Science Olympiad Anatomy & Physiology 2014

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Function: Info in/out of body (Sensory), Process @ brain/spine (Intergration), Process info to muscle, gland, organs (Motor ) Nervous Sys: 2 Divs Neuron: basic cell of NS- transmits impulses Central (CNS): brain and spinal chord Impulse= dendrite>cell body>axon Peripheral (PNS): everything else Dendrite:get stimulus + carry impulse > cell body Somatic: vol. control Relays into from skin and skel. muscles Cell Body:nucleus & most of cytoplasm Autonomic: invol. Relays info to Axon:fiber - carry impul. away from cell body internal organs Schwann Cells: make myelin/fat layer PNS - Sympathetic: organs in stress (fli/figt) Myelin sheath:lipid layer. Insulates axon -axon look gray - Parasympathetic: organs at rest Node of Ranvier: gaps/nodes in myelin sheath Brain:-Brain stem: medul, pon, mdbr Sensory neurons – bring messages to CNS -medulla: vital reflexes ex <3 beat + Impulses:Na + & K+ across the cell membrane Action potential: form impuls respiration by polarization + repolarization 1) impulse open Na +Gate. Na MOVE INTO -pons, midbrain: Invol respons + neuron (inside more positive vs outside=depolarized)2) K +Gate open K relay info to upper brain FLOW OUT (inside neg= repolarized) Refractory period can’t impulse. -Diencephalon – thalamus & Excitability: neun ability. to respond to stimulus+convert to nerve impulse hypothalamus All or Nothing Rule: stimulus=strong enough start impulse/nothing happens -Cerebellem: mvmnt coord+ motor - Impulses= same strength & Self-Propagation:if starts, conti. to end learning Dendrite>cellbody>axon -Cerebrum: consci. acti.=perception Outer Ear & ear canal: brings sound into eardrum emotion, thought, planning Meninge: 3 coverings for brain&spine. cushion, Eardrum :vibrates to amplify sound & separates inner Thalamus: Brain’s switchboard- protect + nourish B+SC and middle ear filter + relays info to various brain -dura -arachnoid mater: -pia mater: Middle ear : 3 small bones or Ossicles = anvil, stirrup, regions -cerebrospinal fluid, stapes – amplify sound (small bones) which vibrate Hypothalamus: regul. act. internal sound Eustachian tube :connects middle ear to throat organs, monitor info from + equalizes pressure on eardrum Cochlea:in inner ear– Autonomic NS, control tpituitary has receptors for sound & sends signals to brain Taste gland + its hormones, regulate sleep and Smell – Chemical Receptors Taste buds: swt, +appetite sour bitter, salty, umami (salt of acids) . Are receptor cells w/ tiny hair detect chemicals, send impulse to brain Brain waves: rhythmic fluctuation of Smell Receptors or Olfactory receptors: in roof of electric potential btw parts on nasal cavity. have tiny hairs of nerve fiber in mucus. electroencephalogram (EEG). Chemicals dissolve in mucus, absorb by hair, transmit impulse to brain. Cerebrum: 2/3 brain -2 Hemisp / by corpus callosum - Cerebral Cortex: aka gray matter (b/c has cell body+synaps but no myelin) -Coretx=gray b/c nerves =/= myelin (white). Covers outer of cerebr/bell. -Gyri: folded bulges  create Suki: deep furrow/fissure. Folds = ^ SArea - Medullary body: white matter of cerebrum & made of myelinated axons Commisural fibers: conduct impulses btw hemispheres & form corpus callosum Projection fibers: conduct impulse in and out of the cerebral hemispheres Association fiber: conduct impulses within hemispheres - Basal ganglia – masses of gray matter in each hemisphere which are involved in the control of voluntary muscle movements Lobes and Special regions: Frontal: motor area involved in movement + planning & coordinating behavior Parietal: sensory processing, attention, and language Tempora: auditory perception, speech, and complex visual perceptions Occipita: visual centerplays a role in processing visual information Broca’s are: located in the frontal lobe – imptt in production of speech Wernicke’s area: comprehension of language & production of meaningful speech Limbic Syste:a group of brain structures (aamygdala, hippocampus, septum, basal

