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Created and Designed by Rick Holcombe Photographs and Images by Rick Holcombe


© Copyright 2018 by Rick Holcombe. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, now known, or to be invented, without prior written permission from the author.



Slick Click 5 Sly Palm 7 Edge Grip Click 11 Lazy Himber 13 Pulled From Nowhere 15 FROPS 17

Compression 20 Phase One Phase Two

Three’s A Crowd Phase One Phase Two Phase Three

21 23

28 29 31 32

Trinity 34 Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four


35 38 40 42

2 trip.


Sleights For the following routines I’ve developed some new sleights and some variations on the handlings of existing sleights. I decided it would be more clear to describe the sleights in detail on their own, rather than having the descriptions within the context of each routine. As each routine is described, I do reference the sleights used and offer a brief review. I think this helps to keep the flow going while reading the routine and you can go as slowly as you like by first reading and practicing the sleights on their own before even tackling the routines.

Inner workings 3

Trick Name Here

4 Trick Name Here

Slick Click

Immediately the right hand retreats and is held in a relaxed position with the palm facing left allowing the Nowhere Palm to take care of the hidden coin. At the same time the left hand closes and gives the coins a shake (Fig. 3).

I believe the advantage of this sleight is in the inherent display of the coins. In comparison, the Friction Pass may not be best to begin certain routines because it is almost too sudden. For example, in a Coins Across routine, if you were to display three coins openly in the right hand, then dump them into the left leaving one behind with friction, it may be obvious where the first coin was all along before it “jumped” across. But with the Slick Click you are holding an undisclosed number of coins in a stack in the right hand, then putting them into the left hand so you can apparently show the audience how many coins there are. It also gives reason for the transfer of coins from hand to hand while still allowing for a clean steal. Also, you’re left with a coin in Nowhere Palm which allows for an incredibly open display of the right hand further selling the idea that there are three coins in the left hand.

Method This is a sneaky and squeaky clean click pass that shouldn’t take too long to master. It allows you to steal one coin while in the process of fairly and openly dropping coins from one hand to the other as an honest display.

Figure 3

TIP: The knack for this little sleight, like most, is in the rhythm. It’s not about doing it too slowly or too quickly, but about the rhythm. Think about it in beats: drop coin, show coin, drop coin, show coin, steal/drop, close. And as the final coin is dropped, pull the left hand further away while focusing your full attention to the left hand, because that’s where all the coins are right?

To begin, hold three silver dollars by the edges in a stack between your right hand index finger and thumb with coins parallel to the floor (Fig. 1). Approach the palm up left hand and allow the bottom coin of the stack to drop onto the left hand fingertips. Separate the hands a bit to count, “that’s one”. The left hand thumb casually slides its coin to the extreme tips of the fingers at this point. At the same time the right hand approaches again to deposit the second coin, dropping it from the bottom of the two coin stack and allowing it to click onto the first coin already in the left hand. Separate the hands a bit as you count, “that’s two”. Now, on the last approach with the final coin, the right hand ring finger clenches the coin laying at the left hand fingertips into Nowhere Palm as it releases the third coin onto the others allowing the proper sound. The back of the right hand provides shield for the steal to happen. The steal and drop should be simultaneous (Fig. 2). Figure 1

Figure 2


6 Slick Click

Slick Click

Sly Palm

To get into Sly Palm you can use a couple of approaches. The first is from a Retention Vanish. Execute a Retention into Edge Grip, (Fig. 4), then lever the coin up with the thumb right into Sly Palm and flatten the hand (Fig. 4.1).

You will find this to be a very versatile and angle friendly palm/grip. This is fun to experiment with and has a lot of applications. It also allows you to get in and out of Edge Grip, or JW Grip, and you can easily transfer to Finger Palm as well as a variety of vanishes that put you right into Sly Palm position.

