The Psychology Of Female Attraction To Men

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The Psychology of Female Attraction to Men

References: Buss, D. M. (2003): The Evolution of Desire, Strategies of Human Mating, Basic Books Diamond, J. M. (1997): Why Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality, Basic Books Ellis, H. (1921): Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Random House Low, B. S. (2000): Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey Maeve, M. K. (1999): The Social Construction of Love and Sexuality in a Women’s Prison, Advances in Nursing Science, 21(3), 46-65 McKenzie, S. (2010): Genders and Sexualities in Individuation: Theoretical and Clinical Explorations, Journal of Analytical Psychology, 55, 91-111 Moore,

M. M. (1985): Nonverbal Courtship Patterns in Women, Context and

Consequences, Ethology and Sociobiology, 6: 237-247 Ogas, O., Gaddam, S. (2011): A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World’s Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Dutton Rosenthal, M. S. (2013): Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society, Wadsworth, CENGAGE Learning Tornhill, R., Gangestad, S. W. (2008): The Evolutionary Biology of Human Female Sexuality, Oxford University Press 12 micro signs of attention can be easily identified. Feet are pointing towards the male. It demonstrates subconscious interest. Self-grooming occurs frequently, such as scratching the face, flicking the hair or brushing the hair behind the ears, which are old signs that she wants to look her best. Hovering close to you, like touching you walking past or standing near you for a longer period of time. It demonstrates a wish to be near you. She moves or brushes past you facing you is another sign of interest. If she were uninterested, she would move past you with her back facing you. Exaggerated smiling or laughing or overly animated behavior near a male is a sure sign of interest. Eye contact and a slight smile while greeting each other is another sign of interest. If she is asking questions or engages in conversation first, then it is an obvious sign. If she ignores her phone while talking to you, then she is obviously more interested in you than in any callers or messages from other people. However, if she is constantly texting or looking at her phone might also be a sign, but this one must be handled carefully. She might not be interested in being there and wants to talk to someone, but she may be in a conversation with someone and does not want to be interrupted. It is important where she is looking. If she is looking at your lips, then she is obviously interested in you. If her friends disappeared or she deliberately tries to lose them, then she is interested in your company. You might use social tagging as a method to initiate conversation with a girl you already know to see if she is interested in your presence.

The most important signs of the attraction of a woman are the occurrence of bodily contact, smiling at you, making eye contact, using a specific body language, and asking for help. Body contacts, like touching your hand in the middle of a conversation or doing everything possible to get closer to you means that she is interested. If she is not, she would make sure to stay away from your physical proximity. If she is smiling at you often, it must be considered as a sure sign of attraction. The same is true for eye contact. If she regularly looks into your eyes, then she finds you attractive. The body language also reveals her attraction towards you. Such signs include turning her body towards you, flipping her hair while talking to you, leaning in to whisper and talk closely, laughing, smiling and joking around you, finding excuses to touch you, fidgeting with objects when you are near, and always drawing attention to herself. Asking for your help, like when something needs to be fixed in her house, being there during a time of crisis or carrying something heavy also indicates her attraction. Touching is a sure sign of female attraction. The more intimate the touch, the greater is her affection towards you. Preening is an attempt of a woman to make herself more attractive. Preening can be a subtle behavior, like adjusting her hair, clothes or jewelry. If a woman starts to preen you, it is a more obvious sign of attraction from her side. If her body language mirrors yours, it is a sign of strong rapport, which also means interest and attraction. Moreover, an open body language is another sign of attraction. An open body language means the girl is facing you, her feet, chest and face point in your direction. Leaning into your direction indicates interest. When a girl does a double take, such as looks at you, looks away and looks at you again, it signal her interest.

