Moment Method Part 2 V2.1

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Moment Method of Attunement – Part 2 Version 2.1 Current as of 18 January 2003 Updated by: Andrew Rigg, email mailto:[email protected] This is Part 2 of the Moment Method of Attunement manual. It describes the Moments that have been named/created to date. Full description on how to use the Moments are available in the document titled “Moment Method of Attunement – Part 1”. Varieties of Moments Moments™ are either free to use or restricted in their use, that is private. When they are free to use it means everyone is allowed to enter, attune, receive healing, guidance etc. via them. Everyone is fully authorized to use them all the time and pass this fully authorization on. This is of course free-of-charge, as a glad free gift of Spirit. When they are restricted in their use, there are typically people, called owners, gate-keepers, guards etc., who give permission, for the use of those Moments ™. This right of these people is to be respected. Where the number of levels and bands are not mentioned for a particular Reiki, there are three levels and then an infinite number of bands. Restricted Moments™ These current known Moments are restricted in their use: 1. Siddheartha Moment™ with Siddheartha Reiki™, the founder Nathan Ray Stephenson, [email protected] (Make subject of email read: Siddheartha Reiki™ request to ensure your email is NOT filtered out with the SPAM). 2. Ascension Moment™ with Ascension Reiki, the founder Jayson Suttkus, 3. Cancer Healing Moment™ with Cancer Healing Reiki™. Please contact Andry on email [email protected] for access. 4. Tasawuf Moment™ with Tasawuf Reiki™ until level three. For access to Bands please email [email protected] or access. Tasawuf Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Tasawuf Healing ray™ (b) Tasawuf Knowledge Ray™ (c) Lathaif Empowerment Ray™ (d) Tasawuf Protection Ray™ (e) Peace in Tasawuf Ray™ (f) Mysthical Reiki™ (g) Tasawuf Intuition Ray™ - use with the twin heart meditation or lam alif meditation.

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Free Moments™ These current known Moments are free to use. The Moments™ may be very loosely categorised. They are split into the following categories: A. Qualities B. Abilities C. Skills D. Spiritual or Religious Tradition E. Healing F.Environmental G. Miscellaneous A.

Qualities 1. Joy of Peace Moment™ with Joy of Peace Reiki™ 2. Harmony of Peace Moment™ with Harmony of Peace Reiki™ 3. Unity Consciousness Moment™ with Unity Consciousness Reiki™ 4. Love Moment™ with Love Reiki™ 5. Peace Moment™ with Peace Reiki™ 6. Divine Wisdom Moment™ with Divine Wisdom Empowerment™ and Divine Wisdom Activation™ 7. Eternal Soul Moment™ with Eternal Soul Reiki™ - so that one's soul could find a place here in this world where to rest and bathe in refreshing, soothing, spring of Light 8. Peace Consciousness Moment™ with Peace Consciousness Reiki™ 9. Joy Consciousness Moment™ with Joy Consciousness Reiki™ 10. Harmony Consciousness Moment™ with Harmony Consciousness Reiki™ 11. Shiva/Shakti Moment™ - integrating opposites, balancing male / female energies, transcending opposites and move toward oneness, connecting with both the masculine and feminine aspects of Divinity in order to transcend these and move toward the One. Also, to work toward greater harmony in relationships. 12. Diamond Body Moment™ with Diamond Body Reiki™ 13. Golden Body Moment™ with Golden Body Reiki™ 14. Celestial Starfire Moment™ with Celestial Starfire Reiki™ 15. Forgiveness Moment™ with Forgiveness Reiki™ 16. Zest for Life Moment™ with Zest for Life Reiki™ 17. Divine Will Moment™ with Divine Will Reiki™ - to accompany the Moments™ for Divine Mercy, Divine Grace, Divine Blessings 18. Divine Grace Moment™ with Divine Grace Reiki™ and Divine Grace Empowerment (12+ levels) - for bringing in more tools from the Divine Grace. This Moment also activates the divine chakras. 19. Divine Peace Moment™ with Divine Peace Reiki™ 20. Divine Harmony Moment™ with Divine Harmony Reiki™

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21. Protection Moment™ (useful for clearing negativity and keeping negativity at bay) with: (a) Protection Reiki™ - three levels and then infinite number of bands; (b) Protection Clearing Ray™ (12 levels) - used to clear an area of negativity; (c) Protection Healing Ray™ (12 levels) - used for healing of tears in one’s sphere of protection; and (d) Protection Initiation™ (one level) – to be used heighten a person’s own protection abilities 22. Faith-Peace-Gratitude-Joy in Love Moment™ with Faith-Peace-Gratitude-Joy in Love Reiki™ 23. Productive Moment™ (used for producing this kind of states, be they bodily states, energetic states, states of mind, states of wealth or health. Use your imagination here freely) with: (a) Productive Initiation™ - to start the production of all those things that we truly need to our lives, (b) Productive Knowledge Ray™ - so that we learn to know those things (c) Productive Devotion Ray™ - so that we persist in these tasks, (d) Productive Wisdom Ray™ - so that we learn to distinguish those things that we really need from those that are not so important 24. Abundance Moment™ (used to release all limitations from ourselves surrounding abundance) with: (a) Abundance Reiki™ (b) Abundance Clearing Ray™ - used to help clear any blocks/limitations that are preventing abundance (c) Abundance Healing Ray™ - used to heal issues surrounding abundance (eg. blaming of others for lack of abundance) (d) Abundance Knowledge Ray™ - brings to the awareness the true source of abundance (e) Abundance Wisdom Ray™ - used to bring wisdom into the concept of creating abundance. You MUST be attuned to this Ray (f) Abundance Intuition Ray™ (g) Abundance Initiation™ (h) Abundance Empowerment™ (i) Abundance Consciousness Ray™ (j) Abundance Opening™ 25. Music Moment™ with Music Reiki™ - enhances beneficial effects of music 26. Planetary Forgiveness Moment™ with: (a) Planetary Forgiveness Reiki™ (b) Planetary Forgiveness Knowledge Ray™ (c) Planetary Forgiveness Wisdom Ray™ (d) Planetary Forgiveness Clearing Ray™ When accessing the energies contained within this Moment™, please enter the Moment™ and ask for the Reiki and Rays to saturate the planet. Hold focus as long as possible. 27. I BE ME Moment™ with an associated Reiki (see details below). Enter the Moment™, clearly state I BE ME! State your full name three times clearly and then “I BE ME!” Intend to attune. (Should you be married and have changed your name use your maiden and your married name as each part holds different frequencies). This Moment™ was created to anchor Page 3 of 34

each of us into our true frequencies, our names given us at birth, hold strong forces of our pasts, our futures and our NOW. Using this Moment™, and its associated Reiki, is the clearest way to call forth the truth of incarnation. Be ready, be open to experience the truth beauty and magic of who it is you be! Also, the Reiki that goes with this Moment™ is again in tune with your name and hence it is a singular Reiki for your use only on you, for your particular ways, your particular needs and your Divine destiny. 28. Spiritual Sublimation Moment™ (helps to transmute desires you want to overcome into something more noble) with: (a) Spiritual Sublimation Reiki™ (b) Spiritual Sublimation Knowledge Ray™ (c) Spiritual Sublimation Wisdom Ray™ (d) Spiritual Sublimation Intuition Ray™ (e) Spiritual Sublimation Healing Ray™ 29. Spaces Between the Spaces Heart Attunement. The attunement tunes you into your innate ability to experience healing/wholeness/fulfilment in your life. The purpose of this Spaces Between the Spaces Heart Attunement, which you are now reading, is to assist you in opening more deeply to love. Love is not just the sharing that happens between two people who are “in love.” To be in love is to live, to embody, the love that you are, regardless of life circumstances. To receive this attunement (which is “woven into” the words you are now reading), close your eyes, relax, and affirm that you intend to receive it in accordance with your highest good. This attunement can be accessed as needed. 30. Prime Moment™ with Prime Reiki™ - used for purify(all negative energy in the body and mind), increase the power and keep it in Hara/Tan Tien chakra, and stabilise and seal all chakras with Divine energy. 31. Positive Moment™ (helps with positive thinking, positiveness, positivity as being important) with: (a) Positive Reiki™ (b) Positive Empowerments™ , and (c) and whatever else that can be found here Also use the following affirmation when using this Moment: “I am now attuning to Positivity. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You” 32. Compassion Moment™ with Compassion Reiki™ 33. Awareness Moment™ with Awareness Reiki™ 34. Singing Moment™ with Singing Reiki™ 35. Positive Growth Moment™ with Positive Growth Reiki™ - for those who like to grow 36. ‘Letting-Go’ Moment™ with ‘Letting-Go’ Reiki™. ‘Letting Go’ is the process of ‘Letting-Go’ of all thoughts, things and situations, that cause us distress, especially those events from our ‘PAST’ that keep cluttering up our ‘NOW’. The ‘tender’ energy inside this ‘LettingGo’ Moment™, will assist your ‘inner-desire’ to let go of whatever it is, with Unconditional Love and Light, very gentle, very loving and in a very safe way. 37. Life Moment™ with Life Reiki™ 38. [Your Name] Moment™ with [Your Name] Reiki™ (eg. Joe Blogs Moment™ with Joe Blogs Reiki™) 39. Genius Moment™ with Genius Reiki™ - to bring out the genius in us all, in whatever that may be. Page 4 of 34

