Effect:: Symbol You Are Thinking Of, Please Close Your Eyes And Draw The Symbol In Your Mind.”

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Effect: The performer shows a chart consisting of five colored ESP symbols. He invites four people to participate. Each participant is asked to just think of an ESP symbol shown on the chart. The participants write nothing down, they just think of a symbol. There are no restrictions. Each person could be thinking of a different symbol, or they all could be thinking of the same symbol. They do not share their thoughts with each other. The performer begins to get impressions and calls out three symbols. He says, “If I have called out the symbol you are thinking of, please close your eyes and draw the symbol in your mind.” The performer then tells the participants to open their eyes and clear their minds. He then asks them to concentrate on the colors of their symbols. The performer then begins to call out colors he is getting strong impressions of. He says, “If I have called out the color you are thinking of, please close your eyes and visualize it in your mind.” The performer does not ask any questions. The participants say nothing; they just close their eyes and think. The performer takes an ESP deck and hands each participant a face-down card. Only after each person is given a face-down card does the performer ask the participants to reveal their thought-of symbols. Amazingly, when the face-down ESP cards are shown, they match each participant’s thought-of symbol. For a stunning climax, the performer points to several people in the audience and asks if they were also thinking of a symbol. With no questions or fishing, the performer then reveals the symbols just thought of by members of the audience. BACKGROUND: This effect has its roots in the ancient age-calculator cards. For those unfamiliar with that effect, you give a participant a set of cards with various numbers on them from 1 to 64. The participant gives you back the cards that contain his age. By secretly adding together the top left-hand number on each card, you are able to determine the person’s age. I applied this principle in a more advanced and disguised form when I released my Balloon Detective effect. Leo Boudreau, Al Mann and I have all released effects based on using binary codes to determine a thought-of item. In addition, we have all developed ways to have a participant secretly send the binary codes to the performer through body language. One of the most advanced methods ever devised for doing this is my Word Sight effect. Four Told uses the participant’s eyes to send binary codes to the performer. It is done in one of the most streamlined ways yet devised. To the best of my knowledge, Leo Boudreau was the first person to suggest having the participants close their eyes to send a binary code, unbeknownst to them.

SECRET IN A NUTSHELL: The performer says he is getting impressions of symbols and colors. The performer then calls out a few of the symbols and colors. If the participants hear their symbol or color, they are told to close their eyes and concentrate on it. By secretly keeping track of who closed their eyes and when, the performer unfailingly knows each person’s thought-of symbol. To an audience this seems impossible, as the performer does not call out all the symbols and colors. THE CHART: With these directions you have received a special colored chart showing five ESP symbols. The chart is the result of much experimenting. It is shown in Photo 1.

PHOTO 1 The chart consists of a white circle, a blue star, red wavy lines, a green cross, and a yellow square. The position of each symbol and the use of certain colors create three psychological forces. You will find that the majority of the time, your participants will think of either the circle, star, or wavy lines. If they do not, it is okay, as the effect will still work. They can think of any of the symbols, but these psychological forces help create a stronger effect when you first start receiving impressions. The chart is printed on a special plastic stock and should last a lifetime. If it gets dirty, just take a damp cloth and wipe it off. ESP SYMBOL MNEMONIC AID: Most magicians and mentalists are familiar with the mnemonic aid for the five ESP symbols. For those who may be new to this, I will briefly explain. Each symbol has a value from 1 to 5. CIRCLE -Value of 1 because it is one curved line; also the circle looks like an O, the first letter of One. CROSS OR PLUS SYMBOL - Value of 2 because it consists of two straight lines. WAVY LINES – Value of 3 because it consists of three squiggly or wavy lines. SQUARE – Value of 4 because it consists of four straight lines. STAR – Value of 5 because the star has five points. You will find these associations very easy to remember. You can always have the chart in full view to refer to if needed. These values are extremely important in this effect. The sum total of the binary codes a participant secretly sends you by closing his eyes will also be the same as the value of his thought-of symbol. For example, if the sum total of a participant’s binary code is 3, then you know that person is thinking of the wavy lines, which has a value of 3. It is as simple as that! 2

WHAT YOU NEED TO PERFORM: In addition to the supplied chart, you will also need a small pad (not included) to jot down your impressions. Actually, this will be used to keep track of which participants have closed their eyes and when. It is possible to do this in your head with some practice, but I recommend using a pad to prevent any mistakes. If you are using four participants, then at the top of the pad make four columns as follows:





Each column with a P stands for one of your four participants. You will make three impression calls, and after each call you will jot down 1, 2 or 4 for any participants whose eyes are closed after the call. The first impression call has a value of 1, the second impression call has a value of 2, and the third impression call has a value of 4. This will all make sense in the performance script.

