Crimson Dust V2.1

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Crimson Dust

Rules for tabletop skirmish battles with armies of miniature soldiers in a science-fiction setting. by Duncan Thompson

Crimson Dusk Introduction




Getting Started


Melee Weapons


What you will need






Winning a Melee


Model Characteristics




Skill Tests






Vehicles and Rough terrain



Vehicle Locomotion Types


Section Coherency




Reorganising Sections




Personality Models


Vehicles in Melee



Vehicles as targets



Bikes as Targets


Line of Sight


Wrecked Vehicles and Crew




Vehicles shooting


Action Points


Typical Vehicle Profiles


Sections and Personality Models

Turn Sequence Winning the Initiative



Vehicle Equipment




Monstrous Creatures


Moving through difficult terrain




Going to Ground


Extra Equipment and Abilities






Most Pressing Target


Using psychic powers








Common powers






Multiple targets and dividing shots












Hard Cover




Removing Models


Hits and Personality Models





Army Traits


Reaction Tests Return Fire


Army Selection


Points Values




Infantry Points Values




Extra Equipment and Abilities


Heavily Armoured Targets





Points Values


Weapon traits


Vehicle points values


Weaponry Profiles


Monstrous Creatures Points Costs


Extra Ammunition





Written by Duncan Thompson Internal Artwork by ʻJuddeskiʼ Many thanks to all those that have helped putting this project together and have playtested the rules. See more at


Crimson Dust

Crimson Dust

use them in wargames. The rules contain full listings for how to design your troops and set points cost to them so you can compete against your friends for mastery of the tabletop. And the great news is that the rules are entirely free to download and share.

The sun sets on the dead and dying casting a crimson glow to the scene. The victors pick their way through the carnage, the odd shot here and there giving the last rites of the fallen soldier. The sun finally sets, the Crimson Dust has gone.

Getting Started The main point of Crimson Dust is to have fun. When having a game it helps to have plenty around to sustain you, a good supply of drinks and pizza is essential if

Welcome to Crimson Dust. A fun and exciting tabletop game, using model soldiers to represent your armies you can clash against your friends to win mastery

playing all day. If youʼve played Wargames before you may have all ready found out that collecting and painting miniatures can take much more time than actually gaming with them, collecting and painting is a

of the tabletop. Where will you go with your games? To the stars of the galaxy battling on some unknown moon as rival systems settle their differences? To the blasted wastes of a post apocalyptic world

huge part of the hobby, and there are plenty of good websites and books around to help you out, so we wonʼt waste time writing anything about that side of the hobby here. One of the advantages of

where only the strongest survive? To the third world war, where USA invades China and the Arab Union retaliates by invading Europe? Or will you create your own setting, and let your imagination run free?  

Crimson Dust is that it allows you to create your own army out of whatever models you have at hand, or whatever models catch your fancy, even combining models from a variety of sources or even

These are some of options left to you by Crimson Dust. Crimson Dust is a wargames rule set for tabletop games. These exciting rules cover actions from skirmish level to platoon level.

converting and making your own models. Having your won totally unique army is incredibly satisfying. Creating a background, history and personality of these models is an equally satisfying part

Command your troops onwards as you confront enemy forces, design your armies, and equip them with a myriad of weapons. Crimson Dust is a rule set that allows you to take whatever models you

of the hobby, and one which any gamer should not deny themselves.

have in your collection, in any scale and copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dust

What you will need In addition to your miniature army youʼre

they want to use and can select them up to the maximum points value chosen.

going to need a few extra things: • Dice • Measuring • Tape • Playing surface and terrain

Skirmishes can have as few as a handful of models each side, whilst large games can have hundreds of models each side.

Finally, you will need an opponent and some time. A small scale skirmish will take about two hours, whilst a full scale battle consisting of a few hundred figures could take the best part of a day.

Crimson Dust uses a standard 6 sided dice, numbered 1 to 6 and is referred to in the rules as a D6. It is used to work out how effective your shooting is, how your troops react and all manner of other


things. These can be found in many wargaming shops, toy shops, in old games or on the internet.

Miniatures Youʼre going to need an army of miniatures, you could of course just use paper counters, but whereʼs the fun in

Measuring Tape

that? There are a huge number of manufacturers who make all sorts of different models in a variety of different scales, from the small 15 mm (or even smaller) to large 54 mm. Just as these

A measuring tape is pretty essential, they can be got almost anywhere and the rules are designed to be able to be used in either inches or centimetres.

different miniatures can look vastly different, and one of things Crimson Dusk aims to do is to allow you as the ultimate commander of these troops is to design and create your army as you wish, to

Playing Surface and Terrain You need a surface to play this can be anything from the floor to a kitchen table to a specially built wargaming table. Your games can be played over any table size,

choose its strengths and weaknesses and to use the them to the armies best advantage. Each model will have a points value attached, which you can work out later, this allows armies of the same total

though a table at least 4ʼ by 4ʼ or 120 cm by 120 cm is recommended, and larger games should be played on larger still surfaces. A green (or whatever colour you like) cloth can be spread over the table or

pointʼs value to be roughly equally matched to give opponents a challenging game with approximately equal forces. Each player can then select the models

you can purchase flocked sheets that give the effect of a grassy field. On top of this you can place some scenery; this adds to the gaming experience and makes for


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dust

more tactical challenging and enjoying games. Hills, forests, rivers and buildings

Woods and trees can be bought from Railway modeling shops or made from

give something for your model warriors to fight over and something to use as cover when the shots start flying. For a good tactical game it is recommended that your terrain covers between a quarter and half

wire and flock. Again there are lots of good books and websites around, or just check out the Crimson Dusk website. Scale These rules are designed to be used with a variety of different scales to make the most of your existing model collection. All

the board, with reasonable spaces between terrain pieces.

distances in the rules are referred to as ʻunitsʼ, these units are suggested as being: 15 mm – 1 unit = 15 mm / ½” 20 mm – 1 unit = 20 mm / 1” 25/28 mm – 1 unit = 25 mm / 1” These can be varied as seen fit or to fit other scales. As a rule of thumb use the height of the model as roughly the length of a unit, for example for 54 mm miniatures 1 unit would be 50 cm or 2”.

Part of the enjoyment of the hobby is making your own terrain, hills can be made from polystyrene from DIY shops and buildings can be constructed from foam board, cork flooring tiles or thick card. copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Models characteristics Just as real people have different abilities,

Defence or ʻDfʼ is used when the model is

so our little models do. Each model will have a profile such as the one below; this defines how good the model is at various things.

on the receiving end of an attack and is used to determine how well the model can avoid being hit. The more agile and experienced the model the higher its ʻDfʼ.


Average Human

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





After the modelʼs Df, comes its strength, or ʻSʼ. This is used to find out how strong the model is in combat and how much equipment it can carry.

Points S 3

Av Dc 0


In 3

The next characteristic is it Armour value (Av), the armour value used to determine if the model takes a wound. Below are some typical Armour Values:


The first characteristic is its ʻMovement Valueʼ or ʻMvʼ. This is how fast the model is and is used to determined how far the

Un-armoured – 0 Flak armour or light chitin – 2 Carapace or medium chitin – 3 or 4 Powered armour or heavy chitin – 5 Heavy Powered Armour – 6

model can move. After the movement value comes its Morale. This can range from between 1 and 5. 1 being the worst and 5 the best. Civilians will normally be rated as 1, irregular troops militia or conscripts as 2, regular troops as 3, Veterans as 4 and elite and special forces as 5. The models morale is used to determine how well the

Some modelʼs will go down a lot easier than other models. In game terms this is accounted for by its Damage Capacity or ʻDcʼ.

model responds to psychological pressure.

The final characteristic is its Intelligence or ʻInʼ. This enables a small role playing element to be added to the game, and can be used to work out whether the model

The next two values are Ranged attack ʻRgʼ and Assault attack ʻAsʼ. These two values are used to work out how effective

has observed how door code, whether they can pilot the ship theyʼve just stolen or work out how to use a new piece of equipment. Intelligence works in the same

the model is as hitting a target with ranged weaponry for ʻRgʼ or at close quarters for ʻAsʼ.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

of 6 or higher are considered to be geniuses. There can also be various special rules and abilities. Some models can be noted as ʻPersonalityʼ, these are special models that have a variety of different rules for them. Other examples of special rules can be: Brain-dead, fanatic, Non-com and are listed later. For the purposes of the rules a single personality model also counts as a section. Results, Scores and Fails The rules will often refer to ʻresultsʼ, ʻscoresʼ and ʻfailsʼ with regards to dice rolls. A ʻresultʼ is the number that the dice shows once it has been rolled. A ʻscoredʼ dice is one that passes the relevant test required, the dice that donʼt have ʻfailedʼ. For example when rolling to hit you roll 5 dice and need to get a 5 or higher to hit (often referred to as a 5+) and you roll the

way as other characteristics. Most creatures will have an intelligence of 0, this is raw animal intelligence, not suited to working out complex tasks. Models with In 1, are pretty dumb, though they can function fine and often can perform elaborate tasks, it will just take them much

following ʻresultsʼ: 2,3,4,5,6; the dice that rolled 5 and 6 have ʻscoredʼ and the dice that rolled 2,3 and 4 have ʻfailedʼ.

longer to do it. Models with In 2 or 3 are pretty average, probably finished they basic education but didnʼt get further; and are often deployed as your standard ʻgruntʼ. In 4 are models who have a high

Re-rolls Crimson Dust sometimes requires you to re-roll a dice. This can be a failed dice or a scored dice, either way you may only ever re-roll a dice once in your favour.

degree of aptitude and probably have some sort of professional status, whilst In 5 are clever and given time can succeed at a great deal of tasks. Models that have In

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Skill Test At certain points a model or section can be

considered to be none cumulative, and no dice are saved until the next test.

required to make a skill test. To take a skill test roll as many dice as the modelʼs characteristic that is being tested, for example if taking an Rg skill test roll and the model has Rg 5 as many dice as the

Change ammo - equal to the weapons tech level - In skill open door - one score - In skill start simple vehicle - one score - In skill

model has Rg, in this example then weʼd roll 5 dice. To score if the model is acting normally, i.e. not pinned, suppressed or confused results of 4+ score, if pinned results of 5+,

start complex vehicle - 2 scores - In skill open locked door - 2 scores - either In skill or S skill Carry something greater than the modelʼs S - # of scores equal to the number of

if suppressed or confused results of 6. If the number of scoring dice is equal to the difficulty rating the test succeeds. Some skill tests are cumulative, if the test didnʼt succeed that action, make note of

times greater than the modelʼs S - S skill Defuse a simple bomb - 2 scores - In skill Defuse a complex bomb - 3 scores - In skill Defuse a armageddon device - 5 scores -

how many dice scored, these will be added to any subsequent tests until the test passes. Otherwise the test is

In skill Use computer - 1 score - In skill


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Turn Sequence Crimson Dust is quite unusual with

activating modelʼs as a group, one is on the modelʼs own initiative and the other is

regards to many tabletop wargames in that there is no defined turn system. To start the game each player rolls a D6, the player that rolls the highest may activate

through the direction of leaders. The first, on the modelʼs own initiative is relatively simple. When selecting a model to be activated, if there is another model within 4 units they may be activated

any one model or group of models as described for leaders. Once they actions have been resolved play passes to the next player who may activate one of their models or groups of models, once their

together, however you still get only two action points to use, in other words each model has only one action point. These action points must be used to do the same thing either movement, shooting, combat

actions have been resolved play passes back. The players do not have to activate all of their models both activating a previous model, you can activate the same model as many times as you wish.

or some other such action. Both models must do the same action and if shooting must target the same model or group of models as in the shooting rules. Alternatively some models are noted as

This may seem a little illogical to some people, who may ask how can that model move so far and do so much whilst this model stands and does nothing? The answer is that it helps to represent

being a ʻleaderʼ in their profile under the special category; after ʻleaderʼ will be a number ʻxʼ, to use the leader skill roll a number of dice equal to the modelʼs leader ʻxʼ value, dice score as if for a skill test.

catching models ʻflat footedʼ or ʻoff guardʼ, it also helps represent the ʻfog of warʼ, where things arenʼt always so clear and thing scan get very confusing. Plus it adds a new tactical element - do you push that

The total number of scoring dice is the total number of model that may be activated in addition to the leader model. However there is a price to pay, if you fail all the dice confusion reigns and no one is

model forwards alone in the hope that you can gain an advantage or do you move your models forwards as a group and rely on support?

sure what the leader is commanding them to do and so no models are activated. After the leader is activated you may select which other models are also activated, however the first model selected must be

