3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts By Paul Voodini

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3 Coins

4 Your Thoughts…

3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts * Paul Voodini

3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts… A Reading System Utilising 3 Coins & 4 Phases

By Paul Voodini With thanks to Iain Dunford & Luke Jermay for advice and inspiration.

3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts… A reading system utilising 3 coins and 4 phases. Superstitions surrounding coins have been a part of human folklore for as long as money has circulated. Lucky coins, cursed coins, coins with

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supernatural properties, all have featured at some point or other in the folklore of human civilisation. Governments have printed special coins imbued with lucky symbols, royalty have given away special coins as gifts to their loyal subjects, and money given on birthdays or religious festivals can take on an emotional importance far beyond the money’s actual material worth.

We place our trust and our faith in money. Once upon a time, a coin was made of gold or silver, and the worth of that coin would depend on how much precious metal was smelted into the coin. Historically, paper money was a representation of gold stored in a bank vault somewhere. So for example an old £1 note was representative of an actual pound of gold stored in the Bank of England’s vaults. In the modern era however this is not the case. There is not a pound of gold stored safely somewhere for every piece of paper money in circulation. Money is only worth something because we, as a society, have decided that money has an inherent value. No longer can we walk up to the gates of the Bank of England and demand our pound of gold in exchange for our £1 note. But as a society we decided, quietly, with little fuss, that this same £1 note can be exchanged for goods and services. If trust in this system should fail then we would see the collapse of the global banking system. But that would be silly. Wouldn’t it…?

Cards, both Tarot and playing, have long been used to provide readings. The system demonstrated here is a system that utilises not cards but 3 coins. These can be any 3 coins that you happen to have about your person. The actual value of the coins is not important, however I tend to use a £1 coin, a 50 pence coin, and a smaller denomination coin such as a 2 pence coin or a penny. I am sure it will be a simple task to substitute the three coins I have mentioned for their dollar and cent alternatives. Essentially I like to have a relatively high value coin, a coin of roughly half that value, and one low value coin. It is nice to also have a mixture of silver and bronze (or even gold) coins.

The casting of coins in I-Ching has a long and noble tradition within Eastern mysticism. However the system outlined within this booklet bears no resemblance to I-Ching. The main basis of I-Ching is whether or not coins land on the “heads” or the “tails” side. Heads or tails has no bearing in the following system.

The 3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts reading technique can be used in a public setting for a quick fun-based reading, or it can be used for more in-depth analysis. There is scope within it to allow your own personality and your own ideas to come to the fore. You can use the method outlined here as a spring-board to give your existing reading techniques a quick boost, you can use it in conjunction with other oracles such as the Tarot or the palm, or you can simply use it exactly as described here. You could even, I suppose, incorporate some coin magic. If you must. The choice is entirely yours.

This is a multi-phase reading technique that covers the 3 main areas of concern in practically all people’s lives - love/sex, money/work and family/friends.

You are seated at a table with your querent sitting opposite. She is keen for you to demonstrate your talents as a reader, and having just met you she is interested to see if you are capable of knowing and understanding her inner self. So, let us begin the reading…


You produce 3 coins and place them on the table top. They are of varying denominations.

“During this reading we will be utilising these 3 coins. Just take a moment to look at them, and to be aware of their individual values. You will of course have come into contact with coins similar to these thousands if not millions of times during the course of your life. They will be hugely familiar to you. However just for a moment I’d like you to look at them with a fresh pair of eyes, perhaps just imagining that this is the first time you have seen them.

“Now, during this reading we are going to look at your love life, your work life and money issues, and also your friends and your family. We are going to associate one coin to each of these 3 aspects of your life. So firstly let‘s take a look at your love life.” She will often react by smiling or giggling at this statement. Reassure her that you will not in any way be embarrassing her or making fun of her. But ask her to look again at the coins, and with

thoughts of her love life in her mind she should chose just one coin and pull it towards her. Encourage her to slide the coin across the table with a finger, and allow the coin to come to a rest in front of her.

Without saying anything, make a mental note of which coin she chose. The coin she chose represents her love life. Was it the highest denomination? Was it the lowest? Or was it the middle denomination? You will already be seeing how the coin she chose will tell you, as a reader, a lot of information about the state of her love life, and more importantly about how she perceives her love life.

