Sample Reverse Engineering Report

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Sample Technical Report

Fischertechnik Scissor Lift A Reverse Engineering analysis

Student 1 Student 2 1/15/2015 Sample Technical Report

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Table of Contents

Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 2 Description................................................................................................................. 3 Visual Analysis............................................................................................................ 3 Product Analysis......................................................................................................... 4 Disassembly Product Chart......................................................................................... 5 Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 7

Sample Technical Report

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Description The Fischertechnik Machine that will be analyzed in this report is a scissor lift. Overall, the scissor lift is 6 inches wide, 4 inches deep and 10 inches high. The scissor lift contains a platform at the top to hold objects and that platform sits on a base that is 3 inches high. There is a wheel at the right end of the machine that is used to control their height of the platform. When the wheel is turned clockwise the platform raises; when the wheel is turned counterclockwise, the platform lowers.

Visual Analysis Side: This is a side view of the scissor lift. Overall there is no balance between the top and bottom of the lift and there is no balance between the right and left of the machine. The base and the platform have difference in visual weight. The base of the lift shows balance between the yellow vertical supports and the black columns. The base takes the shape of a rectangle and is made of rectangular components. The top portion of the lift uses the rectangular shapes to make diagonal lines that correspond with the motion of the lift. There is contrast between the arms of the lift as one is yellow and the other is black. There are red components scattered randomly throughout the machine. There is emphasis provided by the large red platform that sits unevenly at the top of the lift. Front: This view shows the scissor lift from one end. There is symmetry and balance between the right and left of the machine as the same colors are used on each side. There is more weight at the top of the machine, as the bottom is made of simple rectangular supports while the top has the platform and the arm of that provides the lifting.

Sample Technical Report

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Back: view wheel. the


This is the back view of the scissor lift. This contains a heavy emphasis on the black It also shows symmetry and balance between right and left sides of the machine. One this side there is more weight at the bottom of this machine because of the circular shape of wheel.

Product Analysis 1. The purpose of this product is to lift and lower an object on the platform 2. Sketch

3. The product operates by turning a wheel at the end of the machine. The wheel causes a worm gear to turn. Wedged into the worm gear is the end of a support arm. Turning the worm gear causes the support arm to rotate. This rotation caused the raising of the platform 4. Input and Out puts

Sample Technical Report

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Applied force

Turn Wheel

Worm gear rotating Platform lifts Noise of moving parts

5. Mechanical components: Wheel and Axle, Worm Gear, pivots 6. Hidden components: There are no hidden components

Sample Technical Report

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Structural Analysis: Disassembly Chart (all units are in inches) Part #


Part Name

Stoppe r



Overall Dimensions

Height: 0.15” Depth: 0.25”




Width: 6” Height: 4”





Diameter: 1.5” Thickness: 0.2”


Worm Gear


Length: 6.5” Diameter: 0.1”

Sample Technical Report

Interaction with Other Parts

Stops the platform from falling


This part sits in the worm gear and moves left to right as the worm gear moves

Supports the scissor lift


The worm gear is inserted into the base. The supports for the platform sit on top of the base

Turns the worm gear to lift the platform


An axel from the worm gear is inserted into the wheel and turns when the wheel turns

Moves the platform support left and right to raise or lower the platform

Plastic and metal

The worm gear sits on the base. The stopper sits between a set of the

Depth: 3”


Picture Take a picture of each part as you take it apart

Page 6

gears teeth. When the worm gear turns the stopper moves left or right 5

Suppor ts

1 se t

Height: 3” Depth: 0.3”

Supports the platform.


The stopper is attached to the end of one of the supporst. The supports pivot in the center to lift and lower the platform as the worm gear turns. One leg of the support is mounted to the bas and does not move.

Allows movement of the supports as they lift and lower platform


2 pivots connect the supports to

Holds the item being lifted

Plastic and metal

The platform is connected to a pivot

Width: 0.3”




Height: 0.25” Depth: 0.25” Width: 0.4”


Platfor m


Width: 6” Height: 0.25:

Sample Technical Report

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Depth: 1”

that sits on one of the supports. The platform also slides along on the other arm of the support.

Conclusion Write a 200 - 300 word essay summarizing the reverse engineering project. Points to include:     

Recap what your product was How easy or difficult was it to take your project apart? How were the pieces attached together or how did the pieces fit together? List 3 possible significant changes that could be made to improve the products functionality. List 3 possible changes that could be made to improve the product’s visual appeal.

Sample Technical Report

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