Leaders and group actions Good leadership and co-ordination makes surviving on the battlefield a much easier, and not least makes winning a much more likely thing. There are two ways of

within 4 units of the leader model, and each model after that within 4 units of the leader or a previously selected model. As with groups that operate on their own

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

initiative the whole group must perform the same action, i.e. they all must shoot,

3 units of themselves. Any section, whether friendly or enemy, that is not gone

move, etc. When shooting again they must all select the same target or group of models as in the shooting rules. However unlike models operating on their own initiative they may each use two action

to ground will also block LoS to all other enemy models that are directly behind them; though if a section that is gone to ground wonʼt block LoS as long as the section behind them is not also gone to



Line of Sight (LoS) At certain times models can only react to what they can see. Each model can see

Models in woodland, scrub or other such terrain are counted as being ʻconcealedʼ. This means that they are more difficult to

any other model or part of the tabletop that isnʼt blocked by intervening terrain, smoke or some other object. When a model can see an object it is referred to as being in ʻLine of sightʼ or LoS. If an enemy model is

target as they are partially hidden from view though not entirely.

hidden from view from your model behind say a building then the enemy model is considered to be out of LoS. Sometimes the easiest way to check this is to actually get down and try to see the tabletop from

place to be, with noise all around, misunderstood orders, and rapidly changing events. Sometimes a model will be noted as being ʻstunnedʼ, and will continue to be stunned until it can pass an

the models own viewpoint, otherwise a long tape measure or ruler can also help. Models are only considered to be able to see to their front half - I doubt you can see anything behind you! This means that any

Mr skill test with a difficulty of 3; this is cumulative. Whilst stunned the model may not advance towards any enemy in sight, nor may it fire (even as a result of passing all the dice for a morale test). If engaged in

model who is to their rear half will be out of LoS. Models in woodland are considered visible to other models outside the wood if their base is within 3 units of the edge of the

assault it will break off at the earliest opportunity. When shot at it halves its Df and when attacked in melee it halves its As.

Stunned A battlefield can be a very disorientating

wood, though a model canʼt see through a piece of woodland even if it is less than 3 units wide. Models in woodland can see other models in woodland if they are within


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Action Points Action points (AP) are used to determine

Mv, however whilst doing so they may not be ʻgone to groundʼ (as described below)

how quickly a model can act. Each model has 2 AP to use each turn; these can be used to move, to shoot, to go to ground or to do a variety of other things. If one model in a section uses an AP for an action then

and anyone targeting a model that ran in its previous activation may re-roll any failed rolls to hit until the running model is next activated, as the model is only interested in moving forwards as fast as

the whole section is also considered to have used an AP, even if it is just a single model that moves or shoots for example.

possible and are not interested in avoiding incoming fire. In addition a running model may only move in a straight, so in order to change direction and new action must be taken. Even if they move more than 15

Movement To move your models roll a number of D6 equal to its Mv for each AP you intend to run. You may wait to see how well you roll on the first AP before you decide whether or not your going to move with the next AP.

units any running models will not count as being concealed.

To score if youʼre moving in open ground any result of 4+ will score. If youʼre moving in difficult ground, such as rough ground, up ladders, etc. any result 5+ will score, whilst if youʼre moving in very difficult

the model it must either go around the obstacle or climb over it. Roll for the amount of movement as normal, note a model can not run and climb in the same action. The result rolled by the Mv is the

ground, such as swamp, thick vegetation, etc. any result of 6 will score. The number of dice that score is the models maximum movement that action. Movement can only ever be in a straight line, any change of

maximum distance that can be moved, when the model reaches the obstacle take a S skill test, this is the maximum distance that can be climbed that action. Note this is not in addition to the distance moved,

direction requires a new action. If youʼre entering terrain that is more difficult to move in than the current terrain, you must stop at the edge of the terrain and use a new AP to enter it.

but is included in the maximum distance moved. When taking its S skill test if the model rolls more 1s than it does 6s the model falls from its current height.

Climbing When faced with an obstacle taller than

Jumping When a model comes to a gap between two objects it is moving on it may jump over the gap instead of going around. In a

Running Models with an AV of 2 or less can ʻrunʼ this means that they move at double their copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

similar way to climbing, roll for the amount of movement as normal, note a model can

Going to ground As mentioned above a section can also

run and jump in the same action. The result rolled by the Mv is the maximum distance that can be moved, when the model reaches the obstacle take a S skill test, this is the maximum distance that can

use 1AP to attempt to ʻgo to groundʼ, if the model is in the open it dives to the ground, uses natural folds in the terrain, curb stones, etc. The section must be at least 12 units from any enemy in LoS and have

be jumped that action. If the model also ran in the same action then you may re-roll any failed dice. Note this jump is not in addition to the distance moved, but is included in the maximum distance moved.

an Av of 8 or less (more heavily armoured models are just too bulky to go ground). The section takes a Df skill test if the section passes the test then it counts has having gone to ground until the controlling

When taking its S skill test if the model rolls more 1s than it does 6s after any possible re-rolls the model stumbles and falls from its current height.

player decides otherwise or they are engaged in melee. If the section fails this test it may use another AP to try again until the section has no remaining AP or decides to do something else instead.

Falling When a model falls, from either climbing, jumping or even being thrown from a roof then there is the very real possibility it will it injure itself and be incapacitated. A

Sections that have gone to ground may only move 1 unit for each AP instead of their normal movement allowance.

falling model will take a hit for each full unit the model fell with a S equal to the modelʼs own Av. Heavy Armour

concealment giving terrain as described above are considered to be ʻhiddenʼ and not ʻgone to groundʼ - they go even deeper into the terrain hiding themselves completely from view. Hidden models may

Wearing heavy suits of armour plating is cumbersome and limits movement. As a result any model with an Av of more than 3 suffers -1 Mv, As, and Df for each point over 3, unless the model has ʻpowered

not be targeted by any enemy models further away than 12 units, however as soon as the hidden models fire they are no longer considered to be hidden but are just concealed.

Models that have gone to ground in



copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Shooting Most models are equipped with some sort of ballistics weapon and may use as many AP as they have each turn to fire these weapons as described below, each AP used for shooting allows the model to shoot once as described below. Models may only attempt to shoot and hit other models that are in line of sight and within the maximum range of their weaponry. Most Pressing Target Models will also more often than not attempt to shoot at the most pressing target, as such each model can only shoot at the nearest enemy model in LoS unless it passes an Mr skill test (this is not a cumulative test). The difficult rating for this test is show below: Distance to the nearest target

Difficulty Rating

0-5 units


5-10 units


10-20 units


20 or more units


Hitting Once the model has elected its target it needs to see if it can hit the target. Measure the range to the target and look at the weaponʼs profile. Each weapon has a profile similar to the one below: Rifle





If it passes the skill test then the model can elect to shoot at any target in LoS. Models equipped with weaponry with an AT value may ignore infantry and elect to shoot the nearest vehicle or model with Av 5 or higher without taking a Mr skill test.















The bottom two lines show the result needed to score, so if the range to the target was 8 units with the weapon above then the result to score would be 5+. Once we know what result we need to score, look at the modelʼs profile and itʼs Rg characteristic. Roll a number of dice equal

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

to the modelʼs Rg, for example if the model has Rg5, then roll 5 D6. Any dice that roll

Concealment Models that are obscured from the view of

the required result score. Meanwhile your opponent can see how well they manage to avoid the shot, by how well the stick to cover, whether their aware of the shoot being directed towards

the shooter, either by going to ground or by being in concealment giving terrain such as woodland, behind a hedgerow, etc. or have moved over 15 units in their previous activation are much harder to hit.

them, etc. This is called an ʻavoidance rollʼ. Your opponent rolls a number of dice equal to the targetʼs Df, so if the target has Df 3, roll 3 D6. Any results of 5+ will cancel out one of the attacking modelʼs scores. Any

These models count as being ʻconcealedʼ. As a result any concealed model may reroll any failed dice when rolling to avoid the shot with the Df, thus it is very difficult to actually hit higher quality troops who

remaining dice are hits.

have gone into cover. If the target is both concealed and attacked from its rear then the effects of each cancel each other out, and so the model gains the effect of no re-rolls.

So to take an example, Benny is shooting at Dillinger. Benny has Rg 6 and is shooting with the weapon above, the range to Dillinger is 13 units, meaning Benny needs a result of 4 to score, he then rolls 6 dice (equal to his Rg) and gets the following results: 2,2,3,4,5,5, meaning he has scored with 3 dice. Meanwhile Dillinger has Df 4 and rolls 4 dice, getting the following results, 2,3,5,6, meaning he scores with 2 dice. These two dice mean that Benny one gets one dice that hits, as Dillingerʼs 2 scoring dice cancel out 2 of Bennyʼs 2 scoring dice. Note, each dice does not represent individual bullets, but rather how well the attacker shoots. The better the attacker the more dice they roll and so the higher the chance of getting a good hit.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Aiming By taking time to be sure that the shot is

second rolls even if they are worse than the first.

on target can increase the chances of hitting significantly. Models with a weapon that doesnʼt have the RoF special rule can spend an extra AP to ʻaimʼ; if the model then shoots with the AP directly afterwards

Large Targets Some models are especially large and as such represent an easier target than a man sized target. When shooting at a

they may re-roll any failed rolls to hit. This can be carried over to the following turn if necessary. A moving platform makes taking careful aim very difficult as such a model on a moving platform can not ʻaimʼ.

target that is significantly larger compare the relative size of the model to the table below. The result is the that may be added to a modelʼs Rg when targeting a large target.

Also note when aiming and shooting at models that ran you donʼt get two re-rolls to hit, but only one, though ignore the effects of any 1s rolled. 1s, 6s and Out of Ammo When a model rolls more 1s, than it does 6s then something has gone wrong! Either the weapon is out of ammo, or it has jammed, or overheated. The shot works as normal, but the model can not use the weapon again before they have taken In skill test with a difficulty equal to the weapons tech rating. Rear Shots Unfortunately its not easy to be aware of what is happening to you all the time, especially if something is out of your sight. If a model shoots at another modelʼs rear, then you may re-roll all of your dice if they are not to your liking, however you must re-roll all the dice and must abide by the

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009



Rg Bonus



Horse, mounted man




Elephant, Truck


Whale, Tank


Crimson Dusk

Wounding Once hits have been determined, we need

In addition if the any of the dice together with the weaponʼs S is double the value of

to know if the hit cause any damage, i.e. whether the hit is a slight hit that does no serious damage or if the hit is deflected by armour or whether it is a killing blow. First the target rolls a D6 and adds their Av

the armour roll then 2 Dc and not 1 Dc is caused. If it is three times, then 3 Dc is caused and so on. So if a character started with Dc 3, after the first wound itʼd have Dc 2, and have 2

value and the effects of any hard cover, the total is called the ʻarmour rollʼ. The attacker then rolls a number of dice equal to any hits their scored and adds the weaponʼs S or if in melee adds their own

Dc left indicating it had received a major wound, and would halve its Mv, Rg, As, and S. It then suffers another wound taking it to Dc 1, which is a critical wound and all characteristics would be halved.

S. If the total of any of these dice is greater than total of the targetʼs armour roll then damage is done, if the total is equal to or below the armour roll then the shot does not do as much damage.

Hard Cover Models that are in hard cover, such as behind a brick wall or such like not only gain a bonus for being concealed but also

Subtract any damaging dice from the targetʼs Dc, if this takes the target done to 0 Dc, then the target is killed or destroyed. If not then the target is only wounded. Use the table below to find the effects of the

gain an Armour (Av) bonus from the wall. Before the game all players should be agreed what terrain gives an Av bonus and how high a bonus it gives. Below is a table of typical values from typical terrain pieces.

wound. Terrain # of Dc left


1 - critical wound

Halve all characteristics, rounding up

2 - major wound

Halve Mv, Rg, As and S, rounding up

3 - minor wound

-1 to Mv, Rg, As and S

4 or more - flesh wound

no in game effect


Av bonus

Brick wall




Earth bank


Concrete wall






Steel Bulkhead


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Morale Tests Coming under fire can be a nerve racking

If all dice score then play now passes from the attacker to the target, and they may be

experience, and it is instinctive to get out of harms way, duck down and not move forwards into the fire. Each model that comes under fire must take a ʻMorale Testʼ. Resolve each morale test after each action

activated as normal.

pointʼs shooting.

will return fire, shooting once at the attacker. If in cover and has a higher As than Rg it may move through cover, and will stop as soon as it will leave cover and still be in LoS of the attacker. If Rg and As

If one dice fails then the model will move with one action towards the nearest cover. If in cover and it has a higher Rg than As it

Any model that must take a morale test should roll a number of dice equal to the difference between the number of dice the shooter hit with plus an additional one. The additional dice means that even if the shooter missed the target will take a morale test on one dice. In addition to these dice roll :

are equal you may choose.