Maeve (1999) believes that one of the most important indicators of female attraction are looks, countenance or the way she looks at the other person. McKenzie (2010) describes some signs of female attraction from an analytical perspective through the dream of a woman. The woman describes her attraction to a man with particular behaviors, such as bending over close to the man and talking about something he is reading. She also describes the search of physical proximity (sitting next to each other, very close) as a sign of female attraction. Already Havelock Ellis (1921) mentioned in one of the first scientific books about sexuality that blushing is a definite sign of sexual attraction. Tornhill and Gangestad (2008) indicate that an increased contact with a male indicates the interest of a woman. Diamond (1997) believes that females use various means to display their interest in a male conspicuously. Their advertisement of their phase of interest may be auditory, such as making noises, behavioral, like crouching in front of the male or olfactory, such as releasing a distinctive smell. Ogas and Gaddam (2011) believe that interested women tend to flirt more, dress more provocatively, and express greater interest in socializing. They tend to move around more to maximize exposure to new opportunities. Low (2000) considers dilated pupils as a strong signal of sexual interest. Patterns of eye contact are universal and invariant in different societies. Women can wear the sings of unavailability, such as wedding rings or styles of clothing or hair only worn by married women. When they do not have such signs, it might also indicate their interest in a man. Buss (2003) is of the opinion that sexualizing one’s appearance is quite overt in bars where singles meet. Women often walk around the room, standing tall, protruding their chest, holding in their stomachs, stroking their own arms or hair – they exhibit themselves on the public display. Nervous giggling and erratic laughter also indicate interest, but men are more concerned with body language, such as twisting and turning, which is a way to display the chest. Buss (2003) also believes that initiating visual contact also proves to be an effective tactic for women to indicate sexual interest. Looking intensely into a man’s eyes and

allowing a man to see her staring are considered as one of the most effective tactics for attracting short-term mates. However, it is only moderately effective in attracting long-term, committed partners. The communication of a woman might also tell volumes about her interest and attraction. Buss (2003) considers derogatory comments about a potential rival female as a sign of attraction, namely the female questions the sexual accessibility of the rival. Pretending to be submissive, meek or helpless is another common sign of attracting interest from a male. When a woman is enhancing her appearance, such as wearing and adjusting jewelry, using beauty products to look healthy and youthful, and wearing heels to appear taller and thinner. Women are well aware of the importance of their appearance, and before they go out, they often do a whole revamping. (Buss, 2003) If a woman signals common interests with a male, it must be considered as a sign of attraction and interest. Buss (2003) found that men singled out certain actions as mate-attracting strategies of women. Such actions include rubbing her chest or pelvis against a man, looking at him seductively, putting her arms around his neck, running her hands through his hair, leaning forward to expose the chest, bending over to accentuate the curves, puckering her lips or sucking on a straw or finger. Rosenthal (2013) describes behavioral patterns that she considers universal as a flirting expression of women. The female smiles at her admirer and lifts her eyebrows, opens her eyes wide. After a few seconds, the eyelids drop, she tilts her head down and looks away. She may cover her face with her hands and giggle, toss her head and flip her hair. She may stretch to show her breasts or walk with an exaggerated sway of the hips.Her facial expressions are more intense than normally as the male pays more attention to her face when it is active. Prolonged eye contact is associated with intense emotions, and a flirtatious glance is usually held for less than three seconds or else it may become threatening. Rosenthal (2013) describes the importance of the so-called ‘nonverbal leakage’. The body tells the truth, which is also true for the attraction of females toward males. When the head of a woman turns toward you, but the rest of her body is turned away, it signals that she might rather be somewhere else or with someone else. If her arms

and legs are folded then she is not open to your advances. However, if her body posture mimics yours, it is a sign of rapport. If a woman likes to laugh at your jokes, she is almost certainly interested in you. Moore (1985) found a comprehensive list of nonverbal behaviors that women use to indicate interest in a man and draw his attention. Such behaviors include short darting glances, gaze fixated, eyebrow flash, head toss, the presentation of the neck, hair flip, head nod, lip lick, lipstick application, smile, laugh, giggle, whisper, gesticulation, object caress, and leaning close among other, less frequently displayed behaviors.'s-Body-Language-for-Flirting An interested woman will not only take looks at you, but she will also let you know about it. Repeated eye contact is a sure sign of interest. The face of a woman tells volumes about her interest in a male. Generally, an animated face indicates attraction. Facial signals include raised eyebrows, fidgety lips, dilated pupils, overactive eyelids, and flared nostrils. Some of these signs can be voluntary, such as raised eyebrows, but others are subconscious, like flared nostrils or fidgety lips. Interested women lean close. Crossed arms usually signal that she is uninterested or bored, but if she touches your arm and immediately brings back her arm to a crossed position, it means interest. The way she touches her hair is important. If she produces gentle movements, it means interest, but quick, jerky movements indicate something totally different. Not every touch of the hair means that she is interested. Interested women usually have restless fingers. They caress some of their erogenous zones, such as their lips, neck or collarbones. They are fiddling with their jewelry or playing with objects, like a wine glass. Crossed legs pointing towards you also suggest that she is interested in you. If a woman enters your personal space or finds a reason to touch you, it surely indicates that she is interested.

