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TEST PAPER 1 Reading

.. Part 1

PAPER 3 Use of English

PAPER 4 listening


You are going to read an article about a w restler who become an author. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B. C or DJ which you think f its best according to the text. Mark your answers on the separ ate answer sheet.

PAPER 5 Speaking

The wrestler who became an author ete Watson looks like the biggest, sweetest teddy bear you ever saw. It is only when he opens his


mouth that you notice the missing front teeth.

Watson is a three-time world champion wresder turned author. He was adored by fans because he was different

while other wresders were supreme athletes, he was just a hulk who knew how to take a hit. You could throw

as many chairs as you liked at Pete Wauon, you could smack him repeatedly, but he wouldn't go down. After two autobiographies and a series of children's stories, he has just written a brilliant first novel: a work of immense power and subtlety, likely to gain a wide readership. At iu simplest, it is about a boy and his dad getting together after a lifetime apart, though there is far more to it than that. Was he inspired by anyone he knewrThe father, he says, is based on guys he met on the road, wrestlers, friends of his, who appeared to be leading exciting lives, but deep down were pretty miserable. 20

Wauon does not come from traditional wrestling stOCk. He grew up in Long Island. New York. His father wac an athletics director with a PhD, his mother a physical education teacher with two master's degrees - one in literature, the other in Russian history. He was a big boy. bullied for his size. One day his neighbour had a go at him, and for the first time Watson realised he could use his weight and size instead of feeling awkward about it. It was a turning point. At college, he did a degree in communication studies. Meanwhile. he was learning the ropes of professional

FeE Test 1

~ .

PAPER 1 Reading • • part 1

wresding. Did his parents try to dissuade

him ~ 'No.They

were just really insistent that I finished college. I am pretty sure they thought I'd get hurt and quit wresding: But he didn't. He looks in remarkably good condition for someone who spent 20 years in the ring. His skin is smooth and firm ; there are few visible scars. ' It's amazing what retirement can do for you. I looked really rough five years ago, and now I think I look a good deal younger,' he says. People are surprised by the softness of his handshake. 'Yeah, that's the wrestler's handshake: he ")".

Do you have to be a good actor to be a good wresderr 'I used to really resent the acting label, but it Is acting. When it's really good, when you're feeling it and letting that real emotion fly. it comes closer to being real.·What did his children think when they saw him getting hurt! 'Well. they used to think I never got hurt because that's what I told them. When they got old enough to realise I did, they stopped enjoying it. That was, in part, what led 50 to my docicion to SQt ou~' Nowadays, his time is dedicated to family and books his next novel is about boy wrestlers living on the same block. and he is also writing more children's stories. He does not think this life is so different from wrestling. 'Wrestling is all about characters,' he says. 'So when my fans hear I've written a novel,l don't get the sense that they feel I've abandoned them.'

Eu4tntial tip--s' Read the text first to get the general meaning. Don't worry about individual words that you don't know. The questions follow the same order 8S the relevant informati on in the text.

Underline the key words in each question and in the four

What impression do we get of Pete Watson's ski ll s as a wrestler? A He frequently lost because he was not very aggressive. B He was too gentle and friendly to be a good wrestler. C He was injured a lot because he didn't fight back. o His speciality was letting his opponent hit him .

2 It is suggested that Watson's first novel A

is based on his own autobiography.

B will be popular with those who liked his autobiographies. C D

will not only appeal to his fans. is not much more than a simple story.

options. look in the text for informati on that supports one of these options, but don't

expect to find exactly the same words. Qu.stion 1: look at option A. II consists of two parts: he frequently lost and he was not aggressive. If an option consists of two parts, it is correct only if

both parts are correct. If, for example, Pete frequently lost, but he wasn't aggressive, option A is not the correct answer. Question 3: This is a question about vocabulary. If you don't know the meaning of the words (in this case 'stock'), you can

answer the question by looking at the context. The sentences after 'traditional wrestling stock' are about his parents' professions. What is the correct option? Question 4: An option is correct only if you can find clear suppon for it in the text. For instance, option C claims that Pete's parents wanted him to stop wrestling. Can you find suppon for that in the text? For which of the four options can you find auppon in the text?

3 What does 'traditional wrestling stock' in line 20 refer to? A Watson's childhood B Watson's family background C Watson's educational background D Watson's background in athletics

4 What did Watson's parents feel about his interest in wrestling? A They were afraid he would get hurt. B They insisted that he should have proper training at college. C They wanted him to give up wrestling. D They thought he would abandon the sport quite soo n. 5 Watson seems to be in good condition now A alth ough he has retired. B in spite of being a wrestler for so long. C because he stopped wrestling five years ago . D and he finds this fact amazing.

6 How does Watson regard the idea that wrestling is like acting? A He resents the suggestion. B C


He thinks wrestlers aren't good actors. He has come to accept it. He doesn't think wrestling can compare to acting.

7 What does 'That' in line SO refer to? A the fact that Watson's children got older B the fact that Watson often got hurt C the fact that Watson's ch ildren no longer enjoyed watching him perform o the fact that Watson could not tell his child ren the truth

8 Watson's present life is not so different from his past profession because A



his work is still connected with characters. he is writing about w restling, his previous profession. his family are still more important than anything else. his fans still follow his career with interest.

FeE Test 1 •


PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~

Part 1

.. ..

Part 1 You are going to read an article about videogames. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English

Part 3

PAPER 4 listening

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 5 Speaking






• ••

•••••••• Vtaeogames

In just a few decades the videogame industry has become a lot bigger than the film business. In terms of turnover, what is rather grandly called 'interactive entertainment' makes


Why do game players feel disappointed by films based on their favourite games? Videogames can show the action from a number of perspectives easily, because

twice as much money as Hollywood cinema. Which of cou rse leaves people in the film business wondering if they can harvest any of this new income. Is there any way of making

everything is co mputer generated. But filming a sequence from twenty different cameras would cost a fortune, so It


simply isn't done in the film version - leaving the game players feeling that the film didn't look as reat as the


guarantee a large audience. New videogames have stu nning action sequences that rely on fantasy effects,


Cameras matter in another sense, too. In

and now films are being released with simila~ scenes. Gravity is discarded as heroes leap across huge gaps, while slowmotion techniques show bullets moving through the rippling air.

• •

A major segment Of th~ videogame market comprises

films more appealing to people who play videogames? Making a film out of a best·selling videogame can certainly



science-fiction games. and film-makers have started to realise that they could set films in similar sci-fi future worlds. Any attempt to borrow more than the settmg from a vi,d,eogame is propably , doomed.



There are many examples of successful film-videogame combinations. Rather:th~n, making, a film using characters and stories from a videogame, the trick seems to be to make a film that has a fast·moving action sequence and then bring out

a videogame " l)ased" on

enjoyed the film




FeE Test 1 ~ ~ PAPER 1 Reading ~ ~ Part 2

0 film

the director

sure he doesn't show you some things to keep you in

suspense. Think of your favourite thriller. l u i

l in

films you are not supposed to. have access to alt the

information. Suspense and mystery are essential elements of film-making. When you playa game. you have to do ce~tain tasks to proceed to the ne:Jlt lev~1.. Therefore, you mlfst be

·1141 a

• •


aOle to see ever'ftnlng In oraer to maKe your cnolCes, 10 decide what to do next: which door to open, and ,so on. You


must have access to all the information. You, as the pl{lyer, are always in control. In the cinema you never control the action. You just sit and watch.


There can be some interaction between films and


they fulfil different needs.

similarities between technoloRies and soecial effects. we shouldn't forget that a story·and a game are fundamentally different.

videogaQ1es on a number of different I ~vels , but in the, end



shows you the action from certain perspectives but makes

sequ~nce. People who

will~ P,fobablY want to buy the videogame.'



I For

all the


This clearly creates a new market opportunity for the videogame industry.


We go to the cinema to let someone else tell us a story, knowing we can't influ ence what happens at all.


You wouldn't be interested in watching the film if you knew the identity of the murderer, for instance.


This is not true for videogames.


Its success lies in the use of special effects.


Thi s usually means that the film has a good chance of being as commercially successfu l as the videogame on which it is ba sed.


One reason is technical.


However, the difficulty for the producers of Hollywood appears to be knowing where and when to stop.

Iss.ntial tips, look at the text to see what it is about. Even without the missing sentences, you can understand the general meaning. Read the text before and after each gap. Try to guess what the missing information is. Go through the gapped sentences. Try to find a link between the text and the gapped sentences. The text and the gapped sentence will be on the same topic. Ae-read the whole text to

mtllo.c ~UI t: it IIItlIo.U:' :.t:IiMl.

Ountion 9: The sentence before the gap talks about guaranteeing 'a l arge audience'. If a fi lm has a large audience, what is it? Find an option that defines what it is. Ouestion 13: What kind of film is a thriller? Which sentence option refers to one7

au.stion 14: The last sentence of the paragraph before the gap talks about 'essential elements of film·making'. The next paragraph talks about videogames. Which sentence option makes a suitable topic sentence for thi s paragraph?

