Illusioneering 2000

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£?xoSH> The T o s s Vanish Next, we'll apply these same principles to a tossing action. Place the coin in one hand. Toss it back and forth between your hands.

lllusioneering Basics Visual Wizardry 101 The first thing to learn is the basic craft of sleight of hand. This is far more complex than one might imagine. You will be required to practice unnatural moves until they are natural. You will need to develop the skills of a master juggler then completely hide those skills. You must learn to direct attention in the subtlest of ways. In short, you will be required to sculpt your entire physiology simply to support an illusion. This is the Science of lllusioneering. Even the simplest coin vanish needs to be thought of as a magical performance so astounding that it can freeze a moment in time like a flash photo in the spectators minds. I've heard it said that "Magic is easy, once you know the secret." Nothing could be farther from the truth.

The Down's Palm This journey begins with a single coin. Hold it between your 1st and 2nd fingers.

Curl your fingers in. Place the coin in the space between the thumb and fingers.

Reverse the moves to produce the coin. Getting used to this position takes a bit of practice. Work with it until you can show your hand empty and produce the coin with confidence. In the tossing action, place your thumb over the coin.

The French Drop This move will introduce the basic concept of the "take away" vanish. Hold the coin between your thumb and fingertips.

Reach with the other hand to take the coin, covering it with your fingers and bringing the thumb behind it.

Lift the thumb holding the coin, allowing it to drop back into a Finger Palm. Grasp with the other hand as if taking the coin, then move it up and away.

From this position, you can make the hand look empty, when it is not. Relax the hand holding the coin, dropping the arm to the side. Focus on creating the illusion of the coin being where it isn't. This sequence of moves should look as if you actually took the coin. Practice taking the coin and not taking it. Consider how little energy it takes and how simple and natural the move should be. Practice this move with both hands and with different objects.

Follow through with the movement, catching the "coin" in the other hand.

Add tension to this hand while you relax the other. When you time this move perfectly, the illusion can be amazing.

Even if there's space between your hands, this tossing and catching effect will create the illusion of the coin or other object actually passing between your hands. This simple principle takes only a moment to learn, yet a lifetime to master. To become an Artist of Magic, you must enter the never ending story. To inspire and create mystery, you must first find it yourself. If you expect the audience to believe, you must learn to believe. Robert Houdin is often quoted as saying, "A magician is an actor playing the part of a magician." What is important to note is that if you wish to be a great magician, you must also become a great actor. To be the latter takes years of work and dedication. To become the former, is to embark upon an extraordinary journey of the imagination, in quest of the timeless moment of pure wonder.

Bring your right hand up and move as if to take the coin from the left hand.

Spellbinder Produce, Transform & Vanish For this series of moves, you'll need a different coin about the same size as the first. A half dollar and an English penny are often used. Relax the right arm and open the left hand, showing the 2nd coin. Shift it to the French Drop position.

The Toss In my routine, I toss the coins as a flourish and for misdirection. Hold the hand open and lay the coin in the middle of the fingers. Hold your thumb above and partially over the coin. Toss the coin up so it spins off the thumb. This will spin it into the air.

As you do this, push the 2nd coin to your right fingertips, just in front of the 1st coin. In the same instant, lift the left thumb, allowing the 1st coin to fall backwards into a Finger Palm.

Bring the right hand up with the 1st coin still in the Finger Palm.

Continuing the movement, take the second coin forward.

Wave the right hand across the left hand, covering the 2nd coin.

* Spellbound Begin with one coin in each sleeve. Show both hands empty. Reach upward with the left hand, as if catching something. At the same time, gently curl the right fingers and lower your arm, allowing the coin to slide out of the sleeve and into a Finger Palm. Hold your left hand in the French Drop position and wave the right in front of it, leaving the coin between the left thumb and fingers. Display the coin, tossing it, vanishing and reproducing it. As you toss it in the right hand, lower the left, dropping the 2nd coin from the sleeve.

Angle the left hand to conceal the 1 st coin just behind the fingers.

As you do this, clip the 2nd coin with your thumb, taking it into a Thumb Clip.

Relax the left hand and display the 2nd coin in the right

In the same movement, lay the 1st coin in the French Drop position, replacing the 2nd.

