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M ycen~e~n ~~ASrr



M ycenaean I=I;Asrr EDITED BY


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Princeton 2004

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This VQlum~ i~ also publishnl "" i.. u~ 73:2 (2004) of H~Jprnll: TJxjaurna/ a!'huf",mran Sri»DI 0/ C/lmira{ Studi~J III AIJxn< (ISSN OO18-098X).

Copyright C 2004 Tho Amori<.o School ofCI .......1Studio••t Athoos All righu ..,..,rvod.

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I.ibcvy ofConpao C.~nrin·,,"bli
Tho< ;\Iycl oft.... Aml Stodi« at Athen. nSSN 0018· 098X):-r.p. """"Include> bihliogrophical rdi:r
I. C;'-;Ii...,i"". Mr«ou<:ltl. 2. Gr««-Antiquiti«. 3. Food h..abitrGr««-Hi"'"y-To 1500.1, Wright.l...... C., 194(>-

DF220.HI89 2004 394.1'r09388----dc22



Pref=, hyTrxry Cullen

"' •"

Lilt of C""lrib",ors LiS! of Abbreviuion. CNeurl THE MYCENAEAN h A n ' AN: INTlQDlICTIQN

]>mco C. Wright ClNlpt".2 A S~IVU or EV!DMCe ro. [tUn"..: 'N MYCENAUN SoclEry

lome. c. Wright


a..pmJ ANI .... L S"c'JfICr, A.CHIV . . , AT THE PAl ""0' o. N U T o ,

Sharon R. 5'od=.OO




L. Davis

ClHtpltr4 Myc ... ", .... FunlNG 0" T.o",.",z£ ANCIF",T



Mary K. Dabney, Paul Hol...:ad, and Partid,



Cbilpl".S S"CIIFIC"U F r H T ' ' ' C Thorn.. G Pabjm.


THE I 'N'''' R



(;h,.pl".6 Au", .... FUITING' A M'''OA'' P . . . . UT'U


Eli,ahem Borgn.

Chap" 7 AClI.orM.,lowWIN.· A GooDn FUIT FusTlNe IN 8'0,"70' AG. CU.IF. 1 ""ig Steel



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S",m She,,,,"




In re«n, yun. arducoJogi... h,o"" ncklgue. ~",nt • wealth of dcr.oil about {n.ting, d...wing on m.ny IOUrttS: Iargc Mpooi.. of drinking and ",rving "....d., m...m accumulation. of animal boneo, depictions ill rn:KO and on painted f'Ol"l•.,.. and Linn< B do<-u"",n.. from Pyloo. Thebes. and Knosooo. Thc gwgnphi. <:al and duonok>gic:al lintits of < authors


,ig,,,. ,ndirioo, of fea.ting

m.inbnd Gree«, Crete, and CYJ'n.I' from the latc Bron~ A~ to ,helmn ~_ The implica.ion. of .,hno" 00

gnplUc and ardurologi consid•."d. Thc ron,nburon to ,hi. volume I"'l' specialanen,ion the .....Y' in which, in the M)Un...n _,!d, ,hesc ritual """,mOf\~ "'''.. .. oren.. who::", >llianrn >mong the eli,e .'" fOTJlCd alll! kgitimiud, pre



y,,, Beauoc the

ou¥a of 1\1)«....,... rcuring io ofint.~'


pot.nlUIly oridet tndc..hip dun f1..ptria 1Uboaib.n--~"" prohi"ori",,", "",hropoIogitu, 1nd o<~ intrigued by ,he widrr ooc,ol "'f"«11 of at,ng .nd dtinlcing--ASCSA l'ublintion. d«idrd I"'bli.h ,ho ..,Iurn¢ conct"""",ly u • freeolanding book. In doing 10, "'" h.~ mod< minimol elunga ". lhe .....ide. ,hem..h the l"'ima'Y diff.renea be"""en ,he prncn' ¥t>Iurne.nd ,ho jounul "" ion pen"n.o forma,.nd the renumbering of pages. Many indMduab ....."'" ,h.nu for bringing thi• ..,Iurn¢ 10 light: Jim Wrigh', """"" all, ,.n.,roonIina,«I the pro;... onlIro«l and olupcd the JUbkquen' .nida;.nd ,I>< other eon,ribu,on, who "'''''ned their initial ""hu.i..... for lhe f"":iect.nd rn¢' il>CTeuingly dem.nding de.dlinn with g<><><. Srun H.yden ond J=rny Rutl~ review<:'lhy Wordell I am olIO graleful It> Carol H.rsher>lOlt and N.taL. VogcilwffSrogon for ...illonce with illu"....ion•• Eleni H....ki and Zina Gionll<>paulo.. for chocking GrrckcifOl;on.,.nd Mary Jone Govcndo for designing • wonderful coYtr for lhe book. It>.



T",uyCoJ/... Editor, 1I",m~



ELI ....Ir:rTA Bo~GNA, Dipartimen,o di StOOl. T l1,d. de; Ben; Cultural;, Ulli"".. il~ di Udi ..., Vi, Pl::1nC<:O 8. 33 100 Udi"", lraly; diw..:ndx,[email protected], M....l' K. D""Nn, Department ofCl...ical and Near E..'em Archarology, Bryn M.WI CoUcg<, Bryn 1\1>...", '''nnoy]v,mi.

19010-2899, USA; mdab~nm.w.,edu JAC' I.. DAv,s, Department ofClusiC$, Uni"".. ity of Cincinru.li, Cineinn..i, Ohio 45221-0226, USA; jack.davi~.c
PAUL HAUTT.AD, Dcpanment of Arrhaeology. Uni"""ity of Shdr..ld, Sheffield 51 4ET, United Kingdom; P.llal.,.~heffi.ld.oc.uk

TKO"'''' G. 1'......,...., Dep.rtment ofCbuicJ, Uni"""iryofT"".. ., Au.tin, I University Station 0400, Austin. Tuu 78712-0308, USA; Il'aloim~mail. UlelCU.edU

SlllA ... S"URATT, A.hmol",n Mu<cum, Beaumont S'lUt, Oxford

OX] 2PH, United Kingdom; ,,,e.•hem.,t@'ashmu•.ox.oc.uk

LoUIn S....u. Dqn"menl of An:hK
1..... I@!amp.oc.uk s"...o..- R STOCIU, Dep.rtment ofCluoia. Uni""..ity ofCiocinnoti, Cincinnoti, Ohio 45221-(1226, USA; ..""Ice,rtJ.moiluc.Wu Dcpornn.n, of Archaeology.nd An HiOlory, Uni""..ity of EvonrviU., EvonsviUe. Indiono 47722.0001, USA; p'4€'..... nsviU•. «!u


C. W~IGHT, Dcp:ortrnc:nl ofCw~KcoI:and N



M • Anolw>logio<:ber Anui~r

A'KIK'I'" • A.g:ocurn. Annol
"'~ A"""m. R....§ruI di o<:;'n... 'loricbe,linguiOliche, e filologiche A"""",. ADPlnI wnJ u.mn/,. Agypten unjJ<JI.~/. Amenc..n Andtropologi". The JoumoJ oftl>< American Anthropological A""",i.,ion Annf..«>nS«Ci" _ Annal< Arne,;""n Schools ofOrienw Research /lCH. Bulletin do com:.pon

Co."", BSA. Annu.l of tile Briti.h School al Athen. CAl. Cambridge ArchacologK-al Journal



A . . . . YI .. TIO~1

ctFR • Collection dt 1'&01. ~'" de Rome CMS. Cotpu. der minoiochtn uoo m}-kcnioch



K~~ ""i iWi'fQt

Croruchc di If<"heologi. ~ di

tii<; ~

,fOri. den"art., Univt...itl di

C.uni.a C..mfn,1Jr • Curren, Anthropology lJnLbrioeh< Kh.... Deoks

,,'Hum.n N>e<>ecology Ern",· Enno.. Act. philologia. ouccana

be", • Etudes em"i....

GJ",nin;"",. Gymn..ium. Zeit""hrif, fUr Kultu. d.. An'ik< UM hum.niltioche Bildung JI"ptri4 • II.. The: Joumol "f ,he Arncri<:rn Sd>ool of Cl>...ical Studi.. It Ad."", IfyJr-to. Hydra. W<>oong 1'2pc.. in Middl.llronu Age Stud;e. J""m,wul" X"',,,, • Incun"""l. graeca. Colbn. dlici del Con.ig~o nazi<>nalt den. rittrcll. di



IrAnl.lronic. antiquI ]AnlMrrh - Journal of AnrhropoJog;cal Arrh"",,1ogy lAS. JoumoJ <>f Arducologic':rJ S<:i<:n<. l"!. J.hrboch de< DeIl.... h." ArchlologiIChcn [n"ituts ]FA. Journal ofFIeld An:ho.eology ]MA • Joumal "f Mcdi'crr:oneon Ard,.."k>gy ]PR • Joom.1 "f Prehi,,"";. IMigioo ]RGZM. J.hrbuch des R6miKh-germ.niKhen Zcn'rWnwcum.. M.inl Xu"'•• ' Kadmoc. Zcit""htif. fIIr YOr- un::hiKhe Epignphik Xu",,, " K'em•. Civili..,io,," de l'Oritn', d. La Glitt... de RQlTl' antiquo" 11.1;"",. Mi""". de fili>logi•• cg.. M~"'.JJ~'" Mnemooyne. Bibliolh... d .... ic. h....,... M.""~t· Monum.n'; .ntichi N4tGMg&, ,, National G«>guphi<: R.,.un::h OjA • O.ford Joomal of An:hoeclogy OpAt". 0puK"U1••,henion.i. (fli,~""j". Oritnl1li•. Commen,.rii periodici I\>mificii Im'ilUli Hiblici. Rome PCI'S " l'roccedings of ,he Carnbridgt Philological Soci.'Y


nl'axnKlr. 'lij<; i~ 'A&>\""" ·AfY.«1lool.oyt>


Q.ntichi~.Stori., :an:l>wlogi•••ntropologi. SIMA. Studi.. in Medi'ernne"" Arch_logy SIMA-PH. Studi.. in Medi,erranr"" Archaeology .nd Lite""un:. Pocketbook Sldth. Skrifter u'givn•• v Sven.b In,,in''':t i A,hen SMEA. Srodi micenei ell egeo-"".tolici Sy..,J;()sI• • Symbol.e ooloen... TAPS _ Tnn••cti"". of the Ameri..n Philosophicol 5o


t. I ""'" '0 thank Po'" Hok",od """ Jodu.>o. pto:>'lO.ding uorful .. /tncro of d>< P"J'<M~r ...< An ~ CoI1o:>qIil"",' .. th< AlA AumW M«'b"f!: in Pbibd<1ptU.

in 2002 ... publ;1h
In 2001.1 pllrticipated in a confe.. """ Oflthe culmn:.."d cui,ine of the prem.toric ~rn,~ by the Department offuhiS1<>cket, p"'f'O'Co-.mao; on<: by Lisa Bendoll on the 'aruaJ and or<~logicai ovid.""" &om Py!os: .nd my own in,,,,,iga,ion of til<: problem of id.ntifying feasting from 'omb ....mblages. IS depicted on frescoes, and from other ,..<"n'.lf ,h... pape" succeeded in Chlf'lCfCri~ng. distincti"" "Mrcen...n" pr:u:~ rice, 'hat pnctia could be further defincos< from ""l,"n:. in contact with ,he M~""na.an•. Thu., we al... invit.d Elisahctu Borgn. to talk about Minoan felSting, wi,h 'p<'Cial ..fe",nce to .he evidcnce !Tom Pha;,tOO, and Loui« Sted discu.. fa.ring in Late Bron.. Age Both re charged to con'ider how pr:u:ric.. in th.ir are•• wen: affected by Myan n ""stom, of fe.sting..nd to what ..'.nt local practices continu.d or """" ;,t.d the introd""tion of new pracric... Robin H!gg «rwted We rons;d.r publishing th.m IS a sp<'Cial i.we: of li,,~.



, posl-anything .nd ·~rything, "mains ,I>< product of disc.mibl. _i>! and culrur>! ptoCCUel: proctUel p.nio11y inde'.nnin.l. ye'. in 001II. 171 ". oy".m'liolly del.rmined; ombiguouo ond polyvolem. ye' un.rly intol><"n' or me.ningk..: open 10 mul'ipl. wns,ruc,ion••nd ron,.." yet never .n'i"ly frt<: of ordc.......... ,he rt'Ility of f"'W'" and c",,",nim." Th••o,ho.. go on to .rgue th...thnography·i. in! phenom.n•. lndeed ... no hurn.nio, .$<:'.'" In ,he otudy of f."ling, .h. fund>mcn,i1 viluc of .,hnognphy i. evid.n' in. """n' ""Ium. edi,ed by Michael Di.tl...nd Bri.n H.yden on ,h• •"h.rology.nd .,hnognphyoffe.,ring;" .,hnognphic .nd arch••ologi· cal =ounn /fom around ,I><: glob< prm,ra'. ,I><: ext'n' '0 which"","" hum.n ac,ivi,j.. h..... universal quality.nd 'hey .1", wun,•••impli..ic ~pbn.· rion. by brood.ning tl><: choic.. of probable inrtrp"..';""". """etim.. cvc:n offering conrndietory Orl<'S." [n .rudying ,h. practice of f••"ing••",hacolog;m .levi.. ""d u,ilize m.lhod. of .n>ly>" ,h.. k>d 10 • dirrrt ......men. of .pecilic hum.n ..,tiviti... Thi. i. 171"'" .""""n' in liIuna! ",,>I,..i•. in which th. rompara'i.....,hooorchICologic>! .rudy of butch.ring now penni .. d.d"",i"" ..... ....m.n" of,h. purposco of .liff.",n' kin<» ofootch.ring "'or'" ""d bone "".,m.n•• nd di.poo>l.'" [nc....ingly. the .n>!,...i. of reoidu.. in ......1. 011""" u. '0 de'.rmin., wi,h varying dog..... of p"",i.ion, .he con'.n" "f ""..d. IOd II><: .... yo in which l'n'1C!> we", u ..d in food production." Simi1.r1y, .tud.i.. of dc:pooitl ...n lead to p.....i.. hi"ori....f dcpooition, for example ,hrough an.mion to p.l .....mom..logical ovid.nce, ,I>< .. main. ofwhich c.n indi...,. ,I><: p~"'" of orgorUc """rt in which in..... ,hrived .luting ,he .pring .nd .... 171 ......' "",n,h•. ll It i••1.., I""'ibl. to rt<:On.tttICf from palaeobot.nical .nd wologicol ",main. ,he ""'1 wid. rang< "ffood.tuffi, """sumed at f...... In f...,ing dcpowcr. sumpWffd. cb.nopod, m.}'gr...,.""'" lrnolwr«!, foor von.,i.. "f nu", gnpr, ond m:my (rui" (penimrnon wberry, plum, brunblc, .lderberry, nigh,.h.d., blockh.w, mulberry, nlk>wcr).•Iong wi,h grecn•• nd .m.lI graitu C.m...n.h. punJ""", p"nicoid gruon, cup<:twttd,.nd .purges)." A, rho I\lyr:r:n...n ~ncruary Of Ayioo Kon...n,in"', Ham~:oki. and Konoolaki pig, red dec" mouscl..,. mel< d!. in ,heir .n.lyoi. o( ......1. from C.bolci. and by Pappa and wlkogu.. in ••rudy of ,he drink· ing ....p' /fom I\bluipl.,. in Macedoni.... AJ; no,,,,,, chemic>l :m>lyoi. of con,.n.. >I,., promi... Kl.ntili ,Oon "f.pecif.. food!, .. ~ by Schm.nd,-Bc..."" in h., rcvi~ "ff~•• ting in II><: :mei.n, Ne" £:0<"



16. ComIltOIf ltId Conuroff 1991.

p. ,0. 17. Coouroff ltId Conuroff 1991.


19.0.....1981.1'18•. 10. BWOrd l'IIll: Sp
O"Conno< 1'1'11l. I thUlk P.ul llallk:ll

lOr ouppIying thco< 11. T...w.;, ltId Mortkw 1m. 11. P""k
w. 13. P.uk..,



H. lb",i1.:1ppo CliI.. fod Mortkw 1m: M ~ Clil. 1m; M





T" ...... CEN ..... N . . . . . T: .. N IN'r.OOUCTION

thot the totol number ofPC"""" f.d a' a k .., a.l'yloo ..... ".nough. by the rul.. of .humb of mod.m Bri,i.h """'prio.... to f«ns help"" apprecia•• the widesp~ad impact of f...ting on the eronomy of the Mycenaean pol><:eo. and they olIO make dear how many .~ .. of ocribaJ ocriviry we... ff~rcd by fcos.ing. In .hi. regard l'olaim.·, ron.rib<Jtion to thi. volume mods. signifi· cant .dvoncc on previou. scOOlo.,hip. H• .,..mines the tobl... for evide~ of the admini......'i,...truclU.. off....ing by lOCufing on ,h. ",1. of individuol" n<mbly ,he ·""llccr.....: in the admini","'ion of ka.ting; by indicating lhe larger context off.OIIing within the proc1icc of oaaifice and wo",hip a' sanctuari..; and by con.idering ,h. g«>gnphical and poli.i<:01 implication. posed by the ",hie... F",m hi' .tud)· .... leom ,h.. ku'ing ..... admini.t.",d in .im~... f..hion by til.. poloces.t Kn",..,.. Py\o<•• nd 'Jhebe" i' wu p.n of 0 highly ",n,roIi...d pol= hu... UC}' th.. h.d fi,m <-0<1.",1 of writori...nd provinciolloou••he ycar.1brnled by ='1 "",iol group-f"'m the flmily to In .nti~ ooci.ry-by kin. moi.ty and oodiIiry. and individool. aning through all kind, of pm. C\l~ ,i

:16. HoI,,,ool ..-.l h .. 'Ml... furlh· ~..., doo loulUdou .. 01.:1002. 31. CIukr 2001. P. 153.


)A"" C. WO'''''T

proposed f<>r fcuring h.~ been equdly ...,;"d, with diffe"'o' <:>l>k ..,,. crnpt.u;'l.ing diff.",n' "'p«" of the kU'." Some tu... oecn rc."'" m«h.ni.m. fur rediSlribolioo. od..... as rutanl for troiQgicaI .nd lilUrgical "'.""o....-in order> for <:",rnple,lo main••in ,he COImie order. n.c tnuI., ~ " Of H.)d< Crico pcnn••' .. ,he many dimen,ion> of human oc,ivi,;os." Aorording to Hayden, r..... """lI
I. mobili"" lobo<; 2. ""ale coopc",ti... rcLni.on
exclude other groups: 3. ''''ale """I"'",'i"" :oIli.".". btrween social gro<'f'S (indL>ding political .uppot', b<:twttn ltou.. hoIdo); 4. invest .urpluoes .nd gene..... profits; 5. >ttra<1 d<.i",bk m ...,.. bOO<. 0I1i.., "" _.lth =hanga by :&
6.•"'••• political power (rolurol """r ~rres lIld labor) through the c....tion of a ... tw<>rl< of =ipt'OClll dn' to M)""ruo:on onei.,y. Kilkn hu argued thot. among .. ble.. from I'yloo, To 711 ",fen tn prep...rion. fOf • fust upon the .I'f""inlm.nt of. new magi........nd

Un 13S "n:wrd. the provi.inn. fOf a bonquet held 'on the initiarion of the king' {",~-jo---"" ....tj .... ·"~-a-"./"'~ ..."",,6r rp, "",..Jkil).'" r.hima discu,ses mh.r ..ble.. thOl link f.uting with ,he ""'....;t. which io to be upe«1, of ,h. palace. but Ju... ly oth.r mo,i"",i"". for feming occurml. bMh within the pa!..., and ""'ong communit;" oo.. ing evidence 10 indi"",. more p=i..ly the ......,., forthi. feud had earlH:r p",p.... d thot the : .. Ay;.,. Kon.. anli"", on Meth.n. m.y give n;uon 10 i"'''''liS''' wh.,her f..." ....re ~l2rly held Of religiou. ant...... but we cannot yet be more pre' oi'" .bout 'he n.ra", of these an1
38. H'yd.n 2001. PI" :!lI-l5; ~ lOO1.PI" llf1-I88. 3¥. H.)« ako 1'i........ OIme, M.Ie", 1'190. l'P.17l-184; Kille" t994. 42. Wli.gh. 1994. pp. 69-70. 43. Wr;p. 1994.1'1" f>J-n 44. H...,;wu...... Konoc>bki XI04.


THE .neENAUN HAlT' AN 'NT.ooueT'o"

4S. Alk.oay 1m: Do.;, and Ikn_ 19'1'1. 46. BilJ
1""'''''' 199'1: loW,....., 199\lb.


IookN. PI..,... whe", this """,ld b< ••peciolly wonhwhile 0", Mycenae, Tiryns, A.in., Amykloi, Epidouros. Delphi, Aigino, ond Ayi>. Triado ot Ayioo Vo.. ili,,". It ",mo.in. diflicuh to identify tb< reuono for feasting•• i~... Clarke'. ~S1 :above (I'. 5) indicates, in moot inSlOIICCS they 0", not .pecif", to Iocoles ond mony of hio occo,iono ,ho' migh' tili pI..., in 0 ....Ies of .peciol f...t., ••pecially when the deity of the ..nclUory is <:el.b...ted .. 0 opeciflC tim. oftho Y".... such .. ,I><: on..' of,ho rw:w Y".... ,ho har.'est. <>t some o,her noN!'Ol phenom<:non morW by celebn,ion. "['II., Line., B texIS th.. record >< " oboervn in he' eon,,;bIllion to this volum., f.osting :and fighting Ote lh. two most ffe<: longs...nding problem of wh.,hor we con uSot ,h<; .pics 10 undetslOOO tho Myc.naeo""••nd if.... how. Th. crwr of thi. iss... ""'IS on wh.,h., 0' no' ,h<;", .", ouff",;'n' .im~ori,ies in ,I><: st",cID,... of Mycenaeon .nd Homoric "",iety '0 wornn' eompatison. Compon,ive .lUdy off.ming p""'tic. may be 0 ponicularly fnlitful ..... y of n:veo~ng "",;.w >lyuenm:. In both Mycen••on .nd Hom..ic ooci.ty. fouting i. pn:dominilJltly. m:ole: octivity in. w>tri<>t lOciory. The ..... ,,;0' ,radition woo estobli.hed during th<; Middl. Bronze Age ond WlI. occenlU.ted during ,h. Early Mycenae.n p<:r ilJld between diffe",n, Iocolit;'•. "The symboli.m .mployed by th... groupo bespeaks thei, role• .. hun'... and .....rri<m .nd i. reflect.d in ,h. iconography .h.red .mOllg ,ho I'tt'-polity paIae... n'..... on ,I><: mainland:and ,I>< island.... r...ting 1 c.ntral practice in tl>< ptoeesf of "",iopoliticol evolu,ion. Ao SI>< n·, eomparati"" oomi""tion ofMycen..on Ind Hom.ric feasting .hows, mony of ,h<; type< of ...imal...crilic.:d .nd Cll'< pnetices of rooking Ind type< of .quipmont employ<: .."",i.1ion ()f the bronze tripod with coolcing game .""h .. ""nison ilJld boot w:so "",tri<:ted elite hun,ing I!""'po wbo lOOk ,n.i, fe..,ing e<juipment with ,hem to thc:ir gro...... W< hope th.t fu...... work will fucu. on ",fining ou, undets... nding of the f.ut. Some oo:uion. thlt we might





se=h for ~~ >griculturn feurs (pl.ming. harvut). ini,"uiorl and funeruy r.>srs. and we at< challenged to imagi.... wh.l kind> of evidcna: W<>UId boo. demoosTnle ,he occurren« of theM: fc:u.. and 'odevelop method< fur I'ro7VCring "",h informa.ioo. Borgna grappks with iuun of so<;a1 ,tnlCtUn: and orpnization in detail in her cornpanti....tudy of Mi""an and ]\1)'<0"'''" tndition. of !Curing. h i. her «>n'e"tioo th>! fc.a,ting,lt5p«i.uy ito m.feria! "'ptnUgh the influence of Mr<e"""a" ru[1Un:, F••.ring in My«n..." _i''Y•• tN: :LrgUe$, >no from the beginning f<><used 00 individual reciprocity Imoog ~ndiring di,.. "l"''''ring in romp<,;,i"" ''''fIU. For thi, "'UO" ,he bd;""" th>! the "">lOOts of fe..'jng.nd drinking :wocia,.d witll M)ttna, pnctice rdleet an ctt!u.i"" proclic. among kin and 1OCi:al!'""'... ,II.. i. iliff",:n' from fcuting in C..,le. Of particular in"'rell i. Borgn"s .".ntion '0 the loc2les of f• .,ring: int.rior.nd c.n,r.oli""d and di.pe~d. Th.....he belicw:$, can be recogni-.ed through til•• tudy of f....ting ronrcxn in .. ttlcIMnt••nd in mort=ry 'pac... More 'll.n,ion to this i..... in ,he cliff.",nt cutlUral .."ingo of the: Aege.n .nd castern MedifCrr.u>con WQUld be ...t,,.ble,., i. dcmon.traled by S'eer. dilCUSlion of the loca.ion of r..Iling deb", in Cl1'rio, COfll<:Jw. ,h_ i........ rc brmchcd in gencr:al,ct"IfI•. In my "".rview. I ""plore dI.....yo in which ,..cing ,h. dcvelnpmcn' off•.,ting as • fu'm:al f""C'ic. :all""" US to ronfront issues in form..ion of. M)ttna, fou'ing pnc.i... by Borgn•• nd Sred, who dcsaibe and int.rpret th. cvide..... lOt "na'i",," fe••ting practice. on ,he.. i.Jando hef"", ,be odw:nl of M)ttnac.n influ....... lbc conmul$ betwttn ,raditi"n:al Minoan and Cypriot prac.i.... on Ih. om h.nd, and ,he Myc.nae.n fea.'. "" the ota... ,he horizont.l. group-reinfurcing m\lclUre of Minoan communi.i.., on Cypru•• mottO edec'ic tradition ...,ms '0 devery drawing from An.,olia, the Le""n'. and the Aegeon. The ou,l\on' idn of M)ttnac.n .lem.nl1 in Minoon .nd Cypriot ron,,,,,,, ..,infurcco 'he not;on .h.. ,he My<enac.n fea" n adu.ive cus,om ,ied 10 compet;,i"" fur stOlu' and power .mong eli , Thi. Wt poin' io I"nicula,ly eviden' in the lrudy of the pu,rery," Borgna .rgue.. and as S.ed illu"ra'.' in he, di...... ion of ,he Cypriot ."ent;on '0'1><, M)ttna
.bou, •






T,l! .. YCuu ..... " U T : AN ' .. TOODUCT'ON

rnongly oymbo~zn tIM: impon.ne< of drinking wi'hin th<:oc: .li,. groupo. h.likr th<: drinking cup. bbout rhe Drg2IIization and sol. f"'W"rful and richly detailed cy.how how tho pr:l<1N:o: of m..ing cY



So< aloo l>aalI. 2002. 48.Tudaki• .,.., Mortkw 1'1'19; ~7.

.... ,1>;00,,;,,,"


,hi. "',>I"



popcn fOf publication in Htspmd; the h.. ~ ,hi. projoccr >long with I""i<:""" and • lirm ~. S~ .t>d het coUcoguts .. "'" American School ofClaooical SNdiell>ubli<-a.iono Offltt h.", brought • level of prore..ion~ oIi.11I.nd "ncmion .0 de"il ,hOI uphold high unusu.1 in 'hio >gt•• hough long • tndiri"".t J/"f'"W' Jeremy Ruttct and llrian H.yden, ,he 11"1"';8 ...".;~ ... til",. held !IS lO ,he highest scholarly ","ooardl: if and ....'" meri, in their I"".. n'..ion, it i. due in Iargt pm \0 the thoughdUl .nd cxttptionally det.iled .tt<we for their help in improving .""h <>Ifeting. Fm.Uy. to all of the pm;';,,,,,"... [ <XJ'rn'S my pc"""aI thanh for their joining in under'wng .00 making their ronttibu'ions rcfk<1 'he wort. of the group.






in th< D<w1"l'rnc.u E.. ly Mp"...., fuli'i«: in LalT"ww I'I9'h. PI' 97-1~. II

Sttu<.... or ~'J""N'<'" Bor>qUd ond B"",,,. fOnh«>
1I<..-.].lOOl.·~ and S""'...· """",,~.. on ,I.: N•......, ond

F..no; in V"".,..k; ond Killtn

lOll.pp.15-l7. Binfotd, 1_ 1981. B-n: Aotind M", • ...tM..... M"iJ>. N..... Votk. B.. ~ K..logy I). Sl> in Mgt... At<1I>oolkm.- BlCS S, PI' l-S. - - . 1'187.Uo... B_Rd.,uf Sm", (RtW"l! ,I>< l'Ml I). ~.

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W<W>',J. c. 1m, -n.. 5",';01 Con· f~

ollll· ogy ol M~....,.rt ~. in 1'1.<0"1 ,IN Go./i- 5-<""';"-' s-N Sfw";. AoO<.J C""",,,






ABSTRACT TIt. .tudy of kuling on the C_k mainland during the Middl< and Lau Bronu Age ~ in.ish" in,o the n.lUre of Mya:nOftJl _iety. C ..'" good. ",""""n""'e ch.nge. in feuting .nd dtink;ng peooetka .nd 'hei' impo,tantt in the fonnation of &It .~'" id Rroing. and dtinking >no<1s.f< &Iso ~tmk

INTRODUCTION In thi. P'per I 511""'" the artihetual evi«: fo, My«tUtion. on p<>tt.ry ond othe, runrotl> anifact,.' The", i. n(> gen.raUy =pt.d ddinition ofka"ing: ",me schoW. pref.r. definition thot encompauco most occo.ion. of the of thit in..,.tigation, I define k ing ., the formal .....mony ofrommunal ••ting and drinking to celeb ignific.nt occo.ion•. I ",dllde the quor:idian pan.kingof food .nd drink that i. ,,"mod ou' fo ' biological 0' fund.m.n,a100eiol ...sons, such,," ••ting with family ot .,,"utIly wi'h acquojnlatlCc whether the ",mojn. am 'he mull of fonnal and rirual .
I. I om ind

J.,-n. M<>
..-.d _fU1 bibliog.-.phy, ond l>htio. Stu... foo- """''''''''' ..-.d ~_ .....n' ond fOr pn:Mdinf; V'gw-< 8. I .... ...., V""fU1 '" fJioabcn.llorg>u.

Mary [}.ol>n

'UIT'"'' ," ","""AU" 'OCUTV

forma,ion of p"'- 00 prorohi.fOric ~.n culrurn at<: b...d on ......101',iOlU of drgrtt of in",ran;on. pan;rularly 'hrough modes of produc,ion and CJlch.nge, induding CJlchange. ofinf<><malion.' H<>dd<mllion Ind change.' H< m.inni", Ihor modd. of oocial idrual f.. m ~ ,h.. =ge ICfOSI . . riou. orders of oociopo~ticol integration.' These ilkntiti.. are m.nipula,'< '" be undcn,ood .. c<>logi....ltcmp' '0 defi"". culture by "reading" ,be ml",rial remlin. of groups who hive odopt<:cUtring n....ly ~ni ....rsally .. ~ componen' ofo,h.. ac,ivi,i...; the unive..a1ily ofi.. pr,>cti ce und<ma,ion i~ I and ~I<' of 'lyle." Particularly Ult>C<m<prcoscd. oflinncd. and changed ,hrough mlny oocial "",ivi,ies...peciaUy ,..... ,h.. bring groupo l<>geth.. for celebration, which are u.ually aceornpani



rroc'" ,ha,

7. D;tkiotoo 1m: Cl>.",1982: 1I ,dal< ioXnti!)" f<>rm.t»n and <>ftring i",,1ud< hon'ing,....n.... cnf, Il<'ivih<s, _ i l ' ogioNlru",•• ..J



...imal ho""ndry.


Il. <.1.• W......,. 1983. 1'199. 13. W,.....,.I983. pop. 257-15K I•. On ....,.. ,hal Nioin< UI"<"4 ",hural i- ;IJJ(l1: H oyd


Fc..,ing involvn fOod .h.ring .nd food di




C. "'.'GIIT

ldcnriry. diff."',...,.•nd oblig'''ion ..., primory oocial m.nifi:.... ';O'U of roi,inc, and. II m.oy ..hoi... h..... oboerved. lM ronSlructioo of ",leo of .tiq"""c fun"". rdineo ,lin< di"inctiono... In,;. and Ben,lCt 1'IlI rtttntly rtK>r>. of .. Myton>",n m...,ill < ....ul< of. pro<.... wherlOlny of ,hi, pro<:ell 01 """,k. Fusting i... vny .ignif'<1Il1 "",ivil)' in ,he furm..i"" of M)nruran culnrn: ~u.." .. _cd .b<M::, if II "<>rly aJways linUd fO other ooci:aI x,iviti.,.. whe,her hunting Of harvesting, wonhip 0' ini,i>tion. Fouting II" pCJ." At Ha,tlcn poin.. OU', f..... have many pr>ctical hcncfi ..: .....ling roopct'lltivc relalionshipo, .llio",,", and p<>Iiticol power. m<>biliaing Iobor; otKI "".r>cting and inves,ing owplu....• An "f,~ .....;.,.;ri.. "ff,,".ring are i"'.m"",n••I,o ,he formal;"" of """'pi"" _i.. ie<. Th<: """,municarive a.pee! of .hi. procell' "f oociol format;"" involves rhe ernr"", ",n "f "yle. ,ha' 'l'mbo~ac the oominan. group. no< merel)' through mo"""'mic embkm. bol :also Ihrough p<>1y..-mi. ones thal rtprc..n' aL.nr OCI;"';,ie< and "nlCWral reb."",. of Ih. group. Thac ore ~ iwn<>gropl>ically and are part "f .he ""mfJUCf"'" "f. _icty', .<>omology,of,he pmp<:t" rel.1.;"",hipo a"""'g propl., _iery, otKI <>arure." 11K pro<>tiem i. an ..... of reroming and. in .tyIi.lie te.m•• "f """"ructing ... icon<>gnph;'; oyn,he.i., .. P:anof.ky defined ,he ph....." Such. 'yntne.i. nettonrily ""clud.. certain infunno,;"", ofac,ivilia not ",1«I.d for inclu."'" in .mblemi. di.particula.ly .. ploy, recording i. 0 propr;"rory oc' go"'Crnc<J by _iol ....,,""', by """i<>pc~i,i.c:rJ .nd iJroIogiaJ hicrarchin, and prescribed by"""""n""n, •..Jilian. dl!j(tn•• and .i,uol 0<1;"". In thi< way. a. Da";. and Bennet oote, ".peeif.. rellional ,raditions achieved .... pro-~"".I prominc"",,:D .hough .he ,co.ul';nll"donIinOfl' 'lyles" are not "",rely p...i""ly OC<'Cptcd, bo, ""her u.ilized and actively practiced, and he""" inhc",ntly mutable. C""""'lucndy. what the trlodem oboe"",. can hope achieve 'hrough ,he an.l}"i. of ,he on:lu.roktgi<:olly re...... red m..e.ial .nd w.itten """"" "f fe",.ing i. on







16.Sc<.e.~ ..

Eli.. 1m, DougII> ..... lohdy 1'Ill2: W,iW-,. I'oromi"l!: o. 17, lhoi,.nd Iknnct 1m. p. Ill. 18. Ih>i,.nd Ikn...' 1m. I' II": •'- Ihi "'" "oir« (l9'lll.w-lJ.l236), ''!''''

rultu...J ~..,,;,.,

,h""'tlh ,t><

"cs,"'" onJ "produ<_ ofltyk.

I 9. F';nm>n 1998. I' I01; 0i0
1_.1'1" 141-\42: H..,.J
.....rs;. of the rth""lltopfb<

<>iolto: l1.oy<.l
1'1" 52-1'9, 121-1.:1-1. f",. mhqu< ... IkU 19'11,1'1'. ,g]-I%: 1'0<. di«u...... of.t>< tol< of "J'I< ;" ....... onJ ci\ilitll""'f. ... 1I.......nd "Qlf.e 19'Ill. l'\'.lS2-259. 11. Panof,ky '939. 1'1" J-17. 13.0.,;, ..... _ lm,p. 114.

"An'NC 'N '''C.''AU>I .octnv


und<"'t.nding. howevt:' imp" ....Lahl. arthacological t......; only thc>oc that arc .n:.te< fe..ting ., Cahokia in .helowcr Mi..;..ippi Valley.'" But it m.y well be that by .ketching the outlin.. of fe'''ing ., • g<:ner:al phenomenon ofMyccnocan paIo.e lOcie!)" din:ctions for fuM" ..ocarch wiU he irxliCOted .hlt m.y lead.o. mo", dclOiled.rx1 .....htl. ond•.--standing of thi. furxlamcntal social acr.



24. S« CIarU 2001. "" 11S-16l; Knigh' 2001.1' m. 25. [h,;, .,..lll<m><.. i v>d Muhly \'187: \9'90. ",,3H-327. n. H"",;j,.b,lm. 29. r...,(oky 1939.1'\' 3-17, "" 'f-.<

""'ke,.. '"

oymbofun\ q( d,;n~ >« JeUi...k 1m; 0;.,,10;.19'90.

1l>c cvidel>CC ror drinking ritual. i. preKrvcd in archaeological con.",," whe", an abundance ofdrinking ""..e1. or the dcpooic'" are twO woys to decide .mong th.... poI.ibiliti",: to e",hli,h whe.her.he deposition of drinking .......1s (or omcr.......,1i a5lOciated with f...ting) wol • ""tomary mo.tu.ry p""'ticc of.he group being "udicd" .nd to ocatth fo< po5Iibk symbol;" meanings of.he .......1., bo.h .. iconographic conven.ion••00 .. icon. wi.hin. particular culturil ocri";ty." A .uita!>ly large and chronologically brood oct of .omparonda i. necClOaJ)' to det.rmine cu.romary mottu.ry pncticn,


JA . . . . C. W.,CHT

.. 1. Pott..,.rholn from K..to s,...... AI,.. I........... ~lohly ,m. r~


their vari.tion "'= time. The di"""",'Y "f rymbolic mnning i. rompliclled both by the fngmtn'ary pr«crv:o'ion of rcprc

To identify a CIUlom.ry ott of onif:lCf$, I ",•.ncr myself h... to ,h.

enmin..'"" of. Myrn>N., the bf ,he Lat. Bronze Ag<'o Its .ppcann« i. marl
comflClitive drinking in which display would h.ve e"h.nced social.tanding.- The d..a unfurtunately provid< neither quant;t;lti"" mo:uures rtOf ron.i".m ront.." tn de"",ns"'''e this "ao<. In monuary oom.." of the later Middle B"",u Age. drinking >nods predominate (Tabk I). lk<;auo< of rho h.t.rogen.ity of ~ cu,rom, during rhi, period, num......... morphological and dew... ri"" ... ria'ions ",n be id
obu..J.n, ".,;do,." «it" lOr ~ drinking """ ..r>ing """,to from ,he =y bod. >w>,f",,,,,!y from the H"".. of the l\>o< Hoi<>, wi'h 'Ur Mi· -.. impom (Z-62); ....l dq>ooi' 0 6OJ, ",,"io

Minoon (MM) IA dlt., ond "'" Cy,Iadi< ;mportal bowh (LnKr 1978. PI' 66--74), Floo. 2 of ........ BS ron"inod both Mi..,."iu"ll.Dt1 Miooan in'I""" ".,.t!y UnpN ond '_'. PI' 8&-'10), The YOrioo. MH 1OC
""ft if<mO (".erne< 1m. PI' 99--109),

Roo"" .w ond .s ..;,tun ,... """pl fondnold ..... or in

..u,,,,,, '" .. yc~ ........ "




----"'e-1;' • .... .'... ... I I ! I II d •• • -• _.-. • .~: •• • • _.. • • •• -\_... • , • -" =:.- • I





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Alp Di
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Fi&U", 2. Gold korIlhomo from M,........ C ...... c;rele A,shaf, I"'" IV. _ A , t'n." (AT lOS~ _~_olC'-'

probably indic.te. concern 10 provide the dece.sed with vessels needed for drinking." In buri'] ....,mbloga .t the end of.he j\1;,Jdle .nd beginning of1"-' LOTe Bronze Age, such ., gnve 1971-3 Of As,..... nd ml"'nied by 0 replocemenl of POllety in high-st.tus burials by lweuriou. ""...10 mode by specioliud "",f"penon. working in gold, silveT, ond bronze,,, indin,ed in Tobin H. I'.nmpln include. gold komh.roo (Fig. 2) ond "Nestor's cup' from gn"" IV of Grove Circle A ., J\Iytenoc;ud\C Ialrer combines Ihe Vopheio cup shope, lhe chalice "em. ond ,he hondks of • konlhonJl, From lhe ..me lomb come, 0 composi'e ~Ielladic-Minoan .ilvergoblet. wilh its corinOled shope ond a Minoan niello IIoroJ ...... (Fig. 3)." I addressed eolloo of troditwn. which were already 0 po" of indigono." behavior; ,hus, foreign objcc..... introduced olongoidt pmtigious item. oflocol origin, Act:omponying ,he.. objocts mus, be. change ofbehovior thO! arlain. their p.... nce.... prestige enhonc<:ment lho, ogclher I>CW cercmoni.. of drinking, and ,he "",iOI di...nce apressed by the Iwrunou. ve...1s u..d in the «rcmonic. arc fundamental 0.pc<1S of ,he emergence of chiefly groups "' developing J\I)'--.nocon ""nle..... Hybrid ,.....,10 incorpo re all ,hese clemen" and documenl the syncrelistic n.turc of e ly M),,

concerned in ,ho, poper I" .how thaI ,he emergence of...""";CO of type ,"u!ted from ,he desire of eli'e. to di.play ,heir tlevo,ed ...rut •nd from effort. to co"",lid..e power. ond I coml"'rcd ,hi. proce.. '0 the odop{ion ofGTCCk ond E'm..an drinking cus'om, by ,he Celt. o. demon"ro,ed by Dinkr .nd ArnoW. "Thi. i"uc h.. also bcen ark>rcd by Clm ond BI.ke in ••rudy of ,he adoption of foreign ce"""i.. by aggrandizing eli,es in Lowland Me"",meri"" during the Early FormOlive period." [wu


31. Wright. fOnhromi"llo. 32. J)avi< Im.PI'- 18.J-18b. 3. 33. Davi< 1m. PI'- 2OIl-220. ca'. IlO. 83: fOr ptd<ns. ... Shaw 1\1\13. 34. Wrigh' 1995., PI'- 2'!"'2'!S, ... aIoo Nmcr 1994, 1995. 35. IJictkr 1990. PI'- 375-380, 382-

3'JO: Amoid


36. Cbri< and 811l

, •I ........ ,-..... • I I I I ,I , • I .... I I I I I I I ! I • I •• I• I I I I• • I II II I --. ----II • --•.'