Figure 4

Figure 4.1

Method The basic grip has the coin being held flatly by the edges between the thumb and the side of the middle finger at the base of the finger (Fig. 1). The hand should appear flat and the coin is invisible from most angles. It will peek through the windows of the fingers, but this is easily avoided by angling the hand to the spectator (Fig. 2, 2.1). Figure 1

Figure 2 (your view) Figure 2.1 (audience view)

Another way is to do a “Toss” type vanish. The coin is flipped casually a couple of times while blatantly being positioned onto the base of the index finger (Fig. 5). As the hand goes to toss the coin, it’s gripped by the thumb and middle finger (Fig. 6). This creates a great looking retention of vision as the right hand continues to turn over, and looks really loose and casual. The right hand can hold its position in a semi vertical pose with the hand on edge to the audience (Fig. 7).

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7 (audience view)

The hand can also be brought into a vertical position to show almost an entirely empty hand. With the coin held in Sly Palm, simply lever the forearm up and cock your wrist back slightly, then allow gravity to help the coin lay on the base of the index finger. The thumb can now release its grip on the coin and show a very convincingly empty hand (Fig. 3, 3.1). Figure 3.1 (audience view) Figure 3 (your view)


8 Sly Palm

Sly Palm

To reproduce the coin, it’s a simple matter to lever the coin back down into Edge Grip and “pluck” an invisible coin from the air and place it onto the left hand open palm (Fig. 8, 8.1, 8.2). Figure 8

Figure 8.1

Figure 8.2

The coin in Edge Grip is levered back into Sly Palm by reversing the actions and the right hand wipes in a circular motion on the left hand fingers (Fig. 9). The left hand fingers then drag the coin into view by way of friction. The coin appears to materialize into view (Fig. 10). Figure 10

Figure 9

 TIP: I’ve included some additional ideas here that aren’t used in the context of the routines in this booklet, but my goal is to encourage you to explore different ways you can get into and out of Sly Palm. With experimentation you’ll find that you can hold up to three coins in Sly Palm and transfer them back and forth into Edge Grip which we will explore in one of the routines.


10 Sly Palm

Sly Palm

Edge Grip Click This is a fun sound illusion that you can place into a lot of routines. I first came up with this while playing with Roth’s “Hanging Coins”. In the routine he “fails” to vanish one coin and I thought it would be an additional convincer to add a sound effect to the “second try” of the vanish. This is the result of that practice.


The right hand now waves the visible coin as a wand over the left hand as the hand clenches enough to bring the hidden coin back into a more secure Edge Grip deeper into the crotch of the right hand. Now the right hand is more free to twirl the visible coin at the fingertips if you choose. The left hand opens to reveal the vanish.

TIP: Don’t worry about the clenching of the right hand while positioning the hidden coin back into a secure Edge Grip. This is the old principle of “the larger motion covering the smaller motion”. Plus all focus and eye contact is on the left hand.

You hold a coin in each hand at the fingertips. The right hand executes a retention into Edge Grip with its coin into the left hand. The coin is not pulled all the way back into a deep Edge Grip, but rather clipped between the right index and middle finger and braced by the thumb (Fig. 1). Figure 1

At this point the right fingers take the left hand’s coin and hold it at the fingertips. Now as the left hand feigns pinching its “coin” behind the straightened fingers, the right hand will use the visible coin to click against the left hand’s “coin”. What actually happens is the visible coin at the right fingertips is allowed to be knocked back and “click” into the coin held in the “temporary” Edge Grip position as the empty left hand fingertips hit the coin (Fig. 2). Figure 2


12 Edge Grip Click

Edge Grip Click

Lazy Himber

As the right hand approaches the left to drop the second coin, the right pinky enters the gap under the first coin (Fig. 2). The second coin is allowed to fall onto the first creating a “clink”. Immediately the first coin is drawn out of the right hand by way of friction.

This is a nice little touch on the classic Himber Count for two coins as three. I created this out of laziness, hence the title, but I still to this day find it to be indistinguishable from the proper way of performing it. It will be easier for people to learn than the classic Himber Count, but you will definitely need the Himber Vanish in your arsenal to be an effective coin magician. I have since mastered the “drop” of the Himber Vanish/Count, but I still utilize this method while doing a Himber Count because it is absolutely surefire when executing the false count.

