By Ciro Marchetti

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by Ciro Marchetti

Copyright © 2019 U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The illustrations, cover design, and contents are protected by copyright. No part of this booklet or deck may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or website.

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Published by U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. 179 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT 06902 USA



he Tarot Grand Luxe is my latest tarot deck project. The special edition was self-published and geared principally to collectors. I made the assumption that anyone reading the accompanying booklet is already reasonably familiar with tarot and specifically with the Rider-Waite-SmithTM deck upon which the images of this project are, for the most part, based. So I felt it would be somewhat redundant to provide yet another companion book or document that explains the historical content and meaning behind each image of every card. Many cards of this deck are in familiar enough territory relative to the RWS that I don’t think further explanation is necessary. Nevertheless, since in some cases I have deviated to some degree from those traditional core images, I prepared this booklet as a brief summary to offer some insight into -3-

my personal ideas and objectives. Depending on the card, this may constitute a few lines, in others merely a summary of keywords. I would emphasize however that these are only my personal ideas and views, and ones with which you may not always concur. But should that be the case, hopefully the images themselves will still offer a flexibility of interpretation that you can work with.



o provide some initial context, we should acknowledge the obvious, namely that the pen and ink illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith and the earlier Tarot de Marseilles woodcuts that preceded them, between them represent the visual foundations upon which the tarot genre is built. They serve not just as the core sources of tarot traditions but in the opinion of many, are infused with aesthetic artistic merits along with religious, spiritual, political and esoteric symbolism. While you can’t negate the importance of these earlier deck images, I do question some of what has been subsequently written and concluded from them over the centuries that followed. The reality (in my view) is that in many cases the illustrative style of these -4-

earlier decks do not provide sufficient definition to clearly portray much of what has been ascribed to them. In my mind, much of what has been written about them is conjecture, influenced by varying perspectives, such as moral or social values that have changed over time and vary between geographical regions. Not to mention the personal beliefs, perspectives and agendas of the individual authors along the way. The results are a veritable potpourri of interpretations ranging from well researched conclusions to imaginative but less credible theories. Nevertheless, despite the inconsistency between them, many interpretations have gained varying degrees of traction and credibility from their respective followers, if only because of frequent retelling and reconfirmation over time. But in the absence of any concrete historical origins that can be referenced to serve as the definitively correct or intended meaning behind those early images, we are left with a rather inconclusive scenario where tarot imagery remains somewhat enigmatic. As a designer, this is both a dilemma and an opportunity. Many choose to follow tradition faithfully, accurately reproducing the composition, color and line work of those earlier -5-

decks. This approach seems to be popular even today with numerous (accurate) re-workings of the older decks. These endeavors are to be applauded as some are quite beautiful, and some certainly meet with the approval of the more traditional members of the tarot community. But such an exercise, while representing a technical challenge of sorts, creatively is one that offers little interest to me. Furthermore, I cannot deny that in many cases I simply do not see in those early images what others claim to see. The actions, gestures, expressions etc. of the various characters occupying those cards are simply not depicted clearly enough to support all the interpretations that have been subsequently ascribed to them. I am simply not convinced that every detail within any given composition was deliberately included with such symbolic intent. A flower, animal, or ray of light might in some cases simply have been included as decorative content. But even if such elements were intentionally symbolic, that symbolism might not have served cross-culturally. In many cases I feel that people see form and function not because it’s there but as a result of it having been pointed out and suggested to them as such. I know this to certainly be the case in my own work, where for example people -6-

