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©Eduardo Amos, Elisabeth Prescher, 2008

Richmond Diretoria: Paul Berry Gerencia editorial: Sandra Passas

Coordenai;ao de arte: Christiane Sorin de pesquisa iconografica: Ana Lucia Soares Coordenai;ao de bureau: America Jesus Coordenai;ao de produi;ao grafica: Andre Monteiro, Maria C oo rden ai;ao de produi;ao industrial: Wilson Troque Co orde n ai;ao

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Edii;ao de texto: Ray Shoulder Preparai;ao: Maiza Prande Bernardello Revisao linguist ica: Ray Shoulder Revisao: Ibraima Dafonte Tavares Edii;ao de arte: Gilciane Munhoz Projeto grafi co: Gilciane Munhoz Il ustra i;o es: Attilio, Luiz Moura, Moo Capa: Gilciane Munhoz Criai;oes especiais: Daniel de Souza Fantini, Gl6ucia Correa Koller, Pesqu isa iconografica: Rosana Carneiro Tratamento de imagens: Fabio N. Precendo, Rubens M. Rodrigues Diagramai;ao: Citara Editora Ltda Pre-impressao: Helio P. de Souza Filho, Marcia H. Kamoto Impressao e acabamento: Brasilform Editora e Ind. Grafica

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Dados Internacionais de Cataloga�ao na Publica�ao (CIP) (Camara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Amos, Eduardo The Richmond


grammar of English /

Amos, Prescher. -- Sao Paulo: Moderna, 2008.

Inclui CD. 1. Ingles - Estudo e ensino I. Prescher,

Creditos das fotos:

Elisabeth. II. Titulo.

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1. Ingles : Estudo e ensino

©Cortesia Julio Fiadi/AKPP pag. 59 ©Paulo Liebert/AE pag. 57

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Contents Introduction


Simple Diagnostic Test

... 8

Grammar Units 1

Personal Pronouns


Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns


Verb to be (Present Simple)


Verb to be (Past Simple)


There+ to be (Present & Past)


The Indefinite Article




Countable Nouns (Plural Forms)


Special Plural Forms


Countable and Uncountable Nouns



I, you, he... , me, you, him,





my, your. .. , mine, yours

... 14 . 16

I am, you are, he is .


I was, you were, he was

. 18 .. 20

there is, there was



a car, an egg


this, that, these, those



girls, buses, pianos


politics, people . -


a train, some advice


Progress Check 1

.. 32


Gender of Nouns


Possessive with 's


Present Continuous I


Present Continuous 11


Past Continuous I


Past Continuous II


Going to - Future


Going to - Future in the Past


Simple Future


Will and Going to




Simple Present I


Simple Present II


Simple Present 111


boy-girl, man-woman




drive-driving, cut-cutting, tie-tying

I was leaving, he was going


... 38

I am studying, he is studying .

40 .. 42

When I arrived, he was having dinner .


I am going to study, he is going to study .



I was going to, he was going to



I will go, she will go


I'll stay, I'm going to stay


Look! Don't run! Let's go! -

I work, she works



fix-fixes, try-tries Do they study?, they don't study

Progress Check 2

52 ..... 54 .56 58 60 .. 62


Simple Past I (Regular Verbs)


Simple Past II (Spelling Rules)


Simple Past Ill (Irregular Verbs)


Used to


.... 36

my brother's car, my sister's husband





I walked, she walked


I used to, they used to

love-loved, stop-stopped


buy-bought, drink-drank

.. 66 ... 68 10


To Have - I have, he has



Future Continuous - I will be working, they will be working






Some, Any, No, None - some money, any time, no people



Somebody, Anybody, Nobody - There is nobody here...



All, Every, Each - all the students, every student, each student



Both, Either, Neither



much, many, few, little


both hands, either is fine, neither of them...

Progress Check 3



Reflexive Pronouns I


Reflexive Pronouns 11 - by myself, she herself



The Definite Article I (use)



The Definite Article 11 (omission) - She's in hospital. They're at school.

40 Adjectives


myself, yourself, himself



the boy, the boys

- a pretty girl, an old woman


94 96


Adjectives 11 - an exciting movie, an excited child


Adjectives 111 (Order and Position) - a big old house, a beautiful young woman



Question Words I - What?, Who?, How?



Question Words 11 - How long?, How far?, How much?



Adverbs I (Form) - slowly, here, fast. She speaks slowly


Adverbs (Use I) - manner, place, time .



Adverbs (Use 11)



frequency, probability, degree, intensity

Progress Check 4


. 106



Comparison I - as ... as, not as ... as, more than, the most


Comparison 11


Comparison of Adverbs


Present Perfect I


Present Perfect 11 - recently, ever, since, for


Present Perfect 111 - just, already, yet, many times



Present Perfect Continuous - have been doing, has been doing



Past Perfect


Relative Pronouns I - who, which.. that, whom



Relative Pronouns II - where, whose, what



Relative Clauses - defining and non-defining

. 134


Future Perfect - I will have fixed, she will have fixed

. 136



larger, the largest, hotter, the hottest



faster, easier, more seriously

I have studied, she has done

. 114 116 118 120 .. 122

. 128

had done

Progress Check 5

....... ...... 138


Prepositions of Place I - in, on, at ..

. 140


Prepositions of Place II - behind, opposite, outside

. 142


Prepositons of Movement


out of, up, down...



Prepositions and forms of transport


Prepositions of Time I


Prepositions of Ti me 11


Modals I (Form)


Modals II


Modals Ill


Modals IV


Conditionals (Form)


Zero and First Conditionals


Second and Third Conditionals


Special Conditional Structures





by, on, into

...... 146

in, on, at ..


... 148

from. .. to, until, by

.. .. .. .. .

. .



. .

she may go, we might stay

152 154

can, could, must


may, might, would



should, ought to, deductions




if it rains,... -



Passive Voice


Have (something) done


Indirect Speech I


Indirect Speech 11






Indirect Questions




Phrasal Verbs




unless, provided, in case, as long as


Tag Questions



.. . . .. . . .



isn't it?, did he... ?


is done, were done




I had my house painted



She said that...


. 176

She asked me... , She told me...

.. 178

to do, to go


doing, going





if it rained, if it had rained

Progress Check 6 74


will, would, would have



Do you know what time it is? ......




Each child has a pet -

Progress Check 7 .

get up, look up, put up with...



. .. . .

. . .



. .

. . .




Appendices 1

Linking Words


Basic Adverbs


Grammar Patterns after Adjectives


Grammar Patterns after Verbs


Phrasal Verbs


Common Irregular Verbs


Final Test ......

. . .... .... . ...... .... ...

.. 196


Test Answers Grammar Units Answers ........ .

198 .. . ....... 200 . 201

English - Portuguese, similarities and differences



.. 202 205 209 . 225 ........... 226 266

Introduction The Richmond Express Grammar combina uma gramatica de referencia e exercfcios em um unico volume. Esta obra foi especialmente desenvolvida para servir de material de 2poio para alunos que estudam sozinhos ou para aqueles que frequentam cursos de lfngua inglesa. Veja a seguir outros destaqLes desta edic;:ao: 1. The Richmond Grammar Practice CD-ROM (com audio) - Mais de 230 questiSes de gramatica, com respostas gravadas com falantes nativos da lingua inglesa. 2. English - Portuguese, similarities and differences - Com base nas diferenc;:as mais relevantes entre as duas lfnguas, as explicac;:oes e os exercfcios desta sec;:ao enfocam dificuldades e duvidas especfficas do aluno brasileiro, permitindo-lhe ampliar seu conhecimento de maneira rapida e efetiva. 3. Progress Checks - Apresentadas a intervalos regulares, estas sec;:oes oferecem ao aluno a oportunidade de avaliar seu desempenho e competencia lingufstica, par meio de exercfcios que utilizam a linguagem do dia a dia.

Cada Progress Check refere-se as unidades




the gaps w·1th the determiners from he box below. (Sometimes more than one answer may be

correct and you will need to use some of the words morethan once). Remember to read the text oncethrcughfirstto understandthe meaning. inani





.. , ..�IJm:i�sT.JJ"JOM--


, _____ (lood)onour plar;etin1938. StiHa baby,Jor-Elandlara 'sonlychld______ {be)sentinto space


, --




figures areurld Superman

in 1940, Ji which Superman






___ _

Chdrms'and b!'llefsare pop1.:larbecause mthe past,_____

(comelintothe story.

are impressive. The comic


·; _. .

pecplebel!cved theybrouqht

goodluck Superst1t10n 1scertd1nlypartofthe pastand present



__ (asl<;) Lois L1111e to marry him (and she

__ (accep t),__ __ Superman #75 _ (tell) the stor y _ the best-seller oftheseries:it

ladder' because it also means bad luck New Yorkers have a c1moussuperstltlon,the numbe1131s a s:gn ofbad luck and

(appear) 1n AcTionComics #23

(be)onthe radio,notinthecomics that Krypto'lite,Supennan's famous



people neverwalkun der a

,"t �-;:< :- .,. ::_.:.·;


(woi*) for

(be)the01lilyStir. S14'erma n'; worst enemy. Luthor,only__

path' _ ___


_____ lfolow)�'sadventures-nactionc
cultures a b�ach cat

bad Juel:' Jn

canbnngyoue1the1goodluckorbad uck 1'.acrosses y0ur


-:;;.?. , -.• , .' _ , _

(decide)to raise2himar>dcajlhlmClaric,C!arkKent

____ (pnnt)thecomc str1:>'

veryold belwl� are still wnh us today a brokenmmor for example.mednsscven years

.-·-·;; ·

(find) the baby and

radio,onT'/andinthemovies-eachonetelngadiffe rootpart of&pemlans ' stor.y

ancient Cl'llllzat1onswere very

.- .

,,-f- <�'.-� -

The storyis well-known to aiofUS Amost everyone

evidence that suggests


superstitious But superst1twn is also p 1t O! our modern world .


(111nd) onEarthclose to

the Kent's home. Th? Kents

There ts



onan urmanned spaceship'beforethe1rplanetKrypton (explode}. The spaceshp___

� --

:� i_

(sell outin a fa w d a y s of Superrn1111's death in November 1992. It 1s (sell}6rnillioncopies

andw11lprobablyremarnw1thusmtothe future too For



_____ people1tw1gm1rnncr,fo1others 1t 1s an 1m portantpaI1of theullves Challenge Amos Prescnera�d P<1'QlHl1n R" l>m('fl

Exercfcios para testar o uso da estrutura gramatical apresentada em textos atuais e autenticos.

Glossario com express,5es mais complexas.


4. Veja, a seguir, o esquema das unidades do livro.

I have studied, ... she has done ... •

Forrna�ilo hava I ha s + part1cip10 passado do verbo pnnc1�0I

Explicagao em nfvel Apresentagao da forma

mais complexo.


e do uso da estrutura gramatical.







Have theyl1vedhere7

have not•haven't hasnot•hasn't

• O prosentperfecte usado para se rerenr a a�iies que aronroceramnum tempo 1ndef1 m d o nopassadD lhavgfimshedmyhomework

• &Io rem po em quea a�ao OCMreu formendorado o u sugerido, usa-•eos m i plepasf d1iven

llinis hedm yhomeworkonehour ago Clbs:Atrd a ui;iio dosdmstempos vertrn1sp0deseramesrna

I. Write affirmative or neg
present perfect

Example: l've f1nished my homework (negative)

l. He has cleaned h1s roo-n (negat ive) ___ 2.They havebought a house.(quesbonJ __ _ 3. She hasn'tbeen t0Bat1a.(afflrmat1ve) ______

4. H a s h e cut htmself? (negative) _________ 5. You've done yourhome,,..ork (question) __________

Exercfcio com nfvel basico de dificuldade.


6. Have webeen therebe ore? (aff1rmat1ve) __________ 7. Theyhaven'tl1vedhere verylong.(quest1on) _________"s been veryhot today(negat1ve)

----------- --


II. Write sentences using tie present perfect or the simple past. 1. When I was a boy, llsw1m/1n that river


2. Youlook d1fferent Wtatlyou/dolto yourhair? 3. Helbuylthat old carltwo yearsago ___

4. Look! Somebody I spill I water I on my desk. __


5. It's nogood try1ng to call heron the phone /She/go/out. ____ _

111.Completethe dialogwiththeverbsfromthebox. hashappened





complexo de dificuldade.


from the window n the bu1ld1ng next door

Miranda: Acal __

Really'Thepoo r th1ng! _____

Exercfcio com nfvel mais

has1umped hasamved


W hatare thoseJeople look1ngat'What __

_____ 1tself7Tell me what

happened' Miranda: Well,1t seemsthatthecat

__ ____

on the window sill of the 9'' floor apartment

and fell onto the balconyofthe5'"floorapartment The ownerofthe5""foo t rapartment to the balcony He5ilw l he catand the doorman tohelph1m

_____ this __


Miranda: Aboutten mmules ago for help?

_____ anyone _____ already


IV. Complete the dialogs with the present perfect or the simple 1

past of the verbs in parentheses.

_____ (leave)lhe k1tche11 t a p o n .Thes1nk 1sfull ofwater

A· Lookl Somebody B·lt___

(notbe)me.l ______ (not do)rt

2. A ------ 1°"----

__ (see)Lara'

____(notsee)her __ 3. A: Chris 1sn'tatwork.She ______ (brea�)her arm ______ (do)lhal' ____ (fall)down the stws

____ (go)last n g i ht? {go) to the theater 5.A _____

___ (f1rnsh)all your testsat school?

B.Yes, 1 ____(11n1s h)them lastFriday __

Exercfcio com nfvel medio de dificuldade.

Do this test before you begin studying. It will help you identify which units you need most. Check your answers on page 225. PART I



to 29)

Underline the correct alternative. Example:

I (am I are) tired.

1. Ted is doing (him I his) homework. The children are doing (them I theirs). 2. (Are you I You are) sad today? 3. We (were I was) tired last night. 4. (There is I There was) a letter for you yesterday but (there aren't I there weren't) any letters today. 5. I can see (a I an) horse behind the tree and (a I an) old cow in the field. 6. (These I This) book is interesting but (those I that) magazines are boring. 7. The (tomatos I tomatoes) are in the (boxies I boxes) and the (strawberrys I strawberries) are on the table. 8. (Jacks I Jack's) bag isn't here. It is in the (girls' I girls's) room. 9. They (aren't I isn't) sleeping now. They (are studying I are studing). 10. (Is she I She is) working at the moment? 11.

(Were I Was) you watching TV this morning?

12. Mom was making lunch (while I when) I arrived. 13. Jeff is going (drive I to drive) his new car to the party tonight. 14. They will probably (to arrive I arrive) at 10 p.m. 15. (Not I Don't) talk in class! 16. I watch the news on TV (all evenings I every evening). 17.

Does Sally (likes I like) coffee?


Nina often (studies I study) English in the afternoon.

19. What (does he I he does) teach? 20. When did you (finished I finish) your homework? 21. We (didn't I not) arrive late for class. 22. They (go I went) to the movies yesterday. 23. (My I mine) car is in the garage. Can you lend me (your I yours)? 24. He needs (some I an) information about the new equipment. 25. He always (watches I watch) TV in the evening. 26. I often (have I has) breakfast in the kitchen. 27. My father (buy I bought) a new car last month. 28. They (cleaned /clean) their room yesterday. 29. Pepe (is going to go to I go) Rio next weekend. 30. Plfnio (used to I is used to) have long hair before he started working in a bank.



30 to


Underline the correct alternative. 1. Tomorrow morning, I will (be traveling I to travel) to Miami. 2.

Is there (some I any) coffee in the cupboard?

3. There are (some I any) cats in the garden. 4. We don't have (much I many) time and we have very (few I little) money. 5.

Is there (somebody I anybody) home?

6. We enjoyed (us I ourselves) at the party. 7.

I cut (myself I me) with that knife.

8. We argued with (each other I ourselves). 9. They live by (theirs I themselves). 10. (The I 0) John likes to play (the I 0) guitar. 11. (The I 0) our car is in front of (the I 0) his house. 12.

Karen is (as I more) pretty as Jane.

13. Tom is the (most happy I happiest) boy I know. 14. My new car is (good I better) than that old one. 15. You are getting (fatter and fatter I more fat). 16. Look, Mom! I (have cleaned I has cleaned) my room. 17.

I have lived here (since I for) 1990.

18. They have lived here (since I for) two years. 19. They haven't bought the car (never I yet). 20. I'm tired. I have been (worked I working) since eight in the morning. 21. When I arrived, the teacher (had been speaking I spoke) for an hour. 22. The students (have to finish I had finished) the test when I arrived. 23. The girl (which I 0) I saw was beautiful. 24. The boy (who I 0) is arriving now is my brother. 25. The book (that I who) you gave me is very interesting. 26. The guy (which I whose) leg is broken is my friend. 27.

He is the best doctor (who I that) I know.

28. Are you sure you (will have I will have done) your work before I arrive? 29. By the time Jim arrives, you (had left/ will have left) for Chicago. 30. He (had had I has had) breakfast before he arrived at the meeting.

B =(no word)

PART 111



to 83)

Underline the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 1. We traveled (from I to) London (from I to) Rome. 2. The child threw the ball (through I by) the window. 3. She will travel (by I on) plane and will be here (until I by) 4 p.m. tomorrow. 4. The boy got (on I at) the train at Se Station and got (out of I off) at Parafso Station. 5. Christmas is (in I on) December and this year it will be (on I in) Saturday. 6. The dog jumped (off I from) the coffee table and (to I onto) the sofa. 7. We went for a walk (on I along) the river last Sunday. 8. The car went (past I into) the drugstore and turned left. 9. Aline told Joaquim (to go to bed immediately I he would go to bed). 10. If you travel from Brazil to Uruguay, you (don't have to I must) take your passport. 11.

The deadline to hand in the composition is next Friday but you (can I must) hand it in before then.

12. Carlos said (that he has had a test tomorrow I that he had a test the next day). 13. Everyone (needs I need) to do the test. 14. We went shopping (although I despite) the bad weather. 15. He is sick. He (used I should) go to the doctor. 16. I would buy a car if I (knew I had known) how to drive. 17. I (would rather I had better) eat in a restaurant than at home. 18. If he calls, I (will speak I would speak) to him. 19. If I had arrived on time, I (would have seen I will have seen) you. 20. Leonardo said that (he had been working 5 minutes before I he worked 5 minutes ago). 21.

Lilian asked me if (I can call her the next day I I could call her the next day).

22. He's having his motorcycle (repair I repaired). 23. Otelia asked me when (my boss would have been back I my boss would be back). 24. She has brought her umbrella, (hasn't I doesn't) she? 25. (Since I Though) we didn't have much time, we only had a snack. 26. (Swim I Swimming) is good for your health. 27. Our rivers (are being polluted I are polluting) with chemical waste. 28. The students (were sent I sent) to the director's office. 29. You can have dessert (as long as I though) you finish your dinner. 30. You may (go I to go) now.

See page 225 for answers

Personal Pronouns I, you, he..., me, you, him ... Subject Pronouns

Object Pronouns me

Pronome sujeito e usado coma sujeito da orac;ao.















I am Brazilian. Rodrigo and I go to the gym every day. •

Pronome objeto e usado coma: "' objeto direto ou indireto Julio loves her. .,. objeto de preposic;ao

Oragoes com dois objetos. He gave me some flowers. (enfatiza o objeto direto) He gave some flowers to me. (enfatiza o objeto indireto)

I talked to him yesterday.


I. Underline the subject and object pronouns in these sentences. Example: We go to the restaurant every weekend. My father drives us there. 1. Can you help me? I am looking for a cybercafe. 2. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from a friend. I will write to him tomorrow. 3. My brother and I go to the gym after school. We like it a lot because our instructor is great. He talks to us about exercise and healthy food. 4. What is wrong with them? They are so sad. 5. We gave the CDs to her. She gave them to him. 6. They're very tall and strong. 7. My name is Daniel, I'm 15 years old. Everyone knows me at the local gym. 8. I think it's going to rain. 9. My boyfriend gets angry at me when I don't call him. 10. Don't tell her about me getting the job.

II. Underline the correct alternative. Example: (We I Us) often get up early. We have breakfast with (they I them). 1. On Mondays, I usually meet (him, he) after school. 2. Dad's car isn't here. (It, He) is in the garage. 3. What's wrong with (them, they)? (They, Them) look sad. 4. At Christmas, Mom always buys some new clothes for (we, us). 5. Please don't tell (she, her) about (I, me)! 6. (We, Us) live near (her, she). (Us, We) come to school together every day. 7. My bicycle is broken. (It, she) needs repairs. 8. (I I me) have to take my dog to the vet. (Him I He) has to have his vaccination.

Ill.Substitute the highlighted word(s) for the correct subject and object pronouns. Then, write sentences or questions. Example: Apes are very intelligent animals. 1. The teacher is doing her work.


2. What's the matter with the girls? 3. Where are Rodrigo and Marcio? 4. My sister and I are sick.

\Vie� ver� ime\\i9em O.Y\imo.\s.




5. The lawyer is talking to his daughter.

___________ ______________

6. My father always spends time with my brother and me. 7. What are the dogs doing?

_______________________ ______

8. My sister gave my mother a beautiful birthday present.


IV. Match the parts of the sentences. 1. He gave flowers

) him.

2. They ask

) me flowers.

3. He gave

) to me.

4. She is writing a card to

) us many questions.

V. Write subject or object pronouns in the gaps. · ..

Hi, my name's Tiago ______

pool and

am 16. My family lives in Rio.

have a brother called Daniel and a sister called Patricia. has 3 bedrooms. My sister and

in a big house. ______


go swimming every day at a pool near my house.


lots of practice, but



like swimming. is an Olympic-size

have swimming lessons there. Our swimming teacher gives have fun too.

_____ _

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns my, your... , mme, yours...


Os possessivos concordam com o possuidor. I love my girlfriend, you love yours.


Possessive Pronouns













Adjetivos possessivos precedem substantivos. This is my bike.

His hair is brovvn. +

Possessive Adjectives

yours theirs

Pronomes possessivos podem ser usados depois de of.

Pronomes possessivos substituem substantivos.

She is a friend of mine. (one of my friends)

This is my homevvork. Where's yours? (your

They are friends of ours. (some of our friends)



your their


Underline the correct alternative. Example: (Our I ours) bags are here. Where are (your I yours)? 1. Don't interrupt me. I'm doing (my i mine) homework. 2. "Is this (her I hers) bike?" "Yes, it's (her I hers)." 3. Look, there's Rachel! Is she a friend of (your I yours)? 4. (Our I Ours) grandparents always come to lunch on Sundays. 5. The children don't like (their I theirs) new school. 6. Marta and Leticia are friends of (our I ours). 7. My cat is eating (it I its) food. 8. "Where's Cristina?" "She's with (her I hers) father." 9. (Theirs I Their) car is white, but (his I him) is black. 10. This isn't (ours I our) luggage, it's (their I theirs).


Complete these sentences with possessive adjectives or pronouns. hs

Example: My brother always checks

homework, but I never check

friend a CD.

1. Tatiana gave

2. Marcelo and I are going to meet

friends at the movie theater.

3. Give me your address and I'll give you 4. We really like


5. Dan is riding

______ _

math teacher. Do you like bike. Rebecca is riding

6. Diego and Luciana are our neighbors.


7. Do you know Rafaela? She's a friend of

______ _


apartment is near


. We're in the same class.

8. Marcia and Paulo are visiting some of Ill.



Underline the correct alternative to complete the dialogue. Steve: Look at (my I mine) exam results! They are terrible! What about (your I yours)?


(My I Mine) are OK. How are Rachel's results?

Steve: (Her I Hers) are OK too. Ben:

And Tom's?

Steve: (His I He) results are OK too! Ben:


Oh, no!

Manuela is studying English in the U.S. Complete this letter to her friends in Brazil. Use possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Hi, guys! How's school? I am studying hard. English classes are difficult, bat


teacher is real{y

friendly and patient. And after school I have a lot of fun with the other students in

class. On Friday, we had a big party.

I met a nice boy and I gave him gave me

phone nurrber. He

too. An Italian boy asked off the girls for

______ e-mail addresses. Ange/a didn't give

______ _

to Carlo. But she gave it to a really cute guy called Stefan.

/'fl write again




roore news. Bye for now! Love Manuela XXXX

Verb to be - Present Simple I am, you are, he is... -- ,,_____ ----·----,·---·-�-,_____



He is not fifteen. You


,,, para identificar e descrever pessoas e objetos.

He She





I'm from Brazil.

Is he fifteen?

It's a keyboard.

Formas abreviadas

They're Mike and Bob.

am • 'm

I'm a teacher.

are• 're


- nas expressoes de tempo, idade e lugar.

is• 's


Usa-se o verbo to be:


It is sunny today.

am not• 'm not

Peter is fifteen years old.

are not• aren't


We are in New York.

is not• isn't


Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the present simple tense. Example: Hi! How 1. Carlos 2.


you? I'm

fine, thanks.

hungry. Let's eat a burger!

Mrs. Carvalho and my mother

3. This

very good friends.

the latest model keyboard. I t


powerful. 4. He 5. It

fifteen and his brother


very cold today in the south of Brazil.

6. The children

in the classroom. Their teacher in the hall.

7. My sister

a doctor and my brother

an electrician. 8. I 9. We 10. You

tall, but she


on vacation. Let's go to the beach! the boss! Tel I me what to do!

II. Write questions using the correct form of the verb to be.

f\re �o\.A \=rench or S?on\sh?

Example: you I French or Spanish? 1. Dani and Marcelo I actors? 2. your motorcycle I new?


3. we /early I for the party? 4.

I I late I for the movie?

5. she I your I best friend?





Ill. Write questions for these answers. Example:

/\re �O\.A

married? Yes, I am.


your sister?

No, she isn't.



Yes, they are.

from Brazil?

No, he isn't.


sunny in the Northeast?

Yes, it is.


OK, then, doctor?

Yes, you are.



IV. Write affirmative and negative sentences based on the model below: Example: Thiago Pereira - football player - swimmer

\h\ogo Pereiro \sv\1 o '\Dolbo.11 ?lo�er. \-\es o swimmer

1. Dolphins - fish - mammals

2. Jose Saramago - painter - writer

3. Kaka and Robinho - actors - football players

4. Fernanda Montenegro - pop singer - actress


Guto is in Bali. Complete this e-mail to his school friends using the correct form of the verb to be.



D: Subje:�:

�'·�:-��ry· one!

�i -



Guess where I sunset! It it

? Look at the picture I am attaching to this e-mail' What a beautiful Kuta Beach, in Bali. I

every day here. The food

the best thing of all. They

here for a few days. It

hot and sunny like

great - lots of fish and seafood. But the waves

up to 3 meters high. And you, guys7


you OK?

Please, send me news asap. Gu to








Simple I was, you were, he was...



She was not at home.





Was she at home?

Formas abreviadas


No passado, s6 as


formas negativas podem

de tern po, coma ago, yesterday, last night. Sally was here two minutes ago.

ser abreviadas.



Verbos no passado frequentemente vem acompanhados par locu�5es adverbiais au adverbios



was not


were not



� �


Underline the correct alternatives. Example: They (was I were) happy to be on vacation. 1. Julia and I (was I were) friends at high school. 2. Your exercise book (was I were) here a moment ago. 3. (Was I Were) it very cold last night in the South? 4. My brother and sister (wasn't I weren't) born in Brazil. 5. (Was I Were) the children hungry after school?

"My brother wasn't born in Brazil."

II. Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the past simple tense. Example: He wo.s in the office when I phoned him. 1. They

late for school and their teacher

2. Marcela

i n the kitchen yesterday.

4. After school, the children _____

8. Carlos

twelve when we moved here.

great on the weekend. My team won. very upset yesterday. at home last night.

9. The students at our school 10. We

very tired.

fifteen and my brother

6. The football game 7. She

a success.

very happy. Her birthday party

3. Daniela's dog is so naughty. I t


angry at them.

on vacation last week.

sad to hear you hadn't won.

Ill. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false statements. Follow the example. Example: Porto Alegre was the capital of Brazil in the past. (Rio de Janeiro)

No. Pono t\\e9re wosv\r me co�irol of�rnz.i\ in me �osr. Rio �e Joneiro wos. 1. Brazil was a Spanish colony in the past. (Portuguese colony)

2. Pero Vaz de Caminha was the man who discovered Brazil. (Pedro Alvares Cabral)

IV. Match the answers with the correct questions. l. Where were you yesterday at 2 o'clock?

) I was in the city center.

2. Were you alone?

) I was in bed, but I wasn't asleep.

3. What was the weather like yesterday?

) It was really hot.

4. Were you ill last week?

) No, I was with a friend.

5. Were you in bed asleep at midnight?

) No, I was fine, but my brother was ill.

V. Complete the questions for these answers. Example:

Were �ou

interested in the lesson? No, I wasn't. late for class?

No, he wasn't. He was early.


at home yesterday?

No, they weren't. They were at school.


in the library yesterday?

No, she wasn't. She was at work.



VI. Fred and Camila are on vacation in the Northeast of Brazil. Complete their e-mail by underlining the

correct alternative (the present or past tense of the verb to be).

We (are I were) in Itacare today But yesterday, we (are I were) in Salvador. Salvador (was I is) a great place, but it (was I is) really hot there. We walked all around Pelourinho. At night, I (was I is) tired. I had so much exercise. So today we (is I are) relaxing Our guesthouse (was I is) really comfortable, and the breakfast (is I isn't) great. Take care. See you back at school. Fred and Camila





to be - Present & Past there is, there was ...


There + to be


haver, existir


Formas abreviadas

Pa st

There is • There's

There is= existe, ha

There was= existia, havia

There is water in the pitcher.

There was a dog in the garden.

There is not • There isn't

There are = existem, ha

There were= existiam, havia

There are not

There are oranges in the basket.

There were dogs in the garden.

There was not • There wasn't



There were not • There weren't

There is not.

There are not.

I nterrogativa Is there?

There was not.

There aren't

There were not.

lnterrogativa Are there?

Was there?

Were there?

Usa-se there +to be para indicar: ,. algo que existe. In my street, there is a bakery.

" um evento ou atividade.

There was a party last week.


quantidade. In the classroom, there were five chairs.

1t .



Underline the correct alternative. Example: (There is I There are) four people coming this evening. 1. (Is there I Are there) a taxi stand near here? 2. (Are there I Is there) lots of students at your school? 3. (Was there I Were there) many people at the game last week? 4. How many people (was there I were there) at her birthday party? 5. (There isn't I There aren't) a football field near our house. 6. (Weren't there I Wasn't there) anything good on TV last night? 7. How many people (are there I is there) in your class? 8. (Is there I Are there) anything on your desk? 9. (There wasn't I There weren't) a lot of children in the park. 10. (There was I There were) three tigers at the zoo.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of there



Is mere

in your box?







a man waiting for me outside the school.



two girls in reception. Are they your sisters?

an accident in our street yesterday. anybody in Room 201 at the moment?


five men here now, but there were seven a few minutes ago.


a swimming pool at your school?

8. How many girls



at your party last week?

any patients in the waiting room? twelve people waiting.

10. She said

Fill in the gaps with there is or there are.

My neighborhood is great.


a nice lake

nearby where you can play sport or just relax. _______


bicycle and jogging tracks.

a kiosk where you can buy coconut milk and fruit juice.

lots of good places to eat.


bars so you can work out.

a nice view of the city. boats to rent.





a lot of people

lots of children and dogs.

sunbathing and


to be.

any milk in the fridge?

1. How many CDs



Complete the telephone conversation between Julia and Carol. Use there was, there wasn't and there were, there weren't. Julia:

Carol: Yes,

Hi, Carol' This is Julia.

just old songs.

Carol: Oh, hi, Ju!


Oh, I hate old songs.



Listen, I have tc go now. Let's talk at school!

How was the party?

Carol: Great!

lots of people.


snacks and drinks?

Carol: Sure' And Julia:



cake too!

many boys?

Carol: Yes, Julia: Carol:



good music? . The music was







The Indefinite Article a car, an

an ea (um, uma) sao usados: �

antes de substantivos contaveis no singular.


a e usado antes de substantivos: no singular, iniciados par consoantes.


a boy, a ship, a dog, a chair, a friend, a teacher.

an orange, an elephant, a car, a house.

iniciados par h quando esse for pronunciado.

" quando uma pessoa ou uma "coisa" e mencionada pela primeira vez.

a horse; a hair; a house; a huge animal;

I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Leticia

a happy man.

and my brother is Joao. •


iniciados par vogais que tern som de consoantes.

a university, a uniform, a European

an e usado antes de palavras: ., no singular iniciadas par vogais.

an egg, an eraser, an animal, an ugly dog. .. iniciadas par h quando este nao for pronunciado.

a e an nao sao usados antes de substantivos no plural e de substantivos incontaveis. Horses are mammals.

Would you like some bread7

an hour; an heir, an honest man. Ver Unidade 10, pagina 30.



Underline the correct alternatives. Example: Let's have (.§I an) coffee. l. There is (a I an) computer in my room. 2. This isn't (a/ an) good idea. Let's go home! 3. My uncle is (a I an) lawyer. He's (a I an) very honest man.

4. There is (a I an) elephant and (a I an) camel at the new zoo.

5. This is (a I an) awful movie. Let's leave! 6. I wear (a I an) uniform to school. 7. The train leaves in (a I an) hour. Let's go! 8. It's (a I an) hot day today, isn't it? 9. Is he (an I a) honest man? 10. I'm (an I a) chemistry student at university.

"What a big pizza'"

II. Put the words in the box into the correct columns.





European country








useful thing

no article

Ill. Write a or an before the words, only when necessary. Example: My


1. My


2. My



have is




5. Henrique am





9. I

is speak

10. They
















but new


class. my




my of


cocktai I




















8. Work




with CA





4. He

CA new






IV. Read and complete the gaps with a, an or 0 when no article is necessary.

My friend is Ae rel="nofollow">tcalian, but she has _____

unusual name for

Australian girl - Gabriela. Gabi's father is Australian, but he


Brazilian woman. Gabriela studies at

� �'}:

huge house with her parents and her

two sisters. On weekends, Gabi goes to the beach or to the Blue Mountains. These are the famous mountains about _____

hour from Sydney. Gabi likes

scary movies and horses. She is saving


money to

travel to Brazil on her next vacation. She wants to visit her relatives nere. She also wants to visit to eat


beaches and typical Brazilian food and see



� [-


university in Sydney. When she graduates, she wants to work as tourist guide. She lives in


national parks. She wants _____

Carnival parade.


;::: 1 :::==::::. : ====�::-:: .:

Demonstratives this, that, these, those... +

Quando nos referimos a alga ou alguem que esta perto, usamos this (este, esta, isto) e these (estes, estas). This book is interesting.

Pode-se tambem usar demonstrativos para: ,. apresentar uma pessoa.

These books are interesting.

"Henrique, this is my sister, Martha."

This is difficult.

"These are my brothers, Paul and Steve."

These are expensive. •

,, falar ao telefone.

Quando nos referimos a alga ou alguem que esta longe,

"This is Marcia. Can I speak to Leo?"

usamos that (aquele, aquela, aquilo) e those (aqueles,

"Is that you, Pedro?"


"" para fazer um comentario sobre aIgo dito

That girl (over there) is my sister.

por outra pessoa.

Those girls (over there) are my sisters.

Luciana: I passed my test!

That is Marcela (over there).

Matheus: That's great!

Those are my sisters (over there).

� � I.

Underline the correct alternatives. Example: (These I This) are the books she's been looking for. 1. (That I Those) are the shoes I want! 2.

I'm tired of (this I these) job. I'm going to look for another one.

3. Mom, (this I these) is my friend Laura and (that I those) are her brothers. 4. Let's play with (that I those) children in the playground. 5. My father is (this I that) man talking to (that I those) women near the bank. 6. (This I these) chair is very comfortable but (that I those) sofa isn't. 7. What are you going to do about (this I these) problem? 8. Are (th is I these) the people you work with?

"These are my parents, that girl over there is my sister and those boys are my brothers."

II. Write this, that, these or those in the gaps. Example: "Hi John,


is Mary. She's going to help you today."

1. Look!

is my girlfriend in the restaurant over there. people we met on vacation. They were so nice.

2. Let's contact 3. My book is on the desk. 4. Bring

one isn't mine! pictures here! They're beautiful!

5. What are

red spots on my body, Doctor?

6. You see that man across the street? 7.



is my new English teacher.

are my new friends from school.


8. What's

on top of the building?

9. "Hey guys, I passed my test!" "Wow,


is great!"

report I'm reading?"

10. "What can you tell me about

Ill. Put these sentences into the plural form. Example: This exercise is difficult.

\\.-iese exercises

1. This isn't the girl I want to talk to. 2. That book belongs to this boy.





3. This bus goes to that city.


4. That is an easy question.


5. This apple is delicious. 6. Who is that man in the red car?

__________________________ _

7. What is the answer to this question? 8. Is this box mine?



9. That is his favorite rock band.


10. This isn't the paper she's been looking for.

IV. Look at the picture and complete the conversation with this, that, these or those. At the beach


Can I borrow




Oh, OK_


Do you want a sandwich?




towel is mine.

No, but I'd like one of



Did you see me? I swam to

's your towel over there.

apples. rocks.

Adriana: Which rocks? Marcos:


over there_ Where that guy is_

Adriana: Which guy? Marcos:


guy on the surfboard.

/ ___ �_ -



Countable Nouns - Plural Forms girls, buses, pianos ... +

A maioria dos substantivos e contavel, isto e, tern

uma forma no singular e outra no plural.

The girl is waiting for the bus.


Three girls are waiting for the bus.

life-lives shelf-shelves

De maneira geral, faz-se o plural acrescentando-se


s ao substantivo.

loaf - loaves

table - tables

thief - thieves


leaf - leaves

computer - computers


book-books •

Alguns substantivos terminados em f ou fe trocam essas letras por ves.

wife-wives knife-knives

Substantivos terminados em s, ss, ch, sh, x, z e a maioria dos substantivos terminados em o recebem

Obs: Ex1stem ainda substantivos que fazem o plural

es no final.

das duas formas:


dwarf - dwarfs, dwarves

church - churches

scarf - scarfs, scarves


hoof - hoofs, hooves

box-boxes class - classes quiz - quizzes potato-potatoes hero-heroes Porem, acrescenta-se apenas s aos substantivos a

Alguns substantivos emprestados de outros idiomas conservam o plural de origem: medium-media bacterium -bacteria crisis-crises nucleus-nuclei

seguir: photo-photos radio-radios

piano-pianos kilo-kilos

woman -women



avocado - avocados

foot - feet tooth - teeth

Obs: Alguns substantivos possuem as duas formas

child - children

de plural:

person - people

mosquito - mosquitos, mosquitoes volcano - volcanos, volcanoes •

Plurais irregulares: man - men

Substantivos com a mesma forma no singular e no plural:

Troca-se o y final por ies quando ele for precedido

deer- deer

de consoante.

fish -fish


sheep - sheep







� ��������--=--

= -- �-













� -








Write the plural of the following nouns in the correct lists. peach





box woman




brush sheep




century radio

policeman thief










II. Put the words in bold into the plural form. Example: I spoke to a woman.

l. I put the book on the shelf.

I S?O�e ro \WO womm --------�

2. He saw the mouse under the chair.


3. Look at the sheep in the field. 4. Can you see that beautiful baby? 5. Be careful of the knife!


_____________________________ _

6. H i s tooth is broken. 7. My foot hurts.

8. I had to buy the dress for my daughter.


Ill. Clara is on vacation. Complete her e-mail using the plural form of the words in parentheses.

here are friendly but the hotel is terrible. I saw

We arrived yesterday. The (person) (mouse)

in my room last night' And there are (fly)

the day and (mosquito)

at night. But the (beach)

beautiful. Yesterday, I bought (peach) ______

at a market. We took two (bus)

are really

, (tomato)

and (orange)


A Japanese tourist wanted to take some (photo) ______


are hurting from so much sightseeing.

to get to the zoo.

. I was so embarrassed. Today my (foot)


Special Plural Forms politics, people... +


Alguns substantivos s6 existem no singular,

Substantivos que indicam names de vestimentas

embora terminem em s.

ou objetos com duas partes iguais s6 existem no

news - politics - Mathematics - Physics -


Economics - g enetics - elect ronics

glasses - trousers - jeans - shorts - pants -

Politics is a controversial subject.

pajam as - scissors

Outros substantivos parecem estar no singular, mas sao sempre usados com verbos no plural:

My glasses are on the table. Jeans are expensive. Com esses substantivos, tambem pode ser usada

people - police - cattle

a expressao a pai r of.

People want to see the best team.

Can you lend me a pair of scissors?

The police are looking for the criminal. +


I need a new pair of jeans.

Algumas palavras s6 existem no plural e sempre concordam com verbos no plural. •

As mais usadas sao: clothes - belongings - savings - contents -

Substantivos coletivos

(collective nouns) podem ser

seguidos de verbos no singular ou no plural.

outskirts - surroundings - headquarters -

His family is very big.


His family are all very tall.

My clothes are in the washing machine.

Manchester United is a popular team. Manchester United are at the top of the league.


Underline the correct alternatives. Example: The news (are


al l good recently.

1. Physics (is I are) a fascinating subject 2. My glasses (is

I are)

3. All my savings (is 4. The police (is 5. People (is

I are)

on the table.

I are)

I are)

in the bank.

investigating the case.

always worried about the future.

6. The government headquarters (is 7. His trousers (are


Remember! Don't menfon politics, religion or football and they will love youl

I is)

8. All my belongings (is

I are)

on the outskirts of town.

too big for him.

I are)

in my suitcase.


Put the letters in the correct order to form names of objects. Example: a pair of SROSSICS



of scissors.

1. a pair of ENAJS 2. a pair of SETRUOSR 3. a pair of SORTSH 4. a pair of SMJAPAA 5. a pair of EHSOS 6. a pair of OKSCS 7. a pair of OVLGSE

1t "


Complete the sentences using the collective nouns below. government


1. Which is the best football




2. I live in Sao Paulo, but my




lives in the Northeast of Brazil.


is preparing an attack on the enemy.

4. The


is meeting today to decide the laws.



in your country?

3. The

5. Police arrested a



yesterday. They are accused of robbery and bribery.

is investing two million dollars in the project.

6. The


7. The


is singing with the band.

8. The


is waiting for the store to open.

Read the text below. There are mistakes in some of the sentences. (a) Check (v') the correct sentences. (b) Underline and correct the mistakes in the other sentences. Example: Economics were his best subject at university. 1. I met a very interesting man on the train. He was wearing a glasses. 2. In two hours, I learnt a lot about him. Physics was his main subject at university. 3. He even wrote a book about it. His earnings from the book was very small. 4. He certainly looked poor. His glasses were broken. His clothes was all old. 5. He said he didn't care about his surroundings. The news weren't of interest to him. People was of no interest either.


Countable and Uncountable Nouns a train, some advice •

Substantivos contaveis. Em ingles, a maioria dos substantivos e contavel:

eles podem ser usados tanto no singular quanta no plural. train•trains •

Substantivos contaveis podem ser precedidos par artigos indefinidos au definidos. a train, the train, the trains



a girl, the girl, the girls

Substantivos incontaveis.

Substantivos incontaveis podem ser precedidos

Alguns substantivos sao incontaveis e s6 podem ser

de the, some, any, much e expressoes coma

usados no singular:

a piece of, a loaf of, a bottle of.

air - water - information - advice -

The water is dirty.

food - electricity - money

Let me give you some advice.

Substantivos incontaveis frequentemente indicam:

He doesn't have much money. Do you need any information?

substancias: food, water, iron

I want a piece of advice.

qualidades humanas: courage, cruelty, honesty

Can you buy a loaf of bread?

atividades: help, travel, work ideias abstratas: beauty, freedom, life Ver Unidades 6 e 38, paginas 22 e 92.

� � I.

Complete these sentences with the singular or plural form of the verbs in parentheses. Example: The buses


late today. (is I are)

1. The children 2. My brother 3. The mice 4. The address on the letter 5. Sheep

for school. (is leaving I are leaving) in the army. (is I are) the cheese. (is eating /are eating) wrong. (is I are) typical farm animals. (is I are)

6. There

some food in the cupboard. (is I are)

7. Travel

always exciting. (is I are)

8. They say "work 9. The train 10. The advice she gives

good for the sou I." (are I is) the station right now. (is leaving I are l eaving) usually good advice. (are I is)

-""'-·-------�- =- -

















- =�

Look at the words in bold and write C (countable) or U (uncountable).


Example: 1.

) The people are arriving at five o'clock.


) The Northeast of Brazil needs more water.


) Our work is very interesting.


) The children are not at school today. They are on vacation.


) He doesn't have much money, but he is happy.


) Life is good.


) Those women are my aunts.


) Our computers are very expensive.


) Does the hotel have large rooms?



(VI) I need a piece of advice. Can you help me?

) Can you give me some information, please?

Use these uncountable nouns to complete the sentences below. traffic




l. Excuse me! Can you give me some





4. This

is always very bad at this time.

is very interesting but the salary is bad. isn't working. Let's call the technician to repair it.

5. Do you use gas or

to cook your meals?

6. Please feel free to call me, if you need any 7. If you want my 8. IV.

_________ _



, you should start all over again.

is an elusive quality.

Complete the sentences with a(n), some, any, much, a piece of. Example: I need




1. Do you need 2. Can you give me 3. I am buying 4. I like to have 5. Would you like 6. I need to put 7. I'm thirsty. Can I have 8. Can you give me 9. The scientists are doing 10. He isn't


about train schedules?

2. Why don't you leave home earlier? The 3. My


information. help? advice? furniture for my new house. bread for breakfast. coffee? oil in my car. water? paper? interesting research. help, to tell you the truth.

� -�


Progress Check


Read the text once, quickly, to get the general idea. Then underline all the possessive adjectives and pronouns. You should find nine.

I'm mad at my friend Janice. The other day, I showed her my composition and later I found out that she'd simply copied it!! our teacher, Mr. Swan, thought that the composition was hers and not mine! When I told him what had happened, he said that it wasn't his problem. by talking to When other friends of mine tried to help involved in a problem Mr. swan, he said that they shouldn't get


with that isn't theirs! I had a huge argument

� �


the Janice and she finally confessed that composition was, in fact, mine! %




Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Moderna, 2006. l.

Read the text and choose the appropriate grammatical form to complete de dialog between Carlos and Alex. Carlos: The movie we saw last night wasn't very good. It was all about life in a small town like ours here. Alex:


Carlos: (There wasn't I There are I There weren't) any point to the story, to tell you the truth. Why would anyone want to know what life is like in a place like this? (There are I There's I There isn't) ever anything exciting going on round here1.


You obviously didn't hear what happened yesterday downtown then, did you?

Carlos: No! What? Alex:

(There weren't I There are I There was) a series of robberies in the afternoon I Three armed robbers broke into four different banks.

Carlos: And (wasn't there I aren't there I won't there be) any clues2 for the police to find out who the robbers were? Alex:

So far they have no idea.

Carlos: Wowi (There will be I There is I There was) more going on here yesterday than at the movies then!!



going on round here= acontecendo par aqui clues= :;,s;:;s

Quickly read the text to understand the general idea. Then underline the correct demonstrative


pronoun given in parentheses. \\\llllllllllll!llllll!lllJllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllll!llfllllll!lllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllJllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llll,Jllll//1 / ,


Take a lcx>k hem' [!hie I Thece I ThoceJ ic my high echool photo album. [Thie I The'° I That) three men were my

teachers. (This I These I Those) one on the left was Mr. Peters. He was an excellent teacher. Everybody in


I the school loved him. (That I Those I This) woman on the right is Ms. Winslett, the principal. Look at (that I � these I this) other four pictures. (That I These I This) are my parents and (these I that I those) '.ittle girl is my � sister when she was three! She was so cute. Can you believe Mr. Peters is her teacher now! (That I This I

I These) last one is our summer vacation ten years ago. Can you guess which one is me?




Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

Read the article once and then complete the text. Use a I an or KJ (no article).


Almost everyone has


wish, but not

many people are able to make their wishes come true'.

once in ancient China,


strange wish. "I want to see the

man had difference between


heaven and


hell before I die," he used to say. Then, one day, his wish came true. When he was visiting full of



hell he saw



delicious food, but everyone was hungry and angry. food, but had to sit far from the table because they

They had

were forced to use very long chopsticks2• It was impossible for them to put any food into their mouths. When the man was visiting


heaven, he had

sur prise. Everything looked the same: ______


big table full of

delicious food, people sitting far from the table, and using

very long chopsticks to eat. It was exactly like

hell, but in

heaven the people were happy and well-fed3• The difference is that in ______

heaven they have realized that



does not stop you feedings others!

realizar um dese10 hashi, pauzinhos 3well-fed bem alimentado 4cha in corrente 5feed alimentar 'make a wish come true







Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher & Pasqualin. Moderna, 2006.

Gender of Nouns boy - girl, man - woman ... •

Ha tres generos em ingles:

Ha, porem, substantivos que se referem a pessoas e animais e que apresentam uma forma para o

Neutro: boat, person, lawyer, doctor, shark.

masculino e outra para o feminino.

Masculino: boy, man, wa,ter, brother.

boy• girl

Feminino: girl, sister, aunt, wife.

man• woman

Em sua maioria, os substantivos, mesmo aqueles que se referem a pessoas e animais, sao neutros, isto e, podem ser usados tanto coma masculino

0 genera e indicado por: "' palavras diferentes brother • sister

coma feminino. lawyer• advogado I advogada doctor• medico I medica

IJ,..,-____ )

terminac;oes diferentes actor• actress

son • daughter

waiter• waitress

father• mother

heir• heiress

nephew• niece

steward • stewardess

bull• cow

lion• lioness

man• woman

host • hostess

uncle• aunt

godfather• godmother

king• queen

grandfather• grandmother

husband• wife




Find the hidden word. Put the masculine form of the nouns below into the puzzle. wife










II. Rewrite the sentences below using the feminine form for the words in italics. Example: My father is waiting for his brother.


molher is woi\iV19 �r her sisltr.

1. The actor is sick. 2. He is the heir of all this land. 3. He is a waiter.

__________________________ _ __


4. The Englishman lives near that boy.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. The king is an old man. 6. These men are my uncles.

__________________ _ _ __________

7. My boyfriend went shopping. 8. My son-in-law is an air-steward. 9. My brother is a successful businessman. 10. My father-in-law is an excellent cook. 11. Her husband works for my uncle.


____ _____________________ _

___________ _________________

12. My grandfather I ives in another city.



Possessive with 's my brother's car, my sister's husband ... •

o ap6strofo seguido de s ['sl colocado depois de um substantivo indica o possuidor. the boy's name

the cat's eyes

the men's cars

Charles's book

the girl's dress

the boy's books

" No caso de substantivo plural terminado em s, acrescenta-se apenas o ap6strofo [

Quando o possuidor for um objeto, usa-se a constru�ao com of au um substantivo composto. The door of the car ou The car door


the wives' presents

the girls' books

the babies' toys


The leg of the table ou The table leg

Quando o possuidor for um substantivo composto, e sempre tratado coma substantivo simples. My father-in-law's car.

0 ['s] tambem pode ser usado para se referir a lugares. I'm going to Grandma's� Grandma's house.

Quando ha mais de um possuidor: " para indicar posse comum, apenas o ultimo possuidor recebe o ('s]. Sally and Susan's car� o mesmo carro . ., para indicar posse individual, usa-se o ('sl para cada um dos possuidores. Bob's and Jane's fathers� pais diferentes

Pode-se ainda usar o ('s] em referencias ao tempo, lugares que levam names de pessoas e corpos celestes. a day's work


two weeks' vacation

St. Peter's Cathedral

�.,,,A -'"

Underline the correct word in each sentence.

Example: About 70% of the Earth's I Earths' surface is covered by salt water. 1. The doctors' I doctor's wife is a friend of mine. 2. The womens' I women's husbands are waiting. 3. My fathers' I father's car is in the garage. 4. The boys' I boy's bicycles are outside. 5. The children's I childrens' toys are in the basket. 6. I will graduate in two years' I year's time.

the moon's surface

II. Complete the sentences by adding ('s) ou ( ' ) to the nouns in parentheses. Example: We are having a

c\-\i\clm\s porty

on Sunday. (a party for children)

1. Do you know John? He's 2. I borrowed 3. My

father. (David and Steve)



4. 5.

car. (James)

family is very artistic. (sister-in-law)

fathers are both architects. (Bob and Jane) . Do you want to come with me? (Grandma)

I'm going to

Ill. Rewrite the questions below using ('s) or ( ' ). Example: What's the name of your mother?

W\-\ots �O\,\f momers Y\Ome?

1. What's the favorite pastime of your parents? 2. What's the new film of the actress?


3. What is the job of your father-in-law? 4. Which are the cars of Fred and Eric? 5. Are they the toys of your son?





IV. Rewrite these sentences. Follow the example. Example: The door of the car is open. 1. I can't find the keys of the house.

1\-\e rnr cloor is opm __________________________

2. The manager is using the car of the company. 3. The window of the kitchen is dirty. V.

_____________________ _

_________________________ _

Use ('s) to form new sentences. Follow the example. Example: The population of the world is increasing. 1. The beaches of Bali are crowded in summer. 2. These sunglasses filter the rays of the sun. 3. That shop sells clothes for women.

Susan's dog

1\-\e WQr\& s po�ulo\ioY\ is iY\mOSiY\g.




Jane's dog



Present Continuous I I •

0 present continuous e formado pelo presente do verbo to be


verbo principal





studying, he is studying...

0 presente contfnuo e usado para expressar ac;:oes que: ,. acontecem no momenta da fala.

am You

Look! It's raining.

a re

" 0 presente contfnuo e geralmente usado com adverbios de tempo: at the moment, at present,

He She

now etc. is

Lucas is studying at the moment.

working It We •


0 presente contfnuo tambem pode ser usado para expressar a�oes que estao ocorrendo na

a re

atualidade. They

I am taking driving classes.

I'm having English lessons.



He is not wor ki n g.

Is he work in g?


Formas abreviadas


I am seeing John this evening. I'm going on vacation next week.




am not• 'm not

are not• aren't

is not•isn't



E eventos futuros que tenham sido planejados e

.. ���'""

Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. l. My sister and I

(do) our homework now.

2. My neighbors 3. The cat

(travel) around the world. (sleep) in the garden.

4. The children

(watch) TV in their room.

5. The teacher

(correct) our exercises now.

6. "Susan, can you answer the phone?" "Sorry, I can't. I 7.

All of them

8. Why are you

(wear) black trousers. (work) so hard?

(wash) the dishes."

II. Complete the questions with the present l. Where

continuous of the verbs in parentheses. (work) these days?



(meet) their friends after school?


3. What

(have) for dinner tonight?


4. Who

(come) to dinner tomorrow?



(build) their house next year?

Ill. Look at the picture and write sentences. Follow the example. Example: (The man I not read)

I he mcm isvi 1 nocling. \-\e is �lo�ing boll. 1. (The tall woman I not play ball)

2. (The boy I not do nai Is)

3. (The girl I not paint the wall)

4. (the short woman I not Iisten to music)

5. (the dog I not barking)


IV. Look at Mariana's diary for this week and answer the questions. Example: What's Mariana doing on Friday?

Shes woshing her hoir.


1. What's Mariana doing on Sunday?

2. What's Mariana doing on Wednesday?

3. What's Mariana doing on Saturday?

4. What's Mariana doing on Tuesday?

5. What's Mariana doing on Monday?

�Q\-�:_illDaR Ba' ::."-"


Present Continuous 11 drive - driving, cut - cutting, tie - tying •

Geralmente os verbos nao sofrem modificar;6es ao

Se o verbo terminar em ie, troca-se o ie por y e

receber ing. Porem:

acrescenta-se ing.

" se o verbo terminar em e, ele perde o e ao

tie• tying

lie• lying

die• dying

receber ing. drive• driving •

write• writing

love• loving

Dobra-se a ultima consoante e acrescenta-se ing quando:

" o verbo termina em consoante I vogal I consoante cut• cutting �

swim • swimming

o verbo tern duas sflabas, sendo a ultima t6nica. begin • beginning

Nao se dobram as

Em ingles britanico,

consoantes w e x.

dobra-se a consoante I.

snow� snowing

travel� travelling

fix� fixing

omit• or'1itting

refer• referring



Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. Example: I



(travel) a lot this year.

1. The children 2. I 3. He

(swim) in the lake. (cut) apples to make a pie. (take) a walk in the park.

4. Grandma

(knit) a new sweater.

5. We

(not refer) to your problem.

6. She

(walk) along the beach.

7. My brother

(borrow) my car tonight.

8. They

(develop) some new research.

9. It 10. The boys 11. I 12. We 13. It 14. We 15. I

(begin) to rain. (tie) their shoelaces. (not write) a letter. I (leave) for school. (snow) again! (not go) out this weekend. (study) harder from now on!

(write) a postcard.

II. Underline the mistakes in the sentences below and write the correct form of the verbs. Example: They are rideing their bikes.


1. It is rainning now. 2. The birds are dieing because of the pollution. 3. Are the men fixxing that car?


4. They are cuting down the trees. 5. Is it snowwing outside? 6. I am moveing to Paris.



______ _

7. Aren't you listenning to me? 8. Is Oscar makeing a cake?

__________ _


9. My friend sleeping on the sofa.


10. I was studing for my exams at the time.


Ill. Unscramble and write questions. Example: they / travel I at the moment? 1. snow I outside I it I is? 2. they/where/swim? 3. refer I you I to me?

he the� rrnve\liV\9 I troveliV\9


the momem?



______________________________ _

4. the boys I behave well?


5. a letter I write I your mother?


IV. What are the people in the park doing? Look at the picture and write sentences about

what you see. swim




Example: The man isn't reading.

\--le s swimmiV\9 iV\ the lol\e. 1. The girl isn't dancing.

2. The little boy isn't doing exercise.

3. The teenage boy isn't riding his bicycle.

4. The couple isn't reading.


Past Continuous I I was leaving, he was going... +

Formac;ao: passado do verbo to be+ verbo principal + ing. Negativa

was You

He was not working.




determinado momento no passado.

Was he working?

At 8:00 am, I was fly ing over New York.