40. Compassion Moment™ with Compassion Reiki™ 41. Empathy Moment™ with Empathy Reiki™ 42. Golden Silence Moment™ with Golden Silence Reiki™ and others 43. Joy of Life Moment™ and Joy of Life Reiki™ - invigorating experience and excellent for relaxation purposes. 44. Inner Beauty Moment™ with Inner Beauty Reiki™ 45. Sensuality Moment™ with Sensuality Reiki™ 46. [Spiritual] [Body Part] Moment™ with [Spiritual] [Body Part] Reiki™ - any body part possibly with a ‘spiritual’ leaning to it. For example, Brain Moment™ with Brain Reiki™, Full Brain Moment™ with Full Brain Reiki™, and Spiritual Brain Moment™ with Spiritual Brain Reiki™ 47. Divine Screen Moment™ with Divine Screen Energy™. This Divine Screen will protect us from physical, psychic & other negativity attacks, but all the positivity alway could enter to our body to give all the positivity matters. 48. Divine Knowledge Moment™ and Divine Knowledge Reiki™ 49. Life Potential Moment™ with Life Potential Reiki™ 50. Higher Self Moment™ with Higher Self Reiki™ 51. Truth Moment™ with Truth Reiki™. Truth is above dualism, it is neither right nor wrong, good or bad. Truth is just Truth. 52. Peace Synthesis Moment™ with Peace Synthesis Reiki™ 53. Divine Peace Synthesis Moment™ with Divine Peace Synthesis Reiki™ 54. Joseph’s (or Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him) Light Moment™ or Nur Nabi Yusuf (pronounced: Noor NuuBee Yusuf) Moment™ with Joseph’s Light Reiki™ - only one level with unlimited numbers of bands. The energy is useful to open the light of personal attractiveness and charisma. 55. Mutual Trust Moment™ with Mutual Trust Reiki™ 56. Mutual Admiration Moment™ with Mutual Admiration Reiki™ 57. Divine Respect Moment™ with: (a) Divine Respect Awakening™ (b) Divine Respect Empowerment™ (c) Divine Respect Initiation™ (d) Divine Respect Opening™ 58. Trust Moment™ with: (a) Trust Reiki™ (b) Trust Empowerment™ (c) Trust Awakening™ (d) Trust Activation™ 59. Divine Trust Moment™ with: (a) Divine Trust Reiki™ (b) Divine Trust Empowerment™ (c) Divine Trust Awakening™ (d) Divine Trust Activation™ 60. Pacification Moment™ with Pacification Reiki™ 61. Harmonization Moment™ with Harmonization Reiki™ 62. Trinitization Moment™ with Trinitization Reiki™ 63. Global Peace Moment™ with Global Peace Conception™ - watch for ‘the Birth’

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64. Inspiration Moment™ with Inspiration Reiki™, Inspiration Guidance™, Inspiration Activation™ 65. Self-Loyalty Moment™ with Self-Loyalty Activation™, Self-Loyalty Empowerment™ and Self-Loyalty Initiation™. This is intended to increase ones loyalty to self, rather than giving it up to others. 66. Polarity Balancing Moment™ with Polarity Balancing Activation™. To balance a persons’ energy. 67. Taste Improvement Moment™ with Taste Improvement Activation™ and Taste Improvement Empowerment™ 68. Wallet Moment™ with Wallet Reiki™ 69. Calming Moment™ with Calming Reiki™ 70. Blessed Money Moment™ with Blessed Money Reiki™ 71. Charisma Moment™ with Charisma Healing Energies™, Charisma Cleansing Energies™ and Charisma Empowerment™. This is to help the activation of one's charisma and cleaning out “stuff” that is preventing one's charisma from flourishing to its divine capacity. 72. Divine Love Moment™ with: (a) Divine Love Reiki™ (b) Divine Love Empowerment™ (c) Divine Love Anointment™ (d) Divine Love Awakening™ 73. Highest Divine Love Moment™ with: (a) Highest Divine Love Reiki™ (b) Highest Divine Love Empowerment™ (c) Highest Divine Love Anointment™ (d) Highest Divine Love Awakening™ 74. Acceptance Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Acceptance Reiki™ (b) Acceptance Healing Energies™ (c) Acceptance Activation™ (d) Acceptance Empowerment™ (e) Acceptance Initiation™ (f) Acceptance Enlightenment™ 75. Patience Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Patience Reiki™ (b) Patience Clearing Energies™ - clears out impatience (c) Patience Activation™ (d) Patience Empowerment™ (e) Patience Initiation™ (f) Patience Enlightenment™ 76. Blessed Wallet Moment™. This Moment™ attunes your wallet or purse with the purpose of attracting money and good fortune into your wallet or purse. The procedure for attunement is as follows: (a) Enter the Local Moments Moment™ - a moment created to allow you to make Moments™. For example, bodyparts (stomach, etc.), objects (wallets, etc.), etc. (b) Ask to create a [name-owner-of-wallet] Blessed Wallet Moment™. Mentally say that you want the wallet to attract money and good fortune to the owner, for his/her

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78. gain. 79. B.

highest good. Also ask here that the Moment protect the wallet from getting lost and/ or being stolen. (c) Visualize green light being attracted by the wallet, attracting money to it. This can be done a few times in the week. Use when you think about it. (d) Optional: Enter the newly created [name-owner-of-wallet] Blessed Wallet moment™ and ask it to be connected to the mentioned wallet. Common Sense Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Common Sense Reiki™ (b) Common Sense Activation™ (c) Common Sense Empowerment™ (d) Common Sense Initiation™ (e) Common Sense Clearing Energies™ (f) Common Sense Healing Energies™ Rolling Blessings Moment™ with Rolling Blessings Reiki™ - assists with financial Mutual Admiration Moment™

Abilities 1. 2. 3.

English Moment™ with English Reiki™ - to help with learning English Perfect Memory Moment™ with Perfect Memory Reiki™ Language Moment™ (to be used to help in the learning of any language) with: (a) Language Reiki™, (b) Language Knowledge Ray (12 levels), and (c) Language Intuition Ray (12 levels) 4. Student Moment™ with Student Reiki™ - for anyone who wishes and addresses aspects of being a student and learner. This is larger than just the memory aspect of the student/teacher relationship 5. Mathematics Moment™ with: (a) Mathematics Empowerment™ (b) Mathematics Understanding™ (c) Mathematics Awakening™ (d) Mathematics Intuition™. 6. Higher Mathematics Moment™ with: (a) Higher Mathematics Empowerment™ (b) Higher Mathematics Understanding™ (c) Higher Mathematics Awakening™ (d) Higher Mathematics Intuition™. 7. Psychology Moment™ with: (a) Psychology Empowerment™ (b) Psychology Understanding™ (c) Psychology Awakening™ (d) Psychology Intuition™. 8. Physics Moment™ with: (a) Physics Empowerment™ (b) Physics Understanding™

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(c) Physics Awakening™ (d) Physics Intuition™ (e) High School Physics Empowerment™ (f) University Physics Empowerment™ (g) Postgraduate Physics Empowerment™ (h) Quantum Physics Empowerment™ (i) Physics Nobel Prize Ray™ (j) Physics Nobel Prize Activation™. 9. Writing Moment™ with: (a) Writing Reiki™ (b) Writing Activation™ (c) Writing Empowerment™ (d) Writing Initiation™. 10. Speaking Moment™ with: (a) Speaking Reiki™ (b) Speaking Empowerment™ (c) Speaking Initiation™. 11. Analytical Moment™ with: (a) Analytical Awakening™ (b) Analytical Empowerment™ (c) Analytical Intuition™ 12. Total Spiritual Self Confidence Moment™ with Total Spiritual Self Confidence Reiki™ - draws on the spiritual confidence we have in our higher selves (or I AM presence), which has no concept of fear or anxiety etc. It is totally secure in its own feeling of love and unity with God. 13. Confidence Moment™ with Confidence Reiki™ 14. Eloquence Moment™. This Moment helps with eloquence in speech and thought. Eloquence Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Eloquence Reiki™ (b) Eloquence Wisdom Ray™ (c) Eloquence Knowledge Ray™ 15. A Moment of Manifestation™ with Manifestation Reiki™ - manifest what is needed for the highest good of all. This can be mundane, such as a better job, or sacred, such as the ability to be of greater service to All. 16. Energy Sensitivity Moment™ with Energy Sensitivity Reiki™ and Energy Sensitivity Empowerment™. 17. Inti Diri Moment™ (pronounced in-tee (as in tea) dee-ree) with: (a) Inti Diri Reiki™ (b) Inti Diri Empowerment™ - to strenghthen the effort in discovering true self) (c) Inti Diri Wisdom™ (d) Inti Diri Knowledge™ (e) Inti Diri Reflection™ - to help one to reflect on their own experiences and gain knowledge (spiritual knowledge, psychological knowledge, etc) about themselves through the experiences) (f) Inti Diri Healing™- to help with problems in discovering one's potentials 18. Relationship Moment™ with: (a) Relationship Reiki™ Page 8 of 34


20. with:

(b) Relationship Clearing™ (c) Relationship Wisdom Ray™ (d) Relationship Knowledge Ray™ (e) Relationship Intuition Ray™ (f) Relationship Healing Energies ™ Divine Relationship Moment™ with: (a) Divine Relationship Reiki™ (b) Divine Relationship Clearing™ (c) Divine Relationship Wisdom Ray™ (d) Divine Relationship Knowledge Ray™ (e) Divine Relationship Intuition Ray™ (f) Divine Relationship Healing Energies ™ Spiritual Clairvoyance Moment™ (used for the development of spiritual clairvoyance)

(a) Spiritual Clairvoyance Reiki™ (b) Spiritual Clairvoyance Clearing Ray™ - clears blocks preventing the development of spiritual clairvoyance (c) Spiritual Clairvoyance Wisdom Ray™ - brings in wisdom associated with the development of spiritual clairvoyance (d) Spiritual Clairvoyance Initiation™ (e) Spiritual Clairvoyance Empowerment™ 21. Parenting Moment™ with: (a) Parenting Reiki™ (b) Parenting Awakening™ (c) Parenting Empowerment™ (d) Parenting Wisdom Ray™ (e) Parenting Knowledge Ray™ (f) Parenting Intuition Ray™ (g) Parenting Healing Energies ™ 22. Divine Parenting Moment™ with: (a) Divine Parenting Reiki™ (b) Divine Parenting Awakening™ (c) Divine Parenting Empowerment™ (d) Divine Parenting Wisdom Ray™ (e) Divine Parenting Knowledge Ray™ (f) Divine Parenting Intuition Ray™ (g) Divine Parenting Healing Energies ™ 23. Highest Achievement Moment™. This Moment™ facilitates any kind of highest achievement that you wish to have. The Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Highest Achievement Reiki™ - single level, infinite band (b) Highest Achievement Blessing Ray™ - to bless those in need of highest achievement of any kind including ourselves (c) Highest Achievement Healing Ray™ - to help those experiencing blockages on striving to accomplish their wish to achieve (d) Highest Achievement Empowerment™ - to help any other facilities reach their fullest potential 24. Nobel Prize Moment™ with Nobel Prize Reiki™ Page 9 of 34

