Metatron Messagesfull

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ARCHANGEL METATRON Your Source Connection Greetings, dear ones. 1.I am the Archangel who embodies the highest level of physical existence. 2.This includes what is unknown and unseen at your present conscious level of perception. 3.My energies pervade all of physical existence and serve as what you might call your highest connection into Source. 4.I am a bridge that connects Source and the Creator directly into physical existence . 5.All of you are creators with the Source. 6.You are learning to recognize all of your creative abilities. 7.I can help you to connect into that highest part of yourself which is that clearest aspect of the Source connection or your Source Beingness. 8.We, of the Angelic Kingdom, do not create consciously as humans do. 9.We simply are extensions of Source and we are the Source substance with which you create. 10. Therefore, as creators, you are the ones who direct the use of our energies and you are the ones who decide what we will create within physical existence. 11.We embody Source's Plan Itself. When you choose to work with this Plan and to utilize it, it is our energies which form your connection into it. 12.Without your decision to utilize what we are and to become a part of this Plan, we regain simply a blueprint or an energy flow, which does not connect into anything specific. 13.Without your conscious desire to use our spiritual energies , we remain simply undifferentiated Source Substance, which has not had the opportunity to become a part of physical existence. 14.Our energies are not able to connect into the potentials that are within physical existence, and they cannot help it to bloom, grow and express all that the Creator has chosen to express through it. 15. Without you, we cannot participate in the development of your creative opportunities, which the Source has given you on Earth. 16.You might look at us as a flow, which allows Source to be present within physical existence and to be expressed as physical substance on your Earth. 17.All that you see around you as physical matter is Source substance, which has been converted into physical matter through your conscious desire to create with it. 18.Through your utilization of the structure we provide which allows you to create. 19.There are 10 Archangels, who serve as ten levels of the Plan for your Earth. 20.I am the one that is most like the energy of Source. There are others who embody the other planes of physical existence. 21.Each one of us has, specific aspects of ourselves that operate at our energy level, working within other Angelic Beings who make up the totality of all that we are. 22.They are also here to serve the purpose and the desires of the Creator and of you as co-creators. 23.Source has chosen to become physical through each of you. 24.Therefore, you serve as co-creators with Source to build your Earth and to give it an increasingly more spiritual expression. 25.The level you are working on at this time is called the New Age. 26.The Archangels embody the skeletal structure of the Plan, which Source has for the Earth and for the New Age. 27.Each angelic energy is a stepping stone to the next higher level of understanding the Source Plan. 28.Each step is necessary for the continuity of its flow into physical existence and none is more important than any other.

29.It is not necessary for you to understand completely each of these creative levels of the Plan, but it is necessary for you to understand clearly what you are building and what you desire to create on your Earth. 30.The higher you are able to stretch in your consciousness, the more clearly you can see the whole picture and the more easily you can see how your part fits into the whole and how all of the co-creators serve the Plan as a complete unit. 31.Many of you now are beginning to see your purposes in terms of the whole, and are beginning to realize the importance of working together as a group to bring forth the New Age. 32.The time for individual efforts has passed. 33.The efforts, which have meaning now and are effective, will be those that take into account the abilities, desires and purposes of a group. 34.We can help you blend the energies of your group at whatever level that group can reach. 35.We can help you to gain an even greater understanding of how these work together. 36.Some groups may work with a few levels of the Divine Plan and a few levels of Archangelic energies. 37.Others through their clarity of vision and their ability to connect into higher aspects of the Plan use more of these levels of angelic energies. 38.Each group receives the help it needs and which it is capable of using. 39.As the group grows and matures, it is able to handle greater amounts and finer aspects of angelic energy. 40.Then it is able to enter deeper and higher levels of the Plan itself . (The capacity of creation gives us the level to which we belong). 41.Those of you who choose to make an effort to communicate with me will receive whatever help you need to connect into the appropriate level at which you are working as a creator. 42.I will help you connect into the Plan and realize your purpose. 43.I will aid you in making the most of your opportunities on the Earth. 44.I am working to help you connect into the Plan at the Galactic level. 45.My energies are bringing to the Earth the Divine Blueprint, which you need to create a more efficient creative structure from your own physical bodies. 46.This light, which I am and which I focus from the Galactic Center , carries the next level of the Divine Blueprint, which you need to pattern your physical structure not existent in the New Age. 47.As you desire to serve the Plan and allow yourselves to become a part of it you become connected into these higher energies. 48.This energy of the Plan is being used within your physical structure to make your body stronger, more efficient, and closer to the ideal. 49.You will be able to create for yourselves bodies which never get sick, which do not age, and which will serve you by becoming exactly what you want them to be. 50.If your purposes and desires are in line with the Plan, this creative opportunity for building a perfect physical structure comes much more easily. 51.The design of this new structure allows an easier connection into your own Source level awareness and a clearer connection to your Creator. (My “creator” is not supposed to be the absolute one, but an intermediate one, a universal one, not exactly the multiversal one neither directly the AEA). 52.Those who do not desire to align with the Plan are clearly not able to utilize this Divine Blueprint. 53.It will not suit their purposes as they selfishly seek something, which is not a part of the Plan. 54.There are many Angelic Beings, who help me provide this connection Into Source's Plan for you. 55.There are many Spiritual Teachers, who are available now to help you allow this connection and help you understand more fully how to use it.

56.I am one who is here to serve you as you create your New Age on Earth. 57.I am one who humbly offers his services to all of you as co-creators of your New Earth. 58.I have worked with many of you before at different levels of your understanding and at different levels of beingness. 59.I am available now to continue that relationship and to serve you as creators in anyways that I can. Thank you. Archangel Metatron 1.Residing in 7th Heaven, Archangel Metatron, “The Angel of the Presence,” occupies the throne that sits next to the Divine Throne. (It doesn’t fit my mind about any throne for sitting down like bureaucrats, monarchs or tyrants) 2.Known as the “King of Angels,” Metatron is reported to have the highest vibration, and the most powerful presence of all the Archangels. 3.With a face that glows as brightly as the sun, Metatron, a seraphim, is one of the tallest Angels in Heaven. 4.Reported to have 36 pairs of wings along with countless eyes, he is certainly an amazing vision to behold. 5.Metatron was the angelic teacher and guide for Enoch. 6.Although it has often been said that Metatron lived as the man named Enoch, Metatron shares that he has never lived a human life. 7.Metatron did, however, overshadow the life of Enoch as he guided him to write “The Book of Enoch.” 8.Enoch was so in Love with God and dedicated to his mission that he later achieved his own ascension. 9.Enoch now works with Metatron, Archangels, and Ascended Masters, teaching the Keys Of Enoch to spiritual adepts in the Mystery Schools of Light. 10.Metatron, who is in charge of keeping balance and order in many universes simultaneously, is working closely with the Seraphim Angels, Archangel Michael, Seraphim Bey, and Lord Melchizedek to oversee and guide the ascension of Mother Earth and all of humanity. 11.Metatron is the universal angel of Death and Rebirth, who helps us tear down our old paradigms and belief systems in order to create new higher vibrational worlds. 12.Archangel Metatron shares with us that the time is Now for us to return to the source and the Truth of who we are.

A Message From Metatron Channelled by Susanna Sophia Hart Dearest Lights of the World, 1.At this very moment, the Heart of your galactic center is beating…flowing a great wave of Love and Grace toward you. 2.This wave of Divine Love is spiraling through your galaxy’s arms , reaching and touching the depth of your soul, reminding you of Who You Are. 3.These luminous waves are calling upon you to breathe and live from the center of your Heart, to awaken and remember your Divine Self, to know and experience Oneness with All That Is.

4.During this transit, God/Goddess will emanate a Light so bright that whatever you have held hidden in darkness will be drawn into the Light. 5.During this Heart/Soul alignment, you will have the rich and blessed opportunity to anchor your soul within the very heartbeat of your galactic center. 6.This is a divine moment of sacred soul connection and spiritual illumination. 7.Yes, my beautiful Lights, it is time to open your horizons to new vistas within. 8.As I am watching over your evolution at this time, I see so many of you dancing in your bliss one moment, and the next moment, fighting your fears and limitations. 9.You are experiencing the extremes of your emotions, and with these extremes you are feeling frustrated, nervous, unsettled and out of control. 10.I share with you Now…do not be alarmed…for this intense energy of Pluto‘s transit is a gift of initiation. 11.Energy is being sent to your soul, to break through and tear down the old structures that have imprisoned you in fear and darkness. 12.The struggle you are experiencing is simply resistance to the Light of your own Soul . 13.The more you resist, push back, fight, or hold onto the same emotional or mental patterns, the more discomfort you will experience. 14.Rather than fight the known of the past, allow yourself to simply Be…to be Present here and now…in the midst of the Unknown, with the power to truly choose and create. 15.The energy of your soul is shining through, and longs for expression by way of an open Heart…your open Heart. 16.For you to be able to hold the new vibrations opportune and available to you Now, you must let go…let go…let go. 17.You must honor and release everything that keeps you trapped and confined in the dark. 18.These illusions no longer serve you, and they must die in order for you to be reborn into the Light of Who You Are. 19.Remember, it is from this Light…from your Light…that Creation is expressing ITSELF. 20.Your thoughts, feelings, and intentions shape the very world and universe in which you live . 21.Please know…it is only the fear of death that keeps you separated from the Source. 22.If you could see and understand death from a higher perspective, you would know that in reality, death is a magnificent transition into freedom. (Never fear, just keep doing your best for a magnificent graduation of life). 23.You would see and experience that in this ‘death,’ the soul elevates in awareness and illumination. 24.It is with the acceptance of transitioning that one learns to navigate the realms of Light. 25.For the caterpillar to become a butterfly, he must first make the journey into his cocoon of darkness…only to be reborn with wings to fly. 26.The energies of self-realization and deep soul transformation are available to you now. 27.I Metatron and all the Archangels are arching a beautiful rainbow bridge of Light across the universe, guiding your Soul’s journey into the Heart of the galactic center. 28.This is a magnificent moment of change and revelation, a time to expand your Heart into Divine Love for all Creation. 29.Rejoice in this freedom. 30.Share your own sacred expression of creativity. 31.Remind yourself that you are here to master your emotions, to master your divinity, to share in this miraculous time. 32.Wake up dearest ones and let yourself…allow shine in the Light of day. In Divine Service, Metatron

Archangel Metatron – Tyberonn – Footprints in the Sand Archangel Metatron, Tyberonn 1.Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. 2.It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. 3.In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. 4.Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude. 5.Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. 6.Although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose. 7.You see in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mind, and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. 8.The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. 9.Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. 10.That is truly requisite for all advanced souls. 11.Places in the lifestream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so. 12.So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation. 13.There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: “For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. 14.Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose. 15.You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence. 16.In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. 17.Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now. 18.Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. 19.Many of you seek your ‘soul mate’ your twin flame. 20.Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. 21.Indeed, it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude. 22.Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for recalibration and advancement utilizing the planned focal freedom to do so by sacred solitude. 23.Those seeking sanctified light, what is termed ‘consecrated enlightenment’ choose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. 24.This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen to ‘work on the self’… to achieve self-love & make final adjustments. 25.Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. 26.Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. 27.You spent lifetime’s prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. 28.You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

29.For others, there may be a sense of self-condemnation from actions or missteps that have deeply programmed a sense of guilt & unworthiness. 30.An inability to love the self has pervaded and created self-denial because you are unable to forgive yourself for whatever action led you to this erroneous belief. As a result relationships have failed. 31.It is a great Truth that you cannot truly love others until you first love yourself. 32.As long as you hold beliefs of unworthiness, you will create a reaction of rejection & denial in others. 33.It double-edge of the Law of Attraction. 34.You will repeat this self-created exile, this self-projected punishment until you learn that you are divine, that you are a flawless spark of God in your eternal divinity. 35.Life will change when you accept this great wisdom, and learn to create your life. 36.But self-love is a requisite. (Self-acceptance-esteem -respect -awareness-growth-development to become creators alike) 37.Love is not an emotion, it is a vibratory frequency. 38.Love of self is not earned, it is a birthright. 39.Love IS the way. .. a way that must contain love of Self. 40.Dear Human, until you love yourself you cannot love others, obtain mastery, nor truly love life. 41.It may take lifetimes of self-examination in solitude for you to realize this. 42.Love begins in you! There is no other path. 43.Dear Human, Life is difficult and challenging. That is a great Truth. (I like this to be this way, Cos I like challenges, Cos they make us stronger, wiser, better, higher!) 44.Many situations in life are uncomfortable & provocative. 45.That is by design. 46.It is how you scripted your life in order to grow. 47.The obstacles in your path were put there by YOU , by your higher self to serve as springboards. 48.It is not easy, nothing of great value is obtained without effort. (If you want to jump higher, you have to use the required energy). 49.But it is often when you are out of your comfort zone, in a state of confused conundrum or sadness that you are driven by circumstance to face and resolve your challenges and transcend them. 50.To do so is an attribute of Mastery in its finest aspect. 51.Great numbers of Seekers are facing the Self in 2013. 52.It is a year perfectly designed in astrological pattern for this final clean up… 53.Sweeping out what was hidden so that it may be resolved. 54.The New Earth is transforming further into the Crystalline aspect in 2013 & Beyond. 55.Nothing can remain in shadow, nothing can be hidden in this impeccable coherent light of the newly Ascended Earth. 56.And for the many that are in solitude, and the many that are not – this is your perfect & chosen time to polish up any areas of tarnish, to remove any final obstacles. 57.You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul in the New Earth energetics. 58.The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the 2013 dawn of the Ascension. 59.The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose…. and we underline the word BOTH. 60.Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. 61.This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.

62.Yet for the soul seeking final Mastery, solitary status is also ’natural’. 63.So we emphasize there is great purpose in solitude. Advanced souls plan for it. 64.It is no error that great numbers of you on the final steps of the Ascended Path of Enlightenment in 2013 are alone in this period. 65.If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. 66.Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it. 67. Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner…the elusive twin flame. 68.Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the ‘soul mate’, and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self. 69.Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. 70.Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. 71.Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. 72.To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are. 73.Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system , and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. 74.Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. 75.Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership. 76.A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. 77.Do you understand? Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. 78.Self-Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. 79.It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones. 80.Crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. 81.It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. 82.One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. 83.And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self-completion. 84.Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. 85.But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment. 86.One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. 87.Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as ‘impeccability’. 88.Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. 89.This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. 90.It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are. 91.We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. 92.Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. 93.By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline. 94.Thus, more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. 95.It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. 96.Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

97.Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our

ultimate union? 98.Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. 99.So, in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! 100.Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness. 101.Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. 102.We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery. 103.But that ultimately in each soul’s journey there will be an ultimate growth into sovereignty. 104.The sovereign-self is a sufficient-self & truly has no dependent need of another . 105.Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery. 106.In truth, you merge in sovereignty with your other half. 107.The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. 108.Each of you have a male and female component in duality , and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. 109.This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2013. 110.Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. 111.Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. 112.The twin flame is the other half of the same soul , split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. 113.The ‘soul mate’ is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul by movement toward common purpose. 114.The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the ‘soul mate’ concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. 115.In this time, in this now of 2013, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (nonphysical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm of the New Earth in integral self-unified wholeness. 116.In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign nondependent relationships. 117.So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na (Ba) Mastery. 118.We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. 119.Is it not true that the planet has been unbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? 120.That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the ‘New Age’ are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. 121.Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the ‘weaker sex’. Nothing could be farther from the truth! 122.Some of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. 123.Again, we say, embrace your solitude. 124.You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen. 125.The ideal for the planet is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance.

126.We honor those of you in female biology, your strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance. 127.Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. 128.That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. 129.It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos , and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. 130.There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. 131.The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self-sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. 132.That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend. 133.The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. 134.It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? 135.This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field . 136.Separation must occur before the final collective reunion , it must alchemically occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. 137.It is who you ARE. It is the I AM that I AM. 138.It is the chosen, destined path of all of you. 139.In summation, our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. 140.If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. 141.You will indeed discover that love expands and the relationship becomes more appropriate, more resplendent in non-dependency. 142.Just as you are discovering relationships of unbalanced dependency are one way streets, and ultimately fail. 143.In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in the functional framework of being ‘whole’ and not being their partner’s property or someone’s ‘better half’. 144.Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. 145.There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change , even if that change is to end the partnership. 146.In sovereignty, individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. 147.Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF. 148.They will afford their own promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. 149.This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. 150.This will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see. 151.Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. 152.But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individual’s terms. 153.And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another. 154.Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. 155.Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. 156.It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, more than has occurred at any other time. 157.Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized , must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL.

158.None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. (They’re just manipulative belief systems) 159.None of your religions acknowledge your Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial heritage nor your multidimensional nature. 160.And that must and will be acknowledged & understood in the new paradigm. 161.None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. 162.As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. 163.Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. 164.Each claim to know the paths to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. 165.Each has its dogma; each has its hierarchy and some utilize fear based controls that encourage fanaticism and zealotry. 166.Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. 167.Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers. 168.Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called ‘New Age’. 169.When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. 170.Truly, the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to raise into his/her higher self. 171.Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. 172.Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channelers or spiritual leader, but through SELF. (Discover yourself in your SELF looking for your Higher-self and every time go deeper the deepest you can every time). 173.Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones. 174.Do not give your power to another. (But help other to discover and raise their own power). 175.Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. 176.Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you. 177.The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF. 178.In the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition. 179.Seek that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. 180.Study, seek, and work! There is little hope for advancement if you chose to be lethargic or the lazy. 181.Effort is requisite to rise above duality. It has always been so. 182.You are here to make known the unknown! Work at it! 183.Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self-mastery. 184.The path is not easy. 185.But within Self Mastery lies energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward. 186.There is ever another level above each you ascend to. 187.Consciousness is eternally kinetically expanding; it does not reach a level of static dormancy . (This is the true nature of the Absolute Expansive All). 188.So we tell you that your higher selves find great humor in cemetery epitaphs of Rest in Peace, for joy is a dynamic state! 189.Discover your path. Discover yourself. 190.Love yourself, love one another, and love the divinity inside you and inside every one! 191.Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. 192.That is the nobility of solitude. 193.And though the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing.

194.In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss. 195.We are ever with you. We offer unconditional love. 196.We ask that you treat yourself and others with nurturing love and respect. We honor you! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS! You are Beloved. …And so it is. A MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL METATRON November 2009 Dear Ones, We are the Angel known as Metatron. We thank Linayah for allowing our words to come through her to you. It is very important for us to speak with you. 1.The planet is seeing changes occurring at every moment. The shifting is ongoing and necessary. 2.You may be noticing that you are finding yourselves feeling ungrounded and out of balance in

many areas of your life. 3.This is part of that shift and is necessary. 4.It is a time for clearing out a lot of things in many areas of your lives that are not needed anymore but are a hindrance instead. 5.In order to move forward, order is needed to occur first. 6.Freeing yourself of burdensome things such as material items that do not serve you and thoughts of taking on the world single-handed will allow you to find a true course to follow. 7.You are here at this time because you wanted to be a part of this magnitude of change. 8.Each one of you has a very important part in the change. 9.Many of you have already begun to find yourselves in Spiritual awareness and wanting to serve in the best way possible. 10.We applaud you for this and are very grateful. 11.You are the ones who are here to assist others to find their way to this same place. 12.Your work is very important and necessary. 13.Every single person on the planet has a very vital purpose. 14.Some are already finding what that purpose is and others are still seeking it. 15.Whichever place you are in at this moment is right and we ask that you have patience and trust the Creator and the Divine plans that are in action. 16."Many are experiencing feelings of fear, lack, and dis-illusionment. 17.They are the ones who are in need of assistance from those who have come to understand that all of that is an illusion and can be removed from their lives right away. 18.Another thing that a great number of beings are finding is occurring is the uncertainness of the future. 19.You are feeling a sense of being unorganized and not being able to finish what you have begun. 20.We can help you with this if you will just ask. 21.We can guide you to learn how to prioritize everything in your daily routines and find peace while doing so. 22.Do not dwell on the future but stay focused on the present, the Now. 23.Please do not bask in fear, in hopelessness and dis-illusionment at what you perceive to be where you find yourselves. 24.There are so very many beings in the Spiritual world who can assist you with everything.

25.We are all here ready to help and yearn to guide you to bring happiness, peace and well-being

into your lives. 26.There are also multitudes of physical beings who have the ability to help you with what you need. 27.There are healers in a variety of modalities, life coaches, spiritual teachers and counselors everywhere who will show you the course to take and assist you with whatever you need. 28.Their purpose is to do just that. 29.If you begin to look around you and see all the blessings that are right there in front, in back and beside you at all times, you can shift your negative illusions to positive thoughts and actions that will bring to you what you do deserve. 30.The sooner you allow yourself to shift your thoughts and actions and free yourself of those negative burdens you will be able to hasten what is yours by Divine right. 31.You are not meant to be in a state of unhappiness and without anything. 32.There is abundance out there waiting for you to take it for it is what your Creator wishes for you. 33.We leave you with a request to begin with loving yourself and then seeking assistance with anything you need. 34.Do not feel you need to do everything yourself. 35.Please call upon those who can help you in the Spiritual world as well as the physical. In Love and Light, Archangel Metatron


A Message from Archangel Metatron June 2012 Welcome Dear Friends! We are the Archangel Metatron. It is a great pleasure to be able to speak to you. We would like to discuss balance as our topic this time. 1.What does balance mean to you when you hear the word? 2.There are of course many definitions of the word. 3.Our focus is on helping you to find a balance in your lives. 4.Today there are so many individuals who are leading a very unbalanced life. Are you one of them? 5.Do you work at a fast pace at a job that you feel you need just to make 'ends meet' as you humans like to say? 6.Do you hurry around, eat fast foods and live with stress and thus find yourself being tired all the time? 7.Do you not get regular exercise? 8.If any of this is how you are living now, then you are most definitely unbalanced. 9.For so very long those in human existence have been trying to get ahead, become wealthy, control all that is around them, seeking many things they don't even know what it is they seek. This is unbalanced. 10.And because humanity has become so focused in these directions, balance has gone awry in many ways.

11.With this occurring the planet is out of balance as well. 12.There are energy centers in your body which are called chakras. 13.There are chakras throughout your body. But there are seven major chakras that run along your

spine from the base of the tail bone to the top of the head. 14.This is called your crown chakra. 15.When the energy is running clear and is balanced in the chakras all is flowing in a grand way. 16.But when there are blockages there is not balance. 17.You, dear hearts put those blockages there from many illusions that you create. 18.You have fears of so many things. 19.You feel unforgiveness or are afraid to speak your truth. 20.So many things can clog up your energy centers. 21.It is like putting dams all up and down your spine so that the energy cannot flow. 22.We suggest you learn to clear your chakras daily. 23.You can do this in meditation, with guided meditations, with the help of those who know how to work energy and most of all from your guides and teachers in the non-physical who want to help you have a balanced life. 24.Call upon any of your Angels or Masters to assist you with this. 25.Now we wish to speak on the balance that is trying to come into form upon Mother Earth. 26.This planet has been treated with so much disrespect for so long. 27.This is why there are wars, political upheavals, the loss of trust of others and fear. 28.Fear has been running rampant throughout humanity for so long that it is thought to be a part of life. That it is the way, it is not recognized as something that does not need to be. 29.Beloveds, this is not so. Fear is only an illusion of something that you create for many reasons. 30.It is time to let go of judgment of others, blame of others, fear of others and of change. 31.It is time to become beings of self-confidence and self-love and to understand that, each one of you is entitled to be prosperous, have vibrant health and happiness. 32.It is all there if you will begin to be in love of yourselves and of everything and everyone that dwells upon this planet. 33.Bring love, kindness and tolerance back into your being. 34.Giving and receiving in all aspects of your life must be in balance. 35.If you give more than you receive you will feel resentment. 36.If you receive more than you give you will feel guilty. (This is the basis of the Cosmic Economy). 37.Let go of all that you have learned that really does not feel good to you. 38.Let go of everything that does not serve you in the best interest. 39.You know in your hearts what is the truth and what is not . (Learn how to refine your heart perception, the deeper the better and higher).

40.There is so much beauty within you and around you. 41.Begin to nurture your souls and yourselves. 42.Find peace - it is there and so easy to access. (You just need the will, the good will and the will power to manage it). 43.Allow love to be who you are. 44.Allow others to be who they are. 45.Let go of those judgmental thoughts and words. 46.Release all the blame, unforgiveness, fear and all negative emotions and instead be the true

being of love and compassion that you truly are. 47.There is change upon your planet. 48.It has been going on for a long time and will be for some time to come. 49.But it will be here and all that was out of balance will cease to be. 50.All that will be the new is based in love. 51.Out with separation and in with community and oneness.

52.Out with war and in with peace. 53.Out with trying to be better than another and outdo them and in with cooperation. 54.You are all surrounded with many teachers and guides, Angels, in the spiritual realms . 55.Use these beings of Light and Love and let them assist you in any way you wish . 56.There is no need to struggle and be in unhappiness. 57.Call upon whoever you wish and you will have them there in a flash. 58.We love you, we care about you and only wish for you to be in peace and happiness.