have often attributed meaning to some feature, even negative space, that may coincidentally resemble some other form. While it would be tempting in such cases to take credit for such “clever” visual play and claim it to have been deliberate, I can’t in all honesty do so. I refer to this phenomenon as the “poodle in the cloud.” What is fundamentally a random shape, once pointed out as resembling the form of a poodle, can often elicit an “ah, I see it now” response from viewers. In tarot, this ambiguity serves a positive role. The easily recognized “poodle in the sky” is the very feature that allows the lesser illustrated patterned designs of the Marseilles pips to be read intuitively. Where the interplay of shape and form offers infinite possibilities of interpretation. To a similar, albeit lesser degree, the pen and ink tarot illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith, which are not particularly detailed, can be treated in a comparable manner. Her illustrations are clearly beloved by many and the importance of her role in tarot’s history is beyond question. But at the risk of offending many in the tarot community (which I often do) I have to say that for me personally her style and composition do not always provide me with clarity. Body proportions, poses, expressions, direction of pointing fingers etc. -7-

are by comparison to her illustrator peers of that historic period, lacking in terms of draftsmanship and detail required to provide a clear narrative of the scene. Once again, I say this not as a critique but to suggest that it provides some flexibility of interpretation. I cannot emphasis how important I consider that to be. If tarot did have a definitive historical basis, if in the imagery of each card there was an absolutely clear depiction, and their meaning universally accepted, the result would be a rather rigidly prescribed set of images that would offer far less room for intuitive input. Thus, the vagueness I’m referring to and for all the reasons I’ve mentioned, is actually tarot’s strength and the basis for its appeal. What we have is a combination of relative structure and basics but one that is still malleable, one that can be molded by the reader to best reflect the nuances and circumstances of an individual reading. My approach has been to produce imagery that is relatively familiar to the same corresponding cards from earlier decks and maintain that same ambiguity, but with a more detailed illustrative style and occasional personal visual twists.

h -8-


n terms of technique, my artistic medium of choice is digital. In recent years there seems to be an ever-increasing production of tarot decks, in part because of this new medium that allows for the use of direct photography or at least manipulated photographic sources. This might suggest a “relative” ease and speed, but as with all mediums, there are variations in how it’s used and the final product. Art is subjective, its quality should not be judged by the time it takes to produce it. Nevertheless, for those who are interested in such things, my process involves very simple initial sketches that serve as a starting point. These almost always get changed along the way to the final image, but they serve as a base from which to then search for usable reference material. In the case of faces, I often combine multiple sources, selecting references of mouths, eyes, hair from different faces, which I then mix, match, distort and warp to create new ones. I use the same method for background, landscapes, skies etc. These are then combined with my own illustrated elements, all manipulated further to create a common visual consistency. The process continues with numerous minor manipulations, for example adding light and shadow so that the various elements acknowledge and respond in -9-

a credible manner to imaginary light sources. While much of the base material may have originally been photographic, the end result is fully reworked, digitally painted using a tablet and pressure sensitive pen. Last but not least in this Grand Luxe deck I have added a final stage that deliberately diffuses the crisp detail typical of many photo or digital decks and produces a more hand-brushed/painted texture. All in all, this labor intensive process often entails around 20 hours of work per card. For those technically familiar with Photoshop, many cards utilized over 80 layers.


Major Arcana


0 ✦ FOOL Between the Marseilles and the RWS there is a significant discrepancy in how the Fool is depicted. The dog (or cat as suggested in some decks) is clearly attacking the Fool in most Marseilles decks. This might suggest the Fool is a traveler, but an unwelcomed stranger. A social outcast either by choice, mental or physical illness, and presumably poverty. This Fool’s journey would have been a far cry from the more decoratively dressed character we see in Pamela Colman Smith’s scene. In her RWS tarot the dog seems less intimidating, and so we are told, might in fact be his pet willingly accompanying his owner as he leaps innocently off the cliff. I would imagine the Marseilles depiction to be the more accurate of the two, but nevertheless I have mixed and matched elements from both traditions. This Grand Luxe Fool is foolishly but decently dressed. His headdress is decorated with symbolic representations of the Arcana, along with a Shakespearean flourish. King Lear’s Fool summarizes the somewhat unique and ironic position the Fool had, probably the -12-

only member of court that safely had the ear of the king and the ability to laugh into it.