Fe E Test 1 • • PAPER 1 Reading • • Part 2



... . PAPER 3 Use of English

You are going to read a magazi ne article in which fo ur young people talk about how their parents' careers have influenced them. For questions 16-30 choose from the people (A-D) . The people may be chosen more than once.

PAPER 4 listening

Mark your answers on the separate answ er sheet.

P PER 2 Wntlng

PAPER 5 Speaking Which of the people thinks hi s o r her parent's job is boring?

hsentical tips Skim through the whole text

was discouraged from following the same profession? changed his or her mind about a future ca reer?

to get a general idea. Read the questions and underline the key words. Make sure you understand the exact meaning of each question. Look quickly through the text for information about the key words in each question. Remember that the key words

might not be in the text at all, but there will be other words or expressions with that meaning. If you find a text where the key words are mentioned, look through the other texts as well to make sure you have

got the correct answer. Quntion 21 : This person didn't follow his/her parent's profession for 'financial reasons'. What is a financial reason?

auntlon 23: If someone comes from '8 long line' of people in a certain profession, who else was in that profession? Ountlons 25, 26: There are different ways to say that someone encouraged you to do something. In which two texts ca n you find reference to encouragement?

FeE Test 1 •


PAPER 1 ReadIng

experienced pressure to follow the same profession? dislikes other peoplo in hie or hor p3ront'c profoccion7 would not follow the same profession for financial reasons? feels he or she has not been influenced in choosing a career? comes from a long line of people in this profession? thinks the profession in question offers few opportunities? was encouraged to fol low the same profession? thinks the profession in question is too stressful? is concerned his or her choice will cause an argument? thinks that success in hi s or her parent's profession is difficult? thinks his or her parent's profession is rewarding?

~ .

Part 3

A Chip off the Old Block How much are children influenced in their choice of profession b y their parents' jobs7 We asked four yo ung people about their experience.

A Graham Button

C Barry Porter

I suppose most people are influenced in one way or another by the jobs their parents do. My dad is a freelance builder, like his father and his grandfather, and that means he was often out working in the evenings or at weekends when I was a child. I grew up thinking hard physical work was what fathers usually did. I think he was proud of doing a 'real' job, something with his hands, which is perhaps why he always tried to push me into taking up the same profession. And of course he had his own business, which he wanted to continue after he retired. when I was in high school. I decided that I really didn't want to go into the family business, so al the moment I'm studying History al university. My father probably thinks I'm going to become a partner in his firm after I graduate, so t do worry that we might have a big fight aboUI this some time in the futu re.

When people find out my mother's an actress. they always ask what Hollywood film s she's been in, and I have to explain that she's only ever worked in provincial theatres. She's hardly ever been on television. which is why not many people know her. That's one of the problems with the theatre: very few people get to the top of the profession, and you have to be extremely lucky just to make a living from it. Actors are nervous, highlystrung people, worrying about where the next job's comi n g from. Even if I had any talent for acting, I'd be put off by that side of it. Most of the other actors I've met. people working with my mother, strike me as very arrogant people; I don't really think I'd get on with them. As. you can gather, I really don't think my future is in the thealre, and in any case my mother has always tried 10 steer me away from taking up the professIon.

B Sue Smith

D Ruth Lawrence

My mother's a nudear physicist, which sounds very exciting. The truth is it's a pretty tough profession. For years my mother wasn't getting paid very well at the institute where she worked. That's one of the things that discouraged me from going into the same sort of work. And I just don't think it's .. very intcIc5ting job. Of course it sounds very important, but as far as I can see, you spend most of the day at a desk doing hundreds of calculations, and then checking and rechecking them. My mother did try 10 motivate me to take an interest in science subjects when I was about 14 or IS, and I think she'd be secretly pleased if J wanted to be a scientist, but she's never put any sort of pressure on me. But I know she also thinks - as I do that there aren't so many jobs available in pure research, which is what she does.

My father teaches Maths at high school. which definitely used to come in handy when we had a Maths test the next day! I suppose there werc disadvantages, too. I think in the back of his mind he expected me to be good at Maths because he was always there to explain it. The truth is I've

..t......1" huon

1",,,itole .. 1 ll,.:: " .. toj'::\.I. l ie .. l"v ....:>C\lIV .cUm.::

about the satisfaction you can get from teaching, and I do think he's right about that. He'd talk about the long holidays and the short working day. trying to get me interested in taking a teaching qualification. I used to think I wanted to be a teacher, but then I began to think of the disadvantages. The profession'S changed and these days teachers have to work a lot in the holidays and prepare a lot at home. In the end I decided to go into accounting, and I don't really think my dad'S job affected my aeClSlOn at all.

FeE Test 1 • • PAPER 1 Reading • • Part 3

TEST PAPER 1 Reading

You must answer th is quest ion .

, You have see n the foll owing advertisement and wou ld like more information about the summe r school. Read the advertisement carefu lly, together with the notes you have made. Then write a letter to Mrs Brown, the d i rector of the school,

PAPER 4 listening PAPER 5 Speaking

using all your notes.




at the Capital Language School!


~ English lessons in central

how Many

London location



~ Small classes and modem

teaching facilities


whaf facilifies?


Spend the summer In London Improving your English


ttl Classes throughout summer


..; Wide range of leisu re activities

..; Accommodation on premises

sorf of acfivities?

£200 per week Further information from Mrs Susan Brown. Director

incl/,.lding aCCOMModation ? W rite a Isner of between 120 and 150 wo rds in an appropriate style. Do not write any addresses.

lu....lcdtlp$ Read the instructions and underline key words and phrases that show what you must say or ask in your letter. Read the advertisement and the notes carefully. Oecide who you are writing to. Should your lottor bo formal or informal? Plan the three sections of your letter: introduction, body and conclusion. IntTOduc:t:lon: Say you hIIv. seen the advertisement, you aN Interested in the summer school and you would Ilk. more information. Body: Form questions using the notes. Remember that you must use .11 your notes. Use a mixture of direct

FeE Test 1

~ ~

PAPER 2 Wrttlng.


Part 1

questions (Wha t ;s th e address of the school7) and indirect questions (f would like to know if the school is open during the firs t week o( June.). Be cereful wi th word order in indirect questions. Indirect questions do not have question marks. The body of your latter could eoncict o f ..... 0 •• t ..... n on. p o . oS,oph . V ........ oy ....I.. ...... _

questions in one paragraph and the rest of the questions in another paragraph. Conclu~on : Say by when you would like a reply and that you are looking forward to hearing from Mrs Brow n. Should you use Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely to end your letter? Check the length of your letter, your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

PAPER 1 Reading

PAPER 3 Use of English


PAPER 4 listening

Write an answer to o ne of the questions 2-5 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2 You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rul es say that the story must begin with the following words:

PAPER 5 Speaking

Mark could never imagine that this telephone call would change his life forever. Write your story.


You see this notice on your school noticeboard:

Port' •

Oecide which question you can answar best. Do you hava idaas and vocabulary for any of the questions?

Underline the key words in the instruction•.

Plan the three section. of your answer and decide on the main point of each paragraph.

Spend some time making notes about each paragraph.

Make sure your ideas are clearly organised. Every paragraph should be on one topic.

Check the length of your answer, your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Question 2: Think of a way to link the content of your story with the title. What kind of phone call can change your life? Decide on the characters land their relationship) and the setting using vocabulary and expressions you know. Is your story going to be told in or third the first person person (he)? The events in your story should appear in a logical sequence. Check the use of narrative tenses.


Ouestion 3: Use a neutral style. In your introduction you should say briefly what you are going to write about. Make sure you answer both questions. Describe your possession in detail. Give some background information to explain what makes it special to you.

• What is your favourite possession? • Why is it special to you? Write an article for the school magazine answering these questi ons. Write your article.


You recently saw this notice in a popular Englis h-langu age magazine called

Cinema News: Have you seen any good films lately? If you have, write a review for our magazine! Include information on the plot, characters and special effect s and say why you think the film is worth seeing. We will publish the best revi ews in next month's issue. Write your review .


Answer one of the following two questions based on you r reading of one of the set books. Either

(ai If the book you have read were made into a film. w hich character would be the most interesting? Write a letter to an Englis h pen friend who has read the same book, saying which character you im agi ne would be most intere sting in a film and explaining why. Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.


(b ) 'A story must have conflicts to make it interesting.' Do you agree or disagree wi th this statement? Write an essay, giving your u~lrtlUrtS WillI referen ce 10 me OOOK you nave reao.

Question 4: You are writing for a popular magazine, to the style of your review could be semi-formal. Organise your ideas in paragraphs and make sure you answer all parts of the question. In the introduction, you could describe the film in general terms. (What it the film called? What kind of film is it? Who directed it? Who acts 'in it?) The main body could consist of two or more p.,.gr.phs in which you should describe and comment on the plot. characters and special effects. In the conclusion say why you think the film is worth seeing.

