Develop Your Masculinity

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7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Legality © 2016 Masculine Development All rights Reserved. International Copyright This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this eBook. It is reserved solely for paid members of Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted. This document has been watermarked with a digital GPS identification tag.


The information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment, nor is it an alternative to medical advice. This publication is presented for informational purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the field of masculinity. The recommendations outlined herein should not be followed without a consultation with your healthcare professional. Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program. This information is not a prescription. Consult your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian for further information.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..4 Strategy #1 – Develop Your Masculine Purpose……………………….……………..…………………..7 Strategy #2 – Practice Martial Arts……………………….……….……………………………………………12 Strategy #3 – Go on a Hunting/Camping Trip……………………….……………...……….…………...18 Strategy #4 – No Fap……………………….………………………………………………………………............24 Strategy #5 – PUA Immersion……………………...……………………………………………………………..30 Strategy #6 – Understand Male Psychology……………………….………………………………………..36 Strategy #7 – Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor……………….…………………………………………….…...45 Summary……………….………………………………………………………………………...............................50 Bonus Strategy #8 – Alpha Male Morning Routine..........................................................51



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Introduction First off, thank you for investing in this eBook. You have just taken the first step towards becoming a better man. It wasn’t very long ago that I was a broke, depressed, scrawny young boy; I didn’t even cum inside of a girl until I was 19. After embarking on a very long and arduous journey of selfdevelopment, I realized that most of my problems stemmed from one thing. The lack of a strong father figure. Men today are completely lost; they’re misguided, and desperate for male mentorship. We want to be men, but we don’t know how. We’re stuck in a society that doesn’t fit our biology. We’re forced to act like good little boys if we want to keep our jobs and avoid offending our schoolteachers. In other words, we’re forced not to become men; our development is put in the hands of women, and as any rational male knows, they simply cannot teach boys how to be men.

The aborigine tribes of Australia have very intricate male coming of age rituals – when a boy turns seven years old, he is stolen away from his mother and taught how to hunt. The men pass down their wisdom, and make the boy endure a series of trials. When the boy emerges from



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity these trials, which test his physical prowess, mental discipline, and courage, he is seen as a man. Native American boys were once taken out into the middle of the forest, and made to sit blindfolded on a tree stump for 3 days. Imagine hearing the coyotes and animals shuffling around – imagine the courage it would take to not get up and run away, the discipline it would take to endure 3 sleepless nights, without food or water. This is how the Native Americans turned boys into men. The tribes of the Amazon force their young to endure countless bullet ant stings; they must remain silent, for to cry out in pain is a sign of weakness. Bullet ant stings are the most painful insect stings in existence – and these boys have to endure thousands, over the course of half a year. This is how the tribes of the Amazon turn boys into men. Nearly every culture that came before us had some form of a male initiation – whether it be the Aborigines, the Native Americans, the Inuits, the Spartans, or the tribes of South Africa. These men of the past understood that to become a man is a long and difficult journey, and it doesn't “just happen.” It has to be facilitated. Men need to guide a young boy into manhood; they need to forge him into a courageous warrior, because he can’t do it himself. So, then, what do we have as a coming of age ritual? We turn 21 and can now legally buy alcohol and sign a lease. We don’t have shit. We're a generation of men that has been deprived of the lessons we need to become men – and I want to change this.

This eBook will develop your masculinity by helping you do the following: Become decisive, determined, and confident in yourself Conquer your fears Embody masculine energy Learn to love danger, adventure, and life Mature into a disciplined man who doesn’t make excuses Unfortunately, because our fathers didn’t teach us how to be men, we have to teach ourselves. Let’s not blame them though, for their fathers probably never taught them how to be men, either. Let’s just accept that this process of developing our masculinity will take some time and effort, but that the results will be incredibly worth it.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

In fact, this is something that I want to emphasize – developing your masculinity is a process. It's not something that happens overnight, or even in a few months, and it isn't something that you can just cure with a “quick fix.” Developing your masculinity takes years, and as we grow older, we mature into wiser and more masculine men. As you approach the strategies in this eBook, realize that some of them will work more quickly than others (particularly Strategies #2 and #4), but that doesn't mean that the others don't work. Some strategies are meant to impact you on a purely biological level, some are meant to impact you on a mental level, and some, are meant to do both. Start implementing at least one of these strategies today – preferably even more than one. This is not the time to postpone your journey. You've already taken massive action by purchasing this eBook, and it would be a damn shame to see you put it off and forget about it. I've done this to many different things in my life, and I always look back with regret. Do not look back with regret. As you start reading this eBook, make a note of which strategies you're going to start employing right now, and which you're going to start using tomorrow, or maybe next week if the strategy takes some planning (like, for example, Strategy #3). What's important is that you simply start something as soon as possible. This is your life, my friend, and you've made a good first investment in yourself. Don't squander it. If you follow the strategies laid out in this eBook, I promise you that you will emerge a stronger, more powerful, and more masculine man. You will grow to love danger, to love growth, and to love life...but if you just forget about this eBook, if you just read it and think “that was cool,” but never use the strategies, then nothing in your life will change. Don't do this. Again, as you read this eBook, make a commitment to start employing some of the strategies right fucking now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not “when things get easier,” but right now! NOW is the time to start changing your life – there's always an excuse, and men don't make excuses. They just take action. So take massive action today.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity


Develop Your Masculine Purpose

Goals of Strategy #1

Create a passion for living Kindle a purpose that will push you to achieve Start cultivating characteristics such as decisiveness, and create the foundation for non-neediness Realize that masculinity is part mental/spiritual

Recommended Reading How to Discover Your Passion (Reader Question) The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida How to Find Your Masculine Purpose (Monetize Your Passion)



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity First and foremost, we must figure out why you’re doing this. Why do you want to become a better man? For what purpose? What is it that you're fighting for? What do you ultimately want to accomplish? These are very big questions, indeed, but no question worth pondering is a small one. A man without a purpose is no man at all. A man without a purpose will be blown about by the winds of fate, because he lacks drive and he lacks motivation. When a man doesn't have a purpose, life happens to him. When a man does have a purpose, however, life happens from him. Rather than being the plaything of his circumstances, he dictates his own fucking circumstances. As I have mentioned several times on my blog, having a masculine purpose is of the utmost importance. If you do not have a strong sense of purpose, nothing else matters; what is the point in living or striving for more, if there isn't ultimately one? There isn't. Realizing your purpose as a man is one of the most powerful things that you could ever do. This is why I'm going to share a very well kept secret with you. I’m going to teach you how to find your Eulerian Destiny; your life's purpose. It's the intersection of your skills, your strengths, and your passions – it is the ultimate purpose which combines all three into a synergistic pursuit.

Exercise: Find Your Eulerian Destiny

I want you to get out a pen and paper right now. Write down a list of your strengths, areas of expertise, and passions. Your strengths would be things that are just natural to you. For example, maybe you're very logical – write this down as a strength. Or maybe you're very creative; write this down as a strength, too. Areas of expertise are simply things you're knowledgeable about. It can be anything from being an expert at health and fitness, or repairing cars, or using maps, or any sort of category like this. Obviously, the more broad the better – for example, if you're very knowledgeable about music in general, don't just write down “I know how to play the guitar.” Write down the fact that you're knowledgeable about music as a whole. Your passions will be anything that you really care about. Maybe you're passionate about helping other people, maybe you're passionate about saving our culture, maybe you're passionate about geology, about cool cars, or about computers – I really don't know. The point is to simply write down 4-5 things in each category (strengths, expertise, passions).



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Strengths



Fill out the chart above with 4-5 of your strengths, expertise, and passions. Then, and only then, when you're finished, we can move on. To give you an example, here are some of the things that I filled in: Strengths: Analytical, Logical, Attention to Detail, High IQ Expertise: Fitness, Bio-Hacking, Game, Masculinity, Psychology Passion: Helping Others Improve, Self-Development, Learning Game, Teaching Game Now, try to either find a career where everything overlaps, or make one. For example, if you wrote down that you're strong with social skills, an expert at public speaking, and you're passionate about farming, consider putting on various seminars where you teach farmers how to improve their farming output by 15% or something. Or maybe you're still strong with social skills, and an expert at public speaking, but you're passionate about video games instead. Consider creating a YouTube channel that reviews and



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity discusses video games, and get a jump-start by giving a public speech at Comic-Con. It doesn't matter so much what you choose, but rather that it's the intersection of these 3 columns. The point here is to find a purpose that you're strong enough to achieve, that you have the skills needed to achieve, and that you have the passion needed to drive you towards achieving it. It's about finding the “sweet spot,” where your strengths, expertise, and passions intersect. For me, this was being a Self-Development Coach. I had a lot of experience with health, fitness, game, and psychology. I also have a very strong sense of empathy, which makes me want to share the lessons that I’ve learned with others. My logical mind is great for coding, writing content that conveys ideas, and figuring out how to improve myself and others even more. The point is, that being in the information business, and making a living off of sharing my experience, is where all of my strengths intersect. This is a career that I will excel at, because it plays to all of my strengths. Helping others improve themselves, and striving to improve myself in every way possible has become my masculine purpose. Now that you've got your masculine purpose, it's time to set a goal that will get you on the path of achieving this purpose.