I ✦ MAGICIAN This card illustrates wisdom in various forms. The books in the background symbolize academic learning, while the various glass vials, instruments and mechanical artifacts in the foreground reference the alchemical and scientific realm. The owl and the ankh conjure the intuitive, natural and spiritual elements.

II ✦ HIGH PRIESTESS The High Priestess sits between the two pillars of wisdom. She is the feminine energy that balances the male energy of the Magician. The owl connects these two cards that for me share some common qualities in their unworldly, secretive, and veiled mystery. Both figures suggest a combination of their individual spirituality along with acquired knowledge. -13-

III ✦ EMPRESS This card depicts Gaia, Mother Earth. A tree trunk morphs into a human form, its canopy provides a home for birds, and a variety of creatures inhabit the sanctity of its shade. Between all the living beings here is a shared concept of abundance and maternal nurturing.

IV ✦ EMPEROR Unlike a monarchy, where a king or queen has a hereditary position, an emperor is a position gained through personal endeavor. This card is about power and political manipulation along with whatever necessary allegiances and support come with it. This kind of personal achievement reflects the reality of circumstances rather than privilege. The writing on the scroll translates as “Authority not truth makes law.” A somewhat cynical Roman proverb that I consider to be equally appropriate in contemporary times. In his other hand is a “ fasces,” a bundle of sticks, and -14-

a small axe. As separate elements the sticks are inherently weak and breakable, but together as a combined force they strengthen and become unbreakable. The axe symbolizes the rule of law that oversees and keeps that combined force under control. The fasces symbolism and the word itself is the basis of the political term Fascism. I chose to include this symbolism because it is easily understood and applicable in other periods and political circumstances.

V ✦ HIEROPHANT For me this character is pure symbolism. While I believe it can represent all organized religions, clearly in its original tarot role it represented the pope and the Christian church. I have reverted to that representation here, but in a manner that depicts more the title than the man. Who he was may have had political and theological ramifications, during any given tenure, but in theory at least, it was his spiritual role that was important, not him as an individual. This role and its underlying significance was reinforced -15-

to the masses by the visual pomp and grandeur of decor. Here he sits resplendently silhouetted within the magnificent swirled columns of Bernini’s cupola.

VI ✦ LOVERS For the Lovers card I couldn’t resist the Romeo and Juliet portrayal, even though it results in a purely romanticized image. This card is also about other kinds of relationships, bonds, commitments and connections, particularly those based on shared values. The cranes are a symbolic flourish; as a pair they are known to mate for life.

VII ✦ CHARIOT An end destination or goal is established, but to get there will require considerable determination and effort. There is energy and drive from varying sources but it may be in conflict. As symbolized by the two horses pulling in two -16-

different directions, there may not be common agreement and purpose. Focus and control are required to channel that energy at the desired pace and in the direction you choose.

VIII ✦ STRENGTH Many years ago when I was working on my first tarot decks, I remember Rachel Pollack told me that Strength (in the context of tarot) means strength of will, rather than physical. In most tarot decks it’s the female controlling the obviously physically stronger lion. In my new Strength image I chose to depict a windy scene. The leaves, woman’s hair and clothing, and the lion’s mane are all blowing in the wind. As such, the wind serves as a source of strength, an intangible essence, that cannot be directly seen, but most certainly is felt. Its strength and power is clearly evident via its effect on everything around it.


IX ✦ HERMIT Unlike the tarot Fool who may be rejected by society against his will, the Hermit chooses and seeks out his isolation. Revealed by the light of his lamp, he searches new paths and directions. This card is about solitude and quiet contemplation and the understanding that comes from introspection.

