The Common Magician Memorized Deck Stack: Premise

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The Common Magician Memorized Deck Stack Premise: Many sequential and memorized arranged stacks involve intensive memory preparation, a live application of mathematical formulas or both in order to use them proficiently. For many people, use of these stacks will require not only a significant amount of time to learn, but also a regular pattern of use in practice and performance in order to maintain proficiency. Additionally, many sequential stacks lack an intuitive number set or sequence and some of them do not appear to be randomly shuffled upon casual viewing. The memorized stack discussed here provides the following benefits: 1. Full knowledge of the stack requires very little rote memorization. 2. The stack is built on a repeating sequential system of 10 cards in 5 sections (50 cards), plus 2 additional cards (52), rather than the more traditional sequence of 13 cards in 4 sections. Therefore, it has many intuitive properties that rely on standard counting intervals of 10. 3. The stack relies on logical patterns rather than mathematical calculations (you do not need to engage in simple or complex math equations in your mind during performance). 4. The stack appears to be well shuffled and does not demonstrate an obvious, consistent number or suit order upon casual observation.

Systematic Rules: 1. The stack has 5 sections of 10 sequential cards with 2 additional cards at the end. - Sections 1 and 2 are mostly made up of Spades and Hearts - Sections 3 and 4 are mostly made up of Clubs and Diamonds - Section 5 is a special separate group of mixed suits. - The color pattern for sections 1-4 is as follows: - 1 = odd positions black (Spades/Hearts) / 2 = odd positions red (Hearts/Spades) 3 = odd positions black (Clubs/Dmnds) / 4 = odd positions red (Dmnds/Clubs) 2. The general pattern of numbers in each 10 card sequence is as follows: 10, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 4, 8, 9, A - Notice that the Ace and the 10 are a switched pair as is the case with the 4 and the 7. - In this 10 card sequence 1=10, 2=2, 3=3, 4=7, 5=5, 6=6, 7=4, 8=8, 9=9, 10=Ace



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3. The face cards are ‘Wild Cards’ that stand in for 2 cards out of each section. The wild cards shift one position in each section. -



The Jack and Queen of Clubs occupy position 1 and 6 in section 1. The Jack and Queen of Diamonds occupy position 2 and 7 in section 2. The Jack and Queen of Spades occupy positions 3 and 8 in section 3. The Jack and Queen of Hearts occupy positions 4 and 9 in section 4. The sequential substitution of these “Wild Cards” breaks up the numbering and suits further by placing face cards among opposing black/red suits (clubs and diamonds among spades and hearts, etc.) The King of Spades, King of Hearts and King of Clubs occupy positions 1, 5, and 10 in section 5 while the cards pulled from sections 1-4 make up the rest of the 10 card sequence (KS, 2S, 3C, 7C, KH, 4H, 6H, 8D, 9D, KC). Section 5 then resembles a similar number sequence as sections 1-4. The 2 remaining cards at position 51 and 52 are the King of Diamonds and The 10 of Spades. The 10S would normally be sitting at the beginning of section 5, but it is switched here to give the face of the deck a more ‘forgettable’ appearance and break up the remaining Kings. This also keeps the Kings in Spade, Heart, Club, Diamond order.

The Stack



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The complete stack is as follows: Section 1 (Odd #s = Spades, Even #s = Hearts) Wilds = J,Q Clubs @ 1 and 6 Position Card Rationale 1 = JC (wild card for 10S, 1=10) 2 = 2H 3 = 3S 4 = 7H (4=7) 5 = 5S 6 = QC (wild card for 6H) 7 = 4S (7=4) 8 = 8H 9 = 9S 10 = AH (10=1)

Section 3 (Odd #s = Clubs, Even #s = Dmnds) Wilds = J,Q Spades @ 3 and 8 Position Card Rationale 21 = 10C (1=10) 22 = 2D 23 = JS (wild card for 3C) 24 = 7D (4=7) 25 = 5C 26 = 6D 27 = 4C (7=4) 28 = QS (wild card for 8D) 29 = 9C 30 = AD (10=1)

Section 2 (Odd #s = Hearts, Even #s = Spades) Wilds = J,Q Diamonds @ 2 and 7 Position Card Rationale 11 = 10H (1=10) 12 = JD (wild card for 10H) 13 = 3H 14 = 7S (4=7) 15 = 5H 16 = 6S 17 = QD (wild card for 4S, 7=4) 18 = 8S 19 = 9H 20 = AS (10=1)

