Real Estate Financial Modeling Training Brochure

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Re al Es t at eFi nanc i al Mode l i ng

Tr ai ni ngOffe r i ng s

www. ge t r e f m. c om 2 0 5 51 5S t r e e tNor t h, S ui t e2 0 3 Ar l i ng t on, VA2 2 2 0 1 Te l ( 7 0 3 )5 7 7 4 1 1 0 t h

REFM c a nt e a c hy oumor ea boutr e a l e s t a t e na nc i a l mode l i ngwi t hEx c e l i nt hr e ehour s t ha nmos ts e me s t e r l e ng t hc our s e sc a n. e i rdownt oe a r t ht e a c hi ngs t y l ema k e si t s i mpl ea nde nj oy a bl ef orbe g i nne r sa nd e x pe r i e nc e dpr of e s s i ona l sa l i k et of ol l owa l ong . Na t h a nG. , LEEDAP F o r me rPr o j e c t Ma na g e r , Ak r i dg e F o r me rPr o p e r t yMa na g e r , J o ne sLa ngLa S a l l e

Re al Es t at eFi nanc i al Mode l i ng

Co r po r at e&Uni v e r s i t yTr ai ni ngOffe r i ng s

www. ge t r e f m. c om 2 0 5 51 5S t r e e tNor t h, S ui t e2 0 3 Ar l i ng t on, VA2 2 2 0 1 t e l 7 0 3 . 5 7 7 . 4 1 1 0 t h


REFM Training Overview Real Estate Financial Modeling (REFM) Training enables you to master basic and advanced concepts and techniques of Microsoft Excel, real estate finance, and real estate transaction financial modeling by going through Excel models line-by-line and performing skills exercises. All training is exclusively Microsoft Excel-based and is delivered assuming that each participant will be following along on their own computer. Benefits of training with REFM include: • Improved analysis capabilities • Increased confidence in one’s Excel skills • Improved financial modeling knowledge, understanding and customization capabilities • Sharpened presentation of a transaction's financials • Heightened credibility internally and with potential partners, lenders and investors Additional benefits specifically for University students include: • Stronger performance in internship and job interviews • Sharpened presentation of case study financials • Stronger performance on academic assignments and exams.



Table of Contents Introduction to the Real Estate Business (1 hour)


Identifying Risks and Opportunities in Real Estate (1 hour)


Basic Building Physical and Economic Characteristics and Basic Zoning Terminology (1 hour)


Demystifying the Excel Pro-Forma: What It Is and How You Can Begin To Master It (2 hours)


Excel For Real Estate Bootcamp (3 hours)


Real Estate Development Modeling Basics (1 hour)


Real Estate Finance Bootcamp (3 hours)


Mixed-Use Apartment/Multi-Family Building Development Financial Modeling Training (4 hours)


Mixed-Use For-Sale Condominium Building Development/For-Sale Housing Subdivision Development Financial Modeling Training (4 hours)


Office/Industrial Building Development Financial Modeling Training (4 hours)


Apartment Acquisition and Individual Unit Renovation Modeling Training (4 hours)


Customization of a Commercial/Retail Cash Flow Output From Argus (1.5 hours)


Modeling Joint Venture and Partnership Profit Sharing and Partitioned Returns (3 hours)


Foundations of Real Estate Finance (Semester-long)


About REFM and Instructor Biographies

15-19 3


Introduction to the Real Estate Business In this comprehensive 1-hour orientation to the real estate business, participants learn about: • • • • • •

the different types of real estate the different types of real estate investors and capital providers the various elements of real estate investment the types of investment capital real estate investment objectives and investment methods the main methods of valuing income-producing real estate.

