10 Stoopid Effectivetricks For Doubling Your Email List With Your Existing Traffic

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EIssue No. 17

December 2012

10 Stoopid EffectiveTricks For Doubling Your Email List With Your Existing Traffic Dear Email Player, Last summer I was dating a woman who started getting curious about what I do for a living. As you might guess, the conversation turned towards seeing some of my websites. Usually, most women I date ask about this eventually. But I always try to put it off for as long as possible. Why? Why not show off my madd email skillz? Because I don't like chicks "Googling'' me right away. (Ogling me is okay, but not Googling). And the reason why is thanks to a blog post I wrote about an Internet marketer who called me a "psychopath" to his list. (Since then I've learned he thinks everyone who teaches marketing-- except himself, of course -- is a psychopath). Anyway, I guess I tripped an SEO switch or something on my own site. Because now, if you type my name in Google, "Ben Settle psychopath" appears on the drop down list of suggested keywords! Not exactly something I want my dates to see without some context. Gee, thanks Google...


Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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Anyway, so she was looking at my website and ends up on my blog and 7 seconds later says what probably millions of people online say to themselves when landing on a site such as mine (and I even say sometimes too ... ):

''Ugh. Pop ups." She was, of course, referring to my light box pop-up on my blog, where the entire screen turns black except for the form to opt in. I admit, it's quite obnoxious and annoying. But, it's also quite profitable, too. In fact, once upon a time I took it down (thinking it was annoying people or whatever). And, after a few months -- since I didn't pay attention at all -- I did the math and figured I'd lost at LEAST 300+ subscribers, not to mention hundreds of more potential opt ins. So up it went again! And as stoopid as I felt at the time for giving into social pressure ("your pop ups annoy me"), it taught me a very valuable lesson about websites. A lesson I never hear anyone talk about. A lesson you, my friend, can benefit from. And that lesson is:

"The ONLY purpose of your website (with RARE exception) is to build an eDlalllist" That's it. It's not to brand yourself. It's not to display your products. Or educate people. Or show off your skillz. Or even to impress chicks (gasp!) Those things are important, but they aren't the purpose of a website. At least, not in my way of thinking. And not if you want to build your email list as fast as possible. Instead, it's to get as JDany qualit.y people onto your eJDall list as you possibly can. so you can then continually Dlarket to theDl over tilDe. And, if you go in with that attitude ("the ONLY purpose of my website is to build my email list"), you will find yourself doing things to automatically build your list without even needing more traffic. You'll also start realizing how foolish most other marketers are with their multiple outbound links to social media sites (building OTHERS' lists, instead of their own). In fact, after my pop-up went back up, not only did my opt-ins shoot back up, but so did my sales. And it still pains me to this day how many potential sales I lost due to talking myself into thinking my pop-up annoyed people. Okay so how can we use this information to tactically build your list?



• Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

• Published By Settle, LLC

www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com THE EMAIL PLAYERS NEWSLETTER

That's easy, my friend. Now that you're armed with this knowledge (that the ONLY purpose of your site is to build an email list-- yes, I'm going to KEEP repeating this so you don't forget) you can start listing off some simple (very simple) things to do to get more opt-ins using your existing traffic. That means, you won't even have to drive more traffic than you're getting now and see immediate new opt-in Iovin'. I'm going to list some of the things I do on my various websites. If you are using other techniques not listed, please send them to me at [email protected]. I'll be thrilled to share any cool ways to increase opt-ins and give you all the credit in a future issue.

1.) Test different pop-ups Some auto-responder companies make this laughably simple and easy (like aweber, for example). But it's good to run some simple pop-up tests to see which ones bring you the most optins. But, a warning: It's easy to get caught up in other peoples' marketing "war stories." Meaning, some like to brag about how they made a little change and got a l 000% increase or whatever. I'm not saying that never happens. But it's very rare. Most tests really don't show big differences because they aren't testing big variables. My point is, if you're going to test pop-ups, make them BIG changes. As in totally different looking pop-ups in word usage, colors, images, etc. Get crazy with this. The bigger the spread of ideas you test, the more chances you'll have of making a big winner. Also, test light box pop-ups vs regular pop-ups. It's funny, but some markets respond completely different to these things.

2.) Put opt-ins everywhere it m.akes sense on your site On my blog, for example, I have ways to opt in twice on the left side bart (at the top and bottom). On all the pages I have calls to opt-in. And each time I describe the bonus they'll get when they do opt-in. Simple? Yep. But really, how many people do this? Most just put a "Subscribe to our newsletter" box and give no reason why someone should opt-in.

3. Splash Squeeze Page We talked about this in the july, 2012 issue (see the enclosed catalog for back issue info). But if there's ONE thing that has driven my opt-ins up the most, it's doing a splash squeeze page on my main domain. This is where you have your opt-in page be a hybrid squeeze page where there's also a link people can bypass opting in. This is likely to make PPC platforms a bit happier (so I hear), too. For an example just look at BenSetde.com or even WhiteHouse.org. (NOTE: Do NOT copy m.y design, just the concept, or we both look like igits). It's funny, but this format never occurred to me until about 10 months ago when reading Dan Kennedy's newsletter. Ryan Deiss did an article about them and it was like, "oh yeah, duh!" So I threw one up and, lo -3www.BenSettle.com

Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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and behold, opt-ins galore. The funny thing is, this format has been around for years and years (I remember people doing it way back in 2002 and earlier). But it went away for some reason when people started doing regular squeeze pages. Anyway, if there was only ONE thing I could advise you to do (today!) to get more opt-ins it would be to throw up a splash squeeze page. Trust me, your bank account will thank you for it ...

