Networking Technology Rqf Assignment

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ESOFT METRO CAMPUS #3, De Fonseka Road, Colombo 04. Higher National Diploma in Computing & Systems Development / Business Management Assignment Submission Form Name H.D.S. Enura Indula Name of Group Members (If Applicable) ESOFT Reg. No COL/A – 060329 Edexcel No Module Name Network Technologies Name of the Lecturer Mrs. Ama Kulathilake Date Due Date Submitted 6/6/2018 Fine Email-Address [email protected] Contact No +94 765464362 Check List CD Assignment Formatting Sheet Harvard Referencing () Brief Signature on Signature on Student Declaration Coversheet Herewith I agree for the given terms and conditions on plagiarism & Academic dishonesty also I declare the work submitted doesn’t breach these regulation. Note: Keep the softcopy of the assignment with you until the official results released by ESOFT. ESOFT has all rights to request the softcopy again at any time.





Higher National Diploma in Computing & Systems Development / Business Management

Assignment Submission Form Name Student Reg. No Edexcel No Module Name Name of the Lecturer Date Due Date Submitted Fine Email-Address Contact No Check List () CD

Assignment Brief Formatting Sheet Harvard Referencing Signature on Coversheet Signature on Student Declaration

I will keep the copy of this sheet until I receive the Results of my Submitted work ________ Enura_________ _______6/6/2018____ Signature


Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title Assessor Unit(s)

HND Computing

Assignment title Student’s name

Network Technologies H.D.S. Enura Indula

Internal Verifier Unit 02:



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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form Student Name/ID

H.D.S. Enura Indula / COL/A – 060329

Unit Title

Unit 02:

Assignment Number




Date Received 1st submission

Submission Date


Date Received 2nd submission

Re-submission Date

Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts




LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts










LO3 Design efficient networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts


LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts



Assessor Signature:



Resubmission Feedback:


Assessor Signature:


Internal Verifier’s Comments: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Pearson Higher Nationals in

Computing Unit 02: Networking Assignment 01

General Guidelines

1. A cover page or title page should be attached to your assignment. Use page 1 of this assignment brief as your cover page and make sure all details are accurately filled. 2. The entire assignment brief should be attached as the first section of your assignment. 3. The assignment should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. The assignment should be word processing in an A4 sized paper. 5. Allow 1” margin on top, bottom and right sides of the paper and 1.25” on the left side (for binding).

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. 2. Set line spacing to 1.5. Justify all paragraphs. 3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style. 4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert your name, unit, assignment no, and page number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets get detached from the submission. 5. Use the spell check and grammar check function of the word processing application to review the use of language on your assignment.

Important Points:

1. Carefully check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted. 2. Ensure that sufficient time is spent to complete the assignment by the due date. 3. Do not wait till the last minute to get feedback on the assignment. Such excuses will not be accepted for late submissions. 4. You must be responsible for efficient management of your time. 5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. 6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade. 7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. 8. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, it must be properly referenced, using the HARVARD referencing system, in your text or any bibliography. Otherwise, you’ll be found guilty of committing plagiarism. 9. If you are caught plagiarising, your grade will be reduced to a REFERRAL or at worst, you could be excluded from the course.

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Edexcel UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the assignment.

[email protected] Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID)

6/6/2018 Date: (Provide Submission Date)

Higher National Diploma in Business Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number

H.D.S. Enura Indula / COL/A – 060329

Unit Number and Title

Unit 2: Networking

Academic Year


Unit Tutor Assignment Title

LAN Design & Implementation for Enclave Films Company

Issue Date Submission Date


IV Name & Date

Submission format The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of references using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word count is 3,000–3,500 words for the report excluding annexures, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO2 Explain networking devices and operations. LO3 Design efficient networked systems. LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems. Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Scenario : Enclave Films is an eminent movie company which composes movies and delivers high quality video to make it download through VividZone company website. The original movie company management has decided to consolidate the contract with VividZone by adding more efficient staff and appliances. Enclave Films is in building B and the web team is positioned in the same building while majority of the administration, sales, accounts and management functions are supported in building A. Both buildings are located in the same premises. Movie company plans to aggregate all their staff and resources in one building. Therefore when adjacent office space becomes available in building A, these groups will be accommodated together. Building A has a reception and a customer area as well. About the Network The branch network of Enclave Films has grown without proper planning. The LAN cabling in both offices is Cat5e Ethernet. The office complex provides an Ethernet link between the two buildings. The current network is a flat network design with minimal redundancy. A small wireless LAN is used occasionally by few project managers with laptops and the guests at Building B. a) Building A - general office and managers, including reception, accounts, and administration. It consists of 12 PCs and 02 printers. b) Building B - production suites and provides networking for the media development and storage. It consists of 09 high-performance workstations, 05 office PCs, and 02 printers. The Management expects to enhance the network based on following major criteria: a) Separate the network into VLANs. b) Data traffic expected to increase by 80% c) Possibly consider connecting directly to the VividZone network; must be a fast and reliable connection d) High network availability with redundant links and technology e) Wireless network access at Building B f) QoS to support video applications g) High network reliability with network monitoring and security

Activity 01 You are newly recruited as a Network Engineer by the movie company to redesign the network. You need to produce a report for the company that includes the following: 1. An an overview of your report. 2. An explanation of; • networking principles, protocols and devices, including benefits and constraints of networked solutions • the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements, effectiveness of networking systems • operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking software

Activity 02 1. Prepare a written plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint of your LAN. 2. Justify the security requirements and quality of services needed for selection of accessories 3. Design a networked system to meet a given specification 4. Provide the IP address allocation table for the redesigned network. 5. Install & configure network services and applications of your choice. 6. Conduct a test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. 7. Suggest a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.

Activity 03 1. Implement a networked system based on your prepared design. 2. Conduct verification with e.g. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc. 3. Record the test results and analyze these against expected results. 4. Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device growth and the addition of communication devices.

Grading Rubric Grading Criteria



LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protocols. P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements. M1 Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. P4

Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. M2 Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization. LO 1 & LO2 D1 Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilisation of a networking system. LO3 : Design efficient networked systems P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback. M3

Install and configure network services and applications on your choice. D2 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system. LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems

P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. P8 Document and analyze test results against expected results. M4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.

Acknowledgement Many people have contributed to the success of this Report. Although a single sentence hardly suffices, the author would like to thank Almighty God for blessing him with his grace. The author is profoundly indebted to his class guide, Miss Ama Kulathilaka, for innumerable acts of timely advice; encouragement and the author sincerely express his gratitude to her. Her guidance made the author to successfully complete the report. The author extend his sincere and heartfelt thanks to Dr. Dayan, Mrs. Pabasara and Miss Oshadhi, for providing him the right ambiance for carrying out this work. The author expresses his immense pleasure and thankfulness to all the teachers and staff for the cooperation and support. In addition, a huge thank to the google and other sources that the author have used in this report. Last but not the least, he thanks all others, and especially his classmates who in one way or another helped him in the successful completion of this work. The author hopes contributors will recognize that he has done his best to reflect the variety of views and the wealth of information, which were so generously provided, to him. The author takes full and sole responsibility for the content of the report and for any errors or misrepresentations of fact or opinion it may contain.

Regards, The Author, Enura.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Contents Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i 1. Overview report of the Enclave Films and VividZone ............................................................... 1 2. Network System Types ............................................................................................................... 2 2.1 What is a Computer Network? .............................................................................................. 2 2.2 What are the types of computer networks? ........................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Peer - Based ................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.2 Client – Sever Based ...................................................................................................... 5 2.2.3 Cloud .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.4 Cluster .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.5 Centralized Computing ................................................................................................ 13 2.2.6 Virtualized.................................................................................................................... 15 3. What are the types of Computer Network Designs? ................................................................. 18 3.1 Local Area Network (LAN) ................................................................................................ 18 3.2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) ................................................................................... 20 3.3 Wide Area Network (WAN) ............................................................................................... 22 3.4 Personal Area Network (PAN) ........................................................................................... 23 3.5 Storage Area Network (SAN) ............................................................................................. 25 3.6 Virtual Private Network (VPN) .......................................................................................... 26 3.7 Controller Area Network (CAN) ........................................................................................ 28 4. What is a Network Topology? .................................................................................................. 29 4.1 What are the types of Network Topologies?....................................................................... 29 4.1.1 Point-to-Point Connection ........................................................................................... 30 4.1.2 Multi Point Connection ................................................................................................ 30 4.1.3 Bus Topology ............................................................................................................... 31 4.1.4 Star Topology............................................................................................................... 33 4.1.5 Ring Topology ............................................................................................................. 34 4.1.6 Tree Topology .............................................................................................................. 35 4.1.7 Mesh Topology ............................................................................................................ 36 4.1.8 Hybrid Topology .......................................................................................................... 37 4.1.9 Extended Star Topology .............................................................................................. 38

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


4.1.10 Dual Ring Topology .................................................................................................. 39 4.1.11 Partial Mesh Topology ............................................................................................... 39 4.2 Suggesting a Suitable Network Topology for Enclave Films and VividZone.................... 40 4.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 40 5. Network Related Technologies and Standards ......................................................................... 41 5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 41 5.3 Internet Protocol Addressing .............................................................................................. 41 5.3.1 IPv4 .............................................................................................................................. 41 5.3.2 IPv6 .............................................................................................................................. 42 5.4 VLAN ................................................................................................................................. 43 6. Network Standards .................................................................................................................... 44 6.1 ITU – T (International Telecommunication Union) ........................................................... 45 6.2 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) .................................................................. 45 6.3 IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering) ................................................... 46 6.3.1 Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) .................................................................................................. 47 6.3.2 Wireless Fidelity (IEEE 802.11) .................................................................................. 47 6.3.3 Wireless Personal Area Network (IEEE 802.15) ......................................................... 47 6.3.4 Other IEEE Network Standards ................................................................................... 47 6.4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 48 7. Network Models and Protocols ................................................................................................. 49 7.1 OSI Model ........................................................................................................................... 49 7.1.1 Main functions of seven layers in OSI Model ............................................................. 50 7.2 TCP / IP Model ................................................................................................................... 52 7.3 What is a Network Protocol? .............................................................................................. 53 7.4 Application Layer Protocol ................................................................................................. 53 7.4.1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) ........................................................................................ 53 7.4.2 Secure Shell (SSH) ...................................................................................................... 54 7.4.3 Telnet ........................................................................................................................... 54 7.4.4 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ...................................................................... 54 7.4.5 Domain Name Service (DNS) ..................................................................................... 54 7.4.6 Hyperactive Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ............................................................... 54 7.4.7 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) .......................................................... 55

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


7.4.8 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) ......................................................................... 55 7.4.9 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) .......................................................... 55 7.4.10 Network Time Protocol (NTP) .................................................................................. 55 7.4.11 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ...................................................... 55 7.5 Transport/Host-to-Host Layer Protocol .............................................................................. 56 7.5.1 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ......................................................................... 56 7.5.2 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ................................................................................... 57 7.6 Internet Layer ...................................................................................................................... 58 7.6.1 Internet Protocol (IP) ................................................................................................... 58 7.6.2 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ................................................................. 58 7.6.3 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ............................................................................ 59 7.6.4 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) ........................................................... 59 7.7 Suitable Protocol Solution for Enclave and VividZone Companies ................................... 60 8.

Network designing of Enclave Films and VividZone Company .......................................... 61 8.1 The blueprint of Enclave Films. (Building A) .................................................................... 61 8.2 The blueprint of VividZone. (Building B) .......................................................................... 63 8.3 The blue prints of Enclave Films and VividZone Company. (Together) ........................... 64 8.4 Justification of the design ................................................................................................... 65 8.4.1 Why Serial Cables? ...................................................................................................... 65 8.4.2 Other Equipment .......................................................................................................... 65

9. Network security in Enclave Films & VividZone Company .................................................... 68 9.1 Access control ..................................................................................................................... 69 9.2 Antivirus and antimalware software ................................................................................... 69 9.3 Behavioral analytics ............................................................................................................ 69 9.4 Data loss prevention ............................................................................................................ 70 9.5 Firewalls .............................................................................................................................. 70 9.6 Network segmentation ........................................................................................................ 70 9.7 Web security ....................................................................................................................... 71 9.8 Wireless security ................................................................................................................. 71 10. Quality of Service at Enclave movie Premises. ...................................................................... 72 10.1 Quality of Services of a system ........................................................................................ 72 10.2 Quality of Service of routers, switches, severs and cables ............................................... 74

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2.1 Routers ....................................................................................................................... 75 10.2.2 Switches ..................................................................................................................... 76 10.2.3 Hubs ........................................................................................................................... 77 10.2.4 The Comparison of Routers, Switches and Hubs ...................................................... 78 10.2.5 Servers........................................................................................................................ 79 10.3 Comprehensive analysis of Servers and its Specification................................................. 83 10.3.1 Selecting the suitable server for Enclave Films and VividZone ................................ 84 10.2.6 Cables......................................................................................................................... 85 11. Cisco Packet Tracer Design of the blueprint. ......................................................................... 89 12. IP address allocation table of Enclave Films and VividZone Company ................................ 90 12.1 Justification of VLANs ..................................................................................................... 90 12.2 Justification of VLSM....................................................................................................... 91 12.3 Justification of IP allocation ............................................................................................. 91 12.4 Justification of Class C IP ................................................................................................. 92 12.4.1 Why Class C IP range? .............................................................................................. 92 13. Installing and configuring a network service. ......................................................................... 93 13.1 Operating System (Windows Server 2012) ...................................................................... 93 13.2 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) ............................................................. 120 13.2.1 Configuring DHCP on the router ............................................................................. 120 13.2.2 Configuring the IP for the DHCP ............................................................................ 120 14. User Feedback Form and Analyzation .................................................................................. 121 14.1 What is Feedback? .......................................................................................................... 121 14.2 Feedback for the Enclave Films and VividZone Company. ........................................... 121 14.3 Feedback form ................................................................................................................ 122 14.4 Analysis of user Feedback Forms ................................................................................... 123 14.4.1 How often do you interact with the network within the company premises? .......... 123 14.4.2 Speed of the Company Network .............................................................................. 124 14.4.3 Is the design user friendly? ...................................................................................... 124 15. Maintenance table of the Enclave Films and VividZone Companies. .................................. 125 15.1 Maintenance Schedule .................................................................................................... 125 15.1.1 What is a Maintenance Schedule? ........................................................................... 125 15.1.2 Maintenance Schedule of the Enclave Films and VividZone Companies ............... 125

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


16. Implementing the Network ................................................................................................... 128 16.1 PC and Server Configuration .......................................................................................... 128 16.2 Router Configuration ...................................................................................................... 132 16.3 Switch Configuration ...................................................................................................... 134 16.4 Show Commands ............................................................................................................ 138 16.5 Telnet configuring ........................................................................................................... 143 17. Designing a Test case Table ................................................................................................. 146 17.1 What is Test case Table?................................................................................................. 146 17.2 Steps for a best Test case Table ...................................................................................... 146 17.3 Redesigned blueprint’s Test case Table .......................................................................... 148 18. Enhancing the implemented network design ........................................................................ 151 18.1 Upgrading the Cables in the Network ............................................................................. 151 18.2 Improving the Quality of the Network............................................................................ 151 18.3 Enhancing the Security of the Network .......................................................................... 152 18.4 Unified Threat Management ........................................................................................... 153 18.5 Scalability ....................................................................................................................... 153 19. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 154 20. References ............................................................................................................................. 156

