Akira Fujii - Je

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  • January 2021
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b y R k h a r dK a u f r n a nl ;l l u s t r a t e db y E a f l eO a k e s F o u n d e di n l 9 4 a b y W i L l i a mR e a dW o o d f i e l d


JetCoins CREATED BYAKRA FUJT A t i i / F u l i j l . r l J p r n e \ en a g i r r n /'l"t',,. h..n l'nB In L,a Anltelcr fbr the bener pan o1 this vear He is a naser ofthe techniqur known as rbr Muscle Pass.Or should I sav, he is ''rhe mastetofthe technique,and verl adeptat applvingn invnibll When somronr pdforhs Coins Across, xru areal*avswaiting fix rhe peront hands to cone togcdrcr ftr a rleal, or ti,. some{r ofslapping actbn rc the table that tips y<,u offHan Ping Chien is being used.\flen warchingAkira perform this routinc, thercare no classictip-off!.

ffia: lhrcc coins flr nrvisiblyliorn one hand to the other I do rncar,41,ard I do mean;z,i;/11. ?r.tn tio": vou N.d tbt.c halfdolhn. No cxtra cons or gin-

DJa-.." Be.r ",rl \.,h,.. .or. \,lJ r'y yourlefthand.Ore br one.rdNftr thcn rovou palmlp righr hand in an oicnappiig spread. 'flr firt coin is placcd dirccdv into rn "ope!" clssi. palm (i.e..it\ in positio! to be pJmed. but nor yc gripped).Thcn lay thc othcr two coils orro it, onc at : rin,e. sprcd r(Mrd .he f ngen|s I (lig.l). lt.simportantto do all ofthis as openly d you can so rhefe is absoltely no questionin anvone's nind that your hands a.e enrirelv enpty d.ept for the three coins.


2 6



\r os Purq .qr oru, !,otr .qr srlrP,J8uu rsg rJrl rnor (a.!^.ru. lPn" ur s 0r ilt r ,{rtds,por rq r s!trnl drqr i.tqu :qr uo 3tr1{l o,or :t8ns )qr dn s{trrdpue Ie.rr sa^ou iuaoP ufd .{ou Putq rJataqr''ux,:, rloq 3u,Ptoql, s! rsrj" oln:soP sr8trq rq8r,q.r.

0t Nls,.tr mq .op or qBnor s, Suqru,U rno{rr.{ pltrt T.t .lll qrl{ un,r rqr 8u,{]nx'J /,r,r.t/' -tt{ r.ti .tJpr aot; dt.q pulrr t1 aaae 't11ut u",I oa tiat,16q! t"td fltu qtunrlitht tnai er( Stitzr tnoEln QoBU upd rJSu! q8rqu urotr:ui.{U:qr qrrEr lBr nd rrqr os r Jurtrud or ur:..1 r,t-l puul r ] ) t , q r u + r J F u , o r . q r u o P u r t o r u n . 8 u , , i U . q r a o l l Bo r . ^ ! q itdurs no,i os r nr rsq nol !:qs dn upd purq UJI rnol d,ry IJr $ . t u l e r q g r r r s r q rt u r u r E . t . I B d o r d D s s t . r : H . q u D s r P u r u s.ruoriup ruorj,irar nJ sr rnoqE$ uooJ.rrP.rsdddo .qr ur BuoB.q rqgn! uro s.pual rq9! :qr lt{jr rq8noqr rqJ. utEd rqBr .qr oruo uror s,puerlt.t rql turdunp ildu6 s, rrtJ, sr sr!.dde {ur r t,qr s,oP !,.r-v u.rl4\ 1i4r. Pu! .tgh-sodu, qloq su..s rr-aoul I (6 cq) upd rJBurJqtq u iprnF uror lqr oruo .(ptr.rlP dlu, puE prhdn lro puqrqtu,qr sDBuU l.tnol l:doid pu! sr.r apsnr{ e JL.xe uaoP uPd sunr PuEq!.t rnol sy (s tu) r oru u,or .qr dump or rnoqr Jr s. 'pwq rqBrr dn urd rnoi or r.^o Pueqr])I moi r ow srasuu .qr Jo r.nDr .qr u s.sED o,$r.qr !..br.q s uror rqr surau rrqf rtpd r.8uu ,JjJq lJdo w or ulrl e, sltndqunqr :qr sr dn uFd sumr puEq rJrt nror :Nrt s,rjrH p!.rF oAl no{ BuDrnd!u,od reqrrE Puul !.1.'{r u, .9.(lP.r II,a su,o qrog PrEqrqsu rqr u PurPrPlurotr .rjr 8.9 ,a 5Ju:rPrE.q.t. Ptrrq rqsD ,qr oru, uro. sPurq u,t Jqr d@nporpu .rd lt.noi sxrt ){trrn pJlr$rht r srrr iqgFF urotrInJI.p -uoa! u, rqSrFP orla )so\r or iJrursr turrq IIra rr.u surddq NrL4!\l