Exercise: Realistic Goal Setting

I've read all manner of material regarding setting goals, and what I've found is that it's very important to keep it simple, but not overly-simple. This will be a very brief exercise compared to the last one; now, all you have to do, is set a realistic goal that you can achieve within the next month. Read my article on “How to Actually Accomplish Your Goals,” and employ the advice that I discuss. This goal should be in line with your masculine purpose. If you've decided that your ultimate purpose in life is simply to have a family and raise children that will be healthy, functional adults, then set a goal to help you achieve that. If you don't have a wife yet, make your goal something game-related, like going out at least 2 nights a week or something. If your masculine purpose is to become a neuroscientist and do cutting-edge research, set a goal to help you achieve this. Maybe you aren't in medical school yet – okay, that's fine. Make your goal for the next month to get straight A's or to apply for med school or something. Or maybe you're already a neuroscientist, but are struggling to find anything cutting edge.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity That's fine, too. Just set a goal that will get you along the path that you want to be on. It's more important that you just have a goal, than it is to actually achieve it. Having a goal will set your eye on the prize, and ignite a spark under your ass.

“Wait…So am I Trying to Find a Masculine Purpose, or a Career?” They are one in the same. No man can be extremely passionate about something and committed to it, without trying to make it a living. When you're incredibly passionate about something, it's absolutely crucial that you take steps to turn it into a living. Passion is like a delicate plant; if you don't water it and tend to it, eventually it will grow weak and wither. This doesn't mean that if you're an older man reading this, who already has a career, that you're a “lost cause.” I've gotten emails from men quitting their jobs at age 55 to follow their dreams. It is NEVER too late to follow your passion. The transition from working a meaningless day job to following your passion will not take place overnight, but if you just make a decision and take decisive action, with a little bit of perseverance, it can happen in under two years. “Don't fall into the trap of doing something that you hate, so that you can afford to do something that you love. Make your passion a way of living.” -Pablo Picasso

“What if There Isn’t a Career Path Here?” Then make one. There were no self-development careers until Tony Robbins made one; and now he’s worth nearly 500 million. Bodybuilding? That was a joke, a waste of time. Until Arnold Schwarzenegger won the Mr. Olympia seven consecutive years in a row and used his success to catapult an acting career. This doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to quit your day job immediately, because you won’t be. Don't delude yourself. But it should be something to strive for; something to keep fighting for. It will light a fire in your belly and add passion to your life. Without this fundamental masculine energy to support you, you have nothing. And for those men of you who aren't even 18 yet? My god, you have so much time ahead of you; you have the WORLD ahead of you! Don't let this advice go to waste! Discover your Eulerian Destiny right now and set yourself on the path of success. Trust me, if you talk to any of the older men in the Masculine Development community you'll find that their only regret is they wish they knew this stuff sooner.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

#2 Practice Martial Arts

Goals of Strategy #2

Develop self-esteem Conquer your fears of physical confrontation Start developing core confidence Understand primal masculinity

Recommended Reading

Defining Masculinity on a Primal Level The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting The Book of 5 Rings by Miyamoto Musashi



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity I recall one of my first sparring matches – I was a scrawny little 14 year old kid, and I was up against a 25-year-old behemoth. He outweighed me by nearly 100 pounds, and I was scared shitless. “Don’t worry. You can do it, Jon,” my instructor told me. I could tell that he really believed what he was saying. The bell rang, and Zach, my opponent, hit me like a freight train; he had tackled me onto the ground like a fucking Silverback Gorilla charging at its enemy. And like that, without even thinking my instincts and training kicked in. It felt like a blur; I just moved so naturally, without even thinking. He tapped out in less than 5 seconds. The match was over before it even began. “How the fuck did I do that?” I thought to myself. But in reality, it didn’t matter how I did it. What mattered was that I was able to protect myself against a man who had 100 pounds on me. That's what mattered. Learning martial arts teaches you to confront your fears, to overcome your physical limitations, and to develop discipline and strength of will. It transforms your body into a fighting machine, and when your body works better, so does your mind. Your core confidence will skyrocket, your ability to set healthy boundaries will grow stronger, and the women in your life will take note of your unshakable confidence. These things are beneficial to every man; if a man does not conquer his fears, they will conquer him. They will paralyze him, and he will die a mediocre man. If he does not overcome his physical limitations, then he remains physically weak and unable to stand up for himself. If he does not develop discipline and strength of will, his life will be dictated by the whims of others.

Exercise: Determine Which Martial Art To Take

I've taken a lot of martial arts in my life, and I can tell you that each one has benefits and disadvantages. Martial arts like Qi Gong and Tai Chi are incredible for developing a mind-muscle connection, intense focus, and flexibility, but they're not very good for fighting. Other martial arts, such as Kung Fu or Tae Kwon Do, emphasize inner strength and discuss the fighting philosophy, but often employ flashy moves that aren't very effective. And others still, such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Muai Thai, have abandoned the fighting philosophy and inner-strength part of martial arts altogether, and focus on sheer ruthlessness and stopping power.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity This exercise consists in you determining which martial art you would benefit the most from. There's no point in taking a martial art that you don't enjoy, so we might as well find one that suits your needs. Take a look at my brief explanations below and determine which one you'd like the most. Although I offer my recommendations, you are free to choose for yourself.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu + Muai Thai (Recommended) The reason that I put these two martial arts together, is because they're often taught simultaneously under a single instructor. With the advent of MMA competitions such as UFC (the most well-known), places that teach these martial arts are popping up all over the country. The reason why they're typically paired together is due to their opposite natures – Muai Thai, or “The Art of 8 Limbs,” is a style of fighting that emerged out of Thailand some time in the 16 th century. It is known as one of the most brutal martial arts of all time, due to its heavy focus on sheer brutality; elbows, knees, and efficient punches and kicks are the bread and butter of the Muai Thai practitioner. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, on the other hand, is all about getting you onto the ground – and keeping you there, permanently. It's a “ground sport,” which focuses on submissions like choke holds, arm bars, calf crunchers, bicep slicers, and more. It emerged out of a very violent and dangerous culture, which is, perhaps, why the art itself has at least two dozen moves that are banned in the UFC. The pairing of these two arts is what makes them so effective – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is weak when it comes to standing up and throwing strikes, and Muai Thai is weak when it comes to grappling and wrestling on the ground. By combining both, you will become a highly effective fighter, well-versed in both stand-up and ground fighting. The downside of these martial arts is that they don't focus on inner strength, the philosophy of the warrior, or the spirituality aspect of martial arts. Although this is definitely a negative aspect of the BJJ + MT pairing, I still recommend that this is where you start if you're new. When you're new, you'll get the most bang from your buck by taking MMA classes, because this is where you actually fight and spar with one another. Most of the other martial arts simply have you perfect techniques and forms, which albeit does have its place, but if you're new you need to enter the ring. This is how you will develop unshakable confidence as a man. Knowing that only 5% of men ever take a martial art, and that only .1% of that 5% is actually good at their martial art, will give you an incredible amount of confidence in both your personal and public lives.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Tae Kwon Do, Karate, and Kung Fu (Avoid These) Although these three martial arts are separate and are not taught together, I have chosen to group them under a single category due to their similar nature. They are all a sort of “middle ground,” being partially focused on the philosophy of the warrior, and partially focused on the actual fighting component of being a warrior. Tae Kwon Do dojos are all over the place in America, but I would avoid these, because they're often very watered down and Americanized. I took Tae Kwon Do for a couple of years when I was a kid, and the teacher was phenomenal – this is not a common experience, however. Most Tae Kwon Do dojos are extremely watered down and will give you a black belt in like 2 years (compare this to the 10+ years it takes to get a black belt with BJJ). Karate, in my opinion, may be an even worse offender. It wasn't long ago that every single major street in America had a Karate dojo, which targeted parents, promising that their kids would gain “inner strength,” if their kids signed up for lessons. Most Karate dojos are extremely watered down and the techniques that you learn are highly impractical. Now obviously this doesn't mean that every Karate dojo is junk; I'm sure that some are really good. In fact, my very first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teacher also had a black belt in Kenpo Karate, which turned out to be a very brutal martial art focused on specific counters. For the most part, however, keep in mind that you should avoid Karate dojos. Kung Fu tends to be a little bit better in terms of being watered down; because Kung Fu hasn't been as popularized as Tae Kwon Do or Karate, the instructors tend to be a little bit more faithful to the original discipline. Kung Fu is one of the sneakier arts, because it's very focused on attacking you in a way that you don't expect. The kicks are extremely circular – the idea behind this is to generate a large amount of momentum and force. This will probably work if you're fighting an inexperienced fighter, or someone who doesn't expect a fight, but if you're fighting against someone who's experienced he'll see a roundhouse kick coming from a mile away. Out of these three martial arts, Kung Fu is really the only one that I would recommend, although to be fair a good teacher can make any martial art effective. There's an old saying that “It's not the art, but the fighter,” and I agree to an extent – but the problem is when you're first starting out, you don't know enough to effectively apply martial arts depending on the situation, so it's best to avoid these three altogether.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Tai Chi and Qi Gong Although these two martial arts are entirely separate and are not taught together, I have also chosen to group them together due to their similarity. These two martial arts are very focused on the spiritual aspect: They focus on developing inner strength and tranquility They're phenomenal for developing intense focus They're great for flexibility and balance The downside to these is that they're not really focused on fighting. This is why I recommend you take MMA when you're new, and then maybe after a few years of practice under your belt, you can add Tai Chi or Qi Gong into your martial arts regimen. These arts are comprised of very slow, deliberate movements, often involving standing on one foot or focusing on feeling the energy that your body is generating. As a fun fact, this is actually where the “Power Level” idea came about from Dragon Ball Z (90's kids will remember this). Although this may seem weird to a lot of men, realize that the Energetic Laws of the Universe are very real, because everything is made up of energy. Regardless, Tai Chi and Qi Gong have been proven to be very effective in combating chronic pains, ADHD, depression, and anxiety. If you imagine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muai Thai as being “yang,” or assertive and aggressive, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are their “yin,” counterparts. If you're new to martial arts, I don't recommend you start here, however. Remember: the most crucial thing for you is to learn how to fight (at first). This is where you'll get the most benefit, and it's why I recommend you take BJJ + Muai Thai.