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


List of Figures Figure 1 - Pure P2P Network (SlideShare) ..................................................................................... 3 Figure 2 - A Simple Client-Server Network. .................................................................................. 5 Figure 3 - Example for Cloud Computing ...................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 - Sample cluster computing. ........................................................................................... 10 Figure 5 - Sample Centralized Network ....................................................................................... 13 Figure 6 - Virtualization................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 7 - Illustration of LAN network......................................................................................... 19 Figure 8 - Illustration of MAN network ....................................................................................... 20 Figure 9 - Illustration of WAN network ....................................................................................... 22 Figure 10 - Illustration of PAN network ....................................................................................... 24 Figure 11 - Illustration of SAN network ....................................................................................... 25 Figure 12 - Illustration of VPN ..................................................................................................... 26 Figure 13 - VPN diagram .............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 14 - Illustration of the CAN............................................................................................... 28 Figure 15 - Illustration of Point-to-Point ...................................................................................... 30 Figure 16 - Illustration of Multi Point........................................................................................... 31 Figure 17 - Illustration of BUS topology ...................................................................................... 32 Figure 18 - Illustration of Star Topology ...................................................................................... 33 Figure 19 - Illustration of Ring Topology..................................................................................... 34 Figure 20 - Illustration of Tree Topology ..................................................................................... 35 Figure 21 - Illustration of Mesh Topology ................................................................................... 36 Figure 22 - Illustration of Hybrid Topology ................................................................................. 37 Figure 23 - Illustration of Extended Star Topology ...................................................................... 38 Figure 24 - Illustration of Dual Ring Topology ............................................................................ 39 Figure 25 - Illustration of Mesh Topology ................................................................................... 39 Figure 26 - ITU Logo .................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 27 - ANSI Logo ................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 28 - IEEE Logo .................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 29 - Illustration of OSI Model ........................................................................................... 50 Figure 30 - Comparison between OSI & TCP/IP Models ............................................................ 52 Figure 31 - Illustration of Transport layer .................................................................................... 56 Figure 32 - Info about TCP header ............................................................................................... 57 Figure 33 - Info about UDP header............................................................................................... 57 Figure 34 - ICMP illustration by pinging to .................................................... 59 Figure 35 - Blueprint of the Building A........................................................................................ 61 Figure 36 - Blueprint of Building B.............................................................................................. 63 Figure 37 - Blueprint of the entire company ................................................................................. 64 Figure 38 - DELL Cobra router .................................................................................................... 75 Figure 39 - Linksys LGS116P manageable switch ....................................................................... 76 Figure 40 - Switch's use for the both buildings ............................................................................ 77 Figure 41 - D-Link Hub ................................................................................................................ 78 Figure 42 - DNS Illustration ......................................................................................................... 80 Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Figure 43 - File server ................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 44 - Illustration of print server........................................................................................... 81 Figure 45 - Illustration of Mail server........................................................................................... 81 Figure 46 - Illustration of Proxy ................................................................................................... 82 Figure 47 - Web server ................................................................................................................. 82 Figure 48 - STP and UTP.............................................................................................................. 86 Figure 49 - Coaxial Cables ........................................................................................................... 86 Figure 50 - Fiber Optics ................................................................................................................ 87 Figure 51 - Illustration of Cisco in Fiber Optics ........................................................................... 87 Figure 52 - Cable Comparison ...................................................................................................... 88 Figure 53 - Cisco network design at Enclave Films and VividZone ............................................ 89 Figure 54 - Class C IP addressing ................................................................................................. 92 Figure 55 - MS Windows Server 2012 R2.................................................................................... 93 Figure 56 - Server OS snapshot 01 ............................................................................................... 94 Figure 57 - Server OS snapshot 02 ............................................................................................... 94 Figure 58 - Server OS snapshot 03 ............................................................................................... 95 Figure 59 - Server OS snapshot 04 ............................................................................................... 95 Figure 60 - Server OS snapshot 05 ............................................................................................... 96 Figure 61 - Server OS snapshot 06 ............................................................................................... 96 Figure 62 - Server OS snapshot 07 ............................................................................................... 97 Figure 63 - Server OS snapshot 08 ............................................................................................... 97 Figure 64 - Server OS snapshot 09 ............................................................................................... 98 Figure 65 - Server OS snapshot 10 ............................................................................................... 98 Figure 66 - Server OS snapshot 11 ............................................................................................... 99 Figure 67 - Server OS snapshot 12 ............................................................................................... 99 Figure 68 - Server OS snapshot 13 ............................................................................................. 100 Figure 69 - Server OS snapshot 14 ............................................................................................. 100 Figure 70 - Server OS snapshot 15 ............................................................................................. 101 Figure 71 - Server OS snapshot 16 ............................................................................................. 101 Figure 72 - Server OS snapshot 17 ............................................................................................. 102 Figure 73 - Server OS snapshot 18 ............................................................................................. 102 Figure 74 - Server OS snapshot 19 ............................................................................................. 103 Figure 75 - Server OS snapshot 20 ............................................................................................. 103 Figure 76 - Server OS snapshot 21 ............................................................................................. 104 Figure 77 - Server OS snapshot 22 ............................................................................................. 104 Figure 78 - Server OS snapshot 23 ............................................................................................. 105 Figure 79 - Server OS snapshot 24 ............................................................................................. 105 Figure 80 - Server OS snapshot 25 ............................................................................................. 106 Figure 81 - Server OS snapshot 26 ............................................................................................. 106 Figure 82 - Server OS snapshot 27 ............................................................................................. 107 Figure 83 - Server OS snapshot 28 ............................................................................................. 107 Figure 84 - Server OS snapshot 29 ............................................................................................. 108 Figure 85 - Server OS snapshot 30 ............................................................................................. 108

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Figure 86 - Server OS snapshot 31 ............................................................................................. 109 Figure 87 - Server OS snapshot 32 ............................................................................................. 109 Figure 88 - Server OS snapshot 33 ............................................................................................. 110 Figure 89 - Server OS snapshot 34 ............................................................................................. 110 Figure 90 - Server OS snapshot 36 ............................................................................................. 111 Figure 91 - Server OS snapshot 37 ............................................................................................. 111 Figure 92 - Server OS snapshot 38 ............................................................................................. 112 Figure 93 - Server OS snapshot 39 ............................................................................................. 112 Figure 94 - Server OS snapshot 40 ............................................................................................. 113 Figure 95 - Server OS snapshot 41 ............................................................................................. 113 Figure 96 - Server OS snapshot 42 ............................................................................................. 114 Figure 97 - Server OS snapshot 43 ............................................................................................. 114 Figure 98 - Server OS snapshot 45 ............................................................................................. 115 Figure 99 - Server OS snapshot 46 ............................................................................................. 115 Figure 100 - Server OS snapshot 47 ........................................................................................... 116 Figure 101 - Server OS snapshot 48 ........................................................................................... 116 Figure 102 - Server OS snapshot 49 ........................................................................................... 117 Figure 103 - Server OS snapshot 50 ........................................................................................... 117 Figure 104 - Server OS snapshot 51 ........................................................................................... 118 Figure 105 - Server OS snapshot 52 ........................................................................................... 118 Figure 106 - Server OS snapshot 53 ........................................................................................... 119 Figure 107 - DHCP configuration of a router ............................................................................. 120 Figure 108 - IP configuration of DHCP ...................................................................................... 120 Figure 109 - Feedback form for the Enclave Films and VividZone ........................................... 122 Figure 110 - Feedback Analysis 01 ............................................................................................ 123 Figure 111 - Feedback Analysis 02 ............................................................................................ 124 Figure 112 - Feedback Analysis 03 ............................................................................................ 124 Figure 113 - Network Implementation snapshot 01 ................................................................... 128 Figure 114 - Network Implementation snapshot 02 ................................................................... 129 Figure 115 - Network Implementation snapshot 03 ................................................................... 129 Figure 116 - Network Implementation snapshot 04 ................................................................... 130 Figure 117 - Network Implementation snapshot 05 ................................................................... 130 Figure 118 - Network Implementation snapshot 06 ................................................................... 131 Figure 119 - Network Implementation snapshot 07 ................................................................... 132 Figure 120 - Network Implementation snapshot 08 ................................................................... 132 Figure 121 - Network Implementation snapshot 09 ................................................................... 132 Figure 122 - Network Implementation snapshot 10 ................................................................... 133 Figure 123 - Network Implementation snapshot 11 ................................................................... 133 Figure 124 - Network Implementation snapshot 12 ................................................................... 133 Figure 125 - Network Implementation snapshot 13 ................................................................... 134 Figure 126 - Network Implementation snapshot 14 ................................................................... 134 Figure 127 - Network Implementation snapshot 15 ................................................................... 135 Figure 128 - Network Implementation snapshot 16 ................................................................... 135

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Figure 129 - Network Implementation snapshot 17 ................................................................... 136 Figure 130 - Network Implementation snapshot 19 ................................................................... 136 Figure 131 - Network Implementation snapshot 18 ................................................................... 136 Figure 132 - Network Implementation snapshot 20 ................................................................... 137 Figure 133 - Network Implementation snapshot 21 ................................................................... 138 Figure 134 - Network Implementation snapshot 22 ................................................................... 138 Figure 135 - Network Implementation snapshot 23 ................................................................... 139 Figure 136 - Network Implementation snapshot 24 ................................................................... 139 Figure 137 - Network Implementation snapshot 25 ................................................................... 140 Figure 138 - Network Implementation snapshot 26 ................................................................... 140 Figure 139 - Network Implementation snapshot 27 ................................................................... 141 Figure 140 - Network Implementation snapshot 28 ................................................................... 141 Figure 141 - Network Implementation snapshot 29 ................................................................... 142 Figure 142 - Network Implementation snapshot 30 ................................................................... 142 Figure 143 - Network Implementation snapshot 31 ................................................................... 143 Figure 144 - Network Implementation snapshot 32 ................................................................... 143 Figure 145 - Network Implementation snapshot 33 ................................................................... 144 Figure 146 - Network Implementation snapshot 34 ................................................................... 144 Figure 147 - Network Implementation snapshot 35 ................................................................... 145 Figure 148 - Network Implementation snapshot 36 ................................................................... 145 Figure 149 - Face recognition ..................................................................................................... 152 Figure 150 - Biometric door locks .............................................................................................. 152 Figure 151 - UTM defined .......................................................................................................... 153

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


List of Tables Table 1 - Pros and Cons of P2P Network. ...................................................................................... 4 Table 2 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Client - Server Network. .......................................... 6 Table 3 - Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing. ............................................................... 9 Table 4 - Pros and Cons of Cluster Computing ............................................................................ 12 Table 5 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralized Computing. ......................................... 14 Table 6 - Comparison of Virtualization. ....................................................................................... 16 Table 7 - Pros and Cons of virtualization. .................................................................................... 16 Table 8 - Pros and Cons of LAN .................................................................................................. 20 Table 9 - Pros and Cons of MAN ................................................................................................. 21 Table 10 - Pros and Cons of WAN ............................................................................................... 23 Table 11 - Pros and Cons of PAN ................................................................................................. 24 Table 12 - Pros and Cons of SAN ................................................................................................. 26 Table 13 - Pros and Cons of VPN ................................................................................................. 27 Table 14 - Pros and Cons of CAN ................................................................................................ 28 Table 15 - Pros and Cons of Point-to-Point .................................................................................. 30 Table 16 - Pros and Cons of Multi Point ...................................................................................... 31 Table 17- Pros and Cons of Bus Topology ................................................................................... 32 Table 18 - Pros and Cons of Star Topology .................................................................................. 33 Table 19 - Pros and Cons of Ring Topology ................................................................................ 34 Table 20 - Pros and Cons of Tree Topology ................................................................................. 35 Table 21 - Pros and Cons of Mesh Topology ............................................................................... 36 Table 22 - Pros and Cons of Hybrid Topology ............................................................................. 37 Table 23 - Comparison of IPv4 & IPv6 ........................................................................................ 42 Table 24 - QoS aspects of a Company .......................................................................................... 73 Table 25 - Comparison between routers, switches and hubs ........................................................ 78 Table 26 - Brands comparison of serers ....................................................................................... 83 Table 27 - Comparing STP and UTP ............................................................................................ 85 Table 28 - IP allocation table ........................................................................................................ 90 Table 29 - Maintenance Schedule of Enclave Films and VividZone ......................................... 127 Table 30 - Strengths and Weaknesses of the author ................................................................... 161

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Activity 01 1. An overview of the company network.

1. Overview report of the Enclave Films and VividZone This assignment mainly provides a detailed solution on implementing a computer network at Enclave Films and VividZone Company. Each section of this assignment explains most of the network architecture on how its build, what it consists of, and what it does separately. In this report, I have vividly elaborate the protocols network standards network topologies effectively. In addition, what types of servers are available and how this company will need them, how they will satisfy the business requirement of Enclave Films Company, why they are important and how it will affect the computer network as the business processes. This assignment can be considered as a better solution for Enclave Films and VividZone movie Company as it meets the required business criteria’s and is build using the latest technologies available.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2. Network System Types 2.1 What is a Computer Network? Simply, a computer network is a collection of computing devices that is interfacing two or more computing devices for sharing resources. This process is done using some transmission medium such as wired and wireless. Computer networks can be categorized into several categories (, 2017).

2.2 What are the types of computer networks? One way to categorize the different types of computer network designs is by their scope or scale. For historical reasons, the networking industry refers to nearly every type of design as some kind of area network. Common types of area networks are:

Peer Based Networks

Client Based Networks

Cloud Computing

Cluster Computing

Centralized Computing

Virtualized Computing

The organization of the Internet is actually very complex. You will first have to understand how a basic computer network operates. In this report, we’re going to discuss the broad categories of computer networking, which should give the reader an idea about how computer networks are organized.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2.2.1 Peer - Based Introduction There are two types of peer-to-peer networks.

1. Pure Peer-to-peer network. 2. Hybrid Peer-to-peer network.

A peer-to-peer network is defined as when a couple or more computers share files and access to devices, without requiring a separate server computer or software. Nearly all operating systems come with the ability to act as a server to share resources. P2P systems are using to provide anonymized routing of network traffic, parallel computing environments, distributed storage and other functionalities (James, 2002).

Figure 1 - Pure P2P Network (SlideShare)

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Pros and Cons of Peer – Based Networks



P2P networks are easy to configure.

Can slow down the performance of the user.

Installation of this network is simple.

Files and folders cannot be centrally backed up.

No need for a network operating system.

Less secure than the other networks because users don’t have to log in.

Does not need any expensive servers.

Resources are not centralized to a specific shared area.

Table 1 - Pros and Cons of P2P Network.

Conclusion Peer-to-Peer networks are very useful and more suitable to connect a small number of computers. Where a low level of security is needed. This type of architecture is not preferred to transfer sensitive data. Also, not advisable to use in any sort of a business work. A lot of movies and multimedia files are being transferred via this architecture. P2P technology is used in Torrents.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2.2.2 Client – Sever Based Introduction The sole purpose if this server is to do what its name says, serve the clients. A Client-Server network is used to access resources or some other service from a central computer called a Server. This is mainly designed for end-users, called clients. A simple example of this network is playing a game from a console via the internet. Imagine you are playing a game on your PlayStation, your PlayStation is the client and you connect the PlayStation to a network to get updates and other services, and that network is the server. That clarifies the simple meaning of Client-Server network (, 2002).

Figure 2 - A Simple Client-Server Network.

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Networking Assignment-01


Advantages and Disadvantages of Client – Server Networks




Congestion. (Overload)

Proper Management.

Cost is high.


Need Professional IT People to handle.

High Security.

Lacks the robustness of a good network.

Back Up & Recovery is Possible.

Table 2 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Client - Server Network.

Conclusion Client-Server network can the summarized as this. Client-Server network divides the work of computing between clients and servers. This model is not used in small-scale networks but can be recommended for mass organizations, businesses, and networks where security is not a big issue.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2.2.3 Cloud Introduction Cloud computing is now one of the prevailing IT trends in this era. The simple meaning of Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Companies that provide these services are called Cloud providers and typically charge for these services based on the usage (Margaret, 2013). There are three primary types of Cloud deployment models. 1. Private Cloud. 2. Public Cloud. 3. Hybrid Cloud.

Private cloud: Private clouds are designed for access restricted to a single enterprise and are used as an internal shared resource and not a commercial offering (Luchinda and Mehera, 2011). Public cloud: In public clouds, the deployment is open to a largely unrestricted universe of potential users, provided by a service provider, and targeted to be used by a market and not a single enterprise (Luchinda and Mehera, 2011). Hybrid: In hybrid cloud deployments, a portion of the infrastructure is deployed in the service provider's cloud and a portion is at the customer premise (Luchinda and Mehera, 2011).

Figure 3 - Example for Cloud Computing

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Today there are three IT services provided by the cloud. 1. Software as a Service. 2. Platform as a Service. 3. Infrastructure as a Service.

SaaS is a software distribution model in which third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet (Margaret, 2016). Examples: CRM, Email, Virtual Desktop, Communication, Games.

PaaS is a cloud computing model in which a third-party provider delivers hardware and software tools -- usually those needed for application development -- to users over the internet. A PaaS provider hosts the hardware and software on its own infrastructure. As a result, PaaS frees users from having to install in-house hardware and software to develop or run a new application (Margaret, 2017). Examples: Execution Runtime, Database, Development Tools, Web Server.

IaaS is a form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet (Margaret, 2017). Examples: Virtual Machines, Servers, Storages.

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing



Cost Efficient.

Endless technical issues.

Easy access to Information.

Prone to attack.

Almost unlimited Storage.

Less secure because you are storing sensitive data in a third-party cloud.

Quick Deployment. Table 3 - Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing.

Conclusion Cloud computing is a trend that will change the face of computer organizations in the coming decade. By shifting the IT infrastructure management to the cloud, organizations can achieve greater levels of heights. However, implementing cloud computing without properly architecting the network can lead to problems in application performance and security. Some companies have launched some solutions under the borderless network's umbrella that are designed to address these challenges and enable organizations to design their networks to take full advantage of the cloud (Luchinda and Mehera, 2011).

