Thus Speaks Qadosh Erectus

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Thus Speaks

Qadosh Erectus

Political Thoughts For a Sane Society "Examine what is said, not him who speaks." Arab Proverb

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Table of contents WARNING Preface Revision Update Notes Introduction What is to be done? The Establishment The Predators The Mass Obedience Wealth Domination: Obsession & Power Climate Change Democracy Feminism Across the Spectrum of Economic Slavery: Marxism and Capitalism The Origins of Money & the Impact of Usury Purpose of life Forward to the Solution External Affairs Defence Internal Affairs Parliamentary & Political Reform Finance Taxation Rebuilding the Economy & Supplying the Necessaries of Life Natural Resources The Economy Wealth Distribution Nationalisation & Compensation Trade Land, Buildings & Speculation Liquid Fuels Food Sovereignty & Security Fishing Organisation for Impartial Research Health Law, Order & Justice Parents and Youth Education Elitism & Multiculturalism Treaty of Waitangi Morality Homosexuality Local Authorities Questions & Answers: August 2007 Questions & Answers: December 2008 Links for articles on White Slavery Questions & Answers: December 2009 Links to articles Do you want to help? Contact details If you are too much of a coward References/Endnotes Published August 2007 Revised June 2009

Revised November 2007 Revised October 2009

3 4 5 5 8 8 9 13 15 18 19 39 49 52 56 64 77 78 79 80 80 81 85 88 89 89 90 91 94 94 98 103 104 104 105 105 108 112 114 115 115 116 118 118 120 150 282 283 330 331 332 333 334

Revised December 2008 Revised January 2010


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WARNING The contents of this publication may offend some people If you are any of the following, a New Age sensitive type, a moron, braindead, have a closed mind, or are easily offended, you are advised and instructed not to proceed any further.

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© Copyright Qadosh Erectus. Permission granted to freely distribute this article for noncommercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. Reproduction of this


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Preface When I set out to understand human nature the burning question I wanted answered was why injustice and corruption was allowed to rein when the majority of people basically believe in a fair-go. What I discovered about human nature gave me the answers. Society has developed the way it has because society is dominated by a small Predatory Class – abnormal people who have no empathy what-so-ever towards the majority of submissive people who make up the bulk of a society. Understanding human nature enlightened me as to why a tiny segment of society controls most of the wealth and why globalisation has been a natural consequence from this immoral concentration of wealth. Once I understood that this Predatory Class has basically dominated most if not all societies throughout history I concentrated on how it would be possible to control or limit the destructive influence of this Predatory Class. On a number of occasions I ran into a brick wall. I found that trying to come up with a solution I was just chasing my tail; I just could not find the answers. It was only a matter of time until I realised that it was my own preconceived ideas and prejudices that were hindering me in finding the solutions I was seeking. To accomplish what I set-out to do I realised I had to put my preconceived ideas and prejudices behind me. By taking this angle of attack I must admit that I was startled by some of the conclusions I came to. Yes it can be very difficult to embrace an idea or concept that conflicts with the beliefs you have held most of your life. This doctrine that I developed I have labelled Social Survivalism, a concept that offers a solution to the mess most societies now face; a solution that transcends the doctrines promoted by the orthodox right wing and left wing economic and social philosophies. Although a number of people have referred to the ideas contain herein as a breath of sanity blown into a rather insane world I do not claim that what I have written is a mastery piece of literature, far from it. Have I done my best, hopefully no. Reading through what I have written so far I have to concede that it could have been written in a far better manner and style and hopefully one day I might get around to doing that. In the meantime this document should be considered a draft copy which I intend to revise from time to time. Eventually, if the interest is there, I will overhaul and rewrite the political philosophy that is evolving into Social Survivalism. Although I speak extensively about New Zealand in this document this should not defer the reader from outside of New Zealand as most of the problems facing New Zealand are also faced by many other countries, thus the economic and social doctrines that make-up Social Survivalism can be applied to most if not all countries throughout the world. Remember there are thousands upon thousands of people attacking the evils and injustices inflicted upon the people of the world by the Predatory Class yet these same people who are attacking the evils and injustices, through ignorance, blindly support a system that has allowed this Predatory Class to accumulate their vast wealth which is the foundation of their power and influence. A sad state of affairs really because it shows just how conditioned people are in rallying to support a system that only survives by exploiting them; much like a slave protecting its master because the slave has been thus conditioned. While most people hack-away at the branches of evil Social Survivalism targets the ROOT upon which this evil has its foundations. Destroy the ROOT of this evil that has seized the world and sanity will be restored and our problems shall be easily solved.

REMEMBER: "Ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate." Wayne Dyer


“One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea” Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

Revision Update Notes This latest revision, January 2010, has had a number of typing errors fixed and the addition of a few bits of artwork etc to emphasis a number of points. No doubt I have missed a few typos but hopefully these will be discovered before the next revision is published, which should be before April/May, which should include, if things go according to plan, another Question and Answer section. There are two major additions to this revision. One addition entitled “Trade” outlines my thoughts on how many poorer countries can break-free of the struggle hold the international banking system has over trade The other addition is a “Question & Answer” based on an interview undertaken in late December 2009. This interview deals with the myth of the “population problem” and the promotion by some very powerful people to bring about population reduction throughout the world. This interview, included within this revised edition, has been published as a separate booklet entitled “The Dehumanisation of the Masses: Population Control & Reduction”. Some of the articles that were included as references in previous revisions have now been removed and uploaded to the Scribd website. The names of these articles are listed after the Question & Answer sections including the links where these articles can either be read online or downloaded.

Introduction “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.” Marcus Tullius Cicero With the help and guidance of the Business Round Table and a number of other robber barons various New Zealand Governments have allowed the New Zealand economy to be plundered. The assets held in trust by the State have been sold at prices that are questionable and many tens of thousands of jobs have been lost because of the flood of imports produced in sweat-shops. All this has happened because politicians, both past and present, have turned their backs on the New Zealand people in support of a foreign ideology known as “Internationalism” or “Globalisation”. For many decades various New Zealand governments have betrayed their duty towards the People of New Zealand that is why New Zealand finds itself in its present situation; the economy has been decimated, the health system is failing, the education system is a shambles, Law and Order is a joke, the cost of housing is beyond the earning capability of the average citizen, all because of the action of those Moral Prostitutes, who like to be referred to as “Honourable” Members of Parliament. These people have no concept of honour; they were meant to be the Vanguard to protect the weak, Sentinels who stand guard to protect the interests of the ordinary citizen. These Moral Prostitutes deserted their posts and purposely betrayed their duties and responsibilities, such actions are those of traitors and as such should be viewed as treason. These traitors have shown no remorse for the damage done or the suffering brought on by their actions, thus in all fairness should the People show compassion in seeking justice for this betrayal? Nay…these traitors should be…must be made to answer for their actions. Of course we were told that the selling off New Zealand’s assets, “privatisation”, was “in New Zealand’s interests” as this would bring about competition that would lead to lower prices. Do you honestly believe that when a multi-national takes over a New Zealand company or asset that they do this with the intention to benefit New Zealanders, either to provide a better service or product, or a cheaper service or product? No…they do it with the sole intention of making a profit. And what profits they are, one only has to read the papers to see the huge rewards they have reaped.


The sell-off as Telecom is an excellent example. Eighteen months after it was sold the new owners had made back in profit what they initially paid for the company. The vast profits made by the new owners have enabled them to be able to afford to pay the CEO of Telecom a salary package exceeding $7 million a year but in the meantime Telecom has been laying-off staff, out-sourcing call-centre work to companies in Asia using low-paid labour, and by contracting out work that was in the past done by people employed by Telecom. The electrical supply industry is another example where the public were told that privatisation would bring about competition that would keep prices down. But once again the hard facts show that the opposite has happened. Prices have increased and huge profits have been made by the new owners. 1

According to the Ministry of Economic Development energy price data, in 1995 New Zealand had the second cheapest household power and the third cheapest industry power out of Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK and the USA. But by 2006 that had changed to being the second most expensive for both household and industry power, with household power rising by 37.5 percent and industry power by 56.3 percent. Now the question is how did this happen? The simple answer is: “Privatisation”. And regarding the profits made…they have been staggering in relation to New Zealand’s size. 2

According to a ruling by the Commerce Commission in May 2009, New Zealanders were overcharged $4.3 billion by energy companies Meridian, Genesis, Contact and Mighty River Power between 2001 and 2007. It is interesting to note that Contact is a government-owned company. Of course the Commerce Commission ruled that these companies didn’t break any laws but they had used their market muscle to maximise profits, raising prices 72% between 2000 and 2008. And what was the response from the then Energy Minister Gerry Browniee? He stated he would not force them to pay back the money. But while the Commerce Commission came up with a figure of $4.3 billion a well known New Zealand 3 4 energy consultant, Bryan Leyland, - calculated that electricity consumers have been overcharged $7 billion over the last ten years!

Electricity consumers have been overcharged $7 billion over the last ten years! And while New Zealand has been pillaged over the last thirty odd years what effect has this had on New Zealanders standard of living? While corporate profits have swelled the standard of living for most New Zealanders has declined. The facts show that today an individual has to work seventy hours a week to maintain the same standard of living they would have had thirty odd years ago based on a forty hour week. That is correct. Today an individual has to work seventy hours a week to maintain the same standard of living they would have had thirty odd years ago based on a forty hour week. Is it any wonder that since the beginning of the seventies more and more mothers have entered the workforce? This did not happen because women wanted to throw off the “shackles of the home”; they were forced to by economic circumstances as families found it harder and harder to survive on a single income. And where were the unions during this erosion of the standard of living? The facts are that most of the unions were affiliated the Labour Party and the union leaders were more interested in supporting Labour Party policy then the long term interest of the working class people they (union leaders) represented. The Labour Party policy, various union leaders so vigorously supported either by weak resistance or no resistance at all, was internationalist in outlook, an agenda that promoted free-trade along with privatisation of state assets. Of course a number of the union leaders were Trotskyites who were more loyal to their own political agenda, which the Labour party was advancing through the promotion of free-trade and the privatisation of state assets, then to the welfare of the working class people they claimed they represented. Of course the above statement may sound strange to some people but if they pay attention to the following quote from Karl Marx they should begin to understand that Marxists, especially the Trotskyites, are not all that interested in workers’ rights when it comes to advancing their long-term political agenda: “Generally speaking, the protectionist system today is conservative, whereas the Free Trade system has a destructive effect. It destroys the former nationalities, and renders the contrasts between workers and middle class more acute. In a word, the Free Trade system is precipitating the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense do I 5 vote for Free Trade.” [Emphasis added]


The harsh reality is that these union leaders who were meant to serve the interests of the workers they represented betrayed the workers trust - the actions of these union leaders can only be described as those of traitors. Of course their betrayal of the workers was rewarded later by the Establishment; some of them getting knighthoods while others got well-paid employment in either the public or corporate sector.

The owners of capital got increased productivity and profits but the suppliers of Productive Effort ended-up with a declining standard of living. The suppliers of Productive Effort were duped by the politically controlled unions Then we have the term “In New Zealand’s Interests.” Yes, we hear this phase “In New Zealand’s Interests” time and time again. From the politicians – “It’s in New Zealand’s Interests”. From business interests – “It’s in New Zealand’s Interests”. Yes, you hear it on the radio, on television and read it in the newspapers: “It’s in New Zealand’s Interests.” The majority, busy making a living, accept what is stated as the truth. After all it would be unpatriotic to question something that is “in New Zealand’s Interests”, wouldn’t? Well, boys and girls, just because someone in authority makes a statement it doesn’t necessary make the statement correct and just because the majority unthinkingly accepts such a statement without question as being true doesn’t necessary make it true. People know that politicians and business people lie but people are still naïve enough as to believe that politicians and business people know what they talking about. After all they are the experts! Yes, they are experts alright, in most cases, experts at doublespeak, deceit, and manipulation; experts at extracting a dollar from you but blind to the long term damaging consequences of their actions on society. So what should this term “In New Zealand’s Interests” mean exactly? I think in general that the average person would agree with me when I say that the expression “In New Zealand’s Interests” means: Something that is of benefit to the majority of New Zealanders. Has “privatisation” been to the benefit of the majority? No it has not. It has enriched a tiny minority and brought poverty upon the country. Then there is the theory of the trickle-down effect. It is claimed that when an economic decision is made that appears to only benefits a small minority of the population - those people who control most of the wealth of New Zealand - that this still benefits the majority because of the tickle-down effect. That’s right the majority benefit because the wealth holders - the minority - can employ the services of members of the majority who hold very little wealth. These employment opportunities created by the decisions made that benefit the wealth holders – the minority – leads to some members of the majority being given the chance to be temporally/casually employed on a minimum hourly rate. This enables the minority to retain most of the wealth earned by the original economic decision in their favour which was justified because it had a trickle down effect. Usually when the claim is made that something is done that will benefit New Zealand this will in all probability mean that a small minority will receive substantial rewards at the expense of the majority. The trickle-down theory is a confidence-trick i.e. a fraud, a con, a rip-off. A system that allows more and more wealth of a country to be accumulated and controlled in the hands of a few people or corporations means that there is less distributable wealth for the majority. The old saying; “The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer”, sums up the tickle-down theory very well. Now don’t forget the wealthy minority employ members of the poor majority for the sole purpose of making more wealth from the efforts of the majority. The majority benefit by being offered work on minimum wages.

THE TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT = CRUMBS FOR THE MAJORITY That’s right the majority “benefit” by being paid a minimum hourly rate and are still told they still have to tighten their belts further.



Statistics New Zealand’s last Census shows that around two thirds of New Zealand’s salary and income earners earn less than $35,000 a year [2007]


The minimum wage rose to $12 an hour before tax on 1 April 2008 which equals $480 gross per week for a forty hour week. Taking youth out of the equation, at least 45,000 workers are directly affected by the minimum wage


Today an individual has to work seventy hours a week to maintain the same standard of living they would have had thirty odd years ago based on a forty hour week. Is it any surprise that both parents of children have to hold a job to keep the family’s head above the poverty line?


Under the present system up to 60 per cent of the New Zealand population or 2.6 million 6 people could be lifetime tenants, priced out of the housing market.


The wealthiest 10% of the New Zealand population hold more then 51.8% of the total wealth and the bottom 50% holds 5.2%. [Statistics New Zealand - 2 April 2007]

THE RICH GET RICHER WHILE THE POOR GET POORER Do you honestly think, that when a business decision is made, that the impact on New Zealand is taken into consideration? A business decision is based on its profitability. A business does not start up with the intention of creating jobs – a business is not a charitable organization – its sole motivation is the creation of profit. The creation of employment opportunities is a side-effect not the purpose. The sole purpose of employment is for the employer to make a profit from the efforts of the employee. Yes these vested interests with the Moral Prostitutes in Parliament have prayed on New Zealanders’ patriotism while they push another agenda that is disloyal to the interests of most New Zealanders. As stated earlier they are experts at doublespeak, deceit, and manipulation. With their treachery and deception they have brought New Zealand to economic ruin and with it poverty for many New Zealanders.

What is to be done? Before we rush in and start putting proposals forward to solve the many problems now facing New Zealand we must first of all identify the root course of these problems; once we have done this then we are faced with two options, (1) eliminate/remove the root course or (2) design safeguards into the system so that these threats are contained and no longer pose a danger.

The Establishment The expression “the Establishment” is used here to cover the group of men and women who are most closely involved in the governing of New Zealand. This group includes organisations like the Business Round Table, businesspeople, politicians and public servants who are influential in decision making, have a commonality of vision and a networking of relations. This establishment tends to look after its own interests and to reflect the viewpoint of its members and because it is small it is relatively cohesive. The Establishment keeps a big distance between themselves and The Mass. They govern by paper measures. The Mass are just a number in a file that is processed by a computer. But the biggest difference between Mass and Establishment is the fact that the Establishment always wants to have more wealth and more power - wealth and power are two sides of the same coin; to put it simplistic terms. The Establishment is able to protect its interests by using its influence in appointing of trusted members of the network to positions within the public and quasi-public sector. For the appointee the reward is status, additional income, stronger membership of the network, and possibly a little influence. In return the Establishment receives loyalty and coherence in protecting its interests and the ability to further its aims. “Civil disobedience, that’s not our problem. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem.”


Howard Zinn

The Predators We should seek the truth, the cold hard facts; no matter how distasteful we may find them This section entitled The Predators is very important as it attempts to examine human behaviour and thus helpfully gives the reader a generally understanding of why Society is the way it is and why the world is in such a mess. Any political theory or philosophy with aims of creating a superior Society based on justice and fairness that fails to understand human nature is doomed to failure. With very few exceptions down the ages, discussions in moral philosophy - the study of right conduct have failed to systematically investigate the origin, nature, and course of evil in a manner free from supernatural imaginings. Evil was often considered something to be endured rather than something that could be understood and eliminated by rational measures.

The myth that all people are innately good is a dangerous and mistaken belief to embrace; the truth is not all people are good in their intentions or in their actions While the majority of people are going about their daily life little do they realise that the control of the power structure of Society rests mainly in people who are psychologically different from the majority and that these psychologically different individuals have a predatory nature which dominates their actions.

Predatory in nature and predatory in action I classify these individuals as Predators because they all have basically the same characteristics; devious, cunning, crafty, artful, wily, sly, scheming, designing, conniving, opportunistic, insidious, treacherous, perfidious, two-faced, double-dealing, unscrupulous, deceitful, and dishonest; people of self-interest with no Social Conscience. Predator: One who exploits another for their own gratification or gain without moral restraint. These Predators can be classified into four distinct groups: Psychopaths, Sociopaths, those with a high Mach Machiavellian personality, and those people who are classified as having an Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD or APD). While it is estimated psychopaths and sociopaths make up approximately 6% of the population it is difficult finding figures in regards to the number of people classified as high Mach Machiavellian personalities. From my research I would personality place the percentage of the population with high Mach characteristics between 5 to 10% but for the purposes here I shall settle for the lower figure of 5%. The Antisocial Personality Disorder afflicts about 4% of the general population. The group consisting Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and those with a high Mach Machiavellian personalities makeup a collection of individuals that have a great influence upon society, especially within the political and economic spheres. The last group, those individuals with the Antisocial Personality Disorder make up a large segment of the criminal element in the lower economic stratum of society.

Society is dominated mainly by Predators The Psychopath Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless. While the psychopath behaves in the same detrimental fashion as a sociopath, the difference is the psychopath has no remorse or feeling of guilt about their behaviour on the sociopath, on the other hand, knows his or her behaviour is wrong. So, the one knows his or her behaviour is not acceptable to society whereas the other is oblivious to this point. There are four different subtypes of psychopaths; Charismatic Psychopaths, Distempered Psychopaths, Primary Psychopaths, and Secondary Psychopaths,

The Sociopath



The Sociopath have otherwise normal temperaments (as opposed to psychopaths who have abnormal temperaments). Some are aggressive, fearless sensation seekers, and others are Machiavellian manipulators. It's common to refer to them as un-socialised, but the dyssocial sociopath does socialize to the mores and values of a dyssocial out-group, like a gang. There are four different subtypes of sociopaths; Aggressive Sociopaths, Alienated Sociopaths, Common Sociopaths, and Dyssocial Sociopaths.

Machiavellian personality Machiavellianism derives from the views of Prince Machiavelli who believed that a ruler is not bound by traditional ethical norms. He believed that a ruler should only be concerned with power and be bound only by rules that would lead to success. Prince Machiavelli deduced these rules from the political practices of his time; never show humility; it is more effective to show arrogance when dealing with others; morality and ethics are for the weak, powerful people should feel free to lie, cheat, and deceive whenever it suits their purpose; it is better to be feared than loved. 8

In the 1960s Richard Christie introduced a test for measuring a person’s level of Machiavellianism. This eventually became the MACH-IV test, a twenty-statement personality survey that is now the standard self-assessment tool of Machiavellianism. People scoring above 60 out of 100 on the MACH-IV are considered high Machs; People scoring below 60 out of 100 on the MACH-IV are considered low Machs. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there is a significant minority at either end. Low Machs tend to take a more personal, empathic approach in their interaction with other people. They tend to be more trusting of others and more honest. They believe humans are essentially good natured. At the extreme, low Machs tend to be passive, submissive, highly agreeable, dependent and socially inept; in contrast with those who are more Machiavellian, they also tend to believe that everyone has a good and bad side. High Machs tend to take a more detached, calculating approach in their interaction with other people. High Machs personalities are committed to the proposition that a desired end justifies virtually any means; thus high Mach personalities can be summed up as being; devious, cunning, crafty, artful, wily, sly, scheming, designing, conniving, opportunistic, insidious, treacherous, perfidious, two-faced, doubledealing, unscrupulous, deceitful, and dishonest. While it could be claimed that Machiavellians are just well adapted people with high survival instincts it is quite possible that their social status and wealth diminishes the treat of punishment and that’s why their brain shows all signs of disinhibition which is characteristic for psychopaths. While some research may show that Machiavellism and primary psychopathic traits are highly correlated other research shows that this correlation doesn’t exist. 9

While research has shown that serotonin levels rise as a person comes into a higher position - The 10 Stanford experiment is great example for that - it is interesting to note that as serotonin levels increase, so does the feeling of well-being. If this is generally the rule amongst those with a Machiavellian personality one can easily understand why their behaviour does not cause emotional conflict within themselves as their actions create a feeling of well-being. Actions that would cause anxiety amongst normal people have the opposite effect on a Machiavellian personality. Regardless if the contributing factor for the Machiavellian personality is one of inheritance or environment the end result is the same: a person that is, devious, cunning, crafty, artful, wily, sly, scheming, designing, conniving, opportunistic, insidious, treacherous, perfidious, two-faced, doubledealing, unscrupulous, deceitful, and dishonest; a person of self-interest that very rarely will make sacrifices for the Common Good, who are highly likely to end up in positions that dictate either business, social, or political policy.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic 11 and Statistical Manual as: “The essential feature for the diagnosis is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood due to the lack of love and care for the child.” About 3 percent of men and about 1 percent of women have APD. APD is practically synonymous with criminal behaviour. It's so synonymous, in fact, that practically all convicted criminals in the U.S.A. (6575%) have it, with criminologists often referring to it as a "wastebasket" category. Psychologists consider it an adult version of juvenile conduct disorder. The main characteristic of it is a complete and utter disregard for the rights of others and the rules of society. They seldom show anxiety and don't feel


guilt. A full list of APD traits would include: Disregard for Society’s laws; violation of the physical or emotional rights of others; lack of stability in job and home life; lack of remorse; superficial wit and charm; recklessness, impulsivity; a childhood diagnosis (or symptoms consistent with) conduct disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is one of the most difficult personality disorders to treat. Individuals rarely seek treatment on their own and may only initiate therapy when mandated by a court. As yet no country has developed any effective treatment for them.

The Mix Now the reader must realize that the stereo-type belief, quite commonly held by people, regarding the psychopath/sociopath is not based on fact and is a myth created by the media and Hollywood style productions. Of course it is fact that some psychopaths/sociopaths have butchered people but the truth is psychopaths/sociopaths do not walk around glassy-eyed carrying an axe; in reality your average psychopath/sociopath is as average as your average New Zealander. A psychopath/sociopath may spend their life lazily and shamelessly leeching off others; one may end up a pathetic middle manager whose only joy is abusing their modest power; another could become a greedy, lying CEO; still another may become Prime Minister. In fact it would be true to state that most of the population has come across a psychopath/sociopath at least once during their life lifetime, because it turns out that "psychopath" or “sociopath” is merely the clinical term for the more colloquial "arsehole" or "bitch”; but apart from a few people who are aware of these types, most would not have realized that there was something wrong with these people. In his book Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes the author Andrew M. Lobaczewski states the following: “Inherited and acquired psychological disorders and ignorance of their existence and nature are the primal causes of evil. The magic number of 6% seems to represent the number of humans who either carry the genes responsible for biological evil or who acquire such disorders in the course of their lifetime. This small percent is responsible for the vast majority of human misery and crime, and for infecting others with their flawed view of the world….The scope of evil does not respect any boundaries of race, doctrine, or ideology. All races carry the genes, and all schools of thought are susceptible to their influence. These pathological factors that influence behaviour form a complex web. It is only in such a web that the "environmental evil" wherein circumstances can influence a normal person to commit harmful acts can be understood.” Lobaczewski goes on to explain that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests) psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want. In court, for example, psychopaths can tell extreme baldfaced lies in a plausible manner, while their sane opponents are handicapped by an emotional predisposition to remain within hailing distance of the truth. Too often, the judge or jury imagines that the truth must be somewhere in the middle, and then issues decisions that benefit the psychopath. As with judges and juries, so it is too with those charged with decisions concerning who to promote and who not to promote in corporate, military and governmental hierarchies. The result is that all hierarchies inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths.


This small percent is responsible for the vast majority of human misery Based on New Zealand’s population of 4 million people we can surmise that there are, in all probability, at least 240,000 psychopaths and sociopaths in our midst. Add to this mix of psychopaths and sociopaths those individuals with high Mach Machiavellian personalities and those individuals with the Antisocial Personality Disorder and we have a conceivable 600,000 individuals in New Zealand society with predatory characteristics. Many of these Predators go through life knowing that they are different from other people and believe, because they feel different, that they are superior to most people. They quickly learn to hide their lack of empathy, while carefully studying others’ emotions so as to mimic normalcy while cold-bloodedly manipulating the people around them. Because of their domineering and cunning nature many do end up in positions of power whether it is in politics, business, the legal or medical profession, the police, or Social Services, etc. By nature these people are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plough their way through life. Completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. The sad truth is that their pursuit of power is often accompanied by those who believe the Predator has "excellent leadership qualities" due to their drive for power. Whatever the goal is, be it money, social prestige, political and or corporate power or otherwise, it is an ego run amuck and left unchecked their actions can bring misery upon the unsuspecting population.

The Predator is successful because their victims are subservient Once one has an understanding of the characteristics of these Predators then with experience they become identifiable. One only has to look to Parliament to see that many individuals within this “honourable institution” have many of the traits associated with the Predator. The sad fact is that Parliament is full of Predators; they lie, cheat, deceive, and sell-out the ordinary New Zealander every chance they get. If one looks further a field and examines the holders of excessive wealth then one must conclude that many, if not nearly all, are also Predators.

You cannot place a weasel in a henhouse and expect the weasel to guard the hens; guarding hens is not in the weasel’s nature These Predators are not solely concentrated in the top levels of society but scattered through all levels of society. The better educated Predator usually ends up higher in society’s hierarchy while the poorer achiever or less educated Predator, while not a social threat in that they can manipulate the political and economic direction of society, they never-the-less bring about a lot of social disruption due to their activities. Police resources tied-up by crime committed by repeat offenders; drugs, violent crime, theft, car conversions and break-ins, the list goes on and on. Then we have the inconveniency caused to


victims of antisocial behaviour; time lost in arranging repairs, filling out forms, and the feeling of violation. Add to this the high rate of illegitimate children they sire, their spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and the male Predator’s tendency to use and abuse women, then one must consider that a new approach is needed to make these individuals conform to Society’s norms.

Extreme problems need a radical approach The Predators have one common characteristic; they place their own interests above those of Society’s. The activities of the Predators must be controlled for the Common Good. Any political philosophy that claims to be promoting Social Justice must understand the nature of Society’s Predators or otherwise it is doomed to fail.

The Common Good must take preference over the Self-Interest of a Predatory minority; that is the foundation of any healthy functioning Society

The Mass Then we have the ordinary people, referred to as The Mass, or Massperson, or in some circles as Useless Eaters, Sheeple, Cannon Fodder, Peasants, Goyim, and (my personal favourite) Mushrooms. Now before we go into the second part of the problem I feel it is best to explain something here so that the reader can grasp this part of the problem and thus hopefully get a better understanding of the points to be made below. If you had a neighbour living next door to you who was intellectually handicapped and one of your neighbours exploited that person’s handicap and took unfair advantage of them then, if you were a fair person, you would call such an exploiter a mongrel, perhaps even a bastard, and rightly so; you might even approach such an exploiter and give them a piece of your mind or even a kick them in a certain soft part of their body. Now you can not really place any blame for the situation at the feet of the intellectually handicapped person; such people by nature are naïve, can be manipulated easily and thus are easy prey to human predators. Yes it is fair to say that The Mass in general is subservient and easy prey for exploitation and abuse. Without any insult intended The Mass can be classified as just being as naïve as the intellectually handicapped person mentioned above. Generally speaking The Mass has always been manipulated and exploited by human predators; history is jammed-packed with the evidence and facts also show that even in this present time this still continues. Whether it was the Roman system, the system or royalty in Europe, or the present day political systems, they all required or need a naïve subservient Mass for corruption to rule. In New Zealand The Mass has been deceived into believing that it has a system of Democracy, but If one stands back and scrutinises what is believed and what is in fact practised, one must conclude this is not so and that most if not all politicians treat The Mass like mushrooms by, i.e. keep The Mass in the dark and feed them bullshit. Of course tell The Mass this fact and many will be highly offended. Now let’s scrutinise The Mass and see if the title Mushroom is justified. Now and then, on the rare occasion, you may have a candidate from one of the minority parties or an independent that brings forth a breath of enlightenment but the response from The Mass; “I have always voted Labour, if I vote for this other candidate it is like giving my vote to National.” Or “I have always voted National, if I vote…bah, bah, bah.” You get the drift…? And why does The Mass believe this; because they are told this by the major parties and political leaders and like good Mushrooms they believe! Of course most of The Mass is too stupid to comprehend, yet believe, that the major parties are cast from the same mould. Most of the political parties lie, deceive, and use confidence tricks in an attempt to fool The Mass into voting for them and whoever can fool most of The Mass ends up in political power and yet The Mass does not realise that the Major Predators, the power behind the politicians, are still in control.


To be blunt all the parties, regardless if they are the major parties such as Labour or National, or the minor parties such as the Green Party, New Zealand First, etc, they all support the same type of system i.e. the centralisation of economic power and as such are of no real threat to the Major Predators. Election time comes around and The Mass are offered a few scraps while the prime cuts go to the Establishment and just like dogs they offer their obedience to the political party that throws them the most scraps. In most instances these promised scraps end up as broken promises; the Establishment gets fatter and the dogs get leaner. How the Establishment must laugh at election time when the scraps are offered and they hear the howl of delight from The Mass and watch as The Mass agues amongst itself over which scraps are the best – it is no wonder the Elite of the Establishment hold The Mass in the utmost contempt and considers itself the Master. Yes The Mass are looked upon as chattels by the Establishment’s Elite, there only to serve their interests and thus are viewed as no better then slaves - expendable surfs, cannon fodder. And just like good slaves The Mass are subservient and accept the Mushroom diet they are feed; in the back of their minds they occasionally sense they are lied to but they lack the courage to do anything about it. The Masses’ subservience does indeed make them no better than slaves as only a true slave lacks the will to stand up to and oppose its Master. From some young teenager wetting her undies over the latest pop idol, to young men awe struck with their latest sports hero, to older people who hold the rich in high esteem, The Mass, with its mundane daily existence, has always craved leaders and idols, perhaps it’s because of their mundane existence or a sense of worthlessness The Mass have such addictions; perhaps its gives them hope that they may, someday, have some “meaning" for their existence. No daydreaming and subservience is for the weak; reality needs warriors, individuals of strong will, i.e. Realists, to overcome the injustice and evil in our society. Yet The Mass is an expert in trivial matters, from their soap operas to the latest celebrity but, on economic and political matters, which have a direct bearing on their lives or the future of their children, a huge majority of them know very little or know nothing at all. Doubt the above statement will let’s take a look. Every election time many of The Mass all of a sudden become experts and start spouting-off on why people should cast their vote for one party and not the other. The funny thing is if you ask these selfappointed experts about the differences between the different policies the various political parties have you are meet by silence or same vague statement that either the party they support represents the interests of the working people or perhaps it supports the individual who wants to get off their backside and make something of their life. Yes, every time there is a election The Mass produces a large number of “thinking” Mushrooms who think they “know” – this is not really surprising taken into account that these people are generally kept in the dark by deceit and fed a continuous diet of bullshit consisting of lies and half-truths. Now let’s go a bit further and ask average John or Jane Citizen some questions:           

Do banks create credit? What is the purpose of the Reserve Bank? What is the New World Order? Do you know which New Zealand MPs support the idea of World Government? Do you know how this World Government would work? Has this ever been explained to you? What is Closer Economic Relations (CER) between Australia and New Zealand? What is the World Trade Organisation? Why are factories closing down in New Zealand and relocating in Asia? Do you realise that there plans to submerge New Zealand into a Pacific/Asian Economic Community? Has any MP explained this to you? Do you realise once this Pacific/Asian Economic Community is formed there are plans to form a Regional Government to govern this coming Pacific/Asian Economic Community? Has any New Zealand MP explained this to you? Do you realise that the standard living of the average New Zealander has dropped over the last decades due to purposeful and wilful Government policies and that wages off blue collar workers have been limited for the sole purpose of allowing the economies and standard of living of the future members of the this Pacific/Asian Economic Community to catch up? Has any MP explained this to you? Do you realise that once this Pacific/Asian Economic Community is up and running that national barriers will no longer exist between the members and this will allow cheap


  

labour from these countries to enter New Zealand and compete for jobs within New Zealand? Has any MP explained this to you? Do you know there are plans to privatise the water supply in New Zealand? Do you realise that there is a faction in New Zealand that wants the roads privatised? Do you realise that the World Trade Organisation is seeking to privatize essential public services such as education, health care, energy and water? Do you realise that privatization means the selling off of public assets - such as radio airwaves or schools to private (usually foreign) corporations, to run for profit rather than the public good? Do you know the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services, or GATS, includes a list of about 160 services including elder and child care, sewage, garbage, park maintenance, telecommunications, construction, banking, insurance, transportation, shipping, postal services, and tourism that the WTO wants privatised? Do you know that in some countries, privatization is already occurring and that those least able to pay for vital services - working class communities - are the ones who suffer the most? Has any MP explained this to you?

I’m afraid the Mushrooms will mostly answer in the negative to the above questions. A few may attempt to answer one or two questions but their statements are vague and not based on fact or any comprehensive understanding of the question put to them.

It’s no wonder that Mushrooms make excellent cannon fodder The truth of the matter is that for a long time we have had a bunch of Predators and Traitors, along with their lackeys, in control which have been slowly manipulating the system to bring about changes, so New Zealand can be slotted into a New World Order. That is why New Zealand’s manufacturing economy has been dismantled, that is why New Zealand has undergone social engineering to condition the people to accept the “New Morality” of this “New Age”. While this is happening The Mass are trapped in their little square, their little dream world, with no comprehension of what this New World Order is, no understanding on how it will work and no understanding on what is in store for them or their children! Yes the fools still believe that New Zealand is “THE LAND OF THE FREE” and yet fail to realise that when the Government can arrest and imprison an individual for an indefinite time and refuse that individual a right to trail in an open court you do not have a free society. The fools fail to realise that when the State can call secret witnesses to testify against an individual in a Court you do not have a free society. The fools fail to realise that when some government official can refuse a New Zealand citizen a passport because the State considers them a security risk and that individual has no legal recourse to challenge the decision you do not have a free society. In a free society the police should show reasonable cause in stopping a citizen yet the fools fail to realise that when the police are given powers to set-up roadblocks and stop vehicles and demand drivers blow into breathalyzers and show identification, on the off-chance that they catch someone breaking the law, you do not have a free society. The fools fail to realise that when “their” Government enters into secret deals and keeps these details hidden from the People you do not have a free society. No the foolish Mushrooms are generally too subservient to question what is going on before their own eyes. Now and then some Mushrooms get a whiff of the bullshit fed to them and recognise it for what it is but usually their subservient nature keeps them in line. It is this subservient nature that is now going to be explored.

Obedience "When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion." C.P. Snow (1961) Many historians in attempting to explain the horrors of the Second World War have argued that the German people had some sort of character defect which made them more obedient then other races of people and as such had a readiness to obey people in authority regardless of the act they are being asked to carryout. Obedience can be defined as complying with the demands of others, particularly those in positions of authority.


The Germans are different hypothesis is an example of a dispositional attribution as it is arguing that the cause of behaviour is believed to result from the persons own personality or characteristics. However, Stanley Milgram, a Yale University psychologist, set out to question this dispositional attribution of the Germans. Milgram argued that people would commit atrocities if required to do so by an authority figure. This argument is an example of a situational attribution as it is arguing that the behaviour resulted from the situation a person was in.

The Milgram experiment The Milgram experiment was a seminal series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. Milgram first described his research in 1963 in an article published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, and later discussed his findings in greater depth in his 1974 book, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. Milgram summarised the experiment in his 1974 article, "The Perils of Obedience", by stating: “The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous importance, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation.” Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.

Method of the experiment The role of the experimenter was played by a stern, impassive biology teacher dressed in a technician's coat, and the victim was played by an Irish-American accountant trained to act for the role. The participant and another individual (supposedly another volunteer, but in reality a confederate of the experimenter) were told by the experimenter that they would be participating in an experiment to test the effects of punishment on learning. Two slips of paper were then presented to the participant and to the confederate. The participant was led to believe that one of the slips said "learner" and the other said "teacher," and that the participants had been given the slips randomly. In fact, both slips said "teacher," but the actor claimed to have the slip that read "learner," thus guaranteeing that the participant was always the "teacher." At this point, the "teacher" and "learner" were separated into different rooms where they could communicate but not see each other. In one version of the experiment, the confederate was sure to mention to the participant that he had a heart condition. The "teacher" was given a 45-volt electric shock from the electro-shock generator as a sample of the shock that the "learner" would supposedly receive during the experiment. The "teacher" was then given a list of word pairs which he was to teach the learner. The teacher began by reading the list of word pairs to the learner. The teacher would then read the first word of each pair and read four possible answers. The learner would press a button to indicate his response. If the answer was incorrect, the learner would receive a shock, with the voltage increasing with each wrong answer. If correct, the teacher would read the next word pair. The subjects believed that for each wrong answer, the learner was receiving actual shocks. In reality, there were no shocks. After the confederate was separated from the subject, the confederate set up a tape recorder integrated with the electro-shock generator, which played pre-recorded sounds for each shock level. After a number of voltage level increases, the actor started to bang on the wall that separated him from the subject. After several times banging on the wall and complaining about his heart condition, all responses by the learner would cease.


At this point, many people indicated their desire to stop the experiment and check on the learner. Some test subjects paused at 135 volts and began to question the purpose of the experiment; most continued after being assured that they would not be held responsible. A few subjects began to laugh nervously or exhibit other signs of extreme stress once they heard the screams of pain coming from the learner. If at any time the subject indicated his desire to halt the experiment, he was given a succession of verbal prods by the experimenter, in this order: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Please continue. The experiment requires that you continue. It is absolutely essential that you continue. You have no other choice, you must go on.

If the subject still wished to stop after all four successive verbal prods, the experiment was halted. Otherwise, it was halted after the subject had given the maximum 450-volt shock three times in succession.

Results Before the experiment was conducted Milgram polled 14 Yale senior psychology majors as to what the results would be. All respondents believed that only a sadistic few (average 1.2%) would be prepared to give the maximum voltage. Milgram also informally polled his colleagues and found that they believed very few subjects would go beyond a very strong shock. In Milgram's first set of experiments, 65% (26 out of 40) of experimental participants administered the experiment's final 450-volt shock, though many were quite uncomfortable in doing so; everyone paused at some point and questioned the experiment, some even saying they would return the cheque for the money they were paid. No participant steadfastly refused to give further shocks before the 300-volt level. Variants of the experiment were later performed by Milgram himself and other psychologists around the world with similar results. One of Milgram's later studies investigated the effect of location on obedience levels (for example, one experiment was held in a respectable university institution and the other in an unregistered office in the backstreets of a bustling city. The obedience rates increased in the more respectable location). Apart from confirming the original results the variations have tested variables in the experimental setup. Milgram elaborated two main theories to explain his results. 

The first one is the theory of conformism based on Solomon Asch's work. Milgram describes the fundamental relationship between the group of reference and the individual. An individual, who has no ability or expertise to make a decision, especially in a crisis situation, will leave it to the group and its hierarchy. The group appears as a behavioural model. The second one is the agentic state theory. According to Milgram, "the essence of obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as the instrument for carrying out another person's wishes, and he therefore no longer sees himself as responsible for his actions. Once this critical shift of viewpoint has occurred in the person, all of the essential features of obedience follow". This is basically the foundation of military respect for authority, in that soldiers will follow orders and commands from superiors with the understanding that responsibility for the actions rests with the commanding officers.

Milgram describes 19 variations of the experiment that he conducted in “Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View”. In general, he found that when the immediacy of the victim was increased, compliance decreased, and when immediacy of the authority increased, compliance increased. In one experiment, women were used as participants (all of Milgram's other experiments used only men). Obedience did not differ significantly, though they indicated experiencing higher levels of stress. Dr. Thomas Blass of the University of Maryland Baltimore County (USA) performed a meta-analysis on the results of repeated performances of the experiment. He found that the percentage of participants who are prepared to inflict fatal voltages remains remarkably constant, between 61% and 66%, regardless of time or location. Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman Jr. wrote in "In Search of Excellence", 1981. Cf. p.78 and onward, that The Milgram Experiment and the later Zimbardo Experiment at Stanford University were frightening in their implications about the danger which lurks in the darker side of human nature. There is a little-known coda to the experiment, reported by Philip Zimbardo, an American psychologist, known for his Stanford prison experiment and the author of psychology textbooks. None of the participants who refused to administer the final shocks insisted that the experiment itself be terminated, nor left the room to check that the victim was well without asking for permission to leave.


It is noted that the most important criticism of Milgram’s work is concerned with its ethics. Participants were deceived as to the exact nature of the study for which they had volunteered, and by making them believe they were administering real electric shocks to a real participant. However Milgram could not have found results that truly reflected the way people behave in real situations if he had not deceived his participants. It must be pointed out that all the participants were thoroughly debriefed at the end of each experiment.

The Facts So there are the facts: a large majority the population are so submissive they will carry out instructions issued by authority figures even if they find the orders repugnant and even if it means such orders will lead to someone’s death; most of the remaining population can be pushed and prodded to carry out instructions to a certain level even if they find these orders repugnant. The truth of the matter is only a small percentage of the population would stand up to such repugnant instructions right at the beginning; I suppose you can refer to such people as REBELS. Yes people are basically COWARDS. They are easy to spot; you talk of injustice to someone and their response is “what can I do?” or “you can’t do anything about it!” a typical response from someone lacking courage. Yes these people would rather hide in the shadows, while standing in a puddle of their own urine, then challenge authority.

Who is worse? A person who by nature is evil who issues an evil order, or the obedient person who carries out these orders, or a person who by nature is a coward who allows the evil deed to be committed? By nature The Mass are subservient to authority or to put it another way the inherent nature of The Mass makes them cowards who are easily manipulated by authority figures and thus are easily exploited just like the intellectually handicapped person I mentioned earlier.

Wealth "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:24 In my experience through life I have observed that when an individual has to make a decision to either sacrifice principles or material wealth, principles are usually the first to die. To me an individual without a sense of honour and principles is a poor person regardless of their material wealth. Business people who have become corrupted by greed, individuals who have accumulated vast wealth but still are driven to acquire more wealth regardless of the cost to society in general, these people come from the same moral mould as the drug-dealer. They are a threat to society and society's development. The accumulation of wealth is a natural part of human nature…to a certain degree. Just like a squirrel collecting nuts in the summer and storing them away for hard times in winter, humans also like to put something aside in case of a rainy day, as the saying goes. A bit of accumulated wealth gives one a sense of security which is understandable, but the time comes when the accumulation of wealth exceeds what a person generally requires and over time develops into an obsession. "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Frederic Bastiat Couple vast wealth with a desire for power and you create the foundation for an extremely dangerous obsession as Power is one of the most irresistible temptations. Who wouldn’t want to rule the world or, on a smaller scale, boss people around the office? Will not everyone has such desires…but a small minority do have such ambitions; this has been explained under the section entitled “Predators” earlier on in this document.


It is not possible for an honest man to become extremely wealthy by honest toil; those who become extremely wealth have accumulated their wealth by exploiting the efforts of others. Thus the following points can be made:    

Wealth accumulated by exploitation is a sure sign that such holders of wealth have a predatory nature It is their predatory nature that aids them in the accumulation of wealth…remember that Predators by nature exploit the weak It is their predatory nature that drives their desire for power…control over other people When Predators have extreme wealth we have a dangerous situation because their wealth gives them a power base which aids and thus fuels their predatory nature to dominate

It is not possible for an honest man to become extremely wealthy by honest toil “With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent, positive audacity; 100 per cent will make it ready to trample on all human laws; 300 per cent, and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged. If turbulence and strife will bring a profit, it will freely encourage both. Smuggling and the slave-trade have amply proved all that is here stated.” T. J. Dunning , Trades' unions and strikes (1860)

Domination: Obsession & Power "Those high and mighty kings you see sitting on high in glory, dressed in purple, surrounded by armed guards, can breathe cruel fury, threaten with fierce words. But if you strip off the coverings of vain honour from those proud men, you will see underneath the tight chains they wear. Lust rules their minds with greedy poisons; rage whips them, vexing their minds to stormy wrath. Sometimes they are slaves to sorrow, sometimes to delusive hope. This is the picture of individual man with all his tyrant passions; enslaved by these evil powers, he cannot do what he wishes." Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius - The Emboldenment of Philosophy So far in this document I have touched on the subjects involving The Establishment, The Predators, The Mass, Obedience, and Wealth. I hope so far the reader understands the various points made and at least has formed a general awareness on how the various points made in these subjects reflect in how Society functions and how these various influences shape Society. Now we come to the subject of Domination which means; power, control, supremacy, rule, command, and ascendancy. I think the description given here, regarding the use of the word Domination, is a fair explanation that most people would agree with. Now if you remember I mentioned in the section entitled 'The Predators' that the field of business and politics is quite often top heavy with the individuals that have predatory characteristics; individuals commonly known as psychopaths or sociopaths, so I hope you take heed of this fact when you read this section through. In this section I will be quoting a number of different individuals and making a number of statements myself. When you read the quotes ask yourself; "Do these statements and actions come from normal sane people or people with a psychopathic/sociopathic personality?" It would be fairly accurate to state that most countries in the world are controlled by a predatory Wealthy Elite and that the world in general is controlled by a predatory International Wealthy Elite, which is often referred to as an International Plutocracy. I myself like to refer to this predatory International Wealthy Elite as Super Predators – top of the food chain so-to-speak. In this section I shall try to explain how certain powerful individuals and groups have an agenda for complete domination of the world. I am not attempting to give a detailed account on all of these individuals and groups as time and space only allows me to give but the briefest account on a few of them and what their objectives are. Nevertheless extreme wealth has created various powerful groups throughout the world who have used their influence to force Globalisation upon country after country with the ultimate aim of bringing the whole world under the governance of a World Authority, often referred to as the New World Order or Global Governance. Many individuals have claimed that this Global Governance will lead to a world dictatorship.


ELITISTS DREAMS = OUR NIGHTMARE “The desire to rule the world has been a part of the human experience throughout recorded history. Alexander the Great led Greece to dominance of the known world, only to become the victim of Rome's quest for world dominance. The Roman Empire, built on bloody battlefields across the land, was swallowed up by the Holy Roman Empire, built on the fear and hopes of helpless people. History is a record of the competition for global dominance. In every age, there has always been a force somewhere, conniving to conquer the world with ideas clothed in promises imposed by military might. The 20th century is no different from any other: Marx, Lenin, and Hitler reflect some of the ideas which competed for world dominance in the 1900s. The competition is still underway. The key players change from time to time, as do the words that describe the various battlefields, but the competing ideas remain the same.” Henry Lamb, The Rise of Global Governance Complete domination of the world is a rather bold statement to make and no doubt many people who have read this far many be staking their heads in disbelief at such a statement. As I previously stated “I am not attempting to give a detailed account on all of these individuals and groups as time and space only allows me to give but the briefest account on a few of them and what their objectives are.” All I’m attempting to do here is to present enough evidence for an indictment in relation to the charges made. Indictment: the state of being indicted; any charge, accusation, serious criticism, or cause for blame; formal accusation initiating a criminal case. To obtain an indictment one must provide evidence in support of an allegation of wrong-doing. In presenting evidence to obtain an indictment one does not have to prove an allegation of wrong-doing beyond reasonable doubt. The presenting of evidence to prove an allegation or charge of wrong-doing beyond reasonable doubt is required for a conviction. Remember, one does not have to fit all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together to get a basic understanding of what the finished picture is going to be. The same principle applies in obtaining an indictment. The various pieces of evidence presented should be considered as pieces of a jig-saw puzzle; whether or not enough evidence has been presented for an indictment is left to you to decide. After I have presented the evidence I hope the reader has enough curiosity, even just a small flicker of inquisitiveness, to motivate them to investigate further. Prove what is stated here incorrect and get on with your life; however if the statements made here are vindicated by your investigation then that will place the burden of knowledge upon your conscience. "As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." 12 U.S. Justice William O. Douglas That there is such a thing as a cabal of power brokers who control government behind the scenes has been detailed several times in this century by credible sources. Professor Carroll Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University. President Clinton has publicly paid homage to the influence Professor Quigley had on his life. In Quigley's magnum opus Tragedy and Hope (1966), he states: “There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international ... network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.” Today this New World Order is being silently erected over most nations of the world, right before the eyes of people, yet most people are blind to this fact. And just what is this cabal of power brokers, this International Plutocracy? Families such as the Rothschild and Rockefellers who head vast empires built on finance and oil are some of the main power brokers behind the establishment of a New World Order. Private organisations


such as The Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Rockefeller Foundation, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, to name a few, are some of the better known groups involved. An important fact missed by many researchers is the wealth that has been amassed by both the Rothschild and Rockefeller families as both these groups are masters at building impenetrable walls around their family assets. The current value of the Rothschild holdings are estimated to be $100 13 trillion, yes that is trillion dollars! The Rockefeller family fortune is estimated to be around $11 trillion, yes, once again, that is trillion dollars! Now for a point of reference the United States National Debt, as of July 2008, was $9.4 trillion. 14

To put a trillion dollars into perspective; if you spent a million dollars a day, it would take you just over two thousand, seven hundred and thirty-nine years to spend one trillion - that's assuming you earned no interest. What must be understood is that these powerful families along with other powerful families control most of the world’s banking system. There are now only 5 nations in the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya. Now these names ring a bell...let me think...cripes, that's right... they are on USA’s “Axis of Evil” Hit List. Now surely it’s just a coincidence that these nations that are on the USA’s “Axis of Evil” Hit List don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank …or is it? I should point out that before the invasion of Iraq by the US, Iraq was also free of a Rothschild controlled central bank; no doubt this has now changed. History has shown, time and time again, that if you stand in the way of the Elite’s agenda you are either destroyed economically or terminated. "The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest – stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved." 15 Lysander Spooner Regarding the Rockefellers, US Congressman Larry P. McDonald, who was killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets, had the following to say: “The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

“…incredibly evil in intent." And from the mouth of one of the Rockefellers: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.” The above speech was made 17 years ago By David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991. It came at the beginning in the U.S. of the Bill Clinton administration. Rockefeller speaks of an "us." This "us," he says, has been having meetings for almost 40 years. If you add the 17 years since he gave the speech it was 57 years ago—two full generations. Since the above statement was made the wealth and power of this elite has grown enormously. Even The Washington Post, 4 May, 2008, whose directors had attended the elitists meetings and had “respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years”, had the following to say: “On an ever-growing list of issues, the big decisions are being made or profoundly influenced by a little-understood international network of business, financial, government, cultural and military leaders who are beyond the reach of American voters…In addition to top officials, these people include corporate executives, leading investors, top bankers, media moguls, heads of state, generals, religious leaders, heads of terrorist and criminal organizations and a


handful of important cultural and scientific figures. Each of these roughly 6,000 individuals is set apart by their power and ability to regularly influence millions of lives across international borders. The group is not monolithic, but none is more globalized or has more influence over the direction in which the global era is heading.” And here we have it straight from the horse’s mouth; in David Rockefeller: Memoirs, 2002, David Rockefeller states: “For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Straight from the horse’s mouth:

“I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” While there is strong evidence to support the claim that there is an International Plutocracy behind the forces pushing for Global Governance there is also evidence to support the claims made that the International Plutocracy has plans for global population reduction. Evidence in support of this claim regarding plans for global population reduction will be presented. In 1992, Dr John Coleman, a former intelligence agent of British MI6, published Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the New World Order agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the “Conspirators Hierarchy”, Dr Coleman summarizes their intent and purposes as follows: “A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population…There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.” [Emphasis added] Obedient: obeying or willing to obey; complying with or submissive to authority: compliant, docile, tractable, yielding, deferential, respectful. Subservient: servile; excessively submissive; obsequious. On January 4, 2002, Gene Wheaton, an intelligence insider and whistleblower during Iran-Contra, during an interview by Matt Ehling on Declassified Radio stated: “This crowd really believes that the unwashed masses are ignorant, that we are people who are not capable of governing ourselves, that we need this elitist group to control the country, and the world -- these guys have expanded. They look at the United States not as a country, not in any kind of patriotic mode now, but they look on it as a state within a world that they control. And that’s this attitude that they have. They’re not unlike any other megalomaniac in the world. They’re nutty as fruitcake, but they’ve got distinguished gray hair, three-piece dark suits and they carry briefcases, and they’ll stand up and make speeches just as articulate as anybody in the world, but they don’t socialize and function outside their own little clique. My experience with them is that they could be certified as criminally insane and put away in a rubber room and have the key thrown away. That’s how dangerous they are. But they’re powerful, and they’re educated. And that makes them twice as dangerous. And that’s basically what’s running the world right now.”


In Kissinger on the Couch authors Phyllis Schlafly and former Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) member Chester Ward state: “Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. government should espouse a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy and to confound, discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition...” And from the mouth of that will known figure, Henry Kissinger, member/agent of the Council of Foreign Relations, and New World Order Ambassador as quoted in Final Days by Woodward and Bernstein: “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

“…just dumb, stupid animals to be used…” In Thinking About A New World Order for the Decade 1990, author Ian Baldwin, Jr., asserts that; “...the World Law Fund has begun a worldwide research and educational program that will introduce a new, emerging discipline -- world order -- into educational curricula throughout the world...and to concentrate some of its energies on bringing basic world order concepts into the mass media again on a worldwide level.” In his book, Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making, author David Rothkopf, states: “Major media organizations such as Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., which is effectively controlled by a single individual, touch far more people each day than any national government can.” In the above mentioned publication author David Rothkopf, states the following about the people who control the world: “Each one of them is one in a million. They number six thousand on a planet of six billion. They run our governments, our largest corporations, the powerhouses of international finance, the media, world religions, and, from the shadows, the world’s most dangerous criminal and terrorist organizations. They are the global superclass, and they are shaping the history of our time.” It is interesting to note that David Rothkopf served for two years as managing director of Kissinger Associates and also served as Deputy Under-Secretary of commerce for International Trade policy in the Clinton Administration. In his book David Rothkopf goes on to give the following facts:     

The world is controlled by a global elite of approximately 6,000 people 94% of them are men, and their average age is 60 2% of the world's population own 50% of the world's wealth The world's 50 largest financial institutions control a third of the world's assets The world's 250 biggest companies generate sales of about a third of the world's GDP

Of course the above facts are a few years out of date so no doubt the worlds’ wealth has been further concentrated into fewer hands. Also, as mention previously, an important fact missed by many researchers is the wealth that has been amassed by both the Rothschild and Rockefeller families as both these groups are masters at building impenetrable walls around their family assets. Information released in 2000, by the Institute for Policy Studies showed that of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are corporations while only 49 are countries. This report stated that the world's top 200 corporations account for over a quarter of economic activity on the globe while employing less than one percent of its workforce. A large share of the global food trade is controlled by a relatively small number of multinational corporations. Fewer than ten corporations control over 70% of the global trade in wheat. The food supply in America - and increasingly, globally - is largely controlled by four or five agribusiness/food processing mega-corporations with enormous power to control the market and regulatory agencies. Of course another important tool is control of the so-called “free media”. th

President Theodore Roosevelt (who had died in 1919) was quoted in the March 27 1922 edition of the New York Times with previously making the following statement: “These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government.” The reason the New York Times ran the above article was because the Mayor of New York, John Hylan, had been quoted in the same paper the previous day with the following statement:


“The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cats paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country.” Interesting how, 87 years ago, this could be spoken of openly by respected men in positions of power, whereas nowadays those words are only spoken by people stigmatised in the media as “conspiracy nuts”. Maybe the international bankers bought the rest of the media, too? (Check out the latest edition of The Media Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian for details on how a handful of people own over 90 per cent of the world’s media. Currently, in the United States of America 5 corporations own 99% of all media outlets, including TV, newspapers, and radio. This consolidation of ownership also extends into other countries which leads to a huge amount of control over what people hear and read.

"…There is no such thing in America as an independent press…We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes…Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." John Swinton, former New York Times Chief of Staff; quoted by William James Ghen in Our Benevolent Feudalism, page 146 “Our job is to give the people not what they want, but what WE decide they ought to have.” Richard Slant, former President of CBS News; quoted by Ann Wilson, Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe? p 173


"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." William Colby, former CIA Director, quoted by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy "You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative, discussing the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. Katherine the Great by Deborah Davis "There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level." William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, The CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein "The Agency's relationship with [The New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [It was] general Times policy ... to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible." The CIA and the Media by Carl Bernstein So while we have this New World Order being created before our eyes we have the politicians throwing their support behind it by opening their country’s economies to the Global Predators, signing Free Trade Agreements, and pushing the formation of regional Economic Blocs. 16

At the very heart of this New World Order System is the unholy trinity of (1) the World Bank (WB), (2) the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and (3) the World Trade Organization (WTO). - ALL AMERICAN-CONTROLLED INSTITUTIONS DESPITE THEIR INTERNATIONALIST FACADE. The following quote is taken from the article A GATS Primer by Maude Barlow which was published by The Council of Canadians: “From the outset, the WTO was crafted like no other international agency. The architects of the final agenda for the Uruguay Round wanted to put in place a body of rules governing the global economy and needed to be equipped with powers and tools of a global government. Unlike the GATT, which was effectively a business contract between nations, the WTO was given ‘legal personality.’ It has international status equivalent to the United Nations but with the addition of having enormous enforcement powers . . . Unlike any other global institution, the WTO has the legislative and judicial power to challenge the laws, practices and policies of individual countries and strike them down if they are seen to be too trade restrictive. The WTO contains no minimum standards to protect labour, human rights, social or environmental standards; every single time (but one) the WTO has been used to challenge a domestic health, food safety, fair trade or environmental law, the WTO has won. Over the past six years, the operations of the WTO show that it has become the most powerful, secretive, and antidemocratic body on earth, rapidly assuming the mantle of a global government and actively seeking to broaden its powers and reach . . . Services is the fastest growing sector in international trade, and of all services, health, education and water are shaping up to be the most potentially lucrative of all. Global expenditures on water services now exceed $1 trillion


every year; on education, they exceed $2 trillion; and on health care, expenditures exceed $3.5 trillion. These and other services have been targeted by predatory and powerful entrepreneurial transnational corporations who are aiming at nothing less than the complete dismantling of public services by subjecting them to the rules of international competition and the discipline of the WTO.” The following is a quote taken from the article WTO: What in the World It Means which was also published by The Council of Canadians: “If the shadowy figures behind the World Trade Organization (WTO) get their way, your voice won't count for much. That seems a pretty dramatic prediction. But just listen to an anonymous WTO official, quoted in the Financial Times, talking about the inner workings of the most powerful international institution in the world: ‘The WTO is the place where governments collude in private against their domestic pressure groups. Allowing NGOs (non-government organizations) in could open the door to all kinds of lobbyists opposed to free trade.’…” Has any political leader or political party been upfront with the people in their country and explained what this New World Order is about?

NO THEY HAVEN’T Has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to implement any Free Trade Agreement; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to actively work towards the creation of Economic Blocs; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to work towards the creation of this New World Order?

The Answer is…NO, NO, & NO NO politician has been given any mandate QUESTION: If or when this New World Order is established, will it be a democratic organisation or will it be dictatorial? A strange question to ask…I think not. Don’t forget the world population stands at close to 7 billion people and New Zealand has a population of just over 4 million. By my calculation New Zealand is out numbered by about 1,750 to 1. If it is to be run “democratically” what form would this take? Would each country have one vote? Perhaps the voting power would reflect the population numbers of each country? If New Zealand with a population of 4 million had one vote how many votes would China have with a population of 1.321 billion people, how many votes would India have with a population of 1.130 billion people? And if it is to be run “democratically” would the representatives of each country, sitting on this New World Order governing body, be involving the people of their country in the decision making? You know…hold referendums. Oops hold on…would China support the idea of referendums? "Socialism should make it possible to regulate the reproduction of human beings. We should be able to produce human beings under a quota system, just as we produce bicycles and tons of steel." 17 Vice Premier Chan Muhua, Head of China's Family Planning Board, 1979

We should be able to produce human beings under a quota system…??? Taking the above quotation into account I don’t feel that the Chinese Government would support the idea of referendums. In the case of New Zealand no government representative, no political leader or political party has been upfront with the people in New Zealand regarding Globalisation. Globalisation has crept into New Zealand on the back of political lies and deceit. In all probability Global Governance would be a dictatorial system…the only question is now…will this Global Governance be benign or would it reflect the character of the people who are manipulating behind the scenes to bring this about?


QUESTION: Would global governance be benign or would it reflect the character of the people who are manipulating behind the scenes to bring this about? I for one have studied this developing trend towards global governance for nearly four decades and I must admit I find it rather disturbing. I am of the belief that once this is in place, locked and cocked, soto-speak, people will come to the realisation that they have a loaded gun pointed at their head. But that’s just my opinion…after all I do tend to have a rather suspicious mind…you know ask a lot of questions and when I don’t get a straight forward answer I form my own conclusions. Anyway…some more facts and quotes for the novice. It is interesting to note that the Rockefellers have also been leading advocates of worldwide population reduction. But hey, don’t take my word on this…do some research and while you are at it spend some time and look at the character of some of the people behind the push for Global Governance. While seconded from the German defence ministry to NATO in the late 1970s, Dr. Johannes Koeppl travelled to Washington on more than one occasion. He also met with Zbigniew Brzezinski in the White House on more than one occasion. His other Washington contacts included Steve Larabee from the CFR, John J. McCloy, former CIA Director, economist Milton Friedman, and officials from Carter's Office of Management and Budget. He has made a direct presentation at a Bilderberger conference and he has also made numerous presentations to sub-groups of the Trilateral Commission. That was before he spoke out against them. According to The Wilderness Publications, November 2001, Koeppl’s fall was rapid after he realized that Brzezinski was part of a group intending to impose a world dictatorship: “In 1983/4 I warned of a take-over of world governments being orchestrated by these people. There was an obvious plan to subvert true democracies and selected leaders were not being chosen based upon character but upon their loyalty to an economic system run by the elites and dedicated to preserving their power . . . It was a criminal society that I was dealing with. It was not possible to publish anymore in the so-called respected publications. My 30 year career in politics ended . . . The people of the western world have been trained to be good consumers; to focus on money, sports cars, beauty, consumer goods. They have not been trained to look for character in people. Therefore what we need is education for politicians, a form of training that installs in them a higher sense of ethics than service to money. There is no training now for world leaders. This is a shame because of the responsibility that leaders hold to benefit all mankind rather than to blindly pursue destructive paths.” And what is so special about this Brzezinski that Dr. Johannes Koeppl claimed was part of a group intending to impose a world dictatorship; will Brzezinski was co-founder of the Trilateral Commission for structuring the world for regional corporate interests, lifetime member of the Council of Foreign Relations, National "Security" Adviser under Jimmy Carter, intelligence advisor under Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr., advisor to Kennedy and Johnson. And what is this TRILATERAL COMMISSION that Zbigniew Brzezinski co-founded? The Trilateral Commission represents a skilful coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power - Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater from his 1979 book With No Apologies And what about this Zbigniew Brzezinski character? “I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot” 18 Zbigniew Brzezinski, NEWSTATESMAN, 17 April 2000

Zbigniew Brzezinski encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot!!! During his time in power Pol Pot imposed a version of agrarian collectivization whereby city dwellers were relocated to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects - you could say he was a Greenie well ahead of his time. Under his rule and direction the Khmer Rouge slaughtered an estimated 3 million people - anyone who did not fit into Pol Pot's New Order was systematically eliminated.


Anyone who did not fit into Pol Pot's NEW ORDER was systematically eliminated On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, USA stands a huge granite monument which is commonly referred to as The Georgia Guidestones. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. The origin of that strange monument is shrouded in mystery because no one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned its construction at great cost. All that is known for certain is that in June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He claimed that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity. Several things are apparent. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man's relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality. One of the 10 Guides, or commandments states:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million, at the time the monument was commission, would have required reducing the world's population by of nine-tenths; of course there is no mention on how this reduction is to be done. The American Stonehenge's reference to establishing a world court foreshadowed the now established International Criminal Court and the world government now being openly pushed. The Guidestones' emphasis on preserving nature anticipates the environmental movement of the 1990s, and the reference to "seeking harmony with the infinite" reflects the current effort to replace Judeo-Christian beliefs with a new spirituality. The content of the Guidestones bears a remarkable resemblance to the so called Earth Charter, a statement of vision of the Earth Charter Initiative of Mikhail Gorbachev and of the Green Cross 19 International an environmental organization founded by Mikhail Gorbachev. Speaking at a round-table discussion group at the Gorbachev Conference held in San Francisco in the fall of 1996, Dr. Sam Keen, a New Age writer and philosopher stated that there was strong agreement that religious institutions have to take a primary responsibility for the population explosion. He went on to say that: “We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

Cut the population by 90%...??? Mr. Keen's remarks were met with applause from the assembled audience made up largely of New Age adherents, Socialists, Internationalists and occultists. Many of the leading occultists of our modern world attended that meeting in San Francisco; a meeting organized by Mikhail Gorbachev, former Director of the Soviet KGB, and later President of Russia. The question that I am most frequently asked is, "How can you possibly believe that there are people who intend to kill off large segments of the world's population?" My answer is really quite simple. “I hold that belief because I have read their writings; I believe they are telling the truth.” If you take the time to check my references, you will soon discover that there really are those who have publicly advocated the elimination of "human weeds" and "the cleansing of society." David Graber, a research biologist with the National Park Service, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times Book Review Section, October 22, 1989, as saying: “Human happiness and certainly human fecundity are not as important as a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true ... We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth ...Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along.” 20

In The First Global Revolution, published by the Council of the Club of Rome, an international elitist organization, the authors note that: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention ...The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”


The Los Angeles Times of April 5, 1994 quoted Cornell University Professor David Pimentel, speaking before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as saying that: “The total world population should be no more than 2 billion rather than the current 5.6 billion.” In the UNESCO Courier of November 1991, Jacques Cousteau wrote: “The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it.” Bertrand Russell, in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, wrote: “At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full ... the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of others.” In March, 1969, Vice-President of US Planned Parenthood, Frederick Jaffe's “Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.” is printed containing a memo to Population Council president Bernard Berelson. It includes examples of proposed measures to reduce U.S. fertility, such as (a) encourage increased homosexuality, (b) encourage women to work, (c) abortion and sterilization on demand, and (d) make contraception truly available and accessible to all and (e) fertility control agents in water supply, Now before I comment on the above five proposed measures I think we should have a brief look at the history of the above two organisations just mentioned, namely the “US Planned Parenthood” and the “Population Council”. Firstly the US Planned Parenthood. This organization can trace its roots to Margaret Sanger who founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which changed its name to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. in 1942; she also was a founder of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Margaret Sanger was also was a proponent of forced eugenics, abortion, birth control and sexual “freedom”. Here are some of her quotes. 

   

"The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics." Margaret Sanger, "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda." Birth Control Review, October 1921, page 5. "[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children..." Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922. "The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order..." Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922. "Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock." Margaret Sanger, April 1933 Birth Control Review. "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Margaret Sanger's letter dated 19th December, 1939, to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams 21 Street, Milton, Massachusetts, USA.

Now we place the spotlight on the “Population Council” which was established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller the 3rd, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. A quick investigation reveals that this organisation also has it roots in the eugenics movement. The first president of the Council was a eugenicist by the name of Frederick Osborn, who stated in his book “The Future of Human Heredity” published in 1968 that: "Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another 22 name than eugenics."

“Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another name than eugenics.”


NOTE: It is important that the reader take heed of the above statement when reading the section on “Climate Change”. Now back to the five proposed measures to reduce fertility contained in the document “Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.”. If one studies the proposals put forwarded in 1969 to reduce fertility then one has to conclude that it appears that these proposals (a) through to (d) have been promoted with great success. The only proposal that I nearly dismissed as some far out idea was (e)…but…as I like to think things through, I thought about what could be put into the water supply to reduce fertility. On the spur of the moment I went on the internet and did an online search for…

“The reproductive effects of fluoride intake” …this resulted in some interesting information:

“...lowered birth rates, sperm, and testosterone are all linked to fluoride” “Fluoride is the toxin prescribed to the masses without their consent. In animal studies, fluoride has lowered the total number of offspring, the total number of litters, and the number of offspring born alive. In other studies, countries with high levels of fluoridation in the water supply had a lower total fertility rate. Fluoride has been shown to cause hormone disruption and low sperm counts. Additionally, Chinese studies have found fluoride to cause neurological 23 damage to children in early embryonic life or infancy.” “Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 years reveals that fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one package. One broad study found a direct relationship between areas that were fluoridated, and reports of hip 24 fractures among the elderly.” 25

A startling revelation on what amounted to a sinister proposal for mass fluoridation in the early part of the 1940’s was revealed by Mr Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Party Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barwon, Australia. In an 'Address in Reply to the Government's Speech to Parliament", as recorded in Victorian Hansard of 12 August 1987, Mr. Dickinson stated: "At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany. "While there he was told by the German chemists of a scheme which had been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German General Staff. "This was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. "Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. "Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile." Dr. Moolenburgh, a medical doctor who lived in Haarlem, Holland led a campaign to stop fluoridation when fluoridation began in his community in June 1970. The campaign was eventually successful and fluoridation of the water supply in Holland was ended. In a book written by Dr. Hans Moolenburgh (published in 1987) called "Fluoride - The Freedom Fight", the author states: "The story of industries hoodwinking the public into buying a pollutant as a medicine is simply a 'whodunit'. Grotesque though it may sound, it is no more than 'the consumer fraud of this polluted century' (as described in Fluoridation and Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell). But the story I now read was different: it gave one the cold shivers. It told of a chemical engineer, Mr. Perkins, who related how immediately after the Second World War he was one of the Americans put into the well-known I.G. Farben Company in Germany. There he discovered that I.G. Farben had developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries, because it had been found that fluoridation caused slight damage to a specific part of the brain. This


damage had a very particular effect. It made it more difficult for the person affected to defend his freedom. he became more docile towards authority. "Scientists in the camps of both opponents and proponents of fluoride have always dismissed this story as mere poppycock, but it had a life of its own and reared its head time and again. It fed the suspicions of many people that 'there was more to fluoridation than meets the eye'. "As far as I know, there is no one who has done any serious research into whether the fluoridated person is really more docile, easier to rule, more impressed by authority than the non-fluoridated ones. There is, though, one peculiar thing: every Dutch doctor has a medical reference book for 1984. One of the chapters is entitled ‘Tranquillisers’. Looking at the 'minor tranquillisers' I find twenty-four substances: their chemical formulae do not show any connection with fluoride. However, there is also a heading, ‘major tranquillisers’. Of those there are twenty-seven, and seven of them are a fluoride compound. One of theses is Semap. It is one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances we know. This means that twenty-five per cent of the major tranquillisers are connected with fluoride. I do not draw any conclusions. The only thing one can say at this point is, with Alice: ‘curiouser and curiouser!’”

Leaving the fluoride issue aside, if we investigate the subject of fertility we discover some startling facts. In many Western industrialised countries female infertility is in fact an increasing problem and while this should be a reason for concern in itself further investigations shows that the male sperm count has been decreasing steadily; a problem that appears to be getting worse with each passing decade. “A woman's fertility starts declining as early as her late 20s - not in her 30s as was previously thought, according to a study published in Human Reproduction, Europe's leading journal of reproductive 26 medicine.” “The quality of sperm is declining. Eighty-five per cent of the sperm produced by a healthy male is DNA27 damaged.” “In a well-respected study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, an American reproductive epidemiologist named Shanna Swan published work confirming that sperm counts are dropping by about 1.5 percent a year in the United States and 3 percent in Europe and Australia, though they do not appear to be falling in the less-developed world. This may not sound like a lot, but cumulatively - like 28 compound interest - a drop of 1 percent has a big effect.” “The quality of New Zealand men’s sperm has halved in two decades – the most dramatic drop of any Western country. A gathering of international fertility researchers in Brisbane yesterday was told the sperm count carried by the average New Zealand man decreased from about 110 million to 50 million 29 per millilitre between 1987 and 2007”

Is this fall in fertility a coincidence or is there something more sinister behind its cause? In a article carried in THE WASHINGTON TIMES on October 2, 1997 headed “Third World birth control tops Gore's list of 'global warming' cures” which in part states: “Vice President Al Gore, warning that


overpopulation fosters global warming, yesterday suggested expanding birth-control and abortion programs in developing countries to help reduce the environmental threat.” On October 9, 1997, THE WASHINGTON TIMES respond to Al Gore statements with the following Editorial titled “The Gore population problem” which in part stated: “The notion that the world would be a much better place if all the tacky poor people in it would simply control their reproductive urges is hardly new. It has long been accepted wisdom among social elites. And while no one could deny that Vice President Al Gore is -- by birth, upbringing and lifestyle -- a full fledged member of the American aristocracy, it was still strange to hear just how blunt Mr. Gore is prepared to be on the subject of what to do to get rid of extra people.” [Emphasis added]

“…it was still strange to hear just how blunt Mr. Gore is prepared to be on the subject of what to do to get rid of extra people.”

To get rid of extra people…??? Would it be rude to note that what with his own brood of four, Mr. Gore himself has hardly done his part for zero population growth? The following information is taken from the report "Global 2000: A Blueprint For Global Genocide" written by Dr. J Coleman. I will be using quotes out of the report that should get every reader thinking. In the first paragraph of the report Dr. Coleman wrote, he stated: “In 1979 I received a copy of a massive document commissioned by the Club of Rome and written by Cyrus Vance, three days after President James Earl Carter accepted it as official U.S. Policy....Global 2000 was unknown outside the Committee of 300 and carefully chosen official inside U.S. Government circles....Keep in mind that many of the ideas for ‘Goals 2000’ came from 19th century thinkers and writers such as Jeremy Bentham, William Petty-the Earl of Shelburne, H.G. Wells and Lord Bertrand Russell. [Page one, paragraph three] “We are also witnessing the Great Plagues of 1987-2000 in the form of AIDS, herpes, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis...Aids, as we know, is an artificially induced virus which in effect is a cancer of the blood. The first experiments were conducted in Africa on the border of Sierra Leone and Nigeria… [Page four and five paragraph's five and one] “...namely that the world is populated with too many redundant people who must not be allowed to procreate and consume scarce natural resources... [Page five paragraph five] “...jobless people be confined in concentration camps, run by a join stock company for profit....Once committed to concentration camps, inmates would never leave there alive. [Page six, paragraph two] Bentham, Shelburne, Wells and Russell hated the idea of education for the in operation that would allow people to have a vocabulary of no more than 500 words....might help to explain why Alexander King of the Club of Rome was commissioned to destroy education…A destructed education system qualifying millions who can barely read and write....will ensure a society in which the majority can and will be easily manipulated by men like President Bush, Cyrus Vance, Lord Carrington and James Baker III. [Page six, paragraph five] “The First and Second World Wars were wars designed to kill millions....were not successful enough hence the new methods outlined in the Global 2000 Report. [Page seven, paragraph two] “…the mechanism of agriculture and the industrialization of the world was a terrible has led to, and presently supports, a mass of people who perform no indispensable service....consuming the limited resources and destroying the environment of the globe....which they...the Committee of 300 representing the 'preordained leaders' of the world, say is theirs…the remedy…lies in destroying an economy based upon agricultural and industrial


expansion, because these support larger and larger populations of unwanted 'useless eaters'." [Page seven, paragraph seven] “The 'surplus population' thus created is targeted for death as 'useless eaters' in terms so clearly expressed in the Global 2000 Report.” [Page eight, paragraph four] The quotes I have given from Dr. Coleman's report sound pretty unbelievable. Or do they? Let’s look at some further quotes. "We are going to get Global 2000 implemented, one way or another by famine, starvation, or by choice...We need a real economic shock, a depression to get our message across." Statement of a Zero Population Growth spokesman (9/18/81) Source: The Spiral Report, Vol. 111 March 31, 1982 And from the mouth of Robert McNamara, former U.S. Secretary of Defence, former president of the World Bank, and member of the Rockefeller Foundation, in a speech to the Club of Rome on October 2, 1979: “There are only two possible ways in which a world of 10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly. Or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way. There are, of course, many ways in which the death rates can go up. In a thermonuclear age, war can accomplish it very quickly and decisively. Famine and disease are nature’s ancient checks on population growth, and neither one has disappeared from the scene.” The official policy of the U.S. regarding population control in foreign policy is spelled out in U.S. National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), written by Henry Kissinger. NSSM 200 subtitled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” Kissinger's National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) was a confidential document until declassified in the early 1990's and is still unknown to most Americans who would highly likely never have supported such a policy. The plan called for collusion among the U.S. government, the United Nations and non-governmental organizations such as International Planned Parenthood Federation. According to NSSM 200: “Throughout the implementation of the [population control] process, we have to make sure to hide our tracks and disguise our programs as altruistic...hiding the fact that we want access to their natural resources.” NSSM 200 went into detail about avoiding U.S. responsibility for population-control programs by ensuring that the UN and international financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank adopt population-control policies as prerequisites to their giving of aid. The report suggested furthering the camouflage by mandating that countries accepting aid from the UN or the banks form their own population-control ministries. The following is a summary and quotes from an excellent article written by Jean Guilfoyle; NSSM2000: Blueprint for De-population: “A U.S. executive-level government document entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of worldwide population growth for U.S. security and overseas interest (NSSM 200) was published in 1974 and declassified in 1989. Such a plan of action was designed to be taken in developing and developed countries. Henry Kissinger signed the document which was then directed to the Secretaries of Defense, Agriculture and Central Intelligence, the Deputy Secretary of State, and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development. A copy was also sent to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “FOCUS: International political and economic implications of population growth. The identified countries in the document for study are India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia . . . “Eventually efforts for worldwide propaganda to ‘create demand’ for population-control technologies developed. ‘Development of a worldwide political and popular commitment to population stabilization is fundamental to any effective strategy. This requires the support and commitment of key LDC (lesser developed countries) leaders. This will only take place if they clearly see the negative impact of unrestricted population growth and believe it is possible to deal with this question through governmental action ...We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance...of an industrialized country policy directed against the LDS’....later calling for ‘integrating population factors in national plans, particularly (within) health services, education, agricultural resources and development’ also suggesting


‘population policies and family-planning programs to major sectors of development: health, nutrition, agriculture, education, social services, organized labor, women's activities, and community development.’ To further sharpen their intent, the document recommends integrating family planning with health programs ‘Finally, providing integrated family panning and health services on a broad basis would help the U.S. contend with the ideological charge that the U.S. is more interested in curbing the numbers of LDC people than it is in their future and well-being’. In regards to assistance required by the LCD, ‘Country Assistance Strategy Papers and Development Assistance Program multi-year papers...Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand....the allocation of scarce PL480 (food) resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production.’ “To further warn against actions that might uncover this hideous plan, ‘In these sensitive relationships, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.’ Where resistance is clearly present, other organizations, agencies...etc take part in establishing population initiatives. Another recommendation was the use of satellite communications for propaganda.” NSSM 200 was a statement composed after the fact. Research has shown that during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the U.S. had worked diligently behind the scenes to advance the population-control agenda at the United Nations.

Advance the population-control agenda at the United Nations? It should be noted that the U.N.'s 1994 Global Biodiversity Assessment Report envisages a 70% reduction in world population to 2 billion people.

Envisages a 70% reduction in world population to 2 billion people! Hold on a minute let’s take a closer look at the UN. Professors Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, writing in their study of the CFR, Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy. (Monthly Review Press, 1977) states: “The planning of UN can be traced to the 'secret steering committee' established by Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull in January 1943. All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull, a Tennessee politician, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the [State] Department's Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department's post-war planning.” In 1945 the 'Big Three' (Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill) met at what was called the Yalta Conference (4 February 1945 to 11 February) to coordinate strategy to defeat Hitler, draw the map of post-war Europe and discussed plans to set up the United Nations Organisation. An individual by the name of Alger Hiss, who was to play a significant role in the new UNO, was a member of the U.S. delegation to the wartime Yalta Conference. Hiss’s role at Yalta was limited to work on the United Nations. On 25 April 1945, the UN Conference on International Organization began in San Francisco. In addition to the governments, a number of NGOs (non-governmental organizations) were invited to assist in drafting the charter. The 50 nations represented at the conference signed the Charter of the United Nations two months later on 26 June. Initially, the body was known as the United Nations Organization, or UNO. However, by the 1950s, English speakers were referring to it as the United Nations, or the UN. Alger Hiss served as the secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on International Organization (the United Nations Charter Conference) in San Francisco in 1945. Hiss later became the full Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs. Hiss left government service in 1946 and became president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, another interesting organisation, where he served until May 5, 1949. Now the interesting thing about Alger Hiss is that he was a charter member of the Council on Foreign Relations and another interesting fact is that the United Nations complex sits on 18 acres of prime, Midtown Manhattan real estate, which was purchased and donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr.


But bloody hell you must think I am being paranoid bringing this up. After all the UN stands for justice and peace you only have to ask the people of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq and they well back you up – just to name a few countries for reference. But humour me and let’s have a look to see that we don’t have a wolf masquerading as a lamb. 30

"It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the law of gravity.'' United nations Secretary General Kofi Annan (1997 to 2007)

Born in Ghana and according to the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, Kofi Annan's family was part of the 31 country's elite. As they say birds of a feather stick together. As stated before, the U.S. has worked diligently behind the scenes to advance the population-control agenda at the United Nations. So on with the facts. Now we come to the threatening words of Catherine Bertini, the executive director UN World Food Program who made an interesting comment in Beijing, China, at the UN 4th World Conference on Women in September, 1995. She said: “Food is power! We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize.” Ms. Bertini was a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. She is a member of the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations and a founding board member of the new Global Humanitarian Forum in Switzerland. Another interesting individual is Julian Huxley who was the prime mover of UNESCO and served as its first Director-General. Huxley had served on Britain's Population Investigation Commission before World War II and was vice president of the Eugenics Society from 1937 to 1944. In a 1947 document entitled UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy, Huxley wrote: “Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” It is interesting to note that Julian Huxley was one of the leading figures of war-time British intelligence 32 and that in 1961 Huxley, together with people like Prince Bernhard (founding member of the Club of Rome) and Prince Philip, officially established the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). During a 1960 tour of Africa, on the eve of the launching of the WWF, Huxley openly boasted that the ecology movement would be the principal weapon used to impose a Malthusian world order over the dead body 33 of the nation-state system. A US Department of State telegram, dated July 1969, reported the support of John D. Rockefeller III, among others, for the appointment of Rafael Salas of the Philippines as senior officer, to co-ordinate and administer, the UN population program. The administrator of the UN Development Program reported confidentially that he preferred someone such as Salas who had the "advantage of color, 34 religion [Catholic] and conviction."

Now here is some really interesting information In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against tetanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally liable to step on rusty nails. Because of that curious anomaly, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being distributed by the World Health Organization only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told. In 1995, the Catholic Women's League of the Philippines won a court order to halt a UNICEF tetanus vaccination program because the vaccine contained B-hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) hormone. It was found that 20% of the tetanus vaccines contained this hormone. Basically, this is a hormone naturally produced by the female reproductive system which allows the fertilized egg to implant into the uterine wall and facilitate development of the placenta, allowing for the pregnancy to continue. Clearly, this hormone was removed from a "Jane Doe", isolated and put into these vaccines. This woman's hormone developed an immune response in the vaccinated which caused antibodies to attack their own


female hormones. This was basically a sterilization experiment. Unfortunately, the Philippine Supreme Court discovered that three million women, 12 year to 45 years of age, were given this vaccine. UNICEF's campaign to immunize Nigeria's children with polio has also been accused of being a front for sterilizing the country. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis. Using technology recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), he found evidence of serious contamination. He stated that; “some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effect on the human reproductive system...I and some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the lab could not believe the discovery.” Dr. Kaita went on to say that: “These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a secret agenda which only further research can reveal. Secondly they have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we don't have the capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants. And very unfortunately they also have people to defend their atrocities within our mist, and worst still some of these are supposed to be our own professionals who we rely on to protect our interests.” [Emphasis added] This B-hCG laced tetanus vaccine was also given to Native Americans and black women in the United States. Is it a coincidence that over 35% Native American women and over 25% black women in America are sterile? This laced tetanus vaccine was also reported to have been given to at least four other developing countries. How do reproductive agents get into vaccines? There's only one way. That's to isolate the human hormones involved in reproduction and make them part of the vaccine ingredient. In plain simple language they were placed into the vaccine on purpose. Human Life International states that at the time that suspicion about the contents of the vaccines were raised when "the tetanus vaccination campaigns in the developing world targeted only women of childbearing or pre-child-bearing years." HLI also reported that "the vaccination program is sponsored by the World Health Organization, an agency with a 20-year history of researching anti-fertility vaccines." In his book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile veteran news correspondent Paul Manning published the followings facts that were revealed to him by Norman Covert, an Army public relations director at Fort Dietrick in Frederick, Maryland, USA: “One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company - the world's leading vaccine manufacturer…Records show the Merck pharmaceutical company received a major share of the Nazi "flight capital" at the close of World War II when its president, George W. Merck, was America's biological weapons industry director.” An astonishing journal paper dated 1st November, 1993. FASEB Journal, volume 7, pp.1381-1385; author Stephan Dirnhofer who is from the Institute for Biomedical Aging Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. A quote from the paper: “Our study provides insights into possible modes of action of the birth control vaccine promoted by the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines of the WHO [World Health Organization]”. A birth control vaccine? What? Yes. A vaccine whose purpose is to achieve non-pregnancy where it ordinarily could occur. Sterilization? This particular vaccine is apparently just one of several anti-fertility vaccines the Task Force is promoting. Yes. There is a Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines at the World Health Organisation. This journal paper focuses on a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin B-hCG. There is a heading in the paper (p.1382) called Ability of antibodies to neutralize the biological activity of hCG. The authors are trying to discover whether a state of no-fertility can be achieved by blocking the normal activity of hCG. They state: “We conclude from our results that both the efficacy and safety of the WHO vaccine are not yet ensured.” With financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, the Population Council, Ford Foundation, among others, the World Health Organisation has been working for 20 years to develop an anti-fertility vaccine using B-hCG with tetanus and other vaccines, according to scientific articles published on the effort by World Health Organisation. This has been documented by World Health Organisation and others, including the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, June 11, 1988, Clinical Trials of a WHO Birth Control Vaccine. To mid-1993 the World Health Organisation had spent a total of $365 million of such research funds on "reproductive health" including research on implanting B-hCG into tetanus vaccine. The World Health


Organisation has been unable to answer why women vaccinated were found with anti-hCG antibodies. They feebly replied it was "insignificant." The vaccine was produced by Connaught Laboratories Ltd of Canada and Intervex and CSL Laboratories of Australia.

Any moron whose brain has been lifted right out of his head could piece this whole depopulation operation together And of course there is genetically modified contaminated food entering the human food chain which brings to mind an interesting article claiming that of a pig farmer in Kansas, USA, who ran 2000 sows, went broke and lost his farm after using GM corn. He knew of 25 other farmers in similar trouble. It seems all their boars went sterile. I do not know what type of GM corn they were using but I do know that there has been research that has linked the feeding of GMO's such as Bt-corn varieties with sterility in pigs and cows. I wonder if it would have the same affect on human males?

Bt-corn courses sterility in pigs and cows GM technology owned and controlled by US Corporations. Genetically modified food being introduced into the human food chain and of course promoted as safe; no need to worry people, it’s completely safe, just like the vaccines we pump into your children.

No need to worry…trust us…after all your government does A few more memorable quotes: "Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." John Davis, editor of Earth First Journal ``In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.'' Prince Phillip of Great Britain, co-founder of the World Wildlife Fund in an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur, August 1988

ONCE AGAIN I ASK THE QUESTION: Would global governance be benign or would it reflect the character of the people who are manipulating behind the scenes to bring this about? Has any political leader or political party been upfront with the people in their country and explained what this New World Order is about?

NO THEY HAVEN’T Has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to implement any Free Trade Agreement; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to actively work towards the creation of Economic Blocs; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to work towards the creation of this New World Order?

The Answer is…NO, NO, & NO NO politician has been given any mandate Would we have a benign rule by gentle people concerned for the welfare of everyone; or could we endup with a Pol Pot in control? Should we be prepared to take the risk? After all no country at the moment seems to be able to solve its own problems; would we be any better off by combining all our problems together in the hope of solving them? I think not. If one studies many of the problems facing the world in general one has to conclude that Globalisation has been the root cause of most of the problems facing most societies around the world. Don’t forget that the world's top 200 corporations account for over a quarter of economic activity on the globe while employing less than one percent of its workforce. The world has a surplus population that is not needed by the Globalists, and don’t forget that in a purely economic point of view one or two billion people are easier to control then seven billion people. Is it worth the risk? Test yourself.


The New Zealand public in general look upon many of the gangs in New Zealand with distaste; you overhear people stating that the gangs are a bunch of scum and in many cases people will state in private that the gangs should be bloody will picked-up and shot. If people woke-up one morning and they discovered that all the gangs in New Zealand had died overnight from some strange virus, that for some strange reason only affected members of gangs, than the majority of people in New Zealand would say “bloody well done.” A fair appraisal of the New Zealand general public’s feeling towards the gangs in New Zealand. I think so. Do you? Well I for one must conclude that the criminal activities of these gangs pale into insignificance when compared to the activities of the Super Predators which are in control of the world. These Super Predators look upon The Mass as “just dumb, stupid animals to be used” unwanted “useless eaters” and “surplus population”. Their very psychopathic nature prevents them from being compassionate.

It has been said that there are three types of people: 1. Those that make things happen 2. Those who watch things happen 3. Those who wonder what happened The vast majority of mankind find themselves in the last two categories. Most have "eyes to see" but don't "see" what is happening. Most have "ears that hear" but don't "understand" what IS happening - LOCALLY, NATIONALLY OR INTERNATIONALLY.

REMEMBER… "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." Joe Stalin, comment to Churchill at Potsdam, 1945

REMEMBER… "A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." Bertrand de Jouvenel - 1903-1987

REMEMBER… "As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." [U.S.] Justice William O. Douglas In presenting the above I have only just scratched the surface so-to-speak. To put it into prospective; all I have done is walked into a large and very dark warehouse with a small flashlight, turned on the flashlight and scanned the contents within the warehouse for a few brief seconds. Hopefully this brief scan is enough to conclude that the contents are of a dangerous nature.

As I stated earlier: “I hope the reader still has enough curiosity left, even just a small flicker of inquisitiveness, to motivate them to investigate further. Prove what is stated here incorrect and get on with your life; however if the statements made here are vindicated by your investigation then that will place the burden of knowledge upon your conscience”

FINAL QUESTION: Who is worse? A person who by nature is evil who issues an evil order, or the obedient person who carries out these orders, or a person who by nature is a coward who allows the evil deed to be committed?


Remember… “Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.” Paulo Freire FINAL QUOTES: "Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself." UN Commission on Global Governance "The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April l974 issue of the CFRs journal, Foreign Affairs. "The nations are ready to give the kingdoms of the world to any one man who will offer us a solution to our world's problems." British historian Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all." Strobe Talbot - President Clintons Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992. "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN Business Council, September 14, 1994 "We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic morass into which we 35 are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him." Paul-Henri Spaak - The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, who was also a Prime Minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as a Secretary-General of NATO

GOD or DEVIL!!!...???

How about another Pol Pot? Is it worth the risk?

Climate Change 39

"No matter if the science is all phoney; there are collateral environmental benefits.... Climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world." 36 Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment Global warming started long before the "Industrial Revolution" and the invention of the internal combustion engine. Global warming began 18,000 years ago as the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age - a time when much of North America, Europe, and Asia lay buried beneath great sheets of glacial ice. Earth's climate and the biosphere have been in constant flux, dominated by ice ages and glaciers for the past several million years. At this point in time we are currently enjoying a temporary reprieve from the deep freeze. Approximately every 100,000 years Earth's climate warms up temporarily. These warm periods, called interglacial periods, appear to last approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years before regressing back to a cold ice age climate. At year 18,000 and counting our current interglacial vacation from the Ice Age is much nearer its end than its beginning. Putting things in perspective, geologists tell us our present warm climate is a mere blip in the history of an otherwise cold Earth. Frigid Ice Age temperatures have been the rule, not the exception, for the last couple of million years. As global climate cycles of warming and cooling have been a natural phenomena for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is unlikely that these cycles of dramatic climate change will stop anytime soon. We currently enjoy a warm Earth. Can we count on a warm Earth forever? The answer is most likely... no. Some inconvenient facts:   


Mars is facing similar global changes, researchers say, with temperatures across the red planet rising by around 0.65 degrees over the last few decades. 38 Jupiter's recent outbreak of red spots is likely related to large scale climate change as the gas giant planet is getting warmer near the equator. 39 Neptune has been getting brighter since around 1980; furthermore, infrared measurements of the planet since 1980 show that the planet has been warming steadily from 1980 to 2004. As they say on Neptune, global warming has become an inconvenient truth.

So not only has the planet earth got 0.7°C warmer over the last one hundred years but it appears that other planets in our solar system have also got warmer. Now what could be causing this to happen? Perhaps carbon dioxide is escaping from earth and the gravitational fields of these other planets are sucking up this escaped CO2 and thus causing global warming there?...No…even I have to admit that’s a bit too far fetched. Well have about the one thing all the planets have in common…the sun…could the sun be the common link that is causing this warming effect throughout the solar system…sounds feasible to me. Talking to any of the so-called experts that believe that global warming is man-made and bring up facts that dispute their beliefs is like talking to a religious fanatic back in the Middle Ages and disputing their belief that the earth was flat and that the sun evolved around the earth. Challenge their beliefs and you are a heretic, or in today’s environment a climate terrorist. FACT: Over the last 400,000 years the natural upper limit of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations was about 300 ppm. Today, carbon dioxide concentrations worldwide average about 380 ppm. Humans may be able to take credit for some of these additions, but not all of them. Compared to former geologic periods, concentrations of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are still very small and may not have a statistically measurable effect on global temperatures. For example, during the Ordovician Period 460 million years ago carbon dioxide concentrations were 4,400 ppm while temperatures then were about the same as they are today. Fact: Earth's atmosphere today contains about 380 ppm CO2 (0.038%). Compared to former geologic times, our present atmosphere, like the Late Carboniferous atmosphere, is CO2 impoverished! In the last 600 million years of Earth's history only the Carboniferous Period and our present age, the Quaternary Period, have witnessed CO2 levels less than 400 ppm. FACT: Temperatures were higher in the Middle Ages than they are today and yet carbon dioxide levels were lower in the Middle Ages then they are today.


It appears high probable that external factors are the cause of temperature fluctuations in the earth’s climate and that carbon dioxide levels are a sideeffect and have very little if no impact on global temperatures 40

FACT: The United Nations IPCC published a research review in the form of a voluminous report on the subject of climate change, which the United Nations asserts is “authored” by approximately 600 scientists. These “authors” are not, however – as is ordinarily the custom in science – permitted power of approval over the published review of which they are putative authors. They are permitted to comment on the draft text, but the final text neither conforms to nor includes many of their comments. The final text apparently conforms instead to the United Nations objective of building support for world taxation and rationing of industrially-useful energy. In January 2005 Chris Landsea, a climate change scientist with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), resigned as a participant in the producing the IPCC's report. Landsea had been a chapter author and reviewer for the IPCC's second assessment report in 1995 and the third in 2001, and he is a leading expert on hurricanes and related extreme weather phenomena. He had signed on with the IPCC to update the state of current knowledge on Atlantic hurricanes for the fourth report. In an open letter, Landsea wrote that he could no longer in good conscience participate in 41 a process that is "being motivated by pre-conceived agendas" and is "scientifically unsound." In an Open Letter to the Community he stated in part: "After some prolonged deliberation, I have decided to withdraw from participating in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). I am withdrawing because I have come to view the part of the IPCC to which my expertise is relevant as having become politicized. In addition, when I have raised my concerns to the IPCC 42 leadership, their response was simply to dismiss my concerns.” Landsea's frustration is not an isolated experience. MIT physicist Richard Lindzen, another past IPCC author who is not participating in the fourth report, has written: "My experiences over the past 16 years have led me to the discouraging conclusion that we are dealing with the almost insoluble interaction of an iron triangle with an iron rice bowl." (Lindzen's "iron triangle" consists of activists misusing science to get the attention of the news media and politicians; the "iron rice bowl" is the parallel phenomenon 43 where scientists exploit the activists' alarm to increase research funding and attention for the issue. And Dr. John Zillman, one of Australia's leading climate scientists, is another ex-IPCC participant who believes the IPCC has become "cast more in the model of supporting than informing policy 44 development." FACT: More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. (physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers, and environmental scientists) including 9,021 with PhDs have dared to 45 publicly disagree with the supposed "global warming" consensus by signing a petition rejecting the assumption that the human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth's climate. Their research showed that the increase of “atmospheric carbon dioxide during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, 46 however, markedly increased plant growth rates." 47

FACT: Thousands many scientists from various countries around the world, including New Zealand, also dispute that global warming is man-made.

The theory that man-made carbon-dioxide is the cause of global warming is just a political theory and has been rejected by the majority of scientists whose fields overlap into the area of climate Mathematical proof that there is no “climate crisis” appears in a major, peer-reviewed paper in Physics and Society, a learned journal of the 4,600-strong American Physical Society, entitled "Climate 48 Sensitivity Reconsidered". Christopher Monckton, who once advised Margaret Thatcher, demonstrates via 30 equations that computer models used by the UN’s climate panel (IPCC) were pre-programmed with overstated values for the three variables whose product is “climate sensitivity” (temperature increase in response to greenhouse-gas increase), resulting in a 500-2000% overstatement of CO2’s effect on temperature in the IPCC’s latest climate assessment report, published in 2007.

The issue of climate change has been contaminated by political objectives; facts that dispute the impact of human activity on climate have been discarded while theories that promote human activity as the cause of climate change are promoted as fact


Then of course we have the IPCC “scientists” screaming that they have proof that CO2 is causing the climate to warm because as CO2 increases so does the earth’s temperature. The ocean contains more than 50 times as much CO2 as the atmosphere. Most of this is stored in the very cold benthic layers of the ocean. The solubility of CO2 in water depends on temperature.49 The warmer the water temperature the less CO2 it can dissolve. Hence as the ocean depths are warmed C02 is released. This is known as oceanic out-gassing. You can test this yourself by heating a bottle of coke. Given that humans contribute only a tiny fraction (<1%) of the annual carbon flux, any change in the huge amount of CO2 dissolved in the ocean would far outweigh our effect. As shown by ice core data, temperature and CO2 levels are correlated but with an 800 year lag due to the time it takes for the increased atmospheric heat to reach the ocean depths. At a press conference in Washington, D.C., on March 24, 2000, Dr. James Baker, Administrator of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), announced that since the late 1940s, there “has been warming to a depth of nearly 10,000 feet in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans . . . In each ocean basin, substantial temperature changes are occurring at much deeper depths than we previously thought,” Dr. Baker said, as indicated by research conducted at NOAA’s Ocean Climate 50 Laboratory.

So as the oceans warm slightly CO2 is released from sea water Warming the ocean is not a simple matter, not like heating a small glass of water. The first thing to remember is that the ocean is not warmed by the overlying air. Let’s begin with radiant energy from two sources: sunlight, and infrared radiation, the latter emitted from the “greenhouse” gases (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and various others) in the lower atmosphere. Sunlight penetrates the water surface readily, and directly heats the ocean up to a certain depth. Around 3 percent of the radiation from the Sun reaches a depth of about 100 meters. The top layer of the ocean to that depth warms up easily under sunlight. Below 100 meters, however, little radiant energy remains. The ocean becomes progressively darker and colder as the depth increases. (It is typical for the ocean temperature in Hawaii to be 26°C (78°F) at the surface, and 15°C (59°F) at a depth of 150 meters. The infrared radiation penetrates but a few millimetres into the ocean. This means that the greenhouse radiation from the atmosphere affects only the top few millimetres of the ocean. Water just a few centimetres deep receives none of the direct effect of the infrared thermal energy from the atmosphere! Further, it is in those top few millimetres in which evaporation takes places. So whatever infrared energy may reach the ocean as a result of the greenhouse effect is soon dissipated. 51

The most blatant distortions on climate change can be laid at the feet of Al Gore and his film “An Inconvenient Truth” which many people accept as being a factual account proving mans impact on the 52 earth’s climate. But few people know that a British judge ruled that Al Gore told a string of untruths in his film “An Inconvenient Truth” and the judge further ruled that in order for the film to be shown in British schools the British Government had to first amend their Guidance Notes to Teachers to make clear that eleven inaccuracies were specifically drawn to the attention of school children. The inaccuracies were: 1.


3. 4.

5. 6.

The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration. The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim. The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility. The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rise in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years. The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government’s expert was forced to concede that this is not correct. The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that this was not the case.





The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that it was “not possible” to attribute one-off events to global warming. The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm. The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.

The film contains 9 inaccuracies that are not quibbles. They represent the film's most spectacular claims about the dangers of global warming, and form the very basis of the film. Were the film to be edited to have these inaccuracies removed, vanishingly little would be left It should also be pointed out that Gore makes other notable factual misstatements in the film that doesn’t help his or his film’s credibility.  

 

He says in the film that polio has been "cured," implying that we can cure "global warming." While a preventative polio vaccine does exist, there is no "cure" for polio. Gore attempts to smear his critics by likening them to the tobacco industry. In spotlighting a magazine advertisement proclaiming that "more doctors smoke Camel than any other brand," he states that the ad was published after the Surgeon General’s 1964 report on smoking and lung cancer. But the ad is actually from 1947 - 17 years before the report. Gore also says in the film that the year 2005 was the hottest year on record. But NASA data actually show that 1934 was the hottest year on record in the U.S. - 2005 is not even in the top 10. 53 Perhaps worse than the film’s errors is their origin. The BBC reported that Gore knew the film presented incorrect information but took no corrective steps because he didn’t want to spotlight any uncertainties in the scientific data that may fuel opponents of global warming alarmism. 54

In total there where 35 scientific errors and exaggerations in Al Gore’s movie. The first nine were listed by the judge in the High Court in London in October 2007 as being “errors.” The remaining 26 errors are just as inaccurate or exaggerated as the nine spelt out by the judge, who made it plain during the proceedings that the Court had not had time to consider more than these few errors. The judge found these errors serious enough to require the UK Government to pay substantial costs to the plaintiff.

It has been estimated that the likelihood that all 35 of the errors could have fallen in one direction purely by inadvertence is less than 1 in 34 billion "An Inconvenient Truth" grossed about $50 million at the box office and millions more in DVD and book sales. Gore charges as much as $175,000 for an in-person presentation of his slide show that forms the basis for the film. “As a private citizen, Mr. Gore does not have to disclose his income or assets, as he did in his years in Congress and the White House. When he left government in early 2001, he listed assets of less than $2 million, including homes in suburban Washington and in Tennessee. Mr. Gore’s spokeswoman would not give a figure for his current net worth, but the scale of his wealth is evident in a single investment of $35 million in Capricorn Investment Group, a private equity fund started by his friend Jeffrey Skoll, the first president of eBay.” [Emphasis added] The New York Times, November 2, 2009. "Gore’s Dual Role: Advocate and Investor" Contrary to Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” there is no scientific consensus on global warming: 

In a 2003 poll conducted by German environmental researchers Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch, two-thirds of more than 530 climate scientists from 27 countries surveyed did not believe that "the current state of scientific knowledge is developed well enough to allow for a reasonable assessment of the effects of greenhouse gases." About half of those polled stated that the science of climate change was not sufficiently settled to pass the issue over to policymakers at all. Nigel Weiss (Mathematical Astrophysics/Cambridge) states that “Variable behaviour of the sun is an obvious explanation.” He admits that we are now living in a period of abnormally high solar activity, and that these hyperactive periods do not last long (50-100 years), then you get a crash. “It’s a boom-bust system, and I would expect a crash soon.” And when the crash occurs, the Earth can cool dramatically. Dr. Kukla from the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences says he and many others realize that global warming always precedes an ice age. Each lasts about 100,000 years, punctuated


by briefer, warmer periods called interglacials. We are in an interglacial now. This ongoing cycle closely matches cyclic variations in Earth’s orbit around the sun. Kukla says “The relationship is just too clear and consistent to allow reasonable doubt. It’s either that, or climate drives orbit, and that just doesn’t make sense.”

They Blind Us With Pseudoscience - The Global Warming Con Sir John Houghton, first co-chair of the IPCC and lead editor of the first three Reports, signalled the objectives were political and not scientific. He said: “Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.” The IPCC has done this with ruthless efficiency while pretending what they are doing is science not politics. Houghton gave an example of a disastrous statement when he announced “...the impacts of global warming are like a weapon of mass destruction”, which is followed by the claim that it kills more people than terrorism.

The truth is more people die of cold each year than heat Two thirds of the people involved in the IPCC (1900 of 2500) are not climate experts and just study what might happen, not will happen. Science creates theories based on assumptions that are then tested by other scientists performing as sceptics. The structure and mandate of the IPCC is in direct contradiction to this scientific method. The IPCC is a political organization and yet it is the sole basis of the claim of a scientific consensus on climate change. Consensus is neither a scientific fact nor important in science, but it is very important in politics. "We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination...So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts...Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports "The emerging 'environmentalization' of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of a world government." Mikhail Gorbachev, Club of Rome member, State of the World Forum, 1996 "Climate change makes us all global citizens; we are truly all in this together." Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister; member of the highly secretive Bilderberg Group

"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace, "Forbes", November, 1991 "A New World Order is required to deal with the Climate Change crisis." Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister; member of the highly secretive Bilderberg Group "The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation." UN Commission for Global Governance report, 1999 Globalists love global warming! Oil industry kingpins, Bilderbergers and Rothschild minions have all put their weight behind it. This is a fraud conceived, nurtured and promulgated by elite, and to castigate individuals for merely questioning the motives behind climate change fear-mongering by accusing them of being mouthpieces for the establishment is a complete reversal of the truth. 55

An article “How UN structures were designed to prove human CO2 was causing global warming” by 56 Dr. Tim Ball states in part: “The IPCC is a political organization and yet it is the sole basis of the claim of a scientific consensus on climate change. Consensus is neither a scientific fact nor important in science, but it is very important in politics. There are 2500 members in the IPCC divided between 600 in Working Group I (WGI), who examine the actual climate science, and 1900 in working Groups II and III (WG II and III), who study ‘Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability’ and ‘Mitigation of Climate Change’ respectively. Of the 600 in WGI, 308 were independent reviewers, but only 32 reviewers commented on more than three chapters and only five reviewers commented on all 11 chapters of the report. They accept without question the findings of WGI and assume


warming due to humans is a certainty. In a circular argument typical of so much climate politics the work of the 1900 is listed as ‘proof’ of human caused global warming. Through this they established the IPCC as the only credible authority thus further isolating those who raised questions. “The manipulation and politics didn’t stop there. The Technical Reports of the three Working Groups are set aside and another group prepares the SPM. A few scientists prepare a first draft, which is then reviewed by governments and a second draft is produced. Then a final report is hammered out as a compromise between the scientists and the individual government representatives. It is claimed the scientists set the final summary content, but in reality governments set the form. The SPM is then released at least three months before the science report. Most of the scientists involved in the technical or science report see the Summary for the first time when it is released to the public. The time between its release to the public and the release of the Technical Report is taken up with making sure it aligns with what the politicians/scientists have concluded. Here is the instruction in the IPCC procedures. ‘Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) or the Overview Chapter.’ Yes, you read that correctly. This is like an Executive writing a summary and then having employees write a report that agrees with the summary.”

Carbon Dioxide is such a small component of Earth's atmosphere; approximately 380 parts per million by volume. Compared to former geologic times, Earth's atmosphere is CO2 impoverished 57

The case for a "greenhouse problem" is made by environmentalists, news anchormen, and special interests that make inaccurate and misleading statements about global warming and climate change. Even though people may be sceptical of such rhetoric initially, after awhile people start believing it must be true because we hear it so often.

Repeat a lie often enough and people will accept the lie as the truth "We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." 58 Stephen Schneider (leading advocate of the global warming theory) in interview for Discover magazine, Oct 1989 "Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous (global warming) is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are..." Former Vice President Al Gore: Chairman and co-founder of Generation Investment Management; a London-based business that sells carbon credits. It should be noted that Al Gore is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill..." 59 Club of Rome; an elitist think-tank working with the UN "In the long run, the replacement of the precise and disciplined language of science by the misleading language of litigation and advocacy may be one of the more important sources of damage to society incurred in the current debate over global warming." Dr. Richard S. Lindzen (leading climate and atmospheric science expert - MIT) "Researchers pound the global-warming drum because they know there is politics and, therefore, money behind it. . . I've been critical of global warming and am persona non grata." Dr. William Gray (Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado and leading expert of hurricane prediction ) in an interview for the Denver Rocky Mountain 60 News, November 28, 1999 "Scientists who want to attract attention to themselves, who want to attract great funding to themselves, have to (find a) way to scare the public . . . and this you can achieve only by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are." Petr Chylek (Professor of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia) Commenting on reports by other researchers that Greenland's glaciers are melting; Halifax ChronicleHerald, August 22, 2001


We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing - in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Tim Wirth, while U.S. Senator, Colorado. After a short stint as United Nations Under-Secretary for Global Affairs he now serves as President of the U.N. Foundation, created by Ted Turner and his $1 billion "gift" Before we move on we should briefly shine the spotlight on the above mention Ted Turner character. Ted Turner is the Chairman of Turner Enterprises, Inc. and former Vice Chairman of Time Warner Inc., the world's leading Media Company. Turner is a member of the Society of the Pacifica House, the secret society of Brown University which is very similar to the Skull and Bones at Yale University; it is interesting to note that Turner is also a long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Turner 61 is also UN supporter and founder of the United Nations Foundation. That aside. What causes the heating and cooling of the earth? There appear to be a number of viable theories. One is that the energy output of the sun goes through fluctuating cycles; low output to high 62 output. Another is referred to as the Milankovitch cycles which refer to variations in the earth’s orbit 63 around the sun. In regards to what has caused the earth’s temperature to increase by rather insignificant 0.7 degree Celsius since 1880 has not been proven.

Man Made Global Warming: Hoax of the 21st Century A New Zealand perspective During the period from A.D. 1400 to about A.D. 1860, earth’s climate was in a cool period dubbed the "Little Ice Age." The decline in global temperatures was a modest ½° C, but was characterized by harsh winters, shorter growing seasons, and a drier climate; the effects of this global cooling has been blamed for a host of human suffering including crop failures and the demise of the medieval Viking colonies in Greenland. If the earth is soon to enter another cooling period or Ice Age, as some scientists believe, then Mankind will face serious economic, social, and demographic consequences because it will directly affect more than 80% of the earth's population. How such a cooling could affect New Zealand should be investigated with utmost urgency

Global Cooling would have a negative effect on New Zealand’s food production Global Warming would have a positive effect on New Zealand’s food production Kyoto and carbon taxes In September the New Zealand Parliament passed a climate change bill that will set up the country's first emissions trading scheme and help it meet 'obligations' under the Kyoto Protocol. The Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill will eventually bring all sectors of the economy under a regime that sets limits on the amount of greenhouse gas they can emit. Those that breach their limit will have to buy credits from users that produced emissions below their ceiling. The New Zealand trading scheme will phase in sectors across the economy and includes all emissions from forestry from 2008, transport by 2009, stationary energy such as coal-fired power stations by 2010 and agricultural waste by 2013. About 60 percent of New Zealand's power comes from hydro-electricity, while agricultural emissions, such as methane from livestock, comprise about half the nation's total greenhouse gas emissions. Those that breach their limit will have to buy credits, called NZUs and representing the equivalent of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2), from users that produced emissions below their ceiling. Participants can also import credits representing reductions made abroad, in a global trade worth over $13 billion last year, according to the World Bank. Market estimates of the price per tonne of carbon 64 have ranged from NZ$15 to NZ$25, though some analysts suggest it could be up to NZ$50 after recent amendments to the bill. During the next five years, over 90% of the net charges resulting from the scheme will be paid by households, road users, and small and medium enterprises, even though these 65 sectors account for only a third of all emissions. An interesting article appeared in The Press on the 29 August 2008 entitled Carbon tax a threat to 66 farming viability which states in part:


“Hororata farmer Gavin King would rather slaughter his sheep and cattle than pay an estimated $168,000 a year in carbon tax for belching and farting livestock . . . He said few farmers seemed to realise the full implications for their farm business of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to reduce global warming . . . Many farms would fall over depending on the final tax rate and it would severely hurt service industries, he said . . . ‘We could survive, but I am not going to pay carbon tax on my animals farting and burping’ . . . ‘I will kill all of them before I do that if it goes to that level, too right.’. . . King said he was prepared to pay carbon tax for greenhouse emissions from fuel used on the farm, but not for livestock emissions of methane and nitrous oxide. ‘I cannot accept a tax on animals doing a natural thing,’ he said . . . ‘They have evolved over thousands of years burping and farting and to think we can change that in a short time is stupid. Several hundred years ago there would probably have been more animals than today.’ . . . He said for him, going into cropping would require more energy-consuming machinery . . . ‘Farmers do not think it will happen, but once it is legislated the tax has to be paid, and if you do not pay, the IRD will send you a penalty and another demand and then we are dealing with a faceless bureaucracy.’ . . . King calculated his ‘conservative’ carbon cost for his livestock based on Meat & Wool New Zealand figures for methane and nitrous oxide rates of 360kg for sheep and 350kg for cattle . . . If carbon traded at $25 a tonne, he estimated that he would pay $9 in tax for each sheep stock unit, comprising a wintered ewe and a store lamb (36% of $25/t is $9) and double that if it was $50/t. . . Each beef cow, equivalent to six sheep stock units, would cost $52.50 ($8.75 a stock unit) at $25/t or $105 at $50/t. . . King has 8840 sheep stock units and 1595 cattle stock units, so his yearly tax could range from $93,525 to $187,050, he said. . . Carbon is trading on the open market in Europe for about $45/t and at this rate he would be facing a $168,000-plus emissions tax for livestock each year.” Another interesting article headed Is our taste for Sunday roast killing the planet? appeared in the British newspaper, The Observer on September 7, 2008, which stated in part: "Your Sunday roast stands accused. According to the United Nation's chief climate expert, Rajendra Pachauri, that tasty piece of top rump resting on your dining table is the source of many of the world's environmental woes, in particular those involved in the dangerous warming of the planet's climate. . . Our appetite for animal flesh is boosting fertiliser production, pollution and emission of greenhouse gases to dangerous levels, Pachauri has told The Observer. Give up meat - at least for one day a week - and we can help to save the Earth, he added. . . Nor is Pachauri, the chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, alone in his complaints. A host of campaigners have united to condemn meat-eaters for bringing environmental mayhem to the world." All that the Kyoto Protocol is going to accomplish is make meat so damn expensive that only the rich will be able to afford to eat it. In a market with an ever diminishing supply of carbon credits it is logical to conclude that demand and competition for these carbon credits will push-up the price of the available carbon credits. Who will benefit most in this situation…once again the multinational corporations. It will be the smaller businesses that will suffer and in the end be forced out of the market. Is it any wonder that many multinational corporations are throwing their weight behind the Kyoto Protocol? Is it any wonder that the champion of climate change Al Gore is now involved in a business selling carbon credits?

$25 a tonne…$50 a tonne…perhaps even $150 a tonne? Don’t forget that the price of carbon credits will be set by “market forces” in an “open market”.

Market forces and speculation will inflate the cost of carbon credits as demand increases Not only will the Kyoto Protocol destroy many small businesses, including farmers, but it will add billions of dollars of extra costs yearly to the economy which will further erode the standard of living of most New Zealanders. Then we have the bureaucracy that will evolve to police the Kyoto Protocol; fart taxes on farm animals included.

Kyoto: A bureaucrat’s wet-dream and a citizen’s nightmare


While the greenhouse reductions would exact a high human price from New Zealanders, in terms of sacrifices to our standard of living, they would yield statistically negligible results in terms of measurable impacts to climate change.

There is no expectation that any statistically significant global warming reductions would come from the Kyoto Protocol Can you drive your car 30% less; reduce your winter heating by 30%? Will New Zealanders be able to afford to pay 20%-50% more for everything that they consume and still be able to maintain the basics for a reasonable standard of living? And that is just a down payment, with more sacrifices to come later.