These elements are introduced and discussed within a proprietary framework. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis. Identifying Risks and Opportunities in Real Estate This 1-hour session teaches participants about the real estate cycle and how it creates risks and opportunities related to acquiring, operating and developing commercial real estate. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis. Basic Building Physical and Economic Characteristics and Basic Zoning Terminology This 1-hour session teaches participants about the basics of the physical and economic characteristics of buildings as they relate to real estate investment. Also covered is a primer on basic zoning terminology and calculations as they relate to real estate analysis. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Demystifying the Excel Pro-Forma: What It Is and How You Can Begin To Master It This 2-hour session breaks down the real estate pro-forma into its essential components, analyze the pieces individually in easy-to-understand language, and then re-assembles them into the original whole. The relationships between the constituent parts are explained so that participants will intimately understand the entire spreadsheet and its various functions. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis. Excel For Real Estate Bootcamp In this 3-hour, interactive session, participants learn the basics of operating in Excel, as well as advanced techniques, specifically as they relate to real estate analysis. Participants follow along in Excel in real time and perform exercises to ensure they are grasping the lesson and are mastering the technical skills being taught. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis. Topics covered include *: • Arithmetic and Rounding • Statistics • Relative vs. Absolute Cell References • Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns • Function Wizard • Creating Summary Tables • Formatting Numbers • Conditional Cell Formatting • Data Table Lookup Functions • Custom Formatting • Format Painting • Paste Special

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Transpose Avoiding Error Messages Dates and Timelines Conditional Statements Financial Functions for Compounding and Discounting Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Mortgage Payment Calculation Formula Auditing Data Tables for Sensitivity Analysis Circular References Keyboard Shortcuts Best Practices

* All Topics Include Exercises 5


Excel techniques and formulas taught include: • SUM • ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN • MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, MEDIAN • Cell Anchoring using Dollar Signs • EOMONTH, EDATE, DATEVALUE • IF, AND, OR, and combinations thereof

• • • • • • • • •


Real Estate Development Modeling Basics This 1-hour session teaches participants the fundamentals of financial modeling specifically for real estate development transactions. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Real Estate Finance Bootcamp In this 3-hour, interactive session, participants learn the foundations of real estate finance as well as advanced techniques and topics. Participants follow along in Excel in real time and perform exercises to ensure they are grasping the lesson and are mastering the technical skills being taught. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis. Topics covered include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Time Value of Money Model The Discounted Cash Flow Model (includes Exercise #1) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Mortgage Payment Calculation Refinancing Scenario Payment Calculation (includes Exercise #2) Interest Only Schedule Integration Refinancing Case Study Residual Land Valuation Future Net Operating Income Calculation (includes Exercise #3) Transaction Capital Structures Financing Development Transactions Multiple Equity Investors Discussion (includes Exercise #4) Profit Sharing Discussion Internal Rate of Return Waterfall basics

Excel techniques and formulas taught include: • • • • • • • • •

Compounding and Discounting Net Present Value (NPV) and XNPV Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and XIRR Conditional Statements Mortgage Payment (PMT) Principal Payment (PPMT) Interest Payment (IPMT) IFERROR Minimum (MIN) and Maximum (MAX) 7


Mixed-Use Apartment/Multi-Family Building Development Financial Modeling Training In this 4-hour, interactive class, you will gain a mastery of technical pro-forma (financial projection) modeling skills for the ground-up development of a mixed-use rental apartment building, including distressed and foreclosed development sites. Topics covered include: • • • • • • • •

Site and Building Information and Construction Type Apartment Unit and Mix Details Project Timing Elements Capital Structure Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Cash Flows and Returns Capitalized Valuation.

Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.

CFA Institute has approved this program, offered by Real Estate Financial Modeling, LLC, for 3.5 CE credit hours. If you are a CFA Institute member, CE credit for your participation in this program will be automatically recorded in your CE Diary.



Mixed-Use For-Sale Condominium Building Development/For-Sale Housing Subdivision Development Financial Modeling Training In this 4-hour, interactive class, you will gain a mastery of the skills needed to successfully model for-sale mixed-use condominium building and for-sale housing subdivision development transactions, including distressed and foreclosed development sites. Topics covered include: • • • • • • •

Site and Building Information and Construction Type Mix Details Project Timing Elements Capital Structure Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Pre-Sales, Market Sales, Closings, Cash Flows and Returns

Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Office/Industrial Building Development Financial Modeling Training In this 4-hour, interactive class, you will learn how to model the speculative development and sale of a commercial (office or industrial) building (with a ground-floor retail component for office building) and income-producing parking component. Topics covered include: • • • • • • •

Site and Building Information and Construction Type Project Timing Elements Capital Structure Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Cash Flows and Returns Capitalized Valuation

Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.

CFA Institute has approved this program, offered by Real Estate Financial Modeling, LLC, for 3.5 CE credit hours. If you are a CFA Institute member, CE credit for your participation in this program will be automatically recorded in your CE Diary.