Respectfully with Love and Light, Archangel Metatron © ~A Message from Archangel Metatron~ April 2011 Beloved Friends, We come to you at this time with a message of hope, gratitude, much love and Light. 1.Most of all of the messages that have been given on this page have been focused on the energy

and change that has been moving into your earthly plane and awareness for several years. 2.And we wish to expand more on it now. 3.Every single soul in human incarnation at this time is a very important and integral part of the movement that is taking place. 4.It is of course the choice of each one to integrate into an incredible experience that has never been equalled or will be, in this time, which has been given the title of the Golden Age. 5.Each and everyone who is reading this is a part of this experience. 6.Most of you will chose to be and stay in the flow of what is and what is to come with excitement and joy. 7.Life as it has been known on planet Earth is changing and will become new and better in all ways. 8.It is an exciting time for all beings on your planet as well as those of us in the Spiritual realms. 9.No other time in the history of the Earth has equalled what is occurring now in every aspect as in physical shifting of the planet as well as in the awareness that individuals are opening up to with welcoming arms and hearts. 10.Mother Earth is shifting and moving into her ascension. 11.Her healing is of utmost importance to every being in the Universe and beyond. 12.We are all working with each other to bring this about. 13.It is a massive movement and she has support from beings from all parts of the Universe. 14.And she is very grateful. She has been misused, mistreated and maligned for much too long. 15.That is all coming to an end. No more will be allowed. She can tolerate it any longer. 16.You beloveds are a very important part of this. 17.Many of you already know and realize this and are working with your guides and Spiritual teams to do your part. 18.Others are awakening as we speak and are beginning to seek understanding. 19.No matter where you are at this moment, it is exactly where you need to be. 20.Do not hold any fear of the unknown as all is very well indeed. 21.We ask that you continue to stay on your course, focus on any healing within in that you need and open your arms to allow assistance from Source, from your Angels, from your guides and teachers who are supporting you every step of the way. 22.Let fears of the unknown melt away and in place trust that a new and glorious beginning and age are very close and you are here to witness it as it comes to be. 23.Be joyous and exuberant, trust and receive the love and gratitude we offer to you.

24.We speak for all in the Spiritual realms, the Light, as we express with enormous gratitude to you

for what you are doing and will do. 25.Know that you have all the support in your endeavors that you need. 26.Call upon us, any or all of us for any assistance you require. 27.We will happily answer all calls we receive. With humble gratitude and love, Archangel Metatron © Greetings Beloved Friends, As always, it is a great pleasure to be here with you and to speak with you here on this page. 1.I would like to discuss a topic that can be a bit uncomfortable for many of you. 2.Even the word can stir up unwanted feelings. 3.But it is very important that it does come up so that it can be healed. 4.What I am speaking of, beloveds, is fear. 5.Fear is the one emotion that resides in every one of you at various times. 6.Where does it come from? 7.You do not think that you intently bring fear into your life, do you? 8.Most of the fears that you face have come from many lifetimes of being told you must be

fearful of this and of that. 9.It has been given to you so very often that it has become very deeply embedded in your beliefs. 10.Pay attention to how often you say, “I fear” or “I am afraid”. 11.You will be surprised at what you hear. 12.It has become so much a part of life for so many that they are not always aware that they do have fears. 13.When you do say those words you are telling the Universe that is what you want so that is what you get. 14.If you say, “I am afraid I cannot do this task” then you most likely will not be able to complete that task. 15.Fear is an illusion of something that you think exists. 16.Fear is an illusion and although it seems very real it is only something that you have created in your mind. 17.Beloved ones, whatever you believe exists, will exist, as an illusion that seems real because you have the belief that it does. 18.There is nothing at all to ever fear except fear itself. 19.This has been stated by many and has been used in quotes that people share. 20.It is time for all beings to release, to cleanse and heal the fearful thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are held within and replace them with love and trust. 21.Fear can become paralyzing if allowed to grow and consume your thoughts. 22.It can bring you to a complete standstill in your life and keep you from moving on your beautiful path. 23.Each of you has a very magnificent path to walk upon. 24.Each path is unique and not like another. 25.Your path will take you where you wish to be if you surrender to your truth. 26.You choose the lessons you wish to learn before you incarnate. 27.Each incarnation has certain lessons your soul wishes to have so as to grow. 28.Each soul is created as one with the Divine Source and is perfect in all ways. 29.What you create in your human existence is there for a reason. 30.It may seem that it has entered into your life by some means that you have had no control over.

31. You feel someone or something was the cause of it because you did not put it there. 32.But no one can do anything to you so no one has created anything that makes you fearful. 33. Again it is all an illusion of your mind. 34.Beloveds please remember that you have done nothing wrong if you have fear. 35.Each and every one of you will have and have had fearful emotions. 36.Do not chide yourselves for experiencing any human emotion. 37.How you work with your emotions is what is important. 38.Emotions of all kinds serve a very big purpose in a soul’s growth. 39.Understanding that they are there for a reason and that they can be healed , cleansed or

shifted to another emotion that is for your Highest Good, will put you in the driver’s seat. 40.Let me use an example. 41.Let us say that you have a job that has a lot of stress in it. 42.You have bills accumulating and you do not know how you will meet the demands which are now seemingly closing in on you. 43.This brings a fear of losing your job and income. 44.Then how will you pay those bills that you are already having difficulty paying as it is? 45.Each of these is enough to create fear. When you begin to combine them it is like riding on an express elevator that zips you up to the top of a mountain of fear. 46.Then what happens? 47.One fear after another arises and the mountain becomes larger and larger. 48.Beloved ones, if this is what you are experiencing at this moment, know that it will be okay if you allow yourself to let go. 49.Letting go is much easier than it seems. First of all, you must be willing to let go. 50.On the surface it may seem that of course you are willing to rid yourself of anything that is causing the emotions that you have. 51.But this may not be the case as you may have so much fear within you that has come from belief systems that you have carried for a very long time. 52.It actually can be the only way of life you know. 53.So how do you do this? 54.There are many avenues to healing. 55.First and foremost you must be open to change. 56.You must be open to allowing yourself to cleanse, release and thus heal. 57.With this you must be willing to turn the switch on that is your remote control. 58.Just like the remote to your television your inner remote is for you to change channels. 59.When you are watching your televisions you change the channel when you don’t like what you see. 60.It is that easy, dear friends; you can change channels any time you wish. 61.Your life is yours to control, to change and to resolve what does not fit . 62.You can have whatever program and programs you want whenever you decide that it can be done. 63.But remember, they are your programs and not those of anyone else. 64.Each has to choose his or her own programs. You change the channels on the television without thinking about how to do it, why you should do it or if it will work. You know it will work. 65.You know how to do it as it does not take a scientific mind to push the button. (You just need your refined and acute heart).

66.It is there, you push the buttons and get where you want to be. 67.No thinking about how or why is needed. 68.You do not have to ponder about any of this at all.

69.If you think about it, you are just as able to change your life to another channel that suits you,

that serves your Highest Good, and is in your best interest. 70.And beloveds, there is an infinite number of channels for you to surf through. 71.There is no limit on how many changes you make. 72.The game of life is about constant change. 73.Isn't it a nice thought to know that you will always win your game no matter how you play it out? 74.There is no losing. Everything is changing in each moment. Nothing stands still. 75.If you are willing to accept that changes are good and not be afraid of what is in front of you, all will be like a big ice cream sundae with an enormous amount of whipped cream on the top with sprinkles and a beautiful cherry to top it off. 76.The fear of the future and what will be in it is the biggest fear one can have. 77.And along with that are fears brought about regarding the past. 78.All others pale in comparison to this one fear. 79.Worrying about the past serves no purpose as whatever has been is not relevant in the present moment. 80.Worrying about the future also serves no purpose. 81.It will all be taken care of without worry. 82.What is now, in this moment, is where your focus should be. (By those means you will be able to plan a bright future)

83.In the unknown there does not have to be fear. 84.The unknown can cause fear or can be an avenue for adventure and excitement. 85.Looking forward to what is to come, without knowing what to expect, will bring you so many

delightful possibilities that will unfold before your eyes. 86.Be at peace with what is in your life right now . (And be joyful with every moment you live, even troubles are to be joyful to make you challenge them).

87.If it is not just as you want it then know you can change it . 88.You have control of the switch. 89.And remember dearest ones, that it is only your game of life, your path that is where your

focus must be. 90.What anyone else, whether it be a family member, co-worker, friend or group of people, is doing is not your concern. 91.Focus on you, on your inner work. 92.Walk and talk that of the Divine, of your Divine self, as the Divine being that you are . 93.Being love, being compassionate, being kind, being forgiving and doing everything and saying everything in love will show you how to find the doors of opportunity that await you. 94.When you are an expression of these qualities, you will dispel fear because it will not have room to grow. 95.Fear cannot exist if you are seeing all in love . (The more love you feel and give to receive, the less fear you’ll feel and express if).

96.And of course self-love is the number one item of importance on your ‘to do’ list. 97.When you can find the channel for love of yourself you have succeeded in so many ways. 98.See the whole picture instead of bits and pieces. 99.See yourself standing in a picture of life as you want it. (But not just see it, envision it, wish deeply and do your best to make it come true, with the practice of perfection).

100.See joy, happiness, abundance and health. See it. Feel it. Really get in touch with it. 101.Dear ones do not be afraid. You are perfectly safe at all times. 102.Fear is only an illusion that your mind has made up. 103.When you can see it as just that and know that it does not have to hold you any longer than you

can free yourself of the bonds that keep you from moving forward.

104.Peace of mind is what you desire and we know this. Peace of mind can be yours. 105.Please remember that you are never alone and you have a great number of beings in the Light

Realms who are there for you to assist you in healing and finding that peacefulness. 106.Do call upon your Angels and your guides who are waiting for your call. 107.You are safe. You are loved beyond what you can imagine. 108.Struggling does not have to be beloveds. (Just let love flow from your inner heart and being). 109.Thank you beloveds for reading these words. 110.By doing so you are showing yourself that you are ready to move forward and to heal any fears that are holding you back from your journey as the beautiful being that you are. 111.It is the highest desire of every being in the Light Realms that you dispel your fears and treasure your life as it is meant to be. (Because we are part of the light and we need to return to the source to gain more light and power of creation to turn back and continue accomplishing new more transcendental missions of love and joyful creation).

112.You are very loved and appreciated.

Many Blessings, Archangel Metatron


~A Message from Archangel Metatron~ December 2011 Hello Beloved friends and welcome. Today we would like to talk about relationships. 1.Many of you have many questions relating to this and issues within them and some wonder. 2.'If there is a soul mate out there for me somewhere and if so when are they going to show up.' 3.Each of you has been, is currently, and will be in many relationships in your lives. 4.They begin at birth and continue throughout your lifetime. 5.There is a different aspect to each relationship and lessons that both participants can learn . 6.Each comes for a specific reason and none are by chance. 7.Every single person you have contact with, that is those who you become more than slightly acquainted with, has very special and unique experiences within that relationship. 8.Your family including your children, siblings and parents, your good friends, your co-workers that you interact with upon a daily basis, your partners and spouses, and even neighbors that you know well, are relationships that didn't just happen to come along. 9.As each one comes to be and progresses, many different scenarios can occur. 10.Let us use a spousal relationship for an example. 11.At first there is a special attraction that has led you to finally become united in a marriage. 12.As time goes by things and people will change. 13.That is very natural as everyone is growing and thus changing. 14.Many times you find that you are going different ways or paths and that you don’t hold the same interests as you did before. 15.This can happen after a few years or after very many years. 16.What I want you to understand beloveds, is that this is all okay and there is nothing wrong with either of you. 17.You entered into this union not knowing precisely what would lie ahead. 18.And whatever the outcome is, it is all okay. 19.Each time you are in any relationship there was an agreement before either of you incarnated for you to be together at this time. 20.You agree to help each other with lessons and to assist in your soul’s growth. 21.Beloveds, you agree to participate in the creation of your relationships and all that comes into your life.

22.And you did not create anything that would cause you to fail.

(What about the criminals? Did they

programmed to be such jerks?)

23.All challenges are of that creation. All obstacles are of that creation. 24.So whatever is there now, has been or will be is a choice of your soul to advance. 25.Now with these agreements your choices and free will are involved. 26.You may forget what the lesson was supposed to be. 27.Or you may decide you don’t want to honor that. 28.This also is okay. (In the AEA all is ok and all is about to happen as the application of the infinite possibilities. Nothing is completely wrong as a part of the infinite possibilities of the creation).

29.You are in a Free Choice and Free Will Universe. 30.You are in charge of your part of the agreement and can make changes as you wish .

(My wish

is to accomplish the mission I feel I’m called and committed for).

31.But, let me remind you that you are not in charge of the other person nor are they in charge

of you. 32.Only you can drive your own vehicle and they can drive theirs. 33.Neither of you has a license to drive anyone else’s vehicle. 34.What I would like to speak on now is harmony. 35.Every relationship must have harmony to continue and thrive. 36.What is harmony exactly? How does one achieve it? 37.In every single relationship, and now we are not only speaking of spousal or marriage although they are included, both participants must be willing to let go of always having to be right. 38.What is right for one may not be right for the other. And that is fine. 39.You do not all have to dance to the same music. 40.You may like classic and they might like jazz. 41.You do not have to always like the same things. 42.You may have your opinion and they may have theirs. 43.Who is to say whose is right? No one can as there is not wrong or right. 44.An opinion is just an opinion and not a means for a battle or standoff. 45.Are you willing to let go of thinking that only you know the right answers? 46.Are you willing to allow others to have a different slant on something? 47.And are you willing to not feel as a victim because of another opinion? 48.This is harmony. 49.Being right is actually a way of polarizing wrong. 50.Is this what you want in your relationships? 51.Because if you do, you will keep attracting those who will show this to you until you finally understand and learn this lesson. 52.If you stay in a place of joy you cannot have anything but harmony. 53.There is no challenge that you cannot conquer. 54.Remember your power and that you can stand up and face anything that seems adverse . 55.Nothing is too difficult for you to defeat or overcome. 56.You can never be a victim of anything or anyone. 57.I know we have said this to you before. 58.But beloveds it is true. 59.If you see yourself as a victim then you have allowed your power to be taken by someone or something else. 60.In a relationship, if there are things that cannot be worked out between you, then let it go. 61.You do not have to win. There are no winners or losers. 62.If you both choose to work on harmony then you can and will have it. 63.But if you do part, no one is to blame, no one is a victim and it is just meant to be. 64.Being right isn't the final say.

65.Let them have the opinion and you have yours. And then let it be. 66.You are not meant nor should try to make someone change their mind or ways to suit you.


has the right to indoctrinate others or to impose

67.If you are asked to give advice then share it without expecting them to accept it or not to accept

it. It does not matter. 68.This is the other part of the agreements that we mentioned earlier. 69.The relationship is built on the lessons and challenges that are to be a part of it. 70.But when that lesson or lessons are learned and the challenges are not challenges anymore, then it very likely could be that it is time for it to end. 71.It is meant to be. I am not saying that it will end, but that it might. 72.Again it may not be the end and things will move along and you both will grow. 73.And again I stress that no one did anything wrong. Nor did anyone fail. 74.It is just time to move on and into new relationships if you both choose. 75.So much emphasis is put upon finding the perfect mate in your world today. 76.What is the perfect mate? Can you truly answer this question? 77.No you can’t because there is no answer. 78.Society has taught that you have to have this perfection to find true love. 79.True love does not come from a partner that is from a mold of something you have been told for so long that you now hold it as a belief. 80.No beloveds, you do not have to have the elusive relationship. 81.There is much more to it than these superficial ideas. 82.Be very clear in your intention as to what you want in a relationship before it begins. 83.Tell us what you want to have in the relationship and qualities you wish the other to have . (I need a beautiful, tender, innocent, feminine and loving girl, with no other interests, but love it-self to evolve together).

84.This is a good way to manifest happiness. 85.Allow yourself to be open to what will come. 86.Whether it is in a current relationship or one that you will experience in the future, do not try to

make it be just as you think it should be. 87.This will set you up for what could be disappointment and unhappiness. 88.Being clear on what you want is important but then stepping aside and not trying to make it come in any certain time or way is crucial to the process. 89.Let Spirit do that for you. 90.Let yourself be authentic and true without letting your mind or ego tell you otherwise. 91.Allow the other to be true to them as well. 92.Everything at all times is in Divine Order, Divine and perfect order. 93.Do not put anyone or any situation in a box. 94.Do not attempt to create your story in someone else’s for it will not work. 95.You are at all times in charge of your creations. 96.Be joyful that you have this power, this freedom to be creative and to choose. 97.Nothing is as difficult as it may seem. 98.Look at every situation and every other person in love and kindness. 99.You are here to create your life as you want it. 100.So do so without having any of it hinge on another. 101.You and you alone are responsible for you and they are responsible for themselves. 102.Thank you for listening to our words. We appreciate you and appreciate that you have chosen to read what we have to say. 103.Remember that you are so very loved. 104.Remember that you do not have to do everything by yourself. 105.Call on your Angels and guides for everything.

Peaceful Blessings, Archangel Metatron ANGELIC PATH TO HEALING Please feel free share the messages on this page as well as those that are archived as long as you mention this website, the source and use the message in its entirety with no alterations, additions or excerpts. Thank you for reading and believing in the Angels. They are with you in every moment if you allow them in. © by Linayah Kei, Ambassador for the Company of Michael. Angels' Blessings, Linayah Kei ~A Message from Archangel Metatron~ November 2012 Dear Beloved Ones, 1.We come to you to bring joy, peace, love and hope to you. 2.The time is nearing for everyone in all corners of the planet to get up, dust off your knees and stand tall in the joy of life and to see that there is a Light at the end of that proverbial tunnel. 3.What is being called the Golden Age is here and you only have to open the door to allow it in. 4.Are you ready? Are you willing to accept and allow what has been and is being promised of a newness that has never been experienced before? 5.Are you ready to stand tall in your new shoes and new clothing of love, abundance, prosperity, Oneness, peace and happiness? 6.Are you willing to say yes to what you do not know the outcome or the answers to be? 7.If so, then you will be moving into the beginning of life that is how your heart has been desiring for so very long. 8.Beloveds, we have been telling you for quite some time about the changes that have, are and will occur upon your planet. 9.We have been gently giving you nudges to move out of the old paradigms and into something that is hard to conceive; yet your inner wisdom and your heart knows is how you do want it to be. 10.We have been giving you hope and attempting to bring clarity to your questions and alleviate your fears of what is to come. 11.Dear ones, there is no end to the world. 12.There is only an end to the old ways that do not work and have not worked for way too long. 13.On the other side of this ending is life as it should be. 14.Life that does not separate one from another, value one over another, and have boundaries and borders. 15.This is the world that is coming as the old tired one exits. 16.It is now time to do as an animal does and shed the old coat and take on a brand new one. 17.Put on your new coat and enjoy how it makes you feel. 18.You deserve that new coat and you deserve to wear it in pride and happiness. 19.We also want to say to everyone that it is time to 'Lighten up'. 20.Enough of the doom and gloom, the judgments of others and self, the fears of lack, of the future and in reality of life! 21.It is time to enjoy your life beloveds. 22.Why do so many of you wallow in self-pity and that 'woe is me' attitude? 23.Isn't this becoming a bit tiresome?

24.Would you not like to pull yourself out of that pity party and go to another party where everyone

is having just plain ole fun? 25.You can move to the next party, the next stage of your life whenever you decide you are ready. 26.As long as you are fearful of what will be at the other party, you cannot move on and will remain stuck until you are ready to let go of those old ways. 27.Those of you who have awakened to this and are embracing it by clearing out the remnants that are still hanging on and finding an understanding of who you truly are and what your importance is while seeing beyond the world in front of you, are ready to move on and we applaud you for we know it has not always been easy. 28.But like one who is on a treasure hunt seeking to find the hidden treasures, you have not given up because you know that the rewards and the treasures will be yours very soon. And they will. 29.Many of you are already experiencing either a small taste or a great big bite of the deliciousness that is available. 30.Don't give up beloveds and stay the course for it will be what you have dreamed about and more. 31. So many surprises will be yours. 32.For those who have not yet come to this place at this time, it is alright. 33.You are in the perfect place and in the perfect timing. 34.You are feeling there is something more to life as you have known it. 35.You feel the need to explore and understand more. 36.Beloveds you ARE in the process of beginning to awaken so be proud of yourselves and know that you are much further along than you realize. 37.As long as you keep moving and flowing, even when it seems like it will take too long, you will get to your destiny and in fine timing. 38.We will not address those who are not aware yet and are mired in the muck in their lives here, for everyone who reads this is not in that space. 39.You are reading this because you are aware, you are on your beautiful path and you are on the way to glorious and amazing days to come. 40.If you do not see this, do not worry. Trust that it is so. 41.Remember you have a very large team of beings of the Light who are here to assist you through all of this. 42.We will help you when you stumble and we will guide you to the right places and right people that you need in your lives. 43.You are never alone, not in any moment. 44.Let go of thoughts that you must do it all by yourself. 45.Let go of thoughts that struggle is just a way of life that you must experience. 46.These are not your truth! 47.You are all incredible beings who are experiencing a life as a human. 48.You have done this many times. 49.This one is the best yet, beloveds, for you are now on a journey like one you have never experienced. 50.All those other lifetimes were there to prepare you to come now and be a part of the evolution and change of humankind as has never been known before. 51.See your value. Know your Godliness. Know you are One with all of Creation. 52.Know your perfection and wholeness. 53.When you acknowledge and embrace this you will find peace. 54.Love yourself beloved ones for you are worthy of that love. 55.Stay centered and do not allow distractions of the outer world to hold you back. 56.Stay strong in your truth and be authentic in all you do and say.

57.Each of you are powerful and have an incredible amount of wisdom that is still untapped or

yet to be recalled. 58.It will all be returning into your awareness when the time is appropriate. 59.We say to you beloveds, relax and have fun! 60.Enjoy this journey you are on and be grateful for everything that you have, you are and that you do. 61.Love yourself beyond anything. 62.Let go of self-judgment, self-blame and unforgiveness of yourself. 63.Let go of the past now! When you do, things will become much smoother. This we promise you. 64.You are loved much more than you can know. 65.You are valued much more than you think. 66.You are worthy much more than your old beliefs allow you to know. 67.It is time to let those outdated beliefs go. 68.Out with the old and in with the new. (The new belongs to a higher scale of the old one, so it’s time to transcend into the higher spirituality)

69.The sooner you clean the attic the more room you will have to bring in the new. 70.Clean you house now and remove all that no longer is needed. 71.It is time to get the brooms out and sweep away the cobwebs that are cluttering your life. 72.Do this beloveds and you will not be disappointed. We can assure this for you. 73.You are all shining stars in a Universe that has infinite supply. 74.Let your Light shine dear ones and let it shine brightly instead of hiding it. 75.When all of you sparkle together like on a clear night the world will be a better place . 76.Your star essence is important in the whole picture. 77.Each of you is a piece of the puzzle that is needed to complete the picture . (Each of us is a SUPERCODE that has been designed as a part of the ALL).

78.You are a vital part of that picture. Shine and twinkle dear stars and light up the Universe. 79.We are in gratitude to you.

Blessings and love, We are Archangel Metatron and we are with you ~A Message from Archangel Metatron~ May 2013 Greetings Beloved Friends, 1.We come here today to speak with you of power. 2.That is a very powerful word, is it not? 3.Yes, it is and it can have many meanings. 4.The old paradigm of power being something that is held over someone is ending. 5.This connotation has been the way for much too long. 6.No one has power over another. 7.No one is less than another. 8.All beings of the Light (Angels, Masters and all) are powerful but do not have power over you or anyone else. 9.There is no 'ruling' hierarchy who holds power and control over you, your life and your thoughts. 10.There is no jury here beloveds that decides on your 'fate'. 11.There is no judgment in or with Spirit. 12.And there is no human anywhere who has power over you. None. No one. Never. (That’s the trick of the Democracy, that people give the power to an evil gangsta)

13.The belief that this is true is an illusion. 14.If you believe it than dear ones it is your illusion that you have created.

15.Is it not time to uncreate that illusion and recreate that which is your truth? 16.One can be and is powerful without having power over another . 17.No one is 'powerless' beloveds. 18.Never say you are powerless because this is not a truth. 19.Less power? Than who? Than what? Not true! 20.You have all the power within you to overcome obstacles, belief systems that do not serve

you, and can change any venue you want at any time. 21.This is your power. Your personal power that is yours only. It is not about anyone else. 22.This is your power to be who you want to be, do what you want to do and create what is in your heart to create. 23.The Greek philosopher Aristotle wisely said, "What lies in our power to do, it is in our power to not do." Few words and much wisdom are in that once sentence. 24.The power you own is much more than you may realize. 25.You are a being of love and of Light. Everyone is . (All BEING was born in light and all that was created was and is continuously created in and by light).

26.You can create and manifest anything beloveds as long as it comes from your heart center

and is in love. 27.You 'power up' your engines and your computers. You can do the same with yourself.

(We all are

energy generators and reality creators).

28.And you may ask how to do this, how to accomplish it. 29.It is finding self-worth. It is falling in love with your life and with you. (LOVE, unconditional love is the POWER OF CREATION, the more love you spread and project to the ALL, the more powerful will be your CAPACITY TO CREATE. A Christ for instance has, feel, projects and spreads infinite love).

30.That beloveds is powerful. So very powerful. You don't have to seek it anywhere for it is

right there inside. 31.You are a 'powerhouse' of wisdom , love and knowing that can move you in any direction you wish to go. (LOVE is WISDOM, POWER, KNOWING, CREATIVITY, and ALL the necessary to do what you want at anytime, anywhere, anything). 32.There are unlimited beings of the Light ; Angels, Masters, Beings from far away, spirit guides and more who are at your beck and call and will assist you anytime you ask. (So, allow me to ask all of you my beloved and DIVINE GUIDES to assit me in accomplishing this great mission of my heart, of my all). I know you are here! All the time, because I feel it in Unconditional Love.