Section 4 (Odd #s = Dmds, Even #s = Clubs) Wilds = J,Q Hearts @ 4 and 9 Position Card Rationale 31 = 10D (1=10) 32 = 2C 33 = 3D 34 = JH (wild card for 7C) 35 = 5D 36 = 6C 37 = 4D 38 = 8C 39 = QH (wild card for 9D) 40 = AC (10=1) Section 5 (Mixed Suits) Wilds = KS, KH, KC @ 1, 5 and 10 Position Card Rationale 41 = KS (10S is at 52) 42 = 2S (from section 2) 43 = 3C (from section 3) 44 = 7C (from section 4) 45 = KH (wild card for 5) 46 = 6H (from section 1) 47 = 4H (from section 2) 48 = 8D (from section 3) 49 = 9D (from section 4) 50 = KC (wild card for 10) Non-Sequential Cards (Rote Memorized) 51 = KD 52 = 10S



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Groupings For Additional Rote Memorization: While a knowledge of the sequential patterns are sufficient to utilize the stack, more proficiency can be acquired through additional rote memorization of the stack. Here are two sections that might be more accessible with focused memorization. Take note of the sequential section numbers in the wild card list and the suit groupings in the Section 5 list: Wild Cards With Numbers Number Card Section Number 1 = JC 1 6 = QC 6 12 = JD 2 17 = QD 7 23 = JS 3 28 = QS 8 34 = JH 4 39 = QH 9 ------------------------41 = KS (Non-sequential Wild Card) 45 = KH 5 50 = KC 10 Aces Number 10 = 20 = 30 = 40 =

Section 5 Sequence Number Card 41 = KS 42 = 2S 43 = 3C 44 = 7C 45 = KH 46 = 6H 47 = 4H 48 = 8D 49 = 9D 50 = KC

Suit Grouping Spade (10S is at 52) Spade Club Club Sequential Wild Card Heart Heart Diamond Diamond Sequential Wild Card


Stacking Procedure: Some stacks offer a shuffling procedure to attain the stack from other stacked forms (like “New Deck Order”). The premise of this feature lies in the ability of a performer to somewhat covertely shuffle into the stack in front of spectators while seeming to shuffle out of a new deck order, fresh from the box. This stack offers no such feature that the creator is aware of… but I must be honest in saying, shuffling from new deck order is not something that I have encountered in typical performances, and it can be noted that most stacked deck workers carry their decks already stacked. That being said, the lack of a shuffling sequence also means that you will need to stack this more ‘manually’. I recommend the following procedure: 1. Stack each suit 10, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 4, 8, 9, A 2. Anti faro each suit to 10, 3, 5, 4, 9 // 2, 7, 6, 8, A 3. Faro opposite groups from Spades with Hearts and then Clubs with Diamonds 4. Swap wild cards as follows: a. AH group / swap 10S and 6H with JC and QC b. AS group / swap 2S and 4H with JD and QD c. AD group / swap 3C and 8D with JS and QS d. AC group / swap 7C and 9D with JH and QH 5. Stack groups together AH, AS, AD, with AC group on the face. 6. Stack remaining cards: KS, 2S, 3C, 7C, KH, 6H, 4H, 8D, 9D, KC, KD, 10S



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Visual Rote Memorization Aids Each image block is a 10 card sequential section of the stack



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General Pattern of Thinking: When working with the memorized stack, the general pattern of thinking to relate cards to numbers within the system should follow this order of questions.


Number to Card: What section is this number in? (SECTION?) Given the section and based on the number (odd vs. even), what suit is it? (SUIT?) Is the value swapped (A-10, 4-7)... or is it a wild card (1/6,12/17,23/28,34/39,41/45/50? (CARD VALUE?) What is the card based on these observations?


Card to Number: Is the value odd, even or wild? (VALUE AND SUIT?) Given the suit, what section does this card belong to? (SECTION?) What sequence number (1-10) does the card indicate? (SEQUENCE NUMBER?) What is the number based on these observations?