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s.o..mt, " - 19.1O-193J, PI' 41-16$.151-258

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B 1:127 8A325


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They '00 ~nlph":;zc ,h•• in onkr for lh••yrnbolic meaning of forrign i,emo'o be 'ran.fem:d 10' community, il rnuS! be Cllpressed in. familiar ma,e,i,1 code. In ,h. caS<: ttlcy ""dr, lhe foreign technology of ceramia i. introduced by clay .....d. imiming the ,hap" of gourd YClIS<J, auren, in the community. Signif",ont f<> the prcocn••rudy, the~" inu",duccd tll"""gh mi, lJ1Jl,krcn« of medium _'" thooc UKd fOf oerving and drinking ~quid•. R;,ing .L,•• at E.,ly My<:en...n cenle,.. mu" limiwly h.ve expressed new cuSlom.,hrough familiar funn. (for enmpk, tM uSC of lh. Iun,h...,........ two-handled arinoteJ rup-for oerving wine)

J. N..1Io sobin from Mye<no<. G..", C;,d. A, ,hof, va'" IV. F~",

Ah«M.nn- .... llimonl97J,p1.186, ........,. H....... Vcloll;





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5out«. ~brthJm 1980.1'1'_ 63.!oS. 69. 70. fill'_ S 8_


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while ir",ooocing ~ f.,.-m< (Minoan Ih.pes .nd de>,:and the m.inl.nd .nd con "'''''nably he ..soci..ed with drinking.'" It i. i1so de.. in com~ring Tabl.. 2~ ,h.t,


•0 0 0 0

0 0

l7. On />Ii...- boh"ll.'" MO"lh-

l8. In", Im,M."hlus 1m"", ....... dri~ ..... ~ ;" "'" N... f.>.., ... 1>1"",.,.1980.








r'"1')' SiMr_kfrom


'""mol< .. A,...".

1'"'1"'" S (........). Se. of"rioJ>
while (he: carlie' G ,.., Cirrk B., M)'ttnae rontain! Vapheio cups among open form. i. not.bl. (fable 5). In MJ«naean 00<;"1}'. drinking ritual. ald and .il...., (fable S)!'1l>e.. ""'" replocul by ,he kylix during LH lilA.'" l'articul... ly wonhy of not;"" it • lie. of LH lllA drinking vessels (.hollow cup. om..u Ind large gobkrs) foond in lomb 10, shlfl 11, "fthe «melery It Dend", (Fig. 4, Table S).ln the cootemp"'rary thob It K<>1f .il"", plets, o.Iong with I .il"", 01>01Iowrop Ind three .il"", ronieo.l cups, was foond, while lhe AcmpoJi. T",".u'" /Tom Myc<:n>e cootlin. f"", golden plet. Ind a oemigl<>bulu cup rrabk 5)." Set. ""'h I i thcf these ""to coincide. .ignif"'"ndy wilh the o~ndoncr of the kyfu furm.·'


39. s.. _ ; n Da>;o19IT: Wrigh'. fonhromizI,; L olO. In potkry .....U.. mrnI: I>'""n~ 1986. pp. b+-M. The notion of potkn pr<><Wcing match;"'; oIot

mode m.tehq JObI
(Mounrjoy I'IlIJ, 1m. PI' 57-58) .r>d on< can speak '" IpoWou 1m 19"13. 19"17, on ,I>< AcropOO,Trcuurc.... 0.,;, l~n. pp.2\lI-2'J6,

.ol, Irnmcrwaht 1%6, C;(l;, 19"11,

19"12, 1m. 19%. 1997;0<'rnmpl
from Athena, " " ' - . Myc<1lI<,

and 101Y''''''

.oJ. M.nhl... 1'IlIO, P. JoIO: Mount~ 1986. PI' 64-66. Th< dwIgi"ll romJ-irionoithct< ...... putoithc proccoo of the .. tobtiohmcn' '" UI etiq.>

JA . . . . C . . . tlCHT

FEASTING EQUIPMENT If1M >els of drinking ~ ...l. dcscrib«l .Ix>ve .... p,.."umcd to h.,.., bocn uoc<>d. Thel, di",ibu'i"" i. prno """,i,t.ntly provided the h",.-h.ndl.d ,,~ jar. for li'luid,). Ovcr.oll ,he rnorphologinl ",,,i..ion .mong .h.pes i. ron.id.,..ble. SolO. vari.tion can be o'tribulOd 10 ,he production of diffe~n, workshops ond 10 ,he p~..,nC<' "f heir· fur difT.~nt types of loom.... bu, i, moy be due in p:ut t" ,h.i, p..pa",rion or. perh.ps, for particul... occ..ion. (..., below). 11>< Shaft Grava ar M~n .. tql.....nt ••peciol cue. rew grava (8 el"iloo, .nd A I. Ill, IV. V) <:ontaincd any 'luan.ity "fbron......""1. (Table 6)••nd their <:oncen''''tion ..flOClS 0 ..kttivc g.,h..ing from diffe~n. produce.. 'hroughou' .he Aegean."'11>c people who deposit.d ,h... va,d. sh<>wrneotK: <:onta,.. Al.hough the differc"" may be primarily """ <>f""",,:.t, i' could sugg<'S' ,hot the Shaft Gra'" ..... mblagco m.nif..t a dev.:Loring M~n ..an faS'e, ..peci.Uy .inC<', •• we .h.Il...,. thoy ~101O to peculiarities in fn:oro painting that Morgan h...nribufair, and, 'hc",fon:, cannot ha... h«n mad< apn:"ly for ,he mortuary rite but WC~ ei'her owned by the d..,..o< f , and announce the .ignificance of fe..,ing ,he burying group. The <:ombin.tion of ,he"" vcw:k for u"" in drinking and prtparing .nd "'rving food-----1n «rami<:, brontt, .~""r••nd goldd.mon.,,..,cs. d,..maric inc",.", in fe•.,ing e<juipmcnt beginning ot ,he end <>f.he Middle Bronze Age, focused on a ,10011 group of high-.tatul burials. This indication ofr...ring """tin"", bu' i. n:pn:""n,ed """" widely in weolthy buriili .mong the many chamber tombs 'hroughou' ,he m.inland:rnJ on Cn:,e (LM and LH 11-Ill). The.. developments an: accomponied by on dabon,ion of m.pes and fono., Al'hough it i. difficult to quan,ify a ,pecif,c .. rvice <>f ""'fdrinlUng ""'selo and e<juip-



44. F:...... 901\. 45. SWu..u;. 1970: SWllHakio ond S~. [991, P.SO. 46. Ff6:Iin 1938, 47._1942. 48. W"Jk;c 1992. 49. i\bnhluo 1980, P. l>6; Palaim.

=. M.rthl", 1980.1'1' J-4[-J4l. SQ.

S l. MOIlI.n [990, 1'1' 257-258.




-. :-



c. F>«",,6. B_ _lofton> lOmb

o' up..... P.pou... Aft", £.....

14 l'lOfo.p1.11'1

men, for feasting in ,he d<:pooition of mtt.O! vcud$ witb ,b. duk!:olw:oys lwr< bo:en odi.. inchon I> indic..", m.mor:ablt: ocruion. nf .pon..... hip .nd • reputation for bospi.oliry. Drinking iI a .p~.~ .nd 'Y"'po,;.~") or on an individual bui•. The p",oc""e of drinking ........ 1s in a lomb, <:opcc..uy of lilvtr and Il"'ld (bu. also ofbron:rc "'""tinncc'''' culy .ppcaran« in eli", burial< on ,be mainland .nd .hei, conrinuing predominance, ..peciaUy in the Argolid and Mcucnia, .ugge.t • f>lycenaean ",.fOm. Anention b.. b«n given to tbe appeal'llne< of similar buri"," on Cn:"" primar~y around ICnosso&, and, e""n if no' .he burial. of occul'J'ing Mycenae.n overlord., they strongly indicate 'be




fot diOCUllioo. ofl>.ul< ~, C'-icIJ, lltllt..";.,, .nod ""... PtniUl (p. pp. 1~1S6; l'ot M>«doo'''_1Iona 19113; fot H>JI".n, I « Dictk,- 1m, SJ. M....,. 19'90." 6.



jA . . . . C. wa'CHT

oe<:< .... mbbgeo 10k"",. what Dieck. and Hoyden term ,he "di.cri,K.-a/" re.... i.e., on< ,hot i. marhd by JUrnpru'ry di.ploy!' Metal ~"kJ and bo,in. found in ,h... d<pooin ""' btgrr than ,h.i, ",rami< coon ..,... part. and then:fo~ may indicate ability of the occupant 10 sponsor


oub..:mtiol fc.... ,h.. would h.~ "".....d sociop<>hticoJ .. weU .. e<:<>n<>mic purposes." A. durobk goods of high val"" tl>ry rttwd. p<nonol and.,... cia! history and can be ,he I0O.I1'« and in'ri"'tio" for n.fUl'.... ,C.u'ion i. recommended ;n our .h""",logical and l)'pOk>gical eumin.tion of the",

,hnc mortu1ry obj«to we... of.." in,.. n,ori~ while they...,,,, in u..!'. fOJIi< pur
l.INEAR B EVIDENCE In the Lina< B rc=«I" """,,Is are r=mkf ,h,P"" and typ<'I (Fig. 7, Tabk 7). Tht iblCi...d with fr...ing. Sorne---MY Gt 602-4J04, KN K 773. 1809---0", o:oncerned with >rti";ties of production." A long list of .. bins toOOfd off~ringl to d~;,i.. of amphoJu r.n~d with honq (KN F, Sv; KN Gg 10, 701 ~711, 713.994, 995.7370, 5007,5184,5548,56.37.8243, 7232, 7371, 7372, 7792), which may be exclu,ively I dedi<:>'lion but could II", be used in f... ts!· Otl.~. 'nt> wi,h ..., ..1ideogram, ~

1,767 «,...till< II>< ....ng< bronu tripod (diunpacify. tripods m.y b< impottont b diffCf
55. Di
ocal< f...... _h .. _ " PyIoo (d;0<1«r and Do';" thiI

56, krnl« "" at mu
volu"",),.nd ""'"' .... tripo ao pan or tl>< >< tripods ......, uot
II """",,,,,,nw bwi.ab to buri&h of lH I-Tl: Itt a1>o!\.ph,," 1973: fupham and Catlin& 197': M.nhluo I'lliJ: Kili.In-DitImri<, I'lliS: and



about O.JO

rn: «nmi< <J
..... rang< ("",,0.12 toO.20m (_


In. b<1ow). In volum
day tripodt.i{th
Ji......... and "" O.07~.lO m in d




"'"!ttl of lhmibIti. rl"'" comm.) poin.. "", ,hat it io diffi
'inguioh o/ftrillJ' &om fno0"ll il<."o; _ >bo Hunilakio and Koruo>Iaki 20001, pp. HJ-10S. >bo Saa:oni 2001. B. U.)'kn t1Ol

inp or"n mod< to BOOdha, but 'h

'U.IT',"C , ..


"YCU'A~A," 'OC'~TY


,. JTz"


., r










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rdigious."'n.e app"onntt of rhe cholio: and gobler ideogram. on Tn J 16 i. unique. and ,he bowl ideogram appean only inf~uendy. Thne ide0gram. do not appcll on t2b1... a...,.,ia~ wi,h f....ing (e.g., T. 709.nd Tn 996). The Ta ..ri... from PyIos, Kill"n h•• • uggn~, "rtt-h-ro." The .udi, inclurnu:u>d vari.nts, ..pcci.lIy on lOb· lets T. 641 .nd 709. To , ..... we ohnuld also .dd t2blets from K".,...,. r....' deno'c .pecial ",... Is Of even ..11 of,bem (KN Gg 5637.8243, Uc 160, K 93. K 74O.:and K 872)." A. an economic .ctivity fe..ring drew heavily on ,he ",sourcn of ,he pmc.,:u>d rrquircd con,ide...blc logi.rical pl>nning, .. Kill"n poin ....." in hi. article on ...,e-.ponsored b.nquets., in which he .n.lyu...alings from Thebe••nd their ",lotion.hip rahle" fl'QfIl PyIos.nd KnOflOS." In .hne dommcn.. Killcn otgue1 ,hat cartlc, pigs, and goaf$l'.hccp, which we", ~ui.i,ioned.nd f.nened, we", inrcnded for fe..ts. and ,h., o,her dommen" record the pn:paration of equipmen' fOf a " ...-.ponsored fcas,. In advancc of .ny largc-lICil. f",", polo« off",ial. must ha", hod :u>imili brought in from dilflnr grazing .nd foraging ..... and penned up wbe", fodder ..... provided before they we", rokcn fot ,Iaughte•." Similarly, ",UeJ. fOT ,be p"'p....'ion of ,h. f.as, would be ",odied for _, checked for ClIecrion .nd recording of feaoting equipmenl i. KN K 93, with ideogram. ·219, "126.. "J01, 'J02,:and 'JOJ (Fig. 7:219, 226, 301-303), which record....rvicc of .......l. Ih.. w"", kept toge,her." The ideogram. on , ..... ",bien relied on .h"",hand for noting item•. Fot ,be an:hocologi.t ",!>o C< Li"".. B icIcognmo.nd ,I>< "'nge of obj«.. known fa us. 'n,. ideogram. fur ""...Is do no' lend ,h.m.. lva fa • ~teral reading .. ,hey were strongly modified by lClo,h in =rion.nd type."llow, ,I>





s.. p.a;"", 1m, oJ>d ,his .....-

u.....: Saoconi 1'Ili7.

61.lWkn lm.p. .21. 62.lWkn 1m, 63. A Iidkr

M. IWkn

Mclm:. 1'.1\lO.



Pi«..,., O~';"r rel="nofollow"> aM


65, IGIkn lWO: fo.- 'M pro«dur< in .n
66, loaUidou .. aL 2002: Wright 1994;GalIl}" 1m.. 1'1991>; Whit


TIl< t>bItts in qutslioo If< T. 716 aM n2; ... Palaiml, this voIu...... 68. V...... n.b.d< and mYi


<>(Ml" Kril>«.'" I, i. 01...,. th>., cl'I< oddi,;"" ofl.;,.....,. B signs wi,hin ""rr:lin Nlrognm. (~.g.. "201. oct ~~,g. 7) rnodif",. ,hri, m...ning," and we know from ICXU whe... ,hr vessel form h.. been wrin.n out. ~.g.. PYT, 641 and 709. ,h" Ihc;,Joognm in """'" in.uncro ~ oupplcrnon,ing wi,h words I" ro of .... "'10 .mployed in Ihc p:a1a.cr-:o d ...ic probkm of ryp<>logy wilhoul ta>:<>nOO'lr." M ...hlu.. in nrog<>riring lhc corpu' ofbron........1. from BronK Age Gr=<. ere-ated al)poIogy wi,h .bewildering ,my of 1)']"" and ..m.n.. :ocron:Iing 10 form. ohap<:•• i.... nd dcronli"" .nd furlC'lional ..p«,....... da.. ifl<1l00n rnoch V".",r ,han wit.. """ IOeO ..p...... nled 00 painted pott.ry 00" in fros· roes.nd ideogram... sche.... ,h.. l..d. the ron'.mponry analYSI ,,,de· spair when .ttempting ro dcrcrmi... fun« a, Pyloo and Knouoo h.a.d accounl fur.ach _I. and ,hey dcvioed .....ys of adding dcogrom. ,hat oa:oumed fur ,he vari.OOn and .nabled lhem I" ... r.,. 'n



""""in. ,......Ii.

This digrnoinn ..,....m••n im""""n' ...... of ""'Ihod A. 1\.I,ttM... recognized. we ace nbliga,ed when .tudying p........ro """al >tiSCIo, and in ....... ins'OJ>l:n ......... ndcs of ..p..... nn'ion: pain,ed .......10 in lTeo<:oet. pain'ed ......10 on ......1.. and depic,ion. of 10 in UK. Whik ,he", is no """. f<>-al 10 and ....i' iIk:ogra.mma'ic rcprcsmlation,. ",lali..dy romis,.", u..go .mong dilK",nl form. of "'P"" rnc:nlation may inform us .. to whal ,he 1\.1)......,....... we", saying aboul fcos,ing Ihrough oud1 dcpKrionI.



1'I8Q.p. 78. 71. V..,.,.;, .,.j Cl",.l"';k 1973. p. !la. fitI, 16: V.... .. doDd 0Ii. .... 1m. pp. 185 ('USA ',.;l ("JIlA 1'i'6 rlJJA m--J06 rJI U 1Ja ("}(}]A lS9 ("J09A .,.j 21,6 rJIOf

n, "'" o;ompl<.?OJand." ........

..... wittI ond withooo. I..ndloo, V •

1l. So:< Rn 19I17. P. lS"; IVlWloo and II.-.. 1m: Adamo -.l AdUIlo 19'11; Sinnpoli 19'11. W -<9-67.

14. "'" ....... pl<. Mnthtuo (1'I8Q. W Bl-lll) cuqoriud Unl<s ill", ";,,. 1)-p

  • ""tk-""" .....: round--bo,.;m 3)


    sJ>o..kIm«I ttipnd kerdco with roIIu rim; and 9) "",...t-bor«>mt dio· """""" Ma_ ~ th" ... <"aot> ...............1tOnn If'I""U' .. In ...,.

    ~ b... is onknnwft ... day. _ no ron with ri"l! han·



    ....... ,..

    ht p<>ints ou~ ifrh< fIbIm ~ wry w,;. numbcn of ....... (hunJ«do '" thnonando). rhr> • few (\\'.;v., In.!, I'J' &24, ... abo




    Moun'inY 19\13. W II-Il).


    HAST'NG 'N

    "YC~N"~"N 'OC'~TY


    Tho: Linear B docum.nts '?P"ll"O indin.. ,h., ftooting .... :an imporum activity ,hit occurred with 'ROOgh fmj""""Y.nd requi~ ouch .pt
    ing impkmcn.. u5COf unlike the p""",,,,,,,;on of impur,:ant ....idllCl off","ing, .uch •• the !>limed ... nl< bon.. from ,he An:hiva Room "' Pyloo diOCllssed by Stocker >od Davi. d ..wt.e.. in thi, ...,Ium•. £'hnogno.phicil .nd hi.toricol .lUdi.. of f..sting h.... documen,ed haw communities record f•••U; for exampk, ,he Alth. of nonhem Th.iland displ.y !>IIfWn hom, ond pig mandibla." Hoyden oboe..... thor rll... ..., >=d. of. ·community·••bility '0 spon_ ooch ..... n..."" Wi,hoor rUNoI record.. however. i, i. unclcorlh.t ",m.ino n:cove~ ...,hoelllogicilly could be in..rpmed in ,his m... ~r, they might j...t .. "",n odver-ti.., .he _oIlh or hilroricil p"'ition of a powerful",,,,,,, or group wilhin the community." In rhi, rcgud. Killen', roncluoion rhat ,he Myo:n••:an "".. ",~r to f..." .h., m.rked ,h. tn...,.;,ion of mogi'lTOo rn""n '0 be~.... ,h.. all of lhe f..... Itt<>rd

    DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS M....ial evidence for f...,ing is

    foond uni.......ny 'hroughout the mainland. For ,he ••rly ptriod, it is largely ....tricted to • few 'omb. in ,I>< Argolid and in oourll"",... rn Mesocni.; Ioter, it i. d;mi!>ll,cd mo... widely around .h. Argolid Ind r.lesocni•. Evid.1'IIIndlnt in Lokoni.. A,ri.... Boioti',:and ThcssaIy."' In Lakoni., for """-,,,pl., only ,he Vlpheio ,holoo of LH II do.. con,oined Iny r....ing equipment••nd not in Iarg<: quantity, oIlhough 'hoc cf(.... of ~ng mull be nktn into.croon,."' In A,hli. in the ......m Pclopon"..." "omb., K..ruroktil provWcd •• il.... bowl.• I><mi.phcrical bron.. bowl, I bowl wi,h wishbone: hlndle. and I ...,inOlo:d bowl." In ccnfr.l1 G"""" or Thebe.. un... ,i"". in • "orcroom on ,he ocrop<>Iis lIImed up • kw bmnu ......d. of probabk LH IIlAI dl":' rwo-hlndlcd bowl. piriform jug, .nd brood-.immed

    76, P:W.im' 2003. >nd rlIio ooIwn<. n. SIOund 1'l8O. P. 239', Wnp' 1n<,1'I' ll--26; GWl}' 1m" 1999b, 1'1' .5-19. 69-72. n-!IO; Wlu,2. 71-76. '!S, H.,drn 20010. P. 55. fogo. 2.7. 2.8, Cia<\< 2001. Ofintgh

    k>r h.~ ... found durinK Im-I9'17 raN< opcnriono 01'.... Kodmeio, Thcbeo, in • LH HUll drpooi. in .-.-n 1, _ SnrJu and II.ndri""" 2001. 7'1, H.yden 2001 •• ,,55. 80. H.,.lhMio for ohi. inoig!It.

    Ill. I wioh to ,h.nk J. Jlu..., fQr


    "'ling me to i0oi< It tIlio problem 01 di'lriburion and .neml"' to <:nd • brazier. in silvnd in JOId. the ...., fOlOOU' "'I" (~hnhl". 1980. rr- l l- JJ). ~. p"podopooloo 1m. I'!' 2n-18O.


    JAAIU C. WO""'T

    bowl." Addi'ion:d hoard. ",",,~...d throughou. ,''' mainlond. on ,h. AcropoIio in A'....... a. An'hcdon .nd Orehomc"", in Boi.o,io, ond .. Kalydon in Ai'oIio odd .lightly 10 ,... ~JlCC." ;\1011 of dtcK inslUlttl bctwt:t:n .h. pc1"iod. LH llB .nd LH lIlA, when mojor dcpooi.. ofka"Ulg equipm.n' oppe.. in ehunb.r tomb$ "" Crne. A, dUo time ,... lI'l)nn..,.n. we... eo...b~.hing '... m"'l....... """,lords of ,he Crnon pabJinrion" more high!y orgon.iud cn,i,ies ouch ... chi<:fdom. or .. o,~•.• Tho: mon~. m.y be unde"lOoo in of Dickinoon·••uggesOOn ,h.. lIlyttno< hod a " di.pby ,he eopohiliry It> f...., may indico•• ,h.. dilk...nl cu.It>m. of oggrondizcm.'" cvol~ in difl"cn:n' ...... (or cquolly ,h.. oggnndi:r.ing beh.vioI was discour.ogcd for ooci.l .nd iuId hove been ,he nonn,.nd lhen: i. no compelling reason for diff....nllOci:d groupo It> their identi'ies in the lame WlIy. At the heigh, of M)'CCo..,an sociery in LH Ill. f....ling wu widely pncliced. becoming port of ,he .mbkmic iden,;ty of IIlpn....n politi... 1, i.likely 'hal ,he "'prn






    "'esc ......

    85. M.oktu, 1911:1. p. H. S6. M.,,""', 1'l'11fl. 1'1' 53-58. 81. S
    88.111< ~ ·'~i,..un· i, .-J by Il.yd.en (1995) to mer to d", "......,. '''«<0 of "",,,pl<:oity in~­ .." in .....,;,;"., f",", ~'ari.n to

    ,""'l'Jom. .... ~ •...,." nuant<J

    ........nglD what rndi';"".ur Iuo

    been dctcrib
    «>fIling b. 11':1. DKkinoon 19n.p.54, 90, Wrigh' 1995•• PI' 290-292; 1'l95b. P. 7l. 91. In 1><. m.. "'rfuI put>lic>rion of ,he ·wft-I"""-'omb .. Kolonoa on A~n•. includin~ '''"'''paron.... Ndy of high........ MH """bo. KilianOidmci<. (AII-Ap... IV.3) - . rhll

    .. _Iy .. Mil 1I ,hen: ~ di'" bwiolo ";th """'"' ..-.llunt.,.l.ffif , ,,;mibr to I""" ~~ r<' ili,.;,.,Ii . It ;, .. dW lim<... I "S'" ,locwhctc (Wrigh, 2001, fimho:<>oU..... hl. tha' ,he", ,~ """"'8 ,~tet md;ffcn:n' t>f """prt'''5 ,hI! ..... not gow<mN by""" d."'''''ffiing ,he IU..... ofi """" 'f'!""I"'U" 'c '"1'"

    ..p....,,,,,,,, ",,,,n, .~'"


    U Wright 2001, fimho:<>oUng •• b.


    "YC~N ..




    demor"''''t< superior cronomic and aocial rnourcn. and, only at tile level of tho ehi.fdam and ...... ro off•• 'ributc." In 110m. rcgion.. ooW'OI'fuI groupo. It was probably alwaya in"itutionaliud. however, but "'lher was cu' ried 00' .nd .pont<>rcd by individua\a .nd group!' at allkvt:1s of t<>cicty. Thcoc functional aspec" of fea,ling ......Iy ",maincd io,pon.nl for all ...cial orden after lhe form'lion of the .late-lcvel inOli1\ltions of the Myccnonn palaces. That the . tflc!o, i,..... (along with attendan, pr<>bl.m.) become much c\cartl'.



    'Pl"''' ("""


    s.. lbydrn 2001"1'1'5<4-58.

    94. H<~1oomo in n' ...rdy dorumrn' /OCjrloom. (0«1..laim.2OOl). ~.1'arK>foky 1939. 96. Morpn 1\/85. 1989. 97. H'11M T.... t 1'1' 2<5-206; 0« ..... M"'Pn'.(l'l89)~of




    98.lf.JN Tn..u 1.p. H6;Morpn

    Frncocs th>t iUuat"'«: (costing or lhe prepan';"n (or fi;.... 1M beginning 10 tit< end ofthe Lot< Bronl.< Age (LM I on Ctuildinga >t $Cttkmenta on the islands (of Lll. Cydadic I dan:), and in tho Myccna.on palaocs. Thcoc widcly di.... rse ehrooological.nd geographic context, provide room for. number o( interpretation•. The uS< o( cvidc""" (""" the C",ran NcopaIo,ial period 10 help fill OOt II>< picturc of MyccnlC'ln feosting in lbe 101" Lot< Brool.< Age might. methodologicalJy.be qucotioncd. We need loexamine whetl>



    ""ra,ed .pee;>I i'e",. RICh IS the Cretan-made bronze lfipod. inventoried in T. 641.1, thtre i•• historicil connocri.m"i"" was .noRdan, on an object for M)"'<......., rt«d bt2r no ",L1I;"" II> ,he m..ning it held either for it> Minoan prod""•• or for any simiw object produced ror .<><1 uk
    C",,,,.. and Cytl.dic r",5COeIi 10 pointing OUt "ruclUrai dilferenca ~­ twnon ~ from the N~p:oh,iaJ and M)'=nxan en•. Strong evidtnce m... from tomb .....mbloges and Linear B 'able.. tI... item, m>de in lh. earli•• ph... ofMycen...n culture. i.c_. LH I-II. ron,inucd fO be ulled during the pabtiol period>. Such e .... nion .hat • ct"lin ronsis.e""Y of meaning and practice prevailedat both ,h. fu~ .ndlOci..J ~I.l.ugge" ,hat ,hi, ronlinuilyhu.o do with the int........ion. <>fEarI)' Myt."'nKan .~t<S .. they romp<'M with .""h other in their 0'Wl'J regions ...... U.. in 0,1><. ~Ofj' that .....'" sources for pre,tigiou. nguagc of di""",I"S<:), and legend. of a:>cn,()f$, h.l"OeO, ond deili... While M,..,.n"""n frescoes were d.ri""" from rcprescntotion, and convention, of Minoan and Cycladi c p.inting, t~ M)ottn"""n, ad.pted ,,,"" for .~i. own I'Ufpoo<S. W•• houkI he ..... re that whal migh, he .pec:if>ealJy ondc.. landablc from Linea. B Ie>w.r of which.hows mal.. moving in a flie, on. of whom hold. on. end of. pole on hi, shoulder from whidl • lorge jot i. ,o'pended. Elements of architecture suggc'" selting for the action.'" At Ayia Inni • oc,;" of fragments "f mini.tore ffftOOC. from room, 18 IlJtd 20 of ,he N"nheast 80$ri"" h.ve been rcron,rrucred by Morgan as ,howing. fes,mI OIlts.idc ,he waI1s of. scO$ide ,own (Fig. '1). She compares them to the mini.lUfC frcoco from the West I·loose at Akroriri on Th.....nd to that from Tyli.sos. while noting ,h.t the Ayi. Inni~­ con have m.nr elem.nts thal fortshad"", M)ottn..an painting.'" In the freoco m.n :arc depicted st.nding <>Ve' tripod ken!cJ. Abramovitz hO$ suggest.d that <>rIC m.n i, c.rrying to th. kenl•• large brown object from what might he • red table, .nd ,he ""'ndc.... if ,hi, m.y he ondcntoad as venison from the hont.'"' Morgan obsctveO that the c.oJdron h.. "black bo,n marks ...•howing th.t Ih. men.", cooking:'" In other fragmen.. from Ayi. lrini, men are shown <:<>ming from left • nd right in. pro,,,,,.i,,,,. whi.h Morgan comp...,.to the hilltop se."" in Ih. nonh f",oro from the W..t 110110< .t Akrotiri.'" Some indi";doaI,. who :arc pan <>f. p«><.»ion, C2IT}' item, in their h.nds "r su,pended from pol..;. brgc j... hanK' from one, while.n amorphou. objec. hanK' from


    99. Wript 1995lx...:l so:< d>sco.oo-

    '00.1 ,Iw>k LM~


    ,hi, poi.,.


    101.Sh>w 1972.

    102. M"'P" 1m l' 258, 1995: Im.pp.201-lOS. 10). Abrun<>w;n 1'IlIO, l' 61. "",. nno. ~5: for It so:< l' 61. o::noin 1980. pp. S5-59. cat. nno. 66-82.


    ~ ,, . • •

    ·,, .., ,


    •, •



    ~, ,, o





    JA ..... C. WO'''HT




    >n<>Ihe<.... 0"" fr;ogment .how> • maL< wilh. b~ 1>=1, whoAlmmowitl. ''-'g'" ""'y be • dw:uf,'" although Jl.1<»pn <10<. not lingle II>< figu'" OIlt for diocu.. ion. A group off..gments th>t Morgan bdieves rom~ from the __ tern end ofthe IOOth wan, Of from the west wall, dopic'. hclm~.d hunte' carrying • dct" .:lung from • pok. Other &.gmen.. from the west will. l'I)l;" in oak than the IttIIC wilh the men :and kettles. show dogs running 10 lhe _,h punuing de<:•." Morpn cmrhuizes tho, d,.,.. ."'"... ,how ho...... and char;".., th< .ulin. such rep"""n"';",,. in frnro.... M~·. comment. suggesting. opeciol affInity between the K•• ""'net and Mycenu.n frescoa be... do••, in"J"'C,ion."· During LH III $UCh tccncs we", ,till being pIlintcd in Jl.1)"C1U< ~. Sca,rc=J :oround the pabce ground. and within the pala.:e room Pyloo .... fresco frogmenU that =al1.hoK r""" Ay;o Irini. from ••«O",'"olory room (probably ahoY. hall 46) f..gm.on .ombine to.1>ow men and dogs from the hun, >.mt b'll"-Kak mg.mnts. induding 0 OCt"" wilh • robtd m.n .ppartndy holding 0 dud onimol by tht ltgs (Fig. 11).'1< 1"hc: limilorily of thtot Ottnt:l

    F.",,,, 9. FteO

    10 lhoot from Ayi. Inni JUggtOll 0 rd"ionlhip bc:lWttn hunting Ottn", 106. AbrarnooIi.. 1980. P. 5~.

    <>,. noo. 66. 68. 70,

    107. A........".;.. 1980. P. 58. <>,. no. 65. pl. 4,b. 1011. Morp' 1m, p. 20<1: Abtom<>wi.. 1980. 1'1' 61-;,2. <>•. noo. 106113, I .h.... l~ M"'!"n roo- di""","1 0C

    d.... Itt "'" tI.. ..ru..t B"",,,, Agt

    "'honet probably dI<

    ~n« "'" dq>ictioM gnvt .t<1;U from Mycrna<



    ..rlitr.... My\o<w 1'nJ. P. Jl. <>,. no. A.... 'l(). pi. 12: '0 L111 by G"zjodioo (I!I8ll, P. J 71 ,. 110. Morgan 1'l'9O-. 1m. p. 205. 111. ""'- rfN"'" 11. 1'1'1>&-70.


    m. 16-171103. 1'l-20IH3. ...l

    211148: 1'1' 107-1011, f... 12-loICO, 112, rw- rfN..,,... n. pp. 205-207. 212.pl.M. 113. Fr. J6C17: rw- rfNt1M 11. pp. 118-11~. 195. pis. 61. 61. 136, C, ... abo lq', dil<'lWion northwat<m wall. p. 1%. 114. ""'- rfNfINr II, pp. 49. 74-75. fr. 3111..... <. pi>. 22. N.




    HAn,,,,, '" MYe."AU" ODe'ET'


    ~~ 10. FftO«I

    from PyIoo; "",n.

    F"""'" 11. Fraoo from PyIoo; huntcn.. Min IW,,,,,_II. pi. '" _1'rinceo>

    ---- - ... __







    JA .... C.



    :and pin;"n oI"'''''Y''''l'..-d by Morgan in he, ..... 'meo' of
    lM ~..,nc< of d«r in 1hWOlogicol.nolyoc:s from Pyloo, Tsoongiu,.oo Ayioo Kon,ron,i....,. on M.'hano,"'.nd by LiM1l II toI>rcco; Iknn.t, in nooing d«, on .. 0.1 imp ion. ond On twO IIbk.. front Pyloo (C, 591, 868.875). suggested , they were rontribution. to f..... by di,•• ,'I' W. muor ron.id.. po"ibk restriction. 00 the comumpt;"n ofhunlW rood. by di«<, 0 poin' =ntly ma& by HamiWci..,., Fo, .Ia'e, period, we In: 'old by Ath.n..u. (1.17-18) ,h., King C.osond.r WOlI not permitt.d to rttlin. at dinMr aoo had to remain .itting, .inc< he had MWO' .pducro "f rhe hun., may "'l"< b,ts t"'t 'he A,hr:nian, prererred '" boil pig .. i, .. Iu:, away ,he r:owncu "f,he me", and ",ften. i,.''"'lM boiling ofpig i, ‫ןס‬0o m.nt;"ncd in th. JlisJ (21.362-364). but... Sherroll discu..... in her cootribut;"n to thi. volume. this method of coolring i. not "'herwi.. "',..ted by H"",CT. A u'E" 'luan,ity of bpriat< ,.....J f",
    W1' ,


    115. MOIpn 1MI. P. 2O<:"The

    rel>honohip of,heoe ..".... deed",.,. l>un'". <Jwior, ~,.,.,........_fOr< m..... 1CfIO< in 'emu ofl>unti"f! for the



    i. M)'
    pbyed """"

    "* ;" MJ'
    111. Murray 1'l96.f' II>. Ill. H"",ilokis 1003; Ilceb, (1911"/) h.. fwod ,h...h.. bona ofdee,-" PIotai. M'W"'10 Zarkno ..,,,,, tmI'cd


    t16. f'yloo: /WM< 0« F..1cnm
    fe2o,i"ll'" S« ...., Koo'orb_P.podopouIoo t'l96.pp.tlH12 1t 7. If_S"" T.wI;, I. pp. lJ'l-141.

    • .um.lo; Ilbonk y, \1.".;1P;t d;""";"l! _ '" ,hi..,tid•.

    pedo. J- Ro"" """''' ou, (po:". d only '" bulls .. ,h.. ..-, J"I!'Ub>- ~

    t20. H...uwu. 2O(lJ: I th.... k Y. H",,;WU, r.,.
    To.,., u.



    t 18. l,..kidou


    om.. ,hi

    01.1002; S_I.:. me;


    n...m... ,h;, """'_; H...u_

    ,,L,..,.\ ~ 100,,1. t 19.

    Ik"",,, lOOt, PI' ....15, el.

    M."'" 19117.. p.11U: 19117b, f' 163, f(..- ,h.. """'"



    113. I th....k Phylli, Ik>bCf f(..- cIaO" 1'00:""", of ,hi. ....... r: Speth (lOO4) "'I"'" th>-, the bnili"l! of .....,. espe" cion, ,h.. bona f(..- their mM>VW. o1l"
    by ""...... r". 114. A poooihI< """'" buth r.. priz'''f! -... rtipodo ..,.\ moki"lf them l.tgc, ,han .......... """",'" >b<wc, ... 56, ond >I", Sh..",u (thit _}fotfun....


    ,ripoJ ......1o.


    .... STINC IN .. VC.N ..... N 'OC'[TV

    'hinl< ,h.. one type of Myttnx.n fe..' .... r'tlmt Pyloo (SIocl H.r r'tllontion oJ"" presume. lh... corpus o( mini.",.. fresroes KrvW ... m.jor""""", for Myttll2O:m pllin<=, who ","tinoed '0 pllin' mem in the po!OlioJ period, .. Sh.w h:u often obocrvW. ,,. Orhc,lOW'ttlI,of c.n.. OOIIc.. I Egypti:m painting, .. hOI fmjucn drown by thnc «>mJ'Orison., 1>owcvcT, "'" t..sed upon highly mgm.ntary ..-iden«, ,lit ronand o.sooci.tioo. of which ... nol oulftcicnlly cI... 10 f"""C lhe linl!o'}" of d,i,coulX dun upon :my ..........,d critical cuminatioo of ,Ite """"n«. The ..-id•..., p«sling .nd d,ink.ing, ... ted in ch.i.. with X--.h.pcd croos-pie<:e<.l1Ic: Py\os mgm.nto h been inl'rp..,.. d by Long and McC.uum as furming pan of. dccofll.,i program of lhe .nlnne. room. '0 lhe ccntral mcguon, con.i,ring of • pto


    US. Motri. 1m, pp. SIS, 53+-535, 2000: Cain 2OCl!, PI" 29-33. 126, S.... w 1980, 1'1%, 1m, 127, MOlt =
    JA . . . . C. ""'ClfT

    a """"< p"""",ion: pyxide. or b""",.,l"'l!" ohallow b<>wb, and a ~mp m.nd. '" On ,he wolJ of lhe mega"'" ilOdf i. ,he famous """~ ohoowing ,he lyn:·p~ytr, buD, and individuals sea,ed on cornp..ools on .irna.ide of. thr«-kgged tabk (Fig. 13). Th••mi", f<"~ brings 10 mind oth" proc<'.ion f",,,,<>eo from Knooooo, PyIos. Tiryn••• nd 1hebn ",h.", fogyrn CUT)" oimiht i..rno. ", The goal of ,h. pr<>«Uiont i. un«nain. \V.. i, for p"'""'>lion of lribute or pan <>f. fali"'" ,h.t ended in oocrifl« .nd fcuting? Or. combin>tion <>f ,he><'1be rn'<>rW buD in ,he Pyloo frnco<>Vl<eo rn. o.othe. "'" mi..ing. To :woeio", these ...... fflgrrl''''s wirn the Compstool F"""", details of wh>eh"""hoown heR: (Fog. IS)..... must l«OfItiont. The C.rnp.."",1 huco i. '00 fngmcnlUy to R:COI'l.tn>c1 th. woole f<"n., and .in of ...ted m.1es f.eng eln recon.rruct.d the enti", f<"n. in lWtI

    F '&"~ 11. PyIoo mqan>n lTeoco; ~. ~ I"indoJoool,"'" ... }ooj;l'>pon; ....... J. ~ ..... L IWtuo
    ,.(.,.".". S


    Il', 1WMt
    Ill. 11ll1l1«W>ht 19'1(}, pp. 11+-118. Ill. fWM. I{Nt"", H, pL S3, IT. 19C6: 1f.,IWT..... 1.pp.195-1%: ........ Sal«U...kd 197O,pp.I78-ISi. O!hef I<'f"<'<"lallons '" ...mfK< II< bI«wn from oign
    (1970, pp. 1.....1711). Larc (1''''''''1{

    _ll,pp.l6.lJO)~ dIa,

    f" l!lCS in ........ ,ibuIt nur "'Pf<"0' • -.... "'bull ...mfK<, b.Il oh< o

    ~. l~.

    Ililkr 1999 f", on ....... cip6on of ~:1)1>Ii>n pan1Ip>m (PM lV.2, P. 3'11l, f'l!' 3lSl, ..... it boo0<1 to • olender .l<'m, ""'id1 ri_ .. rti


    ,n. ,h.fK<. ~'''' .... fo<m, lm,p.l52.

    PM IV.2, pp. l81-396; I n




    ....... ",,;: IN MVC,NAOAN 'OC'lTV




    .~ "II"'---,~,===",,..--.,,,IJ. PyIoo m<proII rr-o: Jy... p1a~, oacrificiol boill, &nod b&n.q.......... .~'I"""

    K. E.l<....... ,r"" McC_lm..



    _ I . . R, McC_

    .igure 14. Ayio T riad.a _hqus.

    ...... (CRU)._






    ~;,;u'" 16. Rin«fromT..,......Mtu M ......_...d H"""" 1",3. pl, MI. """"'!"11....... V""s

    1'"'5""" 17. S«n< "" clwiooI ktu<, from Ti.,..... Aft" KilO.. 1-' I'll,



    1~3_ Ki(i..,

    1980, P. 22. n, 10: "'" fi...kpo< .. n.a-n 1 rel="nofollow">0., .....1, II>< ""'. ..I _ "'" t'w>rruy. Kili>n.t.imo ;, ;,

    .. ~ m.... l~~. I(ili..,

    1980, PI' :lO-Jl; I..............J (1990.1' 154). how

    14;. S..... Im.p.l106, 106. Pb"", 1~71. PI' 6. 65. 1121~8: _ I~J1.p.Sl; KIN 19:1O19JJ.al. -.600. 1IS4: .. ~ ; ' II>< d., Syteo cho1k<. prol>obly from

    ell""""'~;' 1957.

