Speaking Quy 2 (part 2 - 3) (bo Sung - Hieu Dinh)

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Topic 1: Business Describe a small successful business you know You should say: what business it is how you know about it what products it sells who the customers are whether you like it or not part 3 for this cue card is 'Business' There's a place I keep coming back to week after week, and sometimes even day after day. And this place is a restaurant located just across the street from my office. It's relatively small, with room for about 20 people. It serves seafood, pasta and pizza. Also, people can pop in to have a cup of coffee with some cake. It's always busy although there are several other cafes nearby. This place is visited by many different people, but it is particularly popular with high-income middle-aged people. I can't say it's super expensive to have a meal there, but not everybody can afford to visit it regularly. And yet, it is often difficult to book a table there as it is one of the most popular places in the city. This business is owned and fully controlled by two brothers. As far as I know the other family members also work there. At least, they look like relatives. I judge by the way they behave and communicate with each other. I like watching them work. And I do it really frequently. I can consider myself to be a regular visitor of the restaurant if we judge by a total number of visits without referring to the amount of food consumed 'cause I sometimes drop in just to have a cup of coffee, sometimes I have a substantial meal. I really like it as a customer and I like the way the brothers do business. I think for this type of business choosing a location is one of the most critical issues as the difference between selecting the wrong location and the right site could be the difference between business failure and success. This restaurant is easily accessible for customers, employees and suppliers. It's a nice quiet place where people can pull out their laptops and work while waiting for their orders. By the way, the wifi's very fast. I can't help mentioning that the food is delicious, the menu is constantly enhanced and refined. Also, in this industry customer service is no less important than food or location. Well... the service is efficient as I never have to wait for more than half an hour to be served. It's homey and has a good vibe. So I go there for the atmosphere, food and convenience.

I wish I knew the owners personally and could ask them what their recipe for success in business is'and how they managed to create such a popular place. Part 3 1. Which do you prefer, family film or non- family ones? I think I prefer non- family businesses because I have noticed that just because it is a family business, doesn't necessarily mean it's a well- run business. In other words, even if a person has inherited the company, they might not care about the success of it because it was handed to them. So it's common to see family run business close after the 2nd or 3 rd generation, so that's why I would prefer to do business with a non- family firm. 2. what are important factors in making a company successful? I think there are quite a few factors invovel. First, the company has to provide a good quality service, because if customers are unsatisfied with their product, they might never come back and go to competitor instead. Secondly, I think good customer service makes a big difference, because I have noticed that companies that treat their customers kindly and with respect, often keep their customer even when they are unhappy. Last but not least, I think reasonable prices are important. Because customers do not want to be overcharged or ripped off for something. So I think those are some important factors in running a successful business. 3. what kinds of qualities should a successful businessperson have? I think a successful businessperson should have a few different qualities. First of all, they should have a good work ethic because running a business is exhausting and probably takes up almost every hour of your working day, which means a businessperson can' i be lazy or take much time off so having a good work ethic is a must 4. what emerging business do you know? I think one industry that has become very popular recently is solar power. I have read that a lot of more people are installing solar panels on the roofs of their houses to try to cut down their electricity bills and help the planet. Actually, you can see a lot of solar panels on some houses on the outskirts of cities already. Another industry I have heard about is called `telehealth'. This mean that if you have a health problem or need special medicine instead of going to a hospital, a nurse or doctor can send you the information you need through an app on your phone. So those are two industries I think will grow a lot in the next decade.

Topic 2: Describe a person who has apologized to you

You should say: who this person is when this happened what this person said for apologizing explain how you felt about the apology Off the top of my head, I can't really remember many times when I've been apologized to, but one story that don’t come to mind was when two of my friends forgot about some dinner plans we made. This happened a few years ago, and at the time I was in Shanghai visiting some old friends I know from university. I don't go there very often, but whenever I do, I always try to catch up with them since they live so far away. So before I arrived in Shanghai, I had texted them and we had arranged to meet for dinner in one of our favorite restaurants at 7 o'clock. I remember taking a taxi there, asking the waiter about our reservation and taking a seat at a table for 3. I thought my friends would arrive soon afterwards, but about 20 minutes later, I wondered if they might have gotten stuck in traffic. So I called them and it turns out they had completely forgotten about it. To be fair, they had been very busy at work, and because they didn't pencil it into their dairies, it totally slipped their minds.

They were very sorry and said they felt very guilty. My friend said she should have set a reminder on her phone, but never got around to it. I told them it was okay, and I decided to eat dinner at the restaurant anyway, seeing as it is a great place and I was already there. We agreed to try and meet up again another time and next time I'm in their city, I'll remind them a few times before I arrive to make sure they don't forget! Part 3: 1.

On what occasion do people usually apologize to others?

I suppose people usually apologize when they have made a mistake that could be if they arrive for something late, or if they don't do something that they promised to, or even if they break or damage something important, so it's usually when people feel guilty or regretful about their actions. So I think those are the main occasions when people say sorry. 2.

Do people in your country like to say " sorry"

Generally speaking, I think quite a few people in china find it difficult to say sorry, because it can be embarrassing] to admit they have made a mistake, and people also don't want to " lose face". Also, some people feel they will be judged if they have to say sorry, which means that some people just avoid talking about uncomfortable situations until they are forgotten. So overall I would say Vietnamese people don't apologise as much as in other cultures. 3.

Do think people should apologize for anything wrong they do?

Yes, I think they should because it's a sign of humility to a knowledge when you have made a mistake. No one is perfect, and making mistakes is a part of life so simply owning up to mistakes should be encouraged. As well as that, apologizing to someone else shows respect, because it shows that your care about how the other person feels or about how you affected them. So I think people should say sorry when they so something wrong 4. Why do some people refuse to say " sorry" to others? I suppose some people might refuse to apologise when they don't feel that they have made a mistake. For instance, someone might think they did the right thing in a difficult situation, while someone else might think they were rude or selfish, so that's a situation where no one feels they should say sorry. Another reason could be when people feel like they are being judged, unfairly criticized or in suited, in which case they think the other person doesn't deserve the respect of an apology, so those are some situation when people might not apologise. Topic 3: Family member Describe a family member that you spend a lot of time with You should say: who this person is what this person looks like what you like to do with him or her explain why you like this person

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Family' I've always been close with my immediate family, so one family member I've spent a lot of time with is my sister Louise. While we were growing up together, we spent a lot of time in each other's company because she's only 2 years older than me, so a lot of my earliest memories involve my sister. I remember running around the garden with her, playing board games, having water fights and doing lots of other fun activities. I liked spending time with her because she was always very supportive and kind to me. She would share food that she ate and the toys that she had at home. At school too, she would protect me from any bullies and also help me with my homework. Even though we didn't see eye-to-eye on everything, we always respected each other's opinions. Nowadays, we don't spend as much time as we used to together because we're both grown up and living in different cities, but we still keep in touch on social media and through the interne. And we're often sending each other funny videos and pictures since we have a very similar sense of humour. So every time I go to London, I always make an effort to see my sister and catch up with her. I'm very grateful to have such a kind sibling. Part 3 1. What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? How about the drawbacks? I guess the main benefit is the older generations can share their experience and advice with the younger people in their house. Generally speaking, older people have more experience in life, work and relationships, which means they can help their children or grandchildren avoid the same mistakes they made or make the correct decisions about their futures. 2. Which do you prefer, support from family members or friends? Why? I think it depends, because if you are talking about personal issues, like heath or money, I would ask my family, because I don't want to share that kind of

information with my friend. However, if you mean for more generation advice, like my job, or relationship or school, I would go to my friends for advice since they are my age, which means they can empathize and understand my problems better. so, I think it depends on the problem. 3.

How many generations do each family have?

I think it's just 3 or 4 generation nowadays, because I have seen that families have gotten smaller and smaller since people are living longer, meaning that they are waiting longer to have children. In the past, adults had children in their early 20s, whereas nowadays, some adults wait until their thirties or even later. So, families in my country have become smaller, with typical only 3 or 4 generations, compared to 5 or 6 in the past. 4.

Is it important to visit family members? Why?

I think so, because family is the most important relationships you can have in your life, so you should maintain that connection by visiting often. If you don't visit very often, it can be easy to drift apart or lose touch with a family member, which is always a shame considering they were probably quite involved in raising you and helping you when you were younger. So I think it is important.

Topic 4: Animal Describe an interesting animal You should say: what it looks like when you saw it where you saw it explain why it is interesting part 3 is 'Animals' when we are talking about interesting animals, and I considered the panda as one of the best examples. I remember when I hanging out with my friend a month ago at the zoo, while we were walking I was amazed by a lovely black and white panda sitting in a huge cage eating some bamboo shoots. It was my first time seeing a panda. However, I felt pity for it because we know that nowadays, pandas are rare. In addition, they should live in open areas such as mountains, not in a closed cage like that. Moreover, according to some research, one reason for pandas being rare is that breeding is not high on their list of priorities. And with only a one- day breeding window a year for a female to conceive naturally, it is hardly surprising that pandas are an endangered species Back to my story, while he was busy eating his" cup of tea" , I lent him a fruit. I was shocked and amazed at the same time. I had thought they only ate bamboo, but I was wrong betttuse they love fruit too. Additionally, they are able to digest meat as well. According to some articles I read, pandas are usually born in August, due to the reason that pandas' mating months are March to May and their gestation period is three to five months. Very strange, isn't it? But still, I was very amazed by their cuteness and why I think they are interesting, plus they totally adorable as teddy bears when they born. Part 3: 1. How do you like taking care of animals? Personally, I enjoy taking care of animals because it's very rewarding. If you take good care of pet like a god or cat, you can make a loyal friend and companion who will always be happy to see you when you come home. Although sometimes pets can be have badly, make a mess and be expensive to feed, I still like taking care of dog especially, because you can see their tail wagging they are happy, and that makes me fell good 2.