“How Do I Find a Good Teacher?” Start by googling “martial arts near me,” and checking out the various places around you. Generally speaking, there's one primary characteristic that distinguishes good teachers from bad teachers, and that's that good teachers actually have some accomplishments. For example, my Kung Fu master had literally at least 20 different trophies and medals adorning his dojo – all from competitions that he'd won from traveling around China and fighting other masters. Some teachers aren't as open with their accomplishments, but if you ask them where they trained, they'll talk about some elaborate history of them kicking bamboo trees in Thailand to harden their shins or something.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Another great rule of thumb is that they should be able to trace their lineage back to someone worth noting. For example, the man who taught me Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was directly taught by Helio Gracie, who was one of the men that gave birth to BJJ and helped to create the UFC in the early 90's. Do you see the point? Your master should have some sort of accreditation; if he doesn't, for all you know he could've spend just 2 years training under Sensei Bumfuck and now he charges $400 a month for lessons. Finding a good master is actually more important than the art itself, I'd say. If you can't find a good teacher in the art that you want to learn, still consider taking it, because something is better than nothing. But ideally you want to learn a good martial art from someone who's a good teacher, as well.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

#3 Go on a Hunting and Camping Trip

Goals of Strategy #3

Develop self-reliance, learn to depend on yourself Realize what life was like for 99.999% of our ancestors Learn to protect yourself and to survive without the help of others Understand the value of hard-work, and which of your “friends” are lazy and selfish

Recommended Reading

Guide to Free Campgrounds Camping: A Beginner's Guide The Ultimate Camping Experience



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity It was pitch black; I could hear the crickets surrounding me and the leaves rustling in the wind, but the path beneath me was just barely visible. I was walking through the middle of the woods with a cute little Filipino girl holding my hand; we were on the way back to my tent. We had gone to a festival together, known as The Rainbow Gathering, and as we trekked onward, all by ourselves, in the middle of the woods, I felt that something wasn’t right. Something in my gut felt terribly wrong; I turned around, and a tall, beady-eyed man in a trench coat was 5 inches behind me, just about ready to attack me. I gave him a glare, knowing that if I said something, the girl I was with would’ve screamed, and he probably would’ve tried to kill us both then and there. As we locked eyes, he froze in his tracks and I walked away with my girl around my arm. This experience was life-changing for me, because in that moment I understood the dangers that our ancestors faced for 99% of history. I learned very many important lessons from camping in the woods for a week, over 15 miles away from the nearest road. I learned the importance of masculine skills, such as being able to navigate the land, or to tell when someone else is friend or foe. I learned the value of hard work, and I got a glimpse into what it was like for our ancestors to live. In fact, I liked the camping trip so much that I’m going to go on a lone cross-country biking trip within the next few years. No cell-phone, no social media, no distractions; maybe just a small laptop so that I can record my thoughts and lessons. Something about going on a hunting and camping trip gets you in touch with your masculinity – it forces you to confront the fact that you are an animal, plain and simple. When you’re taken away from the safety of civilization, you’re forced to face a lot of things that you may have never thought of before: “If I didn’t have a sleeping bag right now, I could possibly freeze to death.” “If I don’t kill any deer today, I won’t have anything to eat tonight.” “It doesn’t matter how strong I am, if I get bitten by a venomous spider, I’ll probably die.” “I have to rely on myself, because nobody else is coming to my rescue.” A man learns a lot about himself in nature. Thoughts that he’d previously repressed come to the surface, because there’s no petty bullshit to distract him from his own mind.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity “So What Do I Do?” This strategy is very simple. You're going to go into the woods for an extended period of time, in solitude, and simply exist. No cell phones, no WiFi, no distracting bullshit (minus books); just you, the elements, and your primal masculinity. Depending on how experienced you are with camping, one of three options is available: Inexperienced: Rent out a cabin and live there for a week; just 7 days. Intermediate: Go to a camp ground, which will have nearby campers in case you have questions or need help with something. Advanced: Go to the middle of the fucking woods, and live there for 2 weeks. If you've never been camping before in your entire life, I highly urge you to start by just renting out a cabin in the middle of the woods. If you want to get even more in touch with your primal masculinity, you can do it during the coldest winter months – this will put some hair on your chest. If you've been camping before, or have experience living in a very rural area, consider going to a camp ground. I will talk about this more below. If you're very experienced with camping and hunting, then consider taking the ultimate test: plan a trip to a national forest and live there, miles away from civilization, for 2 weeks. This is what I did.

“So How Do I Get Started?” I realize that it can be very daunting if you’ve never gone camping before, so I’m going to simplify things for you. Here is really all that you need: food, shelter, and a location. You’ll need a few different supplies, but all of them are basically done for the purpose of getting you food, shelter, and a location, so I’ll talk about these later. Although my Dad had a lot of problems, the one thing that he was sure to do was take me camping several times. He thought that it was important for a young boy to get in contact with his father intimately – through fishing together, setting up the tent together, and working to survive together. In retrospect, I'm very grateful for him doing this; I believe that every boy should bond with his father over some sort of outdoors activity. If your father didn’t teach you how to camp – that’s fine. If you know some buddies who would like to go camping with you, then go with them, but be careful. Make sure they’re not lazy or you'll end up doing all the work. If you can’t find anyone to go with you, then I recommend going by yourself. You learn a lot from solitude; thoughts that you've been ignoring and fears that you haven't confronted have a habit of coming up when there's nothing to distract you.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity “What Food Do I Eat?” If this is your first time camping, I do not recommend hunting your own food; that would be too much to handle. First just go camping and then you can learn to hunt once you get the hang of camping down. You want your food to have two characteristics: light-weight and nutrient dense. You don’t want to be slinging around 50 pounds’ worth of food, and you don’t want to live off of lowprotein low-carb bullshit, because you need energy to chop firewood and shit. Some camp grounds have a local general store or something where you can buy food, so if your camping location has something like this (which a lot of them do), you don't have to get that caught up in buying food. Either way, however, I'd recommend you at least bring a little bit of food in case you get in a jam. Good food: Freeze Dried Chicken Teriyaki with Rice Hash Browns, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Peppers and Onions Breakfast Skillet Freeze Dried Italian Pepper Steak with Rice How to cook the food: Camping Kettle Cutlery Soap Flint/Tinder Survival Straw To cook freeze dried food you just boil water and pour it in the container – don’t waste energy carrying around a bunch of bowls and plates, just eat out of the plastic bag. And don’t bother lugging around the giant propane tanks and portable gas stoves that people carry out into the woods to attach to their portable stoves. That isn’t real camping Instead, get two Y shaped sticks, plant them in the ground by your small fire, put a stick through the kettle pot’s handle, and hang it over the fire. This is how a man boils his fucking water.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity To start the fire to cook your food, gather a bunch of brush, twigs, and sticks. Create a “teepee” with your twigs, and put the brush underneath it like in the image above. Light the brush with your flint/tinder, and it should catch fire very quickly. When your fire gets relatively big, put the sticks on top of it in a similar tepee style. Congratulations, you’ve just made your first fire, like a man.