Ouestion 51_): The question asks you to think of an interesting character. You don't have to write about the main character. Your lener should be informal. Question Sib ): Do you think that conflicts make a book interesting? Make a list of the things that make a book or story interesting. Express your opinion and support it with examples. RfIIfl!lr to two fIIxfllmplM from the book

where something la conflict or something else) made you want to carry on reading.

FeE Test 1 • • PAPER 2 WrttJng • • Part 2

, TEST PAPER 1 Reading For questions 1-12 , read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, C or 0 ) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of Engllsh~ Part 1

PAPER 4 Listening

PAPER 5 Speaking

Mark your answers on t he separate answ er sheet.

Part 2 Part 3


Part 4


Euential tipS Read the title and the whole text to get the general meaning.

Some of th e questions will ask you 10 choose a word from a set of words with similar meanings. The word you need may be

part of a collocation, an idiom, an expression or fixed phrase. You may need 8 preposition. which is part of 8 phrasal verb or II linker. If you are not sure which of the options fits best. say the sentence to yourself and use the one that sounds best. When you have finished, read the text again to make sure it makes sense.

Quntion 4: The gapped word is pan of a fixed phrase. Which verb best completes the phrase 'when it ... to'7

OuHtlon 9: Sisters, brothers, grandparents are all ... of your family. Question 11: The gapped word is part of a fixed expression. Which verb best completes the phrase ' .. . the best for somebody'?

A idea


B view

C thought

o decision



Reliable studies have shown that the children of working mothers have no more problems than children whose mothers stay at home. My personal (0) ..... is that mothers should work if they wish. Some women have invested so much in a career that they cannot (1) ..... to give it up. Others have to work because of economic (2) .....• and there are also those who are simply not (3) ..... out to be full-time parents. There appear to be several options when it (4) ..... to choosing childcare. These range from child minders through to granny or the kind lady (5) ..... the street. (6) ..... , however, many parents don't have any choice; they have to accept anything they can get. No (7) ..... how good the available childcare may be, some children protest if their parents are not around. This is a(n) (8) ..... normal stage in a child's development. Babies over the aRe of six months become dependent on mum and close family (9) ..... , so make sure that you allow (10) ..... time to help your child settle in. And don't forget: if you want to (11) ..... the best for your children, it's not the quantity of time you spend with them, it's the (12) ..... that matters.

B decide

C hope

o expect

2 A reason

B duty

C necessity

o task

3 A made

B cut

C broug ht

o born

A refers

B concerns

C turns

o comes

A of

R QPPQO; t o

C aaro o o


D In contrast

A bear


6 A In addition 7

A way

8 A perfectly

n .. ~ll ....

B In practice

C In order

B matter

C surprise

o exception

B extremely

C probably

o certainly

A people

B adults

C members

o grown-ups


A little

B no

C lots

o plenty of

"' 2

A make

B give

C have

O dD

A quality

B attitude

C behaviour

o manner


FeE Test 1 • ~ PAPER :5 Use of English • • Part 1

PAPER 1 Reading For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

PAPER 2 Writing



Part 1

Write your answers IN CAPITAllETIERS on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 4 listening PAPER 5 Speaking

Part 3 Part 4


I0 I




Some activities are associated to) .......... young people, even though (13) ... ... .. .. isn't always clear why. Skateboarders, for instance, are expected to (14) .......... teenagers, reason why people over the age of 21 but come to think of it, there's (15) shouldn't t&ke (10) .......... the l!>port. Skateboarding involves a certain amount of falling off the board, (17) .......... can be painful, but this also applies to skiing or surfing, and these sports are not restricted (18) .......... teenagers. Surely there is (19) ....... ... wrong with a grown-up gliding down the road on his or her board! (20) .......... the same time, I confess I felt a certain sympathy for my niece Emily when her father, my older brother Tom, announced that he was going skateboarding with her. When you are 14, you are very conscious of (21 ) .......... other people think of you . Em ily knew her friends would laugh (22) .......... her if she was seen skateboarding in the park with her dad. She felt that (23) .......... embarrassment would be more thM she could bear, so she begged Tom to go skateboarding elsewhere. Fortunately, Tom realised how embarrassed Emily must (24) .......... felt and simply laughed.

-------'-----------------~ Read the whole text to get the general meaning.

Decide what kind of word is needed (verb, pronoun, article, determiner, quantifier, etc.). Remember you can only use one word in each gap. You cannot use contracted forms (I've, he's, rhe"re, mustn't, etc.) to fill in the gaps. Say the phrase or sentence to yourself and see which word sounds right in each gap. Read the text w hen you have fini shed and check that it makes sense. auestlon 18: This gap is part of a phrasal verb that means 'to start, to begin doing' a sport. Ouestion 19: look at the context. Ooes the writer think that skateboarding is not for grown-ups7 ~n ·

J:\vo ."",,-i"'6'

"U'\~~ . "' .a ..

.a,,*;"'ln ...... __ ..... _ ___ I" : ~... ~ .. - ..........,,- .............. .---

been described in the previous sentence. Do you need a definite article (the) or indefinite article (,van)7

FeE Test 1 ~ ~ PAPER 3 Use Of English ~ ~ Part 2


PAPER 1 ReadIng


PAPER 2 Writing

PAPER 4 listening

Part 1 Part 2

PAPER 5 Speaking

Part 4

For questions 2S-34. read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0 ). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETIERS on t he sep arate answ er sheet .

Example, LI.:: o-'I _ _ _---'O::8::S::E::. R.:: VA : :T:..:'.:: O:..: N_ _ _ --l

London Eye ' ......tiol tip$ Read the whole text to get the general meaning.

Decide what type of word (noun. adjective, verb, etc.)

you need for each gap. Look at the conteKt carefully. The word may be negative or positive.

You may need t o add a prefix or suffile to the prompt word. If the word is a noun, check if you need the singular or plural form.

The London Eye. the giant (0 ) .......... wheel. is a relativ ely new (25) ...... .... in the wo rld. The wheel is th e largest of its kind.


at a (26 ) .......... of 135 metres. 1.700 tons of steel w ere


used for its (27 ) .. ......... People make special journeys to see the


(28) ......... giant wheel. 15.000 v isitors can ride on t he Eye eve ry day.


T he architects. Julia Barfield and her husband David Marks. were the winners of the (29) .......... to design a M illennium landma rk.


Their design was the most (30 ) .. . ...... of all the projects. The first


(31) .. ....... . of the w heel were made on their kitchen table in 1993 .


David developed the idea for a giant wheel and Julia found the (32) ......... site by d rawing a ci rcle round London and finding

You may need to make two changes to th e word (add a prefix and a suffix, add two suffixes, etc.) Check the spelling of each w ord carefully.

CluHtion 31: In this gap you are


landmark for London. It is one of the most popular


its ce ntre. Not (33) ... ........ it took about three years to do all the groundwork


to get the wheel built . In (34) ......... of their work. the couple


were awarded the MBE . a special honour that is given in the UK to someone w ho has achieved something special.

looking for a noun. Read th e rest of the sentence. Should the noun be singular or plural?

Question 32: This word describes the noun ('site' ), so it must be an adjective. How can . you form an adjective from ' idA'?

au..tIon 33: In this gap you a re looking for an adverb. How many changes do you need to make in order to form an adverb from 'surprise'?

FeE Test 1 ., . PAPER 3 u se Of English • ~ Part 3

PAPER 1 Reading


PAPER 2 Writing

PAPER 4 Ustening

part 1 Part 2 Part 3

PAPER 5 Speaking

For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given . Here is an example {OJ. Example:


I' ll be very happy when I go on holiday. FORWARD .. .... ................ on holiday.

l am ..... ...

The gap can be filled by the words ' looking forward to going' so you write:

I0 I

Essentiol tip.-$ ~

You must use between two and five words in the gap. Contractions (didn't, we're, it's, etc.) count as two words. Check that you have used all the information from the first sentence, and that you haven't added any more information. Make sure you don't change the word given in any way. Decide on what structure you need to use (passive voice, indirect speech, etc.) by looking at what comes before and after the gap.


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answ er sheet.


Richard asked me how much I had paid for the theatre tickets. COST

Richard wanted to .. 36

.. ..... .................................. ..................... the theatre tickets.

It wasn't a good idea for vou to de lete that fi le . SHOULD ...... that file.

You ......... ..


The ferry cou ldn't sai l because the weather was bad. DUE

......... .................................. . weather.

The ferry couldn't sail ..... ... .......... ..


The teacher told us not to be late on Friday. BETTER

Remember to check your spelling carefully. 0uHti0n 38: What verb is used

with 'better' to mean 'should'? After it do we use the infinitive with or without 'to' ? Must this be positive or negative? QuestIon 40: Here you need to use the passive. Your prompt word Is 'been'. What tense do you need? 0uHti0n 42: 'Unless' means 'if not', so what change do you need to make to one of the verbs in this conditional sentence?