* an extra dice if the model was pinned last turn * an two extra dice if the model was suppressed last turn * an extra dice for each damaging dice

the model can not move towards any visible enemy during its activation and can only target a model that targeted when it shoots. A pinned model will be pinned until the end of the next time it is activated.

If two dice fail then the model is considered ʻPinnedʼ. A pinned model will ʻgo to groundʼ if it is in the open. In addition

For example if a model was hit by 2 dice and wounded by one dice, then roll four dice for the morale test - 2 hits + 1 extra + 1 damaging dice.

If three or more dice fail then the model is considered ʻSuppressedʼ. A suppressed model will ʻgo to groundʼ if it is in the open or if it is in cover it will remain where it is,

When taking a morale test any dice results that roll equal to or under the modelʼs Mr score. So to carry on our example; the model also has Mr 3, so any results of 3 or under will score, we roll 1,3,4,6, meaning

either way the model can not move at all during its next turn and has only one AP during its next activation and when activated it will shoot at nearest target as if they had failed a test to not shoot at the

we have failed with two dice.

most pressing target. A suppressed model will be suppressed until the end of the next time it is activated.

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Crimson Dusk

If the model is in or behind concealment giving terrain then you may re-roll the

number of scoring dice the shooter rolled. However, if the shot fails to

lowest dice, though if the second result is worse you must abide by that result. Weaponry All weapons have different rates of fire, penetration abilities, or other effects. As

hit, then roll 2D6. These dice show both the direction in which the blast scatters and the distance. To work out the direction the lowest result forms the centre and the direction of

such each weapon also has its own profile, for example:

the other dice away from this dice indicates the direction, now move the blast the total result of the two dice in the indicated direction. If you roll a double then the shot is a dud





Special 0-6














or it flies harmless overhead or some sure thing.

In the final box, marked special, can be a variety of other special effects, such as whether the weapon explodes, whether itʼs a pistol or heavy weapon; the effects of these are described below: •

Pistol – can be used in melees as a hand weapon. Thus if a model has both a pistol and a sword it will count as having two hand weapons in a melee. Any hits maybe resolved using the pistolʼs S if desired. Blast (x) – These weapons work slightly differently than other weapons, nominate a target model or point and roll to hit as normal. If the target is hit then measure out a a circle ʻxʼ units in radius centred on the target point. Any models wholly inside this radius are hit; models partially inside must take a Df skill test with a difficulty equal to the


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Flame-thrower (x) – These weapons are used some what differently to other weapons and can be terrifying to face. To fire the weapon nominate a target within LoS, draw a straight line ʻxʼ units long through this point and roll to hit as normal. Only roll to hit once, this is the to hit roll for all modelʼs in range. Any model, friend or foe that is within 1 unit to either side of this line can be hit and should roll to avoid the shot using their Df as normal. If a target scores more dice than the attacker then they get out of the way and donʼt suffer any damage. If the attacker scores more than the target

they are hit and suffer damage as normal. Any model which takes a hit is at least automatically pinned. AT (x) – Anti-tank weaponry. These weapons are specialised in taking out armoured targets and are typically good against heavily armoured targets, when wounding a target with an Av higher than 5 or any vehicles or buildings

(regardless of their Av) use the AT value instead of the normal S value to rolling to damage. For targets with an Av of 4 or less and that arenʼt vehicles use the normal S •

value. Hail – these weapons fire a hail of shot and ignore the effects for the target being concealed.

Pinning ʻxʼ – A model targeted by these weapons must roll ʻxʼ extra dice when they take a morale test. Limited Ammo ʻxʼ - These weaponʼs may only be fired ʻxʼ times before they run out of ammo and may not be used again in the game. Move and fire – these weapons are designed to be shot on the move. A model equipped with one of these weapons can as part of a single action point use it for moving and shooting, but they will always halve

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their Rg when they do this. Any shooting will take place from where

Heavy ʻxʼ – these are often support weapons such as heavy machine

the model finishes its movement for that action point, rather than at the beginning or during its movement. Indirect – A friendly model in LoS of both the weapon and the target can

guns, artillery, etc. These weapons require ʻxʼ number of models to move and fire them, once moved it also will take the full team ʻxʼ Action Points before the weapon is ready

direct the weapon to fire indirectly even if the weapon canʼt see the target. Any targets always count as being concealed. Move or fire - If this weapon is

to fire again. These weapons can be moved by less then the required number, but for each model less than its heavy value add 1 to its heavy value and the weapon takes

mounted on a vehicle the vehicle must be stationary in its current action point to fire this weapon. RoF ʻxʼ (Rate or Fire) - these weapons are capable of laying

2 action points to fire instead of one.

down a heavy volume of fire, either saturating a single area or spread out in order to catch several targets. When shooting these weapons may be shot ʻxʼ times within a single action point, however this comes at a cost, if you choose to shoot ʻxʼ times, you roll ʻxʼ less dice when rolling to hit than you normally would. So for example, an LMG with

RoF 2, may shoot twice during a single action, but if you do so then you roll 2 less dice to hit than you normally would. Mechanical - this can only be applied to weapons with a tech level of 1. The weapon contains no electronic parts making it immune to BEM attacks.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Basic Weapons Pistol




close quarters; this heavy pistol fires a small explosive round.


Pistol, Move and fire




















Often deployed as standard side arms or main arms for assault troops or officers.















The rifle, whether it is semi automatic or Machine Pistol Special



more simple in its loading mechanism it can also fire solid shells or a laser bolt.


Pistol, Move and fire















Assault Rifle Special

Small pistol sized weapons that can shoot short bursts of fire, not enough to lay down a curtain of fire, but enough to make hitting something much easier.

Heavy Pistol







Move and fire















Combining both the range of a rifle with the rate of fire of a SMG assault rifles








Move and fire





























Similar in many to the standard pistol, but

An sub-machine gun that provides a high

using a heavy calibre shell.

rate of fire over short distances.

Bolt Pistol







Pinning 1
































A lighter version of the boltgun, though not really light enough to use effectively at copyright Duncan Thompson 2009



Crimson Dusk

The humble shotgun, a firm favourite for its robustness and abilities as an assault

Sniper Rifle





Pistol, Hail











weapon. Boarding Shotgun
















A single good sniper can dominate a







battlefield as effectively as a squad of other troops

The boarding shotgun is a light version of Flamethrower

a shotgun that can be wielded one handed for use in assaults.





















infantry and professional soldiers. It fires a small explosive shell and makes big holes!


Flamethrower 12















Grenade launcher



Support Weapons 2


as the flamethrower. It could be a standard flamethrower or it could fire a stream of corrosive fluid or some other horrifying thing.

The Boltgun is a favourite with heavy



No weapon causes fear in the same way

Pinning 1




Heavy 1, RoF 2

















Blast 2















The grenade launcher provides a squad with some serious firepower.

The Light Machine Gun or Squad Support

Plasma Gun

Weapon provides a squad with a high rate of fire at a manageable size.






Heavy 1, pinning 1














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Crimson Dusk

Hurling a small ball of superheated hydrogen the plasma gun is a hard hitting

HMG Special


Heavy Boltgun Special














































Heavy 1, Flamethrower 16


















Heavy 2, AT 5















Using advanced explosive technology, the missile launcher is still a weapon capable of cracking most personal armour.


Heavy 2, RoF 2















This heavy cannon fires a large calibre round at a high rate of fire.

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delivers a molten highly corrosive chemical that melts and fuses all it comes in contact with.



Missile Launcher

The blaster is a short ranged weapon that



A larger heavier version of the flamethrower.






Auto Cannon

Heavy 2, RoF 3

Heavy Flamethrower

gun, it fires a larger calibre shell at a higher rate of fire.



and will dominate any battlefield when placed in defence.

A much larger version of the standard bolt



The heavy machine gun is truly a monster,

Heavy 2, pinning 1, RoF 2




Crimson Dusk

Melee It can happen that the best when to win a

your attack, if not then nothing happens note this can not cause a fumble. If both

combat is through an up close and personal close combat or melee. When a model moves into base to base contact with an enemy model all models in base to base contact are considered to be in

models fumble in a melee then both are equally inept and no one gains a benefit.

melee. When either model is activated and during the activation in which contact is made, both models will fight in melee. Both models should roll a number of dice equal to their As. Any results score as if it was a skill test, i.e. normal they will score on a 4+, but if the model is pinned or suppressed then it could be different. The model that rolls the highest number of scoring dice will hit with a number of dice equal to the difference between the number of scoring dice. The basic to hit roll is assuming that each model has a knife or some sort of

Defended obstacles

improvised weapon. Some weapons increase the chances of hitting, others increase the damage caused and so both.

Models that are behind an obstacle, such as a wall or fence or just inside a wooded area when contact is made have a distinct advantage against the models moving into contact, as they have the obstacle to help

1s, 6s and Fumbles If when rolling to hit you roll more 1s than you roll 6s, then your model fumbles its attack, maybe the sword gets stuck in the scabbard or the model trips over its own feet, whatever you imagination can run to,

defend them and make them harder to hit. Models that are behind an obstacle when contact is made may force the attacker to re-roll all scoring dice. This happens until the model behind the obstacle loses a

something has gone wrong, and this is called a fumble. If your opponent fumbles you may immediately roll to extra dice if these score as normal count them towards

combat and the enemy model is considered to have made it over the obstacle or they move from the position


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Crimson Dusk

after a consolidation or pursue move (see more later).

* Flail - +1S canʼt parry its attacks. * Double handed weapon - as any of the

Rear Attacks If a model enters combat from another modelʼs rear, then in the first round of melee you may re-roll any failed dice,

above weapons with an additional +2 S * Chain weapon - as any of the above weapons with an additional +1 S * Power Weapon - as any of the above weapons with an additional +2 S

however you must abide by the second rolls even if they are worse than the first. Multiple Melees It can sometimes happen that several models join a single melee. If one side out numbers the other by a ratio of 2:1 then the outnumbering side may add an extra dice to their As, if they outnumber by 3:1 then two extra dice and so on. Melee Weapons Below is a list of different melee weapons that are available together with their effects. Many weapons add a bonus to the models As and are noted as +ʼxʼ As, this means simply add ʻxʼ to the modelʼs As when wielding these weapons. Other weapons add a bonus to the modelʼs strength and area noted as being + ʻxʼ S,

When a weapon is double handed, chain or powered it must be specified which

simply add ʻxʼ to the modelʼs S when rolling to damage. * Knife or improvised weapon - no additional rules

basic type of weapon it is, so it may be a double handed Axe, or a Chain-sword. You can also use a bit of imagination to get the desired weapon such as a chainsaw might be a chain improvised weapon, whilst a

* Sword - +2 As, Parry * Axe - +1 As, +1 S * Club or baton - +1 S * Spear or bayonet - +1 As, Reach

power fist might be a powered improvised weapon. Spears may not be two handed and weapons may not be both chain and power.

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Crimson Dusk

Parry Some weapons also enable the model to

Wounding Roll to wound in exactly the same way as

parry a blow. To parry, once all dice have been rolled the model with a weapon that can parry can force their opponent to reroll the two highest scoring dice; this can cause a fumble.

for ranged attacks. Winning a Melee Melee can be an event that makes or breaks a battle, with the victors streaming

Reach Some weapons or extra skills have the special rule ʻreachʼ. These weapons and skills allow the user to attack at a greater

after the losers or consolidating on an important position. Once wounds and damage have been worked out we need to see who wins the melee. If all the enemy models in the

range than most other weaponry. When fighting in a melee if neither side hits the opponent, i.e. each side rolls the same number of scoring dice, then the model with ʻreachʼ counts as having rolled one

melee are dead or destroyed then the remaining model(s) may consolidate being moving up to 1 action points worth of movement in any direction. If there are still models remaining in the melee then the

scoring dice.

side which scored the most hits counts as winning. The losing side must move 1 unit backwards away from the winners whilst the winner advances.

