Wrathful Chaos: Five Books Of Satanic Philosophy

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First Published in 2015 www.lionofsatan.com www.facebook.com/arioch11 [email protected]

Copyright © 2015 by Arioch All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Arioch. Reviewers may quote brief passages.


Contents List of Illustrations Acknowledgements Introduction

BOOK 1 The Summa Diabologica A Chaosophical work which explores the foundational concepts of the Chaos-Gnostic tradition, and sheds a new dark Light on old knowledge, thus producing Gnosis…5 Tiamat the Writhing ∵ Tiamat the Slain ∵ Tannin the Slumbering ∵ The God of the God ∵ On the Nature of Suffering ∵ The Afterlife ∵ Sitra Ahra – the Other Side ∵ Theathanatos – Lady of Death ∵ Manifestations of the Anti-God ∵ The Black Earth ∵ Concerning Black Magick ∵ On Symbols ∵ Concerning Gnosis ∵ Defining Chaosophy ∵ Suicide as Satanic Grace ∵ Illuminism ∵ A Final Word on Misanthropy


BOOK 2 Sefer Iqqesh A re-working of the Hermetic Qabalah used to produce deeper Sinister Gnosis and the return to Chaos. Along with a new interpretation of Qabalah, a new Tree of Death glyph is introduced which better assists the Black Adept in the search for Illumination…61 Qabbalah: The Tree of Death ∵ A New Tree ∵ Tehom: Devouring Gimel and Teth ∵ Three Forms of Nothing ∵ The 11 Mansions of the Sitra Ahra ∵ The Broken Star Glyph ∵ The Abyss ∵ The Twenty Coils of Apophis ∵ The Four Qabbalistic Anti-Worlds ∵ Dragons of the Anti-Worlds ∵ The Four Rivers of Hell ∵ The Seven Earths and Infernal Habitations ∵ The Order of Disorder ∵ The Three Palaces of Satan ∵ The Black Zodiac ∵ How to Use the Qabbalah ∵ Black Earth Meditation ∵ The Five Accursed Nations ∵ A Final Word


BOOK 3 Ra’a: The Language of Demons An introduction to the magickal use of the voice, followed by a treatise on the language of demons and how the Adept might use such a language to further arrive at True Gnosis…161 The Magickal Use of the Voice ∵ The Alphabet in Western Script ∵ Consonants ∵ Vowels ∵ Diphthongs ∵ Gematria and the Numbering System ∵ The Ra’aian Script ∵ Coding Words and Names ∵ The Occult Properties of the Letters ∵ The Alphabet of Perfumes ∵ Diacritics ∵ Sigils ∵ Charging Sigils ∵ A Final Word on Magickal Languages

BOOK 4 Ater Astrologia An introduction to the concept of “Black Astrology,” which is based in the study of the Black Luminaries – empty mathematical points in space…217 The Black Sun ∵ The Black Zodiac ∵ Demons of the Black Zodiac ∵ The Six Infernal Planets ∵ The Planetary Rulers ∵ The Planetary Sigils ∵ The Planetary Days ∵ The Planetary Hours ∵ Sigils of the Planetary Hours ∵ The Tridecagram ∵ The 6

Black Sabbath ∵ The Black Earth ∵ Priapus ∵ The Diamond ∵ A Final Note

BOOK 5 Zara: Book of the Younger Lilith A short treatise on the Art and Science of Divination, exposing the various flaws in today’s practices, and revealing two new systems of Divination by which the Adept may arrive at Gnosis…259 On Time ∵ The Enquiry ∵ Naamah – Mother of Divination ∵ Preliminary Notes ∵ The Meditation ∵ Method 1: Full-body Possession ∵ Method 2: Zara ∵ Designing the Zara Blocks ∵ Casting the Zara ∵ Interpreting the Zara ∵ A Final Word on Divination