Show the 1st coin and perform the Toss Vanish into the left hand.

Relax the right hand and display the coin in the left. Lower your right arm and shift the coin into a Finger Palm.

When timed properly, this is one of the classic visual changes in coin magic. It actually looks as if the coin transforms without any cover, simply in the action of picking it up. From here, I usually perform the Toss vanish again, retaining the 2nd coin in the right hand. I go directly into the Gesture Toss, ditching the 2nd coin in the left Topit. This leaves me with the 1st coin. I display this from hand to hand and perform the French Toss, ditching the coin into the right Topit as I "throw" it into the audience.

Focus on the right hand, then out at someone in the audience. Make an initial gesture as if you're going to toss them the coin.

Can You Topit? The Ultimate Clean-up The Topit is an odd name for an extraordinary idea, a large pocket placed inside your jacket to catch any small item that you pitch into it. I employ one on each side to ditch Tips, coins, Sanada gimmicks and more. They are based upon the well-known Ammar design. I add a velero strip along the back edge which attaches to my shirt. This helps to insure that what I toss in, stays in.

The trick to using the Topit effectively is being able to toss the items into it as naturally as possible. This, like the Tip should be an absolutely invisible tool.

The Gesture Toss I developed this move to ditch a Tip, coin or other small object.

Hold the coin in your open right hand. Toss it into the left hand, executing the Toss Vanish move.

Finger Palm the coin and add tension to the fist.

Raise your hand in a gesture upward, while focusing on the fist. As you do this, toss the coin into the left Topit. Toss the right hand out as if throwing the coin while you open the left in a gesture. In this movement, toss the coin across into the right Topit.

Open your hand at the top of the gesture with a wave toward the fist. Open your hand and the coin is gone.

The Direct Toss Display the coin in the left hand.

Use the same movement to ditch a Tip. Push the load into the left fist and steal the Tip. Focusing on the fist, gesture upward and toss the Tip into the Topit. Toss it to the right hand, keeping your left hand at the jacket opening.

The French Toss Hold a coin or other object between your left thumb and fingertips.

Move the right hand to take the coin, executing the French Drop. Finger Palm the coin, leaving the arm relaxed in front of your body.

Toss it back, past the hand and directly into the Topit. Act as if you're catching it in the left hand. The key to a perfect illusion is the timing of the catch.

Basic Vanish #2 Display a sponge ball in one hand while palming the gimmick, as shown, in the other hand.

Sanada gimmick Produce, Vanish & Color Change The Concept of the finger shell may be as old as the thumbtip. Japanese magician Sanada has developed a practical modem version. The Basic Vanish Hold and display the sponge. Move to take it as you perform the Thumb lift.

Move to take the ball. Place the gimmick over the ball. Transfer the gimmick into the Finger Palm.

Basically a 2 finger shell, the Sanada can be sized to fit by carefully cutting the edges with scissors.

Compress the sponge and trap it under the gimmick. Push the gimmick into the Finger Palm. Continue the movement as if taking the sponge into that hand. Take the hand away as if holding the ball. Relax the hand with the gimmick. Open the other to show it empty.

The Finger Palm Sized properly, the gimmick should fit inside your middle and 3rd fingers.

The Thumb Lift Grab the upper corner with your thumb and lift the gimmick backward.

Toss the hand upward to "vanish" the sponge or act as if you're placing it back into the other hand, then "vanish" it. Reverse this sequence to produce the sponge in the wave of your hand.

The Color Change Load a sponge egg under the gimmick and display a different colored one.

Wave your hand over the egg. Finger The Finger Lift Lift and tuck it under the gimmick. Clip the edges between your 1 st and 4th Thumb Lift to release the 2nd egg. finger to rock the gimmick forward. These basic moves, once mastered, will open the doorway to an amazing number of effects. Colored sponges can appear, change color, multiply and vanish at your fingertips. Two empty hands, cupped together are instantly overtlowing with colorful sponge stars. These effects and many more are now within your grasp.

The Instant Production Load 5 Super Stars under the gimmick. Keeping your hands slightly raised, show them empty.

Cup the hands together and release the gimmick into the other hand.