25. Nobel Peace Prize Moment™ with Nobel Peace Prize Reiki™ 26. Astral Projection Moment™ with Astral Projection Reiki™, Astral Projection Initiation™ and Astral Projection Empowerment™. Before consciously trying to project please read about it, so you know what to expect and what to watch out for. As in most things, if done wrong it can create problems for you. A link for interested: 27. Third Eye Moment™ with Third Eye Opening™ and Third Eye Activation™ 28. Visualisation Moment™ with Visualisation Reiki™, Visualisation Empowerment™ and Visualisation Experience™. The latter is to assist in having a visualisation adventure, similar to a day dream. 29. Creative Art Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Creative Art Reiki™ (b) Creative Art Activation™ (c) Creative Art Empowerment™ (d) Creative Art Initiation™ (e) Divine Art Empowerment™ (f) Angelic Art Empowerment™ (g) Creative Art Master Empowerment™ (h) Creative Art Intuition Ray™ 30. Divine Confidence Moment™ with: (a) Divine Confidence Reiki™ (b) Divine Confidence Activation™ (c) Divine Confidence Empowerment™ (d) Divine Confidence Initiation™ (e) Divine Confidence Healing Energies™ (f) Divine Confidence Wisdom Ray™ (g) Divine Confidence Knowledge Ray™ C.

Skills 1. Dowsing Moment™. This Moment is designed to help a person utilise dowsing to his/her greatest capacity. The Dowsing Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Dowsing Activation™ - activates the ability to dowse (b) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 1™ - empowerment to onsite field dowsing and water divining (c) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 2™ - empowerment to offsite field dowsing, dowsing from a distance, dowsing into the subconscious (d) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 3™ - empowerment to dowsing for selfrealisation (e) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 4™ - empowerment to using dowsing to serve others, distant healing (f) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 5™ - empowerment to internalisation of dowsing, devices can be dispensed with (g) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 6™ - empowerment to complete internalisation of dowsing akin to insight and intuition (h) Dowsing Empowerment, Level 7™ - empowerment allowing dowser's will to align with cosmic will Page 10 of 34

2. D.

Tarot Moment™ with Tarot Empowerment™

Spiritual or Religious Tradition

These are split into the following categories. If I’ve got it wrong, please let me know. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (a)

Christian Islam Hindu Buddhist Jewish Taoist Ascension Pagan Ancient Miscellaneous

Christian 1. Christ Moment™ with Christ Reiki™ and Christ Reiki Illumination™, Christ Light Luminance Energy Stream™, Christ Light Transcendence Energy Stream™ and Christ Light Immanence Energy Stream™. 2. Trinity Moment™ with Trinity Reiki™ 3. Holy Trinity Moment™ with Holy Trinity Reiki™ 4. Christmas Moment™ (for attuning to the energies of Christmas) with: (a) Christmas Reiki™ (b) Christmas Initiation™ (c) Christmas Atonement™ (d) Christmas Anointment™ (e) Christmas Empowerment™ (f) Christmas Activation™ (g) Christmas Sharing™ (h) Christmas Alignment™ (i) Christmas Presence™ (j) Christmas Peace™ Please use on Christmas Day, or any other day that you feel is appropriate. This is envisaged to help align people to the TRUE meaning of Christmas. 5. Passover Moment™ with Passover Reiki™ - relating to Easter 6. St. Teresa of Avila Moment™ with St. Teresa of Avila Reiki™ - this helps in creating miracles in your life. Access the Moment™ and empower the thought/miracle. Don’t forget to sing. Also, you can enter this Moment™ and enter the Beloved Earth Gaia Moment™, where all is multiplied thousandfold, and empowered your thought. You can also use the St. Teresa of Avila Reiki™ to make Blessed, Holy Water to drink, bathe in or give as presents. 7. Holy Spirit Moment™ with: Page 11 of 34

(a) Holy Spirit Reiki™ (b) Holy Spirit Anointment™ 8. Our Father Moment™. This moment is to give you the deepest awareness of the meaning of the “Our Father” prayer. This Moment contains the following gifts: (a) Our Father Deepest Awareness Enlightenment™ (you can mention it simply Our Father DAE™) (b) Our Father Healing Ray™ (c) Our Father Holy Knowledge™, and (d) there are also other standard facilities like attunement, anointment, etc. (b)

Islam 1. Sufi Moment™ with Sufi Reiki™ and Sufi Reiki Enlightenment™ 2. Hira Cave Moment™ with Hira Cave Reiki™ - Hira Cave is the place where the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. 3. Quran Moment™. From the Islam tradition and has the following gifts: 4. Al-Fatiha Reiki™ - used to open everything, to open your heart, open the problem (solve it), and to open communication between one’s being and God or other’s being easier 5. Quran Empowerment™ - used to strengthen the power from Quran. 6. Sunan Moment™ with Sunan Reiki™. A Sunan is a saint from Java, Indonesia, in the Islam tradition. There are nine known Sunans: (a) Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim (b) Sunan Ampel (c) Sunan Kudus (d) Sunan Gunung Jati (e) Sunan Kalijogo (f) Sunan Giri (g) Sunan Muria (h) Sunan Bonang (i) Sunan Demak They are all well known in Java because of their miracles. 7. Mohammed the Prophet Moment™ with Mohammed the Prophet Reiki™ 8. Ar Rahmaan Moment™ with Nurrahmaan Reiki™. Ar Rahmaan is one of Allah’s names and means ‘the merciful’ and Nurrahmaan means ‘the light of the merciful’. 9. Ar Rahiim Moment™ with Nurrahiim Reiki™. Ar Rahiim is one of Allaah’s names and means ‘the benevolent’ and Nurrahiim means ‘the light of the benevolent’. 10. Nurun Nubuwah Moment™ with Nurun Nubuwah Reiki™ and Nurun Nubuwah Empowerment™. Nurun Nubuwah means ‘the Prophets Light’ and is used to access the energy from Nurun Nubuwah prayer. 11. Gunung Moment™. Gunung is pronounced as Goo-Noong. It means ‘mountain’ in the Indonesian language. The concept is derived from Koranic understanding of a mountains function on the earth. They are believed to be balancing agents of the earth; balancing the inequilibrium in many things. The energy is perhaps best used as a balancer for etheric body, life in general and spirituality. It will create and maintain the necessary equilibrium needed. There are: (a) Gunung Reiki™ Page 12 of 34

(b) Gunung Atonement™ (c) Gunung Initiation™ (d) Gunung Empowerment™ (e) Gunung Healing Ray™ (f) Gunung Blessing Ray™. 12. Ramadhan Experience Moment™. This Moment™ was created to experience the positive aspects of this month of Ramadhan, the joy of breaking fast together, the brotherhood/sisterhood of community prayers, the ecstasy of night prayers and communing with God, the family togetherness of the predawn meal and the sweet tiredness of fasting that makes one good natured and patient. To access this Moment™ just request to enter the Ramadhan Experience Moment™ and sit in meditation for 2 -60 minutes, as you desire. (c)

Hindu 1. Kundalini Moment™ - to help with kundalini practice for those who practice it thoroughly or even those who don’t have enough time to practice kundalini. Kundalini Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Kundalini Reiki™ - one level called shaktipat level and infinite number of bands. The general level/band attunement will give your energy system the right condition to access the ray-specific band attunement (b) Three Rays for each of the seven major chakras. The three Rays are: i) Chakra Clearing Ray™ ii) Chakra Activating Ray™ iii) Chakra Empowerment/Enlargement Ray™ Each Ray has no known amount of bands. To access the Rays, use, for example, Heart Chakra Clearing Ray™, Heart Chakra Activating Ray™ and Heart Chakra Empowerment/Enlargement Ray™ 2. Yoga Moment™ with: (a) Yoga Pranic Initiation™ (b) Lord Shiva’s Yoga Initiation, Activation and Empowerment™ (c) Hatha Yoga Healing energies™ (d) Patanjali’s Sutras™ (e) Hatha Yoga Pradipika™ (f) Hatha Yoga Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Wisdom, Knowledge, Intuition and Activation™ (g) Yoga Nadi Clearing and Activation™ (h) Yoga Sushumna Clearing and Activation™ (i) Yoga Chakra Clearing and Activation™ for the following chakras: i) Mooladhara (otherwise known as the root chakra) ii) Swadisthana (otherwise known as the sacral chakra) iii) Manipura (otherwise known as the solar plexus chakra) iv) Anahata (otherwise known as the heart chakra) v) Visshudi (otherwise known as the throat chakra) vi) Ajna (otherwise known as the brow chakra) vii) Sahasrara (otherwise known as the crown chakra) (j) Yoga Brahma Prana™ Page 13 of 34

(k) Yoga Spinal Alignment and Activation™ (l) Raja Yoga Moment™ with Raja Yoga Reiki™ 3. Gita Moment™. Used to assist in the understanding and practicing of the Bhagavad Gita in our daily life. Gita Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Gita Initiation™ - please to take this first (b) Gita Reiki™ - 18 levels and infinite number of bands (c) Gita Wisdom Ray™ - 18 levels (d) Gita Mantra Activation™ (e) Gita Empowerment™ 4. Shruti Moment™ with Shruti Reiki™. Shruti is from sanskrit language which means “which is heard.” This Moment is taken from vedic tradition 5. Tantra Moment™ with Tantra Reiki™ and Tantra Balancing Energies™ - please email for bands greater than band 1. Email: [email protected] 6. Sri Yantra Moment™ with the Sri Yantra Activation™ - one activation and then infinite bands. It is said that the Sri Yantra contains All; a mystical key to unlocking all the secrets of life. 7. Shiva Moment™ with Shiva Anointment™, Shiva Empowerment(tm), Shiva Initiation™ and Shiva Rings of Fire Healing Energies™ (d)

Buddhist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Tibetan Light Moment™ with Tibetan Light Reiki™ Golden Buddha Moment™ with Golden Buddha Reiki™ Green Tara Moment™ with Green Tara Reiki™ White Tara Moment™ with White Tara Reiki™ Reiki Undo Moment™.