APPENDIX Demonic Names Translated into Ra’a


List of Illustrations

Broken Pentagram…70 Sigil of Cathariel…87 Sigil of Thaumiel…90 Sigil of Chaigidel…93 Sigil of Satariel…95 Sigil of Gash’khalah…97 Sigil of Golachab…99 Sigil of Tagiriron…102 Sigil of A’arab Zaraq…104 Sigil of Samael…107 Sigil of Gamaliel…110 Sigil of Nahemoth…113 Tree of Death (Hebrew Names)…115 Tree of Death (Sigils)…116 Coils of Apophis…123


Ra’aian Alphabet…176 Ra’aian Alphabet (Special Characters)…177 The Letter Bar…181 The Letter Dag…182 The Letter Hem…182 The Letter Uri…184 The Letter Zam…184 The Letter Char…185 The Letter Yam…186 The Letter Kur…186 The Letter Laf…187 The Letter Mal…188 The Letter Nia…189 The Letter Sak…190 The Letter A’ano…190 The Letter Par…191 The Letter Tzu…192 The Letter Qul…192 The Letter Raf…193 9

The Letter Shal…194 The Letter Than…194 The Letter Cath…196 The Letter Thau…197 The Letter Chai…197 The Letter Sat…198 The Letter Gash…199 The Letter Gol…199 The Letter Tag…200 The Letter A’ara…200 The Letter Sam…201 The Letter Gam…201 The Letter Nah…202 Star of Sigilcraft…210 Sigil of Malkunofat…212 Black Luminaries…223 Sigil of URA’ABAT (Satu234rn)…233 Sigil of MUAV (Uranus)…234 Sigil of NUR (Neptune)…235 10

Sigil of SUM (Jupiter)…236 Sigil of ETLU (Mars)…237 Sigil of UMA (Venus)…238 Sigil of Shichiriron (3 p.m.)…244 Sigil of Abiriron (4 p.m.)…244 Sigil of Dagdagiron (5 p.m.)…245 Sigil of Nashimiron (6 p.m.)…245 Sigil of En Tannin (7 p.m.)…246 Sigil of Shalbeiron (8 p.m.)…246 Sigil of Tzaphiriron (9 p.m.)…247 Sigil of Bahimiron (10 p.m.)…247 Sigil of Necheshthiron (11 p.m.)…248 Sigil of Tzelilimiron (12 p.m.)…248 Sigil of Adimiron (1 a.m.)…249 Sigil of Nachashiron (2 a.m)…249 Sigil of Beiriron (3 a.m.)…250 The Planetary Tridecagram…251 Block One… 283 Block Two…284 11

Block Three…285 Block Four…286 Block Five…287 Arioch…302


Introduction I began writing Wrathful Chaos in early 2011, and while it started out as a personal grimoire, it quickly grew into the body of work you now hold in your hands. At first I was reluctant to publish this work, because as a personal grimoire it was…personal. However, heeding the call of my own demonic Guide, I have finally decided to make this unique system of Black Magick available to the Sinister Adept, because the feeling of attachment I had for this work was merely an illusion of the Demiurge. For the only matter of importance is the returning to Chaos, and the Gnosis contained within these five books are designed solely for that purpose. Every aspect of Wrathful Chaos, from the obvious to the hidden, is meant to reflect the ideas of Chaosophy in some way, and the Adept is encouraged to read this work twice: first with his eyes and then with his spirit. Because of this, these five 13

individual books form one complete system of advanced Infernal Sorcery, just as all individual things within Chaos are as one. And so the Adept should read each book while keeping in mind the previous ones, and the ones to come, as each supports one another. It is true when I say that this work teaches an advanced form of Infernal Sorcery, and so the magician should have a fair understanding of basic Occult concepts before putting this work into practice. In fact, some of the materials required to practice this form of Magick are deadly and illegal. The experienced magician should have no problem properly using these materials, but nonetheless, neither the author nor the publisher will take any responsibility for any damage or harm caused by the practice of this Art. To know, to dare, to keep silent. This work is divided into five books, those being: The Summa Diabologica, The Sefer Iqqesh, Ra’a: The Language of Demons, Ater Astrologia, and Zara: Book of the Younger Lilith. While some of the terms 14

and concepts within these five books may be familiar to the more experienced practitioner, the perspective from which these subjects are taught is entirely new. Rather than being a magickal book telling you what to do, Wrathful Chaos introduces ideas and encourages you to learn for yourself how to employ them, distort them pervert them, and perfect them. And so take these five books and build upon them, knowing that they are a firm a foundation. I sincerely wish success for the Black Adept who, having all of creation in his hand, falls not to the temptation of personal gain but who instead hurdles the whole of creation into Wrathful Chaos before he himself jumps blindly into the unknown depths of the Grey. For Chaos, Arioch