X ✦ WHEEL This card borrows some elements from the traditional Wheel of Fortune card, including a token reference to the Marseilles tarot. It represents the eternal cycle of contrasting fates and fortune, each a combination of our own influence and choices, but many things are ultimately determined by luck and circumstance. The hare is an indication of things to come, I will rule. The lion, the present I am ruling. The monkey, possibly a mocking realization of the temporal nature of our previous state, I did rule. And finally the abstract empty fourth non-state, I have no rule. -18-

XI ✦ JUSTICE Scenes of statues and imagery of a blindfolded Justice figure are often used to symbolize the impartial role of a judicial system. Presumably this blindness permits decisions to be reached fairly without bias or distraction, strictly to the letter of the law. On this card, the letter of the law is represented by the feather and the power to apply that law is signified by the sword. If only that symbolism of impartiality was actually the case in the real world.

XII ✦ HANGING MAN The colorful decorative leggings might suggest that the man hanging in this card is none other than our Fool. If you discount the Fool card numbered as zero, then the Hanging Man card XII can be seen as the halfway point along the Fool’s journey through the Major Arcana. The idea of the hanged man has evolved from a medieval form of punishment, to come to mean a form of -19-

voluntary if uncomfortable meditative pause. From this inverted position he can contemplate his circumstances, his past and possible future, from a different perspective. The red thorns are a token reference to the Marseilles rendition of this card.

XIII ✦ DEATH As someone who loves masks and includes them in many of my illustrations, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do so here and portray death in this manner. I’ve included a decorative embellishment from the masks used during the plague when collecting the corpses. The long snouts stuffed with dried flowers and herbs were considered to have offered protection from inhaling the airborne vapors commonly believed to have been responsible for the deadly scourge. A single white rose pays homage to the RWS Death card. As with the Fool and Devil, this card also has its own collectors of trinkets. The ravens reconfirm their own mythological associations bringing additional deathly symbolism to the card.


XIV ✦ TEMPERANCE In tarot, Temperance is about balance, synthesis, harmony, and creating the right mix of elements. In this card the traditional pouring of liquid from one cup to another is substituted by a radiating path of light, which indicates a flow of energy creating spiritual alchemy. Negative is changed to positive, past to future, bad to good. Or you may view it, if you wish, simply as a glowing version of water flowing into wine.

XV ✦ DEVIL The ultimate tempter offers us all manner of worldly goods and pleasures. In this card, the ‘Fool’s gold’ is shown as miniatures of the Minor Arcana suits: the cup, sword, wand and pentacle. Showing the golden trinkets hanging upside down from his hand provides a means of showing the pentacle in its pentagram form. I have also included a Marseilles-based reference to the bondage that would result should we accept the -21-

devil’s offer of bling. His multicolored, albeit grotesque, headdress indicates a connection to the Fool, perhaps as his alter ego. Another little detail I have added is an attempted optical illusion. For most people it would appear as if the Devil is staring directly at you, which is appropriate. But some of you will on occasions see it differently, as if he is looking down at his imprisoned human captives. Just stare at it for a while and the illusion may present itself. The devil specializes in delusion.

XVI ✦ TOWER The Tower card portends a sudden disastrous change bringing calamity. This edifice is typically shown being struck by lightning, the tower top engulfed in flames. And that is exactly how I initially produced it also. However, at the time I was working on it, Hurricane Irma was threatening to ravage Florida. The formidable size and force of this oncoming storm was a cause of significant concern. My home and those of my immediate family were in the predicted path for a direct hit. The symbolism of this card took on -22-

a more threatening and personal perspective. Would I in the next 24 hours also lose my roof to a Marseilles breath of God? I tempted fate and continued to work on this image as the weather conditions outside deteriorated. I modified the image to reflect these circumstances. Fortunately, the storm veered away sufficiently that we were spared any significant damage. But it did do tremendous damage elsewhere. As a result, this Tower card will always have a more personal meaning to me.

XVII ✦ STAR After the destruction of the preceding Tower card, the Star offers hope and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. In creating this card I reproduced the concept, the figure and the scene shown on the traditional Marseilles and RWS decks. Here, the figure kneels in the water and we see her self-reflection. I have included a single star to represent inspiration. Since heavenly bodies shift in the sky over time, I felt it was unnecessary to include the seven additional stars often shown in tarot symbolism. -23-

XVIII ✦ MOON The Moon card alludes to the unconscious, deceptions and the imagination. It brings to light hidden fears and fantasies. To differentiate between the tamed and the wild aspect of our natures, I have used the traditional pairing of a domesticated dog on the left, and a howling wolf on the right. This conceptual comparison of captive domesticity and wild freedom is further symbolized by one being chained and the latter having broken free.

