Trigger Events: Counts

  • Uploaded by: Vaughn Roch
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  • January 2021
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  • Words: 26,755
  • Pages: 60
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TRIGGER EVENTS COUNTS CLASS Mover Shaker Brute Breaker Master Tinker Blaster Thinker Striker Changer Trump Stranger TOTAL

COUNT 54.8 64.1 57.9 56.3 66.5 61.6 58.1 58.3 55.7 55.9 27.8 51.5 668.5

100 / 100

SUGGESTED 15 11.7 2 2.4 9 8.6 10 10.2 0 0 5 4.9 8 8.4 8 8.2 11 10.8 11 10.6 20 38.7 15 15 114 129.5

Breaker Tinker Thinker Changer Stranger 0





(Rounded up/down to whole numbers, may not be wholly accurate to needed # o

Change Cap Trump

1 66.5 3.55





nger 0







not be wholly accurate to needed # of triggers)



pre-wedding vacation with your fiance, you return home just in time for halloween, only to find out that your cousin,awho well what dress meant to you, decorated it inThen fake spouse, and there's coldknew look damn on their face for the a moment, but they seem supportive. blood herseems costume. She thought would out, andyou panicked when stumble it didn't, scrubbing the jobfor offer to evaporate intoitthin air. wash Weeks later, accidentally on an not a month after the purchase, though, that you completely snap. They tear into you, leaving email that was trashed on your main account, offering you the job. Another, asking why you you battered and bruised in theover bathroom, before justyou stomping and going to bed, staring at yourself. They took your body, giving theirs. away You were the child now,telling be selling, points them out, see. and Youtwenty run, they chase, andyear it's like a scene your life being dictated by aand two they hundred pound seven old with adultout of a movie, except with you left breathing hard enough that your lungs hurt and you think your been hisexplode. stepkid. You Every time case the mother defend heart abusing is going to step upthe onto thecomes hood oftoacourt, car, onto the roof,comes leap totoclear a her husband, that theYou daughter makingimpression it up. It's gut-wrenching, watching walkor very big, very saying lethal trouble. get theis vague she might be his youngerhim sister, his wife, come or something like that. You manage welland enough, treating and stopping couldn't up with anything. A year passed, you hadn't hadthe anywounds new discoveries or measures. You're proud of yourself, and have confidence in your future. During yourwhen senior breakthroughs in the field. You stress and worry, but most of all, you begin to dread year of high school, though, the disease surfaces as never before. On Christmas vacation, cardboard standee to assure everyone of his greatness. You cannot control own you're too sick to spend time with your family. You miss every other week of your the spring actions, but all this pressure eventually reaches a breaking point when a scandal agreed to help out your cousin. The one who isn’t allowed anywhere near the kids.threatens You just to have to stand as lookout. if you up, and your cousin’s crew caught, yousport. never training itself was grueling,Even giving you mess little time to anything beyond yourare studies of the infection set in and soon, you were too weak, too delirious to get up , and then your captor, It continued like this for years, with every attempt to live up to your parent's expectations your came. They you backThe to health, spoon you when youbut were carrotsavior juice a day, for tennursed days straight. first couple offed days were easy, astoo timeweak wentto eat,you spent time with you when youuntil wereonlonely, assured you when were lost down in delirium. on, gradually became sicker, the last day, you're barelyyou able to gulp the last you wouldn't be able to eat until they got out. How else would you know someone wasn't cup. When your SO finally brings you to the hospital, they give it to you straight. You're trying to and poison you? It'sto been and you can feel yourself wasting away without see you is shocked find two youweeks, are awake, explaining the circumstances of your coma.the didn't think anything of it at the time, but now they've got you at gunpoint in a deserted Your spouse died violently in the accident, dead before they even reached the hospital and parking to reason, then threaten, then pleadthem as they closer, but as your fairly outgarage. of hand.You Youattempt try to calm them down but that just makes even rowdier they words are to no avail. They're detailing what they're going to do to you, then what they're tease you for being a scaredy-cat. They storm around the building, laughing, screaming, and even when you earn your own money, he steals it from your room. There's not muchand generally tosense, frighten each other, really getting into the theme of theup night. After a time mom can trying do to stop him,but but she does sneak youaddressed painkillers after the beatings. day, the They don't make it's clear that they're to you. You yourOne guard, but boyfriend walks in on the act of charity, and he angrily takes your mother out of the room, still. He's had more chances to harm you in the past. However, one day you're leaving work summer in case coming she gives birth while they’re work. and Youhe had just when youvacation hear footsteps towards you. It's youratfather, has a sat gun.down He to watch TV thata day when you heard her whimpering fromwho the whelping and wenther, overyour to against you, female abuser, her being a social worker will know box if you report realize this isn't normal. Your brother tries to calm you but he's a faint buzz in the damning unconditional love for her. Your only solace is school. It's your only escape and you background, paramount. Insensible, on byroles yourand hysteria you stand. The arts, and withyour effortanxiety you make your way back to a spurred few different cameos. Then the cart rocks back and forth from the motion, old and rusted hinge creaking. In an attempt to offers stop coming. You can’t ascend further burdened by your mistakes in the public eye and comes in. It’s a little girl fifteen who reminds you of family. She's in a abad – you dry-heave as eventually your second minutes of fame die. You have fewway offers, movies, your about it again. popular, smart, everything could Then there's a you see what’sYou're happened to her lowerattractive, half. Adrenaline and you purpose staves off your tiredness; newstronger transfer,forfrom city. They're a little creep, but they smirktojust be you,your he’dold pull through. You know that isn’t true,Know. and asThey you rush theright when they say just the right things, and they approach you, making innuendo, threatening to hospital directly fromtothe airportAfter you ademand to minutes be told which room in, he’s in. Thea hospital staff room, alone, cuffed a chair. couple of they come holding suspicious refuse tobottle tell you, you At aren’t and family will vouch you. looking of pills. this permitted, point, you're toonobody scaredintohis talk, so that's when for they tellYou you sit in asking questions. They were dismissive, bringing up your intimate confession and calling you they've poisoned you with something acting, so you'd hurry uplisten, and tell them what and terror youself-deluding. experienced that You to explain it,better but they don't just paranoid and Gaslighted, youtrybelieved them rather than your ownthey fears and the keeps doing it anyway, saying things like "We're married," and "How are you going to get spooked but determined to get the cash… until your flashlight Trappedwhen in thethey inky over it otherwise." You think you're home alone, cooking lunchdies. for yourself, darkness what feels like hoursYour tryingmom to find an exit the You've gotbynoyourself breaks,you andspend now you're in highschool. wants youby in following all AP courses, emotions you can’t enjoy otherwise. Killing small animals in secret is one of the only small you've wanted to have a social life for years. You bring it up to her before the school year allowances you make for yourself to keep you balanced while you otherwise play the role of You couldn't walk or use your legs.toAll of the sudden, you're notkeep "oneup of the the charade. guys" anyToday more. the good child, desperately trying make your dad proud and You're girl inYears the wheelchair, constantly It pisses and youthe fightentire everyOnus step for yourthe sister. the litigation went on,babied. tied in the courtsyou andoff, it became money was all counterfeit, and he was making the counterfeits. of your home life. Shortly before your graduation you hear the news, you’ve won. The This was thetime latest batchThey in a long line ofatbad except would land them one just more to stay. just smile youdecisions, and say they’ll bethis fine. You actually watch the fight him in jail. Worse, with how far he got you into this before you noticed, there was a chance as it unfolds, you monitor PHO terrified mightspamming learn about theirvisible deathsites through leading organized 'raids' on PHO, newsyou forums, more with a chat forum but unable to stay away. Eventually you get a knock on the door and open to with controversial and You inflammatory In the height of your youtwist get in ittouch has to be worms. hate then,comments. how they move, how they look,fervor, how they one online - entirety they'll script spambot unload content various themselves upYou andcontacts die inthe the heat. This isatoo much, to way too new much, sheonto knows to doofit your alone. spent of your savings on your brand, lining up a IRC few how much worms sicken you. You start to whimper and squirm, but she tells you investors (not enough, but not everyone could understand your genius) and taking out a family with him his accomplishments. wentof tostores. high school, beingand one secondwas mortgage to and get your first design on theYou shelves It wasseemingly elegant, fresh, of the best in your class, acing almost every exam or test, until your high school exams.

the narrator and protagonist of the entire world and the story would ultimately work out in your him talk about the and fun times withthat the within local wards drove intobe favor. You stepall out ofadventurous the office building you workhe inhad certain a month youyou would incredible bitterness, and the praise heaped on him by your parents grated on your nerves your prayers are answered, because the procedure was a resounding success. Hell, you’reto no end. Your fell apart, he realized that you were jealous and shocked with relationship just how attractive youand are when now that you’re not covered in scarring, andoffered you camps nearby, you gotthat some blanket and food for thelife night soalways you can bring the kidslater back manage to easily ride confidence into the dream you wanted. Years you abusive, unhealthy, neglectful. You were crying on stand. Of course, the case was settled tomorrow. When you get back to the orphanage, it’s in even worse shape, there’s bloody as a guilty verdict easily, but the publicity had destroyed your family. You managed to scrape "Water," he says, offering itschool, up to your lips, and youyou, suckand it down greedily, throat singing through the last bit of high everyone hating a group month later your your mother with them. When you see how pathetic you are AND hear the heckling you, you in relief. "How are you feeling?" Your eyes swim as you struggle to focus in on him, andfeel you something give inside you and in trigger. you. Her intentions were good, a screwed up, mentally-disturbed way, but the state took you away and that was for the best. She did give you powers in the end - you trigger during the to the satellite with ease, the repair where it starts to go (primarily wrong. As you anand EVA, right doctor's appointment, on it's hearing that your internal organs liver,attempt pancreas absolutely certain that this damn sentenced you to your family’s wrath and off the bat your tools always subtlyHalloween drift away,has forcing you to constantly keep an eye on them. endlessof hellfire, you finally trigger. lifetime happythat bedtimes comes to a cold bloody end as you hold her and scratch her little heart-shaped spot saving. until herYou disfigured purrs stop. to stupor and need hate them. They hurtTrigger. others and themselves, yet hog the same resources, diverting your attention from all those who deserve to be saved. Two fatalities, then jacket, and you see a livid looking Your chest is thumping, yourMore ears drunks are ringing from three, all preventable if there weren’t many cases to handle and at once. arrive and balance. You might That be dying butcourts, you can't sure. Trigger you fumble on damages. the ground, rage. Drunk driving. means and be lawyers. It meansas having to pay for It your neck and chest slick nothing with your ownbecause blood. the sewage is full of air bubbles. One night, you're too. When it's active, floats working late toand get everything tuned up. The pay is practically enough to make you sing understanding comfort, but you only see overtime fear on her face. while you work. Your mood only takes a slight hit when you see some smashed beer bottles and You've lost her in the only way that really matters. You trigger. you realize that it’s more akin to a curse; you and your friends are all getting stir crazy, and things feeltolike they’re about to come to urge an explosive head when one up of your friends finally snaps; you need stay still doesn't quell your to run. The rattle starts again, so close it sounds understandably, wakes a panic, beneath the sheets thetosudden and like it's beside your You quiverscrambling slightly instinct screaming forat you stay in sounds place. You projectile juvenile at 3 AM. Dad, though… After a month ofto high you but startthen an argument with your spouse on Christmas Eve.and Both of Well, he started do tension, that as well, he went all pale. Now he’s clutching his chest look at yourblame SO, and for aand moment you see lookof.ofYou oneshould betrayed. you bounce back forth about all the the horrifyingly what-ifs youpained can think have"You put the said we'd begoes safe."wrong. Trigger. something Your chest seizes and you fall over in pain, feeling like your heart is goingintowith burst open in your chest. Trigger. skull a hammer, causing you to trigger again halfway through the first as you realize what you’ve done.and A rare trigger event. daughter instead, the1.5 screaming animal inside desperately needing something to smash apart side her bodily doesn’t evencuts exist other of theprison line asthat a loud CLANG theyet. callTrigger. short. You lean back in your chair. The phone rings again. foot and youonce feel like yourTrigger entire existence has suddenly shifted, pathetic before pathetic now but it’sLuck self again, imposed being ablealways to be blamed on aso fucking cape. Trigger. Lady theinstead fuckingofbitch. You'll be a beta, why bother? You may as well just lay downYou andtrigger rot. Trigger. happening? with the million little stresses a million miles from your mind, focusing only on the bloody stump yourLimbs leg being razed against a cold obscured concrete elevator nothing to stop it savagingofyou. ruined, vision completely by blood,shaft. you trigger as you feel its muzzle rummaging around in your insides. time, stewing in the knowledge that you’ve driven away everyone who could possibly help you. Trigger. you read “We’re leaving. Don’t try to follow us. We’re sorry. It’s not your fault, we found each other.” Trigger. supposed love of your life sent you a text, explaining how you were just a stepping stone, and this was never goingyou to last. just beenand used for her own success. before you forever, feel aYou vasthad emptiness loneliness inside you suddenly consume your heart. Trigger. of the departed. You’re alone with the dead and will forever be memorialized as monarch of the whole cruel thing. know this ruined your Trigger chances. You trigger while helping them wash your body fluids off the suit as feelings of shame a sense like youand betrayed them consume your Caught up in an irrational and feeling of betrayal, the utter inescapability of St.thoughts. Valentines touch, you trigger. is painful, and they’ve had enough. It’s the one thing your dream can’t survive without. The world wins, never have that baby. Trigger. So now youyou’ll just wait, dreading every day, as the clock is ticking down and your life is going to end. psycho anyways.” You trigger as she walks towards the bed, arm reaching to take your light away. reason. You realize trigger from thethe guilt oftwo being the you've reason,been and leaving the dawning horroralone of what you’ve done. and that for last years your child on their own and that it may have permanently stunted their development.

Police asked questions, apparently, but your best friend's parents approach you, sobbing, begging for answers, and it crystallizes for you just how abnormal your normal is.

Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Wildbow Turncoat Nonagon Nick Nick Faustus Words^3 Turncoat Lid Turncoat Turncoat Wellwick tubes Fulvus vanderhuge Saff Faustus VeiledInsanity VeiledInsanity Faustus ixi Nonagon Faustus Lid Jovial Nonagon Fulvus Lid Fulvus Nonagon Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Antioch Lid Jovial Holzleim

Fulvus Fulvus Fulvus Faustus (Inspired by steve) Faustus Misery Royale Thalia -Wildbow Faustus Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Vanderhuge Teller Fulvus VeiledInsanity Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Faustus Fulvus Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Thaydean TheWhiteDuke Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale Misery Royale



Lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Lausanne Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Hoisington Eden Eden Eden Eden Pinetree's personal Panda's Personal Madison Madison Madison Detroit Grantsville Grantsville Grantsville Grantsville

Grantsville Draft Draft Draft




Hawaii Bogota



TBD Oakland Oakland Oakland

Bogota Berlin

Baltimore Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Baltimore Berlin Baltimore Cleveland Grantsville Cleveland Cleveland Berlin Bogota San Josafat San Josafat San Josafat San Josafat San Josafat Bogota Bogota San Josafat

Cleveland Cleveland Zuid-Limburg Baltimore Spokane Spokane


Grantsville Dallas San Diego Epoch Epoch Dallas ? ? Dallas Detroit Detroit Detroit Grantsville Berlin


? Epoch Minneapolis Hawaii Minneapolis ? ? ?

Epoch ? Baton Rouge ? Baton Rouge ? Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Baton Rouge ? Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin ? Berlin ? ? Minneapolis

? Minneapolis ? ? ? ? ?

Minneapolis Helena Helena Helena ? ? ?

? ? ? ? Berlin ? Minneapolis Detroit Dallas Baton Rouge San Diego Epoch ? San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego San Diego ? Atlanta ? San Diego San Diego ? San Diego ? ? Cleveland Dublin Atlanta Bristol Bristol ? ? Atlanta Atlanta ? ? Detroit San Diego

Lausanne 2 Lausanne 2 Lausanne 2 Lausanne 2 Lausanne 2 Atlanta Berlin Epoch ? Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Ledyard Youghal Detroit Berlin Bogota Ledyard ? ? Ledyard Ledyard ? Epoch ? ? Charlotte Detroit Ledyard Ledyard ? ? ? ? Ledyard ? Ledyard ? ? ?

