure: • Combine the chocolate and invert sugar in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil. Add the zest and let infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. • Make a crème anglaise with the lime infused cream, egg yolks, and granulated sugar. • Heat the juice to 165°F (74°C) and add it to the crème anglaise. • Pour the warm crème anglaise mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the rum. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Milk Chocolate-Banana Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Milk Chocolate (40%)

540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Banana Puree

270 g

9.5 oz

Invert Sugar

72 g

2.5 oz

Butter (softened)

90 g

3.2 oz

Banana Liqueur

28 g

1 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the puree and sugar to a boil. • Pour the hot puree mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the liqueur. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Milk Chocolate-Lemon Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

95 g

3.4 oz

Lemon Juice

190 g

6.7 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Invert Sugar

24 g

0.8 oz

Milk Chocolate (40%)

616 g

1 lb 5.7 oz

Butter (softened)

47 g

1.7 oz

Gin or Lemon Vodka

28 g

1 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, juice, zest, and sugar to a boil. • Place the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Strain the hot mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the alcohol. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Milk Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Milk Chocolate (40%)

540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Raspberry Puree

270 g

9.5 oz

Invert Sugar

72 g

2.5 oz

Butter (softened)

90 g

3.2 oz

Raspberry Liqueur

28 g

1 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the puree and sugar to a boil. • Pour the hot puree mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the liqueur. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Mint Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

250 g

8.8 oz

Mint Leaves

35 g

1.2 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

White Chocolate

590 g

1 lb 4.8 oz

Butter (softened)

64 g

2.3 oz

Mint Liqueur

28 g

1 oz

Mint Paste

18 g

0.6 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream and mint leaves to a boil; set aside to infuse. • Strain the infused cream through a fine-mesh strainer, then rescale to the original weight. • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the infused cream and sugar to a boil and pour over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the liqueur and paste. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Passion Fruit Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

129 g

4.6 oz

Passion Fruit Puree (10% sugar)

200 g

7 oz

Invert Sugar

32 g

1.1 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Yolks

60 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz

Milk Chocolate

437 g

15.4 oz

Butter (softened)

32 g

1.1 oz

Cocoa Butter (melted)

40 g

1.4 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Make a crème anglaise with the cream, puree, sugars, zest, and egg yolks. • Place the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Strain the mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the melted cocoa butter. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Pistachio Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



White Chocolate

532 g

1 lb 2.8 oz

Heavy Cream

254 g

9 oz

Pistachio Paste

67 g

2.4 oz

Invert Sugar

28 g

1 oz




Butter (softened)

119 g

4.2 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, paste, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Pour the hot mixture over the melted chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Spice Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Milk Chocolate

567 g

1 lb 4 oz

Heavy Cream

333 g

11.7 oz

43 g

1.5 oz

Whole Cloves

3 each

3 each

Cinnamon Sticks

2 each

2 each

Whole Allspice

2 each

2 each

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Fresh Ginger (peeled & chopped)

1/ 8



1/ 8


Butter (softened)

100 g

3.5 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Place the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream and spices to a boil; set aside to infuse for 30 minutes. • Bring the spice infused cream back to a boil, then strain over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Sweet Potato-Caramel Bonbon Ganache Metric


Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz


30 g

1 oz

Glucose Syrup

60 g

2 oz

Heavy Cream (hot)

200 g

7 oz

Sweet Potato Puree

100 g

3.5 oz

Ginger (ground)



Cinnamon (ground)




1/ 8

1/ 8


Milk Chocolate



500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Make a deep amber caramel with the sugar, water, and glucose. • Deglaze the caramel with the hot cream. Add the puree, spices, and salt. • In a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil while whisking continuously. • Pour the hot mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. If necessary, place over a water bath not exceeding 93°F (34°C) to melt the chocolate. • Add the bourbon and mix until homogenous. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Tea Infused Chocolate Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

450 g

15.9 oz

Loose Tea

20 g

0.7 oz

Invert Sugar

74 g

2.6 oz

423 g

14.9 oz

Butter (softened)

53 g

1.9 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Valrhona Manjari (64%)

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil. Add the tea and set aside to infuse for approximately 5-10 minutes or until desired strength is achieved. • Strain the infused cream through a fine-mesh strainer, then rescale to the original weight. • Bring back to a boil with the sugar and pour over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.

Chef’s Notes: • Teas like Masala Chai, Earl Grey, Ceylon, Assam, Darjeeling, Oolong, and Jasmine pair well with with bittersweet chocolate. • The amount of tea used in this recipe is a guideline only; adjust the quantity depending on the kind of tea being used and your taste.


Tequila-Lime Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



White Chocolate

715 g

1 lb 9.2 oz

Heavy Cream

179 g

6.3 oz

2 each

2 each

Lime Zest

1/ 8



1/ 8



107 g

3.8 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, zest, and salt to a boil; set aside to infuse for 30 minutes. • Bring back to a boil and strain over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the tequila. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Valrhona Azélia-Praliné Bonbon Ganache Metric


Valrhona Azélia (35%)

300 g

10.6 oz

Valrhona Hazelnut Praliné (60%)

290 g

10.2 oz

Heavy Cream

300 g

10.6 oz


85 g

3 oz

Invert Sugar

28 g

1 oz




Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


Procedure: • Combine the chocolate and praline in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, honey, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and praline. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.

Azélia is the perfect harmony between chocolate, milk, and hazelnuts. Valrhona 60% Hazelnut Praliné paste is delicately sweet with notes of soft caramel.


Vanilla-Rum Bonbon Ganache Ingredients



White Chocolate

596 g

1 lb 5 oz

Heavy Cream

265 g


53 g

1.9 oz

2 each

2 each

Butter (softened)

66 g

2.3 oz

Dark Rum

20 g

0.7 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Invert Sugar Vanilla Beans (split & scraped)

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, and vanilla beans to a boil. • Strain the hot mixture over the melted chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the rum. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap. Allow to rest at room temperature until it reaches 78°F (26°C). The cooled ganache should have a thick, yet fluid consistency to properly fill bonbon shells.


Classic Chocolate Truffle Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

454 g

1 lb

Invert Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz


1/ 8


1/ 8


Chocolate (58-64%)

680 g

1 lb 8 oz

Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz


114 g

4 oz

1.545 kg

3 lb 6.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Pour the hot mixture over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify, from the center out, until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter and emulsify until homogenous. • Gradually pour in the liqueur, stirring continuously to maintain an emulsion. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap and allow to set up at room temperature. • Pipe the ganache into rounds that are as spherical as possible, then refrigerate until firm. • Roll the ganache into spheres by hand and chill again. At this point, the rolled spheres may be refrigerated for several days before being finished. • Allow the spheres to temper from the refrigerator before coating twice in tempered chocolate. • After the second coating, roll the truffles in sifted cocoa powder before the chocolate sets. Once set, sift the excess cocoa powder off the finished truffles.

Use a good quality liqueur like Cognac, Armagnac, Grand Marnier or dark rum.


Orange Truffle Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

400 g

14.1 oz

1/ 8



1/ 8


Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Orange Juice

60 g

2 oz

454 g

1 lb

Butter (softened)

30 g

1 oz

Grand Marnier

50 g

1.8 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Valrhona Manjari (64%)

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream and salt to a boil. Add the zest and set aside to infuse for 15 • Reduce the juice by ½ and set aside. minutes.

• Strain the infused cream through a fine-mesh strainer, then bring back to a boil. • Pour the hot cream over the chocolate. Allow to stand for one minute, then emulsify until smooth. • Stir in the softened butter, followed by the reduced juice and Grand Marnier. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap and allow to set up at room temperature. • Pipe the ganache into rounds that are as spherical as possible, then refrigerate until firm. • Roll the ganache into spheres by hand and chill again. At this point, the rolled spheres may be refrigerated for several days before being finished. • Allow the spheres to temper from the refrigerator before coating twice in tempered chocolate. • After the second coating, roll the truffles in sifted cocoa powder before the chocolate sets. Once set, sift the excess cocoa powder off the finished truffles.


Praline Truffle Ganache Ingredients



Butter (softened)

303 g

10.7 oz

Icing Fondant

121 g

4.3 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz




Praline Paste

303 g

10.7 oz

Chocolate (56%)

243 g

8.6 oz

Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, fondant, sugar, and salt on low speed until homogenous. • Add the praline paste and mix until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Temper the chocolate and incorporate into the butter mixture until smooth. • Cover the surface of the ganache with plastic wrap and allow to set up at room temperature. • Pipe the ganache into rounds that are as spherical as possible, then refrigerate until firm. • Roll the ganache into spheres by hand and chill again. At this point, the rolled spheres may be refrigerated for several days before being finished. • Allow the spheres to temper from the refrigerator before coating twice in tempered chocolate. • After the second coating, roll the truffles in sifted cocoa powder before the chocolate sets. Once set, sift the excess cocoa powder off the finished truffles.


Dark Chocolate Praline Feuilletine Ingredients



Cocoa Butter

50 g

1.8 oz

Chocolate (58-66%)

137 g

4.8 oz

Praline Paste

375 g

13.2 oz



210 g

7.4 oz

772 g

1 lb 11.2 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the cocoa butter over a water bath, add the chocolate and melt together, stirring until smooth. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the chocolate mixture with the praline paste and salt until smooth. • Stir in the feuilletine until homogenous.


Milk Chocolate Praline Feuilletine Ingredients



Cocoa Butter

50 g

1.8 oz

Milk Chocolate

175 g

6.2 oz

Praline Paste

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz




250 g

8.8 oz

Total Weight:

975 g

2 lb 2.4 oz


Procedure: • Melt the cocoa butter over a water bath, add the chocolate and melt together, stirring until smooth. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the chocolate mixture with the praline paste and salt until smooth. • Stir in the feuilletine until homogenous.


Peanut Butter Feuilletine Ingredients



Cocoa Butter

50 g

1.8 oz

Milk Chocolate

175 g

6.2 oz

Peanut Butter (creamy)

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Powdered Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz




250 g

8.8 oz

Total Weight:

1.1 kg

2 lb 6.8 oz


Procedure: • Melt the cocoa butter over a water bath, add the chocolate and melt together, stirring until smooth. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the chocolate mixture with the peanut butter, sugar, and salt until smooth. • Stir in the feuilletine until homogenous.


Pistachio-White Chocolate Feuilletine Ingredients



White Chocolate

420 g

14.8 oz

Pistachio Paste

120 g

4.2 oz


90 g

3.2 oz





420 g

14.8 oz

Pistachios (toasted & finely chopped)

105 g

3.7 oz

1.155 kg

2 lb 8.7 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the pistachio paste, butter, and salt together until light and creamy. • Add the melted chocolate, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Stir in the feuilletine and pistachios until homogenous.


Praline Feuilletine with Cocoa Nibs Ingredients



Cocoa Butter

30 g

1 oz

Milk Chocolate

140 g

4.9 oz

White Chocolate

140 g

4.9 oz

Praline Paste

310 g

10.9 oz




310 g

10.9 oz

Cocoa Nibs

90 g

3.2 oz

1.02 kg

2 lb 4 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the cocoa butter over a water bath, add the chocolates and melt together, stirring until smooth. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the chocolate mixture with the praline paste and salt to taste until smooth. • Stir in the feuilletine and caramelized cocoa nibs until homogenous.


Almond Toffee Metric



340 g

12 oz

Granulated Sugar

680 g

1 lb 8 oz

Light Corn Syrup

115 g

4.1 oz

½ each

½ each

200 g

7.1 oz




Vanilla Bean (seeds) Sliced Almonds (toasted) Salt

Yield: One full size silicone baking mat

Procedure: • In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat; whisk in the sugar to emulsify. Bring to a boil, then add the corn syrup. • Cook the mixture to 293°F (145°C), or until deep amber in color. • Immediately pour the toffee onto a silicone baking mat and spread evenly to ¼ -inch thick with • Stir in the vanilla bean seeds, toasted almonds, and salt. Mix quickly just until homogenous.

an oiled spatula.

Chef’s Notes: • The temperature in this recipe is meant to be a guideline only. You can cook the toffee more or less to taste just like any caramel. • Be careful to avoid scraping the bottom of the pan while cooking, as to prevent incorporating any burnt pieces when adding the nuts to the toffee.


Candied Apple Caramel Ingredients



Heavy Cream

482 g

1 lb 1 oz

Granulated Sugar

614 g

1 lb 5.6 oz

Light Corn Syrup

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz


300 g

10.6 oz

Vanilla Extract

15 g

0.5 oz

Apple Brandy

15 g

0.5 oz




2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, cook the cream, sugar, corn syrup, and butter until amber in color, approximately 320°F (160°C). • Off the heat, whisk in the extract, brandy, and salt. • Stir the caramel over an ice bath until thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon before dipping.

Chef’s Notes: • If the caramel is too warm, it will run off the apples without coating properly.


Caramelized Nuts Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

380 g

13.4 oz


115 g

4 oz

Whole Nuts (raw)

620 g

1 lb 5.9 oz




Total Weight:

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil over medium-high heat. • Add the nuts and stir to coat evenly. • Lower to medium heat and stir continuously as the nuts go through the process of crystallizing and then caramelizing; watching carefully to avoid burning. • Stir in the salt. • Once caramelized, spread the nuts onto a silicone baking mat. • Separate the nuts while still warm.

Chef’s Notes: • It is advisable to use a sturdy wooded spoon during the cooking process. • Almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and pistachios work well for this recipe. • The nuts may be used as is or coated in tempered chocolate and then powdered sugar or cocoa powder.


Chef Michael Mignano’s Famous “Mignano Bar” Caramel Ingredients



Cashew Nuts

255 g

9 oz

Macadamia Nuts

227 g

8 oz


36 g

1.3 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Granulated Sugar

908 g

2 lbs

Light Brown Sugar

440 g

15.5 oz

Corn Syrup

681 g

1 lb 8 oz

Evaporated Milk

483 g

1 lb 1 oz

Butter (½ -inch cubes)

454 g

1 lb

4.4 kg

9 lb 11.2 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: one half-size frame 15.5" L x 10.75" W x 2.38" H Procedure: • Lightly toast the nuts; set aside to cool, then coarsely chop and combine with the salt in a bowl. • Prepare a flat half sheet pan with parchment paper and frame. Grease the interior of the frame and paper with vegetable oil. • Combine the cream, sugars, corn syrup, evaporated milk and butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk to combine. • Cook the mixture to 242°F (117°C), then quickly mix in the salted nuts. • Pour the caramel into the prepared frame and allow to set overnight on a flat surface.


Ganache Ingredients



Heavy Cream

1.785 kg

3 lb 15 oz

Valrhona Ilanka (63%)

1.58 kg

3 lb 8 oz

3.365 kg

7 lb 7 oz

Total Weight: Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the cream to a boil.

• Pour the hot cream over the chocolate. Allow to stand for 5 minutes, then emulsify until smooth.

Caramelized Puffed Rice Metric


Granulated Sugar

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Water (cold)

150 g

5.3 oz

Butter (softened)

90 g

3.2 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Puffed Rice (unsweetened)

400 g

14.1 oz

1.09 kg

2 lb 6.4 oz


Total Weight: Procedure: • Make an amber caramel with the sugar and water.

• Whisk the butter and vanilla bean seeds into the caramel until emulsified. • Stir the puffed rice into the caramel until evenly coated. Evenly spread the caramelized puffed rice onto parchment paper to avoid clumping. • Allow to cool, then coarsely chop.


Continues on following page

Famous “Mignano Bar” Continued from page 415

Graham Cracker Metric


Graham Cracker Crumbs

649 g

1 lb 6.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

266 g

9.4 oz

Butter (melted)

325 g


Total Weight:

1.24 kg

2 lb 11.7 oz


Procedure: • Mix all of the ingredients until combined.

“Mignano Bar” Assembly: • Evenly sprinkle the puffed rice over the set caramel while still in the frame; lightly press the puffed rice into the caramel.

½-inch thick.

• Slowly pour the warm ganache over the puffed rice-caramel sheet; the ganache should be

• Allow the ganache to set for 4-6 hours or overnight. • Remove the metal frame and invert the chocolate-caramel sheet so the caramel is facing upright. • Spread a thin layer of tempered chocolate over the caramel sheet, then evenly sprinkle the Graham cracker mixture over the tempered chocolate. Press firmly down on the cracker mixture to create an even, tightly compacted crust. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until firm. • Invert the sheet so the cracker mixture is on the bottom; cut into desired shapes and enrobe in tempered chocolate. Sprinkle the top of each candy bar with a small amount Hawaiian sea salt before the chocolate fully sets.


Marshmallows Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets

40 g

16 each

Water (cold)

200 g

7 oz

Granulated Sugar

680 g

1 lb 8 oz

Water (cold)

170 g

6 oz

Glucose Syrup

340 g

12 oz

Invert Sugar

120 g

4.2 oz


100 g

3.5 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each




Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in the first weight of water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, cook the sugars, second weight of water, glucose, and honey to 252°F (122°C). • Pour the cooked sugar into a mixing bowl and allow to cool to 212°F (100°C). • Gently melt the bloomed gelatin and add it to the syrup. • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the syrup/gelatin mixture on high speed until well aerated. Whisk in the vanilla bean seeds and salt. • Spread the marshmallow mixture onto an oiled parchment-lined half sheet pan. Place another piece of oiled parchment paper on top and flatten until level and smooth. • Dust the top with a sifted 50/50 mixture of powdered sugar and cornstarch and allow to set.


Nougat de Montélimar Metric


Whole Almonds

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


150 g

5.3 oz


250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

375 g

13.2 oz

Water (cold)

112 g

4 oz

Glucose Syrup

187 g

6.6 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Candied Orange Peel (¼-inch dice)

100 g

3.5 oz



1.65 kg

3 lb 10.2 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • Toast the nuts and keep warm. • In a saucepan, slowly bring the honey to a boil. • Simultaneously, bring the sugar, water, and glucose to a boil in another saucepan. • After boiling the sugar for one minute, start whipping the egg whites with a whisk attachment. • When the sugar mixture reaches 290°F (145°C), slowly pour it over the whipping egg whites, followed by the honey. When the mixture begins to stiffen, switch to the paddle attachment. • Roll out the nougat on a silicone mat, lightly dusted with cornstarch on both sides, to ½" thick. • Add the warm nuts, candied orange peel, and salt; mix to combine. • Allow to cool, then cut into desired sized pieces with an oiled knife. • Store at room temperature in airtight containers.


Pâte de Fruit Key Fruit Puree

Apple Pectin

Gran. Sugar

Glucose Syrup

Citric Acid

1 kg / 35.3 oz


















Black Currant


















Green Apple



























Mandarin Orange


















Morello Cherry









Passion Fruit




































Red Currant



























Procedure: • In a saucepan, heat the puree until 110°F (43°C). • Combine approximately 10% of the sugar with the pectin, add to the puree and bring to a boil. • Slowly add the remaining sugar, followed by the glucose syrup. • Cook to 225°F (107°C). • Off the heat, add the citric acid diluted with 50% water. • Pour into desired mold and allow to cool completely. • Cut as desired and toss in granulated sugar. Chef’s Notes: • All fruit purees should be 10% sugar.