Jewish 1. Tree of Life Moment™. Based on the Qabala tradition, this Moment™ is particularly complex. It consists of an empowerment for each of the Sephirot on each of personal, planetary, solar, galactic, universal and cosmic levels. If you decide to utilise this Moment™, it is STRONGLY recommended that you receive an empowerment to each of the personal Sephirot, then planetary Sephirot and so on up the scale. Do not jump ahead. (a) Personal Tree of Life Moment™ with: i) Personal Kether Empowerment™ ii) Personal Chochmah Empowerment™ iii) Personal Binah Empowerment™ iv) Personal Chesed Empowerment™ v) Personal Geburah Empowerment™ vi) Personal Netsach Empowerment™ vii) Personal Hod Empowerment™ viii) Personal Tifereth Empowerment™ ix) Personal Jesod Empowerment™ x) Personal Malkuth Empowerment™ Page 14 of 34

2. (f)

xi) Personal Daath Empowerment™ (b) Planetary Tree of Life Moment™ - as for Personal Tree of Life Moment™ but on a planetary scale (c) Solar Tree of Life Moment™ - as for Personal Tree of Life Moment™ but on a solar scale (d) Galactic Tree of Life Moment™ - as for Personal Tree of Life Moment™ but on a galactic scale (e) Universal Tree of Life Moment™ - as for Personal Tree of Life Moment™ but on a universal scale (f) Cosmic Tree of Life Moment™ - as for Personal Tree of Life Moment™ but on a cosmic scale Ain Soph Moment™ with Ain Soph Reiki™

Taoist 1. Shing Chi Moment™ with Shing Chi Reiki™ - used to activate the higher chakras, from 8th chakra to infinite chakras above our head. The goal of Shing Chi attunement is to get the cosmic consciousness. 2. Shing Chi Meditation Moment™ with Shing Chi Meditation Reiki™ - used to help in the practice of ‘turning down’ our divine chakra. 3. Tai Chi Moment™ with Tai Chi Reiki™ - Tai Chi here is not Tai Chi in Tai Chi Chuan. Tai chi here is the manifestation of Wu chi the origin of every thing, the emptiness (according to TAO philosophy), it is the sources of yin and yang, it’s macrocosmic matter 4. Five Elements Moment™ with Five Elements Reiki™. The five elements of the universe work synergically and harmoniously in microcosmic dimension within the human body. The five elements represent the five vital organs in human body: fire – heart; earth spleen/ limb; metal – lungs; water – kidneys; and wood – liver. 5. Meridian Moment™ with Meridian Reiki™ 6. Qigong Moment™ with Qigong Reiki™



The Ascension Moments are split into the following categories: (i) Angelic (ii) Ascended Master (iii) Spiritual Beings (iv)Others (i)

Angelic 1. White Angel Moment™ with White Angel Reiki™ 2. Archangel Gabriel Moment™ with Archangel Gabriel Reiki™ and Archangel Gabriel Initiation™ 3. Gabriel Moment™ with Gabriel Reiki™ 4. Angelic Blessings Moment™ with Angelic Blessings Reiki™ Page 15 of 34


Archangel Michael Moment™ with: (a) Archangel Michael Reiki™ (b) Archangel Michael Initiation™ - initiates a person to Archangel Michael’s energies of protection (c) Archangel Michael’s Sword Initiation™ 6. Archangel Sandalphon Moment™ with Archangel Sandalphon Reiki™ and Archangel Sandalphon Initiation™ - initiates to the energies of Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Sandalphon Refreshing Energies™ 7. Archangel Raphael Moment™ with Archangel Raphael Reiki™ and Archangel Raphael Initiation™ 8. Archangel Jophiel Moment™ with Archangel Jophiel Reiki™ and Archangel Jophiel Initiation™ 9. Archangel Chamuel Moment™ with Archangel Chamuel Reiki™ and Archangel Chamuel Initiation™ 10. Archangel Uriel Moment™ with Archangel Uriel Reiki™ and Archangel Uriel Initiation™ 11. Archangel Zadkiel Moment™ and Archangel Zadkiel Reiki™ and Archangel Zadkiel Initiation™ 12. Archangel Metatron Moment™ with Archangel Metatron Reiki™ and Archangel Metatron Initiation™ 13. Archangel Ratziel Moment™ with Archangel Ratziel Reiki™ and Archangel Ratziel Initiation™ 14. Reiki Angel Group Moment™ with Reiki Angel Group Treatment™ - treatment given by a group of Reiki Angels, Reiki guides 15. Full White Reiki Angel Moment™ with Full Reiki Angel Group Reiki Treatment™ (ii)

Ascended Master 1. Mother Meera Moment™ with Mother Meera's Darshan™ 2. Metta Moment™ via Metta Reiki™ 3. Upeka Moment™ via Upeka Reiki™ 4. Mudita Moment™ via Mudita Reiki™ 5. Melchizedek Presence™ with Melchizedek Reiki™ 6. Cosmic Christ Moment™ with Cosmic Christ Reiki™ 7. Mahatma Presence™ with Mahatma Reiki™ 8. Mystical Christ Moment™ with Mystical Christ Empowerments™. This Moment™ is for the Mystical Christ, Christ Within. It helps to give this Presence Power, Life, Love etc. so that it grows in us. There levels of the Empowerments giving more than the previous. 9. Galactic Christ Moment™ with Galactic Christ Reiki™ 10. Solar Christ Moment™ with Solar Christ Reiki™ 11. Personal Christ Moment™ with Personal Christ Reiki™ 12. Mother Mary Moment™ with Mother Mary Initiation™, Mother Mary Anointment™ and Mother Mary Healing Energies™ 13. Sai Baba Moment™ with Sai Baba Reiki™ and Sai Baba Guidance™

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Spiritual Beings 1. Cherubim Moment™ with Cherubim Initiation™ and Cherubim Anointment™ 2. Elohim Moment™ with Elohim Initiation™ and Elohim Anointment™ 3. Seraphim Moment™ with Seraphim Initiation™ and Seraphim Anointment™ 4. Fairy Moment™ with Fairy Reiki™ 5. Pan Moment™ with Pan Initiation™, Pan Anointment™ and Pan Healing Energies™ attunes one to the energies of Pan, the head of the nature kingdom 6. Nature Spirit Moment™ with: (a) Nature Spirit Initiation™; (b) Nature Spirit Anointment™; and (c) Nature Spirit Healing Energies™ (d) Nature Spirit Connection Energies™


Others 1. Mount Kurama Moment™ with Universal Reiki Empowerment™. There sixteen levels to the empowerment. 2. I Am Moment™ with I Am Reiki™ - facilitating connection to the I Am Presence 3. Golden Merkaba Moment™ with Golden Merkaba Reiki™ and attunements to Golden Merkaba Energies™ and to Golden Merkaba Healing Energies™ 4. Eternal Soul Awakening Moment™ with: (a) Eternal Soul Clearing Ray™ (b) Eternal Soul Cleansing Ray™ (c) Eternal Soul Aligning Ray™ (d) Eternal Soul Cellular Memory Activation Ray™ (e) Eternal Soul Love Reiki™ (f) Eternal Soul Activation Reiki™ (g) Eternal Soul Consciousness Reiki™ (h) Eternal Soul Awakening Reiki™ All Reikis in the Eternal Soul Awakening Moment™ have three levels and an infinite number of bands. The ‘lighter’ we are, the more we can hold the frequencies as they are very high. 5. Divine Ascension Moment™ with Divine Ascension Reiki™ - three levels and then an infinite number of bands 6. Beloved Gaia Moment™ with Beloved Gaia Reiki™. Used for any unconditionally loving action towards this Mother of Ours. This Moment receives special attention from Above so that any action done through this Moment™ is amplified thousandfold. Use it with love. 7. Spiritual Enlightenment Moment™ with Spiritual Enlightenment Reiki™ - for assisting Spiritual Enlightenment on all scales. 8. Golden Alchemy Moment™ with Golden Alchemy Reiki™ - same purpose as Spiritual Transmutation Moment™ 9. Golden Light Moment™ with Golden Light Reiki™ 10. Sirius Moment™ with Sirius Reiki™ - to attune us to the Spiritual Energies of the Star Sirius

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11. Usui-Tibetan Moment™ with Usui-Tibetan Reiki™ - to honour this tradition especially. It is fully functional and you can use it or any other free Moments™ for attuning, healing, learning etc. purposes... 12. Golden Dolphin Moment™ with Golden Dolphin Reiki™ and Golden Dolphin Consciousness. These are quite lovely attunements. Can be used for problem solving 13. Alpha and Omega Moment™ with Alpha and Omega Reiki™. It has to do with the Fire Letters of God and our DNA 14. Seichim Moment™. For all kinds of loving, living Lights of Seichim. You can access Seichim, Sekhem etc through this Moment™. 15. Isis Seichim Moment™ with Isis Seichim Reiki™. 16. Crystal Love Sekhem Moment™ with Crystal Love Sekhem Reiki™. It’s for the shining light of love through Sekhem. 17. Un-Veiling Moment™ with Un-Veiling Activation™ 18. Source Energy Moment™ with Source Energy Reiki™ and Source Energy Activation™. 19. Sekhem Treatment Moment™ with Full Sekhem Treatment Moment™ 20. Kotodama Moment™ with Kotodama Reiki™. Please see for further details 21. Golden Protection Moment™ with Golden Protection Reiki™ (h)

