Cob And Multi Threaded Rtns

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Topics to be discussed • COB basics and setup • Multi-threaded Jobs in COB • Single-threaded jobs in COB • Multi-threaded End Of Day(EOD) Routines

What is COB • Close of Business (COB) handles the T24 Batch Processing. • Close of Business is used for processing events, calculating and posting interest, rolling the bank date forward and production of various reports. • The Close of Business triggers various activities based on the scheduled date and based on specific conditions

COB stages • APPLICATION : Individual application processes (Forex, Funds Transfer, etc.) • SYSTEM WIDE : System wide processes (Interest and Charges, Revaluation, etc.) • REPORTING Main system reports (Trial Balance, General Ledgers, etc.) • START OF DAY : Change date (Standing Orders, split month end events, cashflow maintenance, etc.) • ON LINE : Any non critical reports and processes that can be run after the system has returned to on line mode.

COB stages • Each batch stage consists of a number of processes with the same or different sequence number, which corresponds directly to records in the BATCH file, and each process consists of a number of jobs for which routines are defined in the PGM.FILE as type ‘B’. Each batch process defines the stage and sequence at which it has to be run, the jobs to be run and the frequency in which it has to be run.

COB setup • A Service Manager (TSM) and Service Agents (COB) control the COB process. • Creation of TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE and TSA.SERVICE records are required

• Step 1 – CREATE TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE • The Manager only requires one agent whereas 2 to 3 agents for the COB are sufficient

COB setup • Step 2 – TSA.PARAMETER • There is only one record – SYSTEM. This application tells the Service Manager at which levels (in seconds) to review and restart the Agents.

COB setup • As Agents may become stuck, we recommend that you first STOP all Agents, • and then clear the table F.TSA.STATUS at the j-Shell prompt as follows:


COB setup • Also clear the EB.EOD.ERROR file once the errors occurred during the Close of Business have been fixed, by entering F.EB.EOD.ERROR at the jprompts as follows:


Initiate Close of Business using tSA • Start TSA.SERVICE for both TSM and COB records

• Step 1 :Start the Service Manager using command as START.TSM -DEBUG in Jshell prompt • Open a new Reflection session and type command tSA –DEBUG in Jshell prompt.

Initiate Close of Business using tSA • Step 2 – Proceed to start the Agents Open a new Reflection session and type command tSA –DEBUG in Jshell prompt.

Initiate Close of Business using tSA • Step 3 • When the COB is completed, the Service Manager automatically stops the Agents. • Step 4 • Return to the TSA.SERVICE, application and STOP the TSM record. You will note • that the status of COB is already set to STOP.

List File • Every job during the Close of Business uses a LIST file for storing and sharing records for processing between different agents. The LIST file is dynamically determined based on the session number doing the SELECT processing of a multi threaded job. The other agents use the allotted list for sharing their load of the job. A LIST file is one that holds all the id’s of the contracts from the database. • If this LIST file does not exist then BATCH.JOB.CONTROL will create the LIST file • Every job during the Close of Business uses a LIST file for storing and sharing records for processing between different agents. • The LIST file is empty at the end of the job thus making it available for a different job.

Contents of record in LIST FILE • Let’s assume the select routine retrieved 5 contract id’s and wrote 5 records in the LIST FILE.

No. of records in the LIST FILE (F.JOB.LIST.2)

Contents of Record 1 in F.JOB.LIST.2 (1 record in the LIST file will have 1 contract id)

• To improve performance we can club a group of contracts and write it into the LIST FILE delimited by VM’s (Value Markers). This process is called bulking. Slide 14

COMO • All the Log files associated with COB are written into a file called &COMO& • COMO is written with the key as TSA__datetime. • It is recommended that all COB COMOs must be retained securely for at least six weeks. • If there is an occasion to restore and rerun, then the COMOs should be printed or copied to a secure medium before the restore takes place. • Remember • If an agent is restarted, there will be 2 log file for that agent as the log file ID is based on date and time • Log files do not get cleared automatically

Monitoring COB • Three forms are available that assist the monitoring of progress of COB and the records processed with the time taken. • COB.PROGRESS – A listing of active companies and an indication (progress bar) of their time to completion. • JOB.PROGRESS – This form of COB lists all active and completed jobs by descending start times (i.e. current on top). It shows the start time, end time, elapsed time, contracts processed, total contracts to process, throughput (contracts/minute) and individual server rate. • JOB.HISTORY – Here the user can see a graph of the elapsed time of the last ten runs of the job and the individual server rate.

