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•• AL MANN g'zd'~

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•• AL MANN iif.-u/~ • arituin'" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (201)






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Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives (1983)

The following plot and method is adaptable to playing cards, business cards, ESP cards, Credit cards or photographs. The plot is strong and the patter can refer to teleportation, invisible flight, etc.

THE BASIC EFFECT. Three spectators are asked to choose any card each from a face up deck spread on the table. They are told to sign the cards. Each individual card is now sealed openly into a coin envelope and given to the chooser to hold. Without any further ado or any suspicious moves by the Mentalist an envelope that was sealed in a safe or held by anyone in the audience is opened and the three signed cards are found insidel The three envelopes held by the spectators can be opened and will be found empty. A more dramatic effect can be created by burning the three envelopes in a ceremonial fire bowll

THE METHOD. With the proper preparation the working of this effect can be automatic. Actually as each card is individually sealed, it goes into a fourth envelope so that all three cards end up in the same envelope. Amazingly enough the sealing is done openly and in fact the spectators can insert the cards into the envelopes! All this is made possible by a stack of gimmicked envelopes. In August of 1978, I released a modernized version of the flapless-envelope-switch which appeared in The Tesseract. I called these envelopes, 'The Circean Vessels.' Here then is an advanced concept using the Circean Vessels which will henceforce be called 'The CV envelope.'

THE PREPARATION. You will need a minimum of 10 end-opening coin envelopes of regular size to hold playing cards. First, take seven of the envelopes and bend their top flaps backwards and forwards several times so that the flaps will remain in either position. This is shown by the arrows in Fig. 1. Three of the envelopes should also have their bottom flap dislodged for only 1/8 inch along the top and bent outwards to form a 'lip.' This is shown in Fig. 1 by the bottom arrow and dash lines. This tiny lip will serve its purpose as will be seen. Fig. 1








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Next you must prepare three CV envelopes. So take three of the envelopes and cut off the tops as shown by the solid lines in Fig. 2 arrow "A." Discard the bottom of the envelope, keeping only the feke piece A A marked "X." Remove what is left of the seam side of the envelope from the Fig. J "X" feke which will leave you only with the flap attached to a small piece of what used to be the address side of the original envelope. The final "X" feke is shown in Fig. J. Consider Fig. 2 that the "X" feke now has a false flap at "Y". Next cement the "X" part to the flap of a whole envelope, leaving the false flap "Y" on the outside and covering the opening of the envelope. What you have now is the "CV" envelope! This is shown in Fig. 4 which also shows the small 'lip' on the bottom flap (dash lines). After you have prepared three "CV" envelopes Fig. 4 you will be ready to mount the envelopes in a stack that will do the 'trick.' All three "Y" flaps of the CV envelopes must be inserted into a single envelope! In Fig. 5, envelope "A" is an ungimmicke§ envelope that has its flap bent back\ D wards. Envelope "A" is the key envelope \ ....--------~ that will end up with all the chosen Y~ cards within! To prepare the stack, take envelope "B" and insert the false flap "Y" into "A" y envelope. Next, do the same with envelope "C" and last with envelope "D." Note that all the envelopes have their flaps bent backwards except for envelope "D" which keeps its flap sticking up and in sight so that it appears to be the flap of envelope "A!"! Add the other three unprepared envelopes to the bottom of the stack as you hold the stack in your left hand with " envelope "A" uppermost. For all that may care to look, the Fig. 5 A stack of envelopes appears normal, but do not call attention to that.






