Bc Veterans Department Malfeasance, Letter

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  • February 2021
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TOMMY CALVERT Bexar County Commissioner, Precinct 4 July 15, 2020 Mr. David Smith County Manager, Bexar County 101 W. Nueva, 10th Floor San Antonio, TX 78205 Dear David: I have been receiving complaints about the Bexar County Veterans and Military Service Center since we transitioned it under the leadership of Karen Rolirad. It has come to my attention that Ms. Rolirad inflated the amount of veteran compensation claims the Bexar County Military and Veterans Service Center attained. Attached, is an audit of 104 veterans compensation claims that I would like to go over with you for 2019 and 2020. These reports come from the Texas Veterans Commission, which is charged with maintaining this information. The retro-payments are the correct amount; however, these are for March 2019 and not for the year 2020. The excel spreadsheets have two tabs—a tab for 2019 and a tab for 2020. To protect the privacy of the veterans, their VetraSpecID number is listed instead of their name. In the middle of the excel, there is a blue tab that says “Total for Bexar Entries” which describes what Karen Rolirad reported to Commissioners Court and on the far end of the chart there is the actual Veterans Administration payment amount. These reports were received on June 23, 2020 from the Texas Veterans Commission and are up to date. For example, VetraSpecID 45714 indicates Karen Rolirad reported $17.404.20 in benefits but the Actual VA payment was $2,231.00. The bottom line discrepancy shows a $33,370.13 difference in what was reported to court as opposed to what state databases indicate was actually paid out. There are numerous other examples just in this small sampling. A complete audit for the court should be conducted later. In addition, there is another troubling trend in the data that Karen Rolirad has reported if you move to the 2020 tab and the 9th entry VectraSpec ID 347284. As per my statutory duty, I am requesting that your office and the auditor’s office determine whether the initial audit information attached for benefits has been reported correctly or inflated to the Commissioners Court, state, and federal agencies. 101 W. Nueva, Suite 1029 • San Antonio, Texas 78205 • (210) 335-2614

By Texas Government Code, a staff member cannot provide false information to the Commissioners Court and other federal and state laws may apply in this instance. Please accept this documentation as a formal request for the County auditor and your office to investigate these claims over the next 10 days. There are former employees who could be contacted to assist in getting an understanding of these regulations and where issues may arise that my office can provide upon request in order for the County Veterans Service Office to get in proper standing with administering veteran’s benefits claims. If these documents bear out what they appear to, the bottom line is that our veterans were served less at a time that the budget and staffing of the department was increased and the court was misled to believe that service to the veterans was being maintained properly when it appears not to be the case. Former employees have also complained about the management of Ms. Rolirad. These complaints include allowing the Veterans Service Office (VSO) to fall into default of regulations that are necessary requirements for a Veterans Service Office, retribution, and at least one incorrectly relayed story about her “swords up threat to me.” A review of these claims is important because I am hearing from veterans and other agencies dealing with veterans that they are concerned that we have major problems and that our service is below that which all commissioners would expect it should be. The department allegedly lapsed for a time subscriptions to certain publications that maintain federal approval for administering benefits. The court also needs to understand how many VSOs have completed the roughly 9 months of training and can fully process claims in light of the turnover and whether they should be paid at a higher wage with better management. If these allegations and documents prove fraud, we must act swiftly to get things right. We need to restore leadership and services to the department. Thank you for your attention to these matters. Sincerely,

Tommy Calvert, Jr.

101 W. Nueva, Suite 1029 • San Antonio, Texas 78205 • (210) 335-2614

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