? Paris Portland San Perlita Berlin Fort Town Charlotte Bogota Fort Town Portland Fort Town Flint Flint Flint Flint Ledyard Flint ? Berlin ? Portland Spokane San Perlita Portland Dallas Ledyard Prothean Ledyard Charlotte Bogota FortTown Detroit Sydney Baltimore Detroit Aberdeen Detroit Aberdeen Aberdeen Earth-He Aberdeen Detroit Earth He

Sydney Sydney Sydney Madison Madison Panda Madison Supers2016 Madison Earth He Panda's Game Berlin Berlin Madison Panda's Game Madison Earth He Sicol Bend Sicol Bend Sicol Bend Sicol Bend Sicol Bend Sicol Bend Madison Madison CG Madison CG Billings Billings Billings Billings Detroit Bogota Dallas Wilmington Providence Providence Bogota Bogota Miller's Creek Wilmington Madison

Miller's Creek Dallas Providence Wichita Sicol Bend Dallas Wilmington Miller's Creek Singapore Madison Billings Billings Wilmington Huntsville Huntsville Huntsville Huntsville Huntsville Wilmington Mosswood Valley Mosswood Valley Huntsville Miller's Creek Mosswood Valley Mosswood Valley Dallas Philly Billings Singapore Singapore Singapore Cottbus Cottbus Cottbus Fairbanks Fairbanks San Raul San Raul San Raul Cottbus Singapore

Pueblo Pueblo Pueblo Singapore Miami Fairbanks Miami Miami Miami Dallas San Raul Pueblo Pueblo The Road The Road The Road Pueblo Gensville Gensville Gensville Detroit Dallas Gensville Gensville Gensville Chesapeake Fairbanks Wilmington Wilmington Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Chesapeake Wilmington Portland Fort Town Fort Town Providence Singapore

Tallinn Tallinn Tallinn Tallinn Tallinn Secret Town, CA Pittsburgh Singapore Secret Town, CA Secret Town, CA Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Fairbanks Pittsburgh Miller's Creek Miami Millers Creek Tallinn San Raul Alcatraz Alcatraz Alcatraz Alcatraz Alcatraz Jacksonville Jacksonville Fairbanks Jacksonville Tallinn Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Baltimore Cayo Hueso Cayo Huesa Cayo Hueso Detroit Cayo Hueso Berlin Berlin Berlin

Berlin Sicol Bend San Raul Indianapolis Sicol Bend Cayo Hueso Indianapolis Auterville Auterville Newcastle Bluepiggy Crude biotech tinker Newfolk Newfolk Tallahassee Norwalk Norwalk NewCastle WDLocal Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool WDLocal Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Cayo Hueos Auterville WDMinneapolis WDMinneapolis WDMinneapolis #WDMinneapolis WDLocal Local Liverpool Miami Tallahassee WDLocal Miami Liverpool WDRockport Norwalk

Local Auterville Orlando Sicol Bend Apolline Miller's Creek Apolline Apolline Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Dram's Landing Dram's Landing Apolline Orlando Drams Landing Aosta Aosta Apolline Apolline Aosta #WDEdmonton #WDEdmonton #WDEdmonton San Raul Long Beach WD Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach Aosta WDEdmonton WDOahu WDOahu WDOahu WDOahu Aosta Dol's Oneshot Auterville

WDDenver Denver e Limb Erasure and Snapback for mental and physical penalties. WDPhoenix Charleston Chuckwild Centipede Smurf Master Charleston WDPhoenix WDPhoenix WDPhoenix Dallas Dallas Dallas Tampa Bay WDPhoenix Tampa Bay Tampa Bay Tampa Bay El Refugio Phoenix Cancun Cancun Cancun Srebrograd Srebrograd Srebrograd #WDSomara #WDSomara Aosta WDSaoPaulo WDSaoPaulo WDSaoPaulo WDSomara Cancun WDSaoPaulo Las Playas Las Playas Las Playas Las Playas WDSaoPaulo

Aosta Karyan Karyan Karyan

Karyan Cancun WDPinniker WDPinniker

Cancun Pinniker WD:Leenesville Leenesville #WDRankin #WDTomorrow_Base #WDRankin Rankin #WDLeyonCounty #WDLeyonCounty Rankin #WDLeyonCounty

Astorias WDAstorias WDAtorias Astorias Astorias WDAstorias

Fort Worth #WDFortWorth Fort Worth #WDLeenesville


(necrosis, infection). Vanity and fear of judgement lead you to keep quiet and treatment in hopes it getsthe better. It doesn't you collapse and Afterdelay all those cool triggers, you're unlucky bastard- who triggers from are taken to a hospital, the almost midst ofshit theyourself intenseto pain, feareven for getting dysentery. Yes, triggering dysentery.inYou death, Severe debilitating asthma attack while heading home late at night to see a though you live in a first-world country. perform basic tasksaround like writing and operating a doorknob, tying your shoes. friend with nobody to help Everyone's supportive, but they can't understand your frustration. In a fit, Watched his family's shipping business fall offto pieces afterHurt devastation to almost insane, you get into a car and drive or try to. and borderline ports by Leviathan made pills things fall through. down and force sleeping down your throat. When you wake up, you You're in aunpacking plane when thebags, engine fails, theon captain making reassurances see them your remarking how well-planned this was for you can hardly as youcave can system see the through smoke blowing rightstumbling past your You fall into an believe underground a sinkhole, window. a flying coffin, trigger. around inDoomed the pitchtoblackness. You you trigger when you finally give up any rest of your body. Imagine the horror when you woke up to find that your hope of escaping the caves pet Fluffles had eaten part of the foot and the toes of your foot, trying terrors. Three or four hours into every single fucking night right of rest, you could make a difference, your hands are tied. In particular, there is one experience the worst sort of nightmares, ones you can't wake yourself up child being bullied mercilessly that you wish you could help. One day, he hunted down every detail could, in their very snaps and threatens your you class with awrapping gun, butyourself you takeup advantage of his being. You found their home, and you eventually found your waytointo their everything goes wrong: Mic squeals, your drummer is too drunk keep time, your guitarist hisinside. hand, Noone and your bassist gets kicked out like people, they're slices all shitopen on the is an exception, especially not yourselfout or of your parents. After breathe the 5th therapist's 7thmouth. session, you time snap. afterward, habit, you never through your Some later, areexpect cornered You himby to colleagues break away,(coworkers/classmates/as to break it off and deal with the flak, even pressure him, but heexcept doesn't or the pattern opportunity. your life, this didn't matter, to find givethe youcourage a faint calico to your You try to kill yourself, pills and chemicals, and succeed only in mangling skin when you got a heavy tan (different DNA, different melanin), and your insides allcity repair. andthe an event inability to eat meet up inbeyond a nearby and Chronic, go out asendless a group.pain When came without making it all worse. about, however, you had enough fun that you had second thoughts, and walk. They hint theone. horrors, thewhen beatings, and brain damage... andpact, they you weren't the at only Except you discussed canceling the tell youand thatshut you're their They promise you give fifth of the doors down the'out'. engine if someone triedthey'll to steal it. you Youaweren't prepared, however,that for he a car with built-in tracking. that Fivethe minutes afterand the internet searches, was dead immediately, thrashing garbage cans.just Your intervened, youbut spent six to weeks in a hospital, sounds were the friends electrical spasming... it gets you. People asking recovering, and you got medicine to calm you down and break the anxiety Suddenly, goes missing. for days, spiral. Twowithout weekswarning, into yourshe recovery, you wentYou outwait to dinner withweeks, your months. Finally, her body is found in a local river. She committed suicide is like death and everything foul in the world. The second thing you register society, gays and parahumans. You're made Ittodawns marry on their that yourparticularly feet are wet. There's no traction, and it's dark. you son/daughter, to bring yourfalls. wealth status into theirbeautiful, family. It walked, taking apparently photos. Then the rain It'sand almost refreshing, wasn't thecontrasting marriage that you. city, It was tattoo gave you toBut make the water thegot burned andthe you snapthey more photos. your part in an undersea tour within a small submersible. Something vital breaks. vision blurs, your eyes sting. Your skin and scalp start to prickle, then sear. As small vehicle slowly runs out of oxygen, towards hellthe of nightmares and imagined noises. On thehurtling fourth night you the hear someone at the front door, and rush to defend yourself in a frenzied a life of luxury. He dies of non-cape related causes, and life goes on.terror. You squander of your year, and the gadgets when you all can't put ainheritance foot in frontinofless the than otheraon a regular basis) untilfail a one unexpected breaks out. As you try to rubbery, go back home you getof drenched and swelled storm after the first session, knobby, hard growths bending the rules, much as you had. Going too far, being violent, trying scarring, all across your back and your arm up to your elbow, forming to impress the guys and girl in the flashy costume, with the ability to lose People are in dying, there'sbetween no clear the escape authorities slow paperwork the shuffle PRTroutes, and theand local PD. Youare watched to gather the necessary equipment get and inside and out safely. are raiding your place. They accosttoyou, they tieget youpeople to a chair with wire, so tight thatthe youhouse, quicklyknocking lose circulation in yourbehind hands you, and feet. You ducking through over furniture but one of the fucking pigs blindsides you, disarming you, then pinning you against the you can't see yourself being an engineer, striving to buy yourself time and your life (ie. MS), and one by one, your friends and spouse drop away, forestall the inevitable, but some of your anxiety and stress must have apparently feelingwho it's too much to deal with. Youon weather the disease The police officer slammed into pedestrians a crosswalk, no itself, but when you're looking for a ride back from the hospital for an appointment flashing lights, killing your wife, ends up getting 120 hours of community People youasbecause is getting annoying. In the end, service.even You kick trigger you flip your out inwhining the courtroom. you're left with hemorrhaged eyeballs that have been pushed out of your

school/college life is a lie, your friends and romantic partner largely chosen by your parents/circumstance, but it isn't really you. You face a major painful that smashing yourself repeatedly in theprofessional head to release more tournament, one that may make or break your career, and you As a gap year after high school, you join an expedition in Costa endorphins helps. People have committed suicide to get them toRica's stop. deep rainforests to numb categorize plants and and to tree-people. As the bush slowly dying, hands unable toanimals type clearly communicate your need thickens and your Google Glasses drain of battery, a cliff crumbles and for help, watching the chat window with your friends/coworkers scroll by, voices) in your head. It all goes wrong when you go to the dentist and getas they cussed out web, thinking you'reup messing around and half not put for treatment forthe a jaw ache andmanage wake inget theout. hospital Youunder wake to you find yourover house on fire, and to Once with outside, your head shaved. While you were one thing had led tolistening another, you itrealise your family is still trapped inside and you trigger toyou into and you're impressed by how out, well they're acting. They keep really them burn tothe death still through whole nextofscene, and when move closerintothe tellback them Your workplace is the site an electrical You're caught that they can get up now, you realize that they've been dead of an allergic room,fun theinloading bay door won'tgulp open, theyour place is flooding withreturn smoke, have the crowd. You take from drink when you and and the roof is starting to come to pieces. almost notice that something is shaking hero is immediately doing battle with a local villain, andisaswrong. peopleEverything complain about their and you grab hold of the table but can’t stay upright when your legs give phones cutting out and the shop's lights flicker, you belatedly realize that out, fed youhero tapeworm eggs to get youpowers. fit for a He modeling Trigger at the the visiting has your electromagnetic takes agig. brutal hitend, from the wrong and social awkwardness doesn't help. athe pain, whileway, watching the growing mass of worms empty into In thethe toilet, some self-imposed vigilante they group~kidnapped~ comes after you, you, then wanting 'setyou youtalk straight' student, independent, theytohad to an an that somehow involves after youinatbrainwashing night, onpeople foot, day, them 'expert' - up someone who apparently specializes andhe Theact boy the street has beencoming sexually abusing you for you years. One getting thembeating to fit theyou societal norm. Heyou usesbroken tacticsand worse than in the group tires of you, up and leaving bruised broad the dogs gather, a pack. Not like the usual stray dog, these rural animals daylight. trigger as you sob. turned your city into a hellish wasteland. get inYou time, before are out closer to wolves orBehemoth coyotes. They know humans just well enough to not You trigger in aorPRT shelter, the news comes in that heroes have An intoxicated insane manas follows you one night afterthe a party, muttering abandoned bothYou yourtry city everyone stillfail, trapped inside. creepy threats. to and escape him and hearing him grow-SCG more and words and sounds and making a complete fool of yourself. People take the more agitated and violent. You trigger as he closes the last few feet. idea and withroute it, and you're recognized on the street,walk complete taking therun same you always take on your 5:45am to work, you changes the prison population inside. Your allies dwindle, and you're left find yourself in unfamiliar territory. Walls bar your path and force you to with the legacy of your affiliation. As one of the few known 'nazis' in prison, target, about done, etc.'syrup You lied to yourself, youboiled couldinstill finish your you're targeted for point the special'. Pot ofthat water the kitchen, five, getting to the where you're capable of doing it as a career, plan, up until, well, right now. It's your favorite class and the teacher living off your on share offeet. the income. Theyour referee thrown a loop, slobber your They want feet gets inside them.for They wanthowever, to put when your team is systematically destroyed in an end-of-season match, needles under your toenails seehave how the yourenergy feet move you're in you body is attacking itself. You to don't to getwhen out of bed some agony. They toisruin all the rest of you only your feet are perfect days, your business failing, your house is so always quiet, your kids don't scary. But thewant old Jamaican's son is visiting him when you show. Despite want to bother you. You're barely even a parent. You trigger when you his father's of protests, skinny out dreadlocked up for hisSo dad. something yourselfthe reaching into them.kidA stands body snatcher. youyou When you persist, he kicks some bullshit fromYour an action bided your time, you picked your target,spinning you studied them. chief the tiger enclosure and thenyou, accidentally falling in. His screams abruptly tormenter. You hunted them down, and then you used your power, stealing come to aonstop he hits thethe ground. Everyone start panicking, and focusing you.when You've done numbers and weighed options, and it without thinking you already leap in after him. You handle yourrunning leap better he isn't pretty. They're saying you were the one it all,than and all you get into an accident. Trying to avoid a drunk driver you drive into an you have to do is cop to it, giving up almost a sixth of your life to sit in a cell, utility post. Dumbfounded bleeding you watch horror a powerline yourself when you fell, so itand doesn't seem worth it tointake theas time to put pitons down. This time, however, when you stumble, the outcrop you reach reminds you of someone you know, unable to help yourself you dig through all theand infodive youthe have on them and that their secret loop G-forces start torealise catch up toyou youknow but you stay alertidentity. and in getting a bit dangerous. Gang colors are more common and there's been control- until the plane stalls. You pushed it too hard, and you're too close an increase of outside people that you don't like. One day, coming back and from theassaulted. Olympics Someone wouldn't be far-fetched. You getinworked up home late,there you're stabs you repeatedly the back and balanced overthink as your put too much into off of him heroutine, climbedand on you the play structure, andyour yourflip entire lifethe starts comedian picks you for his next joke, something about your race, or family, dismantling in slow motion. You can see it in everyone's eyes, even in your or something. It doesn't matter. Because happens hit you stay hard,atyou cry, months in, he started hitting. A year later,ityou have atokid, home everyone's eyes are on you, you recognize coworkers, friends, while he works. When he comes home, he's tired, he's hungry, he's cranky, gifts, even moving away to your own apartment they followed. came and you getafter hurt. Frighteningly, tonight, you've run out ofanger food. The It phone the and getwhen pepper your trouble. and to aofficer, crashing end thesprayed landlordfor found out aboutThe the 'pests' and injustice left supersedes the pain, and you initiate an altercation with the officer, who arrives, andacross you find missing a groom. The audience stirs strikes you theyourself face shattering your eye socket. excitement was family palpable aswith the his daybaton, approached. A secret group in As restlessly, your badmouthing your fiancee, but you know something university, all sons and daughters of powerful people, in a major university. But it wasn't powers. It was a secret society, little more than a pretentious

He comes back into the room wearing a haz-mat suit. He has some strange canister and that a ladle? He opens the canister, and smoke starts to shopping a taste fortry coke to attendbut to. he You into theupkinky stuff,He and rise out ofand it. Fuck. You to struggle, hasgot you tied too well. when those roles started drycasually up, you think got into the handing messed out up stuff. funeral. It's the day wheretoyou about invitations An talentedafter at hiswhere craft gets mangled beyond all recognition andliving is no andartist, that moment you realize even you don't see yourself longer able to ply his trade. Triggers after talking to a 'fan' who considers all turn things aggressive in seconds. Your eye socket is shattered, fluid the best work of his life worthless shit. spilling over your cheek, the pain and devastation mingling with horror at skin onto the affected areas. to inferiorand health care,(Ifthe local fit the just what's going onthat with yourDue government cause. it doesn't locker room to find someone stole your fucking wheelchair. Without anesthesia was done wrong in one such surgery. You'd always felt funds for a replacement, (and the one you used for the sports game was you get cutnot off owned) from theyou're otherseffectively and trapped by the fire. Panicing, you run borrowed, bedridden afterward, stewing in for a door only to find it locked. With no escape you cower in a corner, able to the floor, but even there the air is scarce, and your eyes are still watering painfully. Younoticed, feel the until door,you andgot it burns Yourripping only choices Noone really so badyour thathand. you were clumpsare outa situation. You try to raise your voice, and can't. Looking up the hill, behind per day. The therapy doesn't work. The pills don't work. It just gets worse. you, you spot your pole and one lost ski, as well as a long smear of red feel bullets pierce back. You fall skin, to theand ground in what like slowwhere the crust of your ice shredded your the snake ofseems your intestines, motion, snapping your left wrist as you catch yourself at a bad angle.. mother waiting for you in lingerie, holding a half empty bottle of wine. You Bewildered, you demand what's going on.he/she She tells you that angry at him/her, letting it to outknow on you, tired of how played withyou're them. You thought it stopped when you finally moved out and got your own screaming at you yesterday to get out of her house, she doesn't know you. You hold on to you. the hope thatstops she isapruptly still in there, she has your timeschest when follows behind The car as you hitstill a tree, by hand at night, but this place is fucked up. The stories the others exploding in pain as you are forced towards the wheel, apparently have been telling youand - counsellors intoAs kid's tents, dry kidsup being punished neighborhoods stores youclimbing know well. supplies in your area, by being whipped by branches of pine needles... you were already you venture deeper into the city. On your first day among the fallen in it. Until one day, your mother arrives at your door with your childhood skyscrapers downtown, confronted a fellow therapist andofanother Youare invite them in,by and you sitscavenger, down in your a false sense of security. You waited too long, and now you're in a rush. favorite chair, an older plastic one from a few years ago or so. They each hammering at your stall door screaming to let him in. The intruder kicks You practically shove the piece of wood through the bandsaw. There's ain your door, as you are sitting there, pants around your legs, you have no try thetobest cousin youred-faced can to both ofleans them.over Oneyour day,exposed your villainous waytotoberun, escape. The man self, too cousin's teammate is killed by threaten a teammate of the yourcops, heroic a fight. they won't even open it. They to call butcousin you'reinnot and toys more forcame your to pleasure than your soon guest's, to be you're used at having that. You see your children, and to bybe god that's what your order. Control. Complete andtoutter ownership of another so you ignore it. You then proceed ignore the choppy waves.human Then you being. Step six: test. Because you cannot and will not have the effect of ignore the drizzle wind. You can't ignore when the rejuvenated, with aand purpose in your life. Onceit,inhowever, a while, you find a mother stray of allon storms hits, or dragging you out sea and capsizing your boat. dog the road, grab another fortoadoption, until your condo has Trigger half-abefore he can touch you, and failing. You end up on your back, your dozen furry friends within and around it. Until one day, where your newest take pictures ofself youholding in the street. In the weeks follow, uncoordinated his wrists back whilethat he tries to every claw atfailing your face (unemployment, having a stain on your pants, getting rejected when wake up early and set out, taking nothing with you but your keys andyou a approach someone a date) overblown, by hundreds online. bottle of water. You for leave your gets phone at home, mocked lock up, and go. You're that. Youover talked to your parents advice,something found the courage crossing some ditches whenand yougot misjudge and go to stand up for her. She got upset, and the lead bully called you out. Onlycutting when into you tools haven't been maintained for awhile, and the long hours are people's sleep.each Somewhere up aboveShe you,dressed somebody a spanner put you down time it happened. youdrops in baggy clotheson to around, but you continue anyways. You run like hell and everything seems hide you, and picked out all of your flaws whenever someone looked at you to be going fine, much to your surprise. But then you hear barking. As you sent to rehab. gets back, shebarking delvesyou righttrip back her addiction, look behind to When locate she the source of the on into some trash. Your and you givethe up.other, You file forshouts divorce. the hearing, sheground comes and in with pistol-whips then at At you to next get down on the take yourYou clothes Your say fiance(e) tries to intervene, but the mugger money. couldoff. almost the trigger was about seeing your very cool girlfriend bleeding, hurt with one of her arms shattered. That you thinks of you as a racist. It starts small, with people jostling you in weren't the hallway. It ends with that fellow student and twenty others cornering popped into the world, and you've been living through a life of ridiculeyou ever since. As you watch your classmatesnone of them your friendsrun that sentence again and and again, but you work hard! Stay awake day and night, working until your hands cramp andworld forcing yourself to go races on until enjoying the waters when suddenly your /explodes/. Pain fled, you just said you had some time that you wanted to spend with through your body, water fills your lungs and your heart begins to feelthem. like They called your parents, telling them how nice it was having you here, and you couldn't stop them quick enough. You had to leave again... but where