A further refinement is to cement a piece of paper or card (envelope material) to the inside of each envelope so that when the envelope is sealed it will appear to contain a card. Or you may place your own business card in each envelope. Or if the envelopes are to be burned, any card will do. To performl Have the stack of envelopes in your left hand. After the first card is chosen and signed insert it into what appears to be the top envelope, (or have the. spectator insert it). The card actually goes into the top envelope as it is guided by the false flap of envelope "D." Then pUll up on the flap, which brings out envelope "D" and at the same time the flap for envelope "C" will pop up due to the "liplt of the bottom flap of ltD" envelope which hooked on to it! If you wish to have the spectator seal the envelope, you must tuck in the false flap! But it will suffice to just moisten the flap, seal it and handed to the person saying, "Please seal it. " The same maneuver is repeated with the next signed card and envelope "G" is removed, etc. Lastly the same maneuver is repeated and envelope "B" is removed, leaving envelope itA" behind which contains all three cards. You will be also holding the other three unprepared envelopes under envelope "A." Bear in mind that up to now you have made no suspicious moves and the spectators assume that they are holding their signed cards sealed in the envelopesl For the climax, you can proceed in one of several options I Go to a safe, open it and remove a sealed envelope. Show the envelope on both sides, to be sealed, and then place it over the stack of envelopes and stealing the top envelope in· the process. The top envelope remains behind the sealed envelope and out of sight. Throw the other envelopes on the table and proceed. Fig. 6 shows the loaded coin envelope "A" hiding behind a sealed letter envelope. The top long edge of the envelope is torn off and the coin envelope is allowed to drop creating the perfect illusion. Another method is to make envelope itA a magnetic envelope by enclosing a piece of shim metal and then placing a magnet into the letter envelope ( or sheet magnet ) so that the letter envelope automatically and secretly picks up the "A" envelope! It

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Fig. 6

If you own the AME DiploMental Pouch you can use that instead. That way the coin envelope appears inside the Zippered pocket! As can be seen, the above plot is good and the patter can be anything from teleportation, dematerialization, invisible flight or just pure magic! All depends on your presentation.

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Envelope A can be a flapless envelope as the flap is not needed. When you produce the envelope later, you can say that it is sealed and then reap open one end. The top end. Or the flap can be folded back and sealed against the address side so that it appears to be sealedl This flap is then reaped off. If when removing, say, the D envelope, the flap of C does not pop up as it should, do not panic. Just stick your finger between the envelopes and snap up the flap. This move is a natural one and of no consequence to the audience. If you think it is important for the spectator to seal the envelope (It is not) then you must tuck in the flap "y" into the envelope after you pull it up. You must buckle the mouth of the envelope to do it. This false flap will then look natural. Some security envelopes have double flaps. The envelope can then be securely sealed. Tucking in the false flap is a good move when doing, liT he Threshold of Miracle. If the spectator later tears open the envelope, the extra piece of paper will offer no solution. II

THE TRIPLE TESTa To do a triple mindreading test, cut a window on the address side of envelope A and make it a magnetic envelope by embed~ing a metal shim on the seam side inside. Three persons write a message on three cards which are sealed and burned. The stack of envelopes is then placed on the table with envelope A uppermost. This envelope is then picked up with a writing tablet or slate that has a magnet in it! While writing on the tablet or slate the three cards are read one at a time and answered! The envelope can also be picked up by the use of double-stick tape AND the cards can be also attached out of sight with bits of double-stick tape that is placed on the tablet or slate before the show. With a tablet, the top sheet is cut in half and the cards and envelope are hidden under the half sheet while messages are written on the visible page. With a slate, a half flap will hide the cards and envelopel liT he prison house we found shut in all safety, and the keepers standing before the doors; but when we opened we found no man within." -Writ-

