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Leonard Rangel

The Square Deal Leonard Rangel

Effect: The Mentalist invites a person from the audience to help him on stage, after a brief session of revelations about his person, the mentalist asks him to think of somebody who has influenced his life and to write down some information of this people in a small blank card that is given to her and then placed neatly in an envelope that will be at all times in full view of the public. Then the mentalist will proceed to reveal some information about that person in an unconventional way but with a lot of impact for the public. You will need: A Letter-sized Block, A marker, A Pencil, a small envelope, a blank card that easily enters inside the envelope without leaving space on the sides, a piece of transparent acetate, Glue, a large PaperClip (better if it is an eye-catching color) and a cutter knife. Preparation of the envelope: We will do a bit of crafts with the envelope that we will use to obtain the spectators’ information. To do this, we will cut a rectangle at the back of the rectangle leaving half a centimeter of margin as in the images:

Once the portion is removed, place the piece of transparent acetate to cover the window and avoid possible errors. The following images will explain what I say

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

From now on we will not need more crafts. Only a correct handling of the gimmick envelope and we will have at our disposal any information that is required from the spectator. It is worth mentioning that this envelope can be used in any other routine in which you need to obtain information … and without any effort! Preparation of the Block: Before preparing the block we will talk a little bit about the magic square, the new algorithm that I present and how to make it as practical as possible. As we know there are hundreds of formulas to complete the magic square and thus achieve that by adding any of its horizontal or vertical the result is a previously chosen number. In addition its two diagonals, and each one of the 4x4 squares that make it up will add that amount. Oh and also the values of the four corners. You can find hundreds of formulas on the web. Next I'll show you mine with a template:

















As you will see there are some yellow boxes which contain the variable N, the questions would be … What does the N represent? How do I get it? The value of N will be the result of the following operation: (X - 20) + 2 = N Where X will be the value we get from the spectator (in the context of this effect is the age of the person who has most influenced his life). To better understand the procedure suppose that the age is 37 years, this would be: (37 - 20) + 2 = 19

Which indicates that N = 19, now the question would be how would we use the value of N in the square? Well, to make the N value fits perfectly in the square we will do a simple mathematical operation, to N we subtract 1, then 2 and then 3. Then these results (for effects of our example 18, 17 and 16) will be placed next to the 19 in strategic sites. Let's see the following table to clarify a bit this explanation:

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

















If you look, whe you add each one of the columns and rows the total is 37, as do both diagonals and the 4x4 squares that make up the square in its too ... including the corners! ... The effect is already done. Well, I know many of you will say "Leonard, you offered us practicality, and until now I have only seen formulas and variables" ... Don’t worry about it. This is the raw essence of the effect itself, now we go to the "tricks that will help us create the miracle without much effort" The first thing is what to do with the age once you get it from the spectator. What you going do WITHOUT THINKING OF ANYTHING ELSE will be to subtract 20 from the number and then add 2 to the result... YES, AS I SAY ... SUM 20 and REST 2 ... with this simple mathematical operation you can forget the equation of the beginning because with this procedure you going to have the value of N immediately. If we apply it to our example you will see that 37 - 20 is 17, and when you add 2 you get 19 ... now you see how simple it is! Then you will have to place the 19 in the box corresponding to the letter A, then mentally subtract 1 to 19 and the result is placed in the box corresponding to B, now subtract 1 more to the number in B and put this total in the check box corresponding to letter C, finally subtract 1 from the value placed in box C and the result is placed in the box corresponding to letter D … and Voi La

































Have you noticed that if you place the value of N in position A and count downwards as you progress through the yellow squares, DO YOU GET THE SAME PICTURE THAT YOU DO ALL THE PREVIOUS PROCEDURES? ... I told you it would be a piece of cake.