(1BU) sdnr.iuU .qr re urc. sr sptoqputq !:t rqf ulEd Jh^rt: !:do treu rq pFoqs u,or IIr s,.8uu rqr uadop@ dn upd purq rqt! :qr unJ UlEd rqsu .qr rsur!8" dn ptoq irqr trror :qr s.rd pur pllhdn IInr sJ9ug rqgu JqI u.qr Jo .uo dn srPidPttyuaop -uFd q.es lqtu .qr Purq rqru .qr uoil ' atqer.qr or qrt su,or oN ,qr Jqr or ru rqr II'J Jo tl 'tE^ursn, lE^.r or sdur.suq )qr or lrotr.qr rlsnd pur soSuUrql .prsurqunqr].tnol di ts'purq !.t r nol 8um.do .{pr.u Jo pEn!r r rat lF^u or u:ql u:do u:qr isr.guq .qr rtdunil r\€D Plr.adn * s!:uU aqrjo qrq:qr os lsU rPoq .rrrou Purq rqr aPrur sr uror Prrqr.qr s: r't:q us.ru.,Pn".ql .I9a.qrordol|PueJUIlErtJuolsLleqlJo,Ioqq d p.zlrnbs ragor rp,surwror o.N.qr aolrt PUEe.8uU rnol.tdunrl .tq!r ,qr .^oq" fnl or sPu.r$P Por rqt! iql or s.rou PuErl rqiD .qr'T.t .qr or Buhou PUtq !:t :r{r ' :ru"d,s sP!"q $og 'sPurt oI(D.qlu.'la trlru 1, u"l ,ou-u,or.qr q]lb or.^ou ro!!D Plrq u.l.\.1 (^{.h P.sodxr u': sr 9 3!) uieft udop urt.d un! or su$.q tupq Eqr 'purq rqlr ry :!q IIir€Jrs E or Purq rlrt ,qr oru' ,tr;iry .ill rsnuru,o: aq1 ({.h uoort-dors B s, E Bg) putq rqso :qr Jo rno u,or P,u,Po-r,srP rqr rooqs or $rd .Psnl,\ P .rnrrxe turrslr rap ry u{op urpd purq q:1 rqr:r1omr or ur8:q tpuorx ,r.J r IoJ purq UJI mo,i Jo ruFd a$ ua.s sflt:ru)IPnt Jjr aly 5r.iuu P.Pnr .qr .Pr!' 8u,rs:r ll.soot ,i",s lqr Jo rno rn o.!u rJqro rqr .trq,$ 'p.uFd rs srp s, u,or iuo (aar^ pJsodD us $ t 3U) dn uFd putq rqsu .qr urnr'porq rq8! rnoljo a.,r llorur.ds rqr tu,rirolq psp dn urd s, pu.q |.t ho.{ ,tru! r.,rt6 ru.uou r 8trrqrllp op r,lplP nol rrqr ltr,rpn" rqr suhorts ltJrJur ur ro1 snBug arp urdo pue dn upd p u E ql r t r q r u r u a o N ( a r ^ p , s o d x r u r s r€ B U ) p u r q r \ A r n o l j o r r u ! L , t r " . . ' . 1 " \ 1 p r , , i pt . ' , , ' u , o ' l t q BI D U p| , t r l r n o i r n a urgr r-pueqIno{ rrerd:5 )$ti rir.^ spulq rqr .lq8u Ino,{ qrbu.q pu"q })t rnd gunou Illlnb ,iq uo,rl snoDrdsnsr rF { rsrJ J " " t " ' . L , . . J S r -) t , I . r ' t u " , $ " T u , d D s.qtruro,$rrnoq! 9ueqi.qr os 'p.untr ilesoot uDrurr pFor{se:8!U nFu mon (a.h p.sodE ur sr z BU) srriuu rqBr ror rs:5 :9r upd :rstp ':rur :urs:qr 'L,aop u,Fd putq nl8rr Inol unr nor(ry r€ srrtur+Jnoi 9u,pnr

prescd flady againstrhe lengrb of thc thumb (fis.l]-the two coinsin high finger paln arerot visiblein this drawnrg,but theyre there).This is done as the hard closesinto a nst wnh the drurnb

ofdr coinsup to the fingenips.spreadingdrem (fig.13).The th;d coin remins in high fingerpalm. IC



I he :udiencebelievesth.r vou rre holding the dtird coh nside rour cloerl right fist. Crunple,vour right fingers,thcn open the fist in an upwrd{o$ing gestrre(fig.14).1-ollowthe path ofthe imagi naryconrwiih vour q-esasit mvels uprvard,then arcsdo*n owrrd rour leli hand.Trrmakerhc conrreappearatvourltft fingcrtips,curl rour left secondtingtnip ono drc faceof rhe coin nr high finger palm (fig.15). lhe coii n allav clipped beoveenthe secord and third fingerrips.lush inrvrrd nith rour secondfLngerurtil thc coin snapspasrrhe rhid fingertipand hns rhe loweredgeof thc second conrin rhe lan wirh a clink (fig.16).To $e audience,the coin seens ro megicallymaterializear the fingertips(fi9.17).LverFhing mav


Makea magicalgesturebyshakingboth fisn. lhe singlecoin held aganrtlour left thunb is allowedto dn,p ono tht other rwo conr l! high frngerpaln to ptodu.c a clink (tig.12,s'h€n the fingcn arc hcld opena br mon rhrn theyrcruallvwould be so vou can sc. thc acrion).Then. lour LefrrhuFb entersthe iist rnd p'shes onll two

Th; is e superbpic.c ofmagic that is going to rakea lot ofprac' rice,ecn fi,r rhoservhoalrcadyperforma MusclcPas. But, what a wond*lnl effectyou gct fo! rhai pracli.el



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