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2.2.4 Cluster Introduction Cluster computing is a form of computing in which a group of computers is linked together so that they can act as a single entity. It is the technique of linking two or more computers into a network (usually through a LAN) in order to take advantage of the parallel processing power of those computers (Chee, Rajkumar, Hossein, Rasit, Peter and Frank, 2008).

Figure 4 - Sample cluster computing.

Main Components of Cluster Computing.

1. Memory. 2. Networking Components. 3. Processors.

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Types of Clusters There are three types of Clusters. 1. High-Availability Clusters. 2. Load-Balancing Clusters. 3. High-Performance Clusters.

High-Availability Clusters: These clusters are designed to provide uninterrupted availability of data or services (typically web services) to the end user community. If a node fails, the service can be restored without affecting the availability of the services provided by the clusters. The purpose of these clusters is to ensure that a single instance of an application is only ever running on one cluster member at a time but if and when that cluster member is no longer available, the application will failover to another cluster member (Kumar, 2008).

Load-Balancing Clusters: This is a methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or computer cluster. Load-Balancing clusters operate by routing all work through one or more load-balancing front-end nodes. Every node in the cluster is able to handle requests for the same content or application. This type of distribution typically seen in a web-hosting environment (Kumar, 2008).

High-Performance Cluster: High-performing computing uses supercomputers and computer clusters to solve advanced computation problems. HPCs are designed to exploit the parallel processing power of multiple nodes (Kumar, 2008).

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Cluster Classification: 1. Open Cluster – All nodes can be seen from outside, hence they need more IPs, and cause more security concern, but they are more flexible and are used for internet, web, information server tasks (Kumar, 2008). 2. Close Cluster – They hide most of the cluster behind the gateway nod. Consequently, they need fewer IP addresses and provide much better security. They are good for computing tasks (Kumar, 2008).

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing



Cost efficient.

Size scalability (physical & application)


Single system Image (look-and-feel of one system)


Security and encryption (clusters of clusters)

Massive processing power.

Enhanced availability (failure management)

Table 4 - Pros and Cons of Cluster Computing

Conclusion Cluster computing offers a comparatively cheap, alternative to large server/mainframe computer solutions. Clusters based supercomputers can be seen everywhere. Even though many people are unaware of the fact that, they use cluster-computing applications daily in their day-to-day life. Google search engine is the mostly using cluster we all know. New trends in hardware and software technologies are likely to make clusters more promising (Mark, 2000).

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2.2.5 Centralized Computing

Introduction “Centralized Computing” refers to a model of computing used to conceptualize the relationship between end users and computers. A working definition for Centralized Computing is a small number of powerful servers at a common location that satisfies the computing needs of a large number of end users. Over the time computers became much more prevalent in business due to the reduction of their size, reduced need for a conditioned environment and greatly reduced acquisition cost. So that people began to use computers more often where they can do all the work mainly in one unit. Centralized computing enables the deployment of all central server’s computing resources, administration, and management. This method is similar to a client/server network where one or more clients’ PCs are directly connected to a central server (, N.D).

Figure 5 - Sample Centralized Network

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralized Computing



Ease of management.

Reduced availability.

Enhanced Security.

Access and diversity.

Ease of control.

Less secure.

Reduced cost of ownership.


Table 5 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralized Computing.

Conclusion •

All processing takes place in the central, mainframe computer.

Terminals are connected to the central computer and function only as input/output devices.

Networks may be employed to interconnect two or more mainframe computers. Terminals connect only to the mainframe, never to each other.

This early computing model worked well in large organizations, but was not flexible and did not scale down to meet the needs of smaller organizations. As such, new ways of sharing information were needed to allow computing power to be shared efficiently on smaller networks (, N.D).

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Networking Assignment-01


2.2.6 Virtualized Introduction Virtualization is one of the hardware reducing, cost saving and energy saving technology that is rapidly transforming the IT landscape and fundamentally changing the way that people compute. Virtualized Computing is a technique, which tells how to separate a service from the underlying physical delivery of that service. It was first developed in the 60’s by IBM (, N.D). A simpler meaning for this method is a technology to run multiple same or different operating systems which are completely isolated from each other (Karl, 2016). Ex: Run both Windows and Linux on the same machine.

There are many types of virtualization. •

Server Virtualization

Desktop Virtualization

Application Virtualization





Below table will tell us the changes that took place because of virtualization.

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Single OS image per machine.

Hardware-independence of operating system and application.

Software and Hardware tightly coupled.

Virtual machines can be provisioned to any system.

Running multiple applications on the same

Can manage OS and application as a single

machine often create conflict.

unit by encapsulating them into virtual machines.

Inflexible and costly infrastructure. Table 6 - Comparison of Virtualization.

Pros and Cons of Virtualized Computing



Efficient use of resources.

High upfront costs.


Security. (Two companies on the same server with sensitive information)

Problem-free testing.

Need IT, professionals, to handle the servers.

Easier manageability. Table 7 - Pros and Cons of virtualization.

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Figure 6 - Virtualization.

Conclusion One of the main cost-saving, hardware-reducing, and energy-saving techniques used by cloud providers is virtualization. With OS virtualization each VM can use a different operating system (OS), and each OS is isolated from the others. Use VMs to enabling different services to run in separate VMs on the same physical machine (Karl, 2016). The above illustration was about the network system types. The reader can gain a vivid idea about the types through referring to the above section. In addition, just as those network types there are some other network types, which the reader will need to have an idea. I have mentioned those types in the below illustration.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


3. What are the types of Computer Network Designs? Nowadays, networks are the backbone of business and other industries today due to its tremendous evolution due to the technology. These networks can be differentiated according to their scope and features as well. The scope of a network can be expressed by the geographical area that they occupy and the number of computing devices that are connected. Here are some network types that is being used in today’s world: •

Local Area Network (LAN)

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Personal Area Network (PAN)

Storage Area Network (SAN)

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Controller Area Network (CAN)

3.1 Local Area Network (LAN) This is a basic type of network, which connects the computing devices that is exist within a specific location. Generally, these types of networks can be found in homes, schools and other minor institutions as well. When we consider about the transmission medium it can be wired or wireless and may be in combination of both the medium as well. The most important part in this Local Area Network is mainly can share resources like files, printers, games and others as well. When we consider about the scope that means the geographical area is limited to one building like home schools and offices as well (Webopedia, 2017).

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Figure 7 - Illustration of LAN network

Characteristics •

Scope: Few kilometers in area

Transmission rate: 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1Gbps, and 10Gbps etc.

Main Topologies used: Bus topology and Ring topology

Cables Supported: Coaxial cable, Thick cable, twisted pair cable, fiber and wireless

Cost wise: Low cost and the installation, expansion, maintenance is very convenient

When we compare LAN and WAN the communication quality is better than the WAN and where the transmission error rate is low in LAN (Azam, 2013).

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Networking Assignment-01


Pros and Cons of LAN network PROS


Data transfer is faster

Cannot cover a large area

Can transfer large files as well

Require much maintenance

Low cost

Malicious software effects

Easy configurations

Require an expert to manage the network

User friendly

Routers and switches need to be updated

Security rights can centralize

Performance decrease when the users increased

Table 8 - Pros and Cons of LAN

3.2 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Simply, the word metropolitan describes an idea of city. Metropolitan Area Network is another type of network that cover a large geographical area that will include several buildings or even the entire city. This network will allow communicating the computing devices and provides the connectivity of the internet for the LANs in the metropolitan area. MAN combines into a group of networks which is located in different buildings into a single network (conceptdraw2017). The main purpose of Metropolitan Area Network is to enhance the internet in the end. This network is mainly established using optical fiber cables and also routers and switches as well.

Figure 8 - Illustration of MAN network

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Characteristics •

Scope: Typically covers an area of between 5 and 50 km diameter.

Transmission rate: 1 to 150Mbps, 1000Mbps etc.

Main Topologies used: Star topology

Cables Supported: Optical fiber cable, Infrared and microwaves

Cost wise : High cost and the installation, expansion, maintenance is complicated

When we compare MAN and LAN the geographical area of the MAN is larger than the LAN and smaller than the WAN.

Pros and Cons of MAN Network



Same speed for multiple users in some installations

The cost which reaches to cover geographical areas

Accessed quickly

Required more cable one place to another

Can connect many LANs faster together

Larger network, difficult to manage and maintenance Installation cost is very high

Efficiency in handling the data Transmission of data in both directions simultaneously Covers a wider area

Required very skilled persons Difficult to secure from the hackers

Table 9 - Pros and Cons of MAN

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3.3 Wide Area Network (WAN) A Wide Area Network is a large telecommunications network or can also be known as computer network that covers over a huge geographical area. This network is mainly connected through the Internet and the special arrangements made by the internet service providers as well. Wide Area Network is also known as by the Internet; collection of networks is considered the largest WAN in the world. Simply, the Internet Service Providers (ISP) builds Wide Area Networks as well. Which is also known as World Wide Web. Thus, it is the largest WAN in existence (Orbitco, 2015). Mainly WAN is operated by companies such as satellite companies, service providers and cable companies as well. They built large networks that will span the entire cities or regions and they will lease the right to use their networks to their customers (Molenaar, 2017).

Figure 9 - Illustration of WAN network

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Characteristics •

Scope: Typically covers an area of between 5 and 50 km diameter.

Transmission rate: 1 to 150Mbps, 1000Mbps etc.

Main Topologies used: Star topology

Cables Supported: Optical fiber cable, Infrared and microwaves

Cost wise: High cost and the installation, expansion, maintenance is complicated

When we compare MAN and LAN, the geographical area of the MAN is larger than the LAN and smaller than the WAN. Advantages and Disadvantages of WAN Network ADVANTAGES


This centralizes the IT infrastructure

Training costs as well

Increases in the bandwidth

Live IPs can intrude into the system

Offers distinct privacy and security advantage as Very big and complex network well The uptime of the network can be guaranteed

Very highly cost

Covers the infinite geographical distance

Much dependency on the third-party network

Table 10 - Pros and Cons of WAN

3.4 Personal Area Network (PAN) This is another kind of a network type that will be able to communicate in between with the computing devices which is close to a person. The communication medium can be wired or wireless as well. Furthermore, as transmission medium we can consider the USB or FireWire. The scope of Personal Area Network can be typically a few meters. Here are some examples for PAN, mobile phone headsets, wireless keyboards, wireless mice, printers etc. (Jay M. Jacobsmeyer, 2007). The basic understanding of PAN is to provide a communication to the individuals. This network often covers an area of 30 feet. In PAN, the wireless connected network is also known as WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network.

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Figure 10 - Illustration of PAN network

Characteristics •

Scope: Typically covers an area of 30 feet etc.

Transmission rate: 2.4 GHz

Main Topologies used: Tree topology etc.

Cables Supported: Infrared, Bluetooth, wireless fidelity (WIFI) and microwaves

Cost wise: Low cost and the installation, expansion, maintenance is very convenient.

When we compare PAN and the other network types, the geographical area of the PAN is much smaller. Advantages and Disadvantages of PAN Network ADVANTAGES


This is very cost effective and convenient

Slow in data transmission

Bluetooth networks are relatively secure

Distance limits

No need to take risk on leakage of the data in the network

Network need some expensive devices such as smart phones, laptops to get connected

Low energy consumption

Health concerns as well

Less configuration to be done Individually established network Table 11 - Pros and Cons of PAN

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


3.5 Storage Area Network (SAN) Storage Area Network (SAN) is another network type that is used to provide block-level network access to a storage is simply known as the SAN. Typically, these types of networks are composed by switches, hosts and other storage devices. These elements are interconnected by using some technologies, topologies and protocols as well. The main purpose of SAN is to enable the designated users who is on the network to have the access to various storage devices that is installed within their computing devices. When multiple users accessing the storage devices the networks might get slow the to the multiple access to overcome this situation, when building a Storage Area Network (SAN) it advisable to use optical fiber cables ( 2017).

Figure 11 - Illustration of SAN network

Characteristics Scope: Small and other medium sized business environments Transmission rate: 1 to 16 Gbps in fiber channel Main Topologies used: Ring and mesh topology etc. Cables Supported: Ethernet cables, Fiber optic and fiber channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Cost wise: Medium cost and the installation, expansion, maintenance is quite easy

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Pros and Cons of SAN Network PROS


Simplified architecture

Not suitable for small businesses

Disaster recovery can be done

The whole backup will take too long

Multiple users can access simultaneously

Require high level experts

Remote backup is there

There are some security concerns

Data sharing

Cost is quite high (expensive servers)

Table 12 - Pros and Cons of SAN

3.6 Virtual Private Network (VPN) This is another type of network that will allow creating a secure connection to another available network over the internet. The main purpose of using Virtual Private Network (VPN) is to access the region restricted websites and will be able to create a shield for our browsing activity from the prying eyes on public WIFI. Simply, a VPN connected device will acts as if it is on the same local network. All the traffic of the network is being sent over a secure connection to the VPN. This allows us to access the local network securely. The core benefits of using a VPN is, we can access to our business network while travelling, the local resources no need to be exposed directly to the internet, which will increase the security (Hoffman, 2016).

Figure 12 - Illustration of VPN

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Characteristics •

Point to point connection

Encrypted traffic

Supports multiple of protocols

Extend geographic connectivity


Works with all the applications

Has server locations across the world

Does not slow down the internet

Advantages and Disadvantage of VPN ADVANTAGES


Several devices can be connected at a time

Less flexibility

Able to work on any platform a well

Limited configuration options

Many elements working together provide strong security

If more devices connected the performance will be reduced

Privacy will be protected when connected to the VPN

Requires administrator to install the VPN client software on the remote computers

Very affordable Provides data encryption Table 13 - Pros and Cons of VPN

Figure 13 - VPN diagram

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3.7 Controller Area Network (CAN) A controller area network (CAN) can be simply known as a serial bus network of microcontrollers that connects devices, sensors etc. This is also can be known as a system that is made up for vehicle intercommunication. This does not require any addressing schemes. This provides the nodes along with the information. This is originally developed mainly for vehicles. This is much essential for cars as well. Because to understand how big its role we must understand the cars electronics and be able to evaluate the thing that makes these machines one of the greatest inventions.

Pros and Cons of CAN Network PROS


Best in embedded networking

High Software expenditure

Reduces wiring

Unfair access

Ability to work in different electrical environment

Danger of incomplete technology for the customer

Error free transmission

Very difficult when it come to the point of implementation

Traffic congestion is mainly eliminated Cost is low and light weight network as well Table 14 - Pros and Cons of CAN

Figure 14 - Illustration of the CAN

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Networking Assignment-01


4. What is a Network Topology? The name Network Topology refers to a pattern in which nodes that is computing devices such as computers, printer, routers and other devices are inter-connected to each other and the Network Topology mainly determines how they communicate. In other words, simply defined by study, a network topology is a schematic description of a network arrangement, connecting various nodes known as send and the receiver. The network topology is illustrated using these nodes and connections by using cables (, 2017).

4.1 What are the types of Network Topologies? Network Topology is generally being mainly related in differentiating between the types of geometry from each other. Topologies can be categorized into two types such as physical and network topologies as well.

Now let us see what the common types of Network Topologies are. •

Point to Point Connection

Multi Point Connection

Bus Topology

Star Topology

Ring Topology

Tree Topology

Mesh Topology

Hybrid Topology

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4.1.1 Point-to-Point Connection This is an earliest type of topology and known as the simple type of topology that is a dedicated communication link between two systems or processes, which means a link between two ends. Simply, we can consider a telephone connection as a point-to-point link, where a link between two phones.

Figure 15 - Illustration of Point-to-Point

Point to point connection is a data link layer, which comes under layer 2 communications protocol. The main function of this point-to-point connection is to establish a connection between two nodes. The basic network topologies in point to point connections are Mesh, Star. Pros and Cons of Point – to – Point. PROS


Simplest layout (topology) for any network.

Major disadvantage is that it only can connect two nodes

Very easy to visualize

If one node stops functioning, information cannot be sent across the network

Convenient to set up and maintain

Time consuming

Cost is quite high Table 15 - Pros and Cons of Point-to-Point

4.1.2 Multi Point Connection This is a connection that will establish more than two devices. This Multi Point Connection is also known as the Multi drop Line Configuration. The structure of this Multi Point Connection is, a single link is shared by multiple devices. Which means, there is a solo transmitter and there can be instances where multiple receivers as well.