4.) Use a better opt-in "bribe" At the end of the day, you can get a LOT more opt-ins by simply following the advice of the late, great persuasion jeenius Bernard Baruch -- dubbed "the most persuasive man of the 20th century" (at least, according to Gary Bencivenga, who isn't exactly a slouch in the persuasion department himsel£..) And that advice is "find out what people want, and then show them how to get it." Pretty simple, isn't it? And this is why I like to make my opt-in bribes not just reports or ebooks or whatever -- but something with REAL retail value. Something that sells or is part of a product or whatever. For BenSetde.com I give away the first issue of "Email Players". In another business, we give away an ebook that sells for $20 on Amazon. In another deal, it's the same type of thing -- giving away an actual product that either sells or has sold for a certain amount of money. And, of course, it has to be something that can solve a problem for your reader. Not only will this make him or her more likely to opt-in, but if they USE your opt-in bribe to improve their lives, there is a much better chance of them wanting to buy the products you sell. So really think about this. If your life depended on it, what bribe would you use? (A good question to ask ... )

5.) Seth Godin Plugin If you use WordPress there is this neat little plugin called "WWSGD" (short for "what would Seth Godin Do" -- easily found via Google). Basically, it lets you put a box on your blog (above or below the post) that shows up however often you want, that lets you put a call to action to opt-in. On my site I put a box and put some of the text in red (so it immediately stands out on the page) that flags down first time visitors. When I first installed this plugin, I noticed an immediate uptick in opt-ins. Give it a whirl, you just may have the same thing happen to you.

6.) Tab/link to separate opt-in page on your blog Another thing I have been doing on my blog is, on the tabs that run along the top of the page, I put a tab that says "Free Email Players Issue". When that tab is clicked, it takes them to a squeeze page. This has also bumped up my opt-ins considerably. Remember, I use a splashsqueeze page. And while the overwhelming majority of my opt-ins come through that, there are still some that slip through the cracks and bypass it. But when they see a tab promising a free issue of my newsletter, they are likely to click it (if I've done my job right). And that then leads


Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com THE EMAIL PLAYERS NEWSLETTER

them to a regular squeeze page where I'm currently testing 4 different pages. Notice how all these methods give valuable intel that work together. You can do the same -- put a button or tab on your site that describes your opt-in bribe, and have that go to a traditional squeeze page. 7.} Opt-in form on each page of your site/blog This might seem crazy obvious, but really, how many people put an opt-in form on every page of their website/blog? Not too many. Yet, a wise man once told me, "Listen Ben, you want to put opt-in forms on your PAGES because search engines rank pages, not websites." His point was, if someone is searching for a term, and you come up in the results, chances are the link they click is going to take them to an individual page on your site, and not your main page. If you have lots of articles, etc, this makes it easier for the reader to opt-in. If they liked what you had to say, and right below the article is an opt-in form, there's a good chance they'll give up the goods and opt-in.

8.} Just ask for their email address It took me YEARS to do this. Don't ask me why Qaziness maybe?) But nowadays I no longer ask for their first name, just their email address. The only exception is on individual blog posts where I have opt in forms under the content. And the only reason is, I haven't been able to figure out how to edit that using my blog theme (and am too lazy I cheap to find someone else to do it). But again, just doing this, removing the first name field, bumped up my opt-ins. I've heard others say the same thing happened they did it, too. Thus, I would bet there's a good chance YOUR opt-ins will go up if you try it as well. Only one way to find out. ..

9.) Media page to build credibility I don't know if this had an immediate effect on my opt-ins or not. But I have found putting a media page up (i.e. a page with MP3's of radio and podcast interviews) has done wonders for my marketplace positioning. I wrote about this last year in the October, 20 II Email Players issue (how to get booked solid on shows so you can build your list with hot, eager-to-optin subscribers). I suggest starting right away you do as many podcast interviews and radio interviews as possible. Many will yield zero subscribers or traffic. Others might nab lots. But either way, you can put those interviews on your site so new visitors (who are skeptical of optingin) can get to know, like and trust you. And when they know, like and trust you, they are far more likely to opt-in and, yes, buy from you.

10.) Privacy policy Finally, probably the easiest thing you can do is put a link to your privacy policy at the -5www.BenSettle.com

Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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opt-in. I suggest making it appear in a separate window (so they don't leave your page). But people are (rightfully) scared of getting even more spam. And just seeing that privacy policy is often enough to get someone to opt-in, while NOT seeing that policy can scare away otherwise good subscribers. If you want to see a great privacy policy template, I suggest getting Email Players subscriber Mike Young's product at www.legalformsgenerator.com. And that's all there is to it. There arc many other things you can do, as well. But just doing these I 0 things (even a few of them) alone can significantly ramp up your opt-ins. Again, if you are using any cool ways to increase opt-ins, and want to share with your fellow Email Players, email your ideas to me at [email protected]. If I publish it in a future issue, I'll be sure to give you lots of link Iovin', amigo.

How To Get The World's Most Expensive Copywriters And Researchers To Help You Write Your Emails -- Free Let's face it, I pretty much gave you the goose that laid the golden egg back in the june, 2012 issue (see enclosed catalog for back issue order info) when I told you how to use forum posts to bang out lots and lots of emails with ~. Really, people who run with that ONE idea simply never have trouble writing money making emails. It's such a no-brainer. Well, guess what? Today, I'm going to show you ANOTHER (similar) method that works just as well (maybe even better, in some ways). Only caveat is, you must be in a market where there's lots of good direct mail flowing through ye olde postal system. Anyway, here's how it works: Once upon a time (early 20 II) I decided to get into the prostate market. In other words, I wanted to sell an eBook about how to fix prostate problems naturally. And at the time, I wanted to use articles to promote it. This was about a month or so before Google biatch slapped article directories, and I had this vision of writing 1,000 or so articles (as fast as possible) then let the search engines take it from there. One of my friends had done just that in the weight loss niche and he hadn't lifted a finger in over 2 years, while watching his sales go steadily up to around $70k per year Gust selling a $19 eBook, no back end, no affiliates, no nothing --just articles, squeeze page and a sales letter). I was all about that! Especially since, at the time I was still doing


• Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights Resetved •

Published By Settle, LLC

www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com THE EMAIL PLAYERS NEWSLETTER

client work and was on retainer and realizing just how much I hated doing work for others (I've always had this problem with authority thang going on). Anyhoo ... in addition to writing lots of articles for article directories, I also was told at the time by someone who thought they knew SEO to write 100 or so articlesJUST for my site, keyword optimized, etc. Plus, to add more work to my plate (and remember, this is while doing emails for BenSetde.com and slaving away for a client on retainer doing all their emails and sales letters) I wanted to write daily emails for the list I was building for the prostate business. In other words... daddy had a lot of writing to do! And, since I was about to take a long vacation in about a month and a half, I was in a hurry. I don't think I ever worked so hard and long as I did during that 45 day period. I ended up writing almost 1,000 unique pieces of content (articles for directories, articles for my website, emails, etc). I'd get up at 6 or 7 and go to bed with my mind reeling and drained, heart pounding, with no rest (Saturdays and Sundays were on, often writing 20 or so articles both days). I was working like a :MACHINE, baby! A machine! And I used every trick in the book I knew -- including the forum secret I referenced earlier and some other tricks I will talk about in future issues of this newsletter. One of these other "aces" up my sleeve was piggy backing off direct mail products selling both prostate and other male health products. This, amigo, is one of THE best ways to write emails if you are in a market with direct mail floating around. Why? Because (in the reputable direct marketing companies, at least) the copywriters do a LOT of research. They have to. Not only for credibility purposes (remember, these copywriters are often competing against the best of the best and need every smidgen of extra info in their quiver they can get) but also for legal reasons. When writing for anything health related (especially if it's a supplement) they have to have their facts perfect. There is no room for slop or anything but hard facts. They even employ very expensive lawyers to go through these ads line by line by line to make sure everything is kosher with the law. So what does this mean for you??? It means you have a TON of research handed to you on a silver platter. Someone spent a lot of time digging up all the facts and stats in those sales letters. And, even better for the eager young email marketing whipper snapper is... the copywriter spent probably WEEKS (maybe even MONTHS) breaking all that hard, dry, factual information down into easy-to-understand language and benefits that can be easily absorbed and processed by your average reader.


Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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This is exactly what good emails do, too. They should be very easy to read and process, very easy to absorb and, yes, very easy to buy from. And so what I did during those dark days of writing day and night... was I'd look at a benefit, or a fact or a bullet point in those sales letters and turn them into emails (and articles, it's all the same for our purposes today). When it comes to email, just being an interesting voice and adventure every day can propel you right to the top of the inbox. For example: When I read about how too much estrogen can cause prostate problems (something I did not know before then) from reading a sales letter, I simply restated the research and source (in my own words, don't plagiarize!) and told a story about it, then segued into my product. And I would do this with all these ads I was getting. I'd comb through them, and highlight with a marker anything that stood out as interesting or unique - whether a benefit, a fact, a symptom (very important, the more you can write about your market's "symptoms" in emails the better!), etc. Each interesting fact or stat or story or whatever became the seed for an email. I'd just talk about it from my own point of view in 200 words or so, and segue into my product. Look, I can try to explain this all day, but it'd be better to show you. So I'm going to show you a real life example. Here is a piece of research I read in one of the sales letters in my market: You see, the problem is that when you block the 5-alpha enzyme, a different enzyme kicks ins. This second enzyme is aromatase and it's even worse news than 5-alpha, because ••• It turns your prostate into an BSTROGEH FACTORY!

Yes! The enzyme aromatase literally turns your testosterone into the most potent form of ESTROGEN--the female hormone!

It then went into some more of the devastating effects that can happen Qoss of sex drive, giving men female-like breasts, making the prostate even grow bigger, etc).


• Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights ReseJVed •

Published By Settle, LLC

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Anyway, here is the email I created from it: Subject Line: Prostate pills that turn you into a girl Hey, There are a TON of prostate formulas. Just log onto the Internet, turn on talk radio, or watch Spike TV (or any other channel watched by a lot of men) and you'll see them. One after another -- each one claiming to be the "best" solution for prostate support. Obviously, they can't ALL be the best. And, in fact, I suspect some are garbage. Frankly, there are some that can turn you into a girl! Here's what I mean: Most of the better prostate supplements have some kind of way of blocking DHT, or the enzymes that cause DHT. DHT is the same stuff that makes some mens' hair fall out. It is also something that can make your prostate grow, too. So, blocking DHT is good, right? Yes ••• and no. Research has been coming out about this. How, if you block whatever it is that creates excess DHT, your body then does a "work around" and creates another substance that is a form of estrogen. Estrogen is great for women. Not so good for men. Yes, we need some estrogen. But, too much of it can give you "man boobs" and other feminine characteristics (guys who get sex changes don't load up on extra estrogen for nuttin').



Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Resetved

Published By Settle, LLC

www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com


And guess what else it does? Estrogen can also enlarge your prostate, too. So what does this mean? Two things ••• 1. Blocking DHT alone is not enough 2. You must take excess estrogen into account, too Remember that when you see prostate pills. They may actually grow your prostate. And rob you of your manhood. To see the supplement I use, check out my eBook at: http://www.ProstateProblemsFixed.com/ebook Ben Settle

See how that works? All I had to do was look at some interesting research ... and write about it -- in my own voice, personality and way of explaining it. Remember ye this: Direct mail copywriters are the BEST copywriters on the planet. They can't get away with any slop like we can online. When they test ads, it costs tens of thousands of dollars, and is not a mere matter of slapping an A/B split test up using free Google Optimizer software. Take advantage of their hard work, their ability to make the complex simple, and their hard core research. Don't copy word for word or break any copyright laws. But use their ideas, and build emails around them. You will look like a boss to your readers, and their chances of buying your righteous product will go up dramatically.

Em.ail Secrets From. The ''Most Stolen'' Copywriting Book In Library History Speaking of world class copywriters... -10www.BenSettle.com

Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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Gene Schwartz was one of the best direct mail copywriters who ever lived, with the track record of successes to back that up. And while he lived in an era before email marketing, that doesn't mean he didn't take us emailers to school. Especially in his magnificent book, "Breakthrough Advertising'' -- perhaps the best book on the subject ever written (depending on who you ask, of course). At one time his book was so rare and in demand it was called "the most stolen book" from libraries. And a lot (a LOT) of multi-million dollar business people (not just copywriters) credit this book as their most prized resource on all things copywriting. I happen to be one of those blokes who agrees. And, believe it or not, just because Gene probably never even sent an email in his life, there are a ton of lessons inside this book that can be directly applied to email. Specifically the information in chapter 7 he calls "intensification" -- where he shows 13 ways to strengthen desire in your product. A lot of this would apply to the "pitch" part of your emails. And, I admit, I'm on a learning curve myself applying all these to email selling the kinds of products I promote (info products). And over time, I think we'll revisit this topic. So for now don't get hung up on using them ALL necessarily. just cherry pick the ones that make sense for your product and see what happens. OK, enough! Below are the 13 ways. They are pretty self explanatory. But I've included a short description of each. I highly suggest getting Gene's book and reading chapter 7 where he's got detailed examples of how to use them.