Pagan 1. Australian Aboriginal Moment™ (used to connect to Australian Aboriginal energies generally) with: (a) Australian Aboriginal Reiki™ (b) Australian Aboriginal Initiation™ - initiates to Australian Aboriginal energies (c) Australian Aboriginal Empowerment™ - empowers a person to access, in a broad way, Australian Aboriginal energies (d) Australian Aboriginal Healing Energies™ (e) Australian Aboriginal Brain Activation™, (f) Ancient Earth Activation™ (g) Australian Aboriginal Knowledge Activation™, (h) Australian Aboriginal Intuition Activation™ and (i) Australian Aboriginal Activation Wisdom™ 2. Dream Time Moment™ with Dream Time Reiki™ 3. Huna Moment™ (Huna is the shamanic tradition for Hawaii) with: (a) Huna Reiki™ - three levels and then an infinite number of bands (b) Huna Wisdom Ray™ (c) Huna Knowledge Ray™ (d) Huna Intuition Ray™ (e) Huna Healing Energies™ (f) Huna Magic™ 4. San Moment™. The San are people native to Southern Africa, particularly the dry Kalahari region. They are small in stature and have a true reverence for Mother Nature and all Her creatures. The San Moment™ has the following gifts (and probably more): (a) San Reiki™ - three levels and then an infinite number of bands Page 18 of 34

(b) San Wisdom™ (c) San Knowledge ™ (d) San Intuition™ (e) San Energies™ (f) San Magic™ (g) San Animal Wisdom™ (h) San Animal Medicine™ (i) San Movement™ 5. Sun Moment™ with Sun Reiki™ - used for attuning to the energies of the sun 6. Moon Moment™ with Moon Reiki™ - used for attuning to the energies of the moon 7. One Eternal Momentwith One Eternal Reiki. Formerly known as Wiccan Moment™ with Wiccan Reiki™ 8. Mother Earth Moment™ with Mother Earth Reiki™, Mother Earth Connection™ and Mother Earth Awakening™ 9. Druid Moment™. This connects you to Druid energies and deeply to Mother Earth. Druid Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Druid Reiki™ (b) Druid Clearing Ray™ (c) Druid Healing Ray™ (d) Druid Knowledge Ray™ (e) Druid Wisdom Ray™ (f) Druid Intuition Ray™ (g) Druid Healing Energies™ (h) Druid Anointment™ (i) Druid Atonement™ (j) Druid Empowerment™ (k) Druid Initiation™ (l) Druid Activation™ (m) Druid Opening™ (n) Dragon Breath of Merlin Attunement™ (o) Stonehenge Attunement™ 10. Nature Moment™. The Nature Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Nature Reiki™ (b) Nature Empowerment™ (c) Nature Connection Enhancement Energies™ (d) Beauty of Nature Empowerment™ (e) Nature Anointment™ (f) Nature Atonement™ (g) Nature Healing Energies™ (h) Nature Wisdom Ray™ (i) Nature Knowledge Ray™ (j)


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1. Egyptian Moment™ with Egyptian Initiation™ and Egyptian Anointment™ - a general set designed to increase one’s affinity to Egyptian energies. Sub-class of this Egyptian Moment™ is: (a) Egyptian God Moment™ with Egyptian God Initiation™ and Egyptian God Anointment™. There is a separate Moment™ for each Egyptian God. Thus, there is: i) Osiris Moment™ with Osiris Initiation™ and Osiris Anointment™ ii) Thoth Moment™ with Thoth Initiation™ and Thoth Anointment™ iii) and so on (b) Egyptian Goddess Moment™ with Egyptian Goddess Initiation™ and Egyptian Goddess Anointment™. There is a separate Moment™ for each Egyptian Goddess. Thus, there is: i) Isis Moment™ with Isis Initiation™ and Isis Anointment™ ii) Sekhmet Moment™ with Sekhmet Initiation™ and Sekhmet Anointment™ iii) and so on. It is preferable but not essential that, if you decide to utilise the Egyptian Moment™, you move from the general Moment™ to the specific Moment™. For example, first use the Egyptian Moment™, then the Egyptian God Moment™ and then use the Osiris Moment™. 2. Camelot Moment™ (increases affinity to the energies of Camelot) with: (a) Camelot Reiki™ (b) King Arthur Initiation™ (c) Merlin Initiation™ and Merlin Anointment™ (d) Holy Grail Empowerment™ - this one is particularly good!!! 3. Lemurian Moment™ (used to attune to Lemurian energies) with: (a) Lemurian Light Reiki™ (b) Lemurian Initiation™ - initiates to Lemurian energies (c) Lemurian Empowerment™ - provides an empowerment to Lemurian energies so that you can utilise the rest of the Lemurian energies (d) Lemurian Healing Energies™ (e) Lemurian Clearing Ray™ (f) Lemurian Healing Ray™ Please take the initiation first, then empowerment and then any thereafter. When using Lemurian energies ask to be connected to the Lemurians and then aligned to their energies. 4. Atlantean Light Moment™ with Atlantean Light Reiki™ 5. Egyptian Light Moment™ with Egyptian Light Reiki™ 6. Anubis Moment™. Anubis is the ancient Egyptian God of the Underworld, Death, Embalmers and the Judge of the Dead, amongst other things. He is particularly good at removing negative entities. In fact, he loves doing it. Please call in Anubis and tell him what you want done. Please use with discretion. The Anubis Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Anubis Anointment™ (b) Anubis Atonement™ (c) Anubis Initiation™ (d) Anubis Negative Entity Removal™ - to remove negative entities from a place, person or object (e) Anubis Cleansing Energy™ - to cleanse the place, person or object after entity has been removed

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7. Blue Lotus Moment™ with Blue Lotus Reiki™ and Blue Lotus Seichim™. An Egyptian energy. 8. Blue Star Moment™ Blue Star Reiki™ (k)

Miscellaneous 1. Werdna Moment™ with Werdna Reiki™ - a Tibetan-style energy for spiritual growth 2. Spiritual Guidance Moment™ with Spiritual Guidance Reiki™ 3. Nyang-De Moment™ with Nyang-de Reiki™ 4. Su Jok Moment™ with Su Jok Reiki™ - it is especially for finger Reiki work. 5. Universal Spirituality Moment™ with Universal Spirituality Reiki™ 6. Universal Spirituality Peace Moment™ with Universal Spirituality Peace Reiki™ 7. Universal Spirituality Truth Moment™ with Universal Spirituality Truth Reiki™ 8. Universal Spirituality Love Moment™ with Universal Spirituality Love Reiki™ 9. Sampo Moment™ with Sampo Reiki™ 10. Nur Ilahi Moment™ with Nur Ilahi Reiki™. [Pronounced : Noor ee-loa-hee]. Nur Ilahi means “divine ray of enlightenment”. See below for special instructions. 11. gTumo Moment™ with gTumo Reiki™ 12. Devotion Moment™ (used to become more devoted to the Loving Presence of God) with: (a) Loving Devotion Reiki™, (b) Devotion Anointment™ (12 levels) – a blessing enabling greater devotion of God, (c) Devotion Clearing Ray™ (12 levels) – clears blocks preventing devotion to God, (d) Devotion Knowledge Ray™ (12 levels) – brings into one’s awareness their devotion to God, (e) Devotion Wisdom Ray™ (12 levels) – enables a person to utilise the wisdom contained with the devotion to God, and (f) Devotion Intuition Ray™ (12 levels) – an intuitive ray allowing devotion to penetrate one’s being 13. Da Divine Touch Moment™ with Da Divine Touch Reiki™ - the one or God or Creator which ever name you prefer can touch you and give you all you may need 14. Planetary Joy Forgiveness Moment™ with Planetary Joy Forgiveness Reiki™ 15. Planetary Peace Forgiveness Moment™ with Planetary Peace Forgiveness Reiki™ 16. Planetary Harmony Forgiveness Moment™ with Planetary Harmony Forgiveness Reiki™ 17. Spiritual Transmutation Moment™ with Spiritual Transmutation Reiki™ - for transmuting energies. For example, anger to love, etc. 18. Silver Light Moment™ with Silver Light Reiki™ 19. Violet Light Moment™ with Violet Light Reiki™ 20. Blue Light Moment™ with Blue Light Reiki™ 21. Divine Synthesis Moment™ with Divine Synthesis Reiki™ 22. Golden Air Moment™ with Golden Air Reiki™ 23. Christ Peace Synthesis Moment™ with Christ Peace Synthesis Energies™ 24. Siddheartha Moment™ with: (a) Siddheartha Peace Wave Reiki™ Page 21 of 34