in trouble. Soneone took offense. You get upset when HR drags you in. You get more upset fire Ityou. person you offended gets social What could you when do to they fix this? wasThe a small shove, just a push! The guy media involved, andyou your career torched. A pariah in your own field, who always bullied stole yourisbike, driving like a madman and... and thrown object. Then they shut up. You know your partner does the same just this push and he was on the floor, not moving. He was dead, you knew! but you don't really work and up you're day, pupils you get magazine as a hugecare, manyou walks in. hard Looking you tired. stare One into huge of extra manpower and tools. You're lost in a labyrinth without light, other already gigantic eyes, the face hidden by a balaclava. A gun was drawn on people's blood on your hands and face, and you just can't seem to find an anymore, but leading you keep After what seems toFrom be hours of sustained exit, a ladder upshooting. into anonymous darkness. the sound of it, combat, their assault holds strong. Out of surrounded by dead got caught in an undercurrent and after theammo, tumbling and turning and you can,on butseawater, the ice spreads further. A friend, not theYou brightest of the choking you're completely disoriented. can't tell where bunch, starts to move your way, telling you he'll help, he'll make it all okay, point thatmaking you have to contort get your hands up toand thethe mask, or back but he's it worse, and to refusing your protests protests of your down by your sides. Water swirls around you, keeping you afloat, looks at you, puts a hand on your shoulder and tells you she is at apicking better place now, you a punch, probably money break his - and denouncing you.snap. You You blowthrow all of your considerable on nose a highmade the genius decision to drive drunkenly over to a nearby playground. powered legal team, but they falter at the worst moments, and you lose Bets were drunken egged gotten on, andill now you're stuck in a your life at made, all really. Exceptidiots that were now you've - how or when you're kiddie swing, to your legs off entirely the weeks rigid plastic, not sure, but itcirculation was probably from thatcut overseas tripby a few back - and horribly wrong. Someone saw you, apparently, and jabbed an object into you can't take any of the medications available for it, because they'll kill you your peeping hole. The pain was unlike anything you'd ever felt, the girls on his ass at home after being fired, not even bothering to look for a new the to join a sing-along. But you job. panic, And soeven you getting left. Of students course you did, in because he couldn't takefeel careyour of strength gradually slipping, the wound from your leg is bleeding and nobody the trunk, the corpse of the girlout, youand hadthe inside stillofthere. But something knows it. an The pain istoothbrush winning agony it all is that when you including electric turned to 'on', and bike-locked moved her, you saw. You saw it! Someone moved her! Her hairyourself was nottoina chin-up bar, with the key frozen in a block of ice, so you can let yourself out a highway, and approach trying flag downthe a driver - not that there when the fun is over. But it, when thetoice melts, key remains stuck to are the that many out, at this timeexplodes, of night, in the middle But and liquid and into the bottle which covering you of in nowhere. broken glass as through feeds. Everywhere, the bathroom stalls to locker fire.they Youclick trigger later in hospital, after the from first of your major skin grafts rooms to behind mirrors in privacy rooms, in full color. You try your best to they wereit,with guns, they aren't holding backlook at all. Your not show butregular something onbecause your face suddenly makes her hottiecreeps gets the a you nonlethal the don’t gut, the activist leader gets fear intobutt youofas realizegun thattoyou think you can even feelshot your arms and legs. After eternity, you start to hear shifting rubble and take it anymore and left. It escalated quickly as your mother called you, really to give back. a genuine effort to father somehow hopingwant to meet yousomething so you could talkYou for make a bit. She said that your get out of your hole. You get in contact with an old friend and they offer you cutting justgo to feel some kind of relief andare you’ve found the sharp painyour helps a job. You for the opportunity. Things going upwards, you get you get through the day. On a particularly stressful day, you escape to the strenuous and dangerous, but it paid pretty damn well. But this time, maybe you hit him too hard,Years maybeofhe's having bad day,You'll but when he goes property is flooded. firstbeen edition booksa ruined. get the money collection you've worked on since wereand twenty beaten back, track. but Thea destination was cocaine. You had you money, the is money's somehow gone.of Desperate for your withland. vivid,You crazy a tiny island, barelyall a strip sand far away fromnext any fix, proper have no food, fresh water, or shelter. Four days later, with the sweltering sun you're gay. In the kind of community you've grown up in, that's just not an acceptableduring way toyour be, and you're at peace with that; you canweek, deal with it for remember blackouts. You pay them, week after but the blackoutsconvenience get worse. Things fallinginto apart, you can't hold job, Robbing stores,start breaking armored vans, theonto pettya cape things. You came with them on a job, and it all went horribly wrong. Two In a corner of the office girl from principal if ititiswas lady. You took her stuffsits andthe knocked herbefore. down, The but you didn'tasks realize enough a knock to permanent, hospitalize her. It doesn't matter. matters the child.ofSomething that shows thatreally he was here, What that he loved meant to follow after a sniggering introduction to the moment. It doesn't you, that you loved him. Your baby will grow up and carry on some small matter. You're working the night shift when they come out of the woodwork. the predicted delivery date, your wife enters labor early,They at home. You rush Dwarves in clown masks with Freddy Krueger gloves. tackle you, word your teachers parents. The look been she gave youhorrifying. her totothe hospital, butand the contractions have slowly tearing her apart, Thatlooming she gotthreat away of with a warningwas worse. But your family's the anonly eating disorder that diagnosis hanging over your head. new puppy, a therapy dog for your dad, happened to go missing shortly She offers you a Hershey's kiss. "It's no big deal," she says, "if you aren't are not a smart try your luckyour with diet, a glory Someit's sick anorexic…" Youplace don't to want to break buthole. whatever, justsadistic one. psycho rigged up a food processor behind it, and you just stuck your

story short, you're being shoved feet-first into an ice chipper, and as it ornament, yourits foot gets caught in the trackspattering for one ofyou the and roaming stutters andand grinds way through your thighs, your sprayers. Two minutes pass, and the wash whirs to life. The wax now, but when she's notabove asleep, she's screaming, cursing at shoulder. you, blaming application gunrecovered is right you, and a wary drop looks lands on your even after you it, you still had from your It you for everything. You've sold off most of what you own now, employer. but even with seems whoever is doing this to you isn't content to do economic and social your last name - but you didn't know that at first. When you told him you injury, stealing your with name, physical injuryinYour as well. Loan sharks theyhethe didn't know anyone thebut name youstage. gave chat, you realize it, and visualize your dream perfectly, by this name, right alongside does too. know each other from and he immediately leaves. It greats, onYou a world-changing report in chat, the highest-esteemed scientific in critical condition in the hospital, greviously wounded by overzealous journals. It's these visions that distract you as you trip over a coolant tube, the Naval Weapons On aAsroutine training exercise, your rival, bullies - one of whichAcademy. is your child. your friends, all fellow parents, and wingman, showboats as usual, but this time, he's also flying in they'll givewith youyoua meal a close day through the fence you show upjetwash, at the formation very formation. You'reifcaught in his enclosure forcefields shattered firethere-were-warningsaround you isn't the appropriateoftime. On theand second day, booths. there's aThe brutal problem, but smoke experience a fleeting of brand hope new ground left forthe you to fallis. to. You By July, you made a wholemoment bunch of when the PRT arrives, dumping containment foam on fires, but that onlyto friends- people you used to look down on. And you’d figured out a way your house is open when you get home from school, and nobody is home. make real money, selling ends to place's your friends it felt stupendous, and the yard, and the damn stopped The halfway place is through a mess, mowing as if there was a struggle. You wait mower's in your wrecked working, stuttering to a gasping halt. Your uncle told you this happens time you used You throw youreofway outcord of practice on to time, soto. you turn it offyour and first find line, somebut stretch metal woundand around the backswing, the hook whips into your left eye, ripping across the cornea monsters becomes one, not to mention there's your wife and young son. Your boss to take a vacation, calm down a little, trying but you're careful one,convinces the 'good'you child. Putting on a brave face in school, to act normal around friends, you nonetheless were beinghas pulled into pieces as dogfood. After three weeks the smell of the 'home' become unbearable, punch, and scream. The other members of your family look on, all too used but you know better than to complain, or make any human sounds at all. to these episodes. You think you're through the worst of it, then a fist you waited one day too late. Someone else swooped her offtake of her catches youThen square in the mouth and you lose it. Youand can't thisfeet. any accessing. it was insurance fraud, then arson, each time You weren't happy, but you tried to be, for her. You stayed in touch,the but you evidence mounted against you. Eventually your original crime looked petty blurry. Youtocollapse, and wake up in ato strange place, head still fuzzy and compared all the though, things you’d done keep people from knowing. hospital. This time, it went too far. A fight over the dishes throbbing. Tubes are sticking out of your arm, there's a mask overescalated your into a screaming match, and then you started hitting. They hit back, and the docs said, the thattwo youofsurvived. A one in athe billion chance that you can even soon enough, youand areyou rolling on floor, your itfingers digging injured. Your breaks, forward feed some your still regain theheart strength in your legs. rush And you weretohappy that youofdid too, lunch. Trigger asyou the started dog attacks you, knocking theasmud napalm in hand, firebombing a local you truckinto stop the and fuel tanker tearing your withbeen enough vigor that younot feel teeth and pulled ininto to restock. You're in awe ofmaddened thelately. ensuing lightshow, of a strange noisehand you've hearing You're covered innoticing grease until too late theand fires licking up your arms and legs. Law enforcement oil, exhausted, not thinking clearly. You didn't use jack stands, youfinds minutes, and  a few people are goofing off. You're working on your didn't block the wheels...and nowattempts the vehicle rolls forward, and tonsdiscus of steel ruining yournot damn /body/. to go toelse, police and hospitals technique, paying muchYour attention to anyone when you hear aare met with skepticism, after younow, show them the damage. undeserved. Not thateven that matters with your car, and youItinallit,comes buriedto a headawhen yourmound family of corners you,detritus surrounds you, and try broken to extend the under massive trash and courtesy of the dump Therefore, you're not surprised to wake and find the power's outbusiness truck ahead of you. As the frame creaks and cracks spiderweb across the as usual. Your SO goes to heat up the TV dinners the oven.have She opens maintains the game, issues an announcement - theinfounders committed acts fraud insider trading, thethat company pouring in, massive the kitchen is of going alland to hell. You slip onand a spill shouldas a friends, and all they do now is leave you, ignoring you, talking with have been cleaned up ages ago, and you plunge your hand straight into the everyone but you. It's not like you don't notice. All her friends, all the people Trapped undertothem, andbut with the key to the cuffs on dresser across the that bothered appear, notgive one word for you. Youthe trigger as you stand team of doctors appear. They you the bad news. Crush syndrome, it's room, you wait for three grueling days, wearing your wrists and ankles raw called. Your lower skeleton was crushed, your kidneys are failing, and people, evenare when youapart, know your what entire they look you can't connect dots when things pulled bodylike is going to be floodedthe with and put abut name to the face. turns You're in a crowd of your loved around, the resentment to alone hate. One night, after your SO ones, comes home remarkably drunk, you've had enough. You scream, they scream, the cafeteria. As you smack people left and right to separatethem you feel a sharp pain on your side. Before you against can react, you feelsomeone taking treat you differently and hold things you. One year later, you go hold to a bar with some cousins. Your ex-brother-in-law is there, drinking heavily. He traversable, it fucking well isnt. The map showed a gentle incline, but these pressed against the bottom bar of a metal stoolbefore the back of your head are sheer cliff faces. Theres no way you can climb this. But you was kicked, hard. Your teeth were mangled,shattered and broken, jaw dislocated, face scarred. The jaw could befixed, but the teeth couldn't.

your name (Chris instead of Christine, Frankie instead of Francesca, Jessie instead Jessica, etc). people mistook a boy, youtocertainly didn't yourself,ofmaking you feelIf more alone. Oneyou dayfor you decide take a walk, dressed in drag. Not in yourspot neighborhood of smoke course,in. maybe even in a build a convenient hangout to discreetly A little crossfaded, the mayor promised to rebuild, but never did. Your flashlight flickers slightly you fall asleep. You wake up to find your friends standing around the pit, as you turn into a small room, until you come face to face with the beast... to confirm your address so he could talk this “misunderstanding” over with the time any of the are address? actually true. recognize the you first in person. How did legends he get your YouOr callnot. theYou cops, but through hellhole, she signals that she wants to go up. She begins to rise as you take sheer stupidity on the part of theThey've law, pure genius on a the part of yourof antiwith personal finally found new a fewextreme steps toward herneglect. and slip on a coral outcropping. You cocktail tumble clumsily depressants that have brought back toyour reality. Things haven't to afford to go back to college nextyou year, and grades are you too mediocre cared about in years start coming back to you: your wife left you, your get decent Abandoned andas betrayed, you as half-heartedly house. Youscholarships. can draw on the walls, make much noise you like, and apply for jobs in town, but no one bites. On your last dollar, the only thing pretendin, it'sthough, the fantasy world ofyour Atticayourshut brother be the joining so you keep mouth andlikes work.toYou anddragons, your you the questing hero. One summer evening, parents still at work, he buddy get sent off to blow a power substation, duct-taping your jury-rigged as you might, perhaps withand thesetting help ofthem a natural proclivity for living, bombs to theready. transformer Something wentyou wrong April. You're It's 8AM, and the doors to areblow. opening. You'd that can't seem to kill yourself. Getting a handgun, you put it in yourthink mouth and everyone would file in nicely, based on spot in line, but instead it becomes a slamming into your hand a few times. Then your dad smiles, taking the deadly whirl of bodies. You're caught in Shrub, it, trapped thegun. stampede. You pistol ofwere your handand and replacing itup with a submachine Youastep up them, out they cool happy and even whoinwas always little to the range, taking and pullathe trigger. The gun rollscompany... up in your until grip, dumber, a little moreaim, desperate, little poorer, was good rotted floor gives way beneath you. You fall a few short feet into the dark two days later. The group cornered you, accusing you they of stealing aches, headaches... Youon had anything and everything had ontheir theis the hollow beneath, landing your back. Worse than the pain however, symptom list and more. When you ran out of your doses, you silently than once. But, you have get to go. cheered. Maybe it would better. But then, things started getting worse. One dayto you're there forand dinner, butayou're byopt a sudden of position reciprocate, there's strongovercome smell. You to pushbout forward, a belt to garotte the stump. But if you do that you'll fall. And even if you strong smell or no, popping a sugar-free candy in your mouth to mask the survive you'll have to climb thecould mountain down, dehydrated, exhausted to confirm your address so he talk this misunderstanding over withand with a missing leg. You could wait, keep your leg but if no rescue team is you in person. How did he get your address? You call the cops, but through life. Year after year, you set the bar much too high, scrabbling and clawing sheer on the part of the law, pure genius on the part of your just tellstupidity them reach you're bored, it just confirms suspicions. Your family to somehow them. You hate the ideatheir of losing. You hate the ideatalks of about you as though you aren't there, as though you can't hear them, and seething mass of indifference. And findtoyourself staring down, at the you seethe inside. Your sister is theyou nicest you, rarely says anything gathering crowd and police sirens, and smile. A memorable death. It's kind of annoying but you put up with it. Then as you are at a bar,Faced drinking responsibly a spin, couple of spin, drunks decide pick fightraises, with you. as always. But as you and and spin, to and thea ride andOne flips upside down stories up, you hear a strain, a creak. You're harnessed in, it's you didn't get that memo. And worse, they're switching lanes without looking. Thejust carkilled rockets into yours, spinning you out of panic. You someone. Instead of making theand callsending you get both on your car andon drive away.ofThe is overwhelming and youlimbs. stop going out, only human account theguilt knives impaling the cleaved The reminder down on your face and chest and arms, screams of incoherent rage coming of the sheer horror the Nine were capable of had you stumbling, falling out of their mouth. You're bleeding, and it's bad; you don't think you're going fucking up another order. off about getting home late, youdistracted slam the to walk away fromInthis. YouPissed manage crawl away while sirens your theto end ofand the hall, you they're see the disaster, walk-inkicking freezerin. behind yousprint whentoyou enter, the impact breaks the a cart tipped, containers broken. You stand there, your heart dropping into Unfortunately, had to work already late thatdied. night-The there's no way make your stomach, you knowing you've papers that you'll were on theit in time. get undeserved. the money from along thehome way, you're in $200 you knowYou it was Onemultiple day, asATM's you walk back guaranteed you a spot as second in command. Everything's going great, assaulted by gang members. They beat you hard enough that you can't until a normal medical exam comes back with some horrifying newsyou've your flesh, if he got his hands on you. Make things bigger, make them got Type 1 diabetes. It's not a huge deal, it's easily treatable, and it smaller, twist them around, and he made it /hurt/. For days on end, he'd debt too wreck, stupid or stubborn to your not back and go to with your leaveand youyou're a twisted cooped up in room,down too broken escape, second option. suffer through thefinally five years needed - yeah, had toin long silence as You you sit there, until he lets you up. You see you the tears wrong fight day - confident in your skills in a room," brawl, your opponent his eyes, theone trembling in his hands. "Go to your he says, voice soft, nonetheless lands lucky blow, theYou're glasses your face. The metal 'tag' with the ainscription, soknocking it stays on. in off a car accident, and room becomes an indistinct blur, and blows rain in from every direction, in the screaming metal, your bracelet snaps off, flying off to God-knowsand youYou want to get to get awayyour to a safer An oldon friend willing where. wake upout, in the hospital, throatplace. constricting itselfisfrom a to rent. The day after you arrive, the Endbringer Sirens wake you up. Everything was positioned so well. Drunk, you talked about it with You budddies, talked yourselves into it, and then gathered the tools. What really