Peanut Brittle Metric


Granulated Sugar

395 g

13.9 oz


170 g

6 oz

Glucose Syrup

285 g

10 oz

Salted Peanuts (roasted)

454 g

1 lb

30 g

1 oz

Vanilla Extract


1½ t

Baking Soda





Yield: one 16 x 24-inch sheet

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. • Add the glucose and continue cooking to 275°F (135°C), without stirring. • Add the peanuts and cook to 308°F (153°C) over moderate heat, stirring continuously. • Off the heat, stir in the butter and extract. • Add the baking soda, stirring well to incorporate. • Pour the mixture onto a silicone baking mat and spread with an oiled spatula.


Sesame-Ginger Brittle Metric


Granulated Sugar

395 g

13.9 oz


170 g

6 oz

Glucose Syrup

285 g

10 oz

Sesame Seeds

150 g

5.3 oz

Black Sesame Seeds

50 g

1.8 oz

Candied Ginger ( ¼ -inch dice)

50 g

1.8 oz


30 g

1 oz

Vanilla Extract


1½ t




Baking Soda




Yield: one 16 x 24-inch sheet

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. • Add the glucose and continue cooking to 275°F (135°C), without stirring. • Add the sesame seeds and cook to 308°F (153°C) over moderate heat, stirring continuously. • Off the heat, stir in the ginger, butter, extract, and salt. • Add the baking soda, stirring well to incorporate. • Pour the mixture onto a silicone baking mat and spread with an oiled spatula.

Because sesame seeds have a high oil content, they turn rancid quickly. Store them in an airtight container for up to 3 months; refrigerate for up to 6 months; or freeze for up to 1 year.


Soft Apple Cider Caramels Ingredients



Apple Cider

1.893 kg

2 qt

Apple Cider Reduction

237 g

8 oz

Heavy Cream

875 g

1 lb 14.9 oz


113 g

4 oz


113 g

4 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Apple Pectin


1½ t




Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Cinnamon Stick

1 each

1 each

Granulated Sugar

450 g

15.9 oz


135 g

4.8 oz

Glucose Syrup

450 g

15.9 oz

Yield: one hundred and thirty 1-inch squares Procedure: • Reduce the 2 quarts of apple cider to 8 ounces. • Bring the cider reduction, cream, honey, butter, sugar, pectin, salt, vanilla bean, and cinnamon stick to a boil. Set aside to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Make a caramel with the second weight of sugar, water, and glucose. • Whisk the cider reduction mixture into the caramel in 3 additions and cook over medium-high • Pour onto a silicone baking mat with oiled candy bars measuring about 13 x 10 ½ x ½-inch heat to 251°F (122°C).

or into an oiled 12-inch ring. Allow to cool, then cut into 1-inch squares with an oiled knife.


Soft Chocolate Caramels Metric


Heavy Cream

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

375 g

13.2 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Glucose Syrup

350 g

12.3 oz

Chocolate (70-72%, chopped)

300 g

10.6 oz

Butter (cubed)

20 g

0.7 oz




1.595 kg

3 lb 8.3 oz

I ngredients

Total Weight: Yield: one 9-inch cake ring

Procedure • Lightly oil the inside of a cake ring and place it on a silicone mat. • In a deep saucepan, combine the cream, sugars, and glucose. Cook to 245°F (118°C), stirring continuously. • Off the heat, add the chopped chocolate, butter, and salt; whisking to emulsify. • Immediately pour the mixture into the oiled cake ring. At this point you may sprinkle the top of the freshly poured caramel with fleur de sel, chopped toasted nuts, coconut shavings, or other toppings if desired. • Allow to cool to room temperature until set, then cut the caramel into desired shapes. Chef’s Notes: • Store the caramels in an air tight container at room temperature for up to one week.


Spiced Candied Peanuts Metric


600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Egg Whites

58 g

2 oz

Muscovado Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz




Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Black Pepper (ground)



Five-Spice Powder

1/ 8

1/ 8

Ingredients Peanuts


675 g

Total Weight:


1 lb 7.8 oz

Procedure: • Evenly coat the peanuts with the egg whites. • Stir together the remaining ingredients and toss with the moistened peanuts to coat. • Spread onto a silicone baking mat and cook at 300°F (149ºC) until golden brown.

Chef’s Notes: • You may not need all of the egg whites.



Ice Creams

Strawberry Passion Fruit




Valrhona Guanaja Chocolate


Basic Ice Cream Base




Black Sesame












Goat Milk






Rose Petal




Sweet Corn



Fromage Blanc




Mandarin Champagne






Champagne-Passion Fruit










Raspberry & Fig Sangria


Banana-Peanut Butter






Crispy Hazelnut


Grand Marnier




Other Components


Classic Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie




Sorbet Syrup


Savory Tomato


Wet Nut Topping



Fro z e n D e s s e rt




Sorbets Campari


Armagnac-Prune Ice Cream I ngredients



Whole Milk

595 g

1 lb 5 oz

Heavy Cream

130 g

4.6 oz

81 g

2.9 oz

Powdered Glucose

135 g

4.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

189 g

6.7 oz

Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each


90 g

3.2 oz

Prune Puree

140 g

4.9 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


667 g

1 lb 7.5 oz


333 g

11.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

333 g

11.7 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Ice Cream Base:

Milk Powder

Total Weight:

Prune Puree: Prunes

1/ 8



1.5 kg

Total Weight:


1/ 8


3 lb 4.9 oz

Ice Cream Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk power and glucose to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar and egg yolks that have been previously whisked together until light. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning. • Whisk together the armagnac and puree previously chilled in the refrigerator and pour into the the ice cream machine at the beginning of the spinning process.

Prune Puree Procedure: • In a saucepan, combine all of the ingredients and bring to a boil. • Lower to a simmer and reduce until the prunes are very soft. • Puree the cooked prunes in a food processor to the desired level of smoothness. • Store in the refrigerator.

Chef’s Notes: • The prune puree can be refrigerated for up to 1 month.


Basic Ice Cream Base Ingredients



Whole Milk

820 g

1 lb 12.9 oz

Heavy Cream

130 g

4.6 oz

Milk Powder

75 g

2.6 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer




1/ 8


1.5 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 4.9 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder and dextrose to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C). • Meanwhile, whisk together the egg yolks and the first weight of granulated sugar. Add to the warm milk mixture along with the invert sugar, second weight of sugar, stabilizer, and salt. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Black Sesame Ice Cream Metric


882 g

1 lb 15.1 oz

Heavy Cream

88 g

3.1 oz

Milk Powder

44 g

1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

185 g

6.5 oz


35 g

1.25 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer






Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Invert Sugar

45 g

1.6 oz

Black Sesame Tahini Paste

75 g

2.6 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Ingredients Whole Milk

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C). • When the mixture is warm, add the blended sugar, dextrose, stabilizer, and salt, followed by the egg yolks and invert sugar. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • When heated, blend in the tahini paste with an immersion blender until smooth. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Brioche Ice Cream Ingredients



1.65 kg

3 lb 10.2 oz

263 g

9.3 oz

Brioche Milk

1.043 kg

2 lb 4.8 oz

Brown Butter

100 g

3.5 oz

Milk Powder

32 g

1.1 oz




Granulated Sugar

105 g

3.7 oz

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

Invert Sugar

60 g

2.1 oz

Granulated Sugar

105 g

3.7 oz



1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Brioche Milk: Whole Milk Brioche (toasted)

Brioche Ice Cream:

Ice Cream Stabilizer

Total Weight:


Brioche Milk Procedure: • Place the toasted brioche in a saucepan with the milk. Bring to a scald and set aside to infuse for 1 hour. • Strain the infused milk through a fine-mesh strainer, pressing the soaked brioche to extract as much of the liquid as possible. Brioche Ice Cream Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the brioche milk, butter, milk powder, and salt. Blend with an immersion blender to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C). • Meanwhile, whisk together the egg yolks and the first weight of granulated sugar until light. Add the yolk mixture and invert sugar to the warm milk mixture. • Combine the second weight of sugar with the stabilizer and whisk into the warm milk mixture. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Caramel Ice Cream Metric


Granulated Sugar

285 g

10 oz

Whole Milk (hot)

960 g

1 qt

Powdered Glucose

85 g

3 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer



Egg Yolks

100 g

5 each


100 g

3.5 oz



1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, caramelize the sugar to a deep amber color. • Deglaze the caramel with the hot milk in several additions; simmer to dissolve the sugar. • Whisk the glucose mixed with the stabilizer into the caramel milk. • Temper the caramel milk into the egg yolks and combine with the rest of the milk. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Off the heat, blend in the butter and salt with an immersion blender. Strain. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Chocolate Ice Cream Ingredients



Whole Milk

368 g

13 oz


338 g

11.9 oz

Heavy Cream

93 g

3.3 oz

Milk Powder

83 g

2.9 oz

Cocoa Powder

45 g

1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer


0.2 oz




Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

Invert Sugar

330 g

11.6 oz

Chocolate (70-72%)

128 g

4.5 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk, water, and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder and cocoa powder to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the blended sugar, stabilizer, and salt, followed by the yolks and invert sugar. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • When heated, blend in the couverture with an immersion blender until smooth. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Cinnamon Ice Cream Metric


Whole Milk

480 g

1 lb 0.9 oz

Cinnamon Infusion

300 g

10.6 oz

Heavy Cream

295 g

10.4 oz

92 g

3.2 oz

205 g

7.2 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Granulated Sugar

87 g

3 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer






1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

I ngredients

Milk Powder Dextrose

Total Weight:

Ice Cream Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk, infusion, and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder and dextrose to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugars mixed with the stabilizer and salt. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning. Cinnamon Infusion: • The ratio for cold infusion is 100 g (3.5 oz) of cinnamon sticks per liter of cold water. • Break up the sticks and put the bits in a blender. Add the cold water and blend until well ground. • Transfer to airtight containers and store in the refrigerator for a minimum of 5 days or up to several weeks if a stronger infusion is desired. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer before use.


Goat Milk Ice Cream Ingredients



Goat Milk

850 g

1 lb 14 oz

Heavy Cream

260 g

9.2 oz

65 g

2.3 oz

205 g

7.2 oz

50 g

1.8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Invert Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer




1/ 8

Milk Powder Dextrose

Granulated Sugar


1.5 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 4.9 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder and dextrose to dissolve. • Rub the zest with the first weight of granulated sugar until fragrant. • Combine the second weight of sugar with the stabilizer and salt. • Heat the milk mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the lemon zest sugar, invert sugar, and the second weight of sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer and salt. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Coffee Ice Cream Ingredients



Coffee Beans

80 g

2.8 oz

Whole Milk

820 g

1 lb 12.9 oz

Heavy Cream

130 g

4.6 oz

½ each

½ each

75 g

2.6 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Egg Yolks

140 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

Invert Sugar

30 g

1 oz

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer




1/ 8

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

Milk Powder


1.5 kg

Total Weight:


1/ 8


3 lb 4.9 oz

Procedure: • Lightly roast the coffee beans until fragrant, then coarsely grind in a food processor. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, bring the milk, cream, ground coffee beans, and vanilla bean to a scald. Set aside to infuse until cool. • Strain the coffee infused milk through a fine-mesh strainer, then rescale to the original weight with additional milk and cream. • With an immersion blender, blend the milk powder and dextrose into the coffee infused milk to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C). • Meanwhile, whisk together the egg yolks and the first weight of granulated sugar. Add the egg yolk mixture, invert sugar, second weight of sugar mixed with with the stabilizer, and salt to the warm milk mixture. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Honey Ice Cream Metric


Whole Milk

900 g

1 lb 15.7 oz

Heavy Cream

145 g

5.1 oz

Milk Powder

23 g

0.8 oz

Powdered Glucose

30 g

1 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer




1/ 8



1/ 8


250 g

8.8 oz

Butter (melted)

60 g

2.1 oz

Egg Yolks (whisked)

120 g

6 each

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the glucose mixed with the stabilizer and salt, followed by the honey, melted butter, and egg yolks. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Rose Petal Ice Cream Ingredients




725 g

1 lb 9.6 oz

Organic Dried Rosebuds & Petals

35 g

1.2 oz

Heavy Cream

255 g

9 oz

Milk Powder

135 g

4.8 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Powdered Glucose

30 g

1 oz

Granulated Sugar

110 g

3.9 oz


1¼ t

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bring the water to a boil; pour it over the rosebuds and cover. Set aside to infuse for 12 hours, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer pressing on the rose buds to extract all of the liquid. Rescale the liquid to the original weight with more water as necessary. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the rose infusion and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder, dextrose, and glucose to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning. Chef’s Notes: • For a cold infusion, double the weight of rose buds called for in the recipe and infuse for 5 days in the refrigerator.


Pumpkin Ice Cream Metric


Whole Milk

663 g

1 lb 7.4 oz

Heavy Cream

160 g

5.6 oz

Milk Powder

50 g

1.8 oz

Powdered Glucose

45 g

1.6 oz

½ each

½ each

65 g

2.3 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer




1/ 8

Invert Sugar

77 g

2.7 oz

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

Light Brown Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

320 g

11.3 oz

Cinnamon (ground)


1½ t

Ginger (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



1.55 kg

3 lb 6.7 oz


Vanilla Bean (seeds)

Granulated Sugar

Pumpkin Puree

Total Weight:



1/ 8


Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk power, glucose, and vanilla bean seeds to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the granulated sugar combined with the stabilizer and salt, followed by the invert sugar. • Whisk in the brown sugar that has been whisked together with the egg yolks. • Whisk in the puree that has been combined with the spices. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). Strain. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Strawberry Ice Cream Ingredients



Whole Milk

180 g

6.3 oz

Heavy Cream

155 g

5.5 oz

Milk Powder

125 g

4.4 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

53 g

1.9 oz


1¼ t

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Granulated Sugar Ice Cream Stabilizer

Strawberry Puree (fresh)

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. Whisk in the milk powder and dextrose by hand, then using an immersion blender, blend the milk powder and dextrose to dissolve. • Heat until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar mixed with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend the puree into the base with an immersion blender until smooth; spin immediately.

Chef’s Notes: • Puree strawberries with a small amount of lemon or lime juice, then strain the puree through a fine-mesh strainer before weighing. It is best to make the puree right before you spin the ice cream to minimize oxidation of both flavor and color.


Sweet Corn Ice Cream Metric


Whole Milk

850 g

1 lb 14 oz

Heavy Cream

260 g

9.2 oz

65 g

2.3 oz


205 g

7.2 oz

Sweet Corn (shaved, cobs reserved)

4 each

4 each

Invert Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz

Ice Cream Stabilizer


1¼ t


1/ 8


Milk Powder


1.5 kg

Total Weight:

1/ 8


3 lb 4.9 oz

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, combine the milk and cream. With an immersion blender, blend in the milk powder and dextrose to dissolve. • Heat to 185°F (85°C) along with the corn kernels and cobs. Set aside to infuse for 1 hour. • Remove the cobs with tongs and then blend with an immersion blender until smooth. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the invert sugar and the granulated sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer and salt. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). Strain. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Campari Sorbet Ingredients




590 g

1 lb 4.8 oz

Powdered Glucose

150 g

5.3 oz


113 g

4 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

135 g

4.8 oz

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each



Orange Juice

375 g

13.2 oz

Lemon Juice

38 g

1.3 oz


90 g

3.2 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an • Rub the zest with ½ of the sugar until fragrant. Combine the remaining sugar with the stabilizer. immersion blender, blend in the glucose and dextrose to dissolve.

• Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the orange zest sugar and the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, whisk in the juices and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer before spinning. • Weigh the liquor, previously chilled in the refrigerator, and pour into the ice cream machine at the beginning of the spinning process.


Fromage Blanc Sorbet Metric



322 g

11.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

272 g

9.6 oz



35 g

1.2 oz

Fromage Blanc

368 g

13 oz

Sour Cream

300 g

10.6 oz


200 g

7 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each

Lime Juice

1 each

1 each

Lime Zest

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

I ngredients

Sorbet Stabilizer Invert Sugar

Procedure: • In a saucepan, heat the water until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the granulated sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer, followed by the invert sugar. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, blend in the fromage blanc, sour cream, yogurt, juices, and zest with an immersion blender until smooth and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Lemon Sorbet Ingredients




645 g

1 lb 6.8 oz


235 g

8.3 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

158 g

5.6 oz

2 each

2 each


1¼ t

Lemon Juice

450 g

15.9 oz

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Lemon Zest Sorbet Stabilizer

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an • Rub the zest with ½ of the sugar until fragrant. Combine the remaining sugar with the stabilizer. immersion blender, blend in the dextrose to dissolve.

• Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the lemon zest sugar and the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, whisk in the juice and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer before spinning.


Mandarin Champagne Sorbet Ingredients



Mandarin Orange Juice (fresh)

665 g

1 lb 7.5 oz

Powdered Glucose

300 g

10.6 oz

Granulated Sugar (divided)

150 g

5.6 oz

2 each

2 each


1¼ t

375 g

13.2 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Mandarin Orange Zest Sorbet Stabilizer


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the juice in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an • Rub the zest with ½ of the sugar until fragrant. Combine the remaining sugar with the stabilizer. immersion blender, blend in the glucose to dissolve.

• Heat the juice until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the mandarin zest sugar and the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning. • Weigh the champagne, previously chilled in the refrigerator, and pour into the ice cream machine at the beginning of the spinning process.


Mango Sorbet Ingredients




408 g

14.4 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

110 g

3.9 oz


1¼ t

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Lime Juice

½ each

½ each

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer

Mango Puree

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an immersion blender, blend in the dextrose to dissolve. • Combine the sugar with the stabilizer. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, whisk in the puree and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Mascarpone Sorbet Ingredients




670 g

1 lb 7.6 oz

Powdered Glucose

170 g

6 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz


1¼ t


500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lemon Zest

½ each

½ each

1.645 kg

3 lb 10 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an immersion blender, blend in the glucose to dissolve. • Combine the sugar with the stabilizer. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, blend in the mascarpone and zest with an immersion blender and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Raspberry Sorbet Ingredients




530 g

1 lb 2.7 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer


1¼ t

Raspberry Puree

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Lemon Juice

35 g

1.2 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an immersion blender, blend in the dextrose to dissolve. • Combine the sugar with the stabilizer. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, whisk in the puree and juice and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.

Chef’s Notes: • For variation, try substituting raspberry vinegar for the lemon juice.


Savory Tomato Sorbet Metric



575 g

1 lb 4.3 oz

Dextrose (divided)

310 g

10.9 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer


1¼ t


10 g


Black Pepper (ground)



600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz



1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Tomato Juice (fresh & strained) Worcestershire Sauce

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, whisk ⅔ of the dextrose into the cold water, then using an immersion blender, blend until smooth. • Combine the remaining dextrose with the stabilizer, salt, and pepper. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the remaining dextrose that has been blended with the stabilizer, salt, and pepper. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, add the juice and Worcestershire sauce and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.

Chef’s Notes: • This base recipe can be spiced as desired; suggestions include: celery salt, hot sauce, fresh basil, horseradish, and replacing some of the tomato juice with beef stock.


Strawberry Passion Fruit Sorbet Metric



408 g

14.4 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

110 g

3.9 oz


1¼ t

Passion Fruit Puree

250 g

8.8 oz

Strawberry Puree

200 g

7 oz

Apricot Puree

100 g

3.5 oz

Bananas Puree

100 g

3.5 oz

Lime Juice

100 g

3.5 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz


Sorbet Stabilizer

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an immersion blender, blend in the dextrose to dissolve. • Combine the sugar with the stabilizer. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, blend in the purees and juice with an immersion blender and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Valrhona Guanaja Chocolate Sorbet Ingredients




840 g

1 lb 13.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

300 g

10.6 oz

Powdered Glucose

15 g

0.5 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer






Valrhona Guanaja (70%)

340 g

12 oz

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Procedure: • Place the water in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Heat the water until warm, 105°F (40°C); add the blended sugar, glucose, stabilizer, and salt. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • When the temperature reaches 185°F (85°C), blend in the chocolate with an immersion blender until smooth. • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.