Use the soap to clean your stuff in either a local bath house (again, camp grounds often have these) or in a river if you're deep in the woods. Use the straw to drink water out of a nearby stream if you're doing the “advanced,” version, or you can simply bring your own water. If you're doing the intermediate or inexperienced versions, don't worry about this – they'll have water fountains and whatnot.

“What Do I Use For Shelter?” Basically all you need for shelter is a tent and a sleeping bag. If you’re going by yourself, you only need a one-person tent, but if you’re going with other people, try to get a larger tent. The goal of a tent is not only to protect you from rain and snow, but to also protect you from mosquitoes and other bugs while you sleep. Getting a quality sleeping bag is important, because you won’t be able to sleep if you’re too cold, too hot, or there isn’t enough cushion on your head. I recommend the following: Yodo Compact Warm Weather Sleeping Bag Alps Mountaineering Lynx 1 Person Tent When setting your tent up, make sure that the ground below it is soft; check for rocks and sticks, and throw them aside. Make sure the ground is level, too. You don’t want to be sleeping with lumps sticking up in your back.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity “How Do I Find a Location?” Generally speaking, there’s two types of locations: a campground, and in the middle of fucking nowhere. A campground, as I mentioned before, is basically a giant plot of land that “rents” out sections to various campers. If it’s your first time, I highly recommend doing this. They’ll have a bathroom facility and you’ll be surrounded by fellow campers (in the different plots of land) so you can ask them for advice or help if you don’t know how to do something. You can find a list of your local camp grounds by googling “camp grounds [zip code]” and putting your zip code in the brackets. The alternative to this, which I do not recommend unless you’re experienced, is basically going in the middle of a national park and camping somewhere that’s miles away from civilization. I’ve done this, and ultimately it’s the goal – but start off with what you can manage.

Some Tips Do not take any electronic devices with you. “How will I survive without the internet for 3 days?!?” I can hear some guy say. No, shut the fuck up and grow a pair; leave that shit behind. Our ancestors didn’t have internet, and there’s no point in going camping if you’re going to be on Facebook or YouTube the whole time. I recommend you also bring some books; but not just any books. You'll get the most out of this experience if you bring books written by the great Romanticists and Naturalists (men that respected and admired nature). Here are some good books to read in the woods: “Walden” and “Civil Disobedience” The Dharma Bums The Call of the Wild “Self Reliance” and Other Essays Learn what it was like for our ancestors to live. They had to rely on themselves and on one another; there was no supermarket, there was no police force, and there was very little certainty. The only thing you could really depend on was yourself and your close tribe of men.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity


No Fap

Summary: Goals of Strategy #4

Develop discipline and control over your desires Learn to channel your libido in a healthy, functional way Quit wasting time, energy, and motivation on fake women Have more energy, focus, confidence, and clarity of thought

Recommended Reading Reddit Community Your Brain on Porn No Fap Rebooting Guide The Great Porn Experiment



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Our entire generation has been raised to whack off to high definition internet porn since the time that we were like 14, and it’s not good for us. In fact, it’s fucking horrible for us. Jerking off to porn does the following: Desensitizes your brain to dopamine, meaning that you get less pleasure from accomplishing your goals Trains your brain to cum too fast (aka causes premature ejaculation) Trains you to prefer porn over real women Makes you weak, lazy, and unmotivated Traps you in a negative self-amplifying feedback loop (too tired/unhorny to go out and learn game, so you just masturbate, which makes you more tired, which makes it harder to go learn game, etc.). No Fap has literally been life-changing for me. When I first heard about the No Fap community I thought it was one of the dumbest things that I'd ever heard. “Why would you willingly stop jerking off to hot girls?” I thought. Little did I know, I'd been feeling depressed and passionless for so long that I thought it was normal. It wasn't. After hearing so many men proclaim the benefits of No Fap, I decided to give it a try. “This'll be easy. I'm not addicted!” I thought to myself. My God was I wrong – I couldn't even make it 2 days at first, but I kept persisting. I started from Day 1 again, and again, and again...I was about to give up, when I hit Day 7 for the first time. Suddenly, I started to notice some of the benefits that other men had mentioned: Deeper, more relaxed voice Better social acuity, I can read people easier Higher confidence More energy Huge libido, it makes it way easier to go out and game I’m happier I couldn't believe it – I really was addicted! But this was the turning point. I saw the amazing benefits that No Fap gave me, and decided to make a commitment. I decided to give it a try for all 90 days, and let me tell you, I would not be the man that I am today had I given up.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity It's been a very difficult journey, for sure – there were times where I almost caved in, and there were times that I did cave in! But what matters is that I kept persisting and pushing myself to permanently quit porn and masturbation. You’ll start to notice effects in just under a week, but the real benefits come after a month and a half to two months. After the first week, I felt a noticeable increase in energy and focus. After a few weeks, my approach anxiety was almost nonexistent. After a few months? I felt like fucking superman. No Fap will get you in touch with your masculine energy – all of that energy that comes from channeled libido (as Freud postulated) will start to rise up within you. You’ll feel more potent, like you can accomplish more. You’ll have better focus, clearer thought, and you’ll become fucking determined to accomplish your goals (this will help you with Strategy #1). You’ll also start to feel more at ease with yourself and will find yourself naturally talking with women, like it should be. Most importantly, however, you’ll learn to resist your temptations which is one of the most crucial qualities that a man must have if he wishes to be successful. You cannot be successful if you cannot resist your temptations, plain and simple, because your will power is weak. In order to become successful, you must have the discipline to persist. You must have the discipline to do things that are difficult, and to do things that you don't want to. When you start doing No Fap, you will also have a lot more time on your hands – some men masturbate for an hour every day. Every single day! That's an hour that you've wasted sapping your energy and draining your testosterone, that you could spend trying to get actual girls instead! How different would your life be if you spent this time reading masculine books, or doing something productive?

“What Are The Rules of No Fap?” No porn or masturbation for 3 months. That's it. This may seem simple, but I guarantee this will be one of the hardest things that you ever do. Masturbation includes “edging,” which is touching yourself without cumming, and porn includes anything that's even soft core. If you happen to briefly see a bikini picture on Facebook or something that's fine, but don't actively seek it out.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity “Is this backed by science?” Yes, it is. In fact, it’s actually been difficult for science to research this, because it’s so hard to find men that don’t look at porn or masturbate. If you click on the links in the “Recommended Reading” section for this strategy, you will see that there's a large amount of data supporting the idea that No Fap has a ton of benefits. And even if there was absolutely zero scientific evidence, I would still trust the experience of literally thousands of men over a few “studies,” that were probably bribed by the multi-billiondollar porn industry in the first place. Just try it for a few months, you won’t regret it.

“What Can I Expect?” Like I said before, you’ll start to notice the benefits within just a week, and they’ll increase in intensity for a while. I’ve been thinking about putting together a journal of my experience with No Fap, but everyone is different so I’ve decided not to do it. I will say, however, that most people will see benefits within just one week if they’re really following the rules.

“Really Following the Rules? What Does That Mean?” It means that you don’t look at “safe for work porn,” or ogle at Facebook pictures of girls in bikinis. Yes, you can still visit Facebook, but don’t indulge in hot pictures – you’re just strengthening the neural pathways in your brain associated with PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) and it will take longer to “reboot,” or get back to normal.