Do you think can safe animals to live in cities?

I think it depends if the animals are wild or not, because if we are talking about pets, then I think it's safe enough fo;,them to live in big cities, because they have a home stay in, which means wild or stray animals, then I think cities can pose a lot of threats to them, mainly from cars and even other people, especially at night. So I think animals can be safe, but only if they have a home to stay in 3.

What problems does will keep pet brings?

I guess if the pet is very young, like a puppy or kitchen, then training them can be quite difficult. Because they need to learn that they can't pee or poop in the house, which can take some tome. Another issue, especially

with cats, is that they damage things. I have seen lots of scratching sofas and curtains and also knocking cups and plants pots off shelves. So those are some typical problems that come to mind. 4.

How are pets different now from those in the past?

I suppose because a lot of people have stopped hunting or faming in the countryside, it means that people have also stopped using their pets as working animals nowadays. In the past, farmers uses to use cats to chase mice and rats, and used dogs to hunt birds or protect their land, whereas nowadays, cats and dogs just play around, go for walks and sleep, so their lives are much easier so I think that 's the main difference in animals between the present and the past

Topic 5: Crowded place Describe a time you went to a crowded place You should say: what place it was when you went there who you went with what people do there why you liked or disliked it Part 3 for this cue card is 'Crowded places' I have visited quite a lot of big cities throughout my life, but one very crowed capital city I have been to is Tokyo. I visited Tokyo while I was on vacation in Japan a few years ago, and I can still remember being blown away by how incredibly packed the[city was. Before is started my trip. I thought it wouldn't be as busy as I had seen in documentaries, but when I left the airport and saw my train approaching, I realized they were all totally true. The train was absolutely packed I remember being so shocked that I let the train go and waited for the next one- but the next train was extremely full tool! Eventually, I plucked up the courage to get on the train and spueezed on with the other passengers. I remember noticing that everyone else on the train was very calm because they probably lived in Tokyo and were used to being packed in like sardines everyday but I couldn't believe it When we came out onto the main shopping streets of Tokyo, the sidewalks were also bustling with people. In fact, in japan, it's so busy, that people walk on one side of the pavement. I wish I had learnt that earlier because at first I bumped into a lot of people. Overall though, I had a great time in Tokyo, even thought it was quite hectic and exhausting . if I go back again, I '11 know what to expect and it won't be so overwhelming Part 3:

1. Do people like to go to crowded places? Why? I think younger people definitely do, because busy placed have a lot of energy and atmosphere which can be quite exciting, for example, concerts, festivals and special events are full of music and dancing, so even though it's crowed you can get swept you in the moment and just enjoy yourself. However, in cities during rush hour, I think big crowds can make commuters quite exhausted and miserable so it really depends on the situation.

2. How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved? I think the government should try encouraging people to use public transport instead of driving their cars. You can see huge traffic jams in every city during rush hour, but the bus lanes are usually clear, so if more people took the bus, they would get to work much faster and private vehicles could also get around more quickly too, so I think that's the best solution.

3. Why do people still.. to live big cities even through there are severe traffic jams?

Even though it can be stressful to live in a big city, there are still lots of perks to living there. Firsts of all, in cities you can find a huge variety of restaurants, museums and other cultural attractions which can make life interesting and exciting. Secondly, it's easier to make friends in big cities, simply because there are more people with similar interests as you. Finally, most cities have good public transport systems, so the subway or a monorail can avoid traffic jams together. So I think those are some main reasons. 4. What public facilities.. your city have? My city has lots of great infrastructure, such as a monorail, a subway system and plenty of bus lines. My city has a huge population and a large business district, so there are lots of people moving around city day and night, but thankfully, the extensive infrastructure helps citizens move around easily and quickly. As well as that, my city also has a lot of modern hospitals with state- of — the art equipment, so a lot of people from all over the country come here for important or difficult surgeries.

Topic 6: Describe a change that can improve your local area Luckily in my area, there has always been most of the facilities and amenities that I need to live comfortably, but one thing that I wish was in my neighbourhood is a park. Since I live in a big city, there aren't many green spaces or areas with nature. I've always enjoyed feeling the grass under my feet or relaxing under the cool shade of a tree, but unfortunately, at the moment, there's nothing like that in my neighbourhood. In fact, the closest park is about 30 minutes away on foot, which is too far for me. I first noticed that my area could do with a park during the summer. The sun was really beating down and because of all the concrete apartment blocks, the heat was unbearable. I realized that if there had been a park, me and a lot of other residents would have gone there to cool down. Instead, most people went inside to a place with air conditioning so the streets were empty and quite unfriendly. Another reason a park would be a good idea is that there are lots of dog owners in my neighborhood too. Since there isn't a park, people take their dogs for walks on the pavement, which unfortunately means that the dog sometimes leave a mess on the sidewalk, and you have to be careful about keeping your shoes clean. Having a park in my neighbourhood would solve both of these problems. If we had a park, it would be full of happy residents, their pets and maybe their children as well. So I hope one day the local government will be able to provide that for the local residents in my area.

Topic 7: Ideal house or apartment

Describe your dream home You should say: what kind of accommodation it will be where it will be if it will be big or small what it will look like part 3 'Home' I've been looking for my dream home for a long, long time, and last year I think I actually found it. I came across a property called Casa Diversa while I was on holiday in the Canary Islands last year. At the time it was a hotel for tourists and visitors and it was a huge building located in a quiet, luscious valley surrounded by banana trees. The building is painted white with a tile roof, so it's very bright indoors. There are also lots of windows, so every room is filled with natural light, which I really love. On the roof, there is a lovely terrace which has sun loungers, a barbecue pit and even some sofas so you can relax in the daytime and enjoy the view, or you can go up at night and gaze at the stars . Because the weather is so nice in the Canary Islands, I would live there all year round. It rarely gets cold so I can wear a t-shirt and go onto the roof terrace and enjoy the sunshine, no matter what the month is. It's ideal for me because it's in a quiet location, but it's still not too far away from a supermarket and a small town. They even have the Internet so I could continue working there and keep up with my friends on social media. So if I get a chance, I would love to buy that whole property and make it my house.

Part 3: I. Where do people in China like to live, in a house or an apartment? I suppose it depends on the person, because there are lots of houses and apartments in china. In regards to houses, I think people like living in them because they have more space. If the house is in the countryside, then they might have a garden as well, which can be very relaxing and a pleasant place to raise a family or retire. However, if we're talking about apartments, then they are usually located in much more convenient locations, such as close to city centers, supermarkets and public transport. That means people who usually work in the city, or young people prefer to live in apartments, especially since they are a little bit cheaper too. So I think it depends on the people on the people, what they need and what they prefer. 2. What are the benefits of living in a house? As I mentioned before, in a house you generally have a little bit more space. For example, you might have a back garden, an attic, a basement and even a garage for your car, an this extra space helps you store your belongings and possessions. As well as that, homes are often more private, since homeowners don't share their building with any other families which can help people relax more easily at home, so those are some benefits I have noticed 3.

Why do many people like to live in the city?

On the whole, I think people like living in cities because there are so many things to do. First of fall, in cities you can fmd a huge variety of restaurants, museums and other cultural attractions which can make life interesting and exciting. Secondly, it is easier to make friends in big cities, simply because there are more people with similar interests as you. Finally, cities always have the greatest number of job prospects, so if you want to a new job, it will be much easier to find one a big city than the countryside. So I think those are some reasons people like city life. 4.

Where do people like to live, in the city center or the suburbs?

I suppose it depends on the person, because for a single young person, living in the city center is perfect, because there are lots of exciting things to do, which means a young person won't get bored and will have lots of great experience. However, for a family, living in the suburbs is much better, because it's quieter and safer environment to raise children in. there are also lots of good schools located close to suburban areas, which makes life easier for parents and children. So, I think it depends on the person and what their needs are.