Chef’s Notes: • This recipe highlights the beauty and sophistication of Valrhona’s iconic Guanaja 70% chocolate.


Watermelon Sorbet Ingredients



Watermelon Puree

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


225 g

7.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

113 g

4 oz


1¼ t

575 g

1 lb 4.3 oz

Lemon Juice

75 g

2.6 oz


10 g


1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer

Watermelon Puree

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Place the first weight of watermelon puree in a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. With an immersion blender, blend in the dextrose to dissolve. • Combine the sugar with the stabilizer. • Heat the mixture until warm, 105°F (40°C); whisk in the sugar that has been blended with the stabilizer. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately. Once cool, whisk in the second weight of puree, juice, and grenadine and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.

Fruits like watermelon have a mild flavor and aroma. Adding water to them would only make the sorbet bland.


Blackberry Granité Ingredients




550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz


500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz


2 each

25 g

0.9 oz

Blackberry Puree

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each

Total Weight:

1.6 kg

3 lb 8.4 oz

Gelatin Sheets Water (cold)

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water and sugar to a boil. Add the blackberries and simmer on low heat until they break down. • Set aside the cooked blackberries and allow to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. Drain and gently melt with 2 tablespoons of the strained blackberry syrup. • Whisk the melted gelatin, blackberry syrup, puree, and juice to combine. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 15°-20° depending on the sweetness of the blackberries and your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes. Chef’s Notes: • This recipe is also nice infused with chili peppers, black or red peppercorns, tea, fresh ginger, lemongrass, or vanilla beans.


Champagne-Passion Fruit Granité Ingredients




190 g

6.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

2 each

2 each


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz


750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Passion Fruit Puree

125 g

4.4 oz


2 lb 10 oz

Gelatin Sheets

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, sugar, and vanilla to a boil; add the zest and chill until cold. • Strain the syrup through a fine-mesh strainer. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. Drain and gently melt with 2 tablespoons of champagne. • Whisk the melted gelatin, champagne, and puree to combine. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 15°-20° depending on your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.


Cranberry Granité Ingredients




1.075 kg

2 lb 5.9 oz

300 g

10.6 oz

Vanilla Bean (split & scraped)

½ each

½ each

Cinnamon Stick

½ each

½ each

300 g

10.6 oz


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Orange Juice

3 each

3 each

Lemon Juice

3 each

3 each

Total Weight:

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Granulated Sugar


Gelatin Sheets

Procedure: • Combine the water, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon in a saucepan; simmer to dissolve the sugar. • Add the cranberries and gently cook for several minutes until they burst. • Cool over an ice bath; remove the vanilla bean and cinnamon stick. • Puree in a blender and strain through a fine-mesh strainer, discarding the solids. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. Drain and gently melt with 2 tablespoons of the strained puree. • Whisk the melted gelatin, puree, zest, and juices together until blended. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 15°-20° depending on your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.


Espresso Granité Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Coffee (fresh & hot)

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Instant Espresso Powder

10 g

0.4 oz

400 g

14.1 oz

1.44 kg

3 lb 2.8 oz

Simple Syrup

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whisk the espresso powder and bloomed gelatin into the hot coffee, followed by the simple syrup. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 17°-20° depending on the coffee and your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.


Lemon Granité Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

190 g

6.7 oz

Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each


960 g

2 lb 1.9 oz

Lemon Juice

220 g

7.8 oz

Total Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Grind the sugar and zest together in a food processor until well ground. • In a saucepan, whisk the lemon zest sugar into the water and heat to185°F (85°C). • Stir in the bloomed gelatin to dissolve. • Chill to room temperature. Once cool, strain through a fine-mesh strainer and whisk in the juice. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.


Mint Granité Metric


200 g

7 oz

3 bunches

3 bunches


2 each

25 g

0.9 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Lemon Juice

90 g

3.2 oz

Mint Paste

30 g

1 oz

1.82 kg

4 lb 0.2 oz

Ingredients Granulated Sugar Mint Leaves

Gelatin Sheets Water (cold)


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Grind the sugar and mint leaves together in a food processor until well ground and fragrant. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • In a saucepan, heat the water until warm. Whisk in the mint sugar and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Stir in the bloomed gelatin to dissolve. Chill to room temperature. • Once cool, strain through a fine-mesh strainer and whisk in the juice and paste. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 15°-20° depending on your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes. Chef’s Notes: • It is best to grind the mint leaves and sugar together right before you make the granité. This method preserves the color and aroma of the leaves. Use this base recipe for other fresh herbs like spearmint, lemon balm, basil, cilantro, rosemary, etc. The amount of mint leaves and paste in the recipe is a guideline only. You will need to adjust based on your ingredients and taste.


Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité Ingredients



Red Wine

187 g

6.6 oz

Ruby Port

187 g

6.6 oz


500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Raspberry Puree

255 g

9 oz

Fresh Figs (sliced)

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

125 g

4.4 oz

Lemon Juice

1 each

1 each


2 each

Water (cold)

25 g

0.9 oz

Orange Juice

375 g

13.2 oz

1.7 kg

3 lb 12 oz

Gelatin Sheets

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, heat the wines until warm, 105°F (40°C); ignite with a flame and let the alcohol burn off. • Add the water, puree, figs, sugar, and lemon juice. • Simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until the figs are broken down and very soft; set aside. • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Stir the bloomed gelatin into the raspberry/fig mixture to dissolve. • Cool over an ice bath and add the orange juice. Strain. • Measure and adjust the °Brix between 15°-20° depending on your taste. • Pour into a shallow pan and begin to freeze, stirring every 15 minutes.


Banana-Peanut Butter Semifreddo Ingredients



Gelatin Sheets


1.5 each

20 g

0.7 oz

Heavy Cream

350 g

12.3 oz

Heavy Cream

125 g

4.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Bananas (diced)

175 g

6.2 oz

Peanut Butter

175 g

6.2 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

1.055 kg

2 lb 5.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Bloom the gelatin in cold water; the gelatin will absorb the majority of the water. • Whip the first weight of cream to soft peaks; set aside. • In a saucepan, bring the second weight of cream, sugar, and bananas to a boil. Puree until smooth and pour over the peanut butter and bloomed gelatin. With an immersion blender, blend the mixture until smooth. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites and sugar; whip until tepid. • Fold ⅓ of the whipped cream into the puree to lighten, followed by the meringue. • Fold in the remaining whipped cream. • Mold as desired and freeze immediately.


Chestnut Semifreddo Ingredients



Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Rum or Armagnac

100 g

3.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each



Chestnut Paste

300 g

10.6 oz

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

2.07 kg

4 lb 9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make a thick crème anglaise with the cream, liquor, sugar, egg yolks, and salt. • In a blender, puree the hot crème anglaise with the paste until smooth; strain and chill. • Make an Italian meringue with the egg whites and sugar; whip until tepid. • Fold the cooled crème anglaise into the meringue. • Mold as desired and freeze immediately.


Chocolate Semifreddo Ingredients



Chocolate (66%)

650 g

1 lb 6.9 oz

Heavy Cream

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Egg Whites

240 g

8 each

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14.1 oz



2.09 kg

4 lb 9.7 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Melt the chocolate to 122°F (50°C); set aside. • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside. • Make a Swiss meringue with the egg whites, sugar, and salt; whip until tepid. • Fold the chocolate into the meringue, followed by the whipped cream. • Mold as desired and freeze immediately.


Grand Marnier Semifreddo Ingredients



Heavy Cream

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Grand Marnier

85 g

3 oz

Egg Yolks

120 g

6 each

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Egg Whites

180 g

6 each

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz


85 g

3 oz

Glucose Syrup

120 g

4.2 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside. • Whisk the Grand Marnier, egg yolks, vanilla bean seeds, and zest over a water bath until a thick ribbon is achieved. • Whisk the sabayon over an ice bath until cold. • Make an Italian meringue with the egg whites, sugar, water, and glucose; whip until tepid. • Fold the whipped cream into the chilled sabayon. • Sacrifice some of the whipped cream mixture into the meringue, then fold the two together until homogenous.


Crispy Hazelnut Semifreddo Ingredients



940 g

1 qt

67 g

2.4 oz

Egg Yolks

200 g

10 each

Praline Paste

267 g

9.4 oz

Egg Whites

90 g

3 each

Granulated Sugar

167 g

5.9 oz


200 g

7 oz

1.93 kg

4 lb 4 oz

Sliced Almonds

340 g

12 oz

Hazelnuts (chopped)

570 g

1 lb 4.1 oz

Butter (melted)

114 g

4 oz

Simple Syrup

200 g

7 oz



1.1 kg

2 lb 6.8 oz

Parfait: Heavy Cream

Granulated Sugar

Total Parfait Weight:



Total Croquant Weight:


Parfait Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside. • Make a pâte a bombe with the first weight of sugar and egg yolks. Whip until cool, then add the paste and whip until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Fold the meringue and ½ of the croquant into the pâte a bombe.

• Make an Italian meringue with the egg whites and second weight of sugar; whip until tepid.

• Fold the whipped cream and the remaining croquant into that. • Mold as desired and freeze immediately.

Croquant Procedure: • Toss the sliced almonds and chopped hazelnuts with the melted butter, simple syrup and salt to coat. • Spread the nuts out evenly onto a parchment-lined sheet pan or a silicone baking mat. • Roast the nuts at 325°F (163°C), tossing several times during the roasting process. • Allow to cool, then break up into pieces.

Chef’s Notes: • The croquant can be stored in airtight containers for up to 2 weeks.


Nougat Semifreddo Ingredients



Sliced Almonds

100 g

3.5 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Pine Nuts

25 g

0.9 oz


25 g

0.9 oz

200 g

7 oz

Water (cold)

58 g

2 oz

Glucose Syrup

40 g

1.4 oz

Heavy Cream

940 g

1 qt

Granulated Sugar

175 g

6.2 oz


50 g

1.8 oz


65 g

2.3 oz

Egg Whites

210 g

7 each

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz



Candied Orange Peel

200 g

7 oz

Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz


Granulated Sugar


Cream of Tartar


Nougatine Procedure: • Toast the nuts; keep warm. • Make an amber caramel with the sugar, water, and glucose. • Add the toasted nuts to the caramel and mix to coat. • Spread out onto a silicone baking mat and allow to cool. • Chop the cooled nougatine into desired sized pieces.

Semifreddo Procedure: • Whip the cream to soft peaks; set aside in the refrigerator. • In a saucepan, bring the first weight of sugar and water to a boil. • Meanwhile, in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, begin making French meringue with the egg whites, second weight of sugar, and cream of tartar. • When the sugar syrup reaches 239°F (115°C), add the honey and continue to cook to 246°F (119°C). • Pour the cooked sugar/honey syrup into the meringue and whip until cool. • Fold the chopped nougatine and diced candied orange peel into the meringue followed by the whipped cream. • Mold as desired and freeze immediately.


Classic Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie Metric



250 g

8.8 oz

Bittersweet Chocolate

170 g

6 oz

Granulated Sugar

200 g

7 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Coffee Extract

30 g

1 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


250 g

8.8 oz

Cocoa Powder

24 g

0.8 oz

Baking Powder






1.04 kg

2 lb 4.7 oz


All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight: Yield: two half sheet pans Procedure: • Melt the butter and chocolate over a water bath.

• Whisk the sugar into the melted butter/chocolate mixture to combine, followed by the eggs and extracts until smooth. • Whisk the sifted dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until smooth and homogenous. • Spread the batter onto two half sheet pans and bake at 350°F (177°C) until dry to the touch. • Line a frozen, flat half sheet pan with plastic wrap. Spread softened ice cream onto the pan and level smooth. Freeze until firm. • Unmold the frozen ice cream onto one of the cookies, then top with the other. Wrap and freeze until firm. • Unwrap sandwich and using a serrated knife, cut into rectangles, wiping off blade between cuts.


Sorbet Syrup Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Powered Glucose

300 g

10.6 oz

15 g


1.125 kg

2 lb 7.7 oz

125 g

4.4 oz

2.5 kg

5 lb 8.2 oz

Sorbet Stabilizer


Invert Sugar

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Mix the sugar, glucose, and stabilizer until well combined. • In a saucepan large enough to accommodate the entire recipe, heat the water until warm, 105°F (40°C). • Whisk in the dry ingredients, followed by the invert sugar. • Stir with a whisk and heat to 185°F (85°C). • Chill immediately and allow to mature for 6 to 12 hours. • Blend with an immersion blender before spinning.


Wet Nut Topping Ingredients




705 g

1 lb 8.9 oz

Maple Syrup

800 g

1 lb 12.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

227 g

8 oz


234 g

8.3 oz




Cinnamon (ground)


1¼ t

Ginger (ground)




10 g


Lemon Juice

10 g


Vanilla Extract



2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Toast the nuts. Allow to cool, then coarsely chop. • In a saucepan, combine the syrup, sugar, water, salt, and spices. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer for 2 minutes. • Add the nuts, bring back to a boil, then lower to a simmer for 2-3 minutes, or until desired consistency is reached. • Chill over an ice bath and stir in the bourbon, juice, and extract. Chef’s Notes: • Any nut can be used, however walnuts and pecans would be traditional. • You can simmer the syrup more or less to customize the viscosity to taste. • Wet nuts can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator.




Bagels, Whole Wheat


Bread, Banana


Bread, Corn


Bread, Zucchini




Brioche, Pumpkin


Chocolate Babka




Coffee Cake


Crepe Batter


Croissant Dough


Danish Pastry Dough


Doughnuts, Apple Cider


Doughnuts, Yeast


English Muffins


Granola, Fruit & Nut


Granola, Olive Oil & Maple


Granola Buttermilk Waffles




Muffins, Apple


Muffins, Blueberry


Muffins, Bran


Muffins, Corn


Muffins, Lemon Poppy Seed


Muffins, Pumpkin


Muffins, Vegan Tofu


Pancakes, Rum Raisin-Ricotta Cheese




Raisin Challah






Swiss Muesli






Bagels Ingredients



Bread Flour

908 g

2 lb


510 g

1 lb 2 oz

Fresh Yeast

18 g

0.6 oz

Malt Powder

15 g

0.5 oz


21 g

0.7 oz

1.472 kg

3 lb 3.9 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: twelve 120 g (4.2 oz) bagels

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine all of the ingredients and mix on low speed until a dough forms. • Increase the speed to medium and mix until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Shape the dough into a ball and place in an oiled bowl. Cover and bulk ferment for 1 hour. • Divide the dough into 120 g (4.2 oz) pieces. • Pre-shape, then cover and bench rest for 15 minutes. • Final shape, then refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or up to 24 hours. • Boil the bagels for 30 seconds on each side in malted water then press into desired toppings before baking. • Bake at 450°F (232°C) until golden brown (about 12-18 minutes).

Chef’s Notes: • The toppings will stick better if you brush the top of each bagel with an egg white wash made by whisking 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of water.


Whole Wheat Bagels Ingredients



Bread Flour

700 g

1 lb 8.7 oz

Whole Wheat Flour

300 g

10.6 oz


550 g

1 lb 3.4 oz

Fresh Yeast

20 g

0.7 oz

Malt Powder

20 g

0.7 oz

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz


20 g

0.7 oz

1.648 kg

3 lb 10.1 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: thirteen 120 g (4.2 oz) bagels

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine all of the ingredients and mix on low speed until a dough forms. • Increase the speed to medium and mix until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Shape the dough into a ball and place in an oiled bowl. Cover and bulk ferment for 1 hour. • Divide the dough into 120 g (4.2 oz) pieces. • Pre-shape, then cover and bench rest for 15 minutes. • Final shape, then refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or up to 24 hours. • Boil the bagels for 30 seconds on each side in malted water then press into desired toppings before baking. • Bake at 450°F (232°C) until golden brown (about 12-18 minutes).

Chef’s Notes: • The toppings will stick better if you brush the top of each bagel with an egg white wash made by whisking 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon of water.


Banana Bread Ingredients



Butter (softened)

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14.1 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Bananas (mashed)

700 g

1 lb 8.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

450 g

15.9 oz

Baking Soda

10 g



10 g


Total Weight:

2 kg

4 lb 6.5 oz

Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugar, and vanialla bean seeds. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the mashed bananas, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix just until combined. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Chef’s Notes: • Using very ripe bananas will yield the best flavor.


Corn Bread Ingredients



Granulated Sugar

450 g

15.9 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Corn Oil

300 g

10.6 oz

All-Purpose Flour

670 g

1 lb 7.6 oz

Baking Powder

40 g

1.4 oz


10 g



170 g

6 oz

Whole Milk

560 g

1 lb 3.8 oz

2.5 kg

5 lb 8.2 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sugar and eggs until light and thick. • Gradually add the oil. • Alternately add the sifted dry ingredients with the milk, beginning and ending with the dry. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

Chef’s Notes: • This is a base recipe that can be customized to one’s tastes. You can reduce the sugar and take it in a more savory direction if desired. Some suggestions for additions include: herbs, spices, chili paste, sautéed onions, peppers, garlic, and grilled or sautéed corn kernels.


Zucchini Bread I ngredients



Granulated Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Light Brown Sugar

180 g

6.3 oz

Invert Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Vegetable Oil

245 g

8.6 oz

All-Purpose Flour

138 g

4.8 oz

Cake Flour

138 g

4.8 oz

Baking Soda



Baking Powder




10 g


Cinnamon (ground)



Ginger (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Zucchini (grated)

303 g

10.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Wheat Flour

60 g

2.1 oz

Pecans (toasted & chopped)

135 g

4.8 oz

1.67 kg

3 lb 10.9 oz

Total Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the sugars, eggs, and extract until light and thick. • Gradually add the oil. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and whisk until smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Combine the grated zucchini, second weight of all-purpose flour, and whole wheat flour. • Fold the zucchini mixture, along with the pecans, into the rest of the batter until homogenous. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Brioche Ingredients



Bread Flour

50 g

1.8 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

50 g

1.8 oz

Fresh Yeast

25 g

0.9 oz

450 g

15.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

70 g

2.5 oz


10 g


Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each


250 g

8.8 oz

1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz


Dough: Bread Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make a sponge with the flour, water, and yeast. Cover and let proof in a warm place for about 30 minutes. • Once the sponge is ready, mix everything together- except the butter- with a dough hook for about 5 minutes, or until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Add the butter in several additions and mix until silky and all of the butter has been absorbed into the dough. • Slow proof the dough in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, bulk proof for 2 hours at room temperature, chill until firm, then use.


Pumpkin Brioche Ingredients



Whole Milk (110ºF/43ºC)

125 g

4.4 oz

Fresh Yeast

30 g

1 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Bread Flour

194 g

6.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz

Whole Eggs

175 g

3 ½ each

Egg Yolk

20 g

1 each


11 g


Bread Flour

563 g

1 lb 3.9 oz

Pumpkin Puree

283 g

10 oz


227 g

8 oz

1.75 kg

3 lb 13.7 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • Make a sponge with the milk, yeast, egg, and flour. Cover and let proof in a warm place for about 20 minutes. • Once the sponge is ready, mix everything together- except the butter- with a dough hook for about 5 minutes, or until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Add the butter in several additions and mix until silky and all of the butter has been absorbed into the dough. • Slow proof the dough in the refrigerator overnight. Alternatively, bulk proof for 2 hours at room temperature, chill until firm, then use.