Formas abreviadas


was not


were not


0 passado contfnuo e usado para: " indicar a�oes em andamento em um



.. narrar as circunstancias de uma situa�ao no passado.


It was Saturday morning and the sun was


shin ing.




'i;,)� -;,--;yf,"!f,,f-c'C

Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the verbs in parentheses. Example: Lucy was


(sing) in the shower again this morning.

1. The children

(cry) an hour ago.

(wear) a new shirt.

3. Everybody was at the party. Fred He Erica

(talk) to some friends. (dance) with her boyfriend. (do) in the library?


4. A: What B: She 5. A:


(not do) their homework. They

2. The boys

(read). (feel) sick yesterday?

B: Yes, I

(not feel) well.

6. At lunchtime, Julio

(eat) in the cafeteria. (watch) television last night at 10 o'clock.

7. I 8. She

(not expect) her football team to win, but it did!

9. I t s a shame vacation is over. We '

10. He really

(have) such a good time! (not enjoy) himself at the party, so he left.


Complete the text below with the past continuous of the verbs given.

';1estercla\;11 I hacl a reall\;l l:>acl clav. I woke up Late l:>ee-ause Wl\;I alarWl e-Loe-k (rai11) outsicle. The 11ei ghl:>ors

(11ot work). It



(hurt). I tur11ecl 011 the TY l:>ut there

M\;1 heacl

(11ot show). ______

110 9oocl Musie-



I tur11ecl 011 the raclio l:>ut there


(pLav). I


(feel) clow11.


Look at this diary and write what each person was doing at each time last week. -


- ' -



�· .•···! -5.aturday. 80 : Q_pm_________ '- Paulo and Maria I ea�.[2iWL. • ··-� 2:00 pm


.· -




_· J)._Marws�f]oihalL

�-...------'h·'" Monday 9:00 pm _________ -�-- Joana J slA!i_Yl')_gi_fb_e_cJ_ld� ------ --

••._ •.




·� · ··--- -- · -

Friday. 80Q_J2_�-------'•. dinner

��� /have _Saturda.yJl:OO am

__ ______ __

Bruno I type a report

_Wedn15.d.ay.J;OO_arr1 Beth I ffy to .Brasfk



- �_i!raLdiliL.sbQfJPillg.

. :,,�.



_____ -=-




, � :i����, ���

____ _








� .;


_ __

Example: (Tuesday, 9:30 am)



tlj?iY\9 o re?Ofl

1. (Wednesday, 7 .00 am) 2. (Friday, 8:00 pm) 3. (Saturday, 8:00 pm) 4. (Monday, 9:00 pm) 5. (Sunday, 2:00 pm) 6. (Thursday, 1:00 pm) 7. (Saturday, 11 :00 am)



Past Continuous 11 When I arrived, he was having dinner... •

., Com 0 passado contfnuo e frequente 0 USO dos

Frequentemente, usamos o passado contfnuo

adverbios when e while.

para nos referirmos a duas at;6es ou atividades que estavam em andamento ao mesmo tempo,

WHILE (enquanto)

ou para uma at;ao que estava em andamento

While I was cooking dinner, Carlos was

quando uma outra ocorreu .

watching TV. Carlos was watching TV while I was eating dinner. It started to rain while I was waiting for the bus. While I was waiting for the bus, it started to rain. PRESENTE


WHEN (quando)


When I arrived, they were eating dinner. They were eating dinner when I arrived. I was having a shower when the phone rang. When I was having a shower, the phone rang.




Look at the picture on the right and write what the students were doing when the teacher came into the classroom. Use the words in the box. play


A boy

1. A girl






wos slee?iY\g. on the blackboard.

2. Two girls 3. A girl 4. Some boys 5. A boy 6. Two boys

to music. sandwiches. a comic book. cards.


"""---== -


"""'" �















II. Complete the following sentences with when or while. Example: We were watching TV


Fred arrived home.

1. The students were listening to the radio 2.



the teacher came in.

my mother was making dinner we were playing in the garden.


I entered the station, the train was leaving.


the teacher was writing on the blackboard, the children were telling jokes.

5. Everyone was talking

the lights went out.

6. The workers were chatting

the boss was having a meeting. the accident happened.

7. We were traveling to the Northeast 8. I was waiting for the bus

I met you.

9. You were studying 10.


I saw her.

Emma arrived, Dave was just leaving.

Ill. Ask questions with the words given. Then answer them using the information in parentheses. Example: Joana I sleep I when you got home? (watch TV)

W C\S JoC\Y\C\ s\ee?iY\g 1AA-lm �ou gar \iome?

I No. Siie WC\S WC\11.liiY\g IV w\.im \ gar \iome.

1. the students I argue I when the teacher arrived? (dance)

2. Sally I drink I wine I when they came in? (drink water)

3. Fred and Lisa I walk I in the street/ 15 minutes ago? (waiting for the bus)

4. Sofia I a magazine I read I on the bus? (read a newspaper)

5. When you arrived I dog I bark? (sleep)

6. While you were cooking breakfast I Maria I sleep? (jogging)



Going To

Future I am going to study, he is going to study

Forma9ao: presente do verbo to be + going to+ verbo principal.



am You

He is not going to eat



" eventos Que temos certeza que irao



Going toe usado para indicar:

acontecer em um futuro pr6ximo (pois ha evidencias claras disso no

Is he going to eat? going to



Formas abreviadas

eat It

We You


am • 'm

am not• 'm not

are • 're

are not• aren t

is • 's

is not • isn't

Look at those dark clouds! It is going

to rain!


,. pianos ou inten�oes

When I leave school, I'm going to


study architecture.





" "'"'"""°•''<""" f���""""""

Complete the sentences with going to + the verb in parentheses. Example:

Im goiY\g \1l wwr my new suit tonight (wear). (crash).

1. Look out! We'

(study) Spanish.

2. I'm starting a new course next month. 3. A: What 8: 4.




(do) on your next vacation?

(visit) my family in the countryside. (save)

(not spend) any money this year.

for a new car. (not eat) dinner tonight. She's on a diet.

5. Monica 6. The company







10. My team

(drive) into town or

they (catch)

the train?

8. Have you decided what you 9. I'm sorry, but I

(build) a new factory in the countryside. They

(recruit) 100 new workers.

(have) for lunch? (not write) that report all over again! (win). They've been playing well all season!




- -








----- ,__ -

- - =





- -


,.,,_ -





II. Match the sentences (which have present evidences that something will happen in the future) with the

corresponding predictions. 1. It's very cold.

) They are going to fall asleep.

2. The children are really tired.

) It's going to be crowded.

3. There's a big line for the cinema.

) She's going to look great.

4. She bought a new dress.

) I'm going to be late for work.

5. Oh no! I missed the train.

) It's going to snow.

6. She has a lot to do.

) I think I'm going to fail.

7. The test was very difficult.

) They are not going to find a table.

8. They didn't make a reservation.

) She's going to work unti I late.

Ill. Marco is going to create his own Web site. Complete the sentences below with going to and the verbs

in parentheses.

is 9oiY\9 tu crwte

Example: Marco 1. Marco

(create) his own Web site.


(take) photos of himself and his friends. (write) about his physics project.

2. His friend Leandro 3. Together, they

(create) a blog. (advertise) some computer equipment I don't use anymore on the site.

4. I 5.




(participate) in Marco's Website?

IV. Ask questions about these situations. Use the words in parentheses with going to. Example: John looks tired. (rest I tonight)

Is he 9oiY\9 tu rest tuY\i9h1? 1. My sister isn't feeling well. (see I a doctor I this afternoon)

2. Fred has to study. (have I a test I tomorrow)

3. Ana is packing her suitcase. (go away I this evening)

Oranges! Bananas! Apples!



Going To

Future in the Past


I was going to, he was going to ... +

Formayao: passado do verbo to be+ going to+ verbo principal.




He was not going to eat.




planejada no passado mas que

Was he going to eat?



going to eat


par algum motivo nao aconteceu. I was going to study, but I was

Formas abreviadas

too tired.

was not • wasn't

My parents were going to arrive

were not • weren t




Going to (no passado) e

usado para descrever uma a�ao

this morning, but they missed


the train.






_,,,"l'�"' ·""'·�:-····

Put the verbs in parentheses into the going to (future in the past) form. Example: I





(study) last night, but I was too tired.

1. He

(workout), but the gym was closed.

2. Ricardo 3. We



4. David and Mark 5. She


(go) to the party, but Pedro convinced her to go.



10. They

(do) when your boss discovered the money was gone?


8. The children

(go) to the beach on Sunday, but it started raining.

(travel) by plane, but she didn't have enough money.


7. Sarah


(not go) to the cinema, but there was nothing else to do.


6. What

(visit) his friends yesterday, but he had to work until late.

(play) outside, but it was too cold.

(write) to you but decided to phone you instead.


(buy) the apartment, but then decided to rent it.

II. Check (


the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes. wm

Example: They was going to go on vacation last week. (


1. Bob and Carol were going to travel to Argentina. 2. I was going to call you, but I lost your number.

3. Where he was going to go on his vacation?






4. What were they talking about when you came in? 5. She were going to drive into town, but she changed her mind.


6. The cat were going to eat the bird, but the woman stopped it.


7. We was going to clean the garage when the visitors arrived.



___ _


8. I were going to go out with my friends, but they didn't call me.



9. It looked like it was going to rain, so I decided not to take the dog out.



10. All the bank clerks was going to go to lunch when the customers walked in.



Ill. Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses.

\-le wos going

Example: What was he going to do when you saw him? (play tennis) 1. What were they going to sell before they moved? (house) 2. What was Ana going to study in the US? (math)


�\o� \mnis.



3. Where was he going to do his shopping? (downtown)


4. What were you going to write when I interrupted you? (a letter) 5. Where was she going to go on vacation? (to Miami)



IV. Pedro and his friends had lots of plans for their vacation in Switzerland, but they had lots of problems

and had to change their plans. Underline the correct form of going to (in the past) to complete the text.

'Pedro and hi� frit:-nd� were

going to I CJre going to fly

fir�t cla��. but

when they arrived at the airport, there were no more �eat� available. When 'Pedro wa� on the plane, the flight attendant

going to offer

if; going to I WCJf;

him a drink., but �he could �ee he wa�n't feeling very well.

The flight attendant

if; going to I WCJf; going to a�k. him

if he wa� feeling

OK, but �he didn't.

When 'Pedro and hi� friend� arrived at the �k.i re�ort, there wa� no �now. They were going to go I WCJf; going to go �k.iing everyday, but had to �tay in the hotel in�tead. Before leaving home, 'Pedro had told hi� parent� that he were going to

f;tCJy I WCJf; going to f;fCJyfor two week.�.

bu� he �pent all hi� money after only three day�.



Simple Future I will go, she will go... •

Forma<;ao: will


verbo principal sem to.


0 futuro simples e usado para: "

They will not arrive tomorrow.

You He

The population will increase 10% in 20 years. "' indicar decisoes tomadas no momenta da fala.



will arrive



prever fatos e acontecimentos.

The phone is ringi n g. I'll answer it.

Will they arrive tomorrow?

" oferecer ajuda ou fazer um pedido. Nesses casos, e muito comum o uso da forma

Formas abreviadas


abreviada ('II).



Those boxes are heavy. I'll help youi

will not• won't

Dad, will you lend me the car?



--:-',: -.:.-_ .,__,

Com I ewe, e possfvel substituir will par shall, mas esse uso e considerado formal.

E mais comum em perguntas ou quando se oferece, sugere ou convida. Shall I help you?

,,,,. I.


What shall I do now?

Shall we eat now?


Shall we go?


Complete the sentences with the simple future of the verbs in parentheses. Example: The phone's ringing! I



1. The population

(answer) it!

(increase) 50% in the next ten years.

2. There is somebody at the door. I

(open) it.

3. Don't worry about the test. I 4. Mom

(help) you study.

(not lend) me the $50 I need.

5. Who do you think


(win) the next World Cup?

6. Marco and Julia



7. The government


(not make) a final decision until next week.

8. They said they


9. Do you think you 10. She

(not go) to their friends' wedding next month.



(arrive) at midnight.

(pass) the entrance exam, or not?

(not answer) you if you're not polite.

,,_�..,, -�





II. Write sentences using the simple








Example: I /do I that I for you, I if you Iike. 1. Bye! I I see I you I tomorrow.



clo that �r �ou. if �ou li1r<.e.


2. Don't worry! I I pay I the phone bill tomorrow!


3. She's not feeling well, so Susana I not be I at the party.


4. I know you can't do it today, but I you I help I me I tomorrow? 5. So goodbye then. We probably I not meet I again.


__________________ __

Ill. Answer the questions using the words in parentheses. Example: What time will you be at home? (at 8:00 pm) 1. When will they arrive? (next week)



4. What time will we finish? (at 6:00 pm) 5. How will we get there? (by bus)



2. Who will win the World Cup? (Brazil) 3. When will you call me? (tonight)

II\ be al 1-\ome al 8:00



6. Where will he meet her? (in the park)


7. What time will you call me tomorrow? (about 10 o'clock)


8. What will they do when they see her? (I don't know)

_;;(!!)::, � IV. Match the columns. 1. I have a test tomorrow!

) I think I'll go to bed.

2. What do you want to eat?

) I'll answer it.

3. Will you lend me your grammar book?

) Sorry, but I'll probably be late.

4. The phone's ringing!

) Don't worry! I'II buy you another one.

5. The meeting is at 5:00 pm.

) I'll have a hamburger and fries, please.

6. I'm tired.

) Sorry, but I can't. I'm using it.

7. Oh, no! My watch is broken.

) Don't worry. You'll pass easily.

V. Look at the following sentences and write P (Prediction), D (Decision

), 0 (Offer), R (Request)

according to what they express. 1.

) Shall I cook dinner this evening?


) It will be sunny tomorrow. Look at the stars in the sky!


) Will you help me with this box? It's too heavy.


) There's someone at the door. I'II open it.



Will and Going to I'll stay, I'm going to stay... +

Ao falar de pianos e intern;oes:


" Going to e usado para expressar pianos

Ao falar de previsoes: " Going to e usado para previsoes baseadas em


inten�oes determinadas antes do momenta em

evidencias no presente.

que se fala.

She's pregnant. Sh e s going to have a baby. '

I'm going to go for a walk.

" Will e usado para previsoes simples .

., Will e usado para expressar decisoes tomadas

Brazil will win the World Cup.

no momenta em que se fala. The phone's ringing. I'll answer it.

Ao falar de previsoes, e muito comum o uso das expressoes I'm sure, I think, I suppose, I guess, maybe etc., com will. I think I'll be back by Friday.

I'm sure he won't mind.

We'll probably be back on Monday.

-- . J- _,,_;:::.._;__"----:::.°o."c:'i-�:0,_?..""'--:0"




----. --�,,_�ii'"""--

Complete this conversation at a hotel reception desk with will or going to + the verb in parentheses. Receptionist: How long Guest:

I don't know exactly, but I think I

Receptionist: OK. Can I have your passport? I Guest: Receptionist: Guest:

(stay) for a few days. (give) it back right away.

No probleml I'd like a room with a view. _______

(check) if we have one available.

Thanks a lot!

Receptionist: Yes, we have one. Daniel Guest:

(stay), sir?


Thank you very much.

(take) your bags to your room. Have a nice stay1

II. Complete this telephone conversation between two friends with will, won't or going to. Fabiana:

Can you come to the movies at the weekend? (not be) here.

Fernando: No, I can't. I I Fabiana:


(be) in Fortaleza. _______




(do) there?

(visit) my sister.

Fernando: I




(be) back?

Fernando: I have no idea.

Ill. Marcelo is going to study at a university in the U.S. He is at the airport with his mother. Complete their

conversation with the verbs in parentheses. Use going to or will I won't.

Marcelo: Bye, Mom! Time to go! Silvia:

Oh, Marcelo! Promise you


Marcelo: Sure, Mom! I Silvia:

(be) careful.

And don't talk to any strange people and don't forget to write.

Marcelo: OK, Mom' I


strangers. I friends and I


(call) you every week.

Remember' Be careful with your luggage and your valuables.

Marcelo: Don't worry, Mom! I Silvia:

(phone) when you arrive in Boston.

(forget to write) and I


(be) all right. You know I

(not talk) to (stay) with our

(study) at a good university.

I know, Marcelo ... but...

Marcelo: Mom, Mom ... I have to go. The gate is closing! The plane


(leave) without me!



Imperative Look! Don't run! Let's go!

Formac;:ao: verbo no infinitivo

sem to.

0 imperativo e usado para: •

Look! Go! Speak! Help!

dar uma ordem Clean your room!


.. fazer um pedido.

Go home!

Please, help me!


" oferecer algo. Have a cup of coffee

Do not go home!

Forma abreviada

.. indicar perigo ou ameac;:a.

A forma imperativa Let's+ verbo e usada para expressar uma proposta ou um convite. Afirmativa Let's visit Lucia today. Negativa Let's not go there today.

Take care!

Don't go home!

- -· ----<<-------� ·







Match the beginnings and the ends of the sentences. 1. Answer...


) late! The movie starts at 6:00 pm.

2. Don't be...


) the radio.

3. Let's go ...


) to them and tell them what you think!

4. Please turn off ...


) the questions in complete sentences!

5. Write...


) loudly in the library! People are studying there.

6. Turn left...


) to the beach early tomorrow.

7. Don't talk ...


) at the next corner and then go straight on!

Change these sentences from the affirmative to the negative form. Example: Tell him what I told you! 1. Go outside!

2. Let's give the books to him.

3. Put your shoes on the table.

4. Call me in the morning!

5. Do that now!

Dor:t tell Yiim wYiot \to\� �o\.A.

Ill. Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. Have



Don't forget

Come in

help yourself


the window! It's very cold.


and have a cup of coffee.


Hurry up!

Don't sit


Don't open

Don't listen

3. The bus is leaving soon. 4.

to take your medicine!


on the bench. The paint is wet.


to him. He is lying.


your books at page 7 and do the exercises.


right at the next corner. The bank is there.

9. There's lots of food, so


to some more!

your head! Those shelves are very low.

10. 11. You look tired. 12. Please



a rest before you do anymore work.

talking! I am trying to concentrate.

IV. What does each sentence express? Check and write Or (Order), R (Request), D (Directions),

A (Advice), Of (Offer), I {Invitation). 1.

) Don't talk in class!


) Help! I am going to fall.


) Be careful! It's raining and the roads are dangerous.


) Get up, Marcelo!


) Go straight ahead two blocks. Then turn left.


) Let's go to the movies!


) Have another coffee.


) Watch out! There's an accident ahead.



Simple Present I I work, she works... •

Formar;:ao: verbo no infinitivo sem to. "

"' ar;:oes futuras relacionadas a horario previamente

Na 3" pessoa do singular, recebe s.

Usa-se o presente simples para expressar:

definido. My parents arrive tonight.

" fatos. Classes start at 8:00 pm.

walk You

John lives in Sao Paulo. " ar;:oes habituais. Geralmente empregado com adverbios de tempo coma:

always- often - usually- frequently - sometimesnever - every day- on Mondays etc. I always listen to the radio.


The sun rises in the east.


����'tft'if·!f,:S;:;__ ;;,.¥;, :_:.::::-._

Underline the correct alternatives. Example: The Earth (revolves I revolve) around the Sun. 1. My brother often (wait I waits) for me after school. 2. He always (buy I buys) fruit at the street market. 3. You always (arrive I arrives) late for class. 4. She usually (eat I eats) cereal in the morning. 5. The train (arrive I arrives) at 8:00 o'clock every morning. 6. Carla (like/ likes) hamburgers. 7. I (get I gets) up early, even on the weekend. 8. They (work I works) hard during the week. 9. It always (rain I rains) on my birthday. 10. Lessons (starts I start) next week.

walks to the park every day



Birds fly.




., verdades universais.




II. Complete the sentences with the simple present of the verb in parentheses. Write what they express:

Ha (Habitual action), Ut (Universal truth) or Fa (Future action). Example: I


(arrive) early every morning.

1. Babies _______ (cry) when they want their mother's attention. {

__ _

2. I usually


(take) a bus to school. {


3. He _______ (work) near his house. ( 4. They always 5. The plane 6. Sarah

(drive) to work. (




__ _

__ _

(leave) at midday on Monday next week. (

__ _

(like) her job. (


7. We _______ (love) horror movies. (

__ _

8. John


9. The film 10. It

(get up) at 6:00 am on weekdays. (


(start) at 8:00 pm. (



__ _

(rain) a lot in January. <.---


Ill. Write sentences using the verbs below. Add "s" where necessary.











1. Brazilians _______ Portuguese. 2. Children 3. He



4. My sister 5. Victor

school when they are seven years old.

a lot before his exams.


the guitar.

his girlfriend every day.


6. The Prime Minister of Australia


in Brazil tomorrow.

7. The children usually _______ DVDs after school.

IV. Complete this paragraph about the routine of a V.J. in Sao Paulo

using the simple present of the verbs given below. live

work(2 X)

arrive(2 X)




Fabio _____ in Sao Paulo and midnight and around 7:45 am. He When he


all night. He




at work at

for a TU station. He work at 7:00 am. He

a sandwich and then

home at

from s:oo am to 4:00 pm.

up, he _____ a shower and sometimes


his friends.

.................../ �

Simple Present 11 fix - fixes, try - tries · -------�----·------


Formac;:ao: a 3" pessoa do singular (he, she, it) de

Se o verbo terminar em y precedido de consoante,


alguns verbos recebe s. work• works +

troca-se o y par i e acrescenta-se es.

love• loves

sing• sings

Nos verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z e o, acrescenta-se es. kiss• kisses

wash • washes

watch• watches

fix• fixes

buzz• buzzes

go• goes

.,... I.


study• studies

lrregularidade: have___. has. I have a new car.


She has a new car.


Complete the sentences with the simple present of the verbs in parentheses. Example: My sister 1. Jessica

3. He often

6. Eric

(try) to go to the gym every day, but she's too busy.





7. The boy

(have) a new computer.

(go) dancing on weekends.


4. She always 5. It only

(sing) in a local rock band.

SiV\ 9S


2. My cousin

(kiss) her mother when she arrives home.

(snow) in the south of Brazil.

(buy) a newspaper every morning. (catch) the bus to school in the morning.

8. We never

(have) dinner early at home.

9. My father

(watch) the soap opera every evening.

10. My brother II.

try• tries fly• flies

(wash) my mom's car every Saturday.

Rewrite the sentences using the 3rd person singular. Example: I have lots to do this weekend. 1. I hurry to catch the bus every day. 2. You often watch horror movies.


cloths wee�encl.



3. They brush their teeth in the morning. 4. We usually have lunch at midday. 5. The dogs often bark at night.

\-\e I SY-ie Y-ios lots



________________________ ___












Ill. Choose the correct alternative for each sentence. Example: Do you (work I works) on the weekend? l. Does he always (waits I wait) for you in front of the school building? 2. Ray never (watch I watches) TV in the morning. 3. The boys don't (study I studies) on Saturdays. 4. Clara doesn't always (wash I washes) the dishes immediately after having dinner. 5. Does she (have I has) cereal for breakfast? IV. Underline the correct alternative to complete the sentences

(simple present or present continuous).

Example: I (think I am thinking) it will rain later. l. My friend (travels I is traveling) to Curitiba at the moment. 2. She usually (brushes I is brushing) her hair before going to bed. 3. Karen and I frequently (do I are doing) our homework together. 4. I (study I am studying) a lot these days! 5. Maria is (knowing I knows) a lot about cars. 6. We often (are going I go out) after school. 7. Where's Dad? He (walks the dog I is walking the dog).


Complete this paragraph about the famous sailor Amyr Klink. Use the

simple present of the

verbs in parentheses.

(get up) very early because



there's lots to do. After he breakfast {start}



boat and





{wash} the



{fix} the equipment. He

(check) his radio and

_____ _

{read} his e-mails from all over the world. Generally, people

{want} to know about his life

at sea. They

(ask} a lot of questions

about his experiences. Amyr


to the messages as soon as he can. At night, he usually ______

(write} in his diary.

0 &J


Simple Present 111 Do they study?, they don't study... •

As formas negativas e interrogativas do presente

Frases iniciadas par palavras interrogativas coma what, where, when, how, why etc. e frases coma

acompanhado do verbo principal

how much, how long etc. seguem as mesmas

no infinitivo sem to.

regras das frases interrogativas. How much does it cost?



They study.

They don't study.

He studies.

He doesn't study.


Formas abreviadas

Do they study?

do not •don't

Does he study?

does not • doesn't




simples sao feitas com o verbo auxiliar do (do/does),


What do you like?

&¥£:a�i£!ff:Y!!��ft!!:_:,;;;?�.:. ; :':'>?..'C:�-

Observe estas respostas curtas, bastante usadas: Does Sarah work here?

Do they live in Brazil?

Yes, she does.

Yes, they do.

No, she doesn't.

No, they don't.



Complete the questions with do or does. Example:


she want to go out tonight?


he watch TV on Sundays?


they usually eat pizza?


you go to school by car?


Marco go to the gym every day?


Lisa study English?


I have to go?

II. Write sentences about Fernanda. (./ Example: (soup


= like, X


not like).

\=emo.V\cto. ctoesv11 lihe sou�.

1. (spaghetti/.!) 2. (pizza/.!) 3. (coffee/.X) 4. (hamburgers/.!) 5. (fish/.X)


Ill. Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Example: Do Fred and Eric eats breakfast?


1. Monica and her brother doesn't like science fiction movies. 2. She doesn't keeps her money in the bank. 3. Sue have lunch at midday.




4. Do he study Spanish at school?


5. Don't she want to go out tonight?


IV. Make these sentences into questions using the words in parentheses. Example:

Wirim clo me� worl\?

They work at the bank. (Where)

1. They go to school by bus. (How)

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. This shirt costs$15. (How much)


3. This table is 3 meters long. (How long) 4. He watches TV on weekends. (What)


_________ ________________

5. There are 24 people in my class. (How many)


6. They go to Rio de Janeiro on vacation. (Where) 7. I study math and physics. (What) 8. I live in Brasilia. (Where)



___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Complete this internet chat between Pedro, a Brazilian student, and Nunuk, an Eskimo (Inuit) who lives in Alaska. Write questions and answers using do or does and the question words in parentheses.



live, Nunuk7 (Where)

Nunuk: I live in the north of Alaska?. What about you? Pedro:

I live in Curitiba, Brazil. on all that snow?


travel around

( How)

Nunuk: I travel around by sled. We don't use cars here. Pedro:

Wow! That's cool!

do Nlnuk7

( What)

Nunuk: I'm a fisherman. Pedro:

That's interesting 1





start work? ( How)

Nunuk: Very early! At 5:30 am! Pedro:


have any children Nunuk?

Nunuk: Yes, I do. I have two daughters and a son. Pedro:

go to school?



Nunuk: In the morning. Pedro:



Nunuk: Not so early, around 6:00 am. What time Pedro:

At 7:00 am, but I get up at 6:00 am too.

Nunuk: No, she


get up very early too, Nunuk7 _______

start school, Pedro?

your wife work?




Progress Check

Read this article from a school magazine to get the general idea and then put the verbs into the present continuous tense.

'' The amount of garbage' around the world dramatically.










population are some of the reasons for this terrible situation. Fortunately, people

(start) to worry about garbage and its (learn)

impact on health and the environment4• Young people

(think) of ways to reduce the

about it at school. Governments

amount of garbage and increase the amount of reused and recycled materials5• (raise) public awareness6

In Brazil, for example, TV campaigns and

(promote) environmental education. An example of this is the School Project:

many schools

(collect) waste material' and

(exchange) it for

equipment, such as desktop computers, batteries one so on. They ______

(save) money3 and

(save) the planet! Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqual in. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

2. Read this entry on a personal blog and then put the verbs in the past continuous tense.

I love S0nda<j af-temoons beca0se evef<jming is calm and peacef\.ll. Las-t (read)

S0nda<j, a


aro0nd in

4:00 pm, evef<jbod<j was a-t home. tvl<j brother









:) .

(wash) me car and me ca-ts


(bak..e) a cak..e, Dad


(sleep) on -t'ne sofa in me living room. As \.Js\.Jal, I


fralk..) on me phone wim m<j bes-t friend. All of a s\.Jdden, m<j sis-ter Joanne affived wim her -two bds and meif dog! Wimin a few min\.J-tes, me ho0se -t\.Jmed in-to absol\.J-te chaosl Immedia-tel<j me dog saw me ca-ts, ne chased9 -t'hem off me verandah. tvl<j mom me<j

(sho\.l-t) a-t m<j nephews -to ca-tch me dog, b\.J-t (r0n) -towards -t'he swimming pool


and didn'-t hear. Wnen Joanne and me k..ids left- a-t 9:00 pm, one of -t'hem (cr<j) and me ofuer


(sleep). And -t'ha-t was i-tl S0nda<j was over! Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2005.

• 1

garbage: lixo

• 5

• 2 new packaging materials: novas tipos de embalagem •

31 ifestyle

changes: mudanc;as do estilo de vida

•'environment: meio ambiente

• 6

reused and recycled materials: materiais

• 8

save money: poupar dinheiro

reutilizadcs e reciclados

• 9

chase: correr atras de, perseguir

public awareness: conhecimento publico

• 7 waste material: lixo





- �







- -

� -


3. The text below is taken from a careers advice leaflet. Decide which imperative verb fits best in each

gap: a, b or c. Read the text thoroughly before you try to answer the questions.

Think a lot about yourself and the things that you like doing, and that you don't like


doing, before you start looking for a job, or getting ready for university. yourself why you want a particular job and what it is that attracts you to that


job. 3.

your preferences. If you don't like math, don't 4.

an a job in public

accountant or an engineer. Are you good at convincing people? 5. relations or something like that 6.

articles written by people who work in the field1• 7.


to people in the areas that attract you most 9.

that is necessary and 10.



whatever it is

as much as you can!! Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.



a. Imagine

b. Think

c. Say


a. Make

b. Read

c. Write


a. Demand

b. Tell

c. Ask


a. Visit

b. Invent

c. Take


a. Check

b. Think

c. Confirm


a. tell

b. talk

c. say


a. become

b. turn

c. stay


a. Make

b. Do

c. Tell


a. Make

b. Be

c. Take

a. read

b. hear

c. speak


Read the following magazine article. Then underline all the verbs. They are all in the simple present tense, except one. Which one is not in the simple present tense?



Kitesurfing is currently2 considered one of the most extreme water sports. paragliding. In fact, it combines sports like windsurfing, wakeboarding, surfing and K.itesurfers in Hawaii fly more than ten meters in the air above the waves3• again. They descend and surf on the water's surface, then leap4 high into the air water the across K.itesurfers control a wing of fabric - the kite - which pulls them or above it. The sport is more exciting than other sports and it is becoming the center of attention in the water sports scene. Most kitesurfers are also windsurfers. Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

work in the field: trabalhar na area currently: atualmente • 3 waves: ondas • 4 leap: saltar

• 1

• 2

Simple Past I

Regular Verbs


I walked, she walked ... •

Forma�ao: em geral, acrescenta-se ed ao infinitivo

0 passado simples e usado para indicar a�5es conclufdas em um tempo definido.

dos verbos. •


Nas formas negativas

" Frequentemente, e empregado com adverbios de tempo como yesterday, ago etc.

e interrogativas, usa-se o verbo auxiliar did e o


verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem to.




I wa l ked to school yesterday.

" E empregado sem marcadores de



She did not work yesterday.


lnterrogativa Did she work yesterday?



quando o contexto indicar que a a�ao aconteceu no passado. I was in New York. I entered a department store. I walked around.

Forma abreviada


did not• didn't - -"i;· �"'L< :�i'i-�O'_"'.,�·'-e.: -�"J,C_ •

0 passado simples pode indicar tambem habitos ou situa�oes que aconteceram no passado. I lived in Porto Alegre when I was young. Obs: Nessa situa�ao, e mais comum o emprego de used to. ? : --:;_.;:::.�0;;"if,"0i'J;,"ii;;s&�-:37if;;,_;.--

- -

Ver Unidade 28, pagina 70 .

..,... I.



Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. Example: They


1. Priscilla

(watch) TV last night. (talk) to her friends all day.

2. We

(walk) to school yesterday. Dad couldn't drive us.

3. We

(enter) the class late. The teacher was upset.

4. Those students 5. Daniel 6.


7. The dog 8. The mailman 9. We 10. He

(work) hard last semester. (wait) a long time for you. Then, he (live) in an apartment when I was a child. (follow) us down the road. (deliver) some mail this morning. (wait) a long time to see a doctor. (call) the office to tell them he was sick.

(decide) to go home.

II. Write questions or negative sentences. Example: She visited her parents last weekend. (Question):

Dicl she visit her ?o.rmts \o.s1 wee�m&.

l. He cleaned his room before school. (Question):


2. The teacher corrected our tests last night. (Negative):


3. Tom wanted to go to the movies alone. (Question):


4. Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake. (Negative):


5. Alexandre helped Anita with her homework. (Question):


6. They turned off the TV after the news. (Negative):


7. You talked to her earlier. (Question):


8. I knew what to do. (Negative):


Ill. Guto is in Indonesia. He is talking to his friend, Theo, in a chat room, on the computer. Complete their

conversation using the verbs in parentheses in the simple past.


Hi, Guto! Where are you?


I'm on Lombok. It's an Indonesian island off Bali.






Yesterday. I

(cross) the channel by ferryboat.


Wowl What



(do) in Bali?

Well, I went surfing every day as you know. And I


(visit) lots of tern pies. Theo:



Well, another surfboard, of course, and a mask - a tribal


mask. An artist Theo: Guto:

(buy) any souvenirs?

(paint) it by hand. (online) T

Neat! And I

(rent) a jeep and

a guesthouse there. They


(travel) to the north of the island. I


(stay) in


(cook) fresh fish on the beach. It was so good!



Simple Past



Spelling Rules love - loved,


Regra geral: acrescenta-se ed ao infinitivo do verbo. wait• waited

play• played

work• worked

" Se o verbo termina em e, acrescenta-se somente d.

" Se o verbo tiver uma s6 sflaba ou terminar em sflaba tonica formada par consoante I vogal I

love• loved dance• danced

consoante, dobra-se a ultima consoante e

change• changed

acrescenta-se ed. drop• dropped

,. Se o verbo termina em y, troca-se o y par ied. carry• carried

occur• occurred

hurry• hurried

stop• stopped

study• studied

permit• permitted

Em ingles britanico , se o verbo termina em I, dobra-se essa consoante mesmo que a ultima sflaba nao seja tanica.





-IWVf � I.

stop - stopped


•. ""i!i"bc·

L'Zfl!i!i!J$£!{�•ff1't8'Ci'"·" c· >"




CompI ete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. Example: It


1. I 2. The fire

(rain) hard yesterday. (try) to talk to Helen last night. (occur) while we were out.

3. He

(love) his wife very much.

4. We

(jog) in the park yesterday.

5. She 6. They 7. We 8. Lucio 9. A tornado

(decide) not to go out.

12. They 13. The car 14. Our company

(f aint).

(carry) her home because she

(call) us.

(stop) at the corner and (destroy) the village last week.

10. She was cleaning the vase when she 11. I

(pass) the exam.

(study) hard and

(drop) it.

(talk) to her a few minutes ago. (arrive) late and

(miss) the bus.

(belong) to him. (develop) a new communication system.

II. Write a question for each answer.

Example: What 1. Where 2. When 3. Why 4. What 5. When 6. How

clicl �ou cooh

for dinner last night? I cooked chicken last night.


? He stopped his car near my house .


? They studied English last y ear.


? They hurried because they had a test. ? They decided to study Japanese.




? The accident occurred last Sunday.

? They traveled to Argentina by car.

Ill. Complete the text about Aida dos Santos, the first Brazilian woman to go to the Olympic Games.

Use the verbs in parentheses in the simple past.

As a girl, Aida dos Santos poor neighborhood.


Her mother

clothes and her father ______


where her



(live) in a very


(work] in a bakery.

(study) at a school called Aurelino Leal. This contacts




[participate) in many teams and

(encourage) the other girls to play sport too. Athletics

_____ _


(watch) a friend at training. She

(enter] her life after she (start] to train and immediately


(attract) attention. People

(invite) her to participate in competitions. Aida's father her participation in sport.



He believed that athletes

[not support) [not want] to

(train) without her

[not listen] to him. She

work. Aida


parents' knowledge and was soon taking part in major competitions in South America. Aida ______

(compete) in the high-jump at the 1964 Olympic Games in Japan. She (achieve) fourth place. At that time, there was a lot of discrimination against

sports women, particularly black women. She went to the Olympic Games in Japan because she was the only Brazilian woman who on the Olympic team and she or masseur. She always

(qualify). She was also the only woman [not have] access to the team's coach, doctor [train] alone and she

the uniform of the team. Even with all these difficulties, she


[not receive)

[obtain) the best

performance for a Brazilian in the Olympic Games in any sport.



Simple Past Ill - Irregular Verbs buy - bought, +

drink - drank

Os verbos irregulares nao seguem as regras gerais de forma�ao do passado simples. buy• bought

drink• drank

I bought a new book yesterday.

find •found

cut• cut

eat• ate

know• knew

He found his keys under the sofa.

We ate late last night.

Ver a lista de verbos irregulares nas paginas 202-204 .




-z�A EE


Fill in the blanks with the simple past of the irregular verbs below. bring

































Complete the sentences with the simple past of the irregular verbs in parentheses. Example: I


(drink) too much coke at lunchtime.

1. She

(bring) a lot of friends to our party.

2. They

(leave) home very early yesterday.

3. They

(do) their homework and

(go) to school.

4. I

(have) a terrible headache and I

5. I

(speak) to the director as he was leaving the room.

6. Bob 7. Chris 8. Dr Johnson 9. They

(come) home from school late. (find) a ten-dollar bill and

(give) it to me.

(get up) early this morning. (know) each other very well when they were kids.

10. I

(sleep) until late on the weekend. Then, I

11. I

(pay) the phone bill yesterday.

12. My dad

(take) an aspirin.

(catch) a cold when he was in Bahia.

(go) out to lunch.

Ill. Answer these questions. Use the words in parentheses.

1-\e wern to Wle movies.

Example: Where did he go? (to the movies) 1. What did he buy? (a new car)

__________________________ _

2. When did she teach English? (before she was married) 3. How did he travel? (by plane)


__________________________ _

4. Why did she get up late? (tired)

_ ________________________ _

5. When did they sell their car? (in April)

_ _______________________

6. What time did he call his office? (at 7 o'clock) 7. Where did they meet? (at a party) 8. What did you tell her? (the truth)

____________________ _

________________________ _

__ ________________________

9. How did you come home? (by bike)

________________________ _

10. How many books did he read last week? (two)

____________________ _

4 L


IV. Laura and Patricia are talking about what they did on the weekend. Complete the blanks with the

simple past of the verbs in parentheses. Laura:




_____ _

(do) on the weekend? Patricia: Well, I


(go) to the

shopping mall with my boyfriend. We ______


(buy) some CDs and then


(go) to the movies. After

that, we

(eat) hamburgers


(drink) coke. How

about you? What ______


Well, Eric and I

you (do)?


great show. The band

(go) to a (sing)

all our favorite songs and we danced a lot. I ______


(get) home really late. My


(not be) very happy with me.

Patricia: What did you Laura:

(do) on Sunday?

Well, I was very tired so I ______

Patricia: Well, I


birthday. We all ______

(sleep) until late. When I

(have) a big breakfast and I (get up) early and

(wake up), I

(study) all afternoon. What about you? (make) breakfast. It was my mom's

(go) out to lunch. After we (read) all afternoon. You know, that really good book I

(come) home, I (tell) you




Used to I used to, they used to... +

Forma9ao: used to




Used to e usado para indicar: " habitos ou atividades regulares no passado que nao ocorrem mais.

You He used to



I used to study hard.

I didn't use to walk in

Eu estudava (costumava estudar) muito.

I didn't use to smoke, but now I do.

the park.

walk in


Nao fumava, mas agora fumo.

I nterrogativa

the park

" situa96es no passado que nao existem mais.

Did you use to walk in


I used to have a dog.

the park?


Eu tinha um cachorro. (nao tenho ma is)

I used to live in Australia.


Eu morava na Australia. (nao moro mais)

Observe a diferen�a entre:

" Used to


verbo e be used to


verbo + ing.

I used to take the bus to school.

I am used to driving in Sao Paulo.

Eu ia (costumava ir) de 6nibus para a escola.

Estou acostumado a dirigir em Sao Paulo.

Ver pagina 218.




Complete the sentences with used to and the verbs in parentheses. Example: I




(work) in London.

l. Veronica and her sister 2. They 3. I



4. We


10. You


(hate) playing squash.



(not go out) much, but now he goes out every day.




(enjoy) ourselves at the weekend.


6. Where

8. I didn't

(live) in the countryside, but now they live in the city.

(read) a lot of comic books when I was a child.


5. Rodrigo didn't


(play) volleyball with me.

(go out) much.



(work) at a radio station?

(be) a lot nicer!

II. Complete this dialog between Ivan and Marisa, a married couple.

Use the verbs in parentheses and used to. Marisa:

Ivan, we don't have any fun these days. We

(go out) a lot.


Yeah, and now we just stay home.


And we


And we


And you


Well, you're right. But you


(have) dinner in fancy restaurants, and now we always eat at home.

, (not argue) and now we argue all the time. (buy) me flowers every day, and now you never buy me flowers. _______

(cook) me magnificent romantic dinners, and now

we just have rice and beans most days.


Well, we

(be) lovers as well as husband and wife. Now we are just husband and wifel

Ill. A journalist is interviewing an old man. Complete the journalist's questions using Example: work I where?

used to.

Wlnm clicl ':'.jOU use to wor�?

1. where/ live? 2. what I do? 3. enjoy I your work? 4. be I married? 5. sport I do? 6. have I many friends? 7. how I get to work? IV. Put these sentences and questions into the required form. Example: My mother used to tell me stories. (Negative)

Mlj morner

cliclv\t use to tell me stories.

1. Did he use to swim very well? (Affirmative):


2. You didn't use to have a car. (Question):


3. He used to exercise. (Negative):


4. Did Paula use to live here? (Affirmative):


5. I used to do that. (Question):



6. Did you use to like carrots? (Negative):

To Have I have, he has... +



have you he

have lunch

have a coke

have a walk

have a meeting

have a shower

Have pode ser usado coma verbo auxiliar na formar;:ao de tempos perfeitos (presente perfeito,



Have tambem e usado quando se faz referencia a refeir;:oes, bebidas e diferentes tipos de atividades.


passado perfeito, etc.)


I have seen Joao.

He had left when I arrived.

we have


Have pode ser substituido par have got quando indicar


posse, caracteristicas pessoais, sensagoes e doengas. Este uso, porem, e mais comum em ingles brit a nico.

Negativa / lnterrogativa •

Have you got a brother?

Usa-se o verbo auxiliar do (do, does, did) para as

I've got a cold.

formas interrogativa e negativa.

I do not have breakfast. Does she have breakfast?

Ver Unidades 51, pagina 120; 52, pagina 122; 53, pagina 124;

We didn't have breakfast.



· -��

54, pagina 126; 55, pagina 128; 59, pagina 136; 76, pagina 174.


Underline the correct alternative to complete the sentences. Example: He needs (to have I had) a vacation, he's very tired.

1. Julia and I (have I has) many things in common. 2. They (have I didn't have) a good time yesterday. 3. (Did you have I Do you have) a nice day? 4. I always (have I has) lunch at home. 5. (Do I does) you usually (have I has) a rest after lunch?

6. Will you (have I has) breakfast in the hotel tomorrow?

7. I need to (has I have) a shower before I go out. 8. I (had I will have) a strange dream last night. 9. He (has I have) a swim every morning before going to work.

10. She (had I has) a terrible argument with her sister.

11. (Did I do) you have the meeting at 8:00 o'clock this morning?

12. My sister-in-law is (having I have) a baby next month.

13. Let me (has I have) a look at the newspaper! 14. What time do you want to (had I have) dinner tonight?

15. The weather is so dry! I must (have I to have) some water.










- -




II. Change the sentences into the required form:(-) negative,(+) affirmative or(?) interrogative.

Does he hove o clog?

Example: He has a dog. (?)

1. She has brothers and sisters.(?)


2. They have a house in Sao Paulo. (?) 3. I don't have a dog. (+}



4. Silvia has got a headache. (?)

( )

5. My brother has got long hair.

6. We had full-time jobs.(-)





7. Did you have a good rest on the weekend. 8. You had a shower this morning. (-}




9. I will have a look at your composition.(?) 10. I had a good vacation last summer. (-}



Ill. Put the words below into the correct order to form sentences and questions. Example: Time I breakfast I what I have I will I we? 1. a car I she I got I hasn't.

Whot time will

we hove 'oreokf'ost?


2. he I breakfast I always I his mother I with I has. 3. they I brown hair I got I have?


4. didn't I a cold I she I have I last winter.


5. did I a bad dream I he I have I last night?

6. four I doors I car I the I has. 7. don't I pets I any I I I have.

____________________ _




8. I I like I have I to I walk I a I after I dinner.

IV. Complete this paragraph with


have or have got in the correct tense. Sometimes, both are possible.

My brother and I are completely different. I he money because he


very short hair. He a good job.

lots of _______

job right now. I'm unemployed. He and his family Mexico every year. I enough money.


long hair, but


holidays in holidays. I

Future Continuous I will be working, they will be working... •

Formac;:ao: will be + verbo principal + ing.

0 futuro continua e usado para expressar ac;:oes que estarao acontecendo em um determinado


momenta no futuro.

He will not be having


she it

will be



Will he be having dinner?









10:30 22:30)

I will be having dinner at

Formas abreviadas


;. ·. · M . . . . : llfl,. 10:30



(Estarei jantando as




will not• won't

they ·�----�-�����


� ,,,,.,...


... .


Complete the sentences with the future continuous of the verbs in parentheses. Example: I (work) hard this weekend. 1. This time tomorrow,


2. When you arrive, she


6. Don't visit us tomorrow! We


(walk) back home at 5 o'clock.



(wait) for you.


(paint) my bedroom on the weekend.


10. They

(prepare) dinner.



8. She

(cook) lunch.


5. Even if you arrive a little late, I


(fly) to Italy.


3. When we get there, they 4. We

(\\be wor\-
(visit) her friends tonight.

(not driving) you to school next week. (ask) you lots of questions during the interview.

II. Put the following sentences into the

future continuous.

Example: You will fly the best airline to Italy. 1. They will play tennis this afternoon.




2. She will finish her homework tonight.

_____________________ __

3. He will take his final exams in December. 4. We will drive to the beach on Saturday. 5.



I will have dinner with Tony at 8 o'clock.

_____________________ _

Ill. It is Monday. Next Saturday, Jenny and her family are going on vacation to Cancun. She is thinking

about their vacation. Make sentences using the future continuous. Example: we I sit I on the beach. 1. I I drink I lemonade. 2. It I not rain.

We will be silting on Me beo.c¥1.

___________________________ _


3. we I not sit I at home.


4. My colleagues I work hard I in the office. 5. I I listen to l the waves.



6. I I not think about I work.

______________ _____________

IV. Luciano wants to go out with Clara tomorrow, but she has many things to do. Take a look at Clara's

agenda and write sentences about her busy schedule.

Example: 12:30

C\o.rn will be visiting ¥1er Crnnclmo

1. 4:30 pm 2. 7:30 pm


·� -��}���,.�g}"'��,��g�;t!i{:'.�-

3. 8:00 pm 4. 10:00 pm



Quantifiers much, many, few, little... +

Much (muito, muita) e little (pouco, pouca) sao usados com substantivos incontaveis.

much money, much love, little water, little time.

Em comparagoes, usa-se fewer e less (menos). .. Fewer e usado com substantivos contaveis. I have fewer friends than they do.

We don't have much money. There is little water in the tank. +

.. Less e usado com substantivos incontaveis. I have less time than you do.

Many (muitos, muitas) e few (poucos, poucas) sao •

usados com substantivos contaveis.

There is little water in the pitcher.

many friends, many books, few doctors, few

Ha pouca agua na jarra.


There is a little water in the pitcher.

Does he have many friends?

Ha um pouco de agua na jarra.

There are few doctors in the hospital. +

Observe a diferenga entre few, a few, little ea little:

He has few friends.

A lot of, lots of and plenty of (muito, muita) podem

Ele tern poucos amigos.

substituir much e many em frases afirmativas.

He has a few friends. Ele tern alguns amigos.

He drinks a lot of water. There are lots of cars here.

· --------·-·--··





Complete the sentences below with much and many. Example: I don't have


to do this weekend.

l. I don't have 2. A great

problems. I guess I'm a lucky man. dishes in Brazil are eaten with rice and beans.

3. We don't have

coffee. Let's go to the supermarket.

4. After the party, there wasn't 5. There are 6. We don't have 7. 8. She didn't receive 9. How 10. There are

food left. different languages in the world. time. Hurry up or we'll miss the show.

people go on vacation in July. love when she was a child. money did you spend last night? magazines to read on the Internet nowadays.




-- -





� -


-- -




- --


II. Complete these sentences with few or little. Example:


people are happy with the government.

1. I work a lot. I have


2. My salary is very low. I save

free time.


money each month.

3. I live near downtown, so there are

parks in my neighborhood.

4. She's just arrived from the U.S. and speaks 5. There are


people in the city on weekends. products.

6. I don't like that supermarket. It has 7. There's


8. There's a 9. She has

water in the bottle. There won't be enough for both of you.



10. She has a

water in the bottle. There will be enough for both of you.

friends in this town. She feels lonely.


friends in this town, so she doesn't feel lonely.

Ill. Check (.t) the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes Example: I have less friends now than when I was a child.


1. There are less cars in the street during school vacations. 2. We have less money than they do. 3. I have fewer time these days than in the past. 4. Much of my friends live out of town 5. There is less water in the rivers these days than there used to be. 6. We'll need lots of time to finish this exercise. 7. I eat fewer sugar than my brother does. 8. After many hard work, the new product was launched.

IV. Complete this interview with a doctor about Brazilians and sports. Use quantifiers.



Brazilians play sport?

Well, some do, but

people say that they have


time to exercise. INTERVIEWER: What are Brazilian people's favorite sports?

men and Wcinten like walking in parks. Unfortunately, in the

DocroR X:


big cities, there are

places to play sport.

INTERVIEWER: What are some other favorite sports? DocroR X:

In the amateur marathons, %


money to practice this sport.

Well, running is becoming popular. You don't need And football continues to be popular. course,

athletes compete in the streets of the big cities. children join clubs at an early age. Of

actually become famous and earn a lot of money. thanks. It was really interesting talking to you.



Some, Any, No, None some money, any time, no people ... •

Some, any e no podem desempenhar a fun�ao de adjetivos ou de pronomes.

Some e usado em frases interrogativas apenas quando se trata de oferta ou pedido ou quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa.

,. Usa-se some (algum, alguns, alguma, algumas) em frases afirmativas.

Would you like some coffee?

There are some books here.

I need some advice.

Have you lost some money?

Any e usado em frases afirmativas quando. ., aparece ap6s o if.

., Usa-se any (algum, alguns, algumas,

If you have any questions, ask me.

nenhum, nenhuma) em frases negativas e

" significa qualquer.


Take any book you need.

There aren't any books here.

" existe palavra de sentido negativo na frase, como s eldom,

Are there any books here?

never, rarely, without etc.

" Usa-se no (adjetivo; nenhum, nenhuma) e

He left without any money.

none (pronome; nenhum, nenhuma) com •

verbos na forma afirmativa para dar um sentido negativo a frase. I have no money. (adjetivo)

He rarely has any free time.

Observe tambem o uso de any e some em respostas curtas: A: Do you have any time? (adj.)

A: Do you have any money? (adj.)

B: No, I don't have any. (pron.)

B: Yes, I have some. (pron.)

I have none either. (pronome)




����;E;'!'-"t":!lf·'fit.·�'!!:, '. '-'i;,·;·-,"

Complete the sentences and questions with some or any. Example: I just don't have 1. Can I have



2. There aren't

free time during the week. coffee, please? good beaches here.


3. I bought you



4. Do you have


good ideas?

5. There aren't


interesting books to read.

6. He told us


good movies showing?

7. Are there 8. I d id n t buy '



museums here.

9. There are 10. Did you invite


11. Generally, my teacher has 12. Do you have

stor ies.

girls to the party?



good ideas about improving my English.

suggestions about the project?






















- -


II. Complete the sentences with any or no. Example: There is


room in that hotel.

1. We have

money to buy a new car.

2. I couldn't find

paper in the drawer.

3. We don't have

money to go to the movies. people in the park today. It's closed.

4. There are 5. There weren't

girls at the party.

6. There's

milk in the refrigerator.

7. Did you invite

boys to your party?

8. He's a vegetarian, so he eats


meat. work.

9. They're very lazy. They do absolutely 10. I don't think

of his films are bad films.

Ill. Change the sentences below into the required form:(-) negative,(+) affirmative or(?) interrogative.

We clovit o.n� cof[ee o.t Viome.

Example: Do we have any coffee at home? (-)

1. There are some boys waiting for you outside. (?) 2. Did he buy any magazines at the newsstand? (-) 3. She told them some good jokes. (?) 4. Do you have any time?(+)





5. He doesn't like any of my friends. (+)

_________ _____ ___________

IV. Underline and correct the mistakes.


Example: He seldom buys no new clothes. 1. Would you like any tea?


2. They never bring some food.

____ _

3. If you have some problems, just call me. V.


You can have some toy you like.


I'd like any apples, please.


_ _ _ __

_ _ _ __

Complete this dialog between a husband and wife. Use some, any, no, or none. Husband:

I'm going to the supermarket. Do we need


Yes, we don't have


Is there


Well, there is


Do we need


Yes. There aren't


And what about meat?


Hum, there's


Is there anything else?


Yes, I think we need


bread left? in the cupboard. eggs? eggs left.

meat in the freezer.

margarine too.



Somebody, Anybody, Nobody There's nobody here, it's somewhere around here... +

As mesmas regras que determinam o emprego de some, any e no sao validas para o emprego de seus compostos. Pessoa












There is somebody in the room.

There is nothing wrong.

Did you see her anywhere?

Body __, one anybody--> anyone

somebody__, someone

nobody --> no one

Someone is waiting for you downstairs. I didn't know anyone at the party.

� "'"'""'"







�· �


2z-JJ&t�'!j!{fi[fi!_�},.�.._,,_§J,f;:_:C'-!:·-:;.�t ,.,,;�--;,."·--,,,�� ..

Complete the sentences using something, somewhere, somebody (someone), anybody (anyone) or anything. Example: I know the street is


around here! . It's a secret.

1. John's going to be fired! But don't tell 2. We can't just lose the contract! There must be 3. The children are


5. I lost my house keys 6. Did he tell you



7. She will build her house

in the garden. I can't remember where.

about the accident?


in the countryside.

I can do for you?

8. Is there 9. Will you have He can't see

in the house.

wrong? You look worried.

4. Is there


we can do!



11. I'm bored. I don't have 12. Is 13. By the way, I have 14. You know, I feel like

to paint the house or will you do it yourself? without his glasses.


to do.

coming with me? to tel I you. 's watching me.

Complete the sentences with some, any, no or somebody (someone), something, somewhere, anything or nothing.


Example: Don't do


l. I have

I wouldn't do. to wear to the party.

2. It is winter now. That's why there are 3. When I arrived home, there was 4. He offered me

6 . I can't tell you



5. Please don't make


in the house.

noise. We are trying to study.

about my job. It's confidential!


money, but he said he didn't have

8. The girls aren't here. They must be 9. He's done


10. Look! Do Ill.

leaves on the trees.

to drink.


7. I asked him to lend me


_____ __


all day.

you like. Just don't bother me!

Complete the sentences with words from the box. any l.





anything (x 2)




time today, but I'll help you tomorrow.

3. Listen! He is trying to tell you _______

5. There was


at the party when I arrived. in the store that I liked, so I didn't buy

6. I didn't know

_ ______

at the party, so I went home early. time to talk at the moment. I'm late for work.

7. I have

8. When I arrived at the beach, there was 9. I'm hungry. I didn't have 10. Can you think of

no one

phoned you yesterday, but I forgot his name.

2. I don't have

4. There was





to stay.

for breakfast.

to go for lunch?

boy is talking to a girl at a party. Complete what he says. Use someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), something, anything, somewhere or anywhere.



I'm sure I know you from


I don't think we've met before. Do you know


Yes, a few people! I know _______

Girl: Boy:

. Or maybe you just look like

in that group over there. I'm hungry. Would you like

to eat?

Sure! But there isn't


to sit here.

This place has a beautiful garden. Maybe, there is _______

I met in the past.



to sit there. Shall we get

to drink before we go outside?



All, Every, Each all the students, every student, each student... +

All (todo, toda, todos, todas) e usado: ,, com substantivos no plural, substantivos incontaveis e preposi<;:oes. I visited all the museums in the city.


everything (tudo)

He knows all about art.

everybody I everyone (todo mundo) everywhere (todo lugar)

Every (todos, todas, cada um, cada uma) refere-se ao grupo todo.


I know everything about them.


Let s go! Everybody is here. '

"' com substantivos contaveis no singular. I visited every museum in the city.

Every student (tres ou mais) has to pass the test. +

Compostos de every:

I spent all my money.

Each (cada um, cada uma) refere-se a cada

E usado:


Quando all ou each vierem seguidos de the, my, your, his etc. pode-se usar of. All of my friends were at the party. All my friends were at the party. Each of the children likes pizza.

" com substantivos contaveis no singular.

Each student (dois ou mais) has to pass the test. She wears three earrings in each ear.




�ey _ .o;; -�%1;-�"5/�_�"--------"-

Complete the sentences with each, every or all. Example:

Ever� I t.o.c\-i

1. I wake up at 6:00 am

time I see y ou, y ou're bigger! day.

2. I work from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. So I spend 3.

of us are meeting at Fred's house.


bedroom has its own bathroom.

5. I'm going to be in Rio next weekend and I want to spend 6. I went to

day in the office.

day on the beach.

shop in the mall to find her present.


one of us is responsible for reducing the greenhouse effect.


of the candid ates arrived late for the test.


of my relatives live in the U.S.

