How To Incorporate Online Game Into Your Dating Arsenal _ Girls Chase

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How To Incorporate Online Game into Your Dating Arsenal

By: Guest Contributor (/user/18499) (/user/18499)


In this ar cle, I’ll debunk a few misconcep ons about da ng apps and online game. A er that, I’ll give you some ways you can use today to quickly start ge ng be er results with girls online. Let’s start with those misconcep ons. Some guys in the pickup community steer clear of online da ng apps. The reasons largely boil down to: #1. It doesn’t work/it’s a scam #2. It works for some guys but won’t work for me because of (insert excuse) #3. It’s too much work #4. It’s “chea ng” However, I can tell you with confidence that these reasons are nonsense. Let’s explore them one by one.

Online game is a convenient way to meet more women once you get it to work for you. Here's how to get it working and add it to your new-girl pipeline.

Myths About Online Game #1 “Online doesn’t work/is a scam” This myth is easily debunked by considering the many success stories guys have had with online da ng. Take a look at my love reports for dozens of examples of “proof,” or go to our forums to read about the experiences other guys are having.

#2 “It works for some guys but won’t work for me because (blah blah)” Whatever your excuse is, I can find many examples of guys in the same situa on who had success with online da ng, whether you’re too short, or too skinny, or too old, etc. The truth is, only a very small percentage of guys are “truly screwed.” With the right profile pictures and text game (//, you should achieve some level of success from online game.

#3 “It’s too much work” Actually, the opposite is true. Online da ng is easy once you get your profile pictures on point and learn good text game. From there, it’s very much plug and play. And, best of all, unlike cold approach, you can do online game in between sets at the gym, while stuck in traffic, or while si ng on the crapper.

#4 “It’s cheating” I have never met anyone successful with online da ng who felt this way. They all realize that it’s just a different method to achieve the same goal: mee ng women. Arguing that online da ng is chea ng is the same thing as saying that wearing cologne is chea ng. Alright, now that we’ve dispelled some reasons you might’ve had to put off online game, let’s jump into how you can get started.

Take a Great Profile Photo First and foremost, you need to get your Tinder profile pictures (h ps:// mate-guide- nder-profilepictures/) on point. This comes down to ge ng photos that follow three key rules.

1. Good Quality Your picture should be of decent quality. It should not be grainy or pixelated. Ideally, you want a quality DSLR camera and good ligh ng. Look at the difference between the two pictures below. One was taken with a regular phone camera without a en on to ligh ng. The other was taken with a quality DSLR camera and perfect ligh ng.

Bad camera & ligh ng vs. good

2. You Look Good

The picture should be the most a rac ve version of you possible. Don’t use a photo with a weird facial expression, poor posture, bad ou it, or poor grooming. You are the star of the picture, clearly visible. Take a look at these two pictures of me, both shot within minutes of each other with the same equipment. On the le , I look scrounged over and display poor body language. My eyes are half-open, and I’m looking down, and appear mid and depressed. Now contrast that to the photo on the right where I look a rac ve, confident, and intense.

You want to look like the image on the right

3. Natural, Not Posed Remember to consider how “natural” your picture looks. The more it looks like you didn’t take the picture or had it taken on purpose, the be er. You want to look like you were just living life, and someone crept up on you with a camera and took a snap of you being you. It’s a li le bit of a “catch-22” since you want a high-quality photo yet s ll feel like it “just happened.” However, if you take enough pictures, you should find a few like this. Look at the difference between the two photos below. Both were taken during the same photoshoot with the same camera. However, the one to the right looks much more natural.

Posing = s ff, unnatural look. Go for an unposed look

If you’re s ll not sure, here are more examples of great online da ng photos (h ps:// for men. A er you’ve got great pictures, you need to create a great Tinder bio (h ps:// nder-bio-guide-how-towrite-a-good- nder-bio/). This is secondary to your profile photos, without which everything else is a waste of me.

Craft a Successful Bio 1. Use Screening Techniques You can screen mildly by throwing an innocuous sexual joke or an explicit one. I’ve tried everything from not screening at all to having a very explicit 50 Shades of Grey-style bio. I have found that even though it may sound counterintui ve, the more you sexually screen, the more girls are serious about mee ng up. However, in the past few years, Tinder has become more poli cally correct. The app no longer lets you be too hardcore sexual in your bio, so it’s good to opt for a middle of the road compromise.

2. Elicit Curiosity So She Messages First

If a girl messages you first, it’s significantly more likely to lead to sex than if you message her first. Those are the odds we’ve seen. For that reason, it makes sense to have a hook in your bio, something that makes it easy for her to think of something to message you first with. I have the word “dominant” in my bio. That always makes girls curious.

3. Demonstrations of Higher Value This is a big one. On the one hand, you don’t want to come off as if you are trying too hard to list your accomplishments (to qualify or try to impress her). On the other hand, if you can slip in demonstra ons of higher value (DHVs) in a subtle, non-try hard way, you will get points. For instance, my bio DHVs me in a few specific ways: it shows that I am funny, wi y, well-traveled, a good writer and that I am bold and sexually confident. Sexual experience and confidence can create comfort and open girls up more sexually to you. Here is an example of my bio:

See how it hits on all three points? If you follow these instruc ons, you will have a Tinder profile superior to most of your compe tors. The last, and the most important part, is having good text game. Guys with good text game can build investment (// and a rac on with girls who aren’t giving them the me of day (yes, despite popular opinion, it is VERY possible to get a girl a racted over text game). And I see guys with bad

text game ruin interac ons all the me that were almost guaranteed to turn into a lay. But that’s its own, detailed topic I’ll be wri ng about in another ar cle very soon. So, stay tuned!

Alex (PwF)

Author Alex is a da ng app expert (who prac ces cold approach too). He runs the website and hosts the Playing with Fire YouTube channel. He will teach you to get matches that show up on dates and end up in the bedroom.   (h ps://   (h ps://

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