Method So, we’re going to count two coins as three. You’ve got two coins in your right hand and you push one up and over the side of your index finger allowing it to fall into the open left palm. The right hand slides the next coin up in the same fashion and at the same time the left hand thumb presses down on its coin on the left edge pinching it against the side of the left middle finger. Simultaneously, the left ring finger and pinky drop subtly which creates a gap beneath the coin (Fig. 1). This will not be detected from the audiences point of view.

Figure 2

The right hand retreats as the right thumb helps pull back on the coin held by the pinky and the “third” coin is displayed in the open right palm (Fig. 3). The coin is then dumped casually into the left hand. Figure 3

Figure 3.1

Figure 1

TIP: Like I mentioned, this is a surefire way to steal a coin out of the left hand. You’re not hoping to land a coin onto the pinky, but instead you’re basically placing the first coin onto the pinky; you can’t miss! Another thing to keep in mind is putting a casual “swinging” motion to the count with your right hand as you sweep your upper body to the right and end with the display of the last coin.


14 Lazy Himber

Lazy Himber

Pulled From Nowhere This is my variation on Kurtz’s “Edge Grip Squeeze” production. I feel like this is looser and a more casual appearance of a coin with the hands kept farther apart.

The coin is drawn out silently by friction as the left wrist turns clockwise, then the wrist cocks back upward and palm out (Fig. 3, 3.1). Figure 3

Method You have one or more coins held in right hand Nowhere Palm and you want to produce a coin. Begin by taking an invisible coin from the air and hold it at the right hand fingertips either by miming with the right hand, or the left hand, and placing into the right hand fingertips (Fig. 1).

Figure 3.1

Figure 1

With a wiping motion of the left fingers the coin is simultaneously deposited at the right fingertips (Fig. 4). The left hand now begins to “massage” that invisible coin at the right fingertips. After one or two passes, the left ring fingertip comes in contact with the bottom of the stack held in right hand Nowhere Palm (Fig. 2).

Figure 4

Figure 2

TIP: This sleight is only a preference and the original Kurtz sleight can obviously be used instead, but I feel the appearance is more of a “materialization” of the coin. The differences are that the coins are held in Nowhere Palm instead of Edge grip and the left hand is never covering the right hand while everything seems to happen right at the fingertips.


16 Pulled From Nowhere

Pulled From Nowhere


The left fingers close at the same time as the steal happens and all focus remains on the left hand as the right hand retreats displaying two coins with the third hidden behind the fan (Fig. 3).

This is a variation on Michael Rubinstein’s ROPS move, but instead of stealing one coin with an empty hand, you steal it while holding two coins. I call it the FROPS for Fanned Rubinstein Open Palm Steal. The mechanics are exactly the same, but the motivation is in the gesturing to the single coin by clicking it with two coins held in the right hand. It is in this action the single coin in the left hand is stolen behind the fan in the right hand.

Figure 3

Method The left hand displays a single coin in the palm resting on the meat at the base of the thumb (Fig. 1). You will notice enough of a gap beneath the coin for it to be pinched by the right hand thumb. The right hand approaches with two coins at the fingertips held in a fan.

TIP: This is a knacky little move and will take considerably practice. The main thing to consider is the timing of the steal and the closing of the left hand. I find it to be effective to drop the left hand away further than the right hand retreating. While dropping away, give a little Slydini action by fiddling with a non-existent coin.

Figure 1

The right hand’s coins are tapped against the single coin in the left hand and in the process the right hand thumb releases it’s grip and snatches the left hand’s coin by entering the gap from beneath and sliding it behind the fan of two coins in the right hand (Fig. 2). Figure 2




Compression This is my take on Chris Kenner’s trick “Long Gone Silver” from his book Totally Out of Control. My goal was to make the handling a little more convincing by being able to show both hands empty. This involves a couple of new sleights and a new production of a coin using one of those sleights. It’s a wonderful, quick trick with a lot happening in a short period of time. This is a definite “go to” type of trick you can perform at a moments notice even with borrowed coins if you had to.

Effect Three silver dollars mysteriously vanish as they absorb into each other one by one. Then, with “empty” hands, each coin is brought back into reality.