Two or More Weapons If a model is equipped with two or more hand weapons and can use them all, then roll a number of dice equal to half the modelʼs As (rounding up) in addition to its normal dice. Unless the model also has the ʻCombat Masterʼ skill this will make it harder to hit, dice results one worse than

Leaving Melee Sometimes it can be more advantageous to run than to stay and fight. When you activate a model you may announce that you will leave the melee. instead of rolling

normal will be scoring dice, down to a minimum of 6. So if you would normally score on a result of 4+, then when using two weapons you would score on a 5+, or if you would normally score on a result of

a number of dice equal to your As, roll a number of dice equal to your Df add any As bonus from weaponry to this. If you succeed your model becomes activated and you must move immediately away

5+, you would score on a 6. Note using a shield in combat in addition to another weapon does not count as using two weapons.

from your opponent before using any other actions.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Extra Equipment and Abilities Extra equipment and Abilities is a list of

Bionic Eye - gains ʻphoto-chromatic visorʼ and has a built in range finder giving +1 Rg

items and skills available to your troops. Extra Equipment

at distances of over 18 units Bionic Internal Organs - immune to gases and gains +1 Dc.

Auto-reloader - tech 2

Bionics can only be used by models with

Some weapons are fitted with box magazines or some other device that allows for rapid reloading of the weapon. This must be attached to a specified weapon as noted on the modelʼs profile

ʻneural networkingʼ.

and allows the weapon to ignore the first out of ammo roll. Bionics/Cyborg - tech 4 It is quite common that troops that have

chameleonʼs skin. If the model was stationary in its last activation, then when it is shot at and it rolls its avoidance roll the model will score on results of 4+ in the open.

been severely injured get damaged body parts replaced by bionic limbs. Some go even further and choose to augment all their troops with bionics, so much so that they become more machine than human.

Camouflage 2 - tech 4 Similar to Camouflage 1, but even more advanced, this camouflage disperses the wearers outline and makes them

A model with bionics or that is cyborg can bear heavy objects more easily than would normally be possible, and as a consequence the model reduces any equipmentʼs heavy rating by 1. There are

exceptionally hard to spot. If the model was stationary in its last activation, then when it is shot at and it rolls its avoidance roll the model will score on results of 3+ in the open.

Camouflage 1 - tech 3 These models are in ʻgilly-suitsʼ or some hi-tech equipment that mimics a

various different effects depending on the bionic part:

Camouflage 2 can only be used by models with ʻneural networkingʼ.

Bionic Arm(s) - gives +1 S. Bionic Leg - the model can make an

Combat Shield - tech 1 (mechanical)

unarmed attack at +2S Bionic Legs - gains ʻleapʼ and may ʻkickʼ in melee - make an unarmed attack at +2S

This is a larger and heavier version of the riot shield, often made of steel or another similar material. The model can only use pistols, grenades and melee weapons

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Crimson Dusk

when equipped with a riot shield, however when in a melee the model can parry and

the purposes of rear shots or melee attacks.

adds 2 to its Av in melee.

Enhanced senses can only be used by models with ʻneural networkingʼ.

Communicators - tech 2 These can range from anything from a simple radio to a live video feed. When

Gas Masks - tech 2 Models equipped with gas masks can

using the leader skill then if both the leader and another model have a communicator, then the other does not have to be within 2 units or within LoS, however all other rules apply, for example using the same action,

ignore the effects of Gas grenades.

selecting the same target, etc.

ignore movement penalties for this terrain, though if the model starts or stops in difficult terrain it must take a Df skill test with a difficulty equal to half the distance moved (rounding down) to avoid colliding

Jump Packs - tech 4 The model counts as having Mv 12. It can also leap over intervening terrain and so

Deflector field generator - tech 4 This device creates a bubble of force around the model, absorbing the energy of incoming objects. Any model wholly within 5 units of a model with a refractor field reduces the S value of any hits they receive by 1, down to a minimum of 1.

with a tree branch or something similar. The model will suffer damage with a S2 for each each failed dice roll. Mechanical

Distortion field generator - tech 4 This device casts a field around the model, creating a hazy effect making it difficult for the enemy to get a good shot. Any model wholly within 5 units of a model with a

This is not so much an extra piece of equipment but rather an attribute that can be applied to pieces of equipment. Any equipment with a tech level of 1 may gain the attribute ʻmechanicalʼ, this indicates

distortion field counts as being concealed even in the open.

that it contains no electronic parts making it immune to BEM attacks.

Enhanced Senses - tech 3 This model has scanners and other

Medi-pack - tech 2 The model is equipped with sophisticated

equipment able to make them aware of what is happening around them. These modelʼs donʼt count as having a rear for

medical gear that can heal a grievous wound on a comrade. A model with a medi-pack can move into base to base contact with a wounded model and by


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Crimson Dusk

using an action can heal the model and raise the modelʼs Dc by one. This can not

The level of protection offered is immense in comparison to normal body armour, but

take the modelʼs Dc over its starting limit. A model may also use a medi-pack on itself but will use two actions to do so. Neural Networking - tech 3

that is not only where the benefits end. Powered armour also allows the wearer to bear heavy objects than would normally be possible, and as a consequence a model wearing powered armour reduces any

With the ability to weld neural pathways and electronics together, or being ʻwiredʼ it has meant that those willing to undergo the surgery gain significant enhancements to the psyche as well as direct access to a

equipmentʼs heavy rating by 1 and increases the models S value in melee by 1. It also allows to ignore the effects of wearing heavy armour. As powered armour is connected directly

whole host of information on the Supranet. For soldiers it means that they can ʻseeʼ with their weapons and access important information from their superiors and comrades.

to the nervous system in order for the motors to co-operate with the wear rather than resist the wearer, only models with neural networking may use powered armour.

All models with neural networking count as having communicators. In addition they gain the following bonuses to their profile: +1 to Df and In.

Refractor Field generator - tech 4 Carried in a small device, these fields provide additional protection by refracting the energy of incoming projectiles. Against

Photo-chromatic visor or goggles - tech 3 Certain forms of eye protection have a quick reaction to blinding lights, darkening instantly before any blinding flashes can affect the wearer. Any model equipped with

ranged weaponry the wearer may re-roll the armour roll dice once. However bulky equipment interferes with the field and so may not be used by models with Av 3 or higher or are monstrous creatures.

these are immune to Flash-bang grenades.

Riot Shield - tech 1 This is a light weight shield useful in close quarter actions. The model can only use pistols, grenades and melee weapons

Powered Armour - tech 3 This is a form of heavy armour that under normal circumstances would be much too heavy to bear and use in combat, however the armour is fitted with power systems that assist the wearer in their movements.

when equipped with a riot shield, however when in a melee the model can parry and adds 1 to its Av in melee. A riot shield is

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Crimson Dusk

automatically considered to be ʻmechanicalʼ.

forms of scope, most often only one is fitted, though on rare pieces of equipment they can be combined. -Telescopic Scope - When the model ʻaimsʼ at ranges of over 18 units it may add 1 to the result needed to score. For example if it normally needs a 4+ to score, with a Telescopic scope it will score on a 3+. -Infrared Scope - When shooting at a concealed target the target doesnʼt gain the benefit of being concealed. -Red Dot laser - at ranges of 12 units or less he model may re-roll fail results to hit as if it had aimed. -Cyber-linked targeter - This targeters when fitted to a weapon allow the user to see if as it was the gun. When using a cyberlinked targeter a model with neural networking may add 1 to its Rg.

Scopes - tech 2 There are many forms of scopes that help

Self Destruct - tech 2 Sometimes its not a good idea to let your

a marksman target their mark better, from inferred scopes, laser scopes and even more advanced equipment. This must be attached to a specified weapon as noted on the modelʼs profile, they may not be

technology fall into the enemies hands, other times its a good idea to destroy all evidence that you were there and sometimes you just want vindication, in any of these cases you want a Self

used on weapons with the following rules: RoF, Blast, Flamethrower and may not be used in the same action as using the Move and Fire rule. There are several different

Destruct mechanism. When this model is reduced to 0 Dc then the mechanism will trigger - centre a grenade blast over the model and roll to damage as normal. You


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may also choose to manually activate the mechanism using one AP, the model is

Video Feed - tech 3 One of the advantages of neural

automatically killed regardless of the number of Dc left and the grenade goes off as normal. Suspensor - tech 3

networking is the ability to access and process information rapidly. A video feed relays an audio-visual file directly into the thought processes of another. This allows troops with neural networking and video

A weapon may be fitted with a suspensor; these are small anti-grav devices that make the load lighter to bare. Any weapon fitted with a suspensor raises its heavy value by one to a minimum of 1. A weapon

feeds to act in total co-ordination even id they are out of sight of each other. When two models with video feeds are activated together on a modelʼs own initiative they do not have to be within 3 units of each

can only be fitted with one suspensor.

other, but can be anywhere on the board, however all other regarding models acting on their own initiative apply.

Thermal Detonator - tech 3 These are small thermonuclear demolition devices often used by assault engineers to

Extra Abilities

blow bridges and other field structures, though they are equally useful to blow enemy armour if you can catch it. Models equipped with this may use them against objects and vehicles; they then count as

Acrobatic This model automatically has the ʻleapʼ and ʻcatfallʼ skills. In addition in melee it may choose to leap over an opponent. Roll as if you were wishing to leave a melee, if

having S6 whilst hitting the object or vehicle.

you succeed then you may move your model behind the opponent and will count as attacking from its rear in the next round of melee.

Stabilising Tripod - tech 1 A stabilising tripod fitted to a rapid firing weapon makes the task of hitting the target much easier. A weapon with the RoF special rule halves the negatives effects of RoF (rounding down) when fitted with a tripod. For example an LMG with RoF 2,

Amphibious These models have long been used to a semi-aquatic existence and can move through water features just as easily as over land features.

would only roll one less dice than normal when fitted with a Stabilising Tripod.

Battle-hardened These troops may re-roll the single worst dice when taking a morale test. The

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Crimson Dusk

second score stands even if it was worse than the first.

test if required to do so. However if it is activated outside of this range it counts as having Mr 1 and may only use 1 AP each activation until it is in range again. Any node or slave model taking an morale test uses its own Mr characteristic.

Body Slam If this model makes an unarmed attack in the first round of a melee then any hits are at resolved at +2 S. Brain-dead The galaxy is full of many strange things, some say the dead walk again, others that machines as intelligent as us and cold as ice stalk the shadows and others tell of strange cults where the members are drugged and oblivious of their own safety. These models have long since stopped to think about theyʼre own safety and as such never have to take a morale test, this also means they never gain the benefit of having passed all the dice. Catfall This model has an extraordinary ability to land on its feet rolling with a fall. When this model falls it can re-roll any wounding hits.

Combat Master This model is trained in the arts of close

Collective Conscious These models have a great collective

quarters combat. It may use two weapons in melee without penalty.

conscious which is mediated to all the models with a collective conscious through the use of ʻnodesʼ. There are two types of models with collective conscious - ʻNodeʼ models who are principally the leaders in

Critical Shot The model is an expert marksman, able to put the shot where it will do the most damage. When rolling to hit with a basic ranged weapon then on a natural roll of 6 the model doubles its weaponʼs S value

the collective conscious, and ʻslaveʼ models that are dependent on the nodes. Any slave model within 10 units of a node model may choose not to take a Morale


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

(though not AT value) when rolling to damage with that dice.

ʻfanaticʼ play will not pass to them as a result. Not a model may not be both battlehardened and fanatic.

Critical Strike The model is an expert close quarterʼs fighter, able to put the blow where it will do the most damage. In melee when rolling to

Fearless ʻxʼ This model is utterly fearless, having seen things that would make others go quiver in

hit then on a natural roll of 6 the model doubles its weaponʼs S value when rolling to damage with that dice. Disarm

fear. When they are suppressed they count as being pinned. Though they are not fearsome themselves they will reduce the effect of any creatures with ʻfearsomeʼ by ʻxʼ.

This model is a fencing expert able to disarm their opponent with a simple twist of the blade. If your opponent fumbles, i.e. rolls more 1s than 6s, instead of causing a fumble you may choose to disarm your

Fearsome ʻxʼ This model is a fearsome model that causes fear in its enemies. Models engaged in melee with this model must

opponent. If you disarm your opponent then you may knock one weapon out of your opponents hands. For the rest of the melee then your opponent may not use this weapon, though after the melee they

pass a morale skill test with a difficulty of ʻxʼ each turn or halve its As. When two or more fearsome models are fighting each other, then the model with the lowest fearsome will fear the other model equal to

are assumed to recover it.

the difference between the two.

Dispersed Formation These troops are trained as light infantry and thus use a more spread out formation

Gun Fighter The model can shoot 2 pistols at the same time, roll to hit separately with both pistols;

than regular troops. They may be activated together when up to 6 units away from each other. Note both models must have this in order for the link to work.

the target rolls their dice to avoid the shot once and subtracts any scoring dice from each of the Gun Fighters attacks. However, this comes at a price when shooting with two pistols they also count

Fanatic These frothing lunatics can re-roll all he dice for their morale tests, however even if they pass all their dice as a result of

as targeting concealed targets. May not be combined with any ʻscopesʼ.