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Figure 16 - Illustration of Multi Point

In Multi Point Connection, it connects more than two devices, which means the link is shared to more than two devices. The function of this connection, the channel capacity is mainly shared among the devices which is connected to the link and there will be a single transmitter and multiple receivers processing via the connection (Harder, 2016). The basic network topologies in multipoint connection are Bus, Ring. Pros and Cons of Multi point connection PROS


Expanded connection Reliability Maintains individual pairs in between each pair Can connect more than two devices

Maintenance is quite difficult Overall cost is very high

Ease of installation

More complex designs

Routing is somewhat complicated

Table 16 - Pros and Cons of Multi Point

4.1.3 Bus Topology This a network topology that is mainly runs with a cable with a terminator. The terminator is mainly used in bus topology is to absorb the signal when the signal reaches the end. That means preventing signal bounce. Simply, bus topology is considered as much basic and a simple arrangement network when compared to other available networks. The nodes such as printers, laptops and servers etc. Furthermore, this is also called as the backbone in a network (, 2017)

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Figure 17 - Illustration of BUS topology

The main feature in bus topology is that it transmits data in only one direction. The devices are connected to a centralized cable. The functions in bus topology is to perform the process of, when there is a flow of signal from a specific host to another. The signal will travel to all the available devices through bus. In this instance, the devices will check whether the MAC address of the signal is matching with their MAC’s and will be rejected if it doesn’t match. The device with the matching MAC and IP address will be able to receive the signal. Pros and Cons of Bus Topology PROS


Easy installation

It is quite difficult to identify the problem, when the network is down.

Perform well there is a small scope

Not suitable for large networks

Requires less cable length than a star

More devices will slow down the network

Cost wise efficient than other topologies

Less confidentiality

Table 17- Pros and Cons of Bus Topology

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4.1.4 Star Topology In this topology, the peripheral devices are connected to a single hub by using cable transmission. Which means the centralized connection point can be a hub or a network switch. This topology mainly suits for Local Area Networks (LAN). In other words, in star topology all the nodes are connected to a centralized device as mentioned earlier. In this scenario, the central device will act as a server and the other connected devices will act as clients.

Figure 18 - Illustration of Star Topology

The functions in a star topology are, when there is an instance of a signal transmission from one node to another device within the existing network. The signal will initially travel to the centralized device that means the server (hub, switch). When the signal is transmitted to the central device, the server will identify the specific address where the signal to be delivered. Pros and Cons of Star Topology PROS


Centralized management of the network

Requires more cables when compared to bus

Easy to expand the network

If the central device is down, entire network will be down (Single Point of Failure)

If one link fails and it won’t affect others

Expansion and performance are limited

Easy to identify faults in the network

Expensive due to the central device

Table 18 - Pros and Cons of Star Topology

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4.1.5 Ring Topology This is also another kind of network topology that will form a ring when the devices are connected to the network. Which means the entire network is connected as a circular path. Here, each network device is connected to other two devices, dependency of other devices.

Figure 19 - Illustration of Ring Topology

The nodes that are connected to this network will communicate each other through a token. If someone wants to send some data in the ring topology with 100 nodes, then the data will be having to pass through 99 nodes to reach the 100th node. The transmission is unidirectional in this network. It also can be bidirectional by having two connections between each node, which is known as a modification to the star topology is Dual Ring Topology. Pros and Cons of Ring Topology PROS


Cost effective to install and expand

Fault identification is difficult

A centralized device not required like in star

Failure of one computer, will affect the entire network

Data can be transferred at a high speed between the devices

Upgrading the network will disturb the network activity

Minimized data collisions

Minimized data collisions

Easy to maintain and implement Table 19 - Pros and Cons of Ring Topology

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4.1.6 Tree Topology Tree Topology is something relatable to Start and Bus Topology. Tree Topology is a special type of network structure, which means there are many connected elements that are arranged like the branches of a tree. This topology is mainly used to organize the computer in a corporate network. In this topology, there can be only one connection between any two connected nodes. Meanwhile, this is also called as the Hierarchical Topology as well.

Figure 20 - Illustration of Tree Topology

In Tree Topology, the communication up to the server happens as a star network and next, as Bus network where all the servers are connected to. Pros and Cons of Tree Topology PROS


Best alternative topology for networks

More segments can be difficult to maintain

Expansion is possible and easy


Point to Point connection to each device

If the main cable is damaged, the entire network fails

Table 20 - Pros and Cons of Tree Topology

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4.1.7 Mesh Topology Mesh Topology is a network setup, where each computer and network device are inter-connected with one another. In this topology, it can be either a full mesh or partial mesh. That means, each and every computer in the network is inter-connected with one another is known as full mesh and partial mesh is that which connect some node to every other node and the others are connected only to those nodes which they exchange the most data.

Figure 21 - Illustration of Mesh Topology

In this network, every system is fully connected. A mesh Topology can be a full mesh or a partial mesh, as mentioned earlier. Briefly, in partial mesh, it is an inexpensive way to implement redundancy in a network. In this mesh topology, the privacy is enhanced than the other networks as well. Pros and Cons of Mesh Topology



Able to handle huge amounts of traffic

Bulky wiring

Adding more devices does not disrupt the

Maintenance is much difficult when compared


with other topologies

Provides more security and privacy

Cost wise, it is quite high

Table 21 - Pros and Cons of Mesh Topology

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4.1.8 Hybrid Topology As defined by the Computer, this is a network topology combines with bus, mesh, ring, star and tree topologies. In other words, this topology can connect various links and nodes, communicating each other for transfer of data. Similarly, in this topology we integrate two or more different topologies in order to form a resultant topology.

Figure 22 - Illustration of Hybrid Topology

In Hybrid Topology, it is easy to provide the stability and the speed of the data connection or the bandwidth. The network administrator will enhance this. This network topology can be wired or wireless according to the requirement. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Topology PROS


Troubleshooting is quite easy

The hubs used to connect two distinct networks are very expensive

Very easy to expand the network

Quite difficult to implement the network

Flexible, can be designed according to the requirement

Require a lot of cables

Effectiveness due to combination of topologies

Complexity of the design

Table 22 - Pros and Cons of Hybrid Topology

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Modification to the Topologies The topologies that we discussed earlier have some constraints that is to be overcome. In order to mitigate the issues or the disadvantages in topologies such as Star, Ring and Bus Topologies will be discussed below. In order to eliminate the issues in these topologies, some modifications can be done.

4.1.9 Extended Star Topology Simply, this modification is made up of all the connected individual star topologies. In the Extended Star Topology, the network cable connects to one switch and then several other switches connect to the first switch. Which means, this links individual stars together by connecting switches and hubs as well. This modification has a bigger communication area than the star topology.

Figure 23 - Illustration of Extended Star Topology

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4.1.10 Dual Ring Topology This modification is mainly used to overcome the data flow in the Ring Topology. This is used to form two rings in the network, which means a secondary ring. This secondary is used as a backup in case the primary ring fails. In addition, the data flow can be in the opposite direction as well.

Figure 24 - Illustration of Dual Ring Topology

4.1.11 Partial Mesh Topology Partial mesh topologies are generally used in the peripheral networks that connect to a fully meshed backbone. In this topology some of the systems are connected in the same fashion as the mesh topology but some devices are only connected two or more devices.

Figure 25 - Illustration of Mesh Topology

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4.2 Suggesting a Suitable Network Topology for Enclave Films and VividZone The above-mentioned topologies describe the main characteristics, functions and its advantages and disadvantages as well. According to the given scenario of Enclave Films and VividZone, the network topology that can be used will be evaluated briefly. By considering the scenario, this company requires a network that can be easily expandable, because it is an emerging movie company. It also requires a network with higher optimal performance with a better data flow and a cost effective whereas considering the efficiency of the network.

As a network engineer of Enclave Films and VividZone, I highly recommend the Hybrid Topology. It is a reliable ultimate solution for the company. The company has multiple sections that should function privately and securely. The reason why I selected this topology is the expandable nature and easy setup, easy maintenance and it is much convenient to administrate. For the VividZone, star topology and the hierarchical topology can be used. These topologies can perform smoothly and efficiently as well. The star can work under high network traffic and a huge number of nodes as well. As an efficient and effective network engineer of Enclave Films and VividZone, the Hybrid Topology is the most suitable solution based on the given scenario.

4.3 Conclusion In the first section of the activity, it includes the main network types and its characteristics, functions, advantages and disadvantages as well. It mainly talks about how the technology has advanced in this 21st century. This activity also includes a critical explanation on the network topologies and its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, I have talked about how to overcome the constraints of the topologies and the modifications that can be applied to some topologies. By reading this task, the reader can get a concise idea of the network types and topologies.

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5. Network Related Technologies and Standards 5.1 Introduction In this modern world network technology is the medium that is mainly used to exchange of data and information. Constantly, the business industry changes day by day based on their different technology they use and their scope. In order to implement different technologies to the companies. Network specialists or the technical engineers are mainly responsible for the configurations of the network technologies. An effective network engineer will suggest the best-suited network technologies for an organization. According to the scenario, during the time of implementing the network solution for Enclave Films and VividZone, the network related technologies and standards will help to enhance the capability of the proposed network solution.

5.3 Internet Protocol Addressing 5.3.1 IPv4 This internet address is underlying the technology that has powered internet protocol addresses. The IPv4 stands for (Internet Protocol version 4). This is the fourth revision of the IP in data communications. The main concept of IPv4 is that it provides a logical connection between the devices that is in an existing network. IPv4 defines IP address in 32-bit format, such as Each three-digit sections can include number from 0 to 255, which means the total number of IPv4 address available is 256 x 256 x 256 x 256 which means 4,294,967,296. Nowadays, each computing devices require an IP address when it is connected to the internet. Therefore, IPv4 might be soon run out due to the increment of the population in the world and everyone is connected with the internet (Parr, 2011).

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5.3.2 IPv6 IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6. This is also known as the recent version of the internet protocols. The core function of this internet protocol is to identify and locate the system for the devices on the routers and networks across the internet. The (IETF) Internet Engineering Task Force develops this version of internet protocol, in order to deal with the anticipated problem of IPv4. According to computer, the improvement in IPv6 over IPv4 is that IP address are lengthened from 32 bits to 128 bits, this improvement was done after considering the future of the internet since the addresses in the IPv4 is running out.

Comparison between IPv4 and IPv6



32 – bit length (4 bytes)

128 – bit length (16 bytes)


No. of IPs = 2 ^ 32

No. of IPs = 2 ^ 128

Broadcasting messages are available

No broadcasting messages are available

Binary numbers represented in decimals

Binary numbers represented in hexadecimals

No packet flow identification

Packet flow identification is available

Unicasting, Multicasting, Broadcasting

Unicasting, Multicasting, Anycasting

Table 23 - Comparison of IPv4 & IPv6

An IP address is double numbers yet can be put away as content for human pursuers. For instance, a 32-bit numeric address (IPv4) is composed in decimal as four numbers isolated by periods. Each number can be zero to 255. For instance, could be an IP address. IPv6 addresses are 128-bit IP address written in hexadecimal and isolated by colons. An illustration IPv6 address could be composed this way: 3ffe:1900:4545:3:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf. MIT reported it would offer a portion of its 16 million profitable IPv4 addresses and utilize the returns of the deal to fund its own particular IPv6 arrange updates.

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5.4 VLAN VLAN is also a network technology that is also known as the virtual local area network. That means a group of servers, workstations and other network devices that appears to be on the same LAN, regardless of the physical geographical distribution. Larger business networks often setup VLANs to re-partition their network for improved traffic management (Mitchell, 2017). According to the scenario of Enclave Films and VividZone Company, their network solution would be efficient by implementing VLANs in order to form new networking segments with high network performance and data flow. This technology is mainly implemented to attain the security, scalability and ease of the network management and can be able to adopt to the changes in network quickly and relocation of server nodes and workstations. In the later part of the report, I have illustrated the allocation of VLANs in the company network and its dedication to the different sectors. The reader can have a vivid idea about the VLAN allocation later.

Benefits of VLANs •

Reduces administration costs

Manages broadcast and domain sizes

Logical groupings of users

Provides security because router provide communication and firewalls between VLAN groups

Convenient to control the network traffic (Cisco Networking Academy, 2007).

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6. Network Standards The Internet working environment is governed by two complementary rule sets. 1. Standards 2. Models Standards are the laws that vendors must adhere to if they are to interoperate with other vendors, in turn making themselves available & useful for the end user. Some vendors develop special features that can be configured and used only on their equipment; these are called proprietary features. A proprietary feature implementation can limit itself in its use and therefore is not always an attractive option when implementing a network. Numerous network standards are in place today, and many new standards are being developed all the time. The three primary standards bodies to note are the; 1. ITU – T (International Telecommunication Union) 2. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 3. IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

International ICT standards avoid costly market battles over preferred technologies, and for companies from emerging markets, they create a level playing field which provides access to new markets.

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Let’s consider the three main standards; 6.1 ITU – T (International Telecommunication Union) The ITU-T (for Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunications Union) is the primary international body for fostering cooperative standards for telecommunications equipment and systems. It was formerly known as the CCITT. It is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The ITU – T as the name implies, is the international standards body and can be found on the World Wide Web at The study group of ITU’s telecommunication standardization sector assemble experts from around the world develop international standards known as “ITU-T Recommendations”, which acts as defining elements in the global infrastructure of ICTs (, 2018).

Figure 26 - ITU Logo

6.2 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) ANSI, as its name implies, is the governing standards body for North America can be found on the World Wide Web at Its basic mission is to enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S quality of life by promoting & facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems and safeguarding their integrity (, 2018). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the sole U.S. representative and duespaying member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As a founding member of ISO, ANSI also plays an active role in its governance.

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Each country that belongs to ISO is represented by a national organization called a "member body." Each member body has a mechanism for identifying issues and developing a national consensus on the work being done by ISO Technical Committees (TC). Different countries are members of different committees (, 2018)

Figure 27 - ANSI Logo

6.3 IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering) IEEE is a leading technical authority and is responsible for standards across several technologyoriented fields, such as computer and network engineering. This is regarded as the second – leading international standards body, after the ITU – T (,201) The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -- promoting the development and application of electro technology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members." (, 2018) The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national and international standards. The organization publishes a number of journals, has many local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as the IEEE Computer Society.

Figure 28 - IEEE Logo

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6.3.1 Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)

This also known as a local area network, this was commercially introduced in 1980s and the first standardized in 1985 as IEEE 802.3 This is widely used in local area networks (LAN) technology that is being controlled by the protocols in order to access computers and other devices as well. This mainly defines the MAC layer for bus networks that use CSMA/CD, which means Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (Cisco, 2017). 6.3.2 Wireless Fidelity (IEEE 802.11) This is the popular standard in networking with the constant developing environment. In other words, 802.11 is a set of (MAC) media access control and physical layer specifications when implementing the computer networks. A WLAN can be built using different network protocols (Cisco, 2017).

6.3.3 Wireless Personal Area Network (IEEE 802.15) A WPAN (wireless personal area network) is a personal area network - a network for interconnecting devices centered on an individual person's workspace - in which the connections are wireless. Typically, a wireless personal area network uses some technology that permits communication within about 10 meters - in other words, a very short range. One such technology is Bluetooth, which was used as the basis for a new standard, IEEE 802.15 (Cisco, 2017). 6.3.4 Other IEEE Network Standards •

IEEE 802.1 – This standard is related to network management

IEEE 802.2 – Standards for the data link layer in the OSI model

IEEE 802.4 – This standard defines the MAC layer for the networks

IEEE 802.5 – This standard defines the MAC layer for token ring networks

IEEE 802.6 – Standards for Metropolitan Area Networks

IEEE 802.7 – Standard that provides specifications for the design, installation and testing

IEEE 802.3ab – Specification for Gigabit Ethernet over copper wire. This standard mainly defines 1GB/s data transfer over distances up to 100 meters using four pairs of CAT5 cable.

IEEE 802.3u – Standard that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per Second (Mbps)

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6.4 Conclusion Enclave Films and VividZone, uses multiple networking technologies and Network standards to make the network solution work efficiently. Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) are implemented on various areas of the network to form new networking segments and make the network more productive. By implementing VLANs, it will form new segments with high dataflow and network performance. Even though IPv6 is a much better version than IPv4, it will not be used in the current solution as its still under development and, as it will not provide a reliable network infrastructure, IPv4 will be used for Enclave’s and VividZone’s computer network. This company network solution is build adhering multiple network standards. Networking standard 802.3. Ethernet will be the main stranded used, data transmission and communication is done under Ethernet. 802.11. Wireless networking will be also used in multiple segments of Enclave Films. If all these networking technologies and Standards are implemented and adhered when creating the computer network at Enclave and VividZone, then it is an Effective, Productive and a reliable solution, which has implemented.

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7. Network Models and Protocols A network model mirrors a plan or engineering to achieve correspondence between various frameworks. Network models are additionally alluded to as network stacks or convention suites. A network model more often than not comprises layers. Each layer of a model speaks to particular usefulness. Inside the layers of a model, there are general protocols indicated to execute particular undertakings. You may think about a convention as an arrangement of tenets or a dialect. Therefore, a layer is ordinarily an accumulation of protocols. Mainly there are two networking models. They are, 1. OSI Model 2. TCP / IP Model

7.1 OSI Model The term OSI stands for (Open System Interconnection), this a conceptual model that covers the all the aspects of network communications. In other words, this model standardizes and characterizes the main functions of telecommunication or the devices without considering to its underlying internal technology and the architecture. The main purpose of the model is to guide the developers and vendors so the digital communication products and software programs that they create will interoperate. The network model divides network communication into seven main layers. The below picture explains the seven layers of the OSI model. The layer one to four are considered as the lower layer and the most concerned as the moving data around. The layer five to seven, which means the upper layer that, contains application level data.