20 Trick Name Here

Trick Name Here

Phase One Begin with three silver dollars held by the edges in a stack parallel to the floor between the right hand index finger and thumb. You now employ the Slick Click. Release the bottom coin into the left hand as you count “one”. With the left thumb, maneuver the coin to the extreme left fingertips. The right hand approaches again to release coin number two from the bottom of the stack allowing it to clink against the one already at the left fingertips. Pause briefly to display two coins in the left hand, then as the last coin is about to be dropped, the right hand ring finger clenches the coin laying at the left hand fingertips (the first coin) into Nowhere Palm as it releases the third coin allowing it to clink against the others. The right hand drops to the side while pivoting its coin into finger palm. Simultaneously, the left hand closes into a fist and gives its coins a shake. Clench the left fist tightly, then slowly open to reveal only two coins. The first coin has absorbed into the others. Take one of the two coins at the right fingertips and maneuver the remaining coin to the left hand fingertips and display with each hand utilizing a Ramsay Subtlety. As you turn your body slightly to the left, allow the left hand’s coin to fall flat onto the palm up left hand fingers as the right hand approaches to dump its coin into the left hand. As the right hand mimics tossing its coin into the left hand, the pad of the right thumb pulls its coin backward into right Finger Palm allowing it to clink onto the first coin already in Finger Palm. The sound illusion is perfect. The right hand drops as the left hand clenches its “coins”.

The coins are now in position to be re-gripped into Curl Palm with your middle finger. Now, as the left hand opens to display the one coin remaining, the right hand comes up and its coins are squeezed into Edge Grip as the right hand clenches slightly (Fig. 2, 2.1). Figure 2

Figure 2.1

The right hand continues on its path toward the left palm to pick up the last coin. Now the right hand can display one coin cleanly at the fingertips and the left hand is undeniably empty (Fig. 3).

Figure 3

With the right hand hanging at your side, you must maneuver the two coins from finger palm into Edge Grip. I do this in two steps to minimize fidgeting. First, allow your middle finger to extend slightly. Then, push with your thumb causing the coins in Finger Palm to lever around your ring finger (Fig. 1, 1.1). Figure 1

For the last vanish, you will do a retention into Edge Grip with the right hand. Briefly, as the right hand apparently places the last coin into the left palm, the right middle finger allows the coin to be dragged flatly and pulled beneath the two coins in Edge Grip while the left fingers close.

Figure 1.1


22 Compression


The left hand now mimics holding and jiggling one coin as the right hand falls to the side. The three coins held in Edge Grip are now moved into Sly Palm. With the coins held in Edge Grip, pivot and roll the stack on its side using the side of the middle finger as a fulcrum point. The first finger may bend slightly to allow room (Fig. 4, 4.1, 4.2).

The right hand comes back up to the left hand to fake take the coin. In reality the left hand takes the two coins remaining in Sly Palm as the hands meet (Fig. 5, Fig 5.1). The left hand’s coin remains in the left hand in Finger Palm as both hands raise and mimic splitting one coin into two (Fig. 5.2).

Figure 5

Figure 4

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2

The end result is the coins being gripped between the pad of the thumb and the side of the middle finger. You should be able to hold your hand flat with fingers extended. With the coins in this position you now open the left hand to reveal the final vanish. Your right hand immediately swings up keeping a palm down, flat position with the fingers extended and the outer edge of the hand toward the audience. Briefly brush the left palm with the right fingertips in almost a handwashing motion to imply the emptiness of each hand.

Figure 5.1

Phase Two After the right hand brushes the left hand, pause briefly, then move the hands apart and up vertically to show the hands empty. The stack should remain secure in Sly Palm while the angle of the right hand is kept on edge to keep the coins hidden. Bring the left hand back down in a palm up display as the right hand pivots the stack into Edge Grip so it can pretend to “pluck” a coin from the air and place it onto the left palm. Pivot the stack back into Sly Palm and move the right hand in a circular motion going clockwise against the left fingertips a couple of times. Keep the pressure light while the left fingertips extract the bottom coin of the stack by way of friction. This should be silent and the appearance looks sudden as if the coin materialized. The left hand gently tosses the coin a couple of times as the right hand drops briefly.