Summa Diabologica Foundations of Chaos-Gnosticism

To speak of Chaos is to speak of Nothingness, but Nothingness is not empty. For within Chaos there is light and darkness, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, law and lawlessness, virginity and whoredom, being and non-being. To genuinely speak of Chaos is to speak of blended opposites, or rather, to speak of a thing and its privation. Chaos consists of being and non-being in perfect blend, and therefore it is impossible to say anything rational about the Void. The thinker must resort to mysticism in order to ponder upon the union of being and non-being (logic perceiving of only two states: Is and Is not, either of which must exist separately from its opposite). But this is the nature of the Abyss – form and formlessness in copulation. Allow me then, to give discourse on the nature of Chaos and to divulge the subtlety of her Knowledge (Chaosophy), only to show that one cannot properly convey its Mysteries.

Tiamat the Writhing Chaos is finite and infinite, hot and cold, light and dark, place and no place, and within it all things are blended together and yet separate. Chaos is like the great writhing dragon Tiamat of myth and each of her various parts are comprised of smaller dragons, and ad in 16

finitum, each working towards both individual benefit and benefit of the whole. As the scales of Tiamat are many serpents each maintaining their individual purpose and expression within Nothingness. Because Chaos exists and does not exist, being itself a mixture of existence and non-existence, we may rightly call it the Pool of Potentiality, meaning that Nothingness contains the potential to exist but nothing has come into existence (made to be distinct).

Tiamat the Slain Consider now what it means to exist. The coalesced nature of Chaos must be divided in order to produce the required separation of qualities resulting in existence – the state which we identify as reality. While Chaos is a mixture of potentials, reality is the realization of those potentials. Reality, also referred to as the Cosmos within the Chaos-Gnostic tradition, is the Nothing which has become Something. While in Chaos light and darkness were as one, within the Cosmos light and darkness are two. The Cosmos is the division of Chaos, but how did Something come from Nothing? Something, or rather all things, came forth from Chaos in a single instance simply because the potential for such an event happened to be realized. We should not, however, assume that existence has been vomited from the Mouth of the Abyss, and that this event is over. Instead, the Great Creation is continuously taking place – the Lord has not yet even finished speaking “Let there be Light” – as the act of creation is continuously taking place. Chaos has been cleaved in twain, thus allowing for the sustained existence of creation. This may be symbolized by the dragon Tiamat being cut in half by the god Marduk, and whose body 17

was used to fashion the Universe. And so we have the Cosmos – a reality of have and have not, and various levels of thereof.


Sefer Iqqesh Book of the Perverse Qabbalah

The Qlippothic Qabalah as it is currently being taught and practiced by Sinister Magicians is the product of the Golden Dawn’s system of Qabalah as it is presented in both The Book of the Black Serpent and Liber 231 (Aleister Crowley). The Golden Dawn’s system of Qabalah is itself a mixture of mostly Lurianic Kabbalah and Western occultism, and has been re-packaged nearly verbatim by most schools of Chaosophic thought. One major flaw with this reproduction is context. The context of the Hermetic Qabalah is union with Source, or God. The demons of the Qlippoth are simply wasteful products left-over from creation, and they exist only according to the Will of God. The Satanic entities are matters to overcome and advance beyond, for the Qlippoth exist as the vice of each Sephira, and belong to the Sephira, and must be experienced even by the White Adept. Unfortunately, this context remains in the Left-Handed interpretation of Qabalah even if it isn’t immediately recognized. Qlippothic Sorcery as it exists now exalts the Demiurge because it places the Qlippoth as being parts of the Sephiroth1, when in fact they are entirely separate from them. The error is the idea that the Qlippoth have been in some way produced or caused by the Sephiroth, because if this is the case, then the God who controls the 1