abandoning the girl with a disloyalty that's only to be expected for his kind. He slips down one alley, then another, and you come up on him as he next thing you know isupthe deafening car's brakes andinside the dodges into a closed building. Youscreech and twoofofthe your buddies step immense pressure andgoes painto ofsleep your bisected body, pinned between the wait until your spouse before creeping into your children's adult, you deserve to have a relationship an adult without them room, and gingerly shaking them awake, intent on with heading to your mother's being slandered. You meet someone, and it feels like a whirlwind romance; in your lungs to stay aware, on topyou’re of being disoriented fromtime. fromTwo the they’re all charm andfully sweetness, and engaged in record anesthesia that they used to put as of a side effect off. Your watching perturbed He under. thinks Unfortunately, you're some kind government sent to spy him, he's whacko. in. HeHe's startsgot and you can agent see his head and on shoulders asan heabsolute enters, breaking some more of what your body craves, and some small part of you wants to of the air and the street presses against your naked skin, you can hear one of those fuckers making joke the about yourcrowd. buddy.You It's realized a sore point, drinking, and hanging outa with wrong one night that while your kidnappers negotiate with your family for the The out if you couldn't get pregnant this last time you would You brought negotiations constantly anxious. After days of or alone doesn'tseem causetense, you toleaving You get into the fight and see a friend waiting, one of the men returns to the room where you're tied to a chair. loved one on- the doesn't cause youone to an apology.' howother nice.side Yougunned come todown. work This with alone a smile, and leave with trigger, either. The final straw is seeing half a dozen different people on the too. The ticket was for tonight, and because you didn't have anything to do, NUMBERED,' and other such creepy things. Nobody thinks too much of it. you left towards the cinema. It was a nice movie, when you make got home, Just loonies letters, same as always. Youand tellin the some foreign aid tosending a Behemoth attack site. But something thecops, intricate jokes with your it, and ignore it. You go outout for of a the sky, machinery of theemployees helicopterabout fails, and it stutters and tumbles surprised as anyone when the building implodes. Some cape with a plowing into the rubble, aflame. With your entire body covered in shredded from PRT to normal police cars. You sneak in, though, know demolition power, perhaps, or a bomb. All you know is,you there's noyour way neighborhood wellgives enough, getfor into the building windowdove near the back. Nothing youand cause alarm until youthrough spot thea driver’s the side. That's you victims see them, andwas they recognize you, probably. A tattoo. Stories ofwhen Simurgh wreaking havoc fly through head, university, everything changed. College your escape fromyour it all, finally and youthe start to panic gets even worse the driver takes having freedom to irrationally. be who youItwanted to be. Yourwhen happiness didn't last ready. No problems there. up Youwith go your to a concert foron their favorite band, and but long, however you broke boyfriend very poor terms, threw you out is of too course. You breeze through life, theYou polar opposite of the the excitment much, and it triggers an attack. fumble for the man who's name you share. You live in a shitty apartment in the 'burbs, he course, she was the one sent to fetch you, tell you that you were admitted, lives in a mansion. But the fucking idiot loan shark somehow mistook you and bring in for You were forced togoing strip and sit on a he around, heyou takes theyour baghazing. from you. 'Got everything for you, huh?' running washing machine while your sisters jeered, took pictures, and asks, and he sounds angry. Heyou getsrealize increasingly agitated, the rave’s abandoned building, just how lost youshouting are, howabout long your woman, sex positions, the total amount you had in your account, each shadow seems, and how very unnervingly quiet the city was afterthe all do stupid. all yourtofriends areharder doing it! Nothing can thatanything bass and music.But It started become and harderbad to swallow the happen! Youand get rush ready, bouncing on the your feetand in front of the your phone, home hungover as balls hell. of Desperate scared, you the name, you give address andtrusts they leave you alone. lie tocivilian her. Your excuses arethem fairlyan weak, but she you. Three weeksYou end up in the hospital. visiting yesterday, you are communities. Until oneYour day, family as youstopped return home from your job and at the post already worried enough. Half a dozen men, some you know from the gang, office, catch Asight of truck a plume smokefrom in the distance. A plume of in sightyou already. small wasofvisible afar, approaching rapidly, smoke close yourlight stamp YouWrong. race home, but theyuncomfortably would stop now thattoyour wascollection. green, right? Theybut didn't unmarkedsecretly relocating a cape to the Birdcage. 20 minutes of stop, and you were hit, sticking like glue to the front untilfinally, the truck driverthe caught, give you opportunity to escape. Finally, listeningnot to Vilkas, thethe crime-fighting Barbarian later, you noticehea looks car ahead other way at the right moment, youtheir go for it, trying sneak away.aYour overcomplicated adventures to and 'defeat foes'. Until to one day when phoneflips goes at thecar wrong moment, and he's on atop of you in seconds, blast theoff decoy you're in, throwing it over retaining wall and learn how to drive and begin enjoying it, getting over your fear of the road. tumbling down a short hill, breaking the majority of your bones and leaving Not too much get your license and aincar. You're room doing with great, next thing youlater, know,you you’re waking up naked a strange all of your stuff gone and some crazy guy starts yelling at you in abad language you methamphetamines as treatment. What is a surprise is how the side hard, and it comes off the wall. You're pinned, one leg probably broken, effects are. Auditory hallucinations, mood shifts, the works. It ramps up into possibly crushed. No your one is comingdriver for you time soon. You're just that stuff secured in bags, getaway is any screaming in your comms close enough to the under-the-sink cabinet to open it, catch drops of water the cops are surrounding building. silent Italarm yourwrong, man missed. both of them, and couldn’tthe bear to loseAeither. all goes though, Desperate, yourspouse team closes itselftoinget thea vault, hopefully keepingfollowing the police when your first manages copy of your itinerary, the one who handles the money. It becomes increasingly clear that he's run you to your second spouse’s city, planning on surprising you. Fortunately, off with the money, leaving you holding the bag, and you can't do the asks you out. It's everything you ever fantasized about, the teasing conversations, and heavy in the shit, car before home... and it Her ability is to getting fly and hot shoot bolts or some but shedriving just opts to pick you issues, and go on your way. Some weird things happen as you go towards up and bring you a mile high. You scream and beg, to no avail. This fucking the warehouse, but nothing to explicit. Just a stare here, and an oddly following car there. It's a different story when you reach the warehouse. A

back of a car, hitching a ride. When the car turned, you could let go and fly forward. Except you fucked up. You picked a van, one without a rear the same.There They’re to of hitsomething the button sticking and stopout. theJust machinery, cutting window. wasquick a loop as you get ready you free while youNo into an ambulance. starts todown dawntoon projects. Then paramedics he drops theload bomb. bonus marks. It allIt comes the final paper and finalMika exam. plummets in a matter what happened. Then toldYour you confidence that if you didn’t kiss them before of and after school, they’d hit teach you with them, yousaid. did it… uncle, a police officer, youthe to ring. fight.You Onlybelieved if you had to, he You had to. Youordecked therunning bully, and life got better. Until you were walking at exercising mentally through past mistakes, trying to see where you could’ve So it’s shockwide, whenyour youfingers submittapping to an M-Scan hand. You're done frozenbetter. in terror, youra eyes the panic reaches into his bag, to take something, youmoney!" instinctively open button. He shoves theprobably gun in your face.out "Give me all the You try to your own bag to search for tissues to offer him. The moment you touch the and carry the otherbus smells. Shejolts didn't wash clothes much as she set tissues, the entire violently and yourher ears are hitsowith a sharp pain. them aside for a few days before wearing the same set of clothes a few classic. The second you try to slitthere yourare wrists, butofyou outworse. halfway whisper lewdtime comments, but a pair girlschicken who are They're the popular ones who are used to getting all of the attention, and they've made a mistake - went out with a friendly sponsor who paid for your food in couple of his Apparently buddies step forward, blocking youtooff, and an implicit a restaurant. that is already enough lose thethere's sponsorship and threat to it. Very carefully, with an affected calm, you pull an earbud of covered in bruises. You’re not sure how long you’re lying there in theout cold, your listening tonext them. "Hey, pretty rude to ignore someone, you slowly bleeding, thing youit's know there’s a garbage truck coming and aear, lot of sour but cream later, you chug your morning cup of coffee, and around thedamn corner, stopping periodically to collect bins. As only it gets closer, your face near explodespure capsaicin poisoning, he's used your knees, your eye twitching, your hands up and pressed together, much too much of it. You collapse, screaming, trying but failing not to tear beggingdidn't like aleave fucking because needand it so badly. Fuckyour this place. friends youdog, alone either. you Anxiety fear became constant companions. The rocksishitting your the game middleisofscarce the that’s afflicting your community afflicting thewindow wildlife,inand blood is just pouring out. You run, and they follow, shouting after you, and easily spooked. After hours of failure, you start trying to make your way tracking you by the long trail of blood you've left behind. It's a really nasty of your military corporations. Mercenaries, soldiers of cut, andcontract. you can'tPrivate staunch the bleeding with your hand. Their shouted fortune. A arms deployment to South Americaand - a her cartel wants some realwithout over their that made her stronger arms much bigger A few hours later, and everything goes wrong. The plane is caught a adding much weight to her, looking like brightly lit neon bodybuilderinarms. storm, and the engines start failing one after the other, in quick sequence. new this year, and untested. Your get youbut moderately drunk,out andto You're wigging out,got on athe verge ofbrothers ait panic attack, the pilothim freaks businessmen, you thrill telling to staircase. a politician, watching his start chucking empty kegs down a long You are tasked lose to hop hair as you oversaw the chemotherapy, offering your expertise. You told it saying, “ma-ma” and similar, but at least she’s not complaining aboutthe thebest to a child, andforthe family's you was intense enough to rival entire it while sheneed is atfor school. rushes along downstairs, lack ofhouse kids any more. One evening, you She realize she’syou been cooped up her telling you that your sister is giving you a ride to school. You’re still makes them guns. while Lots of guns. guns you can smuggle into school;you extremely anxious you rideLittle in the chewing your in nails, anyway. notwreck reallyan a surprise thatcar, you start to flash andworried out of do big guns So thatit’s can entire house if you offend them. Guns that consciousness one afternoon, a few seconds of unconsciousness every were when you arrived. One day, they say you're all going on a road trip to minute orcity, so, your before you happy wake up. You finally lose with a nearby to getvehicle out of drifting the house. You're enough to go along initiate such fights. Then you overdid it the son of an important man in them, maybe mooch off them tothat. buy He’s some stuff. Theyand pullyou into an odd anything wrong, and you know stand town crossed your path, and you beat himjust intobetter, a bloody pulp, can’t sending himit. He doesn’t know how bitter you are. You worked so hard to get here, and to what would become a fight in just a few minutes. You tried to warn her, it’s like at a wall. yoursome final year, for your you capstone you’re but shestaring didn't listen, andIn when guy knocked down seminar, on your ass pathetic, butpunch, you justyou can't bring that yourself tobe care. Your days mostly blend with a good thought might it for her. She was a large because this hatred, knowing full well what was. You gained theirintrust, into eachof other, meaningless to you except foritthe heights you reach your and became one of them. They gave you an opportunity to hit them where it heard outside of you yourablog and a few loyalinto friends. On yourwith firstit, date since hurt. They gave bomb. You walked the building ready to theit,break up, though, down a near-total stranger, andInasanyou to you looked down,you andsitsaw thewith black fur of a very hairy dog. attemptand to get you call out to it, touch it, and all hell breaks people lie ittoout, them about being allhesitant right, or to have to face your falling grades. You don't have to look your parents in the eyes, so this way is bucket swings towards you, but you're too slow. It catches you with a boneshattering crunch, andshe youleft areyou violently thrown from and into making more money, for somoeone else.your Youplatform made the divorce as fair as you despite wounded feelings andthe anger. inside. You panic, youcould, try calling the the police but you're a mess, mostYou horrible possibilities goingothers through your mind, you the You personal, you don't have to check you or tellcan't you even to be type careful. step it up to keep it exciting, and you eventually cross a line. The line you

emit pulses over time, or wait and emit something more concentrated, but that increased the intensity of the cost that they both paid when they exited flee into the backyard from get your andfor secure yourself in the bunker, the form. You… youthere didn’t a window power. Not while. It didn’t bother that But is never time. aNever. Months to you, safe unhealthy. from the flames, as far as youenough know. Unfortunately, it's notwent the flames years, company but you were stillDevelopment on your feet Training like a train you gotthe results. You went even to gotshit, rumors of Olympic for on legs, moving forward. The pay got a bit worse, steadily, until you noticed you. The Olympics! Then, the accident happened. Hit by a car. You together again. And then they broke up. And the cycle continued, until you listening music, on their phone. Just badwith luck.some Shit happens. Spinal were justto tried. On them a particularly bad day, stress relatives and all down. Very close to the ten year mark, the insurgent group takes over a to that, you came home and got a message. She was crying again, wanted critical location, everything YouYou're take what measures deer and turkeysand than you ever collapses. really needed. not even sure ifyou anyone in your family *enjoys* the taste of venison. Either way, near your misfits. One day, you come clean about having HIV. They all seemed cool The day after you turned sixteen, your father tells you she was a cape,go and with it, at first. Slowly, the phone stops ringing so often. Whole weeks by shows you her oldagain. costume gear. Then he brings outthe newspaper She catches you Sheand breaks something else. It's fourth day, and clippings your villain mother invisibility power to ifsteal, kill,he and you've one working leg. Sheusing saysher she'll break back you can't the twogot ofofyou and the attacking parahumans. Butyour for optimal effect, has escape after this round of her "game". You nearly escape, and then she to remain in place the constructions fall as asout he here moves, and you whileget you she has called- your parents and they aresoon flying to help he could mergeYou withcan't the ground raise of them around as he skims back on track. bear theand thought facing their himself disappointment, have. They recorded and there's video of you onlater the internet, and desperately toyou, think of anow way outlong, of athis. A few they have falling apart thetry show dragged on too almost outdays munition, showing you- shittalk your fans, your employer, your friends, as youyou grasp straws and make a mistake you shouldn't have made. You make a bad the park. Heafter pullsyou up see in a awhite van, honks. try Youdelivering run up, excited, joke, racist, man theand audience, it a a get make arrangements attend theinfuneral, but ittires passes by in a blur, grabbed, and hauledto into the back of the van, peeling out. The hand is minister you don't know your droning on about a man who you hardly starts know to anxious to step outside doors. Even your parents' patience anymore. he gets to "ayear good derision, wear thin, Itonisn't theuntil second or third of father" it. Yourthat cat you getssnort sick, in and you your friends, stopping talking to your family. They're your only friend, now, desperately want to take her to the vet, butone youdevolves can't manage it on your stories, photoshopped pictures, and each into vicious and the only person you know in this strange city, and God help you, you love sadistic gore & snuff fantasies. Bad as it is, it gets worse: the only people fuck wasn't sorry for her sins, and are if the government going make who have access to trigger: those photos people onthrough yourwasn't friends list. to 15 people accidentally pull the the slug goes right your hand and Sirensong pay you were. You had tracked the sick fucker down, at the the local wall,they and consoled you hear a brief scream pain from the and otheryou side. The pain and you. Then, yourofex apologized couldn't stopis unbearable you canthem. think The clearly enough tostarted remember your spouse yourself frombut forgiving relationship again.that And again, it burns through the money in the first few days she gets it, a year in. You're broke up. And again, you got together again. And again, and again, the thousand to stick it in her there. Couple of manuals, somedrives internet more thansmackeroos a bit frugal, and seeing waste money like she does tutorials, and you've got it down...except...Was it the red wire, or the grey spoiled sister thatelse still lives at home refuses let that She makes wire? Everything is in place - maybe thetored? Eh, happen. what's the worst that noise about it being a hassle, and when that doesn't budge your parents, unaware of your fate. Your family doesn't have the money to pay the bills, but theyTheir do soteam anyway, for aenough while. Eventually though, theafford weeks game. is ahead in the season theyas can to crawl put the relentlessly rubbing and rubbing and rubbing until your lag feels aflame with kid in and throw a game, your team doesn't see just how close you are to the pain and pleasure of the itch. One night, wide awake and staring at the It was the for the aas subject in your year, andthat's you studied ceiling, youfinals are startled two men burstsecond through a door been harder than ever. So hard, in fact, you took the test sleep deprived going through it at the same time, having to try to get your elbow toand hit the slicing important with scalpel. The patient he's controlssomething on your wheelchair whilethe you hold the door opensurvived, with yourbut hand. suing you for damages. To make matters worse, the lawsuit investigation young shuttling him hereearly and symptoms there for tests and tutoring, helping him revealsteen, that you're displaying for A.L.S., and that you've got make a game controller his strange, insectile hands and Qbert halfway over the edge offor a bridge, a long, long fall in front ofplaying you. Each time you moveAn at ambulance all, your carpicks teeters the cops areyou, surrounding hospital. youdangerously, up, your wifeand getting in with and the looking to be a great night. Then, in the middle of a dance with your EMT gives you a preliminary diagnosis of a heart attack, saying the new beau, your dress getsgot caught onoff something, and itand justwhen rips clean off,to Only problem is, you ripped halfway there, you try leaving you naked but for your underwear, and it takes just a few seconds explain to your buddy, they don't believe you. You're running, and they're others blamed - things he could have past possibly They cominghave at you with ahim gun,for bullets whizzing justnot inches yourdone. face as you beat him in front of you and your family, then haul him up to his knees, a good match. Everything seemed set. Until a private investigator came to you, pushing a photo hands. You were a young getting a divorce, you into wereyour almost relieved. But itkidnapped didn't endat there. Youage, shit decided you'd be drawn and quartered. You're taken out of the city, and were brought to the courthouse, and within the span of an hour, were being strong ropes tied around your limbs and gawky attached the some back bumpers growth spurt, are a big one, and you’re tall now, buttowith genuine of multiple cars as you scream and struggle. The cars start to move, muscle. It’s enough to fool you into intervening as he starts lay intoeach her. in It doesn’t go well; he easily knocks you to the ground, slamming your head