33.It is our purpose to assist every human into the awakening process and to ascend to their rightful

place. 34.We love you unconditionally and will do all that we can to help you bring peace into your life as well as to the planet. 35.We are here to help you let go of fears and unforgiveness. And it must begin with yourself. 36.You cannot be the complete Divine being you are until you forgive yourself for everything and anything, forgive the past, and fall head over heels with life and with you. 37.You are not 'stuck' in a life of hopelessness and lack unless you believe it is so. 38.Again, if you love yourself you cannot have the emotions of no hope, fear, guilt, being a victim, or being judgmental of anything or anyone including yourself. 39.You are not a victim of fate or birth or circumstances. 40.Everything you experience is of your creation. 41.This is a lesson that must be learned , must be grasped, acknowledged and to become a, shall we say 'creed', to live by. 42.How often we tell you the importance of self. 43.We continually say this to you time after time. This is for a reason. 44.When each of you finds the self-love that is needed the world as you know it will change . 45.There is no self-centeredness or conceit in self-love . (There’s the recognition that YOU ARE LOVE ITSELF, but with a FREE WILL that allows you to choose how to use LOVE for any purpose you got).

46.When you are in alignment with your power you are in alignment with unconditional love . (Being in alignment is being in harmony with the ALL LOVE, is being pervaded by the absolute power of the ALL).

47.By unconditional we mean exactly that. No conditions placed on that love. No matter what

occurs, it is only love that matters.

(All occurs by love by any means in existence and creation, we choose the direction, we chose the way, we suffer the

consequences of what we choose).

48.Beloved ones, tap into that inner wisdom and power. Your powerfulness is unlimited. You

are unlimited. (We just need to always PROJECT THE WILL POWER of INNER LOVE in connection to the ALL). 49.You are the center of your being, of your world. (Our LOVE is the center of all beings and worlds of ours) 50.If you have heard the phrase, be centered or come to your center, what does that mean? 51.It means you go to your heart, which is the center or core of your being. 52.The heart has many functions. In the physical body it regulates the flow of blood. 53.As the energy center known as the heart chakra, it is where intuition and love reside. 54.In the spiritual sense it is where everything resides . (That CENTER pervades the ALL and is as the center of ALL, being all the infinitesimality, which is the continuous, infinite and eternal MOTION CODE of creation. Omniscience is being aware of all the infinite infinitesimalities).

55.So when you go to your center or become centered, this is what it means. 56.You are going within instead of without. 57.You are told to listen to your heart. This is a wise advice. And what does the heart represent?

Love of course. 58.So we come full circle back to love. (In the heart resides the most concentrated and powerful inner love of ours). 59.All these words or terms are related and intertwined. Heart. Love. Center. Love. Center. Heart. 60.And they all point to where it begins. With self-love and personal power. (The beginning is in the always present infinitesimality of the ALL, pervading and present in All at ALL).

61.Let us recap what we have been attempting to convey to you dear ones. 62.You have the power to create anything you desire. You have the power to be anyone you wish to

be. 63.No one can take your power from you. 64.We add that often you do give your power away to another when allowing them to be in control. 65.But you can always take it back. Again this is all choice. Life is about choice. Life is choice. 66.It all begins at 'home' with yourself. 67.Your power is in self-love. Love is powerful. It can stand alone and needs nothing else to

sustain it. (Because LOVE IS AND IS IN THE ESSENCE OF EVERYTHING). 68.Beloved and dear ones, take your power now by proclaiming to yourself that you love you and all that you are. 69. It is not a 'power struggle' that you are in. 70.Each has their own power and therefore does not need or have the right to another's power. 71.'Power up' your life. Charge those batteries with love that never questions what you do or what you say. You can do it. 72.Start those powerful engines now dearest ones and do not sit in an idle position any longer. 73.Choose, create, center and be powerful in loving and forgiving all including yourself. I am Archangel Metatron and you are loved. METATRON Angel, State of Being and Quantum Reality 1.In the context of Biblical myth and Qabbalic symbology, the Archangel Metatron is considered to be the most supreme of angelic beings, and is associated with the pinnacle of the Tree of Life, which is the sphere of Kether, the Crown.

2.He is seen as the highest of the "recording angels" in his capacity of maintaining the "eternal archives of the Lord." Therefore, Metatron is congruent with the Scribe of the Akashic, Thoth Hermes. 3.Mythically, there is the story that Metatron was originally the prophet Enoch, who was transformed into the Archangel by God. 4.His Latin name is 'Metator,', which means a guide or measurer. 5.In the Soncino Zohar glossary, Metatron is described as the chief or head of the "world of creation," and also the "servant or the "body" of Shekinah (the divine feminine). 6.From my akashic insights and communion with the Illumined Master, Thoth, the following on Metatron has been revealed to me. 7.In order to understand Metatron as an Archangel, it is necessary first to comprehend to some degree the constitution of an angelic being. 8.According to my akashic and Thoth-engendered perspective, angelic beings are actually "Living Light Intelligences" radiating from the Heart Seed or Holy of Holies of the Unified Field of Divinity, which Thoth calls the “Attastic Universe”. 1-This "universe" is not a place "out there," but instead is within ALL. 2-Their most visible effulgence is to be seen in the fiery light of the star-suns in our universe. 3-The atomic power demonstrated in the solar systems is an outer shell effect of the angelic "Living Lights," sending their radiations out through the physical universes. 4- Yet angels can also be "up close and personal." 5-They are within us as well as in what we see in the heavens. 6-They therefore whisper to our soul and stir our intuition. 7-They motivate us and attract us to graceful acts and a deepening experience of our eternal connection to the All. (This is the main way of LOVE). 8-Archangels are the supreme movements in the angelic symphony of intelligent radiation. 9-They define and execute the sacred geometry within our DNA that is constantly enfolding patterns into patterns of light-mathematics, transforming old worlds into new ones within the crystals of our star-born light. 10-Archangels are the "raytracers" of the universes. 11-Raytracing is a computer graphics term. 12-It is defined in the Bryce 5 User Manual as: "An image synthesis technique by which a virtual beam of light is projected from a virtual camera into a 3D scene in order to evaluate shading and visibility. 13-The virtual beam may be absorbed, reflected, or otherwise affected to some degree by every object it strikes. 14-For instance, if it hits your sky, then a blue sky color ends up on that portion of your virtual 'film', your image. In this way, a final color is determined for each pixel in your image." 15-A raytracing archangel then, send signals or rays out from the Living Light matrix of the divine Heart Seed, striking the "image" (human / animal / flower, etc.), which allows that being / thing to incorporate the signal into its "logic," lending a nuance, a coloring of the divine original tone or imprint upon whatever it is or is to become. 16-Now, if we understand that the "archangel" is a mythic symbol of a true activity within the unified field of divinity (and is thus within the every aspect of the All), we can understand that we employ the Living Light encoding within our DNA to trigger "raytracing" of Heart Seed coloration throughout all of our perceptions and experience. 17-Angelics are Living Lights of intelligent surges from the center of the Heart Seed , but they can also take on the qualities of singular expression.

18-They can therefore appear to us with human bodies and faces and communicate to us in ways that touch our mortality and raise us to experience the Eternal. 19-Thoth refers to Metatron as the "Archangel of Reflection." 20-He is the clear pool through which the image gains brilliance as it absorbs its own countenance and becomes the Sacred Nothing (ALL). 21-In other words, Metatron offers the soul the room with the best view, which is to see through it all and then to become it! Which of course, we already ARE. 22-We only lack the realization of our integration with the All (Consciously, cos by nature we are already a part of the ALL).

23-As a Light geometry, the Metatron is complete. 24-It does not require an associative pattern in order to be. 25-When a human being aligns to this same frequency–not requiring an identity in order to be At-One, then that person enters the complete spiral of the Metatron. 26-Beyond this spiral lies the torus of the Attassic Universe: the All in All, undivided. 27-The essential Metatronic pattern in a 3D form is what is currently called the "Flower of Life" as seen engraved on the Osirian Temple in Egypt. 28-Yet there are other, more advanced Light geometries of the Metatron. 29-I am currently involved in creating portraits of the four supreme Archangels: Metatron, Michael, Uriel and Gabriel. 30-I am choosing to depict them in human form as they appear to me, and then also to create a Light geometry version for each as well. 31-One of my older, very simple art depictions of Metatron was used in the VH-1 video on Carlos Santana and his CD release, Supernatural. 32-Santana believes that he was guided to create the Supernatual CD as a result of a visitation he experienced from the Archangel Metatron. To call upon Metatron in your being, focus on the crown or top of the head as opening like a flower of living presence, through which the Light of Metatron moves out of and into your Heart Seed. Then bring this out and in movement down through your feet and into the center of the earth. The Amatrix Angels 1-The Amatrix Angels are a specific type of angelic being who contain within their multiple energy forms, the crystalline geometries of the Phi Gate cosmic portals. 2- The Amatrix are holographic seed responders, meaning that their energy bodies are interfaced with major points called (by Thoth in this context) sophic nodes in the webbing of the universal matrices (which nest one within the other, and thus are all part of ONE Supra-Matrix). (The highest self-manifestation of the MATRIX CREATOR or creator of universal and multiversal matrixes).

3-Interfacing in this way, divine streaming from SOURCE pours through their 'heart ' (or highly developed chakra pool correlative to the human heart), bringing together multiple radials of star streaming into their being and through them into and through the Phi Gates. 4-The Amatrix then become holographic fields, responding to seeds of Light programs already left in place within the planet by the E'lohim or Creation Lords. 5-The Amatrix send into those seeds, the germinating LIGHT INTELLIGENCE for the regenesis of that specific planet. 6-When an Amatrix Angel engages a planet through a Phi Gate, it locates and assimilates all the 'data' of that planet's akashic records. 7-Such a Being is able to accomplish this free from influence by the magnetic realities those records contain.

8-The Amatrix also receive the universal humanity original pattern (Kadmon), from whence the human Light body is formed. 9-In the context of earth, that form is sometimes given the name of the 'Adam Kadmon'. 10-The original Kadmon for each human-inhabited world is unique to that world, although the basic pattern remains the same. 11-It is necessary for the Amatrix to assimilate the akashic records of the planet and receive the human pattern of the universal form, so that they may take within them that planetary being in order to feed it from the font of the sophic node of their 'bodies.' 12-This feeding is proportionate to the patterns unfolding in the Light Programs of re-genesis already in place within that sphere. 13-At a certain stage in the process of assimilating the planet, the Amatrix move down the Phi Gate and into the center of that sphere, touching their heart atomas to the central sun atoma of the planet. 14-This triggers the hagia tube (charge of DNA-like energy form drawn out from the center of the earth's atoma) to spin out of the central sun atoma and up through the roil point, unfolding to reveal it's helix, where the Light codes have been inserted by the E'lohim. 15-It is at this stage that the re-genesis truly begins. 16-(This latter stage will not begin until sometime between 2012 and 2025.) (suggested reading: Roil Point of the Earth) 17-All of us on this earth as well as on/in any sphere where the Kadmon is inserted into that planet's genesis program, contain higher-state beingness that is connected through the heart chakra to the energy nodes of the universe. 18-The difference between our connections and those of such beings as the Amatrix and other angelic or high devic forms are numerous. 19-The major difference however, is earth humanity's lack of awareness of it's multiple-state consciousness and being and as a result, the types of nodes from which we stream. 20-On March 5th of 2005, during the window of activation of the Phi Gate on earth, Simeon and I and the merkabah of Spirit Heart Sanctuary, will come together here in Kaua'i with those who wish to join us here physically, as well as those who participate with us remotely. 21-We will intend to hold our HEARTS open to receive the crystalline geometries of the New Earth Hologram, and to become, each in our own way, a streaming for the planetary re-genesis into the New Earth Star. 22-It will be a simple process of anchoring PRESENCE together as the wave of the Amatrix Angels with their crystalline fields passes through all of the living earth in order to assimilate it into their Beings. 23-I will be currently offering a series of 40 art-energy templates for individuals to attune and integrate specific key meridians of the phi crystalline geometries. 24-These Phi Crystal Templates have been placed into the medium of a screensaver format. 25-This will allow those who wish to assimilate these ‘keys’ to receive them through direct visual transmission. 26-Other than select small examples (including the Amatrix Angel on this page), none of these artworks will be available to view on my websites. 27-They will be exclusive to the ‘Amatrix Transmissions’ screensaver. to read more about The Amatrix Transmissions

28-The Amatrix Transmissions are a series of energy art images which I have created to act as a trigger in one's energy bodies for alignment to and receipt of the Light codes of the phi crystalline geometries now being brought to Earth by the Amatrix Angels. 29-As with all my "Transmissions Art Packages" the presentation of this art as energy templates is based on the transmission of energies through art, photography, symbols, numbers, prayer and the written word. 30-Dr. Masaru Emoto's amazing work with water crystals powerfully demonstrates the power of these aspects of intention when focused upon or placed within the energy fields of water. 31-The techniques of psionics and radionics reveals this universal principle as well. 32-In creating energy art on the level of specific transmission quality, it is important to keep the work fairly simple in design with some central focus of the energy codes prominent in each art work. 33-The colors were chosen very carefully to carry the charge of these transmission energies, as were the geometries and themes of each piece. 34-It is my belief that the phi crystalline geometries contained within these new Light codes which the Amatrix are inserting into the earth (inclusive of the DNA) are major programs for world building systems essential to the next stage in our planetary evolution. 35-This next stage or new world format is being prophesied by several Indigenous races such as the Hopi and the Maya, through their remaining spiritual Elders. 36-My akashic insight which I believe to be guided by inner-plane mentors, reveals to me that there is a potential for such "energy art transmissions" as I am presenting here, to aid individuals in opening to the phi crystalline geometries in the DNA, which are being re-calibrated through the re-genesis process of the Amatrix. 37-The Amatrix Transmission energy art is presented in the format of a screensaver as well as individual printable art images. The screensaver version is, however, not a 'screensaver' in purpose. This is simply a format that allows the individual to interact with the transmissions at will, by clicking a button on their computer desktop wherein they then automatically sequence through the whole series of 40 images. 38-When using the "screensaver" and the images come up on the screen, there will be a keynote sentence or two at the top of each art work, accompanied by a series of numbers. 39-The numbers are the integers of the phi crystalline geometries associated with that image. 40-Both the keynotes and the numbers are simply triggers for the subconscious and not meant to be studied. 41-Below are the eight groupings of energy art in The Amatrix Transmissions package, accompanied by a thumbnail of one of the images in each of the groups. 42-In the actual downloadable screensaver format package there are a total of 40 images. 43-These images were created by me exclusively for this transmission package. Please note that the individual printable e-art images do not come with the radionics numbers or keynote sentence, they are just the image only. AMATRIX ANGELS A representation of four Amatrix Beings -- each one assigned one of the four elements (earth,fire,water and air). The angelic realms are not "embodied" and yet angels have the ability to appear to us as we would wish to see them. I have given these Amatrix wings, as the merkabahs in which angels appear to us, 'flash' from one

dimension to the next, creating a wing-like arch of light at the point of the heart chakra (in a human form). In the Amatrix Transmissions these angelic images reveal four specific Amatrix Beings as they appear to me. They represent in the context of the "Transmissions" major influences of direct infusion from the Angelic Realm of the Amatrix Phi crystalline matrix. CHARIOTS These winged wheels indicate the 'movers and shakers' of the universe. They are the deliverers of the 'stuff' with which the Builders build and the whirlwind that carries away the excess 'dust'. GENERATIVE MANDALAS Keys to universal pathways which generate much of the energies in our spiritualphysical world. PHI MERKABAHS Vehicles of seed consciousness delivering aspects of Phi awareness into our being. PHI BALANCE POINTS Points of balance, much like acu-points in the body, which help humanity to align to the Sacred Phi. CRYSTALLINE NODES Nodes in the phi crystalline geometry building through the Phi Gate and into our planet on all levels of experience. TEMPLE PATHWAYS Images which contain the energy transmission of the old temple forms of consciousness in a transformed, new dimensional state. ASSISTING AGENCIES Beings and other dynamics which assist in creating the New Earth Hologram. 1.In addition to receiving certain triggers to open Phi Light codes in your being through viewing the images in the Amatrix Transmission Package, you may use it as a type of intuitive tool as well. 2.I have the default setting of the screensaver on random display, so each time you view it, a different sequencing of the images will appear. 3.It is my belief that the individual will draw the correct sequencing for him/her at that time. 4.You can even set in your intention before you begin the process, that the first three (specify what number) images related to you especially for the day or situation in your life that you hold in that intention. 5.If two or more balance points appear close together this may mean that a powerful re-orientation in energy is taking place for you. 6.Two or more Amatrix Angels appearing close together signifies going deeper in opening to your divine nature.

7.Generative Mandalas are about being aware of the greater universal picture of which we are a part; and in becoming aware of how that “bigger picture” is effecting your own piece of the hologram. 8.Chariots and Phi Merkabahs are messengers: Chariots are bringing you the codes of new “world building” but may have the effect of “The Tower” in the tarot if too much old debris needs to be cleared away first. 9.Phi Merkabahs come with the clues for transformation in the more everyday experience. 10.Crystalline nodes may quicken in you a healing response in mind and body (inclusive of all the energy bodies); and they present the codes of connect to the microcosm, where whole universes exist in our cells and DNA. 11.From the Temple Pathways we find ancient triggers of spirit embedded deeply into our incarnative stream. 12.They offer you the opportunity of seeing and experiencing these pathways in a NEW light. 13.Assisting Agencies reveal to you their connections to your quest and the energies you naturally integrate into your journey. 14.Yet none of these images are intended to be pondered upon with too much gravity. 15.The more instinctively they are simply accepted into your energy bodies through viewing them in a receptive mode, the deeper they will go. 16.The Symbols I have placed certain symbols in this energy art to act as internal stimulus for energy receipt. 17.Some of the symbols I drew myself and are of what I believe to be angelic in nature. 18.Other symbols come from fonts: Enochian, Sanskrit, etc. I chose the particular symbols out of these languages for their vibration and not for their meaning in the actual language. 19.The Hawaiian Islands & the Phi Gate: Exploring the individual functions of the island “chakras,” the roil point of the planet, the Maiden Grid and the Phi Gate 7/23/04 key points: 20.“Toward the end of 2004 and into the first months of 2005, a new light grid will form around the Roil Point of the planet (located on the Big Island of Hawaii). 21.This is the point where energy streams upward as a core beam from the solar atoma at the center of the earth. 22.This new light grid we call the "Maiden" for it resonates as a divine feminine ‘virgin-child’ coming out of the Mother’s flow at Mauna Loa & Kilauea. 23.The Maiden will gently turn in the deep and the dolphins and sea turtles will follow new paths in the ocean.” 24.The Phi Gate is the entry point into the planet for the New Earth Hologram . 25.This Gate comes through the Star Capstone directly into the “crown chakra” of Hawai’i, which is the island of Kauai, and down into the roil point of the planet (all of the Hawaiian Islands with the center being Mauna Loa on the Big Island). 26.Thoth: Through the Phi Gate the true phi geometry is organized into the New Hologram, which is infusing and growing the Maiden Grid. 27.Once the Maiden Grid is completed (sometime between March 23rd and April 5th of 2005), “She” (the grid) will “give birth” to the New Hologram phi geometry, out into the whole earth dynamic. 28.All earth and temple grids will be in receipt of this New Earth program of Light. 29.The center-point of the Phi Gate is now forming on the mountain of Waialeale (meaning “rippling waters," it is the font of seven rivers). 30.As the phi geometries of the New Earth Hologram stream through this node, there will be those who are drawn to this island to work specifically with the forming and integrating of the “New Earth Phi” (NEP); and some to actually embody these geometries as an access point for all earth’s humanity.

31.But this is only the beginning. One need not come to Kaua’i or Hawai’i in general, to embody the NEP for the Ascension Body. 32.It is the starting point only, progressing outward through the entire planetary body. 33.There will be those who begin this process, and they will come to the fount to receive the first offerings there, from the “rippling waters” of Waialeale. 34.Each of the Hawaiian Islands will play a major and dynamic role in the integrating and assimilating of the NEP for the planet, as it gestates within the Maiden Grid (which is now also in a process of formation). 35.Now is the time when the seals are coming off the ancient earth scrolls, as with the release of the O’pah symbols on the date of the Venus Transit, 2004 upon the summit of Haleakala, Maui. Be prepared to experience seals in your own akashic vaults to be lifted. The sense of individuation in the human experience is shifting. It will shake and quiver, bursting forth like a geyser from the earth. Be ready, be aware, stay present with the moment. interesting "phi" link on another website iac message christmas and new year 2003 Panthagra: Humanity is being called to come to the place where all points meet in the heart. It is the deep passage between stone and sky where the focus is not on the summit, but instead on the ship's bow as it parts the water. Each moment is illumined by the sun and finds a place of wonder in the flow of the eternal. In this year that is upon the threshold, the earth is moving past the sheath of the last 100,000 years and spinning a new garment of fine and transparent gold. Each human on and in the earth will become part of that shining fabric-no matter their individual karmas, for the golden sheath is spun from the greater soul presence that each life on earth contains. Events will unfold in 2004 that will unhinge the locked doors allowing the cold, clear air to move through long-stagnant places. Throughout the world a growing number of people will hear the song. . . the hum deep inside the Mother. It will soothe the listener and direct him/her to draw upon the greater Source that what the world may provide. From Tibet, Peru and the Dead Sea region, energies will be released from the center of the planet to weave the Stairway to the Sun. The purpose of the "stairway" is not to ascend but to experience the balance in all things. The Stairway to the Sun is a counterpart of the DNA helix. It is a solar helix which will reach from the central sun of the planet to the sun of this solar system and though it, to the Hunab Ku (galactic center). Toward the end of 2004 and into the first months of 2005, a new light grid will form around the Roil Point of the planet (located on the Big Island of Hawaii). THIS IS the point where energy streams upward as a core beam from the solar atoma at the center of the earth. This new light grid we call the "Maiden" for it resonates as a divine feminine "virgin-child" coming out of the Mother's flow at Mauna Loa & Kilauea. The Maiden will gently turn in the deep and the dolphins and sea turtles will follow new paths in the ocean. 2004 will be the year when new worlds begin to shake themselves and arise from the collective Dreaming. Like barnacles on the backs of great whales that lift themselves out of the sea, old habitations of the mind will be washed away until only the power of Spirit calls the traveler onward. Who will see these new worlds, live in them, become them? The Aboriginals have lived in the timesong of these worlds since the Elementals formed their shells from dust. They are the Keepers of the Song Lines [the large image below]. Keeper




3rd in the "Guardians" Series available as e-art Now, in the 21st century, the sentience that contains the memory and rhythms of the many worlds in One will break apart like an egg pecked by the slender beak of a loving predator who devours to give life. Out will spill the richness of the sentient Old Earth to be consumed by the creature of the New Earth. The yoke will nourish consciousness and create form out of the formlessness of the void. 2004 marks a pivotal movement in this transformation. As the world ventures ever deeper into this next century, the joyful experience of belonging to Spirit and being consumed by the Flame of Love will no longer be a long-sought desire. It will become an urgent and immediate need, as necessary as air to fill the lungs or food to nourish the body. Many will literally perish without it. Yet those who accept and prioritize the needs of the soul will ignite the inner fire and find nothing else necessary in order to sustain the life within them. Blessed Gifts from the Christos, Panthagra The Cosmic Egg of No-Time and the Nardee Network I previously announced our upcoming Solar Galactic Gateway, a 2010 Vernal Equinox TeleTransmission and I mentioned that we have an excellent opportunity to enter the "Cosmic Egg of No-Time" as part of our group process during this gateway. I am being Divinely inspired to share more with you regarding the work we will be doing as a group with this dynamic. After watching the movie "Avatar" back in February I was conversing with our co-facilitator Cathy Cole and I had a transmission come through regarding what was being referred to as the "Nardee Network." I received awareness that this is a network which inter-connects all worlds in the universe that have achieved unity within their own reality sphere. The name is derived from a specific star-tribe language, and this network has many other names throughout the universe. We can use the Avatar movie as a symbolic means to understand how the Nardee network works because the Na'vi would be connected with it as they were portrayed in the movie Avatar. While the movie does not depict the residents of Pandora physically interacting with beings from other unified worlds, they are depicted entering into crystalline communion with the Divine strata of their own world. This subtle unity the Na'vi were so keenly attuned to would automatically put them into simultaneous crystalline inner communion with all other worlds in the entire Nardee network. Thus, when the Na'vi sat touching each other while singing, chanting and swaying in unison around the sacred tree, they would also have been in direct communion with all beings in all unified worlds within the entire universe thus drawing upon the unified power of all those worlds in unison. Some of the the immense power most people felt in this scene was in fact also an experience of the Nardee Network's unified Divine Power. In the upcoming Solar Galactic Gateway Tele-Transmission, the "Cosmic Egg of No Time" is a zero-point energy space or "node" we will be accessing within the Nardee network for the purpose of embodying energy from that network in behalf of our own evolution and that of the collective consciousness on Earth. Within this energy space, which I (Simeon) will attune us to, Cathy Cole is going to facilitate a "collapse of the linear time line" thereby dissolving points of polarity and false identity which form deep unconscious barriers to the experience and embodiment of unified consciousness. Cathy is verrry good at this sort of work. We will then be able to enter into a state of "infinite embryonicness" in order to allow our deeper cellular consciousness to become somewhat like undifferentiated stem cells which are then able to differentiate back into whatever our higher light body instructs them to at that critical moment in time. The Nardee Network will be infusing our light bodies at this critical moment with the Divine Codes of unified experience -- Solar Galactic Christ Consciousness. Thus our cellular consciousness will

be directly informed within the "Cosmic Egg of No-Time" by the unity consciousness of the Nardee Network. I invite you to join Cathy and I for this very powerful and sacred experience for your own personal evolution and transformation and that of the collective consciousness upon our beloved Gaia as well. SONG Maia chant