Chocolate Babka Ingredients



40 g

1.4 oz

200 g

7 oz

80 g

2.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

585 g

1 lb 4.6 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Orange Zest

½ each

½ each

30 g

1 oz



185 g

6.5 oz


150 g

5.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

225 g

7.9 oz



Chocolate (72%)

120 g

4.2 oz

Cocoa Powder

60 g

2.1 oz

Nuts (toasted, coarsely chopped)

100 g

3.5 oz

1.276 kg

2 lb 13 oz

Sponge: Fresh Yeast Whole Milk (110ºF/43ºC) All-Purpose Flour


Light Brown Sugar Salt Butter (softened)



Total Dough Weight: Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans


Sponge Procedure: • Make a sponge with the yeast, milk and flour. Cover and let proof in a warm place for about 15-20 minutes. Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine all of the dough ingredients with the sponge. • Mix on medium-low speed for 1 minute to hydrate. Increase the speed to medium-high and mix for 5-6 minutes to develop a soft, smooth dough. • Cover and refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight. Filling Procedure: • Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the sugar and salt, then whisk until the sugar is dissolved. • Remove from the heat and add the chocolate. Allow to stand for 1 minute, then whisk to emulsify. Whisk in the cocoa powder until smooth. • Divide the dough in ½, about 625 g (1 lb 6 oz) per loaf. Shaping & Baking Procedure:

• Pre-shape by patting each portion into a rectangle. Cover and bench rest for 5-10 minutes. • Roll each portion into a 12 x 18-inch rectangle. Spread 275 g (9.7 oz) of chocolate filling over each surface all the way to the edges. • With a sharp knife, slice the log completely in ½. Twist the 2 pieces until it’s one big twist.

• Sprinkle each with 50 g (1.8 oz) of nuts and gently roll into a tight log about 18-inches long. • Place onto a greased loaf pan. Lightly press down on the top to de-gas and slightly flatten. • Egg wash the top of each loaf and top with 150 g (5.3 oz) of streusel on page 37. • Proof until about doubled in size. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the internal temperature is 185°F (85°C) when a thermometer is inserted into the dough portion of the babka. Chef’s Notes: • If the dough seems too soft and excessively sticky after mixing, add more flour until it pulls away from the sides. • The dough can be used in as little as 1 hour. However a long, slow fermentation improves the flavor and character of the dough. • Any nut can be used depending on preference. We like hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, or almonds.


Churros Ingredients




230 g

8.1 oz

Whole Milk

230 g

8.1 oz

Butter (cubed)

120 g

4.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz


1½ t

All-Purpose Flour

280 g

10 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

1.167 kg

2 lb 9.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, bring the water, milk, butter, sugar, and salt to a boil. • Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the sifted flour all at once. • Place the pan back on medium heat and cook the paste to dry it out, stirring continuously for 2-3 minutes. A thin film will form on the bottom and the paste will pull away from the pan. • Transfer the dough to a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment and beat to release the steam. Allow the mixture to cool enough so as to not cook the eggs when added. • Slowly add the eggs, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Transfer the dough to a piping bag fitted with a large star tip. • Add oil to a deep-sided pan. Over medium heat, bring the temperature of the oil to 360°F (182°C). • Carefully pipe the dough into the oil, cutting with a hot knife or metal spatula in 6-inch lengths, being careful not to crowd the pan. Fry until golden brown and cooked through to the center. Drain on paper towels, then toss the churros in plain or cinnamon sugar as desired.


Coffee Cake Metric


Butter (softened)

454 g

1 lb

Granulated Sugar

720 g

1 lb 9.4 oz

Invert Sugar

80 g

2.8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

400 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Cinnamon (ground)

15 g

0.5 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz


10 g


355 g

12.5 oz

30 g

1 oz

3.08 kg

6 lb 12.6 oz


Whole Milk Vanilla Extract

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and zest. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately add the sifted dry and wet ingredients, beginning and ending with the dry. • Spread the batter onto a parchment-lined half sheet pan. • Top the batter with 1.6 kg (3 lb 8.4 oz) of streusel on page 38. • Bake at 325ºF (163ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Croissant Dough Metric


Bread Flour

500 g

1 lb 1.7 oz

Cake Flour

250 g

8.8 oz

Butter (softened)

38 g

1.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

75 g

2.6 oz


17 g

0.6 oz

Fresh Yeast

38 g

1.3 oz

Milk Powder

38 g

1.3 oz


227 g

8 oz

Whole Milk

200 g

5 oz

Butter (cold & softened)

454 g

1 lb

Total Paton Weight:

1.837 kg

4 lb 0.8 oz

Ingredients Dough Packet (Détrempe):

Butter Packet (Beurrage):

Yield: approximately twenty-two croissants


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dough packet ingredients until combined. Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed for about 2-3 minutes, or until a smooth, slightly sticky dough comes together. • Shape the dough and place in an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let it bulk proof for 60-90 minutes at room temperature. • Roll the dough into a rectangle about ⅜ -inch thick, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for about 30 minutes, or until firm but not frozen. Alternatively, you can refrigerate the dough for 8 hours • Soften the butter packet until it is pliable, but still cold. Shape the butter into a square ½ the or overnight.

size of the rectangle of dough packet. The butter packet should be of similar consistency as the dough packet when assembling them together.

• Place the butter inside the dough and fold over to make a package. • Give the paton 2 double turns, resting the dough for 30 minutes in between each turn. • Roll the croissant dough to ¼ -inch thick.

• With a sharp knife or croissant cutter, cut 8-inch long x 4-inch wide triangles out of the dough. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) for the first ½ of the baking, then lower the oven to 350°F (177°C) and • Shape, egg wash, proof, and egg wash a second time.

continue baking until deep golden brown.


Danish Pastry Dough Metric


Fresh Yeast

30 g

1 oz

Milk Powder

30 g

1 oz

Water (cold)

237 g

8.4 oz

Bread Flour

340 g

12 oz

Cake Flour

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz







Butter (softened)

50 g

1.8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Butter (cold & softened)

340 g

12 oz

Total Paton Weight:

1.4 kg

3 lb 1.4 oz

Ingredients Dough Packet (Détrempe):

Butter Packet (Beurrage):

Yield: twenty-four pastries


Procedure: • Dissolve the yeast and milk powder into the cold water. • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, mix the dough packet (détrempe) ingredients to combine; do not over develop the gluten at this point. The dough should be slightly shaggy, with no dry spots. • Pat the dough into a square, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. • Roll the dough into a rectangle approximately ½ -inch thick.

• Soften the butter packet (beurrage) to a similar consistency as the chilled détrempe.

• Place the softened butter packet on one half of the dough and fold over to make a paton; be sure to seal the edges well.

• Give the dough 3 single turns, rolling the dough to ¼ -inch thick. Let rest for 20-30 minutes in between each turn.


Apple Cider Doughnuts Metric


Apple Cider

475 g

1 lb 0.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

850 g

1 lb 12 oz

Baking Powder

18 g

0.6 oz

Baking Soda






Cinnamon (ground)



Nutmeg (ground)



Butter (softened)

113 g

4 oz

Granulated Sugar

400 g

14.1 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Apple Cider Reduction

120 g

4.2 oz


227 g

8 oz

230 g

8.1 oz

Cinnamon (ground)




1/ 8

1/ 8

Apple Cider

45 g

1.6 oz

Apple Brandy

15 g

0.5 oz

1.96 kg

4 lb 5 oz


Glaze: Powdered Sugar

Total Weight:


Yield: thirty-two 50 g (1.8 oz) doughnuts



Doughnut Procedure: • Gently reduce the apple cider by 75% to 120 g (4.2 oz). Set aside to cool. • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar until smooth and aerated. • Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Gradually add the reduced apple cider and the buttermilk, mixing until combined. • Add the dry ingredients and mix just until the dough comes together. top of the dough and pat it down until it is ½-inch thick. Use more flour if the dough is sticky.

• Dust a parchment-lined sheet pan with flour and turn the dough out onto the pan. Flour the

• Transfer the dough to the freezer until firm (about 30 minutes).

• Cut into the doughnuts using a doughnut cutter or use two sizes of round cutters to create the hole. • Refrigerate for 30 minutes. • Add enough oil to a deep-sided pan to measure the depth of about 3-inches. Over medium heat, bring the temperature of the oil to 360°F (182°C). • Carefully add a few doughnuts to the oil, being careful not to crowd the pan. Fry until golden brown. Turn the doughnuts over and fry until the other side is golden. Drain on paper towels.

Glaze Procedure: • Sift the powdered sugar, cinnamon, and salt. • Whisk the cider and brandy into the powdered sugar mixture until smooth.

The old fashioned way of glazing doughnuts is to dip them by hand. The trick is to have the glaze thick enough to coat the doughnut in one application. If either the glaze or the doughnuts are too warm, the glaze will run off.


Yeast Doughnuts I ngredients



865 g

1 lb 14.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

40 g

1.4 oz

Bread Flour

860 g

1 lb 14.3 oz

Pastry Flour

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

85 g

3 oz

Milk Powder

85 g

3 oz

Baking Powder

23 g

0.8 oz


23 g

0.8 oz

Cardamom (ground)



Butter (cold & cubed)

250 g

8.8 oz

2.733 kg

6 lb 0.4 oz

Water (100ºF/38ºC)

Total Weight:

Yield: forty 60 g (2 oz) doughnuts


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, mix the water and yeast for 30 seconds. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until fully incorporated. • Add the butter and mix on low speed for 5 minutes. • Increase the speed to medium-low and mix for another 5 minutes. • De-gas the dough and roll or sheet to ½ -inch thick.

• Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof until doubled in size. • Cut into the doughnuts using a doughnut cutter or use two sizes of round cutters to create the hole. • Proof the doughnuts until doubled in size. • Add enough oil to a deep-sided pan to measure the depth of about 3-inches. Over medium heat, bring the temperature of the oil to 375°F (191°C). • Carefully add a few doughnuts to the oil, being careful not to crowd the pan. Fry until golden brown. Turn the doughnuts over and fry until the other side is golden. Drain on paper towels. Chef’s Notes: • Using yeast and baking powder together yields an exceptionally light and fluffy doughnut.


English Muffins Metric


60 g

2.1 oz

Water (room temperature)

250 g

8.8 oz

All-Purpose Flour

300 g

10.6 oz


610 g

1 lb 5.5 oz

Whole Milk (room temperature)

400 g

14 oz

30 g

1 oz

560 g

1 lb 3.8 oz

10 g


1.61 kg

3 lb 8.8 oz

I ngredients Sponge: Fresh Yeast


Butter All-Purpose Flour Salt

Total Weight:


Sponge Procedure: • Mix the yeast, water, and flour until blended. Cover and allow to ferment at room temperature for 3-6 hours.

Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine the sponge, milk, butter, and flour and mix for 2-3 minutes. • Add the salt and mix until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover, and bulk ferment for 1 hour. • Turn the dough out onto a well-floured bench. Pat or roll the dough until it is ½ -inch thick. • Turn, fold and flip the dough over in the bowl. Ferment for another 30-40 minutes.

Cut the muffins with round cutters.

• Prepare a sauté pan with ¼ -inch of vegetable oil and butter.

• Pan fry the muffins, cooking each side until nicely browned. Remove from the pan onto a cornmeal-lined tray, then transfer onto parchment-lined sheet pans. • Bake the cornmeal-coated muffins at 350°F (177°C) for 10-15 minutes, or until cooked through in the center. Cool on a wire rack.


Crepe Batter Metric


Whole Milk

280 g

9.9 oz

Heavy Cream

125 g

4.4 oz

Vanilla Bean (seeds)

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each

All-Purpose Flour

250 g

8.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

140 g

4.9 oz



1.045 kg

2 lb 4.9 oz

I ngredients


Total Weight:

Procedure — By Hand: • Whisk the milk, cream, vanilla bean seeds, and eggs until smooth. • Whisk ½ of the liquid mixture into the dry ingredients until smooth. Whisk in the rest of the • Sift the dry ingredients in a bowl large enough to accommodate the whole recipe.

liquid until the batter is smooth again.

• Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer and let rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before using.

Procedure — By Food Processor: • Whisk the milk, cream, vanilla bean seed, and eggs until smooth. • Put the sifted dry ingredients in the food processor. With the machine on, pour the liquid ingredients through the hole and process until smooth. • Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer and let rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before using.


Fruit & Nut Granola Metric



230 g

8.1 oz

Light Brown Sugar

160 g

5.6 oz


170 g

6 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g








Rolled Oats

680 g

1 lb 8 oz

Unsweetened Coconut (shredded)

170 g

6 oz

Raw Cashews

170 g

6 oz


170 g

6 oz

Raw Pistachios

170 g

6 oz

Slivered Almonds

170 g

6 oz

Dried Fruits (diced)

570 g

1 lb 4.1 oz

2.682 kg

5 lb 14.6 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a saucepan, combine the butter, sugar, honey, extract, cinnamon, and salt. Bring to a simmer, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool slightly. • In a large bowl, combine the oats, coconut, and nuts. Add the sugar mixture and stir to coat. • Spread the granola onto parchment-lined sheet pans. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) until golden, stirring occasionally. Combine with the dried fruit. • Store in a airtight container for up to 1 month.


Olive Oil & Maple Granola Ingredients



Rolled Oats

300 g

10.6 oz

Raw Sunflower Seeds (hulled)

140 g

4.9 oz

Raw Sliced Almonds

130 g

4.6 oz

Raw Pecans (coarsely chopped)

125 g

4.4 oz

Unsweetened Coconut (shredded)

60 g

2.1 oz

Pure Maple Syrup

180 g

6.3 oz

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

120 g

4.2 oz

Light Brown Sugar

100 g

3.5 oz



1.16 kg

2 lb 8.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. • Spread the granola onto parchment-lined sheet pans. • Bake at 275°F (135°C) until toasted, stirring occasionally. • Remove from the oven and season with additional salt to taste if desired. • Store in a airtight container for up to 1 month.


Granola Buttermilk Waffles Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

165 g

5.8 oz

Cake Flour

45 g

1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz

Baking Powder

10 g


Baking Soda







397 g

14 oz

Butter (melted)

113 g

4 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Olive Oil & Maple Granola (pg 498)

175 g

6.2 oz

1.05 kg

2 lb 5 oz

Total Weight: Yield: ten 8-inch waffles

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Whisk the buttermilk, melted butter, eggs, and extract until combined. • Combine the wet and dry ingredients, stirring just until nearly smooth; do not over mix. • Ladle the batter into a preheated waffle iron that has been sprayed with pan spray or brushed with butter. • Sprinkle granola evenly over the batter – the amount of granola will depend upon the size of your waffle iron. • Cook the waffles according to the manufacturer’s directions. For an 8-inch round waffle iron, use about 85 g (3 oz) of batter; cook for 2-3 minutes until golden and crisp.


Kouign-Amann Ingredients



Bread Flour

565 g

1 lb 3.9 oz

Cake Flour

225 g

7.9 oz

Butter (softened)

110 g

3.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

85 g

3 oz


14 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

42 g

1.5 oz


275 g

9.7 oz

Whole Milk

200 g

7 oz

Butter (cold)

400 g

14.1 oz

Granulated Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

14 g

0.5 oz

300 g

10.6 oz



1.95 kg

4 lb 4.8 oz

Dough Packet (Détrempe):

Butter Packet (Beurrage):


Sugar/Salt Garnish: Granulated Sugar Fine Sea Salt

Total Paton Weight:

Approximate Yield: twenty-four kouign-amanns


Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dough packet ingredients until combined. Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed for about 2-3 minutes, or until a smooth, slightly sticky dough comes together. • Place the dough in a buttered bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let it bulk proof for 30-60 minutes at room temperature. • Roll the dough into a rectangle about ⅜ -inch thick, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze for about 30 minutes, or until firm but not frozen. creamy, but still cold. Shape the butter into a square ½ the size of the rectangle of détrempe.

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the butter packet ingredients until light and

The beurrage should be of similar consistency as the détrempe when assembling together. • Place the butter inside the dough and fold over to make a package. • Butter muffin pans and coat with about ¼ of the sugar/salt mixture.

• Give the dough 3 single turns, resting for 30 minutes in between each turn. • Roll the paton to ¼ -inch thick, while sprinkling both sides generously with about ½ of the

sugar/salt mixture. Be sure to lightly roll the sugar/salt mixture onto the surfaces of both sides

• Cut the dough into 3 ½-inch squares. of the dough.

• Pick up the squares one at a time, gently place them into the muffin pan cavities and fold the corners into the center. • Sprinkle the tops with the remaining sugar/salt mixture. • Let proof for about 45-60 minutes before baking for a lighter pastry, or refrigerate for up to a day for a fluffier, yeasty pastry. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) for 12 minutes, then lower the temperature to 350°F (177°C) to finish (about another 12 minutes). Chef’s Notes: • Kouign-amann are done baking when they have a rich, caramelized brown color on top and are cooked through in the center. • Upon removing from the oven, place upside-down onto a cooling rack to cool. Once cool, flip upright.