Open the hands to reveal the stars. Conceal the gimmick under them.

Multiplying Balls Preload 4 damp 1-1/2" Supersoft sponge balls, one at a time, into the gimmick. Steal and Finger Palm it.

The Sanada 2000 Twice as nice Although the basic Sanada is a powerful tool, it has one primary drawback. This is that it cannot be pre-loaded effectively. I've addressed this problem here. By taking two Sanada gimmicks, and nesting them together, you gain the ability to load and use the gimmick anytime during your performance.

Bare hand silk production. Using scissors, cut a 1/4" slit into the lower Sanada. Take the corner of an 18" Diamond silk and slip it into this slit. Wave this hand in front of your other, lifting the corner slightly with your thumb. Pull out the first ball and display it.

Begin with two pre-sized Sanada gimmicks. Using a flesh tone cloth tape, such as large Band-aids, tape both lower sides of the gimmicks together.

Roll the silk from the other end and place it between the layers. Close the gimmick and place the ball over it to show the ball and your hands.

Now you can Finger Palm the gimmick, lifting open one side with your thumb.

Now you can place it in a Dropper and steal it into your palm. Take the ball between your 1st finger and thumb. Repeat the production, taking the 2nd ball between your 1st and 2nd fingers. Close the gimmick and show one ball in each hand.

Sanada Dropper A simple rubber band and safety pin can be used to create a practical dropper. This holds the contents inside the gimmick and can be pinned in you jacket, inside your pocket, etc.

To produce the silk, hold the lower part firmly in a Finger Palm. Lift the corner with your thumb and toss downward.

Repeat these moves to produce the other two balls between your fingers.

To release the gimmick, pull it free from the Dropper and Finger Palm it.

This will release the silk and it will unroll in a snap. The end will remain attached to the gimmick until you release it. This effect can also be used as a quick opener using a single gimmick.

The Spiral production This is a very strong production for a Thumbtip streamer or Diamond silk. The streamer is a long and thin silk which I developed about 10 years ago for use with the Eclipse Tip.

The Cloaking Device Sanada and beyond Another way that I've addressed the preload question is to add a flap on the back of the gimmick. This can hold silks, sponges, banknotes and more.

The Direct Transfer Hold the CD in the right fingers. Clip the silk between the 2nd and 3rd fingers of your left hand. To prepare, roll the silk up and pull the center end out about 2 cm. Once loaded, it can be attached to a clip for an easy steal.

Move with your right hand to take the silk. Clip the upper edge of the silk between the 1 st and 2nd fingers. In the same move, lift the CD backwards and transfer it into the left hand.

Flatten the roll and wrap this end around the outer end. Load the silk into the CD with the ends on the inside, away from the flap.

Now you can palm the CD and transfer it to the upper or lower fingers.

Pull the silk away and palm the CD. Steal the CD and palm it in the right fingers. Make a hole with your left hand.

You can also Down's Palm it.

The Pivot Transfer Hold a sponge with the left thumb and 1st finger. With the CD in the right fingers, reach to take the sponge. As you do this, pivot the CD with the thumb and middle finger.

Reach into the hole with your right hand. As you do this, use your right middle finger to push the silk into the left hand.

With or without something in the hand.

Transfer the CD to the left fingers as you take the sponge into the right hand.

Pull the center end out of the left hand and the silk will appear in a spiral. Now you can ditch or topit the CD before the effect is finished.

The Cloaking Device

The Lightning Switch

The Vortex Production

Here's a killer switch for a banknote, card or billet. There are numerous variations, all of which I find superior to the classic Thumbtip methods.

Here's my favorite production using the CD which I'll explain using a Thumbtip streamer. This principal is very visual and versatile and can be applied to silks, sponges, ribbons, and more.

Fold Note 2 back and in half, keeping the edges on the right.

Fold the load note in half, keeping the face outwards. Fold it again, bringing the edges to the left. Clip it at the lower left edge with the 1st and 2nd fingers. Reach with the left thumb and 1st finger and grasp the edge of note 1 from the CD.

Roll and flatten a streamer and pull the center end out and down about 2 Cm.

Fold it again lengthwise.