10. It's like

day is a holiday.

II. Susan is studying very hard for her final exams. Complete the text with every or


I 5pmt

week 5tu.d1il"IJ -for M1 exa.M5. I yot u.p a.t 7:00 a.M

_ _ _ __

MOrl"lil"I_;. I 5topped

da.y I worked

-for lu.l\Lh Md thel\ I worked a.-fterl\OOI\. I 5topped work


to a. w-f-fee. I a.l5o ".vorked


evel\il\j. Well, I pa.55ed a.l\d l\OW I'M ____


da.1 OI\ the bea.Lh.

Ill. Complete the sentences with everybody, everyone, everything or 1. 2. I bought

M1 exa.M5 Va.La.tiol\. I'M _;oil"IJ to 5pmd


I know was at the party. ______

I needed at the supermarket.


my family lives in the countryside.


in the store was very expensive.

IV. Check (.f) the sentences which are correct and rewrite the wrong ones.

Example: Every my money is in the bank.

/:\\\ m� VYIOY\e� is iY\ me 'ocm'tt

1. Each of my brothers is a doctor.

2. We liked every of the books we read.

3. Everyone is waiting for the show to begin.

4. Every the students are studying for the test.

5. He lived in Sao Paulo every his life.

6. I spend each the money I earn.

7. They each passed the test

8. All our friends are here.



Both, Either, Neither both hands, either is fine, neither of them ...


Both; both ... and (ambos, os dois I as duas ... el


Both cars are very expensive. They both like pizza.

Which dress do you like? Neither is expensive.

Neither Martin nor Peter passed the test.

Both Fred and Paulo have motorbikes. +

Neither; neither ... nor (nenhum; nem um nem outro, nem ... nem, tampouco)

Either; either... or (um dos dais, um ou outro;

She doesn't like tea and neither do I.

ou .. . ou, tambem)


Which bock do you want to read? Either is fine. •

We can go either by bus or by car.

ConstruGfies com of: Both of the students are tired.

If you don't go, I won't go either.

Both of us love her. I didn't like either of those movies.

Neither of them drink coffee .





Complete these sentences with both, either or neither. Example:



of my two sisters are married. Michael and Tom like rock music.

2. I don't like 3.

of those movies. They are boring. Ivan nor Henrique passed the test because they didn't study.

4. Fernanda doesn't like classical music. Mauricio doesn't like it 5. If 6.

Kiko and Theo come to the party, I'll be very happy. Matheus are crazy about football.


7. If Caio doesn't go to the beach, I won't go 8. Carla and Ana 9. You can go

_ ________

have cars. by bus or by car.

10. Waiter: "Which table do you prefer?" Customer: "


is fine."

II. Complete this dialog in a clothing store with both, either or neither. Customer:

I can't decide which of these dresses to take.

Shop Assistant:



look great on you. Why don't 7

you take

Then you can use one at night

and one during the day.


of them is on sale and I don't have


. I'll take

enough money to buy _______

Shop Assistant: Well,

this one or this one. Which do you prefer?


of them are really beautiful.

Ill. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Example: Either of those actors are Brazilian.

Neither of those !Actors !Are \�imz.ilio.Y\. 1. Both them are studying English.

2. I don't like neither of those actors.

3. Both Hugo and Ivan plays tennis.

4. Mara read both books, but I read either of them.

5. I Iike neither these sweaters.

IV. Rewrite these sentences. Use neither... nor..., either... or..., both ... and... Example: Marcia is a good football player. Enrico is a good football player too. (both)

l'.>oth \\l\orcio !AY\cl Emico ore goocl fiolbo\\ p\o�ers. 1. I don't like coffee. I don't like tea either. (neither)

2. I don't know what to do on the weekend. I'll go to the mountains or the beach. (either)

3. Paula is not going to study tonight and Carla is not going to study tonight. (neither)

4. Thais has a bike. Gabriela has one too. (both)

5. I don't remember where they are from. They are from Italy or Spain. (either)



Progress Check


Read the text to get the idea of what it is about. Then put the verbs in parentheses into the past simple tense.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! Ifs Superman. (land) on our planet in 1938.

Superman Still a baby, Jor-EI and Lara's only child

(be) sent into space

on an unmanned spaceship1 before their planet Krypton


(land) on Earth close to

(explode). The spaceship

(find) the baby and

the Kent's home. The Kents ______

(decide) to raise2 him and call him Clark, Clark Kent.

The story is well-known to all of us. Almost everyone

(follow) Superman's adventures - in action cartoons, on the

radio, on TV and in the movies - each one telling a different part of Superman's story. Action Comics first

(print) the comic strip3 in 1938. It


(include) the appearance of Lois Lane, and the newspaper they ______

Superman's worst enemy, luthor, only It

(appear) in Action Comics #23.

(be) on the radio, not in the comics that Kryptonite, Superman's famous


(come) into the story.

The figures around Superman are impressive. The comic book in 1940, in which Superman _______

(work) for

(be) the Daily Star.


(ask) Lois lane to marry him (and she

(accept) ,

Superman #75

(sell) out in a few days. (tell) the story of Superman's death in November 1992. It is (sell) 6 million copies.

the best seller of the series: it

Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

• 1 • 2

unmanned spaceship: nave espacial sem tripula<;:ao raise a child: criar, educar um fl/ho

• 3

comic strip:

hist6ria em quadrinhos (especia/mente

aquelas publicadas em tiras de jomais e revistas) • 4



Fill the gaps with the determiners from the box below. (Sometimes more than one answer may be


correct and you will need to use some of the words more than once). Remember to read the text once through first to understand the meaning. many

a lot of



There is



evidence that suggests

ancient civilizations were very

superstitious. But superstition is also part of our modern world. _______



very old beliefs1 are still with us

today: a broken mirror2, for example, means seven years' bad luck3. In


cultures a black cat

can bring you either good luck or bad luck if it crosses your path4.


people never walk under a


ladder5 because it also means bad luck. New Yorkers have a curious superstition; the number _______


13 is a sign of bad luck and

buildings have


_________ .

thirteenth floor.


Thankfully, there is also a place for good luck in superstition. _______

in the past,


• .

charms6 and beliefs are popular because,


people believed they brought

" •

good luck. Superstition is certainly part of the past and present and will probably remain with us into the future too. For _______

people it is ignorance; for others, it is an


important part of their lives. Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

• 1 • 2 • 3

beliefs: crenps a broken mirror: um espe/ho quebrado bad luck: azar

. •

cross your path: cruzar seu caminho ladder: escada • 6 charm: talisma

• 4 • 5



Reflexive Pronouns I myself, yourself, himself... Personal Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

Os pronomes reflexivos podem ter furn;:ao reflexiva, indicando que a ar;:ao recai sobre o


pr6prio sujeito. Nesse caso, o pronome vem logo



ap6s o verbo e concorda com o sujeito.













He hurt himself in the game last night.

Compare estas frases: They hurt themselves.

(cada um deles machucou a si pr6prio) They hurt each other. They hurt one another.

(um machucou o outro)

Os pronomes reflexivos caracterizam-se pelas terminar;:oes self (singular) e selves (plural).





Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns. Example: The cat was cleaning


1. We wash

in the morning.

2. The boy hurt 3. We enj oyed



4. The children amused 5. You must protect 6.

I cut

in the corner of the room.

at the party.

______ in the park.



7. We must behave

when he fel I from the tree.

from the sun.

with a sharp knife.


in class.

8. Tom and I hurt 9. Kids, behave 10. Carol, look at



11. This CD player turns 12. John hurt

14. Help

! You're filthy.



13. My grandmother cut

at the party.

when he fell off his bike.




while she was cooking.

to some more food. There's plenty there.

II. Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb tenses and Example: It was a nice party and they 1. Last year, Jack

reflexive pronouns.

evlJO�ecl rnemse\ves ver� mucl-1


2. At night, she

. (enjoy I very much)

how to play the piano. (teach)

a nice meal. (always I cook) . (hurt)

3. Bruno was playing footbal I when he 4. The dog barked when it 5. They will have to



(see I in the mirror)

tonight. I'm going to be busy, I'm afraid. (amuse)

! (cut)

6. Kids, be careful of the glass. Don't 7. She

and ate it all. (make I a big sandwich)

8. We have some extra money so next month we 9. She


10. We

Ill. Complete with


. (buy I a new car)

in the mirror and started to cry. (see)

a lot when we're teenagers. (enjoy)

each other/ one another or reflexive pronouns (myself, himself etc.)

Example: They had an argument and no longer talk to 1. My sister and I help


2. My boyfriend and I love 3. The children hurt

one cmorner


with our homework.

_ _ _ _________


while their mother was working. during the whole trip.

4. I met a man on the bus. We talked to 5. We enjoyed

at the party because all our friends were there.

IV. Complete this text about a professional tennis player.

Use reflexive pronouns or each other/ one another.

I am a professional tennis player.

I taught


how to play tennis because my parents didn't think sport was a good profession. Every day, I have the same routine. I wake up early and make

breakfast. Then I meet my

coach on the tennis court and we train with


for about four hours. We stop at about 12:30 and make ______

lunch. Then we train for another four hours

in the afternoon. I love my profession but I often worry that I will hurt

during training.

I . .····
Reflexive Pronouns 11 by myself, she herself ... +

Os pronomes reflexivos podem aparecer: "' Precedidos de by, os pronomes reflexivos

., depois de verbos ou de adjetivos seguidos de preposi�oes.

significam "sozinho" ou "sem ajuda".

She is looking at herself in the mirror.

I live by myself.

I am angry at myself.

They did it by themselves.

Os pronomes reflexivos tambem podem ter fun�ao

enfatica. Nesse caso, concordam com a pessoa ou coisa que se quer enfatizar. She talked to Bob. (frase sem nenhuma enfase) She herself talked to Bob. (enfase no sujeito) She talked to Bob herself. (enfase no sujeito) She talked to Bob himself. (enfase no objeto)

,,... I.



Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns. Example: I can't do it


. I need someone to do it for me. . Look at this mess!

1. You children should be ashamed of

. She forgot her husband's birthday.

2. Sandra was angry at 3. My sisters love looking at

in the mirror.

! It was your fault.

4. Stop feeling sorry for


5. The children can look after 6. Victor is very pleased with

. He passed his final exams.

II. Substitute the word alone. Use by a n d a reflexive pronoun. Example: My grandmother lives in that old house alone. l.


I want to do the work alone.

2. Do your homework alone.

M� grnnclmomer lives in mo.r o\cl \t-iouse 'o� \t-ierse\f


3. The boy solved the puzzle alone.

4. The children went to the park without an adult. 5. My alarm turns off alone after ten minutes.



Ill. Use reflexive pronouns to emphasize the subject of the sentences. Example: He spoke to the nurse 1. I painted the room

\t\erse\f .


2. My neighbor built his house 3. You have to phone her



4. The children built the doghouse 5. She

· She doesn't want to talk to me.


spoke to the school director.

6. The teacher couldn't answer the questions


7. My daughters chose a present for their father 8. We will finish the project


, our boss is on vacation.


9. You have to write the letter

. It has to be your handwriting.


10. Well if you can't, I'll take it to the office


IV. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns from the box. by themselves

1. He



by herself



by myself

by itself


explained the problem, but nobody believed the explanation

2. When we arrived at the guest house, it was the owner




_ _ ______

who met us.

in a small apartment.

3. My grandparents live 4. The little girl flew to New York

. Her uncle met her at the airport.

5. We always prepare

for exams by studying a lot.

6. She blamed 7. I went to the theater


for the accident, but it wasn't really her fault. _______

8. They don't want a picture of 9. I

because my boyfriend was working.


didn't like the movie, but my husband enjoyed it a lot.

10. The car alarm went off


. Nobody was trying to steal it, thank goodness.

/v���4"""''"'·"·J·.· ··

V. Tick the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes found in the wrong sentences. Example: Marcio herself prefers to cook lunch.


1. The girl cut himself while she was playing in the garden. 2. The old woman likes living by themself. 3. Behave yourself, children. 4. She herself is responsible for the children. 5. The dog found its way home ourselves after it got lost. 6. Jake, you have to solve the problem yourselves. 7. Nobody talked to us at the party so we sat by themselves. 8. It was the photographer yourself who took those pictures.



The Definite Article I (use) the boy, the boys •

0 artigo definido the (o, a, os, as) e usado antes de: .. substantivos precedidos ou nao par adjetivos.

" substantivos que indicam alga unico.

the boy

the sun

the boys

the moon

the sad boy "' names de instrumentos musicais. the piano "' names de famflias e nacionalidades. the Kennedys the Smiths the French ., acidentes geograficos (rios, montanhas, desertos etc.). the Pacific (Ocean) the Amazon River the Gobi Desert the South of Brazil Obs: No caso de montanhas, ilhas e paises, the

the earth " algumas expressoes de tempo. in the morning in the evening in the afternoon " antes de superlativos. the best student in the class the most important industry " antes de adjetivos usados coma substantivos que se referem a um grupo de pessoas. the rich the poor the unemployed the young

e usado s6 quando o name se refere a um grupo. the United States the United Kingdom the Bahamas 0 artigo definido pode se referir a:

the Himalayas "' names de locais publicos e names de hoteis,

Observe a diferen�a entre thee a I an

teatros, cinemas, museus, grupos musicais,

We phoned for a taxi.

jornais, trens e navios.

The taxi was late, so we missed our flight to

the bank

New York.

the movies the Hilton

pessoa au coisa mencionada anteriormente.

alga au alguem especffico. The captain of our team is in the locker room.

the Roxy the Tate Gallery the Rolling Stones the New York Times

Ver Unidade 6. paginas 22 e 23.



Supply the where necessary. guitar.

Browns like to play


2. There was a boy standing near

corner when I drove past.

3. He decided to cross 4. We are going to

Atlantic in a small boat.


Hilton to see friends.

5. They play tennis in 6.


secretary at our school has a new computer.


7. I bought an English book and a Spanish book. 8. We had a very good time at 9.


English book cost


company dinner.


Thompsons have bought a house in

10. 11.




children bought a dozen balloons for the party. _____

12. New York is

milk in



13. I am going to 14.

fridge is for



United States.

biggest city in

movies after school. Would you like to come? climate is becoming hotter and hotter.

II. Complete the sentences with a, an, the or ff (when no article is required). l. 2.

island, exploded.

Krakatoa, which was _____

sun rises in

3. I am leaving for


east and sets in


Spain tomorrow.

4. He took

dancing lessons for


Russian is


French have


Brasflia was made

8. All of


difficult language. excellent cuisine. capital in

students there were


ones that passed

Ill. Complete this text about Brazil with a, the or ff (no article).



North, there are


rain forests and

longest river is also situated here. In


climate is more European.

Brazil also has many social differences. most of





country's wealth and

rich own




The Definite Article 11 (omission) She is in hospital. They're at school. •

0 artigo definido thee omitido antes de:

" names de alguns lugares quando usados para o prop6sito original. Sao exemplos:

" possessivos.

home - church - school - college - hospital -

Our car is very old.

bed - prison

"' names pr6prios, names de disciplinas, refeic;oes,

My mother has gone into hospital. She's sick.

lfnguas, esportes, ruas e partes do corpo.

Mas: I went to the hospital to visit my mother.

Ana is pretty.

I went to church. (to pray)

Science is interesting. He plays soccer. I never have breakfast.

Observe a diferen�a de uso:

I live on Fifth Avenue.

Laura went to church.

His hair is very long.

I went to the church to meet her. Dennis went to hospital.

,. substantivos contaveis e incontaveis quando

I went to the hospital to visit him.

usados no sentido geral. I like cats. Money is not the most important thing in my life.



" "·�¥;-A

Ver Unidade 10, paginas 30 e 31 .



Complete the sentences with the or B (when no article is necessary). fish is good for your health.

1. Eating 2.


3. They like






6. She studies 7. 8.

book you wanted about cheese,


milk and

Susan is in




jewelry. Peru.

gold in my necklace comes from Spanish? church every John loves sitting in

Sunday. sun.

my parents had to go to

13. He was sent to 14.


math at a college

Si Iver is used to make

10. I go to _____


hospital. She's having an operation.

9. Do you like studying



postman delivered a letter from



Sahara Desert is now available.

school to talk to


prison for seven years. woman who lives in

house over

street works in

_____ _


15. Some people say

Amazon is

biggest river in















� -

Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Example: The silver knives and forks are expensive.

Silver knives

!mJ. firks on


1. At the school, I was a terrible student.

2. The rice and the cocoa are grown in Brazil.

3. I like the coffee with the milk and the sugar.

4. Smiths live on the Maple Street, and Martins live on the Third Avenue.

5. My brother likes the sports. He plays the tennis on the Fridays.

6. I am going to the home after the work.

7. The courage and the honesty are the qualities I most admire in the people.

8. The Portuguese is the official language of the Brazil.

9. The Aconcagua is highest mountain in Andes.

10. Netherlands is the one of most densely populated countries in the Europe.


Complete this letter of recommendation with a,

To Whom it


the or 0 (no article).

May Concern,

ng --- my company for 10 years. Duri Lorena Tyler worked for -e. loye emp very reliable and enthusiastic this time, she was but , tant e assis company as ----- offic She joined promotion to her to led her initiative soon - _ _ - - _ _ ----re sh� was responsible for -supervisor of telemarketing whe ing train Tyler implemented _ team of thirty. In this position, Ms. . . product1v1ty of program and increased . -hesitat! on in recommending --department by 20%. 1 have no future pos1t1ons. Lorena for ____





- - -






I a pretty girl, an old woman

Os adjetivos sao usados para descrever coisas ou pessoas. a beautiful dress

a handsome man

de liga�ao.

Os adjetivos nao se flexionam quanta ao numero.

afraid -asleep -alone -ashamed

a rich boy I rich boys

awake -ill -well -sure

He is rich. I They are rich.

They look afraid. He is alone.

Os adjetivos, em sua maioria, podem ser usados:

She feels ill.

" antes de substantivos. •

a pretty girl

a big house

Alguns adjetivos s6 podem ser usados antes de substantivos.

"' ap6s verbos de ligac;:ao.


Alguns adjetivos s6 podem ser usados ap6s verbos

eventual -main -only -occasional -principal

be - become - get - smell - taste - sound -

The main problem is pollution.

seem - appear - look - feel - make

The only reason I called is this...

He looks tired.

They sounded happy.

She feels fine.

It's getting late.




Complete these sentences with sad


1. This problem is 2. They need a



3. The children are 4. Our mother is an






. I don't know the answer.

car. Theirs is very old.


·They went to bed late last night.


5. I feel

cook. She makes all kinds of delicious cakes.

. I need to see a doctor.

6. The

problem in our town is pollution.

7. Her parents are


8. I'm

. They are both very good lawyers.

I'm going to pass my exams!

9. Mmmm! Dinner smells 10. Jill seems

adjectives from the






! What time are we going to eat?

today. Let's try to find out what's wrong.



II. Put these sentences into the plural form.

-n1e� ore ricl-1 'oo�s.

Example: He is a rich boy. 1. My brother is intelligent. 2. This film is interesting.

_________________ ____________

_____________________________ _

3. The girl was watching an exciting movie. 4. That car looks expensive.


5. The student needs a new shirt. 6. The little baby is laughing. 7. That is a cheap computer.

__________ _________________


________________________ _____

8. This woman has an excellent job. 9. That old man is lonely.


____________ ______________


10. The big apartment is expensive.

_________________ __________

11. This dish is traditional in the Northeast. 12. Look at that beautiful mountain!


_ _ _ _ __________ _____________

Ill. Tick the correct sentences and rewrite the incorrect ones. Example: She is an afraid girl.

S\-ie is of'oicl.

1. He is an alone person. 2. Paula is an ashamed girl. 3. The boys look afraid. 4. His parents seem happy. 5. I live in a house big. 6. He is an asleep boy. 7. The shops are closed today. 8. Carla is a well girl.


9. This is the way only to improve your English.


10. You don't have to be handsome to be an actor, but it helps.



Adjectives 11 an exciting movie, an excited child +

Existem muitos pares de adjetivos que terminam

A termina9ao ing indic a atributo de um objeto


em ing e ed.

ou pessoa. A termina9ao ed refere-se ao

interesting • inte rest e d

sentimento de uma pessoa em rela9ao a algo

boring • bored

ou a alguem.

exc iting • excited

The movie was interesting.

conf u sing • confused

I was interested in it.

(0 filme era interessante.) (Eu estava interessado nele.)

Adjetivos compostos: sao formados por duas palavras. Muitas vezes, essas palavras se referem a partes do corpo, vestuario ou personalidade. short -> sighted

long ->haired

left -> handed

bad ->tempered

well -> behaved


-IWNf )1(






short -> sleeved hard




Provide the corresponding ed or ing adjectives. 1. fascinating 2. shocked 3. amazing 4. depressing 5. horrified 6. amusing 7. worrying 8. embarrassed


Underline the correct alternative. 1. I was really amazed I amazing when they offered me the job. 2. The trip to New York was very excited I exciting. 3. Her husband has some very annoyed I annoying habits. 4. After the j ourney, I was so tired I tiring that I slept all afternoon. 5. Everybody laughed because his story was so amusing I amused. 6. Mr. Caulker was disappointed I disappointing because his son's exam results were very bad.

Ill. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective using ing or ed appropriately. (interest)

1. This book isn't very 2. The Iights went out. I was so

. (frighten)

3. He was very

after his wife died. (depress)

4. The teacher's explanation was

. (confuse) story to tel I you. (amaze)

5. I have an 6. Their mother was very

when they didn't arrive on time. (worry)

7. When I forgot his name, I was very

. (embarrass)

8. The result of the election was


IV. Complete this text about a professional model with the adjectives:









My name's Vera. I'm a professional model. My job is very _______

too. I travel al I

but very

around the world and meet lots of _______ people. I'm never

. There are too many

______ _

things happening all the time.

'/ f l '

At the beginning, I was


when the photographers

took photos of me, but now I'm used to it. My parents were _______

I think they were

when they discovered I wanted to be a model.



. They thought people would

in me just for my money. But when they

saw I was _______ in my profession and successful, they changed their minds.


Complete the police report with compound adjectives.

-haired (1)

Police are looking for a young, man. He iR

-eyed (2) and he wearR glaRReR

becauRe he iR

-Righted (3). He iR alRo tall and -Rhouldered (4).




Adjectives 111

- Order and Position

a big old house, a beautiful young woman +

Frases com mais de um adjetivo: " adjetivos que expressam opiniao vem antes de adjetivos que expressam fatos.



a beautiful

young woman

a nic e

old man

Adj etivos que expressam fatos devem ser usados na seguinte ordem:






an +






wooden old



table car

Geralmente, nao sao usados mais de tres adjetivos antes de um substantivo. A big red American car.


Depois de um verbo, os adjetivos sao ligados da seguinte forma: " tres ou mais adjetivos.

"' dois adjetivos. I am tired and hungry.


I am tired, hungry and thirsty.

Depois de certos adjetivos (par exemplo adjetivos ligados aos sentimentos e rea�oes) o verbo e usado no infinitivo: It's impossible to u nderstand him.

This game is easy to play.

It's good to study a foreign language.

He was wrong to lie to his friend.

They are certain to win the game.

I was happy to help you.

You were right to say no.

You're welcome to come with me.


y� � --�-,,,�"'"''' ""

Rewrite these sentences with the adjectives in parentheses in the correct order. Exampl e: That (young I nice) man is Martin.

11-ior nice �oun9 mon is Mornn.

1. His dog is (black I white). 2. It's a (old/ lovely/ Italian) table. 3. They live in a (little I pretty) village. 4. My house has a (big/ lovely) garden. 5. My boyfriend has (blond I short) hair. 6. His girlfriend has (round I big I blue) eyes. 7. I like (black I good I strong) coffee. 8. They are a Brazilian I small/ rock band.

_____________________ _

Tick the correct sentences and rewrite the incorrect ones.


Example: I live in a modern small apartment.

\live \no smoll. moclem o�ortmm\.

1. He has a car old, blue and white. 2. My parents have a beautiful, old, Swiss clock. 3. His girlfriend is a dark-haired, lovely, Brazilian woman. 4. This house was built by a famous French architect. 5. My bedroom is white red. 6. They are hungry and thirsty tired. 7. They live in a nice quiet neighborhood. 8. This is an old, interesting European city. 9. This is an exciting, big, amusement park. 10. I met a tall, dark, handsome man IGjst night.


Rewrite these sentences in a different form so that they sound more natural. Example: French is easy to learn.

\ts eos� \0 leornFrench.

1. Working 12 hours a day is exhausting. It's ------

2. Traveling to exotic countries is exciting. It's ------

3. Understanding him is difficult. It's


4. It's exciting playing this game. This game


5. It's hard to find a good restaurant in this town. A good restaurant


6. It's impossible to translate some words. Some words


7. This exercise is easy to do. It's


8. Lying to your parents is wrong. It's


9. Brazil will definitely win the volleyball game. Brazil is certain


10. Studying English as often as you can is very useful. It's------------------ ------------------·

Question Words I What?, Who?, How?... -�---� -----

As palavras interrogativas sao usadas para obter informa\:iSes especfficas. Geralmente, elas sao colocadas antes de verbos auxiliares ou modais.


Palavra lnterrogativa What? (0 que?)

What do you want?

What time is the movie?

When? (Quando?)

When did he arrive?

When is her birthday?

Where? (Onde?)

Where does she live?

Where is he?

Why? (Par que?)

Why are you angry?

Why is he sad?

Who? (Quern?)

Who is he?

Who does he like?

Whose? (De quern?)

Whose is this jacket?

Whose jacket is this?

Which? (Qual?)

Which is his?

Which color do you prefer?

How? (Como?)

How are you?

How did you come here?

Quando uma palavra interrogativa for o sujeito do verbo, nao se usa verbo auxiliar. Observe a diferen�a:

Who saw him?



Mike saw him. (sujeito)


Who did you see?

I saw Mike. (objeto)

- -...u����i;..'1��� _,,.,_ __,_-�-·-

Complete these sentences with the correct interrogative words. did you see? I saw Sfl vi a.

l. 2.



coat is this? It's mine.


car is that over there?

It's K

did you study? I studied in the U.S.






shirt do you like best? The red one. are you doing now?


are you going to the movies with?

did he miss class yesterday? He was sick.




It's my brother's.


do you spell your name?


are they leaving? Tomorrow morning.


At 8:00 am.

is she tired? She walked a long way.

are you leaving for work?



did you start working here?


car is yours?


Match the questions to the correct answers. ) He is in the garden.

1. Who is that girl? 2. Whose car is that?

) She is reading a magazine.


) I

Why is Daphne sad?

went to the gym.

4. How do you go to school?

) That girl is my sister.

5. Which dress do you prefer?

) I

6. What is she doing?

) 23'd August.

7. Where do you work?

) That car is mine.

8. Where did you go yesterday?

) I

prefer the red one.

) She argued with her boyfriend.

9. Where is Mike?

) We go to school by bus.

10. When is your birthday?

Ill. Write

work in a multinational company.

questions. Use the given question words.

Example: Lorena is coming back on Saturday. Who

is coming 'oac'R on Satv.rcla�?


is lorena coming 'oac'R?

1. Pedro can play the guitar.

Which instrument

______________________________ _

2. Clara met her husband in Spain.


3. I

used to play football a lot.





Write questions. Ask about the words in bold. Example: Toni broke the vase.

What clicl 1 oni 'orea'r-?

Toni broke the vase.

Who 'oro'Re the vase?

1. a. Rogerio bought a new car. a.

2. a Rachel studies Spanish.


b. Rogerio bought a new car. b.


b. Rachel studies Spanish.



a. Simone and Marco go to the beach on weekends.

b. Simone and Marco go to the beach on weekends.

_ _ ______________�

Question Words II How long?, How far?, How much?... -�������-�-----·

Observe estas expressoes comuns com How.



How many/much...? ( Quanto I Quantos...?)

How many brothers do you have?

How old. .? (Quantos anos . ..?)

How old are you?

How far...? (Qua I a distancia...?)

How far is the bank from here?

How long... ? (Quanto tempo...?)

How long is the movie?

How often ... ? (Qual a frequencia...?)

How often do you eat out?

How tall. .. ? (QuaI a altura ... ?) (pessoas)

How tall are you?

How high . ? (QuaI a altura...?) (objetos I seres inanimados)

How high is that mountain?

How deep... ? (Qua Ia profundidade?)

How deep is that river?

How fast...? (Qual a velocidade?)

How fas t is a panther?

How well. ..? (Quao bem... ?)

How well do you speak English?

How big ...? (Qua Io tamanho . ..?)

How big is your house?


. .

It takes..

How fast is


" Observe o uso desta estrutura especial com How long e How many. How long does it take you to get home? (Quanto tempo voce leva para chegar em casa?) It takes me 20 minutes. (Levo 20 minutos.) How many hours did it take you to finish the job? (Quantas horas voce levou para terminar



It took me 6 hours. (levei 6 horas)

.,,.. I.

· �-wo ·

Complete these questions with the correct question words. 1.

brothers do you have? "Two"

2. "

are you?" "I'm 1.60 meters tall."


do you go to the beach? "Once a week."

4. "

is your house from here?" "About 10 kilometers, I think."

5. "

have you been married?" "Four years now."

6. "

sugar do you take in your coffee?" "Two spoons, thanks."


pit bull?

II. Ask questions for these answers.

\-\ow high is tho.t moumo.iY\?


That mountain is

2,300 meters high. $50,000.


That car cost


They sometimes eat in restaurants.


They speak English very wel I.


My mother is


About a million people live in my city.


This T-shirt costs


They can run very fast.


I know Catarina very well, she's my sister!


Rio de Janeiro is just over

45. $20

400 km from Sao Paulo.

There are three bedrooms in our apartment.


Ill. Answer these questions. Use the words in parentheses. Example: How long does it take him to have a shower?

(15 minutes)

Ir ro.\\es him IS miY\utes to hove o. shower. 1. How long did it take them to get to the beach?

(3 hours)

2. How many weeks did it take you to finish the job?

(4 days)

3. How many days will it take her to reach the city?

4. How long does it take to get to the park?

(6 weeks)

(15 minutes)

IV. Complete this conversation between an interviewer and a man in the street (use

it takes, it took etc.).

Interviewer: Can I ask you a few questions about the traffic in our city? Man:



How long does




Interviewer: And how long



Man: lnteviewer:


you to get to work? me 30 minutes.

you to get to work today?

me an hour because the traffic was very bad. How long


you to find a parking spot near

your office?




find somewhere to park.

long, but today


me 20 minutes to

Adverbs I


Form slowly, here, fast. She speaks slowly.

Adjetivos modificam substantivos.


a good friend a nice girl

This is a fast car. (adj.)

Adverbios modificam verbos, adjetivos ou outros


He drives fast. (adv.)

adverbios. •

She speaks slowly. It's too hot. They walk very quickly.

late (tarde)

lately (ultimamente)

hard (duramente)

hardly (mal)

near (perto)

nearly (quase)

a adjetivos ou substantivos. slow


quick• quickly



week • weekly

He is a slow driver. +

He drives slowly.



I hardly know him. Obs: adjetivo



adverbio ->well

He plays tennis well. true • truly enthusiastic


They work hard.

He is a good tennis player.

Observe a grafia: easy


Alguns adverbios apresentam duas formas com significados diferentes.

Muitos adverbios sao formados acrescentando-se ly


Palavras como hard, fast, late, early, fare much podem ser adjetivos ou adverbios.


Alguns adverbios tern forma pr6pria, isto e, nao sao formados a partir de outras palavras. now





almo s t

1Jr I.


He plays soccer well.


,;·----,,,,, ."--

Underline the correct alternatives. 1. They are (intelligent I intelligently) boys.

8. I take (monthly I month) trips to the mountains.

2. She (truly I true) loves her boyfriend.

9. My father goes to the beach (frequent I frequently).

3. Can you speak more (clear I clearly) please? 4. He looks (happy I happily) today. 5. Our final exam was (easy I easily). 6. Why are you walking so (slow I slowly)? 7. The wind always blows very (strong I strongly) in my city.

10. Fred is an (enthusiastic I enthusiastically) student. 11. My mother walks very (slowly I slow) 12. The problem is that the bus is (slowly I slow). Go by subway!

II. Complete the crossword with the correct adverbs and adjectives from the box below.











across 1. They came in so

2 ________

that nobody noticed. 2. We had to go to a



store to buy sugar. 3. My son is very

1 _______ _

He is always asking questions. 4. At the beginning of winter, temperatures are


not very low.

5. I was so busy yesterday that I ______


had time to eat.




down 4

1. The accident happened because he was driving too



man over

2. That there is my cousin.



3. Mark fell off his bicycle and �

broke his arm. 4. Our final exam was ve� 5. The new supermarket will be


the gas station.

Ill. Transform the adjectives in parentheses into adverbs. Sometimes the form doesn't change. 1. The students are behaving 2. He spoke very

. (bad) to me. (kind)

3. My son plays soccer


4. We have missed her


5. I could answer the questions 6. My brother paints 7. They worked 8. Sam played 9. He arrived 10. My hometown hasn't changed

. (easy) (beautiful) last weekend. (hard) last night. (terrible) because there was no traffic. (early) since I was a child. (much)

Adverbs - Use I manner, place, time •

Os adverbios podem expressar modo , lugar, tempo,

Tempo (time)

grau, frequencia etc.

Adverbios e locuc;oes adverbiais de tempo

She walks slowly.

He lives here.

(now, today, in the morning etc.) geralmente

I am working now.

They are very tired.

vem no final da frase.

They frequently go to the beach. •

She is studying now. She didn't go to work last week.

Modo (manner) Os adverbios de modo (quickly, slowly, gently etc.) geralmente seguem o verbo ou o objeto

do verbo.

Quando ha varios adverbios do mesmo tipo em uma frase, a unidade menor vem primeiro.

They speak quickly.

He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning. (tempo)

She speaks English fluently.

They live in a town in Arizona. (lugar) •

Lugar (place) •

Adverbios e locuc;oes adverbiais de lugar (here,

Quando ha diferentes tipos de adverbios na mesma frase, geralmente eles seguem esta ordem:

there, in the park etc.) geralmente vem no final da frase.

He walked




to school

TEMPO in the afternoon.

He is not there. They live in Brasilia .



···,;� ��""'fJFNch"C

Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box. slowly


1. He wasn't in class






3. Can you speak more 4. Flavio doesn't live 5. I am not feeling




? I can't understand what you are saying.

anymore. I think he has moved to another city.


t hat I couldn't hear them talking.

7. I have to leave work 8. You need to get here 9. We'll meet 10.

I'll see you


. The train leaves in 10 minutes!

tomorrow afternoon. , ok?


?""I don't know. He might be at home."

well. I think I'll go home.

6. The music was playing so


. He was at home, sick.

______ ______

2. "What do you think Jair is doing

in the morning

















Put the adverbs in parentheses in the correct position in the sentences. 1. They play tennis on Saturday afternoons. (here)

2. Carlos studies at home. (in the evening)

3. Does she have a shower after work? (normally)

4. She walks home after work. (quickly)

5. I finish work at 6:00 pm. (on weekdays)

4 111.

v��,§f� � >- --

Write sentences with the adverbs in parentheses in their correct position. Example: He is living. (nowadays, here)

\-le is living 1-iere nowoclo�s.

1. They study. (in their room, at night)

2. She is working. (at the moment, in Rio)

3. We go to the gym. (usually, before work)

4. He learnt English. (in Florida, at a language school)

5. She gets up. (every morning, early)


Correct the mistakes in these sentences. Example: They know the answer definitely.

1\-ie� clefnite\� hnow me onswer.

1. My cousin at six o'clock goes jogging every morning.

2. To work I go in the morning by bus.

3. There they play in the afternoon tennis.

4. Manuel at this time here was yesterday.

5. Children grown up these days seem.





� -

- - --







Use II frequency, probability, degree, intensity

Frequencia e Probabilidade. ( Frequency ; Probability)

Grau ou lntensidade. (Degree; Intensity)

Os adverbios de frequencia (always, usually, never,

Os adverbios de grau ou intensidade: really, very,

rarely, seldom etc.) e os de probabilidade (probably,

too, quite, so, such, nearly, enough geralmente

certainly, definitely) vem antes do verbo principal,

vem antes de verbos, adjetivos e adverbios e ap6s

mas ap6s verbos auxiliares.

verbos auxiliares.

They never walk to school.

She really loves you.

They are really sad.

They have never walked to school.

He is quite late.

You are so nervous.

She probably loves him.

I ate too much.

He drives very slowly.

She is probably tired.

It is such a hot day today.

Enough (suficiente) e usado:

ap6s adjetivos e adverbios.


" antes de substantivos. I wanted to buy a car, but I didn't have enough money.

My brother isn't old enough to vote. You aren't working quickly enough. Hurry up!



�����.�"-..'0%/---"':"f'.¥�·.<·:,.;- . ·-:,t"


Choose the correct alternative from the adverbs in parentheses to complete the sentences. Example: I 1. I


go to bed early on Monday nights. (very - always)


2. They were


3. They love each other 4. It's 5. He

play basketball on weekends. (so - usually)




6. Lisa is

8. She

won't go to the party. He's too tired. (nearly - probably)

10. We'll

a nice girl. (such - nearly)



9. He'll

much. (never - very)

late. I think we should go home. (never - quite)


7. The Martins

tired last weekend that they stayed at home. (certainly - so)

go out these days. (too - rarely)

does exercise these days. (nearly - seldom)



be going to the party on Saturday. (really - certainly) be there at 9 o'clock. (definitely - such)



















II. Complete these sentences with so or such.


Example: There's

1. I am


2. She is

6. It was


quickly it's difficult to understand him.

cold when we arrived at the top of the mountain.


a beautiful day we decided to go for a walk.



10. I have

heavily I couldn't see the road ahead.


7. Marco said

9. I have

an intelligent girl.


4. The teacher talks 5. It was

tired today I think I'll go home early.


3. It was raining

8. It's

much sugar in this tea. I can't drink it.

horrible things about me. I was



bad weather. Let's stay home.


a lot of work to do.


much work. It's driving me mad.

Ill. Each phrase has an adverb of degree in bold. Is it in the right position? Check (v') those that are

CORRECT and cross ( X) those that are INCORRECT. Example: a) He speaks very well English. Cn

b) He speaks English very well. (v")

1. a) I really enjoyed our visit to the museum. (

b) I enjoyed really our visit to the museum. (

2. a) I have finished nearly. (

b) I have nearly finished. (



3. a) He wanted to find a new car very badly. (

b) Very badly he wanted to find a new car. (

4. a) Susan completely forgot her husband's birthday. (

b) Susan forgot her husband's birthday completely. (

5. a) I like very much speaking English. (

b) I like speaking English very much. (



IV. Complete these sentences with too or enough. Example: This film is 1. This coffee isn't hot 2. This tea is


scary. I don't think I can watch it any more.



3. The car was

cold. Would you make me another one, please?


I didn't have



4. You are not old

. Would you bring me another one, please?

money to buy it.


. You can't go out

alone. 5. If I feel well


, I will go to work

tomorrow. 6. There isn't


pizza for everyone. Let's

order another one. 7. He drives


going to have an accident.

carelessly. One day, he's

It's too small.

There isn't enough

Progress Check

1. ADJECTIVES. This text is part of a personal blog. Read it and underline the correct alternative.



When I arrived in New York for the first time, I was absolutely amazing I amazed at all the skyscrapers1. It is a fascinating I fascinated city. I was very surprised I surprising to discover that the island of Manhattan isn't actually very big and that not everyone there is bad-tempered I hard-tempered as some people say. People say that New York is the most interesting I interested city in the world. I don't know about that, but it is certainly impressed I impressive.

l. THE DEFINITE ARTICLE. Read the article from a scientific magazine. Then fill in the gaps with

the or 0.

. ·,.,."-..-----·




water we drink usually comes from rivers. A large number of

lakes or

downstream4 uses

___ _

rivers. Sometimes another city

river water and dump3 it bac-< into


cities use

___ _

same water. This water may be badly polluted with

chemicals and

pathogenic bacteria. Many different chemical

treatments are necessary to make it safe and palatable. fluorine to their water. Fluorine

Many communities add some form of

in concentrations of 0.7 to 1.0 ppm (parts per million) can significantly reduce ____

too:h decay5 in


Some communities that obtain problems because sometimes ____

same. We can demand an end to

___ _

organic waste. clean water and convince our neighbors to do

. . . .. . .


industries and cities.

water pollution by

Earth's water properly because that is al;

We must learn how to use I

wells6 have

ground water is contaminated by

nitrates which come from agricultural fertilizers and

decompostion of What can we do? We can fight for

water from

, , , ,, ,, , ,, ,,, ,


water we have!


Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Moderna, 2003 .

1skyscraper: arranha-ceu 'reservoirs: reservat6rios de agua

3dump: descarregar, desoejar (iixo) 4downstream: rio (corrente) abaixo

5tooth decay: carie 6wells: por;os

Read the letter from somebody who is living abroad. Then complete the gaps choosing the appropriate adverb from alternatives a, b or c.


I am �or r y that it ha� taken me




to write to you. It'�


a hur r y to get all of my work done before I go on holiday

I haven't had time to do anything.




wanted to let you know that

It'� not very far from where I live (o)

be �igning all the nece��ary documentation





were la�t

that I have been in of the week, that

I've found a new apartment.


I really need �omewhere bigger. I �hould and


I retur n from Europe.



moving in U2)

t I llilii!5 •!!!fl!!• !!!fl!!. .i!W • iiW • illiN •

when will you be coming to �tay with me? It'� been a very long time


. I can't wait to �ee you.

ha� happened U7)

that it will take u�

06) Oo)


to catch up on all the go��ip1• Well, Chri�, drop me a line2 �oon. I'm Qq)

looking forward to �eeing you again.

Don't forget to tell me your flight detail� and I' ll



the airpor t to meet you[

1.,..o'1e, joo\<;


__ _

be at

<::'J \?


' • ' •


� •



• •

I •



- --· . -----·-


a. so many

b. so much

c. so long


a. just

b. already

c. yet


a. so

b. too

c. such


a. in the end

b. at the end

c. by the end


a. Anyway

b. Anywhere

c. Anyone


a. yet

b. already

c. just


a. in the end

b. at last

c. lastly


a. really

b. now

c. there


a. really

b. already

c. but


a. the day after tomorrow

b. the day before yesterday

c. last week

1 1.

a. hardly

b. lastly

c. finally


a. shortly before

b. shortly after

c. shortly



b. Such

c. Good


a. during

b. since

c. for


a. here

b. there

c. everywhere


a.So little

b.So many

c.So much


a. lately

b. ultimately

c. nowadays


a. ever

b. never

c. forever


a. fully

b. really

c. almost


a. definitely

b. hardly

c. maybe

•'catch up on the gossip: co/ocar a conversa em dia

•'drop me a line: escreva para mim _

_____ ..._ ..._ ... ........................................................................................... ................. ..........................."� .. · ..._ ..._ .. ____ ..._ ..._ . ..._ _ _




I as... as, not as... as, more than, the most

Os adjetivos podem ser usados nos graus normal,


comparativo e superlativo: +


" The most... (o mais. . . ) e usado para formar o superlativo de adjetivos com ma is de uma

Normal: Tati is tall.

sflaba. •


Lia is the most intelligent girl I know. This is the most modern building in town .

., as... as I so... as (tao... quanta) Tati is as tall as Tom. Tom is not so I as tall as Bob.

Alguns adjetivos dissflabos formam o comparativo de superioridade e

"' More ... than (mais ... do que) e usado para

o superlativo seguindo a regra dos

fazer o comparativo de adjetivos com mais de


uma sflaba. Helen is more intelligent than Bob. Joao is more handsome than Pedro.

-IW!rl� I.

Ver Unidade 50, pagina 118.


Complete the sentences with words from the box in the good






1. My older brother isn't



comparative form (as... as).



me. He's 1.72 m. I'm 1.75 m. his friend Bill.

2. Peter and Bill always get top marks in their tests. Peter is

3. Sao Paulo is over four hundred years old. Brasilia was founded in 1960. Brasilia isn't


Sao Paulo.

4. Lucy and Jane are top models. Lucy is

Jane. geography for me.

5. I'm very bad at history and geography. History is 6. A helicopter is not

an airplane.

7. I always make chocolate cake but my chocolate cake is not 8. Today isn't


9. She only weighs about 40 kg, she's 10. I saw the film, but it wasn't

a feather. the book.


II. Write sentences. Use the comparative with more... than. Example: His jacket I expensive I mine.

\-\is is more eY-�msive tho.Y\ miY\e.

1. She I intelligent I you.

2. His office I comfortable I mine.

3. This road I dangerous I the highway.

4. John I successful I his brother.

5. Naomi I beautiful I Gisele.

6. Professor Johnson I demanding I Professor Smith.

7. Going to the theater I interesting I going to the movies.

8. Technology today I advanced I five years ago.

Ill. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the words in parentheses. Example: New York is the 1. This is

8. Paris is

woman I know. (sophisticated)


4. I think that history is 5. What is

thing I've ever done. (difficult)


3. This coat is

7. Pele is

city I've ever been to. (exciting)


2. His wife is

6. Love is

most exci\iY\9

in the shop. (expensive)


economic activity in your country? (important)




subject we have at school. (interesting)

thing for me. (complicated) soccer player of all time. (famous)


city in the world. (visited)

IV. Complete the sentences and questions with the correct comparative or superlative forms of the words

in parentheses. Example: Is Patrick

o.s 10.\\ o.s

1. Robinson Crusoe lived on 2. This exercise is



3. That 18th century table is 4. I think chess is

you? (tall)

the previous one. (not easy)



5. Joe thinks Japanese is

island on Earth. (isolated)

this chair. (expensive)

game in the world. (complicated)


English. (difficult)

Comparison 11 large, the largest, hotter, the hottest •

Adjetivos de uma sflaba ou os dissflabos terminados em le, owe erformam o comparativo e o superlativo com as termina�oes ere est: short - shorterthan - the shortest noble - nobler than - the noblest narrow - narrowerthan - the narrowest clever - clevererthan - the cleverest

Adjetivos com uma s6 sflaba terminados em consoante / vogal I consoante dobram a ultima

Tom is the tallest boy in class.

consoante antes de receber erou est. hot - hotterthan - the hottest

big - bigger than - the biggest •

many - more - the most

Adjetivos terminados em y precedido de consoante

much - more - the most

little - less - the least

trocam o y por i ao receber ere est.

bad - worse - the worst

far - farther - the farthest

far - further - the furthest

happy- happierthan - the happiest


Comparativo irregular good - better - the best


� "fifii,_���i!, ' 'f;;if','"· .f· f;,:"C_·: "'

Complete the table.




busier cold hungriest rich smallest nicer

f at worse slowest young

II. Underline the correct alternative. Example: This is (the smallest I small I more small) cell phone on the market. 1. Nancy is (more happy I the happiest I happier) girl in class today. It's her birthday. 2. I want to buy (good I the best I the better) book in the store. 3. Do you know which is (more high I higher I the highest) mountain in the world? 4. Do you have (the latest I the most late I later) edition of Computers Today magazine? 5. Who is (nicer I the nicest I the more nice) person in your class? 6. As far as I know, he's (the most rich I the more rich I the richest) businessman in town. 7. Last night was (the coldest I cold I colder) night this winter. Ill. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses. Example: I'm really hungry. I want

me biggest

1. Who is

hamburger of all! (big) (good) football player in Brazil? . (funny)

2. Jack is funny, but his brother is much 3. Today is

(hot) day this year.

4. Don't you think Tod is


(bad) singer in the group?

5. Of the six puppies, that one is 6. That's the car I like

. (hungry)


. (less)

IV. Underline and correct the mistakes. Example:

He always arrives late because his new house is more far from work.


1. Today is more hot than yesterday. 2. He is the most young boy in the class. 3. Mark is more funny than his brother. 4. The Atacama Desert is the most dry in the world. 5. I think Portuguese is the less difficult subject I have. V. Complete the dialog with the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses. Carla:

Would you like to go to the movies on Saturday?


Actually, I think Sunday is


OK! What would you like to see?


How about Jim Carey's

(good) for me. Saturday's my



(busy) day.

{late) movie? It's on at the Paramount.

Carla: The Paramount is a long way away. Can't we go somewhere near? Jo:

Let's check the newspaper. There's a war movie on at the Plaza but my friend Dani said it is ______

(violent) than Rambo V


How about


Yes, it is. But the review says it's


So, let's go to the Paramount! The 9:00 pm. session is


Can't we go to an


(late) Nicole Kidman's movie? It's on at the Plaza too, isn't it? (sad) movie ever! (good) for me. What about you?

(early) session? I have to wake up early on Monday.



Comparison of Adverbs faster, easier, more seriously +

0 comparativo e o superlativo de adverbios longos


Assim coma alguns adjetivos, ha adverbios que fazem o comparativo de forma irregular.

sao formados com o acrescimo de more e most.


You should think about his proposal more seriously.

- Dad drives worse than mom.

little - He needs less than you.

(Voce deveria pensar sabre a proposta dele mais

far - He lives farther away from school than you.


well - You know him better than me.

Obs: 0 superlativo dos adverbios segue a mesma

much - He exercises more than you.

regra do superlativo dos adjetivos, mas seu uso nao e muito comum na lingua inglesa.

Constru�oes especiais feitas com comparativos

He drives the most dangerously. +

0 comparativo e o superlativo dos adverbios abaixo

(Ele esta cada vez mais gordo.)

sao feitos com o acrescimo de er e est. fast








Gasoline is more and more expensive every year. (A gasolina esta cada vez mais cara.) ,, Adverbios

He arrives earlier on Mondays because he comes

The hotter, the better.

by car.

(Quanto mais quente, melhor.)

(Ele chega mais cedo as segundas-feiras porque

The more I see you, the more I love you.

vem de carro.)

..,... I.

Adjetivos He is getting fatter and fatter.

(Quanto mais te vejo, mais te amo.)


w ·' �-,·--"-'

Complete the sentences with the adverbs in parentheses in the comparative form. Example: My grandfather walks


than my grandmother. (slow)

1. She has been arriving at work 2. My father drives

since her promotion. (late) than my mother. (fast)

3. I can speak English

(good) than she can.

4. Cida speaks English

than Henrique. (fluently)

5. Joao writes 6. The new office is 7. It rains 8. I must get up �-

fhe visitors arrived

10. I take life

than Vera. (carefully) than the old one. (near) in summer. (heavily) this week. (early) than I expected. (soon) than most of my friends. (serious)

II. Tick ( v') the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes. more

Example: The more I see you, the most I like you. 1. You have two hours to do the test. The later you arrive, the later you leave. 2. The patient is getting badder. 3. My sister speaks more slowly than her husband. 4. The more I read this book, the most I like it. 5. The faster he speaks, the less I understand him. 6. The more she avoids the subject, the more he insists. 7. The more he thinks about the problem, the least he understands it. 8. I really need to go to the dentist and the sooner, the better.

Ill. Complete the article below about the differences between women and men using comparative or

superlative forms of the adjectives or adverbs in parentheses.





Men are not


/ / /


[clean) women. The


men [ 10% J take a shower only three times a week. But men have

/ /




men are

' '

[healthy] than single men. Men get up



[little] they shower,




Women are

[early] than men.

[late] than women and women go to bed ______

[reliable] than men. Generally, they are

and, believe it or not, drive


[good) than men. All in all they drive

[competent). They are also

[low) salaries than men, even beingjust [demanding] and are becoming

[competitive]. For a woman in the 21st century, the




[slowly]. Young men between 18 and 25 drive the At work, women still receive

[superstitious J [organized]

[regularly] than men. Women are

and go to church





[much] she works, the

[good]. Who knows, maybe one day soon, there will be justice and women will earn [much] men?

�c! it

Present Perfect I I have studied, ...she has done... •

Formai;:ao: have I has


participio passado do verbo principal.

have You He has


lived It We have

You They

I bought a


shirt yesterday.

Look! I have bought a

new shirt.



Formas abreviadas

They have not lived here.

Have they lived here?

have not • haven't has not • hasn't

0 participio passado dos verbos regulares e igual ao passado simples. play


0 present perfecte usado para se referir a a�fies que aconteceram num tempo indefinido no passado.


I have finished my homework. •

0 participio passado dos verbos irregulares

nao segue nenhuma regra. drive


Se o tempo em que a a�ao ocorreu for mencionado ou sugerido, usa-se o simple past.


I finished my homework one hour ago. Obs: A tradu�ao dos dois tempos verbais pode ser a mesma.

Ver a lista de verbos irregulares na pagina 202.

1r I.


Write affirmative or negative sentences or questions. Use the present perfect. Example: I've finished my homework. (negative) 1. He has cleaned his room. (negative)

hovev\ r fY\ishecl m� homeworlrt


2. They have bought a house. (question)


3. She hasn't been to Bahia. (affirmative) 4. Has he cut himself? (negative)




5. You've done your homework. (question)


6. Have we been there before? (affirmative)


7. They haven't lived here very long. (question) 8. It's been very hot today. (negative)


_______________ ___________

- -













- -



II. Write sentences using the present perfect or the simple past. 1. When I was a boy, I/swim I in that river.


2. You look different. What I you I do I to your hair? 3. He I buy I that old car I two years ago.



4. Look! Somebody I spill/water I on my desk.


5. It's no good trying to call her on the phone./She I go I out.


Ill. Complete the dialog with the verbs from the box.

has happened Jane:


did happen



has hurt

has jumped

Miranda: A cat

has called



What are those people looking at? What


has arrived

from the window in the building next door. it

Really! The poor thing!

itself? Tell me what

happened? on the window sill of the gth floor apartment

Miranda: Well, it seems that the cat

and fell onto the balcony of the 5'h floor apartment. The owner of the 5th floor apartment



the noise and


the doorman to help him.






to the balcony. He saw the cat and


Miranda: About ten minutes ago. Jane:


Miranda: Yes, a vet





for help?


IV. Complete the dialogs with the present perfect or the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. 1. A: Look! Somebody B: It 2. A:




B: No. I

A: She



B: I 5. A: B: Yes , I

(not do) it.

(see) Lara?

(not see) her.



4. A: Where




3. A: Chris isn't at work. She B: How

(not be) me. I

(leave) the kitchen tap on. The sink is full of water.


(break) her arm.


(do) that?

(fall) down the stairs.




(go) last night?

(go) to the theater. you



{finish) all your tests at school?

(finish) them last Friday.



Present Perfect 11 recently, ever, since, for... +

0 present perfect pode ser usado com: " recently/ lately (recentemente, ultimamente). I have spent a lot of money recently. (Eu tenho gastado muito dinheiro ultimamente.)

" ever I never (alguma vez , nunca). Have you ever been to Miami? (Voce ja esteve {alguma vez} em Miami?)

I have never been to Miami. (Eu nunca estive em Miami.)

" since I for (desde, por).

1988. 1988.)

I have lived here since (Eu moro aqui desde

I have lived here for 20 years. (Eu moro aqui ha 20 anos.)

Obs: A tradu�ao desse tempo verbal depende do contexto: I have worked hard. (Trabalhei I Tenho trabalhado muito.) I have worked here since


(Trabalho aqui desde 2002.)

I have lived here for 20 years.

� ):{ I.




Complete the following sentences using the present perfect. Example:

Weve �own

(know) each other for six years.

1. We

(study) E nglish since 2005.

2. I

(work) in this office for 4 years.

3. I

(travel) a lot recently.


you ever

5. He 6. 7. I 8. The children

never you ever

(be) to Paris? (see) that movie. (see) Michele lately? (do) anything like this. (learn) a lot of new things recently.








- -














- �

II. Complete with

since or for.




a long time



ten years


23'd August



three minutes





two days


many weeks


two o'clock hours -then last year

Ill. Make negative sentences(-) or questions(?). Use the present perfect. Example: I I work I hard I recently.

{-) I YlcM Y\O\ worl-l.ecl Ylorcl men��-

1. You I check I your e-mails I lately(?)


2. She I make I many mistakes I since her promotion. 3. She I buy I any clothes I since she lost her job. 4. You I read I any good books I recently(?)

( ) -


_ _ _ _ _____________ _


______________________ _

IV. Put the words in the correct order. 1. lately I have I you I movies I any good I seen?

2. How long I worked I she I there I has?

3. written I they I to me I haven't I recently.

4. soccer I 1999 I since I at that club I have I played I they.

5. for I Susan I sick I two weeks I been I has.


Complete this letter with the present perfect of the verbs in parentheses.

})e,o.r Pedro Many fninff'' in Sepfember. SAe

(nappen) since I saw you lasf swnmer. Maria wenf fa Enf]land (nof wrife) fa me since fnen. Paulo is wor/::.i. n3 in a

book.snap He is sfudyit?fj in fne evenit?fj and I I (nof be) in foucA before. I recenfly. WAaf abouf you? lafely? Send me some news. We all miss you Aere! Lave, 'Rifa


(see) Aim for fwo weeks. Sorry (nave) mucA free fime (do) anyfnin3 inferesfin3

Present Perfect 111 just, already, yet, many times •

0 present perfect pode ser usado com: ..


" yet (ja,

They have

just arrived from

Have they arrived

.. already (ja):


(Eles ja chegaram?)

already arrived.

.. many times (muitas vezes):

(Eles ja chegaram.) Have they


(Eles ainda nao chegaram.)

(Eles acabaram de chegar de Landres.)

They have


They haven't arrived


already arrived?

I have seen that movie

(Eles ja chegaram?)

many times.

(Eu vi aquele filme muitas vezes.)

Yet vem normalmente no final da frase.

Alrea d y vem normalmente antes do verbo principal. Have they arrived


They have

already arrived.

ir,�, I.

Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in parentheses. Example:

John will be here soon. He




the office.

1. "Would you like a snack?" "No, thanks, I 2. "Where is Mary?" "She

just back from lunch yet." (not come)


they already



their house? (buy) the windows yet? (clean)

5. It's midnight and the children 6. We

to bed yet. (not go)

that movie many times. (see)

7. Carlos and Fernanda 8.

the test yet? (correct)

yet. Do you know why she is late? (not arrive)

10. My brother , _______

to Miami many times, but I finally

12. Hey, congratulations! I hear you 13. We 14. This is the first time I 15. John's not here. He

back from Bahia. (come)


the teacher

9. Bia


lunch." (have)


there yet. (be I not be)

the project our teacher gave us. (complete) just

a new job. (start)

this. I don't want to discuss it again. (discuss) by plane. (travel) to work. (go)








""",....., ---










II. Write sentences or questions. Use the present perfect.

\-love you olrwcly clol'\e your homeworh?