XIX ✦ SUN The Sun card exudes brilliance and glory. While the majority of the cards in this deck correspond to quasi Renaissance or Medieval settings, this card embraces a hint of symbolism and decorative style from other cultures and periods in history, most notably Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica. Their respective cultures share this common universal sun god deity. -24-

XX ✦ JUDGMENT In depicting the final days of judgment, this card suggests an opportunity to make amends for mistakes made in the past and make a fresh start. This Judgment card follows reasonably close to the traditional RWS imagery. An angel’s trumpet calls the dead on the day of reckoning. The flowing movement of the flag of Saint George visually echoes the motion of the silhouetted figures rising from and passing through the cemetery gates. While the flag is a symbol of crusaders, the doves emblemize the peace that comes from reconciliation and redemption.

XXI ✦ WORLD The World card signifies the integration of elements, the coming together of parts to form a whole. This card shows a galactic nebula; the stars coalesce to form the traditionally depicted shape of the Yoni, which along with a golden earthly sphere serendipitously depicts an eye when the card is -25-

viewed on its side. The four evangelist figures (lion, bull, cherub and eagle) depicted in each corner correspond to the four fixed signs of the zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio.


Minor Arcana A general treatment has been applied to all the aces and court cards, namely in each case there is an overall scene of their elements, which in this deck are Cups/ Water, Wands/Fire, Coins (Pentacles)/ Earth, Swords/Air. The composition of each court card consists of the main character, King, Queen, Knight or Page along with a variety of creatures that share the corresponding environment. The symbolism in the cards was intended to complement the traits, gender and general role of the main characters.


✦ SUIT of SWORDS ✦ ACE of SWORDS The Ace of Swords leads us into the suit of the intellect and mental forces. The Ace of Swords brings clarity and truth. Swords are associated with the element air, so here and throughout the court cards we are visited by magnificent birds of the air.

TWO of SWORDS My rendition of this card is not the usual crossing of swords but certainly illustrates a duality; a balancing and influence of two alternative or complimentary aspects. To be considered from various aspects and senses as by vision alone the circumstances are veiled and limited.


THREE of SWORDS The pierced heart in the traditional RWS Three of Swords may work in a strictly symbolic way, but more by recognition and learned association than by portraying any actual emotion. The pose of the figure I have used is based on a Victorian statue called “the grieving angel,” which has often been used as a cemetery tomb headstone. I feel that this pose poignantly portrays the essence of the card’s meaning, namely loss, pain and heartache.

FOUR of SWORDS Opinions vary as to whether the knight in this card is merely resting or dead. To me it’s the latter. But I’ve created an image that can be interpreted either way. The additional faded figure in the top right might be interpreted as a dream, where our “sleeping” knight once again relives his battles and glories of the day. Or, one could -29-

see it as his spirit or soul leaving his earthly body. The PX monogram in the stained glass window connects tarot with Christianity, as the monogram is made of the first two letters of Christ’s name in the Greek alphabet. The symbol is called a Chiroh, which is the origin of my name and also how it’s pronounced.

FIVE of SWORDS The battle was hard fought, but is finally over. To the victor belong the spoils. He holds three swords, using one to gesture a confirmation of his victory over his defeated opponents. The remaining two swords are there for the taking...when he’s ready. This card is about acting in one’s self-interest, without taking honor or integrity into account.