    147. Th< ... lIdkleoo_ i&opom ;, found on <>Ny two 0100 Li...... 8 documrn": KN K 7J5J and KN U. 160 (V........obeI<m of dioli... ~nog


    dc;na from hum.... PI' 57-6l);, W<>fth
    Tiryn.;'" i, figun: .utM in " chair I>olding" kylill by ito .",m ...hiIe chariots nee around Ihe .......1(Fig. 17). Ki~.n odvocales lhe inle.p""Olwn of Ihi. occnc .. I deily It func,..) gomes,'" although 5,..1 h.. rttcndy :orgucd for a m<>n: gcncr.ol in..rp...... ion, wging ch.. i. be unde...00<1 mc.tly .. " 'occnc denoting an an",,,,nl;" lif.Sly\c.·'" These Ihemlti,.. in'erp...urions elution again>! adopting Iny ,;ngk one. The common di'pl.y of I goblet 0. chalice, ~,i ••igniflCant Ind is open to further anolys'" The Tiryn. ring p.....ntJ I rompkte 00<"', Ind ,here can be no mi,nking i, .. I pr-..< 5hat'1 Gil.... It M)'ttnac, and the tl>olo< 11 Dendra in ,he Argo~d.,.. E.peciollr important i. the: unique If'I"':annce of the cholice and goblet in ,he linear B nbktJ (see Fig. 7:21 S. 216), They If'I"''' only in T n 316.t Pylo<, ...hieh .... hI"" O«:n infCfJI",,«I ....ext «eo< choJice and the goblet roomnn ". tIl,ion of ,he Cam!",,,,,] Fmc<>, al],he.. c>:Impl.. muSt be con.i


    " tho: {US'_ and .he <:oon«l;oo, bJ•• Although the ....gamn f~ 1\ 1'1100 penni.. an ..oociat;o.. betwftn ~on, locrifi"". and f•• sting. and 01 Ayi.l,ini it i. probabk ,h.. the ~,i"" for (outing;. ><Wmpani.d by. proce.. ion, it i. und.., if ,h.. i. ,h. C'UC for u.h.. dcpictcd pmtt"';oo" s""h .. the Processioo V",sw .nd the G ... nd Srairnse F",oco at Knoooos. Thord"",•• dini"",;"" herwttn f"",,'" po1Kc-c="'rW <:n<motlioJ procession. and (c."ing rna.. be preserved.'" Proces.ion (",loCOeS are. """'pk>: gem.. wilh many oourcc' (e""., Egypt_ lhe Nco< Eon). n·.nd may h.... bttn intended (0' • V2rimo:nt.ti"". of large formal I'r,.:<"sNm. in the Ml""'n...n palaces .. Pyloo, Tiryn., and lhcb<,; may draw on d>< ,ruli,j"" ~;zed in rho gre't Procession Fresco at Knoooos and ,he fresrocl at X.,.,. 4 .. Akrotiri, ," but they may also ...."'" be,.. ..d.pted fur M}<:cn n purposes, os the procu megaron ",ite. No m'''er which iconographic lTIdi,ion the M~n...n. we.. drawing on (large-sale or mini.lUrC, Cret.n Or i.lond or Eg)ptian), 'hey 'ran.f<>nn<:d it ror ,he;, own purposes Ind used i' ..peciaUy lC> organize an doboro'e mc:.ning around and within the mepron uni"., T,tyrl•• Thebeo, MY"~. Ind Pyloo.'" The", p~' and 'heircono'ituen' icon<>gnphic enoembleo exp.... ,he hierarchieal chlrKtus .nd ran: ..."....xI... non. of ,hetc: prac,ices,

    ,.9. n.c !""<"MOon diffc< ;" ...., ".,... "",h .. , , f~


    from x....... Akron Freotwc. In 8"........J ,!>c M,.... ...."" ...",pIc. arc "'" ootIy ~, ho, ...." wi'" ,!>c uuptioo. of du, fmm I'yIoo. ronnin ootIy """""", ""'''h d;'ringuiohco them from the ;,a",j .nd C..ron c Ouun«d .......... the a...,pIc from K _ h.. • boppUC1Idy dcpO


    p." if they ..... -.,"" kf. llooloti. 1987). Lang.1>ow'hat 'l>c MJ'CCfI...... dOd "'" d;,'i"5"ioh bctw drily md pnm.... md .... ,,"co(""'-c ..gul..



    ~ fO>eheo, Ti.,.....l'yIool ..

    P"ll ~ on oJ". '" ,hrine md bc"'ll """~ ., ,he .. me rime nf 1"'-..... ...,." '" ""I« ofI'er;"p md pt.\cok> tlo
    'n '0 beo_ ,l>ci.

    151), '''''-'IN.-II. pp.5HI: lmmerwahr 1'190, pp. 11.... 121: Iloo.10-


    1m, Hill<. 1996; Rduk 1m.

    lSI. Higg 1985, PI" 210-214: B.xdo!;' 1'1117,<", PI" 151-154. IS2. IIoW.otio (1m, p. 155) "l!"'" ~ du, the ~ Foibno'l 101_ knocd by 1............... (1'190). ISl. McCoIIutn 1987•• I'lS7b; PoJ.u

    154. Kilion 19S1: BIQ; 1m, pp. 216-217: 1'1%: Mc rompl

    ""IT"", '" .,YCO"""",, 'OC'.TV


    Aege.n flnOOeS f"'O"'id•• ricb bu. fngm.n,af)' and genoroliud picro", of teu,ing = culN"" and ""'" geM..tion•. lltc .... Iy cnmpks :at< found ettJu.iv<:ly in Minoan "YilLo," 01 ilic mons;"", of"".hby i.tand.n and consequently offer .....rictM. elite view ,hOI "..d not be n:pro.. n'a.i~ of the procld communi.i...'" C.n.inly f••,ting equipm.nt belonged to the elite, whether tboo< of pal..... 0' vilLo., and they would hove molt lik<:ly sp<:>ns<>n:d and benefi,ed from f...rs. '''It i, probable th.. the ocquiiition ofbmntt, lil~" and gold ......1s by aggrondi~ing MJ'CCn•••n <:Ii,., during the beginning yean of the Lore Hmn.. Age mult,d !Yom th.ir participation in .uch fes,ivols while on Crc••. Th.ir Ittn>clmen, of f"""ol fric:n~ ~ rompctiti~ display initially for the pu.".,... of promoting solid1rity within tMi, ",.in....nd '" gain p<:>litic:olouppon and f"'ll" oIli.nces .. they expanded thei, conlro1."· r....ing was a mean. of mobilizing bbor, which bec:ome • m.j<>r concern .. Myc.nae.n chi.f. be· gan 10 moun. m.jor con"'''etian projttts, ouch .. monumcnw underground "tOOlos"I"mbo and Cyclopean ,101\< fottification.,'" and manage lorge-scale dr.ainage .nd fanning opcl'Oti<>m, .. at Kophin; near Tiryns .nd in.he Kop.ic buin. h i. equoIly rtOson:oblt th:ot f,...ing m.y h.~ been COlTied cM to mark the change of magistracies.•• Kilkn argues,'" .i".., ,he focu, "f ,uch feasting -gain ",inf"rced ,h. hi....rchicallOcio· p<:>lilical,lNetUrc of ,h. f>1J'CCoucan p:mcc _Octi... At the """. tim., as o.lmey, Halst.ad. and11lom.. argue el.... h.", in ,hiI ....lumc, r...ting in the ",rri,orie< of ,he Myttn..,.n polili.. could h.~ conlinued to .."", the purposes of .li, they expanded noo of oblig:otKm for .lIia".., building. for nding political.nd ideological dominancr•• nd for ttOnomic pu'J"'&
    159. Thio is..;den, ;n ,he di,ttibo!ioo ol.,.,..;I'"""" ;n rhr pal...... and ".ill.." (,..'I" ~bll; .. Knooooo. TyIisooa)

    " . .00.

    .nd in dil< tombo. .. " An:I>aneo, .......... " ' - and at 1'1..;,100.


    H.yde" 20010, PI'" ~l;

    158.llotgna 1997. 1999, and ,hi> YOIum''' ... ...., Moody 1'187, Ruu.., ron~ M"'1I'" (1998..... 205) atgU<" th:or rhr frttroeo .. A,;..ltiRi .... IoctJ ptoduct;"''lI rep.... nr;"Il1octJ ....mnooi
    160. ~. 'M """',.,...,

    0."...., 1999


    161. Wrish' 1987. 162. Killen 1'l'U.





    .. Ye~N"~"~ 10CI.TY

    .'SUr< 18. o..... tto... E... ~ kntu.M.po
    P"'" i. enknown line<: nol: .nough is preserved 10 =on.UUCt the ,"ne. '" A conical,hyton from the <:Cmc1'ry I' Klmei .... on Rhodco i. """n Ic3t casily endc..tood. ," It iIles."u.. a high-handled kyIiJo in ,he mid" of a group of ,hrtt .!2nding bouI (or men dteoocd as boars). i< is possible th.. it rcprcocnlll rimol 1Obna:, pcthlpllMlCiJotcd wilh lh. boar hen•. Whether or not i, can he u_iucd wirh feuring ",maim ,,, he dcrnons'rated. 0 ..... rq rel="nofollow">t

    168. Vd~. 1982, P. 228. at. no. ot>d pl. XlI.28. 169, Vcrm
    pi. Ill),.. b. I tIwIk J. Rul1,. k.r """


    170. !UtI" 1'180, PI' 150-15J; IV.troWoo 197J,p. 21,p1. 10:b; I~ 19'15,

    P. 1l.,IilI. 7J:a. 172. C'''''''ll!> and ;\1« 1'I'Il!. p. 115.

    A dilfincr M)""n..... socicry eme~ on ,be mainland of G~ betwttn 16OO:and 1400 Lc.,dclYlOl\Rl"lted bya roru.i>t'I:••d. from the Shaf, Gra"". i t /I.1)""nl<, a broader ?"n.m of di.play d"""lopcd. particulorly through the dcpooition of bronze f.asting .quipmenr in dite tomb> di.tributed widely"...,. the arc.. of Myccruu:.n domino""•. n.c.. practitts ore .igns of rhe compc.i,i"" .nd somewhat displrat. nlmn: of oocia! formation among ... rious .lite groups. This competition """nm.lIy led '" ,he adoption "f • common Myccn=an .tyIc .nd iconogn.phy If ,ho: time of

    J.... u



    (pn>b2hly winc);'" proeoWOfl' nc>I "",hi,K1t Ind implcmcnll .pttifk for fClm; rhe colkction of .peK1 form. Ind of ,hei, tepl"tiCnmion indiC1r", pl..icub, cmph..i. on d.inking.....hich resuJlI abou, the rime of ,he founding of the pal~ in LH iliA in I ritual of 'he conoumption of wine ,hit i. choraer.ri=! by the .... of I Imuc, for holding (and mixing?) rho wine. I dipper. Ind a goblet. kyfu, o. angular bowl fOf drinking. JuS! .. carli... Mino.n and C,.:W1i.c fc..ting practices infl... nced ,he r..... of ffi.1inlond clirc. It tIu: beginning of rhe Lare Bronze Age, rhe Mj'ttnlCl.J1 f••" found flvo. in m.ny .te.. wirh ....hich ,he Myte in the Aegean Ind ...rem Medite,,"ncan. c",,,inuing ....n Ifte. rhe demi.. of rhe mainland p:olac. cen..... Thi. i. rhe po:riod when the .ymhols of the fc>Sf It< widely iIlUot.... ed on painted pou''Y. C'>p«iolly on Cypru•. "' Sr«l .Ioquently .hows in he< comribu'Nm 10 rhi. volume. hi. "1'1"'",,,,rh., drinking i••n important pan off...ting activiti.... evidenr from rhe drinking ......1. foond in rombs .nd... rhe .rudi•• by ,he other ronttibu",.. ro rhi. volume demonstra'" in fcan'Olidating ,hci. leoderohip Ind building Ihe .n.giance of • retin.... Thc practices of fe..ring .nd drinking go'" hoot> and 8"<''' alik.e oppommirie. fo' .ignaling thei, "",ition••nd ,,"tu•. Murray argues rh.. in Clmi",1 time. panicular types of f•••ling ",n be: identif,ed and rh mong rh. Moe.doniano. '>'1'" of f....ing .merged ,h.t ",p"''''cd hic rchy amonll: Ih. eli.......ho wnoundcd tIu: royal houoc:hold. '" The organi.. rion of th..., fcu" ",Ik€t«l oocial "",irion. with m.in particip.n .. in ,he principal tootn. and o,he .....t«l (0. "",lined) in outer hoI!II and rourrya,,". ,n Somerhing lik.e thi••rrangement m.y hove been raking pia<:< in the Mj'ttnaean poloccs. G... ndiooc di'pl.ys by M}""n....n .lite.. in p.ni""l.. rhose rdleeted M)""n.. berwecn MH lIl.nd LH HI, byburialo in Il.. Sh.ft G"' .....'" t>«:<... 'Y e..ly on r" bli.h "",ition. of dom;nonce and display hoopiroJiry. Sponsored {ca probably held ",,<1u.i,,""y for ,heir kin, imponan' ret.in.". and .1Iied peen. "The import.nce of this ><:rmry i. ...gi...",d by ,he al'l"'orancc in tombs of rhe grc.. mrd. in Linear B•• nd in fr<$C
    I n On ........ 0« I'2lmer I 'I').l.

    tW;:.oo K.r

    bar..,. ....... and Ipi
    ,.;...... 0« ~I


    174. Morny 199I\.l'I' 11>-25. 175. s.. "rcciolly A, .

    numogc f<.ul of Al<J
    I'uIio (Mu.....,. 1'1%.1' 20); 0« "..,Aoh.1.l7-tS.

    .... n'NG IN ",VCtN"UN 'OCltTV


    ricipal< in (.,....... Cln be ",rmised from ,he .mul.,ion of eli'. expr<'.ion. of fouling 'hrough ,h. rompromiKd ..-.lu. o{il.m. ",ch as cenmic imit.tion. of metal vc<sf a Mytcn... n social id.nrity ricd to the .m.rging po~ticil.nd economic need. of the paIac... For the eli.... ~r. the obi~ty to .ponsor f "'prrs eeonomic dimcn.ion it both gt:<>gnphically ond drmogn.phicilly bro.d. Any ",I>stonlial f.ut .ffC<:fcd directly.nd indirectly a I.rge and di""rse popul.tion lhroughout the territory held by. community... Poloim. in~ diCIt.. in thi• ..,lun><: in hi.....dyof.... Lin.., B cvidr~. Then:fon:. the 'ponsor of • f.ost drmoostnt•• the obility to bring Iog.".. il symbolizes the nee ty _.hhlO comm.OO technoIogicilly IUl"'rir>< enft item. tlut we.. i"'trument'" in the prep....tion <>f dite f....., ..pcci:olly diocritic-ol ""'•. ,nTh<: .pe"'rcd inlo lhe [ron Ag. without. brcol<, Ihroughout lhe ut. Bronze ..pcciallyon CJ1Iru.. ' ·.nd bcwm...n icon in Clusicil ti"",., os Jones h•• "",.nfly :orgucd. '" H,irloom. corry a history of their own. which can be "t..ed by participanll in a (.,a Through "",h .torytelling, participan" ond sport"'" can asKrt ond blish cl.im. of ... IUS Nck through the gr""rotio", ond. in puojng the tOO on. look into the fulU... A fcast mu" h.ve food,.nd meat of course it highly rcgartkd d"" to ito COlt .nd osoociotion, will. the hunt. Th... _ I « lh... olher a.pect. of the (.,." n:pre..ntcd and recorded; rhe h"nt. proc..sion•• nd ucrifi"" [n Aege.n .n the hunt "'n.... on ond boor. The bou hunt Iu. not b«n con,idrted in lhi. review beea"", os of yet the.. arc no ck.. lUlQCiation. with anyof the fCuting $«nca.'" It m.y he th.. the bou hunt was. 1Cparot. octivity, .-rvcd foo the elite ond, .. we know from loter !IOUrc...,,, • .ign of manhood and the .. fo.. a trictcorigin'" way--of proyi.ioning me" .nd lhus identified exclu.i""ly wirh pee' hunt.... rrio.... porh.po with rooking in • tripod.



    176, \"'-..-..r 2001.1'1'- 117-119. In. B1'OOI.. lripod kcttkt r>ng< in

    .... from 0.20 to O.sl m in diomt
    In. P>bi 200J. 17'1, j - . 2002, l'I'.lSlI-l59. wi,h ..r...n<et; P.J.;,... 2OOl. p. 200. n.l7.

    198.; M,,,hJuo H,mingway IWf,

    190, Coiling 1964.

    1m, 1'1'- 3l1~lJ-4; (bu, ... C",~"~ 19'17). 181.j-.2002. 182. r",. full o
    18J. Mwny 19%.1'1" 15--IB. 11l-t. Il


    oo .....


    JAM" C. wO'''ItT

    Alto import.n' i. the oocrif= of domet'ic rel="nofollow">.'ed ""imalo: ""ttl<, p;g.. and sI=p (and ~bly other ""imal. docun><:n'cd by rtten, r:u....,uionJ ., 'hr: Mycenae"" .hrine at Ayio< K"..",,,,,tinoo on Mc,h'IU).t"'11>cir oJough,cr. ptq>OtOtion. and rom.umption have • muhirudc of me""ing> for ,he fcu'ing group md in oponoor or.ponson.lhc .rum.u rcprnocn' _a1,h and 'hu. emphDizc ,he .p«ial os;"" of 'hr: fcu'.1Mir oacrificc requirn Cllp! okill i. a1.., ncceoury in the ptq>OtO,ion------fu>m the mUlufacNre of • voricty of.........1o .nd implemen" ro ,he f"Cl"'""ion of,he m.at byapcrt cooks. who boil. ro..... or grill i" and who u"" ""ic...nd "'uorUng> UK! a ,;orie!)' of recipes. ,.. n.. :mimals pruvid< • high Jnocl of nutri,;.", for ,hr: fe..'e..., and 'M 1Ct of •• ting them ;. a sharing of f1cah and bkx>d. For ,hi. "",..,n 'hr: .ymbolic .....Juc of'M m.at ;. !Ugh, and i' is importan' lb., ,hi. u.lcing of animal life i. media'ed by rin...!, wi'h .ppropri.~ r<5pcct .R ,u 'hr: .nces,ors and gods. F...ting i. 'Mrcforc of'cn pical. social, .nd rcligiouo bound.ri.. of d>< fc..ting gmup. "penni.. all who patticil"'" in ,hr: f..., (.nd ,hose ptnc evidence com" from ,he period and cultu'" we design.,c OS Mycenaean,)'<" i' i. cle ,h.. no undc...r.tOOing of ,hr: Myecn...n fe... ""n he gained willooo, n,ion being gi,..n '0 evidence from ,he N«>pab'ial C",un.OO Cyd p"'d......,... n ....rch••ologicilly recognized rcl>tion.hil" .... nO! diffu.ioni" ·juOl ..,•• u>ri... nor"'" !hey ,h.orie.l>aoeUy l>aoed, 'hey ..... ,he resuI, of ....• u.incd and in~noc humon oocial in~r1CIion carried oul ot every level from ,he per-.i1to the politiral. F...ting i. ooc of the moo, ubiquitous and oocially prodl>Cl;ve of 'hex in'.r1CIioos, highly pe"""al and open '0 in6· nil. cul"'r.d V'Uiatioo in ,he ..lcnion o( rornntibl... ,h.ir monipula'loo by ptq>OtOtion and prncn'a,ion,.nd cu.rom. of ,heir con.umption. Fcu,ing can lbu. be orgucd '0 be .n appropri>te vehicle for mony o'her human IICIivi ,leo. especially lhose ,ha, involve produnion UK! =hong<. all o(..-hich depend on human rela,ion.hips, ",,",.nd .hanng. F.os,ing ;'.n K1;ve ......ncoccnt activity ,hat i. conlinuously In",· funned .. i, i. perfOl'm.d.• nd consequently Kwe! m""y fundion. in pro" moring 1""""'a1, group. mic. ;drological, and poli'ia.l .im•. Much of wh.. h.. been pre",n'ed in ,hi.....y corre.ponds ttl ,he documenta,ion in e'hnogrophie .Oldi.. of (c..ting in '"n",giIi"';"" and rompl<:> oocic,· "'.'" inchlding fc.... for promoting group mcmbe..hip and mobilizing labor, compCli'ive di.pl.y.•nd ro1lcr'ing "'rplu•••• well .. ritual f..... m...lcing impon.", eventl in ,he C)'




    18$. 11amilili<.,.j K<>M<>bli:i :!lJ04. They h.vc tcro>'Cred ohrc-pIgoo'. goa'.

    canl<.... red dhrinc. Of ,be... ohrc-pI pll. p'. Wop, aOO N prc:>mpIuobandry.nd f...MI· 186. S« Kill

    187, H.)'Icn 2001>. PI' #-58; Diclkl 2001; Junker 200\.


    .... ntNC tN

    "YC~NA"'N 'OCt~T'


    protolU"oric Acgtan and to i< an:1...roLogiC'lll rerord, an:ha<:oLogi'ro nted to .."'< grophic representation of their,~ feasting, This rich rerord bcsp<:sk< the importance of fc..ting to the chid, and sdminiot,..,on of ,hc M)ttl\2Can politics.

    .. m.
    Ilf8. 5«. ',1.. ,I>< INdy ol .... bioaJ
    C1hokiI by


    ., aI. (1002).



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    "UN s..t,,-> _""

    Fi.l" Ri." 8riMo1.

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    ABSTRACT 1'1>< ro,...ionI ., tho P.btt ofN",_ ... e>1fflin«! in ,IW po!"'" Special .fkn.ioft it Ki""n de""';' ofboflco found in • comer of room 7 of d>< Archi..... Compb. lr i. orgucd ,ho, ,I>rn< polao< WOO dctfroy


    111< in";rurion off.asring in M,..,.no<.n po.b"ill "",,;'ry has bc<:n • ofin.....tig.rion. by Aeg..n prehi"ori.n. for mo", th.n • decode.' Analy.i. of!;..... B text. has dcmon"..,cd n of ..."'organi..d b.a.ll'l""'" whe,he, of. ",lig;ow or of. oecula, < n.ru", of ouch """nn &nd wt.... rhc:y an: likcly '0 tu."" bc<:n beld..' In many inlt""""' .. Kdkn ..... ugges,cd ..... t< b<»pilality" no .Joobl helped ·in holding togelher lbe f.bric of tbe """i<:rvcd to dolin. and "'""nrual" dilf.",nc« within ,har ooc;'ry, throogh whar Di<<.Jer hOI rleocribed as tl>< ·di.critical· role of r...IO.'

    I. W, -.kI1ik.t '0 thank .... """ Ikt~

    rm.-n. Brian H.ydtn lIld


    B. Ru"', }oM 11m...... Suoan G. Col.. M., I Co><mopOUIoo, RoI>;n Hlg, YUII\H 1hmibkil, ~10


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    from ,t.< 1'aIa.« of

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    ,ba, "" .n:hival


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    F"ogw< 1 ("!1""~). pt." of W N..,c: 0(1'1«_ obowi"l lbc1o<.tion, 0( 1M 1""'1" ofbumed Oftinul bon.ro. "oioth I""'P wu ptobobIy from II rel="nofollow"><

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    R.j, _of...-j.C, Wrish'._

    Die,k. and Hayden oboe"" ,ha, i' may be poosibJe to recogni.., the a",h.eo1ogi<'aJ ronsequcneeo of I"niculu fe.. n.' We ouggeot ,h.t thi. i. plttisely ,be £'lsc ., Pyiol, where ~r-.J dep<>e bot of lheoe even.. (repreoen'ed by f",d. in room 7) oc"""red ,OOnly bef"", tbe final d..tru<:.ion of the Pala<x of 1'1...0 •. We .rgue th., f..... ;"""rponnng .bese pfUfiN., among 'heir many oth..- me:mings .nd eff"".., pl.yed. di.m,i

    ANIMAL BONES FROM TliE EXCAVATIONS In 1997, ~r-.J members of ,be Pyloo Regional Archarological J rel="nofollow">rojecr (PRAP) began 'orein~n!Ory.nd pubJi'h find< from Blegen_exc.vation. "' ,he Pal..., ofNe"os, now ..ore<>on heIL funbrom;"g. Ilobt...J ..-.d loukidou <:,.,.I1o:buo Ptujoo.lieo " A,I.:... in 0«0





    """. IV, "'" 1t'"'d'ul1o ,he !ale IV~_ Ii>m D. E. C...."'" lnol to J....... D. ~ILLhly, forme< dite PiWi, >I'Iic<: of "" Gltt~ Ar<~Scmce "Olympi.. """",,,Iany ito dircrto<. X,ni A.....,,;· ",N•• nd Vioop. I la,..;, """"" of """",,;,~. n.. ~'ion of'h< ......_ . and 0'" ,llOrti,.,......,; "'I"'bli<>buo of B~n'. find, h.... bn:n ...Pf""'«l by "" In'h"''' for Arxe'" Prioi<> of "" Univ«oity olGt>ci"""i. IV, ...., thank oD _ ... ho h.ve "';"..1 in """ll""ili"l! "" 0«0I>
    room. eope,;olIr Mui> An'onioooI. Em""n L IIell.>ne. Mci Miller-Art"""" LJ"'II' s<1.:fW"'!, Robert SVObuo l<'COfdo. Si""" i' .... n•• full<. ,lUdy _mnt


    • . • . ITOCnl AND /. L. I)"VII

    figu", 2. 1J.o,-;.... ,1uI
    • ~li",ly burned and to con,i" olmosllOlally of pam of mandibles 'lJ'Id leg: join.. of cattle {Fig. 2)."Tht ,ill KIDUpo of burned bone _ ... tudied in gteOle groups In: ro.."amin... d by only. few fngm.n:, .. th" ,h.n hiving betn disnrdtd with mixed .. full<. It i, our ""ntcntion theK lkposi.. ..", end prod"", of ritual prut:icc, tn. burned bonn probably ITpn"cn,ing • f'e or ltss distinctM dcgttt and typ< <>fbuming.....ggcsting dcrjn'ion &om Ii ngIc burning episode. ""her than tile collection for disposal of bon<:s burned indcpf ddit....... bRoabg< t>f tIu: bone, (0< ""ample in m;Ln'l;>W atnetion. we.. 001 o:>bs



    ll. H.l"..J 2003. p.159, Hoi· " ..d onJ l>aalbdool.IO
    1J 51195'. W Cha,m. 10-12.7.5<0, 2) II""", 7 bone: 53 Room of pi""" I>; SJ NW a'emion:


    l) WK •. SW E. 17.5.61,.) WK6. F'n: Oft lOp of ""'" F.. P. 161. 7.7.62.

    .,,<0<1 .....

    U. 11• h"k;,l<.,./i,rth· roming S«"'" H"',.I t1 oJ. 2001. Out ~ of ,I>< boo« ..... ,1><;, <»nd<m on ifth>nnatioo pro-vidd ..... loulUOOu,

    R< Cui, Cen,,,,

    «5.ro;"I! ~ fu< Mycn

    b,..""d "",mal ....,.-;6« .. Eku,i" e;.,.u,-, (1m) mon: I"""..u,- .Ii"".... ,I>< .....-;rK< of .ninalo, induili"l! ..r B """i, wbil< P.J.i.... (1m) if COOK"'ood nk II Pyb.


    t""'.....'" 0100 b«n 'ht '" """""

    14. 0.., at< t!"""po 1 ond 6 (If........ ond l...w.lobk I: Ott oJ.., above. R. U.

    fn"n NCrifi«>

    '" ,,- r,nJo in loulUOOu
    fo< ,IK ""'to"), So< Ekn",,'-, =< uniqu<

    inrompl<,<. b,o ..."" '6.-..d .\'lI,....... (_ bd_. 6. 17).

    ... lI""iw<;' ..... ~ 1004. S« 0100 C""""""", 1OOJ., pp. 16--18,

    ..kn:,.". '" de<,- in _

    WlOSO: S) f.BW



    .. My«nl< ond at tl>< 1'>1)«111<>n ,bn"" " A"", """,,,n,i,,,,, Oft Me-

    C. t&.. ""7

    " com!""ition, ,00 ore comp<>K
    or ....rs." In 2001. «! bone led US '0 the condu'ion ,hot none could be !""ili""ly d>ted •.,li.r than LH lilA ,nd thot Illl rrob.bly belong to con'exf$ daling to LH llIB," Th=, .nd probobly fou" of ,he .ix dcpoojf$ of bun><s i. not aplil mtktl<. sugge'lf$ that, more of,on than not, they were .imply IW
    CONTEXT OF BURNt:D HONE IN ROOM 7 In contrasllo mOllI of the deposit. ofbumed bone mentioned aboYe, one tlepooit cl.arly loy on a fIoo, of the Polac. ofN."o, at ,h. lim. ofi.. fino.l dcatrucrion Wtg. I, group 2). The f.uno.l ..m.in. ftOnl this de!""i" 0.1~ady recogniud by Blegen .. the probable ~m,i ... of ""rif"", (..., below), were found "orrd in a wooden box ood labeled in. woy ,hot left n<> f...... ftom ,I><~ ""'" opeci" >1m<, .. =cly l'f"POrir'I. m1IIuKrip< on d«r in .... C,

    15. Halotead on« fUr ..w.. ( K;J1m Im,1' BO). Bu'''' Un6, " only f<moI« ... f'tn: ... p«tcl. bu. they ... _ oimil.. in d»no



    11. C ..... p' J, 4. ond $ (... ..,.,.",

    "- 11) _ .. "",,";nlr ...,..,.",«1 in ....... ...... In 1002, C< "oui..

    r.- group 6 "';,h iool>.,
    &opn< .. me Jcpooi,. It ,huo 'W"'" proboblc ,hot ,I>< _ .. .....inh group ""'" f.,..ud ... t>i< Moin BuiIdi"50 in .... _ l ".... rsl

    bon< in dIis tkpooit ond .... ;n gt""'P 2 ..... found in S<m fUr tm. infonnotion), It il hkdy t1u, the _ in group 1 hod b
    """""" r.- tl>< noo. of"""" 7

    ....... tkpo. fII..... publicotion coauthor«! wi,h l..wdou Ind Ihl....J. In 19H. duri,,!! """",,< "",m-t wolI of """" 7.

    when .... _thWCl1..-.ll .... - . . in hi""';''' rimco ond hod b ,I>< "'h H, of"" ,I>< Io>ocint!. A, p"' t i, do
    ",",I><, de"""i, ofbumod_ (poup 1)_ r.,.,nd Th< fuU t.hd on ,I>< run""........... S) 19$4.

    Show 2000. ,,-, Didymo. intoct (bu• onburn<1r 19'12). In

    ...... sroupo J-j.l1><......,."h of



    W Clusm. 1(}--1l.7.H (S) do« by L llom 7 (AR:hiv
    8""'rsl, ... Hlgg 1m ii:>r~. ... n'otko>« fi>r CWoi.oooI Cortk...un.!




    I . • . 'Toe . . .

    At." /. L. DAVII

    ~~"".. J. Sp
    room 7 ot th< tim< of ann""'" ....... oI:r-;.-c......>-A.......... U.......tyofCOorinnooi. _


    s-.d, andT_ ..... 10 [. Eo 6'iOU_ ~.

    doubt that they had ~n fOund in II>< __'em comgreM of ",""""ion of room 7 ctN from .he (",lei no.he oouthweot pm of room 7) as follows: W...,

    pan of "".",ion '0 lOU,h ofi. ftlled wi,h fngmcnn of

    gigantic pi,hoc. A rn. ,.bkts undt. pi,hoo rraglmcn']" ao.., beside ,h•• ~ mentioned woU ...... raJ minialUr<: kyIikcs-l l)f 2 in,..". Also giant h..p orbonn .ppan:ndy animal indica.. d on Thcochari. plan." Blegen r<:rr>
    of bonn 01\ W. ,ide of N. £X,. and 0100 the mini ..u.. pol' and to c1u, fioor. if .ny. under ,hem."


    rc~ng Map

    A .pearheod and • ,word aloo lay ""0' ,he ",,"h~., wall o>f room 7. not for to northeu. of.1K bonco and miniotu", kylikn.lnc Ip<arhnd i. rompk«; ,h••won!. Ihhoogh .hane",d when found. is nearly romplete ~nd i" bronu i. well preKrved, AU oftheK obje

    20. S<e ", U oba...: fur ,he
    ,he ~oul ...,....,"'" l.htl. Group l pn>bobIy booi"..,.....,...... 17.

    rrobablr.ln "'" ~, ,he sr><JuaI 0«\0"".1."",,, ofbon<1 fu><'o'l indi.'od". aUy..mf.«
    ."i...." ol ,he minimum nl<Jnber ol i ~
    • ,i"l!k on ol n
    21. 1I.ol".>

    '"Q''' ,h.o, ...... bon<1 at<

    It." ollb< m.ttriol,

    12.CWB 19S2.r-:l9.n.."..u ..... ~ "'" n\in;orwe Iqiikn - . found is dw _ _ room 7 &om room It

    B. CWB 1952.1' 57. H, lWMto/Nmo.-l,rr- 90-95, fi~. 27_. 110O. J >nIiol>cd in Avib 1m.!' 05. no. 9\1. A fnp>

    Room 7";th_on- A.


    Th"""horil was no{ published by Ble~n and Rawson, but it and othc.r dnwings (Figs,S, 6) an: .<>nr.tinc
    On the fIoot in the OOIlth come, of the room on the day of the Ii... an enonnouS ribbt:d pi.hos evidently OIood """"red wilh i.. lid. A con.;d.nble h.lp of burned anim:al 1>on.. lay in the "","em com.. and clooc be.ide them ..or the ""nhwe" wall we.. foond 11 diminu.i"" kylikrs, probably YO.i,.. offerings. \Vh...he$<: al'l'"",nl ..main. of .oc,i{><:es Ind dedicatory ""...Is hod to do in the WI coIled..., offi.. m... an un..,l...,J problem." bIafs'n 1000, p. 100. Many onuII f'wn

    ,ha, ,"" ,iM,

    i' '"'" ...., ,he top of on urli..

    th< room " th< time ofi.. do>tN

    pi,ho<, 'I"'.mead, rwonl. ond dopooi'

    ,,;go (h/"" ofN,_ I, pp. 444S,
    ofhoneo .... nornb
    .... ..,., inolO<.,rd
    BI.g.. (CWB 1952,1' .0). 25. Blcgeo 1953,1" 63. 26. NtJl.. I, I' 92. The dot. A st"";gt.phO;a.! o«tion "'" Thco (1952 Sketool ofCLt,...... Stud>.... A'he", A,d."",},"'-o ,b< ,In-oriDn of ,he Ilooo- of room 7 and ,he way;" wh;oh, .. ito """ ......."'m


    wall of poroo bIocka: one of, _

    bloc'" .. inciKd with. double ...


    ofSJ, North &reno;"'" and 53. N"',h....' £.0",,,,;"'" ineludc CWB 19S2, pp. 2'. 28, 32. 36. 38-41,

    O<. .~,;.".,

    ..-1,57, 103, and lOS. W. A. lI-kOonIld

    '1'1"'''' 1<> ka.. dipp
    'b< tkpooi' ofbone. in room 7o1n:ody

    ;n 1919 in hi. "'''''h 1 (\VAM 1939. 1'1'_ III "'" 117, who:rc "" doKnb<J; "just "",'h of room of OKlO"",. ~ "",oy bone. ..",,..tinl ;n'" ..., ..... ","".""h"),

    .un,,,,, AT T". 'ALAe. O.....TO.



    7. F...., of .... ,..;......... l
    .... llonMu....m. HonApo
    F"~ 8.

    Minia...-l mom 7

    ., ,he ti_ of_ ... non, from ,he



    SlUdyof =Vll,ion recohod anifocts permits us to odd a fow footnotes to Blegon and Rawson', publica'N>n. It S«mS that ,he only rued piece offumitu... in room 7 was the pithos. which fon with its mou,h ,., ttU. ,",boo rouId tu... ><-' ... """'"" of ...."', lOr

    lOrming ond ",&>rm;", I>bI.' at PyIoo d..... may not hoY<

    ..;'«<1 00.........".. ;" ony 1n
    ,ha, ,......

    ,he p<>«nriaI d;lfoo:ulbes of «<)"..... ... S~" As_I99I.pp.2)2-4). 81
    N,_I. p- 92) 'I>o

    I .•.






    ~~'S" ..

    9. A .. I
    .. _u .. ,hose in a conrailKf ofccDmia l.bded"Room 7: VOli.... KyIikes: ""'" in the .fOrcrt>om. of the mU>CUffi." I. i, imf">"ibk 10 establish with preci,ion the rondorot' within room 7 of ,hi. lane. group W.g. 9), which <, and probably I], miniature kyIikc. ofa ..yle and f,b,i. identical to the 11 ""ampl.. on di.ploy."

    ARTIFACTS AND TABLETS IN ROOM 7 It is obvious tha. all ",mains in room 7 must he romid<=l in :my =:onolIUClion of >cti"'';.. in the mom." n.: key to undcn,.nding the J>1UOn« of bumed bon<s in this room is f,ohl.to tha, ""<>UI.lla,or he orchi...."j in room 8." T.blns aPI'''''' to h."" been >t<>m! .. mponrily along rhe oonheas, w:ill of room 7,:and more !han 200 tablets we", in the room .. the rim< of il> oolTU<:tion (V'll- IO}."

    28. ""'-ry. In "'" plo« ( _ , crd> or fugmrn'lf)' ....... 10 (bu, ... dcomplion rA ,i>< ronk"" rA """" l~: 1.1' l


    A1«! >in« ,i>< ""'....

    ''''' do> "'" J< dtp<>oi, tho, ",",oined ,i>< mini.>tu kylikro. I" ,i>< ",",.inc..,i><... "" "r ~"" /'tum oh>peo o<, ~ mini...... kyIiI:ro. indudi"g

    btgti~ rh:o, Ill"{ tht nutJ was n:,>intd, Stvtn """joiol,,!; hand...


    af mini.>tun: '< h.ndI< ~ OnIO pi><:< rim) and r..... nnigh' rim oh< "",,,",,,,,. B!o • mini....... i" .... pan ,,{,i>< "",,", 30. !'lUI> 1996-19'\11. I' 247, )l, 1996-1'J'97.1' 245. A >in>ilu ""' derKt«l i" H<"". lIonk"J'' U· "-n dn.";"5' ... C1I>d>n
    ,"'Ode ....




    .... nINe AT THE 'ALAC. O. HUTO.

    F""", 10. Tobl
    b< loc>.m:I =otding to. fu>c:-meshed grid." Sevt",] ,alO .ppear 10 b< roncemcd wilh Ihe provisioning of ucrificn and ,"""i.led fUSIO. PaWmo h.. concluded Ih•• grid "luon: 52 WOO "tit< orco. for l.bel disc.rd, and 'emporary pn:-procuoing ofbaske" of table" broughllo Ih oboc


    JJ Tht v'd woo ~rWJy row.IisIIod by 8 (1'196-19'17, PI'- WlJ8). J.<, PW.i"", Im.p. 62~, II. 9.

    3S. Pabirna I9'lS, P. 628. J6. l'abirna 1m, p. 624. 37. IUllcn. hown-no ... J"'O'C'>iv< odjccli"" "'" 1(jl1cn 19981>, P. 11,

    7-8. w, thonkJ, Bennet ro. rhio "f'ren«. On ...""nl "',., """"""'iog ,he i« Ikn 1OOI, p. U;, M.






    I .• ,


    AN" J. C. "AVU

    SACRH"CE, FEASTING, AND ROOM 7 It seeml possible d." 011 ofthe orrihcu in room 7, with t~ ",,ti<m of the ..bIe.. aDd the: pith.,. .nd its lid, an: ~mn.nts of animal.o.crific<: and ritual sword rouJd ha.... be<" inV'OI~ in the olaughtCd to kin saaifltight ito p.... occ be ",latbee o( Ncotor. Is thi. an example of re~giou. <:O""'~ti.m? .pearhead i. of a Middle Bronze Age type, whc",.. the sword i. of San Similarly. the """roe red mic»<:eous fabric of the large pitl>oil that ..000 in room 7 oppc'" '" be """" chanc",ri,tic of pottery from ~ls of thel.te. Middle Bron.., Age and cady Late Bron:u Age than that in u'" during .he final ,t2g«ugh the hands ofthc Two Men .tTable.~ oot preserved, an associ.tion between 'CI .. d f.gll.... and drinking <XiI" in Acgn .... Rcc:.. min.tion of .he f = fragments from the Throne Room in 2002-2003 hal .hawn, however, thot (r>gtnen. t9C6 c:rn no Iongcy • ~ much ton .m.ll for that. mini'tun: ky~kcscould h held nnly a tnl ncar the ......m column o(the room, and one by agoi .... the notthwco. end of the notthe..t wall of the room," Blegen and Rawson





    n.c ."....


    39. KiJIcn 1m., p, 422. f« the ~y of ....,;Jicc....


    1m, ..... com"",nt..,. by N. Mon·

    ""..,. on p. 50 of the wne .... n""'; '""" Morimrus 19S6.1'I'. 22~25. 4(1, s... '.K-, Hof.tt> 2l'nl, p. '19. 41. Group I oonwn.rd dI,n .. Tobl<,_ M
    47. W

    H. B~,CoroIin< 7..,i_n...... Aftdt<.as IUrydao fns dUo inf""",""". 48. hUM,,,NNtw l. P. 366. 4~. hUM,,,NNtw I, 1'1'.89, 91. StJlund (1980, p. 2-'1) mi">l
    " Pdopon,....", found ;n ",b., appear '0 be ritual ronr=ta." Many romple.., min;."'~ kylikea _~ foond at ,I>< Pol>cc ofN..tor itselfin tl>< dootwoy ~n room.

    III and 20, and in roon" 20 and 60; ,h~ pam of ,he paIact 5<1'Yed as ..".,.it"".. ofbtgt quon,it;" of plain ponny thot m.y ....nhave been diopenocd >I feu,"." The prellC~ of this .haP'< in osooci.rion wi,h burned bone in room 7, on ,he offering ",bk ;n th< Throne Room•• nd in ,ombs >I Voomidio ...ggesrs to u. thot th< mini."'re kylix «gUlarly employed ;n ritual in MCSKn;••nd \nO not • plaything /Qr children•• poosibility rai«uld th"'connpond to the nwollerof mini.""" kylikc< IOOnd in room 7.1( thi. i. not on ",,<nordinory coincidtnct, two pouible concluoion. fOllow: l) •• inglc mini.",... kyl" .... cntarivco from .he principal hcen'... o( the kingdom o( Pylos, p
    ..... r"."""

    Sl. F.. nnoolaJ<jo y~

    »:Xl: D.hn.y. Ho1
    -....I n.o.n.... ,h;' """5J. S« \-VhOl
    H ""'-1/_ I. p..J66.On th< riM! UK ofW&<' l


    ,... ~ ~rd by Rkg<-n .. tuv--

    """i", fco,II

    to,,' bu, nor ""'ntio>nrd in th< fino! "J"O<'. Bq.n .,..,.,u,rd (CWB 1'lS2. '" IS) ,Iu, ,be" ""y ""'~ bc
    PI" 801.88, Do";, ond iIcnnrT 1'19\1. '" nO'. W1\;,<1.... 2001.1' 58. The OOIJll>'I'ition of th< woll pointing< of ,be

    "'l!: b«n fOund i",,",, ,"Inn<.ltD<-

    55. In ton,..". th< "".u,,,,," l

    _n .. from , ... ·M,;n ImUn·(undr. ronidor 5~.ju.. ""uK!< """" 60)...... "'" burn::&IllJ>Ito fn.on "'"'" 58 ;"

    !.<" i. oomc ..-iJ
    """nt«n ....p ",nt<TI ori,hin tbc poli'J' <>
    .. thn< ""'01 (!Ie""", lOOt. I' JJ). S9. On th< liirly loco';"'" b , larg
    n,,,,,,,, Room ougge>to 'hot ,be .....N din.""" kyliko ....r Iu.. """""d i,..loon, Ii"", ;n ,he Tlu<>n< Room... n<>l ,II< fi... d..ffU

    "I<" ,...