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EFFECT, A name, a number and a city freely chosen by the audience are predicted by the Menta1istl MEHTOD: Prepare a stack of CV envelopes as shown in Fig. 5. but cut off the flap from envelope A, making it a flapless envelope. Envelopes B, C and D must contain a blank business size card each. For ease of operation, let's prepare the A envelope with a shim of metal so that it can be picked up by a magnet. A sealed empty envelope with a magnet inside is offered as a prediction. THE PRESENTATION: Inform the audience that you have sealed a prediction in the envelope and place the envelope on display. Have one volunteer write out any name on a business-size card identical to the cards sealed in the envelopes. Tell the spectator to turn the card over so that no one sees what he has written and then to stick it into the coin envelope which you hold for him. Then give him the envelope for sealing. Ask a second person to write out a well kn0wn number that he can easily remember and to also seal the card into a second envelope. A third person is told to write down the name of a city and is also told to seal his card. In the eyes of the audience, each person has written down something secretly and sealed it in an envelope which each now holds. What they actually are holding are three coin envelopes sealed with three blank cards inside. Now, you say, "Let me show you what I have written and sealed in this envelope." Here you place the sealed envelope over the stack of envelopes in your left hand and the A envelope becomes attached to the sealed envelope which you then pretend to take out. Hand the A envelope to a fourth person in the audience and ask him to take out the three cards and read them and as they "start. ' . take back from the three persons the three sealed. coin envelopes and open one at a time as you say, "Please tell the audience what I have written on the name card." Here the person reads the name. which is of course the very same name and card that was written by the first spectator! You then take out the blank card from the first coin envelope and pretend to verify it. If you think it is necessary, you can secretly write in the name with a swami gimmick. After this first revelation, your audience should be dumbfounded, especially if you took the trouble of picking prominent persons from your audience that.. . are beyond reproach. Then you proceed in the same fashion to reveal the other two predictions. The pact of the effect should leave everyone speechless and no furhter proof should be necessary. Tear up the cards or just toss the spectator's cards on the table.

•• AL MANN iirzc/«<JeVeo • • • • • •

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'7~e !u"",,-r4fi"t, e-j{.,.t~it,.£ t)J~e'a~f!" (It is high noon May 10th, 1983. Just as I was writing this treatise, Prince Thebb called long distance to say that there was a near riot outside his office. No doubt the assembled mob had plans of lynching someone. Just a moment before a lady had run screaming from Prince Thebb's reading room. She was screaming about a chair that had been picked up by invisible agents, spirits and then flung down violently and almost hitting her. luckily the 'Slade's flying Chair' from [ff-Oes) police dispersed the crowd. Prince Thebb had perfor.ed

While visiting Prince Thebb in his den last month, he performed a test for me with a single billet and one envelope. The test is not new. It had been around for some time, but the handling was so clean and effective that I am recording it here. I have also added an AME finishing touch that will baffle a well versed billet worker! Prince Thebb gave me a piece of paper and asked me to write out a question and to then fold the paper twice. He then took the folded billet and sealed it in an envelope. While he was sealing the envelope I could see the palm side of his right hand and it was empty. He then gave me the envelope and I could see the palm of his left hand which was also empty. Prince Thebb had informed me before the test that all the materials were ·ungimmicked and unprepared. He then left to fetch a glass of water for scrying and I was left in his den holding the sealed envelope. Of course I felt the envelope with my fingertips and noticed that the billet was indeed inside, sealed. By applying all the processes of rationality, there was no question in my mind that the folded billet inside the envelope was the one I had written on. He then returned and dumbfounded me by answering my question directly. He then tore open the envelope and took out the still folded billet and returned it to me. Until he explained the method used I was totally mystified. To my critical eyes, the excecution of this billet test was perfect. THE METHOD. To begin with, Prince Thebb pulled a Dunninger on me. He told me emphatically that the materials were totally ungimmicked and unprepared. This I half believed. But there was preparation. The envelope which layed on the table with other