Figure 5.2


24 Compression


Position both coins at the right fingertips in a two coin fan. Briefly display the arrival of the second coin then pass the coins to the left hand while executing a Utility Pass at the fingertips. Immediately the right hand retains the bottom of its two coins into Edge Grip. This furthers the proof of the existence of only two coins and otherwise empty hands. The right hand now gestures with a pointed index finger in the air with the last coin in Edge Grip. This is another subtle proof of emptiness. Now the right hand pinches and plucks an invisible coin from the two coin fan held in the left hand. With the right hand fingers in a pinched pose, shake your hand while pulling the coin from Edge Grip into view as if it materialized at your fingertips. This is similar to Curtis Kam’s shake appearance except from Edge Grip. Finally, add the final coin to the fan in the left hand and display the return of all the coins. TIP: Throughout the routine, turning your body to the left helps to make certain moments cleaner. Basically, whenever I deposit coins into the left hand, I turn my whole posture slightly to the left; this disguises the second click pass particularly well. Another tip on the Sly Palm is to use gravity as your friend when getting the coin into position. Whenever my right hand drops to the side, I take advantage of the momentum and I’m going through the transfers while in motion. This will reduce movement of your fingers when you are transferring grips.


26 Compression


Three’s A Crowd This routine has its roots in Doug Brewer’s great trick “The Famous Three Coin Trick” from his book The Unexpected Visitor. My goal was to remove as much of the table as possible from the original routine and bring everything up to chest height. You could remove the table altogether and have someone hold the coin wallet during the routine if you wanted. The end result is something I’m very pleased with and has two new sleights that are very useful for many other things.

Effect Three coins are dumped from a coin wallet then vanish one by one in the cleanest way. They return one by one just as mysteriously, then travel one at a time back to the coin wallet.


28 Trick Name Here

Trick Name Here

Phase One You will need a coin wallet of some sort and three silver dollars. I use a triangular wallet that is widely available online and I have used the Ton Onosaka style wallet as well. As long as you can easily hold one coin back in the wallet while dumping coins out, then you will be fine. By the way, we’ll be utilizing the “one behind” principle for this trick if you’re not familiar with the Brewer routine. Begin with the three coins in the wallet held in the left hand. Open the wallet with the right hand and display the coins. The advantage of the triangular wallet is you can give the coins a shake and they will lay out nicely in an overlapped row, easily seen (Fig. 1). Now you will squeeze the coin at the back of the row through the leather of the coin wallet between your left hand thumb and fingers on opposing sides of the wallet as you dump the two front coins into the right hand (Fig. 1.1).

Now, with the right hand thumb pressed against the fingers mimicking pinching a coin, left hand levers up its two coins into a fan held at its fingertips. The right hand pretends to crumble its coin and finally reveals the vanish. The right hand now takes one coin from the left hand as both hands show the situation of two empty hands and only two coins at the fingertips of each hand. The right hand approaches the left and executes a retention into a Edge Grip with its coin except the coin is not drawn all the way back. It is briefly held in a Roth style Edge Grip at the most extreme outer point of the middle finger and thumb, but the edge of the coin is clipped between the middle finger and index finger and also supported by the thumb. The left hand’s coin is then taken by the right hand at the fingertips as the left hand closes over its “coin.” Now execute what I call Edge Grip Click as described earlier. This is a great sound illusion that will sell the “coin” in the left hand. The coin at the right fingertips is used as a wand to wave over the left hand. The left hand opens to reveal the vanish, then the right hand executes another retention into Edge Grip, but this time pulling the coin all the way back and under the first coin.

The Transition Now you’re hiding two coins and you need to act cool. As you speak, gesture with the open left hand (Fig. 2), then casually move to fold your left hand over the right hand. Figure 1

Figure 1.1

Casually close the flap of the wallet with the left hand and set it down on the table. If you have a clasp style wallet the actions are very similar. Just pinch the bottom coin from the stack on the tail and head sides through the wallet as you dump the coins.