....... .. .... late on Friday: the teacher said.

'You .... ....... ... .... ..... ....


You mustn't m iss this opportunity to visit Sydney. ADVANTAGE You must ....... .............. ..


.. ...... this opportunity to visit Sydney.

There are Spanish and French translations of the book. BEEN The book ............... ......................................................... into Spanish and French.


That coat is too expensive for me to buy. AFFORD

I ..


. ............................................................................................ that coat.

She will on ly phone if she gets lost. UNLESS

Shewill ..................................... ..

........................................... lost.

FeE Test 1 ~ t PAPER 3 u se Of English t . Part 4

17 1

PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Wntlng

Vou will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose t he best answer (A, B o r CI .

PAPER 3 Use of English You hear a mother talking about her baby. What has the baby just lea rnt to do? A cou nt B walk C talk


You hear a man buying some flowers. What colou r does he buy? A red B yellow C white


You hear a girl talking to her friend on the phone. What has happened? A She didn't remember to do her homework. B She left her homework at home. C She got bad marks for her homework.

look carefully at the question for each listening text and underline the key words. Read the three options and think of word s that are associated w ith them. The listening texts are dialogues and monologues. The answer may come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the listening taxt.


You hear a man talking to a vet. What is the problem w ith his dog? A She has become very aggressive. B She keeps biting her paw. C She doesn't walk properly.


You hear a woman talking to a plumber. Where is t he problem in her house? A the veranda B the kitchen C the bathroom


You hear a man talking about a train journey. When did he travel? A Tuesday B Wednesday C Thursday


You hear a boy telling his mother about a football match. How m any goals did his team score? A two B three C one


You hear a woman talking about going shopping. What did she buy? A a pair of shoes B a pair of jeans C a pair of glasses

Oon't worry about understanding every word you hear. Listen for the general meaning. If you hear a word or phrase from an answer, do not assume that this is the correct answer. Decide on an option after the first listening. Use the second listening t o check your answers. au-tion 2: The assistant offers the man two different colours. The man doesn't say which one he prefers, but which one he doesn't want. au..tton 5: What things do you find in each of these places? You might not hear the name of the place, but you may hear things that can be found in that place.

OuHtlon 8: The listening text refers to ali three options, but only one of them is the correct answer.

FeE Test 1 • • PAPER 4 Ustenlng • • Part 1



11 \

PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing

You will hear part of a radio interview with a woman who is the director of the Museum Association . For questions 9-18, complete the sentences.

PAPER 3 Use of English The Museum Association was started L-_ _ _ _ _L I 9:..;1ago. Their task is to change the way people think about museums

Ms Edwards worked for a big L _ _ _ _ _ _--'1.:. 1.:.11 before coming to work for the Association.

Mu seums must be more L ________--.Jlc1c::.21 in the way they attract visitors.

Museums were mainly for people with a high level of lL_ _ _ _ _ _ _--'1'-1-'-'31

I 1~4:1 with schools M s Edwards would like museums to have L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l in the area .

She wants museums to be friend ly, like

A trip to the museum can be L _ _ _ _ _ _---L11:.:6:J1 for most people.

Inv esting in museums is a way of investing in of the country. The Museum Festival next year will be held in L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _lI1~8~1

ls$eQtial tipA. Read Ihe instructions and think about the topic before you listen. Go through the questions carefu lly and think about the sort of information that is missing. Remember that the questions follow the order of the text. You will hear the word or words you need for each question, but the rest of the sentence will be slightly different. Question 9: What kind of information i . mi • • ina? The r..... on \Nhv th e 11.01" . ........... Association was started, the time that it was started or the people who started it? Quntion 12: Are you listening for a noun or adjective for this gap? Question 18: Look al the context. The missing information must be place or time.

FeE Test 1 • • PAPER 4 Ustenlng • • Part 2




PAPER 1 Reading

PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English

You will hear five different people talking about school tri ps they went on when they were younger. For quest ions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what eac h speaker says about th ei r trip. Use the letters on ly once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A I made some new friends.

Speaker 1

B I was involved in an accident. Speaker 2 C

I thought th e trip was good value

for money. D I went on sim ila r trips over the next few years.

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

E I wasn't prope rly prepared for the trip. Speaker 5 F

I would have liked mOTe independence.

Read the instructions carefully to ident ify what the speakers will be talking about. Before you listen, look al each option and think of how these ideas can be expressed. If a speaker mentions a w ord from the options, think carefully before you choose that option; it may be that the word is used in a different meaning. All the speskers will be talking about the same topic. You need to f ocus on the differences between the speakers. 8 : Think of different ways one can describe an accident. 'Accident' can be used in a number of contexts. For example, if one of the speakers says that he or she did something 'by accident', it doesn't mean that he or she was involved in an accident. D: If one of t he speakers says that he or she 'wanted' to go on more t r ips, or 'intended' to do this, does it mean that he or she realiV did go on more trips? E: The key word here is 'prepared'. You can get prepared for a journey in a number of ways: you can start bV making plans, getting information or doing some shopping. What else eQuid it mean?

FeE Test 1

~ ~

PAPER 4 Ustenlng


• Part 3

PAPER 1 Reading You wi ll hear a radio interview with Julia Emerson, a young w riter. Fo r questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English

PAPER 5 Speaking

Part , Part 2 Part :5


According to Ju lia, nowadays Hollywood producers A usually think of ideas for fi lms themselves. B write screenplays and contact sta rs. C contact agents to find w riters for them .


Julia A has written a number of successful screenplays for studios. B was lucky enough to have her first screenplay accepted. C was not disco uraged by the lack of respo nse from studios.


She began w riting in her spare time when she A published some articles in a magazine. B had an idea fo r a TV se ries. C won a short story competition.


She says A she would like to write a versio n of a classic fjlm . B there is a danger she might imitate other films. C creative people should think a lot about fi lms.


Her screenplay is about two sisters w ho A are forced to live in the jung le. B find themselves in a difficult situation. C end up hating each other.


The them e of the story is A how ou r emotio ns about our fami ly can change. B Julia's relationship with her brothers and sisters. C about the im po rtance of havi ng a fami ly.


It appears that the film based on Julia's screen play A must be m ade within the next two years. B will be made when the studio has paid Ju lia. C m ig ht never be made.

••••atWtipa Read the questions or question stems carefully. Read the options carefully and underline the key words. Be careful: an option may include words or phrases from the recording, but this does not necessarily mean that the option is correct. The questions follow the order of the text. Question 24: Who do you expect writes the screenpley for a film1 1s this the same person

who thinks of the idea for a film1 The correct answer may be diffarant from what you think, so listen carefully.

au..tion 28: All the options are correct as statements, but only one completes the stem correctly.

au..tion 28: The correct answer summarises the story of the film. Which option does that1

FeE Test 1 ~ • PAPER 4 Listeni ng • • part 4



PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing

Part 1 (3 minutes)

PAPER 3 Use of English

The examiner (interlocutor) will ask each of you to speak briefly in turn and to give personal information about yourselves. You can expect a variety of questions, such as:

PAPER 4 listening


Can you describe the area where you l ive? What do you like and dislike about this area? Where else would you like to l ive, and why?

Part 2 (4 minutes) You will each be asked to talk for a minute without interruption. You will each be given two different photographs in turn to ta lk about. After your partner has finished speaking. you will be asked a brief question connected with your partner's photographs.

Places to live (compare, contrast and speculate) Turn to pictures 1 and 2 on page 138 which show different types of accommodation. Candidate A, compare and contrast these photographs, and say why you think people have chosen to live in these particular p laces. You have a minute to do this. Candidate B, which of these wou ld you like to live in7

Audiences (compare, contrast and specu late) Turn to pictures 1 and 2 on page 139 which show people at concerts. Candidate B, compare and contrast these photographs, and say how you think the people are feeling. You have a minute to do this. Candidate A, what kind of music do you enjoy?

Part 1 • Try to sound naturaL Don't learn a speech off by heart. Avoid one· or two·word answers or answers that are long and complicated. You can prepare for this part of the interview by making sure you can talk about yourself, your home, your family, your hobbies, etc. listen carefully to the question and answer exactly what is asked. Part 2 • In this part you must compare and contrast the two colour photographs you are given. When you compare, you say what the two photographs have in common. When you contrast, you say how they are different. listen carefully to what the examiner asks you to do. After comparing and contrasting, the examiner will ask you to comment and give your personal reaction to them. You are supposed to speak for a full minute. Practise speaking for a minute, so you know how this feel g.

The examiner will ask you to comment on your partner's photographs. You have about 30 seconds for this. Don't interrupt when your partner is speaking. Use a few sentences to answer the question you are asked after your partner has spoken.