1. Present the claims •• This is as basic and simple as it sounds. 2. Put the claiJns into action •• In other words, "show" it working in action. I'm not sure how to do this selling information or anything intangible. But if you sell a widget type product that does something, then this is awesome. 3. Bring in the reader - This is a verbal demonstration of what'll happen the first day your prospect owns the product. 4. Show reader how to test the claims - Where you let the reader visualize himself proving the product's performance. 5. Stretch out benefits over thne - Now you extend your reader's experience month and years later, what their life will be like over time as a result of owning your product. 6. Bring in an audience -- This is really cool, where you show your product through the eyes of other people, and their actions and reactions to it. "Your friends will wonder how you keep your yard looking so green while theirs is wilting away. .. " 7. Show experts approving-- You gotta love this old school stuff, where you show credible experts approving of your product giving it the thumbs up. You can take your -11-


Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights ReseJVed

Published By Settle, LLC

www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com


testimonials from experts (if you don't have any of these, get some). I've done things like this selling my Copywriting Grab Bag book: "Terry Dean told me he used it and ... " or·~ copywriter from Apple Computer told me ..." . 8. Com.pare, contrast, prove superiority -When you do this, you basically show the bad side of your competitors' products, side by side with how cool yours is. 9. Picture the black side •• I do this a LOT. What you do is, you talk about the problem, blow it up as much as possible and then, as Gene says, "irritate" the wound. Do this right and your market is actively looking for a solution. Which, if you have a good offer, will be YOUR product. .. 10. Show how easy it is to get the benefits- This is where you stress the "ease of use" of your product, while talking about the tremendous benefits it gives at the same time. 11. Use m.etaphor, analogy, im.agination- i.e. drama, stories, etc (you know this...) 12. Sum.m.arize ··The way Schwartz describes this in his book is pretty much the same as using bullet points for the components of your offer. 13. Put the guarantee to work-· Another self explanatory one: Make your offer HOWL, make it sound cool and generous and unique (and if it's not, then make it unique). And there you have it. Gene Schwartz's 13 ways to strengthen desire for your product. Again, don't get wound up on trying to apply ALL of them (unless you want to, of course). Not all are even applicable to every kind of product, necessarily. But look at the ones that make sense for your market and product, apply them to your next set of emails and see what happens...

Masochistic Custo~ners: Why They Loooooove Their Pain "I'm only happy when it rains I feel good when things are going wrong I only listen to the sad, sad songs I'm only happy when it rains" -Garbage If you've never heard the song "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" by the band -12www.BenSettle.com

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Published By Settle, LLC

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"Garbage", then I suggest listening to it right away. Multiple times. Memorize the lines. And then internalize it and realize this song is one of the single most accurate portrayals of how people in western culture are (the song is about women, but now that so many guys have been feminized & "de-balled", it applies to them, too). Believe it or not, like it or not, wish it was different or not. .. the vast majority of people in western civilization love their pain. They love drama. And they love to bitch about it to anyone who will listen. Yes, this is even though they go around telling people how much they hate drama, etc. No, they love it. They need it. And, they can't get enough of it. Now, I'm not one to milk money from misery. But it'd be foolish to not use this psychological quirk to my advantage when writing emails. This never really hit me until a few years into my copywriting career. I was mindlessly copying (by hand) one of Gary Halbert's most successful ads (his "desperate house wife" ad for weight loss). And then I started noticing some of his other ads -- and how they spent a LOT of time (most of the ad!) walking the reader through a story about someone suffering from the problem his product would solve. It was pure drama. And yet, people ate it up. And that's just how it is. People like to read and hear about their "symptoms" or about people who share those symptoms. And so, it behooves (how's that for a word?) us to do this in emails as much as possible -- especially if you're selling a product that solves a very painful problem. This is yet another reason to learn -- and really KNOW, to the core -- your prospect's inner angsts and pains so well. I don't think, for example, I would have half the sales I've gotten in the prostate help market if I had not actually suffered from prostate problems (they run in my family) myself at an early age and became obsessed with figuring it out. Let me give you a couple examples of what I speaketh of. Two emails, from two different markets. One a male market, the other a female market. Both do essentially the exact same thing: Talk about a specific pain or humiliation or problem they are suffering from, or COULD be suffering from (i.e. can at least imagine suffering from it). You can do this exact same thing in your emails if your product solves a very emotional problem. Subject Line: Prostatitis: The penile torture chamber Hello ••• There are lots and lots of painful, aggravating and even intolerable prostatitis symptoms every man should be aware of. This is true even if you are a "health nut." or even if it does not run in your family. (The "Big P" can happen to any man, at any time, without warning). Lets talk about some of the symptoms. Where do I begin? -13www.BenSettle.com

Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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How about we start with the pain. Prostatitis can sometimes equal more pain than a man should ever have to endure -- like pain at the tip of your penis, pain at the base of your penis, pain in your testicles (one or both), pain in your anus area, pain in your lower abdomen, pain in your lower back, and even pain in your joints (sometimes it spreads), when you have an erection and when you ejaculate. Just pain, pain, pain. That pain can make focusing at work almost impossible. Sleep becomes fitful at best. And instead of spending time with your loved ones (wife, girlfriend, family, friends, etc) you might just want to do nothing else but sit in a chair with a heating pad or in a hot bath. It ain't no fun. And yet, more men are getting it than ever. For prostate (and penis) protection, go to: http://www.ProstateProblemsFixed.com/ebook Ben Settle

See how that works? Just hitting a bunch of pain points, making it obvious they're in danger of it happening to them, and then showing them a solution. Doesn't even have to be a long email. Okay, here's another one from the women's weight loss market. I wrote this using that forum method I mentioned earlier in this email (which I taught in the june, 2012 issue -- see the enclosed catalog for more info if you'd like to purchase it). Subject Line: What will be your weight loss "tipping point"? Hey hey! Everyone has their tipping point. By that I mean, that one event that happens where you decide "that's enough! I'm getting rid of this fat once and forever!"


Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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It's different for everyone. For example: It could be seeing yourself tagged in a FaceBook photo overweight and double chinned and being humiliated by it (it happens!). Or it could be having to get a new drivers license photo that shows you way overweight (cameras do thatl) Or it could be like one woman I read about who was hiking and fell and the weight made her fall so hard she broker both her ankles. Apparently they had to call search and rescue. She was too heavy to carry. The tipping point is never fun. It's often humiliating. And, it's not something we enjoy. But it's necessary! It's usually the one thing that makes us change course and decide to get our REAL bodies back. If you want a "quick start" way check out: (LINK) This can help you drop sizes very quickly. (And safely I ) And, it does it even if you have bad foods. It's based on research from some very smart professional athletes and a world class fitness trainer. You can get the details at: (LINK) SIGNATURE

And there you have it. Two examples of how to do emails if your product solves a pressing, emotional problem. Frankly, almost ALL my emails in the above markets are like that, and they just pull and pull and -15www.BenSettle.com

Copyright 2012 Ben Settle, All Rights Reserved

Published By Settle, LLC

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pull and pull. Remember, people WANT to hear about their symptoms. It helps them bond with you, prove that you understand them and gives some people that "drama fix" they so desperately want, but nobody gives them because nobody wants to hear them complaining. Hey, people are people... See ya in 2013.

Word up,

Ben Settle

P.S. To purchase "Email Players" back issues, see the enclosed product catalog.

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• Copyright 20 12 Ben Settle, All Rights Reseaved •

Published By Settle, LLC

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''King Of Selling Online'' 21 Ways To Be lnfotaining (Part 4) Copyright 2012 Ben Settle In the last 3 parts of this 4 part series (taken from a long transcribed audio training I did for the no-longer-for-sale $795.00 "Street Smart Email" course) we talked about infotainment and how important (vital!) it is in your marketing -- especially emails. This time we're covering the last 15-21 ways to use infotainment. (What I consider to be "the king of selling online".) [S'l'AR'l']

Infotainment Secret #15: Sharing intimate details about yourself Now I know this just personality, but now everything we talked mean who wants to do

scares some people like crazy. I mean we talked about we're getting to a whole new level. This is like taking about with personality and putting it on steroids. I this?

Well, you don't have to do it. You don't have to do any of these. Just remember that. If some of these make you uncomfortable, don't do them. You don't have to do all of them, but I will say this. This is kind of what sort of separates the men from the boys, so to speak, when it comes to marketing, especially on the internet. The more real you can make yourself, the more flesh and blood you are to people that you're selling to, the greater your chances of selling them whatever it is you have to sell, because people will trust you more. They'll feel like they absolutely know you, as if you're their best friend. What I'm about to say, just take it to heart, because I'm telling you if you do this your heart will be racing and you'll be scared the first time, but then you'll realize, "Oh my gosh, this actually got me a bunch of sales," so you'll probably do it again, even though it is a little hairy sometimes. Let's face it, most people are scared to death to kind of let their hair down and let people inside their world. They're scared people are going to laugh at them. You might be that way. I'm certainly that way. We all are. We all have these insecurities, but it really super charges the bonding process. I've talked about Gary Halbert several times today, but he really did a good job at this. He wrote his website, www.TheGaryHalbertLetter.com, and his


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newsletters for examples, and you would know about his latest girlfriend and his latest adventure. From what I understand, one of his friends told me that chaos kind of followed the guy, so he had a lot of fodder to use, but the point is he let people in. You really felt like you knew the guy. Here's the weird thing. Even when you're not teaching anything, people will find this very valuable. People will almost like this stuff more when you tell personal stories about your life, as long as it's relevant to them in some way. People will find that more interesting than they will some kind of benefit. It's almost like they're watching a soap opera or a reality show, and they're like voyeurs into your life. There's something about this voyeurism that just gets people. You see this big rise in reality shows. That's all it is. You've got millions of voyeurs around the country just watching these people's lives. I don't know, maybe people just want to know there's other people that are just as weird and different from everyone else as they are, but people like that. I did this not too long ago in an email. Like I said, I use email a lot, but you can do this with anything. I told the story of this little church my wife and I went to, and two of the people in it seemed like kind of cultic to us, like they were working us, like trying to psychologically mess with our head. It was the weirdest thing I've ever dealt with. It only lasted a couple days before we kind of got out of there and everything. But I told this story, it was very long, and I didn't even mention my product. I was selling my copywriting book pretty heavily at the time. I think I only mentioned my copywriting book in the P.S. of a 1200-word email, and yet my sales during that time were probably double what they normally were. It's just because people were led in and they got a glimpse of my life. I was able to kind of tie it to copywriting, which is what you want to do ultimately, but really they wouldn't have even gotten that far if they weren't reading intimate details about my life that most people wouldn't want to talk about. I mean it's kind of a strange subject and it's kind of a hard thing to talk about. I mean nothing real bad happened or anything, but it was certainly kind of a bizarre experience, and people like that. It's very entertaining and people will just like that, and it helps sell things. It certainly did in my case, and I believe if you do the same thing it'll help you too. Infotainment Secret 116: Being politically incorrect

Now you probably don't need me to tell you this. There was even a show that lasted for a long time called Politically Incorrect. It just gets attention. It doesn't matter if you agree with it or disagree with it, if you like it or dislike it, if you think it's fair or not, whatever -political incorrectness gets lots of attention and attracts lots of money if you know how to use it. I mean people who agree with you will bond with you more and be much more likely to buy from you. It's just natural. I'm that way too. None of us are immune to this. Those who disagree with us, yeah, we'll probably repel them, but they probably weren't good prospects in the first place anyway.