(b) Siddheartha Christmas Peace Wave Reiki™ (c) Siddheartha Joy Wave Reiki™ (d) Siddheartha Christmas Joy Wave Reiki™ (e) Siddheartha Wave Reiki™ (f) Siddheartha Ice Reiki™ (g) Siddheartha Knight Activation™ These are for riding the Siddheartha Wave™ and it’s modulations on a global scale. 25. Golden Siddheartha Moment™ with Golden Siddheartha Reiki™ 26. Golden Air Moment™ with Golden Air Reiki™ 27. Golden Light Moment™ with Golden Light Reiki™ 28. Golden Silence Moment™ with Golden Silence Reiki™ 29. Golden Christ Moment™ with Golden Christ Reiki™ 30. Jasmine Moment™ (or in Indonesian: Bunga Melati Moment™) with Jasmine Reiki™ used to add the Jasmine fragrance to Reiki energy. Jasmine oil is called as King of Oils. 31. Golden Light Moment™ with Golden Light Seichim™ (nineteen levels). Please, feel free to experiment with this. (a) First level: golden infinity symbol (b) Second level: two infinity symbols, cross-like (c) Third level: eight infinity symbols, like a wheel (d) Fourth level: pattern of infinity symbols (e) Fifth level: not known (f) Sixth level: third and fourth fingertips of each hand were touching like this “<>” (g) Seventh level: hands in arch like Light movement like “( )” (h) Eighth level: not known (i) Ninth level: not known Golden Light Seichim™ currently has 19 levels. 32. Tachyon Moment™ with Tachyon Reiki™ 33. Shema Moment™ with Shema Reiki™ - for those who like to search answers from the Bible “Shema Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad!” 34. Mantra Moment™ with Mantra Initiation™, Mantra Activation™ and Mantra Empowerment™ 35. Universal Prayer Moment™ with Universal Prayer Reiki™ 36. Ethereal Crystal Moment™ with Ethereal Crystal Empowerment™. 37. Optimizing Moment™ with Optimizing Reiki™ 38. Spiritual Warrior™ with the Spiritual Warrior Initiation™ and Spiritual Warrior Activation™. 39. Christ Knight Moment™ with Christ Knight Activation™ 40. Gedi Knight Moment™ with Gedi Knight Initiation™ and Gedi Knight Activation™. 41. Siddheartha Christ-Child Moment™ with Siddheartha Christ-Child Reiki™ 42. Holy Light Moment™ with Holy Light Enlightenment™ 43. Golden Light of Christ Power Moment™ with Golden Light of Christ Power Reiki™ 44. Divine Grace Holy Moment™ with Divine Grace Holy Enlightenment™ 45. Harmonization Moment™ with Harmonization Reiki™ 46. Transfixed in the Light Moment™ with Transfixed in the Light Reiki™ 47. Heaven and Earth Moment™ with Heaven and Earth Reiki™ and Heaven and Earth Meditation™ - to access the wisdoms from earth and heaven. 48. Supreme Moment™ with Supreme Reiki™ Page 22 of 34


Nehendratama Moment™ with: (a) Nahendratama Reiki™ (four levels and unlimited number of bands) (b) Nahendratama Empowerment™ (c) Nahendratama Clearing Energies™ (d) Nahendratama Healing Energies (e) Nahendratama Protection Energies™ 50. Golden Chi Moment™ with Golden Chi Attunement™ and Golden Chi Empowerment™ E.

Healing 1. Immune Defence Moment™ with Immune Defence Reiki™ 2. Innocence Moment™ with Innocence Reiki™ 3. Planetary Innocence Moment™ with Planetary Innocence Reiki™ 4. Universal Innocence Moment™ with Universal Innocence Reiki™ 5. Perfect Health Moment™ with Perfect Health Reiki™ 6. Immune Efficiency Moment™ with Immune Efficiency Reiki™ 7. Fire Moment™ with Fire Reiki™ 8. Spirit Healing Moment™ with Spirit Healing Reiki™ (one level and infinite number of bands). Use “Heal my soul/spirit” as an affirmation. 9. Universal Creativity Moment™ with Universal Creativity Reiki™ 10. Serenity Moment™ with Serenity Reiki™ - used to bring within you peace, calm, a lack of anxiety and fear, and a certain steadiness of heart 11. Ideal Weight Moment™ with Ideal Weight Reiki™ 12. Consciousness Clearing Moment™ (useful for clearing of negative thoughts and crystallised negative thought-forms) with: (a) Consciousness Clearing Reiki™; (b) Consciousness Clearing Ray™ (12 levels) – clearing of negative thoughts that are manifesting at the present moment; (c) Consciousness Clearing Healing Ray™ (12 levels) – helps in healing of the consciousness to allow only pure thoughts to arise; and (d) Consciousness Clearing Wisdom Ray™ (12 levels) - helpful in overcoming the negative thoughts before they occur 13. Violet Flame Moment™ with Violet Flame Empowerment™ - increases one’s affinity too and use of Ascended Master Saint Germain’s Violet Flame 14. Clarity of Speech Moment™ (used to overcome stuttering and stammering) with: (a) Clarity of Speech Reiki™ (b) One of each of the Rays, and (c) Clarity of Speech Empowerment™ 15. Miracle Healing Moment™ with Miracle Healing Reiki™ 16. Peace Israel Moment™ with Peace Israel Reiki™ 17. Peace Palestine Moment™ with Peace Palestine Reiki™ 18. Reiki Tradisi™ - 12 levels. This Reiki does not have a Moment™ associated with it, so please enter the Peace Moment™, Christ Moment™ or similar to be attuned. 19. Peace Negotiation Moment™ with Peace Negotiation Reiki™. This helps the task of those balancing different Peace energies. Page 23 of 34

20. Relaxation Moment™ with Relaxation Reiki™ and Relaxation Clearing Ray™ 21. Endurance Moment™ with Endurance Reiki™, Endurance Clearing Ray™ and Endurance Healing Energies™. To be used for all occasions where you need to increase your endurance (eg. physical exercise, emotional, mental etc). 22. Muscle Relaxant Moment™ with Muscle Relaxant Reiki™ -helps to relax and heal knotted muscles. Variants upon this Moment include Moments for every muscle of the body such as Abdominal Muscle Moment™ etc. 23. Peaceful Transition Moment ™ with Peaceful Transition Reiki™ - used to help people/spirits transition peacefully to the other side 24. Hormone Balancing Moment™ with Hormone Balancing Reiki™ 25. Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Extract Moment ™ and Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Extract Reiki™. 26. Temple of Man/Woman™ with Temple of Man/Woman Activation™ 27. Divine Breath Moment™. This Moment can be used to connect with the “Divine Breath of Life” allowing clearing of things like asthma, and also can be used to continually be taking in the Divine through our breath. Divine Breath Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Divine Breath Reiki™ (b) Divine Breath Empowerment™ (c) Divine Breath Initiation™ (d) Divine Breath Activation™. 28. Pineal Gland Moment ™ with Pineal Gland Opening™ and Pineal Gland Healing Ray™. 29. Thyroid Moment™ with Thyroid Activation™, Thyroid Healing Ray™ and Thyroid Reiki™. 30. Emotional Freedom Moment™ / Meridian Moment™ with Whole Meridian Harmonization™, Spleen Meridian Harmonization ™, Kidney Meridian Harmonization™ etc. 31. Muhammad the Prophet Moment™ with Noor Shifa Reiki/Energy™ . Noor Shifa means healing light in the Islamic tradition. It can be used to heal both physical and metaphysical diseases. It has 4 levels and unlimited bands. 32. Colour Light Moment™ with Colour Light Reiki™. This moment is used to access the energy from colour with each colour having a specific healing energy associated with it. 33. Time Out Moment™. This Moment™ assists in finding time for oneself. Time Out Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Time Out Reiki™ (b) Time Out Activation™ (c) Time Out Empowerment™ (d) Time Out Initiation™ (e) Time Out Healing Ray™ 34. Sleeping Moment™ with Sleeping Reiki™ - to help with sleeping and relaxing, for a peaceful nights rest. 35. My Vibration Moment™ with My Vibration Attunement™ - to bring items, be it food or non food items to your own vibration. 36. Angel-Managed Treatment Moment™. It has the facilities of Access Activation™, Personal Energy Account Activation™, and Angelic Treatment Manager(s)™. Ask for Access Activation first, then ask for Personal Energy Account (PEA) Activation. The PEA will give you some kind of “energy slot” which you can fill and refill with positive energy of any kind. Then ask for an Angelic Treatment Manager to manage your treatment. You will only be the Page 24 of 34

energy supplier. Let the angelic manager(s) to manage the treatment(s). Every time you want to fill or refill your energy slot, say this: "I am entering the moment of Angel-Managed Treatment. In this Moment I send energy to my PEA. May God bless me with guidance". And every time you want your treatment to be managed by an Angel then say: "I am now entering the moment of Angel-Managed Treatment™. In this moment I am asking for an Angel to be assigned as a manager of “type of treatment to be managed, i.e. Lung Cancer Treatment” for “patient’s name” 37. Complete Huna Reiki Treatment Moment™ with Complete Huna Reiki Treatment™ 38. Chiropractic Treatment Moment™ with Chiropractic Treatment - spinal problems 39. Complete Reflexology Treatment Moment™ with Complete Reflexology Treatment™ 40. Complete Acupuncture Treatment Moment™ with Complete Acupuncture Treatment™ 41. Post-Stroke Moment™ with Post-Stroke Reiki™ 42. Spa Treatment Moment™ with Spa Treatment Reiki™ - one level, unlimited band. 43. Inner Child Moment™ with Inner Child Reiki™, Inner Child Healing Ray™ and Inner Child Love™ 44. Healing the Past Moment™ with Healing the Past Reiki™, Healing the Past Healing Ray™ and Healing the Past Clearing Ray™ 45. Siddheartha Darkness Cleansing and Unbinding Moment™ with Siddheartha Darkness Cleansing and Unbinding Reiki™ - a gift from the ascended masters 46. FOLLOW U Moment™ with FOLLOW U Reiki™. FOLLOW U means Fountain Of Light, Love, Oneness, Wholeness, and Unity. A gift from Archangel Metatron. 47. Be Set Free Fast Moment™ with Be Set Free Fast Reiki™ - helps a person use the “Be Set Free Fast” technique 48. Revitalization Moment™ with Revitalization Reiki™ and Pituitary Revitalization Attunement™ - for regenerating vitality, rejuvenating life 49. Luminclear Moment™ with Luminclear Session™ - for clearing, balancing and aligning all meridians, chakras (secondary and major) and subtle bodies. This is not an attunement, but receipt of the healing energies for a complete session. Please enter the Moment and ask for the Luminclear™ Session Moment™ healing energies. 50. Violet Flame Reiki Self-Healing Moment™ with Violet Flame Reiki Self-Healing Treatment™ 51. Black Tourmaline Energies Moment™ with Black Tourmaline Energies™ and Black Tourmaline Energies Attunement™ - when you wish to use the qualities of the Black Tourmaline 52. Echinacea Moment™ with Echinacea Energy™ 53. Kidney Cleanse Moment™. This Moment uses the kidney cleansing techniques from Hulda Clarke. The Moment has the energies of the following individual herbs: Hydrangea Root, Gravel Root, Marshmallow Root, Parsley, Golden Rod, Ginger, Uva Ursi plus vitamin B6 and magnesium oxide. You can find more information about her stuff at The Kidney Cleanse Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Kidney Cleanse Healing Energies™ (b) Kidney Cleansing Energies™ 54. Shell Moment™. This Moment helps a person protection him/herself from psychic attack. It surrounds you completely, therefore use it only when needed badly. When entered, it provides: (a) Cleansing of negative entities inside (b) A protective bubble of water energy around you Page 25 of 34