FeE Test 1 • • PAPER 5 Speaking • • Parts 1. 2

, l ::

TEST PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing

Part 3 (3 mlnutesl

PAPER 3 Use of English

You will be asked to discuss something together without interruption by the examiner. You will have a page of pictures with questions to help you .

PAPER 4 listening


A camping trip (discuss and evaluate) Turn to the pictures on page 140 which show a number of items you could take with yo u on a camping trip. Talk to each other about how each item could be useful during the trip. Then decide which four of these items you would take on a cam ping trip to the mountains.

Part" (4 minutes) The examiner will encourage you to develop the topic of your discussion in Part 3 by asking questions, such as: Would you enjoy a ca mping holiday? Why (not)? What other type of holiday would you enjoy? Why? Would you prefer to go on holiday with your fami ly or with a group of friends? Why (not)? What is the best time of year to go on a holiday? Why?

Is$ential tips Part 3 Work together with your partner. Discuss tha question and decide on en answer together. Involve your partner in the discussion. Your contribution and your partner's contribution to the discussion should be equal. Practise expressions used for giving your opinion and agreeingldisagreeing, such as in my opinion, I'm afraid I don 't agree, etc. Oon·t make a decision too quickly. Look at the pictures first, give your opinion about them, ask your partner's opinion and then make a decision. Remember you don't have to agree with your partner. What is more important is reaching a decision.

Part 4 •

Don't interrupt when your partner is speaking, but be ready t o give your opinion after your partner has finished. It doesn't maner if you agree or disagree with your partner, but it is important to give reasons for your opinion.

Fe E Test 1 • ~ PAPER 5 speaking ~ ~ parts 3, 4


You are going to read an article about life in the countryside. For questions 1-8, choose the answer l A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Writing PAPER 3 Use of English

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 4 Listening PAPER 5 Speaking



have been living in London for more than 60 years, but still, when I'm driving and take some clever backstreet short cut, I catch myself thinking: how extraordinary that it is me doing this! For a moment the town mouse I have become is being seen by the country mouse I used to be. And although, given a new start, I would again become a town mouse, when I visit relations in the country, I envy them. Recently. I stood beside a freshwater lake in Norfolk, made by diverting a small river. near where my brother lives. As he was identifying some of the birds we could see. in came seven swans.They circled, then the haunting sound of their wing beats gave way to silence as they glided down for splashdown. It is not a 'picturesque' part of the coast, but it has a definite character of line and light and colour. 'You do live in a lovely place: I said to my brother. and he answered. 'Yes, I do.' There are probably few days when he does not pause to recognise its loveliness as he works with his boats - he teaches sailing - or goes about his many other occupations. The lake's creator is a local landowner, continUing a tradition whereby the nawre of our cOlJnt.. y.~inf' n::o~ been determined by those who own the land. Formerly, landowners would almost certainly have made such changes for their own benefit, but this time it was done to help preserve the wildlife here. which is available for any visitor to see, providing they do nothing to disturb 29 the birds. It is evidence of change: country life is changing fast. One of the biggest changes I have witnessed is that second-homers. together with commuters. have come to be accepted as a vital pa~ of the country scene.

FeE Test 2

~ ~

PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~

part 1

And the men and women wno service thei .. cars. dig their gardens. install their phones. repair their word processors. lay their carpets and do all the other things they need are vital to modern country life. It is quite likely that the children of today's workers may be moving into the same kind of jobs as the secondhomers and the retired. Both the children of a country woman I know are at university. and she herself. now that they have left home, is working towards a university degree. One of the delights of country life today, it seems. is that there you can see how fast social mobility is increasing.

Much depends, of course, on the part of the c;ounlrpiuc you are living in and on personality - your own and that of your neighbours. In my brother's Norfolk village, social life seems dizzying to a Londoner. In addition to dropping in on neighbours. people throw and attend parties far more often than we do. My brother's wife Mary and her friends fly off on the most dashing bargain breaks in Krakow or Prague or Venice. and are always going into Norwich for a concert or to King's Lynn for an exhibition. The boring country life that people from cities talk about is a thing of the past - or perhaps it was ::otw-:.y~ m::oinly in fl. .. i .. min .... ~ This is very unlike living in a London street for 50 years and only knowing the names of four other residents. In these 50 years I have made only one real friend among them. I do enjoy my life, and Mary says that she sometimes envies it (the grass on the other side of the fence ...); but whenever I go to Norfolk. I end up feeling that the lives of country mice are more admirable than my own.


EsSQldiCJ.1 t ips After reading the text for general understanding, read each question and see if you can locate the answer in the

It is sometimes a so urce of surprise to the writer A to find herself driving through back streets. B that she has been in the city for so long . to realise how much she has got used to living in london . that she lives in the city when she prefers the country.

e o

text. When you locate the answer in the text, underline it. Some questions refer to specific lines in the text (Question 6), while others refer to specific paragraphs (Question 8). look carefully at the key words in the four options. For

example, in question 1, option A. the key words are 'driving through back streets' and 'source of surprise', This option can only be correct if the writer does drive through back streets and is surprised to find herself doing this.

Question 2: The text refers to the 'sound' of the swans landing. Does it say that the sound was very loud, in which case 'deafening' would be the correct answer? How is 'haunting' used

here7 Ouestion 5: The question asks you what Is 'suggested' about outsiders. This means the answer is not clearly stated in the text. You need to 'read between the lines' and see what is implied in the text. Question B: The answer to this question can be found in the whole of the last paragraph.

2 The atmosphere created by the writer when she describes the swans is A magical. B frightening. e deafening . o distu rbing . 3 What does the writer's brother think of hi s village? A He thinks it is very picturesque. B He prefers the sea to the land. e He finds it dult and boring. o He is often struck by the beauty of the countryside.

4 What does 'It' in line 29 refer to? A the lake

B the fact that the lake belongs to a landowner here



the reason for the landO\IYner's action the fact that wildlife now needs to be preserved

5 What is suggested about outsiders who now live in the country? A that country people no longer reject them B that they often do work like servicing cars and digging gardens e that the men and women who work for them are from the city o that many of them have been in the countryside for a long time 6 What does 'social mobility' in line 44 mean ? A Country people are going to university. B Young peopl e are moving away from the countryside. Children of country people are taking jobs in cities. People from workers' families are moving into higher social classes.

e o

7 Social life in the country A depends completely on where you live. B is not as boring as people in cities think it is. C is not affected by your neighbours. is always less exciting than life in the city.


8 What do we learn about the writer's attitude to london? A She can't adjust to living in london. B She has regretted moving to london. e The people in her street are unusually unfriendly. o life there is very different to country life.

FeE Test 2 •


PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~

Part ,


Part 1

PAPER 2 Writing


PAPER 4 listening

You a re going to read an arti cle about a computer-generated p op sta r. Seven sente nces have been removed from the article. Choose from the sente nces A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not n eed to use.

PAPER 5 Speaking

Mark you r answers on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 3 Use of English





1~1~2~1 ___

'Sure she could,' replies Tomlinson. 'We'd just


project her image on a huge screen, maybe with a hologram image of her on stage.' Ha likens the prospact of



creation going on tour to watching a film in a cinema: ' You know the people you see on that screen aren't real - it' s just a trick

Young music fans might soon find themselves buying records by a new star called CyberGirl. CyberGirl is blonde and very

done with lights - but you still get very moved by the experience of watching if it's done well.'

attractive. She has the looks of a supermodel, and Fashion magazine has booked her for their next issue. She has a great voice and looks like a typical pop star in many ways, but at the same time she is fundamentally different. She



A French male cyberstar, Cy-l ui. has enjoyed considerable success. with hundreds of emails each day from teenage girls.


\ Cy- Lui

has also hed an amazing numbar


marriage proposals. 'Fans will treat artificial pop stars as real

generated and doesn't really exist. Or does she?

pop stars provided they like their music: says Tomlinson. ' It's The company behind CyberGirl, Anfield Promotions, has constructed a website for her, and is working on a pop video for

encouraging that if fans like the music, they will ignore the fact that the artist is not real.'

her first single. which will be released next summer. Why is the response to this virtual pop star so astonishing? CyberGirl has

Sarah Underwood. Professor of Media Studies at Cumbria

been successfully promoted as an ordinary sixteen-year- old

University. says we have nothing to worry about. ' It's just like the

especially girls, have

soap opera obsession that has been around for about 60

identified themselves with CyberGirl who dyes her hair and

years: she says. ' Viewers identify so closely with the characters

teenage singer .

I, 1

1 Teenagers,

in a soap opera that if one of them is in hospital, an incredible

worries about fashion.

number of people send flowers and chocolates to the TV Over the last few months. the CyberGirl website has been visited by over 100.000 teenagers. Fans can email questions and receive answers from CyberGirl herself.



gives virtual pop stars a competitive advantage over mass-


IL104 .:.11___ -'1

The same applies to fans of artifi cial

artists.' Rob Cooper of the pop music magazine Musical World has no

marketed artists or boy bands who have very little contact with

time for this latest idea: ' It's iust another way for business

their fans.

people to make money from teena~ers, and this time the teenagers aren't even idol ising a real person.