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Figure 29 - Illustration of OSI Model

7.1.1 Main functions of seven layers in OSI Model 7) Application Layer Used for internet browsing and using as an email client. (Chrome, Lotus) The PDU of this layer is Data. This also known as a service layer that will ensure the effective communication between applications programs in the network. According to the given scenario, Enclave Films will use this layer to share files between their networks.

6) Presentation Layer Used to present, compress and encrypt data. In data encryption when sending a password, it receives as a hidden text. (.jpeg, WinRAR, bank details) The PDU of this layer is Data or Formatted Data.

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5) Session Layer Used to keeps data separate. (Parallel Sessions) Maintains logical links between systems. The PDU of this layer is Data. This also will perform the processes such as communicate over the network, performing security etc.

4) Transport Layer Used to manage end – to – end message delivery over the network. Can provide reliable and sequential packet delivery through error recovery and flow control mechanisms. The PDU of this layer is segment.

3) Network Layer: This layer defines logical host addressing. Used to learn IP addresses of a packet. Routes packet between networks based on network layer 3 device addresses. (Layer 3 Routers and Switches) The PDU of this layer is Packet.

2) Data Link Layer: This layer defines procedures and frame formats for operating the communication links. Detects and compensates for frame transmit errors. Used to learn MAC addresses of a frame. (Layer 4 Routers and Switches) The PDU of this layer is Frames.

1) Physical Layer: This layer defines physical means of sending data over network devices. Also defines optical, electrical, and mechanical characteristics of both wired and wireless media. This layer includes all forms of electromagnetic transmission such as light, electricity, infrared and radio waves. The main function of this layer is to convert data into different formats by other layers into transferrable media such as analogue signals and digital signals so that it could be transferred over the network using cables into other nodes. The PDU of this layer is Bits.

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7.2 TCP / IP Model The Open System Inter-Connection model is an ISO standardized model in terms of networking. The OSI model mainly describes an idealized network communications protocol family, which means a framework to implement protocols in layers. Conceptually this will divide the computer network architecture into 7 layers in a logical progression. The TCP/IP model does not directly correspond to this OSI model. TCP/IP combines several OSI layers into a single layer and it will not use the certain layers at all. Based on the DOD model, the layer will have categorized into seven layers of the OSI model into four main layers, which is known as the TCP/IP model (, 2010). The below figure will show the comparison between OSI model and TCP / IP model.

Figure 30 - Comparison between OSI & TCP/IP Models

The reader should have a vivid idea about the networking models up to this point. In addition, the reader should know what a protocol means and how they work. Below illustration is about the protocols and its’ purpose.

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7.3 What is a Network Protocol? In terms of networking, the devices are made to communicate each other. So, there are some welldefined specified standards and policies as well. In other words, protocols are the special set of procedures or rules that is used to define a method of exchanging data over a computer network. These well-defined set of rules are simply known as Protocols in terms of networking. Network Protocols will define the rules and conventions on which communication between different networks. This is also known as a mechanism in computer networking, where the techniques to send and receive messages. Furthermore, there are some network protocols which support message acknowledgements and data compression designed for reliable and high-performance network solution (, 2018). 7.4 Application Layer Protocol An application layer protocol mainly defines how the application processes, that means how clients and servers are running on different end systems and how they communicate with each other. This is also known as the process layer as well. This layer mainly provides interactions for the users. Simply, application layer is which provides an application related concept like software applications. There are several protocols in the Application Layer. Some of the protocols are given below for the reader’s learning. 7.4.1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) This is a standard protocol which is mainly used to share file on the world wide web. The concept in FTP is that a mechanism provided by TCP/IP for copying a file from one host to another. Some of the main FTP clients are, FileZilla, Cyberduck, CuteFTP and Rocket Stream. The defined port number for FTP is Port no. 21. The data transferred in FTP is reliable and efficient (, 2018).

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7.4.2 Secure Shell (SSH) This is a protocol in application layer. The SSH protocol uses encryption to secure the connection between a client and a server. In other words, SSH is a protocol which will create a secure connection to the administrator in order to access to a remote computer. The defined port number for SSH is Port no. 22 (, 2018). 7.4.3 Telnet Tel Net or Terminal network, this is a client server application that will allow the user to log on to a remote computer. Simply, this is a protocol used to access remote computers and the passwords are in clear text (not encrypted). The defined port number for Tel Net is Port no. 23 (, 2018). 7.4.4 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) This protocol is mainly used to sending emails. The defined port number for SMTP is Port no. 25. POP3 and IMAP protocols are used to receive mails and the user will be able to save mails and download (, 2018). 7.4.5 Domain Name Service (DNS) This is used to translate the domain name into the IP address. DNS is a common protocol used in every internet accessible devices. Simply, DNS will convert or translate the host name/domain name to an IP address for the network access. The defined port number for DNS is Port no. 53 (, 2018). 7.4.6 Hyperactive Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) This is also a common protocol used to access the World Wide Web (WWW). The HTTP the Web’s main application layer protocol. This is also known as a set of rules for transferring files on the World Wide Web. The defined port number for HTTP is Port no. 80. Mainly used for web browsing (, 2018).

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7.4.7 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) This protocol is somewhat related to HTTP but here, the connection is secure. Which is known as the secure browsing. This means, the websites which contain “S” at the end of HTTP stands for secure browsing. Simply, the communication is encrypted in this protocol. The sites for secure browsing are Facebook, PayPal, Ali Pay, and online banking sites. The defined port number for HTTPS is Port no. 443 (, 2018). 7.4.8 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) This protocol is much faster than the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The security is less than the FTP. In other words, TFTP means a file transferring protocol, which is similar to FTP and TFTP, is less in security. The defined port number for TFTP is Port no. 69 (, 2018). 7.4.9 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) DHCP is a protocol, which will assign internet protocol addresses (IP), subnet masks, gateways and DNS for any device in the network. Therefore, the devices can communicate with each node separately. The defined port number for DHCP is Port no. 123 (, 2018). 7.4.10 Network Time Protocol (NTP) This is a common internet protocol, which is mainly used to synchronize the clocks of the computers. Which also means the network time. The defined port number for NTP is Port no. 123 (, 2018). 7.4.11 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) This protocol is mainly used to network management. Which will enable to control and monitor the network and its functions as well. The defined port number for DNS is Port no. 161 (, 2018).

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7.5 Transport/Host-to-Host Layer Protocol Transport layer mainly defines the basic function of accepting the data and splitting it up into smaller units and pass these units the network layer. Ensuring the smaller units are arrived correctly at the destination. The transport layer is also known as the Host-to Host Transport Layer Protocol. The transport layer mainly controls the reliability of the communication through flow control; segmentation and error control as well (Stephens, 2011). As defined by the Microsoft in 2014, the transport layer can be categorized into two core protocols such as Transmission Layer Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) (Shekhar, 2016).

Figure 31 - Illustration of Transport layer

7.5.1 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Simply, TCP is a well-defined network standard that is mainly used to establish and maintain a network. This is an important protocol used in the transmission of data over the networks. The function of Transmission Control Protocol defines that it works together with Internet Protocol. Which means the TCP/IP. One of the main advantage in TCP/IP is that the hardware independence. This will facilitate the computer system to an Internet host, which can attach to a network and communicate with other internet hosts. Therefore, TCP is mainly responsible for ensuring the data reliability during the time of transmission (Unuth, 2017).

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Figure 32 - Info about TCP header

7.5.2 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) The UDP is also a transport layer protocol that is mainly defined for use with the internet protocol layer control. The service provided by UDP is unreliable and no guarantees for delivery. According Bradley Mitchell in 2017, User Datagram Protocol was introduced in 1980. This is the oldest network protocols in existence. UDP is often in video conferencing or in computer games and live transmissions due to its unreliability in transmissions. UDP traffic works through datagrams. The traffic consisting datagrams of a single message unit. Briefly, the header details are stored in the very first eight bytes, and the rest will hold the actual message. The segments in User Datagram Protocol is given below.

Figure 33 - Info about UDP header

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7.6 Internet Layer This is the second lowest layer of the TCP/IP reference model. This layer provides a global logical addressing scheme. The main functions in the internet layer is, traffic routing, traffic control, fragmentation and logical addressing. In other words, internet layer takes care of sending the data from the available shortest route if more than one is available. Internet Layer includes some common protocols such as Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) (, 2014).

7.6.1 Internet Protocol (IP) This is the main principle of communications protocol. Internet Protocols are also known as the defined set of rules on how the data are transmitted over a network. The functions of IP, this is a protocol that is used for addressing host and routing datagrams from source to destination host across one or more types of available networks.

7.6.2 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) This protocol is used to error reporting and the connectivity of the network. In other words, ICMP packets are used to check the network connectivity as well. This protocol is an example of a client server. The ICMP will execute on all the internet protocol end system computers and all the IP intermediary systems such as routers. The below picture will explain the ping program that is used to verify an end-to-end internet path. Command line user interface pinging information to

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Figure 34 - ICMP illustration by pinging to

7.6.3 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) This protocol is mainly responsible to convert the Internet Protocol Address (IP) to its relevant Media Access Control Address or the Physical Address. The devices that are equipped with Ethernet and Wireless Fidelity mainly require an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) in order to function properly. ARP operates at layer two in the OSI model.

7.6.4 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) This is protocol that is similar to RARP, but this works in vise versa, as it name implies. It performs the opposite function of ARP. The function of this protocol is to convert MAC address to the assigned internet protocol address.

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7.7 Suitable Protocol Solution for Enclave and VividZone Companies According to the scenario of Enclave Films and VividZone, it is an emerging movie company in the field and it mainly requires some basic network fundamentals to implement as an effective solution. The networking protocols are some part of the fundamentals in networking. If the protocols are used effectively, an expected solution for Enclave Films could be implemented successfully. The staff of the company require sharing file between their networks. Therefore, it requires File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to transfer files. Secure Shell (SSH) protocol can be used to maintain a high-end network security with the encryption of data and remotely connect to servers and routers securely. Telnet protocol will be used to enable remote access in the company network. A company’s main requirement is to send mails to their personnel’s. Therefore, it requires Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for sending emails. The Domain Name Service (DNS) is an important protocol to maintain the company’s domain name and it will define the domain names and translate those names into IP addresses. Generally, film companies require secure browsing for their activities. So, by using Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) the network connection will be more secured. Furthermore, company requires the protocol for normal web browsing in the network. Hyperactive Text Transfer Protocol can be used for this purpose. As mentioned earlier about FTP (File Transfer Protocol), there is another file transfer protocol, which is much faster than the FTP, but it has less security feature. Therefore, we can mainly focus on the security without causing any data thefts. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol that can be used in the solution to assign an IP address for any device in the network. Therefore, they can communicate separately. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) can be used to maintain the clock synchronization of the systems accurately. An effective network solution should be monitored 24x7, using Simple Network Management Protocol the functions and the processes can be easily monitored that take place in the network. When we discuss about the TCP and UDP protocols, both the protocols are used in the network due to its effectiveness and its connectivity features. Finally, if these protocols are used efficiently and effectively to form the company’s network. There will be a productive network solution for the given scenario.

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Activity 02 1. Prepare a written plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint of networked solutions.

8. Network designing of Enclave Films and VividZone Company Enclave Films and VividZone companies have two main buildings, namely building A and building B. As a Network Engineer in Enclave Films, it is more suitable to adopt to the hybrid topology, which means a mixture of topologies. This company is an emerging movie company. Therefore, as the network engineer, he should choose a design, which can be easily expanded due to the flexibility of the topologies. The total network solution is done efficiently and effectively according to the case study. The Designs for the Enclave Films (building A) and VividZone (building B) have been demonstrated. 8.1 The blueprint of Enclave Films. (Building A)

Figure 35 - Blueprint of the Building A

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Building A has the following items; •

The main network and business server


Two Switches

Two Printers and twelve office PCs

I have chosen two switches for this building because there are twelve PCs and also two printers in addition. If we are going to divide the block sizes then a switch will not be enough to connect all the PCs, because of that calculation I have chosen two switches to go with all 14 inputs. One router is more than enough to connect the two switches. Router is also connected to the main server where all the soft data and important data consist. When considering the twelve PCs I have allocated those in the below manner. •

Administration – Four office PCs

Sales Department – Two office PCs

Management – Three office PCs

Accounts Department – One office PC

Customer area and Reception – Two office PCs

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


8.2 The blueprint of VividZone. (Building B)

Figure 36 - Blueprint of Building B

In this building, there are nine super computers, five office PCs. For its connections, I have used a switch and a router. Normally a switch comes with 24 ports so for this building only a switch will be enough, because there are only 16 inputs to consider. There is also a wireless LAN that employees use occasionally. When considering about the super computers and office PCs in the building B I have allocated them like below. Web Team – 9 Super Computers and Twelve office PCs. When we consider the both buildings together it makes sense about how do these two networks work as one unit. To connect these two buildings as to the question I have used a Serial link that is one of the best ways to connect. I have vividly shown the two buildings together in the below figure.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


8.3 The blue prints of Enclave Films and VividZone Company. (Together)

Figure 37 - Blueprint of the entire company

In designing the appropriate network for Enclave films, I considered the current and potential future needs of the employees, staff, and administration utilizing the both buildings. I recognize that the stakeholders desire the most robust, flexible, reliable, and fastest networking that money can buy. As a film company utilize more and more media-rich content, a network that can support large amounts of data transmission seems prudent and necessary. It must be able to provide for the various needs of all who utilize it, for all the various purposes that might be demanded of it, from accessing










movie productions, and shared scheduling. By networking the building, the designer has provided shared access to equipment such as printers and other hardware. As you can see from the illustration above, this is the layout of the equipment within the two buildings. At first glance, the topology appears to be a BUS topology but each connection to the network connects directly to a switch so it is in fact a Star topology.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


8.4 Justification of the design 8.4.1 Why Serial Cables? In the pre-design network plan the company has used an Ethernet link to connect the two buildings, but in the new design I have used a serial cable because, Module-based serial connectors enable the user to switch between copper and optical fiber, enabling maximum flexibility in terms of distance, noise immunity, and performance. Which are the main factors that needs to be improved in the company right now. In addition, another reason of choosing a serial cable over an Ethernet link is that correctly terminated differential serial signals can carry data at a rate of 3 Gbits/sec on regular PCB trace. In addition, differential serial links can drive longer distance than parallel buses and are less susceptible to noise. Another reason I chose this topology is because if there were more workstations or equipment needed in the future, they could add them quickly and easily. The range of equipment and reasons for choosing it are as follows: 8.4.2 Other Equipment Workstations The workstations are for the employees so they would have to be capable of running modern software producers use to do video editing and media services. The computers would need to be capable of running Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator and Adobe Creative Suite etc… and they would also have to have network interface cards (NICs) in order to be able to connect to a network (UKEssays, 2016). Printer In order for the printer to be used on this network, it would need its own unique connection to the network. Computers connect to the printer through the switch.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01

65 Switch Control of the network in the buildings can be made possible through programming the switch to handle the traffic without having to contact the server directly. If anything outside of the network such as the internet or web applications are needed then the requests first go through the switch then on to the server where they are checked for validity (To make sure the device requesting access to the web is recognized and has permission to use the internet) (UKEssays, 2016). Server The server in the building A would be the server for the both buildings themselves that controls the various network segments for the building. Each switch connected to the server has certain permissions in order to control traffic flow. The server will hold sensitive data as well as user accounts. Many people will use the both buildings so user information is held on the server plus any data that may be important (perhaps assignment files or portfolios of work). Administration accounts and permissions (for editing information on workstations) would also be held on the server (UKEssays, 2016). The different aspects of servers, choosing them and their models will be illustrated in the later part under the section of QoS and Security features of the company. As for now, the author has generally mentioned all the devices, which have used in the design.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01

66 Router In the above diagram routers, connect multiple networks together. There are two routers in the two buildings and it is essential to use two separate routers for two buildings. They also connect computers on those networks to the Internet. Routers enable all networked computers to share a single Internet connection, which saves money eventually for a company. Routers connect this company to the world, protect information from security threats, and can even decide which computers receive priority over others among those two buildings in the premises. Beyond those basic networking functions, routers come with additional features to make networking easier or more secure. Depending on your needs, for example, you can choose a router with a firewall, a virtual private network (VPN), or an Internet Protocol (IP) communications system. With these features, you can have a secure and reliable connection among the buildings.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


2. Justify the security requirements and quality of services needed for selection of accessories.

9. Network security in Enclave Films & VividZone Company “Network security is any activity designed to protect the usability and integrity of your network and data. It includes both hardware and software technologies. Effective network security manages access to the network. It targets a variety of threats and stops them from entering or spreading on your network” (Products & ServicesSecurity, n.d.). Network security combines multiple layers of defenses at the sting and within the network. Every network security layer implements policies and controls. Approved users gain access to network resources; however, malicious actors are blocked from concluding exploits and threats. As you can see in the diagram above, there is a firewall connected to the server before it reaches the internet. This software controls who can access the network from outside of the building and what data is allowed to come inside. Having a firewall is a great way to ensure the system security among the buildings. The designer has implemented that; each of the workstations will have its own security software such as antivirus, anti-malware and general performance scanning software to ensure safety of that individual system (Laura, 2014). The server will also have its own security software. Other components to be included on this network are a backup system to backup system information and important data to protect against data loss / damage. Also when consider about the network security of Enclave films, there are different types of network security. I have vividly described about those types below.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


9.1 Access control Not every user should have access to the network. To keep out potential attackers, it needs to recognize each user and each device. Then you can enforce your security policies. You can block non-compliant endpoint devices or give them only limited access. This process is network access control (NAC). With this control, we can minimize the threats and maximize the network security.