Peripheral Nervous System Cranial nerves: 12 pair -Attached to undersurface of brain Spinal nerves: 31 pair -Attached to spinal cord Somatic Nervous System (voluntary) Relays information from skin, sense organs & skeletal muscles to CNS Brings responses back to skeletal muscles for volun. responses Autonomic Nervous System (involuntary) Eye: 3 layers – Outer layer: sclera and cornea Middle layer: choroid, ciliary Regulates bodies involuntary responses Relays information to internal Disorders Epilepsy: charact. by seizures Seizures: abnormal electr. body and iris Inner layer: retina Sclera/Scleroid Layer (wht of eye):prote layer of organs Sympathetic NS: in times of stress: Emergency /Fight or flight discharge in brain Alzheimer’s. degenerate. Brain disea; dementia, connecttissue,maintain eye shape attachment to muscles that move eye Cornea: clear Parasympathetic NS: body at rest/normal functions memory loss, judgmt, function MS autoimmu disea of B+SC. dome-shaped part of sclera> covers front of eye which light enters the eye Anterior Myelin Sheath=gone; affect communi: vision, sensation, Chamber:small chamber btw cornea & pupilAqueous Humor: clear fluid that fills coordi,mvemnt. Parkinson’s: brain disord& trouble walk,move, anterior chamber & maintain shape of cornea> has most nutrients for lens & cornea & coordi. Low dopamine conc. Shingles/herpes zoster: painful skin involved in waste management in front of eye Choroid Layer: middle layer. Has many rash b/c varicella-zoster virus(CPox) dorment, bec. active Cerebral blood vessels Ciliary Body: circular band of muscle. connected + is behind iris- makes Palsy: damage to develop. Br. Symp: mvemnt, learn, hear, see, aqueous humor, changes shape of lens for focusing Iris:pigmented front portion of the think Glaucoma: fluid in eye can’t drain; damage optic nerve /bc choroid layer and contains blood vessels- it determines the eye color and it controls the incr pressure amount of light that enters the eye by changing the size of pupil Lens: crystalline structure Alocohal: depressant. Absorb in stomach. Diffue in body tissue located just behind the iris- focuses light onto the retina Pupil: opening in center of the irisCaffeine: stimulant: suppres. Melatonin (sleep). Promote adrenalin 1 changes size as amount of light changes ( more light, smaller hole)Vitreous :thick, Nicotine: stimul. Addictive, incr. neurotrans. w/ pleasure. Incr. transparent liquid, fills the center of the eye; mostly water gives the eye form& shape (aka toleran.=discomf.t. Marijuana (THC): binds to nerve cells w/ vitreous humor) Retina:sensory tissue,lines back of eye. IHasphotoreceptors (rods protein recpt. Suppr. Memory+lean centers. forblk/wht and cones for color ) convert light rayselectrical impulsesbrain via optic

Integumentary Sys: skin, hair, nails, subcutaneous tissue below skin, and assorted glands. Funct: Protection vs injury + infection. Regulates body tempt. Sensory perception. Regulates H2O loss. Chemical synthesis Physical barrier: continuity of the skin (prev bact. invasion) hardness of keratinzed cells (H20pf + protect) Glycolipids (prevt H2O btw cells) Chemical bar: (skin secretion + melanin) Skin secretions like sebum, human defens (antimicrobial peptides), acid mantle of skin stop bacter growth / kills Melanin protect from UV damage Biological bar: Langerhans’ cells (in epider- antigens to lymphocyte), dermal macrophages (attk penetra epider), + DNA (absorb UV ray  heat) Layers of epidermis Stratum corneum 25-30 lay dead keratinocytes. Shed contin. replaced by cells from deeper strata. H20, micro, injr. barrier Stratum lucidum thick skin only3-5 dead keratinocytes Dense packed intermediate filaments Thick plasma membranes Stratum granulosum above Sratum Spinsosum3-5 lay keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis Marks transition btw deeper metabolically active strata + dead cells of Superficial Strata.Contains lamellar granulesSecretes lipid-rich secretion  acts as h2o sealant Stratum spinosum above Stratum Basale8-10 lay keratinocytes. Some cells retain ability for cell divisionCells = spinelike projections (bundles of filaments of cytoskeleton) tightly joins cells to each other. Provides skin strength and flexibility Stratum basale/stratum germinatum where new cells are formed Deepest layer of epidermis Single row of cuboidal /columnar keratinocytes. Epidermis Growth: Newly form cells in stratum basale undergo keratinazation as they pushed to surface get more keratin apoptosis