Slide the roll upright into the CD with this end on the upper inside. Pull it across and center it. Slip the left 1st finger under the upper edge of Note 1. Fold the upper half of note 2 out and down. Center the 2 bills together. Fold it once more, so the upper face-side left corner is out.

Palm the CD in the right fingers. Reach up with this hand and make a hole in space. By curling your fingers around the CD, this position can be looked through and shown from all angles.

Slip your right 1st finger under the upper right corner of Note 1. Curl the outer upper edges back.

Now you can show your other hand empty and reach into the hole. As you do this, lift the edge of the gimmick with your right thumb. Reach in with the left fingers and pull out the center end.

The streamer appears in a spiral, from seemingly nowhere!

Load this into the CD. I'll call this Note 1

Palm the CD and display another banknote; Note 2. You can transfer and hide the CD, while showing this 2nd note.

Unfold Note 1 with your right 1st finger, out and down. Slide your left finger and thumb down and clip Note 2.

With the left thumb, slide Note 2 into the CD. In the same move, grab the edges of Note 1 between the thumbs and 1st fingers and open it. You can now conceal or Topit the CD.

The Eclipse Tip Mastering the Palms

Shift the Tip into the curl of your middle finger. From this position, you can relax your hand and conceal the Tip without hiding your thumb.

The Eclipse Tip is created from a soft-style thumbtip which has been cut open around the thumbnail edge. This adds a "trapdoor" which dramatically increases the practical applications of an already powerful gimmick. Finger Curl An alternative palm and position to move into the Thumb Clip.


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Middle Finger Palm You can reverse these moves to place the Tip back on your thumb.

Once you master the basic handling, you will find that most of the effects are easily within your grasp. I suggest carrying a Tip with you and practicing the basic Palms, Transfers and Steals whenever you get a chance. In this way, the moves will become second nature and your performance will be more relaxed and natural.


Thumb Clip Clip the Tip into this position to free up the fingers. From this position, reach your thumb around the Tip and touch your middle finger.


Relax the hand and it will look empty.

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Normally, the Tip should fit so that it is snug around the first joint of the thumb.


m Grasp the Tip between your first and third fingers and pull it off the thumb.

Down's Palm Now you can show your hand apparently empty while concealing the Tip. You can even pick up and display an object in the same hand. This is a great alternative position to the traditional method of aiming the thumb at the audience to show the hand empty. -.


Third Finger Palm This position frees up your middle finger to move freely.

Tenkai Palm This Palm allows you to show the hand from the front with your fingers open.

Holding the Tip in the left hand, pull the silk away with your right hand.

Silks & Streamers Load, Produce and Transfer First, place the end or corner of the silk under the Tip thumbnail.

Pinch the Tip thumbnail and pull out the lead edge of the silk.


Relax the left hand and focus on the silk.

%;JH*-':'Load the silk into the Tip, end to end, curling the last edge under.

Hold this edge firmly and move the other hand downward, producing the silk. Relax the right hand and shift the Tip into a Middle Finger Palm.

Transfer f r o m Finger Pal m Hold the silk between the 2nd and 3rd fingers of your left hand. Pull the Tip out of the Palm with your right thumb. Clip the silk between your 2nd and 3rd fingers of your left hand.

Finally, tuck the lead edge under the thumbnail and clip the Tip shut.

The Transfer move Clip the silk between your 2nd and 3rd fingers of your left hand. Transfer the Tip into the Middle Finger Palm of the left hand. Hold the Tip firmly on your thumb with the middle finger.

Move with your right hand to take the silk. Clip the upper edge of the silk between the 1 st and 2nd fingers.

Grasp the Tip and pull away the silk. Relax the left hand.

Or, use the Middle Finger Palm.

In the same move, transfer the Tip into the Middle Finger Palm of the left hand. Place your thumb firmly over the Tip.

• H i Now the Tip is left in the perfect position to transform or vanish the silk.

The Eclipse Tip

In one continuous movement, slide the right thumb into the Tip.

Mastering the Steals The most important deception that you must learn is the steal. The traditional method is to push your thumb into the fist, removing the Tip. Here are two alternative moves that I prefer.

As subtle and smooth as possible, pivot your left fist away from the Tip.