Tricks With The Stack: Nearly all stacked deck work depends on the presentation of blind (retaining full order) false shuffles. Many complex effects can be accomplished with a memorized deck if spectators believe that the deck has been shuffled when it actually has retained its order. It is important for the performer to have access to at least one convincing blind shuffle sequence. The following is not an exhaustive list of uses for this stack. This is merely a collection of several applications that were apparent at the time of this writing. Not every use of the stack requires memorization of the order. Most tricks merely depend on the stack being present but not on the performer’s ability to recall the order. Some tricks will destroy the stack and should only be used when it is no longer needed to continue a routine. Mentalism Feats (Multiple-Out Predictions) In general the deck stack can be used for limitless feats of mentalism where an outcome from a shuffled deck of cards is predicted. These feats may include using the known potential outcomes of a choice (perhaps in dealing 1 to 10 cards to a chosen card) in coordination with multiple outs (10 concealed prediction envelopes -or 5 gimmicked envelopes- with all predetermined possibilities accounted for in the stack). The applications for a memorized stack in mentalism are endless. The ultimate form of a ‘multiple out’ prediction is one that involves an ‘invisible deck’ gimmick. - False shuffle the deck and give it to a spectator (face up). Have them cut the deck anywhere they want, then put the deck behind their back and take the top unseen card from the deck, reverse it and place it in the middle. Alternatively, you can have the spectator cut the face down deck behind their back, turn the top card over and place it in the middle. Have them place the deck face up on the table after doing this. - Now knowing what the bottom card was when the deck was cut, you can determine what the top card was in the sequence. You then reveal that you have a deck of cards in your pocket (an ‘invisible deck’ gimmick) where you can spread and show that you turned over card X (their unknown chosen card) in your deck prior to the performance. The spectator now spreads their



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deck to reveal that the card that they turned over (a card that they didn’t even know) is a perfect match to yours. The power of this presentation is in your ability to reveal the prediction before the spectator’s choice is verbally or visually divulged to you, the audience, and even to the spectator.

Card At A Number A memorized stack can allow a performer to know either the numerical location of a ‘thought of’ card or the card identity of a ‘thought of’ numerical location. After performing a blind shuffle, the performer can ask a spectator to think of any card. The performer can then have the spectator deal the cards from the top of the deck, face up, on the table to the numerical location of that card. Likewise, the performer can have a spectator think of a number from 1 to 52 and then provide the identity of the card at that number. This effect is a rather poor presentation without motivation or additional interaction. One option is to pretend to memorize the deck in a matter of seconds after it has been false shuffled. Another option is to have the spectator think of a card and then give them a choice of two numbers (the number that the card is and the number just before it). If the spectator chooses the number before, then have them deal to that number and then show that the next card is their card. The intuitive numbers of the stack (2,3,5,6,8,9) can be disguised in this method by cutting 2 or 3 cards from the top of the stack to the bottom and then subtracting that number from your calculation when you provide the numerical location of the ‘thought of’ card. This process will mean that none of the intuitive numbers in the stack will appear in their respective locations during counting. The cards can be collected in the order that they are and the stack will be preserved. This method can have countless presentations and reveals. The performer could present multiple effects based on the same premise, utilizing different types of prediction and revelation.

Any Card At Any Number - (The “Berglas Effect” for The Common Magician) Besides using the stack as a means to shifting the cards (either from the card box or in the hands) to secretly relocate a ‘thought of’ card to a ‘thought of’ number, a memorized deck can utilize intrinsic properties without sleights (apart from a blind shuffle) to arrive at a similar effect. This variation poses as a sort of variation on the “Berglas Effect”, where the choice of a card and number are freely thought of by spectators and the deck is not handled by the performer. In this variation, the card and the number are forced via a randomized process of selection using the stack. These ‘randomized’ selections are remembered for later use by two spectators and the deck is then handled exclusively by a third spectator as the effect commences. The Common Magician Stack has several locations where sequential cards can naturally indicate a seemingly randomized card identity and then immediately subsequent cards can naturally provide a seemingly randomized numerical location for that card. This type of force can be attributed to many stage performers, including Theodore Annemann. -

Presentation 1. - The natural stack (beginning with the Jack of Clubs) will provide the following scenario. Give the cards a false shuffle and then deal off the top two cards face up on the table, holding their sequential order (JC, 2H). Tell the spectators that the first card points to a