Performance Script Invite four spectators to come forward and participate in the experiment. Show the ESP chart, allowing both the audience and the participants to see it freely. “I would like each of you to just think of one of these symbols. You have a choice of a white circle, a blue star, the red wavy lines, a green cross or plus sign, or a yellow square. Point to each symbol as you call it out. It is important that you call out the names and colors so the participants know the proper name. Do not tell me the symbol you have in mind, but please DO NOT change your mind as that will only serve to confuse me. [OPTIONAL: If you are in the audience and want to try this experiment, then I invite you to also choose a symbol in your mind. Do not tell the person next to you, and please do not change your mind.] Note the shape of the symbol and its color, and concentrate on it. The symbols are all different colors to better help me to pick up your impressions. If you have a symbol in mind, please nod your head, but please do not say anything.” Make sure all four participants have nodded their heads. Prop the chart up in full view, so the participants can refer back to it if needed. This way they will not get the colors of their symbols confused. If you have people in the audience thinking of symbols, ensure that they can see the chart too. Assume for this example that participant 1 is thinking of the circle. Participant 2 is thinking of the wavy lines. Participants 3 and 4 are both thinking of the star. Pick up your pad and pen, and say you will jot down your impressions.


THE FIRST CALL- Symbols-Code Value 1 “Concentrate on your symbol, and I will try to pick up impressions. I am starting to get impressions, some are stronger than others. Some of these impressions may be coming from the audience. I am getting impressions of a STAR…a CIRCLE …and WAVY LINES.” You have just called out the symbols in the 1st call column. Look at your four participants. “If you are thinking of the star, wavy lines or the circle, then please CLOSE your eyes and draw the design in your mind. See the shape of the symbol clearly in you mind. If you are NOT thinking of the star, wavy lines or the circle, then please leave your eyes open for now.” In our example, P-1 is thinking of a circle, P-2 is thinking of wavy lines and P-3 and P-4 are both thinking of a star. In this case ALL of the participants will close their eyes. Due to the nature of the psychological forces, this will happen more often than you would expect. On your pad jot down the code number 1 under each participant who has closed his or her eyes. In this example your pad will look like this:









“Open your eyes and clear your thoughts.”

THE SECOND CALL-Colors-Code Value 2 “Sometimes it is easier to send thoughts of colors rather than symbols, so everyone please focus on your symbol’s color. I will see if I can pick up some color impressions and call out the strongest thoughts. I am getting strong impressions of the colors RED…and GREEN. If I have called out the color you are thinking of, please close your eyes and see the color in your mind. Form a vivid image of the color, so I can pick up your thoughts. If I have NOT called your color, then please do not close your eyes.” You have just called out the colors in the 2nd call column. Look at your four participants. In our example, P-1 is thinking of white, P-2 is thinking of red and P-3 and P-4 are both thinking of blue. In this case only P-2 will close his eyes, since the wavy lines are red.

NOTE: IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT THAT NONE OF THE FOUR PARTICIPANTS CLOSES HIS EYES, THEN SIMPLY SAY: “Those impressions must be coming from the audience. I will try to focus in more on YOUR thoughts. Please keep concentrating on your color.” Then proceed with the 3rd and final call.


After the 2nd call, jot down the code number 2 under each participant’s column who has closed his eyes. In this example, your pad will look like this:




1 2





IMPORTANT NOTE: If none of the four participants closes his eyes after the second call, then you jot nothing down. “Open your eyes and clear your thoughts.”

THE THIRD CALL-Colors-Code Value 4 “Wait a minute; I am getting strong impressions of two more colors…YELLOW and BLUE. If I have called out the color you are thinking of, then please close your eyes and see the color in your mind. Form a vivid image of the color so I can pick up your thoughts.” You have just called out the colors in the 3rd call column. Look at your four participants.

AN ALTERNATIVE THIRD CALL-Color & Symbol-Code Value 4 Here is a different option for the third call. Instead of calling two colors, yellow and blue, you call a color and a symbol. Some performers may prefer this rather than calling out two more colors. “Wait a minute; I am getting MULTIPLE impressions. I will call out the impressions as I get them. I get the color blue, and I am getting the impression of a square. If you are thinking of either the square or the color blue, then please close your eyes and see it in your mind.” After the 3rd call, jot down the code number 4 under each participant’s column who has closed his eyes. In our example, P-1 is thinking of a circle, P-2 is thinking of wavy lines and P-3 and P-4 are both thinking of a star. In the 3rd call, both P-3 and P-4 will close their eyes, since they are both thinking of the color blue. “Open your eyes and clear your thoughts.” In this example, your pad will look like this after this after the 3rd call. After the 3rd call add up the columns to get a sum total for each participant.