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

Now we must make sure that the numbers that are not in the yellow boxes (that is, those in the white boxes) can be copied without any problem. The most courageous and dedicated artists learn them by heart, but if we remember at the beginning of this writing, I told you that you should not have a hard work to present this effect. So I present you two ways to carry it out WITHOUT MEMORIZE the numbers and their positions ... let's see: 1 - If you wish to give the block sheet: Once the effect is finished, I give the block sheet as a souvenir. For this I have the picture of the first image stuck on the side of my marker as you can see in the second picture:

















Thanks to the marker is something common and the dynamics of the effect there is no possibility of the spectators suspecting the existence of this information. The details of how to access this information while the spectators watch you will be discussed later, for now let's concentrate on the preparations. The most advisable according to my experience is that the first numbers that you write in the box of the Block sheet are the result of subtracting 20 and then adding 2 to the age of the character, and then the numbers obtained by descending count. Each of these numbers will go in the spaces of the letters A, B, C, and D respectively. Once the key numbers are written (those in the yellow boxes) copy the ones in the white boxes and voila, the sum of each of the rows, columns, diagonals, corners and 4x4 squares that make up the square should result in the age of the character. 2 - If you do not give the sheet of the Block: It will be enough to have written in pencil each one of the values that conform the picture, being careful not to press the pencil on the sheet when you are preparing the sheet. You can see the size and position in the following images (I recommend you maximize the pics):

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

Personally I always try to have with me a marker and a prepared envelope ready for action, I exclusively used the second option when I did not expect to present anything, the people ask for an effect and I know that this is the right one (moments like knowing to a potential client, etc.) After knowing how our marker or block sheet should be prepared, it is time to talk about the envelope and how we will use it. The Envelope: What you will read next was the result of years of reflection and of the love/hate relationship that those of us who dedicate ourselves to this art usually have with "tricked" objects. Although it is a simple envelope with window the power it has far exceeds its simplicity by giving it the importance it deserves to how you use it. Without a doubt I know that what I will share with you in these lines will make you include this management in many of your routines, whether mentalism or not. As I said at the beginning in envelope with window must be accompanied by a blank card which is not translucent and fit perfectly inside the envelope WITHOUT LEAVING SPACES ON THE SIDES and a paperclip that is sufficiently striking.

Here we will make use of one of the gems that modern mentalists inherit from the great Duninger, it is the principle of Dual reality. With it we will make the public feel that only the age of the character was written on the cardboard when in fact we will know his name and his sign because on this card the following is written long before the words “Name” “Age” and “Star Sign”

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

This will cause that by asking the spectator to think about that "influential person" and to WRITE SOME PERSONAL THINGS OF SUCH CHARACTER on the card that is given to him, it is not necessary to explain that this information must be his name, his age and his star sign. This is where the dual reality is generated because the audience will feel that what the spectator wrote on the card was decided by him giving it a touch of impossibility and mysticism to the effect that at first he did not have. A single detail to take caret when receiving the card of the spectator is that the envelope should rest in our hand with the window face down and in the other hand hold the paperclip. If the spectator is good following instructions we can let him insert the cardboard in the envelope, otherwise it is better that we do it, taking care that the face with the information is always pointing to the ground. As shown in the figure:

Next we put on the paperclip (this action will serve to give a glance to the window and thus to obtain the information) and we place it in the table or in the pocket of our shirt. In either case the envelope MUST ALWAYS BE IN THE SIGHT OF THE PUBLIC.

What The Mentalist Sees

The Square Deal

What The Spectator Sees

Leonard Rangel

So far preliminary preparations, it's time to study the presentation of the routine. Presentation: You will have in the outer left pocket of your jacket the gimmick envelope with the paperclip inside, and in the right outer pocket will be the cardboard with the pen for the spectator to write on it. It is vitally important that the window of the envelope is not towards you inside of the bag, as thus to take the envelope in position to give that side will be in contact with your left palm and so will be imperceptible to the eye of the spectator. You can have the block and the marker with the information from the beginning with you. Personally I prefer this to rest on a table or chair and thus have free hands until the time of divination. With this done we are ready to start the conversation:

"It is said that the character of a person is forged by the people around him in his first years of life. These people are responsible for guiding us directly or indirectly through this difficult journey of learning to react to events in our daily lives. Hence famous phrases such as "You have the character of your grandmother but the patience of your uncle" "you reminded me of your cousin" etc. ... today we will make a very small homage to "someone who has taught us to act before life".