The Kyoto Protocol will destroy many businesses, wipe-out many jobs, and devastate New Zealanders already meagre standard of living And just what sacrifices are to come later…Take HEED According to a new study by “scientists” at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, halfway measures won’t do the job. To stabilize our planet’s climate, we need to find ways to kick the carbon habit altogether. “Halfway measures won't do. To stabilize our planet's climate, we need to find 67 ways to kick the carbon habit altogether.”

Kick the carbon habit altogether: Zero emissions??? 68

A climate modelling project undertaken by “scientists” at the Carnegie Institution reported last year that to stabilise global temperatures we must reduce emissions by 100 percent, as quickly as possible otherwise there will be massive increase in global temperatures.

But before we go further just what is this Carnegie Institution? 

    

It was a private organisation founded by Andrew Carnegie in Washington in 1902 to fund educational, religious, and political organizations to "cultivate the international mind" - the Carnegie Institution was just one of twenty-two different organisations that he created. It should be noted that Andrew Carnegie was a close associate of the Rockefellers. The first head of the Carnegie Institution was Daniel Coit Gilman who established The Russell Trust in 1856. The Russell Trust is the business name for the Skull and Bones society. Skull and Bones is a senior or secret society based at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut. Also known as The Brotherhood of Death, also known as Chapter 322 or simply The Order, which is the powerful all-male society that was established at Yale University for the elite children or grandchildren of the Wall Street Banking Establishment. It is interesting to note that a 1911 study, financed by the Carnegie Institution, identified eighteen possible methods of implementing eugenics in America and around the world. Gas chambers were deemed to be the most effective method, but it was felt that American society was not yet prepared to accept them. Thus, a number of other eugenic methods were adopted, most notably mass sterilization. American Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and was implemented by America’s wealthiest, most powerful, most learned and most influential individuals and institutions, including the Carnegie Institution and the Rockefeller Foundation. Robert S. Woodward was president of the Institution from 1904 to 1920, and helped to plan the Second International Congress of Eugenics. John C. Merriam was president of the Institution from 1921 to 1938. Merriam was a founding member of the Galton Society, founded in New York City in 1918; it was the most overtly racist of the American eugenics organizations. Caryl P. Haskins was president of the Institution from 1956 to 1971. Haskins was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Philip Abelson was president of the Institution from 1971 to1978. Abelson was a member of the United States Association for the Club of Rome. Richard A. Meserve became the ninth president of the Carnegie Institution in April 2003, after stepping down as chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (NRC). Meserve had been a member of Carnegie's board of trustees since 1992. As Chairman of the NRC, Meserve served as the principal executive officer of the federal agency with responsibility for ensuring the public health and safety in the operation of nuclear power plants and in the usage of nuclear materials. He served as chairman under both Presidents Clinton and Bush and directed the NRC in responding to the "terrorism threat" that came to the fore after 9/11. Meserve is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


Now we discover that the Director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, Christopher Field, has been elected co-chair of Working Group 2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He was formerly a coordinating lead author on the 2007 IPCC report, Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change. Field will lead the group as they develop their next major report on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, due in 2014. So the Carnegie Institution claims halfway measures won’t do the job. To stabilize our planet’s climate, we must reduce emissions by 100 percent.

Take HEED of the following quote: "What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The groups conclusion is "no." The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse." 69 Maurice Strong, Opening speech, Rio Earth Summit, 1992 It should be noted that Maurice Strong is a Canadian billionaire and energy industry executive. He is also a former trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation and the Aspen Institute and a member of the Club of Rome; founder of the UN Environment Programme and member of the UN funded Commission on Global Governance. If one looks closely behind the scenes of the global warming scam then one finds all sorts of unsavoury characters; from the nuclear industry, the wealthy elite, the radical Greens, New Age adherents, and all sorts of other weird and dangerous characters.

We live in a world where truth is an illusion and deception rules Some interesting facts:    


New Zealand produces between 70 million to 90 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year 71 China is now the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide. In 2006 it produced 6,200 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. [China is deemed a developing country by the United Nations and as such is not required to reduce its emissions under the Kyoto protocol] 72 Within two years [by 2010], Chinese emissions of greenhouse gases will have vastly outstripped the reductions achieved by all the countries that have signed up to the Kyoto protocol combined. It will not be possible for China is reduced its carbon dioxide output without destroying its economy.

The religion of Global Warming is a PROPOGANDA EXCERCISE, and has little to do with actual science The Kyoto Protocol is just another tool to be used by the Globalists to bring about more Interdependence by forcing more and more industry from the developed countries into the developing countries such as China who are exempt from reducing carbon emissions under the Kyoto protocol "The threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key' that will unlock the New World Order." Mikhail Gorbachev - quoted in A Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind, by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review, 1996, page 5 [The following articles; 35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore’s movie [LINK], Lies, Damned Lies and Al Gore on Climate [LINK], “Consensus”? What “Consensus”? Among Climate Scientists, The Debate Is Not Over [LINK], The Danger of Environmentalism [LINK] available on the Science and Public Policy Institute website are highly recommended]


Democracy “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.” Marcus Tullius Cicero We are told from an early age that Democracy is a just system as it represents the Will of the People while in reality most people fail to realise that in democratic societies the people at the top of society possess most power. In reality the democratic system has nothing to do with the Will of the People. It is an absurdity to translate Democracy today as the government of, by or in favour of the people. The fact is Democracy is a confidence trick, a sham, as it is portrayed as something when in reality it is another thing. The Mass is allowed to vote and to ventilate their opinions but the Establishment decides if it will use these opinions. Parliament does not represent the Will of The Mass nor does Parliament rule in the interests of The Mass.

NZ Democracy A Corrupt Political System + A Comatose Public The passing of the anti smacking bill is a good example; polls consistently indicated that 80 percent of New Zealanders opposed this bill but it was still forced upon The Mass. Then we had the prostitution law reform; even though 75% of New Zealanders opposed such a reform it was still forced upon The Mass. It appears that the will of The Mass no longer controls Parliament thus The Mass has become Subjects.

Most people are like slaves living under the illusion that they are free Even the window-dressing of the two main parties does not conceal the fact that both parties are controlled by the same money powers. If we look at the record of the Labour and National parties over the last 3 to 4 decades we find there is very little difference between the two. Both parties have pushed a Global Agenda; both parties have pushed policies that have enriched the Oligarchy while reducing the standard of living of The Mass. Even the minor parties, the Greens, New Zealand First, Progressive, ACT, and United Future, all promote policies that act against the interest of The Mass; not one of the minor parties challenges the power of the Oligarchy. All the minor parties push and promote financial and economic policies that protect the power of the Oligarchy; push and promote policies that are Internationalist in outlook so thus these minor parties must also be treated as the enemy of The Mass. It is should be of interest to note that at least forty-three Members of Parliament were, as of 22nd of March, 2004, members of Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), which was formerly, before 1986, known as Parliamentarians for One World Order. Parliamentarians for Global Action was established in 1978-1979 in Washington, DC, U.S.A. According to the Parliamentarians for Global Action website the Parliamentarians for Global Action is grateful to the following donors for their generous support; the New Zealand International Aid and Development Agency (NZAID), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust. It is interesting to note that the Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust was established by Stewart Rawlings Mott a General Motors heir and that he invested heavily in causes including population control, abortion reform, and sex research. Parliamentarians for Global Action are one of the specific organizations promoting “global governance” and a “genuine internationalism”, which has been funded by the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and Rockefeller Foundation.


The following list contains the names of New Zealand Members of Parliament belonging to Parliamentarians for Global Action. This PGA lists source is MP John Tamihere, and is dated the 22nd of March, 2004. LABOUR PARTY PGA members: Helen Clark, Michael Cullen, Tim Barnett, Rick Barker, Ruth Dyson, Phil Goff, Pete Hodgson, Jonathon Hunt, Annette King, Trevor Mallard, Ashraf Choudhary, David Cunliffe, Lianne Dalziel, Helen Duncan, Martin Gallagher, Ann Hartley, Janet Mackey, Steve Maharey, Nanaia Mahuta, Damien O'Conner, Mark Peck, Jill Pettis, Lynne Pillay, Ross Robertson, Jim Sutton, Paul Swain, Judith Tizard, Dianne Yates, and Harry Dunyhoven. NATIONAL PARTY PGA members: Don Brash, Gerry Brownlee, Wayne Mapp, Lynda Scott, Nick Smith, Georgina Te Heuheu, and Pansy Wong. GREEN PARTY PGA members: Rod Donald, Jeanette Fitzsimons, Keith Locke, and Nandor Tanczos. PROGRESSIVE COALITION PARTY PGA members: Jim Anderton and Matt Robson. ACT PARTY PGA members: Ken Shirley. Other prominent PGA members are or have been: David Lange, Geoffrey Palmer, Mike Moore, Richard Prebble, Marianne Hobbs, John Carter, Murray McCully, and Maurice Williamson. It should be noted that Mike Moore apart from being a member of Parliamentarians for Global Action was also Director-General of the World Trade Organisation from 1999 to 2002.

NZ Democracy A Corrupt Political System + A Comatose Public It is taken for granted by most people that when a person is elected to Parliament that this person will endeavour to protect the weak, to stand guard to protect the interests of the ordinary citizen. But these Moral Prostitutes, for many decades, have deserted their posts and purposely betrayed their duties and responsibilities, such actions are those of traitors and as such should be viewed as treason. A harsh indictment…I think not. Consider the following definitions: Traitor: a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust; a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. Treason: a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state; the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. The people of New Zealand have been betrayed, our country has been looted, our industry has been dismantled, and we have many Moral Prostitutes sitting in Parliament who have allegiances to an ideology that will destroy New Zealand’s sovereignty. These Moral Prostitutes have lied to, been deceitful to and have misled the people of New Zealand and in the process have betrayed the Peoples’ trust and confidence. These are the acts of traitors and these acts must be considered treason.

A well behaved slave will not question their Master The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between New Zealand and China which was signed on the 7th of April 2008 was forced upon The Mass. The Government did not go to The Mass with any proposal about this FTA; no it was navigated in secret and forced upon The Mass. Why? Firstly it fits the Globalisation agenda to drag New Zealand into an Asia-Pacific Community, secondly because it was in the interest of the Oligarchy – the super rich minority who control New Zealand. By putting such a proposal to The Mass would have sparked a long drawn-out debate that may have enlightened The Mass to what is exactly going on. No the Master knows best, and like good obedient Subjects, The Mass do nothing. No! The Mass did not click to the provision within this FTA, which allows up to 1,800 Chinese people a year to come to New Zealand to work; the thin edge of the wedge, so-to-speak, of the flood of cheap labour that will one day pour into New Zealand, from the future Asia-Pacific Community.

A well behaved slave will not question their Master In June 2008, the then Prime Minister Helen Clark stated that the New Zealand and Australian governments would be holding discussions about establishing an Asia Pacific Community, this came on the heels of the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement that he wants to establish an Asia-Pacific Community by 2020 similar in nature to the European Union. And just what is this Asia-Pacific Community. The aim is to amalgamate Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Rim countries; this includes all the low cost labour countries like India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand into a super economic block, which will allow the free flow of goods and labour within this community “similar in nature to the European Union.”


One thing is certain: The voters of New Zealand have never knowingly agreed to any of this Of course the major media outlets will present this Asia-Pacific Community as being in New Zealand’s interests but “in New Zealand’s interests” has been covered in the Introduction in this document. Of course New Zealanders who have been well and truly ‘democratised’ and being the knowledgeable people they believe themselves to be, will fail to realise that the major media is owned by the types of people who are pushing for this Asia-Pacific Community. Of course the politicians sitting in Parliament, being the honourable people they are, will do their best to present this Asia-Pacific Community as being “in New Zealand’s interests”. Bits of information like this are leaked out and do The Mass take any notice; does The Mass ask, what exactly is this Asia-Pacific Community, which the New Zealand and the Australian Prime Ministers are talking about? Does The Mass realise that once New Zealand is incorporated into this Asia-Pacific Community that New Zealand will be flooded with cheap labour from within this “community”, you know people from China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand who are use to working in sweatshops for a few dollars a day?

Do you honestly think any of the Establishment backed political parties will point this out? Do you think that the Establishment owned media will speak out about these dangers? NZ Democracy A Corrupt Political System + A Comatose Public The system that masquerades as Democracy is a con – a sham. The Will of The Mass has no bearing on the discussions made by Parliament. One has only to look at the way Parliament tackles the problems facing New Zealand Society and one has to wonder if we are either ruled by complete morons or the powers that be don’t want to do anything about the problems. Perhaps it is a combination of the above Has any political leader or political party been upfront with the people in their country and explained what this Asia-Pacific Community is about?

NO THEY HAVEN’T Has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to implement any Free Trade Agreement; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of their country to actively work towards the creation of Economic Blocs; has any politician been given any mandate by the people of New Zealand to breakdown, erode and destroy New Zealand’s sovereignty?

The Answer is…NO, NO, & NO NO politician has been given any mandate Remember: A Traitor is a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust A Traitor is a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country


Those Moral Prostitutes sitting in Parliament have betrayed New Zealand and its People Those Moral Prostitutes sitting in Parliament have betrayed the Peoples' Confidence and Trust Those Moral Prostitutes sitting in Parliament are all guilty of Treason. Treason committed either through treachery or by turning a blind eye and keeping their silence "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names" Chinese Proverb

Feminism "Destroy the family, you destroy the country." Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Radical feminism is one of the most malicious and destructive ideologies imaginable, they have been caught lying, cheating and deceiving over and over again in order to further their aims; they have engaged in an onslaught of male hatred for nearly four decades that is almost impossible to imagine so massive has it been. Many Marxist inspired feminists appear to be dangerous malicious and vindictive bitches on a powertrip. I would go as far to say that many appear to exhibit various degrees of psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. And one of their more disgusting aims - which they try to hide - is to destroy people's families and their close relationships. As just one tiny example of this hidden agenda, I present an excerpt from an article by Sandra Paterson in the May 14, 2005 issue of the New Zealand Herald which states: “There is a little old lady in Auckland with whom Helen Clark would not be very pleased. If she knew who she was, that is. . . Back in the 1970s, when the little old lady was much younger, she used to go to feminist meetings. Not because she was a feminist, but because she and her husband were concerned at the sorts of things being discussed. . . ‘So I would go off to all these meetings around the country to monitor what was going on,’ she says. ‘I remember there was an outcry at one conference because a woman had brought along her baby son. He wasn’t wanted in the room because he was a male.’ . . . She also remembers many of the women who attended or addressed these events, among them Helen Clark, Sylvia Cartwright, Marilyn Waring, Cath Tizard, Ros Noonan and Margaret Wilson. . . For decades she has watched as the young feminists of the 70s became some of the most powerful leaders in New Zealand. And for decades she held on to a couple of documents which outlined, all those years ago, a long-term feminist agenda to change New Zealand society by attacking the traditional family unit. . . Lately, however, concerned at just how much of the agenda was being accomplished, she passed the papers to a friend, who in turn sent them to me and to journalist Ian Wishart, as covered in this month’s Investigate magazine, which you can be sure, is not on the coffee table at the PM’s house.” [The documents in question were from a Socialist Action League submission on women's rights which were published in a booklet with an introduction by Kay Goodger who was a regular at the 1970's women's meetings. Ms Goodger is now a Senior Analyst in the research section of the Ministry of Social Development] “Goodger called on the radical feminists of the day - Clark and co - to do everything they could in their spheres of influence to replace or sideline the traditional family. . . ‘The family distorts all human relationships by imposing on them the framework of economic compulsion, social dependence and sexual repression,’ she wrote. ‘Our goal must be to create economic and social institutions that are superior to the present family.’ . . . She then outlined the steps which needed to be taken to overhaul society. They included making abortion free and on demand,


integrating sex education into all levels of the school system and ensuring birth control was freely available. . . Coercive family laws should be abolished, she wrote, adding that ‘the rearing, social welfare and education of children should become the responsibility of society rather than individual parents.’ . . . De facto relationships should have the same status legally and socially as marriage; all laws ‘victimising prostitutes should be abolished; and 24-hour childcare should be introduced to free women from domestic slavery’.” It is there, in front of your nose. Feminism is closely related to a Marxist way of thinking and assumes that men as a group have constructed "hidden barriers" in society through which they can oppress women. The Marxist inspired feminists do not give a damn about the damage that they have caused to millions of families - something that they purposely set out to do. They do not give two hoots for the communities that they have destroyed, nor for the millions of people whose lives have been damaged. And they care not a jot for the trillions of dollars that have been wasted and expended across the western world over the decades in vain attempts to counter the serious problems that they have purposely been creating; such as those caused by fatherlessness. Destroying people's families and their relationships is one of their main aims. And if you look at the activities that they have engaged in over the past few decades, nearly every move of theirs is consistent with this aim. And people need to wake up to this. And if you are still in doubt as to the true agenda of the feminists the following quotes are a small sample taken from a huge number of quotes that outline the intention of the radical feminists: "In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them." Dr. Mary Jo Bane - Assistant professor of education at Wellesley College and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman

We must take children away from their families "The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft." The Declaration of Feminism, November 1971

Important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" Sheila Cronan - 1988 Houston National Organization for Women {NOW} Conference for Women

Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage "We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." Robin Morgan “Sisterhood Is Powerful, 1970, p.537

We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage "All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman."..."You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs." Catherine MacKinnon - Prominent feminist scholar at the University of Michigan and Yale

Consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman "I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have; does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." Barbara Jordan - former US Congresswoman


Men can not have compassion "I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig"..."The traditional flowers of courtship are the traditional flowers of the grave, delivered to the victim before the kill. The cadaver is dressed up and made up and laid down and ritually violated and consecrated to an eternity of being used."..."Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies." Andrea Dworkin

Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies "A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, 'even if she does not feel forced.' Judith Levine

All women are forced into having sex with men "The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things." Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men)

The male is a domestic animal "We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men..." Elizabeth Cady Stanton "One Woman, One Vote", Wheeler, p.58

Women are superior to men "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist." Sheila Cronan - National NOW Times, Jan.1988

A woman must be a lesbian to be fully feminist Sane words from sane women – far from it. The evidence is that Marxist inspired Feminism is little more than an ideology of hatred – a hatred of men. Even some feminists themselves have turned on their more radical sisters. Tammy Bruce a gay US liberal activist deconstructs modern liberalism’s depravity. As a gay feminist, Bruce was a poster child for the gay movement - until, that is, she began questioning why the gay movement should accept depraved and harmful practices as "alternative lifestyles”. For expressing her opinions, Bruce was accused of being intolerant and a danger to the community. Bruce, as a feminist, laments the usurpation of legitimate movements by the liberal elites. For example she stated that in 1966 the National Organization for Women sought to bring women "into truly equal partnership with men." Today there are no positive references to men at all in the statement of purpose. Instead, she stated they write: "We envision a world where patriarchal culture and male dominance no longer oppress us on our earth." All that radical feminism has accomplished is to cause confusion among males and females. Females have become “liberated” i.e. more aggressive and domineering, while men no longer know what their role is. Is it any wonder that there are so many relationship problems? Of course when the radical feminist decides to enter politics to further their agenda she will spend a few years learning how to not appear too radical to the common voter, but ultimately keep their resolve to increase the power of central government in order to reach their goals. By the way…the women mentioned in this article…you know…Helen Clark, Sylvia Cartwright, Marilyn Waring, Cath Tizard, Ros Noonan and Margaret Wilson…ever wondered what ever happen to them. Helen Clark: Prime Minister 1999-2008. Under pressure from some members of the New Zealand Labour Party to marry despite her own feelings about marriage she married in 1981 prior to the general Election - her biography reports that she cried throughout the ceremony. Marriage would appear to be one of convenience for political purposes. Ms Clark's and her husband’s sexual orientation has been an item of debate and speculation. No children. Sylvia Cartwright: She was appointed to the bench of the Family and District Court in 1981. In 1989 she became the first female Chief District Court Judge, and in 1993 she was the first woman to be


appointed to the High Court. She became New Zealand’s second woman Governor-General in 2001. She was awarded the NZ Suffrage Centennial Medal 1993. She has attended a number of “gay” parades and has spoken out in support of gay and lesbian rights. She is married Marilyn Waring: Representing the National Party she became at 22 the youngest member of the New Zealand Parliament in 1975 and remained in the House of Representatives until 1984. The New Zealand Truth tabloid newspaper exposed her as a lesbian in 1976; she refused to comment at the time but "came out" in 1985. Between 1991 and 1994, Marilyn Waring served as Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and the Politics of Human Rights with the Department of Politics at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. She speaks publicly on gay and lesbian rights and in support of same-sex marriage and teaches on the wonders of globalization. Cath Tizard: On the 13 December 1990, Cath Tizard was appointed as the first female GovernorGeneral of New Zealand. Her appointment was directly due to pressure from the then Deputy Prime Minister Helen Clark and Labour Party President Margaret Wilson pushing for a female GovernorGeneral, as the 100th anniversary of Women's suffrage in New Zealand would occur during the Governor-Generals' term in 1993. Ros Noonan: Previously a trade union official became Chief Human Rights Commissioner. Margaret Wilson: Strongly promotes various social causes such as feminism and multiculturalism. From 1984 to 1987, she was president of the Labour Party, and from 1989 to 1990, she worked as chief political advisor to the Prime Minister, Geoffrey Palmer. She has also served on the Law Commission, and was appointed as a director of the Reserve Bank. Wilson entered Parliament as a list MP in the 1999 elections, and immediately gained election to Cabinet. Her portfolios included those of AttorneyGeneral and Minister of Labour. On 3 March 2005 Wilson was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives is the third most important in New Zealand, after the Governor-General and the Prime Minister. They are no friend or ally of the normal heterosexual women who make up the bulk of the female population. Of course once these radical feminists are in positions of power within an organisation they ensure that vacant positions are felled by like-minded feminists. These radical feminists are men-haters and their strategy and aims are well documented; it is a war against marriage and men in general. Radical feminism has inflicted far more damage and harm on the nation's children than all the paedophiles and child abusers put together. Indeed, one widely publicised claim by a feminist 'child expert' in the USA was that 100,000 women died from anorexia each year. And that anorexia was caused by child sex-abuse. It turned out - much later - that about 100 women died from anorexia each year, and that child sex-abuse had nothing to do with it. But can you just imagine what the parents - especially the fathers - of anorexic daughters must have gone through as this baloney was splashed across the media and injected into the minds of the population? Even their own daughters would have been unsure as to what might have happened to them all those years ago. And, of course, even the wives of these men began to view them with suspicion. After all, if their daughters were anorexic, someone must have sexually abused them. There were numerous other ailments that were being said to be the result of child-sexual abuse; e.g. not being able to concentrate at school, appearing to be uncommunicative, constipation, an interest in the opposite sex, depression etc, etc - the list is long. And in the climate of the hysteria that prevailed - and that was continually being stirred up by the abuse industry and the feminists - all men started to be regarded with suspicion. And if, for example, their own children had one of the many ailments that were alleged to have been caused by child sex-abuse, then the fingers started wagging and pointing at them. Then there are distorted statistics supplied by bitches like the New Zealand lesbian psychologist Miriam Saphira who claimed that "one in four New Zealand girls are sexually abused before they turn 18. Half of them by their own father." In actual fact fewer than one in 100 girls are abused by their biological father. The point is that these sorts of irresponsible claims poison peoples’ minds. They make blatantly outrageous claims over and over again and this is done wilfully and with purpose. These Marxist inspire radical feminists are a clear and present danger to Society. Action and policies should be implemented to repair the damage done and to ensure that the political agenda of the radical feminist is neutralised.


Across the Spectrum of Economic Slavery: Marxism and Capitalism Mark Twain in The Mysterious Stranger writes: “’And what does it amount to?’ said Satan, with his evil chuckle. ‘Nothing at all. You gain nothing: you always come out where you went in. For a million years the race has gone on monotonously propagating itself and monotonously re-performing this dull nonsense to what end? No wisdom can guess! Who gets a profit out of it? Nobody but a parcel of usurping little monarchs and nobilities who despise you; would feel defiled if you touched them; would shut the door in your face if you proposed to call; whom you slave for, fight for, die for, and are not ashamed of it, but proud; whose existence is a perpetual insult to you and you are afraid to resent it; who are mendicants supported by your alms, yet assume toward you the airs of benefactor toward beggar; who address you in the language of master toward slave, and are answered in the language of slave toward master; who are worshipped by you with your mouth, while in your heart if you have one you despise yourselves for it. The First man was a hypocrite and a coward, qualities which have not failed yet in his line; it is the foundation upon which all civilizations have been built.’ “ Some years ago I was reading a scholarly volume on the Middle Ages when I came across a translation of a textbook or primer used to teach children, kind of a fourteenth-century "See Dick And Jane" kind of thing. The book described all the various people who existed in the medieval world and their functions: the king rules by divine right, the baron gives justice and protection to his people, the knight does deeds of valour for his lady love, the priest intercedes with God for the souls of men, the merchant brings goodies from foreign lands. It continued on down to the tradesmen such as the weavers, the butchers and bakers and so forth, you get the picture. At the very end was a single sentence thrown in almost as an afterthought which described people who in those days were at least 90% of the entire population. It was a phrase which has stuck in my mind from that day to this: "And the peasant works so that all may eat." I can think of no better way to describe the role of The Mass today; modern day peasants. Their function in society is simple; the peasant labours so that all may eat. And today as in the past the Productive Effort of the peasant produces the means by which the holders of economic power live It still never ceases to amaze me in regards to the stupidly of humans. We still have a large number of people throughout the world that still embrace Socialist ideology in the belief that Socialism can still bring about a utopia. The fools still haven’t learned that centralised political power and centralised economic power combined with human nature is a recipe for disaster. Marxists seem to believe that they are a special breed apart from the rest of humanity as they apparently believe that the political ideology they promote is free from the human innate characteristics of greed, dishonour and dishonesty. Assuming that all men are basically good is obsolete lunacy. Giving total control to those in power, without checks and balances in how they apply their power leads to the inevitable result of the abuse of power. In Marxist based economics, the means of production is owned by the state - in effect, the property of those in power. Once this has happened, there's no incentive for anyone to do more than they absolutely have to...with predictable results. Of course there will be those who will point to the economic reconstruction of Russia under Stalin's rein; but this economic reconstruction was all done virtually by forced labour and under the shadow of the gun. Put a peasant to work in a field and just give him enough to live on from what he produces and he will not work hard and efficiently, but give him a fair share of what he produces and you give him incentive to work hard and efficiently and production increases. This is human nature. For a system to work efficiently it must understand human nature. Put slaves to work and they need constant supervision by a team of supervisors; give a free man work and give him incentive and he will work harder and more efficiently then any slave and without the need of, or at most a little, supervision. One only has to look at the Soviet collapse. The US had worked for decades to undermine the Soviet system and the very structure of the Soviet system made it susceptible to such US tactics. Centralised


State ownership, plus lack of incentive and once again human nature couple with the US tactics lead to the collapse of the Soviet system. Within a short period of its collapse millionaires appeared within the old Soviet system and soon afterwards billionaires. Why did these super rich people arise so quickly was due to the simple fact that the old owner of all this wealth, the Soviet Union, had died leaving this wealth at the mercy of the first predator to seize ownership. What did the ex-Soviet citizen, the creators of this wealth, get out of all this; absolutely nothing. No the predators swooped upon the dead Soviet system and like a band of marauding pirates pillaged; all done without reservations and without any misgivings towards their so-called comrades, the People. The point I am making is that decades of Socialism preaching about the Common Good was a failure in producing a caring society. Talking about the Common Good was just propaganda. The average Soviet citizen had a mundane subsistence lifestyle and the corrupt Party Elite, the Controllers, had a lifestyle the average Soviet citizen could only dream about. The proof of the Soviet failure lays in its collapse. Only a corrupt system collapses from within. As of 2008 Russia had 101 billionaires. More than 136,000 Russians are dollar millionaires and the number just keeps growing. However, the wealth seems to be controlled by a very little part of the Russian population. Alexander Kochubey from Renaissance Capital has estimated that less than one percent of the population controls over 80 percent of all values in the country. In spite of the rapid growth, Russia is far from the fastest growing economy in the world. Growth in China remains higher. One only has to study the Marxist based system in China to see that Socialism is a failure. Decades of Socialist centralised control and China’s economy was unable to produce the incentive nor the technology needed to simulate its stagnate economy to match that of the Westernised countries. In response China opened up its economy to the Globalists; China provided the low cost and obedient labour force and the Globalists supplied the technology that China was unable to produce. 73

The World Socialist Web Site had a interesting article entitled “China’s Communist Party congress: a celebration of private wealth and market success” which stated in part the following: “After three decades of “market reform”, the CCP has emerged as a ruling syndicate of the representatives of the wealthy and privileged social layers in contemporary China - the state and party bureaucrats, the military top brass, private businessmen and well-off professionals, as well as the elite among the country’s ethnic minorities. While there are diverse, competing interests, they all share the same hostility toward the rapidly growing working class and maintain their grip on power through authoritarian methods.” It went on to state: “As a result of globalised production, nearly half the Chinese population now live in cities (560 million people), compared to just 20 percent in 1980. At least 109 million Chinese workers are employed in manufacturing industry, twice the number for all the G7 industrialised countries combined (53 million). China’s average wage of $230 per month in 2006 (excluding tens of millions of poorly-paid rural migrant workers) is just 7 percent of the US level. This vast army of cheap labour is crucial not only to the operations of the Chinese economy but global capitalism as a whole.” It could easily be claimed that the Socialist system in China is slowly evolving into a type of Fascism; I suppose one could call this Red Fascism for want of a better name.

The proof of the Marxist Chinese failure is shown by its embrace of Western Corporate Capitalism It is interesting to note that at the end of 2007 China had 345,000 millionaires. China also has 4,935 extremely rich people or "Ultra-HNWIs" - Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals - defined as those with financial assets of more than 30 million dollars. China now has 106 billionaires, up from 15 a year ago, according to one of the two lists, published by Shanghai-based Hurun Magazine. One third of China’s 800 richest are members of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and 38 74 were delegates to the National Peoples Congress. The British Guardian on October 15, 2007, described the CCP regime a “giant aristocracy” and noted the close connection between the families of Chinese political leaders and big business. “President Hu Jintao’s daughter is married to the former head of the internet giant Sina. The son-in-law of the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, reportedly runs the country’s most successful football team. The son of the former premier Li Peng controls China’s biggest power generation company, while relatives of Deng Xiaoping are believed to dominate the huge Ploy group,” it stated.


While China’s economic boom is promoted as some sort of miracle the reality is that China has a very polarised society, with hundreds of millions of impoverished workers and peasants at one pole, and a tiny capitalist elite at the other. It is interesting to note that, in 2005, 0.4 percent of the population 75 controled 70 percent of national wealth. 76

An article in the International Herald Tribune stated the following:

entitled “Amid milk scare, China's elite get special food”

“While China grapples with its latest tainted food crisis, the political elite are served the choicest, safest delicacies. They get hormone-free beef from the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, organic tea from the foothills of Tibet and rice watered by melted mountain snow . . . And it's all supplied by a special government outfit that provides all-organic goods from farms working under the strictest guidelines . . . That secure food supply stands in stark contrast to the frustrations of ordinary citizens who have faced recurring food scandals vegetables with harmful pesticide residue, fish tainted with a cancer-causing chemical, eggs colored with industrial dye, fake liquor causing blindness or death, holiday pastries with bacteria-laden filling . . . Knowing that their leaders do not face these problems has made some people angry . . . The State Council Central Government Offices Special Food Supply Center is specifically designed to avoid the problems troubling the general population . . . ‘We all know that average production facilities use large quantities of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Antibiotics and hormones are commonly used in raising livestock and poultry. Farmed aquatic products are contaminated by various kinds of water pollution,’ the center's director, Zhu Yonglan, said in a speech . . . ‘It goes without saying that these are harmful when consumed by humans,’ Zhu told executives at supplier Shandong Ke'er Biological Medical Technology Development Co., which posted the speech on its Web site earlier this year . . . Zhu's speech has been widely circulated by Chinese Internet users on blogs and forums in recent days, with many expressing outrage that top government officials have a separate and safer food supply than the public . . . The special food center enforces strict standards on suppliers like Shandong Ke'er, which makes health supplements designed to boost immunity and energy. Foods must be organic, not genetically modified and meet international food standards, said a manager in the center's product department, who only gave her surname, Zhang . . . The reason: its A-list clientele of government officials and retirees of vice minister rank or higher . . . It's not unusual for China's leadership to have a special food supply; the practice stretches back thousands of years to farms providing ingredients for lavish imperial meals or the greasy, spicy dishes favored by Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong . . . The former Soviet Union's ruling classes also ate food that was unavailable to the masses . . . Set up in 2004, China's Special Food Supply Center is almost as secretive as its high-end clientele, whose precise number is unclear, but likely includes hundreds of top political leaders, their families and retired cadres. Much of the information on its Web site was removed after media inquiries and interview requests this week . . . Goods deemed to meet the highest standards are stamped with the label ‘Nation A,’ which stands for ‘top end, irreplaceable, the best,’ according to the Web site. Those products are for senior politicians or government offices and not released to the general consumer market, said a customer service agent surnamed Dong . . . Rice fed by melted snow from Mt. Changbai, which straddles the China-North Korean border, gets a ‘Nation A’ rating, according to the Web site . . . The center scours the country for purveyors in places famous for a particular product, said Zhang, the manager . . . These include fish from Hubei province known traditionally as the ‘land of fish and rice’ tea from mountainous Yunnan province abutting Tibet, and beef and mutton from the Inner Mongolian steppes, according to Zhu's speech . . . As for rice, some comes from the northeast, grown from seeds specially cultivated by experts from the Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said sales manager Wu Honghua of Chifeng Heiyupaozi Organic Agropastoral Development Co . . . It ‘has a very small output. It tastes very good. And it doesn't involve genetic engineering,’ said Wu . . . Wu said 90 percent of the rice goes to the Beidaihe Sanitorium a seaside resort for retired party cadres. The remainder is sold on the market, he said, at US$4 a pound a price five times higher than regular organic rice and 15 times more than the price of ordinary rice . . . A brand of organic tea supplied to the center sells for US$187 a pound. ‘It's fresh and tender, smells good and has a bright color,’ said Xia Dan, an employee of the Huiming Tea Co. in eastern Zhejiang province.”

Luxury and Privilege for the Elite and bare basics for the Masses It has been claimed that the capitalist system has been a disaster for the majority of people living under it and I for one would have to agree with this statement. If one studies the short history of Capitalism then one must concede to the fact that it is in reality a system masquerading as freedom when in fact it is nothing more then a system based upon wage slavery.


A harsh and extreme indictment…well I suppose it all depends how you view the situation.

Slavery, simply put, is the use of coercion to live off of someone else's labour In her book, “Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth”, Ellen Hodgson Brown, referring to the period of the Civil War in the U.S., quotes from a document called the “Hazard Circular”, which was circulated by British banking interests among their American banking counterparts . It said; “Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power, and chattel slavery abolished. This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor, and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led on by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages...” [Emphasis added]

Capital shall control labour by controlling wages "We have stricken the shackles from 4,000,000 human beings and brought all laborers to a common level, but not so much by the elevation of former slaves as by reducing the whole working population, white and black, to a condition of serfdom. While boasting of our noble deeds, we are careful to conceal the ugly fact that by our iniquitous money system we have manipulated a system of oppression which, though more refined, is no less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery." Horace Greeley (1811-1872) Editor of the New York Tribune, who ran against Ulysses Grant for presidency While the old style of slavery consisted of the ownership of labour including the responsible of its care a 77 "new, improved system" of slavery was evolving. Gustavus Myers corroborates this in his book, History of the Great American Fortunes; "...chattel slavery could not compete in efficiency with white labor... more money could be made from the white laborer, for whom no responsibility of shelter, clothing, food and attendance had to be assumed than from the Negro slave, whose sickness, disability or death entailed direct financial loss." No doubt there will be those who will scoff at the thought of comparing the bondage of wages to that of chattel slavery, but if we leave the Hollywood fiction to the side and deal in pure facts we would find that during the period of slavery in the Southern states, prior to the American Civil War, the “free” northern wage slaves were in fact worse off then the Southern chattel slaves. According to the book, Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery, co-authored by Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman, this was in fact the case. Its radical conclusion was that Southern slaves were commonly better off than Northern “free” labourers. Among the examples in the book that establish their assertions: Black women slaves were allowed maternity leave, were taken well care of and received attentive medical care during the pregnancy. They had one-year maternity leave after the birth of their child. Slaves were not allowed to work while they were sick, even if there were suspicions that the slave was faking it, it was usually considered best to allow the slaves a few days rest rather than take a chance. Slaves were allowed to conduct a home business if they wished to do so and were even allowed to make and sell their wares and crafts in town at the market place. Slaves were also given generous incentive programs and rewarded for their production, such rewards were usually cash bonuses. There was an average retirement age after which the slave was well cared for by the plantation owner and would usually spend time on business or helping with the slave children. Slaves usually lived their whole lives in a close knit slave community where they ran their own affairs. Families were rarely split apart and slaves were encouraged to marry as the owners felt that breaking up families was simply poor business - it created unhappy slaves, which would affect production. They even had family garden plots where they were able to raise food for their family. Now Robert Fogel is a 1993 Nobel Prize winner and an economist. He is a teacher with over twenty years at the University of Chicago and six at Harvard. He holds a bachelor’s degree; three Masters and a Ph.D. Oops nearly forgot...Fogel is married to a black woman and Stanley Engerman is Jewish. "The struggle that was to rid the country [USA] of human slavery of the black race, however, was also to fasten upon the whole nation an economic or money slavery, which has endured to the present time..." Dr. R.E. Search, Lincoln: Money Martyred In his book Emancipating the Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War author Jeffrey Rogers Hummel states that Southerners did not stop with an open defence of slavery but they went on to attack northern society for its '”wage slavery” and “exploitation of workers” using arguments repeated by socialist critics of capitalism. The southern writer who developed these arguments most extensively was George Fitzhugh, a Virginia planter and lawyer. His two books were provocatively


entitled Sociology for the South: Or the Failure of the Free Society and Cannibals All! and Or Slaves Without Masters. In them Fitzhugh defended slavery as a practical form of socialism that provided contented slaves with paternalistic masters, thereby eliminating harsh conflicts between employers and allegedly free workers. “A Southern farm is the beau ideal of Communism; it is a joint concern, in which the slave…is far happier, because…he is always sure of support” . . . “'The best governed countries, and which have prospered the most, have always been distinguished for the number and stringency of their laws,” he wrote; “liberty is an evil which government is intended to correct.” And what of the “free” Southern workers; will the facts show that many were worse-off then the chattel slaves. Now don’t misunderstand the point I am trying to make: I do not have any sympathy for chattel slavery; I believe it to be an abomination. The point I am putting across is that while we are taught that chattel slavery was evil we were not told that the “free” industrial wage slave was in fact worse off. And what of the black American today; the simple facts point to the reality that the chattel slaves were in many cases better off then the free black American today. Of course there will be those who claim I exaggerate but if one puts the Hollywood fiction they watch aside and takes a long look at the stark realism of how most black Americans live then my statement is verified. And what of the average white worker in America today? Is he all that better off then his pre Civil War counterpart? Once again putting the Hollywood hype aside most are debt-ridden slaves to the system. And a quick look at old mother England. Up until 1868 England was still transporting convicts to its various Australian penal colonies even for the pettiest crimes. While the industrial revolution made great wealth for the controllers of capital it brought much displacement and misery for much of the population. And what of the average industrial worker today? While productively has increased many fold over the years today people have to work longer hours to keep up with the ever increasing cost of living. The increase in productively has not enriched the average supplier of Productive effort. The average supplier of Productive Effort has it easier then this ancestors due to the advancement in technology, electric washing machines, fridges, electric stoves, and of course the television which keeps him entertained and dumb. Of course this technology, and the slick advertisements to purchase more, keeps him ensnared in debt. Dumb and entertained just like a chattel slave on a plantation. A World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) study, released in December 2006, the most comprehensive study of personal wealth ever undertaken on a global scale, stated that in the year 2000 the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global 78 assets and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. According to the annual World Wealth Report released by investment banking major Merrill Lynch and consultancy major Capgemini, India saw its millionaire population surging to about 123,000 at the end of 2007. India had at the time the report was released, 53 billionaires and it was estimated that by 2018 India will have more billionaires than any other country in the world. India's economy is booming, but the 79 new wealth is not shared by all. Some 400 million Indians still live on less than a dollar a day. In another report compiled by Merrill Lynch and the consulting firm Capgemini the number of world millionaires numbered 8.3 million people in 2004. The greatest number of millionaires, 2,498,000, live in the United States, followed by Germany's 760,000 and Britain's 418,000. In 2005 21.8% of the entire U.S. national income was received in the hands of the top 1% of earners yet:    

24.5 percent of all Americans earn poverty wages ($9.60 or less) 10 percent of all Americans - 15 million Americans - earn $6.79 or less 33.3 percent of African American workers and 39.3 of Hispanic workers earn poverty wages. Poverty as a fact of life in the U.S. At the recent new minimum wage of $6.55 an hour, if a worker worked every single day, 40 hours a week, with no vacations, no holidays, no health care and no pension, they would earn the grand sum of $13,624. The POVERTY LEVEL in the U.S. for a family of three is $17,600. 47 million Americans have no health care and tens of millions more have inadequate or costly health care that can bankrupt them.


The top 1% of the population in the U.S. controls 93% of the nation’s wealth The 2007 World Wealth Report, released in June 2007 by European consulting firm Cap Gemini and Wall Street firm Merrill Lynch, provides a picture not only of growing wealth among the richest layers of society, but also an increasing concentration of wealth at the very top. In 2006, the HNWI population grew by 8.3 percent to a total of 9.5 million worldwide (0.14 percent of the world’s population). Their financial holdings grew 11.4 percent to $37.2 trillion dollars - roughly one quarter of global household wealth. The top layer of “ultra-high net worth individuals” (UNWIs), with over $30 million in financial assets each, grew 11.3 percent to 94,740, and their total holdings increased 16.8 percent to $13.1 trillion. Thus, even within the wealthy, resources are highly concentrated: the top 1 percent of the HNWIs (0.0014 percent of the world’s population) control over one third of HNWI wealth. To give a sense of the enormity of this wealth, the individuals that fall under the UNWI category control wealth approximately equal to the gross domestic product of the United States (about $13.13 trillion in 2006). That is, their wealth is approximately equal in value to all the goods and services produced in the United States in the entire year. World GDP - the value of all goods and services produced in the entire world - is about $48 trillion, or about $10 trillion more than the financial holdings of high net worth individuals. It should be noted that while these available statistics are interesting it does not include the hidden wealth of individuals such as the Rothschilds.

The bottom half of the world’s adult population owns collectively only 1 percent of the world’s assets "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Frederic Bastiat, Economic Sophisms And what of New Zealand which use to be called the “land of milk and honey”? The heading "Rich List 2008: A bad economy, but the rich still get richer" in the New Zealand magazine The National Business Review on August 2008 states the problem nicely. “Despite a global financial downturn, the overall wealth on the 2008 NBR Rich List has increased – up by $5.8 billion from last year. The overall wealth of Rich Listers in 2008 was $44.426 billion, compared with $38.62 billion in 2007.”    

The wealthiest 10% of the New Zealand population hold more then 51.8% of the total wealth 80 and the bottom 50% holds 5.2% The minimum wage rose to $12 an hour before tax on 1 April 2008 which equals $480 gross per week for a forty hour week. Taking youth out of the equation, at least 45,000 workers are directly affected by the minimum wage 81 Around two thirds of New Zealand’s salary and income earners earn less than $35,000 a year Today an individual in New Zealand has to work seventy hours a week to maintain the same standard of living they would have had thirty odd years ago based on a forty hour week


While the rich are getting richer the standard of living for the majority of New Zealanders is declining. As the saying goes; “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”

Wake up suckers: Marxism and Capitalism are a con; both systems benefit the Predatory Elites controlling the systems "Our current economy is a predatory system far worse than any seen in nature. Where else but among human predators do individuals try to hoard much more than they can ever use? The human predator, I argue, is unlike all others. Instead of being simply the fulfilment of its own nature, the human predator is to a large degree the product of a system - an artificial environment shaped by beliefs and rules and customs - that allows the predatory tendency to run rampant." Roger Terry, Economic Insanity Now before I go further I should clear-up any confusion the reader may have regarding where I stand on private ownership. I totally support the concept of private ownership of production; I am opposed to Marxist economics but I am also strongly opposed to what I refer to as Exploitive Capitalism. My definition of Exploitive Capitalism is the present system based on exploitation, speculation, and parasitism which leads to the accumulation of wealth into fewer and fewer hands with very little and in many cases no Productive Effort on the part of the owners of Capital.

The ultimate system gives the individual incentive i.e. rewards for effort, but curtails exploitation and speculation. Such a system is fair and just The Capitalist system based on exploitation, speculation, and parasitism has created vast wealth for a tiny minority who control the system while the majority face an ever decreasing fall in their standard of living; the Capitalist system in its present state is a failure and morally unjust. It is a failure because it fails to provide Society’s needs and it is morally unjust because it only fulfils the needs of a minority. Today Society is subservient to the whims of the economic system. Instead of the economic system being there is serve the needs of society; society becomes dominated by the needs of the economic system.

The question one should ask is: Is Society there to serve the economic system or is the economic system there to serve the needs of Society? If Society is there to serve the economic system then Society is subservient to the economic system and thus become no better then slaves. Subservient: Compliant and obedient to; abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant. I say the economic system is there to serve the needs of society and the economic system should be reformed to fill this requirement.

The economic system should be subservient to the needs of Society Does wealth produce wealth? No it does not. Wealth is produced by Productive Effort.

A person can not accumulate vast wealth from their own productive effort Put a million dollars on the ground and what can it produce? The answer is NOTHING. It cannot plough a field, it cannot sow seed, it cannot harvest a crop, it cannot mill flour, and it cannot bake a loaf of bread. All these things are done by labour - Productive Effort. Productive Effort ploughs the field, Productive Effort sows the seed, Productive Effort harvests the crop, Productive Effort mills the flour, and Productive Effort bakes the bread.

Money does not create wealth; wealth is produced by Productive Effort A billionaire may owned a factory full of machinery but without labour to operate the machinery all the billionaire has is a building full of machinery sitting idle. Is the billionaire capable of operating the factory and producing wealth to make another billion dollars to add to his or her wealth? No they are not. The billionaire relies on the Productive Effort of others to increase his or her wealth. Capital itself cannot do any work and make any effort. Hence the wealth of the rich man should not be increased by stealing from the Productive Effort of others.


Wealth is produced by Productive Effort; money produces nothing Money does not work. Work requires Effort; Effort produces wealth It is Productive Effort that builds and drives the trucks that deliver the consumer goods; it is Productive Effort that manufactures and packages the food, it is Productive Effort that maintains the power plants, it is Productive Effort that cuts down the trees, and it is Productive Effort that makes the paper which keeps the bureaucracy going. Above all, it is the peasant class represented by Productive Effort that pays the overwhelming bulk of the taxes which keep the whole rotten system afloat.

Productive Effort produces wealth And from this vast wealth produced by Productive Effort what does the supplier of Productive Effort get?

The Productive Effort of many ends up in the hands of a few In the past the average person who worked hard all their life and was frugal, on reaching retirement age had maybe a mortgage free home and a small amount of cash saved. Very few were in a position that they could take care of their financial needs until they died. Today things are worse…much worse.

For every man who gets a dollar he didn't sweat for, someone else sweated to produce a dollar he never received Today coercive state measures at every step have forced those who provide Productive Effort to sell their labour in a buyer's market; wage demands are constrained, the right to strike is controlled, and the Unions in New Zealand, most of which are affiliated to the Labour Party, have done nothing but betray and deceive the suppliers of Productive Effort.

Slavery, simply put, is the use of coercion to live off of someone else's labour Today an individual has to work seventy hours a week to maintain the same standard of living they would have had thirty odd years based on a forty hour week. Is it any surprise that both parents of children have to hold a job to keep the family’s head above the poverty line? And what of their future; they are told that the State can no longer guarantee that the old age pension can be maintain at its present level in years to come. Many now cringe at the thought of reaching old age because they know that poverty that is snapping at their heels will embrace them in old age until they die.

The rich get richer while the poor get poorer A man paid a wage from which he can not support a family is treated no better then a serf and is worse off then a chattel slave.

Rob a man of the fruits of his labour and you treat him as a slave No the majority of people are just looked upon as serfs on a great consumer plantation, producing the wealth and keeping everything going while our parasitic masters sit on the veranda, planning out our future and eating and drinking the products of our labour. Like all peasants our role is to produce the wealth and accept with gratitude what little we receive to support our declining lifestyle, and to apply our lips in the prescribed manner to whatever derrieres are presented to us.

The Productive Effort of many ends up in the hands of a few The modern worker, like the slave or the serf of the past, is the victim of ongoing robbery; he works in an enterprise built from past stolen labor.

Unearned income takes from those who produce wealth Even the middle class in NZ is now losing ground and seeing its standard of living eroding away. In the not too distant future the middle class will all but disappear leaving the Wealthy Elite holding most of the wealth.

A person who accumulates vast wealth steals from the Productive Effort of others


Why should a man who controls capital be entitled to a greater share of the wealth produced? A controller of wealth should not be entitled to sit idle and live of the productively of another; such a person is a parasite. A controller of capital should not be a parasite; if he wishes to have an idle live let him live of his accumulated capital but not on the productivity of others. If a controller of capital has a desire to become a contributor to Society’s wealth by physical effort i.e. Productive Effort, then he becomes a contributor to society.

A person can not accumulate vast wealth from their own Productive Effort A man who has accumulated wealth should count himself fortunate in that he is better off then most in the society he resides in; he should count his blessing and should have a social conscience. But alas it seems that the more wealth a man obtains the less of a social conscience he seems to have.

What is needed is an alternative; an alternative that decentralises economic power by decentralising its ownership and thus ensuring that the wealth is distributed more evenly through society

The Origins of Money & the Impact of Usury If one studies the history of modern banking one will have to conclude that the banking system is based on deception and fraud.

The present day banking system is a racket, a swindle, a scam Before I proceed further I offer the realistic words of Melford Pearson quoted from his book, Challenge to Crisis: “Of all the built-in flaws of our economic system, the ramifications of money and credit are the least comprehended. Yet, without a basic understanding of the whole private banking complex, there can be no working grasp of the capitalistic structure. The tentacles of the banking octopus reach into every cranny and crossroads in this nation. There is not a man, woman or child who escapes the direct effects of its economic strangulation. . . . It is one of the paradoxes of civilization that money is the one thing that is needed, and used, by more people than anything else, while it is at the same time, the least understood by them. There is no object more desperately sought for every minute of a person's life. Man will labor until aching muscles prevent sleep, he will put his life at stake; he will steal and commit murder in order to acquire it. How strange that he evinces such little interest in understanding what money is, how it is created, and who controls the amount in circulation! . . . The answer, of course, lies in the fact that the average citizen has been conditioned to accept that the whole subject of money is too complex for his feeble brain to comprehend. He is unaware that the complexities and mysteries enshrouding the money question, and banking generally, have been promoted with premeditated design that the economic and financial enslavement of all citizens might go undetected. . . . This is not to say that all bankers, especially the employees of the banking business, are themselves dishonest, or conscious destroyers of the public will. It is to say that a monetary system, now so widespread as to be unquestioningly accepted, has been deliberately fostered, promoted and put over through the years by persons obsessed by the desire for personal power and profit, coupled with a complete indifference to the well-being of the rest of mankind. They have capitalized on the ordinary man's innate honesty and credulity to the point where the philosophy of the unscrupulous has become generally accepted as the right one, the respectable one, the desirable one. . . . Belatedly, the people must awaken to the realization that there cannot be any social reform, any ability for the citizenry as a whole to purchase all that the nation can produce, without fundamental monetary reform. A sovereign people who want to enjoy the full fruits of their hard work, who want to see their children free from needless indebtedness, and who want to build a nation commensurate with its technological potential must break the power of the nation's private debt-merchants. . . . It is sheer folly and blindness to seek economic well-being and social justice without confronting four-square the unyielding barrier of an archaic money supply.” Yes, everyone uses money. We all want it, work for it and think about it. While the creation and growth of money seems somewhat intangible, money is the way we get the things we need and want.


As most people use money as they go about their daily lives very few people have any understanding on what money is and how our modern financial system came into existence. So I shall spend a bit of time explaining about the financial system so that the naïve get a basic understanding regarding how the modern day financial system came into existence and the problems that have arisen with it. As they say “knowledge is power”. One has to fully understand the problems with the present financial system before a workable solution can be put in place. The problems will be outlined here, and further on a solution will be offered.

What is Money? Money is anything that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts. The main uses of money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. The medium of exchange function derives from the fact that money is the item that a buyer gives a seller in exchange for a good or service, with the seller typically using that money to make other purchases. The use of money in this manner overcomes the inefficiencies of the barter system, where two individuals with exactly corresponding needs have to come together to transact. Defining liquidity as the ease with which an asset can be converted into the economy’s medium of exchange, money is the most liquid asset in the economy. As a unit of account, money is used to measure the exchange value of a commodity or product. It is the yardstick that people use to price items and record debts.

Brief history of money Before the development of our modern medium of exchange, people would barter to obtain the goods and services they needed. This is basically how it worked: two individuals each possessing a commodity the other wanted or needed would enter into an agreement to trade their goods. This early form of barter worked while societies were in a more primitive state but as communities grew the system of swapping goods did not provide the transferability and divisibility that makes trading efficient. For instance, if you have cows but need potatoes, you must find someone who not only has potatoes but also the desire for meat. What if you find someone who has the need for meat but no potatoes and can only offer you apples? To get your meat, he or she must find someone who has potatoes and wants apples… To solve the problems of barter societies introduced types of commodity money; money in the sense that it was used as an accepted medium of exchange. Certain types of sea shells were once an accepted medium of exchange in a number of different cultures throughout North America, the Indian Ocean, and the African and Australian continents. Manillas, ornamental metallic objects worn as jewellery in West Africa, was once used as money. In some parts of the world rock salt was used as a medium of exchange; even cocoa beans, attractive stones and even feathers were used as forms of money. The ancient Greeks used iron nails as coins and later produced coins made from copper and bronze. At a later date coins produced from silver or gold became the accepted medium of exchange over a large area. Gold and silver, being soft, attractive, and easy to work with, soon were adopted by many cultures as a new standard. Goldsmiths made trade much easier, by casting coins - standardized units which could be measured to verify their purity. Thus gold was accepted by many societies as a medium of exchange - an accepted form of money based on a commodity. If we think about this relationship between money and gold, we can gain some insight into how money gains its value: like the beaver pelts and dried corn, gold is valuable purely because people want it. It is not necessarily useful - after all, you can't eat it, and it won't keep you warm at night, but the majority of people think gold is beautiful, and they know others think it is beautiful. Gold therefore served as a physical token of what is valuable based on people's perception. For a long period of time governments controlled coin production and hence the money supply; it was not until the rise of commercial banking and the widespread adoption of paper money that this monopoly was broken, with profound consequences for many societies. We will touch on these consequences soon. It is interesting to note that up to 1971 the US currency – paper money - was backed by gold. During 82 1971 the US currency was taken off the gold standard and thus the US dollar was no longer backed by gold. From 1971 the US currency became what is commonly known as a fiat currency. The terms fiat currency and fiat money relate to types of currency or money whose usefulness results, not from any intrinsic value or guarantee that it can be converted into gold or another commodity, but only from a government's order (fiat) that it must be accepted as a means of payment. So fiat money, which does away with the need to represent a physical commodity and takes on its worth the same way gold did: by means of people's perception and faith. Fiat money was introduced because gold is a scarce resource


and economies growing quickly couldn't always mine enough gold to back their money requirement. For a booming economy, the need for gold to give money value is extremely inefficient, especially when, as we already established, value is really created through people's perception. Fiat money then becomes the token of people's apprehension of worth - the basis for why money is created. An economy that is growing is apparently doing a good job of producing other things that are valuable to itself and to other economies. Generally, the stronger the economy, the stronger its money will be perceived (and sought after) and vice versa. But, remember, this perception, although abstract, must somehow be backed by how well the economy can produce concrete things and services that people want. That is why simply printing new money will not create wealth for a country. Wealth is what the country produces i.e. manufactures. Money is just a medium of exchange and it is this exchange mechanism i.e. money - that enables goods to be bartered; the purpose of money is to simplify the bartering system, to make the buying and selling of goods easier. So today Modern money today is just a way of expressing - and transferring - a claim over the things the economy has produced. A $10 note in hand, or $10 in an account at one of the banks, as an example, is valuable to people only because they can go out and buy goods with it, either now or in the future.

Towards the establishment of the modern banking system So when did the current banking system begin? This query takes us back to the 16th Century in England; during this period, gold and silver coins were the common currency. However, the wealthy found that carrying or storing large quantities of gold made them the target of thieves. To avoid theft and to secure large sums of money not immediately required, people began depositing them for safekeeping with goldsmiths; goldsmiths had secure and reliable strong-rooms or safes and offered their services to store other people’s gold for a fee. When a customer deposited gold with a goldsmith the goldsmith issued a redeemable gold receipt; this meant that when this redeemable receipt was presented back to the goldsmith the goldsmith would hand back to the bearer the sum of gold stipulated on the receipt. Over time a redeemable receipt issued by one goldsmith in one part of the country would be accept and honoured by a different goldsmith in another part of the country. Since travelling traders were frequently robbed of their coins or metal ingots, they discovered that these redeemable receipts were a lot easier and safer to carry while going about their business. Gradually these receipts came to be regarded as being equivalent to the metal itself; this was the beginning of first paper money in Europe. Over time more and more trade done between merchants and traders involved the use of redeemable gold receipts. During this time while it was acceptable for merchants and traders to settle their trades with redeemable gold receipts it was still the practice for small day to day transactions to be done in coinage. It would be some time before paper bank notes would be accepted in all day to day business transactions. One can easily make the comparison with modern day business dealings between companies. Today the majority of companies pay their debts with cheques, bank drafts and more recently with electronic transfers; very little physical cash actually exchanges hands. While in comparison, until recently, the day to day dealings of the private individual involved using cash for everyday purchases. Years went by before the Goldsmiths began to make an astute observation; the merchants very seldom demanded gold back for the redeemable gold receipts they held and depositors rarely came in to remove their actual physical gold and they never came in all at once. It was safest to leave it in storage, and about ninety percent of them did that. Instead of the gold, they started to make payments by passing back and forth the receipts for the gold. These "banker's notes" gave any holder the right to get the gold without ever having to actually take the gold out of safe storage. The notes - the record of the indebtedness of the goldsmith banker to the owner of the gold - transferred the right to get the gold to the owner of the receipt for the gold, and were just as good as the gold itself for making all kinds of payments. Goldsmiths then formulated the master plan of monetary evolution that has been used to this very day. This plan was based around the premise that since customers rarely ever removed their gold deposits, the goldsmith could lend out redeemable gold receipts, i.e. or Promissory Notes, against his depositors gold in addition to the gold the Goldsmith owned. As long as the loans continued to be repaid, his depositors would be none the wiser to the confidence scam. The goldsmiths had now entered the great game of finance, the had become bankers, as they were no longer expanding their wealth slowly by charging a fee for simply storing and protecting the gold coins, but now they were creating money exponentially by lending out paper receipts that were only backed up by a fraction of the gold they held. The Goldsmiths began with relatively modest cheating; lending out in Promissory Notes only two or three times the amount of gold than they actually had in their strong-rooms. Of course as the money supply increased commerce expanded; as commerce expanded an increasing number of people soon began asking the goldsmiths/bankers for loans. Soon the goldsmith/banker grew


more confident and greedy, lending out four, five and even ten times more Promissory Notes than they had gold on deposit. The goldsmiths were able to pull off this scam due to the fact that the pieces of paper the goldsmiths had written as Promissory Notes were being readily accepted and exchanged within the local and regional mercantile as if they were the gold itself. So these Promissory Notes evolved into a new form of money that was represented by paper backed by a promise. The fact the goldsmiths observed that at any one time only about one-tenth of the gold deposited with them was required to honour the Promissory Notes that had been issued allowed the goldsmiths to make astronomical amounts of money by loaning out, what was essentially fraudulent receipts. For an example, if £l,000 in gold were deposited with them, they could lend out about £10,000 in paper money and charge interest on it, and no one would discover the deception. By this means, Goldsmiths gradually accumulated more and more money and used this wealth to accumulate more and more gold. Sometime during this development the goldsmiths stopped charging a fee for looking after people’s gold deposits and started paying the depositors interest. This had the effort of playing on people’s greed so people were more inclined to leave their gold with the goldsmiths. The goldsmiths were able to afford to pay interest due to the fact they were making astronomical amounts of money by loaning out, what was essentially fraudulent Promissory Notes. Thus the Goldsmiths of London became the founders of modern banking upon which the Bank of England was founded in the late 17th Century. Almost immediately after its incorporation the Bank started to issue notes in return for deposits. Like the goldsmiths’ notes, the crucial feature that made Bank of England notes a means of exchange was the promise to pay the bearer the sum of the note on demand. This meant that the note could be redeemed at the Bank for gold or coinage by anyone presenting it for payment; if it was not redeemed in full, it was endorsed with the amount withdrawn. These notes were initially handwritten on Bank paper and signed by one of the Bank’s cashiers. They were made out for the precise sum deposited in pounds, shillings and pence. However, after the recoinage of 1696 reduced the need for small denomination notes, it was decided not to issue any notes for sums of less than £50. Since the average income in this period was less than £20 a year, most people went through life without ever coming into contact with banknotes. During the 18th century there was a gradual move toward fixed denomination notes. From 1725 the Bank was issuing partly printed notes for completion in manuscript. The £ sign and the first digit were printed but other numerals were added by hand, as were the name of the payee, the cashier’s signature, the date and the number. Notes could be for uneven amounts, but the majority were for round sums. By 1745 notes were being part printed in denominations ranging from £20 to £1,000. In 1759 the Bank issued a £10 note for the first time. The first £5 notes followed in 1793 and this remained the lowest denomination until 1797, when it issued £1 and £2 notes. So, like the goldsmiths, the organisation now calling themselves bankers, issued pieces of paper backed by a promise of gold which they did not actually possessed. Today, this practice of lending out more money than there are reserves is known as 'fractional reserve banking'. In other words, banks have on hand only a small fraction of the reserves needed to honour their obligations. This practice still enables the banking system to create credit and issue loans of up to ten times their deposits of cash. The bankers, just like the goldsmiths before them, discovered that “rowing” the economy between easy money and tight money could make extra profits. When they made money easier to borrow, then the amount of money in circulation expanded. Money was plentiful, and people took out more loans to expand their businesses. But then the goldsmiths would tighten the money supply and make loans more difficult to obtain. What would happen? Just what happens today…A certain percentage of people could not repay their previous loans and could not take out new loans to repay the old ones; therefore they went bankrupt and forfeited the control of their assets to the bankers. The same thing is still going on today, only now we call this “rowing” of the economy the “boom bust cycle” or, more recently in the stock markets, “corrections”. So with their control over the money supply coupled with the vast profits made through usury on created credit and by man made “boom bust cycle” many bankers became extreme wealthy over time. One of the more successful families involved in this fraud were the Rothschilds which have been mentioned a number of times in this document. “This dictatorship is being most forcibly exercised by those who, since they hold the money and completely control it, control credit also and rule the lending of money. Hence they regulate the flow; so to speak, of the life-blood whereby the entire economic system lives, and have so firmly in their grasp the soul, as it were, of economic life that no one can breathe against their will.” Pope Pius XI’s encyclical, Quadragesimo Anno, sections 105-108 - 15 May 1931


If one studies the history of banking up to the modern age one will have to conclude that the banking system operates differently from what most people imagine. Now before I go further there are two things first that have to be settled. Firstly, should our money be backed by gold, and secondly do banks still expand the money supply by creating credit?

Should our money be backed by gold? Now we shall examine the theory that money should be backed by gold. It never ceases to amaze when I come across those who believe that money should be backed by gold. The first thing I put to them is; When you stated backed by gold I gather you mean the bank note can be redeemed for gold on 83 demand? The answer to this question is usually yes. Then I say, going by the latest M3 statistics the New Zealand total money supply was $277.68 billion. So let’s quickly work out have much gold is 84 needed to back this money. At the moment gold is worth NZ$39,550.96 per kilo2…that means we need at least 7,020,815.7 kilos of gold or just under 7,021 tonnes of gold to back up New Zealand's total money supply. Cripes…that’s just on seven thousand and twenty-one tonnes of gold needed to back up New Zealand’s total currency. Then I ask do you think that New Zealand has that much gold? The response is usually a blank expression. But I responded by saying; for arguments sake let’s say New Zealand does have such a supply of gold to back its currency. Let’s say, as an example mind you, gold is a $100 a troy ounce, I save $100 per week, which means I have one ounce of gold on call. But hey…because of market forces, you know demand and supply, two years later the price of gold has increase to $1,000 per troy ounce, and a year later because of an oversupply the price drops down $225 an ounce. Don’t you agree that these fluctuations sort of inflate and deflate the dollars I may have saved? As I said if I had saved a $100 when gold was $100 per ounce I could demand an ounce of gold. But if I hold on to the $100 in cash and the price of gold increases to $1,000 per ounce, my $100 that was originally worth one ounce of gold is only worth onetenth of an ounce. On the other hand if I saved a $1,000 per week and gold is worth $1,000 per ounce I have a claim on one ounce of gold. Now if, because of an over supply of gold, the price of gold should drop down to $100 per ounce my $1,000 would have a claim on ten ounces of gold. I’ll give you another quick example. I save my money and I buy a home for $15,000. Of course I pay for this transaction with 150 ounces of gold. Now a couple of years later I decided to sell this house, but hey…because of market forces, you know demand and supply, the price of gold has increase to $1,000 per troy ounce and I now discover my house is only worth 15 ounces of gold. The point I’m trying to make is if we back our money with gold wouldn’t fluctuations in the price of gold have an inflating or deflating effect on the value of a currency? It seems to me that a gold backed money supply would be prone to speculative manipulation. The next thing I bring up is; what happens if a country has no gold or only a limited quantity of gold? The response is usually another blank expression. I then ask; how about diamonds? Do you think if a country had diamonds that money could be backed by diamonds? The response is mostly in the positive; yes diamonds have value throughout the world; money could be backed by diamonds. Then I point out that the value of diamonds is held artificially high by limiting the amount of diamonds released onto the world market. I further point out that if all the diamonds mined were released onto the market diamonds would be worth only a friction of what there are now. Then I say I think it rather blasé to back money with a commodity when this commodity, although plentiful, is held artificially high by manipulative market forces. I usually get another blank expression. Backing the money supply with gold offers no stability what so-ever; backing a currency with a speculative commodity leaves a currency open to manipulation. Throughout monetary history the private banks had promoted the calculated deception that gold is the only sound basis for a nation's money supply. The fact that such basis permitted them to control the money supply simply by cornering the gold supply was carefully kept from the people. Today people still believe in this notion and fallacy. If the whole purpose of a money supply is to facilitate the exchange of goods and services and to provide for productive expansion, why then shouldn't all money be related directly to those goods, services and production? What twisted reasoning dictates that a nation's progress and well-being should be dependent on some mystic quality of a metal instead of being directly dependent on the natural resources, manpower and ingenuity of the whole nation and its people? The only sane and logical opinion is to back the money supply by the productive capacity of the Nation.

The only sane and logical opinion is to back the money supply by the productive capacity of the Nation


Do modern day banks create credit? While we are told by so-called political experts that banks do not create credit/money it is interesting to note that the M3 money supply in New Zealand has increased by 489% over the last twenty years ending March 2008; how is this possible if money isn’t being created?

Year Ending March 1988 2008

Currency in circulation

M1 Money Supply

M3 Money Supply

$1.13 billion $3.66 billion

$6.76 billion $23.98 billion

$43.10 billion $201.68 billion

Total New Zealand Debt $186.61 billion $407.69 billion

Above statistics taken from Reserve Bank website Note:

M1 consists of cash and the categories of deposit money which are most readily available to settle transactions, for example, money in current accounts. M3: This is the broadest measure of money and is used by economists to estimate the entire supply of money within an economy.

“The actual creation of money always involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks.” 85 Russell Munk "Money is created when loans are issued and debts incurred; money is extinguished when loans are repaid." 86 John B Henderson “Money that one uses to pay interest on a loan has been created somewhere else in the economy by another loan.” 87 John M Yetter “Our national circulating medium [i.e. dollars] is at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess." 88 Irving Fisher While many politicians in New Zealand are still trying to prop up the myth that banks lend their deposits and do not create and lend credit, it is helpful to encounter statements from official sources within the banking system that expose the facts on this matter. In an article in the RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND: Bulletin Vol. 62 No. 2, June 1999, (pp. 5-23) entitled “Defining money and credit aggregates: theory meets practice” by Sean Collins, et al, the following is stated: ‘The deposits, or money balances held with the banks are the direct counterpart to the assets that the banks hold on the other side of their balance sheets, namely their loans. When a bank makes a loan it places the amount of the loan (which constitutes "credit") in the borrower's deposit account (which constitutes "money"), and the latter can be "spent". Thus money and credit will often be referred to together. Indeed in many respects they are "different sides of the same coin."’ 'It will be apparent from this account of money and credit that banks play a dual role in the economy. They act as intermediaries between savers and borrowers, and bank deposits, which are mostly either directly transferrable (through chequing and electronic payments systems) or readily convertible into a transferable form, serve as the principal form of money in the economy.’ Another article on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand website entitled “That private banks should create 89 almost all New Zealand’s money supply “ dated 27 August 2001, Michael Reddell, Head of Financial Markets, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, admits, “bank credit creation probably does quite a bit of good he further states: It is suggested that there is something very wrong about the fact that most of our money supply is bank-created. Clearly, I disagree.” He then goes on to say: “Note that I’m not disagreeing that 'money' is bank-created.” Further into the article he states that “most money [is] debtcreated.”


The RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND: Bulletin Vol. 71, No. 1, March 2008, gets directly to the point by stating: “For that matter, any institution that can maintain the public’s confidence that its liabilities will be generally accepted as means of payment, can create money. Such an institution will, in practice, also be in the business of creating credit, which implies the issue of a greater value of claims on the institution than the value of Reserve-Bank-issued money the institution itself holds. In practice, by far the largest share of money – 80 percent or more, depending on the measure (discussed below) – is created by private sector institutions. For simplicity, in what follows, we use “bank” to refer to any institution that creates money or credit.” Once again I quote from the horse’s mouth so-to-speak. An informative publication by the New Zealand Bankers’ Association entitled “Banking in New Zealand” (Fourth Edition) had an enlightening chapter headed “Creation of Money and Credit”. The following quote from pages 18 -19 states: “A practical example is perhaps the best way to illustrate how banks, acting as financial intermediaries, create deposit money and credit from a cash injection. in this example, Figure 5 shows how a $100 cash injection can, under the assumption that banks reserve 10% of deposits, create $1000 of deposit money, $900 of credit and $100 of bank reserves. in this traditional view, banks hold reserves (cash or liquid assets) so they can meet the day-to-day withdrawals of customers. “The process starts when the $100 cash injection is deposited at a bank. Under our assumption, the bank puts 10% or $10 into its reserve account and lends the remaining $90. Let’s say the borrower decides to spend the money on clothes. During the day the clothing retailer deposits the $90 at its bank. The retailer’s bank similarly adds 10% or $9 to its reserve account and lends the remaining $81. Likewise, the $81 is spent and ends up as a bank deposit which after deducting the 10% reserve, is also lent. In theory, this process could, continue forever or until the size of the deposits and loans become too small to handle. “If all the deposits (or bank money) created are added together, the total comes to $1000. Similarly, $900 of loans and $100 bank reserves have been generated. The level of deposit money and credit created is, as the example shows, related to the amount or fraction banks hold as reserves. There is a direct mathematical relationship between the fraction held in reserves (r), the initial cash injection (M) and the deposit money created (d) which is d=M/r. in the example above, M = $100 and r = .1 (or 10%) so d = $1000. This simple credit multiplier formula illustrates that the smaller the fraction banks hold as reserves, the more deposit money and credit is created.” So the facts are: Banks do create credit; most of New Zealand’s money is bank-created and most money comes into existence as a debt.

Most money enters the economy as an interest bearing debt The money supply is burden with usury The system creates perpetual debt Perpetual debt brings debt enslavement upon the New Zealand People Usury and its Affects on Society Throughout the history of the criticism of usury, various reasons and rationale have been forwarded in support of this position. While some are unique to particular traditions or individuals many tread on common ground. “Usury overthrows trade, decays merchandise, undoes tillage, destroys craftsmen, defaces chivalries, beats down nobility, brings dearth and famine, and causes destruction and confusion.” 90 Thomas Wilson 1569 Among the oldest known references to usury are to be found in ancient Indian religious manuscripts. 91 The earliest such record derives from the Vedic texts of Ancient India dating back to 2,000-1,400 BC in which the ‘’usurer’ is mentioned several times and interpreted as any lender at interest. In the Hindu 92 Sutra (700-100 BC) there are many references to the payment of interest, along with expressions of disdain for the practice.



Also in the Buddhist Jatakas (600-400 BC), usury is referred to in a demeaning manner; hypocritical ascetics are accused of practising it. Judaism's criticisms of usury are rooted in several passages of the Old Testament in which charging interest is scorned, discouraged and prohibited. In the Hebrew books of Exodus and Leviticus the ban is thought to be applied exclusively to loans to the poor and the sick, while in Deuteronomy, it extends to all loans, excluding trade with foreigners. The word 'foreigner' is interpreted in general as 'enemy' and, armed with this text, Jews employed usury as a weapon, as other people's needs could be transformed into submission.

Usury has been employed as a weapon to subjugate Reading this one cannot help but hear the following words from the past come echoing back: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” 94 Amschel Mayer Rothschild As mentioned the Rothschild’s empire has been conservatively estimated to be worth $100 trillion; an empire established on usury, speculation, and exploitation. An empire they could not have established if they did not have the power to create money.

Remember: For every man who gets a dollar he didn't sweat for, someone else sweated to produce a dollar he never received 95



Ancient Western philosophers including Plato , Aristotle , and Cato all condemned usury in one form or another. Their synchronized stance in the civil law can be seen, for example, from the Lex Genucia reforms in Republican Rome (340 BC) which outlawed interest altogether. 98

Criticism of usury was most fervently taken up by the Christian Church where the debate existed with great intensity. In the Christian teachings, interest is forbidden and in the texts one is able to see the clear verdicts against usury. “If he has exacted usury or taken increase -- Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him.” (Ezekiel 18:13) “"In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take usury and increase; you have made profit from your neighbours by extortion, and have forgotten Me," says the Lord GOD.” (Ezekiel 22:12) The Old Testament proclamations were resurrected via a New Testament reference to usury, further fuelling the debate. On the authority of these texts, the Roman Catholic Church in the fourth century AD 99 prohibited the clergy from taking interest. In 806 AD Charlemagne's laws flatly forbade usury throughout his empire and declared usury to be a general criminal offence. 100

The Scholastics , (1100 -1500 AD), church scholars familiar with the available writings in existence, 101 echoed Aristotle. Aquinas argued that money is a measure and usury "diversifies the measure" placing extra demands on the money mechanism which harmed its function as a measure.

Usury represents the immoral transference of wealth 102

At the Council of Vienne in 1311 it was declared that if any person obstinately maintained that there was no sin in the practice of demanding interest, he should be punished as a heretic. The Christian Church's simplest and perhaps earliest objection to usury was on the basis that it 103 constituted unearned income, an idea which stemmed from its general doctrine of Just Price. The Lateran Council of 1515 clearly expressed such a view of the Church: “This is the proper interpretation of usury when gain is sought to be acquired from the use of a thing, not in itself fruitful without labour, 104 expense or risk on the part of the lender.” Birnie reinforces this point by noting that “to live without 105 labour was denounced as unnatural, and so Dante put usurers in the same circle of hell as the inhabitants of Sodom and other practisers of unnatural vice” 106

This is also the rationale Ahmad uses to explain why in Islam God permits trade yet forbids usury. “The difference is that profits are the result of initiative, enterprise and efficiency. They result after a definite value-creating process. Not so with interest”; also “interest is fixed, profit fluctuates. In the


case of interest you know your return and can be sure of it. In the case of profit you have to work to ensure it.” In Islamic religious teachings usury is prohibited as being one of the worst sins a Muslim may ever commit. In the Qur'an and the various hadiths on the subject make it clear that it is not only forbidden, but forbidden in the strongest terms. It is referred to as "war against Allah and the Messenger" and as being "worse than committing adultery thirty-six times”. “One who takes interest, his belly shall be filled with an equal quantity of fire by Allah. If he has earned more from the interest money, Allah will not accept any of his deeds. And till even a grain of interest remains with him, Allah and his angels will continue to curse this man.” Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il “In the eyes of Allah, taking one Dirham of interest is worse than thirty incestuous acts.” Wasa’il ul-Shia Usury is what marks the distinction between money being simply a socially contracted abstract mechanism to lubricate between supply and demand, and money as an end in itself. As an end in itself, as a social commodity legitimised through usury to tax other economic activity, the honest process of living by the sweat of one’s brow is short-circuited. The true dignity and full reward of ordinary labour is compromised. Money thus becomes self-perpetuating power in itself rather than just a mediating agent of power. And it is the relentlessness of compound interest in the face of adversity that sets the potential cruelty of usury apart from wealth generated and earned from productive effort. Perhaps Aristotle had similar sentiments in mind when he argued that “a piece of money cannot beget another.”

By treating money as commodity, effectually prevents the fair distribution of wealth based on the rewards of productive effort Across the different faith groups there are implicit as well as explicit injunctions which out-rule the practice of interest-based finance. In recent times however, changing attitudes coinciding with changing economies and diluted ethics have seen the practice become but a norm. Yet, it is not only the Godfearing who foresee problems with usury, as philosophers, theologians, theorists, economists and modern reformists have themselves voiced condemnation over the practise of usury. “Thieves steal for necessity, but Usurers rob and undo all men for Greedy Gluttony.” 107 Dr Thomas Wilson Despite continuous pressure and support from the financial community, the various justifications for usury proved inadequate in 1836 when John Whipple, an American lawyer wrote The Importance Of Usury Laws - An Answer To Jeremy Bentham. Whipple proved the impossibility of sustaining long term metallic usury: "If 5 English pennies... had been... at 5 per cent compound interest from the beginning of the Christian era until the present time, it would amount in gold of standard fineness to 32,366,648,157 spheres of gold each eight thousand miles in diameter, or as large as the earth."

Usury does not create wealth; Usury sucks wealth from the productive effort of others Another less well known anti-usury economic reformist was Silvio Gesell. The twentieth century economist John Maynard Keynes wrote that the world could learn more from Gesell than from Marx. Gesell, as a successful nineteenth century merchant in Germany and Argentina, condemned interest on the basis that his sales were more often related to the ‘price’ of money (i.e. interest) than people's needs or the quality of his products. His proposal of making money a public service subject to a use fee led to widespread experimentation in Austria, France, Germany, Spain Switzerland, and the United States under the banner of the so-called “stamp script movement”, but these initiatives were all squashed when their success began to threaten the national banking monopolies Margrit Kennedy, a German professor at the University of Hannover, criticized interest, believing that “interest ... acts like cancer in our social structure”. She takes up the cause for “interest and inflation-free money” by suggesting a modification of banking practice to incorporate a circulation fee on money, acting somewhat like a negative interest rate mechanism. It was premised by a number of socioeconomic reformists of the twentieth century that for banks to then charge interest on money which they had created out of nothing, having suffered no opportunity cost or sacrifice, amounted to nothing less 108 than immoral and fraudulent practice. She provides some excellent empirical evidence of this phenomenon which relates to Germany in 1982. She shows that, while the poorest 2.5 million


households paid out (net) DM 1.8 billion in interest, the richest 2.5 million households received (net) DM 34.2 billion. From marginal utility theory point of view, the utility gain provided by usury is marginal to the already substantial utility of the principle sum. For poor the loss in utility incurred by having to pay interest is qualitatively much greater than the gain to the rich. Thus permitting usury to operate in economy reduces overall utility in the economy. Any justification of interest as an efficient economic instrument would have to first demonstrate that it functions to increase total utility. In the absence of 109 such demonstration, it can justifiably be condemned as a tool of tyranny. She shows, for instance, how in Germany, while government income, Gross National Product and the salaries and wages of the average income earner rose by about 400% between 1968 and 1989, the interest payments of the government rose by 1,360% which she claims implies an inflationary effect. Finally, another school of modern interest critics have their roots in the complementary work of several 110 socio-economic reformists of the early twentieth century, namely C.H. Douglas (1924), Professor 111 112 113 Frederick Soddy (1926), Irving Fisher (1935), and Henry C. Simons (1948). Their chief common premise was that it is completely wrong and unacceptable for commercial banks to hold a monopoly on the money or credit creation process. They all believed that for banks to charge interest on money, which they had in the first place created out of nothing, having suffered no opportunity cost or sacrifice amounted to nothing less than an immoral and fraudulent practice. Various alternative systems are proposed by the original authors and carried forward by their modern-day torch-bearers, for example, the Social Credit Secretariat [LINK] and the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform [LINK].

Usury is parasitic by nature; it can only survive off productive effort 114

In his third book in economics, The Role of Money, Soddy calls attention to the fact that in conventional economics, the role of money is to provide income to the bankers, while it should be to provide a distributary mechanism to society. Usury is an endemic factor in the instability of interest-based economies, i.e. the cycles of boom and bust, recession and recovery. In boom cycle interest bearing compounding debt is created, in bust cycles the assets of the holders of debt are transferred to the issuers of the debt. As stated before these “boom and bust” cycles are purposely created, by expanding and constricting the flow of money into the economy. Note: While usury plays a major role in the transfer of wealth from those who create wealth to those who don’t, it should be realised that speculative activities and economic exploitation are also contributing factors in transferring wealth from Productive Effort. While the economy needs an unhindered flow of finance to enable productive needs to met Society’s requirements, speculative activities and economic exploitation, which are just as immoral as usury, also have to be curtailed. The subjects of speculation and exploitation will be touch upon within this document.

Wealth should only be accumulated by productive effort As Pope Pius XI pointed out in the Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno (1931): “…the power to create money and to expand or contract the money supply at will carries with it too great an opportunity of economic domination, to be left to private control without injury to the community at large.” In a society where one cannot live without money, one understands that a system which thus gives to private interests - the banks - the power to regulate the amount of money as they please, puts the society at the mercy of the makers and the destroyers of money. It is production that gives value to money. A pile of money without corresponding products does not keep anyone alive, and is absolutely worthless. Thus, it is the farmers, the industrialists, the workers, the professionals, and the organized citizenry, who make products, goods and services. But it is the bankers who create the money, based on these products. And the bankers appropriate this money, which draws its value from the products, and lend it to those who make the products. In return the bankers make a claim with their usury against the wealth produced by Productive Effort; this is parasitic, like a tick sucking the blood from its host.

Usury does not represent effort - Usury is not productive - Usury is theft The philosophers' ideal of secure and modest wealth widely diffused to all classes is being supplanted by the two extremes, both harmful to man’s spiritual development, that of extreme wealth or extreme poverty. As Mahatma Gandhi noted; “Materialism and morality have an inverse relationship - when one increases the other decreases”.

Usury is driven by greed


Money should not be monopolised and treated as a commodity Even in today’s world, the scourge of interest has spread to such a magnitude that economies are on the verge of collapse. Some economists claim that interest is necessary for development, but their claim is not necessary based on fact. Many Islamic countries have never felt the compulsion to accept interest as inevitable in order to fit the logistics of economy, and yet Islamic economy is not known to have weakened because it does not embrace usury. This 'demon' called usury governs current global relations, condemning most of the world population to living under the sign of debt: i.e., each person born in Latin America owes already $1,600 in foreign debt; each individual being conceived in Sub-Saharan Africa carries the burden of a $336 debt, for something that its ancestors have long ago paid-off. In 1980 the Southern countries' debt amounted to $567 billion; since then, they have paid $3,450 billion in interests and write-offs, six times the original 115 amount. In spite of this that debt had quadrupled by the year 2000 reaching $2,070 billion.

Usury is a destroyer of Nations Usury does not create wealth; Usury sucks wealth from the Productive Effort of others Even in New Zealand, New Zealanders are in fact passive slaves to a destructive and corrupting system set up in direct contravention to social stability and survival; usury has penetrated every sphere of the society we live in and it is a major cause of all the economic ills with which our society is riddled. Interest is a burden on most people, it only benefits a tiny minority; the majority of people pay more in interest throughout their life then they may ever collect from any investment derived from interest. Doubt my word…well let’s take a closer look. 116

There are about 600,000 mortgages in New Zealand carrying a total of $155 billion of debt; with the average mortgage being about $250,000. According the Reserve Bank of New Zealand the average rate of interest on mortgages is 8%.

30 Year Mortgage $250,000 $250,000

Fixed Interest Rate 8% 9.1%

Total Repaid $660,279.60 $730,645.50

Total Amount Repaid in Usury $410,279.60 $480,645.50

The biggest purchase the average New Zealander will ever commit to is buying their own home in which to raise a family; this is not a luxury it is a necessity. Based on the above figures the average home owner, that is if you can afford it, will shell out on average over $13,675 a year just in usury charges; just to borrow money that in most cases is created out of thin air at very little cost. Now are people just plain stupid suckers or just well-behaved slaves? Of course today [2008] the usury charges on new mortgages are on average 9.1%; based on a $250,000 mortgage a person can expect to pay out on average over $16,021 a year just in usury charges over the thirty year life of the mortgage.

Every hour worked to pay usury on a mortgage is slavery


At the end of June 2008 the total debt of New Zealand stood at $407.69 billion, that is $407.690,000,000, that works out to approximately $95,498 per head of population - that is every man, woman, and child. Anyone care to work out the interest paid out to service this debt. Don’t forget that the cost of usury is added into the cost of everything you buy. Who do you think ends up paying for and bearing the burden of this usury?

Year Ending June

Total debt ($ Billions)

Average interest rate charged

Amount of interest paid ($ Billions)

Average amount of interest per person ($)

Below is a table showing the growth of the total New Zealand debt over last sixteen years, covering the period from 1993 to 2008. This table also shows the average yearly interest rate charged on this debt and what was paid out in usury for each year.

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

139.08 143.96 150.49 161.32 165.75 186.61 196.15 205.15 219.42 229.7 244.49 264.88 293.61 329.32 371.03 407.69

8.14 8.04 10.01 10.32 9.26 9.27 6.71 7.81 7.66 7.42 7.34 7.34 8.05 8.57 8.86 9.09

11.32 11.55 15.06 16.65 15.35 17.3 13.16 16.02 16.81 17.04 17.95 19.44 23.64 28.22 32.87 37.06

3,166 3,185 4,095 4,456 4.056 4,532 3,429 4,150 4,331 4,327 4,476 4,787 5,718 6,744 7,775 8,681

Figures in above table from the John Pemberton website 117

Total of usury charges paid on this debt over this sixteen year period: $291.49 Billion. As can be seen by the above table $37.06 billion was paid on this debt for the year ending June 2008. That is $37,060,000,000…this works out to $8,681 for each man, woman, and child in New Zealand.

For every man who gets a dollar he didn't sweat for, someone else sweated to produce a dollar he never received Now I am not trying to mislead people here when I point out the average amount of interest per head of population (every man, woman and child). All that has been done here is to divide the total amount of interest paid on the total debt each year by the total of number of people living in New Zealand during each period. I am not claiming that is what everyone exactly pays, as individuals earn varying wages or salaries and thus spending varies, but never-the-less it is the wage and salary earner that ends up in the end carrying this burden. It should be remembered that although business pay interest on debt this interest is reflected in prices so it is the consumer - the wage and salary earner - that ends up eventually paying it. The same applies to the servicing of government debt which is paid for from various taxes, G.S.T. etc, which again is passed into prices of goods and services which the consumer - the wage and salary earner - ends up eventually paying. TAKE NOTE: Usury affects the cost of everything that is produced and consumed. Every pair of shoes, every loaf of bread, vegetables, meat, fruit, clothing, the electricity you use, building materials, etc; there would be very little that you touch that has not been affected by usury charges. Even from the taxes people pay, a portion of this goes to service usury charges on Government Debt.


In many cases usury is a hidden cost that people do not see but it inflates the prices of all goods and services provided So how does this hidden cost of usury impact on peoples’ standard of living? Well let’s look at it from this perspective: The average (mean) annual income from regular sources for New Zealand households for the period 118 2007/08 was $73,952 gross making it after tax ($20111) is deducted approximately $53,841 nett, depending on if it was a single income or joint income, but for this case in point I treat it as a single 119 income. Now the average New Zealand household has 2.4 people. Now based on this information it would be a fair assumption that, on average, usury robs the average household of about 39% of its nett income. Now the above case-in-point might be rather unsophisticated and I admit the above calculation is crude but it serves the purpose of explaining how usury impoverishes. Couple the increasing burden of usury with the fact that wages and salaries have been suppressed from rising to meet the true cost of living for the last three decades:

Is it any wonder that the average husband can no longer support his wife and children and relays on his wife to work to supplement the family’s income? Is it any wonder that the average family just gets by but finds it difficult to get ahead of the bills. Is it any wonder that the average person cannot put enough aside through their working life for retirement?

USURY IS A SILENT ROBBER OF PEOPLES’ INCOME USURY ENRICHES A FEW AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MANY USURY KEEPS THE AVERAGE PERSON POOR People are in fact passive slaves to a destructive and corrupting system set up in direct contravention to social stability and survival The sad fact is that people, without realising it, have a fair sized portion of their earnings stolen from them by usury. Over a person’s lifetime this would amount to a huge amount of money; is it any wonder that the average person can not put enough aside to enable themselves to have at least a reasonable life when they reach retirement. They cannot and they never will be able to while the parasitic tick of usury feeds of their Productive Effort. “Usury is a burdensome tax on the low and moderate income families. High interest rates have deprived these people of huge chunks of their wages and at the same time have prevented the construction of needed housing and other works.” 120 Melford Pearson


The system is one big con; it keeps the majority poor and enriches a tiny minority who control the system

Purpose of life Without getting into a debate involving any religious philosophy over the purpose of life; what is the main purpose in life? With all living organisms there is an overwhelming desire to procreate; to reproduce, thus to ensure the survival of the species. The majority of humans too have this innate desire; to have children and to raise a family. It would be generally accept that most people have the desire to meet that someone special, to fall in love and then settle down, to have their own home and start a family.

Apart from this what else do people generally desire? Do most people want to be rich? Many would like to be but most don’t place this high on their list of priorities. Most people are quite happy not being rich. All they mainly desire is a feeling of security; having a job and being able to provide their family a home and a decent standard of living. What most people find disheartening is the feeling of insecurity created when they have to live hand-to-mouth all the time; worrying about the lack of income to meet the ever increasing cost of living. All that most people desire when it comes to security is earning enough to pay all the bills and being able to save for those extra things like a car or a family holiday from time to time, and once the children have left the nest to be able to put enough aside to have a reasonable level of comfort though their retirement years.

Is this too much to expect out of life? No it is not Can the present system give the majority the little they desire out of life? No it can not The present system is a failure; always has been and always will be


It is time to overhaul the system to meet the simple needs of the majority It is time for change The policies within this document are family friendly policies, designed to enable every family to have a decent home plus a decent standard of living; policies designed so that the father has the earning power to allow the mother of his children to stay at home to raise the children. Most men wish their wife to stay at home to be with the children and most mothers have the same desire; to be able to stay in the home to raise their children and not be forced into the work force to supplement the household income. These aims and desires can be achieved.

Forward to the Solution "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." Henry David Thoreau There are large numbers of people who know of the plot to install Global Governance and yet they are blind to the fact that it was and still is the innate characteristics of the economic and financial system that made it possible for this Global Governance to evolve. It is the innate characteristics of the economic and financial system that allowed the concentration of financial and economic power into a few hands; it is this financial and economic power that has been the powerhouse behind the drive for Global Governance. This old system is corrupt and unjust; it is this old system that has created most of the world’s problems and yet it is the benefactors of this old system that claim they can solve these problems by giving them obsolete power. Globalisation must be stopped. Global Governance must be stopped. We must wean our selves of Interdependence and work towards self reliance. This not only applies to just New Zealand but all nations throughout the world who value their independence. Enough pieces of the jig-saw puzzle have been placed upon the table to see what is planned. It serves no purpose debating and arguing about who is leading the drive towards Global Governance. We know that it exists, that is good enough. Instead of talk, we need action. To put it plain and simple: If your house is on fire you are not going to start an investigation on what started the fire and argue with people regarding its cause while your house burns down. Logic dictates you put out the fire first then, if needed, investigate its cause. We know this fire called Globalisation has destroyed many countries in its spread around the world; the time for arguing is over it is time for solidarity and a united approach to extinguishing it before it enslaves us all. If we can extinguish this developing inferno then we must rebuild economic systems that forever stop the concentration of wealth into a fewer and fewer hands so that this threat can never arise again. We need a new system that offers incentive and one that distributes wealth in a just and fair manner. Exploitation must be eliminated – parasitism must be eliminated.

Exploitation must be eliminated – parasitism must be eliminated A New System must arise The purpose of this document is to offer that alternative. "The laughter of fools has always been the reward of any man who comes up with a new thought." Stephen Lister Although the ideas, both economic and social, contained herein have been formulated with New Zealand in mind they could be easily adapted to suit any other country to free them from the power of the Globalists. You may consider the ideas radical and unpalatable; if that is the case then you maybe part of the problem. The ideas presented here are based on logic and fairness; if you can overcome and detach yourself from the normal Pavlov reflex, reject your perceived self interests and think logically you will come to realise the truth is spoken herein. Why do I use the term Pavlov reflex…because it is more then likely that your response is caused by your conditioning within the system that makes you that way. You if are born and raised in a certain economic system, educated within a certain economic system, and live and work within a certain economic system, you are more then likely to accept that system. Now if you believe that exploitation by


big business is wrong, then it must be wrong regardless if it is done by you on a small scale or by someone further up the ladder on a larger scale. Remember: A wrong is a wrong, regardless if it is a small wrong or a large wrong. Put your prejudices and preconceived ideas to the side and think logically - think outside the square. Ask yourself: Are your beliefs your own or have you been condition? Don’t forget that we have been raised in a materialistic society that virtually places a dollar value on everything; this does have a corrupting influence on the way we look at things. What is offered herein is an alternative; an alternative that decentralizes economic power by decentralizing its ownership and thus ensuring that the wealth is distributed more evenly through society. The strength in this system is that the ownership of wealth generation is dispersed more evenly through society. The majority of families, and by majority I mean a very large segment, will have a vested personal interest in the system; along with ownership comes the instinct to protect your interest in that ownership. Once such a system was established it would highly improbable for internal forces to overthrow it by legal means; because of Mass self-interest such attempts would be repelled. The ideas presented, both economic and social, are basically just a skeletal frame that requires fleshing out, but logic and common sense will dictate to those interested as how this should be done. Hopefully if enough interest is created I will, at a later date, find the time and do this. I offer to all people, of good heart and good intentions a new alternative; something I believe to be truly revolutionary. Let all people, whether they are black, brown, red, or white, whether they are Christian. Jew or Moslem, unite against humanity’s common enemies namely greed, dishonour and dishonesty. Let’s create a new system; one that is fair and just. "The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs. Self-conceit often regards it as a sign of weakness to admit that a belief to which we have once committed ourselves is wrong. We get so identified with an idea that it is literally a "pet" notion and we rise to its defense and stop our eyes and ears to anything different." John Dewey

External Affairs Independence not Interdependence - Cooperation not Domination New Zealand must become a rebel and buck the internationalists of its back and reach the hand of friendship out to small sympatric nations and encourage them to join the rebellion. New Zealand should propose to such likely minded nations that a Confederation of Sovereign Nations be formed in opposition the United Nations; a Confederation that does not push and promote Global Governance but an organisation that respects the sovereign rights of nations and promotes a policy of cooperation and not one of domination.  

  

New Zealand should be non-aligned to any of the major powers and should declare its self to be neutral in any future conflict that may arise between the major powers. Any Treaty, Protocol, or Agreement that New Zealand is a signatory to that limits or interferes with New Zealand’s sovereignty or the right of the New Zealand People to make their own laws should be classified as against the interests of the People and should be rescinded All foreign military craft from the major powers, including those belonging to countries who are align to any major power, should be banned from entering New Zealand territory - this includes New Zealand territorial waters and airspace New Zealand should break-off diplomatic ties with any country that interferes in the internal affairs of New Zealand No intelligence gathered by New Zealand should be made available to any of the major powers including those belonging to countries who are align to any major power


It is in New Zealand’s interests to see as much of the Pacific area as possible nuclear free and free from the influence of any of the major powers. Towards this goal New Zealand should use its influence within the Pacific area to encourage various Pacific Nations to declare themselves neutral and non-aligned to any of the major powers. In return New Zealand can offer these Nations help in developing their economies which would be of mutual benefit to all parties involved.

Defence As outlined in the policy on External Affairs New Zealand should be non-aligned to any of the major powers and should declare its declare its self to be neutral in any future conflict that may arise between the major powers. For New Zealand to take sides in any possible conflict involving the major powers is suicidal; as New Zealand would be like a mouse standing in the middle of a herd of fighting elephants.   

New Zealand Defence Forces should not take part in any United Nations “peacekeeping” operations New Zealand Defence Forces should always be under the control of a New Zealand body which is directly controlled by, and directly answerable to, the New Zealand Parliament. It should be in direct violation of the proposed new Constitution for any of New Zealand’s Defence Forces to be placed under the jurisdiction of any foreign power

With a policy of neutrality and non-alignment New Zealand’s present defence strategy is based on a bygone era and thus is badly in need of a major overhaul. New Zealand is a small country in a relatively isolated geographic location surrounded by a vast expanse of sea; it is these factors that should shape New Zealand’s defence strategy.

Internal Affairs     

English should be the Official Language of New Zealand Only citizens born in New Zealand should be allowed hold political office New Zealand should remain Nuclear-free It should be made unlawful for any political or pressure organisation in New Zealand to accept funding from any foreign or anonymous source Laws should be introduced prohibiting anyone from being appointed, elected or otherwise employed in any public office or public position that has been a member of any secret organization for the previous seven years. If anyone wanted to belong to these groups and hold public office, then these organizations must change their rules so that every meeting, including board of director's meetings, must be opened up to attendance by the public and the press, with two weeks advance notice published in the local press stating the date, time, and place of all meetings, along with the agendas of all meetings. With only one exception, it should be unlawful for any information, held by the State on any individual - this includes citizen or a resident - to be made available outside of New Zealand, without first obtaining the written permission of the individual. The one exception being where the individual is a suspect in a criminal act; in such circumstances an application should be presented before a Judge showing reasonable grounds for the release of such information. If reasonable grounds are proved to the satisfaction of the Judge than a Court Order should be issued for the release of the information

Constitution New Zealand does not have a single written Constitution but has a series of formal legal documents and decisions of the courts that form what is referred to as a Constitution. The present so-called Constitution is a riffraff of various documents that enshrine double standards and should be abounded. New Zealand should have a written Constitution based on the principles outlined in this document.



The regulations for establishing Trusts should be re-examined. To often Trusts are established allowing people to hide or safeguard assets while they are involved in somewhat questionable practises. The establishment of Trusts should be limited to the following purposes:   

To safeguard assets during a period of transferral To safeguard inheritance so they can be transferred to a minor on reaching maturity To safeguard inheritance in cases where the recipient is of demised mental capacity

All existing Trusts that do not come into one of the above categories should be dissolved and the assets returned to the original depositor/s. In the case where an asset or assets held in Trust can not be traced back to the original owner then such assets should be forfeited to the State.

Charities As the saying goes “Charity should begin at home”; meaning you should try to help your family and friends before you help other people. New Zealand has many problems including much poverty; in light of this, New Zealanders should be expected to help their own before they assist strangers. Neglecting your own when you can assist is an act of betrayal; neglecting your own and helping strangers goes beyond betrayal. Charities operating in New Zealand must be for the benefit of those who reside in New Zealand; charities that fall outside this criterion should be compelled to cease their activities. Many so-called charitable organisations have evolved into quasi-political fronts or are used to prey on people’s sympathies while providing employment for their organisers. A charitable organisation should function as a charitable organisation and refrain from promoting a social or political agenda. People involved in the running of charities or involved in the raising of funds for charities should not receive remuneration for their activities. Individuals involved in the running of a charitable organisation should be of a charitable character and not use the charity for personal gain, whether it is financial or political gain.

Parliamentary & Political Reform "The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government." Thomas Jefferson About two years ago, in 2006, I remember reading an article that stated that during the previous year that so much legislation passed through parliament that it would have been impossible for any MP to have read it all – meaning if any MP had spent all their waking hours just reading these acts, laws and regulations it would have been impossible to have read them all within the year that they were passed. I had to shake my head in amazement. I thought to myself; “So this is democracy in action?” I had to conclude then that the political party system we have in New Zealand is corrupt. MPs in Parliament are coerced into towing the party line by a minority of dominate individuals; the Parliamentary system has nothing to do with Democracy and I would go as far as saying that it is in fact the Will of the Minority that rules this country. MPs in Parliament have lied, mislead and betrayed. While MPs are referred to as “Honourable” members of the House, the fact has been proven time and time again that the word “Honourable” in all fairness can not be applied to these people: the concept of Honour appears to be outside of their comprehension. The intellectual capacity of many MPs is questionable, the salaries of MPs, including their perks and superannuation is certainly an insult to any hard working New Zealander. While many New Zealanders are finding it unaffordable to heat their homes, to feed their families, and now can only dream of ever owning their own home the “honourable” Members of Parliament are wallowing in a lifestyle that most New Zealanders will never have under the present system. The present Parliamentary system does not serve in the interests of the People, nor does the present system based on political parties serve the interests of the People. It is time we took a long hard look at the Parliamentary System of Government and reformed it. But before we can create a more efficient Parliamentary System based on Honour and Honesty we need to overhaul the electoral system and to extinguish the political party system that has caused the cancer of corruption to evade and dominate the Parliamentary System. We need a system free of corruption, a system that serves in the interest of the People. Political parties should be banned; individuals who stand for political office should be independent and free from the influence of self-interest seeking groups.


  

No longer would incompetent individuals be shielded by their Parliamentary political parties No longer would Parliament be divided along party political lines No longer would the old Establishment to able to control Parliament through the party political system

Electorates The seven Maori electorates, based on race, should be abolished and these voters absorbed in the general electorates in which they reside. The number of Parliamentary seats should be reduced to fifty-one. There should be created three Electoral Regions with each Electoral Region containing seventeen Electorates. For the purposes of this section these Electoral Regions should be called ER1, ER2, and ER3. In light of the changes proposed the following is suggested. The candidates who win a seat in Parliament in ER1 one would serve for the normal three year period. In ER2 the winning candidates would serve for a period of four years; at the end of this four year period the elections in ER2 would be held every three years thereafter. In ER3 the winning candidates would serve for a period of five years; at the end of this five year period the elections in ER3 would be held every three years thereafter. Instead of having a General Election once every three years it is proposed that a Regional Election would be held every year in one of the Electoral Regions. This would cause very little disruption to the running of Parliament and cause very little disturbance in the running of the country.

Candidates All candidates would be required to undergo a test and examination to establish their IQ level and their ability to think independently and logically. There should be a limit set of seven candidates per electorate. If more then seven candidates desire to stand for office within an electorate then the seven who score the highest would go forth as candidates. Candidates would have to declare, under oath: 1. 2. 3.

Whether they know or have any association with any other candidate that is standing Their assets including past and present business associations All past and present membership in any organisation, this would cover;  political or pressure groups  religious groups or churches  associations of a business nature  Societies such as the Free Masons

These declared details along with results from their test and examination would be made available to the constituents in which the candidates are standing. Any individual wishing to stand as a candidate should be automatically disqualified if they have been a member of any secret organization within the previous seven years. A candidate for public office run on their own efforts and merits, with financing only from individuals who have resided for at least seven years in the electorate that they propose to represent. Violation of the campaign financing should be a criminal act incurring seven years imprisonment for convicted offenders.

Voting Firstly and most importantly electronic voting should be prohibited. Overseas experiences have shown that electronic voting is not secure enough to prevent hackers from accessing voting data and manipulating results; this has lead to a number of allegations of fraud. These facts alone should make the public cautious and suspicious if politicians suggest or attempt to bring in electronic voting. All votes should be on paper ballots filled out by the individual casting the vote.


New Zealand's (MMP) Mixed Member Proportional electoral system would become obsolete under the reforms propose. The old system of First Past the Post (FFP) should not be reintroduced and should be abandoned for ever; FFP does not represent a fair system as an unpopular candidate can still win an election with a minority of votes. A new system of voting is required; one that is fair and just. A fair and just system is the MultiPreference Voting system. Multi-Preference Voting allows voters to record multiple preferences and to rank those preferences. This means that voters must indicate on their ballots a complete order of preference among a list of candidates. Voters must rank all candidates for their vote to be a valid vote. Below is an example of a voting form representing seven candidates standing within an electorate in the system proposed representing a fictitious voter:

















1  2



3  th

4 

 


5 


6 


7 

In the following example in a seven-candidate race in which 10,105 voters cast ballots, the voterecording system should disclose 70,735 total votes - 10,105 total votes for each candidate, and 10,105 total votes for each level of preference (10,105 total first-preference votes, 10,105 total secondpreference votes, and so on), as illustrated by the following table: Preference


































































1415 10105

1614 10105

1317 10105

1015 10105

1516 10105

1513 10105

1715 10105

10105 70735

1 2


7 

So in the above example we can see that no candidate won outright by the first preference votes that were cast for them. If we add the second preference votes cast for each candidate together with the first preference votes cast for them we still have no outright winner, as no candidate has yet receive over 50% of the votes that have been cast in their favour. Once again when we add third preference votes cast for each candidate together with the first and second votes preference cast for them we still have no outright winner. In this example, at least, it is not until we add up the first, second, third and forth preference votes cast for each candidate that the 50%+ barrier required to win is breached. Candidate “E” (green highlight) is the winner with 6,257 votes, candidate “D” (yellow highlight) is runner up in second place with 6,159, and candidate “F” (orange highlight) is third with 6,061. Under such a system if an elected individual should either die while in office, or resign, or be removed from office before the next election, then this vacancy would be filled by the next highest racking candidate. Although it may be claimed that such a voting system would be cumbersome to administrate this would be overcome by the use of technology to electronically count the votes cast, at the close of polling booths, to speed-up the counting of votes.

Eliminating Voting Fraud


As I mentioned earlier electronic voting should be prohibited. What is propose here is still a system based on paper votes filled out by the individual casting the vote but incorporating the use of an electronic system that checks the validity of a vote before it is placed into a ballet box by the voter and a system that speeds-up the counting of the votes while at the same time eliminating human error and voting fraud.    

Each voting paper should contain a place to attach an ID sticker issued to the voter at the polling booth along with a place to attach the voter’s right thump print. Each polling booth should have an electronic reader that checks validity of each vote before it is officially cast - placed into a ballot box. If an error should be detected the voter would have the opportunity to correct their mistake. Before a voter places their vote into a ballot box they must first attached the issued ID sticker along with an impression of their right thump print to the places provided on their voting form. If the voter so desires they would be able to electronically scan their vote before they cast it and be issued with an official copy of their vote.

Needless to say, under such a system strict safeguards must be in place to protect the identifying of the voters to the votes they cast. Only where grounds exist pointing to voting fraud should the suspect vote/s and the voter’s identity be made available to the investigating authority through a court order.

Multi-Preference Voting is a fair, just and simple system of voting Parliament English should be the official language of Parliament. On Parliament convening, from the names, consisting of the 12 Members of Parliament who received the highest score in their test and examination, two names would be randomly chosen. The first selected individual would serve as the Speaker of the House for a six month period and second selected individual would serve as Prime Minister for a six month period. At the end of the six month term another two names would be randomly chosen to serve, as the Speaker of the House, and as Prime Minister, for a six month period. Leadership would be rotated at six monthly intervals thus no cult figure can emerge. The person selected as Prime Minister would be responsible for selecting Ministerial Portfolios. In the event of a Member of Parliament dieing during their term in office, the candidate that came second in that dead Member’s electorate would fill the vacancy created and serve the time remaining.

Tie Breaking In the case of choosing between two or more individuals of equal ability for a position in the political system the following action should be taken to resolve this dead-lock. Most people are aware of how the numbers are drawn for the lottery known as LOTTO which basically involves the random selection of numbered balls from a mechanical device. This same device should be used to settle any dead-lock that may arise within the political system. This is a fair system as it randomly done and it also eliminates any claim of favouritism or prejudice.

Excessive wealth and perks All past and present holders of political office, including political appointees, should be investigated to ascertain their holdings of wealth. This would included all wealth placed in Trusts or transferred to others by other means. Wealth in excess of what would normally be considered unobtainable through their state paid salaries would have to be explained. If any wealth has been obtained by dishonourable means then all wealth, including material goods, should be seized and forfeited to the State. Individuals who undergo forfeiture should be placed into a State flat along with their personal belongings. Those who are of retirement age should be entitled to the state payments that are received by ordinary retired New Zealanders; those who have not reached retirement age should be found work of a productive nature. All Members of Parliament, on reaching retirement age, should only be entitled to the superannuation that the ordinary New Zealander receives on reaching retirement age. All other pensions or superannuation funds that the politicians so lavishly bestow on them selves should be stopped and the


proceeds returned to the State. All perks that retired and ex-politicians receive such as subsidised travel and the use of governmental cars should cease.

Penalties Behind the chair of the Speaker of the House there should be hung upon the wall a shield. Around the outside rim of the shield the following words should be inscribed: "In death you are answerable to God - in life you are answerable to the People.” In the centre of this shield a hangman’s noose and a cat o’ nine tails should be placed and with these items the following words should appear: "Dishonour and Betrayal will be justly rewarded.” In the past it has been the practise to execute those found guilty of treason; New Zealand had such a provision but this was repealed in 1989. This provision should be reinstated exclusively to cover Members of Parliament. Although it is most doubtful, that under the proposed political system outline herein, that any Member of Parliament would ever commit an act of treason nevertheless having this provision reinstated would act as a deterrent if any Member of Parliament was to consider such action. Any Member of Parliament that commits a dishonourable act should received 150 lashes of the cat o’ nine tails and be discharged from Office. It is most doubtful if any of the provisions outlined in this "Penalties" section will ever be used; never-theless having, what would be considered, strict and harsh previsions for Treason and Dishonourable behaviour, should reminded those severing in Parliament they are there to serve the Common Good and are expected to lead by example. If such provisions help to keep Members of Parliament loyal and honest then these provisions serve their purpose. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington

Privilege for None - Opportunity for All - Advancement on Ability

Finance Present system = a system of un-payable debts New Zealand's banking system is dominated by foreign banks. The following facts are taken from the 121 Reserve Bank:  

All but two of the 16 registered banks in New Zealand are foreign-owned. All of the four systemically important banks in New Zealand are Australian owned - holding around 85 per cent of banking system assets. 122

According to an article in The Press "New Zealand has the highest degree of foreign bank ownership in the world, with some 99% of assets in overseas-owned banks. 85% of New Zealand bank assets is concentrated in Australian-owned credit institutes" Now these foreign owned banks are not in New Zealand doing charitable work; they are here for one reason and one reason only; to make profit and to maximise profit to the best of their ability. These foreign banks are creaming big fat profits from New Zealand; each year they make billions of dollars in profit most of which goes overseas.

Foreign banks are creaming huge profits from New Zealand Foreign owned banks are in New Zealand to make a profit Banks sole motivations are profits While the media and the courts love lambasting bank robbers they fail to point the finger at the biggest 123 bank robbers of them all – namely the banks themselves. According to an article in The Listener; "Reserve Bank figures, leaked to the National Business Review, showed the banks were paying an effective tax rate of 6.7%, rather than the normal corporate rate of 33%, or $191 million in 2003, instead of the $947 million if they had paid the full whack"


Bend the rules bend the laws and screw Morality; Profits Come First Does New Zealand need a foreign owned and controlled banking system? NO IT DOES NOT! The banking system has created huge wealth and power for its controllers due to its usurious practises and control over the money supply. The present banking system is the root course of inflation; inflation which destroys the value of peoples’ savings. Money is not wealth; all it is - is a means of exchange. True wealth is what the country produces, i.e. steel, food, buildings, virtually anything that uses Productive Effort to manufacture or produce. The present debt ridden money supply limits the overall wealth of a country and creates poverty because all that the present financial system does is create compounding debt and by doing so firstly robs the majority of the fruits of its labour and secondly enables those who control the money system to accumulate vast wealth. The present financial system is parasitic in nature; it creates compounding debt and is inflationary. Before any society can begin to rebuild its future it has to create a sane financial system; a financial system that serves society - one that does not enslave society in a web of debt. "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." Sir Josiah Stamp (1880-1941) President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain

IT IS TIME FOR A NEW FINANCAL SYSTEM Financial Reform Before any society can begin to rebuild its future it has to create a sane financial system; a financial system that serves society - one that does not enslave society in a web of compounding debt. The financial system must serve society and not be its master.

The financial system must serve society and not be its master Present Banking System The present banking system should be nationalised and converted into one or more Cooperative Enterprise. Details regarding Cooperative Enterprises are contained in the section under “Wealth Distribution”.

The Reserve Bank The Reserve Bank of New Zealand should be overhauled and restructured and formed into a Central Credit Authority. This Central Credit Authority would serve the following functions:     

The issue of credit to fund Government and Local Body projects To ensure that the banking system adheres to the guidelines laid down regarding the creation and issue of credit Oversee all activities of the Banking Co-operatives to ensure that excessive profits are not made. Set the external value of the New Zealand dollar Organise the printing and minting of New Zealand’s notes and coins

Banks as Cooperative Enterprises


   

Money deposited in banks would be placed there for safe keeping and would not be loaned out nor should such deposits earn interest All loans made by banks should be from the issue of new credit Loans should be free of interest but should incur an administrative charge to cover costs incurred in the administration of the loan and to enable a fair return for the service given As with any private enterprise proving a service the banks should be allowed to make a reasonable profit to cover the various expenses incurred and for the payment of dividends to its working shareholders.

External Government Debt There should be a five year moratorium placed on repayment of overseas debt to relieve pressure on the New Zealand economy to enable policies take effect; after this period this debt should be repaid as quickly as possible. The maximum rate of interest paid on this debt should not exceed 3%; any interest rate above this that is demanded should be viewed as exceptionally usurious and thus be refused.

Existing Government & Local Body Internal Debt All existing Government debt that has been sourced internally and all Local Body debt regardless of its sourcing should be repudiated. Simply put this debt is wiped.

Existing Private Debt All debt held by individuals and businesses should also be repudiated regardless if these debts are sourced within New Zealand or externally. This would cover all business debt, all mortgages on commercial and private dwellings, credit card debt, and personal loans including student loans. All other debt held by individuals such as outstanding fines and other debts owed to the state should also be wiped.

External Government Debt There should be a three year freeze placed on repayment of overseas debt to relieve pressure on the New Zealand economy to enable policies take effect; after this period this debt should be repaid as quickly as possible. The maximum rate of interest paid on this debt should not exceed 3%; any interest rate above this that is demanded should be viewed as exceptionally usurious and thus be refused. The shylocks have received their pound of flesh; they should receive no more.

Repudiation of Debt and the Safeguarding of Savings All monies deposited with banks by businesses and individuals and held in non-investment accounts should be guaranteed. Any shortfall can be covered by an issue of debt-free credit by the Central Credit Authority.

Funding for Capital Projects Capital projects undertaken by the State should be financed by the issue of interest-free credit. Hospitals, schools, highways and roads, expansion of the railways, the building of dams, etc can all be financed by interest-free credit; these are created assets i.e. created wealth. All these assets in turn have a life expectancy. in the case of a newly constructed hospital which, for arguments sake, cost $100 million to build and has a useable life of fifty years then this asset would depreciate at two per cent a year meaning it would lose $2 million a year in value, this would mean that $2 million dollars each year would be taken from taxation revenue and removed from circulation. The creation of State assets would be limited by the State’s ability to eliminate from taxation revenue the depreciative value of the assets created.

Funding for Local Bodies Capital projects undertaken by the Local Bodies should be financed by the issue of interest-free credit. The amount of credit made available to any Local Body would be limited by the Local Body’s ability to repay from revenue the yearly depreciative value of any asset created.


Taxation Simple is best The present taxation system is a bureaucrat’s wet dream and small businessman’s nightmare. A more simplified and efficient taxation policy is needed, one that that serves the purpose of the State in collecting the needed revenue to enable it to function whilst at the same time removing the present unnecessary inefficiencies the present system has in its application and collection.

Businesses A simple turn-over tax should be introduced to replace the present business taxation system.   

A turn-over tax would be a tax on every dollar a business turned-over To keep things simple and efficient nothing would be tax deductible Taxes would be paid monthly

This is a simple business taxation system to administrator and to comply with.

PAYE As economic conditions improve PAYE should be steadily reduced for families with a sole provider. The objective should be to make the first $37,440 earned per year free of tax. This income is based on weekly earnings based on the proposed minimum hourly rate of $18.00.