Through my Crown Chakra streams the LIGHT and PERFECTION of my Divine Blueprint, reactivating and re-aligning all the circuits in my energy bodies. Through my Third Eye I open to receive the Light Language of the Angelic Spheres, that I may commune more deeply with the Holy Merkabahs of my Celestial Family. Through my Throat Chakra I command the WORD, the TONE, the SONG of God to rise within me, to clear me of any restrictive feelings, fears or negative impressions. Through my Heart Chakra I send and receive unconditional LOVE, affirming that I am one with all that is. There is no separation, and therefore there can be only acceptance in me of every aspect of the ALL. Through my Solar Plexus I feel the POWER of my SOUL connecting deeply into my Elemental Body...loving it, assuring it, sustaining it, giving it the GUIDANCE it needs to facilitate my whole vehicle of Light. Through my Navel Chakra I experience New Birth every moment, as I continually awaken in the NOW. I am nourished by the cosmic pulse in the Mother Womb. I know that I am never alone. Through my Base Chakra I connect to the magnetic resonance of the Earth. I feel Her ebb and flow, I am sensitive to how I move through her field of life. I am conscious of synchronizing my inner clock, rhythm and presence with Gaia as I sleep, eat, breath and move. SONG Son of Peace, Master of Brilliance in the Heart, I call upon you to fill my cup with the Light Eternal. May I know the "peace that passeth all understanding" in every cell of my body and blood. May I re-create myself in Beauty every moment, as the flame of Love burns every brighter in my soul. As you walked the earth in humility and perfect poise, so may I do the same. I behold thee, love thee, cherish thee, for you are He who may the way for me and for the world through the Gate of the Stars. AND SO IT IS, UNTO THE END OF TIME...AH'MEN


Greetings Masters ! 1. We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of selfempowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. 2. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message. 3. We will begin this message regarding the remaining '2nd half' of 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the intensity and focal purpose of the complex frequencies taking place. 4. We will first reinforce the great Truth, that the Ascension of the Planet did indeed occur. 5. Humanity in collective consciousness made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place. 6. We tell you that the Planetary Ascension is a new beginning. 7. The energies around you and everything within the Earth plane is in a different context. 8. The matrix has absolutely shifted. And for so many of you, the new matrix is not exactly what you anticipated. 9. What remains before you in the second half of 2013 - Year One of the New Earth will have a quadric phase of intensity . 10. It is intense, but it is extremely important. 11. It can be managed, but if you do not 'step up' to the challenge, the energies can leave you in states of confusion and apathy. 12. 2013 is a year of formatting codes, and it is within the quadric influx, of an equinox, solstice, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse that two incredibly pertinent coded- portals occur. 13. These are the 'Green Ray Activation ' in August and the 'Renaissance Formatting' in September. The latter of which completes in the solar eclipse of November. The Green Ray Infinity-Gate Activation 14. In August the Green Ray Infinity Portal occurs in the aperture activation of the Emerald Flame. 15. The primary opening apex is from August 12-21, 2013. 16. Dear Ones, just as your dimensional access increased with the planetary Ascension, so does your chakra field. 17. So it is that the initial Sacred Codes of each new chakra be received and installed beginning in Year One of the New Earth. 18. And we tell you the 4th, 8th & 9th dimensions are formulated through and with the Emerald-Ray. 19. The 8th & 9th dimensions will begin completing receival of the Geo-Codes of Thoth, through the aperture of the Emerald Flame Activation. 20. It initiates in the 8th month and completes in the 9th on the Equinox. 21. The apexial phase begins with the Perseids Meteor influx, and culminates on the full moon. (Understand that astrological, astronomical events are energy shift catalysts, and in the New Earth, these are the base mechanisms of the new paradigm formation.) 22. The Emerald Flame is a vibratory Essence that is Healing & Nurturing , and by receiving the Codes of the Green Ray Activation, the 8th and 9th Chakric Fields will expand into more lucid reception and perception from and into the 8th and 9th Dimension in the Physio Realm, and into the 16th-18th Chakric sensory of the etheric level 13-20-33 Mer-Ka-Na Field. 23. Accordingly, humanity can receive these codes as they complete the portal downloads of the Green Ray Infinity (8) Portal.

24. These codes are synergized into the 8th & 9th Physio-Chakras , through the guidance of Archangel Raphael. 25. As you become more settled into the higher frequencies of the New Earth, it is incumbent upon you to calibrate to the expanded Chakra Alignments of the Crystalline Lite Body, the MerKa-Na. 26. Naturally, the Earth is adjusting her resonance to refashion the chakric centers of the planet to receive and distribute the energies for humanity. Power Dates & Activation Phases of 2013 27. The energies of 2013 will be somewhat less intense than the 2012 continual bombardment of solar wind amplifiers and astro portal flurries that were made to finish the Crystalline Grid, and in kind force you into upshift. 28. 2012 was a year in which every month sequentially raised the frequencial bar. 29. It was an obstacle course of increasing frequencies. 30. In 2012 you were getting ready for the expansion. 31. So in 2013 you are reformatting to the New Earth. 32. The frequencies that poured in continually last year, now must be fined tuned. 33. You have several points of relaxation in 2013 that allow you to catch your breath. 34. Nonetheless, the year contains 2 essential quadric power phases that will take effort. 35. Two quadric phases of intense energy adjustment will take place. 36. These are the phases when you will find out what you're really made of, and realize how far you have come. . 37. You must stay positive and focused on what matters during this year. 38. What you choose to focus on when resonant inserts get more challenging will determine everything. 39. It is essential that you remain on path, and indeed by doing so you will expand far more than you may realize. 40. 2013 is a year of rebirth of renaissance. 41. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. 42. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. 43. By achieving dimensional coherency you will expand into greater resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms. 44. This was not entirely possible before the Ascension. 45. This integration logically could not be fully achieved until the Crystalline Grid completed in December of 2012. Accordingly 2013 is the year for such formatting. 46. The remaining key phases are coded & multifaceted. 47. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following: August 16-21 - The Green Ray Activation September 20- 22 - Equinox 'Time-Gate' Portal of Renaissance. October 18 - Lunar Eclipse. November 3 - Solar Eclipse. December 21, 2013 – Solstice. The 'Time-Gate Renaissance Portal' 48. The 'Renaissance' Portal occurs from the September Equinox & completes on the Solar Eclipse. 49. This aperture will align the New Earth to 3 phases of 'enlightenment. 50. Do not doubt that just as there are star gates and worm holes that connect the planet (and humanity) to higher dimensions. 51. There are also 'Time Gate Portals' that connect to other epochs. 52. Just as similar frequencies attract through the 'Law of Harmonic Oscillation' so do the vibratory fields of planetary 'eras' naturally align.

53. There are 3 'Golden Ages' in which many of you were present that achieved very high levels of consciousness. These are: 1) The Golden Age of Atlantis ( Poseidon Law of One) 2) The Golden Age of LeMuria 3) The Golden Age of Greece Through the Aquarian Shift, 144-Crystalline Grid and the expansion into 12 dimensions, you are able to draw the attributes & codes of these higher time periods into a more direct harmonic relationship with the ongoing up-shift of humanity in the current time. The codes of these eras will allow for a much closer interface with the 3 Golden eras mentioned. This will assist humanity by allowing the simultaneous time aspect of those phases to integrate more completely with the evolving phase you are entering. The two phases the era of the Golden Age of Greece and of Poseidon. The Golden Codes of Greece & Poseidon will be brought in through the planetary 'Naval' (umbilical ) Portal of Delphi and the Codes of Golden leMuria will enter the earthplane at Rapa Nui. This will occur through the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions and be received via the 10th, 11th and 12th physio chakras in the Mer-Ka Na field, and through the 20th and 33rd chakras of the etheric levels of the Mer-Ka-Na field. It should not surprise you that all 3 of these (prior) Golden Ages were phases in which many of you were and are , in simultaneous time), present. We tell you that these aspects of your multidimensional selves are playing a major role in coordinating the harmonic interfacing that will occur in the 'Renaissance Portal'. That is why some of you will be called to anchor these energies in download at the two primary Star-Gates of Delphi & Rapa Nui. This is the reason we directed the channel to take groups to these locales over the two equinoxes of 2013. Rediscover Passion in 2013 !! Dear Ones, it is time to rediscover passion and joy, as did the Masters of the Golden Age. It is time to regain the balance. Life is not meant to be only work, rather the equity of well being and contained within the raptures of bliss. Joy has a geometric code and pattern, and you can discover joy & indeed groom it ! Happiness is acquired, and we tell you that the energy of passion is the driving engine of manifestation. Passion is the fabric of your life- fervor & is an essential part of heart-courage and will. You are not meant to be indifferent, sad or apathetic ! Learning to create & project joy is a huge accomplishment ! And indeed joy has a geo-coded essence that can be received in the Renaissance. of 2013. And remember, you are never 'too old'. You are here with purpose and that is too live life fully and create the NEW EARTH ! When you enter into periods of fatigue or apathy you MUST work out of them. Find joy, do not spiral into indifference, for every moment of life is precious and purposed ! Closing Dear Masters, a truly powerful period is nigh, and it is a energy of extraordinary importance. Take time in the phase of the Emerald Flame to connect with the Devics & the Masters of the Plant Kingdom. If you are unable to go to the Sequoia, find a powerful oak or conscious tree near you and connect in the up-shift to these healing beings in the timings we have shared. For in so doing you expand into a renewal of a lost gift. You see, Dear Ones, many of you have forgotten your connections to the conscious Master Trees & the Plant Kingdom. We tell you many of you existed in pre duality leMuria as Devic projections of the Master Trees in the realm of Fae. It was a time of magic. It is returning. On the September Equinox, meditate and connect to the Golden Ages, for the attributes are of a very high vibratory resonance entering into the 12th dimension. You will discover a renewed love of life, a lessening of fear and self-doubt. You will achieve a spring in your step that allows for greater well

being and joy. You will rediscover passion, and take a new approach to your life. You will become 'Golden'. 2013 has much yet in store. It is a planned time for renaissance, for new paths, for the rediscover of passion. It is a year in which you will learn how to navigate in dimensions 5-12. It is a year in which you will receive codes for the new dimensions. By achieving dimensional coherent resonance with the conscious Earth Kingdoms you will expand in serendipitous ways you cannot even as yet imagine. We honor you. Nurturing one another, nurture the Kingdoms of Earth, and express LOVE, unconditional Love in the New Earth. Be kind to self, for you are truly worthy and are leading the way to a new era, a Renaissance of great completion. I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. And so it is...And it is so Sequoia: The Healing Energy of Conscious Trees

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Wednesday, 10 April, 2013 (posted 16 April, 2013) 5938 views, 10 comments - login or register to comment Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome you in a vector of unconditional love. We acknowledge each of you reading these words in the now moment of your connection to the energetic vibration of this message. An entourage of Spirit joins us in this moment with keen awareness of your individual energies. We assure you that as meaningful as these gatherings are to you, they are equally significant to us of the Angelic realm. These moments of sharing are offered not only to provide selective communiqués of stimulating information to you, but to provide light coded energy of unspoken nurturing that is taken in through your hearts and lovingly given from ours. Such energies are afforded to you, the present you and the becoming you. So we joyfully embrace you ! Dear Ones, take a moment, close your eyes and mentally visualize the Green Ray bathing your essence. We are joined now by the energy collective of the Plant Kingdom; indeed they are harbingers of the Green Ray, of healing and love. Masters, we have spoken in previous sharing's about the myriad benefits of energies projected via the mineral kingdom. Indeed crystals and minerals are of invaluable assistance to both humanity and the earth. In this channel we will discuss the benevolence of the plant kingdom, with emphasis on the energy of trees. Of all of the living energies of the plant kingdom, trees are among the largest, and offer benefits that are numerous. Many of these advantages are not truly understood. Humanity recognizes their beauty and benefits, though the benefits are largely regarded merely as commodity resources. We tell you that trees are spiritual conduits, resonators and capacitors of incredible energy. All trees are receivers and disseminators of energy from the Sun, Earth, Water and the Mineral Kingdoms. As such they are transmitting projectors of refined wave energy, frequencies of all that you term the 5 elements and as such are beneficial to both the Earth and Humanity and all life within and without, above and below. For Trees, more than any other members of the plant genre are spectral containments of all elements, dynamically existing in more than 3 dimensions of the OmniEarth. The Arboreal indeed have a pyramidal hierarchy of life force and awareness. Accordingly certain trees are more advanced Beings than others, and as such offer a more efficacious and keen conscious dynamic. These have been duly recognized and acknowledged as sacred entities by more aware ancient societies.

The Giant Sequoia is energy unlike any other on the planet. These living ancient entities project a laminated field or layered aura, similar in stratified structure to that of humanity. They are self aware and project both an individualized and collective consciousness that is extremely unique and benevolent. These majestic beings are amassed in rare locations, and now grow naturally only in the western regions of North America. It can be said that the Sequoia & Redwood are record keepers of the plant kingdom, and in that sense are symbiotic with the crystalline members of the mineral kingdom of the earth. The Giant Sequoia and Redwood are two among very few members of the plant kingdom that have conscious awareness beyond linear flow of the present time. Indeed they are aware of the past, present and to some degree, the future of both Humanity and the Earth. This differentiates the Sequoia (and certain others) as the great majority of trees and plants are cognizant in group-collective awareness in only the 'now' of present time. The Giant Sequoia is accurately determined by your geologist to have been on the planet more than 144 million years. They are Ancient Spirits. They towered in dominion over dinosaurs as the planetary surface lifted and fell, gyrating in its timeless geological slow dance. In a poignant fragment of time, less than 2 centuries, humanity has piteously destroyed all but 77 remaining ancient groves. The importance of these remaining stands is vital to future generations. For we tell you the preponderant resident energy in these unique living energy fields is extremely healing. The Giant Sequoia and their relatives the Redwood are among the most conscious forms of Trees within the Plant Kingdom. The energy they generate and pulse is crystalline and entrains the environ into higher frequency. ...And we add that from this point forward when we refer to Sequoia, we refer to both the Giant Sequoia and the Redwood, for both are very similar in the qualities and attributes we will discuss in continuation of this channel. Because the Sequoia is capable of 'self-cloning' in their re-generation process, many of the TreeBeings of this genre are the exact replicas of their physical and spiritual essence that has existed from the beginning. This cloning contributes to the Sequoia's chosen role as the Plant Kingdoms conscious record-keepers of time evolution on the Earthplane. Their noted longevity is multidimensional. Sequoia Groves indeed have the attribute & ability to alter time sequence and transcend dimension. They do not adhere to the same chronology of linear space-time movement. When one walks or meditates in their field, one may ascend beyond time. Hours can seem as minutes, and minutes can seem as hours. Imagination takes spirited flight, as mental corridors poignantly open to inspiration. And as space may be defined as coagulated time, dimensional space is equally transcended. In this attribute certain Sequoia Groves are portals! Is that not of compelling interest! But we emphasize 'certain' groves, for indeed the portaline aspect optimally manifest when the Groves are in complete harmonic oscillation with the other elements. The Groves within the parameters of Giant Sequoia National Park in the elevations between 2500-7000 feet best capacitate the maximal 'stargate' harmonics. Indeed certain apex points within Sequoia National Park, such as Moro Rock, are Vortexial-Stargate vectors. Hierarchy in the Plant Kingdom As we have told you, certain trees have always been recognized as sacred by humanity. The Plant Kingdom exists in spectrums of consciousness, as do all elemental kingdoms. The Devic Spirits of the Plant Kingdom represent an array of what may be termed faeries, elves and what the Druids referred to as 'Greenman'. But just as biological life has a certain hierarchy of complexity, the Plant Kingdom has life forms within its genre that are more 'advanced', more conscious & intelligent than others. Certain medicinal and psycho active plants are extremely self aware and have been recognized for millennia as 'spiritual allies' by the campestral societies who interacted more intimately with nature.

There are yet tribal societies in certain remote regions such as the Amazon, who communicate coherently with what may be termed 'Spirits of the Forest', many of which, are conscious 'plants'. The Ayamara of Peru and Bolivia are among these. We tell you that the Giant Sequoia and Redwood were once hallowed by ancient more enlightened people, including those of Atlantis and LeMuria. Hallowed not as a commodity or resource, but as intelligent Divine beings, in much the same way in which the Druids revered the Oak, Holly and Yew. For these are among the highest expressions of the realm of Trees, indeed such trees have the capacity of not only collective energy, but are capable of individual awareness. Yet among all of the Kingdom of Trees, the Giant Sequoia retains perhaps the greatest field of awareness. So understand that the Giant Sequoia is unique in its enormity not only in mass and height, but in the intelligence and succinct etheric qualities of its energetic field. There were indeed specialized shamanistic humans, both male and female, that were dedicated to the Sequoia in the epochs of LeMuria. In the pre duality epoch of Mu, not all plants were fixed to the soil. Certain plants and trees were somewhat semi physical, bearing a luminescent existence and were capable of both movement and direct communication. Their semi-physical biological aspect was via spectral projection, and thus required little from the earth for sustenance. The stroboscopic projection into the denser realm of matter fully subsisted through the nutrient of photonic praṇā. This applied to all life, including human, in the pre duality projection of Omni-Earth known as the Golden Hologram of LeMuria. The pre duality LeMurians were capable of merging their consciousness into the matrix of the Sequoia, and experience life from both within and without this massive field. This capacity was retained after the emergence of duality Earth by the benevolent LeMurian mystics. A monastic society of LeMurian Healers was centered in the areas that are now Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains. We tell you that the granitic dome, Moro Rock (in Sequoia) was recognized by the LeMurians as a sacred center of their gatherings. The LeMurians understood that the Giant Sequoia project a rare and complex wave-frequency, emitting a balancing modulation of rejuvenation & well-being. Indeed much of their healing therapies and spiritual ceremony involved the Sequoia. An aspect of the LeMurian consciousness is yet within the Sequoia collective mind, in the same way that the Oak and Yew retain an aspect of the Atla and Druid. Yet within the vastly larger and thus more potent resonant field of the Sequoia, it is far more animated. This extraordinary field is quite accessible, quite tangible to anyone that spends time among the Sequoia. In future times, it will be understood, as it was in your past, that there are very real therapeutic qualities available by being within the energetic scope of the Sequoia. We tell you that there is a measurable quality of theta field available beneath the Sequoia. This specialized attribute is quite real, albeit not yet recognized, not yet truly examined. The benefits are both physical and psychological. In time your scientists will examine the fields produced by the Sequoia, and discover its facility as an energy capacitor. The unique padding of the thick outer bark of the Sequoia that make it resistant to fire and insects not only plays a role in its longevity, it provides an incomparable insulation that allows it to optimally retain a living pranic energy stream. This succinct bio-praṇā runs and flows in currents of botanical bio-electrical circuitry throughout every living filament and matrixial etheric component of the Sequoia. It emits a theta field that projects well being, by induction, to the human aura. Each Sequoia Being is highly aware and will vividly react to the presence of humans. The Sequoia can emit a conscious vibrational pulse uniquely fitted for the auric needs required for the balancing of each human seeker. It occurs as an inaudible purr, felt rather than heard. And like the purring of a feline, balances and grounds the human auric field.

While there are other trees of high consciousness and capable of healing, none do so quite as potently or uniquely as the Sequoia. The grandiose structure of the Sequoia lends credence to the fact that it would emit an enormous field. Giant Sequoia absorbs thousands of gallons of water, massive photons of light, solar energy, and produce extremely purified oxygen, as much as 300 lbs per year per tree. They are in essence batteries of vital energy and that termed coherent 'life force'. Structural Energy Process The Sequoia serve as specialized conduits of Divine Energy, It occurs much in the same process as stargate portals, via axialtonal oscillation. The Sequoia receives energy, transform it, and generate it in a circular process similar to Pyramids. Their root systems absorb and intake water through osmosis process, and feeds massive gallons of purified water throughout their enormous bio system every day. The needles also both absorb and re cycle water intake from and back into the air. Their green needles absorb sunlight and process it into a coherent solar energy through the complexity of photosynthesis. Mineralogical nutrients are received from the earth are assimilated into bio-chemical sustenance. Sequoias are solar/ hydro / mineral energy receivers and generating transmitters. An ovalesque motion of this process forms a circulating, spiral & vertical motion from earth to sky, forming a vortexial field that is held intact through bio electrical circuitry. Geo crystalline water molecules are released by the Sequoia in one of the 7 crystalline pattern-forms that naturally occur nature. Indeed the frequencial Ovid that occurs beneath and around the trees form a theta field that is coded with crystalline energy thru the collective intent of the conscious Sequoia. It is optimal in the higher elevations occurring between 2500 and 7000 feet for indeed this elevation offers great and greater harmonic balance. In Sequoia and Kings Valley National Parks the energy is thus extremely embellished. The massive Sequoia groves provide a haven and through harmonic attraction serve as a conclave of Divine Spirit. The Sequoia collective energy is in essence a Council. A standing wave flows that opens, calibrates and fine tunes the chakras to optimal higher dimension alignment and reception. Each Sequoia pulses theta convocation that sooths the human emotional field and indeed opens the pineal. As each Sequoia's pulse harmonically synthesizes with the pulses of other Sequoia a collated standing wave emerges that opens the '3rd Eye' pineal, thus provides profound visionary imagery and contact with the Divine realms. A field of symbiotic frequencial entrainment accommodates the visionary entry, and further contributes a resplendent re-charging of pranic life force, an opportunity of recalibration and prioritization and deep release of obstacles. The Mastery of the Sequoia stimulates the vision of desired change and renewed vitality, encouraging forward growth of an incredibly profound scope. They are ancient Beings, Enlightened Spirits that willing assist each seeker, in a manner most befitting. They are at once both invigorating and calming; stimulating Mer-Ka-Na vision and soothing the emotional & physical fields of the aura into tonal 12-Octave Harmony within the Crysto-Light body. Sequoias are crystals of the plant kingdom, the regal ambassadors of trees that interface the Angelic. Many of you are familiar with the work of Dr Emoto in noting the crystallization of water through music and harmonic intent. His work was inspired and predated by the discovery of Marcel Vogel, the crystal master. Marcel Vogel noted the transition of water into crystalline forms by harmonics and high intent. He noted that water would form liquid crystals in the core patterns of the crystallography by entrainment. We tell you that the water received by the Sequoia is so transformed. As such the Sequoia is a living crystal that entrains the surroundings within its field. Sequoia Groves are massive crystalline generators that seek to balance the planet. Closing The Plant Kingdom is collectively designed to support the Earth and all forms of life upon and within it. This purpose is joyfully and willingly understood by plant life in the provision of oxygen

and nutrients including fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Plants provide healing in the medicinal application of herbs, roots, shoots and essences derived from them. The woods and fibers are willingly offered as a renewable resource in certain species. But such use must be wisely stewarded. Certain plants have very favorable vibratory patterns that are able to uplift and heal humanity. Sequoia, Oak and Yew are among the conscious aware trees that provide such healing attributes. Groves of Sequoia serve as a soothing Council of Spirit, for there is a profound Sacred Energy within their resonance.All who walk among them sense a deep presence of the Divine. The largest Giant Sequoia exceeds 12 million pounds in weight, can surpass 370 feet in height, can exceed 40 feet in base diameter with contained volumes of over 53,000 cubic feet. They emit and consume massive amounts of water & light. Sequoia converts water into liquid crystals and produces a thetaean energy frequency and thus project a resonant field of integral balance. Sequoia Trees are integral, both male/female, unisexual monoecious. The energy projection is nurturing and formidable, projecting a tenacious resonance of both Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in terrestrial terms. The benefits of visiting the Sequoia include: • Balancing & energizing the Chakras & Auric Field • Spiritual & Physical Rejuvenation • Healing sensory balance & adjusting bio glandular system & nervous system • Stabilizing, healing & soothing the mental -emotional field - clearing depression • Clarity within 3rd eye vision - opening the pineal • Enhanced ability to prioritize & resolve issues • Stimulation of life force & renewed joy & vitality of purpose • Assisted visionary entrance into Akashic Records & Universal Mind • Greater connection to the natural elements, Gaia & the Devic Kingdom • Balancing Gender matrix / Female-Make union into Integral Harmonic One-ness • Strengthen of Will & Resolve • Opening Creativity & Inspirational windows of mind • Connection to LeMurian aspects of nurturing consciousness These attributes are indeed quite real. One need only spend time among the Sequoia to feel joy, to sense balance amidst the natural green forests...and indeed improve in all of the categories of life we have listed. The Sequoia are living conscious batteries, quite unique, and astonishingly powerful nurturing beings. Because of the embellished energies & harmonics of Sequoia National Park, the Sequoia in this region are optimal The Sequoia in higher collective mind continue to offer themselves, abiding completely in unconditional service to humanity and the planet, transcending the 3rd dimension that might otherwise destroy them. Take care of them, visiting them, for these Beings await you in love. I am Metatron and share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. ...And so it is... Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude. Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose. You see in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mind, and open to Spirit ...and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you

truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an unentangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the lifestream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so. So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation. There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven". Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose. You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence. In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now. Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for recalibration and advancement utilizing the planned focal freedom to do so by sacred solitude. Those seeking sanctified light, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment' choose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen to 'work on the self'... to achieve self love & make final adjustments. Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetime's prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited. For others, there may be a sense of self-condemnation from actions or missteps that have deeply programmed a sense of guilt & unworthiness. An inability to love the self has pervaded and created self denial because you are unable to forgive yourself for whatever action led you to this erroneous belief. As a result relationships have failed. It is a great Truth that you cannot truly love others until you first love yourself. As long as you hold beliefs of unworthiness, you will create a reaction of rejection & denial in others. It double-edge of the Law of Attraction. You will repeat this self created exile, this self projected punishment until you learn that you are divine, that you are a flawless spark of God in your eternal divinity. Life will change when you accept this great wisdom, and learn to create your life. But self love is a requisite. Love is not an emotion, it is a vibratory frequency. Love of self is not earned, it is a birthright. Love IS the way. .. a way that must contain love of Self. Dear Human, until you love yourself you cannot love others, obtain mastery, nor truly love life. And it may take lifetimes of self examination in solitude for you to realize this. Love begins in you! There is no other path. Dear Human, Life is difficult and challenging. That is a great Truth. Many situations in life are uncomfortable & provocative. That is by design. It is how you scripted your life in order to grow. The obstacles in your path were put there by YOU, by your higher self to serve as springboards. It is not easy, nothing of great value is obtained without effort. But it is often when you are out of your comfort zone, in a state of confused conundrum or sadness that you are driven by circumstance to face and resolve your challenges and transcend them. To do so is an attribute of Mastery in its finest aspect. Great numbers of Seekers are facing the Self in 2013. It is a year perfectly designed in astrological pattern for this final clean up... sweeping out what was hidden so that it may be resolved . The New