www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com It really kind of makes you stand out in a world full of cowards. I mean most people are afraid to say what they think. I'm not saying everyone should go around purposely trying to offend anybody or anything like that at all. I'm not saying that all. I don't think we should do that. But if you have something to say that's relevant to your market and you just kind of want to get their attention, and you can work it in naturally and normally into however you're selling, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It can actually help you in ways you'll never understand unless you've tried it. A lot of people actually love businesses who take a stand and have an op1n1on at all about things. You might be surprised when people agree with you, quite frankly, but even if people don't agree with you, they'll respect you. As long as you're not obnoxious about it or anything, it's okay to have an opinion. Again, I do want to caution you. Don't offend people just for the sake of offending. If you do that it'll backfire on you, I can almost guarantee it. We're not in the business of offending people necessarily on purpose. Maybe some people do that and get away with it, I don't know, but I don't purposely do that. But if you've got something to say and it might offend some people, it's a little politically incorrect, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Let the numbers tell you what to do. I'll just end this part with an example. There's this professor of economics at George Mason University. I used to listen to the Rush Limbaugh show a lot. I don't listen to talk radio much at all anymore, but back then I used to listen to his show whenever this guy, Walter Williams, would substitute for Rush. I would just look forward to it. I wouldn't even listen to the show usually unless this guy was substituting in, which he usually did on Fridays. He used to tell these very politically incorrect stories that would probably have made the feminists out there shriek. I mean the guy was just joking around obviously, but it was very politically incorrect and he'd kind of use his wife as the example. He'd always say, "Mrs. Williams is supposed to be at home right now cleaning the yard and the gutters. When I get home I better not find she was listening to this. Just to make sure, I'm going to have to go out there tonight with a flashlight and make sure she did it." Poor Mrs. Williams. He would just take this to an extreme that was just kind of funny, or he would like to joke about, "Here's the thing about marriage. Mrs. Williams' contract is up in a few years and she's not doing a real good job of keeping up her end of the bargain, so I'm not sure I'm going to renew it." I mean this is politically incorrect stuff to some people. He was just having fun, and I'm sure his wife wasn't too mad at him for it, as he said this quite a bit, but either way it was very entertaining and it got people's attention. Again, there are people who like me who just would listen to Rush's show when this guy was on, because he was just a very politically incorrect guy. With a lot of his politics, I just tend to agree with Libertarian type stuff, and it was just fun to listen to.


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Then just multiply that by all the people like me out there who love listening to the show, and buy from the advertisers, and that sort of thing. It can generate a lot of money, so don't be afraid to be politically incorrect when the timing is right. Infotainment Secret #17: Giving interesting facts

I've kind of alluded to this several times through here. Again, a lot of these things kind of overlap with each other, but it's good to kind of all each one out so you can consciously use them. Giving interesting facts when you're selling something rivets people to what you're saying. A lot of good ads are like this. They'll start out with an interesting fact, not even talking about selling anything. Some sales pitches will do that too. I once had a face-to-face sales job like that selling TV advertising to small businesses. We were told, "Tell this exact story," and this goes back to stories again. "You don't have to go in with guns blazing or anything. Just tell the story of the founder of this company," who somehow worked out something with CBS TV advertising at a discounted rate. Anyway, we'd be giving these interesting facts about how this guy came from Cuba, looked around, and he saw a lot of small businesses struggling to get TV, so he kind of started this thing and now he helps people like you, blah blah blah. A lot of it was giving interesting facts away. It didn't feel like a sales pitch, but it did a great job selling. It was a great technique. Again, you'll see this in a lot of high-pulling ads and a lot of top sales people - not necessarily people who write the books and stuff, but if you just know personally really good sales people, you might be surprised how many of them actually use interesting facts in their presentations. It especially works like gangbusters if you can make these facts completely relevant to the customer's pain and desires. In fact, that's the only time you should be doing it, but my point is you can get a lot of attention with that. Again, it's a nice change from this benefit-driven selling that just starts out like a nuclear bomb of benefits and claims that goes off. You try to wrestle them to the ground and get the checkbook out of their pocket. This is a little more subtle than that. You're just kind of giving interesting facts that they can relate to. I guess one of the analogies I can give you is the old adage, "Don't tell me about your weed killer, tell me about my crabgrass." If somebody really loves their lawn and they have a bunch of crabgrass, you cannot talk to them enough about their crabgrass. It's interesting and fascinating to them. After the problem has been sufficiently dealt with, then you can bring your product into it, but my point is that getting interesting facts that are relevant and interesting to your market will do so much more for your sales than you will ever understand until you've done it.


www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com I'm going to quote this negotiating expert, Jim Camp, real quick. He put it like this: "You're always safe in the adversary's world." Now he's talking about negotiating. The adversary is the guy you're negotiating with, but it can go for sales too. You're always safe in your prospect's world, talking about what's interesting to them, so find out what's interesting to them and research it and come up with good facts, and you'd be surprised. This is kind of a side note, but this was even used in a very popular music video, this whole interesting facts thing. Now this music video wasn't selling anything necessarily, but I guess in the sense that it got a lot of viewership, I'm sure MTV made a lot of money off it. It's from the band of Van Halen, the song called Right Now, which carne out I think in 1991. The whole video was just a bunch of interesting facts about what's happening right now. Right now there's some predator prowling your neighborhood. Right now this is about to happen. Right now that's about to happen. It was just these really interesting facts and you were kind of riveted to the video. My point is that interesting facts keep people's attention. If you can put that into a sales structure, you'd be surprised how effective it can be. Infotainment Secret #18: Controversy

This is related obviously to the politically incorrect one, but it kind of goes beyond politics. I mean controversy, no matter what it is, sells like crazy. This is why people go out there and purposely try to be controversial, because it just gets people's attention. I don't care if you're selling books or TV shows or movies, magazines, whatever- it just gets attention. Some of it's good and some of it's bad. Obviously ultimately you want your market to be turned on by it, which means people you don't want to sell to will probably be turned off by it. But the fact is, if you can be controversial I think you're going to find that you have this huge new following. Maybe they were kind of like a silent following that you used to have. Now they're going to be like a vocal following and they're going to like you even more. Yes, the people who don't agree with you are probably going to dislike you more, but it doesn't matter because those who agree with you are obviously going to stick around, but you might be amazed by how many people who don't agree with you will still stick around. Sometimes people will stick around if you're controversial just to see how much madder you can make them. Who knows, they may become customers. You may slip them to your side. I interviewed this internet marketing pioneer named Terry Dean, who's just a brilliant marketer. He really paved the way for a lot of us to do what we're doing, and even he was telling me he'd send something out that was kind of controversial and somebody people didn't like it and were complaining and all that. Terry, not wanting to deal with these people - and I don't blame him - he'd go and unsubscribe them from his email list. Then a couple weeks later these


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same people who were complaining will say, emails lately. What's going on?"