Then you continue, “Secondly let us look at your work life and the role that money is playing in your life. With thoughts of work and money in your mind, please chose another coin and pull it towards you.”

So again, which denomination did she chose? This should give you clues as to the importance of work and money issues to her, and how things are for her in that department.

“And finally, let us look at your friends and family. There is only one coin left, so with thoughts of friends and family in your mind can you just pull the coin towards you? Many thanks.”

You will now be left with the querent sitting in front of you, and the 3 coins laying on the table close to the querent. They are in the position that the querent placed them when she pulled them towards her. The position that the coins have been placed in front of her is going to be very important, so do

not allow her to move any of them or fiddle with them. Just allow the 3 coins to remain in the same pattern upon the table top that the querent created when she pulled them towards her.

Without touching the coins, point out to her which coin was chosen for which aspect of her life. “Okay, so this coin here was chosen when we mentioned love. This one was chosen when we talked about money and work. And finally this coin is the one that was left when we mentioned friends and family. Looking at the coins now, would you like to change them? Would you like to change any of the coins around, or are you happy with the coins that you initially chose?”

If she wants to change any of the coins, allow her to do so but make sure that the actual pattern created initially by the coins remains.


Next you are going to talk about the value of the coins. The value of the coins represents the value she herself places on each of the 3 subject areas.

Quite simply, the higher value attributed to each aspect (love, money, friends/family), the higher importance they are to your querent. But there’s more to it than that. Did she change any of the coins around? If so, the initial choice represents the truth of the matter, represents which aspects of her life are genuinely the most important to her, whereas any changes she made afterwards would reflect what she thinks she ought to believe or how she thinks she ought to behave.

An example:

The querent is presented with a £1 coin, a 50 pence coin, and a penny. She initially pulls the £1 coin towards her when we mention love, the 50 pence coin when work and money is mentioned, leaving the penny to represent family and friends. Bear in mind that using the script given earlier, she was aware of the 3 categories before she was asked to start choosing coins.

This is of course quite a crude example, but let us look at it anyway. In simple terms her love life is the most important thing to her, her work life and money issues are of secondary importance, while her family and friends are left quite far down the list. You would need to be quite tactful to ensure that you did not upset your querent by judging her too harshly, but essentially this part of the reading would write itself.

But wait, did she change any of the coins around? Given the opportunity did she, perhaps, move the £1 coin from her love-life to family and friends? This would indicate that she thinks she ought to care more about her family and her friends than her love life, she sees this as something of a failing in herself, but the reality is that her own happiness, her own love-life, is more important to her than what is happening with family members and/or her friends.

The coins chosen initially represent how she really is. Any changes made when given the chance represent how she feels she ought to behave but the truth of the matter is indicated by those initial choices.

Once you have discussed this, move any coins that were changed back to their original positions. So in our example place the £1 back in the position of her love life, and put the penny back in the position of friends/family.


Now we are going to examine how closely the querent placed the coins to herself. For each of the 3 subject matters, you will have asked her to slide a coin towards her upon the table. The closer each individual coin is to her, the more that aspect of her life is affecting her. This is no reflection on how important the subject matter is to her personally, it is more to do with outside influences and how the different aspects (love, work, family) are impacting on her.

For example, let us imagine that our querent has pulled the penny (which she chose for family & friends) closest to her, the 50 pence coin (which she chose for work issues) second closest to her, and finally the £1 coin (which she chose for love) was placed furthest away.

This would lead us to interpret her actions thus: There are issues surrounding family and friends that are affecting her right now. These appear to be issues that she has no control over. Work and money issues are also quite active at the moment, all of which leaves little time for her love life.

Now, we already know how important her love life is to here. She associated the £1 coin with it, the coin of the highest value. And yet she placed it

furthest away. This must be hugely frustrating for her. Her love-life is being overshadowed by issues with family and even friends, her work life is affecting her as well, which means that she is being forced to almost place her love life on hold while these issues are resolved.

What we are looking for here are the differences between the value of the 3 areas of her life (which represents her own personal view of the subjects) and the placement of the coins (representing the harsh reality of day to day life and how that impacts upon her). By examining these differences we are able to make sense of the tensions acting on her life.

