Course Outline Approaches And Practices In Pest Management

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Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019


Photo Credit: European Crop Protection Association. 2015. Integrated crop Management: A Training Resource

JESRYL B. PAULITE,MS College of Agricultural Science and Technology Surigao del Sur State University – Tagbina Campus 1

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

PREFACE Everyone eats in order to live and so with the pests. Crop protection, therefore essential for humans to study, comprehend, research, apply, extend and produce for he will be able to contribute in answering the problems in crop production and add on to the body of knowledge in agriculture. Crop Protection is stimulating, attention-grabbing, vital, and worth studying in its own right. It is also, however, a science that has a hands-on and upright goal of protecting the food available for humans and animals. Plant pathogens, arthropods, weeds and vertebrate pests by their existence, inhibit the crop growing in some areas or food crops may be grown but plants may attack by them, tear parts or entire field and reduce much of their produce before they can be harvested or consumed. It is predictably estimated that diseases, arthropods, weeds and vertebrate pests together annually interfere with the production of, or destroy, between 31 to 42% of all crops produced worldwide. The losses are usually higher in the developing countries and lower in more developed countries. The necessity for management and control measures to plant pest and diseases limits the total land available for farming each year, limits the kinds of crops that can be grown in fields already contaminated with certain microorganisms and every year we need millions of tons of pesticides for treating seeds, fumigating soils, spraying plants and treatments for postharvest fruits and vegetables. It is therefore the responsibility and goal of crop protectionists to balance all the factors involved so that the maximum amounts of food can be produced with fewest side effects to the people and to the environment.

JESRYL B. PAULITE,M.S. Crop Protectionist


Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

COURSE OUTLINE SDSSU VMGO Course Requirements Grading System I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Definition of Terms 1.1.1. Integration 1.1.2. Pests 1.1.3. Management 1.1.4. IPM 1.1.5. Equilibrium Position 1.2. Why Integrated Pest Management? II. The Concepts of IPM 2.1. The Current Concept of IPM 2.1.1. Goals and Scope 2.1.2. Safe for Farmers and Consumers 2.1.3. Cost-effective, easy to adopt and Integrated with other crop protection practices 2.1.4. Durable and Without adverse Environmental Consequences 2.2. Management Strategies and Tactics 2.2.1. Do Nothing 2.1.2. Reduce Pest Population Numbers 2.1.3. Reduce Crop Susceptibility to Pest Injury 2.1.4. Combined Reduced Population Numbers with Reduced crop susceptibility 2.3. Management Rules 2.3.1. Know your Crop 2.3.2. Know your Pests 2.4. Categories of Principles of Crop Protection 2.4.1. Exclusion 2.4.2. Eradication 2.4.3. Protection 2.4.4. Development of Resistance 2.4.5. Therapy 2.4.6. Avoidance 2.5. Features of IPM 2.6. Historical Trend in IPM III. Economic Concepts 3.1. Economic Injury Level 3.2. Economic Threshold Level 3.3. Pest Density IV. Ecological Concepts 4.1. Physical Factors 4.2. Biological Factors 4.3. Physical Environment V. Human Behavoir and Decision-Making Process 5.1. Relevant Consideration 5.2. Relevant Factors that Influence in the use of ETLs by growers 3

