Sexual Mind Meld

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THE SEXUAL MIND-MELD or, The Way to a Woman's Heart is Through Her Eyes….. by

Keni S.

Making love to a woman is much more than just a physical act. For a woman, sex isn't really about thrusting or penetration. It's fundamentally about feeling secure with the man she is with - feeling confident that she has chosen the right man. When a woman feels this way about you, she will give herself to you completely. You needn't worry about how good looking you may (or may not) be, how much money you have, etc. And when she feels this way, you can get away with all sorts of bad behavior that'd otherwise get you booted by a woman. This feeling of security can only come about when you have created a mental connection with her during sex. This connection is what I refer to as the mind-meld. A woman is at her most vulnerable during sex. Because of this, if you know how to penetrate her mind, and not just her body, it's going to make for some EXPLOSIVE SEX. This is when things really get good. You've got to be careful, though, because this often backfires on a guy. The sex can get so intense that the girl gets really hung up on him, and it's almost impossible for him to shake her. She's liable to go a bit "psycho" when the guy tries to pull away from her. In fact, you know how people use the phrase "crazy sex" or how sex with a really crazy woman is so intense? That's because these women are much more OPEN mentally - more vulnerable to making a psychological connection with you. However, you can have this kind of sex with any woman, not just with overdramatic psychopaths! It's all about connecting with them mentally during sex. I'm going to give you a few tips on how to do just that.

1. EYE CONTACT Whenever possible, try to get your woman to look directly into your eyes. Women love this - it proves you are thinking about her, and not fantasizing about someone else. And if you're staring deeply into each other's eyes during sex, you can then actually project your thoughts directly into her mind using something called hypnagogic telepathy to create intense feelings of love. Now, that's a fancy term but what it basically means is this: you are going to hypnotize her with your eyes. During sex, a woman is in a state similar to lucid dreaming…so you have the ability to create a direct line to her unconscious mind. As she stares deeper into your eyes, she will lose track of the world around her; she will be forced through the intense focus of your gaze to follow your lead, to surrender to you on the sexual journey you are about to guide her through.

2. RHYTHMIC SPEECH You must also SPEAK to her - slowly, softly but firmly. Tell her what you're going to do to her - create a steady rhythm with your voice to lull her deeper into a trance. It doesn't really matter WHAT you say to her…but your words must become like the flow of a rushing stream, or like waves crashing on a beach. Whisper into her ear - repeat the same words, over & over: "I'm going to FUCK you like this….I love to FUCK you…you love to be FUCKED, don't you…watch me FUCK you…" (You needn't use this particular word, but for some reason, I find the word "fuck" to be particularly effective - not only because it is the most taboo word in the English language & therefore puts her into a transgressive state of mind - literally a "bad" place - but the sound of the word itself has a percussive a maraca striking a snare drum)

The repetition creates a rhythmic pattern, like the jungle drums of our prehistoric, tribal past, that cracks open her unconscious mind like a brazil nut…the noise & clamor of the modern world recedes, and you are now entering a more primal state of existence… Now time the rhythm of your speech to your thrusting movements - maintaining eye contact, whispering gently…she will become like a vessel lost at sea…she is lost in the wilderness of her own mind, and only you can rescue her…because it is precisely YOU who have gotten her lost in the first place… And now she NEEDS you - she confers the power to you, she has chosen you & only you to make her lost & to rescue her, time & time again…she needs to reenact this thrill, the primal joy & great freedom of total surrender but also the danger of the jungle, again & again through sex, but only with the man with whom she feels completely safe - the man who alone possesses the key to her heart of darkness. She WANTS to be possessed, to be ravaged - the deep & primordial part of her mind craves it - but the civilized part of her mind, her ego, resists. You must break through this outer protective shell in order to truly connect with a woman during sex - if you do, her heart will belong to you forever.

3. THE FORCEFUL MANNER A woman desires to be controlled, to surrender, but she must feel SAFE with you first. When a woman feels totally safe with you, she indulges her darkest, most primitive desires - she wants to be overwhelmed by a man - controlled, thrown around…she may want her hair pulled, or to be spanked….. For the woman, pain & pleasure are inextricably linked. When you've drawn her deep into her reptilian mind, not only will you be free to touch her forcefully, willfully - but in fact you MUST do so, if you want to establish a deep connection the forceful manner puts her in touch with her true submissive nature, which she is forced to disguise amidst the anxieties of our modern world, but which, in the safe context of lovemaking, she is free to unleash. She may now fleetingly inhabit her true self - but you must first establish control by easing her into the submissive state with your voice & your gaze….ONLY then is it appropriate to let out your "inner caveman."

THE MYSTERY OF THE FEMALE ORGASM Only when a woman is fully ensconced in a pre-conscious state of arousal can she reach her true orgasmic potential. For a woman, an orgasm is not merely a physical, reflexive phenomenon, as it is for men - the mental aspect is just as important as the physical to the female orgasm. If there is no psychological

connection, it is almost impossible for her to climax - she must feel safe enough with you and close enough to you in order to surrender fully to her body, to allow this total release of primal pleasure to overwhelm her….and precisely for this reason, and because it is so much more rare, the woman's orgasm is infinitely more powerful than a man's… If you are able to maintain the mind-meld with her during her climax - locking eyes with her, speaking continuously - calmly yet assertively, gripping her tightly, possibly pleasuring her with the most superb bit of pain by pulling her hair ever so slightly - you will be able to force-feed your very soul into hers, to project your will into her vulnerable subconscious mind - and in so doing, gain total control of her affections. You will achieve the kind of sexual power known only by the most confident men - the kings & high priests of ages past - as you enter into a shared universe of sexual oneness with her.

It is a universe in which she gladly offers you the reigns, in which she is happy to submit to your dominance - in which she NEEDS to bend to your will in order to feel like a complete & fully realized woman! This is, ultimately, what women desire from sex…for them, sex is a means to an end - that end being a unity of spirit with a man in which she willingly yields power to him, and takes her greatest freedom in being led….. The question I have for you, then, is this: are you ready for the power that the sexual mind-meld will confer to you? Will you know what to do with it, and are you strong enough spiritually to not abuse that power? Are you prepared for the kind of devotion that a woman who has truly experienced this kind of sexual union is going to give you? It is a heavy thing, this sort of connection - one that comes with dangers & great responsibility, but also with the potential for the greatest pleasure & joy that life has to offer. Do not enter into it lightly…. But the power to reach your full potential as a man is at your fingertips - rather, it is inside your mind. It's up to you to tap into it & to create the sort of psychological connection with a woman that will revolutionize not only your sex life, but your entire world.

Yours sincerely,


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