This time, instead of tilting the Tip backwards, you will be pushing it through the fist into the right hand. While pushing the object into the Tip, move your right thumb downward.

Begin with the Tip in a Finger Curl and close your fingers into a fist. I usually get into this position following a Transfer Move with a silk or other object.

Keep the right thumb and Tip hidden behind the right hand. Continue pushing the fingers into the fist.

Place your right thumb under the Tip and push it with your 1st or 2nd finger. Allow the Tip to slide up the inner edge of your therightthumb.

Push the silk, sponge ball, etc. Into the Tip. I alternate the 1st and 2nd fingers in a subtle rhythm.

Raise the left fist and relax the right hand. I usually drop the right hand at my side while tranferring the Tip into a Finger Palm or Thumb Clip.

Curl the end of the silk under. This helps to insure that the corner won't flash later. As you finish, move your right thumb behind the hand to prepare for the steal.

Once the load is in the Tip, use your 1 st finger to tilt the Tip under the thumb.

This entire series of moves must support the illusion that you are simply pushing the object into the fist. If the audience believes that the object is really there, they will be amazed when you open your hand and show it empty. Often, I have found, when vanishing many sponges or large silks, such as the 24" Diamond, this steal doesn't wort< well. This is because the Tip is too full to steal it with the thumb. For this purpose, I have developed another steal. The Berry Steal This steal can be used at any time and you will avoid having to place the Tip on the thumb as before. Begin by having the Tip in the upright position in the fist. Load the silk or sponges into the Tip.

Push with the fingers, pivoting the Tip under the left thumb, into a Tenkai Palm.

Relax the hand and transfer the tip into a Finger Palm.

Silks & Sponges Eclipse Tip Color Changes Load 1 silk into the Tip. Display a 2nd silk between your middle finger and Tip.

This will reveal the upper half of the silk. Display the silk, then take it into the right hand, transferring the Tip to your left hand. Lay the silk over the Tip. Push down with your thumb to flatten the Tip.


Sponge Color Change #2 Load the Tip as before. Palm the Tip in the right hand and display the star in the left hand.

Take the silk in the left hand. Perform the Transfer move, placing the Tip in the left hand. Tilt the Tip upright into left fist.


You can also Topit the Tip after stealing it. If you're using 2-18" Diamond silks, you can continue and vanish the 2nd silk, using the Berry Steal You can even pre-load both silks in the Tip. Then, you can produce one, change it's color and vanish it. If you start with the Tip in the sleeve and Topit it at the end, you can begin and end absolutely clean. Wave your right hand in front of the star. With your left thumb, push the star into the Tip.


Push the silk half-way into the Tip.


Sponge Color Change #1 Load 1 or more sponges into the Tip. Display the star, hiding the Tip behind it. In the same move, Pinch the 2nd star out from under the Tip thumbnail.

Pinch the nail to release the 2nd silk. Pull the 2nd silk half-way out of the fist.

Take the star into the left hand and back to the right. Transfer the Tip to the left hand and tilt it upright into your fist.

% Pull the right hand away to reveal the color change.

Push the 1st silk all the way into the Tip. Prepare to steal the Tip. Hold the Tip with you right 1st finger and raise it upward, moving around your left thumb.

Push the star half-way into the fist. Reach into the fist and pinch the 2nd star from the Tip. Leave this star in the fist, alongside the Tip. Push the 1st star into the fist. Steal the Tip. Relax your right hand.Open your left hand and show the 2nd star.

You can mix these moves freely, changing the silk into a sponge and back again. You can also produce different colored sponges and then transform them into a rainbow silk.

Sponge Balls Produce, Multiply and Vanish Load 4 different colored 1-1/2" Supersoft balls, slightly moistened, into the Tip. Show the left hand empty. Hold the Tip in a Thumb Clip of the right hand. Pinch the 3rd ball from the Tip

Bring the hands together and quickly pinch the first ball out of the Tip.

Place the balls between your left fingers and pinch the last ball from under the thumbnail. Display the 4 balls.


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Cup your hands shut, then open them to reveal the ball. Relax the right hand.