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Crimson Dusk

Gunsmith ʻxʼ This model is trained in the arts of

the fall and in the next combat the model count as attacking from the rear.

maintaining weaponry to a high quality. When a gunsmith is part of your force you may ignore the first ʻxʼ number of times you run out of ammo. If you also have weapons with an auto-reloader, then both

Impetus An impetus model is hungry for combat, preferably as bloody and as up close and personal as possible. When taking a

the auto-reloader and gunsmith will have effect and both will be used on a single out of ammo - this is the price of being over insured!

Morale Test and it fails one dice roll, it wonʼt head for cover instead it will head towards the nearest visible enemy model. Knife Fighter

Heroic This can only be applied to personality models. They are the stuff of legend and can re-roll a single dice each turn, but the second result is binding even if it was

This model is trained in the arts of wielding knives, either throwing them or in melee. In melee this model may use two knives without penalty and gains the ʻreachʼ ability when fighting with knives. It may also

worse than the first result.

throw them up to three times its S, and when rolling to hit results of 4+ will score and any damage will be equal to the models own S.

Hurl opponent This model is immensely strong and trained in wrestling or other martial arts, it is able to grapple with its opponent and hurl them over. In a melee a model with this skill can choose to make an unarmed attack, if the model is successful then it grapples with its opponent, then take a S

Leap This mode is incredible good at jumping over obstacles. When this model takes a S skill test to jump it may re-roll any failed dice.

skill test with a difficulty equal to the opponents Dc, if you are successful then you may move the opponent and number of units equal to the score by which you succeeded the test. This may be used to throw a model off a building causing damage from falling. If you do not succeed then you have wrestled your opponent to


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Crimson Dusk

This ability may not be given to a model with the psyker ability. The model counts as having the psychic ʻNullʼ power and when taking that test will count as having a psychic level of 5. In additional any psychic within 6 units of this model, friend or foe, will collapse and be confused if they roll a 1 or 2 on their psychic test, rather than a 1 as normal. Regeneration Some creatures and mutants are able to regenerate any damage they received, their flesh spitting out bullets and closing open wounds. If a model has the regeneration skill then when it has taken damage and is next activated it may use an action point to regenerate. Take a Dc skill test with a difficulty equal to the number of Dc the model currently has remaining. If the test succeeds add 1 to the modelʼs current Dc. The severity of

Martial Arts This model is trained in the arts of unarmed combat, able to strike lethal blows with just its bare hands or use their opponents attacks and weight against them. When making an unarmed attack in melee, this model counts as attacking with

wound is also healed, however if the model rolls more 1s than 6s, the severity of the wound remains, so if it is critically wounded it remains critically wounded. If the model subsequently regenerated

two weapons without penalty. Parry This model can parry blows even with weapons that arenʼt designed to parry. Any

without rolling more 1s than 6s then the severity of the wound is raised by 1.

melee weapon carried by the model gains the ʻparryʼ rule.

Savage assault This model is a psychopathic killer,

Psychic Null This model is a psychic null and is able to

exalting in close bloody combat. In a turn in which the model moves into contact with an enemy model it may add 3 to its As.

drain the power out of nearby psykers. copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Hacker equipment Generally this equipment is only able to be

Aggressive Firewall Rather than equipment that is available to

used by Hackers, but some pieces of equipment, particularly defensive items, are available to all models.

hackers, this piece of equipment is available to anyone who might need it. An aggressive firewall works on the principle that offence is the best form of defence. When a hacker tries to attack a model with

Relay Relays act as a channel for hackers, they often come in the form of small cylinders that can be deployed through a variety of different means. A model with a relay can use 1 AP to deploy and set up the relay,

an aggressive firewall and rolls more 1s than 6s the hacker will receive a number of S3 hits equal to the number of 1s rolled.

place a small marker to indicate its location. A friendly hacker can then make a direct attack at models within 10 units of the relay. Each time the relay is used roll a D6, on the roll of a 1, the relay has shorted

The hacker may make direct attacks up to 15 units away this does not count for relays.

and can not be used again.

Another piece of equipment available to bolster defences and available to any who might need it, not just hackers. The model may add ʻxʼ to the tech level of any equipment when a hacker tries to disable it

Signal Booster

BEM Defences ʻxʼ

Relay Grenade This is a lighter version of the relay that is able to be deployed by a grenade launcher. Using an extra AP the firer can load a relay in the launcher, roll to hit as normal, if the shot missed roll for scatter as with blast weapons. All other rules for relays apply, however, the relay will short

or to the difficulty of a neural attack when attacked.

on a roll of 1,2 or 3 instead of just 1 as normal. Trojan Virus This aggressive virus takes a long time to repair and reboot. If the hacker successfully disables some equipment then it takes 2 AP to reboot the equipment.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Extra Ammunition Some weapons can be given extra types

Incendiary grenade or Molotov cocktail These can only be thrown grenades.

of ammunition.

These grenades have Blast (2) and S 3. Once the hit point is established leave the template in place until the beginning of your next turn. Models cannot voluntarily move through the template.

Tracers These bullets may be used in LMGs, MMGs or HMGs and allow the shooter to ignore the to hit re-roll for concealment as a result of shooting at a moving target.

Flash-bang – used instead of normal grenade ammo, and has the range of the firing weapon.. These grenades have Blast (2) and no S value. Any model hit counts

Different types of grenade Smoke Grenades These are used instead of normal grenade ammo, and has the range of the firing weapon. Smoke grenades have Blast (2) and no S value. Once the hit point is established leave the template in place

as being stunned during its next turn.

until the beginning of your next turn. The template can not be shot through or out of.

seeking munitions. This special ammunition searches for and strikes towards heat sources, this has the affect that when a weapon fitted with these munitions shoots a vehicle it ignores the

Heat Seeking Munitions RPGs, Missile Launchers and Panzerfausts, may be equipped with heat

Gas Grenades These are used instead of normal grenade ammo, and has the range of the firing weapon. Gas grenades have Blast (2) and no S value. Any models caught under the template will only have one AP next turn as they cough and choke on the gas.

effects of shooting at a fast moving target and for firing from a moving platform. Napalm This type of fuel is used instead of standard fuel in flame-throwers, any model hit in addition to being at least pinned by the shot will also be considered ʻstunnedʼ.

Tanglefoot Grenades These are used instead of normal grenade ammo, and has the range of the firing weapon. Tanglefoot grenades have Blast (3) and no S value. Any models caught under the count as being in difficult terrain for the whole of their next turn.

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Bio-Electromagnetic (BEM) Warfare Technology holds the key to the solution

use of vat grown neural pathways as electronic circuits means that BEM warfare

for many problems, however for those that know how it also holds the key to death and destruction. The use of bio-electrical circuits and the inclusion of complex electronics in most pieces of equipment

can also have deadly consequences for those that engage in it. Those soldiers trained in the arts of BEM warfare can cripple whole squads of troops or turn a battle tank on its allies with a single

and the bio-electronic enhancement of many troops and civilians has lead to a whole new field of warfare - BioElectromagnetic (BEM) warfare. It is no longer uncommon to have electronics and

thought. These soldiers called ʻHackersʼ by humans are highly prised troops and some of the most highly trained.

neural networks ʻwiredʼ together, and the


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

BEM Attacks Any model with the ʻHacker xʼ ability can

electronics of the model itself, called a ʻNeural Attackʼ. To make an attack the

engage in BEM warfare. All Hackers have a hacker level, this is a bonus of ʻxʼ applied to the models In when making a BEM attack. The higher the bonus the more accomplished the hacker is and also the

hacker has to nominate a target and how it is attacking as explained above and whether it is a direct or an indirect attack.

safer the model is against attacks and BEM defences. In addition a Hacker must be ʻneural networkedʼ. There are two main types of attack - direct and indirect attacks. Indirect attacks are somewhat unlimited by range, though are much more difficult to accomplish as the hacker has to go through the Supranet and and any security systems in place and then down to the local systems to fulfill the attack. Whilst direct attacks are able to directly hack into the targets systems, but are limited by the range of the transmitters, however this means there are fewer security systems to breach. Indirect

Electronics Attacks Electronics attacks target the weaponry

attacks are harder to accomplish than direct attacks and the requirements for regarding range and Los are shown below:

and equipment carried by the target, and aims to introduces viruses and other programs that disrupt the equipmentʼs own programming and either temporarily and permanently renders it useless.

Indirect - LoS required, no maximum range Direct - LoS not required, 10 unit maximum range

All weaponry and equipment has a tech level, level 1 and 2 are considered basic equipment with little or no electronics are as such are immune to Electronic attacks. Equipment with a tech rating of 3 or higher

There are a number of different ways to attack, first you can target the weaponry and equipment carried by the model, called an ʻElectronics Attackʼ alternatively you can target the neural pathways and

have sophisticated electronics that are susceptible to attack.

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Using a single AP to make the attack the Hacker takes an In skill test with any

then rolling to possess it, as the hacker is automatically cut out of the system.

bonuses supplied by its hacker skill and extra equipment with a difficulty of 6 for indirect attacks or difficulty 4 for direct attacks. If the attack succeeds then any equipment or weaponry with a tech level

Neural Attack Instead of attacking the equipment and weaponry of an enemy, the hacker can attack the neural networks of a model. The

equal or under the number of scoring dice rolled is disabled and rendered useless, as such it may not be used in the game until it is rebooted. To reboot equipment and weaponry the model that has been

target has to be equipped with a neural network in order for the model to be attack. Using a single AP to make the attack the Hacker takes an In skill test with any bonuses supplied by its hacker skill and

attacked must use an AP to reboot the equipment afterwards al disabled equipment may be used again, whilst rebooting the model can do nothing else.

extra equipment with a difficulty of 7 for indirect attacks or difficulty 5 for direct attacks. If the attack succeeds then the model is counted as being ʻstunnedʼ

Certain pieces of equipment are able to be possessed by the hacker, meaning that if the hacker is lucky they can then possess and control the equipment as described under the item description. The hacker

Counter Hacking A Hacker is also able to counter hack an opposing hacker, re-routing hacking attempts and or forcing the other hacker to go on the defensive. If an enemy Hacker

may select a piece of equipment to possess, if the first attack succeeds then by using a second AP (if the model has one left) take a second In skill test adding any bonuses from the hacker skill or other

attempts to hack a model and the hacker is within 10 units or the target is within 10 units of your hacker, you may attempt a counter hack. Note this happens during your opponents activation. Both Hackers

equipment. If the hacker scores more dice than the equipmentʼs tech level then the hacker gains control as described under the items description. Note the hacker only gains control for its current activation, if

take an In skill test with any bonuses supplied by its hacker skill and extra equipment, the player to get the highest number of scoring dice wins. If the enemy Hacker wins or if itʼs a draw the opponent

activated again later, then the hacker must attempt to gain control again from the beginning, first hacking the equipment

carries out their attack as normal, if your Hacker wins then the attack is stopped and the opposing Hackerʼs activation ends immediately.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Psykers Under the Cold War both sides begin to

number of scoring dice is equal to or more than the difficulty rating of the power it is

research into the abilities of the human mind, to try to find the 6th sense; this was the first scientific recognition that people arenʼt always as they seem. In earlier times these people were referred to

used successfully; this is referred to as a ʻpsychic testʼ. If it is less the psyker has failed to produce the power and the action is wasted. Psykers can not normally use their powers

witches, shaman or by a multitude of other such names. Now they are most often referred to as ʻpsykersʼ, and are most often seen as being a part of the natural evolution of humanity; though there are

in a melee unless stated.

still many that see them as being witches and unnatural. There are many different types of psyker, these different types are referred to as their ʻnatureʼ and can range from the ability to altered bodily matter, to

collapsed of exhaustion and counts as being stunned until the end of its next activation, the power can still work even if the psyker collapses from exhaustion if the psyker manages to pass the psychic test.

1s, 6s and Exhaustion When the psyker rolls more 1s than 6s when taking a psychic test, the psyker has

ignite something at will, or from the ability to play with time to reach into peopleʼs minds.

Concentration Psykers can spend an extra AP in addition to the required AP needed to use the power in order to concentrate. By

Each psyker has a psychic level and each will have a specific nature; this is typically referred to in the models profile as something like Biomancy (2), this would mean the psyker nature is Biomancy and has a psychic level of 2. Within the natures

concentrating the psyker can then re-roll any failed dice when they take a psychic test.

are a series of different powers or a range of different effects and difficulties. Psykers will have access to all the powers in their given nature. Each ʻpowerʼ has a difficulty rating e.g. fireball 1, and an AP value. The

Every psyker has access to these powers regardless of their nature.