(c) three water energy lines around you (Most negative entities have a very hard time crossing water barriers). Please visualise these water barriers around you to assist in the process (d) Protection from Archangel Michael. 55. Phoenix Moment™. The phoenix is used here to generate warmth and comfort for a person who is cold. There are two ways that you can utilise this: (a) Visualisation: visualise a fire in your mind’s eye. Then out of the fire flies the Egyptian phoenix towards her in all its glory, the whole bird on fire, red, orange, blue etc. Feel the warmth of phoenix as it gets closer and closer. Visualise the phoenix flying straight into your heart with an explosion of heat, warmth and comfort. (b) Phoenix Moment™ has the following gifts: i) Phoenix Reiki™ ii) Phoenix Warmth Energies™ 56. Stop Smoking Moment™ with: (a) Stop Smoking Reiki™ (b) Stop Smoking Empowerment™ (c) Stop Smoking Healing Energies™ - to heal the damage/ blockages smoking caused; and (d) Stop Smoking Clearing Energies™ - to clear away the temptations, thoughts and addiction that keep pulling a person back to smoking. 57. Comfort Heart Moment™ with Comfort Heart Attunement™ and Comfort Heart Empowerment™ 58. Botanical Medicine Moment™ with: (a) Botanical Medicine Reiki™ (b) Botanical Medicine Cleansing Energies™ (c) Botanical Medicine Healing Energies™ (d) Botanical Medicine Empowerment™ (e) Plant Wisdom Ray™ (f) Plant Knowledge Ray™ (g) Plant Intuition Ray™ 59. Addiction Moment™. Please specify the addiction that you are trying to clear from your system. You cannot give a person an addiction with this Moment. The Addiction Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Addiction Clearing Energies™ (b) Addiction Healing Energies™ (c) Addiction Clearing Ray™ (d) Addiction Healing Ray™ To use the Addiction Moment™, please state the following: “I now enter this Addiction Moment™. In this Addiction Moment™, I now request the Addiction energy/ray to work on [the addiction you are trying to remove], as a glad free gift of Spirit, as a glad free gift of Divine Love and Will. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. [Pause] “I am now receiving the Addiction energy/ray that is working on [the addiction you are trying to remove], as a glad free gift of Spirit, as a glad free gift of Divine Love and Will. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.” 60. Zinc Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Zinc Reiki™ Page 26 of 34

(b) Zinc Empowerment™ (c) Zinc Healing Energies™ 61. Herbal Energy Extract Moment™ with Herbal Energy Extract Reiki™. Try any specific herbal you have on your will, just ask for it (e.g. you can ask for Peruvian Maca energy extract 4:1 100mg Reiki attunement) Try with more herbs on the list and make a single name for it. 62. HGH1 Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) HGH Reiki™ (b) Pituitary HGH Attunement™ - this is best done before going to bed. The energy hopefully helps the pitutiary glands to regain the ability to release HGH 63. Coenzyme Q10 Moment™ with Coenzyme Q10 Reiki™ 64. Food Supplement Moment™ with Food Supplement Reiki™. Attune a glass of water, or the like, to the Reiki asking for the energies of specific supplements to be added to the water. First enter the Moment™, define the ingredients and ask for attunement of "AAA Food Supplement Reiki Attunement" for the drinking water in your hand, wait for 5 minutes and you've produced a glass of herbal drink 65. Reflexology Moment™ with Reflexology Reiki™ 66. Blood Oxygen Moment™ with Blood Oxygen Reiki™ (three levels the third being Master plus unlimited number of bands) The energy seems to flow in through the hands. However, place your hands on yourself somewhere and allow the oxygen to fully penetrate your blood. 67. The Divine Subtle Energy Hospital Moment™ with the Divine Subtle Energy Hospital™. Please request healing of a specific part(s) of yourself when using this Moment™. 68. Stress Free Moment™ with Stress Free Reiki™ and Stress Free Empowerment™ 69. DNA Reactivation Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) DNA Reactivation Reiki™ - contains the Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma symbol which is the DNA reactivation symbol (b) DNA Reactivation Empowerment™ - to give the boost needed to wake up and reconnect the inactive strands (c) DNA Reactivation Clearing Ray™ - to help clear all Karmas that resulted to this state of man (d) DNA Reactivation Wisdom Ray™ - to give the necessary wisdom and knowledge to use the abilities awakened by such Reactivation (e) DNA Reactivation Opening™ - to give a smooth changeover to the new knowledge that may be gained after activation 70. F.

Environmental 1. Ice Moment™ with Ice Reiki™ - to cool things down. 2. Fresh Air Moment™ with Fresh Air Reiki™ 3. Oxygen Moment™ with Oxygen Reiki™ - to purify the air and release stagnation, stuffyness etc. Could also be used to help heal wounds and possible for ‘burn out’ or stressrelated syndromes.

1 HGH means human growth hormone. Page 27 of 34

4. Fire Elemental Moment™ with Fire Elemental Reiki™, Fire Elemental Initiation™, Fire Elemental Balance™. 5. Water Elemental Moment™ with Water Elemental Reiki™, Water Elemental Initiation™, Water Elemental Balance™ 6. Air Elemental Moment™ with Air Elemental Reiki™, Air Elemental Initiation™, Air Elemental Balance™ 7. Earth Elemental Moment™ with Earth Elemental Reiki™, Earth Elemental Initiation™, Earth Elemental Balance™ 8. Quintessence Elemental Moment™ with Quintessence Elemental Reiki™, Quintessence Elemental Initiation™, Quintessence Elemental Balance™ 9. Mosquito Repelling Moment™ with Mosquito Repelling Ray™ and Mosquito Shield™. 10. Australia Moment™ with Australia Empowerment™, Australian Healing Energies™ and Australia Awakening™. To attune a person to the energies of Australia. 11. Finland Moment™ with Finland Empowerment™, Finland Healing Energies™ and Finland Awakening™ 12. Mother Earth Moment™ with Mother Earth Reiki™ 13. Love Mother Earth Moment™ with Love Mother Earth Send™ - connects the sender to Mother Earth and God so they are a pure, direct channel from God to Mother Earth. And to send the highest vibration possible for healing, love and light. Protected by the Angels and are they welcomed to join in if they wish. For the greatest good and harm to none. 14. Reiki Blanket Moment™ with Warm Reiki Blanket™, Reiki Blanket™ and Cool Reiki Blanket™. To create a reiki blanket to cover yourself or someone else. It gives reiki to the parts it is lying on and the variants cool and warmth help against cold nights and warm nights. It will make the temperature comfortable for the receiver. Enter the Moment, ask for the blanket and then visualize yourself pulling/ wrapping it over the parts you want to cover. 15. Living Space Moment™. This moment is hopefully useful to distribute good Chi to the place of your’s and the pace where you are do your business and get rid of the bad chi such as Sha Chi. When you take the attunement for your place, you may add the rest of the gifts. Living Space Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Living Space Reiki™ - two levels and unlimited bands (b) Living Space Attunement™ (only for the building) (c) Living Space Empowerment™ (d) Living Space Atonement™ (e) Living Space Clearing Ray™ (f) Living Space Healing Ray™ 16. Equine Oneness Epona Moment™ with Equine Oneness Epona Reiki™ - for all to access, for the harmony, balance, joy, togetherness, beauty, collection, strength, agility, power oneness and all else for the good and positive to be enjoyed by all riders and horses, throughout the world. For the enlightenment of the partnership of horses and humans, of which we have so richly benefited and for the betterment of the lives of all horses, everywhere. 17. Space Clearing Moment™. This Moment may be used everywhere to get rid of lower energy vibrations and increase the amount of Love and Light flowing about you and everyone. Space Clearing Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Space Clearing Reiki™ - general, all purpose energy for space clearing (b) Space Cleansing Energies™ - specifically clears out lower energy vibrations from a space such as room, house etc

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(c) Space Healing Energies™ - heals cracks and fissures in the etheric template of the space (d) Loving Space Attunement™ - attunes the space to the Love and Light of Mother/Father God (e) Angelic Space Attunement™ - attunes the space to angelic energies 18. Feng Shui Moment™. This Moment has two ba gua attunements to set up your space (whether it is a house, room or whatever) for the nine sectors in feng shui. Please use either the Rotating Ba Gua Attunement or the Fixed Ba Gua Attunement for your space but NEVER both. Also, please make any necessary physical enhancements (i.e. placing water fountains, colours, plants, statues etc in the appropriate area) to the nine sectors as you see fit to back up this Moment. This is because the energies associated with this Moment occur on the etheric level. When making any feng shui physical enhancements to the space do not over do it as it can be viewed as being ‘greedy’ and has the potential of backfiring. In short, do only what is necessary to achieve your aim. The Feng Shui Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Feng Shui Reiki™ - a general purpose feng shui energy (b) Rotating Ba Gua Attunement™ - this is depicted in the Black Hat Sect School of Feng Shui (c) Fixed Ba Gua Attunement™ (d) Five Element Balance Attunement™ - balances each of the five element in each of the nine sectors (e) Sha Chi Shield™ - places a shield around, or in the path of, sha chi (f) Feng Shui Correction™ - corrects the flow of beneficial chi around a space (g) Feng Shui Enhancement™ - enhances the flow of beneficial chi around a space (h) Beneficial Chi Correction™ - ensures beneficial chi does not flow out of a space before it has done its work and enhances its flow around the space (i) Yin/Yang Balancing Energies™ (j) Clutter Clearing Energy™ - clears out cluttered energy 19. Environmental Stress Moment™. This Moment clears or shields a space from geopathic stress, electromagnetic stress and general environmental stress thereby decreasing the negative health effects of a space. The Environmental Stress Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Geopathic Stress Correction™ (b) Electromagnetic Stress Correction™ (c) General Environmental Stress Correction™ 20. Water Moment™ with Water Reiki™ 21. Object Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Object Clearing Reiki™ - general, all purpose energy for object clearing (b) Object Cleansing Energies™ - specifically clears out lower energy vibrations from the object (c) Object Healing Energies™ - heals cracks, fissures and holes in the etheric template of the object (d) Loving Object Attunement™ - attunes the object to the Love and Light of Mother/Father God (e) Angelic Object Attunement™ - attunes the object to angelic energies (f) Object Environmental Stress Correction Energies™ - corrects any electromagnetic, environmental or other stress that the object may emanate

