Archangel Fire Oracle

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Archangel Fire Oracle ALEXANDRA WENMAN Illustrated by AVELIYA SAVINA Foreword by Diana Cooper

A full-color oracle deck and guidebook to engage directly with the Archangels and initiate a powerful alchemical process of ascension • Includes 40 full-color, high-vibration cards each featuring an Archangel and the specific healing color ray/sacred flame that that angel embodies • Provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, corresponding star constellation, sacred symbols and colors, chakra energies, and crystal and essential oil associations • Shares exercises and visualizations to help you connect with your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, and initiate the process to reunite with your Divine higher self

Angels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. This oracle deck and guidebook allow you to engage directly with the Archangels—the highest rank of angels—and the potent energy of Divine Fire to initiate a powerful alchemical process within you, a transformation that can help accelerate your ascension and align you with your inner Divinity. Each of the 40 full-color, high-vibration cards features an Archangel and the healing color ray or sacred flame that that angel embodies. The deck includes a balance of masculine, feminine, androgynous, and multicultural angels in celebration of humanity’s diversity. In the accompanying book, gifted angel communicator Alexandra Wenman explores how the Archangels interact with us and how they work with and within us. She provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, sacred symbols, colors, star constellation, and chakra energies. She also reveals the crystals and essential oils you can use to resonate with each Archangel’s energies and offers a beautiful message to connect directly with each Divine Guide. The author shares exercises and visualizations to help you channel your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, purify your lower self and remove energetic blockages, and initiate the alchemical process to reunite with your Divine higher self. With the Archangel Fire Oracle, you have a hands-on tool to connect with the angels, access their guidance and support, open your heart to love and healing, and reach the rainbow light of your own Divinity. Alexandra Wenman is a gifted angel communicator, spiritual alchemist, channel, healer, poet, and presenter. The former editor of Prediction Magazine, she is the founder of Precious Wisdom Alchemy and the creator of The Alexandra Wenman Show on YouTube. She lives in London. Aveliya Savina is an artist and illustrator whose inspiring graphic design compositions range from cartoons to realism. She lives in Santiago, Chile.

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Findhorn Press • ISBN 978-1-64411-278-6 • $25.00 (CAN $31.50) • Boxed set, 5 x 6¾ Includes 144-page book and 40 full-color cards Rights: World English • Spirituality/Angels

April 2021

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CONTENTS Findhorn Press One Park Street Rochester, Vermont 05767 Findhorn Press is a division of Inner Traditions International Copyright © 2021 by Alexandra Wenman All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission of the publisher, nor be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

FOREWORD By Diana Cooper 7 INTRODUCTION 9 PART 1: WHAT ARE ARCHANGELS AND HOW TO WORK WITH THEM Channeled Message from the Angels How to Use This Oracle Grounding and Preparation How to Use Your Angel Wings

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Disclaimer The information in this book is given in good faith and intended for information only. Neither author nor publisher can be held liable by any person for any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise from the use of this book or any of the information therein. ISBN 978-1-64411-278-6 Printed and bound in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Responsible for the packaging: Séverine Jeauneau Illustrations: Aveliya Savina Text and card design and layout: Kathryn Slack This book was typeset in the UK To send correspondence to the author of this book, mail a first-class letter to the author c/o Inner Traditions • Bear & Company, One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767, USA and we will forward the communication, or contact the author directly at


Suit 1: Black Ray Archangels 26 1. Sariel “Dark Night of the Soul” 27 29 2. Tzaphkiel “Creation from Chaos” Suit 2: Russet Ray Archangels 31 3. Adnachiel “Wayshower” 32 4. Cassiel “Serenity” 34 36 5. Sandalphon “Prayer”

Suit 5: Orange Ray Archangels 53 12. Soqed Hozi “Balance” 54 57 13. Radueriel “Creativity” 14. Barachiel “Fulfilment” 59 Suit 6: Yellow Ray Archangels 61 15. Jophiel “Joy” 62 65 16. Galgaliel “Power”

Suit 3: Red Ray Archangels 39 6. Uriel “Salvation” 40 7. Camael “Justice” 42 8. Haniel “Passion and Poise” 44

Suit 7: Green Ray Archangels 67 17. Raphael “Healing” 68 18. Azrael “Transitions” 70 Suit 8: Turquoise Ray Archangels 72 19. Phuel “Cleansing” 73 20. Zacharael “Graceful Surrender” 75

Suit 4: Pink Ray Archangels 46 9. Chamuel “Love and Relationships” 47 10. Ariel “Strength of Heart” 49 11. Rikbiel “Compassion” 51 5

Suit 9: Blue Ray Archangels 77 78 21. Sachiel “Wealth and Charity” 22. Asariel “Emotional Expression” 80 23. Michael “Courage and Protection” 82

Suit 14: Gold Ray Archangels 103 104 31. Metatron “Ancient Wisdom” 32. Jehudiel “Leadership and Endeavour” 107 33. Kerubiel “Illumination” 109 34. Akatriel “Glory” 111

Suit 10: Purple Ray Archangels 84 85 24. Jeremiel “Mercy” 25. Raziel “Mystery” 87 Suit 11: Violet Ray Archangels 89 26. Zadkiel “Freedom, Transmutation” 90 27. Zuriel “Diplomacy and Fair Play” 92 Suit 12: White Ray Archangels 94 95 28. Gabriel “Holy Purpose” 29. Selathiel “Devotion” 98 Suit 13: Silver Ray Archangels 100 30. Mirabiel “Reflection” 101

Foreword By Diana Cooper

Suit 15: Platinum Ray Archangels 113 35. The Twin Irin “Truth” 114

When Alexandra Wenman asked me to write the foreword for her Archangel Fire Oracle cards, I was delighted. Alexandra is truly an “Angel Lady” and has worked tirelessly through her TV shows, seminars and books to spread the light of the angelic realms and raise the frequency of the planet.

Suit 16: Rainbow Ray Archangels 117 118 36. Christiel “Peace” 37. Tahariel “Rainbow Child” 120

She has invited me several times onto her shows and I have always been very impressed (and pleased) that she interviews without ego from a true spiritual perspective.

Suit 17: Diamond Ray Archangels 122 38. Sophia “Unconditional Love” 123 39. Shekinah “Divine Mother” 125 127 40. Melchizedek “Ascension”

I am so glad that she has decided to pour her wisdom into this project and the angels have supported it by channeling inspiring and helpful information through her. The oracle is beautifully illustrated and accompanied by a fascinating and comprehensive book.

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PART 3: WORKING WITH THE CARDS Single Card Reading Three-Card Spread The Diamond Spread The Star Spread The Tree-of-Life Spread The Wheel-of-the-Year Spread

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Because Alexandra carries an angelic light, this shines through her work and creates a bridge to you, which makes it easier for you to access the energy in the cards. So working with this deck is an excellent way of connecting with the angelic realms and tuning into the individual Archangels who come to you. In the Golden Era of Atlantis, the people used to love to work with oracle cards. It was considered, not just a way of accessing guidance, but it brought families together and helped them find a higher perspective to any issues that might arise. I believe this is also true of the new era we are moving towards. High frequency guidance and connection is really important and much sought after, and I recommend the Archangel Fire Oracle cards. With love and Archangel blessings,



Dedicated to my parents, John and Barbara Wenman, and to all human angels choosing to live from a place of integrity, kindness and love.

Introduction This healing oracle introduces you to 40 dynamic, loving Archangels and Divine Guides who are the keepers of the Ascension pathway. It offers you a practical model for engaging the angelic kingdom to guide and support you in viewing your everyday issues from a higher perspective. They can uplift and empower you to align you with your highest goals. Archangels are angels of a high rank who assist humanity with our evolution by helping us to access the divine through our higher wisdom and knowledge. They differ to other angels, who solely help us with practical day-to-day things. There are angels for everything, such as guardian angels, parking angels, sleep angels and even angels in charge of buildings and cities. The Archangels, along with the day-to-day, have more to do with Ascension and the attainment of enlightenment. They connect us straight to God and our divine nature. Oracle cards are an excellent tool to help us access and get in touch with our deeper knowing. As the cards are interactive, they open our eyes to our inner wisdom and reveal many more possibilities that we may not find within a book or article on the same topic.

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Each of the 17 suits of cards in this oracle is attributed to a specific healing colour ray or sacred flame—depicted within the colour scheme and frame of each card—and the Archangels, who embody each of these colours. The deck includes a balance of masculine, feminine, androgynous, mythological and multicultural angels in celebration of human fellowship and diversity. The transformational colour rays may also be seen to correspond with the rainbow colour spectrum of the human chakra system, along with many of the higher chakras or energy centres opening during our current cycle of rapid expansion. The opening of these energy centres within us correlates to the opening of the Gates of Heaven, so as you work with these colours to raise your vibration, activate your chakras and expand your consciousness, you are bridging Heaven and Earth within your being and body. Each colour symbolizes the potent properties of divine Archangelic fire. Working with these holy flames allows you to take a big step forward along your journey back to wholeness. This is the ultimate activation of unconditional love to achieve the unified chakra—or field of oneness found within the complete diamond spectrum—and align to your own divinity. Imagine the energy of the divine, God or Source—which is the infinite love that permeates all existence—as a beautiful diamond or crystal. If you could shine sunlight through that



crystal it would fractal, scattering rainbows of multiple colours. These individual colours contain the unique qualities of the Archangels and represent the various aspects or facets of our direct relationship to the divine. As the divine is eternal, so, too, there are an infinite number of angels—far too many to contain in one oracle deck. The Archangels and Guides I have chosen for this deck are the very beings who have helped me on my own journey of awakening. As I connected to each angel, they guided me to document the beautiful processes they gifted me with to share them with others so they could assist with their awakening, too. And so, the Archangel Fire Oracle was born. Essentially, the rainbow spectrum of the Archangels acts a kind of bridge or pathway towards enlightenment, reconnecting us to our own holiness and helping us to realize that we are not separate from God, we are God. The key to “enlightenment” is in the word “light”. The Archangels’ message is that by opening our hearts to deeper and vaster love, we are taking in more light and are then able to shed more light on who we are by accessing our innate wisdom.

each card, which attunes you to that angel’s vibration. On the back of each card is a wheel containing the symbol for every angel in this deck and its alchemical frequency. These channeled symbols look like lightning sparks and were gifted by the Archangels as a way to access their power in one hit. The central sigil encapsulates them all. Like a celestial call sign, the second you gaze at, invoke or visualize it, the Archangels are instantly with you. The ancient science of “Alchemy” is a process of transmutation, whereby an original substance is separated into its greater and lesser elements. Both elements are purified and reunified into a more refined substance. The process is repeated until the greater absorbs the lesser and the purification of the original substance is complete. It is said that Alchemists were once able to transform lead into gold this way. And the Philosopher’s Stone was the key ingredient, which was needed to perform this function.  Alchemists worked with unique symbols to describe each aspect of the alchemical process. In terms of spiritual Alchemy, symbolism takes you out of the logical mind and opens you to the realms of your imagination. When we think of the difference between a sign and a symbol, a sign represents something we already know the meaning of, such as a “stop” sign. However, symbols tend to refer to the unknown or something we may not already have the meaning of. Symbols, like Egyptian hieroglyphs and our modern-day Emojis, can contain multiple meanings. They are holographic and multidimensional, so symbols are not a linear language with just one explanation for each image.

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Alongside the referenced Archangels, Guides and their colours, you will find symbolism, suggested key words, crystals, essential oil associations and a star or constellation, which is the healing chamber of that particular angel. You can ask to visit this star during meditation or sleep to receive further healing as you bathe in that Archangel’s galactic light frequency. Meditating with these tools can help to heighten your senses, so you may connect more easily with the colour and healing vibration of your chosen divine angelic guardian.

There is yet another hidden layer of guidance in these cards—that which can only be accessed through the portal of your own heart. The further we journey into our hearts, the more we reveal about our true, authentic selves. The more light we shed on our inner truth, the more we can raise our vibration and live from a place of deeper and higher love. Attaining the knowledge that we are one with Source means we are no longer powerless bystanders in our lives and can co-create our most fulfilling experience. Imagine if your daily life could be in flow and miracles appeared where you thought none were possible. 

Working with symbols can help to stretch your mind and get you thinking outside of the box. Symbols compel you to wonder about what they might mean and that, in turn, forces you to open your imagination in search of the answer. Your ability to imagine is exactly what you need to be able to step beyond the confines of 3D physical reality and into your true multidimensional magnificence. This is why symbols are doorways to the higher self.

For each flame, you will meet the angel, learn about its various qualities and receive a personal message, before working with the symbolism of the angel during the Diamond Fire Alchemy process. As a bonus, you will find a powerful alchemical sigil on the front of

In terms of Alchemy as a spiritual process, the Archangels want to help us to purify our lower or human self, so that it can be reunited with our higher or divine self. It is only our human programming—with all its hurts, traumas, judgements and misconceptions— which prevents us from living our highest potential. In this case, the Philosopher’s Stone is the essence of our own soul, which is unconditional love. If we embrace our hardships, misunderstandings, issues and blocks with more and more love, and do it repeatedly, we move ever closer to the goal of oneness via enlightenment. And, therefore, we move closer to achieving lasting harmony and peace for ourselves, each other and our planet. 



The practical visualization exercises—Diamond Fire Alchemy—gifted to you by each of the angels within this oracle aim to initiate a powerful alchemical process within you. Symbolism and visualization add a primary element to the healing process as they help you to witness and partake in your own metamorphosis. As you blaze with the holy angelic fire of each Archangel, you begin to embody its gifts and qualities and shed all that is no longer serving you. Working with this deck, you may find that old habits begin to shift and your preferences and tastes for certain things may even change overnight.  You may become more attuned to your emotions and experience heightened sensitivity, as your “sensory awareness” increases. This is the first of our natural intuitive abilities that are re-awakening as part of the planetary Ascension—along with other psychic gifts, which are part of our normal human birthright to be able to access, such as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) and claircognizance (clear knowing).  It is sometimes through great trauma or hardship that we learn our biggest life lessons and, like Noah after the flood, this is why the rainbow is seen as a symbol of God’s promise to us—that no matter how difficult things get, God will always bring salvation. The eternal divine will always save us. The angels tell me that this essentially means “love” will always save us. I do not believe that God is a deity outside of ourselves. Rather, it is the true beingness of who we are at our deepest and highest level. It is the all-encompassing energy of love, which our entire universe is built on. 

things are—whether good or bad, joyful or sad—sets in motion the ability to surrender all those parts that are not serving us or working for our greater good. And this, in turn, creates more space for gratitude to flow into our lives.  Feeling gratitude for all that we have–however small–and all that we are then paves the way for miracles to come flooding in. By simply changing our perception of the circumstances around us, we can change our whole life for the better. It is a conscious choice. See your life as perfect now and that is how it shall be. That is not to say that we must sweep our challenges and hardships under the carpet and ignore them. Rather, the angels encourage us to bring our shadow out to play and love even the darkest parts of ourselves, so we can heal and reintegrate those aspects of the self that we may have previously denied or separated from. This is why I have included the black flame in this deck. Oneness is wholeness and no part can be left out in the cold. For that is what unconditional love is—purely and simply, it is love without judgement. When we can love ourselves wholeheartedly without judgement or fear, then we shall know freedom. 

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Like the infinite divine, our consciousness is multidimensional and can extend to far vaster reaches beyond our physical, human bodies. A simple way of understanding this is to connect to your feelings and emotions. Has there ever been a time when you walked into a room and didn’t like the energy because you had a “feeling” about it? This is your own gift of extrasensory perception communicating with you.  It is our true blueprint and part of our natural senses that are now waking up for us to be able to expand our consciousness out beyond the confines of our physical vehicle and venture into the great unknown to explore the many other realms of creation available to us. The angels and their corresponding rays also represent the many different dimensions of the multiverse we inhabit with our divine and limitless soul.

We each have the power within us to create Heaven on Earth. It is not some fantastical place we fly off to after we die (but do we ever really die anyway?). I believe we are not only able to create Heaven here and now, but that we are meant to. It is our ultimate goal and it is also what we already are—we have just forgotten this and need a little help to remember that we are actually magnificent beings of divine and limitless potential with the ability to create whatever we want right here and now at our fingertips.  Humanity is undergoing an evolution. Simply put, we are growing in our awareness of our surroundings and our reality. Much in the way a child’s whole world initially consists of their home and family. And then as the child grows, they are sent to nursery and then school, perhaps university. And then, as they reach adulthood, they might move to another town or explore their country and then even begin to travel abroad. So the child’s awareness of the world has broadened or expanded and, therefore, their reality has also expanded. They become aware of other people, other cultures, different foods, customs and ways of being—another way of looking at it is that they have begun to experience different ways of existing. That is what we are now doing as a collective—albeit on a much broader scale. 

Holding unconditional love in our hearts means looking at our circumstances without judgement and this brings about a powerful feeling of acceptance. Acceptance for the way

I remember being in a car trip from my hometown of Coffs Harbour to Sydney with my parents when I was about six years old. I literally thought we were leaving Australia. Because, to me, Coffs Harbour was Australia—it was my whole world. When I realized that



we were still in the same country and just visiting another city, suddenly the world seemed massive to me. I know Australia is a big country, but to a child, a town can be their entire universe. So, imagine how big a whole state or the entire country seemed to little me.  This is how we are experiencing our universe. For so long, our limited minds have found it hard to grasp the idea of life on other planets and in other dimensions, but we have been looking through the eyes of a toddler in universal terms. As we become aware that we aren’t just part of a planet, but a galaxy, a universe and a multiverse, we become aware of just how small we are. And the smaller and more insignificant we feel. The more you know, the more you realize how little you know and so expanding your awareness can bring up fears. However, it can also change your life in the most unimaginable ways. Think about your favourite meal. Imagine it’s something like lasagne. Now imagine if lasagne still only existed in Italy. If you’d never had the chance to go to Italy, or Italian cooking had not been experienced and shared by someone curious enough to go there and try it, you would be none-the-wiser that lasagne even existed. And maybe today your favourite meal might be potatoes. You might also quite like potatoes, but how would you know which one you like better if you don’t have the option to try both? When we venture out of our comfort zone, we usually learn amazing new things about ourselves.

PART 1: WHAT ARE ARCHANGELS AND HOW TO WORK WITH THEM The following information, including the channeled message and subsequent exercises will help you forge a connection with—and harness the energy of—the Archangels on a much deeper level to help you strengthen your personal relationship with them. You can then embody all the qualities of each of the Archangels, radiating their love and beauty out into all facets of your daily life. The goal is to become a living, breathing “Earth Angel”, so you can live your version of Heaven on Earth. All angels are high-vibrational beings—or energies—of pure light, which embody the qualities of, and our relationship with, unconditional love. Whether you see them as beings of light with big, fluffy wings, orbs, or even an energy that exists within yourself, or if you just have an inner knowing that they exist, their primary purpose is to teach us about love and to remember that we are love. 

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In terms of our human evolution during this unpredictable and unique time period, we are waking up to the idea that life on other planets and in places beyond our physical sight isn’t merely an idea at all. It’s a fact. And we’re not only talking about life on other planets. Even scientists are catching up and realizing that there are many other dimensions and realms of existence beyond the seen and known universe. The beautiful part about all this is that you don’t need to physically go anywhere to experience these other realms. You can tap into all of them through your own mind by simply expanding your consciousness, accessing your imagination and being open to the idea that other possibilities exist.

The word angel means “messenger” and, throughout history, angels were described as “messengers of God”—if God is love, then angels are surely the messengers of love. They are supreme intermediaries between Heaven and Earth and this means that they are charged with helping us find Heaven within our Earthly experience.  The key to finding Heaven on Earth is—once again—love. And so this oracle is about finding the path back to love with the help of the angels. More specifically, the mighty Archangels. 

The Archangels are here to assist us in reaching these other dimensions and realms through our hearts. And as we realize we can access these other planes of reality, we can bring many of their gifts, lessons and blessings into our daily lives in the here and now. By following the loving advice contained within the Archangel Fire Oracle, we may realize that reaching the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is not just a dream, or even a mere possibility... It is our birthright. So take a deep breath, allow the clouds to part and step boldly on to the rainbow bridge. Heaven awaits...

Out of all the angels, the Archangels are the highest ranking and the ones who represent humanity’s personal relationship with God (Source, Love, Creator etc.) 



Most Archangels’ names end with the “el” suffix. “El” meaning “of God” in the Hebrew language and the first half of the name being what each individual Archangel specializes in. For example, Gabriel’s name means “Might of God” or “God’s Messenger” and Michael’s name means “God Protects”, while Uriel means “Fire of God” and Raphael: “God Heals”.

All angels exist outside of time and space and so can be with numerous people at the same time. You can never take up an angel’s time. The other thing about angels is that they do not have what we call “free will”. They exist solely to help, guide and protect humanity, so if you ask, they must help you. But on the flip side, they cannot help you unless you ask. You could have an angel right beside you, but they would be powerless to intervene unless you asked them to—or you were facing a life or death situation before your time to depart.  I never, ever stop talking to my angels and, as a result, I have discovered that there are angels for everything you could ever need help for. As I have mentioned, there are parking angels, shopping angels, weather angels, angels of sleep, angels of your workplace, food angels, angels that can bend time, so you’re not late for that meeting, angels for each of the days of the week, Karmic angels and even angels of the zodiac signs—the list goes on... To invite the angels into your life, all you have to do is ask them. You don’t even have to speak the invitation aloud. Just intend for the angels to be with you and they will. But be prepared, as once you welcome these beings into your life, you will be amazed by the incredible synchronistic events that will begin to occur. You might receive signs that the angels are working with you, such as finding feathers in random places, or seeing the word “angel” written on T-shirts, signs, billboards and just about everywhere you happen to look. I often find I can be walking along and have a question in my mind when I will suddenly look up and see a bus driving past with the answer to my question written on the advertisement on the side of the bus. With angels, nothing ceases to amaze me.

I also have quite a unique perception of angels. Whenever I have had an experience with an Archangel, I have felt no separation between myself and that angelic being. I experience myself as the angel. I embody their essence. I become the angel. For this reason, I believe angels are aspects of our own consciousness and, when they visit us, they are urging us to awaken and realize the interwoven nature of the universe and all of creation. They are like the electrical cables and connectors between us and the divine and, as such, they act as a pure spark of light within our consciousness to illuminate higher states of awareness. Realizing your own divinity and acknowledging that God is alive and well within you is a powerful, transformative process, which brings you closer and closer to your Ascension. The processes in this oracle will assist you with that ultimate attainment of spiritual oneness— with the help of the angels. It is something I like to call Diamond Fire Alchemy.

Channeled Message from the Angels

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Through my own relationship with angels, I have discovered I have a particular connection with—or a gift for—working with and channeling the Archangels. We all have personal angels, too. Before I even met my personal guardian angels, though, every time I asked who my guardian angel was, I kept hearing the name of Archangel Ariel. Pretty soon, I realized that every time I called on the angels, the first ones to show up would always be the Archangels. 

QUESTION: “WHAT ARE ANGELS AND HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN PEOPLE’S DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES OF THEM?” “Like you, we are multidimensional in nature. Angels exist at every level of creation and so, too, we can appear to you at every level of your being. We are part of you and you have experienced us as such, but, here in this physical third dimension, we reveal ourselves as separate guardians of light. We act as Guides to assist you through unconditional love on your path to reunite with your soul’s true calling. That calling is simply love.

Over the years, I have become rather familiar with the Archangels and their individual personalities and qualities and so it seemed only natural that I should choose them (or, rather, that they should choose me) to be the subject of my first angel healing oracle. Above all, the Archangels have shown me that by acknowledging your personal angelic qualities, you can strengthen your relationship with the divine, eventually allowing yourself to accept and utilize your true divine gifts.