I haven't been getting your

The fact is they didn't really want to go anywhere. They just wanted someone to complain to. Maybe they disagreed and maybe they like that. Maybe they kind of get a thrill out of all that controversy. But whatever the reason why, you'd be surprised. It can really make your sales go up, and it's very entertaining. It's interesting. It's fascinating for some people. Not only does it make you stick out like a sore thumb, but I'm telling you, people will love you for it. One of my copywriting clients that I've written some ads for is Mike Dillard from the multilevel marketing industry. He sells marketing systems for people in MLM so they don't have to go knocking on doors and getting rejected by their family members. He shows you how to use the internet and email and websites and that sort of thing to do a lot of it for you. He once wrote this email to his list about Wal-Mart and how much he can't stand Wal-Mart and he'll never step foot inside Wal-Mart because it's got this air of cheapness to it and it attracts people who only want cheap and they only want the good deal and they're not value shoppers. Now this was his opinion. I'm not saying I agree or disagree either way. I tended to agree with him. I thought it was a fascinating piece, but this thing got a whole bunch of reaction to it, good and bad. I guarantee you, this probably made him some major brownie points with a certain segment of his list, even if it kind of ticked off another segment. But I can tell you this, it didn't hurt his sales; in fact his sales probably went up from it. Again, controversy is a highly entertaining way of communicating, when you mix it especially with humor and stories, kind of like when we talked about talk radio. It doesn't always have to be politics, but if you can kind of mix it with a good story, I think you'll find that it just really helps your sales. Infotainment Secret #19: Thumb your nose at the establishment

I do this as often as I can, and I know some very successful people who this is how they position themselves, kind of the anti-establishment type. This is guaranteed to get you attention if you do it right. This is infotainment at its finest. A lot of people just despise the establishment. They don't like rules. They don't like being hemmed in. They don't like reading, ~Here's how you have to do it. This is the rule." Some people just naturally rebel against that, and a lot of people start to wonder how much of this stuff makes sense. There's just something about that air of elitism with the establishment of any industry, and it doesn't matter what the industry is or if it's deserved or not. It doesn't matter, but there's always people who start to rebel against the establishment. By kind of being the anti-establishment person, people kind of cheer you on. You're sort of like the underdog. Even if they don't agree with you necessarily, they're going to want to watch you closely, which can equal a lot of sales for you.


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• I guess it just sort of tickles that little sly side of our personality where we just like that kind of stuff. We like to see the little guy or the smaller marketer or business owner kind of rise up and stick it to the establishment and say, "Hey, this is the better way to do it. You corporate beast masters out there really don't know what you're doing. This product is much better than what they could do," and that sort of thing. I'll give you lots of examples of this. There's a lot of ads that have thrived in like golf and the financial industry, and even in the self-defense industry, when you have these little-known experts who kind of came out of nowhere and not very many people know about them. They tell this underdog story and how they did the exact opposite of whatever the establishment is doing, and how much their thing works better, whatever the product is. It just works like crazy. You especially see this in like contrarian stock and financial advice whenever you find someone, for example like a Peter Schiff or a Ron Paul, that sort of thing, very anti-establishment people, and recently Ron Paul ran for President. He didn't come close to winning or anything, but he sure had a huge war chest of donations. It just attracted money. I mentioned Dan Kennedy earlier, the marketer. He wrote this really fascinating book called, No Rules. It was all about breaking rules. It was almost like the whole book was just giving the middle finger to the establishment of marketing and business. From what I understand, that is a very high-selling book. It's certainly one of my favorite books. I mentioned Mike Dillard in MLM, same thing. Here's a guy who saw an opening in his market. He saw a lot of people were really struggling, going door to door trying to sell MLM, or to their family and friends, everyone within three feet of them - kind of a brutal business to be in. I've done it many years ago and it's not fun. He came around and started telling people, "Hey, you don't have to do all that. Do it this way instead," and he kind of taught people a way of doing network marketing successfully that was completely anti whatever people's network marketing companies were telling them to do, and he's just wildly successful from it. Here's another example. There's a golf coach named Don Trahan. His son plays in the PGA and he's a PGA Master Professional himself. He's kind of got this unique golf swing that's completely different than anything you'll see in the magazines. It's like the exact opposite, and he just kind of thumbs his nose at the establishment. He doesn't necessarily do it on purpose, but the very thing he's teaching is like a slap in the face to the establishment, and his product just sells like crazy. Right now you have a war between blogs and the news media, what some people call the old media. They don't like the blogs. They don't like the average person being able to get on the internet and basically be taken as serious news. It's too bad for the old media, I guess, but the fact is a on board with the bloggers, saying, "Hey, you're not going news stories to watch. You're not going to dictate this to Again, the bloggers are kind of thumbing their nose at the


lot of people are to tell us what us anymore." establishment as

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the old media is dying away pretty quickly here. That's just another example of how this works. Right now you have a rise in direct response marketing, and that is the exact opposite of what you see on TV right now. On TV you see these cute little ads where they're using a little bit of infotainment or they're trying to be entertaining. Unfortunately, they're not doing a very good job at it and they're not selling anything. Half the time you have no idea what the heck they're selling at all. With infotainment you want to do both. You want to entertain and give information, but direct response marketing does that. It goes against that. It's more like selling door to door than it is Madison Avenue advertising, so that's another thing. That is becoming more and more popular finally, after decades of people ignoring it. My final example for this, and then we'll move on to the next thing, would be some of these third-party political candidates. Think of Ross Perot. He did very well back when he was a third-party candidate running against the establishment of the Democratic and Republican parties. Now like him or hate him, it doesn't matter. The point is he was an anti-establishment guy. Same with the recent Ron Paul thing - completely anti-establishment. Now again, neither of these guys won but it doesn't matter, because if you look at the amount of money that was generated by their cause and all the other third parties that have popped up In fact, I read somewhere that in the year 2000 election between Gore and Bush that Al Gore would have won had the third-party candidate, Ralph Nader, not been running. So these things do have effects, and a lot of money is generated to people who kind of tell the establishment to go take a hike and do it their own way. Infotainment Secret #20: Piggy back off the bizarre and unknown

This is something I enjoy doing quite a bit. Some people won't like doing this as much. Maybe they just can't find a way of doing it, because some people's minds just aren't into this sort of thing, but I find it to be very powerful. Again, you stand out from all the benefit-driven approaches, and this whole idea of the bizarre and unknown is becoming more and more accepted and ingrained in popular culture. It started back with the old monster movies back in the 40's and SO's and stuff, then you had movies like The Exorcist, and now you have TV shows like Supernatural, Lost, and Ghost Hunters and all these shows. I'm not necessarily advocating any specific show or anything, but if you look at where the money's going, you'll find that a lot of it's kind of going into the bizarre and unknown, and it's very entertaining. Even when we were kids when you were a kid, when I was a kid - most kids are very entertained by ghost stories. There's just something about it. Again, I'm not advocating getting way into this or anything like that. I'm just saying there are ways of tying this into your selling process. There's just this fascination with the unknown. It doesn't necessarily have to be


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mystical stuff either, but just bizarre and unknown. There's even a TV show called Mysteries of the Unexplained and that sort of thing. These are very, very popular shows. I've used this myself. My wife and I went to a town that's in the Bigfoot country and we found this big Bigfoot statue and I shot a my website in front of it and tied it into a marketing lesson. It about Bigfoot necessarily, but I used that to get a toe hold into viewers' minds with it. It caught their attention.