9.2 Antivirus and antimalware software "Malware," short for "malicious software," includes viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, and spyware. Sometimes malware will infect a network but lie dormant for days or even weeks. This film making company consist of a lot of soft information about the future movies and also about the financial work. Installing an antivirus software is an essential part of the network security when consider about the two buildings. The best antimalware programs not only scan for malware upon entry, but also continuously track files afterward to find anomalies, remove malware, and fix damage.

9.3 Behavioral analytics To detect abnormal network behavior of the two buildings, you must know what normal behavior looks like. Behavioral analytics tools automatically discern activities that deviate from the norm. By establishing these tools on the PCs of the two buildings, the security team can then better identify indicators of compromise that pose a potential problem and quickly remediate threats. Some examples for best behavioral analytics tools are, Avast analytics, StealthWatch etc.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


9.4 Data loss prevention Organizations must make sure that their staff does not send sensitive information outside the network. Same methodology applies here; Data loss prevention, or DLP, technologies can stop people from uploading, forwarding, or even printing critical information in an unsafe manner. Uploading unsafe data or downloading data from the server in the building, A can make havocs inside the company. Preventing these are good signs of networking security.

9.5 Firewalls Firewalls put up a barrier between the trusted internal network and untrusted outside networks, such as the Internet. They use a set of defined rules to allow or block traffic. I’ve used a firewall in this design because it can increase the network security. A firewall can be hardware, software, or both. One of the best company is Cisco when it comes to firewalls. Cisco offers unified threat management (UTM) devices and threat-focused next-generation firewalls. Establishing a firewall for both building is another network security I have used.

9.6 Network segmentation Another aspect of networking security is network segmentation. By adding this to the movie premises, it puts network traffic into different classifications and makes enforcing security policies easier. Ideally, the classifications are based on endpoint identity, not mere IP addresses. The four admins in the building A can assign access rights based on role, location, and more so that the right level of access is given to the right, people and suspicious devices are contained and remediated.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


9.7 Web security A web security solution will control the staff’s web use, block web-based threats, and deny access to malicious websites. It will protect the web gateway of especially VividZone Company on site or in the cloud. VividZone needs a massive web security as it negotiate a lot with the network as it is the movie downloading and distributing source.

9.8 Wireless security Wireless networks are not as secure as wired ones. Without stringent security measures, installing a wireless LAN can be like putting Ethernet ports everywhere, including the parking lot. To prevent an exploit from taking hold, you need products specifically designed to protect a wireless network.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10. Quality of Service at Enclave movie Premises. When we consider about the quality of service (will address as QOS in the later mentions), there are two ways of addressing QOS. 1. QOS of a System. (Enclave Film system & VividZone building system). 2. QOS of routers, switches, servers and cables.

10.1 Quality of Services of a system Quality of service (QOS) requirements are technical specifications that specify the system quality of features such as performance, availability, scalability, and serviceability. QOS requirements are driven by business needs specified in the business requirements (Sun Java, 2018). For example, if services must be available 24 hours a day throughout the year, the availability requirement must address this business requirement (Network Server Security Requirements and Procedures, 2018). For Enclave films there is no exception, this company also should have a 24/7 service to deliver quality content to the customers. Below table has explained the needs of having a quality service.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


System Quality



The measurement of response time and throughput with respect to user load conditions. Means performance of the system cannot be reduce even though there are a lot employees or customers login into the servers. Especially VividZone should have a consistent performance rate because it negotiate a lot with customers and internet.


A measure of how often a system’s resources and services are accessible to end users, often expressed as the uptime of a system.


The ability to add capacity (and users) to a deployed system over time. Scalability typically involves adding resources to the system but should not require changes to the deployment architecture.


A complex combination of factors that describe the integrity of a system and its users. Security includes authentication and authorization of users, security of data, and secure access to a deployed system.

Latent capacity

The ability of a system to handle unusual peak loads without additional resources. Latent capacity is a factor in availability, performance, and scalability qualities.


The ease by which a deployed system can be maintained, including monitoring the system, repairing problems that arise, and upgrading hardware and software components.

Table 24 - QoS aspects of a Company

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2 Quality of Service of routers, switches, severs and cables Quality of Service (QOS) is also a feature of routers and switches that prioritizes traffic so that more traffic that is important can pass first. The result is a performance improvement for critical network traffic. QOS equipment is useful with VoIP phones or in LANs with high volumes of local traffic (Netgear, November 2016). They prioritize traffic according to QOS information sent, and can override the default QOS for selected services. QOS varies by switch, the higher the level switch, the higher network application layer it works with. The number of queues differ, as well as the kind of information used to prioritize. So to improve the QOS of the movie company, we should consider about choosing a high-level switch so the higher the quality of the network will be (Netgear, November 2016). •

Most unmanaged switches do not use or change QOS. The traffic passes unaltered, except with GS605, GS608, and GS116, which honor priority tags.

Smart switches allow setting QOS by port to a "high" or a "normal" queue.

In addition, L2 managed switches both set and honor DiffServ packet tagging.

In addition, L3 switches allow defining access control lists, which recognize traffic types.

These are some switches and routers we can use to improve the QOS of the devices.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2.1 Routers Simply, a router is a device that is mainly used in a network to forward packets and filter the packets along the connected network. In other words, a router is also known as a 3-layer network gateway device. This means that the router connects two or more networks and the router operation is done in the network layer of the OSI model (Bradley, 2017). Meanwhile, these routers play a huge role in various instances.

As the Network Engineer of Enclave Films and VividZone, I highly recommend a well-built performance router to perform their day-to-day business activities conveniently. D-Link COBRA AC5300 Wave 2 MU-MIMO as such. Based on the company’s requirements, the company requires a good WI-FI connection at the building B which will cover the two web teams and by considering the building A, it is recommended to equip the same router to obtain the best performance. This router will deliver the faster WI-FI speeds up to 1000 to 2166Mbps and it is powered with the latest Quad Core 1.8 GHz processor. In addition, the router has 8 High-Gain antennas, simultaneous Tri-band and Gigabit Ethernet for stable connectivity. This router allows blocking unwanted users or devices remotely. This router can be run in windows platforms 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Macintosh computers as well. When we consider about the main functionalities of this router, this router has a special capability of identifying the best path also works as a dedicated firewall, smart connect which means the fastest WI-FI connectivity for every device that connects (, 2017).

Figure 38 - DELL Cobra router

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2.2 Switches A network switch is a device that used to connect several computing devices such as servers, end user devices like computers, and printers within a range of an area like a building or a campus. In other words, we can define a switch is a networking device that will enable the devices that are being networked to talk each other in an efficient manner. Nowadays, mainly businesses use network switches to share information and resources also this will greatly influence their productivity as well (Cisco, 2017). A network switch has the capability of making decisions when it comes to forwarding packets based on the identification of the MAC address on the devices, which is connected to the switch, it will read the address and transmit the packet to the respective device. In Enclave Films and VividZone, we use switches to connect the devices such as servers, computers and printers, which is located in different buildings. By using switches, we can create separate LANs as well. That means based on the given scenario there are several departments including computers. Therefore, a switch is the most suitable and efficient device that can be used to connect more than 20 users. Based on the scenario that has been provided, I recommend The Linksys LGS116P switch. This enables to expand the company’s network. The front of the switch is home to all 16 Gigabit 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports, from which only the first eight come with PoE+ support. The PoE+ technology allows you to transfer data and receive power over the Ethernet cable. This can be configured and monitored by using a standard web browser. The SGE2010 will help to create Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN) within the departments.

Figure 39 - Linksys LGS116P manageable switch

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


In this switch, it has some interesting features that are worth mentioning. There is the Quality of Service Traffic Prioritization (QoS) which ensures that regardless of network congestion, certain data throughput is still maintained for some connected devices. This is the best switch for a small company like Enclave Films, as they need quality and cost effective devices to run the company. The below figure will show that how to connect two offices to this switch even though they are apart. In the given scenario, there are two buildings and as the network engineer this is the best outcome which can embedded right now.

Figure 40 - Switch's use for the both buildings

10.2.3 Hubs This is a simplest device, which used in the computer network topologies. This device acts as a common connection point for the devices that is in the network. Literally, the term hub means a center. The hub acts as a terminal that will provide data exchange between computers. In other words, hub is a device that performs the process of connecting multiple network ready devices. Hubs are inbuilt in some devices. Furthermore, there are some networking devices that requires customizable hubs (Read and Digest, 2013). Based on the given scenario it is advisable to use hubs to connect multiple clients within a network. The main function of hub is distributing the packets to all the devices that is connected to the hub. When there is a requirement of sending a packet to a respective device, the hub will send the packet to all the other devices as well.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Because of this hub is contending for transmission of data and the bandwidth of the network will be reduced or a slow network. When we compare a hub and switch, the switch has the more advantages than the hub and switches are much expensive than hubs but using a switch is efficient. Therefore, for the Enclave Films and VividZone companies, it is optional to use network hubs when implementing their network.

Figure 41 - D-Link Hub

10.2.4 The Comparison of Routers, Switches and Hubs Routers



Cost Wise

Much Expensive


Less Expensive


4 to 12 Ports

More than 2 Ports up to 48 ports

2 to 14 Ports

Transmission rate

100Mbps up to 1Gbps

10 to 100 Mbps

5 to 10 Mbps


Typically connected to at least two network (WAN)

Used in local area networks

Used in local are networks

Packet Direction

Learns the ports and manipulates

Knows which port is carrying the traffic

Without knowingly just directs the incoming packets

Table 25 - Comparison between routers, switches and hubs

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2.5 Servers In computing, a server is a computer system, which is mainly a combination of hardware, and software that is designed to provide services to its clients. Severs requires high power capabilities to run for long periods without causing any interruptions. The availability of a sever must be 24/7. The function of a server is to maintain the files active for browsing as mentioned earlier 24/7. If there is downtime in a server, there will be no pages to view. To overcome the faults of server down, we should recommend a well reputed hosting company that tries to keep their downtime to less than a fraction of a second (Singh, 2014). Based on the given scenario, Enclave Films and VividZone requires some severs like Web Servers, File Servers, Printer Servers and Proxy Servers as well. There are several types of servers, •

DNS Server

File Server

Printer Server

Mail Server

Proxy Server

Web Server Domain Name Server A domain name server is also a type of computer that contains a database of public internet protocol addresses and their connected hostnames. In other words, domain name server is also a set of protocols within the set of standards for how the computer exchange data on the internet. The main function of a Domain Name Server is to translate the domain name into IP address. As an example, according to the scenario of Enclave Films, the domain name of will be translated as that computers use to identify each other on the network.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Figure 42 - DNS Illustration File Server Simply, file servers provide a location to store the shared files within the network. That means a file server will act as a central storage and managing of data. So, the other clients on the network can access to the central storage to find out shared data. These file servers could be virtually anything that means multimedia from text documents to sound files to photographs and so on. Typically, the function of a file server is to store the data and in the same time if the user request to retrieve the data, the file server should be able perform these tasks (McDonough, 2010).

Figure 43 - File server

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01

80 Printer Server Printer server is a device that connects several client computers in a network. That means sharing the printer with multiple computers where they can perform the printing tasks. The function in a printer server defines that it can control one or more printers together. The hardware that enables the printers to be installed in a network is also known as printer servers, where they will act as network printers (, 2018).

Figure 44 - Illustration of print server Mail Server The email that is sent within the network goes through the mail server. A mail server acts as a virtual post office, which means an intermediary, which can send and receive emails. In other words, a mail server is a network application that receives incoming e-mail from users and senders and forwards outgoing e-mails for delivery. Mail server works more like a virtual post office and has a storage area where the email can be stored.

Figure 45 - Illustration of Mail server

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01

81 Proxy Server A proxy server is a computer that acts as a gateway between a local network and a larger scale network such as the internet. In other words, proxy servers are in the middle of a client application such as a web browser. A proxy server analyses every request done by the client to find out if it is possible to fulfil it by itself. If not, it is forwarded to the real server. A proxy server helps to maximize response time and improves overall network performance.

Figure 46 - Illustration of Proxy Web Server A web server is a computer that mainly runs websites. In addition, a computer program will distribute the requested web pages. In other words, this server is a computer system that hosts websites to the internet. The basic objective of this server is to store, process and deliver the web pages to the users. The main function of a web server is, when a user requests for a particular web address on a web browser such as google chrome, then the browser will send a request to the internet for viewing the corresponding page for the requested address. Then a DNS server will convert the web address that means the URL to an IP address. Then it will be points to a web server for results (The Economic Times, 2018).

Figure 47 - Web server

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.3 Comprehensive analysis of Servers and its Specification According to the scenario of Enclave Films and VividZone, justifying the best file server, based on its different features such as server brand, RAM processor etc. that will suit for the proposed solution for Enclave Films. The below table illustrates the best server for Enclave Films and VividZone right now.

Server Types





Dell PowerEdge T30, Tower Server

Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5, 8MB cache, turbo boost

12GB UDIMM (up to 64 GB)

1TB 7.2 RPM, 6 Gbps


Dell PowerEdge T430

Intel Xeon E5-2620 (20M cache)


1TB 7.2 RPM


Asus TS100 Xeon

Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v5

8GB DDR4 2133 UDIMM non ECC and with ECC (up to 64 GB)

1TB SATA3 144,000/= 6Gb/s, 6 x SATA3 6Gb/s ports

Asus TS300 Xeon

Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 v5

16GB DDR4 2133 UDIMM

1TB SATA3 6Gb/s


HP ProLiant ML30 Gen 9

Intel® Xeon® E31220 v5

2 x 8GB 2133P UDIMM

2TB 7.2 RPM, 2x1TB 6gb


Table 26 - Brands comparison of serers

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.3.1 Selecting the suitable server for Enclave Films and VividZone According to the scenario of Enclave Films and VividZone, its main requirement is to implement an effective network solution to the company. While implementing a network solution for an organization, there are some important factors to be considered, such as selecting the most suitable server to the company. Based on the above table, it specifies the different types of servers that are available in the market and its core specs and features. When comparing the different server types that are available in the market. Dell PowerEdge T30, Tower Server was the suitable server that can be used to implement the proposed network solution for Enclave. I highly recommend Dell PowerEdge T30 Tower Server to the solution because, the processor which means the brain of the server is Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5, 8MB cache, turbo boost processor, using this type of processor in a server can enhance the performance of the server. It has a memory of 12GB DDR IV where we can expand the memory up to 64GB in future, this is one of the main advantage in this server. Enclave Films is an emerging movie company so, it will require more performance in the future. When we consider the storage capacity of this selected server is 1 Tera Byte 7.2 RPM (Resolution per Minute), 6 Gbps (Gigabyte per Second). When implementing a network solution cost is one of main factor that will affect the solution. As the network engineer of Enclave Films, I selected this server by analyzing the market of the server prices by obtaining quotations from vendors. The selected server will cost around 250,000 LKR. However, this server can provide Enclave and VividZone both a clear benefit for its price. Therefore, as a conclusion the best server that is selected for Enclave Films is Dell PowerEdge T30.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


10.2.6 Cables Cables used in Networking In networking, cables play a major role. The medium through which information is transmit from one network to another device. Here we are going to discuss about the cables, which physically exist. When implementing a network, there are different types of cables will be used to create a network (, 2013). As the Network Engineer of Enclave Films and VividZone, the cables that are required to build the network are described below. Twisted Pair Cable Types There are two types of twisted pair cables, the main differences between Shielded Twisted Pair and Unshielded Twisted Pair are as follows: The main differences between STP and UTP Shielded Twisted Pair

Unshielded Twisted Pair

These cables are shielded by a shield made of These cables are unshielded metallic foil More expensive Protects the interferences

Less expensive cable


electromagnetic Unprotected by electromagnetic interferences

Very difficult to maintain

Most commonly used in computer networking

Better at maximizing the bandwidth

Consist 8 individual copper wires with 4 pairs

Table 27 - Comparing STP and UTP

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Figure 48 - STP and UTP Coaxial Cable This a cable is some sort of an oldest cable for Local Area Networks. This cable is now outdated, and it is not in use. This cable is mainly used in topologies like Bus and Ring. This cable looks like a cable that comes for a television antenna. Coaxial cable consists of a hollow cylindrical conductor that surrounds a single inner wire, which is made from two conducting elements. Even though this cabling method is outdated, as a beneficial advantage this cable can run with fewer boosts from the repeaters for longer distances in between network nodes. Coaxial cables are less expensive than the other cables.