Secondary taxation Many people who do not hold full time jobs work a number of part time jobs and as such are penalised by paying secondary taxation on earning made from a second or third job. This is unjust; secondary taxation should be eliminated. All income derived from multiple sources of employment should be lumped together and taxed as though it was from a single source.

Other Taxes All other taxes would be abolished. This means that GST and special taxes placed on fuel, alcohol and tobacco etc would be eliminate. The financial reforms would save New Zealand vast sums of money presently squandered from taxation revenue in interest payments on government debt and the funding of a bloated politically correct bureaucracy. Couple this with the fact that the New Zealand economy would be unshackled and allowed to grow this would increase revenue from taxation.

Rebuilding the Economy & Supplying the Necessaries of Life In an unstable world a secure and stable economy is paramount New Zealand has developed into a bureaucratic nightmare when one considers the red tape, regulations and laws that have flooded peoples’ lives. To prevent present laws, regulations and red tape from hindering the introduction of the policies for the reconstruction of the New Zealand economy and supplying the necessaries of life a Fast Track Law should be introduced which should override all present laws or regulations that may act as an impediment in the implementation of the policies contained herein. Taking into consideration that the existing Establishment has a strong influence entrenched within the present civil services one can expect, at least in the early stages, resistance from within the civil service to the implementation of many of the policies contained herein; in response to this, laws should be introduced covering acts of economic sabotage carrying penalties that would discourage most people from such activities.


It must be realised that to implement the ideas to rebuild the New Zealand economy and to supply the necessaries of life would take time. Many problems would have to be overcome; the supply of raw materials, the shortages of trades-people and of course the predicted shortage of labour to fill the jobs that would be created. Nevertheless with a strong dedicated Government providing the needed leadership combined with New Zealand’s well known innovative approach most if not all problems should be within the country’s ability to solve.

Economic Development Authority An Economic Development Authority (EDA) should be established to oversee the economic reconstruction of New Zealand.

Natural Resources All natural resources should be held in trust by the State on behalf of all New Zealanders; this should include all land, natural occurring fisheries, all fresh water i.e. lakes, rivers and streams, all mineral deposits, including all coal, gas and oil deposits. These assets should be held in Trust by the State and administrated by the State on behalf of the New Zealand People; in this capacity the State should not be nor should it consider itself the owner of these assets, the State should only be the Custodian and only act as the Custodian. New Zealand has onshore deposits of zinc, lead, copper, nickel, tin, tungsten, titanium, along with other metals including rare earth elements with an estimate in-ground value of $200 billion along with offshore deposits of gold, silver, aluminium, copper, zinc, lead, mercury and nickel with a conservative valuation of $500 billion. Estimates are no good for long term planning. Hard facts are required. A complete and detailed inventory of all New Zealand’s mineral resources needs to be created. This would mean that extensive exploration, both onshore and offshore, would have to be undertaken. This mineral wealth should not be exported in its raw state. This means that New Zealand would have to develop extraction techniques to mine this mineral wealth, especially the offshore minerals, if they are in commercial quantities, along with the industrial means to refine these minerals. This does not mean that this mineral wealth should be exploited for uncontrolled export. This mineral wealth should be exploited wisely for New Zealand’s long term benefit and for the benefit of friendly Pacific Island nations who are not aligned to any of the major powers. It is not only the mineral deposits that need extensive investigation but all our natural resources including fresh water resources, our ability to increase hydro-electricity capacity and very importantly a survey needs to be undertaken to grade the land throughout New Zealand to ensure that any future use of any of this land is put to the best possible use. This inventory of resources is vital if New Zealand is to plan out its long term development to ensure the well-being of future generations.

The Economy The New Zealand economy’s function is to serve New Zealand society New Zealanders have been told, as far back as the seventies, that New Zealand had to become competitive and that New Zealand could no longer afford to support inefficient producers. Off course it was not explained to New Zealanders, that inefficient meant, that if they could not produce goods cheaper that foreign sweatshops. How can a New Zealand blue collar worker compete against Chinese labour working in sweatshops? 124 China's city manufacturing enterprises received total compensation of $0.95 per hour, while their noncity counterparts, about whom such estimates had not previously been generally available, averaged less than half that: $0.41 per hour. Altogether, with a large majority of manufacturing employees working outside the cities, the average hourly manufacturing compensation estimated for China in 2002 was $0.57. Many factory workers work an average of 11 hours a day, six to seven days a week, and take 125 home around $100 a month.


Couple these slave labour wages to the fact that many workers in these sweatshops are expected to meet certain production quotas and if they are not met then the worker is expected to work back, in many cases without extra pay, until the quotas are met. So if a New Zealand company cannot compete against a Chinese company then the New Zealand company is inefficient. What this basically means is if New Zealand workers can not compete with Chinese workers then New Zealand workers are inefficient producers. Give me a break.

Competition is about an even playing field; the rules are the same for all competitors The insane globalisation policy, of both Labour and National, has resulted in the decimation of the New Zealand manufacturing sector. Companies have closed up shop and moved their plant to Asian countries along with the jobs once done by New Zealanders. Tens of thousands of jobs have been “exported” and thousands of skilled New Zealanders have left New Zealand in search of employment elsewhere. New Zealand manufactures should be given incentives to cater for the needs of the New Zealand market. To create a “level playing field”, a policy should be implemented restricting the importation of non-essential items unless the labour used in their production receives at least the remuneration paid to New Zealand workers. This would go along way to protecting the home market against the flood of cheap imports produced in sweatshops and enable the New Zealand manufacturing sector to re-establish itself. Couple the above with the issue of interest free finance and a simplified and fair taxation system the New Zealand economy will be well placed to recover from the insane policies inflicted upon it by previous governments.

Jobs for New Zealanders first If it can be made in New Zealand it should be made in New Zealand    

New Zealand industry should first source required materials/products produced in New Zealand The first duty of New Zealand producers should be to supply the New Zealand market before meeting the demands of export markets Higher export prices should not influence the price charged for New Zealand goods sold in New Zealand. It should be the duty of New Zealand industry to supply the New Zealand market its needs at a fair and just price The practise known as outsourcing should be made illegal. Companies that have outsourced services should be compelled to return these jobs to New Zealand

Wealth Distribution Every Man A King - None too poor, none too rich Control of Capital does not justify exploitation "You must keep the wealth of the country scattered"

Huey P. Long The accumulation of wealth in many cases becomes an obsession - an addiction. I know many people who are well-off but are still not satisfied with what they have accumulated. If they had a million dollars they would want ten million; if they had ten million they would want a hundred million; if they had a hundred million they would want a billion – and on and on – in their opinion you can never have enough money.

Income should be derived from Productive Effort


I strongly believe, for the sake of the well-being of Society, a limit must be set regarding the accumulation of wealth. In my mind a person’s wealth should not be allowed to exceed twenty-five million dollars, wealth that exceeds this limited should be forfeited to the State which would end-up being redistributed. Of course there will be some people who would fight tooth and nail to stop such an idea, but I ask in all fairness how much wealth does an individual need? To be honest how is it possible for an individual to accumulated such wealth; it is nay impossible for an individual though their own effort to accumulate such wealth by honest means or without speculation or exploiting the effort of others. Who would such a policy affect…perhaps 1% of the population who are at the peak of the wealth pyramid?

Parasitism in all its forms should be eliminated Those wealthy individuals who have enriched themselves while working against the Common Good, by aligning themselves to the Globalist Agenda, should be stripped of all their wealth. "Check the rich from buying everything up and put and end to their freedom of monopoly." 126 Thomas More

Remember: For every man who gets a dollar he didn't sweat for, someone else sweated to produce a dollar he never received A NEW SYSTEM A new type of economic system is needed to replace the failed systems of both Corporate Capitalism and State Capitalism. A system that:      

Creates a barrier to Globalisation Reverts foreign owned companies in New Zealand back to New Zealand ownership Offers incentive and just rewards for the individual’s effort Prevents the formation of monopolies Decentralises economic power Distributes the purchasing power from created wealth more evenly through society

A new type of economic system is needed to replace the failed systems of both Corporate Capitalism and State Capitalism There is only one economic system that can achieve the above and that is an economic system based on Cooperative Enterprises which is a system of private enterprise based on Cooperative Capitalism.

Cooperative Enterprise is a system of Private enterprise based on Cooperative Capitalism Cooperative Enterprises A Cooperative Enterprise (CE) is a business owned and controlled by the people who work within it – it has no outside shareholders. The people working within the business – the shareholders democratically elect a board of directors and this Board of Directors hires professional management to handle the day-to-day operations and also sets the overall operating policies, approves the annual budget, oversees its operation, and distributes a dividend from profits amongst the shareholders within the CE.

Fair and just distribution of purchasing power produced by joint effort Each individual working in an CE are equal shareholders and thus entitled to an equal share of the dividends paid from profit but just like any other business people are paid varying wages or salaries based on their job descriptions.

No one should have the right to take that which has not been earned from their own effort


CE’s keep economic benefits within the community as profit is not siphoned off by outside interests CE’s should retain a certain part of profits for research and development, job creation, etc. Generally speaking it would be expected that at least 50% of profit made would be evenly divided between the members within the CE’s. Part of this would be paid-out as a bonus with the remaining going into a superannuation fund. CE’s like any other business would obtain their operating finances i.e. overdraft through the normal banking system.

An economy based on CE’s would destroy the monopolies, eliminate foreign ownership, decentralised ownership, distribute wealth more evenly through Society, and make New Zealand immune to the cancer of globalisation Any business created by the Economic Development Authority (EDA) or formed with the assistance of the EDA should be constituted as a Cooperative Enterprise. The first businesses, apart from the banks, that should be earmarked for conversion into CE’s are the monopolies that control most of New Zealand’s strategic assets:         

Power generation, national distribution, and local distribution authorities Gas and its national distribution to local distribution authorities Railways Telephone Postal Services Newspapers Television Radio Internet Service Providers

Needless to say the banks should be the first to be converted into CE’s followed by the various news media – television, radio, newspapers, and internet service providers. It should be the intention over a period of time to convert all businesses employing more then seven people into CE’s. According to Statistics New Zealand's Annual Enterprise Survey from 2005 and 2006 businesses with 5 employees or fewer accounted for 89 percent of all enterprises in New Zealand. So such a policy would only affect less then ten percent of the total businesses in New Zealand.

A Fair and Just Distribution of Wealth According to Effort Profit Sharing For those businesses having seven or less employees then profit sharing should be introduced. A certain percentage of the business’s net profit should be distributed equally among all employees of that company. Part of this should be paid out as a bonus; the balance should go into a superannuation fund.

A Fair and Just Distribution of Wealth According to Effort Monopolies It should be the intention to break-up existing monopolies into smaller independent units and to establish these units as Cooperative Enterprises. A company selected for conversion to a CE would undergo a valuation to establish its true value. Once the true value is established this would be divided by the total amount of shares issued in this company which would establish the individual value of each share. These shares should then be purchased using credit issued by the New Zealand Credit Authority. The total purchase price of these shares would be issued as a loan, free of charge, to the CE which the CE would have to repay. By turning a business into a CE only changes the ownership of the business. An example would be a company producing steel. It would still carry on producing steel, it still would receive finance through the banking system and it still would pay taxes. The only basic difference would be that instead of the company’s profits ending up in the pocket of some absent shareholder or going overseas the profits are shared equally amongst the new shareholders who are working within the company.


Any claim that the use of credit issue by the New Zealand Credit Authority would have an inflationary effect within New Zealand would be unfounded. Although the money supply would be increased this increase in purchasing power could not be used in a speculative manner; it has been speculation and price manipulation that has driven internally created price rises.

Control of Capital does not justify exploitation Valuation of businesses The market value of a business should no bearing in establishing its True Value. Its True Value should be established upon its assets such as buildings, plant, etc, all minus their depreciative values. No “good will” should be included.

Stock Exchange The New Zealand Stock Exchange should be closed and the trading, selling, or transfer of shares within New Zealand should be prohibited.

No one should have the right to take that which has not been earned from their own effort Remuneration With people on salaries of millions a year while the majority struggle to make ends meet and with many whose standard of living is below the poverty line, one can not help but question the sanity and fairness of the present system. It is unjust, it is exploitive, and it is immoral. The minimum hourly rate should be set at eighteen dollars an hour. Coupled with the financial, taxation and other reforms this should give an overall lift to low paid workers’ standard of living. The following formula should be introduced to curtail excessive salaries and to ensure some standard of fairness for effort:     

Organisations with a workforce of 2 to 10 staff: The top yearly salary cannot exceed 2.5 times the annual income of what the lowest paid worker receives for a forty hour week Organisations with a workforce of 11 to 50 staff: The top yearly salary cannot exceed 5 times the annual income of what the lowest paid worker receives for a forty hour week Organisations with a workforce of 51 to 100 staff: The top yearly salary cannot exceed 7.5 times the annual income of what the lowest paid worker receives for a forty hour week Organisations with a workforce of 101 to 1000 staff: The top yearly salary cannot exceed 10 times the annual income of what the lowest paid worker receives for a forty hour week Organisations with a workforce of 1001 plus staff: The top yearly salary cannot exceed 12.5 times the annual income of what the lowest paid worker receives for a forty hour week

Apart from different wages/salaries given for various work within an organisation all other packages that come under remuneration such as holiday leave and sick leave should be applied equally across the workforce. Private insurance, superannuation and performance bonuses offered to selected individuals within an organisation should cease.

Self-employed With the financial and economic reforms that would take place there will be many opportunities for people to become self-employed. The simplified taxation system would reduce the paperwork created by the present taxation system. The earnings of the self-employed would not be capped.

Intellectual Property Rights New Zealand should refuse to acknowledge any international or local patent or over any (1) genetically modified or non-genetically life form and (2) pharmaceuticals (drugs and medicines). Present laws within New Zealand that acknowledges any such rights should be rescinded. Rights to and royalties on intellectual property regarding music, films and software should only cover a period of seven years from its release. After a period of seven years ownership rights to this intellectual property, including rights to royalty payments for use of this intellectual property, should end.


A New Zealand version of Linux should be developed and referred to as Kiwi Linux. The development of this operating system should be funded by the State. Once developed Kiwi Linux should replace Microsoft software throughout the education system and the State sector.

Nationalisation & Compensation That which has been stolen from the New Zealand People should be returned All State and Local Authority assets that have been privatised should be nationalised and then converted into Cooperative Enterprises. Compensation should depend on a number of factors; firstly the price originally paid and secondly the profit made. In the case of Telecom, where the initial purchase price was earned back in profit within an eighteen month period, no compensation should be given. That which has been stolen from the New Zealand People should be returned. Compensation given in cases of nationalisation should be based on True Value. All compensation given to foreign shareholders, in relation to nationalisation, should be held in accounts in New Zealand and this should be allowed to taken offshore as economic circumstances permit.

Trade Why does a country need to tie its currency to another country’s currency? Why should one country’s currency be used as an international standard of exchange? Such a system does not serve the interests of the majority of countries with weak or under-developed economies especially taking into consideration that many poorer countries are heavily in debt and lack foreign exchange with which to purchase needed items. Fluctuations in values of various currencies do not happen by accident. There is no mystical power at work causing a country’s currency to fluctuate in value from month to month, from week to week, or from day to day. Fluctuations in various currencies are caused because of human intervention; speculative endeavours and manipulation. The insane practise of floating a county’s currency does not serve the interests of the common people nor a country’s economy; the plain simple fact is it only benefits a very powerful cartel of global bankers. A classic example on how currency fluctuations can impede a country’s trade activities was covered in an article "Currency fluctuations putting a toll on local businesses" which appeared in a Fijian publication 127 ISLANDS BUSINESS. An extract follows: “After doing business in Fiji for some 21 years, Mark Halabe is close to contemplating suicide. It's a joke, of course. But for the Kalabo Tax Free-based rag trader and prominent local businessman, that's about all he can say to illustrate how tough things are these days. “Currency fluctuations, the subject of our telephone interview, were hitting him really badly and appeared to be increasingly pushing his business and those like his towards truly uncertain times. ‘Most of us export in Australian and New Zealand dollar so we have had a decline in value of our sales brought about by the devaluation of the Australian dollar.’ “‘It's quite substantial,’ said Halabe, managing director of Mark One Apparel, one of Fiji's oldest garment manufacturing companies. “‘We were sitting on around AU$0.68 (to F$1) not that long ago, it's now AU$0.84, AU$0.85 (against F$1), so that's a massive loss. For me, it's about every one cent difference is a F$40,000 loss per annum. So it's a huge loss to try to absorb...impossible to absorb actually. We are heading towards some very difficult times ahead of us.’ “‘Our export earnings have been devalued by the amount of AUD depreciation,' said Halabe. "We import mostly in USD, which works against us because the USD is strengthening against the FJD. And when we buy in Australia and export back, a very small portion of our costs are direct AUD. Most of it are imported costs in USD out of South East Asia. Goods from Australia are mostly driven by imports from South East Asia so because USD is rising against the AUD, you'll find (the prices of) most goods coming from Australia are also rising, to compensate for


the depreciation. Where you bought something three months ago for AUD$10 from Australia, it may be worth F$9 today because of currency fluctuation in our favour. You will find that two or three months on, that same item will be worth F$11 or F$12. So by the time raw materials fly out of Australia and get exported again, they would have had to raise their prices by 20 to 30 percent,’ said Halabe.” History has shown that:  

Fixing the value of a currency against the currency of a stronger economy creates no long term stability as market forces over time can manipulate the value of this “stronger” currency. Floating a currency leaves it open to “market forces” of speculation and manipulation which causes fluctuations in its value which can have a destabilising affect on an economy.

Under the present system of trade a country which can produce an item the cheapest because of its supply of low cost labour has an unfair advantage when competing with another country which has higher labour costs. A classic example would be China and New Zealand. Labour costs in China are a fraction of labour costs in New Zealand which has resulted in companies from New Zealand moving their production facilities to China to take advantage of this pool of low cost labour and exporting products to New Zealand that were originally manufactured in New Zealand. Also trade between low cost labour countries and high cost labour countries becomes distorted over time as products from a country with low cost labour entering a country with high labour costs is easily affordable by the general population while on the other hand products from a country with high cost labour entering countries with low cost labour is not generally affordable by the general population; China’s huge trade surplus is a classic example. A different system is required to enable New Zealand to trade with poorer countries; a system that is free of the international banking system; a system that does give any country an unfair advantage over another, a system that is fair and just. The only system of trade that will enable many debt-ridden countries to trade with one another is the system known as the barter system where money is not used but an exchange of goods of equal value is swapped between countries. Is such a basic system of trading realistic in today’s modern world? Well according to an article in the 128 TimesOnLine in January 2009: “A large proportion of the global trade in goods and services is barter-based, to protect traders against alarming currency fluctuations. “In one of the most famous examples, Pepsi took profits from Soviet Russia in the form of vodka. The largest barter of all time took place last year: China agreed to build massive infrastructure in the Democratic Republic of Congo in exchange for copper and cobalt supplies worth an estimated £6 billion. About the same time, Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed with Pakistan and Thailand, respectively, to swap oil for food. “Not for nothing has The Wall Street Journal described barter as a “powerful cash-saving tool”. The journal of the “reciprocal trade industry”, Barter News, goes further: “We’re moving into the golden age of barter,” it reported recently, adding that 600,000 companies in the US alone actively traded both locally and across borders.” A system based on barter enables improvised countries lacking access to foreign exchange to trade with other countries in a similar situation. New Zealand must adapt and embrace this system of trade if it is to survive. The only problem that arises is in working out what is an equal value when exchanging goods. The proposal I put forwarded is what I have labelled Adjustment for Variations in Purchasing Power between Nations (AVPP). The intention of AVPP is to create a fair playing field between countries who should adopt such a standard for trade between one another.

Adjustment for Variations in Purchasing Power between Nations Any item produced is naturally expressed in a monetary value reflecting the total costs involved in producing this item, along with profit added on representing a total price (TP) but when this item is to be exported then the item should be given a External Value (EV). This EV is worked out by dividing the


price of the item by the minimum hourly rate (MHR) of that country in which the item is produced which would then create an External Value (EV) for that item. TP ÷ MHW = EV Take the following hypothetical case as an example. Country A is a high cost labour country with a minimum wage of $12.50 per hour while country B is a low cost labour country with a minimum wage of $1.50 per hour. Items from country A exported to country B well generally be too expense for people in country B earning the minimum hour rate while on the other hand exports from country B to country A are easily affordable by people in country A earning the minimum hourly rate. Under the proposed system of trade based on AVPP this discrepancy of purchasing power between country A and B is neutralised. This is explained more simply by the following basic example. A factory in country A produces an item for export to country B for a total cost $27.50; this price (P) represents all overheads involved in producing this item including a mark-up for profit. This item is divided by the minimum hour rate (MHR) of country A which for this example is $12.50 giving the item a value expressed in the EV of 2.2 ($27.50 ÷ $12.50 = EV 2.2 or P ÷ MHR = EV 2.2). Country B imports this item but instead of the item representing the monetary value of the country exporting it, it is expressed by the MHR of country B meaning the item would end up in country B with a value of $3.30 (EV 2.2 x MHR = $3.30 or EV 2.2 x $1.50 = $3.30). Likewise if a factory in country B produces an item for export to country A for $3.00, the price representing all overheads involved in producing this item including a mark-up for profit, then this item is divided by the MHR of country B which is $1.50 giving the item a value expressed in the EV of 2.0. (P ÷ MHR = EV 2.0 or $3.00 ÷ $1.50 = EV 2.0). Country A imports this item but instead of the item representing the monetary value of the country exporting it, it is expressed by the MHR of country A meaning the item would end up in country A with a value of $25.00 (EV 2.0 x MHR = $25.00 or EV 2.2 x $15.00 = $25.00). The above barter scheme would not affect the prices received by manufacturers of exported items as manufacturers would still receive the value as expressed in the TP in the country where the exported items were made. All it means is that when the ownership of goods is transferred from one country to another the price of the goods would be automatically adjusted to match the purchasing power within the importing country, based on its minimum hourly rate. On the other hand such a scheme would:  

Remove the unfair advantage a producer has by the access to a cheap labour pool or a currency that is fixed to keep its value low against other currencies from competing countries Make products produced in higher labour cost countries more affordable to people in countries with low cost labour

Such a scheme would create a high degree of economic stability for participating countries by:  

Preventing countries living beyond their means Preventing countries from accumulating huge trade surpluses

Of course the proposed barter scheme proposed does not favour the dominate players in global trade i.e. the banking cartels, various multinational corporations, and those economies that rely on an expanding export market s to maintain their parasitic based economies. Needless to say that if such a trading scheme was adopted by a number of countries then organisations such as the World Trade Organisation, etc, would become obsolete.

A fair and just system of trade that creates economic stability Trade Exchange To enable a smooth and organised flow of goods between countries under a barter system then each country involved would be required to have a Trade Exchange.  

The different Trade Exchanges in each country would keep one another informed of each respective country’s available products for export and import requirements. Countries taking part in this new system would have to agree to live within their means meaning that large and ever increasing trade imbalances between countries would have to be curtailed or limited. Countries would have to agree not to allow their trade deficits or surpluses to exceed 10% of the total value of their exports/imports for a given year. Countries that end up with a trade surplus or deficit would also have to agree to eliminate that surplus or deficit or to at least reduce it to below a lower threshold the following year.


All barter transactions between New Zealand and other countries would have to go through the Trade Exchange.  

A New Zealand producer would be paid directly by the New Zealand Trade Exchange. New Zealand exporters would receive a credit note from the New Zealand Trade Exchange for exported items which would be deposited in the exporters’ account. New Zealand importers would pay the New Zealand Trade Exchange directly. This money would be cancelled and removed from circulation.

An export would create credit (money); an import would cancel credit (money). Of course there will be occasions when a country may require New Zealand produced goods but have no goods to exchange within the immediate future. It would be possible under these circumstances to have a delayed exchange – New Zealand would supply the required goods but New Zealand would have a claim on the future production of that country. Regarding payment to the New Zealand producer under these circumstances? Very simple...the New Zealand Trade Exchange would issue a credit note to the exporter which would be deposited in the exporters’ account. Needless to say countries who wish to join such a scheme would have to establish a minimum wage within their respective countries. Of course the more members such a scheme had the more efficiently such a scheme would operate. While it could be argued that the above proposed barter system would be complicated to run it would in fact be far less cumbersome and far simpler to implement then the carbon trading scheme that is under way.

Pacific Nations Taking into account that the financial and economic policies contain herein to rebuild the New Zealand economy would simulate increasing economy growth over a long period there would occur a shortage of labour within New Zealand to supply its needs. While it would be a simple matter to encourage immigration from the Pacific area to fill the labour shortages in New Zealand this would only in return create problems within these nations by taking away their younger population leaving an aging population. If these nations wish to increase their standard of living then, just like New Zealand, they have to generate the wealth in their own countries. A simple solution to this problem is to establish, if these nations so wish, light industry within these nations along the same principle as would be undertaken in New Zealand - Cooperative Enterprises. These enterprises could be funded by New Zealand through interest-free loans and repaid not in currency but in the supply of goods produced by these enterprises. Such a proposal would create employment opportunities in these nations, now presently reliant on foreign aid, plus give access to a stable market - New Zealand and other nations that join in - for the products they produce and give them a foundation on which to further expand their economies. In return New Zealand can offer these Pacific nations products they are unable to manufacture themselves and importantly a supply of diesel fuel when the production facilities proposed herein are able to produce a surplus for supply to these countries.

A fair and just system of trade that creates economic stability Trade Opportunities Further Afield New Zealand’s reliance on the major powers, the US, the EC, and China places New Zealand in the position of being a vassal to such powers to be used for their convenience and to be discarded at their convenience. New Zealand must look further afield towards the smaller countries throughout the world for markets and the supply of essential materials.

Land, Buildings & Speculation What has caused the price of property to increase to such an extent that within the next decade around 75% of the population will never be able to own their own home? The answer is simple…speculators. The control of more and more housing and land is increasingly coming under the control of these


speculators, both foreign and domestic, and it will result with most of the housing stock and land ending up in the ownership/control of fewer and fewer hands. As property values increased so did rents on these properties. Even with properties values being inflated it was economical for investors or speculators to purchase property as it was still economical as returns from rents was paying the mortgage. Now this was more or less was happening world wide. But of course, as with any speculative commodity, prices can not continue rising for ever. With the housing bubble bursting in the US this has had repercussions around the world. Property values stopped rising, peaked, and now are in decline. We had the government telling people that they had to save more for their retirement as the State could no longer guarantee the state pension in future. The baby boomer generation was more or less told that when they reached retirement age that this would place a burden on the State that the State would not be able to meet. Time and time again government has stated that people in future should not rely on the State being able to maintain the levels of support being given presently to those who reached retirement age. “Can not guarantee the levels of payments!” has been shouted time and time again. Now being realistic, it was and still is, not possible for the average person to save enough from what they earn through employment to meet their needs in retirement. What I mean by meeting their needs is to be able to afford to keep and maintain their home and to have a reasonable standard of living. Of course to take advantage of this anxiety and innate greed real estate agents and other parasites crawled out to promoted and encouraged property speculation as a means of increasing wealth. Presentations from accountants and taxation experts were presented in numerous seminars around the country sweet talking people regarding the profits to be made from property speculation. Results of anxiety and basic greed fuelled property prices

Anxiety and basic greed fuelled property prices    

Speculators only gain from inflated prices Inflated prices are paid for from Productive Effort Speculators gains are Productive Efforts lose Speculation is not Productive Effort as speculation does not create wealth

Of course property values started increasing remarkably which fuelled speculation. More and more real estate agents pushed property as a means of investment for retirement, more and more seminars were held throughout the country pushing property investment as being secure and the way to increase your wealth. More and more lawyers jump on the bandwagon and specialised in property investment and of course the banks were prepared to provide more and more investment finance needed by speculators. Of course what also added to inflating property values in New Zealand was the government’s immigration policy which added fuel to the fire. In the end it didn’t matter if you could not speak English, if you had a million or more dollars and you were prepared to bring it with you to New Zealand you were made welcome. Of course many of these immigrants needed accumulation and were quite prepared to pay more then market rates so up went prices, also many of these immigrants also become involved in property speculation which added fuel and stimulated property values.

Common sense tells us that property speculation only forces prices up Many of these people may have one, two or three investment properties; a nest-egg to see them through retirement. But of course due to the predatory nature of some people greed has taken hold and has lead to large numbers of houses and flats being controlled by single individuals. One example I read about claimed that one single individual owned over one hundred properties. Their wealth has been built on speculation not productive effort. For every dollar they have accumulated from speculation someone else had to sweat to earn a dollar which the speculator received. Of course all this property speculation had stimulated consumer spending which kept the economy going while the manufacturing sector - the producers of real wealth - has been dismantled and gone to cheap labour markets along with the jobs that contributed to this generation of wealth. Now one can not help but wonder if there was some sort of connection between government encouraging property speculation and the government lead dismantling of the economy. Now it took no genus to notice home ownership slipping further and further away from more and more people. And what did the government do; absolutely nothing…in fact they actively encourage it. And the opposition political parties; National and minor parties stood around like a bunch of eunuchs on their wedding night, unable to do anything because they had nothing to offer. Of course these parties stood


around criticising from time to time it the hope of improving their poll ratings, but this criticising was fawned because that is all eunuchs can do is playact.

Housing is a basic necessity of life and should not be considered a speculative investment Now the NZ situation is not unique, this had happened throughout the most of the world; from the U.S.A., Iceland, Spain, Australia, England, etc. Now the question is why was this allowed to happen? Any politician with a bit of common sense should have realised that inflating property values along with the increasing debt being generated was unsustainable in the long term and yet no politician spoke out about the dangers. Of course out of this a slum-lord caste has evolved; charging market driven prices for dwellings that are not even fit enough to be used as dog kennel. And do I exaggerate…I have seen some of these dwellings with my own eyes. It is estimated that at least fifty percent of the population will never be able to afford to buy their own home; this level of unattainability has been predicted to rise to at least seventy-five percent within the next decade. Such a situation only serves the interests of the landlord. Not only has the cost of housing skyrocketed out of the reach of the majority of New Zealander’s but speculation has also inflated the prices and rents of commercial buildings, warehouses, office space, etc, which of course is passed on to the consumers in higher prices.

Now we have a mess on our hands and a looming disaster A critical problem requires a radical solution A new system is required to meet Society’s needs A quick review of the problem The biggest purchase the average New Zealander will ever commit to is buying their own home in which to raise a family; this is not a luxury it is a necessity. th

An article in the NZ Herald on the 15 May 2008 stated the following which sums up the problem now facing the majority of New Zealanders wishing to purchase their own home: “Banking industry experts estimate there are about 600,000 mortgages in New Zealand. . . Based on that figure, senior analysts say about $155b is owed, with the average mortgage about $250,000. . . That's a massive jump from 10 years ago when there was $56b in mortgage debt with an average of about $100,000. . . The change is hurting huge numbers of average Kiwis with mortgages, among them first-time owners Lee Potter and Lori Clearwater. . . The west Auckland couple both work 50 hours a week, with a combined annual income of $120,000, but are crippled by weekly mortgage payments of over $900 for a $375,000 house. Starting a family is out of the question, while holidays, Sky TV and a social life are also off the agenda, as the couple budget down to the last dollar.” As of May 2008 it was estimated there were about 600,000 mortgages in New Zealand worth a total of $155 billion with each carrying an average mortgage of $250,000. According the Reserve Bank of New Zealand the average rate of interest on mortgages is 8%. 129

In 2002 it took 44.8% of average take-home pay to make a mortgage payment on a median house. In 130 2007 it took 80.8%

30 Year Mortgage $250,000 $250,000

Fixed Interest Rate 8% 9.1%

Total Repaid $660,279.60 $730,645.50

Total Amount Repaid in Usury $410,279.60 $480,645.50

Based on the above figures the average home owner, that is if you can afford it, will shell out on average over $13,675 a year just in usury charges; just to borrow money that in most cases is created out of thin air at very little cost. Now are people just plain stupid suckers or just well-behaved slaves? In August 2008 the usury charges on new mortgages were on average 9.1%; based on a $250,000 mortgage a person can expect to pay out on average over $16,021 a year just in usury charges.


But let’s take a more realistic look at the hardship facing couples today. The average price of houses 131 sold in Auckland during July 2008 was $497,479 , so let’s say a couple buying one of these houses puts down a 20% deposit, that’s a deposit of just on $99,500, meaning that they would have to borrow the bare medium of $379,979. Now the going interest rate in August 2008 was 9.1% fixed for five years. Over this five year period they will pay out $169,714.87 in interest and only repay $15,371.75 of the principal. That works out to an average of $33,942.97 in interest for each year of the five year loan. That works out to $2,828.58 every month just in usury payments! What the interest rate will be in five years time when they have to refinance is anyone’s guess, the interest rates could drop but then again they may rise; don’t forget that mortgage interest rates peaked 132 at 20.5% in June 1987.

Usury enslaves people As mentioned earlier loans can be issued carrying just an administrative charge to cover costs involved in administrating the loan and to allow the issuing bank to make a fair and just profit for the service they supply to the community.

30 Year Mortgage $180,000 $180,000

Interest Rate 9.1% 0%

Administrative Charge N/A About 1% of loan

Approximately Total Repaid $526,064.40 $208,422

Monthly Repayment $1,461.29 $578.95

The above diagram shows the benefits of the proposals presented. Hard earned money from Productive Effort is kept in the hands of the family.

Every hour worked to pay usury on a mortgage is an hour of slavery The financial reforms outlined earlier in this document would make it possible to house all New Zealand families in quality accommodation. The exploitive speculator must be removed from the housing market along with the parasitic usurer. Quality housing in which a healthy environment can be maintained should be a none-negotiable right for all New Zealanders.

Land Ownership Land speculators have pushed the price of land in New Zealand out of the reach of the average New Zealander. Large tracts of prime land have fallen under foreign control. Land should not be treated as a commodity and should not be controlled by a wealthy minority to be exploited at their leisure. All freehold land should be converted into leasehold land. The right of an individual to profit from the selling of land should cease. Land should not be treated as a commodity and should have no monetary value.

Housing Housing is a basic necessity of life and one that the present system has failed to deliver. The State must take the lead to solve the housing problem that the old system has created. Government should use State created credit to build houses which either can be purchased or rented. This will have an overall effect on the economy by stimulating the economy and lead to the creation of many jobs. In regards to housing and section size a new approach should be taken. Returning to the ¼ to ½ section, which was the norm in the past, should be undertaken. These sections should contain the following:   

Septic tanks. Modern septic are very efficient if properly maintained. The occupier would be responsible for all costs in maintaining the septic tank. Modern septic tanks if properly maintained need the accumulated sledge cleaned out every 3 to 5 years. An underground tank for “grey water” i.e. used water from baths, showers, and washing machines. This water can be recycled and dispersed around the section to water trees etc An underground tank of at least ten thousand litre capacity to collect rainwater from the house roof. This would enable the average household to maintain a vegetable garden in times of water shortages


Larger sized sections will enable families to grow fruit trees, to have a vegetable garden and to have chickens if so desired. If an emergency situation should occur i.e. an outbreak of disease or an earthquake that damages the infrastructure then people on such a setup will be well positioned to survive. All new homes should have solar panels for water heating and contain heat pumps for internal heating. Properly organised it should be feasible to build high quality decent sized three to four bedroom homes for a reasonable cost i.e. around $150,000 to $180,000. This cost may be able to be reduced after investigating the pricing of building materials. ]To support this new approach to housing will mean upgrading and building new roads, expanding the rail system and establishing an efficient public transport system. Once again the issue of State Credit can be used to fund these projects. This will further stimulate the economy and create further jobs.

Infilling The present policy of housing infilling within urban areas must cease and be revaluated. Infilling places a burden on sewage disposal, rainwater run-off, roads, etc.

Family Home Under the present system owning your own home gives you no guarantees that this home can not be taken off the owner due to a number of circumstances. A family burden with a mortgage in which the main bread-winner is injured or becomes sick leading to loss in income, loss of employment, the raising cost of living eroding the household income, bankruptcy and many other factors can lead to a family losing their home due to circumstances outside their control. A new approach is required. Although the financial and economic reforms contained within this document would create a lot more wealth and this wealth would be more evenly distributed through Society thus benefiting more of the population a new approach needs to be taken in regards to giving the family unit - father, mother and offspring – a feeling of security in that the family house is their castle, a place of refuge, a place of sanctuary – THEIR HOME. The house in which a married couple live and intend to raise a family should automatically be classified as a Family Home. A Family Home should be given a special status in that it can not be taken off the family due to loss of income or bankruptcy.

A Family Home should be given a special status in that it can not be taken off the family due to loss of income or bankruptcy

New Houses It should be feasible to build quality three to four bedroom homes for $150,000 to $180,000. It is quite possible that the cost of these homes can be reduced, without impacting on quality, by ensuring that monopolies involved in supplying building materials charge a fair and just price. Purchasers of new houses should be entitled to a 100% mortgage repayable over a 30 year period. As previously mention all loans would be free of interest but would care an administrative charge. Purchasing of older properties is covered further on under the heading “Buildings: Commercial & Private.” Mortgages issued for the purchase of new homes should not exceed the cost of an average four bedroom home until such a time that the housing crisis has been solved. Exceptions should be allowed for people with large families who require more then four bedrooms. This course of action should be taken to limit the strain place upon materials and labour required to alleviate the housing problem facing New Zealand. The basic needs of the majority should come before the extravagant requirements of a minority.

Ascertaining the Health & Safety of present housing stock The health and safety of New Zealanders should be of paramount importance.


A good percentage of New Zealand’s housing stock is of a questionable standard.   

Many existing homes have problems with dampness and high concentrations of mould which is a serious threat to health Many older houses have been built to old standards which makes these dwellings earthquake risks There is also the well-known problem of the leaky home syndrome involving houses of a young age

Before any house or flat is sold or rented out it should have to obtain Warrant of Fitness (WOF) proving that the house or flat is not an earthquake risk and that the internal environment posses no threat to human health. Any dwelling failing a WOF should have the faults rectified before being sold or being rented. People renting accommodation that fails a WOF should be offered new state rental accommodation as it becomes available.

Home Ownership With the financial reforms outlined within this document home ownership would be within the grasp of any New Zealander. Private home ownership should be promoted by the State; in support of this goal State rental accommodation should be viewed as a short term solution to those families who are capable of purchasing their on home.

State Accommodation Rents charged for State rental accommodation should not exceed twenty percent of the renter’s take home pay. All State owned units of accommodation that fail a WOF or are older then fifty years should be demolished and rebuilt.

Slum Lords In cases where rental accommodation fails to get a WOF then the owners of such property should be given twelve months to bring the accommodation up to standard. Failure to compile should result in the property being forfeited to the State and the building/s being demolished.

Privately owned rental accommodation This section excludes temporary accommodation i.e. hotels, motels, and camping grounds and deals specifically with houses and flats. A number of individuals or companies own two, three, five, twenty plus, and in some cases over a hundred flats and houses.  

Individuals who own units of rental accommodation should be given five years in which to dispose of this accommodation All companies who own rental accommodation should be given three years in which to dispose of this accommodation. Failure to dispose of these assets within the specified time should result in the forfeiture to the State. Exception should be given to companies that own accommodation that is solely provided to its employees

Buildings: Commercial & Private All buildings, both commercial and private, should have a depreciate value of 2% a year from date of construction. A building that is ten years old would have depreciated twenty percent meaning that any purchaser of such a building would only be entitled to a mortgage equalling eighty percent of its present value. A building twenty-five years old would have depreciated fifty percent meaning that any purchaser of such a building would only be entitled to a mortgage equalling fifty percent of its present value, etc. A purchaser of a building that is fifty years or older should not be able to acquire a mortgage on such a building and should be required to pay the cash price agreed upon in its purchase.

Construction Materials


The cost of building materials within New Zealand appears to be unjustifiably high. The monopolies involved controlling construction materials should be closely scrutinised to ensure that prices for materials reflect and fair and just price.

Liquid Fuels An uninterrupted supply of petroleum products is required to ensure that the New Zealand economy is not unduly affected by conditions outside its bounders i.e. war and depression. New Zealand has vast holdings of a type of coal called Lignite. This coal can also be converted into liquid fuels (called synfuels) like petrol or diesel by several different processes. The Fischer-Tropsch process of indirect synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons was used in National Socialist Germany and for many years by Sasol in South Africa - in both cases, because those regimes were politically isolated and unable to purchase crude oil on the open market. A direct liquefaction process Bergius process (liquefaction by hydrogenation) is also available but has not been used outside Germany, where such processes were operated both during World War I and World War II. The technology for converting coal into petrol, diesel and oil has been around for about a hundred years, so it should be considered within New Zealand’s capability to adopt and use this technology. New Zealand’s known reserves of lignite are estimated at 11 billion tonnes of which 7 billion is estimated to be recoverable. No doubt if more exploration is done these reserves could be much higher. The break-even cost for coal liquefaction is estimated to be around 35 US$/barrel of oil. Now this cost is based on the world price of coal. If coal was supplied at cost plus within New Zealand the estimated break-even cost would in all probability be lower. Now New Zealand imports around 18 million barrels of diesel a year; to produce this diesel in New Zealand from lignite would mean mining approximately 12 to 17 million tonnes of lignite annually. Even if it took one tonne of lignite to produce a barrel of diesel New Zealand would have enough reserves of lignite to supply New Zealand its diesel requirements for the next 350 years based on its present consumption. This must be undertaken.

Food Sovereignty & Security The hard facts:      

New Zealand imports over fifty percent of its food Statistics show that Global Food Reserves are at dangerously low levels Honey bees throughout the world are dying off. It is estimated that one-third of all food that people consume is pollinated by honeybees. No honeybees one-third of the worlds’ food supply is lost Unpredictable weather i.e. droughts and floods will impact on food production In the near future many of the world’s food stables will be in short supply i.e. demand will exceed supply It has been predicted that in the near future food prices will increase and place many people in an untenable position that they are unable to afford a diet needed to maintain health

New Zealand must develop the capability to grow and supply most of the food requirements of its citizens. Simple put; if it can be grown in New Zealand, manufactures and distributors must use New Zealand grown food sources. Food items that can not be grown in New Zealand due to climatic conditions should be sourced within the Pacific area; namely the Pacific Islands. This simple policy if implemented would assure that the People of New Zealand would have a food supply that is not threatened by disruptive international conditions such as climatic variations, economic


recessions/depressions and war. A country that is not self-sufficient in food production faces dire consequences if the external food sources are disrupted for any length of time.       

A Seed Bank should be established; its purpose would be to ensure that a supply of the various seeds needed by New Zealand food growers is maintained The needs of the home market must be given priority Food production needs to become more diversified and dispersed, not concentrated ever more tightly into fewer and fewer hands All land that is suitable for the growing/production of food should be classified as such and only used for such purposes The introduction of large scale organic farming should be encouraged and if necessary should be subsided by the State The cultivation of genetically modified organisms within New Zealand should be prohibited Totally prohibit the importing and/or selling of genetically modified food within New Zealand

While global warming may impact on New Zealand the changes would be gradual and would give New Zealand plenty of time to adjust. Taking just a local view global warming would be of benefit to New Zealand but on the other hand if the politicians have got it wrong and the scientists who are warning about Global Cooling and predicting a coming Ice Age are correct then the people of New Zealand face dire consequences. While Global Warming would have a gradual effect on New Zealand over a period of time the effects of Global Cooling is forecasted to be felt within a very short time frame of around 5 to 7 years. Global Cooling would have a drastic impact on the global production of food and bring about mass starvation, it would also have dire consequences for New Zealand; consequences that the average New Zealander would find inconceivable. Urgency should be given to investigating the possibility of Global Cooling and its impact on New Zealand.

Fishing The natural fish resources belong to the New Zealand People The New Zealand fishing industry, with the co-operation of government both past and present, has been allowed to be taken over by a bunch pirates who have plundered the New Zealand fishery resources. The transferable fishing quota system that was introduced under the guise of protecting New Zealand fish stocks was and is a scam. All it did was remove the ownership of a natural resource from the New Zealand people and to transfer this asset into private/corporate ownership.  

   

The transferable fishing quota system should be abolished without any right to compensation Apart from hand held drag nets and nets used to harvest shell fish the use of nets for fishing should be ban until an impartial investigation is undertaken to evaluate what resources remain, the damage if any that has been done and the time needed for recovery. On completion of this evaluation a discussion would be made on the use of nets in accordance with strict guidelines The technique commonly known as bottom trawling should be outlawed The commercial targeting of fish species during their spawning period should be banned The establishment of the fishing cooperates should be encouraged Higher export prices for fish should not influence the supply of fish supplied to the New Zealand market nor the price charged. It should be the duty of New Zealand fisherman to supply the New Zealand market its needs and at a price reflecting a reasonable mark-up

Organisation for Impartial Research The truth will survive an unbiased interrogation but a lie will wither and die An Organisation for Impartial Research (OIR) should be established, free of vested interests, whose sole purpose is to research into issues relating to the health of New Zealanders. The OIR should be issued with a Code of Conduct to ensure that its research is conducted in an impartial manner.


Laws should be passed to make it an unlawful act to (1) impede the OIR in matters it is researching, or (2) to attempt to corrupt its impartial findings. Any breach of these laws should carry harsh penalties. The Organisation for Impartial Research should be fully funded by the State. The OIR should make recommendations to government which the government should be obliged to implement. All the OIR findings should be made freely available to the public and should be posted on a web site for easy accessibility. The following issues (and no doubt many more) should be examined: 1.


3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

New Zealand cattle are infected with a number of diseases. If evidence is found to prove that any of these diseases from contaminated domesticated animals, used as a food source for humans, can affect human health then individual animals identified as being contaminated with these disease/s should be banned from being used as a food source. If these diseased animals are proven to be a source in the transfer of the disease/s to uncontaminated animals then these contaminated animals should be culled. Some information regarding a number of these diseases is contained near the back of this document under the heading “Diseases in New Zealand Cattle & Dairy Herds”. The whole issue of vaccines should be thoroughly investigated. Claims are made that vaccinations are safe and claims are made that they are dangerous; as children’s health is at stake this must be urgently investigated Food irradiation The A1 A2 milk debate Health related issues in regards to the consumption of dairy products The whole issue of food additives i.e. preservatives, artificial flavourings and enhancers. More then 4000 additives are put into food eaten in New Zealand and many of these additives are banned in countries overseas. Processed foods and their impact on health The chemicals used in personal products The use of microwave radiation in food preparation

Health "Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food" Hippocrates 400 BC Putting aside environmental causes, in many cases society’s health is diet/food related. Even through most people appear healthy and in many cases over-fed, most people in New Zealand are nutritionally deficient. The consequences of nutritional deficiencies have been well researched and documented and it has been claimed that nutritional deficiencies cause around 6,600 premature deaths in New Zealand annually. This situation of nutritional deficiencies has arisen for a number of reasons such as the inability to afford a proper diet, a general lack of knowledge on nutrition, and the affects of advertising. The financial and economic polices outline in this document would solve the problem of many peoples’ inability to afford a nutritional and balanced diet. Regarding peoples’ general lack of knowledge on nutrition this could be partly corrected by educational campaigns aimed at getting the general population aware to the relationship between general health, wellbeing and nutrition. Generally people have to be educated regarding health and nutrition as many people have been programmed into believing many falsities. While such an approach may take time to show results information on health and nutrition should be incorporated into and made part of the curriculum of secondary schools and universities. This should also be made a compulsory part of the curriculum for health professionals i.e. doctors, nurses, and dieticians etc. In regards to the present “health care system” in New Zealand let’s have a look. A study done in 2002 showed that 30 cents in every hospital dollar was spent addressing adverse events in other words fixing mistakes that hospitals make. A study published in 2002 identified that 12.9% of patients admitted into hospitals were harmed in some way, with 4.5% of those harmed dying and with approximately half of the harm being preventable. Further, each instance of harm had a considerable impact upon resources with an average of an additional 9 days spent in hospital.


This Healthcare Induced Harm been endemic in our health care system for as far back as you might care to investigate. The political and professional response has been remarkably restrained if not absent. The reasons for this restraint are complex but include a general denial of the existence of Healthcare Induced Harm, after all people do generally have a tendency not to own-up to the mistakes they make. Taking approximately 600,000 admissions a year to New Zealand hospitals, every year somewhere in the order of 5000 patients suffer preventable serious harm; of these 750 die. Now these statistics do not include the fact that there is a tendency to cover-up medical mistakes made by hospitals so it can be claimed that the true extent of Healthcare Induced Harm is not fully known. To put these statistics into a proper perspective, the preventable death rate in New Zealand hospitals would roughly be equivalent to a 737 plane crash occurring every ten weeks throughout the year. Let’s face it, the crash of even one real 737 would result in a major investigation – now if there was a 737 crashing on average every ten weeks public confidence in air transport in New Zealand would be at rock bottom and politicians and the public at large would be demanding that heads must roll and that a Commission of Enquiry into the reasons for this appalling safety record be convened immediately – why should it not the same for the preventable death rate in New Zealand hospitals? Although it is easy to point the finger of blame regarding Healthcare Induced Harm at those individuals working within hospitals it must be remembered that these individuals are mostly dedicated people who work long hours, if a finger must be pointed it should be pointed at the politicians and the bureaucrat running the system who are on huge salaries and doing the cost-cutting. The short term solution is to employ more needed staff in hospitals, to relieve the work pressures presently placed on staff, to reduce the incidence of Healthcare Induced Harm. The financial reforms proposed in this document would indeed make it viable to do this. Overcoming the problem of nutritional deficiencies coupled with the removal of dangerous additives from food there would be a noticeable improvement in the health of the general population – this alone would reduce the pressure on the health system and reduce overall costs.

Ascertaining the Health of Society The full extent of nutritional deficiency in New Zealand is not fully understood. The Organisation for Impartial Research should investigate this matter to ascertain the extent of this problem. Advertisements for volunteers should be placed and ten thousand individuals selected representing the various age groups, ethnic groups and socio-economic groups of our society. These volunteers should be paid a sum of one thousand dollars for their contribution and time. Blood sample taken from these volunteers should be checked for:       

Nutritional deficiencies Exposure to a number of diseases that infect New Zealand live-stock from which meat and other food items are produced Contamination with man-made chemicals Heavy metals Dairy intolerance Gluten intolerance Homocysteine levels

Results from this investigation should determine the overall health of society; if problems are found then a course of action should be mapped-out and implemented to remedy these problems.

24/7 Community Health Care Centres What is also required to relieve some of the burden placed on hospitals is the establishment of 24/7 Community Health Care Centres. Most people who visit a doctor or go to a hospital have minor compliments which in the majority of cases do not need the attention of a medical professional with a university degree. These 24/7 Community Health Care Centres should be staffed with nurses and paramedics.

Alternative Medicine and Alternative Treatments Another aspect that should be closely studied it that of alternative medicine and alternative treatments for disease that have been ignored by orthodox medicine. It was suggested earlier in this document that


Organisation for Impartial Research should be established. Such an organisation should give urgency to investigating alternative medicine and treatments especially in the areas of cancer and heart disease.

Vitamins and Health Supplements A New Zealand vitamin industry should be established to supply the full needs of the New Zealand market. This industry should be subsidised by the State if needed to provide the required products at an affordable price. The selling of synthetic vitamins or the use of synthetic vitamins in products should be banned until they are proven safe. Many synthetic vitamins are different in composition from natural sources of vitamins and a number of serious health problems have been raised regarding their use. In the case of vitamin A while the intake of natural vitamin A has shown to decrease the risk of certain cancers the intake of synthetic vitamin A has shown an increase in theses types of cancers.

Mammograms There is much evidence available indicating that mammograms themselves are responsible for causing an increase in breast cancer in women. The wholesale use of mammograms as a "preventive measure" should be stopped until this issue is investigated. A new alternative diagnostic tool for detecting breast cancer is called Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). Thermography is a no contact, painless, non invasive imaging modality without any exposure to X-ray radiation. The use of Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging should be investigated.

Biopsies There is overwhelming evidence that cancer biopsies can cause cancer to spread from the site the biopsy is taken to other parts of the body. It should be considered criminal offence for any doctor, who suggests a biopsy, to fail to warn a patient that a biopsy can cause the spreading of the cancer, and that such "spreading" then would appear to greatly limit choices of treatment. Alternative means for detecting cancer should be explored.

Electromagnetic Pollution The 100 trillion cells of the human body communicate with each other via subtle, low-frequency electromagnetic signals as well as through biochemical reactions. These signal pathways carry the information that becomes translated into all biochemical and physiological processes of the body. Continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation can drastically distort and disrupt these cellular communication pathways, resulting in abnormal cellular metabolism and, ultimately, disease. A growing body of scientific research acknowledges that, presently, the greatest threat to our health and well-being (and to that of all life-forms) is an invisible form of pollution called “electropollution” (EMR). Many health issues have been linked to EMR exposure, including various cancers (especially brain, eye, ear and leukaemia), miscarriages, birth defects, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic stress, heart problems, autism, learning disabilities, and more. The Organisation for Impartial Research should examine this problem to establish the dangers from the levels of EMR in New Zealand. If dangers exist then action should be undertaken to remove these dangers.

Law, Order & Justice One has only to look at the way Parliament tackles the problems facing New Zealand Society and one has to wonder if, we are either ruled by complete morons or the powers that be don’t want to do anything about the problems. Perhaps it is a combination of the above. Is it unfair to form such an opinion - will lets just look at just two problems; the first problem is a major one involving the drug Methamphetamine, commonly known as “P”, and the second is a minor problem involving graffiti vandalism, commonly referred to as “tagging”. 1.

'Ice', methamphetamine or 'P', as it is uniquely known in New Zealand - has replaced marijuana as the most common illegal drug on the streets and police and authorities say it is far more dangerous. Police have declared it their number one drug concern and it has been blamed for


a string of violent crimes, including homicides, because its effects on users vary, making their behaviour highly unpredictable. It is no longer a drug just used by criminals and gang members - it is in large cities, small towns, rural communities, schools and businesses. It is used by people in all walks of life such as high earning professionals, sportsmen and women, celebrities and children and ordinary New Zealanders creating one of the highest addiction rates to the drug in the world. Ten years ago, just two clandestine laboratories manufacturing methamphetamine were found in New Zealand now police are discovering more than 200 a year. The illegal manufacture, distribution and marketing of methamphetamine is big business in New Zealand and police say that motor cycle and ethnic Maori gangs who were once sworn enemies now co-operate in it to share the profits. Now common sense dictates something should be done to eradicate the illegal manufacture and distribution of this drug; the majority of The Mass wants it eradicated but the political will is not there. Why? The police know who is involved in this trade but still it carries on. Tell the police to get the bastards involved in the manufacturing and distributed; bring the bastards before the Courts and if found guilty lock them away. But this isn’t done; the powers that be would rather use the police as collectors of revenue from the motoring public when common sense dictates that road enforcement should be taken away from the police and a separate authority set-up to take over this function thus freeing police resources to tackle real crime. 2.

Then there is the minor crime involving graffiti vandalism, commonly known as “tagging”; an annoyance and a lack of respect for the community that costs millions of dollars to clean-up. Now how does Parliament approach this problem well in February 2008 the then Prime Minister Helen Clark announced a "sweeping set of measures to tackle graffiti vandalism" including a ban on the sale of spray cans to under 18-year-olds and a new offence for tagging under the Summary Offences Act. This new offence will carry a maximum fine of $2,000, up from the previous $200 for "defacing" property a 10-fold increase in the maximum fine for tagging. The changes would also require shopkeepers to keep spray cans secure so they could not be accessed without the help of shop staff, with a possible fine of $1500 for those who fail to comply. She also announced $6 million fund to be dished out in grants to local community groups for anti-graffiti initiatives. Now what these “sweeping set of measures” going to accomplish? Absolutely nothing in stopping graffiti vandalism - which these laws are “meant” to stop; all these laws do is make criminals out of shop-keepers and force shop-keepers to ask for ID to ensure that the person purchasing spay cans is at least eighteen. It is interesting to note that many laws that are passed by Parliament place people in the situation that they are pressured to compel people to supply ID before they can be provided a service. And what of the punks who are doing the tagging; does anyone honestly think that fining them $2,000 is going to stop them. If anything it is going to encourage them. Soon after Clark had made her announcement back in February 2008, a number of punks involved in tagging were interviewed and their attitude was “the government won’t stop us” - they considered Clark’s dim-witted approach as a challenge. And dim-witted approach it is; what punk involved in tagging has $2,000 – most if not all are unemployed. The only workable solution is to place the blame for tagging directly on the shoulders of the punks doing it and not to shift the blame to some innocent shop-keeper. Catch the punks doing the tagging; if they are under the age of eighteen put them into Boot Camp for six months; if they are over the age of eighteen put them into a Class C prison for six months. Warn the punks on sentencing that if they come before the courts again on the same charge they will get a doubling of the sentence next time. In fact a six month stretch in prison would do many of these punks a world of good as they would have to work to earn their keep; in all probability it would be the first time in their lives they had to work. And regarding the $6 million fund previously announced by Clark; what is that meant to accomplish? More funding for a bunch of over-paid politically correct penile dysfunctionals who are going to attempt to appeal to the “better side” of the punks involved; is that going to work…yeah right.

Financial penalties, i.e. monetary fines, are unjust and fail to curb anti-social behaviour. Monetary fines are materialist in nature and represent a materialist system’s attempt to make people conform to laws while at the same time using it as a system of revenue collection. Then we have the prison system that most citizens consider a joke; and what a joke along with flatscreen TVs, as well as PlayStations and Xboxes and the installing of under-floor heating in new prisons being built, the cost, according to figures released by the Corrections Department, of keeping an inmate in prison will be $92,345 a year for the 2007-2008 period.


Bloody hell...there must be some senior citizens thinking of going down to the local police station and throwing a Molotov cocktail through the window. "Yep I did it...lock me up. By the way I need my teeth fixed and I need a hip replacement." Cripes he gets a nice room with under-floor heating, three square meals a day, his medical and dental needs taken care of, plus he gets some interesting people for company. No more feeling cold during the winter and no more worries about paying the bills and wondering how he can afford that lamb chop on Sunday. The whole system of Justice in New Zealand is a joke and is badly in need of an overhaul; what is needed is a sane and just system, a system that rehabilitates and teaches those who break the law the error of their ways.

Jury Service It should be everyone’s right to a trail by jury for any crime punishable by a term of imprisonment. This is a fair and just system. What endangers a fair and just trail is the lack of ability of a juror to understand the evidence presented and their ability to comprehend the spoken word. To alleviate these problems potential jurors should have to undergo a number of tests to ascertain their suitability to serve as jurors. Testing would involve IQ level, the ability to think independently i.e. outside the square, and their comprehension of the spoken word. Only people who pass such an examination should be selected to serve as jurors.

Justice in general    

The use of secret witnesses or the use of secret evidence should not be allowed The granting of name suppression should be abolished The granting of immunity to people in exchange for testimony should be abolished. If people cooperate then the Judge should be allowed a certain amount of leeway in their sentencing If an individual is charged by the State with a crime and that person is found innocent then the full costs incurred by such an individual in their defence should be fully reimbursed by the State

The Police The Police were once referred to as The Thin Blue Line now we have the news media referring to them as The Thick Blue Line. With police officers being charged with rape, with police officers being accused of sexually assaulting women with police batons, with police officers taking part in group sex with young women, with police caught selling drugs, with police charged with attempting to obstruct or defeat the course of justice, with police being accused of planting evidence and concealing evidence, and police involvement in unjustified violence against people, and much more is it any wonder the public is losing faith in the police. Couple this with the present culture within the police force and the arrogant attitudes held by many police officers is it any wonder that many members of society view the police with contempt. While it is very easy to point the finger at the police regarding their faults one must take into consideration the type of work the police are involved in. From the horrors viewed at road crashes, murders, suicides, to having to tell parents their child has been killed, and watching in frustration as the judicial system hands out sentences that amount to an insult to victims and to the time and effort the police put in, it is no wonder many members of the police force become disillusioned, callused and arrogant. The first thing that should be done is to remove traffic enforcement from the police and setting up a separate authority to take over this duty. This would free up police manpower involved in this area and enable them to get on with what they were originally created to do; protect society and to track-down and arrest those who break the law. If police numbers need to be increased to create a safer society then they should be increased. On the subject of the culture that has apparently developed amongst the police, this will have to be rooted out and a new attitude developed. While it should be the duty of the police to track down and to arrest those who break the law it should not be their duty to prosecute those charged with an offence. Prosecution for offences should be handled by a separate Prosecution Authority out of the control of the police. It should be the job of the


police to investigate crime, collect evidence and to arrest. But the police have to be made aware that all evidence collected whether it supports their case or undermines their case should have to be presented; it should not be tolerated nor allowed for the police to withhold evidence because it conflicts with their view of events. All evidence that the police come across will have to be made available to both the Prosecution Authority and the defendant’s legal representative.

System of fines The present system based on financial penalties for various offences is unjust and a failure. It is unjust because it administers a penalty that is unfair in its application. Example: Two individuals appear in court for driving under the influence of alcohol. One individual is on a salary exceeding $300,000 while the other individual is on minimum wage. Both are found guilty and are each fined $1200. A fine of $1200, in reality, would have no real impact on the person on the salary of $300,000+, but it certainly has an impact on the person who was earning a minimum wage especially if that individual has a family to support. It is a failure because many people refuse or are unable to pay the financial penalties they have incurred. I have to laugh when I read when the Justice Department offers to reduce a person’s outstanding fines by a certain amount if that person will go for their full licence or when the Court hands out a community based penalty and wipes large amounts of unpaid fines. It’s no wonder many youths have contempt for the justice system. The system of fines should be replaced with a system of demerit points. Demerit points collected would have a life span of seven years. On the accumulation of 100 points then that individual would be sentenced to three months Periodic Detention. Periodic Detention would mean that the individual would work for the State for no financial gain on the weekend; they would have to be at a designated place by a set time on a Friday evening and would be released at a set time on a Sunday and allowed to return home. An accumulation of another hundred points within a seven year would incur a double penalty i.e. six months Periodic Detention, a third one hundred points within a seven year period would incur twelve months Periodic Detention.

Boot Camp Boot Camps should be established to educate and curtail troublesome youths. The purpose of a Boot Camp is not solely for the purpose of using discipline to correct bad behaviour but to investigate why a youth is troublesome. Diet can play a major cause in behaviour problems if such a factor is found to be a reason then this must be brought to the attention of the youth’s parent/s and rectified.

Prison system The present prison system is an expensive scrambles and is not working. The present luxury buildings used to house inmates should be abandoned and a new system put in place where people set to a term of imprisonment are put to work. The system proposed consists of three types of prisons:   

System A would be one for individuals who are first offenders who commit non-violent crimes and are not considered a danger to public safety System B would be for individuals who are either second offenders, or who committed acts involving moderate violence, and are not considered a danger to public safety System C would be for individuals who commit acts of a vicious nature, including rape or murder, or who are either regarded a danger to public safety and/or are dangerous and difficult to control

All systems would consist of either tents or prefab units that would be able to be moved from one area to another as work dictates. Inmates of all systems would be compelled to do ten hours of work per day, from Monday to Friday, totalling fifty hours per week. Inmates should not have to work the weekends and should be given the opportunity to use this time for study and rest. System A: Inmates of System A who commit violent acts, or refuse to work would be sent to System B to finish their sentence. Any inmate that escapes would, on capture, be sent to serve their remaining time in System B and would be penalised by having two years added to their sentence.


System B: Very similar to System A but stricter. Inmates of System B who commit violent acts, or refuse to work would be sent to System C to finish their sentence. Any inmate that escapes would, on capture, be sent to serve their remaining time in System C and would be penalised by having five years added to their sentence. System C: This would be for hard to manage or extremely violent individuals. Inmates would wear devices so they are able to be tracked. Refusal to work would be met with solitary confinement and the withholding of food. Each refusal to work would incur a doubling of the period of solitary confinement and the withholding of food. To clarify; a first refusal would incur one day, a second refusal would incur two days, a third refusal would incur four days and so on. If an inmate wishes to commit suicide by starving themselves to death so be it. Any inmate that escapes from System C, upon their capture and correct identification, would be executed.

Prohibition Orders All crimes committed under the influence of alcohol or drugs, that does not occur imprisonment, should automatically incur a Prohibition Order as part of the penalty handed down by the Courts. This Prohibition Order would consist of a Court Order banning that individual from the consumption of alcohol or illegal substances for a period of twelve month. This would mean that authorities would be entitled to take a blood sample from an individual, who has been served a Prohibition Order, any time of the day or night to ensure compliance. Individuals released from prison on parole should be served a Prohibition Order which would last the length of their parole period. Breach of a Prohibition Order should incur twelve months imprisonment.

Driving under the influence Automatically banning individuals from driving in some instances may affect their livelihoods and thus impact on their families. Banning individuals from driving should be only applied in certain cases were individuals are a proven to be a danger if allowed to continue driving. People who are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances and who are not banned from driving should be compelled to display a "P" sign in any vehicle they drive for a period of twelve months. First offence of driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances should incur an automatic twelve months of Periodic Detention. A second offence within a period of seven years should incur twelve months imprisonment. A third offence within a period of seven years should incur two years imprisonment. Individuals caught driving while disqualified should get twelve months imprisonment for the first offence. Subsequent offences should incur a double penalty i.e. second offence two years.

Drugs Everyone realises that New Zealand has a problem with illegal drugs. And what has been done…very little. One must wonder if the authorities really care. Screw the War on Terror – let’s clean-up the DRUG PROBLEM - Let’s launched a War on Drugs. Give the Police the resources need to get the people involved in this trade, and once convicted in a Court of Law lock them away. In regards to Class A drugs offences the following should be imposed:    

Possession of quantities defined for personal use – 2½ years; no parole Possession of quantities exceeding that as defined for personal use – 12½ years; no parole Selling or supplying – 12½ years; no parole Manufacturing, or importation, or distribution – 25 years; no parole

Anyone convicted of a drug offence should be brought back before a Court of Law and questioned regarding how they came into possession of the drugs involved in the offence of which they were convicted. The penalty for lying, or misleading the Court, or refusing to answer any question the Court may ask relating to the origin of the drugs should incur a doubling of their original sentence; of course the person before the Court should be notified of this. No doubt there will be hardened criminals who would prefer to do extra time prison instead of squealing on their associates but this is no big deal, they can be put to good constructive use. On the other hand


as long as people are supplying illicit drugs people are going to be caught and many will talk; it is only a matter of time before the source is tracked back to the major suppliers. The use of marijuana has mostly been viewed as being harmless by many politicians. But new research now proves that smoking marijuana (cannabis) affects the development of an adolescent's brain and predisposes one to schizophrenia. Several studies have documented marijuana’s link with symptoms of schizophrenia and report that cannabis is an independent risk factor for schizophrenia. Heavy users of marijuana at age 18 increased their risk of schizophrenia later in life by six times. Further reports have found marijuana use increased the risk of developing schizophrenia among people with no prior history of a disorder, and that early use of marijuana (age 15 vs. age 18) increased the risk even more. In addition, youth with a personal or family history of schizophrenia are at an even greater risk of marijuana-induced psychosis. These facts should shape marijuana policy.

Public Offences Notification Registry Any person convicted of an offence in a Court of law should have this conviction recorded on a Public Offences Notification Registry Website for a period of seven years. Access to this information should be freely available to the public.

Parents and Youth New Zealand youth is in crisis. They have been used in a Social Engineering experiment that has turned into a disaster.

Some facts     

Many youths, some as young as nine years of age, are involved in gangs Crime such as murder, rape and serious assaults involving youth, virtually unheard in the past, are becoming common place Many crimes against property are committed by youths and is virtually in plague proportions in some areas of New Zealand Girls, some as young as twelve, working as prostitutes Drug and alcohol abuse by youths is a serious problem

Respect by youths towards their elders is virtually non-existence. New Zealand youth are in general undisciplined, ill-mannered and self-seeking; without any concept of honour and no concept of responsibility. It is an attitude of me, me, me, and screw you. Statistics in July 07, released under the Official Information Act, shed some sobering light on the problem. Violence and dangerous behaviour is on the rise in schools with more pupils assaulting teachers and classmates. In the 2006, pupils were suspended, stood down or kicked out of school nearly 30,000 times. That’s right 30,000 times. According to the statistics dangerous behaviour rose by 14 per cent, assaults on staff 11 per cent, arson 11 per cent, vandalism 50 per cent and alcohol offences 53 per cent. Another major problem in schools is that of bullying. The above problems are not something that has suddenly appeared; they have been around for many years and have worsened as each year has passed. How has this problem being tackled; by talking about it and doing nothing. While all this is going on, they carry on with their Social Engineering, teach children about their “rights” and undermine parents’ authority. Couple this with the continuous diet of crap feed to youth by the popular soaps on television ridiculing parents and in particular the father it is no wonder that many parents are not able to control their children. And the response from the politicians, regarding parents who can not control their children, is to threaten to pass laws to make the parents responsible for their children’s actions. And yet when a parent attempts to assert his authority and get his children under control by applying a bit of physical discipline he runs foul of the authorities and becomes a criminal. Yes, your thirteen year old daughter wags school and you find out when the school sends the truant officer to see you. You are concerned and promise to look into it. You talk to your daughter and she promises you she won’t do it again. Later during school hours you catch her in a state of undress drinking alcohol and smoking pot at some hoods flat. You drag her out, give her a kick up the arse and


take her home. Next day she goes to school tells the school’s councillor you hit her and she is unhappy at home. You get a visit at work from the police and are arrested for assaulting her. While this is happening Social Services is at your home picking up your daughter’s belongings and then she is taken to a foster home and of course put on the pill. I joke not! Yes your thirteen year old daughter can get pregnant and get an abortion without your knowledge and this is supported by the State. The State says you have no right what-so-ever to know about it if your thirteen year old daughter doesn’t want you to know. This is the New Zealand system, great isn’t; you just want to puff-out your chest with pride. Diet also plays a large factor in children’s’ behaviour. This problem has been touched on before in this document along with what should be done. The fact that in many cases both parents are forced to hold jobs also corrodes the relationship between children and parents. The financial and economic polices outline in this document would go along way to solving this problem.

Parents should be given back the control of their children Parents should have control of their children until the child reaches the age of eighteen. If parents can not control a child then the parents should have the option of seeking help. In cases where a child is uncontrollable Boot Camp should be looked upon as an option to bring a child into line. In cases where a child has a history of antisocial behaviour and the parent/s have failed to seek help then the parent/s should be held accountable for the child's actions. Parents should have the right to seek a court order to enforce their authority over their child. An example would be where parents have a child associating with a individual they consider a bad influence and both or one party refuses to heed the instructions of the parent/s. It would only be a matter of going the local court house and swearing out an avadavat upon which an Order would be issued and served on both parties. Breach of such an Order by a minor would incur a period in Boot Camp and a breach by a party eighteen or older would incur a period of imprisonment.

Youth As mention previously youth are taught from an early age about their “rights”. The only right a child should have is a family environment and the necessaries of life to enable them to grow into healthy adults. They do not have the right to be disobedient towards their parents.

On the issue of discipline Discipline installs an invisible psychological line in children’s minds that they know when it is crossed there are consequences. Parents should be entitled to use reasonable force if they so wish in the application of disciplining their children. It must be acknowledge though there is a gray area between the application of disciplined and what constitutes abuse - in such cases the Courts are more then capable of deciding this issue if or when a case comes before it.

Education The education system, to put it bluntly, is in utter chaos. The whole of the educational system has to be cleaned-up; discipline and order must be returned to the schooling system. The Social Engineering agenda has to be rooted out and replaced with sane policies that promote a sense honour, responsibility and fair play and prepare youth for the reality of adult life. Then we have the Social Engineering agenda, commonly referred to as New Age Morality and Political Correctness, which has slowly developed over the last three decades or so to inflict all levels of society. A propaganda exercise that would have brought a smile of admiration to the lips of Adolf Hitler regarding the way it has been developed and implemented.


A Social Engineering exercise that uses coercion to pressure people to conform how infects nearly all aspects of education and which has created a situation whereby people are now evaluated more on their views then on their skills. Want to become a nurse; disagree with the Social Engineering agenda and you are failed. Want to become a teacher; disagree with the Social Engineering agenda and you are failed. Is it any surprise that the old style examinations, that once were the norm in colleges, have been more or less eliminated and replaced with student evaluation. If a bright student does not parrot the Social Engineering agenda and expresses an opinion based on their own thinking they are given a poor grade. An exaggeration…I think not. I have talked to a number of bright college students that have stated that they have written essays which contained ideas that did not reflect what was taught to them and they received poor grades, even though these students had excellent skills in the written word and an excellent comprehension of the English language. When these students questioned their teachers regarding the poor grades they were told they were given the lower grade because they did not reflect what they were taught in the essays even though the essays could not be faulted due to the lack of comprehension of the English language. Ability is no longer recognised - Indoctrination rules. This Social Engineering agenda, this cancerous ideology that destroys innovative thought, must be eliminated and students encouraged to think outside of the square. Only a free society encourages free thought; only a police type state attempts to control and manipulate what people think. The educational system must be overhauled, the Social Engineering agenda must be rejected and old style examinations reintroduced to grade students on their ability. Those people in the educational system that resist such a change should be sacked and replaced by people unaffected by Social Engineering Indoctrination.    

Education of our youth should be free of financial costs to parents and students The leaving age should be raised to eighteen Entry into higher education should be based on ability thus quotas based on sex or race should be abolished Student debt should be wiped

How do we overcome the problems and mess that the majority of youth have become. Bullying in and out of school; committing crime, misuse of drugs, alcohol abuse; disobedient towards parents, disruptive in class; obese, unfit, lazy, unmotivated; involvement in gangs, suicide, etc. The majority of parents now fight a losing battle in trying to raise their children. And when these youths breed and spawn the next generation what characteristics will this offspring have? It can only get worse. A new approach has to be taken:        

All pupils enrolled in the schooling system should be issued with a uniform paid for by the State; this uniform would be the same for all schools, the only thing different would be a badge identifying what school the pupil attends All books and stationary should be issued free of cost by the State After school activities should be introduced that are compulsory for all pupils to attend. All pupils would attend a martial art; this would instil discipline and be character building Weekend events would be arranged to enable all pupils to learn various skills; first aid, swimming, sailing, canoeing, tramping, bush survival, firearm safety, etc Various sporting events should be organised during the school holidays in which all pupils would participate On turning fourteen youth would become involved in Civil Defence On turning sixteen youth would become involved in search and rescue missions and those willing would take part in culling introduced pests that are a threat to our native wildlife and native forests On turning eighteen all youth would do one year military training. On completion of this training those who are suitable would be asked if they wish to join an Internal Defence Force; which would be responsible for Civil Defence and the training of youth as outlined above. Length of services would be twenty years. Individuals who join the Internal Defence Force would be offered positions within the civil services. This new breed, this Cadre, should be encouraged to stand for political office

A new citizen would slowly emerge; one with a strong sense of right and wrong, a citizen with a concept of honour, an individual that has been encouraged to think outside the square, an individual with a sense of belonging and a feeling of self-worth.


Elitism & Multiculturalism Privilege for None - Opportunity for All - Advancement on Ability Schools based on ethnicity, religion or wealth leads to the creation and the persistency of various forms of elitism within society which undermines social cohesion. The State promotion of Multiculturalism must cease as Multiculturalism creates division in Society and destroys social cohesion within the Nation State. Multiculturalism is a tool promoted by the destroyers of States to paved way for their New World Order based on Globalisation. Regardless of the fact that a child is born to parents who are, Chinese, Indian, Irish, Greek, Jewish, Korean, Pacific Islanders, Scottish, etc, the children born and/or raised in New Zealand should consider themselves to be New Zealanders. The State must promote a New Zealand Identity that every youth born and/or raised in New Zealand can relate to.

Treaty of Waitangi One Law for all New Zealanders that guarantees Equal Duties, Responsibilities and Rights for all Facts and created myths have become so intermixed and infused into people’s minds regarding the Treaty of Waitangi it is difficult to approach this subject objectively without coping hostility and condemnation. The Treaty of Waitangi has become the “holy grail” of race relations and a cow to be milked by brown faced predators preying on their own people and as a whip by those white faced imbeciles with their warped New Age philosophy. The Treaty of Waitangi is nothing more then a convenient political football to be kicked around the political playing field to cause division in New Zealand society which serves the elites agenda of divide and rule. The Maori are blinded by the talk about past injustice and are thus blinded to the present injustices facing them and the rest of society. While the Maori look into the past they blindly walk backwards through the present and into the future and thus fail to see once again they are being used and are blinded to the injustice around them. Many peoples can lay claim to injustice; the Irish, the Scots, the Native North American, and many more. Regardless of injustices that may or may not have happened in the past people living today cannot be held responsible for the actions of their ancestors. To hold the grandson responsible for an injustice his grandfather may have committed is not an honourable action; such action is usually motivated by anger or hatred it has nothing to do with seeking justice – after all how can justice be extracted when those who committed the deed are dead? The continued promotion of such ideas only generates animosity and hatred. The State’s English translation of Te Tiriti O Waitangi, which is used to interpret the Treaty, appears to a false translation which has been used to create division and disunity and should be discarded as it is a barrier and an irritant which prevents the creation of a New Zealand identity; an identity which all people living in New Zealand can feel they belong to. The document known as Te Tiriti O Waitangi should be recognised as New Zealand’s founding document and its principle, “He iwi tahi tatou - We are now one people” embraced.

Morality “Never do to others what would pain thyself." Panchatantra 111.104


Morality…a very touchy subject; I have found that most people have double-standards when it comes to applying logic on matters of morality. In matters of morality the saying “what is good for the goose is good for the gander” is quite appropriate. The two subjects I will touch on I this section are Pornography and Prostitution.

Pornography I am amazed at the amount of males I have met that hold the opinion that there is nothing wrong with pornography and when the opportunity arises, usually at a social gathering, where I can pin them down so to speak, I have my fun with them. Warning this can be dangerous. The conversation usually goes something like this: Question:

So you believe there is nothing wrong with porno?


No I don’t.


I see you have your partner with you tonight. She looks quite an attractive woman; how would you feel if she wanted to do a porno flick?


Well…I…ah…I haven’t given that much thought…


I see…so you can’t really give me an answer.


No…not really. As I said I haven’t really thought about that…but if she wanted to I suppose we would have to discuss the matter first.


Why do you feel that it should be discussed? Are you the possessive type?


I’m not possessive! I just feel that such a thing should be discussed!


I fail to see why she should have to discuss this with you if you have the opinion there is nothing wrong with porno.


Well I feel a decision like that should be discussed!


Well I’m most interested in the subject of pornography and peoples views on it, so let’s create an imaginary situation to gauge your reactions.


What do you mean…?


Well how about this. You come home from work, you walk into the kitchen and behold there is a film crew there; you know, lights, cameras, etc. Not only that but your wife is stark naked on the kitchen table with a couple of well hung bucks really giving her a good pounding from both ends! But wait you look at her and you see she is extremely sexually aroused, on the verge of orgasm. I mean, what would your reaction be? Would you stand there and admire the filming from an artistic point of view, perhaps savour the excitement of the moment, maybe give a few pointers? Cripes man after a couple of well hung and experienced bucks your wife might become dissatisfied with her sex life with you! But that point aside how would you generally feel?

At around this point you can tell, by the expression on his face that this individual would like to rip your throat out. So if you try this make sure you can handle yourself and better still make sure he is a lot smaller then you. Now, if he happens to have a teenage daughter, and you are really feeling brave, you can really give the knife a twist, so to speak. Question:

I see you are taking your time to answer…oh well while you are collecting your thoughts on this matter I can’t help but notice your daughter looks around legal age. How would you feel if you found both your wife and daughter doing a porno flick in the kitchen when you walked in from work…you know a sort of family group thing? I must tell you…I think your daughter is rather cute, nice tits and nice arse…to be honest I wouldn’t mind seeing her in action!

Around about this time blood is going to be spilt…so beware!


Yes the majority of men certainly don’t want their mothers, girlfriends, wives or daughters to be involved in pornography but when they view pornographic material they fail to realise that they are looking at someone’s else’s daughter or granddaughter. These people are hypocrites and their double standards are easily exposed. Now there is a tiny minority that honestly think there is nothing wrong with porno and in fact if their wife or daughter took part in such activities they would genuinely not be concerned. But this is only a tiny minority of people – whether these people are normal or not is open to debate. So when we put pornography under the spotlight and give people a grilling we discover that a huge majority of people would agree that pornography is morally wrong. Let’s stamp it out!

Prostitution On the subject of prostitution there can be found once again that most people have double-standards. I remember once listening to some female relatives discussing the subject of prostitution after they watched a documentary on television in which a spokeswoman for the Prostitutes’ Collective appeared. Without being nasty she appeared to be rather dim-witted and well past her best-before-date; anyway on to the point I was going to make. After listening to these females saying there was nothing wrong with prostitution, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, I butted in and asked the older female the following question: “You have a fifteen year old granddaughter. What would you say to her if she came and saw you when she turns eighteen and says she is considering taking up prostitution as a career? Would you give her your blessing?” Now…without lying…a look of absolute hatred appeared on this woman’s face and if looks could kill I would have been dead before I could have blinked. Why…because she considered the possibility of her granddaughter working as a prostitute repugnant and she resented me even bringing-up the possibility. I went on to say: “You seem to forget that these women working as prostitutes are someone’s daughter or granddaughter.” Yes, people have a tendency to open their mouths without first thinking and applying just plain simple logic. Now don’t misunderstand. I personally do not support making prostitution a criminal offence but I certainly support hash penalties for those who ever use coercion in getting individuals involved in prostitution or live of the earning of these individuals. I further support the closing down of all brothels i.e. those places in which two or more prostitutes operate from. If an individual wants a life of a prostitute then do it discreetly don’t flaunt it in the publics’ face. Live your life as you want to but don’t rub peoples’ faces in it. Why people become prostitutes is not generally understood by the public. Facts show that these people usually have alcohol related problems or a drug addiction to support. Others suffer from low esteem caused by sexual abuse at a young age and some are coerced into it because they are easily manipulated. Other people enter into prostitution for financial gain, in the case of a single mother, to give their children a better live, or in the case of students, to pay for their education. Not many children would state that they want to be a prostitute when they grow-up; in most cases it is circumstances that push people into prostitution. Yes society may condemn prostitution but society does nothing to eradicate many of the causes. I believe no individual, regardless of circumstances, should be forced into the life of a prostitute. Now how is this dilemma to be solved? Will the solution is to be found further on in various parts of this document.

Homosexuality It is nigh impossible to turn on the television set for the evening without seeing a program without a token homosexual or lesbian. One begins to wonder if perhaps heterosexuals are in the minority and are perhaps the real queers in the new society that is being engineered. But wait a moment…according to the 2006 Census heterosexuals represent 99.3% of all couples living together in a relationship while same sex couples i.e. homosexual and lesbian couples made up a total of 0.7%. Homosexuals and


lesbians make up a tiny percentage of the population and yet have an influence that is out of proportion to their numbers. We have the so-called gay parades; males and females dressed-up in leather gear with one “partner” holding a chain that is attached to the dog collar the other “partner” is wearing. This is meant to be a show of love and affection…I very much doubt it. These people are nothing but exhibitionists, their actions have nothing to do with love but much to do with domination and thus the debasement of love. We have our children taught in school the homosexuality is normal and that it is an alternative lifestyle. Cripes…what’s next? Are we going to have paedophiles claiming there is nothing wrong with them just because they get sexually excited in the company of children? Are we going to look upon the actions of paedophiles as normal because that is they way they are? Should we teach our children there is nothing wrong with such actions and preach this as an alternative life-style? I think not. I personally do not support making homosexual acts illegal by law. I believe what goes on in people’s homes behind closed doors is their own business and that the State has no business poking it’s snout into peoples’ bedrooms. But I strongly condemn the acts of public exhibitionism and the brainwashing of children into accepting the homosexual lifestyle as normal. I also strongly resent the demands of a small group of radicalised homosexuals that demand that society accept their sexual practises as normal. These radicalised homosexuals either need society’s blessing to make them feel normal, or they get some sort of gratification from their sense of power created by society giving in to them, or perhaps its satisfies an inner need to dominate; then again perhaps it’s a combination of all three points made. What is needed is an unbiased and impartial investigation into the true extent of homosexuality in society. Are homosexual numbers increasing, if so, why? Is it genetic or being caused by environmental factors? It has been scientifically proven that artificially made soy–bean based milk formula fed to a male baby can affect the child’s sexual preferences later in life – to put it bluntly you created a person with homosexual tendencies. These facts have been known for quite some time but the soy-bean industry is more worried about its profits then the fact they are robbing males of a normal sexual orientation. What other chemical and agents are having this affect is still to be property investigated; research into this matter should be given the utmost urgency.

Local Authorities Many Local Authorities had developed an arrogant attitude when it has come to squandering ratepayer’s money. It is not the responsibility of Local Authorities to become involved in the funding of sporting events organised by the private sector or joint business ventures with the private sector. These little empires should be cleaned out; no longer should these arrogant bureaucrats be allowed to squander ratepayer’s money. Strict guidelines should be drawn-up by the State outlining the duties and responsibilities of Local Authorities. Local Authorities will not be a burden upon rate payers; they should be run in a professional and efficient manner. Local Authorities should be able to cooperate with their neighbouring Local Authorities when issues arise that require them to work as a team, thus The Greater Regional Authorities should be disbanded.


Questions & Answers August 2007 Before public release of this document draft copies were distributed to various individuals with whom I have had contact with over the years. I was interested in getting their feedback to help me improve or clarify points I had made in this document. The feedback received was most helpful and lead to the creation of this question and answer section.


In your expression of your political thoughts you seem to use simple language and some terms which, in some people’s minds, would be viewed as crude.


I believe in keeping things simple. One thing I have learnt in my life is that if a politician, economist or banker speaks they use newspeak i.e. words that most ordinary people do not understand. Now this is done in part to make the speaker appear like they are some sort of expert and thus give them the appearance of some sort of authority figure in the eye of the listener and partly, and most importantly, to confuse the listener. Now I know from experience that not many people will stop someone while they are speaking and ask what a meaning of a word is. Now if the odd person does ask they are given an explanation containing other newspeak or vague terminologies that still leaves them confused. No people usually just nod their


head and act like they understand what is being said. After all not many people want to feel embarrassed by appearing to be a dummy, especially in company of their peers. If people watch the news on television or read a newspaper and do not fully understand what is being stated not many of them will make the effort to find out the meaning of the words being used. People in general are too busy with their day to day existence to make the effort and accept what is being said by an authority figure. I must declare that I have come to the realisation that an honest person will speak plainly and directly with the intention of getting what they are saying across to people; only a con will leave people in a confessed state. Now if some of the terms I have used are considered crude by some people…well tough…all I have done was use straight forward every day terms to get some home truths across. Interviewer:

You make a comparison between drug-dealers’ and business people. I fail to understand the connection could you clarify what you mean?


Yes I suppose the statement would confuse many people. Drug dealers push their product for the sole purpose of making profit; they have no concerns regarding the destructive nature of their business or to the social consequences of their actions. Likewise many business people have the same attitudes as a drug-dealer in that they are motivated by making profit regardless of the harm done to consumers or the public in general; I will give a few examples to help to clarify this statement. Some years ago it was discovered that wiring used in commercial aircraft was defective in that it could crack and set off a short-circuit creating a fire which is extremely dangerous. In fact a number of airplane crashes were caused by this defect. The response from the airline companies was to evaluate the cost of replacing this defective wiring against what they would have to pay out to victims of plane crashes, which of course could be proven to be caused by this defective wiring. Now it was more economical to pay the dead victims’ families financial compensation then to fix the problem. The airline companies decision was driven by profit regardless of the fact people were being killed by a problem the airlines could have fixed. If we look closer to home we can find many examples here that are similar in nature. A New Zealander who imports chemically bleached white flour told an acquaintance not to eat the product because of health related issues associated with the product. Most flour companies add benzoyl peroxide or chlorine dioxide to chemically whiten that is, bleach - their flours. Some add potassium bromate to artificially strengthen their flours. When you hear benzoyl peroxide, you probably think acne cream, in which benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient. For its part, potassium bromate is a suspected carcinogen that has been banned from food products in Europe, Japan, and Canada. Chlorine dioxide? Anyone who's done the laundry or cleaned the swimming pool knows that chlorine is the key agent in liquid bleach. Now chloride oxide will combined with whatever proteins are still left in the flour and produces alloxan. Alloxan is a poison and has been used to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. Now the above mentioned importer apparently understood the health issues relating to his imported product but still carried on importing and selling it. Now let’s look at the promotion of sunscreen lotions. Facts indicated that he greatest rise in melanoma has been experienced in countries where chemical sunscreens have been heavily promoted. Many opponents of the use of chemical sunscreens have pointed out that, although sunscreens do protect against sunburn, there is no scientific proof that they protect against melanoma or basal cell carcinoma in humans. Many experts strongly believe that the increased use of chemical sunscreens is the primary cause of the skin cancer epidemic. They emphasize that people using sunscreen tend to stay longer in the sun because they do not get sunburned - they develop a false sense of security. Chemical sunscreens are formulated to absorb UVB radiation, they let most of the UVA rays through - UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and are strongly absorbed by the melanocytes which are involved both in melanin production (sun tanning) and in melanoma formation. UVA rays also have a depressing effect on the immune system. Most chemical sunscreens contain from 2 to 5% of benzophenone or its derivatives (oxybenzone, benzophenone-3) as their active ingredient. Benzophenone is one of the most powerful free radical generators known to man. It is used in industrial processes to initiate chemical reactions and promote cross-linking, it is a potent industrial catalyst and quite poisonous. Now benzophenone


is activated by ultraviolet light; the absorbed energy breaks benzophenone's double bond to produce two free radicals. It is a well known fact that free radicals damage DNA, now you don't have to be a bright spark to make the connection between a product that damages DNA and cancer. Yet this chemical and still being used in sunscreen lotions and these products pushed at people. Now please don't tell me the manufactures of sunscreen lotions have no idea of the above facts; these facts have been brought to their attention and yet they turn a blind-eye and carry on manufacturing and promoting these products containing benzophenone or its derivatives. Why…because they are in business to make profit! While on the subject of sunscreen lotions I have another little gem. Scientists at the University of California, Riverside, USA, found that two-thirds of the male turbot and sole near a sewage outfall three miles off the surfers’ paradise of Huntington Beach, near Los Angeles, were growing ovary tissue in their testes. A similar study by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project found fish affected all along the coast. The American research is the first to find sex changes in fish in the open ocean. University of California scientists found that the only culprit they could “exclusively identify” is oxybenzone, which is used in sunscreen lotions. Oxybenzone, which mimics oestrogen’s chemical make-up, is washed off in the shower, passes through sewage works unchanged and settles on the seabed, where bottom-feeding fish eat it. Swiss research, however, shows two other suspected gender-bender substances used in sunscreen and lip balm - octocrylene and 4-methylbenzylidene camphor - also building up alarmingly in fish. They fear that people are being exposed to the chemicals several times over, first by putting them on their skin, and then ingesting them in drinking water and the fish they eat. Now we have Barnardos, who on their website claim that they are "New Zealand’s largest and most trusted child focused organisation." Now I recently came across a bottle of their "Toddler sunscreen" made to a...wait for it... 'Cancer Society FORMULA' containing...4-methylbenzylidene camphor...the suspected gender-bender chemical. Now get this, this same sunscreen lotion marketed for children also contained Diazolidinylurea, a formaldehyde releasing substance. Tests have shown that Diazolidinylurea increases cancer cell proliferation i.e. increases cancer cells growth. There are also concerns about the potential health effects of some clear sunscreens using nanoparticles so small that they can penetrate the skin and even get into the brain. But what the heck…slip…slop…slap. Next we will look at the A1 A2 debate. First of all it should be noted that originally, all cows’ milk was of the A2 type. About 5000 years ago (although no-one knows the date with any accuracy) a mutation occurred in European cattle and some cows started producing the A1 protein. The proportion of A1 & A2 type milk varies from country to country depending on the particular breed of cow. Those countries that produce predominately A2 milk have noticeable lower incidences of heart disease and diabetes while countries that produce predominately A1 milk show the reverse i.e. higher levels of heart disease and diabetes. The native cattle of Africa and Asia produce only A2 milk. Also, goats milk and sheep milk is essentially A2, and so is milk produced by humans. As A2 milk is the ‘original milk’ there is a good argument that it is really A2 milk that is ‘normal milk’ and it is A1 milk that is ‘abnormal’. Now due to production methods in New Zealand all milk sold, if not labelled as A2, should be considered as A1. In New Zealand about one-third of the dairy herd produces A2 most of this is not separated out but is all blended together with A1 type milk prior to being packaged. In the early 1980's Professor Bob Elliott, of the Auckland Medical School in New Zealand observed that Western Samoan children were basically immune from diabetes in their own country but that, within a generation of moving to New Zealand, the disease rate surged. Professor Elliott suspected that this drastic increase in type-1 diabetes might be related to a change in diet and he set out to investigate this possible. Over a number of years, Professor Elliott conducted research where he observed that a milk protein, beta-casein A1 could trigger insulin dependent diabetes.


In turn, this work caught the eye of Dr Corran McLachlan, a New Zealand based dairy protein scientist. Further work by McLachlan lead to a second remarkable correlation; linking the A1 variant even more strongly with mortality due to coronary heart disease. Nobody was interested in helping commercialise his research into links between milk containing the beta casein protein A1 and heart disease until McLachlan teamed up with Howard Paterson, who was agricultural venture capitalist. This lead to the establishment of a biotech company called the A2 Corporation. The whole issue regarding A1 milk started to heat-up with the A2 Corporation taking an aggressive stanch in its’ promotion of A2 milk which lead to the A2 Corporation instigating legal action against Fonterra in an attempt to force Fonterra to place a health warning on its A1 products. I remember that around this time a representative from Fonterra was interviewed on a television program and his response on the matter was, ‘we have a multi-billion dollar industry.’ I had to interpret his response as “What do you want us to do, cut our throats financially?” And the Governments’ response to the whole issue was to white-wash it by getting the NZFSA [New Zealand Food Safety Authority] to commission a review of the available published literature. Not surprising that the NZFSA position continues to be that milk is important in the diet, and there is insufficient evidence to suggest any change to this current advice about the value of milk in the diet. Now what do you think is more important; the overall health of people or protecting a multi-billion dollar industry? Taking into consideration that New Zealand governments and officials have actively taken part in cover-ups I hope I am excused by expressing doubts on the NZFSA stance.

How can the New Zealand Food Safety Authority be impartial when big business is its advisors? The increasingly bitter row between the A2 Milk Corporation and Fonterra was set to surface in the High Court in May 2003 but at the last moment the A2 Corporation withdraw the action. A rumour at the time was that the Government had put pressure on the A2 Corporation to drop its action against Fonterra because of the potential damage that such a case could do to New Zealand’s dairy industry and especially New Zealand’s dairy exports. Just imagine if this issue had gone to court and it was proven in a Court of Law that A1 milk and its related products had a detrimental effect on peoples health and that such products should carry a health warning – what a predicament the dairy industry would have been in – yes if it had been proven that A1 products were unhealthy could we still expect the consumer to carry on consuming them especially the consumers in export markets. Yeah…right. I wonder what would have happen to the price of Fonterra shares. Now what happened next can only be described as a statistical anomaly. Both Corran McLachlan and Howard Paterson died within a few weeks of each other in mid 2003. Yes it is a well known fact that taking on big business can be detrimental to your health.

A STATISTICAL ANOMALY OR SOMETHING MORE SINISTER? Yes with the death of these two men the A2 Corporation lost its fire and its driving force and the A1 A2 debate suddenly died. Who were the winners…may I ask? Peoples’ health should come before profits; the whole A1 A2 issue should be investigated in an unbiased environment regardless if the results may undermine the profit margin of an industry! If A1 milk is proven to be harmful to the health of people then the production of A1 milk for human consumption should be banned.


The final example will deal with commercially made transfats. Now transfats do occur in nature but only in tiny quantities and they have a different composition from man made transfats. The problem is with the commercially manufactured transfats, the quantities consumed, and the effect they have on peoples’ health. Now it is beyond doubt that manmade transfats have a negative impact on peoples’ health and yet there has been very little action from government on this matter. Why there has been no action on this problem…perhaps we are governed by morons, perhaps they don’t give a damn, but then again it’s more likely they are influenced by commercial interests when making decisions. Now I have given a few examples; I could give many more examples where the common good is being sacrificed by commercial interests in the name of profit, in fact I could write a book if I had the time. Now the comparison I made between drug-dealers’ and business people should be some-what clarified. If any reader should still doubt and think the examples I have given are just an anomaly they should get off their backside and do some investigative work themselves – I think they will be surprised at what they find. Interviewer:

Why do you place emphasis on organic farming?


It has to do with improving the overall health of people. Take into consideration the fundamental changes to our food production and diet over the last one hundred years or so; “Green” harvesting, chemical ripening, food processing, long storage, synthetic production and manipulation, and the use of agricultural chemicals, these have all contributed to nutritional deficiencies in our food supply. Add to this New Zealand’s mineral deficient glacial and volcanic soils which are deficient in many minerals including boron, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium and iodine and we have a nutritional situation that affects the overall health of the population. Modern day growing of food relies on the application of fertilisers that produce nice looking silver beet or cabbages but if the soil is depleted of heath giving trace elements and minerals then the crops grown on this land will also be deficient in these trace elements and minerals. Organic methods replace what is removed from the soil by crops and also adds back what the soil is lacking. Organic farming is basically about producing nutritional food based on plain common sense.


Without any offence intended you appear to hold The Mass in general in contempt. Have I misconstrued what you have written?


Hmm…that would be partially correct…and no offence incurred. To be honest I would hold humanity in general in contempt. When I look at what humanity could accomplish and I see the mess it is in I have utter contempt for it. I despise weakness in people and I most of all I loathe cowardice; I suppose if you want it in a nutshell I admire the warrior ethic where one makes sacrifice for the common good, where people have principles and a sense of honour. I suppose you could call me a romantic if you like; I certainly would not be offended.


You are quite blatant in your contempt for all politicians. Do you think that is justified?


Yes I do think it is justified. I have not yet come across a politician in New Zealand that I would consider a Warrior. To me all of them are either weak, corrupt, without honour or nut cases totally out of touch with reality. Take a look at the [then] Prime Minster, Helen Clark. She got out of university and straight into politics and many people view her as some sort of working class leader. I do not think that woman has any concept of what it means to work in a factory and earn a minimum wage. I doubt if she ever has broken a sweat in her life brought on by exertion, if she ever has it most probably was caused by constipation. Look at the [then] present leader of the National Party, John Key, an ex currency trader. He lives in an $8 million home and is estimated to be worth $50 million. Now this man wants to be Prime Minister, the question is whose interests is he going to protect; the top 2% of the population or the bottom 50%? If I was a betting man I would put my money on the top 2%.


Then we have Sue Bradford of the Green Party, an egotistical bitch if I ever met one. This is the woman that introduced the Anti Smacking Bill, the same woman who wants to lower the voting age to sixteen. The only thing I can put her behaviour down to is she must have been hanging around the pothead, Nandor Tanczos, for too long. Then of course we have Nandor Tanczos, another Green Party MP, what a specimen of manhood, dreadlocks and all, and to top it off a member of the Ras Tafari faith. So we have a pothead in Parliament who wants to see marijuana legalised who is a Rastafarian. Interesting thing about the Ras Tafari faith is that they believe all white people are devils, evil. Not some white people – all white people. Cripes if by some accident you got a Member of Parliament with religious beliefs that viewed all brown skin people as devils, evil – not some but all – the Moral Prostitutes in Parliament would gang up together and make that person’s life a living hell. Then we have Tariana Turia, the Maori Party MP. Yes this is the same woman who said "We [Maori] are going to outbreed you [meaning Whites]" the same woman who attacked "the whitening of New Zealand" in regards to immigration, and the same woman who supported the use of low paid foreign workers working on fishing boats own by New Zealand companies. Of course there was not a peep from the hypocrites in Parliament over this blatant racism. Then we have people who are MPs who weren’t even born in New Zealand and we are to take for granted that these people will look after New Zealand’s interest? Give me a break! Then we have MPs on this Board of Directors and other MPs on that Board of Directors and when one of the arseholes in parliament retires, or get kicks out, they are quite likely to be offered an overpaid job with some corporation or a political posting with the burden of a huge salary. Now if I appear rather blatant in my contempt for politicians I think it is justified. Interviewer:

You mentioned low paid foreign workers on New Zealand owned fishing boats. Could you elaborate further?


Yes, sure. I was told by a number of different people involved in the fishing industry that a number of fishing companies had claimed they had difficulty getting full crews of New Zealanders to work a number of fishing boats. Of course the government allowed the fishing companies to bring in foreign crews from a number of Asian countries. Now the conditions that were offered to New Zealand crews was a basic wage and a share in the catch but I was told the foreign crews received a basic salary of $14,000 for twelve months of work and no share in the catch. This involved working twelve hours a day seven days a week. While New Zealand crews were given time off between trips I was told the Asian crews were not. This is something that all New Zealand workers will have to probably face more often in the not too distant future.


What do you mean “This is something that all New Zealand workers will have to probably face more often in the not too distant future.”?


There are politicians and people in very powerful positions that want to see a Pacific/Asian Economic Community formed. All the past talk about inefficient industry and the ensuring economic reforms have been for the sole purpose of preparing New Zealand to be merged into such an economic bloc in the future. If this economic bloc comes into being and New Zealand is entrapped within it there will be a free exchange of labour between all the member countries. This economic bloc will be exactly like the EU model more or less. Workers from countries belonging to this bloc will be allowed unhindered entry into New Zealand to work. You would have foreign workers coming in to New Zealand prepared to work for less money and it is in this environment that New Zealand workers would have to compete. Both the left and right are taking the same road in regards to New Zealand’s future. The left in the belief that Internationalism i.e. world government will solve all problems and the right in the belief that the future lays in Globalisation i.e. a global economy. This road the left and right are on leads to the same destination the only difference is their reasons for doing so. To continue down this road is going to end in New Zealand’s total economic destruction and integration into a foreign body which will destroy New Zealand’s ability of independent action; in other words New Zealand will lose its sovereignty and the New Zealand People will be dominated by a foreign


power. The New Zealand People will lose forever the right to control their destiny because they will have lost their political independence. Laws and regulations will be passed by a foreign power and the New Zealand People will be forced to comply with the will of this foreign body and this is no better then imperialism. Of course they will be those who will ague this is not imperialism but if you view this matter in a logical manner it is imperialism, not in the sense that it is a country dominating another country economically and politically but by the fact it will be imperialism represented by global corporations i.e. Corporate Imperialism. Interviewer:

Are you opposed to immigrant labour being used in New Zealand?


No. For a start if the financial and economic reforms I propose were implemented there would be a huge shortage of labour in New Zealand meaning there would be more jobs then the present labour force could fill. In these circumstances if these vacancies had to be filled from overseas, people brought to New Zealand should get the same working conditions and the same pay New Zealanders would get working at those jobs.


Limiting an individual’s wealth would be considered a rather radical approach by some people, would you not agree?


Why should we give any consideration to what a minority think? Do you honestly think this minority gives a damn about poverty in this country and the social problems that stem from this? Of course they don’t. No this minority has reaped much wealth at the expense of society. This wealth has not been accumulated by honest toil…they have accumulated this wealth by speculation and exploitation…these people are parasites…pure and simple. Let them earn their living through their own efforts…there will be more then enough jobs created to give everyone employment opportunities, even the parasites. What’s that saying…yeah that’s right…work liberates…there will certainly be plenty of liberating experiences for the parasites in society.


On what you propose about turning all land into leasehold land and it not having any monetary value. Do you honestly think that would be generally accepted by New Zealanders? When I read your proposal the first thing that went through my mind was that the value of my home would drop by several hundred thousand dollars.


I gave this proposal a great deal of thought by carefully weighing up the pros and cons. And when I say a great deal of thought I mean a great deal of thought. If someone had made such a proposal ten years ago I would have told them to get stuffed but now I believe this is a sane logical option. Now before you start jumping up and down I will explain something to you. My family home, as I speak, is presently worth around $600,000 to $650,000, maybe a bit more in today’s market; of course I expect that will change in the not too distant future. But anyway on to the point I was going to make. The land RV is approximately $250,000; under what I propose the value of my family home would drop by this amount, now does this upset me; not in the slightest. Now why you may ask? Very simple really…it all boils down to a matter of economics. I see huge advantages in doing this if it means that all my children and grandchildren can own their own home. They might loss some inherence when my wife and I die but this loss would be greatly outweighed by what they would gain long term.


Your views on the Treaty of Waitangi will be called racist by some; do you think that is justified?


Ooh please...give me a break. This whole thing involving the promotion of this treaty is racist in nature. The Maori are another crowd that’s been taken for a ride and used as a political football. Billions of dollars have been paid out to settle claims and has this benefited the average Maori…yeah right. When one looks around you see the same well-fed brown faces claiming to represent the Maori people. These representatives with their expense cars and clothes, and with their well groomed hair and nails, claim the average Maori will benefit from their efforts to make the system pay for their grievances. In what way the average Maori is meant to benefit is yet to be shown, perhaps they are talking about the tickle-down-effort, a con that has been played before on New Zealanders. Billions paid out and yet the Maori still tops the list in the


poverty stakes; the average Maori is yet to learn all parasites and predators don’t have white faces. It is time the average Maori awoke to the fact they are being taken for a ride and played as suckers Now if this generation of Maori think they are going to have it any better then their parents by the time they hit retirement age, under the present system, they are going to be very disappointed; poverty will follow them through their life to their grave and when they die they will they bequeath to their children what they themselves processed all their life…poverty.

Now if this generation of Maori think they are going to have it any better then their parents by the time they hit retirement age, under the present system, they are going to be very disappointed; poverty will follow them through their life to their grave and when they die they will they bequeath to their children what they themselves processed all their life…poverty. Interviewer:

You have not mentioned anything regarding child abuse; in fact you strongly support the right for parents to be able to apply physical discipline won’t this lead to more child abuse?


Child abuse does happen there is no disputing that; regarding the extent of the problem that is open to interruption. But once again this has been used as a political pawn which has lead to the situation that everyone is now suspect. You can pass all the laws you want and this problem will not be solved and in the meantime the laws introduced under the guise of trying to stop this abuse only interferes with parents authority over their children and it turns the average parent into a criminal if they apply discipline. The emotional claptrap must be put aside and a logical approach to the problem should be taken. What is the cause of this abuse; do people who abuse a child have emotional problems, is it drug or alcohol related etc? Is it possible that some of this abuse is caused by a child’s behaviour problems, which pushes people over the edge?

A logical approach to the problem should be taken There are many factors involved and many of these can be eliminated. Poverty and the stress that this can create within a family would be eliminated by the economic and financial polices which have been outlined. The wide use of illegal drugs would be stamped out and thus you would remove the problems associated with their abuse. People with alcohol problems who run foul of the law would be identified and forced to attend to their alcohol dependency. Professional help would be available to parents who have offspring with behaviour problems. This should go a long way to solving many of the factors associated with child abuse. Now of cause there will be those people who will still abuse children and I’m afraid there is not much that can be done until after the event. In cases of severe brutality, and a number of such cases come to mind, apart from a prison sentence I believe that the people involved should be forcible sterilised to prevent them from breeding and they should be banned for the rest of their life from having any control over children. Interviewer:

You also haven’t mentioned anything in regards to the issue of domestic violence, why is this? Is it because you have no statement to make in regards this issue?


Hmmm…now you have opened a can of worms. The issue of domestic violence is a very complex issue and will never be solved under the present system regardless of what police state type laws are introduced. Now what is domestic violence? You ask the average college student this question and the average response is that it is violence committed by men towards their female partner. This is what is in generally perceived by many people because society has been lead to believe this. This has come about because of the way domestic violence is presented; a man beating on a woman, which is not a correct representation of the situation.


There is no doubting that men do hit their partners; as a man, generally speaking, tends to be physically stronger than a woman, he can usually inflict more damage if he is so inclined because of the advantage of his strength. But to claim that domestic violence is just a male preoccupation is untruthful and is very damaging in that it creates a falsified presentation of the problem and thus does not address the true situation.

There is no doubting that men do hit their partners; as a man, generally speaking, tends to be physically stronger than a woman, he can usually inflict more damage if he is so inclined because of the advantage of his strength. But to claim that domestic violence is just a male preoccupation is untruthful and is very damaging in that it creates a falsified presentation of the problem and thus does not address the true situation. In 2006 the American Psychological Association publication Journal of Family Psychology reported on a national survey of married and co-habiting partners. In 4.6% of the couples, the woman had engaged in a severe act of partner violence, compared to only 2.1% of couples with male violence. According to Murray A. Straus a Professor of Sociology and Co-Director Family Research Laboratory University of New Hampshire, Durham, England, his latest research on dating violence told the same story: female-only violence is twice as common as male-only violence not just in the United States, but in 32 nations around the world.

According to Murray A. Straus a Professor of Sociology and CoDirector Family Research Laboratory University of New Hampshire, Durham, England, his latest research on dating violence told the same story: female-only violence is twice as common as male-only violence not just in the United States, but in 32 nations around the world. The reason they are more violent in relationships is very, very obvious. They are far, far more emotional then Men - and when emotion runs up against logic, emotion loses. Now it is a fact that woman are more likely to lay a complaint of a assault against a man for hitting her then it is for a man to lay a complaint of assault against a woman for hitting him so this fact alone shows the “official statistics” are flawed.

The reason they are more violent in relationships is very, very obvious. They are far, far more emotional then Men - and when emotion runs up against logic, emotion loses. Interviewer:

Why is a man less likely to lay a complaint of assault against a woman for hitting him?


For a start a man is less likely to complain to the authorities when he is a victim of physical violence committed by his wife or partner because he is embarrassed, doesn’t want to be seen as being weak by his mates, the plain fact is he feels too ashamed to admit that his wife or partner hits him. Now as I said this is a complex issue and it not as cut and dry as people have been lead to believe. Violence takes many forms; to present violence as just someone physically hitting another only serves to present the whole issue in very simplistic terms, especially when the finger is pointed at men in general. What is not talked about is the issue of mental abuse that in most part, from my observations, is inflicted upon men by women. Now this is not a new phenomenon but since the advent of feminism this problem appears to have grown. Girls are taught that they can do it better then boys, fathers and husbands are continuously portrayed as numb useless idiots on the television, especially the mass production of American sitcoms, couple this with the decreasing living standards and you have a minefield


that men have to stagger through. Of course in all this man has become a confused beast; he is told his kind is brutal and stupid and on top of this he has virtually no authority in the family and very little respect. Man has become confused and indecisive as he no longer knows what role he is meant to play and through this confusion and indecisiveness he loses his leadership role and through this becomes vulnerable. Combine this with the fact that women are becoming more assertive in relationships then we have a recipe for discontent.

What is not talked about is the issue of mental abuse that in most part, from my observations, is inflicted upon men by women. By his failure to assert the leadership role the female takes on the mantle of leader and this can lead to conflict within some woman. It has been my observation that generally women come to loath weak men and by weak I mean a man who allows himself to be dominated by a woman. As the saying goes: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” In this respect this can be applied to the fact that if a man is weak in the eyes of his woman she loses a feeling of security which can fester away in her subconscious.

It has been my observation that generally women come to loath weak men and by weak I mean a man who allows himself to be dominated by a woman. Generally a woman expects leadership from a man but when she has to fill this role, in her subconscious, she starts to lose respect for the man. Once she starts to lose respect then the taunts begin. In the beginning the taunts are occasional but as time goes by she develops these taunts into a physiological weapon known as nagging. After years of the nagging and metal abuse he becomes a shell of a man that he use to be; weak and easily manipulated, a man to be pitied but held in utter contempt by the woman. There is no doubting that in many cases the woman has some sort of abstract feeling for the man on one hand but on the other her dominance of him leads her to resent his weak nature and in many cases this resentment develops into a loathing. In far too many cases the man becomes psychologically castrated and thus becomes unable to maintain an erection. This is the beginning of the end of his sex life within the marriage and the less he is able to perform the worse the situation becomes for him. Out of desperation he turns to drugs like Viagra but in the end he becomes an imitation eunuch and loses all interest in sex with his wife. Interviewer:

You are not overstating this issue are you?


No. It is estimated that up to 90% of the cause of erectile problems have a psychological cause with the biggest contributor being relationships difficulties. Once this occurs this creates performance anxiety which further compounds the problem. Also over the years a number of men have confined in me regarding intimate problems with their wives or have told me what some of their male friends have stated. There have been many occasions when I have gone to visited individuals I have overheard wives nagging their husbands. Of course when you knock on the door and are let inside the female demeanour totally changes and the tone of voice is sweet. On occasions I have overheard females say to their partner: “Go on hit me. I know you want to. Go on hit me.” It is not only what I have overheard but what a number of men have told me over the years. When you ask the men why they didn’t oblige the request from their partner to hit them the response usually goes like this: “I bloody will wanted to; I felt like beating the bitch to a pulp at the time, but I knew she wanted me to hit her so she could call the cops.” Yep the bloody bitch stood there and spat out, “Go on hit me. I know you want to. Go on hit me.” Sometimes during this conditioning period some men snap and lay into their tormenters, now of course the man is at fault; he is just a brutal animal hitting on


a defenceless woman which becomes another incident to be added to the statistics regarding male violence against women which in turn gives more ammunition to the radical lesbian feminists to demand more action and more laws to solve the problem. And of course slowly but surely more and more laws are added to the books and it will continue until all men act like eunuchs. Interviewer:

So why are men portrayed as the villains while women are portrayed the victims? Why does the system favour the women?


To answer these questions one has to look to the lesbian influence in regards to the social engineering policies adopted to reshape society. Feminism has morphed from an enlightened social movement into high-octane mass hysteria, shunning reason and fact in its compulsive quest to flog the long-dead horse of patriarchy. This movement has become the beneficiary of millions upon millions of dollars in government and corporate hand-outs, much of which is channelled in programs designed to recruit ever-more women into its seductive fold. The influence of the radical lesbian feminists’ philosophy has spread through society and has had a corrosive effort on everything it touches upon. It has caused confusion in women’s and men’s minds and has contributed to much turmoil. They are only a tiny minority and yet they are greatly over represented in positions that shape social policy especially in the area that forms the bases of social engineering.

They are only a tiny minority and yet they are greatly over represented in positions that shape social policy especially in the area that forms the bases of social engineering. They are usually quite intelligent women and many appear to have higher education. They are usually quite good at getting their point of view across by presenting their views as being logical and they get away with this due to the fact the average person has a very limited understanding with the issues raised by the MUBs and thus fail to understand the destructiveness of the MUBs agenda. Now we can argue about whether the MUBs are purposely being destructive or the damage inflicted is just a byproduct of the MUBs’ agenda; but this serves no purpose. What we do know is that the damage the radical lesbian has inflicted on society is incalculable as their influence has spread through society like a cancer. Interviewer:

What do you mean by MUBs?


Now from my personal observation I have found homosexual men seem to get on very well with women when they are place in a social environment with women; but on the other hand I have observed when radical lesbian women are placed into an environment containing men the demeanour of the radical lesbian towards men in the group is one of “I am better then you” and more often then not they take an aggressive stance towards the men. Now this aggressiveness can not be considered normal behaviour so hence it can only be described as abnormal. This observation has lead me to believe that there is something wrong with these women as they mostly appear to be Mentally Unbalanced Bitches hence the abbreviation MUBs. It is also interesting to note that lesbianism was once, not too long ago classified as a mental disorder. According to research polycystic ovarian syndrome is twice as common in lesbians. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the commonest cause of ovarian dysfunction in women and is caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. One of the main features of polycystic ovarian syndrome is hyperandrogenism, which is the male steroid hormones in women causing excess facial and body hair, deepening of the voice and loss of breast tissue. Researchers have also found the first evidence that a common cause of infertility in women is more prevalent amongst lesbians than heterosexuals, and they suggest that the biochemical disorder associated with the condition might contribute to the women's sexual orientation. Now there is strong evidence suggesting that lesbianism is caused by chemical imbalances in a women’s body which appears


to affect their state of mind. Now I believe that this should be closely looked into, especially in the case of the radical lesbian man hating type or MUBs. Now it is about time Men stopped acting like mushrooms in the dark and screamed no more “BULLSHIT”. It is about time that Men stood-up and starting acting the part of a Man and removed the lesbian cock from his arse. Interviewer:

That statement is going to upset a number of people.


So what? Do you honestly think I am concerned about what some sensitive soul thinks? I know a large number of ordinary men would agree with what I just stated and I think many women would also acknowledge there is truth in what I have said.


What are your views on homosexuals or lesbians adopting children?


A molecular geneticist Angela Pattatucci research found that lesbianism's pattern in families was just like that of male homosexuality and a woman whose sister was a lesbian had a 6 percent chance of also being a lesbian but astonishingly the daughter of a lesbian had a 33 percent chance of being a lesbian. This result is genetically impossible. A mother and her child cannot be more genetically similar than two sisters. The pattern observed could mean only one thing: being a lesbian, or a nonheterosexual woman, was ‘culturally transmitted,' not inherited. Based on this I would oppose adoptions by such people. Secondly these people sexual activities are not design for reproducing so why do they feel the need for children…it can only be for the reason to make themselves feel normal.