    , . . . . . . . QC~U AND


    C. DAVU


    that 22 ba"'luc'm ...,no not the only putierif"", .nd wociotM r...ling.The slaughtered animal. would hlIvt y;.ldod • brgt-

    qu>.ntity of "",>t, far in ~ of ,h. need. <>1"22 banquet..., ond proi:>ly enough '0 supply the entir< p<>puI.otion of the fCMn _ _ nd ,hot palle<:." A Hellen;'.;. in>erip.ion from Keoo mandated th>! ca. 1.25 kg of "",at bo< w,tribu,cJ to c>eh mak I"""'nt 11 • uerifi",," :mel, if di,triburion,"' Pyloo wert on •• im~ar ICOJc, "....ly • thoo..nd funi~ .. roukl h.... ken pro";d<, gmupil of bun><, LitlOU B ~ suggest 4rge-ocale oacrifiee oflxMnes woo no! wi,hout 1"'=" drn. If I'yloo." Pluta intcrprtts ,tit bonn onl tl>< bonn d


    t./J. S« >100 l~,,'" lOG2. II. 90, ond Hal>.. aJ ond l~. fonhroming. for ,.... amount of .. h..... y to lu.... bee-n d<m ...tiM;., p<>bli>h in Duk Ago. N;'I>ori. dw it only IWf lhir .....,..", ( J - 1988.1'" 'IS). and ,lu, i,!he figure rmpIoyed hy Kill. r n ...i"l ,II< ,,-, f,gu ,II< _rif of 10 co""' ......Id h yi<1d«>d ond lrailidoo (forth47: ... R""'....nbul
    m.,,,,, on

    Of""'" ..

    I'Ill2, I'" 1110, lOr , ~ of ,hit il\lnl> MoII eotinut< in lip>' '" Ib< """iiIlac< (I« et..




    An.. Eog1i........ bu" ....
    of IS h. ;" LH 1lTB). «rima"" ,t.:: populo';"" " 'L 1.000 indmdu>ls (\Vh;....... lOGl. PI'" 6:H>l):, >maII<<< 10 hn.k
    Ill""""" 2.soo s...

    ti"ll"iob-ndo hIllqo"'<m>lac<. M. P1uu 19%-19'97, I'" 247. 65. s... ohow,lI. U. Costt-tmi"ll "",h "",tiIi.ot~ ... KilI<.. 2001: S"'-"COfli 2001, abo Ruiish 20001.


    " for II>< O1ong< of cenmico:: .. ie>.ot half of the kylil<et we'" p;led "" lhe floor in no obvious ",d". ill wen: burned, ~nd many""'" brolu:n. O~ possible ;merprelOf;Ofl worth ""J'loring is ,h., the bones. minialUre kyIikn, and _.pons_ like the "bkn found ""Of them in grid squ... 52, had ~ndy been brough. ro mom 7. Did ,he admininnrion ofth<: ~ !'"h.p> ""l"i", phf1~ pmofth., ,he riN'" in whieh tl>eoe objects "".., involved Iud bun rompJetedllf the><: anif:lCt> e>.me to room 7 .. part of. proce" ofadministrative rufICrvi.ion, it rna)' be: presumed ,h.., had the p.hee not be<:n d..t~ II><: 'I"'arheo>d and oword wookl h.... ~nl.red the .toreroom. of ,he p:Llacc, the bones would ha"" been boried in op«ioJ depoti" like those found 1o the nonh and notthwest of the pal..,." and thc rnini.rurr kyliktl would have been n,h"".;11< di"""tded. A 1'....1101 c... of .dm;ni"n';ve '0rtrvi,,,,,, might II< indin.bd for which wu found in grid square 52) if we occcpl r.J.;m.', argument that it was hcing ",taint
    "",icip'''''''' of confirm.tion "f contribution., .i""" "mojor offerings to

    Poscidoo ....'" .tiD in the p<'<.. of being mad< .. tho: rim< ,h.. tho: p>J' ><x ..... d..,royed.- Gi'.. n the rem k.able correspondence b<:rw«n ,he number of su" ~rded in the T ble" md ,he numbe, of miniature kylikcs found in room 7, is i, I"",ibl.
    REFERENCES Anb, R. A. J. 19113. B""'..... ~.""'• ..4~"'~Sf4I­ ho• .....;, (I'rihio~,"""hc11"",,,,F.n.i< S.I), MWIich. Bcn<WL I.. M. r",,~ JOt • King? Flicrarchy, EuIuOOt>, ",,"",ion,.od D<.it< in the Soc;.! Stno=l B""fU<'i~' in F..... C..ui",•• u s.&ty .. ~ C (Shclf,dd S"""'" in ~ An~ Sl, ed. P. Hakk ool). C. 11..-, SlItffitL.l. Ikftnct,J. 1m. '1')'1oo:Th< ~


    ci. M~nonn l'abrial C.,,~: in &,"'1Mj"l M:J'''''''''_ P.!«n.'

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    ofT"""" Au";").

    loul<Xloo. V, P H>lotJ ~;"

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    ,;.".; h j..... ,. A"';"', C"" C.Jt

    ar,..i.d ~ 'ht SwnIUJ> l.w""


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    jnro<,. GIl"""'~ .. 22), <>I. R. Lalr"""".oo R.I1'4 ~'f'P-467--41G.

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    II~.JIIu-,fio .. N"_


    ",,81-%. - - . F""hroot\;ng, ·My" ......n So<'.
    Louv.i... S~". K.-E.. ,"" P. A"lCm. 1991. K_ _' K"".. ".J K",.Jm, S""'kho!m. Tueh: Ein N..htt>g," All 1!I'l2, pp.61-81. WAM 1939 • W. A. McD""ald, 1'y1oo ~-"Id N""booI<. 1939. I}

    Whi"b... T, M. 2001. "Rtadi"ll brlWttn ,I>< TahIrn: A.... ,i,,!!

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    1:._,_ twi,., ,.

    Sluw.J, W,1OOO %",.J >nd 1:1=10,.-

    e,.....;, 1

    m< G...k S.........,-: in IV, ThtG~s.."",,? n
    MJ'....... 1'01"" Sl.,,, (C...-.btioW 1'tUloIogkol So

    bon: ,n

    .,.,.00 C"n...",p,It-


    MYCENAEAN FEASTING ON TSOUNGIZA AT ANCIENT NEMEA Mary K. Dahnry, Paul Halstead, and Patrick Thomas

    ABSTRACT Th. poper prac:n... oo:"''''''nw fastiJOg dq rel="nofollow">ooi. from Lat< HdIadic IIIA2 Tooungiu. The dominant< ofheAd ond foot bonea from ., 1< U: t",. The po«•.,.lUlfillo moll' of ,he uiuri. p,..""...d ...... for ~:r.ing fns.iJOg octMlieo in oo:romic ....mbla«n- A cenm" f.mak: lip"" .imila, '" ,,,- from .. nauaria., l'llybkopi ond J', 1yccnoc:, ,;eo .he f...ling 'Q ",Iigiou. li.uolo. It io lIUgga'e
    Mycc"U, Ancien! N.mel i.Ioco,eCC ofMyc<:"",,,' 1'.>n",00n oflbe Bronze ~ .. ttlemen' on tho: hill ofT"",ngiu It Anci.n, N.me:. ,ook plooo: f""", 1984 '0 1986 .. port of ,h. N.m•• Volley ArchaeoJog;c-ol Projec' (NVAP), One of ,he projccr goal< i, to .rudy how ,he ..,tIemen! WI' inc<>t'll,eUo.Iy from ,he 1... Middle I I.nulic (MH) 'hrough ,he Hdlodic (Ui) period. Th. number of found in ,he exca ,cd .... of ,he .. nlemen' ir>cn:...d from ,il: during ,he Early Mj'C.n n (lat. MH through LH II) ... to 10 in 'M L.., Mycenaean (LH Ill) m (F'g. I). Evide""" from NVAP', ",rfooo:



    Ind from IJngin ougg«" an ....n grelf,r incre.., in L.t<


    l. Wrigh' 1I
    Colles< ~nde> ,ho."'J'if ,ho

    An>o<,l <>fC.... Ot-.l Stuo:lidowm<", fuI tb< 11""",,-

    ;lieo, ,he Nat;""'1 Gcognph;, Society. ,he l"";wt< for Acgcon Prch;.lOfy. ...... priv>t< doro>o.- The fi".J po.d>l;
    tion < rel="nofollow">f,ho tot, IldL.,!", III 0f

    ,";'1 "Thorruoo. f>wtaI

    ,.."..; ,.."..;

    by Poul Hol,tl by Jlilie M. Hankn.lI'Woo

    ,ton< tooIo by ""hlccn Kno",nmolOh.. ;' in p«p>r>noo.


    W,,.;.h to thank Rn", H.rJ

    II II-


    I I I I

    I I

    I I I I I II -I •• -I 'i , -I '" •• -I •• ••• ~ -I ·, -I -I





    II· I· III-






    s ;;

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    \ • •






    ,, •I 1,


    -I ~

    ! -; 1 •





    i -I


    -, J•, • ~

    -I •!


    -I i• -I -I < -I ~ -I -







    -, ,; -, h•



    IIII I I 1 1 , • 1 1 1 1



    -I -I


    1 1 I 1 1 1 1 II


    " ~1 •

    '! ~?'



    M",.n..,an ..nlemen, .i...' Large refu.. dumps ofLOl. Mycen... n "'m:U1tI we", found 'hroughou' the ="",ed """. One e..ly LH lIIB 1 refuse dl1Jllp """rained an ..tim.red 1.400---2, llXha.. ls "'l"'"'"'nting nearly the fuU ronge of « .. mi.e v...e1 form. Mycenae.' ,Via, brough' about thisclang. b1gc" denser oettI.ment in ,he LH 1II period? The ""ower m.y ~. in ,he ",m.in. of ,h••otlieo. oft..... LH 1Il ..,fu.. dumpo, in exco",,';"" uni' (EU) 9, ,h....Ii.., exco""red laytn of which """':>ined p""'ry do'ing '0 LH lIIAl (.:uly).'


    '0 •

    FAUNAL EVIDENCE The f.unol ",m:>in. from ,hi. dtpooi' "'" di.tinctive. Cattl. mok<: up hili" of ,he iden'ified m... rial, with pig, sheep. Ind go.. accounting fOf moo, of th. remlinder, but ,he", "'" abo I f.w .pecimen< of dog,l$O, .nd red deer. Halfof ,he m... rial exhibi,ed 'ra«I ofgn.wing, indi..,ing ,hO! ,he bon• ...... 1CCC$.ibJ. to ocovenge.. (p"",.bly dom...i.e dogo Of pigo) .ither bef"", 0< If",. inro'f""'1t;"" in the dump. A quort.. of 'M ....mbl2g< (including bo<>eo of ••nl., pig, goat, dog,.nd us) bore ","ceo ofburning, l>owever, .nd butchtry m.rlu wtrc obIin. of pig and .heep! go>! include moo, part. of 'M c.rca..; .h~ of dog, "", Ind d••r .'" few fur Inalyoi.. bu' rem:>in. of ..ttIe "'" heavily bi.1«! 'oward ,he head .nd Itt, (TIble I). Thi. biu i. Irp=nt whe'M' bone. "'" qu.n'ified in fC1T1l. of minimum numben of .n>lomicoJ uni" (MinAU) or minimum numbe.. ofindividuoJ. (MNI). An.tomicll "'P..... ntl,;.", m.y be .laped by. numberof facto... including orch.teological retri"",1 and pOI,-depooi,ionoJ ""r;,ion, OS well .. p"'-dcpooilionoJ hum.n behlvi<>•. Thu•. ,h. ab"""'" of ouch .m.lI body pom •• ,he phllange. of pig.nd .hee-plg<>a' migh' plau.ibly be ""ributed '" retr~ I...., bu' ,he "misoing" body p.m of ..,de .re not omlU Ind 'M rou,ine u.. of .ieving II N.m......m. '0 lave cnmrcd fairly compl". reo:;I\'Cry ofid.ntifilble fugmenll of'h is large ,axon. Similarly, al'hough ,he ....,mbl2g< ~ b
    "I., '.nm

    2, Chomy. om od M..,1
    l."Thomao 1~2, pp. 25-267, D.bn

    n.. dcpooi' in IOU 9 ron..i",

    ....rigraphk ollill (SU)1516. 15<40. US4-1SS9, lS!I-IS8~, 1588. and 158\1 (10< th< Io

    LH lIlAI;, ",,",bl<, th< ..... mol moor convincingly d rel="nofollow">", ro LH lllAl «arly), 5. 8"';n 1981,pp.21-2J. 6. E,g., Mol..". 1985, po 55.



    ... K,


    Po "AUTUn,


    Po TIH»U,








    Humuuo pro>imal Ilumuuodi.... 1UJnI. ~",a1

    """ ....... RMl,u, dim!

    Upptr I t;rwllimb


    F"""" """,Una! F<mUf di"'J

    'itbi. ~nul





    M<>tpal ""","nul M<1><...... (\;"..


    ~nW ;\l..., ...... dio'..

    ........ ,,


    ~ ~ ,~


    M;/OAU MNl

    ,, ,, ,,


    MioAU MNI

    , , ,, ,, , , •, ,• , ,

    ,, ,,


    , •, ,, ,,

    ,, , ,, ,

    ,, ,

    ,, ,

    , • •• ,, , •

    , ,, ,


    •, ••

    ", •• ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, ,, , "


    M;..AU MNI



    0 0



    •, ,, •• •• •• •• • •

    •,• ,•,

    , ,

    , ,, •, , • • •• •• ,, ,, •• •• • ,•


    Mi""U· minimum ""mbrni
    .tag<'S "f nrcu.-proceuing 'end to be ~I"''''ud ;n spoco .nd time

    and, a• • ",...11, ,he ........ from dirk...., Ol'g<:' tend, fa be dioardcd in cliff ", conlan. In ,hi. <2=t. wa,te from fuod "",p.r-Ilion 0< CQnRlmption, rother than prim.ry butchery. !kgrtgated diocord of p"rticular bodr pan. m.y IL1so ocrur for symbolic 'hon pnoc,ical ...."n.... i. wid.ide of body, M by .el<<



    7, s.. ...m.n«> in loukidoo



    M . • . DAIN!V, P. IIAlIT£A[). AND P. TIIOMA.

    CERAMIC EVIDENCE The idtn'ir.... rion of c..rami< remain.....ulling from f~ting i<. diff>«:<>mpanying dec<>...,ive mol"if. that _ pn.-uIi..- '" th., :>. ,,, identify "",..mi. "'main1 from ing. A rombination of «ded \0 >donti/}' such • ""pooi •. In ,h....... of ,he material from EU 9, fu,- CDJ1\plc, it i. import1Jl' ,,, keep in mind II>< dt2t rvidcnct for the butchering o£large quanti,;.. of mc.' (oec 1b<M:). An important p",Jiminuy question to ..k i. wheth« if i. rcuon2bk '0 <:llpect ro fmd Wgt dtposill of ceramics from fel.lI.•inee tbe vesoelo would .. toin tbeir utijity If'er .he me2l wao «>mple.eosirion of intlCl _",I> Ind <:\'tn delibera.. desttuetioo of complete vesoelo "" known p....... i<:eo ossoci.ted wi.h timemy mC2ls," bu. an: not well ....blished in other e""tats. Although '-...clo .rught be deliberately ootroycd during tbe rourse of • fel" <>r IftefWIrd. .. argued below, ..., ""ed no{ in.i" on rinul b...bg<: "pen 'hat • Wgt ttl" will. le.... hehind dear "'ramie evidence.ll>e presence of large number> of people Ind the ron",mp'ion of wine itselfvirtuolly gu....n'eeo I number of broken '-...cl>. if ,he p.rtiopo]"••ra"",lcJ """e Jill1nee to toke port in the fe." Ind were pfO"ided pottery by their hoo•. mlny WOllld probablydilClId the ......10 bef"", returning home. A.. I fU1t "lOp in tile d""'lopmen' of I model. the 10m of "",.e1. ~ke· ly to be pre.. nt in I depooi. of ce... mia reoulting from f...ring ""tiviti.. .hould be con';dered. h .ppel" .uffo<:ienlly octtled tho' wine and meOl we" ;mpotun, «>mponents in Mycenoe.n reining. 1be .."",iori"" of 'he kyli>: with fe..'ing i. ogrecd upon by virtu.olly 011 wri'en;"" ough•. 'herefore, to apttt thot kylikn will compooe I lorge percentogc of .ueh I deposit. Further, "'" con apec' thl! jug> <>r other pouring "",..I> f.,.. the wine WQllld be p.....n', If ceumic ......10 wcre used f<>r cooking, cooking pots .hould be p"".. nt .. well, especi.lly if mel! was prepared in the fonn of. ",cw." If pottery was u..d fo' ..rving mco' .Ii....... an obviou' pos. •ible fonn i••he Furumark .hlpe (F'S) 295, I .hollow Ingular bowl (SAil). Although Toum.vi,ou h.. IUggested lh.t ,he SAil i. well designed f<>r ..rving ho' f<><>do," the very lorge number of ouch ,,,,.ocl. found in room 21, port of .he lUire of pln,ri.. It the pabce It PyI: in ,he pontrin and alogicoJ candid... a. a "'rving _ ..I for me", di.be•. " Evidtnce fo, tbe function of this ...,...,1 .. a pl"e f.,.. mel! i. pfO"ided by 0 recen' org.nic-....idue .nol)"1'io of I SAil from I LH llIll eon'at It Myetnle tb.Ol indicorrd ''''eel offot."



    '0 ••


    II. "" ...."pI<.... rb< kis 1m. pp. 1191M. r.,.. ~ of .. m.l.nco. 14. TudaIci, snd l>hrd...r (1m. pp. 84. IOJ, 108. IIG) Iuw ..wyud rb< otpcic rcoMl.. in .....11 from M;..... Crcrc. ohowing ,ha' ,,<WI ,,( vcgcf1ble.. ""'It•• od oIi>< 00 ...... t.nl<.. 1m, p. Ul, ,l>t ",,,..,, ,,( rb< fa, coold ...... ............ bc .......... ncd.Annd...r _ib!< cont ,«mmcd bowl WS )001), "!'hi. i, •• hop< 'ho< f,n' 'I'P""" in. __


    rom. in UllllA 1 snd heromn o,n".''''' in • _·hsndle


    ..... [} ... ~n, •. \v. hI"" 00 reason,


    H"LIT."", ..

    '0 bdio,.., ,hot


    •. THO .....

    ..,fi,.., dump" ouch IS

    thooc round .. T>oungi.. ""',. uKood That fWO "'".m, of "'Ute might well be: Il.-ing into. dump, on<; dc:rivrn d..o.iJy I«iviti<:. will in ge""r-..I bc: more fuogmcntuy hibi, grelle, diff.rence. in we", and ."",ain a broad« r.lngt of the rypc< of ....oel. in yoc •• the .i,c, not only !!>OK ''''''';I,ed with c••ing and drinking. E",n if we can dt... lop en."ri, to di.tinguish bclWCCn e< la"e' me'''' of WI'" may "dd"..• ,h. di.ti""i..._ of the ....... mulling from

    k ..... If,h. (...to are ,,,,all and

    ;nf~".nt. <>f><

    can In,icipllc ,.... , their

    ..mains in • dump will probably be archacologically indi,ringui
    .hOK of dlily ."...1•. In oddiTion. ,h.

    f'OSSibi~ty of.

    third me.", of fin

    uVCr ot>co rcllethenng of ourfoces. since fewer oh.rd. will be ClCpo«:d fO the on.blc modifi.,.,ion......t. ,he LH lIW (.arly) depo;>si. in EU 9 i. no< compoocd prima.ily of whol. vessel•• al.hough it includes JOIn. vnkt. th., .....n'ircly o. nearly tornplcn:, and i, contai.,. .... bstantially"""" .... tonbk pottery ,Iwl. fO<=ml'le,. LH IIIB1 dcposi' i. not chronologically homogcnwu.: nearly 5% of the .herd. belong '0 period.,. finding .h.t doa no< 'PJ"'2'" '0 be .he .....1. of ,ht <=ova'on· cuMing infO .arlier $Inn•. By con,....." f......,r ,h.n l%ofthe .herd< in the LH lllBl refuse pi, in EU 2 belonged '0 ...1;". peno,b. A rough indc: of "",ndable pottery in dcpo$i.. wi,h hroIsi" after mending, <:00tained roughly 79'lb of,he ini,ial number of .hem. cxc.... red, ,he EU 2 d"!,,,"it hod ll6'Ib. Not only were more join. foond in the EU 9 dcposi' ,h.n in ,he EU 2 depo;>si., but numerou, oddirional join. rould have been mode betwetn body .hero. in ,ht fonn... dcJ-;' hod unlifllj,cd amounn of lime been .vaiLabIe. r.10f'C0"C1",only. portion of the EU 9 dcpo$it .... I'CC<W':red. in COIl,,"",' fO the EU 2 dcpooit. which wa. completely cxc:avatcd (the am to tht .... of EU 9 .... pri...t. prope1'TY no, purch.sed for tht proj«t). Thi, poin. has. bearing on .ny argument abou, ,h. numbe.. of relatively whole pots and the .moun, of f.unal .....tetial prcocn,. The dtpo;>sit ranged in depth from 0.57 to 1.04 m in • h 4 m' .rco; the tOl:al volume of tht depo'Ii, w;u .!>out 13.5 m'. Th. perccn'og< of ,I>c total dcposi, <=ova,cd it not calculable. but the inert";ng nurnbe.. of fuund •• on<: nwvcs ...<ward in lU







    !ion of I.... deposi, li.. to I.... <2S1 of tho """".... ~ an:•. Tho: bo••1 ~II of EU 9 (SU 1S84. 1SSS-,.OO ISS9). which form on an:' of rougllly CQItlpa""ble lhicltncu ..".,.. ,he ,,,,neh, .1Iow ,his de.dy: • 4-m-long .trip wng lho E729 grid lin< Nnning from N459 to N463 confOined 699 ..... weighing 8.235 kg; lhe .trip olong ,ho E730 grid lin<, l,lll ""erdo weighing 13.616 kg; II>< .trip:along E73I. 1,115 .honk weighing 14.670 lho mip olong E732. 2,297 ..... weighing 22640 kg. W.", ,ho.m 10 !he ..., 10 be """,voted, many mon: pic't:mlin.. of evidence. Tho: "",.vo,on oored • number of ....'1 den...nd thick ·Ien.... of during Ih. course of """'.... noo.; one: such lens 'ppeon in • """ion drowing. Linle m.. rix ...... ob$crvcd be""",n ....rd. in ,hose I....... con.i".nl with dumping large quantil;" of .herd••1 once. Tho: dcpoo.it in gen.m and lhe mo", compl.tely p"'.. rvcd 'oTS«:1s in particuUr exhibi, con.iining only .maU to medium-.i..d shc:ro., many we", from lhe bonl ~I ofth. dcposi, wI,.", l..... hrnb wt:rC in good condi, rion, bu, brolozn in'o omaU pi«u------ahnos, .. 'hough an .",. h:ad bun ~kd off.nd then woll<ed on, bre.king lh••herd.lying 00 ito ...rface in'o ,mall frogmcn... 1\ ''''"'''''', ,h. period to which the poltc'1 belong< i• • •hon one, acronled II<J mon: than 20-- JO yun in moo, .boolu.., chronologiet!' Tho: «ted in • prim"}" di,pol ~ wt:rC rommnnplacc in Iller G ...k ...-.cNari... ln ,hi. c..., ",fu.. from fe..ring may h..... bun di.pt:rscd of in t'" EU 9 pit and lhen ..,...~ wilh ,l.p of oniI. The m.jority of ,he eu~« CClOm;" m..«ial from ,I,. pi, do,.. to EH H.od III; .~.s with consid.rable ~m.in. from lh... periods an: immedi.tdy o' hand to .he west and nntth ... 000"" of fiU dirt. A K' quencc of rouId th... lea"" evidence in ,he fonn oflhick len... of ....rd•• 00 bones SCJ"',"ed by an:.. of fill with higher concen,rali""s of culie. ohr:nh, 0 ICCnoOO rornparihlc wi,h ,he ';fUI!ion in .... EU 9 dcpooit. In onl.. to how well ,he EU 9 dcposi' fill the:abo.... model fur id.ntifYing f ting, il il ll






    20. W;""'" 1'19ll. 21. l....kiob. .. III 2001; Srock« and this





    "~'Nn, p. H~"IT~~",

    ANI> P.... "0 .....


    A....... mom D..... 1 N~"«d)

    Il84 N(""po..f

    Total C)p

    7.7 2.7

















    N(poinf0 N("....... nf

    M1"""X. A .......


    ..,.,...,. on ~

    __ bdow








    T",a1 OS,< Oprn 65,0 Cl-d l< T",a1 1\1I.0 Oprn Cl-d 13.6


    Total Opro


    IH CJ-d 8.8

    11.9 0,.... 11.0 CIoord 10.9

    Po;nned Unpoinned



    Tooal 106.8 Oprn 64,1 Cl-d 1.6

    T""a1 1.6 Oprn 1.1 Cl-d 0,9

    Toul 18.5 Oprn lH a-d ~,O

    Total Oprn


    SO 15.5








    9-2 7,2

    a.-I 1.0


    Total Oprn




    31.6 31,6

    "'"' " Total 31.0 Oprn












    I't-1an,_.,. of

    nwnb« obmlo. In '-"'; _ My«n>t .... """,mol"-;!h "" pa"'l!"'}' '"'''''''' ......... m.., of po;",. bu' ............ b< JdUUt,~ of po'''''''-''&' ~n.... '" ooGdlr poinmol. Unpon,...,.J and-. -'pbleol it< ...,....,j '" "'.. bc< f<>lIo>,,;"II;""""': J!l;"", _ D. ,,,"" 1 IIJIIIR-IlMl)' FriuU 19\1l, PI' ~l roll oloenlo ..".~, T-Tu, f.·V 1 (Uf lfIilk Tlto+(Uf 1lLf2 (10,.)). F......h 1965. I' 200 (ooly ,ho -...... oJ ""'" ~ pic«< «p<1, M]<.--. """', _,.11_'1_ (UIIlLf2 (iuTJ). F"",h 1965. 1'201 ("""h do>< <><'4inollr "'~ ........ 100, ..,. d>< ri.... of.".Jy>io; ""'" ooIi.;!/y poin«d and ""J'Un,*. ~ c.-u.,. ""'T"",,~ ~ ",fItd


    idenlifi.d. In order 10 ha~ oome b..;. <>f compuiton, howe~r. Table 2 p.....nt< ...ti.nc.lOr deposilS from A.in., TIOIlngiu.. Mycon.... nd Kora1<00. Uoage <>f ,h... dd;!ion, bec.use Mycon ........ a prtOm;n.m ,i.., i, i, more liktly to ha~ rem.in. of f...ling :ocrivitic. ,h:m • ""alkr .ilt, and thus ",i"g deposits from MyconO< to .. tab~,h • norm for .."Iomen!. of.U .ius i. question.ble; dcpoo;'" from lpecialiud ",o",g<' ..-c', such .. ,... Po.... Hou.. II Mye.no< and ,... III>"call'" "",.... Shop "' Zygouri•• h•••• for thi. re.",n. 001 been employed. Pol1.'Y from Nichori•• nd A.;.,. is .. ferred to;n I'" following discuss"",. bu' it h., n<>f g<'no.-.uy bec" qumtif«:d in I m:mnor .imilar '0 ,he dop<>


    22. A ".rittial bc'r< ..,. opIicidy


    13, Soc s.."""fdd 1m.




    TABLE 2-Culiu,J ~

    Sih/s.",w M_._of









    C''''''''''Y' """rU


    N(pa;.I«I) 1,871 M~.n>oml


    Nl~l~ ~.

    EM< All
    T.' 0,~


    "". "".


    •• Sl.l



    "". "".













    "". •••• ,.• "". •., C~







    " ., "








    ~ T~


    ., 21,1

    " 21.9 ~,





    0,- D' o-d 30.0






    .,•• " '",..






    o-d 1l.2


    '" N/A

    ••• •••






    "". •• •• "". >., "". '" Ue ".1



    0,- D'


    Mpn><.CMWWOj' N(poinl«l) 121


    ., ,., ,.,




    Nlpoi.1«I11.l'O Nluopbnt


    31.1 1..-

    Poi.,..,O"' ....




    •• n, ., "'


    --..,." ..,...." " .. ,,,"









    "' '"

    "". ".= ~

    Pft.,.., ...




    18,6 Unpo.i.'" II._


    _ _ !UllllB/t' rr<-. CaMr 1976. P. 110 (aD .... ..10 klyoio. ...., .....,-ody ohuoi" ............... ol ...."....-...I ond ...............10 -'vo< ....... mod .0<1 ~.


    2•. 8y mw"l! """'" ........ p6oM "",,"I Fri",Il·. om, PI'- l-I-5O} """'.. ;"11 ~. il '1'1",.,,,1101 11'10 ol

    ,t.. rU,,'nl oh
    """ 2


    f.-, 'Mn 1'10 honbon,

    A, would be, expecft:d in ony ..-nk"",n, deposit,optn lhapco = mOre common in ,he f.U 9 deposit than clooicd ooco. Of the I"'inted pottery, .here i,. higher pertc"!2g< of opt" Ih.p<' i" ,he EU 9 depooi' ,han in EU 2 (LH IlIBl); 84.5% .... 7S.S%-]n the lorge, and probobly mort..,,,coc",",;ve dcpoo.ill from ;\-Iyeen"" (,he A.rcu. Both..,., Ci,.del HOOK room 3, Soo,h Hou.. room 22, and Causcw>y dcpooill), tl>< pcrccn'og< of <>pctlpointed vaKlo il typicolly.round 6O'l6. At Korokou. which ... >maD, nonpala.ialli'e prob.bly ofretl ,he best comparioo".o T$OUOgi.., about 80% of the paintcd .herd. arc from open .hapc". lhc unusual nalUre of ,h, EU 9 deposi. is indica.cd by the low frequcncyofpo'lCtTICd .hero. ond ohcrdo wi,h Ii....,. deco"IIt;"n, and ,he high 'ncidcnceofoolidlyp"n'cd therd, (criterion 1, ~). Fewerthan 10%of .h,lherdofmm .h, EU 9 dcpooi, hOOn of the LH JIB-iliA 1 ,trail from lUi"., doco the pcr"''''"g< of painted, I"'ttcmcd .nenk faU bdow 2O'l6.'" Fo.- d".. dcpooi"

    . . . . . DAONU, •. ,... cn.AD, ANn •• THO>tU

    wl>< (»into'tefyWUlOved (f_pgi... EV 2. K"",,1< p"'"""rag< of pan,mod ponery I)pically amoonlO to 2O-25'16,.nd shenk with li""ar dcror:otion typic:oIlyromprioc h.tf Of "",",of tho: .ol:i1 pain.«l .h<:nIo. fk<:ousc of the 1>~ numhc. ofkylikes, roughly 67'111 of the painted .herd. ;n tho: EU 9 de!">'i'.n: ""lidly po.in,«l. It can I>c argued ,h'l. in th•• l>sen« of ..nk",.,p. groupo of compu.bl< d.,., t~ pbl. the surfo« might h.v<: ..rvtK by giving ,hem. ,hini."., mo... me,.llic nd would h.... kssencd ,he porosity of body waIh. On. might 'peeu!>•••n..


    tllOK !""lUl.ted here demanded grone' qu.n';'i..."d mort pr0duction of drinking "",oda, ..pe
    being used. 11>< kyIi>: i. by far tM moot con\coimn diffkult f<> distingui.h bctw«:n rim. of solidly painTed kyIiket and thooe of .temmed bowls, painted kyIike. certainly compri.. no fcw.:r than SO'lI>, .nd poooibly cloocT to 55'lb, of:011 pointed she.ds.. By rontrut, only 7.5'll> of 1M LH IIlBI ....mbLagt in EU 1 is mode up ofpainted kyIikeo. 'The bulk of the painted kyIike. in F.U 9 belong f<> FS 1M,.h< rounded kyIi>: ryp;eal ofLH IllAl, and an: tolidJy pointro (Fig, 2); • ",1>o1>nti.1 number of panerned kylilreo a.. present .. well, .1· though 1M.. an: .. Ie.. t 10 solidly p.1inrcd kylilreo for =ry patterned <>nc. The kyli:c i, also the fum, mo.. p........ nt .mong the unpaintro sherds: 7~ of diagnostic finewve .herd, rcpreKnt ~o'" kyI'" form., moody FS 267, the angul.. kylix, and tM mundro kyli:c in both its dcep (FS 264) .nd ,hallow (FS 266) varilm. (Fig. 3). WMn.lI unpainted feonltu (•.g., rim., handlct, ba...) an: tWn inf<> ..count, kylilreo """",nt f<>.,..,r 55'll> "f the dilgnost;c sherd,. TI>c: percentage of unpainted "" 1. ;, Ie.. Itriking when compared to deposito with ......lobl. ",ti"i.. f unpainted ware: in the EU 1 deposit, 69'1l> "f the fine blUrc. bdnngcd f<> kylia furm. and 49.5'l6 of di'gnoot;c ,he""': at Myanac, in the Citadel Hoo,", room 3, Wardle not.. that unpointed kyIilreo ac<;OUnt for .bout Iu.lf the f<>tal number of ......1... presellted in the unpainted pott.ry: in the: South Hoo.., room 22, unp.inted kyIikes ac<:oonl for 6~ of .11 unpainted blUm" AnotMr 1"'1"'1.. open ..>Ving VClutin (19\12, po. 4S8) It".. tha' in a pun: Lli 1lIJ\ I unit>t N"horia. 2'0 <>ftbe
    .heN, ""'''


    0Jly !""nted. 6~ pf tenninol<w ....~ in clu...ctrr_ i>ing rbc Touun~ .. drp.>oin). and ~ <01l>C (·...w;u,"-<01l>C· and -""""".

    "To.... ng;..). It .. not d... whetbe, rbco< figwn


    cakulatcd b
    ofm mendi"" W;
    T..... ng;.. ~,UId a""",n' ,,, 7,2'0 <>ftbe tohJ <' '" 25"'~nc< of ooIidly ~nted ....d. at N"horia ("""tly (t'oblen) may be on in.!"'rion ,ho! ,hi. ~""' of

    ooIidly ~n,cd kyw... and Item""'" bowls, tII«n rogether, oumumber pott<m«l kyIikco in ......I•• be do,.. l

    "': •"• ::

    , . ..:.--

    ·'«= 1. Sobdly painml._ndod k)-Gkd 15Sl-1·)8 (I.ft) ODd 158-6·2· 90 (';,,,), 5<... U. r. n-... ....

    J- E. PWl"

    l'il"n: 3. Unpainml ..... ndod (oIWIow) kyfu; 1588-1·50 (kfl); ~ I
    F'P"'4.S '''-ioHS4-1-11 (I.ft) oM 1SBS-1~ (",61'). s...... 1.1



    M .•.



    ,. ..----+----, ... F~f< S. Shallow onpIar bo..I ISIl4-2-7).S.w H ~n.....- ....

    I, E.l"'. stipple pa".m. """,ly all of these .... fOIidly painted. They rompti... minimum of 4,6% of the painted .h<:nls, but bccru.. of the diflkulty in di"ing'Ji.hing between some rim. and body .h<:rd. of the.. ...,...,is .nd tl>ooe of fOIidly painted 1'l,likes, the true l""J'Oftioo i. p«>b.bly close, to 10'11.. 11>0 only other <>prtical ""I" (FS 2(4). whi.ch m.y h.ve .. rvcd .. lam!", only ••mall numher of <>p< ofthe EU 2 d"l""it. 11>0 raw percentagn conceal the foct, ~'" thot remains ofth. SAB. could often be mended into woole I""fil•• or .t I.." very ",bs.. ntial portioru of rho va..la. AmongclooeJ ......1. (crit.rion 3), w-g•• nd mcJium-oiudjugo and hydri., .re the """, common .h.pes rqtteoenled in pain,ed .nd unpointed ....mblage. in EU 9. Sh<:rd. f""" painted jUg> .nd hydri.. m.u up 4% of all painted .herds (d. the EU 2 deposit with 9'16). At Mycenae, in the Cit.delll"".. 1'OOffl 3 deposit, painted jUgJ rompri.. 4,9'16 of the painted ohc:.tIo, in the Sooth H"".. 1'OOffl 22 deposit.J. 7'llt. At K"...lou,jup m.ake up roughly 2%of the '''tolpainted .herds in the Easl Alley deposi,. Among the unpainted pOll• .,. in EU 9, .h<:rd. from th. juglhydri. m.u up IS"" of all diagnostic 0...,,10, in comporiooo to 10.5'16 <>fall f••tu.... in the EU 2 deposit. In the Sooth H"".. room 22 deposil .t />'Iycen.., the juglh)-dria m.1en uf' only 7.5'lf, of the uol"'infcd f••ture·" although <XXI lig'Jrn .." not provided, ,h. percentage in the Cilldel 11...... room J d"l""'it 10 be "",n ~,." unpainted juglhydri. m.y ,hu. he more rommon in the T_ngi>a EU 9 dq-it than i. UNal. Cooking vasel. ofvvioo. kind••re p....n' in :abund.nc., including tripod cooking pot., at In" th... kind. of cooking jar, .nd two pos,ibk roolcing lid., In bath the EU 2 Ind EU 9 deposits. roolcing vessel, make up roughly half of the medium-ooa.... poIle.,..nd • 'enth of .11 unp.inted .henk htter ftgUJ< it $Orncwha, """" ,han the 6.6'I6 ... n in the Sooth Hoose room 22 deposit .. Myc.nae. In term, of the pre.. nce of opecial ritual vessel, (cri'e,ion 4), thi, deposit contai", a .ingl. eumpl. oflhe mini.ture kyIix with rugh h.ndles (FS 272; Fig. 6) thlt Sloc:ur .nd D.vi. (Ihi, volume) connect 10 ritual bIting at 1,),100. Th. ,im < only identified example of.








    27. W..-.llc 1%9, fill. 280-182: Mowuj.,,- 1976, p. Ill.



    »)... Fil= 6. MiniolUn kyIix IS57-2-2. $.<'" lel. ~n...- oM). E, Pf,ff

    mini"u", k)'11x .. T"""ngi~ in LH III levels, and its 'ppdes ",I."i... ly few medium·co~.nd C01IK ulili...-ian ......1. (cri.rnon 5). For example. n<:ally a fifth of lhe < di.gr.ootic .herd. from ,he EU 2 depooi, rome from """. NM•• nd large basin.; be""u", ,be .herd, from ,het<: oon, ofvc,..lo in EU 9 wr", in genetal mOKh "",alIct.nd harder 10 classify th.n ,hose from Ihe EU 2 depooil. cxa£t pcn;en'ag<' .... imP"'"ihle to determine, bul comp1t1ble vessel, appear to ",,«>un, fo.-only 10'16 ohhe EU 9 depooil. FinlUy. ovcnizcd ve... iono of some poll arc prcscm (cri,erion 6). A ,mall numOO ofk)'lix ,herd, h.vc rim diameter> of more ,han XI em.lhe F'S 29S SAB. preocnl in ,hi. depooi, art on the .... hole larger ,hln u.ua!.ln lhe EU 2 dcp<>l;' daling LH lIIBI. almos, all of ,he SAB, h.vc rim diame,er. th>! fall betwttn 13 .nd 16 em; mos, of Ihe cnmpks ;n the EU 9 depooil range from 15 '0 18 em, bu, I number ofenmple coono' .K1 up 10 23 em. lnclargcr ,peeimen, ,imply. reAeK


    n:MALE FIGURE AND OTHER EVIDENCE The presenre of • fragmen..ry ceram" female figu... (Figs. 7; 8:0) mole< Ihe T""'ngi.... dcp<>li, ,rand OIl' "' unique. The figu... belongs 10 Eliubelh French', 'ype A. bes, known from ,he ruJ. ren'en .. />lyeen.. and Phylakopi." Only lhe lower two-Ihirds wa, recovered, wi,h InKhmen, ",an for ,he .m.. on its sK1«:\It were not buill un,il LH IIlAl .nd loler, ....hen ,he plla,ial cente" were already <stlblimcd." Although i. is P"'";hle .h'l ,he figure wa, originaUy housed in a ""I<'ure thlt was eitltct not pre..rvcre' """""",cd," 'here i. no


    28. ...J T.y!ou, 1_. pp. 4647; F",nth I'llIS. pp. 214---216. 221. 29. F",nth 1971,1'1' 11l3--1OS, lOll.

    30. """,,,
    Ii&- 231:0---.:.

    3L W.wu 1l'96, p. 61, 31. Wn~ 1_. pp.69--7().