The amount of smiling or laughing at you compared to other people can also signal interest from her side. Mutatis mutandis, if she smiles or laughs at you more than at other people, she is interested. If she smiles at you less, you should look elsewhere. Certain “cute” gestures, such as a shoulder shrug with open, upturned palms are a certain sign of attraction. The same is true if she lets her hand move down your back. Mirrored movements are a subconscious sign of interest. They also suggest that touching parts of their body is a signal of attraction to someone by females. Erogenous zones, such as lips, neck or collarbones particularly indicate interest. It is important to differentiate between intentional and nonintentional touches though. Interested women become more fidgety around you, and display animated body movements. Eye glances, micro facial expressions lasting only seconds and physical closeness also indicate attraction.

Ogas and Gaddam (2011) believe that human sexual interest can be broken down into a finite set of sexual cues that activate the desire software. The most influential male cue is not visual, as some might expect, but chronological. Age is the most prominent search result. Ogas and Gaddam (2011) continue the list of male cues with figure. There is a definite demand for skinny women, but more men search for BBW, which stands for big and beautiful women. Chubby women are the supersized visual cues of femininity with large breasts and butts and curvy hips. Some scientists believe that the waist-to-hip ratio is a visual cue for men and the find a specific rate (.7) very arousing. Breasts are other important cues. Men have a welldocumented interest in breasts, butts and foot. Ogas and Gaddam (2011) found that men are aroused by visual cues, women are aroused by psychological cues. Psychological cues convey data about the stability, commitment, social status, competence and kindness of the man. The sexual cues activating the male desire are revealed by porn, but the cues activating female desire are revealed by romance. One of the most important cues for women are irresistibility, the feeling that they are sexually desirable. The way women feel about themselves may be very important to their sexual desire and subjective arousal, even more important than the impact of the partner. Another category of psychological cues conveys flirtatiousness, promiscuity and permissive sexual attitudes. These features put women into situations where the risk of sexual exploitation is higher. These situations create opportunities for men to approach women as if they were responding to the female’s flirtatiousness. Men are able to identify the sociosexual orientation of women through brief interactions. Cues of recklessness and risk taking also increase the chance of sexual exploitation. Cues of sexual exploitability increase the sexual attractiveness of women because they suggest that she can be exploited for a short-term sexual opportunity. Sexual exploitability makes the women less attractive as a long-term mate as she might be sexually exploited by other men. (Goetz et al, 2011) Roney (2003) is of the opinion that sensory stimuli from women can act as input cues that prime a psychological orientation directed toward mate attraction, which facilitates the behavioral expression of courtship tactics. Females express greater mate preferences for cues of resource possession, like wealth, ambition, and social

status. On the other hand, men express greater preference for cues related to fertility and health, like youth and physical attractiveness. Such findings indicate that men place greater importance on cues that are related to the possession of material resources. Park and Lennon (2008) stress the importance of appearance cues.Physical appearance cues are global in nature. People tend to make a judgment of another person in first.impression situations. The most important inference categories are physical/biological and character traits. Trees (2009) is of the opinion that men are responding to a variety of subtle cues, like body odor or waist-to-hip ratio. Men find women more attractive when ovulating. Researchers believe that men respond to subtle cues related to things like lip color, pupil dilation, and skin tone. The behavior of women also changes during ovulation. They dress more provocatively and wear more jewelry. The voice of women is most attractive when they are at the peak of their fertility cycle. The nonverbal cues of women are responsible for the two-third of encounters between men and women at a bar. Most men are reluctant to initiate contact, and also fail to pick up the signals that women send. Townsend (1993) also believes that visual assessment of fertility cues is one of the pivotal postulated sex differences in male evaluation. Status cues have a significantly greater effect on female ratings of male models’ attractiveness and acceptability. Both sexes are influenced by status cues and physical attractiveness, but status cues have more influence on the males’ ratings of partners for marriage than for casual sex. Some researchers argue that male attractiveness to females is more likely to be based on the male’s ability and willingness to invest, but the attractiveness of females to males is based more on immediately and objectively assessable cues of fertility, youth, health and body proportions. Moore (1985) believes that in human courtship and mate choice the cues are largely nonverbal. Positional cues include leaning, brushing, caressing and touching signals. Thornhill and Gangestad (2008) are of the opinion that the most reliable cues to fertility status available to males may be incidental by-products of physiological changes associated with fertility, like changes of female scent as a function of