Topic 8: Helping someone Describe a situation when you helped someone You should say: what the situation was who the person was how you helped them how you felt after helping them Part 3 for this cue card is 'Helping others' I've been to lots of exciting events over the years, but one especially exciting time was when I went to the Chinese Fl race in Shanghai last year. I've always been a huge Fl fan, but I had never actually been to a race before because the tickets were very expensive. Luckily though, my friend had a spare ticket because his friend couldn't make it, and he offered it to me instead and I jumped at the chance. I remember being incredibly excited to see the Fl cars in person and experience the speed and power with my own eyes. When we arrived at the circuit, at first, I didn't think our seats were very good ones, but when we saw some Fl cars drive past, I realized that we had a great view of many different corners. It was amazing to finally see my favourite drivers and the beautiful cars with my own eyes. They moved so much faster in real life compared to on TV, that I regret not coming to an Fl race earlier. The race itself lasted about 90 minutes and in our seats, we saw lots of overtaking and even a crash. Fortunately no one was hurt, and my favourite driver even won the race. If I go back to this racetrack again, I will definitely sit in the same place again. Overall, I had a great time and I was really thankful to my friend for giving me the extra ticket. Part 3: 1. Should parent help their kids with their homework? I think they should yes, because when parents help their children find answer or work together, the bond between them can get stronger. If the parent love them and want them to succeed. That said, I don't think parents should give their children the answers, because that doesn't help the child learn, but I think a good amount of patience and support is the best way. 2. What kind of advice parents together their children? I suppose parents can give their children advice about many different things. First of all, they can offer advice about money, because parents already have lots of experience with that already, so they can guide their children about how to save to money and how to spend it wisely. Secondly, parents can give advice about relationships, especially if their child is having problems with their boyfriend or girlfriend, parents will have been married for many years, so they can share their wisdom about how to have happy and healthy relationships. So those are some different ways parents can help. 3. Should parents give children advice? Why? Yes of course, because it is a parent's job to nurture and support their child as much as possible, and giving advice is a way of doing that. Especially when children children are younger, the kids might not have enough experience or knowledge to make good decisions, so parents should try and guide them down the right path.

On top of that, children will also learn the benefits of helping others when they need it, so I think there are lots of good reasons for parents to help their kids. 4. Can kid provide any help to their parents?

I suppose children can help their parents have fun and see things from a more optimistic perspective, because sometimes adult life can be very stressful and difficult, but children are often playful and imaginative, which can really cheer their parents up by making boring things more fun. There is a saying that. " kids keep you young.' And I think that's very true

Topic 9: Job Describe a job you don't want to do You should say: what it is whether you think it's easy or difficult explain why you don't want to do it Part 3 for this cue card is 'Jobs' Fortunately, I haven't had many jobs that I really didn't like, but one profession that I imagine would be very unpleasant for me, would be a kindergarten teacher. I first noticed that I didn't enjoy spending time with very young children when I was playing with my nephew a few years ago. At the time, I was babysitting him while my sister was at work and I thought it would be easy, but after trying to entertain him for 20 minutes, I realized it was more difficult than I thought. So I can imagine that being in a whole room full of 20 or 30 young kids would be complete chaos. I wouldn't be able to control them because I don't know any techniques to make them listen to me. I'm also terrible at singing, which means the kids wouldn't like my songs. The drawings of animals and people I do are also quite ugly, so I don't think the kids would enjoy them either. I remember my nephew liked playing football with me, but that's the only thing he liked. So even though people think it's an easy job, if I had to do it, I think a lot of parents would complain about me and I would get fired pretty quickly Part 3: 1.

What kind of jobs do young people prefer?

I suppose most young people prefer jobs that are in a social environment, such as working in a bar, a hostel. I think that's because they can meet lots of new and interesting people every day. Some other young people might prefer working outdoors in nature, like on camp grounds or at the beach, since they can enjoy the outdoors and sunshine instead of being cooped up inside. Those are some jobs that come to mind. 2.

Which do you prefer, physical work or mental work?

Even through it can be. Hard and exhausting, I actually prefer doing physical work, such as painting cleaning or gardening. I think that's because I did a lot of that with my parents during childhood, but as well as that, I've also noticed that doing physical work can be quite therapeutic, because when you are completing a task, like painting a room for example, you can let your mind wander and think about lots of different things. Whereas if I was working in an office, I would never have time to think about anything expect my work, which I think would be mentally draining after a long time. So that's why I prefer physical work 3.

What factors should people take into consideration when choosing jobs?

Although it's not the most important thing, people should always consider the salary of a new job before they accept it, because your salary has to cover your living expenses and bills. As well as that, the location of the job is an important

factor. If your job is 2 hours away from your house, you will spend 4 hours a day just commuting, which wouldn't be a good use of your time. Finally, I think the job role itself is worth looking at, because no one wants to do boring or stressful tasks at work. So I think those are 3 important factors to think about. 4. Do people nowadays like to leave their hometown to work in other cities? On the whole, I suppose it's been happening more and more because there are few job opportunities in the countryside these days, and big cities have become the best places for people to find work. That means that many people, especially young people, have started leaving the countryside and moving to the city as soon as they can, in order to find work and enjoy the benefits of the city as well. So I think quite a lot of people move to bi cities to work these days.

Topic 10: Journey Describe an important journey that was delayed I don't think I've been delayed on my travels too many times, but one annoying situation when I had to wait for a train was in autumn last year. Autumn in China is very beautiful, because the leaves change color into pretty orange and red colors. Unfortunately, though, these leaves also fall from the trees and cover everything around them, and this includes train tracks. I remember that I was going to visit Shanghai on the High Speed Rail train. I didn't want to be late, so I arrived at the station with plenty of time to spare, but when I looked at the schedule on the TV screens, I realized that my train had already been delayed. At first, the delay was only for 10 minutes, but after 10 minutes, it extended again to 20 minutes. Soon afterwards, there was an announcement over the speakers that said there were so many leaves on the train tracks, the trains had to wait until they were cleared. I was kind of frustrated at the delay and I remember seeing lots of other passengers waiting on the platform looking annoyed as well. After about 30 more minutes of waiting, our train finally arrived. Even though the rest of the journey went smoothly, all I can really remember is the delay. Next time I travel during autumn, I will keep in mind that I might be late thanks to the falling leaves!

Topic 11: Skill you learned

______________________________________________________________ Describe a skill you learned You should say: when you learned it how you learned it why it was important Part 3 for this cue card is 'Skills' I've always tried to learn skills that I think will help me in the future, and one of the best skills I have learnt so far, is English! I've been learning English almost my whole life, because we start learning it in 1st grade of elementary school in my country. When I was a student, I remember liking my English teachers a lot, but I was never able to talk very well because we always studied grammar rules instead of conversations. When I was much older, I went on a trip to the Philippines. I thought my English was okay because I had studied it for so long, but when I arrived in the city of Cebu, I realized that everyone's English was much better than mine! I also struggled to communicate with the local people, or tourists from Europe and Australia too. So when I came home, I decided to focus on improving my English, so I could make friends and meet more people from other countries. I remember finding a private English teacher, buying lots of English books and looking at lots of English learning websites online. I tried to study just a little bit every day, and after about 1 or 2 years, I went back to the Philippines for another vacation, and the difference was amazing! I made lots of friends from all over the world simply because I could communicate with them much more easily. I still keep in touch with some of them today, and I also found a new job with a better salary thanks to my English skills. Even though I wish I had started learning English sooner, I still think it's a great skill that has made my life better. Part 3: Practical skills

1. What is the most important practical skill in modern society? I suppose nowadays it is knowing how to fix things. These days we have so many different appliances and gadgets in our houses, like fridges, TVs, ovens, and so on. When they break, most people are completely lost and need to spend money on asking a repairman to come over and fix it. But if you had the skills to fix it yourself, you can could save a lot of money and time

because it's sometimes quite expensive to pay for professional help. So I think that's an important skill nowadays.


What kinds of skills are practical to lean?

If you are talking about physical skills then I think any skill that requires precision or dexterity are quite challenging, such as carpentry, soldiering or welding, because mistakes can be costly and even dangerous. But if you mean academic skills, then any skill or subject that required you to remember a huge amount of information about the human body or a period of history, for example, can also be very difficult and take a long time to truly master. So those are some skills that can be challenging 3. What kind of professions require practical skills? I think a lot of skilled worked, like plumbers, electricians, and mechanics need to have good practical skills to do their job well. That's because they involve a lot of hands on work and they need to be good problem solvers and to find solutions. So I think those are some jobs that require good practical skills

Topic 12: Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message You should say: what sms it was when you received it how you felt why it was important More and more I've been using text messages to keep up with my friends and family's lives, and one particularly important message I got was a few years ago, when my sister got engaged. My sister had been with her long-term boyfriend for about 4 or 5 years at the time, and a lot of people in my family were wondering when her boyfriend was going to propose. There were some times when we thought he was going to pop the question, but it never happened. Then, they went on a trip to the Philippines to celebrate their anniversary. I remember being at work, when I got a text from my sister with a photo of a beautiful engagement ring on her finger! She also sent me lots of smiling emojis and of course I was really pleased for her and her fiancee. Because they were in the Philippines, I actually couldn't call them without getting charged a lot of fees, so I just texted her and sent her voice messages saying congratulations. She explained all about how he proposed at a romantic dinner in a fine restaurant, while the sun was setting over the sea. It was very picturesque and a great romantic gesture. So even though I didn't get to talk to her face to face until she got home, I'm still glad she messaged me and included me in the excitement. Part 3: 1. Do you think traditional letter are good way to send messages? I suppose for important or special occasion, they can still be a very nice gesture. Nowadays, every form of communication has become digital, so if you received a hand- written letter in 2020, it would be quite touching and heartfelt, because someone sat down and took the time to write it by hand. So if someone is getting married, or going through a tough time, I think a handwritten letter in 2002, it would be quite touching and heart- felt, because someone sat down and took the time to write it by hand. So if someone is getting married, or going through a tough time, 1 think a hand- written letter could be a nice way to cheer them up or commemorate the occasion. 2. Why do people make phone call instead of sending messages when there is something important? I guess it's because important messages can be very urgent, which means the person calling can't wait for recipient to check their phone because they need to solved a problem quickly. Another reason could be because when delivering personal or sad messages, such as accidents or injuries, a phone call is more supportive and sympathetic than a simple text message. So I think that's why sometimes people prefer to call instead of text 3. Is it more polite to make phone calls than send text messages?