AP value is how many Action Points it takes to use the power. To use a power roll take a In skill test - for this test psyker models may add their psychic level; if the

and counter their energies. If an enemy psyker uses a power within 6 units or the power has an effect within 6 units of the psyker, they may attempt to null it. Note

Common powers

Null - difficulty – (-), AP – 0 The psyker is able to battle another psyker

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

this happens in your opponents activation. Both psyker models take a psychic skill


test, the player to get the highest number of scoring dice wins. If the enemy psyker wins or if itʼs a draw the power goes ahead as normal, if your psyker wins the power is nulled and has no effect.

Is the ability to alter anything that has a biological nature. It is able to reach in and change things at a cellular level. Many biomancers find work as ʻhealersʼ were often their ability is hidden behind rituals and superstition.

Thunder-hand – difficulty – (3), AP – 1 The psyker weaves a glove of mental force around their arm lending extra power to their attacks. If the psyker starts their turn

Heal wound – difficulty – (6), AP – 1 The psyker reaches out to cure a grievous wound on a comrade, focusing their

in a melee they can use this power before any hits are made, the psyker counts as having 2 weapons with S4 in melee.

mental energies they steadily manage to re-knit the wound back together and the comrade returns to action. If successfully used the power allows the psyker or one model within 6 units that has been

Mental Bolt – difficulty – (3), AP – 1 The psyker sends a bolt of mental energy at one enemy within LoS, it counts as a weapon that automatically hits with a single dice at S3 and a range of 18.

wounded to gain 1 dc. Life Shield – difficulty – (5), AP – 1 The psyker toughens his body, making him more resistant to hurt. If successfully used the psyker or any model within 6 units adds 1 to itʼs AV value until the psyker uses another power or dies. Life Force – difficulty – (7), AP – 2 The psyker strengthens her body, making her more resistant to pain. If successfully used the psyker or any model within 6 units gains a bonus Dc until the psyker uses another power or dies. Choke – difficulty – (6), AP – 1 The psyker reaches out their making a clutching motion; the enemy feels their


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

neck tightening as the struggle for air. If successfully used choose any model

flame-throwers or napalm grenades, used against them down to a minimum of 1.

within 8 units, if used the model loses a number of damage equal to the amount by which the psyker passed its psychic test.

Fireball - difficulty – (3), AP – 1 Conjuring a ball of fire the psyker throws it at his enemies. Range 18 S4 Blast (1), roll to hit as normal. Fire Blast - difficulty – (4), AP – 1 Conjuring a fountain of flames the psyker shoots it at her enemies. The psyker unleashes a blast of fire; it has a range of 18 and a S 1 plus the value equal to the difference by which the psyker passed the test and has Blast (2). Roll to hit as normal. Firewall - difficulty – (5), AP – 2 The psyker causes a thick wall of fire and smoke to erupt in front of her blocking the enemy from sight. Place a marker 8 units long within 12 units of the psyker. No model may move or shoot through this until the start of the psykerʼs next turn.

Pyromancy Pyromantic psykers are perhaps the most

Fiery Fists - difficulty – (4), AP – 1 Forming balls of fire about his hands and

destructive psykers around as they are able to produce fire at will. Pyromantic psykers are often the most distinctive and easily recognisable psykers - they have a tendency of showing off and having string

lays about him self in a fury of fire. If the psyker starts their turn in a melee they can use this power before any hits are made, the psyker counts as having 2 weapons with S5 in melee.

tempers, and often red or ginger hair. Pyromancy psykers also have an innate resistance to fire, as such they halve the S value of any fire based weapons, such as copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Kronomantic Kronomats or kronomantic psykers have

moves slowly through time, for this activation or if unactivated its next

the ability to play with time in a localised sphere, either slowing it down or speeding it up. They used to often be found in amusement arcades where their powers allowed them to win big. All kronomantic

activation it gains an extra AP.

powers are AP 0 this means you can simply say when you are using the power whilst the model is activated and donʼt need to spend an AP to do so.

have often been found in circuses and shows were their perform enabled them to hide their power in full view.

Telekinetic Telekinetic psykers have the ability to move things by will power alone. They

Sphere of safety – difficulty – (4), AP - 1 Time pause – difficulty – (3), AP - 0 The psyker pauses time long enough to gain a second to get the shot dead on target. It may be used on the psyker or another model within 6 units. If the model

Creating a bubble of force around her self to protect her, the bubble forces anyone close by to be pushed backwards away from her. The psyker causes a bubble 3 units centred on themselves; any models

shoots with their next AP they count as having ʻaimedʼ. If the psyker starts their turn in a melee they may re-roll any failed dice to hit.

within this bubble are immediately pushed back to the edge. Any model pushed back is stunned. If the psyker starts their turn in a melee they can use this power before any hits are made.

Time field – difficulty – (6), AP - 0 The psyker plays with the flow of time around her enemies causing time to run slower for them than the rest of the world. The psyker causes a blast (3) template

Flight – difficulty – (3), AP - 2 Gathering himself up the psyker leaps into the air and flies to a new vantage point. The model may move up to 15 units in any

within 24 units; any model within this template must halve their AP points on their next activation.

direction. Shield of Force – difficulty – (5), AP - 1 The psyker creates an almost physical shield in front of him, protecting him from

Haste – difficulty – (6), AP - 0 The psyker plays with the flow of time around his friends causing time to run quicker for them than the rest of the world. The psyker or one model within 6 units

harm. The model adds 1 to its Av. The power can be used at the start of the turn if the psyker starts their turn in a melee.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Hail – difficulty – (3), AP – 1 The psyker throws a hail of whatever small

Invade mind – difficulty – (7), AP – 2 The psyker takes over the mind overriding

objects are at hand (or thought) and throws them at the enemy with a range of 18, and S2 and ʻhailʼ, roll to hit as normal (results of 4+ will score).

their own willpower to make them do things they otherwise wouldnʼt. The psyker takes control of a single enemy model within 12 units and can control them for 1 AP. You may not make them do something

Telepathic Telepaths can reach into the minds of people and implant thoughts and ideas. They often become leaders by lacing their words with telepathic suggestions, their

that would directly result in their injury or death, e.g. they may shoot their comrades, move into the open but not shoot themselves or jump off a cliff, etc.

will irresistible and encouraging their followers to insane feats. They can also frequently be found as wash out afraid of human contact as they struggle to shut out the thoughts of others.

Embolden – difficulty – (5), AP – 1 The psyker strengthens the resolve of her comrades, enabling to keep on fighting. The psyker mustnʼt be pinned or confused them selves. If the power can be used pick a friendly model that is either pinned, suppressed or stunned within 12 units the section no longer counts as pinned, suppressed and confused.

Blur mind – difficulty – (5), AP - 2 The psyker delves into the minds of the enemy and muddles their thoughts. Choose one enemy model within 18 units; this model becomes stunned. Hallucinate – difficulty – (5), AP - 2 The psyker fooled the enemy into thinking they have seen their enemy closer than they are. An enemy model within 24 units believes it sees a section close to them, during their next turn they must test to avoid firing at this imaginary section by passing a skill test with a difficulty equal to the amount by which the psyker passed itʼs psychic test, otherwise their shooting has no effect.

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Warbands The forces in Crimson Dust are made up

Together with each archetype is a list of any profile upgrades and the skills

of ʻwarbandsʼ. These warbands can be anything from a mercenary band to the crew of a space freighter; or maybe a military squad or an alien hunting party. Although you donʼt need to decide what

available to that archetype. After each option will be listed three values such as ʻ2/4/7ʼ, these are the points values to be added to the total cost of the model when taking that upgrade. The first value is the

sort of group your warband is, it can help to give it a theme and help you construct your warband.

points value for green troops, so in this case 2, the next value is for regular troops and the last value is for veteran troops. Where a value is replaced by a ʻ-ʼ it means that this upgrade is not available to that

Archetypes When selecting your warband, each model you choose comes from one of the archetypes listed below. Most of the major sentient species fall within one of several broad archetypes, each largely dependent

quality of troop.

on the evolutionary processes involved in getting the species to the dominant position on its home world so it could move on to the galactic stage.

would belong to the ʻMedioʼ archetype representing an average human soldier, however if I wanted to have a very agile close combat orientated human assassin then I might choose a profile from the

Each archetype has three levels representing different levels of experience and quality: green; regular; and veteran. Green troops are relatively inexperienced, and can represent anything from civilians,

Lautus archetype. Once you have selected your archetype you can then equip it with any weaponry and equipment selected from the weaponry and equipment tables.

When using archetypes a species doesnʼt necessarily need to be restricted to one archetype, for example most humans

to militia quality troops; meanwhile regular troops have a certain amount of combat experience and probably will make up the bulk of a force; whilst veteran troops are just that, they have plenty of experience and training which goes to make them the elite troops of any force.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Medio Archetype Human beings are a typical example of

Gunsmith 2 Heroic

10/10/10 -/-/20

medio archetypes. Typically evolved from scavengers they are adaptable, capable of working in a wide variety of roles.


Knife fighter Martial Arts Parry

Psychic Null

3/6/9 5/5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5 10/10/10



Hacker 1 - ? pts Hacker 2 - ? pts Hacker 3 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts Psychic level 2 - ? pts Psychic level 3 - ? pts


Green Medio

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 2



Av Dc





Special Name:

Regular Medio

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 3



Av Dc




Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 3/5/8 Av 2 - 8/13/19 Av 3 -



Special Name:

Veteran Medio

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 3



Av Dc





Special Battle-hardened;

Skills available: Amphibious Battle-hardened Brain Dead Combat Master

2/2/2 -/15/15/-/-/5/5

Critical Shot

Critical Strike

Dispersed Formation

(models with Av 3 or less only) Fanatic

10/15/15 8/12/12 5/5/5

Gun Fighter Gunsmith 1

5/5/5 5/5/5


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Av 4 -


+1 Dc - +2 Dc - +1 Mr -

10/15/20 -/-/30 10/20/30

+1 Df - +1 Rg - +1 As -

8/16/24 7/15/24 4/8/12

Crimson Dusk

Suboles Archetype The Suboles archetype have tendency to

Gunsmith 3 Heroic

15/15/15 -/-/20

have evolved from predators who attack at range. Though they ca equally as well be scavengers with a well developed hand eye coordination. Typical these archetypes specialise in ranged combat and make

Martial Arts Psychic Null Regeneration

5/5/5 10/10/10 10/10/10

Hacker 1 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts

excellent shots and snipers.

Hacker 2 - ? pts

Psychic level 2 - ? pts


Green Subole

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 2



Av Dc




Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 4/8/11 Av 2 - 10/18/25


Special Name:

Regular Subole

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 3



Av Dc




Av 3 -


+1 Dc - +1 Mr - +1 Rg -

10/15/20 10/20/35 7/15/24

+2 Rg -



Special Name:

Veteran Subole

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8


10 6


S 3



Av Dc





Special Battle-hardened;

Skills available: Amphibious

2/2/2 Critical Shot

10/15/15 Dispersed Formation

5/5/5 (models with Av 3 or less only); Gun Fighter; Gunsmith 1 Gunsmith 2

10/10/10 5/5/5 10/10/10


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Durus Archetype The durus archetype is typical of creatures


Knife fighter

3/6/9 5/5/5

evolved on high gravity planets or have specialised in brute force tactics.

Martial Arts Parry

Martial Arts Psychic Null Regeneration

5/5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5 8/8/8 10/10/10

Savage Assault


Hacker 1 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts


Green Durus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 7





S 4



Av Dc





Special Name:

Regular Durus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 7





S 4



Av Dc




Profile Upgrades:


Special Name:

Veteran Durus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 7





S 5



Av Dc





Special Battle-hardened;

Skills available: Amphibious Battle-hardened Body Slam Brain Dead

2/2/2 -/15/15/15/25 15/-/-

Combat Master

Critical Strike

Dispersed Formation

(models with Av 3 or less only) Fanatic

-/5/5 8/12/12 5/5/5

Gun Fighter Heroic

Hurl Opponent

5/5/5 -/-/20 5/5/5


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Av 1 - Av 2 - Av 3 - Av 4 -

4/6/9 9/14/20 15/23/33 19/31/44

+1 Dc - +2 Dc - +1 In - +1 Mr - +1 As -

10/15/20 -/-/30 10/10/10 10/20/35 4/8/12

+1 Df -


Crimson Dusk

Prelitor Archetype Savagery in close combat, lightning quick


Knife fighter

-/-/20 5/5/5

reactions, predatorial aggressiveness are the marks Prelitor archetypes.