You will experience us and feel our energy differently depending on what level of consciousness you are tuning in to and how high your vibration is at the time. Many believe we come from the 5th dimension and some say we are from the 7th. But we are present in every dimension of reality. We are the properties of creation. The divine archetypes and building blocks, which your universe is created in accordance with. Every cell, molecule and atom has, at some level of its being, an angelic consciousness. For we are the consciousness of love. Each individual angel is a part of the divine whole. So, we are like the cells, molecules and atoms of God—the elements that come together to make the whole. You are a part of



this. Every one of you has angelic qualities, as each one of you is just as divine as the next. Some of you have forgotten this. And we are making ourselves known at this time to help you remember. When people first encounter us, they may need to believe we are something separate from them as they are in the frame of mind that they are searching for something or someone to help or rescue them. They don’t or can’t believe in their own inner divine power and so they call on us to assist. At first, they may ask for help with little everyday things, but as they learn to work with our energies they discover there is so much more to the world and who they really are. We are also here to help you discover that what you think you want may not be what you want at the highest level of your being. We are like a ladder. We help you on your path by providing the necessary steps back to the divine. The stairway to heaven is just a stairway in your own consciousness and we angels are the rungs or the fabric that make up each step. We are the building blocks of creation. We are like the individual facets or faces of the infinite diamond of your divine soul and spirit. Every aspect of your divinity that you connect with, every step you take, every lesson you learn is part of the one divine whole, drawing you closer and closer to unity or oneness— to the truth of your divinity.

nowhere. There are not more of us than there used to be—we are infinite. We always were and always will be. You were just not so willing or able to see us before. As more light penetrates the dark corners of your shadow, your angelic and Godly qualities will rise and rise and you shall know us. Within and without. We say again: we are both within you and we surround you. We are the manifestation of your love and the essence of your creation. If you love the angels, then surely you must love yourselves. Divine ones, you are truly blessed—for you are built on love and nothing you could ever say, do, think or feel will ever change that. Our increased presence in your awareness is proof that the world is rising in love and compassion. There is no turning back from this process. This is the evolution of your soul and the Ascension of your planet. At your core is love. Love is the balance. Love is the key. Love is the pivotal point. Come back to love in every moment. Return to love. Remember love. Breathe love, see love, spread love, feel love, choose love, give love. Live love.

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Each of you is a shimmering diamond of divine love, light and potential. We are here to lovingly assist you in fulfilling the deepest, most magnificent potential you hold within you. We are the light codes and filaments within your DNA and cells. And yet we are also beings of pure light who surround your physical being and world. We are internal and external. We are within and without. Like the universe, all is above and below. All is within and without. We are you and yet, still, we surround you as separate beings. It is one and the same thing.

Come home to love.”

– The Angelic Hierarchies of Light

How to Use This Oracle

Live a life of love for self first and the rest will fall into line. All that is not aligned with your purpose and path will begin to drop away. Let it go with love. Do not struggle against love. Allow yourself to flow with love. Go into free-fall. Stop fighting against the tide. Many changes are afoot on this planet right now. We angels are on the rise because the level of love on Earth and the vibration of your hearts is on the rise. We have not appeared out of

As you follow the Archangel Fire Oracle attunements within these cards, you may wish to imagine you have your own pair of Earth Angel wings and allow them to turn the colour of each healing angelic colour ray or flame as you do the exercises aligned to your chosen card. This will help to heighten the effect of each individual Diamond Fire Alchemy exercise. Do these exercises as often as you like—the more you do them, the more you will experience their positive effects in your life. You can even do some of these exercises no matter where you are—if you feel the need, try them before bed, on the bus or train, at work, or soaking in the bath. You can call on your angels at any time and they will be there to comfort and guide you. As I said earlier, intention is the key, so intend for the angels to surround you with their love and light and they will. It is that simple.



If you feel overwhelmed with this information or with any spiritual concept, just remember that all is love. All comes back to love. Love is the answer.

Through the exercises in this oracle, you’ll also learn how to invoke the Archangels, how to recognize the sometimes very subtle signs they use to let you know they are around and, most importantly, how to incorporate their advice into your everyday life. One of the most important ways to work with the angelic energies is through your feelings or what I like to call your “sensory awareness”. When working on transforming ourselves for the better, it is through listening to and honouring our emotions that we can harness change and create profound shifts most effectively. Spiritual Alchemy begins and ends with the heart, so be loving and kind towards yourself and others—no matter what situation you find yourself in—and you will discover that life will begin to flow a lot more easily, with blessings unfolding in the most surprising of ways. To begin, take the deck of cards out of the pack and hold the deck in your left hand, face down on your palm. With your right hand, form a fist and knock or tap lightly on the deck with your knuckles three times with the intention to clear the energy. This will release any energy from other people who have come into contact with the cards and it will clear any other energies that may remain from the manufacturing or packaging process, so that they don’t impact on your reading. Next, hold the deck of cards against your heart. Visualize white light surrounding you and all the cards and set the intention that this oracle is now being attuned to the infinite wisdom of your higher self and the angelic realms. Then take some time to connect with each card, one by one. Look at the image on the card and hold each card to your heart in turn with a feeling of gratitude for all the healing and wisdom the Archangels are about to bring into your life.

Grounding and Preparation CONNECT WITH YOUR “SENSORY AWARENESS” Step 1. Bring your conscious awareness into your physical body.

Picture a yellow flower. Take your time and close your eyes to do this. Allow the image to form in your mind. Then ask yourself if you are now visualizing that flower outside of yourself—i.e: do you see it hovering in front of you? Ideally, you want your awareness— or your consciousness—to reside within your physical body, not outside of yourself. Your consciousness is part of you and so it should be connected to you to ensure you are grounded. So picture the flower once again, but, this time, allow the image to form in the very centre of your brain. Or if you prefer, allow the image to form within your heart centre. You can even imagine that the flower is within your elbow if you like. As long as it is within your actual, physical body, the experience will be grounded and perfect.

Step 2. Ground yourself within your physical body.

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When you are ready, set your intention for what you would like the angels to assist you with. Then shuffle the cards. If a card flies out of the pack, that is the card for you. If no cards fall out on their own, once you intuitively feel it is time to stop shuffling, place the cards in a pile face down and draw a card from the top of the deck. You can draw as many cards as you feel you need at any given time. You will find further suggested spreads for using these cards at the back of this book. Always trust your own intuition. There is no right or wrong way to work with Archangels or this oracle—just follow your heart and go with your own guidance. And, most importantly, have fun.


Connect in your awareness to each part of the physical body, starting with the toes and working upwards, tune into the emotions each part of the body is bringing up, then bathe that part of the body in love by visualizing each part of you being bathed in warm, golden light. Then bathe your whole body in love and see yourself radiating warm, golden light. Become acutely aware of the feelings and physical sensations arising in your body as you take in more of this loving light and radiate it outwards from your physical vessel. You may begin to feel tingling sensations as your vibration begins to rise higher.

Tip: Do all the exercises in this oracle deck while being fully connected to your physical body and your sensory awareness in this way. This will help you to experience the Archangels and their gifts on a much deeper level and they will have a much more positive effect on your daily life. It is primarily through our feelings that we can bring Heaven to Earth.


How to Use Your Angel Wings Something very special the angels have shown me is how to activate and work with our very own pair of glittering and magnificent angelic wings. The following meditation will help you activate your own powerful wings of light and accept your role as an Earth Angel. Once you receive your unique pair of angel wings, you can activate them at any time to bring comfort, healing and protection to yourself or anyone around you, or, in fact, the entire planet. You will soon find you can easily extend your wings as far as you need to— even sending them out to people in other countries. But you’ll probably find that there is no limit to how far you can stretch your wings because you are, in fact, limitless yourself. As a being of unconditional love and light, you are without beginning or end. This might sound a little overwhelming or difficult to grasp as first, but intention is everything and so, if you can imagine it, then it can become so. Spread your wings and fly into your own magnificence for the good of all.

• Imagine a tube of golden-white light going right through your body, connecting you to the very core of Mother Earth below you and then, from your heart centre, reaching all the way up into the pure light of Creator or Source above you. • As you breathe in, breathe this light into your heart. Breathe in pure love. • As you breathe out, breathe out pure love and send it out to all the corners of the universe and to all living beings. Your intention alone is enough for this to occur. • Feel your loving connection to everything in existence, all at once. • Now you find yourself traveling upwards through the golden tube of light. You travel out of the top of your head and continue up past the planets and stars to the very edge of the universe. • Before you is a huge golden doorway, lit up in light. • You step through this doorway and find that you have entered the Temple of the Angelic Kingdom of Light. • There are millions of angels surrounding you and you feel utterly bathed in love.

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• A huge golden angel, the Archangel Metatron, who represents the highest attainment of our divinity, steps forward to greet you.

This is a very simple but empowering exercise, which allows you to understand your angelic nature as someone who can do so much good for this planet.

• You kneel before him and he lightly taps you in the very centre of your upper back just below your neck, in between your shoulder blades.

Human Angels

• You begin to feel a tingling sensation and, suddenly, your own magnificent pair of ethereal angel wings unfurl in all their splendour.

Do you often feel drawn to helping others? There is a very good reason why you may feel that you are one of the more open-hearted, kind and compassionate people on this Earth, and why friends and loved ones often seek you out for help and guidance. If you have been guided to work with this oracle deck, then it is highly likely you have a special connection to the angelic realms and you have come to this planet at this time to live out a very special mission. If you are reading this, take it as absolute confirmation that your soul has brought you here at this time to be a living example of love and compassion for humanity. You are, therefore, what I like to call a “human angel” or Earth Angel.


• Your wings are huge and glittering. Take a moment to explore the sensation of spreading your own angel wings and getting to know them. What colour are they? Are they feathered or of a gossamer quality like those of the fairies? • Imagine wrapping your wings protectively around all the people you love. • Now wrap them around anyone you know who needs a little extra help or healing. • Now try visualizing yourself wrapping your wings around a whole place, such as your city, and then try doing this visualization for your entire country. • When you have explored your wings, expand them out as far as they will go—you may find there is no limit to how far you can stretch them.

• Close your eyes and start to take a couple of deep, cleansing and relaxing breaths.

• When you feel ready, wrap your wings around our entire planet and visualize yourself pouring love, healing and protection on to Earth via the light of your sparkling angel wings.



• Find a quiet place, where you may sit comfortably and relax.

• Now travel back down into your body, centre your awareness back in your heart. • Ground and protect yourself by imagining that your wings have now turned a dazzling, sparkling white and then wrap them right around yourself like a cocoon of pure, white light. Seal your cocoon in protective gold and indigo light. • Sink your weight into your body. Bring your awareness all the way back into the now moment within this time, space and dimension. And open your eyes. • Keep an eye out for images of wings or white feathers as you go about your day. These physical signs are a confirmation of your experience from the angels.

PART 2: ARCHANGEL FIRE ORACLE Each of the Archangel Fire Oracle cards is associated with a particular divine colour ray or flame along with the various properties and associations of that flame. Within each colour or suit, you will find the Archangels who work along that spectrum. You can choose to journey through each divine colour and work with the Archangels in order or you can shuffle the deck and pick a card at random, depending on your question or intention. The key to attaining the secret gift within this oracle is to set an intention to embody the higher vibrational qualities of each angel. See yourself becoming the angel you are working with, so that you can connect to your own inner wisdom and guidance. The Archangels are guardians who act as a doorway to your higher self and when you step into your power by acknowledging that you are ultimately responsible for your own healing journey, the benefits can be even more powerful.

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Black (like white, black contains all colours)

CHAKRA / LOCATION: The Galactic Core / Zero Point

1. SARIEL: “DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL” Often described as one of the fallen angels and the brother of Lucifer (the “light bearer”), Sariel is an Archangel who can help uncover the hidden blessing within darkness. If you are encountering a “dark night of the soul”, Sariel brings comfort, helping you to offer yourself loving kindness in the depths of your despair. He is a potent ally to call upon when you have nowhere else to turn. Sariel helps us to uncover the triumph within our loss. Like the image of him as an African Dogon priest emerging from the darkness in this card, he lights the path to redemption, reigniting hopefulness. When you have met Sariel and understand enlightenment is not only about light, but the balancing of polarities, you will have met the innermost sanctum of your duality and come into the eye of the storm. If you can master peace within your pain, you have mastered your emotions and can find yourself at home within any situation.

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Neutralizing negative energies, harmonization, protection, overcoming fears, manifestation, comfort, nurturing, the shadow


Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Black Diamond


STAR / CONSTELLATION: The Galactic Core (The Black Hole)


Message: “Although you may feel like you have abandoned hope, abandon yourself not. You are being cracked open to reveal your depths. Treasures await you on the other side of this deep initiation.” HOW TO MEET SARIEL

• If you are able to, lower yourself into the yoga Child’s Pose and rest your forehead against the floor or the ground. • Close your eyes and, with humility in your heart, invite Sariel to meet you in the darkness of surrender. • Feel into the space in your heart, where your pain resides, and imagine you are walking into a great cave with zero illumination.




• Feel the blackness of this cave envelope you like a warm cloak and imagine Sariel as a huge protective presence, enfolding you in his inky velvet wings. • Let deep comfort meet you here as you fall into the solace within your depths. • Rest in the warm, black light of Sariel for as long as you need to, receiving all you require as you speak to him of all you have been through. Pour out your woes. • Then thank Sariel and imagine you are emerging from the cave out into daylight. • Gently roll on to your side and hug yourself into a foetal position. • Open your eyes and slowly sit up, allowing yourself to stretch. Let your movements be gentle for the rest of the day. Keep Sariel’s cloak around you for extra security.


Sariel’s lightning of oblivion is rarely sought by conscious choice. These experiences can come like a bolt from the blue, swiftly drawing the unseen into our awareness. But with courage and compassion you can use the situation to your advantage. You are not being punished, you are revealing more of your God-self.

Tzaphkiel’s name means “God’s Knowledge” or “Understanding of God”. This angel is the epitome of the divine feminine and she is aligned with the Great Cosmic Mother. Tzaphkiel guides us to seek spiritual perfection. Like the image of her as the veiled Egyptian goddess Isis in her card, she is the teacher of esoteric knowledge, mythology, spells and rituals. Unyielding and sometimes more than a little demanding in nature, working with Tzaphkiel can feel like an initiation into the darkest depths of the feminine mysteries. As keeper of the Akashic Records, she offers you the key to unlocking all your lifetimes. When you enter the cosmic womb of Tzaphkiel, be prepared for what is lurking below the surface of your subconscious to be brought out into the harsh light of day for review. But with Tzaphkiel as your powerful protectress, there is nothing to fear. As the truth—however disconcerting—will always set you free. She is also a brilliant ally to help resolve conflicts. Keeper of the Ring-Pass-Not, Tzaphkiel rules over the cycles and waters of creation. She offers you silence, which is vital for seeking higher wisdom. Once you lift the veil and peer into the dark recesses of your soul, trust this angel is by your side guiding you across the abyss to renewal. Hers is a powerful Alchemy, but glory greets you on the other side.

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• Close your eyes and invite Sariel to send his powerful electric black lightning into any pain that has arisen due to a sudden, shocking revelation in your life. • Like the forensic blue light used at a crime scene, Sariel’s black light will show up any hidden solutions you may not have already thought of. • When faced with truly difficult situations, invoking the Black Light of Oblivion may well reveal an unexpected miracle. Do not hold on to any expectation of a specific outcome or you may block the solution. This takes absolute trust. • Hand the entire situation over to Sariel and the Archangels, ask for the highest truth and healing to occur and surrender to whatever comes. • When the process is complete, cover yourself with Sariel’s cloak. Open your eyes.


We humans are often too hard on ourselves. You embody Sariel’s wisdom by loving all the aspects of you that you deem ugly. Embrace your shadow and forgive yourself any mistakes. It is always darkest before the dawn, so stay in trust and have faith that this, too, shall pass.


Message: “Stay the course. Your soul is calling you to deeper and higher wisdom. You are entering a new phase of creation. Many new gifts will be revealed.” HOW TO MEET TZAPHKIEL

• Close your eyes and invite Archangel Tzaphkiel to be with you. • Surrender to her holy black fire. This fire which contains all the colours of the rainbow, which are invisible to the naked eye. 29

• Imagine a portal of swirling black light is opening beneath your feet. Feel yourself spiraling downwards, out beyond Earth, across space to the galactic core. • You approach the brilliant golden event horizon of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Its energy begins to pull you in to the endless darkness inside. • All fear falls away as you enter the safe womb of the Great Cosmic Mother herself. • You find yourself in a pitch-black chamber and, as your eyes adjust to the dark, you see a bubbling volcanic pool of black primordial mud, oozing up from the depths. Step into the pool and relax as the warm, black mud nourishes you inside and out. • Spend as long as you need to in this space of deep silence, rest and rejuvenation. • When you are ready, see yourself leaving the pool to travel back into your body. Tzaphkiel places her protective black cloak around you. Open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in a moonlit garden before the steps of an ancient open-air temple. It has stone pillars and a domed ceiling.


Deep red-brown, brown, copper


Earth Star Chakra (6-8in / 15-20cm beneath the feet)

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• You ascend eight steps and greet Tzaphkiel, who sits before you, veiled in black. You have come to her with your request. You know you must speak to her of your innermost desires. What is it you long for? What have been seeking so earnestly?


Grounding, connection to Earth, being in the “now” moment, clearing Karma, security, balance, love for life, contentment

• She beckons you forward and invites you to lift her veil. You sense fear, but as you lift the fabric, it is your face that is revealed beneath her garment. However, the eyes are black and gold, like the black hole. At her brow is an indigo Eye of Horus.

Jasper, Aragonite, Tiger’s Eye, Copper

• Spend a moment gazing into the eyes of Tzaphkiel and surrender to her your deepest and most elusive longing, trusting that if your desire is meant for you, it shall be granted at the right moment and in the best possible way.


• Thank Tzaphkiel and receive her cloak. Return from the temple. Open your eyes.


Give yourself permission to acknowledge your desires. Historically, humans have been taught to deny our emotions and desire is perhaps the most denied feeling of all. Are you harbouring suppressed guilt, anger, resentment, sadness, grief or loss around not having your needs met? Where are you punishing or blocking yourself around receiving? Do you know what your true desires are? When you embody Tzaphkiel and surrender to grace, you can uncover hidden wants and their rewards, like buried treasure waiting to be found. 30


Altair (The Eagle of Aquila) and Ursa Major (The Great Bear)



3. ADNACHIEL: “WAYSHOWER” The Archangel known as the “Adventurer”, Adnachiel’s name means “The Shining One” and he helps you embrace your individuality and independence to access your pioneering spirit. He urges you to step out of your comfort zone and explore other possibilities in life. Like the Australian Aboriginal warrior he is depicted as in this oracle, Adnachiel helps you embrace any challenges with the spirit of adventure. This free-spirited angel also helps us to step out of the constraints put upon us by social conditioning and expectations, so we can speak up for ourselves and state our needs with honesty, authenticity and integrity. This mighty angel is especially good to call upon whenever you feel trapped by life’s circumstances and feel the need to break free. He will help you to forge new frontiers. You are a wayshower for humanity. The angel ruler of November and the sign of Sagittarius, Adnachiel can also help you embrace and channel your own inner fire, so you can use it creatively. Call on him to help you appreciate your uniqueness, so you can shine brighter with humble perseverance.

• Imagine this angel is now handing you an ancient map or scroll. You notice it is blank. There are no roads, rivers or streams—no markings at all. • Suddenly, a voice inside your head says, “Pave the way”, and you know what to do. • And as you start to think about all the wonderful things that make you unique—all your many gifts and talents and all the good within you—the map appears to come alive with golden roads and pathways opening in all directions. • It is a hologram and, the more you peer at it, the more it opens, until it appears to stretch far off into infinity beyond. • All you need to do is choose a direction and your path will be paved in gold.


• Close your eyes and ask Archangel Adnachiel to be with you. • Imagine that you can feel a warm, dry desert breeze gently caressing your face. • The light around you glows a deep, sunset-red and, in the distance, far off on the horizon, you can see the wind whipping up into a giant fiery tornado.

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Message: “There is no one like you in all the world. You have a unique purpose. Believe in yourself and have confidence. Life is one big adventure.”

• As the tornado draws ever closer, you are filled with a sense of excitement. • It whisks you up into its spiraling energy. As you spin in its power, you feel safe. • It’s like you are floating within the eye of the storm. All fears are sucked away from you by the force of the swirling column and dissolved back into its light. • As you continue to be spun within this wind of wonder, you can now see the glow of a magnificent sunrise on the horizon and, as the Sun rises higher, you begin to feel lighter and freer, like nothing can hold you back from your purpose. • You feel excited about the future and you want to fly towards the horizon and the promise of what the new day holds. • You fill with gratitude for the person you are and find yourself back on your feet. • The twisting column of light slowly comes to a standstill and dissolves.


• Close your eyes and call upon Archangel Adnachiel.

• Visualize your angel wings turning white. Close them around you. Open your eyes.

• As you visualize your wings turning a deep russet-red, sense, feel or visualize the energy of this magnificent angel connecting with you.


• Imagine you are breathing in his sacred fire and taking its healing and restorative properties deep into your heart, mind and spirit. 32

Feel pride for your achievements and celebrate your successes. Challenge the status quo and, if something doesn’t feel right, calmly stand up for your beliefs. Go forward, knowing what it feels like to be a wayshower and an inspiration to every person you encounter. 33

4. CASSIEL: “SERENITY” The angel of serenity, solitude and temperance, Cassiel’s name means “God is my Cover” and this gentle angel can help you to find great strength in your solitude. When life gets on top of us and we feel overwhelmed, Cassiel reminds us of the importance of taking time out. She also helps us honour our boundaries and to say “no” when we need to. Cassiel’s message is that it is OK to put yourself first so you don’t become drained. Like the image of her as a graceful Indian woman in this card, as the “angel of tears”, Cassiel assures us there is no shame in showing our vulnerability. By holding in our emotions, we can stifle ourselves. Another name for this angel is “Speed of God” because of her ability to help us heal faster. Crying can be so healing as it washes away sorrows and clears old hurts. Cassiel also brings us the strength to step back on our path after our period of solitude and serenity. She helps us get back on track with our purpose, even when we feel we don’t want to, or that we aren’t ready. Cassiel will give you the motivation to pick yourself up.

• You are soon surrounded by Cassiel’s heavenly flame and your angel wings turn a soft downy brown, like the colour and texture of a baby bird or rabbit. • You feel your breathing deepen and slow, and your heart rate become regular. Any stress or tension instantly drops away and you let out a long sigh of contentment. • Spend as long as you need in this space and then open your eyes when ready.


• Find a space where you can sit quietly and close your eyes. Invoke Cassiel by saying her name silently three times within your mind. • Visualize her deep-brown eyes again and feel her loving energy around you. • As you gaze into her eyes, you feel any stuck emotions begin to stir. Allow them to rise to the surface and acknowledge what they are—try to do this without judgement. • Whatever feelings or situations arise—whether you feel anger, sadness or guilt etc – just acknowledge them, thank them for teaching you. Let them gently melt away. • If your tears need to flow, let them come. Honour yourself and your emotions, and be very gentle with yourself throughout this exercise.

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Message: “Spend some much-needed time alone in quiet solitude to rest and recharge. Honour your emotions and be gentle with yourself.” HOW TO MEET CASSIEL

• Close your eyes and call upon Archangel Cassiel to join you. • Visualize a gentle, feminine angel with soft, brown and white wings and warm, deep-brown eyes standing before you. • She holds two earthen jugs and pours water from both onto the Earth, where they create a crystal-clear stream. • The sound of the fresh, running water instantly calms you as you gaze into it. 34

• As you experience your emotional depths, feel Cassiel’s wings enfolding you, creating a soft feathery cocoon of solitude to lovingly encase you. • Now feel your energy begin to merge and integrate with this gracious angel, so that her wings become your wings. • Know that you can create your own cave of solitude whenever you need to by wrapping your wings around yourself and calling upon Cassiel’s loving presence. • Thank Cassiel and allow her energy to separate from yours once again. • Visualize your own wings turning pure white and wrap them around you again as a protective cocoon of light, sealing your space. Open your eyes.