Figure 2

Now you will display two coins as three utilizing the Himber Count. I use a variation I call Lazy Himber as described previously. Now comes the easiest vanish ever. You have two options: you can do the “Bluff Vanish” from Bobo’s pg. 59, or use the “Phantom Click Pass” as described in Brewer’s routine. I prefer the “Phantom Click Pass.” Briefly, a coin is taken by the right hand from the left and displayed. That coin is used to gesture to the “two” remaining coins in the left hand and clinks as the coin is dropped into the left hand while the right hand fingertips mimic still holding a coin. You say, “watch this first coin and we’ll get back to these two in a second.”


30 Three’s A Crowd

Three’s A Crowd

As the left hand approaches the right, the right hand clenches and clips its two coins between the first and second fingers (Fig. 3). At this point you execute an Edge Grip to Edge Grip transfer. Figure 3

At the moment the left hand meets the right hand, fingers straighten and the coins are delivered directly into the left hand Edge Grip position with the cover of the back of the left hand (Fig. 4). The left hand secures the coins as the right hand now comes up in a casual gesture to show emptiness (Fig. 4.1). Figure 4

Figure 4.1

Phase Two Now the coins reappear. You will reach out into the air with your right hand and pretend to pluck a coin from the air. At the same time your left hand drops to the side and allows the coins held in Edge Grip to quietly fall into Finger Palm.

As the right hand pulls back, the left hand comes up to meet it and goes in front of the right fingertips. The right hand silently pulls free the innermost coin as you blow to bring the coin into existence. The left hand drops as the right hand displays the newly arrived coin on the open palm. Now, execute your favorite shuttle pass to fake passing the coin to the left hand. The right hand now comes up to gesture in a Ramsay Subtlety then reaches under the left bicep to extract the second coin. The left hand immediately dumps its coin into the right hand for the right hand to display both on the open palm. Now execute a Friction Pass to the left hand while holding back one coin. Reach up to the left ear with the right hand and extract the final coin from behind the ear. Again, the left hand dumps its coin into the right hand and you immediately go into another Lazy Himber count to show three coins.

Phase Three The coins now make their second disappearance, but his time arriving in the coin wallet. So, we’re in a similar position from the beginning of the routine with two coins in the left hand after we’ve displayed three coins with the Himber Count. For the first coin you again can choose to do the “Bluff Vanish” or “Phantom Click”. This time I prefer the “Bluff Vanish” just to vary the handling. Basically, pretend to pick up one coin from the left hand with you right hand, then do your best acting to crumble that coin away while the left hand can display two coins openly in a fan or just laying in the palm. Now for the second coin you need to set one coin down. This is the one point in the routine you need some surface, or a helping hand. Do your favorite Retention Vanish into the left hand. I like to follow with a simple hand wash just to get the coin back into the left hand; I recommend Troy Hooser’s version, it’s no fuss and doesn’t look suspicious. The right hand picks up the coin wallet that has been on the table from the start. The coin wallet can be shaken to allow any sound that might come from it since there is a coin inside; and there should be a coin inside! The wallet is laid onto the left hand, covering the coin hidden there, as the right hand opens the clasp of the wallet. The left hand now turns over simultaneously dumping the hidden coin and the coin that has been in the wallet from the start into the right hand. The right hand displays the two coins, then proceeds to place them back into the wallet and closes it. The wallet is taken by the right hand as the left hand pick up the remaining coin from the table. Now execute David Williamson’s “Strike Vanish” to vanish the last coin. After the vanish, pass the wallet to the left hand either with a Purse Swindle move or just take the wallet with the left hand while pinning the coin underneath as the right hand opens the wallet. Now all the coins are allowed to fall into the right hand at the same time. The right hand makes a final display of the coins in a fan, then seals them back into the wallet.


32 Three’s A Crowd

Three’s A Crowd

Trinity This routine is kind of brutal, but it is really fun to do and fun to practice. It will help you string together many sleights and concealments and once you’ve got it smooth, hopefully you’ll feel empowered to take on any routine. Ha! The motivation for this began with Gary Kurtz’s routine “Trio” from his book Unexplainable Acts. I wanted to do the routine with three normal coins, no gimmicks, and also keep the cleanliness intact. I’m happy with the result and this exploration led me to create the Slick Click, another sleight the FROPS, and a variation on Kurtz’s beautiful “Edge Grip Squeeze Production” I call Pulled From Nowhere.