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envelopes contained a folded dummy billet insidel So after Prince Thebb took the folded billet he inserted his hand into the envelope but left the billet outside held in place by the left thumb, Fig. 7. He then folded down the flap with his right hand and sealed the envelope. It was at this time that I could see that his right hand was empty. BUT after the envelope was sealed he moved the dummy billet upwards and then held it behind his right thumb as in Fig. 8. When he removed his left hand I could see that it was also empty I He then extended his right hand and handed me the envelope in a most natural manner and palming the billet in the process as he pulled back his right hand. Fig. After answering the question he took back the envelope, tore it and stuck his right hand inside and took out the palmed billet and handed it to me and then discarded the envelope. And of course I was sure that the discarded envelope was otherwise emptyl (1) Now for the Clincher! Let's prepare a most extraordinary dummy billet so that if anyone examines the discarded envelope they will find it beyond suspicionl To prepare the dummy billet just tear off the end piece from another sealed envelope, as shown in Fig. 9 and fold that piece in half and place it inside the envelope. After you remove the spectator's billet from the seal envelope you pretend to place the torn off piece into the empty envelope but actually you palm the piece. Now! if anyone requests to examine the envelope, you can pick it up and say, tiThe envelope is empty!" and dump out the piece inside saying that you had place it there, etc. Fig. 8 Or if you wish you can just tear up the envelope to bits and if anyone cares to examine the bits he will find nothing but pieces of envelope! All of this sure beats the old slit envelope rusel NOTEI This test is superior to the similar one used by mediums where the billet Fig. 9 is palmed by the left hand. NOWS Let's say that instead of using a white letter envelope, you will use a brown manila letter envelope I

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So, if anyone looks inside the opened discarded letter envelope he will see nothing but brown envelope material instead of the white paper dummy he would expect! ~ With care, you can tear off an end of a sealed envelope that will closely fit the real envelope. If a pair of scissors is close then the piece will appear to be the same one cut off the envelope! The illusion is perfect and no further thought should be given it by the spectator.

Here is a novel effect done with one sheet of paper from a paper pad that measures J by 5 inches. But it can also be done with any size piece of paper. This technique is a favorite with Prince Thebb. In the original version shown to this author, . _ a person is told to write his LovE. thought on the line as shown in Fig. 10. The dash lines represent the center line of the paper for folding. After the thought is written Fig. 10 the writer is told to fold the paper in half and to place it on the table 'tent' fashion as shown in Fig. 11. Nothing can be seen as the paper sits Fig. 12 tent fashion, but when you pick up the tent at "x" and pinch the paper together, the word shows right through due to transparency! The effect is a good one and it is a 'quicky,' that can be done anytime and anywhere. - - _.\ I have elaborated in the original concept by '-I '-,"\,,/"Ii/ ./ folding the paper in three parts as shown in Fig. 1J Fig. 12. The spectator is told to write his tho~ght on the line and to fold down the flap to conceal his thought and to place it on the table tent fashion. NOWI After the thought is written and the paper folded and placed on the table as shown in Fig. 1J, anyone can walk all around the billet and see nothing as the word is covered by two thicknesses of paper. For the presentation, you pretend to 'get' the thought and you pretend to write it on the paper pad without showing your writing. Then pick up the 'tent' and as you tear it up you will cop the thought as it will show right through! Then pick up the pad and say, "You are thinking of LOVE I " You can write in the word 'love' with a swami gimmick or just tear up the sheet and discard it. Be sure to use a felt tip black ink pen for this test.


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THE TENTS OF OBHA-EED The reader may have noticed that the ba~s in the USA are using a utility 'open' envelope for handing you your withdrawals, in bills and coin. The envelope cannot be sealed. It is open. It has two flaps that overlap in front and are attached to the sides and sealed at the bottom by a bottom flap. Similar to the one shown in Fig. 14. This envelope is adoptable for doing the 'tent' effect as above as the two flaps are loose and not glued together. Let's say that the only thing in sight on your desk happens to be one of these envelopes. So you say, "Let's try a test. We'll use this piece of paper." Fig. 14 So you take the envelope and tear the top flap along the bottom at the top of the bottom flap. Draw a line on the other attached flap and tell the person to write something on the line and to cover the writing with the top flap and to place the , .... - - -envelope on the table tent-fashion. Fig. 15. Again you must use a felt tip pen with " '. l~,'f·. black ink. No one can see the writing until --- you pick up the envelope, squeeze it and tear it up. You do that after you have divined Fig. 15 (?) the question, as detailed on the previous page. If your audience is convinced that you knew the word without touching the paper, then your subsequent touching of it goes unnoticed. The good thing about these bank envelopes is that they have become common. You can find some thrown about almost anywhere. The second flap is attached to the bottom flap so that the writer cannot lift it to write on the inside of the envelope. He is forced to write on the outside of the second flap, and the top flap appears to be a natural cover. The envelope looks most innocent, specially if there is a withdrawal or deposit slip inside as it sits on the table. So you take up the envelope and remove the slip and proceed. /