BECOME THE ANGEL Honour your emotions and energy. Have plenty of “me-time”. If you are doing things to keep others happy or out of obligation, it can increase your stress and lead to overwhelm. Before saying “yes” to something, tune in to your body and feel into what your heart wants you to do. Claim back your power by saying “no” with love whenever you need to. People appreciate authenticity and will start to respect both you and your boundaries. 35

5. SANDALPHON: “PRAYER” The angel who truly links Heaven and Earth, Sandalphon is known as “The Tallest Angel”—so gigantic, in fact, that it is said to take 500 years to travel from his feet to his head. Like his twin Metatron, Sandalphon is one of only two angels who previously walked the Earth as a human (He was the prophet Elijah). He is charged with looking after our planet and taking our prayers to God—weaving them into a crown of daisies. Often symbolized by a wheel of fire, Sandalphon is also known as the “Wheel of the Divine Chariot” and, like his image in the card, he keeps our feet planted firmly on the ground, while we embark on our journey of enlightenment. For this reason, Sandalphon is the ideal angel to call on when you are doing any meditation or healing work. His grounding influence will deepen your experience and help you to put your esoteric knowledge to practical daily use. With Sandalphon’s super-grounding influence, you will always feel safe and at home wherever you are on Earth. Known as the patron angel of music, Sandalphon presides over the heavenly spheres and angelic choirs. He helps you embrace your gifts and make sweet music from your life.

• As his heavenly fire surrounds you, spend a moment allowing this beautiful light to infuse you and breathe the healing and restorative properties into your being. • Your body begins to tingle as your unspoken prayers and wishes move from your heart and into your mind, where you are able to articulate your hopes and dreams. • Ask Sandalphon to come and collect all your prayers and deliver them to God. • Imagine him bending down to greet you, so you may now gaze into his kind face and whisper your prayers directly into his ear. • Sandalphon listens intently and, while you speak, he begins to take in your requests, weaving them into a beautiful daisy chain with his hands. • When the delicate chain of prayer blossoms is complete, imagine Sandalphon then invites you to blow on the daisy chain, activating the sacred breath of life to ignite your deepest unfulfilled wishes and bring them to life. • You become aware of your own angel wings now. As they spread out wide, you are able to fly up and place the daisy chain upon Sandalphon’s head, like a crown. • He receives it joyfully and, with a wink, he begins to ascend to the skies.

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Message: “Surrender your requests and worries to Heaven, so you can make space for positive change. Wait for a miracle. I am here to receive your wishes and I am working to help you manifest your hopes into tangible form.” HOW TO MEET SANDALPHON

• You watch as Sandalphon soars Heavenward, carrying your prayers with him. You do not know how they will be fulfilled, but you have absolute trust that they will be answered in the highest and best way for you. • Thank Sandalphon and wrap your wings around yourself for your comfort and protection. Ground yourself and return in consciousness to the here and now. • When you feel ready, you may ground yourself and open your eyes.


• Call on Sandalphon to anchor and ground you, so that you can feel more safe and at home here on Mother Earth. • Imagine that this huge angel is now stepping into your energy field, so the two of you completely merge and become one being. Imagine you have grown to fit his size and you can feel what it would be like to be as big as this gigantic angel.

• Close your eyes and call upon Archangel Sandalphon.

• As you tower over the Earth, feel your feet as Sandalphon’s feet, rooted right down through all the dirt, rocks, minerals, magma and into the core of the planet.

• As he arrives, imagine an angel so big that all you can see are his huge sandaled feet, as his body is hidden above the clouds above you.

• Feel, see, sense or imagine that your head is somewhere up amongst the stars and you can see the entire universe from this vantage point.



• Ask Sandalphon to invoke your light chariot or “Merkabah” and picture a great wheel of burnished copper-golden fire emerging from the centre of your heart and expanding all the way out around you. • This powerful wheel of fire now totally envelopes you in warm, blazing light. • While your body remains grounded, anchored into Earth, your soul now expands up and out even further than ever before, through the Universe until you can reach all the way up through the gate of Heaven to touch the pure light of Source. • Allow yourself to feel what it is like to become as expansive as the universe and, through the feelings in your heart, acknowledge your connection to everything in existence—“All That Is”—through absolute love.


• You are suddenly aware that you can hear the most exquisite otherworldly music. In fact, it is not so much music, but a vibration or frequency of such pure, high and perfect love that you realize it must be the music of the spheres.


• As you take in these heavenly sonic waves, it is as though you are being sung over by the millions of angels of the angelic choirs and you know you are receiving a direct personal healing attunement from the divine itself.

Base Chakra (base of spine / tailbone)

• Spend a moment longer here before continuing on, to receive all the extra magic that is coming to you straight from Heaven and your highest soul self.

Grounding, stability, physical strength, vitality, forgiveness, patience, emotional healing, tenacity, success



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• You are invited to ask God or Creator to answer your prayers — be specific about what you need help with—and then surrender any expectations. Await a miracle. • Thank the Creator and ask Sandalphon to ground you in your body once again. • Allow the blazing wheel around you to dissolve, as you bring all the beautiful gifts you have received back with you, remembering to bless the earth as well. • Thank Sandalphon and imagine him stepping back out of your energy field. • As you return to your usual size, your wings around yourself and open your eyes.


Unlike Tzaphkiel, Sandalphon helps us with the prayers and desires we know we want and have the faith to attain them. With Sandalphon’s help you can manifest faster if you not only imagine your wish fulfilled, but feel what it would be like to have your prayers answered. Make your request and imagine how it would feel to have it already fulfilled. Then sit in absolute trust while you await the outcome. As the angel of grounding, Sandalphon keeps us anchored, confident and harmonized as we draw our brightest future towards us. 38



Ruby, Fire Opal, Rubelite, Red Beryl, Red Topaz

ESSENTIAL OILS: Red Cedar, Mandarin

STAR / CONSTELLATION: Antares (The Red Giant of Scorpio)



6. URIEL: “SALVATION” Uriel’s name means “Fire of God” or “Flame of God”. As the vibrant firefly and plumes coming from his palms in the image of him as a gentle Balinese man on the card suggest, Uriel is the keeper of the flame of divine love. He teaches us the path of salvation, helps purify our hearts and release lower energies, such as guilt and anger, which may cloud our judgment. Call upon Uriel to help resolve arguments and bring forgiveness and healing into tense situations. He can help you start afresh and let go of hurts and grudges. Also known as the “Angel of the Earth”, Uriel watches over our planet and the elements. He is the supreme counsellor and one of the wisest of the Archangels, so you can ask him to assist whenever you have an interview or exam or if you need the answer to a difficult question. He’ll sharpen your senses, so the answers you are seeking pop into your head.

• Ask Uriel to help you identify which emotions you are feeling in this area and request that he clear away any residual negative feelings. • Picture a bright, gold flame with a red centre burning inside your Solar Plexus. As it burns away negative emotions, the flame gradually turns a bright white. • Feel your stomach relax more and more, as your heart fills with love. Open your eyes.


• Uriel’s “flame of freedom” is often depicted as a golden-ruby fire. • Call upon Uriel to invoke this fire now. As he does so, imagine that your wings are turning the same golden-ruby colour. • Imagine Uriel now holding this flame above the crown of your head. As he does so, it transforms into a beautiful firefly with brilliant golden fiery wings. • As you breathe in, the flaming firefly descends through your energy field, passing through each of your chakras—Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Base—so that it burns away any stuck emotions and fills you with wisdom and love.

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Message: “Let go of anger and unforgiveness and let my flame of love illuminate your heart. I can help free you from emotional pain. If you do not know the right words to say, call upon me and I will speak through your heart.” HOW TO MEET URIEL

• Close your eyes and call upon Archangel Uriel to be with you. • You are soon engulfed by the heavenly fire of this angel’s ruby-red ray. • Spend a moment in the presence of this beautiful light. Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire and taking its healing and restorative properties into your depths. • Focus on your Solar Plexus chakra (above your belly button) and notice how it feels. • Is it relaxed or tense? Do you feel ill or have butterfly sensations in your stomach? 40

• The firefly pauses at each chakra, turning each of your energy centres a brilliant, purifying and sparkling white. • The firefly then begins to ascend back up through your body until it hovers above your head once again, now blazing with a brilliant dazzling white radiance.

• When you feel that all your chakras have been cleansed, imagine your own wings have also turned white and wrap them around yourself. Open your eyes.


You can become the essence of Uriel by being a compassionate and forgiving human being. Sometimes, we may hold unforgiveness within in our subconscious, where we are not aware of it. Do this process to help bring up any stuck emotions, so you can heal and forgive yourself and others. Connect to your physical body and call upon the Archangel Uriel. Tune into your body and see if you can sense any lower vibrations or feelings. Do you sense any guilt, shame or unforgiveness within you? Wherever you hold lower emotions within the body, connect to the area now and ask Uriel to bring in his Firefly of Freedom. Do the process above whenever you need help to release trapped emotions with regards to a person or situation so it may be healed. Forgiveness does not excuse bad behaviour, but it will set you free from torment, so you can forward with grace. 41

7. CAMAEL: “JUSTICE” Camael’s name means “One Who Sees God”. As this Archangel is able to see through illusions and get to the truth of any matter, Camael is known as the angel of justice, forgiveness and empowerment. Camael helps keep us in check. A warrior, like Michael, he is pictured here as a powerful Native American chief holding aloft a peace pipe and a Tomahawk, showing us that we always have a choice in our actions and reactions. He helps keep us accountable, so we are honest with ourselves and can take full responsibility for our behaviour. Similar to Mirabiel, Camael’s eyes of truth can act like a mirror into our own soul, showing us our shadow side and calling to mind all those parts of ourselves that we might prefer to keep hidden from the world. This mighty Archangel reminds us it is important not to judge others before we have judged ourselves. Have you acted with integrity in each given situation? Are you being true to yourself as a being of unconditional love? Remember, every being on the planet is striving towards the goal of love. Any action not aligned with love is usually the result of fear. Forgive yourself and others. Strive to be compassionate.

• One by one, feel yourself loving and accepting them. Let yourself embrace all these parts of your being, and see them as great strengths. • Stay under this cloak as long as you need to—this exercise can be a challenge, but if you are honest with yourself, it will benefit you on a profound level. • Imagine that the cloak is now turning into your own pair of beautiful red angel wings. Then allow these wings—which embody all your own unique gifts—to unfurl and see yourself emerging into the light to shine with confidence.


• Close your eyes. Think of a situation or event where you acted in a way you regret. • Perhaps you feel you were a little too aggressive, or weak. Is there something you said that you wish you could take back? Did you or another feel embarrassed? • Ask Camael to bring clarity about the situation and imagine looking in his eyes. As you lock your gaze on his, you travel back in time to that event or situation. • Imagine you are now looking your past self in the eye. Mentally ask your past self: “What are you really trying to say? What do you need in this moment?”

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Message: “Have you acted out of a lack of integrity? Are you taking full responsibility for your life? Reveal the true you and you will see the loving nature of humankind.” HOW TO MEET CAMAEL

• Close your eyes and ask Camael to join you in this meditation. • You are soon shrouded by Camael’s heavenly red fire. Ask Camael to place a soft, red cloak over you so that you feel safe. • Under this safe cloak of red light, call to mind all the parts of yourself and your personality that you prefer to hide from or keep hidden from the world. 42

• Spend a moment with your past self to get to the heart of the matter. Perhaps you acted defensively because of something another did to you in the past. Or maybe you acted a certain way out of a fear that people wouldn’t like the authentic you? • Sometimes we react to situations in a certain way because of past experiences, or because we feel uncomfortable. By uncovering the truth behind your actions, you can choose to act differently should a similar situation arise in the future. • Once you have a sense of the true reason behind your actions, forgive yourself. Thank yourself for bringing the you in this “now” moment this valuable lesson. • Thank Camael. Receive his peace pipe and headdress as a gift. Open your eyes.


People often act as mirrors for what’s really going on inside of us, so if there is someone in your life who is upsetting or irritating you, ask yourself where you could be demonstrating that same quality. This can be an enlightening experience. The trick is to love that quality within yourself to heal it. Likewise, if someone is treating you with less than love, where are you withholding love from yourself? When we embrace our shadow, it stops being a shadow and a gift comes to light. Get into the daily habit of loving and forgiving yourself. 43

8. HANIEL: “PASSION AND POISE” Haniel’s name means “Glory of God” or “Grace of God” and she can help you ignite your passions to bring you renewed energy and vitality. If your world is feeling a little lacklustre, call on this super-motivational angel to restore your vigour and reignite your passion for life. She helps us channel our energies into the things we love. Strongly aligned with the moon, Haniel is also the Archangel of intuition and, like the image of her as an elegant Japanese woman in this card, she has a strong feminine quality. She is particularly aligned with healers and psychics and helps us to go with the flow of life, rather than trying to control everything. Haniel urges us to follow our inner guidance, so we can do what makes our heart sing, rather than what we feel obligated to do. And even if we find ourselves in an unsatisfactory situation, she helps us to act with poise and charm. Haniel can help you enter the peaceful garden of your heart and cross the bridge to whatever your soul is truly hankering for. She can also ignite passion within your love relationships, helping you connect to your sensuality to bring intimacy into your love life.

• Set the intention now that life will be more uplifting and exciting for you and you will have more energy and vitality, grace and poise.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: SONG OF THE HEART • Close your eyes and ask Haniel to be with you.

• Imagine a deep red and magenta pillar of light emerging from your heart centre and reaching upwards and downwards into infinity above and below you. • Become aware of your angel wings and visualize them turning this exquisite shade of magenta and bright red. • Spread your wings and feel yourself totally merge with this vast pillar of red and magenta light. See yourself ablaze with Haniel’s fires of passion and grace. • Open your mouth and allow the most natural “Ah” sound or tone to pour out aloud from your heart, releasing any stuck emotions trapped in there. • Keep toning for as long as you need to. This is a powerful exercise, so if you feel you need to shed some tears, let them flow.

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Message: “The spark of vitality within you is being restored, giving you the courage to express yourself with real grace. Whatever you do, do it from the heart with great passion!”

• Continue until you feel your heart is clear. Be honest with yourself. You can always do the process again on another occasion. • Then repeat the same toning process for all your chakras, beginning at the base chakra and working your way all the way up to the crown. • When you have toned through all of your energy centres and feel they have been cleared, centre yourself back in your heart and visualize the pillar of light now turning a pure silvery white, like the light of the moon on a clear night. • Mentally call all your true passions to you, feeling that the space you have now created in your heart is open and ready to receive. • Thank Haniel and allow the pillar of light to retract back into your heart centre. Imagine Haniel now showering you with cherry blossom petals. • See your wings turning pure white and wrap them around yourself. Open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and call upon Haniel to awaken the passion within you. Imagine her standing over you holding a giant Olympic torch of magenta flames. • She leans down and touches this fiery torch to your heart and you feel the warmth spread out over and around you until you begin to tingle all over with the newfound excitement that your untapped potential is being awakened. 44


Instead of waiting for your dreams to find you, make a choice to reignite your passions today. Explore new ways to invite excitement into your life, or think of all the things you used to love doing as a child and find ways to incorporate some of these into your week. 45



Heart (and the organ of the human heart)

9. CHAMUEL: “LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS” The beautiful Archangel Chamuel is known as the angel of the heart or “The Loving One”. The name “Chamuel” comes from the word “Lenachem” in Hebrew, which means comfort and compassion. Chamuel’s pure love can help release sorrow from your heart and guide you towards forming open- hearted and balanced relationships. Call on this angel to attract romance or when you need help to resolve issues with loved ones. Whenever this being is around, you may get a fluttery butterfly feeling in the pit of your stomach. Chamuel is sometimes portrayed as a masculine angel, but she can also be attributed with a soft feminine energy, as depicted in her oracle card. She often arrives surrounded with springtime green and deep pink—the colours of love and compassion. Call upon Chamuel to open your heart chakra and release any misunderstandings, hurts or rejections. Her gentle yet powerful love can dissolve even the most stubborn lower emotions. She will infuse all your relationships with perfect, unconditional love. Chamuel is also the angel charged with finding lost things and can help you locate anything from misplaced keys, new friends, your ideal career path or even a soul mate.

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Love, romance, compassion, kindness, trust, connection


Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Pink Tourmaline, Pink Diamond, Pink Sapphire, Pink Amethyst, Manganese Calcite



Auriga (The Charioteer / The Wagoner)


Message: “Open your heart and let yourself be cherished. Always Remember that you are loved, for you are made of love.” HOW TO MEET CHAMUEL

• Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax. Imagine yourself surrounded by a giant, rose-pink bubble of light. • Your wings are now also turning pink. Picture this light infusing everything you see, feel, smell, taste, hear and know. 46


10. ARIEL :

• Experience this pink as though you are looking through rose-coloured glasses and everything around you is being tinted with the colour of compassion.


• Focus on any difficult areas of your life, especially with regards to your relationships. • Ask Chamuel to help release and resolve each issue and see it with new clarity. • View everyone involved with compassion and know the situation is already healed. • Open your eyes when you feel ready.


• Close your eyes and imagine that you are traveling down into your heart chakra, as though you are looking out at the world through the centre of your chest. • Ask Chamuel to ignite the light of love within your heart and picture a bright pink flaming orb expanding out from you. Your own wings expand and turn pink. • See the orb increase in size until it fills and surrounds your whole body and your aura. Then see it move further and wider out into the world around you.

Ariel is the head of the nature angels, so she is connected with the fairies and elementals. She watches over all the plants and animals, and helps encourage us to care for our environment. Also known as the “Lioness of God”, Ariel can shore up your courage and inner strength—she is especially good at helping you to stand up for your beliefs and values, and to look out for the underdog, which is certainly needed during this time of great awakening. Ariel can help to neutralize fears and she shores up your inner resolve, giving you personal strength when you need it most. She can shield you from vexatious people and situations and will gently but firmly help you say no to—or move away from—experiences that may disempowering for you, or even potentially involve bullying or aggression. Like the dignified Forest Nymph she is represented by on her oracle card, she can infuse you with stamina, heroism and noble defiance in the face of life’s challenges.

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• As this flaming globe of love grows bigger it also builds in intensity. You can feel a slight pressure on your chest as more and more love pours into your heart. • Visualize the spherical flame now expanding until it fills the whole universe.

• Consciously send this energy of unconditional love out to everything in existence.

• Send extra love to anyone you have recently been having difficulty with. Be honest and try your best to feel compassion for this person—however difficult that feels. • Direct extra love to any parts of the world in need of an angelic intervention.

• Imagine your wings turning white and wrap them around yourself. Open your eyes.

Message: “Have courage and faith in yourself and your beliefs. I will help you stand up for yourself and defend anyone who needs your strength of heart.”



• Send love to whoever or wherever pops into your mind. And, most importantly, radiate love from within to your whole self. Know you deserve love.

To become the Earth Angel Chamuel, open your heart to greater love, so you may heal all aspects of your life and relationships. Holding feelings of unforgiveness towards another person only hurts you and holds you back. Bring the image of any challenging person or situation into your heart, and allow yourself to feel love towards this person or event. You will soon see hidden blessings blossom in your relationships and feel grateful for all the people who have come into your life to help you grow.

• Call upon Archangel Ariel and imagine a proud, majestic and muscular lioness, surrounded by light, walking towards you.



• As the lioness moves closer, you feel no fear – just Ariel’s courage and protection. • Her presence invokes your own angelic qualities and your wings open and unfurl in all their beautiful powder-pink splendour.


• Think of anything that is worrying you, or any difficult decisions you have to make and ask Ariel to give you the courage and strength you need. • Imagine the lioness standing before you and breathing this courage into you, so that it fills every cell with a pastel pink mist. • The mist then transforms into the heavenly fire of this angel’s colour ray. • Spend a moment absorbing this beautiful light.Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire and taking its healing and restorative properties into every cell of your body. • Feel yourself grow strong, courageous and loving. Feel your wings expand as far as they will go, sending protection to all who need it. • Then wrap your powerful wings around yourself to shore up your own strength. • Thank Ariel and open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting by a tranquil stream in a woodland.

Rikbiel is known as the “Chief of the Divine Chariot”—the Merkabah. This Cherubim is said to be the “Power of Love” and he helps us to recognize the incredible power of having loving thoughts. A harmonizing angel, who can influence centrifugal force and find the most the most loving point between two opposing forces, Rikbiel is especially helpful to call on when working in group situations. Rikbiel maintains co-operation and promotes open communication. Like the cosmic diplomat in his oracle card, he shows us that when a group strives towards a common goal based in integrity, they can achieve great things. Like Chamuel or Uriel, he can heal emotions and promote forgiveness. Rikbiel presides over the four cardinal directions and governs the wheels of the chariot, which are eight fiery angels known as the “Hayyoth”. If you are feeling stuck, call upon Rikbiel to get the wheels of love moving in your favour. Like the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot, with Rikbiel’s help, you can take the reins and ride his chariot through any challenges.

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• As you look at the forest around you, you begin to see subtle movements amongst the leaves, like the flutter of tiny wings. • You realize the forest is alive with fairies and nature spirits. They fly around you, sprinkling you with glittering pink fairy dust. • Soon, all the animals of the forest emerge to greet you.

• One of these animals stands out to you. It is a magical unicorn with a horn of spiraling light in the centre of its forehead. • The unicorn bows before you. It touches its horn to your third eye, your heart and then your navel, awakening the three treasures of your wisdom. • Thank the unicorn and ask Ariel to send the fairies to all the creatures in the world that need healing and protection. Wrap your wings around yourself. Open your eyes.

Message: “No matter how badly others behave, try to see through the eyes of compassion. Treat others as you wish to be treated and promote harmonious relations.” HOW TO MEET RIKBIEL

• Find a quiet place, close your eyes and call upon Rikbiel to be with you.


Going outside to connect with nature is one of the most healing and strengthening tonics we have. Remember the wonder you had for the world when you were a child? No matter how challenging life gets, nature is a powerful replenisher. Feel love for Mother Earth and be kind to all creatures in return. Looking after our planet and each other begins with us. 50

• Imagine yourself being surrounded by a beautiful rose-gold geometry of light. • Feel this light flow into your heart centre and, as it does so, your heart starts to open like a giant sunflower, inviting in the sunlight. Feel yourself surrounded by love. • Spend a moment languishing in Rikbiel’s rich pink light. Allow your heart to be flooded with warmth and compassion and send it to all beings. Open your eyes. 51

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: HEART BLOSSOM • Ask Rikbiel to activate his wheel of love and imagine a rose-gold flower bud spiraling in the very centre of your heart. • As this circular spiral of light begins to spin, the flower petals begin to open and you realize the flower is a beautiful pink-gold rose. • Your whole body is filled with rosy, golden light. • Visualize your angel wings now turning a beautiful shade of pink-gold and stretch them out wide. You may find there is no limit to how far they can reach. • This light then expands out from your heart and body. As it does so, the petals of the rose begin to very gently detach and float out into the world around you. • Set the intention that these petals of compassion are floating off to whoever needs them. • See these petals coming to rest in the heart centre of anyone you feel needs to have a little more compassion for others in their heart, and those who need to be treated with more compassion—either by you or those around them.



Sacral Chakra (pelvic area / sacrum)

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• As you send these petals of pure love and compassion out, their gifts are returned to you in a never-ending cycle of spiraling light. • Know that you are helping to raise our planet’s positive vibration with the power of your positive and loving thoughts. • Thank Rikbiel. Allow your wings to turn pure white and open your eyes.