Example: you I do your homework I already? 1. They I be to Japan I already. 2. I I have a shower I just.


3. She I meet Tom I not yet. 4. you/yet/have/lunch?

____________________________ _


5. He I many times I drive I a truck. 6. You I be I the U.S.?

__________________________ _


7. How many times I be I gym I this week? 8. We I already I study a lot today.

_______________________ _

__________________________ _

Ill. Underline and correct the mistakes. Example: We have just met Helen yesterday. 1. They already bought their books. 2. I did just cut myself.

We hove just met\-\e\m


_____________________ __________

3. I saw that movie many times.


4. James hasn't yet did the homework.


5. Emma's not here now. She went to Rio for the week.


IV. Write sentences to complete the dialog. Use the present perfect. Example: Adriana: Where's the sales report? I need it for the meeting. Marcelo:

Our boss hos olrwcly tohm it.

(Our boss I already I take I it)

1. Adriana: Don't forget to call your mother. Marcelo:


(I I phone I her I already)

2. Adriana: Have you read the chapter for tomorrow's class? Marcelo: No,


(I /read I it/ yet)

3. Adriana: Have you heard about the earthquake in Mexico? Marcelo: No,


(I /read I yet I newspaper)

4. Adriana: Has the math teacher already given us the homework? Marcelo: No.


(yet I she I arrive)

5. Adriana: Have you heard about Gina? Marcelo: Yes.


6. Adriana: What's the matter with you? Why are you so sad? Marcelo:


(Kiko I me I tell/just)



r;eod I d"mp I me I jostl


Present Perfect Continuous have been doing, has been doing +

Formac;ao: have or has+ been+ verbo principal+ ing.


O present perfect continuous e usado para se referir a ac;oes que comec;aram no passado e


continuam ate o presente. Essas ac;oes podem

have I've

OU nao ter terminado. The ground is wet. It has been raining.

He She

(mas ja parou)

has I's been swimming

The girls are angry. They have been waiting for hours.


(e ainda estao esperando)

We You


have/ 've

referir a situac;oes temporarias enquanto o present


perfect simple e usado para referir-se a situac;oes mais permanentes.

Negativa They have not been swimming

I have lived in Sao Paulo for 2 years. .

(e pretendo continuar morando)


I have been living in Sao Paulo for 2 years.

Have they been swimm ing? +

Usamos o present perfect continuous para nos

(mas nao pretendo ficar muito mais)

Compare o uso do present perfect e do present perfect continuous nas situac;oes abaixo:

He has made a cake. The cake is ready

He has been making a cake. The cake isn't ready yet.





-M�����-_,,�.,_,.: __:,���-.

-_ -

Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous of the verbs in parentheses. 1. She

that book for two hours. (read)

2. He

around the world for the last 3 months. (travel)

3. We

a lot this week. (work)

4. He

for more than twelve hours. (sleep)




to the same song all morning? (listen)










- -












Change the sentences into the required form. 1. I have been sleeping all day. (negative)


2. Has she been watching TV all night long? (affirmative)

________________________ _________

3. You have been talking about him. (interrogative)


4. He has not been reading that book for two weeks. (affirmative) Ill.


Write a sentence for each situation. Use the present perfect continuous. S\iie \iios been wor�iV\9 \iiorcl.

Example: Mom is tired. (work hard) 1. Their hair is wet. (swim)

___________________ _________

2. The boys' T-shirts are dirty. (play in the mud) 3. Her coat is wet. (walk in the rain)


4. The girls are angry. (wait for hours) 5. That couple look upset. (argue)


_________________ _________

6. Her kitchen is a mess. (bake cakes)


4 L




It is John's first day at work. Underline the correct tense to complete the sentences. Example: He (has been feeling I has felt) a bit nervous all morning. 1. His boss (has told I has been telling) him to type some reports. 2. He (has been typing I has typed) reports all morning. 3. He (has chatted I has been chatting) on the phone for 40 minutes and (hasn't finished I hasn't been finishing) typing the reports. 4. His boss (has talked I has been talking) to clients for almost 3 hours and (hasn't asked I hasn't been asking) for the reports yet.


Complete the dialogs with the correct form of the present perfect. 've been wor�iV\9

Example: I

1. A: Your clothes are dirty.

hard all morning. (work) _______

B: Well, I



(try) but I can't. I

your car? (fix)



it with the mechanic. (leave) 2. A: Look! Somebody B: Oh no! I



3. A: Your eyes are red. B: Yes, I

B: No, I



4. A: You look angry.

the vase of flowers. There's water all over the floor.

this room all day. (clean)






? (cry)




robbed. (be)



· (arrive)

for a long time? (wait)


Past Perfect had done •

Format;:ao: had+ participio passado do verbo




had left when you

He had had dinner before I arrived.

lnterrogativa Past Perfect Continuous

Had they left? •


We You They

..,.. I.

When I arrived home, the kids had gone to bed.

They had not left.



0 past perfecte usado para indicar uma at;:ao que aconteceu antes de outra at;:ao no passado.



Forma abreviada

Had been+ verbo principal+ ing.

had• 'd

When I arrived, the teacher had been speaking for an hour.

had not• hadn t '


Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verbs in parentheses. their passports at home. (leave)

1. They couldn't board the plane because they

the shopping. (do)

2. The fridge was full of food because my husband 3. I knew someone

into my house because the lights were on. (break) , I sat down and rested. (go)

4. After they

her job 2 weeks before. (lose)

5. The candidate didn't tell the headhunter she 6.

more than two thousand cars. (sell)

I got the promotion because I

a shower. (have)

7. I got dressed after I

there twice before. (be)

8. That wasn't his first time in Japan. He . (do)

9. I thanked them for what they

it. (written)

10. She mailed the letter immediately after she

an accident, so I came as quickly as I could. (be)

12. I heard there

13. When she arrived at the station, the train 14. They told me they 15. He show. (hear)

dinner. (have)


11. By the time they arrived, we


. (leave)

very hard on the project. (work) never

of the rock group, but he decided to go to the

II. Write sentences about Jack's day. Use after or when + the past perfect. Example: Jack finished his breakfast. Then he did the dishes.

A�er w\-im Joe\-<. \tiocl fV\\s\tiecl Yl\S 'orwh.fost. \tie cl\cl me cl\s\ties. 1. Jack read the newspaper. Then he phoned his friend.

2. He put on his tennis shoes. Then he went to the sports club.

3. He played football with his friends. Then he swam for an hour.

4. He wrote the report. Then he went for lunch.

5. He rested in the hammock. Then he played cards with his friends.

Ill. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box. Use the past perfect continuous. wash



Example: Dad was all wet. He l. Ted felt sick. He




Yiocl 'oem wosYl\V\9


2. Tina was tired. She

the car. sweets.


3. Sally woke up at midday. She

for hours.


4. The kids were dirty. They

all morning.

in the garden.

5. The girls left the nightclub in the morning. They


all night long.

IV. Complete the paragraph with the past perfect or the simple past.



(go) to New York for the Brst time in 2001 when (be) 10 f}ears old. Mf} parents

(alreadfJ I be) there so thefJ ______

(know) the citfJ. We

(go) out everfJ dafJ. MfJ parents

(stUdfJ) English for manf} f}ears so thefJ difBcultfJ with the language. It ______


_____ _



(be) there. but we

(come back) to Bra:zil. I


(have) no

(snow) while we (take) all our

(not I feel) the cold. When we

winter clothes so we York because I


(miss) New

(have) such a wonderful time there.

Relative Pronouns I who, which, that, whom •

Os pronomes relativos introduzem ora<;:oes

0 pronome relativo pode ser objeto do verbo; nesse caso, ele pode:

subordinadas adjetivas (restritivas ou explicativas). Essas ora<;:oes definem, limitam ou acrescentam

" ser omitido;

a Igo ao significado do antecedente.

" ser substitufdo por whom (que, quern). •

Who e that (quern, que) sao usados quando o


antecedente for pessoa. The girl





The girl arrived is beautiful.


which that


The dog



who that


I 1 saw is pretty.

which that

I 1 saw is hurt.


you suggested is good. •

0 pronome relativo pode ser sujeito do verbo. The girl



antecedente nao for pessoa.


Which e that (que) sao usados quando o

The book


Ap6s preposi<;:oes usa-se whom (pessoa) ou which (objetos e animais). Nesses casos,


relativo nao

pode ser omitido. has just arrived is beautiful.

The girl about whom you are talking is my sister. The book about which you are talking is very good.

That (que, quern) e o unico pronome relativo usado: .,, quando ha tipos de antecedentes diferentes (pessoas


objetos I animais).

The girl and the dog that I saw on the beach are at home now. " ap6s superlativos e palavras como some, any, no, everything, much, little, only, all. He is the best doctor that I know.




She is the only girl that loves you.



Underline the correct pronouns to complete the sentences. 1. The girl (who I which) is beside him is his daughter. 2. The book (who I which) you lent me is very interesting. 3. The man (who I which) you asked me about is my teacher. 4. That is the boy (who I which) I saw at the gym. 5. The music (who I which) he is playing is a waltz. 6. Where is the person (who I which) sold me this book? 7. The dogs (who I which) entered the room are mine. 8. The apple (who I which) I ate wasn't good.



Rewrite the sentences when the relative pronoun is not necessary. Example: The movie which we saw last night was very bad.

1\tie movie we sow losr V\ig\tir wos ver� bod.. 1. That is the lady who was looking for you.

2. The I ittle boy that you met is my son.

3. This is the book which you were looking for.

4. He's the man who sent me the flowers.

5. That's the guy who I was talking to on the weekend.

6. I'm visiting my brother who lives in Canada.


Look at the picture and complete the letter with who or which.

\-\ow ore �ov,? Im hov\ng o greo\ nme hm in tng\ond.


is rw\\� o 'owcAn{U\

COUYl\r� Im \iving wi� o fomi\�.

\ \Ool<. los1Sunclo�1he fohr. Jono�on. is h

\-\eres o �ho\O om

OWYIS o big ho\Ase

is silling on h \e� Jono�ol'i s

h reel c\ress line 'oo�

is h womon in

is lno\c\ing �e clog is tric \-les we\ve

�wrs o\c\ H.s o\cler 'orohr. I om. is h om 1-shrt line \ime gir\

wi . 1-\e\m.


wearing o

is s1oncling 'oewem M1\<.e one\1om is

Me\oc\� Sines �e �ounges1 in �e fomi\� line clog is rn\\ec\ 1txi22� \-love �ou ever sem o clog

\il<.es rnnclies? 1hs one con

few mim\es \ \Ool<. �is �ho\Ogrn�h in o COLIYl\r� c\u'o subur'os of lone\on see �OU SOOY\,



o 'oo" in o is in �e

Relative Pronouns II where, whose, what •

Where (onde) refere-se a lugares. The city where I live is very dangerous at night.

Whose (cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas) indica relar;ao de posse.

E seguido por um substantivo e nunca

pode ser omitido.

The man whose son was sick wants to talk to you. The house whose windows are open is for sale. •

What (o que, que) pode ser usado como pronome relativo. Pode ter fun<;:ao de sujeito ou objeto da frase. I don't know what you want to do here.






Underline the correct alternative. Example: This is the place (whose I where I what) my husband works. 1. I have just seen the woman (whose I where I what) son studied at my school. 2. This is the place (whose I where I what) I came on vacation when I was a child. 3. It's difficult to do (whose I where I what) the teacher asks. 4. The country (whose I where I what) she lives is in Europe. 5. This is the man (whose I where I what) wife won the lottery. 6. I can't hear (what I whose I where) you're saying.

II. It's Peter's first day at work. His colleague is showing him round the factory. Finish the sentences using

where as in the example. Example: We take copies in this room. This is the room

wV-im we whe co�ies.

1. People have lunch in this room. This is the room


2. Conferences are held on this floor. This is the floor


3. Visitors can have coffee and read newspapers in this lounge. This is the lounge

__________________ ______________

4. You can photocopy documents in this place. This is the place


Ill. Rewrite the sentences using


Example: The company can't give the things the workers need.

"The com?�Y\� rnv\1 give wh�I \\tie wor'Rers Y\eecl.

1. Her husband couldn't buy the things she wanted. 2. I can't talk about the things he told me. 3. She wrote the things he said.

_______________________ _

____________________________ _

4. I don't want the things she gave me for my birthday. IV. Peter is talking to Carl about some people in the factory. Complete Carl's answers. Use


Mrs. Smith, the Sales Manager, has a German secretary. Mr. Bergson has a son who works with Mrs. Smith. Ms. Vega's husband has a sports car. Mrs. O'Brian has red hair. Mr. Hill's wife is a translator. Mrs. Lee has four daughters who live in Japan.

Example: Who's Mrs. Smith? She is the one

whose secm�r� is CAer�Y\.

1. Who's Mr. Bergson?

He is the one

2. Who's Ms. Vega?

She is the one


3. Who's Mrs. O'Brian?

She is the one


4. Who's Mrs. Lee?

She is the one



V. Tatiana is traveling around Europe. Complete her letter to her friend, Karen, with

where, what, that or Rf.

who, which, whose,

l>eo.r, Wowl Europe is fo.nfo.sficl Rome is one of fhe mosf excifififj cifies I've ever visifed. The hofel wo.5 very cheo.p. Some Ifo.lio.ns Colosseum, plo.ces

I sfo.yed I mef fook me fa see fhe

is o. very old buildin3 They o.lso fook



fheir fo.mily ho.s o. fo.rm. ho.s mo.ny

fhe counfryside cheo.p o.nd beo.ufiful fa visif.

I wo.s fro.velin3 o.round Efifjio.nd beo.ufiful o.nd I ho.d o.n o.ccidenf

counfrys1de 1s very o.lmosf spoiled my frip

I wo.S drivin3 on o. no.rrow roo.d o.nd I 3of o. flo.f fire. I'f o.ble fo cho.fif}e if so I decided fa for help. I slopped o. co.r o.nd o. very handsome mo.n 3of ouf! The mo.n,

wo.S o. mecho.nic,

cho.fifjed my fire o.nd invifed me fo 30 fa his vt!lo.3e fo if fixed. I o.ccepfed o.nd followed him. Affer ho.vin3 my fire fixed we wenf fo lunch fo3efher in o. Smo.ll I ho.d o. wonderful fime wifh fhis sfro.n3er

food wo.S very 3ood. 1s now my

boyfriend Who.f I fhou3M wo.s bo.d luck furned ouf fo be 3ood luck. Love,




4 L



')· · ·) . . .

Relative Clauses defining and non-defining •

Ha dais tipos de orat;oes subordinadas adjetivas:

" vem sempre entre vfrgulas ou depois de vfrgula

defining (restritivas) e non-defining (explicativas).

" nunca usam that.

Orat;oes subordinadas adjetivas restritivas

relative clauses)

sao essenciais para o entendimento

da mensagem e nao vem entre vfrgulas

on First Avenue.

nao sao essenciais

para o entendimento da mensagem. Elas:


Paula's dog, which is a poodle, got lost in the park.

The house, where she lives with her parents, is


Orat;oes subordinadas adjetivas explicativas

(non-defining relative clauses)

., nao omitem o pronome relativo.

I met Professor Parker, who was very kind to me.


That's the woman who is looking for you •


Flavia, whose mother works with me, is living in Boston. Ver unidades 56 e 57, paginas 130 e 132.


Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns. Example: He went to Austin 1. Einstein,


she works for the government.

3. I called the director, 4. That girl,

is the state capital of Texas.

was German, formulated an important theory.

2. Silvia lives in Brasilia,

was very understanding. mother is a doctor, is my girlfriend.

5. My brother has bought a new car, 6. My sister,

is very nice.

studies a lot, has just passed her final exams.

7. Sally's bike,

she bought on the weekend, is red.

8. Hemingway,

was American, wrote

9. Painting, 10. That's the man 11. My cousin, 12. They live in Washington, 13. The woman

The Old Man and the Sea.

is something I enjoy very much, is very relaxing. wife has just had a baby. lives in Australia, arrives tomorrow evening. they recently got married. was talking to you earlier is my neighbor.

14. The thieves were taken to the police station, 15. I have some friends


they were questioned.

house is in the mountains.

II. Make non-defining relative clauses using the sentences in parentheses.

Put in commas ( ) where necessary. ,

Example: Cora Peixoto (she lives in a cave on the top of a mountain) is a famous writer.

Corn ?ei"1'oto. wYio lives iY\ o. cove OY\ �e top of o. moumo.iY\. is o. fo.mous W'fittr l. The mountain is in Chapada Diamantina. (It's one of the most beautiful places in Brazil.)

2. Cora (her children study in the U.S.) lives with her husband and a cat.

3. She is very famous in Portugal. (She has sold more than a hundred thousand books there.)

4. Her editor (he is very ambitious) wants her to move to Sao Paulo.

5. But she likes to live in the mountains. (She has peace to write there.)

Ill. Join the sentences below with a suitable relative pronoun and put commas where necessary. Example: John lives in Stratford-upon-Avon. Stratford is about 2 hours from London.

JohY\ lives iY\ Srro.lfi rd-upoY1-f\voY\. wYlich is o.'oM 2. hours f om loY1cloY1. l. He has a house. His house was built in 1910.

2. He's married to an architect. The architect restored all the old buildings in the city.

3. Her children have a cat. It's name is Lear.

4. His younger daughter is six years old. She plays the piano very well.

5. Her older son is seventeen years old. He plays rugby for the local team.

6. His house has a big back yard. They always have barbecues there.

7. Stratford-upon-Avon receives a lot of tourists. Shakespeare lived in Stratford.

Future Perfect I will have fixed, she will have fixed +

Formac;:ao: will have


particfpio passado do

verbo principal.

0 future perfect indica o momenta em que a ac;:ao devera ter terminado



By the time Mom arrives, I will have fixed the vase. (Quando mamae chegar, terei consertado o vaso.) You He She

will have eaten.

It We You They



They will not have eaten.

Will they have eaten?

Forma abreviada will•'ll will not• won't

1W'" I.


Put the sentences into the required form:(?)interrogative or(-)negative. Example: We wi11 have had our first lesson by this ti me tomorrow. ( -)

We won 1 hM \-ie1d. our frs\ \essoY\ 'o� ihs lime \Omorrow. 1. The plane will have landed by 4:00 pm.


2. They will have finished the job by April.(-)

3. She will have had her baby by the end of November.


4. You will have taken the children home by 7:00 pm.{-)

5. They'll have met her this time tomorrow.


















II. Join the sentences together using the expression by the time. Example: Lucy will leave for Chicago at 5:00 pm. Jim will arrive at 6:00 pm.

�� �e \\me Jim onives. \..uc.� will \ le� �r C\riic.o.go. 1. I will study the subject tomorrow. The teacher will give the test next week.

2. Carol will eat lunch at noon. We'll get home at 1:00 pm.

3. I will fix dinner at 6:00 pm. You will arrive at 7:00 pm.

4. T he secretary will type the reports at 8:00 am. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m.

5. You will do your homework at 1 :00 pm. Your friend will arrive at 1 :30 pm.

Ill. While Cindy's parents are on vacation, Cindy and her brother Pat decide to have a party. Complete the

mini-dialogs with the future perfect or the future continuous. 1.

Cindy: Hi, Sean. It's Cindy. We are having a party next Saturday. Can you come? Sean:

Well, I'm having dinner with my grandparents on Saturday but

___________ _

(finish) dinner by 9:00 pm. I'll be there! No problem!



Steven is going to help us with the party. He


(come) over

tomorrow at about 7:00 pm to talk about the details.

Cindy: Oh, no, Pat! Tomorrow's Friday. We


(get) back from Spanish class

by 7:00 pm.



T he party was great, but the house is a mess.

Cindy: And somebody's broken Mom's favorite vase. Pat: 4.

Take it easy! By the time Mom and Dad get here, I


(fix) it.

Cindy: Well, we also need to clean the house. I'll wake you up at 9:00 am. tomorrow, OK? Pat:

Oh, no! At that time, I


(dream) about that girl I danced the whole

night with. Let's get up at 11:00 am!

Cindy: No way! By 11:00 am, you



(vacuum) the floor.

(do) the dishes and

Progress Check

Read this text taken from a general interest magazine. Then underline the correct form of comparative adjective or comparative phrase to complete the sentences.

' ,�




Do you consider yourself a happy person or a sad

However, we have to understand what happiness

one? Who are the (more happy I happiest I more

is. And (most importantly I most important I more

happiest) people in the world, anyway?

importantly) than that, we have to know exactly what

The organization known as The World Database of

makes people happy and the reasons for it.

Happiness has done some research 1 into how people

There is evidence, however, of what happiness is

appreciate life. The research involved over 1,500

not. For example, there's no guarantee that finding a

people in 68 countries.

great love makes you (happier I most happier I most

According to2 the research, happiness is one of the

happy), at least, not over a long period of time. And,

(most highly I higher I more highest) valued items for

believe it or not, the (most rich I more richest I richest)

human beings. Most people agree that it is (gooder

people are not necessarily the (more content I

I better I best) to enjoy life than to suffer; they also

most content I most contentest). A survey of 100

suppor t ideas that create (more great I greatest I

American millionaires proved that they were only as

greater) happiness for a (largest I larger I most large)

happy as middle class people.

. number of people. Source: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.

1do research into something= pesquisar 2.

'according to= segundo, de acordo com

Read the short story taken from a school magazine and complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun that, which or no relative pronoun, fJ.

One day, I had a strange dream. I was visiting the house I'd lived when I was four years old. Everything


had belonged to my

was still there: some furniture


the old red curtains, everything. The dining table

had belonged

father had made was in the same place. Even the bicycle to my brother was in the exact place Then, I opened the door to the garage and saw the man

he always left it. used to take

care of our garden. I walked up to him. When I was really close to him, I noticed that it wasn't him at all. It was me! He gave me a look

scared me. Then I

screamed and woke up! Source: Sun 2. Amos, Prescher and Pasqua Jin. Richmond Publishing, 2005.

3. The Present Perfect x Past Simple: Read the scientific article

about moon craters. Then fill in the gaps with the correct option from alternatives A and B below.

·' ·.· · �, ,--d,,�


man's attention

since the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greeks ______

tides1• Poets


the influence of the moon upon the


the moon with romantic

eyes. Space scientists (4) telescopes, but however,


it with their


astronauts there. Nobody, all the answers to the mysteries of the


moon. The origin of moon craters , for example, is still obscure. According to one theory, thousands of meteors crashed against the surface of the moon. The impact of these crashes formed the craters. The craters have many shapes and sizes. Some scientists

to prove this theory with plastef, reproducing the


formation of craters. Unfortunately,



Other theories have tried to prove that the craters



because of gas or

lava eruptions. One physicist said that the craters are the solidified residues of enormous bubbles3. Either way, (10)

to prove these theories.

So romantics, take heart!4 The moon is still an intriguing mystery to man! Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Moderna, 2003.

• 1tides: mare •'plaster: gesso

•'bubbles: bolhas •"take heart!: animar-se, tirar proveito do /ado positivo de alga au de uma informar;ao.

............................................. .................................................................... ......................................................... . ·


Prepositions of Place I in, on, at +

Ine usado em:


One usado em:



in a room I a building I

on the wall I the floor

at the window I home I

a city I a country

the left I the right

school I work / the station

in the water I the sea I

on the table I a page

at the top (of the page) I

the river

the bottom (of the page)

in a row I a line I a queue I bed I prison


Ate usado em:


on a road I a street I

at the end of the line I

a river I the coast I a farm

a party

�-'�''' ..

Supply the appropriate prepositions.


Example: My aunt and uncle live 1. I live

___ ___

Sao Paulo, which is

2. We went sailing



a farm.

the river last week.

3. I met my boyfriend

a party.

4. There's a photograph of my grandmother 5. I have a flat screen TV


___ ___


6. There's an interesting story


the wall

my bedroom.

the bottom of the page.

7. Walk straight down the street and the library is 8. My sister has a beautiful house



the coast.

the right.

our living room.


-� -�"""""'


� -













II. Look at the pictures and underline the correct alternative. 1.



at the gate I

at the top of the stairs I

in the photograph I

on the gate

on the top of the stairs

on the photograph




on the drawer I

on the armchair I

on the lake I

in the drawer

in the armchair


in the lake



at the book I

in the left I

in the farm I

on the book

on the left

on the farm

Ill. Complete the sentences with in, at, or on. 1. Don't drop garbage 2. He lives


3. The hospital is 4. Laura is


5. She lives


6. They arrive

the countryside



the ground.

the first floor.


the airport tonight.

7. The Sahara is the biggest desert

the right.

8. Is Chile the biggest country




the world.

South America?

4 L


IV. Lais is in New York. Complete her e-mail to her friend. Use in, at, or on.

Dear Bia, I arrived


the U.S. last week. New York is great and there are lots of people

a big house. My bedroom is comfortable. There's a picture of the family the floor. There's a swimming pool ___



the table


walk to college every day and Jersey Shore, a beach I wish you were here! Love, Lais



the back yard. There are two floors

the top floor. Tommy, the cat, is always asleep



the streets. I am staying

the wall and a beautiful rug


the top of the stairs.

around ? p.m. and even the cat usually sits ___



__ _


the house and my bedroom is


supper time, everybody

a chair and watches everything. I

my way home, there's a big park. Next weekend, we are planning to go to New

the east coast.

Prepositions of Place 11 behind, opposite, outside... •

Observe os exemplos a seguir

A is next to B

A is opposite B.

A is in front of B.

B is behind A.

(ao lado de)


(em frente de)

(atras de)

B is inside A.

B is outside A.

B is above I over A.

B is under A.

(dentro de)

(fora de)

(em cima de)

(de baixo de)

B is between A and C.

C is far from A.

B is near A.


(longe de)

(perto de)

' ' ,,.,,. __





[ _-p����""";J;;ff!i.!f!�-:i!efr'l;,:t![;{'J:'f!."';_ ___ _

Complete the sentences using the following prepositions. outside




1. Come in! It's warmer

in front of

the house.

2. The cat was sitting

the window, in the rain.

3. I didn't see half the movie! There was a lady in a big hat sitting


4. My best friend's apartment is


5. You'll find the sugar on the top shelf


tea and the coffee jars. II. Look at the picture and underline the correct alternatives

to describe the bedroom. There is a bookshelf (above I outside) the bed. There is a wardrobe (next to I behind) the bookshelf. There is a picture (over I under) the desk. There is a pair of tennis shoes (behind I under) the bed. The cat is (far from I next to) the dog. There's an umbrella (behind I over) the door.






- -














Ill. Use the prepositions below to describe your town to a friend. behind


1. The hospital is 2. The hotel is 3. The gym is

in front of

next to

to the drugstore. the train station. the cinema and the


4. The train station is


6. The English school is 7. The university is 8. The hospital is

the hospital.

Example: bus station I supermarket I behind.

1 Vie b1,1s stotioV\ is be\-iiV\cl !Vie s1,1?ermor�e1. 1. post office I theater I far from.

2. hotel I cinema I behind.

3. drugstore I cinema I opposite.

4. swimming pool I English school I next to.

o u tside

5. The bakery is

9. The cash teller is

IV. Write sentences about the map. Use the words below.

5. bank I drugstore I near.

far from


the post office. the bank. the bus station. the university. the bank.

Prepositions of Movement out of, up, down ... +

Observe os exemplos a seguir:

round I around the hills

off the table

from the window to the tree

onto the table

across the street

along the wire

away from the dog


into the lake



through the window



out of the doghouse

past the dog


Underline the best preposition in parentheses to complete the sentences. 1. The boys climbed (up I down) to the top of the mountain. 2. The bus went (above I along) the road. 3. We tried to stop the dog but it ran (across I out of) the street and was hit by a car. 4. It takes me 40 minutes to go (from I to) home (from I to) work on weekdays. 5. The robber ran (away from I towards) the pol ice and escaped. 6. He was fixing the roof and fell (off I onto) it. 7. The little girl jumped (onto I through) her mother's bed. 8. The cat is in the wardrobe. Get him (out of I away from) it. 9. Go (past I round) the traffic lights and turn left. 10. He walked (round I down) the table for sometime and left the living room.


II. Complete the sentences. Use across, around, into, past, off. Example: The boy threw the cell phone 1. You need to walk



the park to get to the zoo.

2. When we arrived at the beach, I dived 3. I walked


the swimming pool.


the water.

the park twice before going home.

4. Her dog jumped

the sofa when she arrived.

5. On their way to work, they walk


the movie theater.

Ill. Find the hidden preposition in the crossword. that dog.

1. I can't walk 2. The kids walked

the park to the zoo.

3. The man jumped

the lake to save the little girl.

4. My dog I ikes to run

the table.

5. She was walking

the river.


2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. Look at the picture and complete the paragraph with the correct prepositions.

John woke up at 9 am and went


and walked

He tried to catch the cat but it ran the living room and


� the stairs. He went


the kitchen

the table, looking for some matches. He saw his cat playing with the matches.



him. The cat went


/ the stairs with the matches in its mouth. The cat ran

the hall. John went after it but the cat jumped



the window.


Prepositions and Forms of Transport by, on, into +

By (de) e usado:


" com os verbos go, come e travel e antes das

Into I out of sao usados com: " a car, a taxi, a truck

palavras air, rail, road, sea, train, bus, coach, car,

He got into the car.

plane, boat, taxi etc. +

I traveled by airplane.

" a train, a bus, a plane, a boat, a bike, a motorbike.

I go by car. I come by train .

She got on the train.

Mas, I go to work on foot.

He got off the bus and went to school.

l'W?fl ii(_ I.

Get on I get off (subir I descer) sao usados com:



m;;,��"'""�""?""··' co"·

Underline the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. l. Luciana likes to exercise. She goes to work (by I on) foot every day. 2. Milena traveled around Europe (by I on) bus. 3. I fell asleep and didn't get (off I into) the train when it arrived at the station. 4. We arrived late but we sti11 managed to get (on I off) the bus. 5. The policemen asked the passengers to get (off I out of) the car. 6. We traveled to Bahia (by I on) car last summer. 7. They saw the man getting (into I off) the truck.

II. Complete the sentences about the pictures.

... He got

the car.

He got

of the car.

He went to the bank


Ill. The

underlined prepositions are incorrect. Replace them with the correct ones.

Example: She went to school on taxi because she was late. 1. Enzo panics when he travels on plane.


2. After the accident, they couldn't get her off the car.


3. He was in a hurry and got on the car without his suitcase. 4. A lot of people got out of the train in London. 5. Roseli is lazy and never goes anywhere




Q1'. foot.

6. They were getting into the train when I arrived. 7. They went to the island on boat.





Ricardo is traveling around Australia. He sent a postcard to his friend Carlos. Complete the postcard with the correct prepositions.

heo.r Co.rlos

I o.rrive.d in Ausfro.lio. fwo weeb 0.30. spenf fwo do.ys in Sydney o.nd ff.en wenf fa fne Gold Coo.sf

Tf.e ff.ere 3reo.f for surfin3.

I no.d f0 renf 0. surfboo.rd beco.use I wo.S nof o.llowed fa 3e.f


wiff, fne one I lio.d. Buf I Ao.d o. 3reo.f fime o.nywo.y. Affer 3 do.ys, I wenf fa Aye.r's 'Rock. o.nd sfo.yed

ff.ere for o.nofner 3 do.ys. Tnis rock. is inside fne Uluru No.fiono.I Po.rk. o.nd if cno.n3es color dependin3 on fne fime of do.y. Affer fnis, I fa Melbourne ___

bus. I wo.s so fired fno.f I fell

o.sleep o.s soon o.s I 3of

fne bus.

Wnen I o.rrive.d in Melbourne, I fook. o. fo.xi from fne bus sfo.fion fa fne Aofel o.nd

I 3of

fne co.r wifnouf po.yin3.

I wo.S so embo.rro.ssed buf I o.polo3ized o.nd eve.ryfnin3 wo.s OK. I spenf 3 do.ys

in Melbourne o.nd ff.en I wenf fa To.smo.nio. boo.f. Affer visifin3 To.smo.nio., I wenf fa Melbourne o.nd fa Sydney


I nope eve.ryfnin3 is ok. wifn you! To.k.e,


Prepositions of Time I in, on, at



in (em, dentro)



in the 211h century


in the 90s


in 2008

esta�ao do ano

in summer


in June in the morning in the evening

perfodos do dia

in the afternoon


dia do mes

on May 2

dia da semana

on Monday

data especffica (com

(sobre, em)


perfodo mais especffico de um dia

at lunchtime, at night,

palavras especfficas

at midday, at midnight at seven o'clock


para perfodos do dia (em)

datas especfficas (sem a palavra

on Tuesday evening

on vacation

de ferias


on Christmas Day


com as palavras


start, end e moment

at Christmas, at Easter

at the beginning, at the end


Nos Estados Unidos, usa-se: the weekend on vacation


Na lnglaterra, usa-se: at on

the weekend holiday(s)


Complete the sentences with the prepositions in, on or at. September 7.

1. Brazilian Independence Day is 2. I'm going to Europe 3. My birthday is 4.





June .

the 60s, there were many great rock bands.

5. Meet me in front of the cinema 6. Can you call me



night? I'll be working


10. Where are you going


11. My parents got married ____


the 21'1 century.

your next vacation?



Christmas Day, we normally eat turkey.

13. I usually have lunch


14. I like taking my vacation 15. I'll see you




Tuesday morning.

16. My mother is arriving 17.

the afternoon.

Easter, I'm going to visit my relatives in the countryside.

9. Many advances in medicine will be made




7. We don't go to school 8.

9:00 pm.

the evening.

I was very tired

the end of the journey.

18. What are you doing

the moment?

II. Daniel is planning his next vacation. Complete his conversation with a travel agent using in, on or at. Travel agent:

Can I help you?


I hope so. I'm going

vacation soon.

Can you recommend a good package tour? Travel agent:

Sure! When are yqu going?

Daniel: Travel agent:

December. Package tours are usually more expensive


summer, but we have a good package to Porto Segura. Daniel:

Oh, I don't think so! A friend of mine was there


Carnival and he said it was very crowded. Travel agent:

Well, of course, Carnival is very popular. What day do you want to travel?



Travel agent:

Really? We have a very cheap flight at midnight.




Christmas Eve.

midnight? Forget Porto Segura! Do you have



Prepositions of Time 11 from ... to, until, by •

From ... to (desde... ate).

By (ate).

I work from Monday to Friday.

I'll be back by Friday.

Yesterday, I worked from 9 am to 5 pm.

He was back by10 pm .

Until (ate)

We worked until 4 pm. I'll be in Curitiba until Monday.

For (para) e during (durante) �


responde a pergunta par quanta tempo? e during

responde a pergunta quanda?

Obs: Em ingles informal, pode-se usar till no lugar

I have lived here for 3 years.

de until.

I lived there for 10 years.

During my vacation, I visited a museum.

I studied till late. I'll be working till midnight.

.,.. I.

What do you do during the week?


Choose the best alternative. 1. He works from I by 8:00 am to 4:00 pm every day. 2. Will you be studying until I for10 pm tonight? 3. I'll have gone to India by I from April. 4. You have by I u n t i I lunchtime to clean your room.

5. They'll finish this work during I by tomorrow morning. II.

Write sentences about what Henry did last Sunday with from... to. Example: had breakfast/ 9:00 / 9:30

\-le 'oreo�osl {Tom g :00 \0 g :30.

1. played tennis/ 10:00 / 11:00 am

2. had lunch/ 12:00/1:00 pm

3. went to the park I 20 : 0 pm I 4:00 pm

4. visited friends I 7:00 / 9:00 pm

5. watched a movie/ 10:00 / 12:00


Complete the sentences with until or by. unnl

Example: It will take

March to complete this project.

1. I'm very hungry. I can't wait

lunchtime. I'm going to eat now.


2. I have to return this movie

Sunday. Saturday.

3. My brother is coming to stay. He's going to stay July.

4. My computer course goes on 5. We will have finished work

6:00 pm. Then we'll go out for dinner.

6. The movie was so boring that I didn't stay

the end.

6:00 pm. And then I had dinner.

7. I worked 8. Do you think they'll be here 9. I have to find a job

supper time?


10. He studied

next week.

10 p.m. Then he took a shower.

11. It was a great party. We danced


Friday, Ok?

12. Let me have the report IV.

Complete the sentences with for or during. Example: I've not seen my brother 1.

two years.


my trip to London, I visited the National Gallery.

2. I have lived here


3. We worked

10 years.

four hours. Then we stopped for lunch.

4. What do you do

your English classes? 3 weeks.

5. We are going on vacation

20 minutes.

6. I have been waiting for the bus 7.

I work

the week and relax on weekends.

8. You cannot smoke

4 V.

the early hours of the morning.

the flight from New York to Sao Paulo.


Underline and correct the mistakes. Example: I'll finish the report until tomorrow. 1. She has lived here during two years. 2. We work for 8:00 to 6:00.


______ _

_____ _

3. Can you wait to the weekend?


4. I went to the bank for my lunch hour.

5. I'll have finished painting my house until the weekend. 6. I'll be on vacation for next month. 7. They talked a lot for dinner.

"/ will have finished by midnight."



______ _


8. Letters of application for the job should arrive until next Friday.




Modals I


Form she may go, we might stay

Os verbos modais

(may, might, can, could, must, should, ought to)

sao verbos auxiliares que dao um

significado especffico para o verbo principal, como, por exemplo, permissao, habilidade, possibilidade. "' Quanta a forma, as caracterfsticas gerais dos verbos modais sao: •

nao tern infinitivo;

nao tern conjugac;:ao regular ou completa;

nao recebem

sao seguidos pelo verbo principal no infinitivo sem

nao necessitam de outros verbos auxiliares para as formas interrogativas e negativas.




na 3i! pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo;






She may go.

She may not go.

May she go?


She might go.

She might not go.

Might she go?


She can go.

She cannot go.

Can she go?


She could go.

She could not go.

Could she go?


She must go.

She must not go.

Must she go?


She should go.

She should not go.

Should she go?

Ought to

She ought to go.

She ought not to go.

Ought she to go?





Rewrite the sentences using may or might. Example:

I am going with you.

I mo�

I mighr go wirn �ou.

1. She's playing tennis in the afternoon.


2. The boys will go to the movies tomorrow. 3. My father finishes work by six.



4. I will give him my address. 5. We will stay in Chicago.


6. The next lesson is more difficult. 7. It will snow later.


_ _______________________________

8. We're going to the beach tomorrow.



Write the sentences below in question, affirmative or negative form as required. 1. I can bring my brother to the party. (question)

2. He might come here tomorrow. (negative)

3. I must attend the class today. (negative)

4. You may not arrive early. (affirmative)

5. They can play tennis. (question)

6. She could swim when she was a child. (negative)



Put the words of the sentences below in the correct order. Example: rain I might I it I tomorrow. 1. could I come I not I she I class I to. 2. the bathroom I I I may I to I go? 3. arrive I you I ought to I early.

4 IV.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _____ ________


4. should I bring I a bottle of wine I I? 5. early train I catch I must I we.

Ir mighr ro.iV\ romorrow.


_ ___________________________


Rewrite the sentences. Use the modals in parentheses. Example: I am going to work late. (might)

I mighr wom \ore.

1. We will stay in Chicago. (must)

2. The next lesson is hard. (might)

3. She danced very well when she was a child. (could)

4. He is going to buy the tickets. (can)

5. He will finish the report by 3 pm. (ought to)

Modals II can, could, must Can I could (pode, podia, poderia) sao usados para:


Could e usado para expressar possibilidade e



,. expressar capacidade e habilidade.

He could get the job.

He can swim. I could swim when I was 8.

He could be at home.

,, fazer um pedido; pedir /dar permissao ou oferecer ajuda. Nesses casos could nao e

"' obrigac;:ao e deduc;:ao (quando usado na

Can you lend me your pen?


You can leave now.

You must help her.

Could you repeat that, please?

He must be sick.

Can I help you? +

Must (deve) e usado para expressar:


passado de can.

., proibic;:ao (quando usado na negativa)

Can't e usado para expressar proibic;:ao e deduc;:ao.

You mustn't smoke here.

You can't stay here. He can't be asleep. It's 11:00 am.

• '

Can I could podem ser substitufdos por to be able to para expressar


habilidade ou capacidade.


I am able to read this. •

Must pode ser substitufdo por have to. I don't have to go now. I had to work hard.

You can park here.

� I.

You can't park here.



You must stop.

; �><We'

Underline the correct modal according to the meaning required in parentheses. 1. (Can I Must) I have a word with you? (permissao) 2. (Can I Must) you drive well? (habilidade) 3. Students (mustn't I can) leave the room before the end of the test. (proibic;:ao) 4. The teacher (mustn't I could) be on his way. Let's wait another five minutes. (deduc;:ao) 5.

I (could I must) go now. I'm in a hurry! (obrigac;:ao)


I (can I must) speak two languages fluently. (habilidade)

""=' ----�-
















- -






Write sentences using the modal with the meaning required in parentheses. Example: You need to make a phone call. (pedir permissao)

Mo.� I Co.Y\ \ \.ASe �o\.Ar ?YlOY\e? 1.

It's very hot and your friend wants to open the window. (dar permissao)

2. You want to know if your friend can help you to move this weekend. (pedir ajuda)

3. Your friend wants to borrow your pen. (dar permissao)

4. A German man is on the phone. You don't speak German but you speak English. (perguntar sobre habi Iidade)

5. You can't open the window. Maybe it's broken. (deduc;ao)

6. You are forbidden to eat in the library. (proibic;ao)

7. You can take your coat or not. It's up to you. (nao obrigac;ao)

8. Your homework is difficult and you want help from your friend. (pedido)


Complete the conversation these people are having in a restaurant. Use modals. I take you order, sir?




Sorry, but we haven't decided yet. Elena, what would you like to drink?


I don't know.


Sure, here it is. Waiter,


I have a beer? I bring the starter?

Waiter: Yes, sir. Elena:

you give me the menu, Fred?

Yes, please.

I smoke here?

Waiter: Sorry, I'm afraid not, madam. Unfortunately, you _______


go outside to smoke.

What about you, Carlos? Would you like to share a bottle of wine?

Carlos: No, thanks.




you order a soda for me?


Modals Ill may, might, would May, might (pode, podia, poderia) sao usados para:

Would e usado para:


.. expressar possibilidade.

" oferecer ajuda e fazer convites.

It may rain today.

It might rain today.

I may stay home.

We might go to the movies.

Would you like some water? Would you like to go to the movies?

.. formar frases condicionais.

fazer um pedido, pedir ou dar permissao ou ajuda (uso mais formal)

I would go if I had the money. (condicional simples)

May I come in?

He would have gone to the party, if he had known

May I help you?

You may invite her.

where it was. (condicional perfeito)

., expressar dedLJ(;ao. He might arrive soon.

He may be sick.

What are you going to do on the weekend7

May, no sentido de permissao, pode ser substitufdo par be allowed to. You are allowed to ask questions. (You may ask questions.) You will be allowed to go tomorrow. (You may go tomorrow.)






Flavia wants to know about Gustavo's plans for the weekend but he doesn't know what he will do yet. Write his answers using might or may. Example: Are you going to the movies?


migV1t Imo.�, go


1. Are you going to do your homework? I 2. Are you going to go to Tom's party? 3. Are you going to go swimming?

do my homework.



4. Are you going to study? I


go to Tom's party.

go swimming.

study on Sunday afternoon. visit them on Sunday .

5. Are you going to visit your parents?

me movies.


II. Complete the sentences using would. Example: 1. 2.


you carry my books for me?


you like a cup of coffee?


go with you if I you asked me.

3. If I had known she I iked me, I 4. 5. T hey

have asked her on a date.

you come with me tonight, please? have brought some sandwiches, but they'd run out of bread.

Ill. Complete the sentences using help

may I might and a verb from the box.




1. She speaks French very well. She



French. from Germany.

2. Carlos's surname is German. His father

a lot of money.

3. Sandra buys a lot of clothes every week. She

to stay home and rest.

4. Fred never goes out on the weekend. He 5. Marisa is always busy on the weekends. She IV. Rewrite the sentences. Use

her mother at home.

to be allowed to in the correct form.

Example: The doctor says he may go swimming tomorrow. The doctor says he

is ollowecl to I will be ollowecl to 90 swimmiV\9 tomorrow.

1. He may arrive late for class.

2. She may see the horror movie tonight.

3. She may not drive the car tomorrow night.

4. You may not go out on Friday night.

5. They may keep the bar open unti I 11 pm.


Livia is new at school and is talking to a colleague about the rules. Complete their dialog using the

moda/s required in parentheses. Livia:


Marcela: Sure. I hope I Livia:



not come tomorrow (possibilidade). go to the dentist. (possibilidade, obriga<;:ao) to borrow my notes? (oferecer ajuda)



Great! Thanks. By the way, have you seen Clara today?

Marcela: No, I haven't, but she there now.


arrive up to 15 minutes late. (permissao)

Oh, I see. It's just that I I


help. (oferecer ajuda)

What time do the afternoon classes start at?

Marcela: At 2 pm. but we Livia:

I talk to you? (permissao)



OKI Let's go.


be in the cafeteria. (possibilidade) I'm on my way


to come with me? (convite)

Modals IV should, ought to, deductions •

Should I ought to (deve, deveria) sao usados para

" Os verbos modais podem indicar diferentes graus

expressar conselho.

de possibilidade.

You should go now.

Observe como varia o grau de incerteza no dialogo

You ought to go now.

a seguir.

He shouldn't drive today.

"Where's Johnny?"

He ought not to drive today.

"He must be sick I He can't be well." (mais provavel) "He may I might I could be sick." (menos provavel)

"' Dedut;:5es Podem-se usar may, might, should, could, can't e

He must be sick!

must para fazer dedut;:5es sobre: .. acontecimentos no presente: modal



sem to. He may be sick. She might be home. They could be tired. .. acontecimentos no passado: modal + have+ particfpio passado. He must have been sick yesterday.

( He might still be -------------------"-- sleeping .

She can't have been at home. --

..,.. I.


Rewrite the sentences using the modals in parentheses. Example: You take travelers checks when you travel abroad. (should)

'( ou s\.Joulcl tohe rro.velers c.\.Jec.l\s w\.Jm 1_1ou rrovel o'oroocl. 1. Workers can't arrive late for work. (oughtn't to)

2. Claudia spends a lot of money on sweets. (shouldn't)

3. Your marks are not good. You need to study more. (should)

4. Your flight leaves in one hour and you haven't left for the airport yet. (ought to)

5. Mom is cooking something and it smells like lasagna. (must)


- ��






- �









II. Beatriz is late for her wedding. Everybody is in the church waiting for her. The guests are making

deductions about why she is late. Complete their sentences putting the words in parentheses in the correct order. Example: (might I she I be).

Sl--ie migl-11 'oe lore

because of the rain.

1. (be I she I may) ______

at the hairdresser.

2. (have I might I changed /she) ______

her mind.

3. (may I she I be) ______

in love with someone else.

4. (might I she I had I have) ______

an accident.

5. (be I might I there) ______

a lot of traffic.

6. (have I may I the driver I picked I not) ______

her up yet.

7. (driver I have I may I taken I the) ______

her to the wrong church.

Ill. The article below is from a magazine which gives tourists and immigrants information about the US.

Complete the blanks with the modal required in the correct tense.

If you are living in the States and you have a student visa, you (permissao) study at any college you are accepted into but you



(proibic;ao) have a steady job. If the immigration department knows about your job, you _______

(possibilidade) be sent back home immediately.

If you are a tourist and you are traveling around the U.S., you (obriga<;ao) take your passport with you because a policeman you and ask for identification. You license. You




(possibilidade) stop

(permissao) drive with your Brazilian driver's

(conselho) carry some cash, but not much. You


(proibi<;ao) walk alone late at night. Be careful if somebody you have never met before approaches you and says," person



(oferta de ajuda) I help you with your luggage?". This

(deduc;ao - presente) be a thief. You

(conselho - negativa) accept offers like this from strangers.



Conditionals - Form will, would, would have +

" second conditional: passado simples+

A ora<;ao condicional (if clause) expressa uma condi<;ao e vem sempre ligada a uma ora<;ao

condicional simples

principal (main clause).

(if clause)

(if clause)

If I had the money, I would buy a car.

(main clause)

(main clause)

If it is sunny, I will go to the beach.

(simple past),

(simple present),

(Se eu tivesse dinheiro, eu compraria um carro.)

(will+ verb)

., third conditional: passado perfeito

Observe as estruturas condicionais abaixo:

(if clause)

(if clause)


(main clause)

If I had had the money, I would have bought a car.

Metals expand if you heat them. (simple present),



., zero conditional: (main clause)

[would+ verb)

(past perfect),

(simple present)

(would have + past participle)

(Se eu tivesse tido dinheiro, teria comprado um carro.)

(Metais se expandem se voce aquece-los.)

.. first conditional: (main clause)

(if clause)

If I have the money, I will buy a car. (simple present),

If I need money, I will call you.

(simple future)

I'll call you, if I need money.

(Se eu tiver dinheiro , comprarei um carro.)

� I.


A if clause pode iniciar ou finalizar a frase.



Complete the sentences with the first conditional. Use the simple present or the simple future. Example: If you walk in the rain, you

will get

wet. (get) dinner. (prepare)

1. If Helofsa arrives early, she

your ID card. (forget)

2. They won't allow you to enter if you

her driving test. (not pass)

3. If she doesn't study the regulations, she her. (call)

4. Your mother will come if you 5. If he calls, I

to him. (speak)

6. If we have time, we

her. (visit)

7. We will go to the park if it

. (not rain)

8. She will talk to you if you

. (apologize)

9. I won't go if you 10. You will get sick if you

me first. (not call) yourself. (not look after) the job. (get)

11. If he does well in the interview, he 12. He wi 11 buy it if the price 13. You will get there quickly if you 14. If they need you, they

right. (be) by airplane. (go) you. (call)


















Complete the sentences with the second conditional. Use the simple past and the simple conditional.


Example: 1. I



2. We


(go) to the beach if we

3. If I


(have) the money, I


(not be) so tired, we

5. If we


(leave) now, we

6. What



10. What


(not have) so much work to do.

(arrive) there on time. if she saw the e-mail you

(write) Tom a letter if she


(send) me?

(can) cook.

(get) there on time if I



(love) him.





(know) how to drive.

(work) for another hour.


(bring) a cake if I ______

(win) the lottery?

(travel) abroad.

4. If we



(stop) working if you

(buy) a car if I






7. She


(give) you a ride? (ask) her to marry him?

(say) if Henrique

Complete the sentences with the third conditional. Use the past perfect and the conditional perfect. Example: He 1.

3. He


5. If we 6. If I

8. He


it. (tell I know) her to marry him. (meet I ask) early. (receive I leave) able to go out with her friends. (do I be)

her homework, she you were home, we

you. (know I visit)

medicine, I



. (meet I wait)

the message if he



hCAcl WCAirecl

her before, he might



7. They

her if he

him the truth if I


4. If she


woLAlcl hcwe mer


2. If he



as a doctor. (study I work)

the question if they

it. (answer I understand) the wrong turn. (arrive I not take)

earlier if he

me. (lend I ask)

you the money if you

Complete the sentences with the correct conditional structures. Use the information in parentheses. Example: If I got a promotion, 1. If the weather is good, I 2. If he hadn't written, she 3. If they were rich, they

I woLAlcl 'olA�

CA wr.

(buy a car) . (go to the sports center)



------ ·

. (be worried)

(study at a private school)

4. If she arrives early, I ------ · (offer her a coffee) 5. If she had a car, she 6. If you work hard, you

------ ·


7 . If they had known about your accident, they 8. If she reads more, she

(be here) · (get promoted)

______ .


her writing. (improve)


Zero and First Conditionals If it rains, ... •

zero conditional. Esse tipo de constru<;:ao e usado para: " expressar verdades universais ou leis naturais.

(main clause)

(if clause)

Metals expand if you heat them.

(simple present),

(simple present)

" dar uma ordem ou instru<;:ao.

(main clause)

(if clause)

Please call me if you have any problems.

(imperative), •

(simple present)

first conditional. Essa constru<;:ao e usada para expressar uma situa<;:ao ou a<;:ao que pode acontecer no futuro.

(if clause)

(main clause)

If it doesn't rain, I will go to the beach.

(simple present), (simple future)

.,... I.


If it doesn't rain, I

will go

to the beach.


Match the columns to make first and zero conditional sentences. 1. If you need help,


) take a taxi.

2. If the bus doesn't come soon,


) if we get a visa.

3. If he leaves work early,

( I)

4. She will call you


) he will have time to eat before class.

5. We will travel to the US


) if she needs your support.

6. He won't have any money to travel


) if you feel sick.

7. Call a doctor


) arrive early.

8. If you want a good seat,

( g)

9. Children cry


) if you arrive late.


) if he loses his job.

10. She won't let you in

talk to the supervisor.

if you tease them.


Complete the conditional sentences using the verb in parentheses in the correct tense. will

Example: If the police come, the thieves 1. 2.


glad if you come to my party. (be)


4. If she doesn't arrive on time, she 5.


6. They 7. Ill.


to him. (talk)





away. (run)

me if Jane arrives late. (call)


3. If Rafael is upset,


our presentation. (not see)

me if you decide to go to the movies? (phone)

late if they come by bus. (arrive)

out late if you are tired. (not stay)

Underline the correct alternative according to the information in parentheses. Example: People will die I die if they don't breathe. (zero conditional) 1. If he calls me, I will speak I speak to him. (first conditional) 2. Wood floats I will float if you put it in water. (zero conditional) 3. I f dogs are frightened, they will bark I bark. (zero conditional) 4. If you study hard, you will pass I pass your examination. (first conditional) 5. Water boils I will boil if the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius. (zero conditional) 6. I will visit I visit you if I have time. (first conditional) 7. I f the temperature is below zero, water will freeze I freezes. (zero conditional) 8. We have I will have lunch together if you arrive on time. (first conditional)


Complete the telephone conversation with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Jack:

(want) to come to a barbecue

Hi, Linda. It's Jack here! I'm calling to see if you on the weekend .

Linda: Jack:

Oh, Jack! Hi! Look! If it's not on Sunday I

(be able to) go.

(not rain) it will be on Saturday afternoon, if the weather is bad then it

Great. If it ______

(be) on Sunday. But the forecast is for good weather all weekendl It starts at 1:00 pm.


Where is it? If it's at Patty's house, I


I don't understand youi Don't you think that if Patty ______

(not go). You know I can't stand herl (invite) you, it

(mean) she wants to be your friend again? She's really sorry for what she did. I

think you should forgive her.

Linda: Jack:

Well, if she says sorry, I ... and if you



(forgive) her.

(call) her, she'll apologize! Go on! Call her! She


(invite) you herself if you do!


Ok! I'll call her. But if she doesn't apologize, I

(go) to the barbecue! I'll call you in a

few minutes, ok?


Oki If she minutes. Bye!



(be) not at home, call her on her cell phone. I'll speak to you in a few

Second and Third Conditionals if it rained, if it had rained... +

0 second conditional e usado para expressar uma ac;:ao ou uma situac;:ao improvavel, hipotetica ou imaginaria no presente ou no futuro. (main clause)

(if clause)

If I won the lottery, I would buy a yacht. (simple past), +

(would+ verb)

0 third conditional e usado para expressar uma ac;:ao ou uma situac;:ao que nao se concretizou no passado e sua (possfvel) consequencia. (main clause)

(if clause)

If he had arrived earlier, he wouldn't have missed the flight. (past perfect),

(would have + past participle)

Em situa9oes hipoteticas, pode-se usar were para I, he, she and it em vez de was: If I were you ...,

If I were I was her mother,

If it wasn't I weren't so cold,

If she weren't I wasn't so rude,

Observe como os verbos modais tambem podem ser usados em ora�oes condicionais: If they study I studied during their vacation, they

�::�� �:��

the examination.

Or If they had studied during their vacation, they might have passed the examination.

� I.


....w,· ....,,. •

Match the columns to make second or third conditional sentences. (

) if they had looked for it.

2. What would you do


) if I had seen you.

3. They would have found the book


) if I gave you


If he drove more carefully,


) he would have fewer a ccidents.


I'd have spoken to you


) if I had a test tomorrow.


I would study today


II. Rewrite the sentences below to express second conditional (improbable) or third conditional

(impossible) situations. Example: I will leave the room if he arrives. (improbable)


woulcl leove me room ifhe orrivecl.



woulcl hove le{\" me room ifhe o.rrivecl.

1. If they invite me, I will go with them. (improbable)


2. If he doesn't talk to me, I will cry. (impossible)

___________ ______________________

3. If they buy that car, they will use all their savings. (improbable)

___ _____________________________

4. She will hurt herself if she climbs that tree. (impossible)

_________ ________________________

5. He will punish her if she disobeys him. (impossible)


Ill. Jose and Tania are talking about what they would do if they won the lottery. Complete their dialog

with the correct tense of the verbs in parentheses. Jose:

If I won the lottery, I


Tania: If I won the lottery, I

(stop) working. (have) a handsome

personal trainer.


Well, I

Tania: I

(spend) some time in Europe. (buy) a yacht and travel around the

world with my personal trainer.


Tania: If I

(send) them to study abroad. ______



(want) to go,

If my children I

If I

(have) children and

(be) rich, I



(force) them to study abroad. (pray) for you not to win

(be) one of your children, I

the lottery.

IV. Edson's girlfriend has just dumped him. He is thinking about her. Complete these sentences with the

correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 1. If I hadn't always been late, she


(might be)

more patient.

2. If I hadn't told so many lies, she

_ _ _ _ _ __

(would trust) me this time.

3. She wouldn't have got jealous if I


(not talk) to my


4. If I had paid more attention to her, she


(might not leave).

Special Conditional Structures unless, provided, in case, as long as...

Unless (a menos que) pode ser usado em lugar de if not. Bill won't come if you don't invite him. Bill won't come unless you invite him.

In case (no caso de). Take your umbrella in case it rains.