“The Palace of Darkness which contains Malkuth and Yesod enthrones the demons called the Gamaliel…” Scales of the Black Serpent, pg 39, Michael W. Ford


Sephirotic forces would also by proxy control the Qlippothic, and returning to Chaos would be entirely impossible because the God would simply be too powerful. If Qlippothic sorcery in its current form is flawed have we as Black Magicians wasted our time in its practice? No. Even flawed practice can work wonders, and has even made it possible for a more Sinister Tree to take root and grow. Our practice only becomes flawed once we become aware of the flaw, and now having been made aware of the flaw, those willing may correct their practice and thereby evolve as Ministers of Darkness. But before we can correct our Qabalistic practice, we must end our Qabalistic practice. We must think in new ways – creating new algorithms and distorting old ones. This is the goal of Rising on the Planes. There is no need to create entirely from scratch, or re-invent the Fiery Wheel. Qabalah as a type of Occult filing cabinet and magickal system is perfect, but Qabalah as a means of first selfdeification and then self-destruction is lacking in its current form. A new Qabalah is required – one that can be used both by the magician who means to perfect Black Magick, and the mystic who yearns to return to Chaos. This new system, built upon the corpses of the old, changes both the Tree of Life glyph and the basic principles of Qabalah. And while it originates from Qabalah we cannot rightly call this new system of Black Magick “Qabalah,” because it adheres to neither Jewish nor Hermetic standards. A new name is required for our new weapon.

Qabbalah: The Tree of Death The name given to this new Qlippothic Qabalah is QABBALAH, an obvious play on the word Qabalah. But there is esoteric meaning. 20

The additional B symbolizes the injecting of Samael’s venom into the system of Qabalah, as the letter B or Bet in Hebrew maintains the numerical value of 2 – the number of adversity. Further, we may examine the mathematics and note that the Hebrew for the word Qabalah is comprised of the letters Qoph, Bet, Lemedh, and Hey, giving the word the gematric value of 137. In Sinister gematria, this number is the least of the Satanic numbers, because while its individual parts combined totals 11, these same parts individually exalt the God. The 1 represents the Unity of God, the 3 his Trinity, and the 7 symbolizes the wholeness of his creation. Only in adding these individual numbers together can we arrive at 11, because the final outcome of God’s creation will be destruction and the return to Chaos. However, with the addition of the second Bet, we create the sum of 139 which totals 13. 13 is the Qlippothic 11 plus the adversarial 2 of Samael, which is the formula by which the Qlippoth manifest themselves to us with some type of form or physical sensation: The non-physical Sitra Ahra (11) desires to manifest to physical man (2) and does achieve physical manifestation through the influence of Black Astrology (13), most notably through the Black Sun. What is curious about Qabbalah, aside from the number games, is that it may be divided into two additional Hebrew words: Qab and Balah. Qab means “something hollowed out” and referred to a unit of both dry and wet liquid (about 2 quarts). The second word, Balah, means “wasted away, decaying.” Qab and Balah: that which is hollowed out and decaying – the Tree of Death. So while Qabalah means to receive knowledge by eating from the Tree of Life, Qabbalah means to receive Knowledge by eating from the Tree of


Death, because while the God feeds the good man2, the evil man must pluck those apples for himself3.

2 3

Matthew 6:26 Genesis 3:17


Ra’a The Language of Demons

The Magickal Use of the Voice Man is made distinct from the other animals of the Earth by two things: culture and speech. While other animals do indeed possess types culture and communication systems, man has perfected these two qualities, and with them has made himself the Lord of the Earth. Here we shall concern ourselves with speech, which leads to culture.

The human voice is perhaps the greatest creation of the God, for while he intended man to employ it in his praise, with it we are also capable of expressing our Sinister Will. Speech is the first way in which the concepts of Chaosophy are manifested outside of the Chaosophist, and so we may say that the voice is the foundation of Black Magick, which itself is an expression of Chaosophy. The voice is the lantern carrying the Illuminating Light of Lucifer.