Creativity, passion, intimacy, sexuality, sensuality, happiness, motivation, pleasure, fertility, adaptability, generosity


Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Amber, Mexican Fire Opal, Sunstone



Sometimes it’s challenging to feel compassion for others—especially when they seem to be doing all in their power to make you feel otherwise. But a simple exercise is to see the child within. When a child throws a tantrum, you may feel your patience wearing thin, but you have compassion for them. If you can look beyond the bad behaviour of adults and understand the underlying cause in the same way you look at children, then a whole world of compassion opens up for you. And it offers some humour, so you can see the funny side. Most people are too busy trying to deal with their own emotions to worry about what impact their behaviour is having on others, so instead of reacting rashly, try to view the situation with compassion. If you can’t do it in the heat of the moment, take a step back and remove yourself from the situation until you have calmed down. Have compassion for yourself, too. Remember, most people are doing the best they can with the tools they have. 52

Wild Orange


Aldabaran (The Follower—A.K.A The Orange Giant of Taurus)



12. SOQED HOZI: “BALANCE” The Archangel known as “Keeper of the Divine Balances”, Soqed Hozi is the angel associated with intimate partnerships and is shown here as a half man, half woman Russian circus performer. He or she helps us maintain our individuality while acknowledging the inter-connectedness of all things, keeping a flow of loving energy, where each person positively affects and supports the energy of the other. Soqed Hozi can help you to recognize and heal imbalanced partnerships, where you may feel you are being drained. While we all need to lean on loved ones from time to time, it’s unhealthy for a relationship to be built entirely on one person’s needs and another’s attempts to fulfil those needs. A true soul mate relationship is uplifting, supportive, fair and loving. If conflict or dysfunction occurs, it should lead to growth and understanding, not create further conflict and misunderstanding. This angel holds the balance between “feeling” and “truth”, and promotes trust and co-operation. Obviously, the most intimate partnership we can have is our relationship with ourself. Soqed Hozi helps to keep all parts of our life in balance, from our emotions and our health right through to the overseeing of the seasons and how they affect us. He or she also balances the forces of light and dark. He or she can work on a microscopic level or a massive scale, governing the amazing harmonization of our cells and organs in a finely tuned symphony of cause and effect. With his / her assistance, you can increase the flow of creativity in your life or, on the other hand, if you need to be more practical, grounded and logical in your approach to things, you can call on this angel to gift you with more time and space and balance the relationship between the left and right hemispheres of your brain. He or she even aids our spiritual journey by bringing balance and understanding to our personal relationship with God, allowing us to take responsibility for our own actions and empower ourselves as divine beings, who are one with God (love). As the balancer of all the spiritual forces within the great matrix of existence, Soqed Hozi reminds us of our infinite nature and says we need to remember that we are a microcosm

within the macrocosm. The whole universe is reflected in our being and so everything in our lives is constantly moving and shifting towards perfect balance. It is only our perception that prevents it from being so. This is why our intimate soul mate relationships can feel so incredible—through them, we are able to see the truth of our own perfection reflected back at us in the other.

Message: “Human beings have an innate need to interact with others. I will help bring balance to your love life and relationships and, above all, have a good relationship with yourself.” HOW TO MEET SOQED HOZI

• Close your eyes and call on Soqed Hozi. • Ask him or her to bring balance to all your intimate relationships. • Imagine a vibrant orange angel appearing before you and invite this angel to step into your energy field (it is perfectly safe to do this as angels are pure love)

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• Feel your own angel wings now turning a bright orange colour and visualize yourself wrapping your wings around your partner, or someone else you wish to help heal and bless your close relationship with. • If you wish to work on your relationship with yourself, visualize yourself lovingly wrapping your wings around your own body. • Allow the orange light to become a blazing orange fire and infuse every part of you or you and your partner and feel the dynamic between you coming into balance. • Spend as long as you need to soaking in the harmonizing orange flame of Soqed Hozi. Intend for the relationship dynamic to be bathed in the highest love. • When you feel the process is complete, separate yourself in consciousness from your partner or friend. • Wrap your wings around yourself to form a protective cocoon and open your eyes.


• This is a powerful exercise to do either alone or with a partner. Invoke the Archangel Soqed Hozi to join you. 55


• Find somewhere to sit comfortably, either facing your own reflection in a mirror or, if you are teaming up with your partner, ask them to sit opposite you. • Gaze into the eyes of your reflection or partner’s eyes and set the intention that you are strengthening the balance of love and understanding between you. • Tuning into your sensory awareness, imagine that there is a constant flow of gold orange energy moving between your hearts in the shape of the infinity symbol (like the number 8 on its side). • Feel the love pouring from your heart into theirs (or your reflection) and vice versa in a constant cycle giving and receiving love. • As the energies cross in the central space between you, they combine so that you are receiving self-love at the same time as you are receiving your partner’s love and they are giving and receiving, too. • Spend as long as you like doing this exercise and feel the energy of mutual love and respect grow between you. • If you are working with a mirror, you will find your self-esteem and confidence greatly improves the more you do this process.

Shown here resembling famous English writer Oscar Wilde, gentle Radueriel is the Archangel associated with poetry and the arts. Known as the “Angelic Muse”, he is a wonderful being who can help you with any creative project you’re working on, providing you with inspiration and wisdom. He will stir up your passions and help you to remember all the things that get your inner fires of inspiration constantly burning. Radueriel will show you how to sow your artistic seeds, so you can give birth to fresh new ideas and let your true gifts and talents come alive. One of eight great judgement angels of the Heavenly throne, Radueriel is one of the few angelic beings who rank higher even than mighty Metatron. He is the angelic scribe or “Recording Angel” and the leader of the heavenly choirs. Whenever he speaks or sings, a new angel is born. Radueriel knows that stepping into our full power can take us out of our comfort zone and it might feel easier to hold ourselves back. But he guarantees us that if we dare to accept ourselves for who we are, he will raise our vibration to the angelic frequency with his sweet and pure music, allowing our beauty, strength and creativity to shine. Call upon this angel if you are suffering from writer’s block or if you have an idea, but don’t how to get it off the ground. He will help you take your dreams from thought into form. Radueriel reminds us that if you can dream it, you can do it.

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• Thank Soqed Hozi. Wrap your wings around yourself / your partner and feel or sense your wings turn to brilliant white as a protective cloak around you.

• Complete the session with a loving, warm embrace. If working with your own reflection, hug yourself!


To work with this angel in a practical, everyday way, you must be very honest with yourself about your intimate relationships. It takes immense courage to admit to yourself when a close relationship isn’t working. Only you know what is right for you. If you are constantly questioning whether you are with the right person, the answer could be “no”. It’s worth looking closely at the partner, friends or relationships you have attracted in order to understand more about yourself. The more uplifted and supported you feel in a relationship, the more you want to uplift and support them. Then the flow of authentic love grows and blossoms like a flower in bloom.

Message: “You are a creator. Don’t allow doubts to hold you back. You are gifted, an inspiration and you can do it. All you have to do is start. Begin your creation today!” HOW TO MEET RADUERIEL

• Relax, close your eyes and centre yourself. Call upon Archangel Radueriel by singing or chanting his name aloud three times. 56



• Invite Radueriel to be your own personal muse, so he can uplift and inspire you. • As he arrives, you are soon engulfed by the light of this angel’s orange ray. • Take in this beautiful light, infusing yourself with its restorative properties. • If there are any projects you’re feeling stuck with, ask Radueriel to help you begin them or motivate you to take them through to completion to the best of your ability. • Trust that Radueriel is now working through you. Thank him and open your eyes. Then wait for the inspiration to come flooding back into your life.


• Have a piece of paper and a pen handy. Close your eyes and ask Radueriel to be with you to help you ignite your creative abilities. • Feel his loving energy surrounding you and imagine that he’s now singing over you in the highest, most pure musical tones. • Imagine you can see these exquisite sounds as the most dazzling waves of sparkling golden-orange mist flowing over and around you.

Beautiful Barachiel’s name means “Blessings of God”. She is the Archangel charged with bringing happiness to our family life and overseeing matrimony and parenthood. Like the Guatemalan woman on her card, she is often shown carrying a basket of bread and the staff of life to symbolize fertility and abundance. She helps us to provide for ourselves and our children—and to find the right partner to have children with, if we so desire. Barachiel helps to strengthen all our family and close relationships. Also known as the “Angel of Lightning”, Barachiel is said to grant blessings for your good deeds swiftly and she brings you success—especially in games of chance. She is sometimes depicted holding an ancient sacred book, which is said to contain the instructions for living a good life. The white rose is symbolic of her blessings. Barachiel is a light-hearted angel. She inspires laughter when you call upon her. She reminds us that, despite the hardships of life, we can find hidden blessings everywhere.

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• Allow this powerful angelic sonic vibration to envelop you and feel your own angel wings become this sparkling gold-orange hue. You now shift into the highest possible version of you. Open your heart and let yourself sing along with him.

• As you allow this metamorphosis to occur, through your pure loving intention, anything inauthentic around your ability to create simply lifts away. • Take up your pen and paper and invite Radueriel to write some words of loving encouragement through you in a stream of consciousness. Keep writing without pausing until you feel the need to stop. Read and reflect on this newfound wisdom.

• Wrap your wings around yourself as a cloak of creativity. Know you are a truly perfect, creative and highly gifted human being. Thank Radueriel and open your eyes.

Message: “It’s time to bring some lightness back into your life and relationships. Put any difficult conversations or decisions aside for a while and enjoy time with your family and loved ones.” HOW TO MEET BARACHIEL


Invoke archangel Radueriel and ask him to help you create. It doesn’t matter whether you have an idea in mind or not, the key to creating anything is to begin. Pick up a pen, paintbrush, guitar, voice recorder or whatever your tool of choice and simply start. The point of this exercise is to take the pressure of yourself. Let go of an outcome and simply do. The act of creation is beautiful and sometimes we focus so much on the result that we forget to enjoy the journey or the process of the creative act. Make a mess and have fun creating. 58

Try this prayer for Barachiel’s help: “Dearest Barachiel, may your love support and grow blessings and abundance in our lives, and dissolve any harm to ourselves, our families, loved ones and children. Help us to grow richer in love, wisdom and fulfilment every day.”

• Imagine you are being engulfed by this angel’s ray. Soak up this beautiful light. See this flame surrounding your family, home, amplifying feelings of contentment. 59

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: BREAD OF ABUNDANCE • Close your eyes and call upon Barachiel to fill your life—especially your family and home life—with abundance. • Picture your life as it would be with everything you need in order to be happy. See your life as though your prayers for your perfect soul mate, your ideal career, financial rewards and a happy home life are already totally fulfilled.

• Imagine Barachiel floating above you, your life and your loved ones, sending golden-brown loaves of bread from her basket to each of you.


• As the bread falls, it transforms into huge, bright white rose petals. The petals tickle your face, making you chuckle. You are now able to laugh at any hardships or misunderstandings, seeing them as blessings or illusions.

Yellow, including lemon and eggshell yellow

• The petals continue fall around you and over you and, as they gently land on your shoulders, they activate your angel wings, which turn a magnificent sparkling white.

Solar Plexus (just below the navel)

• As your worries about love, money and abundance evaporate, feel any stress and tension rapidly dissolving.



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• Visualize or intend now that your wings are enfolding your parents, siblings, partner, or children and all your loved ones. • As you do so, your wings act as a powerful magnetic force, drawing to you and your loved ones all the blessings and abundance they need for their happiness. • Know your needs will always be met. Thank Barachiel and open your eyes.


Barachiel’s message is to “Lighten Up”, particularly when it comes to our home lives, family and relationships. Laughter is the best medicine and who better to share it with than your nearest and dearest? When life gets heavy or we find ourselves under pressure to earn a living and provide for ourselves and others, Barachiel can help us to slow down, smell the roses and appreciate the little things in life, so we can feel secure and find fulfilment in each and every moment. This opens up space to invite in more ease and abundance. When it comes to partnerships and families, Barachiel says it is essential to have a lighthearted attitude and keep a sense of humour within your interactions. Lightening up is about taking the pressure off a situation so you are free to enjoy each other’s company again, without the need for high expectations. When things get stressful, stop work, put the bills aside and go for a walk or play a game. Change your perception to change your life. 60


Power, confidence, charisma, strong will, leadership, clarity, humour, joy, fun, confidence, empowerment, self-esteem


Lemon Calcite, Brucite, Heliodor, Yellow Topaz, Serpentine Quartz

ESSENTIAL OILS: Lemon, Ylang Ylang

STAR / CONSTELLATION: Cassiopeia (The Queen)



15. JOPHIEL: “JOY” The Archangel of joy, wisdom and beauty, Jophiel governs the yellow ray of illumination. Like the Irish lass in her card, she gives us the ability to add more gladness to our lives. She also helps us to learn and teach at the highest level, enabling us to find the answers to important questions, see the beauty in all things and think more positively. Jophiel sets us on the right path to achieving spiritual enlightenment. She can help us to get organized and clear out our physical and emotional clutter, which can be a real help when you’re tackling spring-cleaning or trying to get to the bottom of any old, stuck emotions. Visualize Jophiel’s bright yellow light pouring into you and your home like sunlight and ask her to illuminate anything you no longer need. Picture this light filling any areas of your life where you feel unhappy or dissatisfied. Ask Jophiel to send this light into any dark corners to cleanse the space around you, your home and your belongings. Unhappy memories you haven’t been able to let go of and items you have ferried from home to home for years will likely seem less important. When you clear your physical clutter, it then becomes much easier to let go of any emotional clutter, so take unwanted items to charity shops so they can find a better home elsewhere. It’s also a good idea to get involved in local car boot sales and clothing swaps—after all, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Jophiel can help to make this experience fun and uplifting, rather than it feeling like a chore. When there is more space, you will see beauty around and within you. Afterwards, Jophiel will help you rid your mind of cluttered thoughts, so you are more focused, calm and, most of all, joyful. Allow her yellow light to fill your mind and feel yourself relax. With all the extra space you create, you’ll soon find that you’re sleeping better, feeling happier, have more energy and you’ll feel super-organized. Getting rid of old, stuck energy alone helps you think more clearly, but when you ask Jophiel to help with this objective, it’s like a light gets switched on inside your brain and you suddenly have new clarity to be able to see all the good things in your life. This brings more time to get outside and play. It ushers in joy and becomes a reason to celebrate all

the good things about yourself and your existence. Jophiel’s yellow ray shining in through your crown chakra is like opening the shutters in a dark room to light up your life.

Message: “Be joyful! Let go of your heavy physical and emotional burdens. Release your baggage. Allow new clarity and happiness to pour into your life. Then you can rise up out of the gloom and fly higher.” HOW TO MEET JOPHIEL

• Call on Archangel Jophiel to wrap you in her yellow cloak of joy, like sunshine. • Imagine this yellow light piercing any darkness in your life. Your own angel wings light up in yellow flame and you begin to spin, sweeping the energy clean throughout your aura and the surrounding space. • As the light blazes with brilliant yellow fire, it scatters and dissolves away any worries or issues, healing and clearing your body, mind, heart and soul.

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• All darkness now dissolves, leaving only pure beauty and light. • Invite your inner child to come forward and ask them what they need in order to feel safe, supported and joyful. • A simple walk in the park or the chance to stop work and play for while can be such a tonic and will help give your mind time to relax and unwind. • Rinse yourself off in white light and ground yourself. Open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and call on Jophiel. Picture a sparkling golden-yellow fountain of light pouring in through your crown chakra. This is the light of jubilant illumination. • Next, think of anything you would like more clarity on. • Ask Jophiel for the answers and see if anything pops into your mind. You might not receive an immediate response, but an answer may arrive over the next few days. • Next, ask Jophiel to lighten your load and help you to release any physical and emotional burdens from your life. • Like a gentle breeze moving through tall grass, Jophiel’s energy wafts through your environment, scattering stuck energies. 63


• Similar to the seeds of a dandelion, they are broken up, transmuted and scattered to the winds with all the lightness of a child’s laughter. • Then, like a champagne cork popping, any residual worries, cares and clutter are blasting up and out of your life, transforming into a fizzy rapture of light. • Feel the excitement of a new, positive outlook now cascading down over you in a torrent of yellow-gold angelic bubbles. • Allow yourself to be filled with frothy feelings of joy and bliss from head to toe. • As this rush of unbridled excitement takes over, your wings fly open and flap away any residual negativity. • Send out your intention for joy once again, like those dandelion seeds on the wind. • Turning pure white, your wings close around you as a protective cocoon. • Allow yourself to smile, imagining warm sunlight is shining down on your face. • Send gratitude to Jophiel. Open your eyes when you feel ready.


What an angel to call on at the start of this incredible new era of change! Like the fierce Norse Valkyrie warrioress in her card, powerful Galgaliel’s duty is to help us raise our personal vibration and this is particularly useful as we collectively raise the frequency of the planet. What does this mean? All energy is constantly moving. Even that which appears solid and stationary would vibrate when viewed at the microscopic level. When something is very fastmoving, it is harder to see with the naked eye. Light is an example of this, as are angels. On an exponential scale, our lighter emotions vibrate at a higher, faster rate than our so-called lower emotions, which is why they can feel heavy and have a tendency to get stuck in the body. Galgaliel works to release the energy blockages that are preventing us from experiencing our highest possible timeline by raising our emotional frequency and bringing us back into alignment with Creator, our highest source of light and love. Galgaliel has the power to harness and control powerful energy vortexes, which she directs into our energy field and chakra system to clear negativity and transform anything that is stuck. Galgaliel is known as the head of the order of the Galgalim, otherwise known as the chariots of the Merkabah (the light body). She governs the wheel of the Sun, energy and vibration. Her colour is a beautiful glittering yellow-gold, like dazzling sunlight. As she is a solar angel, Galgaliel helps you absorb the healing benefits of the Sun and offsets Sun damage to skin or property. She also brings balance to the weather patterns.

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Jophiel reminds us that deciding to feel happy is actually quite simple. If we change our perception, we can bring joy flooding into our lives. In every moment, we are free to choose our mood. If you find it a struggle or need help to lift your emotions, try putting on some uplifting music or phone a friend to ask for help inviting in positive feelings. There’s a reason Jophiel’s name sounds like the word “jovial” or “joyful”. Invoke this angel whenever you need to bring a little more joy into your life. Let go of heaviness— whether mental or material—and imagine sunshine infiltrating each experience. Tell yourself you are happy, allow yourself to feel happy feelings and let it be so.

Message: “Your power comes from God and is the essence of love. Do not be afraid to use your power for good. Claim back your sovereignty and give yourself permission to follow your inner guidance. Take control of the steering wheel of your life. Choose your direction.” 64



• Close your eyes and call on golden Galgaliel to join you. • As you feel her draw closer, imagine you are being bathed in the rays of the Sun. • Feel the Sun’s warmth on your face and skin as it soaks into your very being. • Imagine the light of the Sun is blazing through your every cell, igniting every part of you and sweeping away darkness, as you begin to shine with unconditional love. • Feel your spirit expand and your inner light shine out as you send this love across the whole planet. Thank Galgaliel and open your eyes when you feel ready.


• Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Ask Galgaliel to clear your energy field and chakras, removing blockages and aligning you with your true life mission. • As she rides in on her blazing golden chariot, you feel the warm glow of sunlight in your chest. A solar orb opens in your heart. It begins to spin in a clockwise direction.



• Gathering speed, the golden glow becomes a powerful expanding energy vortex, spinning out and burning away dense energy, activating and cleansing your chakras.

Universal Heart (centre of the chest)

• It opens out into your aura and keeps expanding for as far as it needs to. You now feel your true divine spark ignite as you are bathed in self-confidence.

Unconditional love, equanimity, belonging, surrender, higher perspective, emotional and physical healing, transitions

• Set the intention that you are sending the energy of empowerment out to every living being on this planet and raising the vibration of everyone and everything.

Emerald, Malachite, Fluorite, Green Amethyst, Aventurine, Moss Agate

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• Let this vortex of light spin in a clockwise direction, sending love across the world. • You can also imagine that this light is like an orb of sunshine within your heart centre and see it expand and grow until is surrounds Earth like a golden-yellow halo. • See waves of sunshine-yellow light, warmth and power touching the hearts of every being on this planet as the power of love sweeps away all fear and negativity. • Feel the spinning gently slow and come to rest. Thank Galagaliel. Open your eyes.



STAR / CONSTELLATION: Andromeda (The Daughter)



You harness Galgaliel’s power when you place your hands on the steering wheel of life and have the confidence to move through challenges with grace and ease. If you are feeling disempowered by a person or situation, you have the choice to remain within that dynamic or choose a different direction to keep your life moving forward at the right pace for you. 66


17. RAPHAEL: “HEALING” Raphael’s name means “God Heals” and his main task is to aid us when we require physical healing or improvements to our general health and wellbeing. He assists healers and those in the medical profession and is powerfully present during global health crises, such as pandemics, to ensure everyone gets the attention they need. When people are readying to pass over, Raphael offers them comfort and safety until Archangel Azrael arrives to help them transition. Whenever you see an ambulance, ask Raphael to assist the paramedics and offer healing to the patient. Like the romantic Italian man in his card, Raphael is the angel of the heart, who governs the emerald ray and you may see green sparkles or feel tingling when he’s around. He can also help heal sadness after loss. I once injured both my knees in a bus crash. During my physiotherapy sessions, I called on Raphael. I was amazing when he merged his energy with mine and I could physically see a green halo of light around my injuries. I knew this was Raphael’s light manifesting in my aura and it was so reassuring to know he was my personal cosmic consultant. If you feel unwell or suffer an injury, ask Raphael to bathe you in emerald light to restore your health.

• Next, imagine Raphael stepping into your body and merging with you, so the two of you become one. You may feel your palms tingle as the energy integrates with you. • You are soon engulfed by the healing fire of this angel’s green ray. Breathe in this sacred fire and take its restorative properties deep into your cells and DNA. • Place your hands on any area of your body that needs healing and imagine Raphael’s light flowing from your heart, down through your palms and into the affected area. • Spend as much time in this process as you need. Then ask Raphael to step out again. • When complete, thank Raphael. Rinse yourself off in white light and open your eyes.


• A staff with two entwined snakes and wings at the top, the Caduceus connects you to Raphael for healing and balance. • Picture this gold and silver staff running down through your spine with the tip in heaven (Source / God energy) and the end in the Earth’s core (Goddess energy). • A spark of light ignites the rod’s tip and travels down your spine, igniting your chakras. At the Earth’s core, another spark of light meets the first and heads back up the chakras to ignite your third eye, linking you to the divine.

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Message: “I have heard your prayers for healing. Allow yourself time out to rest and integrate. Trust that I am helping you to heal and restoring your energy and equilibrium.”

• The light traveling down from above and up from below cleanses, balances and aligns all your energy centres and meridians, offering deep healing on a core level. • Sit with this energy for as long as you need to. Then allow the symbol to fade. • Rinse off in white light, ground and shield yourself and open your eyes. • You can place a flaming gold spinning caduceus in your energy field to help shield and strengthen your immune system and intend to repel unwelcome pathogens.


• Picture an angel with a green glow standing behind you. Focus on any areas of your life or physical body that need healing. Ask Raphael to assist you.

Invoking Raphael’s energy allows you to connect to the healer-magician within. Every human being has natural healing capabilities and this begins with compassion. Simply listening to another can allow them to feel safe and even speed up their healing process. However, the very same goes for ourselves. How often do we overlook our own needs and the needs of our body? You can become your own healer by ensuring that you are being kind to yourself and taking time for rest and relaxation. True healers understand the first person they need to heal is themselves. Take time out to rest and revitalize.




• Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out of your feet and going down into the Earth. Imagine white light from the sky filling you up.

18. AZRAEL: “TRANSITIONS” Known as the “Angel of Death”, Azrael isn’t at all as scary as his name suggests. In fact, he is perhaps the kindest and gentlest of all the Archangels. Just like the mysterious cloaked guardian leading the way across a treacherous bridge in his card, he is associated with bringing comfort and reassurance in times of intense transition. Azrael not only guides souls that are crossing over—he gently separates the soul from the body at death and sets the spirit free—but he also gives guidance and reassurance to those in the counselling professions. Like Raphael, Azrael can help your heart to heal in times of loss, grief and hardship. He is especially present during a bereavement. Azrael can help you release any worries about lost loved ones and can also act as a messenger, delivering your words and wishes to those loved ones on the other side. He lets us know that there is much more to life than a purely human existence and that we still have much to learn from beyond the grave. He reminds us that, rather than human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. In this way, perhaps Azrael could be better described as the “Angel of Everlasting Life” rather than the “Angel of Death”. Ask him help you through personal transitions and to wrap his wings around anyone experiencing grief or loss. He’ll help comfort and console them, so they can find peace.