Shift the Tip into a Middle Finger Palm of the right hand. Place the balls over the Tip and display them in the right hand. Place the balls in the left hand. Push one ball into the Tip with your left thumb.

Switch the balls, displaying the 3rd. As you do this, place the Tip on your right thumb and take it behind the ball.

I perform this sequence as a counting of the balls. By the time I count the 3rd ball, the 1st has vanished. Display the last 2 balls in the left hand while shifting the Tip into a Finger Curl of the right hand. Make a fist and push one ball into the Tip.


Place the 2nd ball into the fist and steal the Tip, pivoting the right fist away from the Tip. Relax the left hand and open the right to show only one ball.

m% Switch the Tip into a Down's Palm. Open the hand and show only 3 balls. Pinch these by the edges and take one, transferring the Tip to the lefthand.

Behind the 1st ball, pinch the Tip thumbnail and produce the 2nd ball.

Display the balls with the Tip palmed. Bring the balls back together.

Reach to take the 2nd ball and push the 1st into the Tip. Take and show the 2nd ball.

Shift the Tip into the right fist position and push the last ball into it. Steal the Tip using the Berry Steal. Relax the right hand and focus on the left. At this point, I usually Topit the tip in a magical gesture toward the left fist. This way, I can show the right hand empty before opening the left hand. Sponge Notes / recommend Goshman Supersoft items. These work best when they are slightly damp. This makes them about 30% larger, easier to produce and expand more quickly. I pre-moisten the sponges with water from a small spray bottle just before the show. Before using different color sponges, wash each with mild soap to remove any excess dye. After use, separate them to dry to avoid any bleeding of the colors.

The Tip Dropper Simple, practical & versatile

Inside jacket pocket Attach one or more Droppers inside your jacket, just above the pocket.

In order to use the Tip to it's full potential, you must be able to preload it and have it accessable when you need it. Here's a simple, yet effective gimmick to add to your Eclipse arsenal.

Lower jacket edge The Dropper can also be attached to the inside lower edge of the jacket.

The Dropper is created from a rubber cork, a small eye screw and a safety pin. I use a size #4 rubber stopper. For some applications, you can use a standard wooden cork as well.

When reaching into the jacket, simply release the Tip from the Dropper with your thumb. You can now palm the Tip and bring it "into play". Another method that I suggest is to drop the Tip down your sleeve. This allows you to come out of the jacket with your hand empty and deliver the Tip into your other hand.

^ I place these along the side so that I can relax my arm and steal the Tip from under the jacket edge.



:•• The cork should fit firmly into the Tip. This holds the Tip in place and keeps the contents in the Tip. This is especially important when loading many sponges, which tend to expand out of the Tip. It's also helpful for loose loads, such as salt or glitter. With an uncut thumbtip, you can even have a liquid load.


Inside jacket sleeve Another application is to attach the Dropper inside your sleeve. You can squeeze the Tip through the jacket to release it. I place the Dropper on the inside, just below the elbow. In the action of pulling up the sleeves, I squeeze and release the Tip.

Inside your pockets One or more Droppers inside your pockets will keep the Tips organized and make them easy to steal.



By squeezing firmly just below the cork, you release the Tip from the Dropper.


Keep the arm up in a natural way until you need the Tip. When you're ready, gently curl the fingers in and relax your arm. This will drop the Tip into your waiting hand.

Inside Case or Prop Attach one or more Droppers inside your case for easy access to the Tips.




You can also load more than one Tip on a single Dropper by pushing one Tip into a second one.

Pen, w a n d , lighter, notepad, etc. You can even hook a Dropper to another object, such as a pen. Place this in your front jacket pocket, sliding the Tip inside. When you pull the pen out of the pocket, you steal the Tip into your hand.

The Round Roll

Diamond Silks

Here's a simple roll to turn the silks into small balls, perfect for easy production.

The cut above a square This section will introduce the Diamond cut silk. The principle is simple. By cutting a silk in a diamond shape, you retain the illusion of a larger silk, with only half the actual surface area.

A 24" Diamond is perfectly sized to fill a Tip. You can Down's Palm the Tip to show the hands empty, produce the silk, then vanish it using the Berry Steal. Load the Tip in your sleeve to start and Topit it at the end for a simple, yet amazing routine.