The Flatline Some men report a flatline around the second month – I experienced this, too. The gist of it is that your brain is trying to rewire itself, but desperately craves the dopamine spike that porn gives it. You’ll feel pretty low for a couple of weeks, and for me it manifested itself in the form of depression. Some people even experience temporary erectile dysfunction. The flatline tells you that if you look at porn and masturbate, everything will be better – and it’s a liar. Yes, you will feel that temporary surge of dopamine that comes from PMO, but in the long run you’ll feel like shit. What the flatline doesn’t tell you is that you’ll feel twice as amazing as you did before if you just push through the withdrawal phase. I recommend reading up on the flatline here so that you know what you’re up against.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Some Tips One of the reasons that No Fap is so good for you, is because it forces you to cultivate good hobbies if you wish to break free. Your masculine energy (aka libido) will need an outlet if you wish to truly conquer No Fap; otherwise, it will be too hard to sit around all day and resist the temptation to jerk off. Occupy your time with some cool hobbies, such as: Meditation (check out my guide) Playing the guitar Reading Auto-repair Surfing Mountain biking Martial Arts (Strategy #2) It doesn’t matter so much what you choose to do, as long as you just do something. Something that will occupy your time and will give you a lot of cool experiences, so that you don’t have so much time to just sit around and focus on the fact that you’re not masturbating. On this topic, one thing that No Fap may do is make you realize how little of a life you have. It certainly did this for me; I realized that I was just sitting around all day watching YouTube videos and porn. It made me realize that if I wanted to be a healthy, functional man, I should integrate some good habits into my life.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Exercise: Prepare for No Fap

For this exercise, simply come up with a list of three things that you will channel your newfound masculine energy into doing. Remember: this is absolutely crucial if you want to successfully quit porn and masturbation, and reclaim your energy, libido, focus, and motivation. You need hobbies and different activities to channel your libido into, or this simply won't be possible. Write down with three productive hobbies or activities to channel your newfound libido into:

1 2 3 When I first started No Fap, these activities were martial arts, reading, and meditation. A lot of men find that Strategy #4 works best with Strategy #2, because doing No Fap will give you a ton of pent up energy that you can then channel into a martial art. This is what I did, and it's what I recommend you do, too. Reading is a phenomenal way to pass the time, as well. It's cheap, you can do it anywhere, and it's great for your brain. Consider checking out my list of the Best Books For Men, or simply finding a book that interests you. Meditation is great as a way to shut off your mind and get rid of nagging, negative thought-loops, but isn't the best for getting rid of pent up energy. As a final note, remember to never say “just this once,” or “I’ll just look at this one picture.” This is what fucked me over so many times. Your brain will come up with all sorts of sneaky tricks to get you watching porn, but just ignore it. Do No Fap and channel your libido into conquering your goals and building a better life.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

#5 Game Immersion Period

Summary: Goals of Strategy #5 Become comfortable expressing your masculinity around hot girls Develop razor sharp game Understand how masculinity relates to femininity on an intimate level Realize that women like it when you act like a man

Recommended Reading

Why Women Don't Give a Shit About Looks Pass Any Shit Test With These 2 Strategies How to Go From Virgin to 1 New Girl a Week



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity A huge part of developing your masculinity is understanding how it relates to femininity. Do not be fooled into believing that you can understand your masculine energy without being successful with women, because you can’t. Fucking tons and tons of hot girls is the best way to get in touch with your masculinity. Their feminine energy (hot girls are usually extremely feminine) will naturally draw out the masculine energy in you. There’s a reason why so many tribes have coming of age rituals where a man is required to sleep with a woman. When you start to fuck a ton of hot girls, you will realize several things about yourself; you will realize how comfortable (or uncomfortable) you are with your masculinity. Most men can’t even act like a man around women. We’re taught to repress our sexuality at a young age, so we end up coming out as these creepy fucks who want to talk to girls and flirt with them, but feel awkward doing it. Fucking lots of hot girls is not a cure-all, but it’s probably the closest thing to it. As you realize that she is very indecisive, intuitive, and feminine, you will naturally polarize yourself and be decisive, grounded, and masculine. You will discover your masculinity, by relating with her femininity. The best way to fuck a ton of hot girls, in my opinion, is to go through a period of immersion. This was one of the 6 Major Lessons that I learned from nearly a decade of self-development (lesson 4).

“What is Immersion? What is Maintenance?” In a nutshell, you have to completely immerse yourself in something if you want to get good at it. Dabbling here and there, or practicing 1-2 times a week will help, but it will only get you so far. If you want to become an awesome day trader, you have to spend hours and hours every day for at least a month, learning about candlestick chart analysis, being able to spot trends in various markets, and how different currencies affect one another. If you want to be a high-level athlete, you have to go through months of intense training where everything else in your life is ignored, you have to invest a ton of money into high quality supplements, and get the best personal trainers out there.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity It is no different with game – if you want to fuck lots and lots of hot girls, and eventually find one to make your wife, you have to immerse yourself and become completely dedicated to living a degenerate lifestyle (going out to parties every night) for a month or two. The flip side of this immersion concept, is maintenance. Obviously you can’t live life out of balance forever, so when you’re not 100% focused on improving some aspect of your life, you should do just enough to maintain the current level of skill that you have in it. Once you learn the lessons of day trading through a period of immersion, you can just place 1-2 trades every day and still get enough practice in so that your skill doesn’t atrophy. If you’re an athlete, once you reach an elite level, you can cut down the immersion phase and go to a maintenance phase. Rather than pushing your body to the extreme and ending up doing more harm than good, you can use an immersion phase temporarily to get to a high level, and then do enough work to maintain it for a long period of time. The same goes with game. You don’t want to dedicate your entire life to game. You want to get it handled by focusing intensely on it for a couple months, and then just maintaining it by going out once or twice a week to a club or with some hot girls to a social event.

“So I Should Immerse Myself in Game? How Do I Do That? Here is what I would recommend: go to Las Vegas, live there for a month, and go out clubbing every single night. Yes, every single fucking night. I realize that this may sound like a lot, but would you rather spend 5 years going out twice a week to your crappy local bars and clubs, or get twice the experience and results in just a month by going to Las Vegas? I’d take the month any day. Yes, it will cost more money and time up front, but it will save you literally YEARS of fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out how to seduce girls.

“Why Vegas? Why not NYC or Miami?” There’s a lot of other cities with good nightclubs, but Vegas is the number one party city in the world. Millions of people fly in from all over the world every single month, so your odds of seeing the same people at a night club the next week (or even the next day) are virtually zero.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity This is extremely important, because when you’re first starting off in game you want two things: high volume and anonymity. You want high volume, so that you can just approach tons and tons of different girls. If you have to wait 30 minutes in between each girl you approach (like you do for day game) you won’t learn as much. And, what's even worse, is you'll end up getting in your head. You'll start overthinking things, because you can't just go from girl to girl to girl to girl. You want anonymity, because when you first start off you’ll suck. You’ll be awkward and your game won’t be very good, so you'll be pegged as “that creepy guy.” This isn't a big deal and it's something every newbie goes through, but this is why you don't want to start off learning game in a place where you'll see the same people a lot. If you're in Europe and can't go to Las Vegas, consider flying to Ibiza or Berlin. If you’re in South America, go to Rio de Janeiro or Buenos Aires. Live in Asia? Fly to Bangkok. If you can afford it, though – hop on that first class ticket to Vegas. It’s the number one party city in the world and a small investment up front will literally save you an incredible amount of pain in the future.

“How Much Will This Cost?” Not as much as you think. With the economy that we live in, everything is becoming more and more efficient. There’s a lot of travel hacks that you can use to minimize the cost. Here is what I recommend you do to save money: Use Airbnb instead of a hotel. There are listings in Vegas for literally just $350 a month. Make sure that the Airbnb is within walking distance from the strip. Not only will you save money on Ubering, but you can easily pull girls by telling them that you’re “like a 5 minute walk from here.” Check for round trip plane ticket prices at Travelocity. I’m in DC and I've seen specials for as low as $200 round trip. Eat 2x a day at all you can eat buffets. This will cost about $800/month, which isn’t bad considering every meal is eating out. Talk to the bouncers and tell them that you’re moving here in a few weeks. 95% of the time, if you do this right (aka you’re not an idiot and have a basic knowledge of Vegas), they’ll let you into clubs for free.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Total Cost For 1 Month in Vegas = Airbnb ($350) + Tickets ($200 + Buffet ($800) = $1,350 That’s literally nothing. If you work hard you can save this up in just few months. How much is learning how to fuck gorgeous women worth to you? How much is having happy relationships with women worth to you? How much is learning to express your masculinity around women worth to you?