Provided {that) e As long as (somente se). Provided {that) I As long as you explain the exercise, he will be able to do it.

if only (se ao menos) e I wish (eu queria que) If only math wasn't so difficult. I wish I hadn't arrived late for the meeting.




?lf%%����"-��fff2,.'fffi;,}i,r ·f.;!'!,,j;�':f!.:';,,�k:,'i'-;'i:�;

Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1. He's going to take his umbrella (in case I unless) it rains. 2. You can't use your bank card (unless I if only) you have a password. 3. You can borrow my car (as long as I in case) you fill up the tank. 4. She can watch TV (unless I provided that) she finishes her homework first. 5.

I wish he (were I had been) here to talk to me but he is at work now.

6. If only she (spoke I had spoken) to him first, but she didn't. 7.

(Unless I If only) you come to see me this weekend, I'll go to the theater.

8. I will make more sandwiches (as long as I in case) more people arrive. 9. (As long as I unless) you follow the instructions you will be alright. 10. If I (were I am) you, I would take the doctor's advice.

I wish I were older.



Match the columns to express wishes and regrets. 1. If only I could remember

) his phone number, but I couldn't.

2. I wish I had remembered

) to the meeting, but she went.

3. I wish she weren't

) the truth, but he did.

4. If only she hadn't gone

) at the meeting, but she is there now.

5. I wish he had told

( \

) his phone number, but I just can't.

6. If only he hadn't told


) the truth, but he didn't.

Rewrite the underlined sentences. Use the words in parentheses Example: If it doesn't snow, he will go for a walk. (unless)




, he will go for a walk.

1. The secretary will type the letter unless she is ill. (if) The secretary will type the letter


2. Don't go into the pool unless you can swim. (if) Don't go into the pool

______________ _

3. If you're not too tired, I'll see you tonight. (unless) , I'll see you tonight.


4. Unless it rains, we will go out this evening. (if) _______

, we will go out this evening.

5. If you don't have too much work to do, we could go away for the weekend. (unless) _______


, we could go away for the weekend.

Larry is going to invite Jenny to spend the weekend in the mountains. Complete their dialog with unless, in case, as long as or I wish. Larry:

Hi, Jenny. It's Larry here! Paul and I are thinking of going to the mountains this weekend. Do you want to come with us?

Jenny: Hi, Larry. Yeah. I'd love to, but


you'd called me yesterday. I've already promised my

sister I'd help her study this weekend.


Well, can't your mom help her?

Jenny: That's a good idea! I'll talk to Mom. I can go then,

she refuses! It might be a good I can't go.

idea to invite someone else, though, just


I've spoken to Cathy already, but she and Paul have had an argument - she'll go


doesn't go!

Jenny: Oh, I see! And what about Helen? I know she'd love to go,


this weekend.


But give me her number anyway,

I don't have it at home.

Jenny: Ok, I'll find out if Mom can help my sister and call you back, ok? Larry:

Sure. Thanks. Bye!

she's visiting her parents

Progress Check

PREPOSITIONS. Here is a newspaper article about stem cells. Read the text first, ignoring the gaps. Then choose the alternatives with the appropriate prepositional phrase.

STEM CELLS1 What are stem cells? Stem cells are the master cells of the human body that have the potential to [1) They can be obtained [3)

, and,

( 4)

_____ ,

nerve tissue2, blood3, heart muscle'

, can [SJ

, that bone marrow6 cells can become liver7 ce�.

and even brain cells5• Researchers have demonstrated, [6) our bodies to repair the damage8 [8)

Cells can be [ ?)

almost any [2)

illnesses like heart disease, Parkinson's

and Alzheimer's disease, and many others. [9)

, stem cells are going to grow into complete organs like the kidneys9, the liver etc.

The Ethical Issue.

True stem cells [10 J

human embryos, but they can also be [11 J

adult tissue. The probl

,\ begins

when the scientists remove the cells from the embryos. When they do this, they destroy the embryo. Pro-life groups argue that this is immoral because when an embryo is destroyed a life is destroyed. Scientists and researchers, however, emphasize [12)

stem cell research. They say it will help millions of people.

Adapted from Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006.


a) develop into

b) develop by

c) develop for


a) type to cell

b) type from cell

c) type of cell


a) on laboratories

b) in laboratories

c) to laboratories


a) for theory

b) in theory

c) to theory


a) change into

b) change for

c) change by


a) on example

b) in example

c) for example


a) put to

b) put for

c) put into


a) caused by

b) caused to

c) caused of


c) By the future

a) On the future

b) In the future


a) come from

b) go from

c) become from


a) found out


a) the importance of

b) found in b) the importance to

c) found by c) the importance on


• 1

stem eel Is:

• 2

nerve tissue:

• 3


tecido nervoso


musculo cardfaco


• 7



• 8

repair the damage:


• 9


• 4

heart muscle:

• 5

brain cells:

• 6

bone marrow:


reparar os danos

- --=-=










- -










2. MODAL VERBS. Read the article about becoming a better reader. Then complete the sentences with:

must, can, ought to or should, may or might. � -----

- " -- - - I

.: Effective Reading 1




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; Basically there are two types of readers'; those that

have information and those that


"Z·---------- - - �

read for pleasure'. What type


you be to be a successful reader?

Well, you

be both types! There are times when you

enjoy your reading while at other times you

relax and

skim through a lot of material in order

to perform your task3• To become a good reader, you


develop reading strategies. Reading is made up of

fmd your own way of reading: one that works best for you.

many kinds of details. You Before reading a text for the first time, it


be a good idea to ask yourself a general

look at the title or any related

question about the text. You

pictures to give you an idea about the kind of question you



yourself. Then you read the text to check your predictions. This helps you get the general idea (or gist) of the text.

- -- --- - - - - - - - - ----------�--




Adapted from Sun Up. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2008.

3. CONDITIONALS. Read this article about Karaoke. Use one of the phrases, from alternatives

a to f, to

complete the gaps. There is one phrase that you won't need to use. a) if you could sing like...

c) if you want...

e) if they were tense ...




if you would like to ...

if you feel. ..

if you're happy...

, you'll sing! It's a way of expressing our feelings relaxing and forgetting our


problems. That's why so many of us get addicted to karaoke! Karaoke started over


years ago in the Japanese city of Kobe. It became a traditional way for , they would go to a karaoke bar and sing to reduce

businessmen to relax. their stress levels!!! _______

get up and sing, but are too nervous, you'll be glad to know that everyone

can sing. It's just a matter of picking the right songs for your voice, a little practice, and you'll soon have the courage to be on stage. David Holmes, from MTV, has a karaoke show and gives this advice to people who want to be good at karaoke sessions:


Stay calm. Imagine your audience in underwear!

2. Don't be embarrassed ! You don't have to be a great singer - karaoke is for fun - the more you sing, the better you get!


Celine Dion, you probably would be Celine Dion!

Know your limits.

If you don't have a great voice, stay away from songs that require a great voice. 4.


intimidated at first, ask one of the other singers to join you on stage. Adapted from Sun. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2007.

• 1

readers: /eitores

• 2

for pleasure: par prazer

• 3

perform your task: cumprir sua tarefa



Tag Questions • It •1t., "') d"d 1sn 1 h e...."')

Tag questions sao pequenas perguntas colocadas no final das oray5es, para pedir uma informayao ou uma confirmayao do que foi dito.

Caracterfsticas gerais: "' orayao afirmativa

I'm too fat, aren't I?

- a tag question sera negativa


She never visits me, does she? Sit down, will you?

(forma abreviada); " orayao negativa

Casos Especiais

- a tag question sera afirmativa;

Don't open the window, will you? Let's go, shall we?

vem sempre ap6s uma vfrgula;

" e sempre formada por um verbo auxiliar e um pronome.


Vitoria is working, isn't she?

Bob plays the piano well, doesn't he?

Mafra isn't working, is she?

Beto doesn't play the piano well, does he?

Manoel will come tomorrow, won't he?

Leila can swim, can't she?

Manoel will not come tomorrow, will he?

Tereza can't swim, can she?

They work here, don't they?

Telma talked to you, didn't she?

They don't work here, do they?

Tafs didn't talk to you, did she?



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Underline the correct tag questions. 1. They are going to work, (are they I aren't they)? 2. Bob arrived late, (did he I didn't he)? 3. The boys had gone to school, (had they I hadn't they)? 4. They weren't hungry, (were they I weren't they)? 5. The girls can talk to you, (can they I can't they)? 6. That isn't your mother over there, (is it I isn't it)? 7. You've been to Fortaleza, (haven't you I didn't you)? 8. Michael went to college last week, (hasn't he I didn't he)? 9. Clara will be at your party, (is she I won't she)? 10. Cancun isn't in Florida, (is it I isn't it)?

You're thirsty, aren't you?

The underlined tag questions are incorrect. Write the correct ones.



ctictv11 me�?

They used to read a lot, don't they?

1. The girl couldn't help you, couldn't she?


2. Rita and Laura won't have to leave, will she? 3. I was late, wasn't me?

__ ____________________________

4. We had a good time, had we?

_ _ __________________________

5. You don't travel a lot, travel you? 6. I am very lazy, am not I?


_________________ ____________

7. They play the piano, did they?

_____ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

8. Your mother can't drive, drives she?


__ ___________ _________


Complete the questions with the correct tag questions. Example:

The firemen broke the door down,

l. It might rain,

cliclv11 me�


? ?

2. You could have arrived earlier, ?

3. He hates spinach, 4. Stop talking,


5. It would be difficult to refuse the invitation, 6. You have brought some chairs to sit on, ?

7. You will be happy to get that job, ?

8. They should have helped me, 9. There were a lot of people at the party, 10. They seldom arrive late,


11. The wind is very strong,


You aren't Brazilian, are you?


12. Let's have a party,


13. You're coming to the party,


14. He never goes to the beach,


15. He must play tennis very well,


16. There aren't any students here, ?

17. They will lose the game, 18. He is a nice guy, 19. Close the window,

? ?

20. The weather was great,


21. It is nearly 10 o'clock,


Passive Voice is done, were done •

Observe os exemplos abaixo: Someone broke the window. (voz ativa) The window was broken. (voz passiva)


A voz passiva e formada pelo verbo to be (no rnesmo tempo que o verbo principal)


particfpio passado do verbo principal.

The window was broken by someone and it wasn't me1

Tempo verbal

Voz ativa

Voz passiva

writes I write

is written I are written

Presente contfnuo

is writing

is being written

Passado simples


was written I were written

was writing

was being written

Presente simples -

-- -----

Passado contfnuo

- --- -

Presente perfeito

has written I have written

has been written I have been written

Passado perfeito

had written

had been written

Futuro simples

will write

wi 11 be written


must write

must be written

Principais usos da voz passiva: " quando a pessoa OU 0 SUjeito da a�ao nao e

Podemos mencionar a pessoa que realizou a a�ao

usando by. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.

importante, nao e conhecido, ou esta implfcito no contexto. Ana was told to leave the classroom. (Fica implfcito que o professor pediu.) •

Quando o verbo na voz ativa tiver dois objetos (direto e indireto), qualquer um deles pode ser o sujeito da voz

em situa�6es formais, na linguagem jornalfstica


e descri�6es tecnicas e I ou cientfficas.

John told me a story. --> I was told a story (by John).

The lottery winner was not found at home. (Nao

John told me a story. -->A story was told to me (by John).

importa quern nao o encontrou.)
















Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice. Do not use by.

\-le wo.s o.shcl to give o. lessoY\.

Example: They asked him to give a lesson. 1. The police arrested the robber. 2. They told the students to be quiet. 3. They offered Celia a good job.

_________________________ _


4. They promised Jorge a good salary.

_______ ___________________

5. The builders built the office block in less than a y ear.


6. The government has increased taxes again! 7.

They offered me some water.


8. The cinema is showing the new Tom Cruise film. 9. They sent the letters y esterday.



10. They made it in China.

II. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. Use by.

Example: Fire destroyed the building. 1.

\he 'ouilcl"1Y\9 wo.s clestro�ecl 'o� fre.

Mario will fix my car.

2. Tarsila do Amaral painted "Abaporu". 3. A policeman has stopped us. 4. The Sky Company is building that factory. 5. The kids next door broke the window. 6. That man sells fresh fruit and vegetables. 7. The teacher had already corrected the tests. 8. Paulo Coelho wrote the book. 9. Her parents will meet Jackie at the airport. 10. Our neighbor takes me to school every day.



Ill. Put these sentences into the active voice.


Information is stored on computers.

1. The forest was being destroyed by fire.

Compurers store iY\�rmo.t\OY\.


2. Patients are looked after by nurses. 3. The answer wasn't known by the man.


4. Alex will be taken to the airport by Roberta. 5. When was the Moon first visited by man?

______________________ _


Have (something) Done I had my house painted +

Formai;ao: sujeito +to have+ objeto+ particfpio passado do verbo principal. I have my hair cut once a month. (Eu corto meu cabelo uma vez por mes.) Expressa: uma ai;ao que alguem faz a nosso pedido ou em nosso favor. I had my hair cut last month. I will have my hair cut next week.

Negativa I don't have my nails done every month. I didn't have my bike fixed last Friday. I won't have my car serviced next month.

lnterrogativa Do you have your house cleaned every week?

Uso informal - Podemos usar get no lugar de have.

Did you have your picture taken last Friday?

I got my bike fixed yesterday.

Will you have your car washed on Saturday?




�---.,,, �

""' �'' ,,

Check A if the subject performed the action and B when someone else did it. Example: He had his hair cut last week.


1. She cleans her room every day. 2. They've just got their car fixed. 3. I took a beautiful photo yesterday. 4. We're having our apartment decorated 5. Judy was having a dress made. 6. He'll send the e-mail tomorrow. II.

Match the sentences. 1. They are washing his car now.

) We had dinner prepared.

2. She cut her hair.

) You had your clothes washed.

3. The maid prepared dinner for us.

) She had her hair cut.

4. The man took our picture.

) He is having his car washed now.

5. Your mother washed your clothes.

) We had our picture taken.


Rewrite the sentences. Use have or get (something) done. Example: They're washing her car. She


s hov\Y\9 I 9ettiY\9 her wr woshed.

1. He has done my hair. I


2. The builders are going to build our house. We


3. The cook can prepare dinner for him. He


4. Someone must wash their clothes. They


5. The painters are painting John and Jane's house. They


6. You have always revised the text twice. You


7. They are going to service Gino's car. Gino


8. He would cut his hair if it were necessary. He


9. They will fix our computer. We


10. Your poems should be published someday. You



Paula is visiting Marco's apartment. Complete their dialog. Use have I get (something) done and the verbs in parentheses. Paula: Wow! Your apartment is so tidy! Do you vacuum it often? Marco: Well, no, not personally, but I (vacuum) Paula:

Marco: No, I (wash) I Paula:


Look at your kitchen! Do you wash the dishes? three times a week.

How about your clothes? Do you do the laundry?

Marco: Oh, no. I (do)

once a week.

Paula: Your bathroom is so clean. Do you clean it often? Marco: Well, I (clean)

three times a week.

Paula: So, what things do you do at home? Marco: Hmm, let me see! Oh, I know. I pay the maid.

three times a week.

Indirect Speech I she said that... +

Ha duas formas de relatar o que alguem disse: .. pelo discurso direto

(direct speech),


repetimos o que foi dito usando as mesmas palavras da pessoa. " pelo discurso

indireto (indirect speech),


contamos o que foi dito com nossas pr6prias palavras.

Discurso indireto

Discurso direto


Andrea said, "I have a test today."

She said (that) she had a test that day.

Renato said, "I worked yesterday."

He said (that} he had worked the day before.

Leo said, "I'll work on my car tomorrow."

He said (that} he would work on his car the next day.

Lea and Leo said, "We're working now."

They said (that} they were working then.

Leo said, "I was working an hour ago."

He said (that) he had been working an hour before.

Cindy said, "I've been here before."

She said (that} she had been there before.

Lisa said, "I can work with you."

She said (that} she could work with me.

Podemos nanter o mesmo tempo verbal usado no discurso direto quando o verbo utilizado para relatar estiver: " no passado, mas a situac;:ao ainda existe no presente. "' no presente, futuro ou no presente perfeito. My parents don't write to me.• She said her parents don't write to her. I com e from Brazil.• He says he comes from Brazil .






Complete the sentences. Example: The teacher said, "You have to do your homework by Thursday." The teacher said that




our homework by Thursday. in the library.

1. She said, "The girls are in the library." She said that 2. Sara said, "The boys are playing soccer." Sara said that


3. Mom said, "I read a good book yesterday." Mom said that


a good book the

day before. 4. He said, "The girls were here an hour ago." He said the girls 5. The doctor said, "Your father smokes too much." The doctor said that my father too much.

an hour before. __________


Put the sentences into indirect speech. Make changes where necessary. Example: They said, "We can work tomorrow."

l�ey so.\ct tlney could. wor� tine nexr d.o.y.

l. He says, "I wi11 study with my friend Lucy at my house."

2. They said, "We won't come back early."

3. They said, "We are going to buy some flowers for our mom."

4. I said, "I have already paid this check."

5. She will say, "It's not going to work" when you tell her about your plans.

6. He said, "I can meet you later."

7. My parents said, "Your sister played very well in the volleyball game."

8. She said, "There's going to be a thunderstorm later."


Look at the table and report the sentences. Make changes when necessary. l. Joe said, "I didn't finish my work." 2. Helen says, "I've seen him."

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

5. Eli said, "Cida speaks English well." 6. Fabio and Luciano said, "We haven't bought our books yet."

3. The teacher said, "I will be working tomorrow."

7. Monica said, "I am not going to call him."

4. William will say, "We have to give up now."

8. Marta says, "Pedro is always late for work."

Indirect Speech II she asked me ..., she told me... +

Usamos: " a forma afirmativa para relatar uma pergunta. •

,,, o infinitivo para relatar uma ordem.

Saye tell tern regras diferentes quanto ao uso do objeto indireto.

" geralmente, os verbos tell and order para relatar

Luis told me {that) he was tired.

pedidos e ordens.

(0 objeto indireto e obrigat6rio)

Discurso direto What time is the meeting?

"Open the door."

Does Carla play the piano?

"Don't call later."

Lufs said {that) he was tired.

(0 objeto indireto e facultativo) •

Discurso indireto

Must, could, should, ought to, might e would nao mudam de forma no discurso indireto.

He asked what time the meeting was.

He said, "I could go."

He asked if Carla played the piano.

He said he could go.

He told me to o pen the door. She ordered me no t to call later . ..

-·-· ----·

-lw?vf � I.


A '-ii·· i. ?:.

-��"""-�'"'"··"'""''"J.'"-«"h• .

Complete the sentences to report what was said. Example: Joel said to Susan, "I hate you."

Joel told

Susa.YI lmo.t) he ho.tecl VlP,r.

1. I said to the porter, "I am Mr. Spencer." I told


2. He said to Jane, "I am always here on Fridays." He told


3. I said to the boy, "Leave the room." I told


4. "Nobody could paint a picture as well as you." He said


5. "You shou Id leave the country at once." She said


6. "I must go to the library before it closes." I said


7. "You ought to visit my grandmother tomorrow." She said


8. "Stay here Rafael!" They told


II. Put these sentences into Example: "Sit down."

indirect speech.

1. "Keep quiet, Andrew." 2. "Don't run away." 3. "Come in, Alex."

I us to sil ctoWY\.


He told

They ordered

She told us He told

_____________ ______________


4. "Don't open the door, Sarah." 5. "Don't step on the grass!" Ill. Put these questions into

She told


indirect speech. Introduce them as suggested.

1. "Do you play the piano?"

They asked me


She asked

5. "Are the girls here?"

They asked me

____________________ _______


Grandma asked me

I asked



4. "Where did you go?"

7. "Are they coming today?"

w\tio.1 I wo.s cloiY'lg

I asked him

I asked

3. "When will Jack be back?"


She asked

2. "How did you go to school today?"

8. "What time is it?"


He ordered them

Example: "What are you doing?"

6. "What is the matter?"

________________________ _

I asked


_________________________ _

____________________________ _

IV. Rogerio was driving on a highway when a policeman stopped him. He is telling his friend Carlos what

happened. Complete their conversation using the verbs in parentheses. Carlos:

Hi, Rogerio. Martha said


(want to)

talk to me. What's up?

Rogerio: Yes. Could you give me a ride to the party next Saturday? Carlos:

OK, but why don't you take your father's car?

Rogerio: Well, it's a long story but last Sunday I was coming back from a nightclub around 3 am when a policeman stopped me. He told me


out of) the car and asked me


(show) my driving license. Then he wanted to know if _______

he told me

(drink). When I tried to answer, (not interrupt) (do) a

him and ordered me

breathalyzer test. Fortunately, I wasn't drunk but he gave me a speeding ticket anyway. Well, after all this, my father ordered me


(not use) his car

for 3 months.


OK, I'll give you a ride but I'm going to drive.

Infinitive to do, to go +

0 infinitivo e a forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com ou sem to. .. Usa-se o infinitivo sem to:


Usa-se o infinitivo com to:

ap6s os verbos modais (can, could, should

ap6s os verbos: agree, appear, arrange, ask,

etc.), os verbos auxiliares doe will e os

decide, expect, fail, happen, help, invite, learn, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seek,

verbos make e let.

seem, teach, tell, want, wish.

I can swim.

He decided to wait here.

Do you like coffee? Let me go.

., apes a estrutura verbo

She makes me feel good.



He invited us to go .

.. ap6s as conjun96es but e except.

'" ap6s as expressoes the first, the second, the

She does nothing but cry.

last, the only e os pronomes interrogativos who,

(Ela nao faz nada alem de chorar)

where, when, what, how, whose.

" ap6s would rather ('d rather), que expressa

She was the first to arrive.

preferencia; e had better ('d better), que

We don't know what to do.

expressa conselho ou recomenda9ao.

" quando se quer mencionar com que prop6sito

I'd rather go home by taxi.

se faz alguma coisa.

You'd better see a doctor.

I brought an extra sandwich to give you.

·----- -�--·-···




.• �,,

Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1. Let's (dance I to dance), shall we? 2. I can't (afford I to afford) to buy a new car. 3. I refuse (do I to do) the dishes again. 4. He made her (cry I to cry). 5. We found it hard (study I to study) all day. 6. She's too shy (sing I to sing) in front of such a big audience. 7. Remind me (to pay I pay) the electricity bill, will you? 8. I must (to have I have) something to eat now. I'm starving! 9. I could (work I to work) in the evenings if you want me to. 10. Can you (to let I let) me leave class early, please?

II. Complete the sentences with the Example: You'd better 1. Please, let me 2. I cannot agree


5. I made him


here. (study) that. (do)



quiet. (keep)

down. (sit)

the letter. (answer)


6. He didn't know how 7. You'd better

your coat. It's getting colder. (take)


3. We could do nothing but 4. They told me

infinitive of the verbs in parentheses with or without to.



in front of a lady. (behave)

the telephone. It might be important. (answer)

Ill. Underline and correct the mistakes. to 'oulj

Example: He was the only one� her a present. 1. They invited us join them.


2. You should do nothing except to wait. 3. I'd rather to be on the beach now.



4. The teacher promised read my poems.


5. You'd better to hurry up because our train leaves in 15 minutes. 6. The policeman asked see her driver's license.


________ _

7. I've decided go to Porto Alegre in my vacation.

________ _

IV. Miro crashed his father's car last night. He needs to tell his father. Complete their conversation using

the infinitive with or without to. Miro:

Morning, Dad!


Good morning, Miro. Why are you up so early?


(have) breakfast

I woke up early with you, Dad. Did you sleep well?


Yes, I did, and you? Is anything wrong?


No, Dad, nothing! I only wanted


(talk) to you.

It's... the car. Dad:

You are making me



(feel) nervous. You'd

(tell) me right away!


Well, as you always say: It's better


What happened to the car?


Well, to be honest I'd rather not


(face) the truth.

(tell) you, here goes! I was trying


A bus? Where's the car? Let's go


It's outside. I'm taking it


Oh, so you got up early with me!


(worry), Dad! I'm okay!

(swerve) around a hole when a bus hit me. But you don't need (see) what's left of it. (be) repaired right now. (give) me the news and not


(have) breakfast


Gerund ------------+

0 gerundio e uma forma verbal caracterizada pela terminac;:ao ing. .. coma substantivo ou sujeito da orac;:ao:

E usado:

" ap6s os verbos come e go, em frases relacionadas a atividade ffsica ou esporte.

Singing is her favorite hobby.

They went skiing last winter.

" ap6s preposic;:oes:

Would you like to come jogging with me?

She is tired of working. .. ap6s alguns verbos coma: admit, appreciate,

"' Os verbos: begin, continue, hate, like, start etc. podem ser seguidos par gerundio (ing) ou

avoid, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape,

infinitivo com to:

finish, keep, mind, miss, suggest etc.

I start working at 7 am.

He admitted being wrong.

I start to work at 7 am.

She will risk losing him. .. ap6s algumas locuc;:oes verbais coma: can't

" O significado de alguns verbos, porem, muda

stand, can't help, it's no use, there's no point, it's (not) worth ...

quando eles sao seguidos par gerundio (ing) ou par infinitivo com to. She stopped talking to me.

I can't help feeling sorry for him.

(Ela parou de falar comigo.)

It's worth reading that book.

She stopped to talk to me. (Ela parou para falar comigo.)

� I.


.· <�0'

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses. 1. The man admitted

(steal) the jewelry.

2. She is very fond of


3. They would appreciate 4. 5.

I avoided _______

8. 9. I'm interested in 10. We both stopped

(hear) from you. (talk) to him after our quarrel.

(paint) is a terrific pastime.

6. She has considered 7. I really enjoy

doing, going

(continue) her course. (meet) people.

(work) hard is something we all have to do. (learn) another foreign language. (smoke) about 3 years ago.

Check the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes in the incorrect ones.


Example: They went swim after class.


1. Drinking in excess can be dangerous.


2. She couldn't stand look at those bright lights. 3. Would you mind read the composition again? 4.

They left without waiting for her.



_ _ _ _ __

5. They stopped to talk loudly at 11 pm.


6. She remembered talking to me at the party.


7. She tried to solve your problem but she couldn't.


8. They didn't remember locking the door and the house was robbed. 9. I couldn't help to laugh when he arrived in those clothes. 10. To swim is my favorite sport.



13. There's no point to talk to them. 14. He's bored with to live here.


_____ _

11. Would you like to come to ski? 12. It's worth seeing that movie.




;ff!).� lfJlf6 _


Fill in the gaps. Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in parentheses.

My wife, w�nd�, W�$ � very h�ppyhol"V\e l"V\�ker. l>IAt whel'I (�et)

01Af Sol'\ w�s 3 ye�rs old, she w�l'lted

(look) for � p�rt-til"V\e

�job. She decided

job so she co1Ald still spet'ld �fterMol'IS with 01Af Sol'\. l>1At whel'I she co1Aldl'l't fil'ld � re�IAl�rjob, she sfarted to thil'lk �bo1At

<woM �t hol"V\e. She sfarted


(woM �s � proofre�der for � l"V\���ziM.

'Now w�t'ld� e�oys likes �t'ld �lso

<sfay) �t hol"V\e. She (fake) �re of OIA( Sol'\ (hMe) til"V\e to �o to the �Yl"V\ �t'ld sflAdy 11'1�1ish.

1>1At, 1At'lfort1AMtely for l"V\e, favorite hobby.

(sit'I�) il'I the shower is still her

Indirect Questions Do you know what time it is? •

Pode-se fazer dais tipos de perguntas em ingles: " na forma direta


Where is the next oasis? " na forma indireta (indirect); Do you know where the next oasis is? " Na pergunta indireta, apenas a primeira pa rte da orac;ao assume a forma interrogativa.

Direct questions


Indirect questions

When is he coming?

Could you tell me when he's coming?

What did he say?

Can you tell me what he said?

Where are they going?

Do you know where they are going?

Did the train from Santos arrive?

Can you tell me if the train from Santos arrived?

Does Mrs. Johnson come today?

Do you know if Mrs. Johnson comes today?

Is Mr. Fromen arriving tomorrow?

Do you know if Mr. Fromen is arriving tomorrow?



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Complete the sentences. Follow the example below. Example: Where did Sally go? Do you know

1. Whose car is this? Do you know

where So.II� wem?


2. When did they leave? Can you tell me 3. How much does it cost? Do you know



4. Is the flight from Houston late? Can you tell me 5. Is there a taxi rank near here? Could you tell me 6. What time is it? Do you know 7


___ _________________

__________________________ _

Where can we park the car? Could you tell me

8. How are you getting to the party? Do you know 9. What did she buy? Do you know


____________________ _


10. Is this the best way to Salvador? Can you tell me


II. Tick (.1) the correct sentences. Underline and correct the mistakes. Example: Can you tell me where can I catch the bus? 1. How far is it to Miami?

I rnn


2. Do you know how old the children are?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Do you know who was Glenn talking to?


4. Can you tell me where can I buy red roses? 5. Do you know what kind of book she likes?

_ _ _ _ _ _ __


6. Can you tell me if is there a message for me? 7. Do you know where is the post office?

______ _


8. Can you tell me when does the class end?


Ill. Rewrite the sentences. Use the indirect form. 1. Where did Jack go yesterday?

2. Why does he fly to London every week?

3. What time does she wake up every day?

4. Where can I go in the evening?

5. How long did they spend in Greece?

IV. Put the words in the correct order and ask questions. Use Do you know... or Can you tell me... Example: the receptionist I arrived I late I again Do you know

if �e rece�nonisr orrivecl lore 09oin?

1. checked into I Mr. Holden I has I the I already I hotel Do you know

_________________________________ _

2. bus journey I how long I the /Rio /takes I to Do you know


3. what time I is I served I dinner Can you tell me


4. find I a drugstore I where I I I can Do you know


5. how I to I can I get I the I ibrary I I


Can you tell me ---------------------------------

Agreement Each child has a pet •

Quando o sujeito e um substantivo coma student, person, child, friend, cousin (de genera indeterminado), podemos fazer a concordancia com:


" Porem, quando o genera e determinado, usamos

"' he e she, his e her, se quisermos ser precisos. Porem esse uso e muito formal

he ou she, his ou her.

Each student has to bring his or her own material.

The girls were playing volleyball.

Each child arrives at 9:00. He or she stays in this room.

Someone has left her towel in the locker room.

0 uso mais com um e they e their:

Com both.. . and, usa-se o verbo sempre na

Each student has to bring their own material.

terceira pessoa do plural.

Each child arrives at 9.00am. They stay in this room.

Both the boy and the girl like spinach.

., Quando o sujeito e uma palavra terminada em one


Com each e every, usa-se o verbo na terceira

ou body, geralmente usamos they, them, their.

pessoa do singular.

Everyone is having their lunch.

Each child has to bring some food for the school party. Every student does a placement test before the

Everybody has arrived. Give them the books.

English course.

,,. . .. ·




Match the columns.

1. Every child wants to play with


) to park their car in front of the church.

2. Nobody was allowed

( I ) their own toys.

3. Everybody thinks that

) his house by the lake.

4. One of Bob's friends will build

) they are the best drivers.

5. Each person could

) to take their examinations today.

6. Several students are going

) doing his or her work.

7. Each of my classmates is

) bring their partner.

Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong ones.




Example: Did everyone en oy himself at the party? 1. Somebody forgot her purse in the ladies' room. 2. The policeman said both drivers was wrong.



3. Somebody parked their car in my parking space. 4. Each table have four chairs.



5. Every guest have a valid entry ticket.


6. The taxi drivers were waiting for their passengers.

____ __

7. The engineers presented themselves to the clients. 8. Both students were cheating in the test.


9. Every student do a test before entering the college. 10. Somebody cut herself with the knife. 11. Both my children has green eyes.




12. Everybody looks after himself these days.




Complete the paragraph with the words from the box. herself







14 �w �� � to- w.JUt,e, � CMA W-Vi,C not � � � �toU tk �-�u��� � to- �·�� ,� �to- tk �- 'Bett �a-&� i,t1£ � [J� . -A� � ttc �� to- � � - 2o.dv � W-<Jh o1t tk CMA ����to-tk � �y � to- fie, �to- Me tk c1M& ���.,... � �-�cu-Oh tk� � to-� �·y �- ++(', ��� WuJ,tk � ��W�Un,o:t�foe,W� ()J


.14 � W-Oh�·� ��w��yco;u{.too-�.




Phrasal Verbs get up, look up, put up with ... •


phrasal verb e um verbo acrescido de uma

phrasal verbs podem ser separaveis (separable),

a partfcula,

Ex.: He ran into his teacher at the theater.

quando verbo e partfcula nao podem ser separados.




(inseparable), isto e,

seu significado original.

I turned the television off.

(Ele encontrou seu professor no teatro.) •


isto e, o objeto pode ser colocado entre o verbo e

particula que lhe da um significado diferente do

(Eu desliguei a televisao.)

phrasal verb pode ser transitivo ou intransitivo.

I ran into my sister at the supermarket.

They made up the story.

(Encontrei minha irma no supermercado.)

(Eles inventaram a hist6ria.) •

She suddenly showed up.

Alguns quanta

(De repente, ela apareceu.)

phrasal verbs podem ser tanto separable inseparable.

I made up an excuse.

Em geral, a estrutura dos phrasal verbs e verbo How do you put up with his bad behavior?




I made an excuse up.



It's difficult to get along with him. '·-�.,,��-:._�"._����- """ '

..,... I.



These phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. Rewrite them in the alternative form. Example: She put her shoes on.

S\.ie pul oY\ \.!er shoes.

1. Could you turn down the radio? 2. Take off your shoes and sit down. 3. Can you fill in the form?



4. I looked up the word in the dictionary. 5. We had to put the meeting off.


6. Let's throw away the old magazines! 7. Let's call up the manager.




8. Turn on the TV, the film starts in a minute! 9. I'll pick up my friends at 8:00 pm. 10. I want to give up my job. I hate it!

______________________ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __










.,,,.,,_._-..=,,, -











II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. out





1. Why don't we go

this evening?

2. I usually get

at 6:00 am on weekdays.

3. Come

and take a seat.

4. Hurry

! We're late.

5. My mother always wakes me 6. Sit


7. Look

10. I need to lie

!The traffic lights are red.


9. Clean your mess

at 6:00 am.

and I will tell you what happened.


8. I picked Lucia


from work and we went to the movies.


, kids! Then we can go out.

. I'm not feeling well.


11. The kids still haven't showed


12. I can't go out tonight. I have to look 13. Sorry, we're late. Our car broke 14. You must give

· I'm worried.


my little brother.



smoking. It's so bad for you!

Ill. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1. I can't up put with him any longer.


2. I ran my teacher in town into yesterday.

__________________ ______

3. My parents don't along get with my boyfriend. 4. We have out run of milk.



5. I am forward looking to meeting you.


IV. Complete the text with the phrasal verbs from the box in the correct tense. pick up

make up

get along with

wake up




give up

get up

at 6:00 am on weekdays. If I don't

· A workmate of mine usually


_ ________

at 7:00 am and we arrive at work at about 8:00 am. If we are late, we an excuse because our boss is very strict. In fact, he is quite difficult

have to to

put up with

straight away, my mom comes into my room and tells me



hurry up

. My job is boring. I only

money but I would really like to

it because I need the it


- -


Progress Check



Here is a magazine article about the study of genetics. Read through the complete text (parts A & 8) to understand the general idea of what it is about. In part A, underline all the passive forms. In part 8, fill in the gaps with the passive form of the verbs in parentheses.

(use) in his


A. Many attempts have been made

throughout history to explain the similarity

experiments because they could easily

between parents and children.


(observe). He cross­

pollinated5 round peas with wrinkled6 ones.

It was thought, for instance, that the substances responsible for heredity1 came from the blood path of both parents and were mixed together in the child. This idea can be found in expressions like "royal blood" or

As a result, two thirds of the peas had pods7 containg both round and wrinkled peas. In Mendel's experiment, it


(demonstrate) that both male and female elements contain some factors that are

"bloodline"- Another theory suggested the existence of a miniature copy of the father in reproductive cells. But we know, today, that

responsible for the appearance of characters in the organism. When fertilization occurs, the genes carried

heredity is carried by the genes2, which are


chromosome sectors3 transmitted from parents

by the male

to children.

with those carried by the female. The new plant inherits8 half of its genes from each

m. The basic laws of heredity ______


(study) by genetics.

These laws Augustinian monk who

(state) by an ______

(call) Gregor Jonathan Mendel (1822-1884) in a monastery in the city of Brunn, Austria (now Czech territory). Source: Graded English. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Moderna, 2006 .

peas= ervilhas


pod = vagem

• 2


cross-pollinate= realizar polinizar;ao cruzada


inherit= herdar


wrinkled= enrugadas I rugosas


heredity= hereditariedade

genes= genes 3 chromosome sectors= ser;oes do cromossomo

• 4









- -





= -

- -











GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES. Here is an Internet article about culture shock. Read it to understand generally what the text is about. Then underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses.





(Adjusting I To adjust I Adjust) to a new culture and way of life is both exciting and challenging - you will experience some highs and lows during your time abroad1• During these times of difficulty, remind yourself that these cultural differences are the reason we all love (travel I to travel), (experience I to experience) the unknown!



There are generally three stages that most people go through3•

Adapted from: Challenge. Amos, Prescher and Pasqualin. Richmond Publishing, 2006 .


abroad = no exterior


go through a stage= passar par um fase


adjustment= ajuste


wear off = diminuir

after (depois)

by the time (quando)

We met our friends at the gym after lunch.

By the time I arrive home, the children will be

After work, we went to the shopping mall.

sleeping. The children will be sleeping by the time I arrive

although I though (embora)


Although I arrived early, I didn't see her. I'll go to the party tonight, although I'm tired. I like Denise. She can be bad-tempered, though.

despite I in spite of (apesar de, nao obstante) Despite I in spite of being ill, mom made dirner. We love grandpa in spite of I despite his bad temper.

and (e) He bought a new house and a boat.

as (enquanto, quando, a medida que)

either... or (ou ... ou, quer ... quer) Either he or she will come. He will bring either a cake or sandwiches.

The children got excited as we approached the beach.

even if (mesmo que, ainda que, mesmo se)

As Monica was cooking, Victor was reading the

I'll meet her even if it snows.


Even if I'm tired, I'll study tonight.

as if I as though (como se) He speaks as if I as though he were the manager.

even though (muito embora) They went dancing, even though they were tired. Even though I wasn't feeling well, I went to school.

as soon as (logo que) As soon as he arrived, he took off his shoes. She smiled as soon as she saw him.

however (mas, porem, contudo, todavia) I'll invite her. However, she may not come. I called him. He, however, didn't look at me.

because (porque) He can't go out because he is busy. Because of the rain, we couldn't play football.

neither... nor (nem ... nem) Neither Carlos nor Susana showed up at work. He eats neither fruit nor vegetables.

before (antes, antes que) We won't meet the teacher before lunch. Before we leave, we have to finish the report.

both ... and (nao s6 ... mas tambem; tanto ... coma)

nor (nem) You don't want to go there and nor do I.

not only ... but also (nao s6 ... mas tambem)

He both writes and speaks English perfectly.

Not only Paul, but also Karen came to see me.

Both John and Ted are in love with her.

I not only speak French but also Italian.

but (mas, porem, entretanto, todavia) He can be annoying, but I like him.

or (ou) Are you going home, or will you stay here?

otherwise (senao, do contrario) You must talk to her. Otherwise, she'll leave.

therefore (portanto) I missed the train. I couldn't, therefore, arrive on time.

since (desde, porque, uma vez que)

You didn't study. Therefore, you won't pass.

I've lived here since 1999. Since you don't drink coffee, have some tea.

till/ until (ate) Yesterday, we worked till 8:00 pm.

so (entao)

He'll be on vacation until the end of September.

You don't speak English, so we can't offer you the job. so ... that (tao... que) It was so hot that I almost fainted.

when (quando) When I arrived, my husband was sleeping. The children were awake when I got home.

so that (para) He left early so that he could avoid the traffic.

while (enquanto, ao passo que)

I was sleeping while she was swimming. still (ainda assim)

While I was on vacation, they were working.

He rested all day. Still, he is very tired. yet (mesmo assim, ainda) then (entao) I'll finish the report and then I'll have lunch.

She's poor, yet she's very happy. I haven't finished yet.


, :r:.�A


Underline the correct word (or expression) in parentheses to complete the sentences.


1. (Although I Since) she was angry, she talked calmly. 2. She didn't have breakfast (because I so) she woke up late. 3. (Although I Despite) being happy, she didn't smile. 4. They did a good job (so I since) they were promoted. 5. (In spite of I Though) having money, she did not buy a lot of clothes. 6. She looked tired and worried. I still thought she was beautiful, (though /although). 7. (Since I So) he didn't talk to her, she left the party. 8. There was no food at home, (so I since) we had dinner out. 9. (Even though I Since) she was 2 hours late, he carried on waiting for her. 10. (Despite I Although) drinking a lot, he drove home. II.

Underline the correct verb to complete the sentences. 1. She went to bed when her mother (asked I ask) her to. 2. By the time you arrive at the station, the train (will have left I left). 3. Cristina will send the message as soon as you (required I require). 4. When the thief heard our voices, he (ran away I had run away). 5. Rosa won't say anything until you (had proved I have proved) you can be trusted. 6. Your girlfriend called as soon as you (had left I have left). 7. The students can't enter the classroom until the teacher (arrives I arrive). 8. By the time you (had finished I finished) the report, the boss had canceled the meeting.


Are these sentences correct ( v') or incorrect (X)? 1. She speaks both Chinese or Japanese. 2. As we came closer to the beach, we could smell the sea. 3. Either Susana and Sergio will come to the party. 4. I asked Janet to go out. She, however, couldn't go. 5. Not only Maria, and also Julia are my friends.

IV. Rewrite the sentences correcting the underlined mistakes. Example: In spite of travel a lot, she still wasn't used to it.

\Y\ spire of l'fo.veliY\g o. lot. s�e snll\ t lAsecl to it. 1. She writes very well, her final composition was not very good, although.

2. Despite she had a lot to do, she left work earlier.

3. So she had to work late, Monica didn't go to the movies.

4. Despite of being thin, she went on a diet.


Felipe wrote an e-mail to his friend Elisa to tell her about his life in New York. Complete his e-mail with although, though, in spite of, despite, since, because or so.

Hi, Elisa Sorry for not writing before but I have been really busy with my studies. I am happy, ______


having good English, I am having problems with

my academic writing. It takes me a lot of time to write my essays

of the

language required. I talked to some of my classmates about this to see if they could help me. They were nice and listened to me ______

they didn't offer any suggestions.

I couldn't count on them, I decided to talk to my professors. I tried to talk

to my English Literature professor

I thought she was the friendliest. She

suggested that I pay a professional proofreader to revise my papers. I didn't know how to find a good proofreader,


one of my classmates suggested putting a notice on the

students' board. After two days, I received a call from a proofreader that wanted the j ob. Now, with his help I'm improving my academic writing - and it's really working! Elisa, I'd love to be able to write more, but I really need to go to bed now I have classes early tomorrow. Bye for now.


actually (de fato, realmente) I don't like John. Actually he is very boring.

again (novamente) I don't want to see you again.

ago (atras) We met Paul three hours ago.

almost (quase) We almost fell asleep during the lecture.

already (ja) I've already answered your question.

also (tambem) Sandra is a football player but she also likes tennis.

always (sempre) We always go to the cafeteria after class.

anymore (nunca mais) She doesn't want to talk to you anymore.

anywhere (em lugar algum) I can't find my glasses anywhere.

apparently (aparentemente) Sally is apparently having a good time.

certainly (certamente) John is certainly going to fail the test.

completely (completamente) I know I am completely right about this.

constantly (constantemente) Why do you constantly bother your little sister?

early (cedo) I like to go running early in the morning.

easily (facilmente) You can easily find my house. It has a red door.

enough (o suficiente, o bastante) Your excuse is not good enough.

entirely (completamente) Her explanation was entirely unnecessary.

especially (especialmente) I'm especially interested in modern architecture.

ever (alguma vez) Have you ever eaten sushi?

everywhere (em todo lugar) I like spring because there are flowers everywhere.

extremely (extremamente) Climbing mountains is an extremely dangerous sport.

fast (rapido) I can't run very fast.

finally (finalmente) Are you finally going to tell me the truth?

generally (geralmente) We generally have lunch at 12:00.

hard (bastante) I have been working very hard lately.

here (aqui) Can you come here, please?

immediately (imediatamente) The boss wants to see you immediately.

just (acabar de) I'm very happy. My boyfriend has just arrived.

late (tarde, atrasado/a) The teacher is going to arrive late today.

maybe (pode ser, talvez) Maybe she won't come early today.

rarely (raramente) There is rarely anybody here on Sundays.

regularly (regularmente) You have to go to the dentist regularly.

seldom (raramente) We seldom go to the movies. We prefer to watch TV.

seriously (seriamente) Let's talk seriously. I don't want you to go out alone.

never (nunca) I've never been to the Northeast.

somewhere (em algum lugar) Linda lives somewhere near the lake.

next (pr6ximo/a, seguintes) See you next Friday.

still (ainda) He is still waiting for her.

now (agora) Are the children asleep now?

surely (certamente) You look tired. You must surely have worked a lot.

obviously (obviamente, certamente) We should have reached her house by now. We're obviously lost.

occasionally (ocasionalmente) He comes to visit me occasionally.

often (frequentemente) I often go to the park after work.

once (uma vez) I study English once a week.

perhaps (talvez) It's late. Perhaps she isn't coming.

together (juntas) Linda and Jack do everything together.

too (tambem) She plays the guitar and the piano, too.

well (bem) I can't speak English well.

yet (ainda) Why hasn't Jerry arrived yet?

yet (ja) Has Jenny arrived yet?

afraid of He's afraid of snakes. He's afraid of losing his job angry about He's angry about the decision. He's angry about having to walk to school. angry with (someone) Dad's angry with you for arguing with your brother. ashamed of You should be ashamed of yourself for lying like that. He was ashamed of being so skinny. bad at He's bad at math so he has a tutor to help him. She is bad at keeping secrets so don't tell her anything personal. bored with I'm bored with my job. I'm going to look for a new one. He was bored with lying on the sofa all afternoon. different from He's very different from his brother. Jogging is different from running. difficult for English pronunciation is difficult for me. disappointed in John's father was disappointed in him. excited about I'm very excited about my new job. famous for Brazil is famous for its lovely beaches. frightened of Lisa is very frightened of spiders.

good at Are you good at chemistry? important for It's important for you to pass the test. interested in l'rn very interested in modern architecture. kind to Your mother was very kind to me. late for He is always late for class. nice to He wasn't nice to me so I left the party. pleased with Mr. Martin was very pleased with his son's exam results. proud of I'm so proud of you. You cleaned up all your mess! responsible for Who is responsible for this situation? scared of When I was little, I was scared of the dark. sorry for Stop feeling sorry for yourself! tired of I'm tired of waking up early in the morning. I need a holiday. worried about I'm very worried about Susan. She is over an hour late. wrong with What's wrong with Ricardo? He looks sad.

agree to (something) They agreed to our proposal. agree with (someone) After a long discussion, he finally agreed with me. apologize for He apologized for his error. apply for When you apply for a job, write a complete resume. approve of Do you approve of our new plan? argue about (something) What are you boys arguing about? argue with (someone) Can't you boys stop arguing with each other? ask about What do you want to ask me about?

depend on I am depending on you to help me with this project.

discuss with I need to discuss something important with you.

Do you have a minute? dream about Last night, I dreamt about my mother. explain to Can you explain the answer to me again? I didn't understand it. fall off He fell off the first floor balcony and broke his leg. fight with Stop fighting with your brother. Can't you watch TV quietly? forget about Sorry I forgot about your birthday. I've been so busy lately.

ask for He asked me for some money.

forgive for Please forgive me for being so rude to you the

belong to Does this book belong to you? buy for

other day. I didn't mean it. get off He got off the bus and entered the building.

I am going to buy a present for my husband. get on care about (something)

He got on the bus and looked for a seat.

I don't care about what he says. It isn't important to me. care for (someone) The old woman lives all by herself. She has no one to care for her. charge for I'm not going to charge you for fixing your car. complain about (something) Stop complaining about your problems. complain to (someone)

get out of John got out of his car and walked to his office. give to Give your books to him. happen to I can't believe what happened to him. hear about (something) Did you hear about the accident? hear from (someone)

The students complained to the director about

I haven't heard from my sister for weeks. She

their teacher.

must be working a lot.

hide from The little boy hid from his mother behind the sofa. introduce to Let me introduce you to my friend Jack. know about Did you know about the accident? laugh at He is so funny that we can't help laughing at him. lend to Can you lend your car to me? Mine is in the repair shop . listen to Listen to me! I have something important to say. look at He loves looking at himself in the mirror. look like

remind of Can you remind me of the meeting tonight? reply to He never replies to my letters. I hope he's OK. shout at My brother always shouts at me when he is angry. smile at The girl smiled at him from across the room and he fell in love. speak about (something) At lunch he only spoke about his family. speak to (someone)

I hate speaking to large groups. I get really nervous. stare at He kept staring at me from across the room. I was so embarrassed.

He looks like his father. They have the same green eyes. pay by Do you want to pay by check or by credit card? pay for Who is going to pay for the damage to my car? point at/to He pointed at/ to a picture on the wall. prefer... to I prefer swimming to dancing. prevent from They prevented me from entering the country because I didn't have a visa. read about (something) I read about the accident in the newspaper. read to (someone) I like reading stories to my little son. recover from My grandfather is recovering from a serious illness.

suggest to I have something to suggest to you. talk about (something) We talked about the problem for hours and then we went to bed. talk to (someone) I talked to mom on the phone and she said she wasn't feeling well. think about I've been thinking a lot about your proposal. think of What do you think of my new haircut? wait for I'll be waiting for you outside the movie theater. wave at I to I think that girl is waving at I to me. I'm going to talk to her. write to My parents haven't written to me for months.

break down (stop functioning) My car broke down on the highway. I had to call a mechanic. break up (finish a relationship) Marco and I had dated for 4 years, but we broke up last year. bring up (raise) My parents died when I was very young so I was brought up by my grandmother. call on (visit) I'm going to call on you next week. call up (telephone) You call me up tomorrow and we'll talk about the problem. clean up (make tidy or clean) Can't you kids clean up your mess7 drop in (visit informally) My best friend dropped in while I was having lunch yesterday. fill in (complete) Can you fill in this form before the interview? find out (discover) The police are still trying to find out who is responsible for the crime. get through (make a connection) I'm trying to get through but her line is always busy. get up (to get out of bed after sleeping) During the week, I usually get up at 6:00. give up (stop doing) Since I gave up smoking, I have been feeling a lot better. grow up (change from baby to adult) I grew up in a small town in the countryside. hand in (give something to someone) We need to hand in our assignments to the teacher at the end of the week.

hurry up (do something quickly) Hurry up or we'll be late for the show. look after (care for) Can you look after my baby for a couple of hours while I go to the corner store? look for (search) I can't find my keys. I've looked for them everywhere. look up (find information in a book I document) We looked up the word in a dictionary because we didn't know the answer. make up (invent) Johnny was late for class so he made up an excuse. pick up (take someone I something from a place) I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm in front of your apartment building. put off (delay doing something) I planned to take a vacation in December, but I had to put it off because I had too much work. run across I into (meet unexpectedly) I ran across I into my best friend from school in the street. take af ter (resemble a member of the family) He takes after his mother a lot. They have the same blond hair and blue eyes. take off (remove something, especially a piece of clothing) Come in and take off your shoes. turn down (decrease volume) Can you turn the radio down? I am trying to study. turn into (become) She wasn't a pretty child but she turned into a beautiful woman. turn up (increase volume) Turn up the radio! The music is really good.





to awake




to be

was I were


ser, estar

to beat



bater, derrotar

to become




to begin




to bite



morder, picar

to bleed




to blow




to break




to bring




to build



construir queimar comprar

to burn

burnt I burned

burnt I burned

to buy



to catch



pegar, apanhar

to choose




to come




to cost




to cut




to deal



lidar, tratar

to dig




to do




to draw



desenhar; sacar

to drink




to drive




to eat




to fall




to feed




to feel




to fight



brigar; lutar

to find




to fly




to forget


forgot I forgotten


to forgive




to freeze




to get


got I gotten


to give








to go




to grow




to hang




to have




to hear




to hide




to hit




to hold



segurar; manter

to hurt



ferir; machucar

to keep



manter; guardar

to know



saber; conhecer

to lay



p6r; colocar

to lead




to learn

learnt I learned

learnt I learned


to leave



partir; deixar

to lend




to let




to lie



deitar-se; situar-se acender

to light



to lose




to make




to mean



significar encontrar

to meet



to pay




to put




to quit



desistir; abandonar

to read




to ride



cavalgar; andar de

to ring



tocar; soar

to rise




to run



correr dizer

to say



to see




to seek




to sell






to send




to shake




to shine




to shoot




to show




to shrink




to shut




to sing




to sink




to sit




to sleep




to smell

smelt I smelled

smelt I smelled


to speak




to speed




to spend




to spread




to stand



ficar; permanecer

to steal




to stick




to sting



picar; ferroar



to swear




to sweep




to swim




to swing



balanc;ar tomar; levar

to take



to teach




to tear




to tell




to think




to throw



arremessar; atirar

to understand




to wake




to wear




to win




to wind



dar corda; serpentear

to write




Choose the correct alternatives. See page 225 for answers. 1. ...took ...books and put ...on the table. a) She-his-them

b) Her - him-their

c) Her-she-their

b) his-your

c) hers-his

2. This car is ....and that one is ... a) her-his

3. My parents home at the moment. a) isn't

b) aren't

c) am not

4. ...your brother at the party last night? a) Were

b) Was

c) Is

b) There was

c) There are

5 . ...many things to do today. a) There is

6. He had ...opportunity to lecture at It was ...honor for him. a) an-a-an

b) a-an-X

c) X-an-a

7. What are you going to do with ...old magazines? a) this

b) these

c) that

8. The four ...stole money from those old ... a) thieves-women

b) thiefs-woman

c) thief - womens

9. I need ...information. Where's the station? a) an

b) any

c) some

b) Paul's and Mary

c) Paul and Mary's

10. Do you know ...mother? a) Paul and Mary

11. Yesterday they were ...but today they are ... a) studying-swimming

b) studing-swiming

c) study-swim

12. My sister usually ...a sandwich before class, but now she ...a pear. a) eating-eat

b) eats-is eating

c) eat-eats

13. The phone ...while I...a shower. a) rang - had

b)was ringing - had

c)rang- was having

b)am going

c)am going to

14. l. my friends after school. a) be going to

15. last night, but they...too tired. a)were going to - were

b)are going to- will be

c) would - are going to

b) shall


b) to not visit

c)not visit


c) goes

b) costs it

c)does it cost

16 . ...1 help you? a) will 17. Let's ...them! a) not to visit 18. Denise college every day. a) does go 19. How much ...? a) it costs

20. They speak a ...words of French, but they don't know...words in Italian. a) little- much

b)few- many

c)less - very

b)didn't taken

c) didn't take

21. The boys ...their bags to school. a) took not

22. I. ..ten dollars, but Susan ...any money. a) have- doesn't have

b) has - doesn't has

c) having - hasn't

23. do when you were a child? a) did you use

b)did you used

c)used you

24. The kids will. .. back from school at 6:30. a) be comming


c) be coming

25. Do you have ...time to talk this afternoon? a) a


c) some

26. There was complete silence in the classroom. In fact , ...said... a) Anybody - something

b) Nobody - anything

c) Somebody - nothing

b) Each of us

c) All of us pizza. a) Every of all

28. Frank cut... when he was making a sandwich. a) him

b) herself

c) himself

b) either do I

c) neither do I

29. She doesn't like football and ... a) both do I

30. You have to brush your teeth every night...going to bed. a) before

bl against

c) after

b) better than

c) the best

b) Does she has gone

c) Does she have gone

b) a work

c) work

b) the English

c) some English

31. That guy is ... player on our team. a) the better 32 Europe? a) Has she gone 33. Has she already gone to...? a) the work 34. ... is a fascinating language. a) English

35. The man, I borrowed, is a friend of mine. a) who

b) whose

c) whom

b) excite

c) exciting

36. This movie is really... a) excited

37. If they... ready, they could leave the room. a) are

b) had been

c) were

38. Laura would not have had a toothache if the dentist before. a) has gone

b) had went

c) had gone

39. The students...what the teacher said. al couldn't to hear

b) couldn't hear

c) didn't could hear

b) I should buy

c) should I to buy

b) isn't it

c) didn't you

40. Which car...? al should I buy 41. You went to my school, ... 7 al don't you

42. Dad arrived...and missed the show. a) lately

b) late

c) early

43. The the workmen when I arrived home . a) were being done

b) was being done

c) were been done

44. The women told...that they had lived there for ten years. a) to us

b) us

c) to me

45. The girls left school after they had finished... a) to study

b) studying

c) study

bl to do

c) doing

b) obvious loves

c) obviously loves

b) less and less hot

c) hotter and hotter

bl have bought

c) had bought

46. Stop...that, please. a) do 47. She... her boyfriend. a) loves obviously 48. It is getting ... a) more and more hot 49. l ...a new pair of jeans yesterday. a) bought

50. After, she the movies. a) finished - had gone

b) had finished - went

c) has finished - had gone






Is that car yours?


Aquele e o seu carro?

This is my book. That's yours.


Estee meu livro. Aquele e o seu.

I love my dog, you love yours.


Eu amo meu cachorro, voce ama o seu.

She is a friend of mine.


Ela e uma amiga minha.

Here is your receipt.


Aqui esta seu recibo.

Your sister is in my class.


Sua irma esta na minha sala.

Her grades are better than mine.


As notas dela sao melhores que as minhas.

Is that her dog? Its paw is hurt.


Aquele cao e dela? A pata dele esta ferida.

Our beaches are cleaner than yours.


Nossas praias sao mais limpas que as suas.

That isn' t her pen. It's his.


Essa caneta nao e dela.

Reescreva as frases abaixo usando os possessivos que correspondem as palavras em negrito. a) Lilia n's bicycle is at home. Where is your bicycle?

b) The stude nts'

books are open.

c) The man's house is very old. How old is your house?

d) This is my frie nds' car and that one is my car.