    >t. X. DAI"'U,'. HALITHO. M'D

    p. T""MU

    .. , '

    "'SW'" 7. Fe""" lip'" 1581+1. \.<010 U,j. Eo I'f>j;

    •• , •

    , ~'«w'< 8. (a)

    ~'" 1581-2-1;

    (b) ph; f~ 1581+5; (el phi lW'rinc 1584--1-1; (d) "b,...dmshf" /i~rinc 155~-1-1. ""- T. Dob

    n,., EU 9 depo<;' :Wo contaiMnes, hands,,,,,.., and • whe"'''''''), :uxl One .1It.. and three <>boidi,,, ~ou
    CONCLUSIONS How an: we '0 undt..... nd .he social signif""",c "r th<.. :m:hacologicol ",mains? 1l>c ch.r3only .f'cr usc in I .ingle """nt .,.. • ..ric. of,imil., specialized evento. n... predominance pwn vc ,hal ,hi.


    n.). M. H"".. n (p«>. romm,j,




    HAST'1OC 010 T.OY1OClZA

    .....n' wa•• f...I." The qY.nt;1y of <;>lIk conwmed 1Uggest> IhOl ,1><", we", mmy portieipan.. in ,he r.,.", whik Ihe COfliUmption of large lfIimob ....h .. adul, <;>,tle iR< f.m ...... ~ by •• ingk IpOfUOf Of, at mol',' very restrKted nmnhcr of Th..., ,here an: gmund< fo. interpreting ,II<: f...t{.)., Ancient N."",. in of con.piC\lOU' ~ne"",ity by the high-ranking .pon.Of{t), ... ,he< ,h"" coUcctively org:rniud COItImen..u 'Y. Th. l:u-gc qy.nti'Y of m'" conwmed.,he .mall < f.mole ftgW"C .Il1ed wi,h • ",ligious octivi'Y. The di.posaI ofthe ftgW"C oIong wi,h ,he ",mai... off••,,ing may poin' to • differen, ceremoniol role for figure than for la,er elsewhere. figures fouRci.nt N.me. mal lOCi.l.nd cron"",ic .yo.. m •. Thi. d."",i, morh. ",ming poin' in the sciding with the bcginoing of. period of "'en,ive growth. The penon or f"'Ol'k who ~ed ,he reoourc., for ,hi, ce",moniol f cre..ed "" obligotion of lttiprt>< ,....el. from ,1>< point of production. Kim Shehon h.. •uggested ,h.t Pc"•• ll""se .t Mycenoc, which mo..ined. figure .nd pottery .imilar fO ,he m...tiol in ,he Tooungiu del""'i" wu< p.rtiei!",n.. from reciprocating in kind. The I',....;Jcr(.) wou1d ,h.reby h.ve cre..ed ••inu.,;"" .n...iling reciprocity;n 0,1><•• phereo .ueh •• molOlida,i.,., of obligotio..... trading putn... or pnliticol .ncg;"""".By inviting f"'Ol'lc ro parnke of the f.... , ,1>0 provide. WI' oblc '0 bring .ffiliated people in ,he ~ infO. closer sociol relotion...ip.ln.tudying ,ho use ofre.... mobilize mllcctive labor, MichKl metler and Ingrid H.rbieh found fco.m oct ... me.n. ofconverting lhe row m....ial. of .he f...., agrorian weaI,h, infO oocial and eronomic p""ti~." Pnwiding a feast i•• powerful _"". of ..panding pn~ticol powe', one no, 1001 on modem-d.y politician••nd Iobbyi.... To ,hi. one m.... odd ,he I',....;dc,·. mntrol "'..,. • po<enrially even more s..igoifl
    m'r .ponsors."





    '0 ....




    3-1. Cf H.,w.. 1001, 1'1'- "0-41, JS. Tt.:.o: "'fIgdriono "'" bootd '"'

    th< ~ ,t.., do::.nrob< ...........

    ~ :16. II, H-'J"In> (f"'1". roonm,),

    >ftft " ' " ; "

    37. Sb



    ~ JCnlcm
    a' Tonungiza was <>oly OR<' of a numbe, ofJCnlcm< Aidonia ~m<.e'Y migh,.Jon Iu", ~n d..... n in,o Mycen.e" ooci.J and «<>nomic oph ""'''' .ngog«! in 0 dynomic ..10,iOlUhip, no, m.,<:Iy ...... in which the ""n'e, oomm.nd«! and ,I>< p

    REFERENCES 1Ili~j.

    I'l"/J."1Ii,; f\,q

    fi;,..lIi~ S_,

    .....""1;..-.1 S""'lr';n. Mi....... p. pian C"""""",i'Y; A"""A., 5B. ",,,",, 1Ini", C. K. IllS\.

    n.. 11......... ,1;.

    11-'/ A. I",~"Aflit•• e-TOf>I--y, CIU

    (hnpJ/d....<....<.nLlNVAPI). Dabnry,H 1997, -eM Pn: rel="nofollow">doo<1 Coo"""pbM ~ IDd;"'"" ofS;.. S '" inll<ponal SNdiot.,· in TE.~,"I/: C"'fi_ c . . j I _ ,"" C",jI,_nJ!i, i_ ,ht A'1"'_ B_.., A,.. P..,,"i~l' I.· ~Aq<>o.~.~ ""~~"'6).
    n'..-..i1' I' 11<,....."...... l~, "".-461.....11. d< ,-.dO>. I' 2001. "'C< M""'....... P>btioI Srott""• in Mtkt i_ Iht M,,_ _ PoIn

    11),00:1. S. V""...u; and J. Killen.

    Cambridp-.PI'lS-H, DiiO, F..",h, E. 196-<, "Lt... lloUodi< lilA I Poll<'<)' from ;0.1"",,,,,,; /1M Sq, 1'1',2'1-261.



    - - , 1'I6S. ·La.. Hou.dir lilA 2 """"'r from M""",><,· 11£160,

    kjtu,J ''''''''ll "" Lt... CI...o. ;\h,.." Xu..... nuU
    PI' '5'1-2(12. --.I966.·A C""'l'ufLatr H

    My6,,,,,IOI-187. - - , 1 m "'The r,~..-..i.>~· ri....: in C. Rrnf...... no- A..-· v1:1 ,,",'try.~. H"",iblti>, V, 1m, ·E>ling < lkod, Mortuary F..,,;"ll ..-.I ,I>< ll,l;,g 01' M,"""Y in ,I>< "'so"" R.,...., A«< $0<;"';"'" in fi«idJ i. to. Aw- B,.,.u AI' (Sbdf..k1 Snodilogy I), uIouo F....., A P"'kll"""''''' to < rmpomntt oI'r...n"ll'o" in F,"",' A,,~· ,n/•• J f:t~ r...Jr, ..-.I s. S« in Lt.t< Ilrofw: Ago: C""" No.. Ev'.Irn< MJ'<"'l"'U1 'I'ob« 01' No"": PyIoo.' A"'~IJ 76, PI' 116-\I2. l.



    PI' 9Jl--9Sl. Moltb,-, M.I9&5 .• 1\0"..... in Flunal A-mbUg< V";obiliry.";" BtJ-J o.-i<,';'" j. ~ t:.....,.: I~ i. S.,;"iJtwwt A,,__ oInv""" S«;nJ e-#<~ty.
    C, B""" and C. ComhI<, N.... Ytwk, PI' 3l--1' Monin, S. 1.. 1992. "MJ""'><'" 1'1><. ",)" from ,I>< S< Laro IMIa"" IIlAI in &rntwM.u oJ N".1»nn ;" s.t6""" G"", II: n..1V>.", Azt am.,.n.•. ,


    1'I'~88-4~ M~,

    A. 1),....:1 W. D, TlrJour.

    ,m. t!'UB.jhM".- '0 n..

    n...,K C-fla, O>fo
    M"""rjor,1' 1976, ·Latrl-lolbdi< IlIB I ""'..,.,. DaritIjo; < C"",tN< Sooth II""" .. Myrrnae.- BM 11, PI' n-Ill. Munoon, 1'., and R. Comi<wi<:L 2003. "Ag<·~I,
    C.nid·R..-.pl.·""naI A_on· ~"JAS30.I'I'.~16. ""'-
    n. ,,",-


    B.ilJi"l' ,""]),.i, e.-.... I'M
    1'nI.o« W1OII, W. TayIou<,..-.I W. P.

    l>ooo-an. n.. ""'-
    II,,,,,. ,II"""", Ill,

    MofM' "., u-. T,,"",' n.Jo;'


    C"". Giork. ""' a-.... ~ C.iJ""'I, Pnnmon197J. Ru=,). B. 197~. -n.. Lat< Hdl.odi< IllB ..... mc ~ .. Knnkou and eo.u..;n .1>< CoM"""" (......

    _,Ui< ,'"


    Unio. al ScMnkId. G. 1'lll8, ·iI
    """"r!tum 11.: 50:,"'''"''''. P>tt

    Ill: Lot< H!""Y.";" F~_rio.u.,N;';""';' ;. &.1_ c.- 11; 7lt 8"">1 At<~, .... \V.A.MeDonold ..... N.C. Will<JtQn, K. 2OOl. -n.. Rroperu"ll al f\:uao H"""."Tho: Study al. C.. """'" \v..-.I>nuo< on
    E""...._ .. M)«1Ix: AJA 106. P. 259 (abm>ct).

    'll>om.o. ~ M. 19\12. ·UIIlI1l:1 Pot"'''- r,.,.., T.... ~ and Z)1'>Uria· '...... Unio.ufN<>rthC........... Chopo:l HiUj T...........-;""'.1. 19\15. 7lt "/.-, II.....' ., Mp- (8SA SuppI. 24). London.. Tuin 11.: Ci'....).' M,unx; 8SA 64. pp. 261-298, --.1973. -A G""'pnH..", HeJ.bd;,: llIB 2 Pot,,')" (rom .;min the Cn..Jcl .. M,unx: The C,u""""f 8SA 68. pp. 297- 3-l1l.


    W""". M. II. 19\18. "The ",-",,, CI~e.. oIowJ alLat, lI

    a-..Jov.. T_'I><~
    t'" 1ft'"

    Rt-I.l"-'<.'" A~" p.,j~l;.

    M"/i,..,,,_•. -"",.~l' /.~Co/Jov
    ;c. ;" SanJi,,;an Atc:~ S). cd. M. S. Ba1m
    P/M'.,'I>< G.4. 1;.","";".",


    $«..d A"';"'t G""". cd. S. E.. AIron; II"!";' 59, Pl'S~9.




    Thomas G. Pa/aima

    ABSTRACT Linou Bbblrll.nd .. oIing> from ·I"bdl<•. l'}'loo.• 0.1 ,,"'_,. oM",I"" lM'I'" ond ~.,,;nK b.kl., F.. l"i.1 «m ".1 In ,,",;on. for «Hl1m"n.1 ",,. lu ,hi. chapl., I W"""" ,Iv ... ,,,,. of ,h. U " ,~,",' ,""ul> fCK'\l' "" ,ho< (.,11<0, .tchoe<>k.pr.l.nd iJ hkh ........ f<'Om I'yloo, T,,"o,Io,;oo...f,1v kr ,.." ... 1'.... ,,,•.1 I" "" .l~","'j•. ludividuolo ond ll"""P" of ",,,,;ul ""'''' ..... 'urol••d'u 1"".,1.1,..,1.>««",,· ,""mal o:cr<""'" i


    ,.""al ..




    l1>ae h.... beeu greal advvocc, ,n rloe .. \Iw>; 1) ,I>< (QD'IpM'>uw .. udy ,,( .,,1,,"11''''''' (o" ... "!>,,.! .,... "nin..,ihc:d ..,iliuK' .nd d,.l, .....);' 1) be:, .." .. n.' A, ,Iv urn< ,1m<, Mye.noLOW'" h.w I ."" . of tho Deed to ;"'e,F""" ,10< i"",,,be:d w"h;" ,I,. ", ,{ QUt ,ncrc.ocd undcnundi"K uf pah,ial 10"«,",, .,><1 "-"'"W'I~JY: archival ,<:Cold procco.~" d,. ",•• o,iol ...d ..,if.. ,".I """"d,' '<~"J.J


    I I d.anl. m. H",......~. and ...., J...... C. m.... ""f'<"'UI" <m>o:al ............... and

    W+ ""

    t< ttII<ar 8. _ l'>.Iwno


    2. """"" l~. 1""6.1W"Jol;

    P"""" 01«-. ODd Md1...... 1m. Killen I'""": f'>J.aJmo 1lI.1Jc. ~ Klll
    ... I'N'I. W 1lJ7

    ll~. l\~"""";"



    l'olI.. " .. lWS•• :ll....)l,.I'lY<. 1""6--1 Vf7

    7 Wnw" lWS•• '>1..1" I"""', ~ 1


    .. ol 1'lh.

    <1>,. I'HI, I•...I.oJ,...


    THOMA> C, ... L .. ' ....


    gcogr:lphy.' "",i.l power oI",r;U panlJ<".. ,han ""cr the .ignifi•• n« of ~mr:illy organiud commen•• l ceremonin for reinforcing Myti<m. Th< import.""" of _,i(>cia! rcosTing ri","1 in LOle My<:c"""a" p;ol.liol oocic'Y i. d ....ly .. fle<'«! in "un by individual" whom we .<>nv: flr..-..:ogc rttOrding of individual conlribu,ioo. of animals for ....."roal oacrificc.nd comumption.t feasting cnemon;cs; t>~t.d colk<;tKm "ffo,,,btulf. from "",iouo compon =<>nl'ru<:t ,he n'iden« fium 1'yIoo, ,he 00, docum<:nted an:haeologically and epignphicaUy. Thi. wiU mike dnr how imporn.n, ouch unitying «",moni.. w=: .00 ,he ,,'en' l<' which ,hey:ofFcou, M~n ..an p>.1"i>.l'etrirorie•. l1>e key primary 'el.l Ind fe..,ing ttremony from Thebes. Pyloo. Ind Knoooos are prelenled in Englilh lran.lation in the Ippendilc a' the end of ,hi. chaplet, mUlY ,,,",,ta,ed '<>ge.her for the f,n, ,ime.l ,ran.b.e hebes hu betn IUbjce' '0 "''Y dubi""s io'erp.....tion. in the rd;';. pi""f'l. Until we ",och. clarer ronsemu. on what these ,..fJ con .. in and what ,hei, purposes we",. and ~ how many full'exfl there ''''. i, would bt I di...rvice to incorpora,e their m;nimal evidence inlo di"",ssiool of .ny .. pect of Mycen,,"n cultu",. One new Thebe> "ble,. howevcr, hal clear and unequivocal rclevance to kll,ing, .n



    =gesi. (_

    ,loa, " ....,""'"

    oJ: ,I>< oil t«<>' from ,be pili«

    8. Sh


    di,.. 1'!'9'Ja. 10. Killen 1985, Moni> l~; Oli· Yier 1996-1991; l....p.d 1W'J. 2002; H.JII,ad 1m. 2001, r..t.o;"" 2001. II. Killp6cidy '0 ,...bl\l- Fo< JJ (2002. P. B) rcaJOflably "I'J'<>

    in k.,ri"5 ,itoalo. 14.1 don ",.,. l0oi: " rl>< "ondard "",,,,!.I,iom .00 inl<tp«Uoo... iocludi"5 ""T...... ,.nowJ() to SO,.....oId. ....00 in Pal",« 1'I6J.oo Vrntri< ,nd Clladw'.i"5 <>ft..n·


    from "".grnttaI ronoi.tmbk".oo

    rcooro. ",I,ri"5 10 ..~".oo

    _"I'ybto~~ ond deirioro wouIJ ..'" o.",n """",mtd


    < ';1< of MY',..... wtueh ",.,. to .""5C'..w. f,"";"5· of ..,.,.,., "",«<1 in ,I.< h"'ur'.otI

    "Thn""""""" (O<,i<",>< ond V«tUt\,

    1989, PI" 19()-191) ond p
    ing. h .. ...., di~ rhu<wghIy by

    Cub VariM Garcia in , Ionhoomi"ll I"P"', ond ;, """'tOr. omiltf
    U. S«bd"w,p.I20...blo:> tell"" .... rntdi"5 ri",ol off
    olM> to ,he I;",h ~!O<,. 1'..... pbon<.

    7..,..." rt.e


    fl.,.,..... ond

    ,I><~ <1<;""";' ~ "''f'«' ~ft/lW .. i.<.oo~~


    S« my hill """""" (Pabima 2002.. 2OOld).




    LIN .... I




    11>< "'''' ro our = n , ~"dtrs,.rtdi"gof the d.tI .", the inte.p",totion of.n intentional rolle<:tioo of ",.lings frum lbebes rehllro to ,h. eon'ribu'ion of .i"g\<: ."imab ro , «nrraliud communal oaerifi« and 17"...;" the correcf idtmifiea,i"" of ,he melning of the ,erm ~",..nd rela'ed terminology for ",m« obligation;" and ,he con,inuing refin.men, of the in'.rp......i"" of 'he T• ..,ria ., Pyloo. whieh dtal< wi'h furni,u.... vessel.. fi", and cooking implement.,.nd 10010 of oaerifi« fo•• m.jor fnoting ceremony." lbe Lnnr B .. bk, evidc:n« i. rtOtorioualy regioo. uneven in ill representa'ion of pll.,i.l in,erall from regioo 11><: ,phe'" of ri",al and «re""",iall<,iviry io no =p,ion. W• .,.. de~nden, "" ,he hazard, of dt"ru<: Mycenaean pt'O"ide beller documenfl'ioo for exm-urban .. nctu..... i.,..nd «n'e.. of ritual 'han we ha... bee" abk '0 reron'tnJ< (Po&idacix, lphimtdei.. Diwi.j dei'i<:I.nd even hefOC'l or ""j...."" (e.g.. ,he "Thrice-He...." ,he "Hou",-M",er"l could be fel' and worohipped. These a",.. iodude 'M gcn.raJ diltri« p"-ti-j..-~, and fi"" specific sanctuari•• d.dic..ep«ti""ly to PoKidon ~,;-""-i-joJ; 'he deiry known .. ~"-'81(~.... '81-}o); lprumcdci. (i_~",<-rJ,-jo_<jo.);,h. feminine counrcrpan of"", name .."",,,,ra '" ino,i\U,;"""Ioc.ted wi'run ouch ••nc'u..ie, from indi"', of .ucll"'emple" in .11.",•• of. repre",n'OIi"" Mycen.e.n pol.,i.l'e'ri,o<)'. Tn 316 indint.,. ,h... oingle di..ri<, could h."" m.ny nne",..ies and undooh,e


    '0 W2ITIJl'



    lb. Pir

    17. K;u.", 1_. I!. I(;IIrn 1m; Sp«..... 1'19'1-.

    s-.,ru IW'J; J.......",. ZOOOb, C""".


    19. Jl<"... (lOCII,1' 30. f,~. I) pro-fil<1 a good diogtarn o£~lJ'crn..." <}'
    11. Wrigh' 1m, ILIkf 1'181. 12. On Ibc proW>h'J'

    IoyIiIoa ...d
    .......... "'" V..-.d<nolw:
    lJ. So. 19\19. 20. Uoo PW;m. 2001. pp. 157159. 15. 11<" 1998., pp. 1H-I 15 ond


    fij;. 59. "'" yo in ""'i





    Sim~.,.l); four

    ubkt. of Iho1l>ebes Of .. ria (Of 26, 31, 33, 36; not tnn.l'lled he"') pre..,...., ",rc",ncn to two other strucrurn or institution. within "nc t.rm. ·wo-~. and .Jc Ire COIlne<:tcd "'p«ti,..Iy with taUI Gred, ond do",... both word. h.ving in hi"ori.co.l Greek the "",.ning of "hoo..• or boo.. ,"uetu",. SillCC th. noun form -do is rebtUf"'rimpooed Ilyc":" J(rJ, mUc lesson here i.th.t ..... hoold not be d;ooonc.rt



    .boo, ..

    PERSONS, PLACES, AND TERMS OF CONTRIBUTION Comrrwonsai ce",monje.... mean, fa unite communities and n:infurc. powe' hierarchi•• by a n:ciprocol procc" thll combin", both generou. provi.ioniog by figu... c~ fa ,he nsumcd .. communal hanque". The ..alings lClI UI, ,hmugh the minim'" infurmation inKribcJ on thei. tn..., foa:lJ, about the penon.. pI , .nd term. invol....d in contribuling .ingle .nimob.o communal fe By unde....nding the me<:ha<>i.m. of provi.ion. we understand bene' ,he .ignificance of Myt.naun f•.,ting .itual.


    26. Chon'..... t\l68-I980, roL I, pp.161-U2, •.•. <1<_ 21. Shelmnl.1«

    ...00 haw rontm<'tIIOI « ..moni'Y!'C'. >« II olUga- 19'\l6, ...,.. I,


    ""'22-25...... tht ....tionof ...... "".lulu", ...nn

    1'oIaitn, 1987, 2OOOa, 2000<. lO. 1'aIaim,1OOO<. PI" 26,..21>9; 1>;""",. O~';'r, ,nd ~lrI



    LIH£A. I "ocu'''NT'


    The ..olings from 11Kbe. provide our only u".mb;guou, documen, ..ion in ,hi. rcgord." A few scalings from o,her .i",. migh, be .huwn to have som. connection '0 commen..1ce.. moni.... l> It i. not cen';", how.ve., thot the cloth d..ign'led by idrogr1m '146 on Knos.oo .. a~ngs (e.g., Wm 1714, 18H>, 11117, 51160, 8490) and the .ingl. li""OIocl< .. gi.",..d with the word~!" 00 Prim se.lings from ,h. Nonh."'t \Vorkshop (e.g., Wr 1325, \331) "once.n w:rif>
    HISTORICAl. PARAtLELS We ...n und•.,to.nd how the 11Kbe. \VU scaling> ..I.'e '0 .he whole pro-cco> of ce..moniol fou.ing by looking It ponilldo both fi-orn lot« Greek hi.tory ond fi-om other l\lyc.nocan .it...11K 11Kl>co ocalings we.. used 10 certify lhe conttibut;'" o( .ingle .nimalo"OO in. few CISC. ",loted "'ppli........ u (odder, which would cvtnnla1ly ha"" been used (or socrif"", and consumption.11>cy are therd'ore prelimin.ry to ..ble" ow:h .. Un 2 .nd Un \3g from Pj.-Io$, on which >ggJTg:l'" (ood'ruffs, it>c fifth century I.C., the """,f,cc of hundred. o( ~n at tl>c """.t .It", o( Athen. on the Acropoli. ,00 the .moo:rnt fou.ing ·c.me ro be regarded "' • symbol of lhe privileged IUS o( the . - t powerful city ;n the A.S"an W01'ld:" 1hc f'1nothcnoi, in Pcride:rn A.hen. had the funh« purpose ,,( reinforcing.he paromoontcyo(Athen. """r the mcmbe.. of.h. Delian League by di.playing A'henion power to off,cio! vi.it"," (rom other p<>lci•. It al... setWd '0 r<w>rd, and ......by solidify ,he loyoIty of, "ff>Cial. W01'king (or Atheni.n ;nle","ts outside tl>c tcnitory o( Ani.... A scholium to Ari"o· ph...... declor..: "At the P.ru.thenoi., 011 Atheni.n colon;" cu.tomarily sent a bull to be socrificed:'" At .h. same time, the P:onath.n';o .ymbolically unified and reworded the "",mbcro o( the Atheni"" community, .. did the frcqucnt (cstivat. ,,( anim.al .:o<:rific<: and (.".ing that took pl:a<:. in cvtry month o( tho Alheniln sacred calend..." Such regulorly ..peoted ritual. of communol .ocrifi cc ,nd fe.sting reminded lote-fifth-ccnrury Atheni>Jl ciri..", o( the bene(It. and re......-.ls of tl>cir imperiol power and whot they m;ght lose i( they did oot wvrk hord and coope...tively.o m.in· ..in thei. empire. Given the prevolence o( politicol discord and ..gionoland oociol f",,.ionoli.m in Athen. /Tom lhe late-ocvcnlh-century CyIoni:rn ron.piracy



    J 1. ]';teroo, Olr.-ilosu< ODd ..... yri<>I i".b in P:al.inu 1996. PI' 45-65. 33. l'i .._ Olrh«. ODd Md.", 1990, P. 174. 34. N "", ,'" P>n.. h<-

    .w, ..... •..ro1y ofBron.. Ago oril!in: 35. Shlpiro 1996. p. 216.

    J6. So:< Ar. N>oA 386 ;n Dubn<>(11177) 1%9, P. 101: Ru'l'>

    19\12, pp- 102-111. NIo ~ng rom"","'; ~ ODd fno';r>«-

    ..,;,."",. . " " " I


    THOMAS G . • Al .. ' ....

    through ,he political revolution. ofllw: WI dea< Tn::asun::n of Athcn<, givn u' • m.~i1 m•.....", oflhc importoll« "fthe pool-urnfici.l fc.. ts.... The city bon: the .""" of ,hn< ,,,,,rif=>. either din:cdy or indio rectly.... A look down the Athenian mon,h1rcalcnd", .hows !hal, with the apparent <>«>:I"ioo of r.himak'crion, 001 • "",nth puKd without m.ssM: .!.ought.ring of be......

    We ,hould

    be., III ,hi. in mind

    we try to mike sen.., of ,h. poortr l\1)ttlUCan evidence. Simiw MOr> at pur as c~t<:1 who """'" ,rolk would teinforcc • group'• ..,"'" ofbelonging to the CDmmoniry, no m.ne>: how tho no,ion of"belonging" wu defined."' II




    W. c.n ... within th. Thebe...dings In the c1.ment. of nand.M orgoni..tional «In"ol that coin.d for ltltival. ""eh .. the PID.,henoia and which 1.y behind both th. aggreg.te 0. l.. t-otage Linea. B tClet. for feuting ("g., PyI<>o t.ble.. Un 2, 138, 718) and ~.d. of tbe ••n.....Ii.cd palatial mob~i..tion of ........ rr•• (•. g.. Pyloo tablet]n 829). Th. Thebes ..alings expUcitly <=l.d 16 .hccp (13 moJc, two f.moJc),'" 14 goats (.ill mal., ",.. n femak), 10 pigs (Iia mal., two femal,), two 'p«:ificaUy d••ig' notcd "fltt.d pigs: two co"l. (one moJc, <>n< femak), Ind th~ lodet.t38. Zaidm,o and Sci"",,, Plold 1'J'!12,1' 107, 39. Aoro}om> 1985, PI' 383, 4SJ.~

    40 V..,.,.;, ond Ch..lwi
    and ~,;-h-tN' ("immipant1"). Cf A..... Jorro 1'lll5. PI' J61-.l6Il.

    442.-<43, 1'l"13, PI' 156-1S1. 41. 0..;, and 1l< pnx<>J of "htI)-"<"",..I,"..-tWo: 0'<' I\.Jly .... dini"l!' ,I>< oompkD'J' of b.""'W"ll '" m. o;ultu'" d.fon
    tt.< MJ'C"nA

    42. In -.... m. IOno:! of onimol "" '''aIinll eatI he idoncif>«l bo, "'" m. g
    of .nim'" and m. ",m of mok.nd

    f"""" onimoll.




    C, PALA'M"

    l'il"~ 1.1'yIoo

    'obit, Un 719 (_

    uan......... in opporodit),Il. 19.7,

    W.Il.7.Th.I.9.m. . - .....



    sm,.. _

    e-...,.Dopo=_otc-.t--,. ofC_


    no. rid. pnft2po ~trnlIy ~
    of DDOlU,.rr-tint; paraphcrnaIia.• On Un 138 lJId "'" Tbtb<s ~ ... ""' ".,.,...,;"& on u.. ~l of inr!iridu&l ~. The ob'ip....... pbad ... thew iodiricIu:ds h> contribu.. 10 I aom~ ~ ttf.......,. _ in i_If. mart. of dislincrion. F..mwr puhIic ......." undoubc~Iy _ ...... dcd 10 !hem :dknrard ... ~ pt. b".... I """.pc..... public ~ fU "'" benefil of 00 many by 6pu widlin thcvoaall~ on "'" ~ bono 0
    I in either !he -mati¥< (m.

    orne. _

    b) p _, ;, ~ t.,. Pimw. Oliricf. and Mtkno)" Of the ~ (clwt1 wido "..ri-i--,i- on Wu 58). Tht prift wcukll'iuocrioity on 1M onli"ll r-.. ond tho: known jndtptndon ..., duiYa. wi,h tho d1JE"'s ol,..,. .. in Un 138.5. Ahtmalively, the nominari>oa mi«h''''''''' rubria and ~ I ohonhand ""I"inIcn. 10 the J-"' • .wive formula. If ,hi... """ tho. indioiduah on ,he Thd>n tn1ingo may aIoo I"" foo", ,he WOO fun< ".._,. fotmub in II>< mi>rnrnodll)' Un I.blcro,

    ,..1, ..

    SO. KilIm 1'"2. p.l76. Sl. Pi_OlMn,ond M..... 1990. PI' UHSI>.

    'U','NC '" ,H' "'NU' • ooC~"UT' ~

    ba,","...ed ""unple of mch. pe"",n i. found It PyIos. whe... "" individual n.med J,,..,,ii- it a not ornong ,he four individu.t. of high _ial ...."" >l PyIos Iut","," "roUnion. A, Pyloo., ,he: main "roUcetors' are invol"Cd in ~,"",'oc .nim.t. ... ""l'licidy d .. ignated .. u-pa-h-u--ri-jlt." ~fCnlly .nimd, "for ,ituol .Iough.er· (from the hi.toricoUy prodUl I'y\<>o: pa_li_j..'N. Sp""xiArln. ",he pl1cc of ""imol ...ugh'., ... ~ .igh, n.med individual. in ,he ck>ocd ",lIec'ion oflhcba Wu O<1lingo m.y .uo ho'T • dcgrcc of within .he ttnotrlOl"UoIIcultic spIIC1T• •nd .hey m.y be of .. high. social. poli'ical. 0< economic rank .. ,he ·""Ilccum." It i4 unc!c.. h<>w they ..!at<.o.he individuol.or .n';';". iden'ified by the 23 diff.n:nt ..al imp....ion•. N.ith.. group. ocoI-OOIdc.. nor , wi,h wrin.n pe 01 nome., <:on be id.n.ified wi.h .... "ocriba: i....,f ...., con und "",d ,hom from ,he Iimircd numbe. (to) of ,.n...ti", palocogrophicol groupings identified wi,hin the sc.ling in..-ription•." From ,he .phragiltic .nd opigraphicol evid.nce for individual. "n ,h. Th.be. scolin.,., howe",r. we con tonCludc ,h.......b~.hcd pro«dun:s wen: in pI...." <>buin the ncc.oovy reooun:es for. naiftciollf...ting ..... nl. ,h., ,hese procf'dun:s wen: carefully monitotcd,.nd .ho• •he fulfillm.n' of obligation. in ,hi> n:gord ..... Ktupulou.ly verified. Thi. COf"Itlu,ion in i..e1f ozgutt f...- n:gubriry in.uch rinW ctn:m<>ny. I h.'T ..."ed wi,h.he: individu.l. involvtd in molc.ing or "........,ing con.rihu,i"". of _,;ftei>! ""im.t. bccousc i. i. "ft.n furgot'.n ,hOI the \Tl)' ""nrion ofo.. individual by po...... >! tUmt "';,hin Lin.... 11 pmtiol record. i••n indication of .ignifi<:onl ","lUI. Any c1... linkogc to the power and pn:s.ige .,( ,he ctntnd paI.tiaI .u.h"';ry would h.'T """fCTRr." Th. region>! "nobility' .... ho oc«pte

    52. P;ttroo, Olivier. and M.I<.... 19\10. po 117. ft. 321; Li~ 1973. ""'. \, 1'1' 0--'«, ml_ 2. PI' .jl)-..41; Auno J<>m> I ~5. PI' 19S-196. 53. lk,,,.,, 19'12. Pr. 67-f>9, Olivier


    54. KilIm> 19'13. po 7J,

    57. P;f

    19'/2.1'95. 59. So< lkmo« 1_.1'\' 125-127. on ,ho< '<10:"-;""" af...... ....l dJ f"'lll;- b
    .......,;".. of ..... f> into kingo.







    Such pr.ontI<"

    GEOGRAPHICAL IMPLICATIONS n... ."t.m of fM ·community· invol.-.d in fM foutlng """,mony that lin Ixhind tM 1bebct ",olinp i. imp,",i"". fu tfun, fairly""nain toponynu, besides fuho. it",]f and IHap./NIu./, which might be 10os (locat.d in oouthem.nd we".m Euboi.......pecti....ly). n......;ta Ccalitin. For cnmpk. if. . to what ."tenf do i" ciriun, Of elit.. ,ha", in the ccntr.il cc",m
    Unfottunotcly, a definiti.... answer fo .och a quc.tioo i. cu .... ntly Ixyond ,he limi" of the Line.. B data. \Ve can not., 1H>wc.-.., thu, in analogy Mfh imperial Athen., uaificial.nimals ....re tra"'ported over long di"anccs. Animal, we", bronght to Myc.naean Thelx, af .... ~-.. (PV Un 47), pa-1i':io'-Ift" (PV Un 1). and Ul-flJ-pt-dD (PY Un 718)." Animals for •...-rifi ~.<=d on py en 418, Un 6, Ua 17, and U.lS, whe",.hey arc listed in proportiooal 'fII2"titia inilic-otivc of sacrifi«: .nd consumption." Af ""'-".Ii......ock designated .. "for slaugh....• ocem to Ix locatod at the .if< t>f ~-fQ-"" (KN X 9191) and petlup< destined for •• i,. named .-I8-wi-ja (KN C(l) 914)." In hi, full anal)".. of arcllocologial ·deads'ork· from Mycenaean palorial ern,... and ofli....rock managrmc:nt tcxn from ""'-" and l'yIos, Paw Hahtead estimotes that 1,439 animals at ""'->s .n




    60. Cool< and Palairna 2001, d. Killen 19"M, P. lIO. n, Sl. Soc 51><...". ,k~ 61. Ol;n..- 2001, pp- ISS-IS'

    Ao di><uso
    ",.n in ,I>< PyIno T....... ,,;,h ,.....

    h;u. ".n" -in'

    .. irnpornn' for our ........ ol,1>< irIvoIvemtnt ol this daoo ol

    indivKlwJo in nnW. 6..l. Pi,._ Otmrt.• nd Md.... 1990,p.tSl.n.In 6J. Sr'l!""' 19"M. P. ;169. In .... ThrbrIm of ,be ........ ol·rolIrcwro: 1>4. Soc Bendlll 2OOl. P. 9. lOr th< p<>OOibility 'hat orher Io

    and ~ milfh' be od

    6$. l\oIairna 1m, PI'- 103-110,

    119-12_, KilI
    Jam I9llS. P. lS. 67. IlaIt«lld 2OOl, pp- IS2-lSl, 1S8-IS9.1llJ--l6S.


    "AIT'"'' '" THC .,,,UO.

    l>OCUMO .. ' "

    THE NATURE OF CEREMONIAL OBLIGATIONS In oddirit>n '" id«lgr1ms indi.ca'inj! Jl'<'1""':d n&mlock, the "1l.f whal I hI''' ralIl" '<m\inolog:\'" n.e signifi..... nl"Theban ~ fOr lho: I""P""" t>f W>y II... .,.,nlrola"II,,,riry mobiliU;TIxba",J.ling. (Wu 016, Wu 56. Wu 5S. Wu 6-1. W u 76. Wu 88). Kill<m<:d on already-m;mubctur«l itfirs u'" in ;my cruoomic 'I........ i. ,ho: m'ry designllioo of ,he indi.-idu>l ..ho pctfunned ,he ..,.,. ~ the gvt on \V" 58. ~~"" of the si>c O'XUtm'I<eS of..,.. on ,ho: Th,,'OO ..illings (Wu 46. Wu 56. W" 58. Wu 71>. Wu 88) fQUow Ihi.polt<m.nd Ih= '" four of rho: Ii... 01", dnign:st< ,h., ,he onim'" i. ~ '-;,h 30 uni .. of fodbugh"". n.... iiV'< snJings f<><m • roher 0 "'''' !Qund only on dIi> oaIing, It i. moon.ble to hypolhcoir. 'hal ,he obocnu of ,he personal n.me: on W u 64 i. r; "..,., ..:ilingo--ond pe,haps on aU ",he" .. ""'U-IOt......,.. dcsign.at< lhe individu>l. or .",i,i.. 'lu.llu.V'< provided or h.V'< token fC1p""'.ibilily fOr ,he living animol ro .. hieh ,he ..oIing ronnpond•. In ,he ro.. ofW" 64. ,her< would be M .mbiguily if ,he l"'lfling wu 1\01. in lhe .nd. of p""p"" qu>liry, ..he,he, or "'" ,he "''''-"!'Pli., .... Jeoling ";,h .no,he, p>rty '0 ... '0 lhe .n;"''''·. toIT.ln ,he .... of ,he r<m.ining Ii,.. lCoJings. howcV'C,. lhe provide, 0' r<.pon.ibk pony {r,,!· edge ",ign.tion .-It......-jo r



    68. Nairn>. 2000<. 69. KilI
    <""" for fo.kl
    Wu ~. ,"" ,hin;! f>«t h.. """" deo~and i"
    """""lion ;.

    TIOO.",. C, .""A .....

    q'"_ and

    m. ocrion noun .......... "Tho ....", rr-- and ..Ia,rd lOnno.

    '"'" H"ln)n hat ~ dernonItn,ed." ~ .... :&nimalo heft: I f

    -ro b< pajd (_ pan of ~ rdip>uI obIipion. pctW'Y.... fino).·"Tho animAk ,.,..., Moo pan of C1OUecrod'coIIcnion octmty. ~, ~ . - -.dI nil a>,"",OM WI onlinJl-""" dw tM inbetI:n. in tM ,..,.,.. noun and m...m..J adjrtti.e b< ~''''''' ~The~whoinlhio .... ....,.bcd ... ~ n..... "~ ..... _ b".... a ·coDeaioa· (.,-J. buI tit lIIoo io '''"fOsibIc .... "po)'ioc. rhtft IlDim:do n..... hi. coDeaioa oW"'lPrion Thio io indicaicd WI C2.Ch of ~ rhtft ~ by m. oddilional ........ The rhtft ........ "paid ... 0 ......... ob6prion .... pc>Wty- 1ft: each 0 tiHnmI tpecia: Ibttp,pt, and pis. The diveniIy of IIp.aide.ond (m. CItlOftinol _ _ nJi.<'CII:I>hiJwioo)omu WI Py U. IS ond Un 6, in borh c-. wim odlCi edibIe...........d;tieo. Ofrhc _Thcbco ,obIm,!he.......,.-d ..........ond "ril\Oll· aopo<:IJ <>f whid> ....... be ~ downpLo)'Cd." "'" . . fi ~"''''"'Y lCXi Uo 111. • bri< ... moininlJ ,hrcc: ..,o.Iingo in dUo group orr."" mode by the pme •..,1 (W" SJ. W" 70, W" 72) con<:<m • mole <:<<:< indmduol named .~"...,. would tho:n _how ha... conlroi or .... single sheep DOIlIleC~ with du. snl~ i"ll.lf the ·roIlenor·heft: is in
    .,;.ma r_c:an



    LOCALIZED CEREMONIES AND DEITIES "Tho P)ias tats. """" thoo. &um the quantiria of:&nimalo and foodsn.ffit lOMod WI m. ,.-.. A lUI sud> ... Un 6 ....,. rdlon, in ics...wJeo quantiria and in tM opt'Cifiatrion oflIo, 1W'n"-,, orod • miMi.., nwnbtt

    "'"her......., .....


    TItc rcpetitinn in !he entries ... Ii.... .3 and .• of Un 6 most likdy indic:o'el 1W'n otpUIt. ·offering' of mis 1~"l"",i"Ii.II"""P of I:lO'ific:ial ....""01. fO lhc dei., !'-rt'-·Sl. pethopo on ditkml, do,.. Of from diff... nt

    11.11....... 1990-1991.

    7!. I'>Ioo-.l(II.)h, 2OClld. 7l. " ' " ' - Codon. and s... """ lOOt. "" .Il), :J06.

    fHlT'SC 'S TilE L'NUI I


    "",rceo who _re 001 gam..... to dIE rerord-I=ping purpooeoof ,he docu· ment;md >r< thcn:/On: not """,rdcd in ,I><: wrin<: oro.r of W>CfU.>.t'ics Ii"ed on ,he n:vet'110 oidc of Pyloo Tn 316. where th< "'ncfU>I')' of pt-.... ·82 imrncdi.a'dy h>lIowo the entry I')' of Poocidon. On ,hi, ba," _ m.y conj«T1Jrc ,h.. ,he .n;malo I'OC.ted ro $&f'\-li-jtl-N. ... he", many ucri/iCC'f .nd banqu.". would h..... nogularly t:Iken pl><:r< of animals, IS _ noted .bove:, Ippmrim.", ,he ~'" toni< ;n ,he 1hcbcs sealings), ,he ocribe ,imply noted, most likely for himselfor ,he officiol ,.;.h whom he ..... worlcing." .....t ,he fcaoting provision' _re connected wi,h (or perh.po ,i'u..ed ..) ,he 'ire of Pyloo.1hc quanti'ies of pr<JVi.ion. >r< Ii"ed IS being under ,he control of lWO individu.l" J...."i_ jo, whom ,... haV'C discuosed .bove:,;md ·",,...,,,,-wo.1hc /irn.J"-,,i-jo. i. in d",K" of 53 heado of li"",rod<_ induding 'h= conle, IS "",11 as I..ge :unoonlS of groin, oJi.n (.peciflCl1ly design.ted 1$ edible), and winc-, ........ ""-we> i. ","pon,ible for. much .moller ..sembbK" of non.n;mal foodsruff,. 1hc pJl ...he bolfQm of the: .nd the: n.lUre of ,he pr<JVi.ion. entruSled '0 this individual'. h ploct in the .nviron. ofthe p:olo,iol <:en",r prope<.'" S'ill, i. i, pon.ible:--the p"",lIel;,m of Un 2, Un ·H,.nd Un 718 norwithstanding----1h.. ",,·.... which i'tfln.toted here ... loc.'i.... "a' Pyloo: function' like PU-RO;n Tn 316. It would ,hen indic... ,h.





    7~, F", ';"';"8 of ",u. ..-.d its ';....J ..-.l"hi"OO._ riont, ... P1laimo 19'95.. 1'l9Sb: li>r • recrcfuI rrn... ol < "",.,." ... R.ijgh 1m, For , bri
    of".,.;:h d,,,,,,,,,,,, in ....... t ,...... po.nO<;uLuly ........ hcr ,''''' <.n b< idcn-


    ,;fi or i...LviduoJ W.ts """honed in ,1>0: I........ R ,"'... Foc ,1>0: l..tdr rrn... olrl>rot'.n.



    ... l'al.aim' :lOOlb, PI' 174-177, 18776. S1>tlmI,"ne.



    Til" ..... G . • "LA'M"

    RITUALS 0.' UNIFICATION AND COLLECTIVE OBLIGATION I'yloo tabk. Un 71 B (Fig. 1) h.. b«n .iciopolirinJ < unifiowever. Ih>! Un 718 ",fe.. CJll'licidy to ~remorUaI p<'<"'i,K>ning in honor of ~idon in a di"rict of Bronze AI;" M.-ni. known os u-",-J><-crib< (lund 24) of Un 718 and of twO rrla.«I .nd .... pporting bnd sfflcs docu"",n" (E. 312 Ind E. 880) was affected in hi. ·di~le<.ion w;.h noIlfI"'btW dialect-spea!=o."'On< raoonabIc ap/2naDon for this ~nguistic pl>e"""",non,gi""n the subjec< matter w;th which .... scribe wwk:s. i••h>.t t'" di.trict of ",_nlt./''''''' (who... t'" fu.ting evcntl"CCOrdcd in Un 718;' to.ok<: place) i, the: domain in which thi, O for flu: lOur ........ tributon on Un 718 {w;th proportion< roughly re!l«ting the: proportions omong rontributions on Un 718.00 w;,h.hree "kola; !...m.:" men"J "'P..... nting .... 44_). E, 880 inform. uS .boo" ,he notun: of .........., of the: Mycenaean _""*'. whose nome i, now <:oI'f'e"'I'C' in the: Myttnaean '''''', ILnd 'Mt ,hi< scribe it ~ kind of·royol odrninim.fO<: It i, .... n possible tha. "'-,.--JR may be the pl~·n.me for.he lncaIity when: the: su>ctuuy of PoKidon ~sted in Tn 316 100 implied in Un 6 io loOI.ed.lt """,ld Ihc-n be • sub-Ionle of ,be g.onnil di.trict /"l-ti-jl,..", which i. on< of.be canonical 16 m:ojor districts (d". rrloo ",bien Cn 608, Vn 19.:ond Vn 20).