Earth is transforming further into the Crystalline aspect in 2013 & Beyond. Nothing can remain in shadow, nothing can be hidden in this impeccable coherent light of the newly Ascended Earth. And for the many that are in solitude, and the many that are not - this is your perfect & chosen time to polish up any areas of tarnish, to remove any final obstacles. You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul in the New Earth energetics. . The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the 2013 dawn of the Ascension. The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose.... and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth. Yet for the soul seeking final Mastery, solitary status is also 'natural'. So we emphasize there is great purpose in solitude. Advanced souls plan for it. It is no error that great numbers of you on the final steps of the Ascended Path of Enlightenment in 2013 are alone in this period. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it. Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner...the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self. Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are. Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership. A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand? Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion. Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment. One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are. We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them. Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness. Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey there will be an ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery. In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component in duality, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2013. Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul by movement toward common purpose. The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on codependence. Do you see? In this time, in this now of 2013, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm of the New Earth in integral self unified wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships. So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery. We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been unbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Some of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen. The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you're strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance. Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend. The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must occur before the final collective reunion, it must alchemically occur to allow for the final

coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM. It is the chosen, destined path of all of you. In summation, our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more appropriate, more resplendent in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of unbalanced dependency are one way streets, and ultimately fail. In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in the functional framework of being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF. They will afford their own promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see. Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individual's terms. And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another. Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, more than has occurred at any other time. Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions acknowledge your Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial heritage nor your multi-dimensional nature. And that must and will be acknowledged & understood in the new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the paths to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma; each has its hierarchy and some utilize fear based controls that encourage fanaticism and zealotry. Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'. When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to raise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channelers or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you. The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through selfdefinition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded

in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work! There is little hope for advancement if you chose to be lethargic or the lazy. Effort is requisite to rise above duality. It has always been so. You are here to make known the unknown! Work at it! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward ... and there is ever another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness is eternally kinetically expanding; it does not reach a level of static dormancy. So we tell you that your higher selves find great humor in cemetery epitaphs of Rest in Peace, for joy is a dynamic state ! Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, and love the divinity inside you and inside every one! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude. And though the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss. We are ever with you. We offer unconditional love. We ask that you treat yourself and others with nurturing love and respect. We honor you! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS! You are Beloved. ...And so it is. 2013 - The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation Pt. 1

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Sunday, 30 December, 2012 (posted 3 January, 2013) 9196 views, 4 comments - login or register to comment NOTE: The following channeling '"The Aquarian Radiation" is a part one of a two part transcription from a live channel given after a presentation regarding the Ascension and Earth Changes. The presentation was a PowerPoint that credentially references & duly acknowledges the work & research of Dr Carl Sagan, Dr Greg Braden, Susan Rennison, Dr Peter Gariaev and Dr Luc Montagnier, whom we wish to duly acknowledge for their ground breaking research. (The information presented via Metatron is in direct reference to the presentation given at the same event prior to the channel. The expansions given by Metatron are not the same conclusions that are drawn from referenced scientific studies, and offer original concepts that do indeed differ. ~~~~~ Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love! It is 2013 , and we assure you that there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the coherent crystalline light of the magnificent New Earth. And we do mean magnificent. Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. The savant among you realize this. And so we speak on the Aquarian Shift... The Aquarian Shift / Anthropocene Radiation Your scientist are aware of a unique phase of the earth in which most of your present biological life emerged. It is called the Cambrian Radiation. The Cambrian phase was one of great plasmic influx onto your earth, and it brought new life forms to your planet. Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution. ( Darwin, the renowned evolutionist, admitted that the Cambrian Radiation was the most valid argument against his theory of evolution.)

This is also happening now. The current solar radiation became turbo-charged in 1989 and will continue. Incredible numbers of coronal mass ejections bombarded the earth with unimaginable radiation, ions and electrons. The ionic radiation will absolutely up-shift your biology, change your DNA. You will become less dense. The primary source of new energy on the earth is the massive injection of cosmic radiation on the planet from solar winds. We will term this the Aquarian Shift, although the channel prefers geologic vernacular , referring to it as the'Anthropocene Radiation'. The Root Catalyst The Cosmic ionization of the 'Aquarian Radiation' while perplexing to you, is the engine of change, and plays a requisite and benevolent role in the transition of the Ascension. It is not to be feared. The radiation has done far more than rattle your magnetosphere and influence the tectonics and weather of the Earth. But we will add that it is this ionic penetration which is the absolute core catalyst for weather change, super-storms, earthquakes and the root cause of global warming. Many of your conspiracy theorists may wish to place the cause of weather shift on humanity. We tell you it is simply not the case. Billions of tons of plasma has been bombarding the earth in the past 2+ decades, far more than any time in recorded history. To think the changes on the planet are caused by the relatively small atmospheric heater called HAARP is illogical. The technology to do so is simply not there. It is Solar Plasma ! It has shifted your earth and its biology previously, in that era termed the Cambrian Radiation. We tell you that the ionic inrush is also going to affect your biology. It is the catalyst that will shift you from carbon base to silicon base beings. DNA & New Life Forms The Aquarian Shift, or Anthropocene Radiation will bring about new life just as radiation did so in the Cambrian Radiation some 580 million years ago. What is occurring is not unprecedented, although it is unrecorded and not as yet understood. What differentiates the current radiation influx is that it is now in symbiotic relationship to the Crystalline (Ascension) Grid. (Windows 2012 !) Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) . Within the synergy of the Aquarian -Cosmic Radiation and the Crystalline 144 Grid, parallel dimensions are now more accessible to you. The life forms, the beings referred to, exist in these dimensions as bio-plasmic, electrical and photonic. Does your bible not refer to Angels as Beings of Light ? Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles. The more advanced extra terrestrials are nonphysical light beings. The Radiation Influx & Genesis Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma. Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. They recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earths Aura, the magnetosphere was flattened to half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish. The great magnetic storm created havoc. NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems

failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power. The MIR space station was abandoned. This influx continued. The largest flare ever recorded to date took place in 2001, followed by 150 storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history. Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Rare red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before. Crop circles evolved into far more complex designs, easily differentiated from the purported 'manmade' constructs. The 6:1 Ratio Opens the Pineal The astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal. Your academics have been aware for some time that shifting the magnetics of the ionic ratio has a powerful effect on human consciousness. The French scientist, Mesmer, was the first to stumble across this knowledge. He found that by placing subjects in a strong anionic (magnetic) field, the subjects were able to achieve incredible states of consciousness which facilitate communication with the 'Universal Mind'. We tell you this was done by ionic induction that opened the pineal. Your indigenous societies often were attracted to areas they termed 'Holy Ground' specifically because they discovered visions could occur more easily in certain powersites. The reason is the mineralogy and telluric energies in these rare and special locales create an ionic ratio that is different, and allows for the opening of the pineal. In recent studies, some of your researchers in universities have discovered that by using ion generators to shift the ratio of anionic to cationic to 6:1 , test subjects have 'out of body' experiences. Again the induction opened the pineal. Ratio & Theta Creation The bombardment of anions onto your planet is shifting the ratio in the same way, and this is working with and through the Crystalline Grid to allow the shift in your consciousness and indeed your biology.Your scientists and biologists are becoming increasingly aware of this. The recent 'Human Genome' project contends that that human DNA will alter/mutate according to not only environmental conditions but also belief cultural 'programs'. Last year an utterly astonishing experiment took place that has shaken main stream science. It is opening new levels of potential, and it was conducted by a main stream academic, a Nobel Prize recipient, Dr Luc Montagnier. Two hermetically sealed test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of DNA, the other pure sterilized distilled water were placed side by side. Both were surrounded by an electromagnetic field of 7Hz. In the test a fragment of the DNA appeared to teleport, spontaneously form in the tube of the distilled water. The test was repeated without projecting the 7 Hz field, and the 'teleportation did not take place. What does this mean? It means that the codes of life are coded in the 'Unified Harmonic Field' and can create life within a theta coherent vibration. Take note of this. Study the nuances of theta and delta vibratory rates ! It is very important to note that creation occurs in coherent theta field. The objective world you see has ever been the end result of consciousness. But up until the present, it has been projected haphazardly; for humanity has not recognized nor mastered their divine potentials. Thoughts and images can indeed be utilized for the creation of a 'New World', a world of Peace, Harmony & Love. 'Coherent Theta', crystalline resonant thought, can be harmonically utilized to form physical reality and become physical fact. Your Ascension, that of humanity can be propelled mentally into manifestation from a frequencial state termed theta-coherency. Exploring Theta Coherency

Humanity in the present culture has placed great importance on the consciousness state of the 'Beta Frequency'. It is now time to begin exploring other states of mind. It is time to utilize the theta state for co creation of your reality. The Aquarian Radiation is the mechanism and indeed the result of the Planetary Ascension. It will offer to humanity the tools for the Ascension of Mankind. The benevolent mechanism of what has taken place, and what will continue to occur, especially through 2013 solar maximum, is the massive injection of Cosmic Plasma into and onto the Earth. Billions of tons of ionic energy has been projected into your plane, and it is an incredible energy. Your astrophysicists are now aware of collective jet streams of plasma that have begun in recent years to circle the Earth. This plasma is not only changing the ionic ratio, it is doing so in the theta coherent field. Theta is the doorway to divine creativity. Standing waves, standing pools of coherent theta energy are now being drawn to specific nodes on the planet. These can be utilized for 'creation centers', as the need for Spiritual Warriors to meditate in groups toward the manifestation of a harmonic planet becomes more viable ! Your planet has always been charged body orbiting in a plasmic field. The recent influx of solar radiation is exponentially increasing the influence and interaction of this radiation with both the earth and humanity. You academics now have scientific data to take a deeper look into Earth and Cosmic changes occurring, and reconsider their extent and their role . We tell you that not only do these changes have an impact on virtually the entire volume of the Earth, from its core to the atmosphere and magnetosphere. But it does not stop there, the ionic shift changes frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access. How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that method. These work uniquely with certain power points and sacred sites, particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. These changes from Cosmic radiation move through the entire node systems of the earth. If the plasma from coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The collective mind & paradigm of humanity is also affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives as well as the credibility of the verisimilitude it believes. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind. Closing of Part One: Effects of the Plasmic Shift: * Changing ionic ratio which will allow for easier access into coherent theta state * Allows for easier opening of the pineal * The tool for creative harmony manifestation * Catalyst for shifting DNA and Biological Transition to Silicon Crystalline Biology (Quartz is silicon dioxide) In Correlation with the Crystalline Grid the Plasma Shift: * Assists in the expansion of the planet into 12 dimensions * Allows for greater access into multidimensionality ( Photonic & Plasmic Life) * Key role in requisite earth-changes * Coherency acceleration * Key role in formation of the New Firmament * Enhanced Vibrancy of Powernodes, Vortexial Portal Sites * Ability of Humanity to co create the New Earth Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell

you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth. Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase. Many humans on the path of light contend that everything happens for reason. This is oft extrapolated to 'everything that happens is meant to happen....that all is as it should be.' We tell you that from the higher stance, everything does lead to greater understanding, but the 'University of Earth' is purposed for learning responsible creativity. The leading professor is the doctor of 'cause and effect', and this doctor makes house calls. If everything happened in the highest order on the first 'go-round' there would be no need for the learning and growth cycle of reincarnation. So there is indeed a learning curve and apprenticeship that allows for repeating the process. Humanity will continue to take the course until responsible creation is mastered. Not every action, not every decision passes the test. Your new matrix of 2013 and beyond offers a more concentrated matriculation criteria for humanity. In this advanced regimen more action is required for graduation. It is now the time for focal co-creation. We tell you that individual and group coherent thought can and will change the reality of your planet. But you must understand that the most potent, most effective creative manifestation does not occur in 3-d brain, but in the theta frequency of higher dimensional mind. There are so many things that you realize must be changed. So many mindsets are still focused in the erroneous trappings of the 3-d plane, including greed, man's inhumanity to fellow beings, and the seeking of power over love. In 2013 you can begin to unite and create a harmonic earth. Effort is needed, the clarion calls ! I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You Are Beloved." ...And so it is...And it is so... NOTE: The following channeling '"The Aquarian Radiation" is a part one of a two part transcription from a live channel given after a presentation regarding the Ascension and Earth Changes. The presentation was a PowerPoint that credentially references & duly acknowledges the work & research of Dr Carl Sagan, Dr Greg Braden, Susan Rennison, Dr Peter Gariaev and Dr Luc Montagnier, whom we wish to duly acknowledge for their ground breaking research. (The information presented via Metatron is in direct reference to the presentation given at the same event prior to the channel. The expansions given by Metatron are not the same conclusions that are drawn from referenced scientific studies, and offer original concepts that do indeed differ. ~~~~~ The Aquarian Radiation Continued ...And so the Cosmic Radiation does indeed offer advantages, and indeed responsibilities to those of you on the path. The work of Masters such as Graham Hancock, John Van Auken, David Childress, John Jenkins and Dr Semir Osmanagich and others who have spoken in this gathering will reveal much more. Light is being shined into the shadows of your true origins. Yet these garner criticism. It is duality you see. Old energy versus new. There is always the push back when new concepts that differ from main stream are presented. There is always the rejection from old systems to new, and there is an electromagnetic, a polarity aspect to even this, this you see.

We tell you that what will be uncovered in the Pyramids of Bosnia through Dr Osmanagich will absolutely shift your conceptions of history. All of these have received criticism, yet all provide an essential truth, all are involved in bringing light to shadow. Others will follow suite, for indeed a new generation of academics is now emerging throughout the divisions of science, physics and archeology that will not only provide keys to the shift, but reveal much of the hidden history of your planet. We tell you that many of the emerging academics and scientist will be the new Lightworkers and Earth-Keepers, whether or not they recognize it as so. Indeed their work will reveal, piece by piece, step by step the missing evidence that will allow for the requisite merging of science with religion, and the necessary enlightenment as to your true history and origin. The work of one generation will be the basis of the next. In time spirit and science will be integral, in one complete circle. Your seer Edgar Cayce said that mankind will learn more about the nature of God through science than religion. The time is emerging for this to manifest. As has been presented to you in this Gathering, many of your scientist and researchers are making new discoveries, discoveries which would not have been apparent or occurred prior to 1987. You have just reviewed a series of presentations that offer much valuable information for you to contemplate. The work of Greg Braden initially presented the concepts of Solar Radiation and was followed by further research documented by Susan Rennison and others. The work of Dr Luc Montagnier indeed added the element of coherency and theta waves to the equation. So in the Aquarian Radiation much will shift, much will change. Some of these shifts will occur in your lifetime, some will takes centuries , others millennia. But change will occur. We offer you a hint, and that is that 2038 offers a major leap forward...and what you do now is creating it ! The Solar plasma will indeed be the basis of that termed the new Firmament and indeed the transition in greater time to silicon base biology. It is indeed the radiation of the sun that is playing the primary role in all of these shifts, in the expansion into greater tangibility of plasmic life. The shift is here. What does it mean ? Dimensional Shift Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more 'tangible'. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) . Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic 'jellyfish' phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles. Many study groups are beginning to explore these occurrences, but not as life forms. NASA has recorded record numbers of CME's over the past 2+ decades, these have been noted by geo physist Susan Rennison and Dr Greg Braden as referenced in the presentations in this Gathering. The CME's the cause. Summary of Effect Effects of the Plasmic Shift: * Changing ionic ratio which will allow for easier access into coherent theta state * Allows for easier opening of the pineal * The tool for creative harmony manifestation * Catalyst for shifting DNA and Biological Transition to Silicon Crystalline Biology (Quartz is silicon dioxide) In Correlation with the Crystalline Grid the Plasma Shift: * Assists in the expansion of the planet into 12 dimensions * Allows for greater access into multidimensionality ( Photonic & Plasmic Life) * Key role in requisite earth-changes

* Coherency acceleration * Key role in formation of the New Firmament * Enhanced Vibrancy of Powernodes, Vortexial Portal Sites * Ability of Humanity to co create the New Earth Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now in Year ONE of the New Earth. Taking Action So what is your responsibility in the shift. It is co creation. Many of your past societies were unable to confront the duality aspects of violence, and love versus power. This is coming to the forefront today. The great Poseidon society termed the 'Law of One' in Atlantis achieved the greatest level of harmonic on your planet. Yet their seeming inability to face down violence allowed for a dense emergence of duality to ultimately led to the demise of a once great culture. It is a great rubik, and there will indeed be a resolution, but it will take many years. And we note many of you in this audience were part of Poseida, part of the Law of One. And Dear Ones, you carry an unnecessary burden. We urge you all to release guilt and release pain. We take a moment for this to occur. (pause...) Masters, We tell you that at any given time, half the world is in light and half the world is in night; it is a world of polarity. We say to you that far more than half of humanity are in consciousness shadow, yet to awaken to the light of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment occurs one heart at a time. We tell you that you are living, as the channel has said and we have offered many times : in the University of Earth, the school of duality. All around you is a purposed illusion that is created in mass. The planet has Ascended, and in time each of you will. The critical mass, the majority of humanity will be in harmonics Ascension in some 15 generations. It will occur. Therefore the light bearers among you must never lose faith, must ever shine brightly, for even a small photon wave makes a transitional illumination. So it is, so it must be with you here today. Your great Mahatma Gandhi stated that you must become the change you strive to make. And we tell you desire for change is an essential part of the equation. the other part is taking action to manifest change. Change Will Come Now, there are some that will say that the prominent nations of what you term the 1st world, the financially dominant and powerful, are more like corporations than countries. Corporations based on profits whose residents are treated more as employees than citizens. In truth it is far more complex than any one country, race or conglomerate. There are some that would say that the overall masses of humanity are controlled and manipulated by media, intoxicated by quantity and enslaved by debt. We tell you the time is nearing in which people will awaken to the knowledge that it is not their encumbering debt that ties them to their beliefs, rather their beliefs that shackle them to the burden of debt and the sense of lack. Some may say that sovereignty of the individual has been lost. Yet a light still shines, and it is growing brighter. A new generation across the planet are coming into power, and they will quicken the change. That generation is YOU ! The global economic system will change, but it will not free-fall & crash irreparably in planetary chaos. To do so in utter chaos would not serve what is to come. Rather it will be brought into change, conscious change, and positive elements will come forward to enable a better way. What has happened can have purpose, and lead to change.

Indeed change is the nature of reality, and change will come . It will come in highest good when you create it as so. The New Earth, the New Humans cannot and will not create their better future by simply discarding their past. The change will come by learning from the past and adjusting in the present, one step at a time. The new humans in the generations that are coming into power in the next 15 generations will choose a new pattern and shift will occur. Ionics as the Tool As we have noted, as you have seen in the presentations, science is recording changes that help in Mastering duality. It is the ionic radiation. Your scientist document this, via NASA, via Greg Braden, via Susan Rennison and others. What we tell you, what we assert is that the astonishing ionic influx is symbiotic with the dimensional shift, and works in synergy with the Crystalline Grid. The new ionic resonance will allow you to more easily open the pineal. It will more easily allow you to operate in the Theta resonance. And we tell you that co creation occurs not in the conscious alert state of Beta , rather in the deeper state of Theta. As a society, you have in recent times focused almost entirely on Beta Frequency consciousness, and in the new energy of the New Earth, tools are given that will absolutely allow you to more easily access Theta. The very music of the musicians in this conference is an entrainment tool for achieving theta creative states. Their work is channeled, it is inspired for this time. (Ref: Kai Mitchim & Ron Crose). The work with Phi Crystals is indeed a tool for theta coherent amplification of high vibratory thought. Keys to manifestation are in theta state. You do not as an individual, as a nation or planet need to feel helpless or powerless to make change. Dear Ones the world will say nothing has changed from December 21, 2012. That nothing is new in 2013. If you are hearing these words in hopes that the final phrases of this discussion will weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be disappointed. But we tell you while the template of expansion occurs in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries. 2012 simply gives you more tools to work with. We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, or to criticize, rather to encourage you on your path to solution. And although mankind will not reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive, because it will occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time. Coherency & Highest Good Begin, Dear Human now, in meditating and focusing on highest good. Do not doubt that all reality is created by coherent belief projection. As Graham Hancock and the channel has presented to you in this gathering, explore your consciousness, seek your sovereignty and work to be better humans, and project that energy. It is the key. You cannot end hate through hate, rather by desiring and believing in the creativity of love. Standing in Truth is part of it, looking the other way is not. You consciously change the environ by consciously desiring highest good. Energy for enhancement is in place. But we tell you while the template of expansion occurs in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries. The Ascension of the planet in 2012 simply gives you more tools to work with. We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, rather to encourage you on your path to solution. It is indeed your chosen role to resolve the conflicts in the University of Duality, in the plane of Earth. There is a way to become Spiritual Carriers of Light, without passionately engaging in conflict. It is through theta creation. And although mankind will not reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive, because it will

occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time. We urge you to project joy, to project love, and stand in truth. Stand in Light. Gather in groups, take time for solitude, and engage group mediations toward highest good. Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. In duality you will fall, the point is to learn from mistakes, and take remedial action. The cause and effect doctor, as we have said, makes house calls. Cause and effect operates both individually and in group consciousness fields. Likewise, individually and in mass, the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you encompass integrity. Can one truly seek to disarm another while adding to their own arsenal? Does this truth then apply to individuals and nations as well ? Closing: How your society manages the issues at hand can be proactively influenced by Group Focal Meditation. As the channel presented the Rand group has made confirmations of how 7,000 people in coherent theta meditation were able to project an energy that reduced violence for a period of time. Dear Ones, Can you imagine what can occur when that group is 144 thousand or 144 million ! Take a moment to contemplate this ! Do not give up, do not be discouraged, and do not think you cannot make a difference. You do ! Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true , what serves you and what does not. Base this discernment on your thought your heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping. Dear Ones, We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' messages. And so in closing, we congratulate you on this day, and this Gathering..., and indeed for the cocreation of the Planetary Ascension. You have created this, and we honor you. I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved ! ...And so it is... 2013 - Year One of the New Earth "The Magnificent Beginning"

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Friday, 9 November, 2012 (posted 2 January, 2013) 7282 views, 3 comments - login or register to comment Greetings Masters ! We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message. We will begin this message regarding 2013, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the fears some of you may yet have. We will first tell you the Ascension of the Planet will indeed occur. You have made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place. The Long Count Calendar Many of your Mayan researchers have sought to understand what the long calendar date of Dec 21, 2012 implied. They have questioned if it might have been written not by Maya, but by their 'Star-

Nation Gods'. Some were concerned it implied a cataclysmic end to the planet. Others felt it may be marking the date of the 'Return of the Star-Gods', as implied in some of the preserved Mayan texts. We will tell you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013, the Earth is in the new format that will allow for the prophesized 'Return'. But the much talked about 'Contact' will not occur in the 3d way you may think. Rather will it be humanities ability to rise lucidly, ascend consciously into higher dimensions. That is how contact will occur. It is no longer a planet in which the benevolent teachers must physically manifest into 3d in order to assist. The New Earth now carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that will enable humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multidimensionality. It will happen. And in so doing you will become aware of the fact that YOU are the ones you have been waiting for !!! All in Time It will take a few more years. But it begins in 2013. As we have told you before, the Ascension of Humanity en masse occurs in some 300 years! And indeed this will also happen, but it is absolutely the Ascension of the Earth that enables the Ascension of Humanity. All in time, all will happen in due time. Do you understand? Now accordingly, the vast majority of humanity will not see any immediate change on the Earth. They woke on December 22, 2012, and said "What was the big deal?" Even those of you on the path, see that no immediate visible change has occurred. We gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ? Your media outlooks are still reporting war, famine, disasters and predicting economic collapse. And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not? The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic? Many of the 3d-doom speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear followings around collisions of comets, asteroids, earthquakes, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse. Whether these naysayers recognize it or not, they feed on the fear they generate. Masters, there have always been , and will continue to be the naysayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and warnings of fear. What is not recognized, is that even these who seem to be rooted in negativity, serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their stance. But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet is now on the cusp of 'Year ONE of the New Earth'. Indeed humanity will follow and in rapid time, will also Ascend. You are absolutely on track for that to happen. So Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension of the Planet did occur, and humanity has made it so. Even if much of humanity does not recognize it in 3d consciousness, the Earth has indeed changed, graduated into a new paradigm. So it is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. The doom prophecy, the Global Cataclysmic disasters will NOT take place. The economy will not fall into chaos. What would that serve? It is not the path in the New Planet. We assure you that in 2013 a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy. So your roles take on a new benevolence, as your creation powers increase. So we speak in specifics of 2013 ! 2013: Year One of the New Earth 2013 is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2012. Many of you may have felt 2012 to be the apex, and that what follows is anti-climatic. Dear Ones, your work is only now beginning ! And we tell you that 2013 brings challenges and task that all of you agreed by soul contract to fulfill. 2013 is a new beginning, in every sense of the word. But it is

not a time to rest on your laurels. The New Earth contains within its sequential linear flow, points of multidimensional intersection and time-gates. It is in fact the enhanced points of manifold time that allowed the Ascension to occur. These points are the gateways many of you that are envoys from the future, Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian Navigators and Code-Carriers entered through these portals to be here on the planet for the Ascension. And in many ways, your missions are just beginning. 2013 is a period then scheduled for the code-carriers to begin stitching these points together, in a hemispheric to global modality. Of particular importance is for the Code Carriers to blend the energies of that termed the northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. Certain key apexes in the south such as Patagonia, Uluru, Easter island, and Kilimanjaro will be anchored to the New Firmament over the coming years. Those of you who have served as Code Carriers of the pre-Ascension, will be called to take on a greater role of connecting key points to the spawning of the New Firmament. The New Firmament Begins in 2013 The completion of the Crystalline Grid on the 12-12-12 will spawn the formation of the New Firmament. The New Firmament is vitally important to the Ascension of humanity and is indeed an extension of the completed grid. Certain points on your planet have the rare energetics that enable them to be connecting points. Newgrange is one of these, Easter island is another . Both are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional grid points. Both are octahedronal Portals that transcend dimensions and time. Both are being connected directly to the apexial points of the stellated double penta dodecahedron of the 144-Crystalline Grid. These are being fashioned to connect directly to the New Firmament which begins spontaneous early formation after the completion of the 12-12-12 and rebirthing (rebooting) of December 21, 2012. It is important to note that the ascending processes of the Ascension occurs on the 12-12-12. The 12-12-12 allows for the Crystalline energy to manifest into the New Earth. It allows for the new DNA oif the planet to network within the Crystalline Field, connect to the New Grid and meld with the 'Human Grid'. This all occurs at 12:12 on the 12-12-12. A rebooting then takes place, and allows for the 'birth of the New Earth' to take place on December 21, 2012. Then begins the new work. The New Firmament We have spoken to you previously about the spawning of the new Planetary Firmament. This will externalize as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequencial arches that will encircle the earth as it did eons ago. One of these is a highly refined Electro-Magnetic in resonant synergy and emits a golden hue. The other is Crystalline, and emits a bright platinum coloration. These will revolve above the 144 double-penta dodecahedron of the 144 Grid. In highly technical terms, , the firmament will perform the function of transducing supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric step-down to interface the grid, thus enabling full circuitry integration of the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified Field from Tula, the Great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the firmament will transform powerful celestial energy waves into a benevolent form that can be more easily received on the EarthPlane. So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is an enormous transformer and surge protector ! It will energetically 'polish' and further format & refine celestial energies into application in the 12 dimension of the earth. The two elliptical bands will create a frequencial field of OM. They will glow in the night skies in 2038 appearing somewhat similar to the Aurora Borealis. Now, the initial phase of anchoring the new Firmament will begin on the March Equinox of 2013. There will be an opening occurring at several key vectors including Easter Island and Patagonia ( at the key 51st latitude).