I think so yes. A phone call can be much more personal and polite, because you can explain things using a polite tone or in more detail. I've noticed that people get quite angry when they receive bad news via email or a text message, because it feels very blunt and impersonal, whereas a phone call help to calm people down and deliver bad news more sensitively 4. Has take along logical development had an negative impact on communication among people? Even though a lot of people think that we are more disconnected because of technology, I actually think the opposite is true. Thanks to technology, I actually think the opposite is true. Thanks to technology, we can communicate with our friends and loved ones every second of the day with just the touch of a button, so I think that makes relationships closer and stronger compared to the past. As well as that, people who live far apart can still stay in touch via messages or video chat, which was also very difficult just a decade ago. So I think technology has helped more people communicate than ever before.

Topic 13: Weather broke your plans

Describe one time when the weather broke your plans You should say: what you planned when and where you were what kind of weather it was explain why you couldn't finish what you did part 3 is 'Weather' Fortunately, I haven't been affected by bad weather too many times in my life, but one time when my trip was cut short by a storm was when I was hiking up Mount Fuji in Japan a few years ago. In 2013, my friends and I went to Japan. We had never been there before, and we were excited to see the bustling cities and try real sushi, but another activity we really wanted to do was climb the famous Mount Fuji. We booked a tour online which would take us from Tokyo to the mountain, where a guide would help us reach the peak o the mountain and see the sunrise. I remember being really exciting when we got on the bus, but as we got higher up the mountain we realized that black clouds were gathering above us, and a few hours later, a huge thunderstorm started. We took cover inside a cabin and waited for the rain to pass, but unfortunately, the forecast said it wasn't going to stop for another few hours. It was quite frustrating because we were so close to the top, but our guide said it was too dangerous to keep climbing because the trail was slippery and it was getting dark. In the end, we had to watch the sunrise from the cabin, which was still very beautiful, but I still regret not making it to the peak. So, if I go to Japan again, I will definitely check the weather first because I start climbing the mountain! Part 3: 1. Does weather have any impact on people's daily activities? Yes of course, firstly the weather can affect what clothes you have to wear. If it's raining, for example, you have to wear waterproof clothes or bring an umbrella. As well as that, the weather can change your plans very quickly. When it rains a lot in my country, there is more traffic, which means buses might arrive later and you can be late for work. So there are lots of ways weather can affect our day- to- day lives 2. Why do people do difference kinds of sports in different weather? I suppose, sometimes the weather can't be avoid, especially if people are doing an outdoor sport like skilling or soccer, so the players just wrap up warm or wear waterproof clothing and keep playing. However maybe some players actually enjoy the challenge of playing in cold or hot weather, because it tests their mental and physical strength and can make the game or activity more interesting to play, so those are some reasons that come to mind. 3.

What kind of weather do Vietnamese people like?

Generally speaking, I think everyone in Viet Nam enjoys the weather we get in springtime, usually because the skies are clear an blue, and the temperature is not too hot and not to cold either. That means it's perfect for going outside and doing outdoor activities. You can see lots of people hiking mountains, having picnics in parks or even going to the beach in April and May. Do Vietnamese people talk about weather when they meet for the first time?

I think so, but usually only if the weather is particularly hot, rainy or cold. I've heard that sometimes people talk about the weather to make small talk with strangers or colleagues, but it's only for a few minutes before they change the subject.

Topic 14: Mobile phone Describe an experience when you couldn't use a mobile phone You should say: what you did when it was where it was why you were not allowed to use a mobile phone To be honest, I've relied quite heavily on my latest phone ever since I bought it, but one time when I couldn't even use it was on a flight a few months ago. At the time, I was flying from Beijing to Japan for a vacation. The flight was around 2 or 3 hours, and I had never been on a flight that long before, so I knew I had to bring some entertainment with me for the trip. Especially because I landed at night, I didn't want to sleep on the plane and wake up in the middle of night when I arrived. So in my hand luggage, I had a book, a magazine and my phone. I thought I had downloaded some music 906dcasts onto my phone so I could listen to them without needing the internet, but when I sat down in my seat and checked, I realized that my downloads hadn't worked! That meant I would have to fly for 4 or 5 hours with no music or anything to listen to on my phone. I remember being really disappointed, because I like listening to music on flights because it helps me stay calm and pass the time. Unfortunately, there was also no wi-fi for sale on the plane, so I had to read my book in silence. In the end it was actually quite nice, because I could concentrate on my book and my magazine and the flight didn't take as long as I thought it would. But still, next time, if I have a long flight, I will double check my phone before I sit down! Part 3 1. Do you is it think necessary to have law of the uses of mobile phone s? I think it is necessary in important places, like airport security, or banks for example, because people can take photographs of confidential or sensitive information, so I understand why many banks and airports ban phones in those areas. I also think it's a good idea to ban phones on planes during take off and landing, because I have heard that it makes it more difficult for the pilots to communicate and obviously it is not worth putting people's lives in danger. So I think it is necessary in some places. 2. How do you live children having mobile phones? I suppose if the parents can monitor and control their child's use of the phone, the I think it is totally acceptable for an child to have one. Nowadays, kids have started getting mobile phones as young as 6 or 7 years old, and sometimes without any parental controls, so they might access some inappropriate or dangerous content online, so I think parents should install some apps on their kids phones to stop them seeing anything upsetting online, and if they do that, I thinks they can let their child have them no problem 3. At what age should children have mobile phone? I think it depends on the parents and when the yare ready to trust their child. Some children become more mature and responsible earlier than others, and because a mobile phone can be an expensive and powerful

device, the parents should make sure that their child is responsible enough to own one. So once the parents are satisfied that their child understands that responsibility, they can give them one. 4. Are people more polite how than in the past? That's a difficult question, I suppose people's lives have become busier and faster than ever before, which means that people don't have as much time to help others nowadays, whereas in the past, strangers had enough time to stop and ask other's if they needed help. So, I can't say if people have gotten less polite, or whether they just don't have the chance to be polite anymore. I would say overall, that people are about the same- just with different shcedules.

Topic 15: Describe a challenge that you met You should say: what it was when it was how you overcame it why it was a challenge I've faced several challenges throughout my life, and one challenge that took me a long time to overcome was learning to play the guitar when I was about 25 years old. For most of my teenage years and early adulthood I had always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, because I have always been a fan of rock music and the guitarists were always my favorite members of the bands I liked. So, after I saved up some money, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy my first electric g u i t a r . I didn't spend a huge amount on it, because I knew I was a beginner and I only need a simple guitar to learn the basics on. I also bought some song books to help me learn my favorite songs. But unfortunately, as soon as I tried playing it, I realized it was going to be more difficult than I imagined. For about 2 weeks, I struggled with very basic techniques, and I could only play about 3 or 4 notes correctly. I remember being quite frustrated, because the professionals and rock stars always made it look so easy! In fact, during the first week, I even broke a string on the guitar, and I had to go back to the music shop to buy a new one. But after a few more months of patience and persistence, I finally managed to play my first song and I felt very proud of myself. Nowadays, I still play a few times a week to keep my skills sharp. but I still wish I had started playing sooner, because I think I could have learned faster when I was younger. However, if I come across something hard in the future, I'll remember my guitar-learning journey, and keep trying. Part 3: 1. Do you think parents should give kids challenges? I suppose they should, but only challenges that are achievable and not too difficult, because challenge definitely help children develop their problem-solving skills, as well as their patience and perseverance, parents could also reward children for completing challenges, like cleaning their room or finishing their homework, which would also teach them that hard work pays off and is worth doing. So I think there are lots of good reams for parents to set 1. What challenges do you thing children„ have to face up to? I guess most children will face challenges at school more than anywhere else. Some school subjects can be very difficult for kids, like math or languages, so most of their challenges come during their tests or in their homework. As well as that, older children or teenagers will face the challenge of choosing a future career or university, which can be very tricky and a stressful experience because it could have a big impact on their future lives. So I think those are some challenges that children face.


What is the most challenging thing for?

I suppose it depends on the child, because different children will struggle with different things. For example one child might excel at math and science, but struggle in P.E class, whereas another students might find P.E

easy, but academic subject hard. On the whole though, I suppose most kids find it difficult to learn between right and wrong. So every child needs teachers and parents to help them understand how to behave well in real life, like how to share and how to be respectful towards other. So I think those are some things that kids can struggle with. 3. Can parents reduce the challenges that kids have? Why? I guess parents could limit the challenges their children face by giving them a comfortable and loving home. That way, a child only has to worry about their schoolwork, friend and family, instead of feeling neglected or unsafe. So if parents can provide a home full of comfort and support, then that can defmitely make their children's lives much easier.