1 2







__________________________________________________ Participant’s Sum Total






Based on the sum totals, you know the following: The first participant’s symbol has a value of 1. He thought of the circle. The second participant’s symbol has a value of 3. He thought of the wavy lines. The third participant’s symbol has a value of 5. He thought of the star. The fourth participant’s symbol has a value of 5. He thought of the star. There is no way anyone in your audience can follow this hidden binary code. The symbols are only called once, and the colors are only called once. You have not called out all the colors or symbols, and no questions have been asked. This adds to the mystery. To an audience, even if on the first call only one person closed his eyes, it is unfathomable that you would know which of the three symbols he had in mind. Assume on the second call no one closed his eyes. That would mean that the four participants were thinking of three other colors. How could you know which color each person was thinking of, unless you were a real mind reader? The calling sequence is so short and streamlined that it does not seem possible for the performer to get all the information he needs from making just three statements and not asking any questions. This is about as close to real mindreading as you can get.

THE CHART CUE SYSTEM There is no need to have a hidden call cue list, because the chart has been designed to have all three call sequences in full view. This eliminates the need to memorize what you call out. Remember, I told you earlier to prop the chart up where the participants can see it after they have thought of a symbol. This also allows you to see it and refer to the built-in cue list. Refer back to Photo 1 or your actual chart. Notice that the star is in the upper right corner. This is your starting point. This is easy to remember; just think of yourself as the star of your show and you will remember that is where to start. Another way to remember this is to think of the star as the STARting point. From the star you will work in a counter-clockwise direction. Your first impression call starts with the star and continues counter-clockwise with the next two symbols, which will be the circle and the wavy lines. Your second impression call consists of two colors. Starting where you stopped at the wavy lines, call out the first two colors on the bottom row, which are red and green. You are continuing counter-clockwise. Your third impression call consists of either two colors or a color and symbol, depending on which call you choose to use. If calling out the colors, continue counter-clockwise calling out yellow and moving up to call out blue. You end on the star, exactly where you started. If calling out a symbol and color, you call square and blue. This sequence is easy to remember, since you only call out a symbol once. You called out the star in the first call, so you will not call it again. This helps you to remember that the square is the symbol you call and blue is the color you call. Go over this a few times and you will have it down pat. A quick glance at the chart is all you need to remember the correct calling sequence. 6

If you are new to the ESP value system, you can refer to the chart and notice, for example, that the wavy lines has 3 lines, hence a value of 3. The chart eliminates the need to look at a hidden cue list. It gives you the freedom to focus on your presentation.

A Different Calling Sequence for Repeat Shows Here is an alternative calling sequence if you want do the effect again in a repeat show. This is especially helpful to know if you are working a place where you do two shows a night. The value of the calls will remain the same, but you will be calling three colors, two symbols and then a symbol and a color. The chart can still be used as a cue list. FIRST CALL –Code Value 1- Colors: Blue, White, Red SECOND CALL-Code Value 2- Symbols: Wavy Lines, Cross THIRD CALL-Code Value 4- Color & Symbol: Yellow, Star

THE REVELATIONS Now that you know what symbol each participant is thinking of, you have several ways to reveal the information. The simplest method is to just tell each person, but in my opinion that is not the best approach. I have found using a standard black-face ESP deck (not included) to be most effective. Simply give each person a face-down ESP symbol card that matches that person’s thought-of symbol. Have him name his thought-of symbol, and show that the face-down ESP card matches. Repeat this for the other three participants. This presentation assumes that each person thought of a different symbol. Participants thinking of the same symbol make for stronger endings and are described later in these directions. FREE WILL: This idea was suggested by Mel Strouse and allows for the final revelation to be a bit different. Assume the fourth participant is thinking of a square. Hand him two face down cards; both of these are squares, unknown to him. Tell him he is to keep one card and give the other back to you. The choice is his. Regardless of which card he hands you, he is left with a square. Ask him to tell everyone his thought-of symbol, which in this example is the square. He shows the card he chose, and it is also the square. While he is showing his card, you have plenty of cover to execute a top change so you can show that the ESP card in your hand is different. Another approach is to give the participant a choice of any of the ESP cards left in your deck. Just use any force to ensure he removes a matching symbol. This free will idea is an excellent way to end the routine. TWO PARTICIPANTS THINK OF THE SAME SYMBOL: There are only five symbols and four participants. The majority of the time two participants will think of the same symbol. This makes for a strong finish. When this happens, save these two people for the climax of the routine. “I have a strong feeling that both of you are thinking of the same symbol. What symbol are you thinking of? Both participants will name the same symbol. Have them show that their cards are the same. When this happens, it gets a strong reaction from both the participants and the audience. 7