Apple Muffins Ingredients



400 g

14 oz

Baking Soda

15 g

0.5 oz

Cinnamon (ground)

10 g

1 T, 1 t


10 g


Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Egg Yolks

40 g

2 each

Vegetable Oil

170 g

6 oz

Orange Juice

60 g

2 oz

Vanilla Extract

15 g

0.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

270 g

9.5 oz


30 g

1 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Apples (peeled & ¼-inch dice)

650 g

1 lb 6.9 oz


150 g

5.3 oz

Walnuts (toasted & chopped)

150 g

5.3 oz

2.07 kg

4 lb 9 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and set aside. • Whisk the wet ingredients until smooth and set aside. • Combine the sugar, honey, zest, apples, raisins, and walnuts. • Add the wet ingredients to the apple mixture and mix to combine. • Fold the sifted dry ingredients into the apple mixture until combined. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Blueberry Muffins Metric


Butter (softened)

338 g

11.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each


1½ t

400 g

14 oz


12 g

0.4 oz

Baking Powder

12 g

0.4 oz

Whole Milk

125 g

4.4 oz

Sour Cream

125 g

4.4 oz


275 g

9.7 oz

1.845 kg

4 lb 1 oz


Vanilla Extract

Cake Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and zest. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately fold in the sifted dry and wet ingredients, beginning and ending with the dry. • Gently fold in the blueberries. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Bran Muffins Metric


50 g

1 each

Light Brown Sugar

266 g

9.4 oz

Vegetable Oil

178 g

6.3 oz

Cake Flour

342 g

12 oz

Bran Flour

107 g

3.8 oz

Baking Soda

10 g




1½ t

Whole Milk

270 g

9.5 oz


85 g

3 oz

Carrots (peeled & grated)

85 g

3 oz

Pineapple (finely chopped)

63 g

2.2 oz

Golden Raisins

43 g

1.5 oz

Total Weight:

1.507 kg

3 lb 5.2 oz

Ingredients Whole Egg

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whisk the egg and sugar until light and thick. • Gradually add the oil. • Alternately fold the sifted dry and wet ingredients into the whipped egg. • Fold in the carrots, pineapple, and raisins. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Corn Muffins Ingredients



Butter (softened)

227 g

8 oz

Granulated Sugar

284 g

10 oz

Invert Sugar

29 g

1 oz


86 g

3 oz

Sour Cream (room temperature)

227 g

8 oz

Buttermilk (room temperature)

242 g

8.5 oz

Corn Oil

170 g

6 oz

Whole Eggs

150 g

3 each

Egg Yolks

170 g

8 each

All-Purpose Flour

624 g

1 lb 6 oz


398 g

14 oz

43 g

1.5 oz


1½ t

2.657 kg

5 lb 13.7 oz

Baking Powder Baking Soda

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter, sugars, and honey. • Add the sour cream and mix until aerated. • Combine the buttermilk, oil, whole eggs, and yolks until smooth. • Alternately fold the sifted dry and wet ingredients, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins Metric


Butter (softened)

338 g

11.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

250 g

8.8 oz

Invert Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Whole Eggs

250 g

5 each


1½ t

400 g

14.1 oz


12 g

0.4 oz

Baking Powder

12 g

0.4 oz

Whole Milk

125 g

4.4 oz

Sour Cream

125 g

4.4 oz

Candied Lemon Zest (chopped)

100 g

3.5 oz

Poppy Seeds

25 g

0.9 oz

1.694 kg

3 lb 11.8 oz


Vanilla Extract

Cake Flour

Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars. • Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the extract, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Alternately fold in the sifted dry and wet ingredients, beginning and ending with the dry. • Gently fold in the candied zest and poppy seeds. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Pumpkin Muffins Ingredients



Pumpkin Puree

618 g

1 lb 5.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

681 g

1 lb 8 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Vegetable Oil

162 g

5.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

340 g

12 oz


20 g

0.7 oz

Baking Soda

10 g


Cinnamon (ground)

14 g

0.5 oz

Ginger (ground)



Cloves (ground)



Golden Raisins

227 g

8 oz

Total Weight:

2.18 kg

4 lb 12.9 oz

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the puree, sugar, and eggs. • Gradually add the oil. • Add the sifted dry ingredients and mix until streaky. • Add the raisins and mix until the batter is homogenous. • Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


Vegan Tofu Muffins Metric



170 g

6 oz

Apple Juice

170 g

6 oz

Soft Tofu

200 g

7 oz

Vanilla Extract

10 g


Vegetable Oil

25 g

0.9 oz

Apple Compote

38 g

1.3 oz

Granulated Sugar

413 g

14.5 oz

Cake Flour

385 g

13.6 oz

Bread Flour

150 g

5.3 oz

Baking Powder

10 g


Baking Soda


1½ t

Cinnamon (ground)






1.585 kg

3 lb 7.9 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the wet ingredients until semi-smooth. • Add the sifted dry ingredients to the wet ingredients all at once. Mix just until combined, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until a skewer inserted comes out clean.


North African Honeycomb Pancakes Metric



375 g

13.2 oz

All-Purpose Flour

200 g

7 oz

Granulated Sugar

150 g

5.3 oz


1½ t

Water (115ºF/46ºC)

750 g

1 lb 10.5 oz

Whole Milk

250 g

8.8 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Fresh Yeast

20 g

0.7 oz

1.95 kg

4 lb 4.8 oz



Total Weight:

Procedure: • Combine the wet ingredients and add ½ to the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth, scraping • Place the sifted dry ingredients into a bowl of a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment.

down the bowl as necessary. Gradually add the rest of the wet ingredients and continue to mix until smooth.

• Cover the batter and allow to ferment at room temperature for 1-2 hours, or until doubled in size and very bubbly, before use. Alternatively, refrigerate overnight for a long and slow fermentation. • When ready to cook, stir to deflate. Batter should be a little thicker than heavy cream; thin with warm water if necessary. Heat a heavy, nonstick (or very well-seasoned cast-iron) pan over medium heat. Pour desired amount of batter and cook at a very gentle sizzle for several minutes, until the top is covered with holes and completely set; the bottom should be golden and lacy. Repeat as needed with the remaining batter. These pancakes are also known as beghrir (or baghrir). When cooked correctly, they are riddled with tiny holes which soak up whatever sauce they are served with. The most common way to eat beghrir in Morocco and Algeria is by dipping them in honey-butter, but they can also be cut into wedges and served with jam.


Panettone I ngredients



Fresh Yeast

55 g

1.9 oz

Whole Milk (100ºF/38ºC)

100 g

3.5 oz

Bread Flour

200 g

7 oz

Bread Flour

500 g

1 lb 1.6 oz

Granulated Sugar

130 g

4.6 oz

Vanilla Sugar

30 g

1 oz


10 g





Lemon Zest

2 each

2 each

Orange Zest

1 each

1 each

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Egg Yolks

80 g

4 each

Orange Flower Water

10 g



200 g

7 oz

Golden Rasins

150 g

5.3 oz

Candied Orange Peel (¼-inch dice)

50 g

1.8 oz

1.815 kg

4 lb



Total Weight: Yield: two 6-inch panettones


Sponge Procedure: • Make a sponge with the yeast, milk and flour. Cover and let proof in a warm place for about 30 minutes.

Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the flour, sugars, salt, nutmeg, and zests to combine. • Add the whole eggs one at a time, followed by the yolks and orange flower water, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Add the sponge and mix on low speed for 1-2 minutes to hydrate. • Mix on medium speed for 3-4 minutes until gluten is developed. • When the gluten is fully developed, add the butter and continue to beat on medium speed until the dough becomes a smooth, satiny ball (about 2-3 minutes). • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 2 hours. • Turn/fold and divide/scale the dough into 2 portions. Knead the raisins and orange peel into each portion. • Shape the portions into tight balls and place in the middle of 6-inch panettone molds. • Let proof and bake at 350°F (177°C) until the internal temperature reaches 185°F (85°C). • Cool on a wire rack.

Chef’s Notes: • The raisins may be macerated in brandy or plumped with warm water and drained if desired.

Panettone is a type of sweet enriched bread originally from Milan; traditionally enjoyed around the holiday season in Italy.


Raisin Challah Metric


400 g

14.1 oz

Fresh Yeast

40 g

1.4 oz

All Purpose Flour

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each


70 g

2.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

30 g

1 oz


30 g

1 oz

Olive Oil

40 g

1.4 oz

Butter (softened)

35 g

1.2 oz

300 g

10.6 oz

2.045 kg

4 lb 8.1 oz

Ingredients Water (room temperature)


Total Weight: Yield: three 675 g loaves Procedure:

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients-except the raisins-on low speed for 2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed until gluten is developed (5-7 minutes). • Add the raisins and mix as briefly as possible until evenly distributed (30-45 seconds). • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 60 minutes. • Turn/fold /flip over and continue to bulk proof for another 60 minutes. • Divide into 675 gram pieces. Shape into balls, then divide each ball into 168 gram pieces. • Pre-shape the pieces into ropes of equal length, about 8 to 10-inches. • Shape the loaves by braiding the 4 ropes together. • Brush lightly with egg wash, proof, and egg wash a second time. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until the internal temperature reaches 185°F (85°C).


Scones Metric


All-Purpose Flour

568 g

1 lb 4 oz

Granulated Sugar

84 g

3 oz

Baking Powder

18 g

0.6 oz


10 g


Butter (cold & cubed)

227 g

8 oz

Whole Milk

113 g

4 oz


113 g

4 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each


113 g

4 oz

1.346 kg

2 lb 14.5 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whisk the whole milk, buttermilk, and eggs and keep cold. the butter is ¼ -inch, or “pea sized.”

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix together the dry ingredients and butter until • Mix the inclusions into the dry mixture to combine. Do not over mix. Pat or roll out the dough to about ¾ -inch thick.

• Add the egg/milk mixture to the dry ingredients and mix just until a dough is roughly formed. • Cut the scones into the desired shape and brush the top of each with heavy cream. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) until lightly browned and just baked through. Chef’s Notes: • Inclusions can be varied. Some suggestions include chopped nuts, dried fruits and berries, raisins/currants, candied ginger, and chocolate chips. • Scones can be made in advance and frozen for up to 2 months, then baked fresh as needed.


Stollen Metric


Fresh Yeast

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Milk (110ºF/43ºC)

183 g

6.5 oz

Bread Flour

210 g

7.4 oz

415 g

14.6 oz



1½ t

Cardamom (ground)



Allspice (ground)



Butter (softened)

285 g

10 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Granulated Sugar

40 g

1.4 oz


20 g

0.7 oz

Lemon Zest

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest

½ each

½ each

335 g

11.8 oz

Candied Orange Peel (¼-inch dice)

60 g

2.1 oz

Whole Almonds (toasted)

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Pecans (toasted)

40 g

1.4 oz

Whole Walnuts (toasted)

40 g

1.4 oz

1.8 kg

4 lb 0.2 oz

Ingredients Sponge:

Dough: Bread Flour

Raisins (macerated)

Total Weight:

Yield: three 600 g (1 lb 5 oz) loaves


Sponge Procedure: • Make a sponge with the majority of the flour, yeast, and milk. Sprinkle the remaining flour on top of the sponge. Cover and let proof in a warm place for 20 minutes, or until doubled in size. Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the sponge and all of the dough ingredients on low speed for 2 minutes to hydrate. • Continue to mix on medium-low speed until gluten is developed (about 4-5 minutes). • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and let proof for 20 minutes. • Add the fruits and nuts by kneading them in by hand. This procedure will be difficult due to the large quantity of inclusions. • Scale /divide into 3 portions and bulk proof for 20 minutes. Turn/flip/fold over the dough and continue to bulk proof for another 20 minutes. Shaping & Baking Procedure: • De-gas the dough on a floured surface and pre-shape by patting or rolling into a 4 x 8-inch rectangles; bench rest for 5 minutes. • Form the rectangles into loaves by folding the top ⅓ down to the middle. Fold again so that the edges meet and seal the bottom by pressing the seams together. Bench rest for another 5 minutes. • Final shape by using a wooden dowel to roll 2 channels into the loaves. There will be 3 bumps and 2 channels in the dough. • Lift the top bump up and place it in the channel closest to you. Fold the dough edge backwards to create a loaf that now has 3 ridges, 2 on either side of the 1 in the middle. The middle ridge should be higher than the other two. • Final proof the loaves for 30-40 minutes, refrigerating for 10 minutes right before baking which preserves the final shape. • Egg wash and bake at 350°F (177°C) for 30-40 minutes, or until the internal temperature is 185°F (85°C). Let cool until warm on wire racks. Finishing Procedure: • While warm, remove any dark raisins from the exterior and liberally brush with melted butter. • Roll each loaf in a 50/50 mixture of vanilla sugar and powdered sugar.


Swiss Muesli Ingredients



Whole Milk

720 g

1 lb 9.4 oz


200 g

7 oz



Rolled Oats

250 g

8.8 oz

Apple (peeled & shredded)

1 each

1 each

Pear (peeled & shredded)

1 each

1 each

Golden Raisins

113 g

4 oz

Dried Cherries

113 g

4 oz

Dried Apricots (diced)

56 g

2 oz

Walnuts (toasted & chopped)

113 g

4 oz

Blueberries (fresh)

85 g

3 oz

Raspberries (fresh)

85 g

3 oz

Yogurt (plain)

340 g

12 oz

Heavy Cream (softly whipped)

227 g

8 oz

2.5 kg

5 lb 8.2 oz


Total Weight:

Procedure: • Whisk the milk, honey, and salt to dissolve. Combine with the oats and refrigerate overnight. • Fold in the fruits and walnuts, followed by the yogurt and whipped cream. Chef’s Notes: • Any type of fresh fruit can be substituted for the fresh berries.




Buttermilk Biscuits, Gluten-Free Ham & Cheese


Crackers, Cheddar Cheese


Crackers, Roquefort-Walnut


Flatbread, Crisps




Focaccia, Cheese




Irish Soda Bread


Kaiser Rolls


Kalamata Olive Bread with Herbs de Provence


Naan (Indian Flatbread)


Oatmeal Walnut Bread


Pain de Mie


Pain Viennois


Pizza Dough


Potato Rolls


Soft Dinner Rolls


Soft Pretzels, Buttered





Buttermilk Biscuits

Buttermilk Biscuits Ingredients



908 g

2 lb


20 g

0.7 oz

Baking Powder

15 g

0.5 oz

Baking Soda



Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

340 g

12 oz

Buttermilk (cold)

560 g

1 lb 3.8 oz

Total Weight:

1.845 kg

4 lb 1 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Yield: thirty-two 2 ½ -inch biscuits

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the sifted dry ingredients and butter until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. • Add the buttermilk and mix just until barely combined. • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and gently knead until the dough comes together. • Pat or roll the dough to 1-inch thickness. • With a cutter or knife, portion the dough into biscuits. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until golden brown. Do not over bake. • Brush with melted butter while hot from the oven.


Gluten-Free Ham & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits Ingredients



White Rice Flour

420 g

14.8 oz

Potato Starch

100 g

3.5 oz

Tapioca Flour

70 g

2.5 oz

Baking Powder

30 g

1 oz

Baking Soda

10 g


Granulated Sugar

10 g





Xanthan Gum



Gruyère Cheese (grated)

80 g

2.8 oz

Smoked Ham (finely diced)

80 g

2.8 oz

Fresh Chives (chopped)

15 g

0.5 oz

Whole Eggs

200 g

4 each

Buttermilk (cold)

150 g

5.3 oz

Vegetable Oil

140 g

4.9 oz

1.3 kg

2 lb 13.8 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: twenty-two 57 g (2 oz) biscuits Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients and place in a bowl large enough to accommodate the entire recipe. • Add the cheese, ham, and chives to the dry ingredients. • Whisk together the wet ingredients. Add to the dry ingredients and stir to combine. • Drop or scoop 57 g (2 oz) per biscuit onto parchment-lined sheet pans and flatten slightly. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until the sides feel slightly firm and the tops and edges begin to brown. • Brush with melted butter while hot from the oven.


Cheddar Cheese Crackers Metric


All-Purpose Flour

510 g

1 lb 2 oz

Granulated Sugar

15 g


Baking Powder

12 g




1½ t




Cayenne Pepper



Cheddar Cheese (finely grated)

568 g

1 lb 4 oz

Parmesan Cheese (finely grated)

284 g

10 oz

Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

454 g

1 lb

60 g

2 oz

1.915 kg

4 lb 3.5 oz


Water (cold) Total Weight:

Yield: approximately 20 dozen crackers

Procedure: • In a mixing bowl, whisk the dry ingredients together to blend. the butter is ¼ -inch or “pea sized.”

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dry ingredients, cheeses and butter until • Add ½ of the water to the dry ingredients and mix for 10-20 seconds on low speed to hydrate.

• Add the remaining water and mix until the dough just comes together. Do not over mix.

• Roll the dough to ⅛-inch thick and cut with a fluted wheel cutter ¾ -inch wide x 3-inches long. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for a minimum of 1 hour, or overnight. Chill the crackers before baking.

• Brush the tops with egg wash and sprinkle with fleur de sel or smoked sea salt as desired. • Bake at 325°F (163°C) until puffed and browned on the edges (about 15-20 minutes). • Store in airtight containers for up to 3 days.


Roquefort-Walnut Crackers Ingredients



720 g

1 lb 9.4 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

15 g

0.5 oz

Baking Powder

12 g


Black Pepper



Herbs de Provence



Roquefort Cheese

908 g

2 lb

Butter ( ½ -inch cubes, cold)

454 g

1 lb

Water (cold)

43 g

1.5 oz

Walnuts (chopped)

227 g

8 oz

2.4 kg

5 lb 4.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight:

Yield: approximately 25 dozen crackers

Procedure: • In a mixing bowl, whisk the dry ingredients together to blend. the butter is ¼ -inch or “pea sized.”

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the dry ingredients, cheese and butter until • Add ½ of the water to the dry ingredients and mix for 10-20 seconds on low speed to hydrate.

• Add the remaining water and walnuts; mix until the dough just comes together. Do not over mix. • Roll the dough to ⅛-inch thick and cut with a fluted wheel cutter ¾ -inch wide x 3-inches long. • Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for a minimum of 1 hour, or overnight. Chill the crackers before baking.

• Bake at 325°F (163°C) until puffed and browned on the edges (about 15-20 minutes). • Store in airtight containers for up to 3 days.


Crisp Flatbread Metric


946 g

1 qt

All-Purpose Flour

28 g

1 oz

Granulated Sugar

22 g

0.8 oz

Fresh Yeast

15 g

0.5 oz

600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz


22 g

0.8 oz

Vegetable Oil

22 g

0.8 oz

1.655 kg

3 lb 10.4 oz

I ngredients Water (110°F/43°C)

All-Purpose Flour

Total Weight: Yield: seven full sheet pans

Procedure: • Whisk the first four ingredients together in a 5-quart mixing bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise at room temperature until 3-4 times original volume (about 20 minutes). • In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, mix in the second weight of flour and salt until smooth. • With the mixer running, gradually stream in the oil and continue to mix until the batter is smooth, scraping down the bowl as necessary. • Pour into a tall, 6-8 quart plastic container. Cover and refrigerate overnight, or up to 18 hours. • Emulsify the batter with an immersion blender or in a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. • With an off-set spatula, evenly spread one 8-oz ladle of batter on a full sheet pan lined with a silicone baking mat. • Sprinkle the top of the batter with desired toppings. • Bake at 300°F (149°C) until evenly browned (about 18-20 minutes). Chef’s Notes: • Can be stored in airtight containers for up to 2 days. • Suggested toppings include a blend of grated parmesan cheese, sesame, poppy, and caraway seeds.


Focaccia Ingredients



Bread Flour

830 g

1 lb 13.2 oz

Water (110ºF/43ºC)

540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Olive Oil

110 g

3.9 oz


20 g

0.7 oz

Fresh Yeast

15 g

0.5 oz

1.515 kg

3 lb 5.4 oz

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine all of the ingredients and mix on low speed for 2 minutes. • Continue to mix on medium speed for 3-5 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Pre-shape into a round and place on an oiled parchment-lined half sheet pan. Rub the top of the dough with olive oil. Cover with plastic wrap and proof until doubled in volume. • Stretch the dough carefully to fit an entire half sheet pan, being careful not to over-deflate. • Dimple the dough and top with olive oil and desired toppings. Proof for 20-30 minutes. • Bake at 400°F (204°C) for 10-12 minutes, or until the internal temperature is between 200-210°F (93-99°C).


Cheese Focaccia Metric


Bread Flour

360 g

12.7 oz

All-Purpose Flour

360 g

12.7 oz

Water (110°F/43ºC)

540 g

1 lb 3 oz

Olive Oil

40 g

1.4 oz

Granulated Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

18 g

0.6 oz

Gruyère Cheese (grated)

60 g

2.1 oz

Parmesan Cheese (grated)

60 g

2.1 oz

Fresh Chives (chopped)

15 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Thyme


0.3 oz

Black Pepper (ground)


0.1 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

I ngredients

Total Weight: Yield: one half sheet pan

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the first 9 ingredients and mix on low speed for 2 minutes. • Add the chopped chives, thyme, and black pepper. • Continue to mix on medium speed for 3-5 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Pre-shape into a round and place on an oiled parchment-lined half sheet pan. Rub the top of the dough with olive oil. Cover with plastic wrap and proof until doubled in volume. • Stretch the dough carefully to fit an entire half sheet pan, being careful not to over-deflate. • Dimple the dough and top with olive oil, more cheese, fleur de sel, and pepper. Proof for 20-30 minutes. • Bake at 400°F (204ºC) for 10-12 minutes, or until the internal temperature is between 200-210°F (93-99ºC).