Traditionally, Hebrew has been the language which Chaosophists have resorted to in order to uncover the Mysteries of Chaos, because the system which is used to illustrate these ideas is 23

taken from the Jewish Mystery Tradition of Kabbalah. And while this method is proven reliable, it is also limited to the language of Hebrew, and so in turn the Gnosis attained by the use of this system is limited by the Jewish spiritual culture of Kabbalah and its language.

The use of Hebrew or some other language in place of one’s own native tongue is an often error, and with Abramelin we must agree, that one’s own native tongue is sufficient for communicating the Mysteries of Satan. Why, then, do we feel compelled to use alien tongues such as Hebrew, Greek, and Latin? The answer is relatively simple: We relate the experience of mystery with our spirituality. We love the mysterious, and the more foreign than the mundane, the better. But while Hebrew indeed gives insights into Chaosophy from the perspective of Qabalah, the goal is to transcend these many perspectives, which leads to the arrival of pure or True Gnosis.

The problem, therefore, is that as humans we require a sense of mystery, especially in our spiritual life, but our parent tongue is far too mundane to express the teachings of Chaos, in that it is used in every-day speech and has lost its sense of deeper mystery. The solution is the creating of an encoded language – one that is based in a person’s native tongue, but given structure and sounds which cause the mind to fall into the meditation of Silence. Because English is the most widely used language, I have (with the help of my own Demonic Guide), arrived at an encoded form of English suitable for the rites of Black Magick. This language, which is a perversion of English and should be manipulated to reflect one’s own comfortable tongue, is called Ra’a.


Ater Astrologia Book of the Black Luminaries

Let us not fall into error as those before us have done, but instead let us attain a deeper understanding regarding the Celestial bodies, which the astrologers claim determines the character of a man, and from which the White Adepts draw their power. It is true when I say the White Adepts draw their power from the Heavenly abode, as I shall show, though I find no reason to believe one’s character is governed by the stars. Every serious student must have the ability to separate the Occult Arts from the superstitious, thereby eliminating what does not work and indulging in what does. So we shall discuss the nature of the planets in relation to magickal and occult operations and divine whether or not traditional planetary magick is of any use to the Chaos-Gnostic practitioner. And as we explore the astrological ideas of men such as Don Néroman and Jean Carteret, we shall come to the knowledge of this new astro-magickal system, whose only purpose is the ushering forth of anti-cosmic influence into our reality. Saturn, Venus, Mars and the other Celestial Mansions within our Solar system are, as all physical things are, manifestations of the God. While our physicality is also part of Source, we possess a consciousness which the planets do not. Though all things share in consciousness according to their portion, on Earth man alone has Willfull Consciousness, meaning that we are active participants in the creation of reality and may, according to our Will, shape reality on 25

the whole. While other self-aware creatures can indeed alter their personal reality, only man (as far as we now know), can alter reality on a grand scale. And so we must wonder then, if man is governed by his own agent (his Will), then what agent governs the planets and the other conscious forms which lack this type of consciousness? What force sustains them and causes them to execute their functions? And from where do they draw their power – the very same power that the magician’s call down? Whatsoever thing lacks Willful Intelligence is governed over by the God, for all things which cannot rebel are naturally servants of the Demiurge, which he uses to sustain his separation from Nothingness – that being the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, as all things which cannot escape this cycle through rebellion merely assist in the continuation of Source. We may say that the physical planets contain only the power which the Demiurge has allotted them, and that they possess no supernatural power of their own, being unable to change their own natures or to even stir themselves to change. The physical planets, therefore, only possess Demiurgic Grace and their power can only, in the end, sustain the God. The Black Adept will not prosper from evoking the various planets or even observing their movements, but because of complacency and a love for tradition, many have fallen into this trap set by the Lord of the Heavens, but we shall be wiser. Do not think that because we have said that the planets can only serve the God by whom they are empowered, being themselves founts of Cosmic False Light, that we should ignore them entirely, for we would fall into an even greater error. All things are corruptible, and it is within corruption that we shall find acosmic power. But there is greater power in the absence of these bodies. Consider first the privation of the physical Sun, the body which the astrologers


have made their foundation, and we shall find for ourselves the Black Sun – the Foundation of our Sinister Art.