Both will receive coded downloads of consciousness units termed Akash. These activating lightenergy downloads will be received primarily through the major Phi Pyramidal octahedron energies and structures in the southern hemisphere in 2013. Many will be drawn to anchor them. Envoys of the New Earth As we have previously explained to you. There are a vast number of souls who have chosen to come to the Earth at this time, from dimensions beyond the fifth from both the future of Earth, and from the future of higher dimensional worlds with purposes that will become better understood to you in 2013. You are indeed Envoys of Crystalline Light, Ambassadors of Love. You have moved back from the future, in your terms, in linear Earth time, to assist mankind in navigating through the tumultuous times that have unfolded in the last forty years, and the times that will be presented in the next twenty six years leading to the key point of 2038. You see many of you are only truly awakened from your future into past roles in 2011 and 2012. And that was by design. The time gates of those two years were trigger points for the work you take on from 2013 to 2038. You see the New Firmament complete in your year of 2038. Is it not written in the Pyramids? Indeed your Edgar Cayce alluded to this year of 2038. It is another major benchmark in the Ascension of mankind. Some of you will not be physically present for 2038, but you will have key missions in assisting those being called for this duty. You will provide the pre assemblage in connecting anchor points and you will inspire the seekers of Crystal Children for the 2038 completion of the New Firmament. You see, many of you have experienced the Ascension of other planets and other worlds, several times; and you know the perils. You understand the mechanics. And what remains is the establishment of the new direction, the anchoring of the New Firmament. But never forget, in addition to anchoring Codes, it is essential in 2013 to assist all by shining your light, and not succumbing to the last throes of Fear , the last grasping kicks of the Old Energy. What Will Occur in 2013 What happens in 2013 is a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions. Power Dates & Activation Phases of 2012 The energies of 2013 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012. And while 2013 will be easier to manage There are certain key frequencies occurring on specific dates in 2013. The equinoxes, solstices, and eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique portal opens of the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 5 eclipses of 2013, a resurgence of energies will flood the planet. It is absolutely a natural synergy that this would and will occur at these astronomical positions. For these three events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open gateways, apertures that have always been unique events for such transfers. In 2013 they are even more multifaceted than the potent ones that have taken place since 2009. Each of the below dates in 2013 offer the following: 1) Time for deep introspection toward self discovery in the New Earth 2) Enhanced energies within power nodes, enhanced visioning and lucid dreaming. 3) A window for recharging & balancing energies 4) March Equinox: Anchoring of the Firmament within specific points on the planet These key dates of 2013 are as follows: ** March 20, 2012 - Equinox ** June 21, 2013- Solstice ** September 22, 2013- Equinox ** December 21, 2013 - Solstice

Now eclipses take on an even more unique quality, in terms of offering catalystic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. In 2013 these will be especially potent. It will be the perfect time to change course in your life, after mediating on the equinoxes and solstices toward self direction and calibration. 2013 is a new Planet, a new time, and many of you will discover a renewed purpose and take somewhat different paths, or remain on the same path with a new perspective or new group association. Many of you will discover a new purpose in 2013 or bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant. ** Lunar Eclipse Apr 25 2013 ** Solar Eclipse May 10 2013 ** Lunar Eclipse May 25 2013 ** Lunar Eclipse Oct 18 2013 ** Solar Eclipse Nov 03 2013 There will two specific phases of great importance in 2013. The first is between May 10-June 22nd, in which a great Triad opening occurs, allowing for rebalance and contemplation of new direction. This period involves a solar and lunar eclipse, leading to the June Solstice. It is also a time enhanced for travel to powernodes for Code Carriers. The second triad phase occurs between September 20 and November 4th. It is the action completion of what has taken place in the first triad. It represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new partnership, association or direction. It is a time of intense re-energizing, re-vitalizing lifer force. Closing We tell you that 2013 is a time to flow, a time to flower. It will be for many of you a year of change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is much yet to do. Use this time to find your roles. Those of you who have been sitting on the fence, considering taking more committed roles of leadership, writing your book, expressing your inner artistry...2013 is your year. The energy will support your highest good. In 2013 you take your second wind. You take on new missions. For Code Carriers it is the new role of coding and anchoring the New Firmament, and it begins in 2013. I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved. ...And so it is...and it is so. The Superstorm & Global Warming

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Sunday, 4 November, 2012 (posted 6 November, 2012) 7808 views, 2 comments - login or register to comment Greetings Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you this moment, and encircle you with Celestial Light. And so Dear Ones, we tell you that there is even greater life that circles about and above you, above the sacred Earth , and these are now flowing into your planet and available to enter your field of awareness. It is light of a subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation, it is does not hold logic, rather it is the light of wellness, and indeed carries the energy of 'home' of the angelic realm. We will say to you upon this special planet of duality, this beloved and sacred Earth, that all who open and allow this Celestial Light to enter their sphere of influence, their field of consciousness, will immediately find themselves blessed in spirit, and glowing in divine serenity. This energy is quiet, this energy is reconciling, and this energy connects your chakras with your celestial home. It is available to all who come here, and readily so. This is a place of healing and wellness. Humans on

the path as yet do not always seek to include wellness in their search for understanding, but all should, as it is complimentary to truth and all parts of your trinity being cry out for it. The Superstorm A very recent super-storm has occurred in the eastern seaboard of the United States. We understand the deep trauma and sorrow, as well as the great pain and misery that accompanies all such catastrophic incidents as indeed has occurred with the hurricanes and earthquakes over recent years. Being human at this time of shift on the Earth is extremely difficult for so many, and we ask all of you to offer your prayers to those that are experiencing agonizing loss. We of the angelic realm are with you. Although there was a tragic loss of lives and devastation to the land and structures, these catastrophes are not meant as any karma, as any punishment or in truth as anything negative. Masters, we tell you that what is taking place must transpire. It is a requisite realignment. It is the earth shifting, transiting into new energy. Dear Ones, we feel your pain at these losses, and we honour you so much for holding the energy of change throughout the hardships you are enduring. We truly do understand the sadness of duality realms. We encircle you in love through these times of transition. But understand that everything happening is by choice, and the courageous and sacred choice that humanity has made, is to Ascend. Every soul whose physical life ends in such events, makes the choice to do so in free will and in higher purpose. We will also tell you that while difficult, such events bring people together, and truly bring out the best in humanity, pulling together to help one another. Question to Metatron: We understand from the information given over the past years, that these are necessary for the Ascension. Will these decrease or stop after 2012? Metatron: The earth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of the living planet is a continual 'natural' process. The equilibrium shifting that has always occurred will continue to occur as needed, it is an ongoing process. Just as your physical human body & Auric body make necessary adjustments according to external and internal experiences and forces, so does the body of GAIA make shifts for balance. The planet ascends on the 12-12-12, and rebirths on the 12-21-12. But understand that 2013 is then the new beginning in an expanded matrix. In the next 26 years, the planet will shift away from singular heliocentric aligned patterning into Galactic patterning. So change, upshift does not stop in 2012. Planetary Change Many humans feel the phenomenon of global warming is to be feared and stopped. This is not the case. The melting of the polar ice caps and such is appropriate, it is necessary. Global warming brings about the very evolution and it will continue past 2012. The planet receives the energies of the sun, melting the ice caps, as it were, releasing that which has been encoded within the water crystals, removing old patterns. The new codes being received travel through the living waters and thus influence all the fields of energy of the earth, attaching and activating all that touches upon them as well. In this way, planetary & human evolution, consciousness and such begins to move more quickly forward. So while the work needed to allow for the shift of 2012 ends in 2012, the expansion occurs well beyond .The work designed to format the New Earth, and indeed humanity over the next 300 years, begins in 2013. The next stage is the formation & formatting of the New Firmament, finalizing in 2038. 2013 is a new beginning, not an end. And in the new beginning, planetary changes and shifts (and planetary warming) will indeed continue. The Warming The super-storms, the hurricanes and super tornadoes occurring in the past decade are much larger, and more potent than any recorded in recent recorded history. The scale & scope of the recent Hurricane Sandy covered a diameter of over 1000 miles. The increase in size and potency is indeed directly related to warmer temperatures of the waters and lands of the earth. The melting ice-caps

are adding to the sea levels and this will continue. The glaciers and ice caps at your polar regions, served to reflect the sun light, and reduce heat adsorption into the planet. As this declines, temperatures increase. Yet this is not the primary reason for the warming... although your academics will naturally attribute causes of global warming to fit within their scope of understanding. Humanity are aware of the ongoing planetary shifts. Dynamic changes are taking place on a regular basis, and have been 'quickening' for over two decades. Yet few truly are at peace with it. We wish to re-emphasize a key understanding: and so we tell you again that these metastasis are not only appropriate, but are the necessary mechanisms that enable the Earth, and mankind to release the' old energy' and shift upward into the new. These hurricanes & earthquakes are designed to clear and up shift the vibrations of the planet as are the other dynamic -earth occurrences that so often are misunderstood. So we ask you to recognize that the ongoing increased activity of earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, and super hurricanes are not to be feared or stopped. This is not the case. These events indeed are quite necessary for the evolution. The evolution you call Planetary Ascension simply cannot manifest in the 'old ' frequencies. And we do understand that releasing the 'fear' is not an easy thing to do, for it is a natural reaction ingrained in your survival instincts. The clearances from the hurricanes & earthquakes and such directly influence, powerfully effect the conscious fields of energy of the living earth. These events release trapped energy held within all power-nodes of the planet, recoding and realigning all that touches upon the earth as well. In this way a new consciousness, a New Earth begins to move forward. Yet the fear still persists, and that is natural and indeed understandable. Even those of you in so called 'safe-areas' that are not directly affected are subconsciously quite aware of the previous global cataclysms that inundated Atlantis, LeMuria and beyond. Four times, Dear Ones, has mankind's existence on the planet been all but removed. So we understand why you fear that the quakes, planetary warming, the volcanic eruptions, the storms, and the potential of magnetic shifts will create yet another 'rebooting', a global cataclysm that eradicates life as you know it. The rebooting will occur, indeed, but we tell you that for now it will be a more gradual shift, depending somewhat on the mass reaction of humanity. Despite the dramatic histrionics of your news media and cinematographers, 2012 will not be a Global Destruction. Prior to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, it indeed would have been. But you changed that. Kryon, the Magnetic Master has told you 2 decades ago, of the change brought about by the Harmonic Convergence, of how humanity met required quotient of the 'LightMeasurement' and thus scripted the Ascension to take place. So we tell you, that the fears of an axial tilt, cataclysmic meteor impact and magnetic pole shift that been dramatically projected in media and movies will not occur. Such fear can be requited. The planetary axis will not tilt in the feared devastating degree, no destructive meteor will crash into the earth, and the magnetic poles will not shift in 2012. So we say again that it is in fact humanities 'Light Quotient Measurement' and choice that has determined that there will NOT be a great global cataclysm, a massive destruction on a worldwide arena. Rather the cleansing will be on smaller localized settings, and humanity will indeed now move forward and graduate to the next level. Make no mistake, Dear Ones, the changes to allow the clearing will and must continue and if the masses were to be duly educated and open to the stance and vision of higher good, such appropriate changes could be made much more easily, and sooner rather than later. Saving the Planet Many are those who wish to 'save the planet' in your terms. So what is the nature of mans relationship to the living planet? It would be best if the relationships were to be synchronistic and be aware that a truly harmonic dialogue can take place now between the earth and humankind. Those

of you who have spent lifetimes as the Earth-Keepers, the indigenous, the Druid, the Atla-Ra are to take the lead in such communication. Indeed many of you such as the channel are here now specifically to hold the energy of these dialogues, and they are occurring. Now, the difficulty with many others who are well intended, is that they are not intuned, not of a high enough light quotient to accept the true paradigm of the nature of reality. And so these, while they wish to assist, truly know not how. They believe that to prevent the change or to move it elsewhere is appropriate; better there than here, you see? Not all that wish to assist truly understand the greater good, the higher purpose of those events you term super hurricanes, volcanics, earthquakes and tsunamis. So most simply react in fear to these events, and wish to be free of the anxiety. But to dissolve fear is not the same as understanding the fear and therefore the masses of humankind transmute and actually recreate it. To dissolve or to dissipate events of change is not necessarily of benefit, not to the earth and not to humanity. The difficulty with those that wish to assist is that they believe they are more academic in their understanding and know better. Yet they omit the divine, they omit the integrity of that termed spirit. They do not understand or see the perfection in what takes place because there is great difficulty for those of closed minds or narrow vision to comprehend that all is in perfection, that all is in good order. So then they do not add grease to the squeaky wheel, rather, they try to block the cogs which then become still and stuck. And so turning with the wheels of transition becomes that much more difficult, you see? Fear & ignorance is the great culprit of closed minds. The Perfect Storm Now one of the very important frequency upshift mechanisms taking place on your planet are the super hurricanes. These are greatly misunderstood, and greatly feared. Again the fear. These are truly intended to charge the oceans with magnificent energies. They are not intended to be drawn to the lands. Hurricanes require water, and dissolve on land. But it is as if, the entire world becomes focused on where it will land, what destruction it will cause, and the experts predict where it will come to shore. And so with such global focus, indeed the hurricane is pulled into shore as expected by the humans who watch in fascination and fear. The true purpose of these storms is to increase the energy of the waters and to allow it to electrically expand. If these remain at sea, then the electrical energy is simply conducted as gentle current waves to very great proportion of the planet. As such it is conducted to the land and peoples, not by wind and waves, but by its energy current so that it may reach that many more beings. There is a perfection to it, you see? There is what is called the perfect storm in some ways, but the perfect storm is that which is the perfect blend of electromagnetic currents. As these 'storms' then move through the fields of humanity, they are of benefit, for the frequential ascension of the planet and as such to the entirety of mankind. Question to Metatron: There have been some very powerful hurricanes that occurred over the past several years. Is it accurate to say that when energy amasses in such an organized fashion that it has a consciousness? Metatron: You will note that the super hurricanes have a geometric aspect, and indeed have a Fibonacci sequencial pattern. So we will say these 'organized' elemental energy consolidations have an awareness, yes, but to call it a consciousness is not appropriate. There is an awareness that comes together. Do you see the difference? An awareness is that which is a unit that works for a common purpose. A school of fish has an awareness, as a unit working in harmony toward a common goal, a

common purpose, a single unit made of many individual components. This is not the same as a consciousness, a succinct energy that expands and becomes a mind, a very capable mind that truly wishes to become more, and is imbued with that termed Divine Mind. That is consciousness, you see? Question to Metatron : There were and are literally millions of people, praying to soften the impact of the hurricanes that have occurred over the recent past, and the one that just occurred now, and I do believe that this can have an impact. Is that correct? Metatron: Yes, energy of thought does indeed effect everything. But in essence, that which can be prayed as well, must be toward highest good, and that is to allow the benevolent electromagnetic shift that are the true purpose of the hurricanes, but to have them remain at sea. To have them dissipate and decrease before reaching land. But the misunderstanding is that these storms can be eliminated. Indeed these must occur, they are requisite to the Earth shift. On the higher level, all of you know this, yet in duality it is understandably very difficult to grasp. And so the reaction of the masses is to pray in FEAR. As we have said, what amplifies and draws hurricanes to specific locales is in part, mans fear, mans emotionally negative focus on them. A group consciousness , an enormous group mass field of FEARFUL EXCITEMENT is amassed that in fact draws them onto the land as well. As you say, there are millions praying, but what most are projecting is fear. "We do not want this, we do not wish this, send it away !" But we say again, the major emotion behind their reaction is fear and that fear magnetizes the event, and fear attracts that which is feared. It is the Law of Attraction, with emphasis on the word 'Law'. Media Focus The entire hurricane occurrence becomes a media event, and the masses , particularly along the coastal regions become glued to the television screen and radios. The meteorologist draw direction models and make predictions of where landfall will occur, and the targeted area become magnetized. As such, mass consciousness energy, of human emotional interference can become so enormous that it interfaces and affects somewhat the events natural course. Again the warnings from the meteorologists are beneficial, and prudence would dictate heeding the advice to 'move to inland higher ground', but many humans disregard the evacuation calls. Now of course the use of your technologies to give advance warning to people of coming storms is in itself quite useful, quite benevolent, but it is the aggrandizement by some media that to some extinct refashions the occurrence into an opportunity for sensationalism to capture viewer attention, and that is done in a manner that exacerbates fear and drama. Do you understand the difference. It is not to say that human emotion creates the event, but rather that the amassed fear, when accumulated to a certain quantitative inertia can and will magnetize and attract the energy of the hurricane to varying degrees. If this massive emotional energy were not fear based, it could in fact have the effect of having the hurricane remain at sea, or to landfall in a much less potent energy. So were the mass reactions attuned to prayers of greatest good and harmlessness, without panic and fear, the effect would have a very beneficial influence on the 'natural occurrence'. It could prevent the emotionally charged amplification , rather than expand it, you see. Question to Metatron: What is the higher purpose of the hurricanes? Metatron: As we have said, the purpose is to enlarge the harmonic energies and to expand the frequential increase and resonance over the water covered areas of the planet, which in fact represent two thirds of the earth's surface. Tornadoes fill that purpose over land. Cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes all have the vortexial spinning and that specific pattern both cleans and steps up energy not just on the surface seas and lands, but feeds it deep into the planet in the spinning vortexial format. The velocities and size carry specific ratios and are dispersed into

areas far wider than just the areas that it traverses. They feed into leylines and axialtonal energies to a very great proportion in order that the upshift may reach many more areas & beings. There is a perfection to it, you see? So what is happening form the greater stance, from the higher perspective is in perfect order. This is then the perfect storm in the aspect of that which is the perfect blend of electromagnetic currents. The imperfection that is attributed to it , is truly from the stance of duality, from misunderstanding, from fear. The Core of Global Warming It is an absolute fact that the increased potency of your hurricanes is due to the warming of the waters. And as much as you humans want to assume the responsibility of Global Warming, it is not due primarily to your industrialization. Global warming would occur now even if you were a campestral society. But do not misunderstand, environmental pollution from industrial waste and emissions, must be brought under control for the health of humanity and the living kingdoms of your planet. But the primary cause of global warming is the increase in spin of the inner molten core of the earth. The accelerated core spin, increases the mass & temperature of the molten iron-nickel of the core. The heat generated warms the mantle. The higher spin affects the torque ratio between the inner and outer core in the planets centre interior. These rotate in opposite directions and different speeds. It is the very mechanism of this torque & ratio of torque change that is increasing the flash of your time sequence on your planet. It also increases mass of the inner core that subsequently increases the ionic discharge you term the Schumann Resonance. These changes are profound in effect, and are involved in the evolution of your planet and planetary matrix. The adjustments are ongoing and require 'fine-tuning'. At present the 'tuning' is not complete, and so there is currently an imbalance within the center of the planet, within the very core, as to how the core spins both clockwise and counterclockwise and so then there must be a balancing upon the earth as well. Otherwise, without such balance the earth cannot truly move into its higher octaves in requisite preparation for receival of higher dimensions. So in truth and in irony, the paradox and greater reality unknown to masses of mankind is that without such balancing of the electromagnetics, there would be even more earth changes. There would be first an earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado to balance, you see? Then another earthquake, then the hurricane and tornado creating a pattern of its own, which would not be of assistance. In this way, then, there is an anticipatory energy of how electromagnetics move about the planet, circulating about the grid system and then permeating the earth and then balancing within as well. It is not done necessarily to prevent earth changes, but to bring balance where balance is appropriate. The imbalance, left unadjusted, we assure you, would lead to cataclysm on the macro scale. Better then that the micro events occur to bring the balance and in so doing prevent the macro you see. CME's & Celestial Influences In kind, there have been coronal mass ejections, solar storms creating what is called solar winds that have been greater and greater and greater in intensity ,some of the largest ever recorded. So you ask what is the role of the solar winds, or the coronal mass ejections on the ascension of the planet? We tell you these are changing the vibration that affects the earth. They change the frequencies at which humanity's minds operate. They provide the interface to higher dimensional access. How does this work? The energy that comes from the coronal mass ejections is being absorbed into the tectonic plates of the earth and increasing the vibratory resonance of the earth through that

method. These work particularly with certain power points and sacred sites. Particularly those of geometric crystalline overlay. . These then move through the entire node systems of the earth. If such coronal mass ejections create such a vibration, then the entire electromagnetic flow of the earth is affected. The tides are affected, the tectonic plates, the mind of humanity is affected, how humanity creates the reality in which it lives, the illusion it believes, how it feels toward its own life, how there is a community of beings or individual beings. All of this is affected by that which comes from the sun, that which comes from the solar wind. Celestial Influences Indeed, there are myriad other celestial energy sources that are having a great effect upon the ascension, beyond coronal mass ejections. It is best to say that the sun coordinates all the others as well. When there are other rays of influence, even these are absorbed, coordinated and reflected by the sun. Now the other celestial bodies, other planets also effect and influence your planet. This has long been known, but greatly misunderstood, greatly discounted. The channel asks how, exactly, do the gravitational influences from other celestial bodies affect the earth? We tell you they move outward in rings of intention that are then carried by celestial intent, as it were, toward the earth. Some of these are magnetic, some electromagnetic, others of a more subtle matter, that of zero field energy. Now the greatest mechanism of these energetic and frequential distributes are what you term powerpoints. Particularly, as mentioned, those of geometric overlay are among the greatest of these. It is the crystallization, the sacred geometric matrix that receives, refines and distributes these harmonics. This planetary node system of sacred sites, grid points and powerpoints are is greatly involved in the ascension process. Both for the planet and for mankind, you see.. The storms the hurricanes offer further clearing, and soften and brighten these energies. Not as a retribution, rather as a recalibration, rather as a softening of the pendulum of duality. Indeed many of the industrial cities in the Americas are being so effected. You see as those termed the Indigos and Crystal children come into power, this area will serve as a beacon in the New Energy. The Earth is an omnipotent presence. The Earth cannot be destroyed. Whether you accept it or not, nothing is taken from the Earth that the Earth does not allow. Man cannot destroy the earth, only his ability to live on her. The Earth was just as conscious as a burning sphere of lava, as she is now. The changes that are coming are agreed to by Gaia, indeed to a great degree orchestrated by the sentience of earth, sun and that you term Creator God. Know that all is in perfect order. It







I am Metatron, and You are Beloved. Resolving Negativity: The Nuances of Mass & Individual Relations

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 7479 views, 1 comment - login or register to comment Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love !