Fougasse Metric


Bread Flour

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz

Whole Milk

300 g

10.6 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

300 g

10.6 oz

Olive Oil

100 g

3.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

25 g

0.9 oz


25 g

0.9 oz

Granulated Sugar

10 g


1.76 kg

3 lb 14 oz

I ngredients

Total Weight:

Yield: six 290 g (10.2 oz) loaves Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the first 5 ingredients on low speed for 2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and add the salt and sugar. Mix on medium speed for 6-8 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 2 hours. • Divide into 290 g (10.2 oz) pieces and pre-shape into balls. Cover and bench rest for 15 minutes. • Pat the dough into oblong rectangles approximately ¼ -inch thick. • With a bench scraper, cut 1 line through the center of the dough, followed by 3 lines on both sides of the center cut at about a 30º angle to create an “ear of wheat” pattern. • Gently lift and stretch the dough onto an oiled sheet pan so the cuts open up about 1½-inches. The pattern can be adjusted once the bread is on the sheet pan. • Proof until doubled in size. • Gently brush the tops with olive oil and garnish with fleur de sel and fresh ground pepper. • Bake at 400°F (204ºC) until golden brown and hollow sounding when tapped. • Lightly brush the tops of each fougasse with additional olive oil while still hot from the oven. Chef’s Notes: • Try adding herbs, herb oils, olives, sun dried tomatoes, or cheese to the dough as desired.


Irish Soda Bread Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

397 g

14 oz

Granulated Sugar

50 g

1.8 oz

Cream of Tartar


1¾ t

Baking Soda






Butter ( ¼ -inch cubes, cold)

57 g

2 oz

Dried Currants

113 g

4 oz


227 g

8 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

1 each

1 each

Orange Zest Yield: two 6-inch loaves

Procedure: • Sift the dry ingredients. • Cut in the butter until it is well mixed into the dry ingredients. • Add the currants. • Whisk the buttermilk, egg, and zest and mix into the dry ingredients just to moisten. • Shape into 2 balls and cut a broad X on the top of each ball approximately 1-1 ½ -inch deep. • Bake immediately at 350°F (177ºC) until nicely browned (about 25-30 minutes). Chef’s Notes: • Do not overwork the dough or the bread will be tough. • Any currants on the outside of the loaf that have burned during baking should be brushed off. • Irish soda bread is best served and eaten the day it is made.


Kaiser Rolls Ingredients



Bread Flour

890 g

1 lb 15.4 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

472 g

1 lb 0.6 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Fresh Yeast

30 g

1 oz

Vegetable Oil

21 g

0.7 oz


22 g

0.8 oz

Granulated Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz

Malt Powder

20 g

0.7 oz

1.525 kg

3 lb 5.8 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: fifteen 100 g (3.5 oz) rolls Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients on low speed for about 2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed until gluten is developed. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 1 hour. • Divide into 100 g (3.5 oz) pieces and pre-shape into rounds. • Place the rolls onto a parchment-lined sheet pan and proof for about 1 hour, or until almost double in size. • After proofing, stamp the rolls with a Kaiser roll stamp and proof again for about 20-30 minutes. • Bake at 350°F (177°C) for 10 minutes, or until baked through. Chef’s Notes: • Make sure to flour the stamp occasionally so it doesn't stick to the dough. • When stamping, press all the way down until you touch the sheet pan so the mark comes out clear and pronounced after baking. In Germany and Austria, Kaiser rolls are traditionally topped with poppy seeds and eaten for breakfast with cheese, cold cuts, or jam. In New Jersey, Delaware, and parts of Pennsylvania they are also eaten for breakfast either with butter, or Taylor ham, fried egg, and cheese.


Kalamata Olive Bread with Herbes de Provence Ingredients



Bread Flour

200 g

7 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

200 g

7 oz


0.07 oz

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz


400 g

14.1 oz

Fresh Yeast

12 g

0.4 oz


10 g


300 g

10.6 oz



2.33 kg

5 lb 2.2 oz


Fresh Yeast

Dough: Bread Flour

Kalamata Olives (pitted) Herbes de Provence

Total Weight:

Yield: four 580 g (20.5 oz) loaves


Poolish Procedure: • Mix the flour, water, and yeast until blended. Cover and allow to ferment at room temperature for 6-12 hours.

Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine the flour, water, poolish, and yeast and mix on low speed for 2-3 minutes to hydrate. • Add the salt and mix for approximately 5 minutes to fully develop gluten. • Add the olives and herbs in the last 30 seconds of mixing or knead in by hand. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl. Cover and bulk proof for 2 hours, turning the dough after 1 hour. • Divide into 580 g (20.5 oz) pieces and pre-shape into rounds. Cover and bench rest for 5-10 minutes. Shape into boules or bâtards. • Proof, slash, and spray the loaves with water. • Bake at 475°F (246°C) with the oven fan off for 5 minutes. Continue baking at 450°F (232°C) until dark brown, or until the internal temperature is 210°F (99°C).


Naan (Indian Flatbread) Ingredients



Bread Flour

1 kg

2 lb 3.3 oz


10 g


Water (110°F/43°C)

155 g

5.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

50 g

1.8 oz

Whole Eggs

300 g

6 each

Greek Yogurt

200 g

7 oz

1.715 kg

3 lb 12.5 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: seventeen 100 g (3.5 oz) naans

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine the flour and salt and mix to blend. • Add the water, yeast, eggs, and yogurt. Knead until smooth and elastic (about 5-8 minutes). • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof until doubled in size. • Divide into 100 g (3.5 oz) pieces and pre-shape into balls. Place on lightly oiled sheet pans, cover and proof a second time until doubled in size. • Roll each dough ball on a lightly floured work surface into a disc about 6-inches in diameter, or between ⅛ to ¼ -inch thick. Grill Procedure: • Brush and oil the grate. • Lightly brush the top of the dough with ghee and place ghee-side down on the grate. Grill until the bottoms are browned and tops start to puff and blister (1-2 minutes). • Lightly brush the tops with a little ghee. Invert the naan and grill the other side until lightly browned (1-2 minutes). • Lightly brush each naan with additional ghee and sprinkle with coarse sea salt as desired. Chef’s Notes: • Naan is traditionally baked in a tandoor oven which produce an enormous amount of heat. To replicate the heat of a tandoor oven in your kitchen, use a grill, grill pan, or pizza stone to bake the naan. Melted or clarified butter may be substituted for ghee.


Oatmeal Walnut Bread Metric


Whole Wheat Flour

160 g

5.6 oz

Rolled Oats (lightly toasted)

130 g

4.6 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

400 g

14.1 oz

Bread Flour

485 g

1 lb 1.1 oz

Whole Milk

135 g

4.8 oz


50 g

1.8 oz

Vegetable Oil

50 g

1.8 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

15 g

0.5 oz

Walnuts (toasted & chopped)

260 g

9.2 oz

Total Weight:

1.7 kg

3 lb 12 oz


Yield: two 9-inch loaf pans

Procedure: • Combine the whole wheat flour, toasted oats, and water in a bowl and soak for 30 minutes. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine all of the ingredients - except the walnuts and mix for 2 minutes on low speed. Increase to medium speed and mix for 3-4 minutes to develop gluten. • Add the walnuts and mix on low speed until combined. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 60 minutes. • Divide in ½ and pre-shape into 2 rounds. Cover and bench rest for 10 minutes.

• Turn, fold and flip the dough over in the bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight, or up to 18 hours. • Shape into bâtards, roll in oats, and place into buttered loaf pans. Proof for about 60 minutes, or until doubled in size. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) for 35-40 minutes, or until baked through.


Pain de Mie Ingredients



600 g

1 lb 5.2 oz

Granulated Sugar

20 g

0.7 oz


10 g


Milk Powder

10 g

1½ T

Butter (softened)

15 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Yeast

15 g

0.5 oz

Water (110ºF/43ºC)

240 g

8.5 oz

Whole Milk

120 g

4.2 oz

1.03 kg

2 lb 4.3 oz

Bread Flour

Total Weight:

Yield: one 15 x 4-inch pullman loaf pan

Procedure: • Butter the pullman pan and lid. • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients on low speed for 1-2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium-low speed for 3-5 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 30 - 60 minutes, or until doubled in size. • De-gas the dough, then shape into a loaf the length of the pullman pan. • Give the dough its final proof. The dough should rise within a ½-inch to the lid before baking. • Place the loaf in the buttered pan seam side down and slide the lid closed.

• Bake at 350ºF (177ºC) for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown.

• Remove the lid and continue to bake until the internal temperature is 190ºF (88ºC), about 15 minutes. • Unmold the loaf immediately after baking and cool on wire racks.


Pain Viennois Metric


Bread Flour

420 g

14.8 oz

Whole Milk

200 g

7 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Fresh Yeast

15 g

0.5 oz

Granulated Sugar

25 g

0.9 oz


10 g


Butter (softened)

85 g

3 oz

805 g

1 lb 12.4 oz


Total Weight:

Yield: eight 100 g (3.5 oz) loaves

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients-except the butter-on low speed for 2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed for 5-7 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Add the butter in 3 additions and mix until silky and all of the butter has been absorbed into the dough. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 60 minutes. • Divide into 100 g (3.5 oz) pieces and pre-shape into bâtards. Cover and bench rest for 10 minutes. • Final shape the bâtards into small baguettes and place on parchment-lined sheet pans. • Egg wash, score, and proof. Egg wash a second time right before baking. • Bake at 375°F (191°C) until the internal temperature is 190°F (88°C). Chef’s Notes: • Pain Viennois is classically made in the shape of a baguette but can also be made into rolls. The crust is softer and the bread is overall richer and sweeter than traditional baguettes. 100 g (3.5 oz) loaves make an ideal size for sandwiches or hot dog buns.


Pizza Dough Metric


Bread Flour

175 g

6.2 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

175 g

6.2 oz


0.07 oz


350 g

12.3 oz

Bread Flour

525 g

1 lb 2.5 oz


325 g

11.5 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

Fresh Yeast



1.22 kg

2 lb 11 oz

Ingredients Poolish:

Fresh Yeast Pizza Dough:

Total Weight: Yield: four 12-inch pizzas

Poolish Procedure: • Mix the flour, water, and yeast until blended. Cover and allow to ferment at room temperature for 6-12 hours. Dough Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the poolish, bread flour, water, salt, and yeast until a dough is formed (1-2 minutes). • Allow the dough to ferment in the refrigerator overnight in an airtight, oiled bowl. Chef’s Notes: • 285 g (10 oz) of dough will yield one 12-inch pizza. • The dough can be refrigerated for 2 days or rolled out 12-inch disks and frozen for 1 month.


Potato Rolls Ingredients



Bread Flour

740 g

1 lb 10 oz

Granulated Sugar

106 g

3.7 oz

15 g

0.5 oz

227 g

8 oz

Fresh Yeast

21 g

0.7 oz

Mashed Potatoes (unseasoned)

175 g

6.2 oz

Whole Eggs

100 g

2 each

Butter (softened)

114 g

4 oz

1.5 kg

3 lb 4.9 oz

Salt Water (110ºF/43ºC)

Total Weight: Yield: thirty 50 g (1.8 oz) rolls Procedure:

• In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients on low speed for 2 minutes to hydrate. • Switch to a hook attachment and mix on medium speed for 6-8 minutes, or until gluten is developed. • Place the dough in an oiled bowl and bulk proof for 60 minutes. • Turn the dough out onto a floured bench and gently de-gas. • Divide into desired sized pieces and pre-shape into rounds. Cover and bench rest for 5 minutes. • Final shape each piece into tight rounds. Proof for about 30-45 minutes, or until doubled in size. • Egg wash and bake at 375ºF (191ºC) until the internal temperature is 190ºF (88ºC). Chef’s Notes: • It is recommended to roast the potatoes in the oven, then pass through a ricer or food mill as opposed to boiling them, which increases their water content.

This recipe makes the quintessential soft dinner roll — moist, tender, and irresistible. Try them as hamburger and hotdog buns too.


Soft Dinner Rolls Metric


Bread Flour

440 g

15.5 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

320 g

11.3 oz

20 g

0.7 oz

Bread Flour

185 g

6.5 oz

Milk Powder

30 g

1 oz

Whole Egg

50 g

1 each

Granulated Sugar

60 g

2.1 oz


12 g

0.4 oz

Butter (softened)

60 g

2.1 oz

1.177 kg

2 lb 9.5 oz

Ingredients Sponge:

Fresh Yeast Dough:

Total Weight:

Yield: twenty-four 50 g (1.8 oz) rolls

Procedure: • Make a sponge with the flour, water, and yeast; cover and let proof in a warm place for about 20 minutes. • Once the sponge is ready, mix everything together - except the butter - with a dough hook for about 5 minutes, or until gluten is developed and a “window” is achieved. • Add the butter in 3 additions; mix until silky and all of the butter has been absorbed into the dough. • Bulk ferment for 30 minutes at room temperature. • Turn the dough out onto a floured bench and gently de-gas. • Divide into desired sized pieces and pre-shape into rounds. Cover and bench rest for 5 minutes. • Final shape each piece into tight rounds. Proof for about 30-45 minutes, or until doubled in size. • Egg wash and bake at 375ºF (191ºC) until the internal temperature is 190ºF (88ºC).


Buttered Soft Pretzels Ingredients



All-Purpose Flour

1.15 kg

2 lb 9 oz

Water (110°F/43°C)

640 g

1 lb 7 oz

Granulated Sugar

45 g

1.6 oz

Butter (softened)

29 g

1 oz


25 g

0.9 oz

Fresh Yeast

17 g

0.6 oz


15 g

0.5 oz

1.92 kg

4 lb 3.7 oz

Total Weight:

Yield: nineteen 100 g (3.5 oz) pretzels

Procedure: • In a mixer fitted with a hook attachment, combine all of the ingredients and mix on low speed until a dough forms. • Increase the speed to medium and mix until the dough is smooth and elastic. • Bulk ferment until doubled in size. • Divide into 100 g (3.5 oz) pieces and pre-shape. Cover and bench rest for 10 minutes. • Complete final shape. • Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or up to 24 hours. • Using gloves, carefully dip into a 4% lye solution for 30 seconds or boil for 5 seconds on each side in a solution of baking soda and water (20 g baking soda per liter of water). • Place the pretzels on oiled, parchment-lined sheet pans or silicone baking mats and top with with Maldon sea salt. • Bake at 425°F (218°C) until deep golden brown (about 10-12 minutes). • Brush the pretzels with melted butter while hot from the oven. Chef’s Notes: • Pretzels also bake well on oiled black steel sheet pans.


Index A Agar Agar, Flexible Chocolate Ganache, 208 Almond(s), Almond Cream with Almond Flour, 201 Almond Milk Mousse, 274 Almond Pâte Sablé, 16 Almond Pâte Sucrée, 21 Almond Toffee, 411 Anisette Biscotti, 300 Blackberry-Almond Sheet Cake, 127 Brioche Frangipane, 214 Caramelized Nuts, 413 Chocolate Babka, 482 Chocolate Macarons, 318 Coconut Frangipane, 216 Crispy Hazelnut Semifreddo, 466 Financier, Almond, 78 Financier, Chocolate, 79 Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Gluten-Free Butter-Almond Sheet Cake, 150 Individual Gluten-Free Chocolate Cakes, 121 Joconde Sheet Cake, 152 Lavender-Honey Almond Bars, 316 Light Almond Sheet Cake, 154 Linzer Dough, 12 Macarons, 317 Nougat de Montélimar, 418 Nougat Semifreddo, 468 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Orange Tea Cake, 93 Orange Tuiles, 347 Pain de Gênes, 88 Petits Fours Glacé Sheet Cake, 158 Pistachio-Almond Cream, 219 Poppy Seed Sheet Cake, 159 Sacher Torte Sheet Cake, 163 Soft Coconut Dacquoise, 141 Soft Lime-Almond Dacquoise, 143 Soft Pistachio Dacquoise, 144 Speculoos, 334 Stollen, 514 Vanilla Crescents, 337 Almond Paste, Almond Bavarian Cream, 289 Almond Cream with Almond Paste, 202 Baumkuchen Torte, 66 Chocolate Sheet Cake w/Almond Paste, 138 Frangipane Sheet Cake, 145 Pain de Gênes, 88 Petits Fours Glacé Sheet Cake, 158 Scandinavian Butter Cookies, 330

Apple Muffins, 502 Apple Paper Tuiles, 338 Apple Pie Filling, 52 Apple Strudel Filling, 62 Candied Apple Caramel, 412 Green Apple Mousse, 255 Soft Apple Cider Caramels, 422 Swiss Muesli, 516 Vegan Tofu Muffins, 508 Apricot(s), Chocolate-Apricot Mousse, 251 Apricot-Passion Fruit Bavarian Cream, 290 Apricot Mousse, 246

B Babka, Chocolate, 482 Bacon, Cabbage-Bacon Strudel Filling, 63 Bacon-Maple Bonbon Ganache, 382 Bagels, Bagels, 474 Bagels, Whole Wheat, 475 Banana(s), Banana Bread, 476 Banana Bread Pudding Custard, 231 Banana Sheet Cake, 124 Banana-Peanut Butter Semifreddo, 462 Chocolate-Banana Sheet Cake, 136 Fresh Banana Mousse, 254 Milk Chocolate-Banana Bonbon Ganache, 391 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce, 368 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sorbet, 452 Bavarian(s), Almond Bavarian Cream, 289 Apricot-Passion Fruit Bavarian Cream, 290 Chocolate Bavarian Cream, 291 Coconut Bavarian Cream, 292 Fruit Bavarian Cream, 293 Honey Bavarian Cream, 294 Milk Chocolate Bavarian Cream, 295 Pistachio Bavarian Cream, 296 Biscotti, Anisette Biscotti, 300 Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti, 301 Biscuits, Buttermilk Biscuits, 518 Gluten-Free Ham & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits, 519

Amaretto, Almond Bavarian Cream, 289 Almond Milk Mousse, 274 Tiramisu Cream, 222

Blackberries, Blackberry-Almond Sheet Cake, 127 Blackberry Granité, 455 Blackberry Mousse, 248

Apple, Apple Blondies, 298 Apple Cider Doughnuts, 490 Apple Cider Sabayon, 370 Apple Cider Sauce, 352

Blueberry(ies), Blueberry Mousse, 250 Blueberry Muffins, 503 Fresh Blueberry Pie Filling, 54 Swiss Museli, 516