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value and the second card points to a suit, providing you with a randomized card… the Jack of Hearts. Ask a spectator to remember that card for you as you continue. Place these two cards in their order on the bottom of the deck and perform another false shuffle. Deal off the next five cards in the sequence face up on the table, holding their sequential order (3S, 7H, 5S, QC, 4S). Proceed to add the value of the cards together (3 + 7 + 5 = 15) and say “that’s not quite enough to be interesting… we’ll add the Queen as 12 more and that gives us 27.” Continue by saying “That should be enough to work with” and then collect the cards in their order (ignoring the 4S, this action seems realistically spontaneous to the spectators) and place them on the bottom of the deck. Ask a second spectator to remember your randomized number ‘27’ as you continue. Perform another false shuffle and set the deck down as you give the following premise for the effect: - “David Berglas is a magician that was world famous for what we now call ‘The Berglas Effect’. This is the ‘Holy Grail’ of card magic, where a freely randomized card and a freely randomized number are found to be exactly the same. What makes this so amazing, when it happens, is that the performer does not touch the deck of cards. So I am not going to touch the cards. It is a shuffled pack and I am going to ask someone else to deal so that there can’t be any tricky moves to make this work”. Invite someone else to deal the cards. Continue by asking your spectators “What card are you thinking of for us?... the Jack of Hearts. And what number are you think of for us?... 27”. Continue by asking the third spectator to deal 27 cards face up on the table. As they get close to 27 ask them to slow down and stop at number 26. Remind the spectators of the selections and the fact that you have not touched the cards. Conclude the effect by having the dealer turn over the 27th card to reveal the Jack of Hearts. The effect works because the JH is naturally the 27th card after the 4S in the stack. This presentation is additionally deceptive because none of the intuitive numbers 2,3,5,6,8,9 are dealt on their respective numbers as the counting is started at the 8th card in the stack. -

Presentation 2. - Cut the 7D to the top of the deck and proceed with a false shuffle. This can be achieved by casually spreading the cards face up, breaking between the JS and 7D, turning the packet with the JS face down to the table and placing the the packet with the 7D face down on top. This stack will force the 7 of clubs as the 7D and 5C are dealt from the top to determine a ‘randomized’ card. If you deal off one more card (The 6 of diamonds), you can add up the 7, 5 and 6 to arrive at the ‘randomized’ number 18. Have one spectator remember the card 7C and a second spectator remember the number 18. Put these cards in their stacked sequence on the bottom of the deck, perform a false shuffle and then continue with the same presentation as provided above. The 7C is naturally at the 18th position in the stack from this point.


Presentation 3. - Cut the AH to the top of the deck and proceed with a false shuffle. This can be achieved by the method discussed above. This stack will force the Ace of diamonds as the AH (followed by the 10H, which is not usable to determine suit as it is also a heart) and then the JD are dealt from the top to determine a ‘randomized’ card. In this presentation there is a ‘hiccup’ built in with the unusable 10H that adds to the realism of the force. The next 3 cards in the stack (3H, 7S, 5H) can be added up to arrive at the ‘randomized’ number



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15. Have one spectator remember the card AD and a second spectator remember the number 15. Put these cards in their stacked sequence on the bottom of the deck, perform a false shuffle and then continue with the same presentation as provided above. The AD is naturally at the 15th position in the stack from this point. -

Presentation 4+ - If the performer is creative in their search, they may find other similar natural patterns in the deck stack that will allow them to accomplish a clean force of seemingly ‘randomized’ card identities and locations that correlate with each other. The key is to use irregularities to your advantage as you look for possibilities. For example, you may arrive at a good force number by ignoring face cards on the pretext that they “are too confusing to count”... while in another situation, face cards may be necessary to arrive at the correct number. You may also deal off more cards that you need to use for your ‘randomized’ number and merely ignore the extras (as is the case in the first presentation). It is important to avoid explaining away the irregularities with much detail. Just move on and perform a false shuffle sequence to ‘reset’ the spectator’s perception of when the trick starts. The original stack can be acquired by spreading the cards and breaking the spread between the 10S and JC and cutting the JC to the top following a similar procedure as outlined at the start of Presentation 2.

It is worth noting once again that there is a ‘starting point’ to this effect (when the deck is turned over to a spectator). The presentation of calculated phrases that follow (“What card/number are you thinking of for us?”) make this presentation appear to be completely fair and compatible (to casual spectators) with the conditions set forth by David Berglas. There is a sense in which this effect can be edited for video replay to begin after the initial forces are made and it will appear to be completely legitimate to viewers, if the presentation provide here is followed.