Starting at one end, roll the silk tightly about % of it's length.

An 18" Diamond has about the same surface area as a standard 12" square.

The Flat Roll You can roll the silks into very small packets, perfect for snap productions.

Next, turn the roll sideways and continue rolling it until you reach the center. Repeat this, until you get to the other end, creating a small ball.

A 24" Diamond has about the same surface area as a standard 18" silk.

Therefore, you can load twice as much silk in the same space or the same number of silks in half the space. The traditional thinking is that the largest silk that you can use with a thumbtip is a 12" square. Hardly a visual stage effect. However, with the Diamond silks, you can now easily vanish and produce an 18" silk with a thumbtip or Eclipse Tip. You can even load a 24" Diamond into a Tip for an unbelievable bare-hand production and vanish.

To prepare the silks, roll and squeeze them gently between your hands. This will create a uniform wrinkle effect. This will look better than an ironed silk, which will show the fresh wrinkles.

Roll a 24" Diamond, end to end, keeping the roll as flat as possible.

Carefully tuck this end around and under the folds. I use a blunt toothpick for this. Leave about an inch of the end free.

Hold the end firmly between your 1st and 2nd fingers and place the rolled silk in a Down's Palm. Now you can show your hand empty, pull back the sleeve and produce a 24" silk at your fingertips.

The ball should stay shut until you pull this end. You can place the ball in your sleeve or pocket for easy access.

For almost every application in magic, the Diamond is a superior silk. Use them with vanishing and appearing canes or candles for a faster transformation. Use them in all production boxes and produce twice as many silks. Dye Tubes, Silk Pulls, Rose to Silk, Flash String to Silk and more! In short, unless you have to open the silk and show it as a square, you should consider using a Diamond.

You can also clip it behind your hand between your fingers. Holding the end firmly, snap downward to produce.

21st Century Silks A timely improvement

Tuck the knot under then finish loading the Flame silk into the Tip. Now, you can Down's Palm the Tip, and show the yellow silk as a single silk.

One of the classic effects in silk magic is the 20th Century Silks. The weakness of the traditional methods is that the gimmicked silk is often quite obvious. If you expect the audience to be amazed at the ending, they must believe that the two silks are individual and separate at the beginning. With that in mind, consider this.

Now you can display the 3 silks, showing the knots and without any false moves, hand them out for examination.

Display the red and yellow silks, holding the red silk between your fingers like you're holding the yellow. You can lay the red silk over the Tip and display both silks on your hand. Keeping the Tip in the Down's Palm, tie the ends in a firm square knot.

\ Begin with 4-18" Diamond silks. 1 red, 1 yellow and 2 matching Flame silks. To prepare, firmly tie the yellow silk to one of the Flame silks in a square knot leaving about 2" of each end.

The Slow Production An Alternate method is to release the Flame silk before placing the silks down. Preset the effect as before except load the Flame silk in the Tip ends first, middle last, rather than end to end.

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Slide the other end of the yellow silk into the Eclipse Tip and under the nail. Pull this all the way through until about 1" remains between the knot and the Tip.

Clearly show that there are only two silks. These can then be placed in your pocket, with the ends in view. You can also roll the silks together, hiding the Tip and put them on a table. Next, you must vanish the duplicate silk. One method I use is to have the duplicate silk pre-loaded in a Tip and hanging on a Dropper inside my jacket. As I reach in for the silks, I release the Tip and drop it in my sleeve. I then keep my arm up while displaying and knotting the silks. After placing them down, I show my hands empty, reach into the air with one hand while lowering the other hand. This drops the Tip into the hand. I proceed to produce the silk, show it, then after pulling up my sleeves, vanish it, Topiting the Tip before I open my hand to show the vanish.

Slide the other end of the Flame silk into the Tip, pulling it about 3" out from under the nail.

These can then be placed on the table or even in a goblet. After vanishing the duplicate silk, simply grab one comer and pull the silks apart.


Load the Flame silk into the Tip, end to end, until you reach the knot.

After knotting the silks, hold the Tip firmly and grab both silks from the Tip. In one motion, pull the Flame silk out of the Tip and gather it into the red and yellow silks.

