Anglo Saxon Poetry Beowulf

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Beowulf  Beowulf literally means “beo wolf” i.e. ‘bear hunter’.  An Old English epic poem of 3182 lines.  One of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature.  The story had been in circulation as an oral narrative for many years before it was written.  Composed around 700 A.D.

The Features of an Epic  Takes the form of a long narrative poem about a quest, told in formal, elevated language.  Begins with a statement of subject and theme and, sometimes, a prayer to a deity  Deals with events on a large scale  Uses many of the conventions of oral storytelling, such as repetition, sound effects, and figures of speech.  Often includes gods and goddesses as characters.  Mixes myth, legend, and history.

Elements of an Epic 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Epic hero– an character with a trait or characteristic that is valued by his society. Quest– A journey through which the character or the reader learns something Valorous Deeds– Doing something bravely. Divine Intervention– The hand of God (or gods) help the hero, proving his value. Great events– The hero has a hand in something important in the history or mythology of a culture.

Other Examples of Epics  Gilgamesh from Mesopotamia

 The Iliad and the Odyssey from Greece  The Aeneid by Virgil from Rome

 Paradise Lost by Milton

Characters  Beowulf: a hero of the Geats.  Hrothgar: the king of the Danes.  Grendel: the monster.  Grendel’s Mother.  Dragon

Characters Beowulf  a great warrior with his strength and courage.  also a man of manner like Germanic heroic code, loyalty, courtesy and pride.  is from Geatland.

Characters Hrothgar  The King of Danes.  enjoys military success and prosperity.  a wise ruler and a father figure to Beowulf.

Characters Grendel  one of the three monsters Beowulf battles.  is an outcast.  preys on warriors in the king’s mead-hall.

Characters Grendel’s mother  unnamed swamp monster.  possesses fewer human qualities than Grendel.  seeks vengeance for Grendel’s death.

Characters Dragon  an ancient, powerful monster.  guard the treasure in the mound.  killed by Beowulf but mortally wounds him.


Beowulf Story The main protagonist, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. Beowulf kills both Grendel and Grendel's mother, the latter with a magical sword. Later in his life, Beowulf is himself king of the Geats, and finds his realm terrorized by a dragon whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial mound. He attacks the dragon with the help of his attendants, but they do not succeed. Beowulf decides to follow the dragon into its lair, but only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf dares join him. Beowulf finally slays the dragon, but is mortally wounded. He is buried in a tumulus by the sea.

Comprehension 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

They tried to protect their chief. That he could not be injured by a sword. He had committed horrible crimes. His shoulder. To a dark moor. Yes, he did.

Structure of the poem  Rhythm Rhythm is a musical quality produced by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables.  Caesura A feature that regulates the rhythm of Anglo-Saxon poetry.  Alliteration The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning or in the middle of two or more words.

Beowulf The Poetry of Beowulf

Create modern-day kennings for things you see around you.

giver of words word-wand





Analysis 1.


Beowulf’s followers



line 4

praised prince

line 20

kinsman of Hygelac

Line 1-2

earl of Beowulf

line 6

hardy-hearted heroes

Line 5

the foe

line 8

the accursed

Line 10

hideous fiend

line 22


line 2

blade ancestral

line 8

keenest blade

line 9

fairest falchions

Analysis 2. Yes, they are rhythmic. 3. Examples of caesure are in: line 4 (their praised prince, if powers were theirs) line 5 (the accursed to kill, no keenest blade) line 14 (woeful should be, and his wandering soul)

Writer’s Workshop 1. Examples of alliteration in Text B1 fain the life of their lord shield (line 3) Hardy-hearted heroes (line 6) no fairest of falchions fashioned on earth (line 9) 2. Four-legged friend’s five-mountain Marathon Small screen star 4. Examples of alliteration With all the will in the world Diving for dear life a picture postcard.

Aerosmith’s Dude (Looks Like A Lady

BNL’s “One Week” (Chickity China The Chinese Chicken)

2Pac’s “If I Die 2 Night” they say p***y & paper is poetry, power & pistols. picturin' pitiful punk n***az coppin' pleas.puffin' weed as i position myself.... my enemies scatter in suicidal situations. pockets is packed with presidents pursue your riches. b**chez is bad-mouthed coz ballin' muthaf***az is bold. i'm sick of psychotic society, somebody save me. polish your pistols, prepare for battle, pass the pump. call on the coroner, come collect the f***in' corpse. picture perfection, pursuin' paper with a passion. pissin' while practicin' how to pimp and be a playa.

Comprehension 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Eatons, a Scandinavian tribe Because it was too heavy. Her neck The cave where Grendel was lying suddenly lit up. Because Grendel had waged war and carried out murderous raids against the Western Danes. 6. Fifteen 7. No, He was not (spoiled of line, line 31) 8. He cut off his head.

Structure of the poem  Formulae Widely used compounds nouns or short phrases that were synonyms for often repeated words. The word ‘king’ could be replaced by:

the ring giver the treasure giver

a gracious friend

Formulae are not simply synonyms. Each of them reflect a different aspect of the thing described.  Kenning Metaphorical phrase used in place of a noun Sun = candle of the sky Ship = sea-wood, wave-floater

Analysis 1.


Line 1 = battle-gear, blade Line 3 = warriors, weapon Line 4 = more, men Line 8 = bold, battle, brandished Line 12= fated, flesh, floor References are made to: -its enormous dimensions (lines 4 and 5: ‘t was more than other men to bandy-of-battle could bear at all) - its history (lines 2 and 6: old-sword of Eotons, the giants had wrought it)

Writer’s Workshop 1.



Beowulf :

the Scydings’ chieftain (line 7) Hygelac-thane(line 18) the wrathful prince Grendel’s mother: that fated one (line 12) Sword: blade triumphant (line 1) warriors’ heirloom (line 3) The formulae: a) his noble ancestry(kinsman of Hygelac, Scydlings’ chieftain, Hygelac-thane) b) his anger for Grendel’s crimes(the wrathful prince) c) he was honored and admired by his followers (praised prince) Body: bone-frame Sun: heaven’s candle

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