E dele.

Sublinhe a op�ao certa e traduza as frases. a) The students' books... (His I Their) books.


The students' teacher. .. (His

I Their)

c) The man's house... (His I Her) house

d) The woman's car... (His I Her) car





Examples Have some more cake, I made it myself.


Pegue mais bolo, eu mesma(o) o fiz.

Take care of yourself!


Cuide se! -

He looked at himself in the mirror.


Ele olhou-se no espelho.

She considered herself very attractive.


Ela se considerava muito atraente.

He picked himself up and kept going.


Ele levantou-se e seguiu em frente.

We bought ourselves a new TV.


Nos compramos uma IV nova.

Enjoy yourselves!



They can help themselves to pizza.


Efes podem se servir de pizza.

This puppy was all by itself on the doorstep.


Este cachorrinho estava sozinho na porta.

Do you think we'll love each other forever?


Voce acha que vamos amar um ao outro I nos amar para

Will they love each other forever?


Eles vao se amar para sempre?

They will talk to one another today.


Eles vao se falar I fala r um com outro hoje.



Sublinhe a opc;:ao certa. a)

He doesn't like (her I herself).

b) I c)

They have loved (themselves I each other)

e) l.


Enjoy (yourself I you) at the party.


We always help (each other I ourselves) with our homework.

The children made the robot (himself I themselves).

The teacher always repeats (itself I himself) in class.

make (me I myself) breakfast every day.

since they met.




He cut (him I himself) with a knife.

Let's give (ourselves I us) a 30 minute break.

Passe para o ingles as frases abaixo. a)

Eles se amam e vao se casar no final do ano.


Nossa professora gosta que n6s mesmos limpemos a sala de aula.


Ela passa muito tempo se olhando no espelho.


Eles nao se falam mais.


Pretendo me divertir nas minhas ferias.




Examples - >

Minha amiga {meu amigo) tern

uma irma.

My friend has an older sister.


Minha amiga {meu amigo) tern

uma irma mais velha.

My friend has a sister.

She had a horrible nightmare.


Ela teve um pesadelo horrfvel.

We don't use a uniform at school.


Nao usamos uniforme escolar

"Overweight" is a euphemism.


"Sobrepeso" e um eufemismo.

It was a useless gift.


Foi um presente imltil.

Three times a day.


Tres vezes por I ao dia.

$3 a kilo.


$3 o quilo.

A hundred km an hour.


Cem quilometros por hora.

A lot of people .. .


Muita gente. .. I muitas pessoas...

I'll see you in an hour.


Te vejo daqui a

An honest man.


Um homem honesto.

I go to P school.


Vou a escola.

I bought P books last month.


Eu comprei livros no mes passado.


Fui para Recife.

I went to

P Recife.

Obs.: 0 sfmbolo

uma hora

P significa que nao se pode usar o

artigo definido.


Preencha as lacunas com a, an ou fJ (quando nao se deve usar artigo).


child, I wanted to be

journalist. It's

astronaut, but now I'm actually interesting job and I meet I usually take

has just painted to take My job takes me to ___


notepad together with interview with

enormous picture of

lots of cities all over

spend 3 or 4 days

ar tist and

Rio de Janeiro. I'm going

restaurant near the airport. Brazil. When I travel, I phone home twice

postcard to my family. T hey often complain

my job because I have to travel


mobile phone and

Australian who is

Sugar Loaf in

airplane and meet him in

day and sometimes I send


lot of talented people. When I go to

pen and

camera. Today I have



lot. Sometimes, I only

month at home. But they know I love





lunch- lunc h es

almo�o- alm�os

wish- wishes


desejo - desejos



raposa- raposas




person - people


pessoa- pessoas

snail - snails


caracol - caracois

criterion - criteria


criteriG - criterios

woman - women


mulher- mulheres

sheep - sheep


ovelha - ovelhas



equipamento - equipamentos



pesquisa - pesquisas

informatio n


informa�ao- informa�0es



conselho - conselhos



notfcia - notfcias



tesoura - tesouras


• 41

4 •


ldentifique oito substantivos plurais errados no texto abaixo e corrija-os. ..,_

Ever since Simon and Jennifer's babys were born, their lifes haven't been the same. Persons gave them lots of advices; like buying a bigger house and moving to the outskirt of the city. However, the house cost more than the apartment they had in town and they had to spend all their saving. Now both their chi Ids are starting school, which will mean they have to spend a lot on equipments like computers. ·-












______ _






_ ______

Traduza. a)


need some advice.


b) The newsis very bad today.


c) We are doing some research into obesity.


d) We need to buy new equipment for the factory. e) These scissors are very sharp.


________________________ _





Please speak more slowly.


It's extremely dangerous!


He's definitely

n ot


Por favor, tale mais devagar.

E extremamente perigoso! Sem duvida, ele nao e brasileiro.

I nearly I almost fell off my chair!


I usually do my homework in the afternoon.


Geralmente fa�o minha li�ao de casa a tarde.

The film was quite interesting.


Ate que o filme foi interessante.

I' m rather I a little I a bit tired.

Quase car da minha cadeira!

Estou um pouco cansada. ,

She speaks English well.

Ela fala ingles hem.

It was a particularly interesting lesson.


A aula foi especialmente interessante.

He's currently working in Angola.


Atualmente, ele esta trabalhando em Angola

What have you been doing recently?


0 que voce tern feito ultimamente?

1. Sublinhe a opi;ao adequada. === ======== =,======c====:-::=====================:==========:c:===========:c:=:c::c:":,:: ::,;;:=-----��-= 41 '----::::== Mariana was Creal I really) bored by football, but her boyfriend watched it (frequent/ ii ' - frequently) on TV so she had to sit (patiently I patient) with him. After watching so i J { many games, she now knows the rules (good I well). '!

� ,t '-

--=-==-=:::::=.c_:.=:.c:c�--=-=-=-=::::.:-:_:.:.:.:::.::.:.:.::.::.::.=:.:. ::::.::. ::.-_:::. ::: :::.:.:.::.::.::.:.:.-:::.::.:.::_::.:::-_::.c_c_:::::.:.: :::.::.::.::.·:-_-:-_:::_-_-_-_-_::.:-_-_-_-_:-_- -_-:c_c_c_-:_-_:_c_:_-_:.-:'./

l. Complete as frases abaixo com os adverbios correspondentes aos adjetivos citados entre parenteses.

a) The president reacted

to the newspaper report. (angry)




The newlyweds lived


The students were protesting

sorry. It won't happen again, (terrible) ever after. (happy) . (loud)

3. Sublinhe a melhor opi;ao para completar as frases.

a) I worked (hard I hardly) last week.


We (hard I hardly) ever go to the movies these days.


I've been eating too much (late I lately).


They always arrive (late I lately).


He doesn't feel very (good I well).

4. Descubra qual frase esta errada e reescreva-a corretamente.

a) She will probably do quite well.


I t's quite hot today,


There are quite a lot of people there.


The candidate quite studied hard.

e) She is quite a good student.


I quite like rap.



Examples My teacher speaks English very well.


Meu professor fala ingles muito bem.

This is a very good book.


Este livro e muito born.

I don't like Chemistry (very) much.


Nao gosto muito de qufmica.

My brother doesn't study (very) much.


Meu irmao nao estuda muito.

very much!


Muito obrigado/a !

My neighbors are too noisy.


Meus vizinhos sao barulhentos demais.

They have too many parties.


Eles fazem festas demais.

They make too much noise.


Eles fazem barulho demais.

Thank you



Coloque as palavras entre parenteses na posic;:ao correta em cada frase. a)

Jean didn't enjoy studying. (very much)

b) When he was a child, books didn't interest him. (much)

c) They made mistakes. (too many) They will have to do the test again.


It is raining heavily. (very)

e) We have spent time trying to find a solution. (too much)



I am going to go to bed now. I am tired. (very)


I Iike her. (very much)


This movie is exciting. (very)

Passe para o ingles. a)

Ha pessoas demais nesta sala.

b) Esta musica e boa demais. c) Esta muito quente hoje.


Gosto muito de futebol.


_____ ___________________





Examples >

My city is enormous

Estes biscoitos sao deliciosos.

These cookies a re delicious. I'm getting old.


Estou ficando velho I velha.

You look wonderful!


Voce esta maravilhoso/a!

It's a heavy old leather jacket.


E uma jaqueta de couro pesada e velha.

They seem very happy together.



Eles parecem muito felizes juntos.

My friend is bored.


Meu amigo I minha amiga esta entediado(a).

The children are starving.


As crian�as estao famintas.

little brown puppies with big ears.


Cachorrinhos pardos com orelhas grandes.

This one's bigger than that one.


Esteemaior do que aquele.

She's not as pretty as her sister.


Ela nao e tao bonita quanto a sua irma.

He's the best teacher in the school.


Ele e o melhor professor da escola.

That's the most expensive pen I've seen.


Essaea caneta mais cara que ja vi.

lndique se a frase esta correta (.I') ou errada (X) e reescreva-a quando for necessario. a) Those men are richs. (


Minha cidadeeenorme.



He is more tall than I am. (


This is the hottest city in Brazil. (


They are not so tired as us. (




Coloque os adjetivos na ordem certa. a) a (and I white I boring I black) movie


(sports I American I big) cars


(heavy I science I old) books

____ __ ______________ _







There is a beautiful girl in that room.


There are some eggs in that box.


Ha alguns ovos naquela caixa.

There isn't a direct flight to London.


Nao h3 voo direto para Landres.

There aren't many houses in my street.


Nao h3 muitas casas na minha rua.

Is there a lot of pollution here?


Ha muita polui�ao aqui?

Are there trees in An tarctica?


Ha I Existem arvores na Antartida?

There was an accident!


Houve um acidente!

There were twenty people at the party.


Havia vinte pessoas na festa.

There wasn't time to phone the police.

. . >

Nao houve tempo para chamar a polfcia.

There weren't many factories here.


Nao havia I existiam muitas tabricas aqui.

Was there a line for the movie theater?


Havia fila para o cinema?

Were there cars in Brazil in 1920?


Havia I Existiam carros no Brasil em 1920?

The city has many parks.


A cidade tem muitos parques.


Ha I Existem muitos parques na cidade.

There are many parks in the city.


Ha uma garota bonita naquela sala.

The African countries have many problems.


Os paises africanas tem muitos problemas.

There are many problems in Africa.


Ha I Existem muitos problemas na Africa.

Sublinhe a opc;:ao certa. a)

There (is I are) 3 bedrooms in my house.

b) There (is I are) a lot of pollution in the city.



There (isn't I aren't) any water in the desert.


There (isn't I aren't) many hotels in my city.


There (was I were) an accident last night.


There (was I were) lots of people at the party y esterday.


There (wasn't I weren't) enough time to go to the zoo during our visit.


There (wasn't I weren't) enough police in the street to prevent the riot.

Sublinhe a opc;:ao certa para completar os dialogos. a)

John: (Is I Are) there a supermarket in your street? Alex: No, but there (is I are) two grocery stores and a drugstore. John: This neighborhood (has I there are) good facilities.

b) Amy: (Was I Were) there any good movies on TV last night? Alex: No, there (wasn't I weren't).

John: But there (was I were) a great football match on Channel 9.





I used to play soccer but I don't anymore.


Where did you use to live?


Onde voce morava?

What did you use to do after lunch?


O que voce costumava fazer ap6s o almo�o?

We used to sleep in hammocks.


Nos dormiamos I A gente dormia em redes.

I'm not used to this new pen yet. ------��


Ainda nao me acostumei com esta caneta nova.

They're already used to taking the bus.


Eles ja se acostumaram a pegar o onibus.

Are they used to food from Bahia?


Eles estao acostumados com comida baiana?

One day, I'll get used to the noise here.


Eu jogava futebol mas nao jogo mais.


Um dia vou me acostumar ao barulho daqui.

Are you used to working on computers?


Esta acostumado a trabalhar com computadores?

Didn't you use to live next door to me?


Voce nao morava na casa ao lado da minha?

Passe as frases sobre sua nova vida na cidade grande para o ingles usando be ou get used toe as palavras indicadas ao lado de cada uma delas.


Nao estou acostumado com a polui<;ao. (not I the pollution)


Eu estou me acostumando com o barulho. (getting I the noise)


Eu nunca vou me acostumar com o transito. (will never I the traffic)


Finalmente eu me acostumei com a comida estranha. (finally used I the strange food)


Eu estou me acostumando com as multid6es. (getting I the crowds)


Eu nao estou acostumado ao metro. (not/ the subway)

Traduza estas frases. a)

I usually get up at 7:00 am.


I am getting used to living in Sao Paulo.


I used to live in Brasilia.


I'm used to eating dinner at 9:00 pm.










I'm concentrating.


Estou me concentrando.

Were you lying?


Voce estava mentindo?

Aren't you leaving?


Voce nao esta indo embora?

Have you seen this?


Voce Ja

She has never been there.


Ela nunca esteve la.

Do they do that often?


Efes fazem isso com trequencia?

Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos auxiliares a seguir: aren't were








doesn't don't


have didn't


have a eel I phone, but my brother


you studying here last year? No, I


you ever been to Sao Paulo?


My brother and I



returning my calls because she



visited your grandmother for weeks!




it late?

enjoying the karate classes so we

you remember to post the letter? It You





we boarding the plane?


_____ _




viu isto?

studied before doing the test,

practice. want to talk to me.

arrived yet. you?

Sublinhe a op�ao adequada.

My sister (has Iis) going to the beach this weekend, but I (don't I'm not) want to go because my friends (have I are) planning a big party and I ('m I've) been invited . We (did I've) passed our exams and (do I are) intending to celebrate. Unfortunately, my friend Paul (didn't Ihasn't) pass but he ('s I be) coming to the party anyway. We ('re I've) bought lots of food and drink and Tony (has Iis) invited some friends of his who have a rock band. They ('re I've) going to play all our favorite songs and we ('ve I're) planning to dance all night. We ('re I've) worked hard all year so we deserve some fun.


MODAL VERBS Examples Can you help me, please?


Voce(s) pode(m) me ajudar, por favor?

He can't go out tonight.


Ele nao pode sair hoje a noite.

She can speak English and Spanish.


Ela sabe falar ingles e espanhol.

Students must register before classes begin.


Alunos devem matricular-se antes de as aulas com�arem.

You mustn't go swimming right after lunch!


Voce nao deve nadar logo ap6s o almo�o!

Should we turn off the TV?


Devemos destigar a televisao?

It shouldn't take very long.


Nao deve levar muito tempo.

May I come in?


Posso entrar?

It may take months to finish the project.


Pode tevar meses para terminar o projeto.

Shall I pick you up at 6 pm? We shall be leaving at 11 pm.





Posso te buscar as 18h? Nos v amos partir as 23h.

Marque as frases corretas {v') e corrija as que for preciso: a) Can she speaks Japanese?


He can't to ride a bicycle.


I must go now.


People mustn't drink and drive.


May I to use the telephone?


She should to study more.


Shall I to wait for you after class?


Shouldn't he wears a jacket?


FUTURE Exemplos

Examples It's going to be hot today.


Vai fazer muito calor hoje.

Will you be here next week?


Voce estara aqui na semana que vem?


Acho que iremos embora amanha.

There's someone at the door. I l l open it.


Ha alguem na porta. You abri-la.



Eles vem passar ferias aqui?

I think we'll leave tomorrow. '



they coming here on vac ation?

He's traveling on Wednesday, next week.


Ele ira I vai viajar I viajara na quarta-feira da semana que vem.

She's going to Mia mi in January.


Ela vai I ira para Miami em janeiro.

Are you all graduating this year?


Voces estio todos se formando este ano?

lndique se a frase esta correta (.f) ou errada (X) e reescreva-a se necessario: a)

We go eat out this evening.


I go study on the weekend.


They're going to go to a party.


What time will the train get in?


We're to traveling next week.


I don't think it rains this afternoon.


The plane leaves Rio de Janeiro at 11 pm next Sunday.


I think the World Cup final is being between Argentina and Brazil.

________ __________________


________________________ _

___________ ____________


Traduza. a)

I'm going to the beach on the weekend.


The phone's ringing. I'll answer it.


What are you going to do when you leave school?.


It will rain in the South of Brazil tomorrow.


We leave next week.


i) It's mom's birthday next week


__ _______ ______________




ii) I haven't forgotten. I'm going to send her flowers. i) ii}



i) It's mom's birthday next week. ii) Oh no! I forgot. I know, I'll send her some flowers! i) ii}






I've been to Sao Paulo three times.


Ja estive em Sao Paulo tres vezes.

I went to Rio last July.


Fui ao Rio em julho do ano passado.

He's never eaten crab.


Ele nunca comeu caranguejo.

We danced all night. Where have you been recently?


Onde voce tern estado ultimamente?

They've broken the window.


Eles quebraram a janela.

Look what I've found!


Olhe[m] o que eu achei !

I've already read that book.


Eu ja Ii aquele livro.

He's stopped smoking.


Dan!(amos a noite toda.



Ele parou de fumar.

Sublinhe a op<;ao certa. a)

My team (won I has won) two soccer games this season.


My team (won I has won) four games last year.


I (never read I have never read) the Harry Potter books.


You studied a lot (this week I last week).


(Have I Did) you seen that new film at the movies?


I've already (seen I saw) that movie.


What (did I have) you do last night?

h) I have (been I went) to the Northeast on vacation. 2.

Traduza. My neighbour Marcos travels a lot. He's gone to Salvador this week. I'm looking after his cat again! I've been to Salvador twice. I like it there. Marcos went to Buenos Aires three weeks ago and visited his sister in New York a few weeks ago. I've never been to either of those places. I after his cat then too. I've never liked cats. But then, what are friends for?




Examples If I am ready on time, I will be there.


Se eu estiver pronto a tempo, estarei la.

If I were you, I would go.


Se eu fosse voce, eu iria.

If I had seen you I would have said "hello".


Se eu tivesse te visto, teria dito "oi".

If you don't like it, don't eat it.


Se voce nao gosta disso, nao coma.

If she'd seen you, she would have stopped.


Se ela tivesse te visto, ela teria parado. Se nos nao formos, eles nao irao

They won't go unless we do. Had I been there, I'd have done something.


Se eu tivesse estado la, teria feito algo.

They'll finish before us if we don't hurry up.


Eles terminarao antes se nao nos apressarmos.

If we'd paid attention we'd have learned.


Se tivessemos prestado aten�ao teriamos aprendido. Eles saberiam se tivessem estudado.

They would know it if they had studied.


We'll go to the party if it's not raining.


lremos a festa se nao estiver chovendo.

Read the sentences 1-5 and answer the questions listed below. 1. If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't have lost your job. 2. If you came to Brasilia, I 'd be really pleased. 3. If it rains, you'll get wet. 4. I won't go unless you tell me to. 5. If they had been present, they would have heard the news. A. Which two sentences talk about an unreal situation in the past? B. Which sentence talks about a highly probable situation?



_ __

__ _

C. Which sentence has the same meaning as the following: I will only do this on your instruction. D. Which sentence talks about an unlikely situation? l.


__ _


Now join the two halves of the sentences to form conditional sentences. 1. If I had worked harder at university,

) take Euros with you.

2. If you spend all day at the beach,

) you won't learn properly.

3. I f you travel to the Scandinavia,

) you'll get sunburned.

4. If I saw my teacher now,

) I 'd have a better job today.

5. Unless you pay attention,

) I

wouldn't recognize him.

Passe estas frases do portugues para o ingles: a) Se eu for ao Rio, irei te visitar.


Se eu viajasse para os Estados Unidos, eu iria a California.

c) Nao faria isso se fosse voce.



_____ ___________________ _

Se eu soubesse, eu teria te ligado.




I'm having I getting my phone repaired.


Meu telefone esta sendo consertado.

Have you had air conditioning put in?


Seu ar condicionado foi instalado?

He's had a burglar alarm installed.


Ele instalou um alarme contra ladrao.

We'll get I have our photo enlarged.


Nossa foto vai ser ampliada.

You've had the apartment cleaned.


Seu apartamento foi limpo.

They'd better get I have their eyes tested.


E melhor que fa�am um exame de vista.

I had I got my hair cut.


Eu cortei o cabelo.

I sometimes cut my own hair.


As vezes corto meu pr6prio cabelo.


Pedi para um medico assinar o atestado.

He had I got his tourist visa renewed.


Ele renovou seu visto de turista.

She had acupuncture done in China.


Ela fez acupuntura na China.

I had I got


the note signed by a doctor.

Complete as frases usando o particfpio passado. a)

She had her nails


Susana is having her hair


Daniel got his motorbike

d) I



(do) (cut). (fix). (put) in my new apartment.

am going to have air conditioning


They got carpet


She is going to have a dress

(lay) in their bedroom. (make) for the wedding.

Relacione as situac;:oes descritas abaixo as frases acirna. 1. She is at the hairdresser.


2. She is going to the dressmaker. 3. She's at the manicurist.


_ __

4. He took it to a mechanic.


5. Someone came to their house and did it for them. 6. Someone will come and do it for me.


__ _

Test Answers Simple Diagnostic Test Part 1



8-1 O)

to 29)

22. had finished

his I theirs Are you

7. tomatoes I boxes I strawberries 8. Jack's I girls' (unit12)



(unit 13)

(unit 15)

12. when (unit 16) 13. to drive (unit 17) 14. arrive 15.


(unit19) (unit21)

16. every evening

(unit 22)

(unit23) finish (unit 26) didn't (unit 26) went (unit 28) my I you rs (unit1) some (unit 10) watches (unit 22) have (unit 29) bought (unit27) cleaned (unit 26) is going to go to (unit17) used to (unit 28)

19. does he 20.

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Part 2



2. any 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

to 59)

(unit30) (unit 32) some (unit 32) much, little (unit31) anybody (unit 33) ourselves (unit 36) myself (unit 36) each other (unit 36) themselves (unit 37) 0 I the (unit 38, 39) 0 I 0 (unit 39) as (unit 48) happiest (unit 49) better (unit 49) fatter (unit 49) have cleaned (unit 51) since (unit53) for (unit 53) yet (unit52) working (unit 54) had been speaking (unit 55)

1. be traveling

27. 28.

(unit 8)

29. 30.


Part 3




1. from I to 2. 3. 4. 5.

17. like (unit24) 18. studies (unit23)

21. 22.

26. whose


(unit 7)

9. aren't I are studying 10. Is she (unit13)

(unit 56) (unit57) that (unit56) will have (unit 59) will have left (unit 59) had had (unit 55)

25. that

4. There was I there aren't 5. a I an (unit 6) 6. This I Those

(unit 55)

23. 0 (unit 56) 24. who (unit 56)

(unit 2) (unit 3) (unit 4)

1. 2.

3. were


6. 7. 8.

(unit62) through (unit 62) by I by (unit62, 64) on I off (unit 63) in I on (unit 63) off I onto (unit62) along (unit 62) past (unit 62)

9. to go to bed immediately 10. don't have to (unit 67)


11. can (unit 67) 12. that he had a test the next day. (unit 77) 13. needs (unit 82) 14. Despite (Appendix 1, Linking Words) 15. should (unit 69) 16. knew (unit 72) 17. would rather (unit79) 18. will speak (unit 71) 19. wou Id have seen (unit 72) 20. he had been working 5 minutes before. 21. I could call her the next day (unit 78) 22. repaired (unit 76) 23. my boss would be back. 24. hasn't (unit 74)

(unit 77)

25. Sinee (Appendix 1, linking Words) 26. Swimming (unit 80)

(unit 77) (unit 77) (Appendix 1, Linking Words)

27. are being polluted 28. were sent 29. as long as 30. go (unit 68)

Final Test 1.a

2. c


4. b


6. a




10.c 15. a



13. c

14. c


17. c


19. c


21. c



24. c

25.c 30. a

26. b


28. c

29. c


32. a


34. a

35. b




39. b


41. c


43. a



46. c



49. a

50. b

Grammar Units Answers 1



4. Our grandparents always come to lunch on Sundays.

Personal Pronouns (Pags. 12 e 13)

5. The children don't like their new school.

1. Can� help me7! am looking for a cyber cafe.

6. Marta and Leticia are friends of ours.

2. Yesterday,! got an e-mail from a friend.! will write to

7. My cat is eating its food.

him tomorrow.

8. "Where's Cristina?" "She's with her father."

3. My brother and! go to the gym after school. We like!!

9. Their car is white, but his is black.

a lot because our instructor is great.

10. This isn't our luggage. It's theirs.

He talks to us about exercise and healthy food.

4. What is wrong with them? They are so sad.


5. We gave the CDs to her. She gave them to him.

movie theater.

6. They're very tall and strong.

3. Give me your address and I'll give you mine'

7. My name is Daniel, !'m 15 years old. Everyone knows me at the local gym.

4. We really like our math teacher. Do you like yours?

8. ! think !!'s going to rain.

5. Dan is riding his bike. Rebecca is riding hers.

9. My boyfriend gets angry at me when! don't call him.

6. Diego and Luciana are our neighbors. Their apartment is near ours.

10. Don't tell her about me getting the job


1. Tatiana gave her friend a CD. 2. Marcelo and I are going to meet our friends at the

7. Do you know Rafaela? She's a friend of mine. We're

1. On Mondays, I usually meet him after school.

in the same class.

2. Dad's car isn't here.!! is in the garage.

8. Marcia and Paulo are visiting some of their relatives.

3. What's wr:Jng with them? They look sad. 4. At Christmas, Mom always buys some new clothes for us.



Look at my exam results! They are terrible! What


Mine are OK. How are Rachel's results?

about yours?

5. Please don't tell her about me! 6. We live near her. We come to school together every day.

Steve: Hers are OK too.

7. My bicycle is broken.!! needs repairs.


8. ! have to take my dog to the vet. He has to have his vaccination.


1. She is doing it. 2. What's the matter with them?



the other students in my class. On Friday, we had a

5. She is talking to her.

big party. I met a nice boy and I gave him my phone

6. He always spends time with us.

number. He gave me his too. An Italian boy asked all the girls for their e-mail addresses. Angela didn't give

7. What are they doing?

hers to Carlo. But she gave it to a really cute guy called

8. She gave her a beautiful birthday present.

Stefan. I'll write again soon with some more news. Bye for now!

4, 3, 1, 2.


Hi, my name's 1iago. I am 16. My family lives in Rio.

Manuela XXXX

I have a brother called Daniel and a sister called Patricia. We live in a big house. It has 3 bedrooms. My sister and I like swimming. We go swimming every day at a pool near my house. It is an Olympic-size pool. We have swimming lessons there. Our swimming teacher gives us lots of practice, but we have fun too.



Hi, guys' How's school? I am studying hard. My English and patient. And after school, I have a lot of fun with

4. We are sick.


Oh, no'

classes are difficult, t}ut my teacher is really friendly

3. Where are they?

m II

And Tom's?

Steve: His results are OK too'

3 - Verb to Be - Present Simple (Pags. 16 e 11)


1. Carlos is hungry. Let's eat a burger' 2. Mrs Carvalho and my mother are very good friends. 3. This is the latest model keyboard. It is very powerful.

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns (Pags. 14 e 1s)

4. He is fifteen and his brother is twelve.

1. Don't interrupt me. I'm doing my homework.

6. The children are in the classroom. Their teacher is in

5. It is very cold today in the south of Brazil. 2. "Is this her bike?" "Yes, it's hers." 3. Look, there's Rachel' Is she a friend of yours?

the hall.

7. My sister is a doctor and my brother is an electrician.

8. I am tall, but she is short.


1. No, Brazil wasn't a Spanish colony in the past. Brazil was a Portuguese colony.

9. We are on vacation. Let's go to the beach!

10. Ill 1.

2. No, Pero Vaz de Cam inha wasn't the man who

You're the bossl Tell me what to do!

discovered Brazil. Pedro Alvares Cabral was.

Are Dani and Marcelo actors?

2. Is your motorcycle new? 3. Are we early for the party? 4. Am I late for the movie?

m l!I

Is she your sister?

2. Are they tired?

3. Was she in the library yesterday?


Hi, guysi We are in ltacare today. But yesterday, we were in

3. Is he from Brazil?

Salvador. Salvador is a great place, but it was really

4. Is it sunny in the Northeast?

hot there. We walked all around Pelourinho. At night,

5. Am I OK then, doctor?

I was tired. I had so much exercise. So today we are

ll!J 1. Dolphins aren't fish. They're mammals.

relaxing. Our guesthouse is really comfortable, and

2. Paulo Coelho isn't a painter. He's a writer.

the breakfast is great. Take care. See you back

3. Kaka and Robinho aren't actors. They're football players.

at school. Fred and Camila

4. Fernanda Montenegro isn't a pop singer. She's an actress.


1. Was he late for class? 2. Were they at home yesterday?

5. Is she your best friend?

llD 1.

1, s. 3, 2, 4.

Hi, everyone! Guess where I am? Look at the picture I am attaching

5 - There +to be - Present & Past (Pags. 20 e 21)


to this e-maill What a beautiful sunset! It is Kuta Beach,

1. Is there a taxi stand near here? 2. Are there lots of students at your school?

in Bali. I am here for a few days. It is hot and sunny like

3. Were there many people at the game last week?

it is every day here. The food is great - lots of fish and

4. How many people were there at her birthday party?

seafood. But the waves are the best thing of all. They

5. There isn't a football field near our house.

are up to 3 meters high. And you, guys? Are you OK? Please, send me news asap.

6. Wasn't there anything good on TV last night?


7. How many people are there in your class? 8. Is there anything on your desk?

4 - Verb to be - Past Simple (Pags. 10 e 19)

D 1.

Julia and I were friends at high school.

2. Your exercise book was here a moment ago. 3. Was it very cold last night in the south?

9. There weren't a lot of children in the park.

1D. Ill 1.

3. Is there anybody in Room 201 at the moment?

5. Were the children hungry after school?

4. There is I There was a man waiting for me outside the

They were late for school and their teacher was angry


at them.

5. There are two girls in reception. Are they your sisters?

2. Marcela was very happy. Her birthday party was a

6. There are five men here now, but there were seven a


few minutes ago.

3. Daniela's dog is so naughty. It was in the kitchen

7. Is there a swimming pool at your school?


8. How many girls were there at your party last week?

4. After school, the children wwe very tired.

9. Are there I were there any patients in the waiting

5. I was fifteen and my brother was twelve when we


moved here.

ID. She said there were twelve people waiting.

6. The football game was great on the weekend. My team won.

7. She was very upset yesterday. 8. Carlos was at home last night. 9. The students at our school were on vacation last week.


We were sad to hear you hadn't won.

How many CDs are there I were there in your box?

2. There was an accident in our street yesterday.

4. My brother and sister weren't born in Brazil.


There were three tigers at the zoo.


My neighborhood is great. There is a nice lake nearby where you can play sport or just relax. There are bicycle and jogging tracks. There is a kiosk where you can buy coconut milk and fruit juice. There are lots of good places to eat. There is a nice view of the city. There are

exercise bars so you can work out. There are boats to

Mountains. These are the famous mountains about an

rent. There are a lot of people sunbathing and there are

hour from Sydney. Gabi likes 0 scary movies and 0 horses. She is saving 0 money to travel to Brazil on her

lots of children and dogs.

l1!J Julia:

next vacation.

Hi, Carol1 This is Julia.

She wants to visit her relatives here. She also wants to

Carol: Oh, hi, Ju! Julia:

visit 0 beaches and 0 national parks. She wants to eat

How was the party?

0 typical Brazilian 0 food and see a Carnival parade.

Carol: Great! There were lots of people. JUiia:

Were there snacks and drinks?



Carol: Sure' And there was cake too! JUiia:

Were there many bciys7


Carol: Yes, there were. JUiia:

3. Mom, this is my friend, Laura, and those are her brothers. 4. Let's play with those children in the playground.


5. My father is that man talking to those women near

Carol: Yes. There were just old songs. Julia:

the bank.

Oh, I hate old songs.

6. This chair is very comfortable but that sofa isn't.

Carol: Listen, I have to go now. Let's talk at school'




7. What are you going to do about this problem?

The Indefinite Article (Pags. 22 e 23) 1. There is a computer in my room.

8. Are these the people you work with?


were so nice.

3. My uncle is a lawyer. He's a very honest man. 4. There is an elephant and a camel at the new zoo.

3. My book is on the desk. This I that one isn't mine'

5. This is an awful movie. Let's leave!

4. Bring those pictures here' They"re beautiful. 5. What are these red spots on my body, doctor?

6. I wear a uniform to school.

6. You see that man across the street? That is my new

7. The train leaves in an hour. Let's go1

English teacher.

8. It's a hot day today, isn't it?

7. Mom, these I those are my new friends from school.

9. Is he an honest man?

8. What's that on top of the building?

10. I'm a chemistry student at university.

9. "Hey guys, I passed my test!" "Wow, that is great!"

a: test; European country; hospital; useful thing. an:

hour; apple; engineer.

no article: students; bread; money; teachers.


10. What can you tell me about this report I'm reading?


1. These aren't the girls I want to talk to. 2. Those books belong to these boys.

1. My brother is a teacher and my sister works with kids.

3. These buses go tci those cities.

2. My friend, Carlos, really likes extreme sports.

4. Those are easy questions.

3. I need bread and butter.

5. These apples are delicious.

4. He is an honored guest at the cocktail party.

6. Who are those men in the red cars?

5. Henrique likes horses but he has a cat.

7. What are the answers to these questions?

6. I am an hour late for my class.

8. Are these boxes mine?

7. I am finishing a unit of my chemistry book.

9. Those are his favorite rock bands.

8. Work is difficult to find. I'm lucky to have a job. 9. I speak good English but I have a heavy accent. 10. They are working on a new project.


1. Look! That is my girlfriend in the restaurant over there. 2. Let's contact those people we met on vacation. They

2. This isn't a good idea. Let's go home!


1. Those are the shoes I want' 2. I'm tired of this job. I'm going to look for another one.

Was there good music?

Carol: No, there wasn't. The music was terrible. Julia:

Demonstratives (Pags. 24 e 25)

My friend is Australian, but she has an unusual name for an Australian girl - Gabriela. Gabi's father is

10. These aren't the papers she's been looking for.


At the beach Marcos: Can I borrow that towel? Adriana: No, this towel is mine. That's your towel over there.

Australian, but he married a Brazilian woman. Gabriela

Marcos: Oh, OK.

studies at a university in Sydney. When she graduates,

Adriana: Do you want a sandwich?

she wants to work as a tourist guide. She lives in a

Marcos: No, but I'd like one of those apples. Did you

huge house with her parents and her two sisters. On weekends, Gabi goes to the beach or the Blue

see me? I swam to those rocks.

Adriana: Which rocks?




Marcos: Those over there. Where that guy is.

3. The army is preparing an attack on the enemy.

Adriana: Which guy?

4. The government is meeting today to decide the laws.

Marcos: That guy on the surfboard.

5. Police arrested a gang yesterday. They are accused of robbery and bribery.

Countable Nouns - Plural Forms (Pags. 26 e 21)

6. The company is investing two million dollars in the project.

s: radios; chiefs; keys; windows; toys; safes; dwarfs. es: brushes; echoes; buses; boxes; peaches.

7. The audience is singing with the band.

ies: cities; berries; centuries.

8. The crowd is waiting for the store to open.

ves: thieves; dwarves.


other: policemen; children; women; teeth; sheep.


wearing 9- glasses. (a pair of)

2. In two hours, I learnt a lot about him. Physics was his

1. I put the books on the shelves.

main subject at university.

2. He saw the mice under the chairs.

book was very small. (were)

4. Can you see those beautiful babies?

4. He certainly looked poor. His glasses were broken.

5. Be careful of the knives!

His clothes was all old. (were)

6. His teeth are broken.

5. He said he didn't care about his surroundings. The

7. My feet hurt!

news weren't of interest (wasn't) to him.

8. I had to buy the dresses for my daughters. We arrived yesterday. The people here are friendly but the hotel is terrible. I saw mice in my room last night! And there are flies during the day and mosqu1tos

I mosquitoes at night. But the beaches are really

People was of no interest either. (were)

10 - Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Pags. 30 e 31)




oranges at a market. We took two buses to get to the

3. The mice are eating the cheese.

zoo. A Japanese tourist wanted to take some photos.

4. The address on the letter is wrong.

I was so embarrassed. Today my feet are hurting from

5. Sheep are typical farm animals.

so much sightseeing.

6. There is some food in the cupboard. 7. Travel is always exciting.

Countable Nouns - Special Plural Forms (Pligs. 2a e 29)

8. They say "work is good for the soul". 9. The train's leaving the station right now.

1. Physics is a fascinating subject.

10. The advice she gives is usually good advice.

2. My glasses are on the table.

3. All my savings are in the bank. 4. The police are investigating the case. 5. People are always worried about the future.


2 u

3 u


5 u

6 u

1 c

8 c

s c

10 u

1. Excuse mel Can you give me some information about 2. Why don't you leave home earlier? The traffic is

of town.

always very bad at this time.

7. His trousers are too big for him.

3. My work is very interesting but the salary is bad.

8. All my belongings are in my suitcase.

4. This equipment isn't working. Let's call the technician

1. a pair of JEANS.

to repair it.

2. a pair of TROUSERS.

5. Do you use gas or electricity to cook your meals?

3. a pair of SHORTS.

6. Please feel free to call me, if you need any help I advice.

4. a pair of PAJAMAS. 5. a pair of SHOES.

7. If you want my advice, you should start all over again.

6. a pair of SOCKS.

8. Happiness is an elusive quality.

7. a pair of GLOVES.


1 c

train schedules?

6. The government headquarters are on the outskirts


1. The children are leaving for school. 2. My brother is in the army.

beautiful. Yesterday, I bought peaches, tomatoes and



3. He even wrote a book about it. His earnings from the

3. Look at the sheep in the fields.


1. I met a very interesting man on the train. He was


1. Do you 1eed any help?

1. Which is the best football team in your country?

2. Can you give me some I a piece of advice?

2. I live in Sao Paulo, but my family lives in the

3. I am buying some I a piece of furniture for my new

Northeast of Brazil.


4. I like to have a piece of/ some bread for breakfast.

difference between.@. heaven and.@. hell before I die,"

5.Would you like some I a coffee?

he used to say. Then, one day, his wish came true.

6. I need to put some oil ir my car.

When he was [email protected] he savv !!. table full of.@. delicious food, but everyone was hungry and angry.

7. I'm thirsty. Can I have some water?

They [email protected], but had to sit far from the table because

8. Can you give me a piece of I some paper?

they were forced to use very long chopsticks. It was

9. The scientists are doing some interesting research.

impossible for them to put any food into their mouths.

10. He isn't much help, to tell you the truth.

When the man was visiting.@. heaven, he had!!. surprise.Everything looked the same:!!. big table full of

Progress Check 1 (Pags. 32 e 33)

[email protected] food, people sitting far from the table, and

aI'm mad at _i:i:i_y friend Janice. The other day, I showed

using very long chopsticks to eat. It was exactly like.@.

her _i:i:i_y composition and later I found out that she'd

hell, but in heaven the people were happy and well-fed.

simply copied it!! Our teacher, Mr. Swan, thought that

The difference is that in.@. heaven they have realized

the composition was hers and not minelWhen I told him

that!!. chain does not stop you feeding others!

what had happened, he said that it wasn't his problem. When other friends of mine tried to help by talking to Mr. Swan, he said that they shouldn't get involved in a problem that isn't theirsl I had a huge argument with






Janice and she finally confessed that the composition


was, in fact, minel



Carlos: The movie we saw last night wasn't very good.It


was all about life in a small town like ours here.




There wasn't any point to the story, to tell you the truth.Why would anyone want to know what



life is like in a place like this? There isn't ever

3. She is a waitress.

You obviously didn't hear what happened

4. The Englishwoman lives near that girl.

yesterday downtown then, did you?




There was a series of robberies in the afternoon!

5. The queen is an old woman. 6. These women are my aunts. 7. My girlfriend went shopping.

Three armed robbers broke into four different

8. My daughter-in-law is an air-stewardess.


9. My sister is a successful businesswoman.

Carlos: And aren't there any clues for the police to find Alex:

out who the robbers were?

10. My mother-in-law is an excellent cook.

So far they have no idea.

11. His wife works for my aunt. 12. My grandmother lives in another city.

Carlos: Wow! There was more going on here yesterday than at the movies thenl!!


1. The actress is sick. 2. She is the heiress of all this land.

anything exciting going on round here.


Gender of Nouns (Pagina 34 e 35)

Take a look here1 This is my high school photo album. These three men were my teachers. This one on the left




Possessive with 's (Pags. 36 e 37)

1. The doctor's wife is a friend of mine. 2. The women's husbands are waiting.

was Mr Peters. He was an excellent teacher.Everybody in the school loved him. That woman on the right is Ms.

3. My father's car is 1n the garage.

Winslett, the principal. Look at these other four pictures.

4. The boys' bicycles are outside.

These are my parents and that little girl is my sister

5. The children's toys are in the basket.

when she was three! She was so cute. Can you believe

6.I'll graduate in two years' time.

Mr. Peters is her teacher nowl This last one is our summer vacation 10 years ago. Can you guess which one is me?

IIAlmost everyone has!!. wish, but not many people are


1. Do you know John? He's David and Steve's father. 2. I borrowed James's car. 3. My sister-in-law's family is very artistic.

able to make their wishes come true. Once in ancient

4. Bob's and Jane's fathers are both architects.

China,!!. man had!!. strange wish. "I want to see the

5.I'm going to Grandma's. Do you want to come with me?


6. She is walking along the beach.

1. What's your parents' favorite pastime? 2. What's the actress's new film?

7. My brother is borrowing my car tonight.

3. What is your father-in-law's Job?

8. They are developing some new research.

4. Which are Fred's and Eric's cars?

9. It is beginning to rain.

5. Are they your son's toys?


10. The boys are tying their shoelaces. 11. I am not writing a letter. I am writing a postcard.

1. I can't find the house keys.

12. We are leaving for school.

2. The manager is using the company car.

13. It is snowing again.

3. The kitchen window is dirty.


14. We are not going out this weekend.

1. Bali's beaches are crowded in summer. 2. These sunglasses filter the sun's rays. 3. That shop sells women's clothes.

15. I am studying harder from now on.


1. It is rainning now. raining 2. The birds are dieing because of the pollution. dying




Present Continuous I (Pags. 38 e 39)

3. Are the men fixxing that car? fixing 4. They are cuting down the trees. cutting

1. My sister and I are doing our homework now.

5. Is it snowwing outside? snowing

2. My neighbors are traveling I travelling around the world.

6. I am moveing to Paris. moving

3. The cat is sleeping in the garden.

7. Aren't you listenning to me? listening

4. The children are watching TV in their room.

8. Is Oscar makeing a cake? making

5. The teacher is correcting our exercises now.

9. My friend sleeping on the sofa. is sleeping

6. "Susan, can you answer the phone?" "Sorry, I can't.

10. I was studing for my exams at the time. studying

I am washing the dishes." 7. All of them are wearing black trousers. 8. Why are you working so hard?


3. Are you referring to rre7

2. Are they meeting their friends after school? 3. What is she having for dinner tonight?

5. Is your mother writing a letter?


1. She's lying on the grass. 2. He's tying his shoelaces.

1. The tall woman isn't playing ball. She is doing her nails.

3. He's fixing his bicycle.

2. The boy isn't doing his nails. He is painting the wall.

4. They are arguing.

3. The girl isn't painting the w2ll. She is listening to music. 4. The short woman isn't listening to music. She is singing. 5. The dog isn't barking. He I it's reading the newspaper. 1. She's having dinner with Maria. 2. She's having lunch with Mario. 3. She's going to the movies with Pedro. 4. She's visiting her grandmother. 5. She's meeting friends.

14- Present Continuous II (Pags.40e41)


2. Where are they swimming? 4. Are the boys behaving well?

5. Are they building their house next year?


1. Is it snowing outside?

1. Where are you working these days?

4. Who is coming to dinner tomorrow?



15 - Past Continuous I (Pags.42 e43)


1. The children were crying an hour ago. 2. The boys weren't doing their homework. They were arguing. 3. Everybody was at the party. Fred was wearing a new shirt. He was talking to some friends. Erica was dancing with her boyfriend. 4. A: What was Maria doing in the library? B: She was reading. 5. A: Were you feeling sick yesterday? B: Yes, I wasn't feeling well. 6. At lunchtime, Julio was eating in the cafeteria.

1. The children are swimming in the lake.

7. I was watching television last night at 10 o'clock.

2. I am cutting apples to make a pie.

8. She wasn't expecting her football team to win, but it did.

3. He is taking a walk in the park.

9. It's a shame vacation is over. We were having such a

4. Grandma is knitting a new sweater. 5. We are not referring to your problem.

good time. 10. He really wasn't enjoying himself at the party, so he left.


Yesterday, I had a really bad day. I woke up late because my alarm clock wasn't working. It was raining outside. The neighbors were shouting. My head was hurting.

17 - Going To - Future (Pags. 46 e 47)


1. Look outl We are going to crash. 2. I'm starting a new course next month. I'm going to

I turned on the TV but there wasn't anything interesting

study Spanish.

showing. I turned on the radio but there was no good music playing. I was feeling down.


3. A: What are you going to do on your next vacation? B: I'm going to visit my family in the countryside.

1. Beth was flying to Brasilia.

4. I'm not going to spend any money this year. l'rr going

2. Leo and Leticia were having dinner.

to save for a new car.

3. Paulo and Maria were eating pizza.

5. Monica 's not going to eat dinner tonight. She's on a

4. Joana was swimming at the club.


5. Marcos and Mario were watching football.

6. The company is going to build a new factory in the

6. Ugia was having a rest.

countryside. They are going to recruit 100 new

7. lsabela was doing her shopping.


7. Are they going to drive into town or are they going to

16 - Past Continuous II (Pags. 44 e 45)


catch the train?

8. Have you decided what you're going to have for

1. A girl was writing on the blackboard.


2. Two girls were dancing.

9. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to write that report all over

3. A girl was listening to music.


4. Some boys were eating sandwiches.

10. My team's going to win. T hey've been playing well all

5. A boy was reading a comic book. 6. Two boys were playing cards.


1. The students were listening to the radio when the teacher came in.


m llIJ









1. Marco's going to take photos of himself and his friends. 2. His friend Leandro is going to write about his physics

2. While my mother was making dinner, we were playing


in the garden.

3. When I entered the station, the train was leaving.

3. Together they are going to create a blog.

4. While the teacher was writing on the blackboard, the

4. I'm/ am going to advertise some computer equipment I don't use anymore, on the site.

children were telling jokes.

5. Are you going to participate in Marco's Website?

5. Everyone was talking when the lights went out. 6. The workers were chatting while the boss was having


a meeting.

1. Is she going to see a doctor this afternoon? 2. Is he going to have a test tomorrow?

7. We were traveling to the Northeast when the accident

3. Is she going to go away this evening?


8. I was waiting for the bus when I saw her. 9. You were studying when I met you. 10. When Emma arrived, David was just leaving.


1. Were the students arguing when the teacher arrived? No. They were dancing when the teacher arrived.

2. Was Sally drinking wine when they came in? No. She was drinking water when they came in.

3. Were Fred and Lisa walking in the street 15 minutes ago? No. They were waiting for the bus 15 minutes ago.

4. Was Sofia reading a magazine on the bus? No. She was reading a newspaper on the bus.

5. When you arrived, was the dog barking? No, when I arrived, it was sleeping.

6. While you were cooking breakfast, was Maria sleeping? No. She was jogging while I was cooking breakfast.




Going To - Future in the Past {Pags. 48 e 49)

1. He was going to workout, but the gym was closed. 2. Ricardo was going to visit his friends yesterday, but he had to work until late.

3. We weren't going to go to the cinema, but there was nothing else to do.

4. David and Mark were going to go to the beach on Sunday, but it started raining.

5. She was going to travel by plane, but she didn't have enough money.

6. What were you goi'lg to do when your boss discovered the money was gone?

7. Sarah wasn't going to go to the party, but Pedro convinced her to go.

8. The children were going to play outside, but it was too cold.

9. Do you think you'll pass the entrance exam, or no:?

9. I was going to write to you, but decided to phone you




They were going to buy the apartment, but then decided to rent it.

III 1.

III 1.

Bob and Carol were going to travel to Argentina. ./

3. She's not feeling well, so Susana won't be at the party.

3. Where he was going to go on his vacation? Where

4. I know you can't do it today, but will you help me

was he...


4. What were they talking about when you came in?./

5. She were going to drive into town, but she changed her mind. She was going to ...

5. So goodbye then' We probably won't meet again.

1111 1.

3. I'll call you tonight.

stopped it. The cat was going to ...

4. We'll finish at 6:00 pm.

7. We was going to clean the garage when the visitors

5. We'll get there by bus.

arrived. We were going to clean ...

6. He'll meet her in the park.

8. I were going to go out with my friends, but they didn't

7. I'll call you at about 10 o'clock.

call me. I was going to ....

9. It looked like it was going to rain, so I decided not to take the dog out../ All the bank clerks was going to lunch when the customers walked in. All the bank clerks were. They were going to sell their house.

2. She was going to study matti. 3. He was going to do his shopping downtown.

They'll arrive next week.

2. Brazil will win the World Cup.

6. The cat were going to eat the bird, but the woman

1111 1.

Bye! I'll see you tomorrow.

2. Don't worry' I'll pay the phone bill tomorrow!

2. I was going to call you, but I lost your number../


She won't answer you if you're not polite.

8. I don't know what they'll do when they see her.



l!J 10 20







I don't know exactly, but I think I'll stay for a few days.

Receptionist: OK. Can I have your passport? I'll give it Pedro and his friends were going to fly first class, but

back right away.

when they arrived at the airport, there were no more


seats available. When Pedro was on the plane, the flight

Receptionist: I'll check if we have one available.

attendant was going to offer him a drink, but she could


see he wasn't feeling very well. The flight attendant

Receptionist: Yes, we have one.Daniel will take your

was going to ask him if he was feeling OK, bL.t she resort, there was no snow. They were going to go skiing everyday, but had to stay in the hotel instead. Before


Thank you very much.


Can you come to the movies at the weekend?

Fernando: Fabiana:

Simple Future (Pags. 50

0 1.



The population will increase 50% in the next ten years.

2. There is somebody at the door. I'll open it. 3. Don't worry about the test. I'll help you study. 4. Mom won't lend me the $50 I need.

5. Who do you think will win the next World Cup? 6. Marco and Julia will probably arrive at midnight. next week.

8. They said they will not go to their friends' wedding

What are you going to do there?


I'm going to visit my sister.


When are you going to be back?


I have no idea'

1111 Marcelo:

Bye, Mom' Time to go!


Oh, Marcelo!Promise you 'II phone when


Sure, Mom! I 'II call you every week.

you arrive in Boston. Siivia:

Remember' Be careful with your luggage


Don't worry, Mom' I 'II be careful.

7. The government won't make a final decision until

next month.

No, I can't. I won't be here. I'll be in Fortaleza.

after only three days.


Thanks a lot!


leaving home, Pedro had told his parents that he was going to stay for two weeks, but he spent all his money

No problem' I'd like a room with a view.

bags to your room. Have a nice stay!

didn't. WhenPedro and his friends arrived at the ski




Receptionist: How long are you going to stay, sir?

5. She was going to go to Miarii.



Will and Going to (Pags. 52 e 5l)


4. I was going to write a letter.


and your valuables. Siivia:

And don't talk to any strange people and don't forget to write.



I'm going to stay with our friends and I'm going to study at a good university.


I know, Marcelo... but...


10. It rains a lot in January. (Ut)



Mom, Mom... I have to go. The gate is closing1

3. He reads a lot before his exams. 4. My sister plays the guitar.

Imperative (Pags. 54 e 55)

5. Victor phones his girlfriend every day.

82 4 5 1 7 3 6 m

6. The prime minister of Australia arrives in Brazil tomorrow.

1. Don't go outside!

7. The children usually watch DVDs after school.

2. Let's not give the books to him.


3. Don't put your shoes on the table.

leaves work at

5. Don't do that now!

am. to

and so11etimes visits his friends.



5. Don't sit on the bench. The paint is wet. 7. Open your books at page


Simple Present II (Pags. 58 e 59)

1. Jessica tries to go to the gym every day, but she's too busy.

6. Don't listen to him. He is lying.

7 and do the exercises.

2. My cousin has a new computer.

8. Turn right at the next corner. The bank is there.

3. He often goes dancing on weekends.

9. There's lots of food, so help yourself to some more!

4. She always kisses her mother when she arrives home.

10. Watch your head I Those shelves are very low.

5. It orly snows in the south of Brazil

11. You look tired. Have a rest before you do anymore work.

6. Eric buys a newspaper every morning.

12. Please stop talking1 I'm trying to concentrate.

7. The boy catches the bus to school in the morning.


1 Or -



4 Of

5 R

6 Or

7 I

8. We never have dinner early at home.


9. My father watches the soap opera every evening. 10. My brother washes my mom's car every Saturday.

Simple Present I (Pags. 56 e 57)

1. My brother often waits for me after school.


1. He I She hurries to catch the bus every day. 2. He I She often watches horror movies.

2. He always buys fruit at the street market. 3. You always arrive late for class.

3. He I She brushes his I her teeth in the morning.

4. She usually eats cereal in the morning.

4. He I She usually has lunch at midday.

5. The train arrives at

8:00 o'clock every morning.

6. Carla likes hamburgers.

5. It often barks at night.


7. I get up early, even on the weekend.

2. Ray never watches TV in the morning.

9. It always rains on my birthday.

3. The boys don't study on Saturdays.

10. Lessons start next week.

4. Carla doesn't always wash the dishes immediately after having dinner.

1. Babies cry when they want their mother's attention. (Ut)

5. Does she have cereal for breakfast?

2. I usually take a bus to school. (Ha) 3. He works near his house. (Ut) 4. They always drive to work. (Ha)

1. Does he always wait for you in front of the school building?

8. They work hard during the week.


4:00 pm. When he wakes up, he takes a shower

1. Don't open the windowi It's very cold. 2. Come in and have a cup of coffee. 4. Don't forget to take your medicine!


7:00 am. He arrives home at around 7:45 9:00

a.m. He eats a sandwich and then he sleeps from

3. The bus is leaving. Hurry upl


Fabio lives in Sao Paulo and works for a TV station. He arrives at work at midnight and works all night. He

4. Don't call me in the morning!


1. Brazilians speak Portuguese. 2. Children start schcol when they are six years old.

The plane is going to leave without me!


6:00 am on weekdays. (Ut I Ha) The film starts at 8:00 pm. (Fa)

8. John gets up at

OK, Mom! I won't forget to write and I won't talk to strangers. I'll be all right. You know


1. My friend is traveling to Curitiba at the moment. 2. She usually brushes her hair before going to bed.

5. The plane leaves at midday on Monday next week. (Fa)

3. Karen and I frequently do our homework together.

6. Sarah likes her job. (Ut)

4. I am studying a lot these daysi

7. We love horror movies. (Ut)

5. Mana knows a lot about cars.



7. Where's Dad? He is walking the dog.


Do they get upvery early too, Nunuk?


Not so early, around 6:00 am. What time do

Amyr gets up very early because there's lots to do.

you start school, Pedro?

After he has breakfast and a shower, he starts work. He


washes the boat and he fixes the equipment. He checks his radio and reads his e-mails from all over the world. They ask a lot of questions about his experiences. Amyr replies to the messages as soon as he can. At night, he usually writes in his diary.



changes, and an increasing population are some of the reasons for this terrible situation.

I. Does he watch TV on Sundays?

Fortunately,people are starting to worry about garbage

2. Do they usually eat pizza?

and its impact on health and the environment. Young

3. Do you go to school by car?

people are learning about it at school. Governments are

4. Does Marco go to the gym every day?

thinking of ways to reduce the amount of garbage and

5. Does Lisa study English?

increase the amount of reused and recycled materials. n I Brazil. for example, TV campaigns are raising public awareness and are promoting environmental education.

1. Fernanda likes spaghetti.

An example of this is the School Project: many schools are collecting waste material and exchanging it for

2. Fernanda likes pizza.

equipment, such as desktop computers, batteries and

3. Fernanda doesn't like coffee.

so on. They are saving money and saving the planet!

4. Fernanda likes hamburgers. 5. Fernanda doesn't like fish.


1. Monica and her brother doesn'tlike science fiction

Last Sunday,around 4:00 pm, everybody was at home. My brother was reading a bookin his bedroom, Mom

2. She doesn't keepsher money in the bank. keep

was painting in the garden, Grandma was baking a

3. Sue havelunch at midday.has

cake, Dad was washing the car and the cats were

4. Dohe study Spanish at school? Does

sleeping on the sofa in the living roonr. As usual, I was

5. Oon tshe want to go out tonight? Doesn't

talking on the phone with my best friend.


All of a SJdden, my sister Joanne arrived with her two

1. How do theygo to school?

kids and their dog' Within a few minutes, the house

2. How much does this shirt cost?

turned into absolute chaos! Immediately the dog saw the

3. How long is this table7

cats, he chased them offthe verandah. My mom was

4. What does he watch (on weekends)?

shouting at my nephews to catch the dog, but they were

5. How many people are (there)in your class?

already running towards the swimming pool and didn't

6. Where do they go on vacation?

hear. When Joanne and the kids left at 90 : 0pm., one of them was crying and the other was sleeping. And that

7. What do you study?

was it' Sunday was over'

8. Where do you live?


I love Sunday afternoons because everything is calm and peaceful.

movies. don't


The amount of garbage around the world is increasing dramatically. New packaging materials, lifestyle

6. Do I have to go?


No, she doesn't.

Progress Check 2

24 - Simple Present Ill (Pags. 60 e 61)


At 7:00 am, but I get up at 6:00 am too. Does your wife work?

Generally,people want toknow about his life at sea.


In the morning.

6. We often go out after school.


Where do you live, Nunuk?


I live in the north of Alaska. What about you?


I live in Curitiba, Brazil. How do you travel around on all that snow?












Kitesurfing !_?_currently considered one of the most extreme water sports. n I fact, itcombines sports like windsurfing, wakeboarding, surfing and paragliding. Kitesurfers in Hawaii

flymore than ten meters in the air


I travel around by sled. We don't use cars here.