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

J.B. Paulite, 2019

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

5.3. Five Major factors in to account in farmers’ decision-making Process VI. Regulatory Control 6.1. Quarantine/Legal Control 6.1.1. Eradication 6.1.2. Containment 6.1.3. Suppression of Pests VII. Genetic Manipulation of Crops: Host Plant Resistance 7.1. Classification of Host Plant Resistance 7.2. Mechanisms of Host Plant Resistance 7.1.1. Antibiosis 7.1.2. Tolerance 7.1.3. Preference or non-preference or antixenosis 7.3. Apparent Resistance 7.3.1. Host Evasion 7.3.2. Induced Resistance 7.3.3. Escape 7.4. Relationship of Host Plant Resistance to IPM 7.5. Limitations and Advantages of HPR VIII. Behavioral Control 8.1. Insect Pheromones 8.2. Food and Oviposition Attractants IX. Biological Control 9.1. In Biological Control (Predator, Parasites, and Pathogens) 9.2. Major Advantages of Biological Control 9.2.1. Safety to humans and animals 9.2.2. permanence 9.2.3. Economy 9.3. Classical Biological Control 9.4. Naturally Occuring Biological Control 9.5. Improving Natural Enemy Effectiveness 9.6. Biological Control and IPM/ICM X. Genetic Manipulation of Pests 10.1. Sterile Male Technique in Fruit Flies 10.2. Other Genetic Tactics 10.2.1 Conditional Lethal Mutations 10.2.2. Inherited Sterility or Delayed Sterility 10.2.3. Hybrid Sterility 10.2.4. Cytoplasmic Incompatibility 10.2.5. Chromosomal Rearrangement XI. Chemical Control and Bio-Pesticides 11.1. Chemical Pesticides 11.1. The Term Pesticides 11.2. Safe and Responsible Use of Crop Protection Products 11.3. Pesticides Active Ingredients 11.4. Pesticide Label 11.2. Biopesticides or Microbial Control XII. Mechanical and Physical Control 12.1. Physical and Mechanical Controls 12.1.1. Utilizing High and low Temperatures 12.1.2. Reducing humidity 12.1.3. Utilizing Insect Attraction to light traps 12.1.4. Attracting 12.1.5. Repelling or Killing by sound 12.1.6. Constructing Barriers and excluders 12.1.7. Picking by hand 12.1.8. Shaking and Jarring 4

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

12.1.9. Herding, and 12.1.10. Trapping XIII. Cultural Control and Agro-ecology 13.1. Cultural Control 13.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Control 13.3. Agro-ecology XIV. Selected cases of ICM/IPM/PM Program in the Philippines 14.1. IPM/ICM in Rice 14.2. IPM/ICM in Cabbage/Vegetables 14.3. IPM/Icm in Corn 14.4. IPM/ICM in Mango 14.5. IPM/ICM in Coconut XV. Research, Extension and Policy Needs in IPM/I XVI. REFERENCES

VISION A leading “Global” University with widened academic perspectives that focus on attaining food security, supporting poverty alleviation, developing renewable energy, and conserving natural environment. MISSION SDSSU shall provide competency-based higher education training driven by relevant and responsive instruction, research, extension and sustainable resource management. Particularly, SDSSU is committed to: 1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment; 2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve cultural heritage; 3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy; 4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and 5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education. CORE VALUES Competence A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU employee and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success. Accountability Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good. Responsiveness A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders. Excellence The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent with the vision, mission and goals of University. Service Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, 5

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation. SDSSU CARES… These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the core values that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we go about our work and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-oriented. Goals These are the specific goals in the four (4)-fold functions of the University: KRA 1. Instruction Develop highly competent, globally-competitive and morally upright graduates. KRA 2. Research Produce research for the advancement of knowledge, new technology and innovative approaches for competitive endeavors. KRA 3. Extension Empower the rural poor to improve their lives through transfer of technologies and knowledge. KRA 4. Production Sustain University operations through viable and profitable income generating projects. Program Goals: 1. Provide quality and relevant education and training within the reach of low-income members of the society. 2. To provide students with entrepreneurial skills and trainings in the field of agribusiness, commercial sciences, Information technology and allied courses. 3. To produce graduates equipped with the necessary values, attitudes, knowledge and skills. Specific Program Outcomes : The graduates shall be able to: a. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in Bachelor of Agricultural Technology curriculum b. Execute techniques, skills and utilize modern tools necessary for agricultural activities c. Create and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure learning outcomes for technical expertise and production. Course Requirements: 1. Weed herbarium 2. Collecttion and preservation of Arthropods 3. Collection of Pesticide labels 4. Permanent mounts of crop diseases 5. Educational Tour/Field Trips to Regional Crop Protection Center(Optional) 6. Interview to Farmers and Technicians on Pest Management. GRADING SYSTEM: (UNIFIED DISTRIBUTION /BREAKDOWN of GRADES) (for Sciences and LAB courses) Class Standing 30% Exam 30% Requirements (laboratory) 40% 100% Breakdown for Class Standing 6

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus Quiz Oral Assignment Attendance