Serous Membranes: Line body cavities w/ no opening to the outside. Secrete serous fluid lubricates surfaces. Mucous Membranes Line cavities +tubes that open outside

Dermis: 2nd deepest part of the skin. Blood vessels, nerves, glands and hair follicles are embedded here Composed = connect tissues (collagen 70% struct. tough/streng. elastic fibers=elasticity) 2 Layers Papillary Layer and Epidermal layer. Papillary layerSuperficial portion of dermis. Made of areolar connect tissue w/ elastic fiber. SA incre b/c dermal papillae: contains capillaries/ tactile receptors.Epidermal ridges conforms to the dermalSkin Pigments: 3 for skin color- melanin, carotene, hemoglobin Melanin: epidermis. Melanocytes synthes. Melanin from tyrosine w/ tryosinase in the papillae melanosome (organelle in melanocyte). 2types: Eumelanin (brownish/black) Pheomelanin Reticular layer Deeper portion of the dermis. Made of dense irregular (reddish/yellow). UV light incr melanin product tan = melanin+darkness incr. connect tissue w/collagen/elastic fibers Provides skin w/ strength + elasticity. hair follicles, nerves, sebaceousEumel=protect UV. Pheome=break down w/ UVCarotene: yellow/org. pigment. Precursor for Vit.A pigment for vision. In Stratum Comeum + fatty area of and sudoriferous glands Derm&Hypoderm.Hemoglobin: O2-carry. Pigment in RBC Aging: begin in 20s. stem cell Hypodermis – (subcutaneous) Not part of skin- below dermis. acti dec: skin thin, repair=hard. Epiderm dendritic cell decre: decr immune respons. VitD3 Has connet. Tis and dispose (subcutaneous fat) for insulation produc decr: Ca absorp decr: brittle bones. Feel cold. Loss of skin firmness+elasticity +drier. Light Touch: Meissner’s corpuscles. Very sensitive. Nonspecific Response :responds quickly, fights all invaders Heavy Pressure: Paccinian corpuscules 1st skin, mucus, secretions 2nd phagocytic white blood cells, Cold receptor: >95F, most at 77F, none >41F Hot receptor: >86F, most at 113F, none above 113F Inflammatory response: releases histamines redness, pain, swelling, heat 3rd attack vs particular foreign substances; Psoriasis: chronic, noninfectious skin disease dry+scaly. Skin celle product incr 3-4x,stratum corneum gets thick;dead cells build up genetic component. triggered by trauma, infection , hormonal changes/ stress Vitiligo: autoimmune pigmentation disorder melanocytes in tepidermis are destroyed eg M. Jackson Burns: too much sunlight/ heat 1st degree: skin is inflamed, red surface layer of skin is shed 2nd degree: deeper injury: blisters form as fluid builds up beneath outer layers of epidermis 3rd degree:full thickness of skin is destroyed -sometimes even subcutaneous tissues results in ulcerating wounds fourth- degree additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle or bone Basal Cell carcinoma: least malignant Squamous: cancer of stratum spinosum Malignant Melanoma: ~1% Allergies:hypersensitivity of the immune system Asthma:obstructive pulmonary disorder- bronchial walls muscles spasms breathing difficult - causes airways of lungs to swell and narrow, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness coughing Autoimmune Disorder: immune system mistakenly attacks +destroys healthy tissue ex:Addison's disease , Celiac disease - (gluten-sensitive enteropathy), Graves disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, MS, Myasthenia gravis, Pernicious anemia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Type I diabetes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) final stage of HIV human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).- HIV infects vital cellsex helper T cells, macrophages, Tissue 2 Rejection - Foreign MHC Proteins - human immune system is designed to attack anything doesn't recognize

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