    77. Vcrll"" and C'hodoricl< I~ 1'1' JlIO---l&l. F.". ,
    CDI.~ Unplico.x.... of Un 711 ond rd.Itftl ","",'" Csrb< ........... of.......... *,_;n porti



    CsrG.l. 0If>

    so. n. 1'J1..no:! P. 5'1: Nikolou
    .!OQoI. NilJis,;" hrr ""I"i"t!
    ,."...".-tt-u ~ ...... _ . , . ~ wl>o intqJrs....."""""",. in'" tl>< ..............,.11>< ""'g y._ """" '" bt ~,~rioo ..,.... ......• ...d ..........

    7'1. Aun Jorro (1'l93. pp. l8l-lIlJ) by> .... t .... dill


    110. I'a\.Qm.r. l




    Un 718 lim nine commoditico: whea,. wine. ch...., hooey••nointing oi~ .hskin, .pd', ond two kinds of -=if,ci.l .ninl:ol" • single bull. dona,.d .ignific.ntly by ,he ""'nw ·Er.tIJn-"'~n. • nd mole .h«p. donated by the "'...... -~t-Ia (th. miliwy Ie>em in 0 ,ingl. k>cality ronr.e<:ted wi'h ••ingle d.:ity. n,. ~med ....nat. i. 'd.:n,ifted ROt by hi' litl., bu' by hi' person:ol n.me, whieh moy ha"" ,igoif""".. in regard to the n.ture of hi. obligation here. ,he reoou=o h. will uK mcr' ,he obligation, and .he 'ermt =:on:Iing '0 which he and ,he o,h.. oontribu,o... p>.rtirion, and the quan.itieo of off.,ingo may renect condition. operari"l!: in ,h.t IocaLty on 'his p>.rticular orouion." Funhcrmon:, 'he term Jd",.. h...... ry .pecif,c meaning w"hin the Myc.n...n t""". No one has improvt:d on the .uperb nuancing of'" m.aning by Lejeune" It moka .pecific rtferenee to patcried and di",ibu.ed land and then lUn'O'W1y '0 0 eolk








    of u-nlI-fV-da.


    83. So« 19\13. pp-.lJOlJI. For _ r fuocriooo of ,he .o>--
    Pyk>o t>bl<' T" Jt;, io fu
    db<{ ouI< 001)";" Brorr>.<

    I torn«ic M ........... noI mention
    M.,..nio. $5. I..jho io on odm;....."'tiYe en';ly 'lut <> "'" ....... i>«>pk" or "viIbge" .. in hiofDri· ~~,







    The p;CNtt nf public cerrmonial prxliere." Even if Un 718 i,lonJly focused, il would b<: dj,ingcnuou. to im:ogin< ,ha' i.. pr<>p<>< imm< dements indi",,,.d by ,he iconograplIpnd Itthaeologinl find. [of.he:

    ond .>c.ifoci>l.nd banqu.ting p"rapl>e,n.li. lWOCiated with I\lCh. « .. mony." A full di,.,.,........ of the palorognphic>l, .",hiva!, ,ext p...gmatic• • nd lingui.tic d.... of ."h of thc 13 individual,.." i. required to undcnund ,he full mnning of ,he se'. Such a ,...tmen,. which i. in prog..... would requite. "para,••mall monognph and i. bt. -n.c... ,.bl.ts.re d.arly ••""illed with Pyloo Un 718. n<>t «minly in term. of fino.! file·grouping. but Of I..., in 'erm. of oubject m.nerand inlemal rerord-kttping chronology.'"n-.. T. ,ablets.re"'"""ll ,he lu, r«md. been .n,.red into ,he odm;ni."",i"" processing '!2g< within ,he cen,ra1 _hi..... mutual i..,I0,;"" nfUn 718 and ,he T. table.. in grid 83 of room 7 wi,hin ,he Arrhives CampI<:>: d .ignif'<1n,. They were oq=:ated fi-om ,,'her inKribed Tabl.... in on .... '0 ,he left up"" .n,ering room 7 fi-om portiro I.'" Th.;,- location IUgg<5" ,hat ,he


    '0 ...""



    86. l'abima 1995.. 199n.. ill I"fl<'-.I M"'-;.."" Ben"" 1\l99:

    Nil ff>g1ll
    89,0>",:and 1lertne11m. pp.llo-lII, 9O.1t1gg 19%. P. 6iJ7. 91, Killrn 1m; l'abim. zooct" ... ...- Corte< 2003 fur. bene, """p"'" ti¥< undomrandi"ll af,he 0>Cl noru", of ,10< in..... rory;"II pru<no ;~ ....... "'.. !, ... V"",';' :and ~k 1973. PI' 332J~8. ~97-502,

    92. l'abim. 1995.. lOOJb, Pluta 1'1%-1'1\17, 9J.l'alaimo:and Wtigh' (1985) ~ twed
    ''''''''«h ,he P.lar< oiN",ror and rho d;",ihu""" of L;",ar B ,ablru....., ,he.. _ .. fWI dooR ""0 both room. 7 :and 8 of ,he AtdIiV<1 in ,he final ..m;,«tunI pi>... of the pol Thi1 hrp<>on'I 7• ..-.d inlo room 8 f""" roun J. ,he f'U'...... ;n "",,",9-10. ..-.d the ""'P"'" rom...... d;rKtIy,


    .... IT'Ne 'N T'U ltNU. I



    tabl<,,, h.d jUl' orri\'d or at l~." bttn plaa:d rognMr in I .pocial ..... for h.ndy >eceI"O ,heir inform.,;on, l1>e proopecl;ve n,lU.. of Un 718 al", IUpport" our conjccnm: tha, ,1Kk fCJ
    I'm. Ta .... , i, i. import... , '0 rtt:I11 that, lik.o ill o,he, Line.. B tabl<,t>, 'My'" economic ICCOOming docum.m.. Th. mosl im""rtant piCCtl of inform'lion en..,"" in docutnI' ICCOUn' an: lhe numbe... In <Wtr 50 yn.rs of" Ilttnologial ocholonhip, only Gallovotti has .t'lcn'IptW 10 work OUI ,he op«:ific numbe.. ofdiff.renl kind. o( objec.. in lhe .nli.. "I of tablM> and fO ron,id~r whtlh... ,he.. numble.. hod .ny .ignif.canct fo, our un""",anding of ,he purpooc: of lhe ... and how ,he differen, numble.. of item. migh' rd.," """ lhe other." Hen: we: .hoU be "pcci.Uy conccrned wi,h ,hron... oitling "001.. and tabl... "net ,h." ttl..i.... numhe.. provide evidencc for ,he numhe, of individual. who WQUkI h .... been accorded pr,vileged "",iriM'. in 'h' (or .."ing.nd dining, .. Ih. comm.nsal even, wilh which lhe T ric asoociOled. Th. ident;· fica,ie rrcord-k«:ping ...igomen.. of Ih. "..ribc- (hand 2) of.he Ta ..ri...... among Ih. moo' important of,h. many th.. can b<: a"rib",ed '0 idcn,iful,l. se,ihcl .. Pylos 0' cl..... h...·' In addi.iM '0 ,beTa ..ri... ,hi, individual ........"""'ibl<, for ,he principallUMving taxation n:cordo for Ih. ni ... ond ,"""n p..,..;ooal di"ri"" of,h. pilil,al ,.rriloryrontrolkd by PyJoo (Ma .. ric.); a major $or= allotmen' r=mI. On ..,i..}; Ih. 1'CCOrd. d'"",«eovoo. th.. deal, w"h ,he ltC)\'Lng and ,.. n.f.rofbron.. bctwc:<:n Ih. '",Lgiou>" opller< and ,he "oeculor· opl><", for ,he 1"''1'''''' of mili,ary _apon m.nufactun: (In 829): and tteortl. of pcrfumed oil diltrib.tt;"n, (F, .. rico)." l1>e T. \Oble.. ofh.nd 2 abo pertain '0 m. aff.itl of ,he moo' d..... ,ed 1.....1 of ,he Mlttn..an oociopoli,icaI hi~ran:by. In tho T. lei, he .... ·i",~nfOrying·>bou, 60 objectl in all:"' 33 ..parol< piccn ofdohonl< fumilU". ca. 10 ",.... or ltttJ',acltl .hallow pam, tripod., clo«d j"", .nd ,,;-~ Vllll


    ~ •. Galb><>ni

    1'r/2, all of

    0<11<, ><J OU' of di"",,""". do _ ron' .od«

    '">«1 ooIu,;"n, >bou, ,II< nwnb.l.n,n..,. FOf b i....."ory: "","to'" "",nOOn of ,obl
    wi,h ,...... "";";ng 12 ,>blcu. ~5. P:Wi.... 1'188. pp. _ , 183,~

    96, ""rfumcd oil ;, (_-1<-". t<-i--;' (·d~i"" mol...,.·\. t......i j .,11< p;lo.1,...-ti-ni--;' (.t.ody•• twice1....-ti_,.;-j. .-';""';-jo (·I..Jy of A...·l. • -f-io i-j.


    1-t..Jy of clurlki >nd w.,tuk 1'i96, pp. 9-'()I~ to
    nuin ..~dd.ni

    M....,... fIoo·~i.;'.•i.;" i. ,..~i';'......),ond to
    ouh(king) of



    97. The bet, iIlu".. riono of I....

    idrognr/lic>llr ICpmocnlnd O~>icf 1~73, I' 2X1. So<""" 'Ie",,;' 1955, 911. Cf. V.nd<nobccl< .... Olivi« 1~79, l'P.l./1-2~1, N.im.> 2003<.



    Til" ..... C . • HAIMA

    by Hiller in 1971)," two _"flew ,running :axes,'''' .nd IW<> ""1'<m<>ni:o! bridln.... T. 711 is 1M hc,>< "",nab appoint«l ~~-~ .. Ja-...-b- .....'.. Wl>t,her the inventoried item• ...,,,, uK< indMduaJ namtd ~"-h-w.r now "'Urnes "'.pon.ibiLty for the m.in'en.nce of ,he.., ••crifici.1 and r••ning i",m, in hi.... w f'O'ition .. idcnlif~

    u-ma-u...", il irnl"'"ibk for u' '0 de<;d,:. Forrunarc1y. it i. not crucial for

    our undcr<,.nding ,hal the ;'em. entered in the T. table" m.ke up. liot of p.",phermJi. for • commensal ....:moor. Gi... n the prc and inlay on the item, of fumilUr<, woo may poo;' ,hat n.....

    STATUS OF ELITES The inspec'''' p",-*,-~-ri is .mong the exp.nd«l bot <>f"internat;"r12l· oolle<'o' names•• rq>f poli,irolly .00 eronomi· colly eb'e individualo who "'" ... es'ed;n document, from more. dun one r,'lrcen=n pUll;a1'elTit<>ry.nfThebc< {Of27}--o.nJ ,he mes,ed invol...ment of colleC,he rcoourca ond <>ny ....ppor,


    9'l. Hille, 1971. PI' 82-83. "" idcn,ifica,;"" ~ in tile gcncr:ol onbcclc ond OIMcr 1979. PI' .7.... 9. 100. Sf"cloIc 1m. pp. 29<1-2%;

    Nikoloudi. 2OO1.1'P' 21. 31. fig. 6. 101, Del F,..., (l'l'lO, p. 315) arguco ron>incingly'ho' ,Ile 1-...... ~.ted non~in@: tl1 ,be u<"Jicial kn ...,j .nmru"5 uc .<1 . 1'1. "'" n;fin< ,ltio . - with"", be , undmt>...u"l!: of tile f...bug <0<'1= of the T. ocrico, A gIooo ;" H..,.,hn.. ..0. thlt Y«Mo 'kind ofbriJlc: Thi.... dirc


    ""'n< 1%ll-l'lflO. vol, 4,2, P. 1285••.•.



    in it> normal UI< ;, tbe tir« Of cJoojn tha' .,..... ut>dcr the f 3'*!.k.f-«r.<.. go "'V'1ort ,h the "'" heirloom Mi""'" ....oning .... (___.J ond the "'" u
    laugh"""I! implo:· if... oft'" ... imalo. 102. Vcnt"..nd Cl..u:lwi
    " ' " lCfI

    of "

    """''' fof ,be

    1'1'. JJS-).l6, .97. 10). l'aIoi...... 2OO.k Th< rolI«boo

    of docu"""'t> from the PyIoo 0IdUv<0 Jivu "'. '''''''1: imprruioo of orkr.1Wc .nd putial ..->i""""11 of duoi';" h.", been ,oo"l! plxc.lf hruu1ugy, ... would rondud< t~" ·io",nto· of I""pbe....... for orhrr « ..""""'" ..... _ krpr af'rr tbey h..J .. n-cd tbei, cpbemcnl f'U'l"'I<'. lilt. Killen 1979. pp. 176--179-. OlMr. 2001. pp.1l9-I.I. ISl-l52.





    '" .,.".



    "oc" ... ".,..

    olcmen.. and ivnry inLo.id dcrora,ivc eleme".. (f. 713.1) or. ,hrone mode prim.nly of rock etyow "inloid" wi,h bl".-gl... pul•• emerald-color pul•. • nd gold ond h.';ng • bock lUppo< .... "~h and on officio! (Ih. da ......"') connect.d wi,h ,he inof ,he a",,,, org:miu,iono a", :oIso part of.he mori,..,;o., for compiling ,hio invenlory.11>< scribe begins lhe oct\Lol pro<'<" of i......n'orying by li,ring "....... -"~ (.we,,) ,ho' .,.. igno'cd .. "p<: illain of 'M .... "<WoO, or "q"een:"" 11>< "0011«:10" involved in ,hi. f'''ling ~ . ",,-1«-,;-.;_ and hi••ttend"", scribe nat tum ,heir ."e"tio,," '0 heirloom tripod•. They .....bl. dillingui,h th.m by Ih•• lyle ohhe m"'.r tripodm,""" (t>-p;-U-wi-.;-jt-~..,d ,,;-h-~ or "J4-lr-n) who origin:olly m..,,,facture<:r indie:nion of ,he rank and cultural .ttainm.n.. of pu,-1«-";-';. .. h. 01"":"'" on lhe p:oIolio1level of ><>t;'iety ronn«rcd with thi.luxurious paraphemoli.a....





    POSITIONING, PARTICIPATION, AND PARAPHERNALIA 11>< megoron freoco program., Pyloo shows ~ircd figures ~,cd ., ubi.. and eng>gcd in rituol drinking {and perh.P' fe.. ting}.... m.king i, wonhwhile to ron.ider ,he T. fumitu", ....mbloge in I.rm. of eli,e ...,jog and "ble orrongcmentl /Or • ",Jotcd ta>tiog ..",monr. "" It c.n be demon......,cd ,h., ,he T. inven,nry i'emi.... II .. bk. (It>-I"-"").'ix ,hrones (rt>""). and 16 .. 001, (1"-....-""....,.)."· all mod. of coody wood or "ooe .00 cxqui.i,oly '< numbe.. he", may not be haphaurd.11><", .... 22 pi.... of furniture fur ...ring .nd 11 ubi...111 which would oIk>w fur ,h. kind of p.inng observed in ,h. ieonogrophic.1 record (.lbei, on "caml''''oo1s1. Th= set, of ma'chcd ,hrone .nd 51001 ct15Cmhleo a", idcn,if..J (f. 708.2-.3. Ta 707.1-.3). We """'" infO ,he n:altn of 1"'''' OJ"'C"lotion when we f't'Ol"O"C "'0""" behind ,h... n~mben. fur cnmple thlt ,he.ix ,hron.. may reflect di",ingui.hcd "",iriono It ,he banq"et for ,ix .u,hori,y figurco .. rellcc,cd in Un 718 and its ,..,la,cd ,able..:one ,Iuonc for ,he 'l"m"h. One for ,h. nr-wa-h-r". th= for the ,h= IdtUu; rcprc..n,ing the tId-"",• • nd one f",. a "'p"'.. n'>ti"" of the ~"m~D~ u-"",. lOS. Ther<'cd .. ·inlaid· bcntio< el<m
    fun,'''''' ,h"""

    108. Wright 19'!Sb. See abo W';~h'. ,hli volume. p. 43. fig, 1J. IItld hi. e,uri",,, ibou, """,","..rion. off< l'yb r....roe., 109. We should ..""" og-.Un ,ho, ,I>< ~ prorndcfUbtcl< IItld OlMcr 1m. PI'" 161-176: dw "'-"'-....... (d". It.I
    bmch-n an parri
    ~ning on,

    """,","ted idoJgrophically IItld th


    TltOMA. C. 'ALAIMA

    ~""rc 2.l)iooubk,T.

    716. 11.3.3.

    W. 14.8. Tb.. 1.4 cm. 1'1......,..."

    _ol"" ~"A
    .... ~.~.,.olT ..... ~

    e-...,. Do"'b'.'" olea..;.., U........,. olC.........


    Th< panpl;<m.aIi. i'crniu
    lWO s1l1rp Pcrif'cial kni,-cs to oJi' II>< ,h",.fS of ,he animal•. ," Equi""",n' for p...paring .nd maintaining ,he no.emory fire i. inclUntiorl offood; "burned-.way kg>" on One c..mpk indic"c ,h.. it woo uu:d in

    rooking.'" Contain... for holding food provision. and for ce..monial.nd pncricd pouring arrear." do tIM: lwruri<:>$ drinking cup!' .... missing. W.!tam of these from ,"".. ouch •• PyIos Tn 316. !I.e archll«Jlogi~ ~rd of the PyIoo pantries, and the gold and .il"", verlion. f.",,~ in olit. buri.b.'" Th. bIg.blial I"'nft'ie•. '"

    CONCLUSION The M)ttIU<:lJltoxlual <"idonc< l1k<s uo through tl>< procoso of p~ring for and conducting a <:'., rtaoonobk pro«dUrt. gi... n lhe unifurmity of a and ...Jingo r=>od the contribution ofoagn.phi fur .u<, important figu.... or ocgmcnlS of Prli.n oocicl)·. lbc tablets and ..aIinga provide an """nomic ..m,Cl' f"" all ..peen off•••ring ceremony. As ia fining fOf Ln.... 11 rtrord•• hK probl.m. to .. pl<>K.

    112. Soc .00... nn. '19--101. CfI...,. 1'/81. PI' 12...... UO.l<>t d,.... of _~ • ti.,... knife. nlIod. IMbp"1 Otthodow JcwisII ti.,... olougfll

    Ill. portable hnn.... '" 00II.........1d ""'Iu.... been uKf the ....,;fi<;.ol ",inuJo ti.l'


    PI' 201-216


    Soc.bo.c. n. sa.



    ll>e f<>llowing """""ncion. = us
    [ • broken

    '0 right

    ) • broIr
    F><X1' of ...Iings .re indicOled by .mall Greek I.tters. Ruled ~nct "f ubIe" vc indK:ared by Anbic num.raI" and untukd ~ne< by 'mall Rom"" 1.11.rs. C.pi,al Rom.n kll.rs indicat.lines ,hot.", only pa."ially dem.rcated by rule lin.., ldeogr2m. vc indicared by.."all capiril letters, ll>e raised lett.rs m. f, ano.l X ",f.r '0 an ""imal', gender (male. f.male, inde,.... min.,., ....pocribe to ,he p"'J'OS"l of R. I'almtr ,ha, ,he tradil;.,na1 iden,i(,cof;"n. of the ideograms "OWEU"" .. "b>t1ey- and """Nil,", . . "wh••," .re prob.bly 10 be reversed.'" In ,he 'ex" below I h..... made tM changr:,



    116, Rndingo of.u.,;k sign> that an: virtw.11y «It';n bucd on tell

    pualkh.... h.... bo
    117. 1'>1""" 1~1. 118. So:< n, 69 """", .,;,h ",I.t

    Th. f'rst scaling< li •••d below.1l be.r an impre..''''' ftom .he ..me .cal The tenn ".'" mean' th., ,ho animals ha"" bc<:n brough' in'". rondiri"" .ui,wl. for oac,if><e, '"~


    ,a <:oA.... ,f) of f'rtl... , ".,.. wOO: ''I' 'J1""'r-fodd", 30



    THOM"$ G.




    TH Wo S8

    COAT" Ophtlnlil1


    0-"" work .,.,..,...,.fod




    .11' ...po ...,.k

    .Ilb of TIxri..

    .y (al) Am.ry111000

    Lin< .lIb ..... ...nnen (and ,hu. THWu76


    ~ad) bef"",,



    ·lll.-.-ri-",,(o""I"IOnalo.=) ,112 "",~J li~t offt'" kfi blank .y rrpo work ~fodd<, 30

    TH \'Iu 88


    .Il _y

    GOA'" fA",j......".,


    lam ",iui"S

    Th. following ..l.,ed ..aling bon on impresoion from

    TH Wu 64



    different ...1:

    .11 ...,., won.

    .y fi""l'Mml

    The folJoowing th"", onliogo IQnn I $

    TH Wu SO

    .,," .,, .-ko-... 5tlU""


    '1"-'0-0 .-1<0-...






    .,,,, •. '1"-'.-0



    Th. foUowing scaling> all be.. ,h•• am. oeoJ impression. Two (Wu 52 .nd (8) .t"" h..... ,h••djec,i.... ,,-J........,;. ("""m.ining f<} an .·1D-'" or colIe<:tion") inocribod on th<m.

    TH Wu 52

    ... '-"G

    .11 .-I

    .y /i"tltji 6/",,1



    ..... T'N" '" T". "'''OAA, OOeU,uNTO

    TIl WuSJ




    ""TTC.- (",:ading 'cn,ni",,)



    qt-'e"" ,-n-J>



    .l'I .·ko·",-;o .r li~, kj/ Manl TH Wu 70



    .1lI.1 .-e-ri-'!" (. persono1 n.me) .2 Ii~ kJI M...l

    1rI Wu 72

    '"uP" .l'I I;~ kfl Manl .0.



    lift Manl

    The fullawing ,hltt ",olings rome from • group of.. ven .haring the .. me ",01 imp.-e.. ion. The.. ,hree ore the <mly ..oling> from Thebeo with ,he neu'er plur.ol fonn of ,he verbal odj neu,er plurollh.. WI! used because ,he ocribc focused on ,he aggr Thcbco" suggoo.. ,ha, the


    lliWu 51


    ,., .0


    "-q.·rlc qt-'e-.,

    .,., .,C' .,., .0

    .H ••...le-ql-dc




    te-ql-dc qc-le->,

    Among ,he.. 5e>'Cn ..olingo i. 01"" ,he only ..oling wilh the ... rhol tron.octionol'enn a-pu-J"./tt ihe ho, p.id in"). The seoling il one of two in ,hi. oct ,h1l ",fen '0 Ihe inscrutable: commodity "190.

    1l1Wu 89


    .11 .r

    "190 o-pu-do-kc fjn"tf/ Mad




    TH U" 121



    fuund in •
    .• 5ttU."'.,,. 1 .b '''UP 1

    w,.... 9.6Ii,...[ GOAT 1 ·190(


    ,, • .•, •." .3



    .".D" ." "" ." ""

    .hu. wiU gi"" the ko-",-tc- ....1Id du-m.-'c,'10 .nd pa-m-ko-n:-tc-n:, and key-bare.., and ·fig-.... pervi.....: and "digging $upervi.",..,·

    temple bronu .. point. for light javelins and 'l"'>J'S .. pi·oS2

    pa-ro-ko-",-" pu-fO-ko-..

    -t. ""-ro-ko-,,,-,.

    .. me-l'"p" a1!,,"-to-no



    0"-1"', Of .-1«-",."",




    I"'-",-ko-",- •• I"'-'O-ko-",-,.

    ., ro-u-fO

    af b·... -do--ro


    at It Ij-mi-Io-,-ko


    .. "'-}wa- -..,


    .lsa·lm.·... .t ,-.i-j.-ri-ja

    po-ro-ko-re·'. po-ro-ko-",-,•

    Of ....... -ft-"'-WlI.


    a' u-m.-c-wi-j.





    0.75 ~ 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg 0.75 kg

    FYTn316 F"'~I: .1

    .2 .3 .4


    Within [the month] ofI'l<-;,,,,,? ("" PhkMO'IOS' "" Prowi..",?j'· perform. a holy ,in...1'" at SphRKis~'" and bring< gifts and kads Pyl,O' ~""'~"IO P,,/~i.o GO"o u"'~ 1 WOMAN I to M"n""" GOW IOWL I WOMAN 1 to 1+J,iJtu;" GO~D IOw~ 1 to T!Jri GO~D CItAlICE 1 '0 H.""-M,,,ur GOW IITUX 1

    119, The t i. roond in the ,..-'" f""""b "" Un !lS. The ron"'" h= (Piliim.o 20:,)1) _ms ,,}..,.j,...... ........".." (,;"gulH ,.. ,,) and ,II< oIfociili "'ho.......Jd in,
    ~.- __",

    ,II< "kcrb<=n' (kn<-n from nJo ...lot«! 'u ,II< holdinp ofbc""f,,;..J plo

    o/I<";nl"'''' ~ it '""" ~ to inl'''''1y wi,h "..aing. '"



    __ ling."'.~I'IfI;,.s.cAyn

    J""" 1993. pp, 150-IS I; \\'
    = 121. Hfttr obbf<>U,td ph,. The ,n

    """,l.t«! "'"1' .... oimpIy ..fe, ,. ri fu1l up-to-datt in''''l''''nlioo .nd I'<"i<>< of o


    ,• • "


    •.1 •.2 ,,3.

    TH~ LIN~AI




    nA"",," lint ItjI b/Ad lin, kft Mu( IinrftJINAd lint Itft NAn( Iin,kftlW.d


    ph< .. ,1><: JIl"'!uiIry Df P",,;Jon and ,he ,own leads

    and brings gins .00 leul, /'0-"-"" PHO.

    A ,n COLD IITLIX 1 WOMAN 2 to B
    •. 3


    •.5 ...6



    tol/,,,,,,,AmmcoLDcHAuC~ 1

    •.8 v.9

    phr .. 'he "m,,,,,,? ofL", and hrings gif...OO lead. /'O-rt-n. '0 z.."COLD IOWL 1 "'AN I '0 NtTACOLD IOWL I WO"AN PVI.OS '0 Dri",i", Ihtlen of LUI COLD IOWL I Ii", ItjI h1e,,( na"",," /i", ItjI M,,,t Ii", ItjI blAnt 1i""tjlNont PVI.OS li",ltfib/Ant li"rltjlNon(

    v.10 v.11


    v.13 v.14 v.15 v.10


    Rr""'i"int. !""I;D" of11m ,w of'aNti "}ithe,,t ",I, Ii"" py U.


    ,1 ) 163.2Ii'... WIN~

    .2 ]




    n(AIUNG) 17



    ]14 [ ]30'[


    Ii .....' [

    ]41.61i.. rs

    py U.25 .1





    ~ : WHEAT 2,864 ~,....


    of T~:

    ro. , t<m'" deity

    in m. oonctIWy of~. Civrn ..... """""'... of, "ooII<dor" known

    . i' i, ..... poooibl< du, 8-_--...<-I.-jo h
    .. 8-


    wonun .. of 8.113, "Tho C"tk';m Lady: abo , "" ..Ok narne for. t<m'" deity in m.

    ""''''''Y of p"",...,.,.




    THOMA< C. ULAI>t ..

    PVUn 2 .2 .3 .4 .5

    SphdgiQ~"ll ,he

    initiation of,he "",noW ".p;~Jr. ,.. the il'","h: I ."..... 26 ."...... 6 GOilT" 2

    .1 ..


    ~"2 .6 '-PIC I? PIC' 6 WINE S85.61ircn CLOTH 2

    PYUn 6

    ,...,.,,"': .0

    fluX--"'''? ah<¥w .1 '0 Posei(dooJ cATTLE11 ,,, ••,,,, I PIC-BOAR 1 Pte' 2 .2 n"""",, liM Iif! NQn~ .3 .5

    '0 jV-
    .6 .7

    CLOT" 37 CLOTH 1. WE [ "NOlNTL~C OIL 12.8 lit [






    P,c' 2

    WOOL 5

    ,.? [

    2 CilTT....'2 s

    Til' ~,rion un""td v.l I prico,cso (d..ivd) cLOTH_n' [ v.2 ktlr-b.."" (d.,i",,?) CLOTH_ n [

    PYUn 47 .J .2


    II the 'erril"'}' of 'AWOS F'CO 91.2 li'e", J1

    .3 cyn.u..o 3281i""


    WI". [






    ,,, ••.-13 ."...... 8 ,,"'UllNG!

    I'y Un 138


    .1 .2 .3

    "' Pylos


    '-P'(: I



    p.-m. dn-nj-fl fuod O~I"U 420.8 Ii,...

    1,7761i, WINE 374.41i, "u.... 15 ".....L1NC 8 ."EO .... 1 cOA.-13 PIC 12 W"r.AT

    CATTU' 1 CATT~~~ 2

    WIl .....T 462.4 Ii,... fruit OL'"'' 672 Ii,...

    124. "Tho ",,'" '_P;""~'" "'.... jXJU vcrlr, ,.... """ of..tU.dl ",..", -

    '" -d«OOo",' '" "!>oId.-

    125. "Tho ,..... t
    "wrapon>." __ ~kdy .... fu.me>-. Killcn (IW2. p.176) "''''''''''' thi, ritle, ..... ,.... ""...l _ wlU
    1l7. 1\:<1up>' ",fcn:t>« to to.,. .,tn-",. i-<., <:>6... tho! 110¥< jo.o>, ......

    h...... t«I.


    121.A~ ....... 01.,.... to .. in"''J'''''<'I.;th In .Uip-






    IN TH! LINHO. nOcu ....lT.

    PY Un 718 (Fig. 1) .1

    .2 .3 .4 ..'i

    .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

    al "'."'-pt-.u do-tlo,..,,, a donation of ouch an amounl ·EK&-"'u6~ will conn,bute ....... n 384 ~'e" wIN.86.4I'le" CATTL'- I chccoe CH •••• 10 un;" .heep>lcin HID' I of honey 4.8lile"

    IilU'ift M~,,~

    Ihu. abo much lhe !4w4K'tilJ will c""tribu'e ......... 2 floor UELT 57.61ile.. .11 WIN' 19.2I'le.. Ihus 0100 ,he -T~IU;"" "-..... .12 LULn57.6li",,, wIN.9.6li",,, c".u.5un'" ttonqi .13 ] ofhooey?'1.6 l'le..

    PERTINENT TABL.ETS FROM KNOSSOS KN C(2) 913 .1 p.-ro , r-1t-WIt-", (person.1 name) , ~) GOAT" 1 ! .2 PO"ro ~"'~-wt-" (peroonaJ name) GOAT" 1 pal




    8[ .B po-ro' ~-P;-~I~ (pe...,n.J name), fot .Ioughler 111,,"10[


    ." REI-'ERENCES An.......,,""" V. l-. L Godut. ond A. S>«<>f\i. 2001. 11>1M: FW.i/In '"


    " CN_ 1: Ln """"'" Nt f/ J<" a.. ~ 1
    .....,.;.... Piu. A..... Jonu, F. 1985. ~_M{­ .... 1. Madriod. - - , 19'9), vwn-;. .."...... 2.



    1ltnnc-n 2002. pp. 1-'). Iltnnrt.). 199•. "CoIloxto<> Q< Own<"?,, in Olmn 1'l'J2. PI' (6-101 --.lW!1L'1R< Li..... II A"hivn ond tho: Kingdom ofN",rot," in 0>.,;, 1m. PI' 11l-1lJ.

    - - . 1 _ -n.. PRAP Survry", Coolrib<>tioo: ift nO'" 1m. P!' 134-138. --.200I.'~ ond II""",· """''1' TI.ougI>.. on It.: N.""" ond

    F... "nt of Admini"....,., in II"""" Ago Py\oo." In J'b6ha ;. tIN MJ'i""""" IWM, Stoia (C>rnbriI SOOt'!'. SoppL 27). ed. S. \'"",.. ki and ). KiDcn. C.mbridg<. pp. 15-)7. --,.!001. • rv-.-~to- .. U-1<'t'-1t.' Leuk""" ... ~ Copt>! in


    tho: Pyh l(i"ll"'om" in Iknnn and Drino

    A_NA.QO-U St,.;;., _ " ' .. J. T. Killnt ~\I;.... J:l-J'). SobIltnn


    C..li<" P. 198-1. IA "1"""'" Gmc' .....,I/h..... Stntbou'll_ C ....... It. L 200J. "AncXn' 1""""10' h< l~ .... lt II 1"",",00., from I')band K...-"(I>I,I\. , Univ, ol"T<>W, Au"in). Ch,n'''; ~ 1%\H'I8O. 0;,"'0"""' "'~'"",!It "'01'" r«f"" If~,,", d" _ , ~ m1~,


    Co<>I<, F••••••;IT, G. I'oIaima 1001 '"Socrifo« ...d U. ,.... ~ "i (M"'" Son ~ 2001),


    Dabn< Jl"ou At< <1~ ofII>< Siu6 /oJmutUnW


    S,..,..i.", "' tIH S~ /.~"' <1,1>mt (1lh<1,H". 010). «l R. 111M and G. C, NO<\Iq
    1'l8S.u_B.. <11911"~ I..oov>in. 0.';"'). t ..
    }/;,r.ryjio", N..- to

    N"'..n.... A"'hn,

    0..;,.,). L,ond). 8an


    QI'an>gI• ..n, 1m, fMt'.1 MJ""M". <1m.

    .w",M~~~_ ~ (Drd"irW"" 17~).


    V"nn," D.,] r""M. 19':lO. 'M~ __ 10oi.';' • ....,;., T. Ji No.' SMEA

    18, PF.l\I7-331. Dm< Grtrh, ,,,.... ~ Wi... ng, Chitogo. lJiibnn_ "!"". l1ild<>htim. Gololy, /1-1.1.. 1m. 'W<>I,h C m.... S''f'I< C,nm"", lTIn and ,.... Mpn• .,.n 1'01oo:<>," in Gololy and 1'>.10""", 1m. rF. ~~S9. Colo", /1-1. L, and W. A. 1'>.10"""" <do, 1m. Rr,In.h"l MJ"...-wo





    """"'" N,.., of'. OIJ I",", Loo .....gt.... G:IlIa_i. C. 1972. 'N"", om
    Codon. t. 199\1. ·I.a _rif"""d·... • m"", ""n,leI ,"'.... m~"': in [~.JaIko
    1m. 1'1' 1~~15li.


    H1gg, Il 1m, '"Tht Rtlig»ol of"'" M)«tI><'"' T_nor--"- Y.... of,... Ib< 1%7 /I-Ipnologic2l CooIK'" in Ani, _-;,1Irf



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    z.>dnun. LB., ond P. Sdunin !'>tItd. 1'l'l2. ~ ;. ,bt A"';"', G.....t Cu,. ......., P. Cutl


    ABSTRACT Thio .un-q of kuting in Bronze All" C",... ",... &It ,...., k .... • ould b< .,.;tb<:, ad ivc .~t< cdw tions Ol" unrntricted oocooion. in whioch -w Ml


    11>< purpoo< of t1Us ch.p"" i. '0 inv<"igal< tit< .n:;h.roIogicaI <:VidODC< fur convivial pncti<es in Bronze ~ C"". and ro romport i, with tho m...riol indicolion. offno,ing on ,h. mainland ofGn:<:«.' Through romparioon ofMycenaean <:Vide""" and rwo Iargt: LM IllB-e pot


    I. I ...,w,j likt '0 ,funk S!urolli> ... lOOl. Fu.....ng (""" ,be 1m';"". roo- ~ o:nabI:ularly mdrbt

    ;....oobl< O>mn1<1ln and ","",,,,,,,," [ 01.0 ,,;m ro dwlk !'"iliP!'" C"';Bdins and rotlU"<>
    JI..,m. ..

    and ,be 1<...... Brian H'rIl
    ""nOOn 10 ;mportan' poinro. 'Tho drawing< for h,L"", di " .. no; J "=k ,be <;1;""", af!be I'...... Sd..,.,l. F.m..n"oIe Gn:<... h p'm>imng thoU publica'""'- All p;.oengnph> .... by Ibt ""bur. 1 .... pn>lOundly po.!d'ul '" Vit>rcnw La Roo.>.. di=coc af th<


    riono or Ayi.& Triad> and I'hai_ ho ... ""'-1 rot ... !be ,rudy af La.. Minou> (L\I) 111 PII.....". 'Tho pehOOt o(Minoon C......• fabrial (Elfly loll""", [f:!>!] I-Middle Ml00an [MMIIA);



    (M~IIlH[B); N.....

    pola!iol (M~! lllA-I..M 18), Monopola';,) (LM 1I-IllAI); !'",no! Pato,L.I (l~\l lllA1-111B [."ly]}, and !\>or. pola!iol (U.llllB [l>... }-q,


    ILI . . . . . TT. . . O.C ....

    stud.,., me opplicolion of nImognphiolIy


    potttml ollht dtMllocn,oI"dKontivt ayIeo f'I'O"idos ~ aplanatlono of poc~ In)' ...... \'ariabilil)'"""",& theK pactemlp'",id<:o • Uy 10 1IIIdcnund;"1 Ilnl~ of IlO<W. rommunia.ion and ~ IIld polito nunipuIIrion of the •• . .. and plxa of ~ ~ . Ao:unIinr; to .... modd, twO """"'" of ~ nriabWty poi... 10 rwo dilfcn:rJ, -'aI dynamia..' 1M first. ~ ...tiw nriohW'Y tIL, nriabiIity br aha-rwion of Ibo dKontiw do=enlJ and oubotitulion Of ....urian of - . d "'Y lIIOti& and otnamI:Dt2I ~), io w......,.d 10 ""fC'liuo cuINral and Il'IciaI idmril)' within the aINCXI 01""* I«d ~"""'"'Iutialrebtionshipo IUId hinvd>i<:al orda.

    F"oc-I (~. PIoot ..doe...,.-

    .... .-n.,r.... ,...... ~ widoM, _io6



    FEASTING AT LM IIle PHAISTOS Nih... d ~ .1Kw~. quali...","" ....n.bil,!)' Coubllirurian) It P'lW""," _ uoed for .... dttontion ofUtlilB and 1llB-C in I I)'Olboli<: Mylc tha.1M<1'tS oocial dMsionson I t-i'COR'oI kv<:l, whiJ< <JIl2fl" ,ila,i... V&riol>iliry (O«"UDluhrion) m>OO:l we el.borate Ity\<. which was moo: &<"n<12IIy ufOCia.«! wilh eli... oenlcmc"" .nd ;nd.....d m.ny exampl<. of pictorial poIlcty.' Thil bnc.. ryIc. in ~"kul .... might b< <xpwn«l ... k.ind of"di,. or 'itooographk".tyle oocordi ng 10 delin;''''". "pplied in .n .h"'fl"'loginl stud.... by wh;cl, dcrora,i... Mmpono:n.. U< encoded with idooIopcaIlnd political mcsugn.' ad".;." uoociation of.he:..-. tlabon.,cl)'Olbolic and icooo.pphic.ryIeo wi,h ""~ ~ for drinki"l (&lid 1"""% olso for ...Iigiouo offerings) oupporu lbt hypornrcgi<sofdbu of k",C1"O and deep bowh """" in dUo I t a ( ..... F'op-l.., S:I, 3--5) india.... ~ .. .nm op< middI< of LM IIIC. Ttw: nrUbiliry in f..bric and Ji.... phc>lus) of ~ import"'" for ,ho "









    2.St.<..... W_lttl,l,"-

    1""e.-1994:11_ ........... 19&<..l'Go ...-e- JI""'>'l'Morp 1"1. MOIp' '"""""'" 1"1, .... _ .. . . -




    _a..p.. I

    '" I


    .l1\lAod I ttl, XIl:Uo, .... lJ--17.l5+-



    "" ,,'



    • •" , . . . . . . .



    '-loop. 1m.. I XIOO. llJOlo. ,.... '" th< ; 1. loop. I 'fflI>, I,."., llJOlo. ""l.H~J'I.




    _" '1...-:

    ........ _

    "'"'" Wpoo "'


    - ..

    _ _ '"

    114 doqo 1I d 70 bar oomplool


    ,,'e period. w


    A.CUN "AlT'NC: A "'NOAN . . . . . . CTIVO

    Figill'< ~ ('"!'). Krot<.. (I-J) from lhr


    ,, ,,

    Anopc>6 Mod;"'o Fill''" S (1101_), Kro,... (I), figurine (2), ond ~ _ .. (J-S) from ,""


    AI' ModiMd




    , ~tK\

    ,a •





    !'iF'''' 6 ("'1). Dup bowb fium tho COlO • ll'i.zul< I

    ova' ...

    F,&"", 7 (_UfJ1I), Kno«, fto«m

    ~,gtlft 8

    tHtt-j. Pi
    ,h< C.... .,.."., del l'",u..1< I

    ... CUN

    F'3""" 9. CoolUDJja. from ,hot C.... del Pi.