Topic 16: Article on health Describe an article on health that you read online or in a magazi You should say: what the article was about where you read it why you read it how you felt about it I have never a big reader of heath magazines, but one interesting article that I do remember reading was about how to keep your eyes healthy. I think I read this article while I was waiting for a dentist's appointment a few ago. At the time, I remember feeling worried about my eyesight, because I had just visited the eyes doctor, and he had given me a stronger prescription which meant that eyesight was getting worse. Surprisingly, I came across an article about that just a few days later. The article describing a rule called "20-20-20" which was meant to refresh and allow your eyes to rest, especially if you have been looking at a computer or phone screen for a long time The first " 20" means to take a break from screen every 20 minutes. The second " 20" was to look at something at least 20 metres away from you, then you had to look at it for 20 seconds, then blink. At first I thought it sounded a little bit silly, but once I tired it, I realized that my eyes did seem to focus more clearly and they didn't feel so tired. Now I do this technique quite often, and I if I hear anyone complaining about dry or tired eyes, I always tell them about this technique. If I had found this technique sooner, maybe I wouldn’t need glasses Part 3: What can do improve government important people health? I think there are a few things they can do. Firstly, they can try taxing un healthy or fatly food so it become more expensive, because lots of people eat junk food because it' cheaper than healthy meals, but if it was more expensive more people would try cooking at home with better ingredients. Secondly, governments could start subsiding public gyms and fitness centres, so that memberships to swimming pools, gyms or sports grounds would be cheaper and more accessible. I think those are two solutions that could help 1.

What activities …organize for children to keep fit?

I suppose schools can introduce more P.E classes in to their students schedules to help them stay in shape. I have seen that most schools only have 1 or 2 P.E classes a week, so they if that was increase to 4 or 5 lessons a week, children should be fitter. Another idea could be serving healthier food in the school cafeteria. You can see some schools serve quite unhealthy or fried food, so if governments started forcing schools to serve healthier meals, that would stop children becoming overweight or unfit. So they are some ideas that I think could work. 3.

How can you tell weather a website is reliable or not?

I think the best way to tell if a website is credible or not is to see if their stories have been fact- checked. Nowadays, websites have started publishing stories without checking to see if the information is true or not, so if I see a website which doesn't provide a source or a link to the information they are reporting, I will assume it's not

completely true and maybe stop visiting that website all together and I think that' s something more people should do nowadays 4.

Do you think people are heathier now than in the past?

Even though I know many people don't think so, I would say yes. Nowadays, people consume more calories than in the past, their diets are more varied, and their food has more vitamins inside than ever before, mainly thanks to scientific improvements. In the past, people only ate what they could grow, and food was much more limited to local products. So nowadays, you can see the difference between generations on the street because younger people are sometimes twice as tall as their grandparents, which I think show that the younger generation are both stronger and healthier.

Topic 17: Exciting event Describe an exciting event You should say: what it was when and where it was who you were with why you were excited Part 3 - 'Celebrations' I've been to lots of exciting events over the years, but one especially exciting time was when I went to the Chinese Fl race in Shanghai last year. I've always been a huge Fl fan, but I had never actually been to a race before because the tickets were very expensive. Luckily though, my friend had a spare ticket because his friend couldn't make it, and he offered it to me instead and I jumped at the chance. I remember being incredibly excited to see the Fl cars in person and experience the speed and power with my own eyes. When we arrived at the circuit, at first, I didn't think our seats were very good ones, but when we saw some Fl cars drive past, I realized that we had a great view of many different corners. It was amazing to finally see my favourite drivers and the beautiful cars with my own eyes. They moved so much faster in real life compared to on TV, that I regret not coming to an Fl race earlier. The race itself lasted about 90 minutes and in our seats, we saw lots of overtaking, and even a crash. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and my favourite driver even won the race. If I go back to this racetrack again, I will definitely sit in the same place again. Overall, I had a great time and I was really thankful to my friend for giving me the extra ticket. 1. How do Chinese people celebrate their family events? In china, family reunions are the traditional way of celebrating an occasion or special event. During this time, members of the family, relatives and sometimes friends tend to have time off from work or studies and go back to their hometowns. They will prepare a special meal and have dinner. They server their customary dishes while catching up and talking with each other. Sometimes, they will stay in the living room and just hang out together. This is a way to bond and strengthen their relationship.


Is there anything differences from other countries?

In my opinion, there are some countries who celebrate special events in the same way as Chinese people do. Although, there might be some slight differences, the concept remains the same. Foods, snacks, and refreshments are the best way to celebrate. Although there are other westerners who do it differently, instead of having a meal, they prefer to go to a bar and drink alcohol, while others go on a trip. I guess it depends on tradition and preferences. 3. Why is it importait for worts fans to celebrate when their favourite team wins? Sports enthusiasts celebrate the victory of their favorite team to show support and to acknowledge that they are happy for them. There is saying united we stand, divided we fall and I believe in it. Winning can bring a kind of emotion that is quite. It is an instant natural high that fills fans with excitements and joy. They celebrate the triumph and the fact that their hard work paid off, so they tend to express it through the celebration

Topic 18: Uniform Describe a uniform you wear You should say: what it is like when you wear it who bought it for you how you feel about it Part 3 - 'Uniforms and clothes' I haven't had to wear many uniforms since I finished school, but a time when I had to wear some special clothes was when I worked in a chain restaurant a few years ago. When I was at university, I needed a part time job to make some money for school supplies, so I applied to a wide range of local places near the campus and I ended up working for a big franchise that has restaurants all over the country. Because it was a big franchise, it meant that I had to wear a uniform, which they gave it to me on my first day. The uniform was a bright yellow collared shirt, black plants and a maroon apron. Even though the colours were a little but ugly, the fabric was actually quite soft and comfortable, so it was easy to work long 10- or 12- hour shifts in it. Also, the apron had some pockets which were very useful for carrying money or bills, and it also protected me from stains and food spills. The shirt even had my name on the chest, which made me feel slightly more unique. Because it was very bright, customers could easily spot me when the restaurant was very busy, so there was no where to hide when I had it on either! I could even wear he uniform when I worked in different restaurants in the same chain, because the food, the menu and the rules were all the same. So sometimes I worked in different restaurants around the city too and I just needed to bring my uniform with me. I don't work there anymore obviously, but if I work in another restaurant, I'll already be comfortable wearing a uniform, although I'm secretly glad I don't have to wear it anymore. Part 3: 1. Why should students wear school uniforms? I think students should wear school uniforms for a few different reasons. First of all, it is cheaper for their parents because they don't have to spends as much money on new or trendy clothes for their kids. Secondly, it can help students fell like they belong to a community, since all of their classmates will dress the same way as them. Finally, it helps with behavior because students are less likely to misbehave outside of school if they are wearing a uniform, because other people will be able to recognize their school quickly and report them to teachers. So I think there are lots of good reasons for school uniforms. 2. On what occasion should people wear uniforms? I think people should wear uniforms when they work for a company that wants to present themselves in a professional or familiar way. For example, I have seen quite a few chain restaurants across the country where the employees always way the same uniform to reinforce the company's brand and make the restaurant fell more familiar to customers. So I think that's one occasion when people should uniforms. 3. Should companies ask for employees opinions about the design of uniforms?

I think that's a good idea, because sometimes a company uniform can look good idea, but actually be quite uncomfortable or impractical to work in, so hearing some employees feedback or complains about the uniform could help the company improve the design and make their workers more comfortable and more productive, so I think it could be a good idea. 4. Can people tell person's personally by their clothes? I suppose you can. Generally speaking, people who are more outgoing and extroverted will wear something that matches their personality, which is usually something bright, bold or eccentric in style, whereas people who are shier and more introverted might opt for more muted, plain or formal clothes, so I think those can be some indicators of a person personality.

Topic 19: Trip by public transport Describe a trip that you went on by public transport You should say: where you went what means of transport who you were with how you felt about the trip part 3 for this cue card is 'Transation’ I've been on many different types of public transport throughout my life, but one trip that really stands out is when I went to a Cherry Blossom festival in South Korea a few years ago. Every year in spring in Korea, there are may cherry blossom festivals around the country which celebrate the flowering of the beautiful cherry blossom trees and the end of winter. One of the most famous festivals in South Korea is in a place called Jinhae. My friend and I heard about this festival while we were researching our own trip back in China, and as soon as we saw it, we knew we had to see it with our own eyes. Jinhae is also special because there is a train that goes through a 'tunnel' of cherry blossoms. I remember waiting in line for an hour to get tickets, because it was such a popular attraction, but it was worth every penny. As you ride the train, you are completely surrounded by falling pink and white petals. The train travels very slowly too, so we could take lots of pictures and really savor the moment. I've never been on a such a magical train ride. I took hundreds of photos and some videos too. Overall the journey lasted about 15 minutes. And even though I wish it had gone on for longer, I still had a great time. And if I ever go back to Korea in spring, I will definitely take a ride on this train again.

Topic 20: Goal you achieved Describe a goal you achieved You should say: what the achievement how you did it how difficult it was how you feel about it I think I've managed to achieve quite a few of my personal goals over the course of my life, but one achievement that took a lot of effort was running a 5 kilometer foot race a few years ago. At the time, I was a bit of a couch potato, so I spent most of my time playing video games and watching TV, and after a while I noticed that I was starting to get a bit of a belly. I told my friends about it and it was one of them who suggested the idea of running to get back in shape. He also recommended that I started slowly, by downloading a popular introduction program called 'Couch to 5K'. I remember downloading it for free on my phone and deciding that the next morning I was going to start exercising. I woke up early and started jogging down my street. The first 5 minutes were okay, but after that, I realized that I was in worse shape than I thought. I was exhausted, and I remember my knees aching, my lungs burning and my feet hurting too. Despite that, I didn't give up, and I started adding a little more distance every time I went running. I followed the program to the letter, and sure enough, after about 2 months, I could run 5 kilometers without stopping! I was absolutely delighted when I finally did it. I even entered a public `5k' foot race in one of the local parks. I wish I had started it earlier, because I'm in the best shape of my life! So overall, next time I face a hard challenge, I try to remember my journey from couch to 5k. Part 3:


Do people in your country set goals?