Figure 49 - Coaxial Cables

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01

86 Fiber Optic Technology Fiber optic technology is a new generation of transmission media, which refers to a fiber optic cable. The architecture of a fiber optic cable is made up of incredibly thin strands of glass or plastic that is known as optical fibers. Fiber optic cables transmit information and resources from one place to another using a light-based technology. The transmission capacity of this cable is 26,000 times higher than the twisted pair cable. When comparing fiber optics with coaxial cable. The fiber optics are very lighter and more reliable for the transmission of data. These cables transmit resources using light beams at light speed rather than pulses of electricity.

Figure 50 - Fiber Optics

Figure 51 - Illustration of Cisco in Fiber Optics

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Comparison of Cable types are given below

Shielded Twisted Pair

Unshielded Twisted Pair

Coaxial Cable

Fiber Optic Cable

Cost Wise

Expensive than the unshielded twisted pair

Less expensive than the shielded twisted pair

More expensive than twisted pair cables

Most expensive in the market

Transmission rate

100 Mbps

1000 Mbps

10 Mbps

100 Mbps to 10 Gbps

Usable length of the cable

100 to 200 meters

100 meters

500 meters

More than 3 kilometers


Easy to install

Very easy to install

Easy to install

Complicated to install

Suitable for

For small networks

For small networks

For small networks

Large scale like enterprise purposes

Form of electrical

Form of electrical

Transmissions occurs in the form of light using glasses

Transmission of Form of signal electrical

Figure 52 - Cable Comparison

The above table shows the reader about the cable comparison and mostly what cables to choose when implementing a network.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


3. Design a networked system to meet a given specification.

11. Cisco Packet Tracer Design of the blueprint.

Figure 53 - Cisco network design at Enclave Films and VividZone

The above design is the Cisco design, which I have implemented while taking consideration of the prepared written plan above. For the two routers I have used 1841 routers. In addition, for the three switches I have used 2960-24TT switches. When considering the redesign, the designer has used a serial cable to connect the two routers and I have implemented it in the Cisco design. In addition, to connect the routers and switches, I have used fast Ethernet cables. Just as the connectivity of routers and switches, the designer has used Ethernet cables to connect switches with the end devices. In building A switch - 1 2960-24TT has been connected to seven end devices and switch – 2 296024TT has been connected to seven devices again to avoid the disruption among the devices. In building B switch – 3 2960-24TT has been connected to 16 end devices. The designer has taken this Cisco design to consideration when marking the below IP allocation table. The reader can have an idea about the IP allocation and its function when compare the table and the design together.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


4. Provide the IP address allocation table for the redesigned network.

12. IP address allocation table of Enclave Films and VividZone Company

Table 28 - IP allocation table

12.1 Justification of VLANs First, you can clearly see that I have divided the two buildings to 7 Virtual LANs. The next questions which pop up are, why VLANs and why seven of them? VLANs can save a company a lot of money. VLAN's can be used to create broadcast domains, which eliminate the need for expensive routers. Periodically, sensitive data may be broadcast on a network. In such cases, placing only those users who can have access to that data on a VLAN can reduce the chances of an outsider gaining access to the data; because of these pros, I have used VLANs in this network. There are seven main sectors in the company. Building A has five out of those seven sectors and building B has the other two. For the ease of configuration, I have taken each sector as a VLAN and have drawn the diagram accordingly. In the above table, you can clearly see that I have named those 7 sectors as 7 VLANs. As an example, I have used Accounts sector as the VLAN 4. This method can save a lot of time and money of the company.

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12.2 Justification of VLSM I have also used the VLSM method to allocate the block size to the different sectors. VLSM means Variable Length Subnet Mask. This is a technique for allocating variable block sizes based on the number of users. The use of VLSM has two main advantages that are closely linked: It makes network addressing more efficient and it provides the capability to perform route summarization. In other words if we divide the block size equally among all the VLANs, then a sector like Accounts (which has only one user) has a lot of extra IPs which are basically won’t use. To reduce this IP wastage I have used VLSM method in this network design.

12.3 Justification of IP allocation There are several points to be addressed when you allocate IPs to a certain company. In this scenario we should consider about the below points. 1. How many subnets do you need? 2. How many hosts per subnet do you need? 3. What routing needs do you have to route traffic between subnets? 4. Do you anticipate having a large number of hosts per subnet and want to reduce the size of your broadcast domains? According to this scenario, we need at least 8 subnets for both buildings together. The 8 subnets are for Admin, Sales, Accounts, Management, Reception & Customer area, Workstation and Office. Now we know we should at least have 8 subnets for this company. The next question that pop-ups when we are going to choose a correct IP range is that how many hosts are needed per subnet. Regarding this scenario, Enclave films has 8 subnets as I mentioned earlier and in those 8 subnets there is at least 1 host. The right calculation of No. of hosts are as follows.

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In building A for administration work purposes I’ve allocated 4 hosts, for sales 2 hosts, for accounts department only 1 host, management has 3 hosts and both reception and customer area has 1 host each. In building B for web team’s work purposes there are two subnets and there is nine and five hosts accordingly. After we choose the right number of hosts, we should consider about the most effective block size for those hosts and subnets. I have used block size 8 and 16 for the ease of calculations and also it is the correct block sizes for these two buildings. Building A uses only one block size and it is 8. Building B uses two block sizes that are 16 and 8, for Workstations and Office PCs respectively. Now we have decided the subnets and hosts per subnet. Now we should choose a correct IP range.

12.4 Justification of Class C IP 12.4.1 Why Class C IP range? In class C, the number of host IP address available in the network is less than class A or B thus making it easier for DHCP to manage. This is one of many examples why we should consider about using class C IP address. In addition, Class C addresses are commonly used for small to mid-size businesses. Enclave Films is not a huge or a widely spread company. Therefore, class C IPs are usable for this company. Other classes such as A and B are being used for huge and wide companies. IP addresses with a first octet from 192 to 223 are part of this class. Class C addresses also include the second and third octets as part of the Net identifier. The last octet is used to identify each host.

Figure 54 - Class C IP addressing

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5. Install & configure network services and applications of your choice.

13. Installing and configuring a network service. 13.1 Operating System (Windows Server 2012) Operating System is the main system software that is designed to simplify the networking of the computing devices. Typically, in network operating systems it includes an implementation of TCP/IP protocol, which means a communications protocol for linking together diverse computer systems (Hunt, 2002). The main purpose of an operating system is to enhance the process of workstations, databases, personal computers and other peripherals, which is connected to the network. There are several Operating System vendors in the market such as Cisco, Microsoft, and Linux etc. Based on our scenario, we are going to use the Operating System that is built by Microsoft. There are several versions introduced by the Microsoft such as Windows server 2003, server 2008, server 2012 and Windows Server 2016. According to the scenario Enclave Films and VividZone, I suggest Windows Server Operating System 2012, the reason I did not choose the latest operating system 2016, because it’s the latest version launched by the Microsoft, it includes some bugs, and it crashes sometime. Therefore, I highly recommend 2012 and we can have an error free network.

Figure 55 - MS Windows Server 2012 R2

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Before installing the server OS, you should have installed the VMWare software. In this report I have used Workstation Pro 14 as the VMWare.

Step 1: Open VMWare workstation pro and then click Create a New Virtual Machine.

Figure 56 - Server OS snapshot 01

Step 2: Then you get an interface with VMWare and click Next button in it.

Figure 57 - Server OS snapshot 02

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Step 3: The you should choose the server operating system that you want to install from the root directory and click Next.

Figure 58 - Server OS snapshot 03

Step 4: Then you will get a window like below and click Next.

Figure 59 - Server OS snapshot 04

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Step 5: Then you should select the file path that needs to be installed in the virtual machine. Then click Next.

Figure 60 - Server OS snapshot 05

Step 6: In the next GUI you will have a summary of the virtual machine and then you have to click Finish.

Figure 61 - Server OS snapshot 06

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Step 7: Then the installation process will begin.

Figure 62 - Server OS snapshot 07

Step 8: In this tab, it will display that the windows is getting files ready for the installation

Figure 63 - Server OS snapshot 08

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Step 9: Then the PC will restart several times

Figure 64 - Server OS snapshot 09

Step 10: This is the Installation window and it shows that the things are getting ready.

Figure 65 - Server OS snapshot 10

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Step 11: This is the finalizing window of the OS.

Figure 66 - Server OS snapshot 11

Step 12: Once the installation is done, it will display Windows Server Manager 2012.

Figure 67 - Server OS snapshot 12

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Step 13: Once the installation is done, it will display the main dashboard of Windows Server Manager 2012.

Figure 68 - Server OS snapshot 13

Step 14: Then right click the network icon and select Open Network and Sharing Settings.

Figure 69 - Server OS snapshot 14

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Step 15: In this Ethernet0 Properties window you have to activate Internet Protocol Version 4.

Figure 70 - Server OS snapshot 15

Step 16: By clicking Properties you get a window for configure a custom IP address. Then click OK.

Figure 71 - Server OS snapshot 16

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Step 17: Then we need to login as the administrator in order to configure the PDA for

Figure 72 - Server OS snapshot 17

Step 18: Then you have to logging as the administrator and should enter the password to continue the identification.

Figure 73 - Server OS snapshot 18

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Step 19: Then it will display the dashboard of the Server Manager, in this tab we need to click on Add roles and features.

Figure 74 - Server OS snapshot 19

Step 20: After selecting Add roles and features, this tab will be opened and click on Next.

Figure 75 - Server OS snapshot 20

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Step 21: In this tab, we need to select the type of installation as Role-based or feature-based installation, and then click on Next.

Figure 76 - Server OS snapshot 21

Step 22: Then you should select a server from the server pool.

Figure 77 - Server OS snapshot 22

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Step 23: In this tab, we need to select Active Directory Domain Services, and click on Next.

Figure 78 - Server OS snapshot 23

Step 24: In this tab, it will display the confirmation of the installation. Then click on Install to begin the installation process.

Figure 79 - Server OS snapshot 24

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Step 25: In this tab, it will display that the installation process.

Figure 80 - Server OS snapshot 25

Step 26: In this tab, it will display that the installation has been completed successfully, then click on Close.

Figure 81 - Server OS snapshot 26

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Step 27: In this tab, you should click More.

Figure 82 - Server OS snapshot 27

Step 28: Then you should click Action Button.

Figure 83 - Server OS snapshot 28

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Step 29: In this window, we should select the option Add a new forest and should type the Root domain name as ENCLAVE.COM, then click on Next.

Figure 84 - Server OS snapshot 29

Step 30: In this tab, it will ask to provide the DSRM password, after providing the password, then click on Next.

Figure 85 - Server OS snapshot 30

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Step 31: In this tab, it will show the domain name as ENCLAVE and then click on Next

Figure 86 - Server OS snapshot 31

Step 32: In this tab, it will show the paths of the ADDS database and then click on Next.

Figure 87 - Server OS snapshot 32

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Step 33: Then click Next in the next GUI.

Figure 88 - Server OS snapshot 33

Step 34 & 36: In this tab, it will show the prerequisites check for the installation then click on Install to begin the installation.

Figure 89 - Server OS snapshot 34

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Step 36: In this window, you should log in as ENCLAVE\Administrator.

Figure 90 - Server OS snapshot 36

Step 37: This tab will display the summary of the configured Primary Domain Controller for ENCLAVE.COM

Figure 91 - Server OS snapshot 37

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Step 38: The desktop view of the client computer

Figure 92 - Server OS snapshot 38

Step 39: Right click on the network icon, which is in the task bar, and click on Open Network and Sharing Center.

Figure 93 - Server OS snapshot 39

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Step 40: Then select Change Adapter Settings by clicking on Properties.

Figure 94 - Server OS snapshot 40

Step 41: Then it will display this tab, select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties.

Figure 95 - Server OS snapshot 41

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Step 42: In this tab, you should assign the correct IP address to the client computer.

Figure 96 - Server OS snapshot 42

Step 43: Then it will require the administrator username and the password, after entering the proper credentials click on OK. Step 44: Then this tab will be appeared and then select the Domain and enter the name of the domain as, and click on OK.

Figure 97 - Server OS snapshot 43

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Step 45: Then you will be logged in to the domain. Press OK.

Figure 98 - Server OS snapshot 45

Step 46: Then to apply the changes permanently, you should restart the server.

Figure 99 - Server OS snapshot 46

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Step 47: In this GUI, you should give access to the client. So that you can share files and other things easily.

Figure 100 - Server OS snapshot 47

Pinging and Access the client Press Windows + R key to access run tab, then type \\, in the text box and then click OK.

Figure 101 - Server OS snapshot 48

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The below cmd shows the pinging of client pc and server, from the server machine.

Figure 102 - Server OS snapshot 49

The below GUI shows the accessible files on the client PC via the server.

Figure 103 - Server OS snapshot 50

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Pinging and Access the Server Press Windows + R key to access run tab, then type \\, in the text box and then click OK.

Figure 104 - Server OS snapshot 51

The below CMD shows the pinging of client pc and server, from the client machine.

Figure 105 - Server OS snapshot 52

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The below GUI shows the files which can be accessed by the client PC.

Figure 106 - Server OS snapshot 53

The above figures show, how to make a client server and also how to install a virtual machine as well as how to install a server. The reader can have a vivid idea about those aspects. As this is one way of creating a client server and do the sharing, there are several other ways that this could be implemented. For further studies, the reader always can refer to the internet and find different methods of doing the same thing.

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13.2 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol used to provide quick, automatic, and central management for the distribution of IP addresses within a network. DHCP is also used to configure the proper subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server information on the device. For demonstration purposes, I have implemented DHCP and have put as figures below.

13.2.1 Configuring DHCP on the router

Figure 107 - DHCP configuration of a router

13.2.2 Configuring the IP for the DHCP

Figure 108 - IP configuration of DHCP

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6. Conduct a test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyze user feedback.

14. User Feedback Form and Analyzation 14.1 What is Feedback? The term feedback or the fact-finding is a formal technique that is used to identify and analyze the output of an action is returned in order to modify or develop the developed solution. In other words, this process is also known as the discovering the requirements and gathering information or data collection. Generally, system analyst use fact-finding techniques to develop and implement their system efficiently and effective (Quadri, 2018).

Some of the main fact-finding techniques are listed as follows, •


Sampling of existing documentation




14.2 Feedback for the Enclave Films and VividZone Company. According to the solution that is developed Enclave and VividZone Company, the identified requirements are implemented in the solution in order to create an efficient and effective network solution. The feedback technique that is used to identify the suggestions, maintenance and future improvements in the developed network solution is Questionnaires. This technique is mainly used to collect information from the users at the Company. The main advantage of using questionnaires is that it can save time, the system engineer doesn’t need to interview the users individually (UKEssays, 2015).

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14.3 Feedback form

Figure 109 - Feedback form for the Enclave Films and VividZone

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14.4 Analysis of user Feedback Forms The feedback results that was obtained from the Enclave and VividZone company users in different departments based on the developed network solution for the organization is being analyzed in the below section. This analysis is a summary of the information that was obtained from the feedback.

14.4.1 How often do you interact with the network within the company premises? According to the below graph, it illustrates that most of the users in Enclave and VividZone Companies are always interacting with the company network. Users who involve in the use of system as their total work is totally based on the computer network while some users only interact with the system rarely. There are minor users who do not involve in the company’s network. According to this analysis, the majority of the employees at Enclave and VividZone involve in the network activity.