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(g) Object Shielding Energies™ - in case the Object Environmental Stress Correction Energies™ don't work, a shield may be placed over the object to prevent the emanation of any stressful energies (h) Object Yin/Yang Balancing Energies™ - balances the objects yin/yang energies (i) Object Five Element Balancing Energies™ - balances the objects five elements of fire, wood, water, metal and earth 22. Repair Moment™. This Moment will only repair the etheric body of an object before it manifests in the physical. The Repair Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) Mechanical Repair Energies™ (b) Electrical Repair Energies™ (c) Electronic Repair Energies™ (d) General Repair Energies™ (e) Magnetic Repair Energies™ 23. Efficiency Moment™ with the following gifts: (a) Mechanical Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of mechanical devices or objects (b) Electronic Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of electronic devices or objects (c) Combustion Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of combustion engines and other such devices (d) General Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of objects or devices generally (e) Magnetic Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of objects that rely on magnetics (f) Solar Efficiency Energies™ - enhances the efficiency of solar-powered objects or devices 24. Nature Moment™ with: (a) Nature Reiki™ (b) Nature Empowerment™ (c) Nature Connection Enhancement Energies™ (d) Beauty of Nature Empowerment™ (e) Nature Anointment™ (f) Nature Atonement™ (g) Nature Healing Energies™ (h) Nature Wisdom Ray™ (i) Nature Knowledge Ray™ G.

Miscellaneous 1. Just A Moment™ with Just A Reiki™ 2. Grounding Moment™ with Grounding Reiki™ 3. Management Moment™ (useful for dealing with all kinds of work-related management issues) with: (a) Management Clearing Ray™ (12 levels); (b) Management Healing Ray™ (12 levels); (c) Management Knowledge Ray™ (12 levels); Page 30 of 34

(d) Management Wisdom Ray™ (12 levels); (e) Management Intuition Ray™ (12 levels); (f) Management Initiation™; and (g) Management Empowerment™ 4. Key Moment™ with Key Reiki™ - used to access all Moments™. Is like a space where the keys are and from there a person can go to any other Moment™, if permitted. Also, like a checkpoint or Hall where there are countless number of doors to other Moments™. The Key Reiki™ would then be facilitating the best possible use of those keys and Moments™ 5. Reiki of Creation Moment™ 6. Infinity Moment™ with Infinity Reiki™. You may receive only Infinity, Positive Infinity, or Infinite Positivity etc as you desire. 7. Miracle Moment™ with Miracle Reiki™ 8. Movement Meditation™. To use this, first pray: Our Father -prayer... or any other Holy one is ok... Then you enter a Moment or Silence and wait until the Energy comes through. For example, if you enter Christ Moment™, Christ energy comes through but can take on forms like Joy of Christ’s Light or Glory of Christ’s Light. Allow it to move through in love. When complete, thank all for participating. 9. Link Kundalini Empowerment (LEK)™. This is used to awaken and increase kundalini safely. To use LEK™ do the following: Use your usual Reiki Style and then enter LEK. Ask LEK to clean your chakras and awakening and increase your Kundalini. State “Thank You” three times 10. Fusion Moment™ with Fusion Reiki™ 11. Cleanliness Moment™ with Cleanliness Reiki™ 12. Peace India Peace Pakistan Peace on Earth Moment™ with Peace India Peace Pakistan Peace on Earth Reiki™. For those who like to help these countries. 13. Hot Hands Moment™ and Most Divine Hot Hands Moment™ 14. Most High Reiki Healing Technique Moment™ 15. Full Reiki Treatment Moment™ with: (a) Reiki Treatment™ - a normal level 1 treatment as a good reiki 1 student would do (b) Full Reiki Treatment™ - a full reiki treatment as a good reiki master would do, complete with mental/emotional and distance/time healing. The full treatment is intended to last longer. 16. Reiki Master Group Moment™ with Reiki Master Group Treatment™ - treatment given by group of volunteering good-willing Reiki Masters. 17. Proof Moment™ with Proof Sending™. Created to show someone the proof that reiki exists. Sometimes people don’t feel Reiki. 18. New Energy Moment™. The New Energy Moment™ has the following gifts: (a) New Energy Reiki™ (b) New Energy Cleansing Rays™ - six levels (c) New Energy Empowerment Rays™ - five levels (d) New Energy Healing Rays™ - three levels (e) New Energy Rays™ - seven levels 19.

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Instructions for Nur Ilahi Moment™ Nur Ilahi Moment™ with Nur Ilahi Reiki™. [Pronounced: Noor ee-loa-hee]. Nur Ilahi means “divine ray of enlightenment”. There are eight levels of Nur Ilahi Reiki™ which are called Maqam [pronounced: maa-qaam] and referred to as Maqam 1(M1), M2, M3 ....M8. Maqam means “state of divine accomplishment of your awareness”. It heals physical, emotional, mental illness, up to purifying your soul and spirit. The main goal of this practise is to gain unity your state of consciousness to God’s consciousness. To become attuned to Nur Ilahi Reiki™, you must follow the guidelines below. Do an affirmation to go up to each maqam (you have to attune once for each maqam, after that you can go there every time you want). The affirmation for M1 is: “I am now receiving an attunement from Ferizals for Nur Ilahi Maqam 1 (one) perfectly. May one and the only mighty God bless me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.” The transmission now begins. Relax and do meditations (sit on the chair, close your eyes, raise up your body do not bend your spinal, both of your feet grounding to earth). Do it for about 15 minutes. For seven days after the attunement, do the following meditations to turning down your m1 chakra (8th chakra) it locate 10 cm above your crown chakra /head). Sit down, relax, feet grounded, close your eyes, and say this affirmation: “I am now doing the meditation to access divine energy from Maqam 1 or 8th chakra, may divine energy and my spirit turning down to my heart chakra (point between your two nipples), may divine energy clean up my body and whole layer of energetic body from illness of :physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.” Do this meditation (as described above) for 15 minutes. After seven days, you may continue to Maqam 2, and so on. You can heal your self and everyone through this kind of energy, but the following affirmation for self healing or healing others should be used: “I am now access divine energy from maqam 1(m1) / 8th chakra, to heal my self (or say person's name that you want to heal) form all kinds of illness, may divine healing perform perfectly and effectively as permitted from God. Thank You". Place you hands on the positions of traditional Usui Reiki system. Do this treatment twice a day for mild illness and 3 times a day for severe illness, everyday till the illness vanished. Thank you Ferizals for giving us all this gift of Nur Ilahi Reiki™.

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Appendix 1: Prosperity Principles Ten Prosperity Principles -- Unknown There is enough of everything on this planet for everyone. There is an abundance of air, food, love, joy, and money. There is enough money on this planet for everyone to have a million dollars! The "problem" is not the amount of money, it is the consciousness that determines the distribution. Are you ready to shift your consciousness? The Ten Prosperity Principles In this moment, choose to believe that the Universe is abundant and that you are a part of that abundance. You are a part of the universal flow of energy in an ocean of abundance. One aspect of this energy is the concept we call money, and it is just as spiritual as anything else. 1.

In this moment, feel the presence of Spirit in your life and know that Spirit is the true Source of your abundance, not your job or any other person. You are always taken care of. You are safe. Remember that Spirit always has the solution for any challenge that confronts you. Meditate daily to connect with Spirit so that you can truly feel that all is well. 2.

In this moment, know that you are deserving of all the abundance of the Universe. Just because you exist, you are deserving. There is nothing you need to do or be. Just be willing to accept the idea that you are deserv-ing. 3.

In this moment, be willing to give up your limiting beliefs about pros-perity. The abundance of Spirit abounds everywhere! Open your mind to the idea that there is plenty for everyone. Your personal beliefs in any area of your life create your personal reality. As you change the beliefs that limit you, the outer reality changes! 4.

In this moment, remember that you are connected with Infinite Mind. This Mind works through the Law of Attraction, and It is always responding to your thoughts and feelings. Affirm and visualize the abundance that you want in your life. Include joy, peace, love, wonderful relationships, and health along with money and material things. 5.

In this moment, practice feeling the joy of knowing that all is well in your life. Relax. Smile. Dance. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Focus on this moment in time, not yesterday or tomorrow, and appreciate this mo-ment. Practice faith and trust. 6.

In this moment, recognize that as you accept your prosperity, you en-courage others to do the same. When the consciousness of one person shifts, it affects everyone else. Your own acceptance of prosperity helps the entire planet. 7.

In this moment, be willing to begin sharing your prosperity with others, even if it is only a dollar. When you give freely to others, you are affirming that you are prosperous enough to share. 8.

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In this moment, remember that you are on this earth for a purpose, and that purpose is to be of service. You have your own unique skills and abilities to offer in being of service. As you practice joyful service, your prosperity will increase. 9.

In this moment, feel the attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for every-thing in your life, even those things you would say are challenging. Each morning when you wake up, think of everything you are grateful for. 10.

Open your arms wide and say to Spirit, THANK YOU! Enjoy the miracles that occur in your life as you practice these princi-ples!

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