SIX of SWORDS In the RWS this scene is shown from the reverse view; we see the backs of the figures as the boatman steers the boat away from the shore. Pamela Colman Smith’s illustration suggests troubled waters on one side of the boat and calmer water on the other. I chose to show the scene with the boat coming toward us. This allows us to see the characters, including the smaller of the two passengers, who often goes unnoticed. The troubled waters are shown here in the background as waves breaking over rocks, suggesting that the more perilous part of the journey is over and the dangers avoided. But even though our travelers are now in calmer waters, they are not necessarily in the clear yet. Swords rising from the water’s surface symbolize that further obstacles may await and will also have to be carefully navigated.


SEVEN of SWORDS It has been suggested that the figure in the RWS Seven of Swords might be a thief or spy. His posture suggests a stealthy escape with his stolen swords. A hint of a military encampment in the background (in the RWS card) provides some rationale for this scenario. My version is perhaps less theatrical but still vague. We don’t know who or what the man is hiding from and why. But we do get a sense that the man appears to be doing something underhanded.

EIGHT of SWORDS Generally considered a negative card, the Eight of Swords shows a woman imprisoned within a cage-like circle of swords. A glow of light from her hands suggests a resistance to the forces that bind her. So far, her efforts to release herself are futile. Her powerless predicament is made worse by her blindfold. If there is a way out, she cannot yet see it. -32-

NINE of SWORDS Nine hanging swords transform a chandelier into an oppressive fixture above the anxious figure. This shadowy bedroom becomes a theatrical stage set befitting a Grimm’s fairy tale or a scene from Phantom of the Opera. In the dark of night our imagination amplifies our fears and worries. Even the devil seems to make an appearance, adding to the distress.

TEN of SWORDS The figure in the RWS is clearly not having a good day as he seems to be literally impaled by ten swords. Here, the scene with its emphasis on the man’s back acknowledges the traditional RWS image. But I attempt to portray the negativity of this card in a more nuanced manner, via melancholy lighting and mood. The man is not being physically injured, it’s more his feeling like a victim. -33-

PAGE of SWORDS The young Page looks mentally focused and ready to deal with whatever challenges may be on the way. The blue jay on his shoulder reminds him to act ethically. The parrot swoops in bringing renewed energy.

KNIGHT of SWORDS The Knight of Swords can be overbearing and heavy-handed in his approach but this kind of commanding presence, directness and powerful energy can accomplish a great deal. The eagle itself can be seen as aggressive or as courageous.

QUEEN of SWORDS The Queen of Swords has a sharp mind but also a playful sense of humor, evident in her half smile. She is committed to seeing and speaking the truth but is not judgmental. Along -34-

with her beautiful peacock, she radiates positive energy.

KING of SWORDS The King of Swords masters any problem with his gifts of knowledge and insightful analysis. He has trained his falcon with the same kind of discipline he applies to everything.

✦ SUIT of CUPS ✦ ACE of CUPS The Ace of Cups is a symbol of deeply experienced feelings and emotional awareness, especially love, affection and compassion. The underwater scenery shown here is repeated throughout the Cups court cards.


TWO of CUPS Coming together. Joining forces. Reaching an agreement. Personal relationships, but not necessarily romantic ties. It could also be a business partnership. Or simply a shared understanding, having something in common. A coming together of previously opposing factors in whatever form, racial, political, religious or social. The world needs this card now.

THREE of CUPS This card represents a joyous gathering, a special occasion, a party with friends, family, neighbors, community. Let’s clink those glasses, make a toast and celebrate.


FOUR of CUPS Shown here are three tangible cups in the foreground, with one ethereal vision of a fourth. There are various possible takes on this image. These are mine. You are satisfied with what you have but are imagining potential future needs and possibilities. Alternatively, you are so busy daydreaming for more that you are unaware or unappreciative of what you already have.

FIVE of CUPS I have chosen to tone down the emotion of this card from that of previous decks. In the Grand Luxe Tarot this card is not one of despair, but rather of somber and quiet reflection. The lone figure, without distraction, takes the opportunity of her isolation to consider and evaluate. Different perspectives, consequences, opportunities, course of action. My daughter is the model here, and that choice was quite deliberate and appropriate. -37-

SIX of CUPS Some of the cups before us are seen clearly. Others fade into the background like sweet childhood memories of simpler times and soft furry friends. A captured idealistic moment silhouetted against a warm evening sun.