‘HANDS-OFF’ ACE ASSEMBLY This is a destructive effect that will break down the stack. Perform a false shuffle (you can optionally spread the deck on the table casually to demonstrate that it is shuffled) collect the cards and set the deck down on the table. Enlist the help of a spectator and tell them to deal a pile of 10 cards and then repeat this process 3 more times to end with 4 piles of ten. Have them place the remaining cards aside. If you have 3 additional spectators you can give a pile to each of them so that 4 spectators each have a pile (if not, then jump to the ALTERNATE PRESENTATION). Have the spectator(s) deal one card and then shuffle the remaining cards, then deal another on top and shuffle again, then deal another card on their pile, alternating shuffling and dealing until they wish to stop. They can set the remaining cards in their hands aside. After all of the spectators have finished, have the spectators deal their cards from the table face up into a pile and hold back their last card. The spectators should have one card left. Collect all of the discarded cards on the table and review that everything was done by them and that you did not influence their choices or their shuffling. Have each spectator turn their final card over to reveal an Ace. - ALTERNATE PRESENTATION (for one spectator): Have the spectator deal one card from the first pile to a new spot then shuffle the cards and deal one to a second spot, then shuffle and deal a card to a third spot. The remaining cards can be set aside and then the spectator should do the same with the second pile (deal the first card to the first new pile, then shuffle and deal one to the second pile, then shuffle and deal one to the third). This should be repeated with the third original



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pile and the fourth pile until there are now 3 new piles with 4 cards each. Have the spectator select 2 of the three piles (the first pile should have 4 Aces and you will want to force this pile). If the spectator chooses the two piles that do not have aces, then turn them over to reveal 4 indiferent cards in each pile. You can then reveal the last pile as having all 4 Aces. If the spectator chooses the force pile as one of their two, then pull aside the remaining pile and ask the spectator to hand you one pile. If they hand you the force pile then reveal it as having 4 Aces. If they hand you the other pile then set it with the other pile of indifferent cards and tell them that they have kept one pile (the force pile). You can then reveal it as having the 4 Aces.

The stack is designed to collect the 4 Aces into the appropriate places for either presentation. Note that the shuffling is important because it will mix up the remaining sequential cards in each pile so that the stack is not apparent in the reveal. Without this shuffling, the 4 piles may bear an unwanted resemblance in the end. *Ultimately, the performer can devise any routine in which the Aces are procedurally collected. Be aware that the Aces are stacked as the 10th card in the first 4 sections.

Poker Deal / Gambling Demonstration (these procedures will generally break down portions of the stack) 1. Cutting the 2H to the top (cut the JC to the bottom) will give a flush in hearts to player 3 in a 4 seat game of Texas Hold’em. Every other seat gets a pair in the community cards. - Deal 4 seats of 2 hole cards / Burn a card / 2 hearts will appear on the flop / Burn a card / one more heart will appear in the turn / Burn a card / Deal the river. 2. Cutting the KS to the top will give 4 of a kind in kings to player 1 in a 4 seat game of Texas Hold’em - Deal 4 seats of 2 hole cards / Burn a card / 2 kings will appear on the flop / Burn a card / Deal the turn / Burn a card / Deal the river. - Cutting the AC to the top will move the 4 of a kind in kings to player 2 in a 4 seat game. You could potentially follow the first poker deal with the second poker deal and use this as a mentalism feat. Begin with a prediction sitting in an envelope in plain sight detailing the outcome(s) of each hand. False shuffle the deck and slip cut the JC to the bottom. Continue with Poker Deal 1. Gather the cards to the bottom of the deck and spread face up. Cut the KS to the top. This can be achieved by casually spreading the cards face up, breaking between the AC and KS, turning the packet with the AC face down to the table and placing the the packet with the KS face down on top. Proceed with a false shuffle and then Poker Deal 2. The prediction can include details from each round and be revealed as the action happens. Alternatively the prediction could have just the major outcomes and be presented after the rounds are played. Mixing this with other forced outcome (or equivoque) prediction feats could make for a powerful routine. *Many additional possibilities can be discovered within the stack that will work with any number of ‘seats’ in a ‘game’. In general, a performer can merely deal out a hand of a game and take note of the outcome (as per the stack) and use this known, inevitable outcome as a presentation of mentalism or card control.



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Utility Functions With The Stack: Apart from specific tricks that can be performed with the natural properties of the stack, a memorized deck lends itself to several utility functions that can help to eliminate the need for some utility sleights and techniques. The following is a list of functions that a memorized stack can help to facilitate.