Yes they do. I suppose most people set goals when want to get better at something or improve their lives in some way, that could be through getting good grades at school, landing a new job or learning something new. Another reason people set goals is to keep themselves accountable and organized. Sometimes if they have a very big task, it can be quite overwhelming, so instead, they can break it down into smaller goals, with deadlines, to make the overall project seem more realistic. So those are some reason I think people set goals for themselves.


Do people usually set long- term goals or short- term ones?

I think people do both! In regards to short- term goals, they are usually focused on the upcoming days or weeks, which means they could be about finishing school projects or completing simple work tasks, whereas ling- term goals can be about carrer goals in 5 to 10 years in the future, or about saving a certain amount of money. So I think most people set both kinds.


Why is setting goals important in the workplace?

I guess goals are important to keep workers motivated, because if staff do not have a target to strive towards, they will probably be less productive and lose motivation quite quickly. Also, smaller goals can make large project seem more achievable. Especially big corporate projects can seem overwhelming and endless, so breaking that big task down into smaller pieces can make it feel like everyone is making progress, which can also be quite motivating for a workforce. 4. Which is the difference between goals set by old people and young people? Generally speaking, I suppose young people are much more ambitious, so they probably set goals that are quite big, such as travelling to new countries, graduating university or starting their own business someday, whereas elderly people will probably be a little more conservative with their goals, so they might prefer to simply have a comfortable house in a nice neighborhood, or grow some fruits and vegetables in their garden. So I think those are some general differences between the two.

Topic 21: Thing that was hard to use at first Describe something you bought that was hard to use at first You should say: what it was and where you bought it why it was hard to use how you started using it successfully how you felt about it Part 3 - 'Shopping' Throughout my life I have always tried to spend my money on practical things, but one thing that look me a long time to learn to use properly my first guitar which I bought when I was about 25 years old. For most of teenage years and early adulthood I had always wanted to learn how to play guitar, because I have always been a fan of rock music and the guitarist were always my favorite members of the bands I listened to. So, after I saved up some money, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy my first electric guitar. I did not spend a huge amount on it, because I knew I was a beginner and I only need a simple electric guitar to learn the basics with. I also bought some song books to help me learn my favourite songs. But unfortunately, as soon as I tried playing it, I realized it was going to be more difficult than I imagined. For about 2 weeks, I struggled with very basic techniques, and I could only play about 3 or 4 notes correctly. I remember being quite frustrated, because the professionals and rock stars always made it look so easy! In fact, during the first week, I even broke a string on the guitar, and I had to go back to the music shop to buy a new one. But after a few more months of patience and persistence, I finally managed to play my first rock song and I felt very proud of myself. Nowadays, I still play a few times a week to keep my skills sharp, but I still wish I had started playing sooner, because I think I could have learned faster when I was younger. However, if I come across something hard in the future, I will remember my guitar- learning journey, and keep trying. Part 3: 1. What kinds of products do young people think are useful but old people don't? I think the first thing that comes to mind is stylish clothes, because young people can become quite obsesses with their appearance and trying to keep up with the latest trends, whereas elderly people prefer to wear clothing that is more functional or practical, such as warm coats and hats. I think you could say the same thing about technology too, because whenever a new smartphone comes out, you can always see young people lining up to buy one, while older people, just need devices that are reliable and affordable. So those are some differences that I have noticed 2. Do you think producing instruction the useful for users for use products better?

Yes definitely. If people don't read the instruction, they might miss a useful feature or important piece of information that can make their lives easier. Also, instructions are especially important if you have to build some flat- packed furniture by yourself, like a table or some chairs, because without them, it will be very difficult to put it together. So I think instructions can be quite helpful. 3. What do you usually do you if you don't know how to use the things you have bought? To be honest, nowadays, I just look on the internet, because there are thousands of how to videos, about any product, appliance or device you can think of. I have even seen that electronics companies have stated posting how to video of their own products on their own channel, because so many people have been using the internet instead of reading the instructions. So that's what I usually do when I get stuck. 4. Do you think it necessary to produce many new products nowadays? I think so, yes, because technology becomes faster and more powerful everyday single year, and customers want to have the best products they can, which means that electronics companies, like apple and Huawei, will keep releasing new smartphones everyday year to give their customers better cameras, bigger screens and more features. So even though the design of some products has stayed the same for many years, I still think they will keep releasing and producing new products just to stay competitive

Topic 22: Team work Describe a team where you were a member I've been in a quite a few teams throughout my life, and one special team I was a part of was my school's soccer team when I was a kid. When I was around 10 or 11 years old, my favourite position to play in soccer was goalkeeper. Because I was quite a lot taller than my friends at the time, I was better at stretching and diving to block the ball. So in P.E class, if we played soccer, my classmates always picked me to be the goalkeeper for their team! One day my P.E teacher asked me if I wanted to play in a small tournament in our city against some other schools. I remember being quite nervous, because the contest sounded very serious, and we only ever played against other small schools in our neighbourhood. But my PE teacher said I was the best goalkeeper in my grade. Most of my friends were going to play as well, so I said yes. The tournament took place in a big sports centre in the middle of the city, and I think there were about 16 different schools in total. We played about 6 or 7 20-minute games. I remember saving a few goals and my teammates played really well. I think I saved a penalty too which felt satisfiying. Unfortunately, we lost and got knocked out of the contest. I suppose I should have saved more goals, but at the end of the day we ate some sandwiches and watched the rest of the tournament until the end. And I still have good memories of that time with them. Part 3:

1. Which one do you think is more important individual development or team's goals? I suppose, ultimately, individual development is the most important thing, mainly because a team is only as strong as it's individual members. So if all the individual team members can improve their professional academic or athletic skills, then it will always benefit the team they are a part of. So I think at the end of the day, personal growth is always the most important factor

2. Do you think it is good things to have disagreements within a team? Yes, I think it can be healthy to disagree. Usually when there's a disagreement or a roadblock. It means the team has to reach a compromise and find a solution that allows them to progress. That usually means that the final result is better and more balanced. Also, disagreements can allow other people to see things from a different perspective, which can make them more understanding and better team players. So, I think there are sometimes positives to disagreements.

3. Do you think it is good for kids to join a team? Definitely, because children need to learn how to work together in a team and collaborate. If I child doesn't develop those skills, it might be hard for them to work in a team as an adult, especially in the workplace, for example. I think that's why you can see parents making their children join sports teams at a young age to help them learn how to be a team player, and I think that's a good idea.

4. How can people become a good member of a team in the workplace? I suppose a good team player is someone who always tries to use their skills to help their teammates. For example, if one member of the team is struggling with a task, a good team player can help them with it, or even teach them how to do it themselves. As well as that, good team players are never competitive or selfish, and they always try to share their knowledge or expertise with as many people as possible, because it only helps the team grow stronger. So those are some team qualities that I know of.

Topic 23: Describe a person who taught you some knowledge I've been lucky enough to have been taught by many great and intelligent people, but one person who taught me a lot was my guitar teacher, who I studied with when I was a student in middle school. At the time, I had just started learning how to play the guitar. When I started playing, I thought it would be quite simple, but after a few weeks, I realized that it was going to be more difficult that I expected. Luckily, shortly afterwards, our school received a new music teacher. His name was Mister Denham, and he was from Sydney in Australia. As well as that, it turned out he was going to be my new homeroom teacher, so I would see him every day. After a few days, he learnt that I played the guitar and he offered to teach me during lunch time, and I accepted. He was an amazing teacher -he was very patient and supportive and very musically-gifted too. I remember him saying that he could play over 20 different instruments. Not only that, he also taught me about how important is was to travel and explore. Because he was from Australia, he wanted to explore every area of China before he went home again, and he made me realise that I should try and explore other cities and countries because they are all unique. Unfortunately, Mister Denham left after 1 year. I wish he had stayed longer, because my guitar skills really improved under his guidance. If I ever have the chance to go to Sydney, I will definitely try and find him and say how much I appreciated his teaching.