SEVEN of CUPS I didn’t attempt to reproduce the various items depicted in each cup of the RWS imagery of this card. Here, that assortment of dream-like contents are represented simply as colored glows, the combination of which forms the rainbow that illuminates the one main image, the quintessential fantasy dream castle in the clouds.


EIGHT of CUPS For good or for bad a decision has been made. The conclusion is a need of a fresh start, and one that will require leaving the past behind. Emotional or physical ties are all severed. The past is over and the future beckons.

NINE of CUPS The figure invites us to join him in celebrating and expressing gratitude. Together, let’s toast to “...............” You fill in the blanks. A job well done, an endeavor fulfilled, or general good news. Cheers!


TEN of CUPS A couple relaxes in the warm glow of the fireplace, along with their snoozing cat. This card emanates contentment, security, family bonds, peace and harmony. This scene is not just the house where they live, this is home, where all are welcome.

PAGE of CUPS The young Page in his watery element allows himself to be emotionally moved by the beauty that surrounds him. The orange stripes of his tunic mirror the stripes of the playful angelfish that swim nearby.

KNIGHT of CUPS The romantic Knight gazes out through piercing blue eyes. He is dreamy, sensitive and refined yet can also be rash at times. The pair of inward facing seahorses on his helmet indicates that he -40-

is more likely to act from his inner emotions rather than from practical external factors.

QUEEN of CUPS The Queen of Cups is adorned with shells and strings of pearls. Her hair flows out like seaweed and her iridescent shawl connects her to her goldfish companions. Her wise face and all-knowing smile give hints of her intuitive gifts.

KING of CUPS The King of Cups reigns over the watery realm with diplomacy and compassion. He leaves no doubt that he is in charge but all who visit his realm are made to feel welcome and accepted.


✦ SUIT of WANDS ✦ ACE of WANDS The Ace of Wands ignites creative potential with the qualities of self-expression, enthusiasm, and complete confidence in one’s abilities. The dragon represents passion and feeling fired-up about opportunities or projects.

TWO of WANDS A fork in the road represents a choice that has to be made. The gate is open, the future awaits, but which path, which direction, which color? Will it be a random choice leaving our fate to chance, or one based on being informed and evaluating the options?


THREE of WANDS A choice was made, a risk was taken, an effort was made. Now we can only wait and hope the results are worthwhile. In the distant horizon we see (or dream we see) our ship come in.

FOUR of WANDS The natural canopy of four wands and a decorative pavilion provide a perfect setting for a celebration. A marriage possibly, or some announcement of positive news.

FIVE of WANDS Five hands thrust five wands, each in a different direction, all at cross-purposes. This card represents internal conflict, fighting among ourselves, competition and a lack of common ground.


SIX of WANDS Past conflicts are now over, there is a victor and he is now recognized as such, both by his followers and by defeated foes, who are represented by the row of wands in the foreground. Their rigid alignment forms a symbolic formal guard of honor.

SEVEN of WANDS This card shows a struggle for dominance. You are fighting off competitors and enemies, defending what you have achieved thus far and consider to be yours. But you have not yet solidified your position, which is still clearly being challenged.


EIGHT of WANDS The Eight of Wands represents putting ideas into action. This involves consolidated initiative, activity and effort. As compared to the lateral perspective in the RWS, I have used a more dramatic front view of the wands to indicate their flight and to emphasize the idea of motion.

NINE of WANDS The soldier rests, but is the battle really over, or is this merely a pause? He looks behind him, certainly aware of the wands surrounding him. Are they now merely remnants of what has been overcome, silent monoliths that no longer present danger? Or are they potential obstacles that may still need to be confronted? Is the scene one of calm or is there a remaining air of cautious tension?