After the vanish, Pick up the silks. Hold the Tip firmly in a Down's Palm and quickly pull the silks apart, revealing the Flame silk tied between the other two.

Diamond Star Fountain

The Dropper I use is a black cloth pony-tail holder, with a safety pin attached.


Half the size, with a surprise Another classic effect in Silk Magic is the Fountain of Silks. From seemingly nowhere, a colorful cascade of blossoming silks appear. Apply the Diamond Silk Principal to this effect and you can make 8 - 24" silks into a load so small you can palm it.

Using a safety pin, attach the silks together at the center point. Wrap this twice around the top edges of the silk bundle.

The Fold To prepare the Fountain, choose a clean, flat surface. Select the first silk you wish to produce and lay this down first. This will be the color of the final load. I usually use black which is best hidden inside my jacket. If you're stealing it into a silk, you'll probably want to begin with a matching color.

Bring the corners of the top silk to the center. Cross one over the other to create a hexagon.

Now you can attach this load inside your jacket and palm it out as you reach in for something. It can also be loaded at the lower jacket edge or behind a chair, table or prop.

Bring one of these comers to the center and hold it there.working in a circle, bring the other corners to the center. When ready, take the bundle into your palm. Holding the bottom, release the edges and gently shake your hand. Lay the next silk crossing the first.

This creates a smaller bundle. Once more, bring the edges to the center until you have made a tight ball. As the first silk opens, the next follows it. Control the speed of the fountain with the tension in your hand. Lay the next two crossing the first two. Working this way, lay the silks in a crossing pattern, keeping the centers aligned.

Hold this ball and begin folding the next silk in the same pattern. Continue shaking the silks, allowing them to cascade open.

What you will now see being formed is a perfect 16 point rainbow star. When you get to the bottom silk, gather it up in a tight bundle.

VHusionccrîns The Science of the effects *nî> the Art of the


As magicians, we use the tools of our crAft in the same wau, A carpenter might use his or her tools; that is, to creAtc something greater than the tools themselves. The crAft of magic concerns itself with the hanbling, manipulation, anb methobs to probuce anu, given illusion. However, tlic secrets to the effects Are tiot the real secrets of Magic. Armeb with the working knowlebgc of A number of effects, the Magician AS A performing Artist CAM stanb before A group of people AMî> creAtc AM experieMce of wonber, «ope, eMChAMtmeMt, surprise, iMspirAtiOM, AstoMishmeMt Anb mu,steru,. 1 kMOW of MO other Artform tViAt CAM t>o so much with so little, oftcM -with MO wore thAM A few items from the magician's pockets. 1M the timeless momcMt of performAMce, the reAl secrets of magic Are revcAleb. for even though the effects Arc illusion, the experience creAteb is veru, reAl, ofteM profounb AMb unforgettable. Perhaps the most valuable commobitu, íM the worlb is the simple experieMce of pure woMbcr. Creating that moment is the essence of our Art. W e Are the breAmweAvers AMb the fantasu, mAkers. Wc capture A momcMt íM time Anb builb within it A Castle of Wonbcr. W e weAvc An experience that's completely invisible, totally unforgettable Anb ultimately, timeless. 1 believe that's Heal Magic. In orbcr to create this moment of High Art, we must relu, on the secrets of the craft. However, one must be careful Mot to place too much emphasis OM ihe secret of the tricks aMb Mot CMOugh OM the secret of the performer aMb the performaMce. For it is onlvj with the unique qualities aMb taleMt of the performer that the craft of magic becomes the Art of Wbnber. One can no more expose the real secrets of magic than one can take apart a piano to finb the music insibe. For the magic, like the music, boes not exist in the prop, onlu, in the performer anb the timeless moment of the performance. Wc arc the caretakers of the magic flame, which has been hanbeb bown for ages. With that knowlcbge comes a responsibility; to finb the unique qualities anb talents that we each possess aMb express those through the best performaMce we can give. Quite simplu,, we must become the best magicians we can be. Bvj giving our best anb helping others to i>o the same, we can elevate the craft to an Art aMb become the Artists we aspire to be. An Musioneer weaves

Art ano Science to create


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