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•• At MANN ?8zc/~ • • • • • • • • • • •I POST OFFICE BOX 144 •


(201) 431 ..2429



EFFECT: Mentalist shows a sealed envelope and places it on display. He then shows a deck of cards and proceeds to deal the cards face up on the table. Cards are dealt one at a time and the entire deck can be dealt which shows all the cards to be different and shuffled. Anyone then chooses one of the face-up cards, or anyone can stop the Mentalist at any time while he is dealing the cards. The chosen card is then picked up, say it is the five of diamonds, and the Mentalist shows the back of the card to be blue. He then gives the card to the chooser to hold while the sealed envelope is opened and another card taken out. This card is red back and is a duplicate of the chosen card. The envelope may be examined and found to contain only the one cardl The above is only one of the many effects possible with the "Quasar Deck."


THE QUASAR DECK: Basically, The Quasar deck is a 'Magnetic Mene Tekel' Deck! It is made up of 26 pairs of cards, in no particular order. The pairs (Fig. 16.) are treated for the rough-and-smooth principle so that they do not separate while deal- 10+4 10+4 J •J ~t 6 ~, ~, " ing and to the observer they appear ~ t • t to be normal and without preparatiQn. ~ The face card of each pair is' a ~ 6 6·e • 'shim' card or magnetic card also known as a kling card. It can be Fig. 16. picked up by a hidden magnet! The duplicates are also of a contrasting color back. . Say that the face cards are red back, smoothen on the face and roughen on the back and are also shim cards. The back cards, the duplicates, are blue back, roughen on the face and smoothen on the backs and non-magnetic.


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THE PREPARATION, The magnet used can be almost any hidden magnet. It could be the magician's magnetic ring, or a book of mathces, etc. For the detailing let's say that we have a strip of magnetic tape cemented to the back of the card case. The envelope used, should be a brown manila letter size envelope sealed empty and wax sealed for effect. THE PRESENTATION, Show the envelope all around and place it on the table. Then take the deck of cards out of the case and throw the case magnet side down over the envelope. Tell the audience what you propose to do and tell them to watch the cards and to stop you anywhere or if they wish you will deal until stopped the third time, or whatever. Deal the cards in a spread as shown in Fig. 17. This will show that the cards are different and in no particular order. After the card is chosen, pick it up and also pick up the envelope and card case on top and say, nyou have chosen the Five of diamonds. Please note that the back of this card is blue." Here you turn the card over and also turn the envelope over so that it is now address side up and the card case underneath. Place the chosen card face down on the envelope to show its back and then tell the spectator to hold out his hand as you turn the envelope over and drop the five of diamonds face up in his hand. All appears correct to this point. But the magnetic red-back five of diamonds has remained attached to the envelope! The card case is then dropped as you are now holding the card behind the envelope with Q 5 5 K 7 ~~ A i, • ~. 5 •A +• IJ .:. 9 ~~ • • •• • your right thumb. • i~ • • The envelope is next torn • t 1 ~ open and the card allowed • I! I! to drop on the table top. 6 ~ ~ ; . ~ ~ The envelope is also I thrown on the table as it is empty! Fig. 17