Martial Arts Parry

Martial Arts Psychic Null

5/5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5 8/8/8


Regeneration Savage Assault

10/10/10 10/10/10



Hacker 1 - ? pts Hacker 2 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts Psychic level 2 - ? pts

Av Dc



Green Prelitor

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 3



Av Dc




Special Impetus Name:

Regular Prelitor

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 3



Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 3/4/6 Av 2 - 6/10/15 Av 3 - 10/17/25


Special Impetus Name:

Veteran Prelitor

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8



10 7

S 4



Av Dc





Special Impetus

Skills available: Amphibious Battle-hardened Body Slam Brain Dead

2/2/2 -/15/20 15/15/25 15/-/-

Combat Master

Critical Strike


Dispersed Formation

(models with Av 3 or less only)

-/5/5 8/12/12 -/5/5 5/5/5


Gun Fighter

10/20/20 5/5/5


Av 4 -


+1 Dc - +2 Dc - +1 Mr -

10/15/20 -/-/30 10/20/30

+1 Df - +1 Rg - +1 As - +2 As - no Rg -

8/16/24 7/15/24 4/8/12 8/12/16 -5/-5/-5

+2 Mv - +4 Mv -

5/5/5 12/12/12

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Lautus Archetype Lautus archetypes are blessed with a



-/-/20 3/6/9

speed, poise and grace that leaves other archetypes looking clumsy in comparison.

Knife fighter Martial Arts Parry

Psychic Null Regeneration

5/5/5 5/5/5 5/5/5 10/10/10 10/10/10

Savage Assault


Hacker 1 - ? pts Hacker 2 - ? pts Hacker 3 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts Psychic level 2 - ? pts Psychic level 3 - ? pts


Green Lautus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 9





S 1



Av Dc





Special Leap Name:

Regular Lautus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 9





S 2



Av Dc




Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 5/7/9 Av 2 - 11/16/21 Av 3 - 19/27/35


Special Leap Name:

Veteran Lautus

Mv Mr Rg As Df 9





S 2



Av Dc





Special Acrobatic

Skills available: Acrobatic

Amphibious Battle-hardened Brain Dead

5/5/2/2/2 -/-/15 15/-/-


Combat Master

Dispersed Formation

(models with Av 3 or less only) Fanatic

3/3/-/5/5 5/5/5

Gun Fighter Gunsmith 1 Gunsmith 2

5/5/5 5/5/5 10/10/10


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


+1 Dc - +1 Mr - +1 Df - +1 Rg -

10/15/20 10/20/30 8/16/24 7/15/24

+1 As -


Crimson Dusk

Logos Archetype The logos archetype has typically

Gunsmith 1 Gunsmith 2

5/5/5 10/10/10

developed free of competition where brain has been needed to solve the problems of existence.

Gunsmith 3 Heroic


Knife fighter Psychic Null

15/15/15 -/-/20 3/6/9 5/5/5 10/10/10




Hacker 1 - ? pts Hacker 2 - ? pts Hacker 3 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts Psychic level 2 - ? pts Psychic level 3 - ? pts



Hacker 4 - ? pts

Psychic Level 4 - ? pts

Av Dc


Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 2/3/4 Av 2 - 5/8/10


Green Logos

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 1



Av Dc




Special Name:

Regular Logos

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 1




Special Name:

Veteran Logos

Mv Mr Rg As Df 8





S 2



Av Dc






Skills available: Amphibious Battle-hardened Brain Dead Combat Master

-/-/8 -/-/6 5/5/5

Gun Fighter


8/12/17 11/17/22

+1 Dc - +1 Mr -

10/15/20 10/20/30

+1 Df - +1 Rg - +1 As -

8/16/24 7/15/24 4/8/12

2/2/2 -/-/15 15/-/-/-/5

Critical Shot

Critical Strike

Dispersed Formation

(models with Av 3 or less only) Fanatic

Av 3 - Av 4 -



copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Contego Archetype Many races deploy heavy infantry,

Brain Dead Combat Master


enveloped in heavy armour, referred to as the contego archetype. The limitations of heavy armour makes the advantages of each races rather limited.

Critical Shot Critical Strike


Gun Fighter Gunsmith 1

10/15/15 8/12/12 10/20/30 5/5/5 5/5/5

Gunsmith 2 Heroic

Impetus Knife fighter Martial Arts

10/10/10 -/-/20 3/6/9 5/5/5 5/5/5


Psychic Null Regeneration Savage Assault

5/5/5 10/10/10 10/10/10 10/10/10

Hacker 1 - ? pts Hacker 2 - ? pts Hacker 3 - ? pts

Psychic level 1 - ? pts Psychic level 2 - ? pts Psychic level 3 - ? pts


Green Contego

Mv Mr Rg As Df 6





S 3



Av Dc





Special Name:

Regular Contego

Mv Mr Rg As Df 6





S 3



Av Dc





Special Name:

Veteran Contego

Mv Mr Rg As Df 6






105 Profile Upgrades:

S 3

Av Dc 4


In 3

Special Battle-hardened;

To represent the wide variety of races making up the contego archetypes, any contego model may exchange 1 point of Rg for 1 point of As or vice versa. Skills available: Amphibious Battle-hardened Body Slam

2/2/2 -/15/15/15/25

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Av 5 - Av 6 -

37/47/70 41/53/79

+1 Dc - +2 Dc -

15/20/30 -/-/45

+1 Mr - +1 Df - +1 Rg - +1 As -

10/20/30 8/16/24 7/15/24 4/8/12

Crimson Dusk

Bestia Archetype Most races have subjected other species

otherwise it will continue as per the result of the test. Another friendly model may

to domination and used them as mounts, beasts of burden or attack animal. The Bestia Archetype represents such creatures.

mount the Bestia if it moves into base to base contact and uses an AP to mount up. Unridden Bestia are played as normal and may not be mounted later in the game.



Mv Mr Rg As Df 12 2




S 2



Av Dc





Special Mount

Mounts Bestia have a special rule that allows them to be used as mounts by other archetypes. Another model may be ʻequipedʼ with a bestia mount. Treat the two as a single for

Skills available: Amphibious Body Slam Combat Master Impetus

2 15 5 3


Regeneration Savage Assault Used as mount

5 10 10 -10

Profile Upgrades: Av 1 - 3 Av 2 - 6 Av 3 - 10 Av 4 - 14

the purposes of movement and shooting, using the bestiaʼs Mv and Df. When shot at roll a D6, on a roll of 1-3 the shot hits the mount, work out damage against the mount, and on a roll of 4-6 the shot hits the rider, work out damage against the rider. In addition any mounted bestia counts as being a ʻlarge targetʼ. In melee treat the combat as a multiple melee. If the mount is killed replace the rider with a model on foot, it will take the model 1 AP to free itself of the mount, but otherwise it will continue to fight as normal. If the rider is killed, the mount should take

+1 Dc - +2 Dc - +3 Dc - +1 S -

10 20 30 15

+1 Df - +1 As - +2 As - +4 As - +2 Mv -

8/ 4 8 16 5

+4 Mv - +6 Mv -

12 18

a morale test, if it is pinned or suppressed it will leave the table immediately,


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Vehicles Vehicles are often featured on battlefields

using itʼs Mv in the same way as for infantry. However it can only use 2 action

from simple motorbikes used in reconnaissance roles, to the commanding officers run about to Armoured Personal Carriers (APCs) to large battle tanks. These rules cover how these vehicles

points if it was moving in the previous turn, i.e. if the vehicle was stationary in its first turn then in can only use 1 Action point in its second turn, and then 2 action points in its third turn.

operate in our tabletop battles. These rules are included for completeness and can be used to build scenarios, missions, etc, but as Crimson Dust is primarily a skirmish game points values for

Vehicles though faster than infantry are not as manoeuvrable. This means that vehicles can not change direction during its movement, but only after it has moved. So a vehicle must move directly forwards

vehicles have not been included and ought not to be included in warbands unless for specific missions or reasons.

or backwards first, then it may change direction by up to an angle of 45°, then using if it is able it may move forwards or backwards using its second action point and turn again if it wishes.

Movement Like infantry all vehicles have 2 action points for movement, however how they use them is a little different. Each action point can be used to move the vehicle

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Vehicles and Rough Terrain Sometimes vehicles will cross terrain that

Vehicle Locomotion types All vehicles will be noted as having

is harder going than a firm grassy field or road. This could be a patch of soft sand, a river, an area of dense vegetation or something entirely else again. Vehicles moving through rough terrain have a

different modes of locomotion:

chance of bogging down on a D6 roll of 1 or 2, bogged vehicles stop immediately in the middle of any rough terrain pieces they are crossing. The crew may attempt to free the vehicle by passing a In skill test with a

moving on these surfaces.

difficulty equal to the ʻlarge targetʼ shooting bonus of the vehicle (see the ʻLarge Targetʼ rules). Vehicles may also attempt to cross obstacle that could cause a collision, work out any damage from the

than other surfaces and as such add 2 to their Mv when moving on these surfaces.

Wheeled – Roads and firm terrain are easier to move over than other surfaces and as such add 5 to their Mv when

Half tracked or off road – these vehicles only become bogged on a roll of 1. Roads and firm terrain are easier to move over

Tracked – these vehicles may re-roll a failed bogging down test.

collision first before moving the vehicle further. Obviously some terrain pieces can not be crossed by vehicles such as woodland, large rock outcrops, thick walls, etc. The players should agree before the

Hover – These vehicles ignore any water features or soft terrain (such as soft sand or snow) they move over.

game begins what terrain pieces can be crossed and what canʼt.

Anti-Grav – As these vehicles float above the surface of the ground they are able to move over any terrain pieces not higher than 2 units with out any penalty. Bikes - can be any of the above forms of locomotion and in addition they may change direction once before they move using any action points. Walker – Walkers are usually slow, however they are very nimble in comparison to other forms of locomotion. This means they may change direction


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

once before they move using any action points and they can cross linear obstacles

each hit the vehicle receives will also hit one of the passengers on top i.e. the shot

up to half their height without any penalty or risk of collision. Walkers are limited to having a maximum Mv of 10.

causes 2 hits one on the vehicle and one on a passenger.


Collisions If a vehicle collides with another object

Vehicles have a transport value such as 4, this means that the vehicle can carry up to 4 passengers other than the crew that drive and man its weapons. Models can board a vehicle in their

with an Armour value ʻAvʼ at least equal to its own it will take damage with a S value equal to the combined speeds of the vehicles involved in its previous activation, or if it is currently activated its current

movement turn if the vehicle does not move that turn by moving up to the vehicle or if they do not move and the vehicle uses a maximum of 1 action point of movement and stops within 2 units of the models.

speed, whichever is highest. For example the car with Av 5 moved 15 units last turn, but after only moving 5 units this turn it collides with a wall with Av 6, it will then take damage equal to a S value of 15. If it

Passengers may only enter and exit a vehicle through any doors, hatches or openings represented on the model and must be within 2 units of one of these openings.

was to collide with a car with a speed of 10 then both vehicles would take damage equal to a S value of 25 (10+15). Bikes work differently in a collision as the rider is more vulnerable by not being

Models can get off in the same manner, or they can jump from a vehicle moving at any speed - though if getting off a moving vehicle they take damage with a number of dice equal to the number of units fallen

sheltered behind the body of the vehicle. If a bike is involved in a collision any riders on the bike will also take damage from the collision as if they were also hit. This may be in addition to any damage caused from

and a S value equal to the vehicles speed. Passengers may also ride on top of vehicles if space looks reasonable (all players in the game should judge if it looks reasonable and preferably before the

the damage table.

game starts). The vehicle may not move more than 8 units in a AP otherwise the passengers fall off and receive damage as above. Also when shot or in a collision

infantry, to do so move the vehicle its full movement, if it touches any infantry models, move the models to one side to allow the vehicle to pass if they can pass a

Vehicles in melee Vehicles do not fight in melee in the normal way. A vehicle may attempt to ram

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Df skill test with a difficulty equal to half the distance moved this activation. If the

of the rider as the model has the speed of the bike behind the attack.

vehicle hits then work out damage as if it was a collision. Models may engage a vehicle in melee by passing an As skill test with a difficulty equal to half the distance moved in the

Vehicles as targets Vehicles can be targeted in the same way as any other model, however a vehicles Df varies according to the distance it has

vehicles previous activation.

moved in its last activation. The table below shows the vehicles Df in relation to its speed: Speed












Roll to damage as normal for infantry. If the vehicle is damaged it accumulates damage equal to the S value of the damaging weapon, though weapons with an AT value use double the AT value. This is cumulative with any other damage the vehicle takes, if this takes the vehicles cumulative damage over its ʻDamʼ value then the vehicle is wrecked. If wrecked whilst moving greater than 1 action points worth of movement it will make a move

Bikes work differently in a melee as the rider is easily accessible and bikes are more fragile. Bike may not attempt to ram a model and if they do so any riders on the bike will also take damage from the collision as if they were hit too. However a

directly forwards equal to its Mv value; if moving equal to or less than 1 action point worth of movement the vehicle will come to a stop where it is. When a vehicle takes damage all sorts of things can go wrong

bike may make a hit and run attack, driving by a single model and rolling to hit as normal for melee, but add 1 to the S value

with it, therefore each time the cumulative


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

damage goes over 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. the owner of the vehicle must roll on the

Flame-throwers and blast weapons that hit an open topped vehicle will also affect any

following table (also referred to as the vehicle damage table):

crew caught under the blast – roll to wound the crew as well.