horrifying sensation that you’re being followed. You go to your parents, friends, and even the police but nobody seems to think it’s a big deal. You his workshop to see what could salvage. Theinto devices were alien, but change your number, burnyou each letter and move a to new andbit your references You struggled getapartment the"computers," slightest the parts weren'tand - hefriends used awere lot ofdead. gold circuitry and gemstone of government benefits to stretch your days out, but even that was a feeling the and distortyou've beneath strength. no You know that itto stopgap. Inwood spite bend of your efforts, got his no savings, job, no place won't survive much longer, know when it and breaks down and made it a habit to check in, and you you left his littlethat workshop study materials alone, and the place in working in order, withtonoyour damage. Whenyou're -yougrowing outfound of control. Unfortunately, addition inattention, you built together. Your finances were never in good shape, and things only also not the brightest. You fill up a huge bowl of water as the fire scorches got ground, worse, rising values meaning thatwith property taxes went all the tryingproperty in vain to protect your head your hands, and up. the Itguy added up to "too much." You're in your spouse's old office, going over the just starts stomping on your skull. Your vision swims, your grasp on reality from hazardous exposure transfered over to you. Youras shifting with eachchemicals, slam, andand youthat struggle to formulate a coherent thought spouse has it worse than you, but it's slow acting, so both of you get to stupidly, hilariously wrong a nanosecond after you choose it - a joke answer realize out of your league. You go out to ahost barsays with some her, hoping to that wasshe's supposed to make things easier. The comforting have a goodsome time,of and too drunk. Youout try some to helpofher to question theshe oddgets bits aoflittle theology, or point theout to your car,moral and everybody decides that just of because not as pretty as leader's failings. You still believed, course,you're but it was a surprise somehow, weaseling theirinvited way through things. At the your and rope,some you when you found yourself to a quiet retreat, withend theof leader finally respond, agreeing to a meeting in a fairly public spot, hoping that set her mind to. Then you found a boyfriend, and he was handsome, He's notsmart, functional, youcomplement have to babytohim every ofmade every aday, like sweet, a perfect you. Sheminute actually pass at an eternal infant. It's destroyed your marriage you haven't made love to your bit of muscle torn but something that can be healed. A day in, though, it spouse yearsNot for rot lackorofgangrene, time and due to mutual exhaustion. You'reofpretty starts toinfester. but something alien, little slivers safer. Except not anymore it turns out a gang's hiding in there, and now glowing teeth poking out of your skin, shredding through your bandages, you're running the woods after you, he treated you madly guys tothrough good things, threwasa they party,chase and he was thefiring hero their of the hour. nolike wrongful The cash was collected your body There starts was to feel it's on dismissal. fire, and you pull off layer after layerfrom of clothes tryan to hour cool down, until you're completely Youwere crawlbulimic, into a the toilettofor after eating, because some ofnaked. the others and none thethat girlsmakes were allowed tampons, because theylock could be used jerkily in aof way your heart sing. You force the to the insideto of the building, intent on reaching of the bywhen climbing the and started getting ready, planningthe to apex walk out on facility Monday theyup were at work. morning, packed bagsyou in hand, you it, calland your mom, don’t likeMonday what you did today, they toss in it, lock leave you there for a few hours. It’s hot, confined, frightening, and you’ve just been tossed suited to her purposes. She died unexpectedly, not from violence but from simple health issues, leaving you vulnerable and alone. You have no birth gnawing, nauseating feeling of fear. You attempt the jump, but your fear of the doorframe. Snowed in, with only hum of scrabble a generator keep you makes you clumsy, your fingertips tear the off as they for to futile company, in business. one of the One loneliest on earth, theextra quietbitand of the family day, places you're out gettingyou thatfind little of the lack of communication quickly getting to you. Sleep isn’t consistent without cash, and youhouse, get a call. Your father's in theCop hospital heart attack.your He home in your going over your work. cars -surrounding passes away shortly thereafter. You're the heir to the family business, house. They know about your investigation, you know it, and your heart nails on a chalkboard to you. It's a slow, grinding process, as you comethe to startseverything beating in about your chest you wonder they plan. Soon enough, hate them as and your child. what You keep it all bottled up; the Premium grade, supposedly uncut.accepting Enough toofdo you forsoa you longjust while. community you live in isn't exactly divorce, pretend Except it was tainted, or it wasn’t what you thought it was. The high doesn’t away from home, while you tell your parents you’re at a friend’s “studying.” be booked. The same one as your partner, actually. You're told just how There’s a friendship and loyalty that grows, in the camaraderie of criminals. much he ratted on you with, and you know it's not bullshit to get you to you, screaming and blubbering incoherently in really response to their As questions, confess. Enough specific details to be sure he did squeal. you're sweeps into your house and it starts to flood, but by then it's too late. You and then one man leans forward, pressing your hand into the road, and you climb into your attic, desperately searching for a way out. There’s none. The they even stay up past 7:30 pmhead they're being 'extravagant'. Orthe so you rain pounds down above your as the water wells up into attic, thought, until you sneakand in the backhad door, and not onlythen are two. your Got parents them. You kept talking texting, another date, too cocky,a perhaps, because yourYork ex found andinterview, sent them the same band pack bag and head to New for theout final supremely confidentso confident you take a nap and miss your plane. Screaming again, you turn around and see someone sleeping there. Touching their shoulder, you catch a glimpse at their face. You trigger as your parents moving often, because there's the other small problem of having never rush been to law school either. your has cases anyway, but Each that probably you with something. SinceYou then,win thisallroom been your life. day, fought to excel in hobbies, in work, and in school. Your sibling gave up, they take another piece of you. A finger. A hand. Until there's not enough they seemed to fade as you grew. Until they killed themselves. You weren't sure how to feel. In a way, you killed them, you grew as they faded.

unwilling to let such trivialities impede you in your unrelenting pursuit of the front you.You've You were sure thatit,nobody was homein, - you to look, goal. of Well. finally made and two months youturn realize that and you see it, a shotgun, attached to some wires and other mechanisms. confused for some local villain, and they're charging you with a laundryAlist fucking trap? this,"confirms" you think,that moving to leave, quickly exiting the gun's of crimes. An Fuck M-Scan you have a corona pollentia, manage to them keep things together It becomes reassuring that they've got financially. their man, and they've increasingly got enough clear that, unless on you're riskstore yourwhen life and health in unsavory ways,-your playground yourwilling way totothe they swarmed you, excited for hospital with the media all over the place. Only a few minutes later the your flesh. As a swarm of the little angels start to bite and dig in with messageand comes the cape dead. Your phone ringsthat halfthey an hour later, worried, theyout, stumble ontoisthe couch. They explain triggered as you were preparing the table, and you pick up. "Hello," a man says, and and got a power they couldn't really control, turning them into a monster. money you could make from less-than-legal sources. And for a long time, But they've got itanother under control now, on they think, so theyacame back tohall you. really say happy. - and oneliving comes when noisethe in the you were You were free, even if you you hear didn't have greatest like something being dropped. Possibilities varying from the mundanely don't. Your longbizarre dead, you having been awful to theparents completely run through your your brain.little Youbrother's start guardian for the better part of a decade, you're a ready made scapegoat thethe graduate with dozens of offers for free rides from universities allfor over country. At least nobody knew about it. Or so you thought. It starts with a look, a giggle, a sneer of disgust. People you pal you no and attention; a few mock your clothes, the around way youwith talk,start but looking to most at working and doing what your 'masters' say. The cops will come. Theytakes have people you might as well not exist. Until one student, older than you, to come. That's what you think, until you and the others are loaded into a and you know you're going to fuck it up, given just how exhausted you feel, shipping container. it means. taking out ofyour the but you can't pass itYou up. know In frontwhat of your bosses, try topartners. runyou through been arrested for purposefully spreading HIV They're to you multiple S/He was presentation, butenough you can't It alls/he comes even audacious to help keepbut up yawn, a blog feeling about it,like fullgarbage. of pictures, personally, to cheer on, and then,You early in the the police game,officer the star player didn't even bother tothem use fake names! kick out, for your team falls the about wrongaway. Paramedics come onto the - his mentioned something video of it, and you couldn't helpfield yourself. You managed sneak smartphone out drop of somebody's purse; later that before the timetolimit, youa finished the last in the bottle, and everyone never freak out that way again. Even when that mugger caught you and cheered for you. Unfortunately, the overdose took full effect around that your brother in that alleyway, even as he was shouting at you, spit flying out you hear it - a crack like fireworks going off, a scream. More cracks, slowly of his mouth, you remember your counseling. That's why you find yourself approaching you. heart in your possibilities running people coming in, Your yelling andpounds screaming andears, making threats, as though through your mind, but you can't move or do anything. Then the footsteps that'll get them what they want. A guy walks up to your desk, looking calm, some of humanoid wearing armor madeto ofcatch, material that and hekind tosses somethingfigure at you that you scramble then helooks just like something between bone and metal, cleaving gang members in two then you get a call. You leave the room, letting him scream his lungs out,as a razor blade into the flesh of your forearms. As your life starts to seep and take it. When you get back - he isn't on the table. You look hurriedly away, though, you suddenly come to the realization that out youroflife there's no response... you start trying to worm your way theis not quite that bad, not so harsh as to be inescapable, that all your problems are care, handcuffs. wonderful, You don't know if they're comingand back or not, you absolutely sweet, kind, perfect, when theyand start to don't make you need tothey get out, now. You scream, you struggle, cry, anddon't allrest. itdo does moves... suggestions... you don't want them to leave you you like all the them when come home early, withhold affection when they You know you'll never meet anyone The morning after youbecome lose your what they're supposed to, isolate andbetter. control them to make them Your friend gets a little mouthy when he's cuffed, and they don't take kindly the best hero they can be. They finallyofsnap after athey'd long day of heroism that your -school-, andout showed you some the video to that - one pulls his gun and pistol-whips across therecorded, face. But where they you let glimpse your face lethal: appear. Do as they say, can and cause they won't send - isathat this isofpotentially water intoxication death. the video out to everyone youfeel know. They tellget you if you try get them Your head starts to you nauseous, your vision blurred, all, but enforcers in spin, this scam of theirs. You taken tobecomes anto ATM, and they and you're having trouble breathing. Your parents don't care, just shoving demand you take out as much money as you can. It's implied they'll night rendezvous, he doesn't take it well. Held at gunpoint and pinnedkeep by you forofahis while and milk foroff your daily limit toes, for a "so few that daysyou'll before they some buddies, he you chops one of your close - you've heard about people asking around for you, showing your remember him every time you take amannerisms, step." He warns you that it'll be worse to people at the party, adopted your and now friends photograph, and had to pick up and move again. It's exhausting, have turned against you, family is threatening to send you off to live with your them. yourdon't waywind to school when somebody your name from a uncle...You're if the on police up arresting you. In a calls last, desperate car, saying friend. You stop toyou chat, and then one of surprise thatthey're one ofyour you daddy's eventually ate something shouldn't. The him to buoy yourself up. Heofdoes the same you, to and youastrade consequences for this lack knowledge aretoclear you, you like that, you forced surfaceone of the water, then him,coats and back again. and as you under shout the for mercy, of the PRT agents you in foam.You're It certain you're going to drown, and from your angle you can see the hardens rapidly,and stuck in your mouth, horrible anditching acrid. wrongness. Your mouth Using is more bearable wholesome than that fucking forced open, saliva pooling, you can't spit and you can hardly swallow. needles and tweezers and small sharp knives pried them out of you leaves oilyand but months acne free. In aand fit of brilliant you mix the one by your one. skin Weeks go by they keep stupidity, on coming back. two while in the shower, hoping to strike a happy medium. You smear them

him as it was possible to be. Then it happened; you were watching the local news, andlikely the story came up. He'd she been caught withand oneshe of the that it will amount to nothing, will keep working finding you, will local gangs, passing them info in exchange for money, drugs, and a few always take what you have. an isolated incident - it's a campaign, and you know it's one that's going to break you, catch you on a bad anddislocating ruin you. an You trigger. sending youortumbling through the day grate, arm in the process. Horrified, in agony, and plunging to immense pain or death, you trigger. they let the door close behind them. Your only way out is through, and the place is the electrical equivalent of a minefield. You trigger. become increasingly aware that you won't get to see them for years, if ever, legally. being asTrigger. level and collected as you were. You become unhinged, and still the dreams do not return. switch was flicked. ifYou trigger. keep your balance throughThe everything, wondering doctors can put the eye back in, you, you trigger. against trying to pull it away, to point it at themselves. Terrified, in tears, begging them not tosleeping do it, you trigger. one night, staring at their body, your mouth struggling but failing to form thetrying words, the truth to them. Trigger. tongue to trying worm to its admit way past your lips. It's trying to kiss you, you realize inAs horror and disgust. Trigger. witness. you consider whether you should turn the gun on her or yourself,your you house. trigger."I need the money, bitch. If you won't pay, I *will* tell outside them. Don't think I won't." Trigger. keep your face above the puddle-level water, in your vain struggles to get away. You trigger. hallucinogen abuse. You trigger, realizing that you’ve ruined your own brain, and muchand of your lifedisgusting with it. in the leavings, as the stuff fills your nose and mouth, the grip on your neck agonizing, you trigger. holding home-made condom-shooting devices. You trigger before they unleash the ranged barrage. your parents - implicitly saying you'd be better off without them - and failed miserably. Trigger. know you had. You feel an enclosing pressure all over your body as you realize: you were and there. Trigger. writing gibberish, your stomach starts cramping like a giant has wrapped his hand around your guts and is twisting, you trigger. his bare hands. He turns towards you, drops your brother, and yells, "Where the regretting fuck have that you you been?!" Trigger. left reeling, hadn't reached out to her earlier, regretting whatone could have been. only conclusion: your older sibling stole your face and wrecked your life while you were probably not- even on purpose. photocopies aregone, all over the walls And they're signedTrigger. with your name. Trigger. ship, and you feel horror as real as if it was you who was being targeted. You finally, trigger.sulkily, go back to them. As they put one possessive hand on you shoulder,One you sleepless trigger. night, you hear scrabbling at your door, and as your weapon. you reach for your gun, you find it faces missing. Trigger.your former reality ripped remember your childrens’ smiling anymore, from you forever. yourself to death, and you can't ever get your organ, because your cousin will neverbut give up tell thisyou power they hold over trigger. minutes, they when pressed. Heyou. didn'tYou make it. Too much blood loss. They pulled the plug this morning. You trigger. you feel for your brother's incarceration, dreading the day when he returns, you trigger. start to drown in the puddle your head is stuck in. Then you realize you are dying. trigger. you strain toThen openyou it with your bare hands, but you can't get the grip you need. Trigger. the cuffs, and you trigger as you realize your career and life goals have all been shattered. Nowelling one will cheer name a murderer. own patheticness upever inside you the along withofthe crushing loneliness, until you finally trigger. to wait for another opportunity to present itself? Your frustration reaches an apex, and you trigger. and putting them in an evidence bag. "Won't be getting these back for a while," heescaping quips. You you from thetrigger. scene of the crime. You trigger along with one of yourmiserable victims, who is trapped inside literally and having a claustrophobic attack. and death by exposure, trapped between a rock and a hard place, youleft, trigger. have a minute then seconds. "Oh, it looks like they're not coming," the masked mockmore pity in histhe voice. is comingman on. says, Probably than one.Trigger. It's going to fuck your brain up, maybe permanently. And, you know, trigger you.