Strong evidence exists pointing to the fact that Lesbianism is either caused by a chemical imbalance which affects a woman's state of mind or is ‘culturally transmitted'. Interviewer:

Are you saying there are two types of lesbians, one being chemically or mentally unbalanced which you referred to as a MUB and the other being ‘culturally transmitted’


That is correct; the evidence seems to support that. From my observation it always seems to be the MUB that dominates in a lesbian relationship and the submissive partner is the ‘culturally transmitted’ type.


What are your views on the equality of the sexes? You know, man and woman are equal?


The equality of the sexes is a concept; I should say a political concept, which has nothing to do with reality but much to do with a materialist society. While I claim that man and woman are not equal I also claim they are not unequal and by this I mean that one does not have more value then the other. They are designed for a sole purpose in life and that is to procreate and in this role they serve different functions, but when they come together in this role they create a whole, a oneness if you like.


How can one go about cleaning up the mess?


There is no simple solution to the problem, one simply cannot wave a magic wand and make the problems go away nor can the problems be solved by more police state type laws. Firstly, close down the corrupting social engineering programmes and remove all MUBs from social decision making positions, secondly, stop the funding of the feminist agenda and thirdly implement some sane logical polices to reverse the damage done.


Could you give an example of a sane logical policy that would help reverse the damage done?


Sure, by education. For a start children in school should be taught about morality, ethics and honour. They should be taught about what happens after they leave the school system and go out and face life and about marriage; what marriage is and the problems that can develop in such a relationship. To put in simple terms prepared them so when they do marry they understand that their individual actions can


destabilise the relationship. Also teach them about the responsibilities of parenthood and the application of discipline in raising children. By doing this and making children aware of today’s problems than perhaps if they notice problems in their own home they will be more inclined to bring this to their parent’s attention and explain to their parents what they have been taught and hopefully educate their parents to the mistakes they, the parents, are making. Interviewer:

It would be claimed that what you propose would undermine peoples’ rights


We are told it is our right to do this and our right to do that; children are taught about their “Rights” but you stand back and examine what is going on you should discover that the promotion of many of these so-called Rights appears to be mainly aimed at undermining the family unit and undermining national unity. It is a bit like claiming that a slave on a platoon had rights; the right to sing, the right to food, shelter and water, etc. Talking of rights gives an illusion of freedom but in reality a slave is still a slave. Before we talk about Rights we first have to establish what are peoples’ duties and responsibilities and thus moral obligations. Once this has been done Rights are easily worked out.

Before we talk about Rights we first have to establish what are peoples’ duties and responsibilities and thus moral obligations. Once this has been done Rights are easily worked out. Interviewer:

Some of what you promote gives me the impression that freedom of expression or free speech would be under threat.


People live in an illusion when they believe we have freedom of speech in this country. Your right to say something is promoted as long as it doesn’t conflict with what the Established Order is promoting. A university academic wrote a thesis questioning the claim that Jews were gassed by the Nazis during the Second World War. His career was destroyed. A medical student wrote a thesis questioning the effectiveness of the meningococcal B vaccine and published this on a website. This student was threatened by health authorities that if he didn’t remove his comments and shut-up he would not have a career. Question the orthodox view that the Maori were the first settlers of New Zealand and most academics who preach Freedom of Speech will crawl out of the woodwork and attack you as being racist. There are many other examples I could give proving that freedom of speech in New Zealand is just an illusion. In reality freedom of speech is protected as long as it does not conflict with the views of the Established Order.


Do you support freedom of speech?


The concept freedom of speech is generally accepted as originating in the US after it won its independence from England. The original intention of this right was to grantee the People in the US the right to freely question and criticise their political leaders. While this concept was accept in many other countries over time this concept of free speech slowly became so bastardize that today people claim it also covers almost anything that is publish and distributed. So you ask a loaded question which can not be answered with a simple yes or no. I believe in freedom of speech that covers the citizens’ right to question and criticise their political leaders and to express alternative political views. I do not support the claim that freedom of speech covers your right to publish and distribute pornography or material that undermines family values or pollutes the minds of our youth.


So you support censorship?



That is rather a silly question. Of course I do. Censorship is nothing new; we have censorship now in this country both official and unofficial. If you are taking the angle that what I state is fascist in nature then you are well of the mark.


There would be no doubt that the people you offend would label you as fascist. How would you defend yourself against such accusations?


People sling labels at you because such methods are easy to use in silencing an individual. It is very difficult to use logical debate to discredit an idea if that idea is soundly based. If one has an understanding of what is Fascism then one would quickly realize there is nothing at all fascist in what I say. The truth of the matter is that the system in New Zealand and many other countries have been slowly developing into Police States and yet a big majority have not realized this as it has been a gradual process. What we need are certain principles enshrined in a Constitution. Just because we have technological advancement this does not justify the erosion of New Zealand’s sovereignty or the treating of its citizens as chattel by any present or future Established Order. The Law of the Land should apply equally to every citizen of New Zealand regardless of their social or economic standing and regardless of their race or religious view.

The Law of the Land should apply equally to every citizen of New Zealand regardless of their social or economic standing and regardless of their race or religious view. Interviewer:

I notice that you mention nothing in regards to privacy. What are your views on this matter?


Will firstly I would like to say that there are a number of subjects I haven’t touched upon; it isn’t because I don’t have views on these subjects, it has been because I have had only limited time available. The purpose of the document that was released was to test the waters so to speak, if there was interest in what I have so far released it was my intention to put more time into the project. Now on the issue of privacy I certain do have view; I am a big supporter to the right to privacy. Now this is a rather big issue in that it covers a wide area so to speak and before I can express a detailed view on the whole issue I need to do further research. I hope to add a section dealing with the issue of privacy if/when this document is revised. Now whether this document is revised or not all depends on the interest in creates.


On the matter of prostitution. In healthy heathen countries such as Rome it was not wrapped in some evil mystique; in fact prostitutes were considered representatives of divinity. It is puerile in our civilisation because of the present stage of our civilisation itself being puerile. Also it can be argued that prostitutes provide a social service.


The word Morality comes from the Latin moralitas meaning "manner, character, and proper behaviour" and refers to the concept of human action which pertains to matters of right and wrong. A society’s concept of morality and ethics evolves over a period and becomes the accept norm. It would be generally accepted to state that the evolution of these values are influenced or dictated by a society’s religious beliefs to a large degree. Why do women in particular enter into prostitution…the main cause is economic factors, not because she has a strong social conscience and so she feels she needs to provide this as a social service. A student may do it for a period of time to pay her way through university, a solo mother may do it so she can afford to provide her children with some basic necessaries, another woman may do it to pay off her debts or to support a gambling problem, some women do it because they have an alcohol or drug problem which prevents them from holding a job for any length of time; other woman do it because they can make good money, better money then they could


make on slave wages working in some factory The claim that they provide a social service is an add on to justify prostitution, it does not rationalize why most women become prostitutes. In a healthy society the parent’s values are passed on to the children and so on. So what causes these values to be eroded - it is the introduction of foreign/alien values. In New Zealand’s case the attack on family values was launched through the education system. If one digs deep into these influences now shaping the emerging New Society one finds that very wealthy organisations have been financing and/or organising this assault. Honour, principles, ethics and thus morality are under attack; these concepts are being superimposed with a new set of concepts more fitting to the needs of Globalism. The old concepts are viewed as an impediment to the development of this New Age evolving from Globalisation and as such are slowly being eroded and replaced. I have digressed here a wee bit so back to the questions put to me. Regarding the statement: “In healthy heathen countries such as Rome, it was not wrapped in some evil mystique, in fact prostitution were considered representatives of divinity.” Your use of the word “healthy” in describing heathen countries such as Rome could be debated for a long period of time, so that aside, I shall reply to what you have implied. So what if the Roman’s considered prostitutes as representatives of divinity…big deal. The Roman’s had slaves and had people slaughtered in the arena to entertain The Masses…big deal. Some societies have practised cannibalising or headhunting…big deal. I just read recently that schools for prostitutes would be entitled to Government funding if they apply for it. What’s next…compulsory courses run by the Department of Labour in the art of Prostitution. Perhaps a recruiting drive at colleges or perhaps making it part of the curriculum.



Now I do not support making prostitution illegal, if an individual wants to become a prostitute then it is their decision, but I certainly support hash penalties for those who use coercion in getting individuals involved in prostitution or those parasites that live off the earning of prostitutes. In regards to the section on Pornography it could be agued that in questioning someone regarding their expressed views on a subject, pertaining to the area of morality, is an outside intrusion into the family unit and is rather extreme and going overboard. How do we evaluate morality; how do we evaluate if something is ethical or not. The only way is to examine held views and to give them an “acid test”, so-to-speak. For a male to make a claim that a porno flick is alright but to get uptight and angry about a suggestion regarding the involvement of his wife or daughter in a porno film has him setting a double standard which is hypocritical or proves his lack of comprehension regarding right and wrong.


You say the political party system is corrupt. What should be done?


Simple. Ban all political parties. People who stand as candidates seeking political office should be independent and free of the will of any organisation. Not only this but any person holding political office that tells a lie or misleads or is proven corrupt should be kicked out of office and publicly flogged.


What do you mean by flogged?


Will…it means lash someone’s back with a whip. In such cases I believe a politician proven corrupt should receive thirty lashes from a Cat o’ Nine Tails, if it kills them then tough…too bad.


Reward Politicians For Corruption And Treason Interviewer:

That’s a bit on the tough side, don’t you think?


Not at all; if it keeps the politicians honest then it serves its purpose. I bet if this was suggested under the present system it would cause a few anal contractions among a large number of politicians.


If people thought your ideas were good and formed a political organisation based on them would you condemn it or condone it?


There are a number of ways of attempting to change the system. The only realistic option in New Zealand is to use the present political system to win political power and once in power to make the necessary changes.


What do you mean there are a number of ways of attempting to change the system?


Will I suppose it is remotely possible that one day people will finally have enough of the corruption and take to the streets in mass, march on Parliament and chop-off a few heads and demand change. Then there is Betty Crocker Feminism.


What is Betty Crocker Feminism?


I would have to be very careful in explaining that in case I got accused of supporting terrorism. I have a downloaded article on this which can be attached after this question and answer section which will enable the reader to get a fairly good understanding of its philosophy.


Now if you had to give an Award of Respect to a politician anywhere in the world who would you give it to? Now please don’t try to avoid this question by saying none deserve it, you have to chose one. To make it easier they don’t have to be alive. Will that is pretty easy. I would give it Norman Kirk who was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1972 until his death in 1974.



Why Norman Kirk…he was a Labour Party leader…I fail to see why you would choose him?


Well Norman Kirk had some real guts as far as I am concerned. From what I can understand Kirk had a problem implementing the social reforms he wanted because of the restraints place on him by the privately owned and controlled financial system in New Zealand. Now, apparently Kirk set-up a Think Tank which comprised of himself, Jack Lewin who was a government statistician, Gerald O'Brien who was vice president of the Labour party and an MP, and Sir Henry Kelliher of Dominion Breweries who was a monetary reformist since the 1930’s. The purpose of this Think tank, according to Gerald O'Brien, was to "start the process of nationalising financial institutions." Now I believe that Dr William Ball Sutch, a New Zealand economic nationalist, also had strong ties to this Think tank. At this point I shall give a brief outline as to what influenced Norman Kirk to setup such a Think Tank. Norman Kirk was a prodigy of Arnold Nordmeyer who was leader of the Labour Party before being replaced by Kirk. When he entered parliament in 1935, Nordmeyer found himself amongst a majority of creditmen on Labour’s backbenches. He and his close friend Dunedin West MP, Dr Gervan McMillan, plus Bill Anderton (Eden), Jack Lyon (Waitemata), Gordon Hultquist (Bay of Plenty), Bill Barnard (Napier), Clyde Carr (Timaru) and Jim O’Brien (Westland), and a number of others who were less public in their advocacy, strenuously supported passage of the Reserve Bank Amendment Act


in April 1936. John A. Lee was leader of the creditmen for a time and he constantly sought to speed the pace of reform between 1936 and 1940. He preached nationalisation of the Bank of New Zealand, and wanted politicians to control Reserve 133 Bank policies in finer detail. At this time the New Zealand economy was in recession and the new Labour government, consisting of many down to earth MPs from working class backgrounds, used credit created through the Reserve Bank to start the construction of State Housing which kicked started the economy. It is also interesting to note that in a TV interview in December 1980, Nordmeyer told his interviewer that in the 1930s when he first became interested in politics he was particularly struck by the teachings of Keynes, especially those parts which spoke of the constructive use of credit in recessionary times. So Kirk setup a Think Tank which purpose was to "start the process of nationalising financial institutions." In this Think Tank you had people who believe in that the State should have sole ownership and control over the issue of credit and an economic nationalist who was most vocal regarding the take-over of New Zealand by foreign interests; a very volatile mixture indeed and one that threaten very powerful foreign interests. While the impression that this Think Tank was just a bunch of communists or Fabians, Kelliher for one was a monetary reformer since the Depression. He had published The Mirror, a popular 'home journal' which had articles on monetary reform, including an article on Nazi Germany's banking system; it is interesting to note that A N Field was a columnist for it and also the fact that Kelliher was a friend of Eric Butler who was head of the Australian League of Rights. So the Think Tank was a cross section of beliefs that had in common financial reform. What happen next can only be described as another statistical anomaly. On 28 August 1974 Kirk was persuaded to enter the Island Bay Home of Compassion which was a private hospital. On 31 August 1974 Kirk, at the age of 51, died; his cause of death was given as congestive cardiac failure and thromboembolic pulmonary heart disease. It is interesting to note that claims were made that the Island Bay Home of Compassion was not equipped to treat Kirk’s alleged aliment and that Kirk should have been placed into the Wellington Public Hospital which had the equipment and the expertise. Soon after his death a rumour was that that Kirk had been assassinated. In September 1974, not long after Kirk’s death, Sutch was charged under the Official Secrets Act 1951 with the offence of obtaining information that would be helpful to an enemy. Although the act was so general that it could cover almost any communication, no evidence was brought that he had obtained information of any kind; he was acquitted in February 1975 but the stigma of being labelled a traitor followed him to his grave. He died on 28 September 1975 at Wellington. And what happened to Gerald O'Brien; from memory he had charges of brought against him of a homosexual nature which destroyed his political career. Jack Lewin, who died in 1990, was also been labelled a possible traitor and/or Soviet spy. So the four main players in this saga paid a very heavy price. Now is this just another statistical anomaly or something more sinister; I believe myself that a hatchet job was done on this group to destroy their influence and thereby to protect certain vested interests.

A STATISTICAL ANOMALY OR SOMETHING MORE SINISTER? Another interesting and little known fact that should be mentioned is that information was brought to Kirk’s attention before his death that a military coup d'état was being planned to remove Kirk and the Labour Government from power. This raises an interesting point on who actually controls the New Zealand military?


With Kirk and his Think Tank out of the way this removed any danger regarding the nationalising of the financial institutions within New Zealand. Not only this but Kirk had introduced a tough Anti-Monopoly Bill and had tried to redistribute income from big companies to the labour force through price regulation and a wages policy. Kirk was also preparing the Petroleum Amendment Bill to give more control over New Zealand oil resources. Both of these pending Bills were also a threat to very powerful interest groups. Interviewer:

You mention that Sir Henry Kelliher had published a 'home journal' called The Mirror, which had articles on monetary reform, including an article on Nazi Germany's banking system. Why would he have published an article on Nazi Germany's banking system; was Kelliher a Nazi?


As far as I know Kelliher wasn't a Nazi. The reason he publish an article on Nazi Germany's banking system is very simple; Nazi Germany did away with the Gold Standard and introduced financial reforms. These reforms lead to the introduction of Credit Creation by the State which enabled Germany to rebuild its economy and house its people etc without incurring crippling debt to the private banking system. It was this Credit Creation by the State that enabled Nazi Germany to rebuild its bankrupt economy within a span of six years while the people in the countries around it were suffering economic hardships. It fact the financial reforms undertaken by Nazi Germany created so many jobs that they had to take in tens of thousands of people from the surrounding countries to fill them.


You stated that with Kirk and his Think tank out of the way this removed any danger? Surly there were people in the Kirk’s Government that would have carried on his work?


On the death of Norman Kirk, Bill Rowling who was Minister of Finance became Prime Minister. It is interesting to note that Kirk apparently did not trust Rowling as Kirk left him out of the loop, so to speak, and did not involve Rowling in the Think Tank. Now Rowling's first act as New Zealand Prime Minister was to withdraw Kirk's AntiMonopoly Bill and the Petroleum Amendment Bill. In 1975 Rowling introduced the Commerce Bill, designed to aid monopolisation of the New Zealand economy and repeals the News Media Ownership Act, allowing more foreign ownership of New Zealand media. The new legislation did not define monopoly, competition or stipulate permissible maximum market share, or even ascertain what the public interest was resulting in a sell-out to big business.


Later, Rowling was rewarded his thirty pieces of silver for services rendered with the ambassadorship to Washington. Labour lost the 1975 General election to National and Robert Muldoon became Prime Minister. What is your opinion on Muldoon?


Well there is no doubt what-so-ever that with Muldoon and the National Party in power certain individuals became very rich due to the fact that that they were able to start plundering the New Zealand economy with Muldoon’s blessing. Now my personal opinion is that Muldoon thought in the beginning that he was doing the right thing but woke-up to the fact that he was being used and that people he had trusted were in fact pushing another agenda. I believe that Muldoon found himself between a rock and a hard place; he started resisting the powers behind the scenes which resulted in these people turning on him and he also had a number of his own MPs also turn on him.


So I take it that you disagreed with the economic policies Muldoon pushed?


Correct. The Think Big policies he pushed only got New Zealand deeper into debt and were doomed to failure from the beginning to create the tens of thousands of jobs he predicted would follow. The only thing his policies achieved, apart from pushing New Zealand deeper into debt, was to make a number of traitors and overseas companies wealthier.


What made you conclude that Muldoon wake to the fact that he was being used?


Well firstly Muldoon introduced controls over economy which really pissed-off a number of his wealthy supporters and secondly I remember reading an article in the local paper, I believe it was a short time after he lost the election to Labour, in which


Muldoon stated words to the effect that if the ordinary New Zealander knew what was in store for them they would be out on the streets revolting. Now apparently Muldoon knew a lot more then the average New Zealander. It has also interesting to note that it has been alleged that Muldoon agreed to a deal to set up two US military deep-water submarine bases planned for Dusky Sound and Guards Bay in the South Island but he backed out of this deal which would have upset the USA. All this resulted in the powers behind the scene turning on Muldoon and making a secret pact with Labour Party officials. Interviewer:

Will if you are correct I can understand why big business interests turned on Muldoon but to back Labour...they must have been quite sure of themselves in getting what they wanted from Labour.


Now before we go any further we must realise that before the battle began to get rid of Muldoon the people involved had already brought and paid for their stooges in the Labour Party, no other explanation can be given; these bastards must have known what a Labour government would do for them before they throw their weight behind Labour. Now how the Business Round Table and other vested interests accomplished putting Labour into power was a confidence trick of the highest order.


How was this accomplished?


In 1983 a new political party was formed called The New Zealand Party for the purpose of opposing the Muldoon government. The New Zealand Party was fronted by multimillionaire property speculator Robert Jones which promoted both social and economic liberalization. It appeared to be a well funded propaganda machine which played on the patriotic feelings of New Zealanders, as the name would suggest, and in particular National Party voters. In the 1984 general election the New Zealand Party received a total of 12.2% of the votes cast and played a major role in drawing voters away from National. Once in power, the Labour Party, prompted by Finance Minister Roger Douglas, actually adopted many of the New Zealand Party's economic policies. After the election, the New Zealand Party quickly deteriorated as a significant political force. Jones, his primary objective of ending the Muldoon government having been accomplished, put the Party into recess. He later said that with the "Rogernomics" reforms undertaken by the Labour government he considered his party to be redundant. It is interesting to note that Jones stated in one of his books that the purpose of forming the New Zealand Party was to get rid of the Muldoon government. Shortly after the election, the National Party dropped Robert Muldoon as leader, and eventually came to embrace free market economics as well. The multimillionaire property speculator Robert Jones was rewarded his thirty pieces of silver for services rendered with a knighthood in 1989. As they say; “in politics nothing happens by accident, if something happens you can be certain that it was planned to happen”.


Do you have communist sympathies?


No, I do not. I have been labelled a Communist by a few morons and I have also been called a Fascist, a Nazi, a Socialist, a racist, and a few other names I won’t mention. The claim by the Marxist fools that Socialism is a dictatorship of the proletariat is a lie; the truth is that Socialism is the enslaver of the proletariat. The crap put forward by Marxist theory that Socialism will eventually fade away and evolve into Communism whereby there would be no need for a dictatorship is a pile of claptrap. It is like saying that eventually Capitalism will create economic equality because Capitalism will ultimately make everyone wealthy and thus place everyone on an equal economic footing. I think that if anyone believes this they are either mentality impaired or they are a truly cultivated mushroom. No I view “Communism” with distaste. It is in reality no better then Capitalism. The “Communist” system concentrates political and economic power in a few hands with the result you had a new elite emerge that becomes a privilege class with its special privileges. No I view Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Capitalism very much in the same light – they all have a privileged class, they all concentrate power, they are all corrupt.


Would you not agree that the ideas you put forward removing the right of land ownership is socialist in nature?



Your use of the word “right” fascinates me. How far does this so-called right go? Does this mean that a handful of individuals and companies, both foreign and domestic, should have the right to have a monopoly over housing and land in New Zealand? Because of speculation the prices of housing and land has gone through the roof which has place home ownership out of the reach of over 50% of people. Within a decade it has been estimated that around 75% of people will not afford to own their own home. Do the monopolisers of land and housing have any social conscience on this matter, or do they feel any remorse, of course not. They do not have one iota of concern; they are only interested in themselves. If this minority is only interested in its own self preservation why should the majority feel any differently towards the minority? The fact is home ownership is now out of the grasp of The Masses The attempt to label what I promote as Socialism or Capitalism is misleading. What I push is what I label Social Survivalism, a new system designed to neutralise the greed and destructive nature of man and thus to create a fair and just society; a better society.


Are you a rich man?


It depends on what you mean by rich. I gather you mean rich in the material sense so I would have to answer no I am not rich. To be honest I would place myself somewhere in the bottom fifty percent of holders of wealth.


It could be claimed that you are jealous of people with wealth because you are not wealthy yourself?


Because someone is opposed to something it is illogical to think or claim they do it out of jealously without offering evidence to prove this. I once was talking to a woman about wealth and its corrupting influence when she stated; “You are only jealous of these people because you are not a millionaire yourself.” My response was; “You have a daughter, if she was raped and I cussed the rapist would I be doing this out of jealously because I was not the one who had sex with your daughter?” It did not go down too well with her, but she got the message. Now there are individuals in New Zealand whose worth is in the billions of dollars and many more individuals worth many hundreds of millions of dollars. Now these people did not earn that wealth due to their own efforts, they made either it on the backs of other people or by actions that are border-line treason. The means they used to accumulate this wealth are immoral, it is from this concept that I say limit the amount of wealth a person can own, it is from this concept that I say if a person’s wealth exceeds a set limit then they should be stripped of the excess. Now this view does not stem from jealously but stems from a moral point of right and wrong and an attempt to right injustice.


It would be argued that the policies you promote would hinder progress on many fronts. What is your opinion on this?


Such a statement would be false. If such claims are made then one would have to look closely at the vested interests of the individual making such a claim. The reality is in fact that the present economic system represented by the monopolies/corporations stifles innovation and progress on many fronts.


You seen to take a negative attitude to global warming issue, how come?


The whole global warming issue is full of emotional clap-trap. There is no doubt the earth has undergone a slight increase in warming but to take the stance that it has been proved scientifically that human activity is to blame is blatantly untrue.


Many people, especially unthinking young people, have become quite radical over this issue, now it is my experience that people are easily manipulated to take up a course, that is a human defect I’m afraid. Yes the manipulators have worked-up enough people over this issue that we now have a Global Warming Crusade; this is not a local thing, it is sweeping many countries. Now is this just a coincidence or is it orchestrated? It appears to me to be orchestrated; the question is why? The answer appears to be straight forward, it creates another financial cow to be milked and it gives politician’s justification to exert more control over people.

GLOBAL WARMING: CON OF THE 21st CENTURY In 2006 China's carbon dioxide emissions surpassed those of the United States. When China was criticised the response from the Chinese government was that industrialized countries are hypocritical for criticizing its carbon dioxide gas emissions while buying its products. China argued that developed countries are effectively outsourcing emissions by shifting manufacturing to its factories. Now China's emissions are expected to continue growing swiftly in the future and China has rejected calls to limit its carbon dioxide gas emissions. Now it was estimated that it would cost New Zealand $3.5 billion a year to implement the Kyoto Protocol. That is going to come out of New Zealanders’ pockets. Where do you think this money is going to end up? Logic dictates it will mostly end up in the pockets of those already controlling most of the wealth. It is interesting to note that these types are the people who own or control most of the media. The whole “global warming” issue is a politician’s wet dream come true. Already they are discussing what new laws and regulations are needed in this ‘war” against “global warming”. Yes this politicians’ wet dream is going to turn into a nightmare for most people. The Chinese tell the world to screw itself when the world criticises China for its carbon dioxide emissions and the response from the New Zealand Government is to screw New Zealanders with weird and wacky ideas like the shelved “fart tax” or to promote, quote, "a major new climate-change initiative" to kill methane-emitting pests such as possums, goats and deer. Now when ideas like this pop-up you have to question the sanity of the people pushing them. What’s next…a human fart tax!


Now the whole global warming crusade was kicked-off by a UN Report that is very questionable. The whole attitude of "there is no more questions, the scientific results are in" is a pile of dangerous crap. Now can anyone pass me the resumes of the compliers of this "report"? It’s just that I would like to know that we are not talking about the views of some meteorologist on the channel 3 news. I'd kind of like to know how many solar physicists were in on this report. Could you also include the paleoastronomers and the paleoclimatologists? Oh, and one more thing...would you mind presenting the "peer reviews"? Now I really hate to throw cold water in your face but what about the facts which indicate that all the planets in our solar system are heating up i.e. undergoing warming? A number of scientists have claimed there is a strong possibility that the earth will enter a cold period starting around 2015 – 2020. These scientists claim they have evidence to back-up their claims and some have gone as far to claim this will be the beginning of a New Ice Age.

Scientists have claimed there is a strong possibility that the earth will enter a cold period starting around 2015 – 2020. The claims that “global warming” is caused by man appears to be full of holes. Now claims that there maybe an Ice Age just around the corner should be cause for alarm especially for people living in New Zealand. This whole issue should be looked at by neutral experts, let everyone else keep their snout out especially those politicians who are looking for a bandwagon to jump on. I have suggested that an organisation should be establish for impartial research, if New Zealand had such an organisation then issues such as climate change could be put before it for impartial investigation.

THE POSSIBLITY OF GLOBAL COOLING SHOULD BE A MAJOR CONCERN BECAUSE IT WILL AFFECT FOOD PRODUCTION If the world needs a certain level of food to fed everyone what do you think will happen if Global Cooling causes food production to fall by 25% or 40%...or more? Who will decide who gets this food and who starves? What will the price be? Don’t forget that New Zealand imports over 50% of its food requirements!

How Long Can the World Feed Itself? Energy Bulletin October 10, 2006 “The world's food stocks have shrunk by half since 1999, from a reserve big enough to feed the entire world for 116 days then to a predicted low of only 57 days by the end of this year.”


Food reserves at 50-year low CBS News March 19, 2009 “Global food reserves currently sit at about 14 per cent of consumption, which means the world has enough food to survive for a little over a month if food production suddenly stopped.” [Inserted October 2009] Interviewer:

You quote religions a couple of times but you hold the view that homosexual acts should not be a criminal offence. Now don’t Christianity and Islam for example have strict views on homosexuality?


You make a good point. In a number of instances I do refer to various religious perspectives on a number of issues namely usury and greed. Now usury and greed was usury and greed in the time of the prophets and time has not altered that fact, it still is usury and greed today. Now the prophets may have laid down strict rules regarding homosexuality but we must remember that going back a few thousand years ago people had an unpolluted environment and an unpolluted food source. Today things are quite different. Today we have many man-made chemicals in the environment and a diet consisting of processed foods that are nutritionally deficient and full of man-made additives. Now it is known that a number of these chemicals can affect ones sexuality, and yet we have thousands of man-made chemicals and the full impact of most of these chemicals are still not fully understood, neither is the synergist affect when these chemicals come together in a number of different combinations. This is the situation that has arisen. People have stood up and issued warning about the dangers of these chemicals but society in its apathy has ignored them. As the saying goes; “Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.” It is like a woman who is an alcoholic or drug addict who becomes pregnant and still abuses these substances resulting in the birth of a deformed baby which she ends up resenting. The point is it is her fault the child is like it is, not the child’s.


It has been suggested that New Zealand should be declared a Christian Nation, what are your views on this?


It would give a lot of so-called Christians a warm fuzzy feeling but what would it accomplish by declaring New Zealand a Christian country? After all you cannot turn a sow's ear into a silk purse; you may call a sow's ear a silk purse but it reality it is still a sow's ear.


You seem to hold Christians in low esteem, why?


I find people who call themselves Christian a funny breed. On a Sunday they attend church and on Monday they back in their office working out how they can make a quick dollar with the least effort. To be frank I view most people who refer to themselves as Christian with contempt. Nearly every person who I have met who has called themselves a Christian has been a person with double standards.

In my experience through life I have observed that when an individual has to make a decision to either sacrifice principles or material wealth, principles are usually the first to die. Interviewer:

In your proposal for penal reform you mention three categories of prisons. I see you recommend that escapees from System C should be executed i.e. put to death. Do you support the death penalty for, let’s say, for certain types of murder, drug pushers or violent sex crimes?


Good question. Leaving politicians out of the equation, no I do not…and in my mind the reasons are good. There have been many cases where people have been convicted of a crime and later proven innocent. Even with DNA evidence, while it may be accepted as proving guilt beyond reasonable doubt, I still believe it is possible to convict an innocent person.


In the case of escapees from category C work camps there can be no mistake made. Inmates of this system would be correctly identified by fingerprints, DNA, and an iris scan. Inmates of this system would be informed of the consequences of escaping, now if an inmate is stupid enough to do so they know the consequences of their actions. Another point that should be made that someone given life imprisonment may prefer to end their life, if they do at least it can be claimed they have that option. Escape from this system should be viewed as an act of suicide. I mean it any individual willingly commits any act knowing that it will lead to certain death it must be classed as suicide. Now people who are convicted of a crime and sent to a term of imprisonment would be very well looked after. They would be clothed, their medical and dental needs would be taken care of and they would get a wholesome and nutritious diet. In fact they would be better fed and better looked after then the average New Zealander at present. Now they will be expected to obey the rules and regulations of the establishment in which they abode and to do a fair days work. We are not talking about working these people to death; all that is expected is that they pull their weight. Now it’s more then probable that some people entering such a system may find working rather strange but they will just have to adapt. Now if an inmate ends up in a Category C facility and they refuse to work then they would not get fed. The first time an inmate refuses to work they will be locked up in solitary confinement and food would be withheld for one day i.e. twenty-four hours. Second time food would be withheld two days; third time food would be withheld four days, etc. Now if an inmate refuses a seventh time to work I doubt if he or she would survive – cause of death: suicide by starvation. Interviewer:

You say that extra taxes added on to alcohol and tobacco should be removed. Why? And also would not this contribute to the problems being faced with these products?


The question ‘why’ is simple; it has to do with streamlining the taxation system. The present high taxes on alcohol have failed to have any impact what-so-ever regarding social problems with alcohol. High taxes on alcohol has lined the government’s coffers and not impacted on the social problems. The government knows this – the whole alcohol tax thing is a sham. On the issue of tobacco…will this is another issue that has its fanatical followers. It has been made such an issue we now we have a global effort to stamp out the use of tobacco…will when you have a globally inspired action I usually take a closer look. We are lead to believe that the use of tobacco is the cause of lung cancer, heart disease and anything else that goes wrong with a person who uses a tobacco product. People are made to look like criminals for having a cigarette near children and in some cases made criminals for selling it justified…let's look at some facts. Studies in Germany and from the London School of Hygiene and Topical Medicine have proved that the main cause of lung cancer is emissions from car exhausts, not cigarette smoke. Substances such as aromatics and olefins, which are added to petrol, undergo a chemical change during combustion and create benzene and 1,3 Butadiene which are two of the most cancer causing substances on the planet. There is no level at which benzene can be considered safe - it is dangerous at any level of pollution. Benzene is well known for its relationship to cancer and childhood leukaemia, with a latency period averaging 11 years from benzene expose to possible appearance of the first symptoms. There are many factors that need exploring regarding the tobacco issue but the politicians would rather use the whole issue as a whip to exert more control over people. Now if these smoke Nazis want an issue to sink their teeth into I would suggest looking at the use of DU i.e. Depleted Uranium munitions. The United States use of Depleted Uranium munitions has spread radioactive waste over a large area of the planet; I believe some scientists have worked out the radioactive contamination


equals about 200,000 times what was produced by the A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki in Japan during the Second World War. Experts involved with DU have claimed that this contamination is so bad that eventually everyone living in these areas is going to die from the consequences of the DU contamination. Now that radioactive contamination is being blown around the world by the winds and this fact has lead other experts to believe that deaths from this contamination will be in the billions. But let’s not worry about that, we just won’t talk about it, let’s attack the use of tobacco. An interesting study done by the US military found that smokers were more likely to resist authority then non-smokers, yes they found non-smokers were more subservient to authority. Now I found that rather interesting. Now I'm not claiming that tobacco is a Little Miss Innocent, but please let's get our facts right before we act. Let’s do our own research in New Zealand into tobacco and its effects, free of vested interests and hysteria. Interviewer:

I was shocked to read what you stated about the Bovine Leukemia Virus and the other diseases in New Zealand cattle and dairy herd. You haven’t exaggerated this point to scare people to get them to take notice of you?


No I certainly don’t believe I have exaggerated this problem. If anyone should doubt any of the facts mentioned they should conduct a bit of research themselves into this matter. The internet is a wonderful thing in regards to finding information on many subjects. The relationship between BLV and cancer in humans has been known about for quite some time. Sweden successfully undertook an eradication program some years ago to rid their cattle of this disease and I believe a number other Scandinavian countries also implemented such programmes. I believe the authorities here have taken some sort of action on BLV in New Zealand, whether the plan is to rid the country of this disease or not is unknown. But as I said the relationship between BLV and cancer in humans has been known about for quite some time and yet neither the government nor the Department of Health or big business have warned New Zealanders to this danger. It is typical of the system to put profits ahead of the heath of people. Now if it is proven that BLV does cause cancer in humans and certain bastards knew about this fact then they should be held accountable for failing to warn the New Zealand public. When I found out that that humans can be infected with BLV I sat around for about ten minutes just trying to accept the enormity of the situation and when the implications set-in I was more than angry. It would be interesting to find out how many children and adults who develop leukaemia and other cancers are infected with BLV. Another aspect is the fact that a cow infected with BLV can infect its offspring through the milk; can this means of transference be the same in humans? If this proves correct then any woman infected with BLV who gives birth should avoid breastfeeding her child; now wouldn’t that prove to be an unmitigated disaster. Not only this but I read somewhere that a cow can be infected with BLV from the semen from an infected bull; what about humans? If a male is infected with BLV can he transfer this disease to a female by having sexual intercourse with her? If you have children or grandchildren next time you see them just ask yourself: “Are they inflected with BLV? If so will it shorten their life? Will any of them get cancer caused by this virus?” Then ask yourself: “What should be done with those bastards who covered up the risk associated with New Zealand’s BLV infected animals?” If a relationship between BLV and cancer in humans is proven then those individuals who have wilfully hid these facts from the New Zealand public should be hung…no ifs or buts…hang the bastards. If anyone should doubt that such a cover-up would occur than I would remind them about the involvement of both government and business interests in the cover-up in regards to the Dixon scandal.


This whole mess seems to somewhat tarnish New Zealand’s “Clean, Green Image”?


New Zealand’s “Clean, Green Image”…what a bloody laugh…pass the bucket I feel like I’m going to puke. Cows infected with BLV are milked for years before they become ill and of course the milk produced by these cows is infected with BLV and we are told by a continuous campaign of advertisements that milk is good for you, yep it supposedly helps children develop health strong bones. Now of cause one day the


cow starts to produce less milk as the disease takes hold the farmer notices her milk output is down so off to the slaughter house she goes and she ends up on someone’s dinner plate as steak or in a meat patty in some hamburger and we are told by a continuous campaign of advertisements that beef is an essential source of iron. Interviewer:

If such a danger exists from these animal diseases to humans why hasn’t the government done anything about it?


The lack of action would be motivated by economic reasons. I can just imagine the Health Department running an advertisement campaign warning New Zealanders about these diseases. What do you think would happen to the sales of milk and milk related products in New Zealand, what do you think would happen to the sales of beef in New Zealand…and what about New Zealand’s exports of these products? If the public was informed regarding the possible threat to their health they would stop consuming these products and that would lead, most probably, to the economic collapse of this industry which would have follow on consequences for the rest of the New Zealand economy. I can just imagine the Health Department running an advertisement campaign warning New Zealanders about these diseases. What do you think would happen to the sales of milk and milk related products in New Zealand, what do you think would happen to the sales of beef in New Zealand…and what about New Zealand’s exports of these products?


So you believe these facts regarding these animal diseases are being hidden from the public because of economic factors?


That’s correct. You could say they are in between a rock and a hard place. Tell the public and face the economic consequences or keep quiet about it. The fact is the present system could not handle the fall-out from such a disclosure. You could say they are in between a rock and a hard place. Tell the public and face the economic consequences or keep quiet about it. The fact is the present system could not handle the fall-out from such a disclosure


You say the present system could not handle the fall-out from such a disclosure but you disclose it anyway…are you claiming that this economic disaster can be managed?


Of course…it has to be. There are not many problems that cannot be solved by pure simple logic. To handle this problem we need financial reform, we have to stimulate the economy to grow and this can be kicked-started by the State undertaking to build houses financed by State created credit. The policy on producing diesel from lignite to meet New Zealand’s needs would also help New Zealand recover. Protecting the New Zealand market from goods produced in sweatshops and stimulating local production would also contribute to New Zealand’s recovery. No the problem has been thought through and solutions offered. If New Zealand lost a large portion of its meat and dairy production this would not be an unmitigated disaster. With the right policies in place the New Zealand economy would recover and continue to grow.


You seem to mock the War on Terror, do I perceive this correctly? Then we have the interesting statements of Dr Andreas von Bülow who served as state-secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defence (1976-1980) and Minister for Research and Technology (1980-1982) He served for 25 years as an SPD member of the German parliament (1969-1994). In the late eighties and early nineties, he served on the parliamentary committee on intelligence services (Parlamentarischer Kontrollausschuss). This committee supervised German intelligence agencies and had access to classified information. In the early nineties, von Bülow also served as SPD ranking member of the SchalckGolodkowski investigation committee, a task that first led him to inquire into white collar crime in connection with Eastern intelligence services, and later also into what he labelled "criminal activities" of Western intelligence services. "Planning the attacks [9/11] was a master deed, in technical and organizational


terms. To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry. . . I have real difficulties, however, to imagine that all this all sprung out of the mind of an evil man in his cave." Der Tagesspiegel [Berlin daily newspaper], January 13, 2002. "If what I say is right, the whole US government should end up behind bars." He went on to state "They have hidden behind a veil of secrecy and destroyed the evidence - that they invented the story of 19 Muslims working within Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda - in order to hide the truth of their own covert operation" London Telegraph, November 20, 2003 [Inserted October 2009] QE:

Yes you do. If one studies this whole terror thing then the evidence points to the whole thing being a con. In most instances of terrorism one can detect one or more security agencies involvement with the so-called terrorist organisations that committed these acts. The facts indicate that the “War on Terror” sole purpose is to slowly exert more and more control over people and to do it in such away that people get use to it until in the end we end up with a police state. On 30 November 2007, Francesco Cossiga, former president of Italy, told the respected Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned and realized by the CIA and Mossad. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera: "All the [intelligence services] of America and Europeknow well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan." Cossiga was forced to resign in 1992 after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. Gladio -from the Latin for "sword" - was a rogue intelligence network under CIA/NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and '80s. Gladio's specialty was to carry out what they termed "false flag" operations - terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition. In the Italian parliamentary investigation of 2000, an agent of Gladio, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, revealed that the attacks were being overseen by the U.S. intelligence apparatus and stated under oath: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple - to force…the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” [Inserted October 2009]


Many people will find that difficult to believe.

"The 'War on Terror' was 'made up'. The whole thing was PR, just like ‘weapons of mass destruction’." 134

Gore Vidal – [UK] The Times: September 30, 2009.


[Inserted October 2009] QE:

Will do a search on the internet and Google “Operation Northwoods”, perhaps then something might click.


in "Food Sovereignty & Security" you mention dire consequences could you explain please?


The truth of the matter is that under the present system New Zealand is headed for economic collapse. The whole New Zealand economy is based on inflating property values and consumer spending based on borrowed credit. This is not only true in New Zealand but is a factor for many countries. Taking into consideration many other factors like the weakening US dollar, the threat of war and the coming global food shortages, it is only a matter of time till the whole system world-wide collapses. When the system does collapse New Zealand will find itself in a very severe economic depression which the majority of people are not prepared for. The biggest problem is that the majority of people alive today haven’t gone through bad times. They may have been affected by a couple of small economic contractions in the past but most people can not comprehend things getting really bad in New Zealand. When this collapse happens the following will happen;         

The stock market will collapse. Most stocks will not be worth the paper they are written on Investment Companies would collapse; private pension funds would become insolvent and collapse Banks would become insolvent and close their doors. People with savings in these banks would loss them There will be massive unemployment The value of the New Zealand dollar would collapse inflating the cost of oil and food - if these items are still available. Property values will fall like a lead balloon and go through the floor In all probability yearly inflation would be double digit figures Central and Local government would be bankrupt – unable to repay debt and maintain services No unemployment benefits; all benefits that people now get would cease

Now what I have stated is a very compact statement of what will probable happen. The affects of this coming Depression are going to be worst then the 1929 Depression often referred to as the Great Depression; the reason for this is very simple:


During the Great Depression the New Zealand population was smaller and more dispersed; people generally lived on larger pieces of land and were more self reliant, had vegetable gardens and chickens, etc. At this time people were not reliant on electricity; it was common place for a home to have a copper in the washhouse which enable people to heat their own washing water by coal or wood, and of cause the washing was done by hand. In the kitchen it was common place to have a wood or coal range for cooking and supplying the household with hot water and heat Today the population is more concentrated, live on smaller plots of land and are heavily reliant on outside sources of energy i.e. electricity mainly and gas, for cooking and heating. Now the majority of people well be unemployed and have no income. Big problems now arise. How do people afford sources of energy i.e. gas and electricity? If you cannot pay your electricity bill do you honestly think the company that supplies the electricity is going to continue to supply you? Certainly not - if you can’t pay your bill they will disconnect you. Problem – if you use an electric stove for cooking how do you cook your food if you no longer have a supply of electricity? And while on the subject of food if you have no income how can you afford food – that is if food is available in your area?

Now I have scratched the surface on some of the problems that will occur. The end result will be that the majority of people are going to find they are destitute. There will be social unrest with a breakdown of order especially if starvation takes hold in New Zealand. Interviewer:

Did I hear you correctly, you did say starvation?




I find that hard to accept. Starvation in New Zealand, a land of plenty, how is that possible?


I studied this possible closely and I had to conclude it would be likely under certain circumstances. If the New Zealand economy should collapse could New Zealand afford to import food? Now don’t forget over fifty percent of New Zealand’s food is imported. Then we have problems with supply and distribution – don’t forget that supply relies very heavily on fertilisers derived from petroleum and distribution relies on a transport system that is heavily reliant on diesel. Then we have the problem of people being able to afford to buy food if or when it is available. No the system of food supply and food distribution in New Zealand can very easily break down.


You talk of economic collapse…when do you think this to happen?


Well it is rather difficult to give this a time table. There are many factors to take into consideration. Firstly I think in 2008 property values are going to start to tumble in New Zealand and New Zealanders will feel the effects of inflation caused by a number of factors; and there will be more and more job losses. What should be of major concern is the weakening US dollar as it appears to be only a matter of time before this collapses with devastating consequences for the New Zealand economy. Another consideration is the looming probability of war. If an attack on Iran does take place then the price for a barrel of oil will skyrocket and we are talking about the price going over US$200 a barrel. Now if New Zealand can still maintain an oil supply then the increased price will fuel inflation; fuel, transport costs, food etc will cost more. If New Zealand cannot maintain an oil supply then…will let’s say people’s lifestyles will change. Then there is a good chance such a conflict will escalate into something bigger.


The way you put it certainly makes New Zealand’s future look bleak. What do you mean when you say “there is a good chance such a conflict will escalate into something bigger?”


Potential conflict between the USA and China. Now I’m not claiming this will happen but if one has a good understanding of what is going on then this can not be ruled-out.



If there was conflict between the USA and China then New Zealand with its antinuclear policy and its geological position should protect New Zealand from harm from such a conflict. Would you agree?


What do you mean by harm? Economic harm, physical damage…?


I was implying physical damage from military action.


Will I suppose most people would assume so, but I would have to doubt such an assumption.




We have the Waihopai electronic intelligence gathering base which is located near Blenheim in the South Island and it also a second intelligence- gathering post near Bulls in the North Island. Now these are basically foreign military and intelligence installations as they gather electronic intelligence throughout the Asia Pacific area which is then handed over to the US. Then we would have the probably use of New Zealand ports by US warships in such a conflict.


New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy should prevent this…should it not?


New Zealand is a signature to the Proliferation Security Initiative which basically has opened the back door, so-to-speak, for the return of US nuclear powered and nuclear armed ships if or when the US requires the use of these ports as laid out in the Proliferation Security Initiative agreement. Now it is commonsense that if conflict should arise between the USA and China then the bases that gather electronic intelligence information on the Chinese and ports used by US warships would become prime military targets. Now comes the exciting part; commonsense tells me in such a conflict the Chinese are not going to run the gauntlet of American warships and risk sending a aircraft carrier out this way to takeout some targets in New Zealand. No commonsense tells me that these targets would be neutralized by a payload delivered by a Chinese ICBM; and the type of warhead used on an ICBM…will the average New Zealander is more of a expect in that field then I am.


Some of your beliefs would be considered, for wont of a better word, unusual, have you always held these views, if not, how did these views evolve?


No I have not always held the beliefs I now hold. To be perfectly honest I was once as naïve and ignorant as most people are today. It is rather funny that I now ridicule people today for their ignorant attitudes while in the past I would get uptight if an individual did that to me. I have an I.Q. of 132, which is above average, now I use to believe what I was told by so-called respected politicians and the news media like most people today. It was not until I began to question what I had been told, I came to the conclusion that most of what I had been told was distorted and in many cases outright lies, it was on realising this that I began to formulate my own ideas based on my own logical thinking.


Some of your proposals would be considered radical, would you agree?


The words extreme and radical etc are all emotional terms used by people who cannot debate an issue with logic, now I would say to such people that I am a Realist and that my ideas are based on Realism. The problems facing New Zealand society are not being solved and many, many problems are getting worse. Have the present breed of politicians been able to solve any of them…no…in fact the blame for the present situation must be laid at the feet of the politicians either because of their lack of leadership or their insane policies. Ordinary people in general recognise the problems because it has a direct affect on them but they are paralysed by inaction because they lack the right leadership. Now I may hold The Mass in a poor light but still many of them, the down to earth type for want of a better word, can still apply common sense. When you boil it all down, common sense tells you the ideas put forward here are a solution to many of the problems. People may find it hard to except some of the concepts because the ideas appear to be strange at first glance, but they


are the only ideas put forwarded that will solve many of the problems and I believe many people will come to accept that fact. Interviewer:

You do realise that if by some weird chance that what you propose was adopted by the people in a country, that country would be treated like a pariah state, it would be considered a huge threat to the existing world order?


Of course, I think a person would have to be naïve to think otherwise. We all have a choice; either be a coward and choose enslavement or stand as a warrior and screw the consequences.


What do you hope to accomplish by what you have written?


Hmmm…I must admit that I believe there is as much of a chance of killing an elephant by throwing a grain of sand at it then there is in changing society; but then again you never know perhaps the grain of sand thrown could be contaminated with DU so the improbable could be proven feasible. Then there is a known fact that drips of water falling onto stone will wear away stone over time. Perhaps the ideas put forward will act as a synergist and start to attract all the drips in society together which could possibly create a torrent that would begin to sweep away the injustice that exists. Now will the ideas I have put forward here have any affect…I do not know. At least I have the satisfaction that I have made an effort in studying some of the problems facing society and have some answers to solve them. Whether the ideas are accepted or rejected is up to the individuals who look at them…there is not much else I can do.

Questions & Answers December 2008 Interviewer:

I see that you have progressed in the development of your ideas. Have you finished or do you intend to develop them further?



There is certainly a lot more to add. I was meant to have this version of the document distributed about last September but work and other commitments absorbed a lot of my time. I thought I had better release this version this December or I might never get around to it. If I get the time later I certainly will develop it more.


The sections “Domination: Obsession & Power” and “Climate Change” appear to be rather lengthy, was there a reason for this?


Hmm…well Political Thoughts For A Sane Society is the first document of any length I have written. Now I’m not putting myself down but I would have to say if I have to earn a living by putting pen to paper I would be rather hungry. Now some people have the ability, some might say a gift, of putting pen to paper; I consider myself one of the many who do not have that ability. Now if you do not have the experience in placing ideas onto paper where do you begin? What I have written is no great piece of great literature, I’m certainly not that naive nor that egotistical to believe that; all I have attempted to do to present an idea which I believe I have accomplished. The section headed “Domination: Obsession & Power” is rather lengthy. Did it have to be so long? Will where do you start and finish? The same with the section on “Climate Change”, this certainly ended up longer then I intended. Now I have to say I did not put my thoughts down for Mass consumption I intended them to be present to people who have the inclination to at least think for themselves. With this in mind the objective was to provide some background information so that people could see the logic behind the solutions I put forward.


Under the sub-heading “Penalties” in the section “Parliamentary & Political Reform” you state that; “Any Member of Parliament that commits a dishonourable act should received 150 lashes of the cat o’ nine tails and be discharged from Office.” Could you explain what the cat o’ nine tails is?


The cat o’ nine tails is a whip with nine separate woven tails with a knot and three strands at the end of each one. The cat o' nine tails was used by the British Army and Navy up until 1881 or it could have been 1882. It had a single purpose and that was to assure that inappropriate behaviour was minimized. From what I understand it was also used to discipline convicts in the colonies.


Don’t you think that 150 lashes is rather extreme?


No I do not, but that would depend on ones opinion on the matter. If you are a corrupt politician the thought of such a punishment might cause a few anal contractions than on the other hand why should an honest politician object to such a proposal? No in my opinion if it keeps the parliamentarians focused and in line it serves the purpose.


What would you consider a dishonourable act?


Lying, intentionally misleading, taking a bribe, breaking your word, committing adultery; I gather you get the drift?

Reward Politicians For Corruption And Treason Keep politicians honest Politicians should be our servants not our masters Transparency and Open Government



Yes I get the drift. That question aside do you think that the ideas you promote are likely to be generally accepted?


Well I was recently talking to someone regarding this. Now a year or so ago if I had brought up some of the policies I propose most people would have been very hesitant in accepting them and many would have rejected them outright as too radical. No people may at present consider a number if ideas as extreme and radical but we live changing times. Now give it another year and things have toughen-up, more people are unemployed, people are losing their homes and can not afford to pay their power bills and finding it difficult feeding their families then many will definitely have a different opinion about the ideas I put forward. Another problem is that many people who will attack the solutions put forward have vested interests in the present system. I remember once talking to a well-off account about a turn-over tax and how simple such a system is in its administration, not only for the State but for businesses, especially the small businessman. Bloody hell if you look at the present system it is a nightmare to the average person. Anyway the account did not go for the idea of a turn-over tax…blah, blah, blah, etc. I just looked at the man and said that you must admit that if a turn-over tax system was introduced we wouldn’t need so many accounts…isn’t that right? The account just looked at me and said nothing. Now the account didn’t attack the idea of a turn-over tax from the point that it was inefficient or unfair, no…he attacked the idea of a turn-over tax solely from his standpoint that such a system would threaten his livelihood. Now I have mentioned that in my opinion there is no difference between drug pushers and many businesspeople; the drug pushers does not give a damn about the damage done to society by their wares and the same applies to many business people in that they have no sense of social responsibility. These people place there own interests above those of the common good; such people are immoral and have double standards in many cases. Not many people who make a comfortable living from the present system are going to support change if it means their comfortable lifestyle may be threatened. No the system is full of ticks and parasites living of the productive effort of others, from real estate agents, share brokers, financiers, lawyers and many others; all making a good living from unproductive effort that is all supported by the productive effort of others. But as I said things are going to change and many people who have been making a comfortable living out of the system will be coming into hard times. Of course you will have various other vested interest groups, Marxists, feminists and other loonies who will fight tooth and nail to oppose the proposals I put forward.


Why would these groups oppose your proposals if your ideas would improve the living standards of the majority of people?


Most of these radical groups are not interested in improving the living standards of the average New Zealander; all they are interested in is promoting their socially destructive ideologies.

[The] radical groups are not interested in improving the living standards of the average New Zealander; all they are interested in is promoting their socially destructive ideologies Interviewer:

Do you think that the ideas that make up the political creed you call Social Survivalism will ever be put into practice?


That question I can not answer with any certainty but I do see the possibility of these ideas gaining popularity in a number of countries but whether the ideas can be implemented politically will depend on the will of its supporters as they will face very powerful forces that will do their utmost to stop it.


As an example do you think that what you promote has a chance of being implemented in the U.S.?


Only through a military coup d’état. I certainly can not visualise such ideas coming into fruition through the political process in the U.S.


Will what countries in the world do you think may be receptive to what you promote?



Certain Eastern European countries that were once under communism and are now in the embrace of the capitalist system for a start. Also a number of Central and South American countries. I look at Cuba as an example. This country has embraced communism for decades under Castro. Now the whole system in Cuba has been held together basically by Castro. Now when he passes away it won’t be long until Cuba once again comes under the embrace of exploitive capitalism. I think to myself that Cuba would be the perfect place in which to implement the economic reforms I propose; it certainly would protect the Cuban people from being exploited because when the centralised system in Cuba collapses it will be harvested for the profit of a few and the rest of the population will be left to rot in poverty.


In regards to New Zealand do you think it is possible that one day enough people would support your ideas to have them implemented?


Possibly, it all depends on a number of factors; people willing to push the ideas, to what lengths the State will go to oppose the ideas. I believe the biggest hurdle will be overcoming peoples’ concept of the private ownership of land.


What do you mean by to what lengths the State will go to oppose the ideas?


The State represents a small group of very wealthy and powerful people who have much to lose in the implementation of what I propose.


I see you have divided society up into categories; the Predatory Class and the Mass. It looks rather hopeless, in what appears to the enviable outcome; I mean if the Mass is subservient the Predatory Class must win?


Will there appears to be another type of individual amongst this mix. It is the type that will, without thought of danger to themselves, dive into a river or sea in an attempt to save a complete stranger from drowning, or enter a burning building in an attempt to rescue someone. It is this individual, which will go to the assistance of a complete stranger, that society’s only chance rests with. I like to call these people the hidden warrior type; how many of these people exist I can not answer. It is these people, who will take charge without considering the risk to themselves, that hopefully will step forward and provide the necessary leadership to lead the Mass.


Reading through what you say I would have to conclude that you are a Nationalist. Would you agree?


Yes it would be a fair enough statement.


Could you elaborate on what this means?


I am a Nationalist [Sovereignist] which means I oppose Internationalism. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I am opposed to any interference by any foreigner or foreign ideology that undermines New Zealand’s sovereignty…period. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I believe that New Zealand most solve its own problems and evolve at its own pace; thus as a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I must respect the sovereignty of other nations…failure to adhere to this belief would make me a hypocrite. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I support Independence not Interdependence; as a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I support Co-operation not Domination; hence my abhorrence of globalisation and global governance. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I believe that each Nation must be free to solve their own problems and to evolve at their own pace. This does not mean I oppose cooperation between Nations in solving problems, but I believe this must be done in a way that does not erode the sovereignty of Nations. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I support Independence not Interdependence; as a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I support Co-operation not Domination; hence my abhorrence of globalisation and global governance. As a Nationalist [Sovereignist] I believe that each Nation must be free to solve


their own problems and to evolve at their own pace. This does not mean I oppose co-operation between Nations in solving problems, but I believe this must be done in a way that does not erode the sovereignty of Nations. Interviewer:

Hasn’t nationalism received a lot of bad rap?


So what? Internationalism i.e. globalisation, has received a lot of bad rap also. The choices are quite simple; we have dependence and cooperation i.e. nationalism [Sovereignism] verses interdependence and domination i.e. globalisation. Now in the past a number of so-called nations that were referred to as being nationalist were in fact imperialist. In the past nationalism has been used as a stepping stone by the controlling elite for imperialist aspirations. Now if nationalism evolves into imperialism it is no longer nationalism. Of course people have been brainwashed into believing that any form of nationalism is evil; this belief has been purposely promoted because nationalism is a hindrance to globalisation.

Globalisation is national suicide Interviewer:

No doubt many of your proposals will be attacked and labelled as Fascism. Do you promote Fascism?


An interesting question. The answer is no; what I promote is not Fascism. It should be noted that anyone who promotes ideas that aren't in line with Marxist teachings is usually attacked as being a Fascist or racist. 135

This strategy of discrediting an opposing view stems from the dicktat of the Moscow Central Committee laid down in 1943. This declaration, right from the horse’s mouth, illustrates exactly what tactics are used by Marxists against their opponents: "Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics… When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic...Constantly associate those who oppose us with those names that already have a bad smell. The association will, after 136 enough repetition, become 'fact' in the public mind." And of course I have no doubt that many liberals will try to label the proposals I put forward as Fascist. Now such an accusation is not made based on any factual evidence or understanding of Fascist ideology but is basically a knee-jerk reaction to taint an idea to make it less palatable to people. I believe Benito Mussolini summed up what Fascism is when he stated that; “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” In this statement I believe Mussolini sums up the essence of Fascism which is the merger of corporate and government power. Anyone with a bit of intelligence can see that the economic and political reforms I propose are anti-corporate and are thus antithetical to the core of Fascism. Now if you look at the New Zealand situation there has been a spill-over of corporate power into government but most people who notice this don’t think anything of it. Interviewer:

You say that what you propose is antithetical to the core of Fascism. Wouldn’t it be true to state that your proposals would also be antithetical to both Corporate Capitalism and Marxism/Socialism?


Yes…I think that would be a fair evaluation.


I read what you wrote under the heading Democracy with interest. I gather you have a low opinion of what is referred to as Democracy?


Democracy is mob rule; rule by emotions. It is a well-known fact that mobs are easily manipulated by the leaders of the pack. As Winston Churchill once said; "The best


argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Now in my opinion Churchill was not being unkind he was simply voicing an opinion based on his experience of the Masses. In my mind supporters of Democracy are unthinking simpletons who are very easily manipulated by the Predatory class. To put it bluntly the Mass has about as much sense as a jellyfish when it comes to politics because the Mass is unable to comprehend what is happening and so just like a jellyfish the Mass drifts along in the political current without realising where the system is taking them. Interviewer:

So you are opposed to the democratic system we have in New Zealand?


Please wake up man. New Zealand has evolved into a kleptocrat nation and is not 138 far of from becoming a totalitarian kleptocracy . This hasn't overnight, I suppose you can trace its beginnings back to the seventies but it certainly came into existence in the early eighties under the then Labour government.


"The government of the absolute majority is but the government of the strongest interests; and when not effectively checked, is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised." John C. Calhoun (1782-1850) American statesman Interviewer:

What sort of political system do you support?


I support Constitutional Rule; rule based upon a code of ethnics as I outlined under the subheading “Constitution” in the section on “Internal Affairs” and in the section on “Parliamentary & Political Reform.”


Near the end of the last interview in September 2007 you mentioned the weakening U.S. dollar; now do you think that the U.S. dollar will recover or as you indicated it will continue to weaken?


Based on the information I have I hold the opinion that the U.S. dollar is headed for collapse. Now I haven’t come to this conclusion recently; I have held this view for a number of years, well before the deterioration of the U.S. dollar became obvious to most business people. I started producing a newsletter called Outside the Square about four years ago; one of the subjects I covered a number of times was the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar. One only has to look at the facts to see what is ahead for America. Government debt is over $11 trillion and growing each day. U.S. households owe a grand total of $14 trillion which mostly consists of mortgages and credit card debt. Prior to the Great Depression of the 1930’s, the total debt in the U.S. was between 150% and 160% of GDP. Now it’s close to 350% of GDP.


Do you think the action taken within the U.S. to try to stabilise their financial system is going to work?


It might create a warm-fuzzy feeling for a short period of time but it appears that the U.S. financial system will implode. Now the collapsing U.S. housing bubble may have shaken the U.S. financial system and created a ripping effect around the world but I believe that the biggest shock is yet to come from the global derivative market. According to the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency, on June 30, 2008, U.S. 139 commercial banks held $182.1 trillion in notional value or face value derivatives. And, according to the Bank of International Settlements, which produced a tally six months earlier for the entire world, the global pile-up of derivatives, including institutions in the U.S., Europe and Asia, was more than three times larger - $516 140 trillion. Now that is ten times the Gross Domestic Product of the ENTIRE PLANET; it's been called a ticking time-bomb. I believe that US billionaire Warren Buffett called 141 them time bombs and "financial weapons of mass destruction". If, I should really say, when this derivative based bubble starts to deflate the consequences are going to be very dire indeed especially for New Zealand.


The whole global capitalist system is based on speculation and debt. Now common sense dictates that prices pushed by speculation must eventually reach a point they are unsustainable and commonsense also dictates that debt, if it keeps on increasing, must eventually reach the stage when it can no longer be serviced. You can compare the system to a house of cards, all it needs is one card to fall out of place and the whole stack becomes unstable and starts to collapse. Interviewer:

If what you say is correct how come it appears to have caught the politicians in New Zealand, and I should say around the world, with their pants down around their ankles so to speak? How come none of these so-called knowledgeable people spoke out about this developing crisis?


Look even Queen Elizabeth asked; "Why did nobody notice it?" meaning the looming financial crisis, she was told; "At every stage, someone was relying on somebody else 142 and everyone thought they were doing the right thing." Now why didn’t knowledgeable people speak out about this developing crisis? The simple reason is most politicians and economists along with financiers are ignorant, naïve, stupid and useless people. Now this unstable situation that has now developed just didn’t pop-up out of the blue, you can go back at least five years and even further and there were a number of individuals and organisations, including economists, warning about the developing situation and yet the establishment controlled media and the political powers just turned a blind eye to the warnings. Now there must have been those in positions of power who knew about the coming crisis and hid this from the people, there is no other explanation.


Why hide it from the people?


I believe the following quote could have a bearing on the situation: "Yes, we are going 143 to destroy everything, and on the ruins we will build our new temple."


Are you claiming that the situation that has developed has been purposely created?


Some people have made that claim and I think it would be rather naïve to dismiss such thinking as being the thoughts of cranks. Now of course we have politicians stating that “we have a global problem needing a global solution.” Now of course the meltdown can be traced back to the USA. It is interesting to note that certain political and economic leaders in the USA, Canada and Mexico have been secretly planning to bring about economic unity between these three countries to form a free trade bloc, similar to the European model, by the year 2010. It should be noted that to force this economic integration on these countries would have been very


difficult if times were good but it the coming economic chaos facing these countries resistance will be much weaker. As I have mentioned before even in New Zealand there are politicians and business leaders who desire to integrate New Zealand into an Asia Pacific Community, similar to the European model. No doubt in the not too distant future, when many New Zealanders are destitute, the proposal will be openly pushed as a solution to New Zealand’s economic problems. Interviewer:

Some people may find it hard to accept that politicians would not speak-out about such a looming economic crisis if they knew it was on the way?


Well there are always plenty of naïve people around who believe that politicians are honest god-fearing people who tell the truth. One only has to consider what the newly elected Prime Minister John Key’s recent statement in regards to a Treasury report on the economy. He stated publicly that the outlook had “deteriorated a little bit”, but “I wouldn’t describe it as Armageddon”. Then we had the outgoing Finance Minister Michael Cullen, who published this confidential Treasury report given to Mr Key, accusing Mr Key of “painting too rosy a picture” on 144 the state of the economy. So who is misleading people here; after all both men can not be telling the truth? In my opinion, even through I don’t have much time for Mr Cullen, I am of the opinion that Mr Cullen is being a bit more truthful. Now the question is; is Mr Cullen being completely honest or are things a lot worse than he is even letting on? Now I have read statements from non-corporate controlled economists that claim that things will go from “alarming to grim to disastrous.” One must wonder why the overpaid Treasury and Reserve Bank experts never saw this coming. Or did they? If they knew why wasn’t anything said? As I said there were many people pointing out that very tough economic times were on their way. Gerald Celente, the CEO of The Trends Research Institute, as an example, warned about the “big one on its way”, I believe it has been referred to as “the coming economic cataclysm”. Now this man is no crackpot; he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union and the crash of 87; he also predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis and the US housing collapse. He also predicted a coming economic collapse which he predicts will be worse than the Great Depression of the thirties. An article by 145 him in The Trends Journal, in December 2007, had a most interesting article called "The "Panic of '08" in which Celente predicted, “failing banks, busted brokerages, toppled corporate giants, bankrupt cities, states in default, foreign creditors cashing out of US securities…the stage is set, the big one is on its way.” Of course the media ignore him and people called him crazy. I suppose to many people at the time, while things appeared to be rosy, what he said didn’t make sense. But the fact of the matter the writing has been on the wall for many years; it was that the average person was too ignorant to understand what was written.

"Failing banks, busted brokerages, toppled corporate giants, bankrupt cities, states in default, foreign creditors cashing out of US securities … whatever the spark, the stage is set for panic in the streets. When the giant firms fall, they'll crush the man on the street." Gerald Celente, The Trends Journal, Vol. XVI, No. 1, December 2007

Now Celente predicts that by 2012 the latest, the USA will be in the embrace of a depression that will lead to food riots and revolution. He has further predicted that by 2012 that America will become the first "Undeveloped" country. Of course the repercussions of this will be felt throughout the world causing many economies to collapse as the US is the axis on which the world’s economy revolves. 146

With the deindustrialisation of the US – the closing of its industrial base and reestablishing of these industries in third world countries – coupled with increasing borrowing to maintain its insane wars and to keep its service and consumer based society functioning, it was only a matter of time before the American economy came


off the rails and crashed. As in New Zealand, the American economy was kept going by artificial “wealth” created by speculation, of course this created a number of speculative bubbles, housing, commercial property, stock market, and derivatives. All these speculative bubbles have created a monstrous pile of debt. Taking into consideration that any speculative enterprise can only be maintain for a limited time before the artificial bubble pops, it took only common economic sense to realise that the whole parasitic and exploitive system was unsustainable. That time has arrived. Of course the shockwaves from the failure of the US economy will spread throughout the world’s economy retarding or collapsing the economies of various countries. Countries that have embraced the American way and deindustrialised and tried to maintain their economies based on speculation and expanding debt will also suffer the same fate as the US economy.

Believe me when I say that “the coming economic cataclysm” is no accident; the Elite planned its development because they believe it will aid them in bringing about their New World Order. Now I see what is happening and I find it rather difficult not to give some credence to the statement, which I have mentioned, made by Maurice Strong: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" In my opinion most politicians carry some degree of guilt in regards to what is going to happen. Whether this guilt is due to naivety or complicity they should be held accountable. Interviewer:

Referring to New Zealand’s deteriorating economy you stated in the last interview that New Zealand was heading for economic collapse. Surely there is something that can be done to lessen the impact?


What is referred to as the economy in New Zealand is an illusion.


What do you mean an illusion?


Will I will put it into its proper prospective if you bear with me. If we go back to the end of the Second World War and look at the economies of both Germany and Japan you could easily see the damage inflicted upon them. Their means of production were destroyed; factories etc bombed flat and burnt out: the damage stood out because it was visually obvious. Now the New Zealand economy has undergone great damage; most of our means of production has been dismantled and shipped overseas. Now the damage is not as visual as bombed out factories but the damage is just as real as it has greatly destroyed our ability to produce. Our means of survival is now based on our ability to export a narrow group of products for which we get foreign exchange which enables to pay for and import a big proportion of what we consume. Now if things sour in the economies we relay on to take our narrow group of products we now export we end up selling less; if we lose export markets we lose foreign exchange and our ability to pay for what we import. Now you don’t have to be a genius to figure this out. In regards to your question about what can be done to lessen the impact…I am afraid nothing can be done; it has been left too late. None of the clowns, that people consider political leaders in New Zealand, or any of the present political parties major and minor, will be able to do anything. They are all a bunch of eunuchs standing around with their chests puffed-out and trying to act like studs. Not one has any clear precise policies on how to solve any of the major problems presently facing New


Zealand and certainly all of them will be completely lost in any real crisis especially if the looming depression that is on the horizon hits New Zealand. Interviewer:

You state that there are clear precise policies. How about the government’s guarantee on savings in New Zealand banks and the government’s guarantee on money loaned to New Zealand banks by overseas banks? Surely this is a positive step in the right direction?


A positive step in the right direction...far from it. It might create a warm-fuzzy feeling but I surely wouldn’t call that a positive approach in fact I would say it is a potential disaster.


Why do you say it is a potential disaster?


The guarantee on savings is worth $150 billion dollars and the government’s guarantee on money loaned to New Zealand banks by overseas banks is worth $300 billion. Now all this sounds very nice but has the government got $450 billion dollars put aside to cover these guarantees if the system goes belly-up? The answer is a very plain and simple no. Now just looking at the guarantee on personal savings which is worth $150 billion does the government have $150 billion put aside to cover this guarantee? The answer once again is a very plain and simple no. The government’s guarantee is worthless…pure and simple. Now the average simpleton believes their savings in the bank are safe because of the government guarantee. Now the government damn well knows it can not honour this guarantee if the system goes belly-up so all this guarantee has done is to pull the wool over people’s eyes and deceive them. The government’s guarantee is worthless…pure and simple. Now the average simpleton believes their savings in the bank are safe because of the government guarantee. Now the government damn well knows it can not honour this guarantee if the system goes belly-up so all this guarantee has done is to pull the wool over people’s eyes and deceive them. Now we have government guarantees covering the banking system totalling $450 billion which the government doesn’t have. What happens if the system goes bellyup? The government will owe $450 billion or I should say this $450 billion liability will fall on the shoulders of the New Zealand people. I figure with a rough estimate that every man, woman, and child in New Zealand will incur about $110,000 worth of more debt. So what would be the result if things do so badly and the government can not honour its guarantee? In such a situation one could perhaps expect a mortgagee sell resulting in the sell-off of New Zealand assets at knocked down prices. Perhaps roads would be sold off and privatised; water rights sold off and privatised; perhaps hospitals and schools sold off and privatised?


I find it hard to accept that the government would go that far.


Do you? Will New Zealand is a member of the World Trade Organisation and this organisation is seeking to privatize essential public services such as education, health care, energy and water. Privatization means the selling off of public assets - such as radio airwaves or schools - to private corporations, to run for profit rather than the public good. The World Trade Organisation's General Agreement on Trade in Services, or GATS, includes a list of about one hundred and sixty threatened services including elder and child care, sewage, garbage, park maintenance, telecommunications, construction, banking, insurance, transportation, shipping, postal services, and tourism.


You stated in the previous interview in September 2007 that in 2008 property values were going to tumble in New Zealand, that there would be increasing job losses, that consumer spending would start to fall-off and that New Zealanders will feel the effects of inflation. Now we have seen property values fall quite substantially, unemployment


is increasing, plus consumer spending is declining, but as of yet inflation hasn’t increased all that significantly. Do you think you got it wrong in regards to inflation? QE:

Got it wrong in regards to inflation? Go speak to the average housewife on a fixed budget and ask her about food prices. I believe if you do same research you will discover that food prices have increased around 11% over the last twelve months and there are pending electricity price increases of up to 15% in some regions. I would say that the average New Zealander is starting to feel the effects of inflation. But this inflation is minor in comparison to what will happen in the future when the value of the New Zealand dollar starts to decline and ends up virtually valueless. When the New Zealand dollar starts to devalue everything that is imported is going to increase in price and this will be reflected in retail prices. We import over fifty percent of our food so expect food to become dearer; everything imported will become more expensive and will fuel inflation.


How far do you think property values will fall?


That is all a matter of opinion. A number of people experience in the property field have stated that they except property values to fall at least 30%. In my opinion I believe property values will fall a lot more then this. Looking at the dire situation New Zealand faces and taking into account what has happen in the past in a number of countries I believe that property values in New Zealand will continue to fall past the predicted 30% and could very easily end up with a market value around ten to twenty percent of their peak value.


In regards to interest rates; how will the economic downturn affect these?


Common sense says that they will start falling in an attempt to stimulate the economy.


How fall do you think they will fall?


I wouldn’t be surprised to see mortgages come down over a period to three percent and possibly even lower.


Surely this would relieve some of the burden on those people with mortgages?


It will certainly ease the pressure on those people who are employed and earning either a wage or salary, that is until inflation kicks in; but won’t make any difference to those with reasonable sized mortgages if they should become unemployed. Of course once inflation kicks-in this it would be realistic to expect interest rates to raise in an attempt by investors to compensate for the devaluation affect caused by inflation on purchasing power.


Unemployment in New Zealand has been predicted to climb to around 8%. Do you think that this figure is being realistic?


Differently not. I think it would be more realistic to predict unemployment to reach 25% plus as the depression hits and worsens.


25% plus cripes that would really create problems. Do you think it will go much higher then 25%?


More then likely in fact I wouldn’t be surprised to see unemployment exceed 40%. Exports will decrease, tourism will fall off dramatically, more and more businesses will fail, mortgagee sales and personal bankruptcies will climb and of course we will have inflation kicking everyone in the teeth. In such circumstances I believe it realistic to expect the minimum wage to be revoked and the unemployed told to take what they are offered from any employer. Out of all this New Zealand will finally devolve into a third world country suitable for incorporating into an Asia Pacific Community.


The minimum wage revoked?


Most certainly it would be under the circumstances I have outlined. Do you honestly think the country could afford to pay the unemployment benefit if unemployment is somewhere between 25 to 40%? The harsh reality is the government wouldn’t be able to afford it as its revenue from taxation would be greatly eroded. Now the fall in


taxation revenue will not just affect the government’s ability to help the unemployed but will also place under threat all the benefits and allowances that many people presently rely on to survive, such as housing allowances and the old age pensions just to name a couple. Do you honestly think the country could afford to pay the unemployment benefit if unemployment is somewhere between 25 to 40%? The harsh reality is the government wouldn’t be able to afford it as its revenue from taxation would be greatly eroded. Now the fall in taxation revenue will not just affect the government’s ability to help the unemployed but will also place under threat all the benefits and allowances that many people presently rely on to survive, such as housing allowances and the old age pensions just to name a couple. Interviewer:

So you still hold the view that things are going to get worse for New Zealand?


All indicators point to it getting a lot worse and leading to a depression much worse then that of the Great Depression of the thirties.


You certainly don’t paint a very nice picture for the future.


Well sometimes the naked truth is upsetting.


Can anything be done to save the present economic system?


No. Under the present economic system we are committed to the struggle to keep the economy expanding. Why is this? The simple reason for this while the economy expands the monetary supply also expands which enables the system to service its accumulated debt. Now under such a system we are perpetually chasing our tail as it is impossible to ever repay this debt We are told that the country has to trade its way out of debt; the goal presented to us is to expand the economy and export more to accomplish this. Now since most countries in the world are heavily in debt how is this to be accomplished? To put it in simple terms: Let’s say we have ten people who are in debt to one another, how can they, by trading within themselves, each eliminate their debt? It is simple not mathematically possible. A few maybe able to do so but the majority of the group will fail. So when we are told that countries have to trade themselves out of debt we are told something that is mathematically impossible. In fact the facts blatantly show that as the indebted countries economies expand so does their debt – they are chasing their tails, so-to-speak. In the past the previous Labour government was pressing for a free trade agreement with the USA a policy that will without doubt be taken up by the present National government. If this free trade agreement eventuates it will be acclaimed as a great achievement but in reality we will have a virtually bankrupt New Zealand trying to trade its way out of the mess by trading with the most indebt country in the world. It is like one bankrupt company claiming it can pay of its debts by trading with another bankrupt company; the numbers don’t add-up.


It is hard to accept that nothing can be done.


I will go over this again and be a bit more concise, so listen carefully. Because the present economic system is defective it has to keep expanding to function and survive; no economy established on present economic principles can reach an optimal level of development and level-off wherein it is able to provide society’s needs. When economic expansion levels off - stops growing - the inevitable happens, the economy begins to malfunction and starts to contract and enters into a recessionary period. If the economy is not simulated by increasing the monetary supply, which usually means government borrowing and thus increasing overall debt, the recessionary period evolves into an economic depression. Now it is not possible for economies to keep on expanding indefinitely. Economic expansion is not infinite, it will reach a point where expansion is no longer possible; once this point is reached it must, because of the huge accumulated debt that has been created, simply collapse. Because the present economic system is defective it has to keep expanding to


function and survive; no economy established on present economic principles can reach an optimal level of development and level-off wherein it is able to provide society’s needs. When economic expansion levels off - stops growing - the inevitable happens, the economy begins to malfunction and starts to contract and enters into a recessionary period. If the economy is not simulated by increasing the monetary supply, which usually means government borrowing and thus increasing overall debt, the recessionary period evolves into an economic depression. Now it is not possible for economies to keep on expanding indefinitely. Economic expansion is not infinite, it will reach a point where expansion is no longer possible; once this point is reached it must, because of the huge accumulated debt that has been created, simply collapse. Interviewer:

I understand now. So would I be correct in assuming that the financial system is at the root of the problem?


That is correct.


So the proposed financial reforms would solve eliminate the defect you mentioned?


That is correct.


If the solution to the problem is so simple why hasn’t this been done?


To those who understand the problem the solution is very simple but getting the solution implemented is a very difficult objective.


Please explain.


For a start the financial system is a very powerful and corrupt identity and it is not going to voluntary roll over and start acting in Society’s interests; the people who control it have too much to lose by doing so. The change if it is to come must be politically dictated, but to do that people must will it. The problem is that most people are very naive in regards to how money comes into existence and are basically oblivious regarding the parasitic nature of the financial system and the destabilising affect it has on the economy. Of course one must heed the lessons of history involving financial reform and the potential consequences that a nation that may face from the reform of their financial system along the lines I propose.


What do you mean by “heed the lessons of history involving financial reform and the potential consequences”?


I believe it was stated in a previous interview I had that any nation that implemented financial reforms along the lines I propose would be treated as a pariah state. I mentioned in the interview in August 2007 about financial reform in National Socialist Germany and about the attempt at financial reform under the first New Zealand Labour government in the thirties.


If you don’t mind could you clarify these points you made earlier?


Fine. I suppose I better start with Nazi Germany. When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933 the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous warreparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of State created credit the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending 147 began. This was accomplished through a plan of public works paid for with currency generated by the government itself - State created credit. The centrepiece was Germany's Work Creation Program of 1933-36, which preceded its rearmament program. Projects that were first earmarked for funding, including flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new buildings, roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. Within two years of introducing financial reforms and undertaking economic reconstruction Germany’s unemployment problem had been solved and the country was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western


countries were still out of work and living on welfare. Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, although it was denied foreign credit and was faced with an economic boycott abroad. It did this by using a barter system: equipment and commodities were exchanged directly with other countries, circumventing the international banks. This system of direct exchange occurred without debt and 148 without trade deficits. As Adolf Hitler stated in 1937: "We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency coverage of gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark's worth of work done or goods produced . . . we laugh at the time our national financiers held the view that the value of a currency is 149 regulated by the gold and securities lying in the vaults of a state bank." In the book Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People the author Sheldon Emry states: "Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without gold and without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today. And because it was a debt-free currency, there was no inflation in the Reich. What cost one Deutschmark in 1935, cost one Deutschmark in 1945. " Regardless of the propaganda it was the creation of credit by the State which enabled Germany to rebuild its economy and house its people etc without incurring crippling debt to the private banking system. It was this independent approach free from the control of the international banks that was the match that lit the fuse leading to war. Interviewer:

Are you saying the war that developed was directly related to German financial and economic policy?


Putting the propaganda aside and scrutinising the facts from an unbiased position then one has to conclude that the real reason for the war was to take down Germany as an economic rival. One must realise that the main reason for economic revival of Germany at this time was its use of State created credit and its refusal to allow its currency to be manipulated through speculation. Also Germany’s adoption of trade through barter by-passed the foreign banks owned by interests outside of Germany. The plain facts are that Germany at this time posed a real threat to the interests of the international banking conglomerate based in England and America and also threatened American and English economic interests in various parts of the world. The bottom line is that Germany at this time posed a clear and present danger to the existing established order. If war had not happened then it was most probable that the German financial reforms and trade through barter would have been adopted by a number of other countries; if this had been allowed to happen it would have had a domino effect ending the monopolistic control of the privately owned international banking conglomerate. Putting the propaganda aside and scrutinising the facts from an unbiased position then one has to conclude that the real reason for the war was to take down Germany as an economic rival. One must realise that the main reason for economic revival of Germany at this time was its use of State created credit and its refusal to allow its currency to be manipulated through speculation. Also Germany’s adoption of trade through barter by-passed the foreign banks owned by interests outside of Germany. The plain facts are that Germany at this time posed a real threat to the interests of the international banking conglomerate based in England and America and also threatened American and English economic interests in various parts of the world.


Your statement isn’t going to go down very well with some people. Don’t you think that you leave yourself open to attack as being pro-Nazi?



For a start I am not pro-Nazi and there is nothing in Social Survivalism that I would honestly consider as being Nazi. Regarding the fact that what I say might not go down very well with some people…well the truth can have that effect on people. On the other hand most people would consider discussing Nazism in an non-negative or unemotional way disturbing because most people consider Nazism as an unsavoury subject unless of course it is presented as being evil; basically the subject of Nazism beings about a Pavlovian response in most people. In the section headed "Across the Spectrum of Economic Slavery: Marxism and Capitalism" I quote from an article on the World Socialist Web Site and an article on the International Herald Tribune website. It should be noted that both of these websites are pro-Marxist. Now I quote the articles on these websites because they contain some very useful information. Now, just because quote something a Marxist states does that somehow make me a Marxist...of course not. In Das Kapital Karl Marx quotes T.J. Dunning, now I use the same quote from Dunning in the section headed "Wealth”. Does the use of this quote by Dunning make me a Marxist because Karl Marx used it first…of course not. Using the same logic, pointing out the fact that that there was financial reform in Germany, under National Socialist rule, and the fact that this enable Germany to get itself out of the mess in was in, certainly does not make me pro-Nazi.


You certainly have a unorthodox way of looking at things. But that aside…you mentioned about the first New Zealand Labour government and its attempt to reform the financial system. Could you throw some light on this subject?


Sure. When the first New Zealand Labour government that came to power during the Great Depression they used credit created through the Reserve Bank to start the construction of State Housing. The book, State Housing in New Zealand , published by the New Zealand Ministry of Works in 1949, states: “Reserve Bank Credit: To finance its comprehensive proposals, the Government adopted the somewhat unusual course of using Reserve Bank credit, thus recognising that the most important factor in housing costs is the price of money - interest is the heaviest portion in the composition of ordinary rent. The newly created department was therefore able, therefore, to obtain and use funds at lowest possible rate of interest, the rate being 1% for the first 5,000,000 pounds advanced and 1.5% on further advances. The sums advanced by the Reserve Bank were not subscribed or underwritten by other financial institutions. This action showed the Governments intention to demonstrate that it was possible for the State to use the countries credit in creating new assets for the country." [Emphasis added] 150


In his book Man to Man, Tom Skinner, interviewing Michael Savage, relays the following regarding the State housing scheme under the first Labour government; “I was with Joe [Michael Savage] on one occasion when he began chatting about the ramifications of the Governments State Housing Scheme. He told me ... how the construction of those houses created assets in a productive way. The Government created the money through the reserve bank at a moderate rate of interest to cover the contract price, which paid for materials, tradesmen's wages, the purchase and development of the land and all the other essentials required to finish the house. On completion the house was transferred from the Housing Division of the public works department to the State Advances Corporation - in effect from one department to another. The corporation was the renting agency responsible for selecting the tenants, collecting rents and maintaining the house and the property. The philosophy......was that as the money was created for productive purposes no loss could occur if it were not repaid from one department to another. Meanwhile, during construction, tradesmen had been paid wages which had been spent and absorbed into the economy. But it was solid money backed by the creation of assets. People had been kept fully employed while the government built homes for the people.” Skinner goes on to state: “While Joe spoke I began suddenly to grasp the Labour philosophy related to the creation of credit. It set me off thinking about money and what it meant to the economy. The Government, figuratively speaking, could rub a state


house debt out of the books because a building stood in its place. But money created by the banks in order to gain profits in the form of interest was the other side of the coin. It was unproductive, inflationary creation of money if unmatched by equivalent goods and services..... "I have read and believe that monetary mismanagement is the greatest evil of our time. It breeds injustice, increased costs and, as the root cause of inflation, it diminishes the value of our money. Governments should carry out their pre-election promises and take the necessary steps to reform the monetary system. It can be done only by making the State the sole authority for the issue of currency and credit.....unfortunately, in this area politicians seem to be abysmally ignorant of elementary financial and economic truths." The success of this new debt free based monetary system and the intent on pursuing import substitution manufacturing, spelled its doom. The powers that be in England not long after threatened Labours financial spokesman at the time, Walter Nash, with 152 trade sanctions. Of course needless to say the Labour government buckled under the threat and retreated from pursuing an overhaul of the financial system and followed the orthodox line demanded by England. Interviewer:

Trade sanctions?


That is correct. Now I have touched on the subject financial reform in National Socialist Germany and the attempt by the first New Zealand Labour to pursue financial reform. I have also mentioned previously about Norman Kirk, who was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1972 until his death in 1974; Kirk was apparently murdered because of his involvement in a think tank which purpose was to "start the process of nationalising financial institutions." Now we come to the little known that pre-Second World War Imperial Japan had also had introduced a system of state creation of the credit at zero interest.


I have never heard about Japanese financial reform during that period.


Many facts have been buried away involving this period of history. Anyhow, I have a very interesting article which appeared just recently in magazine The Barnes Review 153 entitled “WHY THE USA FORCED THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN INTO WORLD WAR II”, written by Stephen M. Goodson, which exposes the true reasons leading to World war Two. I quote part of what he states: "Both the Bank of Japan and the German Reichsbank with their systems of state creation of the money supply at zero interest; and the inevitability that those systems of finance would be replicated by other countries, in particular those of the proposed Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, posed such a serious threat to the private investors of the US Federal Reserve Bank, that a world war was deemed to be the only means of countering it." Now we could talk about this subject for quite a long time so I think it would be easier for me to give you the article to read; if you have any questions relating to this matter I will be more then happy to answer them at the next interview. I will also do my best to include a copy at the end of this interview. Now while we are on the subject of financial reform it is interesting to note that the U.S. President John F. Kennedy attempted to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the U.S. government at interest. On June 4, 1963, Kennedy signed “Executive Order No. 11110” that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. With the stroke of a pen, Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. So what happened next is not too surprising; on November 22, 1963, just five months after signing Executive Order No. 11110 Kennedy was assassinated, Of course upon assuming office the newly sworn in President Lyndon Johnson recalled all of the US notes Kennedy had put into circulation.



You state that many facts have been buried away; are you claiming that historical facts have been manipulated?


Only a naïve person would think otherwise. As Winston Churchill once said; “History is written by the victors.” Throughout peoples’ life’s starting in childhood people are told a version of history that they accept as the truth. After all most children believe what they are told by an authority figure even it what they are told is an outright lie or distortion. If certain facts are repeated often enough they are eventually accepted without question by most people, very few people from my experience will go out of their way to examine what they are told or what they have read. Now I am plenty well read; I read material from across the political spectrum, from the extreme left through to the extreme right. I certainly do not accept as gospel what I read or what I am told, if I find something of interest I check out what is stated. I remove the chuff from the wheat so-to-speak; by doing so one intends to reach different conclusions from what is accepted by the general public. I have come to the conclusion that many commonly held views on historical events are not necessarily based on the truth as quite often commonly held views are the product of propaganda.


You have attacked the Capitalism and Socialism as not serving the needs of society and you promote what you call Social Survivalism as an alternative. I understand that when you refer to Social Survivalism you are referring to a political philosophy, now what I would like to know is how you refer to the economic theories you promote as part of Social Survivalism, is this overall economic policy Socialistic in nature or more Capitalist in nature?


All economic systems can be labelled capitalist in nature; after all, all complex economic systems involve capital. Socialism is just plain State Capitalism; I believe I touched on this earlier. I would concede that what I promote is still a form of capitalism, now what sort of label would I apply to this form of capitalism…I would apply the label Cooperative Capitalism. I would like to point out that what I refer to as Cooperative Capitalism is compatible with, and certainly does not contravene, the teaching of two of the world’s most dominate religions.


What religions are you referring to?


Islam and Catholicism.


Please explain?


Cooperative Capitalism is compatible with and does not contravene the Catholic Church’s Social Doctrine or the tenets of Islam.


Hmm…that point never entered my mind… You make the claim that Society is subservient to the economy. On what do you base this claim?


The owners of capital seek its preservation which is a natural part of human nature but greed, which overrides ethical behaviour, drives the controllers of capital to seek more and more wealth and hence the inclination among the controllers of wealth to partake in parasitic activities such as usury, speculation, manipulation, and various unethical business practises, with many seeking monopolistic control; it is theses types, who are anti-social in their endeavours, many of which, incidentally, also support Globalisation. This greed is an innate part of the present economic system and overrides any consideration towards the impact it has on Society’s well-being the Common Good. Thus the economy is diverted from its primary function to supply society’s needs hence the interests of Society become secondary thus subservient to the needs of Capital. It is based on this observation that I claim that Society is subservient to the Economy. It should be noted that once individuals become subservient to the dictates of Capital then they become no better then slaves; don’t forget that ownership and control are just opposite sides of the same coin.


The owners of capital seek its preservation which is a natural part of human nature but greed, which overrides ethical behaviour, drives the controllers of capital to seek more and more wealth and hence the inclination among the controllers of wealth to partake in parasitic activities such as usury, speculation, manipulation, and various unethical business practises, with many seeking monopolistic control; it is theses types, who are anti-social in their endeavours, many of which, incidentally, also support Globalisation. This greed is an innate part of the present economic system and overrides any consideration towards the impact it has on Society’s well-being - the Common Good. Thus the economy is diverted from its primary function to supply society’s needs hence the interests of Society become secondary thus subservient to the needs of Capital. It is based on this observation that I claim that Society is subservient to the Economy. It should be noted that once individuals become subservient to the dictates of Capital then they become no better then slaves; don’t forget that ownership and control are just opposite sides of the same coin.

The "Free Market" Scam The Predatory capitalist has imposed a completely alien way of life on society: every person for himself. The holy of holies for the Predatory controllers of wealth and their cronies is the "free market” ideology, according to which each man pursues only his own selfinterest. According to this dogma, society is held together, not on the basis of the Common Good, but by the "invisible hand of the market". Interviewer:

Of all your ideas put forward it would appear that your proposal on land reform would be one of several that would be most controversial. Do you think that that people in general would accept your proposals for land reform?


People believe in their right the right to own land because they have been raised in a system that promoted private ownership of land. Now treating land as a commodity leads to inflated land prices and land ownership being concentrated into fewer hands. Treating land as a commodity only leads to the poorer in society being unable to afford to purchase land and places ownership of land only within the grasp of a minority. Now what should we do? Should we prop-up the system so that the interests of a privileged minority are looked after while the majority of people are dispossessed meaning that the majority of people will never be able to afford to own their own home and will be exploited the rest of their lives by being forced into paying market driven rents. And if we decided to prop-up the system how much longer can it be proppedup? I believe that it cannot be supported for ever.


Speculation in any field inflates prices which benefits a few but penalises the majority by fuelling inflation. The same applies to land. Now we have a dangerous problem on our hands. Huge debt has been created which is no longer sustainable and prices are falling; many people are going to lose everything they own. I believe that these people and many more will see the logic and sense it what I put forward and I believe that given time what I propose will not seem that radical. Out of the ashes we must build a new system that does not allow this problem to ever arise again. We must create a stable system that can be maintained for the Common Good. Interviewer:

It could be claimed that speculation stimulates Productive Effort?


It many be claimed that speculation stimulates Productive Effort and no doubt that in some cases this may be true but at what cost. What must be realised is that speculation increases prices which most be paid for from Productive Effort while the Speculator just speculates and directly contributes no Productive Effort. While the Speculator contributes no Productive Effort they reap the profits from speculation and yet these profits have to come from somewhere. As the Speculator supplies no Productive Effort the profits the Speculator makes must come from the wealth generated by Productive Effort. Speculation enriches those involved in this parasitic practice it robs form those who provide Productive Effort. Don’t forget; “For every man who gets a dollar he didn't sweat for, someone else sweated to produce a dollar he never received.”


I have read your proposals for financial and economic reforms, now if things get as bad as you say and New Zealand falls into the abyss of economic depression, what would you suggest is done first to get New Zealand back on the road to economic recovery and how would you go about introducing the reforms you propose?


For a start the introduction of a Provisional Constitution with the intention of replacing it within a period of five years; and of course the overhaul of the political system. The nationalisation of the financial sector, and of course its overhaul inline with what I proposed. After refection on the situation I would strongly suggest that all debt held within New Zealand is absolved, meaning that all debt is forgiven and does not have to be repaid, in other words, all debt would become legally null and void. Get Parliament to select three individuals to sit on an Economic Reconstruction Tribunal; its purpose would be to prioritise and to oversee the Economic Development Authority to ensure that the Economic Development Authority implements the major planks of the economic policy in a quick and efficient manner. Of course the Economic Reconstruction Tribunal would be answerable to Parliament.


Repudiate all debt!?


Yes, repudiate all debt for the simple reason it is not possible to repay this debt.


That would be considered quite a radical move by some people; that aside won’t this mean that people owed money would lose it?


More people owe money then those who are owed. What do you suggest is done? Have the majority of the population end-up bankrupt and destitute while a small minority sit on the pigs back so-to-speak.


Just to clarify this point. What do you mean by all debt exactly?



All debt held by individuals and business residing in New Zealand regardless if such debt has been sourced inside or outside New Zealand. This would cover all mortgages, hire purchase, credit card debt, all personal loans…all debt held by people residing in New Zealand. This would also cover local body debt regardless of its source and all central government debt sourced within New Zealand; the only exception would be central government debt sourced outside of New Zealand, this should be repaid as outlined under subsection “External Government Debt” in the section “Finance.” But doesn’t debt exceed the total amount of money available?


Yes that is correct.



Wouldn’t this mean that peoples’ savings would be wiped out?


For a start regardless even if debt wasn’t repudiated most peoples’ savings and investments will be lost when the economy falls into the abyss of the coming depression. Repudiating debt would benefit the majority of people; the only losers would be those at the top of the wealth pyramid. It should be remembered that those on top of the wealth pyramid have accumulated their wealth on the backs of other people’s Productive Effort. Now for a start I would suggest guaranteeing all personal savings at a bank up to $25,000 and all business accounts at a bank up to $100,000. Any savings above this level would most probably be lost but at least people who have savings would at least have something. Until what I propose a parasitic minority would come out losers but on the other hand the majority would be better off.


Where would the money for this guarantee come from?


Simple. From the issue of State created credit.


Wouldn’t this have an inflationary effect?


No. This would be a little seed money that would help to oil the wheels of the economy.


Right. I gather that housing would be used to kick-start the economy?


Correct. Housing construction would stimulate the economy. It is just not the construction side but the supply of all the fixtures, fittings, floor coverings, stoves, fridges, furniture, heat-pumps, solar panels; all of which should be manufactured in New Zealand. In the case of carpet the use of synthetics fibres should be prohibited and New Zealand produced wool used instead. We must become self-sufficient in supplying the necessities of life. The core necessities of life can be summed-up as being, accommodation, food, clothing, energy, and transport. These core necessities of life are critical for any functioning society. Of course there is the entire infrastructure needed to enable the New Zealand economy to supply the necessities of life.

WE MUST BECOME SELF-SUFFICIENT IN SUPPLYING THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE Rebuilding the economy would take time. The infrastructure needs to be established. There is also a shortage of skilled labour but this can be solved in part by training people in the necessary skills and by attracting immigrants with the necessary skills. In regards to training people an example would be electricians and plumbers required in the construction of houses. It would be feasible to create domestic grade electricians and plumbers by training people over a six month period in these skills. After all wiring-up a house is very basic and the same would apply to the plumbing up of a house - plumbing work in a house involves basic skills in crimping, gluing, and threading together fittings and a basic knowledge in levels and falls. Anyone with an average IQ and some motivation should be able to do this type of work. So while housing construction would stimulate the economy it is only one policy among many that would stimulate and lead to the establishment of a strong and health economy. Interviewer:

If the economy is in a severe depression how is housing construction going to add long term emphasis to economic recovery if people cannot afford to purchase these houses if most are unemployed?


Very good question that is easily answered. Firstly I would like to add that creating full employment would take at least three to five years although I believe this should be able to be done much closer to the three years I mentioned. Now the problem; we start building homes but people who required these homes are unemployed and not earning an income to meet mortgages repayments. The solution; simply put them into these homes and defer mortgages payments until such time they are placed into employment.



How could they afford to furnish such a home if they are unemployed?


Once again the answer is very simple; supply the homes fully furnished. This would add further stimulus to the economy.


Is this feasible?


I wouldn’t suggest it if it wasn’t feasible. After it is my understanding that in National Socialist Germany newly married couples could move into a new home fully furnished on no deposit which I am lead to believe was done with State created credit. As I mentioned previously the first New Zealand Labour lead government also used credit, issued through the Reserve Bank, to launch its building of State Houses back in the thirties. So what I suggest has been done before so there is no logical reason why it can’t be done again. Now I remember reading an article about the previous Labour government considering doing a feasibility study about importing overseas manufactured components for diesel locomotives and assembling these engines in New Zealand. Now let’s look at this in a more logical light. What is a locomotive engine? It is just a block of cast metal that is milled, bored and polished, has some holes drilled into it and they are threaded; certainly no great engineering feat, so why get this done overseas? Why not manufacture these engines in New Zealand; we certainly would be capable of doing so if the political direction was given?


Wouldn’t the cost of doing this be prohibitive?


What do you mean exactly?


Manufacturing locomotive diesel engines in New Zealand would make them very expensive. Surely this would be reflected in increased freight charges?


Now let’s say that it would cost 5 times more to make the complete engines in New Zealand, now I say so what. How much freight is this engine going to pull over its life? Divided the extra cost of manufacturing these engines in New Zealand over the tonnage of freight these engines will pull over their life-time and the overall cost added to each tonne of freight would be inconspicuous. Now if we have the capable to build locomotive engines it is a very simple step to build small engines for buses, trucks, and cars. Now factor in the use of interest free credit to finance such a project, the employment it would created, and of course the spin-offs from employment, along with the fact this would strengthen New Zealand’s economic base and the fact it would increase self-sufficiency in a vital economic area I believe it should be, no, it must be done.


Are you suggesting we should build a New Zealand car?


Why not? We use to have a car manufacturing industry in New Zealand assembling cars. This employed tens of thousands of people; from the assembling to those employed in business away from the car assembly plants manufacturing various components. Now it was decided that it was inefficient to assembly the cars and trucks in New Zealand so they were imported made up. The government sacrificed New Zealander’s jobs and gave these jobs to foreigners overseas. Now New Zealand mainly imports second-hand cars from Japan which are cast-offs - not wanted by the Japanese - and were originally destined for third world countries. Now I believe that in the seventies a proposal was put forward to design and build a New Zealand car, if I remember correctly I believe it was proposed that this New Zealand car would have had a fully aluminium or fibreglass body. The proposal was also to make the engines, differentials, gearboxes, etc, all in New Zealand.


What happen?


The government stopped the idea in its tracks. I believe that the big car manufactures at the time objected to the proposal.


What about choice?


What do you mean by choice?



If a New Zealand manufactured car was produced I gather New Zealanders would not have the vast choice they have now from the various makes and models presently imported?


For the country to survive it must live within its means. In the past New Zealanders were spoilt with choice and for this past luxury they are in the near future to pay the price for this folly. Now you mention choice but we should be talking about wants and needs. Needs can be described as necessities, homes, clothing, food, transport, etc, while wants can be described as desires that would fall into the category of plasma TVs, X-Boxes, MP3 players, designer cloths, etc, items that would fall into the category of luxury, you get the drift? Yes.


The cold reality of New Zealand’s present economy is that the country is on the edge of bankruptcy QE:

Good. The cold reality of New Zealand’s present economy is that the country is on the edge of bankruptcy. Now things are not going to improve they are only going to deteriorate and as I have stated before the majority of new Zealanders will find themselves destitute. Now when I use the word destitute I don’t believe I am exaggerating the situation facing New Zealand. If we are ever to get out of this situation then we will have to become self-reliant in producing the necessities of life and forgo the imported luxury items that most people have taken for granted until such a time the economic problems have been solved and people have the necessities of life. Now the choice is quite simple; have a job and a roof over your head along with a full belly, or be unemployed, hungry and destitute. Either way the people’s choice will be limited. Now New Zealand still has many intelligent and innovative people. Unleash this potential by removing the bureaucratic red-tape, provide the incentive and encouragement, and many problems will be easily solved.


Reading through the proposed economic policy you come across as a protectionist, would this be a fair label to apply to you?


The word protectionist is used mainly by globalists in a negative way and thus is used as a new smear word like fascist, racist, etc. While what I promote is certainly protectionism I prefer the term Economic Survivalism which is a more positive word.

Globalisation is Corporate Imperialism Interviewer:

In this day and age some people would claim that such a policy is a step backwards and that it would cause economic growth to stagnate.


Anyone who claims a policy of protecting New Zealand jobs is a step backwards should be closely scrutinized in regards to whose interests, and especially what political ideology, they are promoting. Unhindered free trade – globalisation - forces the New Zealand workforce forced into economic competition that is a prejudicial to their interests as the third world sweatshops have the unfair advantage through, extremely low wages, greater production capacity, longer working days, and also lower overheads from the lack of safety and environmental regulations. All that globalisation accomplishes is to pour wealth into the coffers of the multi-nationals and to undermine New Zealand’s ability to provide the necessaries of life for its people.



As I stated earlier the New Zealand economy is basically in the same condition as was the German and Japanese economies at the end of the Second World War. Germany and Japan were bombed flat; in New Zealand’s case the manufacturing base has been dismantled and shipped overseas. The lunatics with their insane, destructive and traitorous policies have laid waste to the manufacturing sector in New Zealand. New Zealand manufacturing has been decimated. We use to make light bulbs in New Zealand, and a long list of other items; all these items are now imported. We import jam from England, tinned apples from South Africa, tomato source from Australia, peanut butter from China, tinned tomatoes from Italy, wine from Germany, toothpaste from India; the list goes on and on. All these things can be manufactured in New Zealand and by doing so we create employment and thus income for New Zealanders; but by importing that which we can do ourselves we give employment and wages to people oversees and give away prosperity that could be retained in New Zealand.

THERE IS NO SECURITY IN AN EXPORT BASED ECONOMY In my mind any action by a New Zealand politician that supports or promotes the undermining of the ability of the New Zealand economy to provide the necessaries of life to the New Zealand people is an act of treason.

Globalisation is national suicide Interviewer:

Your proposals for economic reform in regards to ownership would appear to be rather radical to many people.


No doubt they would. But that is just a mindset that people will have to overcome. As I have stated previously people are raised in a certain system they usually accept it and not question it. But things are now changing as some thinking people are starting to question the sanity of the present system and no doubt as more people are squeezed by the deteriorating economy they will be more prone to new ideas


But what you propose is a challenge to the fundamentals of business and no doubt there will be resistance against what you propose.


The fundamentals of a business would not change. The only thing that would be eliminated is the absentee shareholders who sit on their ramps demanding the maximisation of profits. In regards to resistance so what; it is only a small minority. If the majority wakes up, and wills the changes, then resistance would be futile.


So if you were in the position you would support forcing such economic changes through?


Why should we give these parasites any consideration? After all when things are good they make their profits on the backs of other’s Productive Effort but when profits fall they demand that the ranks of Productive Effort are reduced; none are prepared to give back some of the profits they have made in an attempt to save jobs. And of course if there is more profit to be made from closing up shop in New Zealand and sitting-up production in some third world sweatshop economy this is done in the name of profit and increased dividends for the shareholders and of course not one iota of compassion is shown to those New Zealanders who are cast onto the heap of the unemployed. No compassion is felt regarding that those laid-off that they may have a family to support and a mortgage to pay on a family’s home. Do you honestly think that the shareholders lose sleep worrying about a laid-off working losing the family home due to a mortgagee sale? If you believe so you are very naïve. The ranks of Productive Effort are exploited for profit to enrich a few. Let the parasitic shareholders get of their rumps and earn their living through Productive Effort.


Minimum wages to the suppliers of Productive Effort and Maximum Profits for Unproductive Shareholders? Interviewer:

What about people who have worked hard to build their businesses up?


What do you mean exactly by people who have worked hard to build their business up? No doubt there are plenty of self-employed people who work long hours but they are still limited in the size of enterprise they can establish by their own Productive Effort. Now the situation changes when they start employing Productive Effort. It is this exploitation of Productive Effort that enables the business to break through the barrier created by the owner’s limited Productive Effort. Now the question arises why does a business employ the services of Productive Effort? Is this a charitable act? Do businesses have a social conscience and employ people to provide the unemployed with an income? Of course not. Business employs Productive Effort to increase production which is solely motivated by increased profits.

An employer employs labour. Why…do they do this as an act of charity? No…they do this to make profit…pure and simple. They employ labour to make profit…profit the employer could not make solely by their own effort. Interviewer:

It could be claimed the employer provides employment and thus an income to the employee.


For a start the employer would have received better remuneration then what the employees have received. They most probably have their children in private schools, take their family on overseas holidays, drive a nice car and no doubt one is provide for the wife, can afford good medical insurance, can eat decently, and of course afford all the latest electronic goods that become so essential to their lifestyle. Did the employees have the same standard of living as the employer? I doubt very much if it were so. So the employer has a standard of living that he could not maintain solely by his own Productive Effort and a standard of living far superior to that enjoyed by the Productive Effort he employees.


But it could be claimed that the supplier of Productive Effort also exploits their employer?


I would respond by saying that most who supply Productive Effort are forced to do so by economic circumstances. How else can most survive? How many have access to land where they can go to support their basic needs? Thus most are forced to seek employment to enable them to receive an income to purchase the necessities of live; thus most people are forced by economic circumstances to serve an exploitive system. I believe I touch on this in the section “Across the Spectrum of Economic Slavery: Marxism and Capitalism.”


Yes that is correct you did…it slipped my mind.


Easy enough to happen.


Referring to the section entitled Across the Spectrum of Economic Slavery: Marxism and Capitalism you state that "the ‘free’ northern wage slaves were in fact worse off then the Southern chattel slaves" and that many “free” Southern workers were also worse off then the Southern chattel slaves and then a bit further on you mention about England "transporting convicts to its various Australian penal colonies". Couldn’t this be construed as belittling that era of black slavery, after all the Northern and Southern


free workers were not forced to work by being held in bondage? Also your comments regarding English convicts; after all these people were criminals and yet what crime did the black slaves commit to be held by force in servitude? QE:

Fair enough question. Now for a start only a person lacking knowledge about the history of slavery would construe such a thing. Now your comments about the Northern worker not being forced to work by being held in bondage; most Northern workers held no title to land so thus were forced to seek employment to survive thus their bondage was their poverty and it was poverty and that held them in servitude. I must also add that there is much evidence pointing to the fact that the average Southern free worker was worse off then the average Southern chattel slave. Now I know that this statement will raise a number of eyebrows and will be outright condemned by some but the facts are there indicating that was so; but I will put this aside for the moment and touch on this later. Now I gather from your comment on English convicts that you lack some knowledge on this subject as it was not only the English who were transported. A bit of research effort shows convicts were made up of English and Welsh – 70%, Irish - 24%, Scottish - 5%, and the remaining 1% from the British outposts in India and Canada, Maoris from New Zealand, Chinese from Hong Kong and slaves from the Caribbean. Also your comments in regards to the transported convicts “after all these people were criminals” shows that you are rather a callous person or you lack knowledge regarding the era of transportation and the conditions that lead up to it.


Will I have to admit my knowledge in this area is somewhat limited.


Right…prior to the transportation era there were in force laws in Britain that are referred to as the Bloody Code. By the 1820’s, there were over 200, I believe the correct figure was 222 crimes which carried the death penalty, almost all of them for crimes against property. Many even included offences such as stealing of goods worth over five shillings, the cutting down of a tree, stealing an animal or stealing from a rabbit warren. Under the Bloody Code over 90% of those hanged were less than 21 years of age – as an example it has been recorded that a brother and sister aged seven and eleven were reportedly hanged in 1708 for theft.


Why were these laws referred to as the Bloody Code introduced?


Although England remained a primarily agricultural country in this period, the many Enclosure Acts resulted in less people controlling more of the land. These landowners and manufacturers increased their wealth through property ownership and trade, therefore increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. During this time poverty was rife and people broke the law of the land to survive. Of course the wealthy elite became very influential in demanding the introduction of laws that protected their interests while on the other-hand the poor had no political rights. By the end of the 1700's few people convicted of a capital crime were actually executed due to the increasing use of royal pardon, by which transportation was substituted for hanging upon the recommendation of judges Transportation had in fact first begun in 1654 and had continued during the rest of the seventeenth century. Before 1750, transportation had been used to send criminals who had been reprieved from a death sentence to work on plantations in the colonies in North America and the West Indies. It is a little known fact that four-fifths that is eighty percent of the white slaves sent to Britain’s sugar plantations in the West Indies did not survive their first year. By the late 1760’s transportation had reached a high level. After American Independence, however, an alternative destination was available - this was Botany Bay in Australia. Over a period of eighty years spanning 1788 to 1868 about 164,000 convicts were transported to the Australian colonies. Up to 1834 it was an offence for a convict to return home from transportation - the punishment was death – but then in 1834 it was altered to penal servitude for life. Until 1840 English Judges passed long and savage sentences of transportation for the most trivial offences. As an example in his book, In Punishments of Former Days by


Ernest William Pettifer the author states: “In 1827 a youth of 18 who was sentenced to transportation for life for stealing a pocket handkerchief.” W. Eden Hooper in Newgate and the Old Bailey gives many instances of the sentences handed out. I give a few sentences taken at random. Stealing an apron, transported for life; bacon, life; worsted yarn, life; 2 lbs. of potatoes, 14 years; a pair of shoes, 14 years; a bottle of spirits, 14 years. In the book A Shepherd's Life by W.H. Hudson, the author states: “In 1830, the farm labourers, driven wild by grinding poverty, and the threat of unemployment owing to the introduction of machinery, rose, and there was some rioting. It was mercilessly put down and Special Commissions sat at Salisbury; 33 to be transported for life, ten for 14 years, and so on.” Interviewer:

I really had no understanding that such harsh sentences were handed out.


Now you mentioned that your knowledge on the subject is somewhat limited. Now from what I have observed I would say that view would apply to most people in New Zealand society; especially school children who get a sanitised version of history. What do you mean by sanitised version?

Interviewer: QE:

Ask the average school student about slavery and they think that only white people had slaves and that slavery evolved and virtually only existed in North America before their Civil War. They have a distorted and very narrow view on this subject because this is what they are taught. Now you can approach a subject in an unbiased way or you can be selective in the facts given which distorts what people perceive as being truthful. To give a distorted version on a subject clouds what people perceive about a subject and evolves into a false impression.

We live in an age of deception where propaganda rules; lies are presented as fact and the truth is distorted From the propaganda one could not be blamed for believing that slavery was solely a pre-Civil War US phenomenon but the hard reality is that slavery has existed throughout the past for thousands of years. Peoples of all races and nationalities have been the subjects of slavery. German tribesmen captured by the Mongols were sold in Asian slave markets. The Manchus took slaves from China, Korea, and Mongolia. Greek slaves served in Egypt. Barbarosia pressed thousands of Christians into slavery. The Ottoman Turks demanded that the defeated Hungarians send ten percent of their population each decade to serve as slaves. Germans, Gauls, and Celts were enslaved by the Romans. The Germans captured Slavs and supplied them to the Romans to be used as slaves. Even the New Zealand Maori had slaves in the pre-Colonial days. Now it may surprise some people but slavery and a slave trade existed in Africa before the arrival of the slave traders from Europe. Before the arrival of the slave buyers from Europe the African tribal kings and chieftains already had made alliances with other non-European slave traders to supply their fellow countryman for assorted commodities that lead to the exported of millions of sub-Saharan Africans to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Persian Gulf. When the slave traders from Europe turned up in Africa the wheels of slavery were already established and well-greased and it was only a matter of adapting itself to the increase demand. 154

In her publication “Confronting the Legacy of the African Slave Trade” Zayde 155 Gordon Antrim also pointed out that African slavery was in existence well before the arrival of the Europeans: "Not only was slavery an established institution in West Africa before European traders arrived, but Africans were also involved in a trans-Saharan trade in slaves along these routes. African rulers and merchants were thus able to tap into preexisting methods and networks of enslavement to supply European demand for slaves. Enslavement was most often a byproduct of local warfare, kidnapping, or the manipulation of religious and judicial institutions. Military, political, and religious authority within West Africa determined who controlled access to the Atlantic slave trade. And some African elites, such as those in the Dahomey and Ashanti empires, took advantage of this control and used it to their profit by enslaving and selling other Africans to European traders."


Hugh Thomas in his book The Slave Trade has detailed the African involvement in the production of victims for slavery. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers, in order to sell them again to Europeans, to other Africans, or to Arabs especially. The rulers of Benin, the kings of Ashanti, Congo, and Dahomey; and the Vili rulers of Loango, sold great numbers of slaves over many generations. Hugh Thomas quotes Jean Barbot, who was on a slave ship during the 17th century as saying; "the slaves [whom the African monarchs] possess and sell are prisoners of war, or, if from among themselves, are condemned to slavery for some crime. But there are also those who have been kidnapped by their compatriots, these being mainly children..." The Muslims in Africa also had a heavy interest in the slave trade. Hugh Thomas noted that the Muslims traded their African slaves to many countries, selling them as far off as Java and India in the Middle Ages, and even to the Chinese. Richard Hellie in Slavery in Russia 1450-1725 says: "In Africa down to the 1930's, the various tribes continued to raid one another to capture slaves both for domestic use and to sell to outsiders. Moreover, in spite of the picture presented in Alex Haley's Roots, white slave traders almost never entered the interior in pursuit of prey but rather purchased their cargo from Africans at the ocean front; coastal Africans would not allow Europeans either into or through their own countries ...some scholars claimed that slavery in Africa was a response to the international slave trade, but it is now obvious that (Black) slavery was an old domestic institution that 156 was adapted for supplying the international market when it developed." Hellie's view was echoed by Thomas Jackson in American Renaissance. "Among the Tuareg of the southern Sahara, during the 19th century 70-90% of the population were probably slaves. In the Sahel and the savannah, half the population might be slaves, while in the forests the figure could be as low as 10 to 20 percent. Professor Oliver in ‘The African Experience’ argues that the European and American demand for slaves may not have increased the supply. White slave traders almost never ventured into the interior and were dependent on a varying supply over which they had no control. They followed the flow of captives rather than create it, shifting their bases up and down the coast according to where tribal wars were producing the most slaves. Africa clung to slavery long after it was abolished elsewhere. Between the world wars, Liberia, founded by freed American slaves, was 157 censured by the League of Nations for practising slavery." The article History: Slavery, on the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum website, shows how widespread slavery was at that time. "At the dawn of the transatlantic trade, slavery was not new, nor were Africans the only people to be enslaved. Slavery is mentioned in the Bible, and most ancient societies including Egypt, China, India, Mexico, Peru and Greece made use of slave labor. Slaves were usually prisoners of war, conquered peoples, debtors or criminals. In Europe, the Roman Empire took slaves from every nation it overcame, including England, France, Spain and Germany. Slavery persisted in the Mediterranean Basin throughout the 17th century … The institution of slavery was present in Africa long before the arrival of Europeans on its shores - slaves had been taken from parts of the continent since the time of ancient Egypt. In the early 19th century, caravans of 18,000 to 20,000 black Africans were brought to Cairo for resale, and slaves of every color were sold in the great markets of North Africa, even as 158 late as the first part of the 20th century.” The Economist, an English registered publication, admitted that the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese were not the only people involved in the African slave trade: "In Africa, slavery was accepted as the norm in most societies. Before Europeans arrived, and long after, millions of Africans were marched north across the desert by Arab traders. Most had been taken in war. The guns given in exchange helped wars to multiply and grow larger. Prisoners who might earlier have been absorbed into the victor's army or workforce, or killed, were now fed to European and American ships seeking human cargo, from Gambia round to Mozambique. Other Africans were sold as slaves because they owed a debt; some even by their own families. Some, like Equiano, were simply grabbed; though only in the early years by Europeans,


because that upset relations with the African coastal kings, who wanted to keep control of the trade ... Between the mid-15th century and the late 19th, 12m Africans, about a third of them women, made that voyage. Whites had found a new world, and needed blacks to exploit it. Seized - by other blacks, not whites - force-marched to the coast carrying ivory or copper, then inspected like animals, sold and crammed into ships, they made the 30-40day voyage chained and forced to lie in their own ordure and vomit. Then taken out, inspected again and resold, they were branded and forced to dig 159 in mines, clear land, plant and harvest sugar." In the early 18th century, Kings of Dahomey (known today as Benin) became big players in the slave trade, waging a bitter war on their neighbours, resulting in the capture of 10,000, including another important slave trader, the King of Whydah. King Tegbesu made £250,000 a year selling people into slavery in 1750. King Gezo said in the 1840s he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade: "The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth ... the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over 160 an enemy reduced to slavery." In 1998, President Clinton visited Uganda and offered an apology to Africans for slavery. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni replied; "African chiefs were the ones waging war on each other and capturing their own people and selling them. If anyone should apologize, it should be the African chiefs. We still have those traitors here 161 even today." Now I do not doubt the hardship and torment that Africans abducted into slavery suffered, but while this historical fact has been exploited for political and financial gain not many people are aware that huge numbers of Europeans were also abducted and sold into slavery.