THREE PARTICIPANTS THINK OF THE SAME SYMBOL: Due to the nature of the psychological forces, this too will happen often. You handle it like this: Give a face-down card to the person who is thinking of a different symbol. Ask him what his thought-of symbol is. Have him turn the card over and show that it matches his thought-of symbol. Remove from an ESP deck the symbol matching the one the other three participants are thinking of, and hold it face down in your hand. Be sure not to prematurely flash the face of the card. Set the rest of the cards aside. Look at the other three participants and say: “Although you thought you had a free choice, I was trying to PROJECT a certain symbol into your minds. I think I have succeeded. The symbol I was trying to project is on the card in my hand. Tell me the symbol you are thinking of? The three participants will all name the same symbol. Show the face-down card in your hand for a super strong climax. FOUR PARTICIPANTS THINK OF THE SAME SYMBOL: Believe it or not, this does happen, thanks to the psychological forces built into the chart. When it does, everyone is usually thinking of either the red wavy lines or the blue star. This is because red and blue are the colors most often selected. In my experience, it is the blue star the majority of the time, and countless tests have shown that the star is the most commonly chosen ESP symbol. In any case, the odds are good that all four participants will have selected one of those two symbols. When this happens, you have a miracle that is hard to explain. It will happen more often than you would expect. When it does happen, play it for all it is worth. “Although you thought you had a free choice, I was trying to PROJECT a certain symbol into your minds. I think I have succeeded. The symbol I was trying to project is on the card in my hand. Tell me the symbol you are thinking of? Your four participants will all name the same symbol. Show the face-down card in your hand for an incredible climax. The reactions of the four participants will be unbelievable. Such a thing does not seem possible. This is one of the strongest effects possible in mentalism and a real reputation maker when it happens.

GROUP MINDREADING You are not limited to doing this for four people. In a pinch you can do it for just three, but four seems to play better. If you are at a small party with say eight to ten people, you can have all of them think of a symbol. On your pad you will need as many columns as you have participants. In this case, I simply recommend telling each person his or her thought-of symbol at lightning speed. The fact that you revealed what eight or ten people are thinking is quite stunning. When working with this many people, do not bother giving each person a face-down ESP card. It slows things down too much.


OPTIONAL CLIMAX- Reading Minds in the Audience This makes for a very strong climax. After the performer has revealed the symbols thought of by the four participants, he points to several people in the audience and tells them they were thinking of a symbol. He correctly tells two or three people the exact symbol they had in mind. He does this without any fishing or questions. Here is how this amazing feat is pulled off: During your opening statements, tell the audience members they can play along if they want by thinking of a symbol. Ask them to not change their mind and to follow the same instructions you give your four participants. After your first call, look out into the audience and spot two or three people in the first two rows who have their eyes closed. Take note of what these people are wearing. Jot down some initials on your pad. For example, if a woman is wearing a blue blouse, jot down the initials BB for her. If a man has on a red shirt, you could jot down RS. This will help you keep track of the audience members. Since these people have their eyes closed, you jot down a 1 under the initials for the first call. After each of your next two impression calls, glance at these people in the audience, noting who has their eyes closed and marking the binary codes under each person’s initials. At the end of your routine, you will know the symbols that three people in the audience are thinking of. Point to each of these people and say for example: “You are thinking of a symbol, correct? It is the star…and you sir are thinking of a circle, correct? You sir, you are thinking of the wavy lines.” Each person will affirm that you are correct, creating a stunning climax to this routine. A STRONG BLUFF THAT WORKS I highly recommend this bluff. When tied in with the revelations involving audience members, it is very strong. Here is what you do: Since there are five symbols and you have four participants, there will always be one symbol that was not chosen. For this example, we will assume the yellow square was not chosen. After you finish the standard routine, look at the audience and say, “I was getting extremely strong impressions of the yellow square from the audience. Who is thinking of this? Please raise your hand.” Many people will raise their hands. You say, “I thought so.” This bluff creates the impression you just picked up thoughts from all of these people, but you cannot stop there. You have to immediately follow up with the pinpoint revelations of the people you kept track of. Point to the first person you tracked and say: “You are thinking of a symbol, correct? It is the star…and you sir are thinking of a circle, correct? You sir, you are thinking of the wavy lines.” You couldn’t ask for a stronger climax to this routine. Enjoy.

Devin Knight June 2011 Copyright 2011 by Devin Knight

Graphics by Jason Ring

Edited by Jerry Dunn 9

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