Effect Three coins appear all at once, then they vanish all at once. They reappear one at a time then travel from one hand to the other mysteriously. Then, they all vanish one at a time without a trace.


34 Trick Name Here

Trick Name Here

Phase One To begin, I varied from the original routine where Kurtz produces the coins one at a time. He produces them one at a time then vanishes them all at once. I thought it would be fun to produce them all at once, then proceed to vanish them all at once; I like symmetry.

The right hand reaches out towards the left to pluck a coin from the air with the thumb and middle finger. As the right middle finger extends and the stack slips into Edge Grip/Downs Palm (Fig. 4, 4.1). Figure 4

Start with three silver dollars in your left hand Finger Palm. As you speak, gesture with your open right hand, then bring your hands together with your left fingers entering the space between your right thumb and right fingers and left thumb behind your right thumb (Fig. 1). Your right thumb now grasps all three coins in a thumb crotch grip as your left hand is now relieved to gesture (Fig. 2). Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 4.1

At the same time your right hand middle finger curls beneath the stack allowing the thumb to be free to reposition and re-grip the edge of the stack (Fig. 3). Figure 3

Hold this position with the invisible coin pinched between the right thumb and middle finger as the left arm crosses the sight line and blocks the right hand to reach over and pluck another coin from the air from the right side. During this moment, the right hand clenches and clips the entire stack between the index and middle fingers in preparation for an Edge Grip to Edge Grip Transfer (Fig. 5). Figure 5


36 Trinity


As the left hand draws back to place its invisible coin with the right hand’s invisible coin, the right hand meets the left as the right hand fingers extend to transfer its coins directly into left hand Edge Grip (Fig. 6). Figure 6

The right and now drops briefly to allow the coins to fall into Finger Palm as the left hand displays an invisible fan of three coins. The right hand approaches the left while spreading its Finger Palmed coins into a spread then depositing them into the left hand fingertips. With a blow, the right hand fingers slowly wipe away, revealing the three coins at the left hand fingertips. Now you will vanish all the coins at once. I like to use Rune Klan’s vanish from his video Three Pieces of Silver, but you can do the classic Downs vanish, or R. Paul Wilson had a nice one from French Drop Position. At the end, you end will end up with three coins hidden in your right hand. At this point I do a casual hand wash silently depositing the three coins into left hand Finger Palm; I recommend Troy Hooser’s hand wash technique.

The right hand mimics placing its coin into the left’s fingertips with the other coin and now the right hand can be openly displayed. Now the right hand mimics the same action as it blocks the left hand while reaching out to the left to pluck a third coin from the air. At this point, the left thumb begins to push the whole stack through the space between the index and middle finger of the left hand, Harbottle’s “Plural Push-Through Changeover” (Fig. 7, 7.1). Figure 7

Figure 7.1

Phase Two Now we will bring the coins back one by one. Here I’ve blended Kurtz’s introductory production with the second production, but put a twist on it. Instead of producing from Edge Grip, I produce from Nowhere Palm and the coin is released differently. So, you’ve got three coins in left hand Finger Palm. You reach out with your right hand to pluck a coin from the air then bring it back to deposit into the left hand fingertips. When the right hand meets the palm up left hand the right thumb reaches in and clenches the coins out of left hand Finger Palm into a right hand thumb crotch palm as described in the original routine. The right hand now drops and re-grips the stack into a Nowhere Palm by pulling the ring finger around the stack and clenching back as the hand swings back up into frame while all attention is given to the left hand fingertips and an imaginary coin (Fig. 9, 9.1, 9.2).

As the right hand brings its invisible coin back to the left hand, the coins are deposited into right hand Nowhere Palm while the right hand feigns placing a coin into an invisible fan of coins at the left hand fingertips (Fig. 8).