To put into perceptive; you had a group of pale skinned Predators on one side of the world, that had no compunction about killing or treating their own their own pale skinned people as chattel, trading with a group of dark skinned Predators on the other side of the world who also had no compunction about killing or treating their own their own dark skinned people as chattel. As I said people have a very narrow and distorted view on the subject of slavery. Most people believe that it was a solely a white thing, now is this a coincidence or has the subject of slavery been manipulated to create this perceived view?

Is this belief consequential or has this perception been manipulated? Interviewer:

Some people would call you paranoid for such a statement. “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” Joseph Goebbels


There's a part of the human psyche that tends to accept that which is repeatedly put into the mind. As a result, the peddler of lies very often reaches a point where he/she believes that his/her lies are actually the truth. Very frequently, honest and wellmeaning people get caught in these false stories and perpetuate them. I remember reading a psychology article once that touched on a subject called "contiguity". Apparently from experiments done it was shown that if you pair one word or concept - stimulus one - with another word or concept - stimulus two - long enough, one by itself will automatically supply the other in the mind. A classic example is that of slavery; mention the subject of slavery and people automatically think of Africans or think of slaves as black.


Now am I paranoid? Paranoia is a thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Now am I being irrational or delusional…well let’s look at the facts and let the facts speak for themselves. Now I will have to refer to my notes I have on this subject…I will give you the references and links to my information to enable you to verify what I say. Interviewer:

Will I have been impressed with what you have stated up to this point on this subject; I am certainly interested in hearing more.


Well I will certainly have a lot to say in my defence. Slavery in early medieval Europe was so common that the Roman Catholic Church repeatedly prohibited it - or at least the export of Christian slaves to non-Christian lands was prohibited at, for example, the Council of Koblenz in 922, the Council of London in 1102, and the Council of Armagh in 1171. Old English law itself did have something of a slave code, based on the concept of villeinage from which we derive the words villain and villainy with their new pejorative connotations. With the emergence of English Common Law (1175-1225), the aristocrats drafted the writ of novel disseisin to establish a category of juridical unfreedom known as villein tenure which could defeat any English peasant's claim to 162 land, no matter how long his family had held it. Later the Bracton code equated the English villein with the Roman servus or slave, thus denying him all basic rights. It is interesting to note that during this time villeinage was considered a hereditary condition. Not only were the people of Europe treated like chattel by their own predatory rulers but the Barbary Corsairs also thought them fair game for exploitation. The Barbary Corsairs, also sometimes called Ottoman corsairs or Barbary Pirates, were Muslim pirates and privateers that operated from North Africa, from about 1500 to 1800. Their stronghold was along the stretch of northern Africa known as the Barbary Coast from which their reach extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic seaboard, and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland. They often made raids on European coastal towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave markets in places such as Algeria and Morocco. For most of this period the various European navies were too weak to put up more than token resistance. In the book, White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa’s One Million European Slaves by Giles Milton, the author illuminates the less-wellknown history of the Europeans who were captured for the North African slave markets by Barbary pirates. He asserts that there may have been one million such white slaves seized from Spain, France, England and even the fledgling American colonies. In a review of this book by English newspaper The Guardian states: "Giles Milton's remarkable tale of 18th-century slavery, White Gold, is a hidden nugget from the treasure house of history." [LINK] According to Professor Robert C. Davis in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 the trans-Atlantic trade in blacks was strictly commercial, but for Arabs, memories of the Crusades and fury over expulsion from Spain in 1492 seem to have fuelled an almost jihad-like Christian-stealing campaign. Professor Davis writes: "It may have been this spur of vengeance, as opposed to the bland workings of the marketplace, that made the Islamic slavers so much more aggressive and initially (one might say) successful in their work than their Christian counterparts,…” During the 16th and 17th centuries more slaves were taken south across the Mediterranean than west across the Atlantic. Some were ransomed back to their families, some were put to hard labour in North Africa, and the unluckiest were worked to death as galley slaves. What is most remarkable about the Barbary slaving raids is their scale and reach. Pirates took most of their slaves from ships, but they also organized huge, amphibious assaults that practically depopulated parts of the Italian coast. Italy was the most popular target, partly because Sicily is only 125 miles from Tunis, but also because it did not have strong central rulers who could resist invasion. According to Professor Davis when pirates sacked Vieste in southern Italy in 1554, for example, they took an astonishing 6,000 captives. Another 7,000 slaves were taken in the Bay of Naples in 1544, in a raid that drove the price of slaves so low it was said


you could "swap a Christian for an onion." Spain also suffered large-scale attacks; after a raid on Granada in 1566 netted 4,000 men, women, and children, it was said to be "raining Christians in Algiers." Professor Davis points out that for every large-scale raid of this kind there would have been dozens of smaller ones. Some Arab pirates were skilled blue-water sailors, and terrorized Christians 1,000 miles away. One spectacular raid all the way to Iceland in 1627 took nearly 400 captives. We think of Britain as a redoubtable sea power ever since the time of Drake, but throughout the 17th century, Arab pirates operated freely in British waters, even sailing up the Thames estuary to pick off prizes and raid coastal towns. In just three years, from 1606 to 1609, the British navy admitted losing no fewer than 466 British and Scottish merchant ships to Algerian corsairs. By the mid-1600s the British were running a brisk trans-Atlantic trade in blacks, but many British crewmen themselves became the property of Arab raiders. Davis states: “One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature - that only blacks have been slaves. But that is not true.” He goes on to say: “We cannot think of slavery as something that only white people did to black people.” During the time period that Professor Davis studied, it was religion and ethnicity, as much as race, that determined who became slaves. Professor Davis also states that the vast scope of slavery in North Africa has been ignored and minimised; in large part because it is on no one’s agenda to discuss what happened. In regards to this he states: “The enslavement of Europeans doesn’t fit the general theme of European world conquest and colonialism that is central to scholarship on the early modern era.” Interviewer:

What brought about the end of this slave trade?


It ended in 1816 in an action I believe that was inspired by Sir Sidney Smith and his Society of Knights Liberators of the White Slaves of Africa. A fleet of British and Dutch th ships led by Sir Edward Pellew attacked Algiers on the 27 August, eventually destroying the corsair fleet and forcing the unconditional surrender of the city. Tunis, Tripoli and Morocco renounced slavery soon after. But while this saga was brought to an end you still had the continuing saga of Indentured Servitude that, throughout its history, brought much misery, suffering and premature death to many of the hundreds of thousands of whites shipped out to the English colonies.


what was an indentured servant?


Indenture was a system under which a man or woman could gain passage to the English Colonies in exchange for a set period as a servant. The most common period was seven years, but it could be for a much longer or shorter period. Criminals convicted of a capital crime in England could be transported in lieu of a death sentence to a number of the English colonies – remember the Bloody Code was in force at this time. Servitude also could result from indebtedness, where a person, their spouse or parents owed money, and the person was sold into servitude to recover the debt. In other cases, a parish indentured orphans in order to keep them off the poor roles. Plus, the poor sometimes sold themselves into indenture just to survive. People who engaged themselves voluntarily were called free-willers, but a great many were coerced. In theory, the person was only selling his or her labour; but in practice, however, indentured servants were basically slaves and the courts enforced the laws that made it so.

Indentured servants were basically slaves and the courts enforced the laws that made it so Also political prisoners, beggars, prostitutes, and unwanted Scots or Irishmen were rounded up and banished to hard labour in the colonies for as long as 14 years, while an unknown number of young people were simply kidnapped and sold. 163


According to the book White Cargo, by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh , mainstream histories refer to these labourers as indentured servants, not slaves, because many agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for land and rights.


The authors argue, however, that slavery applies to any person who is bought and sold, chained and abused, whether for a decade or a lifetime. Many early settlers died long before their indenture ended or found that no court would back them when their owners failed to deliver on promises. And many never achieved freedom. This vividly written book tells the tale from both sides of the Atlantic. Its condemnation is aimed at both American planters and the English elite, who were blinded by greed, arrogance and a desire to get rid of their “society’s sweepings.” Horribly, one of the first groups sent to America was made up of street children, ages 8 to 16, who arrived in 1619. This slave trade, which the authors say was often “dressed up in bright humanitarian clothes” for the public, later extended to beggars, Gypsies, prostitutes, dissidents, convicts and anyone else who displeased the upper classes. I must add that this is an excellent book that covers this era in stark details. Lay historian Col. A.B. Ellis, writing in the British newspaper Argosy, dated May 6, 1893, states: “Few, but readers of old colonial State papers and records, are aware that between the years 1649-1690 a lively trade was carried on between England and the plantations, as the colonies were then called, in political prisoners ... where they were sold by auction to the colonists for various terms of years, sometimes for life as slaves.” Michael A. Hoffman II confirms white slavery in his book, They Were White and They Were Slaves. He wrote; “Plantation slavery was instituted in the British West Indies as early as 1627.” By the 1640s, 21,700 of 25,000 slaves in Barbados were white according to the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series of 1701. Hoffman goes on to state: “A large number of the white slaves arriving in America were described as convicts, but were actually political prisoners. Of the Scottish troops captured at the Battle of Worcester, more than 600 were shipped to Virginia as slaves in 1651.” George Downing wrote a letter to the honourable John Winthrop Colonial Governor of Massachusetts in 1645, “Planters who want to make a fortune in the West Indies must 165 procure white slave labor out of England if they wanted to succeed.” Lewis Cecil Gray’s History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 vol.1 pp 316, 318 records Sir George Sandys’ 1618 plan for Virginia, referring to bound whites assigned to the treasurer’s office: “To belong to said office forever … The service of whites bound to Berkeley Hundred was deemed perpetual.” In 1641, Ireland's population was 1,466,000 and in 1652, 616,000. According to Sir 166 William Petty , 850,000 were wasted by the sword, plague, famine, hardship and banishment during the Confederation War of 1641-1652. At the end of the war, vast numbers of Irish men, women and children were forcibly 167 transported to the American colonies by the English government. These people were rounded up like cattle, and, as John P. Prendergast reports on “Thurloe's State 168 Papers” in The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland: "In clearing the ground for the adventurers and soldiers (the English capitalists of that day)... To be transported to Barbados and the English plantations in America. It was a measure beneficial to Ireland, which was thus relieved of a population that might trouble the planters; it was a benefit to the people removed, which might thus be made English and Christians … a great benefit to the West India sugar planters, who desired men and boys for their bondsmen, and the women and Irish girls…To solace them." Higham estimated that in 1652 Barbados had absorbed no less than 12,000 of these 169 political prisoners. E. Williams reports: "In 1656 Cromwell's Council of State voted 170 that 1,000 Irish girls and 1,000 Irish young men be sent to Jamaica." Smith declares: "it is impossible to say how many shiploads of unhappy Irish were dispatched to America by the English government," and "no mention of such shipments would be very likely to appear in the State Papers... They must have been 171 very considerable in number." J. Williams provides additional evidence of the attitude of the English government towards the Irish in an English law of June 26, 1657: "Those who fail to transplant themselves into Connaught (Ireland's Western Province) or (County) Clare within six months... Shall be attained of high treason... Are to be sent into America or some 172 other parts beyond the seas..." He also goes on to state that anyone banished who


return are to "suffer the pains of death as felons by virtue of this act, without benefit of 173 174 Clergy.” In 1659 the English parliament debated the practice of selling British whites into slavery in the New World. In the debate whites were referred to not as Indentured Servants, but as slaves “whose enslavement threatened the liberties of all 175 Englishmen.” Michael A. Hoffman II confirms white slavery in his book, They Were White and They Were Slaves. He wrote, “Plantation slavery was instituted in the British West Indies as 176 early as 1627.” By the 1640s, 21,700 of 25,000 slaves in Barbados were white. The English government variously referred to Irish to be transported as rogues, vagabonds, rebels, neutrals, felons, military prisoners, teachers, priests, maidens etc. All historians call them servants, bondsman, indentured servants, slaves, etc., and agree that they were all political victims. The plain facts are that most were treated as slaves. After their land was confiscated by England, which drove them from their ancestral homes to forage for roots like animals, they were kidnapped, rounded up and driven like cattle to waiting ships and transported to English colonies in America, never to see their country again. They were the victims of what many called the immense Irish Slave Trade. The following are but a few of the numerous references to those Irish transported against their will between 1651 and 1660. Emmet asserts that during this time, more that: "100,000 young children, who were orphans or had been taken from their Catholic parents, were sent abroad into slavery in the West Indies, Virginia and New England, that they might lose their faith and all knowledge of their nationality, for in most instances even their names were changed... Moreover, the contemporary writers assert between 20,000 and 30,000 men and women who were taken prisoner were sold in the American colonies as 177 slaves, with no respect to their former station in life." Estimates vary between 80,000 and 130,000 regarding the amount of Irish sent into slavery in America and the West Indies during the years of 1651 - 1660: 178 179 180 Prendergast says 80,000; Boudin 100,000; Emmet 120,000 to 130,000 ; 181 Lingard 60,000 up until 1656; and Condon estimates "the number of Irish transported to the British colonies in America from 1651 - 1660 exceeded the total number of their inhabitants at that period, a fact which ought not to be lost sight of by 182 those who undertake to estimate the strength of the Celtic element in this nation..." Even though the figures given are but estimates, they are estimates from eminent historians. After reviewing the profitability of the slave trade, King Charles II chartered the Company of Royal Adventurers in 1662, which later became the Royal African Company. The Royal Family, including Charles II, the Queen Dowager and the Duke of York, then contracted to supply at least 3000 slaves annually to their chartered company. They far exceeded their quotas. It is interesting to note that from 1680 to 1688, the Royal African Company sent 249 shiploads of slaves to the Indies and American Colonies, with a cargo of 60,000 Irish and Africans. More than 14,000 died 183 during passage. There are records of Irish sold as slaves in 1664 to the French on St. Bartholomew, and English ships which made a stop in Ireland en route to the Americas, typically had a cargo of Irish to sell on into the 18th century. Few people today realize that from 184 1600 to 1699, far more Irish were sold as slaves than Africans. Then there were the Scots who were also sold into slavery. Kelly D. Whittaker writes in White Slavery: “There were hundreds of thousands of Scots sold into slavery during Colonial America…The judges of Edinburgh Scotland during the years 1662-1665 ordered the enslavement and shipment to the colonies a large number of rogues and 185 others who made life unpleasant for the British upper class.” It is interesting to note the early ancestors of the Scots, Alba and Pics were enslaved as early as the first century BC. Julius Caesar enslaved as many as one million whites from Gaul. Varro, a Roman philosopher stated in his agricultural manuscripts that 186 white slaves were only things with a voice or instrumenti vocali.


The Irish and Scots would differently fall into the category of being of those who have been most oppressed peoples over the last millennium; in fact what these people endured must be summed-up as a genuine holocaust that has been buried in the past and never mentioned by those who promote the distorted propaganda that is presented as history As with black slaves from Africa, whites throughout Britain – England included - were being kidnapped and shipped overseas; not for reasons of unvarnished human hatred, but because it was profitable. When all the horrors are peeled away, the kidnap business was precisely that - a business. Without a strong profit motive, the wholesale seizure of flesh wouldn’t have occurred. Thomas J. Wertenbaker in The First Americans writes: “One could kidnap a man at random in the alleys of London 187 and be sure of a ready sale for him in the South,” Amazingly, kidnapping was in many cases a legally sanctioned practice. A 1618 Parliamentary bill allowed for constables to forcefully nab all orphaned children over eight years old and to detain them in prisons awaiting shipment to colonial 188 plantations. In 1618 the London authorities began rounding up beggar children between the ages of eight and sixteen. This was urban renewal that paid for itself because the children, like convicts, brought a good price from American planters. In the WHITE CARGO: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh the authors note that "of the first 300 children shipped between 1619 and 1622, only twelve were still alive in 1624." At least one is known to have died after she was subjected to 500 strokes for skipping work. Over the years, towns all over England gathered up young beggars judged to be a burden, and sold them in the colonies. Other laws allowed for the bodily capture of debtors and criminals. A 1652 Commonwealth law permitted officials to identify “begging or vagrant” subjects and cause them to be “seized on and detained” in order to be schlepped in shackles to the 189 colonies. Similar initiatives arose throughout the British Isles as local officials 190 191 realized it was cheaper to sail their lumpen proles westward than to continue doling out poor relief. Hoping to send their underclass en masse to New York, the Scottish Privy Council in 1669 issued orders for local officials to round up “strong and idle beggars, vagabonds, egyptians, common and notorious whoores, theeves, and 192 other dissolute and lousy persons.” In his book Bound Over the author, John Van der Zee, states the following: “Press gangs in the hire of local merchants roamed the streets, seizing ‘by force such boys as seemed proper subjects for the slave trade.’ Children were driven in flocks through the town and confined for shipment in barns…So flagrant was the practice that people in the countryside about Aberdeen avoided bringing children into the city for fear they might be stolen; and so widespread was the collusion of merchants, shippers, suppliers and even magistrates that the man who exposed it was forced to recant and run out of town.” In The Mind of the South by W.J. Cash the author states that, “the greater number” of indentured servants “seems to have been mere children or adolescents, lured from 193 home by professional crimps or outright kidnapped.” An estimate published in 1670 alleged that 10,000 British subjects had been 194 kidnapped that year. A pamphlet issued ten years later reckoned that ten thousand 195 Brits were still being captured per year, every year. If those stats are reliable, this would total 100,000 British kidnapping victims in the 1670s alone. In the history of 196 slavery in America, fewer than 400,000 black slaves were imported. Then there was the journey by sea, known as the Middle Passage, which often proved as traumatic and lethal as it had for African slaves. The British slaveships were often little more than floating coffins. Duncan Campbell, an English merchant who shipped white convicts to America until the Revolution broke out, chalked up a ten percent



middle-passage death rate as a “moderate loss.” One historian calculated that between ten and fifteen percent of all white bondsmen “commonly died during the 198 voyage.” Others peg the overall death quotient as murderously higher. Ships carrying White slaves to America often lost half their slaves to death. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger, “Scattered data reveal that the mortality for [White] servants at certain times equaled that for [Black] slaves in the ‘middle passage,’ and 199 during other periods actually exceeded the death rate for [Black] slaves.” Salinger reports a death rate of ten to twenty percent over the entire 18th century for Black slaves on board ships enroute to America compared with a death rate of 25% for White slaves enroute to America. 200

In Journey to Pennsylvania the author records his journey in 1790 by ship to the English colony of Pennsylvania. He states: "When the ships have for the last time weighed their anchors near the city of Kaupp [Cowes] in Old England, the real misery begins with the long voyage. For from there the ships, unless they have good wind, must often sail 8, 9, 10 to 12 weeks before they reach Philadelphia. But even with the best wind the voyage lasts 7 weeks. . . But during the voyage there is on board these ships terrible misery, stench, fumes, horror, vomiting, many kinds of sea-sickness, fever, dysentery, headache, heat, constipation, boils, scurvy, cancer, mouthrot, and the like, all of which come from old and sharply salted food and meat, also from very bad and foul water, so that many die miserably Add to this want of provisions, hunger, thirst, frost, heat, dampness, anxiety, want, afflictions and lamentations, together with other trouble, . . . the lice abound so frightfully, especially on sick people, that they can be scraped off the body. The misery reaches the climax when a gale rages for 2 or 3 nights and days, so that every one believes that the ship will go to the bottom with all human beings on board. In such a visitation the people cry and pray most piteously . . . No one can have an idea of the sufferings which women in confinement have to bear with their innocent children on board these ships. Few of this class escape with their lives; many a mother is cast into the water with her child as soon as she is dead. One day, just as we had a heavy gale, a woman in our ship, who was to give birth and could not give birth under the circumstances, was pushed through a loop-hole (port-hole) in the ship and dropped into the sea, because she was far in the rear of the ship and could not be brought forward. . . Children from 1 to 7 years rarely survive the voyage. I witnessed misery in no less than 32 children in our ship, all of whom were thrown into the sea. The parents grieve all the more since their children find no resting-place in the earth, but are devoured by the monsters of the sea. . . That most of the people get sick is not surprising, because, in addition to all other trials and hardships, warm food is served only three times a week, the rations being very poor and very little. Such meals can hardly be eaten, on account of being so unclean. The water which is served out on the ships is often very black, thick and full of worms, so that one cannot drink it without loathing, even with the greatest thirst. Toward the end we were compelled to eat the ship's biscuit which had been spoiled long ago; though in a whole biscuit there was scarcely a piece the size of a dollar that had not been full of red worms and spiders nests. . . When the ships have landed at Philadelphia after their long voyage, no one is permitted to leave them except those who pay for their passage or can give good security; the others, who cannot pay, must remain on board the ships until they are purchased, and are released from the ships by their purchasers. The sick always fare the worst, for the healthy are naturally preferred and purchased first; and so the sick and wretched must often remain on board in front of the city for 2 or 3 weeks, and frequently die, whereas many a one, if he could pay his debt and were permitted to leave the ship immediately, might recover and remain alive. . . The sale of human beings in the market on board the ship is carried on thus: Everyday Englishmen, Dutchmen and High-German people come from the city of Philadelphia and other places, in part from a great distance, say 20, 30, or 40 hours away, and go on board the newly arrived ship that has brought and offers for sale passengers from Europe, and select among the healthy persons such as they deem suitable for their business, and bargain with them how long they will serve for their passage money, which most of them are still in debt for. When they have come to an agreement, it happens that adult persons bind themselves in writing to serve 3, 4, 5, or 6 years for the amount due by them, according to their age and


strength. But very young people, from 10 to 15 years, must serve until they are 21 years old. . . Many parents must sell and trade away their children like so many head of cattle; for if their children take the debt upon themselves, the parents can leave the ship free and unrestrained; but as the parents often do not know where and to what people their children are going, it often happens that such parents and children, after leaving the ship, do not see each other again for many years, perhaps no more in all their lives. . . It often happens that whole families, husband, wife, and children are separated by being sold to different purchasers, especially when they have not paid any part of their passage money. . . When a husband or wife has died at sea, when the ship has made more than half of her trip, the survivor must pay or serve not only for himself or herself, but also for the deceased … When both parents have died over half-way at sea, their children, especially when they are young and have nothing to pawn or to pay, must stand for their own and their parent's passage, and serve until they are 21 years old. When one has served his or her term, he or she is entitled to a new suit of clothes at parting; and if it has been so stipulated, a man gets in addition a horse, a woman, a cow. . . If some one in this country runs away from his master, who has treated him harshly, he cannot get far. Good provisions has been made for such cases, so that a runaway is soon recovered. He who detains or returns a deserter receives a good reward. . . If such a runaway has been away from his master one day, he must serve for it as a punishment a week, for a week a month, and for a month half a year.” Michael A. Hoffman, the author of They Were White and They Were Slaves quotes an article from the Argosy in which lay historian Col. A.B. Ellis states: “The human cargo, many of whom were still tormented by unhealed wounds, could not all lie down at once without lying on each other. They were never suffered to go on deck. The hatchway was constantly watched by sentinels armed with hangers and blunder busses. In the dungeons below all was darkness, stench, lamentation, disease and death.” Foster R. Dulles writing in Labor in America: A History, states that whether convicts, children ’spirited’ from the countryside or political prisoners, White slaves “experienced discomforts and sufferings on their voyage across the Atlantic that paralleled the cruel hardships undergone by negro slaves on the notorious Middle Passage.” Dulles goes on to state the Whites were “indiscriminately herded aboard the ‘white guineamen,’ often as many as 300 passengers on little vessels of not more than 200 tons burden–overcrowded, unsanitary…The mortality rate was sometimes as high as 50% and young children seldom survived the horrors of a voyage which might last anywhere from seven to twelve weeks.” In his book America at 1750: A Social Portrait, in the chapter titled “White Servitude”, the author Richard Hofstadter states the following: “A merchant who would spend from six to ten pounds to transport and provision an indentured servant might sell him on arrival - the price varied with age, skill, and physical condition - for fifteen to twenty pounds, although the profits also had to cover losses from sickness and death en route. The typical servant had, in effect, sold his total working powers for four or five years or more in return for his passage plus a promise of minimal maintenance. After the initially small capital outlay, the master simply had to support him from day to day as his services were rendered, support which was reckoned to cost about thirteen or fourteen pounds a year. In Maryland, where exploitation was as intense as anywhere, the annual net yield, even from unskilled labor, was reckoned at around fifty pounds sterling. The chief temptation to the master was to drive the servant beyond his powers in the effort to get as much as possible out of him during limited years of service ... Buyers came on shipboard to take their pick of the salably healthy immigrants, beginning a long process of examination and inspection with the muscles and the teeth, and ending with a conversational search for the required qualities of intelligence, civility, and docility. At Philadelphia buyers might be trying to find Germans and eschew the Scotch-Irish, who were reputed to be contumacious and work resistant and disposed to run away. Some buyers were "soul drivers" who bought packs of immigrants and


brutally herded them on foot into the interior where they were offered along the way to ready purchasers.” The acclimatization phase was known ominously as “seasoning.” With the prick of a mosquito’s proboscis, malaria was shot into their veins. Dysentery wormed a bloody swath through their intestines. Bone-melting fevers often boiled them alive. According to accounts from both Virginia and the West Indies during the 1600s, roughly EIGHTY 201 PERCENT of white slaves/servants died within the first twelve months after arrival. Thousands and thousands of white servants, male and female, quietly perished in tropical squalor, their “seasoning” having rendered them crispy corpses. Barbados was barbaric. Not only was the flaming equatorial heat inimical to the European metabolism, Barbadian slave-drivers were said to be particularly cruel. One island commissioner reportedly petitioned Cromwell to switch over to black slavery, reasoning that since black slaves were a costlier, more permanent investment, the vicious overseers might “take more interest in their preservation and so work them 202 with moderation.” All writers on the 17th century American colonies are in agreement that the treatment of white servants or white slaves in English colonies was cruel to the extreme, worse than that of black slaves; that inhuman treatment was the norm, that torture and branding FT, fugitive traitor, on the forehead was the punishment for attempted escape. Dunn stated: "Servants were punished by whipping, strung up by the hands and matches lighted between their fingers, beaten over the head until blood ran," - all 203 this on the slightest provocation. Ligon, an eyewitness in Barbados from 1647-1650 said, "Truly, I have seen cruelty there done to servants as I did not think one Christian 204 could have done to another." In Bound Over: Indentured Servitude and American Conscience by John Van Der Zee the author states: ''Negroes being a property for life, the death of slaves, in the prime of youth or strength, is a material loss to the proprietor: they are, therefore, in almost every instance, under more comfortable circumstances than the miserable European, over whom the rigid planter exercises an inflexible severity. They are strained to the utmost to perform their allotted labour; and, from a prepossession in many cases too justly founded, they are supposed to be receiving only the just reward which is due to repeated offences. There are doubtless many exceptions to this observation, yet, generally speaking, they groan beneath a worse than Egyptian bondage.'' In American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia, the author Edmund S. Morgan states: “Indentured servants served longer terms in Virginia than their English counterparts and enjoyed less dignity and less protection in law and custom. They could be bought and sold like livestock, kidnapped, stolen, put up as stakes in card games, and awarded - even before their arrival in America - to the victors in lawsuits. Greedy magnates (if the term is not redundant) stinted the servants’ food and cheated them out of their freedom dues, and often out of their freedom itself, when they had served their time. Servants were beaten, maimed, and even killed with impunity. For expressing opinions unfavourable to the governor and the governing council, one man had both his arms broken and his tongue bored through with an awl, while another lost his ear and had to submit to a second seven-year term of servitude - to a member of the council that had judged his case.” The beating and whipping of White slaves resulted in so many being beaten to death that in 1662 the Virginia Assembly passed a law prohibiting the private burial of White slaves because such burial helped conceal their murders and encouraged further 205 atrocities against other White slaves. Of course the white slaves in the Caribbean were no better of. Although 21,700 Irish slaves were purchased by Barbados planters from 1641 to 1649, there never seemed 206 to have been more than about 8 to 10 thousand surviving at any one time. In 1688 a member of the nobility wrote from a British colony in the Caribbean islands to the British government, "I for the poor White Servants here, who are


used with more barbarous cruelty than if in Algiers. Their bodies and souls are used 207 as if hell commenced here and only continued in the world to come." Carl and Roberta Bridenbaugh write in No Peace Beyond the Line: The English in the Caribbean: "Twenty or more (White) servants laboring under the supervision of an overseer led the most wearisome and miserable lives...if a servant complained, the overseer would beat him; if he resisted, the master might double his time in bondage...the overseers act like those in charge of galley slaves...The cost in (White) lives of such inhuman treatment is incalculable, but it was very, very high." In stark contrast to the small number of White indentured servants present on Barbados, who could at least theoretically look forward to eventual freedom no matter how bad their temporary bondage may have been, White slaves possessed no such hope. Indeed, they were treated the same as slaves of African descent in every manner imaginable. Irish slaves in Barbados were regarded as property to be bought, sold, treated and mistreated in any way the slave-owner saw fit. Their children were 208 born into hereditary slavery for life as well. Punitive violence, such as whippings, was liberally employed against Irish slaves, and was often used on them immediately upon their arrival in the colonies to brutally 209 reinforce their enchained status, and as a warning against future disobedience. The dehumanizing and degrading cattle-like physical inspections used to assess and showcase the "qualities" of each captive for prospective buyers, which reached infamy with the Black slave markets, was also practiced upon both White slaves and indentured servants in the colonies of the West Indies and North America. Irish slaves were marked off from their free White kinsmen through a branding of the owner’s initials applied to the forearm for women and on the buttocks for men by a red-hot iron. Irish women, in particular were seen as a desirable commodity by White slave owners who purchased them as sexual concubines. Others found themselves sold off to local brothels. This degrading practice of sex slavery made Irish men, women and 210 children potential victims to perverse whims of many unsavoury buyers. In reality, White slaves fared no better a fate as unwilling human property than did contemporary captive Africans. At times they were even treated worse then their Black counterparts due to economic considerations. This was especially true throughout most of the 17th century, as White captives were far more inexpensive on the slave market than their African counterparts, and hence were mistreated to a greater extent as they were seen as a conveniently disposable labour force. It was not 211 until later that Black slaves became a cheaper commodity. An account dating back to 1667 grimly described the Irish of Barbados as “poor men, that are just permitted to 212 live ... derided by the Negroes, and branded with the Epithite of white slaves.” A 1695 account written by the island’s governor frankly stated that they laboured “in the parching sun without shirt, shoe, or stocking”, and were “domineered over and used like dogs.” It was common knowledge among the Irish of this era that to be deported, 213 or “barbadosed”, to the West Indies meant a life of slavery. In many cases, it was actually common for White slaves in Barbados to be supervised by mulatto or Black overseers, who often treated captive Irish labourers with exceptional cruelty. Indeed: “The mulatto drivers enjoyed using the whip on whites. It gave them a sense of power and was also a protest against their white sires. White women in particular were singled out for punishment in the fields. Sometimes, to satisfy a perverted craving, the mulatto drivers forced the women to strip naked before commencing the flogging and then forced them to continue working all day under the blistering sun. While the women were weeding in the fields in that condition, the drivers often satisfied their lust by taking them from the 214 rear.” Such instances of horrific rape and unwilling sexual union between Irish female slaves and Black slave-drivers, was actually implicitly encouraged by many of their masters. Mulatto children, who resulted from such unions, both willing and unwilling, were seen by the plantation masters as a potentially unlimited breeding stock of future native215 born slave labour, acquired free of charge and without the costs of transportation. Existing public records on Barbados reveal that some planters went as far as to systematize this process of breeding through the establishment of special “stud farms” for the specific purpose of breeding mixed-race slave children. White female slaves,


often as young as 12, were used as “breeders” to be forcibly mated against their 216 will. On the subject of slave breeding James F. Cavanaugh states the following: “The planters quickly began breeding the comely Irish women, not just because they were attractive, but because it was profitable,,, as well as pleasurable. Children of slaves were themselves slaves, and although an Irish woman may become free, her children were not. Naturally, most Irish mothers remained with their children after earning their freedom. Planters then began to breed Irish women with African men to produce more slaves who had lighter skin and brought a higher price. The practice became so widespread that in 1681, legislation was passed “forbidding the practice of mating Irish slave women to African slave men for the purpose of producing slaves for sale.” This legislation was not the result of any moral or racial consideration, but rather because the practice was interfering with the profits 217 of the Royal African Company!” But throughout the 17th and much of the 18th century, the tobacco, sugar and cotton colonies maintained a sizable White slave population. Negro slaves simply cost too much to import and purchase. Whites were cheaper and more expendable - until they began to fight; "planters, especially in the South, eventually elected to replace the restive white servants with the more identifiable and presumably less criminal black 218 slaves." How many tourists today who take winter vacations in such Caribbean islands as Jamaica and Barbados know that they are visiting the site of a gruesome holocaust against poor white slaves who died by the tens of thousands and were slaves in those islands long before blacks ever were? Historian Richard Dunn has stated that the early sugar plantations of the British West Indies were nothing more than mass graves 219 for White workers. Four-fifths of the White slaves sent to the West Indies didn't 220 survive the first year. Upon release from bondage, white servants were legally entitled to “freedom dues.” The popular myth is that most servants received a fertile chunk of sod and lived happily ever after. This is an outright falsehood, as most states granted no land whatsoever as part of their freedom dues. Maryland was an exception. But a study of approximately 5,000 white indentured servants in Maryland during the 1670s reveals 221 that only a quarter of them inherited the 50-acre headright; in fact, a higher number 222 of them had died in bondage than had received land. Instead of land, most white ex-slaves were promised only clothing, tools, and/or a pittance of cash. A 1700 223 Pennsylvania law provided only for two suits, an axe, and two hoes. In the mid1700s, Virginia’s freedom dues for newly released servants amounted to a one-shot 224 cash payment of three pounds, ten shillings. In North Carolina around the same 225 time, freedom dues were a trifling three pounds. So how far could a white ex-slave go on three pounds sterling? Would he be able to purchase livestock, land, or slaves - in short, any of the things which brought financial security, especially in the South? For the freed indentured servant, “[T]he statistical probability for rising to even middle-class position was very slight,” writes one 226 historian. The most commonly cited guesstimate, provided by indentured-servitude specialist Abbot Emerson Smith, is that only one in ten white ex-slaves would “wax decently prosperous.” Smith reckoned that maybe another one in ten would achieve some measure of self-sufficiency. Eight of ten servants, however, either “died during 227 their servitude, returned to England after it was over, or became ‘poor whites.’” A Maryland priest observed that “white servants, after their terms of bondage is out, are 228 stroling [sic] the county without bread.” Governor Bradford of Massachusetts lamented that “by one means or another, in 20 years time, it is question whether ye 229 greater part be not growne ye worser.” In South Carolina, Frederick Law Olmsted commented that “the poor white people, meaning those, I suppose, who bring nothing to market in exchange for money but their labor…are worse off in almost all respects 230 than the [black] slaves.” Now I stated earlier many Southern free workers were worse off then the Southern chattel slaves. An excellent booklet entitled AMERICA FOR FREE WORKING MEN written by Charles Nordhoff in 1865 [LINK] gives an insight on how chattel slavery


impacted on the free workers in the Southern states. I quote a few extracts from this publication: “Printers call that work which is most quickly and easily done, and which is the best paid, “fat;" that which is hard to do and poorly paid, they call "lean." Now, in all mechanical and other labor performed in the Slave States, the slave constantly gets the best, the easiest - the fat; the free mechanic or laborer, if he is employed at all, gets only the leavings of the slave, the lean. This comes about, because the slave-owner is a wealthy and influential man, who is able to select the lightest tasks for his slave; by this the slave-owner of course makes the greatest profit, and incurs the least expense. But the free white workingman must stand aside, or take that task which the slaveowner will not have. [Page 7] “Another planter in Virginia employed a gang of Irishmen in draining some land. But mark the reasons he gave for this use of free labor. ‘It's dangerous work’ (unwholesome), said he; ‘and a negro's life is too valuable to he risked at it. If a negro dies, it is a considerable loss, you know.’ This slaveholder did not care how many Irishmen died in his malarious ditches. So, too, on the southwestern steamboats, slaves are employed to do the lightest and least dangerous labor, but Irish and German free workingmen are employed to perform the exhausting and dangerous work. Thus, on the Alabama River, Olmsted observed that slaves were sent upon the bank to roll down cotton bales, but Irishmen were kept below to drag them away. The mate of the boat said, by way of explanation, ‘The niggers are worth too much to be risked here ; if the Paddies are knocked over-board, or get their backs broke nobody loses anything.’ [Pages 7-8 Emphasis added] “Alfred E. Matthews, of Starke county, Ohio, in his ‘Journal of his Flight’ from Mississippi, in 1861, remarks: ‘I have seen free white mechanics obliged to stand aside while their families were suffering for the necessaries of life, when slave mechanics, owned by rich and influential men, could get plenty of work; and I have heard these same white mechanics breathe the most bitter curses against the institution of slavery and the slave aristocracy.’ [Page 8] “These instances, culled from southern life, show the bearing of the slave system upon the free working population. The planters do not need the assistance of the free laboring class; they despise it, and discourage it. [Page 8] “In another part of his address he said: ‘Eighteen or at most nineteen dollars will cover the whole necessary annual cost of a full supply of wholesome and palatable food, purchased in the market,’ for one person in South Carolina. It would seem, therefore, that so completely had the slave system robbed the free man of the opportunity to make an honest livelihood, that one-sixth of the free white population of South Carolina could not earn even the paltry sum of eighteen dollars per annum! So completely have the slaveholders monopolized the labor market for their slaves! [Page 9] “The bitter hatred of the ‘free white’ in the South for the negro has been often spoken of. Does any one wonder at it, when he considers that these free men feel the wrongs they suffer, but are too ignorant to trace them to their sources? They hate the slaves, but if they were somewhat more intelligent they would hate the slaveholders, who are the authors of all their woes. [Page 9] “The slaveholders have the political power; they look only to their own interests; and even where they have established manufactures, they have given work preference to slaves over free men and women. [Page 10] “It matters nothing to him (the slaveholder) how low others can produce the article ; he can produce it lower still, so long as it is the best use he can make of his labor, and so long as that labor is worth keeping. That is to say, a free white mechanic is at the mercy of his neighbor, the capitalist, in a slave state, because, if the capitalist does not like his price, he can ‘go and buy a carpenter and sell him again when the work is done.’ Thus, while it is true that in the long run and on the average free labor is always cheaper than


slave labor, the capitalist who monopolizes the slave labor is able to drive out or starve out the free laborer over whom he and his slaves have an unfair advantage. The slaveholders used to boast that there were no ‘strikes’ in the South - here we see the reason. [Page 11] “The capitalist, in a slave state, is a man with a hundred black arms, all bare, all eagerly seeking work, all ready to work for less than a free man can support his family decently upon. The capitalist is a hundred-armed workman, with enough social influence to command work for all his hundred arms, to the exclusion of the honest free mechanic and laborer. The slave, in the hands of this capitalist, is the most dangerous enemy the free workman can have. Suppose a job of work for twenty mechanics is to be given out in a southern town - twenty free men offer themselves - but a slave-owner comes, with the prestige of great wealth, with his social influence and his political power, and he gets the preference for his twenty slaves, the profits of whose labor go to make him richer, while his free neighbors grow poorer. It is not strange that the southern free workingmen resent this monstrous wrong - but it is lamentable that they make the error of hating the tools with which the wrong is done, and not those who use these helpless tools, and the iniquitous system which permits it. It is as though a martyr should abhor only the thumb-screws which torture him, but regard kindly the executioner who applies them; it is as though a western traveller should complain of the scalping knife, but love the Indian savage who uses it. [Page 13] “...the products of slave labor were also exempted from taxation. Tobacco, corn, wheat and oats were not taxed; but the product of free labor, consisting of cattle, hogs, sheep, etc., was heavily taxed; as were also the earnings of free laboring men, who were obliged to pay an income tax. It was asserted by Mr. Peirpoint, in 1860, that 'upwards of two hundred and thirty million dollars of the Virginia slaveholders' capital in slaves was exempted from taxation.’ [Page 15] “But while the slave owner was so protected, see how it fared with the free laborer? Every free mechanic, artisan, or laborer of whatever kind, who was in the employment of any person, was obliged, by a special law, to pay an income tax...The Virginia slaveholders exempted only themselves! They taxed the poor, but left the rich to pay nothing. [Page 15] “Thus was slave labor encouraged and free labor made penal in the South. Thus, to use Marion's words, the poor became poorer and the rich richer. Thus free mechanics were driven out of the slave states, taxed out, starved out, until, in 1859, Charleston, one of the chief seaports of the South, had not left so much as a single ship-carpenter.” [Page 16] I will next quote an extract from the book American Negro Slavery by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips: “Even without pestilence, deaths might bring a planter's ruin. A series of them drove M.W. Philips to exclaim in his plantation journal: "Oh! my losses almost make me crazy. God alone can help." In short, planters must guard their slaves' health and life as among the most vital of their own interests; for while crops were merely income, slaves were capital. The tendency appears to have been common, indeed, to employ free immigrant labor when available for such work as would involve strain and exposure. The documents bearing on this theme are scattering but convincing. Thus E.J. Forstall when writing in 1845 of the extension of the sugar fields, said thousands of Irishmen were seen in every direction digging plantation 231 ditches; T.B. Thorpe when describing plantation life on the Mississippi in 232 1853 said the Irish proved the best ditchers; and a Georgia planter when describing his drainage of a swamp in 1855 said that Irish were hired for the 233 work in order that the slaves might continue at their usual routine. Olmsted noted on the Virginia seaboard that "Mr. W.... had an Irish gang draining for him by contract." Olmsted asked, "why he should employ Irishmen in preference to doing the work with his own hands. 'It's dangerous work,' the planter replied, 'and a negro's life is too valuable to be risked at it. If a negro 234 dies, it is a considerable loss you know,’” On a Louisiana plantation W.H. Russell wrote in 1860:


‘The labor of ditching, trenching, cleaning the waste lands and hewing down the forests is generally done by Irish laborers who travel about the country under contractors or are engaged by resident gangsmen for the task. Mr. Seal lamented the high prices of this work; but then, as he said, “It was much better to have Irish do it, who cost nothing to the planter if they died, than to use up good field-hands in such severe employment,”’ “...Likewise Olmsted noted on the Alabama River that in lading his boat with cotton from a towering bluff, a slave squad was appointed for the work at the top of the chute, while Irish deck hands were kept below to capture the wildly bounding bales and stow them. As to the reason for this division of labor and concentration of risk, the traveller had his own surmise confirmed when the captain answered his question by saying, ‘The niggers are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard, or get their 235 backs broke, nobody loses anything!’ To these chance observations it may be added that many newspaper items and canal and railroad company reports from the 'thirties to the 'fifties record that the construction gangs were largely of Irish and Germans. The pay attracted those whose labor was their life; the risk repelled those whose labor was their capital. There can be no doubt that the planters cherished the lives of their slaves.” [Emphasis added]

It was much better to have Irish do it, who cost nothing to the planter if they died, than to use up good field-hands in such severe employment Now what I have just quoted about division of labour and concentration of risk many sound strange and in conflict with peoples’ perception of slavery but this division appears to be common thread during my studies into the slave era in the Southern States. And I must admit, even it may sound cold and calculating, this approach of the slave owners is quite logical. Taking into account that a slave may be worth between one to two thousand dollars - and represented a capital investment - why risk such a valued investment in dangerous or life-threatening work when you could hire freelabour for a dollar a day for such work. If free-labour was injured, crippled or killed they could be easily replaced at no financial loss or extra incurred costs to the slave owners. Now a small minority of the population who were white owned slaves but this does not justify placing the blame and guilt of this slave era on the backs of all white people. The facts show that the white slave owner had no feelings of kith and kin towards his follow, non-slave owning, free workingmen and in fact evidence shows the opposite; he felt contempt towards them. The slave owners considered themselves to be an elite and acted accordingly; they controlled and welded the political power and owned most of the wealth. Interviewer:

I had no idea that slavery had such a big impact through society at the time.


It is most interesting to note that Ulrich B. Phillips, the author of Life and Labor in the Old South explained in his book that white enslavement was crucial to the development of the Negro slave system. The system set up for the white slaves governed, organized and controlled the system for the black slaves. Black slaves were “late comers fitted into a system already developed.” It is interesting to note that the first blacks in the Virginia Colony were treated as indentured servants. As with white indentured servants, the blacks were freed after a stated period. Blacks gradually did sink to a status lower than whites, and a man who was a freed indentured servant helped push them in that direction. A full-blooded African from Angola, he took the English name of Anthony Johnson. After his term of indentured service he prospered mightily, accumulating more than 1,000 acres and a score of servants both black and white. He found fault with one of his blacks, an individual named John Casor, and in 1650, after a lengthy lawsuit, persuaded a court to make the man a servant for life. Casor, then, was one of the first blacks condemned to chattel slavery as we know it. It was only in 1671 that Virginia made all blacks coming into the colony slaves for life.



Will I must say that puts a new twist to the saga.


Yes, I thought it rather ironic that the first legally recognised black slave in North America was owned by a black man. But what is more ironic is that during the era of chattel slavery in the Southern States many free blacks owned slaves.


To be quite honest I haven’t heard that before.


The myth created is that slavery in North America consisted solely of cruel white masters and exploited blacks. Few people realize that black Americans owned slaves, too. In his book Black Slaveowners, Larry Koger wrote a meticulously researched account of the black, slave-owning elite of South Carolina. According to Koger, before the American Civil war, black slave-owners could be found in every slave state and at nearly all educational and economic levels. Mr. Koger reports that, according to the 1830 census, black masters in just four states - Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina - owned more than 10,000 slaves. Even the enlightened state of New York was home to eight black slave-owners. In the South, many pro-slavery whites grew to accept these men and women as neighbours and as allies against abolition. This subject was mentioned in AMERICAN HERITAGE, under the title Selling Poor Steven. Citing the official US Census of 1830, there were 3,775 free blacks who 236 owned 12,740 black slaves. Mr. Koger reports that by 1840, South Carolina boasted 454 Negro masters with 2,357 slaves. Although only about one in five white households in the South owned slaves, approximately 75 percent of the free black heads of household in the state owned slaves. Many former slaves did not regard slavery as a malevolent institution but as an economic opportunity, and had no qualms about buying other blacks once they were able to. The reality is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country; of that total some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states. According to the authors Raymond Logan and Irving Cohen in their book The American Negro: Old World Background and New World Experience the census determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves. Now even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country or just 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves. According to these same census reports there were nearly 4.5 million blacks in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. One of America’s leading African American historians, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free blacks, owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free blacks in that city. Another interesting book on the same subject is Free Negro Owners of Slaves in the United States in 1830, by the noted black historian, Carter G. Woodson. This book lists the names and address of free blacks who owned slaves. The book is very readable, and outlines cases of free black women owning their husbands, free black parents selling their children into slavery to white owners, and absentee free black slave owners, who leased their slaves to plantation owners, among other things. In conclusion I have to quote the author Larry Koger who writes in Chapter 6 of his book, Black Slaveowners: Free Black Slave Masters in South Carolina, 1790-1860 that: “By and large, Negro slaveowners were darker copies of their white counterparts.”

There will only be racial peace when knowledge of radical historical truths are widespread and all sides base their actions on ethical reasoning and not from fantasies of White guilt and the uniqueness of Black suffering


Though slavery has been described as the greatest tragedy in human history, and people think of it as something that happened in the past it still exists in different forms in the modern day society. According to a broad definition of slavery used by Free the Slaves, an advocacy group linked with Anti-Slavery International, there were, in 2007, 27 million people, although some put the number as high as 200 million, throughout the world who worked in virtual slavery. Interviewer:

What you have stated is amazing;


All I have done is add a bit of ballast to the subject in an attempt to place it back on an even keel. But what is amazing is when we rip the scab away covering the issue of slavery and peer deeply into the wound we see and discover facts that are rarely discussed or not mentioned at all; one subject which is certainly not mentioned in the propaganda about slavery is Jewish involvement in the slave trade.

The Predator has no conscience when it comes to exploitation; whether it be his own kind or people of a different race Interviewer:

Jewish involvement in the slave trade? I must admit I have not heard anything about their involvement.


The problem is people are either too lazy or too busy to question what they are told by authority figures. There is much information available if people are prepared to spend time and effort doing research. On the BLACK & JEWS website [LINK] there is a review of the book, published in 1991, and entitled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam which presents a multitude of compelling facts describing first hand accounts of a pernicious and extensive involvement of Jews in the African slave trade. This review states in part: “Jewish historians and scholars are extensively quoted in this easy to read and fascinating 334 page volume. Not since the release of W.E.B. DuBois' The Suppression of the African Slave Trade in 1896 has a more riveting discussion of the topic of slavery been offered for public inspection...Every fact was painstakingly footnoted. The research was matchless and worthy of commendation. Attempts to assuage this work as allegedly "anti-Semitic" or "anti- Jewish" falls on its face given the fact that the work contains the contributions of "respected scholars of the Jewish community."...The power of this presentation is so strong that the facts cannot be refuted. Yet this work does not pretend to be the end-all on this subject of slavery. It provides a window to even more extensive research regarding slavery by its other coconspirators, the white Christians of Europe, the Arabs of the Middle East, and the Black African leaders who sold their own people to the slave traders.” The Truth Establishment Institute [LINK] stated in a review of the book: “Well packaged, the book contains 334 pages of fully documented text including 1,275 footnotes, from more than 3,000 sources. Most of the sources, if not all, were collected from Jewish historical literature.” [Emphasis added] Then the review goes on to make the following interesting points: “One area of note is the abolitionist movement, of which Jewish scholars ostensibly claim membership. On page 147 the Historical Research Department clearly shows using Jewish sources, that those involved in the abolitionist movement were few, and those who did stand against the institution of slavery ‘were scorned and rebuked – most harshly by their own brethren in the synagogue.’ … There is an additional point of interest identified through the research of the Historical Research Department. It is shown that those who did stand against the spread of slavery did so because of the threat it presented to their jobs and economic well being. This is a central difficulty and one that cannot be easily countered by the Jewish thought control organizations, since many who decried this book as antiSemitic, cited the fact that Jews were apart of the abolitionist movement as a


defense … There is no denying that they were a part of the abolitionist movement. Similarly, there is no denying that members of the Jewish community were involved in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, however, the motivation behind the involvement must be brought to light. Interestingly enough, their involvement appears motivated by self-interests and not compassion and concern … In exhaustive detail, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews provides geographic records beginning with the infamous Columbus voyages, and dealing with Jews and slavery in Brazil, Surinam, Barbados, Curacao and Jamaica. Jewish Slavery in Colonial North America, the South, and Jewish involvement in the Civil War … Jewish court records, port records and wills of Jewish slave owners were used. The names of ships, their owners and in many cases, their cargo, were listed and presented in an easy to understand format. Not only is the information easy to read, but using Jewish sources also eliminates the accusation of fraud - unless of course the Jewish scholars maintain that their research in this matter is shoddy and fraudulent.” An article on the Radio Islam website [LINK] entitled Jews and the Black Holocaust What are the Issues? states: “The historical record is formidable and well-represented in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One. Within 334 pages there are 1,275 footnotes containing multiple references for the reader to examine. The irrefutable record of Jewish historical compliance with Black oppression is no longer a ‘secret.’ The debate has surely changed.” Also on the same Radio Islam website they also have a number of Quotes and Facts regarding Blacks and Jews [LINK]. I give two of these quotes:  Louis Epstein, author of Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism writes: "The female slave was a sex tool beneath the level of moral considerations. She was an economic good, useful, in addition to her menial labor, for breeding more slaves. To attain that purpose, the master mated her promiscuously according to his breeding plans. The master himself and his sons and other members of his household took turns with her for the increase of the family wealth, as well as for satisfaction of their extra-marital sex desires. Guests and neighbors too were invited to that luxury." 237  Seymour B. Liebman the author of New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten states in his book: "They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale ... [They] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise … The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains." Referring once again to the Blacks & Jews website they have a list, and I quote: “All of the following ‘Chosen People’ are confirmed to have participated in the Black African slave trade. According to their own literature, each one is a prominent historical figure and most are highly regarded and respected by Jews themselves. Even the most prominent of Jewish Americans never voiced any reservation whatsoever about this practice. Writes Rabbi Bertram W. Korn, ‘it is realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves [and needed them] would do so.’ In fact, ‘Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks.’" [LINK] I would add that this site is differently worth looking at for those wishing to broaden their knowledge base. So based on a careful review of the scholarly literature on "New World" Jewish history by Jewish historians, here is what we do know about Jews in the slave trade: [LINK]  

Lee M. Friedman, a one-time president of the American Jewish Historical Society, wrote that in Brazil, where most of the Africans were actually shipped, "the bulk of the slave trade was in the hands of Jewish settlers." Jewish scholar Dr. Arnold Wiznitzer is most explicit about Jewish involvement in Brazil: "Besides their important position in the sugar industry and in tax farming, they dominated the slave trade....The buyers who


 

appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices." Author Marcus Arkin wrote in his book Aspects of Jewish Economic History that the Jews of Surinam used "many thousands" of Black slaves. Rabbi Herbert I. Bloom wrote in his book, The Economic Activities of the Jews in Amsterdam, that "the slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities here (in Surinam) as elsewhere in the colonies." He even published a 1707 list of Jewish buyers by name with the number of Black humans they purchased. British Jewish historian Dr. Cecil Roth, writer of 30 books and hundreds of articles on Jewish history, wrote in his book History of the Marranos that the slave revolts in parts of South America "were largely directed against [Jews] as being the greatest slave-holders of the region." "I gather," wrote Jewish scholar Wilfred Samuels, "that the Jews [of Barbados] made a good deal of their money by purchasing and hiring out negroes..." He wrote that all Barbadian Jews owned slaves, and even the rabbi had "the enjoyment of his own two negro attendants." Isaac and Susan Emmanuel report in their book History of the Jews of the Netherland Antilles that in Curaçao, which was a major slave-trading depot, "the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise [and] [a]lmost every Jew bought from one to nine slaves for his personal use or for eventual resale."

According to the Blacks & Jews website on Jewish slave-dealing in America, there is also no shortage of troubling evidence: 

Rabbi and historian Bertram W. Korn reported of the case in the 1830s, when Levy Jacobs of New Orleans was outraged at a rumor that claimed he was selling Kentucky-bred slaves. Jacobs took out an ad in the local paper to assure his potential customers that he would in the future keep for sale no other than "Virginia born negroes, of good character." Rabbi Korn, the acknowledged expert on 19th-century American Jewry, observed, "It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so....Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks." According to the "Dean of American Jewish History," Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus, the two largest slave cargoes brought into New York between 1800 and 1850 were brought in by Jew Nathan Simson. Marcus laments in one of his many works that "very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds." Others have revealed that in Newport, Rhode Island, the center of the rum and slave trade, all Jewish families owned Black slaves; the Touro synagogue was built by Black slaves "of some skill"; and of the 22 distilleries serving the slave trade all 22 were owned by Jewish merchants. The sad reality is that one can go on and on without much difficulty in enumerating the extensive involvement of Jews in the Black-slave trade. Actually, one is hard-pressed to name one (just one) prominent colonial American Jew who did not own slaves. Dr. Marc Lee Raphael, who is the editor of American Jewish History, the journal of the American Jewish Historical Society at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, states quite openly on page 14 of his 1983 book Jews and Judaism in the United States that: " Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated ... This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses,


which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent."


Now before I finish I must emphasis again that most, if not all, of the sources proving Jewish involvement in the slave trade have were collected from Jewish historical literature. This is a bit of a shock and a bit much to digest all at once. I gather the information you present is factual? [NOTE: At the end of this interviewer there will be found a number of links to various articles on White Slavery]


As I have said may times: “The truth will survive an unbiased interrogation but a lie will wither and die.” The information I give I believe to be truthful. Now what would I have to gain by lying…nothing…in fact I would discredit myself. Now, any facts I give can be verified by anyone who is prepared to make the effort.

The truth will survive an unbiased interrogation but a lie will wither and die Interviewer:

Your revelations in regards to slavery are quite enlightening. You have mentioned much that I never knew. But that aside…we live in an age where any criticising of Jews brings the big stick called anti-Semitism down on the head of the criticiser. Aren’t you worried at all that you may be labelled as anti-Semite?


Oh please give me a break here. Look I’m no New Age sensitive bloke…I really not give a toss if some narrow minded idiotic bigot who has trouble dealing with facts calls me names. In fact there is evidence from a number of leading anti-Zionist Jews such as Benjamin H. Freedman and Arthur Koestler, to name a few, that indicate that that the majority of Jews are in fact not of the Semitic race.


Not of the Semitic race? You have lost me here…please explain.


It has been claim by a number of Jews that Ashkenazim Jews, who make up approximately 80% of Jews worldwide, are in fact descendents of the Khazars.


Ashkenazim Jews? How many different types of Jews are there?


There are Sephardic Jews. Sephardic Jews are often subdivided into Sephardim from Spain and Portugal - and Mizrachim - from the Northern Africa and the Middle East - though there is much overlap between those groups. Until the 1400’s, the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East were all controlled by Muslims, who generally allowed Jews to move freely throughout the region. When the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, many of them were absorbed into existing Mizrachi communities in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Then there are some Jews who do not fit into this Ashkenazic/Sephardic distinction. There are Yemenite Jews, these are Jews who live, or whose recent ancestors lived, in Yemen. Most of these Yemenite Jews emigrated from Yemen between June 1949 and September 1950 in what was deemed Operation Magic Carpet. Most now live in Israel, with some others in the United States, and fewer elsewhere. Only a handful remains in Yemen, mostly elderly. There are also Ethiopian Jews - also known as Beta Israel and sometimes called Falashas.


So what exactly is a Jew?



Now defining "Jew" has never been simple. While some people classify a person who practises Judaism as a Jew other individuals classify a person as being Jewish by their ancestry. Many Jews themselves take for granted that their community is much more ethnic-national than it is religious. Benjamin Netanyahu who was Prime Minister of Israel from June 1996 to July 1999 frankly regards Jews as members of a racial group. On the other hand other people who would be classified as Jews under the preceding definition have in fact attacked the belief that Jews are a racial group as being a myth. UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, published a series of booklets entitled, The Race Question in Modern Science, in which one of the authors, Harry Lionel Shapiro, whose parents were both Polish Jews, states: "The wide range of variation between Jewish populations in their physical characteristics and the diversity of the gene frequencies of their blood groups render any unified racial classification for them a contradiction in terms. For although modern racial theory admits some degree of polymorphism or variation within a racial group, it does not permit distinctly different groups, measured by its own criteria of race, to be identified as one. To do so would make the biological purposes of racial classification futile and the whole procedure arbitrary and meaningless. ...despite the evidence efforts continue to be made to somehow segregate the Jews as a distinct racial entity."


So there are individuals who are called Jews who believe that Jews are not a racial entity in the true sense of the word?


That would be correct.


Now you stated that Ashkenazim Jews who make up approximately 80% of Jews worldwide are in fact descendents of the Khazars. Who or what exactly are the Khazars?


The Khazars originated in Asia and were a very warlike people and apparently were driven out of Asia finally by the nations in Asia with who they were continually at war. The Khazars invaded Eastern Europe to escape further defeats in Asia and did not find it difficult to subdue and conquer the 25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying approximately 1,000,000 square miles in Eastern Europe located between the Caspian and Black Seas in what is now southern Russia. In a comparatively short period the Khazars established the largest and most powerful kingdom in Europe during this time and probably the wealthiest also. The empire flourished from about the 6th to the 10th centuries. Originally the Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded Eastern Europe. Their religious worship was a mixture of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship. th

Around the 8 century A.D. the Khazars converted to Judaism en masse. The Khazar Kingdom became a virtual theocracy. The religious leaders were the civil administrators also. The religious leaders imposed the teachings of the Talmud upon the population as their guide to living. The ideologies of the Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom. The Talmud provided civil and religious law. Why they decided to convert to Judaism appears to be a bit of a mystery but it has been suggested part of the reason for the conversion was political expediency to maintain a degree of neutrality as they were surrounded by the Islamic Eastern Caliphate of Persia and the Christian Byzantine Empire. thus by choosing Judaism as their state religion they avoid being religiously and hence politically dominated by either empire as both the Christian and Muslims religions recognized Judaism as a forebear and worthy of some respect . By the start of the 10th century, Judaism had gained a stronghold among the common Khazar people, and the Hebrew script came into use in Khazaria. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud. After the fall of Khazaria it appears that these people then spread out to become the "Jewish" populations of Eastern Europe. The book The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler is available as a free PDF download and is a worthwhile read for those wishing a more detailed explanation on this subject.


[Copy and paste the following URL into you browser ] The website Radio Islam has interesting article entitled “Medieval Quotes About Khazar Judaism” [LINK] which has a sampling of numerous contemporary references to the practice of rabbinical Judaism among the Khazars. Also an article by Kevin Alan Brook, entitled “Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?” appears on [LINK] and contains many interesting quotes, references and links. Brook is the founder and owner of, the largest repository of information about the Khazars available on the Internet. He is also the author of The Jews of Khazaria. Some interesting quotes taken from The Jewish Encyclopaedia, The Encyclopaedia Judaica, The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia and a number of other sources that touch on the subject of the Khazar connection are available on the website called THE FRENCH CONNECTION. [LINK] Then there is Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, an anti-Zionist Jew, author of several acclaimed books on the Middle East, including The Zionist Connection also points out in his book, What Price 'Israel'?, the Jewish racial myth and the Khazar/Ashkenazic connection. Interviewer:

So there appears to be considerable evidence questioning the alleged Semitic origins of most people who are referred to as Jews?


That would be correct. An article in the October 29, 1996 issue of the New York Times entitled, “Scholars Debate Origins of Yiddish and the Migrations of Jews” touches on the mystery of just where the Jews of Eastern Europe came from and hints that the Eastern European Jews were not really Semitic and that they were largely descended from the Khazars, who converted en masse to Judaism in medieval times. The article states in part: "More recently, Koestler's controversial thesis has been revived and expanded in a 1993 book, The Ashkenazic 'Jews': A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity (Slavica Publishers), by Dr. Paul Wexler, a Tel Aviv University linguist." Another New York Times article published on September 27, 2003 entitled “Geneticists Report Finding Central Asian Link to Levites” stated: “A team of geneticists studying the ancestry of Jewish communities has found an unusual genetic signature that occurs in more than half the Levites of Ashkenazi descent. The signature is thought to have originated in Central Asia, not the Near East, which is the ancestral home of Jews. The finding raises the question of how the signature became so widespread among the Levites, an ancient caste of hereditary Jewish priests.” The article went on to say: “They say that 52 percent of Levites of Ashkenazi origin has a particular genetic signature that originated in Central Asia, although it is also found less frequently in the Middle East. The ancestor who introduced it into the Ashkenazi Levites could perhaps have been from the Khazars, a Turkic tribe whose king converted to Judaism in the eighth or ninth century, the researchers suggest.” Also the historian Professor Shlomo Zand, who teaches at Tel Aviv University in Israel recently published in Israel a most interesting book entitled When and How Was the Jewish People Invented? which claims there never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened - hence there was no return. Zand rejects most of the stories of national-identity formation in the Bible, including the exodus from Egypt and, most satisfactorily, the horrors of the conquest under Joshua. He claims it is all fiction and myth that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State of Israel. According to Zand, the Romans did not generally exile whole nations, and most of the Jews were permitted to remain in the country. The number of those exiled was at most tens of thousands. When the country was conquered by the Arabs, many of the


Jews converted to Islam and were assimilated among the conquerors. It follows that the progenitors of the Palestinian Arabs were Jews. Zand did not invent this thesis; 30 years before Israel's Declaration of Independence, it was espoused by David BenGurion, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and others. Interviewer:

If the majority of the Jews were not exiled, how is it that so many of them reached almost every country on earth?


Professor Zand says they emigrated of their own volition or, if they were among those exiled to Babylon, remained there because they chose to. Contrary to conventional belief, the Jewish religion tried to induce members of other faiths to become Jews, which explains how there came to be millions of Jews in the world. Zand quotes from many existing studies, some of which were written in Israel but shunted out of the central discourse. He also describes at length the Jewish kingdom of Himyar in the southern Arabian Peninsula and the Jewish Berbers in North Africa. The community of Jews in Spain sprang from Arabs who became Jews and arrived with the forces that captured Spain from the Christians, and from European-born individuals who had also become Jews. Professor Zand also claims that the Ashkenazi Jews did not come from the Land of Israel and did not reach Eastern Europe from Germany, but came from the Khazar Kingdom in the Caucasus. Zand explains the origins of Yiddish culture: it was not a Jewish import from Germany, but the result of the connection between the offspring of the Kuzari and Germans who travelled to the East, some of them as merchants. According to Professor Zand over a long period of time members of a variety of peoples and races, white and black, brown and yellow, converted to the religion of Judaism and hence become known as Jews.


You mention anti-Zionist Jews. Are there many Jews who oppose Zionism?


Regarding the percentage of Jews who support Zionism or the percentage of Jews who oppose Zionism I have really no idea. But I do know there are Jews who strongly oppose Zionism. A number of good Jewish websites which oppose Zionism are NETUREI KARTA INTERNATIONAL [LINK], and JEWS NOT ZIONISTS [LINK].


Very basically what is the difference between a pro-Zionist Jew and an anti-Zionist Jew?


One Jewish anti-Zionist source summed it up as follows: The terms Jews and Judaism refer respectively to a religious not racial entity, the ideology known as Zionism consists of an attempt to transform this religious entity known as the Jews into a racial entity.


So the perception held by many people throughout the Western World in particular that the Jews are a special people has been based on a orchestrated literary of lies?


Yes I would say that is a fair appraisal.


So there is nothing special about them?


Will a genetics paper published in the Journal of Biosocial Science in June 2005, entitled “Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence” claims that Ashkenazi European Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group. The Ashkenazi score 12-15 IQ points above the European average on intelligence tests, and apparently Ashkenazi intelligence is also unique in its loading on verbal IQ versus performance IQ. Though Ashkenazi Jews have an average intelligence of 115, they have verbal skills closer to an average 127.


That is very interesting.


I thought so myself.


Incidentally what happen to the Khazars and their empire?



They eventually succumbed to invasions by the Pechenegs and the Viking Rus of th Kiev and their nation ceased to exist by the late 10 century. Very little survives of the Khazars and their civilization, and surviving artefacts are few.


From what you have said I can guess the answer to my next question but I have to ask it to clarify it. From what you have stated it would be a fair statement to say you are opposed to Zionism?


Yes I am. Zionism is based on a lie; the lie being that Jews are a racial entity. Zionism is all about Jewish domination and hence has involved into a type of imperialism.


Where did Zionism originate?


Somewhere in the historical roots of the Ashkenazi Khazars there incubated a desire to possess a national Jewish homeland. That desire expressed itself in the form of a Messianic movement in the12th century instigated by a Khazar Jew named Solomon ben Duji, whose goal was the forcible subjugation of Palestine. Since its beginnings this desire for a Jewish homeland has echoed down through the centuries which lead to The Balfour Declaration during the First World War and to the establishment of Israel after the Second World War.


So to finish-up this topic are you concerned that you may upset some people by what you have stated?


To quote Fidel Castro, if I may: “I need not excuse myself, as some choose to do, for speaking the truth, no matter how ugly it is.” Now I may ruffle some feathers here so-to-speak by shaking people’s perceptions of reality but that doesn’t make me a nasty person. The problem is that people would rather let a lie perpetrate itself then face condemnation fighting the lie in the defence of the truth:


You sound like a revisionist. Would you classify yourself as one?


A revisionist is an advocacy for the revision of an accepted, usually long-standing view, theory, or doctrine, especially a revision of historical events. If you wish to apply this label to me I wouldn’t be insulted.


Referring to your Housing proposals I get the impression that you do not hold the view that a house shouldn’t be viewed as an investment that will increase in value over time. Would I be correct in assuming this?


Yes, your assumption is correct. A home is a home and the return for the financial investment in a home should be the family that is raised within it. The mentality that a house should appreciate in financial value as time goes by is idiotic. This materialistic way of thinking, making a profit without Productive Effort, has become ingrained and has contribute greatly to the housing problem now facing New Zealand.


You have mentioned nothing about credit cards, have you opinion on this?


Credit cards and Ethos cards should be done away with. Credit cards are part of the parasitic financial system that has been used like a carrot on a stick to lead many people into much debt. The use of Ethos cards has also caused complacency among consumers when it comes to spending. It has been proven that when people have to budget by handling and spending cash they are more likely to be more cautious in attitude and in action.



What about hire purchase as an example?


Simple really; banks could issue a Hire Purchase card for this purpose. Of course the limit of spending on these cards would be limited by an individual’s income and their ability to repay any expenditure on the card over a responsible period of time. This would have the effect of providing individuals with more privacy and no credit checks, plus retailers would be less likely to suffer losses from fraud.


Are you opposed to the introduction of a cashless society?


Most definitely. Credit cards and Ethos cards have paid a big part in conditioning people towards such a system.


How did you arrive at limiting a person wealth to twenty-five million dollars? Why twenty-five million, why not a hundred million then again why not ten million?


Well I looked at this way. If a man or woman has twenty-five million dollars at the age of thirty then this would enable them to spend ten thousand dollars every week for the next fifty years. That is of course considering that they would live at least until they are eighty years of age. Now that’s ten thousand dollars a week over more than an average life span. They don’t have to work; they can just sit on their rumps and do nothing. I think ten thousand dollars a week for the rest of your life is more then an ample income on which to survive. Now don’t forget it is physically impossible for an individual to accumulate tens of millions of dollars solely through their own Productive Effort so by limiting the wealth of present holders of wealth and taking the surplus off them is not immoral as they would have, in my mind, used unethical means to accumulate this wealth.


Do you hold the view that private ownership promotes responsibility?


I believe in the private ownership of Productive Effort and the fruits of that Effort. This is not only Just but provides the owner of Productive Effort with incentive for their endeavours. It is incentive that provides the stimulus for Productive Effort and it is incentive that creates efficiency.


If you believe that private ownership promotes responsibility then why do you not apply this belief to land ownership?


The so-called ownership of land is an illusion; all it does is to create a warm-fuzzyfeeling. Private ownership grants the average citizen very little security as the average citizen is always trapped in what I call the Earn-Debt Cycle. People forget that all it takes are circumstances beyond their control for them to lose ownership because of their inability to escape the Earn-Debt Cycle. Treating land as a marketable commodity does not serve the Common Good, meaning the interests of the majority of the population; it basically only serves the interests of a minority and disadvantages the majority. Under private ownership land takes on a commercial value and is subject to the whims of market forces. Now who does this give advantage to…certainly not the average New Zealander working for an average wage? Now how can land be given a monetary value? It was there before man arrived. It is like giving the water and air around us a monetary value. By giving land a monetary value and treating it like a commodity the majority of New Zealanders will eventually be dispossessed for the simple reason that land will become increasingly


concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. Now I have given much evidence showing how wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated into fewer and fewer hands, not just in New Zealand but in most countries throughout the world, and the same is happening with the control or ownership of land. Interviewer:

You stated before that given time you believe your proposals for land reform won’t seem that radical; could you explain what you mean by that?


Will let’s look at some statistics. 14% of New Zealand’s population live rurally and 86% live in towns. Rural dwellers occupy 97.3% of privately owned land and those living in towns take up 2.7%. Urban housing consists of 1½ million units; there are approximately 170,000 lifestyle blocks and around 40,000 farms. As of October 2008 around 130,000 people in New Zealand owe more on their mortgages then what the market values of their properties are. This works out to approximately 22% of total mortgages. Price of houses have declined nationally by 6.8% to October and will continue to fall. House sells are also down and there has been a surge in the number of houses being put up for mortgagee sale As the economy deteriorates further property values are going to drop more and more so more and more people are going to end up in the situation that they owe more on their homes then what their home is worth on the open market; in such circumstances many people with mortgages are going to find it very difficult if not impossible to remortgage. Of courses unemployment is going to increase which will lead to skyrocketing mortgagee sales due to the fact the jobless will be unable to meet their mortgage commitments. As the economy deteriorates further property values are going to drop more and more so more and more people are going to end up in the situation that they owe more on their homes then what their home is worth on the open market; in such circumstances many people with mortgages are going to find it very difficult if not impossible to re-mortgage. Of courses unemployment is going to increase which will lead to skyrocketing mortgagee sales due to the fact the jobless will be unable to meet their mortgage commitments. Now let’s look at farms. Farm debt has gone up dramatically in the last few years and as of June 2008 stood at NZ$40.216 billion. An article in The New Zealand Farmers Weekly dated Monday 10th November, 2008, stated "Average dairy farm debt is estimated at $1 million per farm". Now farmers survive on the export of their products. As the economies in these export markets deteriorate prices for farm produced commodities such as cheese, butter, wool, and meat will start to tumble and it is quite likely that demand for these commodities will fall and may even be reduced to a trickle. This will place many farmers in a situation in that they will be unable to service their debts. It is interesting to note that a Bay of Islands farm that was valued at $7.07 million 18 months ago was sold by the BNZ [Bank of New Zealand] in November in a mortgagee 238 sale for $2.4 million. With property values falling one must wonder about what this property will be worth in another 18 months! The same situation applies to the owners of holiday homes and lifestyle blocks; many have mortgages on their properties. Any realist can see that property values are going to keep falling and unemployment is going to keep on increasing. In the end many, many people are going to find themselves destitute and in the situation where they will never to be able to own their own home again. In tough times many will not consider the proposals for land reform all that radical and should come to embrace the idea as a logical solution.


Will isn’t this entire debt people’s own fault?


Not necessarily. Before the downturn the prices of houses were increasing at a rate that exceeded peoples’ ability to save. It did not matter what the average person could save a week as prices always increased at a faster rate. Now many people aspired to


owning their own home and many took on large mortgages to satisfy that need before price increases pushed homeownership out of their reach altogether. Now it is not only the people who have purchased a house with a small deposit and taken on a large mortgage; there are many people out there with what is regarded as a moderately sized mortgage who are also going to get hurt. You can consider that anyone with their own home with a mortgage or large debt, who does not have enough money put aside to cover their debts, will be in danger of losing their home if they lose their job. Now this is not only going to hit the low income earners but also the middle income and upper income categories as about two-thirds of the household debt, that is at historic levels, is held by those in the middle income and upper income categories. “The middle classes could become a revolutionary class. . . The growing gap between themselves and a small number of highly visible super-rich individuals might fuel disillusion with meritocracy, while the growing urban under-classes are likely to pose an increasing threat to social order and stability, as the burden of acquired debt and the failure of pension provision begins to bite. . . Faced by these twin challenges, the world’s middle-classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest." A 2007 report from the UK Defence Ministry, Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre "The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036". January 2007, page 81. This debt held by the middle and upper income categories, commonly referred to as the middle class, will, as the economy deteriorates, take a toll on the ranks making up this class. The word annihilated comes to mind and I think it could possible be a fairer description. In regards to the speculators will I’m afraid I have no sympathy for them. They were only interested in making big profits for themselves and didn’t give any consideration to the impact they were having on the average New Zealander. Interviewer:

What about inherence? Should a lease be inheritable?


Of course.


What about subleasing?


No one would be able to sublease land out. If you hold a lease on land then the lease would designate what the land is to be used for. If you hold a lease on a block of land designated for horticulture or agriculture then that is what the land must be used for. If you hold a lease then as the saying goes use it or lose it. No one should be able to sit on large blocks of land because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling.


What about absentee landlords? At present there is land, farms as an example, where the owner has leased out the land or has a manager working the land.


As I stated before all land would become leasehold land. No one would own land. Presently there are cases of people owning land and have someone working it for them, this should not be allowed; the lease must be held by the person or persons working the land. If a farmer has a lease on a block of land and he wishes to retire they would be allowed to hand the lease over to a member of their family. Now it is pretty simple; use it or lose it. If you are a farmer and you want to retire then the lease must be handed over to someone prepared to work the land.


What about stock etc on the land?


Stock, building and plant would have a certain value. It would be logical that anyone wanting to take over the lease of farm land would have to purchase the stock, buildings and plant for a fair and just price.


What about financing?



Any capable person or persons wishing to purchase the stock, buildings and plant with the intention of carrying on farming the land would be entitled to an interest free loan.


You state that a good percentage of New Zealand’s housing stock is of a questionable standard. Is this really such a big problem as you would have people to believe?


I most certainly believe that we have a serious problem with a large proportion of New Zealand’s housing stock.


Could you explain what these problems are?


Approximately two-thirds of New Zealand’s 1.6 million homes were built between 1900 and the 1970’s and were built under building codes that were rather different from what we have today. Over all it would be safe to say that there are many safety issues with these older houses and also safety issues with a portion of later built houses also. Many of these houses have problems with high levels of moisture content and the build-up of molds which have been proven to be damaging to peoples health. Many of these houses have materials that contain asbestos, have ceiling lined with soft board and interior walls lined with hardboard, both of which offer no resistance in the case of fire. Then of course we have the problem involving the foundations of many of these houses that places them at great risk of damage in a serious earthquake.


Surely many of these houses can be overhauled and the problems fixed?


Will let’s look at it this way. The average old three bedroom ex-State house in one of poorer suburbs in the bigger cities goes for let’s say $275,000 plus. Now to be quite frank most of these houses are hovels. Many are un-insulated; they are cold and damp and in such cases have high mold levels thus making them unhealthy to live in. On top of this many need the electrical wiring replaced including the fuse board; the plumbing is old and needs an overhaul, most have earthenware sewage pipes and earthenware storm-water pipes that are prone to damage and blockages. Of course many of these houses have foundations that only extend 300 to 450mm into the ground making them vulnerable to earthquake damage. Many of theses houses have sunken foundations which affect doors, windows and of course the roof; many have borer damage, and many need rotted woodwork replaced. Now I could add a number of other items to the list but I think you get the drift.


Yes…I get the point you are making, please go on.


Good. Now why would a married couple wanting to start a family buy such a dump when they could purchase a new home for a lot less which has a healthy environment in which to raise a family?


You have mentioned problems with house built during the 1900 to the 1970’s period, what houses built after this are there problems with these as well?


Yes we have what has been referred to as leaky home-type catastrophe. During the 1990s a considerable number of houses were built using methods that haven't withstood the weather conditions in New Zealand. Because of the problems involving design, and installation of materials, these houses leak when it rains. In some cases the materials themselves were used inappropriately. Once water or moisture gets behind certain cladding types, if there is no cavity between the cladding and the framework, the water becomes trapped and cannot easily escape or evaporate. In 1998, a change in the New Zealand standard for Timber Treatment allowed the use of untreated kiln-dried timber in wall framing. If this untreated timber framing gets wet, the timber starts to rot. Likewise, steel framed buildings and treated timber can also be affected if they remain wet long enough. This causes, in some cases, extensive damage to the fabric and structure of the house. Of course a side effect of leaking buildings is the risk to human health as some molds that grow on damp timber and other materials can cause respiratory and skin problems.


How big is this problem regarding leaky homes?



The full extent is not yet known, but recent estimates suggest that around 80,000 properties built during the 1990’s – about a third of those constructed – will be affected to some degree. Experts have estimated that the cost of fixing leaky buildings could be as high as $14 BILLION th The Dominion Post. June 29 2009 [Inserted October 2009] Then of course we have the problem that has recently been made public regarding substandard timber that has been used in many new homes. Now how extensive this problem is yet to be investigated but the Waitakere City mayor Bob Harvey has warned of another leaky home-type catastrophe.


By what you have stated there appears to be a serious problem with a large proportion of New Zealand’s housing stock.


That’s what I originally stated.


In the “Introduction” you talk of poverty and subsistence wages. What do you classify as poverty?


I would classify poverty as being unable to earn a just wage which would enable that individual to supply the necessaries of life for themselves and their family.


What would you classify as the necessaries of life?


Being able to afford the following: To pay the mortgage on a home; to have a wellbalance and healthy diet; to clothe yourself and dependants; energy requirements i.e. electricity etc; health requirements i.e. doctor, dental; to maintain your home; transport costs plus on top of this having at least 15 to 20% of your income as surplus.


Why a 15 to 20% surplus?


Working in some mundane job all day and rising a family and not being able to afford to do anything but to provide nothing more then the bare basics of life is soul destroying. Everyone should be able to afford a reasonable level of relaxation. A husband and wife should be able to afford to go out for the occasional drink or meal. A family should be able to afford to have a family holiday within New Zealand.


Would you consider that New Zealand has a high level of poverty?


Will just look at the number of families receiving state assistance to survive. In 200708, figures show that 371,000 households or more than 23% of the country received “Working for Families” payments. On top of this you have accommodation allowances to help low income families to rent accommodation that they otherwise couldn’t afford and various other benefits to help families to keep their noses above what the State considers the poverty line.


Do you believe that these benefits should be done away with?


I am not saying the benefits should be done away with at all. People need them under the present system for the simple reason that most who receive this State assistance couldn’t survive without it. If they didn’t receive this assistance than people would turn on the system and at the moment the system knows this. All the present system has done is to make people reliant on handouts to survive and has created an overinflated bureaucracy. The system needs a radical overhaul to enable people to earn enough so that they can provide for themselves.


Under the system you propose would the welfare system still be needed?


There will always be those who genuinely need assistance during periods of crisis in their lives and there should be a safety net in place for such people.



Do you hold the view that the present system is open to abuse, and if so, what do you suggest is done to eliminate this abuse?


I think one would have to be pretty naïve to believe otherwise. Just looking at the statistics for the sickness or invalids benefit one has to conclude that a many people on these benefits can be rehabilitated to enable them to support themselves through their own Productive Effort. 239

In New Zealand, according to information available in July , there were more than 5,270 beneficiaries receiving weekly sickness or invalid payments because of drug or 240 alcohol problems. Also soaring rates of obesity has also contributed to a huge increase in the numbers of people claiming sickness and invalid benefits. At the end 241 of March 2008 nearly 46,000 people were on a sickness benefit. In total there is approximately 118,000 working-age New Zealanders receiving either a sickness or invalid's benefit - around one in twenty people aged 18 to 64.


One in twenty people of working age are either on a sickness or invalid's benefit?


That is correct. And what does the system do to solve the problem…absolutely nothing. In fact in the past it has been unofficial government policy to get to put people onto either the sickness or invalid benefit to help keep the official unemployment figures down. What else can the system do…not much; in fact nothing at all would be a more just description as it has been government policies that has caused unemployment to rise in New Zealand. Now the economic and financial policies I have outlined would solve the unemployment problem and would in fact create the opposite problem leading to a shortage of labour across the economy. In such a situation those people of a working age who are on benefits and who are capable of working should be told to support themselves and if required given assistance to find employment. People on benefits who have a drug or alcohol problem or a problem with their weight that prevents them from leading a productive life should be offered assistance to over-come the problem that prevents them from achieving that productive life. The simple solution would be to set-up a few health and rehabilitation centres around the country to assist people on these benefits to over-come their alcohol or drug addictions and to help the obese people to reduce their weight. Such a program should be voluntary but those individuals who refuse to partake should have their benefits stopped and all assistance in the form of accommodation allowances etc should also cease. Such a proposal may sound harsh to some individuals but the system I propose is one free of parasites from the very top to the bottom of society.


What about your position on solo parents. Take as an example a single woman who becomes pregnant and who is abounded by the child’s father; should she receive financial assistance from the state?


Now, what do we do when a woman becomes pregnant out of marriage and is deserted by the father of the child? Should the State demand that she look towards her family for support? I am of the opinion that this isn’t realistic due to the dysfunctional nature of many families. Now it certainly is not fair for the state to


support one solo parent because they come from a dysfunctional family but discriminate against another solo parent because their family is prepared to accept the responsibility of caring for her and her child. To be ethical the rules must be applied in an equal manner across the board. Many males who father children out of wedlock would appear to come from the antisocial group within society, and sadly many naïve females are attracted to these males because of these males exhibit a carefree and somewhat belligerent nature – the alpha male type. It is mainly these anti-social males who seduce and use females in succession and very rarely face-up to the responsibilities arising from their actions. It is not uncommon for some males to have sired two, three, or four children to different women. Although I have touched on the male who has a dysfunctional nature one shouldn’t overlook the fact that such dysfunctionality also applies to a segment of the female population. There are solo mothers out there, who have never been married, who have got five, six, or seven children and in some cases the children are all sired by different males. I am certainly not claiming this is the norm amongst solo mothers but there are certainly are women who get pregnant to stay on the domestic purposes benefit. Now according to a report, “Welfare in the Future”, released in 2007 by the United Kingdom's Department for Work and Pensions, New Zealand has "4.2 percent of its working-age population reliant on the Domestic Purposes Benefit." The facts show that this problem is an ever expanding one yet no politician has a solution to solve it. Of course many politicians from time to time point their fingers at solo parents and accuse them of being parasites, leeches, freeloaders, etc, but these same politicians fail to point the finger at the larger parasites which dominate our society. This being said I would propose the following. If a woman has a child out of wedlock and is abandoned by the child’s father she should receive financial assistance from the state to help her provide the necessities of life for her and her child including assistance with accommodation if required. This financial assistance should be provided until the child reaches seven years of age at which time the mother of the child would be expected to work from 9.00am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday. Before I go further I have to repeat myself and point out that the economic and financial reforms I propose would create a labour shortage so it would be easy enough for a woman to find a job meeting those hourly requirements. Thus a solo mother would work thirty hours a week and the state would, if required, top up her pay her pay to enable to provide the necessities of life. When her child reaches fourteen years of age her benefit would cease as she would be capable of working a full time. Interviewer:

The system you talk about would be a god-send for solo parents. They certainly would be better off economically…financially under the system you describe. Do you think it would be open to abuse?


Yes a solo mother and her child certainly would be better off in the economic sense. Now, regarding your query regarding abusing the system. From what I propose next I think you will conclude that abuse of the system would be a thing of the past. If a solo mother who is receiving state assistance becomes pregnant again she should be given the following option: If she wishes to continue to receive state assistance she must either place the child/children from this pregnancy up for adoption or if she desires to keep the child/children from this pregnancy the state would continue to support her and her children provide she voluntary undergoes sterilisation. If she turns down the available options open to her then state assistance should be terminated. She should be further warned that if she is unable to provide the necessities of life for her children they would be removed from her care.


Will such a course of action may appear to be rather harsh in some peoples’ view I would have to admit such a policy certainly can not be called unfair. Talking of fairness, what about the males who father these children? Do they get of scot-free and carry none of the responsibility?



Ooh… I haven’t finished yet, I was about to get to the fathers. If a male fathers children on two separate occasions to two different women and fails to marry one or the other he should be compulsorily sterilised.




Not really, sterilisation isn’t all that painful. I would like to highlight while it is quite common for the finger to be pointed at solo mothers very rarely does one see the finger pointed at the males who father these children. While a male can, like a female, make a mistake, it appears that there are some males who are totally irresponsible and have sired children to three or more women as they have strolled through life. It is this type of irresponsible male, the users of women, that this proposal is aimed at. I would like to add that for far to long, going right back into history, the women have carried the responsibility of morality, if she slipped-up she was classed as a wanton woman, fathers expected their daughters to be moral and yet another standard applied to their sons when it came to sowing their wild oats. It is time that males also carried the mantle of responsible behaviour; that is fair, just and ethical.


No doubt there will be those who consider your solution rather extreme.


The only people who should express concern are the abnormal dysfunctional members in society; I doubt very much if the normal responsible members of society would be affected by what I put forward. Conceiving or the siring of a child carries with it responsibilities towards that child. A child is not a pet there for amusement nor is a child a meal ticket. A child has the right to expect that its parents honour their duties and responsibilities towards the life they have created. Those people who refuse to honour their duties and responsibilities towards the life they create do not disserve any further right to create new life.


That subject aside for the time being, I gather you support a leaner and more efficient state service sector?


Most differently so. I certainly believe that a number of government departments or agencies can be trimmed back or eliminated altogether.


Such as?


For a start all departments that are orientated on race or sex. This would include the Ministry of Maori Development, the Maori Land Court, the Maori Language Commission, the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, the Waitangi Tribunal, and the Ministry of Women's Affairs; I believe that all these should be abolished. I would also include the Ministry of Social Development and the Human Rights Commission on the list to be abolished. No doubt if one took the time and investigated a lot more dead wood could be cut out including the trimming out of excess fat.


You state that the minimum hourly rate should be increased to $18 per hour. Wouldn’t this have an impact on the economy and cause stagnation?


Far from it. For a start I would propose introducing an increase to the $18 mark over a three year period i.e. increase the minimum hourly rate $2 each year. In regards to causing stagnation this would not have a stagnationary effect on the economy because of the financial and economic reforms.


Here is an interesting question that was sent in. In the section “Domination Wealth, Obsession & Power” you have a useful collection of quotes; although I have to agree with the elitists that the mass of humanity are useless drones, myself included. Surely a Malthusian decline in the population of the Third World would be something to

welcome? QE:

Firstly, regarding the statement “…I have to agree with the elitists that the mass of humanity are useless drones, myself included.” I find this description of yourself as a “useless drone” quite intriguing. Perhaps you should use a bit of willpower and rise above The Mass and join the fight instead of wallowing in self-pity. Everyone has some value in any fight but if you are content to flounder amongst The Mass then so-


be-it; but please keep your apathy to yourself. A Man’s value to me is represented by his character and not by his wealth or social standing in this materialistic society. And why mention a Malthusian decline in the population of the Third World? Are these people of less value then people living in New Zealand or elsewhere? Now is the Malthusian Theory a valid theory? It is only common sense that the world has only the capability to feed so many people but has the world’s population reached the stage in numbers that is beyond the world’s capability to feed them. I believe not. The world does not have a population problem; the problem is with the monopolistic control of land, food, and its distribution. Now, how do we go about classifying people as useless or useful? Are the predatory rich elite of more value then some hard working Asian peasant making an honest living from the land? Who is more of a threat to New Zealand? Interviewer:

But you have stated before that you had sometimes felt contempt for The Masses yourself?


I must admit that in the past when I walked down the street or when I passed through the local Mall there were times when I detached myself from the crowd and studied The Mass passing by and I had a feeling of utmost contempt for The Mass in general. Their nature is so contaminated with sloth, stupidity, and cowardice that the seizing of power by destructive parasitic psychopathic predators is almost inevitable. It was during one of my observations that I realised why the powers that be have such contempt for The Mass. It wasn’t until later when I studied the problem that I realised that The Mass has always been the same throughout history and that their subservient nature has always been taken advantage off by the powers of the day. It was at this point I concluded that a just and honourable person would not exploit The Masses but would guide them in a just and honourable way and not exploit The Masses because of its subservient nature. I also came to the conclusion that The Masses’ sloth and stupidity has been cultivated and encouraged by those in charge.


What do you mean by cultivated?


Do you honestly think the Establishment and its political whores want a populace that thinks? Of course not! People who can think for themselves are a threat to the system; better and safer to keep them fat and dumb. If the majority knew what was going on then a few good leaders could easily persuade the majority to string the Establishment, along with its political whores, from the nearest lamppost. The new technology that has been developed last century – radio and television – could have been used to educate The Mass, but this technology and the other media are now predominately controlled by a few Global Corporations and all The Mass gets is controlled news and endless mind numbing soaps. We are continually bombarded with advertising that distorts the realities of life; the educational system throughout most of the world, including New Zealand, has been high-jacked and an endless diet of New Age propaganda feed to our youth. Is it any wonder that The Mass are what they are?


Cripes you only have to ask the average college student some basic questions and you find out how brainwashed they are. Examples: QUESTION: What is domestic violence? ANSWER: A man hitting a woman. QUESTION: Is global warming man made? ANSWER: Yes. QUESTION: Is the world over-populated? ANSWER: Yes. QUESTION: What should we do about the over-population problem? ANSWER: We all should have smaller families.



Then we have students who volunteer to take part in the “Forty Hour Famine” which is a fund-raising event held every year in which participants are sponsored for going without food for up to 40 hours. A noble effort…a matter of opinion I suppose. Surely youth shouldn’t be ridiculed for trying to do something about hunger in the world? Doing something about hunger in the world? It might create a warm fuzzy feeling amongst those taking part but that would be about all they accomplish. If they believe are going to accomplish anything to solve the hunger problem then they are delusional. While our youth has been brainwashed we get little gems like the G8 meeting held in Japan, in July of 2008, where the leaders from the G8 got together to talk about a number of things including global food shortages and soaring food prices. Into the first day of the summit they took time out to sit down to a “working lunch” consisting six courses including white asparagus and truffle soap, crab and a supreme of chicken. Hours later the G8 leaders sat down for an eight course dinner kicking it off with French champagne followed by appetisers of corn stuffed with caviar and smoked salmon. This was followed with cold Kyoto beef, crab and diced fatty tuna. The main course was salt-grilled big-hand thornyhead and milk-fed lamb flavoured with black truffle. The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was served twenty-four dishes during his first day at the summit – just hours after urging the world to reduce the “unnecessary demand” for food and calling on British families to stop wasting food. Total cost of the summit…seven hundred and forty-five million New Zealand dollars.

Total cost of the summit…seven hundred and forty-five million New Zealand dollars.


I think it would be cheaper to spend a couple of dollars on some good strong rope and use it to hang these bastards. At least we would be getting rid of some real useless eaters. Then we have example like the anti-poverty campaigner Bob Geldof charging $100,000 last November [2008] to go to Australia and give a speech about world suffering. Geldof, 54, spoke about the tragedy of Third World poverty and the failure of governments to combat the crisis, at a Crown Casino function in Melbourne. Yes this anti-poverty campaigner charged about $100,000 for his troubles - a speaker’s fee that included the cost of luxury hotel rooms and first-class airfares. It is interesting to note that the Crown Casino is one of the largest and most dazzling gaming facilities in the Southern Hemisphere.

$100,000 for his troubles - a speaker’s fee that included the cost of luxury hotel rooms and firstclass airfares.


Point noted. Why do we have on one hand this agenda to reduce population numbers yet on the other hand people in the West are told we have to raise the standard of living of people living in the poorer countries?


Will this is used as a two pronged attack. Firstly people in the Western World are told that trading with the poorer nations helps them to help them selves. This has helped somewhat in opening markets up in the Western World for low cost products from the Third World. On the other hand the Third World has allowed the Globalists into their countries under the belief that this will raise the standard of living of their people. What has happened in reality is that this has lead to lost jobs in the Western World and an erosion of the standard of living while in the Third World this has lead to increasing domination by the Globalists and the undermining of many of these Third World nations self sufficiency in food production. In the context of food sovereignty many Third World countries who were self sufficient in meeting their food requirements have lost this ability. In many other instances these Third World countries have been conned into introducing GM crops which further enriches the Globalists and their control on these countries. Generally speaking both the Western World and the Third World have both been losers in this interdependence con. It has undermined the sovereignty of these countries and created huge debt for them.


Now it is not possible to raise the standard of living of everyone living in the world to that enjoyed in many western countries. It is not possible to give everyone a television, or a car, or a computer; limited resources prevent this and also it is beyond the economic capabilities of many of these countries to afford this. No all the Globalists and their stooges have done is to create problems which play into their hands. Interviewer:

What do you mean by “play into their hands”?


This is where the Hegelian Dialectic comes in to play.


And what is this Hegelian Dialectic?


The Hegelian Dialectic is summed up as follows: create the problem, create opposition to the problem, and then present your own predetermined solution. Today the environment is being used to make people feel guilty, enticing them to accept change as necessary. Of course many environmental 'facts' are lies, exaggerations and unscientific claims to manipulate The Masses in the classic Hegelian Dialectic. Global warming is a perfect example. So we get problems presented as a Global Problem needing a Global Solution which is slowly leading to the acceptance of Global Governance.


You seem to be opposed to the United Nation. Do you think New Zealand should retrain its membership in this organisation?


From it conception the sole purpose of the United Nations Organisation was to erode nations’ sovereignty by stealth and gradation. I believe New Zealand should withdraw from the UN and to encourage other nations to do likewise. I differently would support the sitting up of Confederation of Free Nations in opposition to the UN.


What about membership in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization?


All these organisations are enforcers for Globalisation; none of these organisations operate in the interests of sovereign nations. I believe New Zealand should withdraw from these organisations and encourage other nations to do likewise.


You made some interesting comments in regards to the gangs in New Zealand. The connection you made between how people in general feel about the gangs and how, for want of a better word, the Establishment feel in general towards what you refer to as The Mass was an eye opener. I must admit I never really looked at it from this point of view, but anyway what I wanted to ask is what you think of the gang problem in New Zealand and what do you think should be done?


Interesting question…when you look at the gangs they are really a society within a society, the only difference is their activities are more noticeable as they are in the public spotlight because they are involved in the more crude immoral activities. Now we have other gangs who walk around in expensive suits and carry briefcases but their immoral business practises are considered legal. Now if we stand back and weigh up the impact of the gangs in expensive suits which carry briefcases and compare their impact on society in comparison to those gangs who wear leather jackets and denim we must come to the conclusion that those gangs in the expensive suits inflict much more damage and sorrow on society then the leather and denim wearing gangs. Now in regards to what should be done. There have been proposals from a number of politicians to outlaw gangs. Now such proposals seem to have major support in the community but the question is; how do we classified a group as an illegal gang and how such a proposal is going to be applied? I believe such proposals are ill conceived and set a dangerous precedent that gives the State powers that are open to abuse. Now the proposals in the “Law and Order” section will take care of those individuals who break the law and especially those involved in the drug trade. Then we have the proposal to give parents more control over their children. Couple all this to the proposed youth service and I believe that within a five year period the gang numbers would be greatly reduced. Of course there will always be the older diehards who will


still associate together under patches but as long as they keep their noses clean and don’t breach the laws of the land I don’t see what problems they would represent. Interviewer:

You state in the section on “Defence” that New Zealand is a small country in a relatively isolated geographic location surrounded by a vast expanse of sea; it is these factors that should shape New Zealand’s defence strategy. Now do you believe that New Zealand needs a defence force if it becomes a neutral country?


I think it would be rather foolhardy to believe that being a neutral country would offer New Zealand immunity from attack.


Which country or countries pose a threat to New Zealand?


At the moment I do not believe there is any. But in an uncertain world things can change rather quickly. From my understanding the Australian military view Indonesia as a potential threat to Australia; whether or not there is evidence to support a threat to New Zealand I can not say with any certainty.


You state that certain “factors that should shape New Zealand’s defence strategy”; could you give an explanation of what you mean?


For a start if New Zealand becomes a neutral country we wouldn’t be, as we are now, involved in UN so-called peace-keeping activities. New Zealand would also be no longer aligned to the U.S., or any other major power, and as such New Zealand military personal would no longer be involved in aggressive action or used as part of an occupation force in foreign lands. In such circumstances we would have to rethink the type of equipment use presently by New Zealand’s military forces. We would have to develop a strategy to defend our territorial waters, air space, and land mass. In the case of New Zealand’s territorial waters we also need the capability to police and protect against illegal fishing by foreign vessels. This would require us to become more self-sufficient in producing the equipment needed to achieve this.


What about New Zealand’s Pacific neighbours, the small Island states that have a close relationship to New Zealand? Do you think New Zealand has any obligation, in a military sense, towards them?


If New Zealand’s Pacific neighbours wished to align themselves to New Zealand than I believe this should be considered. If it meant by doing this it would keep the major powers out of this region than it would add stability to the region. However whether New Zealand could develop the capability to take on the responsibility of their security, in a military sense, is a question that I do not have the answer for at this point in time.


In the section entitled “The Origins of Money & the Impact of Usury” you give the statistics in regards to Domestic Debt for the past twenty years. Now you state that you used 7% base figure so as not to be accused of exaggerating the impact of this debt. What would be the true interest rate on this debt?


I haven’t had the time to do a complete analysis of the Domestic Debt but the average interest rate charged on this debt would be higher than the 7% base figure I used. For a start house mortgages make up $155 billion of this debt and they carry an average interest rate of 8%. Credit card debt stands at $2.4 billion with interest rates up to 22.2%. Than there is hire purchase, personal loans, overdraft facilities for businesses; all these types of debt have interest rates a lot higher than 7%


So the true cost of usury per head of population would be considerable higher.


It would not be an exaggeration to say that.


In the section on “Finance” you state that money deposited in banks should not earn interest. Wouldn’t such a policy destroy the incentive to save?


Certainly not. Now people may not get interest on their savings but on the other hand they won’t be exploited by usury. Under the present system the biggest majority of people pay out more in interest through their lives than they would ever receive in interest on their savings. Under the reforms I propose the average working person


would be better off by hundreds of thousands of dollars by the time they reach retirement. Interviewer:

In the section on “Education” you say words to the effect “that a new citizen with a concept of honour would slowly emerge”, could you explain what you mean by honour?


In this sense I am talking about installing in New Zealand youth, through the Education System, a Code of Honour based on honesty, respect, integrity, mercy, courage and loyalty. Teach the youth that a person dishonours them self when they lie, cheat, steal or knowingly breaks other rules. Teach that when a person dishonours them self that they stain their character and that dishonoured person commands no respect and therefore no trust. Teach them to keep their honour clean. Teach also that no one trusts someone who will shirk their responsibility or who makes the “easy” decision when it suits them; teach the youth never to pass the buck or try to be popular - it is a sign of weakness. Teach that ethical decisions and discipline may not be easy but they do not bring dishonour. When these youths reach adulthood they would have installed in them a Code by which they would live their life by. The end result would be that Society would expect, thus demand and enforce a certain level of behaviour. Introducing ethics into the classroom will not necessarily result in all students increasing their ethical reasoning levels, however, ethics education can raise students’ awareness of potential dilemmas that they may face later in life. Don’t forget that Morality is what separates Man from the animals as Morality acts as a brake on Man’s more basic instincts.


You say installed…that sounds a bit like brainwashing.


Ooh please…let’s cut the crap. If you read the complete paragraph from which that is taken from you will see I state “an individual that has been encouraged to think outside the square”. The truth is the present system of education is a brainwashing system; it does not encourage nor promote free thinking. All it does is educate along very rigid lines and produces units of pre-programmed non-thinkers. Now when I say “an individual that has been encouraged to think outside the square” this cannot be misconstrue as brainwashing as this means the complete opposite. I am talking about getting our youth to think for them selves, to question things and to work out the answers themselves. From an early age, slowly introduce the concept of right and wrong; about the concept of morality and ethics. Now when it comes to working out what is right and wrong place before the youth the yardstick “Never do to others what would pain thyself" and they will very quickly work out the answers. By their own deductions they well know what is right and wrong. The Code would slowly become part of them; it would create a sense of Honour within the individual that would become part of the individual. This Code, this set of Values, would create at the same time a concept of Morality; it would affect how they conduct themselves during the whole of their adult life until they went to their graves. Not only would this Code of Honour become part of their life and it would become part of their subconscious. Generally speaking an individual with a strong sense of Honour finds it difficult and even repugnant to commit a dishonourable action; as in their own eyes they devalue themselves. Also in a Society that places value on Honour to dishonour oneself means, if caught, losing the respect of ones peers and being ostracised by your peers; as in any system peer pressure is a very powerful force in directing an individual’s behaviour.


Should not values and morality be taught to the children by their parents?


There are still many parents that try to install certain values within their child but in today’s environment with the educational system working against them coupled with the flood of corroding influences pouring out of the media most parents are fighting a loosing battle. On the other hand I have found that many people either have a warped


sense or very narrow sense of morality. In fact if you try to discuss morality and ethnics with people you find it is beyond the comprehension of many of them. Also don’t forget we have had nearly four decades of destructive feminist, liberalistic and leftist influences within the education system which has done much damage. Interviewer:

You place a great amount of emphasis on morality and a moral code of conduct being taught to New Zealand children, so what are your views on Sex Education within the schooling system?


If I remember correctly sex education was introduced into the schooling system because of alleged concern over teenage pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. So sex education was introduced under the pretext of making youths more responsible. Now responsibility implies some sort of ethical or moral conduct; the question is has sex education in our schooling system made our youth more responsible? The answer appears to be no. All sex education has achieved is a lax attitude towards sex on behalf of most youth and the teaching of alternative sexual lifestyles. Do it but “wear a rubber” is what appears to be the message. Now I don’t see the harm in teaching the facts of life to youth once they enter the secondary schooling system provided it is done in a responsible manner. Of course when I mention the facts of life this just doesn’t stop at teaching the ins and outs of sex but should include a sense of morality.


I gather you support the promoting of chastity, self discipline and marriage?




I see you place emphasis on the family unit.


Yes I do, the family unit is the nucleus of Society; it is the building block of Society.


So you are saying that by introducing morality and ethics it would eventually lead to the formation of stronger family units?


I believe so.


So you believe the State has a duty to establish a code on sexual behaviour? This is getting rather Puritan don’t you think?


Puritan? Hmmm…I see. Morality and ethics touch on all our dealings through life; from the way we do business, the way we interact with people, the way we conduct our selves, and yes, even in our sexual behaviour. Now you claiming that I am taking a Puritan approach is playing with words; what I have put forwarded is only just logic based on a moral and ethical standpoint.


Well consider me a bit dim-witted and enlighten me on how morality and sex and the family unit are intertwined.


Hmmm…I could talk about this subject for along period…I shall do my best to keep it brief and to the point. The husband and wife is the nut and bolt that binds the family unit together…this fact is indisputable. Today there are more single-parent families than in the 1970s and this appears to be a continuing trend. Now some facts:   

In 2005, 45.2 percent of births in New Zealand were non-marital. According to 2006 census data 30 percent of families with children are headed by single parents - a total of 193,635 families - compared with 10 percent in 1976. It is amazing what three decades of sex education has accomplished. Of these single parent families, 82 percent are headed mothers by and 18 percent are headed by fathers.

Now a meta-analysis of large numbers of studies confirms the following: 

The best environment for children to be raised in is with two biological married parents


     

 

Experiencing the death of a parent also puts children at greater risk but not as much as does divorce or out-of-marriage birth Children in high conflict households experienced problems similar to those of divorced children or worse While these parents viewed a separation as positive, their children often viewed it as 'unexpected, inexplicable and unwelcome Parental divorce during childhood is linked with a wide range of problems in adulthood Children growing up with a single parent because they were born out of marriage are more likely to experience a variety of emotional and behavioural problems Specifically, compared with children who grew up in stable, two-parent families, children born outside marriage reach adulthood with less education, earn less income, have lower occupational status, are more likely to be idle (that is, not employed and not in school), are more likely to have a non-marital birth (among daughters) have more troubled marriages, experience higher rates of divorce and report more symptoms of depression Children with co-habiting parents also had increased problems because cohabiting parents were more disadvantaged and the risk of relationship dissolution was substantially higher Compared with other children, those who grow up in stable, two-parent families have a higher standard of living, receive more effective co-parenting, are emotionally closer to both parents (especially fathers) and are subjected to fewer stressful events and circumstances

Now before I go any further I would like to bring up some enlightening information; it is estimated that in the USA that between one in ten to one in seven children are not fathered by the husband/partner of the women giving birth, while in Britain it has been estimated that somewhere between twenty percent to forty percent of children are not fathered by the husband/partner of the women giving birth. Now comes another bit of interesting information: A Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey found that New Zealand women were the most promiscuous in the world. 242 They had an average of 20.4 sexual partners, well above the global average of 7.3. Now that should make a few mums and dads puff their chest out in pride. Now putting mum and dad’s pride aside one must wonder; if New Zealand women are the most promiscuous women in the world then what percentage of children born in New Zealand are actually fathered by the husband/partner of the women giving birth? Now that should make a few dads sit up. Now putting aside dad’s the decades have gone by standards have disappeared; the concept of honour, the concept of fidelity, keeping ones word, the concept of marriage, etc, have slowly be eroded away. Now many factors have contributed to this erosion, from feminism, State induced doctrine, the media and of course the herd mentality – peer pressure. So slowly, ever so slowly, morality has been watered down. Don’t get me wrong I’m not just pointing the finger at women; men are just as much to blame. Now if one does some research into infidelity some surprising facts come to light especially on how attitudes differ between men and women on this subject. A number of studies have concluded that the majority of men find a partner’s sexual intercourse with another man is more upsetting than a partner’s emotional attachment to another man. In contrast the same studies found that the majority of women felt that a partner’s emotional attachment to another woman was more upsetting than a partner’s sexual intercourse with another woman. Here we have some fundamental differences between the sexes on how they view various aspects of infidelity. Now as I mentioned earlier sex is a very powerful strong biological drive and I also mentioned earlier Morality is what separates Man from the animals as Morality acts as a brake on Man’s more basic instincts. As I stated before the best environment for children is to be raised with their biological parents within a stable relationship - marriage. Now marriage is basically where a man


and woman take an oath and swear to be faithful to one another and to forsake all others. If we boil it all done into a condensed form it means that in a marriage a husband expects his wife to be faithful to him so thus insuring the offspring are his while a wife expects her husband to be faithful to her so thus insuring that the efforts he puts into providing are solely for the benefit of her and her offspring. To honour an oath a person needs a sense of morality; the stronger the persons sense of morality the more likely they will honour an oath taken. Of course economic factors also impact on relationships. As the saying goes; “When poverty comes through the door loves goes out the window.” Now the financial and economic ideas I have put forward would remove the economic hardships that many families face today. A fairer and more just economic system would exist, a system that distributes wealth more fairly through society based on effort; a system designed to stop a small minority exploiting the efforts of the majority. The economic ideas put forward would enable men to provide for their families thus enabling wives to stay home and raise the children. Work would be plentiful; housing would be within everyone’s reach; the economic burdens and hardships that the present economic system places on the family would disappear. Couples would be able to marry at a younger age and be in a position to start a family if they so wished. Interviewer:

You stated wives to stay home and raise the children. So you believe it is in the best interests of the children?


Yes. As a matter of fact I would go as far as saying that it should be the mother’s duty to do so. As early childhood is the most formative period of development for a child it is important that a mother has as much time to devote to her children as possible. Most women who are mothers realise this but many because of economic circumstances are forced to work. Women who chose to devote their full energy to the home and care of their children should get the support and respect deserved. Many religions and cultures view a women’s place as being in the home; within this sphere they are respected as of paramount. Facilitating women to stay at home with their children not only respects these beliefs but helps to foster the culture of respect towards women’s special role.


Up until what age should the mother stay at home with her children?


Until at least the child is seven years old. After that if the mother wishes to work then fair enough. There would be plenty of work available that should suit her needs; after all the financial and economic reforms would lead to a booming economy and a labour shortage.


You also mentioned marry at a younger age?


Yes, marry at a younger age…and why not! The vast majority of women end up having children; this is what they want to do. Having children is part of a natural cycle and the ages of 18-25 appear to be critical to starting a family. There is wealth of information showing that women and men who have their children early in life are generally healthier later in life and give birth to healthier children.


You seem to strongly support the concept of marriage.


Children are taught about sex and contraception in schools but not about marriage. Now there's always been a certain amount of sex outside marriage, but to make that the norm, in place of marriage, to treat relationships as the equivalent of marriage - in effect to abolish marriage - that is another matter. Society needs to distinguish between having a boyfriend or girlfriend, and having a husband or wife. Having children should not be done wantonly. Girls have been led to embrace single motherhood as a lifestyle choice, and society has got to shock them out of that fantasy.


Now not all women need to marry and have children but the majority do. It is normal for women to want to settle down to have babies and to raise a family. The system should be tailored to their needs and not to the needs of a small minority who fall outside what is considered normal.

The system should be tailored to the needs of normal women and not to the needs of a small minority who fall outside what is considered normal Interviewer:

Are you opposed to divorce?


I support the concept of marriage but you can not force people to stay together if they do not want to. The message I’m trying to get across is that children should be properly prepared for life by the time they reach adulthood. Males and females should understand about the differences between them, their weakness and strengths, about relationships. Teach about duties and responsibilities and thus install some concept of morality within them. Prepare the children for life; as the saying goes; “Life is not just a bed of roses, it also contains many thorns”.


In a nutshell, if implemented what would your ideas accomplish?


Feminism would die a natural death. Under the system I propose do you honestly think that any woman with a family is going to listen to feminist crap anymore? A woman with a family whose husband can support her and her children will want to abandon her children in the care of strangers so she can be a “liberated” woman and work in a factory…get of the grass mate. Most women given the opportunity want to stay in the home to raise their children; most men would like their wives to stay home to raise the family. This is what the majority of men and women want. The system I propose allows this. Socialism would also die a natural death. They will be pushing a dead horse; no longer will they be able to claim the people are being exploited. Wealth will no longer be concentrated in a few hands. The exploitive aspects of capitalism would be destroyed. No longer would it be possible for people to accumulate vast wealth at the expense of others. Wealth would be distributed amongst those who create it not concentrated into a few hands as it is under both the socialist and capitalist systems.


Do you believe in the equality of the sexes?


What do you mean when you use the word “equality”? The definition of the word “equal” roughly means one not inferior or superior to another, not variable, evenly balanced. Do you mean that man and woman are equal in all aspects or do you mean the political agenda being pushed?


Firstly do you believe that men and women are equal?


No. It not just a matter of what I believe, it is what the facts so bluntly prove. Men and women are different and so are thus unequal. The biological differences between men and women are huge. It is like claiming a nut and a bolt are equal…to claim so is absurd. A nut and a bolt are design differently but at the same time they are designed to be used together for a purpose. The same applies to men and women they are designed differently, not just in a reproductive sense but in many other aspects ranging in body strength, brain function etc, thus women and men are different; have different strengths and weaknesses and they have different motivations. Although they are different they have a common purpose and that purpose, like all other living things, is to procreate.

The biological differences between men and women are huge. It is like claiming a nut and a bolt are equal…to claim so is absurd. A nut and a bolt are design differently but at the same time they are designed to be used together for a purpose



And in regards to the political agenda?


The political agenda to attempt to make two different biological identities equal is nothing but political insanity; the Social Engineering that Society has undergone has brought about much turmoil in society. It is about time that this madness called Sexual Equality and Feminism is laid to rest and Society placed back on well-founded principles.


What about the feminist claim that men and women now stand far more on an equal footing than they did some decades ago?


Oh really…in what areas exactly? Women can nowadays kick their husbands out of their homes, deny them access to their own children, and, in many western countries, even make them continue paying for children who are not even theirs! Men currently die, on average, some 5 years earlier than women. And so on. This is greater equality? Indeed, it would be interesting to know on what basis there is greater equality today than there was in the past. And how does one measure it? For example, does the fact that women were once not entitled to vote - as was true for most men - not somehow balance the fact that men alone were conscripted into the army? Does the fact that - even only 60 years ago - the vast majority of men had to do really unpleasant and sometimes appalling jobs and work for very long hours in order to cater for themselves and their families not somehow balance the fact that the women were mostly stuck at home with the children? So what, exactly, is more gender equitable about today's western world? The feminist trick is to hold up examples of what appears to be unfairness toward women in the past, but to hide the unfairness that was being heaped upon men. The suffering of women is highlighted and exaggerated and the suffering of men is denied and hidden. For example, look at the way that the domestic-violence industry still caters only for women and denies the existence of such violence against men.


What about the feminist claim that because of feminism women today enjoy greater freedoms?


Women enjoy greater freedoms today because of progress in the areas of science, medicine and technology, not because of feminism.

Women enjoy greater freedoms today because of progress in the areas of science, medicine and technology, not because of feminism Relatively safe contraceptive devices have saved them from being burdened by unwanted pregnancies and unwanted offspring. Devices such as electric stoves, automatic washing machines and dishwashers have eased their workload in the home. Going out into the world of work is enormously more pleasant, safe and comfortable than it ever was. These are the sorts of things that have truly 'liberated' women - and, indeed, men. Feminism has been of virtually no significance at all in comparison. Interviewer:

You seem to have a very negative attitude towards Feminism; do you think it is justified?


