Shogun Method Derek Rake Antibiotic Nuke

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  • February 2021
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Anti-Biotic Nuke (2019) Here are solutions of different problems while texting a woman. Please be in cold mode and calculative while texting a woman.

1. Intrigue Ping Blocking Problem: The solution is don’t use intrigue ping while in introductory stages. Use it when enough rapport is built.

2. Seduction Detection Problem: The finest problem I have faced. Say “Let’s Just be friends.” And use Devalidation. 3. Fractionation Block Problem: Use under the rudder fractionation and use covert story telling. The story mustn’t have any romantic encounters. 4. Defense up, Passion down problem: Don’t just ask about relationship materials within 15 days. Control your temptation. 5. Withdrawal Problem: Use your head when she says: “Why should I tell you?” Will you devalidate or give a reason. But don’t’ supplicate. 6. Hot mode problem: Be cold when you talk to a woman. When you are in HOT mode, you will feel tempted to text a woman but never do this. 7. Attitude Problem: Take her guards down using dark emotional patterns or normal negative future projection. Or use “Do I deserve it?” 8. Fun problem: Let her make fun of you but don’t make fun of her. You are rational, she is not. 9. Depression Problem: Use February Man sequence to modify her past and describe how things could be better with delivering a scapegoat. 10. Trust Problem: Tell her about your negative qualities, how bad you are and share secrets.

11. Desperation Problem: Don’t be desperate with a woman. It expresses dishonesty to her. 12. Caring Problem: Never be too caring to a woman, it expresses dishonesty. 13. Mouth and Temper Problem: Control your mouth and temper while talking to a woman. In case of speed seduction, some women are ready to be speed seduced but in general, you must follow a sequence to get a woman.

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