takes the lit cigarette she's been smoking, pressing it slowly towards your eye. Trigger. flirtatious movement of that baggie will destroy your life as sure as the pull of any trigger. asas you trigger in into terror. own body wellsApropos, inside you weeks turn months, until you finally trigger. touch seems to infect or infest you. Paralyzed, useless, and terrified to touch do anything this strange, camp, youmeet trigger. mess, or charging up hisinpower to blasthorrible the bothvolunteer of you rather than his demands, or let him escape. Trigger. feeling warmth and something wet spread across your stomach and chest, you trigger alongside other victims caught in the turn on you. stamped you with the three narc label. The entire prison is going Trigger. the rocks around you shift, and you're sure it will fall before you can free yourself or find help. Trigger asbut thethis boulder finallyme. starts moving toward you. is, “I’ve done everything I can, is beyond You’ve got… Months if you’re lucky.”Looking Your mother, the look in hermissing eyes... Trigger. just ordinary. in the mirror, almost the hollow-eyed, puffycheeked sick version of You've yourselfsent fromatyesteryear, youmen trigger. the implications sink in. least a dozen to the chair based on their say-so. Trigger. deranged. A single sentence echoes amongst the tiny figures. “You will.” Trigger. agreement, they step back, and they run. The snakes bite, you reflexively pull away, and they bite again. Dozens of them. You trigger. open, but you're mentally screaming in agony at every caress of the scalpel. Trigger. likely going to make your secret known sooner or later no matter what. You trigger whenwith you the notice lookingstate. at one of mental the pictures overlapping nextsomeone in a dreamlike The stressinisdisgust. too much and as your screams echo in your head, reality falls away. Trigger. The realization hits you like a truck, along with the double trigger of your morbid musing andas ominous freeze. You trigger the skinobservations. starts peeling from your fingertips, black and hard. leaping into the open air with a smile on their face, before plummeting towards the sea carsofbelow. Trigger. her voice, but theoftens thousands of detached internet users speaking through them. creaking open sets your eyes wide open in terror. They made good on their promise. Trigger. shattering on the ground and igniting some liquid on the floor. The room starts toisgositting up, flames youvolume and your both trigger. brother on thesurrounding couch with the on captor. the TV You turned down really low, making eye contact and grinning exactfaces, sameyou grin.escape Trigger. immense pressure and surrounded bythe smiling to the bathroomagainst and, leaning over the sink, having panicvibrate, attack, and you trigger. scraping bone as you feel your wholea head you trigger from the pain and imagining how hideous you'll look. produces electricity". You hear giggling and know the next change is due. You won't survivetothis hellish destruction of reality dawn. Trigger.In that who only wanted help, is plunging off the edge. until He falls forever. moment, you realize - You're murderer. Trigger. you'd've died in the mental fortitude to tackle, youafind yourself wishing crash. Trigger. nowhere to go, and the breakdown of the door imminent, the horror stories all compound insidebut asyou youdon't mentally down. Trigger. long as it's /away/, knowshut where you're going and you swear that something is catching up with you. Trigger. once vibrant person you love now struggling to even pick up their arms. Trigger. Shocked at the thought of losing your friends and being forced into her 'protection' 24/7,you youbecome trigger. aware of the pounding black haze of blindness you conscious, and Dimly, you realize that going Trigger. this -searing amidst pain. the belief that you'll never beyou're able to feel to likedie. you're somewhere trigger.and that is enough to make you them to hurt you you can just belong, that littleyou bit more, trigger. doesn't care and raises his hand to kill you. You frantically try to reach for a power youyou don't have; trigger. stay once returned. Realizing you wanted to die and this urge may prove them correct about your fragility in some youam trigger. to realize you're going to be pasted against the capacity, wall at three in the middlethey of nowhere. Trigger. know know. You trigger when you see three men staking out the house, waiting to water become night. your feet facingfor to itthe below, you assume you are plummeting to your death.Instead, Trigger. you flip the fuck out. You struggle against him, and in the head. process you accidentally cut your own throat on his knife. Trigger.

phone's GPS, and not even able to contact your family to let them know what's happened, pulls the cigarette you fromtrigger. her mouth. As you prepare for the worst beating of your life, you trigger. spine as realize it was all an act, and that your life is about to get much, much worse. Trigger. to use the syringe and to condescend to you. That you're mad. You trigger. dust in your alcove begins to stir up, the whole room getting dry, hot, and cloying smoke. they talkwith about is how beautiful she is. You saved for this night, your night for two damn years, forout this. You trigger. You can barely choke a scream before you trigger, plummeting towards a surfacedeclaring you can't them even obvious see. between poison and actually taking them in a desperate go backtoo to normal, youcurl trigger. hunger andhope thirsttobecome much, you up with your parent's decaying corpses, wishing you'd from thistips nightmare. life. The realization thatwake it’s allup your fault you overTrigger. the edge and you trigger. life, even the small paper left behind that was the next breadcrumb on the trail, you long dragtrigger. and then blowing it in your face, that you break down in a coughing fit,with feeling likeofyou're dying, that you trigger. faced down a wall armored police, realize your movement isn't really on the winning side. Trigger. like this? In the midst of a crisis of faith, marinating in guilt and self-loathing, you trigger. In your fury, struggling to hit and hurt your older siblings with smothered. arms that Trigger still hurtfrom fromfrustration, the accident, you trigger. teachers. self-loathing and confusion at the conflicting emotions you feel. the girl triggers from fear of her ex's reprisal. "Fuck no," he replies. You hear the click of a gun's safety being turned off, and coldwhat metal being pressed into yourbyside. bought they worked for. Mocked the Trigger. nation, knocked from your pedestal and suddenly friendless, you trigger. alive. You still lay there weeks later, wishing you'd died in the crash so you could escaped hellas that is now your life. Trigger. game.have It's going to bethe twice bad as before, simply because you were stupid enough fight back. Trigger.nothing but soggy, wet ash on the remains of yourtobeloved collection, ground. Trigger. either option, completely out of your skull from sleep deprivation and malnourishment, you for trigger. horrible wife, waiting the child you fought so hard to keep alive be born, and alooks sinking feeling strikes you - what comes cape at you before morphing the tool intonext? a scalpel and reaching to grabof your one the arm. mostTrigger. dangerous places on the planet and feeling the venom errode at mind you trigger. friends areyour okay, or even if your life will last the next few seconds. Screaming on theoffloor, in a hail bedpans, of bullets. every bit of it year in the prime youryou life trigger spent washing worthless. Trigger. you and as you look in the mirror, filling once more with determination, you trigger. something in particular and you fall into despair. The love of your life was a figment of yourhome), imagination. Of course it was to be true.and Trigger. to even leave terrorized, knowing this too will good happen again again as he uses the nuclear option to win every time he wants, you trigger. appointment at a fertility clinic and is offering to pay. Trigger as you realize that you're going to be forced you into bolt, having a kid youavoid neverthe wanted. regardless of which direction you'll never falling severalodd tons of water and and twisted metal. trigger, just as they trigger in turn as the weight of what they've done dawns on them. Hours later, after plenty of fruitless flailing, your hands are black, and you can't feel yourtofingers. Trigger inimmediately a mix of agony and fear. you've come enjoy, followed by intense pain. On the floor now, clutching your chest, heart feeling like it might explode, trigger. wears on you, constantly. You can't abandon them, but at theyou same time, you don't knowthey howdeserve much longer you can this. Trigger. have decided more than justtake thanks and stolen your life's work from you. Trigger. Your parents are dead because of you. You're not worthy of calling yourself a hero.beaten Something inside you snaps. being to death, noof expression onTrigger. their face. You trigger from the betrayal, thelife, rawwhich physical your toxicand family willtrauma. now be studded with snide comments about how you failed when you tried to leave.

phone and starts talking. She's calling the cops on you. You've killed someone, andwith you're to go togravel jail forcrushes the rest your of your life.and Trigger. is destroyed, yougoing in it, and the body suffocates you. malpractice insurance was paying out. Dead kids. You put the gun in your mouth. yourselfTrigger. broken, hollow, and at a loss of where to direct the pent-up rage you've been all these years. Trigger. manipulativeharboring garbage itfor really is. Exiled from your friend group, your selfconception and understanding of the world shattered, you trigger. when your shoulder explodes. Trigger. going to your parents. You triggered on realizing your time is up. (Except it was only aofstomach the leg, stress) sensation the bearulcer trap from on your which - now that you know you can't get out to - suddenly tighter and more painful. unable avoid thefeels violent expulsion of steam that follows, scalding your flesh to the bone. approaches, you realize that the project's barely half-finished and you've sabotaged in more ways than one - this failure's on similarly you. Trigger. accuse youyourself of all kinds of horrible things and threaten youallwith awfulgoones, trying to friends, claw your wife fromatyour youtotrigger. you to meet your they laugh you,arms, tell you fuck off, and better calland yourquickly aunt ifpiecing you need another snippets, together thegang. fact that your entire sense of identity is apparently founded on a lie. your ear. "Let's go back to my place." You excitedly agree, and the clothes and she to eat itwhy all. does Then, when did, your insides cramping, come offtold Except... she haveyou a knife strapped to her thigh? she got out another. After a day and a half of this treatment, you your arms and head stands straight on end. Trigger as you realizetrigger. what the static means. river and forcing your face under. Drowning while your brother watches silently, vision blacking at the edges, trigger. tears running down yourout face. Your sisteryou looks down at you, and your own hand rises to wipe away your tears without your consent. Youmight trigger. around behind your back, you just know it. You thought they have been the One. Trigger. your breaths to come out as more than wheezes. You hear a deep snapping and you something inside you gives. boos turn noise to gasps: try to say something, butTrigger. the words just won't come. You trigger just as hefanned fires again. return home, papers in one hand indicating a debt of several hundred dollars. Trigger. the chaosthousand gets to you as you desperately try to hit him, stop him in some way. you Trigger. beat mentally and physically, realizing that then, now, and forever you were the little monster. figure outmurderer's what happened, you trigger - and so does the responsible party, out of aAs mix ofcrumple guilt andover fear.from the pain, struggling to breathe, you look up chest. you and causes see the immense thief watching Youas trigger. you pain. you. Trigger your arms grope to move chunks out of the way are for breathing but they don’t budge. the tables turned, theholes, herd chasing, catching, and tearing you to shreds for all the torment you caused them. unstable, he has no clue how long you have. As tears streak down your face, youacome realization. You don’t want to die.ofTrigger. asks for roundtoofone applause, you trigger as thousands your peers silently stare you down. time in years. You could see what should have been your best years, but if you were or normal Trigger. a normal even instead. just vaguely positive life thanks to the shame of your name, you trigger. yourself in five years, maybe ten, and you trigger as all you can see in your future is "complications". how you can never truly belong with the carefree people you now call friends. Trigger. arms flying up over your face to protect yourself as the beast lunges at you. Fang meetsthe flesh, and you trigger. that noise, footsteps stop for a moment before reversing direction and coming straight for you. Trigger. Horrified and disgusted, thick liquid fat passing your lips as you try to yell for help, you trigger. know you've got maybe seconds until the air hits your heart, or explosively reacts in your veins. the Trigger. they tumble through air limply towards the rocks, you let out a pained shriek, your hand grasping and scraping at the airand for them. Trigger. the doors and windows, guns drawn, no way out, now there's a kid's blood on your hands. Trigger. of an episode, your whole world turning scarlet and crowds of voices mocking you. Trigger.

don't have the energy or the reserves to shake them off, knowing that you'll probably never home. up and down themake You trigger when you hear him say "I'm going to kill that little brat." Unable get away, and just wanting some way to take back telling them, you trigger. can't stand the thought but you're neither able to die fast enough nor release yourself from your self-made bonds. you realize how much those beliefs you neverTrigger. took stock in have cost you. Trigger. questions and digging on you, you trigger out of sheer embarrassment as the life around you spent longpanic, making is ripped by a few underwater spoken words. thrash in aso blind drowning in away your partner’s tomb. Trigger. staring at you, looking disgusted. Your social life for junior high and high school, utterly completely losedestroyed. your mind in panic as you believe you’re being robbed of your immortal soul. You trigger in an remorse. Nothing you can *do*, even - And yetexplosion you can't of gobuyer's back. You've had it all, and now it's propping gone forever. Trigger in a haze of jealousy, dread andecstasy. terror. coddle you, you up and spoon-feeding you soup in pure Trigger. thing to do is, the villain starts bleeding out in earnest while you fight yourself. Trigger. the lack of trust and respect they've displayed, tip toeing around this fact. With this immense revelation, options available. You sit thereyou withtrigger. your doctor, in silence, for ten minutes before you trigger. escape them. After the hell your body has been through, you're finally going to what of you deserve. Trigger. theget insides your skull and ears tear themselves apart at the pressure differential. Trigger. but mere inches, and faced with the option to breath in the vilest stench you've known asphyxiate, from you for a or mere Youtrigger. trigger as you continue feeling his cold stare piercing through your essence. the pressure ups, and boss pointedly comments, "you look tired, could be narcolepsy." Still unwilling tocould take the drug, youdie trigger hunger, the realization that you legitimately here under finally the trulystress. sinks in. Trigger. lightheaded by the second, and screaming incomprehensibly with pain, you trigger. your car flipped, caught in a ditch. Emergency response didn't realize you were there for twelve hours, and by that point your spouse was dead, and no BAC test was going to find you legally drunk. As you lie in a hospital bed, a cast hate yourself for wanting one of those pills more than ever right now. Trigger. me your wallet, kid.” You pulled it out with shuddering hands, and watched your theoflast go down the drain. Trigger. all to dreams you. Thefrom worst it is5-years you know someone in your family's responsible, but you don't knowtowho. Or how to save her. Everything comes a head whenmany. someTrigger. idiot waitress shouts, “Oh trigger my god,asshe’s choking! anyone here doctor?” the first you you hear yourIsdad’s laugh forawhat you realise time. vindication you want to feel, overshadowed by the knowledge that the truth will you. rushdie of with feces, youTrigger. ruin your underwear and entire life right then and there. Trigger. passes, that look of distaste never leaves his face, until it softens into a pale mask of death. Trigger. lights speeding towards you. Trigger just as you screw your eyes shut and try to dive to the side fruitlessly. you. You and your spouse’s friend multi-trigger, you from the threat of exposure, them because they feel their heart stop beating. You collapse, clutching your deflated abdomen and screeching your throat raw, andthe trigger. waking baby “I can’t take this anymore, I’m going to go get a hotel room. Goodbye.” Trigger. described as a punch to the gut made from a combination of anger, regret, and greatNot sadness. two but of you trigger together. or else." only willThe it hurt, you're about to lose everything that makes you, you. You trigger the mallet fordisbelief his final and swing. daughter, toddling outas to he saypulls goodbye. The back horror, abject humiliation hit, as you clutch theyou wheel. it before everything burns, and slip on your soapy puddle. You trigger as your arm dunks thecontinuously, deep fryer, your fleshon, cooking deepyour to the bone. mind-numbing workinto done on, and long after body should have given out. You trigger under the stress.

and lock you up and never love you again because you made a horrible mistake and killed your brother and- Trigger. undermining your faith or remaining in this state of peace with no idea what comes *after* life. at him, then he slaps it from your shaky grasp without you point at a knife any effort.side “You’re not worthisit.” Trigger.of you in your room a week ago. the other of the locket a picture Trigger. classroom, they judge, and something inside of you breaks. The devil crawls into your body and consumes you.the spray paint on the face of up. Butup the breaking point is when you see your (rented) house, a scarlet letter, so to speak, entirely undeserved. to cook them a meal and they lounge in the living room watching TV. Trigger. were the words that came with them. "Useless dog's dead now, you little shit." Trigger. And this time, you realize, you'll have to do it with nobody on your side. Trigger. Your parents try to phone for help, but are restrained. You are paralyzed as you watchrunning your family's American Dream is when you repeated over some of your worstcrumble. momentsThis in order to try to trigger. figure out the truth is enough to make you trigger. only halfway processing it through the agony. The pain burns away all other thoughts, and you trigger. going inactive as their subscriptions expire. You trigger when your faction falls below the minimum member threshold and automatically disbands. and start ripping your internal organs out, pulling them up towards your throat. Trigger in pain and total bodily shutdown. moment to process that. Then they ask you to help them bring your parent in. Trigger. trigger. Upon seeing what they had accidentally done to one of their comrades, theThey person who threwand the now bottlethey triggers as welltheir fromhorn the shock. doesn’t care. keep coming are blaring at you. God, they’re going to push right over edge. Trigger. people like you. Even if youyou don't wind upthe going to jail, you're fucked now. Now you're a dyingeven kid in an interrogation Trigger. been, and maybe overdosing a little, room. you break, screaming incoherently for a challenger. rapturous experience that would define the peak of your life. This was always your dream. But it's just a bunch of fish and ice. You trigger. wall of screaming hooves, fur, teeth and the blood of your favorite animals about to be ripped apart. trigger events. The Trigger. collective mental strain of your whole life lands on you at once and you lose the lastYou shred of hope you ever had. You trigger. rushing back as he turns to you. trigger as he smiles and says "Hello son." wheezing scream to to the uncaring and oblivious void of snow and light above you. starts You trigger. a cool fluid working its way up into your throat. As it begins clotting up and hindering your youcould trigger. They haven’t arrivedbreathing, home what have happened to them? What’s going to happen to you? and predicted, thrown away for the sake of a career. . Trigger through resentful tears. and you see more than feel your lower body simply collapse inward, crushed by the delayed damage coming intohad effect all attheir once. contentment was replaced with horror. You ruined entire life, just like you ruined own. Trigger as you realize that your dream job then yourhad head goesyour under... was going to be the thing that kills you.

AUTHOR Wildbow Sage Unknown Wildbow Unknown Unknown

- Teller -Wildbow -Sage -SCG -Gundor -Wildbow like complicating shit. -What would this even -- are you okay, OP? Wildbow Wildbow -Wildbow -Pink -Wildbow SCG -Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow -SCG - Expanded by Teller Somecrazyguy -Teruzi -Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow Wildbow -Wildbow ?


Zeuseus Mahasim Pinetree Panda Scraggy Gorgondantess Scraggy Teruzi Panda Soulpelt Pink Somecrazyguy NPC Vern Bikindok Taken by Scraggy Sage (Abandoned) Pinetree Panda Foy Bailey/Newb Pinetree Pink Zeuseus Teruzi Panda Prothean

CHARACTER/POWER Manticora. A Tinker that focuses on grafts. Sheltershatter. A Shaker.flight, commands Aura the First (flit-based that asphyxiate for disobedience). A Mover and Master. Armada (simplistic humanoid Tinkertech minions with medieval weapons). A Tinker and ??? Master. Landshark. A Mover. Hitch. Sensation Trial. A Tinker with a drugmaking focus. Clarity Peekaboo. A stalker Stranger and Mover. ??? Smiles


Key Cocollona. A Changer that grows tendrils of flesh. Flow. A Mover that leaves a trail of acid. Secondary Shaker. Boggart. A Breaker that took the form of fears. Secondary Stranger and Master.

Prothean Khan ? ? ? Soulpelt Draft #1 Draft #3 gbear

Memnzy. A psychometrist Thinker that read peoples' pasts by experiencing their memories.

-Prothean Rewritten by Wildbow. -theEternalNewb Rewritten by Wildbow icarus -Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow this -Wildbow is stockholm syndrome and not the result Wildbow of a bad fanfic SCG

Khan Icarus Stormblessed Teruzi? One of the two, Ocelico este_hombre pink


Exhaust. A fiery smoke Breaker.

spelt spelt

-Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow -Wildbow Olivebirdy Wilboar Wilboar Teller -Wildbow -Teruzi Olivebirdy Zeuseus Prothean Teruzi Teller -Wildbow Prothean Olivebirdy Spelt Antioch Antioch -Wildbow

Panda Olivebirdy Elarasilk soulpelt

Anti guesses Stranger. Shunt. A Striker Mover that teleported on touch with a tertiary Thinker power of shortrange clairvoyance.