• Close your eyes and call on Azrael, who stands behind you enfolding you in the softest and silkiest magical comforting wings. • Feel compassion flowing from these wings into your heart. • Although you may feel afraid, Azrael sends his Heavenly fire to soothe and reassure you. As you bathe in his deep green flame, your fears are allayed. • Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire and receiving a personal attunement to its healing and restorative properties. • Ask Azrael to escort you gently through any transitions you are currently facing. • On each exhale, send compassion and assistance to those who are preparing to pass over, so they may arrive at the right place for their soul as they cross though the veil. • You may also wish to send love to anyone who is suffering a bereavement. • Thank Azrael and invite him to place his deep-green cloak around you. • Rinse off in white light and ground. Open your eyes.

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Message: “You are at a major point of transition. Release all that is currently falling away with love. Remember that after a death there always comes rebirth. If you have pulled this card following the loss of a loved one, this message comes as validation that the angels are guiding their way safely through the veil.” 70


• Close your eyes. Think of anyone in spirit you wish to send a message to and invoke Azrael to help deliver your message directly to them. • See him standing before you and, as he spreads open his huge wings in front of you, a bridge bathed in blue, green and soft lavender light appears, stretching to Heaven. • Set the intention to send your messages of love and comfort across this bridge to your loved ones on the other side. • Know that they have received your gift with gratitude. Thank Azrael. Open your eyes.


Many people fear change, even when they do not yet know what is on the other side of that change. We may not realize it, but in just one lifetime, we can go through many levels of transition. That transition can be subtle and almost unrecognizable. It may be joyful and exciting or it may be unexpected and even feel a little bit terrifying. When you find yourself in a transition or facing a shift in your circumstances or energy, call on Azrael to smooth the way for you and imagine his wings lifting you above any stress, so you may arrive smoothly on the other side. Staying in the energy of trust can help ensure the highest outcome for you or anyone you are supporting through a transition. 71


CHAKRA / LOCATION: Higher Heart (top of the chest)

Gentle flowing Phuel is the angel of the waters and her role is to help cleanse the planet and ourselves of any debris, toxins, negative vibrations and emotions. Phuel works closely with Archangel Ariel—guardian of nature and the air—to protect and nurture Mother Earth. Phuel also helps us to understand and manage our emotions—as they ebb and flow just like water— with the power of the Moon. The colour associated with the angel Phuel is a beautiful shade of turquoise, like the crystalclear waters of the Maldives or the Caribbean. Imagine this flame is alive and fluid like the sea. As in the image of her as a mermaid, bathing in a crystal-clear lagoon, Phuel’s light can flow around and through you to cleanse every part of your physical and energetic body. Phuel helps to keep us in the flow of life, so that we do not feel stuck or hemmed in by our circumstances. As her name sounds like “fool”, I also associate her with The Fool in the Tarot with her carefree attitude and innocent fearlessness. Phuel reminds us that worrying about something or trying to control a situation often has the opposite effect. If we just remember to “let go and let flow”, the angels will do their best to make sure life goes our way.

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Nurturing, unconditional love, non-judgement, clarity, cleansing


Turquoise, Larimar, Blue-Green Azurite, Chrysocolla


Blue Chamomile, Spearmint

STAR / CONSTELLATION: Perseus (The Hero)


Message: “Allow yourself to be cleansed of all that is no longer serving you in preparation for growth and renewal. If you are contemplating a detox or lifestyle change, this card is validation you are on the right path.” HOW TO MEET PHUEL

• Close your eyes and invoke Phuel, allowing her turquoise ray to flow down over and through you like a crystalline waterfall. Spend a moment soaking in this light.


• Imagine the waterfall becoming a flame and breathe in this sacred fire, taking in all of its healing and cleansing properties. 73


• Ask Phuel to work with the rains, streams, lakes, oceans and the Moon energy to help cleanse the Earth and your own emotions of any unwanted energies or negativity. • See the flames around you becoming liquid light and soak in this light once more. • Imagine Phuel hands you a large conch shell filled with crystal clear water. As you drink this cleansing elixir, it helps to flush out all energetic and emotional toxins. • Thank Phuel, rinse off in white light and ground yourself. Open your eyes.


• Do this exercise in the shower or bath as part of your daily routine to help cleanse your mind, body and energy field. It will refresh your spirit. • As you step under the running water of the shower or lie back in the bath, ask Phuel to energize the water, so it washes away negative emotions, beliefs and thoughts. • Picture a stream of turquoise and white light raining over you and through you. You may wish to imagine you are in a beautiful lagoon with a waterfall, just like the one pictured in Phuel’s oracle card.

The angel of surrender, Zacharael’s name means “Remembrance of God” and he asks us to remember that we do not have to carry our burdens alone. It is OK to ask for help when we need it. Sometimes life throws up situations or issues that we may find too difficult to cope with. We struggle to find answers or solutions, but can find none, and so it is often the case that we end up feeling helpless or like we have lost control. He tells us a problem shared is a problem halved. There is no shame in asking for help. In his card, Zacharael is portrayed as a Yazidi man—a member of an ancient spiritual minority group from Turkey, Syria and Iraq, who have faced persecution and genocide. Like Sariel, Zacharael helps us surrender to the divine when we have nowhere else to turn.

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• As the dark or heavy energy is washed down the drain, it is dissolved by Mother Earth. The soothing waters bring you a newfound sense of clarity, balance and peace. • Imagine Phuel placing a silk Turquoise cloak around you, sealing your energy field.

• When you have completed your bathing ritual, thank Phuel and bless the waters, sending any excess healing and light down the drain into Mother Earth as a gift.


Invoke Phuel’s clarifying energy to detox any part of your life that needs this Archangel’s deep-cleansing properties. Detoxing doesn’t only have to refer to our diet. There may be times when you need to detox your life of negative people, situations or even low-vibration media. Perhaps you may need to get out of the city and into some fresh country air or just cut back on too much over-indulgence. Letting go of what no longer serves us is a necessary part of our growth. Phuel can bring you the clarity you need, so can more easily recognize when you need to detox or cleanse any part of your life, so you can invite in fresh, new energies and experiences. As you become the essence of Phuel, you are likely to feel refreshed on all levels. Any obstacles in your path may simply wither and dissolve away, or you will be able to flow around them on to a new path, which serves you in a much better way. 74

Message: “The material aspect life is only temporary. Gently release any attachments to me. When you surrender, you open to receive that which is truly yours. This, too, shall pass.” MEET ZACHARAEL

• Zacharael’s colours are pale blue and pale green so take either a pale green or pale blue candle and, sitting somewhere comfortably. Light the candle. • Next, take a topaz, tanzanite or turquoise crystal or tumble stone and hold it in your left hand. Silently summon Archangel Zacharael to be with you. • Visualize this magnificent pale blue and pale green angel now standing before you. • You are soon engulfed by the heavenly fire of this angel’s colour ray. Spend a moment soaking up this beautiful flame. Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire and hand over all your burdens to Zacharael, so that he may engender a solution. 75

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: CANDLE AND CRYSTAL CEREMONY Hold the situation or issue you need help with in your mind and say the following prayer: “Beloved Zacharael, mighty angel of surrender and release, I hand over all my cares, worries, fears and doubts. And all my hopes, dreams and desires. Lift all burdens from my shoulders. Clear my mind of anything hindering me from receiving the clarity I need. Please bring me the best outcome to this situation [name situation or issue here] for my highest good and for the highest good of all involved. I trust in you to bring about a swift and miraculous resolution, which will occur in perfect, divine timing. I surrender to the will of the divine. I am ready to receive the blessings and miracles you and the angels are gifting me with. I ask that I easily recognise any gifts, blessings and miracles as soon as they arrive. I surrender. I surrender. I surrender. It is done. It is done. It is done. Thank you.”



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• Now blow out the candle and, as you do so, allow the smoke to send your prayer to Zacharael, so that he may take the burden from you and orchestrate a miracle. • Next, place the crystal under your pillow and ask Zacharael and the angels to bring you any clarity, solutions and answers you need during the hours of sleep.


Expression, communication, truth, courage, service, purpose, synchronicity, friendship, protection, abundance


Celestite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Apatite, Kyanite



Arcturus (The Guardian, brightest star of Boötes)



It can be difficult to find a way out of a situation when you are right in the middle of it. Sometimes, to find the best solution, we need to hand the situation over to someone with a different perspective. You can become the essence of Zacharael by reminding yourself and others that worrying about a situation or issue rarely brings a solution. Surrender and trust in the best outcome and open the way for assistance or an unexpected revelation to arrive. 76



• Spend a moment soaking up this beautiful light and opening your heart to receive. • Imagine Sachiel wrapping you in a blue cloak covered with shining gold coins. • This cloak envelopes you and its light and energy flows outwards from you until it expands throughout all the areas of your life. • Acknowledge any part of your existence where you haven’t been seeing your worth. • Where have you been giving away too much money, time or energy to those who haven’t held you in gratitude or reciprocated with the same level of generosity?

The perfect angel to call on in times of scarcity, Sachiel is the angel of charity and wealth. Her name means “Covering of God”. It’s for this reason that many call on her to “cover them” when they owe money. Portrayed as a traditional traveler or Gypsy woman, she acts as an angelic good luck trinket and is associated with fairness in trading, business, investments, insurance and banking. Make sure that your intentions are of the utmost good when calling on Sachiel as she often works on a “reap what you sow” basis. When you set your intention to align with your divine purpose for the good of yourself and the collective, she helps you become more affluent, so you are then able to assist others, who may be less fortunate than you. Like Raphael and Chamuel, Sachiel is one of the guardians of the fourth heaven or heart chakra. As Lady Luck, she is often linked to Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune. Her colours are violet or blue and, like Asariel, she is sometimes associated with the energy of water, portraying the easy flow of divine abundance. Whenever you invoke Sachiel, she reminds you that you have access to the Law of Attraction. She shows you that abundance is always within your grasp when you acknowledge your divine limitlessness.

• Also recognize where you have not been acknowledging the value others have brought into your life—be honest with yourself. • Decide to redress this balance today and ask Sachiel to stand over you as a powerful guardian to keep you on the path of integrity in matters of wealth and prosperity. • Know now that as you align to your integrity, your access to divine abundance becomes limitless. Thank Sachiel and open your eyes.

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Message: “True wealth lies within. It is time to place more value on yourself, so you can be generous without feeling drained.” HOW TO MEET SACHIEL • Close your eyes and call upon Sachiel. Ask her to shower you with her blue light for help with abundance of all kinds—especially financial wealth and prosperity. 78

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: SHEPHERD’S STAFF • Close your eyes and ask Sachiel to be your personal guardian of wealth, value, prosperity and abundance. • Imagine she is now offering you her magic golden shepherd’s staff. Take it from her graciously and see yourself dipping it into your wallet or bank account. • Stir your finances with the tip of the staff and witness yourself conjuring more and more financial support, while protecting the resources you already have. • With Sachiel’s staff for you to lean on, you will always be secure. Open your eyes.

BECOME THE ANGEL When you switch your mindset from one of scarcity, greed or purely personal gain to thoughts of gratitude, sharing and generosity, you open to the flow of infinite abundance. Like all things, money and wealth are made up of energy. You align yourself with Archangel Sachiel’s generous love when you understand that by holding a loving intention, whereby you recognize your true worth and value as the infinite bounty of your divinity. You can then begin to see that same worth reflected in others. Ensure you are open to receive all you desire and deserve. Then it is easier to share of your abundant time, energy, resources and wealth selflessly through open-hearted goodwill and in alignment to the divine flow. 79

22. ASARIEL: “EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION” Archangel Asariel is the patron Archangel of the waters, who rules over the planet Neptune. Like her Caribbean water goddess image in the oracle, she appears in shimmering watery robes, a crown of shells and carrying a trident. Her colours are green, aqua and blue. As the Archangel of water, Asariel helps us connect with our deep emotions, creativity, dreams and intuition. She can show us how to tap into our sensitive side and honour our thoughts, feelings and inner guidance. Guiding the deep and often untapped recesses of your spirit, Asariel can help you navigate the endless ocean of treasures life holds for you. She allows you to let go of fear and flow with the currents of experience, supporting you through any ups and downs. Asariel reminds us that if we let go and let flow, we can open ourselves to the countless blessings in front of our face that may be obscured in the shaded rock pools of the shallows. Likewise, when we are afraid to wade into our own depths, she guides us into calmer seas. Like a sea anemone or hermit crab, with Asariel you can discern when you need to adopt your tough outer shell of protection, or reveal the soft sweetness within. With Asariel’s help, you can direct the power of Neptune’s trident where it’s truly needed.

• This dolphin swims towards you and you experience its sound waves, as though you are feeling the sonic vibrations of healing music. • As this dolphin now swims fully into focus, it begins to shape-shift into a beautiful blue-green angel. She is singing and her song gently brings up buried emotions. • Allow these deep emotions to gently surface. Like buried treasure waiting to be found, they rise like bubbles in your awareness and instantly transform into higher feelings of bliss and peace as you acknowledge them and let them go. • As you release, see yourself being engulfed by a giant wave of blue light—the heavenly flame of this angel’s colour ray. • Spend a moment soaking up this beautiful light as though you are bathing and playing in crystal-clear ocean waves. • Feel the waves now flow around you like a protective cloak. Open your eyes.


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Message: “You are naturally intuitive and deeply sensitive. Acknowledge and trust your emotions as they can act as a powerful compass.” HOW TO MEET ASARIEL • Close your eyes. Call on Asariel and visualize the planet Neptune in front of you. As you look at this vibrant blue planet, you notice that there is a dolphin swimming around it. 80

• Close your eyes and imagine that Asariel is in front you, holding her trident. • Behind her is the sea and you notice the vast waves rolling into shore. • Asariel turns and, with her trident outstretched in front her, she beckons you into the waves. As you dip below the water, you can breathe and feel peaceful and calm. • You come across a treasure chest. You know it contains your heart’s desires. Open the chest and feel the precious contents rise up out of it and flow into your heart. • Visualize your most heart-felt desire and feel it being activated within your heart. • Meditate on a feeling of serene contentment and let it bring you back to your calm centre, so you can rest in equilibrium. Thank Asariel and open your eyes.

BECOME THE ANGEL As you invoke Asariel, you will find it much easier to remain centred in times of upheaval and uncertainty. Rather than making choices based on logic, feel into which situation or direction seems right by letting your emotions guide you. A joyful, uplifting feeling of freedom and calm around your centre usually indicates a positive answer. If you feel tightness or constriction in the belly or chest, that is usually a sign that the course of action you are thinking of embarking on may not be in your highest interests. You are the best judge of what is right for you. Become like Asariel and let your feelings guide the way. 81


HOW TO MEET MICHAEL • Close your eyes and ask Michael to be with you. • Focus on a colour of the deepest indigo or cobalt blue and see Michael wrapping his blue cloak around you to protect you. • Imagine him standing by your right side, pouring courage and strength into you. • Think of any issues you need help with in your life and ask Michael to resolve them peacefully now. Then let go of them, so he can take the burden from you.

Probably the most well-known of all the Archangels, beloved Michael is the angelic protector. Your personal bodyguard, He infuses you with courage and will ensure you, and those you love, are kept safe. Ask him to cut any negative cords to relieve tensions and bring peace to your family and friends, and to watch over you and your loved ones. The angelic policeman, if you see a police car go by or witness a fight or argument, send Michael to help to surround the situation in his powerful transmuting flame to resolve any conflict. Michael’s colour is a brilliant cobalt blue or indigo and you may see blue sparkles when he’s around. Whenever you feel afraid, uncertain or need a little extra courage, call on Michael to wrap his blue cloak around you and shield you from harm. Many years ago, I was home in Sydney, Australia visiting my family, when we attended a church service in St Mary’s Cathedral. As soon as we entered the church, I felt Michael’s energy wrap me up like a protective forcefield. My heart began to pound and I felt an intense tingling sensation spread through my body. I looked up at the altar and was stunned to see Archangel Michael materialize in front of my eyes. He was huge and had long, blond hair that was flowing in the breeze—despite the air in the church being perfectly still. He wore a deep-blue cape and held a giant sword of light above his head. He was unspeakably powerful and yet gentle, and I experienced the most profound feeling of love and security. Whenever you are going through rapid or difficult changes in your life, or feel uncertain about your path ahead, call on Michael to reassure you and trust that all will be well.

• Thank Michael, rinse off in white light and ground yourself. Open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: MICHAEL’S SWORD OF LIGHT Michael’s powerful sword is made from the pure light of the Creator—the light of unconditional love. The ultimate illumination, it shines the way forward when you need guidance and there is nothing that can withstand its brilliance. • Close your eyes and ask Michael to use his sword to cut away any negative emotional cords that bind you to people, places or events preventing you from moving forward.

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• As you feel each cord release, seal it in white light to prevent it from reattaching. • Michael can also use his sword to suck negative energy out of your aura or space. • Finally, ask Michael to place his sword in your energy field along your spinal cord to keep you centred in your truth and integrity. • Ask him to give you his shield and cloak for security when needed. Open your eyes.


Message: “Release your fears. You are safe and protected. If are in a time when you need a little more courage, know that I am with you shielding you from any perceived danger.”

Michael is the “Angel of Divine Will”. Think of the meaning of the words “will power” and let those words anchor you in your own sense of inner strength and determination. Imagine what it would feel like to be totally confident and secure in yourself, your environment and your abilities. Hold on to that feeling and imagine you can amplify it within your stomach area. If you wish, you can imagine a swirling indigo ball of light within that location. Now, allow yourself to stand up straighter and taller. Bring the focus of your attention to the lower part of your body, such as your belly, legs or feet and consciously sink your weight into your physicality. Feel gravity anchoring you and imagine you are strong, tall and sturdy like an oak tree. Now you are standing in your power. Even if you don’t fully believe it, day by day, you will begin to feel more confident and assertive.




CHAKRA / LOCATION: Third Eye (centre of the brow)

Jeremiel’s name means “Mercy of God” and he is one of the most comforting angels to call on if you’re experiencing a difficult time or have a tough decision to make. He can help you to develop a more merciful, compassionate outlook and treat others with love and respect. In his card, Jeremiel is portrayed as an Inuit elder. Like the mysterious Northern Lights above Greenland, his flame and colour are deep purple, which is the colour of profound spiritual expansion. The crystal amethyst is often associated with this Archangel’s healing energy and you may see purple sparkles behind your eyes or in your aura when he’s around. Jeremiel is here to help humanity evolve and we each have a personal path to follow in this regard. This archangel is exceptionally handy if you’re undertaking a life review and he can show you how to take an inventory of anything that is or isn’t working, removing any old, stuck patterns, so you can move forward. There may be times in our lives when we may have to face up to some hard truths about where we are holding on to behaviours, people and situations that may not be in our best interests. Jeremiel can help us lovingly let go of the old, outdated and outgrown aspects of ourselves and our lives with gentle compassion. He can also help you see the hidden blessings in any problems. Like Soqed Hozi, he helps you learn from your past mistakes in order to allow you to grow and become stronger.

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Vision, intuition, insight, perception, spiritual sight, clear perspective, psychic abilities, dreams


Amethyst, Ametrine, Fluorite, Purple Jade, Sugilite, Alexandrite


STAR / CONSTELLATION: Alpha Centauri (The Centaur)


Message: “Call on me to bring more comfort and clarity into your life. Do not hold on to that which is outdated. I can help you clear your mind and nourish your soul.” HOW TO MEET JEREMIEL


• Close your eyes and call upon Jeremiel to help you release from your life anything you know you no longer need, but are finding it hard to let go of. 85


• See yourself surrounded by Jeremiel’s purple light of love, mercy and forgiveness. • You are soon engulfed by the heavenly fire of this angel’s colour ray. Spend a moment soaking up this beautiful light. • On an inhale, imagine Jeremiel pouring into you the knowledge of what you need to release and, on an exhale, see yourself releasing any situations that no longer serve you. Like Jophiel or Phuel, you can call on this angel to help you clear clutter. If there are negative patterns you are struggling to break or toxic people you are finding it hard to release, ask Jeremiel to gently move them out of your life. • Rinse off in white light, place a purple cloak around yourself and open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: AMETHYST AURA • Close your eyes and call on Jeremiel. Imagine him standing behind you, enveloping you with his shimmering purple wings. • He invites you to enter a beautiful Amethyst temple of light.

Raziel’s name means “Secrets of God” and, like the Jewish high priest in his card, he is the angel of the Mysteries. Associated with ancient teachings like the Kabbalah, Raziel helps us enhance and deepen our spiritual understanding of esoteric knowledge and practice. Mystical Raziel is strongly associated with the gift of clairvoyance and he can help your spiritual sight to fully awaken, guiding you to see the truth in any given situation. He can teach you to trust your intuition and inner guidance and boosts your personal power to allow you to see past any fears or illusions that may be holding you back on your sacred path. Like the archangel Metatron, Raziel is closely associated with the mystical science of Sacred Geometry and esoteric symbols. He will often bring you messages in the form of glyphs or sigils, either in your physical sight or in your mind’s eye. The most prominent of these is the Tree of Life symbol, which relates to knowledge and our connection to the divine. Raziel is said to be the author of a sacred text known as The Book of Raziel, so you may see the symbol of a book around you or be guided to write when he is around. He brings guidance about the next steps in your own alchemical and spiritual evolution.

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• As you enter the crystal temple, his Amethyst Aura covers you from head to toe with a protective shield—you may even see purple sparkles around you.

• Ask Jeremiel to show you the hidden blessings in any issue you’re struggling with and imagine you are now gazing into an amethyst crystal ball.

• At first the crystal is filled with purple mist, but then an image becomes clear. You may not get a message straight away, but know the situation will be resolved. • Thank Jeremiel and open your eyes.

BECOME THE ANGEL Sometimes in life, we may be faced with having to make the very difficult choice to walk away from a situation or relationship we know is no longer serving us. It is during painful endings that you can benefit from harnessing the merciful and tender vibration of Jeremiel. Be kind to yourself as you embark on the next chapter of your journey and be as kind and gentle as you can in your actions towards anyone you may feel you need to release from your life now. Try not to make any decisions from a place of rashness or pain. Instead, feel into every individual circumstance, offering forgiveness for the hardship and gratitude for the learning. Know that with every letting go, new seeds are sown. Remember to have mercy for yourself, too. Go forward from this experience with dignity and grace. 86

Message: “Be open to magic and mystery. Pay close attention to signs and symbols. If you have drawn this card, you may be experiencing an awakening or a deepening of your gifts.” HOW TO MEET RAZIEL • Close your eyes and call on Raziel, who has an aura of shimmering purple light, filled with all the colours of the rainbow. • Imagine you are being engulfed by the heavenly fire of this angel’s colour ray. 87

• Spend a moment letting this flame dance around you and within you. • Surrounding yourself with this light, now ask Raziel to open your spiritual sight. • Imagine a purple wave of light flowing into your third eye, which opens like a flower. • Stay in this space for as long as you need to and take note of any messages or images that are revealed to you. You may be aware of symbols or fire letters in your vision. • When you’re ready, rinse off in white light, ground yourself and open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: TREE OF LIFE • Close your eyes and ask Raziel to help you connect to your true divine self.


• See him bringing the sacred Tree of Life symbol of the Kabbalah down into you through your crown, integrating the symbol’s wisdom within your energy field.


• As you and the symbol become one, a lightning bolt courses down from the heavens linking up every sphere on the tree within your energy field.