CyberGirl may not be real, but her creators deny that she is merely a cheap alternative to a real singer



'She's cool and will never do embarrassing things: he says. 'Virtual pop stars cannot disagree with their managers because they have different ideas about songs. styles and marketing policies. With computer generated pop stars. there will be no arguments between stars, managers and their companiea:


FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 1 Reading • • Part 2



Young people can be really crazy if they're convinced something is fashionable.'


Could CyberGiri ever go on t our?


Researc h has est abl ished that idols must have the same strengths and weaknesses as their f ans.


Th e people w ho d o that aren't crazy - they' re just getting a bit ca rried away.


The fan s want to know whether he gets hungry in o uter space, and what hi s fa vo urite cyberfood is.


In fact, To mmy Tomlinson o f Anfie ld Promotions is convinced that CyberGiri has a great many advantages over fle sh-and- blood acts.


The important question is wheth er or not CyberGirl has bee n mod elled on a rea l-life person or whether she is simply the product of someone's imagi natio n .


It's utterly pathetic, sad and a bit ridicu lo us, but I' m afraid it will probably work.


When asked if she is real, CyberGiri replies enigmatically that she is as real as any of the t een groups around these days, adding d efiant ly that at least she is always there f o r her fans.

Is$.atlcd t ... Raad the main text from which paragraphs have been gapped to get the general idea. l ook carefully at the sentences before and after the gap. Are there any words that show you what the missing sentence is about ? There are many ways you can link pans of a text. It could be a contrast. a comparison, an example, etc. l ook for linking expressions that connect ideas in a text. Pay special attention to nouns, pronouns, words like 'thi s' and 'that' and any other words or phrases that refer to what has gone before or what comes after them.

Question 9: The sent ence before the gap tells us how CyberG iri has been promoted. The sentence after the gap says that teenage girls Identify with CyberGirl. Which sentence option links the two ideas?

Ountion 13: The sentellCe before the gap talks about a male cyberstar. Two sentence options refer to males, but only one can refer to the male cyberst ar. Question 14: The sentence before the gap describes how some viewers react to characters in soap operas. The sentence option that fits this gap refers to these people's reactions and links with the sentence after the cap.

FeE Test 2

~ ~

PAPER 1 Reading • • Part 2



PAPER 3 Use of English

You are going to read an article about the activities organised by different schools for Environmental Awareness Day. For Questions 16-30 choose from the schools (A-D). The schools may be chosen more than once.

PAPER 4 listening

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 5 Speaking

Which schoolls) became well known after Environmental Awareness Day? provided o nline information about the environment?


raised money to help wildlife?


asked pupils to write about environmental problems?

organised a trip to the coast?

1111 1221

started a project about endangered species? is studying changes in general weather conditions? arranged a talk on pollut ion and local architecture?


encouraged the use of bicycles? carefully examined air pollution in a local area?


measured noise pollution?


decided to protect a loca l historical site?


is located in the centre of the city?


Read the questions first, and underline key words. Make sure you understand what the question asks. locate the answers in the text and underline them. When you read the text, look for words/phrases which 8Kpress similar ideas. Do not look for identicel words. Question 23: How can we provide online information?

Ouestions 25, 2&: How can a school raise money? When vou trv to locate the answer. do not look for the verb 'raise '. look for the idea of 'raising' money. Question 30: Can you find another way of saying ' generel weether conditions'?

FeE Test 2

~ .

PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~


asked a special ist to give a talk?

Part 3

, , ,

ENVtRONf1ENTAL AWARENESS DAV A Plumpton High School This school decided to amlnge a variety of activities, some aimed at achieving a better understanding of environmental problems. and others designed to be of practical help. For instance, the school magazine brought out a special edition on the subject. full of articles and stories where pupils expressed their feelings about t he threats facing our environment. In another attempt to find out for themselves how serious these threats realty are, the pupils decided to study the problem of pollution by making a survey. run by the Science Deparunent, into air pollution in the local shopping

centre. On the practical side. the school held a sponsored walk and handed over £750 to the World Wildlife Fund.

Pupils prepared a campaign to ban cars from the city centre and reduce traffic congestion. They cycled through the city and handed out brochures about the benefits of cycling and walking. This gained a lot of publicity for the school.

B C resswell Colle ge The staff and swdents at Cresswell College held a meeting and discussed a number of suggestions. The most popular suggestion turned out to be the most pl

C Smithson Institute This school had already been involved in some projeCts connected with the environment. though naturally efforts were increased for Environmental Awareness Day. For the last two years the school had been studying the effects of changes in climatic patterns around the world and how these can affect wildlife. A film about those magnificent marine mammals, whales, was









EnvironmenQI Awareness Day. which was received with great enthusiasm by pupils. Meredtth Summers, architect, was invited to talk about how pollutlon can destrOy historic buildings in the region. Following that. pupils decided to launch a campaign for the restoration of the medieval square in the city centre and ilSked local authorities to support them financially.

o H a lliwe ll Comprehe nsive The pupils at this inner-city comprehensive school felt that the ben W


Fe E Test 2

~ ~

PAPER 1 Reading

~ ~

Part 3

PAPER 1 Reading You must answe r this question.

PAPER 4 Ustening PAPER 5 Speaking

1 You have received an email from an Australian friend, Bruce Stanton, whose parents are com ing to visit your cou ntry. Read his email together with the notes you have made. Then, using all your notes, write an email to the hotel manager explaining what you want and asking him to confirm the arrangements in writing to you .

email From: Sent: S ubject:

Bruce Stanton 1st M arch Hot el

Hof~/ e~lla



I'M hopln9 ':tOIl can SI.l99~st II hot~lllnd Mllk.~ i~ IIrrllngeMenb for M~ parenb' hip. 1Ms ls ihe lnforMIiHon ~OI.I'll need:

Mr and Mrs Siflnion .!Irrivi.n'3 on 1l.1esdll':f 16"'h.!li 18.05 and ROOM !<Jlih





MondaIJ Und

Double rOOM !<Jl"'h b.ihrooM.

/7 ' Are "'here /"


e'" 14.45.

an~ da':f hlpS froM "'he hcl:el "'0 local s4/Ms7

Also, pLease check IoJhai "'he prl.ce of "'he hot-el 101m be.

sreakfasf Included in price?


Do four 9uUies

speak En9//.sh?

Write your em ail of between 120 and 150 words. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accu rate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for t he situation.

hsentiaJ tip. Start your email by saying why you are writing. Make sure the language you use is formal. Avoid using informal expressions. In the body of the email, re serve the room for the dales required, then list the additional requ ests and queries you have. Avoid using the exact words as they appear in the notes. Check that you have covered all the points in the emait and the notes. In your conclusion, you should ask the manager to confirm the reservation and answer your questions. Begin the email with Dear SiriMadam and end it w ith Yours faithfully.

FeE Test 2 • • PAPE R 2 Wrtting • • Part 1



1 Reading W rite an answer to o ne of the questions 2-5 in this part. W rite your answe r in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

OAPER 3 PAPER 4 listening


You rec ently took part in a class discussion about living in the city. Your teac her has now asked you to w rite an essay, answering the followi ng question and giving reasons for your choice.

PAPER 5 Speaking

Urban life or rural life? Is it better to live in the city or the country?

Essential tips Ouestion 2 • Oecide if '(ou prefer urban or rurellife and state your opinion clearly in the

Write your essay .


Your school newspaper has asked you to write a report o n th e spa re tim e activities that are typical of tee nagers i n your cou ntry. Write your report.

introduction. You recently saw a film w hich was the last part of a trilogy. You thought this fi lm was not as good as tho firet two filme in th o tril o9Y' Writo 0 rovio'IIV of tho fi lm for your school magazine. Compare the film with the first two film s in the t rilogy

In the body of your essay you need 10 give reasons for your choice and support t hem with 8lCsmples. If you prefer rural life because it', healthier, yo u need to give examples of a healthy lifestyle.


Make sure each paragraph starts with a clear topic


and say w hy you think it was not as good as they were. Write your r eview . Answer o ne of the following two questio ns based on your readi ng of one of the set books.

sentence. Summarise your overall opinion in the final paragraph .


Quntion 3 • Think of different sort s of thing s that teenagers can do in their spare time: hobbies, sports, going o ut with friends,

(a) Your school drama society is thinking of performing the book or short story you have (ead as a play. Your drama teacher has asked you to write a repo rt for your elacc o n whothor you think thio io g good idea. Write a r eport giving the reasons for you r opin ion. (b ) Do you think the book you have read will appeal more to men or women? Write an essay, explai ning your v iews with reference to the book o r one of the short stories you have read.

etc. Try t o organise Ihis information in a clear way for the reader. How many paragraphs will you need? Think of appropriate headings for each of the paragraphs.

