{the Power Of The Dragon}.pdf

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{Dragons} Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power. Dragons also symbolizes nobility, magick, transformation, imagination, perseverance, loyalty, also represents courage, duty and honor. The name {Dragon} comes to us from the Greek word for "seeing" {Derkein}. The dragon has unusually sharp inner vision in the physical, intellectual and psychic realms being able to see into All. In legends, it is known as a prophet; and a {Guardian of Temples}, paradises, and sacred magick. Siegfried battled a dragon for immortality and Hercules confronted one for the golden apples of great happiness. Sometimes the key to the entrance of these hidden places is through the eye of the Dragon. From these legends, the dragon gains a reputation for strength, courage, fortitude, vigilance, wisdom, and power. In the times of vikings, the dragons figurehead was on the prow of their ships. The dragons on the ships were believed to endow keen site and cunning to the Viking warriors. In both Eastern and Western cultures, the dragon is the symbol of things, attitudes, or habits which although difficult to resist must be overthrown. The Japanese Buddhist, Fudo-Myoo overthrew blindness and ignorance symbolized by the dragon. From the very start Dragons were seen as guarding of the unknown, holding back the floods, and dispensing knowledge. In many cases stories from the Sumerians were borrowed and slightly changed by the preceding civilizations. These same stories were very similar in content but with the actual names of the participants changed. The first written commentary, found on clay tablets, uses the names of Asag, a Dragon {sometimes named as Kur} and Ninurta. Also, Marduk by the Babylonians had been changed to {Tiamet}. In the Babylonian version called the {Enuma elish} {Tiamet} is one of the original pair of god and goddess at the founding of the universe. From these two all later creatures, good or bad, came into creation. This Goddess is in effect the "mother of all."In the beginning of the tale Tiamet defends her offspring and all of creation from all the minions. But later, when her husband Apsu is killed, she apparently goes mad and decides to end all creation in her grief. This irrational action pits her against all the other Gods and one of her offspring, named {Marduk}, is talked into opposing her. In the fight that ensues {Marduk} finally kills her by shooting an arrow into her mouth as she tries to devour him. She is a shape shifter as most or all early Dragons are assumed to be so fought him in different guises. Even time seems to be effect which will come up again in the dragons versions. After the battle he uses her dragon body to form the earth and from death we have life and substance. The first epic of the human and dragon encounter is the "Epic of Gilgamesh." This we know of by clay tablets from Semitic origin. But these tablets are telling about much earlier versions of the story. Not much later we find the Egyptians also with a similar story of either Re the sun god or Seth the hero destroying the Dragon named {Apophis}. Again there is much confusion and contradictions. In this story both have attributes of the dragon. So once again we see the idea that the winner of the contest with the dragon take on the attributes of the dragon.The Hittites, have a story of the battle of a storm god with the

Dragon named {Illuyankas}. Very similar to this is the story of Apollo and Python. Python is alternately described in different versions of the story as a giant snake or a female dragon with many coils. In any case in some versions she is killed by Apollo when the young god shoots an arrow down her throat. But in other version she is taken into his service and becomes a protected oracular serpent at Delphi. It is interesting to note that both Grecian and Romans had Dragons that were kept at various temples including Delphi that were considered to have great wisdom and knowledge. And then there's alchemy, and its connection to Dragons. Allegories, describe chemical reactions and the like, using symbols. The Dragon is one of these symbols. For example, a green dragon devouring the Sun means that the gold was dissolved in aqua regia {royal water}, a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids. Also, the gold probably contained copper, which turns the acid blue green. {A green lion eating the sun can also been used for this representation}. This symbolism was used as a way of preventing all but the most dedicated from deciphering the meaning. Then theirs the {The Cauduceus} which consists of two serpents entwined around a central rod. It is the symbol of Mercury. This symbol was developed from the myth of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, who intervened in a fight between two serpents. When he intervened, the serpents twined around his wand. In Greek times, the caduceus sometime had wings, to symbolize the volatility of mercury. Alchemists also call mercury chaotic water, abysmal water, sylvery water, and Philosophical Basilisk. Philosophic Mercury is sometimes represented by a serpent, or winged dragon. Now the Cauduceus which also have a connection to {Ningishzida} who is also called {The Guardian of the Tree of Life} and {Keeper of the Gate}, while also serving as Lord of the Underworld in his Mushushu Dragon form. He/She not only created humanity but also guides and protects it. The Caduceus, {in it's earliest form} is a representation of the deity whose aspects most carried into His Majesty Satan. His name is {Ningishzida}, is Sumerian and partially Babylonian also son of Ninazu and Ereshkigal. {Ningishzida} comprises one of the widest ranges of attributions of any godform ever recorded, from the Mother of Dumuzi in some instances to the younger son of Ea {or Enki} in others and rival to his elder brother {Marduk}, who was fundamentally a pompous thug by way of comparison. The Sumerian creation cycle so nearly resembles the Biblical version that Ningishzida has been called the archetypal prototype of what came to be called {Satan} in the latter tradition, calling into question the actual function of the Dragon symbolism. In the rival between himself and {Marduk}, he was ultimately banished to the outer quarters of the world where he seems to have established a prominent foothold in numerous cultures, but if iconography is any indicator, not only its symbolism, but many of the underlying ideas supporting it seem to have spread out globally, over time, also the Chinese were a highly civilized peoples and had definite ideas on Dragons which were studied, written about, and philosophized on as if they were rather common creatures to these peoples. The reality in ancient China actually appears to be that Dragons were believed in for far longer than peasants were finding large petrified bones. Some of the earliest writings from the Far East mention Dragons, long before it was reported that bones from this creature were found. In many early mythologies from Asia we find Dragons as messengers. Again like in earlier Mideast stories the Dragons are most often associated with power and wisdom. But unlike the Mideast and later European stories we find little to no fighting and killing of Dragons. Instead of fear and loathing or even outright worship, here we find Dragons as being desirable to an area and