• A sphere of purple light opens at your throat. You receive an attunement from Raziel, who opens your gate of Gnosis, offering you access to his sacred book of all wisdom.


Crown (top of the head)

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• Stand in your power, knowing that whatever you need is already within you. • Rinse off in white light and ground yourself with gratitude. Open your eyes.


Miracles, wisdom, knowledge, unity, awareness, intelligence, bliss, understanding, inner knowing, claircognizance


Amethyst, Lepidolite, Violet Sapphire, Scapolite, Tanzanite, Kunzite

BECOME THE ANGEL You channel Raziel’s vibration when you embark on a journey of deeper spiritual discovery. You may find you become interested in esoteric concepts and feel drawn to study subjects, such as Alchemy, Tarot, Reiki, quantum physics and magic, among others. But no matter how much you study or how much knowledge you gain, the true spiritual master knows there is no such thing as wisdom without love. Without it, you would be missing the point. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life diagram is a consciousness map, linking 10 spheres with 22 pathways, which represent the journey to enlightenment. It is said that one must master each of the lessons contained within these spheres if they are to understand the inner workings of the universe. However, there is also a hidden sphere that cannot be taught. It is the sphere of Gnosis (knowledge), known as Da’ath. This is a mystical state where all the spheres and pathways on the Tree of Life merge—the adept becomes one with existence, transcending duality and knowing themselves divine. The “Ark—or arc—of the Covenant” is actually a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain during higher states of consciousness. 88


STAR / CONSTELLATION: The Pleiades (The Seven Sisters)




• All negative thoughts and emotions are dissolved instantly and, like wildfire, your intention sends this silver-violet flame everywhere, simultaneously engulfing negativity and clearing the Karma for you and the whole planet. • Thank Zadkiel, wrap his violet cloak around you and open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: THE CLOAK OF ALCHEMY AND THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE Shown here as the Ascended Master Saint Germaine—The Great Alchemist—Zadkiel’s name means “Grace of God” or “Righteousness of God”. He is the angel of freedom, benevolence, transfiguration and forgiveness. He helps release negativity and transmutes limiting beliefs and thought patterns, so we can live a life of freedom. This begins with holding ourselves in forgiveness and—in a similar way to working with Jeremiel—having mercy for our own shortcomings. Zadkiel can help us to see a higher perspective and rise above the idea of right and wrong, good or bad to see every situation in our lives a great blessing or lesson. He helps free us from outdated victimhood or guilt and transforms our lower thoughts and emotions into loving and hopeful wishes and prayers, guiding us toward inner bliss.

• Close your eyes and call on Zadkiel to set you ablaze with his violet flame whenever you feel weighed down by negativity or trapped by circumstances. • Ask Zadkiel to wrap the violet flame around you like an Alchemist’s cloak of lavender light. Sweep this cloak about you to clear and transmute lower energies around you. • Choose how you would like to feel and ask Zadkiel to sweep his violet fire through your being and out into the world around you to align the frequency of any place or space to the positive and uplifting emotions of your choose.

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Message: “Free yourself from limitations. Imprisonment is an illusion for no one can imprison your heart or mind. Choose to feel free and allow any perceived blocks to dissolve.” HOW TO MEET ZADKIEL • Close your eyes and call upon Zadkiel, who appears in the guise of the Ascended Master of Alchemy, Saint Germaine. He is surrounded by violet fire. • A delicate sound, like the tinkling of little silver bells begins to chime inside your mind and sparkles of violet light twinkle and ignite around you. • You hear a hiss and your wings burst into ultra-violet flame. • Soon this violet fire is blazing through your whole being. Bathe in this potent transmuting flame, breathing it in to every cell of your body. 90

• You can send this flame out into any space. Try it on public transport, in your workplace or in any area around you to cleanse, align and lift the vibration. • As sensitives, we can often pick up on the energies of a person or place, but we also need to remember we have the power to change the state of energy via intention. • Next, imagine Zadkiel is handing you his magical Philosopher’s Stone, placing it in your left hand. In your mind’s eye, it appears as a glowing gem with the golden Alchemical symbol of The Philosopher’s Stone radiating from its centre. • Place the gem inside your heart to acknowledge and activate your inner Alchemist. • Freedom is always within sight when Zadkiel is near. Thank him and open your eyes.

BECOME THE ANGEL True freedom is found within. Humans often create challenges for ourselves, but no one can take your joy or freedom from you without your permission. Sometimes that permission can be subconscious. If you feel stuck, hand the experience you are having over to Zadkiel, asking him to release any pain and unforgiveness from your heart. There is a powerful Hawaiian Huna prayer of forgiveness you can say to yourself to help with this process. It is called the Ho’oponopono Prayer and it goes like this: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” 91

27. ZURIEL: “DIPLOMACY AND FAIR PLAY” Beloved Zuriel is known as “God is my Rock” and the “Angel of Repentance”. Like the female Sufi whirling dervish on her oracle card, she is the regulator of opposing forces and governs the rotation of the heavenly bodies, keeping Mother Earth in sync with our solar system and universe. Zuriel stands for harmony and peace. As the celestial rock, she helps keep you rooted to the spot when you need to make a stand for what’s right. She is a formidable ally to have around when you are facing a conflict—especially when facing injustice coming from the opposition—as she literally cannot be budged. Zuriel acts as your inner backstop, preventing you from backing down in the face of unfairness. Also the angel of vitality and fertility, Zuriel balances our hormones, brain chemicals and other bodily systems, restoring our equilibrium and exuberance. She improves our mental health, eases stress and can, thankfully, reveal when we are acting foolishly. The angel of the zodiac sign of Libra, she is all about tact, diplomacy and mediation. Similar to Soqed Hozi, she blesses our social life and brings good relations and a strong sense of fair play to partnerships, friendships, communities and groups. Zuriel can help us to forgive and release any hurt or upset after we have suffered a disappointment. As an angel of evolution, justice and salvation, she rapidly restores harmony, brings foresight and can be called upon for prophecy, offering clear guidance on our next steps. The most powerful angel of the Principalities—who are the angels who govern groups, communities and institutions, including entire nations—Zuriel watches over the innocent and vulnerable. She protects newborn babies and infants, welcoming them into the world.


• Close your eyes and invite Zuriel to be with you. See, sense or imagine a whirling flame of the softest pinkish-violet light coming into your energy field. • Imagine you can rest in the stillness in the middle of this gentle spiraling angelic light—as though resting in the eye of a storm. See Zuriel dancing around you. • Call to mind any aspects of your life that feel out of balance and invite Zuriel to bring them back into alignment with peace and harmony. • Breathe in the light and then allow the mini tornado to gently close around you like a soft violet blanket, helping you feel safe and secure. Open your eyes when ready.


• The Spiral Dance or Weaver’s Dance is a contemporary Pagan ritual of movement and rebirth to help raise the vibration of a community or group. • This dance is a simplified version. If you are working alone, you may just wish to gently whirl on the spot or let your body move in whatever way it pleases.

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Message: “Call on me to bring harmony, diplomacy and fair play to all your interactions. I will restore your equilibrium.” 92

• If you are gathered in a group, choose a leader and have everyone stand in a circle, holding hands. Set your intention. • Choose a leader and invoke Zuriel’s pink-violet flame to lovingly bathe and harmonize the entire community as a microcosm of humanity. • The leader lets go of the hand of the person to their left and starts to move to their left, passing in front of that person. The rest of the group follow the leader. • Keep winding towards the centre of the circle, until you form a tight spiral. • The last person can then become the leader, guiding the spiral in another direction.


Zuriel is the divine mediator. By acting with fairness and tact in all your endeavours, relationships and interactions, you embody the essence of this angel. Becoming more mindful of where you may be experiencing imbalance in your time, rhythms, cycles, energy and efforts will help you take a step back to regroup and recentre. From this more foundational place of stillness and stability, you can then proceed slowly and more gently to bring harmony into all aspects of your interactions and experiences.




Causal Chakra (upper back of the head)

Beautiful Gabriel is one of the most famous Archangels—along with Michael. Gabriel can be perceived as either male or female and is shown in the card as an androgynous figure to honour the balance of this angel’s masculine and feminine qualities. Known as “God’s Messenger”, Gabriel’s name means “God Has Shown Himself”. He helps us discover our truth and true life path, and is particularly helpful to writers and those in the communication industries. Gabriel brings hope in times of hardship, accompanies new beginnings and guides us through the veil of illusion. I recall my mother saying he once appeared to her in our house when I was a child. She heard a sound like heraldic trumpets and when she turned around, there was a huge figure as tall as the ceiling, in flowing white robes, standing at the top of the stairs. She felt a sense of overwhelming joy. The angel only appeared for a minute, then it shimmered and disappeared. My mother taught me about the angels from a very young age and she’d always help me pray to Gabriel for guidance. Still today, I feel this beautiful angel guiding and reassuring me. Sometimes, I see bright white sparkles when Gabriel is near and there’s a sense of being in flow with the universe—as though everything I touch turns to gold. Gabriel can bring hope during those times when you may feel all hope is lost. Years ago, I lost my job as the editor of a national spiritual magazine. I was devastated and thought I had lost my entire purpose. I felt like a failure because it seemed as though my whole life had crumbled beneath me. With very little money in the bank and what seemed like very few prospects, I went through a difficult period that lasted a number of years. What I experienced was what many would call a “dark night of the soul” (see Sariel). But when I was at my lowest point, Gabriel managed to bring me a message of hope. Walking home one gloomy London winter afternoon, I had my headphones in to try to take my mind off my heavy emotions. Music has always held so much meaning for me. It’s also one of the ways the angels can bring us signs, so I often tune in to the words of songs to see if they contain a personal message for me.

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Hope, higher purpose, higher consciousness, collective consciousness of the planet, purity, peace, clarity, spiritual gifts


Selenite, White Howlite, Candle Quartz, Petalite, Calcite



Sirius (The Dog Star) and Pegasus (The Winged Horse)




I had put my music on shuffle mode that day and, as I would often do, I asked the universe to choose the right songs I needed to hear on my walk home. Almost as soon as I had the thought, a song came on that I had never heard before. When the melody began it was quite slow and melancholy, but even before I heard the words, I noticed a familiar tingling feeling and my heart beginning to expand. I had no idea this song even existed, let alone that I had a copy of it in my own music collection. When the words did start, my heart burst wide open and tears came to my eyes… “I can fly, but I want his wings. I can shine, even in the darkness, but I crave the light that he brings… my angel, Gabriel.” The song just happened to be included on a compilation album I had bought a few years before, but had not yet listened to. The emergence of that song on that very day at that precise moment—right when I needed a sign from the universe—was absolute proof to me that the divine messenger, Gabriel, was right there by my side bringing me confirmation that things were going to be OK. You can never truly lose your purpose and, although it may sometimes seem as though you have lost your way, you might just be leveling up. The universe will move you away from any situation that is holding you back, so that you can step into a much bigger role when you are ready. Gabriel and the angels will always ensure that you are on the right path. This oracle deck is living proof that Gabriel’s message to me that day was correct. Ask Gabriel to bring you a sign of hope during challenging times and to help you align with your true soul purpose. Gabriel can ensure your deepest desires are fulfilled and, when you lose your way, this angel will blow his trumpet to remind you to believe in yourself.

• Open your eyes and start to write the first thing that comes to your mind. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense, just relax and let it flow. • Keep writing until you feel the need to stop. • Date your paper and re-read the message that has appeared. • Keep hold of it in case the message becomes clearer in future. • Thank Gabriel, rinse off in white light. Ground yourself.


• Sometimes portrayed as a white lily—the symbol of purity—Gabriel’s trumpet alerts us to the fact that he / she is igniting our divine spark or inner light. • Close your eyes and think of all your past experiences and hardships. • What have you learned? Where did you stray from your path only to have a life lesson occur to help bring things back into perspective? • See the good in each lesson, knowing there really are no wrong choices.

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Message: “You are in total alignment with your sacred purpose. Feel hopeful. All is unfolding exactly as it should, according to the divine plan for your life.” HOW TO MEET GABRIEL • Take a piece of clean, white paper and a pen (use a gold pen if you can). • Close your eyes and imagine dazzling white light surrounding you. • See this heavenly light become a dazzling white fire and let it blaze within and around your entire being. Breathe this fire deeply into your heart and spirit. • Call on Gabriel for guidance—you can ask a specific question or just request a general message. Trust that the answer will come and relax your mind. 96

• Trust that if you stray too far from your true path, Gabriel’s golden trumpet will sound to call you back into alignment. • Imagine the trumpet also sounding to celebrate each blessing you have received. • While change is not always comfortable, Gabriel helps us see our past experiences as strengths to help us move forward. • The trumpet call reminds you that it’s your time to shine. • Thank Gabriel and receive a white cloak for security. Open your eyes.


You can become the essence of the Archangel Gabriel when you help bring hope to others and remind them that they are never alone. Sometimes, just knowing that someone believes in you can be deeply healing and motivating. Is there a person you know who you feel could use a little bit more encouragement? Reaching out to that person could change their day and, what’s more, it will bring you a sense of fulfilment knowing that you have helped another. Trust that you also have unlimited support around you and can achieve great things when you believe in yourself. Be hopeful and trust the journey is unfolding in the best way for all. Gabriel is a gentle and loving angel, so be gentle and loving to yourself and all people and creatures of the Earth. 97


• Ask him to send his white flame into your heart to show you some of the ways you are already living in a state of devotion in your daily life. • Think of the things you enjoy doing—especially the ones that set your soul alight. • Perhaps you love to sing in the shower, write poetry, draw, dance or paint. Maybe your relaxation time involves cooking, knitting or gardening.

Selathiel is the “Angel of Contemplation and Devotion”. His name means “Prayer of God” and he is known as the intercessor. Illustrated in his oracle card as a peace-loving Tibetan monk, this Archangel is a special guardian to those who have been ordained or who are qualified as spiritual teachers. This gentle being comes to teach us about the importance of prayer. Selathiel shows us how to see every aspect of our lives as sacred and worthy of devotion—even the most mundane, everyday activities can be embraced as a form of devotion or in a sacred ritual. He assists with bringing us more easily into a meditative state and can show you how to still your mind, so you can tap into the quiet voice of your true guidance. He can also enhance your concentration levels and help you to avoid distractions. Selathiel is often depicted with an expression of sincere humility on his face, with downcast eyes and his arms gently folded over his chest. Like the image in his oracle card, he is shown to be swinging an incense burner or censer, the smoke of which carries our prayers more quickly to Heaven. An angel of mindfulness, he shows us how to live without unhealthy attachment, keeps us centred in the now moment and helps us to trust that our prayers are being answered—perhaps just not always in the way we might expect. Selathiel reminds us that everyone’s path is unique. Don’t follow the herd. Be devoted to you.

• Anything that brings you into a focused state of attention can be seen as a form of meditation. And when you add in a positive intention, it becomes a prayer.

Message: “Your whole existence is sacred. Let your heart lead you. Devotion comes in many different shapes and forms. Even walking barefoot on the grass can be a form of prayer.”


• The next time you find yourself doing an activity you enjoy, say a little prayer and pour the energy of your joy into the intention, knowing that it will be answered. • Spend time meditating in this white healing ray. Open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: INCENSE OF INTERCESSION • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and light some incense (if you have none to hand, you can just visualize or imagine the smell of incense burning).

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HOW TO MEET SELATHIEL • Close your eyes. Ask Selathiel to be with you in honouring and devotion. 98

• Picture Selathiel holding open a golden swinging incense holder. • Think of the prayer you feel needs answering most urgently and ask Selathiel to help you find the right words to pray. See your prayers flowing into the incense holder. • You may feel a warm sensation around your ears to signify Selathiel is listening. • Deeply inhale the scent of the incense (real or imaginary) three times. • As Selathiel swings the incense, the smoke turns white and your prayers rise with it. Set the intention to release them totally, knowing they will be answered. • See the smoke now come into your energy field, purifying and uplifting you. • Thank Selathiel, open your eyes and extinguish the incense or let it burn out.

Prayer and meditation are the most simple of daily rituals, but many find it complicated or feel they don’t have the time. Prayer simply begins with intention. And meditation is merely a form of observation. We are actually doing these things all the time without even knowing it. How can you bring more grace and devotion into your daily thoughts, intentions and reactions? You are just as divine while doing your grocery shopping as you are when you are in prayer. God exists within each of us, so do what makes you happy. 99



Soul Star (6-8in / 15-20cm above the head)

It’s no coincidence that Mirabiel’s name sounds like “mirror ball”. Like a glitter ball reflecting endless sparkles of light, the silver-blue lunaresque Mirabiel helps to illuminate the divine feminine aspect of grace within us. In doing so, she helps balance, cleanse and purify our spirit. As we gaze into her mirror, we look deeply into our own soul self and slip beneath the mercuriel waters of the unknown. We are then able to move with more flexibility, relishing the freedom activated by this angel. Like the Celtic Pagan elder and priestess on her card, Mirabiel’s feminine energy brings our lives into flow, helping us to wash away and release any feelings of rigidity, control and limitation, so we can relinquish the need to grip on to life too tightly. It is from this place of surrender and fluidity that we can tap into our intuition and creativity. Then we can dance through life to our own personal rhythm, as Mirabiel’s glitter ball throws sparkles of delight across any shadows. Lighting up all the dark corners, Mirabiel’s light brings us clarity and discernment. We can trust we are in alignment with divine timing. All is perfect. You can also call on angel Mirabiel to balance the feminine and masculine energy of our planet. Like the wise elder in her card, Mirabiel is connected to the lunar energies, so is wonderful to call on for manifesting and releasing during the new and full moon phases.

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Connection to higher self, realization of divine purpose, transcending Karma, access to the Akashic Records, manifestation, awakening


Silver, Hematite, Galena, Phenakite, Magnetite, Meteorite



Cygnus (The Swan) and Crux (The Southern Cross)


Message: “Life is a mirror. What are your outer circumstances reflecting back at you? What can you learn from these experiences?” HOW TO MEET MIRABIEL

• Close your eyes and call upon Mirabiel to join you in meditation. • As she comes into your vision, her silver-blue eyes embody the power of the full moon and the luminous and reflective light of the divine feminine. 100


• Her eyes are like mirrors of light, blazing with divine fire. This flame surrounds you, allowing you to see through the mists between our world and the worlds beyond. • You look up at the night sky, which is filled with thousands of stars. And a large, white owl swoops down to offer you protection and insight. • As what is above in Heaven is mirrored below on Earth, you look down and see the stars reflected in a pool below you, where Mirabiel now stands partially submerged. • She points towards the twinkling lights reflected in the water and they begin to transform into many different faces, all gazing up at you. • You realize they are the many faces of your soul from all your lifetimes. • In the mirrors of Mirabiel’s eyes, your feminine wisdom is doubled, as though harnessing the power of two full moons. You have the power to see absolute truth. • As you gaze into these twin lunar mirrors, you now make the decision to embrace your authentic self, knowing you are aligning with your highest soul purpose.




Stellar Gateway (12in / 30cm above the Crown)

For Review Only

• During a full Moon, go outside and call upon Mirabiel to activate her mirror ball of cleansing and protection.

• Visualize a multi-faceted silver-blue mirror ball within your heart chakra. As you bathe in the light of the full moon, the mirror ball is activated. • It expands until it fills your whole auric field, reflecting away any negative energy.

• This lunar shield of light also shines the light of the divine feminine into the aura of anyone you encounter, so that they also benefit from this purification.


Direct access to Source, understanding our infinite nature, limitlessness, divine insight, enlightenment, Christ light


Gold, Gold Tektite, Pyrite, Citrine, Golden Topaz, Healer’s Gold

ESSENTIAL OIL: Frankincense



You can become an ambassador for Mirabiel’s presence when you understand that all aspects of your outer life are a mirror of what is happening within. It takes courage to look into your psyche. Be honest with yourself about any intentions, emotions or behaviours you are presenting to the world that are not in alignment with your deepest truth. Mirror work is challenging, but powerful. When you choose to embody the light of Mirabiel, you may become keenly aware of your own internal landscape, but you will know that you stand safe in the light of truth. Allow the mirror to become a magnifying glass helping you to look inside without judgment. You will discover all the hidden parts of yourself, calling you to embrace, forgive and integrate them back into wholeness.

Orion’s Belt (The Golden Council / The Three Kings)




31. METATRON: “ANCIENT WISDOM” One of only two angels who is said to have walked the earth as a human being—the other being Sandalphon—Metatron’s earthly name was Enoch. He is known as “God’s Voice” and, as the divine mediator with humanity, he sits at the very top of the Tree of Life in the Kabbalistic tradition. He helps us to connect with ancient wisdom, so we can tap into our true genius. If you ask him, he will activate your DNA, crown and upper chakras. When you are ready, he will illuminate your soul’s mission, so you may step on the Ascension path and become the best version of yourself. Early in my journey, while attending a healing workshop, I had an incredible experience with Metatron. As I called on him, my crown chakra opened and a rush of pure love shot through me. A golden light coursed through my body like a sudden electric shock. I could feel sparks of energy all over, within and around me. From the brilliant light, emerged a massive golden angel. His feet were on Earth, but his head was up amongst the stars. The remarkable thing about this experience was that it was entirely holographic in nature. I could see the angel from all angles, but it was also as though he had stepped into me and I was experiencing the entire universe from his perspective. He was strangely angular, as though his body was made up of sacred geometric shapes. My own body was shaking from the raw power that surged through my nervous system. I had never before met such an immense being. I decided to ask his name. “I am Metatron!” came a booming voice that seemed to echo out of the Heavens. Metatron showed me a large multifaceted golden symbol—his geometric cube—which could be brought down through the energy field to elevate a person’s vibration, cleanse, balance and align their chakras, and provide deep healing and transformation. When I came around from the experience and opened my eyes, another healer who was assisting on the workshop, had crossed the room of 50 people to deliver me a message. “My darling,” she said, “I just saw that whole thing. The angels want me to tell you they have been waiting for you to work with them. They want you to write and teach

about them.” We looked down and, on the floor between our feet, was a large white feather. I had not known it at the time, but I later learnt that Metatron, as his image in the card reveals, is the angel of Sacred Geometry, who governs the very building blocks of creation.

Message: “You are crowned with the light of Source because you are the divine incarnate. Walk upon the Earth as an angel and life shall conspire to lift you up. Wisdom is available to those who truly follow the integrity of their heart.” HOW TO MEET METATRON

• Close your eyes. Imagine you’re walking along a white, sandy beach. • Up ahead in the distance, you see a huge geometric crystal palace on the shoreline. • As you walk towards the palace. You notice it is glowing with white and gold light. • You soon find yourself inside the palace with a huge pillar of golden-white fire and electricity forming in front of you.

For Review Only


• It is as though the pillar is calling you to it and you feel magnetized to the enticing light surging from high up above you down on to the Earth. • You step into the gold-white column of fire and instantly connect with Archangel Metatron’s potent energy. • Once inside the pillar, you see it has become a large white alabaster obelisk. • The interior walls of the crystalline structure are lined with golden sacred symbols, mysterious-looking cosmic glyphs, geometries and fire letters. • You ask Metatron for any messages he may have for you and the golden symbols and fire letters begin to fly from the crystal obelisk and into your energy field. • The tall structure then morphs back into a gold-white pillar of fire and soon the angel himself is now towering over you. • You receive a personal attunement to the angelic secrets of Alchemy as golden geometric shapes and the medicinal properties of nature pour from his hands. • Spend as long as you need to in this place, accessing healing and higher wisdom. • When you have received all you need, allow Metatron to place a golden crown upon your head and a golden cloak around your shoulders. • Return from the palace to the where you began this visualization. Open your eyes. 105



• Close your eyes and ask Metatron to cleanse and balance your chakras with his multifaceted golden geometric cube as pictured on his oracle card. • Visualize the cube coming down from way up high, activating your higher Ascension chakras as it descends from above you. • See it now hovering over the top of your head, glowing in vibrant golden light. • The cube slowly begins to rotate, giving off brighter light as it does so. • With your intention, invite the cube to connect with your crown chakra. You may feel a tingling sensation as it merges with this centre. • Allow the cube to spin within this energy vortex until you feel the cleansing and balancing has occurred. You may sense old energies leave during the process. • Then imagine or visualize the cube moving down through your energetic body, cleansing and spinning in each of your chakras, one by one. • Take as much time as you feel you need to bring your energy back into alignment. • As it reaches your feet, the cube now moves back up through each of your chakras to close them down again and seal your energy field.