Zara Book of the Younger Lilith

Of all the magickal practices, Divination is the most widely accepted and used. If one cannot change their situation, then perhaps one can at least look into the future and foresee upset before it arrives. There are, however, various errors in our divinatory systems and, more rightly, in our use of them. The Tarot cards, Runes, Ouija Board, and every other means of attaining future insight acts as blindfolds obscuring the Light of Luciferic Knowledge. Like a mountain, our common divinatory practices block our view from extending beyond ourselves and into eternity. This work, the Book of the Younger Lilith, is a short treatise on Divination whose aim is twofold: to dispel the errors as they are practiced by Diviners of the Left-Hand Path, and to present two new methods of divination by which the magician may attain true insight.

On Time Divination implies the existence of time – “I shall look into my crystal ball and see the future.” Or perhaps the seer wishes to behold the past, or to answer a question regarding some present situation. Traditional divination has always had its foundation in time, causing divination to be flawed from the beginning. As normal humans who exist within the confines time, it is logical to perceive time and its affects and to therefore conclude its reality. But time, like distinction, is a function and illusion of the 28

Demiurge. Rather than viewing time as being our conjoined twin, know that time is entirely separate from us, and is imposed upon us by our physicality. But time is a thing which can be distorted, twisted, and eventually escaped. The goal of true Divination is to escape the illusion of time, which the God maintains in order to strengthen division. Glimpses of the “future” and the receiving of personal insight is a secondary function of Divination, though most have made this its first. When I ask the Runes a question about the future, it is asked with the assumption that the future has yet to take place. But the future has already blossomed and has become the past. Again, when I ask the Ouija board a question about my past, it is asked assuming that the past no longer exists. But the past is simply the future distorted. What does it mean then to exist within the present, as we assume that we do? It means to exist within the unfurling of the future which is the furled past. All time is illusory, and all events which have happened and will happen, are already happening and have happened. This is the meaning to the phrase, “There is nothing new under the Sun.”4 Because of this, a person will only ask for insight regarding the future or the past due to ignorance and a lack of the mystical understanding required to genuinely know that time is just a cheap conjurer’s trick.

The Enquiry The fool occupies his time asking about this mundane matter and that, hoping some Celestial Spirit with infinite Knowledge is just as bored as he, and in that boredom, willing to answer his petty questions. We who carry Lucifer’s Black Flame upon the Torch of Radiance Abounding must not count ourselves amongst the fools, 4

Ecclesiastes 1:9


nor imitate their fallacies. In proper Sinister Divination we must only enquire of two things: Matters of our Individual Sinister Will, and matters of the Universal Sinister Will. In regards to your Individual Sinister Will, this is your Will as it applies to how you are personally and uniquely fighting against the God and his powers. The Universal Sinister Will is the collective strategy of the Sitra Ahra. So, rather than busying oneself over matters of finances and love, through the use of Divination the magician may gain knowledge regarding his own purpose in this life, the secret knowledge regarding the God and Cosmos, the Mysteries of the Sitra Ahra, and insight into Chaosophy. And of course many more, even innumerable, secrets are revealed through its practice. The planet Mercury is the traditional ruler of arts such as Alchemy, Divination, and Magick. Of course, this planet is symbolic for Hermes Trismegistus – author of the Hermetic Corpus, and Father of Hermeticism5. We lack the planet Mercury in Black Astrology, as Mercury/Hermes represents the Arts being used to benefit the whole of God (White Magick). In place of Mercury and the Son of White Magick, we have Uranus – the planet of the Abiriron, which is ruled by Naamah – the Daughter of Black Magick.


To further study Hermeticism, please see Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new translation with notes and introduction, by Brian P. Copenhaven (Editor)


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