Letter Of Motivation

  • Uploaded by: Alifa Rizki NP
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  • March 2021
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  • Words: 618
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Letter of Motivation Dear Sir or Madam My name is Alifa Rizki Nabila Putri. I am studying Biology at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at State University of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I am applying for the Scholarship Program of Department of Pathology, Molecular, Structural & Cellular Microbiology at University of Cambridge because I know that Cambridge University is renowned and leading universities, which have high standards in research and development in the field of biology, particularly in the study of microbiology. This university also has a lot of facilities and infrastructure which is very good , both in terms of research laboratories and laboratory equipment, and of course it will be supportive to learn and develop the science of microbiology that I want to learn more about. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a researcher in the field of microbiology. Therefore, I must continue to learn and continue to develop the knowledge that I have had in the field of microbiology because I realize that my knowledge in biology, especially in microbiology, is still lacking and I feel I still have a lot to learn and develop the knowledge that I have. I think if I could join Scholarship Program of Department of Pathology, Molecular, Structural & Cellular Microbiology at University of Cambridge, I could learn more about microbiology and develop my skills and I think that join in Scholarship Program of Department of Pathology, Molecular, Structural & Cellular Microbiology at University of Cambridge is a good choice for me and good chance for me as a first step to learn more about the microbiology . So, from the reasons above, I will try and I hope to be a part of this scholarship program. When I was in Senior High School, I have a big interest in Biology. At that time, I liked the activities related to biology, such as observations in the laboratory or outside observations. I am pleased to observe the diversity of living things and learned a lot about biology, especially matters that related to microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. From this point, I started to learn about biology deeply. I was focus to deepen my understanding in microbiology. When I was in college, I tried to explore deeper in many biology research, especially in microbiology. Besides following the lectures and laboratory experiments in my university, I also enjoy participating in many biology seminars, both nationally and internationally biology seminar to add my experience and knowledge in the field of biology and of course becomes an opportunity to share many ideas with other people related with biological sciences. I also entrusted to become a lecture assistant in microbiology learning so I can share as well as increase knowledge with other people related to microbiology. I have many plans which I want to do if I could join later at Cambridge University through this scholarship program. Besides enrich my knowledge in the field of biology, I also want to do a lot of research related to microbiology. I want to explore and examine more deeply about the role and characteristics of some bacteria and fungi, which can later be made a useful innovation for human life. After I followed this scholarship program and go back to my country, I will continue to try and develop what I have gained during the scholarship program and trying to becomes a researcher who constantly evolving. I am sure by participating in the scholarship program in Department of Pathology, Molecular, Structural & Cellular Microbiology at University of Cambridge , I will learn more knowledge and valuable experiences and in the same time will share it to other people in my environment. Sincerely, Alifa Rizki Nabila Putri

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