Cbrc English - Bocaue

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ENGLISH It is raining cats and dogs, May I borrow _____ umbrella? I left ____ inside the car. In the classroom setting, which of the following kind of listening most student use? a. To escape b. To be informed**** c. To be inspired d. To enjoy Which of the following speech process deals with the amplification and enrichment of the voice with use of amplifiers like the chest, wind pipe and the nose? A. Phonation B. Inflection C. Articulation D. Resonation******** Below are the different sources of energy. Which do you think is the most disadvantageous because of it possible threats of human sources of food? A. Geothermal******** B. Sun C. Wind D. Fauna In the statement “The moon is the brightness eye of the heaven above” What figure of speech was used? A. Apostrophe******** B. Simile C. Metaphor D. Onomatopoeia The Philippine Congress must pass a law that enforces the total ban ___________ of cyanide in fishing. A. With the use B. On using C. On the use********* D. With using If I _______ known her before, I would have hired her as my personal adviser. A. Had******* B. Have C. Could D. Will

The subject we were able to take last semester was too difficult for Jenny and ______ A. Me******* B. Myself C. I D. We She ________ finished writing her novel before the publishers arrived. A. Should B. Have******** C. Will have D. Have been What do we call a poem with 14 lines and follows a specific rhyme and scheme? A. Haiku B. Free verse C. Sonnet********* D. Elegy How do we call a Japanese poem with three lines (with 17 syllables)? A. Haiku******** B. Free verse C. Sonnet D. Elegy Read the following lines from the Shakespearean play: “Hamlet” and decide which following emotion is most reflected? “To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the minds to suffer the slings and arrows of the outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of trouble, and then opposing and then? A. Sadness B. Wrath C. Indecision******* D. Doubt The invited resource speaker was a lot on his mind. He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The capitalize word means? A. Reserve B. Lanky C. Verbose****** D. Limited Read the lines below and decide how “mercy” was described The quality of mercy is not strained. If dropped is the gentle rain from the heaven



Upon the place beneath it is twice blest It is blesseth him that give and him that takes a. Mercy is only restricted to those who repent b. Mercy is an arbitrary thing c. Mercy must be given to everyone********** d. Mercy is like rain Which figure of speech was used in the second line of the given poem in number 14? A. Simile****** B. Metaphor C. Apostrophe D. Alliteration The prodigal son, who is the black sheep of the family was returned home. What figure of speech is use in the given statement? A. Metaphor******** B. Simile C. Irony D. Oxymoron

The needed budget for classroom renovation _______ with the budget of the university. A. Is B. Are Appearing C. Appears******** D. Is appearing In the Shakespearian play “Merchant of Venice” the speech of Portia seemed not to impertinent to the case being raised by Shylock. The highlighted word means. A. important B. Over cuppe C. Irrelevant**** D. Superfluous For one to be a great gardener he she must have a GREENTHUMB. Which figure of speech was used in this statement? A. Metonymy******** B. Alliteration C. Synecdoche D. Assonance Refer back to item no. 19, what do you think is the meaning of the figurative language used?

A. That the gardener must grow plants in his thumb B. That gardener must be a vegetarian C. That gardener must own a garden D. That gardener must be good in gardening******* Who among the Filipino writers below focuses on the belief and tradition during the Filipino – Spanish Period? A. Nick Joaquin****** B. Bienvinido Santos C. N.V.M. Gonzales D. F. Shonil Jose The lines below are taken from the poem The Spouse by Luis Dato. Read the lines and decides which best described the role of the wife. He hold no joy beyond the days tomorrow She fined no world beyond his arms embrace She looks upon the man beyond the furrow Who is her motion, time and space? A. Working wife******** B. Artist C. Business woman D. House wife We often times see the phrase “red letter day” on the calendars. The quoted phrase is an example of? A. Hyperbole B. Idiom******** C. Onomatopoeia D. Alliteration The Sushi chef was very careful in handling knives. She makes it certain not to hurt _______ while preparing the meal. A. Himself B. Her C. Herself******* D. Him The poet admitted that for him to write a good piece, he must have read more than ten books. Indeed the poet is a ____ reader. A. Voracious********* B. Vehement C. Industrious D. Indulgent



Venus, the Roman goddess of love was always been the symbol of feminine pulchritude. The underlined word means. A. Homeliness B. Plainness3 C. Beauty********* D. Grandiosity What is Jose Rizal’s novel that centers on Crisostomo Ibarra hose primary wish to educate the youth? A. Noli Me tangere********* B. La liga Filipina C. El Filibusterismo D. For the Filipino Youth An ample amount of water _________ needed for the city to sustain its community. a. Is******* b. Were c. Are d. Was Who is the American writer behind the naturalistic novel “Red Badge of Courage?” A. Mark Twain B. Charles Dikkens C. Stephen Crane******** D. George Orwell What is considered as the very first masterpiece in Philippine Literature in English? A. The Small Key B. Foot Note to You C. Dead Stars****** D. My Father goes to court



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