Wow' That's cool! What do you do, Nunuk?

above the waves. They descend and surf on the water's


I' m a fisherman.

surface, then�high into the air again.


That's interesting. How early do you start work?

Nunuk: Very early! At 5:30 am'

Kitesurfers control a wing of fabric -the kite -which �them across the water or above it. The sport!_?_ more exciting than other sports and it(is becoming )


Do you have any children, Nunuk?


Yes, I do. I have two daughters and a son.

the center of attention in the water sports scene. Most


When do they go to school?

kitesurfers are also windsurfers.

25 - Simple Past I - Regular Verbs (Pags. 64 e 65)

13. The car belonged to him.


14. Our company developed a new communication

1. Priscilla talked to her friends all day.

2. We walked to school yesterday. Dad couldn't drive us. 3. We entered the class late. The teacher was upset.



my house.

4. Those students worked hard last semester.

2. When did they study English? They studied English

5. Daniel waited a long time for you. Then, he decided

last year.

to go home.

3. Why did they hurry? They hurried because they had a

6. I lived in an apartment when I was a child.


7. The dog followed us down the road.

4. What did they decide? They decided to study

8. The mailman delivered some mail this morning.


9. We waited a long time to see a doctor.

5. When did the accident occur? The accident occurred

10. He called the office to tell them he was sick.


last Sunday.

6. How did they travel to Argentina? They traveled to

1. Did he clean his room before school?

Argentina by car.

2. The teacher didn't correct our tests last night. 3. Did Tom want to go to the movies alone?


As a girl, Aida dos Santos lived in a very poor

4. Helena didn't offer Henrique a piece of cake.

neighborhood. Her mother washed clothes and her

5. Did Alexandre help Anita with her homework?

father worked in a bakery. She studied at a school called Aurelino Leal. This is where her first contacts with

6. They didn't turn off the TV after the news.

sport occurred. She participated in many teams and

7. Did you talk to her earlier?

encouraged the other girls to play sport too. Athletics

8. I didn't know what to do.


1. Where did he stop his car? He stopped his car near


Hi, Guto! Where are you?


I'm on Lombok. It's an Indonesian island off Bali.

entered her life after she watched a friend at training. She started to train and immediately attracted attention. People invited her to participate in competitions. Aida's father didn't support her participation in

Theo: When did you arrive? Guto:

sport. He believed that athletes didn''. want to work.

Yesterday. I crossed the channel by ferryboat.

Aida didn't listen to him. She trained without her

Theo: Wow! What did you do in Bali? Guto:

Well, I went surfing every day as you know.

parents' knowledge and was soon taking part in major

And I visited lots of temples.

competitions in South America. Aida competed in the

Theo: Wow! Did you buy any souvenirs?

high-jump at the 1964 Olympic Games in Japan. She


achieved fourth place. At that time, there was a lot

Well, another surfboard, of course, and a mask a tribal mask. An artist painted it by hand.

of discrimination against sports women, particularly



black women. She went to the Olympic Games in


And I rented a jeep and traveled to the north

Japan because she was the only Brazilian woman who

of the island. I stayed in a guesthouse there.

qualified. She was also the only woman on the Olympic

They cooked fresh fish on the beach. It was

team and she didn't have access to the team's coach, doctor or masseur. She always trained alone and she

so goodl

didn't receive the uniform of the team. Even with all these difficulties, she obtained the best performance for

26 - Simple Past II - Spelling Rules (Pags. 66 e 67)


a Brazilian in the Olympic Games in any sport. 1. I tried to talk to Helen last night.

2. The fire occurred while we were out. 3. He loved his wife very much.

4. We jogged in the park yesterday.

27 - Simple Past Ill - Irregular Verbs (Pags. 68 e 69)


bring, brought eat, ate

know, knew

sing, sang

leave, left

sleep, slept

make, made

speak, spoke

5. She studied hard and passed the exam.

buy, bought

6. They decided not to go out.

catch, caught find, found

7. We carried her home because she fainted.

come, came

fly, flew

meet, met

take, took

cost, cost

get, got

pay, paid

teach, taught

do, did

give, gave

read, read

tell, told

drink, drank

go, went

run, ran

wake, w:Jke

drive, drove

have, had

sell, sold

write, wrote

8. Lucio stopped at the corner and called us. 9. A tornado destroyed the village last week. 10. She was cleaning the vase when she dropped it. 11. I talked to her a few minutes ago.

12. They arrived late and missed the bus.

fall, fell


1. She brought


6. Where did you use to study?

lot of friends to our party.

7. I used to hate playing squash.

2. They left home very early yesterday. 3. They did their homework and went to school.

8. I didn't use to go out much.

4. I had a terrible headache and I took an aspirin.

9. Did you use to work at a radio station? 10. You used to be a lot nicer.

5. I spoke to the director as he was leaving the room. 6. Bob came home from school late. 7. Chris found a ten-dollar bill and gave it to me.


Marisa: Ivan, we don't have any fun these days. We used to go out a lot.

8. Dr Johnson got up early this morning.


9. They knew each other very well when they were kids.

Marisa: And we used to have dinner in fancy restaurants, and now we always eat at home.

10. I slept until late on the weekend. Then, I went out to Ivan:


Marisa: And you used to buy me flowers every day, and

12. My dad caught a cold when he was in Bahia.

now you never buy me flowers.

1. He bought a new car.


have rice and beans most days.

3. He traveled by plane.

Marisa: Well, we used to be lovers as well as husband

4. She got up late because she was tired.

and wife. Now we are just husband and wife!

5. They sold their car in April.


8. I told her the truth.

3. Did you use to enjoy your work?

9. I came home by bike.

4. Did you use to be married? 5. Did you use to do sport?

10. He read two books. Laura:

6. Did you use to have many friends?

What did you do on the weekend?

7. How did you use to get to work?

Patricia: Well, I went to the shopping mall with my boyfriend. We bought some CDs and then we went to the movies. After that, we ate


3. He didn't use to exercise.

What did you do?


4. Paula used to live here.

Well, Eric and I went to a great show. The band

5. Did I use to do that?

sang all our favorite songs and we danced a

6. You didn't use to like carrots.

lot. I got home really late and my dad wasn't very happy with me.

Patricia: What did you do on Sunday? Laura:

Well, I was very tired so I slept until late. When

I woke up, I had a big breakfast and I studied all afternoon. What about you?

Patricia: Well, I got up early and made breakfast. It was my mo11's birthday. We all went out to lunch.



1. He used to swim very well. 2. Did you use to have a car?

hamburgers and drank coke. How 2bout you?


1. Where did you use to live? 2. What did you use to do?

7. They met at a party.


Well, you're right. But you used to cook me magnificent romantic dinners, and now we just

2. She taught English before she was married.

6. He called his office at 7 o'clock.

And we didn't use to argue, and now we argue all the time.

11. I paid the phone bi II yesterday.


Yeah, and now we just stay home.




To Have (Pags. 12 e 73)

1. Julia and I have many things in common. 2. They didn't have a good time yesterday. 3. Did you have a nice day?

4. I always have lunch at home.

After we came home, I read all afternoon. You

5. Do you usually have a rest after lunch?

know, that really good book I told you about!

6. Will you have breakfast in the hotel tomorrow?

Used to (Pags. 70 e 71)

1. Veronica and her sister used to play volleyball with me. 2. They used to live in the countryside, but now they live in the city.

7. I need to have a shower before I go out. 8. I had a strange dream last night. 9. He has a swim every morning before going to work. 10. She had a terrible argument with her sister. 11. Did you have the meeting at 8 o'clock this morning?

3. I used to read a lot of comic books when I was a child.

12. My sister-in-law is having a baby next month.

4. We used to enjoy ourselves at the weekend.

13. Let me have a look at the newspaper.

5. Rodrigo didn't use to go out much, but now he goes

14. What time do you want to have dinner tonight?

out every day.

15. The weather is so dry' I must have some water.

IJl 1.

5. I will be listening to the waves.

Does she have brothers and sisters?

6. I won't be thinking about work.

2. Do they have a house in Sao Paulo? 3. I have a dog. 4. Has Sflvia got a headache?

G!J 1.

5. My brother hasn't got long hair.

3. Clara will be studying for a test.

6. We didn't have full-time jobs.

4. Clara will be going to a wedding.

7. You had a good rest on the weekend. 8. You didn't have a shower this morning.


9. Will I have a look at your composition?

0 1.

10. I didn't have a good vacation last summer.



Quantifiers (Pags. 76 e 77}


3. We don't have much coffee. Let's go to the supermarket.

3. Have they got brown hair? 4. She didn't have a cold las: winter.

4. After the party, there wasn't much food left.

5. Did he have a bad dream last night?

5. There are many different languages in the world.

6. The car has four doors.

6. We don't have much time. Hurry up or we'll miss the show.

7. I don't have any pets. 8. I like to have a walk after dinner.


My brother and I are completely different. I have I have got long hair, but he has I has got very short hair. He has I has got lots of money because he has I has got a

7. Many people go on vacation in July. 8. She didn't receive rr1uch love wheri she was a child. 9. How much money did you spend last night? 10. There are many magazines to read on the Internet nowadays.

good job. I don't have I haven't got a job right now. I'm unemployed. He and his family have holidays in Mexico every year. I don't have holidays. I don't have I haven't got enough money.



Future Continuous (Pags. 74 e 75)

0 1.

Ill 1.

I work a lot. I have little free time.

2. My salary is very low. I save little money each month. 3. I live near downtown, so there are few parks in my neighborhood.

4. She's just arrived from the U.S. and speaks little Portuguese.

This time tomorrow, I will be flying to Italy.

2. When you arrive, she will be cooking lunch.

5. There are few people in the city on weekends.

3. When we get there, they will be preparing dinner.

6. I don't like that supermarket. It has few products.

4. We will be walking back home at 5 o'clock.

7. There's little water in the bottle. There won't be enough for both of you.

5. Even if you arrive a little late, I'll be waiting for you. 6. Don't visit us tomorrow! We will be working.

8. There's a little watw in the bottle. There will be enough for both of you.

7. I will be painting my bedroom on the weekend. 8. She will be visiting her friends tonight. 9. I won't be driving you to work next week.

9. She has few friends in this town. She feels lonely.



1. They will be playing tennis this afternoon. 2. She will be finishing her homework tonight. 3. He will be taking his final exams in December. 4. We'll be driving to the beach on Saturday. 5. I'll be having dinner with Tony at 8 o'clock.


I will be drinking lemonade.

She has a few friends in this town. So she doesn't feel lonely.

10. They'll be asking you lots of questions during the


I don't have many problems. I guess I'm a lucky man.

2. A great many dishes in Brazil are eaten with rice and

She hasn't got a car.

2. He always has breakfast with his mother.

Clara will be having an English class.

2. Clara will be washing her hair.


There are less cars in the street during school vacacions. fewer

2. We have less money than they do. ./ 3. I have fewer time these days than in the past. less 4 Much of my friends live out of town. Many 5. There is less water in the rivers these days than there used to be . ./

6. We'll need lots of time to finish this exercise. ./

2. It won't be raining.

7. I eat fewer sugar than my brother does. less

3. We won't be sitting at home.

8. After many hard work, the new product was

4. My colleagues will be working hard in the office.

launched. much



Do many Brazilians play sport?

Doctor X:

Well, some do, but many people say that


they have Iittle time to exercise. Interviewer:

What are Brazilian people's favorite sports?

Doctor X:

A lot of I lots of I plenty of I many men

2. They never bring


3. If you have

problems, just call me. any

4. You can have



food. any

toy you like. any

Husband: I'm going to the supermarket. Do we need any

few places to play sports.


Interviewer: What are some other favorite sports? Doctor X:


5. I'd like anyapples, please. some

and women like walking in parks. Unfortunately, in the big cities, there are

1. Would you like anytea7 some


Yes, we don't have any.

Well, running is becoming popular. You

Husband: Is there any bread left7

don't need much I a lot of I lots of money to


practice this sport. In the amateur marathons,

Husband: Do we need any eggs?

many I a lot of I lots of I plenty of athletes


compete in the streets of the big cities. And

Husband: And what about meat?

Well, there's none in the cupboard. Yes. There aren't any eggs le"t.

football continues to be popular. Many I A lot


of I Lots of I Plenty of children join clubs at

Husband: Is there anything else?

an early age. Of course, few actually become


Hum, there's no meat in the "reezer. Yes, I think we need some margarine too.

famous and earn a lot of money. Interviewer:




Many thanks. It was really interesting


talking to you.


1. John's going to be fired, but don't tell anybody I 2. We can't just lose the contract, there must be

1. Can I have some coffee, please?

something we can do.

3. The children are somewhere in the rouse.

3. I bought you some flowers.

4. Is there anything wrong7 You look worried.

4. Do you have any good ideas?

5. I lost my house keys somewhere in the garden.

5. There aren't any interesting books to read.

I can't remember where.

6. He told us some stories.

6. Did he tell you anything about the accident?

7. Are there any good movies showing?

7. She will build her house somewhere in the countryside.

8. I didn't buy any fruit.

8. Is there anything I can do for you?

9. There are some museums here.

9. Will you have someone I somebody paint the house, or will you do it yourself?

10. Did you invite any girls to the party7

10. He can't see anything without his glasses.

11. Generally my teacher has some good ideas about improving my English.

11. I'm bored. I don't have anything to do. 12. Is anybody I anyone coming with me?

12. Do you have any suggestions about the project?

13. By the way, I have something to tell you.

1. We have no money to buy a new car.

14. You know, I feel like someone's I somebody's

2. I couldn't find any paper in the drawer. 3. We don't have any money to go to the movies. 4. There are no people in the park today. It's closed. 5. There weren't any girls at the party. 6. There's no milk in the refrigerator. 7. Did you invite any boys to your party? 8. He's a vegetarian, so he eats no meat. 9. They're very lazy. They do absolutely no work. 10. I don't think any of his films are bad films.


Somebody, Anybody, Nobody (Pags. 80 e 81)

anyone. It's a secret.

Some, Any, No, None (Pags. 78 e 79)

2. There aren't any good beaches here.



1. Are there any boys waiting for you outside7 2. He didn't buy any magazines at the newsstand. 3. Did she tell them any good jokes7 4. I have some time. 5. He likes some of my friends.

watching me.


1. I have nothing to wear to the party. 2. It is winter now. That's why there are no leaves on the trees.

3. When I arrived home, there was somebody I someone in the house.

4. He offered me something to drink. 5. Please don't make any noise. We are trying to study. 6. I can't tell you anything about my job. It's confidential' 7. I asked him to lend me some money, but he said he didn't have any.

8. The girls aren't here. They must be somewhere else. 9. He's done nothing all day. 10. Look! Do anything you like. Just don't bother me!


1. Somebody phoned you yesterday, but I forgot his name.


3. Listen! He is trying to tell you something.

3. ./

4. There was no one at the party when I arrived.

4. All of I All the students are studying for the test.

5. There was nothing in the store that I liked, so I didn't

5. He lived in Sao Paulo all of I all his life. 6. I spend all of I all the money I earn.

buy anything. 6. I didn't know anybody at the party, so I went home early.

7 . ./

7. I have no time to talk at the moment. I'm late for work.

8. ./

8. When I arrived at the beach, there was nowhere to stay. 9. I'm hungry. I didn't have anything for breakfast. 10. Can you think of anywhere to go for lurch?





I'm sure I know you from somewhere. Or maybe

4. Fernanda doesn't like classical music. Mauricio

I don't think we've met before. Do you know

doesn't like it either.

5. If both Kiko and Theo come to the party, I'll be very

Yes! A few people. I know someone I somebody


in that group over there. I'm hungry. Would you like something/anything to eat?

6. Neither Igor nor Matheus are crazy about football.


Sure! But there isn't anywhere to sit here.


7. If Caio doesn't go to the beach, I won't go either.

This place has a beautiful garden. Maybe, there

8. Carla and Ana both have cars.

is somewhere to sit there. Shall we get something

9. You can go either by bus or by car.

to drink before we go outside?


1. Both Michael and Tom like rock music.

they didn't study.

anyone I anybody here?


Both, Either, Neither (Pags. 84 e 85)

3. Neither Ivan nor Henrique passed the test because

you just look like someone I somebody I met in



2. I don't like either of those movies. They are boring.

the past.


1. ./

2. We liked all I all of the books we read.

2. I don't have any time today, but I'll help you tomorrow.


10. Waiter: "Which table do you prefer?" Customer: "Either is fine."

All, Every, Each (Pags. 82 e 83) 1. I wake up at 6:00 am every I each day



2. I work from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. So I spend all day in

Shop Assistant: Well, both look great on you. Why don't

the office.

you take both? Then you can use one at

3. All of us are meeting at Fred's house.

night and one during the day.

4. Every I Each bedroom has its own bathroom.


5. I'm going to be in Rio next weekend and I want to

I'll take either this one or this one. Which one do you prefer?

6. I went to every shop in the mall to find her present.

Shop Assistant: Well, both of them are really beautiful.

7. Each I Every one of us is responsible for reducing the greenhouse effect.


9. All of my relatives live in the U.S.

those actors.

3. Both Hugo and Ivan play tennis. Or: Hugo and Ivan both play tennis.

I spent all week studying for my exams. I got up at 7:00

4. Mara read both books, but I read neither of them I

am every day. I worked all I every morning. I stopped for

didn't read either of them.

lunch and then I worked all I every afternoon. I stopped

5. I like neither of these sweaters. Or: I don't like either

work every hour to have a coffee. I also worked every

I all evening. Well, I passed all my exams and now I'm on vacat;on. I'm going to spend every I all day on the beach.


1. Both of them are studying English. 2. I don't like either of those actors. I I like neither of

10. It's like every I each day is a holiday.


But neither of them is on sale and I don't have enough money to buy both.

spend each day on the beach.

8. All I Each of the candidates arrived late for the test.

I can't decide which of these dresses to take.

of these sweaters.


1. I like neither coffee nor tea. 2. I'll either go to the mountains or the beach.

1. Everyone/ everybody I know was at the party.

3. Neither Paula nor Carla are going to study tonight.

2. I bought everything I needed at the supermarket.

4. Both Thais and Gabriela have bikes. Or: Thais and

3. All my family lives in the countryside. 4. Everything in the store was very expensive.

Gabriela both have bikes.

5. They are either from Italy or Spain.

4. The children amused themselves in the park.

Progress Check 3 (Pags. 86 e 87)

5. You must protect yourselves I yourself from the sun.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No' It's Superman.

6. I cut myself with a sharp knife.

Superman landed on our planet in 1938.

7. We must behave ourselves in class.

Still a baby, Jor-EI and Lara's only child was sent into

8. Tom and I hurt ourselves.

space on an unmanned spaceship before their planet,

9. Kids, behave yourselves at the party.

Krypton exploded. The spaceship landed on Earth close to the Kent's home. The Kents found the baby and

10. Carol, look at yourself'. You're filthy.

decided to raise him and call him Clark, Clark Kent.

11. This CD player turns itself off.

The story is well-known to all of us.

12. John hurt himself when he fell off his bike.

Almost everyone followed Superman's adventures - in

13. My grandmother cut herself while she was cooking.

action cartoons, on the radio, on TV and in the movies -

14. Help yourself I yourselves to some more food. There's

each one telling a different part of Superman's story. Action Comics first printed the comic strip in 1938. It included the appearance of Lois Lane, and the

plenty there.


1. Last year, Jack taught himself how to play the piano. 2. At night, she always c::ioks herself a nice meal.

newspaper they worked for was the Daily Star. Superman's worst enemy, Luthor, only appeared in

3. Bruno was playing football when he hurt himself.

Action Comics #23. It was on the radio, not in the

4. The dog barked when it saw itself in the mirror.

comics that Kryptonite, Superman's famous weakness,

5. They will have to amuse themselves tonight. I'm

came into the story.

going to be very busy, I'm afraid.

The figures around Superman are impressive. The

6. Kids, be careful of the glass. Don't cut yourselves!

comic book published in 1940, in which Superman

7. She made herself a big sandwich and ate it all.

asked Lois Lane to marry him and she accepted, sold

8. We have some extra money so next month we'll buy

out in a few days.

ourselves a new car.

Superman #75 told the story of Superman's death in

9. She saw herself in the mirror and started to cry.

November 1992. It is the best seller of the series: it sold

10. We enjoy ourselves a lot when we're teenagers.

6 million copies.


There is a lot of (some) evidence that suggests that some


1. My sister and I help each other I one another with our homework.

(many) ancient civilizations were very superstitious. But

2. My boyfriend and I love each other I one another.

superstition is also part of our modern world.

3. The children hurt themselves while their mother was

Some (A lot of) very old beliefs are still with us today:


a broken mirror, for example, means seven years' bad

4. I met a man on the bus. We talked to each other I

luck. In some (many) cultures a black cat can bring

one anether during the whole trip.

you either good luck or bad luck if it crosses your

5. We enjoyed ourselves at the party because all our

path. Some (Many) people never walk under a ladder

friends were there.

because it also means bad luck. New Yorkers have a curious superstition; the number 13 is a sign of bad luck and many (a lot of) buildings have no


I am a professional tennis player. I taught myself how to play tennis because my parents didn't think sport was

thirteenth floor.

a good profession. Every day, I have the same routine.

Thankfully, there is also a place for good luck in

I wake up early and make myself breakfast. Then I

superstition. Many (Some) charms and beliefs are

meet my coach on the tennis court and we train with

popular because, in the past, a lot of (many) people

each other I one another for about four hours. We stop

believed they brought good luck.

at about 12:30 and make ourselves lunch. Then we

Superstition is certainly part of the past and present and

train for another four hours in the afternoon. I love my

will probably remain with us into the future too.

profession but I often worry that I will hurt myself during

For some (many) people it is ignorance; for others,


it is an important part of their lives.




Reflexive Pronouns I (Pags. 88 e 89)

1. We wash ourselves in the morning. 2. The boy hurt himself when he fell from the tree. 3. We enjoyed ourselves at the party.




Reflexive Pronouns II (Pags. 90 e 91)

1. You children should be ashamed of yourselves. Look at this mess'

2. Sandra was angry at herself. She forgot her husband's birthday.

5. The dog found its way home ourselves after it got lost.

3. My sisters love looking at themselves in the mirror.


4. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! It was your fault.

6. Jake, you have to solve the problem yourselves.

5. The children can look after themselves now.


6. Victor is very pleased with himself. He passed his

7. Nobody talked to us at the party so we sat by

final exams.


themselves. ourselves

1. I want to do the work by myself.

8. It was the photographer yourself who took those

2. Do your homework by yourself. 3. The boy solved the puzzle by himself. 4. The children went to the park by themselves. 5. My alarm turns off by itself after 10 minutes.


pictures. himself I herself




1. I painted the room myself.

1. The Browns like tc play the guitar. I drove past.

4. We are going to the Hilton to see friends.

talk to me.

5. They play tennis in the morning.

4. The children built the doghouse themselves.

6. The secretary at our school has a new computer.

5. She herself spoke to the school director.

7. I bought an English book and a Spanish book. The

6. The teacher couldn't answer the questi:ms herself I

English book cost


9. The Thompsons have bought a house in the suburbs.


10. The children bought a dozen balloons for the party.

8. We will finish the project ourselves, our boss is on

11. The milk in the fridge is for the cat.


12. New York is the biggest city in the United States.

9. You have to write the letter yourself. It has to be your

13. I am going to the movies after school. Would you like


to come?

10. Well, if you can't, I 'll take it to the office myself1

14. The climate is becoming hotter and hotter.


himself I herself who met us.

3. I am leaving for 0 Spain tomorrow.

3. My grandparents live by themselves in a small

4. He took 0 dancing lessons for years.


5. 0 Russian is a difficult language.

4. The little girl flew to New York by herself. Her uncle

6. The French have an excellent cuisine.

met her at the airport.

7. 0 Brasilia was made the capital in 1960.

5. We always prepare ourselves for exams by studying a

8. Al I of the students there were the ones that passed


really her 'ault.

1. 0 Krakatoa, which was an island, exploded. 2. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2. When we arrived at the guest house, it was the owner

6. She blamed herself for the accident, but it wasn't


8. We had a very good time at the company dinner.

7. My daughters chose a present for their father

believed the explanation itself.


3. He decided to cross the Atlantic in a small boat.

3. You have to phone her yourself. She doesn't want to

1. He himself explained the problem, but nobody


2. There was a boy standing near the corner when

2. My neighbor built his house himself.


The Definite Article I (use) (Pags. 92

the exam.


0 Brazil is a huge country. In the North, there are 0 I the rain forests and the longest river is also situated

7. I went to the theater by myself because my boyfriend

here. In the South, the climate is more European. 0

was working.

Brazil also has many social differences. The rich own

8. They don't want a picture of themselves.

most of the country's wealth and the poor often live on a I

9. I myself didn't like the movie, but my husband

the minimum wage.

enjoyed it a lot.

10. The car alarm went off by itself. Nobody was trying to steal it, thank goodness.


1. The girl cut himself while she was playing in the garden. herself




The Definite Article II (omission) (Pags. 94 e 95)

1. Eating 0 fish is good for your health. 2. The book you wanted about the Sahara Desert is now available.

2. The old woman likes living by themself herself

3. They like 0 cheese, 0 milk and 0 eggs.

3. Behave yourself. children. yourselves

4. The postman delivered a letter from 0 Switzerland.

4. She herself is responsible for the children. ./

5. 0 Susan is in 0 hospital. She's having an operation.

6. She studies 0 math at a college 0 downtown.

9. Mmmm! Dinner smells goodl What time are we going to eat?

7. 0 Silver is used to make 0 jewelry.

10. Jill seems sad today. Let's try to find out what's wrong.

8. The gold in my necklace comes from Peru. 9. Do you like studying 0 Spanish?


2. These films are interesting.

11. 0 John loves sitting in the sun.

3. The girls were watching exciting movies.

12. 0 My parents had to go to the school to talk to the

4. Those cars look expensive.


5. The students need new shirts.

13. He was sent to 0 prison for seven years.

6. The little babies are laughing.

14. The woman w'lo lives in the house over the street

7. Those are cheap computers.

works in the bank.

8. These women have excellent jobs.

15. Some people say the Amazon is the biggest river in

9. Those old men are lonely.

the world.


10. The big apartments are expensive.

1. At school, I was a terrible student.

11. These dishes are traditional in the Northeast.

2. Rice and cocoa are grown in Brazil.

12. Look at those beautiful mountains!

3. I like coffee with milk and sugar. 4. The Smiths live on Maple Street and the Martins live


on Third Avenue.

3. ,/ 4. ,/

6. I am going home after work.

5. I live in a big house.

7. Courage and honesty are the qualities I most admire

6. He is asleep.

in people.

7. ,/

8. Portuguese is :he official language of Brazil.

8. Carla is well.

9. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Andes.

9. This is the only way to improve your English.

10. The Netherlands is one of the most densely

10. ,/

populated countries in Europe. To Whom it May Concern,


Lorena Tyler worked for 0 my company for 10 years.


During this time, she was a very reliable and enthusiastic employee. She joined the company as an office assistant, but her 0 initiative soon led to her 0 promotion to supervisor of telemarketing where she was responsible for a team of thirty. In this position, 0 Ms. Tyler implemented a training program and increased the productiv ty


1. fascinated

5. horrifying

2. shocking

6. amused

3. amazing

7. worried

4. depressed

8. embarrassing

1. I was really amazed when they offered me the job.

5. Everybody laughed because his story was so amusing.

Luisa Santos


II (Pags. 98 e 99)

4. After the journey, I was so tired that I slept all afternoon.




3. Her husband has some very annoying habits.

recommending 0 Lorena for future 0 positions.



2. The trip to New York was very exciting.

of the department by 20%. I have no hesitation in


1. He is alone. 2. Paula is ashamed.

5. My brother likes sports. He plays tennis on Fridays.


1. My brothers are intelligent.

10. I go to 0 church every 0 Sunday.

6. Mr. Caulker was disappointed because his son's

I (Pags. 96 e 97)

1. This problem is difficult. I don't know the answer. 2. They need a new car. Theirs is very old.

exam results were very bad.


1. This book isn't very interesting. 2. The lights went out. I was so frightened.

3. The children are tired. They went to bed late last night.

3. He was very depressed after his wife died.

4. Our mother is an excellent cook. She makes all kinds

4. The teacher's explanation was confusing.

of delicious cakes.

5. I feel ill. I need to see a doctor. 6. The main problem in our town is pollution.

5. I have an amazing story to tell you. 6. Their mother was very worried when they didn't arrive on time.

7. Her parents are rich. They're both very good lawyers.

7. When I forgot his name, I was very embarrassed.

8. I'm sure I'm going to pass my exams.

8. The result of the election was surprising.


tiring but very interesting too. I travel all around the world

3. 4.

and meet lots of interesting people. I'm never bored.

5. Whose car is that over there? It's my brother's.

My name's Vera. I'm a professional model. My job is very

There are too many amazing things happening all the

6. Why did he miss class yesterday? He was sick.


7. Where did you study? I studied in the U.S.

At the beginning, I was embarrassed when the

8. What time are you leaving for work? At 8:00 am.

photographers took photos of me, but now I'm used to

9. How do you spell your name? It's K

it. My parents were disappointed when they discovered

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

I wanted to be a model. I think they were worried. They thought people would be interested in me just for my money. But when they saw I was interested in my profession and successful, they changed their minds.


Police are looking for a young, long I dark I fair-haired man. He is blue I green I brown -eyed and he wears glasses because he is short I near I long-sighted. He is also tall and broad-shouldered.



Adjectives Ill

a 1. 2. 3. 4.


Order and Position (Pags. 100

1119 1111 1.


2. 3.

It's a lovely old lta Iia n table.


7. ,/









Who can play the guitar?

Who did Clara meet in Spain?

Who used to play football?

a. Where do Simone and Marco go on weekends? b. Who goes to the beach on weekends?



Question Words II (Pags. 104 e 10s)

0 1. 2. 3. 4.

"How many brothers do you have?" "How tall are you?" "How often do you go to the beach?" "How far is your house from here?"

8. This is an interesting, old, European city.

5. "How long have you been married?"

9. This is a big exciting amusement park.

6. "How much sugar do you take in your coffee?"

10. 1111 1. 2. 3. 4.

,/ It's exhausting to work 12 hours a day. It's exciting to travel to exotic countries. It's difficult to understand him. This game is exciting to play.

5. A good restaurant is hard to find in this town. 6. Some words are impossible to translate. 7. It's easy to do this exercise. 8. It's wrong to lie to your parents. 9. Brazil is certain to win the volleyball game.

10. 43


b. What does Rachel study?


He has an old, blue and white car.

6. They are hungry, thirsty and tired.

Which car is yours?

2. a. Who studies Spanish?

8. They're a small, Brazilian rock band.


When did you start working here?

1. a. What did Rogerio buy?

7. I like good, strong, black coffee.

5. My bedroom is red and white I white and red.

Who are you going to the movies with?

b. Who bought a new car?

6. His girlfriend has big round blue eyes.


What are you doing now?

What did I use to play?

They live in a pretty little village.

His girlfriend is a lovely dark-haired Brazilian woman.

A - T - E.

Where did Clara meet her husband?

His dog is black and white.

My house has a lovely big garden.


Which shirt do you like best? The red one.

Which instrument can Pedro play?


5. My boyfriend has short, blond hair.

111 L 2. 3. 4.

When are they leaving? Tomorrow morning. Whose coat is this? It's mine.


It's very useful to study English as often as you can.

Question words I (Pags. 102 e 103)

0 1. 2.

Who did you see? I saw Silvia. Why is she tired7 She walked a long way.

1111. 2. 3. 4.

How much did that car cost? How often do they eat in restaurants? How well do they speak English? How old is your mother?

5. How big is your city? I How many people live in your city7 6. How much does this T-shirt cost? 7. How fast can they run? 8. How well do you know Catarina? 9. How far is Rio de Janeiro from Sao Paulo?

10. 1111 1. 2. 3. 4.

How many bedrooms are there in your apartment? It took them 3 hours to get to the beach. It took me 6 weeks to finish the job. It will take her 4 days to reach the city. It takes 15 minutes.



8. Sam played terribly last night.

Can I ask you a few questions about the traffic in our city?


9. He arrived early there was no traffic.



How long does it take you to get to work?


It usually takes me 30 minutes.


And how long did it take you to get to work


It took me an hour because the traffic was


10. My hometown hasn't changed much since I was a child.




1. He wasn't in class yesterday. He was at home sick. 2. "What do you think Ja1r is doing now?" "I don't know. He might be at home."

very bad.


How long does it usually take you to find a


Sometimes, it doesn't take long, but today

3. Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand what

parking spot near your office?

you are saying.

4. Flavio doesn't live here I there anymore. I think he

it took me 20 minutes to find somewhere

has moved to another city.

to park.




5. I am not feeling very well. I think I'll go home. 6. The music was playing so loudly that I couldn't hear

Adverbs I - Form (Pags. 106 e 101)

them talking.

1. They are intelligent boys.

7. I have to leave work early.

2. She truly loves her boyfriend.

8. You need to get here quickly.

3. Can you speak more clearly, please?

9. We'll meet there I here tomorrow afternoon. 10. I'll see you in the morning, ok?

4. He looks happy today. 5. Our final exam was easy. 6. Why are you walking so slowly?


3. Does she normally have a shower after work?

8. I take monthly trips to the mountains.

4. She walks home quickly after work.

9. My father goes to the beach frequently. 10. Fred is an enthusiastic student. 11. My mother walks very slowly.

5. I finish work at 6:00 pm. on weekdays.


1. They study in their room at night. 2. She is working in Rio c:t the moment.

12. The problem is that the bus is slow. Go by subway'

3. We usually go to the gym before work. ACROSS

4. He learnt English at a language school in Florida.

1. They came in so silently that nobody noticed. 2. We had to go to a nearby store to buy sugar. 3. My son is very curious. He is always asking questions.

5. She gets up early every morning.


3. They play tennis there in the afternoon.

not very low.

4. Manuel was here at this time yesterday.

5. I was so busy yesterday that I hardly had time to eat.

5. Children seem grown up these days.

DOWN 1. The accident happened because he was driving too fast. 2. That thin man over there is my cousin. 3. Mark fell off his bicycle and nearly broke his arm. 4. Our final exam was very hard. 5. The new supermarket will be near the gas station. 1. The students are behaving badly.

1. My cousin goes jogging at six o'clock every morning. 2. I go to work by bus in the morning.

4. At the beginning of winter, ternperatures are normally


1. They play tennis here on Saturday aternoons. 2. Carlos studies at home in the evening.

7. The wind always blows very strongly in my city.


Adverbs - Use I (Pags. 10s e 109)




Adverbs - Use II (Pags. 110 e 111)

1. I usually play basketball on weekends. 2. They were so tired last weekend that they stayed at home.

3. They love each other very much. 4. It's quite late. I think we should go home.

2. He spoke very kindly to me.

5. He probably won't go to the party. He's too tired.

3. My son plays soccer well.

6. Lisa is such a nice girl.

4. We have missed her lately.

7. The Martins rarely go out these days.

5. I could answer the questions easily.

8. She seldom does exercise these days.

6. My brother paints beautifully.

9. He'll certainly be going to the party on Saturday.

7. They worked hard last weekend.

10. We'll definitely be there at 9 o'clock.


contaminated by 0nitrates which come from agricultural

I am so tired today. I think I'll go home early.

fertilizers and the decomposition of 0organic waste.

2. She is such an intelligentgirl.

What can we do? We can fight for 0clean water

3. It was raining so heavily I couldn't see the road ahead.

and convince our neighbors to do the same. We

4. The teacher talks so quickly it's difficult to

can demand an end to 0 water pollution by the I 0

understand him.

industries and cities.

5. It was so cold when we arrived at the top of the

We must learn how to use the I 0 Earth's water properly


because that is all the water we have'

6. tI was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a walk. 7. Marco said such horriblethings about me. I was so

IJ 1c

shocked. 8. It's such bad weather. Let's stay home.

9. I have such a lot of work to do. 10. I have so much work. tI 's driving me mad. 1I11 1a.tbX 2aXb.f 3a.fbX 4a.fbX





Sc 15a

7b 1 6c


9c 10a



Comparison I (Pags. 114 e 115) Myolder brother isn'tas tallasme. He's 1.72m. l'rn 1.75m.

founded in 1960. Brasilia isn't as old as Sao Paulo. 4. Lucy and Jane are top models. Lucy is as pretty as Jane.

one, please?

5. I'm very bad at history and geography. History is as

3. The car was too expensive. I didn't have enough

hard as geographyfor me.

money to buy it.

6. Ahelicopter is not as fast as an airplane.

4. You are not old enough. You can't go out alone.

7. I always make chocolate cake but mine is not as

5. fI I feel well enough, I will go to work tomorrow.

good as yours.

6. There isn't enough pizza for everyone. Let's order

8. Today isn't as hot as yesterday.

another one.


7. He drives too carelessly. One day, he's going to have

She only weighs about 40 kg, she's as light as a feather.


Progress Check 4

I saw the film, but it wasn't as good as the book, which is usual.

1111 .

She is more intelligent than you.

2. His office is more comfortable than mine.

When I arrived in New York for the first time, I was absolutely amazed at all the skyscrapers. tI is a fascinating

3. This road is more dangerous than the highway.

city. I was verfsurprised to discover that the island of

4. John is more successful than his brother.

Manhattan isn't actually very big and that not everyone

5. Naomi is more beautiful than Gisele.

there is bad-tempered as some people say. People say

6. Professor Johnson is more demanding than Professor

that New York is the most interesting city in the world.


I don't know about that, but t is certainly impressive.


5a 14b

Peter is as smart as his friend Bill.

another one, please?


4b 13a

3. Sao Paulo is over four hundred years old. Brasilia was

2. This tea is too cold. Would you make me another



2. Peter and Bill always get top marks in their tests.

1. This coffee isn't hot enough. Would you bring me

an accident.


0 1.

5a Xb.f




7. Going to the theater is more interesting than going to


the movies.

The water we drink usually comes from 0reservoirs,

0lakes or 0 'ivers. Alarge number of 0 cities use 0 river water and dump it back into the rivers. Sometimes

8. Technology today is more advanced than 5 years ago.


1. This is the most difficult thing I've ever done.

another city downstream uses the same water. This

2. His wife is the most sophisticated woman I know.

water may be badly polluted with 0chemicals and

3. This coat is the most expensive in the shop.

0 pathogenic bacteria. Many different chemical treatments are necessary to make it safe and palatable. Many communities add some form of 0fluorine to their water. Fluorine in concentrations of 0.7 to 1.0 ppm (parts per million)can significantly reduce 0tooth decay in 0 children. Some communities that obtain 0water from 0wells have problems because sometimes the ground water is

4. I think that history is the most interesting subject we have at school. 5. What is the most important economic activity in your country? 6. Love is the most complicated thing for me. 7. Peleis the most famous soccer player of all time. 8. Paris is the most visited city in the world.



1. Robinson Crusoe lived on the most isolated island on

Carla: So, let's go to the Paramount! The 9:00 pm session

2. This exercise is not so I as easy as the previous one.

is the best I better for me . What about you?

3. That 18th century table is more expensive than this



5. Joe thinks Japanese is more difficult than English.



Comparison II (Pags. 116 e 117)




3. I can speak English better than she can.

busiest, coldest, hungriest, richest, smallest,

5. Joao writes more carefully than Vera.

nicest, fattest, worst, slowest, youngest

6. The new office is nearer than the old one. 7. It rains more heavily in summer.

1. Nancy is the happiest girl in class today. It's her birthday.

8. I must get up earlier this week.

2. I want to buy the best book in the store.

9. The visitors arrived sooner than I expected.

3. Do you know which is the highest mountain 1n the world?

10. I take life more seriously than most of my friends.

4. Do you have the latest edition of Computers Today magazine?.


2. The sick person is getting badder. worse.

6. As far as I know, he's the richest businessman in town.

3. My sister speaks more slowly than her husband . ./

7. Last night was the coldest night this winter.

4. The more I read this book, the mosr I like it. more 5. The faster he speaks, the less I understand him. ./

1. Who is the best football player in Brazil?

6. The more she avoids the subject, the more he insists. ./

2. Jack is funny. but his brother is much funnier.

7. The more he thinks about the problem, the least he

3. Today is the hottest day this year.

understands it. less

4. Don't you think Tod is the worst singer in the group?

8. I really need to go to the dentist and the sooner the

5. Of the six puppies, that one's the hungriest. 6. That's the car I Iike the least. 1. Today is more hot than yesterday. hotter

better. ./


Men are not as clean as women. The dirtiest men (10%) take a shower only three times


week. But men have

2. He is the most young boy in the class. youngest

cleaner hair than women. On average, women wash treir

3. Mark is more funny than his brother. funnier

hair three times a week and men every day. It seems that

4. The Atacama Desert is the most dry in the world. driest 5. I think Portuguese is the less difficult subject I have. the least difficult


1. You have two hours to do the test. The later you arrive, the later you leave . ./

5. Who is the nicest person in your class?


1. She has been arriving at work later since her

4. Cida speaks English more fluently than Henrique.

fatter, worse, slower, younger


Comparison of Adverbs (Pags. 118 e 119)

2. My father drives faster than my mother.

bad, slow, young




busy, cold, hungry, rich, small, nice, fat,

Comparative: busier, colder, hungrier, richer, smaller, nicer, Superlative:

Can't we go to an earlier session? I have to wake up early on Monday.

4. I think chess 1s the most complicated game in the world.


Yes, it is. But the review says it's the saddest movie ever'


Carla: Would you like to go to the movies on Saturday? Jo:

for men the less they shower the better' In general, adult women are smaller than men. The healthiest people are single women. Married men are healthier than single men. Men get up later than women and women go to bed earlier than men.

Actually I think Sunday is better for me.

Women are more reliable than men. Generally, they

Saturday's my busiest day.

are more superstitious and go to church more regularly

Carla: OK! What would you like to see?

than men. Women are more organized and, believe it


or not, drive better than men. All in all they drive more

How about Jim Carey's latest movie? It's on at the Paramount.

Carla: The Paramount is a long way away. Can't we go somewhere nearer7


slowly. Young men between 18 and 25 drive the most dangerously. At work, women still receive lower salaries than men even

Let's check the newspaper. There's a war movie

being just as competent. They are also more demanding

on at the Plaza but my friend Dani said it is more

and are becoming more and more competitive. For a

violent than Rambo V.

woman in the 21st century, the more she works, the

Carla: How about the latest Nicole Kidman movie? It's on at the Plaza too, isn't it?

better. Who knows, maybe one day soon, there will be justice and women will earn as much as men?




6. Have you seen Michele lately?

Present Perfect I (Pags. 120 e 121)

7. I haven't ever done anything like :his. 1. He hasn't cleaned his room.

8. The children have learned a lot of new things recently.

2. Have they bought a house?


3. She has been to Bahia.

2. for ten years

4. He hasn't cut himself.


5. Have you done your homework?

3. for three minutes

6. We've been there before.

4. for two days

7. Haven't they lived here very long?

5. for a long time

8. It hasn't been very hot today.

6. since 23rd August 7. since Wednesday

1. When I was a boy, I swam in that river.

8. for many weeks

2. What have you done to your hair?

9. since two o'clock

3. He bought that old car two years ago.

10. for hours

4. Somebody has spilt water on my desk.

11. sinee then

5. She has gone out.



12. since last year

What are those people looking at7 What has happened?



building next door.

3. She hasn't bought any clothes since she lost her job.

Really! The poor thing' Has it hurt itself? Tell

4. Have you read any good books recently?

me what happened?

Miranda: Well, it seems that the cat was on the window


balcony of the 5th floor apartment. The owner

3. They haven't written to me recently.

of the 5th floor apartment heard the noise and

4. They have played soccer at that club since 1999.

went to the balcony. He saw the cat and called

5. Susan has been sick for two weeks.

the doorman to help him. When did this happen?


summer. Maria went to England in September. She

Has anyone called for help?

hasn't written to me since then. Paulo is working in a

Miranda: Yes, a vet has already arrived.

bookshop. He is studying in the evening and I haven't

1. A: Look' Somebody has left the kitchen tap on. The

seen him for two weeks. Sorry I haven't been in touch

sink is full of water.

before. I haven't had much free time recently. What

B: It wasn'� me. I didn't do it.

about you? Have you done anything interesting lately?

2. A: Have you seen Lara?

Send me some news. We all miss you here!

B: No. I haven't seen her.

Love, Rita

3. A: Chris isn't at work. She has broken her arm. B: How did she do that?


A: She fell down the stairs.

4. A: Where did you go last night? B: I went to the theater. B: Yes, I finished them last Friday.



Present Perfect II (Pags. 122



Present Perfect Ill (Pags. 124 e 125)

1. "Would you like a snack?" "No, thanks, I have just had lunch."

5. A: Have you finished all your tests at school?


Dear Pedro, Many things have happened since I saw you last

Miranda: About ten minutes ago. Jane:

1. Have you seen any good movies lately7 2. How long has she worked there?

sill of the 9th floor apartment and fell onto the


1. Have you checked your e-mails lately? 2. She hasn't made many mistakes since her promotion.

Miranda: A cat has jumped from the window in the


1. since 1994



2. "Where is Mary?" "She hasn't come back from lunch yet."

3. Have they already ::iought their house? 4. Have you cleaned the windows yet?

1. We've studied English since 2005.

5. It's midnight and the children haven't gone to bed yet.

2. I've worked in this office for 4 years.

6. We have seen that movie many times.

3. I've traveled a lot recently.

7. Carlos and Fernanda have just come back from

4. Have you ever been to Paris? 5. He's never seen that movie.


8. Has the teacher corrected the test yet?

3. She has been walking in the rain.

9. Bia hasn't arrived yet. Do you know why she is late?

4. They have been waiting for hours.

10. My brother has been to Miami many times, but I haven't been there yet.

5. They have been arguing.

11. I've finally completed the project our teacrer gave us. 12. Hey congratulations! I hear you have just started a new job.

6. She has been baking cakes.


2. He has been typing reports all morning.

13. We have already discussed this. I don't want to

3. He has been chatting on the phone for 40 minutes

discuss it again.

and hasn't finished typing the reports.

14. This is the first time I've traveled by plane.

4. His boss has been talking to clients for almost

15. John's not here. He has gone to work.


1. They have already been to Japan. 2. I have just had a shower.

1. His boss has told him to type some 'eports.

3 hours and hasn't asked for the reports yet.


1. A: Your clothes are dir:y. Have you been fixing your car? B: Well, I have tried but I can't. I have just left it with

3. She hasn't met Tom yet.

the mechanic.

4. Have you had lunch yet?

2. A: Lookl Somebody has broken the vase of flowers.

5. He has driven a truck many times.

There's water all over the floor.

6. Have you been to the U.S.?

B: Oh no! I have been cleaning this room all day.

1. How many times have you been to the gym this week?

3. A: Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?

8. We have already studied a lot today.


B: Yes, I have just been robbed.

4. A: You look angry. Have you been waiting for a long

1. They already bought their books. They have already


bought their books.

B: No, I have just arrived.

2. I did just cut myself. I have just cut myself 3. I saw that movie many times. I have seen that movie many times.

4. James hasn't yet did the homework. James hasn't done the homework yet.

5. Emma's not here now. She went to Rio for the week. Emma's not here now. She's gone to Rio for the week.


1. I have already phoned her. 2. No, I haven't not read it yet.

their passports at home.

2. The fridge was full of 'ood because my husband had done tre shopping.

3. I knew someone had broken into my house because the lights were on.

5. The candidate didn't tell the headhunter she had lost


Present Perfect Continuous (Pags. 12& e 121)

1. She has been reading that book for two hours. 3 months. 3. We have beer working a lot this week.

her job 2 weeks before.

6. I got the promotion because I had sold more than two thousand cars.

7. I got dressed after I had had a shower. 8. That wasn't his first time in Japan. He had been there twice before.

9. I thanked them for what they had done. 10. She mailed the letter immediately after she had written it.

4. He has been sleeping for more than twelve hours.

11. By the time they arrived, we had already had dinner.

5. Have you been listening to the same song all morning?

12. I heard there had been an accident, so I came as

1. I haven't been sleeping all day. 2. She has been watching TV all night long. 3. Have you been talking about him? 4. He has been reading that book for two weeks.


1. They couldn't board the plane because they had left

3. No, I haven't not read the newspaper yet.

2. He has been traveling around the world for the last


Past Perfect (Pags. use 129)

4. No, she hasn't arrived yet. 6. My girlfriend has just dumped me.




4. After they had gone, I sat down and rested.

5. Yes, Kiko has just told me.



1. They have been swimming. 2. They have been playing in the mud.

quickly as I could.

13. When she arrived at the station, the train had already left.

14. They told me they had worked very hard on the project.

15. He had never heard of the rock group, but he decided to go to the show.


1. When I After Jack had read the newspaper, he

The boy who is holding the dog is Eric. He's twelve years

phoned his friend.

old. His older brother, Tom, is the one who is weari1g a T-shirt. The little girl who is standing between Eric and

2. After I When Jack had put on his tennis shoes, he

Tom is Melody. She's the youngest in the family. The dog

went to the sports club.

is called Brizzy. Have you ever seen a dog which likes

3. After I When Jack had played football with his

candies? This one can eat a box in a few minutes. I took

friends, he swam for an hour.

this photograph in a country club which is in the suburbs

4. When I After Jack had written the report, he went for

of London.


See you soon,

5. After I When Jack had rested in a hammock for 30


minutes, he played cards with his friends.


1. Ted felt sick. He had been eating sweets.


2. Tina was tired. She had been walking for hours.


3. Sally woke up at midday. She had been sleeping all

4. The country where she lives is in Europe.

been dancing all night long.

5. This is the man whose wife won the lottery.

I went to New York for the first time in 2001 when I was

6. I can't hear what you're saying.


studied English for many years so they had no difficulty with the language. It snowed while we were there, but

3. This is the lounge where visitors can have coffee and read newspapers.

4. This is the place where you can photocopy

cold. When we came back to Brazil, I missed New York


because I had had such a wonderful time there.


Relative Pronouns I (Pags. 130 e 131)


1. The girl who is beside him is his daughter.

3. She wrote what he said. 4. I don't want what she gave me for my birthday.

3. The man who you asked me about is my teacher.


3. She is the one whose hair is red.

6. Where is the person who sold me this book?

4. She is the one whose 4 daughters live in Japan.

7. The dogs which entered the room are mine. 8. The apple which I ate wasn't good.

1. He is the one whose son works with Mrs. Smith. 2. She is the one whose husband has a sports car.

5. The music which he is playing is a waltz.


Dear Karen, Wow! Europe is fantastic! Rome is one of the most

1. (no need to rewrite the sentence)

exciting cities that I 0 I've ever visited. The hotel where

2. The little boy you met is my son.

I stayed was very cheap. Some Italians who I that I 0 I

3. This is the book you were looking for.

met took me to see the Colosseum, which is a very old

4. (no need o rewrite the sentence)

building. They also took me to the countryside where

5. That's the guy I was talking to on the weekend. 6. (no need to rewrite the sentence).


1. Her husband couldn't buy what she wanted. 2. I can't talk about what he told me.

2. The book which you lent me is very interesting. 4. That is the boy who I saw at the gym.


1. This is the room where people have lunch. 2. This is the floor where conferences are held.

we had taken all our winter clothes so we didn't feel the


1. I have just seen the woman whose son studied at my

3. It's difficu It to do what the teacher asks.

5. The girls left the nightclub in the morning. They had



was a child.


knew the city. We went out every day. My parents had


2. This is the place where I came on vacation when I

4. The kids were dirty. They had been playing in the

10 years old. My parents had already been there so they

Relative Pronouns II (Pags. 132





their family has a farm. Italy has many places which are cheap and beautiful to visit. I was traveling around England whose countryside is

Dear Paula

very beautiful and I had an accident which I that almost

How are you?

spoiled my trip. I was driving on a narrow road and I got

I'm having a great time here in England which is really

a flat tire. I wasn't able to change it so I decided to ask

a beautiful country. I'm living with a family which owns

for help. A car stopped and a very handsome man got

a big house. Here's a photo which I took last Sunday.

out! The man, who was a mechanic, changed my tire

The father, Jonathan, is the one who is sitting on the left.

and invited me to go to his village to have it fixed.

Jonathan's wife, Helen, is the woman in the brown dress.

I accepted and followed him. After having my tire fixed

6. His house has a big backyard where they always

we went to have lunch together in a small restaurant

have barbecues.

whose food was very good. I had a wonderful time with this stranger who is now my boyfriend. What I thought

7. Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare lived,

was bad luck turned out to be good luck. Love, Tatiana




Relative Clauses (Pags. 134 e 135)

receives a lot of tourists.



4. You won't have taken the children home by 7:00 pm.

2. Silvia lives in Brasflia, where she works for the

5. Will they have met her this time tomorrow?


2. By the time we get home, Carol will have eaten lunch.

5. My brother has bought a new car, which is very nice.

3. By the time you arrive, I will have fixed dinner.

6. My sister, who studies a lot, has just passed her final

4. By the time the meeting starts, the secretary will have


typed the reports.

7. Sally's bike, which she bought on the weekend, is red.

5. By the time your friend arrives, you will have done

8. Hemingway, who was American, wrote The Old Man 9. Painting, which is something I enjoy very much, is

1. By the time the teacher gives the test, I will have studied the subject.

4. That girl, whose mother is a doctor, is my girlfriend.

and the Sea.

1. Will the plane have landed by 4:00 p11? 3. Will she have had her baby by the end of November?


3. I called the director, who was very understanding.

Future Perfect (Pags. ll6 e 137)

2. They won't have finished the job by April.

1. Einstein, who was German, formulated an important



your homework.


very relaxing.

1. Cindy:

Hi, Sean. It's Cindy. We are having a party next Saturday. Can you come?


10. That's the man whose wife has just had a baby.

Well, I'm having dinner with my grandparents on Saturday but I'll have finished dinner by

11. My cousin, who lives in Australia, arrives tomorrow

9:00 pm. I'll be there! No problem!


2. Pat:

12. They live in Washington, where they recently got

Steven is going to help us with the party. He will be coming over tomorrow at about


7:00 pm to talk about the details.

13. The woman that I who was talking to you earlier is my

Cindy: Oh, no, Pati Tomorrow's Friday. We won't have


gotten back from Spanish class by 7.00 pm.

14. The thieves were taken to the police station, where

3. Pat:

they were questioned.

Cindy: And somebody has broken Mom's favorite vase.

15. I have some friends whose house is in the mountains.


The party was great, but the house is a mess.


Take it easy! By the time Mom and Dad get here, I will have fixed it.

1. The mountain is in Chapada Diamantina, which is 4. Cindy:

one of the most beautiful places in Brazil.

Well, we also need to clean the house. I will wake you up at 9:00 am tomorrow.

2. Cora, whose children study in the U.S., lives with her

Oh, nol At that time, I will be dreaming abou:


husband and a cat.

that girl I danced the whole night with. Let's

3. She is very famous in Portugal, where she has sold

get up at 11:00 am.

more than a hundred thousand books.

Cindy: No way1 By 11:00 am, you will have done the

4. Her editor, who is very ambitious, wants her to move

dishes and I wil have vacuumed the floor.

to Sao Paulo.

5. But she likes to live in the mountains, where she has peace to write.


1. He has a house which I that was built in 1910. 2. He's married to an architect who I that restored all the old buildings in the city.

3. Her children have a cat whose name is Lear. 4. His younger daughter, who plays the piano very well, is six years old.

5. Her older son, who plays rugby for the local team, is seventeen years old.

Progress Check 5 (Pags. 138 e 139)


Happiness Do you consider yourself a happy person or a sad one? Who are the happiest people in the world, anyway? The organization known as The World Database of Happiness has done some research into how people appreciate life. The research involved over 1,500 people in 68 countries. According to the research. happiness is one of the most highly valued items for human beings. Most people

agree that it is better to enjoy life than to suffer; they

4. There's a photograph of my grandmother on the wall

also support ideas that create greater happiness for a

in our living room.

larger number of people.

5. I have a flat screen TV in my bedroom.

However, we have to understand what happiness is. And

6. There's an interesting story at the bottom of the oage.

more importantly than that, we have to know exactly

7. Walk straight down the street and the library is on the

what makes people happy and the reasons for it.


There is evidence, however, of what happiness is not.

8. My sister has a beautiful house on the coast.

For example, there's no guarantee that finding a great love makes you happier, at least, not over a long period of time. And, believe it or not, the richest people are not


2. in the armchair

necessarily the most content. A survey of 100 American

3. on the book

millionaires proved that they were only as rappy as

4. at the top of the stairs

middle class people.


5. in the drawer A Weird Dream

6. on the left

One day, I had a strange dream. I was visiting the house in

7. in the photograph

which I'd lived when I was four years old. Everything was

8. in the lake

still there: some furniture which I that had belonged to my

9. on the farm

grandmother, the old red curtains, everything. The dining table which I that I 0 my father had made was in the same place. Even the bicycle which I that had belonged to


my brother was in the exact place that I 0 he always left it.

3. The hospital is on the right.

that I who used to take care of our garden. I walked up

4. Laura is at university.

to him. When I was really close to him, I noticed that it

5. She lives on the first floor.

wasn't him at all. It was me' He gave me a look which I

6. They arrive at the airport tonight.

that scared me. Then I screamed and woke up'

7. The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 8. Is Chile the biggest country in South America?

Moon Craters The moon has attracted man's attention since the beginning of civilization. Ancient Greeks discovered the


there are lots of people in the streets. I am staying in a

looked at the moon with romantic eyes. Space scientists

big house. My bedroom is comfortable. There's a picture

have not only studied it with their telescopes, but have

of the family on the wall and a beautiful rug on the floor.

also sent astronauts there. Nobody, however, has found

There's a swimming pool in the backyard. There are two

out all the answers to the mysteries of the moon. The

floors in the house and my bedroom is on the top floor.

origin of moon craters, for example, is still obscure.

Tommy, the cat, is always asleep at the top of the stairs.