The angel of figureheads, Jehudiel’s name means “Laudation of God” and he helps us to feel qualified to step into our own guiding and leadership roles. Like his image in the oracle, Jehudiel is often depicted wearing a crown and carrying a three-pronged whip, representing the divine authority of the Holy Trinity. He is linked with the Sacred Heart, helping us to recognize our own Christ Consciousness, so we may live Heaven on Earth and teach it to others. If you are in a position of authority, ask Jehudiel to help you act with integrity at all times and to acknowledge that true power is the power of love—not the love of power. My first recollection of the name Jehudiel was during a healing session I once had while on a retreat in Ibiza after starting a new position at work. With my eyes closed, I felt a powerful angelic presence beside me and clearly heard the name “Jehudiel” (pronounced as “Yeh-hoo-diel”). I then had a vision of a golden crown being placed on my head. Like the indigenous Rapa Nui (Easter Island) warrior on his card, this Archangel is the patron of all who work in some field of endeavour. His crown symbolizes the reward for spiritual labours. As an advisor to all who hold positions of responsibility and authority, he watches over kings, queens, presidents, judges and others in positions of power, ensuring they still remain true to God’s work. He is also known as the bearer of God’s merciful love.

For Review Only

• See the cube now exit through your crown chakra and hover above you once more.

• The symbol then showers a golden light over you, like a canopy or dome holding you within Metatron’s protective influence. • Allow the cube to ascend all the way back up to eternal Source. • Ground yourself by becoming aware of your physical body. Open your eyes.


You share in the wisdom of Metatron when you realize we are all connected through the oneness of the Creator. All things, all beings have consciousness—even the rocks and the trees, so live your life from the perspective that all existence is a part of you and is sacred. When you understand the principle of the microcosm in the macrocosm, you will also come to understand that you are not just a bystander in your experience here on Earth. You are a powerful angelic creator god, capable of mastering many great feats. That is why you have come to this planet at this time. You are one of the souls who have chosen to be here to assist in humanity’s awakening and rebirth from fear to love. Walk softly upon the Earth, knowing that she is an extension of you. You may wish to study sacred geometry, the secrets of Alchemy or Hermetic principles to further awaken the wise one within. 106

Message: “I am assisting you with your spiritual endeavour. You are a natural leader. Stay true to your integrity.” HOW TO MEET JEHUDIEL

• Close your eyes and call on Jehudiel, who arrives holding his powerful whip. • You are soon engulfed by the heavenly golden fire of this angel’s colour ray. 107


• Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire and taking its healing and restorative properties deep into your body, mind, soul and spirit. • Ask Jehudiel to shine his light into your mind to illuminate the areas of your life where you already use—or need to use—more of your ability to be an overseer. • Acknowledge that, although your mastery may show up in ways that are not always obvious, you are a leader in your own unique way. Know that you will soon be shown how to best use these abilities to serve yourself and others. • Understand that you are a fully qualified, powerful angelic co-creator. • Thank Jehudiel. Rinse off in white light, open your eyes.

DIAMOND FIRE ALCHEMY: WHIP AND CROWN OF SALVATION • Close your eyes and ask Jehudiel to help you step into your true personal power. • He places a golden crown upon your head. See the detail of this crown. How big is it? Is it decorated with any symbols or motifs? What does it represent to you?

One of the heads of the mighty Cherubim angels, Kerubiel is a powerful Archangel. Unlike the classical pictures of chubby flying babies, Cherubs actually have four faces—that of a lion, an eagle, an ox and a human—which point to each of the four directions on the compass. The name Cherubim means “wisdom” and Kerubiel’s name specifically means “The Flames Which Dance Around the Throne of God”. When I first experienced a meeting with this force of an angel, I felt and saw huge golden talons, like those of an Eagle coming down from above me. I physically felt the sheer weight of this being as he perched on my shoulders. His eyes flashed with golden fire and his wings blazed with lightning that came in multiple surges of electrical heat. Golden fire surged and spewed in sparks from his (human) mouth when he spoke. The request was far from light and fluffy and, although still loving, it left me trembling. However, although he may look and sound rather ominous, this angel really does have our best interests at heart. Like a cosmic lighthouse, he calls forth peace and light and sends it out in all directions. He uses his flame to ignite the highest heights of wisdom and knowledge within us and he is here to help everyone on the planet to awaken and ascend.

For Review Only

• Feel the weight of this crown. Allow it to ground and centre you. Feel it compelling you to sit or stand up taller and straighter, giving you a more dignified air. • Allow the power of the crown—and the feeling of being a magnificent and loving being—to fill your entire aura and energy field. • Next, Jehudiel hands you his three-pronged whip for courage, strength and devotion – especially with regards to your sacred service work. • Suddenly, your heart bursts into gold flame. You are gifted with the sacred heart of Christ as your own Christed sovereign self is activated.

• See gold light streaming through all your chakras, cloaking and bathing you in light. • Thank Jehudiel. Rinse off in white light, ground yourself and open your eyes.


Do you see yourself as a leader? Whether you know it or not, everyone has the capacity to lead in some way—not least for guiding by example. Where can you take ownership of your capabilities? Are you holding yourself back in terms of a skill you know you have or a project you would love to complete? When you take the bull by the horns and embark on your endeavour in spite of any fears or doubts about your qualifications, you become the essence of Jehudiel and step into the divine persona of The Holy Master. 108

Message: “Do not delay! The time has come to share of your light. Be unafraid to speak your truth for there are many who will benefit from your message.” HOW TO MEET KERUBIEL

• Call on Kerubiel. See the four-headed angel arrive and gaze into his human face. As you gaze into his eyes, he ignites your inner wisdom. • Next, gaze into his lion face and receive a gift of divine courage. 109


• Now, look into Kerubiel’s ox face. The ox’s gift to you is patience and steadfastness. • Finally, as you gaze into the face of the eagle, your spiritual sight is awakened. • You are soon engulfed by the heavenly fire of this angel’s colour ray. • See and feel yourself catch fire in this angel’s ray and become a beacon of light. • Thank Kerubiel and open your eyes.


• Stand facing the cardinal direction of North and close your eyes. Imagine Kerubiel is pouring his flame of wisdom through your crown. • As you turn towards each subsequent direction, direct this flame through your third eye at your brow, illuminating the consciousness of every living thing. • In the North, send healing to the Earth energies—the rocks, plants, trees and flowers, animals and people. • In the East, send this healing flame through the air to the birds and insects, enhancing and awakening the gifts of creativity and communication.

Akatriel is a type of super-angel, who is one of the “Angels of the Presence” or “Angels of the Face”—a group of ultra-important angels who work very closely with God or Creator. Akatriel is particularly vital as he is known as the “Voice of God” or the “Presence of God” and sits on the Throne of Glory. It is for this reason that—unlike most other angels, who can sometimes have more subtle energy—when you invoke his presence, it is much easier to distinguish his firm guidance from that of your own thoughts. As he is such a powerful being, when Akatriel comes calling, it can seem as though it is actually the voice of God speaking directly to you. You are certainly unlikely to question the experience. As an angel of justice, authority and direction, Akatriel can help you see your own greatness. He can also bring you the gifts of self-sufficiency and capability to enable you to stand on your own two feet and trust your own judgement, especially in times of hardship or where your intuition may be challenged. He reminds us not to compare ourselves to the successes of others, but to look within the depths of our own soul in order to see our true magnificence and glory. With Akatriel’s assistance, as you sit in silence and look within for the answers you seek, you will feel as though you are sitting upon your own Throne of Glory, as the true master of your own destiny. Known as the “Revealer of the Divine Mysteries”, Akatriel reminds us that we are much more than mere mortals. When we decide to harness our true power, our divine spark ignites and magic and miracles can become a very real part of our human experience.

For Review Only

• In the South, use this fire to burn out all impurities and ask for warmth, comfort and celebration to flood into people’s hearts.

• Facing West, send healing out to the waterways and sea life, blessing our emotions. • Finally, bring the flame down through your entire being, allowing it to wash over you until it rests in your heart as a warm glow. Thank Kerubiel and open your eyes.


You are the centre of the universe—your world revolves around you. Have you ever stopped to consider the power you have? From your perspective, everything—all life, all existence— pivots around you. When you realize you are in charge of the way you choose to perceive our existence, you come into the wisdom of knowing you have the power to direct the course of humanity and our future. What kind of world do you want to see? What are you creating through your intention and perception? Choose now and hold the vision of a world filled with love, peace and understanding. Embrace your light and know your worth. Kerubiel comes to those who are ready to step beyond the confines of their human mind and reach into the upper echelons of the eternal soul self. Though it may not always be as gentle or simple a process as we expect it to be, trust that you are pivotal to humanity and exactly where you need to be. 110

Message: “Do not compare yourself to others nor listen to criticism or judgement from those who choose to remain closed to their own hearts. Likewise, do not judge another. Listen to the voice of God within to know the right course of action to take.” 111


• Close your eyes and call upon Akatriel to be with you now. • As his presence surrounds you, you may feel your weight sink slightly and you’re likely to feel more grounded and centred. • Think of any situation in your life where you feel things aren’t going your way, or perhaps they aren’t quite going the way you expect them to. • Ask Akatriel to help you see the truth of the situation from a divine perspective. • Release the situation entirely to Akatriel, safe in the knowledge that your true direction will be revealed to you in the course of divine timing. • You are soon showered with the heavenly fire of this angel’s golden ray. • Imagine you are breathing this sacred fire and taking its healing and empowering properties into your body, mind and soul. • Thank Akatriel, ground and cloak yourself. Open your eyes when ready.

• Find a quiet space, where you won’t be disturbed.

• Sit on a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

• Feel the presence of this mighty angel as he manifests in front of you.

• Then visualize him totally integrating with you in the same seated posture. • As Akatriel places a gold crown on your head, see white light streaming down into your crown chakra at the top of your head. • In your mind, say the words, “I AM that I AM” to activate the voice of God within you. • Ask any question and await the answer. Trust what comes to you. Open your eyes.


COLOUR / FLAME: Platinum


Cosmic (Far above at the very edge of Earth’s atmosphere)

For Review Only


• Close your eyes and call upon Akatriel.


When you embody the properties of Akatriel, you understand that there is no other authority outside of yourself who knows best how you should live your life. Listen to your own inner guidance over and above that of another. The divine flows through in every millisecond and moment. No one is better or lesser than you, so live according to your glory and know that you are the saviour you have always been waiting for. No cavalry is coming to save you. Take up the reins of your destiny and set off in the direction of your calling. 112


Activation of the light body, perfect flow, unification, oneness, all chakras become one / unified chakra, complete alignment, totality, stellar alignment, cosmic balance


Platinum, Osmium, Marcasite, Tetrahedrite, Stibnite



Vega (Brightest Star of Lyra / The Cosmic Harp / Apollo’s Harp)



35. THE TWIN IRIN: “TRUTH” The mighty Irin are a pair of great twin angels who are said to reside in the sixth heaven. Together with another set of twin angels known as The Qaddisin, The Irin constitute the highest council of judgment in the heavenly courts. They are among eight ultra-powerful angels, which have a rank that is superior even to that of mighty Metatron. According to the Bible, The Irin are known as the “Watchers”. And as watchers, they are able to see the whole truth of every situation. In their oracle, they are shown as male and female philosophers or politicians from Ancient Greece. They are wearing blindfolds as a nod to Lady Justice and the notion of “blind justice”. The Irin see absolutely everything, so when they are around we are rarely even able to hide from ourselves. They open our eyes to that which we may have been previously blind to and show us where we have been blind-sided, so they can help us achieve the gift of true discernment. Likewise, if ever you are in a situation where the truth seems to evade you, call on The Irin to clearly show you the truth at the heart of the matter. Most empaths and sensitives are highly susceptible to seeing only the good in others. However, this can be disempowering when we later discover that another may have been acting in a way that was not entirely in integrity, or perhaps they were acting selfishly and didn’t have the best of intentions with regards to the impact of their actions on us. To me, the Irin represent ultimate justice, balance, harmony and order. Whenever they appear, they carry a set of silver and gold scales. They use these scales to help us recognize the duality or polarities within our lives and show us where more balance may be needed. Like Soqed Hozi and Zuriel, they can also help to align our masculine and feminine energies. But, mostly, they also help us to delineate between right and wrong in order to keep ourselves accountable for our actions, or to stand up to those who may be wronging us or taking advantage of our good nature in some way. The Irin can help highlight any injustices and show you how to act as a peaceful, but powerful mediator to help resolve issues from the highest possible vantage point.

This powerful pair of angels are incredibly potent to pray to if you are ever involved in a legal situation or court case. You can ask them to raise the matter up to a higher level of justice in order for it to be reviewed by the Heavenly courts. There are justice systems in every dimension and at every level of existence, so if you ever feel you are being unfairly tested or cannot see a way out of an entanglement, call on The Irin to intervene on your behalf and bring the fastest and most harmonious and fair resolution to the situation. If you invite The Irin into your life, they will bring you into swift alignment to your core truth and help you to find and awaken your most authentic self possible.

Message: “Ask us to bring you clarity when the truth evades you. We can help you to discern the right choice when making an important decision, or when you are unsure of the highest course of action to take. With our help, anything remaining hidden will soon come swiftly out into the light.”

For Review Only



• Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Silently call The Irin to join you in meditation. • You are soon engulfed by the platinum fire of The Twin Irin. • Spend a few moments soaking up this light. Take as much time as you need. • Imagine you are breathing in this sacred fire, allowing it to burn up any untruths and taking its healing and restorative properties into your cells, molecules and atoms. • Thank The Irin and open your eyes.


• Call upon to Irin to align you to your true self and personal power. You will need to have a pen and paper to hand for part of this exercise. • Close your eyes and visualize two angels—one male and one female—arriving before you. Between them, they hold the scales of ultimate justice, symbolizing the human heart being weighed against a feather. • One holds a leather book and the other holds a feather quill. As you gaze at them, the book transforms into a golden sheaf of wheat, symbolizing the successful harvesting of hidden knowledge. 115

• The feather quill then transforms into a mighty sword to symbolize the expression and execution of absolute truth. The two angels then merge into one. • As you bathe in their sacred flame, ask the Irin to reveal the truth of a specific situation you need more clarity about. • Open your eyes. Then take your paper and pen and start writing. Do not pause. Merely write whatever comes instantly to your mind. • Don’t worry too much if nothing comes to you at first. Just be patient with yourself and take your time. The topic might of your enquiry be surprising to you. • Read back over your message and take any action necessary in order to live according to your highest truth and integrity in relation to the situation. • You can try this exercise as often as you like whenever you need some guidance. • Then, as they stand before you, they lower their silver and gold scales of discernment into your energy field through your crown chakra. • Visualize these scales, which are now glowing with iridescent platinum light, melting into you and integrating with you.


All the colours of the rainbow


The Unified Chakra (Universal field of Oneness)


For Review Only

• Feel yourself growing strong and centred and trust that, as long as you are on the path of truth, you will always have divine justice on your side. • Thank the Irin and allow them to wrap you in their wings of light. Open your eyes.


Being willing to accept the truth, however harsh, is the gift of The Irin. Be willing to look deeply inside your own mind and thought processes to uncover where you may have been hiding from the truth. Also be willing to look at where you have perhaps been overlooking the reality of another’s actions or intentions. Resolve to rebalance any discrepancies.

Understanding your true universal essence, clarity, perfection, completion, wholeness, connection to everything


Rainbow / Angel Aura Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone, Rainbow Bismuth, Peacock Ore, Unicorn Quartz, Cristobalite, Opal, Opalite


Any essential oil you feel drawn to—go with your guidance


Star system of your choice—ask to be guided home




36. CHRISTIEL: “PEACE” There is a reason Archangel Christiel’s name sounds like “Christ” for this angel’s name could literally be translated as “Christ of God”. Christiel is the angel charged with bringing peace— especially when peace comes in the form of harmlessness. He reminds us that, if we act from a place of harmlessness, we are then less likely to attract harm and can, therefore, find it much easier to trust that we will be kept safe. This pure and mighty being is an angel of the ethereal pearlescent white light, which is made up of all the colours of the spectrum. The rainbow is the symbol of promise, so the message here is one of the promise of peace and the promise that we can choose to live out our soul’s purpose if we so wish. Christiel is, therefore, an angel of hope. Like Gabriel, he works closely with the energy of Christ and can help awaken this consciousness within you, enabling you to feel unconditional love towards your fellow human beings and understand that everything in existence is connected. He is associated with the re-emergence of the divine feminine and activates the secret codes of the Sacred Heart in all who are ready. Christiel’s message today is one of liberty, or liberation from the belief that we are only living a 3D existence. He says we can now detach from everything we think we know as human beings. Depicted as Yeshua (Jesus) in his card, he wants us to recognize our divinity, so we can co-create our lives. Then we can attain peace for the entire human race.

• As this light pours into your energy field through the top of your head, it begins to fractal, as though it is shining through a multifaceted crystal or diamond. • This pure beam of light now splinters off into a rainbow of colours, sprinkling magnificent hues all around you. Which colour are you most drawn to? • Focus on the most attractive of these colours or the one you’re most drawn to and see what thoughts and feelings it evokes within you. • Absorb this colour’s blessings and then choose another colour. • Keep going, colour-by-colour, until you have journeyed through the entire rainbow spectrum. Bath in each colour for as long as you wish. • Christiel then wraps you in a cloak of pastel-rainbow softness. Open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and focus on your causal chakra approximately three to four inches, or seven to ten centimetres, from the centre of the back of your head. • Imagine this chakra opening into a sphere, like a round, luminous full moon.

For Review Only

Message: “A more peaceful time is coming to you. You have worked hard to create peace in your life and the lives of others. Trust that, as you do no harm, no harm shall come to you.”

• Call on Christiel to bless you and feel hundreds of his pearls of divine wisdom and peace flooding in through your causal chakra. • These pearls carry the Christic Light Codes, hailing the resurgence of the feminine Christ, to all your energy centres to be activated and illuminated. • As they integrate, they heighten your vibration on a molecular level. As these pearls dissolve into you, see, feel and know yourself divine. • Christiel then reaches into his heart and pulls out the flaming Sacred Heart of Christ. • He places this into your own heart centre to remind you that we are all Christed beings of love at our heart’s deepest core level. We are all capable of Ascension. • Christiel wraps his pearly rainbow cloak around you. Thank him and open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and call on Christiel to be with you. Visualize a pure white ray of light beaming down upon you. And then imagine it becomes a blazing, holy fire.

“Do no harm” is Christiel’s message. He reminds us that in order to achieve true peace, we must first exercise peace within our own hearts and minds and spread that peace to all who come into contact with us. Sometimes harm can come in the subtlest of forms—a little white lie here or there can do more damage than we might expect. Ask yourself if you are truly acting from a place of loving serenity in all your thoughts, feelings and actions.




37. TAHARIEL: “RAINBOW CHILD” The angel of purity and purification, like her image in the card, Tahariel embodies all colours of the rainbow perfectly blended to create the white light of the divine. This pure light is your light—for we are all perfect sparks of the Creator. There is a Native American prophecy, which says that “when the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the Earth from many colours, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They will be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow.” Many high-vibrational souls are incarnating at this time to assist with our Ascension. The angels have shown me that certain old souls have chosen to go through multiple evolutionary cycles in this one lifetime—shifting from Indigo and Crystal Children into Rainbow and Diamond Souls—in order to become keepers of the New Earth Rainbow / Diamond Light Frequencies. If you have drawn this card, it is likely you are currently undergoing an evolution and are now stepping into your Rainbow Child essence. Tahariel’s light is exquisite because it contains all the colours, but, at the same time, it contains none of them. So it acts as a kind of void, where everything is possible—and yet it is all-inclusive. It is the light of all creation, the still point between the in and the out breath. It is the purest and most refined crystalline essence of everything in existence. When you are bathed in this light, everything is illuminated before you on your path to truth—even the things you might perhaps wish to remain blind to. Tahariel’s light will bring discernment and may require you to step beyond your comfort zone at times, but it will also protect you from that which is not for your highest good. Be prepared to release anything that isn’t serving your soul’s purpose and step into the true light of the divine.


• Close your eyes and call upon Tahariel to be with you. • Imagine a beautiful angel of white light surrounded by all the colours of the rainbow appearing before you. She begins to pour her rainbow-white light into your aura. • Make this your prayer: “Tahariel, angel of purity, cleanse my thoughts, words and deeds in the pure light of the divine. Help me to release negative influences from my life, protect me always and colour my existence with joy and bliss every day”. • Tahariel then places a rainbow cloak around you. Thank her and open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and call on Tahariel to help you embrace your true innocence. • Visualize a multicoloured ray of light showering down upon you and flowing into you like flames through your crown chakra at the top of your head. • As the flames reach you, they form into hundreds of rainbow-coloured feathers. • The light blends with your aura, it turns to pure white, filling your whole body and filtering through your energy field, like liquid crystal.

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• This light activates your divine essence. It may not appear to change any difficult circumstances, but it will alter the way you deal with them—softening and opening your heart and allowing you to deepen into your sensitivity and tenderness. • With your divine essence illuminated, you become more balanced during times of stress and less affected by other people’s energy and actions. • You now realize that you are your own sanctuary. Your light will shield you from negative people and situations and, as you trust in the divine, so shall you trust in you. Let your light shine. • Thank Tahariel. As she again places her rainbow cloak around you, open your eyes.


Message: “Honour your sensitivity. Let go of self-limitation and acknowledge the purity of your heart. Every child is born of light. You are returning to your true state of innocence.”

Take heed of Tahariel’s wishes by protecting the innocent and looking after your sweet inner child. Adulting can feel tough sometimes so allow yourself a play day, remove yourself from harsh people and environments and switch off the news. When your soul is calling for more gentleness, it is time to purify your energy and create a safe sanctuary within which to honour your purity. The time has come for things on this planet to change and you are one of the change-makers. Just make sure you take care of your heart first.




The clear light of Source composed of the entire full colour spectrum


Infinity (outside of space and time)

38. SOPHIA: “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” Often linked with the female ascended masters of compassion—namely, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Quan Yin—Sophia, whose name means “Wisdom” in Greek, is the angel of unconditional love and the wisdom of the heart. Said to be one of the first Archangels created, Sophia belongs to the order of the Seraphim and covers all aspects of love, including maternal love familial love, romantic and unconditional love. As with Rikbiel, you can call upon her for help with any issue connected with the heart for this nurturing, gentle angel can resolve misunderstandings, heal heartbreak and help you find your true soul mate. But this humble ancient being rarely takes credit for her work, preferring to stay in the background, subtly encouraging peace and universal love for the planet. She watches over Avatars, so if you have pulled this card, you may be one of the few on a Bodhisattva path of compassionate service to humanity. Depicted as a pregnant Mary Magdalene in her card and known as the Heavenly Mother, she is also the guardian of the zodiac, who births the essence of the stars on Earth to help us see the bigger picture. She loves without judgement and can teach you to have compassion for yourself to overcome past issues. Her lesson is that if we can love ourselves, then we can fall in love with the entire galaxy. In the Bible, she was said to be crying over man’s reluctance to listen to her wisdom, but perhaps as more and more people on the planet begin to awaken, she will get her wish. The colour I associate with Sophia is an almost cosmic, luminous pearlescent diamond light, like the moon with flashes of pink and deep magenta—the ray of the universal heart.