changes of estrogen concentration, and not the signals of females. Males, who are able to detect the existing cues of female fertility, are at an advantage. Males are tuned in to incidental fertility cues. Males perceive scent cues of estrogen levels across the menstrual cycle of females. Thornhill









communicative adaptations, and incidental or by-products, which are cues that have other functions than communication. Fertile females prefer darker skin tone, which is associated with the increased amount of testosterone. Fertile women also prefer more masculine voices, faces and scents. Thornhill and Gangestad (2008) stress that cues can be deceptive, such as a woman might flirt with a man without genuine sexual interest, to obtain benefits. Human females tend to conceal fertility. In some cases, it does not pay to express emotional states, therefore, selection shaped adaptations that contingently regulate emotions or internal cues. Emotional regulation may suppress estrous emotional cues in the presence of other individuals, such as sexually coercive men. The most important cues of fertility in women are described by Thornhill and Gangestand (2008). Women have smaller waist-to-hip ratio when they are fertile.The asymmetry of women’s breasts or other soft tissues has also changed in subtle ways, peaking about two days prior ovulation. The pitch of ovulating women has its highest peak at peak fertility. The faces of women are more attractive to males during their fertile phase. Women’s gait may also change during the fertile period. Women feel more attractive during fertility, which may result in dressing more sexy or attractive. Lap dancers received almost double money from male customers during their fertile phase than during luteal phase or menstrual cycle. Gangestad et al. (2010) consider men’s faces as reflecting the presence or absence of cues related to overall condition or quality independent of facial masculinity. Roney, Simmons and Gray (2011) found that the high estradiol concentration in women predicted a preference for facial cues of high testosterone, which can be distinguished from the cues used to subjectively judge facial masculinity. La France (2010) examined the verbal and nonverbal cues that lead to sex. A couple’s transition from a public setting, such as a bar to a private setting, like an

apartment is a nonverbal cue that may communicate that sexual intercourse is a foregone conclusion. Affinity-seeking, the accurate recognition the meaning attributed to verbal and nonverbal cues are also cues. Results revealed that at a specific point of the sexual script participants perceive that sex is most likely to happen and it resides in the public setting. When the man kissed the woman at the bar, this nonverbal communicative cue represented the point at which participants perceived that sex will occur. Token resistance, which is the initial refusal of engaging in sex despite the desire to do so, is a typical communication cue of women. It is part of the sexual script. The most common form of token resistance is the woman saying “I think this is moving too fast.” This statement can significantly decrease the likelihood of sex, but the findings of the study indicate that the largest increase of the likelihood of sex occurred when the man kissed the woman as a response to this statement. Additional references: Gangestad, S. W., Thornhill, R., Garver-Apgar, C. E. (2010): Men’s Facial Masculinity Predicts Changes in Their Female Partners’ Sexual Interests across the Ovulatory Cycle, Whereas Men’s Intelligence Does Not, Evolution and Human Behavior, 31 Goetz, C. D.; Easton, J. A.; Lewis, D. M. G.; Buss, D. M. (2012): Sexual Exploitability: Observable Cues and their Link to Sexual Attraction, Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 417-426 La France, B. H. (2010): What Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Cues Lead to Sex? An Analysis of the Traditional Sexual Script, Commuication Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 3, 297-318 Park, H., Lennon, S. J. (2008): Beyond Physical Attractiveness: Interpersonal Attraction as a Function of Similarities in Personal Characteristics, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26: 275 Roney, J. R. (2003): Effects of Visual Exposure to the Opposite Sex:Cognitive Aspects of Mate Attraction in Human Males, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29: 393 Roney, J. R., Simmons, Z. L., Gray, P. B. (2011): Changes in Estradiol Predict WithinWomen





Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 742-749






Townsend, J. M. (1993): Sexuality and Partner Selection: Sex Differences among College Students, Ethology and Sociobiology, 14: 305-330 Trees, A. (2009): Decoding Love: Why It Takes Twelve Frogs to Find a Prince and Other Revelations from the Science of Attraction, Avery, New York

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