Topic 24: Describe a performance you watched recently I've seen lots of great performances throughout my life, and one that I saw recently was a fireworks shows just a few weeks ago, at the start of the new year. I've always been a big fan of fireworks ever since I was a child, so every time I hear about a fireworks display happening nearby, I make an effort to go and see it. So, the one I went to most recently was quite a special one, because it celebrated the start of the new year. Typically, the fireworks at the turn of the year are always particularly spectacular because it's a big occasion, and the display is usually the longest, loudest and most colourful show of the year, and this year certainly didn't disappoint. The New Year's show is usually set to music, and the fireworks are set off in time with songs for maximum effect. They have shoot hundreds of Roman Candles, Catherine Wheels and huge rockets into the sky with perfect timing and it really blew me away. I remember feeling the shock of the explosions against my chest for the biggest fireworks, and for the grand finale. there were so many huge explosions happening at once, I couldn't even see all of the fireworks. I actually wish I had recorded it on my phone, because describing it with words isn't enough. So next time I go to an amazing performance like that, I will definitely try and take a video of it, so I can show my friends Part 3: 1. What's the different between watching performance live and watching it on TV? I suppose the main difference is the atmosphere of seeing an event in person. In a sport stadium for example, you can hear the crowd cheering and singing all around you, where at home you can only hear the commentators and maybe some commercials. If we're talking about a concert or musical performance too, the sometimes a live singer can sing songs in a different way, with different instruments than their album version, so the audience gets a unique experience as well. So I think those are some of the main differences 2. W h i ch do you prefer traditional performa nces or concerts? I think I would prefer a concert, because that usually involves pop musicians or rock bands, which are my favourite. I also think they have the best atmosphere, because most people in the audience are holding lights or singing loudly along with the singer, whereas traditional performances are quieter and calmer. A modern pop concert also features some costume changes and amazing light displays too, so that's another reason why I prefer concerts 3. Should government provide financial support to promote traditional performance? Yes definitely. I think it's important that traditional performances, customs and arts forms are preserved and don't get lost to history. If a government promotes some traditional performances around China, or even around the world, then there's a much greater chance the event will survive into future. So I think it's a good idea 4. Is learning drama or dancing helpful for children? Even though a lot of people say it's a waste of time, I think it is actually quite helpful, because dancing and acting can help children express themselves, if a child doesn't have the words or vocabulary to explain how they feel about something, maybe they can express it through dancing or acting. As well

as that, by learning drama, children can learn to control their own emotions better and understand how other feel in different situation. So, I still think they are useful subjects.

Topic 25: Person in the news Describe a person in the news you want to meet. who this person is how you know this pers what he or she is like why you want to meet him or her Part 3 - 'Celebrities and news' It seems to me that a person who's receiving a lot of attention in news reports these days is Meghan Markle, an American member of the British royal family and former actress. The reason why Prince Harry and Meghan hit the headlines all over the world was their decision to step back from royal duties. Every time I open Chrome, I see the list of top news articles peeking out at me from the bottom of the screen. And there is always some article featuring Meghan Markle and Prince Harry such as 'Meghan Markle returns to Canada' or 'Meghan Markle is criticized by the Queen' and the like. So it's just impossible to ignore. I don't know her personally. So, of course, I can't be sure that what I think of her is true, but judging by what I read about her, she's a remarkably strong and courageous person. First of all, it is difficult to live in the spotlight when every single step you take is documented, talked about and oftentimes criticized. But I think that's nothing compared to the fact that whatever you do should be agreed with the royal family and the Queen. And I don't know what it takes to go against the queen's will. So taking into account the circumstances, it's no small feat to challenge the status quo and start living the life as you want. Also, Meghan, who worked as an actress and philanthropist before marrying Harry, listed her professional experience and called herself a feminist in her official biography on the royal family's website. This is another example showing how fearless she is. I just can't help admiring this. Very few people even dare to quit a job that they aren't happy about, let alone make such a decision. I just wonder what it takes to be able to act like this. Well, it's not that I'm dreaming to meet her. But I'd like to. So if I met her (although it's an unlikely occurrence), I would just say that I admire her strong will, that I support her decision and that her story is really inspiring. Part 3: 1. What kind of people do you usually see in a news? Generally speaking, it's a mixture of good and bad people. In regards to the good people, the news often features stories about scientists who have discovered new medicines, athletes who have achieved success or businessmen who have launched new products. However, unfortunately the news also mentions bad people too, such as criminals or reckless drivers who have caused accidents. Those are some specific examples that I usually see on news programs.


Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?

I don't think they always are, because a lot of the time celebrity news is just gossip, which means it hasn't been checked or confirmed with anyone who knows the celebrity is especially popular, there

are constant rumours about their love life and their lifestyles almost every day because it gets a lot of attention, and I think celebrity news stories are more about attention than the truth.


In news often about famous people? Why?

I suppose most people who are in powerful or important positions are automatically quite wellknown, so I would say yes. Politicians are usually the top story of the news on TV, which discusses their plans or ideas for the future of the country. Celebrity gossip and sport usually appear at the end of the show too, so I do think the majority of the new is about famous and well- known people's activities.


Could superstar bring a positive influence to the public?

I think so, because celebrities have a lot of influence over their fans, which means they can use their influence to draw attention to important issues, like global warming, gender equality and things like that. I have seen a lot of celebrities encouraging their fans to donate money to charities that they believe in and to try and reduce their carbon footprint, so I think that celebrities can make a positive impact on the world.

Topic 26: Dinner you enjoyed Describe a dinner that you enjoyed You should say: • • • •

what who organised this meal and where you had it what you talked about during the meal what you ate and drank why you enjoyed it

I like tasty food. I mean I can't say I'm a gourmet, but I won't eat anything and everything even when I'm very hungry. So everyone knows that inviting me to a good restaurant is a perfect way to please me. One day my boyfriend invited me to eat out. It was our dating anniversary so I understood we wouldn't go to MacDonald's. But I couldn't even imagine that he would invite me to the most expensive restaurant in our city. I was on cloud nine 'cause I got an opportunity to try some exclusive super expensive dishes that I only heard about and saw in pictures. I really wanted to try oysters as there were so many people who loved them and the same number of people who hated them. So, on the one hand, I wanted to form my own opinion about this type of seafood. On the other, I was a bit afraid. We ordered a large plate of oysters with very dry white wine. Although they were expensive, I thought there wouldn't be a better chance in the near future, so I was determined to taste them come what may. My boyfriend started eating them, saying every other second how delicious they were. I plucked up my courage, took the first oyster and slurped it before I changed my mind. I liked it. You know if they hadn't been so expensive, I would have eaten three times as much. Now I understand why they are considered a culinary delicacy. I also persuaded my boyfriend to try fuagra and some other sophisticated dishes. This really was a gastronomic delight. This dinner was special because, first of all, I felt special and loved. Also, I had never tried so many culinary delicacies during one meal. It was easily the best meal in my life. The food was so delicious that I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

Topic 27 :Person who you have lived with before Describe a person who you have lived with before 41_ You should say: • • • •

who this person is when you lived with this person why you lived with this person how you felt about living with this person

This nightmare started last summer in June and lasted two long months. Suddenly and unexpectedly my family received a phone call from our distant relative. This was my grandfather's sister. She said she hadn't seen us for a long time, and therefore she decided to visit us. Before we managed to come up with some good excuse to explain why we couldn't offer her to stay with us, she said she was coming the next week. At first sight, she seemed a nice person. What's more, she persuaded us that we wouldn't even feel her presence in our flat. In fact, she woke up early every day, usually at 5 a.m. and started making noise. It was too early to get up. At the same time, it was impossible to continue sleeping. So I just stared at the ceiling for several hours each morning. She completely ignored the needs of others. One of the examples is that she occupied our bathroom the whole morning, while everyone was trying to get ready for work fast. God knows I did my best to avoid confrontation, but it was difficult to, especially when everyone was in a hurry. Also, she had a habit of taking my personal belongings without asking for permission, and this is what simply drove me crazy. To cut a long story short, she had a finger in every pie. Frankly speaking, at some point I started thinking that this nightmare would never end. But, thank God, two months later she returned home and we could finally sigh with relief.

Topic 28: Polluted Describe a polluted place You should say: • where it is

• • •

when you visited this place what kinds of pollution you saw and explain how this place was affected

Nowadays we don't need to go far to find vivid examples of polluted places because pollution is a modern plague both indoors and outdoors. Frankly speaking, I had thought I was living in a very polluted city until I went on a business trip to a large industrial one called City. I went there by car. At some point of my journey, I noticed a dark cloud in a distance. The closer I got, the larger the cloud grew. Soon I realised that it was a thick blanket of smog hanging over the city. What I saw when I arrived was beyond the limits of my imagination. I was even afraid to leave my car. The whole city was shrouded in smog. Just imagine, it was so thick that I could hardly see my feet as I walked through it. I doubt that people living there were lucky to see the sun every day. Wherever I looked, I saw dark circles of smoke exuding from pipes. Needless to say, there weren't many trees. Those which I could notice were covered with a thick layer of particulate matter. This means they must have stopped producing oxygen a long time ago. The entire city turned into a biologically dead zone. The river which passes through the city was only used for dumping toxic waste from plants and factories. Swimming there was definitely out of question. To top it all off, it was really difficult for me to breathe. Several hours after I arrived I started coughing nonstop. I still can't imagine how people could live there for long periods of time. Fortunately, I had to spend just one day there and couldn't wait to get on my car and drive home.

Topic 29: Neighbour Describe an interesting neighbour You should say:

• • • •

who this person is how often you see him or her how long you have known this neighbour why you consider this person interesting

I live in a crowded high-rise building, and have neighbours next door, below and above. I guess, about a hundred people in total. So it's not surprising that most of them are nameless and faceless to me. The only person who stands out is my next-door neighbour. This is an elderly man whose name is John. He's been living next door ever since I can remember. So I can say I've known him since my childhood though for many years I just greeted him politely and smiled. I was too young to appreciate an opportunity to communicate with such a truly remarkable person. Just imagine, now he is in his late 70s, but he seems to be more energetic than me and most of my peers. He is literally a person of indomitable energy. John is retired. And if I were him, I would sleep late, but he wakes up at 5 or 6 a.m. and always starts his day from morning exercises. He goes jogging, I think, every day regardless of the weather and the season. I know about that 'cause when I go to work we often have small talk while waiting for an elevator because it usually doesn't come for ages. Another thing that draws people to him is that he will never say 'no' if you ask him to water your flowers when you're away, keep an eye on your flat or feed your pets. I used to think he does it not to feel lonely, but some time ago I understood that this is just because he is a really caring and considerate person. What's more, whatever happens, he looks on the bright side of life. Whenever I meet him, he is in a good mood with a big smile on his face. He never complains about his life although my parents told me that he'd got through a lot of challenges. I wish there were more people like him.