Now let's say that you prefer to use a magnetic wallet like the bombshell flip-over wallet or The DiploMental Pouch, or that you have made a double envelope with a magnetic strip hidden in the secret compartment. Then you can use a more direct method. Look at Fig. 17 and let's say that you have been stopped at the Nine of Hearts. You can then say please take the card in your hands as you slap the Nine of Hearts with your magnetic wallet or the envelope and push the card towards the spectator! You have picked up the magnetic card secretly with the same movement. That is why you should deal


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the cards in a spread always. If you slap the right hand card of the spread with your magnetic gimmick, it will only pick up the face card of the Nine of Hearts pair and the other magnetic cards of the other pairs will not be moved. NOTE: The spread shown in Fig. 17 can be made wider or the cards can be dealt separately. The above effect is a stunner and it is only an idea what can be done with the Quasar Deck. The one drawback at this writing is that professional shim cards are expensive. They sell for $3 a piece. But it will not be long before card manufacturers will be making magician,s shim cards by the deck. The 'Kling' cards that are sold for use on yachts, trains and hospital beds sell for $6.50 a deck, but they are not magician cards. They are smaller than bridge size cards and duplicates are not available.

"'~e {!.a,"I,d e'IIl t'~~ t'4'~:tlVl-'f: With the use of shim cards, you can do the classic effects of the card on the ceiling or on the wall, without having to carry a messy blob of glue with you. . Just force a shim card and bring it to the top of a regular deck and then throw the deck at a magnetic board attached to the ceiling or to the wall of your den! If you want to do the effect of the 'card on the wall' anywhere, then you must use a prepared book with an embedded magnet, or do it on your brief case. Throw the deck of cards at the book as you hold it upright or at your briefcase.

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For a killer e~ct with the Quasar deck, place a magnet side an envelope, letter size. Then have three cards chosen as you deal them face-up. The three cards (doubles) are placed aside and then, using the envelope. push each card towards the chooser to hold in his hand. The magnet in the envelope has the power to pick up three shim cards. You then open the envelope and let the three cards fallon the table!

"'P~eJ~e.AAI.,()/Il(J.(, Sttim c?4-t,~ sell for $3 each in any size or baek design.

Write to: CARDS BY MARTIN c/o Neil Lester, 44533 N. Date, Lancaster, California, 93534






NOTES. The principle used in -no mann within- has many applications. It can be used in private readings, or a demonstration of sealed message reading, etc. It can be used in 'mindreading' after the first three envelopes are burned. It can be used in a three-envelope version of 'The Threshold of Miracle. ' It can be used to exchange large bills for lesser ones, etc. It can be used in the 'question answering act' to cop the first three questions from the audience! If you can properly do and 'sell' The Circean Swindle, you will have received your money's worth as that one effect alone is worth the price of the book. So strive for the proper presentation. The ad for the Kling cards is shown here for your own perusal. These cards are not magician's cards. They are smaller then bridge size cards. However, one of these cards cemented between two of your cards meet the bill quite well and give better results than your home made-razor blade cards. The 'Kling PLaying Board' that is advertised in the ad. and that sells for $20, may be just the thing you need for doing the "Card on the Ceiling or Wall. The board can be disguised by painting it the color of the wall or by embedding it into the wall or ceiling or by covering with a picture. (prices as of S/8)




Remor!.:cbht Kling cords ere windproof,


lihptoof! Ide-or for boat

or iicfllbed. KlinO




tl1Qrgnelic cords "HOt put" on the Klin; pfayl:'l9 boold until you p.ek theM up


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Kling ""OCJ'1dit '1lefl pl4ying (o,d, and boord at. MOnu· foehn" of tft~ lift....'. obtottlobl.. With mot vse ond
Have fun,


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iPlease SpeCIfy red or grllAn bacx I

~>:.::::;~;':~ REGAL and WADE MFG.• INC.

Maspeth. N.Y. 113711

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