ChrisClark13 Hakurei06

-rolled by SCG Belaris

Combat Thinker (Memory scramble Stranger)

Power unmade so far

-SCG - Wildbow TreeFrogSoup Wildbow Gundor Wildbow Zeuseus SCG Scg Wildbow Scg Teller VereorNox Olivebirdy VereorNox Wildbow -Prothean Prothean Teller Olivebirdy TreeFrogSoup -SCG -Wildbow Teller Prothean

-pantherasapiens -Wildbow -pantherasapiens TFS Tuzi SCG Prothean -Wildbow Scg Prothean Vern Spelt Vern

Prothean Teller

VereorNox Megafire

Caramelo. A Brute with a secondary Striker power.

patches of selected terrain and then teleport through them. Secondary Mover with tertiary

VereorNox Prothean snifferblister TreeFrogSoup

Mover/Stranger Blackout. A Breaker Stranger of some sort, with classifications skewed due to the World roll.


THE CURE. Absorbs ambient diseases and releases them on contact. Striker with minor Brute. Picasso

Nagelhand Firlz Firlz Spelt SCG Icarus

Brown Note. A Blaster that fires sonic pulses as well as a A Breaker stateStriker that mitigates Scrimshaw. Brute and that some damage. disintegrates objects he touches to fuel his intestines like silly string. He can use them to regeneration. swing around like Spiderman for a secondary

El Antioch

Some linguistics / social Thinker. Flubster, a bouncy Brute with a jelly field that soaks damage but sends himteleport flying away. Runaway. A Mover who can through memorized doorways.

SCG Vern Icarus Vern -Wildbow -Prothean -pantherasapiens -Wildbow -Wildbow VereorNox SCG Prothean pantherasapiens Wilboar Vern -Wildbow Vern -Wildbow Prothean Lankhmar Ergoemos -Wildbow Ergoemos Vern Icky Megafire ? Wildbow -Wildbow - Teller Nonagon Amplified Nonagon Copypaced Wildbow Nonagon Wildbow Prothean Wildbow Nonagon Prothean

Antioch Panth CC13 Spelt SCG Nonagon Megafire Megafire Yumgar Teruzi Firlz Spelt

Extirpate. A Breaker Master who takes over people's ruining theircapabilities musculature his area, bodies, with minor Thinker of in the process soand their minions are short-lived. clairaudience sound memorization/replay. A Striker ability allows and bestows wakefulness to him or his allies. A secondary Mover rating as he accrues Gigawatt. An electrokinetic Blaster. Mistral (Blunt force field spam, resists gas/liquid/solid, all swap as one.) Shaker I Alleskleber. A Shaker that glues things think. together. Smear. A Mover that trails afterimages and can teleport back to them. Unused. Khandhas. A Breaker with Mover and Stranger capabilities. Five distinct but fragile bodies. Beholder. A precog. I'm not gonna say the classification because that's pretty wrong and it'll skew the guessing algorithm.

Empyreal Antioch Somecrazyguy Soulpelt Teruzi Firlz Nonagon Antioch Belaris Amplified TrashCat Uracilo Herger Copypaced Sid zipperless


Squink Unused.

Enjambre (touches objects to make them disintegrate and turn into swarm of insectoidCaesura. A Mover that launches herself with monsters under her control). Striker Master. metal rods. She can fire them for a secondary Blaster ability.

The Good King. A Tinker who makes serums and admixtures that with affect Ambient. A Breaker a the formhuman that body. alternates between 'storm' and 'steam'. Cherry. A Trump that steals secondary powers from nearby enemies.

Prothean -Wildbow Antioch -Wildbow VereorNox Prothean Prothean Prothean Wildbow -Wildbow FOTH Teller Firlz and zipperless Twonk tubes -Wildbow - Teller - Teller scg -HamsterStrong Teller Nonagon Vern


Pink prothean PsychicChuckles Ace tubes SCG Chrono|Mobile apoc apoc Nonagon Antioch

Streamweaver. A Breaker / Shaker / Master. Lenticular. A Breaker and Shaker who creates and is comprised of lenses. Dangerzone touched (10 seconds) to previous items (10 hours); the more similar the item, the more Bespoke, a Tinker with hypnosis Master effects. Mover, absorbed matter (just liquids?) as fuel Frostburn Blaster/Shaker: Absorbed ambient heat from an area (up to flash-freeze effects) to Clarissa generateMcDowell/Stray projectiles (fireballs). (Malleable Changer) Unused. Elhanan. A Master. 1408

Teller Antioch Teller Teller -Wildbow Firlz and zipperless zipperless zipperless Vern Prothean Wildbow ? Teruzi Teruzi TreeFrogSoup n0us -Wildbow

Drpwnzor Panda tubes PsychicChuckles Star-Raven Somecrazyguy Nonagon FreeMarquis Firlz Raccoon Teller

A teleporting Mover with a secondary fire power that I dunno about. grants Alexandria package (flight/durability/strength). A Brute and

Nonagon Teruzi zipperless Vern Copypaced Copypaced zipperless zipperless Firlz and zipperless Antioch -Wildbow Saff Nonagon Wildbow - Teller Saff Saff -Wildbow AceOfSpade Copypaced Antioch Nonagon Antioch AceOfSpade tubes Saff Teruzi Magnive Nonagon zipperless -Wildbow zipperless Teruzi zipperless -Wildbow Antioch Nonagon Antioch Nonagon TreeFrogSoup -Wildbow

Imbues materials with effect, creating swirling, protective vortex of cloth. A Striker. Glassbody Changer. Meteoric Teleporter. Mover. Used and not recorded. BackstageBreaker Path to Seduction Thinker and scaling Tinker Firlz Nonagon Soulpelt

VernZzZ Saff Raccoon Antioch soulpelt| Magnive Backstage Nonagon Shemetz Dolyn Belaris Luminifera VereorNox Thalia Threshold Nikht Jesith Faithless draw Dalenacio October Broken25 tubes Eagally n0us Ridtom Eagally MugaSofer AceOfSpade Magnive Faithless Ridtom Dol|work

A Master that alters the victim's will to live. Sonic status shaker A Brute and Changer with a healing factor. Changer - disassembles organs and tears open in herself causeholes anything inorganic she touches to be Striker Creates bubbles objects, easy-to-dig and light, untilaround she stops touching bubbles ignore gravity and stop momentum in an explosion of shrapnel. Secondary when created/popped Mover power allows cape to leap three times their body height and cling to sufficiently Nachtschatten. A Tinker. Stretchy acidic tongue. A Breaker with Brute forward half-invincible and Striker capabilities.and wreck stuff. Has control over the amount and direction of damage done by that. This is a Brute and A Tinker. Lucifuge (Factory Tinker) A Changer that shifts into a powerful, featureless some sort ofform. smoke-form, can turn smoke into claws) A Breaker with Stranger and

Blaster Trump whose rend blasts cause backfires cement/stones/metal/kitchenstuffs which can be used to shoot a barrage spray of such MEAT CARNIVAL. A Shaker and Master that turns their surroundings into a nightmarish fleshscape that obeys their every command.

Stigmata, a horror Tinker with Changer secondaries. performance at task via precog (Thinker), Strikes and"ghosts" causes them to seewho the creates enemies non-sapient from those cape several types, blurry. Also, some objects as his organs, toAgrant his organs secondary power? Blur. Striker. "immunity" and outsource his senses). Cuts objects and creates portals in the A cut sides, that lead to each other. A Mover. Trifecta. A Shaker that makes spherical explosions.

Nonagon Prothean Nonagon Nonagon n0us Scraggy Nonagon Nonagon PsychicChuckles Nonagon the best trigger, but I'm not in Vereornox my best creative Nonagon Prothean zipperless VereorNox Backstage PsychicChuckles tubes Scraggy zipperless -Wildbow Ergoemos Saff Copypaced VereorNox / Shemetz Prothean VereorNox zipperless Nonagon Prothean Saff n0us Nonagon zipperless Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon -Wildbow Scraggy MrL567/ReekWeek

fyfsixseven tubes MrL567 Prothean VernZzZ Dolyn Apoc Tricky n0us Teruzi soulpelt| Faithless Dolyn Mishie Somecrazyguy Nonagon BR AceOfSpade fyfsixseven Aengul Prothean Pink Tricky ? N0us Prothean Dolyn Thalia Jinks Yosef Pink Apoc fyfsixseven Kazasu PsychicChuckles FWF soulpelt| Quanfinigon Antioch Thalia

Laser blaster, penetration improved when charging/moving forward. Mover secondary. single individual into an "alternate world" where they can't access or perceive other Doll Changer/Master finger-claws, can push it onto other people (rendering them pliable) to revert back to

expanded personal timeline to become extremely durable and slow or quick but

Thinker sense grants awareness on how to ruin/destroy things, Shaker power lets them push non-living objects over the edge.

Bellona. A Brute with self-puppeting TK.

Redcap / Lilith. A hemokinetic Trump with a secondary Blaster ability. Spinal Tap. A osseokinetic Brute.

Shaker/Master. Generates cage minions, who wrap around/trap people when created, requiring a person to operate. Hacker Vaillant / Vigil. A Virus Tinker with an emphasis on AI and Data. Cody. A Trump and a Mover, telekinetic wings that act as barriers against cape effects.

Wildbow Wildbow Wildbow Wildbow Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Shemetz Wildbow apoc Teller VereorNox Nonagon Twonk zipperless Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon tubes Vereornox Teller zipperless Wildbow (Original by Plecky, edited version by Empy MugaSofer Nonagon Twonk Vern n0us VereorNox Magnive ReekWeak Nonagon VereorNox Olivebirdy theACEbabana Wildbow AceOfSpade -Wildbow

fyfsixseven AceOfSpade Shemetz Quanfinigon Faithless Brainscab Teruzi apoc Xegzy KingCurly Vulstag Octarine Steelong2 Bruticus AceOfSpade Scraggy Vulstag apoc Galedeep Megafire Thalia Moloch Coshiua Thalia Teruzi Luna Olivebirdy BearsofInsanity Brood Lostavocado RedWyvern Luna|afkish ritic Thalia Backstage SEELE_01 Ersatz Empy Laserdream Laserdream

Dune. A Shaker that makes sandpaper treadmills. Cuttlefish. A Brute with a secondary Changer Archival. multi-trigger with an area scan ability thatAgives them strong tentacles. Thinker primary and a nemesis Tinker A grab-bag cape with Striker, Mover, and secondary. Blaster capabilities. A rock pillar Blaster that can use the pillars forChanger a secondary Moverinto jump. A that turns some weird lion thingy. collects dead ghosts and can talk with them? some sort of Tinker

Phantom Pain (not actual name)

makes intangible clones, can combine to buff Wits/Dex. Master.

A Tinker who made some kind of poison I think. and Sabel. A Master with a brutish, Tatze ridable minion.

Bombshell. A Brute/Mover.

Wildbow Prothean VereorNox tubes VereorNox Wildbow Saff SCG Quanfinigon TreeFrogSoup -Wildbow Quanfinigon Nonagon VereorNox Wildbow Antioch Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Eris AceOfSpade VereorNox Nonagon tubes Wildbeaux apoc Wildbow Twonk Cxaxakluth Nonagon theACEbabana Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Teller Wildbow Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon

Laserdream Shemetz lostavocado Dolyn lostavocado Panda Moloch Mishie Dalenacio Megafire Firlz Shemetz Dalenacio AceOfSpade lostavocado Vaklav Teller Nekraa Olivebirdy paboty AceOfSpade Dalenacio Dolyn LightningSteps Prothean Ishamoridin apoc Thalia Dolyn Megafire Pink Panda ErisMaenad lightningsteps Soulpelt ColdGold onitan Somecrazyguy Kurama Tubes Hierophant

Accelerando, a time speed-up Tinker. A Thinker with a hunter-seeker power.

Ammit. A Breaker / Thinker. Snow White. A flashbang Blaster with Mover capabilities. Fortnight. A Trump and Blaster that fires tangles of power-dampening Paraclete. A Trump that giveswires. people weak powers that backfire on them. Freakout. A Master power with a Stranger secondary. Last Laugh. A Master. Yael. A Striker. emplaced Tinkertech that powers other Tinkertech including a massive cybernetic monster-minion. Steward Tinker. Master Master, aura of domination Discontent

silence striker Venganza. A Brute that charges up massive Gin. A Thinker and Changer that codexes punches. her mind to buff physical stats, or cripples herself to improve mental Meristem. A Changer that stats. grows crazy limbs.

Humanoid, corrodes things at a touch, and being hit causes to break reform camouflage field,itcan shed apart layersand of camo to shortly, rather than suffering permanent form spikes that can be used as weapons, or Flying blasts can be voluntarily placedartillery, and detonated for memory-wiping detonated mid-flight. Mover and Blaster.

lostavocado Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon -Wildbow Antioch Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Teller Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon -pantherasapiens Wildbow Nonagon Wildbow Antioch Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Baker Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Antioch apoc tubes Nonagon zipperless Vern tubes Scraggles Wildbow

Thalia Somecrazyguy Nepene lightningsteps Somecrazyguy ColdGold Firlz Pink Empy Isaac Luminifera Saff Thalia Vulstag Luminifera Hierophant Asta Panda OliveBirdy Mishie Hierophant tubes Teruzi Thalia Baker Kurama Words^3 Marigold Pink Ananke ColdGold JustLurking soulpelt Lid Lid Camtist Antioch soulpelt Camtist JustLurking Teruzi

10-min Tinker material, can enhance for brief periods via stored electrical charge (recharge via wallPollution AT-AT Mech Tinker. Wall-running & splinter spray Mover Blaster Striker. Moss spray Shaker, Moss can disintegrate Brute, ruins area with ambient fire from material to create pitfalls. power, drops magma shards when hurt. Personal Shaker. power suit that acts as targeting suite for high-distance attacks. Tinker. Breaker, sets a position at start and leaves mark, reverts there (and to health). Katzenklaue. Claw Striker and Mover, disorients those hit and can make S-shaped earths (hascharges to hold breath) blinks with gained and fromcan strikes. manipulate others' powers there, but with

Ashcloud Akira. A 'cold' Tinker. between 'hot' and forms as they fire sprays of material, with a secondary mental Horn Changer with screaming, effectLord. ('hot' A causing aggression, 'cold' wiggling horntennae. Luddite. A charge-up Trump Blaster. snake-person (lower half snake), staying in one spot renders them increasingly disgusting, fleshy materials, target intangible, camouflaged, andhitting agile, abut this with several globs encases them, grants Simulacrum. A Changer.

OLED. A Catalyst Tinker with the Holo / Bio specialty. Snakeskin. A Master who makes a duplicate. Inflame. A Master and Stranger and Mover. Tyr - Biokinetic Brute with a healing factor.

Maniobra - A multi-path vague precognitive suited for combat simulations and tactics. Thinker.

Antioch Nonagon [inspired by Soulpelt] Nonagon Nonagon tubes VereorNox Nonagon Revelation Nonagon Nonagon theACEbabana ? ElaraSilk Nonagon Nonagon Scraggles Nonagon Nonagon Cxaxakluth ColdGold Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon [inspired by Soulpelt] Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Revelation Wildbow Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Magnive Nonagon Antioch Baker Wildbow

soulpelt Ananke ColdGold Jacknife Lexicon Lid Flitter Lid iridium248 Nick Flitter Camtist Saff Jackknife Centra Iridium248 Thalia Nick ColdGold Camtist iridium248 Firlz CupofCoffee Pink Lid Thalia Mishie Camtist Lamladaz panth Somecrazyguy ColdGold Thalia Dolyn Fulvus Jackknife Nick Teller Thalia Teruzi Antioch

Panopticon. A Thinker. environ that can be used for artillery-style damage, and danger sense. equipment Blaster, Shaker, Ravel. A Striker that imbues with crazy claws. Five-eyes Thinker Trump with 'power' sight modes. degrees (but precludes normal sight), can be sent out at high speeds and can detonate eye to leave ethereal shrapnel in people, Bug changer/shaker that generates sonic blasts for shock effects and echolocation.

Raises dead parahumans as metal, skeletal, minions. Trump and Master.

Vampire bat Changer, absorbs from people. voluntarily rise to higher levels taking more endurance and lasting shorter times, and defeating other parahumans grants limited

Puck. A ring' Mover. Hops. A 'fairy Vortex Shaker, draws people in, can hit them for enhanced effect. Secondary Zodiac. Striker. A Breaker with twelve distinct forms, selected semi-randomly.

Nonagon Wildbow Wildbow Isaac Wildbow Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Wildbow Antioch Isaac Wildbow Antioch Courageo Wildbow Divock Wildbow Nonagon iridium248 Wildbow Nonagon Nonagon Faustus Wildbow tubes Antioch October Nonagon ZaneShadow Nonagon Nonagon tubes Nonagon tubes Antioch Wildbow

Thalia Nonagon Antioch Hierophant Faustus Nick Iridium248 Divock Turncoat Faustus Divock ColdGold Words^3 Nick Jalardo Somecrazyguy Faustus Kurama Tieshaunn ZaneShadow Cyrix CupofCoffee Turncoat MugaSofer MytharGT Nick ZaneShadow CupofCoffee Divock ZaneShadow Words^3 rman916 Lid Turncoat Dromuthra Fulvus ColdGold Antioch Turncoat Xyb0rg Turncoat

Changer, adopts reptilian form and leaves fire trail as they movewhile towards goal,drags Short range teleport moving, becomes alien. nearest person with andwith staggers Azoth -- other Apsychologically Gentleman Tinker a dart gun them. Mover. that fires a variety of chemicals with positive and negative effects. Secondary Blaster.