As I have stated feminism is one of the most malicious and destructive ideologies imaginable; it is no friend or ally of the ordinary heterosexual women. Most of the radical feminists are Internationalist in their outlook and many feminists once in politics become an ally of the Globalists by promoting Globalist policies. Of course once in positions of power they earn good money and thus are controllable.


What do you mean by controllable?



Well they are free to implement their ideology as long as they don’t rock the boat. Don’t forget they earn good salaries and have gain status which of course inflates their egos. Once they have a taste of the good life very few if any are prepared to risk it all by attacking their masters…the powers behind the throne so-to-speak. Orwell was not wrong when he said of Western Marxists; “If it paid better they’d be fascists.”


In what way are they an ally of the Globalists?


Well let’s look at New Zealand's ex-Prime Minister, Helen Clark. She was a feminist in a very powerful political position. She was the one that instigated New Zealand's free trade agreement with China. And did any feminist MP in Parliament oppose this trade agreement on the grounds it was going to mean more loss of jobs in New Zealand that women rely on? No. To the best of my knowledge no feminist Member of Parliament has ever oppose any trade agreement NZ has entered into on the grounds it was going to rob NZ women of employment opportunities.


Didn't the Green Party oppose the Free Trade Agreement with China?


The Green Party opposed the Free Trade Agreement with China because of what they called human rights abuses in China. The Greens did not oppose this trade agreement on the grounds it was going to rob New Zealanders of jobs.


How does globalization aid the radical feminist in their agenda?


Well let’s look at what globalization has done to New Zealand. Over the last three to four decades the New Zealand economy and thus workers jobs have come under increasing pressure from low cost imports from countries with low labour costs i.e. sweat shop labour…a dollar a day labour. I gather you understand what I am saying when I talk about low labour costs?




Good. The result of this has lead to the decline in the number of manufacturing based industries in New Zealand leading to lost jobs; of course this happened gradually over this period. Over the last decade we have seen more and more factories in New Zealand close up shop and move their production to Asian countries. Once again these closures lead to lost jobs. Now three decades ago, i.e. thirty years ago a man working a forty hour week had a certain standard of living; now today for that man to maintain that standard of living that he had thirty years ago he has to work a seventy hour week. Now what caused this erosion in the standard of living over the last three decades? Was it just one of those things that happen that can not be explained? The truth is wages of ordinary New Zealanders have been purposely restrained from rising to meet the increasing costs of living over this period. It has been the deliberate policy of both National and Labour lead Governments to restrain wages.

Thirty years ago a man working a forty hour week had a certain standard of living; now today for that man to maintain that standard of living that he had thirty years ago he has to work a seventy hour week. Now what caused this erosion in the standard of living over the last three decades? Was it just one of those things that happen that can not be explained? The truth is wages of ordinary New Zealanders have been purposely restrained from rising to meet the increasing costs of living over this period. It has been the deliberate policy of both National and Labour lead Governments to restrain wages. Interviewer:

For what reason?


A number of reasons. I believe the theory was at the time that over time living conditions and wages would slowly increase in the poorer countries and that this would eventually place New Zealand and these other countries on an equal footing. Secondly in was in the interest of the monopolies .i.e. big New Zealand big business,


to restrain labour costs as increases in wages .i.e. labour costs, impacted on their profit. Now you may ask how this fits in with the radical feminists’ agenda. Well if you haven’t figured out yet you must be a bit dim-witted. The decline of living standards has placed the average man in the position that he is unable to support his wife and children by his own efforts. Married women have been forced by economic circumstances to join the work force. Children are placed into day care away from their mothers’ influence and many families are reliant on State allowances for survival; the fall in New Zealanders’ standard of living has aided the radical feminist agenda. Now if the radical feminist truly had the interest of women at heart they would be attacking the policies that have caused the standard of living to fall - but they don’t; all they can do is scream for more and more State intervention. They don’t give a crap about mothers who are force away from their children because mothers have to work full time, or hold down three or more part time jobs to survive.

The decline of living standards has placed the average man in the position that he is unable to support his wife and children by his own efforts. Married women have been forced by economic circumstances to join the work force. Children are placed into day care away from their mothers’ influence and many families are reliant on State allowances for survival; the fall in New Zealanders’ standard of living has aided the radical feminist agenda. Now if the radical feminist truly had the interest of women at heart they would be attacking the policies that have caused the standard of living to fall - but they don’t; all they can do is scream for more and more State intervention. They don’t give a crap about mothers who are force away from their children because mothers have to work full time, or hold down three or more part time jobs to survive. With declining standards of living the State has stepped in to provide a number of packages to assist the poorer in society. It has got to the stage now if it wasn’t for this assistance many people would not be able to survive. Of course it is, at the moment, in the interest of the Establishment to ensure this assistance is given Of course this support is sustained by taxation revenue, and where does this taxation revenue come from? Certainly not from the corporate sector; if one studies the revenue collected from the corporate sector then one realises that the whole taxation system is in their favour. No the taxation system mainly bleeds the middle classes which have been becoming more and more financially stressed as their standard of living is also in decline. Of course the lower class is also squeezed; they are given State allowances and of course this is taken back off them in the various taxes such as GST, fuel taxes, in interest to the private banking system which inflates the prices of virtual everything consumed, and of course the inflated prices controlled by the monopolistic corporations. The system presently can be described as a “give and take” system; what is given by one hand is taken back by another hand. This “give and take” system is used by the Establishment to keep people under control while the economy is being restructured. Interviewer:

What do you mean by under control?


It is very simple. If this State assistance wasn’t given there would be much more poverty in this country. People would not be able to afford accommodation, people would not be able to afford their energy requirements i.e. pay their electricity bills, and many people would not be able to feed themselves and their families. In such a situation people would more then likely become a threat to the Establish Order for the simple reason that hunger becomes a strong motivator for people to get of their arses;


this would in all probability lead to civil which could threaten the power of the Establish Order or at the very least set back their plans. Of course the average person doesn’t realize that once New Zealand is completely integrated into this Global System the State Allowances are more then likely to cease.

Of course the average person doesn’t realize that once New Zealand is completely integrated into this Global System the State Allowances are more then likely to cease. Interviewer:

Why would State Allowances cease?


Under a Global System all countries would have uniform regulations. You can see this is already happening with the introduction of Regional and International Standards. Now take a look at the Asian countries; Thailand, India, Vietnam, China’ how many of these countries have State Allowances for solo parents, or State Allowances for accommodation, or State Allowances for the unemployed. Ooh…I gather you never thought about that. Well I suppose The Mass hasn’t thought about it either because no politician has really explained to The Mass how this New World Order is going to work. So how will this New World Order affect the State Allowances that many New Zealanders now relay on for their basic needs; after all, the end result is uniform regulations on a Global scale? Would the New World Order decide to introduce these allowances on a Global scale when they have a philosophy of User Pays? Common sense says that the Will of the Ruling Elite, controlling this New World Order, will dominate. Under such a Global System New Zealanders will experience poverty on a scale they have only seen on television. Yep by the time The Mass awake to the fact they have been conned it will be too late to do anything about it.

So how will this New World Order affect the State Allowances that many New Zealanders now relay on for their basic needs; after all, the end result is uniform regulations on a Global scale? Would the New World Order decide to introduce these allowances on a Global scale when they have a philosophy of User Pays? Common sense says that the Will of the Ruling Elite, controlling this New World Order, will dominate. Under such a Global System New Zealanders will experience poverty on a scale they have only seen on television. Yep by the time The Mass awake to the fact they have been conned it will be too late to do anything about it. It may appear to be quite a complex issue to the novice as there are many players involved in the march to Globalisation; but one does not need to identify all the players to understand what is going on. Let’s put it in simple terms; let’s look at all the different players as different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Now one does not have to fit all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together to get a basic understanding of what the finished picture is going to be. The same principle applies to the march towards Globalisation; enough pieces have been put together to get an overall picture of what the finished product is going to be. Interviewer:

What is the finished product?


In my opinion it will be an Orwellian type system and not Mass friendly. The main players in the push for their New World Order are some of the most ruthless people in the world and are devoid of scruples.



"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." Aldous Huxley March 20, 1962 Berkeley Language Center - Speech Archive SA 0269 [Inserted October 2009]

Scientists find way to make us slaves Lois Rogers, Medical Editor ALDOUS HUXLEY may have got it right. In Brave New World, his classic futuristic novel, the author envisaged a society divided into castes from Alpha at the top to Epsilon at the bottom. The Epsilons were content to plod on with tedious tasks, their brains numbed by drugs. Until now this has been the stuff of science fiction. However, experiments conducted on rhesus monkeys have shown for the first time that animal behaviour can be permanently altered, turning the subjects from aggressive to “compliant” creatures. The scientists did so by blocking the effects of a gene in the brain called D2, which cut off the link between the monkeys’ motivation and perceived reward. Humans have an identical gene. The project was led by Barry Richmond, a government neurobiologist at America’s National Institute of Mental Health, who has detailed the findings in the journal Nature Neuroscience this month. The work shows how the monkeys could be made to work enthusiastically for long periods without the need for a “treat”. The experiments involved getting monkeys to operate levers in response to colour changes on screens in front of them. Normally they work hardest and fastest with the fewest mistakes if they think a reward for the “work” is imminent. However, Richmond’s team found that they could make the monkeys work their hardest and fastest all the time, without any complaint or sign of slacking, just by manipulating D2 so that they forgot about the expectation of reward. “Most people are motivated to work hard and well only by the expectation of reward, whether it’s a pay cheque or a word of praise,” said Richmond. “In these experiments we found we could remove that link and create a situation where repetitive, hard work would continue without any reward.” ...scientists acknowledge that methods of manipulating human physical and psychological traits are just around the corner… From The Sunday Times, October 17, 2004 [Inserted October 2009]


“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” George Orwell

I have an interesting article, which I will have included at the back entitled 150th Anniversary of Genocide: How British Free Trade Starved Millions during Ireland's Potato Famine. This would be representative of what the Global Elite are capable of. As they say; history has a habit of repeating itself. Now one can not help but wonder if perhaps Betty Crocker Feminism has some valid points. Interviewer:

Most interesting.


Well what is really interesting if one investigates the connection between Feminism and the Globalists then one discovers that the Globalists that have been behind Feminism right from its early beginnings. Very powerful identities such as the Rockefellers have financed feminism from its early beginnings up to the present day.




Feminism was promoted for the purpose of destabilizing society and creating dysfunctional people. But before we go into this further I need to explain something so that people do not get confused when I talk of the close relationship between Marxism and the Globalists. Now people think that Marxism and Capitalism are opposed to one another. This is true to a degree. The average small businessman would view Marxism with distaste and as an enemy as Marxism wants to rob him of the wealth he has accumulated. But when we study extreme capitalism as represented by the Global Capitalist i.e. the Transglobal Corporations one finds similarities between the two ideologies. Applied Marxism results in a State run and State owned economy; administrated and run by an Elite group selected by the Party. Marxism should be looked upon as a Monopoly as economic power is concentrated in the hands of a few.


Capitalism in its extreme form evolves into a creed of absolute control which is similar in nature to Marxism. One must remember that Monopoly Control represented by Capitalism and Monopoly Control represented by Marxism are very similar in nature.

“Generally speaking, the protectionist system today is conservative, whereas the Free Trade system has a destructive effect. It destroys the former nationalities, and renders the contrasts between workers and middle class more acute. In a word, the Free Trade system is precipitating the social revolution. And only in this revolutionary sense do I vote for Free Trade.” Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, “Speech on the question of free trade delivered to the Democratic Association of Brussels at it public meeting of January 9, 1848”, Collected Works, Volume 6 (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976). Still don’t understand? The Global Elite have most of their wealth in Trusts and in Corporations which they control. In regards to Marxism the State should be viewed as a Trust or a Corporation that controls the assets, i.e. wealth etc, of the State which is controlled by a Marxist Elite. Global Capitalism is monopolistic by nature and is controlled by a small Global Elite – within this group two names are easily recognised; the Rothschilds of Europe and the Rockefellers of the USA. The world views of these Global Elite are characterised by atheism and materialism. They view national boundaries and traditional family values as a hindrance in their quest for global dominance. This Global Elite has become so rich and powerful that they now have tremendous influence over decisions made by many governments throughout the world. Their ultimate aim, which is well documented, is to bring about a New World Order, consisting of a World government, a One World Religion, a New Age Morality, including population reduction and population control. It is also important to understand that Global Elite have a full understanding of their goals, plans and actions. They are not dim-witted, ignorant, misinformed or naive. Similar views are held by Marxist as they view national boundaries and orthodox family values as objectives that need to be undermined and destroyed.

Similar views are held by Marxist as they view national boundaries and orthodox family values as objectives that need to be undermined and destroyed. In conclusion Global Capitalism and Marxism both have similar objectives and that is absolute control over people, the concentration of economic and political power, and the destruction of the orthodox family unit and family values. Thus we can see why Marxists and Global Capitalists can co-exist together in a political relationship as they are similar in nature and outlook. Interviewer:

Don’t you think it would be hard for the average person to comprehend that Marxists and Global Capitalists can co-exist together?


People, because of their lack of understanding, believe that Capitalism and Marxism are incompatible with one another and thus opposed to one another. But just like two different viruses that can mutate to form a new strain, both Global Capitalism and Marxism have exchanged various parts of their ideologies and thus mutated into what is known as Globalisation. While many people will find this hard to believe if one studies the development of Globalisation over the twenty century and the interaction between Capitalism and Marxism then it is conceivable to accept that Globalisation represents a hybrid of these two ideologies. Of course there are different brands of Marxist ideologies that have exerted their influence, but to fully understand what is happening to society one has to have an understanding of what is referred to as Cultural Marxism. Understanding Cultural Marxism is the key to unlocking the mind and thus comprehending and becoming


aware to the changes that have happen and the changes that are still evolving not just in New Zealand but throughout Western society in general. Interviewer:

What the heck is Cultural Marxism?


Nearly ninety years ago, seven men planned a revolution, but this revolution was not to be carried out by means of violence or war as past political revolutions have been, because the ambitions of those men were much higher than the mere replacing of one political system with another. They were aiming at nothing short of a world-wide revolution that would entirely change the minds of men, replacing all of Western Civilization with a new "cultural paradigm" that would usher in a word-wide totalitarian or New World Order. Most of the world has never heard of this revolution, and more significantly, most people are unaware that it has thus far been completely successful. The world-wide totalitarian state or New World Order is already in the wings and about to makes its entrance, and when it does, it will be enthusiastically embraced, because the concepts that made Western civilization possible have been more or less completely replaced in the minds of men and no one notices or even understands what it is that has been lost. Before World War One, Marxist theory was that if Europe ever erupted in war, the working classes in every European country would rise in revolt, overthrow their governments and create a new Communist Europe. But when war broke out in the summer of 1914, that didn't happen; instead, the workers in every European country lined up by the millions to fight for their country. Although the successful Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 convinced many Marxists that the Marxist revolution would soon sweep the world their beliefs were soon shattered. The Communist uprisings, lead by Rosa Luxemburg in Berlin, the Hungarian communist republic established by Bela Kun in 1919, and the “Soviet” created by Kurt Eisner in Bavaria all ultimately failed. Now faced with these failures Marxist theorists had to ask themselves the question: What went wrong? As good Marxists, they could not admit Marxist theory had been incorrect. Instead, two leading Marxist intellectuals, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Georg Lukacs in Hungary independently came up with the same answer. They said that Western culture and the Christian religion had so blinded the working class to its true, Marxist class interests, that a Communist revolution was impossible in the West, until both Western culture and the Christian religion was destroyed. “You may never have heard of the Frankfurt School or Cultural Marxism, nor of Logical Positivism or the Vienna Circle, but you are exposed to and influenced by them every day - Cultural Marxism is the source of multiculturalism, and political correctness, and perhaps most damaging of all, critical thinking, a very bad concept also influenced by Positivism's post modernism and deconstructionism. The effects of these and other anti-intellectual, antiindividual, anti-principle ideas spawned by these movements have profoundly changed every aspect of Western society and culture. There is not an institution or aspect of our culture that has not been profoundly and adversely affected by them.” Reginald Firehammer, Marxist Revolution of the West


You mention Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs; who were these individuals?


Antonio Gramsci was a Sardinian intellectual who was born in the village of Ales on the island of Sardinia in 1891. He left Sardinia for the mainland where he studied philosophy and history at the University of Turin. He became a zealous follower of Marxism and in 1919 he founded a newspaper in Italy called L'Ordinine Nuovo or the New Order. In 1921 he co-founded the Italian Communist party. When Italy adopted Mussolini's fascism, Gramsci fled to Russia where he analyzed Lenin's adaptation of Communism. After Lenin's death and the ensuing struggle for power Russia became a dangerous place for Gramsci so he returned to Italy. He was arrested and imprisoned in 1926. He spent the remaining years of his life expounding on his philosophy. When he died after being released in 1937, he had produced a total of nine volumes on history, sociology, and Marxist theory. Now according to Gramsci since economic Marxism was a failure, he reasoned that the only way to bring Marxism to the West was by, what he called, a "long march through the culture." He repackaged Marxism in terms of a bona fide "cultural war," not its doctrinaire class


struggle. He was well aware that most people did not believe in the Communist system. Their Christian faith was the big obstacle, preventing the necessary leap to Communism. Gramsci knew that the civilized world had been thoroughly indoctrinated with Christianity for 2000 years, so much so that civilisation and Christianity were inexorably bound. It was the Christian character of the West that had provided an almost impenetrable barrier to infiltration. According to Pat Buchanan's book, The Death of the West, Christianity was the "heat shield of capitalism." To capture the West, Marxists "must first de-Christianize the West," that is, destroy its religious foundations. It should noted that Gramsci hated marriage and the family, the very founding blocks of a civilized society. To him, marriage was a plot, a conspiracy to perpetuate an evil system that oppressed women and children. The other individual, Georg Lukács, was a Hungarian Marxist who was born into a wealthy Jewish family. In the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution, Lukács joined the Hungarian Communist Party in 1918 and under the short-lived Hungarian Communist regime in 1919 Lukács served as Deputy Commissar for Culture and Education. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow; towards this end Lukacs launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed Hungarian children in free love and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority by attacking the archaic nature of middle-class family codes, the obsolete nature of monogamy, and the irrelevance of organized religion, which deprived man of pleasure. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters. If this sounds familiar, it is because this is what is happening in our public schools today. Anyway, far from rallying to Lukacs' "cultural terrorism," the Hungarian working class was so outraged by it that when Romania invaded Hungary, the workers would not fight for the Bela Kun government, and it fell. Lukacs then fled to Vienna. Interviewer:

What happen to him then?


Well in 1923, Lukacs turned up at a "Marxist Study Week" in Germany, a program sponsored by a young Jewish Marxist millionaire named Felix Weil. Weil and the others who attended that study week were fascinated by Lukacs' cultural perspective on Marxism. Weil responded by using some of his money to set up a new think tank at Frankfurt University in Frankfurt, Germany. Originally it was to be called the Institute for Marxism. But the cultural Marxists realized they could be far more effective if they concealed their real nature and objectives. They convinced Weil to give the new institute a neutral sounding name, the Institute for Social Research. Soon known simply as the Frankfurt School, the Institute for Social Research would become the place where political correctness, as we now know it, was developed. At first, the Frankfurt School worked mainly on conventional Marxist issues such as the labour movement. But in 1930, that changed dramatically. In that year, the Frankfurt School was taken over by a new director, a young Marxist intellectual named Max Horkheimer who had been strongly influenced by Georg Lukacs. Horkheimer immediately set to work to turn the Frankfurt School into the place where Lukacs' pioneering work on cultural Marxism could be developed further into a fullblown ideology. To that end, he brought some new members into the Frankfurt School. Perhaps the most important was Theodor Adorno, who would become Horkheimer's most creative collaborator. Other new members included two psychologists, Eric Fromm and Wilhelm Reich, who were noted promoters of feminism and matriarchy, and a young graduate student named Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse - who favoured polymorphous perversion - expanded the ranks of Gramsci’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals. With the help of this new blood, Horkheimer made three major advances in the development of cultural Marxism. First, he broke with Marx's view that culture was merely part of society's "superstructure," which was determined by economic factors. He said that on the contrary, culture was an independent and very important factor in shaping a society. Second, again contrary to Marx, he announced that in the future, the working class would not be the agent of revolution. Third, Horkheimer and the


other Frankfurt School members decided that the key to destroying Western culture was to cross Marx with Freud. They argued that just as workers were oppressed under capitalism, so under Western culture, everyone lived in a constant state of psychological repression. "Liberating" everyone from that repression became one of cultural Marxism's main goals. Even more important, they realized that psychology offered them a far more powerful tool than philosophy for destroying Western culture: psychological conditioning. The end product was Cultural Marxism, known in the West as multiculturalism. The Frankfurt School was well on the way to creating political correctness when suddenly fate intervened; in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists came to power in Germany. Since the Institute was Marxist and the Nazis hated Marxism, and since almost all its members were Jewish, they shut-up shop and left Germany. The majority immigrated to the USA and the institute became affiliated with Columbia University until 1949. During World War Two, the institute split up because of pressures from the war. It is interesting to note that Leo Lowenthal, Marcuse, Neumann, and others worked for the U.S. government. After World War Two, Adorno, Horkheimer, and Friedrich Pollock returned to Frankfurt to re-establish the institute in Germany, while Lowenthal, Marcuse, and others remained in the United States. In 1950, the Frankfurt School augmented Cultural Marxism with Theodor Adorno’s idea of the ‘authoritarian personality.’ This concept is premised on the notion that Christianity, capitalism, and the traditional family create a character prone to racism and fascism. Thus, anyone who upholds traditional moral values and institutions is both racist and fascist. Children raised by traditional values parents, we are told to believe, will almost certainly become racists and fascists. By extension, if fascism and racism are endemic to traditional Western values, then everyone raised in, or believes in, these values is in need of psychological help. Anyway, to further the advance of their quiet cultural revolution the Frankfurt School recommended among other things:           

The creation of racism offences Continual change to create confusion The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority Huge immigration to destroy identity The promotion of excessive drinking Emptying of churches An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime Dependency on the state or state benefits Control and dumbing down of the media Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “pansexualism” - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:    

Attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. Abolish differences in the education of boys and girls Abolish all forms of male dominance Declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’

Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: “We will 244 make the West so corrupt that it stinks.” Interviewer:

While I have been shocked at what you have said I have also found it very enlightening…I must say that I am starting to see things a bit clearer now. But what I fail to understand is why…why would people be so destructive?


Many appear to be Machiavellian manipulators or have narcissist personalities; many also appear to exhibit characteristics of either a psychopathic or sociopathic nature. Some are just plain anti-social and seem to get a kick out of tearing down the system just like an arsonist setting a fire or some little useless arsehole vandalising


someone’s property. I believe I have covered these sort of people under the section headed The Predators. Now I would go as far as saying that those individuals who wilfully implement Cultural Marxism, and fully understand the implications of doing so, are suffering from some sort of mental disorder. They have set out to sabotage our society and to destroy it. If they are successful in their aims, then once these predators are in power they won’t tolerate any opposition nor show their opponents any mercy. “The Gay Rights Movement has achieved an emotional revolution through a huge propaganda effort accompanied by a hysterical us-against-them wave of sometimes vicious intimidation. The propaganda repeated day after day, week after week, year after year, is that homosexuality is normal, people are born homosexual, homosexual is simply another variant of normal sexuality, and anybody who says differently is evil. The hysterical wave of intimidation is a relentless tidal wave that seeks to punish and even annihilate anybody who stands in the way--that is anybody who utters even a word that can be construed as suggesting that homosexuality is a disorder, that homosexual values may be to some degree detrimental to society, or that AIDS is sometimes a result of homosexual dysfunction. Anybody who even starts to utter these things must immediately be shot down and made an example of.” Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D. 245 "Gay Rights and Political Correctness: A Brief History" Interviewer:

But how come they have been so successful up to now?


Since the end of the Second World War at least, western university students have been slowly subjected to systematic, and extending, large-scale academic brainwashing by disciples of the Frankfurt School embedded in the academic establishment for that express purpose. The youth who graduated from this indoctrination programme were absolutely convinced they were an Intellectual Elite. How did they know this to be true? They were constantly told how smart they were for accepting the programming. They weren't going to argue with that. Most youth that age think they know everything anyway. They were programmed with all the principles of Marxism without the label. If you told them they were Marxists or Communists, they’d respond with a pitying smile, eye-rolling, and accuse you of “seeing Reds under the bed.” Of course any rational discourse with these people, whom Lenin supposedly referred to as “useful idiots”, is impossible. These “useful idiots” are in fact nothing more then preprogrammed “Robotic Intellectuals” who are possessed by a strong emotional resistance to having their beliefs questioned. The students were told they were learning “progressive” new ideas instead of Marxism. They were programmed with all the principles of Marxism without the label. If you told them they were Marxists or Communists, they’d respond with a pitying smile, eye-rolling, and accuse you of “seeing Reds under the bed.” Of course any rational discourse with these people, whom Lenin supposedly referred to as “useful idiots”, is impossible. These “useful idiots” are in fact nothing more then preprogrammed Robotic Intellectuals who are possessed by a strong emotional resistance to having their beliefs questioned. If you disagree with them you are racist, sexist, fascist, misogynist or just plain stupid.

Marxism is a social cancer Needless to say after graduating, these “useful idiots” slithered forth from their various educational institutions into the churches, education system, entertainment industry, media, political parties, social services, trade unions, and other institutions that shape society’s governing ideas and thus increase the pool of poison that is slowly changing Western Society. Thus Cultural Marxism has slowly spread like a cancer; there is not


an institution or aspect of Western culture that has not been profoundly and adversely affected by this doctrine. Not surprisingly the concept of a level playing field is an alien concept to a Marxist. The concept of honour and integrity has no bearing what-so-ever in the tactics employed by them in their efforts to bring about their quiet revolution. The sorrow and misery that has been heaped upon normal members of society by the adaptation and implementation of Marxist social policies only brings a smile to the lips of the Marxist and each small victory serves to boost their confidence and steels them for further assaults against society. The drivers of Marxism are without conscience; they are, without doubt, a class of Predator.


What you stated before about Globalisation representing a hybrid of Global Capitalism and Marxism is certainly not sounding so far fetched.


I offer further evidence to in relation to this, from a quote taken from the Marxist 246 Internet Archive : “The intellectuals who founded the Frankfurt Institute deliberatively cut out a space for the development of Marxist theory, inside the ‘academy’ and independently of all kinds of political party. The result was a process in which Marxism merged with bourgeois ideology.” [Emphasis added] Note what has been stated; “Marxism merged with bourgeois ideology”. Now historically, the bourgeoisie comes from the middle or merchant classes of the Middle Ages, whose status or power came from employment, education, and wealth, as distinguished from those whose power came from being born into an aristocratic family of land owners. In modern times, it is the class owning the means for producing wealth. Now the evidence shows that it is the rich and powerful who are pushing the tenets of Cultural Marxism; the powerful Foundations in America and Europe, families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers along with organisations with affiliations to a number of large and powerful multi-national corporations. “WESTERN CIVILISATION at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests. . . .Civilisation is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory.” Christopher Dawson. Enquiries into Religion and Culture


Why would the rich and powerful promote the tenets of Cultural Marxism?


For a number of very simple reasons. Firstly Cultural Marxism breakdowns national identity and thus national boundaries and thus weakens opposition to exploitation and economic take-over by the multi-nationals. Secondly Cultural Marxism erodes opposition to Globalisation and in its place promotes Global Solutions to so-called Global Problems. All of this aids the extreme rich and powerful predatory International Elite, which is often referred to in various circles as the International Plutocracy, who seek Global Governance under a New World Order.


The jigsaw puzzle is now starting to make sense to me at last.


It should be understood that Marxist influence has not only infiltrated theatre, history, sociological theory, education, and economics, but also has an entrenched and strong 247 presence in the Western academic fields of archaeology/anthropology, media 248 249 studies, literary criticism, aesthetics, and philosophy. Now I have only very briefly touched on the subject of Cultural Marxism. The Catholic Family News website has an excellent article entitled THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL: The Quiet Revolution rolls forward. I would strongly suggest that if you wish to learn more on what is happening


to start there. [LINK] Another excellent article is by Reginald Firehammer entitled Marxist Revolution of the West [LINK] I will also do my best to attach a couple of good articles on Cultural Marxism. Also another excellent but lengthy article by Michael Minnicino entitled The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness’ should top the list for those wishing to learn more. [LINK] Interviewer:

You mention the Rockefellers backing Feminism could you give another example of big money exerting its influence to bring about social change in line with Marxist ideology?


For a start let’s go back into history a wee bit. It is a little known fact amongst the general population that the two men, Lenin and Trotsky, who are considered the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, were both Jewish. Lenin’s real name was Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov and Trotsky’s real name was Lev Davidovich Bronshtein. But get this; what is also not generally known, nor talked about by Marxists, is the fact that Lenin and Trotsky were funded in their overthrow of Russia by an American Jewish banker by the name of Jacob Schiff.


An American banker financed Lenin and Trotsky?


Jacob Schiff financed Lenin and Trotsky to the tune of twenty million dollars which would be worth over five hundred million US in today’s dollars. Now coming forward to the present era, the Open Society Institute is one of many that come to mind. The Open Society Institute was created in 1993 by leftist political activist George Soros.


Who is George Soros?


He was born in Hungary in 1930 as György Schwartz; I believe the family changed its name in 1936 to Soros in an effort to hide their Jewishness. He immigrated in 1947 to England where he changed his name to George and graduated in 1952 from the 250 London School of Economics . In 1956, Soros immigrated to the United States became financial speculator and stock investor and made a fortune with an estimated current net worth of around $11 billion; he is ranked by Forbes as the 80th-richest person in the world. He is also a former member of the Carlyle investment group and also a former Director of the Council of Foreign Relations.


What was or is the Open Society Institute?


The purpose of the Open Society Institute was to support the various foundations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union that George Soros started establishing in 1984, to manipulate public opinion to bring about social change. This has expanded to include more than sixty countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The purpose of the various foundations is to encourage transitional and emerging nations to become 'open societies,' open not only in the sense of freedom of commerce but tolerant of new ideas and different modes of thinking and behaviour; this includes the promotion of abortion, women’s' rights and gay rights. It has been claimed that it was Soros' subversive network that played an important factor in bringing down the Soviet bloc. It is interesting to note that Russia expelled the Open Society Institute at the end of 2003 [The website REAL JEW NEWS has a rather intriguing article entitled GEORGE SOROS: AN EVIL ROTHSCHILD AGENT! [LINK] which contains a number of links exposing George Soros for the Predator he is.]


You stated there different brands of Marxist ideologies; could you explain?


The main ones of any influence would be Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism and Maoism. Many people professing Marxism or Leninism view Stalinism as a perversion of their ideas; Trotskyites, in particular, are virulently anti-Stalinist, considering Stalinism a counter-revolutionary policy using Marxism to achieve power.


Why was Stalin considered a counter-revolutionary by the Trotskyites?



In the early Trotskyite period of the Soviet Union, marriage was abolished, polygamy was abolished - this mainly affected the Islamic cultures of Central Asia - and homosexuality was legalised. When Lenin died in 1924 Stalin prevailed in a power struggle over Trotsky; Stalin had Trotsky expelled from the Communist Party and had him deported from the Soviet Union in the Great Purge. Apparently Stalin found Trotsky’s Marxist new morality so insane that Stalin restored marriage, gave advantages to married women over unmarried women, and made sodomy a crime. Apparently Stalin realised that although Marxist morality can be used to subvert and destroy a society to actually implement them would be self-destructive. Stalin then went about ridding the Soviet Union of the scourge of Trotskyism by executing thousands of Trotsky’s supports and sending many more thousands to the labour camps. Stalin postponed the struggle for world proletarian revolution, focusing instead on "socialism in one country". From the second half of the 1930s the national policy of the Soviet Union lost its internationalist colouring. The Soviet leaders enhanced the role of the Russian nation and diminished the relative importance of all others. During and after the Second World War Soviet authorities encouraged the rise of Russian nationalism. As I mentioned Stalin was opposed to the scourge of Trotskyism. Now the Soviet Union was riddled with Trotskyite supporters and you also had Trotskyite supporters outside of the Soviet Union conspiring to get rid of Stalin. So you had to opposing views trying to dominate that were just as ruthless as one another. The fact that many don’t realise is that many Trotskyites and their supporters were Jewish. So in the pursuing struggle many Jews ended up getting shot or were sent off to the labour camps.


You present Stalin in a different light then most people.


Well it all depends how you look at it. What is not widely known is that in 1946, the US government put to Stalin a plan for World Government. The Second World War was over and there were two huge armies, the Soviet and American - if they had joined up, no other force could have resisted them. However by the end of that year, Stalin had rejected it, on the grounds that it required submission to Washington, and the Cold War begun. Now if it hadn't been for Stalin the world would have been enslaved sixty years ago in a world government. It is interesting to note that the Trotskyites were co-opted during the Cold War by the CIA who set up the Congress for Cultural Freedom led by head Trotskyite in the USA, Professor Sidney Hook. They evolved into the present neo-cons; obsessive hatred of the USSR seems to have been the main motivator. In 1949 Professor Sidney Hook, who was a Trotskyite and of course a virulently antiStalinist stated: “Give me a hundred million dollars and a thousand dedicated people, and I will guarantee to generate such a wave of democratic unrest among the masses - yes, even among the soldiers - of Stalin's own empire, that all his problems for a 251 long period of time to come will be internal. I can find the people.” Backed by the CIA Hook was one of the main players in establishing the Congress for Cultural Freedom in 1949-50 which attracted many Trotskyites into its fold. The Congress for Cultural Freedom is widely considered one of the CIA's more daring and effective Cold War covert operations. It published literary and political journals such as Encounter, hosted dozens of conferences bringing together some of the most eminent Western thinkers, whose influence reached across the Iron Curtain to preach that Stalinism was a deadly foe of art and thought.


You could be accused of presenting Stalin as a victim and as such holding some sort of sympathy for him. What would your response be to such an accusation? After all millions of people died under Stalin’s rule.


Well I‘ve been accused of many things because people have very narrow points of view. I mentioned in my last interview about financial reforms in National Socialist Germany in regards to credit creation, I suppose that would make me a Nazi sympathiser in some people’s eyes. Now do I have any sort of sympathy for Stalin…to be honest I would have to answer no. In regards to your comment pertaining to the millions who died under Stalin’s rule; will that is a well known fact. But once again what is not generally known is the fact that Lenin was the author of mass terror and


the pioneer in building the first concentration camps ever on the European Continent. The facts are that Lenin and Trotsky together were responsible for killing millions of people - men, women and children - by mass executions, death camps, and statecaused famine. It was Lenin who institutionalized terror as a method of state policy which began in earnest in September of 1918 in which thousands were massacred for opposing the Bolsheviks and thousands more for simply belonging to the wrong class - for being "kulaks," or wealthy peasants, a group that Lenin repeatedly compared to vermin and "bloodsuckers". It was Marxism's doctrine of class warfare, heretofore purely theoretical, that took on a terrible reality, as the revolutionary forces carried out atrocities exceeding even the worst of the Tsars' oppressions. Meanwhile, the economic policies pursued by Lenin, which sought to create a Communist economy by the massive seizures of food and supplies from the peasantry contributed to the famine of 1921 in which nearly five million people died. I have an interesting quote from the article Vladimir Ilyich Lenin by David Remnick: “Lenin was the initiator of the central drama - the tragedy - of our era, the rise of totalitarian states. A bookish man with a scholar's habits and a general's tactical instincts, Lenin introduced to the 20th century the practice of taking an all-embracing ideology and imposing it on an entire society rapidly and mercilessly; he created a regime that erased politics, erased historical memory, erased opposition. In his short career in power, from 1917 until his death in 1924, Lenin created a model not merely for his successor, Stalin, but for Mao, for Hitler, for Pol Pot . . . In some scholarly circles in the West, Stalin was seen as an "aberration," a tyrant who perverted Lenin's intentions at the end of Lenin's life. But as more and more evidence of Lenin's cruelty emerged from the archives, that notion of the "good Lenin" and the "bad Stalin" became an academic joke. Very few of Stalin's policies were without roots in Leninism: it was Lenin who built the first camps; Lenin who set off artificial famine as a political weapon; Lenin who disbanded the last vestige of democratic government, the Constituent Assembly, and devised the Communist Party as the apex of a totalitarian structure; Lenin who first waged war on the intelligentsia and on religious believers, wiping out any 252 traces of civil liberty and a free press.” Both Lenin and Trotsky both had their hands bathed in blood and yet today the sick teachings of these tyrants are considered inspirational by some people.

Marxism is a creed of brutality so it is only logical that the most brutal should guide it Of course we must not forget the Marxist Pol Pot. I believe that Vincent Cook in his article Pol Pot and the Marxist Ideal sums it up to a tee by saying: “Pol Pot has earned a special place in the history of Marxian Communism as his Khmer Rouge earned the special distinction of being the one Communist movement in history to actually attempt the full and consistent implementation of the ideals of Karl Marx. Most Marxists would recoil at the suggestion that Pol Pot is the logical conclusion of their social philosophy, yet any honest assessment of Marx's theory cannot conceal the fact that the radical egalitarianism of the Khmer Rouge is precisely what Marx predicted would be the ultimate culmination of all human history. It must be clearly kept in mind that industrial socialism, as it was known in the former Soviet Union and other mainstream Marxist states, is not the endpoint of Marx's philosophy of history. In his view, the abolition of capitalist production relations is only the first stage of the worldwide proletarian revolution ... The Khmer Rouge leadership recognized that if the Communist ideal was incompatible with industrial civilization and an urban existence that a division of labor implies, then a principled Communism would have to thoroughly deurbanize society and eliminate all industry. When the Khmer Rouge seized power and took the shocking step of evacuating Phnom Penh in April of 1975, they were merely acting with the courage of their Marxist convictions. The worst that can be said of Pol Pot was that he was sincere; the Cambodian people were in fact freed of the "alienation" of a division of labor and individual personality, and were


reduced to a perfectly uniform egalitarian existence on the collective farms.” 253 [Emphasis added] Of course we continue to hear from time to time about how evil Stalin was and we are fed a continuous diet about how evil the Nazis were but the Allied Powers of the Second World War are presented like they were the savours and saints but the truth is they were the same type of tyrants, if not worse, then the Axis leaders. Now it is a bit hard to escape the conclusion that the U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. It has been claimed and documented, that from 1945 to 1948, Eisenhower murdered an estimated one million seven hundred thousand German Prisoners of War through a deliberate policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease. Some put the total Germans that Eisenhower was responsible for murdering at between 5 to 8 million. Under the Geneva Conventions, German POWs had certain rights but to get around this the Americans had Germany POWs designated as "disarmed enemy forces". Cripes that rings a they call them "enemy combatants" today don’t they. is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German POWs but this was apparently deliberately and intentionally denied them. How about the Great Depression in the USA; research has shown that over seven million people died from famine due to the financial crisis in the US. This research based on the general estimation of demographic losses which are widely used in the contemporary science of history. This is the same method used to calculate the number of victims of the Ukrainian famine, under Stalin, which was subsequently officially recognized by the US. Few people know about five million American farmers - about a million families whom banks ousted from them lands because of debts. The US government did not provide them with land, work, or social aid – nothing; every sixth American farmer was affected by famine. People unable to pay their mortgages were forced to leave their homes and go to nowhere without any money and any property. They found themselves in the middle of nowhere enveloped in massive unemployment, famine and gangsterism. While people starved against the background of stores selling a variety of foodstuffs the US government tried to get rid of redundant foodstuffs, which vendors could not sell. Market rules were observed strictly: unsold goods should always be categorized as redundant and they could not be given away to the poor because it could cause damage to businesses. A variety of methods were used to destroy redundant food. They burnt crops, dumped them in the ocean; I believe it has been estimated that 10 million hectares of crops were ploughed under and an estimated six and a half million pigs were slaughtered and dumped at that time. Interviewer:

You certainly put a different perspective on things. When we were chatting prior to the start of this interview you mention that Mikhail Gorbachev came out in support of the ‘New World Order’. Now I’m a bit confused here…wasn’t Gorbachev a communist?


I suppose it can be confusing to people if people don’t understand exactly what was going on. Mikhail Gorbachev spoke quite openly of a "new world order," and he did so nearly two years before the US President George Bush senior ‘caught the vision.’ In his historic address to the United Nations on December 7, 1988, the Soviet Prime Minister made this dogmatic and even prophetic statement: "Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order." Of course George Bush proved to be a good and faithful servant and made the "New World Order" agenda his main focus. Just before leaving for Helsinki, Finland, early in September 1990 to discuss the Persian Gulf crisis at his summit meeting with Soviet President Gorbachev, President George Bush expressed the hope that "the foundation for the new world order would be laid in Helsinki" and that it would be established under the United Nations.


Now getting back to Gorbachev being a communist; for a start Gorbachev was antiStalinist. When Gorbachev took over in March 1985 he introduced the policy of glasnost in order to liberalise the Soviet system. He allowed the economy to operate more like a free-market system than a Communist state which in the end brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991 the fifteen republics that made up the Soviet Union declared their independence. Of course when Vladimir Putin became President of the Russian Federation he apparently started steering a course that was more in Russia’s national interests and to counter this the US started to establish military bases in a number of the ‘independent’ ex Soviet republics. There is not much doubt that Gorbachev was brought and paid well for his treason. The collapse of the Soviet Union was no accident; it involved a well coordinated plan started soon after the beginning of the Cold War. To bring about the collapse of such a powerful bloc such as the Soviet Union goes to show the power and relentless drive that the Global Elite weld. Interviewer:

You mentioned a One World Religion could you elaborate?


Between August 28 and September 5 1993 there was a meeting of some the world's religious leaders. Among them were the Pope's top Cardinal, the Dalai Lhama, Hindu Guru's, leaders of Islam, Loius Farrakan, representatives for Buddhism, New Age spiritual leaders, Wicca representatives, and many others. This was the 1993 Parliament for World Religions sponsored by the United Nations. They discussed how mankind could live in peace, harmony and in unity with each other and nature, producing a document entitled The Declaration of a Global Ethic. Now the Global Ethic seems to contain a rather strange or, as some people have claimed, a deeper message. It defines those who support the objectives of the Declaration as “authentically human”. Now the question is; if you support the Global Ethic you are considered “authentically human” does this mean if you find the Global Ethic in conflict with your own beliefs, and you reject the Global Ethic because of this, does this make you not “authentically human”?


I’ll have to say again…you certainly put a different perspective on things with your thinking.


Well take this into consideration; if you are not classified as “authentically human” does this make you not a human or perhaps subhuman? If you are classified as not “authentically human” does this mean you are not protected by the same laws as those classified as “authentically human”? This document should concern thinking people who do not recognise all belief systems as valid. What about orthodox Christians and orthodox Moslems and orthodox Jews? I don't not think there would be many who could embrace The Declaration of a Global Ethic without feeling they have violated their own religious beliefs. Even the lying conceited arsehole Tony Blair, the ex-Prime Minster of Britain, and member of The Club of Rome is getting in on the act. He launched his Faith Foundation in May 2008, a new organisation, for which he is seeking hundreds of millions of pounds of charitable funding. Of course it will "focus" on developing better understanding between faiths. Apparently this Faith Foundation will concern itself with the six leading faiths: Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish but it will be open to those from the wider faith community. According to Blair he wants its reach to extend across North America, Europe, Asia, the Far East and the Middle East. Of course once again Globalisation is its theme. According to Blair "Interdependence [Globalisation] is now the recognised human condition." Of course Blair has the support of many other Globalists such as Sir Sigmund Sternberg. Now Sternberg himself is another rather interesting character; a Hungarian-born Jew, he was naturalized as a British citizen in 1947. Sternberg has


extensive connections to the financial sector and is worth an estimated £585 million. He is a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and serves on the Commission on Globalisation. He is also a member of the Club of Budapest which is an offshoot of the Club of Rome. His name appeared on a document published by World Wisdom Council which issued THE BUDAPEST DECLARATION entitled Shifting to New Thinking and a New Civilization. He also serves on the Council of CoChairs of the COMMISSION ON GLOBALISATION and is Co-Founder of The Three Faiths Forum. Now if we have a quick look at the Three Faiths Forum of Sir Sigmund Sternberg will find that one of the patrons is a person by the name of Otto von Habsburg, who is Archduke and Crown Prince of Austria and is also a member of an organisation known as the Bilderbergers. One thing about these Globalists is that they stick together like shit to a woollen blanket. Interviewer:

Scary stuff…certainly makes one think.


I suppose it is, especially if you think there is a likelihood of being classified as not “authentically human”. I gather that the purpose is to displace the main orthodox religions with this New World Religion?



That would appear correct. There has been a slow process of bastardisation to debase the orthodox religions thus to make it easier for people to accept this New World Religion.


You say it has been a slow process…when did it really begin?


According to John Randolph Price in his book The Super Beings: "It started more than one hundred years ago, but now the pace is quickening. Throughout the world, men and women are joining in the uprising and are coming forward to be counted as part of a new race that will someday rule the universe." Before I go further it should be noted that John Randolph Price is founder of the Quartus Foundation and is the author of eighteen occult books. Now what I find most interesting is what Price says on page 113 of his book The Super Beings: “This Aquarian Age will open its arms of welcome to all who embrace its new theology. However, those who take Jesus at his word when he said, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me’ (John 14:6) will need to experience a ‘cleansing’ because of their self-centered, separatist ideas.” [Emphasis added] Now what I fine intriguing is what he refers to as “separatist ideas” and The Declaration of a Global Ethic which I mentioned and its statement about being “authentically human” [Price and his wife were the originators of World Healing Day that began on December 31, 1986, with over 500-million participants world wide; the event has continued each year on the same date. Price's biographical record is included in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in Entertainment.]


What is meant by “separatist ideas”?


In the New Age cult the only real “sin” is to believe in sin and believe you are separate from God. Being a separatist means that you believe that you are not God and that there is a God that judges you and therefore you believe sin exists. New Agers say there is no separation of God and you, for you are God; if you accept this you are called God-centred if you refuse to accept this belief you are separatist and thus are evil. They say that we exist in an illusion of separation and that to break the illusion and save the world they claim that we must realize we are God. If you are not willing to embrace this idea you are selfish and need to be cleansed from the earth.


What does “cleansed from the earth” mean exactly?


I think that the leading occultist Barbara Marx Hubbard has answered that quite plainly in her book Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap. On pages 55-57 she states:


"Humanity will not be able to make the transition from Earth-only to universal life until the chaff has been separated from the wheat. The great reaper must reap before we can take the quantum leap to the next phase of evolution. No worldly peace can prevail until the self-centered members of the planetary body either change or die. That is the choice. The red horse is the destruction during the birth process of those who refuse to be born into God-centered, universal life . . . This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole." [Emphasis added] On pages 60-61 Hubbard states: "We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed . . . the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative. Only the God-centered can evolve." [Emphasis added] In The Book of Co-Creation written by Hubbard she states: "One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. . . We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." [Emphasis added] Now just in case you think that old Hubbard is just a poor nobody ranting and raving away I will give you a bit of background information on her. In 1970, she co-founded the Committee for the Future and she is on the “Global Advisory Council” of the World Future Society. She made political history in 1984 when her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket. She is President of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and has written five books. She has also delivered numerous keynote speeches exposing her ideology to establishment figures. Oops nearly forgot, Hubbard is a “Creative Member” of the Club of Budapest International Foundation and she is also a member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. It is interesting to note that the World Wisdom Council was initiated by The Club of Budapest International in association with the World Commission of Global Consciousness & Spirituality.

The thoughts of a sane individual or the ravings of a Psychopath?

Barbara Marx Hubbard

“…the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative. Only the God-centered can evolve. . . One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body.”


The Club of Budapest…has that any relationship to the Club of Rome?


Yes it certainly has. The idea of the Club of Budapest was developed in 1978 in a discussion between Aurelio Peccei, founder and first president of the Club of Rome, and Ervin Laszlo, systems philosopher and also member of the Club of Rome at that time. According to the Club of Budapest International Foundation website; “…the global Club of Budapest is an informal international association dedicated to developing a new way of thinking and a new ethics that will help resolve the social, political, economic, and ecological challenges of the 21st century. With its roster of internationally renowned members the Club initiates a dialogue between different belief systems and world views in order to co-create and develop effective strategies for responsible and sustainable action with a global focus.” [Emphasis added]


Bloody heck…Hubbard is tied-up with some very powerful people. Apart from that II still can not accept the possible of people killing off quarter of the world’s population.



Now there will be many individuals who will find it hard to accept that in this day and age there are people around who advocate the mass killing of people. It is a sad fact that people honestly believe that this could not possible happen; but people forget that not all that long ago Lenin and company caused the deaths of millions of Russians, then there was Mao who caused the deaths of millions of Chinese, and, not all that long ago, we had Pol Pot who had millions of his own people slaughtered. I wonder if the Cambodians , in their wildest nightmare, contemplated Pol Pot’s course of action…I suppose not…in all probability the mere suggestion would have brought the response “no way man…we live in the twenty century.” Well we are now in the twentyfirst century and it is sad to say that people haven’t change…very few think for themselves…very few question what they are told…most are incapable of thinking for themselves…they’re quite happy to be told what to think, say and do. Looking back to the Roman era of power and cruelty I have to think to myself “people haven’t changed; we’re genetically still the same…we haven’t evolved…we haven’t improved.” Very few people have learnt from history and thus, in all probability, they will suffer the consequences again. Now it is important that people understand that the thought processes and ideas of the mind always precede any physical action - including the words people speak. There are always people with established advantages, envisioning and planning a final solution for the innovator problem, so to speak.


Aren't you worried that you will be accused of being a paranoid conspiracy theorist?


Citing source data is the scientific method, but does not seem to apply when discussing many things including the formation of the New World Order. A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the sceptics. It seems to me the symptoms of mental illness are on their side, if they refuse to look at evidence. Go to any code of legal statutes and do a search on the word "conspiracy". You will find laws that address the concept of conspiracy to commit crimes. Every crime that involves more than one person results from a conspiracy. Conspiracies are formed to promote ideologies and conspiracies are formed to gain power and money. Most people just want to be free yet most governments are totalitarian. Totalitarianism cannot be implemented without conspiracy. It is not possible to assert that the biggest crimes do not involve conspiracies. The existence of conspiracies has been proven so many times that it is beyond debate. No honest, intelligent person can fail to see this. The person, who knows about a conspiracy, is someone, who knows that this is not an accident. The only other alternative is the "accidental theory" The "accidental theory" is the theory that some people just accidentally become dictators over all of the other people, who just want to be free. The "accidental theory" is the theory that these dictators never did anything to gain the power that they wield. We must suppose that those who believe in the “accidental theory” also believe that all of the great masterpiece paintings resulted from an explosion in an art supply store. The fact is conspiracy is as old as mankind. Very few people would claim that the Mafia [Costa Nostra] never existed in Italy, and other places. Very few people would claim that the Yakuza never existed in Japan. Very few people would claim that the Tong never existed in China. Very few people would claim that the Thugee never existed in India. Very few people would claim that the Medain Cartel never existed in Columbia. These are the STUPID criminals. The smart criminals do a better job of covering their tracks. Why is it hard to believe that smart criminals also conspire? There has never been a crime, involving more than one person that did not result from a conspiracy. A conspiracy to control the world cannot be hidden that is why we know about it. That is why hundreds of books have been written about it, including some from individuals, who were on the inside of it.


Now to be paranoid means to believe in delusions of danger and persecution. If the danger is real, and the evidence credible, then it cannot be delusional. To ignore the evidence, and hope that it cannot be true, is more an evidence of mental illness.

To ignore the evidence, and hope that it cannot be true, is more an evidence of mental illness


You mention Huey Long while we were chatting prior to the start of this interview. You mention that you had great admiration for him. Would you like to make a comment about him for the record so-to-speak?


I certainly would. He was Governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1930. As Governor, he sponsored many reforms that endeared him to the rural poor. He was an ardent enemy of corporate interests, and I suppose you could call him a radical populist that championed the "little man" against the rich and privileged. Huey Long was the determined enemy of Wall Street, bankers and big business and although Huey Long was a backer of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1932 presidential election, he became a determined enemy of the Roosevelt administration because he saw it as too beholden to these powerful forces. Long split with Roosevelt in June 1933 and planned to mount his own presidential bid. Huey Long wanted the government to confiscate the wealth of the nation's rich and privileged. He called his program “Share Our Wealth.” It called upon the federal government to guarantee every family in the nation an annual income of $5,000, so they could have the necessities of life, including a home, a job, a radio and an automobile. He also proposed limiting private fortunes to $50 million, legacies to $5 million, and annual incomes to $1 million. Everyone over age 60 would receive an oldage pension. His slogan was "Every Man A King." He was quite a radical for his time; his popularity was ever-increasing and was becoming more of a growing threat to the Establishment within the US. th

On the 8 September, 1935, Huey Long was shot by Carl Austin Weiss; two days later Huey Long died. If he had lived it is quite possible he would have become President. As I have stated before, it is a well known fact that taking on big business can be detrimental to your health. I have a copy of his speech he made on the 23 February 1934, which I think is most interesting; I will have this included at the back when I publish next. Interviewer:

Well…we have certainly deviated from the line of questioning I had intended.


Well it is normally the case in any conversation.


Well if you don’t mind I will get back to the questions I originally wanted to ask otherwise we may never finish.


Fire away.


What are your opinions on Unions?


It is interesting to note that when the Unions were strong in this country none really attacked the Globalisation of New Zealand; in a way it isn’t all that surprising taking into consideration that most of the Unions were affiliated with the Labour Party. It is also most interesting to note that many past radical Marxist Union leaders are now


employed by large foreign owned Corporations or are in well paid government jobs. In my opinion many of the union leaders were either penile dysfunctionals or traitors who just stood aside while New Zealand was sold out and the workers’ jobs exported to low cost third world countries. Interviewer:

Do you believe there is a problem with male violence, and if so what can be done to curb it?


For a start violence is not gender specific and the evidence to support this is irrefutable. Aggression is a complex social issue with many definitions but I believe we can define it as an overt behaviour with the intention of inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual. Now violence is a very complex dilemma upon which environmental and biological factors play a huge role. Aggression is deeply rooted in our biological makeup. We are born with the instincts to fight or flee when we feel that we are in danger, and to become enraged when we are wounded. This basic physiological response, which we share with all other mammals, is called affective aggression or the fight-or-flight response. In certain circumstances the majority of people are capable of acts of violence; an example would be a mother or father protecting their child from an attack by a dog this is an extreme case but I use it to make a point. So what causes violence? How come an incident that might make the majority of us express some anger, push a minority of people into acts of violence? How come an incident that majority of us would just shake our heads at in disapproval cause some people to react violently? After all humans are a social animal; if it was normal to go around attacking one another at the drop of a hat we wouldn’t have formed societies because we would either be dead or hiding from one another. So what enables the majority of people to live in close proximity to one another in peace without attacking one another all the time? The answer is that we are biologically tuned to do so. Our bodies produce hormones which have various functions. Hormones for our sex drive, hormones for this and hormones for that. Our bodies also produce a hormone called serotonin. Now a large body of literature indicates that the hormone serotonin plays an important role in regulating aggressive behaviour in males. Research shows that serotonin deficiency leads to an increased tendency toward anxiety, depression, out-of-control disinhibition, and violence.


What is disinhibition?


Disinhibition is a process which results in an individual having a reduced capacity to edit or manage their immediate impulsive response to a situation. An individual experiencing disinhibition is more prone to react according to their feelings and reaction at each moment in time. The individual is less able to exercise their normal control; that is to choose to inhibit some of their responses in the way we all do each day for reasons of politeness or sensitivity or social appropriateness or desire to keep our true feelings hidden from others. Now low levels of serotonin in the brain have been associated with an increased susceptibility to impulsive behaviour, aggression, overeating, depression, alcohol abuse, and violent suicide. Animals that have been selected for domesticity i.e., reduced aggression seem to have higher brain levels of serotonin than their wild counterparts. In tests when human subjects were fed a serotonin-reducing substance they become impulsive, depressive, aggressive, and violent within 5 or 6 hours. Suicide, which has been called the ultimate expression of "auto-aggression", has long been linked to low serotonin levels. In one meta-analysis, five out of seven studies reported reduced levels of serotonin in the brain stems of suicide victims. Reduced brain levels were also seen in those who had attempted suicide but failed.


How does serotonin modulate these responses?



Serotonin acts as a brake you could say. In people with normal serotonin function, anxiety inhibits socially inappropriate responses, such as aggression. In people with depleted serotonin, however, anxiety loses its inhibitory effect while retaining its emotional intensity. As a result of this imbalance, a person might become aggressive despite the intense anxiety induced by the threat of punishment. People with low serotonin are likely to be depressed and aggressive, more driven by appetites i.e. more motivated by food, alcohol, sex, and drugs; and in the face of threat more impulsive i.e. less able to control behaviour. They may also be more likely to use aggression to achieve rewards or deter punishment, and they may be less sensitive to social control of such behaviour. Specifically with regard to alcohol, decreased serotonin may lead to an inability to terminate drinking once started. And if a person with low serotonin starts drinking, the result is likely to be an increase in aggressive behaviour.


What causes serotonin levels to be lower in some people and higher in others?


Main factors would be environment and diet. In the case of diet a diet consisting of to much fast food has been identified. Deficiency in the vitamin B6 has been identified as a factor along with a diet low in fat especially Omega-3 fatty acids. It appears that these dietary factors have an affect on the body’s production of serotonin. In regards to the environmental factors; low job status, low self-worth, and low-respect from others in a man's environment - that is, low hierarchy - results in low serotonin level in his body. These factors bring on stress and stress is a major factor in causing serotonin levels to fall.


Would you say that low serotonin levels would play a part in domestic violence?


There is strong evidence that would indicate that. We know that stress has an effect on serotonin levels. Whether the cause of stress is from outside of the family home or within the family home it appears to be a major factor especially if alcohol or drugs are involved. As I stated before not only does low serotonin seem to predispose people to alcoholism, but low serotonin in combination with alcohol appears to make people more aggressive and violent. It is interesting to note that statistics seem to indicate a connection between alcohol and drug abuse and domestic violence. Now what I have stated here shouldn’t be presented as gospel; all I have done is to present a different view from that preached by the feminists. Much research is needed into this area; once we understand the factors involved then solutions can put in place to solve this problem. It is interesting to note that data show that cohabiters are almost five times more likely than married persons to experience a severe violent incident; when such violence is nonreciprocal the woman is more than twice as likely as the man to have been the aggressor.


Why is this so high among cohabiters and lower among married couples?


It has been suggested that cohabiter violence results from anxiety about the relationship – the lack of commitment. Married couples have made a commitment to one another so therefore it would be logical to conclude there would be less anxiety about the commitment in the relationship.


Among cohabiters why is the woman more than twice as likely as the man to be the aggressor?


We know that anxiety causes stress and stress in women increases the activity of the adrenal, which along with the ovaries, is where testosterone is made in women's bodies. We do know that a high testosterone level in a woman makes her personality more aggressive. A study of female prisoners in the US found that those whose crimes involved violence had higher testosterone levels than the others; high testosterone was also present in women who were aggressively domineering and hard to control. Also women have lower levels of serotonin then men which would explain why twice as many women as men experience depression.


Another interesting fact is that marriage and parenthood lower testosterone significantly in most men. Interviewer:

Lower testosterone significantly…why?


It is all to do with relationship status; a married man is no longer in a competitive mode for a female.


So you are saying that when men marry their testosterone levels fall.


It is generally so, meaning; mainly, in most cases. There are always exceptions to the rule so-to-speak. Now I would like to say that when I make a statement or express an opinion it is based on facts or information that falls into this category of being generally so.


I understand what you are saying. Please go on.


Good. As I stated before much research is needed into this area; once we understand the factors involved then realistic solutions can put in place to eliminate or at least to minimise this problem. Regarding crimes involving sex

Interviewer: QE:

Ha…funny enough I been wondering when this question would come up. You have opened another can of worms so-to-speak…I will have to put this into its proper perspective. The waters have been made muddy by the radical feminist. Lies and distorted facts have been presented as the truth and what has been presented as the truth as been acted upon. These people, to put it mildly, are evil; evil in nature and evil in intent; as I have pointed out before many of the radical feminists are nothing but MUBs…Mentally Unbalanced Bitches. Feminism has inflicted far more damage and harm on children than all the paedophiles and child abusers put together. Indeed, one widely publicised claim by a feminist 'child expert' in the USA was that 100,000 women died from anorexia each year. And that anorexia was caused by child sex-abuse. It turned out - much later that about 100 women died from anorexia each year, and that child sex-abuse had nothing to do with it. But can you just imagine what the parents - especially the fathers - of anorexic daughters must have gone through as this baloney was splashed across the media and injected into the minds of the population? Even their own daughters would have been unsure as to what might have happened to them all those years ago. And, of course, even the wives of these men began to view them with suspicion. After all, if their daughters were anorexic, someone must have sexually abused them. There were numerous other ailments that were being said to be the result of childsexual abuse; e.g. not being able to concentrate at school, appearing to be uncommunicative, constipation, an interest in the opposite sex, depression etc, etc the list is long. And in the climate of the hysteria that prevailed - and that was continually being stirred up by the abuse industry and the feminists - all men started to be regarded with suspicion. And if, for example, their own children had one of the many ailments that were alleged to have been caused by child sex-abuse, then the fingers started wagging and pointing at them.

The Marxist and the feminist are just like a paedophile. They worm their way into teaching jobs, the Church, social services etc. Everyone thinks they are wonderful, so kind and caring and so good with the children. Yet their Agenda is far different from their public face th

Now an article published in the New Zealand Herald on the 29 May 1996 stated that ground-breaking New Zealand research by the main-stream Hamilton psychologist Dr


Jane Rawls and financed by the Law Foundation, showed that many children fabricate stories of sexual abuse when questioned by adults. Dr Rawls told how a team of lawyers, police and psychologists got an unpleasant surprise when it assessed a study group of 30 five-year-olds - seven reported they had been sexually abused. All 30 had been in the care of one man. The seven told of genital touching, the man putting his hands under their upper clothing, of his touching their bottoms and making them touch his. The revelations were an unpleasant surprise because the assessment team knew there had been no abuse. The children had invented the incidents. Their every moment with the man had been videoed. The youngsters had been taking part in what was intended as a routine study into children’s disclosures under questioning. Dr Rawls has a private practice as a child and clinical psychologist in Hamilton and as a specialist report writer for the Family Court and a consulting expert witness in the High Court. She went on to say that she was amazed at what the study showed. Depending on the way questions were asked, the children’s accuracy of recall about a range of situations at their first set of interviews ranged from 13 per cent to nil. For some of the children, these errors seemed harmless, including climbing ladders, going to other rooms, having other children present, wearing elaborate costumes and tickling with feathers. What was frightening was that errors appeared to evolve with repeated interviews and, for many, were first reported when diagrams of body parts were used. The belief that children do not lie - or get it wrong - when alleging sexual abuse has been shaken internationally by much-publicised examples of wrongful arrest and imprisonment. But a near-absolute trust in the child persists among many abuse workers. The trustthe-child theory holds that children do not lie to get someone into trouble, only to get out of trouble. The research by Dr Rawls, finding that responses to questions are often wrong and that many children invent stories of inappropriate touching, throws more doubt on the wisdom of acting on child claims without corroborative evidence. But of course the radical feminists scream and shout that children don’t lie. Now I can not stress enough that these MUBs are truly dangerous bitches. Most are Marxists or at one time have belonged to Marxists organisations; the philosophy they push is Marxist in origin; their goal is to destroy the traditional family unit – which is a stated Marxist goal. Now I am not claiming that child sex abuse doesn’t happen but now with waters been made muddy by the feminists it is difficult to tell truth from fiction. What we need is an unbiased approach to ascertain the facts; is one child in a hundred molested, is it perhaps one in a thousand, or perhaps one in ten thousand. Deal in facts not fiction. To distort facts for a political agenda and to cast a dark cloud over men in general to help obtain this political agenda is not forgivable, especially when it is wilfully done. Of course the radical feminist screams and preaches that all men are potential rapists, which is once again is distorting facts; it is a bit like claiming every female is a potential arsonist because a few females have started fires. A child is molested and it is headline news in the newspapers and on television news as a leading item. Many men cringe and hope that people don’t view them in that light. Fathers and grandfathers are becoming hesitate is showing their young daughters or granddaughters affection by holding them. I can just image a grandfather sitting in the park with his young granddaughter on his knee and the police turning up and to question him about his behaviour. Society’s mind has been contaminated by the actions of the feminists and men are paying the price.

A new horror has arisen - not of bad men touching children in ways that revolt us, but of good men too scared to touch children at all. We know from research that in the US that 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes. Interesting fact; I would be most interested to find


out what the statistics are for New Zealand. And who has an agenda to remove the father from the home…the radical feminists. So looking at it logically the radical feminist is indirectly responsible in part for some of the rapes that occur because of the anti-family policies they have had pushed through. Now don’t misunderstand me. Rape happens and if the perpetrator is caught they should be harshly dealt with, but in the same breath I must say that the whole issue regarding rape and sexual assault has become a rather hysterical issue with many people. And of course we have the issue of false claims of rape. Women, who make false rape charges, destroy the lives and reputations of innocent men, while the false accusers usually face no repercussions. Interviewer:

Isn’t estimated that only about 2 per cent of rape claims are false, this can not be too much of a problem, can it?


As I said the whole issue of sex crimes has been contaminated by false and distorted allegations by the feminists. The claim by the feminists that false complaints of rape are low, about 2 per cent, is another misleading claim. Now this commonly cited statistic was attributed to the 1993 book Rape: the Misunderstood Crime. However what is not realised that this book's authors did not themselves measure a 2 percent rate, relying instead on a 1979 book Understanding the Rape Victim, which itself reviewed other studies dating back to 1956, choosing 2 percent as a reasonable middle ground for estimates ranging from 1 to 25 percent. other words a guess…no study has ever been published which sets forth an evidentiary basis for the two percent false rape complaint thesis. Now a study conducted by Eugene J. Kanin of Purdue University in the USA of rape complaints registered in a Midwestern US city from 1978 to 1987 showed that 41 per cent of these reported rapes were false. Another study done by Kanin determined that 50 percent of the rapes reported at two US major universities were false. Kanin offers solid research. His research proves that almost half of rape complaints are false - at least, for those places and at the times under study. This is food for thought.


I must admit I never knew this. Do you think that the present penalties are adequate in regards to rape?


Yes and no. Regarding repeat sex offenders I believe not. From what I understand Germany has castration as an option for repeat sex offenders who volunteer for this treatment. Now the technology for castration has evolved considerably, and there is evidence that, in some circumstances, it can dramatically reduce the likelihood a sex offender will strike again. These studies suggest the common argument - that rape is all about power, not sex, and therefore castration won't work - is wrong. Interestingly, a German study found that up to half of the castrated men still could have erections and sex, but their desire was weakened or even extinguished. Over 80 percent no longer masturbated and 70 percent gave up sex. As Fred Berlin, a Johns Hopkins University psychiatrist and expert on treating sex offenders, points out, castration works "mainly in those who are sexually aroused by their crime ... sadists and paedophiles."


Do you think that penalties for perjury and jury tampering are adequate?


No not really. If a person lies before a Court then that person should receive at least seven years imprisonment or the penalty that would be imposed by the Court regarding the crime it is investigating – whichever is the greater. The same should apply for jury tampering; at least seven years imprisonment or the penalty that would be imposed by the Court regarding the crime it is investigating – whichever is the greater.


In our last interview you stated that you do not believe Darwin’s theories of evolution. Do you believe it should be taught in New Zealand schools?


That is an interesting question. The theory of evolution fits in nicely with the Marxist inspired new agenda of the New Agers as if we are lead to believe we originated from slime then we should live are life as we please. I think it would be an excellent idea to


give the Theory of Evolution the acid test so-to-speak. I would support placing the Theory of Evolution, Creationism, and the Theory of Intervention before the students for debate. Lets call in the experts to present their side, get the students asking questions, get them debating, get them THINKING. Interviewer:

What is your opinion on same sex marriages?


Same sex marriage is a debasement of marriage. This undermining of the concept of marriage has been the long term objective of the Marxist. Look at who has been behind the promotion of all this legislation. No, if a couple of lesbians or homosexuals want to live together in some sort of romantic fantasies don’t insult us heterosexuals by referring to this as a marriage.


And your opinion on Civil Unions?


The Civil Union legislation should be repelled as this undermining of the concept of marriage which I have pointed out has been the long term objective of the Marxist.


Should de facto relationships have the same status legally and socially as marriage? If not, why not?


No. A de facto relationship is a de facto relationship, it is not a marriage. A marriage is a commitment a de facto relationship is not.

A marriage is a commitment a de facto relationship is not One of the core components of Marxism has been the destruction of the traditional concept of marriage and family. As Lenin said; "Destroy the family, you destroy the country." This has been the agenda of the Marxists and still is. I believe I have highlighted this fact a number of times before, and given evidence to prove this agenda. Interviewer:

Do you believe in abortion on demand?


No I do not.


What about the claim that a woman’s body is her own and she should have the right to decide what happens to her body? I believe this claim forms the basis of the claim that it is a woman’s right to choose.


Well a woman has a choice in whether or not she takes of her pants and has sex. Now she can not be so stupid not to know that a fertile female can get pregnant from having sex. Now the feminist may claim it is their right to choose what happens to her body in response I say once she becomes pregnant she shares her body with another life as any other female species that gets pregnant and as such she loses the sole right to her body. Her act of submission to sexual intercourse bears with it the responsibility of pregnancy and the duties that follow. It is the right of the unborn child that should be of paramount importance to her not her career or the fact she might end up with a few stretch marks on her belly.

Her act of submission to sexual intercourse bears with it the responsibility of pregnancy and the duties that follow Interviewer:

What is your opinion on the present abortion laws?


The present abortion law in New Zealand may as well not exist; it is the liberal approach taken by most medical practitioners in bending and breaking these guidelines that has caused the abortion rate to be so high in this country. It is interesting to note that more than 98% of abortions are authorised on the grounds to mental health. I would go as far to say that a good percentage of women who undergo abortions in New Zealand have these abortions mainly for economic reasons not because the pregnancy is a threat to their health or mental well-being. I believe that the economic


and financial reforms put forward would remove the economic based reasons for abortions. In regards to the loophole for the authorisation of an abortion on the grounds of risk to mental health, this should be tightened-up. Interviewer:

There will be those who will claim that such a stance would force women who want an abortion into the arms of the backstreet abortionist. How would you respond to this?

"I don't know a more irreligious attitude, one more utterly bankrupt of any human content, than one which permits children to be destroyed." Daniel Berrigan QE:

There will always be a small segment of the population, what I call the dysfunctional types, who will break society’s rules and regulations; they have always existed and always will. Just because it is alleged that some individual may break one of society’s rules does this justify doing away with that rule? Only an anarchist would promote and support such an idea.


In the section “Domination: Wealth, Obsession & Power” you state the vaccines were used to sterilise women in a number of countries without their knowledge or approval…now that’s very scary…I mean it’s hard to accept that people would do this.


I believe that J. Edgar Hoover said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-toface with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." This is quite true…mention the dangers of vaccination to people and many just turn-off. The majority don’t want to know because it scares the hell out of them. I suppose it could be looked upon as some sort of defence mechanism…like…if I put it out of my mind, or if I don’t know, perhaps it will go away. It’s a bit like talking about death; it makes most people feel uncomfortable even that they know in the back of their mind that they will die one day.

DON’T TELL ME ABOUT IT IT SCARES ME I DON”T WANT TO KNOW! Now you say you find it scary and hard to accept that people would do this. All I can say is that you don’t know much about human nature. Now I watched a video on YouTube in regards to a polio vaccine manufactured by a US company called Merck which was given to tens of millions of people throughout the world; this video was in an interview format which showed the chief of Merck’s vaccine programme a Dr. Maurice Hillerman and some of his colleagues discussing the fact that this polio vaccine which was widely contaminated with the simian virus 40, referred to as SV40, is actually causing cancerous tumours. Now it actually showed the bastards laughing during this interview. Now you might find these things hard to accept but I don’t anymore. Many New Zealanders will remember the major polio vaccination scandal which broke in 1983 making headlines around the world, New Zealand dailies screaming the following front-page headlines: "Disease Time Bomb", "Mass Pollution of Population" and "Future of the Nation at Risk". As a shocked public learned that in the 1960s two and a half million New Zealanders, many were infants and school-children, had been vaccinated with highly-dangerous contaminated monkey-based polio vaccine, which left many crippled for life and others faced with the threat of developing brain, kidney, breast and other cancerous tumours, multiple sclerosis and other catastrophes, the then Minister of Health, Dr A. Malcome stated: "It cannot be ruled out that two million


New Zealanders could not be suffering in thirty years' time from cancerous brain tumours as a result of the vaccinations."

"It cannot be ruled out that two million New Zealanders could not be suffering in thirty years' time from cancerous brain tumours as a result of the vaccinations." Interviewer:

Are you saying that the polio vaccine was contaminated with a live virus?


Yes…and if you are going to ask this an infectious virus? The short answer is, yes. From what I have read the Simian Virus 40 or SV40 is known to cause cancer in virtually every animal it was injected into. There is strong evidence from research done in many countries that links SV40 with an increase in many cancers. Also there is an increase of cancers that were very rare before the contaminated polio vaccine was distributed. The startling fact though is that research has shown that some people who never received the contaminated polio vaccine are also infected with SV40 virus. Now there are really only two possibilities here; either the SV40 virus can be spread from person to person, which is rather frightening, or other vaccines have been contaminated with the SV40 virus. Now while we are on the subject of polio vaccines I would like to bring up a couple of other anomalies.

A polio vaccine, developed at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia in the USA, was tested on hundreds of thousands of children and adults in the countries that are now Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi between 1957 and 1959. HIV is widespread in these populations and because strains of the virus are more divergent there than in other regions studied, it is reasonable to believe it has been there longer than elsewhere. Now it is interesting to note that it has been claimed by a number of independent experts that HIV is a man made disease developed in a laboratory. But hey...let's not jump to conclusions. Now let's look at another vaccine...this one is a hepatitis B vaccine developed and manufactured by Merck. During the 1970s promiscuous behaviour became widespread not only among straights, but also among gays. This promiscuous behaviour of course led to the transmission of hepatitis B which became the new sexually-transmitted disease. It became fashionable for gay physicians to talk about the "special" diseases that affected their homosexual clientele.


The results from blood tests from this period were astonishing! One out of every two gay blood samples was positive. By contrast, only 5% of the blood samples from straights were positive. During this time US government scientists became interested in the health of gay men, particularly in the realm of sexually-transmitted diseases, and specifically in the sexual transmission of the hepatitis B virus. Now who should appear on the scene and develop a vaccine against hepatitis B…Merck of course…the same arseholes I mentioned earlier who were involved with the contaminated polio vaccine. The first crude experimental vaccine was tested in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to the human hepatitis B virus. Later, the vaccine was tried on a group of retarded children. Yes…you heard me right…retarded children. The vaccine was then tested on two hundred human volunteers, presumably gay men, by inoculating them with the vaccine. In the months before the official beginning of the experiment there had been no apparent problem with the chimps or the volunteers; mind you I suppose we can not call the retarded children volunteers. Now requirements for volunteers were very selective; men had to be highly promiscuous, in fact, the more promiscuous the better. Men who were chosen were healthy, young, responsible, intelligent, and preferably white. Promiscuous bisexuals were acceptable, but heterosexual men were excluded from the experiment. The first group of gay men was inoculated in November 1978 at the New York City Blood Centre. The experiment continued until October 1979. Over one thousand men from Manhattan were injected with the hepatitis B vaccine. Now it should be noted that before 1978 there was no stored blood anywhere in the U.S. that tested positive for HIV or the KS virus. There were no cases of AIDS and no cases of "gay cancer" in young men. In January 1979, a few months after vaccination began purple skin lesions began to appear on the bodies of young white gay men in the Village. The doctors were not sure exactly what was wrong with these men. During the next thirty months, Manhattan physicians encountered dozens of cases of a new disease characterized by immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma, and a rapidly fatal lung disease, known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. All the men were young and gay and promiscuous. All died horribly. In June 1981 the epidemic became official and was quickly labelled the "gay -related immune deficiency syndrome", later known as AIDS. Within a few years, AIDS would become the leading cause of death of young men and young women living in New York City. The Big Apple would be designated the epicentre of the new plague with the highest number of AIDS cases in the country. Although US health officials deny the hepatitis B vaccine was contaminated evidence strongly points the vaccine was indeed contaminated with HIV which causes AIDS; and also contaminated with a new herpes-8 virus, known as the KS virus, the virus that causes Kaposi's sarcoma, widely known as the "gay cancer" of AIDS. It should be noted that between 1972 and 1974 Central African villagers were inoculated with a hepatitis B vaccine. This was precisely timed for the emergence of AIDS in these exact, demographically distinct, communities by the late 1970s. Interviewer:

Surely this wasn’t done on purpose?


Well let’s backtrack a bit. Going back to 1965, in New York City, Saul Krugman at New York University Medical Center was studying the hepatitis B virus, known to be a strong cofactor for cancer. He began to inoculate hundreds of mentally retarded children at Willowbrook with these cancer viruses for the purpose of testing these viruses on human beings and developing hepatitis B vaccines. Of course many of the children died, but never-the-less they studied various vaccines until 1970.


In 1970 Krugman give the project over to Dr. Maurice Hilleman. Dr. Hilleman was Merck’s top vaccine developer at the time, and directed the principle research laboratory for vaccines in New York City. At this point, Litton sent Hilleman rhesus monkeys, chimpanzees and other monkeys contaminated with cancer viruses from Litton monkey colonies in Africa for use in making these vaccines, specifically the 1974 experimental hepatitis B vaccine. Now I should point out here that Litton Industries, makers of nuclear weapons and space aero-technology, have a medical subsidiary called Litton Bionetics. Since 1972, all biological weapons research and development in the U.S. has proceeded under the guise of cancer research. Litton Bionetics ran the entire National Cancer Institute's, Fort Detrick, Maryland, cancer research facilities, which is America's premier biological weapons testing centre. According to Hilleman, 70% of Litton’s caged laboratory animals were hideously contaminated with a whole assortment of cancer viruses and herpes-type viruses scientifically linked today to immune dysfunction, neurological problems and cancers. Hilleman grew the hepatitis B viruses in these contaminated chimpanzees and extracted the live viruses out of these animals. They prepared the vaccine in 1972-73 and administered 200,000 doses in 1974. So along with the hepatitis B viruses came all the herpes type viruses like cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes B and all of a sudden you begin to hear about herpes in the late 1970's and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction which made its appearance in 1978. Now in a taped interview in 1986, Dr. Hilleman admitted: "I brought the AIDS virus into North America in contaminated African greens although I didn't know it at the time." He further stated that the vaccines that Merck was producing at that time were hideously contaminated and unfortunately still were at the time of the interview in 1986. He said the yellow fever vaccine produced in these animals was full of leukaemia viruses, and the Sabin's oral polio vaccine was hideously contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV40) and other cancer viruses.

He further stated that the vaccines that Merck was producing at that time were hideously contaminated and unfortunately still were at the time of the interview in 1986. He said the yellow fever vaccine produced in these animals was full of leukaemia viruses, and the Sabin's oral polio vaccine was hideously contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV40) and other cancer viruses. Apparently this was all sanctioned by the US Food & Drug Administration who turned a blind eye because of proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements placed upon them by the Rockefeller led pharmaceutical industry. Hilleman admitted that well over 100 million people around the world had been inoculated with the contaminated polio vaccine, mostly in Russia. Now in September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, USA, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled "W.H.O. Murdered Africa" he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. From the “Bulletin of the World Health Organization” (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated there was a need to see if “viruses can, in fact, exert selective effects on the immune system..." and that "the possibility should be looked


into that the immune response to the virus itself be impaired if the effective virus damage, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens." According to Douglass; "That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is let’s cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency." In his 1989 book, AIDS: The End of Civilization, Douglass claims the WHO laced the African vaccines. He blames; "…the virologists of the world, the sorcerers who brought us this ghastly plague, and have formed a united front in denying that the virus was laboratory-made from known, lethal animal viruses. The scientific party line is that a monkey in Africa with AIDS bit a native on the butt. The native then went to town and gave it to a prostitute who gave it to a local banker who gave it to his wife and three girl friends, and wham - 75 million people became infected with AIDS in Africa. An entirely preposterous story." Interviewer:

I don’t know what to say.


Will it gets a bit more interesting and a bit more complicated when we investigate further. Much more information came to light due to the research done between 1983 and 1988 by Dr. Robert Strecker, M.D., Ph.D., of Los Angeles who, along with his brother, were hired to prepare a proposal for a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) for Security Pacific Bank of California on the long term effects of insuring and treating AIDS patients. At that time no one actually knew what the AIDS actuarial data was, and the bank was responsible for insuring 30,000 employees, so the Strecker brothers went to the medical libraries and began reading for themselves what the cost of the this epidemic would be. Not only did they discover that AIDS would bankrupt the nation’s medical system, but the also "unearthed thousands of documents supporting the man-made origin of AIDS." There for the entire world to see was a request by top scientists who wrote in the “1972 World Health Organization Bulletin” that there was a need to see if "viruses can, in fact, exert selective effects on the immune system...” and that "the possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself be impaired if the effective virus damage, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens." In his work Dr. Strecker points out that there are several other deadly retro-viruses besides the actual AIDS virus which are infecting humans and cause causing cancers including leukaemia. He discovered that all these viruses, including the AIDS virus, have striking similarities to animal viruses, but not to the Green Monkey. Instead they had similarities to cattle and sheep viruses which included the same shape, the same molecular weight and the same magnesium dependency. The Green Monkey mythology falls apart on the genetic level too. He explains that the genetic coding of the AIDS virus does not exist in primates or man. Quite simply, you cannot take the genes of monkeys or man and make AIDS. With the link to cattle and sheep viruses established, Dr. Strecker explains that the AIDS virus is only 50% similar to these viruses which in his work are treated like the parents of the AIDS virus that affects humans. He feels that the cattle and sheep viruses were adapted "accidentally or on purpose in human tissue cultures." This is known scientifically as serial adaptation and once it has taken place that virus will only grow in human tissues.

This is known scientifically as serial adaptation and once it has taken place that virus will only grow in human tissues. Anyone pondering this AIDS puzzle might well wonder if there is a "smoking gun." Well, there is and it is in the form of the US Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, HB 15090, Public Law 91-171, introduced in 1968, debated in 1969 and signed


into law right at the end of 1969 when Americans were all distracted by the Vietnam war. In the Department of Defense Appropriations Hearings for 1970, Volume 6, page 129, we have Dr. McArthur from the Pentagon speaking to Robert L. F. Sikes, Florida, about the need for a Synthetic Biological Agent. Dr. McArthur requests and gets $10 Million for the research and development costs of a synthetic biological agent as outlined in item No. 2 of the program presented to the Appropriations committee. Here is the actual text of that request: "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important aspects from any disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."


Dr. Strecker’s research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization created the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Ft. Dietrick, Maryland, Although this Frederick, Maryland facility is now named the National Cancer Institute, it was at that time - 1970-1974 - called the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Warfare Center, supervised by the Department of Defense. According to researcher William Cooper, former U.S. Navy Intelligence, the work was supervised by the CIA under a project called MK-NAOMI. I honestly don’t know what to say in response to what you have stated.


While you collect your thoughts I will give you a bit more to chew on. In 1986, medical authorities administered a vaccine against hepatitis B to Native Indian children in Alaska, without any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was a virus called Rous Sarcoma Virus, or RSV, in the vaccine. RSV is believed to have cancer-causing capabilities In 1988, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting on the ravages of AIDS in his country where entire villages were being decimated. A few years earlier, scientific and medical teams had come to vaccinate their inhabitants against hepatitis B. Now I should point out that Merck, yes, the same company I talked about before is now selling their HPV vaccine Gardasil throughout the world including New Zealand. The HPV vaccine is meant to protect young females against four types of human papillomavirus which are transmitted by skin to skin or genital to genital contact during sexual activity. These HPV viruses commonly cause genital warts, although infection may occur completely out of view on the cervix, where it is not apparent and does not show any symptoms. Now take note. There are some 150 named HPV types. Newer testing methods that detect the DNA sequence of viruses demonstrate that there is actually a lot more variation in viral types than this 150, with some suggesting that there are thousands of distinct viral types. Yes you heard me correctly…there are potentially thousands of distinct HPV viral types. Now the Merck vaccine contains recombinant-generated Virus Like Particles from four strains of human papillomavirus, numbered 6, 11, 16 and 18. The vaccine will not prevent infection with the HPV types that are not contained in the vaccine. I repeat…the vaccine will not prevent infection with the HPV types that are not contained in the vaccine. That's right it only "protects" against 4 out of an estimated several thousand distinct viral types that cause HPV. While HPV infection is highly associated with cervical cancer, yet there remains debate as to whether the virus actually causes cancer. There are no published studies in the medical literature that demonstrate HPV actually causes cancer. The alternate explanation is that the theory that “HPV causes cancer” could be backwards. It could


be that HPV is just a so-called “opportunistic infection” that is allowed to flourish unchecked in the vicinity of cancer cells. The vaccine is only 12.2% to 16.5% effective in the general population in reducing pre-cancer Pap results. The vaccine is 45% effective over the short term in girls who have never had any of the vaccine-type HPV infections. The study conducted showed an increase in pre-cancer related to the vaccine types in the people who already had these infections before they got the vaccine. It is possible that when infected girls whose immune systems have not cleared the virus from their bodies are vaccinated, the vaccine may lead to an increased number of cases of a pre-cancer. This is very concerning, because there is no routine test a female can get in her doctor's office that will tell if she is already infected by a vaccine type HPV before she get the vaccine. How does the HPV vaccine affect fertility? Birth defects? Risk of cancers? Breast milk? Five subjects who got the Merck vaccine around the time of conception had babies with birth defects, whereas no birth defects occurred in this time period in the subjects who got dummy shots. The manufacturer also specifies that the vaccine has not been tested to see whether it could cause cancer. It is not known if the vaccine virus-like proteins or the antibodies pass into the breast milk. Merck says that it should not be given to pregnant women. The longest portion of the study only lasted just under four years. Thus there is no long term data on how it affects the ability to become pregnant i.e. fertility. This is especially concerning because the vaccine has approved for girls as young as nine years old. The effect of artificially influencing the immune system during a time of tremendous hormone shifts of puberty is unknown. The package insert specifies that the vaccine has not been tested for altering genes in the patient or her future children. That's right...the vaccine has not been tested for altering genes in the patient or her future children. And were there any independent studies done to test the safety of this vaccine aim at women of breeding age? Apparently not. Ooh…nearly forgot. Gardasil is a genetically engineered vaccine. On top of this each dose of the vaccine contains 225 mcg of aluminium which means girls receiving all 3 HPV doses will be directly injected with 675 mcg of aluminium. The vaccine also contains Polysorbate 80, which is linked to infertility in mice. The Merck HPV vaccine also contains sodium borate - a salt of boric acid -which is a common cockroach. The National Library of Medicine of the US National Institutes of Health notes of sodium borate that it "is now known to be a dangerous poison, it is no 254 longer commonly used in medical preparations." That was published in 2005. Yet the US FDA in 2006 approved the Merck vaccine with this dangerous poison to be commonly used in these vaccinations. The symptoms of sodium borate poisoning according to the National Library of Medicine citation include many of the side effects being reported after less than six months of the vaccine usage. These include convulsions, collapse, and seizures that include twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Now take note of this: While there is no specific anti-viral treatment for infection it is claimed that the majority of infections are cleared by the immune system anyway. Of women who contract HPV infection, 90% will clear the infection through the body's natural immune processes. The younger the patient the more rapidly they naturally clear infection.

Now take note of this: While there is no specific anti-viral treatment for infection it is claimed that the majority of infections are cleared by the immune system anyway. Of women who contract HPV infection, 90% will clear the infection through the body's natural immune processes. The younger the patient the more rapidly they naturally clear infection.


Also note the following: Between 1955 and 1992, the number of cervical cancer deaths in the United States dropped by 74%. The death rate continues to go down by about 4% per year. The HPV vaccine is coming out at a time when cervical cancer is already on the decline. This is similar to the measles vaccine, which came out when measles was already rapidly going away on its own. Albert Einstein once said that there were three types of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics! It is easy to provide statistical evidence which creates the impression that vaccination works. There is a good example which appears in the book, Communicable Diseases Handbook by L. Claire Bennett and Sarah Searl from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. On Page 44 it states in regards to the USA: "An effective inoculation program should obviously result in a lowered incidence of the particular disease under surveillance. For instance, since 1963 there have been more than 80 million doses of red measles vaccine given. The number of reported cases has gone from a pre-1963 total of about 500,000 to a total of about 35,000 in 1975". Now this suggests that the vaccine was indeed responsible for this decline; that is until we go back to 1958 and learn that the number of cases in the USA was 800,000. In other words, measles cases were in decline before the 1963 vaccine commenced. In fact by 1955, still eight years before the start of this vaccine, there had been a 97% decline in the death rate from measles in the USA since the turn of the century. What is more, medical authorities have since acknowledged that the 1963 measles vaccine was a complete failure.

How have a look at this graph while I explain. An examination of Graph 1 suggests that measles vaccine was responsible for the decline, but if we examine Graph 2 and go back to 1900, we can clearly see that the major part of the decline had already occurred and that the commencement of vaccination had no impact on the rate of decline thereafter. Now most graphical evidence on the decline of infectious disease starts from the year 1940 when antibiotics and certain vaccinations commenced. Such graphs always present a misleading picture. Is it any wonder that most doctors believe in drug therapy and vaccinations? They have never seen the whole picture. In the US Natural Health magazine, July 1988, an article appeared on Vaccination Therapy, in which the author, Shirley Lewis, mentioned this very point. Ms Lewis spoke of a doctor who undertook her own research by consulting relevant material in a medical library. As Ms Lewis points out; "She showed us a graph, from a medical journal that proved how effective antibiotics and immunization had been in eradicating scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles. But this doctor's copy of the graph started in 1940, and we had already seen the fuller graph, which started in 1850 and showed that in all four diseases, a steady decline had been happening long before the introduction of either immunization or antibiotics. So that doctor had made a conscientious decision based on a graph that had been deliberately falsified". Now I could go on and on about the misleading information given to the public by the vaccine manufacturers and their pushers and I could talk further about my belief, backed-up by facts, that most vaccines are dangerous. Interviewer:

I really hope you are having me on and pulling my leg in regards to what you have stated here?



Now I do not purposely tell untruths. What I have written and stated I believe to be the truth. If you feel I am wrong in anything I have written or stated say so. But before you say anything I must tell you I am not interested in debating with you what some vaccine manufacturer claims as they have a vested interested to protect. I am more interested in what the peer reviews have to state regarding the safety of a vaccine. That is why we need an independent authority like the Organisation for Impartial Research that I mention earlier.


But surely the Department of Health would not approve this vaccine if it wasn’t safe?


Ooh…good grief men…wake up. People think just because the Department of Health says something that it is correct. Now people think of the Department of Health and they think of a huge organisation and automatically think that Department of Health knows what it is talking about. What these bloody fools don’t realise is that within the Department of Health only a few people make the major decisions. Do you honestly think when the Department of Health states something that this is the opinion of everyone within the Department of Health? Do you think discussions are make by some democratic process…do you think that everyone within the Department of Health is asked for their opinion? Of course not! The decisions are made by a few overpaid bureaucrats at the direction of the Minister of Health; now if you are employed with the Department of Health and you disagree with what is going on you had better keep your trap shut otherwise you are out of a job. The majority of people are naive…an authority figure states something and they believe and follow. Cripes I outlined this problem under “Obedience.”


Do you think people in general will take note of what you have stated here?


We all know it is easier for a king to have a lie believed than a beggar to spread the truth.


I was very surprised when you mentioned in the section entitled “Domination: Obsession & Power” that several US farmers reported sterility or fertility problems among pigs and cows fed on GM corn varieties. Has it been proven that GE corn varieties cause sterility or fertility problems?


Yes. A recent report on a long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary University Vienna, confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice. Also in November, 2008, the Italian government’s National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition published a report online in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry documenting significant disturbances in the immune system of young and 255 old mice that have been fed the GM maize MON 810. A book by author Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Roulette, distributed to members of the U.S. Congress last year, documents 65 serious health risks of GM products, including similar fertility problems with GM soy and GM corn: Offspring of rats fed GM soy showed a five-fold increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and the inability to reproduce. Male mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm cells. The embryo offspring of GM soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning. Additionally, just recently, investigators in India have documented fertility problems, abortions, premature births, and other serious health issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM cottonseed products.


I beginning to understand your stance on the banning the cultivation of genetically modified organisms within New Zealand.


Introducing GM crops even on a limited scale is theft by stealth. As a result of genetically contamination of non-GMO crops in Europe, the U.S., Mexico, Australia and South America, the future is definitely looking good for the biotech food industry. As genetically modified pollen from their crops blows around, contaminating nearby fields, objections to genetically modified crops diminish because non-GMO alternatives become harder and harder to find. A few more years of this and there may not be many - if any - truly non-GMO crops left anywhere. At that point there won't be any debate about whether to allow GMO-crops to be grown here or there -


no one will have any choice. All the crops in the world will be genetically modified except perhaps for a few grown in greenhouses on a tiny scale. At that point, GMO will have contaminated essentially the entire planet, and the companies that own the patents on the GMO seeds will be sitting in the catbird seat. It is now widely acknowledged that GMO crops are a "leaky technology" - that it to say, genetically modified pollen is spread naturally on the wind, by insects, and by humans. No one except perhaps some officials of the U.S. Department of Agriculture were actually surprised to learn this. GMO proponents have insisted for a decade that genetic contamination could never happen (wink, wink) and U.S. Department of Agriculture officials want along with the gag. And so of course GMO crops are now spreading everywhere by natural means, just as you would expect. It couldn't have turned out better for the GMO crop companies if they had planned it this way. For some, this seems to come as a shocking revelation - genetically modified pollen released into the natural environment spreads long distances on the wind. Who would have thought? Actually, almost anyone could have figured this out. Dust from wind storms in China contaminates the air in the U.S. Smoke from fires in Indonesia can be measured in the air half-way around the world. Pollen is measurable in the deep ice of Antarctica. No one should ever have harboured any doubt that genetically modified pollen would spread everywhere on the Earth sooner or later. India is a rice country. Rice has been their staple for thousands of years. A French scientist had once said India has 200,000 varieties of rice. Other environmentalists say 100,000. Does it matter? In the traditional rice producing regions the taste and shape of rice often differed from village to village. Not any more. Post green revolution, the varieties available in the market for commercial sowing has dropped to about fifty what must surely be called the greatest destruction of genetic diversity in any food crop anywhere in the world. Rice belongs to the Oryza specie. Lay persons like me were told that rice is self pollinating with little or no chance of pollen drift and contamination of neighbour's rice field. However, RiceTech, a US-based hybrid seeds company, has documented that "wind assisted rice pollens can move over 600 feet." If genetically engineered rice is planted amidst non-genetically modified rice, there is every chance that nongenetically modified rice will be contaminated and this is what happening. Bayer CropScience, the German multinational seeds company, conducted field trials of a genetically modified rice called LL601 - better known as Liberty Link 601 - from 1999 to 2001 in Louisiana in the USA. It then dropped the project but in 2006 widespread contamination of US long-grain rice with LL601 trait was reported. This gene revolution genie is now out of the bottle and no one knows how many rice varieties are contaminated. No one really knows how much of this engineered poison has already entered our food chain. Who cares if GMO seeds don't provide any of the benefits that were promised? Certainly not the seed companies. Perhaps benefits to the people of the world were never the point. Perhaps the point was to get those first GMO crops in the ground promise them the moon - and then allow nature to take its course and contaminate the rest of the planet with patented pollen. The intellectual property lawsuits will come along in good time. Who benefits from all this? Will think of it this way; when all crops on earth are genetically contaminated, then the seed companies that own the patented seeds will be in a good position to begin enforcing their patent rights. They have already taken a test case to court and won. In 2004, Monsanto won a seven-year court battle against a 73-year-old Saskatchewan farmer whose fields had been contaminated by Monsanto's genetically modified plants. The Supreme Court of Canada court ruled that the farmer - a fellow named Percy Schmeiser - owed Monsanto damages for having Monsanto's patented crops growing illegally in his field. Armed with this legal precedent, after genetically modified crops have drifted far and wide, Monsanto, Dow and the other GMO seed producers will be in a position to muscle most of the world's farmers. It is for cases exactly like this that the U.S. has spent 30 years creating the World Trade Organization - to settle disputes over


"intellectual property rights" such as patents in secret tribunals held in Geneva, Switzerland behind closed doors without any impartial observers allowed to attend. Even the results of World Trade Organization tribunals are secret, unless the parties involved choose to reveal them. Let me see - a dirt farmer from India versus Monsanto and Dow backed by the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Treasury. I'm struggling to predict who might win such a politico-legal dispute conducted by a secret tribunal in Geneva, Switzerland. Look at the example involving Felix Ballarin from Spain who spent 15 years of his life developing a special organically-grown variety of red corn. It would bring a high price on the market because local chicken farmers said the red colour lent a rosy hue to the meat and eggs from their corn-fed chickens. But when the corn emerged it was discovered that there were yellow kernels mixed with the red. Government officials later confirmed with DNA tests that Mr. Ballarin's crop had become contaminated with a genetically modified strain of corn. Because Mr. Ballarin's crop was genetically contaminated, it no longer qualified as "organically grown," so it no longer brought a premium price. Mr. Ballarin's 15-year investment was destroyed overnight by what is now commonly known as "genetic contamination." This is a new phenomenon, less then 10 years old - but destined to be a permanent part of the brave new world that is being cobbled together as we speak by a handful of corporations whose goal is global domination of food. Mr. Ballarin lives in Spain, but the story is the same all over the world: genetically modified crops are invading fields close by and some that are not so close by, contaminating both the organic food industry and the "conventional" i.e. non-GMO and non-organic food industry. Interviewer:

That is really scary stuff.


Well you think that is scary…consider this. Corn, sacred in Mexico and Central America as the very staff of life, has been turned into the very end of life. Genetic modification of corn has turned the giver of life into the stuff that can end a race perhaps the human race - by engendering sterility in males who eat it. A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto. Now wouldn’t that be “terrible” if this GM corn somehow “accidentally” contaminated the corn crops especially those “over populated” countries - Central and South America and of course Africa where corn is part of the staple diet. No genetic manipulation opens the possibilities in the hands of a malevolent power, to unleash untold harm on the human species. Even were it to be the case that GM plants increase yields, which is not at all proven, this potential for control of the food supply of entire nations is too much power to give to any single corporation or government. Essential foods, like fresh water, are no ordinary commodities to be sold under rules of an imposed free market. They are basic human rights as the right to breathe.


You mentioned and provide evidence that a number of diseases in New Zealand cattle may affect the health of humans. What should be done?


We know there is evidence, and some of it appears to be quite strong, that points to this possibility. For a start we should thoroughly investigate to see if these diseases are transferable to humans and if they are these diseases should be eradicated from our cattle.


Wouldn’t this be expensive?



What monetary value can be place on human life? What should we do if these diseases can affect humans and cause premature death? Should we just turn a blind eye to this problem, if it exists, on the grounds it will affect the profits of commercial enterprises? Do we place profits above the health of Society? What should we do if these diseases only affect those with weaken immunity systems; should we take the view that since these diseases will only affect a small percentage of the population we are justified in doing nothing about it? Do we take an ethical approach to this problem, if there is a problem, or do we put profits ahead of Society’s health and well-being?


You seem to place a lot of emphasis on an ethical approach to things?


Yes I do. How else should we resolve a problem; from the point of view of profit, or form a view based on a confused emotional state of mind, or from an ethical standpoint? The right decision may not always be the most popular with people but that fact shouldn’t be used to justify taking the wrong decision. We need to approach all problems in a logical way and we need to make decisions that are morally right. In most cases, from an ethical point of view, a decision can be judged either right or wrong because from an ethical point of view, in most cases, there is only a very thin line between something being right and something being wrong. The problem today is that, in many cases, the line between right and wrong, instead of being a very narrow line, has grown into a very broad and confusing line; over time this line widens and corruption thrives.


In the section entitled “Education” you mention “school activities should be introduced that are compulsory for all pupils to attend” and you also mention compulsory events over the weekends and school holidays. It sounds to me that you are talking of a youth service type of thing. Do you think it fair to refer to what you suggest as a youth service?


Yes, I think it would be a fair enough label if you wanted to apply it.


Didn’t Nazi Germany have a youth service?


Yes…what’s your point?


Don’t you think that you are leaving yourself open to being branded as a Nazi?


Interesting conclusion…but based on emotional clap-trap. Many countries have had a youth service. I believe that Soviet Union had something similar also China. There are many types of organisations around the world that are youth orientated; the boy scouts and girl guides to name a few. Now just because you point out something that National Socialist Germany did and I react in a logical and unemotional way, meaning I don’t start frothing at the mouth and start raving on about how evil they were, does not make me a Nazi or a Nazi sympathiser. Now if we look at some of the research done by the Soviet Union in the fields of microwave ovens and mobile phones we will discover that they banned the use of microwave ovens because of health concerns and that they set recommended expose limits to Electromagnetic fields which I understand were considerable a lot lower then the levels in the West. Now much of the research done within the Soviet Union was free from the influence of commercial interests while in the “free world” much research is corrupted by commercial interests. Now by pointing this out does this make me a communist sympathiser?


No…it doesn’t. You mentioned microwave ovens; I was of the belief that they were safe.


I suppose it should be pointed out that microwaves were invented by a German scientist to support the mobile operations of and prepare mass volumes of food for the German invasion of Russia during the Second World War. Of course today microwaves are used in relaying telephone signals, TV programs and computer info across the earth or into space. Due to their speed and convenience, they become very popular in many households throughout the world to cook food. The Russians


started conducting research from 1957 onwards at The Institute of Radio Technology at Klinsk. Based on the results of their research the Russians banned their use in 1976; but of course the ban was lifted after Perestroika. When food is microwaved, the oven exerts a massive power input that destroys the essential nutrients in food. The massive power input also deforms food molecules and produces new “radiolytic” compounds, called unique radiolyic or URPs, are unknown in nature. There appears to be overwhelming evidence that the consumption of microwaved food has a serious impact on peoples’ health. Interviewer:

What are some of the impacts on peoples’ health?


Heck the list is quite long. If you give me a sec I will dig out the information from my files I have with me and read off a few…Right here we go. 1.


3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.


Heating prepared meats in a microwave sufficiently for human consumption created:  d-Nitrosodiethanolamine a well-known cancer-causing agent  Destabilization of active protein biomolecular compounds  Creation of cancer-causing agents within protein-hydrosylate compounds in milk and cereal grains Microwave emissions also caused alteration in the catabolic behaviour of glucoside - and galactoside - elements within frozen fruits when thawed in this way Microwaves altered catabolic behaviour of plant-alkaloids when raw, cooked or frozen vegetables were exposed for even very short periods Cancer-causing free radicals were formed within certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant substances, especially in raw root vegetables Ingestion of micro-waved foods caused a higher percentage of cancerous cells in blood Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions occurred in the lymphatic system, causing degeneration of the immune systems capacity to protect itself against cancerous growth The unstable catabolism of micro-waved foods altered their elemental food substances, leading to disorders in the digestive system Those ingesting micro-waved foods showed a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, plus a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues with a gradual breakdown of digestive and excretory system function Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods studied, particularly:  A decrease in the bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotrophics  Destruction of the nutritional value of nucleoproteins in meats  Lowering of the metabolic activity of alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides which are all basic plant substances in fruits and vegetables  Marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods


That is a mouthful.


Well that is a very condensed.


If microwave ovens are such a threat to human health shouldn’t they be banned?


If what is claimed is true I would agree. By the way I see that you wear glasses. Did you know that mobile phone users who wear metal rimmed glasses are intensifying the exposure to their eyes by 20 per cent and into the head by 6.3 per cent?


No, I had no idea.


Now Western governments have known about the Soviet experiments regarding mobile phone-type radiation and the fact that it causes brain damage for a number of decades. The uncensored documents reveal that Soviet military scientists had successfully used microwaves of the type used by mobile phones to weaken the blood brain barrier. According to Dr. Louis Slesin...US Army scientists had succeeded in duplicating the Soviet experiments by 1977 - eight years before mobile phones


became generally available in Britain. This work was done as a result of microwave bombardments of the United States Embassy in Moscow as well as reports about research by the Soviets. There was also the fact that at this particular time the safety standards for exposure to radio frequency radiation in the Soviet Union was significantly more stringent than United States standards by almost 1000 times. Russian and other East European countries’ exposure standards for radio frequency and microwave radiation were much stricter that in the U.S or Western Europe. Interviewer:

I am not questioning the truthfulness of what you say; I just find it difficult to accept that the dangers would be ignored by the authorities.


You think so? Well a Professor Dr. Karl Hecht and his associate Hans-Ullrich Balzer were commissioned in 1996 by the German Federal Institute for Telecommunications to carry out research on the Russian technical literature about the health-damaging and biological effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiations from the years 1960-1996. In 1997, the authors turned over the report, which was based on 878 scientific works, to the German Federal Institute for Telecommunications. The data was so overwhelmingly damning regarding the health-damaging and biological effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiations that the report immediately disappeared into the archive; in other words the report was buried and ignored because it was commercially damaging. Yep screw the facts that electromagnetic radiation causes premature death, we must look after commercial interests; profits come first.

It is also interesting to note that the annual report of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection of the year 2002 adopted the following recommendations for the protection and safety from mobile telephone use: mobile telephones should not be used by children under 18 years old, pregnant women, patients with neurologic diseases, neurathenia, neurosis, sleep disorders, memory loss, or epilepsy syndrome.


I have digressed a bit here so back to your line of reasoning. Now it could be claimed that the New Zealand anti-smoking organisation ASH is a neo-Nazi organisation because they promote polices that were supported by the government of National Socialist Germany. Interviewer:

What do you mean?


Well the author Robert Proctor wrote a startling book entitled The Nazi War on Cancer in which he reveals that scientists in National Socialist Germany were the first to definitively link lung cancer and cigarette smoking. Based on these findings National Socialist Germany conducted the most aggressive antismoking campaign in modern history.


Ooh…I didn’t realise that.


Referring back to the book by Robert Proctor, which I just mentioned, further research by the author revealed that Germany's National Socialist government passed a wide range of public health measures, including restrictions on asbestos, radiation, pesticides, and food dyes and introduced strict occupational health and safety standards, and promoted such foods as whole-grain bread. Now just because I support such policies does that make me a Nazi?


Well no…of course not.


What about the wholesale sell-off of State owned and community owned assets by New Zealand governments? Would you call anyone who supports the sell-off or privatisation of state owned assets a Nazi?




Well when the Nazis came to power in Germany they sold off public ownership in a number of State-owned firms in the mid-1930s. These firms belonged to a wide range of sectors: steel, mining, banking, local public utilities, shipyards, ship-lines, railways, etc. Privatization in National Socialist Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government; now in doing this, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries. Now it could be claimed that both the Labour and the National parties support what is basically Nazi economic policy.


I see the points you have made.


Now there is no doubt what I propose won’t be popular with today’s youth. But what would get out of it? I remember what it was like back in the seventies in New Zealand. Plenty of work was available; people had a lay back attitude and really didn’t worry about the future. That is what we can get back. What I propose would create a prosperous future for all New Zealander’s; plenty of work and no worries about the future. Everyone would have a high standard of living and a decent standard of living in their retirement. The youth of today would benefit greatly from what I propose, they


would have a future which is more then the present system can offer them. Is it to much to expect youth to make the effort to prepare themselves for this and to make a small contribution? The youth service I talk of would teach all children how to swim, teach them canoeing, how to sail boats, fishing, tramping, camping, bush survival. They would be taught how to prepare meals and taught about nutrition. They would take part in running community gardens, how to plant seed, how to save seed. The list is endless. Yes they would be dragged away from the television sets, away from the Malls, they wouldn’t have the time to sit on their lazy arses playing play station games and growing fat. They would be out in the fresh air getting a health dose of sunlight. And what do they get in return for this small sacrifice? They would be far healthier, have more self confidence, and have more respect for the environment and for their community. There would be less teenage pregnancies, and far less alcohol abuse, plus the youth suicide rate should also fall off. And of course youth gangs would disappear. Overall youth would be healthier in body and mind.


What about Maori Land?


There would be no such thing as Maori land.


Surely this would be in conflict with The Treaty of Waitangi?


Which version of the Treaty are you referring too?


What do you mean “which version”?


Will there is the political bastardised version in English and the original Treaty that is in the Maori language.


Please explain.


Well before I start I should explain how the Treaty came into existence.


That would be most informative.


Because of tribal warfare and the introduction of muskets many Maori had requested the British to intervene to stop the slaughter. To legally intervene, Britain had to have sovereignty over the whole country. To this end William Hobson arrived in New Zealand on 29 January 1840; his task was to take possession of it with the consent of the Maori chiefs. Now Hobson requested the help British Resident, James Busby in drawing up a treaty between the Maori and the British Crown.


The final English draft, penned by James Busby under Hobson's direction was translated by the Rev Henry Williams and his son into Maori and became known as Te Tiriti O Waitangi or in English The Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty was read, explained, discussed then signed by the chiefs at Waitangi on the 6 February 1840. Copies of Te Tiriti O Waitangi were later taken around the country, to obtain further signatures. In total over 500 chiefs signed. New Zealand became British soil and in return, Maori were given the same rights and protection as a British subject. With me so far? Interviewer:

Yes, please continue.


Now it is openly acknowledged by Treaty of Waitangi historians and experts that the final English draft of the treaty, which provided the text for the Maori translation, went missing in February 1840. From historical references, we know that this document was written by James Busby. In mid-March 1989 an English language version of the Treaty of Waitangi was found in Pukekohe, South Auckland, when members of the Littlewood family were sorting out the estate of their recently deceased mother. This old sheet of paper has, subsequently, been identified to be in the handwriting of British Resident, James Busby by New Zealand’s leading handwriting expert of documents from the early colonial era, Dr. Phil Parkinson of the Alexander Turnbull Library. Despite promises by the New Zealand government to the Littlewood family in 1989 and the general public in 1992 that a full forensic analysis of this document would be undertaken by experts to determine the pedigree and historical significance of this document that later became known as the Littlewood Treaty; no forensic results have been released to the public. It should be noted that the name Littlewood Treaty was a name given to it by the historians at the National Archives in 1989/92 Now it should also be noted that the document known as the Littlewood Treaty translates virtually word perfect to Te Tiriti O Waitangi this fact was confirmed by respected Ngapuhi Maori leader, Sir Graham Rankin. It appears that the bastardised political English version now banded about as the treaty is nothing more than a political confidence trick and does not reflect the true intention of the original document. It appears that the bastardised political English version now banded about as the treaty is nothing more than a political confidence trick and does not reflect the true intention of the original document. If the document known as the Littlewood Treaty is the original official English draft on which the Maori langue version was based then this would undermine the very foundation upon which the multi-billion dollar grievance industry is built for the simple fact that there is no "partnership" offered. The document known as the Littlewood Treaty states very clearly everybody becomes a British subject, subservient to British laws and all ceded territories become British soil under the jurisdiction of Queen Victoria.


What is the difference between Busby’s final official English version and what you call the bastardised political English version?


Much has been made about the term sovereignty. Under both Te Tiriti O Waitangi and the final English draft from which it was derived, there is no provision for a partnership between Maori and the Crown [Queen Victoria]. There is only provision for the Maori chiefs to cede their sovereignty to Queen Victoria, such that they and their people can become British subjects and the recipients of British laws, protection and justice. An essential part of the Treaty, which provides clarification about the rights of settlers, was completely omitted in the version that is being used officially today. The final English draft ensures settler rights equal to Maori as laid out in Article Two of the Littlewood Treaty, the rights spoken of and enshrined by Treaty are guaranteed “to the chiefs and tribes and to all the people of New Zealand”. This is exactly what Te Tiriti O


Waitangi says: “ki nga Rangitira ki nga hapu - ki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani”. The text in both languages guarantees equality for all the people of New Zealand, with no special customary rights for any one ethnic group.

TRUTH DOES NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION I would suggest that the reader go to The Treaty of Waitangi website [LINK] and especially read the section on WHY A TREATY [LINK]. I would further recommend that people read the book The Littlewood Treaty: The True English Text of the Treaty 256 of Waitangi FOUND written by Martin Doutré. [This book can be read online LINK] The document known as The Littlewood Treaty should be thoroughly investigated by unbiased and neutral experts and the whole deplorable saga settled once and for all.

The truth will survive an unbiased interrogation but a lie will wither and die Interviewer:

Do you think that the Maori People are justified in their claims about the injustice done to them by colonisation?


Blood hell man…injustice. For a start because of tribal warfare and the introduction of muskets many Maori had requested the British to intervene to stop the slaughter that is why the Maori agreed to the Treaty. If it had not been for British intervention the result would have been the near total extinction for the whole Maori race, a fear shared by Maori and the British Government alike. Before the Treaty came into existence there where Europeans in New Zealand trading with the various Maori tribes. Muskets became the most desired of all the trade items, and consequently the price went up - a musket eventually traded for 3 tons of dressed flax. That is an incredible amount of processed flax, and to garner it slaves were pressed into service, and then more slaves were needed, thus increasing the need to wage war. Slaves were also traded, with a musket being worth 3 to 5 slaves. In the Bay of Plenty a musket was worth 3 tons of potatoes and 8 pigs. Against an enemy who had to get within reach to thrust a spear or swing his mere, the odds were massively in favour of the musket-wielding warrior who could deal death from a safe distance. New Zealand had become a small country under siege, where sudden death by ambush waited in any bush or clearing, valley or beach. Tribes now travelled as small armies, bringing their slaves with them as a food source. A tribal leader by the name of Hongi Hika had amassed a force of 800 fighting men by 1817 and when he launched a revenge raid against the Ngatiporou of the Bay of Plenty in early 1818, he set in motion the bloody conflict known as the Musket Wars. At its end, a quarter of the native population lay dead. Between 1820 and 1840 Hongi Hika and his northern Ngapuhi followers had slaughtered, eaten or enslaved over half of the southern Maori population. Now is it any wonder that the Maori requested the British to intervene to stop the slaughter? Is it any wonder that well over 500 Maori chiefs sign the Treaty?


You mention that the Maori had slaves.


Maori history is peppered with tribes invading each other's territory, murdering and eating the warriors and taking the women as slaves. Before the Treaty of Waitangi the Maori people were divided along tribal lines and yet most people believe today the Maori were a united people in a united country that was conquered by a bunch of pale-faces. This is far from the truth. New Zealand at this time was a mini version of the early days of the European continent which was also divided along tribal lines. Before the Treaty of Waitangi and British intervention there was virtual continuous tribal conflict and warfare. It was the Treaty of Waitangi that


eventually created the concept of country by eliminating tribal warfare, along with eradicating cannibalism and abolishing slavery which was practiced by the Maori. Interviewer:

I am surprised by what you say. I always led to believe the opposite.


Well there was no Maori nation, nor was there ever one. Indeed, even the word Maori was not used to describe the population of the tribes existing in the pre-European period, and only came into general usage in the late 1800s. Even after the Treaty of Waitangi came into existence the Maori did not turn in on themselves and create a distinct national entity but, especially in the post-Second World War migration to the cities, and to a certain extent even well before this, intermixed and interbred with Europeans. The lives of Maori today are far more like the lives of the cultureless consumption based pale-faced New Zealander than like the lives of Maori 160 years ago. Now there are no full-blooded Maori left; most Maori today have more non-Maori blood in them then Maori so the concept of being Maori in this day and age is one of psychological conditioning.


Don’t you think that you are being a bit insensitive in mentioning slavery and cannibalism; after all it is my understanding that cannibalism wasn’t a common practice amongst the Maori?


Insensitive…don’t you mean not being Politically Correct?


I suppose that’s one way of putting it.


Will your comment in regards to of cannibalism not being a common the practice amongst the Maori is incorrect. According to Paul Moon in his book This Horrid Practise cannibalism was wide-spread throughout New Zealand but has largely been ignored in history books. According to Professor Moon, who is a history teacher at Te Ara Poutama, the Maori Development Unit at the Auckland University of Technology, the practise of cannibalism lasted for several hundred years till the 1830’s, though there were a few cases after that. Professor Moon also stated infanticide was also widely practised because tribes wanted warriors. According to Professor Moon; “The amount of evidence is so overwhelming, it would be unfair to pretend it didn’t happen. It is too important to ignore.” Even the head of the Maori Studies Department at Auckland University, Professor Margaret Mutu has stated that cannibalism was widespread in New Zealand. As I have stated before; “We should seek the truth, the cold hard facts; no matter how distasteful we may find them.” Now why should anyone, including myself, feel shame or guilt over something that an ancestor may have done? All our ancestors did things that we today are not proud of but why we need to hide it in the closet with any other ancestral skeletons we find is beyond me. I have Celtic ancestry and my Celtic ancestors hunted heads and were madly fond of war; why should I feel ashamed of that?


What about claims that have been laid by the Maori for alleged past injustices?