Bonbon Ganache Fillings, Bacon-Maple Bonbon Ganache, 382 Caramel-Ginger Bonbon Ganache, 383 Caramel-Milk Chocolate Bonbon Ganache, 384 Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut Bonbon Ganache, 385 Cherry-Vanilla Bonbon Ganache, 386 Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache, 387 Coconut Bonbon Ganache, 388 Espresso Bonbon Ganache, 389 Lime Bonbon Ganache, 390 Milk Chocolate-Banana Bonbon Ganache, 391 Milk Chocolate-Lemon Bonbon Ganache, 392 Milk Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache, 393 Mint Bonbon Ganache, 394 Passion Fruit Bonbon Ganache, 395 Pistachio Bonbon Ganache, 396 Spice Bonbon Ganache, 397 Sweet Potato-Caramel Bonbon Ganache, 398 Tea Infused Chocolate Bonbon Ganache, 399 Tequila-Lime Bonbon Ganache, 400 Valrhona Azélia-Praliné Bonbon Ganache, 401 Vanilla-Rum Bonbon Ganache, 402 Bourbon, Moist Honey Cake, 86 Pecan Pie Filling, 58 Sweet Potato-Caramel Bonbon Ganache, 398 Toffee Sauce, 369 Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce, 356 Wet Nut Topping, 472 Brittle, Peanut Brittle, 420 Sesame-Ginger Brittle, 421 Bread Pudding(s), Banana Bread Pudding Custard, 231 Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard, 232 Bread(s), Focaccia, 523 Focaccia, Cheese, 524 Fougasse, 525 Kaiser Rolls, 527 Kalamata Olive Bread, 528 Naan (Indian Flatbread), 530 Oatmeal Walnut Bread, 531 Pain De Mie, 532 Pain Viennois, 533 Potato Rolls, 535 Soft Dinner Rolls, 536 Breakfast Breads/Pastries Babka, Chocolate, 482 Bagels, 474 Bagels, Whole Wheat, 475 Banana Bread, 476 Challah, Raisin, 512 Churros, 484 Coffee Cake, 485 Corn Bread, 477 Croissant Dough, 486 Danish Pastry Dough, 488 Doughnuts, Apple Cider, 490

Doughnuts, Yeast, 492 English Muffins, 494 Kouign-Amann, 500 Muffins, Apple, 502 Muffins, Blueberry, 503 Muffins, Bran, 504 Muffins, Corn, 505 Muffins, Lemon Poppyseed, 506 Muffins, Pumpkin, 507 Muffins, Vegan Tofu, 508 Zucchini Bread, 478 Brioche, Brioche, 480 Brioche Frangipane, 214 Brioche Ice Cream, 430 Brioche, Pumpkin, 481 Buttercream(s), American Buttercream, 168 Crème Anglaise Buttercream, 169 Crème Anglaise Chocolate Buttercream, 170 French Buttercream, 171 Italian Meringue Buttercream, 172 Swiss Meringue Buttercream, 173 Buttermilk, Apple Cider Doughnuts, 490 Blackout Sheet Cake, 128 Buttermilk Biscuits, 518 Buttermilk Panna Cotta, 223 Corn Muffins, 505 Devil’s Food Cake, 77 Gluten-Free Ham & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits, 519 Granola Buttermilk Waffles, 499 Hazelnut Pound Cake, 99 Irish Soda Bread, 526 Lemon Cake, 84 Orange Olive Oil Cake, 85 Red Velvet Cake, 90 Scones, 513 Brownie(s), Brownies, 302 Brownie Sheet Cake, 129

C Cake(s). see Dacquoise, Individual Cakes, Pound Cakes & Sheet Cakes Baumkuchen Torte, 66 Black Forest Chocolate Cake, 68 Carrot Cake, 69 Chocolate Fruit & Nut Cake, 74 Classic Yellow Butter Cake, 76 Devil’s Food Cake, 77 Financier, Almond, 78 Financier, Chocolate, 79 Flourless Chocolate Cake, 80 Flourless Chocolate Truffle Cake, 81 Fruit Cake, 82 Lemon Cake, 84 Moist Honey Cake, 86 Orange Olive Oil Cakes, 85 Orange Tea Cake, 93 Pain De Genes, 88

Pumpkin Cake, 89 Red Velvet Cake, 90 Sweet Potato Cake, 91 Tea Cake, 92 Wine Makers Grape Cake, 94 Candies/Confections, Almond Toffee, 411 Candied Apple Caramel, 412 Caramelized Nuts, 413 Marshmallows, 417 Michael Mignano’s Famous “Mignano Bar,” 414 Nougat de Montélimar, 418 Pâte de Fruit Key, 419 Peanut Brittle, 420 Sesame-Ginger Brittle, 421 Soft-Apple Cider Caramels, 422 Soft Chocolate Caramels, 423 Spiced Candied Peanuts, 424 Truffles, Classic Chocolate Ganache, 403 Truffles, Orange Ganache, 404 Truffles, Praline Ganache, 405 Cannoli Cream, 203 Caramel, Candied Apple Caramel, 412 Caramel Chantilly, 205 Caramel Custard Tart Filling, 44 Caramel Gastrique, 353 Caramel Glaze, 184 Caramel Ice Cream, 432 Caramel Mousse, 278 Caramel-Ginger Bonbon Ganache, 383 Caramel-Milk Chocolate Bonbon Ganache, 384 Caramel-Nut Tart Filling, 43 Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut Bonbon Ganache, 385 Caramelized Nuts, 413 Classic Caramel Sauce, 354 Crêpe Suzette Caramel Sauce, 355 Lavender-Honey Almond Bars, 316 Michael Mignano’s Famous “Mignano Bar,” 414 Milk Chocolate-Caramel Mousse, 242 Nougat Semifreddo, 468 Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling, 50 Soft Chocolate Caramels, 423 Soft-Apple Cider Caramels, 422 Sweet Potato-Caramel Bonbon Ganache, 398 Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce, 356 Cashew Nuts, Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Michael Mignano’s Famous “Mignano Bar,” 414 Challah, Raisin, 512 Champagne, Champagne Sabayon, 371 Elderflower Mousse, 280 Mandarin-Champagne Sorbet, 447 Chantilly Cream, Flavored Chantilly Recipes, 204 Stabilized Whipped Cream, 221


Cheese, Black Olive-Parmesan Sablé Cookies, 326 Brie Cheese Mousse, 276 Cannoli Cream, 203 Cheddar Cheese Crackers, 520 Cheese Focaccia, 524 Fromage Blanc Mousse, 281 Fromage Blanc Sorbet, 445 Gluten-Free Ham & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits, 519 Goat Cheese Cheesecake, 71 Quark Soufflé, 111 Roquefort-Walnut Crackers, 521 Cheesecake, Cheesecake Graham Cracker Crust, 70 Goat Cheese Cheesecake, 71 New York Cheesecake, 72 Pumpkin Cheesecake, 73 Cherry, Black Cherry Mousse, 247 Cherry-Vanilla Bonbon Ganache, 386 Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti, 301 Sour Cherry Pie Filling, 61 Chestnuts, Chestnut Frangipane, 215 Chestnut Mousse, 277 Chestnut Semifreddo, 463 Chocolate, See Bonbon Ganache Fillings Bittersweet Chocolate Custard Tart Filling, 41 Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache Tart Filling, 42 Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse, 236 Chocolate Babka, 482 Chocolate Bavarian Cream, 291 Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard, 232 Chocolate Crème Brûlée, 193 Chocolate Crème Mousseline, 180 Chocolate Crèmeux, 210 Chocolate Fondue, 357 Chocolate Ganache Frosting, 174 Chocolate Ice Cream, 433 Chocolate Mirror Glaze, 188 Chocolate Pâte Sablé, 17 Chocolate Pâte Sucrée, 22 Chocolate Puff Pastry, 26 Chocolate Sauce, 358 Chocolate Semifreddo, 464 Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting, 175 Chocolate-Apricot Mousse, 251 Chocolate-Butter Glaze, 188 Chocolate-Hazelnut Mousse, 237 Chocolate-Raspberry Mousse, 252 Chocolate-Raspberry Tart Filling, 46 Crème Anglaise Chocolate Buttercream, 170 Flexible Chocolate Ganache, 208 Gianduja Mousse 238 Marquise au Chocolat, 240 Milk Chocolate Bavarian Cream, 295 Milk Chocolate Mousse, 239 Milk Chocolate-Caramel Mousse, 242 Milk Chocolate-Nut Tart Filling, 48 Mocha Crèmeux, 211 Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling, 50

Pots de Crème (Chocolate Variation), 220 Shiny Chocolate Sauce, 359 Triple Chocolate Mousse, 244 Valrhona Guanaja Chocolate Sorbet, 453 White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting, 178 White Chocolate Glaze, 190 White Chocolate Mousse, 243 Chocolate Cakes, Black Forest Chocolate Cake, 68 Chocolate Financier, 79 Chocolate Fruit & Nut Cake, 74 Devil’s Food Cake, 77 Chocolate Sheet Cakes, Brownie Sheet Cake, 129 Chocolate Chiffon Cake, 132 Chocolate Roulade Sheet Cake, 162 Chocolate Sheet Cake w/ Almond Paste, 138 Chocolate Sheet Cake w/ Hazelnut Paste, 139 Chocolate-Banana Sheet Cake, 136 Chocolate-Coconut Sheet Cake, 137 Gluten-Free Chocolate Sheet Cake, 151 Sacher Torte Sheet Cake, 163 Vanilla Sheet Cake, Chocolate Variation, 164 White Chocolate Sheet Cake, 166 Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Brownies, 302 Chocolate Chip Cookies, 303 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, 308 Chocolate Crystalline Tuiles, 340 Chocolate Lace Tuiles, 341 Chocolate Macarons, 318 Chocolate Pastry Cream Tuiles, 342 Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti, 301 Classic Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie, 470 Espresso White Chocolate Chip Cookies, 305 Soft Chocolate-Molasses Cookies, 309 Valrhona Chocolate Chunk Cookies, 307 Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies, 306 Coconut, Chocolate-Coconut Sheet Cake, 137 Coconut Bavarian Cream, 292 Coconut Bonbon Ganache, 388 Coconut Chiboust, 206 Coconut Crème Mousseline, 181 Coconut Frangipane, 216 Coconut Haystacks, 310 Coconut Mousse, 253 Coconut Tapioca, 233 Coconut Tuiles, 343 Genoise Sheet Cake with Coconut, 147 Green Tea-Coconut Diamant, 315 Soft Coconut Dacquoise, 141 Coffee, Coffee Ice Cream, 436 Coffee Sabayon Cream, 372 Espresso Bonbon Ganache, 389 Espresso Granité, 458 Espresso Mousse, 282 Mocha Crèmeux, 211 Cookies, Anisette Biscotti, 300 Apple Blondies, 298 Black Olive-Parmesan Sablé, 326 Chai Spiced Snickerdoodle Bars, 332

Chocolate Brownies, 302 Chocolate Chip Cookies, 303 Chocolate Crinkle Cookies, 308 Chocolate Crystalline Tuiles, 340 Chocolate Lace Tuiles, 341 Chocolate Pastry Cream Tuiles, 342 Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti, 301 Classic Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie, 470 Coconut Haystacks, 310 Espresso White Chocolate Chip Cookies, 305 Fig Bars, 312 Gingerbread Cookies, 314 Green Tea-Coconut Diamant, 315 Hazelnut Sablé Cookies, 328 Lavender-Honey Almond Bars, 316 Macarons, 317 Macarons, Chocolate, 318 Madeleines, Lemon-Olive Oil, 320 Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies, 321 Peanut Butter Cookies, 322 Peanut Butter Shortbread Bar Cookies, 323 Pecan Puffs, 324 Rosemary-Cornmeal Sablé Cookies, 329 Rugelach Dough, 325 Sablé Breton, 327 Scandinavian Butter Cookies, 330 Snickerdoodle Cookies, 331 Soft Chocolate-Molasses Cookies, 309 Speculoos, 334 Sugar Cookies, 336 Valrhona Chocolate Chunk Cookies, 307 Vanilla Crescents, 337 Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies, 306 Cornmeal, Cornmeal Pâte Sablé, 18 Cornmeal Pound Cake, 97 Rosemary-Cornmeal Sablé Cookies, 329 Crackers, Cheddar Cheese Crackers, 520 Roquefort-Walnut Crackers, 521 Cranberry, Granité, 457 Creams, Almond Cream with Almond Flour, 201 Almond Cream with Almond Paste, 202 Brioche Frangipane, 214 Cannoli Filling, 203 Chestnut Frangipane, 215 Chocolate Crèmeux, 210 Coconut Chiboust, 206 Coconut Frangipane, 216 Country Cream, 209 Flavored Chantilly Recipes, 204 Lightened Vanilla Crème Mousseline, 217 Mocha Crèmeux, 211 Pastry Cream, 218 Pistachio-Almond Cream, 219 Stabilized Whipped Cream, 221 Tiramisu Cream, 222 Vanilla Chiboust, 207 Crème Brûlée, Chocolate Crème Brûlée, 193 Classic Crème Brûlée, 192 Honey-Rosemary Crème Brûlée, 194 Mandarin Orange Crème Brûlée, 195 Pumpkin Crème Brûlée, 196


Crepe Batter, 496 Croissant Dough, 486 Cupcakes, Chocolate Cupcakes, 116 White Cupcakes, 119 Curd(s), Lemon Curd, 197 Lime Curd, 198 Mandarin Orange Curd, 199 Passion Fruit Curd, 200 Custards, Arborio Rice Pudding, 230 Banana Bread Pudding Custard, 231 Buttermilk Panna Cotta, 223 Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard, 232 Chocolate Crème Brûlée, 193 Classic Crème Brûlée, 192 Coconut Tapioca, 233 Cream Cheese Flan, 212 Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta, 224 Green Tea Panna Cotta, 225 Honey-Rosemary Crème Brûlée, 194 Lemon Curd, 197 Lime Curd, 198 Lychee-Vanilla Panna Cotta, 226 Mandarin Orange Crème Brûlée, 195 Mandarin Orange Curd, 199 Passion Fruit Curd, 200 Passion Fruit Panna Cotta, 227 Pots de Crème, 220 Pumpkin Crème Brûlée, 196 Pumpkin Panna Cotta, 228 Semolina Pudding, 234 Tres Leches Flan, 213 Vanilla Panna Cotta, 229

D Dacquoise, Crisp Dacquoise, 140 Soft Coconut Dacquoise, 141 Soft Hazelnut Dacquoise, 142 Soft Lime-Almond Dacquoise, 143 Soft Pistachio Dacquoise, 144 Danish Pastry Dough, 488 Dough(s), All-Butter Pie Dough, 23 Almond Pâte Sablé, 16 Almond Pâte Sucrée, 21 Brioche, 480 Brioche, Pumpkin, 481 Cheesecake Graham Cracker Crust, 70 Chocolate Pâte Sablé, 17 Chocolate Pâte Sucrée, 22 Chocolate Puff Pastry, 26 Choux aux Craquelin, 32 Classic Puff Pastry, 28 Cobbler Dough, 33 Cornmeal Pâte Sablé, 18 Flaky American Pie Dough, 24 Gingerbread House Dough, 34 Graham Cracker Pâte Sablé, 19 Inverse Puff Pastry, 30 Linzer Dough, 12 Pâte Brisée, 13

Pâte Sablé, 15 Pâte Sucrée, 20 Quick Puff Pastry, 25 Strudel Dough, 36 Whole Wheat Pâte Brisée, 14

Macarons, Chocolate, 318 Orange Tea Cake, 93 Pumpkin Tuiles, 348 Sesame Tuiles, 349 Soft Hazelnut Dacquoise, 142 Soft Lime-Almond Dacquoise, 143 Soft Pistachio Dacquoise, 144 Swiss Muesli, 516

Doughnuts, Doughnuts, Apple Cider, 490 Doughnuts, Yeast, 492

E English Muffins, 494

F Feuilletine, Dark Chocolate Praline Feuilletine, 406 Milk Chocolate Praline Feuilletine, 407 Peanut Butter Feuilletine, 408 Pistachio White Chocolate Feuilletine, 409 Praline Feuilletine with Cocoa Nibs, 410 Fig(s), Fig Bars, 312 Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité, 461 Focaccia, Focaccia, 523 Focaccia, Cheese, 524 Frosting(s), Chocolate Ganache Frosting, 174 Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting, 175 German Chocolate Frosting, 176 Peanut Butter Frosting, 177 White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting, 178

G Gianduja, Chocolate-Hazelnut Mousse, 237 Gianduja Mousse, 238 Flavored Chantilly Recipes (Variation), 204 Ginger, Fresh, Caramel-Ginger Bonbon Ganache, 383 Ginger-Sake Sabayon, 374 Gingerbread House Dough, 34 Glazes, Caramel Glaze, 184 Chocolate Mirror Glaze, 188 Chocolate-Butter Glaze, 189 Lavender-Vanilla Glaze, 185 Pistachio Glaze, 186 Shiny Red Glaze, 187 White Chocolate Glaze, 190 Gluten-Free, Coconut Haystacks, 310 Crisp Dacquoise, 140 Flourless Chocolate Cake, 80 Flourless Chocolate Trufflee Cake, 81 Gluten-Free Butter-Almond Sheet Cake, 150 Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes, 118 Gluten-Free Chocolate Sheet Cake, 151 Granola, Fruit & Nut, 497 Granola, Olive Oil & Maple, 498 Ham & Cheese Buttermilk Biscuits, 519 Individual Gluten-Free Chocolate Cakes, 121 Macarons, 317

Granité, Blackberry Granité, 455 Champagne-Passion Fruit Granité, 456 Cranberry Granité, 457 Espresso Granité, 458 Lemon Granité, 459 Mint Granité, 460 Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité, 461 Granola, Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Grape(s), Winemakers’ Grape Cake, 94 Grapefruit, Pink Grapefruit Mousse, 266 Guava, Guava Mousse, 256

H Hazelnut, Chocolate Sheet Cake w/ Hazelnut Paste, 139 Chocolate-Hazelnut Mousse, 237 Crispy Hazelnut Semifreddo, 466 Hazelnut Pound Cake, 99 Hazelnut Sablé Cookies, 328 Soft Hazelnut Dacquoise, 142 Valrhona Azélia-Praliné Bonbon Ganache, 401 Honey, Honey Bavarian Cream, 294 Honey Ice Cream 438 Honey Whole Wheat Tuiles, 345 Honey-Rosemary Crème Brûlée, 194 Lavender-Honey Almond Bars, 316 Moist Honey Cake, 86 Nougat de Montélimar, 418 Nougat Semifreddo, 468

I Ice Cream(s), Armagnac-Prune Ice Cream, 426 Basic Ice Cream Base, 428 Black Sesame Ice Cream, 429 Brioche Ice Cream, 430 Caramel Ice Cream, 432 Chocolate Ice Cream, 433 Cinnamon Ice Cream, 434 Coffee Ice Cream, 436 Goat Milk Ice Cream, 435 Honey Ice Cream, 438 Pumpkin Ice Cream, 440 Rose Petal Ice Cream, 439 Strawberry Ice Cream, 442 Sweet Corn Ice Cream, 443 Individual Cakes, Chocolate Lava Cake, 114


Chocolate Soufflé Cakes, 115 Cupcakes, Chocolate, 116 Cupcakes, White, 119 French Angel Food Cakes, 120 Gluten-Free Chocolate Cakes, 121 Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes, 118 Lemon Pudding Cakes, 122

L Lemon, Lemon Cake, 84 Lemon Chiffon Cake, 131 Lemon Curd, 197 Lemon Granité, 459 Lemon Mousse with Lemon Curd, 257 Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, 506 Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake, 100 Lemon Pudding Cakes, 122 Lemon Soaking Syrup, 100 Lemon Sorbet, 446 Lemon Tart Filling, 47 Lemon-Basil Sauce, 364 Lemon-Olive Oil Madeleines, 320 Milk Chocolate-Lemon Bonbon Ganache, 392 Streusel Topping (Lemon Variation), 38 Lime, Key Lime Pie, 56 Lime Bonbon Ganache, 390 Lime Curd, 198 Lime Mousse, 258 Mandarin-Lime Sauce, 365 Soft Lime-Almond Dacquoise, 143 Streusel Topping (Lime Variation), 38 Tequila-Lime Bonbon Ganache, 400 Lychee, Lychee Mousse, 259 Lychee-Vanilla Panna Cotta, 226