Summarise your finding s in the final paragraph. Quntion Sial If the book is performed as a play, it wi ll have to be much shorter. Could it work with just a few main scenes? A play can't have too many characters. Think of the characters in the book. Are they intriguing characters? How many of them are there in the book7

A play has to be short and exciting. Are there interesting scenes in the book Ihat could be effective on stage? Question Sib) •

I!'I th A m lllin r.hlllrlllr.t_. 1II

Are men or women presented positively or negatively in the book? Can you th ink of elements in the story that would appeal more to men or " " 0 ...... " ' )

man or a woman?

FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 2 w rtttng • • Part 2



TEST PAPER 1 Readmg PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of Engllsh~ Part 1 PAPER 4 Listening PAPER 5 Speaking

Part 2 Part 3 Part <1

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A , B, C or 0 ) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0 ). M ark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Example:


A quantity 8


= -

Essential tips QUllstion 3: Which of the four verbs collocates with 'weight'? QUllstion 6: l ook at the context. Is it a good thing that diets don't work for most people? Does the missing word have a positive or negative meaning? Question 7: Which of the four phrasal verbs means 'stop' a diet?

B piece



C unit

o part


Going on a d- t A calo rie is a (0 ) ...... for measuring the amount of energy food will produce. The everoge person needs about 1,800 calorica pcr day to (1 ) . .... noalthy. Witho .... t energy, the heart cannot (2) ...... blood through blood vessels and the organs cannot fun ction.

You (3 ) .... . . weight because you consume more calories a day than your body requires. The only way to lose weight is to (4) the number of calories you consume. Th is is the basic (5) ...... behind most diets. (6) ...... , diets do n't work for most people. It's not that they don't lose weight they do, but when they (7) .. .. .. the diet, the ki los creep back. The (8) ...... to losing weight and maintaining weight loss is a sensible diet and exercise plan. You need to work out how to eat fewer calories than you (9) ...... consume. You should also exercise daily so you can use up calories. Burn inQ 250 or 500 calo ries per day ca n (10) .. ... . a big difference. (11 ) ...... riding an exercise bike whi le you are watching TV or climbing the stairs (12) ...... than taking the lift. Persuade someone to exercise with you; exercise is a lot easier if done in compa ny.

A keep on

2 A pump

~ ~

C continue

o carry on

B pull

C drag

o force o put


A make

B increase

C gain


A shrink

B take

C remove

5 A way

ts prinCiple


6 A Similarly


D reduce

U Krna

B Though

C Unfortunately


A go off

B go on

C go back

o go away


A key

B secret

C way

D idea

D Although


A preferably

B actually

C consistently

D eventually

10 A have

8 do

C make

D give


B Attempt


D Aim

B apart

C except

o rather


12 A instead

FeE Test 2

B stay

PAPER 3 Use of English

~ ~

Part 1

PAPER 1 Reading

For questions 13-24, read the text below and t hink of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

PAPER 2 Writing



Part 1

Write you r answers IN CAPITAL lETTERS on the separate answer sheet.

PAPER 4 listening PAPER 5 Speaking

part 3 Part .:1


I0 I


I'M NO T SUPERS IITIOUS, HONESTLY! How (0 ) ......... people could truly say they are not superstitious? A recent survey shows that almost 90% of people bel ieve in one sort of superstition or another and say that it influences (13 ) ......... lives . One of the questions people ( 14) ........ . asked is whether they saw themselves as lucky or unlucky. Their answers turned out to be (15 ) ......... most interesting aspect of this survey. Nearly two-th irds of (16) ........ . who took part said they believed that people were naturally lucky or unlucky. Professor Morga n Howa rd, w ho ana lysed the results of (17) ....... . . survey, was fa sci nated by this finding , so he went a step further and asked these people (1S) ......... kind of superstitions they believed in . (19) ......... his surprise, he discove red that almost all the people who regarded themse lves (20 ) ......... lucky believed in positive superstitions. Th ey did th ings (21 ) .. promote thei r good luck, such as crossing their fingers. (22) ......... wou ld appear that people make thei r own luck by their attitude to life. Even (23) ........ surprisingly, he di scovered that people with a degree in science tend to be just (24) ......... superstitious as people with no knowledge of science.

Essential tips Question 17: The gap is followed by a noun, so the missing word is probably an article. Do you need the indefinite article or the definite article? Question 18: The gap is pan of an indirect question about the kind of superstitions people

believe in. Qunliun 2 0 : Thtt gap fOll OWS a veTO, 'regaro', ana a refleXive pronoun, ·tnemselves·. What preposition comes after 'regard ' + object7

FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 3 Use of English • • part 2



2 9 For questions 25-34, read th e text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fi ts in the gap in the same line. There is an exa mple at the beg inn in g (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL lETTERS on the separate answ er sheet.

E"mpl. , LI"OJ.I_ _ _ _--'R"'E:.'C~Ec:N~T_"LY ~_ _ ____.l


Essential tips Question 25 : The missing w ord is a verb. What verb form do you

need? Question 27 : The gap is between

the auxiliary r have') and the main verb ('discovered' ), so it must be an adverb.

Qun tion 34: Read the sentence care fully. It says 'a large number of ', Do you need the singular or plural form of a noun?

Wild animals have (0) .......... made an appearance in the back


gardens of American suburbs. They have caused havoc and have (25) .........

uUIl1~st i (,; ~ets .

Mou nta in lions that wander into suburbs are now qu ite (26)


to attack human s, while bears and wolves have (27 ) .


discovered rubbish bins. If you find the (28) .......... of you r bin


scattered all over the garden one morning , there is a distinct (29) ....... .. that a bear has been feasting there during the night.


Nobody should be particularly surprised by th is (30)


which wai: predicted b y QXPQrtc yo::.rc ogo, ond it 'o not 121 ) ...


under the circu m stances. One cause is the massive expansion of (32)

... into areas that were wild and uninhabited not long ago .


In (33) .... .. ..... over the past few decades a large number of


(34) ......... have been placed on hunting certain animals, allowing


their populations to grow.

FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 3 Use of English • • Part 3

TEST R~adlng






PAPER 4 listening

Pan 1 Part 2 Part 3

PAPER 5 Speaking

For questions 35-42 , complete the second se ntence so that it has a similar mea ning to the first sentence, using the wo rd given. Do not change the word g iven. You must use between two and fi ve word s, including the wo rd given . Here is an exam ple (0). Example:


I'U be very happy when I go on holiday.


........................................................................... on holiday.

The gap can be fill ed by the words 'looking forward to going' so you w rite:

I0 I

Essential tip. Question 35: What is the opposit e of 'cheep'] How can 'as' be u sed w ith an adjective? Question 36: If someone didn't do somethi ng and you think this was wrong. w hat modal ve rb can you use?

Ouesdon 40: What structure do we use after 'asked' to report a request? How do we report a negative request?


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS o n the separat e answer sheet.


The computer was cheaper than I eXnAr:tRn

AS The computer was


................ I expected.

Why didn't you tell m e I was wrong? TOLD ................................ I was w rong.



She found the photog ra phs when she was cleaning her room . CAME .. ....... when she was cleaning her room.

She .. 38

H ow mony portroit:. did PiI..CI:':'u lJi:lllHT

BY .................................. Picasso?

How many portraits


Jim and Peter wi ll probably start their own business soo n.

LIKELY .. ...... thei r own business soon.

Jim and Peter


' Please don't stay out late: his mother said. ASKED His moth er


.................... out late.

I'd rath er not go out this aftern oon. FEEL ................................. o ut this aftern oon.


I must go to th e shops because we've run out of tea at home.

LEFT I must go to the shops because there's

.................. at home.

FeE Test 2 ~ ~ PAPER 3 u se of English ~ ~ part 4



PAPER 1 Reading You will hear people talking in eight d ifferent situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A , 8 or C).

PAPER 2 Wnting PAPER 3 Use of English PAPER a listening PAPER 5 Speaking


Part 1

You hear a physiotherapist talking to a patient. What kind of exercises does she recommend? A exercises done wh ile lying on the back B exercises done while standing up C exercises done while lying on the stomach

Part 2 Parr 3 Part 4

Essential tips


If you are listening for

numbers or dates, you may not hear the number or date you want, but you will hear some information that will tell you the answer. For eKample, you may hear: 'My birthday is not in March. It's a month later: In this case the birthday is in April, but you don't actually hear the word 'April'. Look carefully at questions that have two parts. In Question 7 , for eKample, you must listen for a road which is blocked, and it must be blocked by a crash. If a road is blocked, but not by a crash, this is not the correct answer. Question 3: Be careful. The speaker does not say the date, but gives information about it ('two years later). auestkm 5: The teKl has references to both options A and B. Which of the two is the correct answer? Question 7: What other words could you hear instead of 'crash' that have the same meaning?