The whole thing is a sham which has been taken-up by mainstream politicians. If one studies the development of this sham then one finds that from its conception there was a strong Marxist element behind it. Many of this crowd seem to have narcissistic personalities and seem to get a kick out of the racial animosity and division that they have created.


What do you mean from its conception?


I quote from an article I read by Reuben P. Chapple entitled Maori Sovereignty and Its Enablers which explains the influence behind the Maori Sovereignty Movement: “The Maori Sovereignty agenda owes far more to the early 20th Century writings of Lenin and Stalin on ‘The National Question’ than it does to any historical transgressions by white settler governments. . . Lenin and Stalin identified the fact that Czarist Russia consisted not only of ethnic Russians, but upwards of 80 formerly tribal subject peoples, who’d been conquered by


the Czars over the preceding 500 years and forcibly Russified. . . In order to expand the Bolshevik support base, Lenin and Stalin promised these peoples ‘the right to manage their own affairs,’ ‘the right to selfdetermination,’ ‘the right to speak, read, write, use, and be taught in their own language’ etc. This currently fashionable cant is actually more than 80 years old. . . After World War I the multi-ethnic empires of Austro-Hungary and Czarist Russia to which the National Question was first applied to stir up revolution were no more. Lenin and Stalin then directed ‘The National Question’ to undermining the hold of European nations over their colonial possessions, so as to deprive them of their sources of cheap labour, raw materials, and markets for finished goods. . . Communists all over the world were instructed to promote the independence aspirations of minority ethnic groups in order to bring them into violent conflict with the status quo, thus undermining national consensus and bringing about eventual socialist control. . . Locally, the Communist Party of New Zealand (“CPNZ”) ran in the 1935 General Election on a platform that included ‘self-determination for the Maoris [sic] to the point of complete separation.’ Again, you heard it here first. . . In the 1930s the CPNZ had little success in pushing this line. Maori were primarily a rural people and had little contact with Communists, who were strongest in urban areas with a substantial manufacturing base. This was soon to change. Over the period 1945 – 1975, Maori underwent what University of Waikato demographers Pool and Pole describe as ‘the most rapid urbanisation of any group of people, anywhere.’ . . . This brought Maori flooding into the universities and trade unions, the CPNZ’s main recruiting grounds. As well, the Marxists who’d begun colonising the nation’s universities in the 1930s as a deliberate project had by the early 1970s achieved critical mass in many departments, especially those specialising in the study of society. Their growing dominance on faculty hiring committees allowed them to exclude anyone not sharing (or at least sympathetic to) their views. . . Without a doubt, the origins of ‘Maori Sovereignty’ lie in Marxist National Question theory. Thirty years ago anyone pushing this line would have been regarded as dangerously deluded. Now, through the process outlined above, it has been successfully ‘mainstreamed.’ Support for ‘Maori Sovereignty’ is today regarded in ‘enlightened’ circles as a badge of ‘progressivism.’” Interviewer:

Now do I understand this right? Marxism uses an ethnic minority within a country to destabilise it?


That is correct. Marxism promotes “rights” of an ethnic minority when it serves the purposes of advancing Marxism. The promoting of ethnic minority “rights” has nothing to do with Marxist doctrine holding a genuine concern in protecting cultural identity and values. Marxism is a predatory creed, a creed without a sense of morality, and thus prays on any sort discontent that may help destabilise or subvert a country. Of course if pre-existing discontent is not present the Marxists, given time, are experts at planting the embers of discontent with their propaganda based on misrepresenting facts and outright lies. Of course once the ambers of discontent are sown the Marxist add more fuel to the fire, so-to-speak, with a continuous barrage of propaganda pointing out how the majority culture has dominated and exploited the minority culture.


I see.


The reality is the Marxists and other extremists behind the Maori Sovereignty movement have taken in garbage and what they have spat out has been accepted as gospel by many Maori and non-Maori alike. A classic example is the blame placed on Europeans for deliberately "killing the Maori language" by not allowing Maori children to speak their language at school. We're told the horror stories of cruel "Masters and Mistresses" punishing the Maori children for speaking Maori... but what are the historical facts? If we seek the truth then we discover that in 1873, or there about, a large delegation of Maori, numbering over 100 leaders, made representations before the Government about the inclusion of Maori children in the colonial British school system. The delegation laid down strict rules of what was required, as they'd concluded that it was imperative that Maori children become quickly adept and conversant with the English language. The delegation said that the first and foremost subject of study for their children would be English, the second subject would be English and the third subject would be English. They requested that "Masters and Mistresses" who were assigned to their districts be "non Maori speakers" and that the


children were to be forbidden to speak Maori at school. It was to be English at school and Maori at home or on the Marae. The Victorian colonial teachers assigned to the country schools acted according to the requirements and policies laid down by Maori leaders. So if the Maori language was killed-off the blame lays directly at the feet of the parents of Maori children for apparently believing that the teaching of the language in the home to their children was not that important. Of course generations later the issue is used to show the dominating cruelty and cultural insensitivity of Europeans and is yet another example of how valid history can be distorted to unfairly apportion blame. Interviewer:

You say it is all a sham which has been taken-up by mainstream politicians?


In 1972, the Kirk Labour Government was elected and Matiu Rata became Minister of Maori Affairs. Rata convinced his colleagues to accept the idea of a Waitangi Tribunal to which Maori Treaty claims could be heard. In 1975 the Treaty of Waitangi Act was enacted and from this, the Waitangi Tribunal was set up which could only consider claims after 1975 and could only make recommendations for the Government to consider. In 1985 the Lange Labour Government amended the Act and opened up Pandora’s Box by allowing Treaty claims to date back to 1840. Labour also introduced the Five Principles for Crown Action on the Treaty of Waitangi in 1985. Although Labour introduced the 1975 Act, the 1985 amendment to the Act, and the Five Principles it should be noted that National made no changes when they were elected in 1990. The Treaty of Waitangi Act, the Waitangi Tribunal and the Five Principles continue to this day for the benefit of Maori only. Now there is only one “official” Treaty of Waitangi and that is the Maori version, Te Tiriti O Waitangi with its one principle; “He iwi tahi tatou - We are now one people”. The Treaty was a document that gave equal rights to, all the people of New Zealand, but the Five Principles only gave rights to Maori. The 1987 Court of Appeal between the Attorney General and the Maori Council, which enshrined the Principles and Partnership into law, used an attempt at a reconstruction of the literal translation of the Maori text by Sir Hugh Kawhura, a man who was more interested in his people and knighted in recognition, than all the people of New Zealand. The confusion over the interpretation of the Treaty is caused by the use of an unauthorised English version that has crept into our legislation. Governor Hobson never made or authorised an English version of the Treaty of Waitangi. There was only one Treaty, the Maori langue version, Te Tiriti O Waitangi. It should be noted that the Waitangi Tribunal only uses the ‘unofficial’ English version of the Treaty of Waitangi when dealing with Treaty claims. It should also be noted that there is no appeal against Tribunal recommendations. Oral evidence is taken as gospel. Documented evidence against the claim is over-looked, withheld or modified to suit the claim. Cross-examination of Maori witnesses is seldom, if ever - never if the witnesses are elders or of high rank, those whose evidence carries most weight, even over documented evidence. Non-Maori are prohibited from participating in a Tribunal hearing even if it affects their lively hood, personal assets or property. Also by law the majority of Tribunal members must be Maori. Most dangerous of all, the Tribunal is the sole interpreter of the Treaty and the Principles so that its recommendation rule the Courts and hence the Government. Since the introduction of the Principles, Partnership and State Owned Enterprise Act, Government has had to continually brainwash the people of New Zealand to make non-Maori feel guilty and to make Maori feel cheated, for them to succeed. Over the last three decades, Government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to re-write our history and force this sham on the people of New Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi is now promoted as “a partnership with the Crown” and the founding document of New Zealand. Under both Labour and National governments, middle-class social controllers lectured ordinary people about their ‘obligations’ under this document. ‘Treaty issues’ and ‘cultural safety’ now form elements of training for nurses, teachers, social workers and other state sector workers. You have to pass the ‘cultural safety’ section of nursing training to qualify, for instance. And to further the whole falsehood the government and its cronies have bent over backwards to foster Maori identity and pride.


Since their initiation in 1982, under a National led government, Maori kindergartens or kohanga reo have played a major role in the education of Maori children which involves the total immersion in Maori language, culture and values. This has slowly created an attitude of superiority amongst certain sections of the Maori population which in turn has cultivated ill-feelings towards pale skinned New Zealanders. I know from statistics dating back to 1996 that Maori kindergartens were the single largest provider for early Maori education with 46.3 percent of Maori children enrolled in early childhood education attending one of 767 Maori kindergartens. Interviewer:

Surely the kohanga reo are of benefit if they are helping to educate Maori children?


These kohanga reo are in fact part of indoctrination system were children are feed a diet of myths, distortions and outright lies. All this has created is an army of disillusion individuals who will become the shock troops of future political activity. I believe that this has been the sole intention behind these kohanga reo and that is why the Marxists threw their support behind the establishment of these Kohanga Reo right from their early conception.


You say that the Kohanga Reo are part of indoctrination centres, you make it sound like the children are brainwashed; it this what you are claiming?


Brainwashing means the application of techniques to change the values and beliefs, perceptions and judgments, and subsequent mindsets and behaviours of one or more people, usually for political or religious purposes. The old Jesuit saying, "Give me a child..... until he is seven, and I will give you the man", displays a clear recognition that the earlier you can gain access to a child's mind the stronger control you have over the formation of that child's character and beliefs.


Can you offer evidence to back your claim?


Now according to a government website [LINK] the development of kohanga reo led to the establishment of kura kaupapa Maori at primary level. Now kura kaupapa are state schools designed by Maori for Maori and teach students all subjects in Maori. In the book Inclusive States by Anis A. Dani and Arjan de Haan they state on pages 282-283 that: "A 2002 Education Review Office (ERO) summary of evaluations of 52 kura kaupapa found that some schools were highly effective at combining a focus on kaupapa Maori..." [Emphasis added] Now the core word here is “kaupapa Maori” but does the average New Zealander know what “kaupapa Maori” means? Of course not. Now interviewer do you know that kaupapa Maori means?


No, no idea at all.


Well I must admit the meaning intrigued me so I did a bit of research. I came across the Kaupapa Maori website [LINK] which stated in part that kaupapa Maori "is knowledge that validates a Maori world view and is not only Maori owned but also Maori controlled." [Emphasis added] We have a government funded Maori Television station; Maori radio stations, Maori collages. Maori land, special rights for the Maori for this and for that. Of course the more the system panders to the demands of the extremists the more acceptable and respectable the whole fraud becomes. No the whole thing is based on some abstract fantasy of past injustices. It is a bloody sham. But as history has shown if a big enough lie is promoted and spoken often enough it is eventually accept as the truth. The whole lot stinks of racism, promotes a system of apartheid and reduces nonMaori New Zealanders to a second class status. Now it doesn’t take a genus to realise that this whole package was going to create a feeling animosity among many Maori and non-Maori. Many Maori today truly believe that pale skinned New Zealanders are responsible for robbing them blind and for their low living standards and this purposely cultivated misconception will be a major contributing factor in the rise of racial and political motivated violence. On the other


hand many pale skinned New Zealanders, especially working class New Zealanders, feel really pissed-off over all the pandering to the Maori. And regarding the claims that have been laid by the Maori for alleged past injustices toss out the lot. Billions have been paid out and yet the average Maori has not benefited. It has only fattened the purses of those brown-faced Predators that either appear in the limelight or hide in the shadows agitating amongst the ordinary Maori and pointing the bone at pale-faced New Zealanders. If I was in charge I certainly look at the wealth of these self-imposed leaders and if any, which in all probability would be most, had accumulated more wealth then what was held by the average Maori I would publicly demand that they explain how they had accumulated such wealth and how they can justify this wealth when so many ordinary Maori live in poverty; then I would strip these brown-faced parasites of every cent they had along with their flash cars, holiday homes, pension funds, shares, etc. They certainly would get a taste of what it is like to be poor in New Zealand. Interviewer:

Surely the Maori has benefited from many of the Treaty settlements?


Which Maori are you talking about? The brown faced predators managing the billions in assets from the various Treaty settlements or the ordinary average Maori? Take the settlement known as the Treelord Deal for example. Now this settlement was valued at half a billion dollars and involved about one hundred thousand people. When this settlement was finalised a number of Maori leaders nearly went into rapture. I had to shake my head in amazement. How the heck is $5,000 a head going to improve their lot? The only ones that will benefit to any degree will be those brown faced predators who will be managing these assets; and how will the average member of these tribes benefit…from the trickle down effect which will consist of a the odd crumb now and then.


The Maori claim that they were the first in New Zealand and that gives them a special status to their claim of being the tangata whenua. Do you agree with this statement?


Firstly that is blatant racism and secondly tangata whenua is a meaningless concept in urban New Zealand in the third millennium; it is used for entirely reactionary purposes. On the one hand, the state uses it to compensate for the fact that they have nothing of substance to offer the vast majority of Maori; on the other hand, the new Maori middle and upper classes use it as a negotiating ploy and lever to get their hands on the wealth which has been created through the exploitation of Productive Effort. Tangata whenua status is also used to deny other people rights in this country. In 1994, for instance, on the TV current affairs programme The Ralston Group, Maori radical Moana Maniapoto Jackson argued that Asian immigration should be stopped until ‘Treaty issues’ had been settled. Then we had another well-known Maori radical, Donna Awatere - who authored Maori Sovereignty, the first book in which these concepts were articulated - stating that Samoans were only in New Zealand at the pleasure, and as guests, of the tangata whenua. Regardless of what goes wrong the finger is always point at the pale faced New Zealander. For instance, suicide amongst young Maori is explained away as the result of deculturalisation. Given that a Maori baby, like a non-Maori baby, has no culture when it is born, and simply grows up and takes on the existing culture, this explanation is clearly nonsense. If we turn to look at health statistics, we can see that working-class Maori health statistics are closer to those of working-class non-Maori than to those of the new Maori middle class. Just as the poor health of low-income descendents of British settlers is explained by their poverty, not the fact that they don’t do Morris dancing, live a peasant existence and speak medieval English, so the poor health of low-income Maori has nothing to do with deculturalisation. Now in regards to the claim that the Maori were the first to settle New Zealand; there appears to be evidence disputing the claim that the Maori were the first to settle New Zealand. A book by Martin Doutré entitled Ancient Celtic New Zealand contains an


examination of mysterious pre-Polynesian structures that have been found in New Zealand. Now I found his book very interesting reading. Interviewer:

I am surprised to hear this. If such discovers have been made why haven’t they been brought to the public’s attention?


If one studies this subject then one must concede that there appears to be facts that verify claims made that this evidence has been suppressed. There have been a number of cases where individuals have raised questions and pointed to evidence that suggest that the Maori might not have been the first to settle New Zealand and these people have been attacked by establishment and Marxist academics and called racist. Now there is no open discussion allowed; if you dare raise any questions regarding the Maori being the first people to settle New Zealand you are a racist. End of discussion.


Evidence suppressed?


The Waipoua Forest embargo would be an excellent example. The New Zealand Department of Conservation has been suppressing knowledge of pre-Polynesian stone structures in the Waipoua Forest of Northern New Zealand by restricting the release of an archaeological report to the public until 2063. [LINK] The investigations in the forest were undertaken between the mid-seventies until the mid-eighties. It was the intention of the authorities that the embargo would hold for a duration of 75 years but, in the end, a researcher named Gary Cook, with the intervention of a lawyer, broke the embargo after it had stood for eight years and the majority of the information had to be made publicly available. As I said the majority of the information was released; it appears that some sensitive information was either lost or purposely withheld.


I am most surprised to hear this.


This is only scratching the surface of what appears to be an orchestrated conspiracy to suppress evidence that disputes the modern Maori claim to being the first people to settle New Zealand. What do you mean by this statement?

Interviewer: QE:

In 2004, MP Chris Carter, was asked, under an official information request, how many archaeological embargos were presently in place. He forwarded a written response that stated that there were 105 current official embargos.


105 embargos?

That is correct…105 embargos QE:

That is correct…105 embargos. It is quite possible that more embargos have been put in place since the time this information was released in 2004. Now to clarify a point here so there is no confusion regarding what an embargo is: An archaeological embargo is put in place to stop or prevent research and to suppress information. So we have at least 105 archaeological sites within NZ that the people of New Zealand are not permitted to know of any of the archaeological findings, the carbon dating, and the ethnicity of the remains, the nature of the artefacts, or the basic nature of the sites including their locations. An archaeological embargo is put in place to stop or prevent research and to suppress information. So we have at least 105 archaeological sites within New Zealand that the people of New Zealand are not permitted to know of any of the archaeological findings, the carbon dating, and the ethnicity of the remains, the nature of the artefacts, or the basic nature of the sites including their locations. It is nigh on impossible for anyone to do an unbiased and open investigation if it touches on the subject of pre-Maori settlement. If discoveries are on Department of Conservation land it is apparently extraordinarily difficult to gain permission to carry out scientific analysis. In cases where the discoveries include ancient human remains,


it appears that rather than allowing carbon dating and DNA testing, the normal protocol is to return the material to local tribe for disposal. Interviewer:

Hold on a minute. Firstly, 105 embargos…I find it hard to believe they can get away with it.


Will I knew about the Waipoua Forest embargo but when I heard about the other embargos I was lost for words for a number of minutes. To be quite honest I was shocked, not so much about the embargos themselves but how they could get away with it. The conceited arrogance of these people shows how entrenched they are within the Establishment and how powerful they are.


Yes…I understand what you are saying. Now you just mentioned ancient human remains. Could you please elaborate?


Human skeletons have been found in many parts of New Zealand that have been claimed to be of a non-Maori origin. Instead of allowing proper research into the origins of these skeletal remains - carbon dating and DNA testing - the normal protocol is to return the material to local tribe for disposal even if claims are made that these remains aren’t of Maori origin.

Human skeletons have been found in many parts of New Zealand that have been claimed to be of a non-Maori origin Interviewer:

Surely someone could arrange to have carbon dating or DNA testing done, even if it was done privately?


For a start by taking specimens or samples of these skeletal remains without official approval you are committing a criminal offence; it appears that only certain designated people are allowed to gather specimens and that doesn't include you or I. Secondly from what I understand no New Zealand scientific facility will accept samples of human remains for testing if they are not accompanied by documentation from the appropriate authorities giving approval for the analysis to be carried out.


Is there much more evidence available in the public domain regarding pre-Maori settlement in New Zealand?


There appears to be so. Apparently there are canal systems in the North and South Islands which appears to predate the Maori arrival. From measurements taken from aerial photographs of a site near the Awanui River in Northland it has been estimated that there are more than 200 km of interconnected canals or waterways. Measuring 2 metres across and up to 1.5 metres deep, it is estimated that more than 25 million baskets of spoil, weighing out an average of 40 kilos each, had been moved. Also Maori legends mention people being here in New Zealand prior to the arrival of the Maori which the Maori called Patupaiarehe or Turehu but today these legends are called Maori fantasies - stories made-up for entertainment. Also there are many recorded statements from Maori elders, from years gone by, stating that there were people living in New Zealand when the Maori first arrived.

Maori legends mention people being here in New Zealand prior to the arrival of the Maori which the Maori called Patupaiarehe or Turehu Interviewer:

That is most interesting.


I will first read you a extract from an article entitled Maori, Tangata Maori which was taken from pages 27–35 of Volume 3, No.1, March 1894 issue of the Journal of the Polynesian Society which was written by Hoani Nahe, a Ngāti Maru [Hauraki] elder of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He writes graphically of a people called the Patupaiarehe and the Turehu, who inhabited the land prior to the arrival of the Polynesian peoples.


I first came across an extract of this article on a New Zealand government website [LINK] and came across a copy of the original article on the website of The Journal of the Polynesian Society [LINK]: “Now listen. When the migration arrived here they found people living in the land—Ngati-kura, Ngati-korakorako, and Ngati-turehu, all hapus or sub-tribes of the people called Patupaearehe. The chiefs of this - 34 people were named Tahurangi, Whanawhana, Nukupori, Tuku, Ripiroaitu, Tapu-te-uru, and Te Rangi-pouri. The dwelling places of these people were on the sharp peaks of the high mountains - those in the district of Hauraki (Thames) are Moehau mountain (Cape Colville), Motutere (Castle Hill, Coromandel), Maumaupaki, Whakairi, Kaita-rakihi, Te Koronga, Horehore, Whakaperu, Te Aroha-a-uta, Te Aroha-a-tai, and lastly Pirongia, at Waikato. The pas, villages, and houses of this people are not visible, nor actually to be seen by mortal (Tangata Maori) eyes - that is, their actual forms. But sometimes some forms are seen, though not actually known to be these people, so that it is said ‘those are men.’ Those who thus perceive these forms imagine them to be their friends from some other village, but on arrival at those villages they then become aware that their friends have not been in the place where the forms were met with. Hence it is known for certain that those seen are the atua, or spirit-like people, the Patupaearehe, &c., and not Tangata Maori, or people of the Maori race. From these circumstances have arisen the distinction of these two names of Patupaearehe and Tangata Maori. Sometimes this people is met with by the Maori people in the forests, and they are heard conversing and calling out, as they pass along, but at the same time they never meet face to face, or so that they mutually see one another, but the voices are heard in conversation or shouting, but the people are never actually seen. “On some occasions also, during the night, they are heard paddling their canoes, sometimes even war canoes, and when this occurs the Maori people have fled from fear, thinking that it was a war-party of some other Maori people. Even the striking of the paddles against the sides of the canoes, and the swish of the waters of the sea by the paddles, are heard, and the cry of the fugleman, exactly like the Tangata Maori when paddling their own canoes. “When the people who have thus fled reach the mountains, and from there listen for the sound of the assault of the people who had been heard urging their canoes on in the night, and hear no sound arising from the place of supposed assault, then comes the reflection:—‘O, it is the atua, spirit-likepeople, the Patupaearehe, or Turehu, or Korako-rako.’ At such times are heard these questions: ‘What is it?’ ‘Who are the people who were heard urging forward their canoes on the sea during the night?’ or, ‘Who were heard conversing and shouting in the forest?’ The answer would be as follows: ‘They were not Tangata Maori, they were atuas, Patupaearehe, Turehu, or Korakorako.’” In WAKA TRADITIONS SOME POST-FLEET CONSIDERATIONS sub-section 8.8: Other Peoples [LINK] the speaker Rawiri Taonui states: “Some peoples are even more mysterious. The names Turehu. Patupaiarehe and Korakorako appear in tradition and have characterised as fairies or spiritual beings. It is important to acknowledge they may also have been real people.” In an article on a government website [LINK] entitled Patupaiarehe and ponaturi it states that the patupaiarehe were also known as tūrehu and pakepakehā and under the subheading “Physical features” it goes on to say; “Patupaiarehe had light skin, and red or fair hair. Historian James Cowan was told that ‘they were a lighter complexion than Maori; their hair was of a dull golden or reddish hue, urukehu, such as is sometimes seen in Maori of today…Unlike Māori, they were never tattooed. Mohi Tūrei of Ngāti Porou described their skin as white, albino or the colour of red ochre. Their eye colour varied from light blue to black…There is still debate about their height. The Tūhoe tribe records that they were small, but others say they were similar in size to humans. Whanganui stories claim them to be giants, more than 2 metres tall.” As an example in his book Maori Religion by the scholar Elsdon Best he states: “The Maori regales us with several tales which are supposed to illustrate a period when the


Maori people were living here on sufferance, as it were, under the mana of the Turehu or Patupaiarehe, the true lords of the soil…” Now according to the Museum of New Zealand Elsdon Best was New Zealand’s foremost writer on pre-European Maori life. It should be noted that Elsdon Best lived with the Maori people for over twenty years and was taught the deepest aspects of their history, religion and culture, to the extent that he was recognised as, or accorded the honour of becoming, a Kaumatua – meaning learned elder in Maori. In the book by Edward Tregear The Maori Race [LINK] he states in “Chapter XXII. The Whence of the Maori - Former Inhabitants” the following: “For a long time Europeans believed that the Maoris were aborigines in New Zealand, or that if they were immigrants they found an empty land into which to enter and take possession. Late research and enquiry, however, make it appear in the highest degree probable that the country was occupied by human beings before the invasion of the Maoris from Polynesia about 600 years ago. [Page 560] “The Maoris used to pay great respect to the bones of their dead, yet here and there may be found among sandhills, etc., human remains uncovered by the wind, and of these no tradition remains, as there would certainly be if the relics were those of ancestors. The natives say, ‘These are the bones of strangers.’ So also mortuary-caves are found concerning the contents of which the Maoris make the same remark, and regard them with indifference. [Pages 562-563] “North Island Maori scholars generally give between 500 and 600 years as about the time when the canoes of the Great Migration came to New Zealand. This is arrived at by comparing the innumerable genealogies of chiefs and their concurrence in counting a nearly equal number of generations by many lines of descent. It is certain, however, that a very large population once inhabited New Zealand, a population that could certainly not have been produced in five centuries from the time of the landing of a very few men in canoes and still fewer women; moreover, a people continually engaged in deadly fight and whose numbers must have been decimated every few years at least in the fratricidal strife. The vast fortifications would require the presence of thousands of warriors to defend. And if thousands to defend, how many to construct? We must consider what the erection of a large pa involved. First, the planting of wide spaces with food necessary to sustain such a multitude of workers; then the excavating of deep ditches and often cuttings through solid hills to remove spurs of a ridge or other source of weakness. With endless ceremonial, heavy timbers and huge trees had to be felled and trimmed, hauled and pulled from the forest and taken up the most steep and difficult places to be set up in hundreds and thousands for wall within wall of palisades, then these to be carved and ornamented. Afterwards would come a similar process in regard to the material for the houses, the timber and thatching materials, etc., etc. Allow at least two centuries for desertion, for in places trees two centuries old are growing on the earthworks and in the ditches where they never would have been allowed to stand when the pa was occupied. The number of the inhabitants of the fort can be calculated in another manner, viz, by the closely packed fireplaces covering acres of ground and attesting the presence of multitudes. So too the hills and mounds of shell-fish refuse tell their own story. Large pits by hundreds, for storing kumara, are found on dry hills, and sometimes great systems of ditches and drains have existed for the cultivation of inferior land, long uninhabited but still with the works traceable. Out of one of these kumara pits one observer noticed a large totara tree growing, and out of another a kauri pine 120 feet high. From one spot the eye can count forty (once-) walled pa between the observer and the circle of the horizon. If then we allow for two centuries of abandonment, and two centuries at least of occupation, there is not the time left between the epoch of the landing of the canoes (as given in genealogies) and the construction of these forts to permit the breeding of the hosts of people necessary for the work. Only a large population already resident, and with which the Hawaiki immigrants amalgamated, can account for the existence of settlement so close and far-reaching.” [Pages 570-572]


The Journal of the Polynesian Society Volume 16, No. 3: History and traditions of the Taranaki Coast: Chapter II, the ancient inhabitants, pages 134-154 [LINK] states: “The Rev. T. G. Hammond of Patea, a conscientious and careful inquirer, who will be quoted several times in the course of this narrative, says (1891):—‘I am of opinion from what I can gather that there was a race of men in this and other parts of New Zealand when the Maoris (those of the heke) arrived. Hone Mohi Tawhai (a very intelligent and well-educated Maori, long since dead) I am sure, quite believed that the Turehu were a race of real men inhabiting Hokianga when his great ancestor Kupe arrived there.’” The article goes on to state: “Wi Hape, an old man of Te Ati-Awa, living at the Hutt, has stated the fact that on the arrival of the ‘Tokomaru’ and other canoes on the Taranaki Coast, the crews found people living there.” On the Waitakere City Council website [LINK] under the heading 3.3 Cultural Heritage and History it is stated: “The first peoples of the Auckland region were the Patupaiarehe or Turehu - the people “who arose from the Earth”, human in appearance with reddish hair, fair skin, musical voices and superhuman abilities. All tribes of the region today claim descent from the Turehu.” Also on the Helensville Pioneer Museum website [LINK] in the section Pre-European History it states: “Ancient traditions of Ngati Whatua trace the tribe’s ancestry back to fairy people called patupaiarehe or Turehu (literally those who arose from the earth). They speak of an ancestral figure called Tumutumuwhenua and his wife Kui whose descendants were well established in Kaipara before Te Tino o Maruiwi made their way from the south. [Maruiwi was the commander of one of the waka or canoes which arrived at Taranaki about the year 925AD.]” Now just in case people think that all this is just the raving of deluded racists I quote from an article in the Auckland Star on 27th September 1957 headed Legends Tell of Tribes who Came Before the Fleet which states: “As every schoolboy is supposed to know, Kupe discovered New Zealand about AD 950, and found it unoccupied…Researchers of the caliber of the late Sir Peter Buck throw doubts on this story that Kupe found New Zealand unoccupied. They have unfolded legends, which assert that Kupe did, in fact, see many signs of habitation…Certainly by the time the Toi expedition arrived a century or two later (c1150 AD) there was no lack of inhabitants in New Zealand. They were so numerous, say the legends, that the followers of Toi spoke of them as ‘ants’…The ‘human ants’ whom Toi discovered were given the name of Tangata whenua, the ‘first comers’. Where they came from, we can only guess. They settled on many points of the North Island, and their numbers were such that they pre-fixed the word ‘tini’, meaning ‘myriad’, to their family name. The people of Tini-e-Maruiwi were the ‘human ants’ whom Toi found on the Tamaki Isthmus (Auckland)…When the Great Fleet arrived two centuries later, there was great surprise at the extent of the Tangata whenua population at Tamaki: they were even more surprised at the pattern of their defences on the volcanic hills that dotted the isthmus. It was something entirely different from the Maori of the Fleet. They had never seen anything quite like this in their homeland islands.” Now Sir Peter Buck was a pioneering and internationally renowned anthropologist, the first Maori medical doctor, a politician, administrator, soldier, sportsperson and leader of the Maori people. Our older New Zealand history books are replete with references and descriptions of these earlier people. Authors like Sir Peter Buck who I just mentioned, James Cowan , Edward Tregear, Elsdon Best whom I mentioned previously, the Reverend Richard Taylor, the Reverend John Grace, Stephenson Percy Smith, Sir George Grey, and others, make mention of these ancient people. In most cases the descriptions were gained from direct interviews by European historians and anthropologists with Maori Tohunga's and learned elders who had memorised the oral traditions and histories of their people


An article in The Dominion on the 23rd July 1999, entitled “Humans ‘could have come and gone’ 2000 years ago” stated: “The controversial belief that the first people landed in New Zealand about 2000 years ago has been upheld by new evidence in a paper by Christchurch fossil researcher Richard Holdaway…Dr Holdaway says that the presence of a population of kiore (native rat) implies a visit – of whatever duration – by humans and he stands by his radiocarbon dating conclusion that rat populations were established in the North and South Islands “contemporaneously” at between AD50 and AD150.” Now the situation has developed where individuals are hiding discoveries from the New Zealand authorities because they are concerned that what they have discovered will be suppressed or even destroyed. I have been told by a close associate that they have been in close contact with a small group that have discovered a site containing figurines of a non-Maori origin at a North Island location. They have purposely hid this discovery from the authorities because they are concerned that this find would be officially embargoed. Now I have known the person who told me of this discovery for a number of decades and I have no reason to doubt the truthfulness of the claim. [Links to some websites in New Zealand dealing with pre-Maori settlement: The Kaimanawa Wall LINK AN UNPALATABLE TRUTH LINK The Case for Prehistoric Civilisations in New Zealand LINK Ancient Celtic New Zealand LINK-1 LINK 2] RATS & MORE RATS LINK Now you may ask is it all that important if the Maori were or were not the first people to settle New Zealand I would respond: “We should seek the truth, the cold hard facts; no matter how distasteful we may find them.” Interviewer:

Will you certainly have provided enough facts to question the claim that the Maori were the first to occupy New Zealand.


Will I truly believe that enough circumstantial evidence exists.

Interviewer: QE:

No doubt there will be those who will accuse you of being anti-Maori by what you have stated. I am not anti-Maori; I am simply pro-truth.


Is race important to you?


I would say that if you can tell a wise man by the colour of his skin then you are a better man then I am. The colour of a man’s skin is unimportant to me; what are important to me are the values he holds and his character. The colour of a man’s skin is unimportant to me; what are important to me are the values he holds and his character.


You mention that the pre-Maori inhabitants were either small, yet others were similar in size to humans while some Maoris claim them to be giants, more than 2 metres tall. This sounds rather confusing and conflicting wouldn’t you say?


It would sound confusing I suppose without more information. Now skeletal remains have been found pointing to at least three different kinds of pre-Maori inhabitants. One people were about 1.2 metres in height, while I believe another was about the same height as the Maori, and another was over 2 metres in height.


A race of people 1.2 metres in height?


Polynesian history through the Pacific is peppered with folklore of similar type of people. In Hawaiian mythology, the Menehune -pronounced meh-neh-HOO-neh, are said to be a people, sometimes described as dwarfs in size, who live in the deep forests and hidden valleys of the Hawaiian Islands, far from the eyes of normal humans. The Menehune were said to be superb craftspeople. Legends say that the Menehune built temples, fishponds, roads, canoes, and houses. They are said to have lived in Hawaii before the Polynesian settlers arrived many centuries ago. Proponents of this theory point to an 1820 census of Kaua'i by Kamuali'i, its ruling


chief of that island, which listed 65 people as Menehune. Of course Menehune legends are simply not mentioned or discussed in current archaeological literature. An interesting article that caught my eye appeared dated March 10, 2008 in the National Geographic News entitled Ancient Bones of Small Humans Discovered in Palau [LINK] which stated; “Some of the bones are ancient and indicate inhabitants of particularly small size, scientists announced today…The remains are between 900 and 2,900 years old and align with Homo sapiens, according to a paper on the discovery. However, the older bones are tiny and exhibit several traits considered primitive, or archaic, for the human lineage.” A follow up article [LINK] appeared dated August 27, 2008 entitled Ancient Small People on Palau Not Dwarfs, Study Says which stated; “The smaller, older bones represent people who were 3 to 4 feet (94 to 120 centimeters) tall and weighed between 70 and 90 pounds (32 and 41 kilograms), according to the paper.” Also there is historical evidence pointing to a similar type of people of small statue existing in North America, and in Ireland about three thousand years ago. Regarding the skeletal remains that shows existence of a taller race of people. I would point out that such skeletal remains have also been found in both South America and North America. Interviewer:

The description regarding some of these pre-Maori people are given as having white or pale skins, blond or red hair, along with blue eyes; based on this do you believe these people where of the Caucasian race?


No doubt there will be those who will jump to conclusions and promote such an idea. Just because a people have certain characteristics does not mean there are of the same racial group of another race who may share similar traits. It would be like Australian Aborigines claiming that African Pigmies are of the same race as them because they have dark skin, black hair and dark eyes. Only genetic tests on the skeletal remains can prove of disprove such an assumption. The problem is people very easily jump to conclusions based on sparse information. The same with the small people that once inhabited Palau, most people would assume that these extinct people, because they lived on a pacific Island in a gone-by age, had brown skin and black hair while it is possible that these people had fair skin along with blond hair and blue eyes and belonged to a separate racial group that has since died out.


You state that you are a nationalist so what are your views on the rise of Maori nationalism?


Now let’s analysis this term Maori nationalism to see if it is justified in referring to this culturally motivated movement as being nationalist. The meaning of the expression nationalist is: a supporter of independence; separatist; autonomist. For a start how can you have Maori independence when they are infused throughout a society which consists of people from many different racial and ethnic groupings, much of whose blood runs through Maori veins? In regards to separatism; how can this be accomplished? If the Maori want their own educational system, their own health system, their own justice and court system, as has been called for in the past than we have a promotion of a racially segregated system that sounds like apartheid. Now the question arises are the Maori capable of funding this separate system or are they going to parasitic and expect the non-Maori majority taxpayers to foot the costs? And what about autonomy; do the Maori want their own separate Nation and if so what form will this take? Will this consist of pieces of land scatted around New Zealand according to tribal distribution or perhaps they desire that a large segment of New Zealand is handed over to them? Would they desire just one large segment of New Zealand or perhaps two smaller segments; one in the North Island and one in the South Island?


And how about those people of Maori extraction who just consider themselves New Zealanders; how do they fit into the picture? It appears to me that it is a confused movement posing as nationalistic when in fact they are promoting an ideology of domination of one minority cultural group over a majority who don’t belong to that cultural group which in my mind turns it into an imperialistic agenda. The whole concept is a Marxist induced fairytale and the socalled Maori nationalists sound like a bunch of cuckoos in more ways than one. Interviewer:

What do you mean by imperialistic?


The term imperialism describes the attitude of superiority, subordination and dominion of one people over another - a chauvinism and comportment relegating a different people to a lesser social and or political status. This imperialistic attitude is easily detected in the speeches and writing of the various leading individuals involved in the Maori movement. Basically the Maori movement pushes Maori culture as being superior and by doing so designates all other cultures to that of an inferior level. They seem to have an attitude of “we were here first; it is our country and everyone else is here as a guest.” I believe I touched on the subject of kaupapa Maori earlier.


In regards to the Maori language, do you support it being an official language of New Zealand and do you support it being taught in schools?


I see no logic what-so-ever why Maori culture and language should be given preferential treatment. We have a variety of people from various ethnic groups living in New Zealand and yet the promoters of multiculturalism do not support making the languages of these groups official. Do any of these various groups, the Chinese, Koreans, Indians, or Somalis, to name a few, feel discriminated against because their languages are not officially recognised by the State or the fact that their children are taught English. Of course not. Does the teaching of English to the children of Chinese, Koreans, Indian, or Somalis immigrants culturally deprive the children of these immigrants and hence retard their development and keep them in the lower socioeconomic group? No, it does not. By pandering to the desires of any minority creates a precedent and opens a Pandora box.


You state you are opposed to the concept of a multicultural society. By this I gather you support the promotion of a mono-cultural society; wouldn’t this mean in New Zealand’s case that the various minority ethnic groups would have to assimilate and identify with the majority culture?


You state majority culture by which I presuppose you mean white; would I be correct?




Well I am a bit lost here could you explain what you mean by white culture?


White people make up the majority of the population, represent most of the electorates in Parliament thus have a large say in the laws of the country.


Will I’m of the view that white people in New Zealand have been de-cultured and are just basically consumers in a consumer based economy. Now you say that the majority of parliamentarians are white but what do they promote? Are they promoting the building of Viking or Saxon meeting houses, are they building facilities in which to teach pre-schoolers white culture, do they promote the establish of white schools to teach children the white way, do they sanction all white sporting teams, do they do anything what-so-ever to promote white identity or white pride? The answers are, no, no, no, no, no and no. In fact the opposite could be claimed. All the pale skinned parliamentarians can promote is an internationalist agenda based on multiculturalism, globalisation, new age values and political correctness. To be quite honest about it most if not all pale skinned parliamentarians would be too guilt ridden to claim that they are proud of the fact that they are white. If any pale skinned parliamentarian did stood up and make such a claim they would be attacked as a racist and would in all probability be ostracised by their parliamentarian colleagues. But parliamentarians with a dark complexion are allowed to push a racist agenda and when these parliamentarians with a dark complexion stand up in Parliament and state that they are proud of their race they are applauded by the weak


and guilt-ridden pale skinned members of Parliament. No…parliament is full of hypocrisy, corruption and traitors; that is way I call them Moral Prostitutes. Interviewer:

If you are opposed to multiculturalism what do you propose to replace it with?


National Cohesion; a society free from prejudices and superstitions from bygone eras. A society that is governed by rules, regulations and laws that are formulated from an ethical standard; in other words a society that is govern by common sense wherein the common good is placed above the self-interests of any individual or group, which will, given time, create a New Zealand identity. If you wish to refer to this new identity in a cultural sense, then yes, that could be considered a mono-culture but one that would be unique to New Zealand. In regards to the ethical standard I believe I have gone into this subject in some detail before.


What about land that is in the ownership of foreigners?


Large tracts of land in New Zealand have fallen into foreign ownership and in many cases the owner is not even a New Zealand resident. All this land should be forfeited and no compensation given. No non-resident should be allowed even to hold a lease on any New Zealand land.


Do you think it is fair that no compensation is given?


Take the case of an English merchant banker, who paid $23.5 million for a 14,500 hectare tract of Canterbury high country land for “personal and private” interest. Now why should we give him any compensation? Why should we grant him even a lease on the land? Why should he be allowed to sit on 14,500 hectares of land; because it gives him a warm fuzzy feeling? The same would apply to many of the foreigners who own land in New Zealand, pop stars, movie stars, business people, bankers, etc. Most of these people accumulated wealth through the exploitation of other people’s Productive Effort. No…no compensation should be given what-so-ever.


In regards to foreigners again. Should any foreigners be allowed to hold a lease on New Zealand land?


If they are a New Zealand resident yes.


Now a question on lifestyle blocks. Should there be any restitution in having a lease on lifestyle block or any limit regarding sizes of lifestyle blocks.


I believe that any family that wants to live a rural lifestyle on a lifestyle block should be entitled to do that. I believe though that lifestyle blocks should be limited in size. No one should be allowed to sit on large tracts of land and not put it productive use.


What about commercial ventures?


If an individual with the skill and knowledge wanted land for a commercial venture growing olives as an example they should be entitled to a lease on land for this venture; provided of course suitable land was available. The same would apply to any individual or cooperative [Cooperative Enterprise] who wanted to set up a horticulture enterprise.


In the last interview you mentioned that you intended to include a statement on privacy. I see that you haven’t done this, is there any reason why?


To tell the truth I have been rather busy until recently and I over-looked it.


If you don’t object I would like to touch on this subject and also the subject of freedom?


Fine…touch away.


In the section headed The Mass you make a number of points claiming that New Zealand is not a free society. One such point states; “when the police are given powers to set-up roadblocks and stop vehicles and demand drivers blow into


breathalyzers and show identification, on the off-chance that they catch someone breaking the law you do not have a free society.” Surely some sacrifice or restrictions on what was accepted as freedom in the past is justified in seeking out those who break the law especially if it saves life and reduces injury? QE:

Very nicely put. I suppose the average person would find it rather difficult to ague against such a stance without coming across as being insensitive to the injury of others and this is this is exactly the argument used by Marxists and fascists in defending their stance that the end results justifies the means. Now it should be remembered that a departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for another. Now the police are legally allowed to set-up road blocks to stop motorists willy-nilly to breathalyse them, to demand to see driver licences, and to check that Warrant of Fitness and Motor Registration are up to date. What is to come next? Perhaps the police could cordon-off a whole street or even a whole suburb and go house to house searching for stolen property or for evidence relating to breaches of the law? No doubt that such a fishing expedition would lead to criminal convictions.


I see the point you make but still people would say if it reduces the road toll…


Does this have an affect on reducing the accident rate on New Zealand roads? If one looks at the road accident statistics then the present strategy used is apparently not having the desired results. If one studies the present tactics used they appear to be no more than just a fishing expedition and a revenue collecting ploy. Basically all it has done is condition people into accepting the fact that they can be stop by the police while people are going about their lawful business.


Are you saying that the police should not be allowed to stop motorists at all?


Don’t be absurd. The police should have reasonable course to stop a motorist; if a motorist is driving in an erratic manner or the police have reasonable grounds to suspect that a driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs then they should be able to legally stop that driver and to investigate but stopping motorists willy-nilly goes beyond what should be accepted in a free society. If the intention is to reduce the accident rate on New Zealand roads and thus reduce the death rate and the injuries resulting from these accidents then I would propose a more logical approach is taken to achieve that.


What would you propose?


It is very simple. Drive home the fact the careless driving causes accidents. Now it is a waste of time and effort running advertising campaigns to appeal to people because there is a section of the community who you cannot appeal to and this is the antisocial element. I would suggest that if a driver commits three traffic offences within a twelve month period then they should be compelled to sit a written examination of the road code which of course they would have to score 100% to pass. If they should fail then they should be disqualified from driving for a three month period at the end of which they would have to undergo a full driving test and examination to get their drivers licence back. Now the average driver would have nothing to fear from such a stance because the average driver would certainly be unlikely to be caught committing three traffic offences over a twelve month period, but those who do, the more antisocial element of society would become more conscience of the consequences of their actions. Of course people who are disqualified can look forward to Prohibition Order being placed on them and the fact a prison sentence awaits them if they breach that order or if they are caught driving while they are disqualified. As I have previously mentioned there should be a separate Department set up to enforce road safety in New Zealand which would remove this burden from the police enabling them to get on with their jobs of reducing crime by catching the criminals.


There have been problems with people supplying false identification to the police when they are questioned in relation to breaches of the law; do you support the idea of an Identification Card after all it has been claimed that such a card would greatly reduced fraud and tackle the illegal immigrant problem, etc?



For a start the problem of supplying false identification to the police can be curbed by the police taking a person’s thump print and photography when they are questioned in relation to a breach of the law. This is certainly not messy if a UV ink is used. Now when we look at the type of people who supply false information to the police they would be mostly the anti-social types that will come into contact with the police at some point during their lives. So even though their thump print may not be on file one day sooner or later they will appear in the system and would be held to account for supplying false information. In regards to illegal aliens in New Zealand, I would suggest having an amnesty for a three month period and giving these people the opportunity of applying for residency; those who are accepted could stay those who aren’t accepted should be expelled. Of course it should be advertised that these illegal aliens who are foolish and do not either apply for residency or leave the country before the expiry of the amnesty can look forward, on being caught, to serving seven years in prison before being expelled. I think this solves the problems you have raised. On the subject of Identification Cards…now who wants these introduced? Certainly not the general public as from what I understand most people are not too well disposed to such an idea. Once again it is the establishment controlled bureaucracy that pushes this proposal from time to time for the sole purpose of giving the State more control over people. Now regardless what may be claimed about an Identification Card its sole purpose has to do with CONTROL. One only has to look to Australia and the proposal in 1985 to introduce an ID card called the Australia Card which was abandoned in 1987 due to public pressure. Although the proposed ID card was not going to be compulsory if you didn't have the card you couldn't be employed, couldn't operative a bank account, nor could you be entitled to government benefits, nor could you be entitled to receive the benefits from any trust. Even though it was claimed that the card wasn’t going to be compulsory if you didn’t have such a card you were basically ostracised from society. Now it can be argued that ID cards can be of benefit to a society. In a society a ID card can have the benefit of proving who is and who is not a citizen of that society and certainly in this regard it can serve a purpose but the downside is that ID cards can be used to reduce the status of the members of a society from that of being a citizen to that of being a subject. I would have to conclude that under the present system I would be strongly opposed to an introduction of an ID card solely on the grounds that the present system has proven itself to be corrupt and an ID card would give this corrupt system too much power over the individual.


What about the pressure being applied by the police and others to change the law to force ISP’s to keep records of peoples’ email and surfing details and Mobile phone service providers to keep records of text messages sent?


If the police have grounds to suspect an individual or organisation of illegal activity then they should have to seek a court order from a Judge to intercept information that passes through a service provider. Now it may be argued that if the police don’t move quickly enough or aren’t up to play they could loose information that could lead to a conviction, in response I would say that is the luck of the draw; better to have the odd criminal escape from the hands of justice then to create the mentality that everyone is a potential criminal as it is this mentality that contributes to the formation of a police state. Now the difference between a police state and a free society is that in a police state everyone is suspect of being a criminal and thus is subject to being investigated, in a free society there must be justification for the police to investigate the activities of an individual or group. Now the difference between a police state and a free society is that in a police state everyone is suspect of being a criminal and thus is subject to being investigated, in a free society there must be justification for the police to investigate the activities of an individual or group. Now what is the difference if I write information on a piece of paper and send it through the postal service or I use electronic means to do this? What principle has changed? Do you honestly think that before the electronic age that politicians would


have suggested, let alone people would have supported, the Post Office opening peoples’ mail and photo-coping it and keeping this copy on record in case the police may need it one day in a criminal investigation? Of course not. People who used the postal service had their privacy protected by law with any interference of their mail being a criminal act. If the police, investigating criminal activity, wished to intercept anything sent through the postal service they had to obtain a Court Order to do so. The same principle should apply to information sent by electronic means. Now what is the difference if I write information on a piece of paper and send it through the postal service or I use electronic means to do this? What principle has changed? Do you honestly think that before the electronic age that politicians would have suggested, let alone people would have supported, the Post Office opening peoples’ mail and photo-coping it and keeping this copy on record in case the police may need it one day in a criminal investigation? Of course not. People who used the postal service had their privacy protected by law with any interference of their mail being a criminal act. If the police, investigating criminal activity, wished to intercept anything sent through the postal service they had to obtain a Court Order to do so. The same principle should apply to information sent by electronic means. Now it is logical that service providers need to keep records for billing purposes and this is understandable and justified, but, within a reasonable period of time this information should be deleted. I would like to add that a service provider is to there to provide a service and should not profile its customers to aid a third party; an example of this would be third party services or advertising. Interviewer:

What are your views regarding the exchange of information between organisations specifically in the field relating to information that such organisations have compiled on their customers?


Generally speaking I would say a more ethical approach needs to be taken. I believe that if an individual provides information to a specific organisation then that individual should rightly assume that this information and their privacy are protected. Once again if the information held is required by authorities investigating criminal activity then a Court Order should be required to access that information. The emphasis is on the investigator to prove to a judge that reasonable grounds exist to request access to such information.


I understand the points you have made but how far can privacy be reasonable protected before it becomes absurd? An example being that presently a thirteen year old girl can get pregnant and have an abortion without her parent’s knowledge and have this information legally withheld from her parents under privacy laws.


For a start privacy laws must be formulated on an ethical foundation. Secondly the point you raised about the thirteen year old girl is absurd and has no ethical foundation. No child should have the right to withhold information from their parents as parents should have the ultimate say in what their children can do and not do. Parents as parents should have the ultimate say in what their children can do and not do.


I think I get your gist now on privacy. Now in regards to freedom, rights and duties…how would you briefly sum these up?


I believe that the words of the Italian author and journalist, Orianna Fallaci, sums it up concisely when she stated; "Freedom cannot exist without discipline, self-discipline, and rights cannot exist without duties. Those who do not observe their duties do not deserve their rights." "Freedom cannot exist without discipline, self-discipline, and rights cannot exist without duties. Those who do not observe their duties do not deserve their rights." Orianna Fallac



What are your views regarding the anti-terrorism laws that have been introduced?


The anti-terrorist laws are insidious and represent the slow but sure evolution of many societies into police-states. We only have to look at New Zealand’s closest neighbour, Australia, to see what is evolving. In Australia it is lawful for their secret service to hack into a computer and change data within that computer. In Australia you can be picked-up of the street and held for up to two weeks without charge and questioned. Now absorb this. You are not entitled to call your family to let them know that you have been detained and won’t be home for awhile, so basically as far as your family is concerned you have disappeared which would cause most families undue worry and stress. Also you are not entitled to legal representation while you are undergoing questioning; on top of this if you are accused of not cooperating you can be sentence to five years in prison. Now how can you defend yourself if you are charged with refusing to answer any of the questions put to you? The whole set of laws and their potential application against dissent amongst the general population is a psychopath’s wet-dream and a citizen’ nightmare. The whole set of laws and their potential application against dissent amongst the general population is a psychopath’s wet-dream and a citizen’ nightmare. Even in New Zealand more and more of this type of legislation is passed which of course is claimed, once again by the establishment cronies, to assist “democracy” in the fight against terrorism yet the average citizen is oblivious to the fact that these laws are leading the populace down the road towards a totalitarian society. Even in New Zealand more and more of this type of legislation is passed which of course is claimed, once again by the establishment cronies, to assist “democracy” in the fight against terrorism yet the average citizen is oblivious to the fact that these laws are leading the populace down the road towards a totalitarian society. These anti-terrorist laws and other police state type legislation encroach upon the law abiding citizen’s right to privacy and the law abiding citizen’s right of unhindered movement within their country.


Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano and QEII “The Italian head of state told a news conference in Siena last week that ‘those who are anti EU are terrorists’. And he attacked eurosceptics who warn that the promised new EU treaty will go too far in eroding the powers of member states, saying: ‘It is psychological terrorism to suggest the spectre of a European superstate.’" DAILY EXPRESS Sunday June 17, 2007


Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has stated unmistakably that anti-Globalists are terrorists. "What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system..." A video of this speech can be seen at Henry Kissinger Interviewer:

How would you classify Social Survivalism within the political spectrum…would you class it as right wing or left wing?


I have been asked a number of times whether I classify Social Survivalism as left or right wing. My reply is that the terms left and right cannot be applied to Social Survivalism. So where do I place Social Survivalism within the political spectrum. To answer this we must reorganise the political spectrum so that Social Survivalism can be included. To do this we must view the political spectrum as a circle with Social Survivalism placed at the bottom centre of the circle with the various degrees of State Capitalism to its left and the various degrees of Corporate Capitalism to its right. The top of this circle represents the extreme of both left and right – the concentration of both political and economic power.


You use the pseudonym Qadosh Erectus, what does it mean?


Qadosh is a Hebrew word which means separate or set apart and the word Erectus in Latin means upright, resolute, alert.


Do you use a pseudonym to try and hide your identity from the authorities?


Ooh please…the authorities certainly will know my real identity.


If you truly believe what you have written aren’t you worried that there maybe a knock on your door one night?


For a start I do truly believe in what I have written. As for a knock on the door…it could happen. Now does the possibility of this worry me…will it crosses my mind on occasion but we shouldn’t let apprehension or fear dictate our actions because if we do we become no better then slaves.


What are your thoughts on the general election held last November?


Well if naivety and stupidity were a terminal disease then most people should have been in their death beds taking their last few breaths soon after they voted. “As a commodity, if ignorance was of value, the general public would indeed be rich!" William Wallace The general election was full of ambiguous clap-trap; no political party or candidate offered anything of any substance to tackle the major problems facing New Zealand. Of course many made references to some of the problems but none what-so-ever offered anything coming close to a solution; many statements were made about having to solve this problem and that problem but not one had a concrete solution for a particular problem. Now any moron can stand up and state that something has to be done but it takes a person with some intellect to offer a clear and precise solution to a problem. No…all that these Moral Prostitutes can offer you is a deck chair on the Titanic and the best they can say while it sinks is; “Doesn’t the band sound great!” To sum it up, all New Zealanders really voted for was for a new plantation master to oversee them for the next three years, and of course New Zealanders, being the good mushrooms that they are, think the change in government is going to change things. All I can say is: “Grab those ankles tighter and clench those teeth together because you are in for a pounding.”


The Mass is too stupid to comprehend, yet believe, that the major parties are cast from the same mould. Most of the political parties lie, deceive, and use confidence tricks in an attempt to fool The Mass into voting for them and whoever can fool most of The Mass ends up in political power and yet The Mass does not realise that the Major Predators, the power behind the politicians, are still in control. Interviewer:

Do you intend to develop and refine the political creed you call Social Survivalism?


It is certainly my intention. As I have stated before writing isn’t my strongest attribute but I definitely learnt a lot from the questions but to me. I would indubitably say that what I have written so far needs a good overhaul with some points needing clarification and of course there is a considerable amount that needs to be added. The concept of Natural Law and inalienable rights has to be introduced and explained; I believe this to be very important. The origin of land ownership and how this evolved has to be explained which I believe will help people to overcome their prejudice against the land reforms I propose. There is also the concept of Freedom and the concept of Duties and Responsibilities; what is meant by these concepts and how they have to be meshed together to balance each other. But whether I can accomplish this is something I can not promise.


How come, what is the problem?


Purely an economic problem. For a start it appears I may not have a job in the not too distant future and at my stage in life I think I will find it rather difficult finding another especially with the economy deteriorating the way it is. As I have stated I am not certainly not a rich individual, if I have no job I have no income which will place me in a most awkward position in keeping my nose above the poverty line. To be quite honest I certainly won’t to able to afford my internet connection thus I will be isolated and this fact alone will impede my ability to do research and distribute any future updates of Social Survivalism. Now I was discussing this with a colleague of mine and they suggested that I should seek assistance from people who support the ideas I am attempting to promote. After mulling over my colleague’s suggestion I decided to give this a go. Now I am not asking for hundreds of dollars from individuals, all I would ask, if anyone wants to contribute, that they just contribute one New Zealand dollar a year.


That is rather an insignificant amount is it not?


It maybe so but if the support is out there then each individual dollar could contribute to a significant amount of funding.


What would you do if you received a significant amount of support…let’s say it amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year?


For a start I would be flabbergasted, but that aside I would put together a group of people with the necessary skills, especially skills in the spoken and written word, to develop Social Survivalism and to present Social Survivalism in a better format.


And what would you call this group?


I thought that the Institute of Social Survivalism had a nice ring to it.


Now before we finish would you like to add anything?


Sure. There are large numbers of people who know of the plot to install Global Governance and yet they are blind to the fact that it was and is the parasitic nature of the economic and financial system that made it possible for this movement for Global Governance to evolve. It is the exploitive characteristics of the economic and financial system that allowed the concentration of financial and economic power into the hands of a plutocracies and oligarchies; it is this concentration of financial and economic


power that has been the powerhouse behind the drive for Global Governance. This old system is corrupt and unjust; it is this old system that has created most of the world’s problems and yet it is the benefactors of this old system that will one day claim they can solve these problems by giving them obsolete power. In comparison it is a bit like a putting a predatory paedophile in charge of sex education in a kindergarten. If we are ever to create a better world we must raze the power of the predatory class and forever have in place safeguards to prevent them from ever arising again, and that I believe can be accomplished by the proposals I put forward. Interviewer:

I look forwarded to our next interview.


So do I

Links for articles on White Slavery: SLAVERY A Little History on WHITE SLAVES Irish slaves in the Caribbean by James F. Cavanaugh - Clann Chief Herald Irish Slavery by James F. Cavanaugh White Servitude by Richard Hofstadter Passage To America, 1750 White Slavery, what the Scots already know by Kelly d. Whittaker The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain by Michael A. Hoffman [Book review] BLACK SLAVEOWNERS by Robert M. Grooms Master and Servant a review of the book WHITE CARGO: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America [Book review] White Slavery and Indentured Servitude in the Age of Imperialism, Part 1 A QUICK HISTORY OF THE WHITE AMERICAN UNDERCLASS Slave Trade: the African Connection, ca 1788


Questions & Answers December 2009 The following interview, undertaken in late December 2009, has been distributed as a separate publication entitled “The Dehumanisation of the Masses: Population Control & Reduction” Interviewer:

The Copenhagen summit has recently finished and turned into a bit of a fizzer in regards to reaching a legally binding climate change deal. Did this surprise you?


Yes to tell the truth I was moderately surprised but most happy that it was a fizzer to use your words. But no doubt officials are already working behind the scenes to iron out the problems that arose so I would suspect that in the not too distant future another summit will be held. If people want this to fail they had better become better organised because United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has publicly 257 admitted that the agenda behind the Copenhagen summit and the climate change fraud is the imposition of a global government and the end of national sovereignty. Sadly many people fail to understand that global governance will develop out of any future agreement on emissions and they also fail to understand that policies shall certainly be introduced to reduce world population numbers.


From news reports we are given the impression that it was China’s fault that a binding agreement wasn’t reached at the Copenhagen summit. Do you believe what we are told is factual?


Negotiation is about give and take - compromise. If parties sit down to negotiate a deal you can not in all fairness lay the blame at the feet of one party if an agreement is not reached. The so-called sticking point is that China wants consumer countries to take responsibility for the carbon emissions generated in the manufacture of goods, 258 not the producer countries that export them. According to Mr Li, an official with China's National Development and Reform Commission and climate change negotiator; "As one of the developing countries, we are at the low end of the production line for the global economy. We produce products and these products are consumed by other countries … This share of emissions should be taken by the consumers, not the producers." Now according to Oslo's Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research in Norway, a third of all Chinese emissions are linked to exports, with nine per cent caused by exports to the US, and six per cent from producing goods for Europe.


Do you think that a compromise will be reached between the West and China that consumers should carry the burden of emissions?


I would be very surprised if a future agreement is not reached because of China’s stance. In fact I would go as far to say that there is a segment in the West that may have helped to orchestrate the failure of an agreement at the Copenhagen summit because the Chinese way is what they desire.


If such an agreement is reached wouldn’t this imply that everything produced would be given a carbon foot-print?


Yes, that is how I would interpret it.


You mentioned population reduction…I haven’t heard about such plans?


I was reading about the front-page commentary in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that took the Copenhagen summit to task over its "nihilism," and consequent emphasis on population control and de-industrialisation. The article quoted Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, who is the President of the Vatican Bank as stating that; "Nihilistic thought, with its rejection of any objective truth and values causes serious damage when applied to economics." Tedeschi recalled as an example the "disastrous consequences" of Malthus' argument that population growth causes poverty, as well as the theory that the economy is morally autonomous, which he said has led to an "overly consumerist and materialistic" mentality. He went on to say that, when applied to environmental issues, nihilism produces "even more serious damage." In this case it leads to the attempt "to solve climate problems - where much confusion reigns - through lowering the birth rate and de-industrialization, rather



than through the promotion of values that lead the individual to his original dignity." [Emphasis added] Interviewer:

In regards to Tedeschi’s statement opposing the lowering of the birth-rate…do you believe that there is a problem of over-population in the world?


Firstly, what do you mean by over-population? What standard do you apply in reaching a conclusion there are too many people? Do you apply the criteria of (a) the world’s ability to produce enough food to feed everyone or (b) the ability of each individual country to feed its people? If we apply criterion (a) then we apparently do not have over-population in the world as the world has the capability to produce enough food to feed a far larger population of people. If on the other hand we apply criterion (b) then there are a number of countries in the world that lack this ability for various reasons. Then of course if we apply a different criterion, that of a “standard of living”, then we can come to a different conclusion depending on what is meant by “standard of living”. What standard do we apply? Do we apply standard in the US or perhaps Europe, or maybe the standard in China or India? What is wrong with the standard of living of some herdsman in Africa living a nomadic lifestyle? They have no need of electricity and all the mod-cons that rely on electricity. What is wrong with the standard of living of an Amazon Indian living a simple lifestyle on what the jungle provides?

Whose standard do we apply? So what standard do we apply? Do we allow the controllers of Capital like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to set the standard? What God given right have they been given to set the standard especially taking into consideration it has been these types of people that have contributed greatly to many of the world’s problems.

The whole world over-population myth is a propaganda exercise created by people with a Master Plan Interviewer:

Do you believe that there is an optimum world population and if so what would it be?


It is something for each individual country to figure out, not some over-paid and wellfed controller of Capital or Global Bureaucrat. Now every country should have the ability to feed its own; this includes the ability to put aside surplus to see them through periods of unsettled seasons that would affect their food production. If a country has this ability it would be logical to conclude it does not have a population problem.


I would have to assume that you do not believe the world has an over-population problem. Would I be correct?


The problem is that over-population catastrophists have been predicting doom and gloom for centuries. Now before I go further I would I to quote the following: "What most frequently meets our view (and occasions complaint), is our teeming population: our numbers are burdensome to the world, which can hardly supply us from its natural elements; our wants grow more and more keen, and our complaints more bitter in all mouths, whilst Nature fails in affording us her usual sustenance. In very deed, pestilence, and famine, and wars, and earthquakes have to be regarded as a remedy for nations, as the 260 means of pruning the luxuriance of the human race." Now this quote did not come from Thomas Malthus, whose Essay on Population in the late eighteenth century is the seminal work to which much of the modern concern about overpopulation can be traced. It did not come from Botero, a sixteenth-century Italian whose work anticipated many of the arguments advanced by Malthus two


centuries later. Neither is it is not found in the more modern catastrophist works such 261 262 as The Limits to Growth and Beyond the Limits. No this quotation was penned by Tertullian, a resident of the city of Carthage in the second century AD, when the population of the world was about 190 million, or only three to four percent of what it is today. And the fear of overpopulation did not begin with Tertullian as I understand that similar concerns were expressed in the writings of Plato and Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., as well as in the teachings of Confucius in the sixth century B.C. While the facts show that the world has experienced population expansion that began in the eighteenth century resulting in a six fold increase in population over the next 200 years most people fail to realise that the six fold increase in world population was dwarfed by the eighty-fold increase in world output. As real incomes rose, people were able to live healthier lives. Infant mortality rates plummeted and life expectancies soared. If we look back to 1900 the average world life expectancy was about 30 years, but in 1993 it was just over 65 years so over a period of ninety years life expectancy has doubled. Now the most startling revolution in the 20th century was one of health. Where a century ago, almost any disease could kill someone in a matter of days, these diseases are now routinely cured. Where once someone could hope to live into their 60s, people now routinely live well into the 70s, 80s, and even 90s. I believe that the political economist Nicholas Eberstadt sums it up nicely when he stated that it is not that people "reproduce like bunnies" rather that they "no longer die like flies."

It is not that people "reproduce like bunnies" rather that they "no longer die like flies." While we are still bombarded with propaganda from the over-population catastrophists they fail to inform people that presently more than 80 countries have achieved what is known as below replacement fertility, the point at which women are having so few children, generally thought to be below 2.1 children per woman, that countries are no longer replacing themselves. The UN predicts that every nation on earth, with the exception of a few African nations, will reach below replacement fertility within the next twenty years. Interviewer:

I never knew that.


People also fail to realise while population growth peaked at 2.1 percent per year in the late 1960s it has declined to its present rate of 1.14 percent. There is no doubt that this trend will continue since, according to the latest information supplied by the World Health Organization, the total fertility rates - the number of births per woman declined from 4.5 in 1970 to just 3.3 in 1990. That is exactly fifty percent of the way toward a fertility rate of 2.1 which would eventually bring population growth to a halt. It is interesting to note that presently [2009] the current World Total Fertility Rate is now 2.58 so the “population explosion” has begun to fizzle. 263

The Economist, a UK publication, recently had an interesting article on below replacement fertility that in part stated: “Today’s fall in fertility is both very large and very fast. Poor countries are racing through the same demographic transition as rich ones, starting at an earlier stage of development and moving more quickly. The transition from a rate of five to that of two, which took 130 years to happen in Britain - from 1800 to 1930 - took just 20 years - from 1965 to 1985 - in South Korea. Mothers in developing countries today can expect to have three children. Their mothers had six. In some countries the speed of decline in the fertility rate has been astonishing. In Iran, it dropped from seven in 1984 to 1.9 in 2006 - and to just 1.5 in Tehran. That is about as fast as social change can happen.” Interviewer:

So it looks like there really isn’t any so-called population problem?



Well before I go further I should explain that the term total fertility rate is used to describe the total number of children the average women in a population is likely to throughout her life. Associated with total fertility rate is the concept of replacement rate. The replacement rate is the number of children each woman needs to have to maintain current population levels or what is known as zero population growth. In developed countries, the necessary replacement rate is about 2.1. Since replacement can not occur if a child does not grow to maturity and have their own offspring, the need for the extra point one child - a 5% buffer - per woman is due to the potential for death and those who choose or are unable to have children. In less developed countries, the replacement rate is around 2.3 due to higher childhood and adult death rates. You understand what I am saying?




Now referring back to your question. I believe I would disagree with you on that. I just mention that the world appears to be heading for a birth-rate that well lead to a decline in population. What people fail to realise is that if birth rates fall too far below replacement levels this is going to create very serious problems leading to a rapidly aging population that turns the demographic pyramid on its head.

If birth rates fall below replacement levels then this is a recipe for social disaster as many economies will be able to afford to support the older people Look at this map of the world and you well get a better understanding of the situation.

Now the statistics used here are a few years out of date but they serve the purpose for the subject we are discussing. Now the countries highlighted in red have fertility rates of less then two which places them below replacement, the countries highlighted in yellow have a fertility rate of about two which places them on or below the replacement rate. The countries highlighted in green have a fertility rate of three to four while the countries highlighted in blue have a fertility rate of four or more. While most of the countries highlighted in blue fall within the African continent people should remember that these African countries have (a) a high infant mortality rate and (b) many of these countries have an Aids problem that is predicted to decimate many of them.



Yes I comprehend the point you made. But surely with the right economic policies and financial incentives people could be encouraged to at least have enough children to keep the population stable?


One would hope so. I would like to add that is what the economic policies contained in Social Survivalism are designed to do. But encouraging couples to have larger families aside, there appears to be a much more serious problem that has to do with the apparent rise in both female and male infertility rates in the industrialised countries. I should point out when I say infertility I mean the inability to become pregnant or the ability to father a child. Dr. Doris J. Rapp MD one of the worlds leading Paediatric Allergists and Environmental Physicians says that by 2045 only 21% of the men on the entire planet 264 will be fertile.

By 2045 only 21% of the men on the entire planet will be fertile. Doris J. Rapp MD "Is This Your Childs World" page 501 Interviewer:

Growing infertility rates? What countries are affected?


I already mention Europe but the problem is also affecting North America, Australia and also New Zealand. As I mentioned it was predicted that within fifty years males in Europe will be sterile and I would assume the same outcome in North America, Australia and New Zealand. I remember reading an article a while ago that pointed out that the ratio of male to female children being born is also being affected. Apparently the number of male children being born is starting to decline compared to the number of female children born. Now something is drastically wrong and yet the problem is completely ignored. If a farmer was facing this same decline in fertility amongst his livestock alarm bells would be going off and the government would be spending money on investigating the cause of the problem.


These facts surprise to say the least. But is it really as bad as you put it?


Let’s look at some facts to give an idea on the seriousness of the developing situation: 

The Internet Journal of Urology 2004: Volume 2 Number 1 had an article entitled “The sperm count has been decreasing steadily for many years in Western industrialised countries: Is there an endocrine basis for this decrease?” which states "If the decrease in sperm counts were to continue at the rate that it is then in a few years we will witness widespread male infertility.” [Emphasis added] An article in the New Scientist [January 1998] entitled "Confused fish" states; "...children of older mothers having boys of lower fertility because of damage to mitochondrial DNA, according to Justin St. John of the Sheffield Jessop Hospital for Women." A documentary produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation entitled "The Disappearing Male" stated that the quality of sperm is declining and that “eighty-five per cent of the sperm produced by a healthy male is DNAdamaged.” [Emphasis added] “LONDON. NEW research has confirmed fears that men are becoming less fertile. The study shows a halving of sperm production in 10 years. Scientists made the discovery after post-mortem studies of mostly middle-aged men from Finland who died between 1981 and 1991. During that time the proportion of men who had the normal biological processes leading to sperm production fell from 56.4 per cent to 26.9 per cent. During the same period there was a significant increase in the number of cases of ‘spermatogenic arrest’, or men who did not have any mature sperm cells. The incidence of complete spermatogenic arrest rose from 8 per cent to 20 per cent, and of partial spermatogenic arrest from 31.4 per cent to 48.5 per cent. The weight of the men's testicles had also diminished during the 10 years. Earlier studies had already indicated a long-term lowering of both sperm, in quantity and quality. A British study last year showed that men born in the 1970s produced on average 25 per cent fewer sperm than those born in the 1950s.


  

An annual decline of 2 per cent suggested that boys born 60 years from now 265 could be infertile. – PA” “Research into declining male fertility was controversial because the results relied on sperm counts made on semen samples, which are notoriously unreliable. But researchers led by Jarkko Parjarinen of the University of Helsinki avoided the problem by examining We stffl tissue from the testes, taken at post-mortem from 528 middle-aged Finnish men who died suddenly in either 1981 or 1991. Among the men who died in 1981, 56.4 per cent had normal, healthy sperm production. By 1991, however, this figure had dropped dramatically to 26.9 per cent. The average weight of the men’s testes decreased over the decade, while the proportion of useless, fibrous tissue increased, says a paper from the Finnish team in the 4 January issue 266 of the British Medical Journal.” "The average sperm count of men may have fallen by as much as 29 per 267 cent over the past 12 years, according to a large new UK study." “A survey of 1,350 sperm donors in Paris found a decline in sperm counts by around 2% each year over the past 23 years, with younger men having the 268 poorest-quality semen” “Results from a study of sperm counts among men attending Scottish fertility clinics between 1989 and 2002 were announced recently at the fourth joint meeting of the Association of Clinical Embryologists and the British Fertility Society, 5-6 January 2004. The SPIN (Semen Parameters in the Northeast) study measured sperm counts in more than 16,000 semen samples from over 7,500 men attending the Aberdeen Fertility Centre. They found that among men with sperm counts within the normal range (above 20 million sperm per millilitre), the average sperm count had fallen over 14 years from around 87 million sperm per ml to 62 [million] sperm per ml. Although still well within normal parameters, this decrease represented a 29% drop in 269 average sperm levels over this period.” “Today the numbers of infertile men are much higher than it was during the last decade. The recent Male Fertility Study, compiled by Norwich Union Healthcare indicates that 2.5 million British men are affected. It is estimated 270 that one in 10 male has infertility problem due to low sperm count.” “In a well-respected study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, an American reproductive epidemiologist named Shanna Swan published work confirming that sperm counts are dropping by about 1.5 percent a year in the United States and 3 percent in Europe and Australia, though they do not appear to be falling in the less-developed world. This may not sound like a lot, but cumulatively - like compound interest - a drop of 1 percent has a big 271 effect.” “The quality of New Zealand men’s sperm has halved in two decades – the most dramatic drop of any Western country. . . A gathering of international fertility researchers in Brisbane [were] told the sperm count carried by the average New Zealand man decreased from about 110 million to 50 million 272 per millilitre between 1987 and 2007”

While falling fertility among males is happening there are other factors arising that also impact on reproduction: 

   


In an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association researchers from the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC, show that the number of male births in several industrialized nations has declined significantly in the past few decades. Devra Lee Davis and colleagues examined data from Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada and the US, and found similar declines in the sex ratio, or the number of male births per female births, in these countries. Damaged sperm have been linked to a 300% increase in testicular cancer - a form of cancer that affects young men in their 20s and 30s. The number of boys born with penis abnormalities and genital defects has increased by 200% in the past two decades. Boys have a higher incidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, Tourett's syndrome, cerebral palsy and dyslexia. Boys are four times as likely to be autistic.

Now all the facts I have just given are easily verified.


"If the decrease in sperm counts were to continue at the rate that it is then in a few decades we will witness widespread male infertility.” Interviewer:

I must say I had no idea on how serious this problem of infertility is.


Well there is also the problem of female infertility. It is estimated that female reproductive problems account for 40 percent of all infertility cases facing couples. Of course it has been the trend for women to wait until their thirties before starting a family; this of course reduces their chances of conceiving as a woman’s fertility peaks around the age of 19-24, and generally declines after 30. A woman’s fertility starts declining as early as her late 20s – not in her 30s as was previously thought, according to a study published in Human Reproduction, Europe’s leading journal of reproductive medicine. “Female Fertility Starts Declining From 20s” html Numerous studies have documented the increased risk for miscarriage and increase in infertility as women age. As women age the incidence of chromosomally abnormal eggs increases dramatically; poor egg quality results in poor embryo quality, which reduces the chances of becoming pregnant and having a successful outcome. Also male children born to older women tend to have a lower fertility because of damage to mitochondrial DNA. It is also interesting to note that male children born to older women tend to have a lower fertility because of damage to mitochondrial DNA.


Mitochondrial DNA…?


Mitochondrial DNA


You mentioned in the section "Domination: Obsession & Power " that fluoride has been shown to cause hormone disruption and low sperm counts. Do you believe that fluoride is playing a major part in the decline of fertility?


Firstly, it should be explained that there are two types of fluoride. Calcium fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride's toxic effects.

is maternally inherited - inherited from the mother

On the other hand, the type of fluorides, fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride, added to water supplies and toothpaste, etc, are industrial waste products of the nuclear, aluminium, and now mostly the phosphate industries. Now when I use the term fluoride it covers all the three types that occur as waste products from the various industries just mentioned. While both types of fluoride, the naturally occurring calcium fluoride and the industrial waste fluorides all contain fluoride, they are in fact totally different chemical compounds, therefore the effects on the human body will be different. In fact it has been claimed that industrial waste fluoride is 85 times more toxic than natural 274 occurring calcium fluoride. This was proven in a scientific study done some years ago called "Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds." After this study was completed, this statement was made: "…this meant a daily intake of approximately 40 mg/kg of fluorine from sodium fluoride as compared with 3400 mg/kg from calcium fluoride. Therefore, from the standpoint of lethal concentrations and amount of


fluorine necessary to cause growth inhibition, wide differences in toxicity of some of the compounds of fluoride were noted." There is strong evidence that fluoride is a contributor but I believe that there are a number of other contributing factors playing a part. Interviewer:

You say strong evidence…I gather you have done research into this subject.


Yes I have over the last several years.


Could you give some highlights from your investigation to back up your claims?


Sure…no problem. The following is an extract from a document released by the (US) National Federation of Federal Employees entitled "WHY EPA'S HEADQUARTERS UNION OF 275 SCIENTISTS OPPOSES FLUORIDATION": 276

“In 1995, Mullenix and co-workers showed that rats given fluoride in drinking water at levels that give rise to plasma fluoride concentrations in the range seen in humans suffer neurotoxic effects that vary according to when the rats were given the fluoride - as adult animals, as young animals, or through the placenta before birth. Those exposed before birth were born hyperactive and remained so throughout their lives. Those exposed as young or adult animals displayed depressed activity. Then in 1998, Guan and co277 workers gave doses similar to those used by the Mullenix research group to try to understand the mechanism(s) underlying the effects seen by the Mullenix group. Guan's group found that several key chemicals in the brain those that form the membrane of brain cells - were substantially depleted in rats given fluoride, as compared to those who did not get fluoride.” The article then goes on to state some startling facts: “In support of this concern are results from two epidemiology studies from 278 279 China, - that show decreases in I.Q. in children who get more fluoride than the control groups of children in each study. These decreases are about 5 to 10 I.Q. points in children aged 8 to 13 years. “Another troubling brain effect has recently surfaced: fluoride's interference with the function of the brain's pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin which, among other roles, mediates the body's internal clock, 280 doing such things as governing the onset of puberty. Jennifer Luke has shown that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and inhibits its production of melatonin. She showed in test animals that this inhibition causes an earlier onset of sexual maturity, an effect reported in humans as well in 1956, as part of the Kingston/Newburgh study, which is discussed below. In fluoridated Newburgh, young girls experienced earlier onset of menstruation (on average, by six months) than girls in non-fluoridated 281 Kingston. ” [Emphasis added] Now 125 years ago, the average American girl reached puberty at age 17 but presently the average age is below 10 - and dropping with every month that 282 passes. It is not only the US that has experienced a lowering in the age of girls attending puberty at an increasingly younger age. The magazine New Zealand Listener had an article "Growth spurt" which stated "that the average age of puberty has crept down" in New Zealand and that: "According to the Ministry of Health, puberty starts for New 283 Zealand girls some time between nine and 14."


Of course there is the problem of precocious puberty which involves a "growing number of young children beginning puberty early. They are getting breasts, beginning menstruation and growing sexual hair as young as three or four-years-old, 284 some even sooner." Now to the average person this may not sound all that much to get worried about, but taking into consideration that a woman has only so many fertile years it would be logical to conclude that the earlier that a female reaches puberty – the beginning of fertility – the earlier in life her fertility will start declining. And while on the subject of female reproductive health; State University of New York researchers in the USA found more premature births in fluoridated than nonfluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a presentation made at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting on November 9, 2009 in 285 Philadelphia. In a research document entitled "Influence of Fluoride Intake on Reproduction in Mice" by H. H. Messer, et al, the researchers state the following: "Female mice were fed a low fluoride diet (0.1 to 0.3 ppm fluoride) plus drinking water containing 0, 50, 100 or 200 ppm fluoride as sodium fluoride. Toxic effects of fluoride were evidenced by retarded growth and impaired reproduction in mice with intakes of 100 and 200 ppm fluoride, and the higher level resulted in a high mortality rate (50% deaths in 5 weeks). Mice with a low fluoride intake developed signs of fluorine deficiency, with a progressive development of infertility in two successive generations. Growth rate and litter size were not affected by the low fluoride intake, but the percentage of mice producing litters was lower, and the age at delivery of the first litter was greater than in mice receiving 50 ppm fluoride." [Emphasis added] Another group of researchers



“Decrease in male reproductive potential was observed in rats and rabbits after exposure to fluoride (Kumar & Susheela 1994, 1995; Narayana & Chinoy 1994; Zhang et al. 2000; Collins et al. 2001). Besides decreased sperm count, sperm motility, the sperm viability and HOS sperm coiling percentages were also adversely affected in NaF-exposed rats. These changes were greater in rats exposed to higher dose of NaF. The decreased testicular steroidogenic enzyme activity levels may lead to decreased steroidogenesis in experimental rats, which in turn may suppress the reproductive activities in the male rats." [Emphasis added] While much evidence is there to condemn fluoride as dangerous and it does in fact impact on human fertility we can not lay the blame for all the rise of infertility in the 287 industrialised world at the feet of this chemical. A Reuter’s article in April 2009, "First European evidence for earlier female puberty" stated: "NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Girls are beginning to grow breasts at an earlier age, and starting their periods sooner too, new research from Denmark shows. "The findings back up recent studies that found earlier breast development in American girls over the past several years, but still can't answer the question of why this might be happening, Dr. Lise Aksglaede of Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, the lead researcher on the study, told Reuters Health. 'At this point, we don't know what is happening, and that is also what worries us.’ "Aksglaede noted that she and her colleagues have seen an increasing number of girls with precocious puberty, meaning sexual maturation beginning before age eight." It should be pointed out that Norway does not add fluoride to its drinking water, 288 although some sources of drinking water does have naturally accruing fluoride concentrations ranging with time from 1.4 to 2.4 ppm, the authorities in the Nordic 289 countries recommend the use of fluoride toothpaste twice a day.



What other chemicals cause or have been implemented in impairing fertility?


I believe that one of the main causes of concern is a number of chemicals used in a large range of plastic items. One group of chemicals are called phthalates. [Pronounced "THAL-ates"] Phthalates, or phthalate esters, are esters of phthalic acid which are oily, colourless liquids that have been used as plasticizers - added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. These chemicals are found in many thousands of plastic items from products as vinyl flooring and seat coverings, raincoats, shower curtains, garden hoses, a variety of hospital equipment, children’s toys and items such as teething rings for children. They are even used in sex toys, in the coatings of pharmaceuticals to create "enteric" coatings and in the plastic linings of food and beverage cans. Phthalates are also used to “fix” scents in products such as lotions, shampoos, soaps, and cosmetics. There are numerous types of phthalates used. I believe there are about two dozen common phthalates used, eight-ten phthalate aka 810P, butylbenzyl phthalate aka BBP, di-n-butyl phthalate aka DBP, diethyl phthalate aka DEP, diisobutyl phthalate aka DIBP, diisohexyl phthalate aka DIHP, diisononyl phthalate aka DINP, dimethyl phthalate aka DMP, and dipropyl phthalate aka DPP, and the list goes on. Another dangerous chemical used in a number of plastics is called Bisphenol A, which is commonly abbreviated as BPA. Unlike phthalates, which are found in soft plastic products, BPA is found in hard plastics like baby bottles and plastic containers such as plastic water bottles. It is also used in the plastic linings of food and beverage cans. Phthalates are easily released into the environment because there is no covalent bond between the phthalates and plastics in which they are mixed. As plastics age and break down the release of phthalates accelerates. But what is not generally known by the public is that phthalates are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals aka EDC’s which interfere with the function of sex hormone receptors in humans. Hundreds of animal studies have demonstrated that phthalates can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system, especially the developing testes. They can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled as fumes, ingested when they contaminate food or when children bite or suck on toys, and are inadvertently directly administered to patients from PVC medical devices. 290

As stated in the 2002 “Aggregate Exposures to Phthalates in Humans” report:

“Reports in the scientific literature over the past 10-15 years have raised additional concerns. Developing organisms are uniquely vulnerable to phthalate exposures, and in particular, the developing male reproductive tract appears to be the most sensitive organ system. Abnormal development of the testes, penis, and other components of the male reproductive tract occurs at levels of exposure that are hundreds or thousands of times lower than those necessary to cause damage in adults.” [Emphasis added] In animal tests, DBP - dibutyl phthalate - has been shown to produce detrimental 291 effects. The US based Environmental Working Group , a non-profit environmental research organization, found that: “DBP is a developmental and reproductive toxin that in lab animals causes a broad range of birth defects and lifelong reproductive impairment in males [when] exposed in utero and shortly after birth. DBP damages the testes, prostate gland, epididymus, penis, and seminal vesicles. These effects persist throughout the animal's life." In fact men who enjoy chugging down a can of beer or sucking on bottled water might be feeling the after effects in the bedroom if what a group of Chinese researchers found is correct. Interviewer:

What do you mean?


As I mentioned before that the plastic linings of food and beverage cans contain BPA. Researchers in China conducted a five year study of 634 male workers from four Chinese factories where exposure to BPA was significant. Researchers then


compared the incidence of sexual dysfunction among these men with a control group who did not have workplace exposure to BPA. The result: The men who were exposed to the BPA were four times more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction and seven times as likely to have difficulty with ejaculation. Moreover, it didn't take long periods of exposure for the sexual problems to kick in. Indeed, men who worked in the factories only a matter of months appeared to be as affected as those who spent 292 years being exposed to the chemical. I wonder if this is the reason for the noticeable increase in advertising offering men the opportunity to pop a pill to help them with erectile dysfunction, a disorder that has become one of the many epidemics in our new plastic world. Interviewer:

So you are saying that food stored in plastic can becomes contaminated with the chemicals contained in plastics?


An interesting article "Are Plastic Food and Beverage Containers Safe?" Ferrel mentions a study released in 2003 by Croatian scientists:


by James

"In 2003 a group of Croatian scientists reported that phthalates in plastics dissolved in various solutions. They used a variety of plastic items, including plastic food containers. After 10 days of sitting in distilled water, an average of 55.4 mg/ of phthalates from each kilogram of plastic ‘migrated’ into the water. To a lesser degree the phthalates from plastics dissolved into acetic acid 3% (44.4 mg/kg) and 10% ethyl alcohol (32.3 mg/kg)." The article then points out: "Fatty foods in plastic containers are even more problematic, as fats are absorbed differently and carry their phthalate solvents into our bodies more easily. Phthalates bio-accumulate because of their fat solubility. Phthalates concentrate in such fat organs in our bodies such as brains, prostates, testicles, ovaries, breasts and, unfortunately, breast milk. (The other popular food alternatives for infants are worse. Commercial baby formulas are loaded with the manmade phthalates.)" It is also interesting to note that a study examining the association between employment in the plastics industry and infertility found higher incidences of infertility 294 among women working in the plastics industry. Not only can phthalates apparently affect women’s fertility but if expectant mothers are exposed to this chemical during pregnancy, they may then feminize their unborn male babies. 295

A BBC News article last November covering research at the University of Rochester in the UK showed that two types of phthalates can affect boys play behaviour and can make boys more like girls. Elizabeth Salter-Green, head of the British group CHEMTrust, called the chemicals “true gender benders”, and said parents should be concerned about the impact on their children. The news item stated that there "are many different types and some mimic the female hormone oestrogen." and that: "Phthalates have the ability to disrupt hormones" and "impact on the developing brain, by knocking out the action of the male hormone testosterone." The Telegraph, a UK publication, also had an article on the above research and stated: “Scientists at the University of Rochester in New York discovered that boys born to women exposed to phthalates had smaller penises and other feminisation of 296 the genitals.”


One must wonder what researchers would find if they investigated the relationship of the impact of these chemicals in regards to sexual orientation in males and whether there was a connection between these chemicals and what appears to be the increasing incidence of homosexuality; it would be logical to conclude that feminised males would be more susceptible to a homosexual lifestyle. Interviewer:

So you think that phthalates could affect a child’s sexual orientation as it develops?


I suspect there could very well be a connection. While a number of phthalates have a feminising effort on boys there is a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that the other chemical I previously mentioned Bisphenol A, commonly referred to as BPA, is masculinising girls. One of the latest studies involving BPA reported by USA Today



"In the study of 249 pregnant women, the first to examine the effects of BPA on children's behavior, researchers found that girls whose mothers had the highest levels of BPA during pregnancy were more aggressive and hyperactive at age 2 than other girls. Findings appear today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. "Girls were more likely to be aggressive if their mothers had high levels of BPA - an estrogen-like chemical used in many consumer products - early in pregnancy or at about 16 weeks, the study says." While BPA apparently makes young females more aggressive it is interesting to note that the above study showed “evidence of increased depression and anxiousness 298 among BPA-exposed boys.” Interviewer:

How long has BPA been used in plastics?


I believe that BPA was invented 1891 but it wasn't until the 1930’s that scientists discovered that BPA was an artificial estrogen and its use soon after began as a pharmaceutical hormone. Another drug, diethylstilbestrol aka DES was invented in 1938 which was a stronger estrogen mimic then BPA; in 1941 the US FDA approved DES which resulted in BPA being shelved. I believe in was in the early 1950’s that it was discovered that adding BPA to certain plastics gave them strength and thus BPA once again had a commercial use. It should be noted that BPA has been suspected of being hazardous to humans since the 1930s and yet it appears that this was kept from the public’s attention until recent times when independent researchers learnt of BPA’s insidious influence upon the human body.

Some type 3 plastics may leach bisphenol A


Some type 7 plastics may leach bisphenol A

You say “insidious influence” could you elaborate briefly?



I will give you a few highlights from what researchers have discovered which you can easily verify: 

Low doses of the environmental contaminant bisphenol A (BPA), widely used to make many plastics found in food storage containers, including feeding bottles for infants, can impair brain function, leading to learning disabilities and age–related neurodegenerative diseases, according to Yale researchers and colleagues. "These data heighten concerns about the potential long– term consequences of human BPA exposure," said Neil J. MacLusky of Helen Hayes Hospital, who conducted the study with Csaba Leranth, M.D., professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences and in the Department of Neurobiology at Yale School of Medicine. Leranth's group, which also included Tibor Hajszan, M.D., a research scientist at Yale, found that low doses of BPA in female rats inhibit estrogen–induction of synaptic connections in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with expression of sexually differentiated 299 behaviours, as well as with formation and retention of memory. [Emphasis added] Hugh Taylor, MD, professor and chief of the reproductive endocrinology section at Yale University School of Medicine and his co-workers at Yale injected pregnant mice with a low dose of BPA on pregnancy days 9 to 16. After the mice gave birth, the scientists analyzed the uterus of female offspring and extracted DNA. They found that BPA exposure during pregnancy had a lasting effect on one of the genes that is responsible for uterine development and subsequent fertility in both mice and humans (HOXA10). Furthermore, these changes in the offspring's 300 uterine DNA resulted in a permanent increase in estrogen sensitivity. [Emphasis added] The contaminant bisphenol-A (BPA)--widely used to make many plastics found in food storage containers and dental products - can have long-term effects in female development, according to a recent study by Yale School of Medicine researchers. . . Taylor explained that if pregnant women are exposed to the estrogen-like properties found in BPA, it may impact female reproductive tract development and the future fertility of female foetuses the mother is carrying. In addition to this new link to fertility and reproductive health, previous findings by Csaba Leranth, M.D., also in Yale Ob/Gyn, found that low doses of BPA in female rats inhibited estrogen induction in the brain. This can lead to learning impairment and, in old age, 301 the onset of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. [Emphasis added] Bisphenol A, a chemical widely used in plastics and known to cause reproductive problems in the offspring of pregnant mice exposed to it, also has been found to retard the growth of follicles of adult mice and hinder their production of steroid hormones, researchers report. Their study is the first to show that chronic exposure to low doses of BPA can impair the growth and function of adult reproductive cells. The researchers will describe their findings this month at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. A healthy, mature follicle, called an antral follicle, includes a single egg cell surrounded by layers of cells and fluid which support the egg and produce steroid hormones, said University of Illinois veterinary biosciences professor Jodi Flaws, who led the study with graduate student Jackye Peretz. "These are the only follicles that are capable of ovulating and so if they don't grow properly they're not going to ovulate and there could be fertility issues," Flaws said. "These follicles also make sex steroid hormones, and so if they don't grow properly you're not going to get proper amounts of these hormones." Such hormones are essential for reproduction, she said, "but they're also required for healthy bones, a healthy heart and a healthy 302 mood." [Emphasis added] When it comes to Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure from polycarbonate plastic bottles, it's not whether the container is new or old but the liquid's temperature that has the most impact on how much BPA is released, according to University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists. Scott Belcher, PhD, and his team found when the same new and used polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA, an environmental estrogen, was released 55 times more rapidly than before exposure to hot water. "Inspired by questions from the climbing community, we went directly to tests based on how consumers use these plastic water bottles and showed that


the only big difference in exposure levels revolved around liquid temperature: Bottles used for up to nine years released the same amount of BPA as new 303 bottles." [Emphasis added] A new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers found that participants who drank for a week from polycarbonate bottles - the popular, hard-plastic drinking bottles and baby bottles - showed a two-thirds increase in their urine of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). Exposure to BPA, used in the manufacture of polycarbonate and other plastics, has been shown to interfere with reproductive development in animals and has been linked with cardiovascular disease and diabetes in humans. "We found that drinking cold liquids from polycarbonate bottles for just one week increased urinary BPA levels by more than two-thirds. If you heat those bottles, as is the case with baby bottles, we would expect the levels to be considerably higher. This would be of concern since infants may be particularly susceptible to BPA's endocrine-disrupting potential," said Karin B. Michels, associate professor of epidemiology at HSPH and Harvard 304 Medical School and senior author of the study. [Emphasis added] In 1988, Patricia Hunt was conducting a routine experiment in her lab at Case Western Reserve University when she ran into an unforeseen complication. All of a sudden, the geneticist noticed that 40 percent of the eggs of mice in her control group - the group she was not experimenting on had defects in chromosome behaviour, the kind of defects that can lead to genetic errors like Down syndrome in humans, and that normally occur in just 1 to 2 percent of all mouse eggs. . . Ultimately, Hunt and her colleagues traced the problem back to the plastic cages the mice inhabited. Just before the spike in egg abnormalities, they discovered, a lab technician had accidentally washed the cages with a harsh detergent that caused the plastic 305 to begin breaking down. [Emphasis added] Researchers at Yale School of Medicine now have a clearer understanding of why synthetic estrogens such as those found in many widely-used plastics have a detrimental effect on a developing foetus, cause fertility problems, as well as vaginal and breast cancers. . . Pregnant women are frequently exposed to other similar substances with estrogen-like properties, such as Bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is found in common household plastics and has recently been linked to long-term fertility problems. Like DES, these other substances may also impact female reproductive tract development and the 306 future fertility of female foetuses. [Emphasis added]

It is also interesting to note that an association between BPA and an increased risk of 307 miscarriage has also been found. BPA exposure is linked to an error in cell division called aneuploidy, which causes 10-20% of all birth defects in people, including Down Syndrome. In studies with mice, BPA causes aneuploidy even at extremely low 308 doses. Now I should explain that aneuploidy is an error in cell division that results in cells having the wrong number of chromosomes. In some cases there is a missing chromosome, while in others an extra. Most cases of aneuploidy result in spontaneous miscarriage of the foetus, but those babies that survive to birth after aneuploidy are born with birth defects. Interviewer:

Surely with all the evidence available manufacturers using BPA would be looking for a safe alternative and be warning consumers of the dangers?


Maybe so in a perfect world. For a start the global production of bisphenol A in 2003 309 was estimated to be over 2 million tonnes and that the amount of BPA used in the 310 US is equivalent to six pounds per habitant per year thus the production of BPA is a multi-billion dollar industry and its continued production and use is supported by some very powerful interests. Of course the manufacturers of BPA and those with a vested interest in its use have responded to concern about health risks by criticizing the evidence as controversial, limited and overblown. Take for example an article that appeared in The Washington Post exposing how big businesses interests were planning a strategy to counteract a growing public concern over the dangers associated with BPA. "According to internal notes of a private meeting, obtained by The Washington Post, frustrated industry executives huddled for hours Thursday trying to figure out how to tamp down public concerns over the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. The notes said the executives are particularly


concerned about the views of young mothers, who often make purchasing decisions for households and who are most likely to be focused on health concerns. . . Industry representatives weighed a range of ideas, including ‘using fear tactics [e.g. 'Do you want to have access to baby food anymore?' as well as giving control back to consumers (e.g. you have a choice between the more expensive product that is frozen or fresh or foods packaged in cans) as ways to dissuade people from choosing BPA-free packaging,' the notes said...The attendees estimated it would cost $500,000 to craft a message for a public relations campaign, according to the notes. ‘Their 'holy grail' spokesperson would be a 'pregnant young mother who would be willing to speak around the country about the 311 benefits of BPA,' the notes said." [Emphasis added]

The leaked Coca Cola memo can be found here [May need to copy and paste the URL into your browser]

Independent Science Shows Harmful Effects from BPA while Industry claims there is none Interviewer:

Are you claiming that vested interests are hiding the dangers of BPA from the public…surely a number of people would consider such a statement as outrageous?


An outrageous statement…well to the naïve person it may appear so, but if one has a understanding of how all these big businesses are linked to those powerful elites pushing for population reduction then it does not appear to sound all that outrageous at all. Now whether or not there is a conspiracy on behalf of these elites to cover up the impact of these estrogen type chemicals I am unable to say with any certainty as I have not researched that angle. But never-the-less one should not dismiss such a possibility taking into account the links between the main manufactures of BPA in the US such as, Bayer MaterialScience, Dow Chemical Company, SABIC Innovative Plastics - formerly GE Plastics - Hexion Specialty Chemicals, and Sunoco Chemicals and their link to such organisations as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission; organisations that, as I have previously stated, support and promote population reduction. Now when we look at phthalates we find also that the manufacturing of this group of chemicals is also a multibillion dollar enterprise. If we look at Western Europe for example we find that over one million tons of phthalates are produced there each 312 year. Of course any talk of phthalates being dangerous to humans is vigorously countered by vested interests in the manufacturing and marketing of phthalates. A good example would be when researchers discovered a link between prenatal exposure to the phthalates DEHP and DBP. The European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates, aka ECPI, issued a press release stating that this research “claiming to show prenatal exposure to DEHP and DBP has feminising effect on 313 young boys should be treated with extreme caution”.


What is the ECPI exactly?


It is a Brussels-based trade association representing the common interests of European manufacturers of plasticisers. The ECPI's membership consists of nine major European manufacturers such as Arkema, BASF AG, Evonik Oxeno GmbH, ExxonMobil Chemical in Europe, OXEA GmbH, Oxochimie, and Perstorp Oxo AB. Of course it should be realised that the ECPI is just a public relations front, or if you wish to be blunt a propaganda organisation, for a much larger trade body the CEFIC - the European Chemical Industry Council - which represents the views and interests of the European chemical industry at a European Union level. Of course a quick study of the seven major European manufacturers of phthalates I just mentioned reveals that at least some of the top executives and major shareholders in these companies have a close relationship to such organisations as the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. Of course I have to emphasise again that these organisations I just


mention, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission, are all obsessed with population reduction. Interviewer:

How extensive are these connections?


During my research I stumbled across a number of interesting connections but as of yet I have not had the time to do an in-depth investigation.


Do you intend to follow this up?


If or when I get the time I most probable will; at the moment though I haven’t the time as I am involved in a number of other projects.


You stated that BPA apparently makes young females more aggressive …now I’m a bit confused here. I thought that the male hormone testosterone is usually associated with aggression…can a compound that is estrogenic increase aggressiveness in females?


Although estrogen is often considered a “female hormone,” it actually helps to “masculinise” the male brain around the 11th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. The New 314 American quotes Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatrist and author of the book, “The Female Brain” on this subject: “In the developing brain, timing is everything.” Brizendine goes on to say; “I'm worried that tiny amounts of this stuff [BPA], given at just the wrong time, could partly masculinise the female brain.”


But what you have just stated would it be too far fetch to consider that man-made chemicals could also be increasing the incidence of lesbianism?


That is a very good point. I remember stating in the "Questions & Answers: August 2007" that according to research “polycystic ovarian syndrome is twice as common in lesbians.” When I was doing research into the impact of the various chemicals used in plastics I remembered that “polycystic ovarian syndrome” seem to play a role in lesbianism so I did a bit of checking and discovered a few interesting facts that seemed to point to such a connection. [NOTE: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (pronounced pah-lee-SIS-tik) is also referred to as Polycystic Ovarian Disease and Polycystic Ovary Disease] An association between BPA exposure polycystic ovarian syndrome has been made 315 by Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, M.D., of Yale University, USA. Japanese scientists found that women with polycystic ovarian syndrome had higher serum levels of BPA relative to women with normal ovarian function, and that there were positive correlations between BPA concentrations and androgen levels 316 (Takeuchi et al. 2006). Taken in its totality, the range of toxic effects linked to BPA is startlingly similar to the litany of human health problems on the rise or common across the population, including breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, obesity, infertility, and polycystic 317 ovarian syndrome (Myers 2007). Regarding the link between polycystic ovarian syndrome and lesbianism? Researchers have found the first evidence that a common cause of infertility in women is more prevalent amongst lesbians than heterosexuals, and they suggest that the biochemical disorder associated with the condition might contribute to the women's sexual orientation. . . Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the commonest cause of ovarian dysfunction in women and is caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. One of the main features of PCOS is hyperandrogenism [male steroid hormones in women causing excess facial and body hair, deepening of the voice and loss of breast tissue] and now that the researchers have discovered the increased prevalence of PCOS amongst lesbian women they hypothesize that 318 hyperandrogenism could be contributing to the women's sexual orientation. Researchers found that the prevalence of PCO [polycystic ovaries] was 32% in 319 heterosexual women and 80% in lesbian women.


[Note: The term 'polycystic ovaries' describes the ovaries, as seen on the ultrasound scan. Many women have ovaries that are polycystic, but do not have any of the other symptoms or hormone findings as described previously] Now I have mentioned a few studies done on the connection between BPA and polycystic ovarian syndrome. The connection between it all is just a matter of connecting the dots. Well we know that BPA’s are gender benders and we also know that BPA’s are linked to polycystic ovarian syndrome and that the incidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome is much higher among lesbian women. I believe a strong case exists that lesbianism to a large degree is created due to one or more chemical contaminants. Interviewer:

Do you have any idea on how widespread polycystic ovarian syndrome is?


According to the US based Hormone Foundation: "As the leading cause of infertility and the most common hormone disorder among women of childbearing age (15-45) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects as many as 7 million women in the United States alone." The Foundation also list some of the symptoms associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome such as:


   

Irregular menstrual cycles - Fewer periods than normal or periods marked by heavy or excessive bleeding Infertility - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome inhibits a woman’s ability to form eggs in a normal way, which may lead to an inability to conceive Unwanted body or facial hair growth - Because Polycystic Ovary Syndrome involves the excess production of androgens, it can lead to thicker and darker facial hair as well as increased hair growth on other parts of the body Weight gain - Another common symptom of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is that women gain weight easily while having difficulty taking it off 321

Another article this time in the UK online magazine Healthy states that: “PCOS is the most common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age. Up to one in four women in industrialised countries has certain features of the condition and most of them don’t even know it. Symptoms of PCOS typically start in puberty and continue through adulthood, and can range from very mild to severe.” [Emphasis added] Interviewer:

You state a strong case exists that lesbianism to a large degree is created due to one or more chemical contaminants. Do you have any other evidence based on research to add apart from the connection with polycystic ovarian syndrome?


A while ago I came across two interesting documents by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. In one study using positron emission tomography the researchers studied responses to a testosterone derivative in men's sweat, called AND, and an estrogen-related compound in women's urine, called EST on heterosexual men and women and homosexual men and lesbian women. 322

In the 2006 study the researchers discovered that when heterosexual women and homosexual men smelled AND their brains showed activity in the anterior hypothalamus, a region of the brain that is highly involved in sexual behaviour but EST only produced activity in the olfactory region of their brains which is the area that processes smells. But when heterosexual men smelled AND it only produced activity in the olfactory region of their brains while EST produced activity in the anterior hypothalamus. 323

In a second study done in 2007 on lesbian women and positron emission tomography the researchers discovered in contrast to heterosexual women, lesbian women processed AND stimuli by the olfactory networks and not the anterior hypothalamus. Furthermore, when smelling EST, they partly shared activation of the anterior hypothalamus with heterosexual men. The article states that the data supported the researchers’ “previous results about differentiated processing of pheromone-like stimuli in humans and further strengthen the notion of a coupling between hypothalamic neuronal circuits and sexual preferences.” Interviewer:

You say that when smelling EST, they partly shared activation of the anterior hypothalamus with heterosexual men. Any ideas on why this should be so when the


results from tests with homosexual men and heterosexual men and women were so cut and dry? QE:

Interesting point. In regards to lesbian women showing similar brain activity to heterosexual men when they inhaled EST the lead researcher, Ivanka Savic, 324 stated: "We can't say whether the differences are because of pre-existing differences in their brains, or if past sexual experiences have conditioned their brains to respond differently." Now this bit about brain conditioning which implies a psychological manipulation ring a bell in my mind regarding what the molecular geneticist and researcher Angela Pattatucci said about lesbianism being “culturally transmitted”. If it is true that lesbianism can be “culturally transmitted” this would mean, in some women at least, that lesbianism is brought about by psychological conditioning and is not chemically driven. 325

In regard to this I found a statement by Dr. Dean Hamer, who was at the time, chief of gene structure and regulation at the Laboratory of Biochemistry at the National Cancer Institute in the USA, quite revealing when he said: “Women tend to be more sexually fluid. We've interviewed lesbians who have always identified as lesbian but who fantasize about men.” If what Dr. Hamer says is correct in that women “tend to be more sexually fluid” this would give weight to Angela Pattatucci’s statement that lesbianism can be “culturally transmitted”. Interviewer:

What is the anterior hypothalamus?


The anterior hypothalamus is part of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is located below the thalamus, just above the brain stem. In humans, it is roughly the size of an almond that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions. One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.


Right…I understand.


The published results from the 2006 study lesbian women states:


done by the Karolinska Institute involving

“In animals, the choice of sexual partner is highly influenced by signals from sex-specific pheromones. These signals are processed by specific nuclei located in the anterior hypothalamus, identified as male and female mating centers. A lesion of the respective mating center as well as impairment of pheromone transduction may alter the coital approach in a sex-specific way. For example, electrolytic lesion of the preoptic area is reported to shift the mean preference of male ferrets away from the estrous females to the stud males. Male rats are found to reduce their coital behavior after destruction of the preoptic area and show more interest in stimulus males than receptive females. Female ferrets, however, preferred females after destruction of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and did not allow males to intromit, whereas female rats increased the proportion of female approaches after kindling of the preoptic area.” [Emphasis added] [The preoptic area is a region of the hypothalamus. According to the MeSH classification, it is considered part of the anterior hypothalamus.]


[The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus is a nucleus of the middle hypothalamus, the largest cell group of the tuberal region with small-to-medium size cells.] Now it was this reference to damage to the “preoptic area” changing the sexual orientation of animals that made me think about the possibility of damage to the hypothalamus in humans also affecting their sexual orientation. 327

I came across an article in The Advocate that mentioned a study by Simon LeVay that showed that the anterior hypothalamus was twice as large in straight men as in 328 gay men. I tracked an article down relating to this research and it stated that LeVay had “found that a particular cluster of cells in the forefront of the hypothalamus was, on average, less than half as large in the brains of homosexual men as in their heterosexual counterparts.” It also mentioned that “the hypothalamus is known as the seat of the emotions and sexual drives.” Now being cautious I looked for more similar research to see that if after researchers had reached the same conclusion. I found an interesting article entitled 329 "Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture" by Ryan D. Johnson that mentioned two other studies. One in 1990 by D.F. Swaab who “became the first to document a physiological difference in the anatomical structure of a gay man's brain. Swaab found in his post-mortem examination of homosexual males' brains that a portion of the hypothalamus of the brain was structurally different than a heterosexual brain. The hypothalamus is the portion of the human brain directly related to sexual drive and function.” The other study by scientist Laura S. Allen around the same time as Swaab’s also made a similar discovery. Now it appeared logical to me that if the anterior hypothalamus plays a part in sexual preference, to consider the possibility that the anterior hypothalamus could be compromised by chemicals originating outside of the body i.e. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. 330

A bit of searching found an interesting study by L. Monje, et al, which examined the effects of neonatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A, also referred to as BPA, on the hypothalamic circuitry controlling the female sexual behaviours of adult rats. The study concluded that; “Our results show that BPA permanently alters the hypothalamic estrogen-dependent mechanisms that govern sexual behavior in the adult female rat.” [Emphasis added] 331

Another study by T. Funabashi, et al, dealing with rats stated; "The present study suggests that BPA influences reproductive functions, including sexual behaviour even in adulthood, by altering the PR system in the hypothalamus." [Emphasis added] In the article by Ryan D. Johnson


which I mentioned previously he states:

“The neuroendocrine viewpoint's basic hypothesis is that sexual orientation is determined by the early levels (probably prenatal) of androgen on relevant 333 neural structures. If highly exposed to these androgens, the fetus will become masculinized, or attracted to females. This research was conducted on rats at Stanford. The adult female rats that received male-typical levels of androgens sufficiently early in development exhibited male symptoms of attraction. The same was true in the reverse when applied to the male subjects. The female exposed to high levels of the hormone exhibited high levels of aggression and sexual drive toward other females, eventually trying to mount the other females in an act of reproduction. In the males, the subject who received deficient levels of androgen became submissive in matters of sexual drive and reproduction and were willing to receive the sexual act of the other 334 male rat. ” [Emphasis added] Even though the researchers used rats it should be remembered that the hypothalamus has the same function in all mammals.

The hypothalamus has the same function in all mammals Interviewer:

What are androgens?



Androgens come in two chief forms, testosterone and androstenedione, that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics in vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors. Now another researcher, A.E. Taylor


states :

"Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive disorder that is first clinically diagnosable approximately 3 years after menarche. Women with PCOS have exaggerated gonadotropin secretion, with an elevated LH/FSH ratio, as well as an increased frequency and amplitude of LH pulsations. Since the elevated pulse frequency is a marker of unusually rapid hypothalamic GnRH secretion, these results imply a defect at the level of the hypothalamus." [Emphasis added] It was on reading this and taking into account that it has been claimed that up to one in four women in industrialised countries has certain features of polycystic ovary syndrome that I wondered about the effects this would have on male-female relationships. Interviewer:

What do you mean by this?


I know for example women in the US initiate divorce twice as often as men and that men are initially more negative about divorce than women and devote more energy in attempting to salvage the marriage. The numbers of female solo parents has increased dramatically over the last three decades or so. Women have become more aggressive…I suppose some people might use the term “more liberated”.


Are there any “safe levels” regarding Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals?


Research has shown that Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals - EDC's - like hormones themselves require very minute amounts to have physiologic impact. Now it should be heeded that EDC's are active in parts per trillion! For example, the usual adult maintenance dose of levothyroxine, a synthetic form of thyroxine to replace depleted natural thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism, is I believe 1.6 micrograms per kilo of body weight a day. Now I remember reading somewhere that American children can consume several milligrams of phthalate each day. Now a milligram is a thousand times as much as a microgram. Why would anyone consider that a dose in the milligrams of a known EDC would be safe, especially for a child or developing foetus?


Animal testing has shown that exposure to even small amounts of BP, as an example - lower than the levels found in the typical human - can lead to prostate cancer and breast cancer. Of course the companies involved in the manufacture and selling of these EDC’s claim that low level exposure is safe but a number of researchers claim the opposite.

Of course what we have to take into consideration is the fact that humans are exposed to more than one endocrine disruptor at a time and, therefore, that synergistic effects cannot be excluded. As an example research done by the USA


Environmental Protection Agency’s Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory found that mixing together two types of phthalates at theoretically safe levels triggered mutations in the reproductive organs of rat foetuses. Now from what I understand mixtures of phthalates are commonly found in many products including children's toys. Now what would the effects be from the contamination of three or four different phthalates; would the synergistic effect be far greater then the results of just combining two? Looking at the research done, although it could be claimed it is limited, I would have to err on the side of safety and say that no safe level of contamination can be set. The only safe and sane course of action is an immediate ban of the use of these EDC’s in products that come into contact with food or products or are handled by the general population. If it was feasible then the use of these chemicals in other products should be banned or strict safety measures implemented to ensure that these materials are handled safely by people using them. The health of society and that of future generations should be of paramount importance. Oops…nearly forgot. Then we have the influence of soy and soy containing foods and their proven gender bending effects. Now one good article on soy is "Soy is making 337 kids 'gay'” by Jim Rutz. I will quote a few of the eye-opening points raised by him: 

The root sex problem is that soy is loaded with isoflavones, plant estrogens that operate like human female estrogen, which occurs naturally in our bodies, male and female. These "phytoestrogens" cause serious developmental problems. They're only 1/1,000th to 1/1,200th the potency of human estrogen, ounce for ounce, but it's common for babies to consume them in such large quantities that they overwhelm their bodies' delicate testosterone-estrogen balance, leaving their victim – male or female – with a wild variety of lifelong symptoms, sometimes 338 339 340 341 even disfigurement. - - Toxicologists estimate that an infant fed exclusively on soy formula is getting the 342 equivalent of three to five birth control pills per day. One study found that soyfed babies had 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen in their blood than milk-fed 343 babies. One percent of U.S. girls are now growing breasts or pubic hair before age three. By age eight, either of these two abnormalities is appearing among 14.7 percent 344 of white girls and a staggering 48.3 percent of black girls. Why so many black girls? Probably because they are more likely to be given soy infant formula. They are being robbed of their girlhood. Soy formula-fed girls are also more likely to have lifelong menstrual problems (primarily longer and more painful periods), 345 hormonal changes associated with infertility, and other health problems. The situation is just as bad for boys. Boy babies fed soy formula may go into puberty late or not at all. Some of these boys are so feminized that their breasts grow but their penises don't. Some mature into adults with penises not much bigger than the ones they were born with! Others might look normal and go through puberty on time, but can't father children because their sperm are too few 346 in number or poor swimmers and thus unable to fertilize eggs. Paediatricians are seeing so many over-estrogenized boys today with breasts, delayed puberty and /or behavioural problems that they've come up with the terms "Developmental Estrogenization Syndrome" and "Testicular Dysgenesis 347 Syndrome" It's not just the sex organs that are affected during the key developmental phases of pregnancy and infancy. The brain, too, can be irrevocably changed by excess estrogens, which suppress testosterone. That may contribute to altered sexual behaviour and sexual preference. Estrogenized males of many species are more likely to suffer from ADD/ADHD and even to perform more like females on 348 349 350 tests. - One out of every 125 male babies is now born with the once-rare condition called hypospadias, a gruesome malformity of the penis in which the urethra opening 351 lies somewhere along the underside of the penile shaft instead of at its end. The penis is also shorter – 2.6 inches shorter in the more severe cases. Overall, the malformity is associated with homosexuality; one small study showed that 7.6 percent of the control (healthy) subjects were exclusively homosexual compared with 20.3 percent of those with hypospadias (plus another 15.5 percent who were 352 bisexual).

Now I have given what I consider the major points on the dangers of soy in a condense form. If you wish to educate yourself further I would suggest starting at a


New Zealand site called SoyOnLine or visit the US site called The Weston A. Price Foundation. Now the ability of soy to decrease Testosterone levels has been well demonstrated. One study displayed a 76% reduction of Testosterone production in men, after 353 ingestion of soy protein over a brief period of time. In yet another study, an inverse association was found between soy protein intake and Testosterone levels in 354 Japanese men. 355

In both men and women high estrogen creates infertility.

Now if shooting blanks is worrisome, how about being unable to shoot at all? Two other recently published papers reveal that at least one soy component clearly impairs erectile function in animals -and may do so in men as well. The studies, published in the Journal of Andrology and Urology respectively, looked at the effect of daidzein on the sexual function of male rats. Moderate doses of the phyto-estrogen administered either in youth or adulthood significantly affected the quality of their erections. Among other changes, the daidzein-exposed males produced less testosterone, had softer erections, and experienced biochemical changes to their penile tissues that left these tissues less elastic and less capable of complete blood engorgement. The studies, published in the Journal of Andrology and Urology respectively, looked at the effect of daidzein on the sexual function of male rats. Moderate doses of the phyto-estrogen administered either in youth or adulthood significantly affected the quality of their erections. Among other changes, the daidzein-exposed males produced less testosterone, had softer erections, and experienced biochemical changes to their penile tissues that left these tissues less elastic and less capable of complete blood engorgement. While acknowledging that rat results do not always directly translate to humans, the authors of the first study suggest that this time there's reason to believe they will. They cite, among other things, a ten percent higher incidence of erectile dysfunction in Chinese men known to consume high amounts of soy compared with 356 men who avoid it. Studies show an alarming number of men who, post puberty, never develop an 357 increase in the flaccid size of their penis. Patients with hypospadias have a total flaccid penile length of less than 4 centimeters. This has serious implications in reproduction and in self-esteem for males. In reproduction, when the shaft of the penis is longer, sperm have less of a distance to travel post ejaculation. This is a problem that comes to fruition only after puberty; thus, ingestion of phytoestrogens even after birth, during the pre-pubertal years, can cause reduced development of the penile 358 shaft. Soy can cause gynecomastia which is the development of abnormally large mammary 359 glands in males resulting in breast enlargement. Now just recently I found out that the chemicals in soy can also cause "significant 360 testicular cell death." Interviewer:

If soy is as bad as you have stated why is it promoted as being healthy? Also we are told that soy has always been part of the Asian diet.


