3 Shogun Sequences - Derek Rake

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  • Words: 577
  • Pages: 9
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The Lavender Rose Dark Rapport Builder Sequence #1

Have you ever experienced the start of a relationship where everything seems to be so thrilling and intense...

...and yet as time passes by, that intense thrill is gone... and replaced by comfort and contentment... or even boredom... Have you gotten lavender roses as a gift before? Lavender roses are simply majestic... and they are special because they represent intensity and everlasting love...

The Lavender Rose (continued)

And yet most people appreciate the lavender rose by looking at the petals and seeing how beautiful they are and how sweet they smell...

...but they don't realize that it's the thorn-laden stem which gives life to the lavender rose and let it be as majestic as it looks... because it's the stem which nourishes the flower to make it grow. Relationships are just like the lavender rose... everyone seems to be attracted to the initial thrill and intensity, but when you stick with the person longer, then you'll realize that it's the comfort and emotional connection which keeps the thrill and attraction alive.

Subconscious Link Dark Rapport Builder Sequence #2

Have you ever started thinking about someone who then just called you almost immediately? It has happened to me a lot of times... and I am convinced that when I am close to someone, there's a deep, subconscious link between us... There was a yoga guru who once told me that we develop subconscious link with the people we love... and the stronger the link gets over time, the closer we get to each other emotionally.

Subconscious Link (continued)

In fact, if you feel so emotionally linked to each other, you can pretty much send out emotional energy to the other person... Maybe this is the reason why you'll get phone calls from someone you've just been thinking about?

Three Souls Dark Rapport Builder Sequence #3

Have you ever found yourself desiring over someone... like, you're attracted to a man physically and emotionally... but logically it doesn't make any sense? Or have you experienced liking someone who wouldn't appeal to you physically... and yet you seemed to connect with him really well spiritually? I've learned a long time ago that inside us, there are three different souls with their own characteristics and desires...

Three Souls (continued)

There is the "primitive" soul where all your basic wants and needs come from. This is where your primal instincts originate... it yearns for action and adventure at all times. Then, there is the "emotional" soul where emotions and past experiences are hoarded. This is where your desire for comfort and contentment comes from. Isn't it strange that the "primitive" and "emotional" soul seem to conflict with each other? This is where emotional turmoil comes from... when both of these souls go head to head with each other...

Three Souls (continued)

And then there's the "rational" soul which is the most analytical and even-headed of all three souls... it always seek to override the other two souls by looking at things rationally and analytically... Most of the time we want to behave as if we are rational all the time and yet as you may have realized it yourself, this is not always possible... I think we will be happiest when we accept that there are different facades to our personality... and sometimes, just sometimes we should just let the "primitive" or "emotional" part of our soul to take over.

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