The "couple" Spread

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The "Couple" spread

This is a double layout, man and woman for relationship and psychological readings. Use this technique to indicate the internal aspects of a relationship; the existing feelings and what the couple can expect and can achieve together. 1. Place both significator cards on the table. 2. Mix the deck and separate into two even packs, face down next to the man and woman sides. 3. Take the Woman's pack, deal the first card off the top and place it above the woman significator. 4. Deal the next card off the top and place it left of the woman. 5. Deal the next card and place it right of the woman. 6. Deal the next card and place it below the woman. 1. Take the Man's pack and deal the first card, placing it above the man. 2. Deal the next card right of the man. 3. Deal the next card left of the man. 4. Deal the next card below the man. Notice that man and woman are laid out in an opposite order.  The above position are the thoughts and plans about the relationship  The left of the woman and right of the man, the hopes and desires  The right of the woman and left of the man, which quality is displayed in the relationship  The below position are the feelings  Add the numbers for each side and subtract from 36, both seperately and together. This is the general characteristic of the relationship What can you tell me about my relationship? A reading... 1 PASADO




16 is Stars The first card in the "past" position, which conveys increasing romantic feeling, and a highly idolized relationship with unreasonable admiration.

The 13 card or Child means current excessive naiveté and gullibility.

Card 6, the Clouds in the future position, are a symbol of unpleasantness, trial and much worry. So, support must be found inside oneself.

The card in the "advice" position is 35, the anchor. it's important to understand that the anchor "lies on the bottom"; there is a need to settle and calm down.

Interpreting a "Couple Spread"

For a woman who wants to know about her relationship with a man, layout the "couple" and we read: About the woman: 1. the above position regarding thoughts and plans, is 24 the heart; the relationship is considered by her to be very important with strong feelings 2. The hopes and desires position to the left of the woman, is 1 - the horseman; the woman expects a fast and imminent development of events 3. To the right of the woman, the open quality displayed position, is card 19 - the tower; indicating a wish to build a long and stable relationship 4. The feeling position below the woman, is 10 - the sickle which here is difficult to explain; she may fear that she could destroy the relationship or do something wrong that could damage it. 5. About the man: 1. The card above the man is the 25 - the ring; here meaning unity and thoughts of harmony and solidity 2. The right side of the man has the 35 - anchor; hope for internal feeling of durability from his partner, a linchpin that will help survive difficult situations 3. Left of the man, the 34 - fish; open for display for other people is his rich spirtiual world, deep feelings, generosity and attention 4. The feeling position below the man; 21 - mountain; the man feels there is a barrier or other impediment that he doesn't know how to overcome Adding the woman's cards 24+1+19+10=54-36 =18 - Dog; to the woman, the relationship means sincere correctness and readiness to self-sacrifice Adding the man's cards 25+35+34+21=115-36 =79-36 =43-36 = 7 - Snake; to the man, the relationship is principally based on sexual energy. Generally, for both together, 18+7 = 25 - Ring; the card says there is a possibility of development for this relationship, a strong marriage and partnership.

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