You can notice that at no time is it an allusion to parents, because we do not want to remove a negative feeling for someone who has recently lost someone. Another fundamental detail is that the previous paragraph describes an elderly person. This is very important because this magic square is designed for numbers greater than or equal to 22 and less than or equal to 99, so it would be perfect if the age our spectator is between 15 and 20 years, this will make him choose someone older than him and therefore their age is between 22 and 99 years. If you have doubts that you have chosen someone of your age or younger than you can ask what is your relationship to the person. 70% of the spectators choose their parents, grandparents or uncles. Now we are going to a spectator that meets the set characteristics. "Hi, I hope you're enjoying the show ... who did you come with? ... great, I'll ask your companions to give you a big round of applause and the rest of the audience to join in that hubbub while you come up here with me. Excellent ... How is your name? ... Diana? ... excellent ... Diana, I'm going to ask you to close your eyes and in your mind visualize that person who has positively influenced your growth as a person. That you remember data such as your voice, how you usually wear, your age, the music you like, your zodiac sign, favorite food ... etc. "

We have just asked him to prepare the data we will obtain from the character he has thought about and for the spectators we have simply asked him to "remember someone important". "Perfect, now I will ask you to write down some of this information here (handing over the card and the marker) taking care that I do not see (turning my back and placing you towards the audience), with this we make sure that Diana does not want to make us a bad one play and change to the last minute some data of the person who thought ... classic case to be able to figure in the wills and inheritances (laughs) ... "

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

Then comes the most critical moment of the routine: put the cardboard inside the envelope. To ensure the success of this phase, I will describe in detail the actions you will take: -



Before turning to the spectator, ask him to place the cardboard face down on his left hand palm up. Stand in front of her and at the same time you ask for the marker WITH THE RIGHT HAND, take your left hand to your pocket and take out the envelope WITH THE WINDOW TOWARD YOUR PALM. Save the marker with the right hand in the right pocket. Open the envelope and CAREFULLY NOT TO EXPOSE THE WINDOW, dump the clip inside it on your right palm. Place the envelope as in the following figure so that the spectator places the card inside.

Place it with the window facing you and while you are placing the clip look at the information you wrote on the card. Leave it carefree in a visible place. For the audience. Now let's see what talk will accompany these actions: "... Diana, let me know when you have finished with the cardboard ... Already? ... well, place it face down in your left hand so I can get closer and not look at anything ... ready? ... (Approaching the spectator) well, now we will place that card in a safe place (taking out the envelope) and we will secure it with state-of-the-art technology (overturning the clip in our right palm and raising it towards the audience ... this will cause laughter) ... please slide the card inside the envelope ... perfect ... now we ensure (placing the clip) and leave here (table, pocket, etc.) to consult later "

After performing these actions we will have everything necessary to reveal the age in an unusual way ... with the magic square! ... for them we take the block and begin to "concentrate" (while actually subtract 20 and add 2 to the age you saw on the card) to then begin to place the numbers as described above. After writing every two or three numbers let the audience (not the spectator) see your progress at the same time you say "it is difficult to decode a thought’s lady" this will cause some confusing laughter. While you finish copying the numbers you can ask the spectator things like "what she does for living". If by some chance he names some occupation or profession relative to the numbers, he looks surprised at the audience and says "now this makes sense" while