good luck rather than ill falls to those areas where dragons abide. They are often prayed to for deliverance from bad fortune, bad weather, and even bad men. In fact, very early in China's history the emperors are said to be communing with the Dragons to get the advice on how to govern their peoples. Instead of fear and loathing or even outright worship, here we find Dragons as being desirable, to an area and good luck rather than ill falls to those areas where dragons abide. They are often prayed to for deliverance from bad fortune, bad weather, and even bad men. In fact, very early in China's history the emperors are said to be communing with the Dragons to get advice on how to govern their own peoples. Also In China, it was originally believed that dragons were the ones who talked directly to Oracles. The Emperor was given the Dragons will for his people and he in turned passed on this message to the people through his growing bureaucracy. In this way the Emperor was seen to be sitting on the throne by the Will of the Dragon and thus divine himself as long as he passed on the Dragons Will as spoken to him also seeking out Dragons were supposed to prove their worth to talk to these wise creatures by helping out villagers against bandits or oppressive bureaucrats and such. {Dragons are also messengers of balance}, and magick encouraging Us to tap into our psychic nature,abilities and see the world through new eyes of mystery and knowledge of the unknown. More specifically, Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power the ultimate ruler of all the elements. This is because the Dragon is the master of all the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. However, in the East and even in some Western societies, including Celtic, Gnostic, Alchemy, and {Draconic}, dragons symbolize a supreme being. This divine creature represent the spirit of nature and unknown, the ability to transform. It offers hope, courage, and good fortune. Legend often presents dragons as the guardians of the {flaming pearl} a gem symbolizing spiritual perfection. You will often see this pearl in dragon figurines and collectibles. You will sometimes see Celtic dragons in a circular position, tail to mouth as in Ouroboros as the circle is perfection, the circle of life, transformation, and eternity. Dragons worn with the more Western beliefs symbolize power and freedom and independence, but not usually an intention of evil. Most of the time, when we see a dragon, it isn't a symbol to fear, but one of Protection and Empowerment and a primal force to be reckoned with. Also, found long ago on ancient maps cartographers would sometimes depict a {Drago}, with the phrase {Here there be dragons} the Latin translation is {Hic Sunt Dracones} where there was no knowledge of what existed. This would be a warning to sailors that this is dangerous unexplored territories, or to be map shorthand for {Here Be Other Stuff We Don't Quite Know About}. At this time the {Lenox Globe} seems to be the only only map where this is found {from early 1500's}. And in the battles throughout the Greek and Roman empires, warriors sported the emblem of the Dragon as a symbol of terror, were seen by Vikings in their ships, and Celtic cultures was the emblem of sovereign power. So, for wherever the Dragon appears, his Strength, Power, Protection is undeniably an indomitable force to be reckoned with and respected.

{Hail Satan} {Hail The Great Dragon} {Hail The Order of The Dragon}

{De Ortu Populi Satanae} {Hail The Black Flame} {Concordia Cum Veritate Capax Infiniti}

By: {Selene Flavius Nazgul}

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