M Marshmallow, 417 Macaron(s), Macarons, 317 Macarons, Chocolate, 318 Madeleines, Lemon-Olive Oil 320 Malt Powder, Bagels, 474 Bagels, Whole Wheat, 475 Kaiser Rolls, 527 Malt Crème Anglaise, 361 Valrhona Chocolate Chunk Cookies, 307 Mandarin, Mandarin Orange Crème Brûlée, 195 Mandarin Orange Mousse, 260 Mandarin-Champagne Sorbet, 447 Mandarin-Lime Sauce, 365 Mango, Mango Mousse, 261 Mango Sorbet, 448 Maple, Bacon-Maple Bonbon Ganache, 382 Maple Crème Mousseline, 183 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Wet Nut Topping, 472

Mascarpone, Country Cream, 209 Mascarpone Mousse, 284 Mascarpone Sorbet, 449 Milk Chocolate, Flavored Chantilly Recipes, 204 Milk Chocolate Bavarian Cream, 295 Milk Chocolate Mousse, 239 Milk Chocolate-Banana Bonbon Ganache, 391 Milk Chocolate-Lemon Bonbon Ganache, 392 Milk Chocolate-Nut Tart Filling, 48 Milk Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache, 393 Mint, Mint Bonbon Ganache, 394 Mint Granité, 460 Mocha Crèmeux, 211 Molasses, Soft Chocolate-Molasses Cookies, 309 Mousse(s) Assorted Almond Milk Mousse, 274 Brie Cheese Mousse, 276 Caramel Mousse, 278 Chestnut Mousse, 277 Elderflower Mousse, 280 Espresso Mousse, 282 Fromage Blanc Mousse, 281 Mascarpone Mousse, 284 Peanut Butter Mousse, 285 Poppy Seed Mousse, 286 Yogurt Mousse, 288 Mousse(s) Chocolate, Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse, 236 Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse, 237 Gianduja Mousse, 238 Marquise au Chocolat, 240 Milk Chocolate Mousse, 239 Milk Chocolate-Caramel Mousse, 242 Triple Chocolate Mousse, 244 White Chocolate Mousse, 243 Mousse(s) Fruit, Apricot Mousse, 246 Banana, 254 Blackberry, 248 Black Cherry, 247 Blood Orange, 249 Blueberry, 250 Coconut, 253 Green Apple, 255 Guava, 256 Lemon, 257 Lime, 258 Lychee Mousse, 259 Mandarin Orange Mousse, 260 Mango Mousse, 261 Papaya Mousse, 262 Passion Fruit Mousse, 263 Peach Mousse, 264 Pear Mousse, 265 Pink Grapefruit Mousse, 266 Plum Mousse, 267 Pumpkin Mousse, 268 Raspberry Mousse, 269

Redcurrant Mousse, 270 Rhubarb Mousse, 271 Strawberry Mousse, 272 Yuzu Mousse, 273 Mousseline(s), Basic Crème Mousseline, 179 Chocolate Crème Mousseline, 180 Coconut Crème Mousseline, 181 Fruit Crème Mousseline, 182 Lightened Vanilla Crème Mousseline, 217 Maple Crème Mousseline, 183 Muffins, Apple Muffins, 502 Blueberry Muffins, 503 Bran Muffins, 504 Corn Muffins, 505 Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, 506 Pumpkin Muffins, 507 Vegan Tofu Muffins, 508

N Nougat, Nougat de Montélimar, 418 Nougat Semifreddo, 468

P Pancakes, North African Honeycomb, 509 Panettone, 510 Panna Cotta, Buttermilk Panna Cotta, 223 Crème Fraîche Panna Cotta, 224 Green Tea Panna Cotta, 225 Lychee-Vanilla Panna Cotta, 226 Passion Fruit Panna Cotta, 227 Pumpkin Panna Cotta, 228 Vanilla Panna Cotta, 229 Papaya Mousse, 262 Passion Fruit, Apricot-Passion Fruit Bavarian Cream, 290 Champagne-Passion Fruit Granité, 456 Passion Fruit Bonbon Ganache, 395 Passion Fruit Curd, 200 Passion Fruit Mousse, 263 Passion Fruit Panna Cotta, 227 Passion Fruit Soufflé, 110 Passion Fruit Tart Filling, 49 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce, 368 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sorbet, 452

Nuts, see individual names


Pastry Cream, 218

Oats, Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Oat Crumb Topping, 37 Oatmeal Walnut Bread, 531 Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies, 321 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Swiss Museli, 516

Pâte a Choux, Choux aux Craquelin, 32 Pâte a Choux, 35

Olive Oil, Black Olive-Parmesan Sablé Cookies, 326 Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut Bonbon Ganache, 385 Cheese Focaccia, 524 Focaccia, 523 Fougasse, 525 Kalamata Olive Bread w/Herbs de Provence, 528 Lemon-Olive Oil Madeleines, 320 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Orange Olive Oil Cake, 85 Raisin Challah, 512 Winemakers’ Grape Cake, 94 Orange, Blood Orange Mousse, 249 Crêpe Suzette Caramel Sauce, 355 Grand Marnier Semifreddo, 465 Grand Marnier Soufflé, 108 Mandarin Orange Crème Brûlée, 195 Mandarin Orange Curd, 199 Mandarin Orange Mousse, 260 Mandarin-Champagne Sorbet, 447 Mandarin-Lime Sauce, 365 Orange Chiffon Cake, 134 Orange Olive Oil Cake, 85 Orange Tea Cake, 93 Orange Truffle Ganache, 404 Orange Tuiles, 347 Orange-Saffron Sauce, 366 Streusel Topping (Orange Variation), 38


Pâte de Fruit Key, 419 Peach, Peach Mousse, 264 Peach Pie Filling, 55 Peanuts, Peanut Brittle, 420 Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling, 50 Spiced Candied Peanuts, 424 Peanut Butter, Banana-Peanut Butter Semifreddo, 462 Peanut Butter Cookies, 322 Peanut Butter Feuilletine, 408 Peanut Butter Frosting, 177 Peanut Butter Mousse, 285 Peanut Butter Shortbread Bar Cookies, 323 Pear(s), Pear Mousse, 265 Pecan(s), Chocolate Fruit & Nut Cake, 74 Double Chocolate Chip Cookies, 304 Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Olive Oil & Maple Granola, 498 Pecan Pie Filling, 58 Pecan Puffs, 324 Stollen, 514 Wet Nut Topping (Pecan Variation), 472 Zucchini Bread, 478 Pectin, Passion Fruit Soufflé, 110 Pâte de Fruit Key, 419 Soft Apple Cider Caramels, 422

Pie(s), Apple Pie Filling, 52 Fresh Blueberry Pie Filling, 54 Key Lime Pie, 56 Peach Pie Filling, 55 Pecan Pie Filling, 58 Pie Dough, All-Butter, 23 Pie Dough, Flaky American, 24 Pumpkin Pie Filling, 59 Rhubarb Pie Filling, 60 Sour Cherry Pie Filling, 61 Pine Nuts, Caramel-Olive Oil & Pine Nut Bonbon Ganache, 385 Nougat Semifreddo, 468 Pistachios, Chocolate Pistachio Cherry Biscotti, 301 Fruit & Nut Granola, 497 Nougat de Montélimar, 418 Nougat Semifreddo, 468 Pistachio Bavarian Cream, 296 Pistachio Bonbon Ganache, 396 Pistachio Glaze, 186 Pistachio Joconde Sheet Cake, 153 Pistachio White Chocolate Feuilletine, 409 Pistachio-Almond Cream, 219 Pots de Crème (Pistachio Variation), 220 Soft Pistachio Dacquoise, 144 Pizza Dough, 534 Plum Mousse, 267 Poaching Liquid, Port-Cassis Poaching Liquid, 377 Spiced Poaching Liquid, 378 Poppy Seed(s), Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, 506 Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake, 100 Poppy Seed Mousse, 286 Poppy Seed Sheet Cake, 159 Pound Cake(s), Classic Pound Cake, 96 Cornmeal Pound Cake, 97 Cream Cheese Pound Cake, 98 Hazelnut Pound Cake, 99 Lemon Poppy Seed Pound Cake, 100 Marble Pound Cake, 102 Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, 104 Port Wine, Fig Bars, 312-313 Port Wine Sabayon, 375 Port-Cassis Poaching Liquid, 377 Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité, 461 Red Wine Reduction, 380 Praline, Crispy Hazelnut Semifreddo, 466 Dark Chocolate Praline Feuilletine, 406 Hazelnut Pound Cake, 99 Milk Chocolate Praline Feuilletine, 407 Praline Feuilletine with Cocoa Nibs, 410 Praline Sheet Cake, 160 Praline Truffle Ganache, 405 Valrhona Azélia-Praliné Bonbon Ganache, 401

Pretzels, Buttered Soft Pretzels, 537 Pudding, Arborio Rice Pudding, 230 Banana Bread Pudding Custard, 231 Chocolate Bread Pudding Custard, 232 Lemon Pudding Cakes, 122 Semolina Pudding, 234 Puff Pastry, Chocolate Puff Pastry, 26 Classic Puff Pastry, 28 Inverse Puff Pastry, 30 Quick Puff Pastry, 25 Pumpkin, Pumpkin Brioche, 481 Pumpkin Cake, 89 Pumpkin Cheesecake, 73 Pumpkin Crème Brûlée, 196 Pumpkin Ice Cream, 440 Pumpkin Mousse, 268 Pumpkin Muffins, 507 Pumpkin Panna Cotta, 228 Pumpkin Pie Filling, 59 Pumpkin Tuiles, 348 Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, 104

Q Quiche Custard Tart Filling, 51

R Raisin(s), Apple Muffins, 502 Apple Strudel Filling, 62 Arborio Rice Pudding, 230 Bran Muffins, 504 Challah, Raisin, 512 Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies, 321 Panettone, 510 Pumpkin Muffins, 507 Stollen, 514 Swiss Museli, 516 Raspberry, Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache, 387 Chocolate-Raspberry Mousse, 252 Chocolate-Raspberry Tart Filling, 46 Milk Chocolate-Raspberry Bonbon Ganache, 393 Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité, 461 Raspberry Mousse, 269 Raspberry Sauce, 367 Raspberry Sorbet, 450 Rhubarb, Rhubarb Mousse, 272 Rhubarb Pie Filling, 60 Rose/Rosewater, Cornmeal Pound Cake, 97 Rose Petal Ice Cream, 439 Rosemary, Honey-Rosemary Crème Brûlée, 194 Rosemary-Cornmeal Sablé Cookies, 329 Roulade(s), Chocolate Roulade Sheet Cake, 162 Roulade Sheet Cake, 161


Rugelach Dough, 325 Rum, Apple Strudel Filling, 62 Arborio Rice Pudding, 230 Banana Bread Pudding Custard, 231 Baumkuchen Torte, 66 Chestnut Frangipane, 215 Chestnut Mousse, 277 Chestnut Semifreddo, 463 Coconut Crème Mousseline, 181 Coconut Frangipane, 216 Fresh Banana Mousse, 254 Lime Bonbon Ganache, 390 Rum Sabayon, 376 Toffee Sauce, 369 Vanilla-Rum Bonbon Ganache, 402 Walnut Sheet Cake, 165

S Sabayon, Apple Cider Sabayon, 370 Champagne Sabayon, 371 Coffee Sabayon Cream, 372 Dessert Wine Sabayon, 373 Ginger-Sake Sabayon, 374 Port Wine Sabayon, 375 Rum Sabayon, 376 Sacher Torte Sheet Cake, 163 Saffron, Orange-Saffron Sauce, 366 Sauces, Apple Cider Sauce, 352 Chocolate Fondue, 357 Chocolate Sauce, 358 Classic Caramel Sauce, 354 Clear Vanilla Sauce, 360 Crème Anglaise, Malt, 361 Crème Anglaise, Sous-Vide, 362 Crêpe Suzette Caramel Sauce, 355 Four Spice Syrup, 379 Hot Fudge Sauce, 363 Lemon-Basil Sauce, 364 Malt Crème Anglaise, 361 Mandarin-Lime Sauce, 365 Orange-Saffron Sauce, 366 Raspberry Sauce, 367 Red Wine Reduction, 380 Shiny Chocolate Sauce, 359 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce, 368 Toffee Sauce, 369 Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce, 356 Scones, 513 Semifreddo(s), Banana-Peanut Butter Semifreddo, 462 Chestnut Semifreddo, 463 Chocolate Semifreddo, 464 Crispy Hazelnut Semifreddo, 466 Grand Marnier Semifreddo, 465 Nougat Semifreddo, 468 Sesame Seed(s), Black Sesame Ice Cream, 429 Sesame Tuiles, 349 Sesame-Ginger Brittle, 421

Sheet Cakes, Banana Sheet Cake, 124 Biscuit a la Cuillère, 125 Biscuit a la Cuillère au Chocolat, 126 Blackberry-Almond Sheet Cake, 127 Blackout Sheet Cake, 128 Brownie Sheet Cake, 129 Carrot Sheet Cake, 130 Chocolate Chiffon Cake, 132 Chocolate Roulade Sheet Cake, 162 Chocolate Sheet Cake w/ Almond Paste, 138 Chocolate Sheet Cake w/ Hazelnut Paste, 139 Chocolate-Banana Sheet Cake, 136 Chocolate-Coconut Sheet Cake, 137 Frangipane Sheet Cake, 145 Genoise Sheet Cake, 146 Genoise Sheet Cake with Coconut, 147 Genoise Sheet Cake with Nuts, 148 Gluten-Free Butter-Almond Sheet Cake, 150 Gluten-Free Chocolate Sheet Cake, 151 Joconde Sheet Cake, 152 Lemon Chiffon Cake, 131 Light Almond Sheet Cake, 154 Milk Sponge Sheet Cake, 155 Orange Chiffon Cake, 134 Pâte Décor, 156 Pâte Décor au Chocolat, 157 Petits Fours Glacé Sheet Cake, 158 Pistachio Joconde Sheet Cake, 153 Poppy Seed Sheet Cake, 159 Praline Sheet Cake, 160 Roulade Sheet Cake, 161 Sacher Torte Sheet Cake, 163 Soft Gingerbread Sheet Cake, 149 Vanilla Sheet Cake, 164 Walnut Sheet Cake, 165 Wedding Chffon Sheet Cake, 135 White Chocolate Sheet Cake, 166 Shortbread, Peanut Butter Shortbread Bar Cookies, 323 Snickerdoodle, Chai Spiced Snickerdoodle Bars, 332 Snickerdoodle Cookies, 331 Sorbet(s), Campari Sorbet, 444 Fromage Blanc Sorbet, 445 Lemon Sorbet, 446 Mandarin-Champagne Sorbet, 447 Mango Sorbet, 448 Mascarpone Sorbet, 449 Raspberry Sorbet, 450 Savory Tomato Sorbet, 451 Sorbet Syrup, 471 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sorbet, 452 Valrhona Guanaja Chocolate Sorbet, 453 Watermelon Sorbet, 454 Soufflés, Chocolate Soufflé, 106 Grand Marnier Soufflé, 108 Individual Chocolate Soufflé Cakes, 115 Passion Fruit Soufflé, 110 Quark Soufflé, 111 Smoked Salmon Soufflé, 112

Spritz, see Scandinavian Butter Cookies, 330 Stollen, 514 Strawberry(ies), Strawberry Ice Cream, 442 Strawberry Mousse, 272 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sauce, 368 Strawberry-Passion Fruit Sorbet, 452 Streusel Topping, Oat Crumb Topping, 37 Streusel Topping, 38 Strudel, Apple Strudel Filling, 62 Cabbage-Bacon Strudel Filling, 63 Mixed Berry Strudel Filling, 64 Strudel Dough, 36 Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato Cake, 91 Sweet Potato-Caramel Bonbon Ganache, 398 Syrups, Four Spice Syrup, 379 Lemon Soaking Syrup, 100 Red Wine Reduction, 380 Sorbet Syrup, 471

T Tapioca, Pearls, Coconut Tapioca, 233 Tapioca, Instant, Fresh Blueberry Pie Filling, 54 Peach Pie Filling, 55 Rhubarb Pie Filling, 60 Sour Cherry Pie Filling, 61 Tart Filling(s), Beet Tart Filling, 40 Bittersweet Chocolate Custard Tart Filling, 41 Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache Tart Filling, 42 Caramel Custard Tart Filling, 44 Caramel-Nut Tart Filling, 43 Chocolate-Raspberry Tart Filling, 46 Lemon Tart Filling, 47 Milk Chocolate-Nut Tart Filling, 48 Passion Fruit Tart Filling, 49 Peanut-Caramel Tart Filling, 50 Quiche Custard Tart Filling, 51 Tea, Chai Spiced Snickerdoodle Bars, 332 Green Tea Panna Cotta, 225 Green Tea-Coconut Diamant, 315 Streusel Topping (Tea Variation), 38 Tea Infused Chocolate Bonbon Ganache, 399 Truffles, Truffles, Classic Chocolate Ganache, 403 Truffles, Orange Ganache, 404 Truffles, Praline Ganache, 405 Tuile Batter, Apple Paper Tuiles, 338 Chocolate Crystalline Tuiles, 340 Chocolate Lace Tuiles, 341 Chocolate Pastry Cream Tuiles, 342


Chocolate Tuiles, 339 Coconut Tuiles, 343 Fruit Tuiles, 344 Honey Whole Wheat Tuiles, 345 Lace Tuiles, 346 Orange Tuiles, 347 Pumpkin Tuiles, 348 Sesame Tuiles, 349 Vanilla Tuiles, 350

V Vanilla, Classic Crème Brûlée, 192 Clear Vanilla Sauce, 360 Crème Anglaise Sous-Vide Method, 362 Lavender-Vanilla Glaze, 185 Lightened Vanilla Crème Mousseline, 217 Lychee-Vanilla Panna Cotta, 226 Pastry Cream, 218 Pots de Crème (Vanilla Variation), 220 Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce, 356 Vanilla Chiboust, 207 Vanilla Crescents, 337 Vanilla Panna Cotta, 229 Vanilla Sheet Cake, 164 Vanilla Tuiles, 350 Vanilla-Rum Bonbon Ganache, 402

W Walnut(s), Apple Blondies, 298 Apple Muffins, 502 Caramel-Nut Tart Filling, 43 Carrot Cake, 130 Oatmeal Walnut Bread, 531 Pumpkin-Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, 104 Roquefort-Walnut Crackers, 521 Stollen, 514 Swiss Muesli, 516 Walnut Sheet Cake, 165 Wet Nut Topping (Walnut Variation), 472 White Chocolate, Espresso White Chocolate Chip Cookies, 305 Triple Chocolate Mousse, 245 White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting, 178 White Chocolate Glaze, 190 White Chocolate Mousse, 243 White Chocolate Sheet Cake, 166 Wine, see Champagne and Port Dessert Wine Sabayon, 373 Raspberry & Fig Sangria Granité, 461 Red Wine Reduction, 380 Tiramisu Cream, 222 Winemakers’ Grape Cake, 94

Y Yogurt, Country Cream, 209 Fromage Blanc Mousse, 281 Fromage Blanc Sorbet, 445 Naan (Indian Flatbread), 530 Swiss Muesli, 516 Yogurt Mousse, 288

Z Zabaglione, see Sabayon Zucchini Bread, 478

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