Some Tips When you go to Vegas for a month, here is what you should be doing to get the most out of it: Practice game every single day. The best nights are Monday-Thursday, and the best days (for day game) are FridaySunday. o This may seem counter-intuitive, but think of it like this. On the weekends, who do you think goes to the clubs? Fat bitches from Ohio there for their bachelorette party. o Who do you think goes clubbing on the weekdays? The hot girls that live in town who are playboy bunnies, models, and porn stars. o So, to get the most bang for your buck, consider going to nightclubs from Monday-Thursday, and doing day game from Friday-Sunday. Do day game, too. Day game is super easy to do in Vegas, because the whole city is constantly in the “party mindset.” Walk to whatever local casino, bar, or mall is near you and game the girls. Don’t stop learning about game while you’re there. In fact, I’d actually say that this is the BEST time to be reading books on game and watching videos on game. You’ll start to put the pieces together that you didn’t see before, because the knowledge that you’re getting can actually be applied RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The best night clubs to learn game at are Wynn, XS (inside of Wynn), Encore, The Mirage, Marquee, and The Venetian. Try not to drink too much, if at all. You’ll get too drunk to pull and some sober guy will end up pulling your girl, instead. Consider joining a local yoga club or gym. There will be tons of hot locals there that you can meet up with later at clubs, casinos, etc. If you’re extremely nervous around women, consider using kratom before you go out.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Exercise: Face The Reality of Game

I know that this may seem daunting for a lot of men, but it’s the best way to develop monster level game in a short period of time. In order for you to start seeing the reality of things, write down your answers to the following questions: “Is my sex life where I want it to be?” “If I don’t do this, will I ever get really good at game?” “If I don’t make a change, will anyone come and rescue me?” “If I get really good at game, what girls back in my hometown would I be able to seduce?” “How would my life look if I had amazing game?” “Is that better than my life right now?” These questions will really get you thinking about how much you would benefit from a trip like this. Imagine the feeling of confidence and pride in yourself that you would have after overcoming your anxiety around gorgeous women. Another thing to keep in mind, too: when you shell out the money for a trip, it becomes much easier to go out, because if you don’t, you literally just wasted a bunch of money for nothing. It’s easy to sit at home and say “oh I’ll just go out next weekend,” but if you’re on vacation in Vegas? “Come on, dude – It’s VEGAS! I have to go out.”



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity


Understand Male Psychology

Summary: Goals of Strategy #6 Understand male psychology Apply it to yourself and your own life Figure out where you aren’t fully developed and change it Spark a lifelong quest for masculine education

Recommended Reading

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man Iron John: A Book About Men



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity You’re already educating yourself to some extent, because you read my blog and purchased this eBook, but it’s time to go deeper. It's time to delve into the masculine psyche. If you really want to understand your masculinity, it’s important to internalize the phases that all men go through. There are many different perspectives on male development, depending on the psychologist you’re talking to, but I’ll outline one of my favorite views on the development of men here.

The Masculine Archetypes According to Jung According to Jung, when you are a boy, there are four primary “personalities,” that reside within you: The Divine Child The Oedipal Child The Precocious Child The Hero Each of these personalities has to do with specific characteristics, and every single boy has them. Every boy has the “Divine Child,” inside of him, the “Oedipal Child,” inside of him, the “Precocious Child,” inside of him, and “The Hero,” inside of him. If a boy is raised right, these sides to his personality, or “archetypes,” as Jung calls them, will develop in a certain order, and eventually, they will mature into their fullest, most mature masculine versions: The Divine Child turns into The King The Oedipal Child turns into The Lover The Precocious Child turns into The Magician The Hero turns into The Warrior Refer to the image above – do you see how each of the “boyish” or immature masculine personalities mature into their respective mature masculine personalities? This is what is ideal. Most boys, unfortunately, never get the chance to develop these personalities in their fullness. They get trapped in a “shadow personality,” which is a dysfunctional manifestation of these underlying sides to your personality. I will explain this later.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity “Can You Tell Me More About These Boyish Archetypes?” The Divine Child is essentially a boy’s zest for life, his love of adventure, and his sense of joy. This is the first personality to develop. Have you ever seen how happy young baby boys are? They love to explore, and shine like little Buddhas. They have an inherent love of life. Too often is this crushed out of us by the school system we go through. The Oedipal Child is the second personality to develop, around the age that one is a toddler. This has nothing to do with having an Oedipus complex, but rather it’s a young boy’s appreciation of feminine energy; his love for his mother, his intuition, his empathy, and his connection with the world all start to grow. Due to our feminist-indoctrinated society, most men never even get the chance to appreciate femininity. The Precocious Child develops after this, sometime around the age of 7. This is a child’s love of learning, his curiosity about the world. It manifests itself when a child wants to share his knowledge with others, and it’s why young boys always ask so many “Why?” questions. Again, you should be realizing just how fucked up our school system is; it crushes this out of young boys very quickly. The Hero is the last boyhood personality to develop – usually around the age of 12. This is a child’s desire for independence and to set himself apart. It’s his desire to test himself and overcome fear. This is why boys often do reckless things like jumping into lakes, daring each other, or get into fights.

“What if a Boy Doesn’t Develop These Personalities in Their Fullness?” Unfortunately, most boys don’t. In the words of Robert Moore: “The drug dealer, the ducking and diving political leader, the wife beater, the chronically ‘crabby’ boss, the ‘hot shot’ junior executive, the unfaithful husband, the company ‘yes man’, the ‘holier than thou’ minister, the gang member, the father who can never find the time to attend his daughter’s school programs, the coach who ridicules his star athletes, the therapist who unconsciously attacks his clients’ shining and seeks a kind of gray normalcy for them, the yuppie - all these men have something in common. They are all boys pretending to be men.” -Robert Moore, King Warrior Magician Lover

When a boy isn’t allowed to develop his masculinity, whether it’s due to abuse, controlling parents, or the lack of a male role model, he embodies the “shadow” form of that personality.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Divine Child Shadows Take, for instance, the Divine Child – in its fullness, it expresses itself as a boyish love for life, a passion for living and a sense of joy and well-being. If a boy isn’t allowed to express this, however, the Divine Child will manifest itself in one of two different ways: as the Weakling Prince or the High Chair Tyrant. The Weakling Prince is essentially the root of a victim complex; it’s when a child isn’t allowed to explore and be himself, because his parents are too controlling. He develops the idea that he’s a victim, and that he’s a weakling who can’t do anything. This happens when his parents, or the society that he lives in, set too many boundaries. The flip side of this is when his parents don’t set enough boundaries. He will then become The High Chair Tyrant; a boy obsessed with getting his way, who will cry and throw a temper tantrum if he doesn’t. This develops into a “god complex,” over time – the inverse of a victim complex. Because the High Chair Tyrant got everything that he wanted when he was a child, and was never told no, he’ll grow up being incredibly vain, shallow, and narcissistic.

Oedipal Child Shadows The Oedipal Child’s shadows, as you can see in the image on page 36 are the Momma’s Boy and the Dreamer. The Momma’s Boy is what happens when a boy is completely smothered in his mother’s love and develops an unhealthy relationship with her, in which she uses him for emotional validation. This is extremely common nowadays, and it produces what we now call the “Beta Male,” men who will do just about anything to get female approval. The Dreamer is the polar opposite; he doesn’t receive enough maternal love, so he is detached from the world. He’s always in his head, daydreaming, and imagining he's somewhere else. The kid who has trouble paying attention in school, the boy who’s always in his room writing in his journal, and the boy who doesn’t have a healthy love of feminine energy, are all manifestations of The Dreamer shadow.

Precocious Child Shadows When the Precocious Child is discouraged from expressing his inner curiosity and love of knowledge, he becomes The Dummy. The Dummy acts dumb, and perhaps even thinks he’s dumb, because he was never allowed or encouraged to be smart. Deep down, he's actually very intelligent, but because he's been brainwashed into believing he's foolish, he starts to act like it. The school system that we suffer through does this to very many of us.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity The flipside of this is when a boy becomes The Know-it-all Trickster. This is the boy who delights in using his knowledge to play tricks on others; he delights in mischief and general misconduct. This stems from a child only getting attention when he’s smart. He will develop an unhealthy desire to “prove himself,” and gain superiority, so to speak, through his intellect.

The Hero Shadows The Hero, which develops around the age of 12, has two shadows: The Grandstander Bully and The Coward. If a young boy is bullied, and has the desire to prove himself and to grow stronger crushed out of him, this personality will manifest itself as The Coward. This personality is always afraid to do anything remotely adventurous, and will live a dull, drab life safe within the confines of his little world. This is most men nowadays. If a young boy is narcissistic, and wasn’t taught empathy, he will become The Grandstander Bully. Rather than improving himself, pushing his limits, and conquering his fears, he will simply put others down to feel better about himself. It all stems from a deep inadequacy, however, and his thirst for status and validation will never be quenched.

The Four Masculine Archetypes As said before, these four boyish “personalities,” or “archetypes,” grow into their mature versions over time. So if they are fully integrated, complete personalities, a boy will grow into a functional, healthy man. But, if a boy never developed a certain personality in its fullness, and instead has a shadow of that personality, it will carry on into adulthood. For example – The High Chair Tyrant will develop into The Tyrant. The Weakling Prince will develop into the Weakling (if you take a look at the image, look under Divine Child). It’s still the same underlying personality, but it’s just manifesting itself slightly differently.