You hear a woman phoning an Indian restaurant to order a takeaway meal. Which curry has rice included? A beef B lamb C chicken YOll hA1U a man in an art oalh'lry tRl kino Rhn"t a What date was it painted? A 1848 B 1884 C 1888


You hear a man giving directions to a football ground . What does he say the other person mu st do at the traffic lights? A turn left B go straight on C turn rig ht


You hea r two men talking about a character one has invented . What animal is this character supposed to be? A an elephant B a horse C a bear


You hear a woman talking to a policeman at the police station. What is her problem? A Her brother is missi ng . B Her dog is missi ng . C Her husband is missing.


You hear a radio announcement about traffic. Which road has been blocked by a car crash? A M63 B A36 C 8636


FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 4 Listening • ~


You hea r a woman talking about a slimming diet. What does she say about t he diet? A It can have usefu l results. 8 It can be extremely harmful. C It is scientifically approved.

Part 1



\,PER 1 Reading

You wi ll hea r part of a radio interview with a man who is the headmaster of a Gaelic school. Fo r questions ~18, complete the sentences.

PAPER 2 Writing PER 3 Use of Enghsh Part 1 I"IPER 5 Speaking Part 3 Part 4

People in Scotland used to speak Gaelic, a very

LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _

---L1.:.... 9 1

language. Today

approx ;;m::::at~e~ly~=====;:;;;-_~1~1.:. 01

people speak Gaelic in Scotland.

1 1 people speak a language, it is considered If fewer than L _ _ _ _ _ _ _---L1~1.:J

Essential tips Question 9: The missi ng word comes between an article, the word 'very' and a noun, so it is likely to be an adjective. Questions 10 and 11 : The missing information is a number for both questions. Which words in question 11 lell you this7

dead . Donald would like to see one th ird of people under 25 speaking and '---_ _ _ _ _ _1 ' -'1.::. 2 1 Gao!;c. If very yo ung children are L _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-11~3::J1 to a language. th ey can learn it most effectively. Some parents send their children to Donald's sc hool for

LC _______--'-11c.:J41

reasons. Bi lingual children are m ore lL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IL1~ 5 1 and tolerant. Donald fe els extremely 1

116 1 abo ut th e future of Gaelic.

71 Welsh, like Gaelic. was in danger of LI_ _ _ _ _ _ _~IL1.:..J With a lot of effo rt, nowadays 80% of chi ldren learn Welsh as '---_ __ _ _ _..J1..:1.=J 8 1 language.

FeE Test 2 ~ t PAPER 4 Ustenlng t t part 2



TEST P PER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English

Yo u wi ll hear five young peopl e who are outstanding at sports talking about their lives. For question s 19-23, choose from the list (A- F) the comment each speaker makes about his or her attitude to sport. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use .

A This sport is a strong family t radition for me. Speaker 1

B I think of it as part of my social life. Speaker 2

Euential tips A: A 'fam ilV t radition' must mean that the speaker's parent s or family members have been


I started off wanting to impress my parents. Speaker 3


It's an investment for my future.

connected with the sport. The adjective 'strong' means that at least two family members were involved in the same sport.

Speaker 4

E I like t he thrill of knowing I' m the best. Speaker 5

B: This option mentions 'social life', which means t hat the speaker practised it regularly with f riends or people he/she knew.


Representing my country is my greatest ambition.

F: W hat adjective would be used to describe a competitio n or athletic event where people from different countries compet e togeth er?

FeE Test 2


• PAPER 4 listening • • Part 3


, TEST _ PAPER 1 Reading

PAPER 2 Writing

You wi1l hear a radio interview with a mountain climber. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A , 0 or e).

PAPER 3 Use of English 24

Ann describes mountain climbing as A dangerous if people have t he wrong attitude. o completely safe if people are prepared . C a sport with an exciting reputat ion.


For Ann, the attract ion of climbing is A primarily the excitement. a matter of sensations. C hard to describe.


Essential tips Look closely at the questions before you hear the recording and mark the key words, including adverbs. For example, in question 24, option B uses the word 'completely'. If the speaker says that the spon is 'safe'. but not 'completely safe', option B is not the correct answer.


How does Ann feel when she reaches the top of a mountain? A proud exhausted C tlccomplished



Ann thinks that we all have a moment in childhood A when we know what our ambition is. B when we realise we can't do everything we want. when we make plans about our future.


If you hear a word that is in

one of Ihe options, decide whether it is used in the same way. For example. in question 25, option B includes the



word 'sensations', On the recording you will hear the word 'sensation', but does Ihsi make it the correct


answer? Question 26: Questions in Pan" ask you t o interpret the speaker's feelings. It's important that you know the exact meaning of the

words in the options. For instance, is 'accomplished' the feeling you get when you have ac<:omplished something7 Ountton 28: Words can have different meanings when used in different structures. For example, if someone is 'anxious to do something', does this mean he or she is worried7

What was the attitude of Ann 's parents when she took up the sport? A They were very anxious. B They didn't want to discourage her. They gave her every support . Ann explains that feel ing confid ent A is the result of doing many climbs with her friend . is natural after some time . e can provoke people to make mistakes.



When Ann and her friend were lost on the mountain, A they didn't feel lucky. they thought the storm might last for a week. C they were sure someone would find them.


FeE Test 2

~ .

PAPER 4 Ustenlng

~ .

Part 4

IAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing

Part 1 (3 minutes)

PAPER 3 Use of Enghsh

The examiner (interlocutor) will ask each of you to s peak briefly in turn and to give personal information about yourselves. You can expect a variety of questions, such as:

PAPER.4 listening

What would you say are the most popular sports in your country? Which sports do you enjoy playing? What kind of sports do you like watching? Which sports do you find boring, and why?

Part 2 (4 minutes)

Essential tips P. rt , ~ Make sure you have the necessary vocabulary to give personal information. In this case, you will have to talk about the sports that you enjoy doing. You can say, for example: I'm very keen on basketball and volleyball or

You will each be asked to talk for a minute without interruption. You wi l l each be given two different phot ographs in turn to talk about. After your partner has finished speaking , you will be asked a brief questio n connected with your partner's photographs. Pets (compare. contrast and speculate) Turn to pictures ' and 2 on page 141 which show people with different pets. Candidate A, co mpare and contrast these photographs, and say why you think the people have chosen these pets and how they feel about them. You have a minute to do this.

I'm not really very intersted in sports.

listen to your partner's answer. The examiner may ask you if you agree or not.


e, which of these pets would you

Turn t o pictu res 1 and 2 on page 142 which show different fami ly groups.

P. rt 2 Even if you are not asked directly to do so, it's a good idea to talk about how you think the people in the pictures are feeling, using expressions like The boy on

Candidate B, compare and con tra st these photographS, and say what you think it would feel like to grow up in these families. You have a minute to do this. Candidate A, do you come from a small or large family?

the right looks ... , I get the impression that ... , They must be feeling ... , etc.

Make sure you address both parts of the Instructions. Here you win have to compare and contrast the photos but also say why you think the people have chosen these pet s and how they feel about them. Give your personal opinion using expressions like I think ... , It seems to me . In my view ... , Parsonally, I ... , etc.

FeE Test 2

~ ~

prefer, and why?

Family groups (compare, contrast and speculate)

PAPER 5 speaking

~ ~

Part 1, 2


TEST PAPER 1 Reading PAPER 2 Writing

Part 5 (3 minutes)

PAPER 3 Use of English

You will be asked to discuss something together without interruption by the exami ner. You will have a sheet of pictures with questio ns to help you.



Film Day (discuss and evaluate) Turn to the pictures on page 143 which show different types of fi l ms. Your school is organising a Film Day for the students. Talk to each other about the type of film that would appeal to students. Then decide which two types of film shou ld be shown on Film Day.

Part 4 (4 minutes)

Essential tips Part 3

The exam in er will encourage you to develop the topic of your discussion in Part 3 by asking question s such as;

Talk about each type of film before you reach a conclusion. Remember that there are no right or w rong

Do you prefer watching films on television or in the cinema? Why?


Why do you think some films are still popular a long time after they were made?

You Bre being tested on your ability to work together and

What type of film do you enjoy watching? Why?

Do you think watching a film in

a ci nema creates a special atmosphere? Why (not)?

complete the task. Involve your panner in the discussion using ellpressions like Do you agree ... 7, What do you

think ... 7, Let's decide which .. . , etc. •

In deciding which type of film

would appeal to students, think about students with different inlerests and students with different personalities. You need to justify your opinion and say why a certain type of film w ould appeal to th e majority of Ihe students.

Part .. Avoid giving 'yes/no' answers. Give your opinion, justify it and develop your

ideas. Try to keep the conversation going by responding to your partner's answers or by asking your partner questions. You can use expressions like: Don't you think that .... 7, How do you feal about .... 7, I agree up to a point but I couldn't agrtHI with you more, I'm sorry but I disagree with you on that. etc.

FeE Test 2 • • PAPER 5 Speaking • • part 3. 4

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