Topic 30: Souvenir Describe something you brought from a tourist attraction You should say: • what it was • when it was • where you brought it from why you brought it • Traveling is an amazing experience. And I find it rewarding to get something that reminds me of times I had with my family and friends. Also, I always try to find some practical souvenirs that I won't keep hidden in a shoebox in my wardrobe. One of the best souvenirs that I have ever brought back home is a set of clay pots from Thailand. As far back as I can remember, my mother always used clay pots for cooking. I remember she would always say 'there is no healthy cooking without healthy cookware'. She steamed veggies and stewed meat in clay pots. The taste was truly exceptional. So when I was on holiday in Thailand, I had a one-day trip to the artisan village and bought a few pots for my own family. Now these pots remind me of my trip to Thailand every time I cook something. When I was there, I watched a kind of a performance. Craftsmen showed how they produced different crafted items. But I'm afraid I can't go into detail about the production process as it was quite a while ago. The only thing I remember is that clay was first dampened ®cause when dampened, it behaves like plasticine. Then it was modeled, dried, and then fired. Of course, I didn't see all the stages as this process is long and complicated. And I didn't have so much time to wait for each stage to be completed. Anyway, I got a broad idea of what the process is like. And this made these souvenirs even more meaningful and memorable.

Topic 31:Advertisement Describe an advertisement you remember well You should say:

• • • •

what type of advert it was what it advertised where you saw or heard it how it influenced you

I don't like ads as they are usually nothing more than sales pitches of companies frantically promoting their products. But several years ago I watched olympics in Sochi. And I have to say there were some very good commercials. My favourite one was P&G 'Thank you, mom'. In this ad, the company pays tribute to motherly love. The video features a couple of situations that show how athlete's mothers helped them through times of trauma and stress while growing up. At first, we see children learning to walk. They look awkward. They keep falling, but their moms don't give up and patiently help their kids stand up, encouraging them to try again. Then we see the same kids learning how to snowboard, skate and play hockey. Again, we see how difficult it is for them, but they manage to succeed because their moms are there for them, again, encouraging them not to give up no matter what. Then we see these grown-up kids become Olympic champions, and the first people they rush to in order to share their happiest moment are their moms. Of course, I'm sure that the ultimate goal of this ad was to promote the company and its products. But at the same time it spread a very positive message all over the world, reminding us of important things such as love and support that we receive from our mothers, but usually take for granted.

Topic 32: Clothes Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes You should say:

• • • •

what the occasion was what you wore where you bought the clothes what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes

The last time I was wearing something other than jeans and a T-shirt was at my friend's wedding last summer. Unfortunately, since then I've had no reason to dress up, especially during the lockdown. So the dress I was wearing was fantastic. I saw it in a shop window, and I couldn't resist the temptation to try it on. I just fell in love with it. My mom and my bestie wanted me to choose something more practical because they said that once the party was over, there would be really nowhere else to wear that floor-length, sequin-covered gown. Even though I tried to convince them otherwise, I knew they were right. But I really wanted that dress. It was neither purple nor grey. I can't name that colour. All I can say is it was amazing. Well, at the party I was dressed to kill. Everyone said so. I was wearing a fitted silhouette dress with a plunging Vshape neckline, a fitted waist, a sleeveless bodice, a plunging low back, and sparkling beadwork. Believe me, I was in the centre of attention. My dress turned heads. I didn't even expect such reactions. My friends said they had never seen such a beautiful dress. My best friend even joked that she loved my dress so much that she was going to steal it when I wasn't looking.

Topic 33: Person

with interesting ideas

Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions You should say:

• • • •

who this person is what this person does how you know this person why you think his or her ideas are interesting

The person whom I consider really interesting is Marina Mogilko. She is a YouTuber with 2 million subscribers, Instagram influencer and entrepreneur. Her YouTube channel is dedicated to learning English. And, actually, this is how I found her. One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube. I watched one of her videos, then another one. They were really engaging. I just couldn't stop watching them. I found her personal account on Instagram and started following her. Her posts proved to be even more interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot about her life in America, described her business strategies, shared her insights with the audience. So I've been following her on Instagram for almost a year now. I still fmd her ideas interesting, so I never miss her posts, especially those that she writes after attending some events. I'm sure it is her ideas and beliefs have helped her achieve the results I'm dreaming about. So I try to apply some of these things to my life. Some of her ideas are totally different from mine, thus, they made me look at things from a different perspective. For example, in one of her recent posts she said she started to say more noes than yeses. She said this helps her focus on what's really important to her although there are lots of people who say that we should seize every opportunity that we have. Another interesting idea of hers is not to try to improve more than 2 spheres of your life at a time. Otherwise, you risk spending the whole day digging deeper and deeper into all kinds of problems. As a result, you'll just have a low self-esteem and a bad mood. She also writes about difficulties she faces and what she does to overcome them. She writes about her achievements. It's inspiring. For example, sometimes she starts her post from ' This is how I did something, for example, started my own business at the age of 21 and how you can too. '

Topic 34: Something difficult you want to succeed in doing Describe something difficult you would to succeed in doing You should say: • what it is • why it is difficult • how you would like to prepare for . • why you would like to be successful

On countless occasions I say to myself 'I wish I could edit graphics in Photoshop' or a similar program. Then I always put it off until I could find time. And although the right moment hasn't come yet, this is what I still really want to learn to do. First of all, it would be beneficial for my business as I need to create posters, leaflet designs or images for my Facebook page and website almost every day. And it is very important for these images to be simple, yet, attractive and informative. Sometimes I can make them myself if I just need to crop or resize the image using Microsoft Paint. However, when I need some more advanced manipulations, I have to hire a designer. Unfortunately, I'm sure that in most cases it would be much faster to do it myself than to explain a designer what idea I have in my head. Also, I love taking pictures and being taken pictures of. These photos never come out perfect after the first snapshot, therefore I usually take hundreds of them before I feel satisfied with the result. If only I could use Photoshop, I think I would have to take half as many. This software has a reputation for being hard to learn but, thank God, there are a number of online courses and video tutorials to practice along with. So even though I usually work long hours and often have to go to work at weekends, I'll be able to master this skill at home and learn at my own pace whenever I have a spare moment. If it appears as difficult as it seems, one day I'll find the time to take an extensive course at a local occupational school. I don't think I'll ever regret as this is the skill that will pay off forever. Moreover, it's always interesting to try something new. You know, it's a nice way to relieve the stress when you do what is not a part of your daily routine.

Topic 35: Dinner with friends Describe a dinner that you had with your friend You should say: • • • •

who organised this dinner where you had it what you talked about during the meal what you ate and drank why you had this meal with your friends

Well, last year I visited a wonderful island called Mauritius. None of my friends had been there before, so all of them wanted me to tell them about this trip in detail. And, of course, all of them asked the same questions. So I decided to host a dinner at my house and answer all their questions not to repeat the same information many times. At first, I wanted to initiate a get together at a cafe, but then I thought everyone would feel much more relaxed at my place. What's more, we could talk and laugh louder than if we went to a cafe. And, to my mind, this was the right decision as we had been talking till after midnight. First, I gave everybody the souvenirs I'd brought from Mauritius. I bought small birds called Do-Do, a symbol of the island. Then I told everybody about life there, showed photos of beautiful pristine nature in the south of the island. After we had discussed my trip in detail, we started talking about what was going on in our lives. And it wasn't difficult to find what to discuss as we hadn't seen each other for a long time, so everybody had interesting information to share. As I had a connecting flight in Dubai, I couldn't miss the opportunity to buy wine in its Duty Free shop. So we drank wine, ate juicy steaks, cheese, grapes and nuts. After that I treated everyone with ice-cream and chocolate cake which I made myself. This was a wonderful dinner.

Topic 36: Appointment you missed Describe a time you missed an appointment You should say:

• • • •

what the appointment was when and where it was why you forgot about it how you felt

This mishap happened to me a long while ago, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. My best friend and I decided to meet for lunch because she was really busy at work and because of that we hadn't seen each other for several weeks. So, one day when I was supposed to be at the cafe, I was doing some work in the office like nothing was wrong. It was only when I saw my friend's name on the screen of the phone that I remembered about our meeting. I was more than shocked. The only thing I wanted was to sink into the ground. I completely forgot about it. It just slipped my mind. I realised how terrible this situation was. My friend dropped everything in order to meet me, although she was really busy, and I just didn't show up. I felt ashamed for what had happened and I didn't even have any excuses. I was feeling guilty as she was waiting for me instead of doing something useful. I was afraid she could think that I don't appreciate our friendship or that I don't respect her time. Also, I was shocked because nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I didn't know how to deal with this mishap. Of course, I apologized one hundred times, but it didn't help me to feel better as I understood she had wasted so much time because of me.

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