Figure 9

Figure 8


38 Trinity


The two coins held in right hand Nowhere Palm are deposited and take the place of the coin formerly at the left hand fingertips as the right hand fingers wipe away to reveal two coins (Fig. 10, 10.1.). The appearance of the third coin is the same as in the Kurtz routine where the hidden coin is slid behind the two visible coins then the fan closed and re-spread to reveal three coins, or you can replace your own one-coin production with the left hand.

Figure 9.1

Figure 10

Figure 10.1

Figure 9.2

Phase Three The right hand pretends to take the invisible coin from the left fingertips and displays it with the right thumb and middle finger pinched together. Now, the left fingers “massage” the imaginary coin into view by wiping away two or three times. In the process, the side of left ring finger tip comes in contact with the lowermost coin of the stack held in right hand Nowhere Palm. The coin is drawn out with the left hand ring finger tip by friction and hidden until it’s pivoted and “wiped” into view by the other fingers of the left hand as it’s deposited into the right hand finger tips. This is what I call Pulled From Nowhere and it’s similar to Kurtz’s production except the coin is not dropped into the left hand but instead pulled out by the left ring finger from right hand Nowhere Palm. This allows the hands to be about an inch further apart and less “cozy.” The newly visible coin is held briefly at the left fingertips until the right hand approaches the left hand where the left hand’s coin is dropped into left hand Finger Palm behind the cover of the right hand.

Now comes the coins across phase. Gather the coins into a stack and hold them by the edges between the right hand index and thumb. Now execute the Slick Click as previously described. This time hold the right hand in frame with its coin in Nowhere Palm while casually giving the coins held in the left hand a shake. You can do your favorite method to signal the coin going across at this point, but I like to give a snap with my left hand while my right hand pops the coin straight out of Nowhere Palm with my thumb and catching it at the index finger and thumb. It’s sudden and appears to materialize out of the air. As the first coin is being displayed, the closed palm down left hand maneuvers the lowermost coin into a Heel Clip with the left hand fingertips. The right hand now gets its coin into a “Spellbound” position (Fig. 11). Figure 11


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The next series of movements I first learned from Geoff Latta, but I’m unsure if he originated the idea of this switch. Basically, the right hand will display its coin in a “Spellbound” position as you say, “that’s the first coin”, then the coin will be used to gesture to the closed left hand as you say, “and two more to go.” What happens is the right hands coin is allowed to drop into right hand Finger Palm the instant it arrives at the left hand and the right hand steals the Heel Clipped coin from the left hand as the left hand turns palm up (Fig. 12, 12.1). Figure 12

The third coin uses a sleight I call the FROPS, which is based on Michael Rubenstein’s move the “ROPS” (Rubinstein Open Palm Steal). My adaptation stands for Fanned Rubinstein Open Palm Steal. The left hand now opens for the first time to show the single coin it holds in the palm. The right hand comes over to click on the single coin with its fan of two as you say, “that’s the last to go.” What happens are the exact mechanics of the ROPS move while holding a fan of two coins at the right hand fingertips. The stolen coin is slid far enough behind the two coin fan to be hidden from view. The left hand now mimics holding the last coin as you do your best acting to crumble and vanish it. Here I repeat the movements I did with the second coin; turn to the left while silently sliding the third coin up into the fan at the right hand fingertips. Return to center and display the three coin fan.

Phase Four Now comes the final phase where each coin will vanish one at a time. You have a lot of freedom here if you have knowledge of the countless routines where coins vanish one at a time. I basically follow the Kurtz routine at this point, but vanish each coin into right hand Edge Grip ala “Hanging Coins.” You might also explore Chris Kenner’s great routine “Long Gone Silver.”

Figure 12.1

It is the stolen coin that is used to gesture to the left hand and the illusion is perfect; the right hand now has a coin hidden in Finger Palm and another held at its fingertips. Again, employ your favorite method to create the magical moment of the coin traveling across. For this I like to turn my body and focus to the left and snap the left fingers. As the back of the right hand faces the audience, I just kick the Finger Palmed coin up with the ring finger to be held in a fan with the other coin at the fingertips. I then turn back to center and raise the right hand showing two coins.


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