According to one theory, thousands of meteors crashed

At supper time, everybody sits at the table at around

against the surface of the moon. The impact of these

7 pm and even the cat usually sits on a chair and

crashes formed the craters. The craters have many

watches everything. I walk to college every day and on

shapes and sizes. Some scientists have tried to prove

my way home, there's a big park. Next weekend, we are

this theory with plaster, reproducing the formation of

planning to go to New Jersey Shore, a beach on the east

craters. Unfortunately, they have never been successful.

coast. I wish you were here!

Other theories have tried to prove that the craters


appeared because of gas or lava eruptions. One


physicist said that the craters are the solidified residues of enormous bubbles. Either way, it has been very difficult to prove these theories. So romantics, take heart! The moon is still an intriguing mystery to man!



Prepositions of Place I (Pags. 140 e 141)

Dear Bia I arrived in the U.S. last week. New York is great and

influence of the moon upon the tides. Poets have always


1. Don': drop garbage on the ground. 2. He lives in the countryside.

Then, I opened the door to the garage and saw the man


1. at the gate




Prepositions of Place II (Pags. 142 e 143)

1. Come in' It's warmer inside the house. 2. The cat was sitting outside the window, in the rain. 3. I didn't see half the movie' There was a lady in a big hat sitting in front of me.

1. I live in Sao Paulo, which is in Brazil.

4. My best friend's apartment is opposite mine.

2. We went sailing on the river last week.

5. You'll find the sugar on the top shelf between the tea

3. I met my boyfriend at a party.

and coffee jars.


There is a bookshelf above the bed. There is a wardrobe next to the bookshelf. There is a picture over the desk. There is a pair of tennis shoes under the bed. The cat is


Prepositions and Forms of Transport (Pags. 146 e 147)


0 1.

1111 1.

2. Milena traveled around Europe by bus.

The hospital 1s next to the drugstore.

3. I fell asleep and didn't get off the train when it arrived

2. The hotel is opposite the train station.

at the station.

3. The gym is between the cinema and the theater.

4. We arrived late but we still managed to get on the bus.

4. The train station is behind the hospital.

5. The policemen asked the passengers to get out of

5. The bakery is next to the post office.

the car.

6. The English school is next to the Bank.

6. We traveled to Bahia by car last summer.

7. The university is near the bus station.

7. They saw the man getting into the truck.

8. The hospital 1s far from the university. 9. The cash teller is outside I in front of the bank.

G!J 1.

Luciana likes to exercise. She goes to work on foot every day.

next to the dog. There's an umbrella behind the door.


He got into the car. He got out of the car.

The post office is far from the theater.

He went to the bank on foot.

2. The hotel is behind the cinema.


3. The drugstore is opposite tr·e cinema.

Enzo panics when he travels on pla1e. by

2. After the accident, they couldn't get her off the car.

4. The swimming pool is next to the English school.

out of

5. The bank is near the drugstore.

3. He was in a hurry and got on the car without his



Prepositions of Movement (Pags. 144

0 1.


suitcase. into


4. A lot of people got out of the train in London. off The boys climbed up to the top of the mountain.

5. Roseli is lazy and never goes anywhere Q!tfoot. on

2. The bus went along the road.

6. They were getting into the train when I arrived. on

3. We tried to stop the dog but it ran across the street

7. They went to the island

and was hit by a car.

4. It takes me 40 minutes to go from home to work on


I arrived in Australia two weeks ago. I spent two days in Sydney and then I went to the Gold Coast by train.

5. The robber ran away from the police and escaped.

The beaches there are great for surfing. I had to rent a

6. He was fixing the roof and fell off it.

surfboard because I was not allowed to get on the train

7. The little girl jumped onto her mother's bed.

with the one I had. But I had a great time anyway. After

8. The cat is in the wardrobe. Get him out of it.

3 days, I went to Ayer's Rock by plane and stayed there

9. Go past the traffic lights and turn left.

for another 3 days. This rock is inside the Uluru National

10. He walked round the table for sometime and left the

Park and it changes colo' depending on the time of day.

living room.

After this, I traveled to Melbourne by bus. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I got on the bus.

You need to walk across the park to get to the zoo.

When I arrived in Melbm.rne, I took a taxi from the bus

2. When we arrived at the beach, I dived into the water.

station to the hotel and I got out of the car without paying.

3. I walked around the park twice before going home.

I was so embarrassed but I apologized and everything

4. Her dog jumped off the sofa when she arrived.

was OK. I spent 3 days in Melbourne and then I went to

5. On their way to work, they walk past the movie

Tasmania by boat. After visiting Tasmania, I went back to


11111. G!J

boat. by

Dear Carlos





2. from

Melbourne and traveled back to Sydney by car.

3. into

4. around

I hope everything is ok with you!

5. along.

Take care,

John woke up at 9 am and went down the stairs. He


went into the kitchen and walked round the table, looking for some matches. He saw his cat playing with the matches. He tried to catch the cat but it ran away from him. The cat went into the living room and up the



Prepositions of Time I (Pags. 14a e 149)

0 1.

Brazilian Independence Day is on September 7.

stairs with the matches in its mouth. The cat ran across

2. I'm going to Europe

the hall. John went after it but the cat jumped through

3. My birthday is in June.

the window.

4. In the 60s, there were many great rock bands.



3. My brother is coming to stay. He's going to stay until

5. Meet me in front of the cinema at 9:00 pm.


6. Can you call me at night? I'll be working in the afternoon. 7. We don't go to school on Sundays.

4. My computer course goes on until July.

8. At Easter, I'm going to visit my relatives in the countryside.

5. We will have finished work by 6:00 pm. Then we'll go out for dinner.

9. Many advances in medicine will be made in the 21st

6. The movie was so boring that I didn't stay until the



10. Where are you going on your next vacation?

7. I worked until 6:00 pm. And then I had dinner.

11. My parents got married in 1980.

8. Do you think they'll be here by suppertime?

12. On Christmas Day, we normally eat turkey.

9. I have to find a job by next week.

13. I usually have lunch at midday.

10. He studied until 10 pm. Then he took a shower.

14. I like taking my vacation in summer.

11. It was a great party. We danced until the early hours

15. I'll see you on Tuesday morning.

of the morning.

16. My mother is arriving in the evening.

12. Let me have the report by Friday, 0K7

17. I was very tired at the end of the journey. 18. What are you doing at the moment?



2. I have lived here for 10 years.

Travel agent: Can I help you? Daniel:

3. We worked for hours. Then we stopped for lunch.

I hope so. I'm going on vacation soon. Can

4. What do you do during your English classes?

you recommend a good package tour?

5. We are going on vacation for 3 weeks.

Travel agent: Sure' When are you going7 Daniel:

1. During my trip to London, I visited The National Gallery.

6. I have been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes.

In December.

7. I work hard during the week and relax on weekends.

Travel agent: Package tours are usually more expensive

8. You cannot smoke during the flight from New York to

1n summer, but we have a good package to

Sao Paulo.

Porto Segura. Oh, I don't think so! A friend of mine was



there at Carnival and he said it was very

2. We work for 8:00 to 6:00. from


3. Can you wait JQ the weekend? until

Travel agent: Well, of course, Carnival is very popular.

4. I went to the bank for my lunch hour. during

What day do you want to travel?


5. I'll have finished painting my house until the weekend. by

On Christmas Eve.

6. I'll be on vacation for next month. until

Travel agent: Really7 We have a very cheap flight at

7. They talked a lot for dinner. During


8. Letters of application for the job should arrive until

At midnight? Forget Porto Segurol Do you


t. She has lived here during two years. for

next Friday. by

have anything in Australia?




Prepositions of Time II {Pags. 150 e 151)

1. He works from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm every day.




Form {Pags. 152 e 153)

1. She may I might play tennis in the afternoon. 3. My father may I might finish work by six.

3. I'll have gone to India by April.

4. I may I might give him my address.

4. You have until lunchtime to clean your room.

5. We may I might stay in Chicago.

5. They'll finish this work by tomorrow morning.

6. The next lesson may I might be more difficult.

t. He played tennis from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

7. It may I might snow later.

2. He had lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.

8. We may I might go to the beach tomorrow.

3. He went to the park from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. 4. He visited friends from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. 5. He watched a movie from 10:00 to 12:00 pm.


Modals I

2. The boys may I might go to the movies tomorrow.

2. Will you be studying until 10 pm tonight?



1. I'm very hungry. I can't wait until lunchtime. I'm going to eat now.

2. I have to return this movie by Sunday.


1. Can I bring my brother to the party7 2. He might not I mightn't come here tomorrow. 3. I must not I mustn't attend the class today. 4. You may arrive early. 5. Can they play tennis? 6. She could not I couldn't swim when she was a child.


1. She could not I couldn't cone to class. 2. May I go to the bathroom? 3. You ought to arrive early.

5. I may I might visit them on Sunday.


1. Would you like a cup of coffee? 2. I would go with you, if you asked me.

4. Should I bring a bottle of wine?

3. If I had known she liked me, I would have asked her

5. We must catch the early train.


on a date.

1. We must stay in Chicago.

4. Would you come with me tonight, please?

2. The next lesson might be hard.

5. They would have brought some sandwiches, but they'd run out of bread.

3. She could dance very well when she was a child. 4. He can buy the tickets.


1. She speaks French very well. She may I might study French.

5. He ought to finish the report by 3 pm.




Medals II (Pags. 154

2. Carlos's surname is German. His father may I might e


be from Germany.

3. Sandra buys a lot of clothes every week. She may i

1. Can I have a word with you?

might have a lot of money.

2. Can you drive well?

4. Fred never goes out on the weekend. He may might I

3. Students mustn't leave the room before the end of

like to stay home and rest.

the test.

5. Marisa is always busy on the weekends. She may I

4. The teacher could be on his way. Let's wait another five minutes.

5. I must go now. I'm in a hurry.

might relp her mother at home.


1. He is allowed to arrive late for class.

6. I can speak two languages fluently.

2. She is allowed to I will be allowed to see the horror

1. You can open the window.

3. She is not allowed to I will not be allowed to drive the


movie tonight.

2. Can you help me to move this weekend?

car tomorrow night.

3. You can borrow my pen.

4. You are not allowed to I will not be allowed to go oLt on Friday night.

4. Can you speak English?

5. They are allowed to keep the bar open until 11 pm.

5. This window must be broken. 6. You mustn't eat in the library. 7. You don't have to take your coat.



Could I Can I May I take your order, sir?


Sorry, but we haven't decided yet. Elena, what


arrive up to 15 minutes late.


:omorrow. I must go to the dentist.

I don't know. Could I Can you give me the

Marcela: Would you like to borrow my notes? Livia:


Sure, here it is. Waiter, can I could I have a beer? Yes, sir. Can I Could I bring the starter?


Yes, please. Can I Could I May I smoke here?


Sorry, I'm afraid not, madam. Unfortunately,

Marcela: No, I haven't, but she might I may be in the cafeteria. I'm on my way there now. Would you like to come with me?

share a bottle of wine?


No, thanks. Could I Can you order a soda for me?





What about you, Carlos? Would you like to




Medals IV (Pags. 158 e 159)

1. Workers oughtn't to arrive late for work. 3. You should study more. 4. We ought to leave now.

1. I may I might do my homework.

5. Mom must be cooking lasagna.

2. I may I might go to Tom's party. 3. I may I might go swimming.


OK! Let's go.

2. Claudia shouldn't spend a lot of money on sweets.

Modals Ill (Pags. 156 e 157)

4. I may I might study on Sunday afternoon.

Great, thanks! By the way, have you seen Clara today?

you must go outside to smoke.


Oh, I see. It's just that I may i might not come

menu, Fred?



What time do the afternoon classes start at?

Marcela: At 2 pm but we can I are allowed to /may

would you like to drink?


Can I Could I talk to you?

Marcela: Sure, I hope I can I am able to help.

8. Could you help me do my homework?




1. She may be at the hairdresser. 2. She might have changed her mind.

3. She may be in love with someone else.


She might have had an accident.

llIJ 1. 2. 3.

6. The driver may not have picked her up yet.


If you are living in the States and you have a student visa, you may I can study at any college you are

5. If we had known you were home, we would have visited you.

job. If the immigration department knows about your

6. If I had studied medicine, I would have worked as a

job, you may I might I could be sent back home


immediately. If you are a tourist and you are traveling

7. They would have answered the question if they had

around the U.S., you must take your passport with you because a policeman may I might I could stop you and

understood it.

ask for identification. You nray I can drive with your

8. He would have arrived earlier if he hadn't taken the

Brazilian driver's license. You should I ought to carry

wrong turn.

some cash, but not much. You mustn't walk alone late

9. I would have lent you the money if you had asked me.

at night. Be careful if somebody you have never met

ll!J 1.

with your luggage?" This person may I might I could be

3. If they were rich, they wou Id study at a private school.

this from strangers.


6. If you work hard, you will get promoted. If Helofsa arrives early, she will prepare dinner.

7. If they had known about your accident, they would

They won't allow you to enter if you forget your ID card.

have waited.

If she doesn't study the regulations, she won't pass

8. If she reads more, she will improve her writing.

her driving test.


Your mother will come if you call her.

5. If he calls I'll speak to him.

71 - Zero and First Conditionals {Pags. 162 e 163)

6. If we have time, we'll visit her.


7. We'll go to the park, if it doesn't rain.


8. She'll talk to you, if you apologize.

1111. 2.

If he does well in the interview, he'll get the job.








Call me if Jane arrives late.

If she doesn't arrive on time, she won't see our presentation.

He'll buy it if the price is right.

5. Will you phone me if you decide to go to the movies?

You'll get there more quickly if you go by airplane.

6. They will arrive late if they come by bus.

If they need you, they'll call you.

7. Don't stay out late if you are tired.

I would buy a car if I knew how to drive. We would go to the beach if we didn't have so much

llIJ 1. 2. 4.

If we weren't so tired, we would work for another hour.

If you study hard, you will pass your examination.


6. What would she think if she saw the e-mail you sent me?

6. I will visit you if I have time.

7. She would write Tom a letter if she loved him.

7. If the tern perature is below zero, water freezes.

8. I would bring a cake if I could cook.

8. We will have lunch together if you arrive on time.

9. Would you get there on time if I gave you a ride? marry him?

Wood floats if you put it in water.

5. Water boils if the temperature reaches 100 degrees

5. If we left now, we would arrive there on time.

What would Gabriela say if Henrique asked her to

If he calls me, I will speak to him.

3. If dogs are frightened, they bark.

3. If I had the money, I would travel abroad.



3. If Rafael is upset, talk to him.


You will get sick if you don't look after yourself.

work to do.



2. I will be glad if you come to my party.

9. I won't go if you don't call me first.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

If she arrives early, I will offer her a coffee.

5. If she had a car, she would be here now.

Conditionals - Form (Pags. 160 e 161)

D 1. 2. 3.

If the weather is good, I will go to the sports center.

2. If he hadn't written, she would have been worried.

a thief. You shouldn't I ought not to accept offers like


If she had done her homework, she would have been able to go out with her friends.

accepted into but you mustn't I can't have a steady


He would have received the message if he hadn't left early.

7. The driver may have taken her to the wrong church.

before approaches you and says, "May I Can I help you

If he had met her before, he might have asked her to marry him.

5. There mig1t be a lot of traffic.


I would have told him the truth if I had known it.



Hi, Linda, it's Jack here! I'm calling to see If you want to come to a barbecue on the weekend.

Linda: Oh, Jack! Hi' Look! If it's not on Sunday, I'll be able to go.


Great' If it doesn't rain, 1t will be on Saturday




L He's going to take his umbrella in case it rains. 2. You can't use your bank card unless you have a

afternoon. If the weather is bad then it will be on


Sunday. But the forecast is for good weather all weekend' It starts at 1:00 pm.

3. You can borrow my car as long as you fill up the tank.

Linda: Where is it? If it's at Patty's house, I won't go. You

4. She can watch TV provided that she finishes her

know I can't stand her!


homework first.

I don't understand you! Don't you think that if

5. I wish he were here to talk to me but he is at work

Patty invites you, it mea1s that she wants to be


your friend again? She's really sorry for what she

6. If only she had spoken to him first, but she didn't.

did. I think that you should forgive her.

7. Unless you come to see me this weekend, I'll go to

Linda: Well, if she says sorry, I'll forgive her. Jack:

the theater.

... and if you call her, she'll apologize' Go on' Call

8. I will make more sandwiches in case more people arrive.

her! She'll invite you herself if you do'

9. As long as you follow the instructions you'll be alrig1t.

Linda: OK! I'll ca.I her. But if she doesn't apologize, I won't go to the barbecue! I'll call you in a few minutes, ok?


Ok! If she isn't at home, call her on her cell phone. I'll speak to you in a few minutes. Bye!

Linda: Bye!


11 111


10. If I were you, I would take the doctor's advice.

Ill 11D






1. The secretary will type the letter if she isn't ill. 3. Unless you are too tired, I'll see you tonight.

Second and Third Conditionals (Pags. 164 e 165)

4. If it doesn't rain, we will go out this evening. 3





5. Unless you have too much work to do, we could go away for the weekend.

L If they invited me, I would go with them.


Larry: Hi, Jenny. It's Larry here' Paul and I are thinkirg of going to the mountains this weekend. Do you

3. If they bought that car, they would use all their

want to come with us?


Jenny: Hi, Larry! Yeah. I'd love to, but I wish you'd called

4. She would have hurt herself if she had climbed that

me yesterday. I've already promised my sister I'd


help her study this weekend.

5. He would have punished her if she had disobeyed

Larry: Well, can't your mom help her?


Jenny: That's a good idea! I'll talk to Mom. I can go then, Jose:

If I won the lottery, I would I I'd stop working.

unless she refuses' It might be a good idea to invite

Tania: If I won the lottery, I would I I'd have a handsome

someone else, though, just in case I can't go.

personal trainer.


Larry: I have spoken to Cathy already, but she and Paul

Well, I would I I'd spend some time in Europe.

have had an argument - she'll go as long as he

Tiinia: I would I I'd buy a yacht and travel around the

doesn't go'

world with my personal trainer.


Jenny: Oh, I see' And what about Helen? I know she'd

If my children wanted to go, I would I I'd send

love to go, unless she's visiting her parents this

them to study abroad.


Tiinia: If I had children and were I was rich, I would I I'd

Larry: But give me her phone number anyway, in case I

force them to study abroad.


don't have it at home.

If I were one of your children, I would I I'd pray

Jenny: Ok, I'll find out if mom can help my sister and

for you not to win the lottery.



2. Don't go into the pool if you can't swim.

2. If he hadn't talked to me, I would have cried.


Special Conditional Structures (Pags. 166 e 167)

call you back, ok?

Larry: Sure. Thanks. Bye'

1. If I hadn't always been late, she might have been more patient.

2. If I hadn't told so many lies, she would have trusted me this time.

3. She wouldn't have got jealous if I hadn't talked to my ex-girlfriend.

4. If I had paid more attention to her, she might not have left.

Progress Check 6 (Pags. 168 e 169)


STEM CELLS. What are stem cells? Stem cells are the master cells of the human body that have the potential to develop i1to almost any type of cell. They can be obtained in laboratories and, in theory, can change into nerve tissue, blood, heart muscle and

even brain cells. Researchers have demonstrated, for

1. Stay calm. Imagine your audience in underwear!

example, that bone marrow cells can become liver cells.

2. Don't be embarrassed! You don't have to be a great

Cells can be put into our bodies to repair the damage

singer -karaoke is for fun -the more you sing, the

caused by illnesses like heart disease, Parkinson's and

better you get!

Alzheimer's disease, and many others.

3. Know your limits. If you could sing like Celine Dion,

n I the future, stem cells are going to grow into complete

you probably would be Celine Diani fI you don't have

organs like the kidneys, the liver etc.

a great voice, stay away from songs that require a

The Ethical Issue. True stem cells come from human

great voice.

embryos, but they can also be found in adult tissue. The

4. If you feel intimidated at first, ask one of the other

problem begins when the scientists remove the cells

singers to join you on stage.

from the embryos. When they do this, they destroy the


embryo. Pro-life groups argue that this is immoral because when an embryo is destroyed a life is destroyed.



importance of stem cell research. They say it will help

3. The boys had gone to school, hadn't they?

millions of people.

4. They weren't hungry, were they?

la 11 b









5. The girls can talk to you, can't they?


6. That isn't your mother over there, is it?


7. You've been to Fortaleza, haven't you?

EFFECTIVE READING. Basically there are two types of

8. Michael went to college last week, didn't he?

readers; those that must have informationand those

9. Ciera will be at your party, won't she?

that read for pleasure. What type should you be to be a

10. Cancun isn't in Florida, is it7

successful reader? Well, you should be both types! There are times when you can relax and enjoy your reading while at other


times you must skim through a lot of material in order to

3. I was late, wasn't I? 4. We had a good time, didn't we?

To become a good reader, you should develop reading

5. You don't travel a lot, do you?

strategies. Reading is made up of many kinds of details.

6. I am very lazy, aren't I?

You ought to find your own way of reading: one that

7. They play the piano,don't they?

works best for you. Before read 1ng a text for the first time, it might be a good idea to ask yourself a general question about the text. You might look at the title or related pictures to

1. The girl couldn't help you, could she7 2. Rita and Laura won't have to leave, will they?

perform your task.

8. Your mother can't drive, can she?


1. It might rain, mightn't it7

give you an idea about the kind of question you can

2. You could have arrived earlier, couldn't you?

ask yourself. Then you read the text to check your

3. He hates spinach, doesn't he?

predictions. This helps you get the general idea (or gist)

4. Stop talking,will you?

of the text.


1. They are going to work, aren't they? 2. Bob arrived late, didn't he?

Scientists and researchers,however, emphasize the


Tag Questions (Pags. 170 e 171)

KARAOKE. fI you're happy,you'll sing! tI 's a way of expressing our feelings relaxing and forgetting our

5. It would be difficult to refuse the invitation, wouldn't it? 6. You have brought some chairs to sit on, haven't you? 7. You will be happy to get that o j b, won't you?

problems. That's why so many of us get addicted to

8. They should have helped me, shouldn't they?


9. There were a lot of people at the party,weren'tthere?

Karaoke started over 30years ago in the Japanese city of Kobe. tI became a traditional way for businessmen to relax. fI they were tense,they would go to a karaoke bar and sing to reduce their stress levels!!! fI you would like to get up and sing, but are too nervous, you'll be glad to know that everyone can sing. tI 's just a matter of picking the right songs for your voice,a little practice, and you'll soon have the courage to be on stage. David Holmes,from MTV,has a karaoke show and gives

10. They seldom arrive late, do they? 11. The wind is very strong, isn't it7 12. Let's have a party, shall we? 13. You're coming to the party,aren't you? 14. He never goes to the beach, does he? 15. He must play tennis very well, r:iustn't he? 16. There aren't any students here,are there? 17. They will lose the game, won't they?

this advice topeople who want to be goodat karaoke

1 8. He is a nice guy, isn't he?


19. Close the window, will you?

20. The weather was great, wasn't it?

Marco: Well, no, not personally, but I have I get it vacuumed three times a week.

21. It is nearly 10 o'clock, isn't it?

Paula: Leak at your kitchen! Do you wash the dishes?


Passive Voice (Pags.172 e 173)


Marco: No, I have I get them washed three times a week. Paula: How about your clothes? Do you do the laundry?


1. The robber was arrested.

Marco: Oh, no. I have I get it done once a week.

2. The students were told to be quiet.

Paula: Your bathroom is so clean. Do you clean it often? Marco: Well, I have I get it cleaned three times a week.

3. Celia was offered a good job. Or: A good job was

Paula: So, what things do you do at home?

offered to Celia.

Marco: Hmm, let me see! Oh, I know. I pay the maid.

4. Jorge was promised a good salary. Or: A good salary was promised to Jorge.

5. The office block was built in less than a year. 6. Taxes have been increased again.




1. She said that the girls were in the library. 2. Sara said that the boys were playing soccer.

7. I was offered some water. 8. The new Tom Cruise film is being shown.

3. Mom said that she had read a good book the day before.

9. The letters were sent yesterday.

4. He said the girls had been there an hour before. 5. The doctor said my father smoked too much.

10. It was made in China.

111 L

My car will be fixed by Mario.

111 i.

3. They said they were going to buy some flowers for

3. We have been stopped by a policeman.

their mom.

4. That factory is being built by the Sky Company.

4. I said I had already paid that check.

5. The window was broken by the kids next door.

5. She will say (that) it's not going to work when you tell

6. Fresh fruit and vegetables are sold by that man.

her about your plans.

7. The tests had already been corrected by the teacher.

6. He said he could meet me later.

8. The book was written by Paulo Coelho.

7. They I My parents said my sister had played very well

9. Jackie will be met at the airport by her parents.

in the volleyball game.

10. I'm taken to school every day by our neighbor.

8. She said (that) there was going to be a thunderstorm later.

1. Fire was destroying the forest. 2. Nurses look after patients.

He says he will study with his friend Lucy at his house.

2. They said they wouldn't come back early.

2. 0 "Abaporu" was painted by Tarsila do Amaral.


Indirect Speech I (Pags. 176 e 111)


1. Joe said (that) he hadn't finished his work.

3. The man didn't know the answer.

2. Helen says (that) she has seen him.

4. Roberta will take Alex to the airport.

3. The teacher said (that) she I he would be working the next day.

5. When did man first visit the Moon?

4. William will say (that) they I we have to give up now.




Have (something) Done (Pags. 174 e 175)


1113 llD

2 B 5


3A 1

4 B

5 B

6. Fabio and Luciano said (that) they hadn't bought

6 A.

their books yet.


7. Monica said (that) she was not going to call him. 8. Marta says (that) Pedro is always late for work.

1. I've had my hair done. 2. We are going to have I get our house built. 3. He can have dinner prepared (by the cook). 4. They must have I get their clothes washed. 5. They are having I getting their house painted. 6. You have always had the texts revised twice. 7. Gino's going to have I get his car serviced. 8. He would have I get his hair cut if it were necessary. 9. We'll have I get our computer fixed. 10. You should get I have your poems published someday.


5. Eli said (that) Cida speaks English well.

Paula: Wow1 Your apartment is so tidy! Do you vacuum it often?




Indirect Speech II (Pags. 11s e 179)

1. I told the porter (that) I was Mr. Spencer. 2. He told Jane (that) he was always there on Fridays. 3. I told the boy to leave the room. 4. He saic (that) nobody could paint a picture as well as me.

5. She said (that) I should leave the country at once. 6. I said (that) I must go the library before it closed. 7. She said (that) I ought to visit my grandmother the next day.

8. They told Rafael to stay there.



L They ordered Andrew to keep quiet.


2. She told us not to run away.

2. You should do nothing except to wait. wait

3. He told Alex to come in.

3. I'd rather to be on the beach now. be

4. She told Sarah not to open the door.

4. The teacher promised read my poems. to read

5. He ordered them not to step on the grass.

5. You'd better to hurry up because our train leaves in 15 minutes. hurry up

1. They asked me if I played the piano.

6. The policeman asked see her dr ver's license. to see

2. I asked him how he had gone to school that day. 3. I asked when Jack would be back. 4. She asked where I had gone.

7. I've decided fJQ to Porto Alegre in my vacation. to go


5. They asked me if the girls were there. 6. Grandma asked me what the matter was. 8. I asked what time it was. Carlos:

Morning, Dad! Good morning, Miro. Why are you up so ecrly?


I woke up early to have breakfast with you, Dad.


Yes, I did, and you? Is anything wrong?


No, Dad, nothing1 I only wanted to talk to you.


You are making me feel nervous. You'd better tell


Well, as you always say: It's better to face the truth.


What happened to the car?


Well, to be ho1est, I'd rather not tell you, here it

It's... the car.

Hi, Rogerio. Martha said you wanted to talk to me. What's up?

me right away!

Rogerio: Yes. Could you give me a ride to the party next Saturday?


Miro: Dad:

Did you sleep well?

7. I asked if they were coming today.


1. They invited us join them. to join

OK, but why don't you take your father's car?

Rogerio: Well, it's a long story, but last Sunday I was

goesl I was trying to swerve around a hole when

coming back from a nightclub around 3 am

a bus hit me. But you don't need to worry, Dad I

when a policeman stopped me. He told me to

I'm okay1

get out of the car and asked me to show my


driving license. Then he wanted to know if I

of it.

had been drinking. When I tried to answer, he told me not to interrupt him and ordered me to do a breathalyzer test. Fortunately I


It's outside. I'm taking it to be repaired right now.


Oh, so you got up early to give me the news and not to have breakfast with mel

wasn't drunk but he gave me a speeding ticket anyway. Well, after all this, my father ordered me 1ot to use his car for 3 months.





OK, I'll give you a ride but I'm going to drive.




Gerund (Pags. 182 e 183)

1. The man admitted stealing the jewelry. 2. She is very fond of swimming.

Infinitive (Pags. 180 e 181)

3. They would appreciate hearing from you.

1. Let's dance, shall we?

4. I avoided talking to him after our quarrel.

2. I can't afford to buy a new car.

5. Painting is a terrific pastime.

3. I refuse to do the dishes again.

6. She has considered continuing her course.

4. He made her cry.

7. I really enjoy meeting people.

5. We found it hard to study all day.

8. Working hard is something we all have to do.

6. She's too shy to sing in front of such a big audience.

9. I'm interested in learning another foreign language.

7. Remind me to pay the electricity bill, will you? 8. I must have something to eat now. I'm starving. 9. I could work in the evenings if you want me to. 10. Can you let me leave class early, please?


A bus? Where's the car7 Let's go to see what's left

L Please, let me study here.

10. We both stopped smoking about 3 years ago.


1. Drinking in excess can be dangerous. ./ 2. She couldn't stand look at those bright lights. looking 3. Would you mind read the composition again? reading 4. They left without waiting for her. ./

2. I cannot agree to do that.

5. They stopped to talk loudly at 11 pm. talking

3. We could do nothing but keep quiet.

6. She remembered talking to me at the party. ./

4. They told me to sit down.

7. She tried to solve your problem but she couldn't. ./

5. I made him answer the letter.

8. They didn't remember locking the door and the

6. He didn't know how to behave in front of a lady. 7. You'd better answer the telephone. It might be important.

house was robbed. to lock

9. I couldn't help to laugh when he arrived in those clothes. laughing

10. To swim is my favorite sport. Swimming

2. Do you know how long the bus journey to Rio takes?

11. Would you like to come to ski? skiing

3. Can you tell me what time dinner is served?

12. It's worth seeing that movie. ./

4. Do you know where I can find a drugstore?

13. There's no point to talk to him. talking

5. Can you tell me how I can get to the library?

14. He's bored with to live here. living


My wife, Wanda, was a very happy home maker. But when our son was 3 years old, she wanted to get a job. She decided to look for a part-time job so she could still spend afternoons with our son. But when she couldn't









1. Somebody forgot her purse in the ladies room . ./

home. She started working I to work as a proofreader

3. Somebody parked their car in my parking space. ./

fo- a magazine. Now Wanda enjoys staying at home.

4. Each table have four chairs. has

5. Every guest have his entrance card. has

having time to go to the gym and study English. But,

6. The taxi drivers were waiting for their passengers. ./

unfortunately for me, singing in the shower is still her

7. The engineers presented themselves to the clients. ./

favorite hobby.


8. Both students were cheating on the test. ,/

Indirect Questions (Pags. 184 e 185)

9. Every student do a test before graduating. does 10. Somebody cut herself with the knife. themselves

1. Do you know whose car this is?

11. Both my children has green eyes. have

2. Can you tell me when they left?

3. Do you know how much it costs? 4. Can you tell me if the flight from Houston is late?

12. Everybody looks after himself these days. themselves


The teacher had asked each student to write a card to his I her I their mother. Their cards were not very good

5. Could you tell me if there is a taxi rank near here?

so she told the students to correct them by themselves.

6. Do you know what time it is?

They did and gave them back to the teacher. But some

7. Can you tell me where we can park the car?

of them still needed improvement, so the teacher

8. Do you know how you're geting to the party?

decided to correct them herself. After correcting all

9. Do you know what she bought?

the cards, she gave them back to the students. Each

10. Can you tell me if this is the best way to Salvador?



2. The policeman said both drivers was wrong. were

She likes to take I taking care of our son and also




find a regular job, she started to think about working at


Agreement (Pags. 186 e 187)

student was supposed tc tell the class his I her I their mother's reaction to the card. Carlos was the first

1. How far is it to Miami?./

student to report his mother's reaction. He said his

2. Do you know how old the children are?./

mother liked the card very much but she did not believe

3. Do you know who was Glenn talking to? Glenn was

he had written it himself. The teacher was very upset

4. Can you tell me where can I buy red roses? I can

because she had improved Carlos's card too much.

5. Do you know what kind of book she likes?./ 6. Can you tell me if is there a message for me? there is


7. Do you know where is the post office? the pest office is


8. Can you tell me when does the class encfl the class

6. Let's throw the old magazines away.

every week?

7. Let's call the manager up!

3. Do you know I Can you tell me what time she wakes

8. Turn the TV on. The film starts in a minute.

up every day?

9. I'll pick my friends up at 8:00pm.

4. Do you know I Can you tell me where I can go in the

10. I want to give my job up. I hate it!


1. Do you know if Mr. Holden has already checked into the hotel?

1. Could y::iu turn the radio down?

5. We had to put off the meeting.

2. Do you know I Can you tell me why he flies to London



4. I looked the word up in the dictionary.




3. Can you fill the form in?

1. Do you know i Can you tell me where Jack went

5. Do you know I Can you tell me how long they spent in

Phrasal Verbs (Pags. 188

2. Take your shoes off and sit down.





1. Why don't we go out this evening? 2. I usually get up at 6:00 am on weekdays.

3. Come in and take a seat. 4. Hurry up! We're late.

5. My mother always wakes me up at 6:00 am.

are responsible for the appearance of characters in the

6. Sit down and I will tell you what happened.


7. Look out! The traffic lights are red.

When fertilization occurs, the genes carried by the male are combined with those carried by the female. The new

8. I picked Lucia up from work and we went to the movies.

plant inherits half of its genes from each parent.

9. Clean your mess up, kids! Then we can go out. 10. I need to lie down. I'm not feeling well.


11. The kids still haven't showed up. I'm worried.

experience some highs and lows during your time

12. I can't go out tonight. I have to look after my little

abroad. During these times of difficulty, remind yourself


that these cultural differences are the reason we all love

13. Sorry, we're late. Our car broke down.

to travel, to experience the unknown!

14. You must give up smoking. It's so bad for you.


STAGES OF CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT There are generally three stages that most people go through.

1. I can't put up with him any longer.

Honeymoon - You will probably experience an initial

2. I ran into my teacher in town yesterday.

period of being excited and happy about the new things

3. My parents don't get along with my boyfriend.

around you. You will constantly be reminded that you

4. We have run out of milk.

are in a new culture and are far away from home.

5. I am looking forward to meeting you.


Shock - As you get used to the routine of daily life, the initial sense of adventure will wear off. During this

I usually wake up at 6:00 am on weekdays. If I don't get

phase, you may start to miss your friends and families.

up straight away, my mom comes into my room and tells

You may find it hard to remain positive and you might

me to hurry up. A workmate of mine usually picks me

be tempted to avoid being with others. You may even

up at 7:00 ari and we arrive at work at about 8:00 am.

become hostile to your new environ-nent. Remember

If we are late, we have to make up an excuse because

that this phase doesn't last long.

our boss is very strict. In fact, he is quite difficult to

Adjustment - The second phase will soon give way to

get along with. My job is boring. I only put up with it

the third phase - your true adjustment to the foreign

because I need the money but I would really like to

culture. Once the local values and customs are more

give it up.

familiar to you, life will become easier and you will really begin to experience the other culture.

Progress Check 7 (Pags. 190 e 191)


GENETICS. A. Many attempts have been made throughout history to explain the similarity between parents and children. It was thought, for instance, that the substances

CULTURE SHOCK! Adjusting to a new culture and way of life is both exciting and challenging - you will

Linking Words (Pags. 194 e 195)


1. Although she was angry, she talked calmly. 2. She didn't have breakfast because she woke up late.

responsible for heredity came from the blood path of

3. Des::iite being happy, she didn't smile.

both parents and were mixed together in the child. This

4. They did a good job so they were promoted.

idea can be found in expressions like "royal blood" or

5. In spite of having money, she did not buy a lot of clothes.

"bloodline". Another theory suggested the existence

6. She looked tired and worried. I still thought she was

of a miniature copy of the father in reproductive cells. But we know, today, that heredity is carried by the genes, which are chromosome sectors transmitted from parents to children.

beautiful though.

7. Since he didn't talk to her, she left the party. 8. There was no food at home, so we had dinner out. 9. Even though she was 2 hours late, he carried on waiting for her.

B.The basic laws of heredity are studied by genetics. These laws were stated by an Augustinian monk who was called Gregor Jonathan Mendel (1822-1884) in a monastary in the city of Brunn, Austria (now Czech territory). Peas were used in his experiments because they could easily be observed. He cross-pollinated round peas

10. Despite drinking a lot, he drove home.


She went to bed when her mother asked her to.

2. By the time you ar'ive at the station, the train will have left.

3. Cristina will send the message as soon as you require.

with wrinkled ones. As a result, two thirds of the peas

4. When the thief heard our voices, he ran away.

had pods containg both round and wrinkled peas. In

5. Rosa won't say anything until you have proved you

Mendel's experiment, it was demonstrated that both male and female elements contain some factors that

can be trusted.

6. Your girlfriend called as soon as you had left.

7. The students can't enter the classroom until the teacher arrives.

8. By the time you had finished the report, the boss had

2 - Reflexive Structures (Pag. 211 >


bl I make myself breakfast every day.

canceled the meeting.


cl They have loved each other since they met.

1. She speaks both Chinese QI Japanese. and

dl The children made the robot themselves.

2. ( ./)

el Let's give ourselves a 30 minute break.

3. Either Susana and Sergio will come to the party. both

fl The teacher always repeats himself in class.

4. ( ./ l

gl Enjoy yourself at the party.

5. Not only Maria, and also Julia are my friends. but


hl We always help each other with our homework.

1. She writes very well, her final com position was not very good, though.

2. Despite having a lot to do, she left work earlier.

il He cut himself with a knife.


bl Our teacher likes us to tidy the classroom ourselves.

the movies.

cl She spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror.

4. In spite of I Despite being thin, she went on a diet.

dl They don't talk to each other anymore.


el I intend to enjoy myself during my vacations.

Sorry for not writing before but I have been really busy with my studies. I am happy, though. Despite I In spite of having good English, I'm having problems with my academic writing. It takes me a long time to

3 - Indefinite Articles (Pag. 212l


now I'm actually a journalist. It's a very interesting

talked to some of my classmates about this to see if

job and I meet a lot of talented people. When I go to

they could help me. They were nice and listened to me,

0 work, I usually take a pen and a notepad, together

although I though they didn't offer any suggestions.

with a mobile phone and a camera. Today I have an

Since I couldn't count on them, I decided to talk to

interview with an Australian who is an artist and has

my professors. I tried to talk to my English Literature

just painted an enormous picture of 0 Sugar Loaf in 0

professor because I thought she was the friendliest. She

Rio de Janeiro. I'm going to take an airplane and meet

suggested that I pay a professional proofreader to revise

him in a restaurant near the airport. My job takes me to

my papers. I didr't know how to find a good proofreader,

0 lots of cities all over 0 Brazil. When I travel, I phone

so one of my classmates suggested putting a notice on

home twice a day and sometimes I send a postcard to

the students' board. After two days, I received a call

my family. They often complain about my 0 job because

from a proofreader that wanted the job. Now, with his

I have to travel a lot. Sometimes, I only spend 3 or

help I'm improving my academic writing - and it's really

4 days a month at home. But they know I love 0 what


I do, so they understand.

to go to bed now because I since I have classes early tomorrow. Bye for now.

4 - Nouns (Pag. 2n)


Ever since Simon and Jennifer's babies were born, their lives haven't been the same. People gave them lots of

ENGLISH - PORTUGUESE (Pags. 210 a 224)

advice; like buying a bigger house and moving to the

1 - Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns (Pag. 21ol

outskirts of the city. However, the house cost more than the apartment they had in town and they had to spend

al Her bicycle is at home. Where is yours?

all their savings. Now both their children are starting

bl Their books are open.

school, which will mean they have to spend a lot more

cl His house is very old. How old is yours?

on equipment like computers.

dl This car is theirs and that one is mine.


When I was a child, I wanted to be an astronaut, but

write my essays because of the language required. I

Elisa, I'd love to be able to write more, but I really need


al They love each other and are going to get married at the end of the year.

3. Because she had to work late, Monica didn't go to

II Hi,

al He doesn't like her.

al (Their.) Os livros dos alunos... Seus livros I Os livros deles. bl (Their.) 0 professor dos alunos ... Seu professor I 0 professor deles.

c) (His.) A casa do homem... Sua casa I A casa dele. dl (Her.) 0 carro da mulher... Seu carro I 0 carro dela.


a) Preciso de um conselho. bl As notfcias estao ruins hoje. cl Estamos fazendo uma pesquisa sabre obesidade. d) Precisamos comprar equipamentos novas para a fabrica.

e) Esta(s) tesoura(as) esta(ao) I e (sao) muito afiada(s).




Adverbs {Pag. 214)

f) There were lots of people at the party yesterday.

g) There wasn't enough time to go to the zoo during our

Mariana was really bored by football, but her boyfriend


watched it frequently on TV so she had to sit patiently

h) There weren't enough police in the streets to prevent

with him. After watching so many games, she now

the riot.

knows the rules well.


a) The president reacted angrily to the newspaper report.


al John: Is there a supermarket in your street? Alex:

b) I'm terribly sorry. It won't happen again. c) The newlyweds lived happily ever after.

John: This neighborhood has good facilities. bl Amy: Were there any good movies on TV last night?

d) The students were protesting loudly.



al I worked hard last week. b) I've been eating too much lately. d) We hardly ever go to the movies these days.

II 6



Channel 9.




dl The candidate studied quite hard.

bl I'm getting used to the noise. d) I'm finally used to the strange food. I Finally I got used to the strange food.

bl When he was a child, books didn't interest him much.

el I'm getting used to the crowds.

cl They made too many mistakes. They will have to do

f) I am not used to the subway.


e) We have spent too much time trying to 'ind a solution.

c) Eu morava em Brasilia. dl Estou acostumado a jantar as 21 h

g) I like her very much. hl This movie is very exciting.


a) There are too many people in this roorr.


b) This song is really good.

el My brother and I weren't enjoying the karate classes

Adjective Structures {Pag. 21&)

so we didn't practice.

a) Those men are rich.

f) She isn't returning my calls because she doesn't want

gl You haven't visited your grandmother for weeks!

d) ( ,/)

hl Did you remember to post the letter? It hasn't arrived yet.

a) a boring black and white movie.

i) You had studied before doing the test, hadn't you?

b) big American sports cars.


to talk to me.

cl ( ./ l

c) heavy old science books. -

al I don't have a cell phone, but my brother does.

dl Why aren't we boarding the plane? Is it late?

b) He is taller than I am.


Auxiliary Verbs {Pag. 219l

c) Have you ever been to Sao Paulo?

d) I like football very much.



b) Were you studying here last year? No, I wasn't.

c) It's very hot today.


al Geralmente, levanto-me as sete. b) Estou me acostumando a morar em Sao Paulo.

f) I am going to go to bed now. I am very tired.


al I'm not used to the pollution.

a) Jean didn"t enjoy studying very much.

the test again.


Used to and Get I Be Used To {Pag. 21el

cl I'll never get used to the traffic.

Very, Too, Much, Many {Pag. 21s)

d) It is raining very heavily.


No, there weren't.

John: But there was a great football match on

c) He doesn't feel very well. e) They always arrive late.

No, but there are two grocery stores and a drugstore.

There + to be I to have {Pag. 211) a) There are 3 bedrooms in my house. b) There is a lot of pollution in the city.


My sister is going to the beach this weekend, but I don't want to go because my friends are planning a big party and I've been invited. We've passed our exams and are intending to celebrate. Unfortunately, my friend Paul didn't pass but he's coming to the party anyway. We've bought lots of food and drink and Tony has invited some friends of his who have a rock band. They're going to

c) There isn't any water in the desert.

play all our favorite songs and we are planning to dance

d) There aren't many hotels in my city.

all night. We've worked hard all year so we deserve

el There was an accident last night.

some fun.




cl I have never read the Harry Potter books.

Modal Verbs (Pag. 220)

d) You studied a lot last week.

a) Can she speak Japanese?

e) Have you seen that new film at the movies?

b) He can't ride a bicycle.

fl I've already seen that movie.

c) .I'

g) What did you do last night?

d) .I'

h) I have been to the Northeast on vacation.

e) May I use the telephone? fl She should study more. g) Shall I wait :or you after class?


h) Shouldn't he wear a jacket? 12



Ja fui a Salvador duas vezes. Gosto de la. Marcos foi a Buenos Aires ha Ires semanas e visitou sua irma em

Future (Pag. 221)

Nova York algumas semanas atras. Nunca estive em nenhum desses lugares. Tambem cu1dei do gato dele

a) We're going to eat out this evening.

b) I am going to study on the weekend.

na ocasiao. Nunca gostei de gatos. Mas, para que

c) .I'

servem os amigos?

d) .I' el We're traveling next week. I) I don't think it will rain this afternoon.

g) .I' h) I think the World Cup final will be Iis going to be between Argentina and Brazil.






a) If I go to Rio, I will visit you.

fl i) E o aniversario da mamae na semana que vem.







Causative (Pag. 224)

a) She had her nails do1e.

bl Susana is having her hair cut. c) Daniel got his motorbike fixed.

ii) Poxa! Esqueci totalmente' Ja sei. Vou mandar

d) I am going to have air conditioning put in my new

flores para ela!


e) They got carpet laid in their bedroom.

Present Perfect and Simple Past (Pag. 222)

f) She is going to have a dress made for the wedding.

a) My team has won two soccer games this season.

bl My team won four games last year.



d) If I had I'd known, I would I'd have called you.

g) i) E o aniversario da mamae na semana que vem.




b) If I traveled to the U.S., I would go to California.

ii) Nao esqueci. Vou mandar flores para ela.



c) I wouldn't do that if I were you.

b) 0 telefone esta tocando. Vou atende-lo.

d) Vai chover no sul do Brasil amanha.

Conditional Sentences (Pag. 223)


a) Vou a praia no fim de semana.

e) Partiremos na semana que vem.



c) 0 que voce vai fazer quanoo sair da escola?


Meu viz1nho Marcos viaja muito. Esta semana ele esta em Salvador. Eu estou cuidando do gato dele de novo!


1 b





6 d

although I though 192 always 56, 196

A a I an 22

anomalous verbs (see modal verbs) any 78

ability be able to 154

anybody, anyone 80

can 152, 154

anywhere 80

could 152, 154

a piece of 30 as

about adjective+ about 198

as long as 166

verb+ about 199, 200

comparison (as ... as) 114

above 142

Linking Words 192



preposition of movement 144

ask about 199

run across 201

indirect speech 178

aren't I? 170 at 140

active I passive 172 adjectives 96-101

adjective+ at 198

adjectives ending in ing I ed 98

at the top 140

comparative I superlative 114-119

verb+ at 200

compound adjectives (well-dressed...) 98

auxiliary verbs

English - Portuguese 216 gender I plural 96

English - Portuguese 219

order I position 100

past perfect 128

possessive adjectives 14

present perfect 120 -125 simple past 64

superlative 114, 116

simple present 60

adverbs 106-111 Basic Adverbs 196-197 comparative I superlative 118 English - Portuguese 214 form 106 frequency, probability, degree, intensity 110 manner, place, time 108

advice had better 180 must 154 should, ought to 158 uncountable noun 30 a few I few I fewer 76

after Linking Words 192 past perfect 128

ago 64, 120 agreement 186 all all/ each 82 all of my 82 all of them 82 all of us 82

a loaf of 30 along 144 a lot of 76 already 124

away from 144 B bad comparative I superlative 116

be past 18 present 16

be able to 154 be allowed to 156 because 192 before 192 be going to 46-49, 52 and will 52 future 46 future in the past 48

behind 142 belongings - plural 28 better comparison 116, 118 had better 180

between 142 be used to 70 used to I be used to - difference 70 English - Portuguese 218

both agreement 186 both... and 84

both I either 84

did (simple past) 64-69

both of 84

didn't you? 170

Linking Words 192

direct speech

but 192

direct to indirect speech 176-179


questions, requests, commands 178 by+ myself. herself, etc. 90

say I tell 178

by the time 192

do I does (simple present) 60

by I until 150

don't you? 170

future perfect 136


passive voice 172

phrasal verbs 188, 201

preposition for travel 146

prepositions of movement 144

preposition of time 150

dream about 199 during


during I for 150

can 152 capacity, ability, possibility 154


deduction 154


direct I indirect speech 176

agreement 186

permission 154

each I all 82

can't 154

each of them 82

care about 199

each of us 82

comparison 114-119

early 106

adjectives 114, 117

Basic Adverbs 196

adverbs 118-119

earlier 118


conditionals 160-166

either I both 84

as long as, I wish, if only 166

either ... or 84, 192

English - Portuguese 223 second and third conditionals 164

electricity 30

unless, in case, provided 166

embedded questions (see indirect questions) 184

zero I first conditionals 162

enough adverb 110, 196

continuous tenses


future continuous 74

even if 192

past continuous 42-45

even though 192

past continuous I simple past 44 past perfect continuous 128


present continuous 38-41

ever I never 122

present continuous (future use) 38

present perfect 122

present continuous I simple present 59

every 82

present perfect continuous 126

agreement 186

could 154

every day 56

ability, capacity, possibility 154

everyone, everybody, everything 82

deduction 154

everywhere 82

direct I indirect speech 176

countable I uncountable nouns 30


F far comparative I superlative 116, 118

defining I non-defining relative clauses 134 definite article the 92-95 the or an 92-93

far from 142 farther I the farthest 116 further I the furthest 116

fast 106, 196 few I a few I fewer 76

demonstratives 24

fill in 201

despite 193

find out 201


hard 106, have

the first+ infinitive 180

food 30 for


English - Portuguese 217 have (negative I interrogative) 72

adjective+ for 198

have got (see: have)

for I during 150

have I has (present perfect) 120-125

for I since 122

have lunch, have a shower, etc. 72

present perfect 122

have to (modal) 154

have I get something done 174

verb+ for 199

frequently 56 from

English - Portuguese 224

hear hear+ preposition 199

far from 142

her 12 here 196 hers 14 herself 88,

from ... to 144 verb+ from 200

future English - Portuguese 221


him 12

future continuous 74

himself 88,

future perfect 136


his 14

going to (future) 46


present continuous (future) 38

how (indirect questions) 184

simple future 50

how (old, many, much, etc.) 104


however 192 get English - Portuguese 224 get along with 188

I if conditionals 160-166

get/ have something done 174

English - Portuguese 223

get into 146

if+ past participle 164

get off I out of I on 146, 199

if+ simple past 164

get through 201

if+ simple present 162

get up 188, 201

if only I I wish 166

get used to (see be used to)

indirect questions 184

gerund ing (spelling rules) 40 stop+ ing 182 stop+ to 182 verbs followed by to or ing 182 verbs followed only by ing 182

give up 201 glasses (plural) 28 grammar patterns after adjectives 198 after verbs 199, 200

going to future 46 future in the past 48

go out 189 grow up 201 H

indirect speech 178

imperative affirmative I negative 54

in adjectives+ in 198 in front of 142 phrasal verbs 188, 201 preposition of place 140 preposition of time 148

in case 166 indefinite article a I an 22 English - Portuguese 212 the or a I an 92

indirect questions 184 indirect speech 176-179


direct to indirect speech 176 had better 180

questions, requests, commands 178

had (past perfect) 128

say I tell 178


may (help) 156

had better, would better 180

may I might (possibility) 156

verb+object+infinitive 180

me 12

with to 180

mine 14

without to 180

modal verbs 152-159

ing (see gerund)

advice, deduction 158

inside 142

can Icould 152, 154


deduction 154, 156 preposition for travel 146

English - Portuguese 220

preposition of movement 138

may Imight 152, 156

phrasal verbs 201

must I have to 154 obligation/ prohibition 154

irregular verbs

ought to, should 152, 158

Common Irregular Verbs 202-204

permission I offer I help 156

simple past 68

possibility I ability 154, 156

isn't he? 170

money 30

its 14

more I most 114

itself 88


it takes 104

English - Portuguese 215


Much I many 76 how much? 104

jeans (plural) 28


just (present perfect) 124

direct Iindirect speech 178


mustn't (prohibition) 154 last

obligation i deduction 154 last (past tense) 18

my 14

the last+infinitive 180

myself 88, 90

less less I least 116 quantifier 76 let's imperative 54 tag question 170 like

N near 142 neither neither 84 neither ... nor 84, 192 never adverb 110, 197

look like 200 +verb 182 linking words 192-195 little a little (quantifiers) 76 comparative Isuperlative 116 lots of I a lot of 76


never Iany 78, 122 present perfect 124 simple present 56 next to 142 no 78 nobody 80 none 78 nothing 80 nowhere 80

many English - Portuguese 215 how many? 104 many Imuch 76 many times 124

nor 192 not only ... but also 192 nouns countable 26, 28 countable I uncountable 30

masculine I feminine 34

English - Portuguese 213


gender 34

may (deduction) 156, 158

noun+ 's Is' 36

may (permission) 156

plural 26, 28

permission object pronoun 12 obligation must, have to 154 ought to, should 152, 158 of adjective+ of 198

can, could 1. . .7 154 may I? 156 personal pronouns 12 phrasal verbs 188, 201 separable 188 inseparable 188

possessive 36

plenty of 76

verb+ of 199, 200

plural nouns 26, 28

off phrasal verb 188, 201

possessive adjectives 14

preposition for travel 146

possessive 's 36

preposition of movement 144


verb+ off 199

can, could 154 may, might 156

on preposition for travel 146 preposition of place 140 preposition of time 148 verb+ on 199 onto 144 or either ... or 84 Linking Words 192 otherwise 193 ought to 152, 158 our 14

preference would rather 180 prepositions prepositions after adjectives 198 prepositions after verbs 199-200 prepositions for travel 146 prepositions of movement 144 prepositions of place 140, 142 prepositions of time 148, 150 present

ours 14

present continuous 38, 40

ourselves 88

present continuous (future use) 38

out of

present participle 38, 40

prepositions for travel 146

present perfect 120-125

prepositions of movement 144

present perfect continuous 126

outside 142

present perfect I simple past 120, 124

over 142

present habit (to be used to) 70 present simple (future use) 56

p pajamas (plural) 28 pants (plural) 28 participles past participle 120-125 pres. participle ( ing form) 38, 40 passive I active voice 172

present simple (see simple present) present simple I present continuous 59 probability (see possibility) progress checks 32, 62, 86, 112, 138, 168, 190 progressive (see continuous) prohibition mustn't, can't 153

past English - Portuguese 222 past continuous 42-45

pronouns agreement (subject I object) 186

past perfect 128

indefinite (somebody, etc.) 80

past perfect continuous 128

interrogative (question words) 104

past simple (see simple past)

object (me, you, etc.) 12

simple past 64-69

possessive (mine, yours, etc.) 14

simple past I past continuous 44

reflexive (myself, etc.) 88-91

simple past I present perfect 120, 124

relative (who, which) 130-133

people (plural) 28

subject (I, you, etc.) 12



adject ves 114, 116

question tag (see tag question) question words 102-105


adverbs 118

T tag questions 170

rarely 78, 197

talk about 200

reflexive pronouns 88-91

tell/say 178

English - Portuguese 211

tenses future continuous 74

regular verbs 64

future perfect 136


going to 46-49

defining/ non-defining clauses 134

past continuous 42-44

relative pronouns 130-133

past perfect 128

round 144

past perfect continuous 128 present continuous 38-41


present perfect 120-125

Say/tell 178

present perfect cont. 126

seldom 78, 197

simple future 50

shall we? 170

simple past 64-69

should I shouldn't 158 simple present 56-61 negative I interrogative 60

simple present 56-61

than 116 that

spelling rules 3rd person 58

demonstrative pronoJn 24 indirect speech 176

simple past 64-69

relative pronoun 130-133

Common Irregular Verbs 202-204

so that 193

irregular verbs 68

which I that 130

negative/ interrogative 64 regular verbs 64 spelling rules 66

who I that 130

the (definite article) 92-95 not used before ... 94

since 124, 193

not used with general ideas 94

so Linking Words 193 not so ... as 114

some 78 somebody 80

the I an 94, 95

their I theirs 14 them 12 themselves 88 then 193

sometimes 56

therefore 193

something 80

there to be

somewhere 80

English - Portuguese 217

still 193 stop verb+ infinitive to 182

there is I are I was I were 20

this I that I these I those 24 through phrasal verb 201

verb + ing 182

subject - object agreement 186 subject pronoun 12 both ... and 186 each I every 186

preposition of movement 144

till/until 150 together 197 too basic adverbs 197

he and she I his and her 186

English - Portuguese 215

someone, everybody 186

use 110



defining I non-defining clauses 134

uncountable I countable nouns 30 under 142 unless 166 until/till 150 up

indirect questions 184 question word 102 relative pronoun 132

which defining I non-defining clauses 134

phrasal verbs 188, 201

question word 102

preposition 144

us 12 used to

relative pronoun 130


be used+gerund I noun 70

linking words 193

English - Portuguese 218

past continuous 44

negative I interrogative 70


used to+ infinitive 70

defining I non-defining clauses 134

usually 56

question word 102


relative pronoun 130


verbs future tenses 46-53, 74-75

question word 102

irregular verbs 68

relative pronoun 132

modals 152-159


passive 172

question word 102

past tenses 42-44, 64-69


perfect tenses 120-129, 136

first conditional 162

present tenses 16, 38-41, 56-61

future perfect 136

regular verbs 64

simple future 50

verb + ing 182

will and going to 52

verbs+ prepositions 199-200

will you? 170

verb+to+infinitive 180


very English - Portuguese 215

adjective+ with 198 phrasal verb 188


verb+with 199

was/were 18 water 30 what

without 78 worse I worst 116 would rather 180

ndirect question 184 question word 102 relative pronoun 132

when indirect question 184 past continuous 44 question word 102

y yet 124 your 14 yours 14 yourself 88

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