    F'I"'" 10. Bronze knife from the C..... <1<1 piazuI< I


    .'igur< II. Bronze 'Kkko fro", '''''


    ova, del Pi.
    , .. C:

    ' .. 0



    H',AUTTA aOle"A

    r"gun: 12. Snnd wirh 6gv.non.. .. large "<>rag< vnKls. unpain.~ .nd 00.... poI1ery. weigh,...nd .pindle who,". sccm to point no, '" much u, a rilUaI .it<: .. '0 a dome,,", ",,,clUre. The """'go and productioo IKtiviri.. reflec, tM impom.n' economic rote o( 'M huiW;ng, '" .iM,. which m.y h.... bet:n on or ceremony were rebted to ..paro'e .phe",. or oocial <:llchongo, dependen. on clio';nt,.le.. <:llclu,i"" ond more optn to M,.rogcncow social romponc:n.. in comp.ri"", with ,ho. of the C .... 0 OIl.... hut a. the ..m. ,im. h.ving the functioo or craring hief'll'(hieal reb,ionsh;1" and dependencies. "The Olh.... in .he C .... 0 ......,. I int«pre.ed .. a mo", ....,rict.d ri.e. aimed .t ..",ngtMn;ng dite social lies and maintaining eoonomic and f'O"ibly rolit;..1 authority. A .horough inve"jg:o,ion wiD pem.p" pefIIli, us to di,,;nguill> definitively befWecn the function. thO! these two fe.sting .ite. h.d within lh. oocial organi"l",n or Ph.i""" wh;,j, I h."" suggested ..... a .imple (rmn of chiefdom rawud ,he end or the second miUcnnium I.e." In the .,tempt to find a ronnecriorl belWten the twO rilU.1 O«1I.ion...........hich in the end might be.he "",horologic.l pole. or a unique """n., a1bei. oepo"...d within tM ot,d.ment-I f,n. limi. my"elr to undttlining k'lU"," thO! sccm ""du.ive to eitMr ocasion .nd m.y help to di"ingui,h re..ting panem. occonling to on,hropological cl.as$ifieo."'n•.

    d«onorion from .he C.... piozul< I

    ova' del


    U. S« &.gn. 1003•• PI' 370-371; 1OI)lb, 1'1" 159- 11\.4.


    A£COAN . . UTINC: A "'NOAN . . . . HeTIY<

    Th. depositional pa".m of ,he Acropoli .... mbl2gc IUW.f< ,h>l ...."munity ....mbly and con.umption ...,.. among ,h. major ac,ivitico pursued, Of...,U Of dge,her wirh ,he .. ongc of food and .. rving ......1s,.,.., eopccially 'pparent. From th.....ry large number of individual dri nlci ng and ••ring ''nKlt-too m",y for • gOlbering ir>< <>


    ll.:: A
    'pa'" a period from the end of LM lllil into

    LM mC"he period when populanoo begin. to be concentrated 01 Phai"Of. Thi. period Waf • highly critical one for oociollife in C",.., following .hifrs in octtl.ment. poli,icol di.ruption, .nd di'l"'rsol of popul.tion. W. might upwn ,he Acropoli Of <me of a kw C n placn whe.. aggrractceo for >ggrcgating di,pcncd populationo or for ...fforming oociol di........ in ronccn...,ed popul.tion•. " ro..ibly regional in "'Of'C, these feu" might ,hcrmpctiri.... fe.m: probably ccl.brating ......,,, dircclly linked with r:conomi< lI"ol•• nd ocrving. more part;.ular function .. mli.trioo'i.... device.. "ll.:: f..... migh, 01.., have invol","" two type< of rituol .od.hration, each with. 'pc<'iol role. Rituol fumitu.. found 'n.ide, IIICh .. ,he pictori.l ,,"nd (Fig. 12), some kr>l.n,.nd ,he bronzeo, might be the .rclucologi=l rem.i", of a rite ofh",,;ng .nd girtgiving .mong equal lOciol rontf'OllC'n.. or be........ groupo ,h., ini,i.t«I .nd m.int.ined olli.ne.....pcciolly for occeo. '0 resource. or to cxch.n~ panncn."1l>< high number of .. 0ncen'..'e in ,he .. m.inder of this du.ptct on the ",IOlion.hip between Minoan and My<.na.an bonqu.ting prac,ices.


    lJ. cr. G<>odr 1m, I'\' 47.....S. 14. So< o.o.y..1OOJb. IS. Fo< til< M1II><1ou"" '<, or< KalIn 19lIO, pp.ll8-229: Ii>< til< Lili>.""" '<, K.MI 1971: _...., KounuroII be""l""....... '" til< ...". ·«>nIOImpDon poIiti<>·"-;'hin ,t>< ....... ·ron...mprion <:ommUniry" (Ii>< 'rnn;~, _ 1 _ z00I, pp. 76--115, 9.1--'1-4, H'''''''n ZOOI. p_ S8). 1O. So:< ~ 2OO1,




    HIUUTTA 10."'....

    FEASTING IN MINOAN AND MYCENAEAN CONTEXTS In I pn:vioo. papt" 1 ,ugge>ted lh>l drinking lCtivitieo in .. Iewn.ooc;"'" poli,,<Sl conlon con"inucd • oontribution from mainland Grtttt to Cn:tan culture, wh<"" ritual ",..1> and largo commurul gatherings fut cuh « .. nlOOi...00 f..,ivili ...,.. i1..ody well n><>t<:d in k>c:oI tr>diti<>n." In • C",un cont<XI




    of My«:naean banqueting


    ...... possibly modified. ,he « .. moni.. becoming I.... ""duoi... Inf the raJ:lC<S. Conournption of wi"., C1InMl. be :ascribed aduo;,..1y to Mrc<:~.n infl,..,,,,,,_ ~r; severoJa,,'hon cuim it wu a Iong-.... bli'hcd ooeial custom in enol. and an i<Jc.ologicllI in'INmtn, of emerging .Iita from Prcpabtial limes." The lflln,fe. of tl>< banquet /Tom ,he pabti.J coun into the urnm confnl could be explained ""'''' .. Iht result "r the politi· col colbpK <Jf p.u.,ialoocictic. and .he cM\ling inllObiliry of poli,ical 'Y". 'em. """'" II>< Aegean ,h.n ... SjlI"cifi c C..t:>.n inoonnon." The wide.pn:.d ,1\1I unifonn diffiuion of sucb ",..mbllge. IS deep bowls .nd ml" bowls. ""p<. """ or more kn,ert, tnd some,imes .lirrop j.,. (~'he, wi,h oome rooghly con,emporary IP"'~ ._mbbga)," migh, he rd.,u:t .umm.ri... ,he <,ing in e""e tnd "" ,he mainland in of f"..,ing piottO U>d oceuion.. ""Iui,i,•• of putieip:..ion, ,I>< nil,,'" .nd function of f....,.. U>d diff"",n' of the eli'e.




    From ,be: Minoan period "".... rd, i, i. J>05'ible '0 r<:<:ogni.. a con.id.rable vuie'Y ofbanql><,ing ""c.. ion•• nd coovivio.l ce",,,,,,,,i... The", ,,~n" include funeruycr,.brarion., purely religiou. ceremonies. and riNa! ..,ivi,i.. ",levan, the es,abli.hment of oocio.l ",Io,ionshipo in e ... romm"nitieo--ll' ,be: ..d[-Im""", evidence from l\lyttOl .nd ,he new dioPrepaLoti.al Knoo"" The placeo devot< manif"ll>tion and. pre.umably. con",mp,ion



    """",in ..


    11.1Iorpu 19'97.. 1'1' llll-21I,d.

    II<:wgno ~ 1'1' 369-370. 0. me ~1y­

    <en...n ·.ympoorum· .... <.~., Wngt" 1m.. Imt>.li.>rt'-ning: Coner 19'97. 23. E.g., Rrlul< 00<1 Younge, lOOt. PI' 410. 437. 439: Ham;uk;, 19%. 1'/99: d. De~,..,.ni 1000.

    24. For ,be end .,( ,be pala'i.1 p..... Oll'yloo._ ShemI" 1001, P. 229; cf. lhvi• .oo fknnd 1999. P. 110, On ,be """pie", ......,.,Ie~"I:

    .,( ,be poJlI for n!I"''l''*'. "" Wngh< 19S4. 15. So:e ab<we, n. IS. For 'f'
    <...... 0<1 b<["w. n. 104. on ......

    .lKmhb«<> 16. For MY""".... Cooi"'; ..-.d D' A. .,. 19!19-I'iIlO. PI' 21:1-11.... Get


    HIIAUTTA . " . " ....

    evi­ rn.ic dwtllingo. Bronu ,h«'-rncllll ""slI<:ls .ui..ble: for II>< con$umprion "Hood .nd drink by cliles we", of.e., depooi'N in hoard, or '",•• uria." and "lI<:mblagc< of""nery w<1't ",mc,imeo f..bl~ or conical cups bog>" '0 'pp:,., rueh as d'" p<><.ibly eli.e dwrllingo al Petru and Gala....." AI the oame ti""',=uin mull rooms in Ncopabri>! villa. may h."" II<:rvcd .. for the ""Icbn.ion of amJma for a limi,ed numher of participants.'" Such evickncc ....pporn the ..;e.,.. WI in p2htw banq....ing pr-.cti<'n con.is,ed of an micul".d .. ria "f rw:n.. in term. oflocation, func.ion. and purpose; rnom:w«l "",h"'" an b< nUocd. F,.... Komores cuI"'. jugs. and OIher pouring ......1.... ch...... 'mnic ofuUI..,... ,ic .... mblagc< in ,he offlciol halli .nd ""idcn'iol room' oftho: pol.ces.'" More porti





    36, S« Corioo U'>d D"

    1_1990. PI' 2Ur-128.lU ;\IM I:

    Wo""", 2001. pp. 19:1-1%, fO< MM 1-11 «" M""mJok'.. and Allipodro: R<1<>k ,nd r",,_ 2001. pp. 43J-O.ld Muhly 1990-. R<1uk U'>d


    r",,_ 2001, p.~. FOf """'._ T,.... 2001. <>1' pp. 45-16. 37. PM 11.2. PI' 1>27159: Grum
    PI' 20-21; ee..U 1985. I' 1J5. roo. ll5. rOfTyIi_ hou.. A; d. Graham 1975. pp. 143-1....; MoriOll"" 1986. pp.J7-J9.SttC<>i"l: ....... ."im>! 00r>e0. and "'1"';. ~. R

    P!'- 7JQ-7JI; Rthl 1991: C."., 1997. PI' 86-~; R<1uk and Y"'''r 2001. PI' .01-..:12; r:f. Ilcl""""" UHI ~hri­ .,"" 1997. po 911. Ii>< Nirou C"".~ """" 12,

    41. Ilcl.......... 2001. For tho: 'indo:p, Choo· d..,. Viannou, wi,h bw'1Iooill ,nd """" ,h,• .00 ronnJ "'PO (MM lIl-L\1 IA).... 1'1>._ 1962. PI' 1451-16: Gacll 1'1ll1, I' no. no. 122. 42. H" ;\hlli.. _ 1%1. ..... Ph..."" in particu _ 'I-c >p«i";ood XII.nd !he cnd..... oIbw'1I<> from """'" Ull-LV. LXlL I..,., 1976. pp. 91-110. ond




    1998; M~"'" »XI. PI' 101-l(l2. 03. MocCiU; y 1998. po 94. .l4. Ma



    . . . . . TIN", A M'NOAN . . . . . . CT.V.

    in"",,,,,,n,, of limi,ed .nd aclu,i"" conviviol procIicet wh= 1>00" and gu"lfJ we... int.nd.d '0 be indivUluilly idcnrifiei. pattern migh' be OIl indication "f romple,.ly cliff.... n' oocio.l ..... ~ in convivi2l p.-.eticu, wh;"h originoUy oimer dcron.'ed wi'h Clm:mdy .imple, linar p.".m. ,h...... often roughly execuled-a", common in lhe poI.:o<eo I i ""II I i in ..""-"'UOrieo :md cuh;" i",'oIhliono. ind..ding lomb onllC>rO,:md m.y ha... been uood during rommunol rituol """ringo ",he", .ne-ndon<:e ..... un""'n-icl«l.... Ahhough plain jugle" .nd conical cupo .... ubiqui'<>u< in lhe ~1M period, il i. """"'helcu po<.ibl<' '" rrrogniu: • oekctiv< OCl"Urten« of lhis pon..ry in deposi" ch• .-.eteriu:d by huge numbe.. of ......Io:md ..ooci.,ed wi'h "",hilCCtum :md 'opogr.oph;" "'flings "'iled fO hou.ing m."y peopI<.nd central 10 activities involving inten'" oocio.l achOllge, ouch •• ""bli< """ling :md ""mini ;.".. In room 25 of d><: pabr< &l Phoi",,", .....n known fur i" admini" ,i documenlS, mOllY conical cupo and mo", lhan 400 jugIeto (~""tt;) ""'" brougltl fO Iigltt;" """""""", .lot-ge number of juglcu. conical cupo. bowls, bringe jars ("~ ..noi}--mosdy cmnc.nd pl>-in or paimed wilh oimple decon.'M>nocome f""" • dcpoooj, uooci>,eun and b< .arliesl ph_ of ,he polace.-ln conlTUl, poncry .....mbloges con.i,,~ ing moolly offine 1C2m...........1. come fTom innct" .-..idcn.w 0.- ""rcmoniol room. of d>< polac<:. Wi""",,, ...eluding coniaJ cupo:md jugIeu, lhe", ....mbl>-ges .... made up m.inly of cupo .nd ~·,!"",'edjon. tog« with • rang. of.1upn {<.g., l&r-gt: bowk:md ""'len 0.- frui"tond.} that chonct..,;u: ..Ii,.. conviviol occuion.... A .imilu oppooirioo can be de'""lCd in funct"U)' .-mblogt'O in which 1>ridg<e-,!"",lCd jan ODd cupo." .....n .. mini'Nrc ..~ jon..f'P'2l" 10 h.." been i""luded .. cuo,omary belongings of lhe dead, "'hik impressi'" nurnbe.. of pooring '-noelo "",h .. juglclS ODd pilehen ("j~t1Choilj). 'ogether wi'h conico.l cup<,'''' prim.rily lWOci.ted with .nnexes.nd "No.1 pI""" ouuide lhe lomho. ......mp1ifie:md cont.....', con",mprioo can perhapo be ;.unrified by th<: 0CC\U"1-en.ct of poin of idenrico! ...... b 01 finely decoroled dinne' "'fJ {COIllinuing. n-odilion lh.. •lUted wilh MM ~ wo.-.)." f'ai", of V<$idt m.y been uoed in



    ~$_M~nx>.p.IOI. ~_

    s.. 1>.10..-_ Fot Wg< ~

    .. poW'" !'«no;~ ....... '" roni<>I cupo.'" Rupp and T.. f"'II""Ioo


    '7. L..; 19'16, PI' l_J~7, C.,ioci 1997.I'J21. 48.1"'; 1r>6, PI' 171~27~. ~~. Fot ""'1u>M: ..... Of MW.."". _. <-5-. """" LVll Lm 1~7~. 1'1' ~l­ ~.d2""$35, d. Carioci 1997_

    so, L..; 1961-1%2: L..; 1I
    51, Cf. .... Neopol>'ial_or fI>o",: l.e1:>

    51. Fot


    pa;r. ul_1o, Rduk and

    Y"""ll'" nll.1' '1'. For ..... 0«••• ~, .... poup from G,-poaJoo """i'tinII '" • jar, eli"', and two pab.... Kornrnoo.



    Fip... n. eommon L\11ll fi... "npointed oh..pd: 1) "",i


      4) Io»<-...... m\. Mt..11~ lm~p. Q,~kZ."''"

      ReS: P. <09.~. C,Z.J


      riru.t. of '-pitalily '" cn}un<" rttipro<:oI bond<. In addition, rome veuel. m.y h.,.., been suited .lmost CXdUiivdy to riNal octi";t'''' involving liquid., Ii"" 'communion rupf: which .", found in the thou~ in sancruari...... h os Kat<) Symt. but nn:ly in ",,"kmcn.. or lOmho." In thc 1\I0f10J"'1.tial. Fin.l Pal;nioJ.•nd Pbsll"'lotiall"'riods. diff....n,",-ted o«:I.ion. we.. pouibly mobilized by e1it< ide<>logi...od "ttended by limited .nd ",rdu.iv< 00«0'" ,h. popuI.onon; this i. suggc<..d by mc p~nco of _called champagne ClIps


      (Fig. 13,3), which probably .. ~ thc ..me purpose .. cooi<01< lW


      Kon,. 1'l'J1. r.oSl;



      1'186, P. 154. pi. 237. 111;' md< .,..;...,... wlUow> rhi. tII<..",. ttrnni< oh1p«1 on ""'''J' d;[kn:nr


      .i",.", bo
      S4. 5«. <.g.• II>< 'lumpop>< "'I'" 011 th< olw io th< SNi... of ,I>< Duubk Ax<>., K - I'M 11.1. pp. JUJJ8: d. plIlm (I'm). p. (91). f<><


      ..... ~.,;". of rinu.! ....J ,,,, (bdow. n. IlH)"';< """hi cup fOunJ inoiroo (l.

      .. ~CHN 'HOT'>lC: .. >1'>10 .. >1 . . . . nCY'H


      .i",,; r..hr, < sam. rkpooits. in p->rtirubt wi'hin LM 1II tombl-furtl>lc mwJ form,. Con,idrred in conjunecioo with thr ,~"" oflhr bowl and ,It< diSlin.cti"" "emrord foot. ouch an: may Ix: intC1J1r'l:r involve .uch high numlx:... of V<05CIs, 'ugge< impac, of Myc<:nacan 1OCi.allx:hlvior on rl>< isbnd.n. On ,h. bIOi. of out cum:nr Ofate of knowlcdg< and availlbk pub~calion•. lnnqurling practice< 00 mainland G app<ar lIOI to hi"" .nrajlcd .. rich a variety ofcquipmrnt or .. d.oo... of .trueNta .. io found on C"'I.... Th. otigins of convivi,] p ;e.., on tit< mainhnd 'ppror 10 h.."" brrn rootrd in Ihr pri"".. ophrre ofeli" oociaI values. which rmphosiud g<:nr....ity and hoopitolity in the fi'amr..rork of di~, rrciprocal 'l:' involvord Iargr gn>U1" i. ougge

      55. C<>n000l ""PO ""''' rt-d in UI II-lilA ,<>n'lb<. bu, t""r """'" .. doobI<J p/'w». C.wng. .00 C.t!inllon•• I' 209. kK S<1lopoWo; 8>JcMni·KooWoni.oo MarI<.ouhki 1'196. I' 6SJ. fig>. I•• IS, l'b_ 19S7. I' 622. fi~ J. Vld ""nil 1911O. PI' S8-i>li, kK [P;oI ...
      1'>I"i" '" ttpaboW ti""", _h ...t I"ho;nikil (Itoo" 1980. PI'- 2.-2S) .00 r.......... {Clutrid.L, 1918.1' 75, f'll_ 19-.1'1' 1U-8S, ~ l2: tomb S~ fur borh J lJ'P<' ;,., ......I1'ItOI . """", VIl•• >ggio m- (b
      «tI'''booo (d>1U·VWaIU 199'1.. I' 500. kK Ch.oRio: T-WU, 1m for Ann<noi), &oh 'J'P<' of ......1 """'" in ....... bbg
      2001.1" "'16, C~"'I" .... """ of,hr kw L\IIII .....1oh>pa d.r..,id of d
      "om'" ;,.,




      My«oocan·iofNcnIWIow - . (orr I>'llll~). For thr p<>OIibk tlrpcn· dham 1969.p.JOI.On linUttd ."~ on ri...... in L\IIU .... olio H...ubkio 1'I'ill, PI" 125-126 56. F", ono anJ i\I)«fIO
      < rel="nofollow">«U"'"'


      ... dtrived u1tirn..dy &om the .polU<>ring ocrivi
      pcrrorm.J><eS could II.... had different

      :and bttn pmmo'
      fuili"". commun>! part;':;p••i"" on religious Oon'"

      Analysi, of.he 1\1i"""" evidtncuuggesll < manipulation, offering, and corm>mpnon of food .nd drink suppo suNtanli:ol rite< "f .ggn:g:otion and roh~on.


      In EM I. ,he vessel probably used for tiNal drinking woo Ih.J.rge chabcc.


      wh_ sh,pe suggc>" that it function«! dim:dy commun'" drinking .......1 rothcr ,ha" ... mixing or .erving vessel." AJ mention«! '""""', hu~ num~ of indi";d.. >.l ""...1. imply lug<: social got"'ringo from lat. Prrpabti.a) in.o Nrop21.tial,irnco. In the f.J\.1-1\IM Phoumi <X""'lay 1t

      A",hane>, ""'"' ,hon 300 vessel<, m",dy conical cups, h..... h«n found in _ i..i"" with ,IKe pa..w .,... n= .he 'err">«' in front of building 6 and ne....holoo B. From building.( (LM IA), whidllw b«n int<rprts•• r a ",n", of community.'" Pottery Uk

      00. W<W>'. forth«>nU"l!. Th< wdJ·

      .......... ~""-.w .... ror •.wnpl<. has boen """t>«t< "';
      < di«u

      ,t>< 00l"W'f<1I« oflarg< I<>rivab in"""i"l! oI'I"cring< to ,i>< ~ ,nd w,rrit-.>· riorI of~; Pit
      palo« -w,,;,,,.... ,I.. '''''P''' by Dabnry, H .... wd ~t~


      1lIorn... ond otboe """,tih"riun>

      ,!\i, """tn<.



      cr. w;~ .001 [>Or 2000,
      p. 28. For ,I.. «,....,.,..;.1 funcriorl of ,I.. ,h.I;or.... .J.u H"lW' 1997.

      p.m. 62. Sak<1W-akio and Sak<\luak; 1'f/2: Sakli)di"l! 17): So... 1992. p, 145, 63. For the new do.. [ th,nk


      C";nci. ""'" io """Pns tb< pot"", aloo t. ~ 2001. P. 224Jor ,he


      """ten. Colmo", 2lXNJ. cr. the hug<

      numbe-t of """ic>l "'I'" d

      2Otltl-200I.pp. 140-141.

      60-1. ~i«,I< ciry~ 220 (bom< B),...., PM T. pp.186-188. 6gl. llS. Uti (d<-poo;, W>do Rrtb<mi«ai<miotai
      66. Gilli, 19'\10-. \V"'.... 1'ISo: Kn'['P

      ,riorI, ""


      "";"")iti«., I «

      ...., V"" de Moort<1 2OO1.1'!" 47-50. 67. Cr....., H,m,bk;, 2OOJ. pp. 196-197.



      HUT'NC' A MINOAN . . . . . . CT'VO


      .nd othe, preotigiOll' decorotive.ly!eo occur rordy, which m.y me.n th.t the p~i~ng Kicology empho$iud ,he community ro,he, 'han individwolity. Elabon,. modn of discord of """"Is and fe..ting ...m";n. (e.g., the fOWO of200 ordered, upside-down cooical fhou~ H ., GYP':odc<)"" mob: it dear that rituol onion< we"'.ncoded in ••mel

      lirurgy. Koowledge and cootrol of theoe tilUo! proctices ""'''' probobly"""",,", <>f power .nd .u'h<>,ity, in <:on".,' to lingle penonn"",,", which .dd<>m comritutcd an import.nt arena for oociol and politico! <:ompe,i';on." The ....mcial ~ and poli'ico!legitimiUlion by f""';ng exdu.i<>n .nd .. Ie<:. rive affilia,ion. ,. Th;s .vidence:, I>owever, ",fleets strondary .,ro'ogic< aimtbilizing practi"". ,h.t origin.lly foculed on the ..neti"" of unity and community belonging. A$ an c:nrnple,.be wide diffu.ion in EM l1B nf th.low-footed goblet 0' 'ggcup,' ve...1",ited to individul1 u.. in coo,,.,, wi,h ,he earl;', chali<:<:," migh' be viewed ... bte, '''empr by eli... to .mpho$iu penonal roles within the ....blished idwlogy of ce",m""ial con.umpti<>n. Mainland Grtte. provideo evid.nce for. diffm,nt patt.m. To ,h. Mt of my koowledge, the e.ll;'.. ce,tain b.nqueting find••ppear in the moo' rompk. MH 'ombo, m.inly d.ting wward ,he end <>f the pe,iod, and are fully integrated into the f..mewoti< ofhighlyrompetitive .ttugglcs fo' politicol.uth<>rity. """Iu,iv••nd re"rieted natu", <>f ".fly MJ"Xn"'n f..." i' be" illu,rnued by tumu~ in the Atgol;d .nd by ,h.ft gra~ e"dolureo, .. "",11 as by .,..mpl.. of I.... th<>l<>i .nd "",.lthy ch.mber tombs." Th. occu"..""" of p=i<JY1 m<% ouggestl •• im;l.. t",nd in C"'te, .nd indic>.t.. J\lYC'fIR.n inl1uence in LJ\llIL Such influence i' particularly m.nifes, in the funerory .nclo...", <>f Atdll.nf oriSloc..tic ritual coruumption." To:...ing and rituol ,m..lUng of....... ls It the tombs may olso be e<>nn«ted with Myce".e.n tom" as


      68. Ilopnh 18'l"t-l\lOO, P. 76; PM ID. P. H8, fi@;.Wi,Woen<'19S-1. P. lO. Cf. 01", "'-0<>0. Swtl.""", Pin.. C'YI" (PM IV I. P. ), e.""n 1985,!, 92, _ 39); SkIm>lun>poo, """" 8 (Morino,.. 1939-19<11, !' 74, e.""U 1985,!, U5,_lllr,AsdI..(Sik<Jbfo1
      69. Cf. Moody 1'187. P. 2<0. 7\1. FOf I'rq>al.tio1 tomb<, .... B....• 5"" 19'13. P. 78; r.,. NCOI"'bti.J e~teo, H....ibLo 1_.Moody 1987,d. ...., Wiloon on
      n.,. n.,.

      71. Wilooo ond [>0119\19; 2000, P. )8, d. n.,..".j Wi!oon 2002, P!' ISI-I52. Fa.-'he chili«...""h"••, n. 61.

      72. Soc,

      "M_, ~Aoine,Def>oin, A..".,., KDkb. ond M,,-Ud;, d. De""k<>pouloo 1'190; Koo,.,n;-P.podop>uIou I'l9S. P!' 118-120-. 1m. P!' 106-107, Ihmil"'. 1m, P!' 119120; c."""", and M .. lm, pp. tIl-! U; W<W>', ronhcamifll!. F", MH nteo, ... Nardqui., 1'190; d IGli.. ·P;.lmc;'" I9\lS. pp. 49-52; Ah.,jz;_IV.l. PI'- 120--122, V",,"';;


      1m, p. «. In gmcrirl""",,, 1'196; G",riailia 1989. p.l*, 19'11. P. 405, d. C."""", and M.. 1'198,1'1" SO-Sl. 73. Fa.- deoail«! dio
      .....1'I8.J, K~i",,·])jrlmcH:.lm, HuleU lm.l'!'. 102-IOb; r.,. I''''her

      l,;bIiago-ophy.... I..,... 19'16.

      HIIAUTTA 10"'NO,

      ocvenI pwpoofbroken kylika near Uvt..'1 III """bo india~." Sud> po .. ti<.. <'OUId boo l.;gn of rho: cdd>nlionofcommunal ~ cwdtinlr.;,.,. ~ To c:on6nn such. h)pod ;, .... 1Iho:o.dd boo . . toidmtify caanIio: _ tho, _ ocponte from rho: p«IOIW NmiNn: of rho: d<:od and -.., uood for ~lion and ........... ption 01 Nna:01 .nnIo or drinb. Norwi'....-linc thr ambigIoouo stile 01 ~miooIand poobliorion 01 MJ"'ft'Ift" Nnmuy '" ,H IF. i... .-.bIe tho, "'" ".....bo:r 01 ftIodo ...... Itd from M)UDIdR oombo .. nooa.1up;o:. tho, 01 ..... du«ltd in rho: EM.loL\l.and LM uo.a.ia olem... The _ .....bhlo dcpooil. d>omi>n id....n dw <:III boo __dued rdiobk II on indiarion of C1DiiUIIOIIlaI rira J'i"..ticuI neat """bo . - ftom inoide sins'< Nnmuy _."......., and l'I>ttIl.. thot ... in rho: dromoi ond neat thr _ ; . of rho: thoIoi ond inoide rho: fIIInIdi and funenty mdofwn.,. s..m insuIhlion&, ~ or no< !hey ........w to cd<:bn.. .,.,.,...n.w fcaotJ, du no< oppnr '" hi"" been inlCndod for • gathrrins of II.. whoIt rommurU'T- mhiE1, by f"O"I"Iins adua>on,!hey WQtlId """" ...-..I Iinb &nil ""idari'YlliIOilfl ,he: r..... Inendcet who """" clooc: '" ttN;om., "' m:cntly dit«tl>C1S in orde, to Ip:>nsOI' Ool"ll'J' PO"" iono 1I_n... Only wi,hin ,he fn.......... k of "'" spoo"."",hip and orpni:p.tion of"'" LH III pW





      76.. Lo C-. _ s.:..- I"".,. 151



      7;,. 157.

      lip.1.l:_ I..,.,.~ plltl.A<-ToocIobo 1_ ,. Uk lu.iIoIIio 1"'-,. 121;

      _0 ' lip. 1•. 11


      191.."" Jr-n.

      .-.."'--" ...e-....__ ._ ... pot-



      riouol ..... _ _ •

      _..,.., I""'""",


      .......L. booo ......,..... .. ,

      d,. ""

      J _ ............. _

      n.s...~ 1977.p.7l:c£ .... ......... ~ .. ~tJ""'IIC


      (l911,p.!J';p.)f '" K - . ...... 5-44: ..... p. 35 '" lOmb 5lJ.';!h •

      _ _ _acd


      ... E.t!r)I_



      ... J .... --.,a....-Mjo< rel="nofollow"><-

      ----....-e-.p ""1.13.. 50<_,. ..... xm, .. ,...

      ....... M« 1



      ..,_AIf .........e-.p

      1!117: ... _

      ...... ' '15 • c£AIIcn:lOO1 •

      1!117... 115:W

      I"I-Im .. ».'" M.. I....

      J Jo,ao ........... _ _ J......... d. .... ,. 11:'" .ioo-o.;w., 1990.,.1l, r.. ~ """- 194.1. ",,5lr-S9.r.. _')-10. o-IrL

      ,. 5<', " '

      ............ _,_.. _r..-._·Drt;laIU

      1990.,. tl (Atpo A

      ..... q. ... _oIy 11"""_ _ f<"'lou :1001. 79.

      s... _

      Vib"", :lOOt. 0.. l!><





      .. ......... JW_ _ """-'r 10. 0IlX.0I

      01 . . .




      I ..- ..• _ 10< __ COI

      r.._naI ~ .. P)Ioo: I...Udou


      81. J hlbh..... Sld"ani. >tid !Un,i 1m pp. 63. S"'15. 112. ligo.J2. )).

      to. !h< in«rpm"ion .. an .~

      1'0< ,i>c poWbIc ruhi< roI< ofM'4!"'';'''' 15 (-" ...., «ntta! P;1lo.n). 0« M;~.. u., lOOl. P. lo!. 0«

      l(",hI 19\17 >tid _ .


      82. ~ >tid Galln d< S...• "'..... 19B.pp.f>9-72. 8J. S....1Iarioo 1%4. JIlI.lOl-lO]. no. 17"1 (_ ...., \\'rip>" "'" YOluR><. P. ~5.f'K. 16). r", !h< ttid \,,,,,"ICf lOOl. P. OJ. ".l-<>i IW,I-IW,l: N"""", 19'J'9: l.. (I'S) 9 >tid 255 f<J< til lllA «.~_.M... n'ior I~. pp.1IO. 65. f'll'. J'O, 75) uod I'S nl. :zs.o. oM lOS fi>t llJ8 (M"",,'ior 1986. pp. 11(,-119. fop. 142. 10. 10(,). lII.. M"",,';:" I 'IS6, pp. 87. II;' (I'S 236).

      87.5«••.1.. Boogna Im.. p. 197. fig. 7 (L\I Ill).

      In the Minoan world ,he oamc ideological ilmd at mengthen· ing o<>!idari.y and ,w""ing m.m""" '0 ononymou•• f:lal... particip.nt>, underlined ,h. huge di...."". of ,hc community fram ,hc «n,er of powe'. For example. 01 Ayi. Triad. """e chali"", .ppcu to h."" been used in Ihc room. belonging.o.he (&."icn: aignoril. di nord-""""., when:, ><'COrding to Roben Koehl, the ri,ea of the .>IJ.. i<m wen: pcrfanned, while hund,w. of oonical cupo. which wen: prob.hly invol"w in.he pm. ril.. of ritu" con.umprion. we", fOund in th< "".rby .ro",,,,,,,,,." Th. ,«hnic" :and morphological ".ndanliution oflh 1•• dcvoid of stylittic .bOOn,ion, and ,h. dif!C",,,.. in Ih. nw m ri.. belWCCn .h. ch.Ii«. and ,he cup< an: .I••r .ign. "f the unlikelihood ofint......ion bclWCCn .Ii,••,.t ,h. focal «n'er of .h. ril•••nd .he public. which m.y h.ve ....«h.d or p."ici· po.. d bu, onI~' •• """"ym"." acron. A simihr ink",,,,,. C'n be d....wn .. Malli•. hou.. Z•• whc", the fumit\,,,, of ccremotlial h.1l S. tog••her with finds fram.he ncarby ,lOre_m•• pcnni.. one ro """"i.... aingl• .,on. ,hyron wi,h hundrcda of conical cup',"' In Minoan rinul.lhe dis..".. be""""".he common popuL:.;;c.nd the oric:ally c:xprnscd in ;co..oguphic ...pn:acn'";""" such u .h. genii .nd the .nthl'l>f>Cd deity (which .1'1"'.... for example. "" the w<:11known ring from Tiryna)." Among aornplca of.M iconogr:ophic rype .ho. show ..fVing:and pouring octivil"'. the Komilori .by model bat ill~.....,.. ,..... octivin.. u ...Ieo ofsu!x>rdin.t.. or nonhum." beiogo. "",ludcd /fom ....ial =h.ngt." h i. ck.. th..... hough .li'cI.........1i1C inICr-.nion during .he ritu" pcrform.nca WIJ minimal.lhe ""nter dctWcd iTo ,ulhority from ,he community by ...."ing iTo unity .nd robcoion. In contl"l" to proctic.. ....,.;... d wi,h Minoan f••"a Ni...nd di"ribu,ion in "-I)""n n f..... hod • complc.. ly diff.renl ru•. OriginoUy ,he actiri'i nri..rd ro ,hc <1i .......tum.:and even 'hough feasting secm, '0 hove .. ~ndcd 10 i""lude """'I. if 001 all. of lhe popul.,ion, ,h. ·'pn~i..,ic· alructun: of.he f.at. oonrinucd '0 be «ntral '0 iTo practice. In h • ,,"ing. the ccntr.U pc""". u • lUnd of,"",,,, j,,'n pam. inte d d.-am•• icaU)· wi.h .he particip.nl1 by .ppoin.ing tight. "f .".ndance .nd """". lltc Mycen...n krater. lhe ntOIt "",.ningful.ymbol of drink dim'-

      bunon.;'. monum.n." veraioot--ogoin. lUnd of,"",,,, j"'(T pam--of the individual drinking >'to.d... the typologic.1 dcvclopmc-n, of i,. fonn during I.H III d.arly indi""t".ln the eul"'l LH III ph..... when Ih. dtinking"" i. dominOled by goblcta :and kylikn, the .t<mmcd 1m".. wi,h ....nic.. h.ndl....imilar to • large gobl.,. i. lhe , 1used for holding .nd distorir.onwlundb, i. tnn.f<>rmfC .nd m.y h hem used only for cooking," im1"'"..... "fditlribu,ion in lhe 1"",'1u" ICCm' .hcrcfOlT '0 CIt· p""'.he need of 1M .1""'..... 10 n thei••uthority by dcmon...... ling •





      ... I""""" of.tuKrion thtoughDu.. the pmcao of rqoriating idrnlil)' and OUM .,.;u.;n • ..,Itm:d group of puticipo.nlJ. s.U-kmnIweno not,.. widdy inn...,... in LM em......... often impomd. ... Io=lOft ~ ~ beet> ....r:Il iDsiliarion of bbor for ........ ond ~ of fOOd _ much ...- imponan. tlwI.-.mpcion in W C...... idooolofJ' of JlO"'I'I ~ "n.. Ol)'isticdabonrion and ~ olr.ljUJ__ kylika and drinkin« ~ in <>fe caro ,h.n prn40usly '0 stylist;" .W>ontWn of drinking ocro. of,e" deco""td acconling the dynunia of group iden,;ty and aff'ili.. i<>n." For ,hi. purpote, e",.." di,," borrowed from the M,..:<....... n Miro<>an and ~1~<>om from oche. r..ldo ot rann:h, nunr:1y......, nX Af;e .....-..rd.ln CI'Ok, bonrponinf; _ .... 10 ha.-e "p'uIa and nlua p
      liu 10 .........,. oolidari.,. and lUtiI)' OptuOons ~ difl'<mu W'lI"Jia 01 oocial COf>"""'-In l:uion, p'... idecI";!h I efhanqu\Itntnt, OM pccuIiar 10 on>alI-.:al< 'w; ,''''''' communi"," and cnh2nc




      n. """"..... 1984. For do< MJW" """on"...., J rbc EphyrbI<'. ."..;".l bootI.1I;yId. and N~ 1m, PI" Its-It?, Iktan· ""'" 1985. p.1S

      ponod do<


      ' - - of "'" soW<'<


      ". C( Ilorpo 1997.. p.lOS 110.

      c........ ""'. ; _mo'

      .- ", _......l..-,..

      - . . ............ M............ ~1_lOOO,.pp-14S-ISL

      'I.Cl 0-" I"'. 'lZ. So< _ _ Sl: II _ " ' 1.\1 I-...&. _




      ... an-. ItIS.p. 'tJ. mIt'Illo; F e JOOO. r...






      d:1tuo6cw 1't7+. :-"1"1. p.1$4.... ,.. ............. " ......, "'-lI'<>¥ = d
      -lJ_r.....x.- ' IV" ",=g;... _ ‫ןס‬0o 11_1_.1'1'-1'1, 11;"__ .. ~ ..,."..;.. and M _ C...... _ Sct-p 2OOl; Ihrniloltio XW,

      ., on • network of .""b'ng< ... l>-rioo-•• in which tho individual dim.n.i"" n'''''' faded. In ,bi. kind of network .trat
      LH/LM III ELlu STUTP,C'U In LH IllA-B G=<:. b.nq...... oo f•• m. ,bougb not complo••ly ..... •trict«! to ,be ro/'''"' ""'... primarily 1'OgI1b'ed, .""n",red.•nd organi:oed br ,ho c<:n,roI.u,""ri,;n. As. powc:tfuI inOlrurn< 'ombs 'bcr ....bli.h. diroe.link wilh lbe palati.1 furniru... for offteial fc.. lS. as rotmbora,«I by Lin...' B documcnto." A. ,,, ,I.e .... "~""'" from ,I.e MH p




      (Di fotms ofbanqutri"ll ",rordi"~ dio· .mrieoJ of iality. 'I>



      "'" _,.,.. aIli.>""'·buiIJi"l! ",';"iti<> IOi!hin

      ~ ~ IOi,h


      ""kgin of poIirieoJ f'<"'<,.... J""I«, 1001. po 282. 9~, 'The ,l,if, of «><'K'" i"""tm01oo) " Nicl>uria .. ,he tq;nnn.g of ,he pili,i" "8" ""y be..",oo,tcd • ",ie· ...", it>iligh ond M .. p. \.!6. For fur,,,,... pi.... wt>"",. ~""'" 2OJ2, PI'- 8+-1iS, It ....... to "" ..... "inVuJ ,hat the ""hi· t«ru"'" ''''''''''''' fo< I""'il>l< ,om....•


      .... «lebra, of ,i"!lle ramil... ond .ibn, h" (01-<,". 78), ...... aImoo, 1u';"'1y to ,he E..11 Mp_ """... p, .... nt· Iy di.........l br Kill<" (1m) '00 ""'irna (2000)-•...., Sp«ialc 19\1\1. Cf. V,n'';. ond Cluimilor ,;"h .... m· ~ ....... p1>«u


      ELIU . . TTA .ole,.."

      porter)" =ogniuble .. drinking ..IS within urly LH III tomb< """raUy ron.i" of plain unpiint«l or "finned" fine ......10, intcn
      metalware and u.uallyplaced lOge.her within special .... lings of ,he romllt, such .. sluf"



      and, .lightly I...., It Phii.'.... Artlunes, R<.hymnon, In! practicn and ritu>! rnc:>!. u< 1lt<,>ted at an omei>! kvrl b)' ..,main. of ucriflCCO .nd in --and poosjbly .. Atch.nca.... In conrrast to rhe Mrcen...n evidence. in tornelo.. diOlinguishcd, advanced L\t III gr"I""". drinking activities U< reprncnml "'" by meta/wan: a.ocmblagco buT by el.bonTe. decoraTed anmi< din , including knte... goble... lcy1ikn, d howl,. CUp', and dipp" l ,hoI'" T....' Ire II", fuund in contemporary ..nlornc:n ...'" From h evidena. banqueting can be inferred To h."" been more widely practiced Ind leu strictly controlled than on The m";nland, Ind definiTely ind! plus<, and •• pttially in L\t IlIAl-B. it i. ~uitc probabk rhOl h.bits of commensal potiria We'" never compleTely ~miTed to The printe .phere offu..... ry k ..", .nd blnquclS continued to be eckb...ued in ari,tda. the rituali..,ion of convivi>! p=tK:cs could ...."" served to " .... imponan' ..cular rvcn.... well, .uch .. the foundation ofimpooing

      99. Cf. 'M ccnmic .. ocmblJgc from .... art H of tomb 10 at 1><<>.1"" Pmoon 1'M1. p. 59(_ ... \\I~,. ,h;, .......... " 15.1i5. 5). I. Cmc. d. Z.ph<' I'>!"",,,,, "t·~ 66 ond 67

      (f-..", 1906, 1'1'


      F", .....,al_

      inC..", _ "'l""~'MT~of 'M Tripo:>d H••nh .<>.1 'M Ch;'liu.·, G

      " Z.p/>« "'!""'" (E..... 1906.

      1'1' 3 35. 5l-59l· 100. Dilli,.. ki 1997, Re·


      'h)"'100n: ~!>rl

      KouO}, Cham.: Aod"adol,;·'I\.uoki 1997.. For...mor

      ,......._"-':.n.75. 101. HomiIokio 1m...". p. 48. 103. Foo- 'M m-..-., .......,Iy pub. liohod from 'M O
      Al,""'-'gh of un""";n ~ ..... .t

      .... C."",,'ool

      from ""'->0:

      Comr .....-;foce., An-hann, Sokcl4' 1999b, p.lOl.

      104. Cf. TuJilio 1988. r 5U {A......",,;.I... ~""';nIy froon drorooir. Phoinikia: Kon.. 1980, 1'1' 1....25: Goumcs. ,omb 1: Cha,li-n (~k SlJ'loo' Kan.. 1980. p. lJS, Mil.l 191iO.1'I' 115116, f,p. 51, 53.