J.B. Paulite, 2019

15% 5% 5% 5% 30%

CHAPTER I II. INTRODUCTION Plants make up the majority of the earth’s living environment as trees, grass, flowers, and so on. Directly or indirectly, plants also make up all the food on which humans and all animals depend. Even the meat, milk, and eggs that we and other carnivores eat come from animals that themselves depend on plants for their food. Plants are the only higher organisms that can convert the energy of sunlight into stored, usable chemical energy in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. All animals, including humans, depend on these plant substances for survival (Agrios, 2005 ). Note. Pls add on references Plants, whether cultivated or wild, grow and produce well as long as the soil provides them with sufficient nutrients and moisture, sufficient light reaches their leaves, and the temperature remains within a certain “normal” range. Plants, however, also get infected and infested. These plants grow and produce poorly, they exhibit various types of symptoms and damage and often, parts of plants or whole plants die. It is not known whether diseased plants feel pain or discomfort. The agents that cause disease in plants are the same or very similar to those causing disease in humans and animals. It includes pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses, viroid, bacteria, spiroplasmas, mycoplasmas, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, and unfavorable environmental conditions, such as lack or excess of nutrients, moisture, and light, and the presence of toxic chemicals in air or soil (Agrios, 2005). Plants also suffer from competition with other, unwanted plants (weeds), and, of course, they are often damaged by attacks of insects. Plant damage caused by insects, humans, or other animals is not usually included in the study of plant pathology. Plant pathology is an integrative science and profession that uses and combines the basic knowledge of botany, mycology, bacteriology, virology, nematology, plant anatomy, plant physiology, genetics, molecular biology and genetic engineering, biochemistry, horticulture, agronomy, tissue culture, soil science, forestry, chemistry, physics, meteorology, and many other branches of science. Crop protection profits from advances in any one of these sciences, and many advances in other sciences have been made in attempts to solve plant pathological problems. As a science, crop protection tries to increase our knowledge about plant diseases and arthropods damage. At the same time, crop protection tries to develop methods, equipment, and materials through which plant diseases and arthropods damage can be avoided or controlled. Uncontrolled plant diseases and arthropod damage may result in less food and higher food prices or in food of poor quality. Diseased plant produce may sometimes be poisonous and unfit for consumption. Some plant diseases may wipe out entire plant species and many affect the beauty and landscape of our environment. Controlling plant disease and arthropod damage result in more food of better quality and a more aesthetically pleasing environment, but consumers must pay for costs of materials, equipment, and labor used to control plant diseases and arthropod damages and, sometimes, for other less evident costs such as contamination of the environment. In the last 100 years, the control of plant diseases and other plant pests has depended increasingly on the extensive use of toxic chemicals (pesticides). Controlling plant diseases and arthropod damages often necessitates the application of such toxic chemicals not only on plants and plant products that we consume, but also into the soil, where many pathogenic microorganisms live and attack the plant roots. Many of these chemicals have been shown to be toxic to nontarget microorganisms and animals and may be toxic to humans. The short- and long-term costs of environmental contamination on human health and welfare caused by our efforts to control plant diseases (and other pests) are difficult to estimate. Much of modern research in plant pathology aims at finding other environmentally friendly means of controlling plant diseases and arthropod damage. The most promising approaches include conventional breeding and genetic engineering of disease-resistant plants, application of disease-suppressing cultural practices, RNA and gene-silencing techniques, of plant defense- promoting, nontoxic substances, and, to some extent, use of biological agents antagonistic to the microorganisms that cause plant disease and arthropod damages. The challenges for crop protection are to reduce food losses while improving food quality and, at the same time, safeguarding our environment. As the world population continues to increase while


Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

arable land and most other natural resources continue to decrease, and as our environment becomes further congested and stressed, the need for controlling plant diseases and arthropod damages effectively and safely will become one of the most basic necessities for feeding the hungry billions of our increasingly overpopulated world.