Of course those with a vested interest in the promotion of soy will present a different picture and come-up with all sorts of statistics to create confusion over the claims that


soy is harmful in the quantities being consumed in the West. While male fertility has been in decline in the West for several decades the levels of soy have risen steadily in the Western diet since the nineteen-forties. The soy industry has developed into a multi-billion dollar enterprise with soy-based products found in two-thirds of manufactured food including biscuits, sweets, pasta and bread, according to the 361 Institute of Food Research in Norwich in the UK. . Sixty percent of the refined foods 362 in U.S. supermarkets now contain soy and the percentage is rising. Australia and New Zealand also appear to be on par with the UK and the US. Researchers have shown that isoflavones in soy mimic the female sex hormone estrogen, and that these isoflavones found in soy are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals; there is no doubt about this fact. Now we are meant to believe that if a male consumes Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals this will not have any affect while he is developing in his mother's womb, or if he consumes Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals while growing up this won't have any effect on him? I'm afraid the evidence from independent researchers shows there is a danger not only to the male but also the female in regards to these EDCs. So who do we listen to when fears are raised over its safety; those with a vested interest in the product or independent researchers who have no vested interest in the product? Now that bit about the Asian diet. The Asians never ate as much soy as Westerners think. People in some Asian countries have consumed soy but this was only in small portions as a condiment or a supplement with a meal i.e. soy sauce, miso, and natto, etc. Traditionally, soy plants were ploughed under in fields as fertilizer and soy was only consumed in quantity by the poor in times of famine. Writings about the soybean date back to 3000 B.C., when the Emperor of China listed the virtues of soybean plants for regenerating the soil for future crops. Note his praises centred on the root of the plant, not the bean. About 1000 B.C. the Chinese discovered that the process of fermentation neutralised the toxins present and made the nutrients in the beans available to the body; this process lead to the creation of the still popular foods tempeh, miso, natto, and of course soy sauce. Some time later another process was discovered that involved coagulating soy, which left most of the toxins in the discarded liquid, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks. The end product was tofu. It should be noted that the fermentation process only neutralises the natural toxins or "anti-nutrients" which are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion; the fermentation process does not neutralise the isoflavones in soy that mimic the female sex hormone estrogen. The same with the process for coagulating soy; this process removes most of the natural toxins found in soy but does not remove the isoflavones found in soy. Now it is my understanding that up to relatively modern times the only time Asians ate unprocessed Soya beans was in an act of desperation during periods of famine. Interviewer:

So fermented products made from Soya beans are not harmful?


With fermented soy foods, a little goes a long way. The nutrients found in miso, tempeh, and natto can be beneficial in the moderate amounts found in the typical Asian diet, but have the potential to do harm in higher amounts. In China and Japan, about an ounce of fermented soy food is eaten on a daily basis. When fermented soy foods are used in small amounts they help build the inner ecosystem, providing a wealth of friendly micro-flora to the intestinal tract that can help with digestion and 363 assimilation of nutrients, and boost immunity. Of course nowadays the biggest problems associated with fermented soy products comes from the origin of the soy itself as a major percentage of Soya beans grown are now genetically modified and it is possible that this unnatural modified products may have unknown long-term consequences on fertility.


If the decline in fertility is as serious as it appears why isn’t action being done to investigate its cause and try to reverse the trend before it’s too late?


Why solve this “problem” when the intention is to drastically reduce the world’s population numbers? Now before I go further let’s take a quick look at how soy was introduced into the diet of the Western world.


On of the first Westerners to spend a significant amount of time in East Asia studying soy foods was a Dr. Artemy Alexis Horvath, a Russian scientist. In 1923 Horvath joined the staff of the Peking University Medical College (PUMC) established by the Rockefeller Foundation. Working under a Rockefeller grant, he was put in charge of a new soybean research laboratory and program, which soon began to 364 generate a number of publications on soy foods and nutrition. Horvath was the author of numerous “scientific” articles about soy foods and wrote a number of books; his most famous “The Soybean as Human Food,” published in Peking in 1927. In 1927 Horvath moved to the USA where he joined the research staff of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at Princeton, New Jersey. It is interesting 365 to note that some of his work there was done with the Department of Animal 366 Pathology. He became a consultant to many soy foods producers and soybean processors and he went on to be a member of the American Soybean Association and a special associate member of the National Soybean Processors Association. Interviewer:

You say that Dr. Horvath was Russian? It’s not a very Russian sounding name.


Dr. Horvath was born in Russia but from what I understand the surname Horvath is Jewish. Now according to the SoyInfo Center, in the US, Horvath worked steadily to help introduce soy-foods, especially soy flour and oil to America and goes on to say that Horvath had deep knowledge on the subject of Soya beans. Apparently Horvath‘s research was quite extensive because in 1926 he published "Changes in the Blood Composition of Rabbits Fed on Raw Soybeans," in which is mentioned the fact that rabbits developed kidney swelling when fed a diet of soaked raw soybeans. The interesting question now arise as to why The Rockefellers would finance a researcher to write various publications praising the virtues of a bean that at the time was used as an industrial crop in the US? After all it was not like the US was short of food and needed a miracle crop to fight-off starvation, in fact at this time the US was producing more food than it could consume.


An industrial crop?


Up until the nineteen-thirties Soya beans were grown for their oil which was used for a number of industrial purposes. Now the now questions arise: Did Horvath with his deep knowledge on the subject of Soya beans know that soy reduced fertility and could cause infertility? Did Horvath with his deep knowledge on the subject of Soya beans know that soy had a feminism effect on males and could affect a male’s sexual orientation? Was this the reason why the Rockefeller Foundation financed Horvath’s research in China and later on in the US?

"It is widely known throughout Asia that when a woman does not want to have sexual relations with her husband any more, she feeds him more and more tofu! Monks in monasteries needing to be celibate are urged to eat more tofu and soy products. In Asia, it is common knowledge that soy reduces sexual urge and ability.” William Wong ND, PhD. "The Zardoz Effect: The Epidemic of Male Infertility." It is interesting to note that the decline in fertility in the West did not start until after the introduction of soy. It is also interesting to note that as soy consumption has increased since the seventies so has infertility and the apparent increase in sexual disorientation and sexual abnormality. This is backed-up by a Japanese researcher, M. Fukutake, who makes a connection between consumption of soy products and a decrease in 367 sperm counts. In his 1996 paper, wherein he noted the fact that affluent nations with increasing reductions in sperm counts have been consuming increasing quantities of soy and products containing soy. It is interesting to note that soy protein has been pushed as the solution to low-cost 368 feeding of the masses. Of course we know the contempt the Rockefellers and their ilk have towards the Masses e.g. dumb, stupid animals, useless eaters, tacky poor people – the bottom feeders at the wrong end of the wealth pyramid.


In 1960 a good sperm count was considered to be 120 million sperm per millilitre of seminal fluid. Anything lower than that and a man was considered to be only marginally fertile. These days, things have become so bad that a man is considered fertile if he has only 20 million sperm per millilitre of ejaculate! William Wong ND, PhD. "The Zardoz Effect: The Epidemic of Male Infertility." Now you might be prepared to give the Rockefellers the benefit of the doubt, but I am too cynical to do so, especially knowing the history of the Rockefellers and their connections to eugenics and population control. Interviewer:

Well…based on my knowledge of the Rockefellers and what you have stated previously about population reduction I can see the logic in your conclusion.

By 2045 only 21% of the men on the entire planet will be fertile. Doris J. Rapp MD "Is This Your Childs World" page 501 QE:

Now I am not claiming that soy is solely responsible for the decline in fertility; the evidence also points to the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals found in plastics are also contributing factors. Taking the rate of decline in fertility over the last two decades it would not be unreasonable to consider the possibility of a synergistic effect between the consummation of products containing soy and the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in plastic. Whether studies have been done regarding this I do not know. I certainly haven’t come across any such research during my investigations. Oops nearly forgot to mention that artificial sweeteners have also been associated with infertility. Aspartame, also known under the brand names as Equal, NutraSweet, EqualMeasure, Spoonful, has been shown in a number of studies to “reduced fertility in both males and females - shrunken testes and ovaries were seen in the original studies by the makers of aspartame... we see reduction in the gonadotrophins-ICSH, FSH, LH 369 and prolactin. In addition there are direct effects on the sperm and ova." Splenda also known as sucralose has been linked to increased male infertility and in experiments has caused infertility issues in both male and female rats. Aspartame was invented by the G D Searle Co. acquired by Monsanto in 1985 Splenda was co-developed by Tate & Lyle and Johnson & Johnson


But I thought that Splenda is made from ordinary cane sugar?


Splenda is in fact a synthetic chemical made from sucrose a.k.a. sugar by adding three chlorine molecules to the sucrose molecule. So in fact Splenda is a synthetic sugar molecule that does not occur in nature, and therefore your body does not possess the ability to properly metabolise it. Now I don't wish to come across as being paranoid but when one investigates the history of the companies involved in soy, the promotion of fluoridation, and artificial sweeteners in the US, one discovers a connection with various private organisations that also support population reduction, such as the Council on Foreign Relations. If we look further we see a connection between these private organisations, the wealth elite, and the various foundations promoting population reduction under the guise of "reproductive health" i.e. abortion, sterilization, and contraception, long with "gay rights". Now when one connects all the dots a certain picture is is this picture incorrect...I mean is this just coincidence or does this picture reflect an agenda? As I said before why solve this “problem” of falling infertility and sexual dysfunction when the intention is to drastically reduce the world’s population numbers? After all,


all we hear is that the world has a PROBLEM because there are too many people. 370 Even recently an article in the Dominion Post on a newly released UN Population report stated “urgent action has to be undertaken to reduce fertility rates.” Now I would like to comment on this article and then I would like to explain the hidden purpose behind the plans to reduce CO2 emissions. Interviewer:

Please go ahead.


The article based on the UN Population report stated: “It revealed that, contrary to received wisdom, rates of unintended pregnancies were higher in rich countries than in poor ones. In Europe, the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand, an average of 41 per cent of pregnancies were unintended…” Now the purpose of any propaganda is to mislead and this statement even though it might be factual certainly misleads people into thinking that these countries have a population problem when in fact all these countries have a low birth-rate well below replacement rate. But I must give credit where credit is due at least the report admitted that Japan’s population was expected to fall even though it did not acknowledge that Japan’s birthrate has been below replacement levels for sometime. But on the other hand it stated that the US population was expected to increase without mentioning that the US birthrate is below replacement levels and that this increase would come from immigration. Now the article had four paragraphs that I found most revealing: 1.




BRITAIN: Investing in birth control to reduce population growth could be more effective in cutting greenhouse gas emissions than building wind turbines or nuclear power stations. [Emphasis added] The report said reducing population growth would allow the 2050 target for global average emissions per person to be increased significantly above two tonnes. [Emphasis added] “No human is genuinely carbon neutral,” the report said. “Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution in some way. Each birth results not only in the emission attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendents.” [Emphasis added] The report said that population growth was only beginning to be recognised as an important topic in international negotiations on climate change. [Emphasis added]

The claim in the report that “population growth was only beginning to be recognised as an important topic” is blatantly untrue as the whole climate change issue right from its conception was a tool to be used to reduce population numbers. Of course when this is supported by influential writers such as Diane Francis one begins to get an uneasy feeling and begins to wonder where this is all leading, 371 especially when she states that a "planetary law, such as China's one-child policy" is needed and nothing "will work unless a China one-child policy is imposed." Now notice the she says "planetary law”. "Socialism should make it possible to regulate the reproduction of human beings. We should be able to produce human beings under a quota system, just as we produce bicycles and tons of steel." Vice Premier Chan Muhua, Head of China's Family Planning Board, 1979 Steven W. Mosher “Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese” Chen Muhua's quote is on page 224. If one does an in-depth study on how the over-population myth developed one must conclude that the pre World War Two eugenics movement has been repackaged and presented as saving the world from the ravages of over-population. The whole manmade climate warming myth is just a cloak to disguise the real purpose which is the introduction of a programme of depopulation on a global scale. Let’s put it this way. If the main players promoting the reduction of carbon dioxide output were Nazis who believe in reducing the numbers of “the tacky poor people" you know “undesirables” - and the result of the plan they promoted enhanced their agenda to reduce the number of “undesirables” then the Left would be up in arms doing their best to derail the plan along with exposing the Nazis as barbaric. But alas


because this plan is hidden under layers of noble causes and promoted by powerful people who have virtually unlimited wealth at their disposal to propagandize their ambitions as a noble course; people who can afford to purchase the best PR people money can buy to front their program, thus many are blinded to the true nature and goals of the plans to reduce CO2 output. The Left and the environmentalists have been duped as “useful idiots”, as Lenin would say, and thus are blinded to the fact that they are being used. The plan to reduce carbon dioxide output is nothing more then a cover for what can only be referred to as the Final Solution; a hidden plan to reduce the numbers of the “tacky poor” people in the world. “The notion that the world would be a much better place if all the tacky poor people in it would simply control their reproductive urges is hardly new. It has long been accepted wisdom among social elites. And while no one could deny that Vice President Al Gore is - by birth, upbringing and lifestyle - a full fledged member of the American aristocracy, it was still strange to hear just how blunt Mr. Gore is prepared to be on the subject of what to do to get rid of extra people.” [Emphasis added] THE WASHINGTON TIMES, October 9, 1997 Alas, once the need to reduce CO2 is accepted and policies introduced to bring about this reduction, this will slowly lead to the introduction of draconian measures. The world will eventually become a global concentration camp, with an elite governing body, an administrative bureaucracy, along with its police enforcing the “law” and keeping order amongst the inmates. Of course your social status in this concentration camp will depend on your personal allotment of carbon credits which will depend on your submissiveness and usefulness to the Elites running the Global System. Interviewer:

Isn’t that a rather…emotive and a rather extreme statement to make?


It may well be that I spoke in an emotional way but that shouldn’t distract from the points I put across. In regards to the statement being extreme…well…the reality of a situation when put bluntly can sound rather extreme to some people especially if they have no understanding or only a little knowledge of the matter being discussed. In regards to the average person’s knowledge on the long term impact on their lives from the Master Plan to reduce CO2 output…they have no comprehension. Have the politicians told the people that the only way CO2 reduction can be implemented is by limiting the carbon footprint of each individual? Has it been explained that the only way this can be accomplished is by issuing a certain number of carbon credits to each individual and tracking their use through a Carbon Card? Do people realise that such a Carbon Card will be in effect an IDENTIFICATION CARD? The only question that now needs answering is whether this ID card will be controlled through a national database or a global database? My feeling is that this Carbon Card will eventually be tied into a global database Do people realise that when such a card is introduced it will not be possible to purchase anything without first presenting your Carbon Card to allow the carbon footprint of the item purchased to be deducted from their carbon allowance? Taking this a bit further then it would be logical for all businesses to be issue with a carbon identification number to track their carbon footprint, meaning that a business would not be able to trade, i.e. buy and sell, without joining and being compliant to such a scheme. Of course thinking logically the next step would be do away with cash and have a cashless society in which the Carbon Card is used for all transactions thus eliminating fraud within the system and forcing compliance upon everyone. Now I suppose what I have just stated would be considered a rather wild and extreme statement to make…but hey, before rejecting what I say, let’s consider a few facts plus look at some highlights from a number of news items and statements from influential people on this matter.


Firstly let’s start with John P. Holdren, who was on December 20, 2008, appointed by US President Obama as Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and CoChair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. In the book "Ecoscience: Population, Resources and Environment," last revised in 1977, which Holdren co-authored together with co-authors Paul and Anne Ehrlich, he advocates some rather extreme totalitarian measures to control the population. Some of the points in the book:     

Social pressures on both men and women to marry and have children must be removed. Page 786 The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food. Pages 787 – 788 Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not. Page 837 People should be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility. Page 838 He seems to support what he refers to as a Planetary Regime to control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or non-renewable. He hints at this Planetary Regime being given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and that the Regime should have power to enforce the agreed limits. Pages 942 – 943

Now in an earlier booklet published in 1971, co-authored with Malthusian population alarmist Paul Ehrlich, Holdren predicted that global over-population was heading the Earth to a new ice age unless the government mandated urgent measures to control population, including the possibility of involuntary birth control measures such as forced sterilization. It is most interesting to note that John P. Holdren is a member of the Council on 372 Foreign Relations From 1991 to 2005, Holdren served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, helping shape that foundation’s programs on international peace and cooperation, environment, and 373 374 population with a special focus on Mexico, Nigeria, and Russia. Now since I have mentioned the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation it should be noted that this same organisation along with the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers gave financial assistance to the Chinese in the form of research grants to help the Chinese formulate and implement their one child policy. That aside it should be of interest to note that Holdren also sat on the international advisory board of Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs along side Tom Foley who is the North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission, John M. Deutch who was a former US Director of Central Intelligence, and Nathaniel 375 Rothschild. Regardless if the alarm bells were rang over global cooling or global warming the underlying concern was and still is over-population and the only solution to the problem was and still is the reduction of population numbers. Now this man Holdren currently holds a very high advisory position in the US government and he has expressed views that are held by many powerful and influential people in the world. What is also of significance is that Holdren talks of the need for a “Planetary Regime” to control population in his book “Ecoscience" Now this “Planetary Regime” talked about by Holdren over three decades ago appears to be on the verge of becoming a reality if what Lord Christopher Monckton claims is correct. Interviewer:

Who is Lord Christopher Monckton?


He is a British politician, business consultant, policy adviser, writer, columnist, inventor, and hereditary peer. He served as an advisor to Margaret Thatcher's policy unit in the 1980s and invented the Eternity puzzle at the end of the 1990s. More recently, he has attracted controversy for his public opposition to the mainstream scientific consensus on climate change.



As I was about to say… Monckton has warned that the Copenhagen climate change treaty represents a global government power grab on an “unimaginable scale,” which mandates the creation of 700 new bureaucracies as well as a colossal raft of new taxes including two percent levies on both GDP and every international financial transaction. He is quoted as saying; “Once again they are desperately trying to conceal from everybody here the magnitude of what they’re attempting to do – they really are attempting to set up a world government,” adding that the word “government” was no longer used but the process of further centralization of power into global hands was clearly spelled out in the treaty. Now Monckton's mention of power grab on an “unimaginable scale,” brings to mind that Simon Linnett, the Executive Vice-Chairman of Rothschild, was pushing back at the beginning of 2008 when he called for a new international body, the World Environment Agency, to regulate carbon trading. In a paper entitled "Trading 377 Emissions - Full global potential", for the Social Market Foundation, Linnett argued that the international problem of climate change demands an international solution and that unless governments ceded some of their sovereignty to a new world body 378 that the global carbon trading scheme could not be enforced and regulated. Now at this point I feel that I have to repeat what I have stated at an earlier time to press home a point about the hoax of man-made climate change and its connection to reducing population numbers. As I stated in the section “Climate Change” the Director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology, Christopher Field, had been elected co-chair of Working Group 2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He was formerly a coordinating lead author on the 2007 IPCC report, Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change but now Field will be leading the group as they develop their next major report on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, due in 2014. Now since this Carnegie Institution is supplying the head bureaucrat who is playing a major role in shaping policy that is going to affect most people throughout the world I gave a brief rundown of the Carnegie Institution’s history and the people associated with it. The highlights are as follows: 

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It was a private organisation founded by Andrew Carnegie in Washington in 1902 to fund educational, religious, and political organizations to "cultivate the international mind" - the Carnegie Institution was just one of twenty-two different organisations that he created. It should be noted that Andrew Carnegie was a close associate of the Rockefellers. The first head of the Carnegie Institution was Daniel Coit Gilman who established The Russell Trust in 1856. The Russell Trust is the business name for the Skull and Bones society. Skull and Bones is a secret society based at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut. Also known as The Brotherhood of Death, also known as Chapter 322 or simply The Order, the powerful secret society that was established at Yale University for the elite children or grandchildren of the Wall Street Banking Establishment. Therefore it is more than a mere student fraternity for high jinx, as it only recruits from those in their final year at Yale, the potential business and political leaders, and thereafter meets as a conspiratorial "old boys’ network". It is interesting to note that a 1911 study, financed by the Carnegie Institution, identified eighteen possible methods of implementing eugenics in America and around the world. Gas chambers were deemed to be the most effective method, but it was felt that American society was not yet prepared to accept them. Thus, a number of other eugenic methods were adopted, most notably mass sterilization. American Eugenics was conceived at the onset of the twentieth century and was implemented by America’s wealthiest, most powerful, most learned and most influential individuals and institutions, including the Carnegie Institution and the Rockefeller Foundation. Robert S. Woodward was president of the Institution from 1904 to 1920, and helped to plan the Second International Congress of Eugenics. John C. Merriam was president of the Institution from 1921 to 1938. Merriam was a founding member of the Galton Society, founded in New York City in 1918; it was the most overtly racist of the American eugenics organizations. Caryl P. Haskins was president of the Institution from 1956 to 1971. Haskins was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


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Philip Abelson was president of the Institution from 1971 to1978. Abelson was a member of the United States Association for the Club of Rome. Richard A. Meserve became the ninth president of the Carnegie Institution in April 2003, after stepping down as chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Meserve is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

But should we be concern about the Carnegie Institution shady history? I suppose this information taken by it self doesn’t prove any future intention. Now we know that the Carnegie Institution has a strong influence on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and we know that the IPCC is joined at the hip with the United Nations Organisation Now when we dig deeper and examine the Unite Nations Organisation we must in all fairness become alert to the possibility that something is amiss. For example the first director of UNESCO, Julian Huxley, stated on page 21 of the publication he authored in 1946, “UNESCO ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY”: "Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for Unesco to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." UNESCO ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY by JULIAN HUXLEY is still available in its entirety from the Unesco website [LINK]. If this link is dead you may download the document from here [LINK]. Interviewer:

You mention eugenics and population reduction in the same breath…how can you equate them both?


Because eugenics was repackage and presented as a crusade against “overpopulation”.


Why was eugenics repackaged and how was this done?


According to James Corbett, at of the end of the Second World War the word eugenics had become tainted…I suppose it would be better to say the word eugenics became a dirty word. So a need arose to repackage the whole concept of eugenics and that is what was done. Now how was this done? For example the American Eugenics Society morphed into the Population Council, a group set up by John D. Rockefeller the third, and the British Eugenics Education Society merely changed its name to The Galton Institute. Of course the old battle of fighting “bad genes” was dropped for the new crusade launched against “over-population”.


This fact was highlighted by the feminist author Germaine Greer in her book “Sex and Destiny” when she wrote: "It now seems strange that men who had been conspicuous in the eugenics movement were able to move quite painlessly into the population establishment at the highest level, but if we reflect that the paymasters were the same - Ford, Mellon, Du Pont, Standard Oil, Rockefeller and Shell are still the same, we can only assume that people like Kingsley Davis, Frank W. Notestein, C.C. Little, E.A. Ross, the Osborns Frederick and Fairfield, Philip M. Hauser, Alan Guttmacher and Sheldon Segal were being rewarded for past services." [Emphasis added] Now take for example the name Frederick Osborn that was just quoted. According to 380 Eugenics Watch he was the dominant figure in the eugenics movement in the United States. In 1956, he said people "won't accept the idea that they are in general, second rate. We must rely on other motivation." He called the new motivation "a system of voluntary unconscious selection." The way to persuade people to exercise this voluntary unconscious selection was to appeal to the idea of "wanted" children. Osborn said, "Let's base our proposals on the desirability of having children born in homes where they will get affectionate and responsible care." In this way, the 381 eugenics movement "will move at last towards the high goal which Galton set for it."



Where and when did eugenics originate?


Most people believe that eugenics originated in Nazi Germany but the fact is the concept of eugenics came out of England and was conceived by an Englishman by the name of Francis Galton who was the cousin of Charles Darwin, yes the same Charles Darwin that wrote “Origin of Species” dealing with the Theory of Evolution. It appears that after Darwin published his “Origin of Species” Galton became fascinated with the idea that the "survival of the fittest" did not just take place between species, but within them. The idea developed into a study of the characteristics of various racial and social groups with an aim to explaining why the various peoples of the world occupy the positions they do. Galton invented the term eugenics in 1883 and set down many of his observations and conclusions in the book "Inquiries into human faculty and its development". 382

According to James Corbett;

”Unsurprisingly, the promoters of eugenics concluded that the rich and powerful were rich and powerful because they were genetically superior, and it offered a simple solution for improving the lot of humanity: make sure that the affluent upper classes breed as much as possible (preferably within their own families, in order to preserve their superior stock), and make sure the lower classes breed as little as possible.” It is interesting to note that Galton was knighted in 1909 and thereafter bore the title of Sir Francis Galton, so his views could not have been the repugnant to the British Elite. This is not all the surprising taking into account that eugenics was not aimed at royalty, the aristocracy, or the moneyed elite; it was something to be applied against the Masses, the people at the bottom of the wealth pyramid.

Logo from the Second International Eugenics Conference, 1921, depicting it as a tree which unites a variety of different fields.

Of course many of the "respectable" organisations leading this battle against the “burden of over-population” talk of "reproductive health" which is politically correct slang for contraception, sterilization, and abortion. Organisations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation, Kaiser Family Foundation, WestWind Foundation; the list goes on and on. And what have all these organisations have in common…for a start they have all been established by the wealthy elite who consider themselves like some modern day aristocracy, they are all involved in promoting various environmental issues, and most if not all promote "gay rights."



You state that the wealthy elite consider themselves like some modern day aristocracy…do you really believe this?


Well I will try and put it in very simple terms so that you can comprehend where I am coming from so-to-speak. Through my life I have known a number of people who have come from a working class background and who were raised in a working class environment. Of course when they became adults some of them accumulated wealth either from speculative ventures or because they went into some sort of businesses venture. Now I can honestly say that without exception all these people who “bettered themselves” now consider themselves superior then their poorer working class brethren they knew when they were growing up. They have developed a mentality that an individual’s status depends on their wealth. Of course they no longer have any desire to live in a working class area; in fact they want to live in a well-to-do area away from the riff-raff and amongst the “better” people. Of course when these people with the same status get together they complain about the taxes they have to pay and moan about the poorer people in society being a burden on the system. Now this trait, this feeling of superiority or perceived status based on wealth, is generally exhibited by most people; of course there are a few rare exceptions put generally, from my observation, this feeling of superiority derived from wealth appears to be the rule. Of course this feeling of superiority based on wealth grows stronger and becomes more dominate as you rise upwards through the wealth pyramid. Now if you divide this wealth pyramid I talk about into various levels or strata representing various ranks of wealth you will find that individuals in the higher levels look upon those in the preceding levels with some degree of disdain. Of course the higher up the wealth pyramid the more intense this feeling of superiority becomes. Of course within the higher levels of the wealth pyramid the individuals become so full of their perceived importance they believe that they are a sort of aristocracy and act accordingly. These people honestly feel that they are superior and the Masses that they dominate are inferior. Doubt what I say…Well let’s take a quick look to see if there is some substance to what I state. I suppose we can kick-off with the statement from: 

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Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and patron of the World Wildlife Fund, wrote in the foreword to Fleur Cowles 1986 book If I Were an Animal; "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” Now taking into account that he has four children one most wonder that if he ever got his wish - as being reincarnated as a killer virus - if he would target some of his own children or grandchildren. But I suppose when he made that statement he was thinking more along the lines of targeting the more “poor tacky people” in the world. And talking of “poor tacky people” brings us to Al Gore. Yes here is a man with a giant carbon footprint, preaching about the need to reduce population numbers, and yet lives in a twenty room mansion and has four children. David Rockefeller Sr., now deceased, Club of Rome executive member and founder of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations member, and attendee of various elitist Bilderberg Group meetings; he had six children. Then we have David Lionel de Rothschild; head of Adventure Ecology which describes itself as "a leader in Education for Sustainable Development". While Rothschild is presented as an environmental warrior it is interesting to note that he has three children. Next we have the multibillionaire Bill Gates who has three children. Next is billionaire Maurice F. Strong, world renown environmentalist and population reductionist; he has four children. And of course we cannot forget to mention CNN founder and multibillionaire Ted Turner. Turner is a member of the Society of the Pacifica House, the secret society of Brown University which is very similar to the Skull and Bones at Yale University; it is interesting to note that Turner is also a longtime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Turner is also UN


supporter and founder of the United Nations Foundation. He was quoted as saying; "Personally, I think the population should be closer to when we had indigenous populations, back before the advent of farming. Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. But [population researchers] Paul and Anne Ehrlich have convinced me that if we're going to have a modern infrastructure, with commercial airlines and interstate highways around the world, we're going to need about 383 two billion people to support it." In an interview with The Atlanta JournalConstitution he stated; "We're too many people; that's why we have global warming," and that "everybody in the world's got to pledge to themselves that 384 one or two children is it." It should be noted that Ted Turner has five children. Now I hope if you forgive me if the saying “Don’t do as I do, DO AS I SAY” pops into my head. These people are nothing but arrogant, self-centred hypocrites and I believe that Henry Kissinger, who is often referred to as the New World Order Ambassador, sums up the real contempt the wealthy elite feel in general towards the Masses when he stated that; “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in 385 foreign policy.”

"Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity." St. Augustine Interviewer:

I find it strange that Bill Gates would support “gay rights” I thought that he was considered relatively conservative?


According to LifeSiteNews in July 2007 Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates acquired a major stake in a homosexual activist publishing company. “SEC Filings reveal that Cascade Investment, which invests Gates' money, is among a group of investors that has bought a $26.2 million share in PlanetOut, a publishing company which runs Out magazine as well as the dating website which is used primarily for sexual "hook-ups" and all-gay RSVP Cruises. . . The online material put out by PlanetOut also features hard core homosexual pornography.”


I am most surprised…Now I should have asked before so I better ask you now...You stated that many of the foundations pushing population control and population reduction also promote “gay right”…why do they promote “gay rights” after all many of these people who have donated vast sums of money to these foundations don’t appear to be “gay” as most appear to be married with children?


For a start homosexuals rarely have families thus homosexuality helps to reduce population growth. Don’t forget these foundations have two prime objectives and they are to curb population growth and to reduce population numbers. The promotion of “gay rights” along with homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle fits into and helps the agenda of these foundations.


The continued promotion of “gay rights” and homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle also undermines the traditional concept of family and family values which fits in with their new global values for the Masses. Of course as more and more people are conditioned into accepting homosexuality as a normal part of society less questions are asked about what is causing the apparent increasing numbers of homosexuals. Raise any questions that are considered negative about homosexuality and you are attacked as homophobic and thus no rational debate or investigation can take place. Now there is no scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed but there is plenty of evidence to show it can be arranged.

There is no scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed but there is plenty of evidence to show it can be arranged


Currently there is plenty of scientific evidence that points to the fact that homosexuality is not genetic but that it is the result of foetal exposure to chemicals, during a critical time of development, resulting in a retardation of normal sexual orientation. It would appear to me that if the question of rising homosexual numbers can not be investigated in a rational manner, without the investigator being verbally attacked and harassed and made to look unreasonable by being accused of being homophobic, then the question of chemicals affecting normal sexual orientation would be unlikely to be pursued with vigour or in a rational manner free of corrupting influences.

Scientific evidence points to the fact that homosexuality is not genetic but that it is the result of foetal exposure to chemicals, during a critical time of development, resulting in a retardation of normal sexual orientation Interviewer:

Your statement could well be considered paranoid by some people.


Paranoid..? If you have an agenda and you promote something that fits in with your agenda then I cannot be called paranoid for pointing this out. Cripes if someone saw a known arsonist with an empty can of fuel in their hands walking away from a burning building you certainly could not label someone paranoid for thinking the arsonist may have been involved somehow with the fire. The same applies to the foundations we were talking about. Look at what they promote and look at the people and organisations they associate with.


Fair enough…I see the point you make.

“Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another name than eugenics.” FREDERICK OSBORN "The Future of Human Heredity" 1968, pp.104 QE:

And of course we cannot forget the role the United Nations Organisation has played If you jog your memory you will remember that I mention in the section “Domination: Obsession & Power” that in the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women of child-bearing age in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45 against tetanus. The strange thing was that vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are also prone to becoming infected with the tetanus bacterium. Because of that curious anomaly the Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the tetanus vaccine being distributed by the World Health Organization only to women of child-bearing age contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. Now understand…this was no accident…the only way the hCG contaminate could have got into the tetanus vaccine was if it was wilfully put there. Now in the section “Domination: Obsession & Power” also covered the subject of the World Health Organisation encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans and I mentioned that William Campbell Douglass, M.D., in his book, “AIDS: The End of Civilization” bluntly blaming the World Health Organization for murdering Africa by lacing African vaccines with the AIDS virus. Now keeping these facts in mind let’s look at some statements emanating from some influential people pushing the man-made global warming bandwagon and CO2 reduction to see if there is an underlying theme between this and population reduction.


You have certainly whetted my appetite…so fire away.


Right…as I stated there a number of statements emanating from a number of influential organisations and individuals who strongly support the reduction in man-


made CO2 output and who in their enthusiasm have given a strong indication to what future action will need to be taken if the goals that have been set are to be obtained. Take for example a proposal put forwarded by the Australian Professor Barry Walters. His proposal, reported in the Medical Journal of Australia, called for parents to be charged $5000 a head for every child after their second, and an annual tax of up to $800. He also proposed that couples who were sterilised should be eligible for carbon credits and went on to state that the “debate [around population control] needs to be 387 reopened as part of a second ecological revolution." 388

It was reported in the UK paper The Sunday Times that Jonathon Parritt, a patron of the Optimum Population Trust and one of Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, has warned that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society. He was quoted as calling "for Britain to cut population to 30m - roughly what it was in late Victorian times." Parritt went on to state that: “Each person in Britain has far more impact on the environment than those in developing countries so cutting our population is one way to reduce that impact.” Now take note; he is talking about the need to reduce the UK’s population numbers by over a half. Now before I go on it should be noted that the Optimum Population Trust counts as its patrons Jane Goodall who is a member of the Club of Rome, Sir Crispin Tickell who is also a member of the Club of Rome and former chairman of the Gaia Society, and Dr. James Lovelock the scientist responsible for the Gaia theory. Another interesting OPT patron is Partha Dasgupta, who is a university fellow of the 389 controversial Ford and Rockefeller initiated group, Resources for the Future which was formed in 1952 by the Ford Foundation. That aside I shall continue. In an article written by Dr. James Lovelock in the UK newspaper The Sunday Times 390 Lovelock states: “The high-sounding and well-meaning visions of the European Union of ‘saving the planet’ and developing sustainability by using only “natural” energy might have worked in 1800 when there were only a billion of us, but now they are a wholly impractical luxury we can ill afford.” He goes on to say: "No voluntary human act can reduce numbers enough even to slow climate change. Merely by existing, people and their dependent animals are responsible for more than 10 times the greenhouse emissions of all the airline travel in the world." 391

In a statement issued in August 2009, the Optimum Population Trust "called on climate change negotiators to ensure that population restraint policies are adopted by every state worldwide to combat climate change." In another News Release 392 issued in September 2009 the Optimum Population Trust states: "Contraception is almost five times cheaper than conventional green technologies as a means of combating climate change" 393

An article in UK newspaper The Guardian announced a scheme called “PopOffsets” whereby consumers in the developed world are to be offered a method of offsetting their carbon emissions by paying for contraception measures in poorer countries. The article states: “The scheme - set up by [The Optimum Population Trust] an organisation backed by Sir David Attenborough, the former diplomat Sir Crispin Tickell and green figureheads such as Jonathon Porritt and James Lovelock - argues that family planning is the most effective way to reduce the likelihood of catastrophic global warming.” The article then mentions the cost-benefit “analysis commissioned by the trust claims that family planning is the cheapest way to reduce carbon emissions. Every £4 spent on contraception, it says, saves one tonne of CO2 being added to global warming, but a similar reduction in emissions would require an £8 investment in tree planting, £15 in wind power, £31 in solar energy and £56 in hybrid vehicle technology.” The article also mentions that calculations “based on the trust's figures show the 10 tonnes emitted by a return flight from London to Sydney would be offset by enabling the avoidance of one unwanted birth in a country such as Kenya.” Of course no mention was made in regards to who did not want this “unwanted birth”…the mother of the unborn child or Sir David Attenborough and company? Interviewer:

I must admit that this sounds good coming from people who have a lifestyle and carbon foot-print that most Kenyans can only dream about.


I would have to agree with you. These types would have a carbon foot-print thousands, if not tens of thousands, times greater then the average Kenyan. No these people like Attenborough and Co are just arrogant, hypocritical, and self-centred


people who believe that they are superior to the Masses; an attitude most common among the world’s wealthy elite. 394

Now The Guardian article I just mentioned also stated that UN “scientists” say global carbon emissions must have reduced by at least 80% by 2050 "meaning the carbon footprint of each citizen in 2050 will have to be very low." "Aristocrats have us believing that our planet is dying, pandemics are forthcoming, nuclear annihilation is probable, and that we must think and do exactly as they tell us to do in order to survive. . . Aristocrats believe in supremacy. They always have and they still do. Aristocrats despise the common man and consider him to be a lesser species, which is why commoners have been steadfastly and continually used as guinea pigs for aristocrats and their inventions." 395 Nancy Levant "DEPOPULATION AND THE AMERICAN MUTTS - PART 1" Interviewer:

So if CO2 output is to be reduced so drastically how is it to be accomplished?


As I mentioned before people well be eventually issued with a Carbon Card and a Carbon Allowance. This Carbon Allowance will have a sinking lid, meaning that over a period the Carbon Allowance well be steadily reduced.


Are you implying that this Carbon Card well be compulsory?


Of course.


Taking into account that a large segment of population is doubtful about man being responsible for global warming surely there would be quite an amount of resistance to the implementation of such a scheme?


It will be announced that everyone is to be issued with this card and at a specified date in the future it will have to be used. Now the card arrives in the post. You open the envelope and there is the Card with your name on it including your unique personal ID number. What are people going to do? Send it back; throw it away? One day in the near future when the compulsory use of the card arrives very few people will be able to survive without using the Card. NO CARD - NO FOOD, NO ELECTRICITY, NO FUEL, and NO TRAVEL. Of course there well be resistance but with some slick propaganda most people will willingly or with reservations accept and use the Carbon Card. And in regards to businesses, well they will have to comply or cease trading.

Of course there well be resistance but with some slick propaganda most people will willingly or with reservations accept and use the Carbon Card. And in regards to businesses, well they will have to comply or cease trading. Don’t forget that a large percentage of private financial transactions today are with either credit cards or EFTPOS cards. Of course loyalty cards or reward cards, you know the different cards that can be swiped when you purchase something giving you points that can be accumulated and used to purchase items etc, have been around for a while. Now there is quite a wide acceptance of these cards so people have been pretty well conditioned in using these cards so the introduction of a Carbon Card wouldn’t appear to be too strange to many people. Interviewer:

Has there been any mention about this Carbon Card in New Zealand before now…I mean if it is the intention to introduce such a card in New Zealand one would believe it would have been mentioned before now?


The only mention I have been able to find on this matter in New Zealand publications 396 was in an article in the Listener about two years ago. Of course the Carbon Card has been mentioned in a number of countries overseas, especially in the UK. In fact from what I understand a number of countries are running volunteer schemes, nothing on a massive scale, but never-the-less a number of schemes are in existence.



What you have just stated is rather disturbing.


I think it gives a preview of what is intended to be implemented. And the implementation of such a scheme is being backed by some very powerful people. The intention to introduce a Carbon Card has been endorsed by the UK Environment Secretary David Miliband. It should be noted that David Miliband is the elder son of Jewish immigrants Marion Kozak and the late Marxist intellectual Ralph Miliband. It is interesting to note that in December 2007, Miliband stood in for Prime Minister, Gordon Brown at the official signing ceremony in Lisbon of the EU Reform Treaty, which was attended by all other European heads of government. This should prove 397 398 his important political ranking. An article on the BBC website in December 2006 had Secretary David Miliband who had commissioned a feasibility study Carbon "credit cards" as stating that the scheme could be working within five years - 2011 - as part of a nationwide carbon rationing scheme. The article went on to say that Miliband insisted that climate change required "cumulative, consistent radicalism" rather than "one shot wonders". Miliband went on to say that climate change was “the mass mobilising movement of our age". The “environmental” group Friends of the Earth was quoted as saying that the principle of using a limited "budget" of carbon per person was sound.

“The Sierra Club made the Nature Conservancy look reasonable. I founded Friends of the Earth to make the Sierra Club look reasonable. Then I founded Earth Island Institute to make Friends of the Earth look reasonable. Earth First! now makes us look reasonable. We’re still waiting for someone else to come along and make Earth First! look reasonable.” David Brower, quoted by Ron Arnold and Alan Gottlieb in their book “Trashing the Economy” (1993)

“Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license... All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing.” David Brower, quoted by Dixy Lee Ray in “Trashing the Planet” 399

An article in November 2009 in the to the UK newspaper The Times stated that the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee had called on the Government last year to resume research on a rationing scheme and to be “courageous” in seeking to overcome likely public hostility to the idea. It said in a report: “Opposition to personal carbon trading could be reduced if the public could be convinced of three things. First, that it is absolutely essential to reduce emissions; second, that this can only be achieved if individuals take personal responsibility for reducing their own emissions; and third, that personal carbon trading is a fairer and more effective way of reducing personal emissions than alternatives such as higher taxes.” The committee concluded: “Widespread public acceptance, while desirable, should not be a precondition for a personal carbon trading scheme; the need to reduce emissions is simply too urgent.” [Emphasis added]


Another article in the UK newspaper The Telegraph in November 2009 with the sub-heading “Everyone in Britain should have an annual carbon ration and be penalised if they use too much fuel, the head of the Environment Agency will say”, stated that “Lord Smith of Finsbury believes that implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.” The article quoted Ruth Lea, an economist from Arbuthnot Banking Group, as saying: "This is all about control of the individual and you begin to wonder whether this is what the green agenda has always been about. It's Orwellian." [Emphasis added]


An interesting article on a UK based website stated: “The [UK] Environment Agency will argue today that carbon rationing is the fairest and most effective way for the UK to meet its legally binding targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions.” The article went on to say; “The Agency’s chairman, Lord Smith, will propose at the organisation's annual conference in London that every citizen be provided with a "carbon account" and unique number that they submit when buying carbon-intensive items such as petrol, electricity or airline tickets.” [Emphasis added] Interviewer:

I have to say that I had not heard anything about this at all and I am rather shocked by your revelations about what is proposed.


Well there are a few more surprises to come.


Please go on.


For a start everything that is manufactured/consumed has a certain carbon foot-print. In the beginning the Carbon Card may only cover the main items such as food etc but no doubt as more and more items are added to the list eventually the Carbon Card will be required for everything an individual needs to survive.


Surely some people would be able to opt out of the system. I mean if you had land and could grow your own food and supply your own energy needs you would have no need to accept the Carbon Card?


Hmmm… Yes I know of a few people who believe that can opt out of the system but I am afraid they are very naïve people. For a start if you lived in a remote part of a third world country you could get away with it but in the Western World I do not think it will be possible. Firstly it is not possible to be fully self-contained you will eventually require something controlled by the system for your survival. Secondly the system will mark you out as a threat and will eventually weed you out. If you have any livestock you well be required to pay a carbon tax on these animals and of course to do this you will require your Carbon Card. If you think that you can operate a system of barter with others you well be in for another shock because you well be (1) required to pay taxes on such trade and (2) such transactions would have to be made with the use of your Carbon Card. Try and circumvent the system and the system will classify you as a criminal with the full force of the “law” used to bring you to heel. Of course if the Carbon Card is required to access bank accounts then you have problems paying rates, land taxes, and what ever other taxes they throw at you. Can’t pay your taxes, they will sell your land. No, people who believe they can escape the crutches of Big Brother, when he arrives, are in for a rude awakening. Mentioning livestock brings me to another part of agenda. 401

There was an interesting article that appeared in the New York Daily Times which was written by Peter Singer, who is a professor of bioethics at Princeton University, in the US. He states, "...taxing meat would be a highly effective way of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and avoiding catastrophic climate change.” He goes on to write; "In 2006 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization surprised many people when it produced a report showing that livestock are responsible for more emissions than all forms of transportation combined. It’s now clear that that report seriously underestimated the contribution that livestock - especially ruminant animals like cattle and sheep - are making to global warming.” Singer then goes on to mention that “a more recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has shown, over the critical next 20 years, the methane these animals produce will be almost three times as potent in warming the planet as the FAO report assumed. " And his solution to solve this red meat problem was to “start with a 50% tax on the retail value of all meat, and see what difference that makes to present consumption habits. If it is not enough to bring about the change we need, then, like cigarette taxes, it will need to go higher." Now it should be noted that under the Climate Change Act, Britain is obliged to cut its 402 emissions by 80 per cent on 1990 levels by 2050. This means annual CO2 403 emissions per person will have to fall from about 9 tonnes to only 2 tonnes. 404

In a News Release issued by the UK based Optimum Population Trust on the highlights of a conference called “Environmentally Sustainable Populations: The scientific case for population policy - and ways of achieving sustainability” the OPT


stated that to “reduce London’s current ‘food footprint’ a globally sustainable ‘fair share’, Londoners would need to eat an estimated 70 per cent less meat.” So while there is talk about high taxes on red meat in the UK I recently read an article 405 in the Dominion Post regarding a paper by two senior fellows from the Motu Economic and Public Policy Research which “is New Zealand’s leading non-profit economic and public policy research institute that carries out high quality, long-term, socially beneficial research programmes” according to their website. Anyway in the article this research group stated that a “carbon trading price of $25 a tonne could cut dairy farms’ profits by 20 per cent, and sheep and beef farms’ profits could fall by 40 per cent.” Of course if profit margins fall the farmers will want more for their product that is if the consumer can afford the prices being asked. Of course these estimates are based on $25 per tonne; if the price, because of “market forces”, should go up to $100 or $150 per tonne the price of red meat well become too expensive for the average consumer and many farmers well be force of the land. So to reduce CO2 emissions the Masses have to eat far less red meats thus reducing the numbers of methane farting animals as methane is causing the planet to heat up. So since cattle and sheep are so polluting they will be given a large carbon foot-print along with high retail taxes on their meat. Of course the products such as milk produced by methane farting animals along with products such as butter and cheese made from this milk will also incur high taxes. And just who are the Masses I am talking about…the people on the bottom of the wealth pyramid of course. The low paid individuals; you know what is referred to as the useless eaters, the surplus population no longer needed; the people who can illafford to purchase extra Carbon Credits and to pay the high taxes to be placed on essential food items such as red meat and healthy baby formula. But not to worry there is always synthetic meat manufactured from soy based protein. Well we know the results from eating too much soy, don’t we? But hey don’t tell the Masses. Of course mothers won’t have to worry about not being able to feed their infants if they are unable to breast-feed; there is always that “healthy” soy milk that is affordable. And don’t worry about not being able to afford butter there will be plenty of that “healthy” margarine made from polyunsaturated Soya bean oil with added chemicals that make it taste just like butter. Of course once the system is implemented it would be very simple to genetically modify the Soya bean to artificially lower the already low fertility rates.

Soy for the Masses and prime cuts of beef for the Elite What was once a minor crop, listed in the 1913 US Department of Agriculture (USDA) handbook not as a food but as an industrial product, now covers 72 million acres of American farmland. . . Advances in technology make it possible to produce isolated soy protein from what was once considered a waste product - the defatted, high-protein soy chips - and then transform something that looks and smells terrible into products that can be consumed by human beings. Flavourings, preservatives, sweeteners, emulsifiers and synthetic nutrients have turned soy protein isolate, the food processors' ugly duckling, into a New Age Cinderella. Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 3 (April-May 2000) Interviewer:

Do you think that is possible and do you believe they are capable of doing that?

Abusive Population Control QE:

Well I mentioned in my December 2008 Interview about a small Californian biotech company called Epicyte that in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. Now if it can be done with corn I do not see any reason why it couldn’t be done with the Soya bean. Now do I think they are capable of introducing something into the food chain to lower fertility? Well they have already done that over six


decades ago with the introduction of the Soya bean into the Western diet. Of course the question arises would they go further and introduce a genetically engineered product into the food chain specifically designed to drastically reduce fertility? I am afraid it has been suggested a number of times before that an additive be placed either in the water or food to cause general infertility. In March, 1969, Vice-President of US Planned Parenthood, Frederick Jaffe's “Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.” is printed containing a memo to Population Council president Bernard Berelson. It includes examples of proposed measures to reduce U.S. fertility, such as fertility control agents in water supply.

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words "Socialism should make it possible to regulate the reproduction of human beings. We should be able to produce human beings under a quota system, just as we produce bicycles and tons of steel." Vice Premier Chan Muhua, Head of China's Family Planning Board, 1979 Quoted by Steven W. Mosher in “Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese” page 224 Interviewer:

You have mentioned previously about an agenda to drastically reduce population numbers. Do you think this will be accomplished by further lowering fertility and the eventual introduction of licensing to restrict the numbers of those who wish to have children or do you think that a more draconian approach maybe taken?

Abusive Population Control QE:

I gather by draconian approach you mean the actual killing of people?




Firstly there is little doubt in my mind that fertility will be controlled even to the extent of mass controlled fertility. In regards to a more draconian approach…I suppose to most people such a proposal would be rather difficult to envisage happening in this day and age, especially in the Western world. Now can we actually dismiss such a possibility…I have to say that a person with a basic understanding of the people pulling the strings of power in the world would have to be very naïve to rule out such an action.


Could you explain what you mean by that?


I have touched on this before but never-the-less I don’t mind going over it again briefly. I mentioned about “The Declaration of a Global Ethic” promoted by the Global Ethic Foundation which is an attempt to lay the foundation for a new world religion. In 1993 at a forum entitled “Parliament of the World's Religions”, sponsored by the United Nations, 143 leaders from all of the world's major faiths agreed to and signed this “Global Ethic”. Now the Global Ethic seems to contain a rather strange or, as some people have claimed, a deeper message. It defines those who support the objectives of the 406 Declaration as “authentically human”. Now the question is; if you support the Global Ethic you are considered “authentically human” does this mean if you find the Global Ethic in conflict with your own beliefs, and you reject the Global Ethic because of this, does this make you not “authentically human” perhaps even “subhuman”?


Now the people promoting this New Age crap are not people who can be classified as nobodies without significance. Many of the people who push this philosophy hold important and influential positions in the world. An example being Horst Köhler who is a supporter of the "Declaration Toward a Global Ethic". Köhler was Chairman of the Executive Board and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund who resigned his position at the IMF in March 2004, following his nomination for the position of President of the Federal Republic of Germany. Then we have the “Earth Charter” and its "global ethics" which is referred to as the "New World Ten Commandments" promoted by Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev and Stephen Rockefeller.


It is interesting to note that in 2003 the Vatican warned against the "global ethics" which are the origin and core of the Earth Charter. Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragán, president of the "Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers” warned that the “global ethic” movement was an eco-religion which holds "sustainable development" as the highest good. He said it manifests itself "as a new spirituality that supplants all religions, because the latter have been unable to preserve the ecosystem." In a word, this is "a new secular religion, a religion without God, or if you prefer, a new God that is the earth itself with the name GAIA." he stated. [Emphasis added]

Eugenics and Environmentalism: From Quality Control to Quantity Control Then we have the warning from the occultist Barbara Marx Hubbard who is a “Creative Member” of the Club of Budapest International Foundation which is an offshoot of the Club of Rome. She is also a member of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality. It is interesting to note that the World Wisdom Council was initiated by The Club of Budapest International in association with the World Commission of Global Consciousness & Spirituality. Now just in case you think that old Hubbard is just a poor nobody ranting and raving away I will give you a bit of background information on her. In 1970, she co-founded the Committee for the Future and she is on the “Global Advisory Council” of the World Future Society. She made political history in 1984 when her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket. Now Hubbard makes her position quite clear in her book Manual for Co-Creators of the Quantum Leap. On pages 55-57 she states: "Humanity will not be able to make the transition from Earth-only to universal life until the chaff has been separated from the wheat. The great reaper


must reap before we can take the quantum leap to the next phase of evolution. No worldly peace can prevail until the self-centered members of the planetary body either change or die. That is the choice. The red horse is the destruction during the birth process of those who refuse to be born into God-centered, universal life . . . This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole." [Emphasis added] On pages 60-61 Hubbard states: "We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed . . . the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative. Only the God-centered can evolve." [Emphasis added] In The Book of Co-Creation written by Hubbard she states: "One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. . . We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death." [Emphasis added] Interviewer:

What does she mean by “God-centred” and “self-centred”?


Hubbard and company preach that there is no separation between God and you, for you are God. If you accept this belief you are classified as “God-centred”. It should be noted that in the occult the only real “sin” is to believe in sin and to believe you are separate from God. However if you believe that you are not God you are classified as “self-centred”. Of course it should be realised that Hubbard concept of God is totally different then the concept held by Christians and Moslems.

The thoughts of a sane individual or the ravings of a Psychopath?

Barbara Marx Hubbard

“…the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative. Only the God-centered can evolve. . . One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body.”

So taking into account the character of some of the people involved and the fact that there is evidence suggesting that these people desire to reduce world population numbers down to somewhere between five hundred million to two billion one ready can not rule out the possibility of extreme measures being taken to accomplish this. Interviewer:

But surely in this day and age there is no way that people such as Hubbard could get their way?


Take into consideration the Holocaust committed in Israel in the 1950's that involved the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of nearly all Sephardi Jewish youths, an entire generation. In a mass atomic experiment done under the disguise for the treatment of ringworm it was intended that every Sephardi child in Israel was to receive “35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60 million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of 408 dollars today.” This act of genocide, financed by the USA, was ordered by the light skinned Ashkenazi Jewish leaders against the darker skinned Sephardi youths because they were considered inferior. In a documentary shown in Israeli in 2005 a historian who


outlined a history of the eugenics movement declared that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society. It is amazing that even among those Jews who believe that they are “the Chosen People” there are some that consider themselves superior to some of their more darkskinned religious brethren. Then we have Pol Pot who was backed by the USA by proxy through the Chinese. During his time in power Pol Pot imposed a version of agrarian collectivization whereby city dwellers were relocated to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects - you could say he was a Greenie well ahead of his time. Under his rule and direction the Khmer Rouge slaughtered an estimated 3 million people - anyone who did not fit into Pol Pot's New Order was systematically eliminated. Now it appears to me that Hubbard and company are not any better then the people involved in the act of genocide against the Sephardi youths nor are they any better then Pol Pot's lot. Now if anyone believes that past acts of insane violence could not possible happen again then I strongly suggest that they study the Milgram experiment conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram. Interviewer:

You have talked about a Carbon Card and the possibility that it may have an international data base. Now I don’t wish to put you in an awkward position but since we have touched on the subject of religion do you think that this Carbon Card, if it does eventuate, would fit the description in various religious teachings that refer to the Mark of the Beast?


There have been many claims on what this so-called Mark of the Beast will be, but taking the turn of events I would have to say the Carbon Card would be a logical contender. It is interesting that you brought up this subject. Now what I find most intriguing is the fact that while there is talk of reducing carbon dioxide output on one hand on the other hand everything is given a carbon foot-print; not a carbon dioxide foot-print but a carbon foot-print. Also in regards to the Carbon Card I discussed; once again it is referred to as a Carbon Card not a Carbon Dioxide Card. Why on one hand talk about carbon dioxide and on the other hand talk of carbon; is this a sleight of hand? At this point it is most interesting to note that the atomic number of carbon is 6. Now there are 15 known isotopes of carbon of which only three are found in nature, the rest of the other carbon isotopes are produced in the laboratory i.e. man made. Of these three naturally occurring carbon isotopes, carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon14, only two, carbon-12 and carbon-13, are classified as stable. Carbon-12 which has 6 neutrons forms 98.93% of the carbon on Earth. Carbon-13 which has 7 neutrons is formed after a carbon-12 nucleus fuses with a proton to form nitrogen-13 which eventually decays to form carbon -13, makes up most of the remaining 1.07% of carbon isotopes. Carbon-14, which has 8 neutrons makes-up less than one-billionth of carbon on Earth, is created in the upper atmosphere by interaction of nitrogen-14 with cosmic rays which then spreads evenly throughout the atmosphere. Now Carbon-14 is an unstable isotope which eventually decays back to nitrogen-14. Are you with me so far?


I think so…please carry on.


Now humans are classified as a Carbon-12 life form; taking this fact into consideration it becomes most intriguing to discover that Carbon-12 has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.


6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons? Now I hope I don’t appear to be paranoid if the number 666 pops into my head?



For a start I’m not what would be considered a religious man. Although I believe in the existence of a higher power I do not belong to any church and the only times I have been in a church is to either attend a marriage or a funeral. That aside I have to admit that the Carbon Card certainly made me think about Revelation 13:18; "Here is wisdom. Let him who has a mind calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is the number of mankind, and its number is six hundred sixty-six." I had to think to myself… cripes… now is all this just a coincidence?


Do you think this is just a coincidence?


I truly hope it is. But on the other hand when one back-tracks through all the front organisations pushing the misinformation on claims that man is responsible for the climate warming and all the propaganda and hysteria connected with it, then one discovers people at its root who can only be described as evil and completely devoid of any empathy towards mankind. So, based on my knowledge, I certainly can not dismiss it outright so I will just keep an open mind on this for the time being.


I thought Revelation 13:18 stated “the number of a man” but you state “the number of mankind”?


Most translations read this verse of Scripture as "the number of a man" but it is my understanding that this is incorrect and that the correct translation is "the number of mankind" meaning all men and women - humanity.


The verse you quote, from what bible does it come?


The Concordant Literal New Testament.


I have never heard of that version


The Concordant Literal New Testament was the work of a man named A. E. Knoch. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri in the US in 1874 and died, I believe, in 1965. Now Knoch, who had an excellent grasp of Greek, believed there were many errors in the Bible translations of his day and he dedicated much of his life in producing a translation of the scriptures that he felt to be accurate and free from personal bias.


Are you claiming that they majority of Christians who believe that the verse is “the number of a man” are wrong?


There are dozens of different English translations of the Bible and each one chooses different translations of various words to express what the translation's authors felt were accurate. Now it is estimated that there are approximately 38,000 Christian 409 denominations in the world which includes approximately 1,000 Christian faith groups in the U.S. and Canada who each believe themselves to be the only true Christian denomination. Now can you tell me please, leaving out all the various nonEnglish adaptations, which of these dozens of different New Testament translations written in English is a complete and accurate version of the original Greek transcripts?


Now it is just not possible for all the dozens of different English translations of the Bible to be all completely correct as the various authors of the different translations used various words to express what they felt were accurate. Now is there any English translation of the New Testament that is a completely true and accurate translation from the original Greek? To make it a bit more simple has anyone who accepts the commonly accepted version of Revelation 13:18 taken the time and effort to check its accuracy or have they just accepted someone’s word that it is accurate? On the other hand just because the majority believe something true does that make it true? In our past it was once Church doctrine that the sun revolved around the earth and if you publicly disputed this belief you ran the risk of being tied to a stake and burnt alive as a heretic.

Now it is not my intention to get into a debate with you over Scripture. Whether I am right or wrong, in accepting the Concordant Literal New Testament interpretation of Revelation 13:18, this shouldn't cloud or impact upon the facts raised on other matters during our conversation. Interviewer:

No doubt some people well think you are a bit of a crack-pot conceding the possible of a connection between the Carbon Card and the Mark of the Beast?


I have a very open and enquiring mind and I certainly do not discount something outright if the evidence suggests otherwise. If people wish to believe that I am a crackpot then so be it; it certainly is no skin off my nose. But before I carry on I have to say that if there is no God then humanity is in very serious trouble because what I believe that faces humanity further down the track will need some sort of God-like intervention if the bulk of humanity is to survive.


What are you exactly getting at? What serious trouble?


As I mentioned earlier the male fertility rates are falling at an alarming rate and if this continues, and there is no reason to doubt that they will continue to fall, then within thirty years or maybe less most males will be sterile. Now where will this lead us to, especially if those “people” pushing for Global Governance get their way? After all these “people” have a general contempt for the Masses.


But why the contempt?


These “people” consider themselves superior and look upon the Masses as a cancer upon the planet using valuable resources and destroying “their” environment. Secondly too many people are a potential threat to them because we far outnumber “them”; far easier to control five hundred million or maybe two billion people then seven, or eight, or nine billion. Thirdly because of advances in technology and automation the bulk of the Masses are considered redundant by these “people”, you know obsolete, not needed.


I get your point.


Good…now where was I…Now as I was saying the fertility rates are falling and what is being done about it? NOTHING AT ALL. Of course from time to time researchers raise the alarm but as I said nothing is done.


Of course when a couple wish to start a family and they discover they have a fertility problem they turn to IVF, or donated sperm, or donated eggs and now donated embryos. Of course there is always surrogacy, you know a couple pay another woman to carry their child for them or if you are really trendy and PC you can adopt a child from one of the third world countries. People are not questioning why they are infertile and looking for the answers, they just appear to accept it as part of live. People are slowly being conditioned to accept the fact that infertility is a part of life. Now if human breeding is to be regulated in the future, under the guise of cutting CO2 output, and there is evidence to suggest this is the intention, it is more then probably this will be overseen by a Global Authority as well. Of course the willy-nilly approach to treating infertility by independent clinics will in all probability become a thing of the past as a more central approach is taken. Interviewer:

I have an uneasy feeling what you are coming to, especially taking into consideration the connection you made before regarding eugenics and population control.


You appear to becoming attuned to my thinking. But it is not the issue of eugenics I was going to rise but the issue of generically modifying humans.

The New Eugenics is not about the survival of the fittest but the survival of the richest. Interviewer:

Aren’t you crossing into the realms of fantasy?


Am I? I think that if people dismiss such a possibility then they are the ones living in a fantasy and should wake-up because such experiments are in progress. As an example a mouse without a father has been created for the first time in an experiment that shatters the standard scientific belief that mammals of the same sex cannot produce viable offspring. The mouse was conceived from the unfertilised eggs of two mothers, making her the first mammal to be born without a male genetic 410 contribution. The point I make here is that if it can be done with a mouse it can be done with humans. Then we had the news item carried by the BBC in February 2008 claiming that researchers at Newcastle University in the UK have created a human embryo with three separate parents; the embryos were created using DNA from a 411 man and two women in lab tests. Of course other researchers have gone well beyond this point.


What do you mean?


For years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals. Scientists have already begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras - a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal. In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins; and it's not just pig blood cells being swept along with human blood cells as some of the cells themselves have merged, creating hybrids. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human. In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing 413 inside their skulls. From what I understand researchers intend to create mice whose 414 brains are 100 per cent human.


Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first humananimal chimeras successfully created. They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem 415 cells. Some researchers like Robert Streiffer, a professor of philosophy and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin in the US, fantasise over a human-chimpanzee chimera endowed with speech and an enhanced potential to learn - what some have called a 416 "humanzee." Of course there are claims from researchers that if such chimeras were created they would be given protection. But then we have likes of Harvard political philosopher Michael J. Sandel stating that the chances are that these hybrid 417 humans would be made to “perform menial jobs or dangerous jobs.”


But creating human-animal chimeras…has raised troubling questions: What new subhuman combination should be produced and for what purpose? At what point would it be considered human? And what rights, if any, should it have? National Geographic News. January 25, 2005 "Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy" In February 2007 it was announced in the UK that women "will be able to sell their 418 eggs for scientific research after British regulators give the all-clear." A few months 419 later in September 2007 it was revelled in COSMOS magazine that "Britain's fertility regulator had decided in principle to allow scientists to create human-animal hybrid embryos for research purposes." COSMOS went on to state that researchers intend "transferring nuclei containing DNA from human cells to animal eggs that have had nearly all their genetic information removed. The resulting embryos are therefore mostly human, with a small animal component." Then we have David P. Barash, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington saying that reproductive facilities should work towards creating a race of human/chimpanzee hybrids, but, he admits, only because it would offend Christians. He reveals, however, that his motivation is not a pure interest in advancing science, but his hatred for “know-nothing anti-evolutionism,” and “religious fundamentalists,” who hold human life to be sacred. Now note "hatred for those who hold human life to be sacred." According to an article on the LifeSiteNews website Barash says that creating animal/human hybrids would effectively quash the belief that “the human species, unlike all others, possesses a spark of the divine and that we therefore stand outside nature.” The article quotes Barash as stating: “Should geneticists and developmental biologists succeed once again in joining human and nonhuman animals in a viable organism,” then “it would be difficult and perhaps impossible for the special pleaders to maintain the fallacy that Homo sapiens is uniquely 420 disconnected from the rest of life.” [Emphasis added] Now thinking of the advancements in technology and the increasing scientific breakthroughs being made one cannot avoid remembering the words of Aldous Huxley: "There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by 421 pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." But today science has made advances further beyond what existed in Huxley’s time. Why use drugs when genes can be manipulated to produce “compliant” creatures as 422 an article in the UK based Sunday Times has shown to be feasible. It is interesting to note that the beginning of the article made a reference to Huxley stating: “ALDOUS HUXLEY may have got it right. In Brave New World, his classic futuristic novel, the author envisaged a society divided into castes from Alpha at the top to Epsilon at the bottom.” According to the article scientists in the USA have discovered that by blocking the effects of a gene in the brain called D2 in monkeys, the monkeys’ behaviour can be permanently altered, turning the subjects from aggressive to “compliant” creatures. It was noted in the article that humans have an identical gene and that “scientists acknowledge that methods of manipulating human physical and psychological traits are just around the corner.” If people hold the view that mankind is just another animal then the bulk of humanity shouldn’t complain if they end-up being treated like an animal. On the other hand if people believe that mankind is special and thus have a special status above that of other life forms on this planet then they had better heed the warning I have given and take action to protect their status especially taking into consideration that there are


people in the world who believe that they are apart from, and superior to, the rest of humanity and view people outside of their group as no better than cattle. Now looking at the evidence presented here and taking into consideration what I have stated the average person would have to be rather dim-witted if they didn’t feel a bit of anxiety in regards to what the future holds for them, their family, and humanity in general.

Links to articles As previously mentioned the articles that were included as references in previous revisions have now been removed. The links to these articles are provided below where they can either be read online or downloaded. The URLs in blue are a direct link to the article Betty Crocker Feminism Diseases in New Zealand Cattle & Dairy Herds _Dairy_Herds.htm How British Free Trade Starved Millions During Ireland's Potato Famine ns_During_Ireland%27s_Potato_Famine.htm Huey P. Long - Every Man a King The Frankfurt School - Conspiracy to corrupt The FRANKFURT SCHOOL CULTURAL REVOLUTION WHY THE USA FORCED THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN INTO WORLD WAR II


Do you want to help? Technology has placed in the hands of the Elite the power to impose a system of control over people only previously fantasised about in science fiction novels. If Globalisation is not halted we will all eventually enter into a New Dark Age which will enslave mankind. "Their script is now written, subject only to last-minute editing and stage-directions. The stage itself, albeit in darkness, is almost ready. Down in the pit, the subterranean orchestra is already tuning up. The last-minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors, one suspects, have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." Peter Lemesurier - The Armageddon Script "Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it politic? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular - but one must take it simply because it is right." Martin Luther King "Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." Winston Churchill

There is a minority who faces injustice head-on and is prepared for the consequences of their actions; even if it means the spilling of their blood.

There is the majority who stand around because they lack the ability to take independent action and thus seek direction from someone prepared to lead them.

Then of course there is another minority who hide in the shadows while standing in a puddle of their own urine too frightened to move.

What type are you? If you have completely read through this document to this point then you are either vehemently oppose what has been stated, or are confused, or you see the logic in what has been stated. If you totally disagree with what I refer to as Social Survivalism than I shall repeat what I said near the beginning of this document; “Drop dead and go to Hell.” If you are confused, then good…I have nearly got your support. My advice to you is to get of your ramp and to educate yourself; clear your head of the confusion and think logically…do this and you will most probably embrace Social Survivalism. If you see the logic in what has been stated and you wish to help then for a start there are a number of things you can do: 

If you have a website then place this PDF file on your website so that people can download it


 

If you have access to a blog site then mention Social Survivalism. In fact if you are keen then establish a blog solely dealing with the subject of Social Survivalism If you have friends or family members who may be interested in Social Survivalism then forward this PDF file on to them

What else can you do? If you wish you can help out financially. The intention is to put together a small group of dedicated people to develop Social Survivalism - people with the skills in the written word - and the establishment of a website. Setting-up an organisation costs money; a harsh reality of life is that nothing today is free. If you are not well-off financially but would like to show your support by a financial contribution then all I would ask is that you contribute the lowest denomination bank note of your country whether it be euro, dollar, pound, krona, yen, peso, etc. Any financial contributions would be gratefully received and used wisely and honestly. Contributions can either be made directly to the ISS PayPal account [email protected] or you can mail cash in a greeting card to the following address:

ISS, P.O. Box 31-175, Lower Hutt 5011, NEW ZEALAND Of course if you are filthy rich and would like to make a large contribution then Email [email protected] and they will forward banking details. If you wish to contribute a question please feel free to do so. Please keep your questions simple and direct and please deal only with one subject per question. All questions received that are constructive will be added to the next revised edition of this document. Send your question/s to: [email protected] In the Subject Line add Question and do not send any attachments unless it has been arranged before hand. All Emails that do not have Question or Update or Donation in the Subject Line, or Emails that contain attachments without prior notification, will be deleted. If you wish to keep up to date then visit the ISS website at


If you are too much of a coward to join the fight then the only advice I can give you is:

“Grip your ankles tighter and put a smile on your face; the least you can do is to make out you are enjoying it.”

Qadosh Erectus


References/Endnotes 1

NZ Ministry of Economic Development. "Real Energy Prices for Households, Industry" 2 The Dominion Post. “Bid for $4 billion power payback” 18 July, 2009 3 Sunday Star Times. “We paid $7b too much” 8 June, 2008 4 "Market model costs electricity consumers $7b too much" 7 June, 2008 5 Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, “Speech on the question of free trade delivered to the Democratic Association of Brussels at it public meeting of January 9, 1848”, Collected Works, Volume 6 (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976). 6 NZ Herald. Friday October 6, 2006. "Millions face a lifetime renting" 7 Society has always produced sociopaths who are quite often the products of illegitimacy, broken homes, and a lack of any bonding with male or societal authority. Some 70% of sociopaths come from fatherless homes. Father absence produces many consequences similar to the symptoms of sociopathy - early, precocious sexuality; antagonistic, deprecating attitude toward the opposite sex; lack of interest in bonding with a durable, stable mate; aggressive acting-out; excessive boasting; and risk-taking behaviour. Some 30% of children today are born out-of-wedlock, and another 30% live in divorced homes. These conditions - a problem of unsocialisation - produce sociopathy. Dhanawan. A, “CRIMINOLOGY AS A FIELD OF STUDY” 8 Richard Christie, a social psychologist at Columbia University in the U.S. Beginning in 1954, when he was 36, Professor Christie developed a series of scales to measure manipulative behaviour and the characteristics of what he called the Machiavellian personality in adults and to trace the appearance of these traits in the course of child development. He found that so-called Mach scores were not related to political opinions, racial attitudes, intelligence or level of education. Instead, he said, they stemmed from an individual's views on tactics and morality. 9 Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) and enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract of animals including humans. In the central nervous system, serotonin plays an important role as a neurotransmitter in the modulation of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, sexuality, appetite, and metabolism. 10 The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Twenty-four undergraduates were selected out of 70 to play the roles of both guards and prisoners and live in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Prisoners and guards rapidly adapted to their roles, stepping beyond the boundaries of what had been predicted and leading to dangerous and psychologically damaging situations. One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited "genuine" sadistic tendencies, while many prisoners were emotionally traumatized and two had to be removed from the experiment early. After sensing that everyone had been too absorbed in their roles, including himself, Zimbardo terminated the experiment after six days. Ethical concerns surrounding the famous experiment often draw comparisons to the Milgram experiment, which was conducted in 1961 at Yale University by Stanley Milgram, Zimbardo's former college friend. Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman Jr wrote in 1981 that the Milgram Experiment in the 1960s and the later Zimbardo Experiment were frightening in their implications about the danger which lurks in the darker side of human nature. 11 American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 645-650. ISBN 0-89042-061-0 12 William Orville Douglas (October 16, 1898 – January 19, 1980) was a United States Supreme Court Associate Justice. With a term lasting 36 years and 209 days, he is the longest-serving justice in the history of the Supreme Court. 13 The source is from a book called Who's Who of the Elite written by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. Now, just in case you think he was some sort of idiot here is a brief biographical statement. He was born in Big Lake, Texas; he holds a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas A & M University. While active in engineering, he was a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, and a National Certified Manufacturing Engineer. After graduation, he accepted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant - later promoted to 1st Lt. - in the Army Security Agency, a branch of the National Security Agency, which is a big brother to the Central Intelligence Agency. Military training was in the field of crypto analysis - the breaking of codes, and served as a Company Commander with an Intelligence Unit on the Demilitarized Zone in the Chorwan valley of South Korea, from 1956 to 1957. Upon leaving active duty, began his professional career in the petroleum industry. Served as an Industrial Engineer for ten years until being promoted into management, and was a manufacturing Plant Manager for over ten years. He also served as an International Management Consultant, working in the US, Japan, Mexico, Canada, England, and Iran. 14 In the American system one billion is 1,000,000,000 and a trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 so one trillion is one thousand times one billion.



Lysander Spooner (19 January 1808 – 14 May 1887) was a libertarian, individualist anarchist, entrepreneur, political philosopher, abolitionist, supporter of the labour movement, and legal theorist of the 19th century. 16 The Chase Bank, controlled by the Rockefeller family, has also had a strong connection to the World Bank, as three presidents (John J. McCloy, Eugene R. Black, Sr. and George Woods) all worked at Chase before taking up positions at the international bank. A fourth president, James D. Wolfensohn, is also closely associated with Rockefeller, serving as a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, amongst other family-created institutions. 17 Steven W. Mosher. Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese. Mr. Mosher, a Chinese-American scholar who was denied his Ph.D. because he revealed details of China's forced-abortion policy, outlines various Chinese government policies and their impacts on the common Chinese worker and rural dweller. Chapter 9 of his book, "Birth Control: A Grim Game of Numbers," deals with China's forced-abortion and one-child policy, which leads also to female infanticide when the first baby is a girl. Chen Muhua's quote is on page 224. 18 NEWSTATESMAN, British currant affairs magazine, How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand, 17 April 2000 19 Mikhail Gorbachev – Executive member of the Club of Rome 20 The First Global Revolution: Club of Rome, Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, 1991: Pantheon Books, New York, p 115 21 Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts, USA. Also described in Linda Gordon’s “Woman’s Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America”. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976. 22 Osborn F. "The Future of Human Heredity" 1968, pp.104 23 Toxins and Fertility 24

Introduction to the Subject of Fluoridation 25

Nexus Magazine August/September 1995. Stephens I.E. "Fluoridation: Mind Control of the Masses" “Female Fertility Starts Declining From 20s” 27 “Factsheet: Male Infertility” 28 "What's Really Behind the Plunge in Teen Pregnancy?" 29 The Dominion Post [NZ], 21 October, 2008. “Kiwi men’s sperm count drops” 30 New York Times. "UN: Globalization Tops Agenda for World Leaders at Millenium Summit" September 3rd, 2000 31 Wikipedia, Kofi Annan, 32 Prince Bernhard personally chaired the Club of Rome meetings until 1976, when a corruption scandal forced him to resign. - William Bramley, The Gods of Eden 33 FREE-MARKET NEWS NETWORK "DIANA 'NET NIGHTMARE - TODAY'S HIGH ALERT" 34 The INTERIM website. "NSSM 2000: blueprint for de-population" 35 Vincent J Giese, Alfred McBride, O. Praem, The Second Coming of Jesus, p 104 36 Christine Stewart, then Canadian Minister of the Environment, speaking before editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald, 1998, and quoted by Terence Corcoran, “Global Warming: The Real Agenda,” Financial Post, 26 December 1998, from the Calgary Herald, December, 14, 1998. Cited by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery, Unstoppable Global Warming (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007) 37 Link: 38 Link: 39 Link: 40 "We are also led to believe that Chapter 9 [of 2007 IPCC report] was widely supported by hundreds of reviewers, but just 62 IPCC reviewers commented on its penultimate draft. Only five of those reviewers endorsed it but four of the five appear to have vested interests and the other made just one comment for the entire 11-chapter WG1 contribution." John McLean in The Australian. Link:,25197,24315169-7583,00.html 41 Chris Landsea, "Why I Must Resign," Canada's Financial Post, January 20, 2005 42 Chris Landsea’s Open letter to the community: 43 Richard Lindzen, "Climate Alarm: Where Does It Comes From?" remarks to the George C. Marshall Institute, December 1, 2004, available at 44 J. W. Zillman, Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 16, no. 85 (2003). 45 Website: 46 and 47 Website: 26



"Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered" Link: 49 50 st 21 Century Science & Technology Magazine "Yes, the Ocean Has Warmed; No, It’s Not ‘Global Warming’" by Dr. Robert E. Stevenson 51 Chairman and co-founder of Generation Investment Management; a London-based business that sells carbon credits. Also member of The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome 52 53 54 55 Link: 56 Dr. Tim Ball is a renowned environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Ball employs his extensive background in climatology and other fields as an advisor to the International Climate Science Coalition, Friends of Science and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy 57 "Much of the global warming debate is perhaps best described as a constant outbidding by frantic campaigners, producing a barrage of ever-more scary scenarios in an attempt to get the public to accept their civilisation-changing proposals. Unfortunately, the general public -- while concerned about the environment - is distinctly unwilling to support questionable solutions with costs running into tens of trillions of pounds. Predictably, this makes the campaigners reach for even more outlandish scares." Bjorn Lomborg in UK Guardian. Link 58 Member of the Club of Rome; Professor Schneider was among the earliest and most vocal proponents of man-made global warming and a lead author of many IPCC reports. 59 Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (New York: Pantheon Books, 1991), 115 60 Rocky Mountain News. A US newspaper, first edition produced on April 23, 1859. Ceased publication February 26, 2009 61 Ted Turner donates $1 billion to 'UN causes' / CNN 1997 62 Milankovitch cycles are the collective effect of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer and mathematician Milutin Milanković. The eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth's orbit vary in several patterns, resulting in 100,000-year ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last few million years. The Earth's axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time, the elliptical orbit rotates, more slowly, leading to a 21,000-year cycle between the seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit moves from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back again on a 41,000-year cycle. Currently, this angle is 23.44 degrees and is decreasing. 63 Link: 64 Source: Reuters 10 September 2008 65 The Listener. May 31 - June 6 2008 Link: 66 Link: 67 Carnegie Institution For Science. February 15, 2008. "Stabilizing Climate Requires Near-Zero Carbon Emissions" 68 Science Daily "Stabilizing Climate Requires Near-zero Carbon Emissions" Link: 69 Horner C. C. "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" pp6 70 Plant Ark October 2002 “New Zealand plans carbon tax to meet Kyoto targets” Link: 71 The Telegraph. 20 June 2007. 'China's carbon dioxide production soars' Link: 72 New Scientist 11 March 2008 'China emissions to swamp Kyoto reductions by 2010' Link: 73, John Chan, "China’s Communist Party congress: a celebration of private wealth and market success" October 26, 2007. 74, Jonathan Watts, "High stakes for China as party congress begins" October 15, 2007. 75 Asia Times Online: China's 'most wanted' millionaires 76 77 Myers, Gustavus, 1872–1942, American historian, b. Trenton, N.J. He worked on a number of newspapers and magazines in New York City, joined the Populist Party and the Social Reform Club, and was a member (1907–12) of the Socialist party. Such books as The History of Tammany Hall (1901,


rev. ed. 1917), History of the Great American Fortunes (3 vol., 1910, rev. ed. 1936), and History of the Supreme Court of the United States (1912) were detailed, realistic exposés through which Myers made his reputation in the muckraking era of American literature. 78 “Pioneering Study Shows Richest Two Percent Own Half World Wealth” 79 “In Bombay, India's Wealth and Poverty on Display” 80 Statistics New Zealand - 2 April 2007 81 New Zealand’s 2007 Census 82 On August 15, 1971 the U.S. government announced that it was "ending the dollar's convertibility, closing the gold window, cutting the dollar's tie to gold, and allowing the dollar to float." 83 Used the statistics for May 2008 from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. 84 August 10, 2008. 85 Russell Munk, Assistant General Council for the U.S. Treasury 86 John B Henderson, Senior Specialist in Price Economics, Congressional Research Service, The U.S. Library of Congress 87 John M. Yetter, U. S. Treasury 88 Irving Fisher was called one of America's greatest mathematical economists and one of the clearest economics writers of all time. 89 “That private banks should create almost all New Zealand’s money supply” 90 Thomas Wilson (1524-1581) was an English diplomat and judge, and a courtier at the court of Elizabeth I. He is now remembered for his Logique (1551) and The Arte of Rhetorique (1553) an influential text. These have been called the first complete works on logic and rhetoric in English. He also wrote A Discourse upon Usury by way of Dialogue and Orations. 91 The Vedas are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and the most ancient religious texts in an IndoEuropean language. The authority of the Veda as stating the essential truths of Hinduism is still accepted to some extent by all Hindus. The Veda is the literature of the Aryans who invaded NW India c.1500 B.C. and pertains to the fire sacrifice that constituted their religion. The Vedic hymns were probably first compiled after a period of about 500 years during which the invaders assimilated various native religious ideas. The end of the Vedic period is about 500 B.C. Tradition ascribes the authorship of the hymns to inspired seer-poets. 92 An aphoristic verse; the literary style consisting of such maxims. From 500 bce, this style was widely adopted by Indian philosophical systems and eventually employed in works on law, grammar, medicine, poetry, crafts, etc. Each sutra is often accompanied by a commentary called bhashya and sometimes subcommentary called tika, vyakhyana or tippani. 93 Jatakas Ancient folktales of India come down to us primarily in two collections of stories, many of which are about animals. These are the Buddhist tales of the former lives of the Buddha known as the Jatakas and the Panchatantra. Many of the original stories probably predate the Buddha, but the Jatakas were organized into verses about the Buddha and placed into his biography starting about the fourth century BC, though the whole collection with its prose stories and commentaries was not completed for several centuries. 94 Gertrude M. Coogan, Money Creators 95 Plato (428/427 BC – 348/347 BC), was a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy. Plato was also a mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the western world. Plato was originally a student of Socrates, and was as much influenced by his thinking as by what he saw as his teacher's unjust death. Plato objects to usury because it tends to set one class, the poor or the borrowers, against another, the rich or the lenders; and goes so far as to make it wrong for the borrower to repay either the principal or interest of his debt. He further considers that the profession of the usurer is to be despised, as it is a debasing way of making money. 96 Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote on many subjects, including physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology and zoology. Together with Plato, and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. He was the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing morality and aesthetics, logic and science, politics and metaphysics. Aristotle condemns usury because it is the most extreme and dangerous form of chrematistic acquisition, or the art of making money for its own sake. 97 Marcus Porcius Cato (234 BC, Tusculum–149 BC) was a Roman statesman, surnamed the Censor. In Cato's opinion Usury was equivalent to Murder. 98 The charging of usury, or interest on money lent, came quickly under scrutiny. There is no clear basis for a ban on usury in Christian scriptures. The most famous injunction on interest emerges ambiguously as: "Upon a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury, but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury." (Deuteronomy, 23: 20). To early Church fathers, like St. Jerome, the Christian notion that "all men are brothers" necessarily implied that usury must be banned outright.



Charlemagne (Latin: Carolus Magnus or Karolus Magnus, meaning Charles the Great) (747 – 28 January 814) was King of the Franks from 768 to his death. He expanded the Frankish kingdoms into a Frankish Empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe. During his reign, he conquered Italy and was crowned Imperator Augustus by Pope Leo III on 25 December 800 as a rival of the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople. His rule is also associated with the Carolingian Renaissance, a revival of art, religion, and culture through the medium of the Catholic Church. Through his foreign conquests and internal reforms, Charlemagne helped define both Western Europe and the Middle Ages. He is numbered as Charles I in the regal lists of France, Germany, and the Holy Roman Empire. 100 Philosophy and theology of Western Christendom in the Middle Ages. Virtually all medieval philosophers of any significance were theologians, and their philosophy is generally embodied in their theological writings. There were numerous scholastic philosophies in the Middle Ages, but basic to all scholastic thought was the conjunction of faith and reason. For the greatest of the scholastics, this meant the use of reason to deepen the understanding of what is believed on faith and ultimately to give a rational content to faith. It was in the course of applying reason to faith that medieval thinkers developed and taught important philosophical ideas not directly related to theology. 101 St. Thomas Aquinas. Philosopher, theologian, doctor of the Church (Angelicus Doctor), patron of Catholic universities, colleges, and schools. Born at Rocca Secca in the Kingdom of Naples, 1225 or 1227; died 7 March, 1274. 102 The Council of Vienne was the Fifteenth Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church that met between 1311 and 1312 in Vienne. 103 The Just Price is a theory of ethics in economics that attempts to set standards of fairness in transactions. With intellectual roots in ancient Greek philosophy, it was advanced by Thomas Aquinas based on an argument against usury, which in his time referred to the making of any rate of interest on loans. Thomas Aquinas, (1225 – 7 March 1274) was an Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, a philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition. The argument against usury was that the lender was receiving income for nothing, since nothing was actually traded. Aquinas later expanded his argument to oppose any unfair earnings made in trade, basing the argument on the Golden Rule. He held that it was immoral to gain financially without actually creating something. The Christian should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", meaning he should trade value for value. Aquinas believed that it was specifically immoral to raise prices because a particular buyer had an urgent need for what was being sold and could be persuaded to pay a higher price because of local conditions. 104 Birnie, A. (1958) The History and Ethics of Interest, London: William Hodge & Co. 105 Dante Alighieri, or simply Dante (mid-May to mid-June 1265 - September 13/14, 1321), was an Italian poet from Florence. His central work, the Divina Commedia (originally called "Commedia" and later called "Divina" (divine) by Boccaccio hence "Divina Commedia"), is considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italian he is known as "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta). Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language". 106 Ahmad, S.A. (1958) Economics of Islam (A Comparative Study), Lahore, India: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf. 107 Discourse on Usury by Thomas Wilson was written in 1569 and published in1572. In his own day Wilson could see Waste and Want caused by usury which was ‘universally used’. 108 Kennedy, M. (1995) Interest and Inflation Free Money, Okemos: Seva International. 109 Kennedy, M (1995) Usury as an Agent of Economic Instability. 110 C.H. Douglas (1879-1952), a Scottish-born engineer, who worked for a number of American and British companies in the early years of the twentieth century, was the founder of the modern monetary reform movement. 111 Professor Frederick Soddy, of Oxford, a great authority on chemistry and physics, treats economics from the standpoint of the physicist, and shows, in his pamphlet Cartesian Economics (London: Henderson's) and in his book, Wealth, Virtual Wealth, and Debt (New York: E. P. Dutton & Company), that capital cannot be saved; that all wealth is a flow instead of a store. He also destroys the pretence that interest is necessary. 112 Irving Fisher was called one of America's greatest mathematical economists and one of the clearest economics writers of all time. 113 Henry Calvert Simons, 1889-1946. Henry Simons argued for changing the financial architecture of the United States to make monetary policy more effective and mitigate periodic cycles of inflation and deflation. 114 Frederick Soddy, the recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 115 "The Morals of Money-Lending," The World Guide, 116 NZ Herald on the 15th May 2008 117 118 Statistics New Zealand. "Household Economic Survey (Income): Year ended June 2008" urvey_HOTPYeJun08/Commentary.aspx



Statistics New Zealand. "Household Economic Survey (Income): Year ended June 2008" urvey_HOTPYeJun08/Commentary.aspx 120 Melford Pearson. Excerpted from his book, Challenge to Crisis. Quote is contributed to U.S. Representative Wright Patman of Texas who was the Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency which conducted extensive hearings into the operations of the U.S. Federal Reserve system during 1964. Footnotes: 121 An address by Dr. Alan Bollard, Governor Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Article dated 2 October 2004: Being a responsible host: Supervising foreign-owned banks (An Address to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Conference: Systemic Financial Crises - Resolving Large Bank Insolvencies) Full article: 122 The Press, 13/7/04; "How safe is your money?", Kristine Greene 123 Listener, 6/11/04; "Fair Play: Why Inland Revenue Has Had A Change Of Attitude", Nick Smith 124 125 Anita Chan and Jonathan Unger, "Blood, Tears, Toys and NGOs," Anita Chan and Jonathan Unger, "Blood, Tears, Toys and NGOs," YaleGlobal Online, December 13, 2007, 126 Thomas More (7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535) Saint Thomas More was an English lawyer, author, and statesman who in his lifetime gained a reputation as a leading humanist scholar, and occupied many public offices, including Lord Chancellor (1529–1532). More coined the word "utopia" - a name he gave to the ideal, imaginary island nation whose political system he described in Utopia, published in 1516. An important counsellor to Henry VIII of England, he was imprisoned and executed by beheading in 1535 after he had fallen out of favour with the king over his refusal to sign the Act of Supremacy 1534, which declared the King the Supreme Head of the Church of England, effecting a final split with the Catholic Church in Rome. In 1980, More was added to the Church of England's calendar of saints. 127 ISLANDS BUSINESS. "Currency fluctuations putting a toll on local businesses" ocusModuleID=18433/overideSkinName=issueArticle-full.tpl 128 TimesOnLine "Money is dead - long live barter" January 11, 2009 129 Rising concern about banks encouraging unsustainable debt – CTU” 130 A report released in March 2007showed it was almost impossible for an average wage earner to buy an average home, a mortgage taking about 75 per cent of the average wage in Wellington. 131 Link: 132 Reserve Bank 133 Lee’s views on credit are discussed in detail by Keith Sinclair, “The Lee-Sutch Syndrome: New Zealand Labour Party Policies and Politics. 1930-1940”, The New Zealand Journal of History, No. 2, October, 1974, pp.95-117. 134 “Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’.” The Times. September 30, 2009. 135 An authoritarian decree, order, or policy 136 1956 Report of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (volume 1, page 347) 137 Kleptocrat nation (klep te krat na shen), n. 1. A body of people ruled by thieves. 2. A government characterized by the practice of transferring money and power from the many to the few. 3. A ruling class of moneyed elites that usurps liberty, justice, sovereignty, and other democratic rights from the people. 4. The USA in 2008. 138 Kleptocracy is a term applied to a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats) at the expense of the population, sometimes without even the pretence of honest service. The term derives from the Greek root klepto (theft). 139 OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities, Second Quarter 2008, 140 Bank for International Settlements, Semiannual OTC derivatives statistics at end-December 2007, 141 Buffett warns on investment 'time bomb' 142 FRANCE 24 “Queen Elizabeth II wonders why no one spotted credit crunch” 143 Josepha Sherman, The Cold War, quoting V.I. Lenin 144 “Parties in clash over Treasury papers” 145 The Trends Journal, Vol. XVI, No. 1, December 2007 146 Deindustrialisation: A shift in an economy from producing goods to producing services 147 Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times May 24, 2005

340 148 WEB OF DEBT "THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX: HOW A BANKRUPT GERMANY SOLVED ITS INFRASTRUCTURE PROBLEMS" by Ellen Brown 149 C.C. Veith, Citadels of Chaos (Meador, 1949) 150 Tom Skinner was president of the Federation of Labour for 16 years. 151 Michael Savage was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1935 to 1940. 152 Read Walter Nash by Keith Sinclair 153 The Barnes Review, November/December 2008 – Volume XIV, Number 6 154 “Confronting the Legacy of the African Slave Trade” 155 Assistant Professor of History Syracuse University 156 Slavery, 157 Thomas Jackson, 1992, American Renaissance 3, cited in Slavery, 158 Mel Fisher Maritime Museum, A Slave Ship Speaks: The Wreak of the Henrietta Marie 159 Guilty parties, from The Economist print edition, 23 Dec 1999 160 BBC, The Story of Africa 161 France and Legacy of Slavery by Nick Tattersall, Tue May 9, 11:22 AM ET, Reuters 162 He was the author of De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae [on the laws and customs of England], a broad, philosophic treatise. Bracton was the first judge to research, collect and record over 2,000 decisions of his court in a casebook (called the Note Book), thus publishing the world's first "law report." This work pioneered the use of precedents and the stare decisis rule. More importantly, law reports provide publicity to the rules of law laid down by the courts and act as a control over arbitrary decisions. Bracton's example was thereafter followed in England as judges began to record their decision in Year Books or Yearbooks, which were published from 1291 to 1535. It stood as the primary general reference book and authority on the English law until William Blackstone published his Commentaries some 500 years later. 163 Don Jordan is a television producer and director who has worked on dozens of documentaries and dramas. 164 Michael Walsh spent twelve years as a reporter and presenter on World in Action and has won six awards. 165 Kelly d. Whittaker, White Slavery, what the Scots already know 166 Sir William Petty, Political Anatomy of Ireland 167 Sir William Petty, Political Anatomy of Ireland 168 John Thurloe, Letter of Henry Cromwell, 4th Thurloe's State Papers [Published: London, 1742] 169 C. S. S. Higham, The Development of the Leeward Islands Under the Restoration, 1660-1688 170 Edward O'Meagher Condon, The Irish Race in America 171 Abbot Emerson Smith, Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America 16071776 172 Joseph J. Williams, Whence the "Black Irish" of Jamaica 173 Joseph J. Williams, Whence the "Black Irish" of Jamaica 174 Benefit of Clergy: Dating back to the middle ages, benefit of clergy was originally a right accorded to the church, allowing it to punish its own members should they be convicted of a crime. In this instance the court did not prescribe any punishment for the defendant and instead handed him over to church officials. 175 Thomas Burton, Parliamentary Diary: 1656 59, Vol. 4, p. 253 274. 176 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series of 1701 177 Thomas Addis Emmet, Ireland Under English Rule 178 John P. Prendergast, The Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland 179 Anthony Broudine, Propuguaculum, Pragae Anno 180 Thomas Addis Emmet, Ireland Under English Rule 181 Dr. John Lingard, History of England 182 Edward O'Meagher Condon, The Irish Race in America 183 James F. Cavanaugh - Clann Chief Herald, Irish slaves in the Caribbean 184 In memory of the Irish victims of Slavery 185 White Slavery, what the Scots already know 186 William D Phillips, Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade



Thomas J. Wertenbaker, The First Americans, p. 63 Michael A. Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, p. 72, citing Robert C. Johnson, The Transportation of Vagrant Children From London to Virginia, 1618-1622, in Early Stuart Studies, p. 139 189 Michael A. Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, p. 70, citing Egerton Manuscript, British Museum. 190 Definition of lumpen: Designating or of persons or groups regarded as belonging to a low or contemptible segment of their class or kind because of their unproductiveness, shiftlessness, alienation, degeneration, etc. 191 Definition of prole: Derogatory slang, short for proletarian 192 Gary Nash, Red, White And Black, p. 217 citing Peter Gouldesbrough, An Attempted Scottish Voyage to New York in 1669, Scottish Historical Review, 40 (1961), p. 58 193 W.J. Cash, The Mind of the South, p. 7 194 Michael A. Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, p. 55 citing Edward Channing, History of the United States, Vol. II, p. 369. 195 Michael A. Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, p. 77, citing a pamphlet by M. Godwyn, London, 1680. 196 Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made, p. 5 197 A. Roger Ekirch, Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 17181775, p. 104 198 A. Roger Ekirch, Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 17181775, p. 104 199 Sharon V. Salinger, To Serve Well and Faithfully: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800 200 Gottlieb Mittelberger, Journey to Pennsylvania in the Year 1750 and Return to Germany in the Year 1754. 201 Lewis W. Diuguid, Discovering the Real America, p. 299 202 Clinton V. Black, History of Jamaica, p. 37 203 Richard S. Dunn, Sugar and Slaves: Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies 1624-1713 204 Richard Ligon, A True and Exact History of Barbadoes 205 V. F. Calverton, The Awakening of America 206 James Cavanaugh Irish slaves in the Caribbean 207 Sir Thomas Montgomery to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, August 3, 1688, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1685 - 1688, p. 577 208 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.111 209 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.118 210 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.113 211 Michael A. Hoffman II, They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America, p.50 212 Kerby A. Miller, Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America, p. 144-145 213 Kerby A. Miller, Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America, p.144-145 214 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.119 215 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.168 216 Sean O'Callaghan, To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland, p.115 217 James F. Cavanaugh - Clann Chief Herald, Irish slaves in the Caribbean 218 John Van der Zee, Bound Over, p 105 219 Richard S. Dunn, Sugar and Slaves: Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies 1624-1713, p. 302. 220 Van der Zee, Bound Over, p. 183 221 The headright system was used in Jamestown, Virginia, starting in 1618 as an attempt to solve labour shortages due to the advent of the tobacco economy, which required large plots of land with many workers. It was also a way to attract immigrants. Virginian colonists were each given two headrights of 50 acres; immigrant colonists who paid for their passage were given one headright, and individuals would receive one headright each time they paid for the passage of another individual. This last mechanism increased the division between the wealthy land-owners and the working poor. 222 Michael A. Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, pp. 85-6. 223 Richard Hofstadter, America at 1750. A Social Portrait, p. 60. 224 A. Roger Ekirch, Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 17181775, p. 125. 225 Richard Hofstadter, America at 1750, p. 60 226 Gary Nash, Red, White And Black, p. 220 227 Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States, p. 47 228 A. Roger Ekirch, Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 17181775, p. 183 188



Thomas J. Wertenbaker, The First Americans: 1607-1690, p. 193 Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made, p. 641. 231 The Agricultural Productions of Louisiana by Edward J. Forstall (New Orleans, 1845) 232 Harper's Magazine_, VII, 755 233 DeBoufs Review, XI, 401 234 Seaboard Slave States b Frederick Law Olmsted, pp. 90, 91 235 Seaboard Slave States b Frederick Law Olmsted, pp. 550, 551 236 AMERICAN HERITAGE, February/March 1993 vol. 441, p. 90 237 Liebman is an attorney; LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1929; M.A. (Latin American history), Mexico City College, 1963; Florida chapter American Jewish Historical Society, 1956-58; Friends of Hebrew University, 1958-59; American Historical Society Contributor to scholarly journals on Jewish history. 238 NZ Herald, $7m farm selling for $2.4m 239 th The Dominion Post, Blowout in drug, alcohol benefits, July 7 2008 240 th NZ Herald, Health reasons behind soaring benefit numbers, May 29 2005 241 The Press, Doctors being bullied for sickness benefit, 28 May 2008 242 The Sydney Morning Herald, NZ women most promiscuous: survey 243 A universal shorthand for anything repressive or totalitarian 244 THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL: The Quiet Revolution rolls forward 245 246 The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory” 247 Bridget O'Laughlin (1975) Marxist Approaches in Anthropology Annual Review of Anthropology Vol. 4: 341-370 (Volume publication date October 1975) 248 Becker, S.L. (1984) "Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British Experience." Critical Studies in Mass Communication1(1): 66–80. 249 See e.g. Manuel Alvarado, Robin Gutch and Tana Wollen, Learning the Media: Introduction to Media Teaching, Palgrave Macmillan, 1987. 250 The London School of Economics was founded in 1895 by Fabian Society members Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Graham Wallas, and George Bernard Shaw, with funding provided by private philanthropy, including a bequest of £20,000 from Henry Hunt Hutchinson to the Fabian Society. Supposedly the decision was made at a breakfast party on 4 August 1894. All believed in advancing socialist causes by reformist rather than revolutionary means, and the LSE was established to further the Fabian aim of bettering society, focusing on research on issues of poverty, inequality and related issues. This led the Fabians, and the LSE, to be one of the main influences on the UK Labour Party. The LSE officially joined the federal University in 1900 as the Faculty of Economics, beginning to issue its degrees from 1902. Today it is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institutions and remains a specialist single-faculty constituent college of the University, the only such institution in Britain. 251 Central Intelligence Agency website, Origins of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1949-1950 252 253 254 HPV vaccine might cause infertility 255 Finamore A, Roselli M, Britti S, Monastra G, Ambra R, Turrini A and Mengheri E. Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. J Agric food Chem, , 16 November 2008 256 Martin Doutré was born in the USA but was raised and had his formative education in New Zealand. Doutré first became interested in archaeo-astronomy in the 1970's and, by applying exacting surveying and measurement techniques, has made a close study of mysterious, New Zealand, pre-Polynesian structures. Doutré is also author of the book Ancient Celtic New Zealand. 257 PrisonPlanet. December 16, 2009. "UN Chief: We Will Impose Global Governance" 258 THE AGE [Australia] March 19, 2009. "China's new carbon card" 259 LifeSiteNews. December 18, 2009. "Vatican Newspaper Slams the Copenhagen Summit over Population Control, 'Nihilism'" 260 Oslington P. "Economics and religion, Volume 2" pp 79 261 The Limits to Growth is a 1972 book modelling the consequences of a rapidly growing world population and finite resource supplies, commissioned by the Club of Rome. Its authors were Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III. The book echoes some of the concerns and predictions of the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus in An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798). 230



Beyond the Limits was a 1992 book continuing the modelling of the consequences of a rapidly growing global population that was started in Limits to Growth. Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, and Jorgen Randers are the authors and all were involved in the original Club of Rome study as well. 263 The Economist "Falling fertily" 264 "Is This Your Childs World" by Dorris J. Rapp MD, published by Bantam, page 501 265 Dhushara website 266 New Scientist: 11th January, 1997. "Fresh Alarm overThreatened Sperm" 267 Impact Lab. January 5, 2004. "Sperm Count Dropping Rapidly 268 The Internet Journal of Urology 2004: Volume 2 Number 1. "The sperm count has been decreasing steadily for many years in Western industrialised countries: Is there an endocrine basis for this decrease?" 269 PHG Foundation. 6 January 2004. "Concern over falling sperm counts in UK men" 270 MeD INDIA. 13 October, 2005 "The Falling Sperm Count In Men" 271 Slate. May 3, 2006. "What's Really Behind the Plunge in Teen Pregnancy?" 272 The Dominion Post [NZ]. 21 October, 2008. "Kiwi men’s sperm count drops" 273 JAMA 1998 Apr 1;279(13):1018-23 274 Natural News, June 2, 2009. "A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever" 275 276 Mullenix PJ, et al. 1995. "Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats." Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1995 Mar-Apr;17(2):169-77. 277 Guan Z.Z., et al. 1998. "Influence of chronic fluorosis on membrane lipids in rat brain." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 20 537-542 278 Li XS, Zhi JL, Gao RO. "Effect of Fluoride Exposure on Intelligence in Children." Fluoride [JOURNAL of the International Society for Fluoride Research] Volume 28 Number 4 November 1995. pp 187-260 279 Zhao, L.B., et al. “Effect of high fluoride water supply on children's intelligence.” FLUORIDE [QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR FLUORIDE RESEARCH] Vol.29 No.4 November 1996. pp 187-260 280 Luke, J.A. “Effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland.” Caries Research 28 204 (1994). 281 Schlesinger, E.R. et al. “Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study XIII. Pediatric findings after ten years.” JADA 52 296-306 (1956). 282 Radiant Health. “Fluoride Causes Hypothyroidism” 283 The New Zealand Listener, April 1-7 2006 Vol 203 No 3438. "Growth spurt" 284 KESQ.COM "'Precocious Puberty': Children Growing Up Too Fast" 285 Hart R, et al. 2009. “Relationship between municipal water fluoridation and preterm birth in Upstate New York.” Paper 197468 presented at American Public Health Association, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. November 9, 2009. 286 Pushpalatha T, et al. 2005. "Exposure to high fluoride concentration in drinking water will affect spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis in male albino rats." Biometals 18:207-12. 287 REUTERS, April 27, 2009. "First European evidence for earlier female puberty" 288 Larsen MJ, et al. "Fluctuation of fluoride concentrations in drinking waters: a collaborative study." Int Dent J. 1989 Jun;39(2):140-6. 289 Nina J. Wang. PUblic Dental Services, Oslo, Norway. "Government policies on fluoride utilization in the Nordic countries" Acta Odontologica 1999, Vol. 57, No. 6, Pages 342-347 290 "Aggregate Exposures to Phthalates in Humans" 291 Environmental Working Group. "Beauty Secrets: Health Effects of Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)" 292 ABC News Men's Health Coverage, November 11, 2009 "Plastic Bottle Chemical Tied to Male Infertility" 293 Ferrel J. "Are Plastic Food and Beverage Containers Safe?"



Hougaard KS, et al. 2009. "Increased incidence of infertility treatment among women working in the plastics industry" PMID: 19429396 295 BBC News, November 16, 2009. "Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys' " 296 Telegraph [UK] 23 October, 2009. "Why boys are turning into girls " 297 USA Today. "Plastic chemical linked aggression in toddler girls" 298 October 5, 2009. "Girls with prenatal exposure to bisphenol A more aggressive, hyperactive: Study" +Study/2069012/story.html 299 ScienceDaily. April 13, 2005. "Chemical Present In Clear Plastics Can Impair Learning And Cause Disease" 300 ScienceDaily. June 12, 2009. "Bisphenol A Exposure In Pregnant Mice Permanently Changes DNA Of Offspring" 301 ScienceDaily. February 15, 2007. "Plastics In Common Household Items May Cause Fertility Defects" 302 ScienceDaily. July 9, 2009. "Plastics Chemical, Bisphenol A, Retards Growth, Function Of Adult Reproductive Cells" 303 ScienceDaily. February 4, 2008. "Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids" 304 ScienceDaily. May 22, 2009. "BPA, Chemical Used To Make Plastics, Found To Leach From Polycarbonate Drinking Bottles Into Humans" 305 NATIONAL WILDLIFE. Feb/Mar 2004, vol. 42 no. 2. "Protecting Yourself From Unsafe Plastics" 306 ScienceDaily. April 2, 2008. "Why Synthetic Estrogens Wreak Havoc On Reproductive System" 307 MedPage, February 5, 2009. "Bisphenol A Mimics Estrogen, Phthalates Target Testosterone" 308 Hunt PA, et al. 2003. "Bisphenol A exposure causes meiotic aneuploidy in the female mouse." Current Biology 13: 546-553 (2003). 309 Lang IA, et al. September 2008. "Association of Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration With Medical Disorders and Laboratory Abnormalities in Adults" JAMA. 2008;300(11):1303-1310 310 New York Times [USA]. November 7, 2009. "Chemicals in Our Food, and Bodies" 311 The Washington Post. May 31, 2009. "Strategy Being Devised To Protect Use of BPA" 312 Phthalates Information Centre Europe. "Types of Phthalates" 313 DEHP Information Centre. November 16, 2009. "Study claiming to show prenatal exposure to DEHP and DBP has feminising effect on young boys should be treated with extreme caution says ECPI" 314 New American, October 7, 2009. "Are Hormone-mimicking Chemicals Harming Our Children?" 315 MedPage, February 5, 2009. "Bisphenol A Mimics Estrogen, Phthalates Target Testosterone" 316 Environmental Working Group [USA] "Bisphenol A: Toxic Plastics Chemical in Canned Food: BPA and human diseases on the rise" 317 Environmental Working Group [USA. March 2007 “A Survey of Bisphenol A in U.S. Canned Foods" 318 Aphrodite Women's Health. Juy 3, 2003. "Polycystic Ovaries Twice As Common In Lesbians" 030603024754_health_news.shtml 319 Ibid 320 The Hormone Foundation. "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)" 321 Healthy [UK]. November 28, 2009. "Could you have PCOS?" 322 Savic I, et al. April 2005. "Brain response to putative pheromones in homosexual men"

345 323 Berglund H, et al. March 2006. "Brain response to putative pheromones in lesbian women" 324 NewScientist. May 8, 2006. "Clue to sexual attraction found in lesbian brain" 325 The Advocate (US homosexual & lesbian newsmagazine). February 17, 1998. "Gay for the thrill of it." Cited at The Free Library. ..-a020368658 326 Savic I, et al. April 2005. "Brain response to putative pheromones in homosexual men" 327 The Advocate. July 5, 2005 [US homosexual & lesbian newsmagazine] "Scents and sexuality: this spring's breakthrough study on how gays and straights respond differently to human smells is only the latest in a long line of studies suggesting a genetic link to sexual orientation." w+gays...-a0134170517 328 SCIENCE NEWS. August 31, 1991. "Brain feature linked to sexual orientation” View @ The Free Library: 329 AllPsych Journal. Johnson R.D. April 2003."Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture" 330 Monje L., et al. 2009. "Neonatal exposure to bisphenol A alters estrogen-dependent mechanisms governing sexual behavior in the adult female rat " Reproductive Toxicology. Volume 28, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 435-442 331 Funabashi T, et al. 2003. "Bisphenol A increases progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus in a dose-dependent manner and affects sexual behaviour in adult ovariectomized rats." J. Neuroendocrinol. 15:134-140 (2003). 332 AllPsych Journal. Johnson R.D. April 2003."Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture" 333 Pillard, Richard. “NPR Letters on the Biological Basis of Homosexuality.” Online. 8 April 2003. Available 334 Ibid. 335 Taylor AE. 2000. "The gonadotropic axis in hyperandrogenic adolescents." PMID: 11117670 336 June 1997. "Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Divorce" by Kathleen O'Connell Corcoran. 337 WorldNetDaily, December 12, 2006. "Soy is making kids 'gay' by Jim Rutz. 338 Franke, AA, Custer LG et al. "Quantification of phytoestrogens in legumes by HPLC." J Agric Food Chem, 1994, 42, 1905-13. 339 Markiewicz J, Garey J et al. "In vitro bioassays of non-steroidal phytoestrogens." J Steroids Biochem Mol Biol, 1993, 45, 5, 399-405. 340 Irvine CHG, Fitzpatrick MG, Alexander SL. "Phytoestrogens in soy-based infant foods: concentrations, daily intake and possible biological effects." Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 1998, 217, 247253. 341 Setchell KDR, Zimmer-Nechemias L et al. "Exposure of infants to phyto-oestrogens from soy-based infant formula." Lancet, 1997, 350, 9070. 342 Office of the Swiss Federal Health Service Bulletin #28, July 20, 1992. 343 Setchell KDR, Zimmer-Nechemias L et al. "Isoflavone content of infant formulas and the metabolic fate of these phytoestrogens in early life." Am J Clin Nutr, 1998, 69 (suppl) 1453S-61S. 344 Giddens, Herman et al. “Secondary sexual characteristics and menses in young girls seen in office practice.” Study from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network, 1997, 99, 4, 505-512. 345 WorldNetDaily. December 26, 2006. "The trouble with soy, part 3" by Jim Rutz. 346 Ibid. 347 Baskin, Laurence, ed. “Hypospadias and Genital Development, Advances in Experimental Biology and Medicine”, vol 545. (N.Y. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004. The definitive textbook. 348 Hines M. “Hormonal and neural correlates of sex-typed behavioral development in human beings.” In Marc Haug, ed. “The Development of Sex Differences and Similarities in Behavior” (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1993). 131-147. 349 Harrison PJ, Everall IP et al. "Is homosexuality hardwired? Sexual orientation and brain structure." Psych Med, 1994, 24, 811-16. 350 Lund TD, West TW et al. “Visual spatial memory is enhanced in female rats.” BMC Neurosci, 2001, 1, 1-13. 351 Baskin, Laurence, ed. "Hypospadias and Genital Development, Advances in Experimental Biology and Medicine," vol. 545. (N.Y. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2004). The definitive textbook. On soy and homosexuality, see also: Lephart ED, Setchell KD, Lund TD. “Phytoestrogens: hormonal action


and brain plasticity”. Brain Res Bull, 2005 Apr 15; 65 (3): 193-8. Also see Lephart ED, Rhees RW et al. “Estrogens and phytoestrogens: brain plasticity of sexually dimorphic brain volumes.” J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2003 June; 85 (2-5): 299-309. 352 Ibid 353 Zhong, et al. "Effects of dietary supplement of soy protein isolate and low fat diet on prostate cancer." FASEB J 2000;14(4):a531.11 354 Nagata C, et al. "Inverse association of soy product intake with serum androgen and estrogen concentrations in Japanese men." Nutr Cancer 2000;36(1):14-8. 355 "The Zardoz Effect: The Epidemic of Male Infertility." By William Wong ND, PhD. 356 Men' "Is This the Most Dangerous Food for Men?" p 357 Irvine CH and others. Phytoestrogens in soy-based infant foods: concentrations, daily intake, and possible biological effects. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1998 Mar 217:3 247-53. 358 The Weston A. Price Foundation. "The Effects of Antenatal Exposure to Phytoestrogens on Human Male Reproductive and Urogenital Development" by Bernard Poggi. 359 Men' Op. cit. 360 "Bad Protein" by TC a_testosterone_consumer_report 361 The Guardian [UK]. July 24, 2008. "Health: Soya-based foods may harm male fertility, say scientists" 362 WorldNetDaily. "Soy is making kids 'gay'" by Jim Rutz 363 PreventDisease. "Fermented Soy Is The Only Soy Food Fit for Human Consumption" 364 SoyInfo Center. “Dr. Artemy Alexis Horvath: Work with Soyfoods” 365 Ibid 366 Ibid 367 Fukutake M., et al. “Quantification of Genistein in Soybeans and Soybean Products.” Food and Chemical Toxicology, 1996;34:457-461. 368 Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN. "The Whole Soy Story: The dark side of America's favorite health food." 369 Blaylock, Russell MD, Email Correspondence with Cori Brackett, 2005. Cited in "Aspartame and Pregnancy" Healthy Holistic Living 370 The Dominion Post [NZ] November 20, 2009. “Birth control may beat climate change” pp B1 371 Financial Post [USA]. December 8, 2009. "The real inconvenient truth" by Diane Francis 372 Harvard Science. "John P. Holdren named President-elect Obama’s Science Advisor" 373 Ibid 374 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. "Human Rights & International Justice" 375 Wikipedia. "Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs" 376 informationliberation. December 10, 2009. "Monckton: Secretive Copenhagen Treaty Creates Larcenous Global Government Tax" 377 Social Market Foundation. "Trading Emissions - Full global potential" by Simon Linnett, Executive Vice Chairman of Rothschild. 378 The Telegraph [UK]. January 31, 2008. "Carbon trading must be globally regulated" 379 Corbett Report. December 11, 2009. "Carbon Eugenics" 380 Eugenics Watch. "Introduction to Eugenics" 381 Osborn, Frederick, Galton Lecture, Eugenics Review, 1956-1957, p. 21 -22 382 Corbett Report. December 11, 2009. "Carbon Eugenics" 383 Tracey C. Rembert, "Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul ... And Environmentalist" (Interview), E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10 384 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. April 3, 2008. "Ted Turner: Global warming could lead to cannibalism" 385 Quoted in the book Final Days by Woodward and Bernstein.



LifeSiteNews. July 5, 2007. "Bill Gates Among Investors with $26 Million Share in Homosexual Activist Publishing Company" 387 December 10, 2007. "Tax babies 'to save planet'" 388 TimesOnLine. March 22, 2009. "UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt" 389 Swans Commentary. August 10, 2009. "The Philanthropic Roots Of Corporate Environmentalism" by Michael Barker. 390 Times Online. February 8, 2009. "The fight to get aboard Lifeboat UK" 391 The Optimum Population Trust. "Population Growth and Climate Change" 392 The Optimum Population Trust NEWS RELEASE September 9 2009 "CONTRACEPTION IS ‘GREENEST’ TECHNOLOGY" 393 The Guardian. December 3, 2009. "Rich nations to offset emissions with birth control" 394 Ibid 395 NewsWithViews. November 14, 2006. "DEPOPULATION AND THE AMERICAN MUTTS - PART 1" 396 NZ Listener. November 24-30 2007 Vol. 211 No 3524. “On the cards”;jsessionid=AAD0FB785A1C8246E409 0AC4383D7514 397 Wikipedia. "David Miliband" 398 BBC NEWS. December 11, 2006. "Carbon 'credit card' considered" 399 The Times [UK]. November 9, 2009. "Carbon ration account for all proposed by Environment Agency" 400

The Telegraph [UK]. November 9, 2009. "Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'" 401 NY Daily News. October 25, 2009. "Make meat-eaters pay: Ethicist proposes radical tax, says they're killing themselves and the planet" 402 Optimum Population Trust NEWS RELEASE. March 26 2009.”SEX IS MAIN CAUSE OF POPULATION GROWTH” 403 The Telegraph [UK] November 9, 2009. Op. cit. 404 Optimum Population Trust NEWS RELEASE. March 26 2009.”SEX IS MAIN CAUSE OF POPULATION GROWTH” 405

The Dominion Post [NZ]. December 22, 2009. “Change to land tax ‘could reduce bill’ for Maori” 406

Global Ethic Foundation. "Declaration Toward a Global Ethic" 407 LifeSiteNews. July 7, 2003. "Canada's Heir-Apparent Prime Minister Courts One-Worlder Maurice Strong for Advisor" 408 PRISON PLANET. October 25, 2005. "The Ringworm Children: How the Israeli Government Irradiated 100,000 Israeli Kids" 409 "Christianity Today - General Statistics and Facts of Christianity" 410 TimesOnLine. April 22, 2004. "The mouse with two mothers . . . but no father" 411 BBC News. February 5, 2008. "Three-parent embryo formed in lab" 412 National Geographic News. January 25, 2005. "Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy" 413 The Washington Post. November 20, 2004. "Of Mice, Men and In-Between" 414 National Geographic News. January 25, 2005. Op. cit.



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