      '!A.TIN": A MINOAN . . . . . . CTIV<

      buildings.... A furl""r o=umple i. a ceromic asoembbge con.i.ting of a kylix, stemme.rri",. Nu If Mallia, tet. ofkylilrn, <, j..... ond rooking pots mixed with uhea .nd roa1', .. well .. bronu item..uch .. a doublepossibly used fu,. • ..,.if""'.... S""h endence might be ",la'ed 10 rirual celebra';on. ou",im 'ho !'«'O.d (>Ut~nnl ab<M:, • """'pl<x p.nern of feuting ond ce",monialaulhority, in mul,;ple location••nd with multiple purpooeo. i. seen not only in ,he eorli",. pahliu periodl, bu' .100 in Fino! Pal.,ial Crete. Thil pinero m.y be ...p1ainnl a. a mark of Io1y modif.. d by Myeen..an inl<=hon. Thr oecula' .... of competiti~ feut< within c:>trapabtial oociaI praobi~7.I­ tion and .ttuggle. imponant in creating ~r relation.hiro in ,be new po~rical "",n. of un>tabl< I)'$rem•.


      CONCLUSIONS r .."ing activinrs in Minoan Crete were more ouite and .."lement< would ha~ already bo"""",d from VII")•• drpnoi,,,( ,ob........ '''8''the. ""d1 h<>nro onol hum«l "'MAino .... """00 ,"', WOO i~"'p',,,d ..,. the .......,"'" .. the ....".;.... ,,(. mel! romum«l by 'ho:: buiJden (1.0 R.ou 19l1O, PI' ll7-l.J.8,{", 47: 1\186. PI' 53-55. flJ. 5). F... e>idrn«,,(. drpooit in ....,.;.tion witll


      huildi"ll' fuund.,tion, froon Ih< ","". tion hn:rn tho:: ~,;" .00

      S«lfIoiatUl prriodo.... I.. R.ou t98O. 1'1'_ ;IOl-:JOt" t~ lIHl lor.. I"lo"", 1"1'7. PI' l6l-l6J, J7()-l71. 107. F""""" t990: l)rie....., ond F""""" 1992, 1994: F""""" 19\17. P. .167.


      '" nan' individuals.'" The>< individual., th~ ·big m~n· 0' chief•• cmpJorcd ,he prac,ice of holding rommunal b.nque..... me.na of."..c.ing con..n', m.intaining rohcaion. f"""ing .lIi.nces, Ot' .. riving for domin.nc<: .mong C<Jual individual. or At Ph:oi"",... 1 .....ed .hove. only incrcJKd field ,'"...rch wdl delerm;"" whe,her ,h. b.nqu.ts h.1d on ,he .ummit of ,h. Aeropoli l\·ledi.n ••nd in 'he mul'iroomed building of ,he C •••• oven dcll'inzo.le I repre..n,ed expre.. ion. nf ronf,on"'ion .nd rompeti'ion .mong hom~ncou."""iol.l.m.n" Ot'. by ..rving diffcun, ...,ial .nd poli'ical pu'J""<" ""'''' .ign. of.n .rti""l..~d ')'Slem wi,hin ••uuc'u",d.nd romplcJl rommunity .uch as w. fInd I...r in ,h. Homeric world. In. numbet ofCre,an .."Iemen" d.ting 'n the ' n.ition between ,h. Bron... Age .nd ,he Iron Age. cvilkncc for .imilar f ing pracricn h... been recognized unlkrn..'h b'.r lempl...nlcnc, nf .n Archaic '.mpl. on the 'OP of ,be hiU,'" On ,h. oth•• hand. ",I.ra' dwellings in 0 •• 1. Age and Grom~lric CrelC m.y h."" earncd on rol~ .nd func.ion. ofpre";"". buildings. including ,h. CU"oot of rommuno.1 feasting. n . ",·c.n,d ..i."",ralio:; .,.""i.~ "fGrom"ric Phai"OJ could be a direc' .""..un, of ,h~ e1ilC LM 111C buildings '" .ihi 10<:. ..d in th~ n.arby ...., .uch as ,he C ... a nvcs,. In closing, I,,~ >g:oin CW<>rt. "fu...nd ci=1:o,;.,., <>f drinking .......1. for rinul conlUmp'inn. On ,h. b""is of ,he .ty~..io:; f «r:rnlic ..... i' is p"..ibk '0 folkrw ,he polirical dev< op< drinking could be • ron",!""n« of bo'h a major ch.nge in f....'ing h.bits-no longer involving rompc,i,;"" in nrck, to attra

      liS. ~ 19\1O, p-ll; M ...• t'>kd AiniAn 1997, PI'-- JSi-J7l; Don· a. IItId l1>oow 1991, Donlan 1985,

      198'1,1994,1997.. 19971>. 116. Pp. p- m, "" «an' ......."h. F'1l<""" 1m. For <1<. pooi.. wi,h .. hn, mimal bor><>.lItId pott<

      ~ ..ttI<""",..

      ""'" .. P,,1li Kn,d· lopouIo IItId Am ~ N""""k; 19'14.pp. 2SO-2Sl,N~ 1'1%, p- 264: 2000. p-ll9. 117.uRooolm, 118. For insutK:< " K...-... North Cr!un> 1992 f Sub<~ • d.IJ~ I ' (6, 16-18).•'" t1>< mcatlinl!· ful shift .. 1'1"""","'''''"' Kaoowi..o« Gctmo: p from lo\! mc (10k)



      119. Cf....S.• MoutU;;.Ai...... 1m. p-lS8.






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      ARSTRACT Rcd "" the: <""... mplioo of food .... d drink in .ntiquity. optcifk,o]ly empl<>yi..,; """""",,\ogicol pe' .p<:di¥'i

      """'JUmp'ion of food and drink rq""",nts more thm the h;,,\ogical ... of meeting n««<ary ouhoi..e..... require...."'........ it is al", • rulmr..uy COOSlTtlCte<1 _i.1 :>ct.' Compooento ofhumon die, .re """,n,ilUy In,hrnpogn of food .nd drink." Dining :and drinking Ire ,he focus of 1Oci1l1 in ......ri"" both wi,hin ,he immcdi... hou.. hold conlU' .nd thrnugltout ,h. wider community.' ~ """JUmp,;.,., of food Ind drink is use
      u.. I""i..", fur

      Aqron I'r
      .... _ n•..l. I':urieul>t rh>nb...,
      '0 !I""""


      k>r ..... it helpful and iI'lfOttlU';'" ron>men.. Uk! "'13""""'. 2. DicUer 2OOl. p. 72. 3. IhmiWO, 1m. p. 116.

      •. lI.. torl" 19"11." I.... 5. IbmilWo 1'1'1ll. p. 116.




      \Virhin m.... oocial coda we .... II>< tonO........... offood Dbo<.: the dofi·

      niciooI of t'tftain IOodo .. cbn Of uncIlbry. m., asooci..tat ~ oncd in tho< ~~and...........,a- of b>d ..... drink .... oloo IOod Pft'IWiI..... ataI fftquendy dioftnct &om __ ro. dinUlc and ro. dot diopcul of Iho dot>ri< of ~ E..... wirhia cemia oocial COi't=:i mew "'Y~ 10 the CONClCf of--.pciorc diobo... ioo.. in diet and oaf~ habift mar mer 10 inttnW cuhunl hooIncbria br .. 1It<:."'K zmdtt

      di6c1........ ~-'oociaI-.SpoOol':>od<.~modeo of ~ and IIf........ rniKfu ""..,..l fat rdipIut«..,_.... ;..duding rita 0( f""'P&"'. rd;g;.-. ft:anoaIo. and burial riret.' Alt~ dit'l iI cbcly ;"Ito Wooe" with ~ of cullUnl iQm. hI)'. i, it an otaII dut .. omcq>

      and «nnomic """,..,..' In ..cluo"OJ of new I"'f"'L:uion groupo. an. of lh, 1fmjucndy .i,cd examples II lh, ,h,nge in tM Cln.ani'e "",mic fCp

      l'lIil'If''''' Hi.hrom< ol)'k, Clpttiilly (omlll""h ao II.. ,itle-.pouted "...i"", jug and .... deep bowl or .kyphoo.' Cllangn in die"'}" "'"""'~ .nd food I'Rl"""tion "'" furdx. iUun.....,d by the 'pp"''''OC<' <>f o>tW types uf rooking 1"""10 Al....... tive auw fa<'<Jn, """"""'. ohouId a1>o be con.;&rnl, in particular. the rule ofim~ CllOlic commodirin and nottric knowledge in ,be """,.....man of poIitial and j,;kolosical power." One

      _tI c:nmpIo- is ~~'" "l'f""'Priano.. ofimponcd. and , ~. >h>hoIic bewnga and uoocial:ftl drinI tho< Ctttlr. world durintl tho< An1Wc ptriod. and tho< dioktninariorl of Gtcd< and P'tw>c.1IiriarI rlrinkinr: cquipmm' and _ ... of the Homeric: banquo:! II) ",",nlltal):" SimiluIy, in Old ~ £sypr tho< di.. -.:l "";M and drinlint!: cquipmm' imported &om rho ............. Levant in Clr(~diotod, formn

      DWtkr JOOI. P. 89.

      7.J_ 1'I'/6,p.80-. ~1001 . PI'~7-n. 1.s..~1OO1.

      95' •• , PI' UJ- •.sS

      .krPl- o...IoM 19l1, PI' ....02, •

      :1-7. pIo.l-7. 10-'"1 ble_I,,". 11.1~ (I9S1) Io0o ......,.. . . .... _ .... ' 'I 01 .....

      _ ...

      . . . , . - plICa -








      U. Di
      _C-.."5 "'.

      '-.-..........- M .. _


      01 .............. ..-.01

      /q<_ ooorId .. -If ~I,.......... poIou.l

      ptn<>J _ _ ............. u. U.]<& 1m.p..lQ1.

      u. Oordtr 1001, p.19.





      ACE CY"U,

      {ion of meat u a "aple. nume""" elhnognph;'; mufi......"" illultra,to and. in ~icular. C1Ittle•

      II>. Ctuf, 1991, P. 74; K........,; 1994, pp. 257-260. 17. o;ro., 2001. P. 73. 18. Sh«n" 1m. pp. 388-392, .I<>ffi' 1m. p. m. 19.jo/T< (lm,pp. m-~)-.. NCh """"" IQr booh anci
      """",,,,"l. 20. l"lUo
      1Qr .....,pI<,

      ;" r....ly o,-n-;< ~I""'l""""""


      11. Di

      22. Di<,lo:-< 111'%, pp. 9J--95. 23. Di
      24.C....tf 1m. p.3OO,n.54, ,~

      ..pcciolly moles with impresaive COOts and hom•. 'ollie oonoumption < rel="nofollow">f meat within a rca.ting cont"", io ,herefrn--c oom<ming Ip«iol, > highly symbolie di.play of weahh and ... t.... F..... might olIO be differentiat< symbolic import.nce of alcoholic drinks dcrivca in pan from ,heir p«Ulior mood-enhancing propcnic, and from ,h. pro-""ss "f m."uhew"" "a q\lO'li-mogicoJ , ......funnalion "f IixxI in'o > $Ub, ...",,, that, in tum. ,,,,,n.form, hum." con"';..........."" Alcoh<>locrves t" ron.t""'1 'an ideo! world" and i. particularly appropria'e fot =m""iol con.umption and ,he forging o( oIlionctl'. "In tenn. ofembodied mllteriol cult.."" tl><",fo",. :okoh<>l occupies a pr a",n.. fur public dilplay. They"", vilUol pageants. <>r music, dancing, "",itation of epia. and ..... rcd consumption of < oociaI and I"'liti<-al funcrionsof&asting arc ck>scly intCflwincd. Hospitality i. uoed 10 establi.h and maintain oo<:io1 ",lotion. and '0 forge aUiancea, and fe.." arc frequently ven.... (or m. exchange of gift•. '" Diff.",n, m<>mmwtity. Nor only de> ,""'" fca." c",.le .hared ocnlim.n" ofidentity Ind belonging, but lhey .", 01", <><:iaJ compelition. Regular and lavi,h hospitality aUows ,he host I" accrue prtltige and mnding (symbolic capital) within a rommu· nity. 1n effecl. the enha"""menl of Ihe hosl's st.nding within the community will "buy" influent. _r dccilH>n< mad< by ,he community. H"'pitality may be "",ipronl. with diff.",nl individuol. hosling r.... t. <>n a variety of """",i<>nt.l'rntige and tocial ,tanding arc ",negotiated in a con,in""", cycle of r.... ting--the oo-caUed cnt"'prtrtCllriol. ot' e",powering, f.a...." S""h fe.." might be used t<>cr project. in return (ot' which he <>r she providca fOod and drink. Th. m<>r< ge....fOIll me "'1"',"t;"n of the host. f the: patrons h"'pito!il)'. Effc<:Iiw:ly, patmn-mIc (...... arc ukn-rolt fcol... ln the contat of communol f....., .ymOOlic ""f""S'ion Ii.. in the quanliri.. "ffood .nd drink provided. In oon....' to inclusive communol fe..... I"""'n~role ft:u" oIIow hospitality '0 be m."i1"'la,t (.. iU",'ratt

      cou, ..



      DiacritiCll f~a.." a", uod .. oJ'mbois of exdu.i"" memb<..hip. fe»l. arc ch.rocterized by d,.ti""t''''' cui.ille (exotic foods or rompbca«:d modes of P"'J-"tionj .nd el>bon", dining scto•• nd frequently m."" ",fe",,,,,,, .pecialized ~gt of ""'erna!, cxolic """al pncsc clements of diacritiCll fe.... mokc up. di.tinni"" f'1CUg< of pr=icn that arc ",odily identifi~ .ble in ,he on:hMo\ogition of .n och,.i"" .tyle that i. closely guarded by the e~' •. through thei. privikgrd 0Ctt« f() ~mited sul'P~e. of cxot;". E...,n .." thc>c procticc••", open 10 emulation on the p.n of grours aspiring ro an ~I.v:ltcd social ...IUS:rnd we might exp«t. dcg= of fluidity in the ehoice of oymbolic, ideological ..fe",nlS used by the .~t•.'" The dn-.:Ioprnenl of incrc••ingly oophi,,;"tcd ocicnt,fic techniques .nd the application of anthtopologicol model< to =h~ material ha".. enhanced curt'Cnt inrerest in ancient diet and dining pr=i<:a."There are, howeVe<>logiCll m.retial i. "'l'Pkmen'M by tutual sources.nd. rich rotpU. of "'f"'CSCnt",ion.1 mat.ri.l." In ,he .bse"". "f detailed ironogtopby:rnd written documents. howe...,r. tl>< only of evidence ..... ,table for analysis i.,he on:hacological reronl. Thi. indudtl conccnt... tion. oftl>< d

      ' '<' ' <

      25. Oi<


      16. Di
      .... ~orw;Iu
      ir><1ud< """""-c..wy.;. .,( ""'let}" orw;I 'dorop< orulyId ofh.....an ~

      bonot: _ TudoIttI<W 1'I9'l. Of potriNbr in"... r '" th< di>cutoinn of
      slc>ncd from th< .kd


      in tl>< twogm'Ccirelco .. M,... . St.ol>lc ;",.ope ly>i> indi
      ,-",." ,I>

      ~ mor< .,( th

      .i,"'", """""" btIri< odufh (.,(in
      ...) btIrirnbo " M)' ond M.... lew t'l9'l'1'I'.1n--U3. Ui>-117.1»131).

      211. D>
      N. For Atg..... ~.... COIle' 19'9S, R

      me. For A

      ... Pol l'l'/4: PoW"". YOlumc. S;pioJo<J ....

      ronta, and p.ttern of Su......u" f... ting wi,h ..1<"""" to irn_ of

      bonquclins in g1ypbc an orw;I on ,I>< RoraJ Stondord of U".I>< .... di>" ..... (1'1'- J97~1) <0111 m~

      .r>d ocS of thi. ,h"!",,r 1 «fer '" rl>< two pll«tMly ..


      .... "fl<"h;'lUri.< BtOII" A".:"'"-'''ll Knapp 19'90.p. tS'.1M rime poriOO i. &,ci"" from ,t>< subo
      ""'"rioI ....

      ", a_·_





      F'I"fC I. P1an of .... CCftfnOIIiol val ., .u-..'Z"·Moopl\ilia. Mtu I'd_.


      boftl ..... Im, .., Jl


      31. P.1.. nbu~ 2001, 1'1' 119--133. 32. ~.lm.Pl'" 115-116, P.J.. nbutg 1'/9a p.2-48.


      Reccnlly Pdtcnborg ha. suggcClUKl wi,hin tho .potially diKW. cr..monial "",."t KistOftcrga-MosphiL. (Fig. 1)." Thi. "",a providcd an "",no sa;" of an:hilocfor ,ho prrforrnan"" of ritual in ,ho Ol"'n air, as ",011 of ding ~,d. u







      ..... -..r.-r M ,'T

      of ordwd "'''''endry 10 C"..... prior 10 tlw Bronze At;e. and..". ....... holic bc:.o¥ pooMlW, .....ad _ ...... been.-dot lram ppa Simibriy. .-nk introdumI 00 .... idancI duMc 1M Early Bronze ~. and &una! _. ol:' an ...... thaI aprina and fallow d<.or ...... tlw main .....,., .... 'P'W...... cl the Cn-iot din in tlw Ch·W...... pniod. PtI=aunabIy meal _ _ • lUf'Ir hue _ tatrictullID "f""'Pl. con......... in ~ ....,ItKtL.. An 1tdIy hiKb .........duh maI<s II> .......... ...-octhe it,.p aml in tlw &unaI mI.' poi ClIakoIithic .. If hmlo bred lOr eid>er mrn meal potnotiaI .. milk pn>ductt. I hi&ha ncio of rn.w.s . ' be ........ ud. Wool productioa. ... tlw odwr Iwwl, .no..ld ....JI in an equal ,.;" of maI<s and knulos. Tht faunal ~ b....."'u, impIia • rnb tlw nWnlnWla: ofhrtdo of pllwitb fidI-guwn mdeo..l1 is ~Io:dy du.. oduh ..we....lI ...... deanbk ... 11)""boll< ............. of oociaIIUNJ. walth., and ~. """ nhotd lOr lbrir homo and.,..lJ,." Major oocial,«~• •~_,,;:.c. and cWrunI tramfurnariono in Cl'P""" tlw ~ of tht Late ChaIcolithic pduction ofbowls and flub in I _ " , . " , . , . chrome Ityk {F'IJ. J),"n.- "",,,,10 include ~;ud 11in<:" for. _liquid rommodity; ,he DDnC'm(n.'Oon of lpOO.td fla in building 7 It umbo-I ,klc"".,uooci.o~"';,h. rompIa "fbaoi"..nd grindingcquipmmt. is vny ~r"", of bttr pmdlM'tion." n,. dr=loprrKn. of oame form nr patron/,Gte .....roI ,,(food prodl'Crion ;, ill....ntM by ,he big<'



      , , ..... n'...



      'ap.'" 'do".......



      JJ. s.. diot . in 1\"""; 199<1. ).t. CI'OIi 1991. P. 7(, JS.s...q.,~<,ol.199II.

      JI>. Iloip 199<1. P. U: 19911. p. 120. J7, Ptl

      .00nlNC IN aaONn ACR CYPall1


      F""", 3..... « Chako(;,hi<: _ _

      ,hrome fuori"ll
      boo-s:" fll.lm.~


      38. P<1tn . - . ~1. M,,,ni"4l1 'I\Il. PI' 4-1--18. ~l. M''''';''4l1911l. p. ~5; K....-.ni 1911•. W.170--171: lI"othn- 1'197. W·)I-:l-I. .J. Krnnni 1~, po 270, ,obit ., 1I,n






      sale otO~ facilitieo in the Pitoo. ]-1011...t Ki...,.,.rgo·Mosphili....11>o f.uno! alKmblag< =overed (rom ,ru. bu~ding, wi,h • high incidence: of decr bone (1JII"", ~I~"';'.). is Il)-pical of the Lole Clu.lcoIithic period. ~It,nburg .uggn" , ...., hun'ing h1li'hic f...ring appcan '0 ....'" been condu<1«l a' a communalle",L 11>0", is no dear evidenc< for =Iu.ivily in Iocarion.con· oumption, or p....phemalia.lnstead••l>nce.. ly~.sting p'''em. comply with til< criteria 1"" forward for empawo oJ>P2"'nt social .nd cultural i",la.ion ,h.tchanc'cri..d the .arlier prehi..ory of th. i.land rontinued, with ""'Y linle ..-idett<e for ..temal "'ntocr. Imem.lly there i. ~nk de.. evidence: fo, social .....'if...ri"". E""" so, M.nning haa interpreted fi.mcrary ritual .. the m.jo. arcn. (Of di.play by an em.rgent elite." He argues tlu.t .hi. di.ploy i. iUu"...ted by con.picuou. consump.ion of new "",ralarti· (.... (t1p«ially weaporul ..-.d ,he rlc...loprn.n, o( clabora.. burial ritual., which ittCO!Jl'Of"ted • major (e'S1ing element. He emphuiuothe .ppear.tt« of • ron~ of "",,,,to .pecifICalIy l$OOCi••ed wi'h Storing, pouring, and "'rving ~quid. W,g. ~). "nd the de",lopmen' of" numbe, of eloborate multipiece ""...1. wi.h exogge....ed 'poul" Th.... he ouggnra, "",re in· ..nded (or 'h, ",,~monial



      lOU . . .


      o F'"1pR~.

      P'IIIiIIi.o LiI pEL


      Jooco -.-...,..,.... "-

      KlIo, ·F,


      Ana ......00.

      bc,.u" ...... ond rinaaI_,.

      1>1. iOI- J


      i:~ol .. ..q.-~..nr.c...


      "*"' ,<,,"'iUrionai

      -.dd and <enmic modtk dw weft: dcpooircd in ol...... -'portny~SioIlloilat,;barin

      ..,. partiripatioO\lICOOIpi:ution, one! ''''''","", of.lv ioland.ln con'''''I, the Analolian component ofthc Kum """mal is ..-.. ~mi,td and it. in off"•• ~tnl by. difo:m. drinki"K KI. AIl"",,&h ,"".. i. rvidena: fOr tho dev< ~hi"oric BronK 'w rmcluding privileged 'OCttM 10 .ymbolicoJly oIi< ~), lhe diff...."'" bofWKn ..duli"".nd commun.o.l ft."in8 II
      '''Ii ••


      ..... Mo... 1985."", I'lO-JOO,.

      pit l''J--m r.--; ,-, "" l6I,


      4S....,,,.,.. '985, "'"



      H.-;wo.'99I. 47. _lOOl.pp. ]IQ-JU. _(p.JI') du,tho mirnidirIK al AnI cWn... .. top.-n.... to,' 1(.."; _ io """ al f ....... pt.., , _ alion< WiJ· 41>.

      ond ..... ;nto ,'" ~

      ,..,1InoIopt.. ,





      . . AITING IN " O N " AGO CU.US



      ..... -


      "'" .



      """"". r_'


      • '2 22


      F,«,,'" S. Mop<>f Late 8",n", AI' C1P"'"- D, Dno<.

      LATE BRONZE AGE c~'P""

      i. chlll"K.criud during .1>< La'e 1I"",zc: Age by """,ide...bk 1Oci.nl .n< sou.hern ~" (FIg. 5)•• n< ""ern M cditerroncaJt <poosibly ... m.jor diplorn>lic pl.yef}. The .yncretic ,,"lilt< ofL"r Cypriot (LC) lOCiery i. clc1rly illn,mtod by rho .... of....ernol ...fercnts in .he con"'"c.i"" ofeli.. iden.iti... Aegeoniring ond urient>lizing ?,"'ige goods..., rommon in the eli.. buriol> of .1>< cou.o! urban cent...... A particulody inU'iguing:uris of culturn ond rolnomic intor.lClion ""i,ted bclWCCn Myc.naean Greec•• Upri.,.nd Cyf"'I'. Thi. ;, ..peci.a.lly t>'idrn' in
      "".58-59. ~9. On ,he ;,.",y-<.mns og, 122. rot .Ii"" af ,lor ....... in

      no<.n potkry to US.,;,.... moot te-

      ;1.1,......... pott<'tJ'. Sh<mon 1_. Fur ~-oaI< iml"""'bon of

      C)'l""'o ... van W~ngomi

      ti:1d 2000; van W,jnguro}en 2002. PI'- 37-7J. f", .\IJ'

      LOU'" IT He


      olivn and gnpes."' Gi",," .he m
      pouery." Ard>"""""",k>gicaJ ",m.in, irulica.. ,h..

      goal, attic, and pig we",:ill bred," although it i. unci.... to> whll ""em mel. prod",,, W<:rc inocorporated within the I.e di., o. mples. Bao<:d on ,he profile of bone< "'<:

      importon<e of Clnk in LHA Cyprn. i, indicated by the totmu< and poblie di,pby ofbucrani., ...uallr in nncruari.. hut "'''' to man. the limits of.1>< "'!Ilemcn. al Morphou." 0.", which h.d plo)d an important role in Cypriot whoi".""" pr=icr> fmm the Nro~thic, an: rut in LC contextS (altl>ough deer b<:>nn h..... betn found at Mynou-Pigadhes, K",,Idi.-Evre'i••nd Mu-PoJ.io!f<'S ,h.. "'ry ftw .nimo.l bone< litte..d ,he ..,,,lemen' con,exto ., KaIovuoo, illu",~,ive of formoJi..d di.poW pnc,icel".nd p<»Oibly ""'" rontrol over ,he di.nibu,;"n ond ron.ump'ion of meat productS. Thi. pattern indico'e•• degree of control mon: typicil for IUXIlry commodities used in fe..,ing thon for ot:ryd.y ":oples. A c100er look .t tw<> LHA dcpooi.. interpreted .. feos'ing tn,i..., building X a, 1Wow.",,-Ayios Dhimi,,;,,, (Fig. 6), Seed ..m.in. of lentil. fig. grape, ond "live were found in ....,.,i.t;.", with bon.. of sheep or g<>at, apparently den.-N from join.. "f meot, t~,her with gome bird and fi.h bones."The fill 0100 con..ined .I"'l!' number of re.t<>t'llble ...,.,.,1.. with on unuouolly high incidence ofMyetn""an impons." Open ouch .. curs ond bowl., were pn:dotni".n'. For ,he moo' pan these we... comple,e or i"'''''t••uWIling ...pid ""cum"!.>,;.,,, of the ""...mics.lne rontcrr (the .li",. admini.....ti"" qu:lrter of the .i'e) .nd the compooition <>f ,he environmento.l remains .nd «romi< ....mblog. imply that elite fe."ing took plo"" within ,h. IlCtdem.nt It IWovuos. 'Y"'-



      SO. A, K.ab......,.-Ayioo lJhimi'ri<>o, lOr ...mplc. d<>mc
      1'111. and IX; ofuoc ..... fuund ;" buildmp 1'1Il. x..nd <tp rlic.tcd P"I" ., K.lo>poidho (Hclb>ck 1966) tnd 11>.1. Sultan Tckkc (Hjclmqvi" 1979). IlamilakH (1996: 1m, p. 4S) qua' 600> whctbc< ,he olive hod cu~nary

      ..",. in ,I.e Brntlu A(,< ~ ...., "W'-

      i"l!' tha, in primary .... __ ro m",yfamn-e ,he Iu"")' perfumed oa. tha, -..crc on p-;uJ in ...."..... paboal lOci· ety ond pbyN an imp<>rl"" ..... ;" ri...... '" rompcrio.. ronlUm!"" cion tnd pft achange. ThO. """men' oUgh' he c>.. nd LIlA C7J'f"", ........ the.. it ~ lOr oil prod"",""" in pan;eular .. KaJo_ .....,,-Ayioo [)l,;m;"';'" (H....... 1m. p.89-. Keewani 1991) S1.}oIfc 1om; Tu
      ,Iu, ,.....



      52.llah_ Im:Crof'I98'/-• l.uj< 1'1'12. B. 1I• .,tnd Im.P!' 265-268. H. R1. PI' 91--'/ll; H.....od 1917. po 261: C",{,


      56. Croft

      1m, po 70.

      57. s.:..,h 1988. po 221: s.:..,h tnd R"-U 1991.P!' lO+-lO6. SB. Sooth and lWoocU l'l'll, ,~

      1m. PI' t41-t 79.


      .,. I_. j I I J I


      ., :



      .-._-----,,,," •




      • •

      + ".

      ... - "!S";:ufJ,

      ............ • -"i{', •

      ...... .


      ""1"... 6. Pw.ofKW_Ayioo Dhimitrioo, _ .., ...... showing IoutionoJ Al7}. ~ So
      59. 0;,.00 lOOt. PI' 85-811. 60. 8-.l 011 th< ""F of onimtb ronoum of <~" di","80 .hh<>oJgh ...,. -=-.
      1 rel="nofollow">2. Ha1>t



      boIir force fur LC f..., derives trom ,he ·an:hite«oni

      some anK.-ula.. d, implying .h. "'pid accumuLoti< rel="nofollow">n of m>tcrw from I .ingl••""n, prim 10 deposition." This inf<:rp",lO.t;"n i••uMlO.n,ia,ed by ,he prcw"""ion of ,he usoci..ed pou.ry, which included piece. from f<:.ronWe \'<'S.d. distributed 'hroughou' ,he deposi',Ol chHacl«n propooed for A 173 "' KalIV2SOf, Hol"c.d argues ,hat the "'rid "'rum"!..i,,n of bone. indicOlc, Lorg.-,,"k con.umption of mc1f, Ind reprcwnfJ .ith.r the d.bri. from dining or I communol (IIOnexclu,i""j f•• tival," Th. profil•• of ,h. dcpooits ofTE III >t Kouklil and Al73 It




      LOUII. n l n


      I r~7·a-RiooIll...·

      ' ..

      flIoot ........ Soool 1""_"''''' II


      • ..., ~.m.aa..~ ...:JnaraIly......mxtcd _llood>

      of diof-inc of r-.intl ddwio ill LBA C)'JINL Formaliud cIrpooIi..... of """" drilrio is ...... indialCd by Iho< ~rion of lintwaft =amia ill _Do ~lllala SuIun TcialCd wi dtpooifs widu.. I spccialiKd., liminal cuntgt"of animah dcpooilCd io _ rype::.I of LC hurul ..... mblages: laIJe quantiria or f:illow dttr wm: found in boch ....n.. 1k .~'" """"""tiom of dttr.~tdyMden'in W Lok ChiIC'Olithic ptriod, Ippanntly persisted ;nlo the LaIC Bronu~. Hunting wu &11 .lit< pasl"irnc. and while dnor no \ong<ns< oymbalic oignifKalla in a

      Ire 0100 plentiful in both dtpooilJ. m.ny horn, in TE Ill" ""ggesl ,hal .ymbolic a>nlUmp.ion .nd dilpl.yofanimal _a1lh pb)"Cd an imporIan' ",I< in LC f...'ing. Worl<ed ",ratloli from 1/'1' dtpooi. may indi",," ,h•• pmi"l! or (onu...·,.Uing.<:>ok p1_."n.., combinaTion of tattle and deer bonet tut lito been id...nificd in .....nIt KaU_ (A26)," on orypioc2l lindi.. for ,he .; te ougestl op:<:i2liud pan<..... of......... mption similar to , ..... I""'f"Md for thr KouIW. _Ils. promr.. of feutinc it ",,,her implied by Ih< tarl8'" of ceramics ..-l in opori6c COfl~ No.!oar ..idt:",c """,fllG specific Krucftua '-inc been - " .. dining moms .., feutinc haIlt. ~ .... rtbon of specific ceramic "'"'" in • ...ne.y of a>nu:xts io ougatM of rom.... 'rW ~ pnctias. LC drinl



      ,....l'd """""...


      604.o...a. Ir.":)tm 1m. ,. 101. M ............ 't77.,.l7O. "'" .. dooo _ _ ..-l_ do< _ _
      ____ """

      5« llol-


      - . I 1t77.,.11"l;Wtte Sooork lWl,,. Jj!. 67. C.."., ,"'. P. '0. bI. J<6 I 'l'98, p.l9I; Dit
      1'1' 7J-n b'I. Sttd

      19911.1'1' 191-191.


      "1AIT'NG 'N UON11 AG. CVHUI

      F'l"'" B. My«_ pOotMial lAte, fnom Enkomi. CoumoyCrJ"'U' .\1 .......... Nioooi&

      puricuwly <.n arguduolly became predominan'. The Myccn.e.n mter (Fig. 8) hod on enonnou. impact on ,he Cypriot «romi....pertni"" and prnumobly o!>o on IN: procti« of compeli,ive f•••lingldrinking."The open ""',cr, .rnphoroid ""'fer, and I>cliviti.. within lho:: oculement. but uoc-wear .nolysi, indicate. lhat the>c ""..e1. W'<'" uocd """r. l.ngthy period I>c occasion., such .. «remoniol k ..... n.c ""'ter f<><med the «nterpiece of ,he LC drinking ..,. h was primarily inlCnded for di.pl.y, hence ,h. p",f.n:n.cc for mte.. wilh .Iaboro" picloriol dCCOtlltion. especiaUy chariot sc•.,.. ",f.rnng '0 eli,. life.ty1es. n.... objects \VC11: deliberately ",,,,,,,'Cd from "im.il""'n and dcposit<:d in 10mb< •• clemen" of eli.. fonerary CUpi




      70. Vaugh"" 1'1'11>p.1l~. 71. R<>_U 1986. P. 66.

      n.. 1Wo_, Sooth ..-.l R"""U

      1993.1'.106, Kouk!;", M..... I9B3. PI' 229-230", 1997, pp. 9HS. 7J. S...I 1998, P. 293. 74. Obnnk 197'1. P. 54. f'B' DB. 75. Ke,....... l'lB9b, P. S62.



      I'"'P'" 9, WPWM 111 p><-J &om KoulW.: oI

      ___ An.. M.... lW3,pp. 1'O,7',(,p.l. 7, K1nlI''Irl. p- 16', r.. 11>.'>,<

      di,play. funhcr enhancing ""if p""'igiow ..atll<. Although jugs (either Ioa.I wares or Myo:cnxan imporfJ) 'r<' ,I.., fOund, it '1'1'"'-" .hat rho: """" <;omm<)n Cypriot pra<'''''' _ to II

      i.h ~:'p«I;non torn"" 6.00 18):md ~.'" Although Mpnartn pottery i. ,I>.: p..£errN tableware for LC COODflC,i,ive f.uting, i. appears ,hot the Cypriol elite did no, emu4•• the cultural pRCticn ond f....ing ~pb
      ment of gold or

      ,il"",.'" Inoteod. ,he Cypriou "oed M)'C"ru<:rn import>

      ocwrding '" lo<:>J ~ onlC" im~f <>fMy1 tlte primary "M~...naeaniung" fontl. are 1!>oK uooci.led wi,h dining (Fig. 9)." Although ,hi. phenomenon h.. tn ,hlo ..,lurrc. 78. TM .. ink""! fn>m ,I>< kir iOO
      drinki,,~ ""..10 ~

      &om botir, d. Yoo, ~~ and Hif'ldUdd 200). pp. 12-15. Tn< "P"'..nurion oo a Uprilio< .....1oI"Yarim

      .,.,...,..ehing El <1..,ly ilh"".,.. ,I>< Uprili< mod< of oonsumption (C"","'" 1969, po Ill, ~. 13). A knt.t<, i. plooed oo • tripod < ... t«I pl. El, who i. drinki"ll: &om .1uo<1. Y..;", .. 00kU,,!! • dif'!'0:0<"«,, oont>ino:d in Ibo: knt....
      79. II...... 1\I8lI: Di

      80. SI<..." 1991,1"92. 12. s.., •. ~.. S......." 1'j'\l1 (ond t



      F'iguf< 10. />lcBl drinking oct &om Bola Su.llan T.1d« ,<>, 018'1. 0\10

      ill",,,,.,,, ••

      It Ippea... ,h., ,he WP\VM III drinking setS hif, in .ryle,.nd .mulation of ,he p«vioully .xclu.i"" Ml""'n...n form•. In cont,.., to ,h. n:s,rictcd di.lribution ofimporttd Ml""'nacan hi",... 'pporent in LC llAB, ,h. WPWM 1lI dining ..... oocur widely, ougge<'ing th., ,hey """" ",adily ."';1Ibl. in ""tiquiry, and thot • shift in the 'Y"'bo~< Ityle UKd for di""ri,;<.l f••"ing had taktn place." Ml""'n••".n dinner ..rvi«. f.U ou, of f",or with the Cyprio, c1il< and from LC lIC '0 I.C IlIA. ,he n.w pr<s'igiou. form """lhc m.tal drinking", (•. g., ~ig. 10)." Much of ,he evidence for LC drinking .." d.ri"", from fun.nry ....mblagc< and .anc\U...... C.rujnl)·, ,he provi.ion of drinking ......... e_mi.l for LC tomb grouP' bu, i, il und.ar whether ,hcy were u..d for func"''Y Ie.... or in,.ndcd .. equipm.n' for ,h. dec•• sed. Thc «,..mie "",..1. from LC ,omhl arc largely in""". ~I, implying ,h>fthey we... func"''Y olkringo '0 the de«urd ,...her ,h.n ,he debri. offun ry f .. in ,heir honor or objcen fur communing wi,h ,he .nce"'o Food ..... depolit.d in tomb grouP''' Ind ,h.re i. som. CYidcnc" ,hal ""imol OKrificc .nd f••sting on the pan "f the mO,>rnen ......n integral .lemen' of func..ry riNlI-an .mbodi.d procti« wi,hin. ~minolloco,iondefining relation. bc~n ,h. mourne.... ,h. dccnsed••nd the ,........ Animal bon.. and .herds _re Itt. 8-1. l(......"i 1'18'1.. po 65. The bono", drinki"l! .....Iu. b<

      I""km:d drinki"ll ""'" 1"""'" .Jw;"ll ,I>< ]J,h u>d )J,h «nrun.. .... en'"" t<1\d Et;rp.


      < ooqu.;prncn' dq>o

      <1·B.w. (Do:ompl<. lhcd hili bnn< b"..

      b«n ""'"tined. Sec emf. 1'18'1,

      PI' 70---11; s"."h 2000. PI' 352. 361.

      Sec ,ho: ~ '"' """"''f)' "'-"'li: u>d <mbodim
      ' I9ll. PI' '15-119,

      87. \V





      cult practice i,'h< R.... Ring II rarin..ed <:up (see obovt, Fig. 7)." Possibly.hna,ioru fO "", [FS]28+-28S). ,h.Uow bowl, (F'S 2%), cupo (FS 220), • kyIix (FS 256--259), .nd p<>I drinking .., ""'.. found

      1'"'«"'" 11. PknofMynou-P~. Afm. T.,..,. 1951. P. 11. ~ 1

      in .mall quantities in ,t><, subo;diory room" bm lhts< 0.. greatly "",numbm:d by the indi~noo. fOrm', in pmiculor the 8 Ring

      .ries, the p",f.rrtd drinlcing ......1...... the indigrnoo. B..., Ring cup. Al.hough mle.. are ""' round in lug<' nuruben thoy an: p~nl in mos' rilU.ll b lm.PI'- 1s-.-191 Srr, <.!.. ,ho ~ numbrr of Ba.., R;"l!: cuI" &om tho

      """"'"'Y" M,........

      PiR>d/>« (C.tJ;"l!: 1957. PI'- 36-38.

      f'.!I;, 18). Thd ro.m ro'l!;nu«!tu I>< ,I><

      htu>! 1of < produttd is amply rnu.... ,cd by ,ho

      fond. f=n ,ho S.....,..". .... 'ho In5O< God ol F",Io>mi. n.. ~ B... R;"l!: C2lino,cd "'p is ....",. in ~ '1""",;,;., ;n .... ll!h--«nnny <nomrnon is abo <:V>;Im, .. Kookh. ()or>

      Collins 1'Il!6, P. 59S). lI9. Collins 1957, pp. 4248. ~~

      \lO. In kld;tioo rel="nofollow"> to ,ho "'" b

      "HIT'"'' ' " IOONU " " .



      for example in Iib-,ion ""... monies.., Gi""n ,he pre""I.""" of drinking eqoip"'en. and tho: c<>rnn>on attorn:ncc of kn.t.... in LC interpret th....... mbl~ .. ,h. m".rial oorrelates of rinW/""... monioJ f...ting on ,he pan ofa ...Iigjoo$ hie,"",hy. Cenainly. the: l'1J\ge o>f I"'''.ry ..p1ic-a,.. tho: drinking equipm.nt found in o,hereont..,.. in LRA Cll'''''' M<>n:oVC" ,he int""iea,ing propenies of an alcoholic bcv=gc lil« wi". wooJd h,o"" been appropria.. for consumption in a ritual eonlext,"1bc ponery, the..fu... i. indie..;.., of a .....monial. coltie con""" fu<.he conS\lmp,ion of akol>ol. Fonht, .vid.n« f", dining wi,hin • cultic con,ext i. furni.hed by ,he f.on.1 mb1"KC. fi-om ,he sancro.rico. Anim.l bon.. arc found in aU cult mbloges.ln mos, ..neromeo juvcn~. cank (B., touru,) arc p"'< .nimal. we... butch....d .way fmm.he ..nero.')'. Th.loog bone..... posoibly the debris of. sacrificial puc.ice ouch •• rilUoJ f•.,ting. At Mynoo- Pigadhes lI>cyarc found in roon.. 16, 17••nd 10. rogc,her with • number "f pobs." Th. ~."""ia'.d poll.,), i••ppropriot. to .he presentation <., dose the a1,...., 0>0... plau.ibly .. I.t•• to .ymbolic di.pl.y.nd i. an integral < p...hi"orie Bronn Age." Thi. funn "f di.play i. oot p•...u.lcd in ..nctuories in th. conte ..-



      91. IV..,., 1999. I' 197. IV..,., alto ""'"
      92,}oif< 1m, 1'198: lXetIt, 2001. p.7J. 9], I'kbb 1999.1'!" 250--151. 94. Zeu"",.,..l C....,.....n 1951. PI' 97--9ll. 95.7......... .,..lC""...n 1957. p. 99. SUnilir.l. M)'«na pW.« " Pyb: a C round in room 7 (hulYJoo mo. til" """'me), %.Ilo:~" 19l1!l; l..
      99.J. 8. R~1t<1 (P"""



      CONCLUSIONS CommonoJ f...ting procti... in Cll''''' h.ve a k>ng pedigree, pouibly .=tr con.umption. diffc n,ial ac.... fO certain dietary produe.. (ca,d. and deer). ~.ibly strict control C'VCr con....mption of wine, and «m.inly privileged ......." exotic dining .... (Myccn n kra..,,). whieh ...f.rcncc esot.ric knowledge ofUgaritic dining prac.i LC fruting .ctivity i.I",&"ly infi,rml!Tom ,h. ""ramie •• ..mblogeo found in fOmb< and ..ncloaries, bu,.he ..main. of diocri,icoJ f..... arc 011<> evid.nt in certoin settl.ment cont""'., illo.trating fOnnal· izcd p.ttern. of ,he dj.posoJ of ,he debris of k ••ting.

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      Mory D." fn:>on


      J,lfA 2.P!' .'1---116.

      - - . 19l1'/b. "M""""Y Ritual ond So

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