And so it is a powerful time, and there is much movement on the planet in this month of the September Equinox within 2012. We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going. The profound aperture provided by the planetary and stellar conjunctions paired within the period of the Equinox began 5 days before the actual Equinox and will extend for 5 days, through September 27th. The energy of this Equinox is a time for each person to individually review relationships, purpose and their 'mental' contents. This is to be considered on an individual level, and also applied to the mass consciousness, the group events occurring on your planet. It has been an amazing month, has it not? The Tie That Binds Many of you may not be fully aware of the expansive reach of your relationships in mass. Each of you has ties to group events and group energies that play key roles in your choices of reincarnation. You have such powerful ties to groupings that entire Nations and Epochs reincarnate together. This is quite logical. For it is the relationships you have with others that present both your greatest challenges and springboards of growth. Therefore there is a natural magnetism to the people you have spent time with in other lifetimes, in other eras. This 'connective interactive force' allows you work out differences, resolve problems and to continue the unified progress in achieving the harmonic goals each of you are born to accomplish both individually and in mass. Six Degrees of Separation It has been said that there are only six degrees separation between every soul incarnate on the planet at any given time. In other words, each of you knows someone, that knows another and so on, such that taken to six threads of networking encompasses connections to everyone on the planet. The point being, you are all connected far more intricately than you may realize. All living humans are unified, even in the group-creation of your Earthly experience. Dear Ones, each human, each and every one of you on the planet, co-creates the mass experience of the Earth. Every thought you have absolutely influences the manifest physical reality of civilization as it exists in your particular time frame. Your individual thoughts combine and blend with the projected thoughts and beliefs of all others on the planet to form a massive group thought form that manifests into the reality you experience. So all of you have a stake in world event manifestation! Opposition & Attraction Warring groups in fact reincarnate in mass in order to try again to resolve their differences. The emotional energy involved in such massive conflicts is enormous, and is repeated until resolution and harmony is found. We will tell you that your current conflicts in the Middle East are a reoccurrence of the Crusades, and your World War II a continuance of the Atlantean conflict between the Aryan and Poseidon groups. In duality opposites occur, and you will end war only when you realize the destruction of hatred. You will end war only when you focus on peace and consciously choose it. You will not end war by hating war, rather by loving peace, loving harmony. In time you will choose peace. And in the now, you can be a proactive part of achieving it. This does not mean surrendering highest principles, but rather to focus on peaceful means. Group Dynamics In the realm of duality, group event dynamics are chosen for lesson by each soul group. But this does not occur in the traditional sense of what you terms 'karma'. Rather it is ' balancing' which is the driving force of 'karma'. Karma is, not repayment of a 'debt'. This is so very important to understand. Accordingly this requisite balance can be obtained by achieving a deep mental understanding of what error has taken place. The 'karmic' balance can take place simply by learning, and therefore does not necessarily require an experiential lesson physically manifested into 3d.

We say again, that each of you contribute in some way to what happens on the planet. You provide the 'thought energy' from vast mental projections through which all physical events are formed. Your energy creates the realities of the earth. But group creation does not exempt you from individual responsibility. For although you are a co-contributor as part of humanity to world events, and are absolutely drawn into the mass reality created, you remain spiritually responsible on the individual basis. Master, never forget that your individual thoughts, feelings, and expectations are the living brush strokes with which you paint your portion of life's landscape. So we tell you that when you do your best in your own life, then you are indeed helping to improve the quality of all life. Your thoughts are as real as any physical object you can see and touch....and they do make a difference. Ascension, enlightenment occurs one heart at a time, even if the mass creation of physical reality seems to be caught in lower frequency. And we fully understand that acting in individual sovereignty is a responsible action that requires both courage and strength. Strength as an Aspect of Love Remember, developing strength is part of creatorship. As we have told you: When the love of power is replaced by the power of love, mankind will make a quantum leap. But understand love without strength is incomplete. Consider this complexity carefully. It is perhaps a seeming paradox, but in its wise and careful contemplation is offered a great Truth. Negativity: Energy of Destruction versus Energy of Creation Love is the ultimate creative force, hate/fear are the ultimate destructive degenerative forces. In terms of the Auric field, hate and fear are the primary disruptive forces that create Auric imbalance. Dear Ones, it is absolutely true that there is no human who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical, and there is no human who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical. You are conscious creatures, and what you focus on is energetically attracted to you. Therefore it is essential as you advance in wisdom to become the monitors & responsible guardians of your thoughts. You must be constantly aware of the contents of your conscious mind. The self awareness of recognizing the nature of your 'mental contents' is an essential aspect of becoming a fully conscious Spiritual Being. And indeed, the full content of your mental thoughts and beliefs are quite accessible to everyone. It is all available. Your beliefs are not buried unless you believe that they are. The thoughts and feelings and emotions that guide you day to day are not locked away in a remote recess of your mind. Indeed they are readily reviewable if you are willing simply to look. It is all available and it is there for you to see and consider. Consideration should lead to recalibration, by reviewing what is constructive in your life, and what is destructive. Dear Ones take time to carefully contemplate your thoughts, beliefs and actions. It is not a difficult process. Negative beliefs are really not hidden from you or so remotely locked away in the sub-conscious that they cannot be discovered. Your obstructions are not so deeply buried in your childhood or in any other lifetime that you cannot find them. You are not bound into compromising scenarios by past experiences that seem to tie you into untoward behavior. Relationships as a Mirror & Catalyst The intricacies and variations of your interactions and bonds with others are very complex. Relationships will come and go in your sojourns. Often the drama of a relationship ending is the springboard of a vast renewal although it may not feel so at the time of the emotional hurt and seeming trauma. Yet this is in truth a scope and lens into the self. In a true sense hate is the other side of love, the opposite end of the same spectrum in terms of the emotional aspect.

There are so many lessons that are afforded when duality relationships end. In relationships that are ended by one and pursued by the other, there is often a sense of betrayal that results in an emotionally charged chasing of rejection that initially occurs. This then may convert to anger of seeming rejection and can spiral downward into attack and hatred. In time you will learn that all negative energy emitted comes back to the source of the projection. It is not a case of who was right and who was wrong, rather of what energy was projected. As long as you carry hurt, anger and hatred, these energies will shatter your auric field, taint your world and poison your emotional stability. As long as you focus or dwell on hurt, anger and hate, you will absolutely draw to you more of the same. Period, no exceptions... It is simply the Law of Attraction. Yet some of you become immersed in such destructive negativity for years and even lifetimes, before you learn that it is the energy of destructive emotion (hate, fear, anger & hurt) , that is the culprit. The hurt that is often felt when relationships end, will in fact, in the higher aspect lead you to the Truth of your own sovereignty. Relationship Purpose Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. The completion of a relationship equally offers growth. Even if it ends harshly, as many do, there is a flurry of emotion that can lead to understanding through the very detachment that one of the partners perhaps did not consciously desire. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership. A relationship of two sovereign non-dependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand? One way relationships, pairings on any level, in which one seeks the pairing more than the other, or one seeks to control the other, can never last. It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it. Sovereignty as a Path to Mastery Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization; through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibration juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion. Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment. One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are. Relationship Set Ups & Opposition There are certain specific set ups that may be chosen in duality, in which souls are in apparent opposition for a greater purpose. It may occur for example, that advanced souls are in a state of 'purposed competition' in order to drive or motivate one another toward goal achievement. Certain of your well known scientist have incarnated in pairs in which the opposing edge between them drove one another to greater effort, and allowed for the goals to be achieved through this method.

There are also cases in which political leaders have taken opposing/conflicting positions in order to drive a common goal. An example of this is Dr Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, who advocated polar opposite means & vastly contrasting ethical positions to promote and achieve the civil rights of minorities. One advocated non-violence, the other violent aggressive actions. Yet the two had a common goal. In truth the one who advocated aggressive actions, actually brought the masses to the methodology of the one who taught non-violence by displaying the two choices. Rose Colored Glasses There are cases in which Spiritual leaders are in opposition. Particularly when one may delve into ego and power seeking or erroneous dogma. Such opposition in higher aspect creates reconsideration on both sides. There are many who profess spiritual leadership merely to gain followings. Free will and discernment must be with the individual. You need no guru other than self. The idea that Spiritual seekers must wear rose colored glasses is not necessarily the best path in certain situations. No one is served when injustice is tolerated. Some religious texts include fear-based distortions and false actions that can lead to great conflict & destruction. The texts themselves teach people that total 'blind' acceptance of even flawed doctrine and dogma is required as a tenet of faith. Many of your religious texts includes fear based condemnations. The' my way or be damned' approach of some major religions is old energy that can lead to violent zealotry and fanaticism... this will not stand in the Ascension. Understanding these nuances is one of your greatest challenges. Learning how to deal with violence has been an unresolved issue in the Group Consciousness of many civilizations, and is yet unresolved in your era. Discernment & Individual Free Will Dear Ones, you are not and should not be bound by false beliefs. You are now, and always free conscious beings. Each of you must decide what is true, what is highest good. And responsible discernment is requisite. Masters, each of you were born with a powerful awareness, recognition of your own Divinity and wholesome goodness. Each of you that you have an innate inner recognition of your integrity and knowledge of your true and righteous place in the Cosmos. This cannot be taken from you, unless you allow it to be. You were born with a desire to fulfill your purpose in each lifetime, to achieve your goals and maximize your talents and abilities. These are tenets and principles of what may be termed 'Inherent Law'. You are all born compassionate and loving. Love is absolutely your true nature as a Spiritual Being. You are here to unravel the mysteries of life, to find purpose and meaning, to encompass that termed 'Love'. Inherent Law These are attributes of your integral sovereignty and equally belong to 'Inherent Law'. Every soul that chooses physical life enters the Earthplane with an absolute knowing that every human possesses a beautifully unique, intimate sense of being that is succinctly itself. And that it is appropriate to discover fulfillment on both an individual basis (first) and in so doing contribute by example to the fulfillment of the group. You are born seeking the actualization of the ideal of love, in its great and wonderful complexities. We encourage each of you to add value to the quality of your life, to add your own talents, experiences and abilities to enrich life in a path and method that only you can individually contribute to the Cosmos. In so doing you will attain a state of being that is uniquely yours, while adding immensely to the value and fulfillment of the world itself. We understand the difficulties you face in achieving your goals, in Mastering the University of Earth. But do know there is indeed great purpose in all that you do here. Never forget it is a purposed dream that you are dreaming. The lessons received in Mastering 'University Earth Duality'

will serve you for existence in a variety of other realms, of myriad interrelated systems of reality. And reality is the key phrase, for it is a dream, but a very real one. And we know it is not easy; but nothing of value is easily achieved on the path of learning. So you must realize that if the pains, hardships and agonies within your 'University of Earth' were not truly experienced as real, the lesson would not be learned, the growth could not occur. And we tell you the joys and sublime passions experienced here are also very real. Purposed Illusions Masters in your 'hidden' realities, in the vast validity of your multidimensional selves, humanity in plurality, dreams the same dream at once, and you create in unison all you see around you. The 'purposed illusion' is a meaningful drama. It is from higher aspect an educational creation, a movie set if you will, in which you are producing, directing and acting on different levels of consciousness. You in higher self are the producer and director, In 3d physicality you are the actor, taking silent intuitive direction from the higher self. You are acting so completely on the 'set' of linear time and space that you do not know it is a drama. But understand, Dear Ones, that the drama and the intricate process of its enactment truly have great and profound meaning. The actions within each scene, each lifetime, are vitally significant. The whole self is the observer and the physical incarnation is the totally focused actor in the roles. Each role has a meaning and offers a lesson. The lesson is that of creatorship, of creating joy and harmony and gaining true wisdom in the process. Closing In this way, through your sojourns you will learn how to be joyful conscious beings. And when this major step is achieved ( and each of you will in time get there) you will not be afraid of the inner self, and you will freely experience life on the Omni Earth in all its frequencies with a knowingness of your secure and brilliant nature. You will know through experience that positive desire for creativity and love over destruction and hatred is a quantum leap. When this is learned, the cycle is near completion and New Worlds await you in Mastery. In your sojourns you are learning that positive energy, love, is exponentially more potent than that of hate and negativity. We tell you that 10% of humanity brought about the Ascension of your planet. Consider the effects of choosing love! Consider what the world will be when all of you are projecting Love. It will occur, and there will be no degrees of separation! I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved....and we honor you, each of you. And so it is... Final energy update from Lauren Gorgo: 2012 - Think With Your Heart!

a message from Lauren C. Gorgo Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 11250 views, 35 comments - login or register to comment “We would first like to offer you a sincere welcome and congratulations! We are your friends from home, but closer than ever in thought vibration and we welcome you to the arrival of your destination point, 2012. There are so many profound & delightful changes before you.” -Pleiadian High Council LOVE takes the LEAD So we finally made it to the promised land! Of course, we don’t really have a solid idea of what that means yet…mostly because we will have to create it…but the point is that together, we made it to what will prove to be the most pivotal year in human history. For those of you who have been consciously working to LOVE yourselves back together, specifically & intensively since 1999…

when the wheels started to come off…you are the new world teachers, guides, way-showers & bridgers. For this group, 2012 promises to be amazing in one extra-ordinary way: LOVE is f-i-n-a-ll-y in first place and here to support you to the fullest. The ability & freedom to LEAD with LOVE is the ultimate…the be-all, end-all and what we have worked so tirelessly for. To finally get out of our heads and fully into our hearts is what we all signed up for, sacrificed for, lived on our couches faced every inner-demon for. LOVE was always the goal. Each breath of truth we willingly drew was to fan the divine (God)spark, to ignite the sacred three-fold flame within our heart space so that all our choices/intentions come from LOVE and not fear. This is the freedom we earned, and the light we now inhabit will effectively illuminate every dark corner of the world. Head to HEART “We are coming forth on the ray of LOVE, a ray that you will become very familiar with this year, and we would like to extend a loving embrace to all those at the helm of new humanity.” -PHC Leading with LOVE will change so much about our lives this year that by the end of 2012, our past may be unrecognizable. We are stepping into the universal flow, and many are already experiencing the rapidity by which synchronicity/attraction is now happening…and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The quickening that is resulting from our liberation from linear time means that the “time” lapse between thinking and feeling no longer or barely exists…which also means the time lapse between what we feel and what we attract is instantaneous. This is both liberating and startling, depending on the amount of clearing work we have done, but one thing is certain….this year we will know, without a shadow of a doubt, where LOVE is still needed in our lives. The main message of the PHC for 2012 is that we can no longer rely on our mental processing alone to sustain us. There is a new (LOVE) dynamic now in place that everyone…whether consciously or not…will have to abide by. “To those contributing to the collective growth and evolution of the planet, we say this…your time has come. There is a new energetic in place and one that is only supported by love-based intentions. Those at the forefront, those who have been diligent and steadfast in embodying LOVE, are now in position to reclaim stewardship of the planet. No longer will the forces of evil be upheld for the new constitution of earth is LOVE.” -PHC This is why it is now imperative to Think With Your Heart, because only our hearts contain the intelligence to operate optimally here…with the speed, accuracy & frequency required to function in 5D, in the new earth. Our mental facilities are now fully governed by the intelligence of the heart which means we will be capable of way less if we try to use our thinking minds alone, without the inspiration of our heart’s desire. Every action, everything we think & do must come from LOVE (& not fear) to be fully supported by the energies here. Thinking with our brains is like shooting blanks now, whereby thinking with our hearts will be like shooting stars. When we harmonize into the flow of life from what feels right, from what is calling us, from what is or wants to be, then we will be supported by the cosmos to accomplish a myriad of tasks effortlessly, with brilliance, and in a very short period of “time”. Likewise, when we resist the flow and try to impose our own will against the will of the with a “deadline” for example… we will thwart the magic and create unnecessary suffering. This dynamic is why so much around us will come crashing down this year, because the majority of the world is run from the HEAD brain… independently of, devoid of: LOVE, spirit, Oneness. But for those who truly think with their hearts and allow their feelings to animate the imagination and fuel every choice, miracles can be accomplished. This is what 2012 will prove to us. Abundance Abounds

“Anyone who embodies love, who proposes love-based solutions for the planet and all those beings upon her, will meet great success…success in terms of fulfillment, of freedom, of joy, of abundance and abounding radiant blessings.” -PHC This is the year when all the proposed solutions to bringing our planetary systems to the next level will be met with great cosmic support, and all those who have sustained the visions of the future and held the pristine memories of home will be given the divine flow of perpetual grace to physicalize those visions of LOVE. This year we begin to live our purpose (out loud) and finally make manifest the creations we have envisaged for what seems like forever. “We say this not to suggest that those who are reading this will not have the support of the universe without these visions, just that those structures that need to be implemented will meet the forces of manifestation with great rapidity due to overwhelming collective desire.” -PHC We are coming together in sacred unions and group resonances that will aid us in fulfilling our higher passions, purpose and potential and together, we will unite as a soul collective to uphold and fortify our visions to create, build and maintain the structures of new earth for phase II of ascension…one that will likely take many years to complete. We will continue to exist between worlds (3D & 5D) for a while, using the 4th dimension as the bridge between the two, so the Pleiadians suggest a need to be more discerning with our energy & opportunities in order to maintain a sense of equilibrium during a potentially stressful time on the planet, especially for those (4D) bridgers working with more of the masses and those people yet to choose LOVE. (A special note to healers: The PHC mention that those who do healing work will need to be extra vigilant in maintaining boundaries now…“For those of you with active roles of service in healing, we say this: stand your ground with regard to who you lend your energy to. There will be increasing forces of ill-will trying to penetrate the earth plane and healers will be an easy target due to their giving nature. Discernment and awareness will serve you well.”) 12 & 13 The Pleiadians share that there is great vibrational significance of the numbers 12 & 13 that will be very prevalent this year…they mention the completion of our 12 year initiation/discipleship (think: 12 apostles, 12 sons of Jacob, 12 Tribes, etc.) which actively began in 1999 (the beginning of the Galactic 8th wave according the Mayans). We are now in our 13th year of transformation (Mayan cycles move in 13 year rotations) the resonance of which ends/begins a whole cycle of human experience. We have also activated our 12 strand DNA/12th-dimensional blueprint bodies, which is what marks the true beginning of Christed-consciousness on the planet. Another interesting tidbit that I recently garnered from the PHC is that those who have completed the reconnection of their 12th dimensional blueprint are undergoing the activation of the 13th strand of DNA this year, which they refer to as “the strand of LOVE” (I talk more about this in an upcoming program that I am soon to publish online). Apparently, our 12th dimensional blueprint bodies were activated on the recent 12:12 stargate and the 13th strand…which I interpret as an overlay of our 12…was activated on the solstice and will continue to ripple thru us in waves until the December solstice of 2012 . The PHC say that the solstice point is what triggered the activation and transition from discipleship to mastership for those at the forefront. Fascinatingly, the unseens also throw in that Jesus the “Christ”(consciousness) was the 13th apostle…and of course there is also that newly revealed 13th zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, (which I definitely pronounce esophagus) floating around in space. And remember what Britt Martin from shared regarding the new Cosmic Astrology® in the 10/6/11 energy update? “the way we see it in Cosmic Astrology® is the person is the center of the chart and each sign of the zodiac is an aspect of consciousness within our own energy field – the zodiac is literally within us projected out like a hologram. We are the 13th element. Think of a body standing in the center of a

birth chart or the cosmic clock (in Cosmic Astrology) and the house cusps are like wheel spokes connecting us to the signs.” This is getting fun. 555 The PHC are also showing me that in addition to the underlying 12 & 13 energies this year, much of our focus will be on the triple 5s: -2012 is (in numerology) a 5 year (2+0+1+2 = 5) -2012 is the year we engage the energies of the 5th Dimension -2012 is the year we fully open/activate/master the 5th (throat) chakra FIVE is a big number…its all about transformation, freedom, change, honest expression, communication. As a life path 5, I am pretty familiar with this energy and so I know one thing for sure…this will NOT be a boring year…we are in for quite an expansive, and even unexpected, lineup of events. In 5D, the combined & purified energy of the heart and throat speaks to our ability to express our truth with the Voice of LOVE, so this will be an important year to live authentically, with integrity, and while nurturing an new and unprecedented ability to express ourselves. Those of pure heart resonance will undoubtedly be called forth to speak their truth to the outside world…in fact, people all over the world will likely feel compelled to take actions that support the soul’s voice this year, seemingly unable to hold back or remain “silenced” any longer. When our voice is in total alignment with our authentic core truth, we can engage in the 5th dimensional energies and successfully leave behind the dense, heavy, gravity of 3D, duality & causal creation. This year “new-age” teachings will become more widely accepted by mainstream thinkers, so those who are involved in communications will be called to service in new and/or bigger ways. There are many who are poised at this venture to take on more public roles and together, those in fields of conscious communication: writing/speaking/media/music/art/publishing, etc. will collectively become the “voice” of new humanity. For this group, the rewards will be vast for your well-intended efforts but the PHC say that the challenge will be to continually rise with the benevolent forces of the cosmos to circumvent any reactions of public fear. Apparently, this will be a kind of monumental undertaking, but one that they say will seem effortless under the command of LOVE. “Those who are on the front line of service to humanity by way of speaking/writing or any form of communication, your time to infiltrate more of the masses is now. As you make your way into more sects of society, you will notice an increase in demand for your gifts, talents and services as people become more open and willing to accept new thoughts & ideologies. We suggest that you fortify your every communication with the resonance of universal LOVE to eliminate undue fear, and the far reaches of your work will create a ripple of transcendence that will affect all of earth & humanity in a positive, uplifting way.” – PHC (NOTE: On a physical level, all this 5 energy is likely going to mean some 5th chakra clearings (throat/ears/thyroid/etc.) so any extra nurturing here will go a long way in supporting the physical expression of any remaining emotional repression.) The Precipice From now until the new moon on January 23d we are in kind of a holding pattern. We are being given some time to wrap up unfinished 2011 business, prepare for our new reality, collect our thoughts and ponder (choose) what this year will mean for us individually…because undoubtedly it will be different for everyone. We are teetering on the edge of the summit…we can feel the initiation phase drawing to a close and we know that the upward climb of our apprenticeship has brought us to unprecedented heights where we are able to see so much more than ever before.

The voices of the past may still try to seductively lure us into an emotional tailspin, but for the most part, these are just tests to show us how far we’ve come in that the fear based-realities have all but lost their appeal to the ego. We are more in control of our thoughts than ever and this will definitely serve us well this year. In many ways, we are like the proverbial (Tarot) Fool again, standing on the precipice of the unknown, feeling the excitement of a new journey, but this time with all the wisdom gleaned from facing our fears on the long, lone journey thru our shadow and back. For a few more precious moments, we have the opportunity to take a good look around….behind us, to see & appreciate just how far we’ve climbed… and ahead, to take a final glance out over the landscape of our future of possibilities as we prepare to venture back down into the village… to the outer world, and (dare I say) to become part of civilization again (albeit in a very new way). Our only role now is to BE LOVE. To bring LOVE to everything that we do, and all whom we meet. To live our lives so fully in LOVE that our enthusiasm spreads like the contagious fire of passion. Imagine the juxtaposition of living an inspired life against the chaos and fears of a falling world…one thing is certain, we will definitely be noticed now : )) “From this moment forward, and into the next millennium, LOVE will restructure everything as the predominant force on the planet. Each of you will come to know your true purpose for being here, the soul origin of your genetic lineage, your contribution to the ascension, and the full scope and capability of your own personal direction and focus of LOVE. You are aligning with the cosmic heartbeat which pulses in rhythm with the earth and in this harmonization comes the true meaning of human incarnation.” -PHC An Overview “2012 will bring a clearer, broader understanding of how the universe works, and you will be creating accordingly. There is so much to learn, yet you already know it all! “ -PHC As we enter this pivotal year of change, we will notice many new discoveries about ourselves and our capabilities as new-humans. These capabilities are vast and incomprehensible to many at this time, however, the star beings assure us that as we merge with the forces of the universe, we will come to understand that there are literally no limits and that LOVE opens all doors to all possibilities. We are still in the process of bringing the most dense aspects of our (emotional/physical) selves to light and we are still setting up our platforms and preparing our foundations in the new earth… and based on what I am being shown, this will be our main focus especially for the first half of 2012. As I see it, this is the time allotted/supported by the cosmos to transform our outer world to reflect the magic of our new inner world. This is what I would call the year of transformation made manifest. I am not convinced that it will be all rainbows and butterflies, but I do get the sense that we will finally get to see/feel/touch the results of some long held intentions. The difference this year is that the changes we desire now have the energetic/celestial footing to physicalize in the earth plane…replete with many opportunities, miracles and blessings. While many around us will be steeped deeply in the dismantling phase, we will be physically birthing our dreams and stepping into our empowered positions as new earth guardians. And everything in our lives will change as a result of this. We are still in the embodiment process, no doubt, and our cells still have some catching up to do, but according to the PHC, the rewiring needed to participate in the new energetics is complete. In the new-human biology, the heart (literally) acts as the brain center, or central intelligence, and plays a vital role in decoding energy, multidimensional processing, and even inter-dimensional communication. With the heart in first place we have full reign over the direction of our lives and learning how to operate this new intelligence and biology will become a large part of 2012. “The new-human operating system is becoming the command center for the evolution of humankind. What we mean is this…the new human bio-energy system is designed to operate solely

from the sustenance of universal love, the resonation of the high heart and the life force that animates it. This river of LOVE (universal life force) runs thru the new-human heart giving the new-human prototypes the ability to serve as living resonators of harmonic frequencies, thereby capable of living harmonic lives.” -PHC I imagine like most things, all of these changes will take place in succession, however, with the speed and force by which manifestation is now possible, there won’t likely be a lot of waiting around. That said, according to the PHC the earliest we can expect any kind of noticeable breakthru, especially with regard to our (biological) transfiguration, will be around the equinox. We still have necessary adjustments to make while we work out all the kinks, and this always means that annoying…but needed… stop/start energy where we begin to move forward at an exhilarating pace and then suddenly, out of nowhere, the bottom falls out. This realignment process will continue, tho more rapidly, until every level of our being is fully aligned with the new and true. Full Circle It’s so hard to fathom, but yet so exciting/surreal/terrifying to say that…this is officially my last & final energy update. Seven years ago, when this telepathic journey began for me, I had absolutely NO idea what I was in for. (And a good thing too.) Spirit called, I answered, and my life was never happy the same again. Had I known the horrors up front, not so sure I would have made the trek with all of you, so most of my gratitude for the process lies in the blessing of only being able to see a foot in front of my face at any given time. And how. In all sincerity, I have nothing left to report on our arrival here. Everything has been said and I am officially out of words (that laugh was especially for my loved ones…as if any of them read this). My first level galactic j-o-b was to try to get us all to Think With Our Hearts (meself included), and now that we are here, I am…unemployed? No seriously, my soul contract is up for the first phase of ascension…of which, I didn’t even really know the job description until it was nearly over…and I am officially a FREE agent. What now? Well, first I jump off into the unknown with the rest of you…praying that my wings work…either that or hope that the new-human toolkit comes equipped with a parachute. Either way, BIG changes are afoot for TWYH! The truth is, I do have some idea what’s up ahead, but like everyone else, I have to create it all, so I will need some time to set up shop before I re-emerge for phase II…which, from what I can tell so far, will be very different. My work with the Pleiadians will continue in 2012, but in a different format and context. The information is already different…less about what will be, and more about what is…and a lot of it seems to be about figuring out how things work here…which, to my surprise, doesn’t all come completely naturally. In other words, there is a lot to learn about the workings of this new world because most everything is changing, including our participation with it. So for now I will say that: 1) I am not really going anywhere per se…this is just an elaborate costume change…and 2) now that we are all finally “Thinking With Our Hearts”, my talents are officially rendered useless : )) And lastly, but most importantly…THANK YOU! I can’t really put into words the amount of gratitude that fills my heart when I think about all the unconditional LOVE and support this community has gifted me with over the years. You have offered me not only the ability to keep food on my table during some very scary financial lows, but it is because of all of you, my soul family, that I kept finding the courage to be-lie-ve in myself and to stay the course. Honestly, its been an odd experience to be (kind of) a teacher and a student at the same time, and sometimes it was just plain frightening…but in the process I learned so much about myself (warts and all) and my capabilities that it was well worth the risk of any embarrassing public growth spurts. Well, from my perspective anyway.