D6 roll • 6 – add an additional 2D6 to the

Vehicles never take morale tests.

cumulative damage and roll again on this table 5 – Engine damaged – the vehicle will come to a stop as if it was decelerating and canʼt move again

Bikes as targets A bike doesnʼt offer a great deal of protection from bullets. Any model riding as a passenger on a bike will also be hit as if it was riding on top of the bike, i.e. the hit

for the rest of the game. Anti-grav vehicles will crash to the ground and need to roll again on this table in addition. 4 – Traction gear damaged. The

will hit both the bike and a crew model.

vehicles Mv is halved rounding up 3 – Crew hit, in its next turn the vehicle has only 1 AP and the vehicle. 2 – Weapon Destroyed. One

to be killed. Any passengers need to make a Df skill test with a difficulty equal to half the distance the vehicle moved last, or take collision damage. Any survivors are considered to be stunned and must be placed within 1 unit of the wrecked vehicle at its final resting place.

randomly determined weapon on the vehicle is hit and destroyed. If the vehicle has no weapons ignore this result 1 – Driver stunned. Roll a d6, on a roll of 1-2 turn the vehicle 45° to the left; 3-4 the vehicle continues straight ahead, and 5-6 turn the vehicle 45° to the right. The vehicle can not turn again next activation,

it is moving. Once a vehicle has completed any movement it wishes to make with that action point, it may then shoot any weapons mounted on it. The weapons on the vehicle can only shoot in the arc that

but may continue at is present speed or may decelerate as normal.

the weapon is able to traverse and roll to hit with the crewʼs Rg. Remember though if an action point was used for moving then any weapons shoot from a moving vehicle

• •

Wrecked Vehicles and Crew When a vehicle is wrecked any crew that come with the vehicle are also considered

Vehicles shooting All the vehicles weapons may shoot while

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

count as if they are targeting concealed models. In addition if a vehicle moves more than 10 units in an action it may not shoot with that action as it is too busy moving to shoot, and the motion of the vehicle makes hitting anything more or less impossible. Typical Vehicle Profiles Below are some typical profiles for some typical vehicles. These values can be modified as seen fit for the actual vehicle involved and should also include the Crewʼs Rg and the form of locomotion. Name




Turbo Once per game the vehicle can move



























twice its Mv for one action point. Auto-pilot Some vehicles are equipped with a simple artificial intelligence device that can take over if the driver becomes in capacitated. When the vehicle suffers from a driver stunned result on the damage chart or if the vehicle gets effected by a flash-bang grenade then the auto-pilot can take over

Vehicle Equipment There is also a list of equipment available to vehicles.

and allows the vehicle to function as normal next turn though with only 1 AP.

Stabilisers This device stabilises the weapon to make it more balanced for shooting from a moving platform. Fitted to vehicle mounted

Ablative Armour This vehicle is fitted with additional armour plating and has a padded interior in an attempt to minimise the effects of any damage it receives. You may ignore the effects of rolling on the damage table for the first time.

weapons. It allows to firer to ignore the effects of firing from a moving platform.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

The Year 5299 It is now approximately 3000 years since

predominately Spanish speaking inhabitants of the ʻNew Americasʼ rebelled

humankind began its expansion into space. First starting within orbital colonies, then several lunar colonies. It was during this time that the earth became increasing damaged, and the off world colonies seen

against USA, this then led to civil war within USA as the Spanish speaking inhabitants voiced their anger at what they perceived to be many years of injustice against them by the American government.

as a means of escaping the chaos by the rich and wealthy. 200 years later ʻGravity Wellʼ technology was developed allowed the temporary and local collapse of the space-time continuum and allowed

Eventually this led to the collapse of the USA and the victory secured by the New Americas gave hope to the peoples of other colonies.

humanity to reach out for the local stars. In addition the development of nano technology on a large scale allowed the rapid terra-forming and colonisation of these newly discovered systems and

As a result of the Second American Civil War many South American countries declared their support of the New Americas, in particular Mexico, The New Republic of Cuba, Peru and Argentina. As

planets. Thus began humanityʼs scramble for new land, new planets, and new moons. Hope for a better future was fuelled and people thought they could build the utopias they wished for that were not

the war escalated all sides deployed Nuclear, Biological and Electromagnetic warheads in an effort to gain the upper hand. The deployment of these weapons lead to horrific atrocities by both sides. The

possible on a war and poverty stricken world such as Earth. However the plague that had haunted humanity on Earth followed it into the stars, the plague that some call ʻwarʼ.

costs of this war caused the economic and national collapse of many of the countries involved. The USA fragmented in various States and Unions, whilst some areas became ʻdeadlandsʼ so crippled that

Initially each new settlement and colony was controlled by an ʻold worldʼ country, however distance and time lead to increasing friction and fractures between the new colonies and the old world

human life is almost none existent.

countries resulting in numerous rebellions and civil wars. The most famous and perhaps most significant of these was the Second American Civil War, where the

openly go to war against another country or planet. This does not by any means mean that war is non-existent or that peace reigns. The fear of the deployment

What also marks the Second American Civil War as significant is that it is the last time that any country or planet has dared

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

of similar super-weapons has made nations extremely wary about open war,

is likely that the reason direct contact was not made earlier is not due to the scarcity

instead war evolved into a series of small scale covert operations and small scale skirmishes, where the actions of the individuals can be publicly denied whilst great cost inflicted on their opponents and

of alien life, but rather the location of humanityʼs home system on an outer limb. Though alien life forms though not unusual are not a common sight on the outer systems of the human realm coexistence,


tolerated presence and out right war with alien life forms is common. Already the best databases of the human realm are disagreed as to the exact number of contacted species is largely debatable,

Meanwhile large multinational corporations also bought planets and moons, with the ʻintentʼ of establishing research stations, what in reality happened was that they establish their own governments with their own land directed by corporation policy. Leading again to friction between the old world countries who perceived themselves

ranging from a very conservative 30 species to several hundred species.

as the only groups with the ʻrightʼ to control land and the various newly established Corporate Lands who saw it as good business sense.

What follows is a brief synopsis of current technological achievements within the Human Realm.


Interstellar Travel To make matters worse during this period of unrest, the first contact with sentient alien life forms. It is debatable which race was the first encounter due to discrepancies in the records kept, but

The development of gravity well technology allows large space to temporarily ʻcollapseʼ or ʻwarpʼ part of the space-time continuum and travel great distance in a short time, often called a

those planets and systems which first made contact often claimed the right to be the sole contact, whilst other systems, planets and old world countries claimed the universal right of contact. Whatever the

ʻwarp jumpʼ. Typically able to travel a distance of 5 light-years in a matter of a few days. Most Warp Jump Drives are referred to any how many days it takes them to travel 5 light-years, with very fast

individual stories a greater reality rapidly became known, those races contacted and those rumoured to be encountered painted a picture of a busy and populated galaxy, it

space craft having Warp Jump Drive 3 engines, whilst heavy cargo transporters will typically have War Jump Drive 6 or 7


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

engines. This means travel in the Galaxy takes a long time and it is not certain that youʼll get there at all. However as there as yet has been no method found that can communicate at faster than light speed. Warp Jump travel is the only way in which to communicate with other systems, and the only way for a central authority to maintain control. It can mean that wars can have started, be fought and ended before the message reaches the central authorities and help can be sent. Supra-Net All electronic systems produce an electromagnetic field. Utilising these fields and powerful computers and Artificial Intelligences, much of the current technology we have is linked into the ʻsupra-netʼ. This vast network allows the rapid sharing of information between device, couple this network within the developments of cyber technology allowing the meshing of human biological neural networks with electronic systems and in some case the replacement of these neural networks with electronic systems has allowed much of humanity direct, permanent

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

Uncompleted parts Combat Drugs

abide by the second roll even if it is worse than the first. This may not be combined

There are many forms of drug, few of which are medicinal; many are recreational and a few give heighten reactions and sense. It is these last category that we see on the battlefields of Crimson Dusk, of

with weapons using ʻTank Buster Ammoʼ.

which there are a number of variations. Each drug comes as a single dose, that may only be used once per game. Hast - Once per dose the model may add

models. Any model within 6 units of a commissar may add 1 to itʼs Mr, however when it takes a morale test, fails at least 2 dice and rolls more 6s than 1s, the commissar will execute the model for

5 to itʼs Mv, but loses 2 Df until its next activation.

cowardice - remove the model immediately.

Slaught - these drugs turn the user into a homicidal maniac. Once per dose the user

Embolden Shouting stirring words, giving

adds 2 to itʼs As.

encouraging shouts, this model enables his comrades to keep on fighting when others would despair and run. If the model can pass an Mr skill test then any model within 6 units may re-roll all the dice for

Commissar These models use violence for discipline. This can only be applied to personality

Calmers - Once per dose the model may add 1 to itʼs Mr. Spacers - At the start of the turn before any models are activated, you may use up to one dose of spacers per model. Until the model is activated again the model may ignore the first failed dice for morale

their morale test. Note it may not use this skill on itself. This skill will not effect models with the effects of using Combat Drugs - Spacers.

tests and may re-roll the dice to see in they fall back if they lose a combat.

Frenzy Berserk Bombot Medic Martial Arts

Tank Hunter Troops with this training are specialists in taking out armoured vehicles. When rolling on the damage chart, a model with this skill can force their opponent to re-roll the dice if they choose, though they must

Poison Regeneration


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

Crimson Dusk

Fast reactions - even if it fails a morale test it may make one shooting attack at the

can combine two weapons into one. The first weapon is the primary weapon, the

enemy. Artifical intelligence Automatic weapon systems - can shoot for a model even when it moves, etc Nanotech?

second weapon, 2s count as 1s for out of ammo checks.


man sized hole in walls to allow troops to pass through. Takes 1 AP to set and ignite. Any models within 2 units of the hole on the opposite side will be ʻstunnedʼ.

Mouse Holer A simple shape explosive that creates a

Flight ʻxʼ The model can fly as if it had Mv ʻxʼ. It may use 1 unit to go up 1 unit or go down 2 units. Place a dice to indicate how high the model is, measure all distances from this point.

Charismatic This model is a highly charismatic leader, using the goodwill and loyalty inspired in his troops to lead them onwards to brilliance. This may only be applied to

The maximum weight of equipment you can carry? Equal to modelʼs S. For each point over the modelʼs S, then -2 Mv.

leader models. When rolling to activate models as a group using its leader skill it may double its Mr.

Broods These models have no leader models,


instead they have ʻBrood Mothersʼ and any normal troops are called ʻBroodlingsʼ. Broodlings donʼt take Reactions tests as long as their brood mother is still alive. However if the brood mother is pinned

Most hive creatures are grouped into 6s; bees have hexagonal nest and the system continues across the breadth of the galaxy. Hive models are grouped into groups of up to 6 models, and the collective morale is

then all broodlings are pinned too.

equal to the number of models in the group; i.e. if there are 5 models left in the group then they have Mr 5, if there are only 2 models left then they have Mr 2. Hive models may not have leaders or use

Electronic brain The enemy doesnʼt get full VPs for kills as the brain can be reloaded into another body.

leaders and they must always be within 6 units of another model from the same hive. However, they may be activated together, if all the models are in a continuous chain

Combi - weapons

copyright Duncan Thompson 2009


Crimson Dusk

with no model further than 6 units away from another, then the group is considered to have the Leader skill equal to the number of models in the group.


copyright Duncan Thompson 2009

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