The healty and well being of the plant plays a major role in crop production. It is, therefore, necessary that the plants must be kept free of any abnormality caused by any factors in its environment. The ultimate goal of applied crop protection is to hold pest populations below their economic threshold level. This can be achieved through application of control measures which may not assure complete success but at least reduce pests population. 1.1. Definition of Terms 1.1.1. Healthy Plant - is a normal plant growth without any disturbance of its physical and physiological growth processes. 1.1.2. Diseases or abnormal Plant Growth - is a plant which growth processes are affected either by insect pests and diseases including its physiological functions either caused by water stress or nutrients deficiency or toxicity. 1.1.3. Crop Protection- is a science of preventive and curative againts pests. Pests are living organisms that compete with man in their needs for food and shelter. The term pest includes all harmful insects, pathogens, birds, rodents, noxious weeds and human. 1.1.4. Integration 1.1.5. Pests 1.1.6. Management 1.1.7. IPM 1.1.8. Equilibrium Position 1.2. Why Integrated Pest Management? II. The Concepts of IPM 2.1. The Current Concept of IPM 2.1.1. Goals and Scope 2.1.2. Safe for Farmers and Consumers 2.1.3. Cost-effective, easy to adopt and Integrated with other crop protection practices 2.1.4. Durable and Without adverse Environmental Consequences 2.2. Management Strategies and Tactics 2.2.1. Do Nothing 2.1.2. Reduce Pest Population Numbers 2.1.3. Reduce Crop Susceptibility to Pest Injury 2.1.4. Combined Reduced Population Numbers with Reduced crop susceptibility 2.3. Management Rules 2.3.1. Know your Crop 2.3.2. Know your Pests 2.4. Categories of Principles of Crop Protection 2.4.1. Exclusion 2.4.2. Eradication 2.4.3. Protection 2.4.4. Development of Resistance 2.4.5. Therapy 2.4.6. Avoidance 2.5. Features of IPM 2.6. Historical Trend in IPM III. Economic Concepts 8

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus

J.B. Paulite, 2019

3.1. Economic Injury Level 3.2. Economic Threshold Level 3.3. Pest Density IV. Ecological Concepts 4.1. Physical Factors 4.2. Biological Factors 4.3. Physical Environment V. Human Behavoir and Decision-Making Process 5.1. Relevant Consideration 5.2. Relevant Factors that Influence in the use of ETLs by growers 5.3. Five Major factors in to account in farmers’ decision-making Process VI. Regulatory Control 6.1. Quarantine/Legal Control 6.1.1. Eradication 6.1.2. Containment 6.1.3. Suppression of Pests VII. Genetic Manipulation of Crops: Host Plant Resistance 7.1. Classification of Host Plant Resistance 7.2. Mechanisms of Host Plant Resistance 7.1.1. Antibiosis 7.1.2. Tolerance 7.1.3. Preference or non-preference or antixenosis 7.3. Apparent Resistance 7.3.1. Host Evasion 7.3.2. Induced Resistance 7.3.3. Escape 7.4. Relationship of Host Plant Resistance to IPM 7.5. Limitations and Advantages of HPR VIII. Behavioral Control 8.1. Insect Pheromones 8.2. Food and Oviposition Attractants IX. Biological Control 9.1. In Biological Control (Predator, Parasites, and Pathogens) 9.2. Major Advantages of Biological Control 9.2.1. Safety to humans and animals 9.2.2. permanence 9.2.3. Economy 9.3. Classical Biological Control 9.4. Naturally Occuring Biological Control 9.5. Improving Natural Enemy Effectiveness 9.6. Biological Control and IPM/ICM X. Genetic Manipulation of Pests 10.1. Sterile Male Technique in Fruit Flies 10.2. Other Genetic Tactics 10.2.1 Conditional Lethal Mutations 10.2.2. Inherited Sterility or Delayed Sterility 10.2.3. Hybrid Sterility 10.2.4. Cytoplasmic Incompatibility 10.2.5. Chromosomal Rearrangement XI. Chemical Control and Bio-Pesticides 11.1. Chemical Pesticides 11.1. The Term Pesticides 11.2. Safe and Responsible Use of Crop Protection Products 11.3. Pesticides Active Ingredients 11.4. Pesticide Label 11.2. Biopesticides or Microbial Control 9

Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

Suigao del Sur State University Tagbina Campus XII. Mechanical and Physical Control 12.1. Physical and Mechanical Controls 12.1.1. Utilizing High and low Temperatures 12.1.2. Reducing humidity 12.1.3. Utilizing Insect Attraction to light traps 12.1.4. Attracting 12.1.5. Repelling or Killing by sound 12.1.6. Constructing Barriers and excluders 12.1.7. Picking by hand 12.1.8. Shaking and Jarring 12.1.9. Herding, and 12.1.10. Trapping XIII. Cultural Control and Agro-ecology 13.1. Cultural Control 13.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Control 13.3. Agro-ecology XIV. Selected cases of ICM/IPM/PM Program in the Philippines 14.1. IPM/ICM in Rice 14.2. IPM/ICM in Cabbage/Vegetables 14.3. IPM/Icm in Corn 14.4. IPM/ICM in Mango 14.5. IPM/ICM in Coconut XV. Research, Extension and Policy Needs in IPM/I XVI. REFERENCES


Compilation handouts in Principles in Crop Protection

J.B. Paulite, 2019

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