TEN of WANDS The elderly figure is shown carrying a heavy load, a burden for sure, but the pose is deliberately ambiguous. Has the weight of those wands finally brought him to his knees? Or having taken a respite, is he now rising to continue forward?

PAGE of WANDS The charming young Page of Wands with his pet dragons exudes confidence and a sense of excitement and adventure. His red feather conveys good luck. He is a seeker who is eager to try new things and who dares to take risks.


KNIGHT of WANDS This imposing Knight is always quite sure of himself yet the pair of dragons near his heart adds fire to the flames of his inner passion and intensifies his bravado even more.

QUEEN of WANDS The self-assured Queen radiates with energy and warmth. Her dragons serve not only as ornamentation but they reflect her enthusiasm and vibrancy. She can handle any situation with grace.

KING of WANDS The charismatic King of Wands has a commanding presence and he is a man of great conviction. He rules his realm with original ideas and creative strategies. He knows exactly how to direct his power to get the desired results. -47-

✦ SUIT of COINS ✦ ACE of COINS The suit of Coins is about prosperity, productivity, and achieving tangible results. The Ace of Coins brings a great deal of down-to-earth energy and potential to creative projects and enterprises.

TWO of COINS This card reminds you to balance work and play. Take things one step at a time. You know where you are going and what needs to be done, but steady as you go. Some dexterity and careful maneuvering are called for but you got this!


THREE of COINS This card shows a craftsman, someone who knows and is proficient at his trade. This is labor to be sure, but also a labor of love. There is pride and satisfaction in both the process and the end results.

FOUR of COINS In this seaport we see a merchant and his valuable goods on display, presumably collected from his latest voyage. He is holding one coin close to his chest, but more out of caution than hoarding. Rather than personal possessions, these items represent his inventory, his business, commodities to be sold or the right price.


FIVE of COINS The traditional church scene is maintained and represented here by the stained glass window. But the impoverished figures of the RWS are substituted by the receiving hand symbolizing the act of charity. It can be seen as helping those less fortunate, or receiving help from others.

SIX of COINS This card is about resources, such as money or power. The scales are currently tilted to one side, showing there is an inequality. One person or group has more than the other. But a sixth coin is being added in order to address the issue and provide balance. Life isn’t always completely fair, but this card urges you to acknowledge and redress those discrepancies.


SEVEN of COINS This card shows a pleased woman who has worked hard, investing her time and effort tending her crop. Now she is happily reaping the sweet rewards of a job well done with a bountiful harvest.

EIGHT of COINS This scene depicts diligent study. Unlike the established craftsman of the Three of Coins who has mastered his trade, this card shows an apprentice who is still learning about his craft. The coins in the foreground along with those on the shelves might be indicative of practice and repeated effort required.


NINE of COINS A refined woman holds a hooded falcon. We can assume she is a woman of means because she is well dressed (albeit flamboyantly) and falconry is a sport of the privileged class. But her demeanor is somber; falconry is not merely an entertaining pastime, but a metaphor for personal restraint and control over one’s own natural and wilder instincts.

TEN of COINS A man places a coin into a glass jar, adding to its glowing and growing collection. These and other amassed gems have been accumulated over time. These represent security and savings that will provide for future times of need, retirement or as an inheritance to pass on to loved ones.


PAGE of COINS The Page of Coins brings the message that now is the time to act on opportunities for enrichment and making dreams come true. The fawn feels secure in his presence and indicates that the Page is trustworthy.

KNIGHT of COINS The Knight of Coins is tenacious and dedicated in the pursuit of his goals, perhaps even obstinate. He will insist on having his way in the face of opposition or challenge. There will be no compromises or backing down.


QUEEN of COINS In spite of her powerful position, the beautiful Queen is compassionate, generous and down to earth. She takes great pleasure in helping others and creating a nurturing environment for all living things.

KING of COINS The King of Coins is skillful and enterprising. Besides his own ventures he is happy to support other people’s endeavors, sharing his wealth, but also his expertise.



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