Monitoring COB • A valid T24 application COB.MONITOR represents a graph showing all the stages of COB

Batch Output • All reports, COMOs, etc. produced by the batch system are output using the T24 Report Control system. This enables the operator to determine the destination printer, user addressing, number of copies, etc. The following applications are used in this process.

Error Handling In COB • A process may consist of many jobs, while execution if any error occurs, the system returns immediately and displays the process and job in error and thus updates the current batch record and the current company on EB.EOD.ERROR application. • The details of these errors can be found in examining the records on EB.EOD.ERROR.DETAIL file.

Error Handling In COB

Multi Threaded Routines

Multi-threaded Jobs in COB • In T24, most of the COB routines are multi-threaded. • A routine is broken up into 3 parts - LOAD, SELECT, RECORD • LOAD routine - initialization of common variables and parameters • SELECT routine - selects ID’s from file • RECORD routine - contains actual processing logic

• LOAD and RECORD routine are executed by all tSA and SELECT routine is executed by only ONE tSA • Instead of executing one long routine (by only one tSA), breaking it up into logical parts and then executing it (by multiple tSA), is faster

Multi-threaded Jobs in COB Name of the Multi threaded Routine - PGM1 PGM1.LOAD PGM1.SELECT PGM1 tSA 2

tSA 3

tSA 4

All tSA’s will execute the .LOAD routine PGM1.LOAD


Only 1 of the tSA’s will execute the .SELECT routine

Wait till tSA completes select



Wait till tSA completes select










Result of select will be stored in a file ROUTINE1

All tSA’s will pick up ID’s from the LIST file and execute the Record routine

Single threaded/ Multi-threaded job ? How to know if a routine is single threaded or multi threaded?

If the field BATCH.JOB contains ‘’ (NULL) or @BATCH.JOB.CONTROL, then it is multi threaded

If the field BATCH.JOB contains the name of a routine with @ then, it is single threaded


Single-threaded jobs in COB • In single-thread routines .LOAD is not executed • BJC running on the agent that holds a lock on F.BATCH.STATUS will write a value ‘SingleThreaded’ on to the list file

• the field BATCH.JOB in PGM.FILE contains the name of a routine with ‘@’ • The entire single threaded routine is within a transaction block

Multi-threaded End.Of.Day(EOD) Routines • EOD routines are designed to have parts of its code executed concurrently as separate execution streams. • This reduces the EOD time to a great extent • In this mode the desktop initiates N number of sessions that run batch processes simultaneously

Structure of EOD routines


• Contains the variables that can be used across the various subroutines (XXX.SELECT,XXX.LOAD,XXX). • For example: I_PGM.COMMON COM /TRG/FN.ACC, F.ACC, ACC.REC, ACC.ERR, AC.LIST, SELECTED, SEL.ERR

EOD Routines • XXX.LOAD This subroutine initiates variables and open all the required files.

• XXX.SELECT This subroutine selects all the IDs to be processed

EOD Routines XXX.LIST • This will hold the IDs selected by XXX.SELECT subroutine • It is from here that the key subroutine BATCH.JOB.CONTROL picks IDs for process XXX • •

This is the main subroutine that process each ID sent to it by BATCH.JOB.CONTROL program This subroutine gets executed number of times depending on the number of IDs

EOD Routines •

Compile all the subroutines and make an entry in PGM.FILE for the main subroutine PGM with type as ‘B’ and the Batch Job (field No. 4.1) as @BATCH.JOB.CONTROL.

Attach this subroutine to an existing record as a new job or create a new record in BATCH.

Thank You 

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