Apartment Acquisition and Individual Unit Renovation Modeling Training In this 4-hour, interactive, class, you will gain a mastery of Excel-based technical pro-forma (financial projection) modeling skills for the acquisition and individual unit renovations (with continued operation) of a rental apartment building with ground-floor retail. The principles and skills taught apply equally to duplexes and 1,000-unit complexes: Topics covered include: • • • •

Integration of historical property data and existing rent roll into your pro-forma Modeling of future lease expirations and renewals Modeling of the unit renovation program Modeling of operating expense savings gained from the renovation/greening of apartment units • Modeling of acquisition loan financing, residual equity requirement, and permanent take-out loan/refinancing o Constructing amortization tables and using the VLOOKUP function efficiently • Property Disposition Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Excel-based Customization of a Commercial/Retail Cash Flow Output from Argus While Argus is able to generate future cash flow projections based on market factors and tenant rollover assumptions, a DCF valuation and sensitivity analyses are more easily controlled by using Excel. Additionally, a customized presentation of the property valuation and investment returns is more appropriate to individual deals and partnerships. In this 90-minute, interactive session, participants will learn the following: • How to quickly build a live Excel-based pro-forma valuation model that links directly to a 11-year cash flow Excel-based output from Argus • How to construct data table-based Sensitivity Analysis using discount rate and terminal capitalization rate as variables • How to construct a leveraged cash flow analysis including both a Senior Loan and a Mezzanine loan • How to construct and run data table-based Sensitivity Analyses on Internal Rate of Return by varying: o Purchase Price vs. Terminal Capitalization Rate o Purchase Price vs. Loan-to-Cost o Loan-to-Cost vs. Interest Rate. Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Modeling Joint Venture and Partnership Profit Sharing and Partitioned Returns Joint venture partnerships are becoming increasingly complex and their proper structuring and modeling increasingly critical as equity capital requirements have grown given today’s more conservative lending environment. Topics covered in this 3-hour session include: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Reasons to seek a Joint Venture partner Typical legal structuring Roles played by partners Types of risk being assumed Philosophy behind the disproportionate partitioning of cash flows “Optimal” structuring through Sponsor alignment Preferred return and Promote structures Mechanics of partitioning cash flows Transaction Waterfall characteristics Look-back IRR mechanism Claw-back IRR mechanism How to structure partnerships based on current trends How to build the line items for a 5-Tier Internal Rate of Return Waterfall.

Participants are encouraged to ask their questions in real time to have them answered by the Instructor on a rolling basis.



Foundations of Real Estate Finance This semester-long (15-week, or 7-week condensed) course provides you with a critical foundation in real estate finance and investing. Among other things, you will learn about discounting cash flows, commercial real estate leases, pro-forma modeling, and how to think critically about real estate and real estate transactions. The required text is Real Estate Finance & Investments: Risks and Opportunities, Second Edition by Peter Linneman. Students will perform individual and group case study assignments that cover most of the major real estate property types.



About REFM REFM is the premier commercial real estate training organization. REFM provides its clients with the advanced financial modeling knowledge, tools and skills they need to successfully model their transactions and present them with confidence internally and to potential partners, lenders and investors. Based in Arlington, VA, REFM was founded by Bruce Kirsch in 2009. Mr. Kirsch is a recognized expert in and top instructor of Microsoft Excel-based financial modeling for real estate transactions. Through REFM, Kirsch has trained both new and experienced real estate professionals in financial modeling from a wide variety of real estate businesses, organizations and institutions, including private equity, development, construction, brokerage, trade groups and government. In addition, REFM has given on-campus real estate financial modeling training sessions to Undergraduate, Masters and MBA students from top schools including The Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Harvard Business School, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan, Georgetown University, University of Chicago, Cornell University and George Washington University. REFM is a member of the District of Columbia Building Industry Association.