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

showing the numbers copied in the block. If, on the other hand, the job or profession you advertise has nothing to do with the numbers, ask him if he was running away from the numbers when he was a student. If you answer that if you look surprised at the audience and say "it means they are chasing you even in your unconscious". Once the square is finished, show it to the audience for the first time without saying a word. She, like many people in the audience, will not understand what happens. Look at her and exclaim "Ah! I already know that missing "take the block and start drawing the lines that will delimit each number of the other, at the end show it again and ask" Now if you understand? ". 95% of the time they respond with a blunt no, there you will say "does not mean anything to you?" They will repeat that they will not and in some cases they will ask you what these numbers mean. To which you exclaim " I do not know what it means either … this was what I received from your thoughts!". Now we must return to the tone of mystery and divination. To do this we will stare at the spectator and ask him to think about other characteristics of that person. Here we will start telling you the sex of the person which will be easy because you know his name (if by chance the person has a unisex name he simply reveals the name). To reveal the name use the block, write the name (with the respective divination theater) and at the end of writing show it ONLY TO THE PUBLIC at the same time you ask the spectator to say aloud the name of the person ... thanks to the coincidence the applause will not be made wait. For the revelation of the sign I use a little cold reading, this gives an air of mystery to divination and even more if you garnish it with typical characteristics of the sign such as "It is a person who has firm ideals, although sometimes He is very sentimental and gives his arm to twist. " When you have calibrated the emotions and expectations in the face of the spectator, proceed to reveal the sign with the block as you did with the name. With these actions you will already have the audience hooked and the applause will not wait. Now the final thrust will be to make sense of the magic square. To do this you will make use of your broad histrionic skills because when the applause begins to decay you will look at the block and say "You know? I'm not happy as something tells me that those numbers you passed on to me mean something "... saying this, give the blog to the spectator and take the envelope and take out the card carefully not to expose the window, keep the envelope in your pocket and say in loud voice "... Ahhh ... is the age". This a crucial moment because thanks to the principle of dual reality the spectators will assume that the only thing that is written on the card is the age of the person. And the spectator will not refute anything because you already revealed the other data without failing. We will take advantage of this to ask him to expose the square to the public, when he has done it we call out loud the age that is written on the card and keep it in the pocket. Then we look at the audience and ask if there is someone in the room with mathematical skills, volunteers will not wait, you will ask from their seats to help you add the numbers of each row, column, diagonal, corners and 4x4 frames that make up our artwork. It only remains to go with a narrative in crescendo giving more emotion to each group of numbers that you dictate. I usually help visually with a marker of another color to enclose the groups that have already been added. As in the figure on the next page.

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

































This will make the addition process more didactic, easier and therefore more understandable. I placed several colors in the first image so you can confirm that the numbers enclosed in the circles, the squares and all the rows and columns add up to 37. In the lower image is the same picture as it would be highlighting everything with red color.

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

FINAL WORDS Since always (Even before studying mathematics) I was struck by the famous "Magic Square" by Dürer. Its construction and "magic" left me stunned from the first time I read it ... and even today continues to have my total admiration. My concern arose when I began to see that this "mathematical curiosity" was included in the magical world in the form of a "skill demonstration" making any "magical essence" that possessed this piece of art was put aside giving the viewer opportunity to affirm that the artist "possessed an incredible numerical ability". I always wanted to include this mathematical tool in my repertoire, but when I saw how some colleagues presented it, I gave up. It was not until a few years ago that I began to work on making small changes to the algorithm that many managed for its construction, in addition to modifying the presentation so that it stopped being a demonstration of skill and would become (at least before my eyes) a solid mentalism demonstration. The result of years of reflection and study is what you have just read. I hope that this effect gives you as much satisfaction as it has given me, study it, try it, and enjoy it as much as you can. One last thing: although there are few sheets, this writing required time and effort to be created, so DO NOT COPY IT ... salu2.

Leonard Rangel

+58-412-757-8246 @El.Mentalista

The Square Deal

Leonard Rangel

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