Sometimes harmony may reign, and the value of the coins and the position they are placed in by the querent may match. Other times there may be conflicts. Your job as the reader is to notice these little tensions and conflicts, comment upon them in a non-judgemental and positive way, and help your querent find a way to a better understanding of the forces that are acting upon her. There is a saying: can’t see the woods for the trees. I feel that this saying is very true for each and every one of us as we lead our crazy, hectic lives. There is often not enough time to catch our breath, let alone to examine and ponder the influences and external forces that manipulate us and control us like puppets to their whims. I feel that the primary role of a good reader is to gift the querent enough time and patience so that she herself can come to a better understanding of her life. The reader may be able to point out the signposts and perhaps interpret the words upon these signs, but it is the querent who must ultimately decided whether to act upon them or not.

When examining the closeness of the coins to the querent, the difference may only be millimetres. With other it may be more like inches. The larger the gap between the coins and the querent, the more dramatic the difference in influence. But by examining the placement of the coins you will also gain a further insight into the querent. A row of coins neatly arranged and with barely a difference in the closeness to her would indicate an ordered mind, somebody who likes to be in control of situations etc (this is simple stuff that is easy to perceive), whereas an untidy pattern of coins with one very close and others much further away would indicate a totally different personality type.

Simply by your interaction with the querent will you be able to add all manner of depth and subtlety to your reading.

PHASE 4 Now we are going to allow fate to play a role. With this 4th phase we are going to look towards the future.

Ask your querent to pick up the 3 coins, shake them in her clasped hands, and then drop them carefully onto the table before her. This is similar in look and feel to the casting of runes or bones. It is quite a ritualistic action, and the coins tumbling on to the table is a nicely dramatic moment.

From the way the coins lay on the table after they have been dropped by the querent, we can see what areas of her life are going to the most important and the most active over the following 12 months. If the coin that was

chosen for her love life lands the closest to her, then this would mean that this area of her life is going to be the most important to her. Likewise with work/money and friends/family. You should always interpret these influences as being positive. The coins landing close to her represent good influences on her life over the next 12 months.

Similarly with the coin that lands the farthest away from her, these are areas of her life that will not need her attentions so much. They are areas that will take care of themselves. So for instance if the work/money coin landed farthest away, you should explain to the querent that this area of her life may be able to run under its own steam, leaving her with sufficient energies to deal with the areas that need her attention.

Always keep the reading positive and up-beat, especially when talking about the future. I would also recommend explaining to the querent that she is always in charge of her own life, and the future is unwritten. The coins falling in a particular order upon the table is simply a tool to allow her to ponder her own destiny, and to allow her to make informed choices about the way she would like to steer her life. It is impossible to predict future events. All you are doing is suggesting possibilities.


A lovely and very satisfying way to bring the reading to a close was suggested by the wonderful Iain Dunford. Ask your querent to choose one of the coins based upon the area of her life that it represents. She should choose the coin that represents an area of her life that she would like to improve,

that she wishes she could make more positive. Perhaps she chooses, in our example, the penny representing friends and family. Ask her to hold the coin in her hand and visualise herself throwing the coin into a wishing well. In her mind, as she imagines herself throwing the coin, she should make a wish. But remind her that she must keep that wish a secret. Only secret wishes come true! If you have used coins from your own pockets, perhaps it would nice to leave her with the “wishing coin” as a gift.


This is a fun reading system that is ideal for an impromptu moment when someone asks you to do something “weird” there and then. Even if you have none of your tools of the trade with you, and even if you have no money, you will be able to borrow 3 coins and create a small miracle.

As always, think first of the well-being of your querent. Your motivation for providing readings in general should be to make a positive impact upon the life of the person you are reading for, to leave them in a better place than before they met you. Do what you do with a good heart. Do not make judgements, do not say anything silly or rash that could be misunderstood. Reassure and inspire them. They are unique, wonderful human beings (well, most of them are anyway). Make sure they realise this, and allow them to celebrate in their uniqueness.

Be good.

Paul Voodini, February 2012

Paul Voodini’s other works available from www.readerofminds.co.uk Readings and Q & A. Pure Q&A

Reader of Minds

Magician’s Guide to Palm Reading

Hypno-Mental Self-Working Card Tricks

Remote Viewing, Past Life Regressions, Out of Body Experiences. Midnight Side of the Mind

The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind II (coming soon)

Séance and Paranormal. The Paranormal Entertainer

The Jack the Ripper Séance

It’s a G-G-Ghost!

The Haunting of Paul Voodini

…and more!

Visit www.readerofminds.co.uk for the full catalogue and details.

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