So before I am tempted to morph this already epic article into a shameless Oscar speech, I just really want take this opportunity to say thanks for being beautiful in so many ways…mainly, for having the courage, commitment and fortitude to shine your (heart)light….to show up for your (higher)self and for the world, but also for carrying me through some really dark times, and for allowing my journey to unfold in the presence of all of you. And tho this particular leg of my journey ends here, it is really only the very beginning of something way more exciting…for all of us. (which at this point, could really just mean a day without a nap ; ) More than anything, I really hope that each of you will join me in the new earth for phase II of ascension…the co-creation of our new world! In 2012, you will know what it means to be an embodied master of light. And you will be the guides, the way-showers in this capacity. There is so much to be uncovered in this next phase of ascension and we delight in the return of your memory of All That Is. For now, we bid you farewell, but look forward to working more closely with you in the coming days, weeks and months of this breakthrough year…the year when LOVE won the HEART of humanity! “ -PHC Happy 2012! To new beginnings… Lauren


Initiations of Hawaii. I'm passing this on to you from Saleena Ki, Celia Fenn, and For those who are having difficulty integrating these tones as presented, there are supplemental translations being forwarded in alternative dialects through the Ashtar Command. The biggest part of the message: "Trust Your Intuition!"

OPEN WIDE: SAY AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! -DJ. Some of this may make sense to you, some of it may not.

Sat March 5th: On Hawaii

Highlights: Spiral of energy (sky energy) released from Great Central Sun or Galactic Center. This will enter through a special portal on Hawaii It will contain new creation codes, or activators. Once grounded it will activate ancient codes woven into the Earth matrix. This "marriage" of Sky energy and Earth energy will unlock the ancient creation codes for the Paradise Earth that were placed there by the original Elohim angelic creators. The Paradise Matrix will once again be activated and Earth can begin the process of building her physical 5th Dimensional Paradise on the planet...this activation will activate the original blueprint for a Paradise Earth that is stored in the Earth's Akashic records. The Paradise Earth was in fact the original plan and intention of the angelic Elohim creators for this planet. That intention is due to be re-activated with the spiral that touches down in Hawaii on the 5th of March. see Celia Finn channeling from Arcangel Michael below for more good news:

Vibrakey26: 19.5 The Big Island/Paradise Frequency by Saleena Ki To order any of the art email [email protected] "Haleakala (on Maui - next door to the Big Island) is one of the most powerful energy points on the planet...probably only second to Mauna Loa on the Big Island. It’s impressive magnetic field holds the “presence” of the planet’s entire magnetic field. It is these two powerful mountains: Haleakala and Mauna Loa (with the smaller active volcano, Kileuea, next to Mauna Loa as part of the latter’s energy field) that compose the “engine” supplying the earth with Mother Matrix for all of it’s energy grids. This engine is turned on by the central sun atoma of the planet... "Mt. Wai'ale'ale on Kaua'i is the portal of the Phi Gate, which is a key dynamic of the FireGem Matrix in direct synergy with the roil point. from Akashic defunitions by Simeon Nartoomid see below for more on this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sacred Marriage of Sky and Earth.

Celia FennArchangel Michael As lightworkers, most of you are aware that the Earth has entered a period of rapid change and transformation. This is being experienced by you on the material plane as "natural" disasters. The Earth is shifting her physical template in order to accommodate the changes that must come. And these are wonderful changes. We spoke to you in an earlier channel about the significance of Hawaii as a new spiritual center for the planet. It is on Hawaii that a wonderful event will take place on the 5th of March. At this time, a spiral of energy will be released from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center. This spiral of energy, containing significant new creation codes or activators, will enter the Earth through a special portal on Hawaii.

Once it has grounded there, it will activate certain ancient codes that are woven into the Earth's matrix at the Hawaii point, and also at other points on the Earth which will be activated at a later stage. This "marriage" of Sky energy and Earth energy will unlock the ancient creation codes for the Paradise Earth that were placed there by the original Elohim angelic creators. The Paradise Matrix will once again be activated and Earth can begin the process of building her physical 5th Dimensional Paradise on the planet. Let me explain to you, dear ones, that this activation on the 5th of March will activate the original blueprint for a Paradise Earth that is stored in the Earth's Akashic records. Within Planet Earth is a set of "planetary DNA records" that includes everything that your planet has ever experienced since its creation. This includes the original Sacred Geometry Codes for Earth as a Paradise that were originally activated in Lemuria before the fall into matter at the time of Atlantis. The Paradise Earth was in fact the original plan and intention of the angelic Elohim creators for this planet. That intention is due to be reactivated with the spiral that touches down in Hawaii on the 5th of March. As you, as planetary lightworkers, prepare to receive this new energy, you are experiencing a rapid shift in consciousness once again, dear ones. Your vibrational frequency is speeding up once again - and many of you are experiencing physical symptoms of the cleansing and purification process that this is producing in you. These are some of the symptoms: • • • • • •

Extreme fatigue and exhaustion, often coupled with difficulty in sleeping Pains in the joints, especially the legs, hips and knees Pain at the Heart Chakra area Nausea and Cramps in the stomach Pain at the base of the neck and headaches Depression

You are in the process of releasing your last blocks and resistances to fully entering into your power as gods and goddesses of the sacred New Earth. You are clearing away ancient fears associated with the rituals of the Sacred Marriage. For indeed, you are all invited guests at the Sacred Marriage of Sky and Earth. In this ancient sacred ritual, the mating of Sky and Earth produces or births a new energy or a new Earth.

Marriage of Heaven & Earth by Saleena Ki To order any of the art email [email protected] (This is called Marriage of Heaven and Earth and has been the subject of mine for years... when it came in 1997, I knew it represented a capstone piece of the work I had come to do

here. Little did I know at that point just how significant. What a blessed and exciting time to be here! You can see more of the story on my website ) Your ancient ancestors understood the significance of Sacred Marriage and its ritual reenactment as a process of renewal and rebirthing. As the Cosmic Goddess and the Earth Father unite once more in this Sacred Union, you will all be celebrants at the marriage. You will anticipate and enjoy the renewal of Paradise conditions and great abundance to your planet. You will sing and dance at this wedding. And, finally, we offer you a "gift" from this marriage.

Your own unions and relationships will benefit from the renewal of the sacred marriage between heaven and earth! Many of you will entrain to this energy and find your own ways to re-enact the sacred marriage in your own sacred and loving relationships. In the Paradise Earth you will once again enjoy the physical and spiritual bonds of the god and goddess within your own loving marriages. It is the gift that is offered to you at this time. from

The Spirit Mythos site is a must.... fantastic info here.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Spirit Heart Sanctuary <[email protected]> wrote: Aloha Dear Friends of Spirit Heart Sanctuary,

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We just came across some information from Archangel Michael channeled through Celia Fenn of South Africa.

This info is referring to the importance of the March 5th, 2005 date [same date as the Phi Gate opening as announced by Thoth], and is speaking of the return of the Paradise Matrix to earth. This Paradise Matrix correlates to what Thoth termed the "Phi Field" that will pour through the "Phi Gate" into the earth's etheric evelope on March 5, 2005. The information below has been woven together as highlights for your convenience by Saleena as she read the full information on their site: (The activation of the Phi Gate as a planetary inter-dimensional gateway is to begin on February 27th of 2005 and complete (as a first stage opening) on March 18th this same year. What does

this mean for the planet? What IS the Phi Gate in the simplest understanding? These are questions I have been asking myself since I began receiving information on this particular dynamic I am being guided to call the ‘Phi Gate’. The Phi Gate is the entry point into the planet for the New Earth Hologram. This Gate comes through the Star Capstone directly into the “crown chakra” of Hawai’i, which is the island of Kaua’i, and down into the roil point of the planet (all of the Hawaiian Islands with the center being Mauna Loa on the Big Island). Thoth: Through the Phi Gate the true phi geometry is organized into the New Hologram, which is infusing and growing the Maiden Grid. Once the Maiden Grid is completed (sometime between March 23rd and April 5th of 2005), “She” (the grid) will “give birth” to the New Hologram phi geometry, out into the whole earth dynamic. All earth and temple grids will be in receipt of this New Earth program of Light. The problem I have with imparting a more tangible picture of the Phi Gate dynamic, and indeed any of the dynamics of the planetary energy systems, is that they are so intrinsically interwoven. Each part blends one into the other. It is like viewing a crystal and selecting any one facet or sparkle within it in order to separate it from the rest. Perhaps the best way to reveal the light within the crystal is to see it as a whole element. The same with the FireGem matrix as a complete ‘engine’, germinating at the center of the planetary atoma and responding to cosmic interface with an updwelling energy thrust to the surface of the earth (through it’s roil point), where this energy, containing the planet’s ‘First Creation’ codes comes into contact with the electromagnetic realm of our surface world. The contact made, interactions begin automatically, which the codes direct; dissolving, building and transforming our realm for its re-connection to the whole system we call ‘planet earth’ and beyond. The Phi Gate then, is that pillar of Light which descends into our midst when summoned by the codes released from the central sun atoma. It

creates a channel for supra-evolution through a new dimensional path that is not a branch of the current evolution – but a NEW form. This new form is

presented to us as a Hologram of Light to be burned into our DNA: the New Earth Hologram. for more on the Phi Gate see:

Simeon's Akashic Definitions: The New Earth Star is the future ascended state of the earth. The New Earth Hologram is the holographic enfoldment of the current earth into the Light field that will transform the earth into New Earth Star consciousness.

The "NEW EARTH STAR" is a name given to the future Ascended Reality of the earth. It is a stage only in the whole Ascension program of Light for this planet. In considering "ascension" and "future" we need also realize that both the future and thus our "ascended" selves can be lived NOW. But first there will be the "Heart Ascension," which must come about for each individual, before the planetary ascension can take place. Once ascended in the HEART, one no longer pines for the physical uplifting into another realm, as the completeness of Heart Ascension allows the individual to know ALL realities in the ONE of Divinity that is everpresent for them. What really is "Ascension"? It is word only--one that helps us

come to terms with the illusional feeling of being separate from self. If we ascend to join something whole, then we no longer need feel so isolated and alone. But we must come to know that in the greater understanding, there is no separation, no need to ascend to "something whole." We are already there. Yet, the healing of the illusion may still be before us. So with such perspectives as the NEW EARTH STAR, we can see not only what may be ahead for our planet and ourselves in a cosmic sense, but what is ALREADY INSIDE OF US in the microuniverse that we are. The 44:44 Stargate and its sacred geometry is the earth's portal into the next octave for humanity in the Return Home. Here we will move into a closer look at the actual procedure of the ‘uplifting, the time when ensouled human beings come together in a mass synergy of experience in which they achieve a Light quantum within their cells, transferring them through the 'eye of the needle'. The choice for ascension is made from the level of the higher self for each soul who will pass through the 44:44 Star Grail gate, and is that which represents the 'eye of the needle'. For more

The Central Sun (planetary) Atoma is the heart of the planet. It contracts and expands in a pulsing action, sending energy waves through the space of the central cavity and out through the many arteries of the earth. Within the atoma, there are four polarity chambers. They are composed of atoms which contain "inverted" nuclei, caused by the incomplete chain reaction of hydrogen changing helium, or "black hole" effect, which takes place in the core of the atoma. For an analogy, picture a human heart inside a sphere. The heart is composed of "hyper-atoms"-- atoms with inverted nuclei. The rest of the sphere is composed of "normal" atoms. Within the heart are four main chambers: the right and left auricles and the rite and left ventricles. These are the four chambers of the heart-atoma that the center of our planet.

The heart of the atoma (the mechanics of the atoma as a functioning heart) is called the regula aspa. The two chambers on the right side of the human heart are in harmony with he positively charged side of the regula aspa. The left side of the human heart is synchronized with the negatively charged side of the atoma.

Vibrakey38: Sacred HeartGate by Saleena Ki To order any of the art email [email protected]

The Maiden Grid A new grid formation coming out of the roil point. A birthing matrix for new planetary potential, allowing the Divine Feminine presence in the universe to come into a greater harmonic with the current state of the planet. “Toward the end of 2004 and into the first months of 2005, a new light grid will form around the Roil Point of the planet (located on the Big Island of Hawaii). This is the point where energy streams upward as a core beam from the solar atoma at the center of the earth. This new light grid we call the "Maiden" for it resonates as a divine feminine ‘virgin-child’ coming out of the Mother’s flow at Mauna Loa & Kilauea. The Maiden will gently turn in the deep and the dolphins and sea turtles will follow new paths in the ocean.” ...There is a cycle of the Divine Feminine known most commonly as the Maiden, Mother and Crone. On a planetary level this cycle has repeated itself many times over in the existence of the earth in celestial terms, versus every human female's re-enactment of this Great Cycle during the course of her life. During periods where there is a New Maiden being birthed, the previous cycle's Crone becomes the new Maiden's Mentor for however long is deemed necessary in that particular cycle by the Illumined Ones. What is important for us to understand at this time, is that the New Earth Maiden will have her soul energy very present within her soma or body as an archetypal presence after March 5th, 2005. This infusion of energies roughly correlates to the point where a fetus starts to receive the soul energy wishing to incarnate within that form. At this point the expecting mother often starts to feel more than just a live body in her womb, and begins to experience the actual soul energies and qualities of her soon-to-be baby. This is how it will be for us on earth. To those humans on earth who are sensitive to subtler energies, the soul essence of the New Earth Maiden will begin to be perceived more fully. In a similar manner the New Earth Maiden will be in gestation within her new soma or body until the second Venus Transit on June 6th, 2012. This is the point wherein she will actually be birthed into a more solid structure and form ....This is where we now get into the real substance of this unfoldment. We are each being called upon to embody this New Earth Maiden in our own being, to help her take her first breath, to stay alive and healthy while in the womb space of the Venus Gate for the next 8 years. She embodies the Divine Feminine aspect of the Christ Consciousness and is destined to transport us to a higher degree of balance leading ultimately to androgynous states of being. What are the primary qualities of this new Goddess energy? Here is what was revealed to me: soul level compassion [as differentiated from human compassion], balanced nurturance, and mutable love crystallizations. for more see

More on the Maiden grid and it's integration with the Phi Gate : The Venus Transit which occurred on June 8th, 2004 is the first of a pair of significant celestial events. The second Venus Transit occurs on June 6th, 2012. The period of time between them is being termed the "Venus Gate." The Phi Gate is a hyper-dimensional celestial vortex that has been magnetically anchored for a temporal period of time within the earth's crystalline grid at Kaua'i, most specifically in association with the sacred mountain Wai'ale'ale. It will host a transmission from galactic center on March 5th, 2005, one that will forever alter the crystalline geometries of the earth's etheric envelope. The Phi Field is a vast field of energy and consciousness which will pour through the Phi Gate during and after the cosmic trigger which will occur on March 5th. March 5th is but the "threshold" wherein enough cosmic momentum has been built up to take across the line of demarcation into the reality on the other side of the "gate." The Maiden Grid is the soma, or body, for the New Earth Maiden. The human body has

an axiotonal grid in its etheric body [the KA or etheric double] which is made up of crystallized star light. The Phi Field pouring into the earth's crystallex grid will affect everything here on physical, etheric, astral, causal and soul levels of being as new flame geometries infuse the old forms of the earth propelling them towards a quantum leap in evolution. The New Earth Maiden is a key dynamic in what is unfolding for us right now in this regard. for more on this see

As this particular date is one which not many people have been speaking about or picking up on other than us, we felt it important to network this information to you to further help you "hologram" your connection to the matrix. A ola loko i ke aloha [love gives life within], Maia & Simeon Nartoomid Spirit Heart Sanctuary The major activation point is in Hawaii & anyone interested is being asked to either attend personally, or to link in. All details, international gatherings & details on communal link-in can be found at

also see and for more info. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sharings from Saleena: The work has been ongoing and intense. It's been good to see some new understandings of what is happening. I have been so into the happening that I didn't fully understand what the significance of all of this has been... I moved to a new island, Maui, and am still in the transition of finding a stable new home base. I still feel the Blue StarGate place nearing. I am still feeling uprooted and in transit. It has felt to me as if I everything I have used to operate in the "New World" again went offline and for awhile now I've felt as if I didn't know anything or how to operate. It has felt clumsy, like a totally being in new place where I haven't fully understood how the operation of this new world works yet. I saw that whatever was still lurking in my subconscious was instantly and with great intesity, magnified and manifesting in my face! Whether is was based on love or fear, abundance or lack, there it was for me to reckon with. I am catching on. The way it has felt has been like I am a garden that is being readied to plant. The old is fully havested. I have been dug up, tilled, chopped, weeded, fertilzed and prepared for a new planting. The new seeds have been planted now, and I am ready to sun and warm them. Nurture them. Let them stabilize and grow. No more digging the Divine Mother tells me! I am tired and need rest and a stable place to bloom. I didn't realize just how new born we all are.

Healings for the Twins: In 1997 I met my soul twin. we reunited and were informed soon after that we were in contract to not be in primary relationship this life, but to expand by being with others. The next years were full of forgiving and renewing what our connection really is about. This last week, we were lead by Magdalene and the Christos Council into a very powerful healing. She gave us a story and said it was for all.

New Root Race:

Today in my meditation it was heavy and thick. I felt called to go into it so strong I just waded in and kept at it. Finally, I felt the energies began moving and was approached by an energy I know as the Divine Father/Masculine. I had been asking to make peace with him. We made love. I was flooded with powerful sensations that went into every cell. It was powerful and dissipated some of the thickness. Later Colin called and we began to explore what there was to do today. We found the Blue Web Network we have been creating. So much of this blue web-like grid has been pouring out of me and Colin everytime we work for the last few weeks. It is going everywhere and being hooked up. Now I am understanding this more after reading the info on spirit mythos site. We found it needing to be hooked up to

something coming in from space. The process seemed to be the DivineMasculine inviting us to connect him into the womb of the EarthMother. As we did, I felt it rolling as if it were in my own womb. Once it was hooked up, that is when we saw the blue grid fanning out from that central energy out infinitely like a big blue glowing spiderweb. Colin felt Angels at All the intersecting angle points. That is when these words came forth: "The ancient codes that were planted for the New Earth, there is more to it. The original paradisical codes that were planted by the EloHim also were attended to by the Hathors, which means this all has a Sirian connection. The Ascention Plan has always been attended by this connection. Those original codes are being altered so what is coming online is more now than anyone in the beginning intended. Right now we are at a convergence point where a combination of 7 ascended root races have collaborated to unify their purposes into one focused on the birth of a New Race on the New Earth. This is causing a transmutation of each of their codes individually to transmute into a new pattern never before seen in all of this creation and other surrounding ones! ( they are telling me right now that this is easy to say and it is causing individuals who are connected to any of these root races to undergo huge alchemical changes as we speak ) There is preparation happening now- this is what everyone is responding to in preparation for the moment when the seven races align their purposes and codes. When the portals open and the Divine FatherSky energies flood into the core of the Divine MotherEarth energies, this has the potential for the power needed to merge the codes and alchemically fuse them into a new coded matrix. This has been researched and approved. It will occur on Sat Mar 5th beginning at 11:11am and proceeding until 2:22pm. That is when the peak of the Phi Gate is actualizing. You ( talking to Colin and I ) are representing one of the seven races doing your part now. Chulos, Mother Lemuria, and the aspect of yourselves as Weavers are a part of this. I asked who the seven races are? Colin was busy weaving a cross connection between the seven races. We saw this as a disc or a pie with seven wedges. It was then I was given the root sounds of each race. I wondered if there were names I would recognize for each and was shown that the root sounds were more important than any head information they could add for now. Those sounds were LaMat~SeLag~ForNA~MeTaug~ShuNa~PeLa~KuNar. I began to say these names around and around the wedges. As I did this, we felt them begin to melt the barriers between them and begin to merge together into one something. Harmonizing and callibrating to each other via the sounds. Then we were shown to bring love into the center. We tuned into the love we have for each other in all the known aspects and expressions of our selves. It was then that my heart opened and this white creamy essence began to pour into the center of this disc. Then Colin saw it happening to him also. He directed this combined liquid light into each wedge and saw them each light up! I then saw a flock of white birds burst up out of the center and begin to circle around and around us. Colin in his enthusiasm of course puts out seeds for them.

As this is all happening, I see the disc floating in space and see these huge masculine hands come down and take a hold of it. Somehow he reshapes it into a funnel. ( I saw this similar kind of shape two years ago around this same time of the year when the dolphin helped me build one half and then the next day another half of this stargate joined it and opened an amazing portal Stargate which brought a whole new ET Star connection online ) Then he inserts the funnel tip, which I am being very aware of the merged races forming it, into the Earth Mother's Central Inner Sun. We felt a tremendous pouring of love into her. At this point I was aware of the Hawaiian connections. Mauna Loa, Haleakala, which I am sitting at the base of now where I live in Maui, and Kuai. I felt the fire's of this engine pulsing. Ecstatic love making and fire all happening at once between these two Logos. Everything was liquifying. I felt the energy going out to each root race and liquifying all the patterns like a steel foundry, then the liquid codes of each race pouring through the funnel into the center of Mather. As it did I saw her sending a spiral of energy out throughout the Earth Matrix into all of us here. Into every cell of every creature that occupies her Earth space. Then Colin felt it go out and touch into every Star Ship that is involved with this whole Ascension Project. He said everyone was connecting in and recalibrating their connections. Seeing new pathways establishing, getting ready for Saturday, getting everything into place. We felt all the other lightworkers at that moment as One.

So Tonight there was a huge new aspect added. A vector of seven original root races were funneled into the Phi Gate opening and merged alchemically to pour in the codes for a brand new root race. That is the best I can say for now. Feel into it.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

GrandMother Chandra: I am hearing right now from GrandMother Chandra: "Saleena Saleena Saleena, I am so excited at this happening. It all started a few years ago when we took the original plan and made something more of it. Now the patential of new creation is expotentially increasing. I am with you, doing my part of the workings. You are right on with the mergings. This is a very big deal! So you know what this means? It means we are all going to change! Well that is about time for me, I say! The experiences each of you have been having. Feeling as if nothing you know how to do works any more? Is a direct result of this new everything coming online. Yes, we are all having to learn new ways to navigate now. It is no small task at hand. Learn it all new? We are doing very wonderful though... within the perspective of what is really happening. It is a good thing we all don't consciously know it ahead. We might just all up and quit. So there is one thing I want to add. There is a spiral that is coming out of a certain sector of space that will bring in even another opening into this dimension. It seems everyone is joining for this portal opening. This new spiral is another very advanced civilization offering their open hearts and hand for contact. This happened two years ago and there have been many new Star Groups join us since then. I only mention this one because it is significant and those who

catch this and tune in will be able to make some new friends. This is all I can say now. More will become evidant as they anchor into this realm and begin to communicate.

Well all you amazing Star Gates, you should all be in celebration of who you are and what you have done to bring about a brand new Earth and Race of beings! Let's be sure to party! It is the best thing I can think of to do! Much love to you from One Spider Woman to all the other weavers, and Lightworkers.

on... we are all on the brink of something fabulous!


Altata KonaTia Turu.... In the beginning we are all One, in the end we are all One. " Chandra Iktomi

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