Oberon. A Dream/Serum Catalyst Tinker. Languish. A pain Striker. Memory alteration tinker. stealth fields Hush. Striker and Stranger make invisible, constrict people; can remode, head, gains pool of dice absorbsmoking for drain/mimic Trump effect. results to use. Can only refresh once it's selection of goals and for each goal the Set of eight limbs emerge from back, can duplicate gains some special ability, and climb, stick to surfaces, & make threads to Cape andChanger. exploits the weaknesses in entrapsees people. anything. A Thinker. Contagious sickness touch. Striker. Gunk Punk mushy // Spunk -- Spits state, tar. Blaster. Light, //mobile Changer which gradually becomes slower and more durable Breaker, mote generates tough shell and as it moves, accreting a shell. slams into people. Tinker makes bodysuits from corpses, swaps between bio-Brute skill-stealer Striker that imbues and weapons with modes. degenerating Thinker buildsenergy. up bonus, can fire bonus to debuff enemies. laser"; hard to manage, takes repeated uses separated by days to gain full version of Creates scary illusions by reading diary entries. andBlaster Thinker. Creates Master a faraway turret that shoots beams; secondary Tinker info Frost Changer, vacuum in areavia of HUD effectmask inflicts -Ath and pushes Gas grenade Tinker withoff a balance. massive amount of perks from Profundum Social Reality Manipulator. Master. Reactor Tinker, Ego x Powersuit Specialty Momentum absorbing Breaker. Turing, a Tinker with the Data Mastermind subclassifications. can move normally; cape can skate fast; others slip and fall. A Shaker and a Slow mo bubble punchy. Striker. Body switching Master. uses chaotic minions that are generated in the form xand obey verbal Shard-Sense commands. Master Esoteric Scan Thinker, tunnel vision paranoia-inducing power reader Redline -- Thinker/Breaker with skill bonuses Explosivo -- Multitrigger with brute damage or reality breaking abilities. resistance, shaker explosion effect and mover launch Ghost limbs. A Shaker. Inflicts WoundLuchadore. effects (player's choice) via touch, more powerful if the character is suffering the Brute. same Wound type. A Striker. Color Spray

Nonagon Wildbow Nonagon Wildbow ZaneShadow Kurama Wildbow Twonk Words^3 Wildbow tubes Faustus Wildbow Nonagon Fulvus Ellardy, Faustus JBPuffin Fulvus apoc Wildbow Faustus Kurama Antioch Wildbow The J Ellardy Iridium248 Antioch Divock Megafire Faustus Faustus Fulvus Zene Nonagon Ellardy Fulvus tubes TFS Faustus Nonagon

Firlz Turncoat AceOfSpade Zene CupofCoffee Nick Jacknife dragonkid11 Antioch Thalia Faustus Jackknife Turncoat Divock Divock Faustus|Chase Marigold ColonelColon Kurama Dustfinger JustLurking Faustus Mishie Firlz Turncoat ColdGold Somecrazyguy CaptNameless Jackknife Mazinja Camtist Thalia ColdGold iridium248 Kura Kastor Saff Divock Nick Antioch ColdGold

Podzhov. Burning touch and smokescreen defense. Striker numbing and Shaker andblasts Stranger. Blaster/Thinker, beam with Brimstone Swan. Coats self in coals, and no damage, and can read people for boosts. ignites thempackage in wake.with A Changer Light Brute Shaker and effecta that Brute. coats battlefield in "creep" and sessile Generates javelins useful as melee/ranged constructions, useful as reflexive defense. attacks, cause power feedback/spillage. defense shotgun spray) primary with a Blaster and Trump.shadow manipulation, Stranger, Blaster, couple secondary Brutes and Shakers. Very grants stealth, tk, and light Thinker ability to Geokinetic waves in ground, track othersgenerates by theirstates shadows. Breaker three stronger with the closer. Shaker. (Brute/Shaker/Stranger), "acquires" Dicepool precog, encouraged to wound, elemental flavoring as a Trump. punished for retreating/backing down. A Clairvoyant tagging, and subsequent Thinker. information. Thinker. Parahuman hunter who steals parts of powers from kills. Striker. Scaly Brute that can control the scales like telekinetic limbs. Clawed, liquid armor growth. Brute. Distracting-Flesh Vomiter. Stranger. Breaker and Trump. Explosive Teleport through surfaces of the same material. Mover Shaker. Ice armoured teleport. Mover and a Brute. Limit tinker with hiddenAspecialty gleaned through mix and match "set bonus" equipment. Assumption of social relationships. Thinker. Trap tinker. Multitrigger with wisps, whips, and walls. Clay Master increasingly powerful Breaker form with Changer true form Cape manifests goldenpearl armor, natural weapons, and acid. Brute and changer. A Trump and Shaker. Morale Buster/Exile Thinker. Portal Tinker. Projectile forces targets to not move from location or taketeleport damage. Flicker-based withBlaster cloneswith in wake secondary Stranger. that knock people back when "popped." Tinker giant monster minion, injects Mover makes and Master. cape juice for boosts. Steward. Space-warping Stranger with minor Thinker bonusthat against people who can see them. Brute destroys and weaponizes the environment. Orbitmeditates subclass. to stack skills hypertime thinker, and get freeshadow sixes hand that depresses Generates Suction Striker objects:Master. knocks people grabbed.imbues No damage. projectiles off course, warps/degrades Hard to hit 'flesh ribbon' Changer that inflicts powers enhances armor/weapons. Li'l Bang(Trump), - A teleporting vacuums vertigo. Element weaponMover Tinkerthat secondary. objects and people nearbubbles their exitthey point and Stranger makes sessile can expels them on arrival. Secondary Shaker. perch in, Turns with secondary power creating Breaker: into a drill-ish thing that a slow-to-charge barrage of Blaster shots. bursts through walls and can knock people others stayMakes in close, and lightweight gains improving aroundtohard. things too. Brute package the more people that are

Antioch Faustus Nonagon Wildbow Faustus Wildbow Antioch Nonagon ZaneShadow Ellardy, Faustus Faustus Nonagon Turncoat Antioch Wildbow tubes Kurama Antioch Ellardy Kurama Antioch Tieshaunn Ellardy Lid Words^3 and Ellardy ZaneShadow Fulvus Faustus Lid Marigold Wildbow Saff Turncoat Camtist Nonagon Lid Nonagon Words^3 and Ellardy ZaneShadow Nonagon Nick

Yumgar Mazinja Teruzi Thalia Pink & Thalia Turncoat Dolyn Shadewalker Jacknife Druza Faustus Nick ColdGold Mishie Thalia Kugelblitz ColdGold Gundor Shadewalker Thalia Firlz Cyn Thalia Camtist CupofCoffee CaptNameless vaegrim Turncoat Vanderhuge Firlz Clawford vanderhuge Saff Saff Thalia Shadewalker SOMA Soulpelt| Druza Wellwick ColdGold

Shaker/Thinker with tremorsense and four different mine options. Steamy Gorilla Changer that attacks people to Blaster stave off deleterious effects. A that fires a large bat missile with variousfor effects (most of as them Stranger). action a round or so they hurtle through a morale-busting hellscape, andof Shaker. Transforms objects into clouds Changer/Tinker: Tinker power builds 'hearts' dust that can be shaped into fluffy constructs. that inform the changer state, with better quality the cape more beautiful Tractormaking beam Shaker/Mover. Breaker scarecrow with limited tinkerings Teleports, leaving fissures behind or via existing fissures, fissures erupt in grasping chains. dog minion, with modular equipment that slots in abilities stolen/scanned fromsaps other particulate that blinds, chokes, and strength from victims. At absorb a touch,sound he can Shaker/Blaster who can in the area and redirect it in attacks Angel changer that attacks with spikes, laced that detonate, summoning with can debilitating euphoria effect.a spectral hound's head to savage victims near the mine. Can also mark self to gain the same Problem solver changer Intangible arm-blades that turn stuff into ooze Striker pulls and puts items into hammerspace. Creates exploding plant-based clones. Master,they Shaker. which can control telekinetically and manipulate. Secondary Mover and Changer Spearing striker, with illusory clones. Skill Thinker with the ability to make devices that transfer skills Sorcerer's Apprentice Tinker Tinker/Changer. Can turn into metal liquid, pilots and powers hot mech-suits. Divisive, non-damaging touch. Cape bleeds fragments that grow into sharp, shifts arm into a scaled purple breaker state dangerous, bone-trees version that can throw burning javelins and such. Plague Doctor Tinker Marble Bust Breaker Build your own waifu Alien Energy Mover Egg-implanting info gathering Tinker Rocket pack mover Martial arts Thinker, crystal claw Striker, crystal armor Brute. Handy Alexandria Package Breaker state makes an electric horse that explodes Realdoll Tinker Master with Scepter Tinkertech Medium Fractal swarm breaker. Trump, turns dead people into large brutes. If the deceased is a parahuman, they maintain a minorwith version theiritem: power. Tinker dual of focal lens and gaunlet.

Nick Camtist tubes Antioch Nonagon Words^3 Wildbow Nonagon Antioch Antioch Nonagon VereorNox Antioch Saff Wildbow Nick Scg ZaneShadow Nonagon Faustus Iridium Antioch Faustus Lid Nonagon Zene Faustus Camtist Faustus vanderhuge Lid Fulvus Lid Wellwick Faustus Fulvus Wellwick Turncoat Faustus tubes Faustus

OptimusRhyme Clown Tally iridum248 Saff Fulvus Turncoat ColdGold tubes Mishie Lysa ColdGold Pink Teruzi Bel Wellwick Turncoat ColdGold Megafire Tally Camtist Pink ixi Faustus Saff Fulvus Nick Clawford soulpelt ColdGold Camtist Sidezero Nonagon Wellwick Netrunner Pink Jacknife thepicheese Bamdee Belaris Prim

Headless Illusion Mutant forcefield tower allowing toolbox of power Surgical implants that boost until they fail granting options dangerously and need to be supplemented, mechsuit + tracking tech, can combo repeatedly. Changer with suit for directed acid Can 'split'form to create clones with selected mutations. Power Absorbing Balls Breaker, poison vine tendrils enhance the parahuman for each Matter-warping Brutestrike. who generates and tosses off armor with powerful leaps. ramps up steadily, up until it hits a variable that operate primarily by tracking heartand rate limit and detonates, injuring the cape and anxiety, well that as inducing anxiety. to Can with a melee as attack causes minions amplify these modes by entering a Breaker be generated from the wound with the the epicenter of a gravity aura. can victim's characteristics that canThey bemanifest statue. They may spontaneously ante physical stats, weakining themselves to the other andhas shift their consciousness Parahuman spikes, which can be to it at the cost of a morale penalty stemming embedded into things they touch. The spikes stasis-prison core and the ability to out can spasm or expand, but only oncefling each. immovable shards to prevent movement of Shaker warps terrain to erect structures that can be detonated offensively Bubble with explosive divisions. Mentallybreaker gives orders to shards, shoots binding, phantasmal chains at extremely from objects and gives commands with close range. cape's own flesh fixed at anchor based points, on increasingly strong compulsions acting as armor and takes control of vectors the Blaster alternates between different victim. Can also use parahuman powers asas (bullet, blast & at grenade) elements (heat them beautiful first andand then monstrous & bullet)Marks tocontinues. produce different effects. treatment Injections cause Striker: enemies or surfaces which are physical mutation as well as severe then hit by a barrage of twisted metaladdiction through distortions in the immediate area. Blood ghast/revenant breaker/changer Slime fiend with AOE Shrinking Striker/Growing Brute Shaker field The cape generates a telekinetic that allows flight, and lifts debris and loose them debilitating insteadwith of wounds, objects which caneffects be launched a touch. spend tags to give wounds, with a mover Thinker/Trump gains info/skill/power leech on target, can give to allies. Shrinks and builds multiple small to average sized Frost/Darkness mechs. Two forms, 1 Thinker, 1 Striker TurnsBreaker into a slow-moving, but effectivegrappling slug with manipulator bulbs, can Tinker, interchangable, highly-perishable bits eject them for disorienting effects. in equipment. Werewolf stranger power Rapid, spacial warping movement within a 5 Versatile foot radiusBlaster with ice artillery, flame railgun,non-organic terrain warping shotgun, and and energyMakes surfaces jellylike can mimicking crystal pistol move through them. Causes horrible pain to non-capes (which is purely a flaw). fine tuned short range control over pressure Master: Turns the recently dead into ethereal Short range TK and disassembly of metallic ghostly minions objects, capable of reforming into flingablevia-TK insanityprojectiles. contagion Blood Ghast

Saff Nonagon Mr_Catfish Ellardy Holzleim (ed. Antioch) Faustus Fulvus Wildbow Fulvus iridium248 Jovial Faustus Turncoat Words^3 Jovial Turncoat Clawford (ed. Antioch) Fulvus Nonagon Nonagon Lid Nonagon

JerBear94 Lid spelt|Mandate Azrael0037 Valence StealthRock Messenger Rhino gio Teruzi ColdGold Antioch ColdGold, Faustus Valence TeaWrex Antioch Pink Saff ColdGold Spellspin TheShadow SideZero

Thalia Marigold Nonagon Misery Royale TheWhiteDuke vanderhuge Fulvus Faustus Faustus Fulvus

Steve Clawford hyper Thalia Antioch Druza mcostin sharks soulpelt origarmi

TheWhiteDuke Misery Royale Thalia Thalia iridium248 Saff Nonagon

Faustus RocketIII Faustus Spellspin ColdGold endoguy65 Jyggalag

Enhanced mobility while pursuing set point, project clone to separate Fires small globs of paint point that explode into spikes at parahuman's volition. Incorporeal Steam Breaker/Brute A Tinker that projects an ideal hero distraction while operate undercover Breaker that can they summon Shaker-esque PuttyofChanger/Stranger that can change blocks water around them. shapes and harden themselves into different Thinker Precog thatforms. can upgrade himself at a cost. Intelligent cat minion evolves with conflict, Shattered-glass breaker state leaves a trail can merge with cape for bonuses that can ability be traversed orasacrificed for path a Thinker provides 'poor man's to variety ofallowing offensive area effects victory', succesful actions to be Mutation-providing Master with addictive chained for increasing bonuses qualities Skill Thinker that can banish things. Breaker that draws and drains Brute and power effects from local environment Cloud Breaker with the independent body parts, Shaker that can make an restricts and shifts targetsenvironment out of reality of rot and fungus, and has several mobility-based real body enters a pocket dimension. options within the concocts area Breaker can absorb and force objectsfluid-like into piloting chamber, amniotic the pocket dimension for the real body to mixture submerge pilots for in various Breaker to that slows down time an energy effects. Non-Tinkers can pilotaffecting after entering draining sphere before gaining burst offeathera Cape sports colorful soc roll speed on can energy armor, dependent but the armor is actually poisonous Memory stealer who usedrained stolen quills that can be shot out memories as thinker buff, or force them upon opponents for debilitating effects Projection breaker with predictions and mindshielding Intanglible short-term breaker Regen Brute that gets stronger from pain and gives an emotional penalty Baneful bone surgeon Wolfpack master with a smart sibling information/briefly subdue powers through wing screams. also Assumes writheCan form thatbroadcast channels absorbed Graft Tinker capable of creating skinsuits emotions in diverse ways and body parts madethat out moves of cybernetic Alexandria Package at high material with many purposes speeds and delivers massive blows multi, creates a choking shadowy foginthat exchange for inflicting pain on himself that puppeteers/heals and a grapple-hand salts wounds anyone grappled, incubating a super minion Master/Striker dealing mentalof 1from the stolencapable aspectsof over the course damage and turning the afflicted into Post-cog Thinker + Paint-based Blaster obedient sleepwalkers Multitrigger Chain-based Breaker state, with rusty nail charge attack. Spiderman. Thoughtup projections that fire with the force of a car Changer/Brute whose skin peels away to let Controls invisiblehot strings that gain strenght to him use sizzling connective tissue fling stuff around and uses them to move like a rag doll

Short-term precog who gains guaranteed rolls that can be applied to their own self's or others actions. Outer-body breakage into a light form with burning Striker effects. Tinker with a sound-based theme. Commands debuff-applying ghosts.



Foxtail Faustus (reworked from Misery Royale) Faustus

Wellwick CaptNameless Fulvus

Wildbow Wildbow

Squizz ColdGold

Nonagon Thrair

Faustus Inksword

Prim (ed. Antioch) Monovfox Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Nonagon Rykarda

ColdGold ColdGold WellWick Nick Faustus Inksword Inksword

Faustus Wellwick Nonagon Wildbow lodoubt

CaptNameless Flitter Teller Ryneron Spellspin

Brute/Blaster, alternates between shooting and with smoke/fire Capeshielding shoots bright disks that create ziplines between objects and people A time dilating Breaker than can build tech to harness their form Thinker power enables perfect counters and traps A Shaker/Changer that creates a nuclear wasteland and brings it to life for benefits

Misery Royale vanderhuge Kurama Misery Royale Faustus Misery Royale

Everyperson vanderhuge Coffeedog14 Lid Mallmann OverThal

Icy reindeer blasts they can ride Serum tinker with mix-n-match forms and effects Blaster/Thinker who throws and pulls strings to disorient and info boosting or Shoots string of gain awareness confusing moteswith which stickmanipulating to people. Power deflector matter hands Checkpoint Alex. Package with spatial armor

Misery Royale Nonagon Misery Royale Saff

Sob JackKnife Undying Carthage

Dual forms changer; fleshy mass and fluidVoodoo coating. stranger/blaster who ties targets together, causing them to share damage and allowing cape to manipulate relationships as a bystander while in their breaker state, primarily on warping perceptions on, at thefocused cost of making those allies docile and more reliant on them for decision Summons flying clawed serpent which can release an AOE stunning roar and acts as a Tinker that creates tech that echo the Tinkers mount forpower the cape. Changer grants flexible sensory and actions with actions of their own physical abilities depending on chosen to increase strength, absorb powered attacks attributes altered. or tinker blast foes with searing energy enhanced A that generates gateways to alternate A shield brute that can absorb energy and worlds power types with their shield and throw it as a weapon. Thinker with several alternate personas

Range sensitive combinative drone tinker Trump power that bonds the cape and another person, sharing wounds Bloodpredator Changerbreaker that turns the Apex battlefield into their own hunting grounds, expanding as more enemies fall to them.

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