The King The Divine Child turns into the King. The King is the “executive,” mature masculine personality. It makes the decisions, and is responsible for putting order into the world. The King is grounded in his own reality – he serves as a rock in times of trouble. The King lives with integrity, protects his kingdom, and blesses others. He also embodies creative energy. The Divine Child’s joy matures into The King archetype, and it is so strong that he wants to share it with others.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity For most men, The King takes the form of The Weakling. They are too weak to maintain their kingdoms. When friends pressure them into staying out late or eating crappy food, they cave in. When girlfriends bitch and complain, they give into their demands. When the boss unfairly demands too much time, they submit. Other men, take the opposite path – they become The Tyrant. They are overly controlling, and freak out at the smallest little speck of disorder in their kingdom. Their friends pressure them to go out and eat crappy food? They yell and scream and manipulate. Their girlfriend won’t stop complaining? They punch her in the face and tell her to shut the fuck up. The boss demands too much time? They confront him in his office, throw the papers on his desk up into the air, and storm out. The King in his fullness does none of these things – he creates boundaries that come from a place of self-love, not out of anger.

Exercise: Are You a King in Your Own Life?

The King, in his fullness, is responsible for many things, but it really all comes down to one thing: maintaining his kingdom (or his life). Write down your answers to the following questions: How well are you able to set firm boundaries? Do you “bless” others, through good emotions, gifts, and guidance? Do you remain calm when the world around you is going to shit? Are you decisive? Or do you take a lot of time to fret over decisions? Do you create? Paintings, songs, books, poems, etc. If you answered no to a lot of these questions, it’s time to get in touch with the King Archetype: Start creating firm boundaries. Write down a list of things that you will and will not accept from friends and girlfriends. Send a gift to a friend or family member that you care about. Meditate and learn to become centered in your own reality. The next time you're faced with a decision, try to decide very quickly and stick with your decision. Don't go back on it. Pick up a hobby that requires you to be creative.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity The Lover The Oedipal Child turns into The Lover. The Lover is not merely concerned with sex, however – The Lover, in its fullness, has a deep love for life itself. Love for family, for friends, for food, for reading, for activity and progression; the Lover is passionate in whatever he does. The Lover is sensual, and enjoys all types of pleasure; good food and drink, beautiful art, poetry, songs, sex, and others. Most men in our society are conditioned to repress this side of themselves. It’s especially bad in the USA, because there’s still a strong religious culture here – we’re discouraged from having sex and made to feel guilty when we experience pleasure. This is basically The Impotent Lover shadow: when a man has no passion or lust for life. The Impotent Lover also manifests itself in relationships, when a man doesn’t have the desire to fuck his girlfriend (if she’s hot). The flip side of the Impotent Lover is the Addicted Lover, or the hedonist. Because the young boy never got enough validation from his mother, or only got it when he did certain things, he will crave to get it from various pleasures in his adult life. He won’t be able to stop cheating on women, he will indulge in delicious food and drugs, and he'll always be searching for that one thing that will make him happy, but he'll never find it, because he doesn’t realize that happiness comes from within.

Exercise: Are You a Lover in Your Own Life?

The Lover, in his fullness, comes down to having a love for life. Write down your answers to the following questions: Do you feel depressed, dull, and flat? Do your relationships always seem to fail, and you don’t know why? Do you do things that you enjoy? Do you spend time doing things that are pleasurable? Do you have any passions? If you answered no to a lot of those questions, it’s time to spend some time getting in touch with your Lover archetype: Rekindle your passion (Strategy #1) Spend time indulging in beautiful women (Strategy #5) Listen to music that you love Soak in a hot tub and enjoy the feeling Enjoy good food and drink



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity The Magician The Precocious Child turns into The Magician – the personality that deals with knowledge and wisdom. The Magician personality manifests itself when you try to solve a problem, introspect, or improve your life with knowledge. The Magician is the master of technology, and of mastery; he enjoys gaining new skills and knowledge not only so that he can better his life, but also because he simply enjoys expanding his mind. This personality can take two shadow forms. The first of which is The Detached Manipulator, which is when a man uses his knowledge to manipulate others; he laughs at their foolishness and delights in playing with them like pawns. Fortunately, very few men embody this archetype nowadays. The Denying Innocent One, on the other hand, wants the skills and knowledge, but isn’t willing to put in the work to get them. He starts things and puts them down two weeks later, he doesn’t finish books, wants to be a millionaire, but doesn’t work, and is envious of others who are successful. This is most modern men. They want expertise, but aren't willing to put in the work required to get it.

Exercise: Are You a Magician?

In short, the magician personality in its fullness comes down to a desire to attain knowledge. Write down your answers to the following questions: Do you read on a regular basis? Do you enjoy learning? Do you introspect regularly? If you answered no to these questions, it’s time to develop your Magician personality: Start reading good books every night. Learn about what interests you. Come up with creative, interesting ways to improve your life. Commit to lifelong learning!



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity The Warrior The Warrior personality is that assertive, aggressive, masculine energy that wants to conquer things and further its cause. The Warrior manifests itself when you hustle and struggle to improve yourself; he is the personality of purpose. Without The Warrior archetype in its fullness, you cannot embody your masculine purpose. The Warrior has two shadows, the first of which is known as The Sadist. This is when a man is cruel to others; he mocks them for their weakness, holds them and himself to unreasonable standards, and is completely unsympathetic to the suffering of others. This is the man who berates his son for getting an A- instead of an A, the man who is a workaholic, and the man who aggressively confronts someone who accidentally bumped him in line. The second shadow, The Masochist, is when a man is cruel to himself. He enjoys being abused, because if furthers his “martyr/victim complex.” When his boss is a completely territorial jackass, rather than quitting his job, he tries to live up to his boss’s standards…but he never will. He accepts the abuse of his girlfriend, and he accepts when his friends walk all over him. Most modern men have a mild form of this.

Exercise: Are You a Warrior?

In short, The Warrior personality in its fullness is concerned with asserting yourself and conquering your goals. Write down your answers to the following questions: Do you feel comfortable standing up for yourself? If somebody expects too much from you, do you try to live up to their standards, or leave them behind and move on? Do you feel that you’re fighting for a cause? If you answered no to these questions, consider getting in touch with this personality: Watch badass movies about warriors Find and fight for your masculine purpose (Strategy #1) Take up a martial art (Strategy #2) Do something that scares you Strengthen your discipline Join an activist group and start protesting or fighting for a cause



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity


Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor

Summary: Goals of Strategy #7 Forge strong relationships that will last a lifetime Pass down, and receive masculine wisdom Gain a sense of fulfillment from guiding young men Better understand your own experience by teaching others Get the guidance that you need to become a better man

Recommended Reading Jon's Coaching Program Keith Ferrazzi's Never Eat Alone MASCULINEDEVELOPMENT.COM


7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity This is the very last strategy for a reason. It is the bridge between book knowledge and real world connections; if you want to be a man, you must strive your best to find other men who are more experienced than you, and who can help you. It used to be that our fathers, grandfathers, and the men in our town or village would teach us how to become men – this is no longer the case. Unfortunately, now we have to find our own mentors, but don’t worry. It’s not as hard as you think. In fact, it will probably happen naturally if you’re a man who’s on his purpose. You’ll bump into people who are on the same path as you, but 20 years ahead. As an example, one of my mentors is a man out in Silicon Valley who's a tech entrepreneur – we met, because we were both alumni at the same college. It happened naturally. Another one of my mentors I met out clubbing; he thought I was cool, and I thought he was cool, so we started hanging out more and more. It happened naturally. Getting a good mentor is, more often than not, the result of simply being on the path of selfdevelopment. You'll slowly start to bump shoulders with highly successful guys, and eventually, you'll find one that wants to mentor you.

The Rule of 1/3 One of the best tips that I’ve heard for developing a fulfilling social circle, is to spend 1/3 of your time with people who are “below” you, 1/3 of your time with people who are “above” you, and 1/3 of your time with people who are “beside” you. In other words, spend 1/3 of your time with men that are below you; men that aren’t as old or accomplished as you. Pass down your guidance and wisdom, so that the next generation of men can be stronger. As someone who does this every day by sharing my advice online, I can tell you that it's extremely rewarding and fulfilling. Spend another 1/3 of your time with men that are above you; men that are more accomplished, wealthy, or successful than you. Often times men that are successful actually want to pass down their wisdom and advice, but they don’t have any eager younger men (1640) to pass it down to.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Spend the final 1/3 of your time with men that are beside you; men that are your acquaintances, your friends, buddies, and pals. It’s important to not just get caught up in the “I’m a mentor or mentee” frame. You’re also a friend! Spend time growing with your friends and doing fun, productive activities together like working out or going hiking.