Pseudo Peeking (Key Card) A stacked deck can serve as a method to ‘peek’ selections without having to peek at the actual selections. This is similar to using a marked deck, however the deck can be completely clean of any markings. The identity of the selection is obtained by peeking the identity of an adjacent card (key card) in the stack (a method alluded to earlier in the section dealing with multiple outs and mentalism). This peeked card acts as a key card reference when it is applied to the stack. With this knowledge, any effect that operates on peeking a selection can be very cleanly portrayed without the need for ‘peeking sleights’ (adjacent cards can just be looked at casually without raising suspicion). The card doesn’t have to be returned to the same location after selection. The deck can even be shuffled after the selection is made now that its identity will be known to the performer. This principle allows the performer to offset the need for any ‘controls’ required to complete a given effect. A ‘reveal’ in such a situation could include any of the following: - A prediction written after selection - Selection to impossible location, wallet, sandwich effect, card box, etc. (even after the spectator shuffles the deck, the card can be culled and/or palmed because its identity is known to the performer). - Any reveal or manipulation of an otherwise peeked selection

Mechanical Deck Applications As already suggested, a deck stack can function as a marked deck when casual peeking of adjacent cards is involved. This concept can be pushed even further when the deck is actually marked and stacked. This combination allows the performer to “shuffle” the deck and demonstrate its disorder. The performer can now allow the spectator to handle the cards, cut the deck, and/or make selections that will be known to the performer merely by reading markings of adjacent cards. An intimate knowledge of the stack can also enable the performer to know locations of cards (through mathematical adjustment) just by reading the marking of the top card. The combination of a stack and markings allows for impossible conditions and limitations that would likely stump even well-versed magicians.

Forcing As mentioned in the ACAAN and Poker Deal sections, the stack can serve as a means to forcing an outcome or selection. Knowledge of the stack accompanied with casual peeking, cutting and false shuffling can allow the performer to quickly ascertain the location of any card and force it through complex means or by simple undetected controls. This type of application may require some mathematical head calculations, so an intimate knowledge of the stack is likely required. An example might be to force a card (the 3 of diamonds - card number 33) by spelling the name “Samantha” (8 letters). The performer would need to cut card 26 (6 of diamonds) to the top. They could fairly quickly and casually do so and then



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perform a false shuffle and cut before dealing out one card for each letter in the name “Samantha”, arriving at the 3 of diamonds. The reveal of this card can be as extravagant as any force would allow.

Possible Routine Sequence: This is merely a sequence of methods and effects. One would need to apply a purpose and presentation to this sequence to improve upon its effect. This routine fits well into the mentalism category. -





Trick 1 Start the routine by setting down a deck of cards and a card box on the table. Begin with the cards in full stack. Spread the cards to casually show them mixed. False shuffle and square the cards. Have spectators make single cuts and finally have a spectator cut a section and set it down. If the cards are marked, then you can read the marking at the cut to identify the card at the bottom of the top section. If the cards are not marked, then you would have the spectator cut the top and lay it face down to determine the next card. Trick 2 Continue by completing the cut and spreading to casually show disorder. Gather the cards and optionally cut two cards to the bottom to offset the sequence (this will help disguise the cards that otherwise fall on their respective numbers when dealing but will require that the number 2 be subtracted from the final calculation). Continue with a false shuffle and then ask a spectator to name any card in the deck. Concentrate for a moment and then tell them that their card is located at position ‘X’ (numerical location) in the stack. Have them deal face up to verify. Trick 3 Collect the cards in order and cutting the AH to the top of the deck. Continue with a false shuffle and then perform Any Card At Any Number - Presentation 3. The motivation for this trick can be that you have identified a card at a number cut to and you have located a card by its location, but you haven’t put both concepts together with two truly randomized variables, both a card and a number. Trick 4 Indicate that this could only be accomplished by knowing the outcome of future events. And suggest that you can demonstrate this idea with a couple rounds in a card game. Run Poker Deal 1 and note that seat 3 wins with a flush while the rest end up with a pair each. Then run Poker Deal 2 and note that seat 1 wins overwhelmingly with four of a kind (kings). Suggest that this doesn’t seem like much, but note that the card box has been sitting in full view the entire time and you haven’t touched it. Ask a spectator to look inside. There they will find a piece of paper with the following prediction: “- Seat 3 gets a flush, - Everyone else gets a pair, - Seat 1 wins with 4 of a kind in… KINGS!” Note that the stack is maintained (although cut) throughout the routine until the poker deal section. The stack is disassembled by the end of the poker deal.

Final Thoughts: Hopefully this stack will prove to be a cleaner and more intuitive approach to deck memorization for performers seeking a less memory intensive or algorithmic solution for presenting the convincing appearance of a shuffled deck. Additionally, I hope that users will take the time to discover inherent uses for the stack that surpass conventional card-to-number applications. If nothing else, perhaps this experiment may inspire some to create their own stacked deck that can serve their own purposes.

Carl Irwin “The Common Magician” 12/26/18


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