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I once did a series of emails called "Marketing Monsters" emails. I had found this Encyclopedia of Monsters book and I just kind of tied different monsters into different ethically-challenged marketing types - people who just swipe everything, people who lie, people who cheat. Everyone had their own kind of monster associated with them. It was very, very popular. I still get response to those emails sometimes, not necessarily in the form of sales, because I wasn't necessarily hard selling anything, but just in feedback. Here's another thing- the next Rambo movie. At the time of this recording we've had four Rambo movies. They're making a fifth one, and the word around the campfire, so to speak, is that it's going to kind of leave the domain of the typical war movie and it's going to have kind of a weird sci-fi angle to it where he fights some kind of monster that's half-human, like the military was experimenting on people and they created like this feral man. It's kind of sci-fi-ish, completely out of the realm of reality. I'm not saying the other Rambo movies were necessarily in reality, but they were based on reality, so they're even starting to do that in movies like that. They're seeing there's something about the culture that just thinks the bizarre and unknown and strange is kind of neat. How far they take that is up to the individual person, but you can use it to get a toe hold in people's psyche like that. Infotainment Secret #21: and quizzes


This is very entertaining for people when they're involved in some kind of test or quiz within your marketing. It's kind of weird, because when we're in school we just want to get away from this stuff, but when we get out of school apparently we just love it. They're very engaging and they're fun and they get people wanting to participate. Let's say you used a quiz. "What do you know about X? Test your knowledge about X," whatever you sell, whatever the topic is. "Test your knowledge about marketing," for example. You could put a little quiz on a website or in an ad. People have done this offline. There's ways of doing this. You'll be amazed how many people will respond to it just to prove to you how much they know, or they want to prove to themselves how smart they are. Of course if you do it right they won't be able to answer many of the questions and they'll say, "Huh, I guess I don't know as much as I thought I did," and they'll kind of want to know the answers, which gives you a nice in to give them a sales pitch for whatever you sell.


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It's also a great excuse for discounts. They used to do this for stores. "Count how many jelly beans are in this jar," and you'd get all these people crowding around trying to figure it out. The winner would win like a new bedroom set or something. Guess what happens to all the people who got it wrong? "Hey, you tried, so I'm going to give you 50% off." Normally just giving 50% off will cheapen something, but if you have a reason why like that, you can really clean up. Of course you can apply this to anything - any kind of quiz or test. One marketer who I've seen do this is a man named Bill Glazer. He's a marketer and you can easily find more about him on the internet. I remember him talking about his marketing funnel once, and he gives a quiz to stores that sell men's suits and that sort of thing. Most people in that industry don't know much about marketing, so he'll give them a quiz, "Test your marketing knowledge." They might get one or two right, but most of them they'd get wrong. "Send this in for the answers," and people would send it in and then he would start mailing them his sales literature and that sort of thing, and it was a great way to do it. Another example was an ad, and I forgot who wrote this, but basically it said, "Can you catch all the spelling errors in this advertisement?" and people would read it just to catch all the errors, but a lot of people would end up buying the product because they were sold while they were reading it looking for the errors. It was very entertaining and infotaining, so to speak. It just works like crazy, so if you can work tests and quizzes into your sales and marketing, I think you'll find that people find it really fun, and you might just find your sales going up quite a bit. So those are the 21 Infotainment Secrets. Again, those are not all of them. I'm always discovering more. You'll probably discover more now that you understand the concept. These are just the 21 tried and true ways that I've been using, so use them. You don't have to use all of them. Just use the ones that you're comfortable with and that are interesting to you. The point is you want to start using infotainment immediately. It literally is the missing link in 99% of sales and marketing today. So few people do it because they just don't understand it, and even those who do do it are often doing it on accident, so imagine what you can do doing it on purpose. I know this sounds weird, but you will create kind of like a following you didn't have before. People want to be entertained. They're looking it. You'll be surprised at all the people who kind of come out of the woodwork all the sudden, and how much you bond with them, and how many just want to hear from you next time. The next time you have a product they can't wait to get to it.

that for people out

It just builds like this connection with them and they trust you more. As long as you're giving good valuable products out and that sort of thing, selling a valuable product, you'll find that they're just going to keep coming back for more.


www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com Again, you do want to use value, you do want to teach, you do want content, but you want to mix it with entertainment. It makes you almost impossible to knock off. Unless somebody's reading your mind or something, they just can't possibly predict what you're going to do next. All they can do is kind of be a wanna-be you. They can only be second fiddle to what you're doing, and people will notice. It'll be obvious. It's obvious when somebody doesn't understand these principles and they try to use them. In fact, after you've listened to this CD you'll probably be able to spot the fakes really fast who are just kind of seeing the surface elements of what other infotainers are doing, and most people just fail at it because they don't understand the principles underneath it. Again, it can often make up for a lack of sales skills. You should always be building your sales skills. I'm not saying to get lazy on that, I'm just saying when you use infotainment it makes up for a lot of that lag in your sales skills. People will just be attracted to you and want to buy from you. It really can exponentially increase your current profits. I just want to end this with one final word of warning. Now you might be tempted to share this information with other people, especially if you sell to other marketers. Let's face it, we all want to look like studs. "Hey, I've got this new thing and I'm teaching this." I'm going to urge you not to do that, because not a lot of people know about this right now. You and I are kind of like in our little secret club of people who know this. I mean it's just not that widely known, and the more people who know it, the less effective it'll probably be. It's like anything else. It's like when they first started using those direct mail magalogs. The first people who used them just cleaned up. Now everyone's using them and they have far less impact than they used to. I'm going to urge you to keep all the information here confidential. That way we'll all benefit together. [END)

For more on using infotainment see the -January, 2012 "Email Players" issue (check the enclosed catalog for details)


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