Few Times



3% 19%


Figure 110 - Feedback Analysis 01

Like this, the designers of the network can get a feedback analysis from the user. For further reading of the reader, I have illustrated another two feedbacks from the above feedback and the reader can have a vivid idea about the feedback analysis of the designed network. Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

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14.4.2 Speed of the Company Network According to the users of Enclave Films, the speed of the network is in strongly satisfied section, the majority of the users have replied positively according to the analysis. Meanwhile, some users have answered this aspect negatively for the data transfer speed. By analyzing the issue in the speed of the internet, these identified issues should solve in order to make the network more productive. Strongly Satisfied


Partialy Satisfied


4% 3% 20%

73% Figure 111 - Feedback Analysis 02

14.4.3 Is the design user friendly? According to chart given below 37% of the users are agreed with the user-friendliness and 51% of the users in Enclave Films is somewhat satisfied with the user-friendliness. However, for the users who are not satisfied should be solved and maintain the long run of the network. According to analysis on user-friendly, the chart indicates that 9% of the users say that they are not satisfied with these criteria. These users must be well trained to use the network. Yes





37% 51%

9% Figure 112 - Feedback Analysis 03

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Networking Assignment-01


7. Suggest a Maintenance Schedule to support the network design.

15. Maintenance table of the Enclave Films and VividZone Companies. 15.1 Maintenance Schedule 15.1.1 What is a Maintenance Schedule? Network maintenance means you have to do what it takes in order to keep a network up and running and it includes a number of tasks: •

Troubleshooting network problems.

Hardware and software installation/configuration.

Monitoring and improving network performance.

Planning for future network growth.

Creating network documentation and keeping it up-to-date.

Ensuring compliance with company policies.

Ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Securing the network against all kind of threats.

Completing all the above tasks surely make a good maintenance on any network and it helps to keep the network in order for up and running. 15.1.2 Maintenance Schedule of the Enclave Films and VividZone Companies Once the network is implemented, maintenance is an important part to be considered. According to Enclave Film’s network, the network maintenance should must be performed in order to identify whether the network runs smoothly and efficiently. Performing a scheduled maintenance will help to enhance the safety, and the long run of the network. Identifying the issues or making modifications on time and performing in a routine maintenance in the network will be more productive to the business. Enclave Film and VividZone’s technical teams will be in-charge of the network maintenance for the company. The below tables describes the network maintenance schedule which, was designed to cover every aspect of the network in an efficient and effective manner.

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Responsible Personality. (Designation)

Identifying faults on the components.


6.30 pm


Hardware Termination.


6.30 pm


Checking the cables connected.


6.30 pm


Check functionality of other peripheral devices.


6.30 pm


Technical Engineer Technical Engineer Technical Engineer Technical Engineer

TAKING BACKUPS Ensuring the backup is running as prescheduled. Checking backup Disks.


10.00 pm


Network Admin.


10.00 pm


Network Admin.

Disk Clean up.


10.00 pm


Network Admin.

Check Backup Logs for errors.


10.00 pm


Network Admin.

SOFTWARE UPDATES Anti-Virus updates.


6.00 pm


Technical team

Check for any important updates.


6.00 pm


Technical team

Identifying useless updates.


6.00 pm


Technical team

EVENT LOGS AND SERVICES Check System, Application and security logs. Troubleshoot any found error events and warnings. Checking for Security logs.


8.30 am


System Analyst


8.30 am


Network Admin.


8.30 am


System Analyst Network Engineer Network Engineer Network Engineer Network Engineer

NETWORK PERFORMANCE Monitor excess traffic utilization.


12.30 pm


Network utilization rate.


1.00 pm


Check the Up-time of servers, switchers and router. Check and monitor server performance through the allocated software.


8.30 pm



2.30 pm


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DISK MANAGEMENT Analyzing disk performance and usage.


6.00 pm


Checking the capacity of the disks.


6.00 pm


Check for Disk Defragments.


7.00 pm


Clear Unnecessary files.


7.00 pm


System Admin System Admin System Admin System Admin

SECURITY Check for network security policies.


7.30 pm


Check for password policies.


8.30 pm


Perform security checks on applications and files if required. Checking the network and server security level.


8.30 pm



9.30 pm


Enable and Check firewall & router logs. Troubleshoot findings if required.


9.30 pm


Network Admin Network Admin Network Admin Network Admin Network Admin

Table 29 - Maintenance Schedule of Enclave Films and VividZone

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Activity 03 1. Implement a networked system based on your prepared design.

16. Implementing the Network Implementing a designed network is one of the major criteria in a system network. As the reader already knows by now, the written plan and Cisco design has been done. Those two designs played a major role in the network so far and has no exceptions when implementing the network. The designer has added the implemented network’s most important aspects as images; therefore, the reader can understand the main features of the network such as configuring a switch, router or a PC. 16.1 PC and Server Configuration

Figure 113 - Network Implementation snapshot 01

The above figure shows the Configuration of the Reception area PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

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Figure 114 - Network Implementation snapshot 02

The above figure shows one of the Configuration of the Web Team Office PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

Figure 115 - Network Implementation snapshot 03

The above figure shows the Configuration of the Accounts sector PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

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Figure 116 - Network Implementation snapshot 04

The above figure shows one of the Configurations of Management PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

Figure 117 - Network Implementation snapshot 05

The above figure shows one of the Configurations of the Sales PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

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Figure 118 - Network Implementation snapshot 06

The above figure shows the Configuration of the Reception area PC. The designer has allocated IP address and has used as the Default Gateway.

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16.2 Router Configuration Building A

Figure 119 - Network Implementation snapshot 07 Figure 120 - Network Implementation snapshot 08

Figure 121 - Network Implementation snapshot 09

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Building B

Figure 122 - Network Implementation snapshot 10 Figure 123 - Network Implementation snapshot 11

Figure 124 - Network Implementation snapshot 12

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16.3 Switch Configuration Building A – Host Name and Configuration

Figure 125 - Network Implementation snapshot 13

Figure 126 - Network Implementation snapshot 14

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Figure 128 - Network Implementation snapshot 16

Figure 127 - Network Implementation snapshot 15

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Building B – Host name and Configuration

Figure 129 - Network Implementation snapshot 17

Figure 130 - Network Implementation snapshot 19 Figure 131 - Network Implementation snapshot 18

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Figure 132 - Network Implementation snapshot 20

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16.4 Show Commands In, building A router > Show run

Figure 133 - Network Implementation snapshot 21

In, Building A > Show ip int br

Figure 134 - Network Implementation snapshot 22

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In, Building B > show run

Figure 135 - Network Implementation snapshot 23

In, Building B > Show ip int br

Figure 136 - Network Implementation snapshot 24

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In, Building A Switch 1 > Show vlan

Figure 137 - Network Implementation snapshot 25

In, Building A Switch 1 > Show int trunk

Figure 138 - Network Implementation snapshot 26

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In, Building A Switch 2 > Show vlan

Figure 139 - Network Implementation snapshot 27

In, Building A Switch 2 > Show int trunk

Figure 140 - Network Implementation snapshot 28

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In, Building A Switch 1 > Show vlan

Figure 141 - Network Implementation snapshot 29

In, Building A Switch 2 > Show int trunk

Figure 142 - Network Implementation snapshot 30

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16.5 Telnet configuring Telnetting on Building A router;

Figure 143 - Network Implementation snapshot 31

Figure 144 - Network Implementation snapshot 32

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Telnetting on Building B router;

Figure 145 - Network Implementation snapshot 33

Telnetting on Building A Switch 1;

Figure 146 - Network Implementation snapshot 34

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Telnetting on Building A Switch 2;

Figure 147 - Network Implementation snapshot 35

Telnetting on Building B Switch 1;

Figure 148 - Network Implementation snapshot 36

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2. Conduct verification with e.g. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc. 3. Record the test results and analyze these against expected results.

17. Designing a Test case Table 17.1 What is Test case Table? A test case is an arrangement of conditions or factors under which a tester will decide if a framework under test fulfills necessities or works effectively. The way toward creating test cases can likewise help discover issues in the prerequisites or outline of an application (Software Fundamentals, 2018). 17.2 Steps for a best Test case Table 1. Test Cases need to be simple and transparent: Create test cases that are as simple as possible. They must be clear and concise, as the author of test case may not execute them. Use assertive language like go to home page, enter data, and click on this and so on. This makes the understanding the test steps easy and test execution faster. 2. Create Test Case with End User in Mind Ultimate goal of any software project is to create test cases that meets customer requirements and is easy to use and operate. A tester must create test cases keeping in mind the end user perspective 3. Avoid test case repetition. Do not repeat test cases. If a test case is needed for executing some other test case, call the test case by its test case id in the pre-condition column 4. Do not assume. Do not assume functionality and features of your software application while preparing test case. Stick to the Specification Documents.

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5. Ensure 100% Coverage Make sure you write test cases to check all software requirements mentioned in the specification document. Use Traceability Matrix to ensure no functions/conditions is left untested. 6. Test Cases must be identifiable. Name the test case ID such that they are identified easily while tracking defects or identifying a software requirement at a later stage. 7. Implement Testing Techniques. It is not possible to check every possible condition in your software application. Testing techniques help you select a few test cases with the maximum possibility of finding a defect. Boundary Value Analysis (BVA): As the name suggests the technique defines the testing of boundaries for specified range of values. Equivalence Partition (EP): This technique partitions the range into equal parts/groups that tend to have the same behavior. State Transition Technique: This method is used when software behavior changes from one state to another following particular action. Error Guessing Technique: This is guessing/anticipating the error that may arise while testing. This is not a formal method and takes advantages of a tester's experience with the application 8. Self-cleaning The test case you create must return the Test Environment to the pre-test state and should not render the test environment unusable. This is especially true for configuration testing. 9. Repeatable and self-standing The test case should generate the same results every time no matter who tests it 10. Peer Review. After creating test cases, get them reviewed by your colleagues. Your peers can uncover defects in your test case design, which you may easily miss.

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17.3 Redesigned blueprint’s Test case Table Test Test Case Scenari ID o TU01 Pinging

Screen Shot

Expecte d Result

Actual Result

Pass / Fail

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)


TU02 Pinging within VLANs.

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)


TU03 Pinging among VLANs with the same switch.

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)


TU04 Pinging among VLANs with different switches .

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)


from PC to Default – Gateway. (Ex; Account1 PC)

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TU05 Pinging among Networks

TU06 Access telnet in Switch (e.g. : Admin1 pc to Building A switch 1)

TU07 Access


telnet in Switch (e.g. : Admin1 pc to Building A switch 2) Access telnet in Switch (e.g. : Admin1 pc to Building B switch 1)

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Packets: Sent = 4, Receive d = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Packets: Pass Sent = 4, Receive d = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss)

Enabling Access Verificati on

Access Verificati on enabled


Enabling Access Verificati on

Access Verificati on enabled


Enabling Access Verificati on

Access Verificati on enabled



TU09 Access telnet in Router (e.g. : Admin1 pc to Building A Router)

TU10 Access telnet in Router (e.g. : Admin1 pc to Building B Router)

TU11 Check IP configura tion in PC

Enabling Access Verificati on

Access Verificati on enabled


Enabling Access Verificati on

Access Verificati on enabled


IP configure d

IP configure d


Table 30 - Test case table for Enclave Films and VividZone

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


4. Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device growth and the addition of communication devices.

18. Enhancing the implemented network design Technology is one most gradual development industry in this modern world. Day by day, there are new technologies, which are rapidly being introduced. Especially, with the improvement in technology, businesses can obtain a productive and efficient advantage. Based on the solution that was provided to the Enclave Films, after some time, the current technologies that are implemented will be outdated. By enhancing and upgrading these, a more productive networking solution can be expected. The following section describes the enhancements that should be implemented, when the company feels like that they need an improvement. 18.1 Upgrading the Cables in the Network Currently, the network is running through coaxial cable within the building premises. In coaxial cables, it will generate more heat. The company can enhance their network by modifying the cables to Fiber Optic. These cables have the great capability of transmitting data in higher bandwidths than the coaxial cables. In fiber optics, laser technology is being used to transmit data from one destination to another. However, coaxial cables generate more heat, but in fiber optics, it is ecofriendly and does not generate much heat. Based on the cost fiber optics are quite expensive than coaxial cables. 18.2 Improving the Quality of the Network When it comes to improving the quality of the network, this will enhance the state of the network. That means by using branded and qualitative hardware components; it will help to improve the quality of the network. The current using network hardware components in Enclave Films can be upgraded into higher performance devices that will make the network more productive. Based on this, the company can replace their old routers with more powerful one; this will help to enhance the efficiency of the network. Maintenance is also a prominent process that is mainly required for a network. A proper scheduled maintenance will help the network to be free from issues.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


18.3 Enhancing the Security of the Network

In a network, security is considered as an important factor. The solution that was implemented to the accounts sector in Enclave Films should be more secure than others should. The information that is transmitted and stored in the network should be more secured from hackers and other external parties who tries to access the information without proper authentication. By creating a strong security policy will help to protect the network. Network security policies are descriptive solutions, which outline the policies such as who can access the network and what they can view / modify and the limitations, and privileges they possess. A clear, foolproof network security policy will help to protect the network from unwanted interferences. Adopting to a strong password policy will also help to maintain the security of the network. Antivirus software’s and other security software’s should be kept up-to-date as hackers often target on expired and outdated versions of certain software’s to access the network. Firewalls are the most important segment in network security as it monitors and controls all incoming and outgoing traffic in the network. If we consider the physical security of the network, it is highly important to protect the server and other network devices confidentially. For this, the company can use ‘Face recognition security systems’ for the server rooms, where the authenticated persons can access. By using ‘Bio metric door locks’, the company can enhance the physical security of the network within the company premises.

Figure 149 - Face recognition

Figure 150 - Biometric door locks

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


18.4 Unified Threat Management This is a type of security that can be used to protect the users in the network from various kinds of security threats. After some time Enclave Films can adopt to UTM (Unified Threat Management). Where it will help to protect the digital assets in the business and protecting from sophisticated threats, spam, phishing, Trojans and viruses as well (, 2018).

Figure 151 - UTM defined

18.5 Scalability

Enclave Films and VividZone are emerging movie companies in the market. Therefore, the growth of the company will establish more branches with more employees. Based on this, there should be more sub-network should be implemented which could cost the organization very high. In order to overcome this situation, the company can implement Virtual Local Area Networks, which will influence the business positively, where it can connect the branches virtually. When it comes to scaling the network, Virtual Local Area Networks are more beneficial. The company already has several Virtual Local Area Networks and they can build on that and enhance the company by creating different Virtual LANs in different branches. The above aspects are the main points when considering the fact about enhancing the company further more. As a network engineer of the company, the designer can always think out from the box and implement more efficient and effective methods to the network design.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


19. Conclusion This assignment mainly includes the network solutions that are designed for Enclave Films and VividZone, by providing a reliable and efficient communication process based on the identified requirements. As the Network Engineer of the company, I was required to design and implement a network solution for the company. In the first activity, I have briefly discussed the benefits and constraints of the different types of network system and topologies, and I have justified a suitable network topology for Enclave Films. In addition, I have prepared a report on network related technologies and standards that can be implemented to the solution and have discussed how they would affect the solution. In that same activity, I have explained the roles of different protocols that would be employed to the network solution of Enclave Films, and I have briefly discussed how they enable the effective utilization for the solution. In the second activity, I have designed the comprehensive network solution for two buildings of Enclave Films and VividZone and I have explained how the design meets the requirements of the company. In addition, I have critically discussed the role of software and hardware components that would be used in the solution and how the components been utilized to create the network. In the same task, I have briefly explained the types of servers that will be used in the solution, I have comprehensively analyzed and compared the different types of servers in the market, and I have made the best selection. As the second activity runs down deep, I have obtained the feedback from the users of the network in Enclave Films. Based on that I have briefly analyzed the feedback results and summarized them by providing graphs. In the third activity, I have done a proper descriptions and put screenshots, and I have shown the test cases for the activities. In addition, I have stated the enhancements that can be implemented to the Enclave’s network. The provided network solution Enclave Films and VividZone can be considered a complete network solution if the maintenance, backups, monitoring and other activities perform efficiently and effectively.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01



Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


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Networking Assignment-01


Self-Criticism I should specially convey my deepest gratitude to our lecturer Miss. Ama Kulathilaka, who helped me a lot to obtain the required information. I guess that I have tried my best to deliver a best answer to the question. I hope the questions were answered properly that satisfies the examiner. I did not have enough time to complete this assignment as I planned because I had another assignment to submit. I tried and gave my best to produce this assignment and I have delivered the best answers to the questions. I felt comfortable doing the assignments due to the liking and willingness towards the subject, I was able to complete this assignment with my level best in the given time period. This assignment made me strong and realizes many things about the Networking. Especially now I know everything about the Networking Fundamentals.



All the required information gathered easily.

The time spent on a single task was quite long.

A big support from my family members within Difficulties in when explaining to others. the given time.

Confidence in completing the assignment Difficulties when doing the Cisco design. before the deadline.

Interest throughout the module.

Table 31 - Strengths and Weaknesses of the author

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


Overview of your report. Explanation of network principles, standards. Visio design. Quality of Service and Security Features.

Cisco design. IP allocation table.

Server OS. Feedback Form. Maintenance Schedule. Implementation of Network. Test Case table. Future Enhancement. Finalize the Assignment.

Enura Indula (COL/A-060329)

Networking Assignment-01


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