Instructor Biographies Bruce Kirsch, Principal and Founder, REFM

Mr. Kirsch began his real estate career at CB Richard Ellis, where he marketed high-rise New York City office buildings for re-development in the top-producing Midtown Manhattan Investment Properties Institutional Group. After CBRE, Kirsch was recruited to be the Director of Acquisitions at Washington, DC-based Metropolis Development Company, a cutting edge local developer of urban infill design-forward residential lofts. While at Metropolis, Kirsch sourced, analyzed and negotiated the acquisition of three privately-owned District of Columbia sites to support the development of 500,000 SF of mixed-use condominium, multi-family and retail product. After leaving Metropolis, Kirsch engaged in his own urban and suburban condominium and single family detached housing ventures. Kirsch was then selected as one of the two executives to run New York City-based developer and consultant The Clarett Group's Washington, DC business. While at The Clarett Group, named one of New York City’s most important real estate development companies by Crain's New York Business, Kirsch was responsible for analyzing and making urban and suburban site acquisition recommendations for development of trophy-level office, condominium, multi-family and age-restricted multifamily properties in the greater Washington metropolitan area. In addition, Kirsch had significant day to day project management responsibilities for the entitlement, financing and marketing of the company’s existing Washington, DC metropolitan area development portfolio. Kirsch was additionally involved in the marketing and implementation of The Clarett Group’s consulting business. 16


Mr. Kirsch holds an MBA in Real Estate from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Kahn/Washington Real Estate Investment Trust Award for academic excellence. Kirsch started teaching on real estate topics while at Wharton as the Wharton MBA Real Estate Club’s Co-Vice President of Education. Kirsch was also a member of the Wharton team that won 1st Place at the National Real Estate Finance Challenge case competition. Prior to Wharton, Bruce performed quantitative equity research on the technology sector at The Capital Group Companies, the manager of the American Funds, the largest family of mutual funds in the United States. Mr. Kirsch is a Faculty member in real estate at the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies. Mr. Kirsch graduated with a BA in Communication from Stanford University, and he is a member of the Urban Land Institute. Bulkeley Banks, Instructor

Bulkeley Banks holds a Masters in Professional Studies in Real Estate from Georgetown University, where he served as the Finance Co-Chair on the Student Advisory Board in Real Estate. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Banks worked at the University of Chicago’s Evolution and Ecology Lab analyzing genetic variation in botany. He also holds a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Chicago, where he was awarded the Herman S. Dunlap Scholarship.



Ehud Mouchly, Instructor

Ehud Mouchly is an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California’s (USC) School of Policy, Planning, and Development (SPPD) where he teaches Advanced Real Estate and Financial Modeling in the Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) program. Mr. Mouchly is also the owner of READI, LLC (Real Estate Asset Development & Investments). He has more than 30 years of experience in development, redevelopment and financing of sustainable infill projects, mixed-use development (MXD) projects, master planned communities (MPC), workforce housing communities and employer-assisted housing projects. He was previously Vice President and General Manager of UniDev, LLC’s West Coast Office, focusing on the design, development, financing, and management of workforce housing communities. Earlier, Mouchly worked with SunCal Companies as a member of the master planned communities’ acquisition, entitlements and start-up team; General Manager of Anaverde (formerly City Ranch), KB-Home’s 2,000-acre, 5,000-unit in Palmdale, CA; Principal and Co-Developer of a 160-acre commercial MXD in San Joaquin County, CA; managing director in the Real Estate Group of Price Waterhouse; founder and president of a national real estate consulting company; developer/builder of residential and retirement communities. Mouchly has served as chairman and vice chairman of several flights of the Community Development Council (CDC) of the ULI, vice chairman of the ULI Program Committee, a ULI council counselor, and member of the ULI-LA District Council Executive Committee. He is a member of the California Redevelopment Association (CRA), the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the Counselors of Real Estate (CRE), former fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), and member of Lambda Alpha International. He has served as an expert witness in U.S. district and state superior courts. He is an occasional author and frequent speaker on real estate matters in the U.S. and 18


overseas. Mouchly holds master’s degree and certification as Ph.D. candidate (“all but dissertation”) in economics and Middle East studies from Columbia University.


www. ge t r e f m. c om Cont a c t : Br uc eKi r s c h t h 2 0 5 51 5 S t r e e tNor t h, S ui t e2 0 3 Ar l i ng t on, VA2 2 2 0 1 Te l ( 7 0 3 )5 7 7 4 1 1 0 bk i r s c h@r e a l e s t a t ena nc i a l mode l i ng . c om

Tr ade mar k s : Mi c r o s o f tandEx c e l ar er e g i s t e r e dt r ade mar k so f Mi c r o s o f tCo r po r at i o n i nt heUSand/ o ro t he rc o unt r i e s .

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