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HEALING QUALITIES: The divine ‘I AM’ presence


Diamond, Herkimah Diamond, Lemurian Seed Quartz, Selenite, Apophyllite, Pearl

ESSENTIAL OILS: White Rose, Neroli


The Sun and The Great Central Sun (The Source of Light)


Message: “Do not fear the depth of your emotions nor the heights of your exuberance. Humanity is undergoing a shift. Find your inner sanctuary as your emotions deepen and soar.” 122



• Close your eyes and ask Sophia to align you with unconditional love and compassion. • She wraps her diamond and magenta wings around you in a loving embrace. • She then pours a ray of diamond light into your heart through your crown. • This light becomes a blazing fire and begins to spread, helping you to gift pure universal love to yourself and all others.


Now, more than ever, it is necessary to hold ourselves with the deepest love and utmost compassion. The energies playing out on this planet have become more intense than ever before. As Archangel Adnachiel has shown us, we are all pioneers. Never before in our collective human history have we experienced a time like we are in now. It is vital that we remain centred in love with deep compassion and respect for each other and all life. Sophia asks that we treat ourselves and all life like precious children, overcoming judgement and returning to a space of unconditional love and gentleness as often as we can. Softening towards yourself will help to open the way for others to embrace their softness, too.

The feminine aspect of Archangel Metatron, Shekinah refers to the energy of the divine feminine. The actual word in Hebrew means “Presence of God” or “Glory of God”. She is also known as the “Dwelling or God” or the “Settling of God” and she represents the epitome of universal matriarchal unconditional love. If the divine masculine is represented by expansion, the divine feminine energy is that of drawing in, coming together and of bringing people together. If the masculine represents the “one”, she represents the “all in one” / “one in all”. The Great Mother, Shekinah is the female aspect of the highest source of creation. She is the divine mother, the original goddess, the female representative of our Creator as shown by the wise female elder in her oracle. This energy exists within each of us, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. When I first experienced the Shekinah energy, I was overwhelmed by the sheer force of the love that I felt. It was far more powerful than the more masculine energy of God. She came into my body and I was overcome with emotion. At the same time, this energy felt like it was drawing me into it, engulfing me. I felt like a child being drawn to her bosom, but at the same time it was like I was being sucked into the void. There was nothingness and movement all at once, as though I was teetering on the very brink of existence—the point at the edge of the void, where creation decides to create and then begins to move into form. It was an unstoppable force, but so filled with love. And then her voice spoke to me. She told me that she has been dormant for far too long and is now re-awakening. She spoke to me of a beautiful change coming in the dynamic between men and women. There was a great sadness over the suffering and slavery of her daughters and I was shown image after image of the mistreatment of women around the world. It was like watching a newsreel. But then she showed me how women were again stepping into their power, while men were finding their softness once more. A great re-balancing was revealed. I felt the force of her energy spiral through me and come to rest in my heart. The Shekinah reminds us there is no need to search for love. True love exists within, not outside



• Thank Sophia and open your eyes.


• Close your eyes and imagine Sophia’s tears of compassion and universal truth raining down upon you. • Her tears start to fall more and more heavily until they become a rain storm. • Each tear resembles a star and, as they enter your aura, these crystalline stars lazer through any negative emotions.

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• The diamond tears begin to pool in each of your chakras, starting from the base and filling you all the way up to your crown.

• Each pool begins to spin, creating a sparkling whirlpool, which funnels downwards, cleansing the chakras and allowing lower emotions or blocks to drain away into a magical well deep within Mother Earth, where they are transmuted back into love. • Feel refreshed and renewed—breathing in deeply as though you are breathing in the fresh, clean air that follows a downpour. • Sophia then wraps you up in her diamond-magenta cloak for protection and cocoons you in her delicate wings for comfort. Thank Sophia and open your eyes.


ourselves. So rather than searching or urgently fighting and grasping for it, we need turn our attention inwards, draw ourselves into our own bosom and rest in the power that lies within our own hearts. The message she has gifted us with for this oracle is beautiful and so inspiring. If you are a man and you have drawn this card, you may be experiencing a resurfacing of your feminine / intuitive nature, or have a purpose in supporting others— especially women—as they embrace their feminine power. For women, her message is:

Message: “Awaken my daughters, now you are free. Awaken my daughters, now you can speak. Awaken my daughters, now you shall see. Awaken my daughters, now you can be As mighty, as powerful, as magnificent as me... The Shekinah lives within you.” HOW TO MEET THE SHEKINAH • • • •

Melchizedek is the “Universal Logos”. Like the president of the universe, he represents the overlighting consciousness of our cosmos and so he’s a bit like the grandfather of the Archangels. Keeper of the Ascension pathway, he acts as the bridge between Heaven and Earth, who helps us find enlightenment. He governs the universal golden ray, the silver-violet flame of selftransformation, Sacred Geometry and the Seven Cosmic Rays of Creation, which are all contained within the highest diamond-light spectrum. My first encounter with Melchizedek was on an ordinary day as I was traveling to work by bus. As I was tired, I had my eyes closed. I began to meditate, using a process I had taught myself to do. I started breathing in white light, consciously drawing love into the heart and then sending love out from my heart to everyone and everything around me. I felt a sudden fizzing and tingling sensation as love rushed through me. Similar to my experience I shared with Metatron, I met an enormous being with a long, white beard of cloud and a grandfatherly quality. His feet were on the Earth, but planets orbited his head. His aura was all the colours of the rainbow, outlined in sparkling gold and silvery-violet light. I asked his name and a booming voice replied: “I am Melchizedek”. I asked if he had a message for me and his voice boomed two words: “Spiritual Alchemy”. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but it set me on a path to pursue the wisdom of my highest truth. If you have drawn this card, you are indeed an ancient soul who has chosen to return to Earth to assist in this great awakening for humanity.

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Close your eyes and sink your weight into your body. Invoke the Shekinah by saying her name three times either silently or aloud. Feel, see, sense or imagine a spiraling vortex of sparkling diamond and black light moving into your energy field. Spend as long as you need bathing in her presence. There is no telling what your experience will be like. Receive the healing she brings. When the process is complete, ground yourself and open your eyes.



Close your eyes and connect to Shekinah in the same way that you did above. Now picture the light moving within your energy field as liquid, viscous and jellylike. This fluid light is black, but it is filled with zillions of glittering diamond sparkles. From the Heavens, she draws down a great crystalline egg and places it in your aura. A golden ball of fire like the Sun ignites in your Solar Plexus and you realize the yolk of this egg is the Great Central Sun and the Source of all light for our galaxy. Spend as long as you need to in this space. Open your eyes when you are ready.


To be one with the Shekinah is to come to a place of deep acceptance for wherever you are in your life, holding zero judgement and resting in the safety of zero-point neutrality. 126

Message: “Beloved, this message comes with confirmation that you have now been initiated into The Order of Melchizedek—an etheric lineage of ancient souls who are returning to Earth to assist with the Ascension. I am with you always.” 127


• Close your eyes and imagine you are basking in rainbow-coloured light. • As you look up, you realize this light is a ladder or bridge. • You float upwards through the coloured light into space until you reach a dazzling white star. Step into this white light. • In the centre of the star is a marble table with a loaf of bread and a gold chalice on it. • You take a bite of the bread and a sip from the chalice. This is spiritual nourishment. • Soon you are engulfed by the brilliant flame of Melchizedek’s diamond, rainbow, silver, gold and violet spectrum. Feel, see and imagine these colours swirling through every cell in your body and breathe them into your being. • Ask him if he has a message. Take note of any words or images that pop into your head. He gives you the symbol of the diamond. You will witness this gift in your daily waking life in the following days or weeks as confirmation of this meeting. • Rinse off in white light and descend the rainbow. Ground yourself. Open your eyes.

PART 3: WORKING WITH THE CARDS There are several different ways you can work with the Archangel Fire Oracle, from a single card reading to a more complex multi-card spread. You can even incorporate the cards and their properties into your personal daily rituals and healing practices.

SINGLE CARD READING Knock on the deck with a closed fist to clear the energy of any previous people or readings. Shuffle the cards. If one flies out of the pack, that is your card the universe has chosen for you at this time. If no card flies out, once you intuitively feel you have sufficiently shuffled the cards, hold them in your right hand and fan them out.

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• Picture a geometric wheel with segments that are all the colours of the rainbow within the diamond flame. • Imagine you are placing this wheel inside your heart.

• Breathe in and, like rose petals opening, see your heart expanding with each breath. • On each in-breath, you are drawing diamond light from the cosmos and the divine energy of Creator into your heart. • The wheel spins in a clockwise direction, sending waves of beautiful diamond light out into the universe. Know you are raising the vibration of the universe. • When the process is complete, open your eyes.


To truly embody one’s highest truth and light takes great courage and strength. When you step into this role, you become aware that you have a responsibility, not just for yourself, but for all life. To embody the divine in human form is the highest level of spiritual attainment we can reach while here on Earth. As a Melchizedek soul, your task is to heal and integrate all your timelines within this current lifetime and become one with your God-self. 128

With your left hand, intuitively choose a card from the location in the pack you feel most guided to. Alternatively, place the deck face-down and draw a card from the top of the pack. Before you look too closely at the card, hold it against your heart and tune in to your feelings. Note any insights or images that arise as you connect with your chosen Archangel. Then hold the card in front of you and see where your attention is drawn to in the image before you. Note any further insights or impressions your subconscious wants you to receive. Follow your guidance and trust the process. Finally, read the message and associations of the card to receive your guidance. You may wish to journal any insights you have received.


Place your chosen card on your altar and dedicate your space to the Archangel. Meditate on the energies of the angel for at least five minutes every day for a week to deepen your connection. You can choose your angel at random and work with it for a week or as long as you feel you need to. 129


If you wish, you can sleep with your card under your pillow and ask the Archangel or Guide to provide you with more insights, healing and positive transformation during sleep. The angels may communicate with you through your dreams and you can even ask to be transported by them to their healing temple in your dreams.





Another way to work with these cards for incredible and rapid transmutation is to work your way through the entire pack in numerical order for 40 days and 40 nights. • Beginning with card 1, do each of the exercises associated with your chosen card first thing in the morning on the day you are working with it. •

Intend for that angel or guardian to work with you throughout the day and pay attention to any insights or signs that come your way. It’s a good idea to keep a journal of your experiences and record how you feel as well as how your experiences relate to this angel’s healing showing up in your life.

THREE-CARD SPREAD A three-card spread can give you insight into any situation or decision you need to make by allowing you to choose a card to represent your past, present and most probable future. As with the one-card spread, knock on the pack to clear its energy and then shuffle the deck. If any cards jump out, these are meant for you.

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• When you go to bed at night, place your card under your pillow and ask to be taken to that angel’s healing retreat or temple during your sleep.

• If you choose to work with each Archangel and Guide in turn in this way, this oracle becomes a 40-day Diamond Fire Alchemy healing workshop.

From left to right, choose one card each to portray your past and what you have learned, your present and what you are currently learning and gaining, and your future or the most likely outcome in relation to your question or theme.

You can journey through each of the 40 cards in order or choose to select your cards at random in any of the ways outlined above for an acceleration of your personal awakening and Ascension. Try it for 40 days and 40 nights as outlined above for an intensive journey, or you may wish to spread it out over 40 weeks or even 40 months. The choice is yours. For more angelic guidance and channeled healing processes, subscribe to Alexandra’s YouTube channel, “The Alexandra Wenman Show”.




1 3



3 6


4 For Review Only THE DIAMOND SPREAD This 4-card spread is a healing spread designed to bring more balance to your life. Working with the angels you choose for this layout can help to integrate your higher and lower selves, so that your daily actions begin to steer you towards and reflect your soul purpose.

THE POSITION OF EACH CARD REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING: 1. As Above: What does your higher self want for you? 2. As Within: Your feelings, emotions and desires. 3. So Without: External influences to consider.

4. So Below: What is hidden and coming to light?

THE STAR SPREAD THE POSITION OF EACH CARD REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING: 1. Spirit: Higher self / divine guidance / energetic influences. 2. Air: Thoughts, ideas and opinions. 3. Water: Emotional influences.

4. Earth: Physical influences / obstacles / practical considerations. 5. Fire: Desires / best action to take.



6. Highest probable outcome.



1 3


This is a wonderful spread to do to discover in-depth information about your spiritual purpose and the most likely outcome of any endeavour you are planning to embark on. Knock on the pack to clear the energy, then shuffle the deck and choose your cards, laying them out in the following order:

THE POSITION OF EACH CARD REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING: 1. The highest possible outcome, goal or attainment.



2. Your driving force—it can sometimes be an event or person. 3. Any assistance that will aid you in this endeavour. 4. Your ideals and values. 5. The impact you will have on other people, while aiming for your goal.

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6. Your physical health and any environmental factors.


7. Any influential people who can assist you, such as any business advisors, colleagues, friends, family members or even lovers. 8. A desirable career or a pursuit, which you may find fulfilling.



9. Hidden aspects of the self or desires you may not have yet tapped into. The card in this position can help you uncover any of your untapped potential. 10. Your physical self and the world around you and how it relates to your question or desired outcome.


10 134



As with the one-card spread, knock on the pack to clear its energy and then shuffle the deck. If any cards jump out, these are meant for you.



Choose 12 cards, laying them out in order in a circle, to represent each month of the year and receive insights about what you next cycle hold for you.




The position of the first card correlates to the current month you are in with all subsequent cards represented the following 11 months in the cycle of the year from where you are now.








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About the Author ALEXANDRA WENMAN ANGELIC CHANNEL ~ ALCHEMIST ~ AUTHOR As a teacher of angels and Alchemy, pioneer of Precious Wisdom and priestess of the divine feminine, Alexandra Wenman is the go-to voice for the cosmically curious. Devoted to normalizing the conversation about spirituality and awakening, Alexandra brings the “out there” in here with her down-to-earth approach to channeling higher wisdom, connecting to angels and guides, navigating the dreamscape, accessing our soul records, recognizing our true multidimensional birthright and honouring our divinity. Acting as a cosmic compass, light-bringer, activator, Alchemist, channel and seer, Alexandra facilitates deep healing and transformation in her sessions and workshops by connecting you with your higher self and light guides, giving you access to your soul records, inspiring you to discover your inner magic and lovingly guiding you to a deeper understanding of who you are. A trusted author, speaker, healer, poet and presenter, Alexandra has become a go-to expert and wise woman in a world that is waking up quicker than ever before.

About the Artist AVELIYA SAVINA Aveliya Savina is an artist and illustrator, who graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Her graphic design compositions are very rich and inspiring, ranging from cartoons to realism and combining digital and traditional techniques. She currently lives in Santiago, Chile.


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To find out more about Alexandra or to sign up to one of her life-changing events, visit or watch The Alexandra Wenman Show on YouTube.

My agent and friend Sevy for her tireless work to get this oracle in print. • The hardworking team at Findhorn Press / Inner Traditions—especially Sabine for her kindness and support. • My illustrators Shindy Design, for creating the breath-taking cover image of Ariel and Aveliya Design, for bringing my visions to life. • My friend and designer Kat, who has created this beautiful book. • My lawyer, Sam, for helping me navigate the world of I.P. • My soul sister Lorraine for accompanying me on so many adventures in this world and beyond – and for always having my back. • Theresa Cheung for the many generous opportunities she has given me and for so often being on the other end of the phone with encouragement. • Diana Cooper for the incredible foreword she has written for this oracle and for her generosity and inspiration over the past 10 years. • Steve Nobel for his ongoing support and for connecting me to my agent. • My buddies Lorri, Jo, Sallee, Cesca, Gemma, Sandy, Chris, Jul, Huggie, Jacqui, Jane, Kate and Dickie for keeping me going when I felt like giving up. • All my clients and students for making this work so worthwhile. • My family, the “Wenmaniacs”: John (Dad), Babs (Mum), Larry, Rob, Ellis, Remy, Lou, Gabbi, Jono, Kiz and—at the time of going to press— my soon-to-be-born baby nephew. • My family-in-law: Ruth, Michael, Natalie, Sasha and Tilly. • My fellow astral traveler and hilarious black cat, Jezebel Kylie Madonna Wenman-Reed for keeping me in check. • My beloved husband and favourite human, Tony. He turned up in a puff of love and has been my rock ever since. • And thank you to you, dear reader, for buying this oracle and taking a courageous step towards living your version of Heaven on Earth…



Previously editor of Prediction, a national holistic magazine, articles by and about Alexandra have appeared in Spirit & Destiny, Natural Health, NOW, Women’s Weekly, Chat It’s Fate and Kindred Spirit magazines. Her collections of poetry Poems of Precious Wisdom and The Poetry of Light are out now through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Alexandra has co-authored 21 Rituals To Connect With Nature by Theresa Cheung (Watkins), and has written for Jenny Smedley’s A Year With The Angels (Hay House), Starting a Spiritual Business by Charlotte Anne Edwards (John Hunt) and Amazon bestselling anthology Thresholds—75 stories of How Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Life. Archangel Fire Oracle (Findhorn Press) is Alexandra’s first card deck.


Now you have completed your initiation into the Angelic Rays, the angels want to support you further and have gifted you this meditation as a quick way to connect with their flames.


• Close your eyes and take two deep breaths. As you breathe in, inhale love and, as you breathe out, send love, light and peace out to everything and everyone in existence. • Invoke a gigantic pillar or column of diamond white fire within and around you, connecting you to Source above and Mother Earth below. • As you invoke each Archangel and their colour, you are blessed with all of their healing properties and anything that is holding you back is purged in cleansing fire.


Day of the week: Friday. Flame: White. Gifts: Purification, communication and hope. We now invoke Gabriel’s white flame of hope. All obstacles keeping you from aligning with your soul’s purpose are dissolved. You know what you want and how to achieve it.


Day of the week: Saturday. Flame: Violet. Gifts: Transmutation. Next, we invoke the mighty Archangel Zadkiel, the keeper of the violet flame. Negative energy and unresolved Karma is burnt up and transmuted back into love and light.


Day of the week: Sunday. Flame: Gold. Gifts: Wisdom, science and knowledge. Finally, we invoke the mighty Archangel Metatron, the great spiritual teacher. You now understand the truth of your own magnificence and take full responsibility for your life. We ask Lord Melchizedek to seal in all of these blessings. Open your eyes when ready.

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Day of the week: Monday. Flame: Indigo blue. Gifts: Courage and protection. As we invoke Michael’s indigo blue flame, you are filled with courage and strength. You are ready to face challenges or obstacles. You can send this flame to your loved ones, too.



Day of the week: Tuesday. Flame: Rose pink. Gifts: Love, kindness and compassion. Next, we invoke Archangel Chamuel. Allow her rose-pink fire to engulf you and feel yourself being filled with love and compassion for all living things—especially you!



Day of the week: Wednesday. Flame: Emerald green. Gifts: Physical healing. Visualize Raphael’s emerald green column of fire surrounding and inflaming you. Feel, sense and imagine any physical illnesses, issues or injuries being healed and resolved.


Day of the week: Thursday. Flame: Ruby red. Gifts: Peace, emotional healing and service. As we now call upon Uriel, the pillar of fire turns ruby red. All misunderstandings with other people or situations are now melted away and you see clearly how everyone is connected. You have a fresh perspective, understanding that every action you take, affects the whole. 140


FINAL PRAYERS… DIAMOND ANGELS Angels of the diamond white We welcome in the age of light We rush towards the quickening Let the Golden Age at last begin Star children, your light is sure Open your heart and let it pour Out through all humanity Allowing what will be to be Like a droplet in the sea Your love sets every poor heart free And like a diamond in the sky Your light is like a lullaby Soothing our collective pain So we can all begin again The light of peace Forever to reign Angels of the diamond white We welcome in the dawn of light Heart to heart, let love ignite Our divine and glorious might Artists and healers Poets and seers Magicians and feelers Unite! For we are the rainbow tribes of light Come to set the future right Standing in love, no need to fight As one we’re pure, together bright Bring forth the day and end the night…

ALCHEMIST I walk this world awakened, my feet know where I tread Illusion I’ve forsaken. I know my road ahead I’m called and I will follow, across the Earth, who speaks to me She talks to me of sorrow. It’s time to heal humanity Into temple, over mountain. Across both land and sea My truth rises like a fountain. In ancient forests, I receive Initiated, I remember. Illuminated, I believe Heart-mind no more dismembered. Repatriated home to me I am not from anywhere you are familiar with But I would journey everywhere to remind you how to live The pyramids are waking. The song lines stir once more The crust of earth is quaking. Rebirthing sacred lore Listen to the jungle, hear the mighty river Blindly, you will fumble until you’re willing to deliver Think your life is happenstance? Feeling disconnected? Nothing is ever up to chance. You’re being resurrected The last veils are withdrawing. The mists have all receded The quickening is dawning. Winged ones have interceded Your soul has flown to you. It is lifting you on high Don’t fear your inner truth. It is time to end the lie Mother Earth has spoken. All of life joins with her voice All those who have been broken know evolving’s the only choice I have faced a bitter wind. Felt pain beyond my ken Known darkness as it closes in. Seen the cruelty of men Through lifetimes I have fallen ‘til I’ve lain broken in my shame And I would do it all again to remember why I came But the time is done for anguish. A new light has come to shine All fear we now will vanquish because this is our time The alchemist is unwavering. Distillation has begun The gold she’s patiently savouring is the return of her inner sun For she knows she is… the winged one

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(You can access a free recording of this poem performed by Alexandra as a song by visiting 143

RAINBOW I looked for a rainbow In the sky It didn’t appear I wondered why? I gave up looking And turned to go But a voice in my head Said “Don’t you know? Look in your heart It is wise, it is old For you are the rainbow And the pot of gold!”

For Review Only With love and blessings, Alexandra x



Archangel Fire Oracle ALEXANDRA WENMAN Illustrated by AVELIYA SAVINA Foreword by Diana Cooper

A full-color oracle deck and guidebook to engage directly with the Archangels and initiate a powerful alchemical process of ascension • Includes 40 full-color, high-vibration cards each featuring an Archangel and the specific healing color ray/sacred flame that that angel embodies • Provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, corresponding star constellation, sacred symbols and colors, chakra energies, and crystal and essential oil associations • Shares exercises and visualizations to help you connect with your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, and initiate the process to reunite with your Divine higher self

Angels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. This oracle deck and guidebook allow you to engage directly with the Archangels—the highest rank of angels—and the potent energy of Divine Fire to initiate a powerful alchemical process within you, a transformation that can help accelerate your ascension and align you with your inner Divinity. Each of the 40 full-color, high-vibration cards features an Archangel and the healing color ray or sacred flame that that angel embodies. The deck includes a balance of masculine, feminine, androgynous, and multicultural angels in celebration of humanity’s diversity. In the accompanying book, gifted angel communicator Alexandra Wenman explores how the Archangels interact with us and how they work with and within us. She provides a detailed interpretation of each card, explaining the Archangel’s powers and benefits, sacred symbols, colors, star constellation, and chakra energies. She also reveals the crystals and essential oils you can use to resonate with each Archangel’s energies and offers a beautiful message to connect directly with each Divine Guide. The author shares exercises and visualizations to help you channel your chosen Archangel, embody their energy and healing vibrations, purify your lower self and remove energetic blockages, and initiate the alchemical process to reunite with your Divine higher self. With the Archangel Fire Oracle, you have a hands-on tool to connect with the angels, access their guidance and support, open your heart to love and healing, and reach the rainbow light of your own Divinity. Alexandra Wenman is a gifted angel communicator, spiritual alchemist, channel, healer, poet, and presenter. The former editor of Prediction Magazine, she is the founder of Precious Wisdom Alchemy and the creator of The Alexandra Wenman Show on YouTube. She lives in London. Aveliya Savina is an artist and illustrator whose inspiring graphic design compositions range from cartoons to realism. She lives in Santiago, Chile.

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Findhorn Press • ISBN 978-1-64411-278-6 • $25.00 (CAN $31.50) • Boxed set, 5 x 6¾ Includes 144-page book and 40 full-color cards Rights: World English • Spirituality/Angels

April 2021

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