“How do I Find a Mentee?” There’s generally two main ways to find a mentee: through your social circle or through an organization designed to give young boys mentors. Personally, if you can do it through your social circle, I would recommend this. Maybe it takes the place of you giving your nephew advice when he hits the age of 14 and has a crush on some girl, or maybe it will take the place of you meeting some kid out at the club and offering him game advice. Either way, the point is that you want to pass down your knowledge to a young man in need of guidance. If you cannot find a man in need of a mentor through your social circle, then sign up for an organization like The National Mentoring Partnership. This will connect you with a kid who has no father, and is in need of masculine guidance. Being a mentor is a very important part of being a man – it will fulfill you in many ways, and you will feel content knowing that a young boy is walking around with the lessons from your years of experience. This is one of the things that makes men great, is our ability to pass down knowledge and learn from previous generations. Without this skill, we're simply monkeys learning and re-learning the same mistakes generation after generation. In fact, the manosphere emerged because of this; we wanted to share our advice with other men, because we have a society that doesn't do this anymore.

“How do I Find a Mentor?” In my experience, good mentors are hard to find, because they’re always busy walking down their own path. The only way to find a good mentor is through networking and getting around people of a high caliber. Consider getting involved with your local networking organizations, charity events, and leadership groups. This is almost always where you will find a mentor. Once you find a mentor, do not come from the frame of “I need to take.” This is one of the most important things that I could ever tell you.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity Rather, focus on what you can give to him! You can add energy to his life, you can motivate him; there’s a whole bunch of stuff you can do, and there’s a whole lot of things that you can do to add value to his life. Don’t focus on just taking, because nobody likes that and he won’t stick around for long. Maybe he's that old player in the club, and you going out and approaching the shit out of every set reminds him of what it was like to be your age. That's how you add value to his life – your youth will give him a spark of energy himself. He'll experience a feeling of nostalgia, and appreciation for youth as he watches you doggedly approach every damn girl in the club. Or maybe he's an old successful business man, and he just wants someone who doesn't always try to get “business advice,” from him. Maybe you'll add value by just being someone for him to talk to, about his life, his ideas, his family, or whatever. Do you see the point, though? There is a reciprocation going on – you should be improving your mentor's life in some way, through conversation, good emotions, giving him more energy, or whatever. Eventually you’ll start grabbing lunch with him, maybe talking over the phone or via email about your businesses, etc, etc. and he’ll start to give you advice to some of the problems you may be encountering. This is what you want – the relationship has to form naturally. Don’t try to force it. If you’re on your path as a man, you will naturally bump into other men whose purposes align with yours. Be sure to get a mentor in a field that he's successful in. This is one of the most important rules than so many men ignore. For example, don’t let a fat old guy mentor you on health and fitness. But if that fat old guy is a millionaire business magnate, maybe you should let him mentor you on wise investments and financial success. If you want a mentor in health and fitness, find someone who has a body that you want. It’s that simple. If you're trying to get a lean, shredded physique, check out Body of an Alpha and see the proof that it actually works (pictures of me). Until then, though, the point is extremely intuitive: if someone doesn’t have the success you want, don’t listen to them. If someone’s broke, don’t listen to his financial advice. If someone’s



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity fat, who the fuck cares what he thinks about health and fitness? If a man has slept with 200 women and has a trophy girlfriend? Maybe you should take his advice on women.

Building Social Circles: 1/3 With Acquaintances This is the trickiest 1/3 to manage, because you don’t want to hang out with men who aren't improving themselves as well. Often times we get caught in these friend groups where nobody really changes or improves, and they drag us down with them. This happened to me for a while, and I don’t want it to happen to you. Make sure you spend your 1/3 with acquaintances that are actually improving and going places; start improving together! Have a workout bro, go clubbing together, travel together, or whatever – just find people that are like-minded and willing to grow. You may have to distance yourself from certain members of your peer group as you develop into a better man. This is fine. What’s important is that you focus on your goals and if someone is holding you back, don’t be afraid to cut them out of your life.

“What if I Can't Find a Mentor?” Sometimes you won’t be able to find a mentor for a while – this is fine, don’t sweat it. You have access to the world’s wisest mentors through one simple medium: reading books. If you can't find a man to mentor you in philosophy, read Aristotle. If you can’t find a man to mentor you in stock trading, read Benjamin Graham. Can’t find a spiritual mentor? Read Lao Tzu, Buddha, or The Dalai Lama. I've said this dozens of times, but I'm going to say it again, because it's very important. Read good books. Don't read garbage. If you can't find any good books, check out my article on the Top Books That Every Man Should Read. I plan on updating it within the next week, and will be updating it once every several months from then on. Also, be sure to stay in touch on the blog – feel free to email me any questions or success stories at [email protected]. Staying in touch via the blog is a very powerful way that you can get mentorship – not that I’m a perfect human being, but I have a lot of experience and I’ve made a lot of mistakes so that you don't have to.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

Summary I'm having trouble coming up with what to say, because quite frankly there isn't much that I can say. I can tell you that following the advice that I've laid out will be one of the best things that you'll ever do. I can tell you that it will improve the quality of your life by a thousand. I can tell you that it will make you wealthy, healthy, and happy. But ultimately, it doesn't really matter what I say. What matters is whether or not you choose to take action. So, go – go live life to the fullest. Sacrifice current pleasure for future goals. Find a dojo near you and start practicing Muai Thai, call that girl up who you've been too afraid to talk to, and start cultivating relationships with awesome men that will last a life time. This is your life, my friend. And it's ending one second at a time. Don't waste it.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity

#8 BONUS! Alpha Male Morning Routine

Summary: Goals of Bonus Strategy #8

Prime your mind and body to conquer the day Spark intense focus, enhance alertness, and increase motivation Jack your testosterone levels through the roof Begin to re-wire your brain and transform into an alpha male

Recommended Reading Jon's Morning Routine for Zen-Like Focus Jon's Nighttime Routine for Subconscious Re-Programming



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity If you want to kick ass at everything in life, it's absolutely crucial that you have a morning routine. This isn't to say that it should always be the same, however – depending on what I'm doing that day, my morning routine will change. For example, if I'm in a period of immersion for game, I'll be waking up very late. If this is the case, I'll do my energetic-alignment morning routine, which I'll be talking about on my blog at some point in the future. If I don't have a lot of time, sometimes I strip my morning routine to the bare essentials. And then, for the days that I want to feel like a fucking champion and take on the day with a renewed sense of aggression and ferocity, I'll do this routine.

The Alpha Male Morning Routine This morning routine is specifically designed to enhance motivation, boost testosterone, and leave you feeling awake and alert, ready to conquer your goals. In order to get the most out of this routine, I recommend that you follow every single step exactly as I describe it. I love using this morning routine, because it always makes me feel absolutely charged with masculine energy. Even if I've only slept a few hours, when I do this routine, somehow I feel like I've slept a full night's sleep. Here it is: Wake up and immediately turn on all of the lights. Open your blinds and blast your face with sunlight. Go outside and walk around for 5-10 minutes, thinking about the goals that you've set for today and how you're going to destroy them. Go back inside, do 15 pushups, 15 air squats, and 15 pull-ups (get one of these) Immediately take a cold shower. Just this boosts testosterone by around 25% While you're in the shower, keep your hands high up in the air for at least 2 minutes – this boosts testosterone by another 30%. Get out and watch a motivational video (here's one I like) Jump up, yell at the top of your lungs, and pound your fucking chest like a gorilla. This increases testosterone by around 20%. Go out and kill your fucking day.

Some Notes Walking around outside first thing in the morning does two things: it exposes your body to sunlight and gets your heart warmed up for the day. This is important, because the second that



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity your body is bombarded with sunlight, it starts pumping out hormones to give you energy and to make you alert and focused. The calisthenics/cold shower combo is fucking amazing; you'll feel a huge surge of energy and clarity almost instantly, plus all of the other benefits like improved circulation, more endorphins, and higher testosterone levels. Keeping your hands up high above your head is known as the “victory pose,” which is a certain type of power pose, and it's been proven to increase testosterone. Researchers did a study where they had two groups: one group looked down at the ground, while the other did the victory pose.

They then measured each ones' testosterone, and had them do a bungee jump. The victory pose group, on average, had 30% higher testosterone, AND took the jump almost instantly. The other group had lower testosterone, and took on average 30 seconds to prepare for the jump. In other words, doing this victory pose will not only increase your testosterone, but will make you more assertive and decisive. Motivational videos are an obvious way to increase motivation, and if you watch them consistently over time you'll start to re-wire your brain to be more motivated; this is through a phenomena known as “mirror neurons,” but I won't get too in depth here. Lastly, the gorilla chest pound has been shown to increase testosterone levels – and it also relieves a ton of pent up anxiety, too. There's been a lot of research going into “primal exercises,” which are exercises that are meant to mimic our gorilla ancestors. Despite them looking weird or silly, they're actually extremely effective at increasing testosterone and turning you into a conqueror.



7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity All in all, this is a phenomenal morning routine – I highly urge you to try it for just a week. You'll notice a massive surge in your confidence, assertiveness, libido, and not to mention, productivity.



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